#yes. Frank knows people in those kinds of passing relationships by name
wardogsong · 2 years
Tell us about a small, passing relationship your muse has with someone in their everyday life. Are they on a first name basis with their barista? What about the busdriver?
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Frankieboy! — as he is so often called in the neighborhood he grows up in, knows EVERYBODY. NEW YORK CITY might be a big sprawling metropolis of some eight million souls, but his little slice of BAYSIDE, QUEENS is so much smaller than that. It's the kind of place where your neighbor's house literally touches your own sometimes and there's no such things as walls thick enough to muffle loud Italian voices and families.
He knows the butcher his mother favors by name, like he knows the names of the priests at The Sacred Heart of Jesus where his ears get pulled on the regular. He knows them and they know him in return, the surprisingly late in life baby given to the Castigliones from 27th St.
He calls them all by name or nickname when the relationship is informal enough to allow it, even for a teen like himself, or by honorific and surname when respect demands it. Days are filled with quick greetings called out and given with a nod or a wave. "Mornin', Big Paul! — Hey, Nico!" There are juniors and seniors and ma'am's and Frankie does his duty by them all, nodding his hellos or allowing his cheeks to be kissed or pinched-- or worse, having his gelled hair ruffled and fucked up.
Where he comes from? There are no such things as strangers; be they paper boys, corner shop workers, tokenbooth people, delivery van drivers, or beyond. If you existed within his neighborhood someone was bound to ask why and who you were and then word would get out about it and you wouldn't be a stranger anymore.
Frank doesn't come into more of the traditional Mind Your Business way of life that all New Yorkers cleave to until he's back from Basic. By then though, the amount of time he spends in Queens is minimal, with the bulk of his free time actually goings to Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn. There he only sometimes requires a name or introduction. People are reminded or introduced that he's Sal's boy!
In that neck of the woods Frank maintains a plethora of passing relationships formed by the various errands he runs for his family of choice-- or the ones he escorts Eve to and from. Because of his association with them those passing relationships see him almost always on his best behavior. He's polite-- a generous tipper when it's called for, patient when it comes to waiting on something, and generally the opposite of troublesome. He's always got a chuckle for the same five recycled jokes told at the Post Office window by the old timer who works it and hands him his packages-- he always leaves promising to buy some more shit so he can come back sooner. He's like that at the dry cleaner's, the bread baker's, and the local florist where he keeps Sal's account current and updated so that Mrs. Scozzari is never bored by their deliveries.
He's an easy-going guy with people who have no cause to trip his temper and he remembers everyone who comes across him twice, just in case they ever be an important cog in something greater.
Pete Castiglione on the other hand exists purposefully in a way he hopes is forgettable. This is something in which he's been trained, and yet that even earlier childhood rearing trumps the subterfuge later taught to him in the service. On security camera he may just be another scruffy shadow of a shambling man, but in person he's the type of guy who play-flirts with old waitresses that greet him with coffee pots at the diners he frequents. His voice is a rasping growl of a thing that leaves an impression-- he shouldn't use it so much, but he's always got a joke in his pocket to lighten moods and let people go off of something other than his intimidating build and harsh appearance. He knows he looks like a threat but he NEEDS people to be calm.
He still knows people by their names even if they know him as Pete-- and try as he might to make things different, to move through the world like a ghost, he's still out here befriending the pet shop owners who sell him kibble and the corner-store dames who make the only coffee left in the city that costs less than a dollar. He lives in mortal peril that he's painting targets on them all but sometimes there's just no teaching an old dog new tricks.
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80s4life · 3 years
The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
Word Count: 4,438
Status: Not Requested
Fandom: Back To The Future 1985
Relationship: Biff Tannen x Female Reader
Summary: As time is altered for a total of 2 weeks (I extended it slightly), you and Marty struggle to get his parents under control, having problem after the next. But, when an unexpected solution occurs, you find yourself willingly okay with it, soon finding the exact reason as to why.
Warnings: language, fluff, Biff being a dick, slight angst, cute Biff
Masterlist Back To The Future Masterlist
Prompts: (from this list @youneedsomeprompts​)
Y/C/S= Your Choice of Sport/ Your Chosen Sport (you don’t have to honestly play one, just choose one you like or one that comes to mind)
{gif and prompts are not mine, gif credits go to @backtothefuturemovies and credits were given above for prompts!}
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No one ever said time travel was fun. No one ever said the job was easy. And no one sure as hell told you the consequences that come with it. Well, at least not before you, and your best friend, Marty McFly, had gone dead-on through a barn, sacred a neighboring family of ‘alien invasion,’ run into younger McFly parents, and altered time just enough to fuck you over for a few days.
I mean, who would’ve guessed right? Your mom just so happens to be romantically interested in you, their child. Well, that was at least in Marty’s case. For you, you had just managed to run into the biggest dickhead of the century, Biff Tannen. Or so you thought?
Making your way out of bed, you automatically go to where Marty was sleeping in the garage, waking him along with Doc up. The go-to plan for the day was to go undercover as usual students in the 50′s, secretly following Marty’s parents around, finding out where they lie in this part of time, and try to find ways into manipulating them together once more in time for Marty and you to get back home. Easy enough, right?
Groaning, Marty goes to slap your hands away weakly, mumbling something along the lines of ‘Just a few more minutes.’ You giggle slapping his hands back in an attempt to wake him up cheerily. Mornings weren’t really your forte either, so any upbeat wake-up is better than a pissy, tired, horrible morning. 
Doc, on the other hand, was happy to return the affection, getting out of bed to give a quick hug and kiss to the forehead. Then he makes his way over to the bed, going to tickle Marty’s feet as you go to tickle his sides. Finally, in a fit of laughter, Marty gets up and goes straight for the bathroom. You were going to argue him, having to use the bathroom first, but decide to just leave it be, heading for the makeshift kitchen instead.
You smile fondly as Doc and Marty play around a while later, wrestling about, cracking jokes. It was only just a few hours ago that you and Marty had witnessed the untimely death of the currently very lively man in the house. Witnessing the blood loss, the machine gun in action, and the bullets that whizzed pass with only one malicious intent: to kill. But he’s here now; he’s safe and sound, having many years until that date will arrive.
With the freshly cooked smell of eggs, toast, and pancakes, the boys straighten up, Doc clearing his throat in an attempt to organize himself, and Marty leaving his shirt ruffled as he follows the smell of deliciousness. You giggle as both men of different ages act exactly the same, piling their plates high and digging in, giving thanks through mouthfuls.
After breakfast had finished, you and Marty made your way to the school, not wanting to be late, and, quite frankly, not wanting to miss a second in the disaster we’re in, wanting to fix it as soon as possible. Upon entering, the building erupts in laughter, tears, screaming, perfume, cologne, aftershave, and lots and lots of both testosterone and estrogen. Fucking high school, you smile.
Going to “your locker” right besides “Marty’s,” you both place the books and supplies that are unneeded inside it and take only the things you need for the first two classes, somehow having those together. As Marty catches glimpse of his father, George McFly, he winks at you, moving to catch up to him. Rolling your eyes playfully, you turn back towards your locker, just barely missing a group of young men some ways down the hallway, locking eyes with a particularly taller man, towering almost everyone in the halls.
You pay no mind, however, being blindsided by three girls your age. Instantly, you recognize the one right in front as Lorraine, Marty’s mother. Smiling nervously, your cheeks tint only a little, being unprepared to see her so quickly, not yet having a plan made up on how you could help tackle the situation with Marty.
“Hiya! I’ve never seen you before, are you new here? I’m Lorraine Baines, and you are?” she asks cheerfully, her books clasped tightly to her chest.
Taking an obnoxiously long time staring dumbfounded, you finally realize you haven’t spoken, quickly recovering with newfound purpose and confidence, “Ah, yes! I am new here! Sorry, I’m just trying to get used to this place a tiny bit. I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Well that’s quite alright, you can come with us!” she says once more in a cheery tone, taking you by the arm and lacing her arm around yours, locked elbows. You smiled, knowing exactly where Marty’s cheerful and people-person nature had come from. Walking down the halls, she had asked for my schedule, checking classes to see what we had together, “English, History, and Agriculture- Hey! You should try out for cheer leading!” 
Shaking your head lightly, “Nah, I’m more of a Y/C/S myself to be frank.”
“But...We don’t have that sport here? There are no girls sports at all actually...” Lorraine says confused. You go to cover it up, choosing to say it was a sport you play for fun at home, in the backyard. However, a beefy arm separates you momentarily from her, as the owner of the harm moves to pin her to the lockers.
You were going to walk away, figuring it was some sort of make-out session in the works, but upon looking at her before going, you notice that the man was absurdly unwanted. 
“Get your meathooks off me Biff!” she screams at the man, his huge form towering her much smaller one. Not taking the message, the pair continue to squabble, neither of them being successful in winning. The warning bell sounds over the halls and classrooms, alarming kids to get their asses moving, but it seems whoever this dick is, he feels he is greater than the school, and god forbid, knowledge.
“Hey, you do realize your not making a damn bit a difference, right? She’s not interested! And, quite frankly, it seems as if no one does! Now, if you don’t mind, could you please be kind enough to unhand her as some of us treasure a piece of mind and how to take a hint?” you finish, quite ticked off as the last bell warns, cursing under your breath as you already know your in for detention on the first day.
It finally seems that he’d caught a grip, thankfully, letting go of Lorraine’s arm and she quickly scurries out of his proximity, taking your hand to lead you to the class you both needed to be in. As you go to walk in, you are stopped by the teacher, scolding both you and Lorraine. Looking at her regrettably, she smiles defeated. So you decide to do what’s right, take the fall.
“I’m sorry sir, I didn’t know where to go as I was trying to find where all of my classes were before I ended up lost every time classes switch. I caught up to Lorraine here at some point, and as she was hurrying to this class, she was kind enough to show me where I needed to be,” you finish, sighing guiltily.
“Well, as you’ve taken acknowledgment to your mistake, then you’d be just as happy with detention. After school, on Friday, as the first week is extremely busy. As for you, Miss Baines, thank you for your help. You are off the hook for now,” the older gentleman finishes, nodding to each of you personally before turning around and beginning just one of the classes you’d have today. This is going to be fun!
Finally, after grueling hours of just a few of your classes, lunchtime had came round, giving you a slight break. Catching sight of Lorraine, you smile and wave, going in the direction of Marty, or Calvin Klein, as you’d heard Lorraine go on and on about. You’d known it was him the second she’d said it, the brand not yet known to man yet; or at least in this timeline, it wasn’t.
As time had went on, it was only natural for the peace to be broken, as a newly familiar face was starting to appear more and more, Biff Tannen, as you’d known his name by now. But, instead of heading towards Lorraine, he makes his way over to the table you were residing with George and Marty, sitting himself right beside you. 
At first, you were trying to ignore him, knowing his presence was there, but keeping your eyes trained on either Marty or George, eyes dancing between the two. Biff, being the everlasting child he was, tried to catch you attention, trying stupid ass things after the other: kicking your shins, pulling your ears of hair, flicking your head, and even trying to tug on the 50′s style dress you’d been forced to wear to play your part. 
Only when he goes to tug your hair once more is when you finally snap, turning a furious glare to the hulking figure beside you, shoving his shoulder in a feeble attempt to create distance. He giggles at this, his body not moving an inch at all. “You can’t be serious right now! You don’t know when to quit it, do you?!” you scream, fed up with his shit.
“Well, if you’d give me the human decency of turning your head when I’m trying to talk to you, then I wouldn’t have to pester you, now would I?” he asks in a teasing tone, no doubt taunting you, but all you do is stare him down, getting lost in a staring contest, daring him to say something again. “Alls I wanted to say was that we have detention together. Just thought I’d let you know since you got me in all that trouble this morning.”  
“Why you-!” And with that, he gets up with a shit-eating grin plastered to his face, prancing out of view and back to the table he and his gang usually sit. Watching the whole interaction, George smirks at Marty, the pair giving an unspoken mutual agreement to whatever they had both caught on to, bursting into fits of laughter moments later. 
“You have a longer tolerance than I do, I-I-I’ll tell you that much,” George says, his usual slight stutter back in place, Marty laughing once more. As George joins in again, you couldn’t fight it either, giving into the childish antics.
To say your week had gotten any better than the first day was a lie. It hadn’t gotten any better, and your meetings with Biff at lunch had only gotten all the more common and all the more infuriating. He’d made it his duty to agitate you in any ways possible, even resulting in whispering something nagging in your ear when you weren’t paying attention, usually doing something in your locker.
Either way, he was on the countdown to Friday, it being constantly on his mind, mentally counting down the days, hours, minutes, and even seconds until the two of you were locked in a room alone.
Unfortunately, that day had seemed to come way faster than you’d like, Friday rolling around quite quickly. School had finished, and you were making your way to the front office, awaiting a tiring 2 hours with only yourself and Biff as company for the time being. You hadn’t known where the room was, and instead of spending time looking for it, you gave up and looked for the office instead, the nice front desk lady leading you where you needed to go.
Upon entering the room, there was Biff in his prime, casually spread across his chair, legs crossed atop his desk nearest the windows. Sighing, you ignore him, deciding to sit on the opposite side of him, the front desk lady giving you a sympathetic smile before she closes the door behind her. You look at the wall, head turned away from him like the plague.
You knew it’d only last so long until he’d speak, the time coming way faster than you pleased. Given it was Friday, you couldn’t even do homework or even study in order to block him out as he started to blabber, running his mouth over stupid shit once more. Inhaling through your nose, and exhaling through your mouth slowly, you straighten in your seat, hands clutching the desk so tight, your fists turned white. 
“Biff, Sweetheart, Baby, Doll Face, Hun. Please. PLEASE. Shut up for five god damn seconds. I know you truly have nothing to say, so why do you insist on speaking so much?” you finally say, hands prying off the desk to turn in his direction exasperated. 
“Well, if you’d just talk to me, Shortcake, I wouldn’t have much to say at random,” he answers, copying your actions and posture. With this change in childish demeanor, you give in, laughing at him in an unexpected rush, running your hands through your hair tiredly. 
Although you hadn’t seen it, he’d smiled in satisfaction upon seeing you laugh, the glitter in your eyes much more captivating than it ever was when he looked at Lorraine. He hadn’t barely pestered her since you’d barreled into his life. It was weird, but he welcomed it with open arms. And for the first time, he learned what it was like to have an actual, clammy-handed, closed throat, warm, cheek-tinted, teenage crush. A crush that left his heartbeat loud and fast, breathing ragged and uneven, and his behavior out of character and out of his control. Lorraine was way under whatever level he’d placed you on, holding you up on a pedestal like you were the sun or sky.
Of course, you hadn’t taken notice to his antics, just thinking he was annoying. Just Biff being his notorious self. But, as you finally calm your breathing down, the giggles fading, you decide to give him a chance, knowing that sitting in silence is just going bore you. Smiling warmly, you say, “So what do you want to talk about then?” 
Grabbing your bag, you get out of your seat, giggling at a story Biff had told you. He follows your lead as well, getting his own as he lets out a bark of laughter at a certain part. You guys looked like idiots as you shoved each other down the halls, making your way out of the school as your detention had came to a close. Sighing as the warm sun radiated on your skin with the light, spring breeze, you stretch out any kinks the classroom chairs and desks had left. Biff watched you intently, your small body easily swallowed by his shadow beside you.
The sun was setting and it was getting late, although you weren’t concerned. The boys knew you wouldn’t be home ‘til late due to the detention you had initially despised. Now, you and Biff were side by side, walking peacefully to his car in the school’s parking lot. For once, he was quiet, great company to have. It was something else for sure, but you enjoyed it. As you came up towards Doc’s place, you’d realized that Biff had drove you home like a gentleman, too lost in the conversation to notice earlier on. 
Sheepishly, you itch the back of your neck, realizing your mistake and feeling guilty for making him walk all this way to now have to walk all the way home. “Ah- Sorry...I didn’t realize I’d dragged you all the way out here. Now you have to drive all the way back.”
“It’s no problem, really. I liked it. It’s nice to talk to someone other than the guys every now and then. And to have A female speak to me instead of screaming,” he answers, now being the one who is a bit shy.
“You do know that you bring that on yourself right?” you say teasingly, now leaning your head on your hands, propped up on the passenger side door. “Not every girl would want to kick you in the groin if you showed a little more respect, “ you finish off with a smile.
“Yeah...Yeah I know. I’ll try harder, I swear.”
“That’s all I ask,” you say with a wink, drumming your hands on the door as you take a step back, waving as you start walking down Doc’s driveway.
“Hey!” Biff calls from the car, stopping you in your tracks to turn around, facing him with a smile. “Uhm- Well- The Enchantment Under the Sea Dance is coming up next week...Would you mind being my date?” he asks, stuttering as he feels his cheeks heat up, nervous as hell.
“I’d love to!” you answer, turning back around to walk into the house. Biff does a little fist bump as he puts the car back in gear, excited for what is to come.
Marty was a little less than amused with this newfound knowledge once entering the door and going over the events of the day. It was only when Doc had suggested that the date with Biff would keep him away from Lorraine, giving George the freeway to attract her long enough for their True Love’s Kiss. Then, and only then, did Marty give the okay, shaking his head, but liking the fact that it’ll give George some time, being the nerd that you know and love.
///Enchantment Under the Sea Dance///
Checking yourself over in the mirror for the final time, you let out a nervous yet satisfied sigh, feeling like an absolute princess. You never minded dresses too much, although you couldn’t deny the fact that normal pair of shorts, jeans, or even leggings were your first choice. All that mattered was that you liked the dress you were wearing, it fit you; it was your favorite color, length, and strap(less) type to hold everything in.
Walking out, you grab the pair of heels to match, knowing that you couldn’t get away with sneakers in this generation, painfully grimacing at the reminder. Finally standing, you recount when you had gotten the dress just a few days ago, having gone with Lorraine and the her two friends, Babs and Betty. They were very endearing and supportive the whole time, you not having to worry about being “to picky” as they were just the same. You ended up loving the dress given that you’d taken the time without pressure.
As you walked into the main room of the garage, you heard a low whistle of Marty, Doc slapping him on the back of the head for it. Giggling, you curtsy and spin in the dress. Doc, the gentleman he always was, compliments you, “You look amazing, my dear. Let’s hope this boy deserves it, hmm?” 
As an answer, you hug him tightly, knowing that, by the end of the night, he will be nothing but a dead man at home, in a lonely, dark parking lot. Your eyes tear up just at the mere thought of it, clutching him tighter. Marty seems to be on the same wavelength, going to interrupt the moment with great urgency, trying to pass him a piece of paper.
“Marty, if this has anything that involves my future, do not. And I repeat, DO NOT try to hand it to me. Whatever happens, happens young man. That’s how the world works,” he says in a warning tone. You wanted to disagree, but you knew the truth that was laced beneath it, as if it was a punishment. You whimper instead, pulling him in tighter; Marty looking down in defeat, soon switching to anger. In the midst of it, he storms out of the garage, getting in the car to go pick up who you’d hope was Lorraine for the dance.
“Just let him go...” you start, sadness evident, “He’s just not very happy with the outcome of what the future has in store for you. Quite frankly, neither am I.”
“I’m sure whatever the outcome is, that I wanted to go with it, dear. I assure you, I’m fine,” Doc answers in a consoling tone, wiping the tears that had slipped from your eyes. You knew it was just a mask, no one wants death, but you knew he needed to go no matter how much you hated it. So you nod, not having to say much more as a honk sounds from outside.
“That’s Biff...” 
“Have a great time! Make sure the McFlys kiss!” Doc screams, following out of the garage, scolding Biff from behind you.
“Yes sir!” you scream back, saluting him as you take a seat in the passenger.
“You look beautiful Y/N,” Biff says after a while, finally working up the courage to speak.
“Thank you Biff. And you look handsome yourself,” you giggle, the car pulling into the lot. 
He shuts the engine, grabbing his keys from the ignition and closing the door, making his way around to you as you let yourself out to straighten yourself out. He takes your hand as he leads you to the entrance of the dance, you sighing in relief as you catch a glimpse of Marty pulling up in a car with Lorraine. Finally, you relax, grasping on Biff a little lighter and with more meaning now as you have the night to yourselves. He smiles down at you as you wrap your arm within his, something Lorraine does with you quite often.
With the party in full blast, you let loose with the music, dancing and joking around with Biff. At some point, however, he says he needs a drink and will be right back. Although, he doesn’t seem to actually come back. You’d thought you’d seen him spiking the punch just as few moments ago.
Just as you were going to in the direction of the hallways to the rest of the school, you notice Match, one of Biff’s friends, storming out of the gym through an exit. Taking your bets, you follow behind him, soon being greeted by a huge commotion of screams, all of them from familiar people. Biff was in a car with Lorraine, her dress pulled and taken off in parts. He was no doubt about to do something stupid, the fact pissing you off, saddening you in some ways as well.
The others that were screaming were also George and Marty, the pair trying to get Biff to stop before he regrets it. He doesn’t listen, unfortunately, until your voice booms over the rest, “Biff!” 
His head snaps instantly in your direction, the situation dawning on him the instant he looks at your face. You hadn’t meant to portray your emotions so clearly, but your face had shown such distraught and hurt. He lied. He had gotten over Lorraine, yet the moment she was alone, he runs right back to her.
With his momentary change of focus, George finally steps in, “You get your filthy hands off of her!” finishing with a blow to the jaw that knocks Biff off balance. 
Marty looks to you sadly, but tries to smile in cheers as George and Lorraine leave together, motioning that he was going to follow them just in case. You nod, looking down now as your play with your fingers. You didn’t know what to do now as the only reason you were really here was for Biff. You weren’t needed for Lorraine and George, you knew Marty had it.
You decide to make your way home then, as there was nothing else you could do. Dances were just drags anyway, nothing worth while. “Your just going to leave? Just like that?” asks a deep voice, his body having gotten back off the pavement and stood by the car he was pinned against.
Without turning, you answer his question with another, “Why not? There’s nothing left here for me is there?”
“And why wouldn’t there be?” Biff asks once more, no doubt ticking you off at his usual teasing tone.
“Well, let’s see. You. You asked me to the dance as your plus one. I came here as your date. We have a good time, we dance, we talk, and then you come up with an ‘Oh I need a drink’ charade, not returning. Then, I come to find my date in the parking lot, about to get his licks in on a woman he was apparently over with! So tell me, what is left here for men here, Biff?” you finish, tears pooling your eyes over the time, although you don’t let the fall, keeping them there.
He looks guilty, you can see it, but you don’t care. Your not in the wrong this time. But, as your blood starts to cool down, you do notice the look in his eyes, the change in his demeanor, and the utter remorse that has overcome him. He has his head down, fists clenched at his sides, body stock still. He doesn’t know what to do, all he knows is that he’d fucked up.
