#I just need to figure out what timing will consume the least of my psychic energy lmao
berenwrites · 1 year
Beyond the Battle - Chapter 12 - Stranger Things - Steddie
Beyond the Battle­: Action & Consequence
Click here for All Posted Chapters
Summary: Steve hits things with a bat or gets hit depending on who you ask. He definitely does not have anything to do with the psychic stuff. That is El’s domain. However, as Vecna is defeated, the rules change.
Pairing: steddie (Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson)
Other Relationships: Steve & Robin, Steve & Dustin, Eddie & Dustin
Rating: Teen
A/N: Multi-chapter story, updated regularly. Honestly not sure how many chapters it will have yet because it's still a bit hand wavy in the middle, but definitely more than 12. Thank you to my beta for find my mistakes and to all those who read/like/reblog.💖 Follow #st:beyond-the-battle for updates.
Also on AO3
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Chapter 12.    Child Geniuses
“Okay child geniuses,” Eddie said with his usual dramatic flair after food had been consumed and everything tidied away.
“Hey,” came from several directions.
“Technically he’s not wrong,” was Erica’s view on the matter.
“As I was saying,” Eddie continued, “there is a matter we need to discuss.”
Steve could tell Eddie was nervous under the bravado, but he hung back, letting Eddie deal with this how he wanted to but ready to step in if Eddie needed him.
“Okay, Eddie,” Dustin said, “what is it?”
“Well,” Eddie said, “just to make sure everyone is caught up, El declared me completely de-Vecna’d yesterday, thank you El, but also a little bit other.”
“Like me and Will and Steve,” El said with a smile.
“This morning we found out what the other is,” Eddie went on, giving her a nod and a tight smile. “I woke up with fangs.”
“Fangs?” Will asked.
“Like when you were a minion?” Dustin added.
“Kinda, but not really,” Eddie replied. “Much neater.”
“They were shorter than the ones he had in the Void,” Steve revealed, since he had been the one to actually see them, “but his eyes were the same; black, with a red ring.”
“And everything what, just went away?” Mike asked next.
“That would be a nope,” Eddie replied with a very much false smile. “They came with this really gnarly thirst.”
All the kids were looking at Eddie now. The tension was obvious.
“So, you’re still a vampire?” Dustin asked, seeing straight to the root of the issue.
“Yep,” Eddie said, popping the ‘p’ in emphasis.
“But you don’t have any vampire weaknesses,” Mike pointed out, waving in the general direction of the windows and the bright morning sun.
“Also true,” Eddie agreed, “and it’s not like I can will the fangs back. They were there, but now they’re not, or at least they aren’t extended. Not sure how that works to be honest.”
“How did you get rid of them this morning?” Lucas asked.
“Um … well …” Eddie hesitated for the first time.
“I convinced him to bite me,” Steve entered the conversation once more.
“You did what?” Dustin demanded.
“Henderson, you don’t have a leg to stand on, so button it,” he countered. “I made Eddie bite me. It wasn’t like we hadn’t done it before, and I healed the wound. See, no bite marks.”
He held out his wrist which no longer even had the little pink spots.
“He took like two or three swallows and that was it,” he added.
“And you let them?” Dustin asked, glaring at Robin.
“Robin wasn’t even there,” Steve defended his best friend. “Eddie and I were in my room. We were sleeping in the same bed because of nightmares. You all know what those are like.”
It was sad because every kid in the room nodded, even Erica, but it meant they all got each other.
“I figured it would be easier to deal with Eddie’s condition if there was an easy solution,” Steve told them, “and there is.”
“It could have been dangerous,” Dustin pointed out, but his tone was much less accusatory.
“I’ve seen Eddie’s control when he was starving and dying,” Steve defended himself. “I trust him.”
And that was the crux of the matter. No matter what, he trusted Eddie. It would take something far more than fangs to shake that trust. It was the same trust he had in all the party. Occasionally they did stupid things, they were kids, but he trusted their motives.
Eddie looked kind of astonished at his vehemence, but it got the message over to Dustin. Although Steve could understand Dustin’s worry, after all he had lost Eddie once and they’d all just been through hell and their own near-death experience, the kid needed to understand.
“And after you fed, the fangs just went away?” Erica asked, getting the inquiry back on track.
“After I fed, I was high as balls. No, I don’t understand either because it wasn’t like that before,” Eddie admitted. “Steve went into mother hen mode and got me to lie down, and I slept it off. When I woke up again, the fangs were, well, normal.”
He opened his mouth to demonstrate.
“Are you stronger or faster than you used to be?” Mike asked.
“I … ah … don’t know,” Eddie said with a shrug.
“We should test that,” Mike said, looking at Dustin.
“We could use Steve as a control,” Dustin agreed with a nod. “Steve, do you have any weights?”
“Will and I were going to help Steve test his powers,” El said before he could reply.
“We won’t need him for long,” Dustin replied. “We only need a baseline, and Steve’s a jock so he’s strong.”
Steve shared a resigned look with Eddie. He could feel the morning slipping away from him as their child geniuses conspired.
Being a baseline consisted of hefting a few weights, which Steve was more than happy to do. He had a set up in the corner of one of the garages where he sometimes did weight training, so they had plenty of kit to play with. It was what was coming next that had him worried.
While Dustin, Mike and Lucas had camped out with Eddie in the garage, Steve had soon found himself in his living room with El, Will, Erica and Robin. Under El’s direction they moved the coffee table so it was closer to one of the couches, at which point she produced a piece of card with concentric circles on it and a ball bearing.
Steve watched as El put the card on the coffee table and the ball bearing on top of it right in the centre.
“We made this so Will could practice,” El told him with a bright smile.
“I’ll show you,” Will offered.
Steve nodded, because he really hoped someone would give him a clue before he made a complete idiot out of himself. Will sat down on the couch, took a deep breath, and fixed his eyes on the ball bearing. The hairs on the back of Steve’s arms lifted up as if there was static in the air. After only a second or so, the ball moved off its spot to the edge of the next circle. It then started to follow the circumference of the ring, slowly, but accurately.
“See?” Will asked, blinking as if coming back to reality.
The kid automatically put a Kleenex to his nose.
“Um, no,” Steve admitted.
“Don’t worry, you will,” El assured him, “and the nosebleeds get less.”
“It’s like using a muscle,” Will explained, “the more you use it, the more you can do without hurting yourself.”
“If you say so,” he said, he was very unsure. “What do I do?”
“Sit on the couch,” El told him with one of her small encouraging smiles.
He and Will swapped places.
“Focus on the ball,” she explained simply, “and push from here.”
She put two fingers on her forehead.
“Okay,” Steve said, but that sounded far too simple.
It was. He spent the next half an hour staring at the steel ball and failing to do anything except make himself go cross-eyed.
“I don’t get it,” he admitted eventually. "What does it feel like?”
“It’s like a pressure between your eyes,” Will said.
“Could you demonstrate again,” he asked, “and would you mind if I touched you while you did it?”
“Sure,” Will said with a smile and they swapped again.
Steve placed a hand on Will’s shoulder and closed his eyes. He figured if his healing was touched based, if he had a chance of understanding what Will and El were trying to teach him, touch might be the key.
“Ready?” Will asked.
He nodded without opening his eyes.
The hairs on his arms stood on end again and this time he felt something else. It was kind of like a pressure, or at least the echo of it, but it felt different, more ethereal. He also sensed something off and automatically reached out to fix it.
“Did you get it?” Will asked and went to wipe his nose.
The Kleenex came away clean.
“Did you just fix my nose?” Will asked, looking at him.
“Um,” he said, ��maybe.”
El laughed.
“That could be useful,” she said, sounding positively delighted. “Did it help? If not, we could try a more emotional approach. It’s how I do bigger things.”
“I did feel something when you were moving the ball,” Steve said. “Only one way to find out, I guess.”
“Yeah, because it’s really boring watching nothing happen,” Erica said in her usual judgemental tone.
“It’s really boring not doing anything too,” Steve quipped back as he took up his position on the sofa again.
This time as he focused on the ball, he did his best to recreate the echo he had sensed from Will. He tried to approach it like learning a new skill in sports, since he was good at those. The first time was always the hardest.
“Oh,” Steve said as he pushed hard with his mind, “that doesn’t feel right.”
For the first time the ball bearing moved. Not very far or very convincingly, but it moved.
“You did it!” Robin crowed, clapping her hands and she was echoed by Will, El and even Erica, only Steve missed most of it.
The world went very fuzzy for a moment as pain shot through the left side of his head. He swayed in his seat as the room looped the loop. This was very not good.
“Oh shit, Steve,” he heard, and he thought it might have been Robin, but everything was distorted and surreal, so he couldn’t be sure.
Nausea twisted his stomach as the universe lurched and he made a desperate dive for the trash can at the end of the couch. His breakfast revisiting was unpleasant to say the least as vertigo turned his stomach inside out.
“Erica, can you get some water?” he heard Robin say, and at least this time her voice sounded properly like her.
“Yeah, that’s disgusting,” Erica said, “I’ll be right back.”
“Steve, are you still with us?” Robin asked as a gentle hand touched his back.
He nodded, closing his eyes and trying to force the spinning feeling to go away.
“Let’s not do that again,” he said quietly.
“Here,” Robin said and passed him a Kleenex.
“Thanks, but ow,” he replied. “Did the drum section of Hawkins High Band just take up residence in my head?”
He didn’t even try and sit up yet.
“I’m so sorry, Steve,” El said from somewhere close by.
“Not your fault,” he said, reaching out blindly and patting her on the arm. “I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to do what you and Will do.”
“Well, you can do it,” Will chimed in, “but it definitely doesn’t look good for you.”
Steve managed a small smile and carefully opened his eyes. The world stayed nicely in its correct orientation, which was a good step forward.
“Ugh,” Eddie said, collapsing on the couch next to where Steve was already sitting nursing a headache with tissue stuffed up his nose.
“Had fun?” he asked.
“No,” Eddie replied. “Those kids are sadistic.”
“I know,” he said with a small smile. “So, any superpowers?”
“Do I look like I have superpowers?” Eddie replied, putting his head back over the couch.
“Not even vampire strength?” Steve asked, a little disappointed.
“Stevie, I’m not even as strong as you,” Eddie said, “and now I ache all over. You made it look easy, you bastard, and it wasn’t.”
“Sorry, can’t help perfection,” he replied and smirked as well as he could with Kleenex in his nostril.
“Dumb jock,” Eddie shot back immediately.
“Wimpy nerd,” he countered, and they both burst out laughing at the same time. “Ow,” he said as it exacerbated his headache.
“Aren’t you supposed to be able to fix yourself now?” Eddie asked as the amusement passed.
“Yeah,” Steve said, “but seems I’m stuck with the headache because there’s nothing really wrong. The way El and Will explain it, it’s like training for a new sport, new muscles hurt when activated.”
“If you say so,” Eddie said.
“And, well, since I already had a headache, I didn’t feel like making it worse by trying to heal the nosebleed,” Steve continued.
“So how did it go?” Eddie asked. “Jedi powers activated?”
“Are you going to start throwing things around with your mind?” Eddie clarified and Steve caught up.
“Oh, yes, but no,” he replied.
“Gonna explain that?” Eddie asked.
“I can do it,” he revealed as he rubbed his temples, “but I am never doing it voluntarily again.”
“Why?” was Eddie’s obvious question.
“He puked,” Robin said as she walked into the room. “Full on Exorcist shit, or Starcourt aftermath.”
“It was unpleasant,” Steve added. “Thank you, you’re an angel,” he added as Robin handed him a mug of tea.
The smell of chamomile was heavenly. Robin had introduced him to various teas over their friendship and he kept a stock in the back of the cupboard.
“Is that chamomile?” Eddie asked, peering at the mug curiously.
“Yep,” Robin replied. “My grandma swears by teas, and I got Steve addicted after Starcourt, but sssh, because big strong jocks don’t drink tea.”
“I think that ship sailed years ago,” Steve muttered as he sipped the soothing liquid. “You a tea man?” he asked Eddie.
“You did see how many mugs were in the trailer, right?” Eddie replied. “You think all of those were just for coffee. Wayne is old school when it comes to tea.”
Eddie’s eyes went distant as he mentioned Wayne.
“He thinks I’m dead, doesn’t he,” Eddie said after a moment.
Steve nodded.
“Dustin told him, even though we couldn’t tell him everything that happened,” he replied. “Look, we’ll need to talk to the others first, but we’ll come up with something. I saw him at the school the other day, so he came back to town as soon as he was allowed.”
“Stubborn old man,” Eddie said quietly.
Steve glanced around to make sure it was still only the three of them before he reached out and took Eddie’s hand. They stayed like that for several minutes.
“So,” Eddie said eventually, apparently snapping out of his thoughts, “no telekinesis. Did you figure anything else out though?”
“They did some of the Void stuff,” Robin piped up, crawling into the last space on the couch and throwing her legs over both of them. “Really weird to watch.”
“Void stuff?” Eddie asked.
“Mostly we were just talking, only there, not here,” Steve did his best to explain. “It was weirdly easy. El says it’s harder with distance, but we should try that at some point. She was also trying to explain going further and piggy-backing into someone’s mind, but that’s way too advanced for me or Will yet.”
“Way too advanced, he says, after telling us about talking to people on another plane of existence,” Eddie said with a shake of his head and exchanging a look with Robin.
“You asked,” Steve protested, sipping his tea.
His headache was showing signs of receding, which was a nice change from the migraines he had suffered in the past.
“I did,” Eddie agreed, “but allow me a moment of reflection, these are big concepts.”
“Tell me about it,” Steve could only agree. “El is a frighteningly sweet, but very focused coach.”
“She’s probably enjoying having friends like her, rather than fellow lab rats,” Robin said while shifting around to make herself more comfortable.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “The way her and Will are together, it’s like they really are blood related.”
“Does that make you the weird older brother?” Eddie asked with a laugh.
Steve turned his best hurt puppy dog eyes onto Eddie for that.
“You couldn’t have gone for cool?” he said. “You had to go for weird?”
“In this town, Stevie,” Eddie said with a sweet smile, “everything’s weird.”
End of Chapter 12
Chapter 13
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thekingofthieves · 2 years
7A. Would you cannibalise a dead body in a life-or-death scenario? Does your answer change depending on whether they're a loved one or not? (I guess eating humans wouldn’t really count as cannibalism.) Instead for my other question: Can certain demons survive without the consumption of humans? I know raizen died because he didn’t consume humans after a long period of time.
Well, it's actually not uncommon for demons to eat other demons. I've partaken in that on the occasion, even without my life being on the line. I wouldn't eat just any demon, however. Certain ones are definitely more edible than others. Attempting to consume a demon like Genbu I doubt would be possible for me. And one would need to watch out for those that'd be dangerous to eat, like ones with poison running through their veins.
If it came to a loved one's body, however... There's simply no way I could eat them. Not in a million years, not even if I'd end up with a fate worse than death. Seeing their body being mutilated in such a way- causing that sort of damage to their figure- I wouldn't be able to stomach it. I want the last time I see the people I care about to not be such a gruesome sight, if possible...
Though... would me eating a human count as cannibalism now? I don't see why it wouldn't be. Even if I wasn't originally a human, the human anatomy of this form is as much a part of me as my Youko or spirit fox forms. I'm as much human as I am demon, neither of these parts can be separated from me. Either way though, I doubt the Reikai would be pleased with me consuming the body of a human, even if I didn't cause their death... But I'm unsure if it's something they'd arrest over- I'm not even sure if there's precedent for that to begin with. Demons eating humans typically are the reason why they're dead, after all.
Also, at the very base of it all, no demon naturally needs to consume humans to survive. Some end up like that, however, because if they derive most of their diet from humans for a long period, it eventually becomes a necessity. It's desirable for many though, as the consumption of humans causes any reiki they have to convert and meld into the demon's youki, boosting their strength proportional to the amount of reiki. As such, strong psychics are riskier to target, but have a higher "reward" because of how much reiki they have. The same does occur when eating other demons, but the boost in strength isnt as significant- my guess would be that reiki is perhaps more "condensed" in a way? But regardless- after so long, demons become addicted to the different form of energy, and if suddenly cut off or they dont get as much reiki as they used to, their youki becomes desperate to consume and will begin to slowly eat away at their life energy. I may not have met Raizen, but from what I've heard, this seems to be the fate that befell him.
This is partially why cultivated humans exist, it's a minor supplement of human for those who can't access real ones at some point, containing very trace amounts of reiki within them. However, demons can only temporarily sustain themselves on that, and it doesn't help at all if they're used to a much more significant feasting on humans.
Personally, I've only eaten humans a couple times just to try it, as I didn't want to become dependent on eating them. And god am I ever glad that I made that decision. 😅 I don't know how I would have managed eating humans while keeping up my facade as a normal person, especially when I had no ability to escape back to the Makai if things got dire... Trying to keep that secret not only from my mother, but also from the Ningenkai police and the Reikai would have been nothing short of hell.
Actually, Yusuke had asked me at one point if I've ate humans before, which I jokingly answered (but said very matter-of-factly) that I used to all the time. Kuwabara was certainly unnerved by that, haha, but Yusuke didn't seem the least bit disturbed... That boy is certainly full of surprises, I'll give him that. 😅 Since the joke didn't bother him, I just went ahead and told him the truth. Though, ah, I guess my wording accidentally psyched Kuwabara out for a moment, because he was quite relieved when I began to say I was just kidding, and was promptly freaked out again when I said I had only tried eating humans a few times, haha. Hiei had also told them that he's eaten humans before, but I know he was also just trying to freak them out. He admitted to me that he simply never cared to consume humans, and also thinks it's a cheap way to get stronger. But he never told that to Yusuke or Kuwabara, so don't tell them I revealed the truth. 🤭
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grabyourluck-blog · 1 year
Become an Internet Marketing Detective
New Post has been published on https://www.referral-master.com/become-an-internet-marketing-detective/
Become an Internet Marketing Detective
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At the risk of stating the ridiculously obvious, Internet Marketing is changing. Just because you’re making money today won’t guarantee you’ll still be making money tomorrow. There are the obvious examples: Possum, Penguin, Fred and what not. But then there’s new regulations, new technologies, changing interests and priorities of consumers, more competition (sometimes bad, sometimes good) and so forth.
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Without a doubt, the money is still there to be made – but you might have to get creative and expand your horizons to find it. And when you do find it, don’t rest on our laurels. Don’t think you can set a funnel up and just ignore it and it will continue to deliver forever. You might wake up in a month or two and be shocked to find your account balance hovering near zero if you do.
That’s why you’ve got to always be on the lookout for great ideas, and even mediocre ideas that are profitable. Make it a daily practice to write down at least 3 or 4 new ideas for making money and growing your business.
What happens if you don’t walk for a week? Your legs atrophy. And your brain works the same way. Either work your brain relentlessly and it will get stronger, or don’t use it and it’ll harden into something useless.
