#yes glit this is about you
cobalt-cougar · 8 months
I have identified one (1) advantage of being organic. Organics can be cut off from the internet and their mobile handsets until they are sober.
I was going to confiscate his mobile until Grimlock pointed out that then he would just plug into the system and probably not with his firewalls up.
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novafire-is-thinking · 2 months
I’ve been scrutinizing the badges and medical symbols (or lack thereof) of the medics of IDW, and speculating about what these might say about each of them.
Out of all the medics, Flatline’s badge(less) arrangement stood out to me, so it’s time to make this way deeper than the writers and artists intended.
To wear a badge, or not to wear a badge…
Thanks to Alex Milne, the Autobots got their own medical cross:
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This is worn by Pharma and First Aid, and by Ratchet before the war and during the earliest days of the conflict. He later removes the cross, but switches between a couple of different symbols and no symbol throughout the course of the war—his time spent on Earth having a lot to do with that, I suspect. Even so, after the war, he chooses not to wear any indication of his status as a medic—only an Autobot badge.
Meanwhile, the Decepticons have no universally recognized symbol for their medics. Instead, they each have their own unique symbol, or none at all. Glit has a vaguely medical-looking cross that differs from the Autobot medical cross, and Flatline has a symbol resembling the pulse of a spark:
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…which I can only assume is meant to be the Cybertronian version of the following, but with a circle for the spark instead of a heart:
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Meanwhile, Spinister and Nickel have nothing. Just their Decepticon badges.
Now, to combine these with faction badges:
Badge + medical symbol: Pharma, First Aid
Badge + no medical symbol: Ratchet, Fixit, Velocity, Spinister, Nickel
No badge + medical symbol: Flatline, Glit
No badge + no medical symbol: Ambulon
There are three medics who don’t wear badges; all of them are or were Decepticons. This is interesting on its own, but I’m more interested in how this may correlate to their attitudes towards treating Autobots:
Even though Glit’s KP version is willing to treat people regardless of faction, this is never confirmed for his IDW version. There isn’t enough evidence to infer how he feels about Autobots, or treating them. Yes, he was at Grindcore, but that says nothing about how he treated Autobot prisoners behind the scenes.
As for Ambulon, he switched sides and underwent the Act of Affiliation, but—evidently—not the Rite of the Autobrand. I could speculate all day about why, but that’s not important because, whatever the case, he treats patients of both factions without hesitation. Because he’s been on both sides, he has an externally observable reason to do so.
This leaves Flatline as the only badgeless—and only Decepticon—medic who’s proven to uphold a moral value of treating people regardless of faction. Unlike Ambulon, he has no externally obvious reason to do so, but he does it anyway because it’s personally important to him.
The following roams into headcanon territory, but based on what can be inferred from Flatline’s few appearances, I like to think his choice to not wear a Decepticon badge serves two purposes:
It’s his way of signaling to potential patients: “I don’t see you through the lenses of your faction and ideology, but as a person.”
It’s a personal reminder for himself of his commitment to being blind to factions when treating people; it’s a way of reminding himself he’s committed to the preservation of life first—not to any group or “order” of medical personnel.
This is not to say medics who do wear badges and belong to an order of medics don’t also treat patients based on similar values—as we see First Aid and Ratchet treating people of the opposing faction.
This is just me playing around with the possibility of inferring something deeper about Flatline’s character—what he values, how he sees himself and the world, what sets him apart from others “like him,” etc.
And besides, Autobot medics are expected to uphold their medical oaths. Decepticon medics—perhaps unfairly—are assumed to be lax in that area, so it means more to have a Decepticon medic who holds to their personal moral values despite the general attitude towards the enemy seen in many of their comrades.
On that note, I would love to know how Tarn sees Flatline…
A Decepticon who refused the Rite of the Deceptibrand.
A Decepticon who refused to cut into his spark casing to signify his commitment to the Cause.
A Decepticon who values commitment to his personal morals above adhering to any external ideology.
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decepti-thots · 1 month
7 19 25 for Violence
"what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?"
i would not go so far as to say hate. but there was a period where very specifically megatron/minimus hardcore shippers got Really Fucking Annoying to me (shoutout to the person who claimed that rodimags shippers were "enforcing heteronormativity" and we only didn't like their ship because we were homophobes) and their interpretation of idw meg took him from a character i already have very complicated feelings about into This Guy Again Ugh territory for, idk. like a year maybe. lmao. (it was very hard for me to avoid, unfortunately, as a minimus fan!) thankfully that has largely died off now- the asshole behaviour specifically- so we're all good now. haha.
"you’re mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like…"
i am a bad person to ask this of tbh, lmao. no guilty pleasures in THIS house, baby. oh, i don't know... i suppose the most 'what' thing is that i have to mention that yes, the canon material for my niche favourite Glit is kiss players. LMAO. that one is a little 'oh god', i will admit. (and unlike rosanna and sundor, it really is just KP, a tiny cameo in Legends aside.)
"common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing"
okay this one is toy collector stuff but it's recently come up AGAIN and i gotta say it. STOP COMPLAINING THEY MAKE G1 MEGATRON TOYS THINGS OTHER THAN A GUNNNN they are not! going to release a new kids' toy in US markets! that turns into a REALISTIC HANDGUN! AND THEY SHOULDN'T. you are so dumb!!! the tank mode is FINE. just buy one of the MP megatrons they did that does turn into one and CHILL. okay rant over. (SS86 megs has been confirmed to be a tank. twitter has been mad as fuck for like two days. lmao.)
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risenwings · 6 months
(for TC) So... when would you like to get together today?
(Also, you don't need to feel guilty about me. Yes, there was an incredible power imbalance between us, but we were very young, and you didn't own me. Your family broke us apart. You weren't responsible for that. But I don't think Starscream is going to be jealous, he isn't of Warp and my sister.)
I'm free this afternoon, after the luncheon Starscream has planned. I'd love to see you. Would you like me to come get you?
--Thundercracker of Iacon
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doctor-glitterbomb · 10 months
".... Do you have.... Do you have anything for heights?" Silverbolt looks extremely embarrassed, already half ready to flee. "It's just. They said this was the medical area. And... And I'm not always weird about heights. I can go if you'd rather."
Glit looks up. And then he looks up some more. He's not a large Cybertronian, even on two legs rather than four, and they built these young Autobots pretty darn big.
"Yes, I'm the chief medical officer of this station. My name is Glit. Please come inside and sit down in one of the consultation rooms, I'll show you. You seem very embarrassed, and I have some questions, but i don't want to ask you in front of everyone else in the waiting room. You're entitled to medical privacy. We should be able to help you, whatever the problem is."
