#yes i also play genshin and hsr
nyashykyunnie · 2 days
Okay but in a fr sense why the hell are my types so goddamn opposite of eachother? Blud it's either the cold and strict type or u cant trust that fae aa look and it makes me go🤺🤺🤺🤺 everytime I realize it
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WHERE THE FUCK IS THE CONSISTENCY LORD??!!!?!!????? Dear god just give me my future husband alr like man or just outright tekl me if I'm gonna die single buddy I'm in a dillemma at how my types are just pkain polar opposites spare me pls
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remnri · 1 year
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scara as herta (hsr) lol
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good morning!! <3
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Part of me wanting to get into HSR, but as cool as HSR looks I'm... likely not even gonna bother with it
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xiao-come-home · 1 year
Genshin + HSR men as dads;
✰ Characters:
↳ Genshin: Ayato, Itto, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Zhongli, Xiao.
↳ HSR: Blade, Jing Yuan, Luocha.
✰ Words: 3,5k.
✰ SFW ; afab!reader, because pregnancy mentions. fluff.
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Warnings: established relationship, the characters are reader's husbands, mentions of pregnancy, babies, ayato always ends up kinda horknee????? slight spoilers about blades past, not beta read THERES NO TIME FOR THAT
A/N: this is my first time writing for hsr and kaveh, but I tried my best </3 also I have work in 2h and I haven't slept yet. this is more important. pog also give me feedback if you like hsr pieces ;q;
Ayato Kamisato:
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he's such a girl AND boy dad you can't convince me otherwise. i just can't get that out of my head: imagine just chilling with your husband, you two enjoying some tea or coffee, while watching your children happily yell and play outside; ayato plays with your palm slightly, switching between rubbing it with his fingers and interlocking it, giving you occasional glances and tiny smiles.
ayato's definitely a strict parent, but wants his children to feel freedom - he does not force them to practice something they don't like, but teaches them necessary stuff they need to know if they are to be the future of the Kamisato clan.
he DEFINITELY had a boy first. and his son DEFINITELY looks like a perfect mixture of you two - he has ayato's eyes and hair type, but your hair color and smile.
your daughter, on the other hand, is exactly like ayato's copy, except with your personality - and he's extremely whipped for her. his little girl wanted to practice a new hairstyle with multiple pink hair clips? oh well, looks like he goes like this to his important meeting.
though, your son is just as mischievous as his father, if not worse - has probably trolled Itto more than once by the shy age of just three. he's also definitely interested in ayato and ayaka's battle styles, like hello??? HOW DO YOU JUST DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT??? AND TURN INTO SNOW??????
even though some fights between his children happen, as it's a thing you can't avoid - the big brother is very protective of his little sister and would do anything to make her happy! even if it means princess tea time. it reminds ayato of his, though not as fortunate, childhood memories with ayaka before she grew up to be the strongest woman and best auntie we know.
ayato probably teases you about wanting a third one, so they look like you this time. "say, darling, how about we get another little one?" feeling his smile, ayato whispers into your ear, "think about it, love," he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, "you just look so perfect I can't resist you."
Arataki Itto:
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i do nOT care, his child is just as hyper as him. they're his absolute best buddy, partners in crime, you name it. but there's a plot twist - thank god your child thinks more often than their father AND stops him sometimes.
listen. absolute boy dad. his son is his pride and joy,he bragged so much about his boy to the point that Raiden Shogun herself heard about him.
so, remember itto being severely allergic to beans as an oni? his son absolutely loves beans and could eat them with no side effects. but itto being itto, prepares him meals with beans and takes it as a challenge. he just might cry, or throw up at worst. but hey, everything for his little sunshine.
^^your son absolutely cheers when he's making him dinner and suffering like?? "go dad! you're so awesome!" "yummy!" and itto's screaming back with tears dripping down his cheeks, "yes, YES!! THE BEST COOK OF INAZUMA, ARATAKI ITTO!"
itto prides himself in creating the most perfect small person to ever exist. your son inherited itto's golden heart and your brains (thank god). he's truly a ball of sunshine, and possibly the happiest and polite boy in Inazuma. with a pair of red horns just like his dad, red streaks in his hair and markings, itto's pupils and your eye color.
hear me out: total best pals with ayato's son. they love playing board games and battle onikabuto with each other, and much to itto's delight, his son is usually the winner, but the boys always politely thank each other for the game and move on.
your son is actually such a smooth talker to ayato's daughter to the point that he considers giving them a blessing and suffering being in-laws with itto.
he's also (great)grandma oni's favorite child now... he loves baking, cooking and sewing with her, and showing her his favorite onikabuto that you and itto let him keep as a pet!
itto's actually VERY down to have a few more kiddos if your pregnancy went well. he'd love a little girl to spoil his long hair, or maybe two. and two more sons so he wouldn't be lonely..
that time itto caught ushi sound asleep with his ball of sunshine next to him was the day he'll never forget. with tears in his eyes, he covered them in a warm blanket and let them snooze for a little more before bedtime.
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literally no one, not even one soul knew that alhaitham has a child until they saw him walking a three-year-old. and the said child is probably the most behaved child that has ever been born.
seriously, your son is probably the smartest child ever. alhaitham, despite some worries, did and still does very well as a father - he began teaching him to talk earlier, he also seemed to have taken a liking to some instruments when he got older. the scribe's little one also enjoys it when his dad reads with him! be it alhaitham's books or fantasy ones, they have a special routine just for reading.
your son absolutely looks up to his father. when he sees him drafting some documents, his eyes shine with curiosity and adoration. alhaitham, can't help but smile slightly when he isn't looking.
nahida promoted alhaitham as the Acting Grand Sage. he promoted her as his babysitter.
^^but in a more serious tone, I genuinely think Nahida would be somewhat interested in your child - not in a negative light in any way, but.. it does make her wonder how a small child could be so smart. though his son has a long way to go and grow up, each year he manages to surprise her.
when his son is too bothered by the attention of other people, alhaitham gives him his noise-canceling headphones; they're a bit too big on him, but he appreciates it anyway.
alhaitham makes sure your son remembers his late grandmother, despite having not met her. even if the scribe does not consider himself a very emotional person, he wants the memory of her to live on.
he encourages his child to make his own decisions, too - just like he had that choice as well; if his son wants to break the ice and become more outgoing - alhaitham will not stand in his way. he wants him to grow up as the person he truly wants to be.
he definitely explained some god-tier science to his toddler son while holding him in his arms, receiving only some confusing "blah blag bwwwug" in return, watching him bite his tiny hand in happiness. he continued.
if there's something that alhaitham shares with his son, it's his love for naps. sometimes you all sleep together, and when it's time to wake up - both of them whine and your son snuggles up to his dad, to which your husband responds by getting his arm over the little one and giving you a small chuckle with one eye open, shortly before falling back asleep.
