#yes i went out of my way to tag this bc it quick reblogged it
godtier · 8 months
so i wasn't gonna make a separate post about this but @sapphire-weapon had a post (that i reblogged a few days ago) in which someone mentioned that they think it was a missed opportunity in RE6 for jake to not have spoken to wesker. i had a p long conversation with sirea about it and my thoughts about that sentiment, but it was also nearly 3 AM my time when that happened so i dunno if i was even articulating my thoughts properly lmao
and yes... this is technically a meta post and i know i said i was gonna do the mmx meta post first... but this one isn't gonna be nearly as long (i hope) and i gotta get the brainworms out before i die
(quick edit note: i reworded the list item below from saying he was "likely a drug addict" to "likely a recreational drug user" because i feel like that better encompasses what i'm trying to get across
(another edit note: i made another post regarding jake's usage of drugs that stemmed from this post! it's marked as mature bc of drug usage, so it won't show up in tag search. if you're interested in that, look here!)
so the idea that wesker being alive in OG RE6 would have brought an opportunity for jake's character is kinda, imo, antithetical to the purpose of jake's character in the first place.
when we meet jake, we know a few things about him, right off the bat:
he's a mercenary
he's likely a recreational drug user or at least heavy/risk-taking user
he doesn't give a fuck about anything but making money
his whole character journey is going from this selfish, money-focused dickhead to someone who actually cares about doing something good, just because it's the right thing to do. at the start, jake refuses to simply give his blood away when sherry mentions needing it for a vaccine. no, he wants a cash payout. 50 million dollery-doos for a pint of his blood. by the end, he lowers the price to a mere 50 dollars. one could argue that was symbolic and he actually didn't care if he was paid or not, but that's neither here nor there.
but why was he like this? because his childhood was shite; his mother was sickly, he had no father figure, and by 15-ish, jake had to learn how to hustle to keep food on the table. and by "hustle" i mean "do a bunch of mercenary work and killing people." and when shit went south with his little group of mercenaries (their entire group was sold out by a heel-turner), jake basically went "fuck alla y'all" and lost all sense of conviction or morals.
during the game, he expresses his bitterness for his father, wesker, pretty clearly. even though his mother still loved wesker, tried to raise jake to respect him despite never knowing him, it didn't matter to jake. he hated that guy. well, really, who doesn't?
we're not gonna talk about excella rn ok
jake's entire character arc is built up around this hatred as well as a subconscious fear of becoming his father. the fear part doesn't show up until later in the story, after he and sherry were captured by the Big Bad's organization. they were both experimented on for several months, during which jake overheard the researchers talking about his father, wesker. this gives jake a sort of "explanation" as to why he is the way he is; he takes the "nature" side of the nature vs nurture argument.
ofc sherry scolds his ass and basically tells him "grow up and take responsibility for your actions."
and here's the thing... this fear, narratively, works just fine without wesker being there.
(since this got obscenely long, pls continue below for the actual explanation lmao)
jake eventually comes to the conclusion that yeah no it's definitely up to him to not become wesker, not his genetics. he does this without wesker being there. that's the entire point of his character journey. in order for an interaction with wesker to even matter or have any sort of impact on jake's character arc, his character arc as a whole would need to change.
see, imo, wesker being there diminishes a lot of the power of that journey. in the game, he isn't there for jake to scream at, to question. all those thoughts in his head that might be circulating around, like why he left his mother, why he did what he did, etc, cannot be answered. this is not a bad thing in a character arc as this is shit that happens to people all the time. people don't always get the answers they may want from family members because those family members are dead. they have to learn to move on without those answers or they have to rely on people who knew that person to fill in the blanks. this is what jake already does in game. he has to rely on sherry, and by a smaller extent, chris, to fill in those blanks for him.
but we as players, observers of the narrative, already know the answers to some of those questions. why wesker did what he did, primarily. anything else is only pertinent to jake and him knowing those answers doesn't change anything for his character arc as it is.
if wesker was there in the game, what would that even add to jake's narrative? a scene where jake yells at his dad? asks him "why did you leave?" when wesker wasn't even aware that he had a kid in the first place? remember: wesker had no fucking idea that he had a child. there would be no reason for wesker to even believe jake in the first place. sure, there could be a scene where he goes "well i'll be damned, ig he really is my misfired chromosome," but... then what? what does that add?
you could argue that wesker could use jake, maybe try to manipulate him into doing shit for his plans, but... that wouldn't work with the way jake's characterization is mapped out. his entire characterization would have to change for this to work in a satisfying way.
jake already hates wesker without ever meeting him. he would not willingly participate in anything wesker offered to him. he already knows that wesker nearly destroyed the world multiple times and had a hand in destroying an entire city. even if jake has no moral compass at the start of the game, by the time he learns about what wesker really did, who he really was, he's already showing that he does have one, it was just dormant up until that point. he's clearly disgusted by what wesker did. what foothold would wesker have that wouldn't immediately result in it just falling flat?
given how wesker is, i could see him perhaps belittling jake, maybe saying "wow you suck for being my spawn," or something during a fight with the intent to rile him up. would that work? no, not narratively nor not in the way jake is characterized. again, jake doesn't want to be like wesker. why would insulting him and saying he's not "as good" as wesker expected him to be motivate jake or even anger him? it shouldn't, because jake doesn't want to be anything like wesker. if anything, it may annoy him, but that's kind of a lame reaction, right?
if anything, the most i could see culminating out of this would be jake standing over wesker after he's defeated again (because it's resident evil and obviously wesker can't win) and having a "wow idk what i was worried about" moment. that's it.
but he doesn't need that. having a scene like that cheapens the weight of him figuring that out himself, without wesker there as "proof."
because the point of his story, of his character arc, is that he figures that out on his own (and with the help of sherry and the events he witnesses) because he has to. he doesn't need wesker there to spoon-feed that to him. he figures that out by working with sherry, by seeing the effects of the C-Virus on everything that it infects. wesker being an abstract entity in his life is enough, because the frustration of not seeing him, not being able to put a bullet in his skull himself, fuels the rest of his journey.
this is where i think that people who make these observations or criticisms (primarily those who think that jake's character would have been improved if wesker was there) need to understand the difference between what's good for a character as a person and what's good for their arc.
interacting with wesker would be good for jake as a person, in that he would no longer need to wonder about it. the answers would be spelled out for him, and he wouldn't have to do any wondering about the what-if. he wouldn't have any doubts left that he'd need to untangle.
but in doing that, it cheapens his arc; it would do more of a disservice to it, imo, than anything else. it would make his journey more formulaic and boring.
it would also clutter up the already cluttered narrative of that game. you have him not only struggling with his heritage, struggling with the fear of becoming his father, struggling with needing to be the "savior" by giving his blood, struggling with his moral compass, but now also struggling with seeing his father for the first time in person?
it makes his arc top-heavy. in that scenario, you could easily replace him with another, completely new character who has zero ties to wesker and the story wouldn't change in any meaningful way. the reason why it works the way to does now is because wesker is already dead. it creates that internal conflict, that internal frustration, that jake has to learn how to deal with since he cannot take that frustration out on his father in-person. he has to make peace with that struggle in other ways.
now, that's not to say there aren't ways that adding wesker into the story of RE6 that don't disrupt that balance. primarily, when it comes to a potential RE6 remake, the writing team can (and hopefully will) rework aspects of the entire game to make the plot more streamlined. this could include adding wesker in and redoing jake's characterization and character arc entirely.
this would be the only way i could see it working out. if jake's entire motivation was changed, his entire backstory was tweaked, then wesker being around could probably work! an interaction between them could be made to make sense and not bog down the rest of the plot as a result.
sirea also mentioned to me in our conversation that adding wesker in to RE6 remake could actually help streamline the plot and i do agree with that. she mentioned that all of the main characters have a tie to wesker in some way, which is absolutely true. having him there would neatly tie their campaigns together in the plotline and make the game as a whole feel less disjointed and messy.
this is especially true when we consider there are 4 fuckin campaigns that all run alongside one another and intersect at random points. it gets so fucking difficult to page through and figure out when certain things happen in the plot. you'll see them happen in order in chris's campaign, for example, then you go start leon's campaign and have to start over again and try to remember what happened at the same time during chris's campaign and so on.
now imagine that not with just two campaigns but four. it gets gross quick. sure, there are parts where the characters run into each other and that helps ground a general timeline in your head, but as far as time elapsed... it's so fuckin hard u guise
there's a reason why it's so hard to summarize the plot of RE6. it's because there is just so much going on in that fucking game.
anyway, that's my rant/sort of meta analysis about why i think wesker didn't need to be in OG RE6 and probably would have made jake's entire arc stupider than it already was
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
I Wanna Be Yours [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 6025
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Love is complicated. Especially when the boy you love likes someone else. Or does he? [Based on the film Some Kind of Wonderful].
WARNING: brief mentions of alcohol and drinking
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @firewhisky-kisses @obsessedwithrandomthings @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @mytreec @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @valwritesx @hufflrpuffforfred @cappsikle @kiwi-sloan @potter-redheads @pigwidgexn @twinkyjohnson @tinylumpiaa @locke-writes @user12345321 @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @whizbangs-78 @heart-of-tempered-steel @oh-for-merlins-sake @heavenlymidnight @aylinw3asley @andineversawyoucoming | message or send an ask to be added/removed!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: i am again naming my fics after arctic monkeys’ songs - fun fact this one is named after my favourite one of theirs, i’m considering having it for my wedding song bc it cute af
also yes i watched some kind of wonderful whilst writing this and cried. it’s not even a sad fic, i’m just emotional smh
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“Y/n! Wait up!”
You span round on your heels, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen, “I said I’m fine, Fred! Okay? I’m fine. Absolutely fabulous, in fact.”
Fred stopped in front of you, a shimmer of pity in his brown eyes that made you feel even worse than you already did, “I just want to make sure you’re okay. I-I’m sorry-“
“I know. I know, Freddie,” you replied, your voice quiet as you pressed your lips together, reaching out to grab his hands in yours, “It’s okay. It is, really. I just... I need to be alone.”
“But I- I just... it’s his loss, just so you know!” He pleaded, shaking his head at you, and swore under his breath at the sight of one of his closest friends in tears over his brother, “Merlin, he shouldn’t have given that to her- I shouldn’t have said anything-“
And that’s where your problem had started. Because a few weeks ago, you were, as you claimed, fine. Well, you had a few essays due and were having trouble finding the textbooks to help you write them, but that was all really.
How you wished you could steal a time turner and go back in time.
And yes, when this all started you knew that George had his heart taken by someone else. It’s not his fault, not really, that his whole plan, scheme, escapade turned into something that would completely crush your heart.
Affairs of the heart. That’s where this started. Because before a few days ago, you were unaware of your own feelings. Before a few days ago, you were unaware of any feelings towards him at all.
But that fateful moment - the one where you were sat with George in front of the fireplace, a half-drank bottle of firewhisky sitting between you, laughing and joking - was the one that changed everything.
You hadn’t even realised yourself, until Fred pointed it out to you the morning after, when he’d found you curled up by George’s side, empty firewhisky bottle laying on the floor in front of the couch, George’s arm around your waist, your face buried into his chest.
In Fred’s defence, he thought you knew. He thought you’d be aware of your own feelings.
How was he supposed to know that you didn’t know you were in love with his twin?
“This is the year I reckon,” George announced to you as he collapsed onto the sofa beside you, throwing his legs over your thighs as he rested his back against the arm of the couch, his arms resting behind his neck, “She’s finally single, first time since second year. Now’s my chance!”
You popped a Bertie’s Every Flavour Bean into your mouth and closed the book you weren’t really paying attention to, before dropping it on the table in front of the couch, “And how long have you liked her again?”
George blinked at the way you raised an eyebrow at him and sat up a little, “Since I found out she was single again.” At your pointed look, he shot you a grin, “Nah, since before the summer. Point is, I reckon I could really like this girl.”
“Poor love, having you snivelling around her all the time. I wonder how she’ll cope,” you grinned back, throwing one of the jelly beans at his head.
“Well you seem to cope just fine,” he retorted, batting another jelly bean away from his head.
“That’s just because I’m desensitised to you by now.”
“Is that so?” George asked with a raised eyebrow, a grin etched onto his face as he sat up properly, leaning a little closer to you. You turned your head to face him, meeting his stare as you nodded, “Course, how else would I have put up with you so long?”
He leant further forward and pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, “Willingly, because you love me, stupid.”
You nudged him, making him laugh as he went back to lying down comfortably, “Yeah, yeah.”
You watched a few first years clamber through the portrait hole, laughing to each other as they made their way through the common room, an absent-minded smile gracing your lips as you recalled being the same in your first year with your friends.
“How do you reckon I should ask her out?” George’s voice brought you away from your reminiscing as you looked over at him, “She deserves something amazing, something no other guy will have thought of for her.”
You rolled your eyes, knowing this would be the topic of conversation for the rest of the evening, but nevertheless gestured for him to continue on. “I wanna go all out if she’s gonna turn out to be everything I’ve ever wanted in a girl,” George finished, a dreamy, faraway look crossing his features.
Reaching into the box of jelly beans, you grabbed a handful and threw them at him, ignoring his indignant “hey!” as you replied pointedly, “Don’t go mistaking paradise for a pair of long legs.”
Because truthfully, that was why a lot of guys were interested in Kiara. She was smart - being a Ravenclaw and all - surprisingly funny, and, as far as you knew, was really kind too. Not that this mattered to many of the boys in your year (and the years above and below), apparently, because she was also beautiful, with long, glossy brown hair, perfect doll-like features and, yes, long, lean legs.
“That’s not why I like her,” George insisted, grabbing one of the jelly beans that had fallen onto his lap and throwing it back at you, laughing as it hit you on the forehead. You playfully glared at him, rubbing your forehead in mock-hurt.
“Sure it’s not, stupid,” you replied, using his minor insult from before. “Ohhh, I’m the stupid one now, am I?” He scoffed, though the smile on his face told you he wasn’t offended in the slightest, “Now you’re in for it.”
He moved his legs off you and poked your sides, knowing you were ticklish, making you laugh out and push him away, “George, stop!”
“Take it back then, love. Say I’m the smartest wizard you know,” he grinned, continuing his minor tickling assault, making you move away from him so abruptly that you fell off the couch and onto the carpeted floor, bringing him down on top of you.
“Ouch- never! You are stupid, stupid!” You laughed, laying on the floor as you tried to catch your breath, George’s hands either side of your head, holding his weight up above you.
Both of your laughter faded a little and you found yourself staring into his brown eyes, his face barely centimetres from your own. You could have almost sworn that he started moving closer - though maybe it was your imagination - before he rolled away and lay beside you on the floor, his hand brushing yours.
“You’ll help me right?” He asked after a moment. You turned your head to look at him, taking in his side profile as he stared up at the ceiling.
“I’ll help you what?”
“Get a date with her,” he said as if it were obvious, turning his head to meet your gaze. You shot him a smile, “You’re George Weasley. You could get a date with anyone you wanted.”
“Just not you, right?” He turned onto his side, resting on his elbow as he looked down at you. You shook your head with a laugh, “Yeah well, I don’t count. I’m not just anyone.”
The smile he gave you made your heart beat a little faster, “You’re right about that.”
“All I’m saying is, is it such a bad idea if you just, I don’t know, asked her out simply? By using words? I really don’t think you need to wax poetic, or write her a bloody song to ask her out,” you shook your head in despair at the nerve-wracked boy sat across from you in the Great Hall.
“I can’t just ask her out,” George replied in a horrified voice, “What if she thinks I’ve not put enough effort into it and rejects me?”
“Trust me, Georgie, if she’s going to reject you, it won’t be because of the way you asked her out, I can guarantee that. It’ll be because you’re annoying, or because you smell, or, and I can’t stress this enough, because of your below-average skills in potions,” you laughed at his unimpressed look, taking the opportunity to grab a slice of toast off his plate.
“You’re supposed to be my best friend, you know,” he grumbled, waving his fork at you. “Yes,” you replied, “And as your best friend, I say to just ask her out. Look, joking aside, you’re a great guy, George. She’d be lucky to have you.”
He nodded, smiling gratefully at you as he reached forward and grabbed your hand to give it a squeeze, “Okay, I’ll trust you on this one. I’ll just... ask her out. How difficult could it be?”
Turns out, extremely difficult. You felt second hand embarrassment as you watched George head over to the Ravenclaw table, to where Kiara was sitting, wincing as he nearly dropped a goblet of pumpkin juice over her.
“Who’re you watching?” A voice said from beside you, making you jump. Fred laughed as you rolled your eyes at him, before replying, “For your information, I’m watching your brother ask Kiara on a date.”
“Wait, he’s asking another girl on a date?” Fred frowned, his eyes darting from George, who was currently speaking to Kiara, his cheeks reddening as she touched his shoulder and laughed, to your confused expression as you looked up at the older twin. “Yes?” You replied, bemused, “Why?”
“Does it not... bother you?” He asked gently. You laughed, “Why would it?”
And as you watched Kiara throw her arms around George’s neck, his hands coming to hold her waist, you swallowed thickly, before shaking your head at the odd feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Why would it bother you?
You forced a smile onto your face as George made his way back to his original seat, a smug grin adorning his features. “Well?” You asked, rather redundantly as you had seen the whole thing yourself.
“She said yes,” he replied excitedly, picking up his fork and popping some bacon into his mouth. “I told you!” You grinned at him, though you pushed your own plate away, no longer hungry.
“Attaboy, Georgie!” Fred congratulated his twin, “When’s the date?”
“This Saturday, at The Three Broomsticks,” the younger twin replied. You zoned out of the chatter on the table about this newest revelation, feeling your heart plummet at George’s words, though you couldn’t place your finger on why.
George was your best friend, you should be happy for him... right?
Saturday arrived quicker than you wanted, after a week of tedious lessons, and a bombardment of questions over what George should do on his date.
You watched him pull out two different jumpers, holding each one up at a time and looking at you expectedly. Tilting your head to the side, you pointed to the red one, “Was always my favourite one.”
“Red it is,” he nodded, throwing the other jumper onto his bed as he held the red jumper out to you for you to hold. Without warning, he pulled the t shirt he was currently wearing off, leaving his toned torso on show as he dropped said t shirt onto the floor and held his hand out for the jumper.
You handed it to him, gulping a little as you forced yourself not to stare at his abs. It was no secret the George was good looking - you’d always known it - but knowing and seeing were two different things. Being a Beater had done tremendous things to his body, you noted.
“Do you reckon I should bring her flowers?” George asked you, looking at you through the reflection of his mirror as he messed his hair up a little.
“Couldn’t hurt,” you shrugged, sending him a half-hearted smile as you grabbed your wand, muttering ‘orchideous’ and handing him the bouquet that was produced.
He thanked you, before taking a deep breath, “Well, what do you reckon?”
The smile that spread across your face this time was genuine, a soft look in your eye as you replied, “You look great, Georgie. Now go get her!”
He shot you one last grin, pressing a kiss to your forehead, before heading out of his dorm, leaving you alone. You picked up the t shirt he’d dropped, folding it and placing it at the end of his bed, before grabbing the jumper he’d discarded.
You took a breath before deciding to put the jumper on, relishing in the smell of George’s aftershave as you pulled it over your head, before rolling up the sleeves and heading out of the dorm.
“How many dates has it been now, three? Four?” You asked, wrapping your coat further around yourself as you trudged through the thick snow of Hogsmeade, passing by a couple of cute shops.
“The Yule Ball will be the fifth.”
You froze at the mention of the Ball. Somehow you’d assumed you’d be going with George - you didn’t even think about the fact that he’d have a girlfriend he could take, “Oh! So you um, asked Kiara to the Ball then?”
“Last night,” George bit his lip as he smiled, “Can’t wait!”
