#yes i know smart phones didn't exist back then
miss617 · 6 months
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Uncle Bob any time John does anything.
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mintkookiess · 1 year
I like you, okay?!
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A/N: Fluff fluff just fluff after the whole fiasco with "It's Always Been Her." (I need to recover from it)
Anyways, enjoy!
POV: Miles comes into your room at 3 am unexpectedly :3
Tags: Miles Morales x reader, slight cussing, LOTS OF FLUFF, sassy annoyed reader, confessions
Word count: 1k
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At around 3 am, your phone started dinging, making you groggily grab your phone from the bedside table.
The sudden light from the screen made you wince. "Why the fuck is Miles texting me, it’s too late for this.” You groaned as you clicked on the unread message from him.
Hey Y/n, can I come over real quick?
You clicked your tongue in frustration, placing a hand over your eyes, and rubbed softly in a poor attempt to wake yourself up before looking back down to type the shortest possible reply that you could muster at the time.
After hitting the send button, you huffed, chucking your phone across the bed.
As your eyes start to close once more, a soft stealthy tapping at the window makes you open your eyes again, making you grumble from great annoyance at how your best friend always found the worst times to sneak into your bedroom.
Spiderman or not, this was plain fucking torture.
"Are you ready?~" You hear a muffled voice as the window opened wider. "Oh God, please no." You groaned, throwing a pillow over your face. This was your last attempt to just drown him out, but apparently, nothing is going your way tonight. 
You hear the soft padding of feet, accompanied by the familiar thwip sound of his web-shooters, swinging himself into your bedroom with a soft thud and faintly landing on his feet.
"What do you want Miles?" You said with your voice muffled by the pillow. "I know this might be a horrible time to ask, but do you think I could stay for a while?" He asked with a sheepish smile. Miles stood by your bed, awaiting your response.
You nonchalantly wave your hand off at him, eager to just get this over with. "Do whatever you want man." 
Miles' eyes glistened in delight. "You're so kind tonight, what's changed?" His stupid ass question just made you want to throw him out the window.
You didn't respond, too exhausted to even think of a sassy remark. It was literally 3 in the morning, you did not have time for his antics. 
However, he merely chuckled at your lack of a reaction as his lips curved into his usual smile. "Sorry, I'm a bit of a night owl. What with patrol and all that, but I couldn't go without seeing you. Your eyes have been haunting my dreams..." He trailed off.
"Ah yes, it's me being your sleep paralysis demon telling you to stop bothering me at such an ungodly hour." You replied sarcastically, finally removing the pillow from your face as it started to give you a hard time breathing. 
You turned to lay on your side and looked up at him, clearly unimpressed. It was just too late for this shit. 
Miles sees this, and suddenly gets defensive, sitting on the edge of your bed across from you. "Maybe if you weren't always so busy with classes—"
He suddenly stopped talking as he realizes what he said. Miles' face slowly turned red and he was internally hoping to all the gods existing that you wouldn't spot it from the darkness of your room. 
Ah, maybe I should just jump out of the window. He thought as he took a deep breath in, his fingers tapping against his thigh anxiously. "I like you, okay?!" He quickly said, nervously looking up at you. 
"You... WHAT?!" You suddenly yelled, causing you to sit up in shock, mouth agape and eyes widened. What the hell is this guy on about now?! And at 3 FUCKING AM?
"Okay okay, I know. Totally stupid to just jump the gun here but it's so hard to sleep. Sometimes I lose focus when I'm being Spiderman. I spend an awful lot of time thinking about you. Y-You're funny, kind, smart, all the things I like in a person." Miles rambled on, not even daring to stare directly into your eyes for fear of seeing your reaction to his sudden confession.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, sighing. "Is this why you deliberately tried to be my lab partner when I was new at school?" To which Miles' nervous expression became that of a guilty one.
"Maybe..." He admits, his voice sounding even less confident than before.
"Don't you like that Gwen girl from our class? I would've assumed because you two are literally so close." The guy in front of you only shrinks further into himself, feeling his heart sink and his face fall. "Gwen's like a sister to me. She isn't you." He said with a slight emphasis that really sounded more like a whine. 
Miles' words are slow but honest. His eyes trail up to the wall behind you to try to keep a brave face, which was slowly crumbling by the minute.
You snuck a glance at him before exhaling loudly. You flip your fingers back and forth, signaling him to come closer. "I guess you can cuddle with me." You mumbled, ignoring the way your cheeks are heating up. 
Not even wanting to see his reaction, you place your blanket back over your entire body, laying back down on your bed, facing the wall and away from him.
He seemed surprised, and his face instantly lit up. Miles let out a happy gasp as he grabs your blanket gently, climbing underneath it as he cautiously wraps an arm around your waist and snuggles up against your back. He even mustered the courage to bury his nose in your hair. 
Miles' heart was beating erratically, rendering him absolutely speechless as he held on to you as if his life depended on it. Well, it was a dream come true for the poor boy. He'd been practicing how he'd confess to you for the last three months. 
"You do know that you're going to have to work hard to get my 'yes' right?" You mumbled, trying to use every ounce of energy left in your body to numb the way his arm around your waist made you feel. "I'm fine with that," Miles quickly replied, his words soft and comforting. 
"As long as I can be with you, in any capacity, I am content." He chuckled. Shortly after the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep, still in each other's arms. Or more like, you were still in his arms.
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See more of my Miles content here babes!
(if yall wanna be on my taglist feel free to let me know!)
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
The X-Files: the Madonna-Whore Complex
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(Credit to @cecilysass, whose comment got these thoughts going.)
I have a theory.
In the fandom, the Madonna-whore complex is often attributed to Chris Carter's handling of Dana Scully. And, while I didn't give it much weight at first, going through his old interviews gave me pause.
From 1993 to 1998 (where I stopped reading), Chris repeatedly stated that Mulder and Scully were (are) both sides of himself: “I’m equal parts of both characters,” says their creator. “I’m a skeptic like Scully, but I’m also ready to be enraptured, like Mulder.” Mulder represented his want to believe (and inner darkness-- which he doesn't outright state... but doesn't dissuade others from thinking, either) and Scully represented his skepticism with the paranormal or faith. A lot of his personal details leaked through into their lives-- Hegel Place, California childhood, a sunflower seed habit-- and his personal philosophy-- “Trusting people, generally, is bad,” he says with a slight smile-- became the backbone of the show. He used interesting turns of phrase when discussing his characters' names: "I grew up in L.A. where Vin Scully was the voice of God. Dana is just a nice soft woman’s name I like" and Carter gave The X-Files’ Mulder his mother’s maiden name.... And, as we all know, the repeating 10/13 and 11/21 are his (and Mulder's) birthday and his wife's birthday, respectively.
It could be as simple as a showrunner incorporating himself into his work... or it can make a lot of sense regarding Mulder and Scully's sexual misadventures.
Does this point to Chris Carter being a "puritan", shunning all sexual allusion? He seemed to be willing to hint at more-- letting Tea Leoni suggest a naked Gillian be cheek to cheek with David Duchovny, and teasingly gazing at David's deleted rear shot-- and was even persuaded to leave in the Millennium and Existence kisses (not to mention writing or cosigning the I Want to Believe "scratchy beard" scene.) But does a little lip-locking or a little nudity knock down the "never-nude" angle?
Ultimately, I think speculations on CC's "quirks" are fruitless: unless the man himself sits down and gives a clearer "yes" or "no", it would be equivalent to shooting blanks in the dark. Besides, the parallels don't need to be directly tied to his personal life to inform the decisions of (and for) his characters.
The parallels, though, can't be denied.
To draw back to the main point: both Scully and Mulder had complicated sexual hang-ups.
Scully wasn't "allowed" to definitively have sex with Ed Jerse while Mulder was only "allowed" sex under duress. Scully was "allowed" to go on normal dates while Mulder was only "allowed" porn fantasies (Chinga, Kill Switch, First Person Shooter) and an on-call phone sex operator. Scully was "allowed" past healthy relationships (except for the one Gillian created, ahem ahem) while Mulder wasn't "allowed" to have anything resembling joy or stability in his past.
All this to say: I think Mulder and Scully are two sides of the Madonna-whore complex: Scully is the Madonna, Mulder is the whore.
It makes sense, too: Scully followed the rules and was "too smart" to get entangled with people who degraded or hurt her-- which made her a little inhuman (according to Morgan, Wong, and Gillian.) Mulder too easily blurred professional lines-- which made him easily seduced by those who intended to harm him. Phoebe Green-- as written by CC-- mentioned Mulder's illicit past activities to draw him back in; and Never Again-- as vetoed by CC-- kept an element of denial about Scully and Jerse's bedroom activities.
(Scully herself was compared to the Virgin Mary once in canon-- though it was not, it appears, Chris Carter who gunned for the imagery; nor was it the writers' and director's intent to be anything other than a metaphor that was "on-theme" for the seasonal episode:
March 14, 1998
Q #16 – Hi, my name is Deborah. Two of my favorite episodes from this season are “Christmas Carol” and “Emily” and I found myself in some heated discussions with other fans who felt Scully was turned into a mere victim, that the religious iconography was heavy handed, being beaten over the head with the Virgin Mary / Scully kind of thing. None of which I agree with. I wondered if you could talk a little about the religious iconography in those two episodes and how you work that kind of thing in and was it as self-conscious as everyone else thinks it is?
FS – ...When we began again, we also took the Dickens story, A Christmas Carol, as our lead. So suddenly the story came together very fast and actually was one of the most satisfying to write for the three of us.
The use of the manger at the very beginning of “Christmas Carol” was deliberate. The idea of a “virgin birth” was conscious. I think the one image in that two parter that people really felt was heavy handed or was laying onto Scully as Virgin Mary idea was at the end of “Emily” there is a very slow dissolve to the stained glass and that was an image that the director chose to use because it was there on the set that day and all of us liked it. But I don’t think that we meant to suggest that she was anyway equivalent to the Virgin Mary and simply thought that, you know, it was a Christmas story and those parallels deepened the story we were telling.
The Madonna-whore/Scully-Mulder complex explains a lot a lot a lot about their complicated sex lives.
If that be the case (whether consciously or subconsciously), it makes sense why Chris Carter only wrote a kiss for them after the world didn't end. Biblical mythology and fate were always his favorite tools, after all.
The Jersey Devil-- written by Chris Carter-- is the first episode to tackle the boundaries of this theoretical complex.
Mulder introduces the theme with a porn magazine, at work.
Scully has to drive back to a birthday party, and Mulder immediately balks over the idea of her on a possible date.
Scully considers "a life", agrees to go out with Rob to a perfectly respectable establishment, and dances around the topic uncomfortably with Mulder later.
Mulder wants her to cancel-- not out of romantic jealousy, but because their working relationship might be hindered if her interests were divided elsewhere.
"Unlike you, Mulder, I would like to have a life"/"I have a life" brazenly slaps that motif down; and Scully on her respectable date, Mulder drawing nude jersey devil women at work, Mulder forming a charmed connection with a wild woman, Mulder getting peeved over Rob's call, and Scully leaving Rob for a place by Mulder's side continues to nail it home.
Mulder lunges for the lurid, the alluring, the impossible, with nothing but empty promises and unfulfilled expectations to show for his efforts. That pattern holds for romantic-- Fire, 3, War of the Coprophages, Syzygy (to a degree), The Field Where I Died, Kill Switch, Amor Fati, First Person Shooter-- and platonic-- Deep Throat, Krycek, CSM, Diana Fowley, sundry allies in-between-- relationships. "You think he [Deep Throat] does this because he gets off on it?" he challenged Scully, stunned when she responded, "No. I think he does it because you do."
Scully strides expectantly towards the normal, the stable, the predictable; and leaves all unsavory entanglements before they besmirch her dignity or self-worth (including the unconsummated romance with Daniel Waterston, according to Gillian Anderson.) Ed Jerse is an outlier, a symptom of how out-of-control Scully felt her life had become-- a rebellion against her expected or self-imposed or self-inflicted Madonna pedestal. "Hard to imagine, this day and age, someone having sex with a perfect stranger" played well with the medical concern of the AIDS epidemic and her distaste for losing control completely in the throes of passion.
When the Genderbender detective stated, "Guy blew an artery-- must be some roll-in-the-hay", Scully was annoyed immediately while Mulder looked a little too amused and intrigued.
I rest my case, Your Honor.
Thanks for reading~
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thisapplepielife · 9 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Dirty Thirty
Prompt Day 24: Birthday | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Childhood Trauma, Language | Tags: Established Relationship, Future Fic, Steve & Gareth, Eddie Turns 30, Birthday Blues, Hurt/Comfort, Steve POV
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"It's his dirty thirty," Steve says, tucking the phone between his shoulder and his ear, "We have to do something."
Gareth laughs through the receiver.
"Well, you can dig your own grave if you want to, but I'm definitely not crawling in it with you," Gareth says, and Steve squeezes his eyes shut. 
Eddie usually loves his birthday, but several weeks ago the decree came down that he wanted nothing for his birthday. He wanted to pretend it didn't exist. But is Steve really supposed to do nothing to celebrate Eddie's thirtieth birthday? That's a milestone. 
Eddie almost didn't make it to twenty-one. But he did, and that birthday party was so fucking wild that Steve still doesn't remember everything that happened. All he knows is he woke up with a tattoo on his arm that looks suspiciously like Eddie's handiwork, though Eddie still denies it. 
So, Eddie turning thirty should be celebrated. Maybe not a kegger that ends in beloved, if unplanned, tattoos. But still. Something special. 
"What if-" 
"No," Gareth says, "whatever you're thinking. No." 
Steve sighs, in disappointment. 
Gareth's right, is the thing. Eddie isn't one to say he doesn't want something, but secretly does. He said he didn't want anything, so he really doesn't want anything this year.
Steve knows Eddie isn't the type to dwell on getting older. He usually loves that shit. Loves that he lived, and has kept on living. So, this is out of character, and hard for Steve to swallow.
"I know," Steve finally says, "you're right." 
"What was that? Say it again, a little louder. You know my hearing is shitty from years of drumming."
Steve laughs, "Gareth, you're right. Even if I loathe to admit it." 
Gareth cackles, but then turns serious.
"I know you mean well, Steve-o. But let's just do what he wants, okay? Not what we want. Of course, I'll want you to throw me a huge dirty thirty. Strippers coming out of the cake, the whole nine yards," Gareth says. 
