#yes i have been listening to the soundtrack on a loop
priestessamy · 1 year
I think one of my favorite things about the Kessoku Band aesthetic is that you have all of these lyrics that mostly seem to be written by Bocchi, so they're melancholy and angsty and sometimes even a bit painful
And then poor fucking Kita has to sing them with her poppy-ass vocals, and it just creates this incredible juxtaposition, that I think works because she does kinda give it her all
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audiodramayearbook · 4 months
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A compiled list of all the polls!
This will be updated as new categories go live.
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Show that is begging the world to please stop making their fictional torment nexuses a reality. (AKA the Stop One-Upping Us Amazon Challenge award)
Listening to this show is cheaper than therapy.
Fuck I missed an important thing because I was listening to this show. (AKA the Do Not Listen While Driving award)
Best show a listener might not like at first, but really picks up to be something special after you give it more then three episodes and leaves you wanting more.
They warned us about this show but we didn't listen and now everything hurts.
I listened to the whole thing and still have no idea what’s going on. (AKA the It's Been A Wild Ride award)
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Character most fully unaware of the genre they’re in.
Please just let us take them home and feed them soup (aka the Wet Cat Award)
The character that left us too soon.
The character that didn't leave us soon enough.
We hate them, but love every second they’re on air.
This character is entirely too pure for the show they're in (aka the Cinnamon Roll Award)
The most character of all time.
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Actor most likely to jump-scare the listener (aka the Wait, they’re in this too??? award)
Look, all we want to know is when do they breathe. (aka the Pacing And Lung Capacity Award)
The actor whose voice wraps us up in a warm blanket.
If this actor was wearing pants, they acted them off. (aka the Scenery Chewing Award)
We heard their voice exactly once and immediately started daydreaming about who we wanted to hear them play (aka The Fan Casting Award)
Best blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo
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What do you mean it’s not punny? (aka the Highest Form of Humor Award)
Most likely to have detailed notes for expansive worldbuilding & backstory that doesn't appear on screen (aka the There's More Lore Than Script Award)
Writing this show is cheaper than therapy
Writer most likely to be lovingly bullied by their actors & fans.
Best made up word(s) even the writer can’t pronounce correctly (aka the Yes, But is It A Conlang Award)
Enemies-to-Lovers arc but it's you and this show's writer.
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Is this a stock sound or custom foley????? (aka the We Do Not Deserve the Priceless Treasure That Is A Good Editor Award)
Longest credit sequence (aka the Award for Most Times Looping The Outro Music)
Most likely to make you say “Wait, This Wasn’t Recorded Live, In Person???” (aka the It’s Like I’m There Award)
Creator of the most artfully-awful misaphonic nightmare. (aka the Oh God It Squishes Award)
This soundtrack is a banger. ( aka the That's What the Kids Say, Right? Award)
And remember, any and all shows that released an episode in 2023 can be submitted to the Yearbook! Do that here!
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chaeul · 15 days
I was tagged by my lovely friends @lilmaemae, @jez-bez and @ella-norah to share a few things about myself
It was fun getting to know more abut you ♥ My turn now :shy:
Do you tidy your bed? Yes. I didn't always but as I've gotten older and life became more hectic, I've started to appreciate the sense of peace and calm a tidy, neat looking room can give. Also if I didn't make my bed I'd be sleeping in cat hair :D No amount of trying to get rid of it will get rid of it all. With my bed made, at least the hair stays on my blanket as opposed to underneath it
What's your favorite number? Even numbers are must. There are many that I like but the most important ones are 4 (can't explain this one and 22 (back in elementary school each kid had a number associated with them; mine was 22 and it stuck. I also enjoy that it's the same backwards and forwards
What is your job? I wfh doing administrative tasks for a physiotherapist's office and I'm one of two official caretakers for my grandparents (not technically a job but it does count towards my state pension)
If you could go back to school, would you? I mostly enjoyed school. So much so that my plan was to become a teacher, actually. Uni on the other hand wasn't for me. I wonder if it would've been different if my mental and physical health hadn't plummeted back then. Considering I'm not doing much better rn, I would not go back to uni, no.
Can you parallel park? Technically yes, but I do have performance anxiety about it and I'd rather not (and I won't on busy streets). I much prefer parking in a parking lot with cars to my left and right instead of in front and behind me.
A job you had that would surprise people? I don't think there is one
Do you think aliens are real? I'm sure there's life out there somewhere. Or that there was or will be at some point in the future. Do I believe that life to be similar to us humans? No, not really.