Your stomach clenched and mind raced, eyebrows furrowing as you realised you now had just under a week and half to find a date to the Ball - if anyone was still available, that was. You thought about every single eligible boy you knew of, wondering if you had the courage to even ask any of them, before you were pulled from your thoughts by George’s voice.
“I wanna buy her something for Christmas, what do you reckon?” George asked, picking at a strand coming off his woollen hat before placing it back onto his head.
“I don’t really know the girl,” you said truthfully, forcing yourself to stop thinking about George and Kiara dancing and him holding her all night, “I assume you’d have better judgment.”
He nodded over to a small shop on your left, one that you’d passed by many times but never had the chance to look in.
“The jewellery shop?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the door, “Let’s just have a look, yeah?”
The bell chimed as you stepped inside and you instantly became enamoured with the little shop, rows of glass cases showing off sparkly pieces of jewellery and adornments. Most, you noticed quickly, were much too expensive for you - and by default, much too expensive for George, too.
“Are you sure about something from in here?” You asked, staring down at a ring adorned with sapphires, “These are pretty pricey.”
“They might be, but she deserves it. Besides, gotta prove I’m better than all the guys that want to date her, right?” George replied from across the shop.
“Georgie,” you looked over at him with a pointed look, “I can promise you are better than all the other guys.”
“No harm in making sure.”
You gave up arguing, knowing he wouldn’t listen anyway, your eyes taking in the beautiful products, before your focus was taken by a rather stunning necklace. Stepping over to it for a closer look, you breathed out in shock at the price, but nevertheless knew you were in love with the chain, a little pendant surrounded by crystals displayed at the centre.
“What’ve you seen?” George spoke, suddenly standing behind you and leaning over your shoulder.
You pointed at the necklace, “Someday, I’m gonna buy that one.”
George glanced down at the look on your face and grinned to himself, “Someday, I’ll buy that one for you.” You turned to look at him, shaking your head in amusement, “You need to choose something for your girlfriend before you start promising me presents.”
“What’s the fun in that?” George laughed as you both left the shop.
You sat beside George on the couch later that night, resting your head on his shoulder as you shared a bottle of firewhisky between you.
“It was not!” You screeched, your laugh echoing through the empty common room as you nudged the ginger boy, making him laugh along with you. “It absolutely was,” he insisted, grinning before taking a sip of the firewhisky, taking in the sight of you looking so happy, and realising your laugh was one of his favourite sounds, “You were the one who wanted to sneak food from the kitchens, so it was your fault we got caught!”
You shook your head, “It was you tripping into that metal armour. All that noise when the bloody head fell off.”
“You pushed me, stupid!” George scolded indignantly, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting like a child.
“I shoved you,” you corrected, laughing as George playfully nudged you, causing you to nudge him back, and soon you were play fighting on the couch.
He, once again, was above you, almost pinning you to the couch as he looked down at you, and it was only then that you realised just how inebriated you both were, the empty firewhisky bottle having fallen onto the floor.
George’s tongue darted out to lick his bottom lip, “You know I love you, right?”
You smiled softly up at him, arms around his neck as you nodded, somehow feeling like those words had more weight to them than usual. Leaning up to kiss his cheek, you replied, “Of course, Georgie.”
Morning arrived quickly, much to your dismay, and you were woken abruptly by the sound of heavy footsteps stomping down the stairs. You couldn’t bring yourself to move to see who it was, too comfortable with your head resting on George’s chest, his arm securely around your waist, but luckily for you, said culprit of the noise came right by your line of sight, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“Well what do we have here?” Fred cooed, rocking back and forth as he looked at you curled up in his twin’s arms. “Me and George falling asleep after drinking maybe a tad too much?” You replied as if it were obvious.
“You look awfully cosy,” he grinned, “But then, I suppose I would too if I was cuddling someone I was in love with.”
You felt like your heart stopped and you nearly choked on air, “Wait wait wait, someone I what?!”
“‘Someone I was in love with’?” Fred repeated slowly, narrowing his eyes at you, “You do know... right?”
At your blank expression, Fred raised an eyebrow, “You do know you’re in love with George... right?”
“I’m not in love with-“ You paused as you thought back over the years of your friendship. You’d never really thought about it before - never really had to. But you treated George differently to any other friend you had. No one could make you laugh like he could, or make you feel as protected and safe as he did. And no one ever made you feel like you were flying, like he did.
“Oh Godric... I’m in love with George!” You whisper-shouted, a hand coming to cover your mouth as the realisation dawned on you.
Fred nodded, “I didn’t know that you didn’t know.”
“That’s why you asked me if it bothered me when he asked out Kiara, isn’t it?” You suddenly realised, gulping harshly.
Fred nodded again, though a tad more hesitantly than before, “Hey, but listen- I really think he feels the same, if it makes you feel any better! He just doesn’t know it either.”
You moved out of George’s grasp and stood up, pressing your lips together as you looked at Fred, “He’s got a girlfriend, who he’s taking to the Yule Ball and who he adores and they’re probably gonna get married and have kids and I’m going to be alone forever!”
“Hey, that’s not- that won’t happen,” Fred replied, his gaze softening as he saw a tear fall down your cheek. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and stroking your back comfortingly.
“He loves you, I know it. And he knows it too. He just doesn’t know that he knows it.”
Ever since your realisation in the early morning, you’d tried your best to act normal around George. It wasn’t easy, and you felt that maybe you were being a little more distant than usual, however you quickly pushed that thought aside as you noticed George being equally - if not more - distant, sitting at the end of the table beside Fred, Kiara on his other side as he whispered things in her ear, making her laugh.
You felt a pang of hurt, one that got worse the longer you stared at them, watching as they kissed, as George stared at her lovingly, as he pushed her long, brown, stupidly perfect hair behind her ear and making her blush.
Sitting on the opposite side of the table, you made yourself look away, instead immersing yourself in the conversation Ron and Harry were having about the Yule Ball.
“This is mad, at this rate we’ll be the only ones in our year without dates!” Ron hissed at Harry as you were all sat in the Great Hall, supposedly studying. You hid a laugh as Snape walked past and pushed his head.
“Well, us and Neville,” he continued with a small laugh. Harry leant over to him, “Yeah but then again, he can take himself.”
“It might interest you to know that Neville has already got someone,” Hermione interrupted their laughing with a frown.
Ron sighed, catching your gaze as you laughed at him - which made him sigh again, “Now I’m really depressed.”
You observed from the other side of the table as Fred threw a piece of parchment over to his younger brother, winking at you when he noticed you watching, as Ron frowned at the words on the page.
Ron handed the parchment back, glancing around to avoid Snape and whispered, “Who are you going with then?”
Fred grabbed the parchment and crumpled it up into a ball, before throwing it at you, the paper bouncing off your shoulder. You looked down at the paper, before meeting Fred’s gaze with a raised eyebrow.
He grinned at you, before miming the Ball, nodding over at you. You rolled your eyes, glancing round for Snape before throwing the parchment back at him, hitting him square in the face and causing half the table to hid their faces as they laughed.
“Well?” He asked, seemingly unfazed by the parchment that was now resting at his feet.
“Yeah, go on then, I suppose,” you whispered, shaking your head at him as he winked at Ron. When all the attention went back to school work, you caught Fred’s gaze again and smiled thankfully.
He saluted playfully, making you laugh, neither one of you noticing George’s frown and clenched fists beside him.
You hadn’t seen much of George since Fred had asked you to the Ball, him being too busy spending practically all of his time with Kiara.
It hurt, you had to admit, that he was constantly choosing her over you. Though you assumed it was only natural, what with Kiara being his first proper girlfriend.
Didn’t mean it hurt any less. And the fact you were so used to having George to yourself didn’t help - sometimes turning to ask him something, and then realising he’s not there.
He’d moved seats in class to sit by Kiara, meaning in some classes you were sat with whoever happened to be her previous partner, which therefore meant you were forced to watch as the boy you loved flirted with another girl, his hands constantly on her waist, sneaking kisses when the professor wasn’t looking, and, more often than not, simply not even acknowledging your existence, not even saying a simple ‘hello’.
In other classes you were sat by Fred, who, by all accounts, was actually a pretty good partner, being able to make you laugh and distract you from the show that tore your heart every time you saw it.
In fact, Fred had pretty much mastered exactly how to make you laugh until you cried, his aim in most lessons now, as he hated how sad you were because of his twin.
You were both giggling in the back of the classroom at something he’d said when McGonagall had pointed it out, asking you both to “Please quieten down.”
You bit your lip to muffle your laughing as Fred looked down at you, just happy he could make his friend smile when he knew how much you were hurting.
Much to the dislike of a certain redhead towards the front of the room, who immediately frowned every time he heard your laugh, knowing he wasn’t the one causing it, but his older twin.
His twin who was taking you to the Yule Ball.
George clenched his jaw as he heard you whispering something to Fred, barely being able to focus on anything else.
He knew you and Fred were friends, but since when were you both that close?
By the time the Yule Ball arrived, you and George were barely speaking at all. You’d cried about it more times than you’d like to admit, but you had decided that tonight, at the Ball, you would make it a night to remember, not wanting to mope and ruin Fred’s night since he had asked you pretty much as a favour - despite the amount of times he’d insisted he wanted to ask you, you knew he fancied Angelina Johnson, and had things played out differently, you were sure she’d have been the one he’d thrown the parchment at in the hall that day, not you.
Either way, when you’d made your way down the steps to the Great Hall, your dress swirling around you, hair and makeup perfect, Fred made a huge deal of wolf-whistling and complimenting you.
“Well aren’t you bloody gorgeous,” he grinned, taking your hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss the back of it, “I am one lucky guy.”
“You clean up pretty good too, Weasley,” you grinned, reaching up to straighten out his tie.
George scowled as he watched you with Fred, hating you being in such proximity to his brother, hands clenching and knuckles turning white as he watched Fred kiss the back of your hand. He had to force himself not to run over and shove Fred’s hands away from your waist, as he guided you off to the Hall. He was so distracted by firstly how stunning you looked, and secondly by how forward his brother was being, that he barely even noticed when Kiara had arrived by his side, until she nudged him a little and he forced out a smile.
He complimented the brunette girl, guiding her into the Hall as his hand reached into his pocket, brushing over a box to make sure it was still there.
Fred had been the perfect date all evening. He was a gentlemen - besides the occasional flirty comment - and insisted on staying by your side and dancing, even when you tried to usher him to ask Angelina to dance.
He was just about to give into your insistence with a laugh, when he noticed your expression changed as your attention was taken from him to whatever was going on behind him.
He cursed under his breath as he watched George hold out a small black box to Kiara, who had a huge smile on her face as she took the lid off. She pulled out a necklace, bringing George into a hug immediately, pressing kisses to his face.
Fred stood in front of your view of them, taking your hands in his, “Y/n... I’m sorry. He’s an idiot- he doesn’t know he’s got such a good thing, and wouldn’t know it if you punched him in the face - which, for the record, I think you should do.”
You wiped a stray tear from your eye, forcing yourself not to cry, “He gave her the necklace.”
“I know. I know, but he-“
“No Fred,” you interrupted gently, “He gave her the necklace. That necklace is one I saw when we were in Hogsmeade, and I said I wanted it. He-He even said he’d buy it for me one day! Not that I’d let him but- He bought it for her.”
Fred’s gaze softened, his heart breaking at the sight of your sad face, wrapping his arms around you and swaying a little to the music absent-mindedly.
“I’m sorry,” Fred whispered in your ear. You nodded, leaning against his shoulder, “Not your fault your brother is stupid.”
The song that was playing ended, and Fred grabbed your hand, leading you over to the table where the food and drinks were, pouring you a glass and offering it out to you. You took it gratefully, thanking him before taking a sip.
“Didn’t know you two were that close,” a voice came from behind you. A voice you knew well, one you could pick out anywhere. Fred reached out to squeeze your hand reassuringly, as you placed your glass down, nodding at him before turning around.
“Fred and I have always been good friends. I do have friends, other than you, you know. Which is a good job, considering you’ve been so distant with me,” you replied, focusing on keeping your voice level, rather than on the fact that he’d just given your necklace to his girlfriend.
George felt himself get angry as he noticed yours and Fred’s intertwined hands, swallowing harshly and shoving his hands into his trouser pockets.
“You know I’ve been trying to impress Kiara, being in a relationship takes up time. Not that you’d know, but I thought you’d understand. Didn’t think you’d replace me that quickly,” George retaliated in the midst of his anger, only being able to focus on you and Fred, and how close you were.
“Replaced you?” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest, “You barely even say hello to me! So yes, I turned to a friend so I wasn’t alone. You’re the one who replaced me! And you gave her the necklace, George. The necklace you knew I wanted. You gave it to her.”
Not waiting for a response, you shot an apologetic glance towards Fred before rushing out of the Hall, suddenly needing some fresh air.
“Look what you did now!” Fred almost growled, before storming out after you, in an attempt to find you.
George took a shaky breath, cursing as he watched the two most important people to him leave.
“George?” A soft voice spoke from beside him.
The brunette girl smiled, pressing her lips together as she looked at the ginger, “I um... I think we should break up.”
George frowned, though he was surprised to find he didn’t feel too badly about what she’d said.
The girl held out a black box and placed it into George’s hands, “This should be hers. It’s more her style than mine, I think you know that too.”
The redhead hesitated, unsure of what to say in this situation, “Look, Kiara, I’m sorry-“
“She likes you,” Kiara interrupted him, grinning despite the situation.
“She doesn’t-“
“She does. And you like her. Now go find her.”
With one last hug, and another muttered apology, he nodded determinedly at her, and ran off in the direction of his brother and, he realised now, the girl he truly loved.
“Y/n! Wait up!”
You span round on your heels, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen, “I said I’m fine, Fred! Okay? I’m fine. Absolutely fabulous, in fact.”
Fred stopped in front of you, a shimmer of pity in his brown eyes that made you feel even worse than you already did, “I just want to make sure you’re okay. I-I’m sorry-“
“I know. I know, Freddie,” you replied, your voice quiet as you pressed your lips together, reaching out to grab his hands in yours, “It’s okay. It is, really. I just... I need to be alone.”
“But I- I just... it’s his loss, just so you know!” He pleaded, shaking his head at you, and swore under his breath at the sight of one of his closest friends in tears over his brother, “Merlin, he shouldn’t have given that to her- I shouldn’t have said anything-“
“It’s okay, I promise. It was always bound to happen right? I was always destined to fall for him, whilst he fell for her. Even if you hadn’t said anything, I would’ve realised. I’m- I’m so stupid, aren’t I? Falling for my best friend,” you let out a broken sob.
“You’re not stupid.”
Your breath hitched in your throat and you swallowed back another sob as you turned around slowly, your eyes catching George’s gaze.
He stood, hair messy as if he’d raked his hands through it a few too many times, tie askew and shirt almost untucked in his haste to run and find you. He felt his heart clench, knowing he was the one to make you feel like this, and stepped forward reaching a hand out towards you as you blinked back tears, allowing him to bring you into his arms as you finally let the tears fall.
You knew you shouldn’t, that you should leave to your dorm, but being in George’s arms had always made you feel safe, made you feel protected.
More tears fell as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, muttering over and over again how sorry he was. How he was a fool, a git, a complete idiot.
You finally calmed down a little, looking around the empty hallway, not being sure exactly when Fred had disappeared but thankful for the privacy.
You wiped away the last of your tears, cursing mentally as you realise your makeup would be a mess - if the state of George’s shirt was anything to go by.
“Kiara told me you like- I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” he breathed out, a hand cupping your cheek as you blinked up at him.
“Yeah well, you’re stupid. I always knew you were stupid,” you replied with a sad laugh.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked with a frown, his hands moving to hold your waist.
“You never asked. And then you-you got a girlfriend. What was I supposed to do?” You asked quietly.
“I’m in love with you,” George said suddenly, earnestly, genuinely as he held you against him.
“Not Kiara?”
He shook his head quickly, “She knew I liked you before I knew I liked you. Maybe I am stupid.”
“Maybe you are,” you let out a watery laugh, looking away from his gaze.
George suddenly reached into his pocket and brought out a familiar box, “This is yours. I don’t know what I was thinking, giving it to her. It’s yours - it’s always been yours.”
He opened the box, taking out the necklace you loved so much, and offering you a sheepish smile, “It’s not a good enough apology, I know. But I’m hoping it’s a start.”
He gently turned you around, placing the necklace around your neck, you shivering at the feel of his fingers brushing against your skin, before turning you back around to face him, this time much closer than before, his forehead resting against yours.
“So, and correct me if I’m wrong,” he spoke as he leant forward a little more, his lips almost touching yours, “Does this mean that I like you and you like me and we both don’t think of each other as friends?”
You nodded a little, offering him a soft smile, “I don’t want to be friends, George,” you whispered just as his lips brushed your own, “I wanna be yours.”
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love-amihan · 3 years
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amihan's note: since the first one got lots of notes, i'm here to deliver more ~(^v^)~ this will be a bit different than the first one. ahh how i miss having our usual scimmage every night 😪 here's a few moments on how my teammates and i usually play our game, happy reading!
game; call of duty: mobile
bf!yuta x gn!reader, bf!junpei x gn!reader, bf!mahito x gn!reader
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-okkotsu yuta
he's that teammate who always gets the dog tags
if ever he's the only one remaining and all of you are watching his gameplay, he gets all shaky
"stop, i'm shaking so much" he muttered on his mic while his character slides and jumps trying to find a good spot
but gets cheered up by the team, specially you
if it's the other way around, you're the last member. he will praise you nonstop;
your breath hitched as you see all your teammates get taken down one after another, good thing you manage to get into revival flight before your last teammate died. your teammates immediately reassuring you, lots of 'you got this' and 'you can do it' echoing your ears.
your character went down in front of the airdrop, you cursed seeing it has nothing in it, not even a rifle with a single bullet. you had no choice but to pick up the rocket launcher, you gotta use what's available. "enemy, enemy" your teammate alerted, you turn around and made some distance between the two of you as the enemy rains down bullets at you.
you used the rocket launcher doing some damage to the enemy, sadly you got taken out first. all of you groan as your screen shows big number 3, indicating your place. you felt yuta come closer to your side hugging you, "you did great, that was badass" he showers you with kisses causing you to giggle.
he loves playing with you
the way you're so focused with the game mesmerizes him
he can't help but get distracted all the time, causing him to die in-game
the boy is so whipped for you
the team always tease him for that
you will catch him staring at you and he will immediately avert his eyes back to his screen, blushing like crazy
he's acting like he's not your boyfriend, you can't help but shake your head smile evident on your lips
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-yoshino junpei
i don't know if it's just me but he gives the gamer vibe, like a good one at that
his aim? top-notch, hands down
i feel like he's gonna be a shotgun user
his movements you ask? he flows like the wind he really said can't catch this ass
you can't believe your eyes sometimes, seeing how his fingers moves around his screen effortlessly fast
he assists you whenever, wherever you need him
will help you learn how to snipe!
well mostly because the team have lots of shotgun users
a lil side story; pls our clan master taught me how to use sniper and do hip-fire but my dumbass can never adapt (ಥ﹏ಥ) but one thing i did learn was use shotgun, it all worked out in the end ig ┐(´~`)┌
he's the strategist of the team
will instruct you all what to do and not to do
an enemy squad approaching? he's already spurting out tactics as all of you took position listening to him
you are not that good with games like this compare to him but with all the one on one lessons he gave you, you can say that you're pretty decent with it. plus it was also another way of spending time with him.
you kept a look-out for the team as they take their needed loots, the team just did a flawless squad wipe thanks to junpei's strategies. your eyes caught something moving in the corner, just as you were about to say something bullets starts pouring at junpei's direction.
luckily, the enemy is within your range and you easily took them out without breaking a single sweat. junpei let out a whistle, pulling away from his phone for a moment to give you a quick peck on the lips, smiling down on his screen, "good job, love" you can't help but smile, this is definitely the best way to spend time with him.