"I think your wife might have something to say about that," Steve says, dryly. 
Gareth just laughs. 
Steve finally relents, "Okay, I won't plan anything." 
"Smart man," Gareth says, and hangs up the phone. 
Gareth is Eddie's best friend, but maybe Steve should float this situation past Jeff and Goodie, too. Just in case. Get a second and third opinion. Gareth isn't the be-all and end-all. 
So, Steve gives them each a call.
Jeff is kind, but firm, with his hard no vote. 
Goodie is a hard yes, but it's a trap, and Steve knows better than to fall for it. 
It doesn't take long for Gareth to call back. 
Steve hangs his head, "I just had to ask them, okay?!" 
"No means no!" Gareth shouts.
"I won't do shit, I promise," Steve says. 
"You better not," Gareth says, and hangs up on him for the second time today.
And Steve doesn't plan anything. 
Eddie turns thirty, and nothing happens. Steve hates it. 
He takes Eddie out to eat, but Eddie wouldn't even pick somewhere nice. No, he just wanted to grab food from the taco truck that always sits in the parking lot of the hardware store.
So, they eat messy tacos, standing up, outdoors, in January, while people carry lumber to their waiting trucks. 
Eddie never mentions it's his birthday, and nobody else does either. 
It's weird. 
That night they lay in bed, and Steve feels like he's missed something big here. It's a gnawing sensation in his gut, and he hates it. Eddie doesn't even seem in the mood for birthday sex. Not that he needs a reason to get Steve into bed, but he usually likes to pretend it's a special gift, just for him, and Steve always goes along with it. 
Not tonight.
Tonight, they lay in the quiet, and Steve feels like this whole day, this whole week, has been off. He's running through every damn thing that could have led up to this, when Eddie finally speaks.
"I'm older than my mom ever was, now," Eddie says in the dark. 
And there it is. The piece Steve was missing. Of course. 
Steve rolls onto his side, wrapping his arm around Eddie. Hugging him tight. 
"I'm sorry, honey, that must be weird." 
Eddie nods, and then tucks his head into his own chest, and cries. Steve can feel his back shaking with the movement.
Steve presses his face into Eddie's back, holding him. There's no fixing this kind of hurt. Steve knows. Eddie has to feel it. But Steve holds him tight, and Eddie lets him, leaning back against Steve's chest, seeking comfort. They've been that comfort for each other for years, a decade now, even if Steve gets it wrong sometimes. Still can't read Eddie's mind, as much as he'd like to, especially in times like these.
"I'm sorry I've been so weird," Eddie says, his voice thick.
"I love you," Steve tells him.
Eddie suddenly rolls in his arms, pressing his face into Steve's neck. Steve just hugs him tighter, rubbing his back. 
"I feel like I'm a little kid again, crying like this," Eddie says, and Steve presses his face into Eddie's hair.
"It's okay to cry," Steve tells him, because it is. It took Steve a long time to realize that, because crying wasn't okay growing up in the Harrington household. 
But as an adult? If he wants to cry. He'll fucking cry. Steve finds he always feels better after he's let it all out. 
"I know," Eddie says, "but it hurts today like it's fresh, and not decades old. I hate it."
Steve rubs his back, then pulls back, "Put on your shoes."
"What? Why?" Eddie asks, and Steve touches his arm, urging him on.
Twenty minutes later, Wayne is holding Eddie as he cries, and this is definitely what Eddie needed. Steve's absolutely sure. 
Eddie can't have his mom, but he still has Wayne. His dad, in all the ways that matter.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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happiest-hotch · 1 year
3 AM
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part one
Summary: Aaron shows up somewhere he shouldn't be with some words for you
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader (Angst/Fluff)
Word Count: 1.4k
Content Warning: mutual cheating
You go home to a house that doesn't feel like home, which isn't anything new, but today, it upsets you. Maybe it's too late, and the case drained you too much. Your self-preservation instincts refuse you to consider an outside factor.
Thankfully, your need for sleep trumps any chance of facing an existential crisis, so instead of staring at the ceiling wondering how your life got to this point, you're asleep almost as soon as your head hits the pillow.
It doesn't last long. Too soon, a knock on your door wakes you, and you reach for your phone to check the time. 2:52- great. If it were BAU-related, Penelope would have called and left messages before pounding on your door in the early morning. You run through who it could be. Maybe your pathetic excuse of a husband lost his keys, but nothing would inspire him to come home unless he learned of your affair and was hypocritically mad. Or it could be much more mundane; police, firefighters, a neighbor. 
Speculation gets too exhausting, so you get up and walk to the front door, checking your gun is sitting on the side table before opening the door.
It's one of the last people you expect. You wrap your robe tighter around yourself, defensive and hyper-aware that he's in jeans and a shirt, and you're in a tank and sleeping shorts. 
"Hotch." You greet him coldly, colder than the chilly DC night air. 
He didn't expect a more positive reaction. "Don't call me that." He says slightly too pathetically. 
"What can I do for you?" You ask, unsure what's compelling you to continue the conversation and not just slam the door in his face.
He shouldn't be here.
He knows it, you know he knows it, and you know it.
"Let me in." The Unit Chief tone, commanding authority, is nowhere to be heard, no matter how hard he tries to muster it up.
You sigh, momentarily weighing the pros and cons before stepping aside. Aaron follows you in carefully. Houses, thus far, have been off limits, like there was some unwritten rule neither of you would show up at the other places, knowing the consequences, but he's here, and you're still not sure why.
As you lead him down the hallway, Aaron keeps his head down, obviously trying to avoid being nosey. It's amusing since the personal pieces he assumes you have and refuses to look at don't exist. You wonder if he's drawing similarities between you and where you live, both beautiful on the outside and empty on the inside.
"Is he-" His question quickly gets reframed. "Are you alone?"
"I was." You answer. "He's in Pierre, South Dakota."
"Our case was in Pierre, Sou- Oh." Unsurprisingly, he put it together quickly. Pierre, South Dakota, is not a big enough place for you not to have run into your husband.
You laugh humorlessly. "I know. It's smart to have an infallible lie, but maybe not that specific." You remark. "He's actually in Miami. I checked the credit card and told him our case was there, so he always has to look over his shoulder."
Aaron doesn't smirk at what you consider a wonderfully devious plan. Instead, he looks concerned. "You still have joint credit cards? Are you keeping any money he can't touch?"
"Surely you didn't come here to discuss my financials." You shoot back, but he raises his eyebrows, and you know you can't progress the conversation without answering his question. "Yes. I've been to a lawyer and an accountant. He's only running himself into massive amounts of debt." You assure him. "Although, I'm not sure when this became your business."
His answer doesn't come quickly, and when he speaks, it's inadequate. "It's not."
"Okay, so what are you doing here?" You prompt. "Because you look like hell, Aaron, and you could really do with some sleep."
"I went home and sat there for an hour just thinking." He tells you. So, he didn't get lucky enough to fall asleep and avoid dreadful spiraling thoughts.
"You want to talk about your feelings?" You ask incredulously, unsure how he conjured the audacity to come here. His lack of answer is an answer. "No." You shake your head firmly. "You don't get to do this. Whatever we are, we don't discuss feelings."
"We could," Aaron begs desperately. It's not hard to profile that he keeps his emotions bottled up until he's bursting, so you know Aaron's here for a different type of release, for you to drain yourself listening to his problems and leave before he can consider that you have feelings.
You could hit him hard enough that he stops talking, and it's tempting.
"I'm okay with running to you when you want to have sex, but I can't be who you run to when you want to talk to someone about your day." You explain it as simple as you possibly can. 
"I don't think of you like that," Aaron assures you, his eyes softening as his words fall short of being stern.
Frustrated, you huff. You're tired and wound up, easily upset, and Aaron shouldn't be here. "Well, I have to think of you like that... or I can't sleep with you and not feel anything."
"You're not hearing me." He argues, a tiny flicker of the fire you saw before appearing in his eyes. "I want you to feel things."
You bit down on your bottom lip to avoid crying. You've become so callous to everything around you, bottled so much of it up that it's difficult to let any emotion show without breaking the floodgate. 
"You don't." You fight back, although it comes off far weaker than you expected. "I'm messy, my whole life is just one disaster after another, and I'll never excite you if we're not sneaking around."
Aaron's hands come to cup your cheeks, surprising you completely. It's a soft touch that has your lips closed in a second. "Don't say that." He instructs, speaking firmly but gently. "You're not a mess, not at all."
"Look at where we are, Aaron!" You remind him, throwing your arm at your side. For a detail-orientated person, he's only focusing on the big picture. "I'm married, you're married, and this is so damn messy."
"I know, I know." He nods. "It's... less than ideal, but we can get through it." He promises, holding you tighter now, like he's worried you'll slip away. "I want to be there for you. I don't care about any mistakes from your past. And please, please don't say that you won't excite me because I will always be excited every time I see you." It's enough to have you in gentle tears, not angry, heavy sobs, and he does his best to wipe them up delicately. "But if you don't feel the same way..." 
Aaron's waiting for your decision, and he isn't about to add more pressure, but he will stand there for as long as you need to decide. 
"I do." You affirm. "God, Aaron, I want to be with you more than anything, but I'm not sure I know how to." Being married is just a technicality now, and a divorce is something you're fiscally ready to do now. 
"Tea." He decides, his permanently furrowed brows relaxing. 
"Tea?" You repeat. 
He moves slightly away from you. "Where's the kitchen?" You're still confused about why now is the right time for tea, so you wait for him to explain. "I'm going to make you tea, and we're going to drink it while you tell me how you're feeling, and then whatever you want- a drive, breakfast, you name it, it's yours."
You pull away from him, offering your hand to take him to the kitchen. "Sleep is what we're doing after this." You tell him. "I don't say it to be mean, but you do look like hell."
"Wait." He stops you before you're in the kitchen, turning to hold your hands in his. "You need to know that I don't care about anything in your distant or soon-to-be past, but it's always going to be my privilege to be part of your future."
Aaron isn't meant to be here, and you aren't either, but wherever you're meant to be, it's with him.
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talaok · 2 years
A date
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Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: (this is the 3rd part to this fic but can be read alone) Since you didn't come last time, Peter is now determined to make you.
warnings: smut | oral sex (f receiving), sub!Peter 
Your lips turned to a smile, as you recognized the voice on the other line.
"Hi peter"
"hi," he cleared his throat "am I disturbing you?"
You looked down at your own body lazily splayed on the bed,
no, you weren't busy
"no, don't worry" you reassured him " to what do I owe the pleasure?"
It was as if you could feel his anxiety through the phone.
He huffed a laugh before answering "I was just wondering-" he gulped "if-if you aren't busy" he trailed off "if you'd like to uhm-" you could hear him pace across his room, and couldn't help but grin "to.. y'know..."
"peter" you called for him, 
"calm down baby"
oh how he liked when you called him that
"It's fine, what did you wanna ask me?"
He took a quick breath
"if you... if you maybe wanted to get something to eat with me"
you bit down a grin "you mean a date?"
"I-I" he stuttered "would you want it to be a date?"
you wanted to roll your eyes at his cluelessness.
"I would" you promised,
Peter felt like he could faint " it's a date then"
__ __ __
"hello Petey" you smiled, walking up to him
"hi y/n" he said shyly, and you stood on your toes to land a quick kiss on his reddening cheek.
"so how are you doing?" you asked casually, hoping to melt at least a bit of the ice covering his being.
"I-I'm fine" he smiled too now, seemingly more relaxed " You?"
you beamed "I'm great now"
"so where are we going?"
__ __ __
"I like your house," you said, examining his room.
He had invited you over after what turned out to be a very nice date.
You had talked and joked, and he had made you smile and laugh so much your cheeks hurt.
You were starting to realize just how much you actually liked him, and he was starting to think he had fallen in love.
"thank you," he said, closing the door.
"what were you studying?" you asked curiously, walking to his desk and glancing at the open books and messy notes.
"oh-nothing, just math" he shrugged, walking to you to quickly close the book.
"you don't need to be embarrassed peter" you smiled honestly up at him "I like that you're smart" you grazed his arm, "I think it's sexy actually" you smirked, noticing how a breath seemed to get caught in his throat.
"I'm really bad at math you know" you sighed, "I never understand any of it"
"I could help you if you want"
"private lessons with you..." you raised your eyebrow suggestively "yeah I think I'd like that" you murmured, intertwining your arms behind his neck.
He smiled sheepishly "I think I would too," he managed to say before your mouth was on his and everything else stopped existing.
He loved how you were able to do that, how with just one touch, one kiss, the world stopped except for the two of you.
He kissed you back, trying his best to be good at it.
He was still nervous about it, about everything really.
You started walking him to the bed, your mouth still met with his, your taste still blessing his lips, and he followed mindlessly, a simple puppet under your control.
You made him sit on the bed and straddled his lap, earning a low whine from him.
Just when he thought he had no air left in his lungs, you leaned away, starting a slow trail of kisses from his cheek and down his neck.
he was in heaven, in paradise, flying above the clouds.
"Well hello," you murmured, taunting him as your hand ghosted the bulge growing in his jeans.
"y/n-" he whimpered
"already hard for me baby?" you asked, going back to kissing his mouth "can't wait to feel like last time?" you said, looking at him as ragged breaths escaped his parted mouth " want to fill me up again?"
"want to feel real good again mh baby?" you murmured, grinding on his lap, as he tried not to moan.
"y/n- wait"
"yeah, what is it?" you asked, "you don't want to, baby?"
"no, no I do" he breathed "it's just-" you watched his adam's apple bob up and down as he gulped " I-"
"petey..." you let your fingers caress his hair "just talk to me"
"I want to make you come" he spat out, and it took everything in you not to snort.
He was blushing like never before, his cheeks as red as the blood rushing to them.
You grinned, amused "well that's what we're gonna do"
"no but last time-"
"last time was last time"
"I know but- I don't know if I can-" he was struggling to look at you "you just- you feel so good"
you chuckled softly at that "so you want to make me come another way?"
He nodded
"you're sweet" you kissed him
"well we can do that," you said, "did you have any particular way in mind?"
if you thought he couldn't get any redder, you just got proved wrong.
"no need to be embarrassed, baby"
"I-I wanted to..."
"Just tell me, honey"
"I wanted to go down on you" he whispered softly.
you bit your lip, you would have been lying if you said you weren't excited about that idea.
"ever done that?"
you knew he hadn't, but still asked
"n-no" he whispered again
You smiled softly and he felt the need to talk again, to explain himself better " But I've done research"
"you did?" You giggled "what kind of research exactly?"
