#yes i did start this bc of an encanto song
treedish · 1 year
The stars don't shine, they burn, and boy did Crowley know his stars. And the shine of his favorite star in the sky could never compare to the everyday radiant light of his angel. But stars burned, and being too close to the celestial hurt him in ways he never thought were possible. Except, demons were meant to play with fire; they were meant to burn. So maybe it was okay if he stood just a bit too close to Aziraphale for his own good most days. Or at least, that's what he told himself.
He did worry about his angel though, for stars were lonely and often forgotten in the vast canopy of other stars. Very few humans loved just one star, instead marvelling at them as a whole. Being a star was a solitary existence, and no creature could ever get too close without being blinded or burned. Eventually, even the hottest, brightest stars would burn themselves to a crisp, and then explode in a grand destruction, reduced to dust and colorful matter drifting through space. Sometimes, when Crowley looked too long in his angels eyes, he saw blue giants swelling with love and light and he feared the day they would go nova. He created novas, after all, hell he created every star in the bloody sky and then some.
He was so proud of his celestial lights, and yet even with his joy over his beloved cosmic creations, God had once again outdone him by creating Aziraphale, the brightest celestial light that there ever was.
In a way, Aziraphale was the last thing between Crowley and full demonhood. Because when he Fell, he lost everything. His faith, his grace, his name. And he loathed. He angered. He raged. And he went up to Eden, to look upon God's new creations and tempt them away from Her. And there he was. Crowley had whispered in Eve's ear, tempted her to the apple and watched from the ground as she led Adam to humanity's destruction.
So you can imagine his surprise when mid-exile from the garden, an angel came up to the couple and offered them his flaming sword, to protect them and their unborn child from the dangers of the outside world. But that wasn't right at all. God and Her whole lot were rotten, sanctimonious, unimaginative, and so very apathetic in their holiness. Every angel he had ever known had blindly followed God's will, and Her will right now was to kick the humans out of the garden to fend for themselves as punishment. So why would an angel, an agent of the holy agenda, secretly give away a blessed artifact to the very humans he was meant to be judging right now?
His apologetic smile had been so soft and sincere that Crowley thought for a moment that the being wasnt an angel at all, but rather Grace incarnate. A being more pure and Good than the archangels themselves. But no, there he was, ushering them out of the garden before the storm arrived and blocking up the exit after they were gone.
He couldn't help but go up to the winged creature standing anxiously on the wall. He couldnt resist the temptation to speak with this being, this force of empathy. And he did and there was Aziraphale and Crowley found himself falling all over again. One afternoon, one interaction, one act of kindness, and suddenly all of his anger, all of his disgust, and all of the empty longing at the center of his being vanished. In its place, he found the echo of his Faith.
Somehow in his Fall, the warped core of his inhuman heart had burned to a crisp, but sheltered the tiniest hint of his hope, and it reared its ugly head then in his chest as he stared in amazement at this miraculously Good angel before him. It was as he'd said, by God's rules, he had been the one to do the good thing, and Aziraphale had been the one to do the bad. And the next 6000 years were history.
He may not believe in God or her bloody Plan, but he believed in Aziraphale, and his angel's unfailing ability to always do the right thing regardless of anyones blasted plans, even his own. All he had ever done in his entire existence, his whole relationship with the Almighty, had been to question. It was why he Fell. Why he didnt Fall as far as the others. But he found himself one night, bottle of whiskey in his hands and his twinkling creations above his head, speaking to God again. It was a habit he'd picked up and never been able to shake.
This time was different, however. After 60 centuries on Earth among the humans, this was the first time he didn't scream or beg or curse his questions at the heavens. Instead, he quietly admired his accidental constellations and whispered so quietly that only She would ever hear it.
"If there's one thing You ever got right, it was him. In all of Eternity, You have never made anything else that compares to that angel, not even your beloved whales. So I'm saying this once, now. Thanks. I don't care if You meant to or not, but You gave me the opportunity to live with the embodiment of my stars for the last few millennia, and for that one blasted, blessed thing I'll actually thank You, You bloody autocrat. But if You dare to cast him out, to try to throw him in with my lot, I'll hunt You down. I'll collapse space and time and matter itself until I reach You and I'll rip the blessed essence right out of Your incorporeal grace, do You understand me? He's the one truly Good thing You've ever done, don't You dare muck it up now."
