#yes soft caring shy bucky is something i can never get enough of
sebstan2020 · 2 months
The King
Chapter 7
Violet is a bad girl at school, not giving a care about her grades that are falling and getting in trouble every week. She smokes, drinks and she's only sixteen. Her mother has had enough of her and doesn't know what to do with her. But when she's forced to go to her mother's employee dinner for the United States Army, she meets the mysterious and handsome General James Barnes.
She is infatuated with him and can't seem to stay away. The closer she gets to him, the more she craves him and soon she finds herself entering a world of darkness, pain and pleasure.
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Violet excitedly ran up the steps to the base, grinning as James stood at the doorway waiting for her. It had been a few weeks since their tutoring sessions, and Violet stopped at nothing to see more of him. She faked not understanding her assignments from her teachers just so she could sit with James and stare at him while he thoroughly explained them, his soft voice so wise and gentle. Their private one-on-one sessions were a big help to Violet's grades, and there had been improvement. She couldn't very well keep failing with all of James's time and energy put into helping her; otherwise, he'd stop tutoring her, as it would be considered a waste of time. 
But equally, she couldn't just succeed so quickly. How else was she going to get her hit from him? Her smoking hadn't improved, despite James commanding her to smoke her cigarettes on a daily basis. She happily handed them over but would ask her dealer for another pack the next day. It was a never-ending cycle. Although Violet enjoyed the aura James had on her and the way he could so easily command her cigerattes into his possession, she'd hand them over without question. but something played on her mind. 
On their very first session, he made a small comment that she'd soon wouldn't be able to get any more cigerettes. Whether that was from her dealer or had a deeper meaning, she didn't know, and ever since he said it, it has played on her mind. She desperately wanted to ask him, but every time she did, she got all shy and just did as she was told. Tonight would be different, though. 
"Good evening, Violet," James smiled, and she girned up at him. 
"Good evening, sir," which had become a permanent change to her vocabulary. James's eyes seemed to soften slightly, and the corners of his mouth turned up in delight every time she addressed him that way. She was very observant and would do anything to make him happy. 
"Did you bring your homework like I asked?" he said as he led her to their usual room.
"Yes, I did, and I got a B on my assignment, all thanks to you." She grinned happily as she walked side by side with him. Bucky smirked, chuckling softly to himself. 
"Not just me; you did most of the work," he said, raising his brow at her. 
"Yeah, but I couldn't have it without you; my mom is happy with my progress as well." Her mother had finally stopped worrying about her grades now that she had made a significant improvement. She was so thankful for General Barnes and his devotion to teaching her daughter. Now all she had to worry about was her attitude and bad behaviour. 
"Good, I know she was worried about your upcoming exams, which are only a month away," he pointed out, and she nodded. 
"I know. I think the more time I spend with you tutoring me, the better I'll be for the exams," she said, and he hummed. 
James sat silently as he watched Violet work, answering the questions on her homework and listening to him as he explained the texts in the book. 
"So my birthday is next week; only one more year till I can smoke freely," she teased him and let out a little giggle. Summer was coming up, and Lexi was having a huge party while her parents were away, which meant booze, drugs, smoke, and boys. She was going to celebrate her birthday properly at the party, despite it being a month or two later, but it was going to be amazing. Her mother was planning on taking her out to dinner at her favourite restaurant. 
But if she had to pick anything to do, it would be to spend the evening with James, if it were him tutoring her. She would rather spend her birthday in the presence of the handsome general. 
"If you keep smoking the way you are, you won't make it to your eighteenth birthday," he said jokingly, and Violet scoffed. 
"Trust me, I'm fit as a fiddle," she shrugged. 
"How about this, then? If you continue smoking, I won't tutor you anymore.". 
Violet froze, her pen dropping to the table and her head whipping around to face James, a look of purse shock and horror written all over it. No, he wouldn't.
"WHAT!" she exclaimed. 
"You heard me; if you don't stop, then our tutor sessions will end," he shrugged so casually, and she stuttered for an answer. 
"But you can't. What about my grades?". 
"Well, if I were you, I'd stop smoking," he murmured, a smirk on the corner of his lips. 
No, she couldn't let this happen. She'd rather die than give up her tutoring sessions with him. She had stopped her working experience, considering that was just a ruse to see him, and now she had a confirmed meeting with him every night or when possible. But giving up smoking. How was she going to be able to do that? and the summer party at Lexi's was coming up, and everyone would be smoking. 
She contemplated just pretending, but James was a smart man; he'd know if she were lying to him, and in her head, she knew lying would only make this situation worse for her. It seemed like giving up was the only option. 
"Fine, I'll give it up," she huffed like a moody teenager, because she was one now, and glared down at her homework. Suddenly, she felt a hand on the nape of her neck, giving her a soft, gentle squeeze. 
"Good girl, tomorrow you can bring me all your packs," he ordered, and Violet looked up with puppy-dog eyes, her hand still clutching the back of her neck as James stood above her. 
"Yes, sir," she whispered, and he smiled. 
She felt compelled to do as she was told, as if she had no say in the matter, and strangly enjoyed it. This man had such control over her, and she was rebelling as much as she could, but nothing seemed to work. He was beating her every time and coming out on top, with her muttering yes, sir, in defeat. 
It was getting close to the end of their tutor session, and James was so pleased with her work.
"I'm so proud of you, Violet; you've made so much improvement," he smiled. 
"Thank you," she said simply. There was a moment of silence before James reached into his pocket and pulled out an elegant pen before grabbing her hand.
"You know, if there's anything you ever need, you can always call me. I shouldn't give out my number to minors, but I trust you to keep this a secret between us. If there's ever a problem or you're in trouble, you call me." He wrote his number on her hand, and Violet couldn't stop staring. His number, his personal number, was there in her own hand, and she softly grinned. She was never going to wash this hand again. 
"Thank you; I appreciate that. And I promise not to tell anyone, and I promise not to text you all the time either," she grinned cheekily, and he chuckled. 
"Good, only if it's an emergency," he said with seriousness and a raised brow, and Violet nodded. Her heart was beating so fast and her body was tingling as he touched her and intimately wrote his number on her hand. 
"Yes Sir"
Quitting was hard, so hard. The craving for nicotine was like dying, scratching and clawing at her skin and bouncing from foot to foot as she desperately needed a smoke. Lexi had asked her why she was rarely smoking now, and Violet came up with some excuses like her mother found her stash and was banned from it, her dealer couldn't get her any, or she was skint. She offered Violet one of hers, but she declined, saying they weren't her type, even though Violet would pretty much smoke anything. 
But it pleased James, and as she walked in that very next day with a bag full of cigeratte packets, he cupped her under her chin and gave her a small stroke, uttering those two words she now craved even more. "Good girl".
Fuck how she wanted to hear those two words for the rest of her life. Is this what he meant by 'not for long'? that eventually he'd get in control of her dining habit and stop it before it went too far. Again, once she hit eighteen, she could do whatever the fuck she wanted, and just to piss James off, she'd go right up to his face and blow smoke in it, or so she thought. 
But, luckily for her, her tutoring sessions didn't stop. Her exams were right around the corner, and James was spending more and more time with her, preparing for them. He was confident she could do well, as long as she put the time and effort into it. Her rebellious attitude had calmed down as well, and he was starting to see the real Violet. She was really just a vulnerable girl, wanting to be a big shot to those around her. She was, in fact, sweet, humble, and polite when she wanted to be. 
Her birthday was chilled out, with her mother taking her to her favourite restaurant for the evening rather than cooking, but little did her mother know of the huge party Lexi was having in the summer, and that night she was going to go wild. Summer came as quickly as ever, with her final exams wrapping up. She wouldn't get her results until two weeks before school, not that Violet really cared. Or did she? Since James tutored her privately, she had taken her exams and grades a lot more seriously than she would have if she hadn't met him. She did want to make him proud, after all. 
Of course, her tutoring stopped once her exams were finished. It was logical, and even though Violet tried to find an excuse to still see James, she couldn't think of one that was realistic. She hoped her grades from her exams were the best so she could carry these nightly sessions into the new term. The first week of summer was hell, with no fix from him, no intoxicating hit that could leave her feeling like bliss all day. She considered asking her mother to carry out work experience there again just so she could get any ounce of interaction with him.
She was an addict for him now. Every night she went to bed thinking of him, and every morning she woke up and thought about it. She needed him and wasn't sure how long she was going to last. Wednesday night was the night of the party. Violet spent three hours getting ready, drying and striaghening her hair, whacking on cake layers of makeup on her face, overlining her lips to the point they looked like they had been filled, and wearing her sexiest dress. black strappy with a short length and tight around her boobs. Her mother was working late, and Violet told her she was spending the night at Lexi's for a sleepover.
which was slightly true; she was sleeping over; however, this wasn't a regular sleepover. Tonight was going to be the wildest party ever. Word travelled fast around the school, and how any of the parents didn't catch wind of it seemed craxy, but Lexi wasn't complaining. The last thing she needed were nosy parents sticking their noses into their business. Violet perfumed herself with a perfume she got from Sepora, an upgrade from her sickly old Walmart one. This one cost thirty dollars but had a sexy scent to it, one that she hoped would attract all the fit guys tonight. 
But as she thought about that, she made out with one of the football team players or someone from the soccer team. She felt guilty. guilty because she secretly didn't want those high school boys; she wanted James. James had no clue about the party, and having not seen Violet for a little while, he had no idea where she was going or what would be there. If there was anyone's lips she wanted touching hers, it was his. She wanted those big, strong hands to cup her face and kiss her tenderly, his beard to scratch her face, and let her nuzzle into him. She wanted to hear him whisper those two little words she craved more now than those sin sticks she used to smoke. 
She wanted everything from him. But the age gap was a problem, not to mention he was the general of the US army, and he was currently working while she was getting ready to head to Lexi's. She only lived down the road from her, so it was just a short walk, and as she returned her bag, stuffing her clothes and overnight stuff, she couldn't help but remember her promise of no smoking. She didn't want to displease him or disobey him. On the other hand, her tutoring sessions had stopped, and his explicit command was that if she didn't give up smoking, he'd no longer tutor her. 
It seemed she was in the clear. Violet smiled at herself in the mirror, happy with her hair and makeup, and yanked her bag over her shoulder, running down the stairs to slap on her black heels. She looked so sexy in her black dress, with smokey eye makeup and overlined, perfect nude lips. The guys would be drooling over her. 
The party was in full swing when she arrived. heavy drum and base boomed in the house, vibrating off the walls and making the floor rock. Bright neon lights lit up the whole house, with two large tables covered in dezen red paper cups. Another table held strictly alcohol bottles, from gin to vodka, whisky, beer, cider, and wine. There was every kind of shot, spirit, and mixture available to drink, and even a keg one of the older guys had brought. Girls were dressed in short dresses or skirts and mini crop tops with heels, and guys were dressed in jeans and a t-shirt or a shirt and jeans. There was a huge cloud of smoke outside and a distinct smell of marajuana, but that was to be expected. Guys were hogging the upstairs spare room, blowing lines. Girls were giggling in the bathroom, throwing back pills, and people were grinding upon each other in the living room to the music, losing themselves. 
"Lexi!" Violet shouted as she spotted her across the room. Lexi griined at her and waved her over. She was standing by the drinks table; she was dressed in a tight glittery dress, her makeup caked on just like Violets, with her hair in a high pony. She wore chunky black heels that did nothing for her, although she thought they did, and when Violet reached her, they hugged tightly and jumped up in excitement, like two schoolgirls that hadn't seen each other for the whole summer. 
"Girl, you are looking like fire," Lexi commented as Violet gave her a twirl. 
"Back at you, girl, so what have we got?" Violet nodded to the table full of bottles and red cups. 
"Got everything—vodka, gin, beer—what do you fancy?".
"Vodka, have you got any coke?" she said, and Lexi fixed her up a strong vodka and coke, not bothering to measure the deadly spirit. 
"Thanks, girl, now what cute boys are here?" She asked over the blaring music as she took a gulp of the strong drink. The alcohol instantly hit her head, and a buzz came instantly. She was going to be wasted tonight. 
"Well, Mark is here, Daniel, oh, and that really sexy footballer Jason," Lexi grinned as she took a sip of her own drink. High school guys were so much cuter and sexier, and Violet scanned the dark room for one of them. But something was on her mind, James. All the boys in this room didn't compare to James, and she barely had any interest in them. She didn't want some young high school kid; she wanted the mature, sophisticated, and authoritative James. 
"Oh yeah, he's so sexy," she said, even though right now she didn't even think so. The only sexy man she could think of was James. The party was in full swing, with people dancing, drinking, and doing drugs. A group were playing beer pong in the games room; couples were making out on the couches and in the spare bedrooms; and even one couple was doing it in the bathroom. The place was littered with cigarette butts, empty red cups, and crushed beer cans, and someone decided to throw toilet paper all over the lawn. 
There was going to be so much cleaning up the next morning, and Violet was not looking forward to it. The drinks were hitting her fast and hard, and soon she became a tipsy mess, barely keeping herself from the thin line of crossing into a state of drunkenness. She was screaming to the music, pouring herself drinks and slugging them down, and had smoked at least three cigarrettes despite her clear order to stop. but what James didn't know wouldn't hurt him. 
"Lexi, this is the best party ever!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, and Lexi screamed back at her. 
"I know," she grinned, downing her drink in one and then throwing her cup across the room, which proceeded to hit someone in the head. 
"Hey girl, you want a hit." A very drunk and very high guy came up behind her, barely able to keep his balance and holding a joint. His eyes were glazed, and he stunk of weed. He looked shadey and a lot older than these high school kids, and Violet cringed a little at his side. 
"Umm," she pondered the idea. Smoking tobacco was the furthest she went, and she hadn't crossed the line into drugs yet. But there was no harm in trying one toke. You only live once, and this was the perfect time to do it—no parents, no adults around, no James. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt. Violet grinned and cheekily took the joint from him, taking a huge puff. 
It was like nothing she had ever tried before. It's sweet, grassy taste was so unique compared to her regular cigarettes. She couldn't help but cough at its strong taste, and the guy chuckled, stumbling around her as he reached for the joint to take it back, but the effect of the drugs had taken control, and he proceeded to fall backwards straight to the floor, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Violet was left holding the joint between her two fingers, and after a moment of just watching him lie there until he slightly moved, she and Lexi burst into a fit of laughter. The alcohol was under the full control of both of them. 
The joint was teasing her, tempting her to take another hit, and as she lifted the end to her mouth, bright lights evaded the living room.
"Alright, police, everyone stop!" A dozen men burst through the doors, guns at the ready, bright flashlights blinding the visions of the drunk students in the house, and screams erupted. sh*t, they were busted. Someone must have called the cops on them, and everyone began to panic, running out in a flood of kids, busting their way through cops to escape home. 
"Shit, Lexi!" Violet gasped. 
"Shit, shit, shit, my parents are going to be so mad." Lexi looked like she was about to cry as they watched everyone run from the house. 
"Alright, everyone outside now, let's go," a policeman ordered as he stormed through the house, grabbing kids and shoving them into the hands of his fellow officers. Kids were being handcuffed and shoved in the backs of cars while others ran for it.
"Okay, you two, outside now." A policeman grabbed Violet's arm, yanking her outside, and she stumbled along the way, her alcohol-induced body now sobering up immediately. Shit, she had been caught. She was so in shock that she didn't even try to run and make a break for it. As she was dragged outside, she was shoved against one of the cars. 
"Hey," she sassed at him as he grabbed her arms and yanked them behind her back. 
"What this?" He yanked the joint out of her hand, and her eyes widened. She forgot she was still holding that. 
"Umm, nothing" was the stupidest answer she could have given. 
"Don't think I'm stupid, girl; I know weed when I see it. I'm taking you to the station; you're in big trouble. I'm going to have to call your mom," he slapped on the cold handcuffs on her wrist, forcing them into the most uncomfortable position. No, not her mother; she'd be furious. 
"No, please don't call my mom," she begged as she was spun around to face the officer. He was tall and lanky and wore a police hat, which made his face hard to tell in the darkness. 
"I have to, as your underage," he informed her. 
"Wait, please, not her; I have someone else you can call," she pleaded with big eyes, and the officer narrowed his eyes at her. 
Chapter 8
Hey I hope you like this chapter, what do you think will happen next, let me know what you think in the comments
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
I'll Hold Mine.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Requested: Nope
Warnings: None
Genre : Pure fluff
Summary: Y/N has stuffed toys. She's ashamed of telling anyone else she has stuffed toys. Bucky doesn't understand why, they're so cute after all!
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Before you ask, yes, I was screaming the whole time while writing— this wasn't what you were gonna ask? Oh. Enjoy!
Bucky Barnes stared as the woman walked into the communal area, bleary eyed. "Y/N, good morning! Had a good night's sleep?" Clint asked her. Bucky quietly watched as Y/N nodded, but he knew she was lying. "Good morning to you two," she greeted them, giving them a small smile. Clint, about to walk out of the room, ruffled her hair and left.
"You're lying."
"Pardon?" Y/N blinked, staring at Bucky as she waited for her coffee to be prepared. "You didn't sleep well, I can see it all over your face," he rephrased, taking a sip of his coffee. "Fine, you caught me!" she groaned, "I didn't sleep last night." Bucky frowned when the woman plopped down next to him, clutching her mug with both hands.
"Why not? Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly. "It's embarrassing and I'm not going to tell you." She refused to speak after that. Embarrassing? Her? In his eyes, never. He didn't press on, though, silently offering his sad friend some company. When he heard a sniffle, he couldn't help it.
"Tell me what happened. I promise I won't judge you," he insisted, turning to look at her. "It's just— it's just that—" Y/N took in a shuddering breath. God, why was she making a fool of herself in front of her crush?! "Morning, people! Oh, oh no, I picked a bad timing—" Bucky and Y/N both turned to Tony, who slowly backed out of the room.
Nope, she wasn't doing it.
"I'm sorry, Buck," she mumbled, got up, kept her mug away and left. Bucky nearly crushed the mug he was holding, cursing Tony because why did he have to walk in just as Y/N was opening up to him?! He huffed and sat alone, drinking his coffee in misery.
The thing is, Y/N was great friends with everyone. She was loud, cheerful, funny and excruciatingly beautiful— you get the gist. Not with him, though. Around him, she was always quiet, shy, meek… submissive, in a way.
Hey Y/N, can you pass me that bottle?
If it were anyone else: "Your legs finally give up on you? About damn time." With him? "Yeah sure, here you go." She never, ever talked witty with him. Something about her was off… was she scared of him? Bucky's eyes went wide. Of course, that was it! Y/N Y/L/N was afraid of James Barnes! Why, though?
He was always so good to her. Nobody minded teasing Y/N, sometimes going too far but it was all in fun and Y/N knew that. Bucky, on the other hand…
Roast Y/N or finish the bottle of beer— you always drink when it comes to her, simp!
He could never. He had no idea what her insecurities were, what if he accidentally pushed a button and she stopped talking to him? At least they still made small talk, if she stopped talking to him, he didn't know how he would live. "Hey, everything okay?" Startled, he looked up at Steve.
"Yeah," he cleared his throat, "Everything is fine, what happened?" Steve sighed and sat next to his best friend. "It's Y/N, isn't it? I know the look on your face," he chuckled. "She was crying," Bucky spoke softly, "And she was about to tell me what happened but Stark walked into the room. Then she left without telling me."
"Why doesn't she talk to me?" he continued, intently staring at Steve. "I'd think that's fairly obvious," Steve laughed, "The woman loves you. Classic traits of a crush, Bucky. She limits her conversations with you because she doesn't want to embarrass herself. She never talks back to you because what if you start hating her?" Bucky blinked.
"Me? Hate her? Not possible," he scoffed. "You didn't find out why she was crying, right?" Bucky shook his head. "Why don't you go to the privacy of her room and find out? No one will interrupt you there, you might form a good bond and who knows? That might be the start of a beautiful, perfect relationship."
"I can't just go there like hey we were talking and you didn't tell me something so I've come to find out, that's invading her personal boundaries! She'll tell me when she's ready," Bucky spoke indignantly. "She hasn't eaten breakfast yet, there are some muffins in the oven, why don't you take those to her room?" Steve suggested.
After a minute of consideration, Bucky agreed.
Three short raps on the door.
Inside the room, Y/N froze. What was Bucky doing here? She glanced around her room, horrified, because it was a mess. "What happened?" she shouted from inside. "I brought you some breakfast, thought you might be hungry." She was hungry, though. "Wait 5 minutes!" Bucky patiently stood outside as Y/N made her room more presentable—
By hiding all her stuffed toys.
Some went in the wardrobe, some tossed carelessly under the bed, some stashed in the bedside drawer until she was certain there were no animals on display. "I'm so sorry," she whispered to the toys before opening the door to her room. "Bucky! Thank you for bringing me food, come in! Sorry, it's a mess."
Bucky waved his arm in dismissal as he walked in, looking around the room. "Your place is beautiful," he commented, giving her a small smile. She blushed and rubbed the back of her neck, shrugging. Both of them sat on the bed and Y/N picked up a muffin. "What do you wanna ask me?" At the blatant question, Bucky looked up.
"Why were you crying?" Y/N sighed and looked at her lap. "Sorry if it made you uncomfortable, I didn't mean to," she muttered. "No, no, it did not make me feel uncomfortable, I wanna help you," Bucky answered, shaking his head. "It's…" "Embarrassing? We've been through that, I don't care." A small laugh escaped her lips.
"Fine, I'll tell you. Promise you won't laugh," she whispered. "I promise." Y/N huddled close to him in case someone was somehow listening to them. "I lost my favorite stuffed toy and can't find her." Bucky sat silently for a few minutes. That was her definition of embarrassing?! What's embarrassing about stuffed toys?
"Should I help you?" he offered immediately, smiling at her. "You don't think I'm crazy? I'm a grown woman who still has stuffed toys. Names and everything," Y/N exclaimed, her jaw dropped. Bucky shrugged. "Of course I don't think you're crazy. There is nothing shameful about stuffed toys, I think it's quite sweet."
"Really? Just when I thought you couldn't be more perfect—" Bucky laughed at her words. They quickly finished eating the muffins and then stood up. "Have you checked the whole room?" Bucky asked her. She nodded. "Yes! The drawers, the cupboards, the wardrobe, over and under the bed… she's nowhere."
"But have you checked the bathroom?"
A loud groan left Y/N. "That's it, the bathroom! Ugh, I was so sleepy last night but I had to pee so I went to the bathroom, might've forgotten her inside, how stupid of me! Damn it!" As she kept rambling to herself, Bucky walked into the bathroom and fetched the doll that was sitting atop the sink. "Here you go, doll."
Y/N looked up at the nickname. "Hah, doll. Just like the one you're holding," she joked, taking the doll from his hands. "Yeah," he whispered, "Just like the one I'm holding." Y/N froze when his arms went around her waist, pulling her close to him. Was this actually happening?!
Did her crush like her back?!
She wanted to scream. "Bucky?" she whispered as he continued staring down at her, a dazed look on his face. "Why are you so adorable, doll?" he asked instead, gently rubbing her bottom lip with his thumb. Y/N gulped at the shockwaves the action sent throughout her body. "You tell me," she retorted, her breath hitching when he smirked at her.
"Find your wits now?" he teased, leaning forward to press a kiss to her lips before she could answer. Shivers ran down her spine as she kissed the man back, clutching her doll tightly in her arms. Without breaking the kiss, Bucky walked forward until the back of Y/N's knees touched the bed. "Sit," he ordered and Y/N complied, looking at him with wide eyes.
"What do you want me to do?"
Y/N blinked, expecting a sexy response but instead she got— "What?" she asked him, confused. Bucky knelt in front of her, taking her hand in his. "You haven't slept all night, doll, I need you to sleep. This—" He gestured between them, "—Has lots of time to happen. For now, all I want is for you to get some rest. You've had a tough morning." Y/N's eyes watered.
"Don't go away."
The way she said it was enough to keep him by her side forever and always. "Never, doll. Come on." He picked up the plate which was lying on the bed, dusted the crumbs off and lay down. Y/N lay down next to him, clutching her doll in her hands. She turned to face away from him as he turned, wrapping an arm around her, spooning her from behind.
"Thank you Bucky, goodnight."
He smiled and pressed a soft kiss to her exposed shoulder. "Goodnight. You hold your doll, I'll hold mine," he whispered, smiling when the sound of soft snores filled the room.
"Aye, sweet doll!"
"She is, isn't she?"
"You know damn well I wasn't talking about your girlfriend, Barnes—" Y/N burst out laughing as Sam and Bucky narrowed their eyes at each other. "But I was! Sweet doll." Y/N scrunched her nose as Bucky pressed his nose to her cheek, the stubble on his face pricking her skin. "Thank you, Sam, that means a lot."
"No worries!" He plopped down next to Steve, who was looking at them with a smile. After Y/N got into a relationship with Bucky, she was opening up more. She was no longer embarrassed about her stuffed toys; these people were her friends and they stood by her side no matter what, no judgement. That's all she needed.
Clutching her doll to her bosom, Y/N snuggled against Bucky's chest, resting her head in the crook of his neck. "All okay?" Bucky whispered to her, wrapping his arm around her as he brushed her hair away from her face. "Yeah," she whispered as Tony walked into the room, immediately getting hit in the face by a deflating balloon, "All okay."
"I love you so much, doll," he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead as she closed her eyes. "I love you too, Bucky," she smiled into his shoulder, "I love you too."
"As cute as all this is, it's your turn to pick a movie, Y/N so please, pick a movie."
"Hmm, I'm not in the mood… how about you pick one, Peter?"
"No! No, anyone but him!"
"Come on, we haven't watched Frozen 2 in a long time—"
"Shut up! No! Maybe give your boyfriend a turn, he picks better movies!"
"Never have I ever been so offended by something I 100% agree with."
"What do ya say, doll? Give me a turn?"
"Sure Barnes, whatever."