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fuckin loud
like doesn't stop talking the whole game
yes, it was entertaining at first, all his jokes and funny stories
but as the game progressed, he just became annoying
you're the vice master, so if ever you can kick him out anytime :D
you never miss a beat threatening him, using your vice master card
the only thing holding you back from kicking him? he's really good!
like his sniping skills? spot on, sheesh he has no chill
loves poking fun of you
he will never say this but he really looks up to you and respects you as a player
there's this one time, he was waiting for the revival flight he saw your gameplay;
you scope in and move it to at least get a hit on the enemy. once you were confident on your aim, you pushed the fire button but it didn't even land a hit on the enemy. you heard a snort beside you as you groan, "that was so bad" he commented.
you glare at him, giving a reasonable excuse "the enemy was moving!" you were not wrong though, the enemy was indeed moving. smh mahito, you cocky bastard.
there's also this moment, where there's only two squads left. your team and an enemy squad;
you saw a lone enemy that had no clue with their surrounding, so you took this opportunity for a perfect ambush. you opted for a shotgun wanting to get closer to the enemy, once you were in range you began spamming the fire button as you circle around them.
at the same time you also took damage, you were reloading your shotgun but before you can finish doing so, your character dropped dead and a dog tag was displayed on your screen. you made a confused noise, mahito running towards your dog tag while laughing loudly. you look at him, a little upset "you really used a whole mag for one person?" he taunted.
his character scanning your dog tag, you cross your arms now more upset. "if i knew there was another one, i would've used two!" you complained, he reaches out to you pinching your cheeks "sure sure" you huff "plus i was reloading" he chuckles pulling you closer to his side, leaving a kiss on your temple.
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copyright © 2021 by love-amihan all rights reserved. do not repost in other platforms. reblogs are welcome and highly appreciated! <33
tagging; @lumpiang-toge bcs yuta is adorable here usto q lang din umatake
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yiqiie · 4 years
wangxian fic rec list pt.2
you can find part one here!
as usual, this will be kept under a keep reading so it doesn’t clog up the dashboard. i actually reblogged my original post and added to it then accidentally deleted it but i have a crap ton more recommendations anyway! there’s a lot of angst in this list because apparently i love putting my heart through a meat grinder 
there are some heavy fics included this time, but i really wanted to include some that explored the issue of mental health and recovery, especially in these difficult times, so make sure you look out for the TW if those fics aren’t your cup of tea 
since tumblr’s new update prevents posts with links from appearing in the tags, i would really appreciate if people could reblog so anyone who needs a fic rec can see this! 
notion summary page: here (i only put my favourites in this tumblr list, so if you would like even more recommendations, please read the notion summary for basically all of my bookmarks on ao3) 
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something to make your heart ache
tempo rubato by @spodumene 
angst, fluff, smut, multi-chaptered, modern au 
guys when i say this fic changed my life i really mean it i think i binged it all within a single night and luckily the last chapter came out the next day and i literally was beside myself with excitement; it is heartbreaking and so beautifully written, i keep going back to read it again and again it’s just THAT good 
complementarity by @besanii​
angst, fluff, multi-chaptered, cql au
i’ve always been a fan of beth’s works (if anyone wants to screech with me about her shattered mirror’s fic I AM HERE) but this was so much angst i literally felt my heart cave in on itself like it was actually painful holy shit she is such a compelling writer and this is one of my favourites even though it HURTS ME 
and here comes the summertime by ribena 
angst, fluff, multi-chaptered, modern au 
LWJ PLS USE YOUR WORDS FOR ONCE this is peak lwj being a dumbass guys i really can’t with this boy but this is such a cute fic of wangxian falling in love and you can really see how they genuinely go from being two people who have no chance of being anything to SOULMATES 
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie 
angst, trauma, modern au, trigger warning: suicide 
this fic rec is gonna kick off some of our heavier recs for the list; yiqie is definitely one of my favourite ao3 writers and i am really excited for the next update of this fic, it deals with some really important mental health topics and it doesn’t shy away from the reality of how scary things can be. i’ve personally been thinking a lot more about mental health in general during my time in isolation and it’s gotten me to reflect more on my own wellbeing as well. this is beautifully written, and obviously it’s not going to encapsulate everyone’s personal experience but i think it’s a great step in recognising that mental health is real and something we should be looking out for
there’s no promised goodbye here by @yuisakii​
angst, fluff, trauma, modern au, trigger warning: mental health
i saw this fic on twt and i thought it was gonna be a short cute wholesome fic about wangxian being broken up but not really bc wwx is dumb BUT this turned out to be so much more and i’m so appreciative; it portrays not a perfect relationship but one that is under the works and one that will undoubtedly require much more work in the future but it’s reality and it’s true and i think that makes it beautiful, there are discussions of mental health and how that affects relationships and how people learn to put themselves back together again with love and support and i think that’s the best part of this fic 
take yourself home by ribena 
angst, fluff, trauma, multi-chaptered, modern au, trigger warning: suicidal ideation 
this was a surprising fic i didn’t expect it to be as heavy as it was but it was beautifully handled and it’s so important to me to see mental health depicted in different ways; everyone deals with their problems in a different way and someone is struggling could seem objectively like they’re doing okay and i think it’s great that there’s a fic that recognises that, this also gives a little spotlight on the things that people use to try and cope with their wellbeing, it could be the smallest thing but a lot of the time that’s all it takes 
some things go forward by everythingispoetry 
angst, fluff, trauma, multi-chaptered, modern au, trigger warning: medical recovery 
this is a little lighter but i think this is one of the most important; the journey to recovery from any medical condition isn’t something to be taken lightly and i think this fic deals with almost everything that it will encapsulate, it’s a beautiful story that deals with the ups and downs of medical recovery and how you really need to learn to forgive yourself for maybe not being able to do everything you previously wanted to, it’s a hopeful story which is also so important because there is always hope for you no matter what 
something to soothe your heart 
you’ve ruined my life (by not being mine) by @nothing-but-color  
fluff, light angst, smut, multi-chaptered, modern au
guys this fic is so beautiful omfg it’s so CUTE and i think it really nails some of the characterisation it really sets up their relationship so well and it delves into some other issues of wangxian’s parents being uh not great parents lmfao but it’s just cute and wholesome and wangxian discovering the joy of being in a relationship 
this river runs to you by sundiscus 
fluff, light angst, yearning, modern au 
DRAGONS AND MAGIC GUYS HOLY SHIT this was a fic i just sat down and binged in like probably an hour and it’s SO GOOD, the plot, the characterisation, the amount of thought and care that went into developing this was so good and it’s beautiful guys truly a wonderful fic 
heliotrope (eternal love) by avenqelic 
fluff, light angst, modern au 
flowers and their meanings need i say more???? this was so wholesome and wwx is such a dumbass but we love him for it and there’s so much yearning and pining in this it’s almost angst but it’s not bc there’s so much SOFT content in this we love it 
lay us down (we’re in love) by mme_anxious 
fluff, modern au 
guys this is just a short wholesome cute fic to soothe your heart from all the angst i’ve put in this list IT’S PERFECT domestic wangxian will always trump everything as much as i love putting my heart through the works and this is just pEAK wangxian content 
it’s you, it was always you by myung 
fluff, light angst, cql au
guys wwx is such a dumbass but he’s a bby and we love him and this was such cute wholesome barely there angst content AND THE PINING wangxian are so dumb but we love them for it this was just something to truly soothe my heart as the heading suggests so yes pls read this after all the angst 
with absolute splendour by @veliseraptor​
fluff, light angst, yunmeng bros, cql au 
THIS IS THE FIC I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN WAITING FOR guys jc being an angry grape wanting to plan shijie’s and wwx’s wedding is genuinely the content i have always wanted and i’m always so sad that there’s like barely any of it but this fic captures it PERFECTLY and it’s the yunmeng reconciliation i have been praying for 
the dragon’s bride by jaws_3 
fluff, light angst, light smut, beauty and the beast au 
lwj bby you need to learn to use your words bc then THIS HAPPENS but guys this was such a cool take on beauty and the beast au and it’s pretty spectacular wangxian are DOMESTIC HUSBANDS before they are even husbands but the writing was breathtakingly good so yes pls read this 
anyway, here’s wuji by @kakikaeru 
fluff, light angst, post-cql, focus on lan jingyi 
okay this is more background wangxian BUT THIS FIC IS SO GOOD, the next one in the series (focussing on jin ling) is also spectacular so pls read them both, but guys LAN JINGYI BEST BOY and he’s in love omfg wangxian being overprotective adorable husbands looking after all their children is just what we LIVE for 
something to make you laugh 
i get religion real quick 'cause you're looking so divine by so_shyy
fluff, humour, modern au
guys wangxian being a chaotic mess but wwx being even more of a pining dumbass bc of hospital drugs is PERFECT i have probably read every single version of the cliche ‘husband waking up stoned after surgery’ but guys it’s so much wholesome content and amazing in every single way 
life, drama and action by akai__hana
fluff, social media, modern au 
whenever i have an angsty fic that makes my heart go eek i reach for this fic bc it’s a reminder that WANGXIAN IS HAPPILY MARRIED WITH A SUN THANK YOU and they are living their best lives as husbands in every life so this is just so cute short and wholesome we LIVE for this content 
besieged by @ariaste 
fluff, light smut, humour, post-cql 
another fic for reaffirmation that wangxian are being overprotective husbands and our bby a-yuan is not really a baby anymore and it’s just so DOMESTIC and such good content and we really love every single reminder that wangxian are just happy and together and they’re SOULMATES okay 
worth the entire universe and more by @xiellian​
fluff, humour, modern au
this was fcking hilarious guys i read it right after one of my angsts and it’s just SO WHOLESOME wwx you’re so dumb we love you so much but you’re truly dumb also lwj bby pls use your words this was such a cute concept and just a pinch of domestic wangxian i needed in my day 
a quest (for kisses) by @xiellian​
fluff, humour, post-cql 
ANOTHER DOMESTIC WANGXIAN FIC guys i can literally picture this happening bc wangxian are insufferable and are hellbent on letting the whole entire world know they are IN LOVE and that they ARE SOULMATES and we forgive them bc they ARE 
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jui-imouto-chan · 4 years
Hi again! Ok so I think I get the Miya twins aging and de-aging thing but I’d be really interested to hear about it more! (Possibly as a continuation with his and Kita’s relationship as well? Kitahina is criminally underrated)
And does Daishou ever come into the story? The au is really good and I honestly would love to hear anything new about it.
Part 11
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Ily thank you for the ask 🥺💕🧡 I did not watch any of the OVA but I will ten billion percent put Daishou in bc Season 4 had him and I’ve kinda really liked him.
(Snake boi,,,, 😳😳 this one got too long to put him in but if I get another request I will write him. He is,,, 👌🏾✌🏾🥺😍)
Tumblr deleted half of what I wrote even though I saved it so yeayyyyy rewriting time 😌🥲
“They’re a lot older than they were before! Do foxes usually age this quick?”
Kita held his tongue, observing Hinata ruffle Atsumu’s hair and swipe his thumb along Osamu’s cheek. The twins seemed very content with the contact, although every now and again they’d pass a look along that seemed laced with meaning.
“You guys are adorable though! I hope Natsu still looks this cute when she’s your age!” Hinata’s eyes closed as he grinned at them.
Osamu tracked Hinata’s finger as his face was rubbed, and after thinking for a moment, he glanced at Atsumu and bit Hinata’s thumb.
Everything was still for moment, everyone staring intently at the place where Osamu’s teeth were buried into Hinata’s skin.
Kita grabbed Osamu by the scruff, opening his mouth to tear into him (in a different way than how he just tore into Hinata’s goddamn thumb), but before he could do so, or even apologize to the redhead, Osamu’s weight increased drastically, his limbs lengthening and proportions adjusting.
Atsumu’s eyes gleamed, taking advantage of the panic to bite Hinata’s other hand, growing to assume the same age as his brother.
“His energy sure is something, huh, ‘Samu!”
Osamu smartly did not respond, Kita’s glare piercing Atsumu the instant he finished speaking. Atsumu gulped audibly, a bit more of the blood seeping into his system and aging him until he was about Kita’s age in appearance.
“Atsumu, you should have found a way to understand by now that your actions have consequences.”
“K-K-Ki-Kita-san???” Atsumu scrambled back and away, bumping into Hinata’s knees, as the ginger had crouched to hold his own arm with tears in his eyes and his bottom lip trapped between his teeth. Hinata sniffled, Atsumu feeling a guilt like one would get from kicking a wounded puppy—which was not a good feeling to couple with the pure terror one gets from earning Kita’s ire.
Said twin froze and began sweating profusely. Despite the increase in size, Kita dangled him the way one would hold a particularly rowdy cat.
He desperately tried to minimize the shiver of his voice and be as formal and thereby responsible as he could, though even as he managed a, “Y-Yes?” he could feel his life start to come to an end.
“I don’t care about nor need your explanation—I know why you did this, but Hinata doesn’t. Explain to him clearly, and then apologize, before I cut out your tongues and take each of your teeth out one-by-one.”
Kita’s threats were rare, but very effective.
Once Kita released Osamu’s collar, the twins scooted close to one another on the ground, whispering back and forth with their skin significantly paler than it was before. Eventually, after some muttering and a very pointed glare from Kita, the two composed themselves, sitting on their heels. Osamu coughed, earning Hinata’s watery gaze and faltering slightly.
“Um. So. I’m Miya Osamu, that’s Atsumu.”
“Hinata Shoyo. Nice to meet you,” Hinata murmured, bowing his head, cheeks a bit puffed up. Kita approached him to place a hand on his head.
“We used to be guardians of a shrine nearby here, but it fell into ruin as people stopped coming by and taking care of it.” Atsumu began.
“People would only come by during celebrations. We’d perform during festivals, and we required everyone to be completely silent, or else the performance would be ruined. As we’d do our dances on opposite sides of the mountain where the shrines were, we’d be offering mana to the forest to keep it flourishing.”
“That’s so cool!” Hinata piped, although he quickly stifled his impressed exclamations as Kita pet his hair.
“Usually after the performance, we’d be low on mana, but we’d hide in the woods for a little bit until we were back to normal—”
“—But people got greedy. They knew we were already weaker without offerings being made to the shrine, and they were ready to take advantage of our decrease in mana.”
“Kita-san’s grandmother would give us offerings and come to every performance at the festivals. Kita-san joined her, of course, but one year, she brought along some girls in hopes to help him find a bride—”
“—even though he was like, twelve!”
Hinata gasped and looked up at the silverette, seemingly in awe. “Kita-san, you had game from a young age?!”
“I don’t know, do I have ‘game’ now?”
The redhead struggled to answer, especially with the amusement dancing in Kita’s eyes.
Atsumu cut in before Hinata could embarrass himself, “Those stupid girls decided to be annoying during my performance, and ended up distracting me. Usually with the dance, we can steadily feed the forest mana and influence how much leaves us. Since it was interrupted—”
“'Tsumu lost a lot of mana, and I had to try to compensate it. Kita-san’s grandma tried to help me, but 'Tsumu was grabbed by some adults before Kita-san could get to him. When they went into the forest, I got away from Kita-san’s grandma to find them.”
“They sealed most of our power, but Kita-san managed to interrupt the ritual before they could force us into a contract. Kita-san was so angry, it was like watching the beast from Naruto.”
“Oh, the Nine-Tails!” Osamu corrected.
“Didn’t it have a name? Kuroomi or something??”
“Ah, Kurama!” Hinata blurted.
“Yeah, that!” The twins affirmed, snapping and pointing—or were those finger guns?
“He totally looked like Kurama when he was beating the shit out of those dudes!”
“I think he only turned back when his grandma started calling for him.”
“So, let me get this straight—”
Osamu coughed, “—Good luck with that—”
“—Kita-san can turn into a super gigantic awesome fox monster and you two keep getting younger? Except for when you get mana?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
Hinata practically had stars in his eyes.
“We know it’s selfish to ask this of you after we, uh, bit you...”
“But, Shoyo-kun....”
The twins bowed, foreheads touching the floor. “Please form a contract with us.”
•• Part 11 of (?) ••
• A lot of this is influenced by Natsume Yuujinchou to some extent and I am not sorry. Also ykno how I reblogged Kindaichi with his hair down? I did so while looking for some KinHina, and now I’m a little tempted to write smthn. Or maybe KuniHina. Or literally anyone with Hinata because when I say hinata harem I mean Hinata HAREM. •
•• Send Asks for more! Feel free to ask about characters and send Headcanons! Or if u wanna just talk Haikyuu/ships, I’m good with that too! :) and for other parts, search the “summoner au” tag on my blog and you’ll find em! ••
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foundthe8wing · 4 years
Okay, doing this over here because my main tumblr is usually a place for me to vibe and I don’t want all the bullshit tied to that account, but basically: I’m really angry and disappointed with the dndads cast for how they’ve put a lot of the minors in their fanbase in danger. Everything below is a repost from twitter (with permission from the OP, crypticjoy), and I’ll link the thread in a reblog. 
Under a cut because it’s long and potentially triggering (content warnings for grooming, sexualizing minors, and sexual assault)
[OP tagged the relevant cast accounts; I added slashes here bc I’m not sure if those same urls exist on tumblr and I don’t want to be randomly tagging people over here]
5:49 PM Sep 5, 2020
“I don’t usually do this, but: the way that the cast of @/dungeonsanddads engages with their audience is actively dangerous to minors, and they need to get it together. (cw for discussion of grooming, sexualizing minors, sexual assault)
First off, there are some iffy jokes and situations in the podcast itself. I’m not going to get into all of it right here, but have a google doc: [doc will also be linked in reblog]
Yes, the kids in #dndads are fictional, but that doesn’t mean this stuff doesn’t affect real kids listening. a. it normalizes talking/joking about kids in that way and b. There’s a lot of inconsistancy and confusion on the lines they draw--
Paeden saying “baby” is weird but Ron sitting in Terry Jr’s lap isn’t? I’m confused. You know who the fuck relies on that type of confusion and unclarity? Fucking predators
And I’m not saying every in-character decision has to be perfectly moral or acceptable, but the way the cast, out of character, discuss what’s weird and what’s not sends a lot of mixed messages. And that’s legitimately dangerous.
So then you take all of this, and you add a patron discord server that lets nsfw discussions run virtually unchecked--you create a fandom space that allows adults to discuss kinks, and porn searches, and just, all this other stuff, with teenagers...
... and it becomes a breeding ground for grooming and abuse.
The creators aren’t responsible for babysitting their fanbase or for how people engage with their content outside of their spaces (though, again, I’d urge them to be very careful about what kind of messages they’re sending)
But  they ARE responsible for taking basic steps to keep the spaces that THEY create and engage with safe.
“But the rules for the server say 18+!” The rules say you have to be 18 *or have parental permission.* They also say to keep things PG-13. That’s vastly different than establishing something as an adult-only/nsfw space.
“Minors shouldn’t be joining/listening anyway!” The cast can’t control who listens and neither can I, but there’s a difference between knowing teens are listening to you discuss sex with your adult friends vs facilitating conversations between teens and adults on those topics.
“If people are uncomfortable they can just leave.” First off, this situation isn’t just uncomfortable, it’s unSAFE. Second: fuck that. It’s not on minors to set and maintain boundaries about this stuff; a lot of them literally do not know how
Not because they’re stupid, but because they’re young and inexperienced. It’s the responsibility of adults to set and enforce healthy boundaries around sexual discussions, and this particular group of adults has done a fucking terrible job
(Maybe don’t encourage listeners to DM you about kinks! Maybe especially don’t do that when you’ve communicated, intentionally or not, that making and escalating sexual jokes is a really good way to get a reaction from you guys)
I get that they didn’t expect to have so many young listeners, but to be aware of that fact and make no adjustments whatsoever is irresponsible and it WILL lead to someone getting hurt. Does their “young, thirsty, female” audience only exist to them when they can laugh about it?
