#yes fairytales get their own category
ganondoodle · 12 days
since i have seen this argument pop up again and again and now its used to defend the minecraft movie
i really hate the argument that something, be it a movie or a game, can be as shitty as it wants when its primarily aimed at kids (or people THINK it is aimed mostly at kids) bc its 'just for kids'
like children are lesser an stupid? like they arent incredibly impressionable and deserve good movies? im not saying they should only watch critical acclaimed drama movies, but you can make a movie 'for kids' AND make it good, its been done before, sure there will always be shit movies, and thats fine, but dismissing any kind of criticism towards them bc "its just for kids" feels so unecessarily mean spirited towards children, like they are little people in wildly different stages of development!! they can think too!!
'kids' itself is such a wide range that i feel its not very useful as a category anyway, a 5 year old isnt the same as an 11 year old, both of them should get good things, and both can watch or play things they may not completely understand yet! i grew up with shrek, and while a big parody and haha fart humor movie, they (1+2) have an incredibly strong core, i didnt udnerstand them fully when i was little, so what? i still enjoyed them, i felt more connected to them than any disney movie (bc hey .. the monster is the main guy and no they dont all turn into conventionally pretty humans as the ultimate reward- i felt othered throughout my life too) and i still do, theres jokes and themes and meaning i understood fully only when i was rewatching them as an adult, i still enjoy them even at 27
and like, shouldnt it ESPECIALLY matter what children watch? (not in the puritan brain worm way) bc they are ... people in development?? do you think if they just sit down and watch shitty movies and play games that dont challenge them at all, be it thinking critically or emotionally, all day it wont have an affect on them??
(im sorry to bring up totk again, but that 'its for kids' argument has been used to defend it so much too, and its so incredibly annoying to me, ah yes, its puzzles are all skippable or easy as shit bc its main target are kids and children are stupid and shouldnt be challenged ever, the story is a simple fairytale type deal maybe to you, but contains alot of harmful stereotypes that have led to real world harm and its repeated unquestionably while offering nothing intersting to think or engage with, theres a reason alot of childrens media contains alot of stereotypes to propaganda even but its just for kids of course its not propaganda bc kids are stupid and cant understand that lol BECAUSE they are so impressionable, if a series 'for kids' only lets the girls be in frilly pink dresses and do 'girly' stuff do you not think that wil affect how they think about themselves??
if they keep seeing the light skinned blonde heroe stab the unquestioned evil arab stereotype bc he wants to take over your holy land bc hes just 'evil' and is never ever humanized in any way and only presented as a monster, while the good little maiden princess does everything she can to support her hero in shiny armor with big sad doe eyes and pretty little white dress- do you not think it will affect them? if it were an isolated incidence perhaps not much, but its a stereotype perpetuated to such a degree that you think its just 'how fairytales go'? yeah, you have been influenced by these portrayals, they are working as intented- and if they are used as such in media without the writer intending to influence you that way? thats even worse bc it means it has been so normalized to think that way people dont even realize it- while alot of real people in the world are ganondorf, they are demonized and dehumanized, others think of them as inherently evil.. but its just a "simple fairytale"
yes i know children can also question things on their own, but you shouldnt assume that comes naturally and then also in just the correct way, i questioned why i was just doing whatever the talking boat told me to do when i first played windwaker as a kid, but more bc i liked how ganondorf looked and hated being told things to do without a good reason being given (autism much?), 'evil' didnt do it for me, but that doesnt mean i knew he was an evil arab stereotype, i didnt like tetra turning white as zelda, bc i thought she looked cooler before and i didnt like 'girly' things myself, not bc i knew it was whitewashing
-not saying media should be free of anything 'problematic', the problem is how its presented and never questioned or engaged with critically and then that stupid argument being used to dismiss it like children are both unable to think and not influencable somehow-)
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(tw misogyny, discussion of sterility; spoilers for the short stories Bounds of Reason and Something More)
Why do sorceresses and witchers go so well together? At least according to Andrzej Sapkowski i guess
In Bounds of Reason, right before their famous foursome in the bathtub, Geralt and Borch Three Jackdaws have a conversation about golden dragons. Geralt argues that golden dragons only exist in legends and fairytales; Borch mentions the possibility of one having been born as the result of "an accidental, unique mutation." The conversation takes a different turn then as Geralt sees a parallel between this hypothetical golden dragon and himself: "'If there were, it met the fate of all mutants.' The Witcher turned his head away. 'It differed too much to endure.'" man i wish i could write a line that slaps as hard as this one
There seems to be three main characteristics that define mutants, according to Geralt: their unusual appearance, their extraordinary abilities and, most importantly here, their sterility. "'[...] Golden dragons and other similar mutants, were they to exist, couldn't survive. For a very natural limit of possibilities prevents it.' 'What limit is that?' 'Mutants,' the muscles in Geralt's jaw twitched violently, 'mutants are sterile, Borch. Only in fables survive what cannot survive in nature. Only myths and fables do not know the limits of possibility.'"
During a later conversation between Geralt, Yennefer and the sorcerer Dorregaray, Yennefer seems bent on marking a clear frontier between witchers and humans, while assimilating herself to the second category: "'Dragons aren't man's enemies,' Geralt broke in. The sorceress looked at him and smiled. But only with her lips. 'In that matter,' she said, 'leave the judging to us humans [emphasis not mine]. Your role, Witcher, is not to judge. It's to get a job done.'" She's still mad at Geralt at that point, so it's safe to assume she's just taking this opportunity to try and get under his skin, but it seems there's another reason why she insists on framing the situation as 'us (humans) versus them (witchers and by extension mutants of all sorts).'
Later during the conversation, she argues that “fecundity […] is the condition for survival and domination” of the human race. She tries to keep her tone scientific and dispassionate, but apparently the entire community of magic users across the Continent has heard about Yennefer’s dissatisfaction with her sterility, because Dorregaray picks up on her weakness and uses it against her: “Yes, Yennefer, fecundity, fecundity and once again fecundity. So take up bearing children, my dear; it’s the most natural pursuit for you.” (asshole)
Despite being a brilliant sorceress, as a barren woman, she can't contribute to the "survival and domination" of the human race in the only way that matters, at least according to her own argument. By bringing up her sterility, Dorregaray has thus singled her out as an individual on the margins of society. What is her place then if she doesn't belong with humans? Geralt, riding right next to her and trying very hard not to make her any angrier than she already is, provides a silent answer to that question: if humans don't count her as one of theirs, it must mean she belongs with him and his fellow mutants.
(Although he is probably sterile as well, I think Dorregaray doesn't consider that the criticism he levelled against Yennefer applies to himself because he's a man as well as a sorcerer and thus considers that there are other ways in which he can contribute to society.)
And she fits right in the definition of a mutant according to Geralt: as a character, she's defined by her distinct appearance (her black and white clothing, which is the most efficient way for both Geralt and the reader to identify her in the books and the games), her extraordinary abilities (magic powers) and, of course, her barrenness. Her conflictual relationship with Geralt stems from the fact that they're both very bad at articulating what they want and being emotionally vulnerable, of course, but also because his very presence reminds her that no matter how powerful she is, she belongs in the same category as the mutants and has no chance at leading an ordinary woman's life. Ultimately, however, they keep circling back to each other because no one else can understand them like each other does: they have been through the same things, the same choices have been taken from them and ordinary humans give them the same wide berth, although it manifests in different ways.
The fact that this is the short story that opens Sword of Destiny is interesting and so funny to me. Themes of sterility and the impossibility of having a family keep cropping up throughout the story but you can't forget that the book ends on Geralt and Ciri finding each other again and, most importantly, accepting each other. Geralt pretends to be disillusioned and cynical as a coping mechanism against the hardships of his life but destiny keeps proving him wrong and shows him that, like the golden dragon that managed to have a child against all odds, his happily ever after (and Yennefer's) is within reach, even if they don't conform to the traditional definition of a family and have to make up their own.
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triviareads · 2 years
Any mafia Romance book recommendations?
I do indeed. All titles are linked to storygraph summaries.
Anti-Heroes in Love Duet by Giana Darling: My favorite mafia books by far. The heroine Elena is an attorney hired by Camorra capo Dante to defend him. Elena's gone through a lot and she's closed off and considered an "ice princess". What I love is that Dante doesn't dislike this aspect of her (he's very into it), but he helps bring her out of her shell. Dante's also a great hero- he definitely falls under the category of "will fuck you up (and fucks hard) but is just a really nice (if morally dubious) dude" and he's very obsessed with Elena. It's very sexy. Would absolutely recommend, as I would the other series Giana has written for Elena's sisters, Cosima and Giselle.
The Professional by Kresley Cole: This one is Russian mafia (mafiya?). Features the iconic kidnapping of Natalie right off of a Nebraskan (?) corn field by mafia enforcer Sevastyan. Basically, Natalie's biological dad is the head of the mafia and Sevastyan works for him, so there's this *forbidden* aspect to it. Natalie just writes really hot stuff (see: the sauna scene, and the one in a Parisian sex club), along with some top-notch banter and some really over-the-top shit.
The Master by Kresley Cole: Funniest of the three books. Cat is a substitute callgirl hired by mafioso Maksim. This book is hysterical(ly hot) for soooo many reasons. For one, Maks likes his sex bondage-heavy and clinical, so when he tells Cat to strip and tie herself up or whatever, she's like "lol nope, you need something more intimate than that" and this man is SHOOK. And then there's this whole freakout he has about her allegedly trying to baby-trap him, so he basically imprisons her in his own penthouse (her revenge comes in the form of shamelessly using his credit card and walking around in a bikini during his business meeting). Oh yeah, and a chastity belt IS employed.
This is the second book in the Game Maker series. The only reason I'm not recommending the third is because the plot got kinda weird for me. But if you're into heroes with pierced dicks, go wild.
Mafia Mistress by Mila Finelli (aka JOANNA SHUPE- and no I'm not over it): See, this is a mafia book where the age gap isn't cringe, and it honestly might be because they didn't marry. In fact, Francesca is meant to marry the head of the 'Ndrangheta's son but then this man, Fausto, obviously can't help want her for himself. Nor can she. At all. Iconic moments include Frankie sexting Fausto from Rome so well he flies over immediately to make her sit on his face, her doing some A+ research on exactly what paparino means, and getting so freaked out about eating lamb that not only does she abstain, in the next scene he gets her a baby lamb that she names Lamborghini.
Sidenote: Apparently Mila has a shop where you can purchase excellent merch like this:
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Desperate Measures by Katee Robert: Not *quite* mafia, but Jasmine is a part of some kinda crime family that Jafar is now in charge of by killing her father (yes, this is a series of twisted fairytales). Heads up, there's a lot of CNC in this one. Also a lot of daddy stuff. Also a good amount of sex club stuff (owned by Hades!). It's great. Well-written. Jafar is one of those heroes (anti-heroes?) you really do hate before you love him. I'd honestly recommend every book in this series.
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banexmall · 10 months
Shop Goods From Online Shopping Malls Lagos At Your Own Convenience
There are two ways you can shop in Lekki, Nigeria and that is opt for conventional markets that will make you walk for miles under scorching sun or enjoy shopping under air-conditioned environment at a shopping center in Lekki. The second option also provides the third option which is shopping online. Yes, these posh malls constructed new and offer revolutionary shopping experience that is filled with joy and fun and the feeling of fulfillment. The latest shopping malls or centers cropping up in Lekki are a joy and they make shopping a fairytale experience in the modern trapping. Here you can buy huge categories of lifestyle commodities , eat a variety of food in the dedicated food court zones, watch a movie in the multiplex, and buy designer clothing, shoes, bags, and other leather goods and accessories.
No fatigue shopping experience
“No fatigue” is the experience when you shop in a Lekki Mall as they are new and built for ease and comfort. The total environment is chilled out where customers like to spend more time. Since everything including entertainment and food is available under one roof, people treat is as a “treat” and enjoy the best that are offered by the shopping malls. The shopping mall culture is evolving and people coming from every wake of life make it appoint to visit these malls and buy their favorite commodities and essential household items like groceries, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat and poultry.