kaveh is your child's godfather. no, it wasn't his choice.
after a bit of hesitation and a lot of thoughts, he wouldn't mind to have another one; genders don't matter to him by any means, but I see him with yet another son :)
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kaveh and his twins could rival itto and his son's enthusiasm - it's what kaveh wants his kids to always remember - he wants them to enjoy every single bit of life, even if it's something simple.
the famous architect has decided to work hard to provide for you and the baby when you told him about the pregnancy- or, rather, about his future children; some of his work truly shone and got him quite a bit of attention, and therefore - a bunch of well-paid commissions.
kaveh has fought his empathy many times and tried not to overly spend money, which resulted in him being able to create and build your house that you share together; each of the twins has their own room, decorated according to their tastes.
your children have great emotional intelligence, just like your husband; if there's ever any conflict, they rather talk about it, than pout for hours, similar with you two. kaveh teaches them to always be honest, especially to themselves. they're also talented, but in different ways - your daughter seems to be fascinated by the role of the architect as well, but your son, regardless of what he's doing - he always makes sure it's perfect and polished as much as possible.
you cannot tell me this man doesn't do some kind of weekly family time - kaveh loves his family to the bone and would risk his life to protect you and your children with no hesitation. he's very involved in his children's lives and wants to be considered as their friend as well, not just a father; kaveh wants to know what they are interested in the moment, who they had their last beef with and who their crush is. he just really wants to gossip with them lol.
contrary to what a lot of people think, the twins and alhaitham's child(ren?) get along very well, and are aware they're just mirrors of each other. they can't however, understand how they managed to live together under one roof for so long... they never complain if they visit uncle alhaitham though, as he lets them search through his library so they can find out more about their interests.
in revenge, alhaitham is the godfather of the twins, just so you know.
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not only did he fall in love with you, but after hearing the cry of his little girl after she took her first-ever breath - zhongli fell in love once again.
he's so, so overprotective of his baby, regardless of her age. he's swooned by her - how tiny her fingers are compared to his when she finally grips them for the first time, how every month she looks even prettier than last one - he's always by her side, making sure she's the happiest she could possibly be.
since he has to sleep only once for a few days, he's willing to spend every second with her, especially after birth - zhongli also wants you to rest as much as you can, so you can both create memories together.
he most certainly takes her on a lot of walks with you when she gets older; not only around liyue harbor, but places dear to him and her only, if they discover one.
when your daughter grows up and begins to show interest in zhongli's hobbies, he smiles at her gently and sits her in his lap, only to start explaining it and feeding her curiosity; sometimes he has to stop himself for a moment to admire her twinkling eyes.
oh he DEFINITELY does her hair every morning. he's practiced on you before, having learned many new hairstyles to later on perform on your daughter; he carefully strokes her hazel hair with golden tips with a brush, feeling as he's almost watching his own in a mirror. sometimes, he adorns her hair with his own hairpin.
xiao was definitely the first person to know about your daughter. knowing that archon blood runs in her veins, he's less worried about being around her, therefore always more willing to spend time with her. both grow from this interaction - the little one knows how to protect herself (or to call uncle xiao when she's in trouble), and xiao understands small humans just a bit better.
zhongli's thrilled to know what her favorites are - no matter if it's tea, food or fabric, he has to know! perhaps they share the same favorites?
with the help of kamera, he's now able to immortalize the sight of you and your daughter. each birthday, he takes a picture and cherishes the young years of your baby, knowing they won't last long; erosion be damned, as long as he has the pictures - he'll always remember.
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xiao was clueless. clueless and frightened. he wasn't supposed to have a child - with a mortal on top; albeit he tries to stay calm for your and baby's sake, he wants both of you to heal well.
it took quite a bit of time for xiao to fully embrace that he's a parent - and he adapted very well, having you by his side; the only worry that hasn't gone away is the thought of harming his daughter with his karmic debt.
but so far, the little one hasn't shown any signs of it, which makes xiao more than happy. she's yet another reason to warm his cold heart up, which he always compares to being engulfed by comfy scarf in the winter.
he automatically turns his head around whenever he hears her tiny little "tap taps" with her feet; not only does he find it adorable, but he knows she once again managed to lose her slippers and socks.
listen. she inherited the same diamond mark on her forehead - and he finally understands why you always insisted you liked kissing it for no reason.
he always. ALWAYS shares his almond tofu with his baby girl.. and she always makes a mess while eating it.. but it's worth it.
your daughter seemed to have taken a liking to watching finches from a distance; they always look for a nice spot in liyue plains, make a small picnic and feed the leftover bread to the birds. she finds them so adorable to the point that xiao was looking for a finch plushie for WEEKS. that made her good friends with qiqi, whom she tries to remember as "the finch friend."
Zhongli never says it out loud, but thinks of Xiao as his son. therefore, he finally earned a title of a grandpa (though unofficial). he's very proud to see Xiao stand up in a role of not only a protector of liyue, but the ones closest to him.
yes, your daughter actually calls morax himself, grandpa. (he doesn't correct her. ever)
imagine xiao with baby carrier. now you don't have to imagine it anymore.
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don't even say he isn't a girl dad. HE IS.
he thinks he's a mere blade whose humanity has been lost hundreds of years ago - it's nothing more but a delusion in his mind. if that was the truth, why would he stay near his daughter's crib and watch her sleep peacefully, flinching when he saw her stir in her sleep?
she's absolutely not afraid of his cold, death stare, in fact - she looks at him back, waiting him to break first. just imagine a tiny baby eating a rice waffle, blade next to her and he just.. stares at her. but she stares at him back and eats the waffle like it's nothing.
your baby girl inherited blade's hair- or rather, yingxing's pearly white hair. he often pats her head gently and goes his hand through her hair, his eyes holding a tinge of bitterness and anger; not at her, however, but at the one he's after.
since blade spends most of his time on various missions with the stellaron hunters, he tries to make it up to your daughter by giving her gifts; hairpins, stickers (ekhem, silver wolf), coloring books, you name it. he slowly warms up to the idea of spending more quality time with her - after so many missions and the thought of his family waiting for him at home, his heart longs to see you again.
sometimes.. you can catch a faint smile on his lips when he plays with her. it's a sad smile - a smile yearning for it to happen back in simpler times, before getting reduced to a weapon, or perhaps in another lifetime.
he never admits it out loud, but he gets used to the new routine a bit too comfortably. before, when it was just you - in contrast to now, when he barely closes the front door and hears his daughter sprinting to him and clinging to his leg; he picks her up and feels her squishing her cheek against his while grinning. "welcome home, daddy!" are the first words he hears - and hopes to hear until it's his time to leave.
at times, blade becomes genuinely terrified - terrified of no longer craving death and wanting to stay. it sends him in so much emotional turmoil he starts to shake; how else do you process this? after so many years of attempting to look for that one thing that finally stops your breath, only to get swarmed by the thoughts of not wanting to leave your daughter behind? what if something happens to her and there's no one to help her?
there's a thing that I can't stop thinking about: I want to leave it up to you how you name your daughter, but I feel like blade would truly like the name Mari.
he lets her decorate him with stickers. it was silver wolf's idea.