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your-pal-nebula · 4 months
So yall remember that I mentioned I was working on a fantasy post apocalyptic worldbuild
Well so here's one of the characters from that finally
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Vampiric mousegirl >:)
Her name is Eclipse
They're a hybrid, his dad is a Weremouse, and stars mother was a Vampire
Genderfluid, she/they/he/star/glitter
Glit lives in an abandoned church with her dad and various other creachurs btw
FYI I made this universe so I get to decide how it works and get to out my own spin on things. The Vampires don't turn into bats. They just have bat wings attached to them. I'm allowed to do that
And before you ask: yes you are permitted to draw any of my OCs. I will probably squeal about it for months on end
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cleverthylacine · 5 months
I always thought Dr. Amaou would have made a more compelling human villain to be Prowl’s human nemesis because she would have been closer to a heroic reason. s
She could have tied in interestingly to the Earth plotline opposing the Cybertronians due to personal, easy to understand trauma as the result of the invasion and things happening in Phase 1 and Optimus's actions. Her betraying and turning on her former "allies" and being given the role of hunting them down and wanting to get rid of them due to the death of her daughter is compelling and tragic. And would have, despite my opinions on some of the ending, been an excellent parallel to what they did with Unicron and Cybertronians dealing with the fallout they caused others in the war. She'd be an excellent foil for a lot of characters, especially if they let her be complex and driven by grief and a desire to prevent repeating tragedies.
I just think she would have been a lot more interesting than Spike, and maybe you could even bring in Glit (instead of like two panels in the background) or the other KP characters to act as parallels and maybe be working with her. And it would have been another interesting point of view as the Cybertronians, even the "good ones" (IDW did use a lot of gray for all characters) as being viewed as monsters and villains in other stories.
Sorry for the ramble. I have a more organized idea of this, but a bit rambly now.
Basically yes to all of this.
Dr Amaou has been namedropped in VoS, incidentally, but she didn't interact much with Ravage.
I might do a side story involving Marissa and Glit.
Mostly what I know about the KP charas in VOS are that Xiaoxiao, Melissa and Kasai Convoy (a different convoy) are a trine, Atari Hitotonari is an FTM, and Marissa and Melissa embarrass each other a lot. Melissa is about to start making Marissa's life miserable, though, now that she knows Marissa is robosexual.
Prowl vs Dr Amaou is your idea though and you should TOTALLY do that. They would be SO GOOD at spy vs spy cat and mouse games and I would read the shit out of that.
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ipusingularitae · 2 years
Let’s forget the world even exists | Ead x Sabran
[tags: modern au | soft | casual intimacy]
She looked at those emerald eyes and smiled tenderly. The woman in front of her was so beautiful and gentle, so cautious about them, and Ead couldn't think about a perfect way to describe all of her feelings. She tried to put it into words but none of those letter sets, in any language she knew, were capable of properly delivering all the mixed feelings that would take over her body anytime Sabran looked at her, kissed her, touched her.
Without words, Ead took the clothes off and accepted the silent invitation to get in the bathtub. She carefully positioned herself between beautiful legs, filling the space, and let the slender fingers caress her dark skin. Chills running down her spine and butterflies on her belly, thrilled to be that close to her lover, that intimate. Usually Ead liked to take Sabran in her arms and whisper sweet nothings on her ears, but it was also a magical moment whenever the same thing was made by her lover - which would happen frequently.
"Hard day?" Sabran asked, and her voice could be the one you'd hear if you've ever entered paradise. Wet fingers pressed Ead's shoulders, massaging briefly before she took a small bowl from beside the bathtub.
"Sort of '', she answered, sighing, bending back her head and closing her eyes when the other woman collected water with the small container. The water intertwined with dark curls, making them heavier, glistening more under the bathroom light. The gentle hand caressed the locks, and Ead could only think about how she loved to be touched by Sabran. How everything inside of her lit up even with the small contacts, pieces of happiness like a lot of other things with her lover. “How about yours?” 
“It was good, I guess.” The brunette drenched the curly brown hair, leaving a peck on Ead’s shoulder after it. The bowl was soon forgotten, whilst Sabran pulled the other so her back was against her front. 
“I thought we were bathing” a small grin appeared on full lips, Ead turned her head so she could look Sabran so closely. Her voice was low, almost a whisper, like that conversation was secret, and her eyes carried the most beautiful glit Sabran had ever seen. 
“Hm, yes” she answered, an arm resting on the tub edge while they holded each other's hands, fingers interlocked. Smiling too, the other hand traveled slowly to Ead’s shoulder. And then her fingertips started a dance, lazily tracing invisible patterns on her brown skin. Whispering, communicating with just the necessary intensity because her lover was so close, so close, and no one else was in the room. Just the two of them exchanging looks, deep brown on emerald green, mixed breaths, conscious of every inch of their skins against each other. “But first I would like to just sit here, caressing you”
It was the shared smiles and small laughs. The love words they would whisper on repeat and the kisses. The sense that whatever they were feeling was different and right. Like a storm in the middle of the sea, agitating the waters, creating big waves; but such a natural thing to see. It could be scary, but they knew that land was coming soon, so they would just let themselves go with the movements. Like trees falling due to fast and intense winds; nature at its finest. Their love could move the most rigid things inside of them, and it was okay. 
It was probably the most peaceful they’ve been after hectic days on their jobs. They’d always manage to get free hours for each other but that night was a completely free one, and they wanted to take advantage of it. 
So there they stayed. Talking, eventually falling in silence, admiring each other and the smallest details, leaving traces of heat and endearment against the contrasting skins, with gentle touches. 
• inspired by this post
• title from Frozen by Sabrina Claudio
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year
Ravage, how did it feel seeing Tarn perish at Megatron's hands for...literally ripping you in half? Or at least a version of you, I should say.
I know that wasn't the main reason, but I feel like it was what drove o'l Megs to go "fuckit mode" and kill Tarn like the mistake he was.
I have actually not seen that, and I don't want to. Is this the manner in which you normally ask people you've just met about their traumatic experiences?
If I put myself in the position of that Ravage, seeing that incident, I think it would piss me off, because it would have been better for me if he'd chosen to do that before I died, not after.
But I don't know. And I don't know what any of those people went through, whether it was the same as me or not. I mean that Ravage was still using he/him pronouns and maybe he liked them, maybe he was a masculine person instead of a person who didn't want all her enemies to know she was a girl until the war was over.
Here is what I do know based on what happened in my own timeline.
Megatron was subjected to a partial "personality adjustment" on Messatine. At first I didn't know that and I was pleased to see my amica finally accepting that we were not going to be able to go to Iacon and politely ask the Senate to vacate the premises and allow us to craft a functional and just government without giving a few people Rossum's three shots.
But it just kept getting worse and worse. Soundwave and I were never accused of treason or taken out and shot because Megatron loved us as people, but he also stopped listening to us when we said we thought things were going too far.
Then we had
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(yes glit I borrowed your gif)
and at the end of it he went Autobot and abdicated and abandoned us and that totally aided the cause of peace because Galvatron and Soundwave coming to blows was not anything that anyone could have ever seen coming given their respective personalities, and I ended up on the Lost Light for reasons and you know.