"well, I-I've watched videos"
"mmhh" you hummed, smirking "I bet you liked doing that research a lot mh?"
"I-I" he could only stutter
"I'm kidding Peter" 
"you wanna show me what you've learned?"
"yes" he nodded, and you gave him a quick kiss before getting off of him and onto the bed to sit beside him.
He looked frozen, so you gently put your hand on his “you sure about this baby?”
“Y-yes sorry it’s just- I want it to be good”
“Oh don’t worry I’m a great teacher” you promised, and that seemed to work as he stood up just to kneel in front of you.
His amber eyes were wide with anticipation as his pupils trailed from your calves up to your own eyes.
He couldn't believe this was actually happening, that you were actually letting him do this.
"Alright then" you encouraged "you might want to take this off," you said, your eyes signaling to your skirt.
"right," he muttered, his hands immediately reaching for it just to stop as quickly as they had moved.
He looked at you, unsure, anxious, and you nodded, trying to convey all your encouragement.
So he did it, slowly, excruciatingly slowly, so slowly in fact, that if you didn't know any better would have thought was deliberate teasing, he slipped your skirt off as you helped him out by raising your hips.
Peter had to stop a moment to admire you, sat in front of him with just some black lacey panties on,
He had to be dreaming.
"Peter" you called for him in a whisper and his head snapped up to look at you.
He raised his brows as if to say -yes?- and you smiled "I know you're not doing it on purpose but you're kind of killing me here"
"oh" he breathed "sorry"
"no worries" you stoked his cheek "here" your fingers hooked underneath the waistband of your panties "I'll help you out," you said, pulling your underwear down yourself.
His mouth gaped open, but you realized he had gotten the message when he finished shuffling the panties down your legs.
You slowly parted your legs, moving a bit closer to the edge of the bed, and his heart started pounding in his chest.
"Show me what you got then baby" you joked,
"ok" he hiped himself " you'll lead me right?" he asked
"I will" you promised, and glancing at you one more time he bent between your thighs.
He licked a long stripe between your folds and you had to bite down a moan.
Your hand found the back of his head, his hair grazing against your palm as he did it again, and then again, and then again.
This is what I mean when I say porn is unrealistic
"That's good honey, just-" you said, and he stopped, looking sorrily up at you "you see that bud on top?"
He glanced at your cunt to see what you were talking about before nodding.
"good" you said "try to focus there a bit more"
"s-sure" he stuttered, before diving in again.
He loved it,
it was a feeling like nothing else,
being buried between you, working to only please you.
He wanted it to be amazing,
he wanted to see you come because of him,
and he was already certain this wasn't gonna be the last time.
He did what you suggested, focusing more on what he assumed was the clit, licking it fast.
"here?" he asked shyly, 
"Just-" you panted, "just a bit more to the left-"
He immediately adjusted himself and you could only moan loudly at the amazing feeling.
"fuck!" you cried out "that's it, baby, that's it" you spoke fast and high.
His eyes were fixated on you as you threw your head back in ecstasy.
He couldn't believe he was the one causing that, and at the same time decided he wanted even more.
He focused as his lips closed around your clit, starting to gently suck it.
You gripped his hair now "oh my god baby!" you moaned "fuck that's good"
"you're so good baby" you mumbled, your eyes shut close 
"so so good," you muttered incoherently.
He could feel himself getting painfully hard underneath his torturous jeans, and as he watched your own hand travel to your tits, his hips started moving on their own, desperate for some friction, some sort of release.
You were a vision, one he was sure he'd never forget.
"you can-" you were having trouble speaking through the waves of pleasure he was coursing your way "you can use your fingers if you want"
He had to swallow the groan creeping up his throat but wasted no time before obeying.
You soon felt his finger at your entrance and braced yourself as he slowly slipped one digit inside of you.
"fuck" you whimpered, now grinding slightly onto him "use another one baby" you begged, and he felt his cock twitch in his boxers.
He immediately did, his index and middle finger now buried deep inside of you.
"good boy" you praised, forcing his crotch to grind harder into nothing.
He started driving his fingers in and out of you as his mouth kept licking and sucking your clit, and you felt like you were about to ascend to another universe.
So much for having never done this
You could feel the bubble in your belly tightening and tightening, ready to burst any second.
"yes baby" you whispered
"fuck-just like that" he kept going "just like that honey"
"don't stop" you pleaded "I'm coming," you said "Fuck-I'm coming baby" you cried, as finally, a tidal wave of pleasure drowned your own pleas and moans.
He kept going as you rode your high, and only when you opened your eyes again did he stop.
You smiled down at him, and he felt butterflies in his stomach.
"come here" you begged, and he immediately did, leaning up to meet his mouth with yours.
You grabbed his face and pulled him with you onto the bed, shuffling upwards.
He followed you, settling one of his legs in between yours, as you let your hands roam free on his body, slowly inching closer to where you suspected he needed you the most.
You kept passionately kissing him as your hand found his crotch, and much to your surprise, a wet spot on it.
You smirked into the kiss, and Peter looked confused for a moment before realizing what had happened.
"Sorry," he said, sounding defeated
"no" you cooed "don't be Peter"
"you did so good baby" you promised "so so good" you smiled, resuming to kiss him once more, already feeling the bulge on his crotch growing again under your touch.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #14
Lost and Founder's Day
I do really like how the theme song flows, especially at the end where Cosmo and Wanda jump from their human disguises into fairy form.
Ooh, Founder's Day came back from "A New Dev-elopment." Continuity! I like how the title card shows us the hat that Dev and Hazel saw during their treasure hunt.
I'm gonna throw my money down on the Dimmadomes founding Dimmadelphia (or an ancestor).
skdfj, Hazel's so cute when she steals her teacher's hat.
-> Yes, it was the Dimmadomes.
I like how Dev's shades are still gone, but he's still got that smug tone of voice. But today, he has a good reason to be a bit smug for a festival his family is hosting (that his dad had to work over the weekend to pull together). This is gonna be interesting.
I don't trust any of this tech to be good (in the moral sense). Dale literally tried to promote pollution a few episodes ago.
LKSDJFSD, Dev giving out watches that do a bunch of cool technical things and this is the face he makes when he's asked if the watches tell time:
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(They do not).
This is the first time Hazel's shown interest in anything related to Dimmadomes' tech (She has a phone case covering any logo and didn't know how to do the dance they apparently made) and now she's gushing over the gift Dev gave her so I'm... hm. Where ya going with this, Hazel?
Okay, so... what the HECK is going on with Dimmadelphia? I'm sure we'll get to learn the real founder soon, but all I can assume right now is that it was Doug himself, hence the hat logo. If that's true, he was BUSY during the 50 years of frozen time.
-> That WOULD justify my Buxaplenty overlap seeing as the train lines would've been crucial for this.
It's gotta be a different ancestor. There's no way Doug would be in Dimmsdale if he'd founded another city. This city's huge. I'll be watching for any indications of "established X year."
Aww, Hazel adores Dev now and is blatantly gushing over him. That's really cute. Local #1 Dev fan:
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[cnt'd under the cut - #long post]
I can't believe we didn't get a "Hazel has a bone in her hair" gag when she got shocked by the tech.
omfg, Dev is so desperate to interact with his dad that he's begging to "organize merchandise by tossing boxes back and forth to each other." He's smart. Goober.
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Diagnosed child who would play Catch with active TNT minecarts in Limited Life SMP. He would just do it...
Dale, you shouldn't tell your son to "Eat a lizard." That's mean.
Oh noooo, are we about to get "My dreams were crushed many years ago... How old are you?" version 2.0?
-> Note to self, Dev's birthday is 9 years, 7 months, and 14 days before Founder's Day (give or take since he says "pretty much exactly my birthday to the day, which I think implies he's doing math and decides it's the day).
Dev is 9? Lol. Didn't we already have end of the year tests in like, Episode 2? And our implied end of school year dance? Baby.
-> I double-checked and Sadie Hawkins is in November. There were Sneezy Hawkins Dance posters in Episode 1 when Hazel walked in. Those posters hung in school for multiple episodes (I'll keep my eyes out for them in future episodes), which would imply she started school in September or October (Probably not August since she was specially introduced to the class as a new student).
-> If we keep seeing the posters throughout the whole year, I'm willing to wave them off, but while planning the timeline, it's worth noting they exist, we know we're post-2019, but probably not too many years later since that was the most recent date on the gym's championship banner for a school that clearly wins sports games often ("Fearless"), and we've seen multiple waning crescent moons.
-> No snow, but not unreasonable since Dimmsdale was in California.
... I gotta say, I'm really enjoying these recent episodes, but D: Where was this early in the series when I was confused in Post #10 as to where all the underlying trauma vibes were?
We've absolutely shifted vibes from where we were when I wrote that post. Which is fantastic, but I'm surprised we didn't get this earlier. THIS is FOP vibes. THIS is what I wanted and why I was super confused by this show's tone earlier. Yeah, of course I like Dev now... He's shifting the tone back to the OG show's vibes.
I'm wary, but I've approached to eat out of the hand.
Oh no, we scene shifted before Dale could reveal the statue under the cloth. Either he's broken and we're going to see the aftereffects (following Hazel's POV where she's confused as to why he's gone off the rails and turned snappy) or he's gonna find out during the event and he'll break down in front of the crowd. Uh-oh...
...... Okay, now they're just taunting me with the moon. It can't always be a waning crescent!!
The stage looks like Doug Dimmadome.
Please tell me Dale didn't forget to add Dev's info to the ID-scanning robot.
Every time Angela is onscreen she has a new therapy book and I support her.
Wanda: Parenting never gets easier.
-> Please tell me Hazel's parents are about to ask about that and they're going to have to either backpedal or they're going to imply they've raised like 100 kids.
sdlkfj, they only cite Poof. BRUTAL.
-> Cosmo one again giving me "First fairy baby born in 1000 years." Yeah yeah, Westley Periwinkle held the title first, we all know him (/fanfic joke).
Seriously though, it's very funny to me that Poof is never, ever referred to as "first baby born after Cosmo" or "first baby born in tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands." Only first in hundreds OR first in thousands. I can't believe that DANG KID is still haunting me in the new show.
-> Cosmo still confirmed to have been the pregnant parent. I'm glad that wasn't retconned (despite Cosmo's best efforts to scramble and cover up what he said by claiming Wanda was the pregnant one).
Cracking up. Cosmo, I think the neighbors think you're trans but not out about it.
Angela: Where's your son now? :) Wanda: Eh, we don't know. I mean, we forget because we were on vacation for 10k years.
Wanda, WHAT did I say in Post 11 about how you cannot leave that clingy child alone immediately after tearing him away from Timmy?? If Poof shows up and he has abandonment issues and/or clingy vibes, I'm gonna shake you both so hard.
-> Why is Marcus not calling them out for being paranormal creatures? ... That's kind of funny since Crocker would've lost his mind.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda turned their wands into lollipops for the carnival. That's cute.
Uh-oh, the statue's not been revealed yet. I hope Dev isn't onstage when this happens. (I want him to be onstage and suffer).
-> I should note that "Stanky Danky" and "Lost and Founder" are the episodes Dale lists the companies he's in charge of, and I'm pretty sure they're different. I want to make a coherent list throughout the series.
Marcus is reading his wife's book at the party, aww. They're so cute.
OH MY GOSH, their ancestor IS surnamed Dimm! I am once again thinking this implies Dale Dimm from "Which Witch Is Which?" - who founded Dimmsdale - is probably also in this family tree.
Wanda's glowing wand is adorable. They're both cute.
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So, Hazel has been here long enough she agrees she hasn't "just" moved here anymore, so I'll allow the waning crescents.
Doug Dimmadome struck gold in 1953? I'll be making a note of that. I know that's after both Dimmsdale and Dimmsdale Flats were founded. This doesn't do much for me right now, but it's good to note.
-> This implies he was a teen or adult in 1953, so he's definitely not close to the age of Timmy's parents, who were 10 in the '70s. This checks out; he's got the white hair.
-> Let's say this is 2020 for the purpose of "We know we're after 2019." (2020 - 1953) is 67, and the youngest I'd be okay letting him strike gold is 10, since 10-year-olds do a lot in this show. So, he's at minimum 77 years old during this show, and could very easily be 87 or more years older (87 if he struck gold at 20), if I'm doing my math right.
And again, that's off the assumption it's 2020, which is a little earlier than I'd been brainstorming. I'm okay with this since he had white hair in the OG series, but I'm gonna have to plot out a timeline for Dale's age at some point.
Dale: /evil monologues about his plan to monitor kids' heartrates to figure out exactly what a child want. Me: Dale, have you tried... talking to a kid? Maybe YOUR kid? Standing behind you? Dev, clearly uneasy: Dad, that's so great! You get to help kids right away!! Dale: ... Help kids?
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^ Me
Wait, so the drones can waste products and not get yelled at? Dale, maybe you should focus your attention in that area of your business- I think you're losing product.
Why do the drones sound so sad? They're talking like all their friends just ditched them. They're so cute.
I love how he's still wearing the big boots:
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Oh no, Dev's on stage and Dale's talking about how the statue "isn't just him" under the tarp and "he can remember when this bundle of joy arrived." Yeah, Dev's about to shatter.
Okay, Wanda's clearly startled that the statue doesn't depict Dev and even Cosmo's starting to sense that something's going on in that family. You two are going to report this, right?
Aww, Cosmo misses his son.
The contrast of Dev crashing and burning while Hazel is enjoying her new hat is very funny to me. Like, we get this sequence of how happy she is and you just know Dev's having the worst day.
Dev: It's Hazel! Of course... Her well-known love of hats! /said not long after Wanda was like "Hazel, I've literally never seen you wear a hat before yesterday, what do you mean you like hats?
That's actually very funny. And cute? When did Hazel and Dev talk about liking hats? Logically, that must've been while they were montaging on the treasure hunt and posing next to those hat-shaped objects for photos.
With Dev talking about the Dimmadomes running a family business, I'd really like to see what Dev's relationship with his grandfather is. Doug was also careless about destroying childhood memories and I don't trust him to be a good dad either, but I'm curious.
-> I actually have no proof Doug Dimmadome is still alive. I wonder if he's out of the picture and if that had a negative effect on Dale, which may be why he's throwing everything into the business right now, and why he loves his boots.
