#yes they are very dysfunctional
creekfiend · 1 month
everyone says u gotta feel your feelings but what if I've invented a better way and it's called not doing that
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honey-creek · 2 years
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he’s just a little guy!
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xerospaced · 7 months
There's this guy, Dr Russell Barkley, he does talks on ADHD. I've come across a fair bit of his content on various platforms.
Every time I see one of his videos I end up in tears. Usually within the first few minutes.
He speaks very plainly and clearly about the function of ADHD. He presents a realistic picture of what is happening and what is required.
I came across this one:
In typical fashion, I found myself crying within a few minutes.
Because other than schooling I have never had a support system. I have never had a single person in my life really hold me accountable. I have never had anyone work with me to create some kind of structure or consistency.
Everything he said, even within the first minutes, resonated with me so deeply. Because I honestly have no idea if I can do this alone. And it scares me that I might wind up getting nowhere because I am lacking in support.
ADHD is manageable. But it is damn near impossible to manage alone.
I just don't know where to go from here.
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bitimdrake · 1 year
how would you describe arrowfamily in canon? Cause i have seen conflicting things ranging from "Oliver Queen is a terrible horrible person" to "canon arrowfamily is what people think batfam should be like/if you want fanon batfam you want canon arrowfam" and it is confusing
Disclaimer first. A full, proper, arrowfam read-through is next on my list once I finally catch up with the bats, but I haven't gotten there yet. I have still read a whole bunch of comics, and by virtue of how the DC universe works, I've seen a fair bit of the arrows scattered throughout. (In particular, I've read a lot of Roy via Titans and Outsiders.)
So I can give a broad strokes answer here, but I'm not going to try to claim a deep meta analysis of the arrows yet.
I think the quickest way to explain the contradictory information is this:
batfam fans take up most of the space in DC fandom
for whatever reason, it has become highly popular bat fanon to use Oliver Queen as a scapegoat Designated Terrible Dad to show how much better and cooler and nicer Bruce is.
This is not a fair or accurate depiction of Ollie.
(Nor, for that matter, an accurate depiction of Bruce, but that fanon diversion is intentional and less like throwing shrapnel at a guy who isn't even part of this.)
People who actually read comics and like Ollie therefore try to push back on this extreme and ooc demonization of him, and also vaunt the arrows in general.
Said pushback is sometimes an exaggerated overcompensation.
Basically, no, Oliver Queen is not a terrible horrible person, nor even a terrible horrible father.
And I would say the canon arrows are a lot closer to what fans are desperately trying to find (or just make up) in the bats. There are various things that are true of the canon arrows/Ollie and of the fanon bats/Bruce that are not true of the canon bats/Bruce. [All post-crisis disclaimer.] Examples:
Ollie is outspokenly liberal and this is a well accepted piece of his canon characterization. (Meanwhile DC writers try very very hard to make Bruce Totally Apolitical and therefore acceptable to all readers. Not that anything is ever actually apolitical.)
Ollie also hates cops! And rich people! For a significant chunk of comics, he lost his fortune and was better off for it, realizing he could never be truly good if he were still a billionaire.
The common fan argument about how Bruce totally isn't abusive; he's a good dad who's just been written that way once or twice by bad writers is...actually not that far off from describing Ollie? He hit Roy once in a comic about How Not To Respond To Addiction; in another comic he was revealed to have secretly known about and abandoned Conner, despite this not lining up with previous comics showing how he really wanted to be a dad. Both of these things are canon and bad, no doubt! But he is also usually a lot better, and has shown an ability to grow and change. (Meanwhile canon Bruce just has a consistent pattern of abuse.)
Subjective, but Ollie seems to really think of himself as a father and delight in it in a way that Bruce just kinda...doesn't.
All the arrows, from what I can tell, actually like each other.
They don't try to murder each other either.
But, as you surely notice, being closer to batfanon desires doesn't mean the arrows literally are the fanon batfam. Like the bats, they are not a perfect model nuclear family (nor should they be!). They too have had conflict and dysfunction (Roy and Oliver stopped talking for a significant period of time!). And they do indeed exist in a comic book world driven by crime and superheroics and conflict, not a fluffy fanfiction world driven by comfort and interpersonal reassurances. (This is not a dunk on fanfic, which I love, just a reminder).
so tl;dr, the arrows aren't a perfectly fluffy fanon family either...but if you see a batfam fan throwing Ollie/other arrows under the bus to make their fave look better, that is definitely bullshit.