If anyone ever asked him about it later, and of course no one ever did, he would deny thanking God for anything, and he would especially deny ever being grateful for the angel that left him behind.
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martianbugsbunny · 5 months
MartianBugsBunny Reviews: The Music of Wish
I'v been working on this for the past week or so and I have now seen the movie...eight times I think? Four on one Sunday and four on the next lmao
Let’s get the basics out of the way first! Overall, a lot of these songs were mediocre but probably would’ve been things I’d sing in the shower ad nauseam if it weren’t for one or two really horrible lines. That’s kind of the overall theme of the music from Wish, to be honest. I liked the music/tunes of most of these, though. I also noticed that the lyrics have this weird dichotomy of “let’s rhyme these things even if it doesn’t make sense” and “let’s just not care about the rhymes,” both of which were kind of off-putting to me.
I think the voices they got to sing this stuff were MEGA wasted. Ariana DeBose has the most heavenly voice; her higher register has a gorgeous sound. Chris Pine is better at singing than I would've expected. Both of them are good at those subtle shifts in pitch (I think it's called melisma? but don't quote me on that) that I can and will go nuts over. They deserved better material to work with. Now onto the specifics! I’m gonna rank each song out of ten (totally arbitrary lol) and ramble about why for a while. It's not too long, so if you have a little time on yours hands, read on and enjoy!
Welcome To Rosas 5/10 Not bad. It terms of tune, it has some decent flavor, but the lyrics are pretty forgettable. I think using a song to set up the concepts that they did was a good idea, like the first song in Encanto, but I just don't like it much. I think part of that is the informal tone??? like when Asha says "so like, we have this king" or "I'm totally kidding" or "oh hey, did I mention," that kinda gets on my nerves. and yes, I'm well aware that's a little hypocritical bc The Family Madrigal did some of the same things, but WTR isn't super strong to begin with so I instantly become more annoyed at the little details. Also, Asha's literally being a tour guide for the kingdom and that's not professional imo.
At All Costs …… I’m not scoring this one. I don’t know how to. I’m addicted to the chorus, that’s the first thing I’ll say; I watched Wish four times on the first day I watched it, and that was the first part I started singing along with. The harmonies get into my gut. But honestly, in terms of context, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. The lyrics sound like they should be directed at a person, not inanimate objects, which takes me out of the moment when I’m watching the movie. Some parts are a little clumsy, but if I’m viewing it as a love song it’s stunning, and DeBose and Pine's voices are heavenly together. I will say that subjectively, it's my favorite song in the soundtrack, I fell for it so hard and fast. <3
This Wish 7/10 In terms of Disney “I Want” songs this is at the bottom of the rankings, let’s be real. I like the sound of it, especially the non-syllabic vocalizations at the end of the chorus, but a lot of the lyrics just do not hit. Now, I will say that I saw a lot of people ragging on “to have something more for us than this,” and that’s actually one of my favorite parts of the song. It captures that feeling of longing for more without knowing exactly what that means or how to phrase it out loud so neatly. On the other hand, I definitely agree with the critiques of “throwing caution to every warning sign,” that’s one of my least favorite lyrics in the whole movie.
You’re A Star 6/10 Oddly, this one was less horrible than I expected. It delivered absolutely nothing, don’t get me wrong. It tried to tackle the idea of people and stars being made out of the same stuff and basically living as different notes in the same symphony and failed spectacularly. The big question “have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?” was one of my favorite lyrics in the entire soundtrack and there was NO payoff. (Plus, if I mixed up “elegant” and “eloquent” in a multi-million dollar movie I would never be able to look myself in the face again.) The entire second half of the song was pure lyrical garbage. But I like the tune and the animals are pretty cute, and despite being relatively hollow I found myself enjoying this one.