-> I should check if those boots are similar to his dad's. Like, what if he saw his dad die on the day Dev was born and the boots were left to him, so that's why the boots are so important to him that he dedicated a statue to them?
POV, the dad who (presumably) pampered you for life after you'd spent 7 years of torment underground - and you don't seem to have a mother in your life so this is your only parent and only known connection to a world that isn't full of suffering - is dying on the same day your wife is in labor. What do you do?
Aww, Hazel knows Dev well enough to sense that something's up and ask if he's okay, implying they seem to have grown closer from "A New Dev-elopment" when she saw his father scoff at him and opted to change the subject instead of asking about his feelings. They seem to be doing well as friends and I like that.
-> All these crescent moons make me wonder how long it's been since that episode, though since Dale was working on the Founder's Day event on the weekend, I assume we're still in that range of time.
Dev, holding his arm when Hazel asks if he's okay: I... don't have time to get into it.
They're so cute. I love them.
-> I love the focus on Dev right now, but I hope we don't go full steam ahead into Hazel's friendship with him and she sidelines Jasmine and Winn for her new buddy and/or potential crush.
She hasn't seen her friends this whole carnival, which surprises me. Don't do it, Hazel.
What, where did Dev get those shades. He didn't have those .4 seconds ago.
Dev's going to complete his task and give Hazel's hat back to his dad and still get rejected.
OH NO, Dev is trying to lure the scanner drones away from Hazel, but he didn't tell her that so she thinks he just called her a name, mugged her, and ran off. That's hilarious. #You tried.
Dev, you have to talk to people. You can't just assume she knows what's going on. Fool.
I like how Dale also has special eyewear (VR glasses).
I like how Cosmo inexplicably thinks all the Dimmadomes have "Pickle" as a middle name. I think he said that to Dev in an earlier episode, right?
I like how Hazel saved the day by "doing what Cosmo would do" and pressing all the buttons randomly. That's hilarious.
Barry the dinosaur was at the carnival... That's great.
As she deserves to be- that's the second time Dev regressed to calling her names. She thought they went through this, but now she's like "He's not changing and also I literally just caught his dad in an evil plot of shocking children's brains with electricity. And Dev seems to have been helping."
Yeah... This is gonna go great. Also, his cute little poses:
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Oh thank goodness... We are SO BACK, baby! The fluffy episodes were fine, but NOW we're gettin' somewhere!! Time to break some hearts.
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"I would hug you, but I do not have human arms or warmth." I love them.
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Aww, he likes her so much. Best buddies...
I didn't know this was his phone, I thought it was a retro video game console.
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Oh, it's an iPad parallel. It's got a stand and that's why it's big.
I like how my extremely specific "Ed Leadly as Dev's other grandpa" situation just keeps getting worse the more I think about it.
Little Dev: Grandpa Leadly, I learned to write my name! :) Leadly sitting among his pencils as Dev hands him a tablet he typed on instead of pencil and paper: Buddy, rising star, apple of my eye, my little angel... I will pay you 17 million dollars to never do this in front of me again.
Dad who likes flashy and long-lasting things to remind himself how far he's come vs. grandpa who's willing to massively overpay for anything he took interest in for 5 seconds; what arguments will they endure?
OHHH BOY, it's fairy assignment time! LET'S FREAKIN' GO!
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It's Poof!! That is not the voice I expected out of him, but maybe I should've because he did love deep voices back in "Certifiable Super Sitter." I accept it.
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Aw, he's so ready to play! This makes me so happy... That's exactly what a fairy godparent is here for- Finding miserable kids and turning that around so they get happier memories of their childhoods. That's exciting!
-> Oh, NOW I see why you guys were all messaging me about my "Poof adores his hero Westley Periwinkle and likes naming things after him" lore, sdkjfl. Ahahaha... I'm in danger.
-> "Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Pixies" Poof-Westley interactions looming on the horizon
Interesting choice to change his name? I wonder if that was done for stylistic reasons like the script. I seem to remember the OG show's scripts would say POOF in them for special effects, and I can see how that would be confusing.
Is... is this because he's trying to lie low so he can dodge the attention he was always getting as a celebrity kid? That feels right, seeing as if it was a true deadname to him, he probably wouldn't have introduced himself as Poof before saying "I changed it to Peri, like Periwinkle."
Either that or he's unclear if Dev's heard anything about him from Cosmo, Wanda, or Hazel and he wanted to clarify who he is, though that doesn't seem likely.
Huh. I'm kinda surprised Poof showed up. I know in the past, he was a controversial addition to the show and I half-expected him to be swept under the rug, though I did wonder about it when Cosmo and Wanda were talking about him earlier.
I've always loved him though and I'm excited to have him back. Return of my other OTHER son.
I'm really excited to hear him talk since his talking was limited to "School of Crock" (only at the end), "Fairly Odd Fairy Tales" (which he mostly slept through), and "Certifiable Super Sitter" (which is... unique). I've had to make up his entire personality for 'fics based on what limited understanding we had of his interests. I look forward to learning more about this version of him!
My established version of him in 'fics will take priority over new information. I'm currently still on the line of "Do I want to ignore New Wish in my canon or try to incorporate what I can?"
That said, I'm leaning a little towards incorporating, since I think I can work with most of it so far, especially if we're throwing in "Fairywinkle-Cosma family aren't strangers to time travel right now."
-> I'm not committing by any means, so don't hold me to that, and even if I do, it'll be cherry-picky.
-> One of my canons for Cloudlands AU Poof is that he's a fanfic writer, mainly for a series called Ninja Cowboy (which he chronically leaves unfinished, to Foop's distress since as Poof's opposite, he's addicted to finding out their endings). He also writes Anti-Cosmo x H.P. fanfics because it's the only thing that makes them back off when they show up to bother him.
Point being, I hope he gets to engage in Prime Meridian with Dev. I feel like they'd enjoy writing 'fics together and it would be funny to me :)
-> I'm wheezing on the floor. Poof's early concept name was Dusty. Even though the writers wouldn't have reason to know that was his concept name, it's funny to me that his name was changed to something that's also not that. The man of as many names as voices he can mimic...
That works really well for me since I named his younger brother Dusty, so that would've caused me problems.
I also gave Poof a mullet / ponytail in my teen design, so that makes me laugh. Lemme see if I have his ref sheet...
I do! Plus a bunch more from my files:
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Looks like I gave him a tuft kinda close to his extra hair strand! That's fun. I wonder if New Wish Poof also likes sports. Hmm...
I'm gonna have to look up what era suspenders were popular. I specifically designed my teen/adult Poof with a late 60s / early 70s vibe since Cosmo was said to have been designed for the 50s, which is the time period parallel I was treating Fairy World in during that era too (hence Poof's blog tag being #purple hippie dragonfly, which I'm not planning to change because it's for me).
Exciting! I like Poof's staff. I've seen people do adulthood designs for Foop with a staff, but Poof's a new one. That's fun.
Alas, no freckles... but that's not gonna change in his Cloudlands AU design. We are "biological queen bee" all the way here.
Hmm. Foop has freckles, but... we'll see if he ever shows up in this series. I do not expect the artists to remember his freckles since they only showed up when he puffed his cheeks or flushed, but... if Foop shows up without his mustache and goatee, I'mma have questions.
Actually, this is perfectly fine because I always draw gyne fairies with pale freckles unless they're at their peak, and I already set Finley up as more dominant than Poof at school (with Finley suppressing his pheromones so Poof's "locked down" anyway). It looks like they're pretty faint in his ref sheet too. I'm satisfied with this.
No promises I'll work the Peri arc into my canon. I think I have room for it to exist and I don't think I've seen anything in New Wish that directly conflicts with Cloudlands AU in a way I can't work around, but I'm not likely to write 'fics for New Wish right now.
-> I'm not opposed to incorporating New Wish prompts into the 130 Prompts series IF I find any old drafts I end up not liking, but I did a deep clean in early 2023 and got rid of ones I didn't like, so I'm not sure.
I did sketch Hazel for a potential arc cover though, so I can use that if I have reason to.
So far, as long as I can find a satisfying way for Poof to age, I think I can swing New Wish around to fit with Cloudlands AU... unless we get something super specific like Poof-Peri already graduating high school or Cosmo and Wanda confirming they won't have godkids after Hazel, in which case I'll have to ignore that.
I can even work things around if Peri's not with Goldie, because their whole thing in Cloudlands AU is celebrity drama and dating life struggles anyway (iirc, Foop even told readers that Poof and Goldie keep splitting up and getting back together).
-> I've always suspected Poof would get special advance godkid permissions seeing as, y'know... Jorgen literally made him trial test Crocker's Mom as his "godperson assignment" in "Fairly Old Parent," plus Poof was getting on-the-job training his whole life. It's neat to see him!
I hope Poof's better at not burning himself out now. He looks like he's doing okay. He's grown out of his shell!
-> According to my timeline, Erg was Cosmo and Wanda's trial kid while they were still in high school, so it would totally work for me if Dev is Poof's high school assignment.
I'm not expecting that to be stated, but I can work with it.
Thanks for joining me in this liveblog! Looking forward to more episodes :)
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anjelicawrites · 1 year
A quick idea for moder!Aemond x friend!reader with fake dating that didn't want to let me go.
Your phone rings shy of nine o'clock in the morning and it's Aemond. If Aemond calls you this early, you know there's a problem ahead
"I need you to be my plus one"
"Hello Aemond, good morning to you too. How are you doing?"
"Good. I need you to be my plus one"
"Care to explain this sudden influx of feelings?".
You can hear him hum, unhappily, and then sigh teatrically
"I have a family function"
"Alys left me"
"And no one more than us friends had been happier since that happened"
"I know. You all got drunk"
"Best bender of my life"
"I had to pick you up from the hospital the day after"
"Still the best since finishing my Master's"
"You had to have your stomach pumped that time"
"So what? Sure sign of good fun had"
"You need to focus"
"Yeah. Why do you want me to be your plus one?"
"Mother tried to make me meet so many children of family friends and business partners that I had to invent I have found someone".
You can't help yourself, you guffaw without shame.
"Are you done?"
The annoyance in his tone sobers you up immediately.
"I'm sorry Aemond"
"I had to invent a significant other. I've always managed to find excuses for them not to show up at family functios, to have an excuse not to go myself, but mother is suspecting something and now I need someone"
"Aemond, you should stop being smart only when you remember to be"
"I know. Will you help me?".
You can hear how hard is it for him to ask, it has always been like this with Aemond.
"Don't you have someone else? Maybe an escort?"
"Aegon knows all of them and I told mother that she knows this person"
"And I am your best option? Your mother hates me"
"She doesn't"
"Do you remember the long theological discussion we had about the Seven not existing?".
Aemond groans, you can picture him facepalming.
"She started to look at me with an extremely crossed expression ever since"
"She doesn't" Aemond says, knowing full well I'm his heart that Alicent doesn't like you.
"Aemond come on! Ok, your Baela and Rhaena are a no go, but there's the Baratheon sisters, one of them would be happy to help or some random Lannister or Tully?"
"I rejected all of them when mother tried to push me with one of them"
"Oh Aemond. You did really shot yourself in the foot this time"
"Don't remind me"
"Why didn't you tell Alicent the truth? That you don't want anyone else at the moment?".
Aemond uhms unhappily, he's pacing around, you can hear his footsteps in the distance.
"She cares too much about this. She was happy as well when Alys left and she wants me to go back to normal"
"By forcing you to find someone? Like changing one old car for a newer one?"
"You know how hard it had been for me. She thinks it will help me dig myself up"
"I like your mum, I really do, but that's a stupid idea. You need to do all the mourning you need".
You sigh. Yes, you were happy when Alys left, all of you friends were, but for Aemond had been hard to process that the person he thought was the one, left him and never coming back.
"Will you help me? I don't want to have this conversation with mother, not now"
"I will, but you owe me one"
"I know. It's going to be a formal event"
"Then you will buy me a nice dress"
"I thought you have one"
"And I thought you were desperate enough to come to me for this"
"I hate you. Come to the office later and I'll give you my card"
"You shouldn't say that to your significant other and thank you. Lend me the black one, will you?".
The night of the event, you stare at your reflection in the big mirror you have in the hallway. You had chosen a sapphire blue dress, with a modest neckline, nice heels and a beautiful black coat to go with it. You spent a pretty penny for the whole getup, plus the makeup and hairstyle, but it's old Targaryen money, they will not miss it and have probably earned it shadily, so they deserve to lose a bit of it to make you beautiful for the night, and for your friend.
As punctual as usual, Aemond rings your doorbell and you run hastily to the lift, not wanting to have him wait when you know he's not happy to go, to begin with.
He's dressed to the ninth, the back suit, the crisp dress shirt, his long hair in an elegant braid, waiting for you propped against his everlasting old car Vhagar. You can see his eye pop up in surprise at your whole getup; he's seen you in casual clothes, wasted beyond words, at your graduation ceremony, but never so elegant and formal, like a model ready for a glamorous shooting.
"See? I've spent your money right" you laugh twirling around
"I had no doubts" he answers, taking your hand to help you inside his car
"How affectionate do you want me to be?"
"Not overly - he says, schooling his voice - a decent amount but I am not someone for extreme PDA"
"Ok - you smile - unclench Aemond, tonight is going to be a success!!!".
He tries, but you've just hit him like a punch in the face, all these feelings dormant in his chest furiously trying to crawl out of the cage he'd hidden them in for years. He's fucked beyond saving and has no one to blame.
Aemond taglist: @phantoms-main-blog
Everything taglist: @ilikeitbetterangsty
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in3rci4 · 5 months
Author's note : I'm slowly coming back to The Black Phone fandom , and here's a little theory of mine of the story behind the Blake's family , I'll gave the nickname of " Dahlia " the mother because of the flower , they never said her name so don't take it as the official name or the one I'm calling her , warning , this headcanons might be long and out of pocket . Probably there's spelling mistakes , and there's angst too so suicide , violence , mental , physical illness , etc would be also mentioned.
What's the backstory of the Blake kids parents ?
I believe Terrance had it tough on his youth , a housewife mother that came from the country side by his arranged and much older husband that yes , was hard working , but he was an asshole with his family . Terrance would be scolded by his mother for standing up for her when her husband used her as a punch bag , he would be sent regulary to detention for his smart mouth and would often get into fights for the same reason or to defend someone else when the fight was unfair on his eyes . Once his poor sick mother died and he had to stay alone with his dad , he spent more time on the streets as a rebellious teenager , drinking and having fun with his same out cast friends . Once he got his first job , he saved enough money to leave his house and have a new life , much calmer and stable life .