Can you drive a manual car? I learned and got my license on a manual car but we've ever only owned automatic ones so I that's what I've been driving ever since I got my license. A few months of manual vs 16+years of automatic... I don't trust myself to be able to still drive manual
What's your guilty pleasure? I think I've reached a point in my life where I don't really feel guilty or ashamed about anything I find pleasure in tbh. At least not that I can think of rn.
Tattoos? None
Favorite color? aqua, lavender, a deep rich red and a warm orange
Favorite type of music? there are barely any genres I actively dislike and maaaaaaaaany that I enjoy but there can be too much of a good thing, so variety is important (in the grand scheme of things! because I enjoy listening to the same song on loop for hours, sometimes even days too) and it's hard to pick a favorite. But I certainly do love musical soundtracks as well as quite a bit of everything kpop has to offer
Do you like puzzles? depends on the difficulty. if it's too hard or I can't even come up with a possible way to solve them I lose interest
Any phobias? wasps and dentists
Favorite childhood sport? I'm not sure if there's a difference in definition of the word 'sport' between German and English or if it's a diifference between the world and me but to me, a sport is any sort of activity that requires a certain amount of physical effort. I know many don't consider dancing a sport but it is to me. Many different types of dance were my favorite sport in childhood and they're still important to me now
Do you talk to yourself? I talk to my cat when I'm at home and sometimes I narrate things to her. That's pretty much the same thing isn't it? Other than that I don't talk to myself out loud but I do it in my head sometiimes
What movie(s) do you adore? there are simply too many to choose from and I'm not that into movies. I much prefer tv shows. But I've seen you all mentioning Tangled and that certainly is my favorite Disney movie among the ones that came out since I became an adult. Plus I did enjoy the mcu movies before everything went downhhill
Coffee or tea? neither iced tea
First thing you wanted to be growing up? I don't remember the very first thing exactly but I had dreams of being a teacher, a vet, a musical theatre performer... the list goes on
I you're seeing this, consider yourself tagged! ♥
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lavampira · 2 months
5 songs I’m into meme
ty @birues @coldshrugs @impossible-rat-babies for the tags 💚
and tagging (with no pressure) @erielake @aphoticfairy @sirotras @galadae @winedark @bethesdas @kirnet @disequilibria @vampirebiter @astralogian @daggertongue @famewolf if anyone would like to do it !!
1. sage - onlyoneof / always and forever a banger to meeeee, I think it’s ended up on my spotify wrapped every year since I first heard it. junji the vocalist that you are…….. augh. also really fun to listen to during pvp in ffxiv.
2. landmark - the spill canvas / okay. obligatory sidalia playlist inclusion. it’s been a regular listen while I work on my fic and part of the lyrics might have inspired the working title for it. stay tuned.
3. day is gone - noah gunderson / yes this is from the hamlet on bikes show soundtrack, yes I’m still obsessed. makes me teary-eyed every time and I could probably throw it on a handful of oc playlists but I can’t do that to my heart either. still listening to it often tho.
4. so cold - breaking benjamin / a relic of my childhood that I’ve had back on loop lately after hearing it on the xm radio while spending time with my dad last week. I know everyone loves the diary of jane, but this is forever my fave BB song, and seeing it performed live a few years ago was an amazing experience for me.