"Breaking News! For the first time in the history of the world, we're witnessing Y/N Y/L/N actively roasting James Barnes—"
"I don't mind anymore, everyone knows he's gonna come running back to me in no time."
"Hot damn!"
"Come on now, doll, you wanna be punished so badly—"
"Ugh, keep dirty talk out of this!"
Needless to say, movie night went great.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Leave a like if you enjoyed!
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
Hey! Could you use either prompt 2, 19, 30 or 32 for any Bucky?? Love your writing!
blazing sun
a/n: thank you for this lovely request! i chose prompt 30 from this list, which is "I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one would even notice." i loved writing this! plz send any and all requests you have <3 hope you enjoy! xoxo, ali :)
warnings: penetrative sex, unprotected sex, sex in public. if you are under 18, SWIPE OFF.
wc: 1.4k
[ bucky barnes x fem!reader ]
This vacation was supposed to be relaxing. A break from all the hard work you do as Avengers, and all that.
But what you didn't realize when you booked a one-week trip to California with you super beefy super soldier boyfriend, was that he was absolutely insatiable.
He wanted it all. The. Time.
And no, you would never be upset with Bucky for wanting to have sex, because he was very, very well-endowed and he always made sure your pleasure was a priority.
But there were times where you felt like it was getting to a bit... too much?
First, it was the small room in the quaint beachside house you had rented. You reckon Bucky had fucked you senseless on every single surface in the house.
"C'mon, doll. You know how I get, and on that long flight all I could think about fuckin' you in the bathroom. But there were kids right by there, and I didn't know if I could be quiet while I was balls-deep in that tight pussy of yours." He smirked, a hand tracing up your thigh while you placed your bag down on the floor.
"How about we head to our room first and get started there, yeah?" You had suggested while you gently walked out of his grasp, waiting for him to follow you into the bedroom.
"Oh, baby, you have no idea how bad I'm gonna wreck ya. Gonna have you screamin' on my cock for the next seven days, sweetheart."
And that was the start of it. And once Bucky started, he did not stop.
You were laid on a towel while trying to get a bit of a tan, letting the sound of the ocean relax you.
Behind you was the set-up of the chairs and umbrella you two had brought with you. Bucky was perched on his chair, watching you read the book you'd also brought along.
"Baby, c'mere for a sec?" His rough voice broke you out of the trance from your reading, snapping your head towards him.
"Something wrong, honey?" You inquire, sitting up in your spot.
"Oh, yeah, just need help with somethin' for a minute over here." Bucky responds. While you brush off the sand while standing up, you miss the smirk that paints his face.
"What's up?" You ask while standing in front of him.
All of a sudden, you feel two hands grasping your hips, pulling you down onto his lap.
"Bucky, what are you doing?" You grit out, wondering what the hell was going on with this man?
"I need you, sweetheart." He simply murmurs, his mouth already making headway up the expanse of your neck.
"We- we're on the beach? In public?" You say, more like ask because you're so confused about the way he's acting right now.
"Baby, I can speak at least six languages, but I don't know how else to tell you that I wanna fuck you, right here, right now." His tone becomes even darker and gravelly, making a shiver run up your spine and your thighs clench together.
And of course, Bucky notices. Because Bucky Barnes doesn't let anything slip through the cracks.
"I've never done anything like... that in public before, baby." You tell him in a hushed tone. Sometimes Bucky loved the way you got shy and demure, only for him to fuck the absolute daylights out of you.
"I could just pull your bikini bottoms to the side, no one would even notice." He whispers with another devious smirk that means nothing but trouble.
"I- Are you sure?"
"Yes, honey. Trust me, I've got ya. When have I ever let you down?" He asks, already adjusting you on his lap into an appropriate position.
You had both legs on either side of him, and while you had minor things obstructing the view of your lower halves on the (thankfully) not crowded beach, your heart rate was through the roof.
Both in arousal and fear of getting caught.
"Well, there was that one time..." You joke, abruptly stopping when you feel his cool, metal fingers run through your folds.
You let out a shaky breath, waiting to feel the way his fingers fill you up, but instead you just shift upwards and feel his thickness fill you right away.
"Oh- Oh my god, Bucky." Your grip on his shoulders was straining, feeling him fill you to the brim.
"Thas' it, take it all, baby." He returns, leaving marks along your chest right in front of him.
You let out another shaky, quiet moan while you feel him thrust upwards just the slightest bit, but it was enough to make your eyes roll back.
"Know just how ya like it, don't I, angel?" Bucky hums in your ear, moving at a slow but consistent pace inside you.
You give him an almost imperceptible nod, your eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of his cock brushing up against your g-spot.
"Fuck, look at me, baby. Look into my eyes when I make you come." He demands, and who are you to deny him?
Your eyes somehow remain open, and through the fog of having him so deep inside you, you feel the coil building up inside of you quickly.
"H-Honey, I'm gonna come." You breathe out between your quivering breaths, feeling how Bucky's pace becomes a touch quicker, and seeing his jaw set as he makes you his mission.
Making you come, that is.
"C'mon, baby, give it t'me," he gives you a few more thrusts while you bounce on him, all the while keeping eye contact with him.
He knows you've finally snapped when you still on top of him, trying to close your legs around his hips. You're holding onto him for dear life, biting your lip to avoid making any noise.
"Fuck, angel, squeezin' me so damn tight," Bucky's words echo through your empty mind while you feel him stop his movements, and his white seed painting your walls.
While you move your face into the crook of his neck, his arms wrap around you, holding you tight against his warm body.
"God, ain't nobody like you, doll." He laughs, placing a kiss at the top of your head while you nuzzle further into his neck.
"Well, I never thought I'd get railed in broad daylight on the beach by my super soldier boyfriend, but I guess lots of things change over the years." You coyly reply, hearing Bucky's chest vibrate underneath you while he laughs.
"Well, there's no one else I'd rather fuck on the beach than you, doll."
"I don't think you care where you fuck me, as long as you get your dick inside me at some point or another." You giggle while moving up to meet his eyes again.
Bucky slowly lifts you up to pull his softening cock out of you, gently tucking himself back into his swim trunks.
He watches intently while his cum leaks out of you, slowly dripping down your thighs.
You catch what he's watching so carefully, face burning in embarrassment.
"Bucky, you made such a mess." You whine, but your sentence trails off when you see his fingers move down to your core. Bucky uses his flesh hand to scoop some of his seed onto his fingers, and brings them to your mouth.
As the words die on your tongue, you taste his salty cum instead.
"Mmm. Taste good, angel?" He hums with a dirty smile.
"Why don't you find out yourself?" You tease, feeling a bit bold.
While one of Bucky's eyebrows shoots up at your words, he doesn't take much time to think before he leans in and captures your lips in his.
His tongue prods into your mouth, exploring it and tasting every inch of what you had to offer.
"I was right. We taste delicious." Bucky winks, and you lean in once more for a sweet peck.
"I love you so much, Bucky. There's no one else I could ever do any of... this with other than you." You brush your fingers through his sandy hair, admiring the man under you with a soft smile.
"God, doll, ain't nobody that could ever have me wrapped around their little finger like you do." He tells you sincerely, gazing into your soul. He punctuates the sweet words with a kiss on your nose, making you scrunch it up.
And this moment was when you realized, this was paradise. This is the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with.
Right here, under the California sun, you finally felt... whole.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Peter Parker x popular!reader and they just start dating and Peter is really nervous around her and gets flustered whenever she’s close so to calm Peter you tell him it’s okay to touch u and maybe a give him a bj
A/N: sjjfkf thanks for sending so many prompts love you 😘😘 hope you like this eheh I don't like it very much ✌ beta read by @parkerpeter24 :)
Warnings: smut :) (characters are 18)
Wc: 1.9k
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
Girlfriend ↬ p.p
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Peter Parker was the kind of guy who would get easily flustered if he was to talk to a girl, or any human as a matter of fact.
So it came off as a big shock to the Avengers when they found out that he, the shy nerdy Peter Parker, had a girlfriend at all.
They were all having a family dinner (something about bonding, Tony had said), when you called him, interrupting him from some Spidey adventure story he was reciting.
"Sorry guys, gotta take this," He said, phone smushed between his cheek and shoulder, fork halfway through his mouth, "uh, hey babe, what happened? Everything okay?"
Bucky and Steve were the first one to break out of their shocked stares as Peter called someone "babe" on the phone. 
Surely you don't call your friend babe, right?
"Peter! Thank God you picked up, can you come over right now?" You said on the phone.
"Uh actually, I'm having dinner, is it okay if I come over in an hour or so?" He said, ignoring the shouted whispers about a brewing conspiracy of who could it be on the phone in the background. 
"Okay, but don't forget like last time! I'm actually calling you to help me out with our chem lab manual-" 
"-didn't we do it during homeroom yesterday?" 
"Yeah but I need help with this one experiment, please Petey? I really need your help with this." You whine, hoping that he would catch your drift. But he didn't apparently, because he sighed, looking over his shoulders to see the Avengers with perked up ears, and replied;
"Okay fine. I'll be there in an hour Okay? Bye." He said and hung up, pocketing his phone and making his way to the dining room, only to be assaulted by a hundred and one questions.
"Peter who was that-"
"You've been keeping secrets from your father figure now-"
"Hope you're being safe, if you know what I mean-" 
"Kids these days." (That was from Steve)
"Guys stop! One by one please!" Peter shouted, holding his hands to his ears, frowning as he glared at them, "why are you all asking these questions?" 
"Because kid, if I'm being honest, we don't believe that you have a girlfriend, so spill the beans." Tony sighed, holding his cheek with his elbow on the table.
"Okay ouch. Why is it so hard to believe have a girlfriend?! I'm hot." Peter pouted, crossing his arms to try and look intimidating.
"Because you're you! You're shy nerdy Peter!" Tony said, gesturing at others to back him up.
"I mean, he's not that bad. Quite a charmer." Natasha smirked, sending him a look, which quite frankly, terrified and impressed Peter at the same time.
"Yeah, yeah totally." 
"I believe you kid. Are we gonna meet her soon?" Tony rolled his eyes, smiling when he blushed red.
"If she's okay with it." He said, intertwining his fingers.
"Well I hope she is, cause I want to meet the girl who stole my kid's heart." 
"Mr. Staaaark!" 
Leaving the tower had been a difficult feat, with the constant questions and a snarky comment or two, especially when they found out that you were a cheerleader. 
Rapping his knuckles on your apartment door, he smiled as you greeted him with an excited hug. He couldn't help but look at your skirt, the way it enhanced your waistline, and how it fit just right on your thighs, its frills swaying with the sway of your hips-
"Pete? You coming or what?" You laughed, a hand on your room's door as you look over your shoulder with glinting eyes.
"Uh- uh yeah just a minute. Are your parents home?" He asked casually, following you to your room.
"Nah, they're out for tonight." You said, closing the door behind him.
"Oh that's good, which experiment were you- Uh, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice rising an octave as he saw you unbuttoning your shirt, moving your fingers in slow motion as if to tease him.
"I finished my homework yesterday Petey, that's not why I called you." You whispered, straddling his lap as you hold his face, eyes shining with mischief. He instantly felt his dick harden as you rubbed against him, face burning when you traced his cheekbones, kissing his nose and then his lips.
"What, Uh, what did you call me for then?" He stuttered, holding your waist through the skirt's thin material, fingers itching to tear it off you. His heart was racing and he wondered if you could hear it doing so.
"You know why, it's been so long and I miss you baby." You whined, pouting as he unzips your skirt, watching it slide down your thighs in rivulets. You clench your thighs against his waist, intertwining your toes as you felt the space between your legs starting to wet.
"You met me in school yesterday." He mumbled, puffing his cheeks as he strained to keep a straight face, not with you looking so pretty in just your bra and skirt.
You had been overwhelmingly horny the past few hours, craving for your boyfriend's touch, imagining the way he fucked you against your bed frame as it shook with his strength.
"You miss me huh?" He smirked, catching you off guard when he flipped you over, holding you down as he rocked his hips against yours, leaving sloppy, wet kisses down your neck, reaching between your breasts and stopping a moment enough to hear you whine.
"I missed you so much and I want to fuck you now." You said, sucking a breath when he all but tore your bra, arching your back to let his fingers linger on you.
"Missed you too, missed all of you, missed your wet pussy. Wanna show my pretty girl how much I missed her." He growled, sucking on the sensitive skin of your nipple as he massaged your breasts. 
"Already wet for me eh?" He whispered, nibbling at your ear as he slid his length into You, "Fuck baby such a tight pussy." 
Quickly undressing himself, you openly drooled at how packed your boyfriend was. It was not the first time you would be doing… it together since your six month long relationship, but it was the first time you got to see his dominant side, and it turned you on. 
"Mmhmm yeah, only cause your dick is practically blue." You moaned, hissing when he hit a sensitive spot.
"Fuck, oh shit go faster Peter- oh!" You hissed, your skin slapping with his as he thrusts into you with a gusto.
"You like that babygirl?" He asked, eyes scrunching as he threw his head back, feeling your walls clench against his dick as you moved with him.
"Yes! You're so good oh- I'm gonna cum Peter!" You panted, chest heaving as your stamina decreases with every push and pull, your hands fisted on your sheets hard enough for them to pull out of your mattress.
You saw him flush red, confusion showing on your face as you tilted your head, your  almost orgasm forgotten as you held his cheek, "what happened?" 
"I- you've never um, org-orgasmed before on me." He muttered, his pupils blown wide as he looks at you with the most innocent look ever, and you would have laughed had his dick still not been inside you, midway in the air, his butt held high above. 
"Peter… are You, we've literally fucked so many times and you're getting flustered over me orgasming?" You chuckled, wiping away the sweat forming on his forehead.
"Yeah but you've never come on my bare dick before!" He countered, gulping as he saw you smirk. 
"Everything has a first time doesn't it?" You say, picking yourself upright so that you were chest to chest now, your nipples hardening against his bare chest as you rubbed against him, "Wanna try something?"
Your hand slides down to his dick as he nodded a yes, slowly pumping his balls as you kiss his lips. You hear him moan tour name, the sounds sending wetness dripping down your thighs again. Ignoring your thighs, you bent down to lick the tip of his dick, slick with pre cum and bright pink. 
"Is this okay?" You ask, swirling your tongue teasingly, wetting his already wet dick with your mouth as you sucked at it with a pop.
"This is amazing baby, keep going." He threw his head back, a growl emitting from deep inside his throat, "wow uhhh." 
"Wow what Petey?" 
"Wow you're- you're amazing. God I've- I understand why people like being on the receiving end of the job right now." 
"Job?" You laughed, "hun this isn't a Job." 
"You- you know what I mean!" He chuckled, shaking his head as you continued to suck on it.
"No I don't. Please enlighten me." You smiled, peeping from under your lashes as your tongue works through his hard member. 
"I know you know." He whimpered, hands creeping up to his balls as he tried to take care of his blues.
"No. Lemme do it." You slapped his hands, snickering when he whined. 
"Oh Tony wants to meet you by the way." He said suddenly, making you groan and fall back dramatically.
"You know I don't do family members Petey." You mumbled, pulling him down, his mouth immediately latching onto the underside of your breasts.
"But why? Am I- aren't we serious enough now?" He asked.
Your heart stuttered at the thought of meeting one of the most important people in his life other than May. You and May had already met (post an unfortunate...accident), not to mention he was freaking Iron Man!
"It's not that. It's just, what if he doesn't like me? Or black widow. I'm not your normal nerdy girl with A grades, what if they think I'm not good enough for you? Or that I'm violating you for Spider-Man? What if-" 
"- baby I swear they'll love You! And if they don't then it's their loss, because no matter what you are, who you are friends with, how many A's you get or don't, you'll always be my girl." His voice was soft as his hands moved with featherlight movements, rubbing light circles on your waist, instantly relaxing you. 
"Are you sure?" You said, biting your lips and fiddling with his hair. He gave another moan as your fingers played with his hair, scratching slightly behind his ear.
"Yes bub, they will love you. You're very important to me, you know that right?" He said.
"Even if I wear short skirts and hang out with jocks?" You giggled, resting your forehead on his toned chest, playing with his skin.
"Especially if you wear those short skirts." He smirked, making you roll your eyes as you slapped his chest slightly. Sighing, you kissed him again, rolling over so you were laid on top of him.
Wrapping your arms around him, you let yourself fall asleep, with his clothes in your room and hand in your hair. 
Peter woke up the next morning, the incessant ringing of his phone working as an alarm. 
Groaning he rolled over, careful as to not wake you up, squinting at the bright screen of his phone. Before he could cut the ringer though, it cut off on its own, only to be taken over by a text.
You didn't come home last night kiddo 😏
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Hi! how are you? everything fine this week? I had a cute happy thought these days, about reader and bucky... something about bucky coming home after a long mission, and at the end of the night he's watching the reader doing her nightly skincare routine, absolutely mesmerized by every move she makes, as she notices and gets very shy. in the meantime, bucky just explains why he's so silly.
thinking about this scene made me happy for a moment 🥺
Bestie, please this is so cute and I'm 🥺
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were sat at your vanity, a pretty thing with big mirrors and all your favorite beauty supplies proudly displayed. You'd spied it randomly at an antique store and fallen in love with it. Bucky had surprised you with not a few days later, just like he often did. You smiled at your reflection, amazed by how happy you truly looked; you'd never thought you'd get to experience this much happiness in life but then Bucky had come along and turned everything around. He really was your sunshine, just as much as you were his.
Singing along softly to the music you had playing while Bucky showered, you took off your makeup and were ready to wind down for the day. Tying up your hair in a loose bun, you pulled on a soft headband and looked at all your various items. You reached for the jar that contained one of your favorite face masks when you were stopped by Bucky clearing his throat from behind you.
Startled, you almost jumped out of your seat as you turned to look at him. He still managed to look handsome, despite being freshly out of the shower. His dark locks were pulled into a low bun and he was dressed in only his boxers. He beamed at you, before coming over and standing behind you; he bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
"Whatcha up to little bunny?" he asked softly, leaning over and looking at everything. You just shrugged and tried to brush him off; he'd never really watched you do your relaxing Friday Night self care. You mumbled something under your breath and he could immediately sense that you were getting shy on him, "aww, don't get shy on me now. Show me! Isn't this what women are usually up to? All this...what is it called? Self Care?"
"Yes, babe, self care. Well, you see..." you slowly stood up and motioned for him to take your spot, "after a long week, I think its time to relax a little and indulge in self care. It's just to...take some time for myself and calm down, you know? Do you...want to do it with me? I promise it's fun!"
“I don’t think there’s anything I’d enjoy more right now,” he agreed as he sat down in your cushy chair and made himself comfortable. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you grabbed one of the spare headbands and placed it on him, making sure all of his hair was out of his face.
“First,” you reached for a cotton round and grabbed your bottle of toner, “we’ll make sure you have a clean and receptive canvas to start with. I’m just going to swipe it over your skin but it irritates you at all, let me know.”
“I think I can handle it,” he insisted as you both laughed, but he let you gently clean his face, admiring the concentrated little look on your face, “it feels so...nice."
“Mhmm - fresh and clean!" you grabbed a hand-fan and helped his face to dry before grabbing a brush for the mask, “now, I’m going to do the mask. It’s one of my favorites - it hydrates your skin and makes it so smooth and soft.”
“Is that why your skin always feels so good?” he mused as you opened the jar with a huff of laughter, holding it up for him to smell, “smells fresh!”
“I know - it’s a lot of sea ingredients and it always reminds me of a fresh ocean breeze,” you dipped the brush in and scooped a healthy amount before slowly working it onto Bucky’s face. You took your time and made sure each inch of skin was covered, “good?”
“Very,” he grinned as he reached for the brush, “do you trust me enough to know to return the favor?”
“Of course,” you sat at the edge of the bed and stuck your face towards him with a silly little expression, “go ahead and paint me!”
Bucky nodded before his brows furrowed in concentration and he prepared to mimic your actions. It was silent, a comfortable, calm one as he gently put the mask all over your face. He took time and care as he hummed softly under his breath, causing you to want to smile, “hey! Serious face only so I can actually do this!”
“Sorry,” you giggled as he finished up, but not before gently tapping your nose with the end of the brush, “alright - ready for the next step?”
“There’s more to this?” his eyes lit up and you nodded excitedly, “alright then, what’s next, love?”
“Now we get to rest and relax for twenty minutes and then we wash it off and then I think a nice, hot bath sounds in order. And then we can slather ourselves in lotion before putting on serums and moisturizer. And after all that, we can get into bed and watch a movie. Basically...we’re going to a well deserved rest, which I think we can do with,” you could practically see the gears turning in his head as he processed what you were saying. Before you could say anything else, Bucky leaned in and pressed a quick, gentle kiss to your lips, smearing some of his mask onto you and vice versa, “Bucky!”
“Sorry,” he grinned sheepishly, “I couldn’t help myself. I mean, look at you. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to call you my girl. I love you, baby.”
“I love you too, James,” you looked at him with such sweet eyes, he almost melted then and there, “but while I’m thinking about it, maybe we should just do a lip scrub too...and some good chapstick.”
“Are you saying I have dry lips?!”
“I’m saying...they could be softer,” you teased as he pretended to look offended, “hey, it’s all...part of the self-care routine!”
“Little liar!”
“Maybe so - but you love me so you’ll do it!”
“Anything for you.”
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lordabovehelpme · 3 years
Tied to You - Bucky Barnes x Reader
For my lovely best friend. Happy birthday my dear, I hope you are having a wonderful morning and this puts a smile on your face. Trust me, it’s been hard to keep this a secret from you for so long, but I hope you enjoy. I love you, and I will see you later!!! 
Summary: You’re so happy to be standing before him, but something on his wrist brings you back to the very first time you met.
Warnings: f! reader, marriage
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Excitement sends thrills up and down your spine, tingling through your toes and pooling in your stomach. You clutch the simple bouquet between your hands tighter and take a deep breath, trying to calm your frantic nerves.
Finally, after what seems like both an eternity and a millisecond, the classic “here comes the bride” starts to echo. Taking one more quick breath, you let your shoulders relax and start to turn the corner.
There you emerge from behind the doors of the little church in Brooklyn. Family and friends stand as you start your descent down the aisle. You meant to smile at the crying relatives, to give them some sort of comfort, but you can’t take your eyes off of him.
He stands before the altar, adorned in a black suit with a black tie. His hands stay clasped before him, but his striking blue eyes meet your own. They soften at the sight of you and his shoulders slightly shift towards you.
However, once you offer him a small smile, his eyes rack down your form and back up before meeting your gaze again. Usually his gaze causes you to fluster and try to hide away, but today you stand tall as you approach him.
He offers you a hand as you climb the few steps and you gladly take it. Handing the beautiful bouquet to your maid of honor, you look down at your clasped hands.
No longer does he shy away from you touching the metal, and no longer do you hesitate.
But something catches your eye as you settle before him. Right there on his metal wrist is a bracelet of thread. The one you made him all those years ago; bright yellows and blues, with tan and green. They all compliment the vibranium perfectly.
The sentiment is overwhelming and a gasp gets caught in your throat. “You wore it.” Your voice is small and he doesn’t need clarification to know what has puzzled you.
“Of course I did, doll.”
He can’t take his eyes off you. There you sit with some older ladies, spools of brightly colored thread by your side as you try and explain how to make a bracelet.
“Yeah, you’re starting to get it, this just crosses over here… see?” You lean over and point at one ladys horrible excuse of a friendship bracelet. They all laugh at one another and point out each other's mistakes, but become very defensive when their own flaws are pointed out.
“You should go talk to her!” An elbow is pressed into his side and Yori smirks.
“No I should not.” His eyes snap to face the older man, but not even a second passes before they beg to find your form again.
“Why not? She’s not getting any younger, and neither are you.”
Bucky sighs, but a small smile breaks onto his lips. “Haha, very funny. But I don’t even know what to say.”
Yori shrugs his shoulders. “Flatter her, girls love that. Tell her you love her eyes, her lips, her hair. Anything.”
A scoff falls from his lips as his head shakes. “I’m not going to suck up to her in hopes of a date.”
Yori places his hands over his own and he offers a smile to the soldier. His long white eyebrows twitch in the classic sign that the next few words will be uncharacteristically wise. The older man's eyes meet blue eyes and he gestures for him to lean in. Bucky follows and leans his head down.
“You will.”
Before the words even process in his head, Yori has already walked off, laughing loud as he clutches a hand to his chest. Once again, Bucky shakes his head at his antics.
“No I won’t.” He utters under his breath, before walking over to your little circle of mischievous old ladies.
You look up at him and he swears he might legitimately melt. “Hi!” You offer him a smile and he is already making funeral plans in his head.
“Oh, uh, hi.” Subconsciously, his flesh hand finds itself on the back of his neck, trying to rub away his nerves.
“Can I help you?”
He swears in his head, what does he need? He needs you. But he can’t say that. Swearing again, he tries to think of anything that would make sense to a normal human being.
“Yeah, I…” His eyes flicker around and land on one ladies bracelet. “I wanted to make a bracelet.”
Well great. Now he’s done it. He must look like the biggest dork in history. What was he thinking? Why couldn’t he just admire you from afar?
“Oh.” You genuinely look surprised. “Of course!” A wide smile breaks onto your face and you pat the empty seat next to you. “Come sit down and we’ll get you some thread.”
He can hear Yori’s laugh from the opposing corner. But, he follows your command and takes a seat next to you. Blue eyes follow your movements as you reach for a plastic container holding an entire rainbow of thread.
“So, what color are you thinking?”
He gives the rainbow one good look before sighing. “I don’t know.” You look at him as he offers a small awkward smile.
“Oh, okay. Well… do you know what type of bracelet you want?”
His fingers anxiously pick at the hem of his jacket. Shaking his head he murmurs, “Sorry, I know nothing about thread.”
Things seem to click in your mind that he has literally no idea about this stuff because you smile and slightly laugh. “Ahh, I see. That’s alright! Do you want me to choose some colors for you?”
