#yes this is about cob
variangetsrawed · 1 year
sometimes i think about the fact i share a planet with some of these ao3 authors and i lie down on the floor and squeal
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wesavegotham · 11 days
These fanon Tim Drake takes/fanfictions that paint him as the ultimate victim during the Morrrison era were always annoying, but if you're looking for a character to write fix it fanfictions about because they got abandoned by their family when they went through a lot of losses and lost themselves in the process, ran away from everything and only had the batfamily try to bring them back home ages after they had already run away and only after first blaming the kid and then not prioritizing bringing that kid back, then Damian from 2018 to 2020 is right there?
Where are my 1000+ fanfictions about that?
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bluegarners · 2 years
i do this thing where i start building a personality for a character that is supposed to be a very minor character in a story, and then i become attached to their pov and write out many many pages dedicated to their pov about the *situation* at hand because i want my readers to understand them when they say certain things to the actual important characters in the story but the minor character's pov goes on for so long that it derails the plot progression a bit to the point where i'm not even sure what was going on at first, just that this minor character's pov is important to *me* and their sad tragic backstory is important to *me* and everyone must now read it
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samurailogic · 2 months
I have no doll of my own to dress and photograph and play with but I very often find myself looking at doll clothing and furniture, even more often than looking at dolls themselves. Just something very soothing about it
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"we all need to stop donating to AO3 until they apologize for censoring in a volunteer slack about I/P. If you donate you're spineless" is a(n approximate) statement I just read on here.
Yeah, look, I'm struggling with this one. I was from the first reading, I was when I went to the person who made that post's blog and saw a bunch of the kind of posts they've been reblogging, and after reading the former volunteer's "receipts"? now I'm really struggling.
To be clear, I'm not struggling with whether I agree with the post's assertion; of course it's ridiculous. What I'm struggling with is trying to figure out how we got uhhh here. "Here" being someone looking the other users of Tumbler-Dot Cob dead in our virtual eyes and calling on them to "boycott" the fanfiction-hosting nonprofit AO3 over what amounts to an interpersonal dispute between a small subset of volunteers in a Slack channel.
I could analyze what happened and the conversation in question, but having read the entire thing, I feel it's just not worth it and would rather extend the grace of discretion in this case. I'll only say that while I find the opinions of some of the people in that slack gross, the now-former volunteer and the above-linked poster also misrepresented the situation, conducted themselves poorly, and also made some gross assertions and denials.
Again, can't believe we're here after the Spotify Wrapped thing was called out and so many people have called on us to check ourselves on the antisemitism (EDITED and added a different link with both that pamphlet and way more resources!) but no, AO3 isn't "run by the Zionists" (yes, OOP heavily implied that in their doc: "But regardless of the personal beliefs of the individuals involved, this is much deeper than the org just being zionist.") Nor is AO3 a productive battlefield to die on in the name of Palestine.
You're looking for places you can actually help (PCRF post, more charities post, Standing Together) and I get that, but come on, now. This ain't it.
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bettyfrommars · 6 months
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Death Becomes Us
a True Blood au
vampire!eddie x supernatural!reader
Part 7: Cry Little Sister
masterlist playlist
It's been over 2 months since you had more than a glimpse of Eddie, but you had the feeling that he never let you get too far out of his peripheral vision. Some vampires you've never met before come looking for him while you are trying to housetrain your new companion. Just as you're about to have some quality time with Eddie, another visitor shows up.
word count: 4.4k
18+only for mature themes, vampires, mention of illegal drugs, a demobat, allusions to smut, angst, werewolves, ode to The Lost Boys
authors note: this is a shorter chapter, and there is not a ton of action like in the other parts, but I will make up for that next time.
I had a few names I was considering for our new companion, and decided to go with Bela, in honor of Bela Lugosi, thanks to @somnambulic-thing
You’d picked up an old, pea green recliner at the thrift store, and that was where you sat in the morning by the lamp to drink coffee and read as much as you could about demobats. 
There wasn’t much known about them, but you had gone to Robin at the bookstore with your search, and she found an obscure issue from a dead publication and ordered it. You told her it was purely to satiate your curiosity after you’d witnessed them firsthand on your way to Sacrament. You didn’t know if it was good sense, or even legal, to have one residing in your home, so you decided to keep your new friend a secret for the time being.
Days turned into weeks since you'd last interacted with Eddie, but you kept track of when he was home and when he wasn’t, as if it was your job. Sometimes, when you were watching TV in your living room with the curtains drawn, you’d catch his kitchen light click on about an hour after dark, and you imagined him walking through in his boxers, yawning, scratching his stomach where the trail of hair from below connected to his bellybutton.
What you didn’t know was that the first part of his waking up ritual was to crack his bedroom curtain and see if you were home. If you weren’t at work, the answer was usually yes, and he’d watch the flicker of your tv in the window reflection.
That morning, you had a black, hooded sweatshirt in your lap, and in the sweatshirt sleeping like a baby, was a demobat. 
You peeled back a bit of the material to take a peek at her face. Her enormous mouth of teeth hung open and her leathery wings twitched like she was in the middle of a dream, your arm straining at the heft of her weight. She didn’t have any eyes, but her sense of hearing was excellent and sometimes, you had to make noise for her to find you, like tapping your knuckle on the wall or countertop.
You didn’t realize she’d followed you from the Upside Down until a good three days later when you came home from work late to find her collapsed on your porch. You imagined she got desperate because she was starving. This wasn’t the same world as hers, and she didn’t know her way around or how to find nourishment. She let you pick her up when you found her, after one long roar to let you know she was dangerous, and then she wrapped her wings around you.
  You were worried that she might go after Eddie’s cat, Dio, or one of the other strays you were feeding at the trailer park, but you were surprised to read in the book that they were not carnivores.
A vegetarian demobat? She especially enjoyed canned mandarin oranges and corn on the cob.  Everything considered, she was docile and attention-starved, for the most part, until she could sense voices a bit too close to the trailer, or the mailman slipped letters in your box, making the metal flap clink shut.
And then she would go berserk, screeching at the top of her lungs, wings outstretched, trying to make herself look as big and threatening as possible.  
“Bela,” you called to her, using the name you’d decided on, inspired by Lugosi.  You clapped a few times, using vibration to get her attention, and she eventually learned to come to you.
Weeks turned into months and there was snow on the ground; a light dusting to accompany the late-November freeze.  You’d only recently caught a glimpse of Eddie in passing, from a distance, or just before he snapped his trailer lights off in the morning to go to sleep.  He stopped by Main Vein a few times  to sit in his regular spot and have a NuBlood, but you had a strong feeling that he was avoiding you.  The second you walked over, he’d either check his pager and act busy, or he’d excuse himself and say he had to run.
