#yes the same white diamond from steven universe
bones4thecats · 10 months
Hey! I love your writing and have been wondering what the ror characters (Poseidon, Thor, Adam, Hades, etc really your choice) would react to a blue diamond s/o from Steven Universe. As when they cry everyone else surrounding them cries. And their giant size. Sorry if this isn't the right place to request!
A/N: Hello there, thank you for the compliment. I’ve tried my best in keeping my writing skills the same, yet updated based on the scenario. But, I do hope you like how this turned out! I’ll be using the three Gods you had mentioned, and I’ll be leaving Adam out, but if you want another part written with Humans, just send it in! Now, enjoy~~
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🔱 You were part of the new Pantheon that had made their way into Valhalla, representing different gems that were found throughout the world by your ancient people
🔱 When he first met you, many said you would get along, especially Zeus and Hades
🔱 You sat by the edge of the sea, your towering form scaring away any Gods from speaking to you
🔱 He could feel the sadness radiating off you, and when he felt his vision blur, he reached his hand up and noticed he was crying out of free will
🔱 When you noticed him crying behind you, you gasped and apologized, saying it happened whenever someone was around, and even if they were happy, they’d cry
🔱 It took a while, but after you guys got together and married, it was normal to see your husband and you sitting side-by-side
🔱 To have this make a bit more sense, let’s say you can shrink down to his size
🔱 When you do that to rest, he likes to lay his head on your chest where you blue diamond laid, for some reason it calmed him down
🔱 Poseidon and you both were prominent figures in your pantheons, so being apart constantly was normal, but that didn’t stop you from accidentally making him cry
🔱 The way your merciful nature did come at a halt with how humans had started to get themselves tossed into hell made him fall for you more
“ Yes, look down on them, my teardrop. They are nothing. “
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🌩️ Thor fell for you because of how gentle and caring you could be
🌩️ It was something that he lacked to show, but you seemed to thrive showing
🌩️ You were known for your amazing diplomatic skills used through Gods’ Council meetings, and it could make anyone side with you
🌩️ The power you held made him happily look at you behind a dead-looking facade
🌩 Now, with the size difference, he doesn’t really mind it
🌩️ Normally, he’s the larger one, like this guy’s 7’4, he’s pretty much always taller than someone
🌩️ Thor would look up at you and smile lightly, giving you a kiss on your hand as you squatted down to reach his gaze, since you’d be like 25-100ft
🌩️ But, since you do enjoy shrinking down to do things with your husband, you normally go to around 6’5-7’0 most of the time whenever you’re not working with your sisters
🌩️ He noticed how much you seemed to care about this young male on Earth whom you called ‘Pink Diamond’ and he just smiled to himself as you laid down on his chest, telling stories of him and your sisters
🌩️ His favorite part of being married to you is how much you seemed to care about certain humans, as they were innocent and did no wrong, while you despised others and wished for them to die
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💀 Oh yeah, you and him bonded ever since birth
💀 You guys had been together for centuries, and he knew your sisters very well, they even enjoyed having him around
💀 He witness everything happen year-by-year, how much pressure White Diamond had put on you all, Pink Diamond leaving and ‘dying’, Yellow Diamond trying to push the memories of Pink behind her to be perfect, and you going through many essential crises
💀 Hades watched as you went through every single crisis, struggling at times to manage all of the colonies you and your sisters had
💀 So, being the best husband he could, he made sure to have your top superiority manage it while he took you to Helheim to calm you down
💀 When it came to the crying thing, he doesn’t mind it, seeing other Gods try holding themselves back from crying as you sat there doing nothing was quite funny
💀 And your size? Not a problem
💀 Cerberus loves the hell out of you, your big size and his big size (around 15ft) make a fun mix to play
💀 Seeing you shrink down to share a bed was funny at first, and now when he sees your form shrink he smiles gently and hugs you as you sleep
💀 Like Poseidon, he also likes to lay his head on your chest, but instead of laying his head on the gem in your chest, he likes to run his hands on it and mess with your hair that wrapped around your chest
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rosenotactuallyquartz · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Rosenet? They’re honestly so cute but unfortunately they’re super underrated, and show doesn’t really delve much into their relationship either, which means most people often leave out Garnet from their Rose analysises and vice versa 😓
a post about rose & garnet’s dynamic
(because yes, it should be talked about !)
“Rose wanted to give everybody the kind of environment she didn’t have, but everything about her is about who she didn’t want to be.” —Rebecca Sugar, Rebecca Sugar Says Goodbye to Steven Universe
“Your mother had healing tears that flowed from her gem. She felt real love for those around her. She felt real sorrow when they were hurt.” —Garnet, Indirect Kiss
throughout her time with rose, garnet always perceived rose as caring and accepting. what she didn’t realize was just how much rose understood her.
rose’s care did not only come from a place of kindness; she related to her.
she never looked at homeworld the way she was expected to. no gem was inferior to her; every life was worth protecting in her eyes, as seen in now we’re only falling apart when she wanted to stop the colony she fought for because she learned that it would harm humans.
whenever she was herself, her genuine self, she endured significant pain through a variety of different punishments. she lived in fear and she hated homeworld. as rose, living on earth, she could finally be herself and work toward everything she believed in.
at the same time, she lived in fear that the diamonds would eventually find her. she lived in guilt because no one other than (a very concerned) pearl knew about this secret. she was thinking about it. a lot. homeworld had such a harmful and unfair structure, and to live as a crystal gem meant not only a physical escape, but also an entire mental escape from the memories and the society.
“No more questions. Don’t ever question this. You already are the answer.” —Rose, The Answer
in the scene prior to this, rose was worried about garnet’s physical safety. she didn’t want her to be punished for existing. she knew, in a different sense, what that felt like.
once she knew that she was physically safe, rose focused on garnet’s mind.
garnet was unaware that rose’s mind was not a great place to be. the truth was, rose never wanted garnet to feel the way that she felt.
(rose was made to feel guilty, made to feel bad and wrong, long before she had anything to truly feel guilty about)
she saw the way that the crowd looked at her from the moment she first opened her eyes. after years of being out of place in homeworld and then being told things like, “you only make things worse” from white diamond, she never wanted that crowd to have a lasting impact on garnet. she wanted garnet to love and accept herself.
this also demonstrated that rose wanted garnet to be part of the new life she was building on earth. this was her way of saying, “let’s live how we want to live, together, and never look back.”
in rose’s eyes, only cruel gems from homeworld could make garnet question something that makes her feel happy and secure. & rose wanted to be different. she was different.
this scene showed just how much she cared about her and related to her, on an incredibly deep level.
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[Image Description: This image depicts Rose Quartz, Pearl, and Garnet as they meet in “The Answer.” In the center, Rose Quartz is holding the hands of Garnet. To the left of Rose Quartz, Pearl stands, watching the interaction. The background is a vibrant forest with purple, pink, and blue hues, along with flower petals and bushes on the ground. End of Image Description.]
“This whole time, we thought we were following her, but she was following us. How could she not after you swept her off her feet?” —Sapphire, Now We’re Only Falling Apart
“One thing I find really interesting is that the way she idolized everyone around her was very sincere. She thought everyone around her was so much better than she was. So people would be drawn to her, Gems would be drawn to her, and I don’t know if they would necessarily realize that she was worshiping them, which was compounding her own sadness at the feeling that she couldn’t connect with them.” — Rebecca Sugar, Rebecca Sugar Says Goodbye to Steven Universe
all of the crystal gems perceived rose differently, and all of them never really knew just how much they meant to rose.
amethyst saw rose as a hero and looked up to her when she was actually a hero to rose. a true quartz, from earth, who became a crystal gem. she was everything rose wished she could have been; genuine, living without this sense of guilt that rose always had. pearl saw rose as someone she needed to constantly protect, and she could never quite understand why that caused so many arguments during the war. seeing steven & connie in sworn to the sword, she learned that the only reason for the argument was because she wanted to protect pearl, too (hence the little, “she made me feel like i was everything” epiphany).
of course, garnet never questioned rose’s choices. the first choice she saw rose make …saved her life. it involved literally leaving the battlefield when she could have hurt a very confused garnet, and then later on, protecting garnet and wanting to live with her despite the fact that they were initially on different sides (she taught her that they actually were on the same side).
she loved being garnet, and rose was always there to love that garnet was being garnet.
garnet felt a sense of security with rose as a leader, while rose felt a sense of security with her. yes, her title was the leader, but she barely saw herself as one. the truth is, she didn’t know what she would do without them. she admired amethyst’s warmth & sincerity, pearl’s intelligence & courage, and garnet’s wisdom & power, really. not just her physical strength, but how comfortable and sure of herself she became once she began living as herself. she was also fascinated with garnet’s ability to see the future; garnet’s abilities in general, as a fusion of two different gems.
i always thought that rose felt like garnet held them all together. the same way that a fusion is held together, she kept everyone close, she kept this sense of stability even as they all went through difficult situations.