“Or was this your fabulous way of telling me that you love me?” you finally ask, eyes moving to look up at him in a teasing manner.
He hadn’t expected you to speak, head snapping up to meet your gaze in confusion. Being as you’d looked at him with a glint in your eyes, he finally lets everything click together; you’d forgiven him. His face heats up in bashfulness however, as your words resonated within him as well, hand going to itch the back of his neck again.
You giggle, walking up to him now, hands going to his collar. Pulling him down, he gazes at you in amazement, his own hands falling to rest on your waist. Then, you crash your lips to his, pulling him ever closer. It takes him a moment to get the hang of it, soon pulling you closer to himself as well. Lifting you slightly, he sets you on the hood of his car, the height difference a definite stretch for him. But he wouldn’t have it any other way, you were perfect. Just the same as he was perfect for you.
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Heart and Soul
@peggyrose19 and @wonder-womans-ex had their birthdays over a month back and I didnt manage to make them a gift. but I still wanted to make you something because I wont just drop it after I missed the day. so this is for you two. you are incredible and talented people and I'm honoured I get to call myself your friend. I hope you'll like it.
characters by @lumosinlove
thank you for beta reading @moonofthenight
Chapter 1
“Final seconds of the second period on the clock, Frank. The Saint’s going for the goal again, passing Tremblay and going straight in Nutty’s direction-”
“And that was a hit on Leo Knut, by the Hollow’s Saint’s winger Andrew Kline. And now, the expected punches follow. Marly, they could have really seen Logan and Finn coming, right?” “Definitely, Frank. No team likes it when someone fights with their goalie but these two seem to be particularly protective of our sunshine boy. Tremzy is already throwing punches at Ethan Bart and I can see O’Hara skating over to them.”
“Oh and here comes Luke. Throwing off his gloves and joining his teammates. Maybe with all those uncovered wrists we could actually get a chance to see some soulmate tattoos again. Last one spotted was Kasey Winter’s almost two years ago now, spelling out Natalie, the name of his girlfriend. They still seem to be going strong; I’m happy for them. That incident did however get most of the players to cover their wrists up,” Frank waited for a second before continuing, “How’s the fight? Looks like we got a big one tonight, eh?”
“It is! We’ve got three people from each team fighting at the moment, but the Refs are pulling them apart now. Coach Weasley doesn’t look too happy that his players are risking injuries for fights again. He’s calling a few over now and I do not want to be on the receiving end of Arthur’s wrath, believe me.”
“Same here, Marlene. Huh, that was weird. Did you see that?”
“It was. Loops just had to shake DV so he’d move. He had stared a hole into the ice and didn’t react to the Coach or his teammate. Haven’t seen him do that before. Hopefully, he’ll be fully focused again after the break.”
“I’m hoping it wasn’t a bad hit. The Lions really don’t need another injury right now.”
“Especially after only just getting Finn back from his small wrist injury that didn’t allow him to play the last two games.”
“Yeah. We’ll keep everyone updated of course. I’m sure he’s being checked right now.”
“In the meantime, there were some fantastic plays in there. It would be quite nice for the players to have a good game before some of them get to have a break.”
“Yes, All Star week is next week and we’ll be seeing a few of the Lions there, such as the newly wedded Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, but also last year's MVP Logan Tremblay, of course.”
“I’m excited Frank! We’ll be right back after a quick break for the second period.”
Luke was still feeling off after the fight, going through the questions Layla asked him on autopilot. No, he wasn’t hurt, there was neither pain there nor there, yes, he could still remember his address and full name.
Their new PT seemed at a loss. She could see that he was acting very strange and, honestly, she was getting worried about forgetting some usually obvious injuries for his behaviour. There was only so much a human could guess, so she simply asked.
“What happened out there, Deveaux?”
It took a moment for Luke to register he was being addressed, mumbling a “nothing” before continuing to stare at the wall. How stupid did this boy think she was? 
Letting out a sigh, she clarified, “I just need to know if you’re injured or not,” after a second of hesitation Kayla added, “but if there’s something bothering you or just occupying your thoughts, you can always go talk to Heather. She’s helped a few of your teammates too.”
She watched his expression while telling Luke. Some guys were embarrassed of going to therapy. There was no reason to be, of course. No one got shy about having the PT check on them but when it came to mental struggles, they somehow believed they have to handle it all alone. Society and the messed up way of thinking that they teach children, honestly. She was glad they at least had some people on the team who encouraged visiting Heather any time they saw someone struggling. She knew Sirius really did help them a lot by being so open about going to her office at least once a week.
There really was no way to tell how Luke thought about her proposal, he certainly seemed to be thinking, but there was no way to determine what about. Suddenly Luke broke the silence.
“Can I go?”
Since Layla hadn’t found any injuries and she couldn’t really do more than encourage him to visit Heather, she let him leave.
The brunette was out of the room the second after the words had left her mouth.
They had won. The locker room was already buzzing, the mandatory playlist echoing into the hallway. After their last game against the Saint’s, which they had lost, the whole team was even more excited about having won. There was even some kind of dance match between Logan and Sirius going on, not that Luke noticed. He had been a bit off for the rest of the game, much to the dismay of Coach Weasley. That got him to spend most of his time on the bench in the last period, but he didn’t mind. For once, hockey was not his main concern, not even during this game.
He had seen it. When number 7 had thrown off his gloves for the fight, there it had been in black cursive. A soulmate tattoo, spelling out “Luke”. Of course "Luke" didn’t necessarily mean Luke as in himself, but there was still a possibility.
A possibility that his soulmate was a Saint. A Saint. He would have been happy with almost anyone, but no, it had to be an ice hockey player. He didn't care about the gender. Luckily he wouldn't even have to hide a relationship between him and a potential boyfriend because of Remus and Sirius. But a Saint? Even in his thoughts, he knew he was whining. The real problem was that they would not only live miles apart and would have practically no time for each other half of the year, but they would be opponents. In ice hockey, the other team is the enemy. He couldn't befriend the enemy and he definitely couldn't date the enemy. Even if he wanted, he'd be blamed for not playing as hard as he could or making exceptions when it came to his hypothetical boyfriend.
So really, dating a Saint was not an option.
Still, his curiosity got the better of him. If this was really his soulmate, no matter how much he didn't want him to be, he had to know.
Standing up, he made his excuses and slipped into the hallway, running along until he got to the other team's locker room.
Great plan, idiot, what will you do now?! You can’t just go in and ask in front of everyone.
Then a group of people stepped out, each looking at Luke as if he had a kick-me sign on his forehead and as if they were considering it. Quite a few had walked past him and when one held open the door for his teammate, Luke could see that there were only three people left in the room. No time better than now, he told himself, gathering some of his Lion courage and walked straight inside.
“The fuck, Lion?!”, one of the players mumbled while he left the room too, shortly followed by the other player that wasn’t the one Luke had been looking for.
He took a deep breath. The tattoo wouldn't refer to him. Of course it wouldn't. Why would it be a Saint, really. Stepping closer to the boy lacing up his shoes, Luke's eyes met a pair of brown ones, looking up through gold curls.
“Why are you here?”, the other asked, narrowing his eyes and standing up to be on eye level with the Lion.
Oh, the charm of rivalry, always straight to the point, no need for formalities.
“Do you want to brag about catching up? Hate to break it to you, but you’re not in the lead and we’ll win the next one anyway.”
Even though his words sounded confident, he leaned back and knocked on the wood of the benches.
“No,” the brunette stated, looking him dead in the eyes. This boy had activated Luke's competitiveness so there was no turning back, “to both. We’ll just win as we did today. Last time was luck and you know it.”
The other raised an eyebrow at him. “The only thing that was luck last time was that you got a goal.”
The nerve this person had. Here he was, coming to actually try to talk to him and possibly get to know him to find out about the tattoo and just got insults in return. Luke was about to shoot something back when the door opened again.
“Babe, you coming?”
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kaylaxwrites · 4 years
Street Kid
Pairing: (platonic!) Frank Castle & Reader Words: 1.9k Request: “hi :) can you do a platonic frank castle imagine where he is in a fight and looses alot of blood and end up passing out in an alley but a street kid (16/17 yo female) stitches him up and saves him and later he runs into him and they develop a father-daughter relationship? thank you so much!” (anon) A/N: I don’t know if this is what you wanted, and my mind blanked half way through when trying to come up with some father/daughter scenarios, so that aspect of it probably isn’t the best. But!! even though requests are technically closed, I’ll also some father/daughter requests for if you have any specific situations/scenarios you wanted to see. Just because I feel really bad that I couldn’t write what I wanted to see so it’s probably not what you wanted to see lol
Warnings: reader has an ambiguous background of being kicked out by her parents and she’s homeless and also somewhat-graphic description of stitching somebody up. but it’s a punisher fic, so you know
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You ducked through the alley, taking the shortcut you always took. You stumbled to a halt when you noticed a body laying on the ground. Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, you thought as you inched closer to the man, letting out a breath when you noticed the rise and fall of his chest. You hesitantly leaned over him, toeing him with the edge of your shoe. “Buddy…uh, you okay there?” you asked, nudging him a few more times. It wasn’t until the fifth nudge until he finally gasped awake, wildly swinging at you the instant his eyes opened.
“Woah, woah, woah,” you called, stepping back several feet. “Chill, dude, you’re fine.”
It was a few moments for him to calm his breathing and gather his surroundings. “Who’re you?” he grumbled, words almost slurred.
“Uh…Y/N. I was just walking by and I saw…” You noticed his wide away of injuries then. He was so bruised and bloodied, you weren’t sure where one wound ended and another began. Blood obscured his face so you couldn’t make out any details as to who he might have been. But the skull on the chest was a dead giveaway. The Punisher. “I think you need a hospital.”
“No—no hospitals.” He stumbled to his feet but crashed into a dumpster, unable to find his balance.
“Uh, yes. Yes hospitals.”
“Uh-huh. Is there…is there anyone after you? You look like you got the shit beat of you. They won’t be coming back, will they?”
“No. No.”
You sighed. “Glad that’s settled. So if no hospitals, you got anyone I can call? You got friends?”
“Look like I make friends?”
“No.” You looked around and sighed. “Well, I wouldn’t feel like a good Samaritan if I left you all by yourself. You wanna follow me or…?” He huffed something that almost sounded like a laugh, but hesitantly shuffled behind you after you started walking.
You kept pace with him as you navigated to your home. No, house? No…place you slept. The abandoned building that acted as the roof over your head wasn’t much, but it was all you had. After your parents had kicked you out a year and a half ago—and your subsequent emancipation—it was the best spot you could find. The shelters were always overcrowded and no landlord in their right mind would lease to a sixteen-year-old, so you settled. At the very least, you were able to spend money earned from your two fast food jobs on things other than rent. Like food. And a nice sleeping bag. And, useful in instances like this, a well-stocked first aid kit.
You held open the gap in the chain link fence for the man to wince his way through. In any other instance, you’d feel hesitant to let a stranger—a grown man, no less—into what acted as your home, but this was the Punisher you were talking about. Even though he…killed…people, you read enough in the news to know that his moral code—however skewed it was—wouldn’t let him hurt women or kids. As you fell squarely into that category, you figured you were safe.
You kicked open the door to your building and led the Punisher up the stairs to the room where you camped out. You directed him to sit on the dusty table at the center of the room. You pulled out the first aid kit you had, as well as a couple clean towels you had nicked from work. You set those on the table next to the Punisher before pulling the 48-pack of water bottles out from under the table. You wet a towel with one of the bottles and handed it to him. He started cleaning his face until he could finally see clearly through the blood.
“You live here?” he asked after taking in the room fully. You noticed his eyes lingered on the sleeping bed and mat framed by battery-operated string lights in the corner of the room. Then he finally took in your appearance. “Jesus, you’re just a kid.” And your age, apparently.
“I’m eighteen!” you tried to defend yourself. Frank arched an eyebrow, eyes sliding to your stuffed animal still propped up on your pillow. You sighed, looking down. “Sixteen. And a half,” you added after a moment. As if it would help your case.
“Where are your parents?”
You crossed your arms defensively. “It’s a long story.”
“Fair enough.” He looked around the room once more. “You got a mirror I can use?” You nodded and slid a half-shattered mirror from behind the door. He nodded his thanks and stepped over to the mirror, sliding his shirt and vest off with a grimace.
You puttered around while he did whatever he needed to fix himself up and clean himself off. You tried to avoid looking over at him, the blood making your stomach queasy. You were able to ignore him until he caught your attention half an hour later.
“Kid,” he called. “Kid. Hey, kid!”
It was the last one that startled you to attention. You jumped and turned to face him. He was cleaned and stitched up. For the most part. He definitely looked a lot better than when you saw him for the first time. But you still thought he should go to the hospital. Punisher or not.
“I need your help,” he continued.
“How am I supposed to help?” you asked.
He turned to show you a gash on the back side of his ribcage. “Needs stitched. I can’t reach it.”
“And you want me to…” You gulped.
“You got anyone else here to help out?”
He gestured you over and then pressed a needle and tweezers in your hands. You eyed the curved suturing needle warily. “I’ve already sterilized everything. I just need you to close it.” He braced himself against the wall with his opposite arm.
“I—I don’t know what to do.”
He pulled your hands so they were against the wound. “You gotta pinch it closed then about half a centimeter from the edge slide the needle in and straight across.”
You followed his directions and gagged at the feeling of the needle sliding through skin. “Oh my god! That is disgusting!”
“Yeah, yeah, keep going.”
You gagged again as you pulled the needle through the opposite edge of skin. “Now what?” you asked, breathing heavily.
“Double knot it and cut it off. And then go every quarter inch or so until the end.”
You did as he said until the entire would was sealed off. You raced to grab a bottle of water to pour over your hands. You never wished more for running water so you could thoroughly wash the blood off your hands—and the memory of feeling the sutures pull against skin. “Please tell me that’s the only one,” you said when your hands were the cleanest they were going to get.
“Yeah, that’s the only one.”
“You do that often?”
He chuckled. “More than I should.” He shrugged his bloody shirt back on, seemingly preparing to leave. “You stay here by yourself?”
“For the most part,” you answered. “I mean, sometimes there’s a few kids who hole up downstairs, but for the most part, it’s just me.”
Frank looked conflicted, as if he wanted to leave but didn’t feel right leaving you here alone. After a few moments, he seemed to make up his mind. “I should probably lie low for a little while. You mind if I stay out in the hallway?”
“Oh, yeah, sure. I don’t…I don’t have, like, any extra pillows or anything to give you, though.”
“Trust me, kid, I’ve slept in worse places than that dingey hallway.”
“Oh, okay. Well, I probably should…be getting to bed,” you said. You weren’t anywhere near tired, but you don’t want him to feel like he needed to hang around you any longer. You passed him two water bottles as he stepped outside of the room. “Well, uh, goodnight, Frank.”
He tensed as you said his name. “How do you know my name?”
You almost rolled your eyes. “Uh, it’s not exactly like you’re incognito. The Punisher logo on your vest kind of gave it away.”
“Right. Night, kid.”
You smiled and shut the door, moving to curl into your little bedspace. If you were being completely honest, you felt the safest tonight sleeping here than you’d ever had. Logically, you knew the Punisher was supposed to be some big, scary man, but deep down, you knew no harm would come to you with Frank Castle sitting just outside your door.
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The sunlight slowly woke you the next morning. You squinted into the light that poured in from the broken window above your sleeping bag. You turned over and tried to fall back asleep, but it was no use. You rose from the makeshift bed, wincing as your joints popped, and made your way to the hallway. You looked down each end, but Frank was gone. It didn’t surprise you that he left at some point in the night, but you couldn’t say you weren’t a little disappointed he wasn’t there. You shuffled back into your room, freezing when you saw what was on the table.
A hot, steaming breakfast.
You weren’t sure how you didn’t notice it earlier, what with the smell now wafting towards your nose. Instantly, your stomach rumbled. You rushed over to the takeout container, eager to find what was inside. A sticky note on top simply read “Thanks, kid,” but you set it aside. Your mouth watered the instant you opened the container.
This was probably the single most happiest moment of your life. You hadn’t had a hot meal—let alone a hot breakfast—in who knows how long. The platter spread before you seemed like a feast. You dug in happily, savoring every bite until it was gone.
 That was the last you expected to hear from the Punisher. You stitched him up, he bought you breakfast the next day as thanks, that should be it, right?
Turns out Frank Castle was a man of many surprises.
Nearly every single day from that point forward, you would find a takeout container centered on your table. Sometimes, he left you breakfast like that first day—sometimes pancakes, sometimes omelets, but all from the diner a few blocks down the road. Other days, he’d bring you dinner, leaving Chinese takeout containers piled high on the table or a Tupperware container full of homemade spaghetti. You weren’t sure who made the spaghetti—you couldn’t exactly picture Frank in the kitchen—but it was incredible, nonetheless.
Your favorite days were when Frank lingered after dropping the food off, eventually going as far as to sit and eat with you when he could. Those days left you feeling the happiest. Dinners with Frank happened more and more until he offered you the small second bedroom in his rundown apartment. “I’m never gonna use it,” he said, “and I’m not gonna bust you out of jail if you get caught for trespassing.” You eagerly grabbed the opportunity with both hands—you wouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, especially if that horse would get you out of this rat- and cockroach-infested hellhole. Living in an actual apartment would be a dream.
Thinking back on everything, you weren’t sure when the feeling began, but one day, you realized…you felt like a family. By all means, the relationship you had with Frank Castle was far more familial and paternal than any you’d ever had with your biological family. With each passing day, you couldn’t be happier that you’d stumbled across a half-dead Punisher in the alley that night.
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Harry Potter Masterlist 1
 ** indicates smut
The Fourth Champion Masterlist
Harry Potter
Trapped-You’re trying to study, but Harry has other plans....
He Knows- You spend Christmas with Harry, but Sirius doesn’t know you’re dating...
His World- Harry doesn’t care that Snape’s your father....
Relax**- Harry’s stressed beyond belief....
A Few Firsts- Harry finally musters up the courage to ask you out....
A Lifetime Of Love- Harry’s never been told those 3 little words...
Can’t Hurt Us Anymore- Despite Voldemort’s death, Harry’s still afraid.  
Character Kinks
Just Feel**- Dumbledore’s lessons are too much....
Dreams**- Harry had a dream....
Spin The Bottle**- A game of spin the bottle reveals some long dormant feelings..
Today’s About You**- It’s Harry’s birthday...
Fought and Won**-The war is over...
Nothing Can Keep Us Apart**- Harry comes to you after the final battle...
Better Than Your Dream**- You make his dream come true...
Halloween- Halloween is a difficult day for Harry...
Regret (TW: SUIDIDE)- He feels nothing but stinging regret...
No One Could Compete- Harry gets inside his head sometimes...
Control**- He needs to feel in control...
Tomorrow**- There’s 2 sides to Harry...
Sex w/ Harry HCs**
Beautiful**- Harry’s always thought you couldn’t be more beautiful... he was wrong
That Good**- Whatever’s making you this needy today, Harry’s not questioning it
Better Than A Dorm**- After the Yule Ball, you know exactly where to go for a little alone time with your love....
Eighth Year- Harry returns for his eighth year..
Need You Now**- You finally get the chance to have him....
I’m Not Like My Father- You knew your relationship couldn’t stay secret forever
So Much More- After the Department of Mysteries, Harry feels conflicted...
Don’t Be Quiet**- Your kids are with Ron and Hermione for the weekend... 
Home To You**- After busting a cell of Death Eaters, Harry comes home...
Disrespect**-    Punishments can end in pleasure...
Hermione Granger 
Hermione Granger Smut HCs
James Potter
Broken Trust- James just couldn’t keep his mouth shut...
He’s Ready- After Voldemort attacks, James raises his son...
James Potter Smut HCs**
James As A Husband HCs
Lily Evans
Lily Evans Smut HCs**
Lily As A Wife HCs
Being Best Friends w/ Lily HCs
Fluffy/Random Lily HCs
Fred Weasley
Can’t Believe He’s Gone- Fred is there after your father’s death.
A Weasley In A Bookstore?- Fred sees the book you’ve wanted for weeks
Contradictions- Umbridge is just too much for Fred...
Redder Than His Hair- Y/N is shy, Fred is not
Amortentia’s Got Nothing On You- George’s usual teasings feel different on opening day.
Blame It On The Chocolate- Fred and Y/N and their late night O.W.L cramming
Now We Know**-Both you and Fred have wanted to try this for a while...
Intense**- Fred knows how to be intense..
Unattached**- You’re not a couple, that’s for sure.....
George Weasley 
Quarantined w/ George HCs
May 2nd- On the anniversary of the battle, there’s a ceremony....
No One Can Know- Y/N Malfoy has to sneak around to see her boyfriend
You’re Mine and I’m Yours**- George needs to forget....
Welcome Distraction- Jealousy boils over at Bill and Fleur’s wedding...
I’m Yours?- Usually calm and collected, for once in his life, George is nervous...
Ron Weasley
Run Out Of Adjectives- After Slytherin defeats Gryffindor again, you remind Ron why you fell in love with him...
Edge**- Ron is desperate...
Charlie Weasley
Romanian Internship**- Charlie got his internship...
Be Mine- Charlie is all you have....
Why Is The Box Moving?- Charlie gives Y/N her birthday present.
Something He Loves More Than Dragons**- Your first time with Charlie...
Bill Weasley
Mrs. Weasley- He never loved her....
Lucius Malfoy 
The Newest Malfoy- You meet Lucius after the war....
Resigned- You like Lucius, but he’ll never notice you...
Courtyard Brawl- Gone is the pureblood mania....
You’ve Changed Me- Lucius has changed since you first met.
I’d Take A Curse For You- While at the Manor, you and Lucius are ambushed.
Need You Now**- Lucius needs you now.....
Reliant**- Lucius’ surprise leaved you completely reliant on him.
Kind Of Sweet**- Lucius gets a bit carried away...
Draco Malfoy
Shaken Up- Draco gets very protective after Umbridge’s detention....
Making Up After A Fight HCs
I’d Rather Have The Snake- Y/N runs into her ex while out with Draco
Cuddling HCs
Nothing’s Working- Nothing Draco does is helping you feel better....
Always Take Care Of You- Draco is there when the world is too much
Flower**- You didn’t know what that flower did....
Newt Scamander
Loopy- This is why you don’t mess with an angry Thunderbird
Just Ask Her- Newt’s nervous to ask you something...
Alone In New York- Newt gets caught cheating
Angry Frank- Frank is angry and accidentally hurts Newt
The Demiguise Is Always Right- Dougal strikes again.....
