#yes i drew hands i cant believe it myself either
technicangels · 2 years
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i fucking forgot to post this one. anyway bastard’s oc lambda i drew for his bday <3
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stomachflu · 4 years
Ooo, for c//ritical r//oll concept, something with sick Mollymauk? Maybe he's got a really bad stomach flu but is covering it super well with his usual showmanship. He's gotten used to taking care of himself and not showing weakness while on the road-- cant miss a performance for a lil bug. Pretends to be totally fine until he crashes, cue the rest of the m9 taking care of him? Bonus for belly rubs and drawn out nausea.
🚫don’t rb to non-sickfic/emeto/kink blogs, thanks!🚫
thank you so much for this really good prompt! i’ve been working on this for a REALLY LONG TIME but cr//itical r/-/oll has become one of my new fave interests so i enjoyed writing this a lot!
have over 5k of nausea buildup, multiple puking sessions, and caretaking!
(i only realized after writing this fic that not only does jester not have the cure illness spell, but it’s not even a spell in dnd 5e, and i’m thinking of a similar spell from my 3.5e campaign. whoops! there’s probably a lot more errors in here due to me being new to the show, so please be nice to me and ignore them! ^_^)
Molly certainly hadn't objected to taking shelter out of the storm, but the town was small, with only a few small rooms in their only inn, and not much in the way of entertainment, so by all means, he should've been more than happy to be moving on as soon as the rain passed.
The thing was, he had definitely picked up something in that weather. He'd spent most of the previous day huddled in blankets, trying to rid himself of the chills that racked his body. He was lucky that they'd had enough money for four rooms this time, luckier still that Beau and Jester were still insistent upon rooming together, and Caleb and Nott were stuck like glue, leaving him and Fjord with separate rooms. Molly had to make appearances at mealtimes, of course, but he'd put on a good show then, mustering up enough energy to entertain the room with simple tricks – disappearing coins and such.
Molly had hoped that it was just a momentary illness, that it would pass in time, but when he'd woken up burning with fever, he knew he was in it for the long haul. He felt terrible, hot and cold at the same time, aching down to his very bones. It hurt to swallow, but he needed energy if he was going to beat this, so he choked down breakfast as quickly as possible.
The sky was clear now, not a cloud in sight, and they needed to be moving on. The group didn't have time to waste on a cold – Molly was no use bedridden, and, besides, there was nothing that would cure him but time. Jester needed her spells, and it wasn't like he wouldn't have plenty of time to rest in the cart.
Once they jerked into motion, though, Molly quickly realized that he'd made a mistake. He had eaten breakfast with everyone else, and his stomach was not happy with that decision. He took deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth, trying to concentrate on something other than his suddenly-churning gut.
Probably motion sickness. Traveling had never made him ill before, but there was a first time for anything. If he had to guess, it probably had to do with how dizzy he was – having the world spin around him while he was jostled back and forth? That would make anyone queasy. What was it that people always said? Something about focusing on the horizon, but that just made him feel more queasy.
Fjord had the reigns, with Caleb keeping watch next to him, so Molly snuck a glance at the rest of the group – Nott and Beau in an animated conversation, Jester with her sketchbook – and risked placing a hand on his tender belly, rubbing it gently. He swallowed back a burp, grimacing as the pressure in his stomach only increased.
The sun was still high in the sky, and Molly needed a distraction from what was quickly becoming nausea, so he spread out his cards in front of him, shuffling through his deck.
"Ooh!" Jester exclaimed, bouncing into a sitting position across from him. "Do a reading for me, please?"
Despite himself, Molly smiled. With his view of the horizon blocked, he did feel a little better. Perhaps it was simply motion sickness after all.
"Alright, cut the deck for me – good. Now, two more times..."
Molly's momentary relief didn't last long. He did a reading for Jester, and then one for Beau. By the time Nott asked, he was certain his fever was up, sweat beading on his forehead, so he feigned exhaustion and put the cards away.
His stomach hurt. It was an on-and-off kind of pain, the cramps coming in intervals, leaving him shivering with chills each time. Maybe it's simply hunger, Molly thought, fishing out some strips of dried jerky out of his bag and gnawing on them absently. At any rate, he needed to eat to get over this illness, but putting food in his mouth, but swallowing it down just made him more nauseous.
He needed to throw up.
The thought struck Molly at the same. time that a wave of nausea washed over him, and he swallowed hard. Not right now, not this moment, but at some point in the near future, he was going to vomit.
The cart pulled off to the side of the road, jostling Molly's sick stomach and forcing a soft burp up his throat.
"Alright," Fjord said, hopping down from his position at the reins. "Short break to feed and water the horses, but 's about all I got in me. Anyone else wanna drive?" A beat in which nobody else answered, and he repeated, "Anyone...?"
"Fuck it, fine, I'll do it," Beau grumbled.
"If we are to be switching positions, is there anyone else who would like to take watch?" Caleb asked.
Molly slowly slid out of the cart, his hot, aching joints protesting every movement.
"I volunteer," he said. Maybe the fresh air would help. Already, he felt a bit better, standing in the open air like this.
That was settled, then. Fjord and Nott went about taking care of the horses, and the others took their time walking about, stretching or disappearing into the woods bordering either side of the road to relieve themselves.
Molly was glad for the thick cover of trees – the second he was out of sight of the cart, he clutched his belly with both hands, bending over at the waist. The pressure helped, but his stomach was still churning. He felt awful, knew that he needed to throw up now if he was going to keep up appearances.
Molly traipsed a little further into the underbrush, determined to keep out of earshot of the others, and... waited. He was nauseous, yes, but not nearly to the degree that he had been when he was sitting in the back of the cart.
Come on, puke already, he thought. Absentmindedly, he reached underneath his shirt to rub his stomach, the taut skin hot with fever under his palm. Almost immediately, a gurgling burp shot up his throat, and he leaned forward expectantly.
Saliva flooded into his mouth, and Molly spit onto the dirt, throat tightening in a gag. A sick belch brought up a thin mouthful of foamy bile, and he retched again and again as the liquid pattered onto the dirt.
He didn't bring anything else up, though he remained bent over at the waist. Molly knew he couldn't stay here forever – he was already pushing the limits of what the others would believe, had his excuse of needing privacy to relieve himself been true. Anyways, his stomach felt... not good, not even better, but he wasn't on the verge of puking anymore. Maybe he could make it 'till nightfall.
As he traipsed back towards the cart, he suddenly realized why nobody had gone looking for him, why his absence had gone unnoticed. Standing in a circle around Fjord and Nott were a group of bandits, weapons drawn. Molly was too far away to tell, but by their gestures, he would have bet that they were demanding the cart, and everything on it.
Sighing, he drew his swords. It was going to be a long day.
They made quick work of the bandits, dispatching their leader and sending the others running into the woods, pursued by a few of Nott's arrows. It had been a good thing that Molly hadn't asked Jester for a healing spell earlier, though, because Fjord had taken a heavy blow to the chest, and Jester used almost all of her spell slots healing him.
And so they were back on their way, with Molly perched at the front of the cart, acting as lookout. The crisp air was helping a bit – he felt less foggy, like his head wasn't quite so stuffed with cotton. His stomach, however...
Right on cue, his stomach gurgled, and Molly winced, pressing a hand to his midsection. He could feel it bubbling under his skin, everything he'd eaten churning around in there.
Oh. Oh no. A cold sweat washed over his body, and Molly swallowed back the taste of bile.
"Beau?" he asked, swallowing back a belch.
"Yeah?" She wasn't even looking at him, so he allowed himself to press three fingers to his mouth, muffling another queasy burp.
"Would you mind stopping for a moment? I need to, ah – you know, relieve myself."
"Again? We just fucking stopped," Beau grumbled, but she dutifully pulled the horses over to the side of the road anyways, and Molly gratefully slid off of the cart, walking into the treeline as fast as his queasy belly would allow him.
He was gagging before he even came to a stop, a thin trickle of vomit splashing onto the leaves at his feet. He belched up a thick mouthful of undigested food, and then he couldn't stop burping, the sight of his pale vomit on the dark leaves making him more and more nauseous.
Calm down, Molly willed his stomach. He needed to stop puking, he needed to get his churning guts under control and –
Another sickly gag, and Molly managed a mouthful of watery puke. He hovered there for almost a full minute, mouth slightly open, too queasy to even wipe away the thick ropes of saliva trickling from his lips to the ground.
Was that it? He didn't feel done. If anything, his stomach was more bloated than ever, and he didn't feel any less nauseous, but, yet again, he couldn't stay here.
"Done?" Beau asked, hopping back up onto the cart as he approached. Molly took a more careful method, gingerly leveraging himself up so that he wouldn't have to bend over, keeping one hand under the small bloat of his gurgling stomach. It didn't do much, but the illusion of supporting his belly, keeping it from being jostled – it almost convinced him to feel less queasy.
"My apologies," he said simply, muffling a nauseous burp into his fist.
Beau looked at him strangely but only shook her head, taking the reins in hand. "Let's get this show on the fuckin' road!"
He had made a mistake. Molly knew this from the moment the cart jolted to life. Not only was he not done being sick, but the motion was too much to handle. A gag rose up in his throat, and he risked the motion of pressing the back of his hand to his lips as he rode it out. His mouth filled with vomit, and he swallowed it back with effort, and then kept swallowing, throat hitching in an attempt to heave.
Molly sat as still as possible, arms wrapped around his stomach, not even trusting himself to raise his head. The cart hit a particularly bad dip in the road, and his tongue arched in a gag, and he could taste bile on his tongue, and –
"Shit, Beau, pull over," he managed tightly, his throat closing in on a gag. She protested, probably about to make a terrible joke, and then he retched, and she looked over at him in alarm.
She'd yanked the horses over to the side of the road, but he was vomiting over the side of cart before it even came to a stop. He tried to climb down, but it was more of an undignified scramble as he gagged again, adding to the puddle in the grass.
By this point, the others had taken notice, and he was surrounded by a blurry semicircle of his friends as he fell to a crouching position, gagging again and again until he belched up a torrent of puke that splashed everywhere.
He was crying, Molly realized. His face was a mess of tears and snot, thick ropes of spit dangling from his mouth. It felt as if the nausea was never going to go away. He remained there on his hands and knees, panting and belching for what felt like an eternity, until he felt strong arms under his that pulled him to his feet.
Fjord had pulled him up, and was still supporting most of Molly's weight as Jester bounced into his hazy field of view.
"You're sick! Why didn't you tell us?" she demanded, pressing a hand to his forehead. He tried to answer, but couldn't open his mouth for fear of gagging. "Oh, Mol-ly," Jester said in her lilting accent, voice light and almost... teasing? "You have a fever."
"I know that," he managed. "You n – urrp!" He burped into his fist, trying to fight back the wave of nausea that was coming on strongly now. "You need your spells."
"Well, I have one left, so you should have told me," Jester said, voice still light as she fished the Traveler's symbol out from her cloak and pressed it to his belly. "I am going to cast Cure Illness and then you are going to feel better, all right?"
Molly nodded, and the symbol began to glow as Jester concentrated. All at once, a feeling of wrongness washed over him, the nausea surging back tenfold, and he pitched over and vomited on Jester's shoes.
"I really do apologize," Molly said miserably for what might have been the tenth time. "I wasn't aiming for you at all."
"My shoes can be cleaned!" Jester said brightly, crouching barefoot in the grass next to him. "You really do need to keep drinking, though."
After Jester's spell had failed and his stomach had calmed somewhat, they'd half-dragged, half-carried him a good bit away from the puddle he'd left on the ground. Fjord had handed him a handkerchief to wipe his mouth with ("Please, keep it.") and Caleb had fished a handful of dry, bland crackers out of his pocket, instructing Molly that he needed to both drink to avoid dehydration, and fill his stomach with something inoffensive if he could.
More like something stale, Molly thought, nibbling on the edge of a cracker. Thinking about how long they'd been in Caleb's pockets made his gorge rise, but before he could ruminate on the thought for too long and make himself sick, Beau walked over from where she'd been huddled with Caleb, Fjord, and Nott.
"Alright, here's the plan," she announced, map in hand. "We obviously can't camp here, so we're gonna get'cha back in the cart and find somewhere where we can settle down for the night, take it nice and slow. There're some towns we could make it to before sundown, but we'd have to go at a pretty fast clip, and I really do not want you puking over all of my things."
"That is very agreeable to me," Molly said, placing a hand on his sour stomach. At Jester's urging, he ate a few more of the crackers and drank deeply from the waterskin as everyone else worked out the logistics of their new plan.
A wave of dizziness washed over him, followed by a chill traveling down his spine, and Molly put his head between his knees, breathing deeply. He could do this. Now that he'd vomited, he would feel better any minute now –
"Molly? Do you think you can stand on your own, or should I be helping you?" Jester asked.
"Thanks for the offer, but I can stand," he said, pulling himself to his feet. His belly felt awful, all the water he'd drank churning in a way that really didn't feel good. He could actually hear his guts sloshing as he heaved himself back up onto the cart.
Jester frowned as he put a hand on the bloat of his still-tender stomach. "Are you feeling bad again? Do you need to vomit?"
"Yes, and maybe," Molly said, swallowing thickly. "Not right now. Probably soon."
"Get him set up in the back of the cart," Beau suggested dryly. "If he's gotta puke, he can do it over the edge. If we stay here any longer, it’s gonna get dark."
"That's a good idea!" Jester exclaimed. As Molly shivered with fever, she collected his blankets and bedroll, setting them in the back of the cart, close enough that he would only need to turn his head to vomit over the side. He gratefully settled into the little nest she'd built for him, arms wrapped around his protesting stomach now that he didn't have to hide his illness. Jester sat next to him, humming as she pulled out her sketchbook.
The cart jolted back to life, and Molly swallowed back a sour belch. His stomach was cramping again, and he screwed his eyes shut, tongue rising in a silent gag. He slipped his hand under his shirt to rub his stomach, only to feel a small hand on his wrist.
"Oh! This looks very painful," Jester said, scooting closer to place her hand on the swell of his stomach. "Does it hurt to touch?"
Molly shook his head. "Just hurts in general. Cramps, I'm..." He trailed off as the cart hit a pothole on the road, causing him to burp lightly into his fist. "I'm feeling a bit queasy right now, to be honest."
"Would it help if I rubbed your stomach?" Jester asked, already untucking the loose fabric of his shirt from his pants and rucking it up to his chest.
"Normally, I'd ask you to buy me dinner first, but..." The suggestive joke was lost as Jester poked experimentally at his stomach. Even if he'd wanted to, Molly couldn't fake being healthy now with his flushed, swollen belly on display, gurgling and churning audibly. Her touch ushered up a soft burp, and he blushed a bit, uncomfortable with the sheer amount of sickness, of vulnerability he was showing.
"Did that feel good? I bet it did!" Jester said, continuing to gently skim her hand over his stomach.
He had to give it to her, Jester was good with her hands. She rubbed his stomach in widening circles, slowly increasing the pressure as she went, switching to kneading the sides of his bloated belly every so often, pressing in with her thumbs as she did so. It seemed as if she knew just when to push in deeply, releasing a pocket of air that had been trapped, finally letting him burp it up.
As they bounced around, Molly's burps became more frequent and more queasy. At some point, he had to ask Jester to stop so he could fish out Fjord's handkerchief, and he pressed that against his mouth now, muffling increasingly wet belches.
"I hate to ask, but –" He gagged, mouth closed. "Jes, do you have any healing spells left?"
Molly's stomach gave a particularly loud gurgle, and Jester pressed in hard, dragging her hand along where it was bubbling the most. "I'm sorry, that was my last one! I won't have any more until tomorrow".
"Okay," he choked out, fighting back another gag. "I'm going to vomit again."
He turned his head and did just that, retching harshly over the side of the cart. A series of burps brought up small mouthfuls of water and undigested crackers. He gagged and belched over and over, only aware of the sensation of Jester's cool hands on his stomach, soothing away cramps and then pressing in each time he heaved.
The next thing he knew, Beau was supporting his back, trying to get him to sit up, and Jester was wiping his face with a cool rag. "Not done –" he tried to croak, but retched dryly before he could even finish the sentence.
"It's okay, go ahead and puke!" Jester said brightly, folding the cloth and cupping it under his mouth.
Molly shook his head, lips pressed tightly shut. He was gonna make a mess, he needed to turn back over the side – but Jester held his chin steadily, keeping his head over her cupped hands, and he retched again and again, bringing up more than a mouthful of stringy bile that was easily absorbed by the cloth.
"Think you're empty, dude," Beau said after a few minutes of fruitless gagging. Molly shook his head, one hand pressed to his aching chest. "Look, okay, I'm gonna teach you some monk shit, right?"
"'Kay," Molly managed, immediately choking on a retch.
"This breathing shit, it's supposed to keep you centered, or something like that? I dunno. Anyways. You're gonna breathe in through your nose for eight counts –" She counted him up, and Molly shakily inhaled, fighting back gags all the while. "–And then out through your mouth for another eight."
On five, Molly gagged, slapping his hand across his mouth even though he knew he had nothing left to lose.
"You gotta keep doing it, okay? Don't stop fucking breathing. It helps me when I'm motion sick; you'll feel better soon."
He hoped so. Molly leaned back, listening to the quiet count of eight-seven-six-five-four... He breathed in. He breathed out.
By nightfall, they'd found a small clearing with enough room to pull over the cart and horses and lay out bedrolls. Molly mostly dozed through the process, lying in his nest of blankets in the back of the cart, watching proceedings through half-lidded eyes.
"Molly should be nearest to the fire!" Jester insisted. "Look at him, he's shaking!"