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[Image Description: This image depicts Rose holding Pearl and Garnet. One of her arms is around Pearl while the other is around Garnet, and they lean against her as she protects them, her eyes shut tight. Behind them is Rose’s pink shield, and behind the shield is the starry night sky. In the sky are three bright lights, as the diamonds are about to attack Earth. End of Image Description.]
“But I am even more than the two of them. Everything they care about is what I am. I am their fury, I am their patience/ I am a conversation… I am made of love!” — Garnet, lyrics to Stronger Than You
something that is very special about the song love like you is that it is not about any character in particular. sugar gives us room to associate the song with different relationships and characters because it’s simultaneously about no one and everyone. it can be about all kinds of love: platonic, romantic, family.
i’ve already written an analysis on how it fits for pearl from rose’s perspective. my other favourite ways to listen to the song ? connie from steven’s perspective, ruby from sapphire’s perspective, and after now we’re only falling apart, garnet from rose’s perspective, too.
in her old environment, while she lived as a diamond, rose was never able to properly love and be loved. those choices were made for her.
the diamonds had rules about everything. these gems are supposed to serve these gems. pink, interact with this gem THIS way. these gems are inferior, these gems are superior. no one could connect on an emotional level and nothing was ever about choosing to be around someone. it was incredibly isolating.
but then, pearl taught rose what love felt like, while garnet taught rose what love looked like.
she gave pearl a choice to stay with her & fight or leave & be safe, and pearl argued with this (“but i want to!”). pearl was the first to teach rose about what love felt like. but it was all very new and perplexing and difficult to understand.
garnet literally demonstrated love for rose. she helped rose identify what love looked like, reinforced the fact that it’s something worth fighting for. and you don’t have to understand it, you don’t have to question it, love is simply both powerful and pure.
& then they built their own dynamic, all because they chose to do so.
garnet was everything she believed in. not only did fusion between two different gems go against homeworld’s beliefs and system, fusions before were only between such gems as, for example, the rubies before a fight. this fusion was different; it was the result of care and protection.
garnet was made of love.
this is something that garnet remembers whenever she needs encouragement, and i have a feeling that rose said this to her quite often.
rose said this (adorable) line to pearl after witnessing garnet’s fusion:
“A fusion between two completely different gems! Can all gems do that? How have I never heard of this? I’ve only ever heard that it’s… unheard of.” — Rose, Now We’re Only Falling Apart.
this was followed by pearl attempting to fuse with her. along with nearly fusing for the first time, they had a conversation about how they felt. the fusion was a big deal, for obvious reasons, but so was the conversation. because of rose’s trauma and history of isolation, she struggled with communication. because of pearl’s trauma, she was, at the time, nervous about communication.
garnet didn’t merely show rose fusion as the ultimate connection between gems… she demonstrated that it requires trust and communication. as she said, “i am a conversation.”
we all know that rose continued to struggle with communication and accepting love. she struggled with relationships but she did learn, however, about what love was and how to recognize love.
(sugar said she “couldn’t stand herself,” so unfortunately, despite constantly encouraging garnet & other gems & humans to love themselves, she couldn’t love herself and she didn’t think she was worthy of love a lot of the time because of complex guilt and trauma.)
rose’s personal pain aside, garnet was clearly a significant part of rose’s understanding of something so vital, special, and complicated. as much as it could be, it was healing, too, considering her past.
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[Image Description: This image is completely blue, as it is Pearl’s hologram of a memory of Rose, Pearl, and Garnet. Rose has lifted Garnet up and her other hand is in a fist, and it appears that she is cheering. She looks up at Garnet, one of her eyes closed like a wink. Pearl stands beside them, and they are all laughing.]
garnet is an incredible part of steven’s support system.
we didn’t see her grief very often, following rose’s death. she knew that she held the group together, and she knew that rose would have wanted her to continue to do this at a time when it was needed most: after she died.
she knew that amethyst had trouble making sense of everything that happened along with what she was feeling as she grieved. she knew that pearl was… well, being incredibly strong. it was kind of amazing that she was still living with them and going on missions despite the fact that 10-20 years is a very early stage of grief for gems who live for thousands of years. she knew that steven was a new crystal gem, and she worked on building this very new bond between the gems all while she went through her own grief.
she absolutely did this for rose. i wouldn’t be surprised if rose told her to take care of them, to keep the love between the crystal gems alive and to help steven be part of it. and he absolutely was. they all formed beautiful individual bonds with steven, and they all stayed close as a group.
of course, garnet was upset when she learned that rose lied to her and was actually pink diamond. for the first time, after years of stability, she began to question everything again.
but she learned that rose was honest about her feelings toward her. rose meant it when she said that garnet was made of love. the lie was all about issues that were related to rose.
instead of following a dishonest leader, garnet felt comfortable after she learned that instead, rose had her own personal flaws but she felt inspired by her and followed her. the pain came from the war and the fact that she felt so sure of how everything was. at the end of the day, she understood that she couldn’t have known. rose was dishonest about herself, but she was always honest about garnet. again, she had good intentions and she loved others but she couldn’t love herself.
& lastly…
i love asks, so thank you so much for this question 🩷🩷🩷
you are so welcome to send me asks anytime !!
if you ship rose with garnet romantically, and you were wondering what i thought of the ship…
i always saw garnet & rose as being one of my favourite platonic ships. the current fic i’m writing has a moment where they’re one-on-one, but they bond platonically.
but i need you folks to all know that i am the type of pearlrose lover who does not hate the other ships and characters.
in fact, i find that i understand so many of rose and pearl’s other ships ! i love so much of the fanart and i can see the unique ways as to why a certain ship would be cute. hey, i know what it’s like to have your favourite ship be misunderstood and unnecessarily hated on !!
i am curious to hear what you like about rosenet, in any way you love them !
something i love about steven universe is that the creators give us room for interpretation. it’s fiction, so we can all make the stories our own and bond with others about what we love and headcanons we have and it’s all incredibly comforting. 🩷🩷🩷
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
I'm not sure if you know much about Steven Universe but...Diamond au?
Alma is basically white diamond (The supreme Diamond basically), or should I say, Magenta diamond?
Pepa is obviously yellow diamond, Julieta is blue diamond, and Bruno is green diamond.
The grandkids are kind of...young diamonds? (I know in the show it's canon that Diamonds and crystal gems don't age but I'm switching things around for fun.)
So, young Diamonds are typically minded from underground places and it's extremely rare to find one and even rarer to find six.
(So, in the ground they're technically like babies in stone. There's no certain way of knowing when a Diamond will be born so you kinda just have to...wait.)
Isabela was born first, then Dolores. 2000 years later, Luisa was born. 4000 years later, came Camilo and then Mirabel. 10,000 years later, came Antonio.
Like in your Giant siren au, the diamond madrigal adults & teens are huge with Antonio being the smallest. But he's just as tall as the average adult.
Roles -
Magenta (Alma) is the leader and in charge of establishing Gemkind's identity. Yellow, Green, and Blue, holding second-tier status, oversee Home world's military and culture respectively. The grandkids are charge of throwing celebrations for the achievements of the other Diamonds.
In this au the adults aren't addressed as mama/Tia/Tio/Abuela they are just addressed as their colors. Same for the grandchildren-
Isabela = Violet
Dolores = Red
Luisa = Purple
Camilo = Gold
Mirabel = Teal
Antonio = Bronze, cider, Mikado, or apricot (I'm not sure which one to choose from.)
The husbands in this Au are pearls. And yes, they still love their big wives.
Pedro = Sandstone (color) pearl
Agustin = Oxford blue pearl
Felix = Honey Pearl
Are the grand-diamonds spoiled? Yes, they were cute as diamond-lings so how could the older diamonds not spoil them? Are the grand-diamonds still sweet? Also, yes.
That's all I've got for now.
I think the way the “children" are determined by like?? Which couple digs up the lil Diamond. Dunno 🤓
Pedro might be cracked???
Gave them actual diamond cuts 🤭 if you have more go ahead and hand it over (even tho I know nothing abt su)
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ALSO!!! I LOVE WHEN THE MADRIGALS ARE BIG AND ARE BIG OB SMALLER MADRIGALS❗❗❗🤓 My favs, one of my favorite aspects about Giant Siren <33
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pleasantspark · 6 days
#001: Steven Universe vs Hazbin Hotel
If there's one thing that the HH Fandom HATES is the fact you DARE compare our LOVELY SHOW TO THAT HORRIBLE GEM LESBIAN SHOW.
Well, even though both shows suck, it's obvious which ones the better one (spoiler: it's not hazbin.)
Pink Diamond vs Angel Vaggie Reveal
The most controversial thing to have ever happened in the SU Fandom was The QuartzGate.
In Season 5, A Single Pale Rose, we are met with the most shocking reveal that our lovely Rose Quartz was duping everyone and playing both sides, we've gotten to several seasons a fully fledged movie and epilogue series while also showing good character development and not being a burden.