He never failed to leave some of his artwork scribbled on a napkin, though, and you were always quick to snatch it and put it in your pocket.
You felt like he was keeping tabs on you, yet keeping his distance, all at once. 
You’d dropped off a carved jack-o-lantern on his porch a few days before Halloween, and the day after that, you were surprised to find an odd butterfly animal made of scrap metal, sitting on your welcome mat.  Your smile cut into your cheeks so hard, a tiny ache throbbed there as you admired the welded legs and haphazard laser cuts on the wings.  
To honor the family memories that were so ancient they were almost dust, you got up on a ladder outside to string some colorful Christmas bulbs, and you put up a tiny tree of the Charlie Brown variety inside.  You had a Bing Crosby album while you decorated.  Mostly, it was a sad attempt, and the other vampires in the lot hated the holiday by definition, so they all gave your place pointed looks over the upturned collars of their jackets.
Bela looked like E.T. between some stuffed animals with silver tinsel on top of her oddly shaped head, hanging down like hair, when there was suddenly some kind of commotion outside.  You strained to listen and swore you heard a loud voice shouting for Eddie.  
The demobat sprang from the couch, flaring her wings wide; she was a blur of holiday delights being thrust away by her sprawl.  A feral sound escaped her that was part howl, part Velociraptor caw.
You jumped up and moved in front of her, so she lowered her wings--which were also used as hands with extremely strong fingers---and hovered behind you in the air.  She finally dropped to the counter and waited with a snarling mouth while you pressed your forehead against the cool of the window to see what was going on.
There appeared to be four boys dressed like 80's rockers in long black coats, and you noticed a motorcycle for each parked just between your two trailers.  They continued to call Eddie’s name, almost taunting now, and two of them hit the trailer with the flat of their hand, trying to get his attention. 
“He’s not home,” you went out onto the porch, shutting Bela inside to shriek to herself in private. You did not know for a fact that he wasn’t home, but there was no car parked in his normal spot, and you sincerely wanted them to go away.
They all turned to you, pale faces stern at first, but then smiles crept across their devilish mouths exposing the points of vampire fangs.  The one with the platinum blonde hair and earring in one ear caged his fingers in front of him and rolled his thumbs over each other as he spoke.
“And, who might you be? He cocked his head, and the others seemed to mirror him, four pairs of eyes sweeping over you.  
The sounds inside the trailer told you that Bela had moved to the far end, possibly the bedroom.  You could hear her shrill cry followed by a thud.  
From your higher vantage on the porch, you told the vampire your name, appraising him down the end of your nose.  “What do you need from Eddie?”
He walked closer, almost to your steps.  “Oh, we’re old friends, just hoping to catch up.”
He was positively enigmatic, in that way only vampires can be, but you had a feeling this guy never had a hard time getting what he wanted even when he was human. There was sarcasm in his tone and, for some reason, the others snickered.  
“Well,” you took a breath and grabbed for the door handle.  “Good luck finding him.”
In a flash, they were all up on the porch, crowding you, making you gasp.  “Not so fast there, princess,” the blonde one grinned.  “Maybe we want to get to know you better.”
You could hear the ticking of the time bomb inside of you, on its final few counts before detonation.  Your heartbeat quickened, and you were sure that they noticed.  You watched them freeze and exchange a few curious glances.
Then, there it was: the inhale, that quick and deliberate sniff of your scent.
The blonde one ran a finger down the scar on your cheek.  “You don’t smell like a human.  Why is that?”
You shrugged away from him.  “Please get off my porch.” 
They were all leering at you, their crooked grins mocking.
You wondered if he was trying to glamour you—to make you do whatever he wanted by hypnotizing you—but he’d soon find out you were impervious to vampire party tricks. 
“Don’t be so hasty, princess,” the main one moved as if he were about to touch you again, his cold breath matching the chill of the air outside.
“Hey, are you bozo’s looking for me?” There came another voice, just below the porch railing.
It was Eddie.  
You stepped back, closer to the front door, face flushing with the heat of relief. 
He was in the typical Eddie uniform of all black, but for the white of the Iron Maiden tee under his leather, and the rips in his jeans where pale, tattooed flesh peeked out. He wore heavy motorcycle boots that were covered in mud, and when his hands flexed into fists at his sides, you saw that the knuckles on one hand were bloody.  You wondered where he’d rushed from the moment he felt your fear.  What sort of car jacking or obligatory beating had he been partaking in when he felt your need?
You never meant to call for him on purpose, but now that he had your blood in him, he could sense any ripple in the force that hinted to your discomfort. 
The look on Eddie’s face when the vampire boys parted, and he finally found your eyes, was a mix of worry and white hot anger.  “Are you okay?”  
You nodded once, that was all you could manage.  You were so glad to see him, and it wasn’t because you worried that the guys on your porch would hurt you.  There was another, more foreign emotion that bathed you in a sense of calm.
Meanwhile, the thudding at the other end of the trailer stopped abruptly. 
“Easy boys,” blondie spread his arms wide to motion for them all to step back.  “Give the lady some room.  We didn’t come here for trouble.”
“What did you come here for, then?” Eddie bit.  His stare was trained on you as the vampires santured down toward him.
You could’ve, or possibly should have, gone inside, and even though you knew Eddie could handle himself, you didn’t feel good about the 4 on 1 odds.  One of the mullet boys had a butterfly knife that he was fidgeting with; opening and closing it with a flick of his wrist while he walked. He had black gloves on, and you wondered if the blade of the weapon was made of silver.
“Just a friendly visit, Munson,” Blondie said. You watched him stop a few feet from your neighbor while the rest circled him like they had with you.  “We were told you had something of interest to us.”
Eddie shot him a look, confused, but maintained his composure. “If it’s Dice you want, I haven’t sold that shit in years.”
Dice: the vampire drug of choice.  
The only drug on the planet designed for vampires to experience the equivalent of a human Benzo.  Highly addictive, and made with a lot of illegal, human-derived ingredients that Eddie preferred not to think about, it was also deadly in large amounts to vampires because of the trace amounts of garlic oil.  
The four guys who looked like they’d just walked out of a heavy metal video exchanged bored expressions. Eddie knew the platinum-haired one fairly well, his name was David, and the shorter one with the butterfly knife was Marko, but he’d never cared to learn the names of the other two.  They lived down at The Caves in a vampire “nest” with a few others, and had only been turned recently, so therefore, were no match for Eddie’s strength. Still, they were cocky as hell and always looking for trouble, as most young ones were. 