The economy has been having it’s own set of challenges for years and while it’s better now for many people, there are still millions of people who are out of work or not making the money they used to make. So what are they doing? Many are turning to Internet Marketing. You might think this is bad because of increased competition, and it can be. But if you make a list of ideas on how you can capitalize on this, what will you discover?
First, these people will need training on how to do online marketing. That covers an entire realm of possibilities, including step-by-step courses and coaching.
Next, these folks will need help. They’re not going to be experts at everything from building websites to creating products to getting backlinks to designing product covers. So if you’re willing to perform services, there’s money to be made.
Remember the TV detective Columbo? He would be asking the suspect questions, always very polite, very nice, acting like he needed help in figuring out what happened. Only he was smart – he was playing the suspect right until the end. My favorite part is when he would be leaving the room, and the suspect would be breathing a sigh of relief. ‘Whew! Dodged that bullet’ the suspect is thinking. But then Columbo pauses at the door, or even walks out the door and then comes back in, and he puts his hand to his head like he just remembered something, and he says, “Oh, you know, I almost forgot, one more thing…” And then he’d nail the suspect with the real question, the one the suspect just didn’t have a good answer for.
This should be you. You’re a detective, always on the lookout for that “one more thing” that will make your campaign more profitable, that will increase your subscriber rate, that will double your conversions and so forth. Always be searching for the questions your prospects ask that lead to a breakthrough product. Always be asking, asking, asking “What do people want? What problem is keeping them up at night? What would they pay to fix, improve or eliminate?”
Get in the mindset of a detective and you’ll view the world differently. You’ll see things you missed a hundred times before. People will start to think you’re psychic or something. You’re not. You’re just asking questions and paying very close attention to the answers. And you’re using your brain – something a lot of people are too lazy to do.
Bottom line: Things are changing and they’re going to change a whole lot more. Fall asleep at the wheel and your business will crash. Rely on what worked before and you will go broke. Continue to provide the same old products and the same old solutions and you’ll find yourself standing still in the middle of a very fast race.
Be a detective like Columbo and you’ll always get your paydays.
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princessnijireiki · 2 years
wait okay so I def have been hearing & absorbing criticism from other Latines & Latin American ppl about Encanto bc imo it was still very nice, aesthetically beautiful, and better than I was expecting from Disney, but yeah, white writers & directors & producers, obvs Lin has only written 1.5 musicals in his life and keeps remixing them for everything else he's hired for (Encanto is just surprising bc it's one of his most successful executions, I think he def detracted from & held back Moana's potential a LOT), and as soon as they announced Encanto my first thought was, "were no Colombian songwriters available?" bc besides him being under contract... VERY weird that he is the one size fits all "It Boy™️" for white Hollywood's take on Latin rep rn
which is to say: I am open to less than glowing reviews of it!
HOWEVER, I saw a FB post on my feed from somebody complaining abt not liking the story or songs, but being like, "I loved seeing representation for all my AfroLatinx friends & family, though!" and it irked the shit out of me, and I couldn't place why... girl... I just remembered lmao.
first of all, no she's not Hispanic, so yes that was irritating, idk that she has any Latino family in the first place. secondly, yes she adored Hamilton.
thirdly... THIRDLY. I tend to forget she did this because it was in fucking sane & completely out of left field. she's the one who asked me both to brainstorm a "nonappropriative way" to do a Día de Muertos taco themed birthday party for one of her now-ex friends... and no I am not Mexican... and no it did not occur to her to just serve tacos without doing an ethnic "theme" complete w Party City type decor & costumes. and also asked me to translate a list of chores for that same ex-friend's new maid into Spanish bc she hired someone who didn't speak English (likely to be exploitatively cheap!) and did not herself speak Spanish... which is an INSANE ASK OFF TOP, RIGHT. but Y'ALL. to this day she has yet to hear me ever speak Spanish in front of her!!! she has never heard ANYBODY in my family speak Spanish!!! she assumed I spoke Spanish, was fluent, was open to that crazy fucking request, and that I SPECIFICALLY would have strong vocab skills in fucking cleaning products & bullying minimum wage employees.
I've talked about that incident on here before tbh just because every time I remember it it pisses me off AND bewilders me bc she would rightfully be fucking offended if I said, "oh we're doing a costumed sushi, samurai & Shinto funeral themed party lol" or "oh you definitely know how to say 'scrub the shit out from under the rim of the toilet & wash my dirty panties on 'sanitize' mode, oh also you get one unpaid 15min break' in Japanese, right?" ...and bc she's Black this weird ass fucking behavioral issue of hers is also not sth that came up in Black cultural discussions, bc of COURSE that racism is not directed towards herself or the aspects of MY identity that WE have in common. but when your baseline interactions are not fucked up in that specific way (until they suddenly are), it feels really weird to get the "nice" liberal "progressive" version of being called a fucking wetback by someone you considered a friend.
and anyway yeah she don't like Encanto but she's claiming all the Black rep + not a peep on the Indigenous rep, political backdrop, narratives of trauma, the artistic context it functions within, etc (and to top it all off Yes: she graduated w a whole history degree, Yes: she literally used to work doing historical reenactments alongside Native reenactors + costumed conquistadors in one of the local Spanish cities, and Yes: she still has a job in the history & education field).
and yk, this is one of those things where as a post it started out about Encanto & the importance of #ownvoices creation AND intracommunity convos re: critique of our own cultural works outside of a white, colonial, and/or xenophobic gaze, plus, like... general things people do that piss me off lol. but the post is ending on this note instead:
in 2022 I need to get used to the idea of not only continuing to assert boundaries over how I'm treated going forward— because at my big age now, I would never let that shit fly again, but my whole life, I've endured a LOT of shitty one-sided friendships just because I didn't know I didn't HAVE to LET people treat me bad... and there was never any shortage of people who WOULDN'T have done that to me, but that internal weakness & vulnerability, like that lack of self respect + enforcing standards of that respect from others, both attracts people who like you not having strong boundaries, AND it mentally closes you off to being open to relationships that DON'T look that way, because you think it's normal to endure physical cruelty or being demeaned or being expected to demean YOURSELF to access or deserve love or companionship.
but I also need to get more & more accustomed to stepping on toes in a very big way in order to do it. like in a very permanent, soccer cleats to the instep kind of way. because it's EASY to do that with people you don't give a shit about. who have no power over you, or whose treatment you aren't numb to (tbh FB is mostly sth I use for family, so the fact that this is usually background noise should tell you she's not the only person I need to remove from my friends list lol) or who you aren't clinging to out of some unaddressed desperation, loneliness, or needing closure, hesitation to abandon invested time (sunk cost fallacy...) or just being too afraid to confront the fact that someone you'd never do that to treats you badly BECAUSE they think of you exactly as badly as they act.
but no matter what reason you have for not having done it sooner... it feels silly the first time you accept a small frivolous thing like a cartoon can be a catalyst... but even if the last fucking straw is something stupid, that camel's back ain't any less broken. so it's a hard life skill. but I accept that I need to put loyalty to MYSELF over unearned loyalty to others, especially if that loyalty was spat on, exploited, and abused. and that includes the process of getting comfortable with hurting people's feelings when you tell them no & walk away.
but YEAH whew it's surreal to process that the last nail in the coffin of resentment that this friendship is being buried in is a fairly mild post about a Disney cartoon, specifically because 1) I've spent a long time (on this website specifically, actually) learning how to outsmart my ADHD by verbalizing my anger in longform stream of consciousness until I remember what dots to connect, and it clicks— can't do that on Twitter, baby— and 2) because in the years I've known this person, I've done a lot of self-work on self-valuation (ironically: a narrative theme of Encanto), and that means the cartoon post SHOULD have bothered me BECAUSE not only is it a friendship I've outgrown, I am & always have been worth more than being treated like that. so now the next step is I just gotta get used to making that the other person's problem, because it's damn sure not mine.
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theravennest · 3 years
Let’s Talk About Shang Chi...
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I just got back from seeing Shang Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. I had a great time with it. Just a lovely experience.
The fights were dope. The music was rocking. The actors’ performances really sold me on everything. I loved all the Xianxia elements. Y’all know fantasy worlds are my JAM!
But it was the characters that really drew me in. Every one of them were pitch perfect for me. The final act got a little jumbled, imo, but the characters and their dynamics were so good that it was enough for me to completely forgive and overlook the somewhat messy final battle. 
The story had a lot of heart. It was so personal and so anchored in real emotions. I highkey fell in love with all the main characters. I love their journeys and their complex  and grounded relationships with each other. I really liked the movie’s examination of grief, loss, and pain and the lengths people will go to in the wake of being overwhelmed by those feelings.
Let’s dig into it! This is gonna be a whole discombobulated mess, I just know it. lmao
***Spoilers below the cut!***
I really felt for Shang Chi, Xialing, and Wenwu struggling to figure out how to be a family again after they were all broken in different ways by the loss of Mama Ying Li. And each one of them trying in their own way to heal from it, some to extremely destructive degrees. 
How Wenwu treated his kids after being consumed by grief and violence was so utterly messed up but in two completely different ways. 
He treated Xialing like she was anathema, like she was literally nothing. Even when they were older and she had grown into an adult, he barely spoke to her in the entirety of the movie, could hardly even look at her. Partially because she looked like her mom and he retreated utterly from the pain of that, and partially because he constantly underestimated her in favor of her brother. This, of course, seeded the resentful tension between Xialing and Shang Chi from the start.
I’m a real sucker for sibling dynamics, as you all know. They’re my favorite types of family-oriented stories. (Side note, I really love the way the MCU has dedicated several stories to sibling relationships. It’s like my favorite thing in the MCU as a whole.)
I completely ate up the harsh and tricky relationship between Xialing and Shang Chi. Shang Chi completely let her down when they were kids, for her POV. (Not really his fault, he was a scared and traumatized 15 year old. Totally understandable.) But there is something to be said about the fact that she was also a child. A child dealing with her mom’s death too AND her dad’s aloofness. Then she was utterly abandoned by her brother. It’s no wonder she never quite forgives him, even though they mostly team up in the movie. They still have a lot to work out between them.
I really loved that she took on leadership of the Ten Rings at the end. The moment Shang Chi said she was “dismantling” their dad’s empire, I knew what was up. Though, the softy in me does hope that eventually they can find true reconciliation between them. I’m excited to see what we’ll see from her in future movies as a potential enemy of Shang Chi. It’ll be really interesting to see how Shang Chi tackles having to go up against his little sister.
And Shang Chi!!! OMG! Let’s talk Shang Chi and Wenwu now. When Wenwu drop kicked him into the ground and started the blame game for Mama Ying Li’s death like bro!!! I was so heated. He was 7 years old. A whole baby! She died because your thousand years of violence and conquering shit finally came home to roost. 
But that one line when Wenwu said Shang Chi’s 7 year old self “just stood there and watched” while his mom was killed actually revealed so much about Wenwu’s character. (The cutting way Tony Leung, a literal legend, delivered that was masterful, btw.) 
I actually think that it was the first time Wenwu has ever verbalized that he blamed Shang Chi for Ying Li’s death. Like maybe he’s always felt that way and all this time he was partially punishing Shang Chi for what he thinks of as a failure to protect or help the woman who meant so much to them.
Like, yes, he was training Shang Chi to take his place with him in the Ten Rings as an assassin but maybe he also wanted Shang Chi to kill his mom’s murderer as penance for letting her die in the first place.
Of course, it’s clear to see that Wenwu was absolutely shifting his own feelings of conflicting guilt onto his kids. Guilt that his past as a warlord is what got her killed. But also guilt that he put down the Ten Rings in the first place when if he had stayed a warlord, this never would have happened. But also the bone deep knowledge that if he hadn’t put down the Rings, Ying Li might never have stayed with him and loved him in the first place.
When Shang Chi threw it back at him that Ying Li probably wouldn’t love the person Wenwu had returned to, Wenwu looked so shook up. Phew! Perfect emoting from Tony Leung in that moment.
Honestly, Wenwu was having a very tragic and confusing time of it in this movie. Which is probably how that creature from beyond was able to find a crack in his psychic defenses and lure him to the gate. I had a lot of empathy for him even though I disagree so much with what he did to his kids, emotionally.
I really respect the fact that the movie never lost that sense of compassion for all of their feelings including Wenwu. I also respect that the movie really gave them space to grieve not just the loss of Ying Li but also the resulting dissolution of their happy family.
It’s just too bad that Wenwu’s grief made him push his kids away instead of pulling them closer. He completely emotionally abandoned them. A thousand years of power and supremacy yet he was broken because he never in that time fully learned how to process his emotions in a healthier way and his kids paid the price. They could’ve leaned on each other and on the love they found with Ying Li to help them get through but alas that’s the tragedy of the movie. 
I really wanted somehow for Shang Chi to make it through to his dad before he went too far to come back again. I genuinely did not want to see Wenwu die at the end. I wanted him to live and see Shang Chi’s changing dynamic with his father continue. I wanted to see him finally acknowledge his daughter as his true heir and see her accomplishments (dark though they will likely become considering the “softer” version of her is the one that ran an illegal fight club in Macao lmao).
Though I am happy Shang Chi got through to him enough at the end for Wenwu to save Shang Chi’s life, willingly pass the rings onto his son, and somewhat accept his own death after a thousand years of life. That was such a poignant moment between them. And I wonder if in that instant, Wenwu had the thought that in dying he’d at least see Ying Li again.
(Side note: I really hope his soul and the souls of everyone that got eaten were freed when Shang Chi killed the monster. I really want them to be able to move on to the next phase of existence. I really hope they weren’t destroyed after being eaten. I want Wenwu to reunite with Ying Li even in the afterlife, gotdamnit! Sue me, I’m a romantic.)
Let’s talk Simu Liu’s performance here for one second. He was incredible throughout. I completely bought into this strange but so real feeling that while he has a lot of anger towards his father, so much hurt, he also felt a lot of heartache and love for who Shang Chi wanted him to be. And the strange desire to want to help a man who emotionally scarred him so badly.
Simu really brought both sides of Shang Chi’s journey to life. Like, he was tying to find his own path, reconcile with the mistakes he’s made in the past (his sister, killing his mom’s murderer), and facing up against his father’s ideals and expectations. But there was also a side of Shang Chi’s journey that was about finally understand both his sister and his father’s point of views, and of learning/embracing his mother’s history. 
That moment by the lake when he revealed to Katy that he had actually killed the man who killed his mother. Whew boy! The emotions were so poignant. Simu Liu played it like *chef’s kiss* beautiful.
Speaking of character choices, I really rate this decision to have him actually go through with the assassination. It puts Shang Chi in an interesting position emotionally and somewhat morally. Instead of having his breaking point be him unable to kill as his father wishes, it’s instead the feeling of guilt and shame that he actually did kill the man.
I wonder if he felt a sense of satisfaction before the disgust and shame settled in. Because Shang Chi literally watched his mom die, he probably initially wanted to help his father hunt down the man because of that bit of dark need for vengeance. Until he got it, and felt ashamed to fully face his mother’s memory afterwards.
I’m interested to see how future Shang Chi movies and Simu will dig into and unpack that little bit of darkness these events instilled in the character.
Let’s talk Ying Li for a second here. This woman was incredible. An incredible martial artist, for sure, a mystical guardian and warrior...but she was also just an incredible person in general. Mama Ying Li was so self-assured, so steadfast in her convictions. She struck me as someone who knows exactly what she wants and is never afraid to reach for it.
Fala Chen portrayed her with such grace, warmth, and strength of character. It was extremely easy to see why Wenwu fell in love with her. She met Wenwu, a literal thousand year old warlord, and through shear strength of character led him to put down his weapons and his empire to make a home with her.
This man threw away his entire shadow army of assassins, threw away his whole plan to literally demolish her village in the pursuit of power...in order to play Dance Dance Revolution with her and their kids. (The highlight of their romance and the family flashbacks, for me, tbh.) 
And I know it’s not necessarily...positive BUT there is something...hmmmm, crunchy in the fact that Ying Li so completely altered Wenwu’s life by simply loving him that when she died he was willing to raze the whole world to get her back, damn the consequences.
Trying to properly explore toxic and negative turns in previously loving family dynamics is such a difficult task to take on. I really liked the complexity of the Xu family. All the actors really sold the family side of things. It was an almost tangible thing how much you could see how the love they felt had turned bitter and painful over the years.
The final battle was epic and mind blowing (There was a fucking DRAGON flying around for gods’ sake!) but I do wish it had stayed a little more grounded for longer in the beginning of it when the Ten Rings were fighting the Ta Lo warriors. I wanted to see more of that fight before they had the turn to becoming temporary allies against the soul suckers. It became a little too much of a CGI mash, for me, in some parts of it.
Still, the emotional beats held and the core of the story of this grieving family trying to hold on to the tatters of their world stayed consistent even through the final battle. I can forgive a lot because of the strong sense of character and connection there.
Plus, it’s a comic book movie. Spectacle is the name of the game and at least this one had cool fantasy beasts and dope fight choreo. 
Anyway, I’ve rambled enough. Let’s wrap it up here. Suffice it to say, I had a wonderful time with this movie. I’m ready for the next one!
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Wait ~ E.O.
A/n: let’s be real this is a Drabble, and after how much I’ve struggled to write requests the rest will probably be as well so I can finally get them out to you guys.
Request: “1 from prompt list... Enoch x non-binary maybe?...” by anon
Prompt: #1 (here): “I should go” / “Or you should stay a little longer.”
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Hearing the music confused Y/n just a little bit. It was definitely piano, but it shouldn’t have been playing. It was clear, far different than the old recordings they had around that scratched and slipped and popped. It couldn’t have been Miss Peregrine either, because she had taken the others out on a picnic. Y/n knew that because they were sick in bed, and Miss P had given them a head’s up on her way out so Y/n wouldn’t be startled if they got up and moved around to see an empty house.
The thing was, Y/n was torn about whether they were happy to hear the music or not. On one hand, they had the WORST headache. On the other... their favorite music had always been made by pianos and violins - The two most beautiful instruments in their mind. Most importantly, the music was being played beautifully.
Half in irritation and half due to curiosity, Y/n plodded down the steps of the very special house for very special people like Y/n, which was uncharacteristically empty today. They wandered around, trying to narrow their eyes enough to block out the sun while still being able to see.
Following the music brought them to a small parlor room. They’d just moved since the attack on the old time loop and with the chaos of so many people and adjusting to a new place, Y/n hadn’t had much time to explore. Their quirk was that they had a sort of psychic link to all living creatures. Not in the form of mind reading, but of feeling emotions. Emotions that, unfortunately, demanded to be felt rather violently. Emotions that fell of people in waves of bright colors. With the many new people they were boarding with until they found their own place to make a new loop, Y/n had been overwhelmed and very sick. It was probably why Miss Peregrine has set up the picnic to begin with.
It was also why they loved music so much. They could listen to and feel music without it messing them up. It was a beautiful experience.
That was all beside the point though.