This Is The Thanks I Get 7/10 I’ve already said this but I’m gonna repeat myself: tonally this song was all wrong. 0/10 for that if I’m being perfectly honest. Something more along the lines of Hellfire or Be Prepared would’ve hit a lot harder—more sinister, more in line with the descent-into-madness thing that was occurring in the plot, would’ve improved this section of the soundtrack SO MUCH. With that complaint out of the way, the song we got was fine. Some of the lines were either poorly-written or repetitive, but as a whole I kind of enjoy it and would definitely dance around amateurishly in my room to it. It’s just too silly.
Knowing What We Know Now 1/10 This was my least favorite song in the entire movie. I just hate it. The lyrics are so sloppy.
This Wish (Reprise) 7/10 Honestly I think I liked this part better than the original song. Asha starting by herself and gradually being joined by her friends and the entire city was incredibly moving, and I might go so far as to say that this was the most powerful moment of the movie. I also enjoyed the twists on the original lyrics, particularly “we’re past dipping our toes in, we know it’s do or die, it’s sink or swim.” That part just felt really well done.
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firebirdsdaughter · 3 years
… Still very tired, but still have Encanto thoughts.
Bruno’s excitement about Mirabel hugging Isabella. How badly has he wanted to hug his own sisters for years only he convinces himself he’ll never be able to.
While it ultimately may have helped in shocking her to awareness, Bruno ghosting probably did a number on Alma as well??? She watches her husband die, then years later not only does it look like their safety net is faltering, but then her son vanishes the same night. She doesn’t know where he is or if he’s even alive. That must have weighed on her extra and made her even more desperate to keep things the same.
Pepa, too. It might be me projecting, but I feel like Bruno’s the type to assume someone hates him forever after one fight and just never tries to fix it. I’m sure Pepa got mad about the wedding thing, and he responded by running away and avoiding her. Meanwhile, she’s got her own anxiety and the whole mood effecting the weather stuff to deal w/. Maybe after simmering for a while, she tried to rethink and bridge the gap, but Bruno was too convinced he’d ruined them forever to accept. Meanwhile, Pepa starts having kids, she’s also under pressure from their mother. Maybe she thought he didn’t want anything to do w/ her anymore. Then, he disappears. And for a woman who clearly has intense emotions, stress, and mood swings, and those moods cause actual physical damage/weather effects, who has young children, trying to manage her own family, also under pressure… What’s easier? Dealing w/ the overwhelming pain and fear of her younger twin brother having disappeared, not knowing where he is or if he’s even alive, w/ perhaps even the creeping guilt that it might be her fault for getting mad at him that time… Or simplifying the situation down to ‘well he ruined my wedding and caused bad things to happen.’ Was she upset about the wedding? Probably. But that in no way means she’d stop loving him. But considering the way her emotions cause storms, insisting even to herself that she’s more angry at him than terrified for/grieving him is easier. Less lingering. Less painful. That’s why, when he comes back, that fight doesn’t matter anymore. Bc in reality, it stopped mattering probably not terribly long after it happened, they were both just too socially awkward and stressed out by other things to fully communicate that. But after he disappeared, the anger was probably the only thing that helped her counter missing him or blaming herself. Provides a simple answer for the kids about why she gets so upset about hearing his name. Helps her keep it together enough to raise her children, deal w/ her mother. That’s why it’s her go to answer. Bc if she thinks about the good stuff, she might lose control.
On a lighter note, Felix’s face right at the start of that song. That its the face of a man who knows his wife is about to start talking. He’s already in position while she’s still shushing Mirabel. Also I just love Felix, his design and animations are a delight and his voice acting is perfect.
Mirabel singing about a ‘new foundation’ in the finale… She’s the new foundation. She’s Alma’s successor. Again, I understand why no one made the connection in universe, esp when the door vanished, but Alma doesn’t have any powers. And that makes sense, that the ‘pillar’ of the family wouldn’t have any, bc when you have magic, it’s consuming. Like that’s the whole point. She’s very different from Alma, yes. But we also see Alma getting involved w/ the work in the village, gift or not gift, she’s the one they turn to in concern. She’s basically the mayor, for lack of a better comparison. Everyone just got so focused on the magic powers, they forgot that. Mirabel’s connection to Casita just further convinces me of it. The house even tries to help her hide the vision that’s supposedly of its destruction.