Dahlia was the daughter of a homeless woman that was often seeing near the local church asking for money or food , people said she was kind , but she was ... touched . If she wasn't asking anything , she was seen talking to the air , sometimes calmly , sometimes angry , in the worst cases scared , running away from the unknown , and those were the times people would avoid her to all costs . Nobody knows exactly who's the father of Dahlia , or if she was consented at all , but one day the woman started to have a pregnant bumb on her belly , and then after 9 months , she disappeared and left her baby on the church's door the exact hour they opened it . The nuns took her to the orphanage along with the other children , and a lot of times the couples that came looking for a child to take care of wanted to adopt her , but they never actually did it , not even once . Dahlia was a sensitive and quiet child , and the other kids loved to bother her , often ending in crying or silent regret for not being more vocal about her dislikes . Her friends ? Only imaginary.... Or well , that's what everyone thought . With time as she grew up the nuns called a doctor on her because she insisted a little way too much that she saw these invisible people , everyone believing a mental illness was starting to form in her . Pills , injections , holy water , praying , it didn't stop until her late teens when she just accepted not being adopt at all and her " friends " didn't exist , just focusing on her grades , so they disappeared , just like her dreams . Outside , the world showed her another way to live without feeling fear or shame for who she was , the 60's being her wild card to meet people that was all about magic , pacifism and freedom , feeling finally understood and free to live her life how she wanted .
One night without moon in a secluded bar the two met , in Terrance eyes , she was the most beautiful woman in the entire place , standing on a corner looking at some random painting hanging on the wall , he got close to her , and starting to have a small conversation that soon got bigger .
He never felt like this with someone before , or thought someone could be this beautiful .
Between laughs and smiles , they got separated in the morning and forgot to ask each other's names or phone numbers , but destiny had another surprise for them . They bumped into each other while walking on the street weeks later and started to talk and laugh once again , but they both made sure to stay in contact and meet a next time . They were different yet had a lot of things in common , and the things they didn't share to like , they would be open try them out if the had the opportunity to see the other smile .
1 year going steady was enough for the young couple and they got married with some other guests on their wedding , Terrance was already saving money to buy himself a house , and so he did to start living their own american dream .
Without warning , Terrance got fired from his job , and Dahlia's work as a cleaner wasn't enough to maintain the house , and he didn't want his wife to have that weight on her shoulders , so when a friend of his recommend him to go and try in the Rocky Flats nuclear plant , he didn't thought twice in signing in . It was a demanding job , but at least he had one instead of nothing . Terrance was lucky he would say , a lot of his co workers say they felt weakness in their bodies , see their skin become more reddish than normal , loose almost all the hair on their bodies or have random bleedings in their nose or mouth from time to time , in the worst cases a huge pain in muscles or eyes . He listened , but he wasn't scared , no , as long as you did everything carefully, the radiation won't catch you , right ?
Dahlia happily announced him that she was pregnant and he was ecstatic about it , it was like the energy boost that he needed to continue . Terrance didn't told Dahlia anything about it , how could he ? She was carrying a baby and dealing with all the stress and sickness that a pregnancy comes with , she didn't need to know the sudden deafening headaches that he suffered , he needed to be strong for her , for them , and if his pain had to be sucked up in silence , then so be it .
1965 , their baby boy Finney was born , he was the most well behaved baby in the mother - baby unit by the nurses words , they would compliment Dahlia for such adorable and healthy little gentleman and she would smile proud of doing such a good job with her kid . When Terrance was finally allowed to go inside the room , his eyes couldn't believe he was now the father of such fragile child , he was hesitant to carry him on his arms, afraid to hurt him accidentally, but his wife assured him that it was fine , and so she gently put Finn closer to his chest , and he swears that for one instant when he looked down and smiled with blurry eyes , his little baby boy smiled back to him .
A few years later , when Finney was a curious and talkative toddler , Dahlia got pregnant once again with their second child , his father happy to hear that they will have their second baby on the way , and their older brother Finney even more , totally ready to have little sibling to play with . Their little little Gwendolyn was the princess of the house , she would be spoiled with all her mother's kisses , her brother hugs and her dad's cuddling .
They were a happy family , a good , healthy and happy family .
But then Dahlia started to notice little Finney talking by himself ,and if she asked who he was talking to , he would always answer that with a friend , and at first , like once the nuns did , she dismissed it as imaginary friends , and that's it . When Gwenny got old enough speak , she would sometimes run towards her mom scared of nightmares that she had , and that's what they look like , only nightmares . They seemed weird , but not enough to panic .
The panic began when Gwenny had way too specific dreams about people in danger and Finney started to touch things or go to to places that he knew he shouldn't go , but he would do it anyway because " the voices told him to " . She took them to the doctor , but they didn't find any wrongness in the children . She started to have anxiety towards what this could possibly mean , or how could she make her stop , but Dahlia didn't even know how she got over it in the past in the first place .
This continue for a long time until it stopped , and when their mother would ask them about their dreams or " friends " they would answer confused that it was fine , as if they didn't remember what they been through before . Dahlia confused yet relieved she let it go , and never told Terrance anything about it .
Little by little , her own dreams and "imagination" started to come back to her , sometimes a whisper behind her neck , weird dreams that felt too real , an undistinguishable silhouette on the dark , a person that would speak or be seen by her and then all the sudden disappear like air or magic . She tried to ignore it , Dahlia tried hard to live her normal life and focus on her family and job .
But then the encounters got more and more frequent , people would ask her who she was talking to as they didn't saw anyone near her , she would find out that her dreams had something to do with people on television or the missing posters , and when spirits recognized her as a their only way to speak with the living world , they got more persistent and multiply as well .
When Dahlia couldn't ignore them anymore , she tried to help them in her own way , maybe telling them a direction , talk with a family member of theirs to give them a message , visit places that they used to go , take a special object for them , etc . And it worked at first .
She sometimes would apologize to those poor ghosts that would find out their lover got married once again , that their family moved to another town , that their loved pet died , that she couldn't just go and find their bodies , and some would forgive her ,
Some wouldn't .
The haunting dreams would make her wake up with guilt and regret , but all she needed is to watch her children faces in the morning and Dahlia would remember once again why's she's doing what she's doing . Terrance noticed his wife more anxious and nervous , but she would tell him it that she was fine , and she would come up with a simple excuse that would let her husband skeptical , but he had his own headaches to deal with , so he would let it slide .
One benevolent spirit told her to search protection for her and her kids , because their special gift might attract evil forces towards them . Dahlia tried to ask them for more information , but they disappeared . And she didn't know where to start searching that so called protection for her family .
She went to the church , but the holy water and prayers would only make her dreams go away , not the ghosts . She went to a gypsy woman that had spirtual knowledge , those rocks and incenses cleared all the ghosts from her sight , but her dreams would start to be more and more gruesome than before . Nothing was working , and she gave up .
And when she gave up , the evil spirits entered on the game .
These poltergeists would show her the crimes they committed in life , these poltergeists would scare her in her job , in her house and in Dahlia's dreams as well , the worst ones would be terrifyingly close to her kids or throw things at her when she ignore them or tried to go somewhere else .
Dahlia couldn't hide her fear anymore , her kids started to ask their mom if she was ok , her coworkers recommend her to take a break and try to get some sleep , but Terrance didn't believe Dahlia's excuses anymore , but it wasn't like she wanted to tell him what was going on .
He then decided to go to her orphanage and ask the nuns what they knew about her , and they told Terrance about her " mental illness / schizophrenia " when she was a child and teenager there in the orphanage , reason why the adults never wanted to adopt her .
He came back home late thanks to the long driving to that old creepy place , but Terrance could never imagined that when he came back home , he would find his wife , the love of his life , holding a knife against the air as she screams prayers like a maniac , while his kids were in a corner scared and crying from fear of the situation .
Terrance runs towards her and takes the knife out of her hands while he hugs to calm her down , in Dahlia's eyes , she sees how the evil phantom comes closer to her children , so in fear she takes back again her knife in her hands and runs towards her children . Confused they run away from her , as she tries to stab the soul of the one that's hunting her , but they dissolve like magic , and Dahlia realizes Terrance look of disappointment and her babies look of fear in their eyes .
Dahlia cries , cries and drops the knife , tired , frustrated , confused , scared , without a clue of what to do or how to stop all of this . Terrance tells the kids to go to bed as he gets closer to his wife to hug her back once again , she hugs him back tightly desperate from any comfort and warmth of her lover . The married couple goes to bed as they cuddle after so long without doing it, because the next morning , the physiatrists knocked at their door , so they could gently ask Mrs Dahlia Blake to start a treatment in their establishment .
The woman started to yell at his husband because how betrayed she felt , after he told her he believed what she says , after promising to stay by her side forever . This didn't stay unnoticed by the specialists as they tried to calm her down , but Dahlia couldn't go to mental hospital , she couldn't take pills and receive injections that she doesn't need to stay docile , not again , so she refuses , she expressed her anger by yelling at them to get out of her house . They went outside yes , but came back with syringes filled with haloperidol so they could take her away .
Her last words :
" No , please , stop ! Terrance please believe me ! Please don't let them hurt the kids ! Protect them fr- ...."
The drug that they gave her made her lost the little control she was trying so hard to keep , so when she goes to sleep , the evil in the night possesses her body to walk towards the 2d floor window , as they let her body falls she wakes up , only to die seconds later on the cold floor of the hospital's yard
Without the opportunity to do anything , without the opportunity to say goodbye or see one last time her family .
But if the other life exists , she will be always watching over them , waiting for her turn to be listened .
Ps : I would like to know if you share this idea or not guys , I want to see your opinions !
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thebiggerbear · 9 months
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that." - Anael Prompt Response
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Summary: Anael calls you to pick her up after she leaves Cas back at the Emporium. Having just come off of a rough hunt, you're really not that inclined to be at the angel's beck and call.
Pairing: Anael x Female!Reader; Anael x Female!Huntress Reader
A/N: Prompt from @creativepromptsforwriting (#941). For Anael's version of this prompt response, I had quite a few ideas that got written but just didn't seem to work out for one reason or another. Eventually, I settled on this and the more I wrote it, the more it felt right to me. So, I hope it's okay.
This is meant to take place right after 14x17.
Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.
Warnings: mentions of drug-like usage/using behavior; implied sex; mentions of child death
Word Count: 4186
Taglist: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187; @rieleatiel
Anael Taglist: @nancymcl; @brightlilith
"I hate you." "You have a weird way of showing that."
Soldier Boy version ✨ Beau version ✨ Dean version ✨ Jenny version ✨ Jason version ✨ Tom version ✨ CJ version ✨ Rachel version ✨ Alec version ✨ SDV Leah version
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Your phone started to buzz on the table and when you glanced at the screen, you let out a snort. You seriously contemplated letting the call go to voicemail but you figured that would be more trouble than it was worth in the end. You swiped up on the screen and held the phone to your ear. 
“Yeah,” You greeted.
“It’s me.”
You rolled your eyes. “I know. What do you want?”
You heard her scoff on the other end. Good, maybe she was finally getting the message. “Wow, bypassing the small talk and getting right to it, huh? Why, I’m doing well, Y/N, and thanks for asking. I’m so glad I called.”
You wiped your hands on a rag. “Cut the crap, Ana. You and I both know you wouldn’t have called if you didn’t need something. So, what do you need?”
She was silent for a moment and you could just imagine the scowl on her face. “I need a ride,” she sniffed.
“A ride?” You nearly laughed. “Last I checked, you’re an angel. Can’t you, you know, fly wherever you need to?” You knew you were being a bit of an ass but you didn’t care; it was better this way.
“You know I can’t fly.” You could practically hear her eyes roll through the phone. “And even if I could, with everything that’s going on right now, it’s better to keep a low profile.”
“Michael’s gone, Ana. Well, that Michael anyway. You don’t need to worry anymore,” you assured her, a bit of compassion leaking from your tone. You couldn’t help it; you’d seen how unsettled she’d been after Michael, who was wearing Dean Winchester at the time, paid her a visit. She’d almost looked scared and as she told you all too often, angels didn’t get scared. It had taken some coaxing (not as much as you expected though) but you managed to finally get her to do the right thing and call Sam Winchester to give him a heads up about his brother’s location as well as Michael’s plan. That was the thing about the angel you were currently on the line with. She talked a big game and pretended she didn’t care, she appeared to only be interested in money, couture, and having the table tilted towards her. However, you knew differently.
For instance, when she counted money, yes she was committing the amount to mind, but she also did it as a nervous tic (which was weird for an angel to have). While as a super-strong celestial being she could brazenly count her money anywhere in front of anyone and never worry, she never did it in front of the people she was helping. “Bad for business.” That’s what she’d told you when you first asked but you noticed that she counted the same bills that she had counted an hour beforehand and the amount hadn’t changed. There was something comforting to her about having the cash in hand, whether because she had been smart and made it on her own, or it gave her a sense of freedom from the existence she had known previously as well as instilling a feeling of value within her. Before she’d been a button pusher and punished for asking questions; now she was a self-made businesswoman and her own boss, answering to no one.
She also appeared to be vain and completely full of herself, thanks to her vessel’s beautiful looks and how she presented herself through the actual Jo. Though through your association together, when she believed you and the others weren’t looking, you caught her healing a hurt child or a sick old woman without asking for any form of payment. You’d gotten to know her and you believed there was a good side to her, when she wasn’t being self-serving that is. But then again what did you know about celestial beings? 
Which is what had you straightening up and clearing your throat quietly, removing all softness from your voice. “So you can get someone else to pick you up, hell take an Uber for all I care, but I’m in the middle of something and I can’t just drop everything to come get you whenever the hell you decide to call.”
You tossed the rag you had been using onto the workbench. You had been changing the oil on your car, having just arrived back from a particularly brutal case the night before. Maintaining the classic car you drove, keeping to routine, that was your own source of comfort. You waited for her to respond to you, most likely some snippy yet witty reply. Most other hunters might not be willing to risk pissing off an angel, but Ana was no ordinary angel and you weren’t any other hunter. You two might not have the bond Dean Winchester had with Castiel, but you and Ana seemed to share an understanding. Well, most of the time.
“How bad?”
“How bad?” She repeated. “The case. How bad was it?”
You hung your head, pressing your lips into a thin line. She definitely knew you more than you gave her credit for. “Pretty bad,” you mumbled.