What are the advantages?
The first and best advantage with shopping malls in Lagos is that you can buy everything you need under one roof
You will not get tired even after spending hours because the malls are air-conditioned
You don’t have to hurry to home to cook lunch or dinner because you can eat a variety of cuisines in the shopping mall section of restaurants
Shopping malls move people from one floor to another via escalators and lifts 
You can watch cinema in multiple screen theatres that screen different type and language films
Dedicated play zone for kids
24 x 7 electricity, water and Wi-Fi internet availability
banquet  halls for wedding receptions, corporate conventions, birthday parties etc
Buy at leisure with online shopping malls
At shopping malls in Lagos you will get a clean environment which is devoid of germs, dusts, and pollutants as they are well insulated and air–conditioned. You will also get parking slots without needing to wait for hours. Best thing about these malls are that you can also shop in them via online. Now you have the option of buying commodities from online shopping malls Lagos, Nigeria have their presence on the internet and you can shop in them with convenience and get the orders delivered at your door step.
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
With a Kiss You Get One Wish
with a kiss you get one wish by Anonymous
When A-Yuan had asked for a bedtime story, Wei Wuxian found himself lost in his own thoughts for a moment. Picking his brain for something that would help his son doze off, and not have to sit at the shelf with books A-Yuan adores having read to him before bed, in the yes or no cycle of books, or with him not liking his choice in the end. Both he and his son are far too tired for that, and that's when it hits him, a vague memory of a story that his mother had once told him in their small little home by the sea. The sound of the waves, the smell of the sea, his mother's hand resting on top of his sheets, while she tried to cram herself into a comfortable position on his bed.
A fairytale, one that inspires awe at the topic, and leaves you wondering if it's true or not. His mother would smile, fingers almost touching her lips as a sign to simmer down before asking him if he believes the story.
"For a simple kiss, a mermaid will grant you one wish."
What Wei Wuxian didn't expect, was for A-Yuan to meet one while playing on the beach near their little house-- now Wei Wuxian find his daily life entwined with a very handsome merman whom his son adores.
Words: 1613, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī
Relationships: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn
Additional Tags: MerMay, Mer Lan Wanji, Human Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Adopted Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Human | Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī, Strangers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Not Beta Read
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46896403
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catsafarithewriter · 4 years
Hey there! Can you recommend some good Haru/Baron fics? Btw, I've been reading yours and its awesome 💕
Sure thing, I’m always up for spreading the fandom love! I’ll be recommending between both AO3 and FFnet - our fandom is older than AO3, the fandom originated mostly on FFnet - actually, here’s a rundown of the writers who shaped the early fandom: 
YarningChick: The Big Name Writer. Over 50 TCR stories. Her stories are actually what made me realise fanfic could be hella decent, and the reason I started writing TCR fanfic. Most older fans will be familiar with her work, and her influence is pretty wide-reaching across the fandom. Her earlier stories are predominantly fluffy fairytale stories, but her more recent stories are darker and longer in comparison. 
Grignard: Was in the fandom about a decade ago, has mostly branched out into others now, but I still remember being hella excited when they wrote a new fanfic in 2013. 7 TCR fanfics, mostly fairytales. 
fringeperson: Also was in the fandom over a decade ago, wrote 30 TCR fics. Their stories are mostly oneshots and short multichaptered fics - the latter either fairytale AUs or sequels. 
There’s a big skew towards fairytale AUs, thanks to the influence of the early fandom writers, so that gets its own category, but most of the authors I mention below have written multiple stories for the fandom and/or are active members of the fandom. Please support them and leave reviews!
More recommendations of my personal favourites below the cut!
[EDIT: Tumblr hates my read mores, so just imagine there’s a “read more now” option here and not stuck in the ask.] 
Falling From Grace? by fringeperson. Summary: The simple fact of the matter was that to be the only ex-human in the court of the Cat King was not a safe position. Especially when His Majesty's mental capacities are deteriorating. Chapters: 11. Words: 12K
The Reluctant Royal by Grignard. Summary: Haru  must complete three impossible tasks given by her Uncle, the King, while assisted by the mysterious Baron. Chapters: 5. Words: 13K
Till Next We Meet by ArtsyChick. Summary: Two men compete in a race against time to discover where four lovely princesses disappear in the night. The prize: one lovely princess bride. Chapters: 20. Words: 29K
Shades of Green by YarningChick. Summary: Life can be really tough when you're a witch, green, and happen to be despised by everyone that even hears of you. Chapters: 39. Words: 50K
A Cat’s Repayment by Elz Durden. Summary: It began with a cursed candy. Don't the best stories? (Cat’s Note: basically a Ghibli cameo story, light-hearted and feels like reading Stardust. Go read!) Chapters: 15. Words: 33K
Engel’s Zimmer by Pashleyy. Summary: Haru, a senior in high school, bumbles upon the memory of her dearly beloved friend and visits him years after they last met. But what she finds is a nightmare beyond any warm and cozy Bureau. Chapters: 10. Words: 18K
Soul Searching by Ana the Romantic. Summary: It seems like it's always another day, another adventure for the bureau. Now that Haru has become a member and joining the adventures she and Baron only grow closer. But what happens when a new kingdom comes into play? Not to mention a new princess? (Cat’s Note: This was the first TCR fanfic I ever read, and it has a special place in my heart for it.) Chapters: 14. Words: 40K
Chaos & Change by QueenHeadphones Summary: It's Haru's first day working alongside The Cat Bureau, serving a very important role that has them depending on her. Although she's taken every precaution to prepare as much as she can, she'll find that some things can't be planned for. Chapters: 5. Words: 18K
To Know Oneself by YarningChick Summary: Sometimes, in order to find out who you truly are, you need to break a few rules. Or as many as possible; whichever works. (Gotta fit a YC story in here somewhere!) Chapters: 29. Words: 156K
Groundhogs and Russian Dolls by deedeeflowers Summary: Russian Doll AU. For the 2019 Birthday Bash. Haru is stuck in a time loop which keeps ending in her death and has to find out why. Far less dark than it sounds, seriously just go check out all deedeeflowers’ Birthday Bash work. Words: 7K.
Bittersweet Cinnamon by Sindy Sugar. Summary: Haru didn't know what to expect when she moved into her family's old home by herself. She had hoped for some peace from recent events. The last thing Haru expected was to be revisited by two familiar cats she thought she long forgotten. One-Shot AU. Horror. Words: 14K
One Last Cup of Tea by thedrunkenwerewolf Summary: Her adventure with the Bureau in the Cat Kingdom over, Baron has to let Haru go back to her own life in her own world. The only problem is, as soon as she does, she'll forget. Shortfic. AU. Angst. Words: 500
One Hit Wonders by YarningChick. Summary: The new home for my Cat Returns one-shots, two-shots, deleted scenes, and ideas that never evolved into a full-fledged story.
So, You Summoned the Ghost of Your Ancestors by Rowena Bensel Summary: [Written for the TCR Secret Santa 2019] Hiromi's best friend is a paranormal investigator, but she never really believed in ghosts and such. When she and her fiance find a ritual to summon their ancestors, they figure it wouldn't hurt to try it out. After all, there's no such thing as ghosts, right? Words: 2K
the happiness i’ve found with you by BookRookie12 Summary: He doesn't know how long this will last. He doesn't know if, when it ends, he'll ever see her again. But they've made sure he'll remember her forever, and isn't that kind of love enough by itself? Borrower AU. One-shot. Words: 2K
The Incident by Chaos Valkyrie. Summary: The Incident. That would go down in Feline Infamy forever. And will never be spoken of again. EVER. A humor fic. Words: 900
Cinderella by Nanenna Summary: When the king decides to hold a royal ball in his son's honor to which every eligible young lady in the kingdom is invited, it's not hard to guess just what his aim really is. Not that such things matter to Haru, she just wants to have a night off for once. Words: 6K
Haru at the Theater by Casandravus Summary: A regular member of her local theater troupe, Haru's been cast as the beautiful Christine Daaé - but on opening night, there's not a Phantom (or his understudy) to be seen... Words: 2K
New Eyes and Extra Color by Kangoo Summary: Hiromi has known Haru for so long, it's easy to notice all the little ways she's changed lately.
The Lady or the Tiger by StripedSunhat Summary: By the time Hiromi realizes the truth she’s already been gone for more than a year. Haru is gone. Hiromi is left picking up the pieces, sorting through them for the truth. Haru is gone. Hiromi is left, trying figure out what the truth is worth. Haru is gone. 7K
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why4anne · 2 years
Pairing: Quinn Hughes x reader
Word count: 1.7k
Category: angst
Summary: After spending the summer of a lifetime with Quinn you have to end your relationship in order to keep your friendship with his younger brother.
Right person, wrong time. loosley based on Connan Gray’s song: Memories.
Requested: Yes/No
Note: Hi, so I’m reposting this because the last one didn’t show up under the hashtags. This story is not timeline acurate but I don’t think that matters, Enjoy!
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“Quinn stop, we can't do this anymore.” You said as you felt the brunette slip his arms around your waist and kiss your neck gently.
“Why not Y/N?” He whined into your neck.
“Quinn I’m serious, stop. What if Luke finds out?” You asked as you untangle yourself from his embrace.
“I don’t care.” He said with defiance and stepped back a step.
“Well I do. I don’t want to mess up my friendship with Luke. I won’t do it.” You declared and walked outside and onto the beach. You plopped down on the warm sand and in your mind all you could think of was how you’d already betrayed Luke.
Last summer you landed an internship in Vancouver. When you told the Hughes’ this Quinn so kindly offered you to stay with him because he recently moved into his own place and would be staying over the summer to get himself settled into his new apartment. You accepted, ofcourse, it was free housing, who would’ve said no to that? During the months that you stayed there a romance flared up between you and the oldest Hughes brother.
Everything was perfect. He was perfect, he still is. But the thought of Luke finding out scared the shit out of you. You’ve been best friends with Luke for ages. He is your rock, your light in the darkest of times and you know that he always felt second best to his brothers. Constantly being compared to them by the media. He would be heartbroken to know that the one thing that was soly his had now been taken by his older brother.
Speaking of the media, you know that it would be terrible for Quinns image if the media found out. You were 4 years younger than him and you know that the people on twitter would be having a field day if your relationship ever got out.
So you never told anyone. Not Luke, not your friends, not even your parents. Your relationship was a well kept secret. It was easy when it was only you and Quinn living in Vancouver. You didn’t even need to hide. You went out on dates to the ice cream parlor, went to the cinema or on a midnight drive while blasting music. During those months both you and Quinn fell hard for one another.
Those months were easy and probably the best months of your life. He was the perfect guy for you and you hope that you were the perfect girl for him. The love you shared was something out of a fairytale and you knew that it was one for the ages. The kind of love only a few lucky ones get to experience during their lifetime.
But all good things must come to an end. The day you flyed back to Michigan to attend UMich was the last time you would see Quinn for almost a year. Both of you agreed to end things and not to speak about your summer love to anybody. That was an easy task until you saw him again when you arrived at the lake house. Your heart ached for him and you would do anything to just be able to kiss him right then and there. You tried to stay away and so did he but both of you knew that it was impossible.
For weeks you and Quinn tried to sneak around everybody. Stolen kisses were shared, secret rendezvous were made but you knew that you had to put an end to it. You tried to get Quinn to stop loving you, you really did, but he would have none of it. Even when you tried setting him up with another girl. He refused to talk to her. The situation was impossible. How were you supposed to keep away from him if he kept coming back.  
“Y/N please listen to me.” Quinn begged as he followed you and sat down in the sand beside you. You looked into his gorgeous brown eyes like you had a million times before.
“Quinn, please don’t.” You tried with him but he wouldn’t let you finish.
“No! I don’t want to stop loving you. You are the one for me and I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else.” He confessed wholeheartedly. You felt the tears start to form in your eyes.
