#yes i know you live in a rural area guess what. so do I. yeah i know we asked you to talk about trans kids and i don't want to hear about
monstermoviedean · 2 years
thank god it's clock out time i was about to fucking lose it
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dailymothanon · 2 years
can i humbly request
some alaska hcs
lowkey highkey feral for your art i want to eat it (very joyful) i love your style uddksgiehk it's so pretty omg
i hope you have a day as wonderful as your drawings, thank you op for your brain food
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This might be long idk
-he has a monotone voice, and his facial expressions are very limited — sometimes his voice would magically switch in tones but he overall doesn’t try to control it cause he doesn’t care
-he has very calloused hands, mostly because he’s more of a hands-on person and that being put in the wilderness a lot caused that, I guess in a way the callousness of his hands are like permafrost? I dunno
-when he decides to actually hibernate for the winter no states wanna bother him— even Florida (like how Florida was concerned when Gov asked him to call Alaska because Alaska likes to be alone)
-like Alaska said himself, he doesn’t actually hate Texas, so I doubt he actually hates any of the states
-Alaska’s actually rather a mother bear towards the other states occasionally, despite his constant stoic personality
-yeah no he gotta be autistic. -he’s built like MOOSE respectively. And a bear, and imo he has the fierceness of a wolverine if he wants to
-out of all the states, I like to imagine he has the most notable or prominent canine teeth, mostly because in the wilderness of Alaska, most of the food you’d find there are meat, fish, and berries. -I’m sure he has back problems. If only he had a cowboy that could offer him a massage or something
-I gave him a slit eyebrow and a scar just above it because I saw someone hc him with it somewhere else but I can’t remember where, but I decided why not yknow
-I call his hair The Bush, which essentially is what we call the non urban or suburban areas, or the extra rural rural Alaska, which is like 2/3 of Alaska, that’s why it’s so wild and unkept
-Alaska is known for being a usually prepared person, mostly a habit he’s picked up from living in the wild
-listen…. I don’t think Russian is his second language. He has 20 official languages (excluding English) and they’re his native languages. He’d speak the native languages before Russian any day. Him as an individual does know Russian due to his history, but as a state he speaks indigenous languages rather than Russian. -again, he’d speak his indigenous people’s languages the most after English
-no, he’s not russian
-yes, i base him more off of his native culture
-he has black hair and dark eyes
-he hates bright lights with a passion, but natural lights are an exception (I like to think this is why his garage is dimly lit)
-some of the states call his garage his ‘den’ cause he’s like a bear in a cave
-he has some of the best eyesight mostly due to being THE hunting state and living in the middle of nowhere sometimes just because he can
-when he’s in a story telling mood, he can go on for hours, but this doesn’t happen often because all the other states tend to be busy or he’s not comfortable talking to them, also he’s been shot down from his rambling before and it hit him hard, his poor soul
-many states like to go to his garage when things get overwhelming or too hot out, I like to imagine that’s why in the scene where Texas entered his room, the door was already unlocked
-Alaska actually does have fire seasons, it’s just that he doesn’t talk about them cause he feels they’re not as important as anyone else’s issues, it’s a problem he’s developed over time
-i don’t have as much hcs for him but
-his hair is probably brown, darkish I think
-his boots have spurs and he does bounce his leg without thinking
-probably has keen eyes, I wouldn’t know, but they’d probably not be as good as Alaska’s hunter eyesight (Alaska will make fun of him for that)
-loves cowboy stuff a hell of a lot
-he actually rather likes the bickering he and Alaska do, it’s a nice distraction and a good excuse to talk about his state and learn about the other’s
-he knows how to braid hair n other stuff. Because I said so
-he sometimes actually goes to California for advice, he hates to admit it if he ever will
-he probably has names for his guns, if we’re gonna be honest, but he tries not to talk about it in front of other states
-he has to admit to himself, Alaska is rather a good anchor for him to keep him grounded and not off his heels about himself
-Texas is easier to fluster than it is to shake the pollen off a flower
-he has dry as all hell hands. Get his ass some lotion or something
Both Texas and Alaska:
-as far as I’ve seen, in wttt Alaska and Texas are the only ones that I know have cleaned their things during meetings and such (Texas with his gun and Alaska with his ulu knife)
-so I want to imagine they’d both busy themselves with cleaning their stuff while having conversations with each other
-Texas often calls Alaska ‘Big Guy’ and Alaska often refers to him as ‘Cowboy’
-Texas actually went to Alaska for help when he froze over since Alaska is experienced with the cold — but Alaska decided to spare him and not talk about it during the Alaskan Recap and said he simply went ‘camping’ instead
-they often bicker that it’s basically a way to communicate together now
-Texas actually does listen to Alaska’s stories when he has the time, and Alaska in return would listen to him rant about whatever’s troubling him (even if it’s stupid)
-if you ask Alaska, he’d probably just straight up answer whatever you asked, but Texas depending on the question, wouldn’t directly answer especially if it’s about him and it isn’t about how holy he is
-yeah no the two have definitely camped together before
-Texas sometimes teaches Alaska about different southern terms and sayings
-also they have NO ass, they’re flat as all hell, Alaska probably has a little more ass, but it’s mostly to make sure Texas doesn’t get too ahead of himself yaknow
-Texas taught Alaska how to square dance actually, I would know cause I was there
that’s all the hcs I can think of at the moment, I might edit it a few times
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s6e18 frontierland (teleplay: andrew dabb, daniel loflin; story: andrew dabb, daniel loflin, jackson stewart)
i know vaguely of dean's cowboy thing. i may expire from embarrassment. (telling myself to just let dean enjoy things). supernatural i will pay you $5 if you stop including bobby's bad evil ear worm speech in the recaps
wait so are all the campbells dead now? wiped out the family. *research montage to funky jazzy rock*
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sam and dean's mutual excitement over the colt journal is about the cutest thing. a genuinely happy moment for them both at the same time, in my supernatural?! (thank you, writers)
DEAN Like the Colt. From... Samuel Colt's Journal.
SAM What?! That's his?
DEAN Yeah.
SAM Dude, no.
DEAN Dude, yes.
RACHEL I'm his friend.
SAM What, you think we're not?
RACHEL I think you call him when you need something.
i mean, show me the lie. he's like... a work friend.
DEAN This here is, uh, Walker. He's a Texas Ranger.
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LOL okay. played the long game on that role, apparently!
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SHERIFF So, what can I do for you boys?
SAM Uh, we're looking for a man.
JUDGE MORTIMER I'll bet. (gesturing to Dean) Nice shirt, there.
le sigh. as ever, side eyeing the gay joke there.
listen. i just. if dean was going to buy clothes to wear in this time period, i don't believe he'd be going for something so relatively flashy. having seen all those movies a million times, he knows the aesthetic. the bad period clothing for time travel low hanging fruit was done in back to the future 3 (he also stepped in horse shit)
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back to the future part 3 (1990)
*deep breaths* i can do this. just get through this saloon scene.
okay. the posse magnet thing. something a fic made me appreciate, or maybe try to reflect on, when dean is being a goober and embarrassing himself; sam expects him to be like this and rolls with it. trying to channel the fond little brother vibe so i can roll my eyes with a smile instead of wanting to shrivel up and hide under a rock
thinking to myself, well j2 are from texas, surely they know their way around horses. but then, i lived in phoenix for half my childhood (in an area with a lot of semi-rural horse people), had family we visited semi-regularly with a farm and horses in nebraska. and i've never been on a horse! okay but padalecki clearly has LOL riding just fine before hamming it up
RACHEL Castiel, I've been hearing things. Things I don't want to believe. Just tell me if it's true.
CASTIEL If what's true?
RACHEL You know. Your dirty little secret.
CASTIEL I have to defeat Raphael.
i'm guessing this is the souls thing but i still don't get it. but i guess they're throwing down in this warehouse abandoned factory or whatever over it
uh oh cas sprung a leak, how's he gonna get the boys home now
SAMUEL COLT Well, when you've done this job as long as I have...a giant from the future with some magic brick doesn't exactly give you the vapors.
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SAMUEL COLT You go put on a few more miles and come back, and we'll talk.
SAM Trust me, I've got plenty of mileage.
thanks for reminding me of all the suffering in hell he's got cooped up in his brain
all right so, souls are like. batteries. for the angels??? slippery slope this rebelling and free willing, apparently
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all right so they had to give the phoenix a tragic event to turn all this on, of course it's the sexual assault and murder of his wife. OF COURSE.
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he's swimming in that coat 😔
LOLOL how exactly did samuel colt get the address off his phone? just gonna ignore that ridiculousness.
made it through in one sitting, it's a miracle. surely gotta be done with the cringey episodes until next season. suffering and misery from here on out?
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tripstitan · 1 year
Yee Gods Yes
Found this on Harvard Health while I was thinking up a reply to a post about which hypersensitivity a person has the most of. (Hint, for me, it's all. Tactile, light, sound, crowd-overstimulation... Every sense of mine is heightened except smell, which I do not have as a sense. I'm anosmic I think is the term.)
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Holy hell that would have been useful when I was trying to "be normal" for most of my life, trying to act as if I were neurotypical and not disabled, trying to work within the bounds of society's expected rules. Way to go Harvard Health. This sorta stuff needs to be seen more often by more people, especially employers.
I don't even realize that I'm stimming when I have to "even out" the pressure on either sides of my cuticles. Like if my right thumb gets pressure along its left half, I have to tap/press the right half of the cuticle thingy in response. Sometimes I just have to hit both sides, then eventually, all my fingers need evening out on both sides of my nail(which, once I notice, can become a near endless spiral, because I use my other finger edges to even out the pressure on my other finger edges...)
Don't even get me started on how wearing denim feels like my flesh is on fire. (Tactile hypersensitivity + fibromialgia = NO JEANS PLEASE.)
I used to be more heavily synesthetic, or have synesthesia to a higher degree. (Maybe I still do, but I've avoided the main triggers for a long, long time.) To me, voices and sounds have/had flavor. Too many voices/too much sound ends up just tasting like vomit, just nasty worst flavors combined coming to the fore. Yuck. Crowds suck. School assemblies SUUUUUUUCKED. I know I was a weird creepy kid, and the few things I remember from my past (yay trauma blanking out memories for me,) I'm pretty regretful of. I was sheltered, and I was an idiot... but I... anyway, let's just say I'm glad I'm in a position in life where if I don't want to, I'll never have to enter a crowded/loud space ever again.
As far as sound, and/or light, it depends on the day, because I do get photosensitive migraines, but I'm hyperaural/hyperaudiosensitive all the time. Depending on how I focus my ears, I can hear things, usually further away things, more clearly. It feels like I'm turning an internal radar dish in a crowded room, picking up other people's conversations, unable to hear the person right next to me trying to speak over the noise. ... I can also hear the thrum of electricity in power lines, and, with enough familiarity, can tell you whether or not someone has more appliances running than normal at the end of a segment of power lines. (I could always tell if dad was watching TV before I made it the 200 yards home down our long-arse dirt driveway basically out in the woods, based on the static hum in the power lines. It was just a tiny bit more audible, or a slightly different pitch. I think I probably could have also learned to guess if he'd opened the fridge and it had to kick in to cool things, or was using the microwave, but the easiest one to prove was the TV being on, or not, as based on the sound when I arrived home from school.)
Sarcasm suuuuuucks to try to detect. I trained myself to learn inflections and so on, and some people deliver without inflection! Or use it online, where there is no inflection! I... yeah I went undiagnosed most of my life, my therapist and I are proud of how far I'd come without help, without even knowing what I was facing. I grew up pretty poor, raised by a single parent, in the 80s and early 90s into late nineties and early 2000s, before there really was a ubiquity of internet access, before anyone could even reasonably be expected to have access to information, especially when living in such a rural area, or areas, as we did.
Anyway, sort of like Ren's admission in Hi Ren, as I got older, I learned to be less rigid about attempting to fit into society, and I honestly lucked out by landing on my feet in the way that I did. It was a pretty long, multi-year fall, a tumble if you will, to the outskirts and edges of society. Not quite as graceful or eloquent as Ren's "an eternal dance, a pendulum swinging between the light and the dark, and that the harder the light shone, the deeper the darkness that followed it" or such. I'm paraphrasing. (Seriously, if you haven't watched it, Hi Ren puts a lot of feelings to words that peeps in our situations feel and deal with. Impostor syndrome, depression, intrusive thoughts, struggling with disabilities and getting the help we need, and so on. I guess content warning for it, since it's pretty personal and deep. I dunno what TW to say, maybe uh... bpd? Ren acts out two different internal voices in the song.)
Gods, I'm letting all this stuff get way too personal. It's just supposed to be my webnovel ad blog thingy. Then again, AAoMM is a huge part of me, it's a chunk of almost everything that I am, in a lot of ways. It's already pretty darn personal, carrying so much of me with it.
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c-schroed · 1 year
"Suzume" – The Movie for Everyone Who Didn't Get What "Your Name" Was All About
I love, I really, really love Makoto Shinkai's 2016 anime movie "Your Name", because aside from telling an absolute blast of a perfectly entertaining body-swap romance story that en passant tackles hot topics like gender roles and urban versus rural life (which alone would make it a close-to-perfection mainstream movie), it also manages to find the perfect metaphor for an indescribable loss, for a kind of grief so profoundly that it cannot be put into words. And although never mentioned in the movie, for me it was always clear that the central catastrophe of "Your Name" directly alludes to the Great Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami that started on 11 March of 2011. Which for me made this movie into a great piece of art for generations to come.
Enter "Suzume", another anime movie by Makoto Shinkai. About dealing with the aftermath of catastrophic events. A movie that directly states that the central trauma of its main protagonist can be traced back to a specific day 12 years ago. A day in march. And yes it is stated which exact date in march it was. Guess the number. Yeah, that one.
I won't lie, the way this was revealed in the movie was a pretty darn strong moment. It was foreshadowed throughout the whole movie, it was stated more and more clearly, and it still struck me quite a bit when it was finally revealed. Because Makoto Shinkai is a fucking genius of a director who just knows how to tell a story. But still. I admit to being a bit disappointed by the lack of subtlety that "Suzume" revealed here.
Plus, the resulting plot leaves a bit of a weird aftertaste. As one Japanese reviewer whom I watched on Youtube mentioned, one of the narration's implications is that most earthquakes in Japan have a supernatural cause that can be avoided if certain gifted people resolve some kind of emotional imbalance in the area. Which is a fascinating idea that – like all of Shinkai's movies that I know – is wonderfully deeply rooted in Japanese Shinto religion. But it still results in a weird mix of mainstream fiction and real-life tragedy. Maybe as if one was told that the Winchester brothers of "Supernatural" would have been responsible to prevent the Columbine school shooting, or that Marvel's Avengers should have prevented the September 11 Attacks. It's just a bit weird to me.
On the other hand, I heard Makoto Shinkai talk about his inspirations in an interview, and he pointed out that his main motivation for "Suzume" was him finding out that many people that watched "Your Name" did not understand its relation to the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake, and that, even more dramatically, a lot of young people – abroad as well as in Japan! – seemed to never have heard of this tragedy. So yeah, I understand him. And I can accept that "Suzume" might be an important film, and a great addition to "Your Name". I guess it's just that I'd sometimes prefer to live in a world where things don’t need to be spelled out to be understood.