Jing Yuan:
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he was blessed with a daughter, as well. and then again. and then... again.
he absolutely adores his three little girls, hellO?!?!? but if you think about it, it makes sense - almost all of them took after his personality.
there is a mandatory nap for him and his girls that no one can disturb, unless the planet is on fire or someone got you mad. they all snore quietly while cuddling their dad, one of them on his chest, second on his stomach, and last one has her face somewhere next to his hair. makes you wonder how they got in these places, considering they started sleeping beneath a pink blanket decorated with lions.
speaking of lions, mimi claims your daughters as her cubs and does not let jing yuan take them away. she loves being pet and getting small kisses from them, there's no way she gives him that amount of attention back.
jing yuan loves your daughters to death and spoils them with absolutely EVERYTHING. new plushie? will be here in a few hours. a damned rock that's stupidly expensive, holds no value but one of them liked it? he'll take five. hell, he might even buy them a dog or another lion and hope for easy consequences from you.
he's slightly scared of how fast his oldest got so good at chess.
the girls get very upset when someone mentions they have no older brother - after all, how could they forget about yanqing?
there is a high chance of him losing one of them at home. they're walking, he turns around and.. suddenly the math doesn't add up..
if it's princess tea time, it is princess tea time. fu xuan either becomes a princess or comes back later.
even though they sometimes bring a lot of trouble, jing yuan always tells them to appreciate you - when it's mother's day, they all sit down and prepare a gift for you, same for your birthday; your special days will never go unnoticed.
probably wouldn't mind having another child, but is fully prepared for another girl lol.
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he fathered a beautiful boy and girl a few years after. none of them were planned, but very welcome by both of you.
he's.. such a doting father. he always takes care of his children well, shows them affection - especially as small babies, he can't get over their chubby cheeks and peppers them with kisses, so he could hear them giggle.
in general, I think he just. can't get enough of them when they're toddlers or even younger. he loves holding them. he loves seeing his tiny babies get curious when he prepares medicine. he loves when they extend their hand to him for seemingly no reason, so he has an opportunity to give it a kiss. ARGH
he's thrilled to share his medical knowledge with his kids, if one shows interest in it!
luocha's definitely the one to style his babies' hair, I mean have you seen this man's gorgeous locks???? he's also the one to cut it if they don't like it long.
this isn't really about the children themselves, but.. he's just so grateful that you brought them into this world?? and he makes sure you know it every day, be it through actions or words. when you gave birth to your daughter, he held her in her hands and approached you from behind, leaning down and planting a chaste kiss on your cheek. "love, she's so wonderful, thank you for your hard work. I can't stop looking at her, and I wouldn't have that opportunity if I didn't meet you. I've never been more happy to meet such a person like you."
just like kaveh, he wants to be very involved in their lives. he always asks them about their day in school, if they made any friends. luocha also tries to be stern and has only one expectation as a father - he wants them to have a good, comfortable life, in which he'll assist in achieving as long as they need.
your son is very, very talkative with his dad and they could converse for hours. like for real. he's so smart, luocha is more than happy to broad his horizons, even in topics of lesser importance.
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h0neysp1ce · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if you could do my request? Could you any genshin boys (Mainly Neuvillette and Wriothesley, but if you want to do one, do Neuvillette) with a fem!reader who’s like robin from hsr? Like she’s a popular idol and is very famous?
Thanks for reading my request, and make sure to take care of yourself!
Nҽυʋιʅʅҽƚƚҽ x Iԃσʅ Fҽɱ! Rҽαԃҽɾ
Characters: Neuvillette, Fem! Reader Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff Constellation: Head canons, Scenarios/One Shots Warning(s): Spoilers for Neuvillette's character and Fontaine quests. DNI if you haven't played through the Fontaine Archon quests yet or interacted with Fontaine as a whole. There are spoilers! also there are French Pet names mentioned such as Mon Chéri, Mon trésor, and Mon Amour. Reader is Female Aligned , although its rough finding context clues of that (I'll edit later for any mistakes) mentions of other characters such as Seigiwinne, Lyney, and Lynette. Cringe Dialogue between you and Neuv?? sort of. Mentions of Deep kissing sessions but nothing over that??
A/N: Thank you to the person who requested this! It provided a fun challenge for my writing skills, which I enjoyed ^^ I wasn't sure if you meant headcanons or scenarios, so I included a mixture. And thank you do take care of yourself too! <3 (edited post)
word count: 1824
˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
You had caught the eye of the Hydro Dragon in short...
➺ You and Neuvillette had started dating privately since you were both significant figures in Fontaine, him as the Chief of Justice and you as a popular Idol.
➺ The relationship is very discreet and private; the only person who knows would probably be Sigewinnie. You two had met at the Opera House during Lyney and Lynette's magic show.
To put it simply, you found yourself wanting to get away from the paparazzi. So, you put on a disguise and decided to visit the Opera House, curious about the magic show. However, you had no idea you would bump into the Chief of Justice.
𝒮𝒸𝑒𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜 (1)
You took a seat beside the Chief of Justice without realizing who he was. Suddenly, a voice broke your train of thought.
"Excuse me- "
You turned to look, and it was Neuvillette himself. You almost freaked out, but you kept your composure.
"Monsieur Neuvillette—" your voice faltered mid-sentence.
"Ms. "Name" I presume?" he asked.
"How did you- "
"Don’t fret, Madam Name. I’m not going to blow your cover, so you can relax," he stated with a slight smile.
➺ From that point on, you two found ways to see each other—some coincidences and some deliberate. This is what strengthened your relationship the most.
➺ Your hometown is Fontaine, so when you’re not touring or performing, you’re relaxing at home.
➺Eventually, it was clear that you both had feelings for each other. Though it was awkward at first, you two made it official, and it went surprisingly well.
𝒮𝒸𝑒𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜 (2)
You had just finished rehearsal for one of your concerts and had promised Neuvillette in advance that you would have a date and some tea together.
You hastily made your way to his office, gently opening the door and closing it behind you.
"Ah, Mon chéri—I presume rehearsals concluded ?" Neuvillette trailed off. He was at his desk, finalizing some paperwork when he looked up at you and gave a smile.
" Yes, Mon amour, they did," you responded. You made your way behind his desk, plopped down in his lap, and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Mon trésor," he murmured, taking one of your hands and kissing the back of it before bringing it to his cheek to bask in your warmth.
He trailed a few kisses from the edge of your palm to your wrist, his hand resting on top of yours.
You and he just sat like that for what seemed like a while until you broke the silence.