"Don't think that you're supposed to let someone with a fever get any hotter," Fjord drawled. "Maybe we oughta help him cool down first."
The cart rocked a bit as Beau clambered up, sitting cross-legged next to Molly. "Hey," she said. "I'm supposed to make sure that you're drinking water. Are you?"
Molly made a face. He'd been trying to, really, but it just didn't feel good.
"Shit," Beau said. "You gonna puke again?"
"No, it's more like..." He grimaced again, waving a hand in the general direction of his stomach. "Cramps. Hurts."
"Puking all day really took it out of you, huh?"
Molly nodded. His stomach muscles were just sore. Even sitting up hurt; he really didn't want to have to puke again. Just for Beau, he took a small sip of water.
"Excuse me," Caleb said, appearing on Molly's right like a ghost. "I could not help but overhear you say that you were experiencing, ah..." He tried a few words in Zemnian before landing on, "Pain, soreness, in the stomach?"
"Yeah," Beau said, and Molly flashed her a grateful smile. His throat was raw from stomach bile, and talking hurt. "Probably from puking too much. Y'know, if you keep that up, I bet you could get a fucking amazing set of abs," she said, elbowing Molly.
"What makes you think mine aren't already stunning?" he retorted.
"I do not think Molly wishes to repeat such... an intense performance," Caleb said, already flipping through one of his books. "Can I have... yes, that, give me that."
Beau tossed him one of the blankets that had been cast aside, and Caleb caught it in one hand, deftly folding it into a compact square and working some sort of magic on it, something that made both his hands and the blanket glow.
"Here," he said at last. "It is enchanted to stay warm for at least a few hours. Not as good as a heating pack, but, under these circumstances..."
"Thank you, Caleb," Molly rasped, nodding his head in gratitude. The folded blanket was warm to the touch, and he peeled off the other blankets to set it on his stomach, the tension instantly draining out of him as warmth spread through his body. The effect was like taking a hot bath after an intense fight – not completely relieving his aches and pains, but making them much more bearable.
Eventually, Molly was able to stand as Beau and Jester moved his bedroll over to the fire, but he gratefully sank back into the blankets as soon as possible. Even with his makeshift heating pad, he was left trembling with both cold and exhaustion, his energy sapped by just a few simple movements.
"You need to eat, Molly!" Jester exclaimed. "It will make you stronger, you know?"
"I'm good, thanks," Molly said, and then, at her intensifying glare, added, "Really, I don't think it's a good idea."
"Well, Fjord is making soup, so! You should eat it anyways."
"'S less of a soup and more of... I dunno. Leftover meat in water?"
"Hot water," Molly said. He was feeling well enough to joke with the others, at least.
He thought to close his eyes and get some rest, but an insistent poking at his shoulder startled Molly out of any chance at sleep, and he turned his head to see Nott crouched next to him, holding a vial in one green hand.
"Here!" she said, pushing the vial into his own hand and closing his fingers around it when he just stared. "You have to drink it!"
"What is this?" Molly asked, holding the vial up to the light. The glass was dirty, nearly opaque, but the liquid inside seemed to be thick and viscous, a texture that made his gorge rise. "Medicine?"
"Yes! Sort of! It will help settle your stomach, make it hurt less. Probably!"
"Nott," Molly said slowly, "did you make this yourself?" She had the chemistry kit, yes, but from the amount of times he had seen her make acid with it, he didn't want to drink anything that came from one of her vials.
"Yeees," she said slowly, stretching the word out. "But it works!" At Molly's doubtful look, she added, "I drank it before, several times! When I had too much to drink, or when I was hungover, or..."
"All right, I get it, thank you," Molly said. "I appreciate the thought."
He uncorked the vial and peered inside. The liquid was a muddy brown, and grit rose to the top as he swirled it. Well, what did he have to lose, besides his lunch? He tipped the contents into his mouth, gagging on the texture but forcing it down in one swallow. The aftertaste was absolutely vile, and he lurched forward, clapping a hand against his mouth as his stomach threatened to revolt.
"You gotta keep it down!" Nott exclaimed. "Otherwise, it doesn't work."
Molly hummed, rocking back and forth as he tried to swallow back the bile that was creeping up his throat. A muffled gag sent the potion flooding into his mouth, filling his cheeks out, and if was only by sheer willpower that he swallowed it down again.
"Ugh," Molly said when the nausea had passed. "You have a stronger stomach than I do, my friend."
Nott beamed at him with a mouthful of sharp teeth, and Molly found the strength to laugh.
After another few minutes of quiet chatter, it became evident that the potion had worked, at least in some capacity. Molly's stomach felt more sure, like that tight queasiness had abated somewhat, and he was able to entertain the thought of food without gagging. Maybe he really was on the mend.
"You know what?" he asked. "Maybe I'll try some of that soup after all."
Molly woke up shaking, drenched in sweat, and with a growing sense of queasiness in his belly. He tried to ignore the latter – he had been feeling a bit better, just weak, and he didn't want to get up – but the churning and bubbling under his hand wasn't going away, and he didn't enjoy the thought of soiling the campgrounds.
With a muffled groan, he rolled over, his stomach protesting every move as he stood. It was bloated again, he noticed, far more than last time. Clearly, the soup he'd eaten wasn't sitting well at all.
"You are awake," Caleb observed from his post as watchman. "What are you doing?"
"Need some privacy," Molly said quietly, giving him a small half-smile. He didn't want to wake anyone else, didn't want the attention –
"Are you going to vomit?"
"That too," he muttered.
"I will come with you," Caleb announced. "You are ill, and I would feel – badly, if anything happened to you."
"You don't have to," Molly said, pressing his hand against his sour stomach. His nausea was mounting quickly, a sure sign that he needed to leave before he redecorated the campsite. "You're on watch duty, besides."
"I have this." Caleb gestured to the silver thread wound 'round the perimeter. "I will know if anything happens while we are gone."
"As you wish." Molly pressed the back of his hand to his mouth, burping quietly. He traipsed into the woods yet again, Caleb at his heels. When the dying light of the campfire was no longer visible, he allowed himself to stop, stretching out one arm to lean on a nearby tree and breathing heavily.
Sweat beaded on his forehead, and he focused on breathing in through his nose, out through his mouth. Beau's exercises didn't make him any less nauseous, but his heart wasn't beating quite so fast, and it helped him breathe through some of the worst cramps.
"Are you still going to vomit?" Molly jumped, nearly forgetting that Caleb was with him. The other man stood a few feet away, head tilted curiously to the side. "I thought you said you were nauseous."
"I will, eventually." Another cramp seized his middle, and Molly winced, bending forward and clamping his hand down on his stomach. The movement jarred a long, deep belch up his throat, and he stayed there for a moment, the taste of acid on the back of his tongue. "It's coming up, just – I'm waiting."
"I see."
Saliva was beginning to collect in Molly's mouth, and he parted his lips, allowed it to fall to the forest floor. No point in holding it back now. "You should head back now, if you don't want to be disgusted. It's not – uuuurp–gh!" A deep, rumbling burp turned into a gag, and Molly clapped his hand against his mouth as he spoke, voice muffled by his fingers. "It's not pretty."
"I am not disgusted," Caleb said, his clipped accent making the words sharper, somehow. "It is merely a function of the body, no more or no less. You are ill, ja? Let your body do what it needs to."
"Mmm." Molly gagged audibly, spitting a glob of thick saliva onto the ground. He felt awful, sick and dizzy again, wanting nothing more than to get this over with.
"Beau said earlier that rubbing your stomach helped, yes? Would you like me to... shall we say, get things started for you?"
"Please," Molly practically begged, shaking with nausea. Caleb silently walked behind him, wrapping his arms around Molly, fingers resting on the base of his stomach. "I can't believe you're not absolutely grossed out by this."
"Like I said, I would like to be of help."
Unlike Jester, Caleb's hands were warm, almost hot to the touch, and Molly wondered if he was doing that with magic. He didn't waste any time, just waited until Molly's stomach cramped and then pushed in, hard.
Molly immediately belched up a hot torrent of vomit, the soup he'd consumed earlier splattering at his feet in a foamy mess. Caleb didn't let up, keeping up a steady pattern of squeezing and then letting go, ushering up wet burps alternating with splashes of thick vomit. Nott's potion, he recognized with disgust. It tasted even worse coming up.
When he was belching emptily, Caleb released his stomach, turning Molly to face him.
"Are you feeling any better?"
"I'm – urp! – waiting on the next round," Molly said. Caleb held out a waterskin, and Molly shook his head queasily.
"You know, vomiting on an empty stomach is never much fun," Caleb insisted quietly.
Molly got a few swallows down before he gagged directly into the waterskin, spraying watery puke onto his hand and arm and down his chest, soaking his nightshirt. He choked on it, coughing and spitting out mouthfuls of water and bile, gulping down gags and trying his best to catch his breath.
When the coughing fit stopped, though, his stomach had stopped churning. The cooling vomit on his shirt and beads of sweat on his forehead let him know that his fever had broken, too.
"That was absolutely vile, but I feel – better," he said under Caleb's questioning gaze. "I didn't catch you in any of that, did I?"
"Oh!" Caleb said, as if he had never even considered the possibility. "No, I believe that my clothing is... unscathed, for now. Are you finished?"
Molly wiped his mouth on his sleeve, making a face. "For now. I'll probably have to puke again later, but I don't enjoy the idea of sitting out here and waiting for it."
"If it would help," Caleb offered, "you might sit with me while you wait for your stomach to settle."
Molly smiled, despite himself. "I just might take you up on that, my friend."
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-08-23
More homestuuuuuck
I’m a little tired today so I don’t expect much intelligent analysis out of myself, but if anything classpecty happens I doubt I’ll be able to help myself regardless.
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oh, always
(EDITS: added note on horn colors, link to ask on potential Blood powers reference)
> CHAPTER 12. Really Convoluted Metaphorical Horseshit
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In the bowels of a different ship, at a moment in time that is not pinpointable in either direction from the previous interaction, another Dave raps quietly to himself.
another dave raps quietly to himself.  i am glad that phrase exists it brings me joy
(LATER EDIT: A friend on Discord pointed out that throughout this entire update, Karkat's horns are #FF0000 red. They were normal candy-corn colors in previous glimpses at the ship crew, though they used a dark single-color shortcut typical of old Homestuck at one point... but THIS time it stays STARK red even when we zoom in close later. Is this just artistic liberty? Did Karkat color his horns for fashion? Does this happen to red-bloods like the Sufferer after a certain age? Just how much time has actually passed, here? We might have to wait for the commentary for this one.)
Karkat really has chilled out hasnt he?  like this is surprisingly level for him, and that fact is hilarious.
oh gosh that’s why he’s rapping
> ==>
DAVE: kanaya was telling me this kids story the other day about this dude who didnt cherish a flower enough until it peaced out to do flower stuff idk its not pertinent to the story DAVE: except the flower was a person DAVE: because it was a metaphor
Oh right, coming back to the Little Prince stuff I was too lazy to metaphor-deep-dive into, and literally asking the same questions we were asking about who the Little Prince’s story applies to mapped here if anyone at all, like Dirk and such, or what biases were in the retelling of it and the way Kanaya phrased it.  So now we’re practically mocking it by deep diving it here, hence the last page’s “DAVE: i was just thinking through some really convoluted metaphorical horseshit”, which means we’re both about to further explore AND shit all over the existence of this story metaphor until it doesn’t mean anything and most of the meaning we drew from it earlier is made a joke~
well, not “we”, cause I was too lazy, so... y’all
DAVE: anyway what goes down in the story is that once the flower lady is out of the picture DAVE: the main character goes around making all these connections between her and everything else in the universe until every damn thing feels like a symbol for how much he fucked up and how much he will never see her again KARKAT: THIS SEEMS PRETTY FUCKING INTENSE FOR A KID'S STORY DAVE: yea thats pretty much what i said
Oh holy shit.  That’s yet another way to put it.  Are we doing a whole moral takedown of the Light aspect today?  cause it sounds like we’re taking a dump on the Light aspect and RoboRose getting too obsessed and immersed in it, which would be excellent
DAVE: but i guess its not so much what the story was technically textually about but more like the version of it kanaya internalized and then told me when we were talkin about how she misses rose
DAVE: so like now im taking the story she told me she was projecting her feelings onto and projecting my feelings on top of that
yes absolutely, you just rephrased it a different way with that exact same bias
DAVE: this is just one big game of emotional projection telephone so feel free to go paraphrase it to roxy later and make it about whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing
perfect. i need an emoji for that Italian thing for when you pinch your thumb and forefinger together and kiss it
ah this’ll do:
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its like the expression “choice” but in nonverbal form
[...] whatever fuckin thing youre currently missing KARKAT: YOUR ABILITY TO GET TO THE POINT DAVE: gotem DAVE: anyway you’re not gonna have to miss that skill of mine for long DAVE: get ready for this shit because i am about to slap you with the point so hard youll fall ass first into the washer DAVE: just scrambling around in there getting all sudsy DAVE: but your brain is gonna be so blasted from the mindfreak of a point im about to make that there wont be anything left to clean
Anytime dave is told to get to the point he is contractually obligated to spend at least 20 seconds talking about how he’ll get to the point in a way that is not getting to the point
DAVE: so its genuinely cool that kanaya can go around creating meaning that may or may not be actually present in every little thing DAVE: connecting every feeling she has to the idea of her wife existing out there DAVE: so i told her she should keep that shit up DAVE: but im having the opposite issue where im struggling to find anything to be that kind of tether because every single thing i could possibly consider about what it is were doing just reminds me of yet another thing to be afraid about
Great examples of Light being good and bad!  Attaching strands of connective meaning to everything.  --though, in Dave’s case AND Kanaya’s case you could argue it’s both bad in terms of effects.  That it’s great for Kanaya to care, but that she should be able to divest herself and live on her own terms without idealizing Rose literally everywhere she looks, personal growth which would be useful in helping bring Rose back to her in the first place.  The struggle they’re looking forward to is largely philosophical, not just physical, and until Rosebot acknowledges that she was wrong it’s not over.
DAVE: everything fuckin sucks huge cosmic donkey sack and im terrified KARKAT: OK, SO I FEEL LIKE YOU SKIPPED A COUPLE NECESSARY STEPS IN YOUR POINT CLARIFICATION PROCESS.
Pretty sure Dave was on the same page as most Epilogue and start-of-HS2 readers.  This situation is pretty bleak to dump our heroes into, no matter how much we believe will be resolved in the long run.
DAVE: ok but were you going with sweet or savory please give me that much at least KARKAT: YEAH IT WAS GOING TO BE SUNDAE-BASED. DAVE: nice KARKAT: YEAH. KARKAT: DO YOU WANNA WATCH MORE GBBO AFTER THIS? DAVE: absolutely
--ah, Great British Bake-Off, can’t say I’ve indulged
do they still have that?? did they save it from old Earth?  or did they go where unflooded Britain used to be and say hey, new show reboot
That last line is like, exactly as fucking sweet and awesome as we imagined their relationship to be.  :)
> ==>
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DAVE: ok yeah this is a better position to unleash all my inner fears n anxieties from
DAVE: those times its like my mouth was saying words about the situation wherein our friends are AWOL and maybe dead but my brain wasnt fully letting me experience the emotion that goes along with them DAVE: man its like i cant even start genuinely thinking about how afraid i actually am for rose and john without my brain flippin its wad and whiting out DAVE: like haha fuck i hope theyre ok DAVE: now i better make a fuckin joke before i succumb to the gaping mouth of despair waiting for me to fall in it as soon as i look down and acknowledge that its there ogling how juicy my ass looks as it trembles with terror
I really hope that the writers of HS2 know full well that this feeling? the one Dave is describing here? is what many of us who got way overinvested in the well-being of Homestuck’s surviving characters felt reading the Epilogues and Homestuck^2.  So I really hope they’re working through it in a way that will result in a preponderance of GOOD THINGS happening and hope-filled situations.  Cause that “can’t even think about X” feeling is too familiar, and if they understand it as well as it LOOKS like they’re getting to, I’d really like them to give us a helping hand healing.
I think that’s what they’re going for?  Seems hopeful for me to think so, but they HAVE been doing better as HS2 has been going forward, from an emotional standpoint anyway; definitely better than the Epilogues.  And I’ve worked through some of that stuff with the help of that, because it’s MUCH easier nowadays to think about Homestuck without my gut clenching.
DAVE: i guess im just fucked up about how to worry about dirk and be angry at him at the same time DAVE: because if i get as unholy pissed at him as i sometimes wanna be i also gotta admit to myself that maybe i coulda done something different there
Mhmm, Karkat’s potentially a pretty good person to speak with here since he’s done so much work trying not to feel responsible for everything that’s ever gone wrong.
DAVE: also like DAVE: and this by the way adds a whole other layer of guilt on there that i dont really know how to fuckin reckon with but DAVE: even with all the shit hes pulled and the fact that we are more or less heading toward having to take him down DAVE: whatever that is gonna mean and whether or not he planned it like that DAVE: i just DAVE: me and him had come so far with each other and it was really cool for a while to have him and i DAVE: ugh DAVE: i dont WANT to hate him
Yeah, Dirk and Jane’s heel-turns were really shitty for anyone who was a fan of them in the fanbase, as well.
That is an adorably real boyfriend-laying-in-boyfriend’s-lap thing to do
DAVE: the part i mentioned before about how we really have no goddamn clue how long this trip is even gonna take DAVE: i cant help but feel like its barely getting revved up DAVE: and for me and roxy and jade and callie and kan thats normal shit at best and boring at worst but we all have our immortality to thank for that DAVE: we can just dick around in space for near-eternity waiting to catch up to our friends who may or may not be our enemies now and itll be fine DAVE: i mean no itll be categorically miserable DAVE: but well survive it KARKAT: HOLD THE FUCK ON. DAVE: but you KARKAT: DAVE. DAVE: no lemme say this
Oh god damnit.  Karkat’s limited lifespan.  As if we hadn’t ALREADY covered a nauseatingly extensive gamut of disheartening topics of conversation.  We really have to confront every shred of misery in their past, present and future one after the other after the other in the Epilogues and HS2, don’t we?  >:(
I guess it had to be discussed, though.