However. All my whining about a lack of subtlety and potentially weird aftertastes aside, "Suzume" is one heck of a ride. From its marvellous first scene that blends into the title screen with a verve that I have not seen for years, to the lovely "what happens to the protagonist next" animations that accompany the credits, "Suzume" is a marvellously animated movie bursting with beautiful images, clever foreshadowings and heartbreaking tributes to the remnants of past disasters. It is what Makoto Shinkai can do best: A perfect mix of mainstream fun and hot topic commentary. Most likely the best fantasy dramedy romance road movie of the next years to come!
One detail still bothers me though. It's something that already annoyed me in Shinkai's previous film, "Weathering with You": While most products depicted in "Suzume" are just clever allusions to real brands (e.g., we have POKKA sweets instead of POCKY, and – my personal favourite! – BEIKO clocks instead of SEIKO ones), there is one scene in the middle where Suzume goes hitchhiking and the family she travels with makes a lunch break at some burger place. And, gosh, that scene really that goes immense lengths to assure that even. the. dullest. goshdarn. audience. member. will notice this burger place to be FUCKING MCDONALD'S. Just… Why?
Anyway, if you have the chance to watch "Suzume", do give it a try. Especially if you know and love "Your Name". And if you can view it at a cinema, then go for it! The sound alone is worth the ticket, and gosh those pictures!
Just… do me a favor and don't visit McDonald's afterwards, yes?
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benevolentbirdgal · 2 years
For the ask game: 4, 14, 23?
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Probably some variation of "we looked at dino/giant bird bones/etc and thought "dragons" but IDK if that counts? Like, I believe in dinosaurs as extinct species (hell, in a way, they're presently some of my coworkers because I work at a museum). I don't have any belief that we remotely overlapped of course, but I think our ancestors probably also found Big Bones and made Big Guesses.
Kind of similar vibes for the Kraken - we have extremely limited footage of colossal squid and giant squid now - we know they exist but they aren't a super familiar creature - so it's not a huge stretch to me that they occasionally were spotted or came up in the pre-industrial and pre-photography era and scared the living daylights out of some inebriated sailors.
I also kind of like the idea of psychopomps (guides to the afterlife - grim reaper, Charon, etc.). Not so much a specific one, but the idea that there's Somebody to take you to wherever it is after this life - be that the ferryman, a shadowy figure, or a loved one.
14. do you think you’re dehydrated?
Usually, yeah! I try and drink a ton of water and tea each day but when I'm with family doing activities or working at my in-person job it's so much harder.
Also, this is probably weird, but I HATED the taste of water as a kid. Esp at home, less so at grandma's house. We lived in a mid-sized city that used a ton of chlorine in the water and it was gross, actually. Safe but nasty. Same went for after we moved to a suburb in an industrial area.
As an adult I realize that 1) it was actually gross in <home city> so it makes sense that my grandma's homes, in more rural places, with different water systems, would be less gross. 2) Tea is not actually all that different from water, from a hydration standpoint (this is how I hydrated as a teenager, primarily, and this is what I revert to when I visit parents and their Gross Tasting Water). 3) Brita filters are like $7 for a couple of months and make such a difference (at least to me personally).
23. do you wear jewelry?
Yes, but not often. I will pop in earrings and/or a necklace on sometimes (when I go out, events, meeting with fashionable friends) but basically never wear rings or bracelets.
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atomic-thomas · 11 months
(Fake ASMR Commission) An Encounter With A Human Girl [Giant Listener]
"Huh... I just remembered about that one Disney movie that got canceled."
"Strange how I suddenly just thought of that. Now I wonder... Was a synopsis ever made for that movie? I'd at least like to know the summary for it since I'll never be able to watch it. A quick Google search should do."
*typing sounds*
"Oh wow! There's actually a description for it."
"Set in Spain during the Age of Exploration, Gigantic follows a teenage adventure-seeker named Jack as he discovers a world of giants hidden within the clouds. Along the way, he befriends a young giantess, Inma, who's 11 years old, 60 feet tall & treats him like a living doll. He agrees to help her find her way home, but he doesn't account for her super-sized personality, nor for the presence of the hostile Storm Giants, who stand at 120 feet."
"Aw man! That sounds so cool. I would love to have seen this movie. It was clearly inspired by Jack & the Beanstalk. Damn, it would've been such a spectacle. Does the page mention a reason for it's cancelation?"
"It does. Unspecified creative differences."
"Well that's vague. That could mean anything. And it was two years into development. Such wasted potential. What a shame."
*giant footstep sounds start*
"What the... Why is the ground shaking?"
"Wait a minute. This makes no sense. Earthquakes don't even happen where I live."
"I should probably go outside anyway. On the off chance the roof doesn't hold up, it'd be unwise to stay inside. These tremors are intense. Hopefully I don't have to pay for house repairs."
*door opening sound*
*giant footstep sounds stop*
"What... Why... How... I don't understand!"
"Oh God, please don't hurt me!"
"Huh? You won't? Really?"
"Why would I assume that... Uh..."
"Y-yes... It's because you're gigantic."
"W-well... You aren't visually scary or anything. You look... Pretty normal actually."
"Wait, what am I saying? What's even happening? Am I dreaming? Giants aren't real."
"Oh... Oh dear. I... I'm so sorry. That was probably offensive."
"It's... Fine? Wow. You don't get offended easily, do you?"
"You expected these reactions from a human. Well... No wonder you're so chill."
"Um... Sure... I suppose you can pick me up. But... What for?"
"You just want to hold me. Well, I don't see why not."
"Of course I'm nervous. I never thought I'd meet a giant. Let alone get offered to be held by one. But... I'm willing to try it. This feels like... A once in a lifetime experience that I shouldn't miss out on."
"Wow. That's a pretty big hand you got there. I guess I'll just... Climb onto your palm."
"*grunt* There we go. Hope you didn't mind me using your fingernail as leverage."
"Woah! Oh jeez. The ground is falling away fast. What is my life right now?!"
"Uh... Hey there. Pretty cool seeing you at eye level."
"Oh God, that's such a long way down."
"I'm sure you won't drop me. It's just... Your hand doesn't have guardrails."
"You'd catch me if I fell. Heh... You're really nice, you know that?"
"So... Where are you from?"
"You... Can't say. Why not?"
"Ohhh... So... Humans & giants were never meant to meet each other. Wait. If that's the case then why are you here?"
"You got curious. So like... Will you get into trouble if your fellow giants find out you were here?"
"I see. Well, it's a good thing I live in a rural area. Not too many prying eyes around here. I think I'm the only human whose seen you so far."
"You're not worried about humans seeing you. Why though? That sounds like it would be important."
"Oh yeah. That makes sense. It's unlikely anyone would believe someone who claims that they saw a giant. Guess I can't really make that claim either. At least not without sounding like a crazy person."
"But still. Why is it so important for your kind to remain hidden? I don't really see the big deal."
"Too complicated. Well... I suppose there's a certain risk involved with attempting to co-exist. And there'd also be a massive resource issue."
"Hmmm... I see what you mean. We're both in a situation that isn't broken in the first place so... Why fix it?"
"Oh... You have to go now. Aww... Already? It feels too soon."
"Well, if it's really that important then I suppose I can't stop you. But... Will I see you again? I don't want to part ways forever. You're so cool! And you've been so nice to me. A true BFG. You know. Big Friendly Giant."
"You'll visit in secret. Awesome! Just be careful, alright? Wouldn't want your own kind to find out about this."
"Well... I guess you should put me down now. Slowly this time, okay? Nearly got motion sick when you picked me up a few minutes ago."
"*grunt* There we go. Back on solid ground."
"Hey, be safe out there, you hear? I don't know where you live, but I wish you safe travels."
"Until we meet again, my giant friend."
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survey--s · 1 year
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Was the last person you hung out with single? No, we're married.
Have you ever attended a private school? Yeah, all my life.
Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Yes.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? It depends on the brand/type, I guess. I like diet coke/pepsi but if it's fruity stuff then I prefer the full sugar versions.
Can you make mashed potatoes from scratch? Sure, it's hardly a complicated thing to do. It takes so much effort though so I pretty much never bother.
Have you ever cooked for anyone other than yourself? Sure, plenty of times. I'm not really a fan of cooking in general though so I'd rather pay to go out somewhere or get a takeaway.
If your phone has a hole for phone charms, is it on the left or right side? Ha, are those even a thing anymore? My phone certainly doesn't have one anyway. And yes, I did check lol.
Would you rather live in the city, the suburbs, or the rural area? A rural area.
Do you know someone who is really ambidextrous? Not so far as I know, but it's not really something I ask people about.
Did you use a pencil today? No. I don't think we even own one.
Are you adopted? I’m not adopted, but my mum is.
Have you ever had your car break down on you? Yeah, the battery died once and another time I got a puncture so bad that it completely destroyed my tyre. Who was the last person that cried in your presence? I don't remember.
Does your last name end in a vowel or consonant? I’m not sharing that.
When was the last time you ate at your favourite restaurant? I don't really have a favourite, it depends what I feel like eating.
What was the last thing someone gave you? Uh, I have no idea. Nothing exciting though.
Can you write your name in a foreign language? Yeah.
Who is the person you often go to for venting? I don't really go to anyone - I mean, if I want to vent I generally just do it on here because it's easier.
Do you keep an actual journal or diary? No, this does the job.
Have you ever been prescribed Vicodin? Yeah, for a wisdom tooth infection/pain. It made me feel so unwell though. I don't know how people can function on it.
Have you ever cheated on someone without them finding out about it? Never.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Male.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? In Lanzarote about six and a half years ago lol.
Does your dining table currently have place mats on it? No.
What was the last thing you cooked in an oven? Pizza.
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? No.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? No.
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? White, or something like sourdough, focaccia or ciabatta.
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chinahatbeach · 2 years
Thoughts for Today
Sunday. The end of the weekend and the beginning of a new week. How many of you dislike Sunday? The weekend is almost over and the dreaded work week is ahead. Grr…. Yes, I have felt this way over many of my years but I try not to look at the work week with dread. I look forward to good days and do not look at Monday as a crappy day. It might turn into a hot mess during the day, but, I won’t let it get me down. Onward! Enjoy all the moments, minutes, and get a good outlook.
I know that having a good outlook can be hard some days. I threw my back out a couple of weeks ago and it’s told me that it hurts. I finally gave up my stubborn self to make an appointment with the naturopath. He put humpty dumpty back together again. I took off a few evenings of work off to rest it and allow it to heal. I’m not the person to want to wait on anything but I did so and today, it’s not too bad. I find that doing a few exercises every so often during the day and sitting in a straight back chair helps. The world will continue with or without me. I gotta do me.
Today, I went to church. A different church that I haven’t gone to before. Or should I say, it’s the same building but a different church is in it. A lot of the same people I know attend there. Some come from other churches. Hey, when you live in a community most of your life, people are people.
I found it interesting that some of the folks didn’t recognize me. Dang, did I age that bad? Or did they not notice me from before? Yeah, I’m that person…… the one that flies under the radar. I often get the question, “where you been?” Same home I’ve lived in since 1996. Same body I’ve lived in since 1963.
And this got me thinking about how I have or haven’t changed. Sitting through this church service made me realize that I have walked along with technology. I dislike it, as always. Churches have ‘apps’ to get into touch with people. Huh? We went from telephones, to texting, to ‘apps’. Am I a curmudgeon due to ”apps?” I guess so. I like simple things. I did use the ‘app’ and contacted someone out there in the church. Let’s see what happens.
I haven’t changed in my belief system. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. I rely more on the Holy Spirit now, more than ever. I look to Godwinks in my circumstances. I realize that I attended the church when you memorized lyrics to songs and the words stuck deep inside you. I dislike looking at words during worship. I do look at the new songs but try to memorize the lyrics. It reminds me to memorize the words in the Bible. Since watching the series, The Chosen, I was amazed at the words that are stuck deep inside my heart and soul.
Things changed in the world. In many ways, I have marched along with the change, grumbling away at it. I would love to live out in a very rural area and attend an old country church. Simple living, little technology, and just Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Guess that’s why I don’t people as much as I use to now.
As I sit here typing this, I hear the thump of the dryer, watch the flames of my lit candles, watch sleeping dogs lie, and yes, I’m grateful for my laptop and my outreach from it. Some technology is grand. Thank God for washers and dryers, the dishwasher, running water, and indoor plumbing. And yes, even the one-eyed monster in the living room is a blessing on rainy days.
Find the blessings in everything, even ‘apps’. Well, I feel a cheesecake needs to be made today. Yup, a homemade cheesecake. And after that, maybe a bit of the one-eyed monster and a good show. Sunday is a day of rest or cheesecake. Make it a good one…….
And that’s the way it is……….
0 notes
tiffanylamps · 2 years
Beyond Evil: the Romantic Rain trope
Hello! Guess who's back on their shit again... Me!
When I first finished watching Beyond Evil/ 괴물 on 5/02/22 (yes, I know, it surprised me too during the last episode), I immediately started writing an essay about the show's queer subtext/queer coding. The essay is an analysis of episodes 1-8... and it's ridiculously long and unfinished (and probably never will be finished). This post includes the opening parts. I like them, so I have decided to share them. These opening thoughts surround the rain scene in episode two and how it is romantic in tone.
[I do have another bit analysing Dong Sik's queer coding, which I might post one day.] So, yeah, this is a part of a larger piece. So, that's why it feels a bit incomplete.
A disclaimer: ~ I use the word ‘queer’, a lot. But this is not meant as a derogatory/offensive term. But instead, is used by its reclaimed meaning: a generalised term to refer to someone who isn’t heterosexual.Also, all spellings of characters’ names are taken from AsianWiki.
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(my very gloomy-looking screenshots)
“Why are you doing this to me? Why?” Han Joo Won talking to Lee Dong Sik (episode 5).
Have you ever asked someone a question that they refuse to answer? Instead of giving you the information you want, they dance around it, jump to conclusions, and add the right amount of distraction; until you can’t even remember what you asked in the first place. This is a recurrence of Beyond Evil’s main characters Lee Dong Sik and Han Joo Won. Their conversations and arguments often spark one of them to ask a question that the other does not answer. 
This happens numerous times throughout the first half of the series. Typically, these questions are of the following nature:
“Just what about me interests you so much?” Lee Dong Sik, episode 2
“It’s a dangerous thing to become attached to someone. Don’t you think?”  Lee Dong Sik, episode 4
“Why can’t you leave me alone?” Lee Dong Sik, episode 5
(English translations taken from Netflix)
Oftentimes these questions are more for the audience to ponder on, rather than for the characters to outright answer. This is why they aren’t answered with verbal confirmation but instead, with the character’s actions. 
In the thriller, crime, and mystery genres, it is usual to have a protagonist investigate and chase our anti-hero/sympathetic villain. Beyond Evil (otherwise known as Monster/ 괴물) uses this narrative trope as the basis of its storytelling: one hotshot young guy comes from the big city to investigate an older seemingly unhinged man of a crime he may or may not have committed. But over time, as the protagonist learns more, we get to see the shades of ambiguity that are bursting at the seams.  Furthermore, both characters will be forever changed because of their relationship and the events that follow.
One element that makes Beyond Evil stand out from others within the same genre is that this story isn’t really about a small hometown murder. It uses the murders within this rural area as a canvas in which to tell the real story: love. One way this is proven is that the story focuses on the victims and their friends and families, and the overall community, instead of the killer(s). 
