#yes hes mind controlled but his dad is charles so
sunny44 · 3 months
Surprise visit
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Carlos Sainz x Fem!reader
Warnings: none I guess.
Summary: Your friends visit you at work.
This is a request.
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It was a typical Wednesday afternoon at the bustling childcare center where I work. Laughter of children filled the air as they played with toys and engaged in various activities. I was in the middle of organizing a craft session, helping a group of toddlers glue colorful pieces of paper onto their creations, when I heard the front door chime.
I glanced up, expecting to see another parent picking up their child or someone from school that wanted to talk to me, but instead, I was surprised with unexpected visitors. Standing at the entrance, with wide smiles on their faces, were none other than Carlos, Lando and Charles.
The three Formula 1 drivers seemed somewhat out of place in the childcare center, yet their presence brought an instant energy and excitement to the room.
"Surprise!" Carlos exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he waved.
I blinked, trying to process what you were seeing.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, a smile spreading across my face despite the shock of. Seeing he three of them.
Lando grinned and stepped forward, carrying a large bag.
"We remembered you work here and thought it would be fun to come by and see the you and your little ones."
Charles nodded, his expression warm and genuine, and god I love that smile.
"We know how much you love your job, and we wanted to see you in action."
Before you could respond, a chorus of excited giggles erupted from the children. They recognized the famous faces, their eyes wide with wonder and delight. One brave little boy approached Carlos, tugging on his pant leg.
"Are you a race car driver?" the boy asked, his voice filled with awe and Carlos crouched down to the child's level and nodded, smiling warmly.
"Yes, I am. Do you like cars?"
The boy nodded enthusiastically, and soon, the drivers were surrounded by a small crowd of curious children. Lando and Charles joined in, each taking a moment to chat with the kids and answer their questions.
I watched the scene unfold, my heart was swelling with gratitude and happiness. It was surreal to see these world-famous athletes so effortlessly engaging with the children, bringing joy and excitement to their day.
"Do you mind if we join the craft session?" Lando asked, looking at you with a playful glint in his eye.
"Of course not," you replied, laughing. "The more, the merrier."
The drivers eagerly rolled up their sleeves and dove into the activities, helping the kids with their art projects and even making a few of their own. Carlos proved to be surprisingly skilled with a glue stick, while Lando's creativity knew no bounds. Charles, meanwhile, patiently assisted the younger children, his gentle demeanor putting them at ease.
I was distracted organizing a few things when Mila, a little bonde blue eyed girl called me.
“Yes, dear?”
“Is the boy with dark hair and dimples your boyfriend?”
“Why do you think that?”
“Because he’s looking at you the same way my dad looks at my mom.” she says and when I looked a Charles he stoped looking.
“He’s not my boyfriend Mila.”
“Do you think hell be mine if I asked him?” I smiled at her innocence.
“Maybe you should ask him?”
Then she ran to him and touched his shoulder to catch his attention.
“hey cutie.”he says and she smiled at him.”
“Ca I ask you something?”
“Do you wanna be my boyfriend since your not Miss Y/L/N boyfriend?” She asked and I had to control myself to not laugh.
“I think I’m a bit old for you.”
“But I think your so pretty and I love your dimples.” She says and he smiled at her.
“Well thank you for that but I kinda like another girl so…”
“Wow, that’s awesome.” She said happy making him giggle. “Well thank you though.”
“No, thank you.” She hugged him and he looked at me and smiled.
The rest of the afternoon flew by in a blur of laughter, conversation, and colorful creations. The children adored their unexpected visitors, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy as you watched the drivers interact with them.
As the day came to a close and the children were picked up by their parents, Carlos, Lando, and Charles helped you clean up the classroom. They thanked you for letting them visit and expressed their admiration for the important work you did every day.
"It was our pleasure," Charles said, giving you a warm smile. "You're doing an amazing job here."
"Yeah, this was really fun," Lando added. "We should do it again sometime."
Carlos nodded in agreement. “Absolutely. Thanks for letting us crash your workday, Y/n."
I couldn't stop smiling as you walked them to the door. "Thank you all for coming. You made the kids' day��and mine, too."
“We’re going for dinner today so, if your available.” Charles said.
“Oh yeah, you should come.”
“Okay, text me the details and I’ll see you guys later.”
“Great, see you.” Lando says and they leave.
After the door closed behind Carlos, Lando, and Charles, the childcare center felt quieter, though the air still buzzed with the excitement left behind by their visit. I gathered the last of the craft supplies, still replaying the surreal afternoon in my mind.
The children, now mostly gone, had left their colorful creations drying on a nearby table. I took a moment to admire the art, some pieces embellished with extra flair thanks to the drivers' help. It felt like a dream, having them there, but the tangible evidence of their visit was scattered across the room.
As I finished tidying up, I heard the familiar sound of my phone buzzing in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw a message from Charles.
Hey! We’re meeting at La Nona at 7 PM. Looking forward to seeing you there!
I felt a flutter of excitement. Dinner with them would be the perfect way to end this unexpected day. I quickly replied:
Sounds perfect! See you then.
With the room finally in order, I said goodbye to my colleagues and stepped out into the warm evening air. The drive home was filled with a mix of anticipation and disbelief. I quickly showered, changed into a casual yet stylish outfit, and headed to La Nonna.
The restaurant was cozy, with a welcoming ambiance. I spotted them almost immediately—Carlos, Lando, and Charles were already seated at a corner table, their laughter and easy conversation drawing me in.
Charles noticed me first, his eyes lighting up as he waved me over. “Y/N! Over here!”
I approached the table, smiling as they stood to greet me. “Hey guys, thanks for inviting me.”
“Of course,” Carlos said, pulling out a chair for me. “We’re glad you could make it.”
As I sat down, the conversation flowed effortlessly. We talked about their visit to the childcare center, their racing experiences, and even shared a few personal stories. It felt like catching up with old friends rather than dining with world-famous athletes.
At one point, Lando leaned in with a mischievous grin. “So, Y/N, what did Mila ask you about Charles?”
I laughed, recounting the adorable exchange with the little girl. Charles blushed slightly, his dimples deepening as he smiled.
“She’s quite the matchmaker,” he said, glancing at me with a warmth that made my heart skip a beat. “She asked if Charles was my boyfriend and when I said he wasn’t, she asked me if he would be her boyfriend.”
“Look at you, making all the girls fall in love with you.” Lando says.
“Speaking about boyfriends and girlfriends,” Carlos chimed in, “do you think she’ll be happy if she finds out you’re taken and it not Charles?”
I felt my cheeks flush. “I’m not taken,” I clarified, trying to keep my tone light.
Charles gave me a thoughtful look. “Not yet, anyway,” he said softly, his eyes holding mine for a moment longer than necessary.
The rest of the evening was a blur of delicious food, laughter, and easy conversation. As the night drew to a close, I felt a mix of contentment and excitement about the future.
Walking out of the restaurant, Charles fell into step beside me. “Can I walk you to your car?” he asked.
“Sure,” I replied, feeling a flutter of nerves and anticipation.
As we reached my car, Charles turned to face me. “Today was amazing, Y/N. Seeing you with the kids, how much they adore you—it was something special.”
“Thank you,” I said, touched by his words. “And thank you for coming. The kids loved it, and so did I. Specially Mila”
Charles laughed and a few seconds later he hesitated for a moment, then took a step closer.
“I was serious earlier,” he said quietly. “About being interested in someone. I know this might seem sudden, but I’d really like to get to know you better.”
My heart raced as I met his gaze. “I’d like that too, Charles.”
He smiled, his dimples deepening. “Great. How about we start with a proper date, just the two of us?”
“I’d love that,” I replied, unable to hide my excitement.
“Then it’s a date,” he said, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. “I’ll call you tomorrow to make plans.”
As Charles walked away, I couldn’t help but smile. Today had been full of surprises, and as I drove home, I couldn’t contain my excitement about our future date.
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Bonus scene!
Yourusername instagram stories
“My babies project of the day” posted at: 10:34am
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“Friends, pasta and lots of wine.” Posted at: 8:30pm
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dreamwritersworld · 4 months
His daughter! (Sully family x Reader) Part 4!
reminder to PLEASE give feedback either in the comments or inbox :) ALSO you should really read my rant at the end of the story after the “!🎀!” It gives more details to the story that you may not have noticed :)
The pair continued their relationship as though nothing was said to Y/n about it. As a matter of fact Y/n wanted to put all the words her dad said in the back of her mind but she knew she’d have to tell Ao’nung…she just didn’t know how or who to ask for advice. That’s when Ronal came in.
Y/n walked into the Maui extremely nervous, she had been coming in weekly to learn more about their culture and healing methods from Ronal. However this time was different, Y/n couldn’t hold in the secret anymore. She felt sick to her stomach about it and it only wrecked her even more when Ronal kept bringing their relationship up…
“So..How are you and Ao’nung? Getting along quite well I see!”
“Yes! We have been..”
Y/n smiled slightly which immediately set off a ringer in Ronal’s mind. The smile that Ronal grew to know so well felt tired and fake. You can only assume it was a Mother’s instinct because Ronal could feel the stress and worry radiate off of the young child’s body, she knew something was wrong. In the beginning of Y/n’s arrival Ronal must admit she didn’t like the idea of the relationship but Y/n was quite easy to love. In many ways Ronal felt protective over Y/n and Lo’ak the longer they had stayed over or showed their love for her kids..she found it beautiful. So Ronal felt comfortable to simply ask whatever question she pleased…
“Something’s wrong. I can feel your stress, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing just..just tired.”
“mmh if I knew better I’d think you’re lying.”
Y/n didn’t know how to respond she stayed quiet and Ronal let her eat her guilt up. Ronal knew that if she let the silence remain eventually Y/n will confide with her.
“…I am.”
“What is it Y/n?”
“I must admit I have fallen to love your son beyond measure..but I’m so frustrated.”
“Oh I have known about that for the longest, but frustrated? Why?”
“Please keep this between us..but my father refutes the idea of us even being together. We got into an argument. We always do except this time he requested me to stop seeing him outside of our usual practices. I couldn’t handle it so I fought back, I fought back for at least some control, some aspect of my life.”
Ronal stood in silence as the girl struggled to push back through her cracked voice and heavy heart. It was easy to see that Y/n quite literally had it all without having anything to call hers. For the first time Ronal’s speculation had been confirmed, Y/n truly was trapped in a bubble of her fathers consciousness. To say that Ronal was upset was an understatement, she was infuriated. How could Jake not like her child? How could he ask- no demand Y/n to stop speaking to him? He should be grateful for all they’ve done for him, for them. regardless, Ronal knew not to think of it that way. Because at the end of the day her children found love that they so desperately deserved.
“I am sorry Y/n..I understand I won’t make a change to your heavy heart but I ask you to please not run away from something you deserve.”
“…of course not. I could never.”
That’s how the conversation ended, they continued to practice and learn but the both of them had uneven tension in their hearts..once it ended Y/n quickly said her goodbyes and ran over to meet Ao’nung once again.
There the couple laid in a hidden cave they considered their own. Holding each others hand, touching and loving each other, secure in the knowledge that they would never let go. All Ao’nung could think about when he looked at Y/n and the way she perceived life and took all the beauty of it to channel through herself, was the way he loved her. He loved how silly she was, how contagious her laugh was, her love for the environment and Eywas creations. Nothing made him more shy than seeing her rush to do chores with her hair pinned up as she cleaned, in a complete rush to see him. He can’t even forget how much of a daredevil she could be, always willing to challenge him to try something new. He loved her dearly..
It was up until the moment he arrived home and overheard a conversation between his mother and father that for the first time he got mad at Y/n..
“Can you believe it? We give him and his family a home and he still decides to keep his daughter on a chain? He can’t even give us the decency of respect to allow his daughter to see my son!”
“Ronal please..we will figure this out soon but this should not worry you. Y/n is practically a women, she will do as she pleases-“
“Except she’s not! Not in their eyes, she’s not a grown woman yet. That means that Jake will continue to do whatever he pleases to keep himself content-“
“Just because he requested no relationship with Ao’nung doesn’t mean she’ll listen. They’re just kids. That Jake doesn’t understand that regardless of what he says Y/n no longer bothers to care!”
“You should’ve heard her Tonowari…she was so distraught. It sounded like her heart was being torn in two. I don’t know what she’ll do..but she hasn’t told Ao’nung. She seemed like she refused to tell him, to scared to hurt him-“
“Yes but that’s her decision. She will do as she pleases. I understand that’s her father and yes he is wrong but if she does listen to him, so be it. Ao’nung will get over it, he always does.”
“No Tonowari this is different. I can feel it. I just can’t allow her to drop him because of what he father demands.”
“Well we need to drop it. She’ll figure it out and soon enough we’ll know on their own accord. We should head to bed my love.”
That night Ao’nung went to bed extremely frustrated at Y/n for never confiding in him about the situation. It felt as though she was simply playing with his heart and testing to see how far she was able to go before she could break things off. So the next morning he didn’t even go looking for her instead waiting for her to come to him…
Ao’nung had been working on the shore with a couple of his friends not even rushing to get his chores done so he could see Y/n. That was until a familiar sweet voice came looking for him..
“Ao’nung! You’re not done? How come they gave you more to do than usual?”
“I don’t know we’ll talk later.”
Normally Y/n wouldn’t think about it much but the way Aonung’s tone was and the way he dismissed her did not sit well with Y/n.
“..ok.? Come meet me when your done then.”
“Yea sure whatever.”
Y/n looked at him with hurt and frustration in her eyes, she felt as though he didn’t care to speak with her or acknowledge her so she walked about without saying a thing. She felt embarrassed and ashamed to had even gone looking for him..as she walked away she heard even more issues to worry about
“Woah! Trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up! She’ll hear you-“
“Just saying! I mean you always rush out of here-“
“Just shut up I don’t want to hear it!”
Had Ao’nung found out what was discussed between her and his mother yesterday? Was he unforgiving to her now that he knows? Y/n didn’t find out the issue and instead had to go searching for him again. Yes, despite her pridefulness she wouldn’t ever dear to fall asleep mad at him.
There he was, walking home across the sandy beach without a care in the world or at least that’s what Y/n thought. He had stopped for a moment and that’s all Y/n needed for her to catch up to him and pull him to the side.
“Whats wrong?”
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
“Ao’nung please stop it, I know something’s wrong. I just wish you would talk or open up to me a little more. You were off this entire day, you never go without speaking to me.”
“How about you Y/n?! You never even thought to tell me about your father!”
Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise at his raised voice but with complete understanding of why. However this wasn’t the way to go about it..at least not for her.
“I did want to tell you! I was going to tell you, I just didn’t know how.”
“Yea and you told my mother?!”
“Because she asked me! I couldn’t lie!”
“Well I wish you had!”
“I didn’t mean to-“
“But you did! You did Y/n! And you didn’t even care to tell me later on either!”
“Ao’nung im Sorry! Yes it bothered me but it doesn’t change anything!”