The reason why the Pink Diamond reveal was leagues better than Vaggie's "Secret" is that we get a taste of what Rose Quartz's story was like before and after her defact. Although the fandom demonizes Rose to an extent, she atleast TRIED to redeem herself unlike most characters in Hazbin.
Compared to Vaggie's Angel reveal, we got a slap in the face from a semi irrelevent character who serves as a point to recreate a scene from Sworn To The Sword while also mashing up the goat song "Stronger Than You" and "Do It For Him/Her" while also trying to teach Vaggie a lesson on protecting those she LOVES despite the fact she should KNOW how to protect someone she loves, instead we're left with Vaggie being victimized by her doormat entitled girlfriend who has NO idea on how the real world works, who was coddled and continued to be coddled by her absent mother and victimized father (yes, Lucifer's depression in my eyes as a person with the issue, is used atleast in my opinion as a scapegoat to abolish all responsibilities that our Little Boy did. Once AGAIN using mental health to fucking excuse shit.)
White Diamond esque Seraphim Character
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On the topic of Hazbin Hotel SHOULDN'T BE COMPARED TO MIDEVAN MIDVERSE, we have two fuckers who are completely the SAME except ones a Alien and the other ones an Angel. Both have similar worldviews and gaslighting methods that put Mother Gothel to shame.
Both have a insane worldview, trying to "convince" the person challanging them that what they are doing is "correct" while also talking and condoning the genocide of beings that are somewhat the same as them.
The major difference is, White Diamond wanted to kill her own kind because of the major imperfections they posed (I.E. Offcolor, Uselessness, Fusion without purpose, or even defects), while Sera was driven by the need to protect heaven despite the fact that Heaven has weapons designed to HARM them.
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Weapons curated by their kind being used against them
Both shows are primarily shown fighting against people who are seen as "bad" and they have weapons to stave off them!
But the weapons are shown to have been effective on the victims as they are on the perpetrators, starting with the SU weapons.
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In The Return Jasper used this weapon against Garnet and the Crystal Gems, showing that THESE WEAPONS were FORGED against them.
They are WELL aware of the effects.
In the Steven Universe Movie. This is ALSO apparent.
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This was wielded by Spinel (who is voiced by Mimzy's actor by the way). And was used against the gems.
Lastly, but the most important weapon of them all.
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This baby, is said AND BELIEVED to be effecting in GAME ENDING a Gem, these weapons are ALWAYS said to have been effective in causing harm to their own kind...
But Hazbin...
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"Wait, Angels can be killed by Angelic Weapons?"
Bruh, what the fuck? They were made by their own fucking weapons. You THINK they'd be smart to NOT leave their weapons behind and give Hell an idea?
Nope, this all seems like a convenient copout to pull out their ass, while making the main cast extremely OOC to explain their slowness on the subject.
And the icing on the cake?
Fucking, Charlie had the galls to say...
"Oh, yeah, you wouldn't tell me if you knew."
Vaggie's a fucking victim of a traumatic injury, fucking victim blaming bitch.
Chaggie's Argument vs Stevonnie's Breakup
For now, I am gonna end this post with this comparison, Charlie and Vaggies argument compared to Steven and Connie's arguement is VASTLY different but are both handled differently as well.
For starters, Charlie and Vaggie ONLY argued to give them a reason to "fix things" and it's started because Vaggie kept a secret she had a reason to, basically ONCE AGAIN victimizing someone who went through a traumatic encounter in ORDER to cause the most amount of sympathy for someone who was born with a silver spoon in her ass.
But I hear you say. "Vaggie lied! Charlie had EVERY right to be mad! This can be used to HELP the Hotel!" Charlie may have a right to be mad, but that's Vaggie's trauma she was offended at her keeping. Apparently it's okay to act entitled because your partner has a secret involving being assaulted brutally and not telling you about her past, because "I NEEDED TO KNOW!" to top all of that off, she proceeded to FUCKING LIST SHIT TO ROSIE OVER HERE, THAT ISN'T COMPARABLE TO WHAT VAGGIE WENT THROUGH yeah, no wonder why the fandom on the critical side of things hates you.
Compared to Steven and Connie, this was over something far more tame and civilized, arriving home after he visited the Diamonds, Connie was mad that Steven ditched her, and felt hurt that he wouldn't ask her to help, as they PROMISED they'd work together. THIS is an actual realistic arguement, and these two ARE KIDS, I don't fault ANY of them, but CHARLIE'S A FUCKING ADULT, if kids have a reason to be mad at their S/O but you're both adults and you're mad at your S/O not opening up to you, so you go to a Cannibal who shouldn't be giving you advice, which your MOTHER or FATHER should be, then fuck that.
Not gonna lie, Rosie's advice was really good.
@almacambiondaughterofsaleos made a post showcasing the difference between Greg and Rose while also showcasing the VIBE thats different between Stolitz, this is a PRIME example that Steven Universe despite being bad at writing also is much better than Hazbin.
Next post, when I do give a fuck is pointing out the difference in relationships between Hazbin/SU.
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keilahseverin · 1 year
Spell your URL: keilahseverin
Spell out your URL using song titles that can describe your muse, then tag as many people as there are letters in your URL!
Tagged by @humblemooncat and @bananarose yessss 2x tags means 2x effort let's goooo
My URL = one of my WOL's name because I am so very creative haha.
This was HARD, but uhhh I made it hard on myself. I approached this a little differently from the description above and built a "soundtrack" based on Keilah's story. I had several criteria for picking songs here:
Can't pick two songs from the same band or source.
The lyrics of the song, if any, have to be relevant to Keilah's personality or life somehow.
The overall vibe of the song has to fit Keilah.
No FFXIV OST, that would be too easy (but other FF titles were fair game... even though none of them made the cut, lul).
I think the criteria worked, because I was able to fish around in my library and memory for a collection of songs that I think represents Keilah well in many different ways! (Plus, new story brainworms moved in how about that??)
If you decide to do this challenge, I encourage you to find a fun way to represent your muse that makes sense for you! Song titles, songs from OSTs only, whatever :)
Here is the soundtrack:
K - Kid A, Radiohead - I slip away, I slipped on a little white lie
E - E. Is Stable, Menomena - Coldness sets in like fingernails raked across the door
I - I Walked, Sufjan Stevens - I would not have run off, but I couldn't bear that it's me, it's my fault
L - La cathédrale engloutie (The Sunken Cathedral), Debussy - The slow, quiet buildup conjuring images of a drowned cathedral slowly emerging from the sea... only for the waves to roll back in, engulfing the cathedral, as they ever have. I can't help but picture Keilah's big discoveries about her own past taking place during this song. Okay and maybe I cheated a little using the French version of the name "But Keilah there is also an S in your name" Yes shhh quiet it's okay shhhhh.
A - Area Zero, multiple composers/arrangers (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet OST) [potential Pokémon SV late-game spoiler!]- The mysterious feel of this track-- like you're stumbling upon knowledge you shouldn't be witness to-- fits well with Keilah's personal journey.
H - Hand in my Pocket, Alanis Morissette - I'm sad, but I'm laughing. I'm brave, but I'm chicken shit. I'm sick, but I'm pretty, baby
S - Sacrifice, The Weeknd - Every time you try to fix me, I know you'll never find that missing piece
E - Emil (Sacrifice), Keiichi Okabe (Nier Replicant 1.22... OST) - "There are as many ways to view the world as there are people in it."
V - Valley of Calm Trees, Klaxons - While passing through the clouds of diamond dust as two mock suns arise beside our one, the sun-dogs guide the way towards the east and set behind the valley of calm trees
E - Exit This Earth's Atomosphere, Camellia - keilahbossfight.mp3
R - Recover, Chvrches - And if I recover, will you be my comfort? Or it can be over. Or we can just leave it here
I - Invincible, Muse - Don't give up the fight. You will be alright, 'cause there's no one like you in the universe
N - No One Knows, Queens of the Stone Age - I drift along the ocean, dead lifeboat in the sun, and come undone
Tagging 13 people here we go, 0 pressure to do this especially if it's not your thing, more of an FYI hi this might be cool if you want: @archaiclumina @miqomonkly @gobbie-boom @ravendas-xiv @ishgardmuffin @umbralaether @irisopranta @emetkoto @arinaxiv @emc2beans @protection-and-pleasure @whimsyxiv @wingedasarath and of course anyone else that stumbles upon this and wants to try!
Feel free to do this with your character's name instead, whatever floats your boat really heh heh.
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birb-boyo · 1 year
HELLO(I just got from my nap, sorry for the wait)
All heroes, instead of having a triforce, they have a shard of First’s gem, also called the Shards of Courage. These shards are made of basically just Light because that was Hylia’s parting gift, to make his shards shine brighter than the morning sky. Ask the chain, except Sky, they fucking hate it. It’s Sky’s nightlight by the way. It’s like a naturally made flash bang. It’s an activation thing, so it’s not always there.