The small parlor was new to Y/n. It didn’t have much in it. In fact, the most noticiable things were a bunch of seats forming a semi circle around a large, blank wall, which is probably where the others sat to watch Horace’s dreams. The other thing in the room was a gorgeous grand piano. Sitting on the bench playing it, to Y/n’s shock, was Enoch.
Upon hearing the door open, Enoch jumped away from the piano like it had burned him, spinning around and tripping over himself to get away from the thing. Y/n covered their mouth to hide a laugh they knew Enoch would find offensive.
“You- you’re here,” he stuttered. For someone who was usually gloomy and withdrawn and sulky, Enoch was suddenly very read faced, waves of magenta rolling off of him and pooling on the floor like mist. The bits higher up twirled into the air and spun around, like rays of sun. Compared to his dark grey outfit, pale skin, and black hair, the colorful emotion was almost laughable in its brilliance.
“I am,” Y/n agreed. “I’ve Uh, been sick.”
Enoch oriented himself, and his color changed. Like food coloring falling into water, a rich purple and sickly green twisted and spun, spreading out from the middle and consuming all the magenta from before. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’ve been... there are a lot of people here. I’ve sort of been a recluse. Not talked much. Miss Peregrine said you’d all be gone.”
“I don’t think it occurred to her I’d be getting out of bed. Lots of people like you said. Very overwhelming, especially with how pretty the scenery outside is as well. I mean, emotions are one thing but living in a world that’s like some sort of painting? All those vibrant colors all the time? World’s worst headache.” Y/n suddenly rushed to end the ramble, embarrassed. They looked down at their hands and took reassurance that they could not see colors curling off of their fingers. Alone, at least, they had solace from the colors.
Enoch shuffled. “Well I’m sorry I bothered you. I just, uh, it’s peaceful. Easy way to blow off some steam, or make some noise that isn’t annoying. Never did like quiet. If you’re trying to get a break from emotions I’m sure you don’t want to see mine.” He scowled, the green taking over the purple now. It was the color green that spoke of disgust. Y/n immediately looked at their feet.
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I-“ they swallowed. In all honesty, they had a bit of a crush on Enoch. It had started ages ago when being around Enoch had been a relief. His emotions were usually duller colors, because he was broody and sarcastic. Y/n wished him happiness, but if he was going to be grumpy then Y/n was going to enjoy it. The thing was, enjoying Enoch’s company had lead Y/n to taking part in it a lot. It wasn’t until Jake came around and ruined everything that Y/n withdrew, turned away by the sudden surging vibrant red of angry annoyance that spurted off of Enoch like fireworks. Since then, it had been one thing after another until Y/n was left feeling like Enoch got rather annoyed whenever Y/n was around anymore.
They figured he’d realized he liked not having them around and tried to keep their distance. Every time they showed up, Enoch got glummer than usual and his colors became like mop water. Not just dull, but muddy, and often mixing with hate and disgust. It made Y/n sick to see. If he was being honest, it was that more than anything that made him feel terrible.
“Why would you ever need to be sorry for anything?” Enoch asked quietly, seeming genuinely curious about that. “I’m the one that’s upset you.”
“I upset you first.” It was too honest, and Y/n felt their body tense. “Er, interrupting your piano playing. Which I didn’t know you did by the way.”
For the first time in a very long time, Enoch offered a smile. It was small, and he seemed shy about it, but it was there, and it stuck. “You never upset me, Y/n. I don’t think you could if you tried.”
At that, Y/n got angry. “Well don’t go lying to me now just because you pity me.” That seemed to startle Enoch. “Mind You Enoch O’Connor, I can see your emotions, remember? I can’t see all that hate and disgust that flares up everytime I’m around. I’m not blind and I’m not an idiot - don’t treat me one and just let me apologize already!”
For a long time, Enoch was stunned. Then he slowly realized, and his face morphed into a mix of emotions Y/n had gotten used to seeing. Irritation. Disgust. Frustration. Anger. Regret. There were new ones too. Ones that didn’t make sense. Amusement. The light bubblegum that usually signaled someone making sassy comments in their head. The color of attitude. Enoch finally shook his head, watching Y/n’s eyes flick around him but never looking directly at him. He had long since learned that it was them looking at the colors. With all the emotions in him right now, he was sure that the confusion on their face was the result of attempting to dicipher any of it.
“Remember that you can see feelings, but you don’t know why they’re there.” Y/n finally looked at Enoch, wary. “The hate and disgust wasn’t directed at you, Y/n. I-“ he purses his lips for a second. “When Jake came around, I was really annoyed with him. After his stupid grandfather I didn’t want another one coming around and hurting my friends by leaving again. And I knew he would. And then he did! He came back but that’s not the point.” He sighed, seeming to be taking a second to remind himself of something. “I let that get to me too much. I... remember how you’d flinch away from me every time Jake was around and my emotions would flare up. I felt terrible. One day you just disappeared, and then so much was happening and I‘d gone and pushed you away and now we might not ever be friends again.” He shrugged. Though not usually one to express himself, he’d always been loose lipped around Y/n. More so now after all they’d been through. Jake had taught him to talk, if nothing else, and Enoch could appreciate that at the very least.
Y/n looked at their feet. “I’m sorry I made you feel like that. That you felt so pressured to be calm around me, to repressed your emotions. And that I... mixed things up, rather than just talking to you. I know it’s not fair to read into your emotions with the hints I get when you never get a look into mine when it comes to you.” Suddenly they were both on high alert. The way Y/n had said that had been so far from talking about normal feelings like Enoch had been talking about. They had used a tone that was so distinctively... something more.
“What?” Enoch asked softly.
“I- I-“ Y/n began to back up, and Enoch didn’t have to see their emotional colors to know they were panicking. “I better go.”
Enoch surged forward, catching their arm. “No, wait.” He bit his lip as Y/n refused to look at him, before reaching over and catching their chin, tugging them around to look at him again. He offered a soft smile. That same one from before, but hopeful now. “I think you could- or, you should at least, stay. Just a little longer.”
Y/n looked up at him with that same nervous hope. “Why?”
Enoch stepped closer, and Y/n felt something in his chest grow warm at the sunset orange slowly curling around and drowning all the other colors. Orange, which was sometimes admiration or idolization, but was most often proof of a crush. “I think we have a lot to talk about.”
And Y/n knew he was right.
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Shared Minds and Shared Souls (1/?)
Pairing: Spike x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, swearing
Word Count: 2.9k
Story Summary: Driven by the power she posses as a witch and psychic, Y/N returns to Sunnydale to pay a visit to her family after she has a vision about Dawn. She isn’t exactly like her duty first and justice before all else cousin Buffy as Y/N follows her own rules. She offers her aid to the Scoobies during their drama with Glory. Y/N doesn’t plan to stay long until she experiences an unparalleled connection with a certain vampire from North London.
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I never imagined myself visiting a small town like Sunnydale. I’ve lived in many places, but never California. The west coast isn’t exactly my style. For one, it’s hot. Two, the hippy-dippy happy-go-lucky attitude makes my eyes roll. Finally, Los Angeles reminds me of Celia, my cousin. Buffy, Celia, and I were inseparable as children. Dawn tried to tag-along in our make-believe games, but Buffy grew annoyed with her quickly. I haven’t been back in California in a decade for this very reason. Everything about California reminds me of a time when we were just kids. Before everything went to Hell in a hand basket. 
Blasting Green Day in front of the hospital, I park my 1967 bright red Mustang. I take a minute to collect myself before barging in. Buffy and Dawn don’t exactly know I’m coming, but there’s something I have to warn them about, something so crucial that I drove here all the way from New York. The funny part will be explaining to Buffy that I know she’s the Slayer. To her knowledge, I’m just her ordinary cousin who she hasn’t seen since we were ten. In reality, I’m a psychic witch, have been since birth. Well, I’ve been psychic since the womb, the witchy part came later. Oh, and I can’t forget seeing the dead part, I always do. That little twist comes with the psychic part. Yeah, imagine a little ten-year-old me seeing my recently deceased cousin at her funeral… fun times. It explains the whole discomfort toward California. Low-key traumatized, but all good. Any who, I should probably stop the hesitation and just head inside. 
As I stroll down the bitter cold hospital hall, I grip the leather straps of my backpack nervously. 
“Hi Buffy,” I rehearse under my breath. “You probably don’t recognize me, I’m Y/N… your cousin. It’s great to see you- God I sound so stupid!” 
I follow the signs on the wall toward the Neurology unit. Hospitals, cemeteries, funeral homes, old buildings, all great places to bump into ghosts. The things I do for family, boy do these guys owe me. 
As I turn down yet another peach colored hall- geez this place is dated- my eyes land on a familiar blonde in the waiting room at the far end. Oh great, here we go. Buffy doesn’t notice me right away, being too occupied with doting on a sleeping Dawn resting her head on her lap. I take note of the blondie boy sat beside her. I’m guessing he’s with Buffy. Good for her, a strong seven out of ten. I would rate him higher, but he’s not my type, too All-American boy-next-door. 
“Looks like I’m right on time,” I determine once I’m closer, thus making my presence known. Buffy peers up at me and her eyes widen steadily. Blondie next her looks between me and Buffy. Her surprised reaction makes him tense, I nearly assure him I’m not a threat. 
“Y/N?” She gentle shakes Dawn to wake her as she rises from her seated position. “What are you doing here?” 
“I heard about your mom… ” I explain vaguely. In truth, I saw it in a vision and a lot more beyond that, but I’ll just say my mom told me for now. 
Buffy makes long strides and warmingly embraces me. I can sense the desperation in her touch. Her ora is all out of wack. I could see the mess her colors are from yards away. It seems like I did really arrive at the perfect time. Buffy needs me now more than ever. 
“Y/N!” Dawn gasps behind us. 
Buffy and I part, her eyes stare into mine pleadingly. Yeah, we really need to have a chat. Preferably somewhere we can be frank, truly frank, no bullshit like I’m spilling right now. 
“Oh my God!” Dawn squeals, rushing down to greet me.  She squeezes me like a stress ball as she rambles on about how much she’s missed me. Then, Dawn starts to ask the tough questions as usually does. The girl has never quite had a filter. “Where have you been?”
“New York mainly,” I laugh. 
“How come you’ve never come to see us before?” She rushes out as Buffy continues to stare at me in awe. It could be she thinks she’s dreaming this. 
“Dawn, I-” 
She cuts me off, “how’s aunt Lolly? Are you college? When did you get in?”
“Dawnie!” I laugh, “I will answer all your questions, promise. We’ll catch up! For now,” I look at Buffy. “I need to have a chat with your sister…” 
The girl scoffs, rolling her eyes dramatically as she crosses her arms over her chest. “Of course, you’re for Buffy… everyone is always here for her. No ever visit me,” she grumbles. 
“I’m here for you too,” I assure Dawn. “I just… it’s important I speak with Buffy right now. It’s about something-” 
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” Blondie interrupts, his face covered with confusion. 
“I’m Y/N,” I introduce myself. “I’m Buffy and Dawn’s cousin.” 
“I’m Riley, the boyfriend,” he offers me his hand. 
Wow, quite the introduction. I’m not much of a contact-person, but this seems like the perfect opportunity to gather information on G.I. Joe. As I shake his hand, I’m able to visualize memories and emotions from him. They come as flashes before my eyes. I hear his thoughts, see through his eyes, and feel what he’s felt. All I see Buffy, moments they’ve had. At first, pleasure and immense happiness consumes my head. Then, it’s replaced with doubt and self-deprecation. The obsession with Buffy is replaced with desperate longing. He feels her slipping. 
My visual is cut-off when Riley removes his hand. I’m brought back to current moment, surrounded by chaos of the hospital. 
Dawn frowns, curiosity etched across her features. “What’s so important that you had to come all the way? Does it have to do with Mom?”
“You came all the way from New York?” A male voice questions behind me. 
What is this an interrogation? The sooner someone tells me where Buffy is the sooner I can head back home. Believe me, I don’t want to be here longer than I have to be. I glance over my shoulder, Willow and Xander stare at me in confusion. We’ve never met, but I know of them, the visions. I’ve been keeping tabs on Buffy and the family since… well… since Buffy became the Slayer. 
“Yes,” I answer Xander directly. Turning back to Buffy, I not so discretely tell her it’s urgent. “Please, Buff, do you have minute? I know this isn’t exactly opportune but-” 
“Of course,” she swallows hard. “We can uh… we can talk outside. There’s a courtyard just over there,” she gestures down the hall. 
“I’m coming with,” Riley declares next to her. 
“I’m sorry, is your name Buffy?” I sass, much to his frustration. “What am I going to do her? She’s my cousin. I’m only borrowing her for a second, then you can toss the leash back on her.” 
“Y/N…” Buffy mutters for me to stop. 
Riley narrows his eyes at me- oof, I’m real scared now! While I giggle at her boyfriend’s expense as the two of us start down the hall. I’ve missed Buffy, we used to be like two peas in-a-pod. Once all this drama I’ve seen in her future is over, perhaps we can be close again. I refuse to settle in Sunnydale though. At least we have phones and email. 
Once outside, and we’re certain we’re alone, Buffy cuts to the chase. “Not that I’m not happy you’re here, Y/N, I am but, why are you here?” She hasn’t changed a bit.
I snicker, peering up at the sky as the sun it starting to set. Gosh, I hate the day. That sounds weird because what human hates daytime, but I do. I’m much more… in tune with myself when it’s night time. I thrive off the moonlight and stars. The sun and its rays are hot, too hot. I like the cold and darkness of night. 
“Fine, let’s get right to it,” I smirk at my cousin wickedly. Reaching into my back pocket, I pull out my pack of cigarettes, feeling a bit anxious. “You mind?” I ask her, not really caring but figure I should check. 
Timidly, she shakes her head. Her arms are securely crossed in front of her as she watches me take a smoke. “Those things will kill you,” she advices the cookie-cutter phrase. 
“So can a car accident, yet we still drive,” I remark with sass. “What’s life without a little risk?” I wink. 
Buffy shifts on her feet as her jaw clenches. Her aura is shifting again, Black to red, I’ve never seen someone change on a dime so fast. That’s change is funny, she’s either angry or afraid of me, maybe both. I can’t blame her, I’m not exactly a Care Bear. My black and red attire doesn’t scream comforting. 
“Then again, you would know all about death, right Cuz?” I suggest subtly. 
Her eyes lock with mine and I start to see the wheels turning her head. ‘Does she know? How could she?’ She’s likely thinking to herself. One touch and I could hear for certain what she’s thinking. 
“What are you talking about?” She mumbles, barely meeting my eye. 
I scoff, tossing my head back, why can’t this be easier? You know what, fine! Growing impatient, I hold my hand out, palm to the sky. “Light,” I verbalize and within seconds a bright orb floats above my palm. 
Buffy stares at my magic stunned. Yeah, I was sort of expecting that kind of reaction. 
“How… How…” She stutters. 
“If you’d like a mini bolt of lighting I can do that too,” I offer. “I kind of prefer them, far more powerful!” 
She doesn’t share in my excitement as she slowly steps closer still in awe. “You’re a witch?” 
“Yep!” I smile, rather proud. “Have been for a while now, gotten pretty good at it too, not to brag or anything…” 
“So…” Buffy continues to process everything. “You know about demons, vampires-” 
I hum, “all of it. Including that you’re the Slayer, congrats by the way! Fun shit,” I compliment with a snicker. 
“Not exactly how I’d describe it,” she mutters defeatedly, her eyes still on the orb. 
Closing my fist, the orb disappears and I place my hand on Buffy’s shoulder. Her eyes meet mine solemnly. 
“How long have you known?” She asks unfazed. 
“Since forever,” I answer truthfully. “Sorry I never called or have come to help. I’ve sort of been cheering for ya from the sidelines. In all honesty, I’ve been away perfecting my magic with a coven. I’ve met some pretty interesting people along the way, all dazzled when they find out I’m related to the Slayer,” I gush. 
She pays no mind to my compliments, still in a daze. “Does anyone know? Does your dad?” 
I shake my head and sternly tell her, “he can never know! He thinks I’ve been away at school in Boston. In truth, I’ve been in New York with a coven.” 
Buffy nods in understanding, though I know Joyce is aware of the supernatural world. My mom could never handle it. “Did you come all the way here to tell me that?” 
Okay, here’s the hard part, the real hard part! I finish my cigarette, pondering the last relaxing bit of it before tossing it to the ground. “Okay, so here’s the deal,” I begin. “There’s a this big nasty bitch I’ve seen in my visions- I see visions by the way-” I add in passing, having forgotten it. Then, I remember I can’t forget the ghosties bit. “Anyway, you’ve already bumped into her, Glory. Yeah, she’s a real charmer from what I can see. I’m here to help because based on my visions, she’s kicking your asses.” 
I leave out a crucial bit of information, a part of the visions I’m not sure I can share. One important thing about being a psychic is not changing fate. As much as I want to tell Buffy everything, I know I can’t, not if I don’t want to mess with the world. 
“So, you’re here to help us stop Glory?” She clarifies. 
“It gets real fucked at some points,” I tell her, hoping that doesn’t reveal too much. 
“And I take it you know about Dawn…” she insinuates. 
I nod my head slowly, “you mean that she’s The Key? Then yes, I do. She’s about as human as the Teletubbies, but of course I won’t mention that to her. Who all knows?” 
“As of right now, me and Giles. He’s my Watcher,” she explains. “Did you already know that?” She’s catches on quickly. 
“Kinda…” I answer hesitantly. “Sorry if that’s weird. I’ve tried not to pry with my visions. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t know who Riley was! He mustn’t have been around the last time I checked in!” 
“When was the last time you… ya know… checked in?” She asks, unsure of how to phrase it. 
“Well, I’ve been away with the coven. I joined them right after high school, so I suppose it was when you started at UC Sunnydale. I know all about Willow and Xander, they seem nice from what I’ve seen. Angel, his in-and-out appearance in my visions was confusing for a while until I realized he was doing that in real life too,” I laugh.
“So you saw all of the Spike drama and my mom finding out about me too?” She asks. 
I frown, I saw Joyce learning about Buffy and that whole conversion, but I’ve never heard of a Spike. Based on my expression, Buffy predicts the answer. 
“Spike is the biggest pain in my ass,” she groans. “He and Angel used to be all vampy together. Then, Angel gained a soul and Spike got worse from what I’ve gathered. He’s killed two Slayers, so we’re not exactly friends. We met when he tried to kill me. He’ll show up and leave again, kinda like Angel but less helpful. Except now, he’s acting all infatuated with me and sticking around.” 
I snicker, “oof, so you have a psychotic vampire lusting after you? How did I miss this?!” 
Buffy rolls her eyes, “believe me, it’s not fun.”  
“Is he hot?” I inquire, always interested in a troubled bad-boy type. 
She stares at me with narrowed eyes of disapproval and scoffs, “oh my God… never ask me that again.” 