Beyond Evil explores and showcases the Ancient Greeks’ philosophy of the seven kinds of love:
Eros: romantic love; passionate, lustful, the want for sexual intimacy  Philia: friendship; affectionate, platonic, sweet and equal Storge: familial; strong bonds, kin-ship, unconditional Agape: altruism; empathy, selflessness, love for worldly experiences Ludus: new love; non-committal, flirtatious, playful Pragma: committed love; long-term relationships, companionship, maturity Philautia: self-love; self-esteem, self-worth, a necessity
(information source: https://www.wellandgood.com/greek-words-for-love/)
It is a story highlighting the importance of love: all the different kinds of love we encounter in our lives; how we are affected by them; what it looks like to live without love; including, when it's time to accept love and when it's time to let it go. But most importantly, sometimes, you can find love in the most unexpected place. 
[But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s sprinkle some background information and analyse the first half (the first act, if you will) of Beyond Evil (episodes 1-8) and look at how Joo Won ended up broken-hearted in Dong Sik’s front garden.] Redacted for this post.
On the first watch-through of this show, the audience is told the story predominantly through Joo Won’s gaze; which is biassed and trifled with unreliable narration. Through his perspective, we are toyed with and encouraged to constantly doubt the other characters. The show expertly uses Alfred Hitchcock’s film theory Pure Cinematics for instilling doubt, harnessing the power of the editing process to define the visual narrative. In other words, the show creators displayed a key understanding of how the narrative changes with context. 
The best example of this is the butcher shop sequence on the night of Kang Min Jeong's disappearance. We are first introduced to the sequence from Joo Won’s perspective: all of Dong Sik’s actions are awkward and suspicious, and we over-analyse his movements and actions/inactions to come to the conclusion that he’s done something. Then later on in the show, we revisit this sequence from Dong Sik’s perspective and yes, he has done something but not what we were led to believe. All of his awkward and suspicious behaviour becomes a painful and morally grey experience, where the audience feels great sympathy for him. 
The context defines the narrative. Without the full context, we do not get the full story. 
And only with the full context, can we look past the structure of the piece and unveil the answers to the questions that are asked... we reveal the truth.
Whilst rewatching the show, the viewing experience is completely different. All the pieces are already fitted into place, so I spent less time trying to decipher and instead, leisurely trying to digest. The experience is nowhere near as suspenseful but far more gut-wrenching. This is because the viewer already has the full story - the full context - everyone’s actions and inactions are accounted for: we know why x was acting sketchy in episode y because of what they did 20 years ago, and so on. 
When everyone’s actions are accounted for it is a lot easier to follow the story from Dong Sik’s perspective. We see the injustices that innocent people go through more harshly, we also see the cruelty of the guilty from the get-go. We are able to focus on the smaller details of people’s relationships, instead of thinking about the big picture. We are also able to take the time to truly understand the visual language the creators are showing us and how that shapes the narrative.
There is one sequence that comes to mind that is told purely from Joo Won’s perspective. There is no dialogue during this particular sequence of shots, so the audience is completely reliant on the visual language to understand what is being conveyed. This scene is greatly important for the show as a whole, as it gives us an uncensored look into Joo Won’s thoughts.  Without it, the narrative of the story would be different, as it adds context to Joo Won’s actions later on in the series. That scene is from episode two. 
Joo Won and Dong Sik are on patrol, still getting used to each other as partners. One) because their personalities clash and two) because Joo Won is actively investigating Dong Sik for murder, which is just hanging there between them. They stop their patrol to help a disabled young adult who is lost in the rain. Dong Sik takes charge of the situation because he is better equipped at interacting with disabled people and the people of Manyang (and the wider Munju area) as a whole. This scene is one of the most important as it is an untainted humanisation of Dong Sik’s character, giving the audience (and Joo Won) a first glimpse into who Dong Sik really is.
Up until this point, Joo Won has only seen Dong Sik as a character: the killer; “the suspect” as Dong Sik later describes it. He vehemently dislikes him but still has a misguided interest in Dong Sik’s life. But this suddenly is challenged. Standing there in the rain, with no shoes on, smiling at the young man who is dancing, we get to see what Joo Won sees for the first time: kindness, humility, and beauty. 
It’s a glitch in the system.
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This scene is slightly baffling. It poses the question of what the creators are truly trying to tell its audience. Is it that these two characters work best when they are unified and Joo Won’s assumptions of Dong Sik are wrong?... Well, yes ... but also, of course, hiding in plain sight is the subtext that Joo Won is gay/queer.
Which point takes paramount importance? It would seem that in this scene it’s the subtext. We see why this is so through the sequence of shots:
After the situation has been assessed by the pair and they have come to an agreement. Joo Won goes to the shop to get supplies to help with the young man and when he returns, we, the audience, are faced with a sequence of ever-closing in close-up shots. With each cut, the camera is showing us what Joo Won is choosing to focus on; where his eyes are gravitating. What is odd about the sequence is the information that is chosen to be shared: Dong Sik's feet, the umbrella, the smile: kindness, humility, beauty. 
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 Joo Won returns to the pair and falters, he seems shocked into stillness. Which almost seems frivolous, as Joo Won is already privy to two-thirds of the information being presented. 
Joo Won already knew that Dong Sik had given his shoes to the young man. 
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He knew about the umbrella because he is the one who gave it to Dong Sik to use. 
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Then… they cut to a slow-motion close-up of Dong Sik’s smiling face, rain behind him and sunshine kissing his face. This last shot is the only piece of information we didn’t have before Joo Won went to the shop because it’s Joo Won’s thoughts at that moment. It’s no longer information that can be detailed in a police report but a deeply human moment. He has digested the information in front of him and this is his conclusion: beauty. 
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This screams romantic undertones- especially with the knowledge that rain is often used as a romantic trope in visual media.  “​​Rain seems to go along with pivotal moments in characters' lives. It's implied that if you can ignore bad weather and brave the elements, then your big moment is even more real and intense and genuine. If you want to be deserving of your love, you won't care if it's raining, you will rush out into the rain to be with her or him-” tvtopes.org, Romantic Rain.
This trope is used often within Korean media, especially within the romance genres. So, it is a visual language that is common knowledge with Korean audiences. It is less likely to be seen within the crime and mystery genres, so it speaks volumes that the creators decided to include it.
Here are three examples of Korean dramas that use the Romantic Rain trope to show the protagonists have romantic feelings for one another:
Legend of the Blue Sea: offering an umbrella as protection/taking someone into your care Flower of Evil: Hee Sung allows himself to become soaked because of his feelings Goblin: slow motion shot of the characters passing one another in the rain
How Beyond Evil uses the same visuals within this scene:
Protection: Joo Won gives Dong Sik an umbrella and forensic shoe covers Soaked: Joo Won stops mid-run to stare at Dong Sik in the rain, seemingly awestruck/concerned Slow-motion: Joo Won’s perspective in the following sequence of close-ups is in slow motion
This scene is not the moment that Joo Won realises the extent of his feelings for Dong Sik. It is used as supporting evidence for the later conversations Joo Won has with Park Jung Je and Nam Sang Bae. In which he is asked by both of them why he cares so much about the cold case (in which Dong Sik is his suspect). To which, Joo Won replies the first time he’s asked:
“This is Lee Dong Sik’s–” 
He shouts this and has to stop himself, calming down to answer that he’s determined to solve the cold case because one of the victims is Lee Dong Sik’s sister. The key person in that answer is Lee Dong Sik. He is the reason Han Joo Won cares so deeply [and because of his own personal involvement] about a case that no police officer would try to solve: “-there isn’t a single cop in the country that would prioritise such a case.” [Park Jung-Je.]
Han Joo Won is a determined person. When he sets his mind to something, he will achieve it, even if it upsets other people or hurts himself. He’s a person who cares deeply about things and can become easily fixated. If the creators wanted us to see Joo Won’s actions deriving from a place of spite or a self-righteous need for the truth, they would never have used the Romantic Rain trope.
Following the scene in the rain, Joo Won chooses to not act upon what he felt then and instead, suppresses his feelings.  It makes sense. He’s experiencing attraction (eros) for his murder suspect; the man that he has been obsessing over; the man who only now is more than just a character to him. He is becoming a human and a very attractive one, at that. 
Joo Won doesn’t know what to do with that newfound knowledge. So… he starts to lose his cool. This is obviously aided by other factors…  
Without this scene, and those particular shots, Joo Won’s intense interest in Dong Sik and his mental decline over the next two episodes wouldn’t make as much sense. When we take the queer subtext into consideration, it makes the puzzle pieces fit all that bit more snuggly. It gives us the knowledge that Joo Won has humanised Dong Sik in his mind, he likes what he sees and he doesn’t know how that fits around his rigid moral compass… and what Joo Won knows about himself because really this scene is more about Joo Won discovering himself than it is about Joo Won discovering Dong Sik.
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Look how devastated he is. This man has literally stalked the very handsome man he's staring at, has taken pictures of him, has said pictures on his tablet/printed out, spends his days staring at these pictures whilst biting his lip- then gets all bent out of shape because he realises he's attracted to him?? Baffling.
That is it for that scene's analysis, I remember writing more but I must have deleted it at some point. Anyway, hope that was entertaining and easy to read (I have the tendency to ramble on/make grammatical errors haha).
See ya!
183 notes · View notes
frostedfaves · 4 years
Dark Paradise
Pairing: dark!WandaNat x fem!reader
Summary: You meet the infamous Avengers on spring break with your best friend Peter, and two of them seem to adore you more than expected. Requested here by my lovely 🐞anon.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY!!! dark themes, manipulation, mind control, blackmailing, age gap (reader is 21), dubcon (saying this just to be safe because Wanda uses her powers for evil a lot here), smut: oral, fingering, penetration/sex toy use, voyeurism (kinda), edging, overstimulation (if I forgot something please let me know!)
A/N: hi this is 6k words, which is the longest single fic I’ve ever written/posted here haha. also the end is not technically the end, if you know what I mean. anyway this took forever to write so enjoy this super far from canon fic and please tell me what you thought!! (also if you’re on my taglist and you weren’t tagged it’s because your age wasn’t in your bio)
“Here, let me take that for you,” Peter offers when he notices you headed toward the car, and you hand your suitcase to him with a smile.
“Thanks, P.”
You close the car door behind you after getting in on the passenger side, instantly reaching for his phone resting on the dashboard once you were buckled in. The two of you had an unspoken rule that you controlled the music whenever you traveled together, so his library was filled with various playlists you’d created simply because you didn’t trust him not to listen to the same five songs for the rest of his life.
“This is different,” Peter comments as he gets in on the driver’s side and catches the opening notes to an upbeat song. “I thought you were going to go with something calmer to help you sleep, like you usually do.”
“Well, I’m not usually going to meet the Avengers, so I’m too nervous to sleep.” You turn to pout at him as he drives off. “Is it too late to cancel?”
“Don’t even think about it. If I show up without you, everyone will think you’re imaginary.”
“Do they think you can’t make any friends outside of Ned?” you question as you open a bottle of water. “Because they’re not wrong.”
“I can make friends!” Peter whines and a quiet snorting sound escapes you. 
“You can’t use me as an example.”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re not actually friends.”
He picks up on your teasing nature and rolls his eyes, causing you to laugh as you lean back and settle into your seat more. You had well over three hours to stress about spending a week with the world’s most popular superheroes, and you’d rather be comfortable while you do so.
“Wake up, we’re here!”
Your eyes fly open at the sound of Peter’s voice, and any of the nerves that left long enough to let you sleep made a U-turn and hit you again, full force. Sitting up straight in the seat, you practice breathing properly while stretching and taking a look around as he pulls into the garage.
“Are you okay?” Peter asks once he parks, placing a hand over yours as he meets your gaze and you smile.
“I’ll be fine, P. I’m not gonna miss out on hanging out with you just because your super family is super intimidating.”
“Good. Besides, it won’t even be that bad! I’m willing to bet $1 million that they’ll love you.”
“I appreciate your optimism,” you tell him as the two of you get out of the car. “But you’re going to regret that bet when I use your money to retire early in some faraway rural town.”
Peter carried both suitcases as you made your way to an elevator, and you jumped when you suddenly heard a male voice.
“Welcome, Mr. Parker and Ms. L/N.”
“What is that?” you questioned as you faced Peter with wide eyes and he chuckled. 
“You’re hearing Jarvis, Mr. Stark’s AI. Hey Jarvis, can you take us to the common room, please?”
“Right away, Mr. Parker.”
“This is so cool,” you comment as you look around the suddenly moving elevator. “How does it know my name?”
“Knowing everything is kind of its job, I guess.”
“Underoos!” a voice calls as soon as the doors open, quickly revealing itself to belong to Tony Stark as his gaze lands on you next. “So she is real.”
“I told you!” Peter defends as you step off the elevator together. “Mr. Stark, this is Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you, kid,” Tony greets you with a shake of your hand. “I’m glad he found you. I was starting to worry that he’d build a robot to spend the rest of his life with.”
“I’m just his best friend, so it’s still possible.”
“Is this your friend, Peter?” Steve cuts off Peter’s response as he enters the room, moving to shake your hand next. “I’m Steve. Nice to meet you.”
“Okay, I’m going to show her to our rooms and then we’ll be back for dinner,” Peter tells everyone once you’d been introduced to Pepper, Bruce and Clint as well, and you’re about to head for the elevator again when someone interrupts.
“How about we take her down to her room instead?”
Your eyes widen as you watch none other than Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff enter the room hand in hand. Natasha’s hair seemed much longer than the last time she’d been in the public eye, but her all-knowing smirk was just the same and her green eyes were even more piercing in person. You noticed a bit of red glowing in Wanda’s eyes, which faded as she probably realized you’d seen, and you couldn’t help but wonder if that meant she hated you already.
“I know what you’re up to, Red.” Tony seemed accusatory as he pointed a finger at the pair. “You can’t bribe her into helping you cheat tonight.”
“Maybe I planned on giving her tips for surviving this testosterone filled tower.” 
Natasha steps forward and grabs your hand with her free one, and with a flick of her wrist, Wanda has your suitcase floating in front of you as they lead you into the elevator.
“Sorry to whisk you away like that,” Wanda apologizes as the doors close with her head tilted to see you past Natasha. “We’re just excited to meet a new woman here.”
“No, it’s okay!” you insist breathlessly, your nerves slowly returning as Natasha lightly squeezes your hand. “I’m actually really excited to meet the two of you.”
“You know who we are?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that I know you personally, but I know that you’re one of the original team members.” You make eye contact briefly with Natasha before turning to Wanda. “And because the news stations somehow get ahold of everything, I know you joined after you helped everyone stop Ultron before he could create that indestructible body and destroy the world.”
“Yes, that’s true. Although I wish I could’ve saved my brother, too.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you lost him...or that you even had a brother.”
“It’s okay,” Wanda assures you with a smile as she lets go of Natasha, shifting to the other side of the elevator to grab your free hand. “I asked Fury to keep Pietro a secret because I didn’t want to see or hear any negative opinions from people that never even met him.”
“And we have plenty of time to get to know each other,” Natasha chimes in as the doors open to reveal a new setting. “This is our floor. We set up a spare bedroom here so we can spend time together away from the boys...when you’re not with Peter, of course.”
“Yeah, that’d be great!” 
They lead you past their living room and kitchen, and you shamelessly admire the simple decor with little personal touches spread about. Turning into a hallway, Natasha walks ahead of you and Wanda to open a door to a bedroom.
“What do you think?” she asks with a smile that widens upon seeing your expression. “I’m guessing it’s good, then.”