“Your crew?”
You let out a breath. “Still all accounted for. Though they’ll be taking a well-earned short vacation for the time being.” The truth was you all needed a breather after that.
“Come pick me up,” she urged, not sounding so demanding this time. “I’m not that far from you.”
This wasn’t a good idea. “Ana, I don’t—”
“Come see me,” she coaxed softly. “You need me, I can tell.”
Your reflex was to automatically protest her words. “I don’t need—” But then you thought about how you hadn’t slept a wink since what happened and how you’d had to consistently bury yourself into something to occupy your mind, trying not to think of the sound of the kids’ screams or how they’d looked after. You also thought about how you were running on fumes, hanging by a thread, and you were struggling really hard to put this one behind you.
“You do,” she insisted, almost as if she heard your thoughts. 
You thought it over for a moment. You really could go for a drive, to try to clear your head if for nothing else. But at the same time, you wanted your space and company was the last thing you wanted, especially hers. She had a way of seeing right through you; you supposed it was her being an angel and all. But right now all you wanted to do was curl into yourself and retreat from the world until things in your head made sense again (because the world never would). 
“Y/N,” she tried again, her tone still gentle yet also letting you know she wasn’t going to let this go. The more you resisted, the more she was going to push. Even if she did indeed have to get a ride from someone else. You could almost guarantee, somehow, someway, she’d be on your doorstep before the night’s end. 
Fuck it. You sighed and moved over to the sink to wash your hands. “What’s the address?” 
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You watched as Ana approached the old pick-up you’d chosen to drive instead of your car, opting to stay lowkey, and she got in. Her brown eyes were intent on you from the moment she settled into her seat. You knew she could see just how broken you were after last night, how you were barely hanging on, and you hated it.
“Find us a place,” she commanded.
You shot her a look. “Ana…”
“Find one.” Her tone brooked no argument.
You flashed a glare over at her but shifted the truck into gear regardless and did as she said. You knew she wouldn’t let up until you did.
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You coasted to a stop and put the truck into park before turning it off. You had found an inconspicuous spot at what looked to be a park for bike riders, power walkers, and wanderers alike. There appeared to be a pond in the middle and ducks were floating along the glassy surface that was studded with flowers and lilypads. The wind rustled through the trees and the sun was just starting to sink down behind the mountains, painting the sky in hues of pink, purple, yellow, and orange — a marriage of shades of color that Man had not been able to replicate entirely, leaving Nature as the sole artist to achieve that palette. It was beautiful and all you could think about was how the family you’d tried to save would never get to see a sky like this ever again (or any sky for that matter). It poured salt into the wound when you spied two young children running around, laughing, as their mother playfully chased after them, smiling wide. You hoped they would stay as happy as they were in this moment and that they would never know the horrors that you knew all too well, that they would never know what existed in the shadows of this world around them, just waiting to gobble them up and snuff them out.
“You’re not injured,” Ana determined, her penetrative gaze still roaming over you. “Not physically at least.”
Your eyes flickered to hers and you gave her a look, but you didn’t say anything before you turned back to the sunset.    
You felt her hand begin to cover yours and you moved it quickly away, shifting uncomfortably in your seat. “Ana…”
“Y/N.” She sounded completely unfazed by your pulling away, so much so that you turned to look at her. She was focused on you, her eyes never moving from yours, as she reached out to you. “Let me help,” she urged.
“Ana, I don’t think—”
She huffed out an impatient breath. “That’s your problem. Stop thinking.” She slid closer to you in the bucket seat and her hands framed your face. “Let me help you,” she murmured before leaning in and placing her lips over yours.
As expected, a warm tingly feeling shot through you from where her lips and hands connected to your skin. It was almost like that warm feeling you get in your gut after taking your first shot of liquor that feels like fanning an ember back into a slow-building flame. Though this particular warmth was now throughout every single inch of your body, touching every single cell of your existence. And it grew and grew until a huge wave of warm and light washed over you. Once it did, your head slowly fell back against the headrest and a bright blue-white haze covered your vision. You could see Ana smiling down at you, from her perch on your lap that she had somehow moved into during the kiss. She looked even more beautiful in this light though you still couldn’t see past the face of Jo to Ana’s true form. That disappointed you a little though you expected it. She had told you some time ago that you would never be able to see it, that it was dangerous to humans if they tried and could even prove fatal. It still didn’t mean you didn’t want to see a glimpse of it though someday. You had no idea why you wanted to see it; you just did.
Ana moved some loose strands of hair out of your face. “There. Feel better?”
“Mmm.” You slowly closed your eyes, enjoying the feelings coursing through you. “Much.” It was true. You felt like you could jump out of the truck and go run a 5K or climb the highest mountain without having to take one single break. You even felt like you could swim the English Channel. It was amazing what a little angelic grace could do to the human body.
“Good.” She laid her hands against your cheeks and forced your gaze up to meet hers. You noticed that she was inches from your lips again. “Now, take me somewhere nice.”
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The nicest place ended up being a motel on the edge of town (the best room they had of course, one that the clerk assured Ana was cleaned regularly while he looked clearly annoyed that she had the nerve to ask) where you holed up for the next day or so. It was a blur of moans, tender caresses, and grace injections as you’d come to refer to them. Each time you were about to crash, Ana would take your angel blade and cut a tiny slice on the skin of her neck that immediately glowed bluish-white. You loved it when she did that because you would latch your lips to that spot and consume the little bit of grace you could get before the wound closed, and she would arch her back before prettily moaning into your ear, gently holding the back of your head to that spot.
You weren’t a grace junkie as Ana liked to call you sometimes but you couldn’t deny that when she offered up trace amounts of grace like this, especially when you needed a boost, you absolutely took it. In your line of work, with what you’d see on the daily, how could you not take it when offered? The thin thread you’d been hanging on now felt as if it wouldn’t snap so easily, like it had been fortified in steel or something. But at the same time, you hated yourself for allowing the energy into your system, allowing her to be the one to feed it to you, though you would never take it from any other angel.
One of the rare moments in between injections, Ana was laying next to you, holding herself up by her elbow, her head in her hand as she studied you. You were on your back, staring up at the ceiling.
“Feel like talking about it now?”
You briefly glanced over at her, huffing a laugh, as you folded an arm behind your head. “Is that what this was all about? Getting me to talk about it?”
“You were in pain,” she defended.
Your eyes met hers and you could see the tender concern behind them. It always caught you off guard, the genuine care she seemed to have for you. That certainly hadn’t been the case when you two first met. It seemed like a lifetime ago when you’d held an angel blade to her throat, demanding to know where a certain rogue angel was located. And now, here you were…in this very weird space otherwise known as your working relationship.
You supposed she was right; you had been in pain, in a way. You turned your head to stare back up at the ceiling, not wanting to look at Ana for this part. “It was a Rugaru. It got to a family before we could stop it.” You briefly squeezed your eyes shut, not wanting those images to come back. “It was feeding on the two small kids when we got there. The parents were already gone. The screams, Ana…” You shook your head. “We killed it right there. But, um, it was too late for the kids.” You wiped a stray tear that had made its way down your cheek. “They hadn’t even made it to double digits yet.” You clenched your jaw. “We should have figured it out and gotten there sooner.”
Ana tenderly brushed hair away from your face. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“Yeah, it is,” you whispered. “Any other hunter would have picked up on what they were dealing with and saved that family.”
“Okay, first off, that’s not true. Second, you were not the only hunter there. And third, who’s to say if other hunters had been in your place that they would have been able to save the family?”
“They would’ve. Had it been the Winchesters, they definitely would’ve.”
Ana gripped your chin and turned you to look at her. “Don’t do this to yourself. The monster killed that family, not you. And you put an end to it so it will never hurt anyone again. You hunters do more for this flawed world in a week than most people do in their lifetimes. You do more than angels or Heaven or God himself even. You put your life on the line every single day to help people you’ve never met before, to keep them safe. You stand in between them and the monsters. You don’t get paid, you hardly get any thanks, you see some of the worst things that most humans will never see, and yet, you still continue to do it.”
“Isn’t that the job? Saving people, hunting things?” You teased.
She frowned down at you. “Don’t do that. Don’t make light of what I’m saying because you feel uncomfortable.”
“I’m not,” you insisted. “I just…” You threw up a hand, shaking your head.
Her expression softened and she stroked your cheek. “You’re a good person, Y/N, and a good hunter. Don’t ever doubt yourself. You can’t save everyone though you try. By killing that monster, you saved many families. Don’t forget that.”
You pressed your lips together and dropped your gaze. You knew she meant well and she was right, you couldn’t save everyone, but it still was going to take you some time to get past this one. You weren’t the only one feeling that way, either. You weren’t entirely sure if all of the hunters in your group would be coming back, two individuals in particular. They’d been the ones to tend to the kids and hold them as they died while you and the others took down the Rugaru. You couldn’t blame them if they decided to hang it up after this.
Ana gripped your chin a little tighter, making your eyes dart up to her face, and you watched as she studied you, appearing to be contemplating something. Before you could ask what she was thinking, she slowly leaned down and pressed her lips to yours. This time, though, you didn’t feel any grace coursing through your skin. 
She pulled away after a few moments and you stared up at her in confusion. Giving you a tender smile, she trailed her finger along your jawline. “I like you, Y/N. You’re one of the better humans I’ve met since I’ve been down here.”
“You like me?” You asked in disbelief.
“Does that surprise you?”
“Um, yeah? I thought you couldn’t stand me most of the time.”
“Not most of the time, just sometimes. I certainly can stomach you more than any other human.”
“Wow. I feel special.” 
“You should.” She ran her finger down the bridge of your nose to the tip. “Do you think I go around giving my grace to just anyone?”
“Well, there was Lucifer.”
“That was different,” she snapped.
“You heal a lot of people, which I’m all for by the way.”
She leaned back in. “But they don’t get it directly from the source and they don’t get the perks I give you,” she finished right above your lips before kissing you again. This time, you could feel grace being infused into your skin and running rampant through your system. When she broke away from you, you opened your eyes to find that familiar bluish-white haze covering your vision. It was like seeing in 20/20 vision, only a hundred thousand times better.
Ana ran a finger along your lips and as always, you could feel the touch that much more, sending tingles through your body. Glancing up at her, you started thinking about other touches and how they would feel magnified like this. Then you remembered what some people usually did to feel alive again after seeing death and how fleeting life could be.
Within seconds, you were sitting up and you grabbed her and moved her to your lap, very aware that she had let you do it. You saw her smirking down at you as she framed your face with your hands.
“You know, you say you like me but I’m wondering just how much.”
“Oh really?”
“I think we should find out.” You yanked her closer against you and she shook her head, smirking even wider. You tugged the back of her hair, forcing her to arch her neck and she let out a tiny gasp. You knew it was more for theatrical effect than anything else. 
“Don’t forget, this is Mulberry silk,” she warned you. “You get blood on it, I’ll kill you, no matter if I like you.”
You used your free hand to place a finger to her lips. “You’re talking way too much. All I want to hear out of this mouth right now are the pretty sounds you make or you begging me for more.” Normally, unless you were in the bedroom you didn’t talk like this, but you could feel the grace fueling everything deep within you, even your ego.
“I won’t be begging.”
“You will,” you whispered into her ear before nibbling on the lobe. “I’ll make sure of it.” 
You grabbed the angel blade and created a tiny slice in her skin, seeing the grace peeking out at you from within. Ana placed her hands on your shoulders but she didn’t resist as you swiped your tongue over the wound. “I hate you,” she finished in a moan.
You huffed out a laugh when you felt her pull you closer, her fingers winding into your hair to hold you to her. “You have a weird way of showing that.” You dropped the angel blade on the floor and moved in for the kill. 
You had been right; not only did you get Ana to beg, you felt everything a hundred million times more than you normally would. And she had been right; not only did she like you, the shattered glass littering the room and the car horns blaring outside when you were finished proved just how much. 
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You licked your lips nervously as you parked the pickup, your body having returned to its normal state less than an hour ago. “Listen,” you started. “That was a one time thing.”
Ana turned a smirk onto you, knowing full well how this little back and forth went between you afterwards. “No. It wasn’t.”
“Yeah, it was.”
She turned in her seat to fully face you, laying a hand on your shoulder. “It wasn’t the last few times it happened and it won’t be the next few times. Not to mention we have another motel we nearly destroyed.” She squeezed your shoulder. “I know you don’t want to admit it to yourself, but you like me, too.”
Your jaw tightened and you glared at her, but kept quiet. 
She leaned in and you didn’t stop her when she kissed you, no grace involved this time. “Now, you go enjoy your well-deserved break from hunting. Me? I’ve got some business to take care of.” She inclined her head towards the church you were dropping her off at, the sign welcoming Sister Jo, the faith healer. “I’ll call you when I’m finished.”
You watched as she got out of the truck and turned back to you, resting her hand on the open window ledge. Her smirk was cocky, knowing, but her eyes appeared a little softer when she trained them on you. “Until then, Y/N.” She shot you a wink and then walked away.
You watched as she made her way into the church. You thought over what she said. Yeah, you liked her, but you weren’t about to admit that to her. It didn’t matter if she admitted it to you first. She was still an angel, a fallen angel who lied when it suited her and money was the name of the game for her. At least on the outside. But the Ana you’d gotten to know over the last year, ever since you’d crossed her path in your quest for revenge against one of her fallen brothers who had murdered your hunting partner…she was different and she was who you liked. You just wished…well, that things could be different. That she wasn’t an angel and that you could have met some other way. But no matter what you wished, this was your reality and there was no changing it. Ana was an angel and you were having whatever this was with one. If your old hunting partner could see you now…
You shook that thought out of your head and started the pickup, driving away from the church, headed back to your place. You told yourself for the millionth time that the next time Ana called you, you wouldn’t pick up. But a part of you knew that you would, and this scenario would play out again, as it had many times before. You knew she was right and you hated her for that. The disappointment you felt at yourself knew no bounds. 
You switched on the radio, picking a familiar song and choosing to get lost in the music instead of your thoughts. Until then.
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nectardaddy · 4 months
Foolish [Jean Kirstein x reader] 1
** Modern, college au because my Porco story is HEAVY, and I need something lighter. Cliché couple of incredibly smart while apart but dumb as hell together. Starting off with the classic too stupid to realize you both like each other. Pronouns are she/her for this story!