Artemis Fido- The baby’s coming
Chaser- Ravenclaw vs Hufflepuff
New York Niffler- The niffler’s loose in NYC
Trust The Demiguise- Newt’s creatures have become strangely protective of you...
Queenie’s Birthday- It’s Queenie’s birthday, and Newt’s pretty shy
Sweet Girl- The niffler’s finally asleep...
Mine Forever- After 20 years, he’s here...
Your Happiness- All he wants is your happiness...
Cedric Diggory 
People Die- You’re so afraid for Cedric....
Cedric As A Boyfriend HCs
Sleepy Ced- Y/N stays up studying in the common room
Owlet- Y/N is sick and Cedric takes are of her
Jealous HCs
Late Nights In The Library- Cedric is studying and Y/N is tired.
Stuck With Me- Cedric won’t stop until Y/N says she’ll go out with him
Neville Longbottom
The Cowardly Lion- Being stuck in the Room of Requirement isn’t so bad...
Never Thought You’d Notice**- He never thought you’d notice him...
This Moment**- Now just seems like the perfect time...
Dance Lessons- The best night of his life...
Cliche**- He wanted to wait...
Nymphadora Tonks
Bad Day- After a long, hard day, there’s no one you’d rather go home to...
Sirius Black
The Eagle and The Lion- Sirius tells you how he met your mom
Moments**- These moments are so rare
Then He Did- He won’t want you.......
Overprotective HCs
New Wardrobe- Cleaning the master suite comes with an unexpected surprise...
Judge Too Soon- Sirius’ first visit with your parents doesn’t go as smoothly as you’d hoped
Respect- You put Snape in his place....
Stay Away- Sirius would gladly date you, if only your mother would let you....
The Newest Black-Nothing could make him happier than he is right now...
Never Stopped-14 years may have passed, but you still love him..
Best Christmas Ever- Harry gets 2 big surprises this Christmas...
Belated- Sirius lands himself in detention on your anniversary....
Alive and Well- Sirius is home after 12 years...
One Second- One second was all it took....
Always Your Sister-James is emotional at your wedding...Keep reading
She’s Gotta Go- Walburga’s gotta go......
James’ Speech- James gives his best man speech at your wedding
Princess Sirius- Your daughter decided to turn your husband into a princess....
I Don’t Deserve This- Your first dance with your new husband
Angelic- Your number one fan is always there to support you.
Tease**- Sirius has had enough of your teasing
Harry Will Have A Friend- You share some good news after escaping Godric’s Hollow
Plaything- Severus doesn’t see your relationship with Sirius the way you do.....
Remember Who’s In Charge**- Cuddling takes a turn...
They’d Be Proud- Life before and after Voldemort’s attack
Silly Feuds- Sirius feels like an idiot....
5 Words- He doesn’t think he deserves you....
You’re Safe- You don’t want Sirius to go home....
Victory- Gryffindor wins the Quidditch cup, and Sirius is overjoyed..,
Complete- Your family’s growing.....
Finally A Family- Alexa’s first Christmas with her family all together...
She’ll Say Yes- Sirius is a nervous mess
All That She Needs- You have all that you need
Lovable Idiot- Sirius gets into another fight
Not A Disgrace- Sirius’ mother makes it plain how she feels
Too Dangerous- Sirius wants to meet his daughter
Part 2:Long Awaited- Sirius finally meets his daughter
First Time __  HCs
Guard Dog- James is a bit protective of his little sister.....
Family Name- Being a Malfoy casts an impression, and not a very good one
Not So Bad- Sirius meets your parents
He’s Alright- You haven’t heard from Sirius in weeks....
More Often**- Sirius and you switch things up
The Fifth Marauder-Why can’t he see?
Part 2: Someone Like Me- He finally sees what he’s been blind to.
Stick To Maroon- You’re tutoring a 2nd year...
On The Desk**-The meeting’s finally over...
Living With Sirius HCs
Nobody Else- He’s home...
10 Sickles- Bets were made...
Movie Night- James wants to watch a horror movie...
Space- You and Sirius don’t see eye to eye on this
New Relationships- Lily and James won’t admit they have chemistry....
Run Away- Sirius needs to see you
Whole Once More- Sirius never knew....
Second Chances- Your first date with Sirius doesn’t go as planned
Revenge- Y/N is hexed...
Strong- Nightmares haunt him
Lion in a Sea of Badgers- Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff
Sirius x Hufflepuff HCs
Secrets- Sirius learns some new things about his girlfriend
Whenever You’re Ready- We all have our bad days...
Leave-Sirius breaks out and finds you...
Nighttime Confessions- The night of Sirius’ discovery...
Nearly- After the Department of Mysteries
I Prefer Red- Y/N spends Christmas with the Blacks
Snitching- Y/N just wants to see Sirius smile
Cake At Midnight- You want cake, but it’s midnight
Twice Obliviated- Y/N sees her ex while out with Sirius
My Three Girls- And baby makes 4...
We’ll Be Alright- This was unexpected...
Mother’s Day- The Black’s first Mother’s Day
Care- Y/N gets sick at an Order meeting
She’s Perfect- James, Lily, and Remus come to meet your daughter
You’re Mine- Despite being your boyfriend, Sirius still flirts with other girls
This is Not A Date- Y/N and Sirius aren’t on a date, they’re 3rd and 4th wheeling.
Protecting His Girls- Your daughter’s had nightmares ever since she found a boggart in her closet.
Welcome To The Order- Y/N is finally inducted into the Order, and finds more than friendship.
Worth The Wait- Sirius finally gets what he’s waited 12 years for.
Night Off- While at a bar on her night off, Y/N meets a less than friendly man, and one that’s pretty okay.Keep reading
Lightning Muses- As a storm rages outside, Y/N reflects on memories with her lover and Harry
Revelations At The Order- Y/N finds more than she thought she would at an Order meeting.
Rage**- An Order meeting goes wrong....
Don’t Speak**- Sirius sent you a patronus with instructions, and you’re not about to question them
Take Care Of Me**- You need to let go for a while....
Forgive You**- Sirius and you have an argument...
Dirty Girl**- You tease Sirius at an Order meeting....
They’ll Be Alright- After Voldemort attacks, Rose is raised by Lily and James...
Time To Think- After a spat, you need time to think...
Yours Forever- Sirius always held onto hope...
Young Sirius Smut HCs**
The Best Day Of His Life- He’s always wanted kids, that hasn’t changed in 12 years....
Remus Lupin
Actually Bathe**- Remus looks so relaxed...
Boggart: Version 1**, Version 2**-You thought you could do it
Nothing Left- Everyone he loves is gone
Storm**- Rainy mornings are sometimes the best....
Overprotective Remus x Sister HCs
Remus Meeting Parents HCs
Proud- Remus is proud of how well you did on an assignment...
Student’s Favorite- Remus doesn’t believe that the Hogwarts students love him as much as they do....
Remus x Herbology Professor HCs
Learn To Knock- Harry apparently doesn’t know how to knock.....
Her Wolf- Much like a wolf, Remus won’t give up until he has you....
Too Easy- Sometimes, you’re able to forget about the war.....
Mystery Wolf- Remus won’t rest till he finds this mystery wolf....
Rough One- You care for Remus after the full moon..
Ruined Surprises- You open the package that came, unaware of what it was.
Remus x Pureblood Slytherin HCs
You Love Her Like A Sister, I Love Her Like A...- Even though James knows about your relationship, he still isn’t a fan of what he sees....
Took You Long Enough- Remus’ confession has been a long time coming....
Who Else?- Remus adores you, but Lily is very protective of you...
Moony and Puck- You never found your soulmate in Salem...
Unrepairable- Remus made an irreversible decision...
Lovesick Wolf- Remus us always so shy around you....
With A Little Help From Lily- Remus has liked you for 4 years, and finally acts on it...
Forgotten By Morning- After a few butterbeers, Remus lets something slip...
Her Muse- You’re hard at work on your latest creation
Admit It- Despite overwhelming evidence, Remus does not believe he cheats at games.....
Coffee and Chocolate-N.E.W.T week is here.....
Recovery- Remus’ recovery after the full moon
The Wolf Can Skate- Remus agrees to an ice skating date....
All Was Golden- Important moments seem to happen at sunset
Better- Remus makes a bad day better
So Much Easier- Remus discovers a way to make the full moon easier
Yearly Occurrence- It’s time for the Yule Ball again
Being Quarantined with Remus HCs
Gorgeous Girl- You’re late for a double date
The Order Can Wait**- Remus wants you now
Shut Up and Kiss Me- You need to study, Remus disagrees
Don’t Let Them Hear**- A little fun at the Order
Makes Me Sick- Y/N has to fake-date for a mission, Remus is not happy
Kindly Fuck Off- Tonks is getting a little too comfortable....
Not The First Time- Your brew amortentia with your best friend, what could go wrong?
I Think....- This can’t be a coincidence
No Music Needed- It’s been a long day..
I’m Home- Remus has been away for 2 weeks....
Head Girl- Sirius loves Y/N, so does Remus
The Perfect Moment- Remus is anxious at an Order meeting...
Her First Moon- It’s Y/N’s first full moon...
Please Understand- Remus never told Y/N about his “furry little problem”...
Lucky- When everything seems wrong, Remus makes it feel alright.
After The Full Moon- Y/N knows that each moon affects Remus differently, she’s there for him every time.
See The Goodness**- Remus doesn’t think he’s all you know him to be....
Scruff**-Remus decided to grow out his beard....
All The Work**-You teased Remus for the whole class...
Desperation**- You’re both desperate when Remus comes home...
Git- Severus Snape, you’ve decided, is a git.
Being Married To Remus/Remus As A Father HCs
Like His Mother- You help raise Teddy after the war....
Cure- Y/N is tired of seeing Remus suffer...
Possessive**- The full and pollen, what could go wrong?
Face Tomorrow- The future is so uncertain...
Pup- The newest Lupin....
Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs- Christmas with your family....
Feral**- The wolf in him comes out...
Before and After- Before and after the full..
Remus During Your Pregnancy HCs
Nowhere To Be- There’s nothing quite like cuddling during a storm...
Travelling The World w. Remus HCs
Young Remus Fluffy HCs
You Stop, I Stop**- What can he say?  You turn him on...
The Wolf’s Wedding Night**- The full’s coming up, and Remus is needy...
His Favorite Time Of Day- Mornings are his favorite time of day...
Young Remus Smut HCs**
Luna- Remus has never been more in love...
Yours**- He won’t let them hurt you...
Alpha**- You need your alpha...
The Wolf and The Hound- Remus is so nervous....
Trust- Your trust is what makes your relationship strong, and what keeps the sex good...
How The Marauders + Lily react to you and Remus Having a Baby and Naming them after them HCs
Severus Snape
Damned First Years**- He’s had enough of those damned first years....
Sir**- You know you made a mistake, you you know you’ll pay for it....
Stress Relief**- Severus knows how stressed you’ve been...
Devoted- You prove Severus’ alliances...
She Won’t Last- Umbridge’s punishments are taking a toll....
Now I Have It- Christmas morning in the Snape house.....
Want You Close- Severus doesn't want to get up.....
Severus x Triwizard Champion HCs
What I See- Severus thinks you deserve better...
Welcome To The World- You go into labor while Severus is supervising detention....
Bets- A game of truth or dare....
Would Have Been An Unforgivable- Lockhart, ever the idiot, has once again gone too far....
I Won’t Let Him- Your ex is out of prison....
Lake Nights- You’re supposed to spend the night with Severus, but it’s such a nice night....
Part 2: Little Tease**-Severus has had enough of your teasing….
Potion Master’s Mistake- Even Severus makes mistakes....
Hidden Feelings- What exactly is the potions master feeling?
Part 2: Unforgettable**-Hidden feelings are finally revealed
I Will Be Here- After 16 years......
Another Year, Another Ball- You reflect on the year at the Yule Ball....
Call Me Severus- Potter’s payback.......
Never Stood A Chance- Severus is very protective of what’s his.
Professor In The Making- You hang out in Severus’ classroom after giving birth to your second child...
Snape’s What?- The students had no idea....
Time and Space- Severus wants to get to know you better....
Be Okay- Your mother has quite a bit to say
Almost Discovered- He almost found out....
Good Night’s Sleep- Madame Pomfrey has a rule that you detest....
Body Worship HCs
Married To A Whale- Your robes don’t fit like they used to...
Overworked- You’re overworked and Sevuers takes notice
Break- Everyone has a breaking point....
Forgive Me- Severus and you fight, and some words are said
Never Doubt It- You plan a picnic for Severus
My First Priority- When the crowd becomes too much, Severus is there
Won’t Let You Fall- You take Severus home for vacation....
My Good Girl**- Severus has been waiting for you....
One Sided- Your feelings aren’t as one sided as you thought..
Guilt**- Severus feels guilty for last night...
Perfection- Severus shows you how beautiful you really are.
If It Weren’t May- You’ve picked up crocheting during quarantine
Something Different**- Sev wants to try something new...
Bedrest Is Boring- You’re on bedrest, but you’re lonely
Lonely No Longer- Severus needs to meet his soulmate
Birthday Presents**- Severus gives you a birthday surprise
The Potion Master’s Soulmate- Snippets of your life as Severus’ soulmate
Free Period**- Severus wants to see you after class...
Another Love- Severus has never had pizza before...
Get This Right- Why does Severus know so much about creatures?
Movie Night- Y/N convinces Severus to watch The Notebook
The Afterlife Awaits- It’s time for Severus to go...
Any Worse- All you wanted was to get Severus some new vials...
Damaged Souls- Y/N still remembers, but has yet to tell Severus
Don’t Be Shy- Severus has never been caught pleasuring himself, until now
Part 2: Dreams Come True- Severus had a dream you are all to happy to make reality
Calming Stars- A stupid argument....
Anti-Venom- Of course the potions master lived, he could put a stopper in death after all...
Not Ideal- Y/N has feelings for Snape, but knows she can’t...
Christmas Surprise- You’ve changed....
Morning Discoveries- She’s not a Seer, but she can still read tea leaves...
Loss- Y/N’s kitten passes away...
Horrible People- You’ve had enough of the marauders
I Will Wait- Severus says something he will regret for the rest of his life
Sketches- Severus finds your hidden talent
Very Early- Severus notices some things...
The Reason- Severus meets his soulmate, he’s not happy
You?-You finally meet your soulmate..
You Can Do This- Your first day as Charms teacher isn’t going as planned...
Meeting The Dark Lord- You’re invited to a ball hosted by none other than the Dark Lord himself
Nighttime Confessions- The night of Sirius’ discovery...
Bland- Y/N meets the Order’s double agent
Thanks Seamus- Seamus’ habit of setting things on fire is actually helpful for once...
The Perfect Life- Your daughter is sick.....
“Detention”-Y/N is caught fighting....
For Him- Y/N will do what she must to protect Severus
Potions Master- It’s that time of the month
Do It For You-Mad-Eye is dead...
Finally-Y/N shared some good news...
Make Her Pay- Umbridge has gone too far...
Unexpected- Y/N is pregnant, and the students try to guess who’s it is
Unicorn Incidents- While teaching, Y/N gets hurt...
Marriage Material- Y/N’s first order meeting as Severus’ wife.
All That Matters- Y/N is ill, and Severus thinks he can help her
Imbeciles- One of the twins pranks doesn’t go as planned
Quiet- Y/N is shy, but she’s still got a lot to say
More Than She’ll Ever Know- After all these years, your mother still makes sure you know how she feels
I Am Alive- Y/N has horrific nightmares about the night she almost lost her husband
Give Me A Chance?- Y/N’s Liked Severus since 4th year
Can We Start Over?- Y/N’s on her way to Hogwarts from Ilvermorny, knowing who she’ll see when she arrives.
Ensnared By Her Voice- Y/N is a singer who returns to Hogwarts to perform, while there, she catches the eye of an old flame.
The Python’s Failure- After Nagini strikes, Snape manages to make it to Madame Pomfrey, much to the relief of Y/N
Realizations**- Severus waits a bit too long to act on his feelings…
I Expected More**- Severus decides to add something new to your dynamic...
But I Want You- Severus is the only one you want...
Always Be Right Here**- Sometimes, Severus needs to be taken care of...
What Would She Say?**- Severus has a little fun at dinner with your mother..
Exhaustion**- Severus has been brewing for over 12 hours...
Anything- After a long night, Severus takes care of you
He Knows**- You broke a rule...
Can’t Tell You Enough**-Severus finally tells you how he feels...
Dessert**- Severus’ birthday has never been a big affair...
Anniversary- Severus tries to cook dinner for your anniversary.......
Dunderhead- Your daughter says her first word, and it’s not what you expected...
A Little Threatened- Severus is jealous of your birthday present...
Mistake-Severus forgets that you’re still young..
Chasing A Comet- You thought his obsession with Lily was fading..
Independence Day- You invite Severus to visit you for the 4th of July..
That Type Of Day**- Severus has been wanting you all day..
By Your Side- When one of the twins’ pranks goes wrong, Severus is there
Every Word Is True- This is the first Valentine's Day Severus isn’t dreading
Firewhiskey- Severus finally makes his move
Mrs. Snape**- Severus’s wedding day...
Books and Potions- You’ve had enough of the Marauders...
Finally Home- You’ve been away for 3 months...
The Dark Lord’s Ball- Severus has kept you sheltered from The Dark Lord, he is not pleased with that....
Raise A Child- When Remus brings his newborn son to Hogwarts, it brings a revelation upon Severus...
Someone Better- Severus is worried you’ll find someone new on your travels...
Don’t Make A Sound**- You need to be quiet...
N.E.W.T Class- He’s always refrained from yelling at your best friend, until today, that is....
Be Yours- He knows it’s wrong, but he can’t help but be attracted to you...
Stressful Week**- Severus knows how to help you relax..
Severus Snape As A Father HCs
Not A Bit- Severus isn’t in pain anymore, this is news to you...
The Serpent and The Falcon- Severus reads your latest interview...
Potent**- After a Herbology incident, there’s only one person you need...
All She Wants**- After the duelling club, Severus is the only thing on your mind...
Want It Too- He knew his feelings weren’t one-sided...
Different Yet Alike- Though you are different, you are also like your mother....
Horror Movies- You don’t like horror movies, but you’ll watch them for Severus...
What Do You Need?**(TW: SEXUAL ASSULT MENTION)- Severus knows that this may be difficult for you...
First**- You want him, all of him..
Truly Be Yours- Even though it was a potion, he still felt the same...
Gone- You were the best thing to ever happen to him...
How Long I’ve Waited**- He’s waited for this for years....
Why Me?**- His feelings contradict one another...
Beloved**- Severus spoils you on your birthday....
Under The Desk**- You have a little fun with Severus...
My Perfect Man- You know exactly what he needs to hear...
Lay His Claim- Severus can finally take you out...
Won’t Be Gentle**- He can’t wait, he needs you now...
Cruel Misfortune- Though you want him, Eileen comes first...
Anything For You- You take care of Severus when he’s sick...
Five**- When Severus comes home tense, you know how to help him relax...
Sidetracked**- Severus was going to finish a potion, he really was...
No One I’d Rather Have- Neither of your dates were going well...
Show**- Severus wanted to spend the day with you, but you certainly made up for your absence...
His Angel Of Music- Hogwarts’ production of The Phantom Of The Opera...
Putting Him Back Together- Severus knows you’ll take care of him...
Assistant- Severus’ assistant helps him in more ways than one...
Defend- They won’t hurt him, not while you’re around...
Bringing Him Back- He’s never wanted to come back, not until now...
Internship- He’s going to miss you so much...
Part 2: Reunited- 7 months later...
Alps**- You needed this week away...
St. Mungos- The sole upside to being bitten by a python...
Silence**- Severus adores teasing, just not here...
Memories**- A walk down memory lane.
Nice and Slow**- Relaxation with your lover...
Bat- Severus didn’t know your Patronus changed...
Needless Worries- Severus loves you more than he could ever love her...
Little Game**- Severus decides to play a little game with you...
Wizard Flu- The Wizard Flu hits Hogwarts...
Wanted For A While**- Severus has wanted to try this...
Little Flower-Severus doesn’t sing, but he will for Iris...
First Time __ With Severus HCs
Retaliation- After becoming close with Severus, he won’t stand the Marauders’ bullying anymore...
Vigilant- Severus would never be unfaithful, not of his own free will...
Want You, Need You**- 5 months, and he hasn’t touched you...
Busy Day**- Your husband surprises you on your break...
Nothing To Forgive- Severus knows you’d never hurt him...
Beneficial**- Your period isn’t all that bad...
Severus Snape x reader x Harry Potter
Chastity**- While he loves his submissives dearly, sometimes, punishment is needed... Severus loves you more than he could ever love her...
Remus x Sirius x Reader
Join The Pack- They both want you...
Virgin Reader HCs**
My World**- Remus made Sirius wait...
Just Had To See Her**- Remus was helping an old friend into the castle...
Severus Snape x Lucius Malfoy x Reader
One Is Hard, Two Is Hell- Severus and Lucius are Called, and you can’t sleep...
How they react to a S/O who hasn’t had the best sexual experiences
How they deal with jealousy within their relationship 
My Prince**- Severus is needy after a long day
Real Man**- Lucius is appalled that a man’s never make you come...
James Potter x Reader x Sirius Black
General HCs 
Charm**- Flitwick’s newest charm can be used for multiple purposes...
Mrs. Potter-Black**- This is the happiest day of your life....
Sweet Tooth- They lost sight of you for 5 minutes...
Remus Lupin x Reader x James Potter
General HCs 
My Mates**- You’ve never been with Remus this close to the full...
Marriage, Children, Etc. HCs
Cedric Diggory x Reader x Harry Potter
So Proud- Both of your boys made it out safe...
Little Lion Cub**- Harry needs him.....
Easter Holiday**- Cedric makes good on his promise...
Fred Weasley x Reader x Geroge Weasley
Anything For Our Girl**- The twins want to try something new with you...
Test Subjects**- Your boys bring home some new products.....
Draco Malfoy x reader x Harry Potter
New Pleasures**- Harry’s a little reluctant...
Ron Weasley x reader x Harry Potter
Promotions**- Ron celebrates Harry’s promotion...
James Potter x reader x Lily Evans
Show Me**- You may be inexperienced, but that’s not going to stop her, or James for that matter...
Spoiled- A day in Hogsmeade with your loves...
Happy Birthday To Me**- James’ birthday surprise...
Harry Potter x reader x Hermione Granger
For Now-It’s finally over....
James Potter x Lily Evans x reader x Remus Lupin
We’re Here Now- Remus is cared for after the full moon by his three loves..