DAVE: we dont talk about it much and i got shit to say about it DAVE: its not like i never thought about how youre mortal before but i just thought wed be able to figure it out before it mattered DAVE: come up with some kind of plan DAVE: i was just distracted being happy with you i fucking guess and so i didnt think up a way to fix it DAVE: and now thanks to dirk we have to work it out right the fuck now DAVE: because i cant spend this trip just sitting around watching you get old and die
Jesus.  I mean, WE know(?) that it’s not gonna be THAT many years, but THEY don’t know that.
Unless it really IS going to be that many years and HS2 is going to shamelessly take a fucking sledgehammer to our feelings for no goddamn good reason.  Which it won’t!  Right???  >:T
> ==>
Dishwasher ding
> Dave: Grapple with the clean, soggy consequences of the passage of time.
Hey, don’t make it a metaphor here. --though, fuck.  I suppose we are dealing with everyones dirty laundry.  God damnit.  SURE, deal with it all story but then GET IT OUT OF THE WAY AND PUT SOME SERIOUS FUN AND LAUGHS IN HERE so we don’t feel like we’re wading through an entire garbage dump!!!  *click*
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Karkat’s eyebrows-only mouthless frown is really cute.
> ==>
okay Karkat explain the nope you’re lodging
> ==>
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DAVE: ok go on
I mean I at least appreciate the time investment in adorable boyfriends.  That’s definitely something of SOME good value they’re giving us in exchange for this misery
> ==>
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That Karkat image makes me wanna do that red-shaky-gif-thing with it
Yes, and you’ll possibly convince him more of that over time, though not in this short conversation
And with that darkly angry expression too, that’s PERFECT
I mean it’s true.  What exactly would they be doing DIFFERENTLY on Earth C other than enjoying each other like this?  It’s pretty fucking great.
...hm.  Isn’t this journey-not-the-destination stuff pretty Breathy?  Karkat’s proving more balanced by the moment.
Pff.  He feels guilty for ENJOYING IT so much.  <3
I’m glad Karkat knows that DAVE knows somewhere in him that it’s more than that, because yeah, if Karkat thought he DIDN’T know that at some level that’d be a reason to take MUCH MORE SERIOUS offense.
Hah!!!  Point taken.  Karkat must view Dave as practically more fragile than HIM.
Okay, this is great and wholesome.  I am now retroactively GLAD that this topic got brought up.  :)
> ==>
Dave is still afraid. There is a part of him that will always be, he thinks. He has accepted this about himself. There is another feeling coursing through him too, though. It’s something he's felt before, though never quite so intensely. He looks up at Karkat and understands, viscerally, the simple power his words have. They pump through Dave’s own body, alive and warm and true.
He wonders if Karkat realizes it, or if he’s just, as always, saying what he feels as he feels it. Dave doesn’t attempt to dissect it further. There will be time for that later.
Every really loving moment like this is sort of undercut by the fact that it’s also, in some senses, part of alt!Calliope’s narration and, by extension, her fanfiction.
EDIT 2: There's also either a hint to potential Blood powers or even an explicit Blood power use here that I didn't recognize. I'm leaning towards it's-laying-the-groundwork-for-future-use-of-Blood-powers-but-isnt-magical-in-this-case.
> ==>
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That was nice.  Still gonna wait on doing any commentary til next time or a Bonus update or two, cause I’m beat.  See y’all next time!
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griefstage6 · 4 years
Stage 1 (My story)
The first stage is Denial, when You first hear about someone you love dying its unbelievable, you cant exactly believe what they say because how can it be true. I have never felt this kind of grief, I loved my grandparents but when they died I was sad yes very much so, but when it was my dad, it was different, it was painful. 
That morning I felt something was off, something made my body uncomfortable, but I didn’t know what. My younger sister had texted me and told me that something was wrong with dad, our step mom had told our older sister that she had to leave because dad was in the hospital. I told my sister not to worry because it would be okay, this hadn’t been the first time our dad had been in the hospital, and I believed it wouldn’t be his last. I went to school with the same bad feeling and in the middle of my first class I was told I was going home. I got to the front office and my mom rushed me to the car and said we had to leave now and go to Florida. 
We lived in Virginia at the time. Before we got on the road we had to stop by our house to get clothes and by the bank to take out a loan. We didn’t make it two minutes after we left our house to get to the bank when I got a call from my older sister. When I saw it my stomach dropped and I answered hastily. She was crying and I could hear my step mom screaming in the background, she said. “I wanted to be the one to tell you because you need to hear it from me but, dad died.” 
I never know what people meant when they said that the world quieted and they could only hear the ringing of silence. But in that moment I understood. My mom was asking me what she said over and over but I couldn’t hear her, hell I couldn’t even talk. I handed my phone to my mom and she talked to my sister. The world became a little more grey as I looked out the window. 
My mom ended the call and looked at me, “are you okay?” she asked. She placed her hand on my leg and rubbed it in what she believed to be a comforting way. When I am in pain I don’t like to be touched, it just makes me angry, I didn’t know that meant emotional pain too. But I just stayed quiet.
We pulled up to the bank and she stared at me for a moment, “I’ll be right back” She left the car and went inside. Once I couldn’t see her I don’t know what happened but I just snapped, I screamed as loud as I could tears poured from my eyes and my body was shaking. I hit the dashboard so many times while yelling “why! its not true, she’s a liar he isn’t dead he promised!” 
When I was younger my dad made me a promise. He said “I’m gonna live till I’m fifty.” morbid thing to say to your daughter right. He died two weeks before he turned forty. When mom came back to the car she saw me weeping and she thought in that moment to say the wrong thing. See my mother is a self centered person, she believes that she has this power and that she was a god in a past life. She can believe what she wants I have no qualms, but she pushes her believes onto me. And I hate it. 
She said “I’m sorry this happened honey, it’s my fault for letting him go, he was a piece of my soul and he died because I let him go, it should have been me.” Usually I let her spout whatever nonsense she wants because I wanted her to love me. (That’s a story for later) But I drew the line here, I loved my father more than life itself. I looked at her with fury and said “This isn’t about you and why would you even say that, I wouldn’t want to lose either of my parents, dad’s death has nothing to do with you so don’t make this about you!” Mind you I now had a 9 hour road trip with this woman. 
She wasn’t mad at me, she was taken aback. She rubbed my back and said she was sorry and we started driving. She put on pandora and played a usually upbeat station. I cant remember much of the road trip, I remember that it rained heavily, And that I cried a lot. I would stop for a few minute’s but then cry more. After about two hours songs that I would listen to my dad with came on And I quietly sung along while crying heavily. But then Never say never by the fray (or frey I cant remember) came on and I lost it and started bawling again while trying to sing it, I listened to myself and realized I never sounded more broken.
Memories I made with my father played through my head and I leaned against the window watching the scenery pass by. I remember mom stopping to get food but I didn’t get anything except a water, I couldn’t eat. 
When we got to Florida we went to my dads house instead of the hospital and I was confused. We went inside and My stepmom was on the couch crying, I hugged my siblings and step mom and we all just sat and cried for a while, my mom talked with my aunt and uncle who were her best friends and I asked the question. “Do I get to see dad.” My step mom cried some more and my aunt (Who doesn’t like me) said “No honey, he was cremated earlier.” I had to walk outside I was livid. Not only was I not there when He died I also didn’t even get to say goodbye.
None of us really talked to each-other as the house cried itself to sleep.
For the next few months I denied it, didn’t believe it was real. Next Passage will be a few days later at my dads send off.
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ineffablefool · 4 years
(1/4) hey uh ur bio says that u r demiromantic and if it's not too much trouble could i get some help? so i'm starting high school next year and so far, i haven't gotten a crush or anything. romantic attraction? don't know her. but whenever i thought or pictured myself "grown up" i imagined myself with a boyfriend. (i'm a woman) all the evidence is pointing towards me being aromantic, but a little slice of my brain is still, "oh, you're just super demiromantic and violently straight, all of your
(2/4) super close friends have been girls, you just have to become really close friends with a guy and there! instant boyfriend" but i know that won't happen. i won't have some man come and suddenly i'm head over heels. but i've always figured i'd have a boyfriend. i know i'm ace, and i am calling myself ace, but whenever i go to call myself aro, my brain goes "but what if ur actually demi and then all the people you told u were aro will think you were a liar" which i kNOW is stupid but i cant
(3/4) stop thinking it. i dunno why i can't fully accept the fact that i'm aro. is it society claiming that you need a partner to be happy? is it the fact that being in love sounds amazing and like floating on clouds and i want to feel like that? i have no fucking clue. and it's not something against aros, like, i know that if someone told me they were aro i'd have no problem with it. which makes it worse because why is it so hard to let go of the fantasy that i'll have a romantic partner one
(4/4) day? i know, in my heart, that there is a like a 1% chance i wont be aro. but i still cant call myself aro my brain won't let me >:( when did you get your first crush? when is it normal for a demi to first feel romantic attraction? did you think you were aro at first? also i sometimes feel like i shouldn't call myself ace bc im too young to know if i like sex yet? when did u start calling yourself ace? ugh sorry for the super long ask,,, also fun fact it's "how do u write kisses" anon hiii
Hi anon.  I cannot promise you excellent help, but I am still glad you wrote to me again, and I really hope you are about to have a straight 72-hour period of Good Days.  (It might take you that long to read this.  Oops.)
So, first of all: there is nothing wrong with calling yourself aro now and then later deciding you aren’t.  Or realizing you aren’t.  (Two different framings for the same thing -- both are good.)  Or deciding or realizing that you’re somewhere on the aromantic spectrum which you feel is better described with a more specific term.  Demiromantics are still part of the aro umbrella!  It’s not an exclusive club where You Must Be Pure Aro To Enter!  (Anyone who tells you otherwise is setting themselves up as Decider Of What It Really Means To Be Aro, and where are their credentials for that?  Hmm, hypothetical gatekeeping person?  Can I please see your certification from the Institute Of Defining Other People’s Identities For Them?  Oh.  Oh you don’t have one.  Because it doesn’t exist.)
Me saying that doesn’t magically make your brain accept the label, of course.  I am just trying to gently show your brain the door, and it’s the one that has to walk through it.
Assuming you want it to walk through it.  Maybe you decide you don’t.  That’s fine!  But “yes, I am indeed aro -- I am on the aro spectrum somewhere so I am using the label” is a perfectly fine thing to tell people, and if they are not carrying forged credentials from the Institute Of Defining Other People’s Identities For Them, then they will probably be okay with this.
I am not any kind of expert on being aro, or ace, or anything.  I am only an expert in being me.  But to somewhat exhaustively answer the questions from your last part...
I had my first crush when I was thirteen or fourteen.  When I was about ten, I was friends with two girls who both had a very public crush on the same boy, and I claimed to also have one on him in order to fit in, but I was completely lying.  Sorry, Drew.  I’m sure you were quite the catch, but I was not feelin’ it.
I don’t know if there’s a specific time when it’s “normal” for a demiromantic person to start feeling any particular way.  It just sort of happens if it’s gonna.  Maybe it never does.  People are complicated and different and that’s wonderful.
I didn’t know what being aro (or being ace!) was when I was your age, because they weren’t really identities yet.  “Asexual” was for amoebas, or maybe robots.  “Aromantic” was, like, dude, did you misspell “aromatic”?  (Keep in mind, there was technically an Internet in approx. 1995, but there was no Google, no Wikipedia, no YouTube, no social media, the concept of what is now called a “blog” didn’t even really exist yet, and often your parents would not let you on the Internet connection if they could even afford it themselves, not least because it was frequently billed by the amount of time you spent using it. It was incredibly hard to know what things existed in the world back then to even begin to learn about them! Now is so much better. I have all the treasures of the world in my pocket via my telephonic device.)  When I started to learn about asexuality, specifically that you could be ace but not be “an emotionless robot” (gosh has unlearning that kind of judgement been a journey), I jumped straight on that label and never looked back (this was roughly when I joined Tumblr, so I would have been about 32).  I thought I was alloromantic for a while after that, but I’ve come to realize that my feelings on romance probably put me somewhere on the aro spectrum.  And that’s where I am now.
I started calling myself ace, again, when I was about 32, but I didn’t have that label available to me when I was younger.  Ya boi was 13-14 years old, sitting in his bedroom writing letters-to-never-be-sent to his crush, which included long sections about how I had already decided I would never have sex so long as I lived, so once we obviously got married because how could we not when I had such Emotions, he would have to find some other way to get that if he wanted it.  I had no interest in it then.  I never developed an interest in it since.  If I had had the knowledge I have now, back when I was in junior high, I am absolutely convinced that I would have taken the ace label then.  Was I too young to know for sure?  I dunno, we don’t say that people are too young at that age to know they’re heterosexual, so why do other sexualities have to pass a higher bar?  (Because compulsory heterosexuality.  That is why.)
Regardless of your age, if the label of ace resonates with you, you can apply it to yourself.  If the label of aro resonates, you can apply it to yourself.  Or a more specific variant of either, or something else entirely.  And the day you realize “oh gosh, this is not, in this moment, actually me”, you can let the label go, because its only purpose for existing is to be useful to you.
Finally -- this is not something I can personally speak to, but I have seen people who identify as completely aro also state that they enjoy things that our (my? I do not know where you are from) culture frequently sees as romantic.  Like, if you want to have a person who you can snuggle up with, hold hands with, say “I love you” to and have them say it back and both of you mean it -- there are aro people who do all that with their partners, and enjoy it, and don’t see it as interfering with their aromantic identity at all.  I believe them, because they are the expert on being themselves, and I have nowhere near the ego required to decide that I know better.  So that’s something to keep in mind -- cloud-floating and an aromantic identity do not have to be completely separate, because there are lots of kinds of love and of affection, and people are complicated, and that is wonderful.
I hope you enjoy this novel, anon.  It is for you.
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With All Your Heart - 4
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The club was packed, it was too cramped to get up and dance. We had tried a few times and every time we'd end up with some douche bag trying to rub himself up against us. Yes, i was horny but I wasn't that desperate!! In the end we found a table and sat drinking cocktails and catching up on some girl talk.
The barman came over and placed another round down on the table and we all looked at each other in confusion "excuse me, we didn't order any more drinks..." Wanda started to say.
"The guys at the bar brought them for you" he said pointing to a group of guys who were looking over smiling at us.
"We're good thanks we were just getting ready to leave" i said getting to my feet and grabbing my purse from the seat beside me.
"Come on Y/N, this could be your chance.... their not awful looking" Nat said grabbing my hand and trying to pull me back into my seat.
"Im just not feeling it tonight Nat, you guys can stay if you like but I'm gonna head back to the tower"
"We cant let you go alone...."
"Guys i'll be fine, i haven't had too many and i know how to defend myself remember. I learned from the best" i smiled at Nat.
"Fine but text me when you get back so i know your okay"
"Yes mom!" I laughed shaking my head. We said good bye and i walked slowly back to the tower with my heals in my hand, no way was i walking home in those!
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As i walked down the hall towards my room i heard the familiar moans coming from Bucky's room so i headed straight there. Like always i quietly opened the door and was about to slip into his room but as i looked over to his bed i had the shock of a lifetime!! Bucky wasn't having a nightmare.... he was laid on his bed completely naked stroking his cock while moaning and groaning. I clenched my thighs together and felt myself dripping wet at the sight in front of me.
"Fuck yes!! Oh god..... yes....Y/N" he suddenly moaned and i swear i almost died on the spot!! I decided to take a chance.... the alcohol i had been drinking all night giving me the extra confidence boost. I slipped into his room and closed the door behind me "you need a hand with that soldier?" I asked him quietly but loud enough that he would hear....he had been so lost in his actions that he hadnt heard me enter his room, he sat up looking over at me with wide eyes.
"Y/N! Wh... what are you.... this isnt what it looks like. How long have you been standing there??" He said grabbing his sheet to cover himself up "why are you here?"
"I heard you, thought you were having another nightmare" i shrugged.
"Im so sorry" he said quickly avoiding all eye contact.
"Buck its fine, why are you sorry??"
"For what i was doing while thinking about you...."
"I don't mind that you think of me while you touch yourself.... i think about you" i said truthfully letting out a flirty chuckle.
"You do??...."
"All the time" i nodded dropping my shoes on the floor and walking closer to his bed.
"Im dreaming right??" He asked shaking his head like he couldn't believe this was happening.
"Nope, im pretty sure your awake Buck" i said pulling up the hem of my dress just enough to allow me to move my legs so i could straddle his waist.... the black lace of the thong i was wearing just visible enough for him to see. Bucky drew in a deep breath at the pressure against his hard cock when i moved against him a little.
"If you don't want this..... if you want me to leave... now would be the time to tell me to leave" i said looking into his beautiful blue eyes.
"Your not going anywhere!" Bucky practically growled at me before sitting up and pulling me into his arms as his mouth crashed against mine.
"Fuck.... your wearing too much. I need to see you" he said breathlessly as he leaned back to get a good look.
"Then take it off Sarge" i smiled at him running my fingers through his hair.
Bucky grabbed each side of my dress near the front slit and ripped it in half. I wasn't expecting it and it made me gasp, it surprised me but also turned me on even more!