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fellhellion · 10 months
god i could gnaw on conchata's Issues forever. when miguel is like mom stop pretending to be terminally ill to get us to visit it really upsets gabriel and me, and conchata - who hates the thought of hurting gabriel and believes miguel is too self centered to care - utterly dodges thinking on the fact she's hurt gabriel, because she doesn't want to believe she's hurt him, and then accuses miguel of not being affected at all. the dysfunction is so fucking tasty.
not even touching the fact miguel genuinely has been ghosting conchata because he sucks at emotional vulnerability yeah, but because he thinks talking to his mother is futile, that he innately hurts her by virtue of being too much like his father.
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gideonisms · 1 year
explaining my lifestyle: no see this looks like horrible depression but I actually feel much better than I did when I was putting work into improving myself ♥️
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waitineedaname · 2 months
OKAY SO. i think in mdzs there's someone named wei wuxan(?) who died and came back and its like a political drama with a big cast and weird sibling dynamics in the sense that 'hey you died and came back. wtf.' but also the sibling isn't aware they died and just thinks hes drunk(???) or smth.. also there's poly gay people. and someone's dad really really REALLY sucks so he's made sure to be much better to his kid. i think they're nobility? dressed so nice
it is incredible how much you managed to get right dlksjflksdjf it's sad that I thought I knew which terrible dad you were referring to, and then I realized you meant an entirely different dad, oh god there are too many terrible dads. also "just thinks hes drunk(???)" is making me lose my mind lksdjflksdj god I wish
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khaotunng · 23 days
oh, they're a mess MESS. they're in shambles
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
TGWDLM AU where on the way to Professor Hidgens’s house, the group see Infected Pete and Ted has a complete breakdown. These monsters got his little brother and he wasn’t even there, he didn’t protect him, didn’t look for him, didn’t even think about him - he was too busy thinking of himself, like always. Now Pete’s gone forever, because clearly whatever happened to Sam isn’t something you can come back from. He swore, he swore after Jenny that he would never feel that bad again. But this is worse. At least she didn’t die! *Audience members cringe* His brother, though, is dead. At sixteen years old. It couldn’t be Ted, the useless bastard with nothing good ahead of him. No, Ted wanted to survive. And Pete - earnest, brilliant, loving Pete, perhaps the last person on the planet to give a damn about him - paid the price for it.
This forces Emma, who has been spending the whole last year dealing with the pain of losing her sibling and not getting to say goodbye because she was off being selfish and neglecting her relationships, to realize: ‘Oh. Fuck. The sleazy asshole has feelings… that I can empathize with. Ew.’ So she tells him about Jane. Although she still hates everything else about him, a) nobody deserves to suffer through that alone, which she knows from doing it alone, and b) maybe if he starts to see her as a person with feelings too, he’ll be slightly less insufferable. And it works. The solidarity lays the foundation for a slow-burn friendship. Will they always annoy each other? Oh yes. But it’s hard to understand someone on such a raw, fundamental level and not reach out to them when you yourself also need support.
Due to his external and internal walls being shattered, Ted has to become more comfortable with vulnerability; he has to be more appreciative of and sensitive to other people. He really, really values the few relationships he has left. He and Charlotte connect more deeply while she’s concurrently processing her complex feelings about Sam and his death, and he might not leave her alone with Sam, imagining how he’d feel to be alone with Pete’s body and the alien inside it. He grows to be an actual friend to Paul and… well, Bill might not have enough time for that, but nevertheless. Maybe in this timeline, a handful of Hatchetfielders get to the PEIP helicopter together. Maybe the Hive doesn’t escape the island. Maybe PEIP figures out how destroy it.
Pete was the good one. Pete was the one with hope. But if Ted’s the one who survives, then he’ll just have to live for both of them.
Or he could let the Infected get him right away and the brothers could sing an epic duet.