5. heat waves (slowed) - glass animals / I love the regular version of this song too but the slowed has been very chill to zone out with some ffxiv crafting and vibe in the middle of the night lol
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meraki-yao · 9 months
RWRB Musical Ramble Part 3: Jukebox Musical
yes I'm back on this MWAHAHAHAHAHA
I’m also wondering if RWRB would work as a Jukebox musical (a musical using pop songs instead of original songs, our darling Nicholas has already starred in a, with all due respect, not that good one: Cinderella 2021)
That way we can keep some of the amazing song choices in the movie: If I Loved You, Get Low, Can’t Help Falling in Love With You. Plus with RWRB being a modern fairy tale and stuff maybe straight-up using pop songs would work better with the entire tone of the show/movie
But like, certain scenes/moments/songs from & Juliet and Moulin Rouge (ok these are the only two jukebox musicals I’ve listen to so far) could work for RWRB (yes I’m realizing this is more me finding musical songs that work for RWRB than anything but sue me)
“I Kissed a Girl/Boy” from & Juliet/ Katy Perry would work well for the entire Red Room -> Hook Up -> Polo Scene, granted RWRB would be more intense than what’s in & Juliet since our boys are doing… a little more than kissing :)
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“Whataya want from me” also from & Juliet/ Adam Lambert, even from the same ship, can work for the Kensington Confrontation
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This is less direct, but parts of “Elephant Love Medley” from Mouline Rouge, more distinctly in the Broadway show version, Santine sings about how love is not something she believes in while Christian sings about how he wants love with her. The idea of a love medley can work with Firstprince too, maybe during the Paris date or the lake scene: Henry not believing he can have love while Alex wanting to tell Henry that he’s in love with him. Plus Your Song (and Can't Help Falling in Love, briefly, in the broadway show version) makes an appearance :D (Even though personally I think Can't Help Falling in Love fits Firstprince more)
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A lot of us talk about how Taylor Swift-coded Firstprince is, and it’s true (and I personally love it), but in a jukebox musical, the TS songs can be directly used: personally think Labyrinth would be fitting for where If I Love you is in the film, but having Henry sing it, especially since the first verse fits the imagery of Henry holding his aching heart under the water so well (sorry I can't find the freaking gif) :
It only hurts this much right now
Was what I was thinking the whole time
Breathe in, breathe through
Breathe deep, breathe out
I'll be getting over you my whole life
You know how scared I am of elevators
Never trust it if it rises fast
It can't last
Uh oh, I'm falling in love
Oh no, I'm falling in love again
Oh, I'm falling in love
I thought the plane was going down
How'd you turn it right around
And my other otp Malec kind of owns this song, but Ruelle’s War of Hearts at the very least lyrically suits Firstprince as well:
I can't help but love you
Even though I try not to
I can't help but want you
I know that I'd die without you
And Nick’s song Comfort (which I have been listening to on loop, its amazing please go check it out) actually suits Henry’s mentality really well:
Wanna stay, wanna run, wanna disappear
I keep biting my tongue just to keep you here
Made you wait for someone I could never be
And it's killing me
I’ll be the first to admit I don’t actually listen to that much pop music, so please please please feel free to add more, but so far this is what I got in terms of jukebox musical and narrative pop songs
Part 1 / Part 2
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luruhatiku · 6 months
havent been on tumblr for a while but i have been rewatching yuri on ice recently (yes, its that time of the year) & ive been listening to stammi vicino almost non-stop (thank god spotify wrapped alr came out bcs im inclined to believe it wouldve been my top song for this year otherwise) so needless to say i have heard this exact song looped many times & tell me why i just realized that we hear two different versions of it in the anime !!!!!!
im sure many avid fans of the show have long known this already, which is truly embarrassing for myself, having grown up in a music school, but i digress. the first is the original stammi vicino, used in viktor's fs program (the one that yuri famously copies). the other is the duet version we hear during yuri and viktor's pair skate in the former's exhibition.
there are quite a lot of noticeable differences. firstly, the duet is cut in length; perhaps because they didnt require the full duration of the song for the part that it was included in or other reasons, but i think its notable to acknowledge the lyrics that were excluded:
With a sword I wish I could cut those throats singing about love I wish I could enclose in ice the hands that write those verses of burning passion
This story that has no meaning Will vanish tonight together with the stars If I could see you, eternity will be born from hope
this is taken straight from the yoi wiki page. essentially, in the original this can be interpreted as viktor mourning his loneliness and yearning for a great love. its highly sentimental but also bitter in a way, even. viktor's status as someone of incredible fame and talent has distanced him from life and love, which is ironic given that he is now skating to a love song. the music naturally reflects this: cmiiw but i think the ensemble fits the standard of an orchestra from the romantic period; you can tell from the dramatic use of percussion, wind instruments, and the grandiose crescendos and range of emotion in general. the way i see it, this very much encapsulates what viktor is actually skating about: it displays itself as a very bold declaration of love, in line with viktor's reputation as a legendary, almost mythic figure, but the reality is that no one is there to stay close to him. he is begging for a love that does not exist; an absence of it.
compared to the original, the duet is much more subdued, but no less sentimental. there is a sweeter, more assured quality to it that i feel is missing from the other version, which is clearly yuri's effect on viktor's life. i remember reading a fic recently about how the main instruments used in yuri on ice (the song) aka the piano and the violin actually represent yuri and viktor's respective roles in yuri's journey, though i believe they also took inspiration from someone else's idea. regardless, thank you to whoever it was that initially came up with that analysis!!!!! because of that i understand why the duet begins with piano instead of a wind instrument like in the original; another nod to yuri's presence. there's also a much clearer emphasis on the violin in the duet!