After I left the LL, Megatron got attacked by a rogue mnemosurgeon who could fuck with people's brains without touching them and mysteriously recovered the pacifism of his early youth. Which would have been very convenient for that guy (seriously, fuck that guy) if Tailgate hadn't ruined his day by dropping a shuttle on him.
Shortly after this completely normal and unforced moral 180 Megatron tried to bash his brain into a wall and told his doctor that he'd never been happier with a huge grin on his face. Because that's not suspicious or anything.
So far as I can tell the only purpose my death served in that timeline was to make Soundwave utterly miserable (and result in him ending up with that idiot Cosmos) and make Megatron get up off his aft and blow up the guy he turned into a raving mad serial killer at least partly on purpose with antimatter. But I don't know. I didn't live that life.
Charlie, Marissa and Miko told me that this is called "refrigeration" when it happens to female human characters in stories and that if I were a fictional character they would be pretty mad about that.
My point is I'm not judging anyone here in this scenario because Trepan and Sunder both fucked with Megatron's head and in the intervening time period Megatron fucked with Glitch's head and made him into Tarn, although I do not think we can blame all of that on Megatron because the guy was the commandant of Grindcore at one time, while my brother was there, so.
Our history is enough of a sideshow in the timeline I'm actually in. Would I be glad to know I was avenged? I guess so. But on the other hand if I died because of his fucking vow of pacifism and he didn't keep it that's not exactly wonderful either. And on the third one (good thing I have four paws) maybe it's really the fault of all those needlefuckers who thought they had the right to open up his cranial vault and redecorate!
I'm not blaming a Megatron I never met for the exigencies of a situation I was never in. Megatron is my amica, Soundwave is my conjunx, Tarn did horrible things to people in my universe too, I just wasn't one of them. and it didn't happen.
My point is, you're asking me how I feel about people I don't even know that are actually NOT the people I love the most in this universe. They look and act a whole lot like those people but I have no idea if they're the kind of people they were in my own universe.
I mean I could also say "Minimus Ambus needs two whole sets of armour so that nobody catches him impersonating a vertebrate" which is a thing that I actually said in my own universe once.
But if I did say that, I would be talking about the one in my universal stream. And that would cause no end of needless offence, because there could be five different people reading this post who are also named Minimus Ambus, but none of them did any of the shady shit the Ambus brothers I knew in my own universe did.
Or maybe they did but since I don't know them I'd possibly rather not know.
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ashanimus · 1 year
Ash Liveblogs MTME #28
IM SORRY I have notes for some of the others but I wanted to read and get caught up but dear gOD that weird crossover hurt my already waterlogged brain where is my war criminal sitcom---OH my fuck WHAT
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This was not on Rung's bingo card asdlf;sdiajg
Oh dear GOD
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This is the funniest thing I've ever seen a "heroic" character yell at someone in anger, I'm going to remember this until I die. The way work is going, possibly even by face palm! Thanks Rod!
Yes yes blah blah, I know youre going to pardon Megatron, Optimus where are my ships and what have they been doing for the last six months
Why is Swerve "let me be the one to tell Tailgate he's been displaced out of time"the one in charge of this panel
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Also, Swerve, bring to the party!? Excuse me!!? The only thing the people on this god damn boat have brought to the party are DISORDERS
Oh okay this makes more sense
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Optimus, Rod...y'all. I know part of the joy of this comic is how messy it all is but there's something real weird to me about Optimus sitting in judgment of Megatron of all people. Like it makes sense that Rod's all, well, this:
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But surely, SURELY Guys, there is a difference between symbolic and cruel? ALthough perhaps to a political, end, there can't be.
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They're all doing their best and their best is a goddamn disaster---ASDLAKSJG WHIRL NO
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Whirl, there's no way you come out on top on this one in any way
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Back to that symbolic/cruel thing I see. But also, Megatron more than anyone has the perspective to understand what Whirl was at the time (where I don't really see the same kind of wisdom in Whirl, who is better at perceiving other people's fears in what feels like an attempt to distract from his own) -- someone also at the end of a social rope with few options doing what he was told. Doesn't change it but, it is interesting. I'm very tired. I need to be more awake for this.
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Streets - Chapter 1
Trust me, I'm not sure on the name but we're rolling with it for now. Notes at the end ofc
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Taker leaves his home in death Valley and travels towards the city in search of his baby brother.
Sparks fly as water drips from the ceiling. The room is cold enough that breath can be seen. Golden eyes examine the damaged legs, letting out a shakey breath. Gold eyes shoot up and lock onto the door as it slowly opens, bruised hand rested against a skeleton blade, ready for a fight.
Taker examines the city. His mama always used to tell him stories about the city. She also used to tell him to never go alone. But he doesn't have a choice in that.
Moonlight city.
Taker hated the name. But he's from a place called death Valley, so he couldn't really talk. It made sense, the city was always lit up at night. Looking at it from miles away it always alluminated light. The moon also always sat perfectly above it. Lighting every alley and street.
So taker could understand.
As his eyes wonder the streets he tries to remember the bar his mother told him about. All he can see is propaganda for things called RAW and Smackdown. Whatever the hell they were.
He pauses at a bright glowing sign. His mother pops into his mind as his eyes glow purple.
Big smile, bright green eyes and wild red curly hair. "I used to live in moonlight city, had me a nice apartment and a nice job in a place called Goldusts. Lovely family run it. You'll always be welcome there" she tells him with a cheery voice.
Taker shakes his head to clear his head before walking into the club. He fights the shock. His mother worked here? It looks and smells like a strip club. Taker fights his judgement as he walks over to the bar and takes a seat. He ignores the eyes burning into him and waits for staff.
"Hello darling, I'm Goldust and you might be?" The young man asks. "As in-" "Yes, same name as the bar. My father named it after me when I was born." Goldust chuckles. Taker takes a moment to examine goldust. His upgrades are gold plated. Talk about standing out much. "Your not from around here, are you?" Goldust asks. "What tells you that?" Taker asks. "I remember every handsome face in this town. But your upgrades give you away. Old fashion. Ain't exactly moonlight tec" goldust tells him. Taker looks at his fists and then at goldusts upgrades. "Yeah. I'm from death valley" Taker admits. Goldust raises an eyebrow as he leans on the bar. "Whats a boy like you doing so far from home?" Goldust questions.
"Looking for my brother. He went missing when we were kids, after our house burned down and our parents were killed. Ended up with a family friend who corrupted him. I want to bring him home, rid him of whatever evil path he's been forced down." Taker explains. Goldust hums. "Even if he was the one who set the fire?" Goldust asks. "What? Why do you say that?" Taker asks. "Disappears after a fire kills your parents? Seems guilty to me." Goldust hums. "He wouldn't. No. But that's why I want, no, need to find him. I need him to answer, I need to know what happened. I deserve that" Taker growls.