"Mon amour, how has work been going on your end, if I may ask?"
"It’s been very tedious, my dear "Name", but as the Chief of Justice, it’s my job," he said with a slight smile.
He looked at you with admiration and suddenly pulled you in for a sweet kiss that lasted a few moments. You both enjoyed the warmth and passion of the moment.
You pulled away first and giggled at how clingy he was being.
You shared a few more kisses before actually getting on with the date, which ended with you both drinking tea and discussing a multitude of topics.
➺ Neuvillette is a man who loves praise. He adores it when you compliment him and will do the same for you, admiring and praising you in every way. He definitely attends most of your concerts; unfortunately, he can’t make it to all of them because of his busy schedule with trials, paperwork, and his duties as the Chief of Justice. However, he always ensures to be your biggest supporter and fan.
➺He loves your voice. When you speak or sing, it’s like listening to an angel to him.
➺ He has been open about his true identity to you. In fact, he told you he was the Hydro Dragon on your second date. He didn’t want to hide it from you because he cares about you and values honesty in your relationship. At first, he was hesitant to tell you because he didn’t know how you would react, and he didn’t want to overwhelm you.
➺ This man even gave you a promise ring. You both have matching rings, though his is hidden under one of his gloves for obvious reasons related to Fontaine's never ending drama. He loves how you wear yours on display.
Interviewer: "Now, Ms. Name, can you tell me about the ring on your finger?" the interviewer asked curiously.
"Name:" “Oh, this is just a new piece of prized jewelry I wear. It’s an important piece and has a lot of value, that’s all I’ll say for now,” you replied.
➺ That’s the excuse to keep things concealed between you two, as you prefer to keep the relationship private.
➺ Sigewinne found out during tea time between her and Neuvilette , Neuvillette mentioned you, and she could tell from the way he spoke about you that you two were definitely an item. She always found you to be a lovely couple.
➺ Neuvillette loves when you return from your travels or tours. He enjoys when you find a comfy spot on his lap in his office while he’s going through files and paperwork. He might pull you closer and sneak in a few kisses and caresses while multitasking.
➺He is excellent at multitasking, confirmed.
➺ He admires you in every way. He finds you beautiful and sweet and feels you bring him so much joy. Whenever you’re around, this Hydro Dragon cries less, to put it simply.
➺ You’re good at easing each other’s stress. For you, you work with comforting him, and your comfort helps him relax when he’s been cooped up in his office for too long. On the other hand, he goes for a more delicate approach, like letting you sit on his lap or resting on the sofa in his office after a lot of rehearsals or concerts.
➺ He’s a physical touch and gift-giving man, and maybe just a bit into words of affirmation. He has a specific way of talking to you. Although he may not fully understand all human emotions, he really tries, and you’ve helped him understand them better.
➺ He loves your touches—your soft hands that fit so well in his, and when you cup his face, he’ll place his hands over yours if you do so for a while. He enjoys basking in your warmth, and he loves to litter your hands with kisses and trail up your hands and wrists. He wants to kiss your soft lips 24/7 and hold you passionately every chance he gets. You are precious to him.
➺ He is a well-mannered man with a lot of courtesy and respect towards you <3
➺ You and him do live together, but the location is kept private between you two.
➺ This man will eventually ask you to marry him—100% guaranteed.
➺ Just ask, and he makes some of your concerts. You tend to attend some of the trials he oversees, though you sit in the back so you’re not easily noticed.
➺ Things definitely grow passionate when you kiss, and it becomes very intimate. By the end, you’re either both slightly out of breath or Neuvillette is covered in kiss marks from your lipstick.
➺ You might think he would be bothered by lipstick stains and marks left on him, but he actually loves them, even though he has to clean them off before making a public appearance, which is rare unless it’s a trial or something.
➺ He’ll often give you his coat on the way home. His coat draped over you is something that makes him happy.
➺ They say dragons like treasure. You are, in fact, his treasure—more precisely, his “Mon trésor.”
➺ Being the Iudex in Fontaine, you know he’s fluent in French, so expect him to speak to you in French sometimes or give you French pet names of endearment.
➺ As an Idol, you have many die-hard fans. It’s not bad for the most part, but sometimes they can get out of hand.
➺ You’re famous to the point that the whole of Teyvat knows who you are at this point.
➺ You made a name for yourself early in your career and are a very successful Idol, beloved by many.
➺ Your music and songs are hits across the world of Teyvat. Lots of people talk about you a lot.
➺ Your Vision is Hydro, and during your performances, you use water techniques from your Vision to create cool effects at your concerts.
➺ Not only are you a hit as an Idol, but you also do interviews, modeling for photoshoots, and there is some merchandise with your face on it. However, you prefer to keep it minimal, as having your face on everything is a bit overwhelming at times.
➺ Yes, there are downsides to being an Idol - crazy fans and intrusive paparazzi, to name a few. But other than that, you love your career.
➺ With your Vision, when used during performances, it creates a trail of water, musical notes, and floating bubbles that sync with your voice and timing.
➺ Sometimes, Neuvillette will ask you to sing something for him when you’re alone, and you get shy and surprised, asking him why.
𝒮𝒸𝑒𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾𝑜 (3)
"I'm running a  bit late," you said, glancing at the time.
"I’ll be back soon, mon amour," you kissed Neuvillette goodbye.
He smiled and pulled you in for one last kiss before you had to go, returning your goodbye kiss.
"I’ll see you later this evening, mon chéri. Remember dinner tonight," he said.
You grinned widely in return and turned to head off, getting ready for another one of your concerts. Unfortunately, Neuvillette was buried in paperwork, so he couldn’t attend this one. But he wished you all the best and good luck.
Later, you returned from your concert, kicking off your heels after entering the shared home you and Neuvillette have.
"Mon amour!" you called out.
"Yes, Mon trésor, I’m in the dining room," he replied.
You entered the dining room, which was dark except for the lit candles on the table.
A candlelit dinner? Your face flushed slightly red as you looked up to see Neuvillette sitting across the table with a wine glass in hand.
"Welcome home, dear "Name", he said.
"Neuvillette, you didn’t have to do all this..." you murmured as you walked over to him.
He pulled you into his lap the moment you reached him, holding you close for a moment before responding.
"Mon amour," he mumbled into your shoulder.
"My sweet Hydro Dragon..." You lightly ran a hand through his white fluffy locks, gently massaging his scalp.
You ended up staying there, chatting over dinner about your day and enjoying each other’s company.
A/N: Dialogue went brrr. I tried to be as creative and detailed as possible but it might be cringe at points. I’m still learning how to write so apologies for any awkward dialogue ;w;
. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.