Eddie chanced a glance at you, hoping maybe you’d gone inside by then, but also, he liked having you where he could see you. He looked over his shoulder to get an idea of how many other residents were lurking around.  
“We should probably talk business inside my trailer,” Eddie inclined his head.  “Too many ears out here.”
“If you don’t have it,” David lowered his voice and tilted his head.  “I bet you know where we can get it.”
Sure, Eddie knew one guy in town who had it, but there was no way he’d send those creeps over to Reefer Rick’s place.  His long time friend was still human, and he didn’t trust the irrational hunger he saw in their pinned pupils.
“There’s only one person I know for sure would have some and that’s Jareth,” Eddie lied.
The other three guys mumbled to each other behind David, but then David shushed them with a hiss and flap of his hand.  
Eddie knew that would shut them up pretty quick.  No one could just stroll into Sacrament and ask Jareth for drugs.  Also, Jareth never wanted money in return, he always wanted services for “favors”, and they were always tasks that would make any normal person, vampire or otherwise,  have a hard time looking at themselves in the mirror afterwards.  
David began to back up, toward his motorcycle. “Alright well, this was a pleasure,” his gaze lingered on you and he gave a slow, generous lick of his lips.  “I really hope we bump into each other again sometime.”
Eddie couldn’t help the death stare he was giving him, grinding his back teeth so hard, the muscles in his jaw bulged.  He hated that they knew where you lived, he hated that they had been so close to you, to know that you were different.
The motorcycles began to start up, headlights snapping on to blare right into your eyes, making you blink away.  
The rest of their motors idled until David took off first, tires making tracks in the thin blanket of white over the ground, and then the rest followed onto the gravel road before blasting onto the highway, howling to each other like wolves as they went.
“You sure you’re okay?” Eddie was up on the porch with you as fast as if he had teleported.
The sudden jolt of his new proximity knocked the wind out of you; you still weren’t used to the lightning speed at which they could move.
“Could you please not do that anymore,” you clutched your throat. “Maybe just walk up the steps like a regular person?”
Leaning back against the railing, he grinned.  “My bad,” he mumbled, playing with the chunky ring on his middle finger.  
The truth was, he’d been going crazy trying to get you off of his mind.  Ever since he took you to the Upside Down, he’d been wrestling with some serious demons and trying not to think of  you in a sexual way, but his efforts were fruitless.
It was normal for humans to have sexual dreams about a vampire if they ingested their blood, but he’d never heard of it happening the other way around.  He’d been prey to so many wet dreams of tasting your cum on his tongue that he’d lost count.  It was getting to the point that he looked forward to the fantasies because it was a way to spend time with you; to feel the warm, wet lining of  your cheek when you sucked his fingers, to not only split you open with his cock and deny you until you begged to cum, but to make soft, deep love to you when he confessed things that he could never say out loud.  
He wasn’t allowed to have feelings for you.  It would make his job very…complicated.
That other secret job of his, the one you could never know anything about.
“Have you been avoiding me?”
Eddie’s head snapped up at your question. “Why would I be avoiding you?” Indeed, that is exactly what he’d been doing, but he didn’t want it to be obvious.
With an absent shrug, you realized all of a sudden that you only had a light cardigan on over your jumper, and your teeth were chattering.
“I’ve been really busy with…” he trailed off.  “...stuff.”
“I loved the butterfly you made,” you told him, hoping to see those flecks of gold dance in his eyes again.  
“You mean the bug soldier?” He chuckled, correcting you. “Those aren’t butterfly wings, that’s a cape.”
“He’s inside.  I’ll have to apologize to him for calling him a butterfly.” You wrapped your arms around yourself.  “Do you want to come in?”
“Shit, sorry, yeah, you look cold.  Here.” He shrugged his leather jacket off, exposing the patchwork of tattoos along his arms and neck, and you let him put it around  your shoulders.  You were suddenly shrouded in that familiar musk of his and you felt safe.
But then, he let the weight of your other question sink in.  “Are you inviting me in? Officially?”
If you invited a vampire in, that meant they could enter your home any time they pleased, by whatever means necessary.  There was always the option to resend the invite, but it was an important decision that would eliminate the barrier of magical protection.
Just as you were about to make a decision, you heard the sound of glass breaking, like a window shattering.  
And then you heard the all too familiar screeching.
“Oh shit, Bela,” you cursed under your breath.
“Bela?” Eddie tried to peer around the trailer to where the sound was coming from. “Who is —”
She appeared over the top of the roof then, jagged teeth ready to strike as she shot down at Eddie like a missile, roaring as she went.
Defensively, he exposed his fangs to meet her aggression.
“No, no Bela! He’s a friend!” You put your arm out like a shield to protect him and she landed on it like a trained Hawk or Owl, curling a finger from one of her wings around you for support.
She hissed one more time at him for good measure, and then her wings fell slowly to her sides as she crept up your arm to settle on your shoulder.
Eddie’s jaw went slack.  
“Is this the…same one that we…how?”
You told him about how you found her on the porch and the way she refused to let you too far out of her sight.
He lifted a hand to maybe touch a finger to her belly.  “Can I?” He asked you.
“I wouldn’t,” you responded quickly, noting Bela’s low growl.  “Not until she knows you aren’t a threat to me.”
He dropped his hand and hooked a thumb into his belt loop, taking in the details of what it was like to see one of them up close.  “I’ve never heard of a human, or anyone, making one of them into a pet. I didn’t think it was possible. They are killing machines.”
You let Bela rest one of her heavy tentacles gently in the palm of your hand, swirling it into a spiral.  “I don’t know if she’s a pet as much as…some type of guardian.  She’s tuned into my emotions somehow. I think that’s why she’s not trying to eat your face off right now.”
You were enjoying the awestruck expression on Eddie’s face.  “Did you still want to come inside? Or have you changed your mind?”
He remembered the wet dreams he’d been having, how many times you’d buried his length inside of you while seated in his lap.  The sweat dripping down, the groaning, the words of adoration.  The way he fingered you in the shower and made you—-
“Earth to Eddie?” Your voice snapped him from his thoughts. “I said, would you like to come in?” 
You had the door open, and you gestured for him to follow, with a feral demobat casually riding on your shoulder.  It had begun to snow again; petite flakes that melted as soon as they hit  your skin.  One got stuck on Eddie’s eyelash.  