“What do you mean? Your father hates me-“
“He doesn’t-“
“But he does. He doesn’t want me to ever be with you so much that you argued over me.”
“We always argue-“
“That doesn’t change anything Y/n. He told you not to see me more than friends anymore and you allowed this to continue knowing I love you.”
They stared at each other in silence both with tears. Ao’nung was so upset that he couldn’t even bare to acknowledge what he had just confessed and Y/n was too bottled up in her own head about the situation at hand.
“Well that’s because I love you too! So what if he doesn’t want me to be with you? I don’t care! Ok? I don’t and if you don’t want to fight for that fine.”
Ao’nung couldn’t admit it but it wasn’t fine…but the moment he saw Y/n stand up to walk away he ran as though she was taking his heart with her.
Y/n ran off to the deck calling for an ilu to take her completely out of sight and far away from Ao’nung. When it had just arrived Ao’nung caught her.
“Get off the ilu.”
“Get off the ilu.”
“No. And I don’t appreciate being ordered.”
“Get off the ilu Y/n.”
“Why so you can argue with me?”
“Get off the damn ilu Y/n!”
“No, I am leaving. You can talk to me when you are calm but Ao’nung let this be said, you will not disrespect or raise your voice at me.”
“Y/n I have every right-“
“No! You said you were fine with us not speaking anymore so be it! I’m fine with it too!”
Ao’nung absolutely can see straight through the emotional white lie because Y/n voice had cracked and her eyes had watered once again.
“Y/n please. Stop.”
“No! I’m upset! I’m upset at you for not understanding! I didn’t try to lie or hold a secret in! I was going to tell you I just didn’t know how. It didn’t even matter-“
“Stop. It did matter because it made you upset.”
“Well then I’ll deal with it on my own-“
“No Y/n. That’s for us to fix, not for you to decide on your own.”
“Ao’nung please. My father would never allow me to be with you, not yet. Can we just agree to be a secret for a little bit longer please. You are all I have, you are all I get to enjoy to myself.”
“Y/n you should understand you are asking a lot.”
“I know but please. I just want this part of my life for myself..”
“No! I want to be able to show you off proudly but not right now please. My father wouldn’t allow it. He just needs to see you more ok? In a better light.”
“Better light? Y/n please.”
“Im serious. If he got to see you more from my point of view he’d be fine, just promise not to get into any trouble with the boys and we should be ok.”
“Im am future leader of the clan Y/n I think im ok.”
“I know but we were once future leaders too so that role doesn’t hold much to him anymore. please Ao’nung don’t be upset and be patient with me.”
“Ok..I will be.”
“ok! Now stop being so grumpy!”
That’s when Ao’nung was yanked into the ocean and the two shared a kiss once more eager to stay out a little bit longer before they went home…
For awhile Jake hadn’t said anything and everyone went by as normal that week except one night Y/n decided to pass on hanging out with Ao’nung declaring that she had felt too ill to go out and insisted he went out to have fun without her while she slept. So Ao’nung had took that chance.
As teens normally would however, Ao’nung had slipped his hands onto a fruit that navi adults would use to get a little tipsy..or fully drunk. In Ao’nungs case he got drunk, and he allowed his thoughts to cloud him as he sat with his friends.
*Ao’nung’s thoughts*
..he doesn’t think im good enough for her and she doesn’t either..how could I ever be a good leader when they doubt me..?..
Whatever he was thinking got him pulled out of it, he had trashed a Maui with his friends, knocked out and was found by Tonowari. Yes, they were teenagers and considered older but under Tonowari’s authority this behavior wasn’t allowed so he scolded him. In. Front. Of. Everyone….including Jake.
Jake had overheard it and rolled his eyes at the foolishness, how could his daughter be with someone just as childish as her. Y/n watched the disappointment in his face as he listened and he gave her a know it all face in return, practically telling her “I told you so”. y/n couldn’t stand it, she asked Ao’nung for one thing. All she asked was for him not to get into any trouble and to be patient but he couldn’t keep his promise..it had been hours till Y/n would be approached by Ao’nung..
To say she was upset was an understatement. She was beyond frustrated with him.
“Y/n cmon let’s go out.”
He had tugged on her arm in an effort to pull her his way but she didn’t budge.
“No. What do you want?”
Ao’nung absolutely didn’t like that response as a matter a fact he didn’t even like the tone or attitude in her voice.
“Ok..we’re not doing this. Sit down.”
“No im working on something for your mother. Leave me alone.”
“Sit down Y/n.”
“Sitting down is not happening! So what do you want?”
“Goodbye future ‘Olo’eyktan’. Leave.”
Y/n knew this would push his buttons, but she wanted it to. It should’ve bothered him that he was supposed to have his act together by now and that it’s ok for him to get drunk but not act like a fool! He was the future leader after all, that’s all they’ve ever trained him for and he still can’t show up for himself.
“Oh come on!”
“You do not summon me!”
“You do not get to push me out!”
“I am done. Ao’nung your father threatened you this morning! I heard it! Everyone heard it! Including my father.”
“Y/n it means nothing-“
“Nothing? You call him threatening to take your leadership nothing? Ao’nung I understand it may have seemed harmless in the moment but that is not how you act as future leader.”
“Oh so now you’re trying to control me?”
“Control? Of course not. I’m trying to help you and hold you accountable just as you would to me-“
“Well I wouldn’t! I wouldn’t if I knew it bothered you and you had enough on your plate.”
“Ao’nung please, you and I both know you would push for me to do better. And That’s all I’m doing for you.”
The couples hushed whispers got slightly louder as the conversation continued..
“Well that’s not what it feels like Y/n.”
“Ao’nung, im asking you to get better for yourself-“
“Is it that or is it the fact that you want your father to love me dearly the way you want him to, NEED him to-“
“Shh no-“
“Don’t shush me-“
“I can and I will. You’re being mean, stop it.”
Ao’nung sighed and reached out to hold onto Y/n’s waist in front of him,understanding that she still wasnt at her highest level of frustration with him.
“Ao’nung understand when I say I need you to do what you need to do to be good, to be great, to love what you do. I want that for you. You do what you need to do so I can do what I need to do.”
“You don’t think that this isn’t harder on me than it is you? You don’t think that I don’t want to dedicate myself to being the future leader? You don’t think that I want to be honorable enough to be the man that is going to be controlling this clan that might I add WILL protect you? I love you. I’m in love with you.”
Y/n fought every being in her body to give into Ao’nung right then and there instead she simply held the hand he laid on her waist and acknowledged his feelings with a small..
“..i love you too. I know that you’re trying but what you did today was not ok.”
“I understand and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that your dad had to see it.”
“My dad is not the issue-“
“Y/n, I know he was part of it. I know he probably gave you a look that got you so upset because he told you so.”
“Fine, I was slightly frustrated at that-“
“Told you so!”
“Ao’nunggggg stop it!”
The two laughed at the moment and stood in silence as Y/n continued to do the work she was instructed to do..everything was peaceful..
hey guyssss I really wanted to emphasize on drama and emotion this chapter . Reminder that these are two teens who are trying to navigate how to even go about being together because there are so many issues in the way with Ao’nung training, Y/n adapting and their parents.
I wanted to add in more arguments to make it slightly more realistic THEY ARE YOUNG TEENS ALMOSTTT YOUNG ADULTS so they obviously can’t be perfect 🙏 btw do you guys notice how much Ao’nung knows Y/n! He knew that she wasn’t only upset about him getting in trouble but more so upset that Jake had to see. He understood her different levels of frustration and he touched her knowing that she’d still melt to it because she wasn’t totally upset at him just disappointed. He also isn’t one to turn away from confrontation, he does well at communication with Y/n and he knows exactly how to get her to come to him and open up! 💕
Tag list: @ruyaas-world @neteyamyanw3
@elegantkidfansoul @adaydreamaway08 @luxiniary
@venomsvl @ratchetprime211 @mushy-mushroom04
@alohastitch0626 @sillysillygyal
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f1-stuff · 6 months
omg that part two snippet of girldad! carlos had me literally screaming, the way you write is just so *chef’s kiss* i can’t wait for the to see what happens next
its gonna be so cute when charles starts speaking french with ana and they both start bonding, carlos already has it down bad for this man but he’s going to be in love love with this man when this happens
the idea of the both of them being dads is just so… compelling, we really need more fics of them being dads and being all domestic
im sorry for this ranty ask but i just got so excited when i saw u posted the snippet, i love that fic so much already
and if you don’t mind, could you post the giver au pls :))
sending you lots of love mal, thank you for everything!! <33
Hi! Do not apologize!! Every fic writer hopes and dreams that ppl will get excited about their fic 😭 and I completely agree - we need more charlos dads. They are literally so married and charles wants a kid so badly...
Anyway yes! You can have a snippet of the Giver AU - i've shared a bit of it before, but essentially, the premise is that society requires everyone to take suppressants to dull their emotions, eliminating pain/conflict/anger/fear etc., but also eliminating passion/love/joy in the process...
I'm thinking of doing a major rewrite of this actually...so honestly what you read here might look very different by the time I post it but 🤷🏻‍♀️
“Hola, teammate.” It’s accompanied by a grin and a nudge to his arm. Charles raises an eyebrow.
“Hello, again.”
They’d seen each other not forty-five minutes ago, but Carlos seems to insist on greeting everyone like it’s the first time that day no matter how long ago they parted ways. He also keeps calling Charles, ‘teammate,’ like he thinks anyone needs to be reminded of this. 
“What are we doing now?” Carlos asks, rubbing his hands together like he’s impatient to get started. 
Charles doesn’t know why he would be - they’ve been doing promotional obligations all day, and his head is starting to hurt from all the bright lights. It’s all videos and photoshoots for their sponsors and social media accounts. Tomorrow will be the more important agenda - seat and race suit fittings are the first things on the schedule.
“A video for the fans, I think,” Charles says, in answer. “Where we ask each other questions.”
“Ah, so I can discover all of your secrets.” Carlos lifts his brows up and down in a way that Charles isn’t sure he’s ever seen someone do. 
He knows it’s a joke - one of Carlos’ strange ones, where he doesn’t really mean what he says. But Charles still finds himself wanting to protest the remark.
“I don’t have secrets.” Why would he? He has nothing to hide. Carlos rolls his eyes.
“Okay,” is all he says.
Charles has the sense he’s disappointed him somehow. Not that it really matters, but he’s still trying to figure out his new teammate. He wants them to get along, since they’ll be seeing a lot of one another. So far, he feels like Carlos is perpetually amused by him for reasons that Charles can’t determine.
“The questions are prepared,” Charles adds. “They wouldn’t have us ask whatever we wanted.” This seems obvious to him, but maybe Carlos isn’t yet accustomed to how structured things are at Ferrari. 
Practically their every movement is planned by some coordinator on the team - the only time it can’t be is in the car, when the drivers themselves hold the steering wheel. And even then, the team tries to control everything with strategy and radio communications during the race.
Carlos gives him a searching look, which Charles attempts not to shy away from. He isn’t shy, anyway. Poor choice of words.
“Do you ever... Mm- how do you say it?” Carlos takes a second to himself, mulling over whatever it is that he’s trying to ask. “Do you ever go against the script?”
“The script?” Charles frowns.
“The rules. The path. The plan.” Carlos studies him, as he processes the words, like Charles is a bug in a jar. It’s not a sensation he particularly...enjoys, though he can’t pinpoint why. 
“I’m not...” He swallows, unsure of himself. “I don’t-”
“Boys!” someone is saying from across the room, gesturing them over. 
There’s a beat of silence between them, and then Carlos is saying, “Never mind, mate,” patting Charles on the shoulder. 
He walks away then, and Charles is left with a strange hollowness in his chest, like he’s failed at something - like when he’s driven badly or made a mistake on track. But he hadn’t done anything like that. He’d just been talking to his teammate...
He takes a deep breath, then moves to join Carlos across the room.
WIP Wednesday
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bjfinn · 1 year
"Delia, love, do you really think this is a good idea?" Charles asked. "He's a demon, after all."
"I know," she replied. "But you've seen how he's changed since we ... adopted him. He's calmer now -- less destructive. Less ... evil. I truly believe that what BJ needs now is to deal with the trauma of his upbringing. He needs to deal with the fact that his father left him, that his mother didn't love him. It's the only thing that will allow him to heal. To fully heal."
Charles nodded thoughtfully. "But ... just where are we going to find a therapist trained in demonic trauma therapy?"
"I've been studying," Delia told him.
"You? Uh, Delia ... I love you, but you're hardly qualified to deal with human trauma, let alone demon trauma."
She nodded. "I know that -- but I also know that love can move mountains. And I'm not talking about therapy -- I'm talking about my area of expertise. Mindfulness, meditation, aligning his chakras -- that sort of thing. And getting him to talk about his childhood, of course."
Charles shook his head slowly. "This is a bad idea."
"Charles, trust me. Please?" she said. "If things get too heavy, I'll stop -- I promise."
He sighed. "All right, dear," he conceded. "But the instant you think you're losing control, the session ends. I already lost Emily -- I couldn't bear to lose you, too."
"Hey, Delia," Beej said. "What's going on?"
"Have a seat, Beej," she offered, smiling warmly. Once he'd settled himself in the armchair, she continued. "Beej -- you know we love you, and we love having you as part of the family ..."
"Charles and I think of you like ... like a son. Sort of. A weird, feral, potentially homicidal son, but a son nonetheless."
"Okay. Yeah, sure." He had no idea where this was going.
"Now, obviously I know -- we all know -- some things about your real family, and what it was like for you growing up in the Netherworld. Not much, but enough to understand that it must've been terribly traumatic. And you're still carrying that trauma."
"Nah," he said flippantly. "Trust me -- I'm good."
"Beej -- it's important for you to deal with that trauma. In order for you to properly heal."
"But I already dealt with it," the demon protested. "I killed my mom and my dad, remember? They're gonna be stuck in processing for a couple centuries, at least. So it's all good now." He smiled happily.
"You dealt with your parents, yes -- but you haven't dealt with your feelings about your parents. That's what I want to help you with, Beej. You need to deal with what it was like growing up in such a toxic environment, and I want to help you with that. If you'll let me."
"So, uh ... what are we talking about, exactly?"
"Let's start with some relaxation exercises," she suggested. "I want you to close your eyes and feel your body --"
"I like where this is going," he quipped.
"-- become aware of it, the feeling of the air against your skin, the chair, your clothes ... everything. Now, start relaxing -- begin with your toes, slowly moving them if you need to, to release any tension relaxing each part of your body in turn. Now your feet ... your ankles ... your knees ... feel the tension leaving your body ..."
Delia continued on, guiding Beej through the exercise. It wasn't easy for the demon to relax, but he did his best -- he didn't want to disappoint her. She was more of a mother to him than Juno had ever been. Gradually he began to feel ... looser, somehow. The noise in his head -- the noise of the Netherworld -- was still roaring as loud as ever, but it was ... farther away.