His stomach flutters and he smiles at your soft laugh. “Yeah, doll, that would be nice.” The pet name slipped before he could even dream of stopping it. Once again, a long, loud, strand of curse words flood his mind.
Your movements stop, but quickly resume. In fact, you were so fast he’s not even sure you caught his slip. He watches with quizzical eyes as you pull brightly colored threads and measure them with your arms. Your fingertips move with ease as they tie the strands together and then hold it out to him. He reaches out and purposefully slides his fingers over your own.
“H-” your voice breaks out suddenly and he just smiles as you slightly fluster, clearing your throat you continue, “Here you go.”
He throws you a smirk and takes them from you. But then his plan of seduction hastingly halts when he realizes he has no idea what to do with the strands. So he just lets his hands rest in his lap as he stares down at the colorful strands.
“Do you need help?” You ask.
His head slowly tilts to meet your gaze and soft smile. He swears his heart stopped. Taking a gulp he prays you don't notice, he offers you a smile back. “Umm yeah.”
You scootch your chair next to his and reach over to grab the thread. Now he knows his heart stopped. You start explaining how to start a simple design but he can’t focus.
He means to focus, he wants to focus, but the smell of your shampoo wafts to his nose and makes his breaths longer. The subtle heat flowing from your skin to his where your arms slightly touch makes him want to close his eyes and lean in further to your touch.
“Are you paying attention?”
His eyes shoot open and heat rises to his cheeks. “Yes!”
One of your eyebrows twitch and amusement twinkles behind your eyes, but you continue where you stopped. He forces himself to listen and not be distracted any longer.
After about an hour of small talk and you helping him, finally the bracelet is long enough to tie off. Everytime your hand brushed his heart would skip a beat.
Now you tie the bracelet onto his wrist and cut the long ends. “There!” You smile at him and he nearly melts into a puddle beneath your feet.
“Thanks doll.” This time he doesn’t miss the way your body slightly stiffens and your eyes widen a tad.
“Umm, yeah.” You clasp your hands before you and open your mouth, but before you can say anything the older ladies call for you that they need your immediate help. You give him an apologetic smile, “Sorry, I have to go, but it was nice to meet you…” trailing off when you realize you don’t know his name.
Nodding at him, your smile widens from remorseful to joy. “Bucky, it was nice to meet you.”
He watches as you walk away, laughing and giggling with the old ladies. “You too doll, you too.” Little did you know, but you walked off right with his heart. The once stone cold piece of meat, now fluttering and happily beating beneath your gaze and care. And for the last time that day another flood of curse words plagued his mind.
His hands squeeze your own and he takes a deep breath, blue eyes meeting your own. The bright bracelet proudly on display for anyone to see.
“Doll, there were many times I was lost and you found me. There were days which were heavy, and you picked me up and lightened my heart. Through it all, you were always there for me.”
His voice wavers a little and you can’t deny the water pooling at the corners of your eyes.
“And I know that will never change. I promise to love you as you are and to respect our differences while still supporting and encouraging you. Whatever the future holds, know that I will stand by you and love you. Through pain and passion, sorrow and hope. Through death and through life I will love you. Everyday and with whatever we face I promise to love you because I am tied to you.”
You have to drop one of his hands to wipe away your tears as you smile up at him. Then you say your own vows. And finally after the classic I do’s, the officiant says, “You may now kiss your bride.”
The two of you lock eyes before he swoops down and captures your lips within his own. One of his hands wraps around your waist and holds you steady. The crow erupts in shouts and glee for the two of you but neither of you care. He leans back and you both just smile at one another for a while, both holding the widest grins you have ever had in your entire life.
“I love you.” He says.
“I love you too.” You say back.
Later in the night, as the two of you sway, your arms wrapped around his shoulders and head on his chest, the final words in his vow finally make sense. You play with the string bracelet on his wrist.
“Tied to you huh? You were proud of that one, weren’t you?”
He chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Was it obvious?”
He smiles. “But I’m your dork.”
“Oh my god!” You sigh, “James Buchanan Barnes,” landing a poke to his chest to emphasize your point, “you are the most cheesiest, handsomest, loveable dork out there.” You stand on your tiptoes to catch a kiss from him. “And you're all mine.”
Yes yes, I know. “Lordy what the heck? Why are you writing for Bucky?” Well this is a birthday gift for my friend who loves Bucky, so yeah. 
Disclaimer!!! I will not write for Bucky normally!!! This was purely a gift!!!
But please, if you liked it, consider reblogging or leaving a comment, I love hearing what you all have to say! (And maybe y’all can convince me to write for him more. Idk, I’m not promising anything.) 
Love, Lordy :) 
Everything tags: @jedi-jesi​ @along-the-lines-of-space​ @madsvano4 @golfmarshal​
If you want to be added/removed from my taglist- please fill out the form below or just give me a holler! :) 
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Doctor!Bucky x Reader AU
Requested (like a year ago)
Run-through: Your doctor just can’t seem to get enough of you, nor you him. And one night, all the passion and tension can no longer be contained…
Themes: smut, dirty talk, fluff, doctor!bucky
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James Barnes was the kind of doctor who made you all weak in your knees, turned you into a stuttering mess the moment you first stepped into his examination room.
Your mom, after she made your appointment, forgot to mention that the gynecologist who would be seeing you was a tall, broad, blue-eyed, absolutely fine, gorgeous and dreamy man. Long, dark brown hair tied in a low, slightly messy bun. Perfect facial hair, and a strong built. Even with his lab coat on, you could tell he was absolutely ripped and muscular underneath it.
The first time you entered his office, he flashed you a smile which stole your heart right there. And the minute he ushered you over to his examination chair, you almost wished the ground would somehow spilt and swallow you whole because you realized that this fine specimen was going to see all of you. And you’d have to keep a straight face on and behave.
But by the next few visits for you regular check-ups, you had grown comfortable around the man. And each time, you tried your hardest to ignore the tingly feeling you got whenever you felt his hands on your thighs, or whenever he looked you in the eye while talking, or how he always placed a hand on the small of your back as he ushered you out of his office.
Each time you sat on his examination chair, legs spread apart; exposed. You immediately felt the burning hot, buzzing tension between you two. And you tried hard to convince yourself that it wasn’t real, that it was all in your head but you couldn’t.
It got to a point where you found yourself thinking of him when you touched yourself at night. James Barnes was always there, in your head. Living in your thoughts like it was nothing.
You were shamelessly crushing on the handsome doctor, needless to say. He was playful. And you began noticing the subtle ways he would flirt with you each time. But he never crossed the line.
But then one day your paths crossed somewhere you least expected… at a club. And that night, everything changed.
 “Hello Y/N.” he greeted, with a semi smirk. Leaning by the bar, dressed in a dark shirt and dark pants and his hair down; he looked irresistible.
“Hello doc.” You tried to hide the fact that your face was burning hot at the sight of him so… relaxed and beautiful. No lab coats, his hair not held back by a hair tie – right now he was just a devilishly handsome man at a club who was receiving all the attention by most ladies. A devilishly handsome man who also knew what your vagina looked like. Speaking of which, you had an appointment with him tomorrow… well shit.
Bucky inched closer to you, “You seem a little flustered.” He whispered in your ear. And you shivered at the sound of his voice. Fuck…
You giggled nervously. “Just, not used to seeing you like this.” He cocked his head to the side at your reply.
“Like how?”
So fucking fuckable. Your face felt all hot again, and you looked down at your shoes instead. “You know, I should go. You’re probably here with someone and I-,”
He cut you off, flashing you another smile which made your heart race. “No please, stay.” And that was all it took for you to stay by his side for the next hour or so, talking but mostly flirting, before he leaned in again and whispered in your ear, confidently. “Let’s get out of here. Somewhere a little more private?”
You nodded quickly, ditching your glass of red wine, took his hand and followed him out of the club.
You ended up at his luxurious apartment. None of its lushness and flamboyance, of course, even came close to that of its owner. James Barnes was one of a kind; gentlemanly, but also the right amount of flirty.
“Can I get you something?” Bucky asked as he rolled his sleeve up till his elbow, mindlessly.
You eyed him up and down and you could no longer hold back anymore. “Doc…” the sudden desperation in your voice made him look up at once. And he smirked once he caught your gaze.
“Please just… fuck me.” You spoke, boldly.
He chuckled, and slowly approached the coffee table, by which you stood. Bucky reached out and gently touched your face, his thumb softly tracing the shape of your mouth, smudging your lipstick just a little. He smirked again upon seeing your messed up lipstick. He definitely planned on messing all of you up later, oh he wanted to do bad things to you since the day he first saw you…
And all those times you just laid there in front him. Exposed. Open. Although deeply unethical, he wanted nothing more than to just touch you. Pleasure you. Taste you and be inside of you. He noticed how you always got all flustered under his stare, many women did to be honest. But he had never wanted any of them like he wanted you. He still remembers the first time he saw you on his examination chair, and his brazen thought at the time… such a pretty little cunt… the prettiest he had ever seen.
He often thought of you when you were long gone. How well you listened to each and every instruction of his. How obedient you seemed. How fucking perfect.
Yet each time, he felt like he was chained. Held back. Unable to reach out to you because the relationship between the two of you was supposed to be strictly professional, and there was nothing he could do about it.
But here you were now, right in front of him. Asking him to fuck you. He wanted you bad as well, but just like he waited, he wanted to be a tease and keep you waiting as well.
“Patience, sweetheart.” he spoke, looking down at your lips before looking into your eyes again and you almost moaned at the look he was giving you. Your body was burning hot under his stare.
And the fire in you didn’t simmer down at all, definitely not when Bucky pulled you onto his lap and kissed you senselessly, deeply, passionately for God knows how long, but you could feel your underwear getting completely soaked.
His hands grabbed you at your butt, firmly and occasionally rolling your hips against his crotch. You could feel him; big and hard.
You whined when his mouth left yours only to kiss down your neck, nibbling on your skin and leaving dark red marks behind. You moved your hips against him, grinding on him out of desperation, and he chuckled against your skin. “So eager, aren’t you doll?” he whispered and peppered your neck with soft kisses.
“You’re so mean…” you whimpered and slid your fingers through his hair and tugging on it.
He pulled away to look at you. “Am I now?” he faced you with lust and playfulness in his eyes. “What about all those times you tortured me at work?” he gently grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer. “Showing up all dolled up…,” he kissed the side of your mouth and you felt your heart flutter, “Acting so innocent and shy when spreading those sexy legs for me…,”
Your giggle cut him off. And he pulled away again to look at you with raised eyebrows, smirking a little. You immediately felt all hot and bothered by his stare. “Sorry,” you apologized and looked down at how comfortably you sat on his lap. “I thought you looked at vaginas all day. How did I stand out from the crowd?” the brat in you spoke.
Bucky tried to hold it in, but he ended up laughing anyway, his body shaking and his laughter filling the room. You lowered your head again. He calmed down a few seconds later, and he cupping your face softly. “You caught my eye the minute you walked into my life, angel.” He answered. “But since then, each time I saw you was pure torture. You were always so… unreachable.”
You leaned into his touch. “Well I’m here now.” you leaned closer, gently caressing the back of his neck. “You can whatever you want.” You felt his body tense under you, and you smirked.
“Careful what you wish for, doll.” he warned, teasing you.
You couldn’t take it anymore. “James, if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m leaving and I-,”
He cut you off with a rough kiss, biting your lip before shoving his tongue past your lips and kissing you like he’s famished and you’re the only thing which can satiate his hunger – which was true.
“You’re not fucking leaving!” He growled against your lips, his voice fueling the fire inside you. “Not when I finally have you all to myself.”
 Next thing you knew, Bucky was pushing down onto his large, comfy bed. The cool satin sheets felt wonderful under your burning hot body. He was on top of you in less than a second, kissing you like his life depended on it.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. You moaned and whimpered, body squirming under his. You needed him, bad.
Bucky’s mouth left your lips as he kissed his way down your body, undressing you in the process. Your little black dress, and your underwear found themselves on his bedroom floor as he settled himself in between your legs. His handsome face just inches away from your dripping core.
You had seen Bucky in between your legs before, but not like this. Back in his examination room, he always looked so calm and composed, and gentle. Right now, he was hungry, and wild – a man who wanted to do bad things to you, and you were more than happy to let him do whatever he wanted.
You felt his warm breath against your body as he spoke, lips brushing against your inner thigh, “Look at this pretty little cunt,” he kissed your skin so softly and it made your whole body tingle, “So fucking wet, and all mine.” he growled before he leaned in and kissed your wet folds, his tongue slowly circling around your throbbing clit and licking down, parting your wet folds with ease.
He poked at your entrance with his tongue and your body felt hotter than earlier. A pressing need to release formed deep inside you as you felt his tongue stroked your most sensitive parts. “So fucking sweet too…” Bucky chuckled as he looked up at you and found you with your eyes shut, head thrown back in pleasure. “Look at me.” He ordered and the authority in his voice made you tremble.
You opened your eyes and supported your upper body up with your elbows digging into the mattress and you took in the sight of him in between your legs. His strong arms wrapped around your thighs, keeping your in place and close to him.
He maintained eye contact as he licked in between your wet folds again, making you whine as he teased you. His touch was deliberately slow, pleasurably agonizing. “Please…” you cried out, whimpering and begging him to take you already. You could no longer deal with his teasing.
Bucky smirked. “I’ve fantasized about this moment for a while now, doll.” he kissed your thighs, purposely avoiding to touch where he knew you needed him the most. “I’m not gonna rush, I’m gonna savor you…” he kissed down all the way to your core, and gently bit your skin. You hissed in pleasure. “I’m gonna eat this wet, greedy cunt until your taste is embedded in my brain. And you will not once complain, you hear me?”
You nodded frantically, his words turning you on more than you expected them to. You could feel your arousal trickling out of you, one drop at a time. But Bucky didn’t let none of it go to waste, he leaned in and latched his mouth onto your core, sucking and licking and teasing you. Your arousal coated the lower half of his face, but he didn’t mind it one bit.
His sole purpose was to take his time, and taste you and make you come undone all over his tongue. You whined and whimpered under him; with your legs wrapped around his head.
“You taste better than I expected, baby…” he mumbled, closing his eyes, shamelessly humming and moaning at how you tasted on his tongue. Your taste drove him wild, so did your soft whimpers. “So fucking sweet.” he purred.
Your hand flew to his hair and you tugged on it gently as he flicked his tongue over your clit over and over again. His beard rubbed against your sensitive skin, and the friction burned a little but it was the kind of pain you kept wanting more of. You wanted more of him. But he was making you wait…
His stormy blue eyes watched how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. His hands wrapped around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you; making you cry out loud.
Bucky made you cum once. Twice. Then it got so frequent that your orgasms just overlapped effortlessly; making you gasp for air as your body writhed under him.
You whined wantonly, “Please…” you begged, and tried scooting away from him. But his grip around your thigh tightened and he kept you in place. “I already came, please…” part of you didn’t want him to stop. Ever. But you were so damn sensitive that even just his hot breath fanning your wet folds was making you moan out loud.
He had been eating you out for so long, you wondered how the hell his neck wasn’t sore and aching yet.
He glared at you from in between your legs. “I said no complaining.” He spoke sternly, smacked your thigh gently and kissed his way up to your mouth again. He kissed your lips once he hovered over you, rough and deep, and you tasted yourself on his tongue. “I’m not done with your sweet cunt yet, so keep quiet for me doll.” he whispered against your swollen lips. “I make the rules here, remember?”
You looked up at him and nodded, panting and shaking under his gaze.
Bucky kissed his way down your body again. And his mouth latched onto your core again. You whined and squirmed, tugging in his hair and that only made him want to eat you out for longer.
You lost track of time, but many orgasms later, Bucky kissed his way up your body again. He gave you a brief kiss on the lips then lifted off you for just a moment to get rid of his clothes. Once done, he was hovering over your naked body again. Frankly, he loved the sight of you; naked, hot and squirming against the dark sheets of his bed. He wanted to keep you there forever.
He gave you loud kisses on the cheek, making you giggle and wrap your arms around him. He pulled away after a while to look into your eyes. Then leaned in to kiss you on the nose. “Just so we’re clear, who makes the rules here, babygirl?” he asked.
Something in you pushed you to be a bit of a brat just to get a reaction out of him. You were curious to see what would happen if you pushed his buttons. “I don’t know, was it me?” you teased.
He smirked, reading your face. Part of him loved this side of you, the other part of him wanted to tame the brat in you right this instant. Bucky leaned in closer to you, his hand reaching up to hold your jaw carefully, firmly. He lifted his hand just an inch or two from your face gave you a gentle smack on your cheek. You groaned, bit your lip and smiled up at him, clearly he had taken over all of you. You’d take anything he’d give you.
“Don’t be a brat, doll. Who makes the rules here?”
You looked up at him in, completely under his spell. “You do.” He smiled and kissed you right in between your brows.
“Good girl.”  
Bucky’s body settled in between your legs comfortably again, and he leaned in to kiss you. Your lips were all swollen and tingly, but still you smiled through the kiss as he pulled you even closer. The need for one another was prominent between you two, quite literally – his thick and hard cock rested against your thighs.
Bucky touched you wherever he could; letting his hands linger at your breasts and taking his sweet time; caressing and kissing your skin. His hands slipped in between your legs with ease; caressing your inner thighs as he went. You moaned into the kiss; his touch was slow, and gentle and enticing but also fiery.
His knuckles gently stroked your wet folds; making you shiver at his touch. He ran his fingers up and down your folds, gathering and smearing your arousal around. He stared into your eyes, his face still dangerously close to yours. “You okay, doll?” he asked. His voice strained and deep, gravelly with lust.
You craved more. So you nodded a little too quickly. He smiled and leaned in again, kissing you and toying with your clit at the same time. You whimpered and squirmed under him, and he smirked through the kiss. He had wanted you since the day he first saw you. Since that day, he wanted nothing more than to just have you under him. To toy and play with your body as he pleased. And now that you were here, and he wasn’t planning on letting you go just yet.
Bucky pulled away from your lips, and pressed his forehead onto yours gently, while he pushed his erected cock past your tight entrance, pulling your legs up to wrap them around his waist. You moaned out loud as he pushed into you. He grunted once he filled you up entirely, and he gave you a couple of seconds to adjust. He grabbed both your hands, laced your fingers together with his and pinned your interlaced hands down on the bed, above your head.
He had always wondered how he would feel inside you. How wet you’d be, how warm and how tight and snug you’d feel… but he concluded that you felt better than he ever imagined.
You were so full of his thick cock that even you couldn’t even form a proper thought. His lips found yours again, trying to get you to stay quiet while he rolled his hips against yours. He pulled out and pushed himself back into you, and watched in awe how you struggled to keep quiet. He lowered his face again, and leaned into your ear.
“You feel so good, babygirl…” he whispered, groaning by the end and let go of your hands to hold your body. He gripped your waist and pushed deeper into you. You heard him gasp and swear under his breath as he rocked into you. Your nails sank into his damp skin, around his shoulders; which you held onto for dear life as he pounded into you.
You moaned out loud; wantonly, as he pushed deeper and deeper into you each time. You tried matching his thrusts but were unable to; so you simply let him take control. His scent, his moans; Bucky took over you in less than a minute.
He kissed you, bit your lips, kissed your open mouth, and shoved his tongue past your lips while he rammed into you; and you never once complained. Given his size, he stretched you out completely. And it did hurt, but the pleasure compensated for the pain. Your legs trembled around his waist, he thrust deeper into you, and in the daze he was in, he mumbled right in your ear about how good you felt.
“Fuck…” his voice cracked and his sentenced ended with a loud moan. The sound of his moans and grunts sent tingles dancing down your spine. Your back arched off the bed as you felt a familiar warmth washing over you. Bucky growled and bit down on your shoulder to keep himself from making any loud noises while he fucked you. He was relentless. And you loved it.
Right when your moans got louder and your walls started clenching around him; signaling you were right on the edge and just about to come undone; he removed himself from you and flipped you onto your stomach and pulled you onto your knees by your hips. His hand gripped your hair and tugged on it, harsher than earlier and his action elicited an involuntary moan out of you.
You whimpered; wanting him to completely ruin you. He kissed the back of your neck, “You’re so good to me, doll,” he mumbled against your skin and pushed your face down against the pillows, making your ass stick out for him. “But I’m not quite done with you yet.”
He gripped each side of your hips, tightly. He pushed his cock into you without a word said; earning a sinful moan out of you. He groaned and grunted as he filled you up entirely; your butt cheeks pressing into his pelvic bone as he pounded into you.
You moaned out loud at the new sensation of him rocking into you from behind. Bucky’s hand found its way to your front and he pressed the palm of his hand against your lower abdomen. He liked the rush of excitement which coursed through him each time he felt his cock deep within you.
His hand travelled all the way to your throat and he very gently squeezed the side of your throat. But hard enough to make you lose your mind. You could only moan and whimper in response while he kept pounding into you incessantly.
No man had ever made you feel the way he did. So wanted. So desired. So full and so wild. “Fuck…” you heard a barely audible moan leave his lips as he rammed his cock in and out of you incessantly.
“So good to me, so fucking good…” Bucky mumbled in a daze, and you barely heard him as the only thing you focused on was the sounds your bodies made when in contact with one another; along with your whimpers and his incoherent words while he fucked you like there’s no tomorrow.
You felt him quicken his pace. You tightened around him, and he groaned, pounding into you; growling and mumbling swear words under his breath. You felt the pressure in between your hips grow until you couldn’t hold back anymore, so you came undone with a loud moan.
His other hand reached around and toyed with your folds; his fingers furiously rubbed the skin around your clit and making you tremble and whimper again. You moaned, craving more and more of him.
With a few more strokes of his thick cock, you felt his thrust becoming irregular, and felt his cock throb against your walls. You tightened around him, feeling the burning hot need to cum grow hotter and hotter inside you until it exploded. You came with a loud moan, gushing all around him. Bucky came right after you; buried deep within you – growling and mumbling swear words under his breath. His warm cum shoot at your walls and trickled out of you when he carefully removed his length from your entrance. You were a whimpering, panting mess. And so was he.
He threw himself next to you in his bed. You were shaking just a little as he tucked your head under his chin and ran his soothing hand down your back; while kissing the side of your head. “Get some sleep, babygirl.” He whispered and just held you in his arms, while you came down from your high.
You were hazy and worn-out already, so all you remember is snuggling up to him and falling asleep with your head on his chest. The last thought in your head was about how warm his body was, and how perfect it felt sleeping next to him.
You woke up hours later, soft sunlight against your skin, feeling warm puffs of air fanning your neck. You opened your eyes and blinked a couple of times, trying to reorient yourself as best you could. You realized that you were naked, and tucked under the comfiest blankets you had ever felt, and pressed up against a warm body which spooned you from behind.
Bucky… you smiled at the thought of him. You lifted the covers and looked down to see your legs tangled with his, his arms circling your waist and holding you close to him. You smiled a little bigger, then tried to lift his arm so you could get out of his grip, even though you didn’t want to leave his bed right away.
The moment you lifted his arm inches off your skin, you heard him groan loudly right in your ear. “Don’t go. You’re so warm.” He mumbled before nuzzling your neck again. You giggled when you felt his soft lips against your skin. You turned around in his arms and faced him with a soft smile.
Bucky opened one eye to look at you briefly, then shut it again, mirroring the smile you had on. “Judging by the look on your face,” he pulled you further into him, chest pressing against his, “I’d say I did really well last night, huh?”
You giggled and admired his handsome face. “I’m sore. And I can almost still feel you, deep inside me.” You whispered and he immediately opened both his eyes and looked down at you. He looked adorable and smoking hot at the same time.
“Yeah? Keep looking at me like that and you sure won’t be able to walk all day today.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Then how am I gonna get to my appointment with the handsome doctor on time?” you watched how he blushed a little. “I can’t be late you know. He likes it when people are punctual.”
“Hmm,” he played along, “Well I could drive you. Or maybe you could like, not go? Ditch the doctor, stay with me.” He teased.
You shook your head, and then leaned in to kiss your way up his neck. “Can’t do that.” you kissed the side of his throat up till his ear. “He has me by my heart already, gotta go see him.” you kissed along his jaw. “Besides, I like him, and I like the way he looks at me.”
Bucky sighed in pleasure as you nibbled along his jaw, his grip around your waist tightening as he laid you on your back and hovered above you again. “How?” he asked.
You bit your lip as you looked up at him, staring into his stormy blue eyes. “Like a hungry animal. Feral. Wild. Like he’d absolutely ruin me once unleashed.”
Bucky smirked, inevitably feeling cocky after what you just said. He leaned down to kiss you, his tongue invaded your mouth like he owned it, stroking the top of your mouth and making you moan and hot and bothered just from his kiss. You could feel yourself getting wetter with each passing second. Again.
“Seems you unleashed the animal after all, babygirl.” He kissed his way down your body again, just like he did last night. Bucky settled in between your legs again, his mouth just an inch or two away from where you needed him the most. “Now don’t you move, I’m still not done with you yet.” He chuckled before separating your folds apart using his fingers, and pressed a soft kiss right on your clit. You whined, your body still sensitive and sore from hours ago.
Bucky looked up at you, and smirked. “Just can’t seem to get enough of your pretty, wet little cunt.” he whispered before latching his mouth onto your core once again…
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icyymocha · 3 years
Acts of Kindness
Warnings: Fluff, angst, Bucky loathing, insecurities
word count: 2,285 
Summary: From the beginning you both started dating, he was never one for showing affections, always opting to hold your hand; the bare minimum of showing any love to you physically. Bucky would show you his undying love for you through small acts of kindness and services. Throughout his life, the super-soldier was taught to be a gentleman. Always paying attention to his loved ones before he puts himself and his needs first. He’s always the believer who thought, ‘actions speak louder than words,’ kind of guy.