Mirabel and Dolores having that stare down across the dinner table. Family energy.
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timingmatters · 3 years
Encanto live reaction:
- Grandma was introduced and I can see how it sucks for Maribel for sure but like so far the grandma is really fucking nice lmao why does some part of tiktok hate her??????
- they be constructing houses and shit around town and Maribel still sleeps in the nursery room with babies??? Jail to the family sjfjfjjfjf
- just started the movie but i already am under the belief that the casita is abuelo. It has too much personality and interaction to just be a magic house. That’s a whole person.
- I WANNA BE ANTONIO THE FUCK DJFJJFJFJD Literally fuck all the other gifts omg i want to talk to animals AND I want that room😭😭
- miracle was a beautiful song why isn’t it played as much as others i’ve seen
-Mirabel bby how the fuck did u cut ur whole ass palm from just???? Holding something???? Sjdjdjdj she held it perfectly fine for 5 seconds and without moving it she cut HER WHOLE PALM?????????
- also is that her uncle bruno or the house (abuelo) talking to her???
- my hair is like mirabel rn and i needed to see this bc my curls got cut that short against my will lmao i was going for a long Brave type of hair and my hairdresser said “SHORT HAIR”😭😭 seeinf mirabel is boosting my confidence though
- why is Isa being a bitch shdhdhdh abuela is not the villain, Isa is shdjjddjdj. Like the way Isa looksd at her?????? Ur sister going through it ma’am
- Antonio is still my fave pls im sorry he is so cUTE
- how does Dolores hear Luisa’s eye twitching and not abuela’s speech?????
- give Luisa a hug and MAYBEEE some weed. She deserves it.
- Maribel is so brave bc u would have asked Antonio to get some birds to fly me
-Bruno’s room is just???? There???? No one attempted before to look for him there????
- “he saw then it happened” yes bc he saw the future???? You all know this??????? Like ???????
-…. Also Dolores lowkey has the best voice. And she JUST said out loud she constantly hears him mumbling and no one??? Questioned it??? Like he’s clearly still around lmao
- what’s the age difference between Mirabel and the other girls?? Isa and Dolores remember him and talked to him, but Mirabel seems to have never met him
- not the miercoles SJDJDJDJ
- also Doroles is the cutest her face pls i love her i am in love with Dolores and her little meek😭😭
-between the walls like Dolores said??? She just said out loud she very clearly hears him
- when bruno fell i laughed so hard pls sjdjdjdj
- Bruno deserves better for real oh my fucking god im gonna CRY???
- oh omg Bruno was part of the family until not THAT long ago like years but not decades
- the song says by the mile and subtitles are kilometro???? Thats a lie a mile is not a km is like 4 no???
- FINEEEE i like Isa now sjdjjddjjd im a sellout im easy she got me
- YOU TELL HER MARIBEL. Im not gonna talk about generational trauma because like not the post not the time, but i still dont see abuela as a villain??? But she def deserves to be told off
- it just dawned on me that the 3 kids are like the greek chorus LMAOO
- did abuela see her husband get killed??????? Like stabbed/slashed??????????
- still think the casita is abuelo
- I think the apology and explanation abuela gave Maribel was 1000% acceptable, just wish Bruno had gotten one too :(
- kinda wish they didn’t get their powers back tbh
- camilo looks younger than Maribel but is very much older lol
- i loveeee the Bruno reunion with the sister, genuinely wish we had gotten more bruno and see the family welcoming him back and apologizing more, thats the one thing i wish we had seen more
- actually no: wish we had seem more 1) Bruno and his family loving him 2) the 3 sisters interacting all simultaneously. We literally never saw Luisa and Isa even talk. 3) Dolores!!! She’s so funny and cute AND she always knew Bruno was around. No one reacted even tho she even said it at the beginning. 4) Bruno and Dolores I guess talking about her hearing him. 5) more grandma and Bruno :(( and the sisters and Bruno :((
ANYWAYS loved the movie!!!!! It was great!!!!!!!!!