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zhxngii · 1 year
— Jing Yuan & Diluc BR | genshin + hsr
꒰ঌ notes ໒꒱:: this is more similarities rather than a threesome, just like the welt and zhongli br basically. the threesome be in a different post for sure! (p.s. ive been real obsessed with them lately..) this is 18+ if you're not comfy, don't read! below the cut is nsfw btw. ꒰ঌ contents ໒꒱:: nsfw. positions ; spooning, missionary, mating press. breeding (mentions; plus who am i if i don't include breeding?), size kink?
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Big strong men with long fluffy hair. They will allow you to play with it as much as you want, enjoying it when you're braiding or doing various styles with their hair. They also wear it proudly when you finish, a little blush on their cheeks as they get little compliments.
As scary as they may seem, they have huge soft spots for you. they're super touchy when they're around you, giving your cheeks and lips sweet little pecks. They also love showing you off, loving it when people know that you're his.
They love how you're smaller than them, and love using their strength to hold you in place no matter what position you both are in. squirming too much? they'll pin you down, holding your legs in place on your chest or over their shoulders. I can also see them both holding your ankles or wrists in one hand.
When i said they love being touchy, yes that's so true. when it comes to cuddling or sleeping, they love hugging you from behind, holding you close as they just relax with you in their arms, they often fall asleep like this. but.. this could 100% lead to something other than just sleeping or cuddling.
This position was honestly perfect for them, being able to hold you so close while also being deep inside you. their lips are right next to your ear whispering sweet nothings as they grind their hips against your ass. their hands slipping up under your shirt to fondle with your chest, teasing your perked up nipples with their fingers as they thrust a bit faster, a bit deeper.
Minus the spooning, they love any other position where they can see your face. they love to watch your face scrunch up in pleasure as they continue their actions on your body. from missionary into a press is so hot for them, hearing you whine or moan louder as they press you into the mattress not allowing you to move. doing nothing more but shivering under them, the feeling of you clenching harder on them, grasping onto their shoulders or biceps brings a smile to their faces.
and nothing beats the look on your face and your noises when they release their loads inside you. if you can handle it, they'll for sure go more than just one round. the sight of their release and yours spilling out of you was too nice of an opportunity to pass up.
in the end, the main focus for the both of them is making you feel as good as possible.
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manikas-whims · 2 months
how do you manage LADS as F2P? I'm having a hard time collecting gems 😭 is so difficult compared to games like genshin
Okay so..i know it sounds difficult (IT IS) but it's not impossible.
the grind can be heartbreakingly annoying..i know! Before i used to find grinding in Genshin and HSR difficult but its..so doable and easier compared to Love and Deepspace 😭
Their constant barrage of Banner after Banner is another issue especially when they don't even run for long. FOMO gets to a lot of people who find it hard to spend due to personal reasons, which is just unfair. IMHO, every limited card banner should run for at least 30 Days.
And i think these are issues that should be thrown at the Devs every once in a while. So fill out the survey forms whenever available and list all your grievances to them. LADS isn't exactly F2P friendly.
-> However, with the launch of version 2.0, they're trying new stuff and giving out a bunch of Free 5 star memories as well as materials. So thats..something ig
It's also a fairly new game, one of a kind sorta thing..so i wanna give them the benefit of the doubt. They're still trying to find their way around things and i hope they gradually add better stuff for grinding of materials and gems. (Abyssal Chaos counts as one)
As for playing as F2P, here's how I do it..
If you can spend a little, then i suggest atleast buying the Aurum Pass (i have). It ain't much but it increases stamina cap to 170. And gives 100 gems + 60 stamina daily
only make pulls on a banner when you absolutely want that limited card
save up the red gems & empyrean wishes (blue tickets) for your bias/fav LI & make pulls only for his banners (unless you absolutely want a card of another)
Use your stamina daily. Don't let it stay full. Like expend at least 80 stamina in the morning. Then play again in the evening with a nearly full stamina cap.
Focus on one LI at a time & grind materials for him only. For example, i am a Xavier main so i expend 80 stamina for the yellow/green stellactrums (ascension material | fight Lemonette) and another 60~80 on the EXP bottles (experience material | fight Heartbreaker)
DON'T WASTE MATERIALS ON 3 STAR. You can waste them on 4 star cards but I don't suggest upgrading them more than Level 40 unless absolutely necessary (i.e. you don't have any other card options)
Fight Mr. Beanie once or twice regularly! You also need that gold to upgrade your memories.
And then of course, the achievements, completing a 5 Star memory story, tender moments and secret times also give gems.
Once a week try to grind for Protocores. Even your maxxed out 5 star memories are useless without good protocores. (50 : 100 ratio between crit. rate & crit. damage is ideal) And ofc, upgrade those protocores from time to time.
This all sounds like a lot but takes less than 20 minutes to do daily..And yes, you'll find some full length guides on Reddit & Youtube.
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transmascaraa · 2 months
random but yes my final thoughts on all the new natlan chars with a conclusion in the end lmao
mualani .
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i love her she's so cute help i knew i would love her ever since her first appearance i literally can't wait for her drip marketing tmrw
the tattoo typa things on her skin help?!????!??!? beautiful?!!?!!?!??
hydro women>>
kachina .
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i love all the genshin children sm they're so precious i swear even dori /p
i love her hair a lot tho
kinich .
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I WILL REFRAIN FROM SAYING TOO MUCH BUT BASICALLY I LOVE HIM. (and ajaw lmfao that little thing about to become like boothill)
citlali .
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she's so cute i love her
something about her reminds me about hsr fu xuan but either way she's probably the cutest char from the trailer imo^^
xilonen .
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help me i can't do this anymore the women are literally top tier(offtopic but she's almost identical to one of my ocs which i won't rant about rn lmao)
SHE'S THE DEFINITION OF SMTHN LIKE "in war rn but at least i gotta look hot" AND IT'S TRUE
iansan .
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somebody help why did we only get like 0,6sec of her😭
still i'm very excited for her
for the design at least since i truly have no idea of her personality lol
chasca .
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i love this woman already
also the mole she has on her shoulder bro i have the one on the same place
cowboy vibes from her btw??
capitano . and ororon(olorun?) .
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about capitano; first, i'm very excited, and second, i wish he said more than just "hmph."
about ororon(olorun?); heard that he turned out very bad based on who he references and even his name is very messed up i'm pretty sure?? basically the same situation that happened with candace/kandake EITHER WAY i'm excited to see him more and like will he be the first tall male anemo help lol i like his design
can't wait for them although i have other preferences for now
~ ~
mavuika .