“Quinn please. You know that last summer was a one time thing. I will be attending UMich for the next three years and you will continue tearing it up in Vancouver. However much I want to, we can never be again.” You reasoned with him.
“I don’t care. Y/N you are the love of my life. We can make it work. We don’t have to tell anyone if that's what you want. We can have a long distance relationship until you graduate and then you can move in with me in Vancouver. If you don’t find a job right away that’s okay. You wouldn’t have to work if you don’t want to or if you want to be closer to home I could ask for a trade. I would give you everything I have in a heartbeat. Please just don’t give up on this Y/N. Don’t give up on us.” He started crying quietly and so did you.
“Quinn, you know that wouldn’t work. Our families would find out eventually and so would the media. So please don’t ruin mine and Luke’s friendship for nothing.” You pleaded with him.
“So you think our summer together was nothing?” He was rightfully upset but you didn’t know what else to tell him, he clearly wouldn’t go down without a fight.
“Please, Quinn. This is hard enough as it is. Don’t make it harder than it already is okay. I know that one day you’ll find an amazing girl who will steal your heart and whom you will love 10 times more than me.” You put your hand on his cheek and felt his tears hit your thumb.
“That’s not possible, baby. I don’t want anyone else. We can make it work, please, you’re the one I know. I’ll never love anyone as much as I love you.” Quinn pleaded.
“I love you too, Quinn, so much.” You confessed to him. Even if you knew it wouldn’t help the situation at all. You felt the need to let him know that the feelings were not one sided. You loved this man with all your heart and if the circumstances were different, if you weren't best friends with his younger brother and if he wasn’t a professional hockey player with the whole world watching his every move: You would probably get married, have a couple of kids and then grow old together. You would have the whole white picket-fence dream. But instead you were trapped in this situation and all you could do was try to let him go even if it was hard.
“See, you love me too. Y/N, I promise that things will work out.” He took your hand in his and caressed your palm gently with his thumb. His touch felt so familiar and you just wanted to let all your walls down and let him love you, let yourself love him. But you knew you couldn’t.
“Quinn, as much as I want that it’s just make-believe. The we that was last summer can never exist again, honey.” You felt the nickname slip from your lips before you could stop it. It was what you called him all summer long and the simple word held so much meaning for both of you.
“I know that, baby. I just don’t want to let you go. You’re my favorite person in the whole world. I don’t know how I will move on from you.”  He seemed to finally give in and as much as it broke your heart you felt relief that he understood and didn’t argue more with you.
“I know it’s hard, honey. Which is why we can’t keep going back to each other from now on, okay? We can’t find an end to something that we keep beginning over and over again. From now on, I can’t be your friend or your lover, Quinn. As much as it kills me inside I can’t hold you back from falling in love with somebody else.” You knew your words were harsh but you really needed to put an end to this here and now.
“I understand.” He put both of his hands on your cheeks and met your gaze. Both of your eyes were red from crying and held so many emotions and so much love for one another. “You’ll always be my person, no matter what happens or who I meet. If you ever change your mind I’ll be there for you with open arms. You’ll always have a piece of my heart Y/N. Please take care of it.”
“I will, I promise.” You vowed to him, your voice cracking as you tried to speak through your tears. “If things were different..” You tried to explain.
“Shh… Don’t worry about it, baby. You don’t have to explain.” He cut you off. “I’m not mad at you, I could never be mad at you.”
Silence followed as both of you gazed into each other's eyes, trying to savor your last moments together as a couple before all you had left were the memories of better times.
“Can I kiss you one last time?” He asked quietly as if he was afraid of shattering the moment.
“Yes.” Was all you could say before his lips met yours in one final, heart shattering kiss. Your tears mixed as they ran down both of your cheeks. His hands were still on your cheeks and you felt him pushing your face closer to his. You pulled away for air and he did the same.
“I’ll always love you, Quinn.” You finally broke the silence.
“I’ll always love you too.” He said and you felt his soft hands leave your tear stained cheeks for the last time before he kissed your forehead and walked away from you. Leaving you heartbroken in the sand with only the memories of him left.
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happy 200! i’m so glad to see your blog grow, it’s one of my favorites and i adore all your writing. i’ve never cried so much and i love the kind of unsettling feeling you write in your fics, it’s perfect in the category of yandere and dark content. in particular, i loved your drabble about shigaraki mourning over a dead reader and i’ve reread that one too many times to count haha! as for asks for headcannons and drabbles, it would be amazing to see that with bully!eren especially since he was such an awful person to the reader. i’d love to see him suffer honestly, but if you don’t want to write it, that’s completely fine! once again, i’m so proud of you for hitting 200! that’s such a huge milestone and hopefully, there will be many more in the future! :)
SYNOPSIS: bully!Eren has to navigate the world without you.
Pairing: Bully!Eren x Fem!Reader
A/N: I can't even explain in words how much I CHEESED at this message like my grin was ear to ear. can't explain how many times I read this. It singlehandedly made my day anon, and to repay you for my happiness....here is some angst. this is a slightly different route than the shiggy one but I hope it still suits you <3
TW: mentions of death, past dubcon/noncon, mentions of trauma, bullying, alcohol addiction, drunk driving, abusive behavior, revenge porn, nonconsensual photography/videography, mentions of infidelity, angst, so much of angst, violent behavior
WC: 2.5k
It's not like Eren had been doing a lot of soul-searching. He's not delusional enough to label his half-assed epiphany of "maybe I'm a shitty person" as soul searching.
It's just the conversation with his very sick mother burned holes through the back of his mind. Carla had asked about you and why you don't come by the house anymore. How she missed baking with you in the kitchen, and how you sweetly smiled whenever you would see soft creamy peaks form in the meringue.
Eren felt like he was swallowing needles as he assured his mother with false truths, that nothing was going on and distance between childhood friends is natural, and if it means so much--ok ok he'll bring you over.
He stays until he sees her chest slowly rising and falling into a gentle asleep. He touches the tip of his ears, unsurprised by how hot it was.
Eren, when you tell a lie, the tips of your ears turn red.
You're not at school the next day. Or the day after that. Or the day after that.
Guilt is not an emotion he feels often but the events of the past weekend replay in his mind. It was just a dumb party that Floch threw, and he was surprised to find you cornered by a trio of thee dunderheads. Like a distorted fairytale, he swept you away from the bad guys like a knight in shining armor, to only shove you in an empty room and demand compensation for playing hero.
Fuck, with that big mouth, you would think that you'd know how to suck cock.
Use your tongue stupid slut. If you use teeth, I'll shove this dick in your ass without any prep.
No, I don't care, you're taking all of it.
There's a video on his camera roll. How could he not record it? You're sobbing, mascara running down your cheeks, looking so beautiful and ruined with jizz smeared at the corner of your mouth. He was brutally fucking your mouth, making you take all of his length.
Breathe through your nose dumb whore. Or else you're gonna run out of air.
You were pleading with whatever garbled sounds you were constricted into producing.
Breathe through your fucking nose. This is for your sake. Otherwise, I don't mind face fucking your lifeless body. You'd be more useful that way anyways.
Eren is conflicted with muting the video because he can't stand to hear himself like that. But he didn't want to miss out on your pitiful whines.
He remembers the distraught expression on your face when he was finally done with you. He tucked himself inside, and sneered, "I've got a girl coming here. Get lost." You looked so fucking distraught. Why? All he did was make you suck his dick. He didn't even fuck you.
He should have. Eren thinks grimly when he stares at your empty desk on the first day you didn't show up to school. He's gotten off to the video more than enough times than he can count over the weekend, and he was aching to see your pretty face twisted into a terrorized expression when he flipped up your skirt to grope your ass.
Kindly, Eren decides he'd allow you to have a rest day. But the second day, Eren pays a visit to your house finding it dark and locked, like no one was home and hadn't been there for a while.
On the third day, you're declared missing.
Your incompetent workaholic mother who finally came home and decided to give a damn reported you missing to the authorities who had scratched their heads because as far as they knew, the pivotal 72 hours were up.
Paradis was surrounded by forests. No one wanted to say it, but they were all thinking it. If you got lost in there, chances are you wouldn't make it out.
Eren wasn't always this admired and fawned over. He had his fair share of behavioral issues that frightened people (not you though, not then at least, not when you were children, and you still came back every day to play).
But when he channeled that anger into sports, there was somewhat of a star in the making, especially for some small-town boy. He was becoming extremely popular, and that's nice and all, but at the end of the day, he has a mother whose health was taking a sharp decline. He was constantly under stress, stress that he took out on you.
Where did his favorite stress-ball go?
It's all fucking surreal. Having detectives in the school. Not that there were many students to question (because christ, did you even have any friends after Eren turned everyone against you?).
Eren was questioned. He can't help but mirthfully chuckle. Maybe this was your grand plan, maybe you were able to finally sort out a mountain of evidence against him. If you were going to fuck him over, didn't you want to see it happen with your own two eyes?
The dark-haired boy wishes that was true. If you had gotten your revenge, would you be here? No, revenge isn't the right word. If you got any justice for what he made you suffer, would you come back?
Hi, I'm Detective Hange. I would like to ask you some questions today. You're Eren Yeager, right?
Yes, that's me.
How do you know ___?
We were childhood friends. We're uh, we're not as close anymore.
When was the last time you saw her?
Friday night at Floch's party-
-Floch Forster right? There were a number of kids there from your school.
Yeah. It was a big party. She uh, doesn't usually come to parties but she was there that night.
You were the last person to be seen with her. Other kids have said that they saw you and her entering a room together, and then only her leaving the said room.
[Sigh] Yeah we sorta...hooked up.
I thought you said you guys weren't close anymore.
You can be not close to someone and still hook up with them.
But you guys were close once right?
Yeah. Once.
The dark-haired boy asks if he was under any suspicion. The detective waves their hand in a dismissive gesture, “If her diary tells us anything, it’s only that she really liked you.”
Were detectives even allowed to divulge that sort of information? Eren doesn’t know but the stray detail that they offered off-handedly made him feel like he was swallowing needles.
At that point, Eren honestly still doesn't believe you're gone. You had a habit of running away, even when you were little kids, but you always came back.
Still, he participates in the search parties with a renewed vigor, even going alone in the forest with a flashlight on most nights.
And he's just so fucking tired. The darkest crevice of his mind almost wishes you were dead because this ignorance was just agony. Almost. Because he still clings to the feeling that one day, he’ll stroll into class and find you in your seat in the back of the class, looking out the window like some cliche shojo manga protagonist.
There are folders and folders on his phone. Albums. The most recent one is dedicated to your crying face as you were choking on his dick. Earlier albums are composed of creepshots of your panties, of that obscene o-face, of your skirt flipped up and your ass cheeks, pictures of your cleavage, videos of you thrashing as he dunked your head into toilets like a villainous middle school bully.
Pictures of your neck covered in hickeys, your naked breasts, ass cheeks striped with red after getting spanked, your leaking cunt, just endless and endless media dedicated to pieces and pieces of your body like you were never a whole person.
The earliest ones though tell a different tale, from off-guards to your drooling face as you napped in the middle of the day.
He has a favorite picture. Your eyes are watery from the cold, snowflakes stuck between lashes, nose and cheeks flushed red, and you're smiling. Smiling right to the camera. Right at him.
"Eren, are you taking a picture?" You asked, bouncing in place, giddy that it was finally snowing.
"Not of you, shut up. Get out of the way." His voice is gruff but not harsh.
You laughed and jumped into frame anyway, and the bright streetlamp behind you made you seem like you were wearing a halo.
He wishes he had more pictures of you being...yourself. Because now your crying face displayed over countless pixels haunt him. But like a fucking degenerate, he still jerks off to all the nudes he coerced from you. Sometimes he cries when he's jerking off which is probably the most pathetic thing he's ever done. This is what you've reduced him to.
He hates the sound of his own voice.
Breathe through your fucking nose. This is for your sake. Otherwise, I don't mind face fucking your lifeless body. You'd be more useful that way anyways.