“It’s perfect!” you cry out as you walk past to enter the room, immediately noticing the eggshell colored walls trimmed with your favorite color along the borders. “Wow, this is four times the size of a normal bedroom. Wait a minute.”
“Do you like it?” Wanda asks when she sees you pick up the glass figurine on the nightstand. “Peter mentioned your love of this animal and I have a whole collection of them from different places.”
“Like it? I love it! I have the same one in my dorm room!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I can get you a different one.” She steps forward as she brings your suitcase to the floor beside the bed and you hug the small object close to your chest. 
“Like I said, it’s perfect,” you assure her with a grin, which brings one to her own face.
“Well, I’m glad you’re happy with the set up. When you’re ready to head up to dinner, we’ll be waiting by the elevator. Also, if you ever need anything, our room is right across the hall.”
Natasha points to the closed door a few feet away, and you acknowledge her statement with a nod before they leave the room, closing your door nearly all the way behind them. You flop down on the bed with a dreamy sigh as you gaze up at the ceiling with a night sky painted on it.
“I don’t think I’ll ever want to leave this place.”
On the elevator ride up to join everyone for dinner, Natasha and Wanda take turns asking you questions about your classes and any friends you’d made, what you liked to do when you weren’t studying. You had to admit that the level of interest they had with you was shocking but flattering, especially when they insisted you sit between them at the table to continue your conversation.
“You don’t seem to be nervous anymore,” Peter acknowledges as you sit down, and Wanda faces you immediately.
“Were you nervous about meeting us?”
“Well, yeah,” you answer timidly, avoiding catching anyone’s curious glances by directing a glare toward Peter. “You might be normal people in here, but to the rest of the world, you’re portrayed as powerful and untouchable beings.”
“Maybe when they’re not talking about how much damage we’ve caused,” Bruce mumbles under his breath as the elevator doors opened again. 
“I’m here, I’m here!” a voice calls as footsteps hurry toward the dining area, and Sam Wilson is revealed as he rounds the corner. “Sorry, I’m late. I was--”
“On a date, we know. You only told us that 500 times.”
“Don’t be jealous, old man. You’re married.” Sam grins at Clint as he sits next to him before his attention turns to you. “Do we have a newbie?”
“No, Mr. Wilson. This is my best friend, Y/N.”
“Call me Sam, kid.” He smiles at you as he goes for his silverware, and you’re just about to acknowledge him when his expression suddenly turns serious. “I’m sorry. You’re not a kid. You’re an independent and capable adult, and I should address you as such.”
“What the hell was that?”
“I don’t know.” Sam clears his throat and shakes his head as if he was clearing his mind. “I just suddenly felt the need to correct myself…You have any powers we should know about, Y/N?”
“No!” you quickly respond with widened eyes. “I wasn’t going to say anything, actually. I’m pretty used to older people calling me kid by now.”
From your left side, Natasha asks Clint to recall an embarrassing tale for you and the table livens up again, but you can’t seem to move past the unsettling way Sam shifted gears from calm and casual to uptight and disciplined. The image stayed with you through the rest of dinner even after he seemed to fully recover, until dishes were cleared away and replaced with games, and you suddenly had a lot more to focus on.
“I just don’t think it’s fair that he gets to be on your team again when I haven’t had him once.”
“Is anything fair with the guy who could use his personalized AI to cheat for him?”
“Could I do that? Yes. But have I done that? Maybe.”
“Wanna grab some fresh air with us?” Natasha suddenly asks you, causing you to frown.
“Aren’t we about to play another game?”
“It’ll take them another half hour before they finally decide something,” Wanda assures you as her fingers thread through yours gently. “We have plenty of time, and they won’t even notice we’re gone.”
They lead you by the hand to the elevator once more, going up a few floors before leading you out onto a balcony. Because you were so much higher than most of the surrounding buildings, there was an incredible view of the sun that was probably minutes away from disappearing to the other side of the world. The air is chillier than when you’d arrived, but you had to admit that standing in the cool breeze is worth a few goosebumps on your skin. Your hands are released as you reach a bench near the ledge, and you climb over it to sit as the other two women settle on either side of you.
“Why did Peter decide to share his secret with you?”
“Technically he didn’t,” you recall with a laugh. “He’d gone out to deal with something that activated his spider sense or whatever and I came to his dorm room to sleep after an exam because I was too tired to walk all the way to my place. Anyway, I walk in at the same time he’s coming back in through the window, and I swear we both sat there for a full two minutes before either of us could think of anything to say.”
“It’s still very nice of you to keep such a big secret for him,” Natasha praises, and your laughter quiets down as you take in her words.
“I guess I just know what it feels like to not want your life to change drastically because of one thing.” Your gaze shifts between the women for a moment. “That reminds me, I wanted to ask--”
“Wait, look at this!” Wanda quickly cuts you off with an enthusiastic grin. “You’re about to witness one of my favorite things about living here.”
She directs you to lean over and look at the streets as the sun finally disappears over the horizon, and you can’t help the small gasp that escapes you. Street lights begin turning on at what seems to be the center of the city and quickly spreading, increasing the radius of well-lit neighborhoods by the second. It was a mesmerizing sight that--until every lamp was on--nearly made you forget the question you were building toward.
“That was so cool!” you express honestly before clearing your throat awkwardly. “So I wanted to ask if the two of you were dating...or in a relationship or whatever. I mean, I don’t want to assume anything of course, just wondering because you share a room and floor, and you seem to be really into holding hands.”
“Well, I’d never really been into holding hands or a lot of other forms of affection before I met Wanda, but she seemed to flip some switch inside of me.” Natasha admitted with a bashful chuckle as she glanced at Wanda before turning to study you. “And your hands are so perfect to hold.”
“To answer your question, we are together.” Wanda rests a hand on your thigh and casts a sweet smile in your direction when you face her again. “Natasha was the first to give me a chance after everything with Ultron, and initially I thought I was just feeling grateful to receive some type of positive attention from someone other than Pietro. It wasn’t until Tash called me out on staring at her lips that I realized I wanted more than friendship.”
“The only reason I did was to confirm she was feeling the same things I’d finally come to terms with myself.” Natasha chuckles as Wanda sends over a bit of red mist to squeeze her own thigh. “What about you, love?”
“What about me?”
“Do you think you’re feeling more than friendship for Peter?”
“Oh no,” you quickly denied with a chuckle. “He’s the perfect example of a great boyfriend, but not my boyfriend. Plus I’d rather not have the same experience as MJ did.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, the ‘close friends to a relationship that ends with each person pretending the other doesn’t exist’ experience. I’d rather not.”
“Yeah, that does sound messy,” Natasha sighs as she subtly rests her hand on your other thigh. “So you’re not looking for a great boyfriend. What are you looking for then?”
“Nothing really, at least until I finish school, but having a girlfriend would be nice. I’d like to be with someone that respects me and can take care of themselves when I’m not around, because I tried the ‘caring for someone’ thing and it sucks when they don’t put in the same effort that you do.”
“Maybe you should try someone older, more mature,” Natasha suggests as she shifts to squeeze your knee lightly, and you start to feel a bit nervous about where she’s going with this. “Maybe two people that already have their shit together and would go to the ends of the earth to please you.”
“Okay, um…” You push both of their hands away with a bit of difficulty. “You both seem great and you’re incredibly attractive, but I’m not really interested.”
“Don’t worry about it, detka.” Natasha pushes your shoulder down as you try to get up, and Wanda cups your cheek with her hand.
“You may not be interested now…” She stands with Natasha and leans in to kiss your forehead, letting her lips linger on your skin as she continues. “But you will be.”
She pulls away and winks before lacing her fingers through Natasha’s as they leave the balcony, and you gasp in air as the tension they’d built seems to exit behind them. You finally decide to head back once you’ve taken a few minutes to catch your breath and calm your shaking limbs, but you wonder how long the calm will truly last.
You found yourself waking up suddenly and practically flying into a sitting position as if someone had pulled you up, but luckily the room is empty. You sit for a moment to catch your breath and survey your surroundings to assure you’re truly alone, and you notice your door is cracked right before you hear an unidentifiable sound.
Despite every fiber of your being screaming at you as one would do to a character in a horror film, you decide to climb out of bed to investigate what you were hearing, justifying your actions with the excuse of seeing if your floor-mates were in danger, as if you could save them. A few seconds after opening your door fully and peeking out made you realize that they were more than okay.
“Fuck! Right there, please don’t stop.”
“Such a dirty mouth, malyshka.”
You’re quick to return the door to its cracked position, leaning against the nearby wall with wide eyes as you attempt to process the image across the hall. The bedroom door sits wide open, giving you the chance to examine every inch of bare skin of the two women spread across the bed, Wanda resting on her arched back with her hands in Natasha’s red hair buried between her legs. Her moans seem to raise in volume, pitch and frequency as she’s brought closer and closer to the edge, and you ignore the warm feeling in your lower abdomen as you hurry back to bed and throw a pillow over your exposed ear.
“Good morning.”
Your free hand quickly shoots upward to catch your water glass as it slipped through your fingers in your moment of shock, and you try not to make a deal of hearing two sets of footsteps headed toward the kitchen.
“How’d you sleep last night? I know how scary it can be to rest your eyes in a new place.”
“I think I did pretty well,” you answer quietly as you step away from the fridge and lean against a section of the counter that faces out into the rest of the room. “The bed’s really nice.”
“You’re lying,” Wanda accuses as she crosses the room, eyes turning red and hands lifting toward your face.
“What are you--”
“Couldn’t sleep because of us, right?” She chuckles when you go limp under her touch, and Natasha ducks between the two of you to save your glass for the second time. “Did you enjoy hearing us that much?”
“You did sound really good,” you tell her with a drowsy smile as she pins you against the counter to keep you from falling.
“I bet you wish you were in my place, don’t you?” Her tone is light and teasing at first, becoming a bit stern as she shifts to push her thigh between your legs and you instantly roll your hips against the pressure. “Or maybe you want to taste me while Natasha fucks you?”
“No?!” she fires back immediately, leaving a red mist around your temples as she grabs your waist with both hands to keep you grinding against her. “You mean you don’t want to cum right now?”
“Well, now that you mention it…”
A breathy moan escapes you as your eyes flutter closed, and if your head wasn’t being forcefully held in place, it would’ve tipped backward. You feel what must be Natasha’s fingertips grazing along your jaw and tracing a line down the side of your neck and toward your shoulder, repeating the gentle motion as goosebumps appeared all over the exposed skin.
“Is everyone decent?”
The fog behind your eyes seems to clear in seconds, and you blink in confusion when you open your eyes to see Natasha and Wanda making coffee nearby. You try to recall even coming into the kitchen, but everything from the moment you stepped into the bathroom to get ready is a blur, so you shake your head and reach for your glass of water on the counter as Natasha responds.
“Come in, Peter.”
“Morning, everyone,” Peter greets cheerfully as he enters the kitchen, his grin falling when his eyes land on you. “Are you okay?”
You open your mouth with the full intention of telling him that you are not okay, not when you were missing at least an hour of memory, and bits of last night were slipping away from you too. But before you could speak, a cold feeling seems to pass through the back of your skull to slip into your brain, and a switch flips.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you respond with a chuckle. “You worry too much, spiderling.”
“The world’s a stressful place,” he grumbles when you playfully ruffle his hair. “Anyway, are you ready to go soon?”
“Where are you headed?” Natasha quickly asks with a frown. “Y/N hasn’t even had breakfast yet.”
“We’re meeting Aunt May, so we’ll eat with her.”
“I just have to grab my bag,” you explain before heading down the hall to your temporary room, feeling the chilly sensation leaving you as you get further away from the kitchen, and it thankfully doesn’t return when you head back. “Ready.”
“Have fun!” Natasha calls as Peter heads for the elevator again, quickly grabbing your wrist once he’s out of sight. “See you tonight, printsessa.”
Her hand quickly shifts to grip the back of your neck as she leans in to kiss your cheek, and the two women are wearing sweet smiles as you turn away from them to catch up with Peter, attempting to shake the shell-shocked expression from your features.
“You sure you’re good?”
“I’m fine,” you insist as the doors close, in hopes that you really would be fine.
Meeting Peter’s aunt was much more of a pleasant experience than you expected, and it was obvious she adored you by the way she spoke to you, although part of you felt she was just happy Peter had more people around to love him. Your day was cut a bit short when MJ unexpectedly approached Peter, requesting to talk to him, and Aunt May offered to drive you back to the tower so you both could escape that awkward mess of a conversation.
“It was so great to meet you today,” you tell her with a grin as you take off your seatbelt.
“Likewise, honey. You have my number so just call me if you ever need anything, okay?”
She pulls you into a hug over the middle console and you thank her again for the ride as you get out of the car, trying not to seem too nervous when you notice Natasha and Wanda standing in the lobby. Your plan was to walk past them without speaking, but you should’ve known that wouldn’t work.
“Why was she hugging you?” Natasha asks coldly as you enter the building and you sigh.
“She was just saying goodbye--wait. Why am I explaining myself to you?”
You keep walking until they’re no longer in your peripheral, stopping abruptly as a red mist surrounds your legs, and your eye-rolling is cut short when Wanda appears in front of you and grabs your chin harshly.
“If Tash asks you a question, you answer.”
“Without attitude,” Natasha adds, which makes you want to roll your eyes again.
“Sorry, I didn’t get the rules handbook when I arrived. Can I go now?”
“You know what?” Wanda cuts off Natasha’s angry response with a smirk. “You can go.”
The red mist surrounding you disappeared, and despite the suspicious feeling that washed over you, you continued on toward the elevator with your head held high. You refused to let them get to you.
It was subtle at first. A slight tingling between your legs that you couldn’t seem to get rid of. In the very beginning, you were worried that something was wrong until you realized where the feeling was coming from when it turned into slow circles around your clit as you caught up with Peter in his room. By dinner, there was the added sensation of fingers curling inside you at a steady pace, and you hoped no one would notice your hips slightly bucking under the table as you attempted to repeatedly chase a release that never came.
A movie follows dinner today, and you make sure to cover yourself with a large blanket because you were still being edged and you couldn’t stop moving at this point. You even try to slide your hand into your sweatpants to finish the job yourself, and your jaw clenches in anger every time your fingers lock up because you know who’s responsible.
“Okay, you win!” you announce as you walk into the kitchen on Natasha and Wanda’s private floor, not missing the look shared between the two women. “I’m sorry I was rude earlier. Can you please just stop teasing me?”
“How about we help you finish instead?”
You should decline. You should just say ‘no’ because letting them finish you off tonight will turn into an attachment that you know you don’t want, nor are you ready for. Inviting them in will be equivalent to selling your soul, and you’re not sure you want to put a price on it. But the ache below your stomach is persistent, and if they won’t let you touch yourself, someone has to do it.
“Don’t be so grumpy about it,” Wanda teases as she grabs your hand and starts leading you toward their bedroom. “I promise you won’t regret it.”
She pushes you back onto the surprisingly large bed as soon as you’re close enough, instructing you to take off your shirt and bra while she watches. Once your top half is completely exposed, she leans forward to run her hands from your shoulders down toward your nipples, circling them with her thumbs until they harden.
“I don’t like being teased.”
“Oh, you don’t?” she asks in a mocking tone as she reaches for the band of your sweatpants and pulls them down, placing her palm over the wet spot in your panties. “Then what’s this?”