I don’t know why I explained that last part but whatever.
I actually haven’t thought about how they met, but I suppose we could stick with the iconic dream montage. Like, they all pass out randomly and suddenly First is talking to them like, “Hyrule needs her heroes to assemble and-“ blah blah blah
A lot of them probably ignore him, but some days later, when they all end up through a portal, surrounded by each other with their bright ass shards, they definitely believe the magic dream man.
Time is a fusion between Fierce and Mask
I should also clarify that Majora and Fierce were never masks, their gems were put in stasis. Skull Kid and Mask were able to gem those gems out of stasis(I didn’t think about how yet) and I guess the final fight was like a Pokemon fight and I love that idea so much but it’s also so stupid-
Mask and Fierce were going to part ways, but Fierce has been in stasis for so long, he knew that the surface had changed. Not only that, but being in stasis for so long made him weak. It made Majora and Fierce weaker than they used to be.
So Mask, still in a existential crisis, was like “we can be travelers together then” because mask didn’t want to seem like he used Fierce (even though he kinda did) so he offered to be travelers together with Fierce.
My boy Fierce took that “together” the wrong way and kinda forced Mask to fuse with him.
Mask is kind of shaken like, “What the fuck?”
Fierce is kinda like, “Isn’t this what you meant?”
Mask is like, “No!” Mask then uses they mirror shield. “I mean…”
So now they’ve been fused for a good while. They also just feel safer inside the fusion because they know that if one fumbles, the other has their back.
I also have a feeling that no gem truly knows what it means to be married, so when marriage was proposed to Time, he was kinda just-🧍🏼‍♂️
Then Malon(I’m keeping her human…hylian) explained it sort of like, “Marriage is like promising to be best friends forever-“
“Then me and Fierce are married?”
I would give the Goddesses Diamonds. Nayru gets Blue, Farore gets Yellow, Din gets White, Hylia gets Pink.
Hylia gets pink because she is all over the place. But she is actually shattered too. She shattered herself after First got shattered so her shards(Shards of Wisdom) could be beside First’s for all eternity. You know Demise’s hating ass shards(Shards of Power) are also there, tearing shit up🥰🥰🥰
The other diamonds, Nayru, Farore, and Din, just monitor what the shard wielders are doing and making sure Hyrule doesn’t fall in on itself.
Yes, Ravio was born in the same Kindergarten as Legend. The same hole too. He was made after Legend though and came out “deformed”. Physically, Ravio doesn’t look really deformed, but other amethysts disagree. He’s skinnier and weaker and far more in the mind(smarter) than he should be.
That being said, my boy did not have fun while trying to serve his diamond. So he ran away. He attempted many times to run away, in turn, he was kind of tortured by his “siblings”. Don’t worry, there’s no crack, but other amethyst would forgive and forget in a solid three human years, but Ravio? Those nights are engraved into him gem.
In order to truly escape, he had the help of an opal(Hilda) they kinda just hang out together until they find another amethyst(Legend) on earth and started spying on him and WOW ANOTHER GAME INCOMING
Kinda dropped backstory there whoopsie😅
@the-cucco-nuggie :D
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What the hell did people want Steven to do? Kill the diamonds? Yeah sure bro that's a great idea hey um what happens after he kills the pseudo religious being of godlike power? The issues on home world are systemic and run deep killing the diamonds would be horrible idea- yes they are dictators but you can't fix the issues fascism causes by just killing the leader and in some cases you make everything worse, i might not buy whites redemption (she went from genuinely terrifying matriarch and cruel to a blushy 'i must atone mess?) but steven was not a selfish idiot who forgives other people's abusers on their behalf, if another war started earth would be screwed, the solution to the problem wasn't as simple as kill the bad guy- to everyone who complains that diamonds will just start killing again- steven is taking active effort to make sure that never happens! I get why people are angry the diamonds get away with abusing pink, being dictators and still have power in home world- it feels like a major injustice but the bigger picture flat out shows that steven isn't being selfish for maintaining his moral purity (and even if he was I would defend him, the same way i do with aang and batman). While I have my complaints about the ending (mainly how white diamond was written) and hate how pink went from morally grey/questionable to evil hate sink, the fact that the secondary crystal gems, and lars and the off colors were basically irrelevant in the finale, but I will fight anyone who says the only way to solve complicated issues in the world is to 'kill the bad guys!' and that when fighting against racism or abusers or fascists etc the only correct way to deal with the problem is kill the people who are racist or abusive or fascist- some of you people are so focused on 'justice' or 'fairness' that you neglect everything's else like if I applied your logic to the real world we could just forget things like protecting basic rights or fixing systemic elements of social injustice etc, I genuinely hate the diamonds (especially white) and the og shows finale as a whole but steven is not an abuse apologist- he's a diplomat who uses violence as a last resort, there is a ton of other issues with su but God can we look at the ending with nuance? It sucked ass with the pacing and the fusion designs were pretty bad but it wasn't endorsing abuse apologism- Steven was focused on the bigger picture while I have my issues with him as a character sometimes I can say he was being noble here and was not a whiny piss baby, pussyfooting around something he 'needed' to do. The show was never about good killing evil and our 'moral duty' to do so, it was a show with anti war messages with a few botched aesops and wonky art, there's actual shit to complain about with steven universe but Everytime I hear all the comments about how toh made up for steven universe's sins or about how batman and aang are selfish etc it drives me insane,like I could point out so many unfortunate implications in su that are actually bad but y'all focus on the least problematic shit in the show and accuse of Rebecca Sugar a bisexual jew married to a black man of being a nazi apologist! You claim toh made up for the sins of Steven universe and laugh at the 'jab' the show made at Steven universe but there's a few things that don't hold up Dana is friends with Sugar (it is definitely not a jab) and the shows while they have similarities should not be compared, they are fundamentally different shows, like the stuff they do have in common (developing several characters that end up having no real effect on the finale or plot, badly written main antagonists etc) still don't justify the comparison yes they are filled to the brim with lgbt characters and are fantasy shows but one is magical girl/boy space opera about self love the other is a dark fantasy comedy that is about inclusion and coping with disabilities/trauma and while they have overlap they are not the same.
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midnighttheroies · 2 years
Rose Quartz Is NOT EVIL!!!
rose quartz is by far the most complex character in the entire steven universe fandom and in the show, alot of people view her as a villain, I however, don’t think she is
Her story and development
i think it’s very safe to say that the big reveal of rose quartz being pink diamond, was the one theory we all didn’t see coming, i legit thought for the longest time that somehow rose turned pink diamond into lion and staged the shattering so the other diamonds wouldn’t go look for them, and that she saw all life as precious, even diamonds
but nope, it was the one theory i never took seriously, so after the big reveal, people were shocked and rose quickly became labeled as “the true villain of the story”, which is not true
alot of people forget that rose’s story is backwards, we got the fully developed version of her in the beginning and saw her past in the later seasons, I can’t remember where i saw this, but i saw a comment on a youtube video and it basically said that if roses story were to be shown from the very beginning, she would have alot more support than hate, and the more i thought about that, the more i thought it was true, because alot of people viewed it as she got worse over the show, no, we saw her story in reverse, that’s it
She wasn’t as nearly as bad as the other diamonds
i’m sorry but it’s true, while pink in her time did horrible things, such as abandoning and traumatizing both spaniel and pink pearl, and lashed out on other gems with her anger, causing them to get harmed, white diamoned LITERALLY brainwashes gems into following what she thinks is right against their own will, yellow diamond harmed gems when she lashes out in anger, like in the trial, when she zapped both lawyers, including her own!!, she’s also forced gemstones to be fused together, she’s literally the reason why the cluster even exists!, and blue diamond threatened to shatter Garnet for disrespecting her court and causes her gems to literally grieve because of her powers, like when she hit steven with her powers when he was locked up in the tower for making an argument with her 
while i’m not trying to compare trauma with other triages, alot of people are quick to forgive the diamonds but hate on pink for pretty much the same reasons, i would argue that pink was the one to have the most compassion for gems and for other’s in general, she never meant to hurt anyone on purpose, it was by complete accidents and being unable to control herself because she was never taught to, unlike the others, 
yes she left spaniel, yes she hurt pink pearl, but never with malicious intention, plus, as a diamond and as gem in general, they lack empathy, so it’s hard to understand why their actions would hurt others, plus this was in her early stages on pink diamond, before she saw earth as her colony, and yes while she did bubble bismuth, let’s be real, what was she supposed to do?, let her get shattered, or risk telling her and have the whole rebellion turn against her?!, she didn’t really have many of options to work with, i honestly think she went with the most merciful option
and for those saying that she should’ve just went on with the colony, you missed the entire point of roses/pink arc and the show, pink saw value in life and wanted to protect it, like rose, and before the big reveal, everyone saw her as a hero for that, and let’s not forget, SHE’S IN ABUSE VICTIM, yes the diamonds loved her, and never meant to hurt her, but they did, even BLUE said she was right to leave, THE DIAMOND WHO CRIED THE MOST AND WAS PROBABLY THE MOST MOTHERLY-LIKE TO PINK AGREED THAT HOMEWORLD WAS SHIT AND SHE WAS RIGHT ABOUT GETTING OUT WHEN SHE DID!!, THAT SAYS ALOT!! and in that whole talk between her and greg, she literally said she doesn’t mess home, ever, that’s also says ALOT
why couldn’t she stop the colony as pink herself?