And let’s be absolutely 1000% clear: this isn’t an issue they’re unaware of. The stuff I’m talking about is an ongoing problem with how their server is run, but it came to a head with one specific situation very recently:
They released a bonus, patron-exclusive episode about the dads taking the bdsm test. Given the general state of the server, I was worried about where those discussions might lead, so before it dropped, I reached out to @/anthony_burch to express my concern
He told me he raised the issue with @/fwong and Ashley, meaning at least three members of the dndads team were aware of the situation, and decided it didn’t warrant any type of preemptive action on their part
(alternatively, it means Anthony lied, which would be a whole separate issue)
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[Image ID: a discord DM conversation from Sep 1, 2020, between a crossed out username and reverendanthony. It reads: 
OP: heyyyyy have you guys considered that releasing an episode focused on the bdsm test is almost inevitably going to lead to a bunch of 15 year olds sharing their results in your server because you might want to get ahead of that before someone gets hurt
reverendanthony: oh holy shit, really good idea
OP: thanks, I know it's easy to veer into that territory just because of the nature of your show but I wanted to bring it to your attention because I figured you don't want to create a situation that's like, actively dangerous (and for the record I'm willing to discuss what I think would make it safer but I'm also not going to assume you want/need my input, obviously you can handle it however you see fit)
reverendanthony: No, thank you for bring it up, I really appreciate it -- I just raised the issue with Freddie and Ashley
OP: Good to know, thank you /End ID]
I’m not overreacting. I have seen this shit happen, to my friends and to myself, and watching the dndads cast take absolutely no meaningful action to prevent situations like that from occurring directly under their noses makes me fucking livid
I can guarantee that the #dungeonsanddaddies fanbase includes both predators and survivors of abuse, grooming, etc (including those currently living through it), and I need them to think very, very hard about which group they’re prioritizing.
And I need that choice to be evident through more than just their words, because it doesn’t fucking matter how much you “really appreciate” that I brought up my concerns if you do fuck-all to address them.
It doesn’t matter how many times you say the word “consent” if apparently everyone was okay that “Darryl gets sexually assaulted” was almost a plot point played for laughs.
(His dare from Scam  would have been rape, straight up. Just because no one said the word doesn’t mean it wasn’t coercive and gross).
I’d like to think the @/dungeonsanddads cast isn’t intentionally encouraging abuse, but they’re sure as hell enabling it, and they needed to get their shit together ages ago, because they’re not the ones their negligence hurts.”
Quote retweet by OP 6:51 PM Sep 7, 2020
“So, they updated the rules for the patron server, but I want to be really clear that from my perspective, it’s way too little, way too late. 
The new rules don’t adequately address the core issues and they certainly don’t absolve the cast of the harm they’ve already caused. 
[Tweet includes 2 screenshots: one of a bot asking people to click thumbs up to confirm they’re 18+ (or have a parent’s permission) and agree to the rules, and one that includes two of the rules. It reads: 
“This is an 18+ space. Them’s the rules: per Patreon’s policy, you must be 18+ or have parental permission.
Use language as if you’re at your parents dinner table. Don’t get people in trouble because of your SPICY POSTS. Keep conversation polite. NSFW content is not allowed!”]
(and before anyone says I should bring up my concerns privately, a quick refresher on how well that went last time I did it:) 
[links back to the “(alternatively, it means Anthony lied . . .)” tweet from the original thread]
So hey, @/fwong, some thoughts:
1.The rules are vague and unclear: what /exactly/ do you mean when you say “NSFW content is not allowed!” when the content of your show itself is so often nsfw? And how are you planning to enforce this?
Does it mean you’ll shut down the MBIC conversation that is literally just kink discussion? I need you to be clear on where the line is, because, again, predators rely on that confusion. Don’t give them a gray area to play in. 
For an example of a more clear policy, it’s pretty easy to say, “yep, ‘Henry gets pegged’ sure is a sentence we said on our show and you don’t have to pretend it’s not, but if you’d like to discuss it in any more detail at all, you need to move”
2. Remember how I said I needed to be clear on whether you’re prioritizing survivors or predators? While I doubt it was intentional, the language you’re using here is prioritizing predators.
It’s not “don’t get people in trouble,” it’s “don’t make people uncomfortable.” It’s “we all have a responsibility to make sure this space is safe for everyone, especially the younger members of the community.”
You’re setting people up to be afraid of expressing concerns for fear of “getting people in trouble” or “inciting unnecessary drama.” Even if it’s not what YOU meant, it’s very easy for those words to be manipulated, so +
You absolutely have to be explicitly clear that if someone expresses their discomfort, you’ve got their back. Being safe is more important than being polite. 
3. I need every cast member to take responsibility for their own actions. I’ve gotten no indication from any of you that you understand the ways in which the in-show things I brought up were harmful.
Acknowledging that harm is important not just because of the immediate effects of that content, but also because it implicitly sets an example for how similar complaints should be dealt with going forward.
When someone says “hey, I was uncomfortable that you seem fine with the Glennary ship, because she reads as very young to me,” I don’t need a dissertation on how the perception of characters can evolve due to your improvisational nature
I need to hear “oh, I interpreted her differently, but you’re right, we should have been more clear, and I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.” Because your responses to your own mistakes set the tone for any other situations like that going forward.
How comfortable is someone going to be with coming to you, or Ash, or any of the mods about someone making them uncomfortable if they’ve seen that when people call YOU out, they’re argued with and shut down?
Don’t tell people you’ve “made it clear that you won’t go there” when they tell you that you ARE there. Listen to them and do better. 
Set the expectation that people will be respected when they raise their concerns. “If you want to come at me you have to bring the heat” is not an appropriate response on a subject that made people genuinely uncomfortable. 
In essence: set people up to be supported and protected, not dismissed. 
[It’s like a matriosche of tweets over here. This one links to another thread, also by crypticjoy. That thread reads:
A non-comprehensive guide to keeping discord servers safe for minors:
1. Make designated channels for nsfw/18+ discussion. Generally speaking, this is a lot more effective than banning those discussions altogether, because it’s a lot easier to say “hey, can you move this conversation?” than “hey, I need you to stop”
In fandom spaces, it’s usually a good idea to have separate channels for talking about nsfw fiction vs discussing your personal sex lives.
2. Give everyone minor/adult roles; make sure your 18+ channels are locked to people who don’t have an adult role. It’s important that there’s more of a barrier there than just checking a box.
3. NSFW channels shouldn’t necessarily be a free-for-all; be aware of people’s boundaries and respect them (for example, r*pe jokes aren’t funny or okay, even if you’re not making them around kids)
4. Explicitly state in your rules that people should feel free to come to mods if anyone is making them uncomfortable. Actually listen to people and resolve the situation if they do approach you.
5. Make it clear that creepy behavior via DMs or other means is also not tolerated--you can’t control what people do outside your server, but you can make the choice to not allow people like that in your space
6. Make sure mods are on top of things BEFORE people have to say anything; sometimes being a mod means being willing to be the “asshole” who shuts things down before they get out of hand, even if they’re not asked.
Be generally aware of signals that people are uncomfortable or that things are escalating too far, and address those situations sooner rather than later.
*It should be noted that safety involves a lot of components beyond just containing nsfw discussions; this thread just happens to be focused on that one specific element.
oh also! It's a good idea to provide resources on grooming so people know what to look out for [links to some resources; again, this’ll be in the reblog]]
So, @/dungeonsanddads, if you’re interested in anything beyond just having a flimsy excuse you can point to to cover your own ass, I’m gonna need you to try again.
Sorry I can’t be nicer about it, but I’ve given so many benefits of the doubt I could be running a successful charity, and this isn’t an issue I’m willing to drop. 
10:02 PM
Thought I was done but actually I've got a few more questions: to what extent were @/HeyBethMay, @/WillBCampos, and @/mattLarnold included in conversations about this issue/the new rules? Is this something your whole team is involved in?
Have you discussed what you're doing on a team and individual basis to keep your fan interactions safe, and are you on the same page about how much it matters? Are you holding each other accountable? Is everyone okay with where this ended up?”
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“When One Stops The Kiss To Whisper “I’m Sorry, Are You Sure You-” And They Answer By Kissing Them More”
This was asked by @borndeaddd
Alright!! Here ya go! And thanks for the request🥺❤️. Well, it was in a comment on a prompt list I reblogged and I think it was directed to me and if not...then I still hope you read this and like it!
Riku has loved Sora since the day they met. However, he didn’t know it. He loved him before he knew what love was. Does he love all of his friends? Yes, but his love for Sora is different, and he was afraid to tell him. He was afraid of ruining their friendship. Hell, he already messed it up when he gave into darkness, said all those nasty things to Sora, and fought him at every chance he got, and he was fixing it now. He was doing everything he could to make Sora love him again.
But Sora will always love him, just like Riku will always love Sora. He loved him when they met, too. Even when Riku betrayed him, he still loved him and he just wanted to see him again. He just wanted to hold him, cherish him, whisper “it’s okay” in his ears as he holds him in the night. And Riku wanted to hold him as well and comfort him through his nightmares.
He was his dream eater after all.
And he can’t even remember when he first wanted to kiss him. The want just suddenly appeared in his chest and he wanted to so bad. He suddenly realized he loved Sora one day, and he can’t stop thinking about him. And when he let Sora go on his own to rescue Kairi, he truly believed in him. He knew he’d miss him so much, but he wanted Sora to be happy, and if going on his own to save Kairi would make him happy, then he’d let him. Heck, he knows Sora is too stubborn to listen to anyone. Well, Riku knows he might listen to him, but he just let him go...and he regretted it a little bit.
Sora went missing for over a year...and Riku blamed himself. He couldn’t stop searching. It was as if Sora was his lifeline and he needed to find him...and maybe he was. However, he had a blessing on his side. Even after everything that happened, he and Sora still had their connection. Still had their connection that formed when they were only kids. And when he got closer to him as he searched, he felt a tug on his heart. A tug as if someone was on the end of a rope and pulling the other closer. Riku was on one side, and Sora was on the other, and he needed to find his way to his other half.
So, he followed his heart, followed the tug. It would disappear sometimes, but then would reappear. It made him frustrated sometimes, but never at Sora. He knew Sora wanted to be found and wouldn’t trick Riku like this, but he just needed to find him and he was growing tired. But he wouldn’t stop. He would never give up on Sora, no matter how many sleepless nights would pass. And when he found him...he did what Sora did when he found Riku.
He grabbed his hand, fell on his knees, and began to cry. All of his hopes came true, all of his dreams were finally no longer just dreams.
“I found you...I’ve finally found you,” Riku would whisper as he cried and hiccuped.
Sora would get on his knees as well and pull Riku closer to him and kiss the top of his head.
“You found me...we’ve found each other,” Sora would whisper as he cried as well.
They both held each other as they cried together. They didn’t know what to do other than cry and comfort each other, so that’s what they did. They would take as long as it took for them to be “okay”. And once they were, they held hands as they found their way back to Yen Sids tower.
Once they made it back and everyone gave him hugs, Sora asked Riku to follow him to his room to talk to him. Riku felt so happy that he asked him to talk with him. He missed hearing his voice, seeing him smile, and seeing his blue eyes shine brighter than the sea. Once they got to his room, Sora and Riku sat on the bed and Sora let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry that I disappeared.”
“Sora, its not your fault.”
“But it is! I was stubborn and went on my own and it just proves...”.
Sora stopped and his voice was quiet when he continued.
“It only proved that I’m still weak...”.
Riku felt his heart break at that statement. Sora never showed this side of him. The side that was disappointed in himself, the one that believed he wasn’t good enough, and the one that took the teasing too far, even if he acted like it was okay. Riku knew he was sensitive, but he never realized how this truly hurt him.
Riku pulled Sora into a hug and rubbed his hand on his back in comforting circles. Sora sobbed into his chest and Riku just continued to rub his back and run his other hand through his hair. Sora always loves when people run their hands through his hair, it calms him down and makes him feel loved. Riku loved him and would do whatever it takes to comfort him.
After a few minutes, Sora pulled away and looked at Riku, as if taking in all his features, but he already memorized them. He then looked at his lips for a second, and before he could think about it, he leaned in and kissed him.
Rikus eyes were wide in shock. He can’t believe Sora would do this. Heck, he wanted to do it first, but he was just shocked that it actually happened. He believed it was only a fantasy...but now it was a reality. However, he didnt want to make Sora feel bad, so he kissed him back. He kissed him as if his life depended on it. But after a few seconds, he realized that he should ask Sora if he was okay with this. Sora did initiate it, but he needed to make sure.
Riku pulled away and leaned his forehead against Soras.
“I’m sorry, are you sure you-”.
Sora didn’t let him finish his sentence. He cut him off with another kiss that was full of passion. Sora always wanted to do this, too. He wanted to pull Riku to him and show his love in any way that was possible, and now he got the courage to do it.
Riku kissed him back just as passionate and showed him how he loved him, too. He ran his hands through Soras hair again, and rested his other hand on Soras cheek. They shared multiple kisses and Sora eventually ended up on Rikus lap. Chests facing each other and Soras legs were wrapped around Rikus low back. Sora feels like it’s the best place to be. He wanted to see his friends, but for right now, this was the best thing he could do.
Rikus kisses eventually moved to the corner of Soras mouth, to his cheek, and eventually down to his neck. Sora turned his head to give Riku more areas to kiss, and Riku took the hint, kissing Sora wherever he could. However, he didn’t move too far (not feeling that comfortable or brave) and eventually moved back to Soras lips.
They only stopped kissing when they got dizzy and needed a second to process everything. They rested their foreheads against the others and they were panting hard. Both lips were a little swollen and red from all the desperation to be close to the other.
“I love you, Riku,” Sora panted out.
He had a smile on his face and Riku knew he was telling the truth. Sora would never lie about this and from the way they were just kissing, he knew it was true. Riku has never kissed anyone else, but he knew passion when he saw it, and passion was in everything Sora just gave him.
He smiled at Sora and gave him a quick kiss.
“I love you, too. So much, Sora. So much to the point it hurts.”
They both let out quiet laughs. Sora kissed Rikus forehead and got off his lap causing Riku to let out a little whine at the loss of contact. Sora laughed and pulled Riku to lay beside him as he layed on his right side and Riku laid on his left side. They smiled at each other and Sora moved closer to Rikus chest. Sora wrapped one arm around Rikus torso and the other around his neck. He buried his head in the crook of Rikus neck and took in a deep breath and let it out, causing Riku to laugh.
“I’m ticklish there, Sora!”
Rikus words caused Sora to do it again. Riku let out a loud laugh and covered his mouth in embarrassment. Sora just kissed his neck and squeezed his arms tighter around Riku. Riku smiled and moved his hand to cup Soras head and the other wrapped around Soras torso as well. They both felt comfortable and loved each other.
And as they held each other, they finally both felt at peace and felt safe. Sora no longer had to worry about the danger of the heartless and the worry of never being found. He finally was and he was able to show Riku the way he loves him like he wanted to, and Riku was able to show Sora how he loves him the way he always wanted to, too.
And they both fell asleep in the comfort of their lovers arms.
HHhhehehe. I hope this was good! I truly liked this! I’m sorry it took so long to get out :’(. I couldn’t find inspiration and didn’t feel like writing at the time, but I still love requests! And I hope more people will come to me for requests and don’t be shy!! I’m open for anything!! I’m not dead. Yet
But yeah! This was gonna be short bc I didn’t know what to write, but like,,,I got carried away👀. It’s not necessarily TOO LONG, but it’s a lot longer than I thought it could be. So yeah!! Hope you like it and hope you come back to me I’ll shut up now-
And is it obvious I love italics👀
Also please give me feedback. I’m desperate for it. Let it be in a comment or reblog or the tags of a reblog. Thank you. I just like feedback bc I truly don’t know if you like it or hate it and I want to know if my writing is getting better. Anyways yeah love you🥺❤️.
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
"𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥, 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦." ━  𝐙𝐚𝐲𝐧 𝐟𝐭. 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭, 𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
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series masterlist
requested: yes | no
warnings: just angst tbh
word count: 5,850 [again of un proofread material sorry lmao]
authors note: [quick sidenote: if you want to make this sad af, then listen to heal by tom odell here bc that’s what i did when writing lmao.] omg yay part 10 finally! when this posts i’ll still be at work, but i’m so happy that i was able to get this out to you guys today! this series is coming to an end soon and honestly i’m sad about it bc idk what the hell i’m gonna do once it’s over lmao. for everyone who reblogs, likes and even reads this series– thank you from the bottom of my heart. i enjoy reading everyone’s tags and messages and it makes me happy and want to write even more when i see how much you guys enjoy the series. i hope this part is good enough bc part 11 is coming up and well...we’ll see what happens :)
Two days after the incident in the training room, finals week had wrapped up, Kennedy had already gone home to celebrate an early Christmas with her parents before joining you in Victoria, campus closed down and you had found yourself displaced. Originally, pre-Typocalypse...you were supposed to stay with Jamie and Katie, then all fly back together after the game tonight. But those plans had since changed since Jamie was obviously still not talking to you. Kennedy offered you to come and stay with her, but you were already stealing her for Christmas, you didn't want to intrude on the few days her and her parents got to spend together for the Holidays.  Before you could even think about booking a hotel for the next few days, Big Rig offered you his guest room and the two of you have been temporary roommates ever since.
It was a great set up, honestly. Since you were still obligated to be at team practices, the two of you drove there together and left afterward. He was like the big shield that protected you from Jamie's glares and Tyler's horrible attempts at trying to please Jamie by not looking at you. When they went on their Florida series, Dave offered you a chance to go since you were on break, but you turned it down and made a joke about how if you went to Florida you might not come back. Instead, you relaxed on Big Rig's couch, thought about going to see Tyler's dogs and switched between binging 'You' and 'Fuller House' on Netflix.
But today was the day that you would be handing John the paperwork for your internship that he needed to sign and handover. Just things saying that your timesheet was correct, signing off and typing up a letter about how you did. The practice before they left for Florida, actually the same day he had offered you a spot on the trip, was when you broke the news to him that you wouldn't finish out the season with them. Of course, he probably had some kind of inkling as to the reasons why. You always thought that girls were the worst when it came to gossip, but it turns out grown men are a lot worse. But he was kind and never asked for the specifics and respected your decision not to continue and just told you to give him the paperwork whenever you could and that he'd fill it out for you. He also commented on how good of a job you did and that if you ever changed your mind, they'd welcome you back without a second thought.
And that's what you told Katie when the two of you went out to an early dinner before heading to the arena for the game. But now, as the two of you were in your uber and headed towards the arena, the daunting task of having to actually hand over your paperwork weighed heavy on your heart. Katie had invited you along to dinner and you thought that it was probably her way of reaching out to you since your brother was failing to do so, but you didn't mind. You really liked Katie and she was like the other big sister you never had. To your surprise though, the two of you didn't talk much about what had happened between you, Tyler and Jamie. Instead, she focused on your senior year, where you were applying to jobs and how life in L.A. had been treating her.
But now you were itching to get her opinion on the matter, because if there was anyone besides you who was closer to Jamie in this city and had the insight of his thoughts– it was her. When the two of you stepped out of the Uber and made your way through security to get to the back hallway, you broke the silence on the matter.
"Did you know?" You blurted out as the two of you bypassed security. She turned to you with a generic expression. "Did you know before he...found out?"
"I mean, I kind of had a feeling something was going on," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Just even during the few times I was down here and we all went downtown. The two of you had never really been as close or hung out too often before and I just noticed all of the little things that boys are too oblivious to see."
"Yeah, maybe going out together was a bad idea. Maybe this whole damn thing was a bad idea," you sighed, clutching the manilla folder close to you.