Taker watches as goldust hums and pushes back. "So your here because you need some help?" Goldust asks. Taker nods. "I've got a man. He's the best at tracking, best at running. You can crash at mine. I'm barely there." Goldust states holding his hand out. Taker holds his out and watches as goldust transfers a house key and data to him. "Why are-" "you have your mother's eyes. That's why." Is all the man states. Takers eyes widen. "Ill arrange the meet at my apartment. Feel free to grab food and drink here. It's a long travel from the valley to here." Goldust tells him before walking away. Taker looks down at this upgraded hands. His father gave him the option. Upgraded hands and arms or legs. Taker had a feeling his hands would be the most useful. And well, he was right.
He became the best striker in all the valley.
Goldusts apartment is exactly how taker thought it'd be. Gold and glittery. Taker is sat on the sofa when the door opens. Taker looks up as goldust walks in with a man. The man is hunched over, long brown hair covering his face. He seems to have a muzzle implanted in his face. Taker never understood mouth upgrades like masks or just mouth guards. "Is this him?" Taker asks. "Hmm? Oh no. This is mankind. My own little psycho who has enough to control not the be a complete killer." Goldust states tapping the mask. "Keeps him in control." Goldust smirks. "Makes sense" Taker mutters as mankind wanders off.
"Before he arrives. The heartbreak kid has some rules" goldust states moving closer. The heartbreak kid? Interesting. "Dont ask personal questions. Infact, don't ask anything. If he wants to tell you something, he will tell you. If he wants to know something, he will ask." Goldust tells him. "No questions, got it." Taker nods. "No hacking him either. He doesn't take well to hacks." Goldust chuckles. "Good thing I can't hack. Too old fashion." Taker chuckles. "So. He a chrome jock then? The kind to get upgrades every week?" Taker asks. "God no. He's more human than most of us. He has natural talent. Could downgrade today and still be top of this game. Has only upgraded his most important weapons." Goldust answers. Taker nods. "Hes not a big fan of upgrades. Doesn't like those guys who upgrade from skinny guys to big buffs" goldust chuckles.
Taker pauses as the door opens. "Ah, hello darling" goldust smiles. "No boys today?" Goldust asks as his smile quickly fades. "Why do i need them? You planning on jumping me?" A rough voice asks. "Not in that way baby. But you've got business first" goldust smirks. Taker watches as a blonde walks into the light. His blue eyes stand out to taker. He's never seen blue eyes like it. Are they natural? "Whos this?" He asks. "Ah, I never got a name" goldust chuckles. "Undertaker" Taker grunts. The blonde smirks. "Undertaker. I like it. The names Shawn." Shawn states moving closer. "Whats the business? Some punk not pay? Wife leave with the kids? Or someone's just crossed you wrong?" Shawn asks.
Shawn pauses. His eyes change red as he examines Taker. His eyes land on the mans hands. "Your not from here. What could you possibly need a runner for?" Shawn asks as his eyes turn blue. So they are natural. Red are his tech eyes. "I need help finding my brother. I believe he's got himself into deep trouble" Taker answers. Shawn looks at goldust. "This ain't my type of thing." Shawn tells him. "You find people! How isn't this your type of thing?!" Goldust protests. Taker stands up. Shawn looks at him before back at goldust. "A lost brother, from out of town? That's the cops job. Not mine." Shawn states. "Its not like that Shawn! He was taken after a fire burned their house and killed their parents!" Goldust groans. Shawn looks at taker.
"Why didn't you say?" Shawn asks. Taker raises an eyebrow. "You didnt give me a chance." Taker replies. "Will you be joining me? Or are your upgrades too old?" Shawn questions. "They work just fine I'll have you know" Taker grunts. "Good. Makes this whole deal cheaper for you and easier for me." Shawn chuckles holding his hand out. Taker examines shawns normal looking arm and hand. Taker holds his completely different hand out.
Goldust can't help but compare the two. Takers hand is bigger, more mechanical. Shawns is smaller, softer, human. And yet Shawn is the one out fighting mercs and corps every day when Taker is at home in a valley living in peace. Goldust is surprised that Shawn hasn't gotten any hand upgrades yet. He watches as their hands touch, as takers eyes turn purple and shawns red.
"Welcome to the crew, Taker."
Hi, yes, welcome. This is not my 4 chapter story I'm working on, this is actually something I've started today and well never mentioned before. I'm actually testing something. I want to see if I actually post it on here if that will motivate me to keep at it. To continue writing it. And if not...well my deepest apologises already.
This is sci-fi and well cyberpunk themed. Mainly based around the cyberpunk edgerunner show but I basically follow no actual lore or logic of anything and make it all up as I go. I hope you all enjoy this. And well, if you do, I hope I continue to work on it and be motivated.
This is also me practicing my writing, I mentioned it awhile ago that I wanted to start posting short fics to practice my writing and well you've all reacted great to those. So as this is still part of my practicing, I will gladly take criticism and points to improve, so don't be shy to comment some on here or even dm or send me an ask.
*also the fic name might change it I come up with a better one and that also goes for the name of the city. I honestly couldn't think of one and then I played online with someone called moonlight and I was like yeah, that'll work for now.*
Enjoy :)
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cobalt-cougar · 8 months
the person I want to say this to would never listen to me, but I'm writing this down so I can stop rehearsing this damn speech I never will give
Look, "dating" is kind of stupid, but sometimes it isn't the problem. Sometimes the stupid in the equation is you.
Dating is dumb because instead of just going out and do things you enjoy with people you like, you do this whole stupid act where you pretend to be someone you think they'll like. You put on adornments and cosmetics you don't usually use and you try to act like a better version of you that you think the other person will like and you flirt and you banter and then you start facing and you think that somehow all of this artifice has helped you get to know each other better, and you completely ignore the fact that interfacing with someone changes the electrochemistry of your processors when you interact with them, and then you decide you're in love.
Then you get to know the mech as they are and you wonder why you're not happy.
But sometimes the problem romantic people have is not the romantic attraction that makes them see everything about their partner through a filter or the way they keep enabling that by acting fucking fake.
Sometimes they're just dumb about their priorities.
And they act in a way that elicits bad behaviour even from people who sincerely care for them. I never thought I'd see Glit reach this level of passive-aggressiveness at anyone other than Ravage or me.
I realise that romantic people don't get to choose who they love 100% of the time, that they don't get the chance to lie back like I did and think, "yes, this is what I want for the rest of my life, I am even going to let myself get a bit sappy about it sometimes". And they certainly don't spend a few million years thinking about it first.
But I promise that if you stop hanging out with people who treat you like an afterthought, or like aftslag, and don't bestow your time on anyone who doesn't actually care about you, the crushes will go away in time, and then the next time you "fall in love" it is not going to be with a fucking gashole. Because you're not giving gasholes the opportunity to be in your environment where you can get a crazy crush on them for no good reason except that there was a misfire in your neural net.