Marriage, Sex, Children, Etc. Hcs
Urgent**- Thank Merlin for the Room of Requirement...
Relaxation**- After a long week, you loves know how to help you relax...
We’re Not Done Yet**- Your three lovers know exactly how to make you feel good...
Hour**- You each get an hour...
Build You Up- No matter what people say, Lily and James are always there...
How They Got Together HCs
We Want You**- It’s all you’ve thought about for days...
What Have We Here?**- Who said getting walked in on was a bad thing?
How They React To You and Lily Being Pregnant At The Same Time
Having Triplets HCs
Sending Their Kids To Hogwarts HCs
Honeymoon Smut HCs**
How Long’s It Been?**- What would you do without Sirius?
James Potter x Sirius Black x reader x Remus Lupin
Does She Know?- He just wanted to keep you safe...
Harry Potter x Severus Snape 
Under No Circumstances- Harry knows how difficult it is...
Need To Let Go**- After a hard day, Harry needs to let go...
Lucius Malfoy x Severus Snape
Sweet Prince**- While he knows he is loved, he still worries his lover’s heart isn’t entirely his...
James Potter x Lily Evans
Gryffindor Wins**- After the Quidditch Cup....
First In A Few Ways**- He’s her first in a few ways...
Lily Evans x reader x Sirius Black
Back To Normal- After the full, Sirius is exhauted...
Marauders + Lily Assorted Favorites
732 notes · View notes
faakeid · 4 years
Ji "confession" written for Kyungsoo?
I wanted to talk about it in another post, but this will do with no problems.
First of all, I want to bring the lyrics and observe some points of it. Like how JI actively participated on the lyrics composition. It’s different from Spoiler, for example, that had other composers and neither JI or CY were involved (Loey also was credited in Confession lyrics). At the same time tho, there’s no much background or publicity about this fact of the story behind this song. Which is kind of a paradox, since JI participated actively on this process. 
There was even a live JI did at 191229 where he mentioned a bit about revealing Spoiler to the public.At 2:53 he mentions how it’s totally different from Confession and is about to explain the difference when he, suddenly, stops himself and quickly finishes the livestream. 
Another points that gets my attention while listening to Confession are:
It’s originally a very sexualized song (the title Favorite Position says it all lool), but it changed drastically with JI’s composition (although the stage is sort of sexual since he’s shirtless and all of that). In other hand, Spoiler gets more evident in terms of sexualization lyrically speaking, using terms like “let’s skip the conversation” and others that lead the characters to a sexual encounter and what may happen after that;
The fact Confession doesn’t use female pronouns to refer to the partner JI is singing to. You imagine he’s singing to a woman because he’s a man (which doesn’t invalidate the hypothesis of singing to another man but ok) and because there’s a backup vocal that mentions “girl” once or twice in the middle of the song. That’s it. Because the lyrics don’t talk about a girl at all. And he composed this song meanwhile, again, Spoiler wasn’t composed by him. Moving on;
It’s bizarre how, somehow, the composers of Spoiler seem to make a reference to Confession using this word in the lyrics “ What do you want, a frank character? I need your confession” (this part is written in English). The way it was put, it seemed to me like Spoiler was a remake of confession or a sequel, evidencing it more in a modern way of, perhaps, a temporary relationship between a man and a woman based more on sex. In other words, taking the ambiguous feel Confession left.
The lyrics itself
There are some people who interpreted the lyrics in their own way. That’s a positive thing about music: it’s open for different points of view. So some aspects may differ from what people said, but replying to your main question: yes, I believe Confession was written with KS in mind.
Points that make me think that:
Your poker face cannot be read
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elegance pervades your whole body
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Pilates makes gestures more elegant and harmonic
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From Monday to Friday there's no way to find exit because I fall in love even more with you: It talks about how he’s involved through all this time, every day. Clearly a different process seen in a sexual gathering. Instead of feeling satisfied and go to someone else, the inverse happens here. There are new layers, more reasons about why he falls in love with the person;
I replaced the lie with a more exact and complete truth: JI accepts that he does feel a lot for the person, that’s why he said he replaced the lie (that he doesn’t feel anything) with the complete truth;
You don’t need to hide something inside your ego, take it off.  The deeper secret is the feeling that changed you. Confess it all to me: the recipent feels the same and JI knows it. But, at the same time, doesn’t want to admit the feelings are mutual. It’s a deep secret the recipient needs to hide, probably because of his ego. JI wants the person to be open about it and admit his feelings. It shows how the song is not simply a “hello, I want u let’s fuck”. There’s more involved and we can interpret this relationship happens for a while to develop such feelings admist the life routine and boredom it brings to some people;
I just wanna know ya, time for confession. Time for confession. Hit yourself up: this part may pass the impression JI and the recipient don’t know each other very well. But it’s not true, When he says, “I just wanna know ya”, it’s because it’s estabilished the recipient hides his own self, his own feelings and makes harder for JI to fully meet the person he’s involved with. And when he says “hit youself up” it’s the way to mention how the recipient needs to make an action, to connect and contact first, say his name (as a way of aknowledgment) and confess;
Your voice is deeper than the darkness of the night: that is another key point that give away the fact this song wasn’t created with a female in mind. Even scientifically speaking, a female voice tends to have a higher range than a male;
An adult woman’s average range is from 165 to 255 Hz, while a man’s is 85 to 155 Hz (see sources). Men’s voices are generally deeper because the surge of testosterone released during puberty causes their vocal cords to elongate and thicken (source).
Besides, KS’s voice is well known for being low in both singing and speaking. Won’t show videos for that since it’s a well know fact already.
Your gaze is focused, as if you are looking for something, that’s all: some gifs I posted above show this side of KS as well hehe.
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I still want your limp body. All I want is your love: another sentence that shows it’s not a casual relationship for JI. It doesn’t matter if the body is weak or getting old or if there are injuries along the way. He wants the soul, the feelings, the love from the recipient;
Wake up slowly. Don't worry, it's time to let it go. You don’t need make up: this sentence can be ambiguous, especially because it uses make up. Some people interpret it as a literal make-up and it could be the real meaning because it talked about getting older and the action of waking up. But it also may mean make up something or pretend and it also has base in what JI said before. So both meanings could be valid here (when looking for translations in other languages the meaning was surrounded by a literal make up but anyways). Embracing the idea of a literal make up is a poetic way to embrace imperfections. When we are around someone we love, we want to show the best sides of ourselves. A perfect face, flawless body and mental health in check. But JI accepts the recipient the way he is and wants him to do the same. Go to him the way you are, without restrictions or inibitions;
Come even close to me with your head up and feel sad right now: there’s a process going on here. The recipient needs to be vulnerable and get closer to the person he loves (in this case JI). But this person also needs to do it confidently (with the head up) and feeling sad, which means the recipient needs to accept his feelings even if they’re dark or if he wants to naturally hide them.It’s another clue that this process is not only sexual. On the contrary. There are many layers in this relationship and the song shows them all.
Coincidentially, I came across this article talking about KS’s voice and the person mentions in some occasions how his insecurity affects his performance If a vocal coach can notice his insecurity, imagine those who are close to him;
Baek also said once that KS needs to believe in his heart and not listen to what others think, which could show a bit this side of him (that matches the song accurately).
Come even close, I want more. Know what I’m saying, you know what I’m saying: again, the closure JI seeks is not only physical. It’s not only the body, the satisfaction, the sex. There are a lot of feelings involved from his part and he wants the confirmation they’re mutual, he wants the closure to the recipient. And ofc, the recipient knows it pretty well.
So, if I believe this song is about KS? Oh yeah 😜
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kyra-bane · 4 years
the old guard - kinktober day 2 - dream a little dream (of us)
rating: explicit
pairing: joe/nicky; andy/quynh (background)
extra tags: angst and fluff; 5+1 things; hand jobs; intercrural sex
word count: 3885
read on ao3 or keep reading below
Dream a Little Dream (Of Us)
Andromache of Scythia
Yusuf has been travelling with the Frank for almost a year.
In that time, they have formed a fragile truce, learnt enough of each other’s languages that they can communicate, and have managed not to kill each other for, now, a little over a month.
All in all, things are going better than they were when he woke up on the battlefield, a sword still half impaled in his chest, but there is a long way to go.
This constant living, it worries the Frank – Nicolò, he ground out one of those first few days; not that Yusuf ever uses his name – but that only proves to annoy Yusuf further because he does not wish to admit to his own doubts, does not wish to share any other quality with this man.
They are travelling still, crossing through grassland, and they have settled into a routine; despite Yusuf’s dislike of him, the Frank builds a fire each night and they lay out their bed rolls on opposite sides and, Yusuf has to admit, on the occasions they have been attacked, he has always been first to his feet, cutting down enemies before Yusuf even has his scimitar in a tight grip.
The Frank mutters something tonight, as he settles down to sleep. He never turns his back, so Yusuf rolls onto his, staring up at the canopy of stars above. It is not often that he falls into despair, now, but tonight he does: Will he have to travel with this ungrateful Frank forever? Will there be a day, someday, when the sight of him does not make Yusuf’s stomach twist unpleasantly, does not remind him of the stink of blood and bodies and a battle that cannot, will not, be justified?
Will they be the only two, at the end of time? The thought makes his chest ache. To live a life so closely tied to a person he can barely tolerate – maybe time will cool his temper, soothe some of the hurt and, maybe, one day he might feel forgiveness – but for now, he cannot.
He falls into a fitful sleep, the dream at once alien and all too familiar. He has had similar dreams this past year, where he has felt as though he has seen someone he should know. Yet he has never quite seen them; they are always just out of reach.
Tonight, he finally does.
She is tall, the woman, with long hair that cascades down her back as she swings around, the axe in her hands taking down one man, then another. Blood splatters across her face and she never slows; she fights in a way that Yusuf has seen in very few men – and never in a woman.
The image changes and she is at a feast, laughing with the men, a woman kneeling by her side who looks up at her as though she hung the very stars themselves, and when there is a lull in the conversation, this dark-haired stranger kisses her admirer, to the appreciative laughter of the men.
One more change; she is riding, alone, but she meets another rider on an outcrop – another woman whose face Yusuf cannot quite make out, only the sight of her feels familiar to him, also. They speak a language Yusuf has never heard, in low, warm tones, and maybe he will not be alone at the end of the world, after all.
Yusuf startles awake to find the Frank already sitting up, stoking the dying embers of the fire. He has dark circles under his eyes, Yusuf notices, and he wonders why he did not notice before.
“Did you see her?” the Frank asks, in halting Arabic.
“Yes,” Yusuf answers, in the Frank’s language, because despite the fact that they have spent a year travelling through lands where the Frank should have had more practice, Yusuf clearly has more of a talent for it.
“What did you see?”
“She was fighting. Feasting. Meeting a friend.”
“Ah,” the Frank says. He looks sad.
He looks as though he has seen something terrible.
“What did you see?” Yusuf asks and he is sitting up, now, leaning closer without meaning to.
“Her death,” the Frank says. “I dream of it every night.”
Yusuf does not know what to say to that. He knows the Frank is always awake before him, but if he dreams of that every time he closes his eyes, then he really must be getting precious little sleep.
Against all his wishes, the first seeds of sympathy begin to sprout.
“I am glad you do not,” the Frank says, almost a whisper, and Yusuf frowns.
“Sleep, Nicolò,” Yusuf replies. “I will still be here, when you wake.”
It is not long after his first dream of the two women meeting that Yusuf dreams of the second woman properly. She is smaller than the first, built slighter, but he sees the way she moves, fast like a viper, and decides that he cannot wait to meet her.
His and Nicolò’s relationship has improved these last few months; Yusuf calls him by his name now, most of the time, and Nicolò seems more inclined to share information about himself.
It helps that he seems, at heart, to be inescapably kind and small demonstrations of that gradually chip away at the cage Yusuf has built around his heart; he still does not feel as though he will offer Nicolò forgiveness – if it were even his to offer – but knowing Nicolò as he does now, he thinks he will not ask.
They fight before sleeping, most nights, training bouts and scuffles, because of course they can die, but Yusuf would still rather avoid it, wherever possible. He spent his youth fighting with other boys, too, wrestling, and he understands what can happen when there are two bodies in close contact, regardless of feelings, but the first time he pins Nicolò and feels him hard against his thigh, he is awash with a sudden jolt of want, and Nicolò scrambles away quickly and does not talk to him for two days.
So, most of the time it is combat training, with a bout of wrestling when Yusuf is feeling daring and there has been time enough in between for Nicolò to have forgotten about what inevitably happens.
They still sleep across from each other, either side of the fire, and Yusuf faces Nicolò too, before he falls asleep.
The dream he tumbles into captures him immediately. He sees the first woman, the warrior with her axe, but she is not the focus. The other woman has her pushed back into their bed rolls – they are on the move, like he and Nicolò – and is kissing down her throat, over her breasts. Neither of them seems to be in a hurry, both in tune with one another; the warrior parts her legs and the woman smiles against her skin, buries her face there.
Yusuf wakes, breathing hard, straining his leggings, and Nicolò is staring across at him, his eyes dark and glittering in the night.
Yusuf is suddenly, acutely aware of what he could do. He could round the fire, crawl over Nicolò and he is sure Nicolò would give him anything he wanted. He could roll over and go back to sleep and they could both pretend this never happened.
He lets out a shaky breath and smiles. It does not appear to dissuade Nicolò any.
“Did you dream of them?” Yusuf asks.
Nicolò nods. “They are…” He trails off, shakes his head, sighs, and finally says, in the saddest voice Yusuf has ever heard, “They are in love.”
The hurt of it curls in behind Yusuf’s heart, in that small, special place he has had no reason to acknowledge – and still, consciously, does not.
“They are,” he says, blood cooling. “I hope we will have a chance to meet them soon.”
Nicolò nods, although he seems less enthusiastic. “As do I.”
Yusuf’s dream of Lykon is, of course, very different to the ones he first had of Andromache and Quynh.
It has taken them, in the end, a very long time to find each other. So long that, despite the dreams, Yusuf has all but given up.
He and Nicolò have become friends, more than friends, although it is all still very new and he knows one misstep may just destroy the fragile love blossoming between them. He knows this even though Nicolò insists it is love, whispers the words against Yusuf’s skin over and over as he learns how to take him apart.
Then they find Andromache, Quynh, and everything they know, about themselves and each other, is suddenly thrown into a very sharp contrast.
Andromache reveals the truth: they can die, and stay dead.
She says it when they are all drinking around the fire, a few weeks into their time together. Quynh has her head resting in Andromache’s lap; she has been no less affectionate just because they have two other people with them now, though Yusuf supposes that if he saw what she and Andromache were doing, she has certainly seen what he and Nicolò have been up to.
“Lykon and I were together for a couple of thousand years,” Andromache says and she takes a long pull of the jug before passing it to Quynh, who drinks while keeping one of her hands on Andromache’s thigh. “He went down in battle. Until then, I thought we would live forever.”
“He was injured?” Nicolò asks, leaning forwards, and there is something almost frantic in his gaze.
“Yes,” Quynh says because Andromache’s eyes are shining, though Yusuf doubts they will see her shed a tear. “He simply… stopped healing. Did not get up again.”
“So we do die, in the end,” Yusuf says. “There is an end, after all.”
“You sound so excited by it,” Nicolò says, his expression drawn and Yusuf shakes his head.
“Not at all, habibi,” he replies, because he may not be certain about the strength of their love but he knows it can survive this. “I simply am glad to know it, for sure.”
They turn in early that night, Andromache and Quynh on one side of the fire, Yusuf and Nicolò on the other. Quynh is tucked tight against Andromache, wrapped around her tightly, and Yusuf presses along Nicolò’s back, sighing only when Nicolò’s breathing evens out into sleep.
He follows not long after and, when his dream begins, he knows it is not real. He has had too many that are, for that, and since, he has dreamt of Nicolò, of his life left behind, of current and past fears.
Tonight, he dreams of Lykon.
He does not know the man’s face, of course, but he sees Andromache, and Quynh, and the man – the figment his mind has invented – fights with them, ever as fierce, ever as powerful, until, suddenly, he does not.
He crumples when the spear hits him, falls, and the others are screaming and Yusuf is scared, in the way a person only is when they are dreaming, because he wants to help but he cannot–
He wakes to the sound of Nicolò’s voice and buries his face in his love’s chest. Nicolò rubs his back, holds him tightly, and when Yusuf realises it was only a dream, he lifts his head.
“I saw him,” he murmurs. “Did I wake the others?”
“No,” Nicolò says. “You saw who?”
“Lykon. Not Lykon, of course, but a man I believed to be. I saw him die, Nicolò…”
He fears it because he saw not only Lykon, but Nicolò too, and he realises he cannot stand the thought of them being apart for even a second – at least, in terms of their death.
“Yusuf,” Nicolò says and he kisses away Yusuf’s tears, brushes his lips over his forehead, his nose, his cheeks. “Yusuf, cuore mio, I am here. Wherever we go, we go together.”
“Promise me,” Yusuf says, because he needs the reassurance here, in the dark.
Nicolò, to his credit, does not hesitate. “I promise,” he says and Yusuf kisses him because he does truly love this man, enough to believe that he will do everything in his power to either cling to life until Yusuf can join him, or to follow on right after.
“I love you,” Yusuf says and Nicolò breathes a sigh against his skin.
“And I you.”
Sébastien “Booker” Le Livre
Yusuf has had many names, by now. He is currently going by Joseph, he and Nicolò – now Nicholas – and Andromache – Andrea – are in Europe and it has been several centuries since they lost Quynh.
Andromache is not over it – she will never be over it – but they have managed to coax her back into doing what good they can, what with the world still turning and wars raging everywhere.
They are in the Austrian Empire, sharing one small room between the three of them, and the night that Sébastien dies, they all wake at once.
Nicolò is the first to get his wits about him, although Andromache looks, simply, sad.
“What did you see?” Nicolò asks.
“He appears older than me,” Yusuf says. He is already digging around in his things, trying to find a sketchbook. He has an image swimming in his mind; a strong jaw and sad eyes – he thinks the man is French, fighting in this bloody war he believes to be endless.
He will believe it even more, now.
“We should find him,” Nicolò says and Yusuf draws, coaxing details from Andromache she clearly does not want to give.
He knows why. The prospect of a new member to their unnatural club has them thinking of the member still missing, the one they cannot be certain is still alive.
Yusuf sucks in a breath and snaps the end of his pencil.
“What is it?” Andromache asks. Nicolò turns to face him.
“He will dream of us,” Yusuf says. “Do you believe he will dream of her?”
Andromache swallows, her lips trembling; they have seen her cry, now, and much more besides – she raged at them when they finally convinced her there was nothing more to be done. Yusuf still doubts he will ever set eyes on Quynh again.
“We must find him,” she says and Yusuf agrees.
Except, a few days later, he dreams of something new. A woman, blonde hair falling in soft curls around her face; children, who look upon their newest brother wish pure adoration.
“He has gone back to them,” he says into the crook of Nicolò’s neck one morning, and Nicolò hums in agreement. He left behind nothing, he has told Yusuf, when he headed out for the crusades. Yusuf had a wife but no children, and back then, it would have taken him months to return; and with all the doubt and fear he had around his new ability, it was not something he had even considered.
Sometimes, he does regret it. Sometimes, he thinks Nicolò had more at home than he lets on, but has chosen to forget about it to ease the pain.
“We must leave him be,” Yusuf says when they enter the Kingdom of France. “Speak to him, maybe, but then leave him to do as he chooses.”
Andromache is angry; she thinks this is her only chance to retrieve Quynh and Yusuf does not doubt he would react in much the same way, should he ever find himself in her position.
“When they discover what he is…”
“It is his choice to make,” Nicolò replies, ever so softly. “He will have been dreaming of us and we should find him so that he knows he is not alone, but… Yusuf is right. If he wishes to have more time with his family, then who are we to take that from him.”
He does not say Quynh has been down there for centuries, if she is still alive; she can wait a little longer, but they both know Andromache still hears it.
They meet Sébastien weeks later. They find out Quynh still lives. They leave him with his family.
When he eventually joins them, years later, Yusuf thinks he carries more pain than Yusuf has ever felt and Yusuf decides to do his best to do right by their newest brother.
“She needs us,” Nicky says, and Joe sees the moment Andy gives in.
“I’ll handle the retrieval.”
It is better that way, Joe thinks. After everything that has just happened, he wants to keep Nicky close – and two of them would be spotted. Booker seems to almost argue with Andy, for a moment, but Joe thinks little of it. He is just scared, unsure; he has had his own dreams, of course, but has never been on this side of them.
They make it to France and Joe dreams of her again, of Nile, sees flashes of her marine friends, of the man who sliced her throat. He is already fascinated by her, Nicky too, though Nicky does not speak of it.
“Do you think it is a good idea, Andy going to fetch her?” Booker asks when they reach the safe house.
Nicky shrugs, goes off to drop their stuff in the only bedroom.
“Why would it not be?” Joe asks.
Booker shrugs. “She’s so young,” he says. “So beautiful. Do we really need to drag her in now?”
Joe is half-tempted to tease Booker a little, because he has never expressed that he believes anyone beautiful – not ever – but he lets the desire fade.
“Things are different now, Book,” Joe replies quietly. “She is in the military. We might be dragging her into our danger, but she is in danger there, too – people saw her die, and now she is fine. It only takes one more mishap to reveal her true nature, and then she will have no one who can keep her safe.”
Booker hums. He will not meet Joe’s eyes; he looks terribly sad.
“I hope you are right,” he says and Joe laughs, claps him on the shoulder.
“We will all be fine, Book. Come, let us get things ready here. The game is on tonight, you know.”
Booker rolls his eyes at that. “Yeah, yeah,” he says and his amusement washes away almost all the melancholy in his eyes. “I know.”
Yusuf “Joe” ibn Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn al-Kaysani, called al-Tayyib
Nicky, sometimes, is sad he never had a chance to meet Joe through his dreams.
He wonders what that would have been like, if another had killed him on the battlefield, and Nicky had spent the years getting to know him through flashes of images, of feelings.
Still, sometimes he dreams of Joe anyway.
Like tonight. They have their own room, for once, Andy and Nile bunked up in the other, and when Nicky closes his eyes, he falls into the dream headfirst.
It’s Joe, everywhere, his hair cropped shorter like it was once in Damascus, and he bites his way down Nicky’s chest, stopping every so often to throw him a bright grin. It is one of those dreams that Nicky cannot control; Joe has moved, suddenly, to take Nicky’s cock in his mouth, fingers slick and teasing at his rim; then his fingers are sliding deep and there is no need for adjustment, no discomfort, because Nicky is ready for him, skin hot and prickling and he needs him…
He wakes with a start, a moan caught in the back of his throat. He feels hot all over, his cock tenting his boxers and he eyes the clock with no little distaste.
