#yes my dad is papa nihil in my phone
mymomtheghoul · 5 months
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Shout out to Papa Nihil! (he won't be able to hear you otherwise.)
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
This one may be a little hard but, I lost my dad recently and with fathers day coming up days have been rough, so I was wondering how to you feel the papas and Sister Imperator would console a friend or s/o who's missing their dad?, if you're still doing these.
Hey, sorry if this is late (idk when Father's Day is outside of Poland), I hope you're doing at least a bit better now. - Jez
Hi, I’m sorry for you loss, sending love and support - Nyx
Papas and Sister Imperator comforting their s/o after the loss of their father
He can tell something is wrong when he gets in from the garden. You are so quiet, you don’t even greet him.
He brews a fresh pot of tea and sits with you until you feel ready to talk.
“What happened amore?” He asks gently putting an arm around your shoulders.
You tell him and Primo nods with a look of total understanding.
Even though he and Nihil had a terrible relationship he can still understand what you are going through and empathise.
“Why don’t you tell me about him amore? You know, he’ll always be with you, alive in your memories and here” He places a hand over your heart and gives you a sincere comforting smile.
You talk until the tea has long gone cold and by the end of it Primo holds you tight and kisses the top of your head. He suggests a walk in the garden at dusk. You walk in companiable silence as he lets you process everything.
Straight up asks whats wrong when he finds you sat in chair a looking blank.
You tell him what has happened holding back tears trying to be strong.
He picks you up and carries you to his bed laying you down then lying down next to you. He pulls you into a tight loving embrace, his breath caressing the back of your neck.
“Let it all out amore” he kisses the top of your head “It’s okay, I’m here with you, let yourself feel...”
He would never want you to pretend to be fine for his sake. On the outside he knows he comes across as scary, bitter and a party animal. But when its just you and him he is loving and open with you.
He holds you for as long as you need gently stroking your hair.
After a while he asks if there is anything he can do to help? You just ask him to stay with you, which he does, he cancels any plans he had.
Wraps a blanket round your shoulders like Primo used to do for him.
He isn’t really sure what to say, his usual response to you being sad is to try and make you laugh.
“What can I do for you? Do you need me to listen? Or is it enough I’m here...?” He studies you closely “Yes, that is enough, I’m always going to be here, mm?”
He draws you close, almost crushing you in his arms. His embrace is warm and comforting.
You feel safe as the familiar smell of incense curls around you.
“I know it’s hard amore” He kisses your cheek “but you can get through this and I will be at your side.”
Later on he asks you questions about your father.
“Tell me about a time he made you laugh.”
You look at him confused. But you tell him and soon you are smiling at the memories even though it hurts. You tell him about the happy times and Terzo sits there listening intently.
He wakes up in the morning to the sound of you crying. His face fills with panic and concern.
“Cara what is wrong??” He wraps his arms around you “you can tell me si? Tell me please...”
When you explain he mumbles something and kisses you on the cheek. He makes a phone call, then there is a knock at the door and he goes to answer.
You sit there slightly shocked that he just left. But he returns quickly with two mugs of hot chocolate.
“This always helps me when something really bad has happened.” he places your mug next to you and takes a sip from his “It's comforting, si?” you force a little smile before breaking down again.
“Tesoro...” he pulls you back into his arms and rocks you gently from side to side. “I... I don’t know how to help...” his voice is so quiet “I always say the wrong thing...”
You tell him you just need him to be there, to hold you and to listen.
“Sì, sì, scusi. I understand now... I will... For as long as you need.” He holds you close to him, the study rise and fall of his chest comforting you.
Old Nihil
Dude's old enough to be your father, grandfather or even great grandfather so when you tell him about your father passing away, his first thought is a "he was really young, such a shame". He won't saythat outtloud, though.
Instead he'll pull you closer, kissing your forehead.
He's here for you. He's gonna hold you and kiss all over your face as long as you need.
Takes some time off for you. Who cares about work when you need him?
He's by your side all the time, giving you as much affection as possible.
Wanna watch movies? You got it. Wanna spend the entire day cuddling in bed? No problem.
He arranges for absolutely nobody except his ghouls to come to his quarters, where you spend your day. And even they are only allowed when he calls for them. Absolutely nobody gets to distract you and that's final.
He's gonna comfort you for as long as needed. He loves you and he'll make sure to show it during this time.
Young Nihil
His father sucked, but he's gonna do everything for you to make you feel better.
While obviously his prefered method of being comforted is alcohol and sex, he knows you're probably more responsible than him with your emotions.
So he just kinda... awkwardly holds you, humming your favorite songs for a while.
You're gonna eed him very specific instructions. Kinda similar to Seestor in this regard, except he's really oblivous when it comes to feelings. But he does care. A lot. And he'll show you.
He's all over you for a few days, kissing, hugging, telling you how much he loves you.
Nihil mostly comforts you through distractions. It's how he deals with his emotions. But if you need kisses and cuddles, he's giving kisses and cuddles.
He's a bit stupid, but he tries his best.
Young Sister Imperator
Once you tell her that you're not feeling well, she'll make sure nobody even thinks about bothering you.
She's very direct, she'll ask you exactly what you need and then she'll provide it. No questions asked.
She's not exactly the best at emotions, since she was raised to one day take her position, but she'll sit with you for as long as you need.
If you want to talk, she'll listen. If you need to be held, she'll hold you.
Her relationship with her parents has always been mostly about Ministry business, there as never really much love there, but she tries her best to be supportive.
She'll do exactly what you ask and she'll try to offer some activities to distract you if that's what you want.
She's not the best at this, but hse'll always stand by your side and help you as best as she can.
Old Sister Imperator
She's very mature about it. Once she notices you not feeling well, you two step out together so she can ask you about it.
She's very gentle about it, seeing that it's very clearly a personal matter.
As you explain to her what's going on, she gives you a small hug.
"Now, now, darling, let's get you to a quieter place, alright?"
Whatever she was doing before gets put on hold because you're her priority.
She asks you to wait in her bedroom while se arranges for your favorite dessert to be delivered.
She lets you go through her movie closet and pick any movies you and your father watched.
You spend the rest of the day together, watching movies as she listens to you telling stories about your dad.
She rubs your back soothingly and listens to you with a small smile as you talk and eat your dessert.
She'll hold you as you finally get some sleep.
Does paperwork in bed so she can stay in the room with you in case you wake up.
Papas I, II, III and IV written by Nyx, corrected by Jez. Old Nihil, Young Nihil, Young Sister Imperator and Young Sister Imperator written by Jez.
Taglist: @sirlsplayland @firefirevampire @mamacarlyle @thatoddboy @ouijaboardemo @lightbluuestars @mybotanicaldemise @emo-mess @copias-fluffy-asscheeks @lucylewolfie (send an ask if you'd like to be added! read the pinned post before asking!)
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