“Please,” you beg through a quiet moan, bucking your hips again when she presses her thumb against your clit through the fabric. “Please just fuck me already.”
“Patience, detka.”
You watch with wide eyes as Natasha and Wanda both strip away their own sweatpants, revealing the toys tied to their legs. Natasha goes to untie hers while Wanda uses her powers to rip away your ruined panties in one fluid motion.
“There she is.”
Natasha puts her hand on Wanda’s back and forces her to bend over, and you bite your lip as her eyes flutter closed and mouth falls open while Natasha thrusts into her. You’re just about to grab Wanda’s hand to lead her where you want, when her eyes open suddenly with a glowing red surrounding her pupils, and your wrists are bound together over your head by an invisible force.
“Did you forget who’s in charge here?”
“Don’t get too cocky, malyshka,” Natasha reminds her as she grabs a fistful of her hair and slams into her, causing Wanda to moan and giggle at the same time.
“My apologies, Tash.”
You couldn’t help your sigh of relief as Wanda finally slid two fingers inside of you, her thrusts deepening each time as Natasha fucked her toward you with her hands on her hips. The sounds coming from your mouth and between your legs were embarrassingly loud, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care as she brought you closer and closer to the edge, until a loud whine escaped you as she removed her fingers and delivered a slap to your glistening folds.
“Tell me who this belongs to,” she orders through her own moans, holding you down when you begin grinding into her hand. “I’m gonna cum regardless of what you do, so you’d better answer. Be a good girl like I know you can.”
“Yours!” you cry out finally, sighing when Natasha leans into your line of sight with a brow raised. “It’s yours and Natasha’s.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
She slips back into you without warning, and your back arches off the bed as she finally brings you to orgasm. She continues to thrust into you as you whine and squirm away, luckily slowing down and finally stopping as Natasha makes her cum a minute later, leaving the strap inside of her as they both catch their breath. Wanda pulls out of you and sits up to lean against her, holding her hand up between them as they both clean your cum off her fingers with their tongues, and you sit there clenching around nothing as you watch.
“You seem tired,” Natasha comments as her eyes land on you again.
“Too bad we’re not done.”
Wanda flips you onto your stomach with a quick motion of her fingers, using her hands to pull you by the waist until you’re on your knees at the edge of the bed, and she holds one side of your waist as she delivers a slap to your ass this time. Her touch lingers as she pulls away to free her own strap, and you nearly fall over when you feel the tip of the toy rub against your clit.
“Wait, let me fuck her this time.”
You hear their soft laughter as they switch places, sharing a kiss in the process, and you gasp when a hand wraps around your neck and pulls you up against Natasha’s chest.
“I like having you this close to me, printsessa,” she whispers in your ear, chuckling when you melt against her as she pushes the tip of her strap into you. “How many times do you think I can get you to cum?”
Her grip on your throat is loose as she allows you to adjust to the size, tightening suddenly when she slams into you once, twice, until every thrust is at a rough pace that you wouldn’t be able to handle if she wasn’t holding you against her by the waist. You feel that same tingling circling your clit again, occasionally traveling upward to tease your nipples as well, and it wasn’t long before you were releasing a strangled scream as you climaxed.
Natasha eventually stops thrusting into you as your legs shake, and you breathe out another sigh of relief when she allows you to fall onto the mattress. However, the relief is short-lived when you realize that she only paused to let Wanda push into her from behind, and it wasn’t long before the two of them found a rhythm that was pleasing them and ruining you.
Your wrists are freed as Natasha pulls out of you some minutes later, and you collapse onto one side of the bed with your body aching a bit from a third orgasm, your eyes only halfway open as you watch the pair. They remove the straps from their waists and set them aside, and you become a bit more alert when you notice Natasha grab what seems to be a double-ended dildo.
“No more. I can’t,” you mumble tiredly as your wrists are bound by Wanda’s power again.
“One more, and you can,” she tells you as she flops onto the bed beside you, and that red mist surrounds her fingers again as she guides you onto your knees to hover above her face. “You wanted to cum, so you don’t get to run from this.”
Her hands grab your waist and pull you closer, and you release a shuddering moan as her tongue runs past your hole and over your clit, teasing it a few times with the tip of her tongue before diving in to wrap her lips around it. She alternates between sucking your clit and slipping inside you as Natasha climbs on the bed behind you to position herself with the new toy. 
“Fuck,” Wanda attempts to say once Natasha begins thrusting, and you fall forward as the vibration of her moans become too much, whining when Natasha slides her hands over your breasts and pulls you back up again.
“Take it all like a good girl.”
She keeps pulling until your head drops against her, and she moans against your neck while she kisses and sucks on your skin, bouncing faster on Wanda who groans loudly in response as she attempts to match each thrust. The hums of her voice has you grinding against her tongue, and you yelp when Natasha bites down just as Wanda brings you over the edge. She keeps going despite your protests, managing to get you to cum once more before they finally do.
You lie there with your bones feeling like jelly as you’re covered with a blanket minutes after everyone’s bathroom trip, too tired to even fight for sleeping in your own bed as Natasha and Wanda slide in on either side of you.
“You did so well tonight, detka,” Wanda praises as she strokes your cheek with a loving stare. “I can tell you’ll be a great addition to our relationship. I knew it from the moment I saw you.”
“I’m not doing this again,” you insist as the smile fades from her expression. “I’m not getting in a relationship with two women that don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and I’d prefer sleeping in my own bed.”
“You’re already in a relationship with us, printsessa,” Natasha growls as she shoves you back down when you try to get up, and you push her hand away.
“There’s nothing you can say that’ll make me want to be with you.”
“It’s not about what you want to do. It’s about what you have to do.” She grabs your phone from the nightstand, and you’re somehow not even surprised when she unlocks it on the first try. “Because it’d be a shame if someone was to tell Peter about all the nudes you have of him.”
You snatch the phone from her grip, eyes widening as you scroll through your camera roll, finding naked pictures of Peter scattered throughout it. You check the date on the oldest one and began to feel nauseous when you saw it was taken not even a month after the two of you met.
“Don’t think you’ll be deleting those either, because we can replace them and make things worse.” Her smile was falsely sweet and troubling as she grabbed your chin to force you to make eye contact. “We’ve gone this long without having you, and we’ll do whatever it takes not to lose you.”
Tags: @cordeliaswhore @egotisticalstoner @muralskins @natasha-danvers @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @madamevirgo @teenwonder @honeyvenable @slut-for-nat
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pixiedoodlein · 3 years
10 days until school and I’m no more decided than I was a week ago. I flip flop ten times day about what might be best. A is sick of hearing me talk about it. He doesn’t disagree with my risk assessment but he is sick of talking about it.
It caused an issue with his friend, a friend who is his best friend and is unvaccinated and works in a jail. Months ago we told friend he could only visit (this place is their boyhood dream) once he’s vaccinated. Friend typically believes in science and is very health conscious but his gf is a moron Trump lover and her family the same and that’s who he’s been spending all his time with since this all started. When I asked friend why he’s not vaccinated he said he’s young & healthy, didn’t trust the vaccines, would do it when they got full fda approval. Plenty of young healthy people are dead of this. Anyway then I asked ok so what if you give it to someone who isn’t and dies, people incarcerated in the jail he works in and don’t have the luxury of social distancing, and he was like eh whatever. So yes friend is an asshole, but his best friend for decades, friend has always been kind of an asshole but has many redeeming qualities too. So we said no visit. But then in July when there was no covid here and no covid where he lives and we were blissfully living our covid free lives we loosened up and said he could visit with two negative tests. But then covid got bad again and when asshole friend contacted A the other day to say he took time off in late Sept to visit, A said sorry, it’s fully fda approved now you have no excuses not to vaccinate, we’re worried about our unvaccinated kids, and as of now you can’t visit but hey maybe if you get vaccinated and the numbers look better we can reassess in a month and you can come. Friend was a total dick about it, didn’t understand our point of view at all, stressed A about it, who was in a bad mood about it for days afterward.
Then there’s the neighbors. I had a chat with the kids and a chat with the mom. I framed it as we love them so much and I know they’re careful but I think we should all be more careful while the numbers are so rising (aka only outdoor hangouts) and we are careful but I’ve heard terrifying stories from doctor friends about kids and babies getting very sick, and they have a baby who I don’t want us to make sick, and she said she agreed. The kids have been pretty good about making the adjustment from constant sleepovers to playing outside but M keeps asking me “the kids need to pee are they allowed to use the bathroom, the kids are hungry are they allowed to come inside even for one minute for a snack,” and I feel like the villain (I’ve been saying yes to pee, snacks I’ll bring out). Everyone’s been understanding but nobody is getting what I mean when I say only outdoor socializing. All the kids keep asking me when I’ll take them to town again for ice cream, “but it’s outside” (um yeah but the car’s not), asking their mom to ask me for sleepovers even though they know what the answer will be. The other day they were playing in our yard then it started raining and they were like “we can’t walk home in the rain”- I don’t want them to walk home in the rain, but again the car is indoors!- so I drove them home (but made M stay at our house). They’re not my kids so I can’t make them wear masks and it feels like now I am in the position of being the mean parent who’s psycho about covid, which in a way I am, but it would help me to stick to my guns and feel okay about sticking to them if the government policies matched the severity of the situation, ie mask mandates in public places (instead of stores posting polite recommendations), vaccine mandates, virtual learning options, etc.
Which brings me to school. After selling M hard on real school, then I sold her hard on home school. She already “did” 3rd grade last year (as much as me teaching her in my pajamas counts as doing), but this district has an earlier cut off than the city, so she’s in 3rd grade again here. Which is fine by me- her birthday is the same day as the very late nyc cut off (12/31) and I hated that she was the absolute youngest. I used to beg the school to hold her back and they’d say “but why she’s doing so well!” not understanding that I was thinking ahead to the teen years. But anyway, despite her haphazard pj’d professor, she seemed to learn a lot last year so homeschool this year could basically be unschool. She’d traipse around the forest identifying birds and trees with A and her brother, reading for pleasure, and I’d spend an hour here and there reviewing some worksheets with her so she’d be on track when she starts real school after she gets vaccinated. She was into the idea, until she found out she and one of the neighbor kids are in the same class. Now she absolutely wants to go to real school, AND ride the school bus. The school bus part makes me very nervous. While there is now a school mask mandate (but will it be enforced? what are their lunch procedures, what % of teachers are vaccinated, what % of the older kids in the same building as the little kids are vaccinated, did they actually really update their ventilation system?) and a bus mask rule, it’s a long rural route (15 min drive or 45 min bus) and I have no faith that bus windows will be open and all riders will be masked the whole time.
So just tell her she can go to school but has to be driven by a parent, right? Not so simple. I was offered a job at a (somewhat, commuting distance) nearby nonprofit- an easy low stress job in a bastion of liberalism with very very nice smart coworkers, excellent work life balance, a writing job that sounds made for me, like the job description is exactly what I would put together if I were putting together my dream job (except the pay, which is half what I was making at a fancy DC nonprofit, but high for this area, and our housing cost is half so it should be fine if A can get away from little guy long enough to bring in some money too). It’s mostly remote but approx one day a week in the office and some days there will be things I need to attend out in the community (not necessarily our community, they serve the whole region). It won’t always be the same day in the office and the office is an hour away- so on those days A would have no car to get her to and from school, since I’d need to leave before school starts and get home after it’s done. So I guess we need to buy a new car? Aside from this issue we really don’t need a second car now, were planning to get one eventually, but not until A’s business has enough projects to justify the cost.
Despite its many demands/challenges/ stressors, home school is sounding easier to me at this point (especially because she already did this grade), except she WANTS to go to school. Someone talk me out of putting some lipstick and a pantsuit on her and taking her to get vaccinated. I know, I know: the 5-11 dosage is 1/3 of the 12-adult dosage. The doctors I’ve spoken to are split on this hypothetical kamikaze mission. The doctors I’ve spoken to are also split on me and A going to a pharmacy now for booster. It’s been almost 6 months since our 2nd dose. We do not have compromised immune systems. This county has way more doses than demand and I would feel better sending M to school (bus or not) if we had our boosters and she had a first dose- moral and scientific quandaries aside- because there is A LOT of covid here now, a lot of covid everywhere now, and I feel like we are returning to regular life at the time when we should be most hunkered down.
Which brings me to the data. Per capita there are as many known cases here as in nyc, except nyc has a 50% higher vax rate, much more mask usage, better medical system. People are not getting enough tests here, there is a higher positivity rate, and so I think the actual number of cases is much higher than the reported number of cases. It seems like, friends here and in the city and in the suburbs (I just broke up with a friend in the suburbs because she professes to be a good democrat but is hosting a bonafide super spreader event and vacationing in a place with 39% positivity and a collapsed health care system), are thinking of covid as something you catch from strangers- they wear masks in stores- but aren’t careful at all around close friends and family (so many extended family gatherings, so many, cousins and grandparents and half-siblings and aunts and uncles and whoever), when this is a disease that kills via the people you love most, the ones who’d never intentionally hurt you.
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beneath the daylight moon;
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“Why do we sometimes see the moon, even during daytime?”
Jaehyun doesn’t know, nor did he care to notice that such a thing existed; it was a mystery to him, but you were a bigger enigma.
for the man who deserves the sun, the moon, and the stars; happy birthday, jaehyun ♡
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“Why do we sometimes see the moon, even during daytime?”
It was a nice day out; sparse clouds rolled along the vast, celeste sky like cotton floating adrift in the cool breeze. As they pass by, the image of the moon appears stagnant behind them. It was bright enough to see the dark craters on its face, but not enough to outshine the warm sun on the opposite horizon.
Jaehyun returns his attention to you, unable to answer your question.
He walked up the two extra flights of stairs up to his apartment’s rooftop to scope out the area, eager to rent the space out for an area where he could garden. He hadn’t expected someone else to be here.
You sat on an old crate, leaning back on your arms, and staring up at the sky, wearing dark denim short overalls with dried splashes of paint over a white tee. You looked entranced by the scene above you, enough for Jaehyun to peek up as well and expect to see something like a plane passing by or a balloon a child had accidentally let go of.
Instead he saw a moon present during daytime. It wasn’t new to him, but it wasn’t necessarily something he paid attention to either. He was about to mind his own business until you asked him the question.
“Well?” You turned your head to him, maintaining your position.
“I—” Jaehyun stuttered, “I don’t know.”
You stared at him, stunned, before you pouted, bringing your attention back to the moon above you. “That’s no fun.”
He frowns, is it that fascinating? It’s barely even noticeable; just a transparent circle in the blue sky. “It’s just a moon. It’s there every night.”
You gasped at this, sitting up straight and putting a scandalized hand over your chest. He flinches in his place, surprised at your reaction. 
“Yes, we see the moon every night, but it’s daytime—” You gestured to it, “It’s a daytime moon!”
Jaehyun looked back up, warily watching the waning moon for a moment, before returning his attention to you. You were pointedly staring at him, waiting for a response. When he’s confused once more on what to say, you let out a dejected sigh. 
“No one understands.” You mumbled under your breath, standing up and dusting your bottom off. With one last look at the moon, you spun to face him, “You’re new here, aren’t you? I’ve never seen you before. What brings you up to the rooftop? No one ever goes here.”
“Oh, yeah, I moved in a few days ago. I was just checking it out to see if it’s good enough to be a garden space.”
“Garden space? Oh no…” You spun around, “That means this place will be a restricted area.”