He fell asleep two hours ago, by the looks of things, which means his idea of waking Joe is terribly inconsiderate.
One touch will probably be enough to get him off, though leaving the bed might wake Joe as well, and Nicky would never lie to him about this – so then Joe would ask why Nicky had not woken him and Nicky does not want to get into their recurring low-stakes argument that Joe is not getting as much sleep as he should at the moment, what with all their worry about Andy and Nile and Booker…
He turns his face into the pillow and bites down – and promptly starts when a hand, not his hand, slides below the waistband of his boxers.
Joe scrapes his teeth over the back of Nicky’s neck, takes him in a sure, familiar grip, and Nicky is so keyed up that it only takes a handful of strokes before he comes, gasping into the darkness around them.
Joe chuckles when he’s done, moving his hand to grip Nicky’s hip as he presses open-mouthed kisses to the back of his neck.
“When did you wake, hayati?” Nicky grumbles.
He feels Joe’s smile against his skin; Joe rolls his hips and he feels his hardness, too.
“Hmm, I think some time in the middle of your dream,” he murmurs. “I thought you might spend before waking, in truth.”
Nicky wriggles back against him and Joe starts to roll his hips in a slow, steady rhythm. There’s a little more moving around as they both push down their underwear and then Nicky lifts his leg, Joe’s cock sliding between his thighs.
It’s slick and messy and Nicky reaches back to grab Joe’s hip even as Joe wraps an arm around Nicky’s chest, tight as a band.
“I dreamt of you,” Nicky says. “Of Damascus, when you had me on that bed for a day, made me come over and over again just on your fingers…”
Joe moans against his skin, gives him a full-body shudder, but he’s still moving. Nicky touches the head of his cock, when it pushes between his thighs and Joe moans again.
“We could try that again, sometime,” Nicky says. “Whenever we go back to Malta. Except, I want to do it to you, this time.”
Joe chuckles. He’s breathing hard and Nicky knows, from that alone, that he is close.
“You have far more patience than me, my love,” Joe says. His voice comes out strangled. He’s beginning to lose his rhythm, chasing his orgasm, and Nicky turns the idea over in his mind.
“I bet I could keep you on the edge for hours,” he says, lets his accent thicken a little because he knows Joe likes it. Sure enough, he moans. “Either that or really test our limits – I bet I could make you come ten times or more.”
“Nicky,”  Joe says and Nicky never tires of hearing his name – any of his names – being said that way.
“Are you close?” Nicky asks, even though he knows. “Do you enjoy it, using me like this? Maybe we could try this one day – you could tie me up and use me however you liked and–”
Joe moans and holds Nicky tight as he comes, burying his face in the back of Nicky’s neck. They remain that way for a while, until they’re breathing in sync again.
Nicky cleans the mess from his thighs with his boxers and then turns, tangling his legs with Joe’s.
“Love you, babe,” Joe murmurs, sleepy and sated and happy. Nothing else can reach either of them in this moment and Nicky kisses him softly.
“Love you, too.”
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mcustorm · 4 years
45 M/M Gay Movies, Ranked
The other day I bit the bullet and decided to watch Brokeback Mountain for the first time. All I knew about that movie was that it was basically the CMBYN of yesteryear and somebody got killed with a tire iron. Anyways, so I finish the movie and realize that I’ve seen a *lot* of gay movies, especially in the last couple of years. So here are my rankings according to nothing but my personal preference. I won’t write about all of them, but you can ask about something if I leave it out.
I wish I could give you a rubric for this. The reality is, there are some radically different movies on this list with different tones and intentions. There’s buddy comedies, tearjerkers, small indie features, big theater releases. So trying to rank them all is TUFF.
The Way He Looks - Such a beautiful coming-of-age movie. Maybe the 2nd one I saw on this list? Perfect length, perfect characterization, simple yet compelling, clever. And nothing feels better than reaching a happy ending (for once, because some of these movies’ endings-- SHEESH) that’s been earned. It just hasn’t been topped.
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2. God’s Own Country
3. Pride
4. Kanarie - Yea, we don’t talk about this movie enough. It’s one of the most recent that I’ve seen. Beautiful. The way that it references apartheid and the war to reflect the protagonist’s feelings? Flawless.
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5. Jongens - The first movie that I saw on this list, gets many a bonus point for that.
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6. Moonlight - Yes, I am black. Yes, I understand this movie may be too low. Moonlight kind of scares me. In general, there’s not nearly enough discourse surrounding this one for me. But while it’s not exactly a popcorn-muncher, to me it’s the most personal movie on the list. When I look at Chiron and all that he’s been through, I can’t help but draw parallels to my own story up to this point. It holds a mirror up to me in a way that no other movie on this list does. That makes me uncomfortable.
But it is so poetic. Have you guys seen the script for this? The directing, the SOUNDTRACK, the acting. Phenomenal. 
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7. Weekend
8. Call Me By Your Name - Yes, I am aware of people’s beef with this one. Yes, I understand a lot of people may feel this one is overrated. While I do think this one gets worse on rewatch, the truth is, it’s not really *that* overrated because hot take: most (meaning over half) of the movies on this list range somewhere from “just okay” to “painstakingly bad”.
It’s the score, the cinematography, the subtext in most all of the dialogue, the acting, the way that you can smell the apricots through the fucking screen. People who say this movie is a vacation ad are fucking CORRECT. One of my biggest gripes however is that it’s too fucking long. And uh, that age difference...
And Armie Hammer’s a weirdo...
9. Dating Amber* - Dating Amber has one of those “Duh” premises that sounds like it could’ve been done like 30 times before yet I can’t think of any other examples of it. So what you’d think would be a wacky premise actually turns out to be a frankly poignant movie with an emotional story arc for the main two characters.
10. Hello Stranger: The Movie* - This movie, which is the first sequel (sorta) on the list, frankly had no business being as good as it was. Even though the web series is required viewing, I felt the movie fixed like all of the series’ issues: pacing, lack of compelling drama, the awkward quarantine format. The drama and stakes are there without us having to visit Angst City. And the theme and the ending reprise is HEAT.
11. Uncle Frank* -  Uncle Frank is like The Help of gay movies. Like The Help, it’s *overall* a short, sweet and fluffy movie set decades ago. Like The Help, you’ll still come out of it feeling pretty good even though it has some dark moments. Also like The Help, you’ll wonder after the fact if the central white girl absolutely needed to be so...well, central for this story to be told. Bonus points for Paul Bettany and Character Actress Margo Martindale.
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12. Brokeback Mountain - Tragic.
13. Moffie - Set during the South African border war, same as Kanarie. You even hear the word “moffie” throughout Kanarie. Anyways, this is a war movie for the gays, and a very intense watch. I liked that it was a much more realistic view of what a soldier endured during that period, and of course on the flip side I thought it was more thorough in its depiction of the rampant racism. I gotta find a good book on this era.
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14. A Moment In the Reeds
15. Get Real - Maybe the most out of place movie on the list. I need to rewatch it. I do recall absolutely loving the score, however. Like, I fucks with this:
16. Freier Fall - When I finished Brokeback I was like, “Wait, wasn’t that just Free Fall with extra steps?” And yea, it kinda is. But even discount Brokeback is still pretty good.
17. Beautiful Thing - There are few things to like about this one, the relationship between the two guys, the mother’s love for her son even though it’s not all rainbows, that nice little final scene. I did not care for the dark-skinned woman being portrayed as, you know, the drug abusing, school dropout, gossipy, butt of jokes neighbor. But that guy really looks like Tom Holland tho.
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18. Love, Simon - It’s at this point that I move from “Yea, that movie is good, you should watch it!” to “Look, you may like it, you may not.”
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19. The 10 Year Plan - This movie is so fucking cheesy that there was cheddar coming though my speakers. But when I think of “Hallmark/Lifetime, but for the gays” this is the crown jewel. There’s some other movies on this list that could’ve taken some notes.
20. The Christmas Setup* - The trend of fluffy-white-gay-cable-network-movie continues and in good form. It’s not deep. It’s not really thought provoking. It’s cute. Fran Drescher is there. You should watch it.
21. Giant Little Ones
22. Hidden Kisses
23. Alex Strangelove - In a unique twist, the emotional core of this one is arguably between Alex and his girlfriend. All that ends up happening, however, is we the viewer keep wanting more Alex/Elliott scenes; those are the most electric in the whole movie. The end result is a hot yet endearing mess.
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24. Fair Haven
25. The Thing About Harry - Freeform’s attempt at making a cheesy rom-com for the gays. It’s...okay. I personally feel like the main character’s friend is highkey trifling but it’s whatever.
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26. Your Name Engraved Herein* - So I guess I’ve decided I officially hate angst. I mean, I get how it’s often necessary to tell an effective story, but I’m just not here for 2 hour indie angst fests that get passed off as “high art” anymore. I cannot do it. Somehow this is Brokeback’s fault...there just has to be a better way to tell gay stories in the 2020′s. Anyways, the last song was fuego.
27. The Perfect Wedding - Easily the most bizarre movie on this list. It’s so bad, I liked it a lot.
28. Naz and Maalik - The first half of the movie with the two leads just riffing is some pretty great stuff. The back half starts throwing plot developments that are just less than interesting.
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29. My Best Friend
30. The Curiosity of Chance
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31. Being 17 - Boring. Angsty.
32. And Then We Danced
33. Center of My World - Has some of the most trifling characters EVER. I was so angry. This movie for me has *0* rewatchability.
34. Just Friends
35. 4th Man Out - This movie was basically “a bro/Hangover-style movie, but for the gays.” I absolutely love the intention, but the execution was a little shoddy. One day we’re gonna get a flawless movie that nails what this movie was going for. I hope we remember this movie whenever that day comes.
36. Latter Days - So fucking preachy. 
37. GBF - Another bizarre one, but at least this movie gets how wacky it is.
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38. Beach Rats
39. Shelter - I’ve noticed a lot of people like this one. To that I say...yikes. Remember that scene from Family Guy where Peter says he doesn’t care for The Godfather? I did not care for Shelter. It insists upon itself (not really, but still).
40. Handsome Devil
41. Esteros - It’s at this point of the list that we shift from “Movies that are the definition of ‘ight’ “ to “These movies are bad. Bad. BAAAAAD.”
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42. Monster Pies
43. Were the World Mine - I couldn’t even finish it. Wanna watch a better musical? Go watch Kanarie. Wanna watch a better Shakespeare adaptation? The Lion King is the movie for you, or even fucking She’s the Man.
44. North Sea Texas - So boring. I actually think this one may need a rewatch, because I swear it shouldn’t have been as terrible as it was.
45. Salvation Army - I have no idea what this movie was going for. I understand that it is autobiographical, however...it simultaneously barely has any plot or character developments. This one has shades of Beach Rats, but it’s significantly worse, and I didn’t even like Beach Rats that much.
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So that’s it, thanks if you made it down this far. I guess I’ll update the list as I inevitably watch more of these. I would love movie recommendations! 
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exploring-in-space · 4 years
Aching to Come Home
Robron Week 2020 Day 3: Criminal 
Summary: After getting out of prison himself, Aaron meets Robert through a prison penpalship.  
Note: This is a little bit of a cheat, but I think it still kinda counts haha also this is 100% a real thing, I spent a good chunk of time scrolling through a website about inmates wanting to start a correspondence!
Word count: 4300
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In the end, it’s Aaron’s counselor who encourages him to start a pen pal correspondence with someone currently incarcerated. Aaron has just recently been released after spending a year long stretch for GBH, and he’s been seeing his counselor to transition from being in prison into society.
Aaron had heard of people striking up friendships and even relationships through prison pen pals. It was all a bit crazy if you asked Aaron. Still, one particularly bad day, Aaron sits himself down and scrolls the website his counselor gave him. Some are explicit in their desire to have more than friendship, making Aaron exit out of their bio pages quick enough. 
Around the time Aaron is about to give up and tell his counselor to do one, he stumbles on a bio page unlike any of the other bios.
The man honestly looks like one of those white collar criminals that Aaron always hated. Especially given the fact his occupation before was an estate manager. But as he reads through the bio, he’s shocked to read that this man, Robert, is carrying out a life sentence. It’s not like other profiles were shy about stating the reason for being incarcerated (in fact, Aaron had quickly learned that some people are actively attracted to people depending on their crime…). 
It’s just...this man doesn’t look like a killer. The picture chosen for the bio is not the typical kind of picture that others had posted. Most were pictures of them in the prison yard, or pictures from before prison. Robert’s wasn’t like that. In fact, Aaron couldn’t even tell if it was taken while he was in prison or if it was a pre-prison photo. 
Aaron’s curiosity is too great and it compels him to grab a sheet of paper and start writing. He introduces himself and tells Robert he’s writing because he just got out of prison himself. He doesn’t know how much to put in the letter - Aaron doesn’t necessarily want to spill his guts to a total stranger, but he does share his age and why he’d been sent down. The letter looks sloppy with Aaron’s scrawl and he’s ready to just toss it in the bin and call this whole idea stupid and pointless. 
But he glances at the site again, and looks at Robert’s picture. He doesn’t know how to explain it, but the piercing gaze of Robert’s eyes somehow convinces him to just send the silly letter.
So he does. Posts it on a Friday evening and Aaron proceeds to get hammered that night, trying to erase the embarrassment he feels at doing something so out of character. Monday morning, he meets with his counselor for his biweekly session. Tells her about the letter he sent and they talk about it for a while.
“What do you hope will come from this?” She asks, crossing her legs and sitting up to take a good look at Aaron’s reaction. He shrugs and picks at his fingernails to ease his nerves.
 “Dunno.” Aaron finally answers with a sigh. 
She looks at him thoughtfully before carefully uncrossing her legs and leaning forward. “I think you do.”
Aaron doesn’t say anything and she doesn’t press him any further. Lets the statement lie between them, and it works. He thinks about the letter for the rest of the day and well into the week. The picture of Robert’s face burned into his mind. 
The rest of the week has Aaron working at the garage. Cain had offered his old job back when Aaron had gotten out and while it took a few days of Aaron debating it, he finally accepted the offer. It’s good to get under the bonnet of different cars. It allows him to not dwell on the letter he sent.
Weeks pass and Aaron doesn’t get a letter back. He stupidly checks the post everyday and gets disappointed every time there’s nothing. He’s not sure why he’s so disappointed. Maybe because deep down, Aaron knows the reason for sending the letter was because he wished someone had reached out to him while he was inside. 
It’s around the time Aaron has given up on the idea that Robert would reply that he finally receives it. The front of the envelope shows a neatly written penmanship, the opposite of Aaron’s. Heart racing, Aaron tears the envelope to read the letter.
It’s short, but Robert thanks Aaron for the letter and tells him he hopes they can continue to send letters to one another. He asks Aaron a few questions about himself and offers that he’s from Hotten. It’s an unbelievable coincidence and it makes Aaron wonder if this was fate. He shakes the thought away, the idea too ludicrous to entertain. But he immediately responds to Robert’s letter, eager to share that he’s from Emmerdale.
After the initial lag in response time, Robert starts replying to the letters much more quickly. They can manage to get letters from one another in about two days’ time and Aaron starts to learn about Robert. They touch on some of the things on Robert’s profile: the fact he’s taking classes to get a degree inside, the son he has named Seb, his family that still live in Hotten. And things not part of his bio: the fact he’s bisexual, the worry that he’ll most likely die in prison. It’s incredibly intimate and personal and makes Aaron want to share his own secrets to him.
Aaron doesn’t ask about the reason for Robert’s incarceration - he doesn’t want Robert to feel as though that is his defining characterization. Aaron is of course still curious, and wants to know. But he also respects that part of Robert that remains private, they still don’t know each other that well, despite some of the secrets they divulge to one another. It’s after two months of steady letter sharing before Robert offers it to Aaron unprompted.
I killed a man because he raped my sister. I hit him with a shovel and he later died from it. I don’t regret doing it, I know if given another chance, I’d hit him again. But I never meant for him to die. I pled guilty before he died, hoping that showing guilt would mean a shorter sentence. I hope you don’t think I’m a monster. But I figured it was time you knew.
It’s concise, and it doesn’t beat around the bush. He lays it bare for Aaron to either accept or not. He thinks about Gordon...about Liv. And he knows he would have done something similar if Gordon had even thought about laying a finger on Liv. 
The frank honesty makes Aaron want to return the favor. He quickly pulls some paper and writes about Gordon. It’s emotionally wrenching to write about it. Yes, he’s talked about it, and yes he’s testified about it before a court. But to actually write the words? It’s harder than Aaron could imagine. But he does it, and he sends the letter to Robert, more nervous than when he sent that first letter.
Robert's response comes the usual two days later. Nerves fill Aaron as he opens the envelope, afraid of the disgust, or even worse, the pity. But what's in the letter is neither, much to Aaron's surprise. 
Thank you for telling me about your dad. You’re braver than I could ever be. Aaron smiles at the words, at the loopy letters of Robert’s handwriting. He talks a little about prison life and answers some of the questions that Aaron had asked in his last letter. But then, there at the end of the letter, written in smaller letters than the rest of the letter:
I want to hear your voice. Can we arrange for me to call you one of these days? 
Aaron had never considered them speaking on the phone. Perhaps because it would make this relationship a little more real. He's successfully compartmentalized his letters to Robert and the rest of his life. He knows it's unfair, Robert has nothing else besides prison. Robert has never even asked for a photo of Aaron. 
He’s given vague descriptions of himself, like about the time he had gotten a haircut and the barber butchered his fluff at the top of his head. But he knows that’s probably the extent of Aaron offering his personal appearance to Robert. At least Aaron can sometimes go onto that website and gaze at Robert’s face.
You’re braver than I could ever be. Aaron wonders how true that is when he’s hesitating so much to reply and accept Robert’s offer to speak on the phone. But he worries that maybe this correspondence is getting too serious, that Aaron could cross a line he once scoffed at. He likes Robert, quite a bit to be honest. He’s afraid if he accepts and speaks to Robert, it might awaken something Aaron’s kept buried for the past couple of weeks.
Despite all these fears, he still writes his mobile number in his next letter. They arrange for Robert to call Aaron on a Thursday evening, after he’s had his tea and Robert is free to make his call. He sits at his table, squirming and feeling excited and nervous at the same time.
When his phone finally rings, he scrambles to answer the phone, his heart hammering. “Robert?” Aaron asks when he picks the phone up, nerves coiling in his stomach.
“Aaron?” A breath Aaron had been holding exhales when he hears Robert’s voice. It’s soft yet rich. Its timbre sends a small shiver down Aaron’s spine. His voice sounds like it was made to say Aaron’s name.
“Hiya.” Aaron finally says when he realizes it’s been silent on both ends.
“It’s good to hear your voice finally.” Robert confesses softly, and Aaron doesn’t think he’s ever going to tire of this voice. He wonders why he even hesitated for them to speak on the phone.
“Yeah. Yeah, you too.” 
It’s silent again, both of them missing their turn to speak, and Aaron starts to worry that maybe this was a mistake. That they should have just stuck to writing letters.
“So...ah, how are you?” Robert finally asks, and it’s tinged with awkwardness. They’ve traded secrets with one another and now they’re struggling to hold a real conversation. Tension that had been tightening in Aaron’s chest eases and he just laughs at the absurdity of it all. It’s infectious enough to cause Robert to laugh alongside Aaron. It becomes less awkward after their laugh and they pick up right where they left off in their letters.
The hour Robert gets is gone faster than Aaron wants it to be. He doesn’t want to hang up, instead, he wants to talk to Robert until his voice gives out. But he knows how other prisoners get when it’s their turn, so they both reluctantly start to say their good-byes. 
“We should make this a regular thing, us chattin’.” Robert suggests. Aaron pauses slightly to consider it, but it has Robert quickly adding, “Along with our letters.”
“Yeah. I’d like that.” Aaron agrees with a smile that hadn’t left his face since they’ve started talking. They waffle about for a few more minutes, still not hanging up, before Aaron hears commotion on Robert’s end and the phone call abruptly ends.
Not that Aaron would admit it - he’s not that soft - but letters and phone calls from Robert start to become the best part of Aaron’s life. The little tidbits he gets to share with Robert and the fact he understands the fears Robert has while being in prison are some of the truest moments Aaron has ever been.
Chas comments on Aaron’s improved mood one day, cornering him in the back of the pub.
“What’s his name?” She prompts.
“You what?”
“The bloke that’s making you smile. C’mon Aaron…” She whines, and clasps her hands in a pleading manner.
“There’s no bloke.” Aaron lies, but his mind invariably wanders to the latest letter Robert had sent that sits on his table. She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head, muttering something about how Aaron never tells her anything and he just huffs a small smile. A secret smile. Reserved only for Robert, despite him never seeing it on Aaron’s face.
It goes like that for months, Aaron learns more about Robert’s family, who he rarely sees because Robert doesn’t want them to feel guilty about the fact he’s in prison, about Seb who is growing bigger every time Robert sees him and how Robert worries how unfair it is for a child to see his father in prison. Robert becomes a person who Aaron knows intimately, more than several exes he’s had before. It should scare him, this feeling of affection for a man he’s not properly met. But it doesn’t, he allows himself to feel this flick of happiness through the most unconventional way.
Until one day, Robert is asking whether Aaron would like to have visiting orders.
The question freaks him out. Not because he doesn’t want to meet Robert in person - quite the contrary - but because of the trauma he faced when he was in prison. The memories of Jason and his gang still haunt him months after being released. Robert’s question stuns Aaron and he ends up not responding to it.  Days dissolve into weeks and guilt becomes the reason Aaron doesn’t pick up his pen to respond.
Robert calls one evening, and Aaron lets it go to voicemail, shame blooming into his chest. He watches his phone ring and sees when the voicemail notification pops up.
“Hiya Aaron. Hope you’re okay. I haven’t heard from you. I hope I didn’t freak you out with my offer. We can forget about it if you want. I’m sorry.” Robert’s voice is sad, and Aaron’s guilt is all the worse. He’s made that beautiful voice sad.
Aaron lets the guilt fester for a few more days before he finally picks up his pen and finally writes to Robert. He wants to tell him the reasons why he hadn’t responded, why he sometimes falls asleep to Robert’s name on his lips. But instead, he just accepts Robert’s offer for visiting orders. 
He has continued his biweekly visits to his counselor, and he tells her about the visiting orders. The visiting orders that now sit on his table, coming a week after Aaron accepted Robert’s offer.
“Are you excited to meet him in person?” She asks curiously.
“I think I love him.” Aaron confesses to her, wringing his hands, wanting to dig his fingernails into his skin and draw blood. 