"Now relax your forehead," Delia continued. "Feel the tension rising up out of you, through your hair and out into the universe." She paused a moment. "And now, slowly open your eyes. How are you feeling?"
Beej opened his eyes and blinked a few times. "I -- I'm not sure," he said. "I feel ... okay."
Delia smiled. "That's good." His hair was a softer shade of green now, Delia noted. A calmer green.
"My mom didn't love me," he said.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He shook his head. "She didn't love me, but you do." His eyes welled up.
Delia nodded, smiling. "We all love you, Beej," she told him. "And we want you to be the best person you can be."
He nodded, smiling through the tears. "I promise I'll do my best."
"I know you will, Beej," Delia replied, getting up from the couch and hugging him. "This was a good first session, wasn't it? You did really well -- I'm proud of you."
Over the course of the next few weeks, Delia continued to work with Beej. She tried to teach him how to meditate, but that was too difficult for him -- "Maybe later on," she said, "once you've gotten farther along" -- so they tried some breathing exercises that he could use to calm himself down.
"I want you to breathe in for a count of four," she said, "then hold for another count of four, and then breathe out for a count of eight, okay? Let's try it -- in ... two ... three ... four; hold ... two ... three ... four; out ... two ... three ... four ... five ... six ... seven ... eight. And again --- breathe in ..."
She guided him through four rounds of the exercise. "All right, very good. Now the more you practice, the easier it'll be to remember it whenever you start feeling stressed. Okay?"
Beej nodded.
Delia also started him on shadow work -- she knew it was potentially dangerous for him, but it was a necessary part of the healing process. Because Beej wasn't very good at spelling, she encouraged him instead to draw his memories and feelings, as well as talking about them with her. And because shadow work could be traumatic, she always made sure to end a session with some relaxation and breathing exercises to bring Beej back to the present.
At first Beej was reticent about telling Delia -- or anyone else -- about what it was like growing up a half-demon half-ghost in the Netherworld, but once he realised that she wasn't going to judge him he soon began to open up.
"Nobody liked me," he told her.
"Why not?"
"Because of what I am -- the ghosts didn't like me because I'm half demon, and the demons didn't like me because I'm half ghost. Neither one thing or the other. A dirty halfbreed."
"You didn't have any friends?" Delia asked. "None at all?"
Beej shook his head. "Nobody." His eyes filled with tears. "Everybody was always calling me names and beating me up just because I was different. So I learned how to defend myself by becoming a monster. After that, nobody picked on me any more -- but nobody wanted to be my friend, either."
"I'm so sorry, Beej -- it must've been terribly lonely for you."
He nodded. "I started coming Topside more and more," he continued. "Nobody could see me up here, but at least that meant that nobody would pick on me.
"Then I met someone who could see me -- I was in New York City, and I was staying in an abandoned hotel. He was a medium."
"Like Otho?"
Beej shook his head. "Nah, Otho's a fake. This guy was the real deal."
"So what happened?"
"He was there to evict me," Beej said. "The new owner was renovating, and I was scaring the workers, trying to get them to leave -- it was my home! But the owner hired this guy and he came to get rid of me." He sniffed. "At first I thought we could be friends, you know? But he didn't want that. So we fought."
"You fought?" Delia said, blanching slightly. "You ... you didn't ..."
"Nah, course not!" Beej scoffed. "I agreed to fight like a breather -- no magic."
"How come?"
"He was the first human I'd met who could see me! That's a big deal! And I figured that maybe eventually we'd become friends. Maybe. But he deserved my respect, you know?
"So we fought."
"What was it like?"
"It was exhilarating! I mean, I've never fought that way before -- always used magic. But this -- two guys going mano a mano?" He grinned. "And it didn't hurt that he was hot! "
Delia chuckled at that.
"Anyway, I won -- I knocked him out." He paused. "Well, technically he won, too, I guess -- I decided it wasn't safe for me there any more, so I left. But it was my choice," he added hastily.
"Of course. What made you choose New York in the first place?"
"Lots of people means lots of dead people -- my mom had forced me to become a guide for the recently deceased."
"You still were doing that?"
"I didn't have a choice -- my mom had bound me to it. But if I could convince a ghost to get a breather to say my name three times, then I'd be visible and able to interact with the living, and that would release me from the bond.
"So I got those business cards printed up -- the ghost would frighten the breather, I'd drop a card, they'd say my name three times ...
"But I didn't have any luck, so I kept wandering around -- what choice did I have?
"Anyway, that's how I met Babs and Adam. But they were hopeless -- they couldn't frighten a fly! So I went up on the roof trying to figure out my next move.
"And then I met Lydia," he continued. "And she could see me, just like the guy in New York! So I did my spiel, the whole song and dance, but I went a little too hard on the sell, and --"
"And she pushed you off the roof."
Beej nodded. "Yeah. Anyway, you know the rest."
"How goes your sessions with Beej?" Charles asked that night when Delia joined him in bed.
"We're making some progress," she told him. "I've taught him some relaxation techniques and breathing exercises, and we've started on doing some shadow work."
"Shadow work?" Charles asked, a note of concern in his voice. "Are you sure he's ready for that sort of thing? I've heard that it can be quite ... intense, emotionally -- and Beej isn't the most emotionally stable person."
Delia nodded. "I know -- that's why I'm taking it slow. I'm letting him decide what he's ready to talk about."
"Well, all right -- but be careful."
"I promise," she told him, and kissed him. "Good night."
"Good night, darling."
"Tell me more about the bullies," Delia prompted the next day. "If you're ready, of course."
Beej nodded and took a deep breath. "Okay," he said.
"As long as I can remember, everyone always bullied me for being a halfbreed -- calling me names, shoving me around, stealing my stuff, beating me up. I don't ...
"One time I found a baby sandworm -- it was just a hatchling. Cute little thing, about as long as my hand. Anyway, I was lonely, so I decided to keep her. I named her Sandy ... I mean, what else would you name a sandworm, right? I used to keep her in the pocket of my pants -- I couldn't let my mom know, or I'd get in trouble. But one of the bullies found out about Sandy -- and ... a-and he killed her. He stomped her to death right in front of me!" Beej was sobbing now. "She was just a little thing, and he killed her!"
"That's terrible," Delia said.
"But I got my revenge," Beej said, the cold fury he had felt back then returning to his features. "I waited for the next time he and his friends came to bully me, and when they did ... I let the monster out."
He took a shuddering breath. "After that, nobody ever picked on me again. Nobody except for my mom, that is."
"Are you ready to tell me about your parents?"
Beej shrugged. "What's to tell?" he replied. "My mom's a demon who runs -- ran -- the Netherworld Immigration Bureau. That's how she met my dad -- he was a ghost. They had a one-night stand, he took off, and next thing you know she's pregnant with me."
"Okay," Delia said. "Let's start with your father -- what did you know about him before you found him?"
"I knew he was a deadbeat asshole."
"Right -- but aside from that?"
Beej frowned slightly. "I knew he had the same name as me, and that he was the one who brought the Black Death to Ireland."
"Why would he do that?"
"Uh, because he's a rotten sonofabitch?"
Delia conceded the point. "Anything else?"
Beej shook his head. "Nah, that's it -- that's all I knew about him until I found him."
"How do you feel about him?"
"I'm glad I killed him," the demon said. "Even if he hadn't come Topside and threatened all of you, I would've killed him. He's a fuckin' piece of shit. I'm glad he's stuck in processing for the next couple hundred years."
"Do you wish he'd been a real father to you?"
"Yeah, of course. But now I know that he's not that kind of guy, so I was better off without him."
"Do you want to talk about your mother today?"
Beej shook his head. "Nope," he said.
"All right -- you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to," Delia told him. "Is there anything you do want to talk about?"
He thought a moment. "What's it like being in love?"
Delia's eyes widened in surprise -- she hadn't expected that. "It's ... it's wonderful. It's the best feeling in the world. Haven't you ever been in love?"
"No," he replied. "Not that way. I mean, you and Chuck and Lydia, and Adam and Babs -- sure. I love you guys -- you're my family. But not like you and Chuck love each other, or Adam and Babs. Not that kinda love."
"Is that something you wish you could have?"
"It seems like it's really nice," he said. "Having someone special like that."
"It is," she told him. "I hope one day you can find someone to love."
"I'm a demon," he said simply. "I don't think it's in the cards for me."
"Stranger things have happened."
"You're doing really well with the relaxation techniques, Beej -- would you like to try some yoga?"
"I've had yoga," he said. "It's really good -- especially with honey and granola."
Delia laughed gently. "Not yoghurt -- yoga."
"What's the difference?"
"Yoghurt is a fermented milk product. Yoga is an ancient and sacred system of exercise," she explained. "Although, both are from India," she added, "so maybe they're not so different after all.
"Anyway," she continued, "we'll start with something easy. I want you to sit like this." She lowered herself onto one of the tasselled floor cushions she'd set out on the living room carpet. Beej removed his shoes and followed suit. "Now bend your knees and touch the soles of your feet together like this."
"Okaaay," Beej said, baffled, but he did as instructed. "Why am I doing this?"
"It helps align your chakras -- your energy centres," she told him. "Okay, now sit up as straight as you can -- imagine that there's a string coming out of the top of your head, and someone is pulling you upright. Very good. Now rest the backs of your wrists on your knees, and gently touch the tips of your thumbs and index fingers together."
Beej furrowed his brows, but did as he was told.
"Now, repeat after me -- ommmmm."
"Again. Feel it resonating in the centre of your being -- ommmmm."
"Good. Om Mani Padme Hum."
"Om Mani Padme Hum."
"Om Nama Renge Kyo."
"Om Nama Renge Kyo."
Beej had no idea why they were doing this -- it didn't seem to be making any difference, except that it made him feel weirdly self-conscious. He hoped no one -- especially Lydia -- would come in and see him like this. He'd never live it down.
"All right," Delia said. "That was very good." She got to her feet, and Beej stood up as well. She got out two rolled up pieces of foam. "These are yoga mats," she told him, undoing the ties and laying the mats down on the carpet side by side. "We'll try a simple asana to start with." She stood on one of the mats, and Beej stood facing her on the other. "Stand straight, feet together, and press your palms together in front of your chest like this. Now I want you to raise your right foot and place it against the side of your left knee -- like this."
Beej lifted his right foot, as instructed, but he started wobbling -- he wasn't used to balancing himself on one foot, and being chubby didn't help. He got his foot against his knee, but he couldn't stop the wobbling.
"You can bend your knee if you have to -- it'll help keep your balance," Delia told him. "There you go," she said, smiling, as his wobbling decreased.
"I'm doing it!" Beej said, incredulous. He was still unsteady, but he was doing it.
"I knew you had it in you. Now, hold the pose as long as you can -- it's all right if you need to stop. It's not a competition."
"Says you," Beej muttered.
Delia frowned.
"Okay, okay."
He held the pose for another five seconds before putting his right foot back down on the mat. "I did it!" he crowed, beaming at Delia.
"I'm very proud of you, Beej," she said. "You did very well for your first time."
Delia continued to work with Beej every day for the next several weeks -- gently guiding him in more relaxation techniques, yoga and breathing exercises, prompting him to reveal more about what it was like for him in the Netherworld.
"I think I'm making real progress with him," she told Charles. "It's slow, but it's progress."
He nodded. "I've noticed the difference -- he's a little calmer, a little less ... grumpy. You were right -- working with Beej was a good idea."
"Well, you've been helping, too," she told him. "Introducing him to bird-watching was a wonderful idea! He loves it -- he's taken to it like ... like ..."
"Like a duck to water?" Charles said with a grin.
"Exactly! And he really enjoys spending time with you."
"I enjoy it as well -- I didn't think we would have anything in common, but I'm glad I was proven wrong. And I'm glad I was proven wrong about your idea." He grew serious. "But I still think you need to be careful -- he may be domesticated, but Beej is still a demon."
"I know. I'm being careful, I promise."
"What do you want to do today?"
A look of surprise crossed Beej's face, and streaks of pink and lavender shot through his hair. This was the first time that Delia had asked him that -- she'd always been the one to decide what their sessions would consist of.
"Uh, I -- I don't know," he stammered. "I hadn't thought --"
"You've been doing so well," Delia told him. "I think it's time you have a say -- if you think you're ready." She clapped her hands together. "We can do anything you want."
He thought a moment. "I know you want me to talk about my mother."
"Only when and if you're ready, Beej," she said. "But yes, I think sooner or later you need to deal with it."
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I know," he said.
He took a deep breath, held it, and then let it out slowly.
"I don't know why she never loved me," he said. "Even when I was little. It wasn't my fault that she got pregnant -- it wasn't my fault that my dad took off!
"I never asked to be born, you know. She coulda had an abortion if she didn't want me. But she didn't -- and that was her choice. No one else's.
"She wasn't always mean -- sometimes she was nice to me. But then she'd change -- you saw, when she showed up at me and Lydia's wedding. At first, she was all 'Oh, my precious little boy's getting married! I'm so happy for you, Beej!' And then it was 'You're useless, you'll never amount to anything, just like your father!' "
Streaks of red began appearing in Beej's hair. "I'm glad I killed her -- she always hated me," he said. "She was always telling me that she wished I'd never been born." He was breathing heavily now, hyperventilating great gasps of air as the anger rose through him, flooding his body with the demon equivalent of adrenaline. "All I ever wanted was for her to ... to be a mother to me!" His hair was scarlet shot through with black streaks now. His eyes flashed red, glowing with the rising fury. His stubby nails grew into razor-sharp talons dripping with blood. His teeth became shark-like, serrated and wickedly pointed. Shadowy tentacles sprouted from his back, solidifying as they writhed around him. He advanced on Delia, no longer human in form, snarling and snapping, strings of venom spooling from his mouth to burn holes in the carpet.
"WHY COULDN'T SHE LOVE ME? " he roared in a voice that emanated from the bowels of Hell.
Delia stumbled backwards, terrified -- she'd gone too far. Beej -- her sweet, soft, love-starved, mischievous, chaotic adopted son -- was well and truly in the grip of the eldritch horror that he really was. Betelgeuse, the red giant, about to go supernova.
"BJ!" She tried to scream, but all that came out was a strangled squeak . "Beej, no -- please don't -- I'm not Juno -- I'm not her --"
He was almost upon her.
"It's me," she breathed. "Delia. Don't you remember? Please remember, Beej --"
She gasped as his saliva dripped onto her arm, acrid smoke rising as it burned the bare flesh.
"Beej, please! " She began sobbing -- she knew she was going to die, that he was going to kill her. The price of her arrogance in thinking that she could change him, that she could eradicate his essence, that she could make him human, that all that was needed was the power of --
Love. Of course!
"I love you, Beej," she whispered as he leaned over her.
He snarled.
"I love you," she said again, louder this time. "I love you. We all love you. You're part of our family. We're your family. "
His snarling continued, but softer now. Her words -- her love -- were having an effect.
"I'm your mom now, Beej," she told him, raising a tentative hand to his muzzle. "I'm your mom, and you're my son. I love you, Beej. Do you hear me? I. Love. You."