(also, idk about you but when i listen to the duet as it nears the end, even though they never show the full exhibition program, its so easy to imagine how they continue skating the rest of the routine. down to the ending pose & everything. just soooo visceral and excellent)
whew. long-winded rant about stammi vicino over. i love this song & i genuinely think that even if you have no interest in yoi you should still listen to the soundtrack (passacaille in barcelona & kamome are in my top 3). worth ittttt
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masteroftacos · 10 days
@hustledbones yipeeee! Thanks for the tag 😸😸😸, 5 songs I've been listening to lately!
I been on a big soundtrack kick lately, to be honest I rarely set out of my stupid long playlists that I've made for moods/situations, but I do watch a lot of movies and shows so I've been picking up a lot of stuff.
1. Check It Out - John Mellencamp, yes this is because of 'The Bear', that opening string medley makes my brain go whrrrrr.
2. Possum Kingdom - Toadies, this one is also because of show, I won't lie, I fucking love 'Reacher,' featured for a short but impactful scene in season 2.
3. Eye on the Bat - Palehound, another riff heavy rec, I can't get enough of that repeated silly guitar loop. Also makes my brain work correctly, perfect summer driving song. Think this was a Daylist pick so the robots have me figured out I fear.
For something completely different, 4. A Pain That I'm Used To - Depeche Mode, this song makes me feel like I'm a detective in the Blade universe and it's hard to describe it any other way, listened to it 5 times in a row last week to just get it out of my head.
5. Control - Mannequin Pussy, a friend rec for my driving playlist and they were right, great speeding music.
I love a good old fashion '90s chain email so I'll tag some of my other beloved moots, so I'll keep it going @freckledsweetpea @genericspacemarine @mojavemoproblems
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🤡 What's a line, scene or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
Bit of a longer snippet, but this always cracks me up. It's from a thing I actually am not sure I've posted here (I shall have to rectify that) where I write what would've happened in The 87 Cent Solution if they'd called Beakley (it would have been over way faster)
"What the blazes are you doing here?!" Scrooge seemed shocked at Beakley's presence.
"Not a word, sir," Beakley cracked her knuckles, "Save your voice." She walked over to Glomgold.
"Turn out your pockets, you theiving knave," she ordered. Glomgold hated admitting it, but Beakley scared the heck out of him, so he did as he was told.
"Is this what's missing?" Beakley gave the handful of loose change back to Scrooge.
"I - yes," Scrooge said. It amounted to eighty-seven cents in total - perfect.
"Very good," Beakley was mildly satisfied, "Glomgold, I suggest that you and your assistant return to your offices. This may not be pleasant. As for you—" she turned to Scrooge, but he had already bolted.
"You'll have to catch me first!" Scrooge called, his voice strained.
"Oh, for Rosa's sake..." Beakley sighed, "Come along, children - we're going billionaire-hunting." The three of them ran down the same corridor Scrooge had just ran down.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I actually make playlists for my fics sometimes. I love listening to the Gravity Falls soundtrack as I write (even though I have, regrettably, never written Gravity Falls fanfic yet - I'll have to do that at some point) and I also love Tuomas Holopainen's album of Life And Times.
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icyfox17 · 3 months
3, 4, 9, 11, 15, 20, and 21 :D!!
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with -fucked up by racoma -car lights by james marriott -iris by goo goo dolls
OUGHOGUHGOGHOGHOGUHOGUHOGGHOUGHOGUH i have been looping these three SO MUCH LATELY along with allez les blues by los camps
fucked up jumpscares me bc theres swearing in the literal title and it sounds so intense and i mean the bridge aka my fav part of the song IS intense bUT ITS SOOOO GOOD AND SOSOSOO PRETTY AND I CANNOTTT GET OVERRR IT RAHHSHSHDFJSDK
car lights is a funny one bc the first like 3 years of me listening to james' music i never got into it for some reason?? i always loved grapes and gold n stuff but then tommy covered it during his karaoke stream and HOLYSHITT i was like wtf this is so good? and then i listened to the original and went HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD??? its now been like 2-3 months and i still. am looping this shit constantly like BRO BR O BRO BRO BRO BRO ITS SO GOODDFDOWEJFIAWFEJAWFELJAWEFIJWEFLWE I LOVE CAR LIGHTS SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH
iris is one of my long time fav songssss, i grew up on 90s alt rock so anything from that era is just soo <333 fkjdsdjflsj EPXLODES !!! but like the last two years ive gone in and out with listening to it. i'll listen to 90s for like a month and then go back to modern music. but yeah january i started megaaaa listening to 90s alt rock again and i remembered how much i love iris so that shit has been on loop as well. it is genuinely one of my top five fav songs of all time. also extra fun fact for you !! my mom used to loop it while she was pregnant with me <3 so it is just kinda like. my song lmao ever since before i was born lmaooooo
okay gonna provide a cut bc this will be a long one ^-^