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princessnijireiki · 3 years
wait okay so I def have been hearing & absorbing criticism from other Latines & Latin American ppl about Encanto bc imo it was still very nice, aesthetically beautiful, and better than I was expecting from Disney, but yeah, white writers & directors & producers, obvs Lin has only written 1.5 musicals in his life and keeps remixing them for everything else he's hired for (Encanto is just surprising bc it's one of his most successful executions, I think he def detracted from & held back Moana's potential a LOT), and as soon as they announced Encanto my first thought was, "were no Colombian songwriters available?" bc besides him being under contract... VERY weird that he is the one size fits all "It Boy™️" for white Hollywood's take on Latin rep rn
which is to say: I am open to less than glowing reviews of it!
HOWEVER, I saw a FB post on my feed from somebody complaining abt not liking the story or songs, but being like, "I loved seeing representation for all my AfroLatinx friends & family, though!" and it irked the shit out of me, and I couldn't place why... girl... I just remembered lmao.
first of all, no she's not Hispanic, so yes that was irritating, idk that she has any Latino family in the first place. secondly, yes she adored Hamilton.
thirdly... THIRDLY. I tend to forget she did this because it was in fucking sane & completely out of left field. she's the one who asked me both to brainstorm a "nonappropriative way" to do a Día de Muertos taco themed birthday party for one of her now-ex friends... and no I am not Mexican... and no it did not occur to her to just serve tacos without doing an ethnic "theme" complete w Party City type decor & costumes. and also asked me to translate a list of chores for that same ex-friend's new maid into Spanish bc she hired someone who didn't speak English (likely to be exploitatively cheap!) and did not herself speak Spanish... which is an INSANE ASK OFF TOP, RIGHT. but Y'ALL. to this day she has yet to hear me ever speak Spanish in front of her!!! she has never heard ANYBODY in my family speak Spanish!!! she assumed I spoke Spanish, was fluent, was open to that crazy fucking request, and that I SPECIFICALLY would have strong vocab skills in fucking cleaning products & bullying minimum wage employees.
I've talked about that incident on here before tbh just because every time I remember it it pisses me off AND bewilders me bc she would rightfully be fucking offended if I said, "oh we're doing a costumed sushi, samurai & Shinto funeral themed party lol" or "oh you definitely know how to say 'scrub the shit out from under the rim of the toilet & wash my dirty panties on 'sanitize' mode, oh also you get one unpaid 15min break' in Japanese, right?" ...and bc she's Black this weird ass fucking behavioral issue of hers is also not sth that came up in Black cultural discussions, bc of COURSE that racism is not directed towards herself or the aspects of MY identity that WE have in common. but when your baseline interactions are not fucked up in that specific way (until they suddenly are), it feels really weird to get the "nice" liberal "progressive" version of being called a fucking wetback by someone you considered a friend.
and anyway yeah she don't like Encanto but she's claiming all the Black rep + not a peep on the Indigenous rep, political backdrop, narratives of trauma, the artistic context it functions within, etc (and to top it all off Yes: she graduated w a whole history degree, Yes: she literally used to work doing historical reenactments alongside Native reenactors + costumed conquistadors in one of the local Spanish cities, and Yes: she still has a job in the history & education field).
and yk, this is one of those things where as a post it started out about Encanto & the importance of #ownvoices creation AND intracommunity convos re: critique of our own cultural works outside of a white, colonial, and/or xenophobic gaze, plus, like... general things people do that piss me off lol. but the post is ending on this note instead:
in 2022 I need to get used to the idea of not only continuing to assert boundaries over how I'm treated going forward— because at my big age now, I would never let that shit fly again, but my whole life, I've endured a LOT of shitty one-sided friendships just because I didn't know I didn't HAVE to LET people treat me bad... and there was never any shortage of people who WOULDN'T have done that to me, but that internal weakness & vulnerability, like that lack of self respect + enforcing standards of that respect from others, both attracts people who like you not having strong boundaries, AND it mentally closes you off to being open to relationships that DON'T look that way, because you think it's normal to endure physical cruelty or being demeaned or being expected to demean YOURSELF to access or deserve love or companionship.