"I liked that dress" i pouted playfully at him making him chuckle before he pushed the rest of it off my shoulders and leant forward taking one of my nipples into his mouth, his left hand stroking up my stomach until he cupped my free breast... rolling my nipple between his fingers. I was moaning and rolling my hips against his hard cock when he suddenly grabbed me and spun us so he had me pinned underneath him.
"I want you so bad" he said looking at me with dark lust blown eyes, his hand trailing down until he reached the tiny bit of lace covering me where i wanted him the most.
"So take me, I'm yours James" i said meaning it completely. Id let him do whatever the hell he wanted to do to me as long as i could have him. I didn't miss the look he got in his eye when i said i was his.... it was dark and possessive but it was sexy as hell!!
Bucky reached down and ripped off the lace thong in one pull throwing it to the floor before his hand reached down to cup my pussy, the heel of his hand pressing against my clit made the most pornagraphic noise escape my mouth, they only got louder when i felt him slip two fingers into my dripping hole.
"Shit your so warm and tight..... i cant wait to get my cock in you doll" he said as his fingers started a hard and fast assault.
"F..fuck!! Bucky I'm gonna come baby!!"
"Yeah? Fucking come for me!! Let me feel you grip my fingers with your tight pussy!"
I wrapped my arms around him tighter as i felt myself about to explode, when i did i screamed! I couldn't hold back even if i wanted to.... no one had ever made me feel as good as this just with their fingers.
"Shit.... Bucky i need you to fuck me! Now!! I need to feel you inside me right fucking now" i begged.
"I got you baby don't worry" he smirked as he gave his cock a few strokes before lining himself up with my hole.
"Your so wet for me baby...." he said as his pushed the head of his cock inside me. He was bigger than anyone i had ever been with before and i hissed a little at the stretch. As he pushed further in his pressed a kiss to my lips then had to gasp for air "fuck me your tight.... your squeezing my cock so good! I gotta take a second here or I'm gonna come right now!" He said holding himself still with his eyes closed, his arms braced either side of my head.
"Bucky.... i need you to move" i moaned trying to grind my hips up against him but his hand was firmly on my hip holding me in place.
"Okay im good...." he said nodding his head and opening his eyes as he slowly started to move in and out of me.
"God!! Fuck me!! Bucky.... harder please!!" I cried wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer to me, my nails clawing at his back.
Bucky did exactly what i wanted, i could feel my orgasm fast approaching.
"I can feel how close you are.... im right behind you" he said still thrusting hard. I moved my hand to reach down and rub my clit but he quickly grabbed it pushed it way "nu uh... thats my job" he said with a wink.... he actually winked at me!! His hand moved between us and i felt his fingers draw circles on my bundle of nerves. It was the final push i needed and i came screaming his name, my vision turning white... then i heard Bucky's loud grunt as he came hard, i could feel his release feeling me up, my pussy fluttering around his hard cock.
Bucky's head collapsed against my shoulder as he tried to calm his breathing "Fuck me.... that was...."
"Amazing" i finished off letting out a contented laugh as my fingers run through his hair.
"Yeah it was" he agreed lifting his head up so he could look at me, then he captured my mouth with his once again.
"Are you sure I'm not dreaming??" He asked looking down at me, his eyes taking in everything.
"Im pretty sure yeah" i nodded "I'm so glad i decided to come home early!"
"Why did you come home early?"
"I wasn't feeling it" i shrugged "there were some guys trying to hit on us but... all i kept thinking about was you" i said truthfully, there was no reason to lie anymore.
"You mean that?"
"Yeah. Buck I've had a thing for you since the second you arrived here"
"What?? Why didn't you say anything??"
"I thought you hated me to start off with and then i was scared. What if i told you and you didnt feel the same?? I didnt want to loose my friend"
"Doll.... you'll never loose me. So why are you telling me this now??"
"Well the fact that your cock is still inside me.... means you like me too right??" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him. He chuckled and shook his head but i felt his cock start to twitch and then it was getting hard again. My eyes went wide as i realised what was happening "already??"
Bucky shrugged his shoulder with a shit eating grin "side effects of the serum"
"Oh god, you gonna be the death of me Barnes!"
"Never. So come on, why did you decide to tell me tonight?"
"I dont know...."
"I think you do" he said moving his hips a little making a moan fall from my lips.
"I just.... fuck you feel so good Buck! No one has ever made me feel this good before!" I told him as he slowly moved his cock in and out of my pussy, his lips kissing and nipping at my neck.
"Tell me why tonight?"
"When i saw you laying here with your cock in your hand i couldn't breathe! I got so wet just watching you.... i wanted you so bad Buck.... and then you said my name" i let out another moan as his cock brushed against my g spot making my toes curl and my hips raise up off of the bed "i decided i was just gonna go for it. I wanted you so bad i had to give it a shot. I had a little liquid courage in me to give me a shove too i guess"
"I nearly died when i heard you.... i was so ashamed you had seen me like that"
"It was beautiful, id watch you all day"
"Id rather you take part" he smiled before kissing me again, thrusting harder into me.
"I think you've ruined me for other men though Buck.... no ones ever gonna make me feel this good"
"Your mine now" he growled "there will be no other men!" He kissed me hard as his hips worked hard and fast.
"Tell me your mine!!"
"Im yours Bucky, all yours" i cried as i came again, Bucky following seconds behind me. Bucky fell besides me panting slightly, he pulled me close and pressed a kiss to my lips.
"You should delete all those horrible dating apps you have too! You wont need them" he mumbled against my lips.
"Consider it done" i smiled stroking the side of his face getting a good look at him.... he really was beautiful!
"Your amazing doll"
"Your not so bad yourself"
"You wanna come grab a shower with me? We should clean up.... we've made quite the mess"
"Sure, your gonna have to let me borrow a shirt by the way. You completely destroyed my dress.... thats two of my dresses you've destroyed"
"But i like you like this"
"I bet you do, but i don't think the others will if they catch me walking back to my room naked"
"Fine! But only because i don't want anyone else to see you naked" he said picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom.
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Tagging: @siren-queen03
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whetstonefires · 6 years
prompt 14 is still fighting me, so fictober prompt #15: “I thought you had forgotten.”
[this is at least part of the followup to grasp of ice, the one where Damian holds Tim’s hand unironically because cold, that several people have asked for.]
The clunk-drag of Tim Drake’s leg brace was audible coming up the hall, but turned loud when he stepped into the quiet music room, off the carpet.
Damian knew he was obvious against the outdoor floodlamps lighting up the snow. He hadn’t ducked to hide his silhouette because he was fairly certain Drake already knew where he was, and he refused to show weakness. Now that the useless slob had some basic mobility back, it wasn’t entirely a surprise he’d tracked him down. Damian had been avoiding him entirely for three weeks.
He didn’t turn. The snowflakes danced wildly in air currents created by the house, both where it stopped breezes and where flaws in the insulation created plumes of warmer air, and caught in the floodlights they looked impossibly white. Drake had stopped moving somewhere behind him.
Damian set his teeth after seconds had passed and ignoring the situation had not made it go away. “What are you looking at?”
“I’m looking at the kid who melted me out of a block of ice and almost died rather than leave me.”
Damian opened his mouth, then closed it again. “I thought you had forgotten.”
Tim shook his head. “No.”
He came up to join Damian at the window. Clunk, clunk. “I have a good memory—near death experiences only rarely knock it out.”
“You weren’t conscious.”
“It came and went. But every time I woke up, there you were.”
“As if there’s anything special about me doing my duty—”
“To me? There is.”
And Damian wasn’t sure how to read those words, whether Drake meant it’s special to me that you did or doing your duty to me is special, because you usually don’t, or possible both at once.
“I didn’t do it for you,” Damian grumbled. He leaned forward, to keep Drake out of his peripheral vision and his face out of Drake’s line of sight. His breath fogged the glass. “Grayson would be devastated, no accounting for taste. And Father would never forgive me.”
“In the middle of the explosions,” Tim said. “You were holding onto me.” Judging by the way he said it, it was a fragmentary memory, pieced together from a shattered chronology and recollections of pressure. Damian wouldn’t be able to sway him from his certainty that he was right, even so.
This was why Damian hated Red Robin so much.
“Are you mocking me?” Damian hissed, because he’d been standing there screaming at fire, ready to die meaninglessly, completely forgetting about the grapple gun he himself had placed in case of emergency. If he’d remembered, he could have been the one dragging his unwanted adopted brother out of ridiculous lake explosions. He probably wouldn’t have strained his elbow or shoulder nearly as badly, either; he was younger and smaller but he wasn’t weaker, and he had also been fully conscious.
“Damian, you gave me a grapple line. Your grapple line.” Drake’s hands came up—onto the windowsill, he was leaning on it for support. He couldn’t rest much weight on the knee yet, or for long. Recovering from surgery always seemed to take longer than from mere stabbings.
Damian wasn’t going to admit he understood what Drake was trying to say. He hadn’t just swallowed.
“Why is it so important for you to hate me?” Red Robin had tried to ask it calmly, but a thread of emotion came through. Hurt, maybe? Frustration? Damian hated this inscrutable whinging bastard, he really did.
“It’s a matter of pride,” he said.
“What pride? Are you just saying you decided to hate me without knowing me, so now you have to stick by it or admit you might at some point have been wrong?”
Damian turned his head. Drake was standing a little too close—the width of the window and the fact that Damian was standing near the middle of it gave justification. Tim Drake was not a tall man, but he had inches yet on Damian, and was looking down across his own bicep. The sweater he was wearing was too big for him. It was Father’s. “Oh, believe me, I hate you more now that I’ve gotten to know you.”
Drake sighed, and his weight shifted forward a little more on his arms. “Typical. You were there the next time I woke up, too.” Shortly before Father and Grayson had arrived. Damian had left to go fight weapons smugglers directly. “And you kept turning up in my room for the first week. Until I tried to talk to you.”
Ignoring Grayson’s baffled and cooing input had been one thing. Brown had been more of a headache. Pennyworth’s careful lack of comment had been almost worst. Only Father had been reasonable. Of course Damian had wanted to monitor the course of the fever. It was his rescue that might be rendered redundant.
“Tt. If you were well enough to harass me you didn’t need my help.”
Drake opened his mouth, then closed it again, the crease deepening between his eyebrows. “What did you think I was going to say?”
He hadn’t been sure. But he hadn’t wanted to find out. Hostility would have been normal, but forced him to choose between throwing the rescue in Drake’s face and fighting over it, or pretending it had never happened. A lack of hostility had seemed like it would be even worse.
Because what if Drake was respectful and appreciative and only then found out that, at the eleventh hour, Damian had been saved, rather than doing all the saving, and he took it all back? There was nothing more humiliating than enjoying praise that, on reflection or further information, the speaker chose to retract.
At some point, even though Damian still hated him, he’d come to care about this bastard’s opinion.
“Look. You saved my life. And not while we were under fire together, or coming along on a rescue mission with somebody else who likes me better. You came looking for me when you didn’t have to, when you could have focused on the fight. You worked your ass off to keep me from freezing to death, when there was no one there to pressure you. And you didn’t leave me behind, even when for all you knew I was a dead weight holding you down in a death trap. That’s not nothing.
“It doesn’t change everything, either, but…I kind of find myself wanting to forgive you the various murder attempts.”
“That’s your business.”
Drake resettled himself against the windowsill, his hips canted against the wall beneath it now to take even more weight off his feet. Damian should make him go lie down, the idiot. “I guess.”
Damian grimaced at the dancing snowflakes, the long greyscale sweep of the east lawn.
Finally glanced sideways. “You aren’t expecting us to actually get along, are you?”
“Gosh no, you infuriating gremlin. We can argue all the time. Just, since you apparently aren’t so opposed to my existence anymore, I thought it would be nice to make peace.”
“Tt. You just want me to stop taking your supplies out of your locker.”
“…I would like that, yes. But honestly that’s a level of pranking I can live with, I was on a team with Bart Allen for actual years. It’s mostly annoying because it makes extra work for Alfred.”
Ugh. Guilt. “So if you don’t expect me to be kind to you and you don’t require an end to petty harassment, what are you trying to accomplish?”
“…I can’t believe you just called your own behavior petty harassment. Uh. Look. Do you actually want me gone, anymore?”
Drake was annoying. Damian hated him. But there was no war here, anymore; Damian had won it. Robin was his, and Father’s and Grayson’s continued fondness for his predecessor no longer seriously threatened to eclipse their regard for Damian himself. “I suppose I don’t really care.”
“Right. It’s official then. We don’t hate each other. A weight off everyone’s minds.” He sounded unsatisfied.
“Do you want me gone?” Damian asked, and then bit his tongue. He didn’t think he’d sounded young, or vulnerable, but to have asked at all….
“It’s too late for that now,” Drake told the snow.
Damian hissed in through his teeth. “So you just wish I’d never been born,” he bit out. He could say and then who would have saved your skin on that lake, but in a world with no Damian that mission might never have happened, or Drake might have been on it with a partner who never lost track of him to begin with. That was all Damian was in this moron’s eyes, even now: an inconvenient reality to come to terms with.
“…I mean,” Drake said slowly, “no? I guess not. I’d be better off, in most ways, dying in lakes aside, but…I don’t think Dick would be. And it’s good for Bruce to have a kid around, even one who causes as much stress as you do.”
“Excuse me?”
“If anybody can get Bruce to start showing grey hairs, it’ll be you.”
“Tt.” Father was past fifty, now. It was statistically probable he would start to grey soon, regardless of how much stress he was put under, and if worrying were going to be the thing that started it, he would have a full head of white by now.
“But anyway, I…can’t actually wish you out of existence, at this point.”
Damian folded his arms on the wide windowsill and propped his forehead against the glass, fogging it opaque with his breath. “I’m blown away by your magnanimity.”
It sounded like Drake rolled his eyes. “Shut up, all you said was you don’t care whether I exist or not, and I didn’t even do anything to you. It’s not on me to escalate this positivity train all on my own.”
Drake shifted his weight against the wall again. “Hey Damian?”
The tone had changed. “Yes?”
“Thanks for not abandoning me to my humiliating naked death.”
“You’re welcome, I suppose.” Damian leaned back and drew a bat-symbol into the fog of his breath with a fingertip. The symmetry was perfect, of course, and all the points were neat and crisp. “So. Truce?”
Drake nodded, the tension seeming to melt out of him. “Truce,” he concluded, that satisfied snapping-shut sound his voice took on when he got his way. When Damian glanced over he was entirely plastered against the window and its sill, looking bleached and greyish again even accounting for the cool shade of the floodlight.
Damian abandoned the dance of the snowflakes, grabbed Drake by the back of Father’s sweater, and began to drag him toward the dustcloth-swathed chaise behind the piano. If he didn’t move his feet in the right direction, he would fall over, because there was no way with that brace he could manage anything complicated, even to spite Damian.
“Come, you idiot. Sit. Stop wasting all of our hard work.”
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bamgarrido-blog · 5 years
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I would love to tell you all about my marriage life. I met the most beautiful woman, actually the woman of my dreams back in 2012. The way we met was through a dating app. I saw her picture and couldn't believe my eyes. The smile that she had in her picture just drew my attention. So I ended up writing to her privately. I didn't think that I would get a reply, but i was wrong. She actually answered back. Now I'm not sure if she replied the same day because i truly don't remember well, but we did talk. At the time she was single(being that she was on and off with her ex), but I just had a conversation with her that was cool. We were on and off talking for a while. We exchanged kik names, and even instagrams(I think), but we shared a friendship along the way. Now as time went on and she'd go back into his arms, I stood a bit devastated, and heartbroken because I had lost her to someone she had history with. I do remember us talking when she was in Florida, and again it was on and off. I ended up giving up, and losing hope to getting the chance of meeting her in person or even trying to make my way into her life because I knew that my opportunity, my moment was decided by what her ex was going to do. So I ended up meeting someone and dated that person for about 2 to 3 years. As my relationship ended, I just stood to myself for the meantime. Comes 2016 and I come across the person whom I had on and off conversations with. We end up speaking and to my luck her relationship was coming down to its final moments of togetherness. The more distant she felt from him and vice versa, the more I prayed it'd look good for me. Now, i wasnt going to just jump and tell her, "be with me", but I wanted to be the guy who'd she look forward to to making her feel as if I was her shoulder to cry on. As new years day came she had told me about an incident she had encountered while going to surprise him at his home. I was shocked, but also giggling at the fact that she was finally tired of his ass, and I was happy that it went like that. As days went on our conversations would go from little chats here and there within the day to actual hit ups and laughing and just joking with each other. She'd send me pictures of herself more often then before, and I'd do the same. Shed send me videos and voice notes and I'd replay them over and over again just to sleep happy at the fact that I finally got to hear her voice and to hear how her voice got while sending me these notes and receiving mine. As feburary approached and her birthday as well, I'd figure i would jump at the opportunity of inviting her to my show(cause I had my band Rebels Over Flames) and I would dedicate it to her for her birthday. Once I invited her and she said she'll come, I was even more nervous because this would be the first time I'd meet her since other times I'd invite her and she wouldn't come(even after I said she could bring her ex while they dated at the time).
I remember getting ready to hit the stage and I would be checking my phone to see if either she'd hit me up to cancel or if she'd call to let me know shes lost. Nothing came across my phone and so it was showtime. I'm on stage 2 songs in when all of a sudden as I'm singing I see her walking by the stage with her friend. I remember seeing her and the smile that came across her face. I wanted to smile. I wanted to scream of joy. I wanted to jump off stage and run to her to hug her. I wanted to tell her to get closer. I wanted to do so very fucking much, but couldn't because I was in character, and also I was extremely nervous. As soon as my set was done, I got off stage and walked right up to her. We exchanged our hellos and just spoke right after. Our eyes wouldn't leave from being locked onto one another. Our smiles wouldn't even leave our faces. I just remember kissing her. Her lips locking across mine was something that I needed to at least see if my own personal hype was real. I wanted to see if she was the one, the true one that would change my life forever. Well...I wasnt wrong.