4 i already answered and i would answer w diff ones but this ones gonna be long so i'll skip it for now eheh
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood -Auld Lang Syne by Andrew Bird -Carol of the Bells from the Home Alone soundtrackkk -Rocking Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee
the first album is such a lovely one grgrgrkjrjgk i have nice memories of listening to it while sitting in front of the (real wood !!) fireplace and drinking tea and just enjoying my family's company during xmas time <333
and the last one is just a classic:D also reminds me of home alone which is ofc my fav xmas movie ever (way better than elf FIGHT MEEE)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack (i think this means like soundtrack so regular songs rather than ost but if u wanna know my three fav ostsss pls send and i will tell !!! i love film osts so much omg 😭😭😭) -Heroes by David Bowie [Perks of Being A Wallflower] -Lake Shore Drive by Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah [Guardians of the Galaxy] -Spirits by The Strumbellas [Middle School Worst Years of My Life]
goddd this movie changed my life honestly and the scene this song is from genuinely is just. it rewired my brain chemistry. i want to feel infinite man its soooooo i love this movie sosososooso much and this song is just so lovely and just RAHSHSFJDKSKJFKLAKJS i cannot english properly lmao i think im losing steam but just. yes. this song + movie are both. yes
I LOVE GOTG SOUNDTRACK SO MUCH IT IS PEAK EVERY SONG IS FUCKING AMAZINGGGGG but this is one of the songs that i found from this movie and idk !! i think it's underrated it's so vibey it makes me feel so happy:))))
this is another movie that literally changed my life. like. it's such a silly movie? but it genuinely makes me cry everytime and and this songggg this is the beginning of me looking into my own taste of music that's not just generic top 60 from the radio or my family's taste. i found this song from this movie and found the rest of the band's music and and and it was one of the first steps of me finding out who i am. it's a really big part of my personality (both the movie and the song) and i just :(( this band makes me sooo emotional. they helped me out during my first bout of mental health issues and i just got to see them in concert a couple months ago and sobsobsobsosbsobosbsobsososbsobsobsossbososssssssss SORRY i'll start rambling now i just GODDD the strumbellas mean so much to me :(
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to -Come on Eileen by Dexy Midnight Runners -Coming Home by Leon Bridges -Starting Over by Chris Stapleton
the first two are just CLASSICSSSS you have to dance to themmm and i have in the past and its literally the greatest feeling in the world. literally nothing compares. the last one is more targeted towards my partner:))) she's from tennesse LMAOO and loves country music buuuuttt besides that i also just like. my dad and his wife listen to country music a lot and it's soooo?? it's so lovely idk this style of country music is just pure vibes. but yeah the lyrics r also super lovely and just remind me of my partner so badly grjgkjrgkjrg i need to listen to alllll the country and soul (heh pun unintended) music with them. this song in particular is so comforting i just feel like it'd be nice to dance in the kitchen to <3
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one -Morning Rain by Adam Torres -Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson -Home Is by Kanaya
you just give me very soft pretty rainy day vibes <333 ur a very kind person and you hold so much positivity. these songs are all so very comforting and i just !! think they suit u very well ^-^
21. three songs of your childhood -Upside Down by Jack Johnson -Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley -Clocks by Coldplay
goddddd this songgg this song is nostalgia in a nutshell. used to love the movie but also my mom and i used to dogsit for this one person and they had 3 cds. jack johnson, barenaked ladies, and adele. i used to play those and just run around the house acting out the songs. so all of those are very nostalgic but upside down takes the cake bc it just. sounds nostalgic. idk its such happy vibes and its so innocent and wholesome and i justtttt sobsss its so lovely
my half-siblings' dad had a record player before it was cool and the two records he used to play all the time were bob marley and michael jackson. bob marley reminds me more of my childhood though. its just !! its bob marley man. certified classic and good vibes. i love this song so much <3 i love all of his music a lot but this one just ??? makes me feel super intense emotions
this one is NOSTALGIA KING i dont know if there's any other song that sounds like nostalgia like this one does. it was always on the radio in the car and its also in several movies and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its so gorgeous i love this song so much <3333
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"You are my pain divine, divine"... "You are my pain, divine, so fine" on loop. Love those lyrics. The song is playing on loop in my head.
"I see you come back to meeeee"
"I told you I'm fine, staying good"
"Spring's always been here, I will sleep in her eyes" (such a good verse... what does it mean that he will sleep in spring's eyes? I don't know, but the lyrics resonate anyway).