because as pink diamond she was powerless, it’s pretty obvious throughout the show, the other three overpower her in everything, and she tried everything she could, but they didn’t care, so she took the form of rose, and i think in a way it’s more powerful, because had she lead the war as pink, it would’ve ended the moment it began, because the three knew how to deal with pink, but they didn’t know how to deal with rose, if she were to lead as a diamond, people would follow her, but as a leader, rather then their own will to live on earth, which she didn’t want, her becoming a rose quartz, a common gem, leading a rebellion for freedom is much more powerful, because a common gem to take a stand against four of the biggest rulers of their world is something that really is empowering, and it worked, outcasted games took her side and formed the crystal gems, and remember, in the beginning, she was going to scare every gem off the planet, but garnet changed everything, she realized that gems like garnet will never be accepted, so she not only stood-up for what she believed in, she stood up for the outcast, purposely because she cared, does that sound evil?!
what about what she did to our pearl?
in the episode rose scabbered, we see a conversation between them in the past, rose is trying to tell pearl that she can go home if she wanted, and now with the backstory revealed, i think it shows how caring rose is, because she knew pearl was her’s, but she didn’t want her to join in just because of her, and didn’t want her to ruin her own life for the sake of fighting with her, she gave pearl an out because she didn’t want her to make her feel as though she had to, that she had that option, and for those of you who are mad at rose choosing greg over pearl, while i understand completely why, at the end of the day rose had every right to choose who she wanted to be with, pearl didn’t own her and technically rose didn’t own pearl anymore, and yes while their love for each other was deep, rose still had a right to choose, and that choice was greg
Final Thoughts?
Rose Quartz to me is a flawed hero, her actions were misguided and often resulted in people getting hurt, but she never meant for that to happen, her intentions were good, and she truly did believe in the freedoms of gems, i don’t see her as a white/black character, i see her as a grey hero, who made alot of mistakes, but still had a good heart
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mysticplies · 1 year
1. Who are you?
Im Mysticplies, 22 years old, a hispanic american living in NY. I draw steven universe related stuff and hopefully draw other fandom art in the future.
2. What do you use to draw?
I used Medibang paint on my iphone 14 😉 My stylus is my right thumb.
3. How many gems do you have???
You can find all my gems in rank order here. They get updated monthly. A color organized version will come soon.
4. Do you do commissions or art trades?
I have a commission blueprint but dm me first with info and ill give a reasonable price.
Art trades are currently closed
5. What types of asks can or cant send?
What you can send are gem suggestions, gem role ideas, gem fusion recommendations between my OCs, asks about my gems, anything about the su show, help with your gemsonas, and lots of love and support 💕
What you cant send, which i would mostly ignore, are stuff thats already on this FAQ, fusions requests among canon gems from the show, repeated asks from the same person, and drawing your gemsonas 🤧
6. May we use your OCs or create our own version of the gem type?
Yes as long as you provide credit ;)
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TFA x SU Theory: Lugnut & Jasper Are Kind Of The Same...
[Note: Don’t Reblog Without Permission.] 
if you think about it, it is kind of obvious those two have something in common, they are both super loyal to their leaders, even if one of them had purposely faked her own shattering.
and Lugnut still believed Megatron was alive, and well technically that would still be true because the whole Cybertronians are able to live without their heads being attached to their bodies for long periods of time, and the fact that it might be possible when Sari accidentally brought her Other Dad/Mom-Bot back online, she had brought him out of a coma, and he was NEVER really dead...
but he would of been possibly dead by the time Sari had her 9th birthday.
because of the theory that the whole cybertronians having a time limit on how long they can go without their heads attached to their bodies...
and if techno-organics like Blackarachnia still have a time limit, it might be cut very short and isn’t as long as a full cybertronian...
if I have to guess, Blackarachnia would have a year to get her head back on her before she becomes offline for good.
Irkens from Invader Zim, have time limits on how long they can go without their Paks before they lose their life.
the same can be said for Gem-Human Hybrids from Steven Universe...
if Steven didn’t fuse back together with Pink-Steven, the Human Half of Steven would of been gone, and who knows how the Gem Half would of taken it....
might of not been a pretty sight and Pink-Steven might of tried to shatter White Diamond...
anyway in theory, if Lugnut from TFA and Jasper from Steven Universe ever met, I think they would argue who had the more superior leader, and even scream their leaders names to the heavens.
all while Blitzwing, Shockwave, Lapis Lazuli and Peridot are looking at the two with tired expressions on their faces...
even if Shockwave is a Simp for Megatron, he isn’t at the same level as Lugnut.
those two might do a contest to see which of their leaders is more superior...
Jasper might even say that her Diamond is more great than Megatron, and even takes 16 year old Steven and holds him in front of Lugnut and then says...
Jasper: My Diamond Faked Her Own Shattering and was a leader of a rebellion against herself and her fellow Homeworld Gems, And She Lived On Earth for many centuries as Rose Quartz, and at some point created Her Own Offspring! has your “oh so great” Megatron did that...?! *is holding Steven up and close to Lugnut’s face to prove her point that her Diamond, Pink Diamond, was more great and superior than Megatron*  
Steven: Hey, Sari...*waves to Sari*
Sari: Hey, Steven...*waves back to Steven*
and with how Lugnut is, if he ever found out that Sari is Megatron’s daughter, and the Allspark chose her...
he might think she is the Cybertron’s Messiah, I mean him acting that way might not be very surprising....you can’t deny he would probably act like that.
well Cybertronians can have sparklings through budding, so it still makes sense that Megatron was in that same lab where Sari was born in.
Cybertronians might have more than one way to have babies, but the Autobots in TFA still misused the living metal in their planet to make more protoforms...
one of the reason Megatron took up the leadership, might to fight back the Autobots treatment of the lower caste and to stop them from killing their own home planet Cybertron.
even if the Autobots from Transformers Prime, think they are 100% the good guys, that is still a load of bull slag.
both sides have good and bad people in them, this is the same for those from TFA...
and I still believe that Elita-1 was always a bit bad even before she became Blackarachnia, and being turned into a techno-organic was her karma for two-sparking behind both Optimus and Sentinel’s backs.
as soon as she became Blackarachnia, she no longer had to hide that side to herself, even if she might still have her soft side, where she cried that time in one of the episodes, but that still doesn’t excuse her...
her two-sparking, might have nothing to do with her being confused and torn between two Mech’s she was in love with, she likely did it because of the fun of it....and she probably made them both promise not to tell the other that she was dating them....so that would mean that Optimus thought that he was Elita’s Mechfriend, and the same goes for Sentinel who thought he was Elita’s only Mechfriend, and Optimus was only in the friend zone.
I never really had that theory come to me before, until I think this year of 2023.
but it still makes sense that Elita-1 becoming Blackarachnia, might have to do with her two-sparking, and once again that word is another way to say “two-timing”.....
and I hardly think that she was in love with those two...
plus even before she became half-spider, she was still doing experiments that hurt other Cybertronians.
and the reason why no Autobot in the middle to low rank isn’t allowed on organic worlds with organic life, is because they would find out the higher rank autobots plan to turn those worlds into Autobot Colonies and get rid of the organic life on them....
so some Autobots are Antiheroes and some Decepticons are Antivillains...                      
also if the roles were reverse, Lugnut may have been just as broken as Jasper was when she thought her diamond was shattered...
and Jasper might not give up on finding Pink Diamond and believe that she was still alive, same as Lugnut had believed the same of Megatron.
maybe when they aren’t auguring over who is more greater, Megatron or Pink...
Jasper and Lugnut might get along and become friends. XD               
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Centuries In The Making
A Steven Universe FanFiction ~ Pearl X Original Character
Yes I know there are inaccuracies but I can't be assed to fix them. This is just how the piece ended up flowing out. Don't think anyone will get to read this but to any who do feel free to let me know your thoughts! Please don't copy my work anywhere thank you
It's hard to be sad when Pearl is around:
It was surprisingly chilly for a spring evening in Beach City. Granted, one would imagine resting by the waters with the sun down should have a breeze. It was only natural. So why does it feel so odd? So foreign and unnerving? Spending time with friends and family, surrounded by soft tunes and smiling faces. Accompanied by the rhythmic waves of the familiar waters just up ahead. This was home, and yet it all felt so wrong.
“Steven has been worried about you.”