Now, let's skip forward. We saw more and more of each other. Made our relationship official on feburary 11th or 12th depending on who you ask, and from there on then we were unstoppable, well sorta. You see as the relationship got more serious i ended up freaking out. Due to my previous relationship, I was just so truly scared, and also I didnt know if we would last long, and I didnt know how deep into me she really, truly was just because of the past on and off moments. Well anyways comes June 24th, and i had a show at lucky 13 saloon. My family attended and so did she. After that set, I got off stage and proceeded to smoke me a cigarette right next to my mom. As I stared across from us I noticed that Selenia was smoking weed with some of my band members. As i looked across i told my mom, "you see that girl right there?", and my mom looked and replied, "yeah, what about her?", and I responded by saying, "I wanna marry her!", and so my mom took off her ring and said, "well here give her this", and here I was standing with a ring in my hand. Now i had to make a move fast while everyone was outside smoking and conversating with one another. I called her over, and just stared at her. "Selenia, I know that we've known each other for a while now, and have been dating for a couple of months, but you've made me feel like a brand new man and dont want these moments to ever go away.", and while I said this I threw my coat onto the ground and got on one knee and asked, "Selenia, would you marry the shit out of me?", and she cried and said, "YES!".
Oh man, we were engaged and had our engagement party at the same venue I had met her face to face in. As time went by and we got to be even closer and closer we ended up getting married on October 31st, 2017. Since then our lives have changed.
Now I cant claim to be the perfect husband, or the best, but dammit I have tried and tried to keep her from never leaving my side. Yes. I have made my mistakes, but as of August 17th, I have been doing my best to making her feel amazing. I love Selenia more than life itself. She means the world to me, and if I could go back in time to the day I first hit up her direct message on meetme, I would just tell her of our future, and skip the bad parts because I would also change that part of myself along the way.
I thank the Lord for blessing me with her. I thank him for letting me feel much more alive than I've ever been just knowing that this woman is mine for the rest of my life, and I vow to never disrespect or hurt her in anyway. The day she is able to give me my first born child then my life would be complete because not only do I have my old lady, but she helped bring into this world my kid. Till then I will keep hoping for these chapters in our lives to keep getting bigger and more exciting.
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a-memory-of · 6 years
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Ellere Valahan moved up the stairs after the now familiar woman behind the bar directed her up. She had never ventured up to the room Ruran kept here, now that she thought of it, her visits had been kept to downstairs. As she reached the top of the landing, she looked over, catching sight of him, "Well, there you are, at least I do not have to guess which door to knock on, now."
Ruran Vas was leaning back in his chair, a glass in his hand without the usual straw. At the sound of footsteps at the stairs, a clumsy hand reached for the bottom half of the mask on his lap. It fell from his hands and clattered to the floor, and as he reached to pick it up, he nearly spilled his drink in the process. All around, ungraceful. "Wh--" As he reached for it, he glanced up. "O-oh...Ellere--"
She blinked, looking a little surprised. It was not often she saw him in such a state, after all. But the look faded away to one of worry, and perhaps sympathy. "Hello, dear. I apologize for catching you at a bad time." She moved up, resting a hand on the back of one of the free chairs. "Could you do with some company?"
Ruran's mouth went agape, and he blinked several times. "Yes," he spoke without much thought, distant, as he tried to collect what little composure remained. "C-company, yes, please ah,sit--" Finding the secrecy of his full mask now unnecessary, he set it back on his lap. "Ah--d-drink?"
Ellere raised her hand up to quiet his fuss, she understood well enough. Rounding the chair, she moved to sit across from him. She eyed the bottle a moment, debating, but poured herself a glass to ease some of his tension. "You all right, dear? You know how I worry."
Ruran bobbed his head, perhaps one too many times. "Fine--I-I am fine. Uninjured, s-see?" He fidgeted, trying to push away the haze of his drink that he had been allowing himself to sink into for the last bell. The sight of her pouring herself a drink brought him a little relief, and he raised his glass to her. It was a fairly typical mead, one of his go-to drinks. "You are well? How is--the bird--ah, Georgie?"
She scanned him for injury the moment he brought it up, on habit. At least he seemed to be telling the truth in that regard, but she still eyed him, wondering if he was hiding something else. She took a sip, smiling around the edge of the glass, "I am well. And so is Georgie. I have been teaching him to help me in the kitchen, and I think he'll do well in the gardens come spring. I was in the area, and came by here last eve, but I missed you."
He took a sip, able to take volumes more without having to force the mead through a straw. "Mmh," he started, swallowing and pulling the glass away. "I was north--Coerthas--for a sun. S-sorry, I...should have told you. Or someone." His mouth twitched with a grimace. Had he not told anyone?
Ellere rose a brow, "Coerthas? So far?" She leaned over, patting his knee, "Do not worry, I was merely stopping in, as I said, for dinner perhaps. I actually ran in to Rha while I was here, as well, it seems you were a popular man." "R-rha? Is he alright? He...he is n-not in trouble, is he?" He seemed ready to pop out of his chair at any moment.
Ellere leaned forward again, even as he sat up, "Ruran," she drew out the name, slowly, and relaxed, "It is all right, he was fine. Do not fret so. He mentioned being a little lonely...I admit I did not get the details, but I believe he was looking for you to give good news. We spoke for a bit, about a trip he wanted to invite you on."
His lips pressed into a fine line, but he nodded and eased back into his chair. "A..trip--I see, g-good news, that is a relief--a nice change," he murmured. But he quickly found something else to worry about. "A-and you? You are well?"
She gave a quiet chuckle, shaking her head, "I am fine, I promise. I was checking in on an old patient who recently moved here. I thought to try and catch you on my last eve here before I catch the ferry in the morning." She tilted her head, "Though I do admit I am worried to find you here with a glass. Are you sure you are well?"
"Yes," he nodded quickly. "F-fine, uninjured--" He grimaced; he had said that already. Another sip. "I-I am just relaxing--drinking--I do such sometimes," he preemptively defended.
Ellere shook her head again, holding her own glass with delicate fingers along the edge. "I meant no offense, dear. As you know, I have similar indulgences. I am more than relieved to see you as you say, uninjured, but merely offering you an ear should the injury be one not so easily seen." "R-right, yes, o-of course," he rambled, "you are kind--you always have been. I am fine, truly, I just--think too much. All the time. Drinking can...make things a little quieter. Sometimes."
Ellere nodded quietly, letting that quiet linger a moment and sipping at her glass again. "It is hard to believe it is nearly the Starlight season again," she began, looking down at her drink with a soft smile. "Sometimes it is just as hard to believe the poor thing I met skittering about the shadows at that party would become so dear to me."
With @weepingknight
"No less skittering, though." He frowned and scritched the side of his head. "It...it is strange though, isn't it? The way--things work, circumstances--all the small strings that seem to...tie us all together." He waved his hand in a circular motion, like a thread on a spool. The gesture was lazy, as were his words.
"Perhaps I find the skittering endearing," she glanced up to him, teasing just a bit. Then her eyes grew softer again, "And that it is. I remember speaking with you about romantic notions of fate, and of things meant to be. I did not think you liked that sort of talk, sugar."
Ruran blinked. "I..." He lifted his mug to hide his mouth behind the glass. "I try n-not to think about it too much. The past--yes, I can look back in wonder at how things connect, but--ah, the future..." He fidgeted, curling his fingers and keeping the mug high.
She hummed, looking down at her own lap again. For a long moment she struggled with what to say. It was clear of what she thought of his future. "I often... wonder if I should think on the future much myself. I used to, quite often. But as much as I see some things that are meant to be, I see just as many that were not."
"That is the trouble with the future, few things are certain--some things are," he quickly amended, glancing up toward her. "B-but much is not. We may know what we intend, and we may try our hardest to achieve them, but who is to say that it will be what we expect? E-even I do not know what exactly will happen to me, or what may happen along the way." The man's mead-frazzled ramblings were at least coherent, if long-winded.
Ellere glanced over to him, studying his partly covered face. "A disheartening thought, most assuredly," she sighed, finishing her glass finally and reaching to set it back on the table. "I can still wish for your happiness, though. It is not something I am giving up on, just yet."
Ruran gave a soft hum at that, a little longer than necessary. "I struggle to think of it--how it feels. I know--of course--I have felt it, yet there is...a haze--an emptiness--I-I know not the word, which keeps me from it. This is all I know and may be all I ever know until the end." He went quiet for a moment, then broke the silence with a perk of his head. "More?" He glanced to her drink.
She nodded her head, gesturing to her glass. It seemed she would need it. "I can not even imagine. I apologize, I did not mean to delve us into melancholy. But there is something in me that refuses to let you go. I want to see you smile again, your laugh... selfish as it is."
He leaned and refilled her glass, the bottle clinking against the rim. He set it down and leaned back again. One hand kept hold of his glass, and the other rested atop the detached portion of his mask. "I have never heard it selfish to wish for another to laugh--I would now for your sake but I doubt it would feel genuine." His lips pulled, as if he could stretch it into a smile, but he did not. "B-but do not worry such for me, you will...only make things harder for yourself."
Ellere shrugged, quietly offering a laugh herself that lacked mirth. She pulled back, settling more into the chair with her newly-filled glass resting on her knee. "Unfortunately, I do not think I could simply not worry over you. I have accepted all that shall come. I do not like it, but I accept how hard it will be, because what I feel is nothing compared to what you do."
Ruran canted his head. "How do you mean..?" The words left him slowly as his addled mind processed her last sentence.
"You said it yourself..." she sighed, a look in her eye that didn't match the smile that hadn't left her face, for him. "Living in a haze, to be empty, when at the end you... should feel peace. You did not deserve this, Ruran."
"I know." The words were simple, but heavy. A sand-crusted thumbnail picked at the edge of his mug. "O-one of the many thoughts I have is of this very thing--drinking helps," he reminded. "I question it, I do--everything that has happened to me. I was never pefect but I...do not think I was a terrible person, either. --Do not m-misunderstand, I am honored to do the work of Azeyma and do not regret it, not even for a moment. But other things..."
Ellere remained quiet again, letting his admittance weigh in the air a moment. Her own fingers curled around the glass, stroking the ridges. "Do you wish to share them? Your regrets?" she asked quietly, "If I can help ease them in... any way before you--- before the last stone is found, I will do all I am able."
"Less so regrets, unless you count choosing to work that night," he murmured, lips pursing. His eyes went distant for a moment as something occurred to him. "But I do need you--f-for something. A favor. I--need to go somewhere. I need to see something." An urgency had taken his tone, though his words were still rambling from the drink.
Ellere's brow furrowed, noting the change in tone. She let out a breath as she leaned forward, trying to meet his eyes, "You know you need only ask. I shall come, go wherever you need me to."
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lovebunnie · 6 years
Do all the asks coward
Tumblr media
1. what does your wallet look like?
-i got it as a present from my uncle for christmas and its really expensive but also so ugly im sorry uncle tom. its like that ‘southern fashion’ bullshit that white MAGA moms wear. but it was better than my old wallet, which looks like this and i got when i was 12:
Tumblr media
2. favorite color?
- baby pinnk
3. do you own a pride flag, or more than one?
-heres the thing: my parents basically know im not straight but i havent told them. my brother has thought i was a lesbian since freshman year, i have a small pride pin on my backpack, ive never been on a date, its complicated. but no, i dont have one. maybe one day, hopefully.
4. describe your favorite outfit
-black pants, platform doc martens, hoodie under a jean jacket, one clip on earring, and holding my crushes hand :]
5. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter, and what’d she do?
-okay so theres this girl in my theatre class who is really cute, and she put her head on my shoulder and shes pagan so she drew a little sigil on my arm that means “safe and homely” so like :)))))))))))))
6. do you use nail polish?
-i do, i mostly do black tho
7. do you keep organized?
-absolutely. i have things online filed accordingly, i pick out my outfits the day before, my binders are neat, i learned how to army fold my shirts, i keep my shit CLEAN
8. ever take naps?
-only accidentally. ill be laying in bed watching youtube and next thing you know my autoplay has me watching a markiplier video even tho i dont like him and its 4 hours later
9. who was your first crush?
-idk if this is a real person or not so ill do both. my first fake person crush was either troy from high school musical or frankie stein from monster high. and my first real crush was on a boy named dominic in elementary school. i told him i liked him at the end of 5th grade because i thought i was switching schools but then i didnt and we never spoke again.
10. what are your crush tendencies? fall hard or often?
-both both both. i am the worst with crushes. i have crushes all the time because im romantic and a fucking fool. i have 3 crushes off the top of my head rn and i like them all for different reasons. thats not to say that i want to date them, but its that i like them a lot and i kinda wanna kiss their cheek or hold their hand idk
11. describe your ideal day
-play overwatch with my best friend (u gonble >:) ) then hang out with my cat, go get a smoothie, buy some cool shoes or something, take a shower and be asleep by 9 :,)
12. describe your ideal date
-i have stated that build a bear is an amazing first date and im NOT BACKING DOWN. ITS CUTE AS FUCK AND ILL ACCEPT NOTHING LESS!!
13. whats your favorite food?
-either sushi or strawberries :3c
14. who do you feel most comfortable around?
-my theatre class, people from camp, and gobble
15. what is your favorite compliment to receive?
-i dont have a favorite, any and all are going to make my face go red so i have to cover it and maybe make me cry
16. did you/do you like highschool?
-the first 3 years fucking sucked but senior year has been amazing so far. mostly because i just kinda stopped giving a fuck but its amazing
17. favorite animal?
-i think its cats now. i really like cats
18. do you like your name?
-eh, its okay. its pretty but also it seems like there are 60 million fucking people named grace and its so annoying. i wish it was something more unique idk
19. what kind of weather is your favorite?
-a light rain. no swinging trees or thunder, just lots of rain. its nice to stay inside and feel secure
20. do you believe in horoscopes?
-absolutely not. but theyre fun if you like them
21. tell us about your music taste
-its horrific. to sum it up, my two favorite musicians are the gorillaz and frank sinatra. take from that what you will
22. have you had your first kiss? if so, what was it like?
-i havent had my first kiss yet. gonna be honest, i felt like i was going to, a few times at camp and recently when classes ended. but yeah, nothing yet
23. did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a kid?
-i went thro cycles of favorites. but one ive had for years is a plush shadow the hedgehog from universal studios i got when i was 6. i used to carry him around, even to a pool once
24. what time do you usually wake up and go to bed?
-if you know me, you know i go to bed ridiculously early. i usually get tried at around 6pm and fall asleep between 7:45 and 8:30. and i always wake up before 6 am. i havent slept past 6 am continuously since the end of junior year. please help me
25. what dream trip would you take with your wife?
-maybe to go explore new york, just the two of us that sounds like fun :]
26. do you have any pets?
-i have 2 dogs and a cat. the family owns the dogs but that cat is mine
27. what pair of underwear is your favorite?
-uhhhhhhhhhhh i have some with rainbows that are cool? i dont have favorites, none of them are cute anyway
28. what makes you smile?
-funny jokes make me smile real hard, and if you compliment me at the right time, i kind of pull my legs up and hide my face? its cute and charming i promise
29. what makes you feel heavy?
-in both the physical and metaphorical sense, eating bread
30. what makes you feel better?
-watching bo burnham always makes me feel better, hes my go to whenever im really depressed
31. how do you show your love?
-i show my love in everything i do. everything i do is for love, i love love so much its sickening
32. when is it time to get a haircut?
-whenever u want to lol?
33. where would you live if you could live anywhere?
-maybe san francisco, its beautiful and i love the city
34. do your friends and family take good care of you?
-as much as i allow them to. sometimes i go days without communicating and i know thats annoying but my friends put up with it (they shouldnt have to, i know) and my family is okay. its cliche to say, but they honestly dont understand what im going thro alot of the times, esp with my anxiety and shit
35. have you always used the labels you use now?
-back in the beginning of highschool, i used they/them pronouns and identified as asexual/aromantic. eventually, it didnt feel right, so i know identify as cis and bisexual and that feels right to me
36. what makes you laugh?
-my friends, when people shit talk gobble and i in overwatch even tho???? we didnt know him?????? and the mcelroys always get me
37. who is your favorite fictional character?
-too many options, see list here
38. who do yo admire?
-my father when hes not threatening to throw my phone into a fucking lake and my friends for putting up with me
39. describe yourself in three words
-i am baby
40. how long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
-usually about 45 min, more or less as each day goes
41. what do you wish you could tell your younger self?
42. what would you do if you win the lottery?
-get my parents settled, see about other family members, and then distribute the money to charities accordingly, starting with flint and getting them water
43. would you call yourself a romantic?
44. what is your gayest childhood memory?
-my mom had cosmos magazines
45. do you have tattoos or want any?
-i dont have any tattoos but ive been obsessed with them since the 6th grade. id love to get tattoos, i just dont know what or where and also im afraid of pain
46. whats your worst habit?
-either biting my thumbs, starving myself, or ghosting my friends. prob ghosting my friends
47. what are you proud of?
-i guess coming out of my shell finally? idk, i actually have friends now and it feels amazing tbh. im in 5 group chats now. i havent been in a group chat since 6th grade. :))))))
48. did you know that youre actually a gift to the world, for real?
-hi i love you?
49. whats your favorite memory?