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i absolutely love her design and everything sm about her literally please don't die and yeah she's now my third favorite archon along with furina and nahida
also despite the outfit not being revealing and all and literally a 10/10, i have a feeling she's gonna get very sexualized because of that zipper😭
in conclusion, i absolutely love the characters.
the only problem is that there's not really many dark skinned characters aside from iansan and kinda tanned mualani and xilonen ig
here's a link to a petition to try and stop hoyo from making the skin colors as light as they always do😭 i personally didn't look into it too much at first because of which countries the nations were based off of, but now this is supposed to be africa/south america and there's not really much skin representation
yeah, sure there's representation, but not of skin color other than iansan(and mualani and xilonen too)
finally, i think that all the designs are truly 10/10 it's just the skin colors bothering me aka hoyo's typa racism due to them being a chinese company. again, don't get me wrong, shitty company and i hate racism(as a white person) but the characters are great in all honesty and all the other types of representation are great^^
(good thing i personally don't play the game because of my phone storage and i'm just in the fandom from it's release bro and i love the lore so that's how i know the characters and story in the first place)
my honest thoughts on the drip marketing(no pictures)
(is it just me but do they look like they all have the same skincolor on their drip marketings???? like are kinich and kachina a bit darker OR is mualani lighter than she looks???)
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enden-k · 1 month
Thank you for saying that about genshin.
Like, okay, it's a lot better than the last year rewards, but it's still so bad. An anniversary reward
Hsr allows you to pick a standart character as a reward for doing 300 pulls on the standart banner, zzz is the same. Wuwa literally has a beginner banner where you can get your desired standart chara under 80 pulls. Plus we got one completely for free as a compensation for lag at the start.
Plus the standard characters in those games are good. Maybe wuwa and zzz will get powercrept at some point, but right now, at the start they're good. Hsr are just good for specific teams and gameplays. Like Bailu is still a good healer even with Luocha and Huohuo, Himeko literally has pure fiction designed for her, etc.
Apart from that, hsr gave out a limited event 5* for like nothing? And wuwa will give out xiangli yao on 7th of September, also a limited event 5*. Just because of the moon-chasing festival.
Like how can anyone in their right mind consider genshin generous with this?
Also if you want to see the reason for genshin's "generosity":
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honestly this is the reason why theyre suddenly "listening" and "so generous". yet ppl still are like "omggg its a free game yall are so silly!!!!" shut the FUCK up, hsr zzz and wuwa are all free as well and theyre not making any losses for the rewards (monthly free 10 pull in hsr and zzz (wuwa too i believe, i havent played in a while bc job stuff), selector in all 3 for characters that are actually valuable (himeko/bronya/etc),.......) they throw at you. gnshn has some good stuff yes but they have stupid stuff too and i think its v healthy and important to be aware of stupid stuff in the media you like
(btw hsr and zzz also hand u out a free 5star in the beginner banner within 50 pulls, and then the selector after 300 pulls on standard banner)
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silvernyxchariot · 3 months
I can take him.
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In a fight. And not in a fight. ( ͡°ω ͡°)
How my Genshin break and HSR binge is going:
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This fight was easy. I'm a little sad I had to change up from my first team comp because I took out Ratio and Tingyun, but Harmony Trailblazer had to be added. This team still got the job done, just not as quickly. (Honestly, HSR is easy to play, but people just actively choose not to read. 😑 Or be patient. The hints, tips, and weaknesses are right there.) My Himeko and Serval were barely built during this fight too. Ma boi, Aventurine though✨; E1 with his signature light cone, ofc. . . Don't look at me like that; my Gepard would have been just as useful as the sustain if an Ice type was needed in this fight.
Funny enough though, I started playing HSR thinking I would be an Erudition main because I liked Serval so much, but Gepard came swinging in as my first 5 star like, "Yeah, no. My sister can't handle that kind of responsibility." So, I decided to become a "sustain main," though that probably doesn't exist in this fandom or they're just very rare, meaning if my "friends" need a Preservation or Abundance character to support, I have some ready on standby. Unlike the 10,000 DPS units out there. Build your DPS units right and you won't have so many problems, Susie! I'm working on Gallagher right now, but I made the mistake of raising my Equilibrium level today when my characters aren't ready. So, farming is taking longer than necessary. (My process is chara.level > light cone > relics > traces, because I forget traces exist most of the time💀)
Don't be mistaken, I do have damage dealers/DPS and other units built, i.e. Himeko, Dr. Ratio, Dest.Trailblazer, and even little Herta. But I've dedicated myself to the "You're not allowed to die without my permission" curse. My Bleach Brave Souls main is Seinosuke Yamada, a healer. I didn't even mean to have him as my best character.
For future teams, I want Jing Yuan and Robin. An upgraded Serval with FuA and the newest Harmony unit? Yes, please. If Sunday ever becomes playable, I'm definitely pulling for him though. I just added a new birb man to my harem. I can see him as the "opposite" of Robin. So, a Quantum or Imaginary element with the Nihility or Erudition path; I also went off of the vibes his Boss fight gave. On Sunday's note, I don't think becoming a Stellaron Hunter should be a part of his character development. No, I will not elaborate.
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fictionfixations · 4 months
honestly so happy that its easier to grind in hsr then genshin cause im actually able to properly build my characters instead of whatever mess i had in that game (i got the right artifacts but trying to get materials for anything was a bit of a pain to me)
also that the resin (i dont know what its called in this game im using genshin terms) can like. overflow into this other thing??? is. so helpful. (i stopped playing at one point so i just came back to both being full. and then when i realized what it actually did it was a godsend because it made it so much easier to fully commit to grinding. i know in genshin you can make the resin this little thing? condensed?? but thats a thing you have to do yourself i think)
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all im missing is leveling up the lightcones and traces
and im only missing the traces because i already used up weekly bosses. THATS IT.
robin and ratio have the same boss material so all i have to do then is get the other resources which isnt actually that hard (ill only have an issue if i cant material synthesis or exchange or whatever since i need to do it for the robin stuff that you get from enemies that can ambush you, i dont know what you refer to them as, but cause i havent unlocked penacony yet lol)
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and the only lightcones that might give me issue is because highlighted is penacony material stuff
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(yes i put final victor on ratio LMFAO)
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so YEAHH i feel like im doing pretty good in that department. also ive caught up to penaconys story i just havent started in-game because i wanted to see where it all leads up to and then go back to see all the foreshadowing and get a better understanding of what happened since it also confused me, so im waiting for a time i can just sit there for countless hours and focus. i even switched to eng vas so i dont end up misreading something
(anyway i only got to trying to max out my characters as much as i can until i can level them higher because before i got stuck on so many quests that required a fight 😭, yanqing, argenti, i hate battling you oh my god)
actually on that topic everyones relics arent fully maxed out.
ive only been leveling this cause 5 star dan heng is my main damage dealer
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and the healer because im fucked without them (its natasha, but im open to changing it if i find a better healer or shield 🙏)
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on that topic:
i returned to honkai star rail because aventurine. i focused on the story because aventurine. (got spoiled his story, realized 'what the fuck hes cool i like him' and watched someone go through the story) i came back in time for his banner but you know what? i had like zero wishing stuff because id stopped playing so i missed out unfortunately
i have friends who have aventurine as like one of the support characteres thingy tho? like the the where you can get support from other peoples characters
so thats been fun. but also auto is kind of bad with aventurine. or maybe because it thinks 'oh theres already a shield, so i wont e' which is pain. on the other hand actually playing instead of having it on auto is fun with aventurine. i like planning around it and thinking of who to have use their skills while keeping in mind when i should have him refresh his shield. i cant explain to you how it hurts seeing hp missing with a shield around it because i cant do anything about it (im the type of person who likes to keep my characters hp full ngl)
probably not the best decision to want shield over a healer but. i can make it work. maybe. i just want aventurine ok. (except for phantylia who as far as im aware is the only one who can just TAKE hp like that? without even affecting shields???)