Trigger Warning: language
-- Tunes: Pursuit of Happiness (Nightmare) ; Kid Cudi Let Me Know ; Juice WRLD
Hearing the loud chime of the bell tower across campus, you counted the short tolls in your mind before it stopped at ten. Closing your eyes and groaning, you simply couldn't believe that it was already so late in the evening. You tried to be a good student, truly, but the unfinished paper that lit up your laptop screen said otherwise. Knowing the material like the back of your hand, but lacking in the motivation department. Closing your computer with a sigh, you completely gave up, deciding to email the professor tomorrow with an excuse on why it's late.
Picking up your phone, you scrolled through social media mindlessly. Craving any escape you could from the paper that daunted your mind, and successfully losing it within the internet. A small chime caused you to look up at the top of your screen, a message coming through that made the hopeless romantic in you smile.
Jean: Are you struggling with this paper as much as I am? Jean: If you aren't just lie and say you are because I've lost all hope.
With a small chuckle to yourself, you clicked on the messages. You had known the man since freshman year of college, meeting him by chance at a party and later having a handfull of classes with him. You two were different majors, but both had to suffer through mandatory courses - the class with this dreadful paper was one of many. Smiling, you typed out a reply.
I don't have to lie I think I'm losing brain cells trying to write this thing. I'm only at 2 pages
Jean: Show off. I only have 1
Use thatbrain of yours, I know you have one up there
Jean: This brain was not meant for psychology
Your brain wasn't meant for much J
You rolled your eyes upon seeing the man saw the message and stopped replying. Jean was terrible at responding, especially if something else stole his attention. He'd much rather call or talk face to face, to which you teased him for. But his attention was easily grabbed by countless things, noting that it truly was better to actually speak with him.
Putting your phone down, you let out a groan as you stretched. Your back cracking, giving you relief from the sitting position you were in for nearly hours. Getting up from your bed, where you chose to do a majority of your homework rather than the desk, you sighed and rubbed at your strained eyes. Hearing your phone chime again, your eyes flickered over to the lit screen once more.
Jean: Let's find a party
Now this wasn't the first time the man had been a bit direct with you. More times than not, he was a straight shooter; not caring the connotation of his words, often times not even caring if he knew they would be taken differently. Another chime caught your attention as you picked your phone up once more.
Jean: I know you're not even doing that paper loser. Let's get drunk and forget that paper even exists
Biting at your lip, you wanted to text back a resounding yes all too quickly. But you restrained, wanting to think it over in your mind before answering. Hanging out was always what he called it, but to you it felt like torture to your heart. The man had a charm to him that you simply couldn't escape, even if you wanted to. Hanging out always involved drinking, and drinking always led to bad decisions.
The man wouldn't dare to even think to do something you wouldn't like or didn't want, rather the opposite. It was the fact you firmly believed that every interaction wasn't as sincere as you thought. One night, getting so belligerent that you had the gumption to kiss the man. A heated kiss but led to nothing more, and both pretending like it never even happened come the morning.
You often asked yourself why on earth did you want a man such as him. Not a complete whore, but definitely using his charm and looks to his advantage with any woman who passed. He tried, oh did he try, sometimes even in your presence, and failed miserably a good percentage. It made your heart strings pull in knots to know he was a flirt, good at it or not, but you wanted him regardless.
He often let you see parts of him no one else got to see, indulging you in rants and excitement over his love for history. And goodness was the man good at it, top in his major though he played it down very often. You were complete opposites. You had a love for science, while he saw it only as difficult coursework; while he loved history, and you thought it was a bore. But it drew you to him regardless, as he could make anything interesting.
That would involve me getting ready, which I have no motivation to do
Jean: You always look pretty damn good to me
As soon as your eyes scanned over the message, you felt a heat center on your face. These were the moments you felt like the man knew exactly what he was doing, buttering you up only to be left hanging at the end of the night. Looking over yourself, you let out a breath, deciding you certainly didn't look terrible. A little tired, clothes a bit disheveled from sitting, but a quick fix. If anything, you would be comfortable tonight.
Fine, I'll go. I'm not planning on getting too drunk tonight though
Jean: THANK GOD Jean: I really wanted to go out tonight now I have a hot date to go with me Jean: And yeah you say that now light weight, stop trying to out drink me and maybeyou wouldn't get so fucked up
With a few other messages being sent back and forth, deciding where and when, you put your phone down with a smile. You knew the man since freshman year, but he still had the capability of giving you butterflies. It was an intriguing feeling, but one you were so captivated with you didn't want to let it go. This man was truly going to be the death of you.
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lemmilemura · 8 months
Okay this isn't perfect but it's good enough for me
All kept gender-neutral
Based on the show
When a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend throws a party and invites your friend of a friend of a- ya know what, you get it, you end up being invited too. You knew absolutely nobody there, but you found that a good thing. New people to meet, no way of destroying existing friendships, the chance of finally landing a decent guy. And, very luckily, you find one fast. You find a guy kn the kitchen who looks mighty fine, and when you enter he isn't immediately trying to get you in bed. He's witty and smart, plus not bad looking. You hit it off like a bomb, and you're really glad you came to this party.
Long story short you end up going to one of the many many rooms of the house, probably Guest Bedroom Nr. 27 if you had to guess, and 'spending some quality time together' that you will definitely not soon forget. You honestly don't know how long you were in there, but it was oh so worth it. While you didn't know much about him, you knew his name was Simon and that he was amazing in bed.
You do end up exchanging numbers and social media, after all neither of you wanted this to be a one time thing, but also weren't quite exclusive yet. You keep talking for the next couple days, learning more about eachother besides just your prefrences in bed. And if you were honest, he wasn't that bad a guy, more ways than one.
Your parents randomly decide that your current school isn't good enough, too mich drama or something, so they send you to another one, closer to where you live.
So, the coming schoolyear, you go to Bayview, knowing nobody. Just like the party, it was really only good. You went your first couple hours mostly in solitude, yes you did meet a few people, but none were in more than 1 of your classes. Lunch was when it got interesting.
You sit down at an empty table with your lunch, really just looking around at the other students, seeing a shit ton that were also at the party, atleast the ones you could recognize from the shitty lighting there was. 'Dude must be popular' you think to yourself. "Excuse me, is there space for 3 more?" You hear beside you, and see a girl you don't know yet. "Sure. Be my guest" you reply. "Thanks. They're still gettikg their food. I'm Maeve by the way. Maeve Rojas" she introduces herself.
You shake her hand and say your name. Her eyes get bigger when you say it. "Wait, you're (Y/N) (Y/L/N)? Really?" She seems giddy with excitement. "Yeeeees? Why, do we know eachother?" Surely you would remember her. Maeve takes out her phone and types a message to someone, then turns to face the queue of people waiting for food.
In line, a girl takes out her phone, so you assume she's who Maeve texted. She seems to get excited too, but not quite as much as Maeve. She starts shaking a guy next to her who you can't quite see because he's facung away, then when he looks at her she points over at you.
The guy who turns around is none other than the guy you slept with like a week ago, Simon. You're both surprised, him more than you by only a little. You wave at him, and he waves back. "Sooooooo" Maeve starts, leaning her elbows on the table and getting closer. "You're new here, right?" She has a grin on her face. "I am. Moved here about a month ago." You reply. "Cooool. Do you know anyone here?" She asks.
"Well, considering you're making that face and you immediately pointed me out to your friends, you know that I know Simon." You respond. The look on her face is one of 'shit I got caught'. "What do you know about me?" You ask. "Where to start... Ooh! Simon said you were probably the best se-" she gets whacked in the head by Simon, which shuts her up. "Don't you fucking dare." He threatens.
"Ow you dick!" You and the second girl laugh. She sits down next to Maeve and Simon sits next to you. "What did she tell you?" He asks, staring daggers at Maeve. "Nothing. Was just about to though, before you gave her a concussion." You joked. "He's like that. Don't mind him." The new girl says. "I'm Janae" "(Y/N), though I suspect you already know that." She just nods.
"What are you doing here?" Simon asks. "Oh I don't know, I think I'm about to explode." You say nonchalantly. "You fit right in." Janae says. "So, why Simon?" She asks. You raise a brow. "Why Simon what?" "Why'd you fuck him?" Simon, who was just taking a gulp of his drink, almost spits it back out. "Janae I swear to god." He coughs. "What? I'm genuinely curious!"
"Well for one he wasn't being a total creep or asshole, he's not stupid and also not bad on the eyes, luckily with and without clothes." You're once again very nonchalant, which is throwing Maeve and Janae off, how can you say something like that with a straught face? "Okay that's enough" Simon stands up and grabs you by the arm, pulling you up out of your seat, through the cafeteria and outside, to the back side of the building.
"They seem nice." You come to a quite forceful stop when he shoves you against the wall, hands on both sides of your head, effectively trapping you there. "You just waltz in here as if it's nothing, immediately talk to my friends and then say something like that? Just how bood are you?" He looks and sounds like he's about to break.
"Bold? You're the bold one, pulling me away like this. Just think about what they're probably imagining is happening right now." You wrap your arms around his neck fro added effect, and it works. "Just shut up." He says, then leans in and kisses you. God how you missed that. After that party there were countless nights where you longed for him, for his lips, his touch, his taste.
@eamons-redguitar @pine-ferret
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mishanym · 2 years
Yours truly.
Day 1.
Yesterday, there was a random message sent to my phone from an unknown number that said,
Yeah.. I know. Seems like a text from a madman or a drunk who mistypes but then again it's too neat to be a typo message. Hmm..
I spent hours cracking it until I realized I can use the Fibonacci sequence.
1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21
Wait. Sometimes "I" can be seen as "L" too, so..
Okay, who would ever use a complicated way just to say I love you? And that person knows I love puzzles.. JAKE?!
He's alive?!
I stared at the message for quite some time, my heart started to race as I'm trying to reply to the unknown number.
Number doesn't exist.
Hmm. So this number cannot receive text. My text didn't get delivered.
How about I try calling?
The number you are calling does not exist..
Okay.. These things are screaming "Jake" in all elements. It must be him.
MC has activated my spyware. Not a wise move MC, but, I'm sure it's because you already cracked my puzzle. A smile on my lips, I executed my spyware immediately. The moment you tried calling the number, your phone activated the trap I set for you. Correction: love trap :)
I am sorry. I merely.. Miss you. But I cannot contact you directly. Any direct contact to you would risk leaving traces of evidence that we both are connected. That we know each other. And if they ever find you with any trace of me in it you will be in danger.
"You're not being fair, Jake!"
Somehow I can hear you say that in my ears. I am sorry. All is fair in love and war. I grin. Forgive me. I miss you too much. Please let me at least hack into your phone and listen in to you. I want to know what you're doing. I want to know how your day is. I want to make sure nothing hurts you, despite my limited power because I can't be there physically for you.
Note: Jake's POV is gonna be in green color, MC's POV is gonna be in blue color. Let's get their perspectives together at the same time because Jake is now in "I can hear your voice mode: on." ;)
I completed the activation of my spyware on MC's phone and suddenly felt the rush of excitement. I try and take a deep breath. Finally. Very soon, I will be able to hear you. I put in the last line of codes and.. voila! I ended my series of typing with a firm tap on my enter button.
I see the strings of code processing before me and the donut shaped "connecting" icon running in circles. Come on connection! I can not wait to hear the voice of the woman I love. The swirling circle finally stopped and I am connected to MC's speaker.
"GAAHHH! THIS IS ANNOYING! I hate you, Jake! You can hack me but I can't hack you back!" I grunted and shouted out my frustrations.
I chuckled. "I love you too, MC." I mumbled to myself and I can feel my face lit up in glee. Oh how I miss you, MC.
I lie on my bed, my phone beside me. I am hit with realization. "I know your spyware is here." My face made a knowing smile.
I smile. You're smart. You caught on fast. Thankfully not faster than me. If it was any faster, I wouldn't be able to hear you, love.
"Jake?" I say your name out loud subconsciously.
"Yes, MC." I can't help but reply to you despite knowing you can't hear me.
"Where are.. you?" I sigh in exasperation.
"I am here, MC." Well. Physically I am somewhere, hiding safely in my hideout. I quite like my new hiding place. It is safe enough to let me stay for a few days.
I am very worried about you. I miss you.
You must be missing me. I remember your last message for me, saying you love me too. If only I could hear it one more time...
"I love you too, Jake." My lips are echoing the last text I sent you over and over again, every time I think about you.
I gasped. Did you read my mind? I chuckled. Your hacking skills are better than mine MC, because you have hacked my mind, and.. my heart. You fascinate me.
My eyes glanced at the clock out of habit. It's late. If I could just send you a message to your mind. If there's a slightest chance at all that we are connected, please hear me and go to sleep.
I sigh, trying to calm the worries in my heart. "I think I'd better sleep." I reach for the cover and cover myself warmly.
I am still in disbelief. How intriguing that you can hear what my mind is desperately telling you. Like a magical connection. Two souls that are connected.
"Good night, Jake." I speak to my phone. I don't know whether Jake can hear me or not but I say it nonetheless. It helps me cope with loneliness, thinking that he's right there, listening in to what I say.
"Good night, MC." I transferred the access to MC's spyware on her phone to my phone and put on my earphones. This way if there's a suspicious noise around her I will hear it too. But the thing is, I've been very exhausted. After weeks of being on the run, I never really find peace. Peace is when I can talk to you. Peace is when I know for sure that you're safe. Peace is when I am able to hear your voice, it gives me a big sense of relief. At this point I don't know who is protecting who. I thought I was protecting you. Ironically, it is actually you that is protecting my sanity. Meeting you makes me start to have hope again. And I can finally sleep soundly.
Day 2.
I overslept. I only meant to sleep for four hours. But when I woke up this morning, it was already 9 AM. I slept for 9 hours?! This is insane. I panicked. I hurriedly checked all of my surroundings and ran my safety procedures. All systems are normal. No anomaly, no threats. I'm good. I sigh a breath of relief.
MC! I hurry and check on you. I can hear you breathing evenly through the speaker. Okay. I have to regain my composure. Suddenly there's an incoming text to your phone. I am tempted to read it but I am having second doubt.
What if it's something private? I do not dare. But then there's another and another new message incoming. I am starting to worry. If you have to hate me for this then you can hate me. It's a cheap price to pay if it means I can keep you safe.
I open the text, it's from someone that I assume is your classmate. "Class moved from 1PM to 9.30AM. YOU MUST HURRY, MC!" I look at the clock, 9.10AM. That's soon!