Also, the process of giving someone a deeply meaningful romantic gift should probably not include other people who are also notorious self-sabotagers.
(Don't look at me like that. If either one of you is reading this, you did ignore the warning label.)
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alexiabae · 2 years
STOP IT; sydney lohmann x fem!reader
Summary: in which the german national team make fun about sydney and reader relationship.
Warnings: fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
Tumblr media
not my gif.
Y/N's lips paint a annoying grin, it's only 10:13 in the morning and she is already tired. She loves her teammates, but right now Y/N hated them all.
The case was that her national team found out that Sydney and her was dating. Well a part, because the other part knew from the club. Her girlfriend doesn't mind at all, she actually laugh with some jokes and tease. But Y/N can't does that. A first maybe, but the six day she can't handle anymore.
"C'mon baby. Don't pay attention to them, they make it because are jealous about our relationship." Sydney hug Y/N from behind, the blue eyed girl said it loud, for her teammates listen.
"Yes, baby. We are all jealous, not be mad." Felicitas said, blinking rapidly and mocking with her hands.
"Fuck you." Y/N spat annoyed.
"I thought Syd does that." The brunette answered smug. Y/N blush, pushing with her hand Rauch and removing from Sydney's hug.
While Y/N went outside, she could hear her teammate's laugh and her girlfriend scolding them, without much exit, because they laugh more.
Y/N sigh tired, she enters in the bus, sitting to the side where the window was, enjoying the sun on her face. An intense training session awaits them, the last because tomorrow was match day and finally Y/N will be free. Almost, she still be leading with her Bayern teammates.
"Don't be mad at them, Zucker." A voice to her side said. Y/N didn't turn to know to who belongs.
"But they are all annoying, including my girlfriend." Y/N whine, looking at Sara after with a pout, crossing her arms like a child.
"I'm annoying too?" The paris saint germain player ask, an eyebrow raised and a silly smile on her face.
"More than them." Y/N tease a little with a smug smile.
Sara looks at her with fake indignation; "How dare you!" The dark haired girl started tickle Y/N's sides. The Bayern player let out a fit of giggles, trying with her hands stop the attack.
"Retire it, Zucker." Sara demanded, using her second name, something that everybody use, less her girlfriend.
"Ok-kay, you aren't annoy-ying! Stop please!" Y/N said begging.
"That is better." Sara stopped tickle Y/N's sides, a playful smile on her face. Soon their teammates started approaching, filling the silence with their voices. Felicitas pass to theirs side, blinking rapidly towards Y/N's direction, making the young player roll her eyes and she put out the middle finger. Rauch laugh and went behind with a few others.
"Hello baby!" Giulia's voice greeted them from the front seat, a big smile on her face.
"Please, not now. After the training you can tease me whatever you want." Y/N said tired, leaning her head in the headrest, a sigh of desperation scape from her mouth.
"I just greeted you. Nothing more." Giulia said frowning, but a glit on her eyes delated her.
"I know you, little blondie. You are the worst. So please, I beg you give me an hour. Just that." The brown eyed girl looks at her indignant, but she turned around and didn't say anything. Linda sit next to her, giggling.
"She caught you." Linda poke Giulia's cheeks softly and the other apart her hand blushing.
"Of course I caught her! She trusts me enough to mess with me." This time were Y/N's turn to tease Giulia. The pair have a bond since Giulia started play in the absolute national team, going beyond football when the blonde signed for Bayern. Giulia is like the little sister that she has never had.
"Shut up." The braid haired girl murmured, blushing more.
"Ha! It's not so much fun anymore, huh?" Y/N said chuckling, crossing her arms over her chest. Sara laugh softly to her side.
"I said shut up, Zucker." Giulia turn to look at her briefly, poking her tongue towards the mentioned.
"I hate that name. And I hate more that you all find out." Y/N state indignant. The others three laughed, while Y/N pouted.
"It's nice and original. I like it" Sara commented, shrugging her shoulders smiling.
"I think you are the only one who's like it." Y/N murmured.
"Not, the only one no. You're parents like it too." The midfielder said with satisfaction.
"I like it too." Giulia comments, turning to them again.
"Me too." Linda agreed.
"You all have bad taste." Y/N said frowning.
"I love it and I'm sure I don't have bad taste." A new voice behind all them said. Y/N turned, finding Sydney with her arms resting on the headrest and her head on her arms. A charming smirk on her face. Y/N rolled her eyes.
"Shut up, Syd." The blue eyed girl pout to the answer her girlfriend gave her. The bayern munich player turned to the front, focusing her gaze in the window.
"But it's true." Sydney murmured, putting her hands on Y/N's shoulders, massaging them softly.
"C'mon Syd, can't you stop putting your hands on your girlfriend? I'm sick on seeing it." Lina Magull approached next to Sydney, sitting on the empty spot.
Here we go again. Was the first thought Y/N had.
"What? I can't help it. She is irresistible." Sydney answered smiling.
Y/N let out a relief sigh. The last training session was over. And it was an intense training session. Normal if you are in the national team and the euros closer and closer. The defender sit down on the ground, a bottle of water on her left hand and the other leaning on the ground. She gave a long sip.
Lena sit down to Y/N side and after drink water, put her head on Y/N's lap.
"I'm so tired." The young player said, sighing.
"Aren't you too young to say that?" Y/N said chuckling, as she ran her hand through Lena's hair.
"C'mon, this training was exhausting, no matter the age." The wolfsburg player said, closing her eyes enjoying the caresses in her hair.
"You are right." Y/N agreed with her.
"Argh! I'm exhausted." Klara Bühl sat on the free spot next to Y/N, this one let her head on Y/N's shoulder. The middle girl looks at both of their teammates, smiling softly.
Y/N hear the new conversation that Lena and Klara started. She doesn't talk, just hear and act as support to the youngs players.
"Is there room for one more?" Her friend and national teammate Sara ask, standing in front of them.
Y/N stretched out her legs; "This is the only place available." The defender indicated.
"Hm. Good for me." Sara lay down on the ground and leaned her head on Y/N's legs. "What are we talking about?" She ask, looking to all of them, mainly Y/N and Klara because Lena were laying down too.
"If I'm being honest, the topic is weird." Y/N comments, giving them a lipped smile.
"What? It's not weird. Klara and I made a bet about who likes more coffee on the team and our clubs. Then we recorded all the answers and who lost, drink coffee for a week. See it's not weird." Lena explains, looking at Y/N serious. The mentioned rolled her eyes funnily, but not say anything.
"It's weird Lena. But I prefer this bet to the last one." The midfielder murmured.
"I said sorry Sara. It's not my fault that you showed up at a bad time." The young player said sighing. Klara and Y/N tried not to laugh, but failed when they briefly look each other.
"Stop! You two are not helping." Lena whine, a pout on her mouth.
"Sorry. But that was amazing to watch!" Y/N said laughing, covering her mouth with her hands.