 “He must’ve showed up and gone between visions,” I determine. “I wasn’t able to check in much after you started at UC. Which reminds me, your roommate Kathy- not a fan of her,” I confess with a bit of humor. 
“Turned out to be a demon,” Buffy explains, much to my surprise. 
I gasp, “no way! Ugh, I saw you move-in, some interactions here and there, but that’s about it. I knew there was something up with her!” 
Buffy laughs, actually smiling for the first time since our reunion. It feels great having someone know I’m a witch who isn’t a witch themselves. Being away in New York with the coven was great and utterly freeing. They were the first people who I showed my true self to. Now, finally, someone I care about knows the real me. I have so much more to share with her! 
Buffy takes my hand gently, “I’m really glad you’re here. Lately… lately things have been more difficult than I could’ve ever imagined,” she confesses, swallowing back her tears and looks at the ground. “With Mom and protecting Dawn, I’m not sure I can do it all on my own. I mean, I have my friends, Giles, and Riley but…” she meets my gaze, tears puddling in her eyes. “I needed you, I just didn’t quite know it. I needed my other sister,” she weeps. 
Immediately, I pull Buffy into my chest and hug her tightly. I should’ve come sooner. I should’ve felt Buffy’s pain. I guess I was so caught up with the coven and I forgot to check on her, so I missed the signs. I’m here now, that’s all that matters. Now, I can help. Seeing Buffy so upset makes my blood boil. Anyone who fucks with my family gets knocked off this planet, which means Glory has another coming at her in the form of a powerful witch. 
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unsteadyimagines · 4 years
Drunk Insecurities - Anon Request (Spencer Reid x Reader)
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SUMMARY: “hey! i love your writing. Could i request a Spencer x Reader imagine? Spencer and the reader have been together for a while and the reader is really good friends with Derek, they’ve got that flirty banter similar to Derek and Garcia. Although spencer knows nothing will happen, one night he gets really insecure and starts asking the reader why she’s with him over someone that looks like Derek. Reader reassures and fluff”
***Feedback is always welcome for future improvement!
***Thank you anon! This was a little rushed but I hope you still like :)
“Can I buy you another drink, sweetness?” Derek asks Y/N, draping his long, muscular arm around her much smaller frame.
Patting his arm, Y/N looks up at him and smiles, “Sure, thanks hot stuff,”
Derek walks through the crowd to the bar, meanwhile Spencer is shooting subtle daggers at his back before looking at Y/N to see she is already laughing away and conversing with Emily. Looking down at the remaining whisky in his glass, he decided to swallow the rest in one go, his face twisting in a grimace, not completely use to drinking such a strong spirit.
Nevertheless, the burning sensation of the liquid going down his throat felt very much needed if he was to deal with Derek and Y/N’s flirtatious ways for the rest of the night. From day one, Spencer knew the two of them would get along really well, both being the playful and outgoing type. Which, also surprised Spencer, considering he and Y/N have such different personality types, yet they were compatible on so many other levels.
“Hey, are you okay? You were just staring off into the distance,” Y/N places her hand on Spencer’s chest, bringing him back to reality, slight concern written on her face. He gives her an unconvincing smile, not wanting to draw any more attention to him or bring down the night for everyone else.
“No, I’m fine, I’m just going to get another drink. I’ll be right back,” he smiles, kissing her forehead and walking over to the bar. Waiting to be served among the countless amount of people also waiting, he eyes the whole venue and suddenly begins to feel so inferior, so small and out of place. He noticed the men around him all seemed to be in top shape, buff and tall – in other words, very masculine and attractive looking. Sure, Spencer was tall but that was it. He wasn’t buff, he was skinny. He didn’t have much facial hair and dressed in what was considered ‘old-fashioned’ to many. This mentality made Spencer feel anxious being around men that were considered attractive, while he was just…. there. Once again, he was ripped away from his intrusive thoughts, but this time by the bartender who seemed to be in a rush trying to serve everyone.
“Oh, can I please just have another whisky, neat,” Spencer requests, pulling out his wallet to pay. As he’s waiting for his drink, he looks over to Y/N, who’s enveloped by Derek’s arms once again, enjoying the company of the rest of the group. She then lays her head on his shoulder, which makes Spencer even more paranoid and insecure in himself.
Is she attracted to Derek? Does she prefer him, physically… compared to me?
Am I good enough for her? Attractive enough?
He turns back to the bartender, “actually can you make that two?”
With two drinks in hand, Spencer watches Derek and Y/N’s interactions from afar, feeling slightly jealous… or maybe a little more than just slightly. It wasn’t that he was scared Y/N would cheat on him with Derek, he’s never doubted her faithfulness towards him, but he was starting to think she may prefer someone like Derek, physically.
Watching them so happy together is what made Spencer order another two glasses of whisky. Three glasses in and he’s starting to feel dizzy and his words are slurring. The bartender gives him a questionable look when he asked for the other two drinks, but nonetheless continued to serve him. He looks like he needs it.
Halfway through his fourth glass, Spencer hears his group cheering, yelling and clapping. Peering over, he sees they have all formed a circle, with Derek and Y/N in the middle. Of course. Their dancing together, Y/N’s hands on Derek’s firm chest while his hands are on Y/N’s hips, swaying them both to the music with the encouragement from the rest of the team and their other friends. Spencer wanted to walk over and pull Y/N out of the circle and take her home, he was becoming more jealous by the minute. But, he also noticed how happy Y/N looked and didn’t want to ruin that for her.
It was only about 30 minutes later when Y/N managed to pull herself away from her friends and Spencer’s team to notice that he had yet to return from the bar.
“Have you seen Spencer? He said he was going to get a drink from the bar, but he’s been gone a while,” Y/N asks Derek, worriedly. Only being 5’3, she couldn’t see over the wave of people, relying on Derek to look over everyone’s heads to find Spencer.
“I think I can see him, take my hand and stay close,” Derek holds Y/N’s hand, helping her through the crowd of people to get to the other side, being shoved left and right. She can feel bodies moving against hers and drops of alcohol from the air above her. She and Derek make their way to the other side in one piece, looking around to find Spencer.
Y/N’s eyes are searching everywhere for her boyfriend, until she spots him in the corner of the bar, empty glasses surrounding him. She sighs out of relief, nudging Derek into the direction of Spencer.
“Spencer, we’ve been looking everywhere for you. What happened? You said you would be back,” Y/N asks, running her hands through his hair. She notices his eyes are glassy and slightly red, but the dead giveaway was the smell of alcohol consuming him.
“Who cares. You didn’t notice I was gone anyway,” Spencer slurs, looking straight at Derek, who gives him a confused look in return. Y/N wraps her arm around Spencer, pulling him away from the bar counter.
“C’mon baby, I think it’s time to go home,” she suggests, Derek nodding in agreement. He reaches out his other arm to also wrap around Spencer, but he pushes Derek’s arm away, becoming irritated.
“I can walk by myself, thanks. I’m not a child,” he huffs.
Spencer, Derek and Y/N make their way back to the group after pushing through. Y/N tells the group that Spencer was ready to go home and that she would call a cab. Waiting outside for the cab, Spencer’s in a world of his own, swaying back and forth, refusing to speak a word to Y/N – much to her confusion.
Throughout the entirety of the way home, an awkward silence fills the air, except for the occasional sigh that leaves Y/N’s mouth, making Spencer rolls his eyes, looking out the window. He can feel himself starting to sober up, trying to figure out how or if he was going to bring up his problem with Y/N. Once they both make it to the front door, Y/N can tell Spencer has sobered up the tiniest bit, feeling relieved that she may not have to deal with him and the consequences of drinking more than you can handle. He throws himself on the couch, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples. He hadn’t planned to drink at all tonight, but funnily enough it was clear to everyone that he was the one who had the most to drink.
Y/N walks into the living room, seeing Spencer on the couch. “I’m going to get you a glass of water, you need to sober up before bed,” she suggests, walking into the kitchen and filling a glass with water. Walking back to Spencer, he’s now sat upright on the couch, staring at nothing.
“Here, drink,” Y/N places the glass in front of him, waiting for him to take at least one sip. A few seconds go by and Spencer’s just staring into the glass, completely dazed.
“I’m not letting you go to bed until you have a dri-“
“Do you like Derek?” Spencer bursts out, finally making eye contact with Y/N.
“Do you like Derek? You know… are you like… attracted to him?” Spencer repeats himself, already growing paranoid that Y/N hasn’t answered the question yet, instead she’s answered the question with another question.
“Why would you even ask that? Of course, I’m not.” Y/N defends herself, feeling a bit hurt that Spencer would think such a thing about her – his girlfriend of TWO years.
“Well, you seemed to be all cozied up at the club tonight… I saw you two dancing together and it didn’t look like just fr-“
“I’m going to stop you right there. What is this really about, Spence? You’ve never questioned my friendship with Derek before. Why now all of a sudden?” Y/N was genuinely confused. Sure, Derek and her were close but she would never think to cheat on Spencer. That’s her boyfriend and Derek is his best friend, their like brothers.
Spencer looks at Y/N, his face plastered with nervousness. “Nothing, it’s just… it’s just that I saw how happy you two looked with each other tonight… and how close you were getting. I don’t know, I just thought maybe you’d… prefer someone like Derek. Someone more… physically attractive.” By the time Spencer’s finished explaining, he’s too embarrassed to make eye contact with Y/N who looks shocked at Spencer’s admission. 
Grabbing Spencer’s face in between her hands, she holds eye contact for a couple seconds before speaking. “Spencer… I love you, okay? Only you. I love everything about you, including your body. I don’t want Derek. I’m sorry if our friendship has made you question anything about you and I but I swear- “
“I just thought you may be more psychically attracted to someone like Derek. He’s muscular and firm and buff. If every other girl finds him attractive, why wouldn’t you?” he slurs.
“Because, he’s not you. I’m attracted to you in every way possible. Please don’t ever doubt yourself baby… you’re beautiful just the way you are.” Y/N smiles at Spencer, brushing her fingers through his hair. She sits herself next to him, placing kisses all over his face. It breaks her heart to hear Spencer think so lowly of himself, because that’s not how she sees him at all. Not even close. She tries to hear him out on this insecurity of his but also keeps in mind that it may be just drunk Spencer talking.
“I’m sorry for acting like this, I don’t want you to change your friendship with Derek because of me, I don’t want you guys to feel like you can’t be- “ Spencer is interrupted with a kiss to the lips, and begins eagerly kissing back. The taste of whisky however, still very prominent on his lips.
“Shh… don’t apologise for anything. I love you Spencer and nothing will ever change that. You’re stuck with me forever,” Y/N teases, now peppering Spencer’s face with kisses.
“I love you too,” Spencer laughs, wrapping his arms around Y/N, returning the favour and kissing her face and neck all over. For another hour, they sit there together giving each other kisses back and forth and telling one another how much they love them.
“I hate to ruin the moment, but can you please drink some water?” Y/N hands Spencer the glass of water, who skulls it down within seconds. Y/N gets up to refill his glass when she feels a harsh slap on her ass. She turns around, mouth wide open in surprise, a playful gasp leaving her lips. Spencer watches her in amusement.
“Did you just spank me, Dr Reid?” Y/N asks, returning to the couch.
“I may have, why… what are you gonna do about it?” he asks in return, giving her a smirk, pulling her arm down for her to sit in his lap. Y/N wraps her arms around Spencer’s neck, her eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips.
“Maybe you should get drunk more often,” she says, jokingly. Spencer chuckles, getting up from the couch with Y/N in his arms, walking up the stairs to the bedroom. Almost making it to the top, he stumbles slightly, forgetting that he was still intoxicated. Y/N squeals, kicking her legs back and forth.
“Put me down Spence! You’re going to drop me,” lightly hitting his back, Spencer pretends to almost drop Y/N again, resulting in more squeals and leg kicks.
“Oh hush woman! I’m trying to love you.”
Tags: @emmalvei-blog​ 
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ratcandy · 3 years
OKAY Time's disastrous universe let's get it boys
Below is a VERY long personal-story related ramble because a lot happens here and there's a lot to explain and I'm being enabled (c/w death, a LOT of memory erasure, Gods being idiots, and. If I need to add anythin else here someone better let me know hehehe)
feat some dumb lil doodles here n there because i felt like it
Exposition time first!
At the beginning of everything, eight universes were created, each differentiated by color. A Universe Owner is assigned to each universe, and that entity is then responsible for their universe's laws of reality, the lives of the characters, and... whatever else they decide to mess with. This is so I can allow myself a lot of freedom in making stories in many different areas n such without worrying about it following another story's rules >:)
Okay exposition time done! for now!
One day out of the blue, the God of Time decided that they wanted a universe all for themselves. They wanted to create life!! They wanted to make a world!! It'd be fun! It'd be a whole vibe!
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So, against the wishes of the God of Balance, Time made a ninth universe and fruitlessly tried to keep it hidden from everyone else. This backfired instantly. A huge argument broke out between Time and Balance, as the latter was pissed, but Time won in the end and was allowed to keep their universe. Balance is just upset there's not a nice even number anymore. He'll get over himself eventually.
Straight up having a great time now, the God of Time went hogwild and fleshed out their universe to the best of their ability. Beautiful lush forests, stunning pink skies as if it were in a continuous sunrise, crystal-clear waters that glimmer ever-so-brightly!! Yes!! Pretty!! And immediately after, they created creatures!! And people! To inhabit their world!
Elegant flying beasts, colorful people of all shapes and sizes, bustling towns with trade and life and energy and!!! Yes! Yes!! Vibes!!
Time was living their BEST life.
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But. Well. This is my story. things gotta go wrong now
SO! First, something to note about how the God of Time works:
Time's primary job is to keep the Time Fire from ever going out or touching the ground. The Time Fire is an eternally burning flame, forever shifting from vibrant color to vibrant color, getting bigger and burning stronger with every passing millennia. It also... y'know. Allows time itself to function. If it goes out, time will stop. If it touches the floor, time will go NUTS and parallel/alternate universes will go haywire, clashing into one another and messing up reality.
The God of Time, luckily, has powerful psychic abilities.. The tall mans just put the Time Fire in a sort of protective bubble, constantly floating above the ground, and left it in a temple at the center of their universe. Epic. All works out
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Well. All SHOULD have worked out.
At some point, Time left their universe to have a meeting with the Gods, and on their way to Oblivion - often a meeting place for deities - they witnessed something Very Unfortunate.
One of the Universe Owners, Hesit (white universe), was being torn to pieces by an intruder in the higher realm. By killing and consuming Hesit, possession of the white universe was transferred to said intruder: a big asshole named Vexis. Time tried to confront Vexis immediately after. This was a mistake, as Vexis panicked and attacked Time. Seeing as Gods cannot die, Vexis instead trapped the god in his newly-acquired universe - binding him there forever.
So now Time is imprisoned in the white universe, lost and confused, not knowing how to get back out. And Vexis doesn't plan on telling anyone about this.
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The other gods soon realize that Time has gone missing. Very soon, actually, because... well. With Time being swept away into the white universe and being held prisoner there, uhm. A certain something important isn't being held suspended anymore.
The Time Fire.
It hasn't fallen yet, but it's gradually sinking toward the ground, and sometHING has to get a hold on it soon!! Or HELL WORLD!!
Balance loses his MIND!! We have to do something about this before time becomes a catastrophic, unfixable disaster! And also we're missing a god!! This is not good!! At first, Balance goes looking for Time, but realizes he doesn't really uh... have the time to be doing that
So, in desperation, he searches his mind for possible solutions. He gets one, crazy idea, and practically begs the God of Death to help him pull it off. Death agrees, because this is the one (1) time Death acknowledges that the mortal realm being in danger might be a bad thing.
To put a long plan short, Balance used Death to turn the Goddess of Pain into a pseudo Goddess of Time.
Pain had previously been wreaking HAVOC, and Balance was NOT happy about it. Way too many mortals were dying, then not dying, then losing their sanities, then losing control of themselves, and it was just. Very messy. He didn't feel great about using her to replace Time, but he didn't have many options. And he needed someone to take over. So, he and Death worked together to erase Pain's memories and turn her into a Goddess of Time.
They couldn't give her psychic abilities, though. So, how'd they deal with the Time Fire? It now permanently rests on Pain/Time's back. As in, the flame is constantly burning her spine for all of eternity, steadily searing her flesh but never allowing her to die. She's grown progressively numb to it over many, many years, but that doesn't make it any less unfortunate for her.
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Balance feels awful about this. Especially since Pain/Time doesn't remember who she was, and believes she's always been Time. This is how it's always been. The universe around her is one she made, one she owns. Anytime Balance stops by to visit (as Time cannot move now from the temple with the fire), she greets him so kindly, so happy to have company... and he just feels terrible, knowing what he's done to her.
Well... at least that's settled. This cannot possibly go awry in any way shape or f----
The new Goddess of Time is trying her best to make creations for her universe. After all, that's what she's always done! These are her children, essentially, and she needs to have more. This, uh... well, the Goddess of Pain was not made with creating in mind, rather destroying. So, despite her valiant efforts, half of her creations come out... a Lil Messed Up. But she loves them all the same and keeps them around!!! Even if they're... worse for wear, or not quite like the rest!! They're her children. Yea!
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At some point, however, her creating takes a bit too much from other universes' energy, and a mortal from another universe just ends up appearing in Time's. His name is Dustivan, and he is reasonably confused. One moment, he was vibing with his sister and her wife, and the next-- where the hell is he. why is the sky pink. who is this block man approaching me
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The block man in question is named Maurice, and he is a sort of guardian for Time's temple. The Time that's always been here. The Time that has always looked like that and never been any different! (All of the Original Time's creations had their memories wiped, too. This Goddess of Time is the only one there's ever been! That's your mother, see. There is no other Time. She created you. Don't worry about it)
Maurice greets Dusty under the assumption that this man is just another new creation, and is soon told that "Uh, no, I'm... from some place else? I have a family? And a home, elsewhere?" M. Maurice is a lil confused. But he asks Time about this.
Time has no idea what he's talking about, either, so Maurice just... calmly escorts Dusty away, promising to get back to him later. We'll figure this out, man, don't you even worry about it
Now, there's a bit here that's only loosely developed! That being Dusty's stay in Time's Universe! Lil man meets a lotta folks, gets used to this weird world he's living in, makes good friends with Maurice and Maurice's maybe-more-than-friends-:flushed: friend Arin, aaand has a great experience! Because Time's universe is incredibly serene and peaceful, even with the new management!
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Straight up vibi--- oh no wait what's this
Somehow, Maurice, Arin and Dusty find out about the whole... thing that happened with the original Time, and Pain being turned into the new Time. Maurice and Arin get their memories back and freak out a little while Dusty is just standing there like "big rip on you guys I guess"
Shenanigans ensue and Maurice goes back to Pain/Time, thinking it'll definitely work out if he tells her everything that happened so her.