Come Back to Me really hit it for me. It feels like the perfect soundtrack to my depression right now.
Also, the MV might be my favorite BTS MV (yes, ot7 and solos).
Edit: Adding on to what I said, in the second verse I notice RM says "I will sleep in it [spring] eyes"? Why the change from her to it?
Also, I started listening to the Radio Edit version. What I like about it isn't that it's shorter (the song could be 10min long imo), but in the shorter version at the end you don't just have a constant repetition of "You are my pain, divine, divine", but it also goes back to "I told you I'm fine, and I'm staying good [...]" (the best verses imo) - plus, there are also "I see you come back to me" adlibs. I think those layers of vocals add a lot to the song and it's the only thing I really miss from the longer version. They went about the Radio Edit in a really smart way. I have the original and shorter version on repeat. I didn't expect to be so into this song. It's so soothing and beautiful. "You don't have to be the anything you see / Trying not to be that something in the sea". It's just so relatable... I never connected so much to a Namjoon song before - I actually feel like I understand his lyrics. This might be my favorite chapter 2 song. I have very high expectations for RPWP. I'm absolutely obsessed with Come Back to Me. I have to get across how in love with it I am lmao! I haven't fallen like this for song in a long time.
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𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Turquoise, purple, black
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Spicy and savory. So thai, indian, latine, gimme. I have a sweet tooth as well but if I had to never have one again I could do without sweets.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: Nothing specific, I listen to a lot, but currently the biggest ones are lo-fi, reggaeton, the Arane soundtrack, and celtic music.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Prince Caspian, Peter Pan (2003), X-Men, Dorian Gray, Balto, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Star Wars (1-6),
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Book? Show? Idk that's a lot of shit to list in one go. Current active brainrots tho- Criminal Minds, Shadow & Bone, Arcane, Wolverine and the X-Men, The Dresden Files (books I refuse to watch the show), Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Redwall, The Expanse, Orphan Black
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Currently in yet another CM rewatch. I started in 12 where I had left off before Netflix dropped it, finished through what's current, and now I'm looping back around and am in S2. If we're talking what I finished? Uh...it was either Legend of Vox Machina, or H.annibal
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: Labyrinth (for the first time courtesy of @suffcring). Yes, yes I am aware I was overdue, I had a sheltered life okay 🤣
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: My reading spoons (beyond RP that is) left for the war and haven't returned. I used to be able to read 400 page books in one day... Anywho I've been utilizing audiobooks, so the current one for that is Battle Ground by Jim Butcher
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: Criminal Minds. Sort of The Terror as well, that one had a hard time holding me so I may need to circle back around.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: Making it through every day. Technically I also need to be working on art but I ain't got it in me pals. I'm so tired.
Tagged by: @suffcring and @positivelybeastly
Tagging: you're it, and tag me so I can read
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emotionalhxc · 1 month
Strawberry Hospital Q&A transcribed <3 PART 3
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Q: whats your favourite metal song if you have one N: "favourite metal song of all time is impossible to choose but only recently I have been obsessed with this since I heart it earlier this month"
Q: holoparasite is my favorite songs and I was wondering what inspired you to make it N: "simple repetitive gloomy looped music like the yume nikki soundtrack! I wrote it in like an hour which basically never happens for Strawberry Hospital tracks" Q: wat is cherish about :l? love ur music btw<3 N: "desperate attempts at avoiding abandonment and going as far altering your own identity to be what somebody else might prefer... (pro tip do not do this ^^) I wanted the cute electropop instrumentation to contrast the somewhat hopeless subject matter" Q: R u ever doing a show in Houston again? I loved seeing u live! N: "without a doubt I will be back! my favorite photo of that performance is currently my bandcamp banner actually" Q: What synthesizer, sampler, etc. do you dream of having? Old/new, common/rare... N: "need a full rack of ROMplers, then I will die happy. I already have my beloved SC-88 but would adore an Akai or Yamaha module in addition ! somehow I do not own a physical microKorg either?" Q: also do you watch sailor moon and if so whos your favorite character<3 N: "when I was 4 years old I begged my mother to purhacse a VHS copy of one of the episodes judging only from the cover art style, I haven't seen much since then but that probably caused me to develop an adoration for the magical girl genre long term... wait is this question because my name is Neptune...!" Q: azure is literally my favorite song ever😭is there a reason u made the song??/meaning? N: "awe I'm overjoyed that you appreciate Azure! there were countless musical influences that were poured into this one like cyrbergrind and darkstep and glitch pop, etc. I wanted harsh instrumentation layered with dense sweet melodies and harmonies lyrically, the song is a metaphor for drowning in an abyssal river of your own tears, and imagining a single angelic individual saving you or at least accompanying you in your demise it's also about grief, mutual forgiveness, and is dedicated to someone specific" Q: Hihi! Your wonderful music has brought so much comfort to me. :3 what are your favourite anime series? N: "ah!! thank you very much... I received a few instances of this question so I'll consolidate them into one response current top 5 favorites (excluding feature length animated films): - Kaiba - Madoka Magica - Haibane Renmei - Alien 9 - Princess Tutu"