Eren goes through the motions of life without really feeling like he's in the moment. Seasons change and time flies. His mother dies, and his withdrawn father dies a year later. He proposes to Mikasa because it's something he was always supposed to do. She loves him unconditionally, so even when he doesn't put any effort into the relationship but proposes, she says yes hoping he'll change and be a good husband.
He doesn't go to his parents' funerals because they're already dead. What's the point. He doesn't visit the candlelight vigils in your honor either. After tearing his ACL again and a somewhat traumatic injury, he kisses his pro-football career goodbye. To be totally honest, he's relieved. Because he had gotten quite bored, and maybe he was looking for excuses to quit the entire time. It's not like you'd be cheering on the bleachers anyways.
Mikasa has an affair, more out of a desire to see her fiancé feel something for her as opposed to any burning lust. But when she asks him if he's ever cared at all, with tears springing out of her eyes, he's just calmly drinking his fifth of whisky.
The dark-haired man doesn't even look up, "Let's break up."
"Is this about her, huh? Fucking get over it already Eren. She's GONE. And you have some big fucking audacity moping about her death like you weren't making her cry in the bathroom stalls every fucking day you piece of shit."
"Get out."
"You know what, I bet she killed herse-"
The dark-haired woman doesn't finish her rant because the whiskey bottle smashes on the wall next to her head, sending glass everywhere and staining the carpet amber. She's unharmed, knowing it wasn't Eren's intention to hit her but Jesus Christ, what a monster.
She packs her bags and leaves the town like she should have a long time ago. All her friends had left years before and she stayed behind because that's where Eren was. She thanks her lucky stars that they didn't marry.
It's funny because he had always imagined himself being the first to move out of their small town, but he's the one staying. He can't leave this place. feels too tethered to ever leave. Every diner and liquor store is saturated with memories of you. He remembers buying cigarettes and exhaling the smoke to your face to piss you off in empty parking lots.
Maybe he stays in case you'll come back.
Eren's days consist of alcohol-fueled hazes. He doesn't know how his liver is still functioning. He doesn't know he's still alive after crashing his car into a tree when he was drunk out of his mind. He was on his way to get some more vodka.
He barely recognizes himself in the mirror anymore, not that he looks at himself much. His hair is long, nestled around his shoulder because he couldn't be bothered to cut it, dark circles under viridian eyes, and a perpetual stubble on his jaw.
His parents had left quite a sizable inheritance so there's no need to work but he's good with his hands. Likes crafting up birdhouses and cabinets, and occasionally does odd jobs around the neighborhood, never charging the elderly.
He's under the sink, tinkering with a wrench against the pipes when he hears the old lady coo at him.
"We're so lucky to have you Eren. I'm surprised a handsome young man like yourself doesn't have a special lady. The girls must be lining up at your door!"
The dark-haired man winces, and offers no comment, knowing that that the older lady was susceptible to long tangents.
"You know, we're getting a new neighbor." Eren grunts as a response. "They're young, I've heard. Isn't that exciting? Oh my, Eren! I think they're gonna be living in the house right next to yours..."
He tunes out the rest of the conversation because doesn't really care. He just hopes his new neighbors are quiet.
It's Sunday noon when obnoxious noises of moving trucks and people wake him up from his deep slumber. Eren's annoyed to wake up despite the fact he's probably been sleeping over 15 hours. He oscillates between getting too much sleep and getting none, his sleeping habits completely dependent on his dreams.
His nightmares are too visceral, visions of your corpse asking him if he'd enjoyed hollowing your soul with his teeth.
His dreams are achingly sweet. You in your prom gown, shining so iridescently like diamonds were sewn into the silk. He's dancing with you, holding you close, and then after you guys go to your favorite diner and gorge on burgers and milkshakes.
There's a peal of distinctly feminine laughter that stirs up Eren's senses. He's so pathetic, was the mere sound of a woman laughing getting him excited?
He sighs. He thinks of the whore he's frequently visited because of her resemblance to you. Hair color, skin color, face shape--with enough alcohol, he could really convince the person beneath him, was you. Maybe it's time to give her a call, but she's gotten so fucking needy and he hated how her voice didn't match yours.
The green-eyed man peers from the lace curtains, irritated by the brats playing on his lawn. A full family next door? Great, just what he needs.
The friendly knock on his door breaks him out of his daze. He contemplates whether he should answer but on the second more muted knock, he lets his feet guide him.
He turns the knob.
And Eren Yeager completely shatters.
Because it's you isn't it? You're the person standing in front of him? He can hear what you're saying but he doesn't really register it, soaking in the cadence of a voice he had long forgotten because all he had were pleading whimpers and frenzied moans stored on his cell.
He's shaking. Is he dreaming? He's dreaming, right? He knows it's you. You're older, far more beautiful than he's ever seen you. You have a different hairstyle, wearing clothes he would have mocked you for, and there's this joyfulness within you that makes you glow.
There's a mess of emotions electrifying in the pits of his stomach from euphoria, anger, and dread. He could feel his skin growing clammy like he was about to vomit at any second.
"Hey, are you all right?"
Doe eyes full of concern peer up at him. He voices out the syllables of your name like a desperate prayer.
You tilt your head to the side, "How do you know my name?"
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twicecorner · 3 years
NSFW Tag Game
Roleplay in the boudoir isn't strange. Some of your partners even get costumes. Of course, some of those costumes see more use than others. Now you can't help but get at least a little horny whenever you see someone dressed like that. Who was it that forever changed how you see these ones?
How it works:
Go to “Random.org”.
Click on “Lists & More” and then “Lists Randomised”.
Enter the names of 18+ people/characters.
Use the first 8 to find out who really loves these outfits.
Tagged by @nsfwporty ; idk who to tag sooo if u see this and wanna do it go for it !
A/N: i added another category so I could get all 9 Twice members in lol I hope that’s okay. I also did the same sort of thing as @sinswithpleasure with the lil scenarios jumping between real life and purely roleplaying situations :) also sorry its so long and may sound repetitive.. I haven’t done something like this before TT
Police Officer - Nayeon
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“You have the right to remain silent,” Officer Im Nayeon said, as she handcuffed you to the chair. “I already told you everything I know. I don’t know where she went, she knocked me out, took my car and left.” Nayeon slammed her fists on the metal table. She thought for a moment before saying, “Maybe there’s a way to get something we both want. I’ve been seeing you eyeing me ever since I walked in here.” You were confused as to why she’d bring that up, but you couldn’t help it, with a body like that and who doesn’t love a woman in uniform.She stepped out of the room for a moment and came back in with a totally different mood. Nayeon pushed your chair back and lowered herself onto her knees, unzipping your pants and pulling out your cock. Officer Im started to slowly stroke your length with her long, slender fingers, bringing it to stand at full attention. Your wrists were handcuffed behind you and the metal dug into your skin at her touch. Soon she brought her mouth to your tip and began furiously devouring your length. 
You watched and moaned as your rod moved in and out of Officer. Im’s wet mouth, “Fuck I need more, Officer.” Your attempt to jerk your hips in tandem with her movements failed when Nayeon completely removed her mouth from you. “You know, you’re not half bad looking and you have a nice big cock. But you’re gonna have to do better than that if you wanna cum. ” She stood up, picked the small handcuff keys from her pocket, jingled them in your face, and walked towards the door laughing to herself. “OK wait! Before she left she may have mentioned a possible place or two she was heading to.” Officer Im stopped with her hand on the doorknob and spun around. “Now, we’re getting somewhere.. Tell me where she is and you’ll be released.. In more ways than one.” She said, returning to the spot on her knees in front of you. She started deep throating you fast, you were impressed at her skills and also a little worried about who could have been watching from the one-way glass, but that soon left your mind when you felt yourself nearing your edge. Nayeon’s tight throat closed around your length and with a few more bobs of her head you were seeing white “Oh fuck! She’s at her old dorm, Officer” You moaned loudly, releasing yourself and painting her throat. After swallowing your load Officer Im stood up, took off your handcuffs, said thank you and left the room without any other word.
Doctor/Nurse - Momo
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You’d been sick for about a week with a little head cold and your girlfriend, Momo, was doing all that she could to take care of you, practically acting like your personal nurse. Finally feeling better, you were relaxing in bed when you heard a knock on the door before Momo, dressed in a makeshift nurses outfit strutted in. “It looks like my little Y/N is feeling better! Would you like a lollipop for being such a good patient for Nurse Momo?” You both laughed.‘“No, but I can think of something sweeter that I want right now.”
 “And what would that be?”“I need the nurses special medicine to make me feel even better” You said smirking. Momo knew exactly what you meant before walking over to the bed hiking up her skirt and taking a seat on your face. Instantly you licked up her slit and gathered all of her nectar on your tongue. Momo always tasted so sweet. You ate her out, tongue fucking her and she planted her hands on your chest before grinding down on your face. She was a moaning mess and reached down with one hand slipping it under your sweats and began stroking your cock fast. You were both nearing your edge and with a few more licks and sucks at her clit she released her juices all over your face, at the same time you let go and let yourself erupt all over her hand and your stomach. “Maybe you should be sick more and I could be a nurse more often.”
 Maid/Butler - Tzuyu
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“Your dinner is ready, Sir”, “Thank you Ms. Chou.” 
You sat at the small dining table looking out at the nighttime Seoul skyline from your apartment. Both you and Tzuyu liked the idea of one day living a lavish, wealthy lifestyle, and some nights you decided to roleplay around that idea. Tzuyu stood next to you in a classic maids outfit. “Ms. Chou, actually I think I’d like to start with dessert.” “And what would you like, sir?” You quickly got up from your seat and grabbed her waist pulling her in for a passionate kiss. “You” 
Without wasting any time you picked her up and sat her onto the dining table with her long legs, hanging over the edge. You licked your lips as you pulled off Tzuyu’s panties, like unwrapping a piece of candy. Making your way to her center, you planted kisses up her thighs and pushed her skirt up. “Your desert is ready and waiting, Sir” she said, breathily.
You instantly tore into the delicacy before you, hooking your arms under her legs and around her hips to pull her body closer to you. Tzuyu was always sweet, but in her maid fit, she seemed even sweeter. It was like eating the finest fruit tart from a Michelin star restaurant. “Ms. Chou you taste so good” You say between licks. You sucked at her clit and lapped up her juices. She moaned and grabbed handfuls of your hair, pulling your head further into her. You began tongue fucking her, “Oh Sir, right there, that feels so good oh f-fuck im gonna cum, Sir” Within seconds of sucking and licking she squirted all over your face. You drank up as much as you could, some dripping from your chin when she finally released your head from her thighs. “Mmm, Ms. Chou, you’re the best desert on the menu.”
Fairytale Character - Sana
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Sana was always a fan of playing dress up, especially in the bedroom. She came out of the bathroom in a short, tight green skirt with a purple bikini top on, her red-orange hair completing the look. “It looks like Ariel finally got her legs” You laughed. “Now all I need is my Prince Eric for a true love's kiss” She said, smiling and sauntering over to you. Sana blew you a kiss and you playfully acted along catching it and putting it to your lips. “Come here, then Ariel, I can give you a lot more than a true love’s kiss.”  You pulled her in for a kiss as she sat on top of you. Your lips danced together while your tongues fought a fierce battle.
Before you knew it clothes were off, and Sana was on top of you bouncing up and down on your cock. The sound of skin slapping skin rang out through your room. Your cock slid in and out of her hole easily, it was practically drowning with how wet she was. “Oh fuck, I’m so close princess” You groaned, your swollen length pulsating inside of her. “Me too!” she said bouncing harder and faster, your hips matching her rhythm.
Suddenly Sana leaned forward, “I want my true love to kiss me while I cum all over his big cock” The second she said that and her perfect lips met yours, you both reached your edges, moaning into each other's mouths and riding out your orgasms. 