@dontsteponthatfish @awigglycultist @blueskiesandstarrynights
#i think they could have reached the helicopter before the hive#if not for the delay of ted’s betrayal and paul and emma then having to escape the infected including the army#also i don’t believe that he knew pete died in canon#or we would have known about it#you think this egotistical mess of self-pity and dysfunction wouldn’t have made it very clear that he was suffering intensely?#yes he recoils from emotional honesty but he can do it when really hurting as seen in ‘time bastard’ when he talks about jenny unprompted#and when he does he Wallows#his drunken breakdown was just about charlotte#losing her hit him Hard#but if he knew that he lost pete and then lost her?#he would have been on a whole other level of grief and despair#pete is about a year younger than alice#i bet ted would have brought him up when arguing that trying to rescue alice was pointless#because of the parallel and to make the situation about him#i love him but i do think he would do that#bastard man. stinky bastard man#not a healthy coping mechanism in SIGHT#but this au idea revolves around my hope that if he knew that he’d lost pete he would be much more invested in his other relationships#and his only remaining significant relationship at that point is charlotte#so he wouldn’t leave her in danger and she wouldn’t die#therefore changing his trajectory from ‘PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN’ to ‘awkward begrudging healing’#ted spankoffski#pete spankoffski#spankoffski brothers#spankoffski bros#emma perkins#jane perkins#the guy who didn't like musicals#tgwdlm#time bastard spoilers
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Lmao bitch i THOUGHT given how much shit bro 2 has caused lately it'd be a good opportunity for me to slip in my tattoo plans without my mother's extreme disappointment and I was wrong! God forbid my mother ever approve of me or any of my decisions! Or even just neutral non judgment! Not even that I gave her forewarning rather than just showing up one day in a few months with ink! My mother never takes interest in me and my accomplishments and interests, so why would I expect anything but disappointment over something I knew she wasn't keen on in general? Oh but it's FINE if bro 1's perfect gf has tattoos (which, imo, are tacky ones but that's a matter of personal taste) but she's perfect and can do no wrong and is the feminine daughter my mother wishes she had so whatever I guess
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orgasming-caterpillar · 8 months
Okay, okay, ill shut up rn but
I LOVE your interactions and LIVE for them on main! 😭 You both are so so love, i-be still! My poor baby heart! 🥺
Just the sweet yet chaotic sibling dynamic i love to see over here! 🥺
"wholesome" and it's him telling me he plays with balls on Mondays, takes Erectile Dysfunction ki class on Tuesdays, spends Saturday's pulling all nighters with fruity boys and that he can't wait to go home and finger his dilruba until his fingers hurt. @musaafir-hun-yaaron jhut to nahi bol raha na mai?
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hawnks · 2 years
all of the nurses at the clinic being extra special nice to me becuase i came in looking like this:
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 9 months
Hhhhhh why does it always have to take me six hours to transition into doing anything it's so frustrating I just wanna write that fanfic NOW or take the shower NOW or get out of bed NOW I don't want to spend half the day hyping myself up for it >:|
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mars-ipan · 1 year
if you could get rid of one symptom of your disability (physical or mental) which would it be and why
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
I WANT!! to be a person who does little dnd doodles immediately after sessions and I WANT to be a person who nature journals regularly and I WANT to be a person who brings watercolors to colorado and actually uses them I WANT to do art casually and freely and joyfully as a reflection and extension of being an active participant in the world!!! FUCK!!!!
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machidielontheway · 11 months
my biggest "what would fix you right now" is sleep schedule. i love sleeping, i love being in my bed, love the feeling of blorbo rotating while comfy in my pillow. i don't mind doing the nightly routine : pee time, brushing teeth [altho this is a recent change !], filling water bottle.
what i don't like and don't manage to do is the Break : stopping the enjoyment - or the avid, compulsory search for enjoyment - and actually closing my laptop. Closing the laptop is cutting up the connection and the safety, comfort of it. connection is : i am not alone. there is people there and i can hear them, listen to them, my room is filled with the sound of people living. i am not lonely. safety is : i am finding joy and am entertained - i am not wasting my life. i do not think of things i yearn to do but lack the energy and courage for. i am fulfilled.