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ac-liveblogs · 6 months
The interview between Kinoko Nasu (head writer at Type Moon) and David Jiang (producer Honkai: Star Rail) is quite interesting. Though Jiang is not a writer himself and he himself doesn't get involved in story creation, so I do wonder why he was talking with Nasu...
The interview was mostly about what's taken into account when creating FGO and HSR.
Honkai Star Rail's director is a huge Type-Moon fanboy and has always been influenced by the Fate series since he was a teenager - even/especially in Star Rail, while Nasu plays Genshin Impact and is currently playing the Belobog chapter in Star Rail.
And yes. Clara and Svarog are a reference to Illya and Berserker, we been knew.
There was some interesting commentary early on from Jiang that said that the story-writing and gameplay divisions worked separately, which caused issues early on that needed to be resolved. Receiving confirmation about this is interesting, because it would explain a lot of the issues present in Genshin Impact that are mostly absent in HSR - a world that feels totally divorced from the playable characters that live in it, and - up until Fontaine - a lot of playable characters feeling somewhat disconnected from the plot they're meant to be in.
It was also very interesting to see Jiang start talking about marketing, surveys, meeting modern trends, design vs generating revenue etc. versus Nasu talking about his thoughts as an author and the importance of prioritising your ideal creative vision even if you end up needing to take those things into account as well... and how FGO doesn't incorporate modern trends but instead tries to create something that will be meaningful to the players.
It was also extremely funny seeing Nasu talk about how meta wasn't an important factor in FGO (true) - he just wanted people to care about the characters, and Jiang going "oh yeah we do that too!" ...like a liar.
Something Nasu said in response to Jiang talking about how the character designers at HYV take surveys or add character elements that they think 'might attract a new user group' into consideration struck a chord with me though;
Nasu-sensei: This reminds me of an interview I read about "Street Fighter II," where the interviewer asked, "Why did the game include a character like Zangief?" And the response from the interviewee was, "Once you have a character like Zangief for comparison, characters like Ryu with an average physique become even more eye-catching." In other words, a creative work cannot only have popular characters. If we make a fetish black hole, the diversity of the world suffers.. In terms of results, even protagonist-like characters that are somewhat lacking in personality can have their own unique features.
Which speaks to an understanding of a need for variety in design and personality that HYV consistently fails to achieve. HYV has no characters like Blackbeard, Zhang Jue... or even Li Shuwen. It has pretty girls, pretty boys, and younger characters.
Jiang talked proudly about how HSR risks lowering their revenue by daring to include characters like Qingque and Guinafen in the hopes they might attract a new market, but Nasu says 'well, we think about the themes of our stories and what the characters need to be, as well as the kinds of characters we want to write'.
Nasu also plainly outlining the variety of different elements a writer needs to incorporate into a story - including the importance of each character having their own storyline to engage the players, super simple stuff! - is something I dearly hope HYV keeps in mind. HSR has less of an issue with these concepts than Genshin does, but there are several shared weaknesses between the two works.
I can only hope that HYV is taking notes instead of nodding like it already understands the things he's saying - because it does not, and it could stand to listen. I believe that the world Nasu created in Fairy Britain, despite having a lot less to it, is stronger than any single region in either Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail because it, the stories told in it and the characters there, are all thematically consistent and inform each other in interesting ways at all points during the chapter.
I think Belobog achieved a base level of cohesion, but Xianzhou Luofu was a shitshow and Penacony... better pick up soon. Haha. (Jiang describing Xianzhou Luofu as "captivating" though. Bro. Bro Xianzhou Luofu was terrible, what are you talking abou-)
I like reading Nasu talk about the writing process and the things he's enthusiastic about. I don't always like or agree with Type-Moon's decisions or products, but Nasu always strikes me as a down to earth guy that's truly passionate about what he creates and the works he consumes. Jiang seems to have had a lot less to say, though that seems to be because he is... as he himself admits, not a writer.
The two companies seem to have been in talks, so I'm curious to see what comes of it.
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kaeyachi · 5 months
Am I the only one, who finds the lore of descendants of those, who abandon their gods, turning into hilis, ridiculous?
You want to tell me, that in the whole history of teyvat, nobody ever witnessed their unbelieving uncle turn into a hilichurl, because he spit on the imagine of the shogun or something?
What about the sages? Even scara said that Nahida's people abandoned her. Yet last time I checked the sages didn't turn wild.
Or is it the act of leaving celestia's grace and going underground to Khaenri'ah something that seals the curse? And you want to tell me, that in the history before the cataclysm, nobody knew, that going to the surface will kill their humanity?
Seems like something hoyo didn't plan properly
Doesn’t Kaeya's character story imply that he was born and raised in Khaenri'ah (or what remained) before his father brought him to the strange lands of Mondstadt (the literal starter region that is so basic)
If the HSR crew did the lore of Genshin we would have known about his childhood before Mondstadt by know.
Man, if the Genshin crew did HSR lore than Dan Heng's secret and story arc would have been resolved 5 patches later lol
And March's past would have still not been touched on, I was so surprised that she herself suggested to use the Matrix to find some clues! I didn't expect much but that was a Genshin would never moment for me
Hey there anon! Here are the answer to some of your questions!
- Yes, they have to enter Khaenri'ah for the hilichurl curse to work. The act of turning against your archon is easy because archons come and go. The major difference is that by choosing to stay in Khaenri'ah, you are basically declaring that you are against Celestia and the seven
- People have observed others turn into monsters before. In fact, Khaenri'ah is not the first nation Celestia cursed. Turning into a monster is also not as fast as most people think it is.
- Caribert was implied to have stayed in Khaenri'ah for a while with Clothar's voiceline where he tells Caribert that there is "no more red sky". Clothar brought his lover and his illegitimate son closer to him, and that was their downfall. He met the prerequisites I mentioned above.
- Khaenri'ah probably knew that non-purebloods going to the surface would turn them into monsters, if the Perinheri tale is to be trusted. They would end up choosing a select number of families or clans that they know are purebloods (non-Teyvatian). Arguably, this could be why the Alberich clan was so hell-bent on keeping blood purity.