Q: I really loved I miss you so long, can you tell more in depth of it pls N: "an older favorite! that one is primarily written about lethargy, escapism, and being a self depricating NEET after high school graduation (I'm reformed now as that was many years ago lol)" Q: have you ever seen the covers of the songs like Memento? (Examples: velvet by lilac) N: "yes I have mixed feelings about that specific cover. that said, I have enjoyed many of lilac's original productions and I have listened to most other covers of my songs from other musicians. it is a deeply flattering gesture" THAT'S ALL. I hope you all enjoyed reading this, I'm a huge fan of Neptune's music and I really wanted to do this to keep a log of strawberry hospital's Q&A in a somewhat more permanent way/digital archive way. Lots of love to you all xo emotionalhxc signing out :3
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scottysketches · 2 months
Heyooooo! For the fanfic ask game, here's my inquiries! 🎶 (Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?) and 🌞 (Do you have a preferred time of day to write?). Thanks!
Fanfic Writer Asks Game here!
Heyooo to you, too! :)
🎶 - Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
God yes, I couldn't get half the shit I do done without listening to music whilst I'm doing it, writing included. Recently I've been listening to the soundtrack from Assassin's Creed Revelations (easily my favourite of the older AC games) - atmospheric/wandering music that plays while Ezio is walking around Constantinople/Konstaniniyye/Istanbul, the music that plays in certain platforming stages (No Mistakes from the moment Ezio falls into the caverns below Galata Tower)... honestly, the soundtrack from the earlier AC games is so good.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I'm a nocturnal person by nature (in fact, in my experience most creative folk are), so night time when everyone else is asleep is my favourite time to write (less chances of me being disturbed and the flow broken).
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hardboiledleggs · 1 year
Tag game: tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @rhaenyyras who is a sweetie
Three ship: Steddie (duh), Destiel, and Dramione
First ever ship: If we’re talking first pairing I ever read or watched and was like “yes OTP” then probably Percabeth (Percy Jackson) or Fireheart and Sandstorm (Warrior Cats) BUT first ship I ever wrote fanfic and made fanart for was either BajanCanadian x ASFJerome (Minecraft YouTubers from like early 2010s) or Phan (is that still Dan and Phil’s ship name I’m so out of the loop)
Last song: From the Gallows by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME which eeeeveryone needs to listen to
Last film: Half of Aladdin (2019) because that soundtrack makes me wiggle and I needed to give my brain happy worms
Currently reading: Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt on ao3 which is a treasure if you’re into Destiel but it is NSFW fair warning
Currently watching: Criminal Minds because Spencer Reid duh
Currently consuming: Much less food than the human body should be able to survive on because I am out of ADHD meds and I forget to be snackin
Currently craving: A cinnamon roll. I am allergic to them, I have not eaten one since I was 10. I crave.
Tags: @impeachy @artiststarme @brassreign @blindbisexualgoose @luna-munson83 @grimmfitzz because you all have been so lovely and supportive this week and brought me joy
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fitzrove · 6 months
1, 5, 15 for musical asks!
Thank you so much for asking!!!
1. What is your current favourite musical, and is it different from what it was at the end of last year?
Ahhhh it's so hard to pick :D I think objectively (how insane the themes make me and have made me for a long time) it's probably TdV, but right now (3:28 am on December 28th) it's LOTR because I've been listening to it on loop for like 2 weeks ajsjfjhk. Like it's kinda flawed but I love the music so much and it's giving me major nostalgic feels. Last December I think it was Elisabeth (or maybe TdV tbh, that one's hard to displace) but I think Elisabeth is maybe my 3rd favourite now so there's not a huge change :D
5. Did you see any live musicals this year? What did you think of them?
Yess, I saw a whole bunch of them!! Highlights include Rebecca (Vienna), Cabaret (Finland), Evita (Germany), Wicked (London) & Les Mis (London). I really liked Cabaret and Evita (both were staged in innovative ways), had fun and appreciated the casts at Wicked and Rebecca (both were staged in uninnovative ways XD) (ahdhgjgj half joking), but Les Mis kinda sucked (I couldn't see anything because I had a cheap balcony seat and a guy with a big head sat in front of me) ajdjgj. But the cast there was amazing so it's not like it was a complete waste!!!