"I don't think it was a bad idea, I just think that you and Tyler approached it wrong. You guys should've been a little more upfront and honest with Jamie. He still might have been angry, but it would have been a lot better than the alternative."
You nodded, accepting her cold truth as the two of you made your way through the parking garage and towards the hallway entrance. "Has he reached out to you yet?"
"Jamie or Tyler?"
"Both, I guess."
You shook your head, pushing back the pain that came with the thought of the two guys you cared for most, ignoring you. "Not even an in-person acknowledgment."
"I've been talking to them both, trying to get them to see the sense of it all. I told Jamie he needs to talk to you before this gets any worse...but you know how he is."
"Yeah, I do," you nodded, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. You looked down the right towards the training room and took a deep breath. "Well, I guess this is it."
"I can come with you if you want? Give you a little moral support?"
"Thanks, but I need to do this on my own," you took a deep breath and nodded, giving yourself a little encouragement. "I'll see you at home in a few hours?"
"Longest plane ride of our lives," she joked, hugging you before turning towards the elevator. "Oh, one more thing about you and Tyler!"
"Yeah?" You asked, giving her a hopeful, but sad look.
"It wasn't just the physical things I noticed, like the small touches." She shrugged her shoulders and gave you a small smile. "But it was just how different the two of you seemed. You were a lot happier and open and Tyler...he was a lot calmer and genuinely happy. I think the two of you are very good together."
You didn't know what to say, but instead gave her a thankful smile and watched her get into the elevator to head up to the upper level. It hurt your heart, to think about how your relationship had changed the two of you for the better and yet here you guys were– avoiding each other at all costs. You brushed those thoughts aside and walked down the hallway. You needed to give Dave your paperwork, but there was something else you needed to do first.
You knocked on to the locker room door, hearing a voice on the other side. You covered your eyes with one hand and pushed the door open, stepping into the room. "Is everyone in here decent?"
"It's just me and Dobby, Y/N," Klinger said, laughing. "So yes, open your eyes."
You uncovered your eyes to see the two men sitting in their respectful stalls. "Where's everyone else?"
"Training room, on the bench or playing footy," Dobby said, standing up. "You okay?"
You nodded, walking over towards Big Rig's stall and holding up your purse. "Big Rig just asked me to bring something for him, he forgot it at the apartment."
They nodded and Dobby walked out of the door, Klinger stopping while holding it open. "Do you think you can tape me today?"
You felt a crushing feeling inside of you because he had no clue that you weren't here to work...but instead to quit. "If no one's busy." You smiled, as he nodded in reply before leaving the locker room.
You took a deep breath and sighed before walking away from Big Rig's stall and over to Tyler's. You dug into your purse and pulled out his house key, which was attached to the  '#1 labrador mom' keychain he had given you, and placed it right in the middle of his stall. You've been meaning to give it back to him since everything crumbled, but you just haven't had the courage to face him since the day of he and Jamie's explosion. Plus, you were flying home to Victoria tonight and there would be no better time than the present to give him back the gift. Now, you had to do the one thing that you came here for– turn in your hour sheet, along with some other internship paperwork, to John. You had talked to him earlier in the week about deciding not to finish out the season, and you had to admit that you felt honored that he was upset that you were choosing not to continue. For the first time in a while, it made you feel like you had accomplished something here and that your work was appreciated. But the hardest part wasn't telling him that you were quitting, it was turning in your paperwork for him.
You stood outside of the training room door, contemplating whether or not to call Katie and tell her that you had changed your mind, that you'd love for her to walk into the room with you so you could walk right back out. But then you thought back on all of your conversations with Big Rig since Kennedy left and how, in her absence, he's been more than willing to lend an ear and even give you some advice and boost up your confidence. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling and then opening your eyes again. "I can do this." You gave yourself a few more seconds before bringing your shoulders back, lifting your chin and pushing the door open, walking into the training room like you owned the place.
"Y/N!" Pavs cheered, throwing his fists into the air. "You're finally here! I've been waiting for you to come and tape my ankle for me, for like...ever!"
"Sorry for being late," you replied, looking immediately in John's direction to see him walking over to his desk. "I just need to–"
"And you're out of your uniform?" Dickinson scoffed, walking by you. "What are they teaching you at this fancy college?"
"Yeah Y/N, you're not on winter break yet. No, relax!" Rads chimed in as the rest of the guys just laughed.
You rolled your eyes at their chirping but kept the smile on your face because you were glad that things seemed to have rolled over when it came down to the tension whenever you, Tyler and Jamie were all in the same room. This was ringing true because the three of you were in the same room at this very moment. Tyler was sitting down by Big Rig, stealing a resistance band from him to work on his shoulder, while Jamie was lying on a table in front of John's desk, getting his hamstring scraped by Craig. Neither of them looked as tense as they had in the last week, but they still weren't paying any attention to you. Well, you thought they weren't until you caught Tyler looking away from you the moment you went to say something to Big Rig about his bands. He played it off, looking immediately to his right, probably not realizing he'd be staring at a blank wall– but you were over it all, so it didn't bother you one bit.
"Is this the paperwork we talked about?" Dave asked, finally sitting down at his chair and tossing a towel on his desk.
You walked forward with the manilla folder in hand and held it up, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "Yep, this is it. Sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner. It took a while to get together since Finals ended and everything is hectic."
You held it out to him and he grabbed it from you, placing it onto his desk and opening it, skimming through the pages and nodding. "Can I get this to you after you come back from break?"
"Absolutely. There's no need to rush," you looked off to see Big Rig giving you a supportive look. He was the only one in the room besides Dave, that knew just what those papers were for. "Just as long as it's before graduation."
"Y/N!" Miro said, rushing into the room and out of breath. "You're here! Please tape me, you're the only one who can."
"Looks like you're stuck with just Craig and me, Miro," Dave said, closing the folder and standing up from his chair. "You guys must have chased her away. She's finished with her internship and decided not to extend for the full season."
That non-existent tension that you mentioned earlier, sprung it's ugly head back into the room the moment that his announcement left his lips. Both Jamie and Tyler perked up at what Dave had said, both surprised and even had a split moment where they looked at each other. Though of course, they had no clue of your decision, so shock and confusion were along the lines of what you expected them to feel. You made eye contact with Jamie first and you couldn't exactly pinpoint just what he was feeling since three separate emotions ran across his face: shock, disappointment and finally, joy. When you acknowledged him back, he opened his mouth slightly as if he might just say something, but instead bit the inside of his cheek and rested his head back down onto his forearms as Craig continued to scrap him. Tyler on the other hand only had two visible emotions: sad and extremely pissed. And if it wasn't for the fact that his eyes carried hints of sadness, you'd only think he was extremely pissed, seeing as the scowl on his face and his knitted eyebrows were the key symbols of his anger. Rightfully, you were confused at his reaction. How could he even be bothered to be angry about your choice when he hasn't talked to you in nearly two weeks?
Screw him, he has no right to be angry.
You turned your attention away from him and started to make your way back to the training room door. "Well, shit, who the hell is going to deal with my shin problem now?" Big Rig said, clearing out the silence in the room.
Bishop laughed as well a few other guys who were still left in the training room before walking away from your desk and over to you. "You're 27 years old, figure it out, you dweeb!" He came to a stop in front of you and hugged you. "Good luck with the rest of your senior year. I hope you'll still come around."
"Eh, maybe I will," you joked, pulling away from the hug and giving the guys a small wave. "Good luck tonight guys. Someone fight Tkachuk or I'll disown you as my team and switch to the Canucks."
Your joke was followed by multiple groans and mumbles, in reply to your goodbye and to the fact that you were leaving their training room forever. Once the conversation returned to normal, you took that as your time to slip out of the training room unnoticed and back out into the hallway. The moment you stared down the empty hallway, you took a deep breath and felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You, Kennedy and Big Rig had made yourself a checklist of things to do before the year came to an end and you came back from winter break.
The first? Talk to Dave and give him the paperwork to wrap up your internship.
The second? Somehow repair your relationship with Jamie, which has yet to even have an outlined plan.
And the third? ...Close things off with Tyler on a positive note. He was a friend way before he was a hookup and he's your brother's best friend. Just because the two of you had relations, doesn't mean you couldn't still be friends.
You weren't one to lie to yourself. You knew that the last one probably wouldn't happen before the end of the year, if at all. Confronting Tyler was terrifying to you. Sure, you've planned everything that you wanted to say to him– it's been boiling inside of you for days. But there was never a moment that presented itself to where you could get Tyler alone, and you no longer felt comfortable just showing up at his place. So, you just pushed it onto the backburner and knew that somewhere down the road, you'd be able to accept that things would be like this from here on out– avoiding each other and pretending like nothing ever happened.
"Y/N, wait!" Halfway down the hallway, you stopped in your tracks as you listened to the sound of a door closing and shoes scuffing along the floor.
You didn't want to turn around, hell, you didn't even want to stop. But it was like your body turned against you the moment that you heard his voice. His footsteps came to a stop just behind you and you could hear him panting a little, trying to catch his breath. In his hand, you heard the slight jingle of a single key on a lanyard, and your heart squeezed in your chest.
"You can't do this. You can't leave!" The anger in his voice took you by surprise, just like his reaction only moments ago in the training room had. "You can't let me stop you from keeping this internship."
"Excuse me?" You scoffed, whipping around and feeling pure adrenaline running through your veins. "That's awfully narcissistic of you."
He looked taken back as he held tightly onto the lanyard he'd gifted you. "That's why you're leaving, though. Because of...everything?" He took a step towards you, shaking his head. "If it is I–"
Maybe it was the way he had phrased the sentence or maybe it was the way that he had pretty much just written off every moment the two of you had shared in a hesitant state. Whatever it was, you felt a whirl of anger and adrenaline swirling around inside of you as you clenched your fists by your side. "I completed my hours, Tyler, meaning my internship is done. I've fulfilled my duties as an intern here and even if it was about you and 'everything'," you threw your air quotes as you stared at him, your eyes hoping to burn holes into his head. "My position here was never permanent and we both knew that."
You felt slightly proud of yourself for the sly insinuation you threw in at him, and even more so proud when you saw that he understood just what you were implying. "Y/N listen, we need to talk."
Even if you wanted to, you couldn't have prevented the laugh that escaped from your mouth. "You've had almost two weeks to 'talk', Tyler. Two weeks to send me a text or a phone call to meet up someplace! But now that I'm leaving and I'll no longer be around for your convenience, it's the perfect time to talk?"
He stood there silent because he knew damn well that you were right. He had plenty of opportunities in the last two weeks to reach out to you, but he hadn't even bothered to pick up the phone and there was no denying it. You stood there, taking him in and it only made you feel worse. He had a hurt look on his face like he was lost as to what you wanted him to say or to do– and that only made you angrier. It was simple, what you wanted him to do. For the last two weeks, all you've wanted was for him to just talk to you, to let you know that he hadn't tossed you aside like another pointless hookup. But now, all you wanted to do was get everything off of your chest, and it was then that you realized...the universe was granting you the alone time you've desperately wanted.
"You don't get it, do you?" You asked, shaking your head as you felt a knot tighten in your throat. "You don't get how...how embarrassed I am! Do you know how many people told me to avoid getting involved with you? That you'd do nothing but end up hurting me in the end?"
"'He has a reputation for a reason, Y/N!' 'All he does is whore around Dallas, Y/N.' 'You guys are in two different stages of life, it won't work out.'" You laughed again, trying your damndest not to try. "I've heard it all, Tyler. From Kennedy, from your teammates, from kids at my school, hell– I even heard it from my mom!"
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked off to your left, giving yourself a few seconds to compose your thoughts before looking at him again. "But I brushed their worries aside because I saw a side of you that they never got the chance to. I saw how kind and sweet you were with me. How you'd jump at any opportunity to help me study and how you always made me feel welcome in your home."
"I saw it all and I thought, 'hey, you know what? They're all wrong. He's not that kid in Boston and he's not the same guy he was when he first got to Dallas.'" You pointed at him before letting your hand drop back to your side. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I know people can change and with my whole heart, I believed that you had."
He continued to stare at you, almost void of emotion now as if he had put up a wall and was just letting you scream at it, which only made you more upset. "I understand that you could have lost your best friend, I really do. And I'd never ask you to put our, whatever the hell we had, above your friendship with Jamie."
 Your bottom lip trembled as you thought about the nights since, where you've checked your phone every minute to see if he had texted you. "But you could have texted me. You could've said 'hey, I just need some space right now to figure stuff out' and I would have been fine with that! Instead, you just...tossed me aside and shut me out."
The more that you spoke, the more weightless you began to feel. It was as if speaking every word and feeling you had saved for Tyler was freeing you of the pain that him dropping you like nothing, had caused. Yet, you couldn't help but feel angry at how he was just standing there. You wanted a reaction, you wanted him to apologize– anything was better than this.
"Say something! Stop standing there and staring at me!" You yelled, feeling surprised at yourself for just how high your voice had gone and echoed off of the walls.
You watched his Adam's apple bob as his fingers tangled and twirled through the lanyard."Jamie and I... we've been talking and I think it's going well."
"Well that's great for you, isn't it?" You scoffed, shaking your head and motioning towards him with a hand. "At least my brother is talking to someone, right? Better you than me, I guess. I'm happy you got your best friend back, I truly am."
The longer you stood there, the more you felt your body begin to shake from the pure adrenaline running through you. And the more that he just stared at you, the more you felt your heart breaking because it was starting to become clear that you were the only one who was hurting from all of this. You laughed in disbelief at your revelation before turning away from him, preparing to walk down the aisle and out of his view.
"Why?" You asked, keeping your back turned. "Why did you do it?"
"...Why did I do, what?"
You turned around, your hair whipping into your face before you brushed it back with your fingers. "Why did you go back to Maisy?" Your voice cracked as you spoke softly, staring at him with the tears that were threatening to spill. "Why did you treat me like I was the most important person to you and then toss me aside like I was just another pointless hookup?"
"Did you even care? Wait, no, of course, you didn't and would you like to know how I know that, Tyler?" You stared at him, expecting an answer but knowing you wouldn't get one. "Because you practically rushed me out of your house and into an uber like I was nothing. You couldn't even be bothered to make sure I got home okay! The first sign of trouble and you toss me into an uber, sent me away and then ignored me like every..."
Your voice broke as you brought a hand to your mouth and turned away from him. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your racing heart before looking back at him. "You ignored me like every moment we spent together meant nothing to you. And m-maybe they did but to me? They're some of the best memories I've had here in Dallas."
"So imagine how it made me feel, when my brother of all people, tells me that she's here...in your seats, not even four days after you had sex with me and tossed me aside." You glared at him as your bottom lip trembled once again. "You made me look like a joke Tyler."
"It wasn't like that, okay? Maisy was just–"
"I don't care what it was like, Tyler! She was here, in seats YOU bought her last season!" You yelled, throwing your arms in the air. "You told me that you guys were over! That you haven't talked to her since July and yet, there she was!"
The moment you felt the first tear glide down your cheek, you knew that you only had moments before you would burst into tears. You went to speak and a small sob escaped from the back of your throat. Tyler went into a small panic, his eyes widening as he stepped forward and reached out for you. "Y/N–"
"Don't," You stepped back, smacking his hand away. "Don't touch me, just...don't." You closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing and collecting your thoughts before opening them and looking at him one last time. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt Tyler, but it turns out everyone was right."
You laughed again, shrugging your shoulders and shaking your head. "You're still that 19-year-old kid in Boston, who doesn't have a clue about what he wants for his life...you're nowhere near the man I thought you were." You looked him dead in the eyes, not caring about the tears running down your face. "Grow up."
With that, you turned your back to him and started to finish your journey down the hall and to the elevator, choosing to ignore how his footsteps followed you. "Y/N, wait...please."
You stopped, this time choosing to and kept your head down towards the ground and holding back your sobs. "SEGGY WHERE ARE YOU? GET DRESSED, WE'VE GOT 5 MINUTES TILL WARM-UPS!" Big Rig called out, his loud voice echoing down the hall.
You expected to hear Tyler's footprints walk in the opposite direction, but you were met with silence. "Y/N, stay after the game, please? I just," he sighed, trying to figure out what to say. "We really need to talk about everything and just...please wait for me after the game? Five minutes, two minutes, one minute– whatever you want, I don't care. Just...please, let me explain?"
"SEGGY LET'S GO!" Rads called out this time, his voice louder as you kept your back to Tyler.
You heard him sigh again before listening to his footsteps run in the direction back towards the locker room. You didn't hesitate to walk as fast as you could to the elevator, letting out every tear and sob your body had held back as he pleaded for a chance to explain. It was all you wanted from him, an explanation, but he was too late. You weren't staying for the game, you were leaving the arena and hopping onto a flight to Victoria in two hours.
You just didn't have the heart to tell him that.
You were grateful for the elevator attendant who stayed silent your entire ride up to the upper level. Before the doors opened, you took a deep breath and wiped your eyes, fixing yourself up before you'd make your way through the crowds and out of the arena. The attendant gave you a friendly smile as you walked out of the elevator. As soon as the doors closed and you made your way through the crowds, you spotted Paisley turning away from the drink cart ahead of you and you were desperate for the crowd to swallow you up before she could witness you in all of your misery.
Unfortunately for you, the universe wasn't so kind because as soon as she looked up from her purse, her eyes locked on yours and she smiled and waved at you. You froze in place, probably bothering the fans trying to make their way around you as you watched in horror, Paisley coming towards you.
"Y/N, hi!" She smiled, just as cheery as the first time you met her, which again, made it so hard to dislike her. "What are you doing up here? I thought you were down in the training room and stuff?"
"How did you know that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Cole," she scoffed, rolling her eyes before taking a sip of her beer, which was another shock because you took her for a wine kind of girl. "He complained about it and Tyler Seguin and some dude named Big Rig? But I don't understand why because like, your job sounds really cool!"
"Well, it was pretty cool, but I finished up my internship, so I won't be here much longer." You replied, stuffing your hands awkwardly into your sweatshirt pockets.
She looked at you, her eyes taking in your appearance and lingering on your face for much longer than you'd like them to. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."
There were a lot of things you wanted to do right now and talking to the girl your boyfriend cheated on you with, was not on the list. But she was being so nice to you and after the horrible moment you just had with Tyler, you needed a little positivity right now. "I kind of just maybe...broke up with someone? I mean we weren't a thing, but we kind of were and it's just...it's a whole hot mess." You sighed, shaking your head and brushing it off. "It doesn't matter anymore."
She gasped, bringing her drink to her chest and grabbing onto your wrist with her free hand as she leaned in. "You broke up with Tyler? But why? You guys seemed so happy whenever I saw you out downtown. Even when I saw you walking around campus, you just looked so...happy."
"It's complicated."
She shook her head, sighing and taking a long sip of her wine. "I guess it is true then, men are shit. College guy or NHL player." She must have seen the shocked look on your face because she shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I dumped Cole's ass. Sometime after you left the ABC party. He's just an asshole! And I'm sorry about everything...I never knew and I feel horrible about it."
"It's okay, he really was an asshole." You laughed, feeling a small flutter of happiness rush through you for the first time in what felt like forever. As she joined you in laughter, you dug your phone out of your back pocket and smiled. "What's your number? Maybe we can hang out after break?"
"Oh my God, yes!" She squealed, taking your phone from your hands and bringing her own out. "And I'll add you on snap and Instagram, too! Honestly, you and Kennedy seem like the coolest girls and I've always wanted to be friends with you since freshman year English lit, but we never really had classes together again."
"We can make plans for spring break maybe?" You suggested as the two of you added each other on social media before putting your phones away.
"Yes! We can plan it after break! Maybe you can even introduce me to a cute hockey boy?" She winked, nudging you playfully. "It seems to have worked out for Kennedy well."
You laughed again, nodding your head. "I know a few single guys, we'll see what we can do." You felt your phone vibrating and you brought it back out to see the notification about your uber being ten minutes out. "Oh shoot, I need to go and get my bags before my uber gets here. But I'll text you later?"