It isn’t often I get caught unguarded. Though I suppose if it would be anyone, it would be Pearl.
“I apologise, I figured he would be spending his time with Connie and the others. Parties this large are rare after all. I imagine he’d want to mingle with Beach City. I see him everyday.”
“Perhaps,” the rustle of the sand shifting under her delicate steps is a welcome distraction. Pearl sits with all her usual grace to my right, looking out toward the ocean. “Considering this party’s partly to celebrate your recovery it is odd seeing you alone to your own devices.”
I could quip and deflect all I want. Pearl is too observant to be victim of a simple trick. I merely continue to watch the blue mingle. Those blues clashing with hints of a lighter ray. An almost white shade, a highlight in the depths. Maybe dancing rather than a clash. Or a fierce might of two forces intermingling to create one entity. One illusion of peace. Hiding the raging currents and the fearful unknown.
I don’t know what I was expecting out of this encounter. If anything I could imagine Pearl leaving at my prompt silence. I never had Garnets foresight nor will I ever. But the gentle bolt of sense coming from my right hand, resting on the golden sands, sends shock throughout. Snapping quickly to see a pale hand ever so slightly making contact with my own blue one is startling.
“I can’t possibly begin to guess what is currently on your mind but I don’t believe it’s anything good.”
Her smile was gentle much like Pearl as a whole. Serene and inviting, yet daunting all the same. How do I respond to that? When I barely know what's plaguing my own thoughts? 
Too much all at once cloud together like a whirlwind of dust. Carelessly thrown about by a force to be reckoned with. My thoughts curl like said wind, taking capture of my being. A gust has hairs tickle my cheek. 
My right cheek.
And it doesn't pass through.
“It stopped.”
At the corner of my eye I see her face screw tight. My lip curls upward in a passing notice. “What do you mean?”
“The wind,” it’s said as breathless as the element, “I didn’t feel it pass through.”
The air turns sombre and I start to miss the adorable way her eyebrows came together earlier. I clearly see the realisation and pity shoot across her features like a raving sea, a part of me grows to hate that look. Although, hate is such a strong word. I believe hate and Pearl don’t mix.
A breath is let out. From relief of tension or pure exhaustion I do not know.
“Your gem has been broken for so long. I must admit looking at you now feels like a dream.”
A blink or two. She looks so beautiful in the moon's light.
 “A dream?” 
Her laugh is magnetic. I want to hear it for as long as she will let me.
“I remember when it was just us and Rose. I saw you most during that time.”
It’s my turn to chuckle. I swear I see her light up like a shining sun.
“After Garnet and the rest joined the cause I had more duties to fulfil. White Diamond would grow suspicious if I left too often.”
“I know that, I can’t help but remember how much more simple everything was. When it was just us the universe didn’t seem so big. We were all focused on each other and a dream. No crystal gems, no wars just yet. Only a promising rebellion and a wish.”
“It never felt simple for me. With White keeping me on a leash as Rose threw everything I knew away. For her dream.”
I regret those words as I’m forced to watch her face drift toward the sand again. Thoughtful and filled with her own regret.
“Sometimes I forget how–” A stabilising breath, “pressing your matters were then.”
In her eyes instead of the love and care I had hoped, I am met with the reality of that pitying look. I feel suffocated.
“The past is just that,” I hadn’t meant for my tone to sound so weak, “I’m happy now. And I’ll never have to suffer at White Diamond's hands again. The fruits of that are gone and I feel well and truly free.”
“Your new face will take getting used to.”
“I expected nothing less. I’m just glad I can protect you all on the field again, after so many centuries.” 
This time a smile shoots across both our faces. And it’s genuine, full of love. My chest tightens.
“I missed this– that, us fighting side by side. I mean–” 
I love when her cheeks tint blue, “I know, Pearl. I know.”
A much more comfortable silence follows. My head is more clean and narrow, stuck on everything that made us. That makes her.
Breaking away for a brief moment has me realising the late hour. Residents of Beach City saying their goodbyes and leaving for their homes. Barely I register the party coming to a new form of energy with our closest loved ones. Our little family stays behind to cap off the night. I start to feel bad, having stolen Pearl away from them all with my sulking. My sulking having stolen myself away to begin with. And yet we still sit side by side. Listening to the blues and whites of this daunting expanse of water clash together in a sort of dance. Dramatic but containing a finite amount of elegance. The blue all consuming those white glimmers, only for the white lights to start taking over. A sea of blue begging for as much light as possible. The white always complied. Bit by bit more and more light would appear, until that colour returned and the waves grew dark. An everlasting cycle, centuries in the making.  
It gets harder keeping my thoughts in check. A one track mind on our past and bright future surrounded by our dearest friends and family. A lovely tune joins in. Greg is playing music, as per Amethyst's request if their position is anything to go by. Garnet taps idly to the beat as Steven and Connie; sans glasses, start bouncing together. Together in a silly sway filled with unrestrained love.
I feel a pang resound deep within my chest. Bouncing in its cavity, almost as a threat.
A hand is outstretched, presented to my face.
“Would you like to dance with me?”
I can’t fight the beam I feel takes over. A pleasant surprise that has me reeling. I grasp her hand in mine and stand with her. Just as we had many times before. In solidarity of a cause, of a promise. In front of our guide, of our war. We’ve stood with each other for longer than many could begin to comprehend. Two similar forces stuck in a triangle of passion. Seemingly lacking a conclusion. Until today.
The dance comes easy to me as I have a being that is grace incarnate leading my steps and showing me the way. We flow like the waters at our sides. Moving closer along with the more gentle tune I gaze at her gem. That white light, a comfort ever present at the forefront of her body. A missile to show the way as does a beacon in the night. My left hand, joined with hers, is brought toward our chests. She rests them against her breast. Blue gem against her she holds me there tight. Looking up from the display I notice those soft eyes on mine and my chest tightens for the uptenth time this day. So much love mixed with something else. A promise perhaps? Of those futures I always dream of but could never seem to reach. And then I notice it. We start to move in a familiar set. Steps matching an old friend thought to be lost to time. She guides me into our routine. One I’ve dreamed of moving again for too many decades. Just as I fully start to get lost in her entire being, impossibly so, I’m able to register a gasp from a short distance away. Everything else is quickly lost on me. All that matters is her hands in mine and the building glow. Her lovely hair, intact but flowing ever so slightly in our presence. Her skirt brushed against my torso. Her gem glowing to a blinding white light. My own with a faint blue hue. We dance and I fall into a dip as I feel our very minds intermingle. Thoughts of promise and care, of new beginnings and memories of old, of us and each other and our love.
I can feel that love in its truest form. For the first time I can feel love like no other. Not one other moment together has this been so pure. Yet I start to recognize its small familiarities. And it’s then I realise that this love is not new. It’s not from a time left to rot. This love was here, festering, hiding away from its owner for reasons that at the moment do not matter. My mind is much too consumed by her and everything that makes her as a whole. And our newly realised love.
The glow swells to its climax and with its final moments,
Hemimorphite is reborn. 
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more than requited; a relationship
(and why this is important)
“if you dont think rose and pearl had a romantic relationship, steven universe is probably not for you.” — composer surasshu
“if it’s not, then i’ve misunderstood the whole thing!” — storyboarder raven molisee, also responsible for rose’s scabbard, when asked if the relationship between pearl + rose is romantic.
pearl confessed her feelings in now we’re only falling apart. since sugar and burnett confirmed it’s not unrequited, it makes sense that they had a relationship. since they lived together up until the end, you can assume they stayed together. gem relationships ≠ human relationships, but we know that romantic partners tend to physically move away from each other when they separate.
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“determined to be everything that white was not, she is close with everyone, flexible in everything. love and fun are the rule, and there are no rules, and everyone is the most special.” — end of an era, page 76
you know the assumption that pearl’s love for rose was about programming, worship, power imbalances, a pearl looking up to her diamond?based on both their characters, a dynamic like this would not last as long as it did. living together throughout rose’s entire existence says a lot considering this end of an era quote. rose wanted everyone to have a different environment from homeworld. pearl lived in that environment & she was rose’s longest intimate relationship.
pearl hates being underestimated & spoken to like homeworld’s idea of a pearl, as seen in episodes like gem heist & back to the barn. she’s also constantly fighting. it’s something she’s good at, literally and figuratively. she argues. she fights her own mind, the powers of others, & homeworld itself. growth is continuous, but if she could make enough progress to stand her ground & argue with rose during the war, she would fight a dynamic on earth that reflects homeworld.
personal traumas would cause them to struggle in any relationship. a positive aspect of their relationship was that they were aware of each other's pasts, lots of secrets, pain.
pearl saw some of rose's abuse trauma among other things, exacerbating her overprotective behaviour. worrying about her potential dangers, whether she was happy. both fears are shown in sworn to the sword when she says, "you’re too important," then immediately argues, "yes, you are," after hearing, “i am not,” as if she expected that response. then (and only then) she accidentally says rose’s name. while it’s related to rose’s homeworld trauma, it’s unrelated to their their original & forced dynamic.
it’s a lot more complicated than that. it’s funny, their relationship is more complex yet warmer in this case, whereas a diamond-pearl powerful-weak dynamic on earth is less complex yet colder.