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Bucky was disoriented and bitter. He was emotionless but it never meant he never had his moments of vulnerability. When Bucky was brought back from the blip and experienced his best friend leaving him with Sam and getting the worst therapist, he was so, so, so tired. He disconnected everyone—even his other best friend, Sam Wilson. Having a bloodbath of a past, he couldn’t stand being in a room with people, fearing he would hurt them again. He wasn’t himself. That was until he met you. You were kind and understanding. Unlike everyone, you weren’t walking on eggshells whenever it’s about him. You always showed him that you only saw him as a person instead of a monster. Bucky feels a warm feeling whenever he’s around you, yet he’s always stifling himself whenever you show small gestures of kindness that make his knees go weak.
Bucky thought he was showing how he felt around you and others (even if all he does is grunt and stiffen or stare when people are around). It wasn’t always like that it was the opposite for you. You thought he hated your presence, always noticing how he stiffens like a wooden board. So you started to distance yourself. Only believing he hates you and noting how he doesn’t like what you do. Oh, If only you knew. The first few weeks when you weren’t doing your usual morning routines (he’s not a stalker, he’s an observant person, guys) Bucky was confused and frowned. He didn’t push it and nevertheless continued on his day—ignoring the yearning feeling for you. Then, another few weeks came by, and then a month and, so on. Bucky was frustrated. Why were you ignoring him? Did he do something wrong? Did you finally see the monster he truly was from the inside? No….
He shook the thought away. He couldn’t have you be afraid of him now, not now, not after when it’s your fault for giving him these strange feelings. Sam pointed out he had a crush on you, but he was a stubborn bull and bluntly said “it’ll go away.” Wrong. He was so wrong.
So, after weeks of planning, Bucky decided to show his first act of kindness towards you. He prepped himself to have a bit of confidence in the mirror, having Sam forcing telling him to ‘man up’ By the time it was time to go and meet you (Sam setting the both of you up), Bucky protested and complained. Knowing how much of an asshole he was and how he took your kindness for granted. At this point, Sam was annoyed and being the best wingman he is (no pun intended), shoved him out of his apartment and dragged his ass to the place where you both met. The park. It was simple yet cliché. But Bucky, he was more than glad he had met you—by err running into you and knocking you off the ground by accident. He profusely apologized yet you laughed it off as if it was nothing. Months after the blip, he thought no one would recognize him, but he was wrong. He simply forgot you used to work for Shield and was there during the fight against Thanos. How could he have ever forgotten about you? You were there, since day one during the civil war, had he not realized about your presence? Either way, he was ecstatic.
Seeing you there all dolled up, Bucky hesitated. Sam huffed and shoved him a bit further more into your direction; Bucky glared at him. Nervous was an understatement. But Bucky was more than nervous. Every bundle of nerves in his body wanted him to run away but his heart told him to express his feelings towards you. Clearing his throat, you turned around and was surprised to see him there. Not like you were complaining. Bucky was wearing his usual black clothing but he always looked handsome.
“I didn’t think to see you here Buck,” you said, surprise written all over your face
“Well me either” Bucky said bluntly
Stupid, stupid, stupid—he heard Sam say in his comm.
“I—uh, I mean, Sam forced me to meet you” Bucky coughed awkwardly
You raised an eyebrow, your lips quirking upwards. His com is full of Sam’s ridiculous laughter and annoying remarks. He is so going to kill Sam.
“Well that’s unfortunate, too bad Sam’s missing out the fun,” you joked
The stiff tension in Bucky's shoulder relaxed a bit. Okay, good so far...
“Yeah, you’re right, doll”
Shifting his weight from one foot to another, Bucky looked down at the ground. Being around you was already making him shy away from but talking to you for the first time with a full conversation made his heartbeats rapidly
“Uh I got you something”
Handing you a bag in your direction. Bucky waited until you looked inside. Anxiety eating him up to see how you react to his gift.
The bag in your hand felt heavy. You trusted Bucky, even more so than Sam (not like you’re ever gonna tell him that). You slowly opened the bag to see it filled with a variety of gifts. Your eyes widened.
Inside, there was a copy of your favorite mug you had broken during a food fight with Natasha. Next, were boxes of your favorite foods and chocolates. Then, a small amount of jewelry and a sweater with your favorite band. Others were some of your favorite novels. Last, was a letter? Wait, a letter from Bucky? That’s new.
You put down the gift bag and carefully opened the letter you assumed was written by Bucky.
Dear Y/n,
Uh, I don’t know where to start but nothing I do could match for all the acts of kindness you had shown me throughout the years.
I, uh, I’m sorry for all the shit you had to put up from me. I acted like an ass and I took everything for granted of your consideration for me. I never realized I hadn’t told you how I felt about you until you started to distance yourself around me. It’s not your fault, I understand.
Being known as a weapon from Hydra and a murder for killing the innocence of people, I understand if you’ve distanced yourself because of that. I never meant to scare you away. It’s quite far from that.
I always wanted to express how I felt around you. The way you gave me a warm feeling inside of me, made me feel loved and cared for. But I was never one for physical contact and I never know how to act around you nor tell you words about it. No words could ever describe what you mean to me, how much beauty you hold can have everyone look at you. If I’m being honest, you got me whipped and so is everyone else around your finger.
It was clear to me that I wasn’t always the best with people nor did I care enough to see how my actions or words could affect a person. I never realized I didn’t observe a person’s well-being enough to understand that this would create a drift between you and me. I’m sorry I never communicated with you—regardless even it’s just a quick yes or no question.
James Buchanan Barnes.
It was eerily quiet. The tension between both couples was awkward. Bucky didn’t know whether to stay or leave and dig his grave six feet down in secondhand embarrassment. He quickly looked down at the ground, ashamed. He had a feeling he should’ve never written that letter to you, it was stupid and a dumb idea. Thoughts raced through his head; his fear of rejection of you leaving him. He lost so many people in his life, Bucky would’ve been devastated if you left because of him. It would be beyond the repair of what’s left of him that Bucky gave to you each day, pieces by pieces. Shallow breathes became heavier but Bucky gulped painfully, ignoring the burning feeling in his throat for a release of hot air.
What if this is the end? What if you hated him now? What if you left him because you found out who he truly was? What if you left because he never approached you as other people did? What if-
A gentle motion of a hand grazed his right bicep soothingly. He gulped even harder. This is it, Bucky tells himself. Yet no harsh words came at him nor did the mercilessness of a slap come towards him. But, two fingers grabbing a hold of his chin, forcing him to look up at the eyes that took his breath away.
“Bucky?” y/n whispered
closing his eyes, he waited for the rejection but it never came. He waited and waited. Feeling the warmth of two soft hands cradling his face, he leaned into their touch.
“This is really touching, thank you.” Y/n thanked, peppering kisses around his face. Their hands caressing his face, feeling the little stubbles underneath their fingers. Bucky’s whole body wanted to melt right then and there, already thinking how he needed their touch from now on.
Nuzzling into his neck, you murmured a sweet confession. Bucky already thought his heart had melted but no, it very much exploded—already so overwhelmed with this new profound feeling of love.
As much as Bucky savored the sweet moment with y/n, Sam had to interrupt it
“Are you lovebirds done yet?”
“I can’t stand watching an old man be all sappy,”
“Oooo Bucky's gonna get it,”
“We all know he’s gonna get laid y/n.”
Cue Sam fake gagging noises in Bucky’s com
Y/n giggled while Bucky clenched his jaw. His eyebrows furrowed and his crystal blue eyes darkened, he was ready to beat Sam’s ass for ruining the moment. You watched as Sam screamed for his life in and out of the park while a certain super soldier shouted profanities at him. It went on for a while. And during those moments, you recorded it all and saved a backup just in case to tease Sam about it. (You’ll never forget how Sam screamed like a little girl)
From the beginning you both started dating, he was never one for showing affections, always opting to hold your hand; the bare minimum of showing any love to you physically. Bucky would show you his undying love for you through small acts of kindness and services. Throughout his life, the super-soldier was taught to be a gentleman. Always paying attention to his loved ones before he puts himself and his needs first. He’s always the believer who thought, ‘actions speak louder than words,’ kind of guy.
He would always show ways of his way of saying, “I love you,” by refilling your cup in the mornings. Always made sure you were fed and hydrated throughout the day. He would ask if you need anything for personal needs, replacing your nightly skin routine when he thinks it’s almost finished. 
Whenever you have errands to run or missions to accomplish, Bucky always insisted to come with you whether you like it or not. He’s always so protective towards you and his biggest fear is ever losing you. He could never imagine hurting you or having you get hurt by something or someone without him being there to rescue you in time. A lot of insecurities were passing through his head, having that one voice in the dark corners of his mind, always wondering why? Why did you choose him? Bucky only saw his reflection nothing more but a weapon. A freak. When you found out about his insecurities, you made sure he was your first priority, always giving him extra love and attention. 
So, when weeks have passed by after that incident. Bucky found out you were a very affectionate person, more so before the two of you had gotten into a relationship. You loved feeling the arms of your lover; always feeling safe. You quickly learned that Bucky is now your personal coddler for warmth the first time he hugged you as you loved the sentiment and the thoughts of being held in a warm embrace. 
From then on, as Bucky kept pampering you, ignoring your protests and complaints, he made sure every need of yours was taken care of. Whenever Bucky feels like you are having a bad down overall, he would quietly take you to your guy’s shared bedroom and cuddle in silence, occasionally lazily tracing patterns and shapes to your back. Bucky was never the one to voice out his love, always thinking intimacy is better than a couple of futile words that cannot be compared to much love he has for you. If he wanted to, Bucky would shout out compliments and his love for you to the world yet it would never be enough. It would never be enough in his mind. You were his. And he would always make sure that his love is heard, whether he silently does so. The whole moment felt like a blur. Everything went by eerily quickly. Two years felt like two days being in a relationship together. Yet, Bucky is still the man who believes in, “Actions speak louder than words.” Nevertheless, he would never resist your charms and soft touches here and there. Those loving moments between the two of you as you cuddle in bed after a night full of passion, lazily tracing shapes and patterns on your guys' skin. Even if you had to do it in private, you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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Shake It Off
Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 6
"She danced to forget him"
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the Stark Tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 2,404
Warnings: as always language, Hydra, angst, mentions of and alludes to sex.
A/N: I really hope this series won't flop because I wrote all of the chapters before I started posting, and like I put so much of myself in this series- I just really hope it'll go well. This chapter is shorter because but it is much needed. I didn't post last week bc of the writers content freeze week, so here it is.
A/N2: the dividers were made by the awesome @chrissquares and @nacho-bucky beta read all of it!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
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Steve's arms were around you as your tears stained his shirt, it must have been midnight by now. You came to his doorstep a little after Loki left you again. You knew what you were in for the second you agreed to the temporary bliss that he gave you, but you didn't expect all these old emotions to come back when he would leave you.
"I thought I'll be able to handle it. I thought it'll be worth the rush."
"It's alright darling, I know." You didn't see the angry frown between his eyebrows or his clenched jaw. He couldn't let the anger on the god get the best of him right now, you needed him more now- you needed comfort in a friend. After everything that happened, you knew you would always find safety in his embrace.
"Steve, did you know what he is?" you murmured into his neck a little while later.
"What do you mean?" pulling back he took a good look at your face, and you knew he could see every tear stain on your face and you wished you could hide yourself from him.
"That he is…" you didn't quite know how to describe it, your mind a bit fuzzy. "Blue."
"Oh, yeah we knew that."
"Wait, everyone knew that?" he started to rub your arm, the soft touch made your skin prickling from the cold with goose bumps spreading all over.
"There are a lot of things about him that you don't know Y/N, I really was just trying to protect you from him and from this pain." You nodded at him.
"I wish I'd listened to you sooner. I can't believe I didn't know anything, what else is there?"
You saw his mouth gape but no words came out.
"It's a lot, I'll tell you some other time." By the look on his face you knew you won't be getting any answers now. Nodding, you put your head back down.
"Can I stay here tonight?" you sniffled and thanked him for the tissues he gave you with a smile. You couldn't hear the answer he gave you between blowing your nose. "Can you repeat that please?"
He laughed at you but answered regardless, you were too adorable to deny.
"Of course, kid."
The loud beat made it hard for you to hear Natasha who was standing right next to you. It's been a couple of weeks now, and the noisy distraction of the club worked perfectly to take your mind off of anything else.
"What did you say?" you covered the top of the glass in your hand with your other hand, leaning forward to Nat.
"I said maybe we should get out of here, it's already pretty late and Wanda is drunk and you know what happens when she is drunk-"
"Things start to float and gravity is non-existent, yeah I know." You looked around the club, your eyes catching that of a dark eyed handsome man. "The two of you can go; I can take care of myself."
When you saw the two of them walk outside you went towards the beautiful gentleman.
Waking up to the sunshine you looked back at the sleeping man next to you, happy to find him still asleep you groaned at the headache when you got up. You collected your clothes from the floor, panicking for a second when he started to wake up but you quickly put him under, and you were out of the door soon after.
They never stayed, but neither did you. You heard the things people started saying about you in the Tower when they saw you coming back in the morning mostly alongside a sweaty Bucky who was back from a run and a worried Steve who tried to stay silent about how you were dealing with everything that happened.
They didn't like the amount of guys you hooked up with and left a day or so later. To you it was a nice pace but you knew the high of the alcohol and sex wouldn't last long, you needed something different. Plus, it wasn't your fault that they weren't interesting enough.
"Agent Y/N?" you heard the voice behind you coming into the room you sat in with Sam, planning the next stakeout.
"Yes? Oh hi Mike, what have you got for us?" the guy smiled at you and nodded towards the falcon.
"I have the schematics of the whole area that Agent Romanoff asked me to bring you." He handed you the folded papers and when your fingers lightly brushed his it was as if a light bulb lit up in your head.
Sitting back down you leaned forward with a smile.
"So, you said Natasha sent you to bring me these papers?" he nodded at you and you handed the papers to Sam. "Well that's very nice of you and I actually wanted to speak to you so it's a nice coincidence. Would you like to go out to dinner sometimes?"
Sam choked on his drink and made a lazy excuse to get out of the room.
"Really, you want to go out with me?" You couldn't help but actually find him cute when he wasn't as shy now as usual.
"Yeah, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to." He flashed you a smile at that, and that's how it all started.
It was a month later when you walked with Mike down a park with ice cream cones in your hands. He intertwined your free hands together.
Looking at him now, it was simple to see that he is sensible and incredibly nice too, you knew he is everything a girl could dream of getting.
The two of you were close now to the Tower and the charming guy that he is he opened up the door for you to walk in first. When you were inside you kissed him goodbye as he headed back to his department from his break that he spent with you.
You turned around, only to notice Steve leaning back against the wall of the elevator, waiting for it. You cleared your throat when you got closer, not looking forward to have a talk with Steve that surely will come.
It started the moment the elevator doors closed behind the two of you.
"So, you've been dating this guy for about a month now, right?" he started casually and you only nodded.
"Mike seems like a really good guy actually, I know you didn't want to talk with me about him especially after-"
"After what?" you scoffed. "After Loki left? I have Mike now, and he is much better than him."
"Well it's good to hear you're happy now. He reminds me of the guys back in my time."
"Well he is, it's only been a month but I couldn't have asked for anything better."
"According to Tony, he is an excellent employee too." The smirk on his face didn't go unnoticed.
"You did a background check on him? You can't just do that!"
"Stark and I just wanted to see some stuff. Plus, he is Tony's employee so he can do background checks anytime he likes."
"You guys are horrible." You grumbled and attempted to punch Steve's shoulder but it ended up hurting your fist. You huffed in frustration when he laughed at you.
Another month went by and you found yourself keeping busy whether it was with training, or missions or going out with Mike and your friends. This week though was blank of anything to do. Steve banned you from the gym, saying that you're working out too much, which caused the stubborn father and daughter to spar with the loser doing whatever the winner wanted them to do. Bucky looked exasperated at the two of you from the sides, and you heard a Thank God being murmured when Steve finally pinned you to the ground and won.
In your room you decided to clean it up a bit. By cleaning you really mean redesigning your whole room while making a total mess and reminiscing on old stuff. Going through your dresser you found some old jewelry boxes, opening one you saw old stuff you used to wear and sorting through them would probably be for the best.
That's when there was a knock at your door, turning around you saw Mike standing there.
"Oh hi, what are you doing here?"
"Captain Rogers let me up, I just wanted to see you and ask if you wanted to maybe come to my apartment after work?"
"Sorry about the mess, I'm in the middle of cleaning." You left the box jumped over piles of things to reach him and give him a soft kiss. "Yeah sure that sounds great."
"I know we said that we would take this slow, but I was kind of hoping we could take this to the next level." A boyish grin spread on his face and you felt gentle kisses as he nestled his face in your throat. "What do you say?"
"Yes. I'd love that." You kissed him back then until he had to go back to work.
Quickly, you closed all the boxes and put them back in their place, forgetting all about reorganizing. Now you have a more exciting thing to do.
You woke up the next day to a soft snoring behind you, and an arm wrapped around your waist. The sun was barely out yet, leaving the room with a small glow of orange and red.
You saw your dress on the floor of his room and felt the soft sheets covering you, shivering you pulled them closer and tried to close your eyes to get a little bit more rest.
"Are you sure, darling?" Loki had asked you then when the two of you were barely dressed and breathing heavily between kisses.
"I'm more than sure, Loki I want you." He stopped kissing your neck and pulled back which made you whine and pull at his shoulders.
"Do you think you can handle a god, my love?" you wished you could wipe out the smirk on his face, which is what you did when you pulled yourself up to claim his lips with yours.
"I've handled you this far, so for the love of the gods just fuck me, please." You whimpered at the end of the sentence when you felt his hands start to roam your skin.
"As you wish, my dear." Loki will forever give you anything you ask for.
You woke up with the sunshine painting the room golden as you backed up against the warm chest behind you. You've never felt this warm before, with the man who took over your heart and soul and the love marks he left on you- claiming you. You could still feel the bliss from last night engulfing you with him in this room.
"Did you sleep well?" you turned to the dark haired prince who held a smile that matched yours. Sleep still hang between his eyes.
"Perfect." He pulled you in and suddenly you weren't tired anymore.
The man next to you was still asleep when he changed his position, turning to his other side. You sank deeper into the bed, letting the memories drown you until sleep took over.
Yet another month flew by and you could barely remember any of it. Yes there were some successful missions against Hydra, and there were some less successful ones too. In between you went on more dates with Mike and he definitely helped you.
"So I planted a virus in his computer that changed all of his autocorrect!" you burst out laughing at the end of his story.
"And you did all of that because he stole your girl?" he nodded and you laughed harder. "No one can steal a girl, a girl leaves if she wants to. If she left you for someone else then she didn't deserve you."
Your hand was on his thigh and he put his over it with a small chuckle.
"Maybe, but I am certainly not going to let you go." He kissed your knuckles. "I've liked you for a long time you know, and not just as a colleague."
"So I've been told."
"Natasha told me a little while ago, sometime before we got together. I must say I didn't notice until she said that."
"Well I am offended, oh you hurt me deeply Y/N." you pushed him away from you but brought him back for a quick peck on his cheek."
"Do you forgive me now?" he pondered about it.
"I think I might need a little more."
"I'm sure we can arrange that." Leaning in again, the phone began to ring and he leaned his forehead against yours.
"That's work."
"Always comes in the way."
"Speaks the girl who goes to week long missions!" he stood and went back a few steps.
"You chose to date that girl from your free will!"
You've been together for almost half a year now… shy two or three months. You couldn't help thinking how this is probably the guy that you needed, someone steady who took good care of you and made you feel cared for. He never was late, and always so attentive listening to every word you said. How can you need anything more? That was a question that pestered your brain, trying to find reason in your numb heart.
You always smiled around him, and Steve obviously approved judging from the amount of time he let him go into the Avengers quarters. You knew you were attracted to him. It was hard not to be. And yet, it wasn't just there yet- it wasn't like it was with him. It must be a good thing though.
"Is this all you got?"
"Sir, you have to understand- we didn't have much time to get all that we needed, we still don't know a lot." Doctor Zazu sighed at the small bunch of paper in front of him.
"Very well, for now we will work on the safe room- you better take care of it. I have enough work working on the formula for the asset." The agents nodded and the doctor turned around to look at the chair, the similarities were uncanny but he improved it, now he is sure this will work- there is no other option.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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santigarcia · 4 years
a Nathan Bateman x f!reader fic~
word count: 1.3k
rating: m - masturbation/voyeurism  
summary: Nathan has a crush on you and he’s grumpy about it. He’s got sexual frustration pent up and he need to do something about it. 
a/n: this smug beardy asshole lives in my mind RENT FREE i had to write about him some more
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You get under Nathan’s skin and he hates it. He can’t quite put his finger on what it is about you that makes him crazy – and that’s what makes him crazy. Ever since you moved out here to help after his ‘incident’ he prefers to have real people around, even if they are more complicated than AI. But you, fuck, you make his head spin and he wish he knew why.
Maybe it’s because you’re exactly his type. Maybe you’re the most beautiful woman ever created. He doesn’t know if he believes in God, but he knows whoever made you was an artist. Everything you do makes his chest tighten. And he doesn’t have a damn clue what to do about any of it.
He knows you deserve better than an asshole like him anyways. So, he pushes whatever the hell he’s feeling down. Down deep. He used to drink to quiet his mind, now he drinks to get the thoughts of you out of his head.
But it doesn’t fuckin’ work.
He aches, he aches for you in a way he doesn’t understand.
He tries to break it down for himself in a scientific manner.
Ok. So, you’re a beautiful woman, and it’s chemicals in his body that make him want to be with you right? Just chemicals.
But it’s so loud, it’s so loud in his head. The thing is though you simultaneously quiet his mind with your presence. Your voice, your laugh. He’d burn the whole world down if anyone hurt you. He lives for that look in your eyes when you get flustered.
He has a damn crush on you and he’s mad about it.
He wakes one morning after having a very intimate dream about you, and he must go outside to box. He’s got to get this energy out. It’s a particularly cold morning, the chill washes over his arms. He sloppily wraps his hands, ready to punch away the images of you naked from his mind.
He’s never actually seen you naked, but fuck if he doesn’t want to know. He respects you enough that he turned off the cameras in your room. He might have peeked a few times, but you were always asleep or clothed. He feels slightly guilty about looking, but not even that he doesn’t peek occasionally.
He hits the bag hard. Trying to chase the dream away. He had you groaning and crying from pleasure, and he can’t get rid of how you sounded.
The chill of the air starts to feel good when he starts to sweat. The sweat on his brow not just from his exertion, but from the need building up inside of him. Adrenaline pumps through his veins. He’s hitting the bag hard; his knuckles will be bruised and tender later.
When it starts to rain and the temperature drops, he unwillingly heads inside.
He’s greeted with the sight of you in the kitchen, making some hot tea on this cold morning. You’re wearing an oversized sweatshirt; it hits your mid-thigh. You have long warm socks that go up to your knee. There’s a precious bit of bare skin on your legs that has him swallow harshly. Your hair is adorably messy, and you’re humming. You don’t know he’s there, or maybe you do.
“Hey,” he says, letting you know he’s there. And fuck was that his voice? It sounded like he was in pain.
Maybe because he is. He’s hard in his gym shorts and there’s no way you won’t notice when you turn around.
“Good morning!” your voice is cheery and sleep still clings to it. Fuck him you’re cute. “Are you alright?” you ask when you turn, your brow is furrowed.
“Worked out a little too hard,” he laughs. Wrong choice of words Bateman. He knows you see the look on his face, but you give him a gentle smile anyways. If you saw him hard through his pants he doesn’t know.
You’re accustomed to his quirks, so it’s not unusual when he darts out of the room.
He has a problem that he needs to take care of now. He thinks about a cold shower, but no. He needs the release.
Once he’s in his room he strips himself of his sweaty clothes and flops naked on his bed. His hand grabbing himself with need, and his groan is a little too loud. He thinks about you. Your smile. Your legs. How much he wants to suck on your tits. How badly he wants to smack your ass, have you whimper for him. Fuck he wants to kiss you. To hold you.
His hand speeds up, he’s groaning loudly, and he doesn’t care if you hear. Maybe this would solve his problem. He pushes the thought from his mind that you might not want him. He’s seen the shy smiles.
Those are his favorite, the little shy glances you give him when he’s being snarky. He loves when you sass him back too but shit those little shy grins. To die for.
He’s so close, the thoughts of you have him tipping over the edge and spilling all over his hand and stomach.
His physical need is satisfied, but he still has a need. He showers now and it doesn’t help. He still wants you, but at least his aching sexual need for the moment has quieted down.
He’d been afraid he wouldn’t be able to look at you after this, but he now wants to. Wants to see you. But it’s you now that can’t look at him.
When you’d finished making your tea, you took it back to your room. Maybe it was a glitch, he’s still ironing those out after the incident, but your TV turns on and there’s a video feed of a very naked Nathan jerking himself off. You almost turn it off, but when you hear your name fall from his lips you can’t turn your eyes away.
Nathan is sharp, he knows something is up when you can barely look him for the next couple days. You’re acting shyer than normal.
“So, what’s up?” he sits down in front of you in the living room one night. You were reading, but Nathan pulls the book from your hands, making you look at him. “Why won’t you look at me?”
“I-“ your eyes are big, pupils dilated.
Suddenly it clicks.
You start to stand up. You know he won’t be satisfied until he has his answer. And he knows you know that.
He grabs your wrist. He doesn’t even look at you when he speaks.
“I know you saw.”
His finger on your pulse point tells him all he needs to know.
“You liked it. Didn’t you?”
Your heart is beating faster.
“You heard me say your name.” He let’s go of your wrist, and he stands now in front of you. He watches your face; your eyes are dark with arousal. You’re trembling.
He mentally yells at himself; he doesn’t want to scare you away. His next move is a gentler one, he lightly cups your face in his hands. And he watches you melt into his touch. That’s it. A smile grows that look of arousal still in your eyes.
He doesn’t know who closes the gap between you, but he shudders to kiss you finally. You haven’t stopped trembling in his arms, and he’s endeared by it.