Closing the door and getting out of my own laid spell and having to face reality again is very hard. I do not like it and i avoid it for as long as i can sometimes, even if i am tired and would love to be sleeping. (the reality is : sometimes i am lonely and unfulfilled ; the reality is i haven't been sleeping enough for years to have the emotional energy enough to be able to make concrete steps to change this)
i could say a lot more because this subject branches out back to itself but let's just keep what was the original goal.
i wanted to speak about it to the therapist i saw for the first time a week ago, because as of now sleep is Obstacle n°1 to be resolved in my life. but i didn't really connect with her, and it was a first session so a bit hard to go directly into one specific subject. However i spoke about it to a friend the next day, and she told me how she does it and we did a little brainstorming / our discussion was such to me.
one thing i discovered about myself in the last year is that i have very little perseverance, and if there is - or if i see something as such - an obstacle i will mostly not do the thing blocked by the obstacle. The ideal solution for this is : if you can't make yourself go past the obstacle, either 1) remove the obstacle or 2) change your course. When i was in my last flat the bathroom was some way away from my room and it was old and i didn't like it. I had a hard time brushing my teeth at night and mostly never did it. a temporary solution became "i go to pee super often, let's just brush my teeth each time with water for a few seconds" and that worked quite a bit. the obstacle was going to a place i didn't like with little reward ; the solution was do the thing when you're already in there, when you didn't have a problem to go because you actually wanted to". The problem literally disappeared when i moved flats and 1) had the bathroom directly against my room again and 2) i like the bathroom and don't feel uncomfortable spending time in it. It's a great things to know this kind of things about you, because it's easier to see how to go about solving a problem.
So with my friend as we spoke about it and it finally took a shape, i thought : clearly knowing and agreeing with all those things about "capitalism doesn't give you time so you spite it with a fucked up sleep schedule to get time for you" is not helping you : it's true but you can't change that rn. But the shape of "i don't like when i close the laptop and suddenly i'm back in real life with all my doubts and feelings", that i can manage. i can make the Break less of a break. With my friend i planned two things : 1) my laptop does not go in to the bedroom, and 2) i will put on sound on my phone until i shut off the lights (i dislike going on internet on my phone so no loophole here).
It did work in parts, which is actually great. I DID feel frustrated about not having the laptop, like a real feeling of "something missing / something not in its place", but it was not big enough that i couldn't go through it, which means that i can acclimate myself to it in time ; and it was enough that i didn't feel the break too keenly. Once i was done with my nightly ablutions, i kept listening to the video (music is Not Enough so i listen to Defunctland Fastpass vid) and felt myself falling asleep after ten minutes, which is also good : it's not enough to keep me awake through my tiredness the way i can power through for hours with the laptop (yes i have f.lux), and it's easier to stop and put down because my phone doesn't represent a Door to me the way my laptop does.
Now the thing to work on is that i need to actually do this where i do get in my room at an interesting hour and not just at two am, or it makes me as sleepy but less comfortable. So while a part of a solution is present the big boss is still there : the drive and motivation to do the first step which is "now we will begin". i once thought 'when i will have my new fancy phone where i can put on more than one alarm clock, i'll put some in the evening to create Doors for me to come back to reality and make a choice - i can stay where i am, or i can decide to go to bed". This increase the chance that i manage to go to bed earlier, instead of being kept in the waters of the spell until i see the clock hitting the magic hour where somehow i will accept going to sleep (which in these days is 1:30 AM). However i did NOT put on those alarms even though i've had my new fancy phone since january. which is another mystery to think about : what makes me 'not want' to put them on ? what do i fear ? i was excited about it once, what has changed ? is there another way i can make 'coming back to it' doors that would not be from alarm clock ?
I do like having my struggles put in this form because 1) i like feeling like i'm taking concrete steps toward something, because for so so so long i've been Waiting. besides the "fight or flight" reaction there is the freeze and i'm very good at it. and action is what makes you brain calm down from Fight or Flight. 2) i love analysis (recent discovery through work) ! it's like a treasure map with little adventures you have to follow until you find the treasure. But this also means knowing / searching for how things works, so you can understand why they're not working and find a satisfactory solution or a workaround.
anyway. yeah.
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