CEO/Boss - Jihyo
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Being the CEO’s secretary had its perks, sure the rest of the office made fun of you for practically being Park Jihyo’s pet, being at her every beck and call, but there was a damn good reason for it. Park Jihyo wasn’t known for just being a great boss, but with a body and a mind like hers, anyone would gladly take the same position as you. It was a Friday night and you were both staying late to finish preparing for a board meeting next Monday. “Do you have all the copies ready Y/N?” “Yes, they’re all on the conference table, the bottles of water and pens are also ready.”
“Always one step ahead, that’s what I love about you.” You had to admit you’d be lying if you said you’d never fantasized about taking your boss, especially when she showed up looking the way she did. Jihyo sat at her desk chair and swing her feet onto the desk, “Ugh this week has been so stressful, thank God we have a weekend coming up”
“Ma’am.. I hate to remind you, but you have a schedule for both days of that said weekend”, “Fuck… I can’t even have a moment to relax or get a massage.. I don’t remember the last time I had one.” You don’t know where your confidence came from but you sprung out of your seat and stood next to her, “I think I could help with that, boss” You said, snaking your hands onto her shoulders. Jihyo seemed to relax under your touch as you rubbed your fingers into her tight muscles, “Oh yeah that’s good, right there” She said, practically moaning, as you kneaded a knot in her shoulder. You could feel the warmth build up in your groin as your member came to life hearing her. “Fuck it.” it was like you blinked and there you were standing behind your boss who was laid against her own desk, her jacket and bra discarded, her pants and underwear pulled down to her ankles and her heels still on. Similarly your shirt was also gone and your pants were pulled down, your thick cock running between your bosses ass cheeks. “Don’t just stand there, Y/N, fuck me already.” “Yes, ma’am” you said, plunging yourself into her warm depths, she was suffocatingly tight and wet. You took a few slow thrusts at first then, “Harder, you little shit. I’m not paying you overtime if you aren’t putting in the work.” You’ve never seen Jihyo like this, but quite frankly you liked it. Both of you were relieving built up stress and you were happily pounding into her. You pulled her hair so her back was flat against your chest and you ran your hand around to grab at her tits. Massaging her tit and pinching at her nipple drove her over the edge and you had to hold her up as her legs buckled. Jihyo’s pussy pulsated and you erupted inside of your boss, her walls milking your worn out cock. The two of you fell onto the desk, “Shit, boss that felt so fucking good.” “It looks like we might have to do this more often, baby.”
Devil/Angel - Dahyun
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It was Halloween, you and your girlfriend, Dahyun, were at a friend's party. She insisted you dress up in a couples costume, but didn’t plan on looking for one until the very last minute, of course the only one left at the story was the devil and angel. Dahyun kept bumping her wings into everyone while you both danced but you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her. The white dress fit her well and there was something about the whole getup with you as a devil and her as an angel that was slowly turning you on. You grabbed her hand and brought her to the bathroom and lifted her onto the sink. She was about to take off the wings and halo, but you stopped her. “Keep them on. I wanna fuck my little angel.” Dahyun moaned at your words as you pierced her to the hilt with your length. “Oh God, yes” She moaned, throwing her head back and wrapping her creamy legs around your waist. Her heavenly pussy squeezed against your cock, her arms around your neck and gripping onto the plastic horns that adorned your head. The whole situation was sinful even if only halloween costumes. An angel being fucked by the devil, red and white flashes of movements, sounds of skin slapping skin. Dahyun was usually a conservative and quiet girl when it came to sex, but it seemed this situation also had a major effect on her. She was a moaning, mewling mess underneath you while you pounded into her. “I’m gonna.. Gonna cum” barely a whisper in your ear. “Cum for me, angel.” Dahyun’s body shook and convulsed with pleasure as she reached her peak. You held on to her and slowed your thrusts as she rode out her orgasm on your cock. You were close too and Dahyun knew it. She recovered and hopped off the sink, getting on her knees in front of you. She pumped your cock mercilessly, twisting and gripping it, massaging your aching balls until you erupted and painted her face. Spurts of cum shot out and marked her angelic face.
Athlete Coach - Mina
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It was a normal day at the gym for you, you were a seasoned gymnast and had daily practices in prep for the Olympic Qualifiers coming up. When you got into the gym there was a group of girls also “practicing?” Although it wasn’t normal gymnastics, but rhythmic gymnastics. Gymnastics that also involved hoops, balls, and dance. You didn’t think much of it and went to the uneven bars to warm up. You lifted yourself up and from the peak of your pull up, someone caught your eye. The main dancer, it seemed, was standing in the middle of the other girls. She was wearing a black shimmery outfit demonstrating some move with the hoop above her head. She was elegant and seemed to know exactly what she was doing with every move of her body. After your practice you went over to find her. She was practicing alone in one of the dance rooms, “Hi, I’m Y/N I’m one of the gymnasts here, I haven’t seen you here before.. But your routine was really good!” 
She shyly smiled and looked back at you, “Hi Y/N, my name is Mina, Myoi Mina. I’m actually a ballet dancer, but the girls asked for my advice on their routine so I’ve been helping them prepare for the tournament. I’m glad you like it. I liked your routine as well, you sure know how to catch a girl's attention with all of those flips and such.” You laughed nervously, thinking maybe it was too obvious, but regardless you did catch her a few times staring at you too. “Haha yeah your moves were cool too, I don’t even think I’m that flexible enough to pull that off.” Mina took her chance with that. “Here let me show you.” She brought her leg straight up doing a split in the air, you gulped and your eyes trailed her body. “Holy shit” You said under your breath. She wasn’t wearing any panties… “Are you just gonna look or are you gonna help me, help you. I’ll teach you what you need to know about flexibility.”
Soon you were full on fucking in the empty dance studio, watching yourself in the floor to ceiling length mirrors as Mina showed off just how flexible she was. First you pounded her standing up with her leg straight in the air over your shoulder, next you had your way with her up against the mirror, her legs wrapped around your waist, contorting her body in all sorts of way to bring you both pleasure.. Mina kept surprising you with positions, downward dog with her back deliciously arched, on her back with her legs pulled up against her torso. She came a handful of times but was adamant about you finishing in what she thought was the perfect position. Mina returned to her standing position with her leg above her head, she loved watching herself in the mirror and she loved it even more to see herself getting pounded into. You grabbed her hips and pushed her against the mirror, her juices were already dripping down her legs from her splayed lips.”Cum inside me, I want to feel you inside of me while I dance.” You were sent over the edge and released your seed deep inside of the gorgeous dance teacher.
TV Show/Anime Character - Jeongyeon 
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You and Jeongyeon had just finished watching the kdrama Mine and she had gotten pretty into the characters and particularly their style. Mine was about these women who are in the process of finding themselves and their own loves, however, the part that captured Jeongyeon’s interest was their lavish chaebol lifestyle. Of course it caught your interest too, the idea of being able to wear fancy clothes and drive a nice car with a mansion was always a fantasy. One night you both decided to test drive this fantasy for yourselves. You both got dressed in what was about the fanciest attire you had in your quaint apartment and went out for a dinner date. You had dinner at a nice steak restaurant where you had to make a reservation in advance and even have your car valeted. Dinner was amazing, considering the price, but it was worth it.
The drive home is when things began to heat up. It was about a 30 minute drive, feeling bold after some wine, you slid your hand over the gear shift to rest on Jeongyeon’s thigh. “That was a wonderful dinner, wasn’t it Ms. Yoo?” “Yes, it was, I say we go back to the Cadenza [a house name from Mine] and have some fun.” You slowly moved your hand up to just rest over her covered center. She held her breath as she grabbed your hand and pushed it towards her. You rubbed her through her panties and she did the same to you, stroking your covered length to life. “I don’t know if we’ll even make it home.” You said, taking a turn and drove to a secluded lookout point the two of you used to frequent in your younger days of dating. “I bet even the fancy and rich decide to get down and dirty sometimes” She said, while you hopped into the backseat.  Jeongyeon pulled off her panties before climbing to the back and straddling you. 
You pulled down your pants and let your erection spring free, until Jeongyeon lowered herself to the hilt. “You better not get any of your filthy cum on this dress. It’s expensive.” She said, pointing a finger at where your bodies were connected. “Don’t worry it’s expensive too and it’s not going anywhere but inside of you.” You said, grabbing her hips and starting to thrust up into her. She started bouncing on top of you and you both became moaning messes, erratically slamming your bodies together in the small space of the car. “Fuck I’m close” Jeongyeon moaned, “Me too” You replied, between thrusts. As your cock slipped in and out of her, you shifted your position ever so slightly and started hitting her g-spot exactly on point. “FUCK! Right there!” Jeongyeon’s orgasm caught her off guard as her movements slowed and her pussy pulsed around your cock, “Cum with me, baby.” On cue, you came pushing your dick as far as it could go inside of her, her pussy clamped shut around it milking you and not letting anything escape. As you rode out your orgasms she leaned into your ear and said, “You’re Mine.”
Waitress/Waiter - Chaeyoung
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“Here’s your usual Y/N!” Chaeyoung smiled as she placed the plate of chicken and waffles and a cup of coffee in front of you. You were a regular at this diner near your house and for as long as you can remember, Chaeyoung had also been working there and serving you. She had this certain vibe to her that was different from anyone else in the town, from changing her hair color with the seasons, to having the most unique and fashionable outfits. The two of you had known each other for so long and you had a special relationship, one could call it something like a friends with benefits type deal. You finished your meal and Chaeyoung came with the bill. “You want the regular tip or the special tip today, Chae?” “The special.” She said, smirking. She told her coworker she was going on break and went into the storage room. You followed her a minute later. Chaeyoung was significantly smaller than you, but she was still able to push you and pin you up against the door crashing your lips together. “We gotta make this fast before the boss comes back.” You swiftly unbuckled your pants and picked her up. 
The only perks of having to wear a uniform for the job was that the uniform was only a short skirt. She moved her panties over to the side and you ran your tip through her slit. “Mmm fuck, you’re already so wet Chae.” Before she could answer you slipped inside of her and started pumping in and out of her warm cunt. It wasn’t the first time fucking in the storage room, nor would it be the last, but every time it was exhilarating. The threat of getting caught, of people hearing, knocking over stock shelves or brooms, made it even hotter than it was. That’s what Chaeyoung was, a daredevil, she pushed the limits. She certainly was no stranger to pushing you to your own limits, “Cum inside me Y/N, I want it. Tip me good, maybe even some extra for special service. Fuck, you’re so deep.” Her words sent shivers down your spine and your knees almost buckled as you came and painted her deepest insides with your seed. She loved being filled, the sensation of thick spurt after spurt being let out inside of her sent her over the edge too. Chaeyoung came, clinging onto you, digging her nails into your back. You let her down once you both recovered and cleaned up. “I think that tip will last me at least the rest of the week… Come back soon!” She waved before straightening her skirt and leaving the room.
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yoonia · 3 years
once upon an us ● teaser
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Summary | You have spent years building a life of your own until you find yourself living a life that every little girl could have ever dreamed of. With a promising career and an expensive apartment in the big city, the only thing left is the fairytale wedding that you had wished for since you were a little girl. When the one you believe to be your prince charming finally comes into your life, you start to believe that dreams do come true. But you also know that things aren’t always as simple as it seems, when there is still a piece of your past that is still tethering you back from reaching for it.
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❥ Title | Once Upon an Us
❥ Pairings | Kim Namjoon x female reader
⤑ Genre | Past Lovers!au, Exes to Lovers!au, Established relationship, Angst, Rom-com, Fluff, Smut
⤑ Ratings | +18 / M for Mature
⤑ Potential warnings | Language, a lot of arguments, explicit sex (more warnings will be added as I continue writing this)
⤑ Estimated word count | 10/20k words
⤑ Teaser word count | 1k words
⤑ Author’s Note | This story is written as a part of the ‘Christmas in July’ project, for the ‘Winter Wedding Season’ category. This fic is loosely inspired by the movie Sweet Home Alabama (2002)
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“Baby? Is everything okay?” you hear Matthew’s voice from the phone still pressed to your ear, snapping you from your wandering thoughts, and only then do you realise that he has been saying stuff on the phone which you have obviously missed.