"Sure thing!" She nodded before turning to walk away. "Oh, and one more thing!"
"Don't count him out just yet, okay? As I said, I saw how he looked at you whenever I saw you guys downtown and if I know boys like I think I do...I'd say that boy loves you. And a boy in love doesn't give up that easily." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders before winking at you. "Just a thought."
You watched her disappear into the crowd, wondering what the hell just happened. When you made your way down the escalators and into the main lobby, you navigated your way towards the front office where Big Rig had asked the staff to hold your bags for you. Sneaking in and then out quickly, you grabbed the Stars 'staff' lanyard around your neck and stuffed it into your sweatshirt pockets before walking out of the arena doors with your luggage in hand and made your way to the spot where you'd meet your uber. As you stood there, waiting for your Uber to arrive, you thought about what she said. Out of curiosity, you brought your phone out of your back pocket again to see a new text on your screen...from Tyler.
'see you after the game?'
You went to reply to tell him the news, but your uber pulled up and you locked your phone and shoved it into your sweatshirt pocket along with the Dallas Stars lanyard.
You were leaving for Victoria, Tyler would go home to Toronto and there would be no waiting for him in the hallway after the game, giving him a chance to explain.
The damage was already done.
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messedupessy · 5 years
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Ahhh I finally finished them holy shit kefjkjffwfjk this took a bit longer than I expected but also at the same time went really, really fast xD So yeah, once again I have ended up making my own take on an au so hard that it like barely even resembles the original, because that’s the way I roll! 
And ya all got @insanelyadd to frikking blame because they are the cause for me suddenly getting ideas for this, like I been kind of wanting to try doing my own take on it for awhile because I got no self control but still, Goaty has been nothing but an enabling little sheit ever since this began last week so go send them some love ok UwU ❤
Anyway to the bros a quick little rundown on their personalities, and then a short summary on my take on the au, will post a longer summary with way more details later but going to put it up on ao3 so ya all can more easily read it etc, and will put it in a reblog of this post later when I do.
I also want to mention that similarly like I did with MessedUpTale, so have I tried to keep like allot of original UT personalities etc in my takes on these boys and the rest of the characters in UL, while still making them their own people, but yeah here goes gonna put both the summary and the personalities under a cut bc this post is way too long already
Also suggest ya all open the two ref pics in a different tab so to be able to read what things says properly etc, and also don’t tag this as ship bc this aien’t no shipping here even tho I know this be UL but I don’t ship it so don’t tag it as such thank u UwU ❤
And warning for very suggestive content etc below, and there might also be some triggering stuff maybe so watch urself ye
Ok so here are them personalities ye:
UL Pap aka Velvet:
He is very vain, pretty attention whorish he really, really wants attention and to be popular, which he is since he has gotten pretty famous for making naughty vids on the net with the energy of a youtube let’s player, but yet he is pretty insecure if people like him for him or just like him appearance wise and what he do in them vids, he loves what he do but he still got them insecurities. 
Don’t like the fact that his pupils are different sizes, and he is very keen to please like he is a very big people pleaser while still been confident he is a bit split, as he is confident but yet such a people pleaser who worries if he acts properly like himself he won’t be liked etc.
He is a switch but with a more dom side, but since he is so eager to please so does he not mind at all to take a more subbier role when doing the do. 
UL Snas aka Bin:
A total gremlin, but in the good way, really chill and relaxed, a total prankster and jokester who pretty much never take or do anything seriously, will constantly try to con people for fun for like kisses/hugs and naughtier stuff just to see how far they will let him go with it. He is not depressed and is actually pretty happy overall, only thing in his life he got a little bit problem with is the fact literally no one, except his bro, takes him seriously, which is kind of his own fault but what can he do. 
Is a total pillow princess who prefers to do absolutely nothing, so during boning as long as he don’t really have to do anything he’s game.
Now for the short au summary:
Hundreds of years ago there was a country of wizards, who came up with this great idea of making literal living sex dolls which were called monsters because why the fuck not.
Then shit happened because the people in the country the birth rate began to go down af because everyone just wanted to bang monsters instead of fellow humans, and some humans wanted to give them all proper rights etc since technically monsters were alive etc, tension grew until it just frikking exploded as one wizard did the impossible and made two monsters been able to reproduce which wasn’t supposed to be able to even happen.
So civil war broke out, the resistance for pro monsters were allot smaller and losing af so they sent the still living monsters to a far off island where they locked them up to keep them safe using a magic machine which hides them from humanity. This was not meant to be temporary but since the whole country then went and got razed to the ground af by another country and got completely destroyed so are the monsters now stuck on the island.
3000 years then passes with the monsters making a life on the island where they be evolving and becoming more sentient and actual people and not just dolls, but something strange happens one day where two humans ends up shipwrecked on the island, something that should be impossible etc.
And that’s the quick and short af sunmary of it, keep an eye out for the longer one ye
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
I wanted to talk about a point someone made about mentioning mutuals on your fics that you think will enjoy reading. Its a great idea bc it’s a nice boost that can help make new/unpopular writers comfortable. It’s actually how I started off when I was new and didn’t know anything about "etiquette" or rules. People were actually supportive. Whether it was reblogging stuff or just being very nice to talk with. I never felt left out even though I wasn’t popular (1/5)
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Oof Nonny a lot to unpack here.
Okay, first we all started out small, all had zero readers and yes it’s nice to think you can tag your mutuals and yes there are also those who don’t like being tagged when they didn’t ask. If it’s a really good mutual you are gonna know if they mind. I will sometimes tag my mutuals in things I found with low note counts when I know they will enjoy them.
There is no quick and easy way to find readers. I know I probably look dumb with my high note counts saying that but here’s the thing, not every story is for every reader. Even people on my perma tag who asked to be there aren’t into every story I’ve written, I have some fics that blow up and others that get crickets and I’ve been here for two years. You are going to lose loyal readers because they lose interest in the fandom or aren’t into the pairing you are currently writing but you will also find new readers in time. I have fics that posted at the beginning of me writing still getting notes, the right readers will find you, they just might not be here yet.
The person who suggested tagging mutuals also brought up a very good point, there are books and pairings in those books that are more popular than others. If you are writing for let’s say wlw there is a much smaller reader base there but it does exist. I wrote f!Cassian and got crickets but I also know that not everyone has f!Cassian.
I promise every single one of us still remembers when we were small, some of us still stay up all night to finish a fic. We also know that it takes guts to write and post. There are many blogs out there willing to help elevate newer writers, I am one of them @darley1101 is another who expressed the willingness to help.
I do understand the frustration and the hurt you might have felt when you read that post. That post wasn’t a way to keep you down. And yes it may seem like the bigger blogs only reblog each other but I promise we don’t.
Many of us have fallen behind in our reading. I know some have gotten to the point that if the person doesn’t reblog them they won’t give the same courtesy. Again this isn’t a way to keep anyone down.
We all have the same number of hours, but we all have different number of things to fill those hours. For some of us it’s not worth it to read and reblog someone who never reblogs them or anyone else because they only have so much time to read and they would rather spend their time reading and reblogging people they know appreciate them.
I promise we aren’t sitting on top of high towers laughing, we have the same insecurities and anxieties about posting our fics. We just have found a community of people that we fit into and yes we might read them first but there are many reasons you may not be getting read.
Tumblr sucks and isn’t sending notifications
Tumblr keeps changing the algorithm to be found in the search tags. Once upon a time you could tag, link your masterlist and be found in the searches, for a long while you couldn’t tag or link in the main post. It’s still hit or miss for me with tagging in the main post if I will be seen, I’m not linking because most of those aren’t being found.
No one is reblogging. There are more and more ghosts readers or people just liking. Likes are great but they aren’t seen. I tell this every time half of my favorite writers I found via a reblog that ended up on my dash.
Reblogs are being eaten. The amount of times that I’m in the middle of a long and wordy reblog and end up being tagged in the middle and tumblr decided I’m that blog is insane. When this happens my reblog is gone. I have to exit from the app and renter to be me again and start over, unless I was making notes as I went the reblog is never the same, I end up making it shorter cause I’m mad at tumblr especially after three or four times of this happening. I also know some people who thought it went up and it didn’t. It sucks. Also there have been times that tumblr didn’t bother notifying me that someone reblogged or commented on my own post. Tumblr really sucks.
The best way to guarantee you will be found in the tag search is to tag appropriately. Only tag the characters appearing in it, though I’ve seen some cases of that backfiring so tag the pairing and the LI in the pairing might be better. Tag triggers. Tag NSFW content. There are people who ask to be tagged but won’t reblog NSFW or certain triggers.
I wish I could give you a foolproof guaranteed way to find more readers but the truth is it is hard for all of us even if it doesn’t seem like it. We all fight for those notes. We all have to remember that we may not be everyone’s cup of tea. We all get anxious and freak out. We all spent hours on our fics. I promise it feels hard and like we are out to get you but we aren’t. All I can say is keep writing keep posting, don’t give up. There are other platforms you can try like AO3 you will see every hit but you don’t always get a million comments or kudos. Writing is hard for all of us, you have to have a passion to keep doing it, I still have waves of doubt and think “is it even worth it to keep writing” at least once a month but I keep going because at the end of the day I’d go crazier keeping my stories in my head.
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mybodyfails · 5 years
hi hi hiii. finally back home from berlin, caught a few zzz’s, still sleep deprived, but i’d do it again in a heartbeat!
i‘m gonna ~try to do bullet points here, but you know me... probably not gonna happen. sorry, you have to deal with my longwinded ramblings now, i‘m posting this mostly to remember it all for myself.
let me preface this with a quick disclaimer, these kind of events are usually not really for me, too awkward, too cringy, i’m shy as fuck and socially incompetent in general... but druck has had such an impact on my life, it was a no-brainer for me to go.
biggest shoutout to @lapalooz (with no access to her real tumblr, get on that!) for making the waiting time not only bearable but enjoyable with her engaging presence! aaand i’m pretty sure i wouldn‘t have made it to the meet&greet (aka hi&cry) if i didn‘t have the amazing @matteounterdruck by my side. thank you tina, so much!!! you really kept my spirits high and taught me how to release nervous energy through dancing! lmao ❤️❤️❤️
okay. let’s start at the beginning. the exhibition of and appreciation for all the fanart was one of my favourite things when we walked into that location. druck really said this show is as much about YOU as it is about US and just how lovely is that???
the q&a wasn‘t as bad as it could‘ve been... i just wish it would have been a bit longer though! they seemingly were prepared for the ‚why did amira‘s season end after 7 eps‘ question, but tua being honest and saying fuck yes, i wanted 10 eps for her too... iconic.
surprise surprise, the two people i truly didn‘t expect to be there were milena and michi. and then they were! and they were whispering to each other a lot <3 and michi was the most adorable awkward person to ever exist. you can tell he really is such a shy and private person, and i think seeing that spelled out right in front of us like this made it all the more special that he showed up at all! the things he ~did say were really witty and charming though, so there‘s that. 💕
the bloopers were so good, it was moving to see how much fun they had on set and that their friendships aren’t contrived in the slightest! all i kept thinking was “i can‘t wait to reblog the gifs of that to my tumblr“ haha. SO WHERE‘S THE VIDEO @DRUCK?!
for someone who went in there expecting to have a complete breakdown i was actually okay...ish when we watched the ep (i was so relieved to finally see amira again!) and david‘s film... until the cast went up on stage during anselm‘s second song and mile was stood there, tears streaming down her face, leaning on lukas for comfort. oi, that broke me. :(
quick shoutout to the person behind me who was crying in the club as they say, no, actually it was full on SOBBING. in my mind i just kept going ~SAME~. and, you know, anselm‘s songs didn‘t help the cause either... what a mess.
now on to the meet&greet. if you’re not interested in the people behind druck, or you think meeting them in person is weird or whatever - then this part is not for you and you’ll want to x out of here right now, please spare me the comments, i‘ve already had enough negativity in this fandom for years to come, whew.
i‘ll put this under a cut, just to be extra sure.
you know, i‘ve grown so attached to these characters over the last 1.5 years and it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to say thanks to the actresses/actors who made them come to life. for real though, i think really looking them in the eyes and saying THANK YOU was the best thing about the whole experience for me.
this‘ll be chaotic, i’m just gonna list everything i remember off the top of my head, please bear with me.
first of all: best. cast. ever! every single one of them was lovely in their own way... some of them are really high energy people (keep in mind we went in reallllly late, they had been doing this for hours at that point!)... think anselm, tua and mile. they just carried everyone else with their energy!
anselm was as warm and welcoming as i expected, yet it still surprised me how confidently he handled the whole situation (unlike me rip)... i literally blurted out “you‘re such a good host!“ to him and he sounded really flattered when thanking me. he just has the best vibes <3
naomi... oh my god. i was really shocked to even see her at all which was only right before it was our turn with her group. she made a little sarcastic remark about how she “can‘t wait to be tagged in alllll the pictures“ lmao. just leave it up to her to make me fall in love in real life too. :(
i don‘t know if they did it in all of their pictures, but her and hassan were hugging it out in the background of ours like the laura/mohammed crackship that they are. loved that! lmao
speaking of hassan though, i only had the BRIEFEST interaction with him bc how does one cope with all that beauty up close?! one doesn‘t, that‘s how. damn.
i lovelovelove that they kept the five girls together for the photo op, now the pictures ended up looking like we‘re part of their squad!
tua was the life of the party, she made the whole room dance and sing along when ‘geiles leben’ came on (that was when most people had left already bc we went in so late)... it was such a special moment!!! she was also really confused whether to speak german or english to us, bilingual queen!
lea gives the BEST hugs that was so unexpected for such a tiny person, she REALLY goes in wow.
jobel... all i remember is that my face was literally buried in her hair while we were hugging and she smelled amazing!
and lilly omg... lilly! my favourite bean, so easy to talk to, the best aura! she was kinda stretching her legs out when we got to her (l m a o) and kept thanking us for waiting so long (which... a few of them said that... and i always replied with a hä?! thank YOU for doing this for so long!) and rolled her eyes just at the thought of the aftershow party they had planned and told us she‘ll only drink water though! lmao
mile as i mentioned earlier was being so motivational, yelling “we‘re gonna do it! we‘re gonna get through all of you!“ in between again and again, probably more for herself than any of us haha. we did end up talking about food with her, which... you know. foodies amongst each other. ;)
found a whole new appreciation for louis... who poured so much of himself into carlos oh my god. chill. quick witted. hilarious!
so now i left lukas for last. as i briefly mentioned before, i didn’t go up to him after romeo&juliet, but this time i did (there really was no other option when you were there, that would‘ve been rude lol) and i wasn’t let down. at all. he was one of the few people who actually properly introduced himself and that is SO nice, one of the things i’ve always loved about people who are in that kinda position, you know? he is just the sweetest sweetheart, we all know it, he’s proven it over and over. he ran across the room bc some fans forgot their photos at their table, that’s how considerate he is. while we were waiting for our pics to be printed, he came over and hugged us AGAIN and made it a point to say goodbye. MY HEART. 💕
oh, also... we noticed that the mile/flo/louis/lukas group was the most organised with the whole picture situation... they had a ~system going y‘all. lmao
okay. i think this might be it for now. OOF. if anyone actually read all that... you deserve a cookie. i know i promised coherent thoughts, but this is. what you’re gonna get. oops?
if i remember other bits and pieces i‘ll put them in my tags or whatever.
i‘m gonna see myself out now.
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doing-all-write · 5 years
the art of flirting on a hover board pt. 3
Ivy runs a successful arts non-profit and Joe tags along when Rami and Lucy go to visit her. But what happens when a simple bet made over a hover board competition gets out of hand?
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Ivy (OC)
Rating: Rated S for Soft Bitch Hours
Warnings: None! (Yet)
This is the second to last part! I hope you guys are all loving it :)
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Part 1    ~~~     Part 2
Any comments, notes, love, hate WHATEVER you got for this, let me know!
Reblogs and feedback are much appreciated bc I crave validation!!!!!
"Oh, FUCK yeah." 
The opening notes of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue filled the kitchen as Ivy got up to make some more coffee. 
The kitchen that was part of the living space of the organization was every Fixer Upper fans wet dream.
Big windows, marble counter tops, a farmhouse table, an island and even a special cabinet dedicated solely to coffee mugs upon Ivy's request. ("I don't think one woman should own so many coffee mugs" was Joe's response as he looked at it with a horrified expression.)
Since Rami, Joe and Lucy had shown up, the past few days had passed in a blur. The "Unholy Trinity" as Ivy had dubbed them, had been so generous with their time. They had hosted "office hours" where kids could go in and talk to them in small groups or one-on-one for advice. They each had given a lecture or done a Q and A in one of the auditoriums. 
(Rami had walked on stage for his first Q and A session and was given a standing ovation. This meant that, for several days, whenever Rami walked into a room, Lucy and Ivy would leap to their feet, applauding wildly.)
Ivy had gotten to spend time with each of them and while she and Rami went way back, she found it incredibly easy to talk to both Lucy and Joe. She felt like she and Lucy had known each other for forever and had even had a wine night with Erin where Erin and Lucy had teased Ivy mercilessly about her and Joe's hopeless flirting. 
There had been one incident in particular that Lucy had gleefully filled Erin in on.
They had been backstage during Lucy's Q and A session. 
Ivy was backstage, acting as stage manager after introducing Lucy and Rami, who was the moderator, onstage. Joe had tagged along for support.
He said.
He really just wanted a chance to hang out with Ivy.  
In a small, dimly lit area. 
Once Ivy had checked to ensure lights were good, mics on and working and everyone was set, she had made a beeline to Joe who was on the side of the stage. 
After the third question asking Lucy what it had been like dating her co-star Ivy had had enough of the bullshit and decided to take her boredom out on Joe. 
"OW. Why did you do that?" Joe hissed as he rubbed his side where Ivy's elbow had delivered a vicious blow.
Ivy shrugged, "I don't know, 'm bored."
Joe rolled his eyes, "So this is your mature decision? To elbow an innocent man?"
Ivy considered his statement and ran a hand through her hair. Joe watched it flutter back around her face like so many strands of delicate thread. He wanted that hair fanned out over a pillow, his pillow to be exact. He wanted it in his face as he woke up. He wanted to run his fingers through it when they were watching TV. There had been so many times he had had to physically stop himself from touching her hair.
"Well, yes. To be fair, you are in my line of fire." Ivy said as the smile she had tried to keep contained broke free as her eyes slid over to meet Joe's. 
Joe sighed as he shook his head, "Oh, you are so going to regret this"
Ivy's brows furrowed as she tried to figure out what he meant when Joe's elbow shot out, knocking into her arm and causing her to stumble a few steps to the right.
She turned to Joe with a mock outraged look on her face, "Oh, it is so ON" she hissed as she came at him, elbows flying. 
Joe threw up his arms just in time to deflect the first blows of Ivy's assault. Elbows were being thrown wildly as they desperately tried to keep their laughter stifled so as not to disrupt the action onstage. 
Finally, Ivy couldn't take it anymore, she was laughing so hard she thought she would choke, "Alright. Alright! Truce. TRUCE." She panted as she held out her hands to catch Joe's elbows in a desperate attempt to get him to stop.
He felt her hand wrap around his elbow and he dropped his hand to land on her bicep as they stood in the dimly lit backstage area.
They were both suddenly aware of how they were the only two people back there.
The quiet atmosphere, the dim lighting, the whispered words all came together to set a scene that had Ivy's heart fluttering and a familiar warmth building inside of her once again.
She could take care of that warmth later. She had taken care of it, multiple times in fact. But no matter how many times she touched herself or came around her vibrator it was always the same name that fell from her lips when she came undone.
Joe felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked down at Ivy.  
She was very aware of how close she was standing next to Joe.
She could smell his cologne.