Hey so it doesn't work out
Pain regains her own memories, and becomes ABSOLUTELY PISSED OFF, shedding the form forced onto her and returning back into the Goddess of Pain. In her transformation, however, she shook the Time Fire from her back, screaming in the agony that caused her, and. well.
she hit the floor (she hit the floor) next thing ya know, time fire got low low low low low low
Time itself was sent into disarray. The God of Balance felt it happen, FREAKED OUT, picked up the God of Death and just BOOKED IT into Time's Universe, dashing toward the temple. But it... was no longer a temple! It was very much destroyed. Balance is faced with the rubble of the former temple, the Fire just chillin on the ground, Arin bleeding to death after being attacked by Pain, Maurice fretting and trying to keep Arin alive, and Dusty aboutta also fucking die because Pain is angry. Alongside the bodies of whatever other poor creations/people just happened to be nearby the temple when this went down. Which was probably quite a few, as the temple was almost always open to visitors.
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Death and Balance did the exact same thing again, though with added struggle. Pain was reverted to Time, the Time Fire was yeeted right back onto her spine (followed by a shriek of... pain), and Balance practically collapsed onto the floor hoping to never get up again
Death, however, forced him up, gesturing to the creations around them and uh. hey. their minds. wipe 'em Balance was very tired by this point, but began wiping the survivor's memories, running into Dusty and realizing "hey wait a minute. you're not from this universe" and just kicking that idiot back to where he's supposed to be. might've forgotten to wipe that one's mind but uh i'm sure that's not important
And that's essentially the end of that plot thread! Life continues as if nothing happened, afterwards. Time was restored (though a fuckton of "discrepancies" are now notable throughout the universes, as if time went Wonky or something), the people are thriving, and Maurice & Arin... the latter of which did indeed survive... are wondering if there's something important they were supposed to remember.
nah. probably not
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there's a few side stories with characters in Time's universe, including another survivor of the Pain Realizing Who She Is incident... though he got the hell outta dodge and managed to keep his memories. making him a sort of fugitive as Balance has to track that idiot down and fix that problem but!!! this is already a very, very long post, so. WOO
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corvidshipping · 3 years
Summary: On a sleepless night, Possum tells Cliff they think his heartbeat is comforting. He’s not quite sure what they mean Pairing: Cliff Steele/Heather “Red” Bowers (Possum) Warnings: none Rating: G/T Word count: 2.8k A/N: Editing? Outline? bitch what outline here we go
The manor creaked and sighed in the wind, the ancient and fragile upper floors almost seeming to sway with each gust. Cliff's heavy steps echoed through the silent halls, his eyes straining to pick up obstacles in his way with only moonlight to guide him. His outdated cameras failed him often even in good conditions, but in dead of night he usually had to make his way nearly blind, worsened by the lack of other senses like touch. He cringed internally as he noticed, through the static in his hearing that was ever-present now, how loud his footsteps were, and he wished it were easier for him to walk softly. He hoped it wouldn't wake anyone up.
As carefully as one could in a metal body, Cliff made his way down from his bedroom to the living room of the manor. A digital clock glowed softly on the mantle, a nightlight that the Chief liked to keep for Dorothy. The lit numbers read 1:47 AM. Cliff sighed out loud at the sight of it, realizing he had been trying and failing to sleep for almost three hours. He had managed it, at one point, briefly, but was haunted by visions of the past melding with the present - watching the accident over and over from an outside view, every time Clara replaced by someone different. Dorothy, Jane, and at one point, for some reason, Rachel Weisz was there. He watched a specter of his daughter, trapped in her youth, falling into the hands of Mr. Nobody. He saw worlds where he had died, and Clara was retrieved, her brain shoved into a cold, metallic prison, unforgiving and unfeeling. He heard his only child screaming, trying to cry, slowly realizing that robotic eyes could spill no tears. That was the worst dream so far, and the one that jolted him awake hours ago, the one that kept occupying his brain with anxieties and guilt.
An odd feeling rose within him, one he had grown unpleasantly familiar with. In his youth - that is, when he was human - he would grow sick with anxiety, a physical feeling that felt heavy in his gut. Now, with no body, he had no physical response to the near-constant dread, but a phantom response followed him, something he thought of as a leaden ball. It almost always was accompanied by a ghostly chill, one he should not feel - the expectation of a feeling that his brain, the only soft and organic part of him left, still remembered. Uselessly, Cliff shook his head, as if he were a dog trying to clear his ears of water. He tried to pretend the motion helped.
In the dark, Cliff ventured to the couch, dropping heavily onto it. He wasn't sure why, truly, he still sat there. Not like it's any more comfortable than anywhere else, he thought bitterly. He supposed it was habit, or maybe just that these joints were stiff, and it was awfully hard to bend enough to get up and down off the floor. Getting up the stairs was enough of an effort as it was, he didn't need to make life harder for himself. He blinked slowly, he needed to get his mind off this. His thoughts were just running in circles now, a car on an empty racetrack, making endless grim laps.
Somewhere to the right of him, the curtains fluttered over a closed window, the glass fogging just a little.
"Hey, Possum." Cliff's voice was quiet, and tinged with a hint of static tonight. He turned his head to the window to see writing forming, as if drawn by an invisible finger.
"It's late." The window read, drips slowly forming in the condensation. Slowly, the writing faded back into fog.
"Yeah, yeah, like you're one to talk. We're both awake right now." The curtain moved again, gently. He wondered if that was their way of laughing.
In the silvery moonlight, a soft voice rang out, barely audible and almost a whisper. "I'm a ghost. It's my job to haunt people late at night."
The resident bump-in-the-night, Heather Bowers - or as she preferred to be called, Red, and as Jane had christened her, Possum - could not be easily described in generally accepted terms. In the 1970s, when she was in her 20s, she was met with a terrible accident in small-town Ohio that she refused to speak about. At the exact moment of this accident, her latent psychic powers apparently activated, causing her body to cease to exist and become a thoughtform - a living consciousness, separate from a body, that exists only in its own thoughts, spread across multiple planes of existence. They now spent most of their time incorporeal, floating through the halls (and sometimes the walls) of Doom Manor, rattling chains and giving ghostly moans - the usual fare for a stereotypical ghost. At times, they could become corporeal - though it consumed quite a lot of energy - and, as a thoughtform, they could enter others' minds as a concept, especially in dreams, where they could form a body for themself and act corporeal in the sleeping person's dreamscape. It was almost comparable to Mr. Nobody, but rather than using these powers to cause harm and distress, they just tended to act as a year-round Halloween prop. The easiest way to describe her, in that case, was simply as a ghost, or poltergeist. Or at least, that was how Chief described it.
The accent pillows that Rita had insisted on earlier in the month shifted next to Cliff. "You weren't in the dreamscape when I came looking for you." Possum and Cliff had met when the former had begun entering his dreams, seeking an escape from the loneliness and boredom of life as an invisible consciousness. Possum was shocked when Cliff was able to see her and pointed her out as an anomaly in the memory he frequently revisited when he slept, and after she explained her situation to him and the Patrol, they had formed a comfortable routine of her entering his dreams frequently. An open invitation stood now between the two of them, Cliff trusting them never to overstep boundaries or snoop in memories that weren't theirs. It was a symbiotic thing, mutually beneficial; they got to re-experience corporeality and interact with the world, and they could influence the world of his mind, quelling anxiety and keeping nightmares at bay. Plus they were able to help him dream of his old body, so he got to experience human senses again.
Cliff made a sound between a scoff and a laugh. "You wouldn't have wanted to see what I was dreaming about anyway." Immediately, he regretted speaking, knowing that those words would make Possum worry. "It wasn't that bad," he quickly added before she could respond. "Just the usual shit."
There was a heavy silence after that, each passing second making Cliff more and more uncomfortable, wondering what he could say to cut the tension.
Finally, Possum responded.
"I'm sorry. I wish I'd been there earlier," they said gently.
"Aw, don't sweat it, Red." He leaned further forward on the couch, his aging metal joints groaning with the effort. "I'm up now, anyway. And so are you."
A hand reached out from the darkness, pale white and translucent, landing on his arm. He couldn't feel her touch, but he could tell from looking that it was gentle, resting on the plates of his forearm delicately, like he was something fragile, precious. Like she was afraid he would break.
When they spoke, Possum's voice was even quieter, lower, as if she hoped he wouldn't hear her. "Can I... will you, um, rest with me?"
Possum cleared her throat. "You need rest. I uh, I saw once on the Discovery Channel that if you can't sleep, it's better to lay down and close your eyes, even if you don't sleep. Y'know, it helps, um, y'know, you don't strain yourself that way. Your brain, and stuff."
"Oh. Yeah, I'll be okay, pint-size." Cliff leaned back against the couch arm again. "You okay?"
He heard her inhale, a strange sound in the empty darkness. "Can I sleep with you here, tonight?" Before Cliff could respond, she continued. "It's just that the attic is so far away from everyone else, it's so quiet, and the trains keep coming through, and it's cold up there. And no one's been around all day, you know? I haven't been able to talk to anyone, it's been a bad day for corporeality. And, y'know. The attic is just... really cold."
If he could have furrowed his brows, he would have. Instead, he settled for a nonplussed blink. Briefly, he wondered if she might just be afraid of the dark. The thought made him laugh a bit, the bonafide ghost haunting the manor being scared of the dark in the attic she occupies. "Sure, yeah."
Before him, Possum's figure manifested fully. The nickname "pint-size" was not a misnomer - when Cliff stood at full height next to them, the very top of their head barely hit his shoulder. They were a tiny, ghostly apparition, red hair floating as if they were underwater shocking against the pale glowing white of their skin. Right now, this phantom was floating in midair, as if laying on some bed, one hand propping up their chin and the other still on his arm, their legs kicking slowly behind them. Slowly, moving as if in a pool, they rearranged their body's positioning, pulling their legs under them so they were sitting normally on the couch next to him. Cliff saw the couch shift as they became more corporeal, taking up more weight on the cushions as they became more grounded in physical reality. Once they had fully manifested, they slowly leaned over towards him, eyes averting from his.
They laid their head on his shoulder, gently, like they were testing if he would pull away. He didn't, just looking at them. They took a deep, quiet breath, and relaxed, positioning themself so their head was laying on his chest. Once they were in the position they wanted, they stretched out, the tips of their toes stretching to the other arm of the couch. Cliff shifted a bit, leaning back to make them more comfortable. Possum closed their eyes and smiled, and it reminded him a bit of an extremely self-satisfied cat.
Cliff looked down at their head nestled on his metal torso. "There's no way you're comfortable like that," he muttered, trying to be mindful of his volume with how close to his voicebox their ear was. With the way they smiled when he spoke, he could swear they liked the vibrations of his voicebox in his chest.
She opened her eyes to look up at him, black eyes gazing up at him and glittering like the stars reflected in a deep black pool. Their spectral ailment only served to deepen the effect of their eyes, leaving very little white to their sclerae, completing an otherworldly look. "No, I am. I like to listen to your heartbeat."
Was she making fun of him? "I don't have a heartbeat," Cliff said flatly.
They sat up, propping themself on their arms so they were eye-to-eye with him. "No, you do. Sometimes when we sleep and I'm not in the dreamscape, I listen to it, just like this."
"Possum, I don't have any organs. I barely have a brain." He laughed a bit at the end, trying to cover his confusion.
"I'll show you!" Suddenly, she had bolted upright, and swooped down to the ground like an Olympic diver, passing through the floor towards the basement level. Cliff waited a minute in the silence, the dark no longer lit by their odd phantasmic glow. Finally, they flew back up through a different space in the floor closer to the television with the same vigor. They held a stethoscope in their hands, likely borrowed from Chief's hoard, and Cliff wondered in bemusement what the logic of a solid object passing through the floor with them was.
"Here." They clambered back onto the couch, regaining solidity, and leaned against him. They stretched up to his head, and he leaned forward a bit to help them put the earpieces against the auditory inputs on either side of his head. "Listen!" They placed the resonator against his chest.
Cliff heard nothing, but Possum sat staring at him, their index finger placed against their lips in a hushing gesture. After a moment, he was about to call it quits and say they were hearing things, but their stare was so earnest, he couldn't bring himself to. He waited,
and waited,
and waited,
and Possum shifted the resonator,
and then he heard it.
It wasn't that it had just started. It had been there. But it was a low noise, one he was used to, and when Possum shifted the resonator it only then became loud enough for him to recognize as a sound distinct from his usual background noise.
It wasn't a heartbeat, per se. Not in the organic sense, at least. It was more of a mechanical thrumming, a pulsing, a deep noise that wasn't so much like the beating of a drum as it was like the quiet revving of an engine a few streets over, reduced by distance and acoustics to only its most bassy components. He looked down, and he heard the whirring and whining of the servos in his neck and shoulders through the stethoscope. The placement of the stethoscope was slightly left of center of his chest, where his heart naturally should be.
Possum pulled away the stethoscope, the earpieces falling away from his head. "You hear it, right?"
"That's not my heart," Cliff repeated. "None of my body past my neck was saved. I think that's my nutrient tubes. Or maybe my power system. Or my servos."
"... So what?" He blinked at her.
Possum sat upright and spread their arms out to either side of them, palms up, theatrically. "That's exactly what I'm saying!" They said with overdramatic exasperation.
She let herself fall back onto his body, a soft thud echoing inside his chest. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and serious. "So what? I know it isn't an organ, dummy. It doesn't have to be an organ to be your heart. It's comforting either way. It just reminds me that you're here, right now. It doesn't have to be a literal heart to do that, just as long as it's part of you."
Cliff sat silently, as they shifted back into their preferred positioning. He mulled over their words as they pulled themself as close as possible to his body, snuggling their head into the crevice between his shoulder and chest. Mindlessly, he moved his right arm to the small of their back, like he was supporting them, and his left hand moved to their hair, gently running through the strands, liquid copper over the rust of his fingers.
When he finally moved to respond, he realized they had fallen asleep long ago, letting out small snuffles every once in a while. So instead of giving a retort, he simply pulled them closer to his chest, tighter, like if he held them tightly enough he could feel the warmth of their body or the softness of their skin. He nestled his face in their hair, a nuzzling motion with his nose, and let his eyelids drop closed.
✥﹤ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ﹥✥
The manor creaked and sighed in the wind, the ancient and fragile upper floors almost seeming to sway with each gust. Between the slats of the half-drawn blinds, dawn light crept through the windows, lighting up the motes of dust that floated in the air and landing in stripes across sleeping forms. Cliff slept, now, on the couch, half sitting, Heather's pale form clutched in his arms and her hair tangled over his left hand's fingers like wild vines. In his chest, a mechanical heart thrummed and pulsed in a gentle rhythm, delivering power to his limbs, his brain. There were no nightmares, now, no dreams of his anxieties, no personified guilt; nor did he dream of the past, the bittersweet memories that, though happy, always left him with an empty feeling when he woke. He didn't dream of Clara's youth, of his last phone call to Kate. He didn't dream of Mr. Nobody, he didn't dream of Chief locking him away in an iron prison. He simply didn't dream. For once, it was quiet within his mind, even without the shared dreamscape.
The manor creaked and sighed in the wind, the ancient and fragile upper floors almost seeming to sway with each gust. As the manor began to stir and come to life with the others, Cliff was at peace there on the couch in the living room, and so was Heather.
And two hearts beat between them.
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withthingsunreal · 3 years
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hey guys
did y’all know there’s a limit to how many links you can have in a post
adventure time masterpost part one
♥=my favourites Ω=significant plot (though sometimes this is not immediately obvious) ♪=a song happens ♫=a personal fave song happens ¿=just don’t try to think about it too hard okay
Ω 6x01/6x02 - Wake Up/Escape from the Citadel [WATCH] - Finn and Jake need to get to the Citadel, and Prismo agrees to help. But the Lich beats them to it, and it seems he's got some plans of his own.
♥ 6x03- James II [WATCH] - An excess of James.
6x04- The Tower [WATCH] [alt]- Finn's missing his arm, so he decides to build a tower into space so he can punch his dad and steal HIS arm instead. Solid plan, right?
¿ 6x05 - Sad Face [WATCH] - A circus, and a clown.
♪ 6x06 - Breezy [WATCH] - Finn's flower isn't doing so well, and Finn himself isn't feeling anything, but his new bee friend Breezy wants to help. Stay tuned for spook (me, that's me) starting a petition to retitle this show 'what the hell did I just watch.'
¿ 6x07 - Food Chain [WATCH] - Finn and Jake learn about the food chain by, um, living it.
6x08- Furniture & Meat [WATCH] - Mo' treasure, mo' problems.
6x09 - The Prince Who Wanted Everything [WATCH] - LSPrincess has a story to share with the Ice King, and LSPrince has a lesson to learn from Fionna the Human.
6x10 - Something Big [WATCH] - Something something Maja something Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant something something feelings?? Listen I don't know what I'm watching anymore ok
♪ 6x11 - Little Brother [WATCH] - Shelby has an accident, ends up with a little brother, and turns to Jake for brotherly advice. Well, giving Finn a sword worked out pretty well...
6x12 - Ocarina [WATCH] - Kim Kil Whan buys the treehouse and tries to teach Jake a lesson about responsibility. It goes suuuper well.
6x13 - Thanks for the Crabapples, Giuseppe [WATCH] - Ice King and his fellow offbeats go on a wizard road trip to form their own secret society.
6x14- Princess Day [WATCH] - Breakfast Princess gets rude with LSP. Mistake! Time for her and Marceline to mess up the Breakfast Kingdom way bad.
6x15 - Nemesis [WATCH] - There's a great evil in the Candy Kingdom which must be stopped.
6x16 - Joshua and Margaret Investigations [WATCH] - Finn and Jake's parents fought monsters, too! Even when their mom was way super about-to-pop pregnant, apparently.
6x17 - Ghost Fly [WATCH] - Jake kills a fly, because flies are disgusting. But ghost flies seem to be worse. Oops?
6x18 - Everything's Jake [WATCH] - Bender searches inside himself and finds that Fry has been with him all along Jake goes on an inner journey, but like, literally. not really spiritually so much.
♥ 6x19 - Is That You? [WATCH] - Jake and Finn mourn Prismo, and then things get super bananas up in their dreamspace.
6x20 - Jake the Brick [WATCH] - Jake observes nature as he spends some time as just another brick in the wall.
6x21 - Dentist [WATCH] - Finn's tooth is in real bad shape, and he has to face facts: it is time for him to Go Dentist.
6x22 - The Cooler [WATCH] - There's a crisis in the Flame Kingdom, and FP makes the (objectively terrible??) decision to turn to PB for help.
6x23 - Pajama Wars [WATCH] - Sleepover in the Candy Kingdom! Nothing terrible is happening.
Ω 6x24 - Evergreen [WATCH] - Master Evergreen and his lizardy minion Gunther attempt to save the world.
¿Ω 6x25 - Astral Plane [WATCH] - Finn goes on an astral adventure, and sees some junk that may be relevant soon.
6x26 - Gold Stars [WATCH] - Sweet P starts school, and makes some new (terrible) friends.