“Yes,” he swallowed, raking a hand through his hair. “Yes, I would like to come in.”
“Okay, let me put Bela in my bedroom real quick,” you went on ahead into the warmth of your place, shivering.  Eddie put his boot in the door to keep it from closing, taking in the gravity of the situation.
You had invited him inside.
As a vampire, it was not something to be taken lightly.  
You had to put Bela in the bathroom momentarily, until you could duct tape over the broken window in your bedroom.  You felt like she’d listened to you well enough, but the doubts you had gave you anxiety, so separating her from your new guest felt like the best idea.  You put a soft blanket on the bathtub in there, and she nestled down in it like she was sleepy.  
When you came back out a few minutes later, Eddie was still standing in the doorway, just inside the threshold.
“Did the invitation not work?” You asked, curiously.
“No, no, it did,” he took the final step in and went to close the door behind him.  “I was just enjoying the moment, I guess.”
You noticed that his hand, the one that had been bleeding earlier, was completely healed already.  
Just as the front door was about to shut completely, headlights from a car lit up the porch as someone approached from the road and parked in front of your trailer.
“What now?” You sighed, exasperated.
But then you heard the rumble of the big engine that belonged to a classic, square-body Chevy, and your blood ran cold with sudden recognition.
Eddie closed the door the final inch and turned to note the way you nervously adjusted yourself.  “Were you expecting someone?”
Shit shit shit
You cursed to yourself quietly. 
Could all this be happening at a worse time?
Also, how could you forget? Between Bela and Eddie's motorcycle buddies, the fact that you’d agreed to go on date that night had somehow slipped your mind.  
The headlights turned off and the engine cut. 
“Yeah, um, I agreed to go to the movies with someone tonight,” you cleared your throat.  Why were you nervous to tell him you had a date? It wasn’t like Eddie had made a move, in fact, he’d been giving you the cold shoulder for weeks.  You were starting to think he was repulsed by you.
“Someone?” Eddie heard the heavy footfalls climbing up the wood steps, and realization dawned on him. Everything made sense all at once.  The fact that you were dressed up in clothes he’d never seen you in, and you smelled extremely good, even more so than normal.  
What had he expected you to do? Wait around on the porch for him, knitting, until he was able to work through his issues and ask you on a date himself?
Someone else had beaten him to hit, and he didn’t care who it was—he fucking hated him.  Wanted to rip him open and stomp on their guts.
At the sound of the doorbell, Bela screeched from the bathroom.
Chaos, you mused, pure chaos.
You squeezed your eyes shut and wished for a hole to open up in the ground and swallow you up.
With a tight jaw, Eddie was the one to open the door.
Steve Harrington had a bouquet of daisies in his hand. A full head of hair that was long down his neck, and black and red flannel over a new pair of blue jeans. He raised an eyebrow at the sight of you standing just behind the vampire with the murderous look on his face.
Steve’s eyes shifted to you.  “Is this a bad time?”
“Yes,” Eddie said.
“No,” you corrected, pushing by Eddie to take the flowers and thank him.
“These are so beautiful,” you cleared your throat.  “Um, Steve—this is Eddie, my neighbor.  Eddie this is—”
“I know who he is,” they both said in unison.
You watched Steve’s brown eyes glow a bright yellow for a moment as he regarded your other guest with stern resolve. 
You took off Eddie’s jacket and handed it back to him with a shove. “Just give me a second to grab a few things?” You said to Steve in a rush.  “I’ll be—I’ll be right out.”
Steve stared right at Eddie when he said, “I’ll go wait in the truck.”
“You do that,” Eddie muttered as Steve turned to go.
Eddie was quick to slam the door shut again.  He turned to you with a scowl on his face, “A werewolf?” He balked.  “You’re going on a date with one of those smelly dogs?”
“Yeah, well,” you tossed the daisies on the counter while you fumbled with your handbag. “Why do you care?”
“I don’t,” he pursed his lips into a tight line and shook his head.
“Good, that’s settled,” you took a deep breath.  “Not that you deserve any explanation, but I’ve been running into him at the bookstore for weeks, and I mentioned that I never go anywhere, so he invited me to a movie.  We’re just going as friends.”
“Friends don’t bring you flowers.” 
Outside, the truck rumbled to life and the headlights snapped on again. 
“I can’t do this right now with you, Eddie.  I need you to go so that I can get Bela out of the bathroom and calm her down before I leave.”
Without another word, he reached for the door again.
“Hey Eddie,” you softened your tone.  You’d meant to grab his arm, but took hold of his hand instead.  He squeezed your fingers back, but he did not turn to meet your eyes.  “I’m sorry we didn’t get to…I don’t mean to run out on you like this. Maybe tomorrow?”
“I’m busy,” he mumbled.  He rubbed his thumb over your knuckles once, and then, in a blink, he was out the door and gone.  
Love you all for your patience on this! I look forward to your thoughts and reactions through comments, reblogs, and asks so much! All my love!
Taglist: @trixyvixx @sllooney @writinginthetwilight @sidthedollface2 @atomickaratel8dy @probablyin-bed @kiyastrf94@briamunson92 @joannamuns9n @jasminelafleur @@bellalillyrose @dashingdeb16 @alba8688 @corrodeddeadlydoll @brassreign @likedovesinthewnd @ilovetaquitosmmm @skrzydlak @onegirlmanytales @angietherose @probablyin-bed @reidsbtch @moonbeamsandmayhem @eddiesxangel @hideoutside @secretdryrose @nailbatanddungeon @thorfemmes @corkadymu @kellsck @mrsjellymunson @poofyloofy
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adriennebarnes · 2 months
Hello! I don't know if you accept requests but Henry eating for the first time esquites/chaskas/elote in a glass, whatever they tell him in your country because in mine they are called chaskas 😭😭
In Mexico, it’s esquites if it’s in a cup and of course elote if it’s on the cob. I do accept requests! Helps with la falta de imaginación
Something New
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry meets Y/N’s parents for the first time and tries traditional Mexican food.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammatical errors,
A/N: Im gonna input my childhood, obviously.
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Y/N was making lunch her and Henry when she got a phone call.
“Bueno?” Y/N asked, adding pasta into the boiling water.
“Hola hija! Cómo estás?” Her mom asked on the other line. Y/N walks away from the stove.
“Mami, estoy bien, y tú? Por qué me estás llamando?” Y/N asked, walking to the living room and swatted Henry’s shoulder, he looked back confused.