When you break apart for air, he looks at you. His dark brown eyes full of a softness you don’t see much.
“I know I’m an asshole, and you deserve better than me. But would you give me a chance?”
“Yes,” you giggle and lean up to kiss his cheek. Fuck he felt that in his dick. “And next time I’m so desirable that you have to leave to go jerk off will you let me know? I can help with that.”
“Yeah,” he laughs, “Yeah I will kitten. You wanna, help me out now?” He pushes his hips forward into you, his arousal against your thigh is unmistakable.
When you lean into him, he sighs in relief. His dreams of you is about to become a reality.
tagging: @aliciaxglasgow​, @arabellathorne​, @bucky-j-barnes​, @coaaster​, @velvetmel0n​, @darksideofclarke​, @dindisneydjarin​, @djarinsbxbyy​, @eternallyvenus​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @ghosttofcalum​, @himbopoes​, @huliabitch​, @jubileetion​, @knittingqueen13​, @mandoplease​, @marvel-dameron​, @melanietrancy​, @mylifeliterally​, @ntlmundy​, @paintballkid711​, @pascalplease​, @pascalz​, @perropascal​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @punkpascal​, @rewritingstarrs​, @savagethewhale​, @saved-fanfiction​, @shadow-assassin-blix​, @stanningtoomanypeopleatonce​, @thehippiequilter​, @this-cat-is-dea​, @tintinwrites​, @wakalas​, @woakiees​, @writefightandflightclub​, @xremember-me-notx​
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Welcome To The Pack: Sing My Song
Part Two
Summary- 7.5k Steve Rogers x You. Having you back makes the Alpha very happy, and has a hard time keeping his hands to himself. Which you don’t have any issues with that. Shuri continues her work with you, and making progress everyday, enough so Steve hopes to take you on a run through Wakanda. Bucky and his team are drawing in on Brock, but will they be able to take out the ex Alpha and his bitch for good? Warnings- Smut and Violence. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
A/N- Im breaking this into 2 parts. Its long and I feel like its just a lot to handle all to once. So next chapter will be posted soon. As always, Thank you for sticking with me and The Pack, I hope you all enjoy. As always feedback and your thoughts are encouraged, I’m always open to hearing what you all think and would like to see for them in the future. Happy Reading 🐺❤️
Part One / Chapter 8 / Masterlist
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Brock did nothing to fight back or defend himself. His eyes glittered malicious at Bucky, baring his teeth at Bucky. 
“Cassandra really had NO idea what you were. You were just such a good fuck and easy listener Barnes. You should have heard her screams when we showed her what you were, what we were.” Brock taunted, making Bucky recoil slightly hearing him.
Brock's taunts gave Alanna enough time to shift out of Bucky’s sight, for her to slink around the room and low to the ground and start to approach the White Wolf from behind. In Bucky’s mind the White Wolf paced, wanting to rip out Brock’s throat, lap at the hot spurts of blood that would spray. But then he noticed the silence, his ears flicking around but he heard nothing. 
<Where's the bitch?> the White Wolf snarled out.
 Bucky started to turn enough to see a rush of tawny fur leaping at him, and he spun to kick out, catching the Wolf in the ribs and sending her flying back. But it was enough for Brock to knock the blade from Bucky’s hand, and push him back to get out of the corner. He was hitting Bucky in enough different places that it was leaving Bucky too disoriented and a collar got shoved around his neck from behind. Bucky heaved his shoulders to dislodge whoever had come up from behind, and he sent Wanda sprawling against the floor. 
Brock was quick to back off once that collar went on him, barking out at Wanda who was just getting up to go for Bucky once more. “GIve it a rest, witch. We got him now.” Wanda subdued herself once more, that vacant look melding into something new, something controlled. 
“Wanda, you can fight this.” Bucky's hands went up to the collar tight around his neck, growling in anger and frustration, but doing his best to keep it together. Brock gave an amused laugh as Wanda continued to ignore Bucky. 
Alanna whined as she moved to a stand and shook herself out, not too injured from being kicked and started to shift back and get dressed once more. From the stairs, Pietro sent Clint tumbling down to land in a pile at the landing, unconscious now from whatever the twins had done to him upstairs. Bucky's fingers curled around the collar, trying to figure out how to get this particular one off. It wasn't metal like the one Pierce had used on him, no secret button to press. This was supple leather, molding around his neck like it was a part of him, thin, almost unnoticeable. He tried wrenching the leather against his neck to make it snap , but the leather never gave, and neither did the clasp holding it in place. 
“Don't even bother Barnes. That isn't like Pierce's contraptions. These are the real deal, you are ours now Bucky. You and your friends too. Teper' tvoya moya sobaka.” Your our dog now
“What the-” the man clammed up, Bucky and the White Wolf being pulled out of control of his body, and his eyes snapped from their usual friendly blues into cold steel. 
“Ahh, that's better.” Rumlow circled Bucky, leaning in close. “You will no longer answer to Steve Rogers, although I’m not sure why you ever did. You had the power to take the Pack from him. You now listen to me, Soldat.” Bucky stiffened more, and he too fell into the spell that the rest had. 
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After Natasha left with Stark's Jet, Steve was able to borrow a jeep and took you out for the rest of the morning into one of the nearby markets. Once he parked the jeep, the two of you started down an open market lane. You and Steve were sure to pause and admire the carts of bright beautiful items Wakandians made for sale. Steve watched how you would pick up little trinkets made of the Beli wood and would sit the little trinkets to balance on your palm. Steve noticed you favored the animal shapes, little tree frog mid croak, then an elephant with its trunk curled over its head, one of a sitting  hyena pair, and a parrot that had spread wings like in flight. But the one you kept picking up was a little panther one that matched the cliff face carving that could be seen from the balcony of the room you shared. Curling your finger along its back before you set it down, you hummed happily as you wandered to the next merchants stall. Steve though stalled, watching you pick up a couple of scarfs, their colors vivid as you twisted to hold them up to the sunlight, the color seeming to meld on your face, lighting your eyes a whole new color. 
When you had stepped away, Steve picked up the small carved Panther, and subtly paid for it. Once it was handed back to him, he slipped it in his slacks out of sight when you came back to him, holding up a few scarfs. “I think I'm going to get these for Wanda, Sara and Natasha.” 
“They would like them, but what about one for you?” He asked, his hand moving to rest in the small of your back while you both went back into the stall to look.
You glanced at the colors, and then there was one that reminded you of your Alphas eyes that happened to catch your sight. It was a streak of blue and yellow and you picked it up to add to the arrangement you made. Handing it to the merchants owner, you gave a shy thank you. Steve wrapped an arm around you as the two of you continued down, and Steve happened to pause at another booth, overlooking some blades that had a unique sheen to them. As soon as Steve touched one, he was intrigued. The weight felt like it was made just for him, and he let his thumb trail barely along the edge of them. He was surprised with the immediate red beads of blood following along the barely there cut. “What are these made of?” 
“Vibranium sir. Each blade will fit to its owner's needs. The weight will change, absorb energy, be lethal to any target. These blades will never grow dull with use. I wouldn't normally sell these to any visitors, but guests of the Kings, feel free to choose from what I have to offer.” His hand swept over the collection, and you were fascinated watching Steve go through them. He obviously had a few people in mind as he set more aside to purchase, right along with several lethal looking arrowheads. 
The rest of the morning the two of you shared bites of food from samples offered, you would laugh at the occasional face Steve would make when he didn't care for the taste of something. Dropping his head to nip at your lips and growl against them that he prefers the taste of you instead. You glanced up at him and leaned up to your tiptoes, biting gentle on his jawline, before flowing to his ear. 
“I plan on finding out soon if you taste as good as you look.” 
Cerulean eyes widened as you sauntered away to where music was playing, your hips swaying back and forth, and joining in with others enjoying the music. 
<She got you that time.> The Alpha had a smirk to his tone, huffing with amusement at Steve's still shocked look. 
She gets me all the time, this time isn't anything new. 
When he finally reached where you were wandering while listening to the music, and engaged in several conversations with the Wakanda merchants. Steves wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to your neck first. You arched your neck just a bit for him,  and he let his mouth linger against your temple, whispering just to you. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked as you watched some people weaving baskets nearby. The Wolf in him sighed in content when you nodded, and slid a hand under his shirt, pressing your hand against his back for the contact. “Yes, Alpha.” 
“We should probably get back, you still have a session with Shuri.” He didn't want to, but a glance at the time on the phone showed it was near noon and he wanted to eat lunch in the room before you two headed down for what he was hoping would be the final session for you with the Panther. You gave a soft nod, and he weaved his hand with yours, leading you back to the car. 
Driving back, it was a quick trip up to the room. The kitchen had already brought up a spread of crackers, fruit, cheese and some meats. In the heat the two of you shed your clothes, opting for something lighter and more airy before moving the tray out to the balcony, still in the shade, but able to enjoy the expansive view before you two. Pouring glasses of water, that Steve was sure to hand one to you while you leaned against the railing, looking over the view. 
“One day I would love to come back, if T’Challa would have us. Really explore.” There was so much they haven't seen, not with how tired you have been after your sessions with Shuri. 
“I'm sure we can Little One.” Steve rumbled, his sensitive to the light eyes squinting against the bright light. You nuzzled under his chin, and pulled him back into the shade to relieve him. Steve broke into a grin as he sat down, and wrapped an arm around your hip, pulling you into his lap. 
“With proper sunglasses next time, I promise.” He nipped at your shoulder affectionately, and you nodded, reaching forward for a piece of fruit, popping it between your teeth and chewing with a snort. 
“And all sorts of sunscreen. You burned a bit from that walk in the market this morning. There might be some aloe vera in the bathroom I can put on that for you.” Your fingers slide very gently along the back of his neck, where it has turned slightly red. Steve lifted his hand to feel the back of his neck, and sure enough there was a touch of heat.  
“Be gone in a couple days.” He assured you as he nipped against your jawline, rubbing a hand along your hip to steady you as you leaned for another piece of fruit from the bowl. Reaching for a piece of pineapple, you straightened and pressed it against his lips, so he would take it. 
“You know what they say about the pineapple, don't you?” You teased as you nibbled on a piece of cold cheese, smirking slightly. 
Steve's eyes shifted to yours, and you could see how your teasing was making them shine a bit more, as he tried to keep his voice as innocent as possible. 
Which really wasnt alot. 
“Oh something about tasting better?” He growled as his lips pressed to yours, pulling slightly on your lips before pulling away. You grinned when he did and nodded. 
“Mmhm, not sure what exactly? Maybe I will just have to take my time exploring to find out.” 
“You do that Little One.” He growled, even the Wolf started snickering at how the two of you were teasing one another. 
You nibbled your way along his bottom lip, the short hairs of his beard tickling you. A press of your tongue on the seam of his mouth asked for entrance, and when Steve opened to you, you were able to lap at the roof of his mouth, his own movements mimicking yours in that moment. You started humming at the sweetness the taste of fresh fruit left, his own tongue pressed against yours more demanding, wanting more of you. 
Hands started to match one another, yours cupped his face, and his braced against your back to arch you in closer to him. Sliding down his neck and to his chest, you started to tug at his shirt to lift in, needing to feel the spanse of his chest under your palms. All that power is just sitting there in your control. It was a head rush for you to know that the Alpha would do anything to keep you happy, and happily the favor was returned. Even though giving the bite scared you, if Steve really asked for it, you would allow him to mark you wherever he wanted his mark. 
Your fingers are curling against hard pecs, and burying in the dusting of hair, Steve’s grasped the curve of your waist and lifted you enough to straddle his lap, wanting you as close to him as possible . There was a growl against your mouth and Steve pulled away to place deep sucking marks against your neck. Your hips started shifting like they had a life of their own, grinding yourself against him for that friction his hard erection gave while straining to bury into your heat.
Steve craved the skin to skin contact, and his hands released you enough to reach over his shoulders to grasp his shirt and roughly pull it off. Yours too was in the way, grasping at the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head to drop it on the floor nearby. He marveled for a moment at the sight of you, and dropped his head to kiss the swells of the tops of your breasts in that similar way he was kissing on your neck earlier, your fingers clutched at him and a sigh escaped you at the coil he was building in your core. Fuck if he didnt have a hold on you, letting your body just lean into his hands, one pressing against the small of your back to hold you still while he removed your bra. Letting it fall to the ground, he nuzzled and kissed your breasts, bringing a nipple to his mouth, the hot lashing of his tongue, and pleased rumbled vibrating from his mouth through you to make you clench at the sensation. Your head fell back and lips parted to inhale deeply, sinking into the sensations of his hot lips and wet tongue teasing you while the brush of his beard brought its own tingling sensation. 
“You feel so good Alpha.” he heard you pant, and Steve bit down slightly before sucking you back into his mouth, his fingertips rolling over your other nipple before tugging it a bit, rolling and taunting till he could get his heated mouth over to draw you in, tease you till you were wriggling in his lap. He moaned again at the sweet taste of you. 
It was during all this his Wolf chose this moment to start calling your song, deep howls almost distracting him, you felt that bit of untamed wilderness in him when his body clenched, muscles tightening and rippling. 
Another roll of your hip ground you into his now aching, throbbing erection, and you pulled your hands away to work his pants open, reaching to take his cock out of the confines, and stroke him, palm him, run your fingertip over the head leaking precum. Steve growled and pressed his face into the softness of your breasts, before going back to kissing them, going back up your chest to find your mouth, growling against your panting mouth. “Get those shorts off.” 
There was no more thinking, or sense of you having to be anywhere in a certain amount of time as you scrambled off and started to tug the fabrics of your shorts and panties down, watching while Steve arched his hips to get more of his own pants down to give you room. It wasn't long till he was pulling you back to him, this time your knees found purchase in his chair and you reached between the two of you to press him against your aching entrance. Crying out as you started to bring yourself down over him. You knew that satisfied cry had to echo from your balcony, but you were beyond caring. 
A hunger for your Alpha over took you, and he was just as impatient as you because he lifted his hips to finish bringing you two together. 
“Fuck Y/N” his head dropped to bury back into your breasts, muffling the sounds of his groans as you flexed and clasped around him, whimpering yourself at how thick he felt at this angle, like it would split you to have him like this. But you were slick with need, and while he was still processing the intense feeling washing over him, being seated in you, and the damn Wolf howling over and over, you made the first move. Grasping his shoulders for leverage and arching up just enough to drag him through you, enough to sink back on him in a slow testing manner. “You're so damn tight.” Steve groaned against your skin. 
Riding Steve, you slid one arm around his neck, cradling against him. Your body knew what it wanted, and you let yourself go while he growled against you. He was back to kissing and nipping his marks into your skin while rocking his cock into your thrusts, meeting you with his own need to be inside of you, to feel you clenching him. “Just like that Little One, you are such a good girl to me.”  Your slick started to soak into his pants, the fabric friction burning against your thighs and cunt, but you wanted it and pressed a bit harder each time for that friction. 
Steve's hand flexed against the small of your back, dragging up to fist in your hair, wrapping it around his hand till he was able to pull your head back, swarmed with the desire to sink teeth into your neck and take you officially as his mate. You gasped when you felt the tug of hand dragging your head back, and he took over your movements.  His hand curled against your hip pulled you harder on his cock, scenting your neck and lapping over the pulse. You knew what he wanted, you could feel it with every angled thrust aiming to take you apart around him. 
He wanted to claim you as his, and you didn't want him to, not until your Little Wolf had returned. 
You whined out softly. “Not yet Alpha.” 
And that was enough, both Steve and the Wolf changed focus, turning soft nips into kisses, releasing your hair to dig fingers against your waist, and burying himself deeper, hitting that spot every time, and grinding your clit against him each time he filled you. It was enough to make your lower belly clench and your cunt flex and flutter around him. 
“Not until you're ready.” Steve promised as he claimed your mouth again, hissing against it. “Cum for me Little One, let me see you come apart.” 
Driving himself once more, snapping his hips up to bring you closer, a finger slipped between your bodies and pressing, rolling hard over your bundle of nerves to finish you. “Give it to me, your Alpha wants it.” he growled against your lips, sliding his tongue to fill yours, stroking and lapping at you till you started to squeeze him. Crying his name against the kiss, and eyes fluttering up to lose yourself in feeling anything but bliss. Steve gathered you close as his final thrusts sent him over the edge. He finished with the feeling of your cunt squeezing him tightly and milking him. It was just that much more incentive to brim you full with his cum. His balls tightened before his release and a burn in his belly snapped to crash you onto him, pumping himself deeper so you couldn’t forget that flood of warmth enveloping you. Whenever his knot would loosen and he could pull from you, there he would be dripping down your thighs, making him bury his head in against your shoulder with a groan, just thinking about it. Fuck how he loved that. Himself all over you, inside you. Everyone would be able to tell you were his. 
You felt Steve drift off in his own pleasure, his face buried in your shoulder and your nose traced his neck. You inhaled against his neck as his chest rose and fell against yours and you could feel his heart thumping wildly. Your fingers massaged against his upper back, and you leaned into Steve's chest humming softly in pleasure. 
“Thank you Steve.” brushing fingers through his hair, and you could feel him stir underneath you, lifting his head to press his lips against your temple, and leaning his forehead against yours with eyes still closed. 
“I promised you when you first found me that I wouldn't make you do anything you weren't ready for.” 
His hands stroked your back, and each scar his fingers slid over were no longer bringing memories of a time you fought to forget, but now they were now moments of touches and whispers in moments like these. Where both of you were coming back from the rush of being together. You arched into his touch and his hand flattened against the small of your back, pressing you into him harder, closing any space that might have been left between you two.  
The Wolf in Steve stirred, pushing once more to a stand and shaking out his fur after a few moments. His head cocked and ears perked as he was listening to something. Steve fully ignored him for now, still enjoying the post love making he just had with you.  
<She’s closer then before.> The Wolf's ears perked, picking up traces of your Little Wolf. The Wolf rumbled in anticipation of her arrival, and it passed through Steve and into you, making you press in closer against him. 
Call for her. 
The Alpha paced back and forth, listening for the Little Wolf till his head fell back and called your song once more. Steve hummed it himself while pressing his lips against your shoulder and in the hollow of your neck, lacing it in your skin and while you were relaxing from still coming down from your orgasm. 
You felt her, it was so subtle, a brush in your mind that you thought it would be nothing more then a glimpse once more. This time though it felt familiar as your own inner thoughts were, like before you were left all alone in your mind. First it was her soft sigh of content, like coming home after being away so long. Then the Little Wolf came from the very depths of your mind, each padding footfall bringing her closer to the front of your consciousness. 
Little Wolf, please tell me your back. 
She leaped into your mind with a graceful prance as she tilted her head back in the manner the Alpha had when Steve told him to call for her. She answered him with one of her own. 
<As if you could honestly could get rid of me.> She brushed up against your mind, feelings of warmth and affection radiating, and you straightened up suddenly in Steve’s hold. 
“Steve, she's back! She’s back, It worked!” You cried out, grasping his face and overwhelmed with emotion, you poured all what you were feeling into a kiss. Momentarily surprised, Steve was quick to tilt into it, inhaling your joy, relief and passion. When you pulled away, he grasped your own face, covering it in his own brush of his lips, a wide grin on his face. 
“I knew you could bring her back Little One, it was a matter of time.” He praised and you lifted your hands to cover his own, weaving fingers through his. 
“Not without Shuri, T’Challa, Natasha… You. I felt your Wolf, You.” You didn't know how to explain it, that connection you felt with him was what kept your Little Wolf searching for her way back. Steve’s brows lifted, searching your expression a moment, and let the corner of his mouth lift in a quirk of a smile. 
“Don't sell yourself short Little One.” He nudged his nose against yours gently and wiggled his brows. “Think we should go tell Shuri that you won't be needing her work on you anymore?” 
You bit your lip excitedly and nodded, in which he grasped your waist and was careful to help you pull off him and to a stand, moaning as he looked you up and down. “You also need to get dressed again. As well as drink some water.” 
You already were downing the glass on the table, giving him a snort as you set it down. The Little Wolf huffing in laughter at the Alphas bossiness. 
“You to Alpha, I wasn't the only one huffing and puffing earlier.” You poured him another glass and handed it to him before passing him to go get dressed, looking over your shoulder. “Are you going to let me keep these clothes on?” 
Steve drained the glass himself and worked on zipping his pants back up, following you inside, while leaning against the frame of the opening to the balcony. 
“Depends, The Big Bad Wolf is still hungry.” he smirked as you pulled a shirt over your head, wide eyed as you head poked through. 
“Steve Rogers, you really are an animal!” You huffed out happily. When Steve approached you, your hand smoothed against his chest and his arm came around you protectively. 
“I've never denied it, have I?” Biting your shoulder softly in play before he let you go, you both finished getting dressed and left the room to head down to Shuris lab. When they arrived, the woman had everything set up and Steve gave your shoulder a light squeeze of encouragement. 
“So I'm really hoping today Y/N that your wolf comes back with a bang.” Shuri said almost distracted, tapping on the tablet she was using. 
<Ha! I did come in after a bang!> The Little Wolf grinned with a swipe of her tongue around her muzzle. 
I think you planned it like that. 
<Maybe I did. I see now that I’m back you're not so shy around the Alpha. Straddling him while on a balcony in the middle of the day. Almost like… your back in heat.> She snickered. 
Shut up. You know I'm not. It was a lot quieter when you were MIA.
The Little Wolf huffed in laughter, settling down to let you focus. 
I’m actually so fucking happy your back. You confessed to her and the Little Wolf whined in agreement, happiness radiating through you. 
“Actually, she did. She came back just a little while ago. You did it Shuri. She's back.” 
Shuri gave an excited squeal, Steve momentarily tightening his arm around you in surprise before letting you go to meet the Princess. 
“I knew she would be back.” Raising her hand and you gave her a high five once you realized what she wanted. “Just a bit of some rewiring and bam. Good as new. You don't mind if I take a sneaky peek?” 
You shook your head no, and willingly got on the table, letting her pull up an image of the inside of your mind. Steve watched from nearby, admiring the way little sparks were doubled what they were before, an obvious sign that your Little Wolf was active. 
He did have a couple questions though. “Was it just the work you've been doing to bring her back.” Hoping for an answer that would prove to you that you called her back. 
“Some of it, but I genuinely believe that with time Y/N would have fixed this on her own. Just taken some time. I can't say for sure, as overuse of the herb isn't common. Honestly, I think once she felt at ease again, happy and content, safe. It was enough to bring the wolf back.” Shuri recorded images and took your hand to help you back up. Making you ponder on what she had said, glancing at Steve. 
Steve looked rather proud of you, and piped up once more. “Last question. She's back right, for good? No in and out disappearing on Y/N anymore?” 
You gave a stretch as you stood, curious now to Shuri’s answer, who prominently shook her head. “She's back where she wants to be. All those little electric waves, ones of content. She won't be disappearing again unless someone shoots you with a dose like that again.” 
“Yeah, that will not be happening. Fuck that time was more then enough for me.” You tuck back into Steve’s side, shaking your head firmly and the Little Wolf mimicked the action. 
Steve growled as well. “I'm seconding that, I’m bringing Y/N home, might never leave Pack Lands again.” 
Shuri laughed, folding her arms. “Right, just like T’Challa thinks I’m never leaving.” 
“Ha, you arent. I need my number one scientist here doing her work.” T’Challa strode in, nodding to the Wolves before arching a brow in surprise. “Starting late today?” 
“Actually Brother, we’ve done it. Y/N Wolf is back and just as strong as ever.” 
The King's expression widened, and he turned towards the two of them. 
“That is fantastic news Y/N!” Taking your hand, he enclosed it in both of his before lifting your knuckles to brush his lips against them. “I suppose I should set you both up for transportation home?” 
Steve looked down at you as he spoke. “Tomorrow morning perhaps? If Y/N is up for it, I would like to take her out for a run, if your offer still stands?” 
T’Challa nodded with a smile. “Of course Alpha, I wish it was a full moon but you two can go anywhere within’ Wakandas borders.” 
You couldn't help but feel excitement at the idea of a night run with Steve through Wakanda. 
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Resting the remainder of that day in your rooms, You and Steve were lazy lovers passing the time, mostly talking about how good it would be to be home, as well as how you both wanted to stay a bit longer. A light dinner, and then when night started to fall, you both made your way down to the palace entrance to find T’Challa and Shuri waiting, offering to show you two around a bit. Steve’s hand rubbed against your back, kissing your shoulder while whispering. “Are you up for this Little One?” 
“More than you know Steve.” You stated while stepping away from Steve, shedding your clothing. The Alpha kept you blocked from anyone else while doing the same motions, and it was rather quick you had shifted into your Little Wolf, shaking your fur out and twisting to meet up with the Alpha, which he twined around you as well in greeting. His muzzle pressing against your ruff, and long swipes of a pink tongue cleaned your face, your ears, dragging down your neck while you nibbled back in his fur, rubbing against him momentarily. It was a joyful reunion for the Wolves as well as you and both of you started to play with one another until the two Panthers joined you with graceful fluid like bounds. They gave loud purrs as the two felines head butted each other and bright yellow eyes turned to the Wolves, flicking the tips of their tails, and rolling forward in the fluid way only cats can achieve. They ended up disappearing down the trail leading away from the palace, and the jungle started to come to life with the sound of monkeys giving out warning shrieks that the panthers were back in their domain. 
Your ears were perked after them, and you pushed to leap forward, Steve following right behind as you ducked into the heavy jungle foliage. 
Leaves slapped at the Alpha, making him growl and snap at the heavy foliage, missing the northern pine forests of home. But it started to thin, and he caught up to you as you slowed down, your head swiveling back and forth, inhaling for the panthers. Steve brushed up alongside of you, lifting his muzzle to locate the Panthers, when he caught sight of shadows moving in the jungle canopy. A loud roar made you tilt up as well, ear perked as the smaller of the two started dropping down till she came sailing through the air and landing lightly, she pawed gently at You, enticing you into a playful chase. You immediately sprinted for Steve’s side, and he settled in. Steve watched his Little Wolf and the Panther chase one another around vine covered trees and dart under giant leaves dripping water. First You would be on Shuris side, nipping at her shoulder when she would spin nimbly and tackle you till you raced with a quick burst, outpacing the Panther, back and forth you two twisted and turned to get away from the other. 