-there are so so many. but what comes to mind first is our dance night at camp where we all stood outside and i finally gave ian my tumblr and we all ran inside to dance to mr. brightside then ran outside again and we requested nightcore and rivers was fucking dancing their hearts out and we all sang along and im going to crying just typing this out
50. do you have a sweet tooth?
-i guess so. too much makes me feel like shit but i do really enjoy smarties
51. what do you like most about yourself?
-this is dumb, but my sense of style. since i got a job ive been wearing shit i actually like and its amazing. ill admit i have cool clothes
52. what makes you fall for a girl?
-besides acknowledging me, probably getting to know me and not like, putting me on a pedestal. idk its weird, ive met a lot of people this year who like to place me so high it feels like i cant make a mistake around them without disappointing them. idk, i want someone to call me out on my bullshit instead of assuring me im okay. i want to know what i do wrong so i can fix it
53. make a recommendation
-for what? uhh okay for music, listen to ‘clay pigeons’ by michael cera (yes i know michael cera) and for television, watch bojack horseman and for movies, watch the docuseries called ‘7 days out’ on netflix
54. have you ever had your heart broken?
-yeah, when i broke up with maddy because we werent ready to date. i cared and continue to care about her and i didnt want to hurt her but i knew its what we both needed. its what i needed, atleast. and i cant be a good girlfriend if i feel like im doing badly. but also ive had friends break my heart and family break my heart. but im okay now, this heart is ready to be broken again
55. when do you feel most yourself?
-def when i was at camp, that place is magical in the way it allows you to be yourself. but also when i talk to gobble because hes my best friend and when im at college, we can talk more and its gonna be dope as shit
56. name a gorgeous celeb
-jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal jake gyllenhaal 
57. what are some of your favorite songs this week?
-fake happy by paramore, im not okay (i promise) by my chemical romance, tomorrow comes today by gorillaz
58. tell us 2 or your biggest hopes and fears
-biggest hopes: i publish a book someday & i get a job doing something i love
-biggest fears: i end up homeless and broke & something horrific happens in college
59. what flavor chapstick/lipbalm is the best?
-raspberry i guess
60. are you okay?
-i answered a lot more honestly then i shouldve for some of these and i start new classes tomorrow so im feeling really anxious so im doing alright i guess.
gobble you test me but i do love you
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(i’m bored, have some unnecessary information about myself)
Questions You Aren't Used To
Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
not usually
On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
solid 3.5, we have a freezer room at work, and I have walked probably 1/4 in and had to turn around and turn the light on because it freaks me out
The person you would never want to meet?
no one specific. some one filled with hatred and resentment though
What is your favorite word?
proper, it’s a word i’ve been using more frequently since I got back
If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
a weeping willow. because they’re my favorite tree
When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
I need better concealer that will cover the not sleeping for the past 2 days off my face
What shirt are you wearing?
a tank top that says tacos and tequila
What do you label yourself as?
right now? confused
Bright room or dark room?
dark room, any day. I know this contradicts the are you afraid of the dark question, but I love darkness.
What were you doing at midnight last night?
making a valiant attempt at sleeping
Favorite age you’ve been so far?
probably like 7 or 8, I wasn’t diabetic yet and life was much more care free, and I could fall asleep on long car rides and magically wake up in bed the next morning
Who told you they loved you last?
my best friend <3 love her dearly, she’s gotten me through some shit
Your worst enemy?
myself most days, I put a lot of love into the people around me. 
What is your current desktop picture?
my favorite baby anteater
Do you like someone?
romantically, right now my heart is in a bunch of places
The last song you listened to?
come down (acoustic)- noah kahan
You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? 
is trump a fair answer? that’s what came to my mind first
Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
I’m way to much of an introvert to ever properly punch someone in the face hahah
If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
I’d feel too bad about someone waiting on me hand and foot, haha so not probable 
What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
I’ve been told from other people, my legs and butt. I personally like my eyes
If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
brown hair, blue eyes-automatic answer is have sex, because I mean everyone wants to know what the other sex feels
Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I wish, alas I am boring
What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
not knowing what I’m meant to do in the future is a big one
You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
classic sandwich answer is turkey cheddar mustard mayo on sourdough
You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
cuervo silver
You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
no money
What is your favorite expletive?
shit, is my most used
Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
baby blanket. hands down
You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I’m grateful enough to not have a horrible enough experience that’d make me want to erase it. everything that’s happened to me I have grown from.
You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
score, I’d probably move to somewhere in europe
The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my aunt
What was your last dream about?
ha. my ex unfortunately. even more unfortunate I was happy.
Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
more times than I care to admit
Have you ever built a snowman?
of course! not in a while though, it might be added to my winter 2018 list of things i should do list
What is the color of your socks?
I have multicolored socks, so it depends on the day but they definitely arent matching either way
What type of music do you like?
music with relate-able lyrics, whether it’s country, pop, rap etc. 
Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
What football team do you support? 
Do you have any scars?
I have one from an iguana scratch and another from when I shaved half the skin off my leg by accident lol
What do you want to be when you graduate?
good question, I’m working on figuring that out still
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
not to worry so much about things I cant control
Are you reliable?
very, I hate letting people down and being late
If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
are you happy where you’ve ended up
Do you hold grudges?
not for long, i’m pretty forgiving
If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a horse dog would be pretty neat
What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
i’ve had a few, but I can’t recall any
Are you a good liar?
not purposefully, I am good at lying about my feelings
How long could you go without talking?
a day, max probably
What has been you worst haircut/style?
hahah probably when my mom used to cut my bangs to be honest
Have you ever baked your own cake?
I have! but I know my mom is much better than I am
Can you do any accents other than your own?
Australian and english 
What do you like on your toast?
peanut butter and honey
What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
a stick horse probably
What would be you dream car?
something manual. like a little manual truck
Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I sing off key, nothing unusual
Do you believe in aliens?
eh not really as like green one eyed creatures, but I think it’s possible there could be other life
Do you often read your horoscope?
I’m one of “those” people lol
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
L, I like writing cursive L’s
Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
What do you think about babies?
I’ve realized my view on babies has shifted from odd potato creature to something I might want in the future, it just took breaking up with a guy I thought I had a future with to discover it
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cawfulkiller-blog · 6 years
@ontodeath ordered one short of Mori and Lyon studying and this is what i came up with ~  1,910 words.  hope you like it <3
The laboratory Prince Lyon had set aside for research into dark magic was something amazing.  It was re-purposed from one of the smaller guest chambers.  As the emperor's health was failing, he had no need for visitors, and the castle contained many rooms besides to house any that may come to pay respects or offer aid.
In peacetime, neither were very necessary.  The prince got away with stealing these chambers for his own needs, and he got away with keeping the terrible secret of the horrors performed within only because his researchers liked him well, and he was of a kind and quiet temperament.  Such a gentle prince could never do something so vile.
All the books they could find regarding the subject were relocated to these rooms, set upon bookshelves that looked, in Moritura's opinion, far too empty.  It was almost too dark to read them, even, in the room, because in their care they had drawn thick curtains over the windows.  All guest chambers in the castle overlooked the smaller of the two courtyards, and the flowers were still attended to daily by maids and gardeners. Lyon didn't want them to peek inside and see what was going on.
The real wonderment in the room was elsewhere, naturally, held inside runes and sigils carved in various places.  For instance, the door frame to the hallway had carefully scratched runes, carved by the Prince himself.  He said it would prevent those who didn't like dark magic from growing curious about this room.  In Moritura's excitement she had never noticed if it worked, but if that was Lyon's intent in carving them (she could feel that, at least) then it definitely worked as he said.
Her favorite thing about the laboratory was hidden under a thick tarp.  Even though it was out of sight, the circle beneath it gave off waves of an uneasy feeling.  Each researcher in the room confessed feeling like they were being watched, even if left alone in the room, and to uncover the circle was to grant any who looked at it a visceral feeling of sickness.  It was how they performed most of their experiments.  Even though it made Moritura uncomfortable, she knew it to be a great step forward in their field, and each time she was forced to stare at its terribleness, she grew excited for the results they might see next.
Lyon wouldn't let her participate directly in what he called their revolutionary experiments, but Mori never felt as though he was babying her.  He still explained each concept and experiment, whether or not she'd be allowed to participate, and asked if she had any suggestions or ideas regarding the theory.
It was the highest of compliments, coming from him.  No matter how many times he might have suggested otherwise, it was common knowledge in their little circle that Lyon was the most gifted practitioner of dark magic.  He would often deflect compliments or suggest another mage be put on a pedestal, but at the end of the day he spun curses as easily as he drew breath, and it was he alone who seemed the least perturbed by some of the horrors they commit in the name of science.
Mori even swore that she could feel the darkness on him when he was nearby, and she was in the process of testing this hypothesis every interaction with him.  Another score against him – he sat down in front of her at the table, and she could feel it, so she raised her head to meet his gaze.
She had been staring, furtive and pointless, at a blank page in a blank book.
“Is that the empty tome I gave you?” the prince asked.  He smiled sweetly, shifting to place down a stack of parchments and careful not to spill his cup of tea over it.
“Yeah...” Mori replied.  He probably expected her to have filled it by now, but she hadn't so much as touched it in that regard yet.
“Don't know where to start?”  He took the words from her mouth with a small giggle, hidden demurely behind one hand.
“That's exactly it!” she said, maybe too enthusiastically.  She tried to settle in her chair.  “I mean...  This is a lot of blank canvas, and I've never written a tome before.”
As far as she knew, neither had any other researcher here, except for Lyon, probably, who was in all likelihood a master at it without even trying.
“It seems like a lot to start with, I know,” he replied.  “But you can definitely do it.  You just need to figure out what you want it to become, first.”
Mori definitely didn't have that.
“Have you been brainstorming?”
She looked back down to the blank pages opened before her, as she had several times before.  She wanted to end with a spell that was uniquely hers, but she also wanted one she could be proud of, one that Lyon would be proud of, too.  Those constraints didn't exactly narrow down her options, though.
“I've been trying,” she answered.  “But there's so many ideas...”
“I know the feeling,” Lyon responded.  He kept a serene smile on his face as he shuffled through the papers he'd put on the table.  “I've been writing one of my own, but the methodology is so different to write novelty spells opposed to combat...”
Every word out of Lyon's mouth was inspired, it seemed.  Each one gave another glimpse at how brilliant he really was.
“What do you mean novelty?”
Lyon prefaced his answer with a small giggle.  “I have no interest in a tome meant simply for hurting some one – as most tomes are made.  I see no reason why you can't make a tome meant for healing.  We have a methodology for Nosferatu right?  So...  I've been working on something like that.”
“Can I see it?”  Mori didn't mean to ask, assuming the answer would be a flat 'no', but it tumbled out before she could stop it.
Lyon blushed, the gentle smile he usually held faded, and he averted his gaze. “I-I suppose that wouldn't be an issue...  Actually...”
He didn't finish his thought before standing and directing her to stay seated, that he would be right back.  It felt entirely too long before he returned – Moritura's whole body was wired with excitement at the thought she'd get to see one of his most personal ventures.  
When he returned, he placed the book beside her, and quietly moved a second chair to sit next to her, so that they would both be able to look at it at the same time.
The front of the tome was gorgeous, or so Mori thought, but it seemed fitting that such an amazing scientist and the prince himself would have such a pretty tome.  She reached to touch it, but he opened it to the first pages before she had the chance.
“I'm a bit stuck myself, you see,” he explained, carefully turning to the next page.  “And since very few of the other researchers even agree with me that we can rewrite tomes and create new sigils at our own necessity, I don't expect much help from the others.”
“Oh...”  It was hard to believe that some one as brilliant as Lyon might be stuck, too, but at the same time oddly comforting.  Certainly this meant he was far from disappointed that she hadn't even begun to write her own tome...
“Anyway,” he continued hastily.  “Go ahead and read it.  I'm afraid it will probably be above your skill level, but all spells have the same roots, so it isn't inconceivable you'd understand some of it anyway.”
Moritura tried. She didn't need more of an invitation.  Unfortunately, Lyon was correct in his assumption.  Some of the words and even letters they were written in were completely foreign to her eyes, and though she tried to stumble through mouthing the sentences quietly to herself, it was much more difficult than she thought.
It didn't dismay her, though.  Instead, she found herself grinning at the prince's brilliance, and that she was able to bear witness to it.  Even...
Halfway through another difficult paragraph she stopped, stared, and pouted. “That's...”
She pointed, very deliberately, at a single word.  Lyon's handwriting was crisp and clear, easily legible, and yet he had either smudged a rune here, or...  “I think this is mispelt.”
Lyon hurriedly pushed into her, rather awkwardly, in order to peer over her shoulder at the word she was pointing at.  Mori turned to look at his face. He pouted, too.
“You're... right,” he said.  There was disappointment in his voice.  “I... I mispelt that.”
His fingers pushed hers out of the way gently, tracing his work again.  He murmured something that Moritura couldn't make out before shifting, pulling away from her, and completely turning away entirely.
“Uhm...  When you're finished with this, please give it back.  I've got some things I should edit in it and...”
He faced her again.  “Well, I'm a little embarrassed, but....  I should thank you for your insight, I didn't realize...”
Mori shut the book gently and pushed it onto the table.  Almost instantly did Lyon take it back from her.  
“Can a spelling mistake really change so much?” she asked.
Lyon's face was pink now.  He clutched his tome to his chest and offered an obviously forced smile to her.  “Yes, well...  That, and I should make sure I haven't mispelt anything else...  It...  Could really change the meaning or intent behind my actions...  In ways that I would have no knowledge of...”
“You still wrote a tome, Prince Lyon.  That's so cool!”
“I'm writing a tome,” he corrected, dismissively.  “It's still, clearly, a work in progress.”
They stood at the same time.  She was wired with excitement and energy and he merely pressed his tome to his chest.  She smiled because she thought it was funny.
“I know it's going to be amazing, Your Highness!  I just hope I can make something you think is cool too!!”
He chuckled weakly.  “Yes, Mori, I'm sure I will...  Did, uhm...  I just... You...”
Mori's head canted to one side.  “It's just a spelling mistake.  It's really hard to remember all the runes, plenty of people mess up just reading them.”  Mori didn't, though, and Lyon most certainly didn't.  “I need to calm down before I start writing, I'm sure I'll have plenty!”
“Right,” Lyon replied, clipping the word off sharply with his teeth.  “I, uhm...  You'll do wonderful, Mori.  I know it.”
“Do you really think so?”
She sprung forward then, suddenly, pulling Lyon into a tight, friendly hug.  The prince froze.  She could feel him stiffen in her arms, but he almost instantly relaxed.  She pulled away before he could wrest his arm from in between them and offer a hug back.
“I-it's fine. Uhm...  I do think I'll step out to the courtyard...  I'll be there if you... need me.”
“You're leaving?”  Mori looked over to the papers and ink Lyon had been ready to deal with before.  “What about..?”
Lyon smiled unconvincingly.  “It'll be here for me when I return.  Erm...  Have a nice day, okay?”
“You too, Your Highness!  I'll get right to work!”