The beast that was Betelgeuse drew back from her, looking at her with its balefully glowing red eyes.
"I love you -- we all do."
Gradually the tentacles retracted, the canid muzzle receded, the shark teeth retreated, the talons blunted as Beej regained his human form.
Tears spilled from his eyes.
"I -- I'm sorry!" he sobbed. "I didn't -- I -- I don't ever wanna --"
Delia jumped to her feet and threw her arms around him. "I know. I know, Beej," she told him. "I-it was my fault. I'm the one who should be sorry -- I shouldn't have made you go through that."
She held him tightly, his body shuddering. Finally his sobbing quieted, and he put his arms around her. "I love you, too, Delia -- Mom."
Delia breathed deeply, her heart swelling. He called me Mom, she said to herself. My precious demon-boy called me Mom.
They stood there for a long while, taking comfort in each other's embrace.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
what to expect when you're trying to make someone expect | charles boyle
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Charles Boyle | AO3
synopsis: When two people fall in love, that love consumes every single cell of them until they have no space to expand anymore. When that happens, those two soulmates give life to a prof of the immensity of their lover. That's how Boyle will explain to his children how they were born when they got to that fase of making questions about everything. But first Charles need to change your mind.
warnings: pregnancy talk. manipulation. dub!con. like it is really dub!con. overstimulation. breeding kink. oral sex. penetration. yandere!charles boyle (full boyle!!!). female!reader.
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• When you know you know. It's that pretty fucking simple. You know when it is time to go, to shut, to observe. You know when you're not welcomed, when you're not heard, when you're not wanted. You just know. And Charles knows that it is the perfect moment to turn you into something more. Into family.
• Charles knows for sure that he never loved anyone the way he loves you. He never felt like his chest could be torn apart because the love inside it needs more space, or that his lungs didn't work because of the sight of you, or that his mind could remember so much about just one person. Charles loves you, Charles knows you, and he knows. He just knows.
• It's been a few weeks since you met the Boyles, and you got along so well with his family. His friends love you (because they are also your friends, but that doesn't matter for now). Jake loves you. Charles don't know a single person that didn't look at you and immediately knew you were something.
• Or even the way you always say the sweetest things. How you never hurted him. Or all the times you made him break in a giggle just because of who you are. When you praise his food. The way you make Charles laugh without even trying. Or all those times you just remembered. His favorite color, favorite restaurant, favorite drink, even thinks he said just once.
• Charles was made for you, and you were made for him. Nothing could change that. No one will ever change that. So why act like you're a normal, average couple? You're his soulmate.
• Normal, average couples need months to get to this fase when you understand exactly how your lover thinks. Normal, average couples need weeks to do something slight weird around the other without feeling judged. Normal, average couples need years to know.
• Charles don't want to go to your house. He don't want to make food for you and put it on his refrigerator. He don't want to hear that last night you had a nightmare. Charles wants to be there. He wants to live with you, to cook with you sat on the counter gossiping about someone he don't even know, to wake you up from your fears with sweet kisses and a cup of water.
• Jake told him to not do anything about it, that he was on Full Boyle mode and it would only scare you. That it would make you run away. And Charles listened to him. He really did. But when was the last time that Charles was able to control his mouth?
• And for everyone's surprise, you said yes. Everyone, but Charles.
• And then he knew. He knew for sure that you felt the same way about him. That you could see how others opinions about you both didn't fucking matter. How you both don't have to wait years to have something you can have now.
• Boyle got really surprised when you said no. He got confused. Uterly confused. Why? Didn't you trust him? Did you fear he wouldn't be a good dad? Or that he would runaway from you as soon as it happened? Charles explained to you that he would make you the happiest you ever been, that you would be a great mom, that he would stay forever by your side.
• Your answer was still a no.
• He wasn't expecting that. He thought you both were in tune. When you told him you were too young, that it was too soon, his heart broke inside of him. You explained that you fear about your job, about your body, about everything. Not now.
• It wasn't about being a good mom or a good dad. That wasn't about the fear of not being able to make a child became a good person. It wasn't about the birth. It was about him. Yes, it was. You don't think Charles will support your career, or be there with you until your last day on this Earth, that he would love you however you look. You don't trust Charles to have a child with him.
• Charles made it his goal to change yourr mind. Make you understand that yes, Charles is the right choice. That staying with him, growing with him, is the only correct choice. That no one would love you like he does. Not that you are an impossible person to love, Charles still doesn't understand how everyone who knows you doesn't fall in love with you, but that he is the person made for you.
• Films about motherhood, conversations that somehow ended up on the topic of childhood, albums of photos from when you were little conveniently in a place where you would see them. Charles even managed to get Amy to ask you to pick Mac up from school.
• He became even more present (which you thought was impossible). Charles gave you the idea of ​​asking Holt to give you more responsibilities. And when your captain agreed, Charles was very careful and present. He started making your lunches without you even asking. He called you when he was home to see if you needed anything. He massaged you whenever you looked tired.
• Sometimes you felt like Charles treated you like a baby. The bathtub was warm when you got home from work, your clothes were ironed and laid out on the bed. Charles served you, asked how your day was, caressed your hand while you complained about something that didn't really matter. Charles was so caring, so proactive, you didn't even have to do anything.
• Charles hoped that would be enough for you to understand that he would be there for you. Did you realize that you don't have enough flour to make your pancakes during a storm? That's not a problem, Charles takes care of it. Are you feeling sick and can't take care of yourself? That's what Charles is for. Charles is there to take care of you, always.
• He didn't bring it up again, Charles was afraid it would scare or anger you. Instead, he kept giving signs of what he wanted. Trying to mess with your emotions. Charles knows how to be patient when he needs to be. He knows how to shut up, when otherwise it would ruin his plan. But he also knows when subtlety is no longer enough.
• There is no point in giving signs that something is going to work, when that something lives in the world of ideas. Charles has several certainties, while you have many doubts. There is only one method to give you the answers you are missing: empiricism.
How long have you been there, below him, accepting everything Charles wanted to give you? For the past hour? A whole day? Maybe more? Probably more. More, for sure.
Time has become a useless concept. Seconds felt like hours, years, centuries. Time stopped moving. Or it started moving too fast. You couldn't see the diference. It wouldn't matter.
Your body burned in a fever that could get someone dead. Your toes ache, but you couldn't take away the force you applied to them. Unsure of how to breath, your lungs didn't receive any air to keep on working. And your fingers, once the part of your body you felt like you control the most, where locked into his hair. Were you trying to keep Charles in place? Were you trying to move him away from you?
You didn't know. You didn't know a damn thing. And it didn't fucking matter.
All you know was the pleasure. The pain that came with it. That burning feeling between your thights, how wet the sheets were below you, the blankness conquering your mind since Charles first kneeled in front of you.
Had he ever get up? You don't know. You don't care.
Charles behaves like a starving men. So devoted, so unstopable. He acts like he won't ever get enough from you. Like everything is just a sign that he needs more. Charles devored you, got drank on you. He ate you whole.
That moment when he sat you on your shared bed and kneeled... It looked like a centurie ago. Like a life you remember just some flashes. Flashes of his eyes. Of his fingers deep on you. Of his tongue so hot on your swollen clit. Of his warm breath against your thights.
He said you were perfect. That you were his. Or did you imagined it? Was it reality or a dream you just remembered? Charles saying you were so wet, so warm, so tight. Did he said your pussy was made for him or was it you? Did it matter?
Did anything mattered when he made you feel like heaven? It must be something above it. Something better than heaven. You felt so much better than just that. Anything mattered anymore.
Your legs couldn't stop shaking. Your mouth forgot how to say your name, no, yes. Your eyes didn't have a reason to work anymore. You chest was so heavy, your mind so light. You couldn't think.
It didn't matter that when Charles got you whole he wasn't using a condom. When Charles babbled about how you would be so perfect with a part of him growing inside you. When Charles fucked you, his fingers still pressing on your clit, murmuring about how he would fill you until you couldn't take anymore. When he cum inside you.
And it didn't matter when he kept on doing it. When he fucked you dumb. Until you couldn't remember anything but his name. Until you couldn't do anything but to take what he give to you.
The other day you didn't remember how he made sure not even a tear of his seed didn't get into you. Or how he didn't let you have a second to think straight. How Charles told you all the things he would do to you when you give him a child. How well he will treat you. How you can be his princess, his whore, anything you want. How he got your waist on his lap when he finished and slept inside you, so you couldn't waste anything.
And you wouldn't noticed how it happened right on your fertile period. How you spend days only eating aphrodisiac foods. Or how your pills suddenly dissapeared. How Charles was the one to bought the new ones.
At the moment, all you could think about was how bad you wanted Charles inside of you. Only that, nothing more.
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BROOKLYN NINE NINE TAGLIST: @flowercrowns-goodvibes @notanalienindisguiseblink @vyctorya
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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hazel-of-sodor · 11 months
Day 22-Succession
Traintober 2023
Other Stories
Day 22-Top Hatt
Autumn 2016
Edward simmered lazily outside Tidmouth Station, the crisp autumn air swirling around his boiler and down to his wheels pleasantly. He stretched slightly, sighing. His valve gear had to started to have minor aches lately, signaling that he wasn't far from an overhaul.
Finally, the back door to the Controller's Office opened and she stepped out.
Jane Hatt II, the newest Fat Controller, cut a striking figure in the traditional 3 piece suit and top hat. She had exchanged the black tie for one in North Western Blue with red lining. Rather than black, her pants and overjacket were a very deep blue, her undershirt a light purple in honor of her grandfather.
"You look splendid Ms.Hatt!" Edward said with feeling.
Jane shrugged, "It feels like I'm playing dress up." She said.
Edward chuckled, "Your father said much the same thing, and your grandfather too. I think that's why Charles chose purple instead of yellow, the difference made it feel more real to him."
"Rather than just playing at being his father." Jane guessed. 
"What was he like? The first I mean."
Edward blinked, "Topham?"
"Yes, Dad and Grandpa have told me about him but..." She hesitated.
"You wanna know from one of his engines, not his children."
Edward considered the question carefully, I'm honestly not sure there is all that much of a difference in later years honestly."
He looked at Jane seriously, "He was a serious but passionate man. He cared for us deeply, even early on, but...it was a very different time. Men were expected to be stronger, harsher...He had to learn how to be a controller, and he sometimes got it wrong in the early years."
"The tunnel incident."
Edward snorted, "Remind me to tell you what actually happened with all that when we have time. Topham was fair most of the time but had quite the temper when wronged.  He learned to control it in later years, but by then he had his reputation."
Edward paused, "I think the clearest image I can give you of his later years was the last time I saw him. He was taking your namesake for a picnic, and had come to talk to me while waiting for their trains." Edward closed his eyes, remembering, "He'd been having health problems for months but refused to let them slow him down...they finally caught up with him."
Edward took a deep breath, "He asked me to look after Charles, to help him as controller. He wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about his son having someone to turn to as Controller."
He looked at Jane seriously, "I have kept that promise to him ever since, from Charles to Stephen, and now to you."
He smiled suddenly, "He would have loved you, you know. You would have reminded him of Jane, who he always said was his better half. He often looked back at his early years as a controller far too harshly. He got us through the 20s and 30s, with all of us intact. No other controller could say that."
"So he would be okay with me being controller instead of Richard?"
Edward snorted, "He would be relieved. He'd have loved Richard too, but he reminds me of a young Thomas in all the wrong ways." he chuckled. 
"He would have been very proud of you, and proud of your brother for realizing you were the better fit."
Jane snorted, "If only the news agreed.,
"Just ignore them." Edward advised, "It's what he did."
She patted his buffer beam, "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Edward."
"Any time Ms. Hatt."
The fourth Fat Controller turned and walked towards the platform and her first day running the North Western Railway, collecting her Top Hatt from her office as she did so.
Edward happily closed his eyes and began to doze before his next train, confident they were in good hands.
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on-coming-dusk · 2 years
Scott Clarke anyone?
“Alright kiddo, one for you, one for me.” Scott sat next to Eddie Munson, handing him an ice pack for the bruise already forming around his left eye.
“Thanks…” The boy wouldn’t look at him, refusing to meet his gaze. Scott wasn’t surprised, he had seen his own reflection, his nose and under his eyes was a nasty dark purple already.
“So…” Scott chugged along. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” Eddie only shook his head, pressing the ice to his face. This was the part of his job that Scott enjoyed the least.
Something happened between Eddie and Tommy Hagan this morning. There were more than enough black eyes, broken noses, and bloody knuckles to prove it. Scott had watched for the last few months as Eddie tried to find his place among his peers. With his primary friend group a year or two below him it wasn’t a surprise he was having trouble adjusting. And now this, a fight on his previously clean record. It was highly probable that Tommy antagonized Eddie until he got a reaction. But Scott couldn’t say that without creating more problems that none of them needed to deal with. If he could just get Eddie to tell him what happened. He didn’t have much faith, he had been trying to get this kid interested in class for weeks with little success. But that didn’t mean that he was going to quit now.
“You know what? That’s fair. I’m sure I wouldn’t want to talk about it either, if I were in your shoes. But Eddie, I can’t help you if I don’t know what happened. Shoot, I won’t even know what to tell your uncle when he gets here. Will you consider telling me even though you don’t want to? It would really make my life a whole lot simpler.”
Still, Eddie said nothing. But he reached into his backpack, hesitating for a moment before producing a newspaper. It was crumpled up, having seen better days, and Eddie refused to look at him as he handed it to the teacher. Scott set his own ice pack down, taking the paper gently and smoothing it down so it could be read.
His stomach twisted.
Wabash Local Faces Trial Born and raised in Wabash, Indiana, Edward Charles Munson Sr. was arrested May 13th, 1980. Beginning this week he will face trail for charges of auto theft, possession of controlled substances, distribution of controlled substances, breaking and entering, and assault with a deadly weapon.
Scott read those words at least three times in an attempt to wrap his mind around them. It was the answer to a lot of questions that seemed to follow the boy around.
It was already common knowledge that Eddie only moved to Hawkins permanently upon beginning to live with his uncle full time a few months ago. In town Wayne Munson was well liked. Friendly but quiet, he stuck to the few friends he had made upon his arrival, never partaking in town gossip or the rumor mill. There were whispers about how strange he was, the way he never seemed to go on dates or have an interest in finding a wife, for that matter. Some folks still believed Eddie was his son and he was lying to everyone about it. But even still, he was welcomed to the town when he arrived all those years ago, upon his return from Vietnam.
It would take less than a week for Wayne Munson's well received image to shatter if this headline started spreading around town.
"Eddie, is this what made you hit Tommy?" Scott folded the paper in half, hiding those words from anyone else who might see.
So. I think it's safe to say that i have a certain thought for Eddie's dad in my head already and that i have for a while.
this is a piece that i wrote probably six months ago and decided to put on hold until i caught up with some of my more planned out stories. (still working on that but progress is progress!!!) i found it in and old doc today and i wanted to share it because i really like it
yes, eddie accidentally broke mr. clarke's nose. no, he does not blame eddie at all.
yes, the town thinks that wayne is either gay or attempting to hide the fact that he has a bastard child. no, neither of these things are true either.