"C'mon Lena. It worked out. I win like always happen." Klara teased Lena, earning from the dark haired girl a punch on her right leg.
The four started tease each other, making teams. Y/N and Klara vs. Sara and Lena. See these types of teasing was different to the recent and constantly teasing she started receive when Sydney and Y/N decided share to the team their relationship. And it felt good, she missed these moments.
The sound of someone making a photo, made them all look where the sound came, finding Lea pointed at them with her phone, next to her were Sydney and Svenja.
"Sorry for interrupting the moment, girls. But I need take a photo, you three using Y/N like a pillow." The blonde player said smiling, showing them the photo.
"Yeah, it's wonderful see how them use Y/N like a wall." Svenja snorted, laying down next to Sara and leaning her head on Y/N's other free leg.
Sydney rolled her eyes seeing four of her teammates leaning or laying on theirs heads on her girlfriend. She crossed her arms.
"C'mon girls. Let Y/N alone. She is tired like all of us." The blue eyed girl said, earning laughs from them, less Y/N who frown.
"Yeah, tired. It won't be that you want to lie alone without us, right?" Lena said laughing, the others following.
"No? I mean, if it were up to me, I wouldn't let Y/N go. But I'm serious girls, my girlfriend isn't a pillow for all of you." Like Sydney said something funny, Svenja, Sara, Klara and Lena burst out laughing. Y/N grunted, already mad.
"I'm going now. Find another idiot to tease." Y/N said annoyed standing up, her teammates let out protests.
"Hey, we are teasing Syd, not you." Svenja said, looking at her with worried eyes. She never saw Y/N angry.
"No. But it won't take long to do it." Y/N murmured, grabbing her bag and going inside of the building.
"Have we gone too far with teasing?" Lea asked, looking at her teammates who's look between them with pensive faces.
"Yes you idiots." Sydney answered and going after Y/N.
"Shit." Sara cursed.
When Sydney enters the locker room she found Y/N there. She doesn't alone, Maro, Merle, Giulia and Felicitas were there too.
"What? Can't you be without her for a minute?" Rauch asked smugly.
"Shut up Rauch! You all stop the fucking teasing! Don't you watch how annoying you being with Y/N? I don't care if you tease me. But we are different and have limits. So stop." Sydney yelled, she explote when saw Y/N run away when Rauch spoke.
The blue eyed girl saw how realization showed up on their faces.
"I-I'm sorry Syd." The wolfsburg player apologies, guilty written on her face.
"It's not me who you need apologies, Rauch." With that, Sydney grabbed her things fastly and went for where her girlfriend run away.
Her gaze inspected the area, finding no one outside. But soon change when she saw the bus. The brunette walk quickly to the transport. She scanned inside the bus and not too far, saw Y/N looking through the window.
"Liebe..." Sydney call her, sitting next to her. Y/N didn't look her, so she tried again. "Honey?" Nothing. Sydney bite her lower lip, worried.
"Zucker?" She tried once again.
"Don't call me like that..." Y/N answered without looking at her. But she got response.
"Sorry. But you have answered." The brunette said.
"What do you want?" Y/N asked tired, still not looking at Sydney.
"I want tell you that our teammates are idiots. But they don't it with bad intentions. What I'm trying to say is... I'm willing to bear all the teasing if you are by my side. And I want you to feel the same. And if you're not comfortable, tell them, but don't keep it to yourself because it's worse." Sydney finish to said, admiring Y/N's profile.
Y/N this time look at Sydney, a glit on her eyes; "Syd... Do you really feel that?" She asked, grabbing between her hands Sydney's hands.
"Yes, liebe. I feel everything with you and will fight to everyone who said or do bad things to you." Y/N laugh, but a happy laugh to hear that words.
"I will do the same, blaue augen." Sydney closed the distance approaching to kiss her.
They kissed for a while, enjoying the quietness.
"I love you Sydney Lohmann." Y/N said when they separated due to lack of air. The defender have her hands on Sydney's face, caressing with her thumbs their cheeks.
"I love you Y/N Zucker." Sydney whispered smiling when she saw how Y/N made a pout when she pronounces her second name. "You look adorable."
Y/N doesn't have time to answer when a lot of voices started cheering. A shadow of red cover Y/N's cheeks, she let out her hands from Sydney's face and deposited then on her lap. The other instead she did not depart, with her left arm around Y/N's waist.
Theirs teammates started walking to their seats without saying anything. Y/N furrow her eyebrows confused. And more when Rauch stand up in front of her from the front seat.
"I want to say sorry, Zucker. I know I'm one of worse with the teasing, so I'm truly sorry. Instead I will do anything you want the next camp, starting right now if you want." The wolfsburg player offered with a sincere smile. Y/N appreciate the gesture.
"I accept your apologies, Rauch. About the offer... Prepare yourself for the next camp, it would be interesting." Y/N stretch out her hand towards her teammate, a big smile on her face.
"I can't wait!" The brunette said, accepting Y/N's hand, shaking.
"It will be so entertaining to see." Sydney comments, kissing Y/N's cheek.
Y/N laugh, seeing how Giulia gave her a shy smile, sitting next to Rauch. It's funny, but at this moment Y/N didn't realize that Giulia always, if she doesn't sit next to her, sit in front of her. Maybe there is no reason. But Y/N felt like actually there a reason. The german defender smiled back, seeing after Giulia sat, Sara.
"Zucker... I'm sorry." The midfielder said with remorse.
"It's okay, Sara. It was the first time you laugh, so don't worry." Y/N reassured to her best friend.
Sara without warning, pounced on here hugging Y/N, of course Sydney too because she was in the middle.
"I can't breathe." A muffled voice alerted the dark haired girl.
"Sorry, Syd." Sara apologies and kissing Y/N's cheek, went to sit.
"You scared all of them, Syd." Y/N sing song while leaned her head on Sydney's shoulder.
"Well... They learn a lesson today. I hope they not forget it." The mentioned said, kissing Y/N's forehead lovingly.
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l-r-christian · 3 years
Title: 'His wolf'
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Werewolf!F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sexaul tension, Heated make-out, Elijah simping an ex, Y/N being sassy, Jealous!Hayley
A/N: Thanks to @rere-the-writer for the a three part series idea. As both us set a little challenge to do a three parts series of Elijah having an ex wolf lover
It was a howl that made the undead hybrids stop as a pack of large wolves tore though them and one huge black wolf tore a hybrid in half that attacked Elijah before Hayley could reach him. Elijah stood up looking at the wolf then watched as it ran helping Rebekah and after words they returned to the Abattoir and Elijah rushed up to his bedroom hearing running water being turned off.
"Hey there handsome."
"Y/N." Elijah says eyes trailing along the wolf's curves as water droplets rolled down bare skin that Elijah knew all too well. Dark curls fell down her back as her body pressed against his reaching behind him for a towel. Elijah licked his bottom lip staring at the beautiful face that was burned into his memory seeing a smirk coming onto those lips he knew the taste of all too well also.