She doesn’t say anything at first, “Do you think he feels the same way?”
Aaron looks at her, and there’s no judgement on her face. It’s what he’s always appreciated about her, the professionalism of masking her emotions. He thinks of the letters, how each one seems longer than the last one, the phone calls where Robert sounds so animated talking to Aaron and the reluctance to hang up, and the sadness of his voice when Aaron didn’t pick up.
“I don’t know.” Aaron replies honestly. 
The day Aaron is off to the Isle of Wight, Chas stops him. “Where are ya going?” She asks, eyeing Aaron’s overnight bag with barely concealed curiosity.
“Meeting some mates, that a problem?” Aaron snipes back. He’s still not told her about Robert, thinks she’ll disapprove and throw a fit. To be honest, he’s not really confided to anyone about him and Robert. If Adam had still been around, then maybe he’d know. But it’s a secret that Aaron wants to keep to himself because the last thing he wants is to share Robert with anyone. 
“Fine, keep your secrets. But I’ll get it out of you one of these days!” Chas says with a harmless pout.
“Not likely.” Aaron replies, hoisting his overnight back over his shoulder and leaving before Chas can ask him any more questions.
He takes a plane down to the Isle of Wight. The flight is relatively quick, but he couldn’t justify driving the six hours. It gives him a short time to reflect on the path his life has taken. He once thought it was mad that people could fall in love with convicts, maintain actual relationships. And now here he is, six months after he posted his first letter, on a flight to meet someone who clearly means so much to him.
Nerves prickle at Aaron’s skin when he finally is admitted into the visitor’s room. He’s been on the other side of the table so many times, and it of course reminds him of all the bad memories that made Aaron turn to a counselor in the first place. But he tries to put on a brave face, and awaits Robert’s arrival in the uncomfortable chair.
It takes a few moments before prisoners start filtering into the visitor’s room. A few people have come out before Aaron shoots up from his chair when he sees someone who resembles Robert’s photo. His hair isn’t styled in a quaff like the picture, instead it falls a little flat. He wears the prison issued clothes and he looks older and more tired than he did in that fresh photo. But he’s still the most fit person Aaron has ever clapped eyes on.
“Aaron?” Robert asks hesitatingly, standing before Aaron. He's taller than Aaron expected him to be.
“Yeah. Hiya, Robert.” 
A sigh escapes Robert, almost in relief or happiness. He grins and actually pulls Aaron into a hug, something Aaron had not been expecting.
“It’s nice to finally put a face to you.” Robert says when he pulls away. “You’re not what I was expecting, to be honest.”
Robert’s eyes drag up and down Aaron’s body in a blatant way that makes the hair on the back of Aaron’s neck stand. Finally his face erupts into an arrogant smirk, “Not at all.”
Aaron flushes red, but takes the flirtiness in stride. They sit down and ease into a harmless conversation. Robert asks Aaron about his trip down, and then it morphs into less small talk and more of their usual banter and conversation.
At one point, Robert laughs at something Aaron says and reaches out to touch Aaron’s hand. Aaron immediately retracts his hands away from Robert, not wanting him to touch him. Robert’s smile drops instantly, a frown replaces it. 
“Have I misunderstood us?” He asks quietly, the hurt palpable when all Aaron wants is to touch Robert’s face. The question, though tinged with sadness, dispels Aaron’s initial misgivings before coming down here: Robert sees something between them.
“No, not at all.” Aaron quickly reassures, placing his hands back on the table as a show of goodwill. Aaron hesitates, but eventually tells Robert about Jason. How he was relentless in hounding Aaron, somehow sussing out Aaron was gay, and the torment he faced in the year he was in prison. “I don’t want to give you any hassle.” Aaron finishes with a mumble.
Robert reaches out again and gives Aaron’s hand a squeeze, and this time Aaron doesn’t pull away. “Aaron. I’m in here for murder. Do you think I care what other people think of me?”
Aaron chews at his lip, looking at their linked hands with a sort of fascination. Eventually though, Robert does pull away, before any notices. Robert could talk a big talk, but the fact of the matter was, they both know they need to be careful.
When the guards give a five minute warning, Robert looks forlornly at Aaron, “I want to see you again.”
“I’m here for the weekend, can come back tomorrow, if you want.” Aaron tries to say nonchalantly, but he knows Robert sees right through him. 
He smiles and inches his fingers to Aaron, but doesn’t dare to touch him. “I'd like that.”
Aaron visits again the next day, but the visit only serves to confirm Aaron’s fears: he wants more. The phone calls, the letters, the short hourly visits, it’s not enough. He’s promising to visit Robert in two months' time, but it’s not a promise that warms Aaron. He wants to see Robert everyday, lay next to him, trace his face, tell him his deepest secrets and fears, wake up to seeing a disheveled and rumpled Robert. He wants it all. 
Life starts to revolve entirely on Robert after that visit. They speak almost daily on the phone, letters still being sent, and Aaron has made it part of his routine to go down to the Isle every other month. They have fights, of course they do. Robert thinks he’s being unfair to Aaron, making him ‘waste’ his life away on someone who might never get out. But if there’s one thing Aaron would admit about himself, it’s that he’s loyal to a fault.
Still, when about a year passes after Aaron first visits, his optimism starts to take a slight toll.  How can he keep this up for another twelve years? Aaron wants more. Needs more. Hour long phone calls, letters, and the times he can get down to the Isle...it’s not enough. It can never be enough. Aaron is in love with Robert, but he’s not so much as even kissed him. The hugs they give each other when Aaron visits last a bit too long, but neither of them care. Aaron can’t even write the depth of his feelings to Robert, for fear the letter falls into the wrong hands.
He sometimes feels like a fool for ever penning that first letter. But how can he truly believe that? Meeting Robert, no matter the limited capacity it's been, has been the best thing that has ever happened to Aaron. But Aaron isn’t a patient person, and twelve more years of longing and wanting the impossible dismays him.
When Robert calls that evening, Aaron tells him as much. “I can’t keep this up, I want more.” Aaron whispers it. He knows the phone lines are tapped and he worries confessing this.
“I know.” Robert replies, voice just as soft. “But I’m appealing my sentence. My barrister thinks I can be out soon. They’re confident the appeal will come good.”
Soon. The word holds so much promise but so much ambiguity at the same time. Still, it may be enough for Aaron to hold on. “And then what?”
“Then...maybe, we can give this a proper go, if you want.” 
“Then you come home, to me.” Aaron agrees, clutching at his phone uncaring about anyone who might be listening. 
“To you.” Robert agrees faintly. 
Aaron breathes out a sigh and he’s never felt more in love. It’s probably mad to even try to consider the possibility that Robert can get out early. But hope is a foolish man’s salvation, and Aaron has never considered himself smart. 
In the end, it takes another year of fighting appeals and convincing a judge that the initial sentencing was too severe when it was involuntary manslaughter. But Aaron is next to Robert the entire time, supporting him through their letters and the visits down to the Isle. Their phone calls start to become less frequent as Robert speaks to his barrister
The year is filled with Aaron meeting Robert's family in Hoften, shyly introducing himself as Robert's boyfriend. Robert's sister, Vic, welcomes and cries when Aaron explains how the two of them met. He takes to Vic instantly, and he understands better why Robert did what he did. He gets to meet Seb, who is every inch Robert’s son. 
But most of all, he gets to tell Robert he loves him in their own language. They’re both careful, but their love for each other is evident in every word in their letters, and the knowing looks and smiles they share when they get to visit in person.
The day Robert is finally released, Aaron stands in the front of the little welcome party that has congregated for Robert’s release. He’s holding five year old Seb’s hand with Diane and Vic standing behind them. Aaron’s heart is in his throat and nerves coil in his gut.
The minutes feel endless and they torment him, feeling as if time has stood still. But finally, finally, Robert walks out of the prison and he takes Aaron’s breath away. Robert is wearing civilian clothes, the first time Aaron has ever seen him in them, and acting on pure instinct, he drops Seb’s hands and rushes to Robert. Robert mirrors his actions and they meet in ght middle, embracing each other, pressing against each other, almost as if to imprint themselves onto each other. There’s tears falling down Aaron’s cheeks that Robert is wiping away, Seb is shouting in glee and Aaron soon feels Seb’s little arms wrapping around the pair of them.
Robert bends down and picks Seb up, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Seb ducks his head into Robert’s neck and Aaron crowds father and son, petting Seb’s hair and looking into Robert’s eyes. Robert leans forward and finally kisses Aaron, and he melts. Seb wriggles in Robert’s arms, Diane and Vic are crying but Aaron doesn’t pay them a single mind, absorbed entirely of the feeling of having the love of his life kiss him for all he’s worth.
“I love you.”
Aaron’s not sure which one of them says it, but it vibrates between them and it’s the truest statement he’s ever known. He knows Robert will similarly have to go to counseling like Aaron, and he’ll have to now adjust to a world where people might judge Robert for the sins of his mistakes. But that’s neither here nor there, all that matters is this moment of feeling Robert’s lips on his own.
Despite the long road they may face, Aaron knows they can weather it, because they’re together and Robert is coming home to Aaron.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi so i saw that you're okay with writing blurbs (totally fine if you're not up to it tho) i just wanted to ask about the homebound au, you mention that jimin has a tough love relationship with y/n so can you elaborate more on that?? like how their relationship is? tysm and i love ur writings :((
homebound: tough love
Tumblr media
pairing: best friend!jimin x y/n
glimpse: jimin has a tough love relationship with pit stop crew!y/n, and you’re very determined to get him to smile :D
wordcount: 3k
notes: thank u so much baby!!! ur cute and i love you
this is an in-depth take of jimin and y/n’s friendship from homebound, the racer!yoongi fic and in there originally jimin is sO annoyed by u hehe but there iS this piece as his redemption arc // gif isn’t mine!!
in your very humble opinion
first impressions in first days in literally EVERY setting possible last for a lifetime
yeah sure time and influence would change these relationships built on first days bUt of course they matter!!!!
that would be the first memory someone’s ever gonna have of you and that shit’s crazy if u really think about it
you didn’t really pay mind to first impressions at first because you really thought that it’s whatever the other person makes of you,,, for being yourself
but then jungkook happened
it’s both your first day for work but for different teams and the two of you could still be up on each other’s throats buT it’s just via text
update: jungkook bought FOUR boxes of donuts all in different flavors and that’s just for his fellow crew members
for his crew chief, he deadass bought him a dozen for himself AND jungkook even made a crepe cake for the guy!! from SCRATCH
for jung hoseok the racer? tiny cups of ice cream cake packed in a little cOOLER he specifically bought for this reason alone
even sent pictures of those two large bags with him that he’s gripping in one hand alone....
your heart warms that oH look a selfie that a smiling koo sent AAAAAAAND he’s flipping me off :))
no worries tho you came fully prepared
you’ve baked red velvet crinkle cookies!! just two of em stacked and in the middle is cream cheese icing that tastes sO heavenly
although only 1/4 of them you did yourself because they looked like they were the only good ones from the two batches you’ve made hehe
the rest of those you just ordered and gODDAMN were they v delectable and scrumptious
now min yoongi the racer couldn’t be here for the first day because uh from what you’ve heard, he’s uh somehwere in malta with his girlfriend and the flights out of malta are cANCELLED aha
that just means you have to pour your all to your crew chief
a separate box of red velvet crinkles
get this
a large tupperware you had to buy,,
filled with different types of pstries and bREAD
cream puffs and pretzels and blueberry muffins then buttered croissants and basically everything else that u could check out with a reasonable expiry date
a little sticky note right in the muddle
“let’s get this bread :D”
bread meaning dubs and dubs meaning wins aHa get it?? get it?? do u get it
you’re really aiming to give it to mr. park jimin himself
you’ve actually never met him but you heard his name a handful when you were still a trainee
park jimin sounds so much of a dignified name it’s absolutely intimidating
much more so when you’re knocking at his door and there’s a gentle hum from inside the door and you’re so nervous to differentiate whether that was a signal for you to come in or dON’T
spoiler alert: you came in at what you assume is the middle of the call your crew chief was making and oh-
he’s young!! even looks like he’s just in the same age as you are and you can’t really tel because WOW
you honestly thought mr. park jimin was just an old sack of rice or something
like maybe even fermented rice wine old
you didn’t knOw mr. park jimin is THIS
ok jimin’s peeved because uh that him clearly meant no but also curious at the same time because who r u
he was in the middle of a call with yoongi who’s called him in his office phone which is why he’s sped all the way here, hence why you haven’t seen him in the gathering downstairs
he also acts as yoongi’s manager besides being his crew chief and he’s unknowingly fit into the position
it’s like when a professor groups you and there’s no assigned leader but eVERYONE knows who the leader is even if so
now he’s kinda in the middle of berating yoongi because he should’ve came home tWO days ago but he wanted to extend alright and now look who won’t be coming home for another three days :D
suddenly the door bursts open and he sees an unfamiliar face peeking through and???
“.... can i help you?”
“mr. park!! oR should i call you jimin?? should i call you doc like from cars the movie because i thOught that’s what usually happens???”
who are you
who ARE you
you’re so nervous that you went down the cars movie spiel and that’s jUNGKOOK’S move and maybe you’ve been spending too much time with him that you’re morphing into one person
of all the traits you could absorb it really had to be the nervous cars talk :(((
“i’m y/n y/l/n, a crew member!! i was recruited to be a trainee back in uni and i went straight to here and i heard sO much about you-“
..... hmmmmm
either you really did hear about jimin and his name makes up for some news
or you’re a liar
if he’s being frank, jimin’s only started out as crew chief like a year and a half ago
yes he knows he’s young!!!
much more young compared to the stereotypical balding crew chief with the mustache and the sun spots
there’s still some talk on to how he shouldn’t be crew chief at all because he doesn’t have like 100 years of experience like these dinosaurs do bUT HE KNOWS HE’S STILL QUALIFIED
he may be not as experienced but he knows the math!!! he knows the logistics and he knows the statistics
jimin’s smart and agile and he knOws he could handle being a crew chief!!! yeah although yoongi himself is like two years older than him and bossing him is hilarious at times lol
“-and i just wanted to give you this!! y’know... for the official start of my career and a little goodie bag!!!”
he knows what you’re doing
first impressions amirite
he doesn’t care for this shit at aLL because if he may brag.,., people are immediately whipped for him and all he needs to do is smile to their direction
that’s it
oh you’re kinda embarrassing yourself in his opinion lmao but ok
“oh. i usually find red velvet too sweet.”
cool cool
now you get that not everyone is as passive-aggressive as yOU are and how you’d much rather wait to let that person pass before you talk shit
but jimin is really straightforward as you could tell
“it’s okay because there’s bREAD!!”
who doesn’t like bread :))
not uNLESS jimin hates bread or is allergic to eat it because then that means you officially have butchered your first impression
“... huh... whole container.. filled with bread...”
he’s not even feigning his expression
he looks severely underwhelmed and you wanna suck it up because if you’re gonna look tragically displeased with me boss ATLEAST do it behind my back :(((
anyways jimin stands up from his seat and outsretches his hand and that’s your cue to shake it and then leave
one problem though,,,
you see you’re wearing some rings
and he’s wearing some long-sleeves
and you are gracefully unaware that there’s a loose thread by the cuff of it and jimin over here is sporting sweater paws.,..,.
the handshake’s over but yOUR RING IN HIS CUFF ISN’T
“oH i’m so sorry sir let me just-“
you’re tugging your hand off aND FUCK
“no y/n i’ll just-“
jimin tries to be the one to pluck it out from your ring that’s stuck but that’s too late for it now
and it’s now bunched up and when loosened :))) the thread’s already ran :))) and is very visible on jimin’s slightly expensive shirt :)))
yours and jimin’s dynamic...
it’s uh
it’s unlike no other
jimin is repulsed by you
he finds that you irk him very easily and you don’t know wHY jimin finds you to be in his nerves when you literally do nothing to him
he joins in the team drills to boost morale and let the crew know that not only is he the one heading it, but he’s also with you along the way
“do you want ice cubes in your drink?”
jimin’s sunglasses are perched up just nicely on his nosebridge as he sips on his water that came from the jug
honestly the weather is just sO humid and slightly iced water just won’t cut it
“yeah sure”
he outstretches his hand for you to take the cup and put ice in it but you dON’T
you don’t take it away from him!!!!
jimin sees you plopping down a handful of ice cubes in his cup with your bARE hands
b-buy you’re holding the cooler there mUST be some tongs in there
“they r clean and besides!! friends do that!!”
“who told you that we’re friends?”
he is the one who halts all your plans
“stop snacking” is his signature line for u whenever you’re by the pit
and yoongi isn’t even near the box yet wHY can you not snack???
you can’t even protesy because jimin already has his palm open so he coulf confiscate the gummy bears with the promise that “yea sure i’ll give you them when the race is over hmmmm yea”
of course he isn’t gonna stuff it in his pocket
he just plops them down on the table and when you ask him for them????
they’re all hot and melty and disgusting because they were accidentally left in the sun to disintegrate
“do you want some coffee?”
and then he met jungkook
he’s a bit of a brat but eh jimin finds him more tolerable than you
you’re all done with the workout and your trainer sehun is just sO unforgiving like would another eight second break hurt????
you’re kind of passed out by the bench and so is everyone
“i didn’t have any kids ask me for a picture today :((“
typically after the race some people would ask for your photograph!! along with the other pit stop crew members and they just make your day!!!
yoongi isn’t the only superstaer here ok :((
“well maybe if you did your joob good, they’d actually want to be in the same frame as you are.”
jimin snorts in reply without skipping a beat and ahhhh everyone knows the two of you are gonna start fighting again
usually you just roll your eyes but-
“jimin i don’t kNOW what i ever did to you for you to hate me so much and i’ve literally done nothing but to try and be kind and patient with you!!!”
oh they’re just gonna leave collectively now
“i already know you find me insufferable you dON’T have to rub it in my face every single time.”
you just combusted actually
you’re so over with jimin treating you like a loose thread on his shirt and he discards you every TIME like so
you can’t catch a break and it’s as if you’ve never done anythint good for him ever in your whole career
you don’t make conversation with him not unless it’s for work
you don’t offer him your food
you don’t throw him a smile
he bought a box of red velvet crinkles but then you didn’t even get a piece :((
jimin is shitty at apologies and the guilt’s been eating up at him because yeah he admits that he’s crossed a line there
and most of the times it’s always intentional so that’s even more guilt-tripling
then THE incident happened
and you left
he felt the most apologetic and shitty for that because gOD you’re just so good to everyone and to especially him!!!
he’s treated you so badly and you don’t waver for a single second because up until the last minute, you were still adjusting for him!!!
you were still considering his possible promotion and him in general when he knows to himself that you could’ve easily pinned the blame on him
but you didn’t
you covered for jimin and didn’t want him to be jeopardized by yoongi’s outrage.
“i’m sorry for being an asshole to you all the time.”
the moment the season ended, he’s immediately made his way to kim kradle to apologize to you
again and again
again and again until he wore himself out and cried and you had to stop him sternly just to assure him that you’re not angry at him
he looks out for you in his own ways
jimin’s not very vocal nor showy on how thankful he is to have you as a friend
it’s to when you order a chocolate chip smoothie and then the barista gives you a matcha one and you aBSOLUTELY hate matcha
and u already paid and you don’t want to cause a scene or anything like that
“i thought you hated matcha?”
jimin’s confused because since when did you develop a love for this green thing you’ve vividly described as soggy grass after a rainstorm that tastes like soil and phlegm
“oh i sTILL do!! lmao the barista got it wrong but it’s ok i’ll-“
“absolutely not.”
and then jimin’s immediately taking your cup and the receipt on the table and he’s gOING for the counter and won’t back down even if you’re tugging at his sleeve
not only was your order replaced, you ALSO got a complimentary cookie as the manager’s apology because whew jimin could be scary
it’s when you’re cooking lunch at kim kradle and u are mighty afraid of oil splashes because who wouldn’t????
jimin would nudge you to the side and he’d wordlessly take over for you
you would fall asleep on the floor and he’d prop a pillow underneath your head quietly
if he’s in the mood he’d give you another one underneath your arms
he may call for yoongi to carry you to the couch but ok fine he carried you one time and he’ll never speak of it
he’d let you believe that a ghost carried you there or something
sometimes jimin is just his usual grumpy self and he’s always been that wat
it’s tough love
jimin really drove to kim kradle at 7 in the evening which is out of his way and out of schedule because he should’ve done this errand at the opposite part of the city,,,
but here he is
with some fever medicine and a blanket from your place (he has a spare key) because you’ve been feeling homesick with all the back and forth from kim kradle and yoongi’s place :((
“thanks, minnie. lol if only i don’t love you platonically and u weren’t an asshole to me, you would’ve tOTALLY be my boyfriend rn”
yoongi would like to make it known that HE IS HERE
he IS the boyfriend
“you guys know that i’m-“
“totally. if only i didn’t find u annoying and a bitch, we could be married right now!!”
yoongi just wants to-
jungkook pats yoongi’s head in amusement
lol he too is a lil jealous because yOU’RE his best friend but anyways
“let them be, yoongs.”
aish he’s right
it’s heartwarming to see
jimin’s only warm to a couple of people and that’s including yoongi
he’s not the most open nor affectionate person in the world but he’s trying ok and that’s good enough!!!
“i TOTALLY would’ve been the godfather to their child though lmaooo”
jungkook snickers for a side comment that’s too LOUD and he’s only half-joking if he’s being honest and-
quick question
is that a flying wRENCH
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“Berliner Fernsehturm” * Foto: BernardoUPloud
After her marriage with Frank Randall has failed and Claire Beauchamp flees from her violent husband, she finds refuge in the house of the Fraser/Murray family in Berlin-Wilhelmshorst. But then tensions arise between Britain (which has since left the EU) and some EU member states. All holders of an English passport are required to leave EU territory within six weeks … and suddenly Claire’s fate looks more uncertain than ever.
This story was written for the #14DaysofOutlander event, hosted by @scotsmanandsassenach​
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Chapter 7: 14 Men (3)
        "Your name is not Etienne Marcel de Provac Alexandre? But you have a passport..."
        "Yes, I have a passport in that name. And this passport is not fake. It "s real. I ..."
        Claire saw non-Etienne kneading his hands, but he stopped immediately when he noticed her look.
        "I use that name because it's too dangerous for me to travel under my real name."
        "Why is that?"
        "Because otherwise I might be kidnapped, taken to a maximum security prison and put away for life for treason."
        Only later would she admit, admit it to herself. But the thought that this man, whoever he really was, would be locked up for the rest of his life, that thought stabbed Claire's heart.
        "Then who on earth are you?"
        "My name is James Fraser, you can call me Jamie."