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alicedoessurveys · 7 years
loooooong survey
Did you spend your childhood time with mostly real or imaginary friends?: real. I spent most summers/half terms with my cousins and my neighbour’s grandkids. Did people consider you an odd child?: not odd, just shy  Do you have memories that go back to when you were only a few months old?: nope Do you remember any thoughts you had when you where very young?: not really nope  
Were they intricate or simple thoughts?: probably simple but I can't remember 
If you answered “intricate”, give an example of one of those thoughts: n/a
Were you dreams very vivid as a child?: yes, still do. I also used to get really bad night terrors a lot as a kid What is the strangest memory you have from early childhood?: can't think of anything strange.. Were you a child prodigy or did you display any gifts at a young age?: I drew a lot, but I was no prodigy What was the most “grown-up” thing you ever said as a child?: I have no idea What were your favourite TV shows in early childhood?: I grew up on Fairly Odd Parents, Rugrats, Tracy Beaker Were you afraid of monsters?: yes, especially zombies Did you believe that fictional characters were real?: yes Were you more quiet and artistic or loud and physical? quiet and artistic  Issues and stuff Do you eat meat?: yup, but only beef, chicken and bacon/sausage  If you do, what is your justification for it?: I dont feel I need to justify it, just like I wouldn't expect a vegetarian to justify why they dont eat meat. each to their own.  If you could legalize 3 things in the US, what would they be?: I dont live in the US, I dont really know their laws and I dont really care  Do you believe in the death penalty?: nope Did Mumia do it?: do what..? If you had a choice, which country would you have chosen to be born into?: I like that im English, I just wish I was born in a different part of England cause Birmingham is a shit hole What are your opinions of Michael Moore?: I dont know who that is  Describe your feelings about marijuana legalization: I think it should be for those who need it for medical stuff Red, White and Blue is a ghastly color combination, right?: nope What television news coverage do you detest the most?: all of it, I dont watch the news What will you do if Bush is re-elected? Im British, I dont care  Which state do you think will drop off into the ocean first?: idk Who do you consider “American Heros”?  I feel like these questions are very aimed at Americans  Completely Obtuse And Silly Questions Have you ever taken something apart just to see how it worked? yes  Do you ever yell at the television while you are alone? Reason?: not yell, but talk to the telly yeah. and not even just while im alone.  Name a few things (if any) that you bought on Ebay recently: I cant remember the last time I bought something off eBay  Are the Muppetes sinister? Think about it.: nope... o.O Do you watch the Science Channel (Discovery) on a regular basis?: no ive never watched it  Ever gotten into an “in person” argument with a total stranger? Discuss: yup. basically I was at this event thing where they had boats and pretty floating lights and shit on a river. we had waited all day to see them and when they were finally coming past we couldn't see them because it was so crowded and there was a “security guy” stood in the way. There was kids infront of me who kept saying they couldn't see because of him so I yelled “MOVE” and he turned around and started arguing with me. Long story short, he eventually moved out the way and found a space where he wasn't blocking anyones view and the people around me thanked me. I felt so awkward after cause im not a confrontational person at all but I was so tired & irritated that I just snapped.  Sugar or Honey?: Sugar What’s on your desk right now?: im not sat at my desk atm  How many e-mails do you recieve a day?: about 20 Do you think that time travel is a possibility?: no Are you slightly addicted to online tests and surveys?: not addicted, I just enjoy doing them to pass time San Francisco or New York City?: ive never been to either, but I would like to go to New York  What are your favorite color combinations?: grey and light blush pink looks nice Close your eyes and type the first random image that pops into your head: I cant because im listening to hairspray so thats all I can see right now  Do you enjoy night or day better?: depends what im doing  Favorite animal: Dogs   Have you ever been to a protest?: Nope, but ive ended up in the same place as a protest was taking place and it was horrible Aggravated a cop on purpose?: No Ever gone train hopping/ridden the rails?: Nope If you could choose a time period in which to live, which would it be?: I’m fine with this one Ever put your hand through a window?: no List a few words you hate the sound of: the c word And a few you like the sound of: idk Are you sick of this survey yet? not really  Emotions And Such Have you attempted suicide more than once?: No  Cutting?: Yes Do you get violent when you are angry?: Not with people, just with myself or just like throw stuff on the floor like a brat  Which emotion are you most consumed by?: fear Are you highly emotive?: Yes Do you discuss problems or keep them to yourself?: keep them to myself, and if I do discuss them I downplay or make jokes Do you fall in love easily?: not in love, but I do fall for people too easy What age/year was the most difficult for you?: around ages 19-now How do you channel your anger/sadness?: shut myself away and cry  Ever been addicted to alcohol or drugs?: No
Ever been homeless?: No List a few simple things that make you happy: playing sims, Tumblr, theatre When were you most recently your happiest?: hanging out with nick and Addison the other day  Do you consider yourself empathetic?: yes Friends Do you have friends that are drastically different from each other?: my main group of friends is only like 3 people and they have their differences but not drastic differences List a few key traits that all of your friends have in common: my friends are all into gaming, watching films & eating Do you keep in touch with friends from high school?: yes, two of my best friends are from school Have you lost touch with many of your friends?: almost everyone I become friends with end up losing touch in the end but ive been friends with Addison for 10 years and Rhys for 20 years Are they mostly local or long distance?: local  When you go out with friends, what kinds of things do you do?: usually go to the arcade, cinema and get food Have you ever been betrayed by a close friend?: yes If yes, are you still friends with that person?: no Are your friends mostly your age, younger or older?: rhys & Addison are 23, nick is 25, I am 22
Do you have a hard time making friends because most people bore you?: no, I have a hard time making friends because im socially awkward Do you like to hang out with friends one-on-one or in groups?: groups, it takes the pressure off in conversations Which of you online friends do you have the most in common with?: I dont have any online friends Family Are you close to your family?: yes What traits are you glad you inherited from them?: faithfulness & a good sense of humour  What sitcom does your family most remind you of?: I cant think of anything other than that me and my mom are a lot like Miranda and her mom from the sitcom ‘Miranda’ Does your family live locally or far away?: local Have you ever stopped speaking to someone in your family?: yes Have either of your parents died?: no, thank god Is your family very much like you or are you opposites?: a lot like me  How many siblings do you have?: one older sister Has your family ever thrown food at each other?: yes, every christmas season we throw chocolates at each other from the Quality Street or Roses tins Are the holidays a nightmare or a time of joy?: I love Christmas Day and I normally love christmas shopping but this year I found it all very stressful because I was so busy at the theatre and I had no money to buy gifts  Do you look like your parents?: ive been told I do List one interesting fact about your family: apparently my dads side of the family is descended from royalty Lovers Gay, Straight, Bi-sexual or no idea?: Straight Married/partnered?: Single Ever gone out with someone you were embarrassed to be seen with?: no Ever broken someones heart?: someone I “dated” in infant school told me when we reunited in senior school that I broke his heart. but I didn't actually do anything so I dont know where he got that from  How many serious relationships have you had?: none Have you ever lusted obsessively over someone you knew you couldn’t have?: not obsessively lusted, but I have fancied guys that I knew nothing could ever happen.  Do you believe in the theory of soulmates?: yes Ever cheated?: No Been cheated on?: No Thrown someones stuff out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Nope Had your stuff thrown out on the lawn/stairs/etc.?: Nope Most important emotional qualities of a lover?: someone who makes me feel happy and can make me smile, makes me feel comfortable, is caring, trustworthy, honest, affectionate  Most important physical qualities?: I dont think physical qualities are super important but I do fall for peoples eyes & smile Food & Drink Non-alcoholic beverage of choice: cherry coke or caramel hot chocolate Alcoholic beverage of choice: cider Foods you crave on a regular basis: chocolate
Salsa and Chips or Pita and Hummus?: neither Meat or Tofu?: Meat Soup or Salad?: soup Soda or Juice?: Soda Can I get you anything else?: You didn't get me anything..? :’) Favorite candy:: chocolate in general Favorite food to make: lasagne 
Food brand that you hate?: idk Do you try to buy all organic?: nope  Favorite fast food?: mcdonalds Final Questions Ever had a great song ruined for you after it was used in a commercial?: yes
Ever yelled at an SUV?: nope A Hummer?: Nope Ever faked being sick to get out of going somewhere?: yes If you could turn back time and change one thing, what would it be?: stay in college Bambi or Nemo?: Nemo List 3 things that are worrying you right now: 1, money. 2, a meeting I have to go to next week that im absolutely dreading. 3, I have this constant annoying anxiety that tells me my friends dont actually like me and that I get on everyones nerves.  Do you think you’ll ever have children if you don’t already?: not my own now, but I hope to adopt Do you think there is life on other planets?: no Have you ever broken a leg or arm?: nope Would you rather stay in the house or do things outside: depends on my mood David Letterman or Jay Leno?: I dont know who they are  Last words?: Bye
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stanvicton1109-blog · 7 years
Byungchan Day Fansigning/ SBS Inkigayo Recording
Hey Guys I know I am late with this story but better late than never. I am sorry. I just been so busy with all the Victon promotions and school assignments
So to start off the first recording for this era for myself was SBS Inkigayo’s pre-recording and Victon’s fan check in was at 8AM and I had to be there so I could get my sticker and get my number in line, I ended up being level 2 number 18 it was worth it I got to see the boys preform Remember Me! It took maybe 20 minutes I waited 2 hours for 20 minutes of Victon yes it was wild epsecially when the SBS Inkigayo studio is literally over an hour and a half away on the train, that is not the point it was cold and I had Victon to warm me up. After the pre-recording ended I left to the area where the fansigning was being held to pick up my seat number since Victon held their fansigning drawing through M2U records this time I had to go to the store I bought the albums at to draw my number I ended up being number 43. After I drew my number I went to eat because it is after noon at this point and I was dying since I woke up at 5AM I was beyond hungry and tired. After a few hours I bought Byunchan’s birthday a gift and labeled my album and went to the fansigning building. I was about an hour early, I eventually met up with my friends who came to the fansigning as well. After time passes it is time to go inside for the fansigning to start. The boys were a little late.
I am waiting my other friends got good numbers and one friend of my friends got a later number. While waiting my friend Ari comes back to her seat is like Porscha Guess what?? I am so confused I am like what?? She processeeds to tell me that Victon has seen her videos of them and I am so shook like oh my gosh she was freaking out I was like shookth I could not believe it either but mayber 30 minutes later it is my time to go. After getting my album checked it is time for me to go.
Sejun is first he sees me and he is like Oh... Youtube Star before I even sit down I am like woah what excuse me? He tells me that he saw me on youtube. I was like ohh. He proceeds to explain to me how Ari Vlogs her camera and such, he asks me that we always come together right. And I tell him yes and that she is recording behind me and he waves to her camera, and he tells me let’s wave to her camera together and I was like huh??? okay..... Sejun please I turn around and we wave together then he tells me Thank you for loving Victon like this. I was touched by his words he also wrote it in my book and it is time for me to move to the next member Subin
Subin sees me moving to him and is smiling like a little cheeky baby, and we greet each other and he is like I saw you on youtube and I am like oh god really? He is said it is interesting, Subin is such a smol bean he asks me what will I do tomorrow I tell him I will sleep. Then he says that he has a test next week. At first I was confused about what he was asking me I thought he was asking me did I have a test next week and then he clarified saying he has a test and then I was like oh okay, he then asked me to give him fighting and I did of course I gave him FIGHTING SUBIN! He thanks me and then I move to Seungsik
Seungsik is such a beautiful man, I love him so much as soon as I sit down he noticed that I changed my hair style, I took out my braids and straightend my hair and he told me that he liked the new hairstyle too, and I replied to him with I like his hair color and he replied that it was a relief that I liked it, then he asked me which hairstyle Iiked more his purple in the photobook or his blue hair and I told him I liked both, then I told him I went to Inkigayo today, and that I like is suspenders. I was damn broken, he finishs signing my album and I start moving to Hanse
Hanse sees me moving and looking at me says Hello Hello, and I am like hi! Hanse looks at my name after signing the page and asks me in Korean How do you spell this in English even though my name is written in plain English I spell it out for him like P O R S C H A, and when he is finished he like ohhhh and then he looks at me and he is like oh you changed your hair, Yes I changed it, and he then tells me cool, we smile at each other and he explains to me in Korean at how his english is not good I tell him my Korean is not that goos, and he tells me that now he will study English harder, an I am like okay!. Then we wave at eachother and I move to Seungwoo
My man Seungwoo was very sick that day he ran off stage a few times durning the fansign, I move to him and he sees my name and he says it like Porschaaa porschaaa porschaaa, and I am like yeah yeah yeah, hahahahah we laugh and he asks me did I eat and I tell him yes and he looks at me and notices that my hair is different and he says that ohh you changed your hair and I am like yes then he says its cool and gives it a thumbs up, he asks me why I changed it and I just said it was time and he just nods, and we wave each other off I just wanted to move on fast because I could barely talk my mouth was really dry, and he was sick I didnt want to keep him and he says thank you and I move to the birthday boy Byungchan
Byunchan is such a curious George, I sit and put this big ass Kakao friends bag on the table, The following conversation happens in English, Byungchan asks me if it is a birthday gift for him and I say yes, he asks me what kind of gift I tell him a shirt and he asks me Kakao friends shirt?? I tell him no, and he like I wonder what kind of gift this is? then he asks me If I am sick because of my lack of speaking I almost shout no but I just say no,and he says ahh okay and finish signing my page he shakes my hand and passes my book to Chan and I move to chan
Chan is last and I am dead I was so dead by then end of this like I was shocked I said things on my own, We great each other and Chan has a hard time finding his photo and when he finds it he say found it, and then he signs my page, he asks me something in Korean about liking something and the word I do not understand I repeat it back to him and he then says it in English and what he was trying to ask me was How Do I Like the 4th Album and I reply to him that I liked it, and then I mention Highlight’s (Beast) Junhyung but I was trying to say he did a good job producing the song, but it got caught because I realized that I did not know how to say that, but chan probably knew that I liked the song alot not Junhyung ohhh god!! he says thank you and it is time for me to go and I leave off the stage. 
After that I was like dead, I waved to Subin, and he waved back. The boys wished Byungchan a happy birthday, they preformed Remember Me. Byungchan asked the staff, if the fans could have a hi-touch, since he asked the fans what did they want to do for his birthday, and they said hi-touch, the staff said no, and they had a photo time with Byungchan and his birthday cake and his birthday cake, it was so cute, Their remember me performance was supposed to be a cute ver. but it was kind of a regular version. Overall it was an eventful fansigning, Also another thing though Seungwoo ran off a few times he always brought back a banana for the fan that was waiting for him or a cuti, one member even drew on a fan’s banana, then before they wrapped up Sejun gave a peeled cutie to a fan it was so sweet. The fansign was interesting I cant wait to go back again I miss them so much.
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littlebitoffanfic · 7 years
Fandom: teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Character: Donnie Relationship: Donnie/reader Request: can you do a Donnie x reader? The reader was bullied for wearing glasses and thinks Donnie is acting weird to her because of her glasses but it actually because hes really attracted to her? Especially when shes wearing glasses Donnie closed the door behind him, carful not to slam it and draw attention to himself. His hands were shaking slightly and he was sweating as he leaned against the door. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest and he tried to calm it. You had come into the lair today, which was normal as you were going to help Donnie with some tech. But Donnie couldn’t find he could be in the same room as you. It was a nasty or vindictive reason. It was just… you. You had been wearing black dungaree dress with a pair of crimson tights and crimson top to match. Your hair was up in a messy bun but strands fell down around your face. But it was one thing that broke Donnie. You were wearing your glasses. it wasn’t often you wore them and Donnie was grateful for that. Not because he didn’t like them. It would be very hypocritical of him to not like glasses considering he could barely see without his. But your were like the cherry on top of a beautiful cake. He thought you were absolutely stunning but, for some reason, when you wore glasses it was like Donnie couldn’t function. His attraction to you grew and he didn’t know how to stop it. He was scared he would act on these urges and let everything slip. He would tell you he had loved you for years, that everything he did was for you, that he would happily protect you for the rest of his life. but he didn’t know how you would react. He suddenly jumped when he heard a knock at the door, followed by your voice calling his name. Donnies legs nearly gave way but he managed to hold himself up as he turned and opened the door. He was surprised when his eyes met yours to see a hint of sadness in them. Your eyes looked slightly bigger behind your glasses, but nothing compared to how his eyes enlarged under in own pair. Stepping back, he allowed you to enter the lair with a smile but was surprised when you didn’t return with your own smile. You walked into the centre of the lab but Donnie hung back by the door. He was sure you hadn’t noticed him slip away, but apparently, he was wrong. As he closed the door over and took a moment to take a few breaths before could turn to face you. ‘relax’ he told himself. But before he turned back, you asked a question that seemed to shatter his world. “Are you ignoring me because im wearing my glasses?” You asked, your voice shaking slightly. Donnie could feel the tension in the door and felt every breath slip out his lungs. You had figured it out. You had figured out he loved you and that scared him. Donnie ran every moment over the last few days in his mind, trying to figure out where you had figured out his feelings for you, but he couldn’t find any. He knew he couldn’t deny it. It was one thing to never confess his feelings, it was another to lie about them. He always told himself if you were to ask, he would be honest with you. Sighing, he pressed his forehead against the door, squeezing his eyes shut as he prepared himself for the rejection. “Yes.” He said, just loud enough for you to hear. There was a moment of silence as he waited. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears. but then he heard a clatter from behind him and a sob. Donnie turned around and first searched for the clatter, afraid one of his inventions had fallen over and hurt you. But his eyes fell on your glasses, which were now lying on the floor at your feet. He frowned but another sob drew his attention up and his heart broke in you. Your hands were covered your face and you were crying. He could see the tears slipping through your hands and running down your skin. “[y/n]?” Donnie asked, timidly. He didn’t know what had caused this sort of reaction in you. You were strong and never let anyone see you cry. But Donnie realised he had been blocking the door so it wasn’t like you could just leave. “I thought you were different. I thought you wouldn’t care!” You sobbed, more to yourself than to him. But when Donnie called out your name again, you jumped and looked up at him. He felt like he could see your heart breaking in your eyes and it killed him. “what do you mean?” Donnie asked desperately. He didn’t think him confessing would trigger such a reaction and wanted nothing more than to see you smile again. “I mean you’re just like them all! I thought you wouldn’t care that I wore glasses but you cant even stand being around me when I am! I don’t like wearing them! You think I liked being teased and bullied for having to wear those stupid things!” You screamed him and pointed to the glasses on the floor. Donnie took a moment to processes what you had said, confused at your outburst. You had been bullied for your need for glasses? Donnie had never been teased apart from by his brothers but that was in fun. You were obviously very badly bullied. So much so that even years after leaving school, you were still insecure. And you thought his actions were because of that reason. Well, it was, but not because he didn’t like them. For the exact opposite reason. “You’re wrong. I think you’re beautiful.” Donnie whispered, shaking his head. He knew he had to tell you now or never. He wasn’t willing to allow you to feel like the glasses make you look anything less than beautiful. Even though him confessing would destroy your friendship, he wanted you to know how he thought of you. You seemed to freeze at him words. “What?” You sobbed, shaking your head as if you couldn’t believe what he had said. “You think im beautiful?” “breath-takingly so.” Donnie offered you a small but sad smile as he walked closer to, till he was only a few feet away. “Why-Why?” You hiccupped, obviously confused. Donnie knew you weren’t asking why he thought you were beautiful. You were asking for an explanation of his actions. “sometime, I cant be in the same room as you.” He started, seeing your eyes widen as fresh tears flooded them, but he continued. “Not because of what you’re thinking. I- ive been in love with you for a long time. And sometimes, it breaks my heart. Because I know nothing can ever happen between us. And I accept that. But sometimes, I wonder what it would be like. And sometimes, there are moments when I look at you and feel myself falling in love all over again. With your intelligence. With your humour. With your beauty. With you.” Donnie felt his own tears running down his cheek as he spilled his heart out to you. “but why cant you stand when I wear my glasses?” You asked, your own mind spinning by his words. But you saw Donnies cheek glow and he looked away from you for a moment before looking back to you. “I-I like them. I think you look amazing in them and I prefer it when you wear them. You’re just so…” Donnie met your gaze as his eyes filled with adoration. He bent down and picked up the glasses before sliding them back onto your face, carefully. Once they were secure, his thumb brushed against your cheek for a moment. “Beautiful.” You saw Donnie bite down on his lower lip slightly as hurt flashed in his eyes before his hand left your cheek and he turned to walked away from you. “Why… why could nothing ever happen?” You asked, walking as he froze and turned back to face you. You instantly saw why he had turned away as fresh tears wet his cheeks. “Turtle, human.” He indicated between the two of you with a small laugh, as if it were obvious. You raised a hand and ran it through your hair. “I don’t care.” You shook your head slightly as you spoke as if to make sure he understood your words. He blinked at your words, silently asking why. “because I love you too.” No one had ever said anything as sweet as he just had to you. And as you looked back over the years, you were surprised you hadn’t noticed his feeling. Or him noticing yours. Donnie took a deep breath and stared at you for a moment. He was either waiting to see if this was a joke or wondering what he was going to do next. But then he seemed to break and he walked back to you. His walked with a sense of purpose and determination you had never seen in him before. And you liked it. As he came closed, he reached out and rested his right hand on your left cheek before bending down to press his lips to yours in a powerful and passionate kiss. you instantly returned the kiss, pressing your body against his as you wrapped your arms around him. You needed the contact, the intimacy and passion he was offering. Donnie was somewhat taken aback by your willingness to kiss him but he couldn’t control himself when you said you loved him back. He was more than willing to pull away and apologies for his actions but you were silently asking for more. He wrapped his other hand around your waist. Pulling back for air, you felt his hand move around to rest on the back of your neck beneath your hair. You were both panting slightly and as you looked at Donnie, you were very aware that this was his first kiss. In fact, you would be his first everything. And that excited you. “Im sorry for how I acted to you.” Donnie whispered, pulling you a little closer if it were possible. “me too. I just assumed it was because of the same reason everyone else teased me.” You looked down, ashamed you were admitting to being bullied. You had never told anyone before. “Well, they’re all wrong.” Donnie whispered. And as you looked up into his loving eyes, you honestly felt he was right. How could they be right about you when someone looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing on this planet? “Can-can you stay here tonight?” Donnie suddenly asked. He saw your cheek glow bright red and your eyes widen (partly in amusement) as his boldness. “No, no, no. not like that. I just- I think we have a lot to talk about and, honestly, I could stay like this forever.” Donnie quickly corrected himself, making you smile and laugh. “Yeah, I can stay. In fact, I don’t think you’ll be getting rid of me anytime soon. Not after a kiss like that.” You giggled, cuddling into his chest as you felt it vibrate slightly with his own chuckle. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He pressed a kiss to your head as he held you close.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 3rd, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 3rd, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Princess Pups by Lindsay Hornsby.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Princess Pups by Lindsay Hornsby~! (https://tapas.io/series/Princess-Pups)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite strip in the comic so far and why?