"I see you still wear those suits." Y/N said moving pass him taking a shirt slipping it on as Elijah pushed back a possessiveness growl watching her slip on lace underwear then looked back at the Original she drove crazy. Out of all Elijah's lovers, Y/N was one that was the hardest to forget as some how Y/N knew just how Elijah worked and saw it all from him but yet the wolf hard to tame from what Elijah learned.
"Why are you here?"
"Got a meeting with Alpha Jackson Kenner of the Crescent wolf pack." Y/N tells Elijah making him pause looking at her when she stepped close her hand moving up his chest. Y/N laughed a bit looking up at the Original see that dark possessive glit in his eyes for her, Y/N knew Elijah all too well as their relationship was something Elijah couldn't forget as something about the Alpha that made Elijah sink into his instincts to claim each part of the wolf.
"A meeting about what?" Elijah asked leaning down brushing his nose along her neck taking in her intoxicating scent with his hands on her hips as her hands moved up to behind his neck.
"To join our packs. To have an older stronger pack to protect Hope."
"Hayley won't like having another female Alpha around." Elijah says watching Y/N pull away smirking headed for the door with a swing of her hips knowing Elijah was staring.
"Too bad."
Hayley sat next to Jackson glaring the female Alpha across the table as Klaus stood by with Rebekah and Kol knowing Y/N was an ex lover of Elijah's judging the fact she was dressed in Elijah's shirt and jean shorts. Y/N's hair was up in a loose bun showing off a wolf paw birthmark and next to the Alpha was her right hand man.
"So what do you say? With both Crescent pack and Felan pack, we can protect Hope."
"What makes you think I would risk my pack help protect her daughter?"
"Because Hope is also the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson." Jackson said hoping it would scare Y/N into saying yes seeing her eyes flicker over to Klaus not knowing that the hybrid was the father. The Original hybrid knew of Felan wolf pack since it was one of the oldest wolf packs that still lived and that Y/N was the longest living Alpha of the Felan pack.
"If that is so.....then count on us to protect the child." Y/N said as the wolf next to her move to make a phone call and Y/N shook Jackson's hand standing up. Hayley followed after the other female Alpha arms crossed getting Y/N's attention, the wolf knew of Hayley's relationship with Elijah even though she was going to marry Jackson.
"So hoping Elijah will sleep with you if you wear his shirt?"
"Oh honey, you aren't the first wolf Elijah fucked. As you are looking at her." Y/N said walking out of the Abattoir leaving Hayley stunned as the wolf walked away. To celebrate the pack treaty and to stir the pot, Klaus threw a ball just to see Hayley squirm and to learn just how much of Elijah did Y/N know. Y/N stepped inside with her pack and they went off to know the Crescent wolves and the Alpha caught Elijah's eye right away and Klaus noticed.
Y/N was dressed in a slim spaghetti strap low cut dress, it hugged her curves and Elijah licked his bottom lip seeing the dress had a slit leaning up to her hip and how she taunting him by pinning up her hair showing off her delicate neck. Elijah made his way to Y/N before a young vampire could touch her as she was suddenly in Elijah's arms on the dance floor his fingers moving along her bare back.
"My my, still possessive after all this time."
"Well I did tell you that you are mine." Elijah says as they swayed and he pulled her close before moving them away from prying eyes as he gave into his cravings and kissed the wolf. Y/N squeaked in surprised feeling Elijah lift her with ease as his hand moved up her bare leg kissing her more roughly growling when she kissed back and moved his mouth to her neck.
"Elijah....the party." Y/N moaned softly as Elijah looked up at her seeing that hazy dark dark lust that settled in her eyes that he knew all too well feeling her small hands cupping his face. Took her upstairs away from the party and pulled her into another kiss as his hand trail up under her dress while placing kisses in her neck and rubbed her though the thin lace she wore pulling a soft moan from her.
"I've missed you."
"I....can....tell." Y/N mewled moving her fingers through his hair as he attacked her neck with bites that would only heal when suddenly she was back on her feet as Hayley stood in the doorway eyes narrowed at Y/N then smiled at Elijah.
"Elijah, I was hoping for a dance."
"Of course, just a moment." Elijah tells Hayley as she frowned but headed back to the party and Elijah turned his attention on Y/N giving her one last kiss before pulling away cupping her cheek running his thumb over her swollen bottom lip. Y/N pressed closer to her Original lover and gently bite a spot under his ear making him groan before whispering in his ear.
"When you get tired of the little Alpha you know where to find me." Y/N whispered walking away as Elijah growled eyes darken knowing that by the end of the night the Alpha was going to be in his bed. Y/N sat sipping on her red wine when both Rebekah and Klaus sat on either side of her.
"So just how do you know our dear Elijah?" Rebekah asked looking at the wolf over as she found her attractive and could see how Elijah fell for the wolf.
"You and Klaus weren't the only two that went wild in the 20s." Y/N said with a smirk as both siblings looked at one another then back at the wolf and she told them both stories of her and Elijah. Elijah finally gotten away from Hayley and found Y/N sitting on his bed smirking as she stood up letting the dress pool leaving her in just panties.
"Elijah!" Y/N squealed as in a blur Elijah had pounced on her having undressed as he kissed her roughly growling when she kissed back pulling on his hair as the two fell back into Elijah's bed as if they weren't ever apart.
"Morning handsome." Y/N said placing kisses on Elijah's bare chest as the morning light came though Elijah's bedroom window. Elijah looked up at Y/N seeing her on top of him as the sun light hit her just right giving her a glow.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Elijah breathe out reaching up cupping her cheek then moved his fingers down her neck following her curves. Y/N let out a shuttering breath closing her eyes just feeling Elijah's fingers brushing over her skin as something about the Original made her forget the world for awhile.
"Any plans for today?" Y/N asked leaning down brushing her nose against his before nuzzling his neck as Elijah ran his fingers down her back. Soft kisses were being shared between the two as there were soft touches between them.
"No, I am more than happy to spend the day with you."
"That would be nice." Y/N said kissing Elijah pulling a soft hum from the vampire as they both decided to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Elijah knew that he was dangerously close to not letting the Alpha leave him again but he also knew that the wolf wasn't leaving his side anytime soon.
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risenwings · 9 months
(to Starscream from Glit) We need to talk. It's probably going to be awkward. It's not just about Megatron either. I hear you just made amica with Soundy, if you're uncomfortable you can bring him, but if you bring my sister (any of them) I will put acetone in your polish. No sisters allowed. Ravage has a fucking opinion about fucking everything and yes I am very aware she says this about me. Howlback will blink and Not Get It, it took her how long to get junxed?
:: ... Fine. And if you touch my polish I'm pulling your tail.:: Starscream responds. ::I'll send you coordinates.::
And shortly thereafter, he does, opting for a large, still unfinished second-story construction. There are no windows-- easy to fly in and out-- but there is also a few benches and worktables, so they might sit. If Starscream wants to.