He could smell her perfume. 
She flicked her eyes up to Joe's and was engulfed by the deep brown. He couldn't stop thinking about her lips and when she parted them to let out a shaky breath he almost let out a groan. 
She looked down at his lips.
He kept his gaze on hers. 
She tilted her head a fraction of an inch. 
He shuffled his feet closer. 
And then,
There was thunderous applause as Lucy and Rami waved to the crowd and made their way backstage. 
Ivy's hand fell as she turned her body away from Joe's, unhooking her hair behind her ears to hopefully cover the blush she knew was inevitably spreading. 
Joe coughed into his hand as he shuffled his feet, trying to look like nothing had happened. 
And nothing had happened. 
So, then why, when Lucy looked at them both, did it feel like they had been caught naked?
After Lucy had shared that story, Erin and Lucy had done nothing but tease Ivy about the whole thing and offer some incredibly colorful descriptions of what, exactly, Joe could do with his hands. While they had schemed to figure out other ways to get Joe and Ivy back together in a dimly lit area, Ivy had kept another, similar, incident to herself.
Ivy had been planning out the month's events late one night. This was a task that required a large chunk of time, complete solitude, her best playlist of 80's Bops and Jamz and one break for pizza.
Rami, Lucy and Joe had supplied the pizza and the much needed break when they stopped by to check on Ivy.
That had been three hours ago and her eyes were starting to cross as she stared at the spreadsheet on her laptop, then to the whiteboard full of indecipherable scribbles then to the planner to her right. 
She huffed out a laugh as she pulled up a picture of the Charlie Kelly meme from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where he's standing in front of a board that looked much like her own. She stood up to take a selfie in front of the board. She added the two pictures next to each other and tweeted, "Who did it better?" Laughing at her own cleverness it quickly turned to a sigh as she turned her gaze back to the board and the impossible equation before her.  
Joe had been hanging out in the living room, sprawled on the couch, halfheartedly watching a Planet Earth documentary and scrolling through social media when he saw Ivy's tweet. 
"Who did it better?" Her eyes looking crazy as she stood in front of the same whiteboard he had seen earlier that night. He smiled to himself as he contemplated her picture. Even trying to take a funny picture, she was still so cute. 
He saw the time stamp and realized she had only sent it out a few minutes ago. He glanced up and made a quick decision. 
He hopped up from the couch, tucking his phone into the pocket of his sweatpants. He tugged his white t-shirt down as he ambled down the hallway back towards the office area. 
He padded down dimly lit hallways that felt too quiet. He was already used to the noise that filled the building during the day. People talking over each other, sharing ideas, yelling out to friends, he could almost convince himself the air was thick with unfinished artistic ideas. 
He started climbing the staircase at the front of the building to see one of the last conference rooms at the end of the hall still lit up. Ivy was standing in front of the white board, hands on her hips. Her hair had been pulled up into a ponytail, heels kicked off and abandoned hours earlier. The faint sound of synths leaking through the doorway indicated the 80's playlist was still going strong. 
He knocked on the window and laughed as she jumped and turned around to see who was still up. 
She smiled and Joe noticed her eyes were considerably dimmer, the shadows underneath more prominent. 
She opened the door and waved him in, "Welcome to my self-imposed prison. Visiting hours are technically over but I can make an exception this once." 
"Have you interacted with another human since we left you...four hours ago?"
"NO I HAVE NOT!! Thank you so much for asking, please save me." 
He watched in amusement as she sank onto the floor and her head bonked against the wall. Her head fell into her hands as she rubbed her temples.
"Right, we're getting you out of here. This is...A PRISON BREAK." Joe declared as he leapt onto the table. 
Ivy just face planted onto the floor, 
"I can't break free, trademark Queen," Joe nodded his thanks solemnly as Ivy continued to talk into the carpet,  "until I get these last two sessions scheduled but the people teaching them have conflicts on the same DAY and I literally cannot figure out how to make it WORK unless I start over and I REALLY don't-"
"Switch them with Gracie's seminar and Adam's demo."
He saw her body still as she considered what he had just said. 
She slowly pushed herself up to a standing position as she faced the board with wide eyes.
She turned to face Joe and stared at him with a dazed look on her face, "You're a fucking genius."
Joe shrugged in faux modesty, "So they tell me. Now c'mon, let's get you out of here."
Ivy groaned, "Please. I can hear my bed and sweatpants calling to me even from here." 
Joe chuckled as he jumped off the table and walked towards her. She stuck out her arms and wrapped them around his neck to pull him close to her.
"Thank you, I was losing my mind."
Joe's arms instinctively wrapped around her as he rested his chin on the top of her head, "Of course. Always happy to help you."
Ivy pulled away and gazed up at him with sleepy eyes and a soft smile.
Joe realized how close her mouth was to his. Ivy felt Joe's breath break over her face, the smell of his toothpaste sending her heart fluttering.
Joe could count all of the freckles that covered Ivy's cheeks.
The moment stretched out.
Ivy's eyes searched Joe's.  
Joe took a deep breath as he got ready to lower his head down.
Then Ivy's laptop chimed with a notification and the spell was broken. 
She hadn't told anyone about that moment. 
Ivy poured coffee into her mug as she heard someone shuffle into the kitchen and offered them a "good morning" as she placed the pot back onto the burner. 
Joe rubbed his eyes as he stretched and murmured a good morning back to Ivy. He shuffled closer and tugged on the end of Ivy's ponytail, "When did those even come back?"
"What? Scrunchies?" Ivy asked as she lifted up one hand to feel the leopard print one keeping her hair back.
"Yeah, weren't those popular in the 80's?"
"Umm, yeah but they came back in style months ago. Keep up old man." She teased as she took a sip of coffee. 
"Ah. Please tell me there's more coffee. I don't think I can talk about scrunchies anymore until I have some." 
"Fair. I just made some more. Help yourself." She indicated the nearly full pot and Joe groaned in ecstasy. 
"I know, she's beautiful" Ivy sighed as she wrapped her hands around her own mug and inhaled deeply. 
"Do you guys have any more mugs or..?" Joe asked pointedly as he motioned toward The Mug Cabinet.
"No, just cup your hands, I'll pour some in to them for you."
"Oh perfect, let me just-" Joe cupped his hands as he stepped closer to Ivy who laughed and reached her hand out to push against his shoulder, "We have mugs, obviously. Some uneducated swines might even say Too Many Mugs." She threw a pointed look at Joe as she opened the cabinet with a flourish.
"Okay but like, c'mon Ivy. It's a ridiculous amount of mugs for one woman to own."
"Well if you're just going to insult my mugs then you don't get one." She moved to close the door, 
"Alright, well, hold on," Joe's hand shot out to stop the hand that was closing the door. 
"Mozzarello, you made it very clear that-" Ivy's retort died in her throat as she turned to look up at Joe who in turn was looking down at her. Pinning her in place with his stare. 
Ivy could hear herself swallow extra loudly as she felt her body temperature rise and her cheeks start to flush. 
"I made it very clear, what?" Joe realized his voice had dropped about three octaves.
"That-that, um, you don't...believe...in mugs." She let the sentence die and cringed at how dumb that sounded. 
"I don't believe in mugs, huh?"
"Well, that's what it sounded like!" Ivy could hear her voice starting to rise into territory only dogs would be able to hear and willed herself to take it down several notches. 
Joe's eyes hungrily took in her flushed cheeks, the movement of her throat as she swallowed (he couldn't think too hard about swallowing, he would combust then and there) how her hand was shaking beneath his. He wanted this moment to last forever but also wanted to get to the part where he was finally kissing her. 
Lucy had been scrolling through her phone as she wandered towards the kitchen. She got closer and something told her to stop.
She looked up and strained her ears as she heard two voices, one distinctly male, the other female. 
She locked her phone, then slowly approached the swinging door. 
The door hadn't closed fully so she peered through the crack and nearly ruined everything by yelling in excitement. 
She spun around and ran into Rami who reached out to steady her,
"Woah, hey, what's going on? Why aren't you-?"
"We need to get out of here, NOW! Or else everything will be ruined, c'mon!" She practically pulled him off his feet as she hurried down the hallway, phone already opened to Erin's contact information as she slammed the call button.
"Someone better be dying. It's a Saturday. The Lord said to rest on Saturday."
"Pretty sure that's Sunday."
"Even more of a sign that I need rest."
"Well you're about to be fully awake because guess who's in the kitchen together, inches apart, practically drowning in the sexual tension they've created?"
Lucy heard the ruffling of blankets as Erin pushed herself up, "Is it? Really? Don't joke with me about things like this. We've waited too long."
Lucy bit back a laugh, "You know I wouldn't call you this early on a Saturday without it being serious as hell."
"Luce, I know you can't see me but I am doing a happy dance on my bed."
"What do you think I'm doing in the hallway now?"
"So...does that mean we can't go into the kitchen to get coffee?"
Rami winced as Lucy's fist connected with his shoulder and Erin's screams came through the phone.
"So, are you going to get a mug or...?" Ivy had found her throat so dry it took all of her concentration to push the words out.  She was starting to worry that she and Joe had been standing in this position for too long and it was no longer flirty but just weird. 
"Yeah. I am. But right now, coffee's not really top of mind." Joe admitted as his eyes flicked to her lips and back up to her eyes.
Her lips parted and Joe knew that if he didn't kiss her in the next 30 seconds he would lose his fucking mind.
"Yeah. Same." Ivy internally rolled her eyes at how dumb she sounded. But, being so close to Joe, so close she could just reach out and grab him, she was surprised she was still standing. 
Joe couldn't tear his eyes away from her own. He knew that someone needed to make a move soon or something, or more likely someone, would come and ruin the moment. 
And as if he willed it into existence to ruin his own life, he heard footsteps, Lucy yelling incomprehensibly and then, 
"REV UP THOSE FRIERS BECAUSE I NEED COFFEE" as Sean kicked the door open followed closely by Adam. Ivy heard Lucy getting closer and yelling at them to not do what she thought they were going to do. 
Ivy quickly stepped around Joe to intercept the two men as Joe just stared at a point on the wall.
He had been so close. 
It took everything in Ivy not to knock Sean and Adam's heads together. 
She had been so close. 
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endemictoearth · 7 years
About Town Pt. 2
AT LONG LAST! (And I’ve written more than a sentence of the next part, which was my mistake with my first part . . . so you WILL NOT have to wait six freaking months for Part 3.)
I have so many fics in my tabs and need to do a lot of reading/reblogging, but decided I didn’t want to let another month go by where I wasn’t contributing! 
I have gotten some lovely messages about this fic, in particular, so I hope part 2 lives up to expectations . . . there will be at least one more part, but this isn’t a traditional Frae fic. 
I hope you enjoy! (I will be putting this on the Round-Up forthwith, but am not tagging, bc I’m not sure who wants to be tagged anymore . . . )
(Oh, and to refresh your memories, here’s a link to Part 1.)
* * * * *
On Tuesday after school, Finn was back at the shop. Both Rob and Dave were there, sorting through the delivery of new stock.
Finn dropped his bag behind the counter, and they grunted a unison greeting without looking up. Finn smirked, immediately getting stuck in to the stock, as well.
He wanted to say something about Saturday, about how he had seen Rae, how he knew . . . something. He knew where she was, but not why she was there. He knew what she looked like with the sun at her back, but not how she felt about . . . well, anything. He’d got a couple pieces of a 1000 piece jigsaw, and he just wanted to keep gathering more, fit them together into a complete picture.
But when he went to say something, it was like there wasn’t enough air in the room, or maybe just in his lungs. He tried to take a deep breath, but only managed a deflated sigh.
“What’s up wi’ you?” Dave asked, his tone tinged with the typical ‘just us lads’ harshness. The default reply to any question about how one was should be some form of shrug, grunt or “Alright, I s’pose.” No highs or lows were allowed . . . this was a mellow space for cool people.
Rob elbowed Dave in the arm. “Shut up, mate—his nan’s ill,” he said in undertones. Finn had to strain to make it out, and when he did, he flushed.
“How’s your nan, Finn? She still on the ward? They looking after her alright?”
Rob was good people, Finn thought.
He nodded. “She’s not doing too bad; at least, she hasn’t gotten any worse.”
“Glad to hear it,” Rob nodded.
Dave frowned and kicked an empty box toward the backroom door. “Sorry to hear about your nan, Finn. But it’s good they’re lookin’ after her properly.”
Finn nodded again. He leant down to pick up another box, and when he straightened back up to place it on the counter, he said, “Funny thing, though . . .” and had the immediate interest of the other two.
“Yeah?” asked Rob, sorting through a load of used cds. Though he wasn’t looking at him, Finn could tell he had his attention.
Finn stammered, “I-it’s weird, ‘cause we were just talking about her, but when I were at the hospital, I run into—erm—Rae, y’know, Saturday Rae? The . . . girl who hasn’t been by in a while.”
He cleared his throat into the silent shop.
Rob looked up, and tried to read Finn’s face. “Oh, yeah? Was she . . . ?” he didn’t seem to know what to ask, but Finn could guess his question. Was she a patient or was she visiting someone?
“She had a bracelet on. I think . . . I think she’s been there this whole time.” Finn exhaled a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding.
Dave coughed pointedly. He’d never been good with words, Dave. Even worse than Finn for talking. It was one of the things that bonded the two of them. They could both abide long silences without feeling the need to fill the air with blather. Rob probably talked the most, but even he wasn’t on a constant yammer.
But now, this seemed to need to be said, only what was he saying? He didn’t know her diagnosis. Maybe she had something physically wrong with her, but she didn’t look sick or extra pale or like she’d lost weight or broken a bone . . . she looked just the same. The same way she did standing on the other side of the shop. He stared over at the display rack, imagining she was there, squinting at a track list.
Rob asked a complete question this time. “Did you talk to her?”
“Real quick, but yeah. I gave her one of the extra Melody Makers. I mean, I had one with me. Seemed to cheer her up. Well, a bit.”
Looking over at his boss and his co-worker, Finn saw them both nodding like those dashboard dachshunds his dad had in the car. Like they couldn’t think what else to do, let alone say.
Because they’d all seen it, without really realizing it. She came in, quiet and unassuming, rarely smiled, always alone. There was a certain air about her.
There was that time those lads from outside the corner shop had followed her in and said a few disgusting things before Dave ran them out, shouting, “Next time, you’re banned for permanent!” as they scurried up the street. Finn wasn’t in that time; he wasn’t sure what he would have done if he’d witnessed that first hand.
There was the fact that she hardly ever bought anything, just looked and looked, carefully reading track listings and skimming music magazines, doing her best to absorb what she could just by being in the shop. Nodding along to the music, sometimes jotting notes in her beat up orange notebook (Finn always assumed it was lyrics she wanted to remember.)
Those things they’d observed and promptly forgotten, never adding them up or drawing conclusions, because you couldn’t. Not really.
But when they heard, “She’s in the hospital.” and “She might’ve been there this whole time.” A chord is struck somewhere, familiar yet haunting.
Dave moved over to the periodical section, as swift as his bad knee would let him, and decisively grabbed one of each of the magazines on the rack. He thrust the pile at Finn.
Finn raised an eyebrow.
“Next time you go. Give her these. Just say they were extras, leftover, whatever.”
When Finn took the stack in his hands, Dave spun around, picked up another box with a quick sniff, and flipped open his pocket knife to cut along the taped seam.
Finn tightened his grip for a moment, then remembered himself, and smoothed the covers before slipping them into his bag.
“Thanks, Dave. I’m sure she’ll appreciate them.”
Rob piped up with a question. “Do you know if she has a way of playing music? I could make her some copies of stuff.”
Finn bit his lip, wishing he’d thought of that first. “No, sorry, we only spoke for a minute. But if I go back . . . I mean, I’ll ask. I’ll find out.”
“Yeah, let me know.”
The three of them unpacked in silence for a few moments.
Then Dave said, suddenly, “Finn, d’y’wanna to leave early? It’s pretty dead, and we’ve got this. I won’t dock your pay. But . . . you know . . . if you wanted to . . .”
Finn picked up his bag and jacket and said, “I might not make visiting hours, but I’ll try.”
“Cheers,” Dave and Rob said, replying in unison.
* * * * *
Finn had taken his scooter to work, so he made it to the hospital in record time. He’d remembered her last name, from her bracelet and the post-it on the Oasis CD months ago. Earl.
“Rae Earl?” He asked for her at second floor reception, near where he’d seen her before, trying to seem nonchalant, but his fingers drumming too fast on the strap of his bag gave him away.
“She expecting you?” the nurse behind the desk asked, deadpan.
“Um, probably not, but I saw her the other day, wanted to check up���I mean, check IN. I just . . . wondered how she was.” He swiveled his neck in an attempt to feel less uncomfortable, but it didn’t work.
“Yes, well, I’ll let her know you’re here. Have a seat.”
Finn inclined his head. When the nurse had disappeared behind a pair of swinging doors, he collapsed onto one of the turquoise plastic chairs that were bolted to the wall. He slipped his bag over his head, wrapping the strap around his palm a few times, squeezing the canvas and leather.
He wanted to bite his thumbnail so bad it almost hurt, instead he slipped his free hand under his thigh, pressing down against the smooth surface of the seat.
Just then, the door swung open and the nurse bustled back out and settled into the seat behind the desk without so much as a glance Finn’s way.
He was about to clear his throat and ask what Rae had said, when on the second swing of the doors, she was there, hovering with an uncertain look on her face while the door wobbled into place behind her.
As he stood, his bag hit the side of his knee. He didn’t wince, just walked over to her. When he was right in front of her, he said, “Hiya.” He winced now, his voice nearly squeaking on the second syllable.
Rae had yanked her sleeves down over her wrists, fingers pulling at each hem nervously. Finn dimly registered it was probably to hide her bracelet. She kept her head angled low, but peered up at him, eyes wide.
“Y’alright?” He closed his eyes in horror. Of course she wasn’t alright, but it was just one of those things you say, in normal greeting. At the pub or the chippy, running into your mates at the park. Not here in the hospital. “Sorry, I just . . . thought I’d stop by. I mean, I mentioned that I’d seen you and—“
“What?” She nearly spat the word.
“I mean, just . . . Dave and Rob. We were wondering where you’d got to and I said I’d seen you. That’s all. I mean, I don’t know . . . anything.” Finn unfurled the strap and swung his bag over his head, then stuffed his thumbnail in his mouth, not being able to resist any longer.
She didn’t seem happy, but he thought she might have relaxed just a bit.
“How was the mag?” he asked, desperate for her to say something. She was quiet in the shop, but her silence had never been this charged before.
Her eyes flew to his, then she seemed to remember. “Oh! Good, thanks, there were some great pictures in there. We’re allowed a bit of blu-tack, so I have something on my wall now.”
Finn nodded. That sounded bleak, but he tried not to show it. And it seemed like a good moment to mention the stash he had with him.
“Uh, we had some extras again, so Dave said I should . . . well, he said I could . . . anyway.”
Finn lifted the flap on his bag and drew out the pile, nearly a dozen titles. He squared them up against his hip, and held them out to Rae, her eyes growing bright all of a sudden.
“What? I can’t . . . that’s too much.”
“Trust me, we end up chucking some in the bin nearly every month . . . it’s better if someone reads them.”
She reached out slowly and Finn pressed the stack into her hands.
Her eyes questioned. “Dave really said these were extras?”
“Yeah, really.” Finn smiled at her, not too broad, not wanting to spook her.
“So you could’ve given me free mags before now, then,” she chuckled.
Finn was so relieved when she took them, he nearly laughed out loud.
Rae looked down, flipping through the titles, grinning at Rolling Stone, which really was an old issue; they were always about a month behind on them.
She raised her head, and started to ask, “Do you wanna—oh, never mind.”
“No, what?”
“It’s just, visiting hours are almost up. I was gonna say did you wanna come to the lounge, but there isn’t time. Stupid idea, anyway.”