“Yes,” you quickly answer him while chastising yourself for it. “I’m sorry, I got distracted. You were saying?”
Matthew lets out a soft chuckle through the phone, as if he already knows your antics, and that he had grown used to noticing you spacing out so randomly when you are not focusing completely the way you would when you are working. “I was saying how sorry I am that I can’t be there. You know, it would’ve been better if I had joined you to meet your family if you’re going to let them know about our engagement, don’t you think? I should’ve been there with you to do it. I have to meet them at some point, right?”
“Right,” you answer him with a small voice while you feel your breath getting caught in your throat.
You are thankful for the fact that he is unable to see you this way, but you still try your best to recover and answer him lightly, “But you know, you also have that family thing this Christmas and the gala. I feel like I have to do this on my own—”
Because your Dad’s heart might not be able to survive it if you had brought a man into your parents’ home and your Mom would blow a torch once she drops her gaze on Matthew.
And then there’s the gossip.
Oh, what would people say if you had come home with Matthew instead of coming here alone? Once again, the weight of the engagement ring that you have kept inside your purse feels heavy. This time, it feels heavier than the tightness in your chest that you have to press your free hand harder against the side of your purse as if the tiny little thing is pulsing from within and everyone in town might be able to sense its presence from a mile away.
“—because you know, my parents might be a bit old-fashioned about this, yet I feel like I need to send the news to them lightly.”
“Yeah, I get it. I mean, I don’t think I can escape this charity gala even if I’d wanted to,” he says, and you feel even more guilty for lying when you can hear the smile in his voice.
Not lying, omitting the truth, as you have told yourself time and time again.
“But—” he adds, “At least you’re going to be back here for New Year’s Eve, right? My parents have been going on and on about the family dinner and the gathering. Don’t worry, I kept my promise not to tell them about the engagement until then, but they still ask about you a lot, wondering if you’re going to be here.”
“I’ll be there,” you quickly answer him, just when you hear the sound of a door opening. “Listen, Matthew honey. I have to go. Can I call you back later tonight?”
“Of course,” he says. “You take care over there, alright? I love you.”
“Me too.”
Ending the call, you toss the phone into your purse and push yourself away from the car. You begin to walk carefully over the gravel covered pathway heading to the old building in front of you—the old place that you had once remembered as the old wooden barn turned into the town’s farmers’ tavern which, at some point, had come near of being torn down.
Your heels sink between the gravels as you continue to walk closer towards the bar. The sounds of men talking is heard as you grow closer, followed with a series of laughter coming with the voice that you have known for a long time. Even before you can see him, the sight of the men concealed by the truck that is parked right in front of the bar, your heartbeat has already started picking up, pounding rapidly the closer you are to get to him. And with each pound of your heartbeat, you can feel the ominous throb coming from the presence of the ring inside your purse, further intensifying all the tension you currently have running through your body.
And then, finally, you are there. After walking around the truck to be able to see the front door of the bar, only to stumble right the moment you find him standing up the porch.
Kim Namjoon, the man and the devil himself, whose wide smile that he shared with his friend falls for a brief moment at the sight of you coming over to him before his lips curl up to a sly grin.
Namjoon waves at his friend who knows not to stay and hops away to his parked car in the lot before turning to you. “Well, look at what the cat dragged in,” he says, leaning back against the column on the front porch with his arms crossed as he takes you in. His eyes are glowing with mirth, though you can sense him holding something back, using his haughtiness against you to hold it back in.  
You stop on your tracks, staying just a few steps away from the porch’s stairs as you cross your own arms. “I thought you were allergic to cats.”
Namjoon shrugs. “Still am,” he says, dragging his words while he drags his gaze, looking at you from the top of your head and down to your fancy heels. His intense gaze makes you feel self conscious, while your skin begins to flush not only for the way he is looking at you, but also at the sight of him.
With the years that had done by, you have never expected to see him changing this much. He has always been so tall, but the last time you had seen him, he was still his lanky old self, completely careless to the way he looked or how he presented himself.
Today, he is standing there with his flannel shirt, the short sleeves folded up all the way to his shoulders, exposing his strong arms, muscles grown from the years that he had no doubt been spending working out and out on runs, all flexed tightly for your eyes to see as he keeps his arms crossed over his chest. And then there is his chest, looking all buff and strong, unlike the way he used to be back then, when he had looked way smaller compared to your massive built uncle, when he appeared frail that it made you worry when he had to deal with his carpentry.
All of a sudden, you feel the urge to clench your hands, only because a flash of memory comes into your head. You still remember how it felt to run your hands down his skin, how he would shudder under your touch when you pressed your palms on his chest. And then your mind wanders yet again, only to imagine what it would feel like if you would run your palms down to his chest today, to trace his tight muscles, to feel the heat of his skin, and—
“So what are you doing here, stranger? Did you get lost? Forgot your way back to the big city?” he begins questioning you, snapping you right out of your trance. You look up to see his eyes, noticing the way they are glinting with amusement, as if he had caught on to you ogling at him.
“No, actually. I’m here looking for you,” you respond to him while averting your gaze, shaking your head to shake off the blunder that has suddenly gotten into you and get your mind out of the gutter.  
“Oh, really?” he asks, sounding intrigued. “Mind if I ask why?”
Again, your heartbeat picks up, and you swallow deeply to stop yourself from throwing up out of nerves. Pressing your lips together, you reach into your purse to pull out a brown envelope which contains the papers that you had prepared prior to coming here. Taking it in your hand, you take a few steps closer to him and hand it out for him to grab.
“I’m here for this,” you tell him, keeping your voice calm and steady as you continue, “I want you to sign the divorce papers. And I’m going to need you to do it now.”
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— © 2021 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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Twisted Wonderland OC
Disclaimer: I used picrew to make my oc this was not drawn. Link is here
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Couldn't use more than ten text boxes, also the description of JJ's unique magic may be hard to read
Better view of JJ: ⬇️
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Likes: Food, training, sweets, their friends
Dislikes: Azul, history, bullies, Crowley
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
UNIQUE MAGIC (or what is considered to be their UNIQUE MAGIC)
"Dual Scythe"; JJ can summon a dual Scythe that is capable of manipulating the elements and can create a defensive barrier when spinning in a circle
What the scythe looks like ⬇️
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Other things to know about JJ
JJ's pronouns are they/them
Left handed
Does come from Earth, was in Argentina at the time the Ebony Carrage kidnapped them
Uses Yoga as a stress relief
Depending on their mood will wear either boy or girl clothes
Big Mamamoo fan, knows all their lyrics and choreography by heart, basis/spirit animal is Hawasa
Has older sibling/parental vibe or "mom friend"
Also has chaotic moments
The Protective Type (TM)
Physically incapable of holding back
Ex: Once broke a table while arm wrestling Jack
Could have been in Diasomina but ended up becoming the Ramshackle Perfect
Like Lilia will say something interesting but will not answer on how they know that (most of the stuff they say protains to the stuff that is in the fairytales we are familiar with)
Very intimidating when angry, even Malleus gets scared
Has several scars littering their body and a winter soldier like prosthetic left arm, will not talk about them no matter what
Most notable scars are the large ones on their right arm and back
Very talented chef
Joined the Horseback Club as a means of honoring someone important to them, also happens to genuinely like horses
Crushes on Malleus
Drops hints about their past wondering if anyone will be able to figure it out
Nicknames for their friends
Grimm - Fluff ball, Raccoon
Ace - Idiot Genius, Braincell 1
Deuce - Uce, Braincell 2
Jack - Best Boi, Wolf Boi
Epel - Shortstack, Feral Child
Sebek - Megaphone, Simp
Malleus - Male Maleficent, My Noble Dragon
Kalim - Sunshine, Party lover
Warning for strong language and mentions/threats of violence
"So I'm stranded here? Perfect, absolutely perfect."
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
"The kiss on the cheek? Ah! Sorry it's just that back home in Argentina it's a greeting."
"Hey did you know that the dark mirror belonged to the Beautiful Queen?"
"Burh you wanna die?"
"Your a terrible friend Trey."
"Riddle, ... your parents were toxic. They treated you like a doll than a child!"
"Do you think Leona is actually lazy or depressed?"
"Hahaha! Get wrecked Leona."
"You wanna go? Alright then you son of a bitch let's dance!"
"Yes, I know I'm violent Ace. I thought we went over this."
"It's called Yoga Grimm. Want to learn?"
"You sure you want me calling you whatever I want? Alright then Male Maleficent."
"Boi you must think I'm stupid if you think I'm gonna believe that bullshit."
"Azul you have one mintue to release Ace, Grimm, and Deuce from their contracts or else I'm gonna murder you and make it look like an accident."
"Jamil, I fucking swear if you make Kalim upset again I'm gonna break every bone in your body."
"Strength comes in all shapes and sizes Epel. It's like unique magic, everyone has their own unique strength. You just gotta find yours. It won't be easy, but I'll be here if you need me."
"Oh I knew exactly who he was, but he said I could call him whatever I wanted."
"Okay which one of you fuckers touched my friends?"
JJ's uniform
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forthechubbies · 3 years
Mrs. Jeon Vol.5
Synopsis• One nightstand gone Marriage!? The past catches up with Yn when her head over heels husband finds his lost bride and will keep her by any means necessary.
Category's• RomCom, Comedy, Oh no, Jungkook, you're yandere is showing! Colorful words and smooching!
Duos• Yandere Jungkook! X Chubby! Reader
Author notes; I'm losing faith in this story. It's boring. Sorry for it being short.
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“ I want to be yours forever, Kookie.”
You muttered into the crook of my neck, although we were alone. You in my arms, so delicate and fragile I thought you might break if I held on to you too tight...That-That twilight, I told you my happiness, vulnerability, and dreads, and you did the same. You feared thunderstorms due to a tragedy out of your control; you hate yourself for not possessing dreams to achieve….You still believe in fairytales despite your childhood being long gone.
You said these things yourself-of your own free will, so WHY are you pretending as if those deep conversations never happened. Like we never met like we never kissed like we never….loved. How could you treat your husband this way! The man who would put the barrel of a gun to his temple and pull the trigger without hesitation all for you, I would do anything for you just to look at me with the same love drowned expression from our wedding night. Please- For the first time, You might be the first woman who didn't give a damn about my title; hell, you haven't even heard of my name.
Or is this some type of sick game to you? Hopping from man to man like the pretty slut you are-Ha if that's the case, I'm competitive, babe, and I don't lose.
v^√√v^──√v^√v^──√v^√√v^──˗ˋˏ°♡ ❤ ♡°ˎˊ˗v ^√√v^──√v^√v^──√v^√√v^──
Narrative's Pov
You didn't sleep a wink-well; you wouldn't allow yourself rather. Sleeping in a foreign environment isn't as content as it's crack out to be; being marooned on the island of Korea's prettiest flowers intensifies your stress level; you fear if any atoms were to give way, the whole house would wake up. Still, this foolish notion faded after stubbing your pinky toe followed by an ugly cry.
Still, Insomnia kept your eyelids peeled even after you abusing Jungkook's shower and covered your skin in the finest silk robe Jungkook's money could buy. Few hours in, you were bored and, quite frankly, a little bit hungry. Creakkk. Nothing to your left and nothing stood on your right-!
You sucked in your breath and held it tight. Jimin stood weakly but alert? His eyes were closed, and his head falls back at a tilt with his plump lips slightly agape. He snored.
" He's sleepwalking" You made sure to your voice low. It's dangerous to wake a sleepwalker, your uncertain why but not curious enough to find out first hand. You simply took his hand and leading back to bed. It's wasn't until you sat him down his head fell forward into your bosom.
"Mmm." He humbled in delight, mistaking your pillows for his own. Before things got out of hand. You laid Jimin down and watched him curl up to an actual pillow making it another one of his victims.
Your starting to see where Jungkook gets his oddness from.