T’Challa jumped down alongside Steve, kneading the ground before sinking down, flicking his tail back and forth, watching as well. The Alphas head moved back and forth, never breaking eye contact, and when the two of you faced off, you growled and Shuri roared back at you, testing each other.
It alarmed the Alpha, who moved to get up, and T’Challa beat him to it, giving his own sharp roar calling his sister back when he sensed the Alpha next to him getting uneasy. Shuri snarled back at him, headbutting You in a goodbye before leaping back up into the canopy. The King bowed his head to the Alpha before joining his sister. Leaving the two of you alone. 
You sensed your Alphas unease at the moment, and you padded up to him, brushing up under his chin and nibbling at him to settle him back down. But he nudged at you, pushing you down the path you two had been exploring earlier, ready to keep you two moving. You both fell in an easy stride together this time as the jungle floor opened up, mossy and green. Everything seemed to cool off under the canopy, both the wolves comfortable. Little animals scattered, insects buzzing around with bright colors, that were a constant interest to you as you would snap at them and send them flying again to escape. Soon the Jungle gave way to tall grass, and the sound of animals surrounded you in the dark. 
Keeping close to your Alpha, you both ran up on a herd of elephants, their long trunks reaching out as you both stretched your necks, sniffing at them before leaping away when they tried to touch you. When one stomped her foot in warning, Steve had enough, and steered you away from the herd. Weaving back and forth through the grass, you both skirted low to the ground past Rhinos grazing, lifting their heads to watch you both pass by. Neither of you wanted to feel the edge of that horn, so decided to give a wider circle around. Steve was sure to keep himself between You and the massive beasts. They came up on leaping gazelles racing away from them, and both of you couldnt help but give chase to these. You both gave up after a few minutes, the deer like creatures much faster than you two could ever be, even Sam and Pietro would have a hard time pacing along with them. Once it was apparent neither of you were continuing, they set back to grazing. 
There was only one part of the run that turned Steve uneasy. They happened to stumble across a pack of Hyenas scavenging a carcass, and they all took interest in your unique scent. Their laughter echoing around the wolves in a menacing way. Steve nudged at you to lead you away from them when one skirted close to snap its jaws and push you two to back up. Steve turned on the pack of wild Hyenas, stepping over the carcass and started to descend on the two of you. Steve snarled deeply, the fur along his spine raising and his ruff bristling, turning his focus on the Hyenas Alpha Female as she stalked closer. Steve's fangs flashed in the dark, and his demands made her cower in surprise at the force coming from him. The rest of her pack stalling seeing their Alpha lower before him, to a male most of all. The laughter started to grow high pitched with unease at the situation. You ducked around the bristling Alpha, ears pinned back, rumbling back at her. The Hyena sensed they weren't just ordinary animals to be chased off. Wet dragging breaths overcame the scent of blood and decay from the carcass she had been feasting on, filling her lungs with ice cold sensations, unlike anything her kind had experienced before. They were similar to the Panthers that prowled their lands, except they weren't. Missing from the shifters was the muskiness of the jungle. Their scent was sharper, it stung her nose with a cold sensation. Even their bodies were not made for streaking across the sun soaked plains or traveling in heavy leaf cover. Too big, too much fur, muzzles long with fangs, yet not made to rip into thick animal hides like theirs was. They were just too different, and she didn't want to test what they would do to her. Shaking her head to clear their scent from her senses, she started sinking further back from the growling Alpha’s reach. Her laughing bark sent the wild hyenas scattering away, breaking their attack formation. Retreating back towards the carcass, once they fell back, she skirted away, out of Steve’s sight. 
Once she was gone, you brushed against Steve to ease him back to you, and the two of you turned away from where the hyenas were cackling out of sight, fighting once more among themselves over the carcass they had claimed. You headed back towards the jungle, avoiding the rest of the plains occupants. Which Steve was relieved, another reason for them to return home. At home, the forests belonged to them. There were no worries in what was lurking out of sight. In Wakanda it was all different, they were not the beast at the very top. Deciding it was enough for you both tonight, when you gave a wide mouthed, fang flashing yawn, you both returned to the palace, and made it up to your room. 
Once inside and the door closed, Steve backed you onto the bed, and settled over you, covering you in soft bites and whispered words pressed against your skin. “Are you tired Little One?” he let his tongue drag between your breasts while he lowered down your body slightly. Your hands roamed over his back, and rubbed the back of his neck while you arched into his mouth where he sucked a nipple into his warmth, lashing his tongue over the peak and then rolling you gently between his teeth. 
You hummed in satisfaction, letting your body roll underneath his while you turned your gaze down at Steve loving on your breasts, his hand had the other covered, kneading it lightly and using his thumb to tease the tip till it hardened. “Not too tired Alpha.” you admitted and he lifted his head with a grin. Leaning up to kiss you deeply while using a hand to spread your thighs open, in which you curled your legs around his waist. 
“That's good, cause I haven't stopped thinking about you wrapped around me like this all evening.” He said while he claimed you with a roll of his hips, filling you with him as his hands weaved with yours. It was soft and slow, taking his time to bring you to the point you were pleading softly against his shoulder for a release. Steve’s hand cupped the back of your head while kissing your temple, his hips starting to move faster in and out of you with a grunt of effort. It was quick when your pussy started to squeeze him and milk him, ready for his knot to lock you to him. Steve brought  you to the point of howling his name and clutching yourself around him, clinging to him and not able to let go. You settled on his chest, and let the silence bring a sense of calm and peace over both of you. When you two finally fell asleep, you were sprawled over his chest and sated. There was no need for words to end the day together. 
The dawn came to find you two still tangled around one another. 
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T’Challa, Shuri and the Queen all waited for the two of you, the jet ready to be boarded. It was a teary goodbye for you and Shuri, growing rather close to the young woman in your time here, Steve firmly shook T’Challas hand with a thank you and bowed to the Queen. You let your hand slide up Steves' back as he rose once more, and you let your head lower, a flash of the back of your neck showing her your respect. 
“Thank you, everyone for your help. Should you ever need anything from us, please let us know. My Pack, and myself especially are indebted to you.” Steve said truthfully, and T’Challa smiled. 
“I'm sure we will see each other again Alpha, Y/N, have a safe travel home. Steve, I'm sure you are familiar with flying?” 
“Of course, we will have it sent back as soon as possible.” 
“That is all I ask.”
Finishing with goodbyes, you both stepped on the jet. You couldn't help the look of awe that slid over your face while Steve immediately fell into the Pilots chair, while you buckled into the co pilots. You watched as he leaned forward to flick on switches and the engine hummed to life. “Ready for home Little One?” He asked as his hands settled on the steering column. 
You wriggled in your seat and leaned in the window waving while speaking. “Absolutely, take us home Alpha.” 
When Steve heard what he wanted to har, he shifted the column, and the jet started lifting off. You squealed a bit as your heart went into your throat, laughing at the sensation. Steve grinned over at your reaction, taking your hand while he pointed the jet in the direction needed, and let it speed up. The flight home was filled with you questioning the dash of the aircraft, and Steve doing his best to teach you how it all worked. 
Of course T’Challa didn't send you all home empty handed, and once Steve landed the Jet just outside of the compound, and all the Pack came to greet Steve, you happened to stay inside a few more minutes. Exploring further, you happened to stumble on several crates in the back. “Steve? Come look at this.” 
Ducking his head back in, Steve went to find you, and located you kneeling next to one of the crates, trying to find how it opened. Steve was quick to pry open a top, and it was just filled with different items Wakanda specialized in. “Hey Sam, get some people up here, we come bearing gifts.” 
Fruity wine, dried food, clothing, weapons, if T’Challa could send it he did, and the rest of the afternoon was sorting through it together. 
Finally that evening found you pouring a glass of the wine for Sara at the island in Steve’s kitchen, telling Sara and Sam all about Wakanda. Steve now and then piped up, filling in the time you were unconscious to the world.
Once the questions died down, you cleared your throat. “Has anyone heard from Bucky, Clint, Wanda, and Pietro?” 
Sara sipped from her wine glass and shook her head, Sam at her side did the same motion. “Nothing yet. But Natasha was right out on their trail as soon as she got back. You know she wont stop till she finds something.” 
Steve poured himself a taste of the wine, and handed it to you afterwards to finish off. “She will probably check in a few days, let us know what's going on.” Glancing at the time and then outside, he nipped at your shoulder. “Ready for the Full Moon Run Little One?” 
You tipped your head back to drain the last swallow and set the glass down, hoping off the stool at the bar. 
“Yup, we will see you two out there.” You said to Sam and Sara, who waved you two off to give you a chance to shift in private. Racing out the door, you leaped off the porch, twisting on your toes to watch Steve, who paused to shed his shirt, grinning to himself at your enthusiasm. 
<We got lucky.> Your Little Wolf crooned, admiring the Alphas fit form as he started to stalk towards you, undoing his belt to slide out of the pants. 
That we did. 
You started to shed clothes, dancing just out of his reach till you started to run away, tossing your panties at him last before you fell into your wolf form, howling at him to hurry up. Steve made a show of inhaling against them before stuffing them in the back of his jeans pocket, quick to yank them off and toss them back towards his porch while you sprinted away, howling for him to come join you
<Welcome Home Steve. Now let's go get her before she is gone!> 
Welcome Home indeed. 
He shifted and paused at the tree line, his howl bursting through the night, signaling the start of the run, and he followed after You while you weaved among the trees, leading him deeper into their running grounds, back home where they belonged. 
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𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 ♡
⤷𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴: 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘳𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘹𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘧𝘧, 𝘭𝘰𝘬𝘪 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘧𝘦𝘺𝘴𝘰𝘯, 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘴, 𝘵'𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘶𝘥𝘢𝘬𝘶, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦
[maladaptive daydreaming: psychiatric condition, causes intense daydreaming that distracts a person from their real life –but in a good, protecting way.]
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𝙥𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙧𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢𝙤𝙛𝙛: at first, he thought that you are just simply bored from him, looking into the infinite distance (or arcoss the wall above his shoulder, or out on the window, lingering your eyes on the cute birds on the pylon). but then, we you told him your thingy thing, he got more protective of you, mainly when the two of you took long trips even at night on the metro or one of tony’s super machines back from a fight.
leaning on his shoulder, your hand slipping out from his grasp –he pats your head, waiting for your response, but when you let out a little sigh, he knows that you’re in your little world. looking around, pietro wraps his arm around you, kissing your head, even try to cover your ears if the noise is too loud –don’t even minding carrying you by your waist or in bridal style. when your daydreams disappears, you hold his hand, feeling comfortable around him. “i daydreamed again... sorry.” sitting down, he kneels before you, brushing through your hand too, slowly raising up to kiss you softly, not wanting to rush out from your haze because of the after-effects.
“don’t worry, baby”, he mutters, helping you up to go ahead. “let’s get you home and nap, hm?”
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𝙡𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙡𝙖𝙪𝙛𝙚𝙮𝙨𝙤𝙣: he reads your mind immediately when you doze off, seeing nothing but tender, soft pictures about your imagination. brushing your shoulder, when you just blink up to him, waking up from the dream, wiggling and gasping a little bit. “loki, i-i... i have to tell you something. it is too bad, but i have these daily beddings, sometimes persistent, sometimes not, and when i’m not paying attention to you, i’m just–” you babble, but loki only touches your forehead with the pads of his fingers, brushing down on your eyes to close it.
“i know, my queen.” manipulating your fantasy, he shows you the most beautiful, most marvellous things he had ever seen, stroking your soul –seeing your musing, faint smile, he ends slowly, in case if he’s leaving a too big space in your head. “you liked it, sweet queen?” “yes, of course, this is so wonderful, ethereal...”
“just like you.” flashing his glorious smile, placing a kiss on the crown of your head. 
after that, he tells to every slave that if you’re in your dream-state, don’t them dare to disturb you. loki even speaks with frigga, trying to decode your dreams. when some mindless freak tries to harm you because of this, he will fight them with your manner: sneaking into his head, tearing them apart to leave you alone. he tries to protect your little world with everything he has, i promise you. 
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𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨: in the beginning, bucky thought your dreams are bad dreams, or bad memories, just like his –when he saw that your glazy eyes, neutral features, bucky tried to ‘wake you up’, and this little action kinda ended in your freak-out, shaking a little bit, babbling something like –“i’m fine, bucky, sweetheart, don’t worry...” seeing that you’re a little fright, shaken up from your deepest fantasies, he tries to make it up to you. 
“sorry, doll... i just thought that you have some bad stuff too, and i don’t want you to suffer. but shaking is not the best option, i know.” you giggled at his words, grabbing with both of your hands his mechanic one. 
“don’t worry, it happens very often with me. these times i wander to my little universe, filled up with people, with things i like... with you.” seeing his shy smile, you look up at him. at night, with you in his arms, he thought about your talent all day –“what do you think, can i grow my own world too?” he asks, curling a lock behind your ear as you place your head on his chest. 
“of course, buck. everybody can do this, i’m just... pro about this thing. just try to think on only good places, people or memories you have, and let your mind bury yourself under it.” 
“it sounds a little bit scary, doll, you sure you’re alright with doing this?” you hum, placing a kiss to the place where his collarbone met his shoulder, poking out a little bit. while you drive off into fairly dreams, he tries to think on the things you told him –mostly on you. like here, laying with him in the peace of the night, your silky hair touching his skin.  
pulling up the blanket to cover you, he maybe began to like this little world-thing with you. 
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𝙩'𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖 𝙪𝙙𝙖𝙠𝙪: t’challa knows the importance of the healthy soul and the poise of the mind –but still a little bit surprised about your almost die-hard self-discovery. when the two of you first met, you were with natasha (i think on the congress of the sokovian pact –even if you don’t sign it), you zone out a little bit, only shaking back to the earth when your friend asks you. he find himself impressed with you very fast, despite that sometimes you get lost in your thoughts, you have a very bright mind, and your personality is really interesting for him. but he’s still find your daydreaming a little bit worrisome –t’challa respects you rather than asking you something inconvenient, so he asks his sister, who’s also one of your best friends. 
“so, y/n”, shuri starts when she parts from her microscope, rolling with her chair to another desk, grabbing some tissues and test tubes –“what about your tiredness? do you get enough sleep these days?” 
you lolled your legs on the high counter, snapping your head to her side, nodding a little bit. 
“yeah, i’m fine. i’m perfectly fine, i’m just... a daydreamer, i guess.” you told her about the facts, and narrated a little about the plots you had in your mind.
“that’s cool, i mean– i just asked because t’challa cares about you... i mean, i am too! he just mentioned that he want you to feel yourself in behavior.” 
and on the other day, tomorrow, when he comes to you to offer you a breakfast, you just know that he really cares about you.
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𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚: stephen would see your problems with his realistic mentality, and he thinks at first that you’re just frenzied, giddy, and can’t stay in the entity without being hypnotized. although, his worst kind of scenario is that you’re catatonic –but when you tell him, he’s very understanding, even if the rest of his friends think that stephen’s just a bit narcissitic. he would be overprotective if someone’s messed in you, even if you’re not there with him.
“how’s life, doc?” tony asked, turning to the half-broken or simply medium height pile, ignoring all bruce’s, wong’s and his worries about the enemy of the entire world. 
“it’s strange.” he responds coldly, wanting to continue the talk with bruce about thanos, but tony in his irritating way, still interrupt it. “my life is substantially okay, but that’s not why we’re here.” 
“what’s up with your weird friend... girlfriend? does she still get woozy, or it’s just when you’re around her?” 
that was the time when stephen’s cape slapped down his leg, much to his astonishment but not to stephen. “what the heck was that, doc?”
“an expostulation. once, you keep cut off our converse, even if the world’s doom depends on it. secondly, my life is exactly not your business. and thirdly, you never can disregard or underrate my loved ones.” or loved one, he adds, ut only in his mind. 
“woah, okay, easy doc. i just asked. i didn’t knew that you have feelings like normal people.” 
stephen stares up, a laconic quip growling in his mind, but he don’t let it out. yeah, maybe he have feelings too. but only for you, for your freaky-dizzy self. 
.*ೃ✧₊˚.❁ ↷
𝘪'𝘮 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵, 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴. 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦ᵘʷᵘ
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wkemeup · 4 years
By Any Other Name (Epilogue)
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series summary: When Special Agent Bucky Barnes is tasked with infiltrating the notorious gang Hydra and gathering evidence against its leader, Brock Rumlow, Bucky finds himself drawn to the woman who doesn’t seem to belong in this world of violence, the wife of the head of Hydra… you. pairing: bucky x reader chapter word count: 6.3k warnings: smut (18+), domestic bucky, the end of the series ❤️ a/n: I seriously can’t believe its been months of you guys sticking with me on this series week after week ❤️ I’m going to miss that so much and can’t begin to express how much the love and support for this series has meant to me. I do plan on doing headcannons/drabbles/bonus one shots at some point so if you have questions you’d like answered, requests, or prompts, send them in! 🌟 🌹series masterlist 🌹
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“Agent Barnes, I thought I kicked you out when visiting hours ended last night.”
The stern voice of one of your nurses emerged from the doorway; a no-nonsense middle-aged woman named Rosa, who wore bright blue eye shadow and a silver cross hanging around her neck. Hands planted firmly on her hips, her eyes narrowed upon Bucky as he slowly raised his head from the edge of your cot. Sleep lines were carved into his cheeks and a painful crack snapped in his neck as he stretched it to the side, having slept hunched over from the folding chair placed beside you.
“You may have mentioned it,” he chuckled nervously, massaging the stiff muscles in his shoulder.
“And yet, you’re still here.” Rosa rolled her eyes, slowly making her way into the room to begin checking the vitals on the monitor at your bedside. “You’re lucky we’re discharging her today. Your flashy gold badge was about at its end of favors around here.”
She must have been expecting a quick remark or a joke of some kind because she seemed surprised as she turned to find Bucky smiling ear to ear, focus turned entirely to you as you slept soundly; bandages now absent from your burns as they’d begun to heal, life renewed back to your skin, a steady rise and fall of your breaths.
“Y/n can come home?”
Rosa sighed, a slow smile pushing up on her own lips. She was a tired woman and she’d seen a lot in her years, but she’d come to like Bucky, even if he was a major pain in her ass.
“Yes, Agent Barnes. She can go home.”
It had been nearly a week. A week of sleeping in positions that were sure to cause permanent damage to his back. A week of holding your hand as nurses tended to the burns on your skin. A week of smooth talking the night shift into letting him stay past visiting hours and using hospital showers and eating mediocre cafeteria food.
But now, you could come home.
Only, he wasn’t quite sure where home was anymore.
“Bucky?” Voice groggy and filled with sleep, you slowly opened your eyes, smiling sweetly up at Rosa as she finished making down your vitals.
“Ready to get out of here?” Bucky grinned, pulling your hand up to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
A smile began to light up in your eyes, but something went wrong along the way. It disappeared as quickly as it arrived, replaced with the harsh reality of burning fires and a mansion up in smoke. It wasn’t much of a home but it was the only home you had. Bucky’s stomached twisted in on itself.
“I…” you started, stare falling down to the floor. “I don’t have anywhere to go.”
Bucky already had suitcases full of clothes at his apartment for you, a dozen series of books lined up on the kitchen table, toiletries that Natasha purchased at his request filling baskets under the bathroom sink. He even had Sam and Steve clean the place spotless, much to their reluctance. It was ready for you. He was ready for you. But he needed it to be a choice.
“Steve said the Bureau would put you up in a hotel until you could find an apartment,” Bucky offered, though he could tell quickly from the way your eyes shifted just slightly it wasn’t a good option. You squeezed his hand. Bucky nodded, asking, “what about May’s place? I’m sure Peter would love to have you over.”
“Aunt May’s got enough on her plate. She doesn’t need me to take care of, too.” You shook your head, a heavy breath nestled into your chest.
Tears were starting to well in your eyes, an aching kind of helplessness he’d only seen in you in the moments you were forced to submission beside your husband, a lingering sort of emptiness, a loss, and it nearly ripped Bucky straight in half.
“Stay with me,” he blurted out. He clenched his jaw, cursing at himself, because he was supposed to be a lot smoother about the preposition. 
Your eyes snapped up to his; wide, suspicious. “…What?”
“Come home with me,” Bucky offered again, firmer, sure. “Stay with me. I know my place is small but I’ve got the room. I’ll buy you all the tea you can drink and line the windowsills with plants I can’t easily kill. Whatever you need, I’ll get it for you. What do you say, sweetheart?”
Chewing on the edge of your lip, you could hardly hold his eye. “I can’t ask you to take me in Bucky…”
“You’re not asking,” he replied quickly. “I’m offering.”
He could still see the hesitancy in your face, the quick flash of your stare to his shoulder. It had healed faster than the divots around your wrists and still, the guilt managed to find its way inside you. It crept around the light and slithered through the shadows no matter how many times Bucky had tried to pry it away.
“It will make me feel better,” Bucky tried, recalling the first night in the hospital he’d been sent away after visiting hours. He’d come back the next morning to find dark circles under your eyes and tear marks down your cheeks. You’d clung to him for hours just trying to reassuring yourself he was really there, that the monster in your dreams hadn’t left to him to the flames instead. Leaving you alone after that wasn’t an option.
“Please, sweetheart,” Bucky urged, squeezing your hand a little tighter. “Let me take care of you. It’ll be temporary, okay? Until we can find a place of your own.”
It seemed to lessen the tension clenched into your jaw at least. He would have asked you to move in entirely if he thought you were ready for it. He could spend the rest of his life surrounded by dozens of bookshelves and mugs half filled with tea from the night before, cozy blankets thrown over the back of the couch and more pillows than he could count upon the cushions. He could spend an eternity with you.
But even with the monster slain, there were still demons in the closet; nightmares that were sure to plague your sleep, shadows that would set panic in your veins at every corner, guilt that will swept its way into the darkest corners of your mind. There were still evils to protect you from, it seemed. 
“Okay,” you nodded, letting a smile brush up at the ends of your lips.
“Nat’s already got everything you could need waiting for us back at my place,” he told you as he quickly began gathering your things from around the room; books Peter had brought you from his school’s library, empty Styrofoam cups half filled with over steeped tea, and newspapers highlighted in yellow marks with names of Hydra affiliates who were now sitting behind bars.
Hands filled with various belongings, Bucky turned back to find you watching him intently, a shy kind of smile on your face. “What?”
“You’ve been planning this, haven’t you?”
Bucky shrugged, sliding the books and papers into his bag and tossing the spare cups into the bin. He brushed a hand through his hair, tugging on it a little as he pushed it behind his ears. “Is that so crazy? After everything we went through to get here, I couldn’t stand the thought of you being anywhere else. Gotta keep an eye on my girl, don’t I?”
You smiled and it lit up right into your eyes. “The case is over, Buck. You don’t have to protect me anymore.”
Bucky shook his head, leaning forward as a hand swept back along your hair and nestled against your neck. He pressed a short kiss to your crown. “We may be free of Hydra, but that part of my job won’t ever go away. I will always protect you, sweetheart. From drug dealers and mafia kingpins to broken AC units and empty tea boxes; doesn’t matter. I’m there.”
The damn near sweetest laugh he’d ever heard filled the room as you swatted him away. It made his stomach twist, his heart sing, his cheeks hurt from how wide his was smiling. Happiness was a sort of foreign, strange feeling, but it wasn’t one he planned on letting slip him by.
Another week later and Bucky could look around the apartment and find pieces of you everywhere. The mug resting on the end table in the living room, still steeping the remnants of last night’s tea. The blanket thrown over the back of the kitchen chair from when you wondered out of his room in the early morning with a chill. The second toothbrush in the cup by the sink. The sweet smell of your lotion on the dresser. The pantry filled with popcorn and Oreos.
You’d started to turn his place into a home.
It became quite domestic, a different sort of comfort, to wake up to the smell of bacon and watch you making breakfast in the kitchen, to brush his teeth next to you in the bathroom at night as you washed your face, to see the way the pillows creased to your cheeks and the way you tried to stifle yawns in the morning.
But there was a new kind of intimacy of sharing his home with you, one that grew to challenge every restraint he ever possessed.
He’d seen you change into your pajamas in the corner of his room, the whole of your bare back facing him, the dips and curves of your spine as you caught him staring, a soft smile over your shoulder. He’d seen the outline of pebbled nipples through your tank top as you ate breakfast across the kitchen table, hair still messy with sleep. He’d seen the way you looked at him in the mornings, when he woke to a hardened length between his legs and his cheeks flushed red as he muttered out apologies.
He’d tried to prolong it, knowing that you’d been through an imaginable loss, even if it was never really yours to begin with. You’d been through a world of trauma and he knew how messy things could get if he pushed you too fast. It wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Not until you made it clear that you were as needy for him as he was for you.
If he let himself notice the signs, perhaps he would have realized you’d been aching for him earlier, but it still came as a surprise when you ran your hand along his thigh as you watched an old rerun of The Fugitive. You brushed over his length, smiling to yourself as he shuddered out a tense breath and tried to readjust in his seat.
“Careful,” he warned, staring at the television though a smirk started to curve at his lips.
“You don’t need to hold back anymore,” you told him simply. Your fingers expertly drew along the outline of his cock, pressed hard up against the thin layer of sweats. Pumping him sweetly over excess fabric, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his neck. “Let me love you.”
Bucky exhaled a shaken breath, hand sliding around the couch in search of the remote, the movie long forgotten. “You’re sure?”
You smiled against his jawline, peppering kisses along his edges until you landed sweetly against his lips. “Always.”