but I also need to get more & more accustomed to stepping on toes in a very big way in order to do it. like in a very permanent, soccer cleats to the instep kind of way. because it's EASY to do that with people you don't give a shit about. who have no power over you, or whose treatment you aren't numb to (tbh FB is mostly sth I use for family, so the fact that this is usually background noise should tell you she's not the only person I need to remove from my friends list lol) or who you aren't clinging to out of some unaddressed desperation, loneliness, or needing closure, hesitation to abandon invested time (sunk cost fallacy...) or just being too afraid to confront the fact that someone you'd never do that to treats you badly BECAUSE they think of you exactly as badly as they act.
but no matter what reason you have for not having done it sooner... it feels silly the first time you accept a small frivolous thing like a cartoon can be a catalyst... but even if the last fucking straw is something stupid, that camel's back ain't any less broken. so it's a hard life skill. but I accept that I need to put loyalty to MYSELF over unearned loyalty to others, especially if that loyalty was spat on, exploited, and abused. and that includes the process of getting comfortable with hurting people's feelings when you tell them no & walk away.
but YEAH whew it's surreal to process that the last nail in the coffin of resentment that this friendship is being buried in is a fairly mild post about a Disney cartoon, specifically because 1) I've spent a long time (on this website specifically, actually) learning how to outsmart my ADHD by verbalizing my anger in longform stream of consciousness until I remember what dots to connect, and it clicks— can't do that on Twitter, baby— and 2) because in the years I've known this person, I've done a lot of self-work on self-valuation (ironically: a narrative theme of Encanto), and that means the cartoon post SHOULD have bothered me BECAUSE not only is it a friendship I've outgrown, I am & always have been worth more than being treated like that. so now the next step is I just gotta get used to making that the other person's problem, because it's damn sure not mine.
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captivemuses · 3 years
NAME: sarah
STAR SIGN: sagittarius
HEIGHT: 5′3″
the only song I’ve listened to with consistency on my spotify is the History Maker remake by Dean Fujioka so I’m going with the first six songs that pop up for a ‘mix’ on my Youtube homepage when I refresh it:
-Happy Synthesizer -Kakusei by Superfly -Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There (Persona 5 OST) -Inferno by Hiroyuki Sawano -Nexus by Hiroyuki Sawano -Cry Baby (aka Tokyo Revengers OP, full song version) by 髭男dism
EVER HAD A POEM OR SONG WRITTEN ABOUT YOU? if i did i’m not aware of it
WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? right now i don’t really have one?? last one i remember was evan peters who i got into as an actor through american horror story
WHAT’S A SOUND YOU HATE; SOUND YOU LOVE? hate nails on a chalkboard, love the sound of horse hooves as they run/move
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? absolutely. i’m a boogara to the end
HOW ABOUT ALIENS? i think so
DO YOU DRIVE?  yes, since i was 18
IF SO, HAVE YOU EVER CRASHED? yup i’ve been in five accidents since i started driving. some have been my fault and some have not, one was me just spinning on black ice in college and hitting a hill enough that i lost my fender but i was fine
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? i think volume 1 of the case study of vanitas. i really need to get more volumes and keep reading
DO YOU LIKE THE SMELL OF GASOLINE?  i don’t mind it but i don’t think i’d say i like it
WHAT WAS THE LAST MOVIE YOU SAW? i rewatched encanto last week!
WHAT’S THE WORST INJURY YOU’VE EVER HAD? guess it’d depend on your definition of ‘worst’. i’ve been kicked in the face by a baby miniature horse before (the foal didn’t do it intentionally, it just got up from my lap and got frisky as he did so and happened to nail me on the cheek/just below my eye). i’ve broken my wrist twice but they were my own stupid fault bc i was being a dumb kid/teenager and the second time the bone had to be reset.
DO YOU HAVE ANY OBSESSIONS RIGHT NOW? tokyo revengers absolutely has me by the throat right now in terms of ongoing manga series
DO YOU TEND TO HOLD GRUDGES AGAINST PEOPLE WHO HAVE DONE YOU WRONG? not really bc i don’t often have people doing shit to me that’s that bad that’d justify a grudge but i have held them in the past
IN A RELATIONSHIP? rofl that’s funny. i’ve literally never been in a real relationship before
TAGGED BY : no one i stole it from @parallcls​
TAGGING : anyone that’s had coffee or tea or pet an animal today
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