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mysteroads · 1 year
Summary: Charles is having a perfectly relaxing day off, until he gets a text from Lydia asking if he knows how to set a broken bone. Emergency Dad Mode is activated.
It was the perfect sort of day to relax at home.
Charles Deetz sipped his tea and watched rain hammer down as if it had a personal grudge against the entire world. Lightning forked across the sky, almost instantly followed by the type of booming, kettledrum thunder that sent adrenaline zipping through the veins of anyone caught under it. Charles relished the tiny thrill, then took another smug sip. Yes, this was indeed perfect.
A thud above his head that was not from thunder interrupted his quiet. Frowning, he glanced up. Another thud. Were the Maitlands moving things again? They’d said they were planning on staying in bed today to better enjoy the storm, much as he was doing. Perhaps they’d gotten bored. Well, he didn’t mind if they rearranged the entire house, so long as they didn’t ask him for help. Not today. Today was his day off, and he intended to do absolutely nothing.
Then his phone chimed. Frowning, he went to the end table by the sofa where he’d left it plugged in. He’d left it on ‘do not disturb’, so the only ones who could contact him were emergency services, Delia, and Lydia. Delia, out shopping with some art buddies, knew better than to text him today, and Lydia was supposed to be out of cell service herself until this evening. The text was from Lydia, and it made his blood run to ice.
Did that CERT thingy you went to last month cover broken bones?
He dropped his tea in his haste to call her. His frantic call immediately went to voicemail and he received an automated text: Can’t talk now, sorry! :) A few seconds later, he got a real text from Lydia, I’m fine, Dad. Chill.
Collapsing onto the couch, he let out a long sigh, looking sadly at the puddle of spilled tea soaking into the carpet. After getting his heart under control, he texted back. Yes it did. Why do you ask?
Because BJ broke his arm.
Again, his heart seemed to stop for a second, but he recovered more quickly this time. Beetlejuice had become part of the household after his (sudden, but inevitable) return a month after the infamous ‘moving in week’. Charles had reluctantly learned to accept the mischievous monster because Lydia adored him and the feeling was mutual. It helped that “BJ”, now out from under his curse of invisibility and freed from an obviously abusive parent, was more hyperactive than murderously manic. He could actually be funny sometimes. But Charles hadn’t realized that the demon could be injured beyond quickly healed scrapes or comedically removed limbs. Exhausted from magical overuse, yes, but injured?
How did that happen? 
Too long to text. Can you come up here and help me? Hurry, please.
They were back? Charles blinked in surprise, then emergency parent mode activated in his brain and he heaved himself to his feet and into the kitchen, where their big first aid kit was kept. Lydia and Beetlejuice had been to the Neitherworld, and had planned to spend the day there. That they were back so soon spoke to real trouble. 
He raced up the stairs and to Lydia’s door. He paused to catch his breath and calm himself down, remembering the CERT training. Staying calm was the most important thing. You couldn’t help anyone if you were too panicked to think clearly. As he let his heart slow down, he heard Lydia through the door: “Don’t bother with the glamor, Beej. You said you need all the energy you can get to heal, didn’t you?” The words didn’t really register with him, only the worried tone, so when he opened the door he was taken completely by surprise.
Beetlejuice sat on the floor next to Lydia’s mirror, hair white with streaks of sickly yellow, one arm held tight against his chest. There were other changes to his appearance, major changes, but Charles didn’t get a chance to really take them in because the startled demon made a shoving motion with one hand and sent him flying out of the door and into the wall outside. THe door slammed after him.
“Beej!” Lydia shrieked. 
Groaning, he rubbed the back of his head, feeling a dull throb he knew would turn into a full body ache later. The door flew open and Lydia rushed out to him. “Dad! Dad, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he said, looking around for the first aid kit. It was a few feet away, luckily unscathed. “Maybe I should’ve knocked.”
“I should’ve warned you” she apologized. “He didn’t want me to tell anyone.”
“Because I’m fine!” snarled Beetlejuice, his voice even raspier than usual.
“No you’re not!” Lydia snapped over her shoulder. “Shut up and sit still, dumbass.”
Beetlejuice answered with a snarl. 
Charles stood up with a hand up from Lydia, rubbed his face, and grabbed the first aid kit. Then he looked at Beetlejuice. ‘Don’t bother with the glamor,’ she had said. Now he understood what she meant. 
Beetlejuice had never looked normal, but he’d been human enough. The… being huddled next to the mirror was definitely not human. How he’d hidden those truly impressive fangs and claws all this time was a true mystery. And those eyes. Charles did his best not to stare. Yesterday, he would’ve said Beetlejuice had yellow eyes. They weren’t yellow. They were gold as pirate doubloons and harvest moons, and just as luminous.
Remember, Charles, be calm. Taking a firmer grip on the kit, he headed into the room and knelt down next to Beetlejuice. The demon huddled back away from him. He had long, pointed ears, currently pressed tight back against his head. Charles would never admit it aloud, but they reminded him of a frightened puppy, and on any other person he’d call them cute. But that wasn’t what was important. He turned his attention on the arm Beetlejuice held against his chest.
“Will you let me help?” he asked, careful to keep his voice mild. 
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f1version · 9 months
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pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader ( she/her )
summary: Loss doesn’t need to be lonely, grief doesn’t need to be an enemy.
warnings/info: hurt/comfort, mentions of death — loss of a loved one, grief, crying, hugs/cuddling, the internal conflict of loosing someone during the holidays.
word count: 1.2k words
note: the 27th of december has not been the happiest time of the year for me in a while, so yes, this is kind of self-indulgent. this is also for those who have lost someone during the holidays (or ever). i know how painful it can be to put on that fake smile, to force yourself, but please don’t. cry all you want, feel all you want, don’t destroy yourself for things out of your control or that are no longer under it. you are not alone, you are loved and cared for, always remember that. ♡
snowglobe, a holiday special
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Humans are not forever.
It’s evident, plain to see, to experience, but then why love so deeply we yearn for infinity? Care so strongly while knowing its definability? It’s what makes you human, everyone says—loving people who give so much to remember, getting your heart broken by them because, at some point, it’ll be your turn to break one, two, a hundred hearts. 
They say a heart that's broken is a heart that's been loved, so you’re glad your heart’s broken. Even when mom’s not here to swipe your tears, hold you close, or tell you how to fix it—when she's not here to argue, talk it out, or stay silent—you're thankful she got to see you grow, see you fall, stand up, and succeed. She saw you fall in love and loved the man who held your hand.
Said man must be near—Charles must be somewhere near; you can hear heavy breaths leaving his lips every now and then, something he does when he’s overthinking. It’s strange, you think. Perhaps he’s become such a recognizable character in your life that it’s instinct to hear it, or, more realistically, the small sound assumes spotlight because of the silence embracing your apartment. You don’t know, and you don’t think further about it. It’s just Charles.
You think about the time lost, not knowing how long you’ve been here, cuddled on the beige couch in your living room as memories of your mom submerge your mind. You stare at the half-drunk cup of hot chocolate settled on the coffee table; it seems cold now. That’s a way to ensure time has passed.
Your slight change of focus leaves the dissipation of heavy breaths unnoticed. Now you hear their replacement, gentle steps that grow louder until they stop before you, crouching until green eyes meet yours. Charles looks beautiful. The dim lights of the fake fireplace and Christmas tree caress his features. His eyes don’t look as green, but a warmer color. He smiles close-mouthed, taking your hand in his, and you let yourself smile back.
He doesn’t talk, understanding you well enough to know you don't want to talk at all. His thumb starts making shapes on your skin, memories taking you back to that night a year ago, when Charles drove you home from the hospital, his hand never leaving yours, doing the same shapes he’s doing now. You remember how, upon arriving, he stayed next to you until you finished one glass of water, then made sure you dined, how he helped you shower, and the moment he cuddled you in bed while you cried, muttering sweet nothings in your ear, his voice quivering because he had been crying too—he had known your mom for eight years by then. He called Andrea the following day, asking to be instructed in soup making and taking care of the two of you all day.
A lot of those days were faint, blurry memories, but if there's one thing you are certain of, it's that Charles never left.
Your eyes travel around the room, landing on a photo on the wall. It’s Christmas 2021, you and your family are all warped up in each other—it’s one of the pictures your dad lent you early this year, once hung up on your mother’s office. Next to it is one of a younger Charles with your mom and dad. It was taken a little over six years ago, the day you told them you were dating. It makes you smile. Your mom always loved Charles; even before you started dating, he was her favorite friend of yours, always so kind and funny. 
You’re about to travel back in time when there’s a small tug on your hand, turning your attention. Charles is moving around, sitting down on the floor. He looks up at you, then at the picture, he smiles saddened, the beautiful memory stinging as much as it does to you.
For the first time, you feel the need to say something, to explain yourself. But not knowing what to say, you say the simplest: “I miss her so much.”
He leans down to kiss your hand. “I know, baby, I know."
Silence falls over you once again, and the necessity to talk vanishes. You look back at the gallery, now focusing on the same type of picture as before, but it's a younger you with Charles, his mom, and brothers; there’s a bed between you and Charles, Hervé Leclerc smiling at the camera. There's writing on its frame: May 2017. You look at Charles, a small tear tempting to fall but a smile on his lips. You lean down to kiss his cheek, letting him know that it’s alright to cry. He brings you closer, kissing your lips—small pecks over and over again.
He stops, briefly glancing at the other two photos hanging on the wall, one of Charles' family and another of the two of you, promise rings on your hands, smiling at the camera. You think about your families, about you, and about how it's been a year since your mom left, and you still want to tear the world apart. A newfound feeling spreads across your body: guilt. Guilt of spending your night consumed by dread and grief, letting Charles fall into it.
You hate this feeling. 
Charles let’s go of your face, cupping your hands together with his. You know he sensed the change; his big green eyes are asking questions you don’t want to answer. You want everything to stop hurting, the memories to stay happy, and the bittersweet taste on your tongue to be eradicated.
He waits, and you break. “I want it to stop,” you mumble. “I want the pain to go away; I don’t want to think about it. I want to go back and not feel like I did on the 24th, like I wanted to run away and cry in my room for hours. I don’t know how to deal with this, Charles; this is too much. I can’t, can't do it.”
The buildup is too much, your breathing is heavy and fast. Charles hurries towards you, his hands hovering over your frame. “No, non, bébé, I’m here; you know I’m here, just like you are always here for me,” he hesitates, but charges through. “Someone once told me that it’s okay to feel sad, it’s okay to cry, to, to grieve. She told me: Grief is part of love, never hold back from loving.”
And you don’t know what to do or say. He’s cupping your face, looking at you so lovingly as he continues, “You told me that, chérie, so don’t hold back; even if she’s gone, keep loving her." He says, “You will slowly let go of the loss, I promise, I know how it is, just never feel guilty for loving her.”
It occurs to you at that moment that you haven’t cried in weeks, tears forbidden by a nonexistent rule, so when the first sob leaves your lips, there’s no regret over it. Tear after tear, sob after sob, your heart grieves.
Charles crawls up the sofa, bringing you to his arms, your head now on his chest, wetting the soft material of his shirt. You are about to care when his hand brushes your hair and back, and there’s no use in stopping it.
“Thank you,” you say between sobs.
“I love you,” he answers, knowing you do too.
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i miss my mom so much
taglist — @smartstupyd @ziarah @nouvellevqgue @iloveyou3000morgan @carsgovroomm @goldenalbon @doofenshmirtzevil-inc . . . add yourself here
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aworldofimportance · 4 years
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
forever is the sweetest con | Chip Taylor x Reader
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Summary: Reader's dad is a carpenter; sometimes he takes on apprentices and sometimes, if they're lucky, they get his daughter's number at the end of their training. Chip Taylor, however, hits the jackpot when her father invites him over for one of her homecooked meals.
Warnings: reader's mom passed away, mentions of parental death, strangers to lovers, random acts of kindness, mutual pining, falling in love, steamy make-outs, oral sex (male and female receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, sub!chip, food mentions, praise, love confessions.
word count: 6.2k
a/n: thank you @samuel-de-champagne-problems for requesting a chip fic!! i am in love with him and also yes this plot is something that happened to my parents, however, my mom is still alive and my dad does give my Instagram out to the men who subcontract for him lmao!
Her father was a carpenter, and he often took on apprentices. You see, he had to learn everything on his own to make his way in life and support his family, he was willing to help other men do the same thing. And so every night he would come home from work and talk about whatever idiot he was teaching this week.
“His name is Chip,” her father emphasized the p with confusion, “what is that even short for?”
“It’s short for Charles,” she couldn’t help but laugh, “is he at least more competent than that Mason kid?”
“Much!” He rolled his eyes, “although I did have to teach him how to put crown moulding in today, he’s a quick learner and you can tell he’s just following what they teach at the schools but I know the hacks.”
“I know, Dad,” she smiled. “Is he cute? Single?”
She’s been on dates with most of the guys he’s worked with, mainly because they went to her high school back in the day, but also because her father was trying to play matchmaker. Ever since her mother died, she’s been taking care of him and he just wanted her to have some fun outside of the house. She needed a life in his eyes.
She was content working at the diner and serving people food all day just to come home and take care of her father. He worked hard to make sure they stayed afloat after her mom, the least she could do is make him dinner and a sandwich for lunch the next day.
“He is actually,” he shrugged, “he’s a yes man, you’d probably really like him.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, waiting for whatever snide comment he was going to make to jokingly piss her off.
“Your aunt Lisa only married your uncle Jason because he was a yes man and she could wear the pants, and you’ve always been just like her,” he explained it nicer than she expected.
“Give him my number next time you work with him?” She asks nicely, taking his plate from the table and moving it to the sink.
“Good luck chip,” she hears him mumble under his breath.
It makes her laugh, she loves her relationship with her father and the friendly environment they were able to keep after everything that’s happened to their family. They always laughed together, he was always cracking jokes and even when they were shouting obscenities at each other it came from a place of love, “fuck-head” was a term of endearment in their home.
He brings Chip home with him without telling her, she’s been home all day cleaning the house; her hair is a mess and she’s all sweaty, and he really is cute. She made enough food for an army so it wasn’t a problem in her father’s eyes, saying “doesn’t she always look beautiful? It’s fine Y/N.”
“Yeah,” Chip agreed with a small smile and a blush that roared red down his neck. "You're very beautiful."
She cleans up a bit before dinner, brushing her hair and changing into a nice sundress. She adds some perfume and shakes the anxiety out of her body, he was just one of her dad’s friends from work. And he happened to be incredibly adorable.