In total I must've seen like 20+ pieces of live theatre ahsjjf, but some of it I can't reveal here because I'm not open online about where I'm living in Germany. I'm really hyped to be living there, though, because good and speedy train connections are making next year seem very very promising!!!
15. Infodump to me about a musical!
Oooh idk which one... :D Maybe something I haven't talked about on this blog a lot before but I really enjoy: The Lord of the Rings (2006/2007/2023)!!
I first listened to this one in like 2017, because I liked the books/movies and discovered that it existed. Mostly I played Lothlorien on loop because it's an amazing song and there's an actual proshot video of it on youtube and Laura Michelle Kelly as Galadriel is really sparkly and pretty. Then I listened to the rest of the album and the music is just great all over!!! It's done by AR Rahman (composer, multi-instrumentalist, winner of a million awards for film soundtracks mostly in Indian cinema), Värttinä (Finnish folk band - most famously creators of Ievan polkka) and Christopher Nightingale (don't know much about him ahdhf). The Finnish folk influence is especially audible in the songs of the elves, they have real ancient cattle call vibes sometimes (in a good way xD). But my favourite songs are actually the more story-based and cinematic ones that I'm drawn to attribute to Rahman, as well as the soaring instrumental sections. So I would rank my fave songs (yes, all of them are favourites):
The Road Goes On
Now and For Always
The Cat and the Moon
Star of Earendil
The Final Battle
The Song of Hope
That's most of the main songs actually ahdhfgjgk.
The show is flawed, like I mentioned before; for someone who doesn't know the story from the LOTR books or movies it would get confusing pretty quickly, and because of the size of the cast it's hard to get insight into many of them in such a limited timespan (Boromir and the elves other than Arwen and Galadriel fall especially flat). But I love the music soooo much and I'm so excited that it was produced again in 2023, and in such a cozy and compact way too (it was done in a 200-seat theatre with an actor-musician cast as a semi-immersive production). The London cast recording is on Spotify, everyone should listen to it!
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beautyofsorrow · 6 months
🎶Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
not usually! sometimes i will turn on a george winston album (plains or summer or autumn, depending on the time of year), but lyrics distract the hell out of me. if my neighbors are being noisy (...all the time these days...) i will turn on rainymood to help drown out the tv/music/screaming
notable past exceptions have been "burning house" by cam which i looped the entire time i wrote a certain saffianna fic (and now cannot listen to OR read because of it) and "sweet but psycho" by ava max which has been an earworm since april 2022 and the soundtrack to like every saffi fic i wrote between 2x07 and 2x10 airing. for some reason i was able to write with those on
usually i just loop a song obsessively before/after i write tho. like yesterday when i looped "another kind of love" by amy grant for 5 hours and pretended not to see the religious parts so it coded as aro. or "tokyo sunrise" by LP which was the soundtrack to plotting the saffianna fic that ends origin stories. or that time i looped "soolaimon" by neil diamond while writing [fic i cannot remember because i write too much]. (update: i triangulated using ao3 and my youtube history and it's most likely "call me maybe") (no i did not loop that song while writing that fic but yes i have looped that song in the past) (it's catchy)
however. i think the song i have looped the most often aside from "sweet but psycho" is this ava max/avril lavigne mashup. tremendously good earworm. 257billion out of 10
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
u put so much thought into your titles and epigraphs. absolutely wild how they add five more layers to an already deeply layered fic. gonna be thinking about this for the next 5-10 business years <- things i have said aloud to myself while obsessively rereading a certain l'una fic
also your character voices are Impeccable <- thing i have been thinking A LOT because i have finally unlocked the secret to una chin-riley and i'm starting to get there with chapel and la'an
🎢 Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
it's the AU. we have not even begun to get to the wild parts, but anything that takes tamsyn muir as inspiration is going to be balls to the wall buck wild. unfortunately for you all it mostly lives in my head. but i can say with confidence none of you are ready. except maybe zanna bc they get my unhinged notes in DMs all the time
writing-wise i think that time i revised/expanded my seven/jay fic and typed a combined total of 23k in 1 week was. a lot. there was also the time i decided to write smut for the first time and i decided to do it at work and people kept coming into my cubicle to chat and i had to pretend i didn't have 1000 words of naked women on my screen. don't write smut at work, kids. it's not worth the stress
fanfic writer emoji ask
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