6x27 - The Visitor [WATCH] - Finn follows his dream from Astral Plane and finds his least favourite massive disappointment at the end of the trail.
6x28 - The Mountain [WATCH] - It’s a Lemongrab episode. I don’t know anymore.
6x29 - Dark Purple [WATCH] - Susan Strong and some brave hyoomans on a rescue mission.
6x30 - The Diary [WATCH] - Fandom can be a consuming thing. TV finds an old diary and gets a little too into it.
6x31 - Walnuts & Rain [WATCH] - Finn and Jake get separated and go on different (weird) journeys.
6x32 - Friends Forever [WATCH] - Ice King tries to make himself some new friends. It goes terribly.
6x33 - Jermaine [WATCH] - After Jake has a shared dream with Jermaine, the boys go to visit their brother, who’s still living in their childhood home.
6x34 - Chips and Ice Cream [WATCH] - Chips, chips chips chips. Ice cream ice cream. (A travelling performer passes his curse on to Jake. It doesn’t go well.)
6x35 - Graybles 1000+ [WATCH] - Graybles, again, some more. Apparently the Candy Kingdom is still around however much further in the future, and someone’s still putting up string lights at Marceline’s. So there’s that.
6x36 - Hoots [WATCH] - The Cosmic Owl gets distracted by a mystery lady’s pretty set of tailfeathers.
6x37 - Water Park Prank [WATCH] - Finn and Jake (and the Ice King) spend the day at the water park.
6x38 - You Forgot Your Floaties [WATCH] - Magic Man, up to his usual biz, but this time he’s getting a helping hand from Betty. No way this will go horribly wrong??
6x39 - Be Sweet [WATCH] - For some inexplicable reason, Tree Trunks thinks LSP is a good choice for a babysitter. Yikes.
6x40 - Orgalorg [WATCH] - Gunther and the Gunts throw a houseparty.
6x41 - On the Lam [WATCH] - Martin finds another group of adorable creatures to try to exploit. yay.
6x42/6x43 - Hot Diggity Doom/The Comet [WATCH] - An election in the Candy Kingdom, and an impending catastrophe.
7x01 - Bonnie & Neddy [WATCH] - The King of Ooo continues his efforts to be the worst. PB has to help someone important to her get back to where he belongs.
7x02 - Varmints [WATCH] - Bubblegum tries to protect her pumpkin patch; Marceline lends a hand.
7x03 - Cherry Cream Soda [WATCH] - A candy citizen comes back from the dead, causing some complications for those he’d left behind.
7x04 - Mama Said [WATCH] - While out on a mission for the King of Ooo, Finn and Jake run into Billy’s ex-gf Canyon and decide to help her out instead.
7x05 - Football [WATCH] - BMO tries to do something nice for a friend. It does not go well.
7x06/7x07 - Stakes: Marceline the Vampire Queen/Everything Stays [WATCH] - Marceline has a favour to ask of PB, which results in her reflecting on the last thousand years of her life.
7x08 - Stakes: Vamps About [WATCH] - Marceline’s old nemeses are back, and she’s absolutely down to take ‘em all on again.
7x09 - Stakes: The Empress Eyes [WATCH] - Targeting the Ice King? Possibly not the greatest plan a vampire could have.
7x10 - Stakes: May I Come In [WATCH] - Jake finds his courage.
7x11 - Stakes: Take Her Back [WATCH] - Marceline’s out of commission, so it’s up to Finn and Jake to take on The Moon.
7x12 - Stakes: Checkmate [WATCH] - Four down, one to go.
♫ 7x13 - Stakes: The Dark Cloud [WATCH] - Marceline has to decide what she’s fighting for.
7x14/7x15 - The More You Moe/The Moe You Know [WATCH (watermarked)] - It's BMO's birthday, and a special guest is coming with a special mission for our lil robot buddy. yay?
7x16 - Summer Showers [WATCH] - Viola helps LSP put on a play, and Jake is super proud.
7x17 - Angel Eyes [WATCH] - BMO bribes Finn and Jake into playing cowboys and bandits.
7x18 - President Porpoise Is Missing! [WATCH] - An undersea authority figure appears to have vanished.
7x19 - Blank-Eyed Girl [WATCH] - Urban legends may or may not be baloney, and may or may not be out to get you.
7x20 - Bad Jubies [WATCH] - One heck of a storm brewing up some real nasty vibes.
7x21 - King's Ransom [WATCH] - Ice King isn't going to let anything stop him from rescuing his best bud, and Finn and Jake have got his back.
7x22 - Scamps [WATCH] - Finn rehabilitates some bad seeds.
7x23 - Crossover [WATCH] - Prismo needs Finn and Jake’s help with a junked-up timeline.
7x24 - The Hall of Egress [WATCH] - A dungeon keeps hitting the reset button every time Finn tries to exit.
7x25 - Flute Spell [WATCH] - Does Finn have a new girl in his life, or is he working on a different sort of magic?
7x26 - The Thin Yellow Line [WATCH] - It Is Okay To Be You, ft. The Banana Guards
7x27 - Broke His Crown [WATCH] - Bonnie and Marcie try to have a dinner date with the IK, but his crown is up to some weird biz.
7x28 - Don’t Look [WATCH] - Finn fails to follow the literal only instruction given.
7x29 - Beyond the Grotto [WATCH] - Sea lard rescue 911
7x30 - Lady Rainicorn of the Crystal Dimension [WATCH] - TV finds a weird box.
7x31 - I Am A Sword [WATCH] - FinnSword gets straight up hijacked.
7x32 - Bun Bun [WATCH] - Remember how Cinnamon Bun used to be... just, like, generally bad? at doing things? okay that but smaller.
7x33 - Normal Man [WATCH] - Normal Man needs some hero help to return Glob to Mars.
7x34 - Elemental [WATCH] - An... ice... princess? kinda??
7x35 - Five Short Tables [WATCH] - Fionna and Cake try to make some artsy-ass flapjacks.
7x36 - The Music Hole [WATCH] - Music happens, some of it on a stage.
7x37 - Daddy-Daughter Card Wars [WATCH] - Charlie helps her Papa work through some card-related stuff.
Ω 7x38/7x39 - Preboot/Reboot [WATCH] - Finn, Jake, and Susan visit a very scientific establishment.
8x01 - Two Swords [WATCH] - So when a FinnSword and a Grass Sword meet... sometimes some stuff can go the hell down.
8x02 - Do No Harm [WATCH] - Finn and Grass Finn try stuff out.
8x03 - Wheels [WATCH] - Jake tries to connect with his granddaughter by proving he’s cool.
8x04 - High Strangeness [WATCH] - Tree Trunks loves... revolution (。•`_´•。)
8x05 - Horse and Ball [WATCH] - James Baxter rides again.
8x06 - Jelly Beans Have Power [WATCH] - PB tries to get a handle on the elemental powers thing.
Ω 8x07 - Islands: The Invitation [WATCH] - Susan sent out a distress signal, and a response has arrived.
8x08 - Islands: Whipple the Happy Dragon [WATCH] - Hazardous seas, or Here There Be Dragons.
Ω 8x09 - Islands: Mysterious Island [WATCH] - Finn gets separated from his friends, but makes a new one.
Ω 8x10 - Islands: Imaginary Resources [WATCH] - BMO helps Finn and Jake get acquainted with the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of virtual reality gaming.
Ω♪ 8x11 - Islands: Hide and Seek [WATCH] - Memories of island life.
Ω 8x12 - Islands: Min & Marty [WATCH] - Minerva Campbell and Martin Mertens get to know each other.
Ω 8x13 - Islands: Helpers [WATCH] - Finn meets his mom.
Ω 8x14 - Islands: The Light Cloud [WATCH] - The conflicting desires to protect your child while also allowing them to grow and thrive.
9x01 - Orb [WATCH] - Some very normal dreamscapes on the return journey to Ooo.
9x02 - Elements: Skyhooks [WATCH] - The boys make it home but things are looking... different.
9x03 - Elements: Bespoken For [WATCH] - The Ice King has a story to tell about a hot date he had, and also tangentially the current state of things.
9x04 - Elements: Winter Light [WATCH] - A visit to the Ice Kingdom.
9x05 - Elements: Cloudy [WATCH] - Finn needs to calm down, and Jake needs to potty.
9x06 - Elements: Slime Central [WATCH] - It's Slime Time baybee
9x07 - Elements: Happy Warrior [WATCH] - A normal one in the Flame Kingdom.
9x08 - Elements: Hero Heart [WATCH] - LSP tries to help Finn listen to his hero heart, while PB just wants everyone to be a little bit sweeter.
9x09 - Elements: Skyhooks II [WATCH] - Let's Get Lumpy.
9x10 - Abstract [WATCH] - Jake is wary of some changes in Jermaine.
9x11 - Ketchup [WATCH] - Marceline and BMO catch up on recent events.
9x12 - Fionna and Cake and Fionna [WATCH] - Ice King gets to hang with the REAL Fionna.
9x13 - Whispers [WATCH] - Finn and Fern help Sweet Pea with some nightmares.
9x14 - Three Buckets [WATCH] - Finn and Fern spend some uhhh quality time together
10x01 - The Wild Hunt [WATCH] - Huntress Wizard needs some assistance, and Finn has some junk to work through.
10x02 - Always BMO Closing [WATCH] - BMO and Ice King team up to become a door-to-door salesman.
10x03 - Son of Rap Bear [WATCH] - FP needs to work on her rap game.
10x04 - Bonnibel Bubblegum [WATCH] - Family junk is complicated.
10x05 - Seventeen [WATCH] - It’s Finn’s birthday! Let’s get Arthurian up in here.
10x06 - Ring of Fire [WATCH] - The marvelous misadventures of Tree Trunks.
10x07 - Marcy + Hunson [WATCH] - Marceline’s dad is in town and totally embarrassing her again.
10x08 - The First Investigation [WATCH] - Finn and Jake look into some haunted happenings at Joshua and Margaret Investigations
10x09 - Blenanas [WATCH] - Finn wants the highest possible authority to weigh in on whether or not he is funny.
10x10 - Jake the Starchild [WATCH] - Jake’s gotta save the world. No, a different one.
10x11 - Temple of Mars [WATCH] - Jermaine and Finn gotta rescue Jake, and in the process maybe help Betty work through some things.
10x12 - Gumbaldia [WATCH] - Peace talks.
♥Ω♫ 10x13 - Come Along With Me [WATCH] - Everything stays, but it still changes.
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thorne93 · 4 years
The Stars Made Us (Part 30)
Prompt: In this world, you’re one of the “lucky” ones who got a soulmate, but what if the universe gives you more than you bargained for?
(Prompt challenge – You live in a world where your soulmate can write on their skin and you will get the writing on your own and vice versa. Where they can wash away the ink on their own skin, however, the writing is forever scarred onto your skin until you meet face to face)
Word Count: 3007
Warnings: angst and language throughout, fear, violence
Notes: This was supposed to be for @sorryimacrapwriter​​​​​  and their challenge like a year ago, I think? I still loved the prompt though and have been working on this story for quite some time. This aesthetic was made by @dontshootmespence​, thank you so much! Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​​​​, couldn’t have done it without you, as well as @carryonmyswansong​​​​​ and @arrow-guy​​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​
Also, I’ve never really liked the whole soulmate AU thing idea, but this felt so right and it was amazing to write. I hope y’all love it too!!
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Charles found the closest parking he could and ran as fast as he could to the door of the sanctum. He tried to let himself in but it was locked. He pounded on the door.
"Strange! Open the door!" he ordered loudly, not caring who stared at him on the street. 
A moment later, the door wrenched open. 
"Hi, I'm sorry, do I know you?" Stephen asked.
"You Stephen Strange?" he asked.
"Depends on who's asking."
"I'm Charles Xavier. Heard of me?" he questioned.
"Charles? Yes. Why?" 
"Is Y/N here with you?" Charles asked as he pushed past him to go into the sanctum.
"What? Y/N? No, why?" he asked as he turned to face him, closing the door. 
"Then she's missing."
"Missing? Wait. What happened?" 
"I don't know. I got home from work and she wasn't there. Our house looks like we had a break in, but she's nowhere to be found." He ran his hand through his hair as he paced in thought, trying to think who might've taken you.
Stephen was silent, his eyes slowly casting down the ground, shifting left and right in thought. 
"And she didn't just leave?"
Charles frowned at Stephen as he stopped pacing. "I'm not 100% sure how she acted while she was with you, but she's never made a habit of wrecking my home and disappearing. Correct me if I'm wrong on that."
"No," Stephen muttered. "Quite the contrary. She leaves a place cleaner than it was when she walked in."
Charles nodded, biting his lip in thought, his hands on his hips. "You can say that again. Fuck! I don't know where the fuck she could be. I don't know who would've taken her. Maybe Erik but he's not the hostage type." 
"Old colleague who hates me, but we haven't had contact for a few years," he dismissed.
As Charles paced, running his hand through his hair, he felt something on his wrist. He looked down and tore his sleeve back. 
It was your name and an address he didn’t recognize. 
“Shit,” he muttered. “Okay, we gotta go,” he said urgently, starting to make his way out the door. 
“No,” Stephen suddenly said from behind him, not moving a muscle. 
Charles turned around. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” he asked, clearly irate as he walked back towards him. 
“I said no,” Stephen responded, a little firmly. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought you said,” he responded, nodding before he cocked his arm back and threw a closed fist at Stephen’s jaw.
Stephen stumbled a bit from the blow.
"Jesus!" he cried out. "The hell is the matter with you?" 
"Me? She is your soulmate for Christ's sake! Whatever happened between you two is in the past. She is in trouble, we have no idea who took her or how many of them there are. She might be fighting for her life and you and I are arguing about going to save her!" 
"She isn't mine. This isn't my problem." 
Charles shook his head. "What? Because you can't have her all to yourself? Are you a child? She isn't a toy that you can play with when you want and cast aside when someone else wants her. You bloody asshole." He glared at him. "You broke her heart twice and you don't have the goddamn decency to save her life? Forget the fact that you used to be a fucking doctor. She's your soulmate. You can't bullshit me all you want but I know you love her." 
"Yeah well that doesn't change the fact that she chose you."
"She chose both of us, you bloody fucking idiot," Charles retorted. "You were just too consumed by your goddamn ego to see that. You had to have her all to yourself. It was either all or nothing." 
"What? Because I want monogamy  with my soulmate? Sue me."
"This isn't a normal situation, Strange! If you can't accept the fact that she loves both of us and she should be able to have both of us then you don't understand or respect her at all. I love her with all my heart, and I know she loves me back. She's proven it time and time again, it's why I didn't keep her chained to her and encouraged her to find you. She's destined for both of us but you're too shortsighted and selfish to see that." 
Stephen didn't respond.
Charles shook his head. "Jesus. Fuck this. I'm leaving. She needs help and I'm going, with or without you." 
Charles turned and made his way for the door. Muttering obscenities under his breath. He didn't have the time or the patience to convince him to come with him. You were out there somewhere, possibly hurt or worse and he didn't have the time to waste. 
"Wait," Stephen suddenly called out. "I'm coming with you." 
He stopped for a moment, letting Stephen catch up before they got out of the sanctum and into Charles's car, driving as quickly as they could to where you were. The GPS said it would take three hours to get there. 
This was going to be a long drive. 
Stephen and Charles drove on the interstate in a tense silence. Stephen didn't like the uncomfortable atmosphere so he decided to break the ice a bit. 
"So what's your plan?" he asked, a bit of condescending in his tone. 
"Plan? What plan? I came home to a ransacked house and the love of my life missing. Hank called the police and I came to find you. I don't have a plan other than to find her and make sure she's alright."
Stephen rolled his eyes. "Fantastic. Just go in guns blazing."
"Oh, I'm sorry, this is my first rescue mission. Sorry I don't have a plan. Let's hear all your bright ideas." 
"First of all, what can you do?" 
"As in...?" Charles prompted, annoyed.
He sighed. "As in powers. Can you do anything? I happen to be a Master of the Mystic Arts so we have that going for us."
"You're going to be Master of getting your ass kicked if you keep up the ego and the attitude," Charles muttered. 
Stephen stared at him, clearly angry. "I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to save her. I'm trying to be proactive here and get a strategy going. "
A sigh left him. "Fine. Yeah, okay. I'm a telepath. I'm supposing Y/N never told you."
Stephen shook his head. "No, she didn't. What does that mean?" 
"It means I can read minds, stop time, make myself or others invisible to others, I can put others to sleep, make others do things, take away memories, restore memories, cause pain and paralysis, and if push comes to shove, I can kill someone, it's called a mind bolt. I take all my psychic energy and shut down their brain."
For the first time, Stephen was actually scared of someone other than Kaecillius. Quite the feat, as he'd never truly known fear in his life, except for failure. 
“Am I supposed to be impressed?” Stephen asked, scoffing a bit. 
“I know you are,” Charles said with a smirk. 
This made Stephen uncomfortable. He didn’t think he could hear his thoughts like that, just, at a whim. 
“Oh, come now, I’m not going to kill you,” Charles responded with a smile as he glanced at Stephen. “Not while Y/N needs saved at least. I’ll use you for your powers and then I’ll kill you.” 
Stephen nodded. “Ha-ha, very funny.” 
“Speaking of which, what are your powers?” he asked curiously.
“Why don’t you just probe my mind and look?” he asked, a bit sarcastically. 
"Because I'm going to try very hard not to get into that mind of yours, even though I desperately want to. To find out why you're the worlds biggest ass." 
He gave a dismissive nod before perching his eyebrow up. "I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. I use magic and sorcery to conjure objects, weapons, and shield. I can create a mirror dimension which means I can go into a world that mirrors our own but nothing bad can happen to the outside world. Very useful for destructive fighting."
"So we may have a chance after all between the two of us."
"We should, but Y/N can handle her own."
"Yes, I know, which is why it bothers me she was taken. I think I saw gunshots in my walls. From what I gathered of her time with you at that temple she knows martial arts and the sorcery, and yet they still took her." 
"Can you not just use your mind to reach her? To figure out what's going on?"
"It doesn't work that way. I have to be relatively close to them. I do have a device that can project my powers but it's back at the house. Ultimately I don't think it'll help. Seeing where she's at or who she's with won't help too much." 
Stephen nodded in response. 
Several more minutes went by without a word from either one. 
"Can I just know why?" Charles asked. 
"Why what?" 
"Why you won't share her?"
"Is it really not obvious? I want all of her. I don't want her time divided between me, you, and work, and other social obligations. You and I both know that relationships are hard enough without adding another romantic interest in the mix. Seeing each other, making enough time for each other..." 
"Actually, I don't really know. I've never really dated anyone."
He smiled, a bit amused and proud. "Never. I had a girlfriend in highschool for a small bout, but I've never dated anyone outside of Y/N, not seriously."
"So you think that just because she can't devote 100% of her attention to you she'll somehow prove as an unworthy mate?" 