Returning to find them talking about how he fixed their frozen pipes in the winter with a hairdryer. It was the most basic shit to her and yet Chip was fascinated like he’s never heard any of these things before. He’s holding a beer in his hands with a leg crossed as he leans on the sofa and he’s so cute…
He’s in his work jeans and his shirt is all sweaty, and his hair is curled on the ends from all the hard work. His hands are dirty and he smells like sawdust and home. She’s not listening to a single thing they’re talking about, she’s just staring at the way his face moves when he talks and how sweet his laugh is.
He loves dinner, he’s beyond thankful and even more so for dessert. She made homemade banana bread with the bananas they had, they were going to go bad if she didn’t. It wasn’t anything special but he acted like she made his whole day.
He helps bring all the dishes into the kitchen, standing beside her as she fills the sink with water, “do you have a towel? I could help dry.”
“I know where everything is, how about you wash and I dry?” She compromises with a smile, and he’s more than happy to oblige.
She learns a little about him, he’s kind and friendly and he seems to crave the feeling of family that being in her home provides. He doesn’t want to stop washing dishes because then he has to go home, and he doesn’t look like he really wants to do that either.
“Do you need a ride home, Chip?” She asks as he lets the sink water out, “I was thinking about going to get some ice cream if you want to join me?”
“I would love to,” he smiles again, “thank you, Y/N.”
She understands everything when she drops him off at his tiny, little, run-down apartment; he’s going to be all alone as soon as he leaves her car and she hates that for him. He was so nice it was hard to believe that he didn’t have a nice partner and a house and kids by now.
“I wouldn’t mind if you came over for dinner after all your shifts with my dad? Just text me before so I make enough dinner?” She offers with butterflies swarming in her stomach.
“You’re too kind to me,” he replies, unable to meet her eyes as she turns to him.
“I just want more time to look at you,” she teases, “you’re really handsome.”
He lights up, “you think so?”
She nods with a small laugh, pushing air through her nose as she leans in more, “and you’re nice and funny, and your voice is cute.”
He’s stunned as his eyes flick back and forth from hers to her lips, his lips are parted as he tries to breathe but fails, he looks like no one has ever told him that before.
“Are you working with my dad tomorrow?” She changes the topic so that he can focus once more.
“I should be,” he replies just soft enough for her to hear.
“Would you like a sandwich for lunch? My dad said often the guys don’t bring that much with them to eat, I wouldn’t mind making you a sandwich too?”
She’s not sure why she feels the need to take him in and care for him but she does. She wants to wrap him up in a hug and make his meals and tuck him in at night. He just has this aura that calls for love and she desperately wants to give it to him.
He leans forward and kisses her, she kisses back instinctively and reaches to hold his face. His cheeks are soft as she runs her thumb along the skin, she pulls back only to press a few more pecks to his lips.
“You're something else,” he whispers against her lips before stealing another kiss.
He’s sweet, he tastes like vanilla ice cream and she just wants more. She kisses him again and again, eventually licking at his bottom lip and desperately whining to make out with him. She hasn’t felt this needy since she was a high schooler, but something in Chip made her feel alive.
She is leaning so far into his space she might as well get into his seat too. She moves to kiss his jaw and down his neck and he’s nothing but hands as he feels all over her back.
“Do you want to come inside?” He whispers, scared but just as desperate as she is.
“I shouldn’t,” she says before continuing her trail of kisses down his neck.
She can’t leave any marks because her father will know, but she also doesn’t care. He’d probably just give him a high five and move on with his day. She wanted to be even closer to him, she wanted to sit in his lap and kiss him for hours just because she could.
“We don’t have to do anything,” he tries to persuade her, “it just might be more comfortable for this?”
He holds her hand on the walk up to his apartment, she likes how much he already feels like hers. He shows her inside and before the door is even closed she’s connecting their lips once again. He moans into her mouth at the feeling of his back colliding with the door and her hands are immediately roaming his shirt.
He’s such a good kisser, he is gentle and soft, he isn’t overly eager and controlling. He lets her explore and slow it down as she presses in closer to him and his hands wander to her hips. She places one of her thighs between his and grinds herself even closer to him.
He’s hard against her hip and the prospect of sleeping with him is so enticing but she knows she can't, at least not yet. It would be too quick, she wants to just appreciate him like this. Her kisses trail from his lips to his ear and he’s still a whining mess, but he’s completely still as she sets the pace of her grinding. He’s not pushing her to do anything or move this along, he’s just letting her explore everywhere… he’s so different.
“I don’t want to have to do laundry tonight,” he whispers with a smirk, moving his hands down to block her from grinding on his erection anymore.
She just undoes his belt and pushes his jeans to the floor before resuming the same position as before, this time she pulls her dress up and rests the clothed tip of his cock in just the right spot under her.
He’s holding her closer again, his arms wrapping almost all the way around her as his big hands grab handfuls of her skin in a desperate attempt to be closer to her. She keeps kissing his neck, they’re more open-mouthed and breathy than she intends but he just feels so good under her.
No one has ever made her feel this desperate before, something about him made her want to devour him whole. His sounds were delicious, his skin even more so, she couldn’t help herself from nipping and sucking at his neck as he made more beautiful noises.
She was so close and she could tell he wasn’t far behind, “let go, Chip,” she whispers in his ear, “cum with me.”
She grinds down hard one final time and he’s a shaking, moaning mess. It’s the feeling of the wet patch in his underwear and the feeling of him shudder that sends her over the edge, panting into his neck as they hold each other close against the door.
He turns them around, taking her by the waist and manhandling her until she’s the one against the door. His lips are on her neck and it’s like his orgasm has only enticed him to go further, “you’re too good to me.”
“You deserve good things Chip,” she whispers as her hand comes up to grip his hair as he continues to kiss her neck.
“Let me say thank you,” he whispers as he drops to his knees and pushes her dress up as she reaches to pull it up for him.
She spreads her legs as he moves her panties to the side and dives in. Spreading her with two fingers he sucks her clit into his mouth first and she tugs on his hair so tight he moans against her. Sending another shockwave through her body as he built another orgasm up.
He’s so good with his mouth, her legs are quaking as she tries to stay standing against the door. She can feel him everywhere but it’s still not enough, she wants him deep inside of her but she knows it’s way too soon to even be doing this. She has never gone this fast with someone before but she couldn’t stop, he felt too amazing.
“Chip,” she chanted his name, tugging on his hair tighter to get him to moan against her and send her over the edge once again.
She ruts against his tongue, fucking his face as she rides it out and he is more than happy to keep going as long as she wants him to and it feels so good she might just stay there. But the twitches get too intense and the whine she makes lets him know she’s done as he kisses back up her body.
Supporting her against the door, he presses his body against her once more. Taller than her, he tilts her chin up so she can look him in the eyes, his chin and nose are glistening with her cum and somehow he’s still cute.
She kisses him on the lips quickly, “when I can feel my legs again, I need to head home.”
When she leaves, she just sits in her car for a few minutes as she settles even more. Then she heads to the grocery store on the way home to get nice things for his sandwich tomorrow, because any man who can make her cum twice in 10 minutes deserves the best sandwich.
Waking up at 6 in the morning to make sandwiches is normally a chore, she sometimes makes them the night before so she doesn’t have to worry and can sleep in, this morning she wants to put all the tender loving care into these lunches. Her dad has noticed, he’s eyeing her down from the living room as he has his morning cereal and she knows he wants to ask.
“I didn’t sleep with him if that’s what you’re wondering.” Her voice is just loud enough for him to shoot her a listening glance.
“Oh, but you’re making him a sandwich?”
“You should see his apartment complex,” her expression drops, “ and after the way he devoured dinner last night, I just knew he hasn’t been taken care of in forever. And he’s so nice?”
He smiles, “your mom did the same thing for me.”
“You’ve never told me the story,” she reminds him.
He gets up and walks over to the kitchen, leaning against the counter so they can look at each other. His expression is soft, he’s an overly kind man and it was the thing she loved most about him.
“Your grandfather and I worked at a company making refrigerators, I was new to the state and had nothing and so he brought me home for dinner,” he smiles at the memory.
“Her parents got divorced soon after and her mom was having trouble with the bills so I moved in and I helped, and every morning your mom woke up and she made me a sandwich as a thank you.”
“Oh,” she smiled at the recollection, they really were having the same little love story. “Well, I’m thinking about making fish for dinner, would you ask Chip if he likes it? I’ve invited him over for dinner after all his shifts with you.”
He laughs in a huff, he’s proud of her— and himself. He finally found a good one for her.
She outdoes herself for dinner. The food is amazing, the table is set, and she’s all dolled up for him. Her dad thinks it’s cute and he doesn’t mind being the third wheel, they all talk to each other like he’s been having dinner with them for years.
He helps clean up after dinner and her dad falls asleep watching Jeopardy in the living room like normal. She wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head on his back while he’s still doing the dishes, he’s still all sweat from work but she doesn’t care, she wants to give him a hug.
“What’s this for?” He whispers, placing a wet hand over hers on his stomach.
“Do I need a reason to hug you?” She counters.
“No,” he turns around in her grip so that he can give her a real hug. Wet hands on her back and everything.
She held him there, leaning against him as he leaned against the sink. His heartbeat was quick and he still smelled like sawdust and hard work, but he was warm and soft and it felt so right to just be there.
“Are you working with my dad tomorrow?”
“I will be for the rest of the month,” he confirms her hopes; he was going to be around often.
“Would it be alright if I asked you to stay the night?” She whispers incredibly soft for only him to hear.
He nods against her before taking her hand and leading her outside to the porch. They close the house door softly and then she’s back in his arms, “are you sure?”
She looks up at him and he’s even more beautiful today than he was yesterday, “I can take you back to your place to get some things? It would be nice to send you off to work in the morning.”
“You’ve decided that I’m yours now, haven’t you?” He teased her with a smile, perfectly fine with that.
She nods again, “you could move in tomorrow if you wanted, I’m not sure what’s possessed me to take you in like this, but I really don’t want to let you go.”
He delicately places his hands on her cheeks and pulls her into a kiss, it’s soft and short and he’s quick to look at her again.
“You can have me,” he whispers, “forever, if you want.”
It makes her laugh, “that's the sweetest con you know, you promise yourself to me forever and yet you have no idea if you can stay that long.”
He nods in agreement, “what if I promise my hardest to stay?”
“Okay,” she smiles again, leaning forward and kissing him again, finally.
The month is coming to an end and he’s slept beside her almost every single night, and even with that, they’re still taking it slow. They go on dates on the weekends, they make out in her car, he drives her to work, she kisses him at the door every morning he stays with them and they’ve done almost everything but have sex together.
They didn’t feel the need to yet, everything that was leading up to it was fun and interesting. She’s enjoyed sneaking around with him to get each other off back and forth, like an adult game of tag.
She’d blow him in the car on the way back to his apartment after dinner, or he’d come and pick her up after a shift at the diner only for them to end up making out in by the back door, and his hand always ended up in her panties. It was an interesting month of getting to know each other, but she wanted more now.
Her dad is going out of town on a fishing trip with his buddies this weekend, she’s booked time off and Chip has no idea what is in store for him. She plans a dinner, she gets all dressed up for him, there are candles and music and it’s perfect.
He’s amazed by the whole thing and she can really tell he’s been mostly alone for his whole life, he looks at a simple home-cooked meal like it was a million dollars and he was beyond grateful for everything. He almost cries he’s so thankful for the time and effort she puts into taking care of him.
He goes to pick up the plates and bring them to the kitchen as soon as their meal is over, “ah, ah, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Cleaning up for you?” Chip answers with a nervous tone that she hasn’t heard before.
“Don’t you want dessert?”
“I can bring it out for you, stay there,” he offers and then frowns when she stands anyway.
“You’re looking at it,” she whispers as she enters his space.
She takes the dishes from his hands and places them on the counter before wrapping her arms around him, “my dad isn’t going to be home until Sunday night.”
“Oh,” he whispers back before his hands reach for her ass and he’s picking her up.
Her legs wrap around his waist and she grips his shoulders for dear life as he hurries them up the stairs and towards her bedroom.
He’s incredibly strong for such a skinny guy, although he was filling out the longer he knew her. He makes it up the stairs and through her door as she gets a head start at kissing his neck until he has her pressed against the door.
“What’s with you and doors?” She teases as he rests her back on her feet, she draws him in closer to her so their chests are pressed together and she can look up into those sweet honey brown eyes.
“I’m just impatient.”
“Too bad, baby,” she teases, “I’m making you take your time with me tonight.”
“Yes ma’am,” he responded with a smirk, “I’m here to please you,” he whispered as he leaned in more.
Attaching his lips to her neck he kissed towards her ear, “to thank you,” he took a fistful of her hair and moved it out of the way before kissing down towards her shoulder. “To show you how much I appreciate everything you do for me.”
She pushed him back enough to get Chip to stop kissing her neck, instead, pressing her lips against his. Kissing him deeply before running her tongue across Chip’s bottom lip as a request to make out with him.
Making out with Chip was something she did often, yet it felt like not enough every time. His plump lips and velvety soft tongue, soft touches and rough stubble rubbing against her chin and cheeks.
He smelled like oak after a storm, it was warm and electric and delicious. She dipped her face into the curve of Chip’s neck and took a whiff before attacking him with open-mouthed kisses.
He giggled, his hands her hips now, the pads of his fingers going up and his nails trailing back down over the fabric of her dress, the perfect motion to make the hair on her body stand up.
She reaches for the hem of his shirt and pulls it up, separating from his neck so she had room to pull it off of him before reconnected their mouths. Kissing him deeply then pushing him onto the bed, watching Chip get comfortable before she crawled on top.
They wasted no time getting back into the groove of things, tongues clashing and hips grinding, soft moans in each other's mouths, hands roaming everywhere. She reached between them to undo his belt and the button of his jeans so his dick wasn’t rubbing against the zipper. Making out like that was some of the most fun she ever had, she could do it for hours on end.
She pulled back, kneeling above Chip, she grabbed his open belt and pulled it through all the loops and chucked it towards the floor. She massaged her hand over the bulge in his pants as she got closer to his crotch, watching as Chip threw his head back to moan.
She fiddled with the waistband, wanting to pull them down, Chip lifted his ass up ever so slightly for her to do so, she pulled his pants and boxers all the way off and threw them to the floor as well. Spreading Chip’s legs and taking him in her hand, finally. She dipped down ever so slightly and licked the tip and he let out a beautiful cry as his hips bucked. She loved his noises, she loved seeing what new ones she could make and he was more than willing to show her.
Chip gasped and reached out to grip her hair, she took that as an invitation to suck his dick, she wrapped her mouth around the tip, slipping her way down as far as she could go before bobbing back up. It was slow and sensual, she made sure to cover all of him; jerking what didn’t fit in her mouth, dipping down even further to kiss his balls and suck one into her mouth.
The people she’s been with before had never been reactive, they either gave her praise or roughly directed her deeper and deeper till she choked. Chip was different though, making soft noises that sounded like ‘yes’ and ‘god’, his little gasps and stutters of breath were the cutest things. It just encouraged her to do it more.