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“you just said pearl fights through her issues! wouldn’t she fight through any of their issues, no matter where they came from?”
pearl wouldn’t see this as an issue at all. she would be particularly stubborn about being extra protective, believing she was justified. knowing her secret, the idea that she could poof & come back and everything would be fine but if that happened to rose, it wouldn’t be so simple. she needed time & she had to see the same situation happen from an outside perspective (connie + steven) to understand rose’s perspective.
besides, there are many beautiful aspects of this relationship. as tragic as the ending was, pearl + rose openly loved each other while they lived together. while their relationship was not perfect, they had much more love being in each other's lives than if they were apart.
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erigold13261 · 6 months
Theory that Mahito, Miku, TADC, and the gem corruptions all have the same mechanism of "transfiguring" "abstracting" and "corrupting" someone. (Artificial things/humans needing "change")
Oh you know? I actually forgot all about gem corruption! Like I legit did not even think about that!
Gem corruption and abstraction would probably be on the same levels as each other. Gem corruption would probably just be called corruption or abstraction and basically be the entity equivalent of transfiguration (though in TADC domain abstraction is the second transfiguration of a soul technically).
So that might mean that White Diamond has the ability to transfigure/corrupt/abstract other entities (at least with the help of Blue and Yellow who have yet to be made).
We gotta figure out a way to transfigure robots now! Humans are the easiest to transfigure (being able to be done by TADC domain, Miku, and Mahito). Entities are the second easiest (done by TADC domain and multiple diamonds but not a singular entity like Mahito or Miku unless done on oneself). Then robots would be the hardest to transfigure (maybe ONLY being done by TADC domain and nothing else? However they make up for that strength/resilience by being the easiest to mentally corrupt maybe).
But yes, I was absolutely having Miku and Mahito's powers be connected to TADC domain's transfigure effect. They all stem from the same source or something like that. Gem corruption is also on the same level but more for entities than humans (perhaps considering there is a theory that gems are like robots/technology/AI, it will take 4 diamonds to corrupt/transfigure a robot's body as technically gems and robots are pretty close to each other).
I don't know, something like that. I need to definitely think about the Steven Universe side of things some more lol (especially since there might be another time skip at some point about 200 years into the future where Steven Universe takes place with a few other medias with Shoko being the starting point of the plot maybe).
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jayalaw · 10 months
Steven Universe 2023 Thoughts
So. Steven Universe has been referring to the forefront. People are talking about how Cartoon Network screwed Rebecca Sugar over and sabotaged the show on realizing that it was going to be openly gay complete with a same-sex wedding. They wonder if the fandom went too far in harassing others and not espousing the values that the show promoted about remembering to be kind and to show empathy, even towards literal monsters and those who have hurt you. 
I admit that I was part of the fandom, but I mainly talked with people who liked the show, some who encouraged me to see it. My friend C was very into it, and we talked cosplays as well as theories about was going to happen. Tumblr was aflutter about what happened to Pink Diamond and I screamed when we got the truth. By some fortune, I avoided the people that contributed to the negativity.     
How did Steven Universe save me?
While Steven Universe season one didn't catch my attention, the second season did. There were tales about how Steven's parents met, about Pearl accidentally messing up in her desire to fuse with Garnet, and Peridot learning to appreciate Earth while being forced to ally with the Crystal Gems to stop an apocalypse.
The episode where Connie's mother finds out that she's been fencing, and insists that her daughter is not doing something like that struck a chord with me. While I was allowed to be artistic, and I am very glad to be, there is always the sense that you have to conform within expectations. Connie's dilemma became completely understandable. We also got an episode where Sadie's desire to sing got swallowed.   
Season three was the one that saved me. It aired when I had graduated from college, and was having trouble with job hunting after an assistant position laid me off after two months. I was seeing Steven using the power of empathy to save the world, to help his dad and Pearl come to an understanding, and allow Lapis to overcome her trauma. His optimism was allowing me to get through hard times as my mother tripped in the front yard and broke her arm, necessitating a hospital visit that lasted until four in the morning. 
And Steven Universe came at tough times, right when I needed it. 2016 election? We got a thirty-minute special that featured a sapient pumpkin dog becoming traumatized after seeing how Jack-O-Lanterns are made. The world was so uncertain and scary during the aftermath? Steven goes on trial in outerspace, and learns the circumstances behind a shattering is not all that it seems. We even get an election episode where Steven most definitely loses when trying to help Mayor Dewey stay in office. That was also reassuring, even in the face of all the dire storytelling. 
I was really upset when the first version of the show ended right before the 2020 elections. My goal was for it, queerness and all, to outlast Donald Trump. It was a middle finger to the conservatives that didn't want people like me to exist. Steven and his family had openly queer individuals that rebelled and resisted a tyrannical oppression. When we found out the full story of his mother, without the unreliable narration in flashback form, it was both terrifying and liberating.
 And yet, despite all that, the finale was there right when I needed it. A friend and I were screaming as we watched it, as Steven faced White Diamond and his other aunts, asking them to listen and understand his mother. I felt that it was a fair ending that promised a better way forward, while also showing that there were plenty of ways to go. While I haven't seen all of the sequel movie or the spinoff Steven Universe Future, the scene where Dr. Maheshwaran talks with Steven about emotional trauma is cathartic and bittersweet. I've been rewatching it in-between therapy sessions as it reminds me that pain from years ago can resurface and hurt you, and no trauma is too small. 
Was the show flawed? Yes. The way the first Bismuth arc happened was not handled well, and I find it sus that they had a white actress playing Connie who is POC, something that later shows like Dead End: Paranormal Park would correct. But as a whole, it never betrayed me the way that other shows like Star vs. the Forces of Evil did. Steven's journey made him suffer while reassuring me that it was okay to be down a path where nothing was certain, where you could do everything right and still feel like things needed to change. 
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godoftheunknown57 · 1 year
Explaining the Sonic the Earth's defender Au Characters, Events and Story Part 1!
Welcome to my Au's development and explaining as I guess I could say or how you guys you see it, but anyway let me explain what my AU or Ultimate AU for the Sonic the hedgehog franchise but with some added events, added past events or future events, and characters that are the same but different and characters different from franchises.
What I mean exactly? Well to answer your question I mean by having other types of franchise, movies, games and anime should I say for my Au.
The following media that will be partly used in my AU that you may recognize is: Dragon Ball z, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball super, Transformers, Steven Universe, War of the Worlds 2005, Adventure Time, Kingdom Hearts, and Star Wars.
Now for everything that you just read and heard is going to take part in my AU as an Ultimate AU for my favorite franchises that I enjoyed watching but its not a crossover, no not a crossover at all, it is its own Universe of mine that I had for years as a fan universe, it may sound like it it may sound stupid or confusing but if you guys listen closely you'll start to get the Idea eventually.
But just for a bit of an idea for the AU that is confusing at this point I will try to give you an brief plot or story that I have so far for the story, so before I get into it I want explain what my version of the hero/defender of Earth is and who he is exactly, He is Sonic of course but not the same blue fast hedgehog we all know but he is a mix of a few characters known as Son Goku/Kakarot (DB, DBZ, DBS, DBGT), Finn the Human (Adventure Time), and Optimus Prime (Transformers).
Sorry again for the confusion if you are but this is my AU I can do what I want with this but back with my version of Sonic is basically has the look of Son Goku but with some differences and here comes the Gem part from Steven universe, now to let you all know I do enjoy Steven Universe's story including the Gem war, the Diamonds, and the different Gems so adding some of this with my AU too.
So Sonic is also mix with the cybertronian stuff too and no I don't mean like he is a giant robot that transforms into a vehicle No, like I said before he is mainly a version of Sonic, Goku, Finn, and Optimus Prime as one person, I know what you maybe thinking "Really!" Well you all don't have to enjoy the Au at all or if you do enjoy it or the sound of it at least I understand.
For my version of Sonic or character is Still named Sonic as his Earth name but his real name is Kakarot Blue Diamond, yep he is a Diamond, throwing some Steven Universe stuff in this B- anyway yeah he is a Diamond that is from Steven universe but he not huge like Yellow, Blue, and White from the show but normal human sized like Goku in Dragon Ball z/Super.
To explain his race and people, also his homeworld that he is from it is a mix of both Cybertron and Homeworld as one planet and ruled by the same alien beings but that is the Sayian race but also mixed as a Gem and Cybertronian I don't know how to explain this but hopefully all of you guys are understanding this but if not like I said I understand.