"Alright." I speak to myself. "Commencing, 'Operation getting MC to class on time'." I grin. I will get you to class on time, MC.
I hacked into your phone alarm and set the alarm to maximum volume. I grimace. "I am sorry for this, love." I ring your phone alarm in a jiffy. This is child's play.
My phone alarm is ringing so loudly. "Ughh?!" I groaned.
I grimaced again. I'm sorry. But you need to wake up. You got class.
I pressed stop on the phone alarm notification.
Oh no, I won't let you go back to sleep. You need to wake up. I set your phone alarm on again.
My phone alarm rings again. "Ahhhh! Jake!" I screamed his name now completely sure I am not imagining it. I'm pretty sure he did something to my phone alarm. "What are you doing, Jake?" I take my phone and turn off the alarm. Still annoyed I look at my phone and suddenly it opens my text messages. "Class moved to 9.30AM?" Gasp! I look at my phone's clock. 9.15? Oh God!
I hurry and get out of my bed, change to the closest clothes I can find and grab my bag. I ran to the subway. It usually takes me 25 to 30 minutes to go to my university how am I going to make it in 15 frikkin minutes?!
"I will be your escort, my love." I say this and a smile formed on my lips. I followed your movement through your phone's GPS location and CCTV. "Ahh despite being in a hurry you are still looking so beautiful." I mumble to myself. For a few seconds I was admiring your beauty until I slap myself to reality. Ahem. I need to focus. I will have my own sweet time admiring your beauty after you arrive at your classroom on time.
I quickly tried to get on the subway train but I was late by a split second, the door of the subway closed in front of my face. "Ahh!" I quickly stopped before my face hit the subway door. I can see the guy in the suit inside is sneering at me. I grunt. "Ugh. Wipe that smug off your face!"
I saw the sneer that stranger gave you through nearby CCTV. "What a bastard." I quickly type strings of codes on my computer. "Let's secure your carriage, my love." My speed is faster than normal, maybe because this is for you. I ended my input with a sharp sound of my enter button. "Aaaand done. Who's laughing now?" I snorted.
The subway door opens up again in front of me. THIS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE. Could it be... I pull up my phone quickly. "Jake? Was it you?"
"It is I, Jake, yours truly." I smile lovingly to the camera live feeds showing MC standing in front of the subway door.
Astonishing! I smile, impressed. I hurry to enter the subway. The guy in the suit who just sneered at me now has his mouth agape. I give him a smug smile. "Heh."
"Alright, now for the finale." I cracked my knuckles and started working on my next hacking. I scan your route to University and while you're in the subway I am securing your next trip. I feel like my fingers are flying on my keyboard. I have never felt so ecstatic, so alive, hacking for anyone. Is this what it feels like to do your best for someone you love? You are the first one who makes me feel like I'm on fire. And I like it.
My train arrives at the destination nearest to my university. Now to quickly get on my bus. I only have 7 minutes left! "Will I make it in time, Jake?" I talk to Jake who is listening in to me. Right now I'm pretty sure if I don't mess around with my phone his connection to my phone will be secured.
"Way ahead of you, love. I will make sure you arrive in time." Eyes on the nearest bus to your bus stop I'm watching its movement closely, making sure it's not stopping on any red lights.
"Hmm? The bus is here so fast!" I squeal in joy. I get on the bus quickly.
"Now let there be only greens on your way..." I nimbly move my fingers on my keyboard typing in correctly every code I need to turn all the traffic lights in your way to green. "And... done." My computer swiftly processes my hacking inputs.
I can't believe my eyes. I see every red light in front of me quickly turning to green whenever my bus is approaching it. Now 7 minutes is long enough for me to arrive at my university.
"Yes!!" I jumped for joy. MC arrives in time.
I grab my phone and whisper to it softly while I'm walking to my classroom.
"Thank you, my sweet boyfriend." I smile with affection and put my phone away inside my bag.
I heard the words you just said, utterly dumbfounded by them. "Did you just, call me your boyfriend..?" I feel my heart skips a beat. I.. I.. I never experienced the great happiness of being called as someone's boyfriend. And it's by someone as wonderful and as gorgeous as you, MC.. I don't deserve you.. and yet.. The happiness in my heart right now is betraying my logic. I know deep inside I want this. It is dangerous, but I simply can't evade you. And I do not want to. I want to be with you. And I am elated to be your boyfriend.
Yours truly,
Your man hacker,
Jake. :)
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stvlti · 1 year
Snippet from my untitled Blue Beetle & Teen Titans rejects fic :)
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
They're sat inside a Big Belly Burger, waiting for their order of fries. A female singer he doesn't recognise croons Spanglish over weirdly retro beats on the speakers. Eddie is fidgeting with the catch on his now-useless slider phone, out of nerves or boredom, he doesn't know.
The first thing they did once they got into town was to buy a mobile phone. It's strange, but there aren't many payphones around, and whatever happened to them while they were in the Bleed and subsequently in their fall back to Earth must have fried their cellphones. Luckily, he found one of those rundown stores selling spare electronics for cheap that accepts cash and doesn't ask questions. At least one thing hasn't changed.
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
The phone they bought is a palm-sized thing with a wide touch-screen, one of those smart-phone models that only came out last year, and yet the store owner seemed almost happy to part with it. "It's ancient," he'd said in a comfortingly thick accent, "I was about to chuck it out with the garbage. I'd sell it to you for free, chiquito." Things only get stranger from there. It took less than a minute for Khaji to jail break the phone and recalibrate itself to the local network. They tried his family's numbers again, even tried the Titans Tower secure line, but no dice. What Jaime found on the internet was even less reassuring.
Click. Snap. Click. Snap.
"Hey, Eddie."
The fidgeting stops.
"Could you go grab us some drinks? I need a minute alone with the scarab."
"Sure...?" Eddie throws another glance at Jaime, not quite hiding his worry as he slides out of his seat.
[ You were vexed by his opening and shutting of his phone case. ]
"I didn't realise it was state the obvious hour."
Khaji Da does not respond. Jaime rubs his temple.
"Sorry, sorry. Yes, I'm stressed. Tell me you have some good news, at least."
[ You are still alive, as is Eddie Bloomberg. You have enough money to acquire sustenance for another week, during which I can help you find a job and — ]
"Khaji. I need to get home."
[ You are technically in your hometown. ]
"But it's not the El Paso I know. Right? Tell me I'm not crazy."
[ Jaime Reyes is correct. Based on our quick search of the government domains, social network platforms and news sites, the Reyes family never lived in El Paso. There is no record of your parents or extended family in the state registry. Your name does not exist in the class registers of your high school. Your sister— ]
"Also doesn't exist! I know! I got it the first time." Jaime looks over to the self-service machine. What is taking Eddie so long? "I asked you for good news, Khaji."
[ Actually, your sister exists. Milagro Reyes, age 18, enrolled in Edge Keys High School. According to her posts on Instagram, she was last seen at the Kord Centre Mall — ]
"Did you say eighteen? And where the heck is Edge Key?"
[ I have some more good news. While there is no record of your other family members in the state of Texas, a Reyes Auto Repair Shop was recently removed from the business registry in Edge Key, Greater Palmera City. ]
"What? We have to go to Edge Key!"
"What's Edge Key?" Eddie sets a tray down, almost spilling the two extra-large cups of soda balanced precariously on it. The fries look tiny in comparison.
"That's what I'm trying to find out. Khaji, can you — hold on, I'm syncing you to the phone so Eddie can see."
The phone lights up, and Jaime expects Khaji's words to crawl across the screen like text messages the way he's done the few times Jaime tried to sync the scarab to his old phone via blue-tooth. Instead, the phone starts talking in a lady computer voice.
"Your scarab was a chick this whole time?" Eddie exclaims, the half-chewed fry in his hand forgotten.
"What? No! I didn't even know it could speak like this."
"I simply utilised this phone's built-in text-to-speech system. It is not my problem that the manufacturers could only imagine AI voices as female."
"I think it just insulted every super-computer in the cape community..."
"Anyway, the coordinates?"
[ There is one last thing you should know before you go, Jaime Reyes. The Blue Beetle was last sighted in Palmera City six hours ago. ]
The boys pause and look at each other.
"Show me, Khaji."
And on the screen of the phone appears a crisp, 4K picture of a guy in a costume that looks exactly like him, mid-flight in the streets of a city he's never been to.
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oveliagirlhaditright · 4 months
Reasons I think a Final Fantasy VIII Remake could've could be fun:
Addressing the elephant in the room first: yes, they would have to rework the Junction system (since the Junction system is canon to the story). But I don't think there's anything saying that they wouldn't be able to do that all these years later (and that maybe Square has even having thought about it some during said long years). I for sure think they'd be able to find a way to make it better (and less broken for those who get it, and less complicated for those who don't) and something new for this generation, ala FFVIIR's battle system.
Rewrites to the story: this is a thing that would probably have to be a thing that would happen, too, as the story of FFVIII is admittedly not perfect: Most of all to make characters other than Squall and Rinoa more important to the overall story, I think. But seeing just how Square Enix was able to handle character writing in the FFVIIR parts-- and add changes to the story that didn't hurt things (we're not talking about the Whispers or timeline stuff here), but rather enhanced it: like explaining that the Gi created the black materia--I have faith in them.
Now for some things that I, personally, would love to see, that I think could help FFVIII in the modern era, and perhaps the story:
My friend @bluerosesburnblue in defending Rinoa Heartily one time, once described her as a social justice warrior--with all the best intentions--who doesn't exactly know what she's getting into, and gets in over her head. And she's exactly right. If FFVIII were to ever be remade, I'd love to see that sort of direction taken with Rinoa's character, perhaps.
Another elephant in the room, perhaps (but one that I think would be fun/funny. And worth the price of admission... at least for me. I might just be weird). I feel like there would have to be a joke about selfies and Selphie's name. But I don't want them to modernize FFVIII with smart phones like they did FFVII. FFVIII takes place in an era akin to the Cold War, and that's where it should stay. But I've seen many a vintage post labeled something like "a selfie made before selfies were created!" Where a person, back in the day, seemingly did take a kind of selfie with cameras of old. And I think we could do that with FFVIII: the people of that world learn how to take selfies with their cameras, and they become a big hit. And Selphie says something like, "I was 'Selphie' before these 'selfies' ever existed. And I'm the best one that exists, don'chu know?" IDK.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts for a Final Fantasy VIII remake, if one were to ever exist.
Feel free to add onto this if you have more:)
Edit: And this one y'all will either love or hate. But I believe it was Kitase who said that if they remade Final Fantasy VIII, they might play with the "Squall is Dead" theory. They wouldn't make it true or anything like that, but probably put some red herrings about it there and pay homage to it. I personally like this idea, think it's fun, and would like to see it if we ever did get said Remake. But I also completely understand why others would hate the idea.
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Rounding up the OC Parenting Questions with Ibis
• How many children does your OC have?
So far he has the one and he didn't even plan on it so he's hoping this is it.
• Which child tends to receive the most attention? Why?
The one and only. Except he hasn't really given her attention due to barely knowing of her existence.
• What personal trait would your OC prefer their child/ children to develop? (kindness, sense of humor, independence, assertiveness, etc)
He expects her to be smart and hopes for a good sense of humor. He doesn't want a nerd though 🤪
• What is your OC’s greatest area of weakness as a parent? Their greatest strength?
Well so far the big weakness would be him not being there, even if it's not his fault. It also doesn't bode well for him that he always said he never wanted kids. However for strength he, first of, has money so kid is set, and most of all he's now convinced that he wants to do right by her and protect her.
• What negative events from your OC’s childhood are important for your OC to shield their own child/children from? 
Having the pink hair meant that from a young age he was sought after. While he loved the attention he learned that those seeking him wanted to steal his powers for themselves. He definitely doesn't want anyone going after his daughter, kidnap her and take her powers.
We also can't forget what happened with the sphinx and as much as he'd love to never see "that bitch" again, he knows that not only he has to go back, but he's gonna have to take his daughter at some point.
• What is your OC’s parenting style? Strict? Permissive? Absent?
Lol so far it's been absent.
• If your OC is raising children with a partner, how well do they work as a team in their parenting?
I mean she's doing all the work at the moment but he's insisting now to handle the financial side. He's mad she didn't let him sooner.
• Where does your OC want their child/children to grow? (City, suburbs, countryside, van life, etc?) Why?
He likes his hometown and either city or the suburbs where he lived sound fine to him. He just wants it to be a good place.
• How often does your OC’s child/children get to see/meet their extended family? 
Well so far it's been 0 but hopefully soon she'll be meeting everyone on dad's side. As for mom's extended family she has never met them nor is she likely to since she's the reason they disinherited mom.
• What does your OC want their child/children to have that they never had?
Freedom. Now this is bullshit but obviously Ibis feels like there was stuff he couldn't do/places he couldn't go so he'd "bowed" that he'd let his kids do what he couldn't. Let's see how his tune sings when he becomes more hands on lol.
• What does your OC think about feeding their child/children junk food? (Rarely, on occasion, every day etc)
It's ok? It's also useless because vampire and all but otherwise no big opinion.
• What is your OC’s pocket money/ spending allowance philosophy?
Have all the money! We're rich, why worry? Spend away. YOLO
• Would your OC put a TV in their child/children’s room?
Sure? I mean he had one for a while. He uses his phone more though.
• Does you OC believe children should take part in household chores?
Ironically yes. So he grew up being encouraged to "help out" and using specific chores as punishment (which happened to him a lot lmao) but he actually liked it, especially laundry. So he'd use the same "help out" philosophy.
• What is your OC’s brand name buying philosophy for their child/children? 
Have it all? Again, we're rich! He grew up with brands and wanting more brands so like why wouldn't his kid have the same?
• How far apart did your OC space their children? Why?
Just the one. It wasn't planned.
• How does your OC feel about drinking alcohol or smoking in front of their child/children?
He does both and it hasn't occurred to him that maybe he shouldn't do this in front of her. One day someone will point it out but first he's gotta be around.
•  Does your OC believe in eating together as a family every night?
I don't even know what to address first. The vampire angle. The fact he's not really part of the household. Take your pick.
• Does your OC have any special traditions they would want to pass along to their child/children?
He'll realize it later but he wants to pass down his empire.
As much as he hates the sphinx he *does* want to travel with his kid and do all the traditional family-vampire things he did with his dad. Again, he hasn't thought about this yet, he's still mostly processing her existence.
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