She pulled off, looking up at Chip who was just staring at her softly. If she knew anything about giving a blowjob she knew what her face probably looked like.. eyes blown out in passion and lips swollen bright red. It was a sight he loved to see, his hand slipped down to cup her cheek and then down to his chin where he used his thumb to brush her bottom lip.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
She crawled back up and sat on his hips, taking the hem of her dress in her hands and pulling it over her head. She was wearing a nice matching underwear set for him, nothing too fancy because she knew it would just end up on the floor anyway.
She leaned back down, attaching their mouths once again, he wrapped his arms around her back and slowly rolled them over safely. Now on top of her, looking up into Chip’s eyes was a blessing. He blinked a few times, making sure it was real and he wasn’t dreaming that the most beautiful girl in the world was looking at him like that.
“What do you want me to do?” He asked gently with pleading eyes that let her know he was desperate to touch her however she pleased.
“Make me yours, Chip.”
“I think you always have been,” he replied.
His beautiful sweaty curls drooping over his eyes, she smiled as she brushed them back. Petting his face softly as she looked at him, he was so beautiful. The light was bouncing off the wall just enough to illuminate him.
“How do you want to do it?” She whispered.
“Let’s just go where the rhythm takes us,” Chip’s voice dropped low as he did, pressing their chests together, close enough to kiss as he rubbed their noses together softly.
She kissed him, wrapping her hands around his neck and pulling him in more. He squeezed his arms between her back and the mattress, wrapping himself around her. he decided to reach into her panties with his free hand.
He took a moment to admire her chest, she had caught him staring before. He constantly used them as a pillow, he wanted to touch them so badly, so she leaned forward and let him unhook her bra. Pulling it from her body and towards the floor.
She could sense his hesitation, taking both his hands off her sides and guiding them to her breasts. He whimpered as he felt them, she closed her eyes at the feeling. A small moan escaping her lips as he groped her. His big hands felt amazing, so strong and gentle, rough and yet soothing. Perfection against her skin.
She leaned back against the bed then, leaving him sitting up on her hips. Her boobs flattening out into a funny shape as she laid back, making her smirk in embarrassment. Only making Chip love them more, diving in and kissing the newly exposed skin.
He dragged his bottom lip over her skin between kisses. Leaving a trail of where he’s been already. She had a hand in his hair, holding it out of his face as she watched him.
Panting as she tried to grind up against him, the arousal in her core was overpowering. She needed to feel more, she wanted all of him. She was addicted to him already, hoping she’ll have forever with him.
She was too hot, feeling the sweat gather behind her knees as she tried to find more friction against him. She didn’t mind all the exploring he was doing, it was a wonderful appetizer, but she was nowhere close to being full.
He pulled back then to sit on his knees between her legs before Chip slowly slipped her underwear off. Raising her hips softly before resting her ass back in his lap and spreading her legs.
Fully on display for him, she played with her nipples slightly. Knowing how much he loved her boobs, watching her with a slack jaw as his hands ran up her legs.
He snapped back into the moment when she pushed her ass down against him, a whimper slipping past his lips as he placed his thumb on her clit, rubbing gentle circles into the bundle of nerves.
With his pointer finger, on the other hand, he traced around her entrance, not pushing in, just exploring the wetness as it dripped out. She tightened up on command, seeing his breath hitch as his finger almost slipped in.
“Please?” She begged, arching her back more so that he could finger her.
“Can we try something?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, resting on her forearms as she leaned forward.
“If I lay back would you, um,” he couldn’t say the words. They felt too filthy leaving his mouth, pointing at his face instead.
She sat up then, pushing him back against the pillows and settling herself over his chest and gripping the headboard for support, Chip wrapped his arms around her hips and guided her forward more.
Her legs were already trembling in anticipation as she hovered over his face, feeling his breath right on her core, Without warning, he sucked her clit into his mouth.
“Fuck,” she gasped as she smacked her forehead against the blocked window behind her bed, hoping to god no one could see through the blinds.
He pushed one finger in as his tongue played with her clit. She couldn’t help rocking her hips against his face, helping him get deeper inside of her. He curled his finger, lightly fucking her with it as he sucked, licked, kissed her pussy.
She was a mess, shaking over top of him as she tried to keep her orgasm in. Not wanting to cum yet, wanting to feel all of him inside of her before she did that. So he added a second finger, making her cry out in pleasure against the window without even trying.
Her orgasm ripped through her as she fucked his face, holding his hair with one hand as the other steadied her on the headboard. She couldn’t believe how intense it was, almost knocking the wind out of her as she road it out on his tongue.
He smiled against her, kissing her clit once more before pulling out and helping her back towards his lap. She wasted no time hovering over his cock as it strained on his stomach.
“Do you want to?” She asked, trying to control her breathing but still looking like a panting mess as she anticipated him.
“I’ll always want you,” he assures her with the sweetest smile.
She wraps her arms around him and rolls them over once more, he adjusts between her legs and drags himself along her overstimulated clit, she shudders at the feeling and then laughs at her own reaction.
“Ready?” He whispered.
She nodded, feeling Chip push in, she reached for his hands where they rested on her hips and interlocked their fingers. He bottomed out and dropped to hover over her, bringing their interlocked hands over her head.
She reached up to kiss him, Chip pushing into the kiss and making her settle into the pillow once again. It honestly felt like a movie scene, a first time between two star-crossed lovers. He pulled out ever so slightly before thrusting in again, she gasped against his mouth.
Chip trusted more while she pushed her hips into it as well, an offbeat rhythm developed in pure ecstasy. She let go of Chip’s hands to snake them around his waist, to run her fingers over the soft and slightly chilled skin of his back. Feeling the bump of his spine as Chip ducked into the crook of her neck, placing kisses along her collarbone.
Chip changed the position of his thrust as he wrapped his arms under her, arching her back ever so slightly to reach the bundle of nerves that left her a quivering mess. Y/N, in response to the added pleasure, ran her sharp nails down Chip’s back and he groaned at the feeling, “do that again.” he requested.
“Like that?” She asked, dragging his nails down him once more.
“Yeah,” Chip moaned, dark and deep.
The feeling of pure bliss overtook her body with each thrust, warm chills ran through him with each brush of his thumb on her clit. Every kiss to her neck and squeeze around her waist made her feel like she was on fire.
The hairs on her arms stood up, goosebumps formed along his forearms. Chip kissed from her neck to her nipple and took the hard nib into his mouth causing her to moan like she never had before.
“Chip,” she panted, pulling Chip’s face back up to his.
His eyes were absolutely blown out in pleasure, those golden wonders he used to stare into were now replaced solely by the pupils. She ran her thumb across Chip’s cheek before reaching to the nape of his neck to pull him into another kiss. Open mouths pressing together, hot air on each other's faces as they panted to the pleasure.
She was in heaven.
Her orgasm bubbled in her stomach, “are you close?” Chip whispered right beside her mouth, kissing her cheek lightly after.
She hummed, unable to speak with the mass amount of pleasure coursing through her body. Chip fucked into her a bit harder, a tiny bit faster, hitting her g-spot dead on each time to the point the nerves in her thighs were quaking uncontrollably.
She was so close, Chip used 3 fingers to quickly rub over her clit before she threw her head back with a shout. Cumming with her eyes pressed shut, pleasure coursed through her body stronger than she’s ever felt it before.
Nothing had ever made her cum that hard, ripping through her like her soul was leaving her body. She dug her nails deep into Chip’s skin holding him close to his body while he kept thrusting.
A high-pitched gasp left his lips, close to her ear as his hips sputtered into her’s one last time.
She still hadn’t opened her eyes, her breath rigid, she felt winded. Chip had stilled as he came inside of her and then collapsed into her, deadweight laying on her.
Chip mustered enough energy to prop himself upon his arm and look at her. Using his free hand he ran his thumb against her bottom lip once more to get her to open her eyes.
“Hi,” he whispered.
“Hi,” she replied with a smile.
“You okay?” he asked.
She nodded, smile growing, “that was amazing.”
“Better than you hoped?”
“I’ve thought of doing this for the last month, I knew it would be amazing but I never imagined it would be that good.” she complimented Chip, “I think I died when I came, no joke.”
He laughed, dropping himself back into the crook of her neck. He kissed her more, up to her ear and across her jaw to her lips. Soft small kissed followed by a long-drawn-out one. Chip pulled their lips apart with a smack.
“Let me clean us up,” he said.
At that moment she realized Chip was still in her, soft and all. He pulled out slowly it was always such a weird feeling to be empty again. He sat up and made his way off the bed, he went to her bathroom.
Coming back still naked, his dick bobbing between his legs, she loved the view. He had a thing of baby wipes with him, knowing exactly where she kept everything in her bathroom by now.
“I can do it,” she suggested, reaching for them.
Chip pulled them back away from her, “I want to.” he said softly.
Running the cold wipe over her soft skin, Chip looked mesmerized. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
“Thank you,” she replied with a shy smile, “can you come back up here now?”
He tossed the wipes onto her night table and cuddled right back into her naked body, she held onto him tightly so he wouldn’t escape. She knew he wouldn’t, but she loved him so much she never wanted to let go.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered into her neck. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same yet.”
“Are you kidding?” She laughed, pulling back so she could see his face as he looked up at her. “I think I’ve been in love with you since you walked in and said I was beautiful.”
He reaches for her cheeks and pulls her in for another kiss, “I’m going to love you forever.”
The words used to scare her, but now she looks at him and thinks they might be right for them.
“Forever it is, then.”
taglist: @g0lden-cth @doctorspenceryeet @samuel-de-champagne-problems @reiding-recs @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria@reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @jswessie187 @k-k0129 @calm-and-doctor @blanchardsbk @thatsonezesty13
728 notes · View notes
countrymusiclover · 2 years
26 - The Name Xavier is Legacy
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Part 27
She's Human or Weapon
@tyrionsprincess30 @groovy-lady @bigbendyhorns @logolepsic-insomniac @the-big-bad-klaus @ocappreciationtag
Should I write for Dark Phoenix yes or no, let me know your thoughts???
"Let go, Jean...let go Hope. Unleash your powers. No fear...no more control...just let go...let go girls!" He screamed up to us where I opened my eyes flashing Apocalypse a wicked smirk once more
Hope's POV
Jean and I squeezed the others hand as we started walking towards Apocalypse. I don't look down where our feet were no longer on the platform but in fact allowing us to hover above the ground. The wind blows through my hair out of my face. Erik and Scott each kept giving him everything they had. Jean doesn't glance my direction when I looked to her for a signal. Closing my eyes I entered the mind word again. Apocalypse hovered over my parents pressing them into the ground harshly. My father groaned flickering his blue eyes up to mine. My gaze moved to my mother who was on her back her blonde hair a knotted mess with some blood stains in it. "Forget control, Hope. Ignore the lesson - just let go!" Mom cried out getting picked up by him. He then reached for my father who screamed to the red head at my side knowing we're the world's only hope. "Let go Jean - let go - unleash your powers!" Shooting my eyes opened we just scream releasing our power onto the God killing him until you only see his Skelton. Lowering myself back to the room I gasped seeing wings of almost a bird behind Jean before she appeared back on the ground too.
Aurora's POV
Blinking my eyes opened I lifted myself up on my elbows hearing Charles slowly waking up beside me. Rolling over onto my side I suddenly crash my lips onto his not caring about the others in the room at the moment. He gasped but moved his fingers up my arm until they knotted into my hair kissing me back where we're gasping for air. Resting my forehead against his I had to admit it was gonna be weird not messing with his hair anymore. I know he'll be broken up about it more than myself. "Charles I - I thought I was losing you. Oh god - I-" He cuts me off with a kiss entering my mind. "I know, Rora. I already know...I love you too." Smiling into the kiss I broke it looking over my shoulder to our daughter. "Hope, thank you. You don't need to learn control anymore. You're ready." She dropped down on her knees wrapping her arms around the both of us. Charles and I both each wrapped an arm around her releaved to actually be together as a family once again. She breaks the hug raising a brow to her father. "I'm not sure if I like you bald, dad." He weakly chuckled alongside her resting a hand ontop of his head knowing it's gone. "It shall be an adjustment that's for sure, sweetheart."
Getting to my feet I walked to the edge of the ledge seeing Erik standing on the ground. Opening my hands I lowered myself down to the ground with him. He removes the helmet running a hand through his hair avoiding my gaze. "Aurora I - I'm sorry for what I did. I just thought giving into my pain was the only way..." I could see tears in his eyes causing me to fling my arms around his neck burying my face against his chest. He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist crying into my shoulder for a few moments. "Hey E, look at me alright. You joined the bad yes - but you did the right thing and fought for good in the end. That's what truly matters." He sniffed through tears staring up at where Charles and the others were still at currently. "Would it be alright if went back to the school with you. Would Hope allow it?' I could hear the nerves in his tone of voice so intertwined our hands giving him a gentle grin. "I think she'll love that. I know I do. Come on let's go home."
The elevator door opened as I pushed my hair over my shoulder seeing Charles already down here waiting for me. Erik turned my direction with a smile. Together he, Hope and Jean re-built the school with their powers so it was completely back to normal. Intertwining my hands together in front of me the three of us watched Hope come out of the elevator rushing to her uncle with opened arms. He hugged her back ruffling her hair a little with an actual smile that I hadn't ever seen except the day she was born. "Hey how about the next time we reunite. You don't you know try and destory the world. Sound like a plan uncle Erik?" He chuckled throwing his head back where Charles and I had to join in too. "I'll absolutely try, little X. Don't grow up too fast on your parents. Although...I think a guy likes you." He whispered the last part in her ear eyeing Peter who was waiting for her before Raven and Hank would start the drills for training. "Bye Uncle E. Love you." She waves bye blushing like crazy walking away from the three of us.
"I still have hope for the world." Charles trailed off sitting in his chair wearing a blue shirt. Erik bends his down chuckling lightly. "Oh, yes. Hope. You're continuing search." Tucking hair behind my ear I tilt my head to our friend pointing out. "You were right to pick that name for her, Erik. She is the best parts of Charles and I." He smiled down at me where Charles stared up to him. "I was right about Raven. I was even right about you...and Aurora." Erik puts his hands in the pockets of his grey suit jacket shaking his head. "What about the rest of the world. Doesn't it ever wake you up in the middle of the night. The feeling that someday they'll come for you, and your children?" Charles and I turned to each intertwining our freehands together. "Yes it does, Erik." I replied to him asking another question confused. "What do you do when you wake up to that?" Charles eyes him carefully as he spoke. "I feel a great swell of pity for the pour soul that comes to my school looking for trouble. You're sure Rora and I can't convince you to stay?" Erik smiled back to us heading for the elevator. "You're psychic, Charles. You can convince me to do anything." Charles glanced over his shoulder calling back. "Goodbye old friend." He shouted back stepping inside. "Good luck, Professor. Oh and Rora...thank you forgiving me." I smiled getting one more look at my friend. "See you soon, E."