Bucky scooped you up into his arms, the pain in his shoulder nothing but a distant memory as he carried you to the bed. After setting you upon the mattress, Bucky quickly stripped himself of his clothes, tugging at your sleep shorts with fevered haste as you laughed, swatting his hands away and doing it yourself. 
Hearts racing like it was the first time, and maybe it was, because there were no more shadows lurking in the corners, no demons to invade tiny glimpse of heaven you shared.
Bucky kissed his way down your body, mapping a trail to the soft crease at your legs, touching so sweetly to the most intimate parts of you until his lips latched around the bundle of nerves between your legs. Arms curling around your thighs, nose brushing over soft curls, nestled tight against the woman gave his life to.
He pulled gasps and whimpers from you, withering underneath him as he held you down, drawing the most beautiful sounds he could imagine. Your nails raked to his scalp and as you came, his tongue sweet with the taste of you. You whispered you loved him.
He knew. He’d heard it enough times but every time was like the first. It still surprised him, knowing you could love him after all you’d been through; that you could trust anyone after the web of lies and manipulation Rumlow had put you through, after you were taken advantage of and used and made to be the property of a vile man, and somehow, you still had room in your heart for love. It felt impossible, and yet, here you were, kissing him like his touch wasn’t enough, like you needed more, need him.
When he sank into you, your hand gripped at his shoulder, a soft whine in your voice as he waited patiently for you to adjust. You exhaled a heavy breath, aching and sore and eager, but your fingers paused at his arm, tracing over the light pink scar there, the raised edges and bubbled skin.
Before you could say anything, Bucky dipped down and kissed your lips, nudged your hand to his hair. He smiled at you, something soft and tender, and whatever was wrestling in your mind slipped away. 
You push a strand of hair behind his ear, drawing it away from his face, just admiring. It wasn’t something you were used to having the time for; always so rushed, always looking over your shoulder and waiting for the foundation to crack. You’d always reveled in the looked across the room and the heated love you made. It was a privilege to spend time in the moments between.
Bucky rolled his hips, stretching along your walls. Your eyes fluttered shut, breaths shaken, and you gripped him tighter, urging him on.
It took a moment to find his rhythm, perfectly in tune with the cry of the bed frame, the gasps of your breaths, the low moans from his own lips; a symphony between you, building, crashing, higher and higher until--
“Ah, oh God, Bucky— don’t stop—”
It almost knocked him out on the spot, almost stopped him dead in his tracks. His eyes shot to you, though you were too far gone to notice; lips parted, eyes closed, so close to the edge. He didn’t dare stop the snap of his hips to yours, didn’t dare pull his hand from your clit, but took a moment to memorize this feeling, this warmth deep in his chest. The sound of his name on your lips, etched in pleasure and love and need.
“I’ve got you, love,” he mewled to your ear, bringing you over the edge with a prolonged cry, your hands digging into the bare of his back as he chased his own release. He came only a few thrusts later, spilling into you, the weight of him dropping to your chest.
Fingers carding gently through his hair, coaxing the racing beat of his heart. His favorite place. His safest place. In your arms.
You’d started to find yourself again in the weeks after. You’d gone up to Columbia and spoken with old colleagues. You’d made arrangements to meet with the Dean in hopes of discussing your future in academia again.
Bucky could hardly contain his pride the day you’d walked back into the apartment, beaming from ear to ear, and told him about all the friends you’d missed who welcome you back with open arms, the campus that looked completely the same, and your office that remained vacant.
He’d spun you in his arms, your laugh filling the small Brooklyn apartment, and Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen you so happy. It was heaven when you smiled like that, like for the first time in a while you had the chance to be who you were always supposed to be, the freedom to make choices without permission.
You started to let yourself become comfortable in the woman you were before Brock Rumlow stormed his way into your life. You smiled enough for your cheeks to ache, laughed loud enough to bring butterflies to Bucky’s stomach, left books around on every surface and mugs of unfinished tea on the counters. You lived in oversized sweaters and ripped jeans and messy hair down by your shoulders. You hummed to yourself as you cooked and danced your way through the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your head and a bathrobe tugged tight at your waist.
It was a relief, to see you like this; so at ease in your own skin, enough so that Bucky started to find pieces of himself he too left behind to his years undercover.
He traded the black jeans and bomber jackets for worn out Levi’s and t-shirts, the tension in his shoulders for the soft brush of your hands down his back, tugging out the knots he’d built over the last year. He started to let the stubble on his cheeks grow, cast over in a shadow along his jaw and obstruct the faded scars he’d obtained at the hands of your ex-husband. 
Then, when Bucky grew tired of seeing a man he didn’t recognize in the mirror, he made a drastic change.
“Buck?” you called into the apartment, arms filled to the brim with grocery bags as you kicked the door shut behind you. “Could use some help!”
“Comin’, sweetheart!” Bucky jogged his way into the kitchen and started to pull the bags from your hands when you finally caught sight of him, let out a yelp, and nearly dropped the milk cartoon to the ground. Bucky dove for it at the last second, securing it before it could explode to the hardwoods.
“Your hair!” you gasped, staring at him with wide eyes.
Bucky clenched his jaw, nodding in acknowledgement of the cut he’d had done while you were out on your errands; short and tight to the sides of his head, full and swept back on the top. He set the groceries down on the counter and when he turned back to look at you, you had already crossed the plane of the kitchen, hands rifling up through his hair and messing away any of the product his barber had styled in.
“Do you hate it?” he grimaced, noticing how you’d tugged your lower lip between your teeth. You were silent for a moment, studying him, and Bucky’s stomach nearly turned over on itself. But then, you softened, gently rubbing your thumb down along his temple and he sank into the feeling.
“This is what Bucky Barnes looks like, isn’t it? The long hair was part of the cover,” you smiled, settling his hair back in place as your hands slipped down over his cheeks, brushing over the grown in stubble. You remembered the image you’d seen in the factory office with Brock, the photographs thrown in rage of a man with short brunette hair and golden badge draped around his neck.
“Yeah,” Bucky admitted, stomach twisting a little. You’d known him as James Karpov for so long, gotten so used to the name and face and the fall of his hair down by his shoulders. He knew he looked different, a few years younger maybe, and it was a change. A big change. One he wasn’t certain you’d like, but he needed it off. He needed to be himself again in every sense he could, to wash himself clean of Hydra and the man he’d left to the fire.
“Well, Bucky,” you sighed, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheekbone, just over the faded pink scar, and then, to his lips. “I love it. Might miss having something to tug on, though.”
You winked over your shoulder as you started making your way to the bedroom, holding his stare with that devilish kind of look in your eye, until you slipped your sweater up and over your head, dropping it to the floor in the hallway. Bare back exposed to him, you sauntered inside to the warm embrace of sun-kissed light filtering in through the windows and Bucky chased after you, laugh heavy in his chest, the groceries long forgotten on the counter.  
It was the day Bucky’s name was cleared by Barton and Maximoff; the day the remains of your old home were removed of their crime scene tape and left to be weathered until the city stoke its claim upon the land and bulldozed the ruins.
As Bucky pulled the car into park, you found yourself staring up to the charred ashes of a home that had once kept you caged prisoner. The memory of the flames was still seared in the back of your mind; the heat of the fire burning at your skin, the smoke filling your lungs, the dizziness in your head, the panic as the gunshots went off. You could still feel how your heart had broken free from your chest and the stones embedded under bare feet as you rushed towards the fire, Steve’s arms circling around you to hold you back as a scream ripped its way through your lungs.
“Y/n?” Bucky’s voice called softly, tugging you back from the memory. He was standing outside the passenger door, extending a hand to you.
You turned to the driver’s seat, not having realized he’d even left his place beside you. Your eyes flickered from his hand back to the house.
“They really ruled it self-defense?” you asked for the second time that morning as Bucky helped ease you from the car. You looped your hand at the crook of his arm, tucking in close to him as you both made your way to the ruins of a home you loathed.
“Like I said, doll,” Bucky replied, ever so patiently, “the only evidence they have is my word. Everything else is up in smoke.”
“So... was it?” you asked, pausing for a moment as you looked up at Bucky. “Self-defense?”
He sighed, a heaviness inside him alongside the truth. Your free hand reached up along the side of his face, cupping at his cheek sweetly to coax his eyes back to you. You nodded at him, like you already knew the answer and you were simply waiting to hear it from him. There was no judgement between you, no secrets, and he had no interest in ever lying to you again.
“Yes,” he exhaled, wholehearted, because he did genuinely believe it. “The law might not see it that way, but it was. In defense of you, anyway. A jail cell wouldn’t stop a man like Rumlow from coming after you, from pulling strings and making orders even with Hydra disbanded. I should have known that from the start. He threatened your life, Y/n. He didn’t give me any other choice.”
“I know,” you told him and a weight fell from his shoulders. “You forget that I know Brock better than almost anyone. I know what he’s like when he’s pushed to a corner. You did what you had to, Bucky. I believe that.”
A solemn smile pushed at his cheeks, small and subtle, but it was rooted in a disbelief, in an awe, that he could have ever managed to find someone as loving and understanding as you. For you to love him, despite his flaws, despite the blood on his hands behind the guise of a shiny gold badge, was unimaginable. He still didn’t quite understand it and yet here you were, tucked against his arm, cheek to his shoulder as you stared up at the charred ashes of your home.
“You sure you want to do this?” he asked gently, tense in his shoulders as he glared at the remains of the mansion that kept you prisoner.
You nodded and there was an ease in it, a calm, you didn’t have before.
Bucky let you lead him up to the what remained of the front door. The second story was completely caved in; only pieces of the foundation and walls still standing. It was black, covered in soot, and you stepped through the archway where the door would have been.
Inside, the staircase still remained, though it was withered and degrading, and there were bones of old furniture and the outline of the brick fireplace at the edge of the living room. You didn’t pause before you turned down the hall to the left and perhaps, Bucky shouldn’t have been surprised as he followed your lead to the library.
You paused for a moment as you came upon the opening. The left door was still unhinged, thrown under the frame like a bridge from when Steve attempted to suffocate the flames long enough for you and Bucky to escape. The chair still placed at the center of the room where you’d been bound and tied and left to the vengeance of the fire.
You released yourself from Bucky’s side, slowly slipping away as you stepped into the burned remains of your library.
Bucky watched from a careful distance as you wandered around the room, giving you space to grieve. Your hand trails along the broken shelves, black with soot, and you examined the black ash upon your fingers as you pulled away.
It was all a memory now. Everything that you built, everything that kept you safe and sane and secure those years trapped within this home with a man you despised. It was all gone.
You paused at the corner of the room, shoulders sinking, and you slowly bent down to the floor until you picked up the charred remains of a novel. Hardcover, black soot coating the binding, crumbled bits of burnt paper spilling out the edges as you stood. You sighed, brushing your hand over the title, the colors and design on the front hardly recognizable if not for the high school library tag on the binding.
A Farewell to Arms.
You tugged the book to your chest, its words long lost to the fire, the edges burned black and unreadable, but it survived. You didn’t dare open its pages to see if Bucky’s childhood scribbles remained. A tear slipped past your cheek.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky said quietly, shuffling his feet. You looked back at him under a furrowed brow, the book in your hand slipping down to rest at your side. Bucky exhales, looking around to the aisles empty of the novels you cherished, their pages consumed in the fire. “You lost so much here.”
You smiled sweetly at him before you shook your head, looking back to the room in fondness. “It’s what this room represents that matters.”
“But your collection--”
“I’ll start again,” you replied simply, reaching out for his hand, gesturing him towards you.  Bucky took it graciously and you squeezed his hand, gently nudging his shoulder with your own. “Feels right, doesn’t it? A new start.”
You sighed, staring out to the rows of empty shelves, the piles of ashes on the floor beside them. The couch you’d spent so many nights curled up under blankets and a warm cup of tea in your hands, where you’d read for hours to escape from the monsters outside the doors, where Bucky decided to tell you who he was, where he made love to you in a rushed heat. The windowsill once filled with a beautiful array of plants, where only the broken clay pots remained, the glass of the window burst to the floor alongside broken remains of the ceiling.
Bucky followed your gaze, feeling a loss in his own chest for the room that he came to know you in. This was your sanctuary, your safe haven. This was the room that was completely and entirely yours within a home constructed to be cold and shallow. It was your escape.
But this room meant a great deal to Bucky, too.
“I fell in love with you in this room, you know,” he said fondly, looking to the charred remains of the couch where he’d read next to you for house, where you’d fallen asleep on his shoulder, and he started coming up with reasons not to leave.
He found you staring up at him when he looked back to you, that sweet kind of smile on your face as you slipped your free hand up against his cheek and brought his lips to yours. Soft and warm, the soothing motion of your lips between his, on his, the slip of his tongue gently along yours, and he pulled away with final kiss to your cheek, your nose, then the crown of your head as he wrapped his arms around you.
Surrounded by the ashes of a room that protected you from the monsters beyond its doors.
A room that served as a safe haven.
A room you opened to the stranger with kind, blue eyes and a sweet smile.
“Let go home,” you mumbled to the collar of his shirt, breath warm against the fabric and Bucky felt a skip in his chest for a moment before he settled.
Home. He liked the sound of that.
T H R E E  M O N T H S  L A T E R
It was a Monday morning, the first of many, because you were starting your position back at Columbia. The first day of school was always a bit intimidating, even as a professor, even knowing half the staff was eagerly awaiting your return and the fact that your class had filled to capacity in the first few minutes of course selection.
That hadn’t happened even when you were at the height of your career, but you supposed your name plastered across the media and your connection to the takedown of Hydra had something to do with it. You suspected the influx of criminal justice majors were more interested in your time in Hydra than they were in 19th century literature. You didn’t mind, though. It was an opportunity to spark a love for something they didn’t know they had yet.
And maybe you’d throw in some mafia stories to keep up the intrigue and bait for class participation.
You tucked the edge of your shirt into the front of your pants, slipped on a cardigan over your shoulders, and tossed your hair up into a bun before you made your way out into the kitchen. The moment you opened the door, you were met with a waft of smoke as the fire alarm began to cry. 
Bucky was at the stove, apron draped over the bare of his chest, sweatpants covered in stains of pancake mix as he grumbled to himself. You bit back a laugh, leaning against the wall to watch him rush around the kitchen, waving towels in the air in hopes to break up the smoke and cursing at the alarm to ‘shut the hell up you stupid piece of--’
“Hi, honey.”
Bucky spun around, clearly startled as he held a spatula between his hands gripped like a vice.
“Y/n! I, uh, I didn’t think you’d be ready so fast,” he chuckled nervously, trying to wipe the flour from his forehead, though he only made it worse. He glanced back at the mess of the kitchen, the burned pancakes piled on the plate and the sizzling pan behind him. “I made pancakes...?”
“Did you?” you teased, biting down on your lip to keep from smiling too wide and bruising his pride more than it already had been.
“I tried anyway,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair, leaving particles of white flour amongst his dark brown waves. His lips curved down to a frown as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, feet shuffling at the floor. “It’s a big day for you. Wanted it to be special.”
You smiled, heart warm as it’s ever been. “It’s always special with you, Buck.”
Bucky looked up at you, a teasing in his eyes as he shook his head, low, defeated. “Ah, don’t try and make me feel better about this mess, love. It won’t work.”
“You sure?” you asked slowly, making your way up to him and placing your hands against the expose skin on his hips. “Not even if I...”
A kiss to his cheek.
Then, his neck.
Finally, at the corner of his mouth, not quite close enough.
“Huh-uh, not even then,” he exhaled, though his grin was betraying him. “Give it one more try though, will you?”
You laughed, smiling so wide it hurt. “You're relentless, you know that?”
Bucky shrugged, a slight nod in agreement he leaned in to kiss you. His hand reached behind him, like he was trying to steady himself against the cabinets, but the stove was still bright red, still scalding hot from where the pan has been.
“James!” you yelped in a panic, yanking him hard away from the stove before his hand could touch it. Your heart was pounding as you held him against the sink. He was still against you and you realized then what you’d said.
Your eyes trailed up to him slowly, embarrassed, and you found him smiling sweetly at you, always patient, always kind.
“I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean—”
“It’s alright, doll,” Bucky replied genuinely brushing the flyaways from your face with the hand that had nearly been seared clean by the stone top. “I don’t mind if you call me James.”
“No, I-- I remember how important it was for you that I knew your name when I couldn’t and I—” you sighed, leaning into his touch as you lost yourself in the feel of him gently coaxing the doubt away. He leaned down a pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You can call me anything you want, sweetheart,” he said simply. “I get to come home every night knowing that it’s you I’m waking up to every morning. You can call me anything as long as I get to do that.”
You laughed through the swell of tears in your eyes. Bucky reached behind him and turned the stove off to ease your conscious. With a quick glance at the clock, your heart skipped, realizing you were already running late.
“I’ve got to go!” you yelped, half laughing as you raced around the room. Bucky stood back and watched, arms folded over his chest, something like pride and joy bolstering in his heart.
“Pete’s coming over after school, alright?” Bucky called to you as you quickly threw on your shoes. “He’s got some project for his forensics class and I promised I’d help him out.”
“Y-yeah, uh-huh, sounds good!”
Bucky chuckled as you raced back into the bedroom to grab your bag with one sleeve of your coat on. “Steve is picking me up in an hour to help filter out recruits but I’ll probably be back before you are.”
“Okay!” You rushed into the living room, a little winded though you were giddy with excitement. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before you sprinted to the door, though you paused, freezing in the open doorframe as you glanced back to Bucky.
He stood leaning against the counter, a mess of homemade pancake mix around him; this lethally trained special agent who woke up early on a Monday to absolutely destroy the kitchen in an attempt to make you breakfast, with a light pink apron draped around his neck and flour coating his forehead.
“I love you,” you said simply. You’d told him enough times but it still felt like an admission. You liked to remind him, liked to say it as often as you could because it was a choice to love him, a part of you that you were finally able to let the sunlight touch. You’d shout it to the world.
Bucky shook his head, laughing, as he leaned against the counter. “Love you, too, sweetheart.”
He smiled back at you, something genuine and loving unlike you’d know in years. The same smile that allowed you to trust him nearly two years ago, the smile that reminded you what it was like to feel butterflies in your stomach and to miss someone when they were gone. Wrinkles up by his eyes, dimples in his cheeks. A brightness of a man who gave everything just to give you a choice again, to let you decide your own fate, to free you from the chains of a man who would have rather seen you burn than love anyone but himself.
The man who saved you, who held your hand and danced with you on garden view balconies, who loved you enough to run through fire. The man who risked his career, his life, on his trust in you. The man who reminded you that you were more than you were told, who showed you how to smile again, who brought back your laugh and put joy into your heart.
The man who ushered you to through the door to your first day back at work, who encouraged you to find your place in the world again, who give you the space to reconnect with old friends, who held your hand gripped tightly in his own and willingly chose to follow where you led. He opened doors and waited for you on the other side. He gave you choices, a new life, a new start.
The man you adored. The man you loved.
Your Bucky.
Your James.
Your everything.
Thank you so much for reading! ❤️ If you enjoyed this fic, please consider supporting me at my ko-fi account ✨
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Away. So, so far away.
<<Previous part Masterlist Next part>>
Word count: 2K
Warnings: bullet wounds, hospital, swearing.
Oh darling, please believe me
I’ll never do you no harm… 
The music reverberated through the whole floor. You danced around, and Bucky was the only one that joined you, if not a little shyly. Tony sat on the couch flipping through some news and sighed as he asked you to change to a better music.
“Nothing is better than The Beatles, Stark”, you said in between laughs, and Bucky flipped you in the air. His strength almost matched Loki’s, and you weren’t afraid of him dropping you to the floor.
Believe me when I tell you,
I’ll never do you no harm.
“Uh, I beg to differ”, he raised an eyebrow, still with his eyes on his current research. “By the way, are you coming to the next mission?”.
“I’ll ask Loki. I told him he could join me”.
“Well?”, he inquired, pointing with his head at the door from your room. You didn’t know if you wanted to say it out loud. The common room had not only Tony, but also Bucky, Steve and Clint. You sighed. "He's sleeping".
"Liar. You wouldn't be here".
“Okay. He’s out now”.
“Where? It’s four in the morning”, he laughed, and then dropped his news to look at you with concern, realizing. “Oh”.
“No, it’s not… it’s not what you think. He goes on walks to keep his mind busy”, you lied.
“Sure. At four in the morning”.
Oh darling, if you leave me,
I’ll never make it alone.
“Yes, we don’t question his ways, okay? He’s been feeling bad”, you defended him, and turned the music higher. With a hand gesture, you invited Steve to dance with you. He chuckled and accepted it.
Truth was, you had no idea where Loki was now. He kissed you goodnight when he thought you were asleep, muttered something along the lines of I’m sorry, I’ll get this fixed, and left around midnight. He should have been in bed by now, and you couldn’t call him or check on him in any way. Not without compromising the secretism, anyway.
And you were upset. You were so, so upset, because you’ve had fights about this for the past week, and still he thought it best to just do as he pleased when you were supposedly asleep. You were so, so upset. But concerned at best, because he never told you what his plan was about. He had no regard for his safety. He could be getting injured, at best. He could be getting killed under the hands of the Mad Titan or whoever huge predecessor of Layfey that would be guarding the throne. He could be getting hurt and killed and in pain and he blocked you out so you could do nothing about it.
So you danced. You drank coffee to keep you awake until he came home, and moved your hips to the rhythm of the music. Trying to forget the matter for a while.
Believe me when I beg you,
Don’t ever leave me alone.
“Hey”, called Thor, walking in with the pillow marks on his face. “Turn down that thing, it’s too late”, he asked. “Oh, you’re here. Where is my brother? Sleeping?”.
“On a long and weird walk”, said Clint without looking away from Steve’s awful dance moves. He was getting ready to pull off his phone and become famous on tiktok. You spinned under Steve’s old-fashioned steps.
“Walk? At these hours?”, he laughed. “My brother doesn’t do that”.
“Yes, he does”, you said nonchalantly, trying to hide your unease. Maybe you should’ve stayed in your room. That way, your loneliness in the late night wouldn’t be too evident.
You had grabbed Loki by the wrist before he left. He knew he didn’t leave you sleeping—you asked him to stay. You told him there was nothing he could do about it anymore. He murmured he could and he would, and the mere thought of being able to fix it all kept him up at night anyway, so he might as well go and get it.
You told him if he loved you he would stay. He told you he was doing this because he loved you. He told you it was the —only— way to keep both of you safe and together. You thought he was wrong, and that thought remained there, eating your brains alive, while you tried to dance it out. A knot in your throat kept you from talking any further.
When you told me you didn't need me anymore,
Well you know I nearly broke down and cried.
When you told me you didn't need me anymore,
Well you know I nearly broke down and died.
“Where is Loki?”, asked Thor once again, coming out of his room when the sun had already setted widely on the sky. No rain, a clear day, perfect for flying. The mission would start in the next three hours, and you were still waiting.
“Look, I really need to get a confirmation on whether I’m having you on the mission or not”, said Tony, losing his patience. “He’ll come back at some point, but you don’t need to worry about him. He’s a God on Earth. What would happen? He’d get mugged and stab the damn robber?”, he joked, and you pretended to laugh.
“You’re right. I’m going, count me in”.
Where was he, now?
Something was for sure, he was away.
And a week had passed. A whole week with its seven days, and you've received no notice whatsoever of your lover.
Thor seemed to know, yet he couldn't bring himself to say anything. He said it wasn't his place. He said he didn't know what Loki was thinking about. He said he didn't want to misinterpret his messages. He said a lot of things and none of them were comforting. None of them fulfilled your need to know —where is he, is he well, is he traveling, is he locked up, is he dead, is he with someone else, is he ever coming back, is he even trying to communicate—what's going on?
In the quinjet, you looked down the window. Bucky and Thor were in front of you, and Tony by your side, explaining the steps of the next mission. You weren't listening much. Just nodded. You knew those things never went as planned —having plans would usually get worse outcomes, from your experience. Plans wouldn't work.
You had one small plan; climb a mountain. You were going to a marvelous place, and you always wanted to climb them. It was completely possible you could get a few hours off, if not half a day to go and get it. You'd maybe convince your teammates.
Whatever you could do to keep your mind away from Loki's suicidal mission, whatever that may be.
"Buckle up, fellas", said Tony, getting into his suit already. "There's fighting to get through right now. We'll have to do the brainy part after".
And just like that, Thor with Mjölnir in hand, Bucky ripping off his sleeve and you getting your boots adjusted, jumped off the quinjet and landed on soft grass.
There weren't many people you had to fight. They were just very strong. You held your grip to Tony's suit as he flew with you all around the forest.
The rest… you might know how it goes. As it always does. You’re too reckless—words from everyone on the team, all the time—and you jumped off too quickly to catch Bucky’s bullet.
“Are you OUT OF YOUR MIND?”, yelled Bucky as he approached you. He applied pressure on the bullet wound and you gasped for your dear air as you felt a little dizzier and dizzier.
“You were about to get shot!”, you justified.
“I’m a supersoldier, you fucking idiot”.
“Do I look like I make rational decisions on the run?”.
“Here, as you lay on the floor bleeding out from an unnecessary bullet wound that would’ve been a fucking scratch on me? Yeah, no shit, you make great decisions on the run”.
“I thought you were shy to talk”.
“No, I just keep my mouth shut because people aren’t so stupid for me to talk back to them, but you just…”.
“Agh!”, you contorted in pain and then James decided to stop bitching about how you saved him from the hit—when he so clearly wanted to get shot instead—why would he care so much? “Could you… take me to the quinjet? There’s gotta be like a first aid kit in there or something”.
“What? You gonna put a bandaid over the bullet and call it a day? Come on, I’m taking you to the medbay”.
“No way, Buck. They’ll get me to a hospital for the day and won’t let me participate on the mission. Come on, just patch me up a little and don’t say anything”.
James rolled his eyes and scoffed.
He took you to the medbay, and, as you predicted, you spent the night in the hospital. The whole night, and woke up the next morning in that same goddamn white bed with white sheets, surrounded by white walls and white everything. Except a dusted friend, who had been holding your hand the whole time.