- The Cataclysm is basically a "die here if you choose to stay" or "leave this place and lose your humanity" situation
-Kaeya's story does not imply that he was in Khaenri'ah. At most, they mentioned his father teaching him and talking about their clan, but no direct mention of Kaeya ever having stepped foot inside it. Additionally, Kaeya's attitude of subtly trying to research more about Khaenri'ah somewhat implies that he doesn't have much information other than anything related to his "mission" from his father. Again, Kaeya was once a little boy who purposely attempted to run away from the Ragnvindr family when he saw a chance to go to Sumeru and, therefore, learn more about Khaenri'ah.
- Lmao don't expect any Mondstadt slander from me. I love that nation, and I know that nation so much that I believe there is something more to it. Also, do note that Mondstadt is a hub for people with mysterious lore, not just Kaeya. I guess we can argue that Mond is a starter nation for all of them too ig.
I do not care for HSR v. Genshin discourse! Please take this issue somewhere else, okay guys? I am a Kaeya blog 90% of the time and 10% of everything else, and I do not have space in my 10% for arguments ✌️ but for the record, I prefer playing Genshin for a multitude of reasons. Take that as you will.
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outivv · 2 months
Very important information!
Long story short an anon insider from Hoyoverse is stating that while raising awarness on social media apps is great. We should take a step further and start dropping reviewing on any Playstore Site that has Genshin.
Express why you are dissatisfied and use hastages to bring more awarness. As for right now the Playstore reviews are dropping that it went from a 4 star review to 3.0 review. Hoyoverse is desperately trying to get reviews back by adding bots.
We shouldn't be just doing this with Genshin. Do this with ALL HOYOVERSE GAMES. Honkai Star Rail, Tears of Themis, ZZZ, etc.
HSR is facing the same problem as Genshin with Boothill being Native American coded, Penacony reloving around Jazz but have no Black character, Aventurine being Romani etc.
YEA YES!! I tried talking about this in my Hoyoverse boycott post, but I only touched on it briefly- but Hoyoverse games IN GENERAL are the overall problem. Tears of Themis has issues with being orientalist- and just shitty. Zenless Zone Zero apparently has actual blackface! Not good! Uhhh- outside of the record store on one of the little record poster thingies I believe. Honkai impact third has… straight up racism, and a subpar character plot about learning to love your skin color no matter what and she just goes “ummm actually no :)”, and oh my god I haven’t talked much on Honkai Star rail on this account but ykw I’ll go further into it.
Boothill- Boothill is based off of Native American culture, and is supposed to also be Latino. In the CN ORIGINAL translation of the game- his planet is named after two very real Native American tribes, his backstory recreates the same colonization that happened to native Americans specifically- calling Boothill’s people savages, and putting them in reservations after completely carpet bombing his planet, killing most of the population, and destroying the ecosystem. However, despite this Boothill has nothing to show for his heritage, or the fact that he is based around native, and Hispanic people except for the fact that he’s a cowboy- and even then sometimes I feel like he’s played up in game as like actually stupid for comedic relief when he’s not stupid AT ALL. (Sorry, Boothill’s one of my favs and a bad hyperfixation so I’m super passionate about how he needs proper representation)
Aventurine- aventurine is called a slur by sparkle, both sparkle and dr ratio point out specific racist stereotypes against aventurine that are usually targeted at Romani people which is who aventurine, and his entire home planet are based off of (that’s why I’m not a huge fan of Dr ratio x aventurine personally. Dr ratio isn’t racist imo, he’s just lowkey fucking mean and said the wrong thing to the wrong person). Aventurine’s backstory is also fucked in my opinion, and the way people in the fandom take his backstory and treat him as a character only really started getting bad bad after we found out he was Romani, but that’s a fandom issue- it’s still something to comment on.
Arlan- while Arlan is the darkest character Hoyoverse has made to date, he also has his talent names beeee references to slavery. Straight up. “Shackle breaker”, “frenzied punishment”, “swift harvest”, and then his eidolons- “breaking free”, and “hammer and tongs”. Not cool, kinda fucked up.
And that’s just the characters I can think of off the top of my head- not including Jade and her shit cause I know she has some stuff that’s like fucked up about her and ik she’s racist I just haven’t done my research on how she is racist and like gathered all the evidence basically lol, but that’s also just the characters, not to mention what you said anon- how penacony is based off of the jazz age but has no playable black characters? Girl whatttt? Gimmie a slay ass like black singer who’s besties with Robin, cmon now- don’t a coward Hoyoverse, you know DAMN WELL that she would sell too.
Hoyoverse games overall are like this, so please pay attention to all Hoyoverse games, and Hoyoverse mostly only listens to the App Store reviews so PLEASEEEEE go and review bomb ONLY Hoyoverse games. Start with Genshin and Honkai Star rail, go to Zenless Zone Zero and Honkai Impact 3rd then finish with Tears of Themis, don’t do it all at once if you can’t!! Just go review all of them one stars!!
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chrollogy · 2 months
about: yue !
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meet the writer behind the fics :>
hellooo !! as you already know, i go by yue, i’m twenty two years old, my pronouns are she/her and i’m an intj !!! i’m southeast asian (filipino) so feel free to speak to me in tagalog since i’m still quite fluent :3 my timezone is gmt +12 so i’m most likely active when everyone else is sleeping hence my lack of interaction with fellow moots :< also!! i’m really into 35 mm photography (since 2019) and i love collecting cameras <3
i got into writing when i was around the age of 10-11 where i wrote cliché highschool fics back when i first got into kpop :< i had three writing phases which were asianfanfics (aka the very first platform i used to publish fics), wattpad (where i mainly focused on long series), and finally tumblr (my current platform !!)
fun fact! i have ten ear piercings (three on each lobe. left: rook, and tragus. right: daith, and helix). i love dyeing my hair (notable colours: red, purple, blonde), and i currently have two tattoos :3
fun fact 2! am a huge matcha lover !! i make my own matcha every morning (with the whisk and all) but i’m slowly running out rip
fun fact 3! i’ve been on tumblr since 2016 but i was a kpop-centric blog back then, and only posted moodboards LMAO then i got into the anime side on 2021 :3
currently watching: black butler (s4), kimi ni todoke (s3), hunter x hunter (e119 — CA arc)
games i play: genshin impact — AR 57 WL 8, ASIA server (ex-hsr, ex-l&ds, ex-obey me player)
fandoms: haikyuu, genshin impact, black butler, hunter x hunter, jujutsu kaisen, kimi ni todoke, tokyo revengers, attack on titan, demon slayer, obey me, play it cool guys, the apothecary diaries, blue lock, buddy daddies, romantic killer, howl’s moving castle, girl from nowhere
writing, reading, sleeping <3, going gym, watching anime & sports (a rugby fan !!), simping for a blonde msby setter
summer, waking up early on a winter morning, bugs n insects especially spiders, those little clustered holes (yes i have that phobia), people who rush me lol
yue core 📸
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