“Not at all!” He said, “You’re free to keep coming here. I’m willing to share any of the fruits of my labor as long as it’s not abused. I’ll start with herbs, though. Actual fruits might take a while.”
You giggled, appreciating the little dimples on his cheeks as he joked. “Do you plant flowers?”
“I don’t.” Jaehyun replied with a little shake of his head, but when he sees your lips fall to a frown, he immediately takes it back, “But I’ve always wanted to. I don’t know what I should try first. Would you like to recommend some I should try?”
He wasn’t eager to take care of flowering plants. He picked up gardening so he could have fresh herbs and produce for cooking. Nevertheless, seeing your eyes brighten up after he asked you made him feel happy.
“Personally, I love Four O’clocks.” You told him, bashfully shrugging your shoulders, “I don’t know if they’re easy to grow though.”
“Four O’clocks?”
You nodded your head, “They bloom from four to eight in the evening. If they’re too difficult to grow, I heard sweet peas are easy to care for.”
“Sweet peas.” Jaehyun repeats, “Alright. I’ll keep those in mind.”
A blanket of silence fell between you with only the whispers of the wind and sounds of cars driving down the streets filled the air. He avoided your gaze, suddenly overcome with shyness, ears blushing with his cheeks.
You smiled to yourself, “Well, I should get going now.”
As you started to walk towards the only exit, he startled you by asking for your name.
“I’m Jaehyun.” He held out his hand to you.
Your eyes warily ogled his hand, pressing your lips together. Reluctantly, you stuck your hand out and softly gasped as he curled his fingers around your palm and shook it. “I’m… [Y/N].”
He smiled, cocking his head to the side as you both retracted your hands from one another. “Well, it’s nice meeting you, [Y/N]. Give me a couple of weeks and I’ll have this shabby rooftop brimming green. Maybe get fake grass for you to lie on to see your daylight moon better.”
He looked up above, catching sight of the faded moon peeking behind another cloud as it rolled by.
“I’d like that.” You sighed, following his gaze. “Well, I’ll have to go now. It was nice meeting you again.”
“Likewise.” Jaehyun raised his hand to wave you off, but you were briskly walking out of there before he could even do so. You were weird — not in a bad way. You were endearingly eccentric. He hummed to himself, glancing back up at the sky, pondering on the question you had asked him beforehand.
“Why do we see the moon during daytime?”
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Jaehyun finally rented out the rooftop and two days after meeting you, had begun cleaning up the area. A part of him hoped to see you that day, he wished he had asked what your apartment number was, but then he remembered how hesitant you were to even shake his hand. That night he met you, he told his grandmother about you and the conversation you had about the moon. He thought his grandma would agree with you being a little odd, but instead he got scolded for his answer.
Now that he had time to think and look up the scientific reason behind daytime moons, he has an answer for you that he hoped you would like. 
After a few hours of tossing trash and debris into boxes for easy disposal, he took his work gloves off and sat down on the crate you used before. He wiped the sweat of his forehead with his forearm, panting loudly as he caught his breath. The rooftop was the perfect level to be cold when the wind blew, but still be warmed by the sun’s rays.
He peered up towards the sky, looking for the daytime moon. From what he understood from his google searches, today would be the last day to see it properly until the full moon passes. As he waited for a large cloud to pass, he felt like someone was watching and turned his head to the entrance.
You flinched when he turned to you, clutching the pale blue handkerchief to your chest. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Jaehyun swung his legs over the crate’s corners to face you properly, “I thought it would be you.”
“How would you know it’s me? There’s 15 other tenants here.”
He shrugged his shoulders, “I had a feeling.”
“Like, you sensed me? Like a… ghost?”
Jaehyun chuckled, shaking his head, “I wouldn’t go that far. You have a peculiar aura to you.”
“I get that a lot.” You curtly laughed.
He patted the empty space beside him after scooting over the edge and moving his water bottle to the floor. You took up his offer and sat beside him, folding your hands on your lap.
“I wish I could help you, but I only came out here for a breath of fresh air.” To demonstrate it, you inhaled deeply, slowly releasing it through your mouth. “It gets suffocating in my room.”
Jaehyun wanted to ask why, but you quickly changed the subject.
“Is gardening your hobby or is it related to your job?”
“Both — er, well, more of the first one. I want to start a restaurant; a classic Korean restaurant using my grandmother’s recipes. But being in a foreign country, the ingredients to make the recipes truly authentic aren’t readily available. And if they were, they’d be so expensive.”
You watched him swipe the bottle from the floor and take a lengthy gulp of it, nearly downing half of it. His Adam’s apple bobbed with every gulp, protruding out of his thick, creamy neck. You snapped yourself out of it, handing your handkerchief to him when he proceeded to wipe his brow with his forearm.
He quietly thanked you, dabbing the cloth over his mouth before dragging it over his forehead.
“What brings you to this small city anyways? I’d do anything to get away from here.”
“Came from Korea when I was just 5 years old, moved every few years because of my dad’s job, and eventually settled here with my grandma to take care of her.” Jaehyun turned his attention to the cityscape, “It’s nice and quiet, but not too rural.”
“Do you ever wish to go back to Korea?”
He didn't reply immediately as he continued to stare off into the distance. There was a large lake in the heart of the city; people fished there no matter what the season, they swam during spring and summer, and went ice skating during winter.
“I think if I ever went back, I’d feel like a fish out of water, you know?” He looked down to the water bottle in his hands, “It doesn’t matter if I have relatives I’m close to there or I’m fluent in speaking the language, I’ll still feel like a foreigner.”
You offered him a smile, “Well, that’s a given. Especially if you have that kind of mindset. You said you moved every few years, but you eventually settled in long enough before the next city, right? You’ll be able to call your ancestor’s land home eventually. I mean, you live in one of the apartments that predominantly houses Koreans.”
Jaehyun glanced at you, nodding afterwards, “I guess you’re right. But I don’t think I want to go back to Korea just yet anyways.”
“That’s understandable. You haven’t even started your garden yet.” You giggled, gesturing to the empty space in front of you. “I should be heading back anyways. It was nice talking to you.”
“It was. Next time, we’ll talk about you, alright?” He laughed, “Not fair that only I get to talk about myself.”
Once again, you hesitated, biting down on your bottom lip, “Alright. Next time then.”
He watched you slip through the open door, careful not to trip the heavy rock that kept it open. Dejectedly, he sighed at the mess he had yet to clean up. A part of him wanted you to stay longer, not even to help, but just accompany him. When he stood up, the handkerchief you lent him fell to the ground and he grabbed it, running after you.
“Hey, [Y/N], wait!” He yelled down the stairwell. You should have probably gone down just one flight of stairs since you left, but his voice just echoed back at him. Were you that in a hurry to leave? Confused, he resolved to wash your napkin first before giving it back to you.
Going back outside, he put his fists on his hips and studied the rest of the area he had to clean up. He could finish this in two — three days, tops. But the seeds, soil, and pots are coming tomorrow and he doesn’t want to bother his grandma by dumping all those in their tiny apartment. Like the distant sound of a telephone ringing, he got an idea and pulled his phone out of his pocket.
After half an hour and phone call later, Jaehyun’s close friend, Mark, comes to his rescue — although unwillingly.
“I can’t believe I let you convince me to help you out,” He grumbled, hoisting a trash bag full of dust over his shoulder, “For free.”
“I promised you naengmyeon, didn’t I? Besides, don’t act like it’s all heavy lifting.” Jaehyun swept the ground with a broom.
He overheard Mark grumbling under his breath and chose to ignore it. He met the young man in college through his best friend, Johnny, who is Mark’s older stepbrother, and it was from them that he heard about this city. Mark’s only here for the summer break before finishing his senior year in college in the bigger state and Jaehyun’s going to make sure he utilizes him well.
“Yo! It stinks here!” Mark exclaimed, traversing to the other side of the rooftop he hadn’t even gone to yet, “Ew! Man, there’s a dead rat! And a bird!”
Jaehyun just laughed, “Just pack them up with the rest of the trash!”
“I’m not touching those!”
“Mark, you have gloves on, plus you can just push them into the bag.”
The younger man just grumbled again, “Those better be the best damn naengmyeon I’ll ever have!”
“Subak naengmyeon!” Jaehyun retorted, bursting out laughing when he caught the excited, surprised look on Mark’s face before he turned around and picked up the carcasses right away after placing a secondary barrier in the form of an extra trash bag over his gloves.
The next hour or so goes without a hitch and they finally cleared the entire rooftop before the 2 hour mark. They tied the trash bags together to make it easier for them to haul down to the floor below to toss it in the trash chute. 
“Was that so hard?” Jaehyun chuckled, breathlessly, while he pulled out your handkerchief from his back pocket and started to wipe the sweat build up all over his face. “Let’s drop this in the chute and I can make those cold noodles.”
“Yes!” Mark cheered, eagerly grabbing two bags and heading to the door.
After that was settled, they washed up in Jaehyun’s apartment and Mark played games on his phone while Jaehyun got to cooking. He would have asked him to help out, but based on experience, the younger man is better off not doing anything inside the kitchen aside from eating.
Halfway through preparing the meal, Jaehyun’s grandma came out of her room and Mark enthusiastically greeted her.
“Oh, Little Markie.” She fondly cooed, “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I helped Jaehyun clean up the rooftop and he’s repaying me through cold noodles.”
“It’ll be ready in a while!” Jaehyun chimed, “This is exactly for 3 people.”
“Go on ahead without me, I’m going to head down to do laundry.” Jaehyun’s grandma gestures to the small basket of clothes by the door.
“Wait, grandma, can you wash this for me?” He fished out your handkerchief out of his pocket and jogged over to her, “Someone lent it to me earlier and I forgot to give it back, so I wanted to wash it before I run into her again.”
She took the cloth from him and tossed it into the basket, “Alright. I’ll be back later. You two enjoy now.”
“See you, Mrs. Choi!” Mark waved his hand and Jaehyun bit his tongue to stop from laughing; his friend seemingly reverts back into a child every time he interacts with his grandma, but then again, his grandma is known to be endearing and fond towards all his friends.
When his grandma took her leave, Mark eyed him suspiciously, a sly smirk on his face.
The younger of the two narrowed his eyes, “You were with a girl before I came over?”
Jaehyun knew where this was going. He shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah. Met her the other day when I checked the rooftop. She’s… eccentric.”
“So she’s weird?”
He instinctively scowled at him, “In a good way. I caught her staring up at the moon.”
“Bro, that’s creepy, you met her at night on the roof? She could have been a ghost.”
With every fiber of his being, Jaehyun fought the urge to roll his eyes, “I don’t believe in ghosts, and no, I was checking out the roof remember? Why would I do that at night? I met her during daytime.”
Mark pursed his lips, “But the moon is also out?”
“It happens. Apparently, it’s a pretty common phenomenon for the moon to appear even if the sun is out.” He lifted a spoon to his lips to taste the sauce and nodded his head in approval, “Hey, grab me two bowls?”
“Is she hot?” Mark jumped up to his feet and went straight for the cupboard to grab two bowls as requested. He set it by the noodles and began to fill both up.
“She’s pretty.” Jaehyun paused; that seemed like an understatement if he were to be honest, but he doesn’t want to give his friend any ideas. “If you keep helping me up on the rooftop, you could meet her.”
“Ayy,” He held his hands up and stepped away from the bowls while Jaehyun poured the soup on them, “You’re just tryna get me to do free labor for you.”
He laughed, nodding his head because he got caught. After pouring the soup into both bowls, Jaehyun arranges the toppings on each of them, “But is it really free labor if you get to eat good food afterwards?”
Mark threw his head back and groaned, “Stop baiting me with food! I’ll get fat before grad pics are taken.”
“You can’t get fat on Korean food. Not with the recipes I make. Besides, once I get the garden thriving, it’ll be a lot healthier.” Jaehyun huffed, “Also, I only need help setting up; make plant boxes, arrange some pots. I’m not asking you to plant, water, or harvest — although I won’t decline if you want to.”
“Fine. Just because you make Michelin star quality food—”
“— have you ever even eaten at a Michelin star restaurant?”
Mark tsk’d at him, “I also wanna meet this girl. You haven’t dated anyone ever since—”
“I’m not looking to date anyone.” He cut him off, handing him chopsticks. “And I still don’t plan to.”
They took their bowls to the small round dining table and sat down. Mark thanked him for the meal and they started to eat. The loud slurp and satisfied moan from Mark brought a smile to Jaehyun’s face. Those kinds of reactions are what drives him to cook even more and he hopes he’ll be hearing them reverbing off the walls of his very own bistro.
As Mark took a bite out of the watermelon Jaehyun used to garnish, he asked, “I can’t wait for you to start your own resto, man. I’ll be there every week — dine in, take out — I’ll have it delivered, too. I’d take my girlfriend to your restaurant for dates.”
This made Jaehyun burst out laughing, “You need a girlfriend to do that, Mark.”
“Shut up! I’m tryna hype you up!” He snarled, “It’s not like you’re opening your restaurant tomorrow, are you?!”
“Point taken.” He shrugged, picking up a hefty amount of noodles with his chopsticks and shoving it into his mouth.
It’s the perfect meal after working hard under the sun; cold and refreshing. He didn’t like eating them at first, finding it weird to eat something he’s accustomed to eating hot now ice cold. Eventually, the dish grew on him, especially on summer days he spent with his grandparents.
For the rest of the meal, they filled the silence with slurping and talked about his plans for the restaurant. Somehow, he ended up giving Mark a part time job in the restaurant that’s yet to be established as either a busboy or a waiter in case he doesn’t find a job yet.
“So worth it.” Mark sighed after he brought the bowl to his lips and threw back his head to finish the soup. “Damn, fine, I will work to eat this kind of food everyday. I should have taken a pic and sent it to Johnny! He’d be so jealous.”
“You can take a picture of my grandma’s bowl if you’re sticking around long enough for her to come back.” Jaehyun suggested, gesturing him to hand his empty bowl over so he could put them away.
“Thanks for the meal.” Mark clapped after pushing his bowl towards him. “Bro, I’m so excited for you! Your resto is gonna pop off, no doubt. And because of you, Johnny’s gonna come back home to handle the business shit.”
Johnny promised to save up to help him with the lease and other financials so he’d been working two jobs in a completely different state to match up the savings Jaehyun had from all the jobs he had previously worked. Jaehyun could easily pay off most of the things needed, but Johnny reiterated that this is a joint business and he won’t let him do so. Even though they both graduated with a degree in business management, Johnny said he’ll take care of all the paperwork while Jaehyun can cook his heart out.
Jaehyun will always be grateful he ran into Johnny during the first class of their freshman year and clicked with him because they shared the same ethnicity, more so that he supports him with everything he does. Admittedly, he’s sad that his best friend had to work so far away from them, but he’ll be home soon and help achieve his dream, plus he had Mark as the best hype man. With no pun intended, he can taste the future.
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It’s been nearly a week and Jaehyun hasn’t seen you. He’s worried for some reason; did something happen? Are you alright? He always brought your handkerchief with him so he could return it and some food he made for you to try, but you never showed up. Even Mark doubted your existence when he kept coming over to help build the plant boxes that were finally delivered.
They were just finishing up, deciding where to place the plant boxes with trellises — whether up against the parapet or with the rest of the plant boxes in the middle — when he had the urge to look back at the door and found you watching them through the door.
“[Y/N]!” He exclaimed, face breaking out into a tired smile, only for it to fall when you ran away just before Mark turned around. “Hey, wait!”