“Estoy bien, hija, gracias por preguntar.�� Y/N put her mom on speaker. “Como pascua es este domingo, quiero que vengas con tu noviecito, han estado saliendo por un rato y no le hemos conocido ni nada.” Y/N’s mom said and Y/N’s eyes widened, now Henry was concerned, he might not know a lot of Spanish, but he could tell by his girlfriend’s face, this wasn’t the best news.
“Si mami, claro que voy con mi novio, de verdad quiero que se conozcan.” Y/N said.
“Que bueno, Los veo mañana, chao.” Her mom hung up and Y/N facepalmed her forehead.
“I understood about 20% of that, what’s going on?” Henry asked.
“Fortachón, you’ve got your wish, You’re meeting my parents tomorrow.” Y/N said and Henry’s eyes look,Ike they’re going to pop out of his head.
“Tomorrow? I am not prepared!” Henry exclaimed.
“Well tomorrow is Easter and my mom wants to meet you so…yeah. Knowing her, we’ll have a lot of tias and tíos, some primos already have kids so get ready for Superman questions, fortachón.” Y/N said, patting his shoulder before going back to the kitchen.
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Now it was Easter, Henry and Y/N were at her mom’s door, Henry carrying the Mexican rice Y/N made. Y/N rang the doorbell again, the door opened and she was greeted by her cousin Ignacio.
“Nacho! Cómo estás?” Y/N hugged her cousin and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Estoy bien prima, Miguelito esta jugando allá fuera. Pásale, pásale, nice to meet you Henry.” Nacho said, shaking Henry’s free hand, leading them through the house and into the backyard. “Put the rice on the table, mi papá ya está preparando los elotes.”
“Ooh, i haven’t had elotes in a while.” Y/N said.
“What’s elote?” Henry asked.
“You haven’t been making Your gringo any Mexican food? What kind of girlfriend are you?” Nacho said and Y/N swatted his arm.
“I make him Mexican food…he likes tacos, bistec empanado con sopita, quesadillas de papa.” Y/N said.
“Don’t worry, hermano, You’re going to eat really well here.” Nacho puts his arm around Henry’s shoulder as best as he could since Henry is obviously taller than him. Y/N says hello to everyone, introducing them to Henry.
“Okay, primer elote está listo, quien lo quiere?” Nacho’s dad, Hernando, asked. Nacho quickly got up for the elote.
“Okay so elote is corn topped with mayonnaise, cheese, and chili power. It’s really good (I haven’t eaten in, I don’t like corn), you’ll like it.” Y/N said. Henry was sat at the table while Y/N made him a plate of food. “I served you sopes which is tortilla topped with refried black beans, queso cotija, and lettuce because the salas is probably too spicy for you, your elote, a tostado which is the same as a sope but it’s a crunchy tortilla, and tostadas de pulpo because they’re my favorite.”
Henry looked at the plate in front of him. “This is a lot of food, love.”
“Yes but think of it this way, if you don’t like it, I’ll eat it, and very happily too.” Y/N said, kissing him. Henry took a bite of the octopus tostada.
“This is really good.” Henry finished that tostada, moved on to the regular tostada, then the sope, adding a bit of salsa. Then to the elote, best for last. He took a bite, some corn falling off the cob, mayonnaise on the corner of his mouth along with pieces of queso cotija and chili powder. “I think elotes might be my favorite, it’s delicious, muchas gracias, Hernando.”
“No es nada, güerito.” Hernando said, making another 2 elotes for Henry to eat.
“I take it this means I have to make more Mexican food in the house?” Y/N asks.
“Oh absolutely, I’m going to have to work out even more to burn off these calories.” Henry said, kissing Y/N with his mouth tasting like elote.
The End
I know it’s short but I hope you like it! Feel free to request more ideas
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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wc-m0ch4 · 1 year
Shadow the Hedgehog x gn! Reader NSFW Headcanons
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I forgot that you have to reply to an ask directly so he's the image of said ask lol
(Separate note but I kinda wanna do some of the rottmnt or 2012 tmnt bros so I might be doing some stuff on them next lol anyways–)
Shadow is on the dominant side I feel like this is obvious LMAO
Like he might occasionally sub but it'd be like a power bottom sort of thing
He'd definitely be into forcing his partner into submission
A close runner-up is having a S/O that willingly submits to him from the get-go
Send nudes/ revealing pics to this man PLEASE–
Imagine you're texting Shadow asking him when he'll get home and he's all 'it's going to be hours before I get home, be patient' yada yada then you send a pic in some lingerie and he just:
"Be ready."
Then like 10 minutes later you're getting railed LMAO
He's got a folder of every dirty picture you've sent him and he'll tease you about them
You walk in on him sorting through them and he laughs when you get embarrassed
"You're the one who sent the pictures. Did you think I would waste such works of art?" And he's got a pic of your ass on screen LMAO
I think he'd be into photography during sex
Not sex tapes but like he's got a Polaroid camera specifically for when you two go at it
Also I think he'd like punishment
Okay imagine Shadow makes a bunch of rules for you to follow in the bedroom that day but he purposefully makes it so you can't AHAKDNABKAND
"Aw, couldn't do it, love? I guess I'll have to fix that."
And there rules to follow during the punishment and if you don't follow them.... sheeeshhhhh
Like let's say he spanks you, you have to count each one, thank him properly each time, you're not allowed to squirm or whine, like you are so FUCKED (LITERALLY)
I don't think he's really into bondage exactly but let's talk about him tying your hands and then telling you if you want to cum you have to figure it out yourself OMFGGGGG
You try to hump the heel of your foot and he mocks you the whole time
Adding on to that, he's into orgasm denial/control
If ya want your orgasm, ya gotta work for it, thems tha rules
He'll use toys and give you tasks to do
He'll have you sucking his dick while he controls the remote vibrator inside you
If you want him to turn up the speed, you better get to gobblin that cob yfm?
I think Shadow would prefer missionary so he can see your face, so you can wrap your legs around him, so he can grab at your hips and nipples, etc.
Okay so outside of the bedroom–
Shadow manspreads and it's just MMMMM
He'd do things in public that turn you on without even thinking of it lmao
Like he'd grab your hips when he's trying to move past you
Or whisper in a low voice in your ear
Or say things without realizing the double meaning (a perfect opening for 'that's what she said' jokes)
Okay continuing on,
I think he'd have some sort of claiming thing going on
Cum inside you/on you, mark you (bites, bruises), writing on you, etc.