Ah yes, Your solo kitchen expedition, but it looks like one beat you to the punch. Buddha Chips, Kimbaps, bottles of green teas, and assorted Korean sweets abandon on the sofa with the backdoor opened...
"Mmm!" A huge hand wrapped your mouth. Jungkook's face came into the corner of your eye.
“Please don't scream if you do; you'll wake up my hyungs, and they get crabby when their beauty sleep is disturbed, especially Jin-Hyung. So, I'm going to let go you go now, okay?"
Jungkook didn't release his grip until you obliged.
" Thank you...." Jungkook circled around you to the island inside the kitchen. " You look amazing, by the way. "
It is hard to endure his flatter without being affected, but a pink tint on your cheek gave you away.
" It's the only thing I had to wear.. besides your clothes." You muttered the last bit.
" You could have worn my mines. I wouldn't have mine, plus I did be a treat seeing you in my oversized clothes."
Who has the energy to be this cheeky at this time of night?!
You ignored him and went about your mission to get some food and off to bed! not acknowledge his likes!
But you know what you did? You fed into his crazed nonsense and ended up sitting on the backyard bench underneath the starry night with eating cup ramen. Frighteningly, the soft melting sense in your heart felt intimate in your memories. You sit on your knees and listening to Jungkook speak passionately about his career and apologizing for not telling you but not apologizing for kidnapping you?. Eventually, the subject to you and well.
“Why did you kidnap me?" Finally, the question we've all been asking-
"I felt like it." What?! Jungkook's reaction to the million-dollar question was nonchalant; he easily brushed it off, having more trouble slipping up the leftover sauce and ramen bits at the bottom of his cup.
You knew he was bullshiting you coming from his bitter tone, but not an idea went through your mind how to get him to-
"Did you just hit me?!" Jungkook groaned at his stinging back.
" You don't just drag someone across seas just because you feel like it!"
Jungkook got in your face just as you did him. " Yes, you do! The way you feel like hopping up and abandoning me that night."
You stared at the tip of his nose against yours. " I-Jungkook.-"
"What" He spat. "Got nothing to say, huh?"
"It was a mistake, The marriage; we shouldn't have let it get that far."
His eyes darken, and sanity leaked out with every passing heartless drivel; jungkook cheeks redden for anger and frustration, his jaw clenched, veins throb.
" Here."
You flinched, baffled by the kimbap he offered for you to take.
“You haven't eaten since you got here. I'm going to bed. I got practice tomorrow.”
Jungkook meticulously pecked your lips goodnight leaving you dumbstruck. You watched his muscular back disappear into the beach house or fancy prison cell.
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tanglednlove · 4 years
Rapunzel's Pink Dress
I want to ramble about Rapunzel's dresses and why I love her final dress so much.
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Rapunzel's pink dress was based off her wedding dress. Practically the exact same except for the color changes and different design on the bodice. At one point, Tangled was to end with the wedding of Rapunzel and Eugene. Luckily, the ending was changed, Rapunzel got this beautiful dress and the cute Tangled Ever After short was made.
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Now to compare to her regular dress or tower dress.
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The fitting of this dress seems a bit incommodious. The top and sleeves appear a bit tight and the overall length short. Rapunzel definitely has no trouble stretching, running, racing, dancing or chasing in it so my observation seems wrong. But, there are little hints that still make it plausible.
During Mother Knows Best, Mother Gothel maliciously sings 'sloppy, underdressed'....gettin' kinda chubby'. Gothel's way of keeping her 'precious flower' safe and sound while endlessly gaslighting poor Rapunzel.
When Gothel sings 'sloppy' the mirror reflects a full length view of Rapunzel. Then she pushes it down towards Rapunzel's exposed feet for the word 'underdressed.' Rapunzel reacts by bending down to cover her feet. Bare feet are definitely not appropriate for the outside world, according to Gothel.
Gothel's choice of words and mirror positioning, seem to indicate that Rapunzel is only allowed one dress until she completely outgrows it.
Honestly, it would not surprise me if Gothel had a one dress per next major growth spurt rule. Especially since she has never even changed her own dress. And, the dress Rapunzel makes for Pascal appears to be from the scraps leftover from making her current dress.
Gothel then goes on to insult Rapunzel's weight by singing 'getin' kinda chubby'. Rapunzel appears healthy with an appropriate weight. What actually seems to be happening is the dress is gettin' kinda too tight. Girls can stop growing in height around age 14. I do not think she has had it since age 14 but age 16 may be more likely. Also, breast development can end by age 18 but could continue until the early twenties. This dress appears a bit tight in that area. (Most likely not intended, but this is like a callback to Grimms' Rapunzel. In one version Rapunzel mentions her dress is tighter, but that was due to being pregnant.)
There are no patches on Rapunzel's dress. Which a few rips or tears may be expected if she has worn it for a while. In Mother Knows Best, Gothel sings Rapunzel is 'clumsy'. But, this is after she pulls the rug out from under her and makes her trip and fall down. I do not think Rapunzel is clumsy at all, hence no rips. Also, she can paint a lot without ever getting a speck of paint on her. In fact, to 'pull the rug out from under someone' means to abruptly withdraw support. There was never any support from Gothel to withdrawal but the saying still fits. Gothel would definitely take everything away from Rapuuzel for disobeying and she does just that in the end when she chains and gags her.
The whole point of Mother Knows Best was to destroy the slightest ray of sunshine in Rapunzel's confidence toward leaving the tower. A cruel yet effective way to do this is to pick out insecurities. Being sloppy, underdressed and kinda chubby would give Gothel great anxiety. Rapunzel is not shown to be vain at all. But, Gothel is trying desperately to keep Rapunzel in the tower and using any manipulating tactics necessary.
Gothel may have asked Rapunzel what colors and fabric she wanted to make this dress. And, Rapunzel most likely did all the sewing so I like to think it does represent some of her own preferences. Maybe the dress does not extend to the floor so she can easily perform her chores, hang from the ceiling, and see her feet so she does not trip on her hair. Maybe she wanted sleeves because the tower gets a little cool in the mornings. She definitely likes shades of purple, even her pink dress has lavender in the color scheme.
Quick side about the color of the tower dress. The dress and Rapunzel's golden hair represent the Corona flag- purple and yellow. But, the true color of the skirt is fandango which is a magenta-pink. Magenta falls in the purple shades as purplish-red. So, the overall color is in the purple category. While it does appear true plain purple in some light, it actually is the fandango color. The inner skirt part does appear to be true purple though.
Now I will gush about the pink dress! I do adore her tower dress, it is very beautiful. But, the pink dress completely wins me over. Best. Dress. Ever!
The one stark difference from the tower dress and her final pink dress is the corset placement. The bodice on her tower dress has the corset in the front. While the pink dress has the corset in the back. To me, this has always been an awesome metaphor. There are no sleeves on the pink dress either but the placement of the corset seems more meaningful.
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As for the sleeves, I think it may just be a matter of aesthetic. Rapunzel's mother, the Queen, does wear sleeves. They look beautiful and seem to complete her look. Both of her beginning and ending dresses have sleeves. Her final dress also appears to be the same one in Tangled Ever After. Rapunzel is the princess and a sleeveless dress is a bit more youthful looking compared to her mother's. Also, the Queen has opaque sleeves while Rapunzel's were sheer. This could extend to the differences in their crowns. The Queen's crown is bigger and more grand. Rapunzel's crown has more jewels and is dainty. Although those three teardrop, or sundrop, diamonds are respectfully big and beautiful.
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Back to corsets. Let me say, dresses with corsets are beautiful. They add a neat structure and design to a dress. Though Tangled is never given an exact time period, some of the concept art had 1800s written on them. So thereabouts, corset dresses were in vogue. And yes, the corset can be positioned front or back. Specifically for Rapunzel though, I find meaning on where it is placed.
Also, if she was only allowed one dress per major growth spurt, then a corset makes sense because of the adjustability.
When Rapunzel turns around at the end of Tangled and the audience can see the back of her dress, I had a moment. Rapunzel being 'tied up' and 'trapped' is now 'behind' her. She no longer has to live in fear and she can finally experience life outside the tower.
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Just look at the wide and spaced ribbon on this corset. Looks comfortable and not pulled tight. In contrast, the strings on her tower dress were pulled tight to a bow at the top with big loops. Typically a tie with big loops means the strings were tied as comfortably tight as possible while there is extra string for some give. Which I still think is to accommodate her growing into a full adult body.
The back of her tower dress had a line of buttons. She was tied and buttoned into that dress. Just like the way Gothel had her locked and prisoned in the tower. No buttons on her pink dress. Just a comfortable corset and a beautiful pattern on the front. Also, appropriate structure all around.
That is it, that is why I love her pink dress so much! It represents her freedom💖 A full length shot of this dress is never shown in the movie. I like to think it either stopped at her ankles or just brushed the tops of her feet. Her wedding dress seemed to just barely brush the floor. Either way, she probably liked her feet showing or least nothing in their way.
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End of rambling, yay...oh wait, then the Series happened.
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When I first saw Rapunzel in her Series dress, I was disappointed. Being tied up is no longer 'in front' of her, she is free! Why put the bindings in the front again? Well, Tangled Before Ever After and the whole first season made it clear she still did not feel completely free. She was not ready to marry Eugene or become a full time princess. She needed adventure and she got it.
This dress also has sleeves which look like they were meant to be opaque. Several of the dresses she wears in the show have sleeves. I do think Rapunzel wearing sleeves as acting queen in the third season was appropriate. As mentioned, sleeves may be a queen aesthetic. Her coronation dress also had sleeves. I think her green island dress, with no sleeves and sitting just off shoulder was the best dress from the show. Especially since many concept art pieces for Tangled show her in a green dress.
Oh, the concept art of all the different green dresses. So beautiful yet neglected.
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So, her standard Series dress gets a pass with one exception. In the very last scene of the entire show she still is wearing it! Maybe it was animation budget and they simply could not add in a new dress design but what a crime that was! She needed to be in her pink dress or either a similar design.
Anyway, I still love her pink dress the best because of what I think it represents. 💖💚
Bonus: This is her picture hanging in the Princess Fairytale Hall at Walt Disney World.
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I would love to see her face character wearing this! It would even look lovely with the flower braid. This dress deserves so much more love, admiration and promotion. Honestly, her tower dress has been lumped in the princess rags or commoner look category before. So, why not put her in this beautiful, lovely pink princess dress? And look! She has her bare foot sticking out!💖
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Requests are...closed 🛑
Closed indefinitely as of May 17, 2022. Admittedly I didn’t promote it much, but there was very very little interaction since I first opened it March 27, 2022. I will finish the lovely request I received, but other than that I probably won’t open them again. BUT I spent so much time on this very detailed post that I’m still keeping it around. Look at me all organized. 😂😂
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My blog is NSFW, 18+. Please respect this.
You must have your age/age range in your bio or pinned post. I will be checking.
Requests can ONLY be submitted by sending an Ask. No DMs.
I have Anon ON but I will only write non-explicit topics if you anonymously request.
I reserve the right to decline any request and make exceptions to my own rules.
Please expect and respect that I may take a long time to complete your request. Or be unable to complete it. The concept of time and I don’t always get along, so bear with me. But I do believe that what I write is ultimately worth the wait. 🥰
You can respectfully double check via Ask or DM that I got your request! Please include the character, idea, general time you sent it so I can find it.
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I’m Ready to Write ✅
These Characters:
Agent Whiskey / Jack Daniels
Dave York
Din Djarin / Mando
Frankie “Catfish” Morales
Javier Peña
Marcus Pike
Pero Tovar
I’ve mostly written with Gender Neutral! and Fem! reader inserts, but you can give me specifics if you wish.
General Themes (see under the cut for more specific tropes):
angst, comfort, fluff, humorous, romantic, serious, platonic
Length: ficlets and drabbles so less than 1K words. I usually write between 400-900 as it is lol
Be as open-ended or as detailed as you like! You can submit your own ideas or I’ve included a few lists. If you want ideas from these prompt lists, you must send me 2 things in the Ask:
Character name
The entire prompt + the title of the list it is from (Example. #2 “You don’t have to stay.” from Drabble Prompts list)
Optional: Extra details like pronouns, tone, setting, your characteristics if you want it more personal, etc.