Jaehyun tried to run after you, taking large strides, but like last time, when he leaned over the banister to find you, you were gone. He called out to you, but all he saw peeking up the stairs was a scruffy-looking man from four floors down. Jaehyun apologized and the man retreated. He returned to Mark, who decided to move one of the ceramic pots to the other side of where they were originally placed.
“Did you catch her?” He asked, dusting his hands off.
“No. I wonder why she ran off like that. I didn’t even catch her running down the stairs… maybe she lives just on the floor below.” Jaehyun frowned, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He was sure it was you; you were wearing the same denim overalls.
Mark’s phone rang and he cursed at seeing the notification, “Gotta go. I forgot I had to pick up groceries for my mom.”
“Thanks for today. Tell her I said hi.” He waved as he watched the younger man run to the door as if his life depended on it.
Alone, Jaehyun turned back to check the work they’ve done today. Aside from the trellis, all the plant boxes had been laid with all the proper layers for drainage and just needed to be sowed. He wanted to plant everything all at the same time, but he could plant the Four o’Clock seeds you requested. He had already soaked the seeds overnight and even sanded it according to the google searches he made to plant and care for them. He walked over to the collapsible table he set up and took the flower seeds off the paper towel he left them on.
“You’ve started planting?”
Jaehyun jumped away from you, flinching at your sudden appearance.
“Oops,” You giggled, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“You have light footsteps, huh? I’m only planting the Four o’Clocks today.” He showed you the seeds in his palm, “Why did you run off a while ago?”
You blinked at him, “Uhm, well, I thought I left the iron plugged in a-and I didn’t want to bother you and your friend.”
“We were done anyways and you wouldn’t be a bother if you decided to come up here. He wanted to meet you, you know.”
“Oh… I’m… just extremely shy. You just caught me off guard the day we met.” You squat beside him as he sowed the seeds into one of the little ceramic pots, “I would have run off if I had the chance.”
Jaehyun chuckled, “Well, I’m glad you didn’t.”
This made you pause, repeatedly blinking at his hands as they gently folded the soil over the seeds. The other day, you would never admit to it, but you were secretly watching him and his friend — Mark, as you heard him call the other — and you were astonished at how strong Jaehyun was. Compared to his friend, he pulled and carried materials on his shoulders with ease. It was a stark contrast to how he planted the seeds just now.
“I believe I owe you a short narrative of my life.” You cleared your throat, looking for somewhere to sit on, and walked over to two collapsible chairs that matched the table. You sat on one while you waited for Jaehyun to dust his hands clean.
Once he sat down, you shrugged, “What do you want to know?”
“Anything you’re comfortable with sharing.” He mirrored your action, “I would have brought extra snacks if I had known I’d be running into you again. Oh, shit — I forgot your handkerchief back in my room.”
“It’s fine.” You shook your head, “I’m in no rush to get it back.”
You let yourself get distracted by a cat’s loud meowing somewhere below, thinking of something to share to him.
“Well,” You started off, “I was supposed to start my Master’s degree for education 3 months ago, but I chickened out the last minute. I just felt like… it’s not something I want to do at the moment.”
“So what have you been doing? Painting?” Jaehyun gestured to the paint marks on your clothing, “Your clothes always have paint on them.”
You stuttered, “Oh, uhm, yeah — just getting the creative juice flowing. Never liked anything to keep it, though. I think I’m more into photography.”
“Like portraits? Landscapes?”
“Anything.” You paused, “Haven’t really found a niche yet. That’s why I’ve been painting.”
He nodded, understanding your situation. “Hey, there’s this mural on the other side of that wall—”
“Yeah, I know. It’s such an eyesore.”
Jaehyun blinked at you, “Oh, I don’t think so. It’s just unfinished. Maybe the person who started it moved out or maybe they just lost motivation. But I think it still looks great; just unfinished.”
Unfinished, you repeated in your thoughts. It’s such a sad word for you; incomplete, undone.
“You could paint over the mural if you think it could be better.”
The mural was yours to begin with. You started it half a year ago when you went up here to escape reality. It was just a mess of angry, distressed brush strokes of a multitude of colors overlapping one another; what made it look incomplete in the first place? You just kept adding layer after layer, never satisfied with how it looked.
“Maybe.” You croaked out, realizing you hadn’t responded to him. “I’d need to buy all the paint though, so I can’t work on it immediately.”
“No rush. You can’t force art.” He said in a comforting manner. “I didn’t learn to cook right away. My grandma has unlimited patience with me every time I burnt something.”
“I wish my older sister had the same patience as your grandma.” You fiddled with your thumbs, “I live with her — uh, well, technically, she lives with me… with her boyfriend and baby.”
Jaehyun gave you an awkward smile, “They live with you?”
You shut your eyes, hanging your head low, “I love my sister and I love little nephew, too. But her boyfriend is a piece of shit. Absolutely useless. Doesn’t even consider moving since he considers me free housing even though he can afford it. He doesn’t even help pay rent!”
“So it’s that kind of situation, huh? Your sister must love him for staying with him.”
You averted your attention elsewhere, biting down on your lip with guilt. She’s still with him because of you, she wants to leave him but she can’t because of you. It’s not your place to tell Jaehyun about the real cruelty your sister’s boyfriend does to her, not to mention he’s a shitty father to your nephew, but you don’t want to drag him into this mess.
“I wish she’d wake up.” You grumbled. You wished you would wake up, too.
“If there’s anyway for me to help, just tell me.” Jaehyun put his hand over yours, the sensation of his skin against yours still confounding you.
You met his gaze, reading the sincerity in the dark chocolate pools of his eyes. You barely know him, but why does it feel like you’ve known him all your life? “Thank you.” You whispered and you watched him retrieve his hand.
“Whatever happens, you can also escape to my place. My grandma loves to meet new people. I’m sure she’ll love you. I can introduce you to Korean food, too. Are you okay with spices?”
“It really depends.” You bashfully admitted, hoping it doesn’t sound like you were turning his offer down.
“Well, if you come over, we’ll see it ourselves.” He beamed at you, dimples flashing in full display. “I live in room 307.”
This caught you off guard. You lived on the same floor as him. Why haven’t you noticed?
When you didn’t say anything after him, even though he had hoped you would reply with your room number, Jaehyun smacked his thighs. He doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable for disclosing your room number to him. “I have to start cooking dinner. Are you going to stay longer here?”
“Uh—” You followed his movement as he stood up, “Y-yeah, I will.”
“See you later. Don’t stay for too long. It gets cold up here.”
“I’ll be fine.” You smiled, waving at him as he slowly inched towards the door.
After he left, you stared at the door a little longer before looking down at your hands. You could stay for as long as you want because the cold doesn’t bother you. You can’t feel the cold or the heat or anything… aside from him.
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It was a little alarming to Jaehyun that you hadn’t been up on the roof for two weeks. Yes, he counted the days. Did something happen with your sister and her boyfriend? Did you two finally escape him? Did he do something bad? Are you safe? So many questions plagued his mind but he doesn’t know what to do to get answers to them. Mark is no help because he has to see you with his own eyes to even believe you were real.
After your last talk, Jaehyun had made it a point to bring your handkerchief with him so he can finally return it to you. He even washed it again despite not using it just in case the sweat from working under the sun seeped through his pants.
It was a shame though because he’s proud of the progress of his little rooftop garden. All the plant boxes have been sowed with their respective seeds, he purchased a picnic set so he could have meals up here with friends and family, and most importantly, the 4 o’clocks have started to germinate along with the sweet peas that he decided to plant as well. His grandma liked to take afternoon tea up here as well, hoping to meet you after he had spoken often about you, but fortunately doesn’t doubt your existence just because of your absence like Mark.
Jaehyun didn’t have much work to do these days aside from watering and making sure there were no pests since the materials he needed for the pergola hadn't arrived yet. It was a good thing the past days were cloudy enough for his grandma to rely on just sunscreen and not tire herself from holding an umbrella.
Another day is about to end, the sun setting across the horizon. Even Jaehyun hadn’t seen the daytime moon the past week — or maybe he just didn’t bother to check during the prime hour when it’s clearly visible. Heaving a dejected sigh, he goes back to his apartment. He should have really asked for your number — to, you know, check up on you.
Arriving on his floor, he took his time to walk up to his door, briefly glancing when he heard a door open. He didn’t pay much attention to it at first, but did a double take when he saw you.
“[Y/N]?” He exclaims, a little too excitedly, and took three long strides towards the woman he thought was you.
She turned to face him, alarmed and confused.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were someone I knew.” Jaehyun stepped back, sheepishly rubbing his neck. He bows his head out of habit, “Sorry again—”
When he looked back up at the woman, he faltered. She really did look like you.
“Wait, I’m sorry, but are you…” He licked his lips, “[Y/N]’s sister?”
The woman watched him apprehensively as she closed the door but kept her hand on the knob, “I am. And you are?”
“I’m Jaehyun. I moved here just a month ago. I was wondering where [Y/N] is. I haven’t seen her in awhile. Is she okay?”
She looked at him like he had grown two heads. “I don’t understand.”
“Uhm, well, we met up on the rooftop and she’d drop by every now and then. It’s been awhile since she went back up so I got a little worried—”
“Look, boy,” Your sister dismissed, “You’re not making sense to me and I’m busy. You’re wasting my time.”
Jaehyun bit his tongue; did something happen between the two of you? “Okay, I’m sorry again. But could you return this for me? She lent it to me a few weeks ago and I keep forgetting to return it.”
He brought out your blue handkerchief from his back pocket and your sister’s eyes grew wide with alarm. She snatched it from him, making him flinch, and inspected it, revealing the little embroidery of your initials on the corner he had never seen before.
“Where did you get this?!” She hissed, vigorously shaking the fabric in her fist. “I kept this in her drawer!”
“I-I told you! She lent it to me a few weeks ago and—”
“That’s impossible! She couldn’t have!” Your sister’s eyes started to well up, “I don’t understand— she couldn’t have— but how?”
Jaehyun ogled her warily as she examined the handkerchief once more, “I… I don’t know what’s happening, but I’m telling you the truth. She lent it to me herself.”
He described you to her to prove himself; from your hair, to your clothes, to even the reason why you were up on the roof the first time he met you, and that’s what caught your sister’s attention.
“Daytime moon?” She quietly repeated, cutting him off. “Di-did you say she was up on the roof, looking at the daytime moon?”
He nodded, gasping a little when she faltered back and lost her balance, making him reach out to help her stand up properly.
“That can’t be… my sister… [Y/N]... she’s… it’s been three months...”
“What?” Panic gripped at his chest. Three months? He hasn’t even moved in three months ago. “What happened with [Y/N]?”
Your sister looked up at him, visibly perplexed at the situation. Her pupils shook as she stared right at him.
“My sister has been in a coma for three months.”
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Chapter 2 by @smileyjaeminies
​cc: @moonttaeil​ @wonjaekook​ @lovestrucked-again​
100 notes · View notes
How are things at the hospital?
Content warning for: deadnaming (medical) and unsafe binding mention
Kai was twiddling his thumbs, sitting as calmly as possible while waiting for the nurse that would return with the anesthesia to knock him out for...
He felt like crying, but seeing a middle aged doctor chew out Wu was making him feel a little better.
Wu: William, the circumstances to Kai's injury-
Dr. William Savme: BUT. NOTHING. WU.
Dr. Saveme: This is not a broken bone or a twisted ankle like your other students have gotten in the past, this child has lost an eye for fucks sake!
Dr. Savme slammed the door to the patient room shut, Wu made to wait in the seating area while this mess was dealt with.
The doctor looked around their desk, picking up a measly file that was wiped several times of the dust that clung to it. But it still was dusty.
Kai again felt like crying when Dr. Savme opened it up and scanned the file. At least the doctor was taking breathes to compose himself.
Kai gripped his medical gown tightly.
Dr. Savme: Ms. Kiara Flicker Smith?
S1 Kai: I- y-yeah...
He already looked male, why the hell was he so scared to correct the doctor?
Dr. Savme: It says here that your last ever visit to any official medical center was when you were four?
S1 Kai: Yes.
Dr. Savme: Is there any reason why you haven't been to a doctor in over 10 years?
S1 Kai: M- my family lived out in Ignacia. Parents went missing around me being 6, and the place is pretty rural. We had no real access to health care without spending a fortune on home-call doctors.
Dr. Savme: Hm...
Dr. Savme: And what is your preferred name?
S1 Kai: Huh? My prefered? It- it's Kiara, it's always been Kiara.
Dr. Savme: Wu called you Kai.
S1 Kai: It's a nickname!
Dr. Savme: ... So, can I call you Kai then?
S1 Kai: I guess. Everyone does.
Dr. Savme: Even your sister?
S1 Kai: ... She picked it out for me.
Kai saw Dr. Savme take out a pen and jot down something on the folder. He didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
Dr. Savme: Have you had any changes that I or the operating doctors need to know?
S1 Kai: Uhm- well, my bras have fallen apart over time, so I've been-
Dr. Savme: Binding?
Kai nodded.
Dr. Savme: I've seen from the nurse's notes. X-rays have shown bruising on the ribs. You've been doing it for how many years now?
Kai shuttered. He's been doing it since he cut his hair. Since he looked in the mirror and saw a found boy staring back him.
S1 Kai: About 3 years.
17 notes · View notes
mc-doppomine · 4 years
Have been thinking about where all the hypmic boys are from. I don’t see anything specific in their profiles so I’m just doing if I think they’re from the Tokyo area or not. The answer with a lot will probably be yes but there’s some exceptions I think of. So yeah, enjoy my headcanons about home:
Buster Bros!!! I see as having been born and grew up in the area for their entire life. I know Ichiro says that ‘bukuro is his hometown but that doesn’t necessarily mean where he was born. But I think he and his brothers might be natives and all that. Ikebukuro, they know every nook and cranny in, which helps them for their business.
Samatoki, I also believe has lived in the Yokohama area his whole life. I just don’t see him leaving it as it’s his turf and where he reigns. Just very hard to see as being from elsewhere and then fucking shit up. 
Jyuto...I think is from the Tokyo area. I don’t think he’s always been in Yokohama though. I feel like he moved there when he became a cop. Nevertheless adapted to it seamlessly that you doubt anyone would notice the difference.
Rio is the only one in MTC I don’t see being from Tokyo at all. He’s the only one I think of an actual area and that’d be Okinawa. And just hear me out. We know Rio is half-American and while his parents could’ve met anywhere, I had the thought of him wanting to be in the navy came from having a parent in the military. Namely his American parent, who most likely would’ve been stationed in Okinawa where they met the other (It could be either way but for some reason normally think of a military dad and native mother). He needed up moving to Tokyo for his y’know, trying to get his commander back. 
Ramuda.....I think we all can say we don’t really have a hometown for him. But I can almost see him saying Chuuoku before it became what it was...because in a way he’s not lying. But at the same time, I don’t think it really mattered to Ramuda. (Or does it?) If he was based off someone, I don’t think they’re from Tokyo though!
Gentaro I don’t think was from the Tokyo area. I know his whole thing is lying and all that but I also feel some of this things have slivers of truth. I think he might’ve grown up in a more rural region of Japan. One that is pretty slow paced compared to others. Like small enough that once he was in higher levels he would’ve had to leave town to go to school. And I think this was what was referred to in Scenario Liar, that his caretakers, possibly grandparents, had paid for him to go to a really nice school because they saw he was really good at writing despite him possibly saying he didn’t need to go anywhere particular. 