        Claire's eyes had widened in astonishment. Then she said slowly, as if in shock:
        "James Fraser? The James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser? Lord Broch Tuarach?"
        Jamie was in shock. But before he could ask how she knew his full name, Claire went on:
        "You are one of the 14 New Jacobites. You are one of the leading men of the Scottish Independence Movement. You have fled Scotland with your family and are said to be somewhere in Europe. The government of Vladimir de Salty Brownson has put a bounty on your head."
        Claire clapped her hands together in front of her face.
        They were silent for a moment. Then Jamie asked:
        "How do you know all this, Claire?"
        For a moment, she seemed to be struggling, but then she said:
        "My husband, Frank. He's not just a historian, he's not just a professor at Harvard. He's also worked for the Ml5 ... and still does. You ... and the 14 New Jacobites are the centre of his work."
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“Bibliothek” by StockSnap   
        After these mutual revelations, they fell silent for a while. Only slowly did the implications of those confessions begin to take shape in their minds. Claire was the first to find her voice again. She leaned over to Jamie and carefully put her hand on his arm:
        "Mr. Fraser ..."
        Jamie didn’t answer, but stared in front of him. .
        "James ..." she tried again.
        "Jamie, call me Jamie, Claire."
        "Jamie, you don't need to worry. I won't betray you or your family. I have no interest in that whatsoever. Please believe me. I have no sympathy for the government of Vladimir de Salty Brownson, nor for," she faltered for a moment, "the monster whose drunken vengeance you saved me from only 36 hours ago."
        He had guessed. When he saw Frank Randall come through the door into the hall, he had guessed. And if he was honest to himself, deep down, he had known. It couldn't be a coincidence. They looked too much alike for that. And that face ... that awfully ordinary face ... that mask of conformist commonality ... and then that mediocre stature. Not too short, not too tall, not too thin, not too fat. A person you meet and forget in a few days. But he was not as harmless as he looked. On the contrary. He was not a man without qualities. Jamie knew it. He had literally experienced it firsthand.
        He looked at Claire again. And slowly, Jamie realized what the hectic pace of the past two days had clouded in his thinking:
        If Frank Randall was related to Jonathan "Black Jack" Randall (and he had to be, because they were just too much alike), then she, too, must have gone through unspeakably bad things.
        Claire's voice was now back in his ear.
        No, Claire would never betray him or his family, he was sure of that. The common enemy, the common threat, made her a natural ally. But what if Frank Randall recognized him despite his drunken condition? He had to take the necessary steps to protect himself, Claire, and of course his family.
        Jamie took another deep breath.
        "I trust you, Claire. But ... we still need to take some precautions, for your sake and ours."
        Claire wanted to ask him what kind of precautions he was talking about, but at that moment there was a knock at the door.
        Jamie shouted, "Come in!" and Helen Ballin appeared to inform them that lunch was ready.
        "We'll be right there," he replied and the housekeeper closed the door of the library behind her.
        "As I said, Claire, we must take some precautions. That is why I will need to speak with ... those friends ... who have helped me and my family to find a safe exile here. They are the same ... friends who helped me to bring you here safely. I have to inform them ... as soon as possible ... and I think they would like to speak to you as well. Would you be willing to do so?"
        She nodded.
        "Yes, of course."
        "Fine, but first we're going to have lunch."
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“Esstisch” by RealAKP         The lunch that Jamie and Claire had with Ian and Jenny in the dining room was lively with animated conversation. Jamie had told Claire that he would not tell his family about the developments concerning Frank Randall until he had spoken to his "friends".
        As they ate and Claire followed the casual conversation, her thoughts kept wandering to the question of who these "friends" could be. They had to be people in influential economic or political positions. That much was clear to her. Who else could have such possibilities as she had seen them at work in Jamie's life for the past two days? No, he had to have significant connections. Relationships in the influential circles of this country. But how did he come to have them?         Traditionally, France, Spain and Ireland had been allies of Scotland. Germany, especially the Hanoverians, were more likely to be the country's opponents. Should that have changed in the meantime? Frank had mentioned nothing of the sort. Anyway, Frank was not very happy about the "Nazis" on the other side of the big pond. Like Margaret Thatcher, he felt that "those" should never have been allowed to reunite their country. These people could not be trusted and he was sure that even seven decades of a democratic state could not hide the fact that these barbarian Huns were just waiting for the opportunity to subjugate Europe again. For this reason, Frank had enthusiastically welcomed both the Brexit and the rise of Vladimir de Salty Brownson. She remembered very well how enthusiastic he was when Prime Minister Terry Mary June failed with her Brexit negotiations and had to resign. Claire had not forgotten the sarcasm with which Frank had commented on this event. "Women," he had said in a snide tone, "should stay out of politics on principle. After all, that's something for rational beings." Claire had listened to all this, but  hadn't given it any meaning. Since the age of five, she had travelled the world with her uncle Lambert, but she had never been to Germany. And she refused to pass judgement on people she had never met. But she was silent, because at that point she had already learned that it would not be good for her if she contradicted Frank. When Jamie had asked her if she would accompany him to Germany, she had only one thought: Frank would not follow her into that country willingly.
        "Claire, some more wine?"
        Ian's question had interrupted her thoughts.
        "Yes, please."
        She held out her glass to him and Ian filled it.
        After they finished the dessert, Jamie thanked Jenny for the meal.
        "You'll have to excuse Claire and me. We have things to discuss."
        Ian and Jenny nodded. Claire followed Jamie through the hall to the terrace behind the house. There, in a sunny spot, were some armchairs with cushions around a round table. Jamie asked Claire to take a seat in one of the armchairs and sat opposite her. Claire did not wait for Jamie to start talking.
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“Sitzecke” by  fietzfotos         "Who are these 'friends' you spoke of, Jamie?"
        "They're ... people my uncle Jared was already friends with. He had built up a pan-European wine trade out of Paris. And in most of the European capitals where he had subsidiaries, he not only bought real estate, but also made contact with ... influential people. He was a gifted networker. Of course, there were and are former friends of my uncle in Berlin.
        "Who are now also your friends, or friends of your family.”
        "Exactly. And these people will also be your friends, because you are friends with my family.”
        "Friends of friends, so to speak?"
        "You say it. Unless ... you don't want to.”
        "No, I have already told you that I trust you, and ... that I have no sympathy for the government of Vladimir de Salty Brownson or for ... his follower in Boston."
        She was silent for a moment.
        "Is there anything I have to do? Do these friends expect anything from me?"
        "I think they will ask nothing from you except secrecy."
        "Do you think they will allow me to stay here, I mean, in this country?"
        "I think so. And I will, of course, do my best to secure your stay ... unless you don't want me to. Is there any other country that you'd like to go to ..."
        "No, no. Not at the moment. I ..."
        “... you would like to stay and rest for a while?"
        "Yes ...”
        "I have no doubt that you will be allowed to do so. Now, if you'll excuse me a moment."
        Jamie got up and went to the opposite end of the terrace. Once there, he pulled his smartphone out of his pocket and dialed one of the numbers that connected him to the "management" of “In Vino Veritas”.
        "Ferdinand? It's me, Etienne. There are certain delivery problems regarding the wine from California. It would be good if we could discuss this inj person ... Could you join us for dinner tonight?"
        He was silent for a moment.
        "Yes, 7:00 pm is fine. I look forward to it."
        He hung up and put the phone back in his pocket. Then he went back to Claire.
        "Did you reach your friend?”
        "Yes, he'll be joining us for dinner tonight and we can talk afterwards. Is that okay with you?"
        "Yes, although I'd like to lie down again."
        Jamie reached out to her and helped her get up.
        "Is it the elderly gentleman who greeted you in the underground car park?" Claire asked as they went back into the house.
        Jamie looked at her for a moment, then smiled and said:
        "No, this is also a ... friend, but he doesn't have the ... authority that is needed now. I'm going to introduce you to him tonight."
        They said goodbye at the elevator and as it left, Jamie turned to the door leading to the living room. Jenny and Ian were waiting there. He had to inform them of the developments and the dangers that his meeting with Claire Beauchamp had set in motion. Reluctantly, he reached for the doorknob.
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“Wohnzimmer” by JamesDeMers
        When Jamie had finished and reached again for the whisky glass that Ian had put for him and refilled once before, his sister and brother-in-law looked at him in shock.
        "And you are sure it is really a relative of Jonathan Randall?” asked Jenny incredulously.
        "Unfortunately yes," Jamie admitted.
        Silence filled the living room.
        "I hope you don't think I'm putting us all intentionally in danger ..."
        "Jamie! We know you didn't mean to put us in danger. Do you think Claire will ..."
        "Ian," Jenny now interfered, "if her husband is as brutal as his relative, then I don't want to imagine what her body looks like under her clothes. And if she's thinking of turning on us, we might as well tell her what her husband's relative did to us."
        Jenny looked grim.
        "Please," Jamie turned to her again, "I don't think that's necessary for now. Tonight Ferdinand will speak to her and I have no doubt that he knows exactly how to explain the urgency of the whole matter to her. I think it would be wiser to get to know her better first and build a good relationship with her. One doesn’t betray the people who are good to you."
        "You forget, my dear brother, that 10 Downing Street has put a bounty on your head and 10 million pounds is something to be considered," Jenny said.
        "Yes, perhaps in England, but not in Europe or anywhere else in the world. And if the economy continues like this, at some point you will need 10 million pounds to buy a loaf of bread. No, I think Claire is neither greedy for money nor so crazy that she wants to return to England at the moment. Even before I offered her to come with me, she asked me how far Berlin was from Boston or London. I think she needs to put a distance as great as possible between her husband and herself."
        "Are you sure we can still live here? Will they continue to protect us, won't they?"
        Ian's gaze was serious.
        "There's no question about it. I don't know if we can stay right here or if we have to move to another place. But I'm sure they'll keep protecting us. Remember: Not only do they know something about us, we know a lot about them as well. And moreover we have common goals - when the time is ready. I will not jeopardize that, nor do I think Ernst is stupid enough to do so."
        Jamie's brother-in-law nodded.
        "Let's wait and see what tonight's conversation brings," he then said and reached for his whisky glass.
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“Wohnen in weiss” by  RainerSturm  / pixelio.de           Claire had returned to her room. She felt exhausted and would have liked to get some sleep. But after the previous conversation with Jamie, that was out of the question. She slipped out of her shoes and began to make one round after the other through her room. Unconsciously she had crossed her arms in front of her chest. Now and then she stopped in front of one of the windows and looked out. At some point she stopped in front of the fireplace and stretched out her arms over the entire mantelpiece. A sigh escaped her throat. So many questions suddenly rushed at her. If she revealed to Jamie's friends, who obviously belonged to the political and certainly also to the secret service circles of this country, the information she had learned through her marriage to Frank, wouldn't she become a traitor to her country? Would she not sell her birthright in this way for a lentil dish? And with all the negative feelings she had built up against Frank - would she put his life in danger by her actions? Once more she went a few rounds through her room. Then she decided that she had to talk to Jamie about these questions.
        When Claire knocked on the door of the living room a few moments later, Jenny's voice was heard. She opened and entered.
        "Oh, hi, Claire!"
        "Jenny, I'm sorry to bother you.”
        "It’s o.k., Claire. What can I do for you?"
        "I need to talk to Jamie, but it seems, he is not in his room ...”
        "Ah, that's not surprising. He's in the gym and should have finished his daily workout by now. Come on, I'll show you where to find him.”
        Jenny, who had been sitting on the couch while knitting, stood up and came towards her. Then she led Claire down the hall to a door under the stairs. When Jenny opened it, Claire saw a staircase that led to the basement of the house.
        "Down here, then immediately to the left. Continue straight down the hallway until you come to the door with the small window. That’s the gym. You can't miss it. Just walk in. Jamie usually has his headphones in there when he works out, so he can't hear anyone knocking.
        "Thanks, Jenny."
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“Fitnessraum” by lewisgoodphotos         She descended the stairs, followed Jenny's directions, and a minute later Claire was standing outside the door described, which she opened without knocking.
        Throughout her medical studies, Claire had seen many horrible images. And what she saw in the emergency room where she later worked had often been just as bad. Except that the injuries were no longer just pictures, but injuries inflicted on living humans. That which had been bad but far away during her studies had come close and seemed all the more terrible to her. But Claire had never seen something like that, what she saw when she walked through the door of Jamie Fraser's gym. Later she would realize that this experience gave her the answers to all her questions.
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretaker CH27
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4,798
- Author Note: Did u watch MAMA last night? Last week was so crazy i spent my 6 hours just like that for an award show. it is killing my back istg :< anyways, this chapter little emo, because look at our taetae expressing his worries on the group dyamic and friendship :(
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Chapter 27
That night the boys went straight back to their hotel rooms after attending the after party. They stayed for thirty minutes as a courtesy. It was awkward to stay longer since they were pretty much a newcomer in this award. Though Ansel Elgort and The Chainsmoker presence at the party helped to ease the awkwardness. Yet, it was evident they were not comfortable to be around the big names.  The number of the connections that they made were not enough to make them stay for the rest of the night. They agreed to attend the after party because of the food after all and of course to show their respect.
Nothing could beat their eagerness to do the usual Vlive. Billboard Awards was possible due to the unending supports from Armys. Something that they would cherish for the rest of their life. As soon as they ended their short Vlive, they celebrated their victory together with Bang PD and the rest of the staffs.
Even though everyone insisted Seul’s presence there, but she knew her place. She did nothing to contribute to their winning, so she rejected their offer politely and chose to stay in her room instead. She was not tempted to be in the same room as them tonight, as Seul respected their privacy.
It was way past midnight, yet she didn’t see any sign of Semmy returning to the room. Tired of waiting, she called it a day and getting ready to hit the sack.  She tied her hair into ponytail after pampering her skin.
The sound of bell brought her attention to the door and she strutted to open it “Unnie-“her smile was replaced with a baffle look “What are you doing here?” she sent the latter a questionable look.
Yoongi hummed softly, holding the plastic bag up “I brought drinks, care to have some with me?” Seul was weirded out by his randomness.
“Don’t you have enough drinks today? I thought you guys were celebrating in your room” she held onto the door, showing no sign of letting the rapper inside. Not to be rude, Seul was being careful with her surrounding and the fact that she shared her room with Semmy feared her. What if someone caught them together? It would spark an unnecessary gossip among the staffs.
He ran his tongue over his lips, slipping one of his hand against the door “We have called it a night. I didn’t drink. I am saving it for you” his sinful lips twisted into a smirk. What a sore to her eyes.
“I..don’t drink alcohol though, I have zero tolerance on it. So, care to find someone else to drink those with you? I am sorry” she was about to shut the door, but he held it back chuckling softly.
“Who told you that I brought alcohol? I bring cokes and chips. You have been avoiding me these past few days, lets have a decent talk. Shall we?” Yoongi’s eyes sparked in the sexiest way. Seul could not say no to that though her mind was having a fit for letting the guy inside. The second she realized, Min Yoongi had made himself comfortable on the queen bed, with his legs crossed.
Seul emitted a soft sigh, closing the door behind her “Min Yoongi, why are you here? If there is one person that I shouldn’t trust in this world, then it would be you” she stood in front of him looking all defensive. To be frank, Min Yoongi did nothing that could harm her. It was her personal issues with her own feeling, to be exact her raging hormones. She couldn’t trust herself around him at all.
Her mind seemed to have the mind of its own. It reacted against her consciences even though she was aware of its consequences on her, she would still do it nonetheless. Ironically, only Min Yoongi had that effect on her.
He looked calm and oddly serious today. Did the winning affect his wrecked brain? Yoongi patted the empty seat beside him, motioning Seul to fill it. The girl’s response made him to roll his eyes in his seat, with that he pulled the overreacting girl beside him.
Seul let out a small gasp, shifting uncomfortably “What are you planning to say? Don’t….do something funny…” she said nervously while making a small space between them.  
He frowned “I will only do something funny after I make sure I talk this out with you first” teasing the flustered girl, he held back his chuckle upon witnessing her distressed face. Seul might appear all sassy on the outside but her demeanour could be unpredictable from time to time. Where’s the consistency, Ji Seul.
“Okay speak” Seul pressed her lips together while fiddling with the hem of her shirt. She’s honestly afraid of what might come from Yoongi. Serious Yoongi was not her thing, so she had no idea what to expect from the older guy.
Yoongi passed the cold can to her which she gladly took it. Their fingers brush against each other jolting Seul in her seat. She coughed away the awkwardness, quickly open the drinks and took a long sip from it.
Amused, he studied Seul closely “Why are you so jumpy Seul?” he bit his lower lips with a hidden smile. It made him feel superior to know he’s the reason why she had been acting this way. There was a hope in this relationship after all.
He took a small sip from his drink and expelled a long endearing sigh. It caught Seul’s attention right away and she gathered her courage to say something “Are… you alright? Something is bothering you?” her soft voice was oh-so-soothing in his ears.
“Yes. It is you who has been bothering me” Yoongi played with the sheets beneath him.
“Yoongs..I have no idea what you are about to say but I think I kinda know where this conversation will lead us” she set the drink down on the other side and collected her knees to her chest. Seul was about to prepare her heart just in case this conversation might be the cause of her misery or happiness, whichever it was, Seul had to face it.
Yoongi smiled meekly, “Will you listen to me until I am done?” his voice was soft and husky travel through the ice-cold air. He seemed to be steeling so Seul nodded in assurance. She didn’t want him to think she’s being selfless, so she responded quickly “I want to hear all of it. Tell me” she whispered under her calm breathing.
“I apologize for acting rashly around you. I feel deeply bad. I didn’t mean to disrespect you as a woman. In fact, I do see you as a woman. I want to keep you safe and not to be the cause of your misery. It is crazy how it is hard for me to finally be truthful to myself. I am not good with words. I have no idea how to act around you, to treat you like the way you deserve. I always thought giving into my feelings will weaken me. I end up treating you like some kind of pushover” Seul listened to every word attentively. Sometimes she would be in daze trying to digest Yoongi’s real intention and sincerity.
He took a long pause before continue “ There are a lot of people walking around feeling not the slightest bit of guilty for how they treat others. I thought if I acted the same way it would free me from the problem occur surround me. Some people convinced themselves that they are not responsible for someone else’s feelings. All these years, I learned how to endure it and pretend everything is okay when it is not. I thought when it came to myself, I only had to be selfish. I never consider your feelings and let my emotion cloud my judgement” Seul squeezed her eyes feeling her head pounded over Yoongi’s complicated way of explaining things. It was not her first time to hear such flowery and complicated stuffs coming from him.
“Yoongi, I am sorry.. What is your point? I am a little lost here” her nose scrunched up in confusion.
“Ugh, fuck. Sorry, I really am bad in this. What I am trying to say is..this thing between us is not a joke. I mean when I treated you badly, I meant to make you understand something. FUCK! WHY IS THIS SO HARD” he facepalmed, rubbing his hair roughly with a small grunt.
She reached out to his arm, giving it a soft pat “Calm down, you really need to get to the point. Or I am kicking you out from my room.” she joked only to annoy the wretched man even more. Yoongi shot her a disbelief look while she kept her face straight playing innocent.
“You are impossible” he flashed his dissatisfied smile earning a soft giggle from the playful Seul. She had never acted this comfortable around him, so that was first. Yoongi then returned to compose himself forcing words out from his cold lips.
He almost lost his grip on the can as he noticed the girl’s attention was on him. She was looking at his away adoring his every action as if she’s the girlfriend. Her cheek was rested at the top of her knees, while her lips pursed cutely into a pout. Yoongi cussed in his head loathing this image in front of him. Why must this girl make things harder for him?
“Are you going to make me wait Min?” said Seul in annoyance.
“Alright, listen here. I have a romantic feeling for you! Don’t ask me when it starts, because I can’t really recall. Remember the kisses that I stole from you! It was my way to confirm my feelings for you until you confront me that day. I wasn’t prepared, so I had no answers with me. I REALLY TRIED TO RESTRAIN MYSELF FROM HAVING SOME ROMANTIC THOUGHTS WHEN IT COMES TO YOU! Ugh, hell I tried hard, but it failed me. You are the cause to my sleepless night” Yoongi let out all the frustration bottled up inside him at once leaving the poor girl speechless.
Seul’s brows furrowed, her eyes still soft as she scrutinized Yoongi’s expression seeking for truthfulness and she found it. His eyes flickered in an unexplainable glint and sincerity. “That sounds really awful” she cringed with her chin still resting on her knees.
His eyes instantly enlarged upon hearing Seul’s response “WHICH ONE SOUNDS AWFUL?” he looked disturbed considering he had poured all his heart to this so-called confession only to be look down by the girl that he loved was rather appalling. Bad sign.
“That part where you blame me for your sleepless night. I didn’t ask you think of me before you sleep Min Yoongi!” she let out a soft huff, looking straight into his eyes. “You are cute” she complimented before the guy could reply her earlier protest.
Yoongi shifted shyly in his seat, coughing the heavy lump on his throat “So…am I answering your questions? The kisses were genuine. I did it because I wanted to. I..have feelings for you” he hesitated to indicate he likes her openly so he decided to hint something in hope the girl got the message.
“A romantic one!” he added with a soft blush crept on his pale skin.
He heard the girl expelled a deep sigh “Is it hard for you to say that you like me Yoongi. You really sass till the end. I am impressed” she shook her head in amusement.
“I don’t say romantic thing”
“But you did give me a long ass explanation that had nothing to do with your actual agenda of meeting me tonight. You.. are annoying” she cringed once again.
Yoongi turned to face Seul, taking her cheeks in his large hands causing the girl to squeal softly at the contact “I. LIKE. YOU” he confessed.
Seul stared at him without blinking, seemingly without breathing for another long moment. Shock rushed through her. The whole system in her body had momentarily paused working. She had gone past the pale stage and she looked grey.
“Seul…” he squeezed her cheeks giving a little life to that pale cheeks.
“I said.. I like you” his deep voice and his soft touch brought her back to the world. She looked daggers at him whilst he had the gleam in his eyes. “Yoongi..you only drink cokes. Are you drunk?” the confident Seul was long gone. If earlier she teased him for his incoherent words, now when Yoongi had make everything clear to her face, she was losing it.
Was it this thing that she hoped from him all this time?
She had no idea what to feel or how to reach at the moment. The images of Jungkook and Jimin face came flashed in her mind’s eye. Her face contorted in pure confusion.
Chuckling lowly, he stroked her bangs aside “Where is the confident Seul? I thought you wanted to hear me say it clearly” her shoulder slumped, and her eyes fill with tears. Screw her unstable emotion.