Prompt Lists: Choose from these or send something of your own ☺️
Drabble Prompts
Eerie Atmospheric Settings: Plot Starters
Five Word Prompts
Prompt List #1
Prompts that Make Me Go 👀
Touches Ask Game
See under the cut for more specifics on characters and tropes I’m open to writing. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Pedro Characters
Made from this Pedro Pascal Characters List with extras added by me lol. Click image for higher quality.
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Image Description: Icons of Pedro Pascal characters are organized over a black background into 4 rows by categories: a green Yes!, a yellow Maybe?, an orange Need to See Them First, and a red No. End description.
Yes! 🟢
Agent Whiskey / Jack Daniels
Dave York
Din Djarin / Mando
Frankie “Catfish” Morales
Javier Peña
Marcus Pike
Pero Tovar
Maybe? 🟡 (open to consideration)
Marcus Moreno
Max Phillips
Oberyn Martell
Maxwell Lord
Need to see them first 🟠
Dieter Bravo
Javi Gutierrez
Joel Miller
No 🔴 Not negotiable.
Pedro Across the Street from Calls (the one of him on the phone)
Sorry to the TV and made-for-TV movie characters. We can’t all be Marcus Pike. 😂
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Tropes and Content
Made from this Fan Fiction Tropes Tier with extras added by me. Click image for higher quality.
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Image Description: List of fanfic tropes represented by white square icons with emojis. Trope icons are organized into 3 categories: a green Yes!, an orange Maybe? and a red Won’t Write. End description.
Yes! ✅
Baby fic
Canon divergence
Enemies to Lovers
Established Relationship
Fake Relationship
Fix It Fic
Friends to Lovers
Hurt Comfort
First Kiss
Missing Scenes
Mutual Pining
Pregnancy Fic
Sharing a Bed
Slow Burn
Unhappy Ending
Unrequited Love/Feelings
⬇️These weren’t included but also ✅ ⬇️
Allusions to or Implied Smut
Maybe? 🤔 (open to consideration)
Arranged marriage
Coffee shop AU
College AU
Crack Fic
Fairytale AU
Historical AU
Huddle for Warmth
In Vino Veritas
Soulmate AU
Love Triangle
Won’t Write ❌ Not negotiable.
Amnesia fic
Bang or Die
Body swap
Dark Fic
High School AU
Magic AU
Major Character Death/Injury
Royalty AU
Time Loop
⬇️These weren’t included but also ❌⬇️
Hostage or Kidnapping situations
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Thank you reading! 😘♥️ This is a lot but I don’t want to leave anything out. Rules and info may be subject to change.
Line dividers by @ firefly-graphics
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regrettablewritings · 3 years
I'm feeling a Nevada Ramirez mood (love that damn asshole) but if you aren't feeling writing for him then I give this up to authors choice. But from the current ships numbers perhaps: 3 (because I wanna get fucked up), 9 (because I have to), 10 (because I would like to know your thoughts) and 11 (because I am wildly curious)
("I'm feeling a Nevada Ramirez mood" Translation: "I want a daddy to spit in my fuckgng mouth" Sorry, I don't make the rules about language translation.🤷🏽‍♀️)
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3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope:
You'd always kind of sort of lived in a fairytale. In hindsight, though, you probably had to: It's what probably made being with his stupid ass a bit easier. Kind of like you were living in one of those stories where a monster that terrorized some bucolic tiny town could be brought down to size by a soul of pure heart. Maybe even regain his human form.
If only your story had had a happy ending.
In a way, Nevada felt he was to blame for that; clearly, sticking with you had really only encouraged that type of behavior, or so he thought.
And now look where that ended you: All that gross-ass makeup to make you look like your last moments hadn't been agonizing (the coroner insisted it had been quick, but Nevada called bullshit); those stiff clothes that you never would've worn unless you had to (Nevada never would've put you in them if he had more of a choice); eyes closed, never to see the telltale signs of the one you left behind coming undone (actually, in a sick way, Nevada didn't necessarily mind this; it spared him the humiliation).
There wasn't even necessarily any sign that you had been targeted; the general theory really was that you'd been taken out by a stray bullet. But in some part of him, Nevada couldn't believe that. He didn't want to. It just made so much perfect sense in his mind: You were just minding your own damn business, walking home after a shift ended a little later than expected. You were the very picture of innocent and unsuspecting, all vulnerable and without him. In short: That was the perfect time for some rival gang or some shit to take a shot at you.
And the thought made Nevada's blood boil to the point that it evaporated into the air, further polluting these fucking New York skies with his inner toxicity being exposed. He'd make whoever did this to you choke. But not before roughing them up a lil bit. Maybe cut off some fingers. Some toes . . . Maybe a pound of flesh as payment if there was any time left, who knows.
But first, his men had to find them.
To say that Nevada does not take your passing well would be an understatement. He's somehow more violent. Somehow a lot less tolerant of bullshit (and he already wasn't before). If anyone so much as blinks wrong, they run the risk of having a nearly feral fuck jump at them and attempt to rip their face off.
His men, who already feared and respected him, dare not occupy the same room as him any longer than they have to. They miss you as a person, of course, but they never knew just how much of a hold you had on their boss until that hand was gone.
Sure, he goes through the usual motions seen in others, like sitting in his chair, downing copious amounts of whatever was left in his liquor cabinet. And, of course, there's the stages of grieving: He's eternally stuck oscillating between guilt and anger.
He was supposed to be the one that got killed out here, him! Not you: Sweet, kind, patient, hard-headed, stupid-assed you! He got that, why couldn't God get with the program on that!? He was the dealer, the gang leader putting himself into all kinds of problems with others; you were just some innocent bystander who happened to get caught in his web, decide they liked it there, and inexplicably stuck around.
And now you're dead. He was being selfish, you were being stupid, and now you were dead.
He stares blankly at nothing before humming with a sip of whatever the hell is in his glass now, he doesn't fucking remember. Can't taste it anyway; his sense of taste disappeared, floated away with your spirit the moment he learned of your passing.
The pure-hearted soul that kept the village safe was gone; all that remained was the carnivorous beast, ready to rampage and raze the town to the ground.
9. Which one swears more?:
Just in time for the 20210 Summer Olympics, we have a new category to observe: Fucking Goddamn Cussing Up a Shitstorm! Representing Washington Heights, we have a cussing prodigy, Nevada Ramirez! Also representing Washington Heights by way of duel citizenship between the apartments, we have . . . You!
Okay but in all seriousness, Nevada is definitely the gold medal-winner here. Science indicates that cussing helps to relieve stress and for as collected as Nevada likes to appear in front of others, 5'9" is not a lot of space for stress to go. He's constantly bottling up that shit! What's worse, though, is that the fucker makes it sound elegant.
How does he make "fuck" sound so gentle when it leaves his lips with a cold-eyed glower!? Who the hell knows!
Erstwhile, you're a pretty good runner-up. Even if you were a big cusser before getting with Nevada, you could never catch up with him -- he's just had way too many experiences where he felt the need to pepper the ambience with some cursing. And if you weren't as into it before . . . I'm sorry, boo, but you'll be picking up that nasty habit of his like you were picking up the torch for the Cussing Olympics. Bon chance!
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other:
Noah . . . How did you know I was planning to do a preference on what characters watch with their S/Os? Not that I can confirm or deny that Nevada was in that one but --
Nevada didn't really watch TV a whole lot before you two got together. It was a mix of him not having a lot of time and him not having a lot of care to keep up with anything. Everything is so goddamn serialized, what's even the point?
Really, the only reason he bought subscriptions to streaming services was to keep you entertained for when he had to be out the house or some junk. But there were a few too many times where he'd come home late and find you curled up on the couch.
". . . The hell're you still doing up --"
". . . Did you just --"
"Yes, now sshhh! I'm about to see who this chick picks to go to bed with."
Of course, 'Vada is pissed; people don't shush him, he shushes them! What the fuck could be so interesting that you'd do that!? He takes his glare from you to the screen . . . and about thirty minutes in, he gets it. He'd never say it out loud, but deep down, he knows why you like Love Island. It's stupid, it's trashy, he hates these dumbass twenty-somethings making drama out of nothing, and for fuck's sake will somebody talk to the girl with the dark skin and short hair she's the hottest one there --
Of course, he tries hard not to show his interest, taking seats next to you when you're watching "because he's tired", adding his own commentary "because these pendejos need to know better", etc. And, of course, it doesn't fool you in the slightest. As amused as you are, though, you don't tease him about it; you're afraid that if you do, your stubborn boyfriend would put up a fight in the form of leaving you to watch your silly little show by yourself. And you really don't mind sharing the show with him . . . No, solitary watching is reserved for your cartoons.
Nevada may let things with you slip to a point but the moment he learns you like to watch anything animated, he's on your ass with the ruthless taunting. Which is like the pot calling the kettle black because 'Vada's secret pleasure is even worse: daytime soap operas. Admittedly, there's some sentimentality connected to them (he remembers being at his Abuela's house and seeing her get really into some telenovelas), but the fact of the matter is really more that he's invested in the drama and bullshit going on between all this lunatics who we're supposed to buy as being doctors or CEOs or whatever over-glamorized positions they're supposed to have.
He doesn't actually get to watch them often but . . . hey, that's what he pays certain grunts to do for him.
Okay I had way too much fun writing these so lemme just cut myself off now. Thanks for asking!!!
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*cocks nerfgun* Your troll food headcanons,hand em' over.
nerf or nothing
also did i spent Way Too Much Time doing research for this ask? yes. yes i did. please appreciate my efforts hhh
ok here-a we go!!
General Troll Food “Facts”
• Trolls can mainly eat Meat and Candy, with some other less common foods.
I personally think trolls are omnivores, but heavily leaning towards carnivorous tendencies in general/on average
• Candies like cotton candy and orange creamsicles exist both on earth and alternia, so it’s likely safe to assume other candies under those categories exist as well. (It’s interesting to think about trolls and ice cream though but that’s a topic for another day)
• Other obvious inclusions are sugary soft drinks like Faygo and Tab! These exist in many flavors, and interestingly, it’s unknown wether “sugar-free” versions exists or not.
• Equius drinks milk (though not cow milk!), but we don’t know if this is just an equius-thing, a blueblood-thing, or if all trolls are able to do so. goes hand in hand with the nipple debate i guess.
• also, in the epilogues (apparently?) dave says trolls can’t eat onions so?? there’s that
gets its own category just because
• some “grub-“ things that exist include things like Beefgrub, Grubsteak and Grubloaf (which apparently is ‘covered in a “sweet tangy mucus”’... ew), which makes me think they have caramelized things
• Grub Sauce of course, which is suspiciously similar to blood, although in the troll wiki it says it has the consistency of mayonnaise... again; ew.
I think Grub Sauce specifically is seen as a comfort-food, almost like a more socially acceptable baby food, or applesauce-ish. It is also confirmed that its literally made of Actual Grubs, so yes, they are cannibals.
• Other Meat Things exist as well, like the infamous oblong meat product
sidenote: Cherubs eat exclusively a lot of meat and candy, maybe that’s where they get it from? seems trolls eat some other things as well though
• some insects eat blood, in addition to human skin and other bugs
• over half of all bug species (on earth) are herbivores, but this probably differs on alternia considering everything tries to kill you.
• They also eat nectar and candies/sugar! The meat/candy parallels are going strong, once again.
Traditional/Mythological Trolls
because why not
• Traditional trolls will eat almost anything (rocks, bones, metal whatever)
• they have very strong digestive tracks, and Alternian trolls probably do as well
• will eat humans, or each other (again with the cannibalism?? cmon guys)
• Trolls also consume other livestock like farm animals and such
• probably omnivores
(they also eat porridge i guess - according to an old scandinavian fairytale)
thank you for your time
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