Sonic/Kakarot's biological parents are infact the Diamonds Yellow and Blue but Yellow Diamond is not female but an male in my AU, yes were going on about this right now but listen, Yellow is a male and Sonic/Kakarot's Father and yes Blue Diamond is his Mother, and he does have biological brothers which is Shadow/Xehanort Red Diamond and Silver/Eraqus White Diamond, yeah don't worry I'll explain about those two a different time.
I want to explain more about this but I kinda ran out of ways to explain everything right now but stay tuned for part 2 that will pop up soon guys and I hope you guys enjoy the little reading of this Au of mine and I assume that you are wondering what the hell is this or whatever, I understand if you don't understand, don't like the Au, and confusing but I will expect to explain more including the ages for my character Sonic/Kakarot Blue Diamond soon, I will be using the images of Sonic the hedgehog, Son Goku, Finn the human, and Optimus Prime for an explanation for his life from a young life to his old life years.
You'll see.
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rametarin · 1 year
went to sleep, youtube kept autoplaying
Steven Universe isn’t the best series, but good LORD some of the hypocritical takes from people that were so hard down on it towards the end, there. Jesus fucking christ.
I woke up to my autoplay somehow having gotten to ‘Steven Universe is garbage and here’s why’. Which, yes, is four years old now.
And it was a reminder that a lot of supposed “anti-fascists” are just antifascist the way many Christian or Muslim fundamentalists are, “Anti-sin.” In that it isn’t about the bad guys actions being evil, it’s about their greatest sin not being their special group that makes them evil.
Yes, my dude person. Many outlets of media invoke the Nazis for imagery. But, just because they’re invoked to tap into that spirit of familiarity of how dangerous such institutions can be, does not mean that everything that does is AS evil as the Nazis. You cannot have an evil institution and not have it have some even aesthetic characteristics with a very insidious and evil empire.
But this is kind of the problem with supposed, “anti-fascists.” Everything has to be a direct 1:1 allegory to what they see as the embodiment and epitome of bad things, the Nazis, and then that needs to be propaganda as a teachable moment on how the Nazis, specifically, were bad. We already know the Nazis were bad. Endlessly.
The Diamond Authority aren’t Nazis. They’re immortal magical hard light rocks with an inherently hierarchal structure. They’re totalitarians and they’re tyrannical, and in some senses and definitions, fascist. But that’s not the same as Fascist, with a capital F.
Star Wars’ Empire have very very nasty allegorical similarities, yes. But again, they aren’t THE Nazis. They’re a similar structure doing not-quite-the-same things.
The reason the redemption angle works in Steven Universe is it serves as a warning. The Gems’ unique mineral-organic structures enables something like the mass grave and bio weapon to have a redemption that sees each piece of the Gems sacrifice being able to be reconstituted. The threat of the Diamond Authority was that they caused ecoloigcal disaster for many worlds in the name of progress of their own species, with no care or caution for the cultures or lifeforms on other planets.
These are all essences and familar topics and subjects. They are not 1:1 with the actual crimes the Nazis committed. And we know this, because people like the creator of this hyper nattering schlock and other people with their value set still see white supremacy as the worst and only offender among the ethnosupremacies.
They don’t condemn the Golden Horde or Turkic genocides and cultural assimilations as bad as the Nazis, even though indisputably, the Mongols had a bigger empire and more genetic colonization across the world than the Nazis ever did.
While they acknowledge that Arabs are not “white people,” they’re persons of color, miraculously they keep that blind spot where Arab people in the name of Islam and being Arabian would institute many of the same militant breeding practices designed to ethnically erase competing communities out to leave them Arab. They did it for centuries, if not millenia, and were doing it before they did it in the name of spreading Islam. So, where’s the condemnation of Arabs for their, “Nazi-like behavior?”
Oh. Right. Because this particular culture that is so quick to scream about how everything even resembling a Nazi has to be a teachable moment about how evil the Nazis are, only cares about hitting people over the head about how awful those specific and solitary characteristics are, over and over. That specifically, only white people are bad, and these behaviors are only REALLY the highest form of evil if white people engage in them. Genocide and ethnic cleansing and mass slaughter? “Yeah, those happened in history.... but white people took them too far!”
The Muslims in India objectively killed more people over centuries by executions and non-military slaughters for being different ethnic backgrounds and religions, than the Nazis ever did. And this includes every random person a neo-Nazi has ever killed. If we’re going by either what was actually done when they had the opportunity and means to kill vs. what they actually did do when they had the opportunity in their limited grasp, India still faced worse slaughter by Muslims as a percentage of population and in numerical deaths, than Europe faced by Nazis before equilibrium was found again.
And yet, those that call themselves anti-fascists keep pointing to Nazis as the embodiment of objective evil to which all other depictions of evil are measured against, and demand evil have the face of a white man in a Hugo Boss jacket. Because nobody else can ever be as evil and nothing else can ever compare, somehow, to a regime that lasted 6.25 times the length of the Confederate States of America. Less, if you count time spent at war.
Specifically, white people crimes are treated as though they invented murder, genocide, or even mass murder. As if those things existed in a negative vacuum and only became real after the Nazis did them. And murder is treated as if it’s the greatest of tragedy if it’s committed by a white person.
All those terrible things the Nazis did (and they did do them. This is not in dispute here), other terrible groups with similarly terrible extreme desired outcomes, have done in the past. Many of us are descendants of such regimes that did such to neighbors, depending on where we lived. And yet, Nazis get to be elevated onto a pedestal for some reason. Why is that? Is it because the victims were Jews? That can’t be it- relative to the era, Hadrian absolutely ROFLSTOMPING Judea and forbidding Jews from entering their own homeland for its era would be the ultimate example of evil towards the Jewish people. For the era, 500,000 dead and hundreds of thousands more deposed would’ve been the equivalent of taking out a nation state of tens of millions today, for the level of civilization and social cohesion in the face of the technology to sustain such a culture and region.
Is it because of the ethnosupremacism? That can’t be it; you can find such, “my tribe is the only real human; you are all not my tribe and therefore subhuman scum or maybe breeding stalk if your sister has a fat enough ass” across most every continent humans dwell on that have a coherent people on it. Though the ethnosupremacism and how it manifests and exhibits itself changes depending on the era, region and context of how it defines itself genetically.
And yet for some reason, it is specifically the Nazis that wind up being THE specific exclusive example of embodying all these evils as if they originated them. Specifically, this culture of supposed “anti-fash” ONLY consider something racist and evil, if a white person or a white supremacist conspiracy is behind it. So fixated are they on the idea Nazis are the only real embodiment of evil as opposed to being one of many horrible examples, they downplay the evils of other regimes or even the concepts of the crimes Nazis committed, outside the context of Nazis committing those crimes. Somehow, genocide and supremacist notions are so bad, BECAUSE the Nazis believed in them, not the other way around.
People like this want every example of an evil organization to have shadows of Nazis, just so media can hamfistedly point at the evil acts as Nazi-like, then lecture about how Political Other Guys are closer to Nazis than their chosen ideology is. Supposedly. To where you can’t even invoke some familiar imagery of what embodies an evil organization and institution without them being mad you aren’t committing to making them MORE like actual Nazis, and less into something else.
“Why would you want to redeem Nazis!?” they cry.
Dude. Because these aren’t Nazis. They’re distant, fictional allusions to similar totalitarianist organizations. The same way the Golden Horde aren’t Nazis, though committed many of the same crimes. The same way Meso-American sacrifice cults that would wholesale slaughter rival tribes to their gods, weren’t Nazis. The evil fictional space society might have some evil imagery, but they’re divorced from the actual evil the Nazis represented. You CAN have fun with them this way. You CAN sympathize with the bad guy, because the bad guy ISN’T limited solely to reflecting and representing the historical crimes of the Nazis, and redeeming the bad guys isn’t in any way tangibly attached to real Nazism. Fictional bad guys and bad organizations can have sympathies, even in light of the horrible things they’ve done.
Brought to you by the people that see allusions to Nazism and genocide any time a republican candidate so much as runs for office. And I’m not talking about Trump. Delusional, ideological god damned babies that are so extreme they can’t even tolerate the idea who they disagree with may not be only a few steps removed from Satan.
Rebecca Sugar wrote a saccharine LGBT friendly foray with baby’s first exposure to war, ecocide and colonialism. And for some reason it was so gentle about it, her own side accused her of whitewashing Nazi crimes and wrote hitpieces on her over the ending. Which was rushed so she could have the first gay and/or queer wedding on mainstream public broadcast. And these intersectionalist, “anti-fascist” weenies pitched a fit, because it wasn’t far enough.
I can’t feel too bad about Sugar, however. She had to’ve known this was going to happen. The minute her sort even try and cooperate with the system, they get disregarded as sellouts and poseurs and traitors. Even if she and her crew are actively still trying to get her intersectionalist ideologues in to unionize animation and entertainment for this intersectionalist type of propaganda. Actual, “jaguars biting faces party”-ing.
But I can be annoyed by supposed anti-fascists defining evil as only truly evil, if it’s impressed on something by white men.
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