I mean like you're your own person, of course.... but your his
Okay I know I've been going on about his kinks but overall I think he'd be pretty vanilla is just occasionally he'll get more risqué
That's when all the kinky shit pops out
Not entirely related but Rogue would probably ask you some time into the relationship if y'all have done the deed LMAO
And if you say 'yes' she's asking for details lol
Anyways that's all I got for today, thank you my dear anon <3
Happy Holidays to everyone! I wanted to do a holiday themed thing but that might be coming later (like months later lmao)
Requests are open currently and I'll see y'all soon ;)
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pillowspace · 8 months
Okay but, what about the angst of once you get out of the loop. Yes it's finally over, the virus is gone and the fire set Sun and Moon free to live with y/n but... y/n has live years, decades or even longer in that loop. They know everything about these kids that they may never see again, every little inch of the plex that is destroyed, everything that could happen in this few months time frame. Then they're out and it's incredible for there to be a day with something new except they barely remember who their friends outside of the loop even are anymore. They get a call from their family because they had completely abandoned everything except the loop, missing important holidays or plans, and their family comments on them feeling like a completely different person. They can barely talk about the loop with Sun and Moon because they've seen how talking to much has destroyed their friendship and now they can't try again anymore. Everything is suddenly to permanent and too fragile. They've adjusted to a life that lets you retry things as much as you want, what happens if they ruin everything now?
Y/N is going to need SO much therapy after, cob bless. I'd imagine so many things would set them off until they could heal from it all. They accidentally shatter a vase or something and go "aw. Well, it's okay. It'll be back," go completely still, then burst into panicked tears. They don't know if they're more horrified by the fact that the vase will never be back, or that, for a moment, they thought it would
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vamp-orwave · 4 months
Ah yes, 3am, time to think about every cringe thing I've ever said and done until I turn into a corn cob 🙃
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 11 months
First day
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Alex Vause x reader
!!TW: mention of murder and vague drug mention!!
Work count:: 1.2k (not proof read)
Alex POV: (Alex and Piper aren't together in this)
I walked into the cafeteria and joined the que to get lunch, another day of sloppy something, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Yum, I can't complain though because it's better than nothing and if I do complain Red will starve me out. Brushing off hat thought, I get my food and saunter over to a table with some of my friends on it, Morello, Chapman and Nicky.  I take a seat and listen in on their conversation. 
Nicky - "No c'mon, she's hot."
Piper - "I agree, I mean have you seen her. The eyes, hair the hair!" dragging out the r sound at the end as if to make a point.
Alex - "Who you talking about?"
Nicky - "That new girl that showed up in the van this morning, she's very good lookin' although she's been crying in the bathroom since she got here so maybe not the most stable girl in here."
Morello - "There's worse trust me, and besides why are you all getting so worked up about this? Yeah she's nice to look at but what if she has someone outside of here? You know, like a boyfriend or girlfriend or someone, she might even be married for all you know?"
Nicky - "Yeah but you said it, she's nice to look at tuts, she's gunna be getting looks from all over. If she stops crying of course."
At this point my interest was piqued and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so once I'd sat, had a tal and eaten my food I was going to go find this mystery girl and find out if they're actually telling the truth.
Y/n POV:
I can't believe I actually did that. I killed her. I killed my own mother. I keep telling myself it was the only way out but everytime I think about it the guilt and self resentment creeps back in. My mum had munchausen by proxy and she made me believe I was sick and could walk or do practically anything by myself. I really didn't see any other way out so, one night I just did it. Obviously I feel terrible and wish I'd never done it but, there really was no other way out. Anyway, it's done now and I'm in jail, thankfully not maximum security because people could see my side of the story and saw I wasn't just a cold-blooded killer. 
I've been at Litchfield a little over 5 hours now and as soon as I was allowed to go off and do my thing, I went straight for the bathroom and I've been crying ever since. Somehow, I managed to get the only stall with a door so thankfully people can't just watch me cry, hear me yes but watch, no.
All day people have been staring and I don't know why. Maybe they think I'm fucked up for what I did or something. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a soft knock on the door. 
Alex - "Hey, you okay in there? Stupid question I know because well, you're crying but I still feel like I have to ask."
I bite my lip and sigh before responding, I didn't expect anyone to actually care.
Y/n -  "Uhm- yeah, I guess I'm okay. Not my ideal situation but you know, life goes on."
Alex - "Yeah well you got that one right."
After that a not awkward but not totally comfortable silence fell over us. I slowly stood up and unlocked the door. I stepped out and tried to dry my face from the copious amount of tears I'd shead in the past hours of being here. Instantly this woman picked up on it and gently held my face in one hand and helped me wipe my tears with the other.
Alex - "You'll be okay, I'm going to be brutally honest with you, the first few days are actual hell, you'll miss everything and everyone but, I'll be here is you ever want to talk about it okay? Oh, and I'm Alex by the way, but everyone calls me Vause, it's my last name." 
I smiled at Alex and nodded my head a small thank you leaving my lips. She pulled me into her embrace and held me tight. 
Alex - "You know, they were right."
I was confused because I had not a single idea what she was going on about. So, I pulled my head slightly away from her shoulder and looked at her.
Y/n - "What do you mean? Who's right?"
Alex - "Oh just my friends, they said some stiff about how you were really good looking and what not."
You felt a blush creep across my face as you looked into her gorgeous green eyes only now just realising after looking a her properly just how beautiful she really was. A sly smirk found it's way onto her lips before she spoke again. 
Alex - "Hey, don't get all shy on me now."
A she said that her hand found it's way to my waist as she pulled me closer again. Whilst she trailed her other hand up my body and hooked a finger around my chin so I'd look her in the eyes.
Y/n - "You really mean it?"
Alex - "Of course I do, I mean I've known you what, like 2 minutes and I'm already calling you beautiful I think that speaks for itself ." 
I giggle a bit and looked down in an attempt to hide my flustered face yet again, knowing she was right. I looked her in the eyes again only to see her eyes had never left me and she had a wide smile of her face. 
Alex POV:
I looked down slightly because I was a bit taller than her and just marvelled at this gorgeous girl in front of me she had glowing y/h/c hair and shining y/e/c eyes, her smile could light up a room and her laugh was so fucking adorable. Normally, I'm not the one to fall over small stuff like this but she was different,  I don't know why, she just was.
She looked me back in the eyes and I couldn't help myself anymore, I leaned in and captured her lips in mine. They fit together like puzzle pieces. Her hand found their way into my hair while mine rested on the small of her back keeping her safe in my arms. I swiped my tongue over her bottom lip asking for entrance and she happily agreed. She tugged on my hair a little so in return I grazed my teeth over her bottom lip and she let out a small breathy moan which was almost silent but, I could still hear it. We broke away for ir and as soon as we separated we crashed our lips back together hungrily. She was almost as addictive as some of the things women in the jail used to do. 