"No, I just don't want to have to fight for her attention and affection. That's all. Doesn't it bother you?"
"Does what bother me?" he asked, entirely confused.
"When she left to see me. When she was with me for six months at Kamar-Taj. I know you missed her because you two had a couple of fights about it. So it had to have bothered you."
"No, if she was away on a business trip it would've bothered me. It had nothing to do with you." 
"Why not?"
"Because she isn't property. She is free to love who she loves. She chooses to come back to me time and time again because we know we love each other equally, above all else. I trust her, and whether she loves you or not, or anyone else, doesn't change any of that." 
"I don't see how you're okay with this."
"I know it's unconventional, but whether she loved you, me, or someone else, she's going to go where her heart takes her. She always has. So, instead of standing in her way and making it difficult on her, I decided very easily to let her have both of us. If my options are to have her and share her, or not at all, I'm going to pick whatever option gives me her. I can't bear to be without her. I did it once and I never intend on letting it happen again." 
Stephen's eyes cast down for a second. "She is amazing. I'm not trying to make it appear as if I don't want her. In my mind it's not so much have part of her or none of her, I just don't see how it could all work with her running between the two of us and her work. I don't see how it's fair to any of us. If I'm having a shitty day but she's with you, then I don't have the right to pull her away." 
Charles pursed his lips. "I can see why you might think it's that way."
"Or if if we're lying in each other's arms, is she wishing she was with you? Or does she wish she was making you dinner instead of me?" 
He hummed in response. "All fair questions to have."
"Well, you can read her mind, what does she think?" 
"I never read her mind. Some things slip through the cracks that I can't help, but I never intentionally read her mind."
"But I don't have to have that ability to know that's not who she is. She was fated for both of us. She gives 100% to who she is with in the moment, and then, if time allows, she goes back to the other. I mean, you saw how she was with you. She tended to you night and day, but still managed to call me. The moment she didn't need you there constantly, she made more time for me. Now that we're both better from our ailments, I don't see any reason it shouldn't work. She doesn't have to feel torn between us if we don't make her that way."
"But wouldn't it hurt you if you two were having dinner one night and she suddenly said she wanted to see me? She wanted to leave your presence and see someone else?" 
"Why would it? It doesn't bother me if she wants to see friends or go out for drinks with Hank." He shook his head. "Stephen, you need to stop thinking in this all or nothing mentality. She loves both of us, at the same time, as a duality. We both complete her in different ways. When you want to spend time with friends, does that mean you detest her presence? Does it mean you love her less? No. So why is it any different for her?" 
"Maybe I'm being selfish. You got ten years with her, uninterrupted. Then you got eight months, of nothing but her attention and love. I'd just like the same."
Charles laughed. "You did get the same. She didn't see me face to face for months. She only called a handful of times. And we also had ten years of being pen pals, it's vastly different than being in the same home together. You and I have had roughly the same face to face time with her."
"Yes, but yours wasn't a tug of war with another man."
"Neither was yours. She was adamant about staying with you." He took a deep breath. "I don't think it's the idea of sharing me at all. I think it's the same fear I had when she was with you at the temple. When I got the call she was going to Nepal with you."
"Yeah, and what's that?" Stephen asked, sounding uninterested. 
"You're afraid that if you do have all of her, that one day she'll want me back and you'll lose her. So to avoid the pain of her abandoning you, you just pushed her away."
"Is that the mind reading or the psychoanalyzing?" Stephen inquired.
"It's having a brain and a heart and going through the exact same insecurities. When she said she was leaving with you, I suddenly worried about us. I worried I wasn't good enough. That she'd love you more. That she'd never come back." 
Stephen nodded slowly, waiting for him to explain how he got over that fear.
"So... what did you do about it?"
"Well, other than fighting with her like an ass about it like I'd done a few times, I finally realized that worrying about her leaving wasn't going to convince her to stay. If she did love you more or leave me or whatever the case may be, my concern for that wouldn't change her decision. So, I let go of all my fears, insecurities, and doubts. As I said, I love her and I trust her. I know she loves me back very much so all I can do is hope she doesn't leave. It is a lot better than stewing over possibly losing her and a lot better than losing her altogether when I could simply share her." 
Stephen nodded, quiet in thought now. 
"We're almost there," Charles informed once they were ten minutes away. 
"Strategy?" Stephen asked. 
"I'll scan the area for minds, and determine what they're thinking. Once we know that, we can go in." 
Stephen nodded and just a few minutes later, they pulled into what looked like an abandoned lot. Charles stopped the car and closed his eyes, focusing on minds. He heard Stephen's mind, but nobody else's. 
"I don't hear anything," he informed, shaking his head. 
"What? But the address sent us here," Stephen responded, confused, his eyes narrowing as he looked around. 
"I know," he agreed, feeling something was off. 
The two of them got out of the car and looked around. It was an empty bit of property except for a metal structure sticking up out of the ground that looked like it led to an underground bunker. It was small, almost like a bomb shelter. 
"Wanna try that?" Stephen asked.
"Can't hurt," Charles said.
"Well, arm your mind lightning or whatever it is you can do," he responded. 
"Mind bolt," he corrected. "Get ready with your impressive light show," he shot right back with a tiny grin. 
The two men walked over to the bunker and opened it up. It stepped inside to a small room that only had an elevator in it. Stephen looked to Charles for confirmation to push the button, he shrugged in response, and Stephen pressed it. The elevator showed up after a few moments and the men stepped in.
"Do you have anything yet?" 
"No," Charles responded. "Just you." 
The men looked at each other worried, and also frustrated. How much time did they have? Were they already too late? 
They hit the only button that was on the elevator and rode down, getting more anxious with every ticking second. Finally, the elevator that seemed old and rickety opened into what appeared to be a crisp, white, state of the art facility. They walked forward, the only way they could go.
Forever Tag:
Charles Xavier
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metanoiamorii · 3 years
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Dámianus took in a breath when he heard the familiar, annoying footsteps stomping forward. With haste, came the familiar, annoying voice. "Can you believe it?!"
Breathing in, it took his full strength to keep a leveled tone, not show his annoyance. "Believe what?"
His brother scowled, as if he was the idiot present. "They failed!"
"Pity." Was all Dámianus could think to say. He had to hide his smile upon hearing the news. He had an act to keep. "They must have not followed the plan, I did give them detailed instructions after all."
"How are you so apathetic?!" Makjo scoffed, eyes rolling. "That's our father—"
"Your father." Dámianus corrected. "You are his son, I am his errand boy."
"Oh wow, its a misery you proved yourself capable and he saw your potential!" Makjo mockingly threw back, going as far to make a fake, crying gesture to accompany his words.
Dámianus, however, quick to smile, tilted his head to the side. "Oh, does that mean he saw no potential in you?"
It was worth it, to watch the brat's features scrunch and his face to go red. A finger raised, and going to bite back. "You—"
Already walking off, Dámianus tucked the parchment beneath his arm. "I suppose I will go meet with our allies and see what went wrong." Casually he spoke, striding forward, leaning down, pecking his brother's cheek, and using the opportunity to quietly whisper, "Don't grow too comfortable. Many people will come for your crown." Before Makjo could reply, he had already taken his leave, to find better company he could tolerate.
At least the brat was an idiot. He had yet to see through everything. He had slipped up with their father, the bastard caught on at the last second. He barely corrected that.. But he had no doubt with Makjo, the brat would never see anything coming... still. He needed to be more careful if all were to be successful.
♧ Chosen Name: Dámianus D'truiryxr
♧ Aliases:
• Dame
• Dami
• Damocles Aliah Teivel; his human guise
• Your Glorious Insane Highness
• Ali; reserved for his nanny alone
• Funny Monkey Man; reserved for his partner
• Lord Teivel
• Princeling
♧ Known as:
• The Angel Of Darkness
• The Mad One of The Void
• The Mad Trickster
• The Mad One
• The Trickster of Madness
• The Bane of All
• The Lord of the Citadel of Madness
♧ Gender: Agender
♧ Preferred Pronouns: He/They
♧ Race: Old One
♧ Sexuality: Grey-Asexual; Aromantic
♧ Ethnicity: Will appear Kiyese in a human guise
♧ Height: 7'02 in his true appearance; 6'03.5 in a human appearance
♧ Age Appearance: In a human guise he appears in his late thirties, early forties.
♧ True Appearance: Dámianus is said to take after his mother more than his father. From his father he inherited the smooth rounded ears and slim, nearly hairless tail with a tuft of black fur at the tip. As the natural red eyes he possesses. He's rather slim, but tall, with pale skin. He possesses a set of dark wings that tend to drag behind him and are rarely used. For the most part, humanoid.
♧ Human Appearance: For the life of me, I cannot find out their name, so if anyone knows it please tell me.
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♧ Key Personality Traits: Manipulative, Cunning, Brilliant, Quick-witted, Vengeful, Well Mannered
♧ Alignment: Lawful Evil
♧ Parents:
• Rihtyxr, father
• Unknown mother
♧ Siblings:
•  Hinvyka, brother
• Kysia, sibling
• Tysie, sister
• Nevzan, brother
• Makjo, brother [deceased]
• Mal'rybos, brother
• Slyra, brother [deceased]
• A several hundred other siblings
♧ Partner(s):
• Misam
♧ Other Blood Relations:
• Tyronjis, uncle
• Kaiuroga, aunt
• Arz-Ler'erso, uncle
• Trik'Rjrkite, uncle
• Au-Zaiur'hka, aunt
• Rons'ta, uncle
• Gazini, cousin
• Ao-Ao, cousin
• Eoau, cousin
• Ny'jsetti, cousin
• Jitka Shirin, nanny, sister and maternal figure
♧ Allies:
• Isfétte
• Jitka Shirin
• Kregznic
• Marzomme
• E'aligesri
• Rohabizal
• Ao-Ao
• Eoau
• Gazini
• Jinx
• Ianira
• Misam
• Mehpijka'om
• Eskrja
• Grumpy
• A few hundred others I haven't fleshed out
♧ Enemies:
• Rons'ta
• Tyronjis
• Kaiuroga
• Arz-Ler'erso
• Trik'Rjrkite
• Au-Zaiur'hka
• Rihtyxr
♧ Brief Backstory:
The eldest of Rihtyxr's hundreds of children, Dámianus always served closer as an errand boy than a son. He grew up fast, without the choice of a childhood, to take care of his siblings. Early on, he accepted his role in the family and gracefully handled the responsibilities thrusted onto him. The older— maturer— he became, the more he would distant himself form his family and those family ties. He treated his family like colleagues and allies and not a family.
Only by the influence of Jitka and Isfétte would Dámianus finally accept his gifts and natural talent as a mastermind, and one manipulative son of a bitch. With their assistance and guidance, he would hone his talent to have power over them. When he finally held a strong belief in himself, he set himself to the task of consuming power. Slowly, he turned the allies of his family against them, buying their loyalty to serve him.
With the dependence the family held on him to make their plans and ensure their survival, he was able to trick them. He fooled them into going to war with Khaalida, and trapped them under her watch. The power vacuum was his for the taking... But he decided to play the long game. He allowed his siblings to fight for the power, and he accompanied his cousin— G'javinizia — on his travels across the multi-verse for a time. To further his own knowledge and powers.
When he finally became confident in himself once more, he returned. He got his old allies in line and began to form new ones. And soon, he finally began to get involved in the affair of Viogia to plant his influence. When his influence was sewn deep, Dámianus created his human guise and entered, to act first hand and began inacting the plans he had started so long ago.
♧ Weapon of Choice:
• Roibac'da, The Whip of Insanity
• Tac'bet, a sentient chain
• A set of chained gloves
• His signature cloak
• His sword collection
• A treasured fan he's gifted to his partner
♧ Classification: Trickster
♧ Power Domain: Madness, Trickery, Illusion, Psychic, Enchantment, Time, Wishes
♧ Playlist:
• Burn, Beth Crowley
• Where The Lonely Ones Roam, Digital Daggers
• Coming Home, Avenged Sevenfold
• Feeling Good, Michael Buble
• Broken Crown, Mumford and Sons
• Leader of the Broken Hearts, Papa Roach
• Centuries, Fall Out Boys
• Everyone Wants To Rule The World, Future Royalty
• When You're Evil, Voltaire
• You're Gonna Go Far Kid, The Offspring
• Hard To Kill, Beth Crowley
• Trouble, Valerie Broussard
• You Can Run, Adam Jones
• The Dark Ones, Karliene
• Keep You Safe, Crane Wives
• She Lit A Fire, Lord Huron
• Control, Halsey
• Castle, Halsey
• Monster, Imagine Dragons
• When The Day Comes, Nico and Vinz
• Last One Standing, Simple Plan
• Soldier's Dance, Adrisaurus
• Final Warning, Skylar Grey
• Angel of Darkness, Alex C
• Meet Me On The Battlefield, SVRCINA
• Night Of The Hunter, 30 Seconds To Mar
• Bad Man, King 810
• Throne, Bring Me The Horizon
• I'd Love To Change The World, King 810
♧ Current Wip: Coming Home [CH], The Legacy of Vires Ius [TSOVI], Mercy No More [MNO], A Rope In Hand [ARIH]; he's likely to appear in all of my wips in Viogia as a source of problem starter.
♧ Some fun facts!
• He has a pet cat named Grumpy, it's based off a displacer beast!
• He takes a shot of whiskey every time one of his idiots does something stupid.
• He's a man that just wants a vacation at this point, somewhere nice and quiet, a distant beach, without responsibilities.
• He says he doesn't like children, but if given the opportunity he'd probably adopt an entire orphanage or seventy.
• The only people he will possibly listen to, to get him to back down from doing something, is Jitka and Isfétte.
• He knows how to hold a grudge. It doesn't matter how many years it takes, he'll get payback... In an extreme fashion that is probably unwarranted in that degree.
• Given the chance, he would kill 96% of his siblings and family...
• Although he's the source of major chaos in the universe, he cares deeply for order and rules.
• In public he will dress in tailcoats, but as long as he's home he prefers to wear a variety of kimonos.
• The only way you can upset him is by: mentioning Rons'ta in his presence, favoring his siblings in his presence, dissing his nanny, being disrespectful towards women when he's around, hurting and/or belittling children and animals in his presence. And then, and only then, he'll kill you without remorse!
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jupitermelichios · 4 years
DC: The High-School AU: The Series: The Staff (the musical)
So I finally cast the school staff and teachers for my DC High School AU, which I thought some of you would have some fun with! I took the subject list from a fairly fancy looking private school, because only schools you have to pay for have their subject lists online, so I’m probably offering way more classes than your average state school, but hey, it’s my AU and I wanted to cram in as many supervillains, obscure heroes, and bad jokes as possible.
Admin & Staff
Principle - Amanda Waller
Deputy Principle & Treasurer - Noah Kuttler (the Calculator)
Nurse - Myra Mason (she was Dr Midnite’s nurse and love interest in the 40s & 50s, then got fridged, but I’m unfridging her and giving her a job with much better survival prospects)
Councillor - Ethel Peabody (she’s a psychiatrist from the Gotham TV show, and also in my headcanon, Amanda Waller’s sister)
Librarian - Stanislaus Johns (The Librarian. I considered bookworm for this job but he’s literally called the Librarian, what was I supposed to do, not use him?)
Admin Staff - Laura Conway (Superman supporting cast and occaisional vampire), Mabel Martin (Riddler’s secretary), Theresa Collins (Goldstar, also Booster Gold’s secretary)
Loren Jupiter (aka Mr Jupiter the richest and therefore most thrustworthy man in the world) - Business 101, Business Law, Entrepreneurship
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - Business Communications
Annabeth Chamberlain (Brimstone) - Marketing, Hospitality & Tourism (she doesn’t work in tourism, but I figure anyone who can waitress while also having the power to set people on fire and damn them to hell and keeps her job probably knows a whole lot about customer service)
Family & Consumer Science
Miss Tribb (Lobo’s childhood teacher who inexplicably survived the extinction of their species) - Childhood Developement, Early Childhood Education
Neil Richards (The Mad Mod) - Texiles/Sewing, Fashion
Tenzil Kem (Matter-Eater Lad) - Food & Nutrition
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator) - Personal Finance
Foreign Languages
Matron Bertinelli (Nu52 Huntress, who I’m declaring a sepperate character and the aunt of pre-52 Huntress because they’re radically different characters and I like both of them) - ASL, Italian
Chang Jie-Ru (Nu52 Yo-Yo) - Chinese, AP Chinese
Yolanda Montez (Wildcat II) - Spanish, AP Spanish
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - Latin
Health Sciences
Myra Mason - Emergency Medical Responder training
Charles McNider (Dr Midnite) - Anatomy & Physiology, Health Class
Brian Durlin (Savant) - Computer Programming, Web Dev
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Digital Art 101
Arnold Wesker (Ventriloquist) - 3D Animation, 3D Graphics (I don’t know why but the idea of Wesker as an animator just tickled me. Obviously his real passion is stop-motion, but he learnt 3D because there were more jobs)
English (the fancy private school called this ‘language arts’ which is so prentious it makes me feel slightly nauseous)
Wesley Dodds (Sandman) - English Language, AP English Language
Rac Shade (Shade the Changing Man) - English Literature, AP English Literature
Chloe Sullivan (the worst character in the Smallville TV show, a hotly contested position) - English Language, Communications 101, supervises the School Paper and the Yearbook
Shelly Gaynore (The Whip III) - Englist Literature, Creative Writing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Intro to Shakespeare
Nick Scratch (officially his supervillain name is just Scratch, but I refuse to consider that a code-name, looking at you Drake) - Communications 102: Public Speaking
Mathematics (which has a 100% villain make-up, which seems accurate from what I remember of high-school maths)
Noah Kuttler (The Calculator, because I think I’m funny) - Pre-Calc, Calculus, AP Calculus
Harlan Graves (The Underbroker) - Stats, Algebra 1, Algebra 2
Angelo Bend (Angle Man, becuase I know I’m funny) - Geometry, Trigonometry
PE (I realise this is probably too many PE teachers but there are a lot more caonical althetes than just about any other job in the DCU except maybe scientist)
Lawrence Crock (Sportsmaster, you knew this was coming) - Gym, Weight Training, coaches Baseball, Basketball, Tennis & Hockey
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - joint-coaches Cheerleading, coaches the Drill Team, Wrestling
Randy Hanrahan (Stallion) - PE, joint-coaches Cheerleading & Cross-Country, coaches Football
William Everett (Amazing Man) - PE, joint-coaches Cross-Country, coaches Track & Field
Matron Bertinelli (Huntress, sort of) - coaches Soccer & gymnastics
Performing Arts
Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) - Dance
Hartley Rathaway (Pied Piper) - Music 101, Music Theory, Composition, teaches Guitar & Percussion
Isaac Bowin (The Fiddler) - Music 101, AP Music Theory, leads Jazz Band, Orchestra, Marching Band
Siobhan Smyth (Silver Banshee) - part-time, leads the Choir and teaches singing
Basil Karlo (Clayface) - Theatre, Theatre 101
Simon Trent (Grey Ghost) - Theatre, Theatre 101, Film Studies
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Theatre Tech
Mary Louise Dahl (Baby-Doll, from B:TAS) - Film Studies, Video Production
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law, who is technically owned by DC now due to corporate buy-outs) - Debate
Science (do you have any idea how hard it is to pin down areas of specialisation for comic book scientists? TNT is on this list entirely because he’s the only actual honest-to-god professional chemist I could find)
Kirk Langstrom (ManBat) - Biology, AP Biology
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy) - Biology, Environmental Science
Thomas “Tex” Thomas (TNT) - Chemistry
Achilles Milo (Professor Milo, again not really much of a code name) - Chemistry, AP Chemistry
Will Magnus (I refuse to even dignify it as a code-name) - Physics, Earth Sciences
Ray Palmer (The Atom) - Physics, AP Physics
Adam Strange (DC is just doing this to fuck with me, personally) - Astronomy
Social Studies & Humanities
Barbara Minerva (Cheetah) - World History
Maxie Zeus (ffs) - World History, AP World History (fun fact, Maxie was canonically just a normal history teacher before he got lightning powers, became convinced he was Zeus incarnate, and set out to become a criminal, making him my favourite DC mobster by a country mile)
Terry Long (aka one of the only characters to really deserve to get fridged) - US History, AP European History
Eobard Thawne (every code-name he has is stupid, but lets just go with Reverse-Flash as the least awful option) - US History, AP US History
Nick Scratch - US Government, AP US Government, AP Comparative Politics
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - AP Art History
Magdalene Kyle-Burton (Sister Zero, she’s a sometimes-nun and a sometimes-sister to Catwoman) - Comparative Religion
Michael Carter (Booster Gold) - Economics, AP Microeconomics, AP Macroeconomics
Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) - Psychology (there is exactly one heroic psychiatrist in all of comics, and I’d already used Dr Fate elsewhere. Scarecrow seemed like the least bad option of the remaining pool for being around children, and he does at least have teaching experience)
Adam Strange - Sociology
Betty Bates (Lady-at-Law) - Law
Richard Occult/Rose Psychic (it’s complicated, lets just say Dr Occult and leave it at that) - part-time, Criminal Justice
Technology & Engineering
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle) - Electronics, CAD, Woodworking
John Henry Irons (Steel) - Engineering, Metalworking
Will Magnus - Robotics
Visual Arts
Linda Lee/Danvers (she’s Supergirl, but I’m making her a different character from Kara Danvers/Kent because the DCU is really short on artists and I needed someone to teach the damn class, although the only thing that really makes her distinct from other supergirls is that she fucked a horse that one time and IDK how that will translate into a personality...) - Ceramics, AP Studio Art: 3D Design, Art 101
Rex Tyler (Hourman) - Graphic Design, Drawing, AP Studio Art: Drawing
Jack Knight (Starman) - Painting, AP Studio Art: 2D Design, Art 101
Jennifer Lyn-Hayden (Jade) - Photography
So there you go - I’ll be honest I still don’t really understand how high-schools in the USA work, and I have no idea what Design studio art even is so I kind of assigned those ones at random, but now it’s done and cannot be changed.