Charles shifted in his wheelchair staring towards his sister. She was staying in her natural blue form from now on. Hank was at the control table in his beast form too. Hope stood near Peter opening her hands revealing the golden power. Scott had new glasses and was near Jean. We even manged to locate Storm and someone named Nightcrawler bringing them to the school. From the looks of it of someone ever attacked the school this group of kids would defend it always. "Forget everything you think you know. Whatever lessons you learned in school, whatever you're parents taught you. None of that matters. You're not kids anymore. You're not students. You're X-Men." Raven declared to the new hero group. Hank pressed a button revealing the old sentinels as a form of training. "So who's the one our daughter likes, love?" Charles whispered into my mind making me chuckle bending down on a knee so I'm his level. He followed the tip of my index finger seeing that I was pointing to Peter. "My God I'm not ready for her to have a boyfriend. You know we could just-" He waves his right hand around wanting to use his power on all boys still. Covering my mouth with my left hand I start giggling at the thought but still shake my head no. "Charles, we have to accept the fact that she's growing up. Although I may have a solution myself..." Charles smirks when I climbed ontop his lap wrapping my arms around his neck smirking through my thoughts. "Let's have another baby, Charles." He cups my face in his hands searching for hesitation at all since he would have to take the serum again. Resting my hands on his shoulders I asked leaning down giving him a quick kiss. "What do you think, Professor X?" He wrapped his left arm around my waist holding me close to him while his other hand moves the joystick turning us so we went inside the elevator. The door closed behind us as he grinned lovingly up at me. "I'd love nothing more than that, Rora." That's when he finally kissed me.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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Where Charles accidentally becomes Peter's dad AU
Here's Part 1 and Part 2, in case you missed!
Erik's heart thudded with something he could only describe as longing. Looking at Charles and Peter reminds him too much of what he had lost- and what he could have had, should he have stayed. He was still eating in bites sitting at the table, but breakfast had long been lost in his mind.
"For the final time Peter, you aren't getting out of it. We are going to Hank and we are doing the tests," Charles said.
"What tests?" He asked.
Was Peter somehow sick? No wonder Charles has been so jumpy lately. Had he missed yet another sign staring right at him? His morose thoughts however, were nipped from the bud when Charles looked at him with those twinkling blue eyes. The last time Erik looked at Charles’ eyes were when they were at Cuba, fighting. They were dull, empty and stinging red from the tears that fell from the pain he had caused him. But this, he wanted Charles’ eyes to remain like that for as long as he lives - bright, happy and just so utterly full of Charles.
"Oh Erik! It's wonderful! If only Peter had said something from the start. He has a secondary mutation and he hadn't bothered telling me."
"A secondary mutation?" He then looked at Peter, who uncomfortably shifted under his gaze. Right. He remembers that the boy remains skittish around him - and who wouldn't after Cairo?
But of course why shouldn't the boy have something as rare? He was Charles’ son after all. Anything begot from Charles is naturally special.
"A secondary mutation?"
Peter wants to strangle the Professor. It would be so easy. No one would know. It would be quick and no one would be the wiser. He could probably hide the body too - it'll just take a second.
"Uh, yeah. I just didn't want to bother Hank." He glared at his 'father'.
"Well- " Erik prompts, "are you going to show us?"
Peter looks pleadingly at Charles, but Charles that bastard, only widened his grin and shot Peter a mischievous look. Oh, how he wished that the professor could read his mind - so that he could show him all the ways that his mind just came up with to dispose of him.
"It's nothing man. Hey Mags, pass me the salt would ya?" He's deflecting now, he only hopes that Erik would take the bait.
"Nonsense! It was amazing Erik, just yesterday he lifted my seat right up in the air. The entire kitchen was floating! Come now, son. Why don't you show him?" Charles was enjoying this. He was enjoying this too much and Peter couldn't do anything to call him out. Jesus, this was all his fault - if only his mouth hadn't run like it had that day.
"It's alright Charles, if Peter isn't comfortable in sharing then he shouldn't." Erik said.
Kudos to Mags for giving him an out - but the man looks so resigned...dissapointed - not in Peter thank goodness but in himself. How was that even possible? Alright. Just this once - he doesn't have to obvious about it, right? If he's lucky he can chalk it up to telekinesis.
"No man, it's just - I can't control it well...yet," he shrugs.
Magneto was a name true to Erik's powers that much Peter could at least relate to, unlike most parts of the iron-cladded man. Pun intended? Heh, maybe. Peter could feel the hum of each piece of metal in room, singing and reaching out to him.
He closed his eyes and attuned himself to those hums until he felt as if they were a part of him. Scattered, yes, but him nonetheless. His hands began to glow silver and soon enough, he only need pull on the strings that connected him to the rest of himself. Tugging on the cutlery that Erik was holding - he reached out and directed it up.
The boy was like him. The boy was emitting waves that were similarly magnetic like his own powers. The boy was metallokinetic. Erik watched in fascinated eyes as the boy floated the glowing piece of metal up then down again on his plate. He has never met anyone with the same mutation - bar, the glowing silver thing. But truly, Charles was right - it is amazing.
"You're like me. Metallokinetic."
"Yes.. well," Peter visibly shifted yet again, uncomfortable with the conversation.
"You said you couldn't control it?" He was quite confused, the boy seemed to handle it well enough.
"I can, just not well... I mean if I use it for long, it just - I dunno. Stops? I guess?"
"I can teach you." He all but yelled out. Please say yes. He wanted to be involved somehow. Charles taught him to control his own, surely he can teach Charles' son. For gratitude, repayment or atonement he didn't know what. But he needed the boy to say yes.
"I-" The boy looked at Charles, he was scared. Erik's mind concluded but Charles only looked even more delighted giving Erik at least some relief.
"If it's alright with you Erik, I would certainly like Peter here to take some lessons," Charles said as he turned to him.
"No buts Peter. It's gone on long enough," Charles said with a firm gaze. What had gone long enough? Hadn't Charles just said that he only found out yesterday?
"If...Mags is fine with it. Then, I suppose."
"You're Charles’ son. Of course I'm fine with it."
Erik just found out Peter has the same powers as him. How oblivious can one man get?
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
A Tragic Memory
Chucky was just watching his kids playing out in the front yard smiling. He took a moment to look at his surroundings, it resembled that day. No. He wouldn't let himself feel the pain. He shoved it down deep and continued watching his kids alongside Tiffany. But his mind pressed on. 30 years ago. It happened 30 years ago. The kid would have probably moved out and had their own kids by now, he thought to himself. He snapped himself out of it trying to shove it down deep to the point where it couldn't resurface, but nothing worked. The dam inside him was cracking.
"Stop it, Charles," He thought to himself trying to hold in his emotions.
He was faltering. He felt his hands tremble and his body began to shake. He couldn't speak. He won't cry. He forced himself not to. Not in front of his kids.
"Chucky? Are you ok?"
He was at a loss for words. Every time he tried to utter a phrase his voice cracked and nothing came out. So he just stared down at the cracked concrete.
Tiffany placed a hand on his thigh and felt him tremble.
"Chucky you're sharking"
Glen and Glenda turned their attention to their dad.
"Dad, you alright?"
"Are you ok Dad?"
Chucky's breathing became heavy and unstable. The dam was about to crack and a flood was about to ensue.
"YES, I'M FINE!!! QUIT ASKING ME THAT!!!!" His voice shattered revealing the layers of pain he had bottled up for so long.
The twins were startled by his response but Tiffany reassure the twins they did nothing wrong and that their Dad was just upset. Not at them of course.
She went inside and went to their room and found Chucky there on the bed.
"Sweetface, what happened back there?"
Chucky avoided eye contact and turned to the side trying to dodge her question until he got his composure back.
"Bottling it up again is not gonna help you Chucky. Trust me you'll feel better talking about it"
He shot her a quick glance and took a deep breath. No turning back now.
"The pain won't go away Tiff. Why won't it just go away?"
Tiffany ran a hand through his hair, in an attempt to relax him.
"What pain Chucky?"
Was he actually gonna say it? He already committed he had to see it through.
"Our son"
Tiffany remembered that day. She had been distraught for so long but Chucky. Chucky kept busy to distract himself. He just closed himself off for a bit, he went numb. Then acted like nothing happened. While in reality he was devastated and he didn't even get to meet the kid. He didn't know how to process grief, growing up he always relied on the principle of just sucking it up and the feeling will pass, but this, this pain was different. He blamed himself for what had happened. When in reality it was out of his control.
"I just... I blame myself for what happened Tiff. There's something I could have done! I could have------"
"Chucky.......It wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done"
He turned over to Tiffany and leaned into her. He cried. He couldn't hold it in anymore. He broke.
"You don't have to blame yourself anymore. It's not your fault. It was nobody's fault"
Chucky's breathing stabled and he calmed down for a bit. He let go of the self-blame and hatred he had for himself and let it go.
After a long while and he finally recollected himself he went downstairs and apologized to his kids for his outburst from earlier. They forgave him and they embraced for a long time holding each other. You have no idea how thankful he was to have his two beautiful kids alive and well. How grateful he was for his family. And he knew he didn't deserve it but here he was hugging them tightly never wanting to let them go.
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hiddleloki · 4 years
But Horseman!Peter is such a ??? VIBE??? Apocalypse could become way darker with evil!Quicksilver.
I have some headcanons if you don’t mind.
1.       After DoFP when Peter saw Erik on TV screen he became rattled with guilt an anger at himself. Over the years all this anger and angst just tenfolds and he becomes more susceptible to manipulations. He’s also more of a dick like his comic version
2.       At some point after DoFP he also lost his twin sister and ran away from home because he couldn’t deal with everything.
3.       Instead of going to Poland and having a family, Erik went on to found Genosha and lives there content and in peace for once
4.       Because Peter’s at his lowest Apocalypse finds it easy to manipulate him into joinig his little clique. Instead of Erik, it’s Peter who joins the team.
5.       He finds a kindred spirit in Ororo because they’re both kinda alike. Also : hair color buddies
6.       He and Warren don’t get along. Like, at all.
7.       When giving them new suits etc Apocalypse awakens his dormant ferrokinetic powers. Basically he inherited Erik’s ability to control metal (comics accurate babes!), but he’s still pretty untrained at that
8.       Charles gets kidnapped and once he wakes up in Cairo he recognizes Peter as the kid who helped them 10 years ago
9.       Peter is angry at him that his life got ‘ruined’ because how could they just recruit a 16 year and then just left him in the ditch, like he wasn’t important anymore.
10.   Unknowingly to him, Charles did keep an eye on Peter for a bit, and figured out he’s Erik’s son, but lost track of him soon after.
11.   Charles tries to talk him down just like he tried with Ororo in the deleted scene but to no avail.
12.   Raven, Hank and the X-Men travel to Genosha and tell Erik Charles’ has been kidnapped so he immediately joins them and together they fly to Cairo to save him
13.   The fight erupts and Apocalypse’s side is pretty OP, they have Peter and Psylocke who cover the ground and Warren and Ororo up in the air.
14.   Peter vs Kurt but Peter has the upper hand, because yes Kurt can teleport fast, but Peter is still faster.
15.   The moment Peter sees Erik he just freezes and then just goes straight at him.
16.   Erik recognizes him and doesn’t want to fight him, because to him he’s still a kid who helped him a decade ago
17.   At some point he clasps his legs in a metal binding to force him to stop, but to his surprise Peter breaks free with metal manipulation which shakes Erik to the core because he remembers “my mom knew a guy who could do that”
18.   But Charles is kind of safe and Kurt grabs Mags and they all teleport to that half destroyed building to regroup while the chaos is still going strong. Charles wakes up and is happy to see Erik there for him and fighting for the side of good.
19.   At some point someone says that they need to take out the horsemen before going at Apocalypse and Charles pulls Erik aside and tells him Peter’s his son, that he figured it out a few years ago and that Peter probably doesn’t know.
20.   Erik tells him that he figured that out a few minutes ago and that he appreciates the confirmation and he will do everything in his power to help his son the way Charles helped him all those years ago
21.   The final fight happens and Erik singles out Peter and he tries to talk him down, telling him that he was in similar shoes before and that that specific path leads nowhere.
22.   He then tells him that the guy his mum talked about was actually him and that he’s his father and obviously at first Peter doesn’t believe him, until Erik shares some more details about his mother.
23.   Eventually Peter calms down a bit and helps out his dad in the final fight. Apocalypse is defeated, Ororo and Peter join the team.
24.   Back at the mansion Ororo and Peter talk and she tells him she’s gonna stay at the institute and become an X-Man but Peter isn’t as sure what he’s gonna do.
25.   Erik and Peter have a heart to heart talk and Erik brings up that he noticed that Peter also has the ability to control metal and Peter tells him that he definitely wasn’t aware of that, that it’s a recent thing and he’s still struggling to learn how to actually use that power.
26.   Erik invites him to go with him to Genosha, not only because he’s his son and would want to be in his life from then on, but also because he could be a mentor to him and teach him how to control his newfound powers.
27.   Peter agrees and instead of becoming an X-Man, he goes to live with Dadneto in Genosha. End.
Anon, I don’t know you but I love you.
Horseman Peter is such a great concept omg. And also the idea of Peter having no clue about who Erik is to him, but Erik figuring out Peter’s his son and fighting for him? YES, I NEED MORE OF THIS
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elegantwizardtree · 4 years
no, but like imagine Erik and the x-men finding their way into the mcu universe because they somehow managed to pin Peter's location to there, and like it's way after the events in Westview. Peter's been on his own for awhile, kind of like hoping around, maybe he stayed with some of the remaining Avenger's, he definitely met Thor, tried lifting the hammer, nearly broke his nose falling down after his attempt at a grab and run had failed. He helped Peter Parker hide while the kids was on the run, made sure he was okay, and like, had someone outside of that weird shield organization he could trust. Met the Hulk, dude was weird, but he guesses he's cool, the guy is green.
Anyways, he's somewhere, and his dad and team are searching for him, Erik not so calmly looking through every city they stop at to find his son, one of which had a tendency of giving the man a heart attack. Like, have you seen his track record, kid broke his own dad out of a high security plastic prison, punched a god, got leg broken by said god, and got yeeted by a former friend into a coma. So yeah, Erik maybe going on a panic spree, possibly bending and twisting anything metallic in his way while the x-men (mainly charles) try to calm him down, as they have taken to notice that there aren't very many, or any for that matter, any mutants in the universe that they happen to be searching.
So, maybe Peter manages to find his way back to Wanda, either it to see if she can send him back home, or to be there to help her out because even though he doesn't really know her, he does have her actual twins memories and he did spend time with her (yes he may have been under mind control, but he still grew to care for her) because she was alone. Wanda had had everything and everyone she cared about taken away from her, and he didn't want her to spend anymore time to herself, and that's how the others find him. His in a cabin, with a strange woman he just so happened to call his sister as soon as the team showed up, now everyone is confused and Erik looks as if his minutes from crying because a) he's found his son and he can properly hug the kid and tell him how much he missed his loud antics and b) he's possibly got a daughter that not even Peter told him about.
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