Just as things were getting heated someone burts into the bathroom.
We both untangled ourselves from each other and apologised. As he left I whispered in her ear. 
Y/n POV:
Alex - "He won't catch us tonight sweetheart don't worry. I'll have you all to myself, I'll make you feel better."
She then gave me a final eck on the lips and walked out the bathroom. Oh man, I was not going to get much sleep on my first night in prison.
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66sharkteeth · 5 months
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people seemed interested in the little nine lives bio i posted last night, so now i'm doing finze! who i'm realizing i don't have any finished art of (in this form) that doesn't include nine. disclaimer that this has nothing to do with the Finze we know from City of Blank beyond name, personality, and some kind of "canon events" that are shared among all versions of Finze.
-Half-angel, and yes, I'm aware that's a Nephilim, but he doesn't like to call himself that because of what usually comes to mind with that word. That said, this is not his only form.
-He was a prophesized child that was supposed to be born from an angel and a virgin. This child was supposed to beckon in the rapture and lead humanity to heaven in the rapture. However, once he was old enough to start understanding his destiny, he simply decided that he didn't want to do that.
-This is when they started to realize something went wrong. Turns out his mother was very much not a virgin, which sort of messed up the whole prophecy and now they just have this guy who is sort of half-way what the prophecy called for. So anyway, the rapture is postponed and now Finze just works (reluctantly) for the church/angels.
-Part of his powers is his "all seeing eye" that is under his eyepatch. He will gain the knowledge of anyone he looks into with that eye. The church has used this power on 10+ of the world's smartest individuals, making finze incredibly smart, but the downside is he now has 10+ individuals crammed in his head. His healing abilities are basically the only thing stopping him from going brain dead but he is in constant pain because of it.
-He is just as nasty and mean as he is in CoB, if not more so. He lives a very lavish lifestyle, provided by the church, and is incredibly out of touch with with the rest of the world despite his vast knowledge. So basically, quite literally the smartest person on earth, but socially, one of the worst.
-Despite being literally half-angel and knowing other angels, he is an adamant (and obnoxious) atheist. he thinks they're aliens or something.
-Struggles greatly with OCD. Hates being touched and struggles with emotions other than anger and annoyance. Hates trying new things or going outside his comfort zone. Has constant energy of nervous dog that is about to bite you.
-incredibly vapid and obsessed with his appearance. you know the scene of Howl melting because his hair was the wrong color? yeah, he's like that if he ever gets something like a zit.
-the only thing in life he loves more than (eventually) nine is his car. he is very much a car guy. He also unfortunately shouldn't be allowed on the road. You know those jack asses that zoom down the highway at 100 MPH, weaving in and out of traffic? That is Finze. Also just parks wherever he wants, as long as it's not a towaway zone. No parking before 8 PM? No, just more expensive parking before 8 PM.
hmmm. there's a lot more but this is getting really long. his was a lot harder to do than nine's because i feel like a lot of lore needs to be explained in order to elaborate on a lot of things about him. i didn't even get into how he ends up as a tutor at nine's school and that's how they meet. i wanna ramble about him and nine more but not in a way that scares people off w/ any walls of text longer than this!!
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total-dxmure · 4 months
i really don’t care too much about wwe. people beating the tar out of each other is pretty entertaining, but it isn’t exactly my thing. that being said, i did in fact buy tickets this past year for one reason and one reason only: rhea ripley. did i make a sign? yes. yes i did. have i seen so many children with mullets in one place before? no. no i have not. i legit have pictures of her back. just her back. at least thirty of them in my phone. i feel so bad for the people next to me. i was legit white knuckling the arm rests.
i was praying that she’d get punched so hard that one of her shoes might fly off and fall directly onto my open mouth and nose. i’d chew the crotch out of her panties like a dog. i’d be corn-cobbing those bitches. there would be holes when i’m through with them. i want her to toss me out of a closed window and then make me pick the glass up afterwards.
that is all, thank you.
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maxphilippa · 11 months
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Also shotout to @burgycreeper405-blog cause she helped a lot on Trophy's looks/design and generally helped a lot in developing this AU you're very cool compadre :]♡
lets start with the basics + what changes with them here!
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Trophy: Okay.
Trophy takes the role of Tissues that is, but he's somewhat similar to canon again. Back then he was a jock who was confident on himself but had his heart on the right place. He was admired and well-respected by others for how strong he was and how charming he acted as well, generally being considered a light amongst objects.
So... what went wrong? He was settled, everything was going okay and he was happy.
At one point of his life, the condition came to him. He probably always had it, but it was only at that moment where it "woke up" in a way. He started feeling constantly dizzy and tired, which led him to not be able to work out as much as he used to, constantly started fainting and was unable to do much physical activities, and due to the stress of this, and him not being able to understand what's wrong with him, he cut off ties with everyone that knew him and just... kind of disappeared of everyone's minds.
He felt like he was messing things up and that he wasn't helpful at all, and saw him as an failure. Just because of his condition. He went to many doctors to check what was going on but no one really knew either and they are still figuring things out to help him.
When he arrived to the show, he was absolutely demolished. He was known back then so like. Showing your face to the public after years of being gone was definitely something that shattered his confidence, since he wasn't the same bright and golden loving jock everyone adored, but... just a sad, sick man who can barely even exist without coughing every second or so. He's shy and delicate, and didn't want to stay on the show for too long anyway.
He does feel guilty over infecting Cobs with his condition since it has ruined his own life so like. He didn't want to ruin the life of someone else with it.
So he tends to hide from others. After he arrived to Hotel Origami properly, Paper started to look after him and Trophy started taking his medicine again. He's slowly getting better, the condition still unbearable, but there's some progress on the methods to help him out. He tries to be more social with people and that certainly did help.
Tissues wants to be a magician here. The only thing is that his magic tricks end up being dangerous/harmful for others.
He gets consumed too easily by his desire to be a great magician and make his shows, and meanwhile he has a lot of potential, he needs someone to put his feet at the ground and make him realize that MAYBE a REAL cannon isn't the greatest idea.
At the begin of S2, he acted like a somewhat sly and confident bastard, on a good way, always wanting to impress Fan with his magic tricks since nothing seemed to amaze him, and the knee slap remains since he's a bit of a jokester as well! Uses comedy and magic! But a lot more of magic.