As always this universe is open to prompts so if you want a chapter focussing on any of these characters just drop me an ask or a comment and I’ll see what I can do. Making Dr Occult & Rose Psychic a single gender-fluid person is already on my list to do, since that’s who I thought they were for a longest time when I started reading comics and I’m still kind of annoyed that isn’t canonically what’s going on.
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savrenim · 4 years
Hey mx savrenim its me again and I'm wondering: how you maintain tension in a story with characters with future vision? Especially in a story with no guaranteed future, where seers can ensure the best possible future for themselves
oooooh v v good question, once more under the cut
so there are a lot lot LOT of ways to do this that all depend on the tone that you want your story to go for, and Imma reference a few pieces of media that do this in various ways, but this is pretty much a subset of the question “how do you maintain tension in your story when your character is very overpowered”
1. Just very realistically explore that “in theory able to do things perfectly” and “in practice able to do things perfectly” are very very different things.  Another Faust by Daniel Nayeri had pretty much someone with Seer-like capabilities (namely, the ability to loop back I thiiiink as far as they wanted in time?) that they could use to make sure they always said the right thing, got the right answers on tests, etc etc, and it just.... didn’t work out for them perfectly. Because perfect knowledge didn’t fix everything. If you know how every single play is going to work idk in a baseball game, that gives you an edge, but it doesn’t actually mean you win the game unless you are good enough at baseball to hit that ball and run those bases
In that case, the more effective the Seer wants to be, the more they have to actually train the skills that they care about, so that they can carry out the actions physically that lead to their ideal future. And building physical skills is hard and takes work and practice, and anything you have to work to get better at to reach a goal is the starting point of tension. 
Also to continue the sports metaphor, having perfect knowledge of a baseball game and even being the best player in the world doesn’t guarantee you a win because you cannot play every single position, there are other people on the team who are going to be doing actions that at most can have secondhand versions of your knowledge. Trying to manage the human aspect leads to human error. So maybe there is tension because the Seer aggressively self-isolates so that Other People Will Not Fail Them and tension comes from interacting with other people they have extreme trust issues. Maybe the tension comes from them playing puppetmaster and trying to figure out which people they are willing to sacrifice for their goals, which people will fail them and which people they can and should hold onto, and from nobody really trusting them because everyone is well aware that the puppetmaster is willing to make sacrifices.
And finally -- just knowing the future doesn’t mean you can fix it. I don’t know about you, but even if I had perfect foreknowledge of the future, I would not be truly happy just personally thriving as idk rich and a famous mathematician and physicist and married to my fiance and maybe the books that I want to be published published and enough money to give to all my friends too and maybe can we have warp drives I want to go to space and inventing some solid if not immortality-tech then life-extension tech would be cool -- which, like, is everything I could personally wish for from life and more -- but in the world that we have? like, climate change SUCKS. fascism SUCKS. racism SUCKS. sexism and homophobia and poverty and class wars disguised as generational wars and all of the existing structures that reinforce all of these things SUCK. and even personally having perfect foreknowledge of the future enough to either start with or build up a bunch of political power and money, to try to change any of that would mean going against incredibly entrenched institutions that I honestly have no idea how effective one person could be at changing. Like if B*zos suddenly decided “wait let’s save the world and make a socialist utopia” do you actually think he would succeed? or even get very far? even applying every single resource he commands? or would he just.... lose a lot of his money and power trying to do that and then someone else becomes the richest person in the world who does want to maintain the system. because a lot of that power are things that do not exist, like stocks, it’s imaginary money that the moment you stop playing the game you get kicked out of the game and maybe you can make tiny changes but the game itself doesn’t stop
so baaaasically consider making your Seer a radical anarchist or at least someone who cares about tackling large-scale problems that one individual will never be able to solve, to play the “well if a very powerful individual had a single-minded focus on trying to fight these things could we at least get further than every single powerful person wanting to screw us over or just not caring?” game -- that creates tension because global problems can only be solved by global and communal actions, and one individual, no matter how perfectly they can see the future, cannot do that on their own
2. “Psychic powers don’t make you popular.” This is my obligatory “I just rewatched Mob Psycho 100 and am obsessed with it seriously consider watching it if you haven’t.” I know I keep bringing up MP100 but hear me out my favorite media is where the main character is stupidly overpowered so I don’t have to be stressed at all consuming it and MP100 maybe is the most touching but also well thought out and interestingly plotted version of that I’ve ever seen  But the basic premise of Mob Psycho 100 is that the main character, Mob, is a middle schooler with the most powerful psychic abilities in the world. The tension comes from: (1) Mob is not in total control over his powers and feels really really bad when he loses control and for example uses his powers against another person even in self-defense because that’s a Rule he made for himself that he really doesn’t want to cross ever. Which with a Seer, maybe you have a Seer that Cares Deeply About Other People’s Privacy, or who Cares Deeply About Having Real Relationships That They Do Not Manipulate, or who Cares Deeply About Their Achievements Being Their Own and so they don’t use their powers in everyday life out of moral considerations, except sometimes gods in stressful situations you just want everything to be okay so the tension of “do I fix this right now or is this crossing a line” drives your story. (2) because Mob isn’t using his powers in everyday life, while he is having these giant badass psychic battles with ghosts and evil psychics as a part-time job after school and yeah yeah you know he’s going to win, the tension and growth in the story comes from the gains that he is making in his personal life of, like, “oh he made a friend!!!!! oh he stood up for himself even though that’s really hard for him and he set a boundary!!!! oh he’s working really really hard towards his goal of being better at running!!!!! oh look he’s grown so much at episode 1 he didn’t talk to anyone his own age or have anything to do and now he’s doing things for himself!!!” Having your Seer take the ethics of not using seeing into the future to manipulate the people around them really really seriously, working very hard at tiny life things and then being a complete fucking badass that is putting down world-threatening threats as hobby that they kind of don’t view as that important in defining them as a person or defining their accomplishments or how they feel about themselves means that it doesn’t matter how overpowered they are in terms of their abilities, your audience will care and be invested in the tiny life accomplishments that they are working so hard to do on their own, and will be proud of their personal growth.
3. Blind Spots. Exactly what it sounds like, can your Seer really see everything? Perfectly? And if they do see everything do they know the exact effect that acting differently will cause? Or are they limited visions -- they only come at certain times, they only are about very specific things, the Seer cannot control when they happen, etc. The more specific and limited your visions are, the harder they have to actually work to figure out how to interpret them and best play the cards that they have, so maybe finding that perfect happy life isn’t actually all that easy. 
Alternatively, your Seer can only see the natural future, what would happen if they do not change their actions. If they change their actions, they can’t re-glimpse the new version, so it’s up to their best guess as to whether or not their plans to make things better will actually make things better. You can create a shit-ton of tension there if only because Plans Never Go Perfectly. Honestly at this point you’re just writing a slightly different version of those “MC is a Super Genius” books that instead of them making good plans because they are a Super Genius, it is good plans because they can see the future, I stand by childhood me that the first three Artemis Fowl books are great and honestly I’m pretty sure the plot wouldn’t really change too much if you added “Artemis can see what future would happen if he didn’t take any actions to interfere” and it would just be another interesting trait that was a part of his planning process.
And even if your Seer can see re-glimpse the new version, they are human. They have only a finite amount of time, and a finite amount of brain space. You don’t need to make the rules of Seer powers be that “they can see all of spacetime and all possibilities of the past and future perfectly all the time.” They can miss things by not thinking something is important and looking in a different direction. You can build up tension around they can only look into the future, not the past, they missed something, and now they don’t know what they missed and what to target to fix it. Or play the finite amount of time bit very hard: if they see the effects of deciding one particular course of action, it takes [x] time for the vision to complete, then they need to try to see the effects of one other particular course of action, and they can only effectively run a handful of simulations -- or even hundreds or thousands, but the answer is still a finite number of dear gods is nature chaotic / the butterfly effect is built into every single physics equation that there is that describes the world -- so tension comes from even if they can check that a plan is good, they still have to come up with a plan to change the future, and can only come up with so many plans in the time that they have. 
4. Existential Crisis. You made Seer powers “they can see all of spacetime and all possibilities of the past and future perfectly all the time.” idk I would find life terribly boring and have an existential crisis over that probably? of am I even human? does anything I do matter? does anyone else exist, really, since I can see and control every aspect of their lives? am I a god? how do I relate to anyone? how do I care about anything? 
In this setup, your main character would not be the Seer, it would be a person or group of people who are either trying to Save The World or Accomplish Something Important or even Accomplish Something Selfish who spend the story trying to befriend the Seer and get their help goddamnit because the moment the Seer is on their side, they win. and then the tension comes from the Seer keeps refusing but is ~slowly opening their heart~, jaded older mentor figure adopts tiny adorable hopeful child is the found family JAM and then your main character finally decides they aren’t getting the help and goes off and does the incredibly dangerous thing alone and the Seer realizes too late that oh nooo my tiny son is in danger and at just the last moment decides fuck it and leaps back into the game to try to help and save them and oh both the glorious drama and all the best tropes all of them seriously if you write this book ping me I’ll read it I’m a sucker for jaded old loner adopts Naive Hopeful Hero Who Is Going To Save The World Even If It Kills Them and jaded old loner just spends the entire time going “oh no. oh no tiny child. oh gods I’m coming out of retirement aren’t I. tiny child please. please have you considered just being chill so that I don’t have to come out of retirement” and then just. the SATISFACTION. when they come in at just the right moment and the tension leading up to it when you didn’t know if they were going to or not. it’s poetry.
This can also pretty easily be done without the Seer having godlike powers, just pretty strong powers-- have them have made their life perfect, found it empty, and fallen into a depressive fugue then use the above plot for the same effect. 
5. Make Them Your Villain. The final way of dealing with making tension and having an overpowered character is, uh..... it’s only no tension when your protagonist doesn’t need to struggle to reach their goals. if the antagonist is walking down easy street that only makes things all the more stressful because how do you beat that? and that is all of the tension in your book: figuring it out.
a subgenre of this is Seer v Seer: the best possible future for one Seer is not necessarily the best possible future for another Seer, so if you have multiple Seers, Seers clashing against other Seers that have the same powers which means their powers aren’t necessarily an advantage is a shit-ton of tension. That is.... pretty much the plot of trash novel? So I’d rather not go into detail about how I personally am doing it, but anytime people who have the same abilities fight, they’re on equal ground, you don’t know who is going to win, so boom, tension.
6. Seers are illegal/ kidnapped by the government the moment they are discovered to work for the government only/ targeted for kidnapping by all sorts of powerful groups, so your Seers need to aggressively hide their powers and the more they use them to make their life perfect, the more in danger they are; even if they can use their abilities to avoid ever being captured, they will be on the run their entire lives if they get found out.
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
OPM Manga Chapter 129 Review: Turning the Tide
I intended to ruminate on this chapter for a good while before writing a review, but it’s niggling too much, so I’m pinching some time away from work to do this.  If you don’t tell my boss, we’re good!
The Story:  Before terror, even the hardest will crack
This chapter was a hoped-for, but unexpected treat as we continue where we left off in chapter 126 with Garou and Darkshine facing off.    Darkshine continues to throw powerful punches at Garou, only for the latter to evade them effortlessly while sending his own shocking blows that send Darkshine flying.
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charging at you like a freight train aimed at your solar plexus, Garou is literally breath-taking
Murata’s excellent choreography makes words nearly superfluous.  As the fear grows in Darkshine, we see his movements become increasingly less fluid and turn more into desperate defensive swings: the language turns from ‘let’s fight’  to ‘please stay away from me’.
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Nevertheless, we’re glad for the words.  They add context to Darkshine’s struggles as we learn that he’s never wanted to fight. Fighting sucks -- a real fight is uncertain in outcome and carries the real possibility of loss, serious injury or even death. He’s wanted to experience triumph through matching strength with others, a totally different beast.  When people say they want a challenge, they mean something that stretches, and almost, but not quite overwhelms them. Something that they remain in ultimate control of. That feeling of flow, of exerting oneself fully to meet a difficult situation, that’s the feeling Darkshine has been chasing.
Garou doesn’t offer a mere exhibition of strength, but a real fight, and we see the terror gradually consume Darkshine until Garou both figuratively and literally looms over him.  And then... a minor miracle occurs.
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god, this page is perfection
‘What am I doing?’  Garou is stopped by suddenly recognising the fear on Darkshine’s face, and   No one wants to see themselves as the bad guy, so this gives him pause.   Before any sense of brotherly understanding can spread, two things intervene.  First, something within Garou breaks, sending him doubling over in pain.  Second, a psychic bubble forms around Darkshine and starts to carry him away.
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at this point, I just want to give him a hug
Wait, am I not going to comment on the art?  I appreciate it, but nope!  There’s a thirst train two miles long over that way.  That’s one chilli dip buffet that doesn’t need yet another bowl of chilli dip. :D
Meta: Nothing in the webcomic is written in stone.  Thank goodness
I’ve written at tedious length on the many, many changes that exist between webcomic and manga. [Sorry not sorry, I’m going to write more.]  While the big events and where things are broadly going remain the same, what even the events that aren’t changed mean and how they hit us is something that ONE has no problem changing if he feels that they serve the story better.
The biggest single change I love is that Garou gets some self-awareness. The webcomic had denied him the slightest insight into his actions until the very end, where Saitama’s pointing out the truth of his motivations came as a shock to both ourselves and to him.  The manga has been much more expansive. It has both let us into his mind to allow us to see his thoughts, and has given him more to think about.   This is the first time Garou sees himself not as the little guy striking a blow for righteousness, but a bully of people who can’t fight back. 
Unfortunately, the processes that are at work within Garou aren’t entirely under his control: the pain he doubles over in when he shows empathy and sympathy to Darkshine is the creeping corruption of monsterisation.  He may be paler and spikier than he was, but the external changes are working their way inward. Garou may still be a nice guy at heart, but in time, the heart itself will go.
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he may be putting on an evil act now, but it won’t always be an act.  May someone save Garou while there’s still someone to save.
Even though it’s as a result of a story-exaggerated bronzer addiction, Darkshine’s changed skin colour lands very badly on Western eyes, for good reasons we won’t go into here.  But there’s more to it. Darkshine’s power echoes the webcomic’s current focus on Sweet Mask.  Just like Beauto developed his Sweet Mask transformation as a way of hiding his ugliness from the world,  Darkshine’s armour of muscle, super-hard skin, and the bronzer he paints on his skin so he shines are all protection from the fear and insecurity within him.
Thankfully, there isn’t the slightest bit of monster in Darkshine.  He has remained the kind-hearted human being he always was. From the webcomic itself, Darkshine never looked at Garou as an enemy to be killed, but rather as a boy behaving badly, someone to be chastised and taken in hand.  The manga extends this, by having Darkshine call out a warning to Garou: even in all this, he never stopped seeing Garou as a fellow human being.  You need a heart of stone not to be touched by that.
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The final change that I am super happy about is that instead of Tatsumaki mono-focussing on pulling up just the monsters so she can finish them all herself, this time she’s explicitly protecting and pulling up the heroes.  At least, we reckon she’s pulling up the ones we know about.  Whether they reach the surface with her or she has to leave them somewhere is something that remains to be seen.  She’s trying, that’s the important thing.  Along with her taking care to ensure that Tareo was safe before acting, even at the cost of being injured, the manga is treating Tatsumaki much better than the webcomic did.  Thank fuck for that. It’s no good calling a person a hero if they don’t act like one.
I’ve been glad to see the parallel threads of the two epic battles (that between Tatsumaki and Psykos/Orochi and that between Garou and Darkshine) have come to be intertwined so neatly.
As to what’s coming next, we think we know, but I don’t think we’re emotionally ready for it!  It’s bound to be both spectacular and hard-hitting.
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