Bucky, scratched from head to toe and very clearly lacking a shower and a good night of sleep, didn’t let go of your hand even when you woke up. And damn you who were only thinking about how that should be Loki by your side.
“Hey, morning sleepy head”.
“What are you doing here? You should be on the mission”, you reproached him with a smile. “Not here, being a good friend and all”.
“I wanted a day off work”.
You laughed. He seemed too tired to even move.
“Thanks”, you sighed, and looking out of the window, heard the door opening and Tony Stark walking in. “Oh, sorry boss”.
“Call me boss again and you’re fired”, he said, sitting on the foot of your bed. “You reckless, irresponsible idiot. You should be fired for this alone. You’re a danger to the team and especially to yourself”.
“Come on. I defended a member of the team”.
“You jumped in front of a supersoldier about to get a fucking mosquito bite out of a bullet, that's what you fucking did”.
“The spirit is what counts, after all?”, you tried, and he laughed shortly, only to come back with a meaner expression.
“Hell no”.
“At least I can go back to work today, right?”, you tried. Tony just laughed—that bastard. Fucking asshole. And where was Thor? Was he with his brother? No that he’d say anything.
Wow. Painkillers made you bitchy.
“We’re both taking the day to get you recovered, and Stark and Thor will handle the mission. Tomorrow you get back if you’re well rested and in enough shape, alright?”, explained Bucky with a softness that almost made you vomit. He was sugarcoating it—surrounding it with nice-sounding words and a soft-spoken voice.
“No way I came all the way here to not do shit and let you do all of the things I’m supposed to do”.
“We could climb that mountain you wanted to”, he tried, and then you were out of words. You thought about it for a few seconds.
“Are you crazy? They’s got stitches. They can’t make efforts. Bed rest”, fought Tony. Bucky winked at you.
“That’s why I’m going with them. I’m gonna make sure they don’t get any worse, alright?”.
“Make sure they gets better”.
“Consider it done, chief”.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02 , @louieboo87 , @the-departed-potato , @jesuswasnotawhiteman , @idontknow296 , @beksib , @spythoschei , @geekwritersworld , @whatafuckingdumbass , @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 , @joscelyn02 , @t00-pi , @selfship-mishaps , @sallymagnoliaposts , @deadgirl88 , @enderslove, @theonewiththenerds )
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buckys-black-dress · 4 years
campus - bucky barnes x fem!reader (college au)
a/n: hey y’all! so. this is my first ever fic being posted here! i’m super excited to be sharing my work on here :) that being said, thank you for reading! please feel free to share/reblog/leave comments, but please do not repost my work! this lil one shot was inspired by the song campus by vampire weekend. enjoy! - ali
wc: 3.4k
You worked in the evenings at your coffee shop on campus during the week. Being that you went to school in a major metropolitan city, there were endless amounts of students bustling in and out of the shop daily. Day in and day out, it was pretty repetitive. The same kids, stressed, ordering a coffee and snack, and then sitting at a desk or in the upstairs attached library for hours on end, cramming or stressing about some test that was probably the following day. 
But there was one part that always made your day brighter, no matter how horrible your day had been thus far. 
His dark, long brown hair that looked soft to the touch, his large physique that had you melting in seconds, and his voice. 
He was always kind when he spoke to you, never short or rude. He always took his time to ask you how your day was going, took the time to learn your name, and even sat with you in between customers at the counter. 
Today, it was him sitting through the lunch rush, and while you whirled around the coffee machines and mugs, he watched you and made conversation while you steamed milk for the next latte that was ordered. 
“So, what are your plans for the winter break? Seeing any family?” He questioned, looking down into his own mug of dark brew. 
“Yeah, usually I go up to Canada to see my family there. I miss them a lot around this time of year, can’t wait to see them.” You shrugged your shoulders with a smile. “How about you, Bucky?”
Bucky hummed, wrapping a large hand around the body of the mug and pulled it up to his lips. 
“Yeah, not as far as you, though. Can’t wait to see my ma and sister. Miss ‘em to death.” He matched your grin. 
“Aw, how is she? Doing better now?” 
You recalled one day where Bucky came into the cafe, head hung low. You immediately poured him a cup and sat with him as he talked.
“She’s doing great now, thank God. Would’ve had to take off from school to stay with her if she didn’t, and she’s still so young. No one deserves to be bound to a hospital bed when they’re a kid.” He spoke brightly, glad he could say Rebecca was out of the hospital.
“That’s amazing, Buck! Glad to hear it.” You grinned even brighter than you had before, and Bucky couldn’t help but to stare at the sparkle in your eyes. 
You were a shy girl, and Bucky had initially first seen you in your sophomore art class. For you, it was a core requirement, but Bucky was taking courses aimlessly, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. He was at school on a football scholarship, and almost everyone knew him and his teammates. But as soon as he spotted you in that class, he knew he had to get to know you. It was hard at first, he’ll admit. You weren’t quite as responsive to him as he’d hoped, but over time when he would see you more often, he would make more conversation and you eventually warmed up to him.
You never knew what to do with Bucky. At first, you thought he was pranking you when he tried to talk to you. But over time, you let your guard down. You often fantasize about him and what it would be like to be with him. You fell for the side of him that was kind and caring, the soft side. Others saw the big, brawny football player, but that couldn’t be further from who he actually was. 
“You know, you should come to our party tonight.”
You scoffed at that. 
“And why, Bucky, would I do that?” Your tone was incredulous.
“Because, sweetheart, I want you to meet my friends?” The nickname made your heart flutter, beating wildly against your chest.
“I’ve already met Steve and Sam, and as far as I know, no one else is relevant.” You countered.
“I- Well, you’re right, but I want to have fun with you! I never see you outside of work or school.” Bucky’s eyes shone with pleading, basically begging you.
“I… Fine, maybe I’ll drop by after work…” You compromised, but Bucky’s smirk grew. 
“Yes! I’ll see ya at eight, doll, but I gotta head out and help set up.” He tapped the counter and stood up from his stool, flashing you one last smile before heading out the door, the bell ringing above it.
And fuck, you couldn’t wipe that damn smile off your face. 
Eight o’clock couldn’t roll around fast enough, and as soon you clocked out of work you practically ran to your apartment. Your roommates were out, so you picked out the best outfit you could put together in half an hour. 
The walk to Bucky’s fraternity house was jittery, your hands shaking uncontrollably, and it wasn’t just because of the frigid November air. 
It was exactly eight. Music was booming, you could literally feel it from the front porch. Not a minute late or early, and you were wondering why you were so nervous. Of course, it was because of Bucky, but also about the prospect of a party. You don’t go to many at all, and to go to a college party was more or less social suicide. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself, let alone in front of Bucky.
You lifted your hand to knock and after a minute or so, the door pulled open. 
And that was definitely not Bucky. 
“You here for the party?” The guy said, a brunet just a bit taller than you, but you could tell he was older than you.
“Uh- yeah-” You barely got out before he pulled you in by the arm. 
“Great, uh, I don’t have too much time for formalities or anything, but drinks are there,” he said, pointing to the kitchen, “and if ya gotta yak, please, for the love of God, do it in a toilet.” He said, leaving you in the middle of the hallway with people stumbling around you, mumbling apologies as you bumped into countless people. 
You felt like looking for Bucky was hopeless, so you stayed by the drinks for a bit, seeing if he’d come by, and after a few minutes, he turned up.
But of course, not alone.
“Y/N! You made it, I was wondering if you bailed on me!” He was basically yelling over the music.
“Oh! Yeah, I made it, I guess.” You tightly smiled, giving a fake laugh.
“Where are my manners! This is Nat, ot Natasha. We’re in the same Human Sexuality course. ‘ve known her since freshman year, can always count on her.” Bucky announced, pulling the interest of the redhead that he walked in with. 
She extended her hand with a smile as you shook her hand.
She’s fucking gorgeous. Of course Bucky’s here with her. Fuck. Why did you think he would hang out with you tonight? 
“So, Y/N, what’s your major?” Natasha asked you, her soft voice pulling you out of your intrusive thoughts.
“I uh, I’m an English Lit major with a minor in Cognitive Psych.” You responded, wanting to be done with this conversation. Done with this whole party, actually, at this point. 
“Oh shit, that’s so cool! I’m just a boring Criminal Justice major,” she answered, taking a sip from her drink.
Suddenly, her eyes lit up, looking at you in shock.
“Buck! Get this girl a drink! She’s just been standing here empty handed!” She slapped his arm, causing him to curse.
“Fuck, Y/N, let me get you something. Any preferences?” Bucky asked, already turning to the counter. 
“Uhm, not really, just no beer. Tastes like shit.” You huffed out a laugh, looking down at your hands until Bucky handed you a cup that was almost full.
“Vodka lemonade, doll, sweet enough where all you taste is the burn.” He smiled a wide smile that made you realize something. Bucky was drunk. 
“Thanks, Bucky.” You smiled and took a sip. He was right, it wasn’t strong at all, but by the time you looked up, Natasha was pulling him back to the dance floor, throwing her arms around his neck and swaying to the beat. His hands almost immediately found her hips, moving at the same pace.
Somewhere deep in your chest, you felt a pang. You knew that of course, you had no claim over Bucky. But you thought that after really getting to know him that there was something between you two.
But seeing his gaze never waver from Natasha, you guess you’d thought wrong. 
Setting your cup down on the counter, you felt a hand land on top of yours, and he spoke before you could.
“Hey, another rule I forgot to mention. Never leave your cup unattended. We try to keep a clean act here, but some assholes always slip through.” It was the same brunet from earlier.
“Oh… I was actually just about to go…” You mumbled.
“Leaving so early? You make me feel like a horrible host!” He yelled dramatically, placing a hand on his chest. “Oh God, you don’t even know me, do you?” He questioned.
“I… I’m sorry, I don’t.” You responded, fiddling with the hem of your shirt.
“Well, nice to meet you. I’m Tony, but I prefer ‘Greek God’ or ‘Ruler of the Universe,’ up to ya.” He smirked.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Tony. I’m Y/N.” You shook his hand, looking around. You just wanted to go home at this point.
“So why do you look like someone just killed your cat, Y/N?” He asked, leaning back onto the counter.
“I just… don’t really think this is my scene, I guess.” You shrugged. It was the truth, this wasn’t where you wanted to be on a Friday night. But you came for Bucky, and right now he’s dancing with a gorgeous redhead on the dance floor, while you stand in the kitchen talking to a stranger. 
“I see… have you come to one of our parties before?” He asks, scanning the crowd.
“Uh, just a few with my old roommates, but not too many, but Bucky invited me…” Your words trailed off, spotting him in the crowd, head thrown back laughing at something Steve or Natasha had said. 
“Ah, I see. Bucky.” Tony smirked. “You like him, don’t you?” He questioned.
“What?” You paled, “No! He’s just a friend, we’ve had a few classes together, that’s all.” Your face turned beet red as you looked down at your feet. 
“Listen, Y/N, I don’t know you very well, but I can tell you’re not dumb. If you like him, tell him that. I almost waited too long to tell Pep, but now we’ve been together a whole year and I can’t imagine my life without her. What’s the worst that could happen?” Tony proclaimed, bounding away and pulling a strawberry blonde girl, who you’re assuming is ‘Pep.’
And although Tony’s word instilled an unusual wave of confidence in you, what you were met with when you turned your head towards Bucky made it disappear into thin air.
There he was, in all his long-haired, muscly glory, kissing Natasha. 
Your mind was blank, and before you knew it you were out of the house and running back to your apartment, ignoring your roommates calling you from the couch as you held back tears. 
Of course Bucky would never go for someone like you. 
Waking up and having to go to class on Monday was a feat on its own. But going to work?
You had been avoiding going on campus all weekend, although you had to go in for a studio hour. But all in all, you managed to avoid Bucky. Thank God you didn’t have to work on weekends. 
But alas, Monday came, and Monday meant work. 
And work meant Bucky.
You took your time clocking in and pulling on your apron in the back and as you emerged, you were met with tons of customers waiting in line.
No Bucky yet. 
An hour into your shift, you’re whirling around behind the counter, completing orders, when he walked in. Bucky quietly sat himself down at the countertop and waited for you to greet him with a mug of hot coffee and a smile.
All you could manage was a tight, rushed smile while placing the mug in front of him haphazardly. 
Bucky’s brows furrowed as you kept up your work, not even stopping to speak a word to him. He waited and waited, but you kept to yourself and served the countless students that walked into the cafe. 
Needless to say, Bucky was confused. 
“Hey, Y/N?” He finally piped up after almost two hours of watching you. 
“Oh, yeah, need something James?” You asked, focused on pouring the right amount of milk into a cup. 
You never called him James.
“Uh, no. Just wanted to ask you if everything was alright?” Bucky inquired, hoping you’d give him something. 
“Yeah, just working.” You replied shortly. 
“Oh. Alright, doll.” Bucky took the hint, you thought. 
But he still sat there until you got off your shift, which is exactly what you did not want. 
While walking out of the cafe, you didn’t even look in Bucky’s direction. You walked right out, and by the time he saw you leaving he was sprinting out of his seat, but you had disappeared into the crowd of people walking about. 
The next day was more of the same. Bucky sitting and waiting, and you sneaking out to avoid him.
On Thursday night after work, you waited for the elevator in your apartment building, and just as the doors were about to close, a tall, burly blond slid his way in.
“Oh, hey Y/N.” He nodded down at you.
“Hi, Steve.” You muttered, looking down at your shoes.
“How ya been? Haven’t seen you around that much lately.” He asks.
“Oh, just busy with work and school, finals and stuff are coming up.” You answered, pursing your lips. 
“Yeah, Bucky’s been mentioning that he hasn’t spent time with you in a while. You should talk to him.” He looked at you. 
“Steve, are you here on behalf of Bucky?” You asked, anger raising inside you.
“Well, no, not really. My girlfriend Peggy lives on the 13th floor, so I gotta head out, but just… talk to him, Y/N? He misses you, I think.” Steve punctuates his sentence with the elevator doors sliding shut and leaving you with your thoughts.
Of course, you didn’t follow Steve’s advice. You didn’t know how to really act around him now, but you didn’t want to completely cut him off. 
So the following week had been a bit of the same, but Wednesday came, and that’s when it all blew up in your face. 
After work, you snuck out from the back, but the alleyway that was usually empty had one single person there, waiting for you.
“Hey doll, can we talk?” 
“Uh, yeah, sure what’s up?” You asked, standing a mere distance from him. 
“It’s just… why have you been avoiding me?” Bucky sounded unsure, like he was crazy.
“Bucky, I’ve just been busy, I’m sorry-” You started, but he wasn’t having any of it.
“Y/N, please. It’s been almost two weeks and you haven’t said more than five words to me. Did something happen? Did I upset you somehow?” He sounded desperate, like he was really trying. 
But all your mind could think of is him that night. His arms around Natasha, his lips attached to hers. 
And then it went to all of the moments you two shared. Hours of conversations, pet names, talking about everything under the sun.
“Bucky, I just… I don’t understand.”
“What, what don’t you understand, doll?” He was pleading with you here. 
“That party… why did you invite me?” You carefully asked.
Bucky looked confused now. “Because I wanted to hang out with you and have fun?”
You shuffled your feet against the gravel, scoffing at yourself.
“So why did you spend the whole night making out with Natasha?” You asked, pretty boldly if you would admit it to yourself. You were never one for confrontation, but Bucky had put you in a corner. 
“I… doll… I’m sorry, ya gotta believe, it was never my intention to make you feel unimportant,” Bucky’s eyes flashed with realization at what he’d done, “I was drunk out of my damn mind because Tony was pregaming and… I’m sorry, Y/N.” Bucky bowed his head in shame. 
“Just… was I all a game to you? Someone who was just there to comfort you when you needed it? Did I… ever mean anything more to you?” Your voice was meek.
“Y/N, please, look at me.” Bucky’s hand found your cheek, tilting your head up. “You are the sweetest, kindest, most intelligent person I’ve met in my entire life. There is no one else like you.” He spoke passionately. 
“Then… why can’t I be enough?” Tears pooled in your eyes. “Why can’t I be the one you hold when you dance?” Why can’t I be the one who gets the guy?
“You have to believe me, I was drunk, Y/N. I know that’s no excuse, but I’m so, so, so sorry. I was just afraid. You’re always so quiet, I never know how you’re feeling, so I just assumed you weren’t interested in me the way I was interested in you. I thought I was chasing a dead end.” He confessed.
By now, fat tears were running down your face, being gently wiped away by Bucky's large thumbs. 
“I just- I know I don’t talk much, but I always talk to you. It was so hard for me to open up to you and when I saw you with Natasha I just… I thought I had driven you away. I thought you’d found someone better because I wasn’t enough for you.”  You barely choked out the words.
“Sweetheart, you are more than enough for me. I come and sit with you at work for hours just to hear you talk. I just didn’t know how to tell you without freaking you out.”
By now, the both of you were crying, trying to understand how you got here.
“I’m sorry, Buck. You’re just so different. I never thought someone like you could like someone like me.” 
“Doll, please. I wouldn’t shut up about you to Steve, he was going insane.” Bucky cracked a smile, thumbing at your cheek still.
You giggled at that, sniffling. 
“Look at us. Two big idiots, huh?” You laughed.
“The biggest idiots. But I think I’ll be an even bigger idiot if i don't do this.” He  mumbled.
“Do what?”
Before the question could leave your lips, his mouth was on yours, capturing it in a sweet kiss that you didn’t even know you were longing for. 
After coming out of your daze, your eyes fluttered open when Bucky pulled away.
“What was that for?” You breathily asked, bringing your fingers up to your lips. 
“It was to show you how sorry I am. I wanna take you out and show you off, Y/N. I wanna make you my girl. Whaddaya say?” Bucky was smiling, but you could tell he was nervous.
“Sure, Buck. I’ll be your girl. But you gotta take me out for dinner first.” You smirked, clutching Bucky’s face in your hands. 
“I’ll take ya wherever ya wanna go, sweetheart. I’d take you to the moon if you wanted.” 
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
hello my love!!! I wondered if I could request something sexy and fun!! I was thinking of reader and Bucky being in a new relationship, they haven't had sex yet and he invites her to sleep over at the compound one night. Reader has like a boob sore so she can't wear a bra and sleeps in her tank top. morning after, Bucky wakes up first and sees her boob has fallen out of her top, he was trying to remain a gentleman but after seeing that he wants her? Hehe i love you and thank you for everything❤️
Morning Glory
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,412
Summary: Spending the night at Bucky’s for the first time has you very excited and a morning surprise really moves the relationship along...
Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting this love! I had fun writing it and hope it makes you happy! This is real life and happens to me all the time, even when I wear those CK bralette thingies. Never fails. Now if Bucky was in my bed....well. haha! Love you! Thank you all for reading and much love always! ❤❤❤
Warnings: sweet fluff, light teasing and flirting, lots of kissing, Steve and Sam being themselves, implied sexy times :) 
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Standing in your apartment you stare at your empty overnight bag, cursing your indecision. Bucky invited you to spend the night at his place, aka the Avengers compound, and you have no idea what to pack to wear for the night or bedtime or the next morning! You don’t normally sleep in a bra and you don’t want to just because you’re staying at his place. Rifling through your pajama drawer you find a cute blue tank top with matching boy shorts, deciding it works fine and will be comfy.
Stuffing it in the bag you search around for your toiletries, double checking you have everything you need before leaving. Bucky meets you outside and greets you with a searing kiss. It takes you a moment to catch your breath afterwards and you’re wondering how you’ll be able to control yourself when you share a bed tonight.
Bucky has been a gentleman from the moment you met and ever since you first starting dating, which wasn’t too long ago. It’s the first time you’ll be spending the whole night together and you’re feeling both excited and nervous. Of course, as soon as you’re in his presence you feel completely comfortable and happy.
The early part of your evening is spent cooking dinner together, Bucky suggesting you try to make a pizza. “Bucky, I’m not sure I can do the whole throw the dough in the air thing,” you say, staring down at the yeasty mixture. “Me neither but I’m gonna give it a try!” You giggle and step back watching as Bucky tries to pick up the sticky dough.
Once he has it in his hands, he gives you an apprehensive look before saying, “here goes nothin’!” He tries to throw it but fails when he doesn’t put enough force behind it. “Ok, here we really go,” he laughs. Bending his knees, he releases the dough. It flies just above his head, hovering for a split second before landing back on his hands and ripping.
Bucky stands in shocked silence and your hand flies over your mouth to stifle your laughter. He finally looks your way, his lips turning up into a smirk, “something you find funny, doll?” You can’t hold back any longer, bursting into a fit of giggles and pointing at him. “Oh my gosh, you should see your face!”
Bucky tries to wipe off his hands as best he can before he stalks over to you, caging you against the island with his arms. Your breath hitches at the closeness of his body and your hands instinctively reach out to smooth down his chest. “I wish I got that on camera,” you say, continuing to tease him, “and I think you have some dough in your hair.”
He leans his face close to yours, brushing the hair from your cheek, “hmmmm, I bet you do.” When his mouth meets yours you completely melt against him, a sigh falling from your lips as he parts them with his tongue. Running his thumb across your jaw he cradles your face in his hand, deepening the kiss just as a throat clears loudly behind you.
Bucky hesitantly pulls away, his eyes soft on you but then thunderous when they stare over your shoulder. “Rogers. You better have a good reason for interrupting us.” Steve raises his brows and chuckles, crossing his arms over his chest in a very Captain America way. “Hi y/n. Nice to see you again.” You give Steve a shy wave, “hi Steve, you too.”
“Actually, this time I do. I smelled something burning and figured I should check it out before the compound gets a shower.” Both you and Bucky spin to face the oven, the slight wisps of smoke starting to leak out the sides. “Oh shit,” Bucky shouts, quickly turning the oven off and alerting Friday that they have it under control. “THE COOKIES!” you yell in horror! “I can’t believe we forgot about them!”
Steve laughs first and you and Bucky can’t help but follow suit. “Well, if you didn’t have your tongues down each other throats you might have remembered,” Steve scolds before laughing again and walking off. “Ugh, I’m gonna kick him in his righteous ass,” Bucky mumbles.
Turning to you, he gathers you in his arms and says, “now, where were we,” pressing his lips to yours once again. You gently pull away just to ask, “what about dinner? And more importantly! Dessert!?” His nose scrunches as he smiles wide, “let’s just order a pizza and steal Sam’s Oreos. Yea?” You simply nod, leaning in to kiss him again.
“I heard you two were starting a fire in here!” Sam chimes from the doorway. Bucky groans, grabbing your hand and walking down the hallway without a word. “Hi y/n!” Sam says as he gives you his best smile. “Hey Sam! Good to see you!” you call out just before disappearing around the corner.
Bucky huffs as he shuts the door. “They can be such a pain in the ass sometimes!” You laugh and pull your phone from your pocket. “I’ll order the pizza; you snag the cookies and then we’ll have the rest of the night uninterrupted.” Bucky practically skips out the door when you start dialing for the pizza and only moments later you hear Sam yelling, “where the hell are you going with my Oreos?!?!”
Dinner is perfect and after eating a whole sleeve of Oreos dipped in milk you and Bucky settle in on the couch to watch a movie. Not even halfway through Bucky has you pinned to the couch, his lips devouring yours as his hands wander over your dips and curves. You moan into his mouth and he pulls away, breathing heavily when he speaks. “I want you so badly, but I want to do this the right way, you know.”
You’re barely able to manage the nod of your head, all your brain power gone with his strong body above you and his hands on your skin. You want to tell him you don’t care that you really like him and you’re ready to take the next step. But you don’t want to push him either, so you remain silent. He pulls you into his side, holding you close while you finish the movie.
It’s almost midnight and you stifle a yawn, snuggling closer into Bucky. “You ready for bed, doll?” You smile up at him, “yes, I think so.” You go into the bathroom to wash up and change. When you come out you watch as Bucky takes in your appearance, his jaw clenched tight and his eyes dark. “You’re not making this easy you know.” He plants a sweet kiss to your lips before he goes to change.
You get in bed and burrow under the covers, loving that you’re surrounded by his smell. He gets in soon after, pulling you against his chest and nuzzling his face into your neck. “I’m really glad you’re here baby girl. I love having you in my bed.” Throwing your leg over his you mumble into his chest, “me too, Buck.”
Morning arrives and you slowly wake up, the warmth of Bucky’s body still close as you stretch and yawn. You feel a slight chill at your chest, moving to pull the blanket further up your body but stopping short when you brush bare skin. Cracking open your eyes you look down and to your surprise see that your tank top did little to hold things in place while you were sleeping.
Bucky’s sharp intake of breath catches your attention and you look over to find him staring. “Morning beautiful,” he whispers, licking his lips. “Hi,” you say quietly, smirking at how hot and bothered he looks. “Sorry, I don’t usually wear a bra to sleep.” Bucky doesn’t say anything, he just keeps staring and you can see his internal struggle.
You slowly get up, fixing your shirt and running your hand over the hardness that is evident under his boxers. “Meet me in the shower in 2?” you ask sweetly, lightly brushing your lips to his. He practically falls out of the bed, the sheets tangled around his legs as he stumbles forward. “Fuck yes, doll. I can’t wait.”  You saunter to the bathroom, knowing full well half your ass cheek is hanging out of your boy shorts. Bucky’s low growl carries across the room, your smile triumphant just as you turn on the shower.  
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @buckys-broody-muffin @book-dragon-13 @bugsbucky @bucky-on-my-mind @devynsdiary @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @hawksmagnolia @hailmary-yramliah @imgaril-lindru @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @loricameback @jewels2876 @littleredstarfish @littledarlinhavefaithinme @mushyjellybeans @metal-armed-cuddly-dork  @marvelgirl7 @marvelandotherfandomimagines @nano--raptor @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @softpeachbarnes @scarletsoldierrr @the-wayward-robot @when-the-hell-is-bucky
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