“No! No, I’d like to come and hang out in the lounge sometime. Maybe I could come back on . . . Thursday?”
“Um . . . yeah, maybe. We have group on Thursday, but you probably be coming after . . . after . . .”
He could tell she didn’t want to say ‘school.’ “I could come around 4:00, would that be okay?” Finn really wanted to come back, and he had a sudden feeling that she might need him to. That for him to show sudden interest and then take it away would be worse than never having come at all.
They both stood there, sneaking glances at each other in turns, but not really looking. Finn drummed on the strap of his bag again, his momentary relief turning back to awkwardness.
“Yeah. 4:00’s good.” Rae said softly. “You should probably go.” She wanted him to leave first, then. Didn’t want to retreat behind the swinging door, but rather wanted proof of his leaving.
“Yeah,” he sighed, straightening.
“Oh, but—“ she started.
“How’s your nan?”
He was pleased she’d remembered, but he didn’t actually know—he’d come straight here, on a mission from the shop.
“Okay, I think. I . . . well, I came here first. I’m headed over to her now.” He reddened.
Rae’s eyes widened. “Then you really should go; visiting hours are almost over!”
For the first time since he’d seen her here, in this place, he didn’t feel unsettled. He reached up to fix his fringe, glanced at her from underneath it, and grinned like he was trying to charm a girl down the pub. “Oh, the nurses usually give me a few extra minutes.”
Her already big eyes grew even bigger, in some sort of surprise, and then she scoffed. “I’ll bet they do. Who could resist that—“ she clutched the magazines to her while her free hand waved in his general direction “—face?”
His cocky grin slid over into sheepish, and he huffed a laugh, turning to walk down the hall to his nan’s ward. He pivoted back, “Oh, wait!”
She hadn’t gone anywhere, hadn’t moved to return to the lounge or her room or wherever she was allowed to be at seven o’clock on a Tuesday evening. She waited, as requested.
“Do you, I mean, can you play music . . . I mean, do you have a way to play anything? In here?”
She hugged the magazines to her chest, hair falling in front of her face. “Walkman, but I didn’t bring much with me.”
“Okay.” He could usually charm his way to staying after the official hours, but he should try to get there before they were officially over. Turning his head, he said, “See you Thursday!” before jogging away.
* * * * *
His nan was sitting up, smiling, more alert than he’d seen her in a while.
“Hiya, Nan—you’re looking well!”
She was. Her color was up, and she didn’t look so down as last time. There was a inkling of the old twinkle in her eyes.
“I’m not feeling half bad, either. The doctor says I can go home this week. Maybe even day after tomorrow!”
Finn grinned, then thought: Thursday. He was supposed to see Rae again on Thursday.
Nan must have seen his eyes dim a bit. “Anything wrong, love?”
Finn shook his head. “Not at all!” His grin was back full force, and she peered at it, studying.
“Hmmm, you’re happy again. Something happen? Or someone?”
Finn flushed pink, but his smile didn’t fade.
“Ah, I see I’ve hit close to the mark. Don’t worry, though, I won’t pry.” She settled back against the pillows behind her. “Did you work today?”
Finn cleared his throat. “Just a bit. Dave sent me home early; wasn’t much to do.” He leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.
As he pulled his head back, she caught him, her crooked hands framing his face. “And you come straight over to visit your old nan. Not many young men would be bothered. I do love seeing you so often, lad.” She patted her right hand on his left cheek, and he flushed again, feeling a twinge of guilt for stopping to see Rae first.
He sat down on the seat next to her bed, glancing to the door, but there was no nurse tapping their watch impatiently, so he settled back.
“How’s your dad?” she asked. His dad had gotten a promotion at work, and was on a big project. Finn knew his dad felt bad that he couldn’t stop by as often as he did.
“Good, good. Says with all the overtime he’s been getting, he’s going to have to take us somewhere nice when you’re feeling up to a trip.” He winked at her; she shook her head good-naturedly.
Finn held his hands up. “His idea, not mine!”
Nan smiled. “The seaside might just be calling, if he can get away for a day or two this summer.”
She must be feeling loads better, if she were thinking about going up the shore.
The two of them reminisced about previous holidays at the sea for a few minutes, and then there was a nurse at the door, her uniform just a bit too tight, dirty blonde hair pulled back in a messy knot. She cleared her throat. “I’ve already let you stay fifteen minutes past,” she whispered loudly.
Finn nodded, pulling his bag onto his shoulder as he stood. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
He gave his nan another kiss, and she beamed. “Next time you see me, I might be going home!”
He beamed back, but there was a fragment of worry at the back of his mind.
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princeyandanxiety · 7 years
as a writer/creator/life-er, have you had a moment on tumblr where you're like "i put a lot of thought into this one real specific thing and no one is talking about it???" if yes, explain the thing pls because i'd love to hear about the nuance/excitement that went into it! either way, pls pass this on to 5 ppl you thing may have felt this way
There are multiple instances where I've written a thing and haven't got much feedback/reblogs/etc but like lmao fair enough I'm not a great writer anyway. It's funny tho bc I think my two orphaned fics got the most kudos of all my work on AO3...Anyway.The OC Gabriel Castillo that I made like last month in an ask tag is probs my fav bc I like the story I gave them haha. They're this tragic backstory kinda character, parents died early, got kicked around the system, that kind of thing. They work for a shady company and all that fun stuff, they're very closed off when it comes to people, really hates the position they've been out in but they're doing what they can. They try to be quick and efficient when it comes to any part of their work, putting on a bit of a persona to distance themselves from it all. And now they're in this new situation where they have to deal with a hostage after a job gone slightly wrong, and the hostage is super weird. Very religious, strong, keeps trying to play nice. It creeps Gabriel out to no end but they don't really want to kill the guy so they're at a few crossroads. And of course I really like the story that's going to follow but I don't want to tell it all because I might write it.
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sugakookiessss · 7 years
tagged by @01bri . thank you so much!!!
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: peach green tea from starbucks 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: my friend viviana bc i was telling her about this old lady giving me the stink-eye for blasting celia cruz out the car lol 4. Song you listened to: tequila by g.soul
5. Time you cried: last night over how good haechan looked in cherry bomb (REBLOG IF YOU AGREE LMAO)
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: nope, and wouldnt want to. if we broke up we gonna stay broken up lol 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: havent kissed anyone 8. Been cheated on: nope 9. Lost someone special: yes, sadly 10. Been depressed: yup, but i think my depression is well handled now 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nah man, im a child of jesus 
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: maroon/crimson, forest green, & dusty rose
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes! 16. Fallen out of love: lol, never been in love 17. Laughed until you cried: every damn day lmao 18. Found out someone was talking about you: mhm, and i shut that shit down real quick. dont mess with a cuban/italian lmao 19. Met someone who changed you: my friend caleb 20. Found out who your friends are: yes, and im glad i have. i dont need any more negativity in my life 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i think pretty much all of them except for like 5 or so 23. Do you have any pets: i have a cat named sammi and he is the spawn of satan LMFAO 24. Do you want to change your name: i used to when i was little because i thought it was boring, but now i really like and appreciate it 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i went out with two friends for lunch, and then we blasted suavemente and danced in the best buy parking lot at like 10:30 at night XD 26. What time did you wake up: around 1:30pm. it wouldve been later but my mom said she brought home mcdonalds lol 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: facetiming my friend viviana and crying over how good haechan looked in the cherry bomb mv 28. Name something you can’t wait for: GRADUATION!!!!!!! SENIOR YEAR BITCHES LETS MAKE IT GOOD 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 5 mins ago lol
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: bring my friend caleb back 31. What are you listening to right now: myself typing this long ass q&a post lmfao 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: idk probably 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: ignorant and uneducated people like ughhhhhh 34. Most visited websites: probably youtube, my online course website, and buzzfeed bc i love to procrastinate by doing a quiz when i should be doing my classes lol
35. Mole/s: i have like 3 on my neck ( 2 of them are close together so it looks like a vampire bite, i know its dope asf lmao) 36. Mark/s: i have a bunch of beauty marks/freckles all over my body, plus scars on my legs for being a complete idiot as a kid who thought she was fucking superman at the playground XD 37. Childhood dream: to become a marine biologist, or go to hogwarts (idgaf about marine biology anymore, but im still pressed i never got my acceptance letter to hogwarts) 38. Hair color: naturally blonde, but its dyed to a redish-brown now 39. Long or short hair: medium-long hair 40. Do you have a crush on someone: nope, all the boys at my school crusty asf 41. What do you like about yourself: my sense of humor, my sass and wittiness (basically my personality in general), and my eyes 42. Piercings: 2 on each lobe 43. Blood type: idk but i think its AB 44. Nickname: tori and grandpa lol 45. Relationship status: single and an independent woman who dont need no man 46. Zodiac: taurus/gemini cusp 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: rupauls drag race, and impractical jokers
49. Tattoos: none yet, but when i turn 18 next year im getting one for my bday and more down the line
50. Right or left hand: leftie! 51. Surgery: none, thank jisoos 52. Hair dyed in different color: shit my hair has been the whole fucking rainbow lmfao. ive dyed it red, magenta, pastel pink, dark blue, red/brown, and purple.
53. Sport: i used to play volleyball and basketball but i ended up breaking my ankle so its difficult to run around now (also im a lazy piece of shit too lmao) 55. Vacation: i just recently went to savannah, ga & washington d.c to see some family (me and my cousin binge watched the harry potter series the whole time it was lit) 56. Pair of trainers: im guessing we talking about sneakers. the only nice ones i got are my adidas, the rest are like converse and keds lol
MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i had sushi for dinner. blessed the fuck up 58. Drinking: peach green tea from starbucks lol 59. I’m about to: finish working on my english project (kill me pls) 61. Waiting for: monsta x first win (wow i love triggering myself) :) 62. Want: PEOPLE TO STOP SLEEPING ON MONSTA X SO THEY CAN GET THEIR FIRST WIN FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN THE WORLD ASDFGHJKLDKDFK 63. Get married: i dont think i want to get married bc i dont like feeling like im held down. maybe when im on the verge of becoming a crazy cat lady i’ll reconsider lol
64. Career: music producer, psychologist, or private investigator
65. Hugs or kisses: i dont really have a preference but i guess hugs 66. Lips or eyes: EYES! 67. Shorter or taller: i would like someone taller than me idk just bc
68. Older or younger: older, but not by too much. i think the max would be like 5 years older 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: IM A SUCKER FOR SOME NICE ARMS LIKE SDJSDLKNAFGK;FKFd 71. Sensitive or loud: LOUD. i cant have someone too sensitive it would drive me insane. i have a really strong personality, so if you sensitive as shit you’d probably cry just bc i looked at you lmfao 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: probably somewhere in the middle. i dont want someone who is too scared/hesitant to do anything fun, but i dont want someone who will put me in a lot of bad situations. just a little mischievous lol
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: possbily vodka oF COURSE I HAVENT I AM A CHILD OF JESUSSSSSSSS 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: my grandma freaking threw my glasses in the trashcan when i asked her to hold them while i went to play basketball with my neighbor 77. Turned someone down: many times lmao 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: possibly idk 80. Had your heart broken: by my biases bc they dont know i exist :’) 81. Been arrested: nah, and lets keep it that way lol 82. Cried when someone died: of course, im not that heartless 83. Fallen for a friend:i dont think i have
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: 100% 85. Miracles: no
86. Love at first sight: lmfao no 87. Santa Claus: when i was little 88. Kiss on the first date: depends
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: ayszha 91. Eye color: hazel 92. Favorite movie:harry potter and the order of the pheonix
@won-markiepooh-woo @joshuahxng-kong @owopinky @echoayszha @puppyoongs @shownu-the-muscles @skittleluver101 @trollintraining @blockbyung @u-r-my-bias @puervy @tahyungs @jinn1e @min-yoongle @ole-dole-peaches @minyoong-ii @spidermalfoy11 @johnnys-hypewoman @sunshine-hoseok @joishua
(pretty much just tagged my mutuals. you dont have to do this if you dont want to, and if i didnt tag you and you would like to do this tag go right ahead!)
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princeadams · 7 years
The Ultimate BATB tag
- Always include the rules.
- Answer the questions as truthfully as you can.
- Tag at least 3 people at the end of the tag.
- You don’t have to be tagged to paticipate, you can do the tag even without       being tagged.
- Tag the post “#BATB Tag” so we can keep up with the tags.
- That’s literally all there is to it! Have fun!
You can use this as reference:
When did you start your blog, and why? I started right before I saw the movie because I knew I’d be obsessed and wanted an area away from my  main multi-fandom blog where I could freely fangirl and shitpost and whatnot. Also, my “likes” on Tumblr were filled with four years worth of BATB meta, fan art and fanfics, and I wanted to clean my likes out so they would actually be a specific place for bookmarking. I had 14,00 likes before I made the blog, and now that I’ve almost completely cleaned it out I have about 900. Still not great, but it’s getting there.
Where did you get the idea for your url? Obviously the growl at the end. I decided I wanted daysinthesuns for my main blog, and I'd had danstevensgrowl saved for a little while. For daysinthesuns, I saved it when the titles for the new songs were announced, I think that was in late summer.
Where did you get the idea for your icon? I didn’t make my icon, I just got it from an icons post by someone on Tumblr. I like the color pink and I love 1991 Belle, so I went with it. 
What was your first choice of url? dayinsthesuns was the first one I had for this blog, then I switched to danstevensgrowl. If you mean what my ultimate choice would be, I’d really like to have daysinthesun or princeadam. On my main blog, my first URL was weareteenageheartsforeveryoung and it stayed like that for 3 years or so.
What was your first icon, or the oldest you can remember? And if you can, post it. This is the one I’ve always had, but on my main blog I had a picture of Miley Cyrus from the movie LOL once, a picture of Elvis once, and my freshman year of high school I had my favorite fan art of Adam hugging Belle from behind with his chin on her shoulder while she’s reading. 
Would you die for the person on your icon? I mean, I consider myself to be Belle, so that’s a bit weird. But if my icon was Adam, yes, in a heartbeat.
Which url of your mutuals are you most jealous of? Hmm. I don’t know, I honestly like my URL. However, if we’re talking about @gastt‘s mutuals…you know who.
Which icon of your mutuals are you most jealous of? I love @ohstaythisway‘s icon, I would use it if she wasn’t already.
Do you have any sideblogs? And if you do, what are they about? And if you don’t, what would your sideblog be about? I have a ton that I made while cleaning out my likes to get meta and fanfic out of there, I have an Anakin Skywalker one and a Pride and Prejudice one. I also run the Tally Hoes Archive, and I have a professional blog to showcase my articles and other things I’ve written.
Are you satisfied with your blog currently? If not, what would you change? I guess, I mean, it’s a trash blog so I don’t aim for the content to be high quality. 
If you weren’t in the BATB fandom, what would you post about? Star Wars, Doctor Who, basically everything I post about on my main blog.
What fandom(s) did you belong to before BATB? BATB was actually my first fandom, but after that, Divergent, Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who and finally Star Wars. 
Which blogs do you regularly check up on? @je-suis-em-jee and @theteaisaddictive because they’re my favorite fic writers.
What would you say is your most common tag? “Prince Adam” because I reblog gifs of him a lot.
How many people are you following, and how many people follow you? I think I follow around 300, my main blog has 1,700 followers and this blog has a little over 200.
Who are your current top three fans on Tumblr (for this month)? For this blog, it’s @trippsykes, @lee-lee-ed and @snipandsnail. Thank you guys :)
What is your top post (for this month)? It actually won’t show for some weird reason, but I’m guessing it’s my Ultimate Fic Rec post. 
Which post are you most proud of? Probably my meta about the enchanted object’s part in The Mob Song.
Which post are you most embarassed by? The Meme Queen Adam fic and every time I’ve self-promoted (which is a lot of times.)
Weirdest message someone ever sent you? When I posted my selfie for the Introduce Your Self(ie) challenge, I immediately got a DM from some girl with a weird URL saying I was hot. I assumed it was a porn blog so I marked it as spam and blocked them, but then I looked at their blog and it was kind of normal? So I hope that wasn’t one of you guys lol. 
Weirdest message you ever sent someone? God I don’t even want to know
Have you ever received anon hate? And if so, for what? When I was 13 I got a ton but I honestly deserved it. I had this ongoing joke where I acted like I was really self-absorbed and snobby ironically, because I actually hated myself and had been struggling with an eating disorder. But either way, I took it too far and I was really obnoxious and people called me out on it, some less gracefully than others.
Do you have any blogs blocked, and if so, which? I’m sure I have a lot blocked for spam and stuff. 
Have you ever thought about quitting Tumblr? If so, why? Not really, because I’m kind of terrified of ever deleting anything. I hate the idea of erasing any part of my life, even if it’s a part I’m embarrassed by or don’t want to think about.
What device do you use Tumblr the most? (e.g. Laptop, Tablet, Phone, etc.) Probably my iPhone, since I’m always in class and stuff.
What was the last thing you searched on Google? Meme Queen Adam bc I was too lazy to go on my profile on Archive of our Own and click on my fic, I just wanted to get the link the quick way lol.
What time is it currently as you make this post? 11:45, I really should go to sleep after this.
What are you wearing currently? Star Wars pajama pants and a black camisole. 
If you had to legally change your name (in real life) permanently, what would it be and why? Belle, because I’m a dork.
What kind of characters and/or pairings do you tend to turn to? Is there a recurring theme to it? I feel like in terms of male characters I always love the brooding, angsty, damaged guys with tragic backstories, like Prince Adam or Anakin Skywalker. For female characters, I always like strong, witty, outspoken women, like Belle and Elizabeth Bennet.
Tell us a favorite of yours and why? (Literally any favorite, something that touches you and you’re passionate about.) I guess Beauty and the Beast in general, honestly. There’s so much to love about it, but it really changed my life when I fell in love with it all over again the summer before my freshman year of high school. I was doing a Disney movie marathon alone, because I really didn’t have any friends at the time, and I actually skipped Beauty and the Beast because I figured I remembered it well enough from my childhood that I didn’t need to waste time re-watching it. However, I still had some time to kill before school started, so I watched it again, and not only was I struck by the Beast’s character and how deeply and unconditionally he loved Belle, the message of Beauty and the Beast really got to me. After I recovered from my eating disorder and dealt with (deserved) backlash on Tumblr for my crappy sense of humor and coping skills, I’d become really tough and rigid and pessimistic as a default. Suffering from such an awful illness really kind of stripped me of the usual kindness and warmth I held. Belle kind of helped me get it back, helped me find myself again, and the movie in general helped me to believe that maybe it was okay that I was fat or my voice is weird or that I’m short because I’m eloquent and I’m kind and true beauty is found within. Maybe my words and my heart is enough. I still struggle with believing that today, but I would’ve given up on believing it and given up on myself a long time ago if it wasn’t for Beauty and the Beast. When I started at a new high school after becoming obsessed with Beauty and the Beast, I was both a new person and my old self at once, and the optimism and kindness and open-mindedness I’d regained helped me to finally let people in a bit, and I made a ton of friends. My love for the musical also inspired me to join theatre, which I never would’ve given a thought if I hadn’t loved the musical.
Tag 3 or more blogs to do this tag, and also add what you associate them with and tell them what you truly think about them.  I can’t tag @gastt because they already did it and literally made the tag, but gatt, you are such a loyal and supportive person. I don’t even know your name or your face or anything like that, but I don’t have to to know that you an amazing person and all us Tally Hoes are so lucky to know you.  I tag @mmedegarderobe, my sin sister and fellow Mass Communications major, my other fellow mass communications major @thestanfoubrew, the mother of the Heelys meme @uncledisney, and my two favorite fic writers - one I’ve loved since I first fell in love with BATB, the other more recently, @theteaisaddictive and @je-suis-em-jee. You both are so talented and wonderful and portray the characters that are so close to my heart perfectly. 
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