one strip i really enjoyed myself was this one https://tapas.io/episode/295876 where the pups are having a debate. partly just cause of how quickly the debate devolved, and partly cause i loved how cute it was that the judging pups got to have cake and cookies and were basically the ultimate winners.
although my all time favorite is definitely the valentines strip https://tapas.io/episode/284778. this one just hurt my heart with the cuteness and i think sends such a positive message about how maybe the jerks around us also just didnt get their own valentines and are lashing out in jealousy. and i love the princess pups for putting kindness before revenge.
in terms of comedy, to lighten things up from that last one, there's also this strip https://tapas.io/episode/812585 that i enjoyed. partly cause i always love Pug Pups shenanigans of just basically wanting to eat anything and everything. but also because i like the irony that nope the eclipse was just a giant cookie thing in the sky. although maybe theyll figure it out when it takes a while to disappear
L Hornsby
Hiya, I draw Princess Pups and I'm glad you like it @RebelVampire !
thank you for coming, @L Hornsby ~!
related to pug pup https://tapas.io/episode/499353 i super loved pug pups idea of a horror story is that the fridge is empty. XD but another good strip just cause they once again didnt scorn the ghost. just said come on ghost, join our party. which i mean is a sign theyre great party throwers cause basically anyone is a potential guest.
L Hornsby
They especially love having a party with someone else who enjoys candy
(even if they are a ghost)
which now made me overthink wondering if the ghost cant actually eat it and it just passes through them. XD although i doubt pug pup would complain about that. can just follow the trail and eat all those candies
L Hornsby
The ghost probably enjoys at least being around candies and cookies I hadn't considered if it could eat it though. Makes me think about Slimer from GhostBusters going after a buffet
lol. mysteries for another day probably. more important they have a good, fun experience
L Hornsby
https://tapas.io/episode/266696 another strip i thought was hilarious. the princess pups making all these elaborate plans to get their food back. meanwhile the cats basically self sabotage by beating each other up and having a slap fight. which tbf is very accurate to cats since they dont like food competition XD
L Hornsby
The Commando Cats sometimes work together, but usually don't
wait theyre called the commando cats? XD thats great
L Hornsby
Yeah Since the Pups don't talk, it doesn't get brought up in the comics unless I'm putting a note under the comic
I wanted something sort of opposite of "Princess Pups" but with cats and I also wanted them to wear hats instead of crowns
i do enjoy their hats
QUESTION 2. Which of the Princess Pups is your favorite insofar? What about this pup makes you like them? Of the strips so far, what has been your favorite story to have this pup in it? What about their role in the strip made it enjoyable for you? In regards to your favorite pup, which pup do you love to see them interact with and why? What pup(s) do you feel your favorite should interact with more? Lastly, are there any minor recurring characters you enjoy seeing? Who are they and what about them do you like?
despite where my answers may have lead one to believe, my favorite pup is actually Scruffy Pup. I love her overall design and how it suits her messy personality in general, to start with. I especially just love her eyes though. Sometimes about them just makes her have the cutest facial expressions to me. As far as strips with her in it, I really liked Goat World https://tapas.io/episode/516356. partly cause i enjoyed just how plain enthusiastic she was about going to goat world. things go awry, and in the end the goats that she loved betrayed her by trying to eat all her stuff. which i mean is sad, but also hilarious just cause goats just be doin goat things.
as for interactions, im not sure i really have a preference. although i would like to see scruffy pup and pug pup interact more in the future. cause pug pup is my 2nd favorite and i feel the messiest pup + the eatiest pup could result in the best of pup shenanigans
L Hornsby
I drew Goat World due to a visit to a petting zoo where the goats kept trying to take my map, my backpack, and a piece of thread from my shirt
Scruffy Pup and Pug Pup definitely are the messiest and hungriest of the pups for sure though!
lol omg. that sounds like quite the experience and reminds me why i dont really go to petting zoos
since pug pup is my second favorite, i will also answer these questions for pug pup. i really enjoy pug pup because she basically the most chill. like that whole pizza party story arch. pug pup didnt care what was on the pizza. she just wanted to eat it. and i think that makes her adorable. her immense single minded focus. i dont really have a fave strip in this case cause i generally like all of pug pup's roles in any strips. i think in general she alone provides a ton of the comedy moments for the comic. XD
in terms of minor characters, i love the commando cats. partly out of my biased love for cats, but i also just love both their cute hats and the fact that theyre super cat like in how they react. like theyre the antagonists more by cat nature rather than this over the top manner you usually see in things.
L Hornsby
They're a mix of a few cats I've had growing up / currently. Cats can be really grumpy and fight each other, but can also be cuddle friends, but then go back to smacking each other XD
yes that is definitely accurate to cats
Hello dere. Only had a chance to read the origin so far this week, but wanted to say I'm impressed at how much gets conveyed without dialogue balloons.
L Hornsby
Pug Pup might be one of my most favorite to draw, but also least favorite because sometimes I forget to color her mouth markings, and I feel silly when that happens
Also, I love the term "cloud meeples".
L Hornsby
Thanks @mathtans ! The comic I'd been doing previous to Princess Pups involved a very chatty six year old, so I wanted to try to keep this one very pantomime
speaking of hte origin story, i love teacup pup had to have official princess pup papers that fluff pup scrutinized thoroughly XD
Scanning the backlog here. Yep, that seems accurate to cats, though I admit I'm a cat person.
Teacup pup is precious. Vacuum sucks.
I'm reading through more now. I wonder if they make the charts themselves, or use the wands to do it.
i actually wondered if the vacuum was accurate to dogs. like i know cats consider them their mortal enemies. but ive never owned a dog to know if they too fear the monster vacuum(edited)
L Hornsby
Sometimes they make things by hand (paw), sometimes TeaCup Pup will use Magics
Oh man, my dog can't stand the vacuum. My dog growing up couldn't stand it either.
King Vacuum is based on this awful vacuum my mom had when I was a kid that weighed probably 50 pounds and was super annoying to use. It was called a Kirby Vacuum (not as cool as Kirby from Kirby's Dream Land)
Maybe in the sequel they fight a roomba.
L Hornsby
https://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDAwWDMwMA==/z/u4IAAOSwxH1UB0PB/$_35.JPG?set_id=2 this is totally that vacuum
Reminds me of the vacuum from "littlest toaster" for some reason.
we still have a kirby vacuum in my house. XD it is very annoying to use and i support it being the ultimate vacuum enemy
"Magic" is too funny.
as in the strip, math?
cause if you mean the strip, i do wonder how long it was before corgi pup noticed the tail XD
The strip I got to, yes. Very "bunny".
OMG, all the feels for that Valentine one, you're right Rebel.
QUESTION 3. The strips offer a lot of variety in terms of set-up. Which of the strips did you feel was most relatable as far as the behavior of dogs go? What about that strip makes it this way to you? Of all the strips, which strip played out in a way that you didn’t expect and potentially made you laugh or aww at it? Why did it catch you off guard, and what made the twist likeable? Many of the strips also have positive messages within them. Which strip left the most impact on you in terms of endearment or positive messages behind it? What about the strip left this impact?
next time the pups face a vacuum they can join forces with the commando cats. and together they can win against the roomba army.
I don't know much about dog behaviour. I had a newspaper route for 7 years and got bitten once, so mostly I avoid them.
L Hornsby
That's too bad
It would be interesting to see the dogs and cats against a common enemy.
L Hornsby
That's true.
I didn't expect the 'piff' into the cloud at the bottom of the slide, that was amusing.
https://tapas.io/episode/334958 that was probably the strip i found probably reflected dog behavior the most. also qualifies as one where i didnt expect the twist. i legit thought they were gonna make a nice garden.
and then they didnt
although poor scruffy pup
missed out on dirt rolling
Dog gonnit.
oh no the puns have begun XD
L Hornsby
If the Princess Pups did more than just bark and make dog noises, there would be A Lot More Puns
they can just write a dog pun book
send the commando cats a free copy
The "silent movie" aspect is pretty cool though.
yeah i think it works well cause theyre all very expressive and the scenarios have that right blend of simplicity where the stories are always understandable and relateable
Actually, if it counts, some of the author comments at the end give me unexpected laughs too. (How DO they get a pool in the clouds?)
Yeah, expressions are great. Some of the posing in particular is fun to read.
ya know im not gonna question a pool in the clouds cause tbh the beginning made me wonder if they were in doggie heaven since cloud imagery usually equals heaven XD
so i will always be thankful its not
and they just live in the clouds
L Hornsby
LOL oh no, I hadn't thought of that
Pug Pup seems so amusingly clueless. Might be my fave, which is weird, because I'm not a fan of the wrinkly look in real life.
I was wondering if they were angels or something initially too. Like would they be visiting earth and seeing humans or something.
L Hornsby
Nah, they just live in the clouds and occasionally slide down rainbows to visit the ground
Now alien meeples. Meeples is the best word.
L Hornsby
It really is!
im glad im not the only one who thought the dead angel thing. XD cause that would be a morbid start.
Constantly amazed at how much gets conveyed without dialogue in these strips. So good.
Like the no cookie stuff in the space sequence.
Or the ghost encounter and telling stories.
this is another strip i think had a twist in that i overguessed. https://tapas.io/episode/616509 cause when the dinosaur leg went missing i was like "nah it couldnt be this is gonna be some doggie profiling." but then nope, it was my favorite pup being super obvious about it. which also surprised me cause totally thought pug pup would be the bone thief if it was anyone.
Or for that matter, Santa and the goat.
Heh, nice parody of the venus oyster shell painting in that one.
i questioned corgi pup's choice of gift. i wasnt sure if scruffy pup would still even like goats after the goat world incident XD
and then the goat tried to eat scruffy pup, the nightmares relived O_O
I like the one just before that, with the fly needing it's own book. Would not have called that.
Goats are tricky. Like elves.
L Hornsby
Corgi Pup assumed that Scruffy Pup's love of goats hadn't wavered after such and experience at Goat World. But Corgi Pup probably should have examined closer to see that it was a Baby Krampus she was buying instead
i did like the fly needing its own book. also made me aww just cause i love when the pups are being precious like that and putting kindness first. truly model princesses
I hate getting a krampus in my legus.
at least santa saved the day
Yis, very precious attitudes.
another strip i loved that had a twist was https://tapas.io/episode/833602
like i assumed pug pup would defy the odds and catch something
did not expect it to be scruffy pup XD
and those looks of surprise are priceless XD
I'm learning about pineapples.
i thought it was super lucky teacup pup was the one to get the pineapple
so she could cheat and use the wand
cause idk how the other pups wouldve managed XD
QUESTION 4. The Princess Pups have met with two other pup groups: the CowPoke Pups and the Space Pups. Which of these other groups interested you the most and why? Whether your favorite group, which about each story line did you like? What other groups do you think the Princess Pups might meet? In terms of future stories, do you think we will see the CowPoke Pups or Space Pups again? If so, in what manner might we see them? In general, what shenanigans do you think the Princess Pups will get up to in the future?
i liked both groups, but i think im gonna side with the space pups just cause they had fun things like the ability to turn off gravity. and no gravity makes for some fun parties where you can do lots and lots of things.
Huh, I don't think I even clued in that she was the only one with a wand.
yes it was her prize for defeating king vacuum and being the brave one
Space Pups also had alien meeples.
Rebel - I thought it was just her official graduation gift or something, like the others had them in reserve without occasion to use them.
L Hornsby
Oh man, I looked up so many images of Pineapples and how they grow for that Pizza Party story
I was wondering how much research was necessary. Ever decide, 'heck with it, they're getting broccoli'?
L Hornsby
TeaCup Pup was passed the mantle of holding The Wand by Fluf Pup after the origin story @mathtans
How DOES broccoli grow?
I thought it was just heads in the ground like cauliflower but now I'm not sure. O.o
L Hornsby
It grows up and is quite green lol
still has leafy things around it like the Pineapples
Still reading during the chat. I like how the unconventional topping of a cupcake helped save the day.
L Hornsby
I did like drawing the Alien Meeples a lot
broccoli is a weird looking plant ill say. although would probably have been easier than pineapple. but then again idk how many pups would want broccoli on the pizza. not that i think pug pup would complain. i just assume pug pup will eat anything edible. maybe some not edible things
i really liked in the cowpoke pups storyline where they had to catch up to a moving train and jump on. it felt very epically western and made me admire how cool and brave the pups are.
Yeah, pug doesn't seem too fussy.
Also, the Space Pups returned to create an eclipse, that was an unexpected guest starring role.
L Hornsby
The Solar Eclipse in 2017 was sooooooo cool! And it totally looked like a giant sandwich cookie to me
its kind of a shame the space pups didnt invite the princess pups again to eat the sandwich cookie
i kind of hope we see the space pups again as the call the princess pups needing help on a space mission
ultimate space adventure
L Hornsby
They'll probably show up again
I kinda remember that eclipse, aye.
Hm, are there also pups that live in the sea? Mer-Pups?
L Hornsby
The Space Pups are based on my dog Hannah and her brother Walter. We adopted Hannah and someone else adopted Walter a few days later
There might be Mer-Pups?
i totally support mer pups
that would adorable
and cool undersea parties can be had
with colorful coral
L Hornsby
The Pups might end up going back in time first. I'm a sucker for drawing dinosaurs
Oooh, time travel is always fun. Hopefully they don't go for the bones of the live dinosaurs.
I've reached the Go West part.
that also sounds awesome. can just picture them running from the trex. then making friends. all sitting around having cookies together
L Hornsby
Prehistoric cookies
or maybe just dinosaur shaped ones
thatd also be cute. endear the dinosaurs to them by making cookie self portraits.
i wonder if there are secret agent pups
who go around everywhere wearing sunglasses
L Hornsby
(Sorry, little one was fussing, had to run off for a moment.)
Just wanted to say before the end, the goat eyes are interestingly unique, makes it easy to tell them apart from the rest of the animals.
https://tapas.io/episode/1197013 i really love this vulture train dude with the hat btw. i actually hope we see the vultures again cause they had such great expressive and evil faces
Those vultures are pretty petty.
L Hornsby
Vultures are both cute and terrifying in real life
And the same with goats. I wanted to use Actual Goat Eyes because they're SO WEIRD
Oh hey, caught up just in time. I like the one balloon falling down.
Goats + Pineapples = wha?
as we draw to a close, i just want to say the comic was really nice and a great way to start off the year i think. there were just so many heartwarming moments and i loved the immense kindness the pups always showed despite adversity
L Hornsby
A Goat Pineapple?!?
Pineapple with slanty eyes.
Agreed, Rebel.
L Hornsby
Aw, thanks guys! I don't have a huge following so it was good to hear from some readers!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Lindsay Hornsby, as well, for making Princess Pups. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Lindsay Hornsby’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://tapas.io/series/Princess-Pups
Lindsay Hornsby’s Gumroad Shop: https://gumroad.com/fizzlebit
Lindsay Hornsby’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Fizzlebit
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Chasing Little Lights by Evelyn Shi. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, January 10th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://www.cllcomic.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/cll
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