Since Tissues wasn't exactly conscious/aware of the fact that his tricks were hurting/could hurt people, but he was pretty good with the jokes though, he kind of forgot that he had to keep his audience alive.
He almost killed Fan with a small trick and that led Fan to yell at him and say "SEE?! THIS IS WHY YOU WILL NEVER HAVE AN AUDIENCE! YOU'RE HURTING PEOPLE! TALK ABOUT BEING A MONSTER WHEN YOU DIDN'T LOOK AT YOURSELF YET! ... go away. I don't want you near right now. Please."
So that led Tissues to being self conscious and feeling like he was only capable of hurting people. So his cockyness went down and he was somewhat sad, hopeless even, as he felt like some type of awful monster thanks to what Fan said. And magic was the thing he truly adored and was good at, but needed to work on a lot more. But what was the point of doing something that brought distress to others?
He knew he was going to get eliminated anyway and he simply cooled down a lot. He felt like a failure. He thought he found something that he could actually do and enjoy, but maybe he was just... broken. Maybe he had to make commercials again and forget about his dreams. So many years passed, wanting to be recognized by others. And he did now, but not in the way he wanted to be.
Perhaps he deserves to live in the shadows...
But he managed to work those things out in the end (will later on post a drawing + text of it!)
After he arrived to Hotel Origami and properly settled down, he began to rework his tricks and jokes, so his method of doing shows is somewhat like stand up comedy but he tells a story of his life/a joke meanwhile he does the trick itself.
He's charming and sweet, always listening to suggestions and is generally a pretty kind guy. A lot of people come to see his shows even AT the island.
And... Trophy goes to support him too.
And Cheesy, too. Even though Cheesy is there to mock him, he never misses one show.
Tissues swears he heard Cheesy going "wow" once.
Cheesy is a fun case so to speak (not really). Years ago he was a pretty loving and sweet guy, and wanted to help everyone in anyway that he could. However, this made him an easy target for others, since he was naive.
He didn't have an easy life to put it shortly. He wanted to be happy the way he was, but could never really be since everyone made him a target for jokes. So Cheesy decided that if he can't make them love him, he's gotta adapt to them and make them fear him. But how? He was a lil' guy and not very... you know, intimidating.
But he was completely done at one point. Completely frustrated with life that is. He felt ashamed and completely shut down the kind persona he once was. Started to put his anger on working out, training and that. Relies on some unhealthy habits such as smoking too for stress.
He got into numerous fights and that roughed him up a bit. He's always alert and doesn't want anyone to look at him with pity. Cheesy's pretty strong too, being able to kick Trophy without much stress as well.
Even other jocks fear him too.
He's constantly focused on being the best and being respected in a way, sure, he's not loved, but people definitely fear him.
However... he does feel pretty lonely at times. He does want a friend. But Cheesy doesn't know how to have or make friends in a good way. Heck! Even the other jocks he befriended were still assholes to him! So you can imagine how awkward it is for him.
Test Tube was... someone that he actually wanted to befriend. But she was not interesed on the slightest, which is fair, she has never been the type to *do friendships in the middle of the show*, but that still felt unfair for Cheesy. But perhaps it was also for the fact that Test Tube was actually just... chill with him as she said "sorry, mate, i'm not really interesed, good luck tho".
And when he found out about the Hello Kitty doll... well. He did what others did to him.
If they don't want to be your friend, force them.
But the difference is that he was... actually not that shocked with being kicked out. Just angry with himself in a way and got that out on Box.
So that results in him being kicked out by Test Tube herself.
Once he settles down in Hotel Origami, his life does take a whole ass spin.
He's still a jock but. He found himself caring for Trophy and his condition slowly, even if he tosses the subject away and says that he's just frustrated because he can't sleep well at night thanks to his roomate. He acts kind of like a dick, and is almost always alone, since no one really hangs out with him out of fear or frustration. Paper and him do argue a lot in the beggining since Cheesy is careless.
But... as time passes by, and the closer he starts getting to Trophy and Tissues, the softer he gets. And he *fucking hates it*, he doesn't want to go back to who he was, everyone will make fun of him again, he thinks. He's always there with/for them, mocking them, but still there. He doesn't have to be. But he adapted the mentality of "I'm the only one who can make fun of these two idiots", since he gets protective with them as well.
He starts to become more chill as time passes by, his relationship with Tissues and Trophy still being uncertain, but they did "turn him into the softest bitch he knows".
He started to hang out calmly with the other residents. Actually made some... connections not based on fear but genuine enjoyment. His relationship with Paper got better as he helps with the Hotel. Started getting the help he needed.
Instead of photography, his hobby would be painting landscapes and or animals based on photos he takes.
And even other objects sometimes but... He's too ashamed to admit that golden and teal are colors that he uses too much.
He sucks at jokes but he's great at pick up lines.
Have extra art of these three:
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not too fond of gay people /j
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allgremlinart · 2 months
if between jet and zuko one of them had to be pregnant, which one would hypothetically carry the child (inspired by your tags)
yes yes this is the question. this is always the question.... and it truly could all be so funny no matter which way it goes, which is why I cant decide on one answer.
on one hand, as I've said in my tags, Jet is an orphan who lives in a treehouse like he's malnourished, he's eating scented candles, could his body handle pregnancy... I really dont know... he has a habit of dying this might be really bad for him. but funny! "oh you want to escape the knowledge that you had a thing for The Enemy? too bad. because you kind of have a permanent reminder now. inside of you. also what if its a firebender. that'd suck for you. haha" kind of funny. but like he WOULD be able to take care of a baby pretty well I think? since he DID raise an army of child guerrillas? if nothing else, I actually think he'd panic about it FAR less than Zuko would.
which. yeah as for ZUKO he'd flip his shit so hard.... I know I said a baby might kill Jet because he's built like a corn cob with covid, but being pregnant might kill Zuko just because he'd mentally cope with it SO atrociously his body would fail in retaliation. like he'd be ignoring it up until he goes into labor. ALSO also in this version Jet can die before the baby is born, which is intriguing....
no matter what though the hypothetical succession politics around jetko baby is endless. "oh no how am I going to explain my yaoi mpreg Bastard to the nobles..." etc etc. I think what we're finding is that the only answer here is abortion. .... BUT if it's a question of "the only thing stopping this mpreg is birth control" I think it'd be more likely Jet.... only cus I cant see him taking birth control. Zuko I can see taking birth control, like, religiously. like even if he's not having sex. you get it.
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