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Aaah that last klaus one shot was so fluffy!! Could you do poly!mikaelsons with like a super sweet reader / just overall fluffy moments :)
Yes all of the fluff!
Warnings: Fluff, like all of the fluff
A/N: wanted an excuse for the idea of painting Elijah like some sexualized lady.
Hayley noticed that the Mikaelsons were running all over the Abattoir cleaning things up, seemly excited for something. She was confused hearing Rebekah yell that she got fresh sheets while Kol ran up carrying blankets.
"I'm home!" Hayley heard a voice say and looked seeing you, a woman with a beautiful caramel tan hair cut in a cute bob dressed in a sundress. Kol was the first to reach you picking you hugging you spinning you both.
"My beautiful darling!" Kol said happily as you laughed hugging Kol peppering him with kisses. Rebekah squealed happily running over surprising Hayley when the blonde hugged you kissing you like no tomorrow.
"Hello to you too Beka." You say flushing as Kol hugged you from behind sandwiching you between the Originals as they hugged you.
"Stop hogging the girl." Klaus said as Rebekah and Kol let you hug the hybrid smiling as he buried his face in your neck. He took in your scent noting you changed your perfume not that he minded finding it lovely.
"I would like to hold our wife too." Elijah said surprising Hayley as you hugged the noble vampire but he had a different idea instead cupped your cheek kissing gently at first but it quickly turned into something more hungry.
"Elijah! You'll scare her!" Rebekah says as you squeaked while Rebekah and Kol saved you from being eaten by Elijah when they saw the glit in his eye.
"I'm sorry but who is this?" Hayley asked walking over as you looked at her up and down.
"Hi I'm Y/N L/N." You tell Hayley with a smile as Rebekah wrapped her arms around you.
"Come love, let's get you unpacked and you can tell me and Kol about your trip."
"Okay." You said following after Rebekah with Kol close behind. Elijah smiled as Hayley moved next to him.
"Who is she?"
"Our lover. She was seeing her family back in Greece. Her sister was getting married." Elijah answered Hayley surprising while Klaus brought you other bags in.
"Your lover? You share a lover?"
"We do. She would be the third person we've shared." Elijah said watching you run down the stairs. You jumped into Elijah's arms as he caught you with ease not caring at Hayley was staring.
"Hello baby. Need something?"
"Can I stay in your room tonight?" You asked Elijah as his eyes darken a growl coming from deep in his chest.
"Does my baby want to be devoured?" Elijah whispered hotly in your ear making a shiver run down your back nodding. As Hayley frowned watch Elijah take you up to his bedroom to help you settle in.
Over the week Hayley was trying to get used to the fact that the Mikaelsons was dating you and how soft you were. You baked and cooked for them as you were all too sweet which made Hayley wonder why they would date you.
Hayley walked in seeing you cuddled up to Kol as Rebekah cuddling you. The three of you taking about the movie you were watching.
"If we were to get married I want to be a winter wedding too." You tell them as Rebekah hummed rubbing your side as Kol ran his hand over your hair.
"You would marry us?"
"Yeah I mean I am practically married to Beka and Eli. So why not marry all of you." You said as Kol laughed as Rebekah smiled.
"You'll look just gorgeous in a wedding dress." Rebekah said as you lightly kiss kissing her head. Hayley left surprised with how easy it was for them to be affectionate with you.
"Klaus have you.....seen Elijah?" Hayley trailed off walking into Klaus's art studio two days later. Hayley swallowed staring seeing Elijah dressed in tight pants with a white botton up that was have open and a bit wet sticking to his strong chest as he layed on a bed seemly posing.
While you sat on a stood in front of an esle holding a canvas as you were painting Elijah with careful brush stokes. Klaus was digging in an old chest for colors you needed for your painting.
"Need something Hayley?"
"No moving Elijah." You tell the vampire as he gave a apologetic smile laying his head back in position.
"What is this?"
"We are helping our lovely girl pass her art history course." Klaus says as you stood walking around the painting leaning over Elijah moving his hair a bit more in his face.
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I have to recreate a Renaissance style painting. My professor is a real piece of work by making us paint so we can understand the history better." You say pushing up your glasses sitting back down as Klaus walked over with paints you needed.
"Oh....did she do this one?" Hayley asked pausing seeing another painting of Rebekah in a 10th century dress sitting in a chair with Kol standing behind her.
"Yes, she got an A on that one." Klaus praised as your cheeks warmed as Hayley looked at Elijah swallowing again. Elijah looked too good layed out as he was and Hayley noticed how you bit your bottom lip a bit.
"Isn't kinda objectifying Elijah."
"It isn't if he was the one who started this. I was just going to paint some flowers or a sunset." You tell Hayley as Elijah smirked undoing another botton on his shirt when he caught how you squeezed your thighs together.
"I refuse for you to not get an A. Also think of it as me flirting." Elijah says as you let out a laugh while Klaus chuckled.
"Babe, this too much just to flirt." You tease as Klaus stood behind you resting his chin on your shoulder helping you as Hayley walked out forgetting what she wanted Elijah for.
"Rhea called." You say as you were braiding flowers into Hope's hair when Hayley walked in to pick up Hope as Klaus was sitting behind you also braiding flowers in your hair.
"What did your sister need?"
"She wanted to know if I married you all yet." You answered Klaus as he chuckled finishing up the braid. Hope smiled up at you much like her father she adored you.
"You call her back and tell her Elijah and Rebekah is looking for the prefect ring." Kol teased getting smacked by a pillow from Rebekah to which Hope got up to joined Rebekah.
"What going here?" Elijah asked standing next to Hayley seeing you helping beat Kol with pillows. Elijah ignored how Hayley seemed to lean into him.
"A pillow fight and proposals 'Lijah." Klaus answered seeing you laugh with Hope as you both were getting attack by Kol and Rebekah.
"I see. Hayley, what brings you by?"
"To take Hope to see Mary." Hayley said as you all paused when you accidentally hit the older Mikaelson with a pillow.
"Eli.....I'm sorry." You squeaked out seeing the predatory glit in Elijah's eyes as he made his way to you. Your laughter rang out when Elijah tickled you.
"Hope is going to be awhile." Klaus said when Hope joined Elijah in tickling you while Rebekah and Kol was hitting him with pillows. You were panting laying on Elijah as Hope layed Kol trying not to fall asleep and Rebekah was laying next to Kol as you all were tired from the fight.
Hayley was surprised when she got the invite to a ball that Klaus was throwing. A proposal ball, Hayley felt jealously flood her knowing that she was going to lose Elijah. Mean while you were cuddling Rebekah and Elijah as you were watching a random movie with your vampire lovers.
"I love you all"
"And we love you." Rebekah said kissing your head as you snuggled closer to the two as you all enjoyed the quiet.
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