Dice most likely from Tokyo. While there are other places in the Japan that his parents could’ve worked, Tokyo is the epicenter of Japan’s politics so I can’t see his parents being too far from there if they were esteemed or well-known. I don’t know every ward to say specifically where but from my glances about it, maybe Chiyoda? I feel like it has to be a place that is just far enough from Shibuya. 
Jakurai I think is from Tokyo. And it’s mainly on the basis that he speaks with an Edo-ben when he’s drunk. Which, from my reading, seems strange as it doesn’t seem to be used as much anymore? That may just be used as telling of Jakurai’s age or maybe some aspect of his family. Maybe a very traditional sort of family? Either way, it doesn’t seem to be found outside of this area. So I think he grew up in Tokyo, left for the war stuff and came back.
Hifumi and Doppo, while some part of me feels they might have to be natives to Tokyo because why would Hifumi move to one of the most populated areas in all of Japan with a crippling phobia instead of having been there the whole time? I will proceed to kick this logical side of my brain out of here because it can pry them being from outside of Tokyo from my cold dead hands. I honestly think of them more being from somewhere else...maybe a town by the waterside (I think of Kagawa from my memories of Poco’s Udon World). It wasn’t super small but it also wasn’t super big. They had moved out to Tokyo because of either Doppo going to school out that way or because he found his job there. And either from him feeling like he is not getting better and choosing the most extreme of decisions (as he does), Hifumi comes with him in hopes of him finding a way to face his fears. (I actually found in the first Matenrou drama tack Hifumi mentioned he didn’t improve until he was 20 which would coincide with Doppo being around age of graduation and both of them being legal adults).
Kuko I’m actually hella interested in how he even ended up in Tokyo in the first place! Obviously he’s from Nagoya, the temple his father is a monk to is there. One reasoning could be that despite Hitoya getting Kuko off the hook, there was still some shame or backlash that was feared for Kuko so he needed to be elsewhere for a while. So I dunno, he chose a place an Tokyo was it? Maybe his weebness wanted him to at least visit there? 
Jyushi I’m pretty sure isn’t from Tokyo either. He likely is from Nagoya and I think he might’ve visited though with his band...or if they were looking for inspiration. But probably not. 
Hitoya I think might’ve had to have been from Tokyo? I mean he could’ve been from elsewhere but he’s known Jakurai since they were children, well, junior school but that’s still pretty young. So I feel he’d most likely be from the area. I think he mainly left either because he didn’t want to be a place where Jakurai could in theory visit him with a day or Jakurai had left for the war doctor stuff and so Hitoya found no reason to stay. I feel like his change of locale hasn’t changed too much. 
Sasara I also have the question as to why the hell he was in Tokyo! For what reason clown shoes??? Either way, no, he’s not from there. I feel he’s from Osaka as he represents. I feel he would be proud of where is from as, at least from my reading, many Osaka natives are proud of their identity. Maybe he came to Tokyo because of an uptick of interest in his comedy up that way? Or maybe he was studying under someone? Please help with clarity. I really wanna know because I love him.
Rosho I also feel is from Osaka like Sasara. I don’t think he’s ever been until coming up for the DRB. 
Rei, I think despite the Yamada brothers being born in Ikebukuro, is not from there nor any place in Tokyo. I have no idea where he’d be from but I just feel he’s not from there. He doesn’t seem to have any attachment to it and had moved a good distance from it. I think instead he met Yamadamama in Tokyo and stayed because that was where she was from or where she was studying. So they just ended up settling there....did they married? I guess they would’ve? I dunno. But either way, after the incident, Rei skedaddled. I don’t think he’s from Osaka either but he’s more at home with the liveliness of the region than he ever was back in Tokyo. 
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maybedefinitely404 · 4 years
American Dream
Genre: angst with a happy ending/fluff
Pairing: romantic Dukexiety 
World: just-out-of-high-school AU
Content: homophobia, threatened abuse from parents (no actual violence), extreme cold, getting kicked out, minor religious talk, getting outed, AIDS and death mention, fluffy Dukexiety because my heart needs it.
Word count: 2.3k
Comments: She doesn’t have Tumblr, but I need to give a shout out to my kiddo for proof reading and beta-ing most of my fics. She pushes me to write more, and even if she won’t see this, I just need to say it.  
This fic is inspired by the song American Dream by MKTO.
Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up… 
The night coolness spread through Virgil like a sickness. It was unforgiving, toxic, seeped with the memories of the evening that curled through his stomach in dark tendrils. Below his bare feet, the sidewalk burned in the way that only ice does, small pebbles digging into his soles. He would do anything for socks. God, why hadn’t he grabbed socks? 
Probably for the same reason he hadn’t grabbed shoes. 
Please pick up, please pick up, c’mon, pick up already!
His eyes hurt. They already burned with unshed tears that he’d still been too scared to release, and the cool air didn’t help. Crying on the street was a vulnerability he wasn’t ready to face. His lungs burned. He’d been sprinting non-stop for who knows how long. His own panicked gulps for air and the all-too-loud hum of a blinking streetlight were the only sound on the silent street. Virgil had been watching the moths swarm at the fixture for who knows how long, finding odd solace in the fact that at least there was still some life in the darkness. They were still alive, untouched, same as they were yesterday and probably the same as they would be tomorrow, unfazed by the complete turmoil his life had become. And that was somewhat comforting. 
“Virgie, you okay? It’s almost midnight!”
Thank fucking god. He opened his mouth to speak, to explain to Remus what had happened. Obviously, Remus would care. That wasn’t a doubt in his mind; that was the only reason he wasn’t anxious as all fuck right now… about the call, that is. He was anxious about approximately everything else. But as soon as the first noise made its way past his lips, the first utterance of a plea for help, everything that he’d been holding back burst forth like a broken dam. He clamped his hand over his mouth, trying to muffle the loud sobbing that he suddenly couldn’t contain.
“Shit. Virgil, what happened? I’m coming over. Are you at home?”
That’s the issue. “No,” he gasped, mildly surprised he hadn’t crushed the phone with the way his grip tightened, “I got kicked out.”
“What the fuck?!”
Virgil flinched. “Can… can you come p-pick me up? I’m at the corner of Jackson and Pullard. Please, please, come get me…”
“Yes. Absolutely. I’m on my way. Stay there, okay?”
Virgil hung up reluctantly after agreeing, not wanting his boyfriend to drive while on the phone, even if Remus gladly would have done it. In fact, he’d used to do it all the time; text, eat, do his makeup, all while cruising down the freeway. He’d only put a stop to it when he saw how much it affected Virgil.  
He counted down the minutes on his phone, always having been nitpicky with times, knowing that it shouldn’t take Remus more than ten minutes to get there. If he remembered correctly where he was at the moment, that is. Remus had gotten kicked out of his parents’ house in his senior year of high school after a bad fight. They’d never really been great parents, always showing favoritism towards his brother (amongst other things), and he was more than willing to leave. Virgil had tried to beg his parents to let Remus stay with them, but they’d downright refused, calling him a bad influence and a string of other insults that Virgil didn’t even like to think about. God forbid what would happen if they found out the two were dating.
…Well, they did now. And God hadn’t exactly forbidden what they’d done. 
But Remus hadn’t had a solid place to live since it had happened almost a year ago. He couch surfed for a while, bouncing between some old friends who had now gone off to college, or just lived in his car. He’d made it work, and had claimed to Virgil that he actually didn’t mind it that much. If he was telling the truth, Virgil wasn’t sure. He’d saved up some money and bought an inflatable mattress that filled up his back seat area, and Virgil was able to give him his family’s old camping stove by convincing them they lost it. It’s not like they’d gone camping since he was a kid, anyways. Last he’d checked, Janus was home for break and Remus was staying with him for the two weeks he was in town, but those two weeks were probably pretty close to done. Unfortunately, Virgil and Janus had never gotten along, so Remus didn’t bring him up. It was a mutual understanding. 
As soon as Remus’ car pulled up to the curb, ten minutes on the dot, Virgil basically flung himself into the passenger seat. The car was warm, so so warm, he almost cried again, this time in relief. Remus pulled back onto the road as soon as he was buckled on. 
“Vee, what happened?” It wasn’t hard to guess, there were only so many reasons his parents would have to kick him out. He’d narrowed it down to his parent’s finally having it with Virgil’s tattoo artist dream, or… well… 
“Someone at my mom’s work found my Instagram. She went up to my mom, basically started gushing about ‘how handsome I was with my boyfriend’. Specifically the picture of us at Pride from a couple years ago.”
“Ah.” Remus knew the picture well. He’d printed it out and it was pinned to the inside of his sun visor. 
“Yeah. Mom called my dad, they were both waiting when I got home. Had screenshots and everything. They grilled me about ‘dishonoring God’ and ‘throwing away my life’. Said I was gonna get AIDS. Die before twenty five. Ya know. The whole lecture.”
Remus didn’t. Surprisingly, him being gay was not a concern of his parent’s. His brother was gay too, and they didn’t give a rat’s ass about that. He nodded along anyways.
“They went on for so long. It was insane. Then they dropped the whole ‘you’re not our son’ thing-” Virgil’s voice cracked, but he swallowed around the lump in his throat and continued, “I figured this is where it was leading to, them kicking me out? I thought they’d give me time to pack, though. Except my dad started getting physical-”
“HE WHAT?!” Remus was tempted to turn the fucking car around and drive to Virgil’s house, just to give his parents a piece of his mind. He was fuming; fuck, he hadn’t been this mad in a while.
“Relax, Rem. I got out before he could actually land a hit. That’s why I don’t have anything with me. I had to run.”
“Doesn’t make it any better.”
“I know.” Virgil pulled his feet up onto the seat cross legged, trying to rub some feeling back into them. Luckily, they weren’t bleeding, just cold as hell. That was one less thing to worry about. “Thanks for picking me up.”
“Of course, Vi,” Remus’ voice had taken on a softer edge that he rarely allowed anyone to see, and he reached over to take one of Virgil’s hands into his own, “Speaking of which, why were you on Jackson? That’s, what, three miles away from your house?”
“When I say I ran, I mean literally. I was scared they would follow me.” Virgil shrugged, as if the statement wasn’t the most heartbreaking thing Remus had ever heard. “I wasn’t thinking clearly, I just ran. That’s why it took me so long to realize I should call you.”
Remus sighed, letting his thumb run against Virgil’s knuckles. “You don’t have to act all brave, Vi.”
“I don’t think I ever saw you cry when you got kicked out.”
“That’s because I didn’t love my parents. I honestly didn’t. I know your parents mean a lot to you. And I’m sorry it went down like it did.”
It was the truth, but he honestly didn’t want to think about it right now. What kind of loving family kicks out their child? Virgil took a shaky breath in and mumbled, “Can we talk about it tomorrow?”
“Okay. Let’s talk about something else. What’s our plan?”
Virgil was quiet for a long moment, as if deep in thought. He watched the scenery fade from his suburban area of town to the darker, rural parts of the town’s edge, not knowing or caring where they were driving. The escape from street lights was nice. “Why do we need a plan?”
Remus’ eyebrows shot up at the sudden playful tone in Virgil’s words. “Oh?”
“I mean, is anything really holding us here?” 
“My, my,” Remus crooned, pulling into an empty lot and parking in the furthest spot from the street, “I thought I was the impulsive one.”
“I’m serious, Rem!” Virgil laughed, swatting lightly at Remus’ hand. The happy sound was like music to his ears. “I’m dead serious! What’s keeping us here?”
“Patton? Logan?”
“Both across the country. And you know they’re considering staying there when they graduate.” Janus’ name was an understood thing. They both knew his school was barely an hour from the other two. Even if Virgil couldn’t stand the guy, he knew that Remus and Janus went far back. Judging by Remus’ slowly brightening expression, he could assume that Janus would probably be down to stay there as well. 
“I work at Walmart. They won’t miss me. Try again.”
Remus scrunched his eyebrows almost thoughtfully, even though this was maybe the easiest decision he’d ever had to make. Plus, they both knew Remus didn’t really ‘think’ in general. “It almost sounds like you want to take a roadtrip, my little emo.���
Virgil scrunched his nose at the nickname, but let a wider smile spread across his tear stained cheeks. “I kind of do.”
Remus shut the car off, turning to his boyfriend with a shit eating grin. “I like this new side of you.”
“Well…” Virgil’s voice turned sheepish under the almost cheshire cat level expression, “Should we?”
“Let’s make up our minds tomorrow.” Remus stated, gesturing to the mattress behind him, “Sleep for tonight. You must be exhausted, coming up with ideas like this.”
Virgil grumbled under his breath, something about ‘not being a baby’, but clambered into the backseat after Remus, double checking the locks on the doors as he went. The air mattress was comfier than he thought it would be, and it was only made better when Remus pulled him in like a teddy bear, tugging a blanket over them. They both sighed in contentment, then promptly burst out laughing at the synchronicity.  
“Oh my god, what have we become?” Remus gasped, pulling Virgil in closer nonetheless. Virgil snorted in response, looking up to meet Remus’ eyes through a haze of sudden exhaustion and amusement. The laughter died down slowly as they both gave in to their fatigue, finishing the day with a slow kiss that left them both breathless. Virgil fell asleep with plans forming and circulating through his mind, the rest of the evening almost forgotten.
His parents were at work, and Virgil knew their kitchen window didn’t lock properly, which was what led to him stuffing everything he could into a black duffel bag while Remus kept watch from his car. He wasn’t too concerned about the parents coming home, but it gave him ample time to look over the map he’d bought from the gas station that morning and plan a route. He didn’t want to admit that his leg was shaking from pure excitement. This idea had been somewhere in the back of his mind for a long time, but he knew Virgil valued his relationship with his family and liked being near them, so he never brought it up. Granted, the situation wasn’t great, but he considered this ‘making the best of it’. A twisted paradise. 
He barely flinched as his trunk was thrown open and Virgil threw his bag inside before hopping back into his seat.
“Okay, so how about we drive up to Maine, apparently the sea food is legendary! Then we cut back through Ohio. There’s literally nothing in Ohio, but we can cross it off the list at least! And then-”
Virgil laughed, cutting him off, “I thought we weren’t planning!”
“Well, we need at least a rough idea,” Remus said with a pout, “What we do there and how long we stay, that’s up to impulse. I was thinking we should try to get through all the states, wouldn’t that be cool?”
Virgil could only nod, leaning forward to kiss Remus again. “Sounds amazing,” he murmured, so close they were almost touching. They’d talked to Logan and Patton earlier that morning, and they were equally as excited for the two of them. Remus had called Janus while Virgil was packing, quickly explaining the situation (and also why Remus had disappeared in the middle of the night), and Janus supported it. Made sense, since he was almost as impulsive as Remus. Plus, he was going back to school in a couple days, so it didn’t make much of a difference. That said, they still didn’t have a time limit. Their friends were just starting second semester, meaning they could schedule themselves to arrive in California for summer break, or they could spend longer on the road. But schedules are for chumps. 
As they rolled out of the quaint neighborhood Virgil had grown up in, Remus reached down and took his hand again. “Say goodbye to white picket fences.” And god, the joyful expression on Virgil’s face was enough to make him melt.
By the time they hit the freeway, they were both nearly shaking with anticipation. Virgil stuck his hands out the sunroof, the wind whipping through his hair, and let out a whoop that was almost contagious. This was the start of something amazing, they both felt it. 
Cali, here we come.
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