“Why are you making it hard for me? Jungkook, Jimin and now you are saying the same thing. It is not like I am living the happiest life on planet. Why…Yoongi. Not you too” she leaned his head against his shoulder, battling with her own tears.
It was too overwhelming for her weak heart. She didn’t want to appear in front of others. Not when Yoongi was the one who in front of her. Why her life got to be complicated? She got the signal from Yoongi all this time, yet she tried to shrug it off and played it cool until Yoongi decided to make a move tonight.
This was a real mess. She’s in the middle of figuring her own feelings for Jimin and Jungkook. Hence, to add Yoongi into the picture was a little overbearing.
“Seul-ya..I am sorry if..this is too much for you. Fuck, this was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said it at first place. I will just go.. Just forget about this” he mumbled in guilt, lifting the girl head up getting ready to leave the room.
Seul’s heart clenched in pain, grabbing his arm holding him back “Yoongi..Thank you” she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace. “But-“ she silenced the man with a soft peck on his lips.
“That is for liking me”
Everything changed ever since Yoongi decided to embrace his feelings for Seul. He told no one about his feelings knowing the youngest members in the group had explicitly told them about their healthy fight in winning Seul’s heart. Yoongi on the other hand will do it his own way.
No one should know how he felt for Seul. He didn’t want things to get even complicated than they already were. Therefore, he chose to seal his mouth. Yoongi treated Seul like he usually did, bickering with her when he had the chance or spouting some nonsense just to irk the girl.
The things with Hoseok after his panic attack incident, the sunshine ball played it cool. He tried not to think about it too much afraid that he ended up like Jimin and Jungkook. Fighting for the same girl with his best friend was definitely not in his dictionary. Taehyung who had been oblivious over Yoongi’s action around Seul knew something was off between the two. Sometimes he would catch them exchanged a playful glance like they were secretly dating.
Taehyung believed the older guy had a feeling for Seul and for some reason it upset him. Seul caused no harms to the boys’ career however it ticked him off when the members started to see her more than just a friend, one by one. Not to poke his nose into someone else business, yet he felt threatened by her presence. It seemed like sooner or later Seul would hurt the band as whole.
That careless mistake that she committed by allowing the members to like her in such way was not a good idea. He loathed it to the core. With Jungkook and Jimin chasing after her, god knows what else could happen if the boys had enough and decided to fight each other.
This issue circulated around them made him feel sick in the stomach. He used to have a little crush on Seul now only anger took over the flowery feelings. Taehyung wondered if he hated the fact that Seul’s presence might risk their friendship or was it due to his failure to be in Seul’s side?
“Tae…Did you hear me?” Seul called out once again hoping to get his attention.
He turned to Seul with a stern look “What do you want now?” he snapped.
Seul blinked feeling offended by his action but quick to shrug it off “I am asking for your dirty laundry because I wanted to clean along with others” she said timidly. Ever since they came back from Las Vegas three weeks ago, Taehyung had been given her a cold shoulder. He didn’t even dare to look her into the eyes and every time she tried to spark a conversation with him, he would either snap at her right way or just give a silent treatment.
It would be a lie if the change of his demeanour didn’t hurt her even a bit. She always finds Taehyung is the most comfortable one to talk with after Jin.
“I told you I will do it by myself. Leave me alone” he returned his attention back to his phone feeling slightly guilty to treat the innocent girl this way.
Seul didn’t budge and mustered her courage to inquire him “Tae did I do something to annoy you?” Taehyung was infuriated by the questions.
He scoffed in disbelief “Playing innocent, aren’t we? Why do you think I am acting this way?” he asked back with a sharp glare. She felt small under his scrutiny “You tell me” she murmured silently.
“Can’t you just fuck off?” Kim Taehyung who never ever used harsh words around others especially her was asking her to fuck off and it pained her. “Seeing your face makes me sick, just fuck off Seul. I am not in the mood to entertain you” once again he snarled making Seul’s eyes watered in process.
Taehyung glanced at the flustered girl and the guilt eating him up.
He didn’t know why was he acting bratty and rude towards her lately but it was just him feeling a little off about the idea of Jimin and Jungkook liking Seul. Some more, his friends willing to sacrifice their feelings for the sake of Seul. They had never let anything go in between their friendship. Seul’s existence in their life seemed to bring more negativity.
First, Jungkook and Jimin friendship was at stake. What would happen if Seul make a choice in the future? Yes, they could live their present now acting like nothing happened. The happiness didn’t last long. The more they let themselves fall for Seul, the more painful for them. One of them had to suffer in the end.  He pondered upon this and as much as he hated to see the bad things in Seul, yet it couldn’t stop him. Taehyung barely knew Seul, looking after her feelings was not in his priority list. He cared for Jungkook and Jimin wellbeing after all this over.
Secondly, Yoongi, the older man that never let anything came in between his work and BTS slowly wavered because of Seul. He looked a bit distorted when he first came to know Seul. Yoongi was ten times grumpier than usual and everything surround him seemed to tick him off most of the time. The older guy would never show his true self let alone express himself aloud, but with Seul’s presence he’s willing to risk BTS and his loyalty towards the member to be with this girl. Despicable, indeed.
Blinking her tears away, she expelled a soft sigh with a quick apologize before leaving the room. She shrugged off the bad thought in her assuming Taehyung was stressing out due to their hectic schedule. That must be it, Seul assured herself.
Jin offered to cook for dinner and insisted Seul to stay since it was her off day. She was still bitter over Taehyung’s behaviour earlier, but she stayed for Jin anyways. The older guy would not let her return with empty stomach.
Everyone had gathered at the round table for dinner including the grumpy Taehyung after much effort in persuading him to eat, he finally showed up. He took a seat across Seul with a gloomy face, sending a quick glance at her way. The look that only Seul could understand. The tense in the room was driving her nuts.
Seul felt extremely uncomfortable and anxious throughout the dinner though she was trying to blend with their jokes but every time she felt Taehyung’s hard gaze on her, her body tensed. Jungkook who sat at the end of the table noticed her discomfort and he kept his eyes on her for the rest of the dinner.
“ Seul are you available this Tuesday?” Namjoon smiled.
Seul shook her head “I am not sure about that why?” Taehyung was eyeing their leader deeply. He knew what he’s planning to do. This upcoming Tuesday would be BTS 4th Year Anniversary and they would hold a home party with Armys.
“Since you haven’t gotten the chance to attend our concert, attend BTS Home Party this Tuesday then. We will be holding our anniversary party with Armys. It will be fun!” he said gleefully while others nodding in agreement exclude Taehyung.
She was burdened by the request, so she didn’t know how to respond to that “I will see if I can go. I have a lot to cover at work”
“She is not a fan, why are we celebrating it with her?” Taehyung statement caused everyone to snap their head towards him in bafflement. Her breath hitched at Taehyung’s remark as she forced a smile on her face “I don’t think I deserve to be in that party. I am nowhere near to be called as your fans. I barely supported you guys through all those years. Tae is right though” she rubbed her sweaty palms against her jeans.
Taehyung smug sarcastically “Right. She is nowhere close to be called as our fans. We celebrate our anniversary with people who are worth to be called fans and those who have become our backbones throughout those rough years. Seul isn’t one of them. She is here when we already make name for ourselves” he exclaimed without caring the daggers being thrown at him from every corner.
“Taehyung, I think you are a little rude to-“
“I don’t think any such thing, because I don’t let my feelings cloud my judgement. I am stating the fact. She is nobody, so she doesn’t deserve to be in those important occasion.” Taehyung cut Jimin’s words before the guy could even finish his words.
Brimming with tears, Seul clenched her fist under the table holding back the pain in her heart. That was by far the most hurtful thing that people ever said to her after the disappearance of her father. A gush of impossible memories that she long forgotten came into her mind again.
 “Why are you doing this to me…”
“Because you are nobody”
“You are our father”
“I am Hoon’s father not yours. You are a child born out of wedlock. For years, I was fooled by your slut mother. I am raising someone’s else child and she turned me into a fucking clown. You are nothing but trouble. You are nobody Seul. You are not my daughter.”
 She opened her eyes, shocked to find her cheeks wet with tears. The horrible memories of her past were very vague, something she couldn’t quite place. All she knew, it was vey messy that day. She never wished to discover the truth, yet it happened anyways. Just like that she had to live with the horrible truth haunting her every night.
“Taehyung watch your word” Yoongi hissed, glowering at the younger guy.
“Oh, now everyone is defending her. I wonder how she screwed up your brain, when thing isn’t this way before she comes into the picture. You guys are being blinded by her gracefulness and fake affection” Taehyung continued to stir the already tense atmosphere in the room.
Namjoon palmed the table with a soft thud “Enough Tae! What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you attacking her?” he breathed calming down his anger. He didn’t to start any fight in the room knowing Taehyung would not act this bratty without a reason. Hell, Taehyung had never acted this way with them before.
“Don’t ask me. Ask her. She is the problem. We need to get rid of her before things get out of hand. We don’t need a bitch in our life. We were doing just fine without her before now why are we acting as if our life depended on her. Pathetic isn’t it?” suddenly a pair of hands grabbing his collar and yanking him around.
He pinned the boy against the wall harshly, glaring furiously “SAY THAT AGAIN KIM TAEHYUNG OR I WILL FUCKING PUNCH YOUR PRETTY FACE” Taehyung chuckled coldly, meeting the older guy’s intense eyes.
Gasps could be heard across the room as everyone stood on their feet witnessing the horrible scene in front of them. Seul was weeping openly now, her bottom lips quivered as tears cascaded down wetting her cheeks
“I knew it. I knew it since start that one-day Seul will jeopardize our friendship. Look at you hyung, you are willing to kill your own bandmates that you’ve known for years to defend a bitch whom you barely knew” clenching his teeth together, Yoongi curled up his fist into a ball. As he about to throw a punch, a small hand put a halt to his action.
Yoongi grunted under his sharp breath, yanking his arm but Seul used all the strength that she had left to stop him “Stop.. He is your brother, Yoongi” his eyes met her red eyes. Seeing Seul in that mess pained him, and with a loud groan he released Taehyung.
Taehyung flicked his tongue out of annoyance, averting Seul’s gaze “I am sorry Tae. You are right, I am nobody. This was a mistake. I am sorry that I am hurting your friendship. I was being too comfortable when I should have known my place..” she choked back her own tears. There were a lot of things she planned to say but the words were stuck in her throat “I can’t do this..” she grabbed her belongings from the living room and made her way to the entrance.
“Fuck great” Jin rubbed his back hair in frustration. He called after Seul after watching her leaving hurriedly but only to be ignored completely by her.
Jungkook and Jimin who stood frozen now were making their move upon realizing her absence in the room. The younger guy grabbed her wrist to stop her from moving “Seul-ah..dont leave.. let’s talk about this” he looked at her sadly.
She could not stop the tears from flowing looking all pathetic in front of them “I..am..s-orry Jungkook.. I cant do this anymore..Stay with Tae, he needs you guys” she pulled her hand from his strong grasp, exiting the house without looking back.
Taehyung ran fingers in his hair, slumped down on the couch with deep a sigh. He was torn in between his own insecurity and worries and ended up hurting Seul in process. What did he do to himself and Seul?
Jimin confronted his best friend with a deep frown “Taehyung.. what happen to you? What was that for? Why are you saying those hurtful things to Seul?” he tried to reason and sat down on the coffee table facing him.
“So will know her place. She doesn’t belong here. Not beside us” he murmured lowly.
Hoseok shook his head showing his disapproval “This is not you Tae. We are friends for years. You won’t be acting this way without a reason. What is bothering you?” even the cheerful Hoseok looked miserable from the fight that just broke between Taehyung and Yoongi.
Namjoon and Yoongi were long gone inside the room, probably the leader trying to reason with the hot-tempered man and talk it out with him without hurting the group in process. That was the best they could do until Taehyung decided to open his mouth to speak the truth.
 This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved
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Survey #294
“maybe it’s not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate”
Is your bed big enough for two people? Yes. What is your favorite board game? I like Battleship. Have you ever been hospitalized for more than 2 weeks? I think one stay at the psych hospital stretched over two weeks, maybe three. I don't remember. When was the last time you heard someone scream? Irl, probably at some point visiting my sister's family and my baby niece was upset. If you include via audio, a couple days ago when watching Egoraptor's Kingdom Hearts 2 stream. He's a Loud Boy. Who was the last person to call you baby? I have no clue. Why did you last go to the airport? I was going home from Sara's. Have you ever showered with another person? Not since I was a little kid with my sister. Is there something you are keeping a secret from your parents? I mean, nothing major. There are small things I don't tell them, though. Are you able to forget people easily? FUCK to the NO. What disgusts you about bathrooms? Sharing a toilet with literally anybody. Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair? I mean maybe at some point, but I don't think so. What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? If you’ve never been in a relationship before, do you watch Scrubs? I knew Jason maybe two/three weeks before he asked me out. We clicked so damn fast. Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? It can become a bit much. I have (had?) a friend who did this profusely to the point it was pretty impossible to have an actual conversation, and then she fell off the face of the planet. Being in love is an absolutely amazing thing, but like... that's not all you can talk about. Do you enjoy old movies? Yeah, there are some great ones. Do your neighbors annoy you in any way? Someone a few houses down has a dog that NEVER shuts the fuck up. I don't know how it doesn't lose its voice. What was the last party you were invited to? A Halloween party hosted by my friend Summer a few years ago. It was a good time. Are you honestly happy with your life right now? N O P E Do you find it fun to pray for people? I don't pray, but even if I did, "fun" seems like the wrong word. Generally when you pray for someone, there's something negative going on in their life, so like... I think "fulfilling" is maybe a better word? Has your mom ever crocheted you a blanket? My mom has deadass been working on a massive blanket since she was in her 20s (maybe even a tad younger), and she's at the tail end of her 50s. She works on it less than once in a blue moon. She started with the intention of passing it onto her kids. Do you regret letting a certain guy slip away? Debatable. It's questionable if I ever would have gotten competent help without Jason leaving, and if I didn't, what if he finally had enough when we were already married with kids (that's what I wanted at the time, anyway)? That would have broken me even worse. What show did you want to be on as a kid? Whatever the Nickelodeon one was where you got slimed lol. Do you have regrets? Of course I do. Does anyone really know you? My mom and Sara, at least. What song do you want played at your wedding? It depends on my partner and songs we consider special. Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? No. I do, however, love me some "Love Story." And you are LYYYYYYINNNNNGGGG if "Picture To Burn" doesn't make you feel like a Bad Bitch. Would you ever dye your hair unicorn colors? I would DIIIIIEEEEE to do that in pastel tints. I wish my damn hair took color well... I have literally only had ONE very effective hair dyeing experience, when my friend spent hours turning it red. It stuck for MONTHS. List 3 of your pet peeves. 1.) Turning tragedy into a competition; 2.) making mental illnesses "trendy;" and 3.) elitists of pretty much anything. Do you type fast? Very. What do you like to put on your pancakes? Typically just maple syrup, but I'll put butter on them if given it at a restaurant. Have you ever accidentally drank spoiled milk? I've taken a sip and immediately realized and spat it out. Have you ever had your heart broken? More like shattered into incalcuable pieces. When you were 3, was your natural hair color the same as it is now? No, I was dirty blonde. Have you ever received a scary message from someone online? Yes, I'm pretty sure. What does your first name rhyme with? "Infamy" is close enough, ig, if we're excluding other names. Do you have freckles on your face? No. I did as a kid, though. Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? Probably the angel kitty (I had a coloring book, even), but they're all SO pretty. I love Lisa Frank stuff. Does your family always have your back? My mom and dad do, at least. My older sister does, meanwhile it's hard to tell with my little sister. She's not very affectionate and expressive of love to the point I question a lot if she even likes me. What type of wedding do you want to have? Gothic! Are you more of a leader or a follower? A follower, within reason. I'm definitely not a blind one. Do you know anyone with a profession in law? Quite a few, actually. Have you ever Googled yourself? Yeah, at some point. Do you have a regular vacation spot, or do you always go somewhere new? We don't really go on vacations. It's not an expense Mom can really afford. Where were you working 10 years ago? Nowhere. ... 5 years ago? Still nowhere. ... 1 year ago? Nowhere. What's the shortest amount of time you've had between relationships? Like a day. I know it sounds bad, but I left Girt already knowing I loved Sara, and I didn't really have anything to heal from. As a child, what comfort foods did your parents make for you when you were sick with a cold or flu? We'd have Saltines, chicken noodle soup (which I never really liked), and ginger ale. What's your favorite art style? Probably hyperrealistic fantasy stuff. What time period is considered to be your country's 'golden age?' I don't know, I'm not a history buff. Have you ever done LSD? I've never done any drugs. Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave? N/A What is your favorite parody movie? Maybe the Paranormal Activity one. I barely remember it, though. What kind of first impression do you hope others have of you? That I'm kind and friendly and really care about their feelings. Do you have a good sense of balance? NOOOOOOOOOO. I stray like a motherfucker when I walk. Have for many years. It's weird. What is your least favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry, ugh. Does your car have heated seats? No. What's something that has been in your local news lately? I don't watch it. What's your favorite internet meme? Oh, I have no clue, I love memes lmao. What is the strangest pizza topping you've ever eaten? Nothing, really. I'm not very adventurous with pizza. Can you name any books or movies where all the main characters die? Not off the top of my head. Do you live alone? No, I live with my mother. What’s the grossest thing you’ve encountered in/at a fast food joint? *shrug* Do you swallow chewing gum? No. Do you ever get goosebumps while listening to songs? EXTREMELY easily. Like that is so, so regular, be it from the lyrics, the singer's voice, or just the music. Are there any amusement park rides you refuse to go on? Why? Most, really. I get dizzy way, way too easily and don't want to faint. What is the best roller coaster you’ve ever been on? I'm afraid of roller coasters, so I can't answer this. Never touched one. Don’t you think black jellybeans are icky? Ugh, YES. What was the last thing you measured with a ruler? I helped Mom use the long, flexible kind to measure the couch because she was gonna move some furniture around. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? Oh, I'm sure the mountains when driving to Tennessee. I was too young to remember it well, but I can never forget that I marveled over them. Would you rather have a Playstation or Xbox made console? I'm a Playstation gal. What if you were watching COPS and saw your significant other on there? I'm... not gonna lie, if it was Jason for doing something stupid and not, like, murderous, I'd probably cackle. Have you ever tried to write to any celebrities? No. When was the last time you blew bubbles? I ain't got a clue. Have you ever stumbled across a beehive? More like wasp nests. What food(s) make you cringe? Quite a lot, given my extreme selectiveness with textures. More than anything, probably egg yolk. Have you ever played an automated 20 Questions game and beat it? Ha, I actually had one of those! I have, but damn was that hard. Have you been to a restaurant where they cook the food in front of you? Yup, Ichiban. Pretty cool. Do you feel that presidential campaigns make people too competitive? I mean, no. People care about who is going to be the head of their country. Do you find Family Guy hilarious or offensive? Neither. Do you still write letters to people, even though there’s e-mail now? No. Have you ever had an accident involving a microwave? Ha, I'm a travesty of a cook, so yeah. I remember on one occasion I accidentally dialed in many minutes for popcorn and entirely forgot about it. Safe to say I didn't eat it. I've split hot dogs in there, and I'm certain there's more. Do you like the movie Forrest Gump? I adore that movie. One of the best films ever imo. Can you handle heat well? I honestly doubt you'll meet someone who handles it worse than me, especially physically. I have severe hyperhidrosis, so I will literally sweat like a pig in 70* weather. I absolutely cannot handle it. Do you smoke weed? What are your opinions on its legalization? No. Legalize it for at least medicinal purposes. Have you ever had a school shooting at your school? HA, I can promise you my high school must have at some point. Are you usually the first to do something, or are you more of a follower? I don't pay attention to this. What is your favorite way to eat a potato? Fries, yum. Are roses your favorite flower? No, but they're high on the list. Have you ever been to a horse race? No. I think they're abusive anyway. Do you like lobster? No. Have you ever swam in a lake? Yeah. There's one lake I swam in that was so clear you could see pretty far and just watch the fish and turtles. Have you ever convinced someone to show you their private parts? "Convinced"????? That's fucking coercion. I've seen people naked, but not by fucking pressure. What is the greatest treasure you have ever found? My older sister found a cracked amethyst geode once. Idk where it's at now, but I hope she (or we at the house, depending on where it is) finds it at some point, though. My niece has come to love smooth rocks and pebbles, and I think crystals would blow her away, never mind one that size. Do you eat beef? Regrettably. Are you good at card games? I mean, what's the game? I'm not exceptional at any I can think of. What is your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. Did you ever play the Oregon Trail game? Omg yes!!! I LOVED playing it as a kid, especially the 3rd one, I think? Do you watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia? No. Who is your favorite country singer? I actually do enjoy Tim McGraw pretty consistently, but I don't actually seek out his music. Do you know anyone who is Mormon? An old best friend was. Do you like grunge? Yeah. What’s your favorite kind of cheese? American. What’s the most historic thing that has happened in your lifetime? Most likely Covid. What’s your funniest story involving a car? It's not hilarious, but once we were behind someone whose license plate said "omw" lmao. What scientific discovery would change the course of humanity overnight if it was discovered? Well, a proven Covid vaccine. Do you think that humans will ever be able to live together in harmony? Nope. What’s the scariest non-horror movie? Idk. What’s the most amazing true story you’ve heard? I'm not sure. What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? Having to explain my Mark tribute tattoo lmao. What was one of the most interesting concerts you’ve been to? I've only ever seen Alice Cooper, and while it was great, "interesting" seems like the wrong word. Where are you not welcome anymore? Probably Jason's house, at least not by him. Or Colleen's, probably. Idk how she feels about me by now. What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced? Paying bills. What’s the smartest thing you’ve seen an animal do? I kid you not, our first cat would look both ways twice before crossing the street across our house. (Please do not allow your cats outside.) She'd do it even more when bringing her kittens there too to hunt. Chance was truly incredible. I could really give a lot of examples of her intelligence. I also had another childhood cat (my favorite before Roman) who would respond to a certain clap pattern I'd do if Mom let me bring him inside. Wherever Charcoal was wandering, he'd come running. What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? Oh, I'm sure it was RP-related stuff as a kid. What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down? I'unno. What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series? Possible spoiler warning for a super old movie??? Probably when the main character of Old Yeller had to put the dog down because of rabies. But I cry like a bitch easily, so maybe there's something that tears me up even more or just as badly. What odd smell do you really enjoy? None that are "odd," really. What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? I've seen a mink once when fishing with Dad deep in the woods. What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction? Oh, I don't know. I'd have to think for a while & I don't feel like it. What food do you crave most often? Probably ice cream. Who in your life has the best/worst luck? I don't know about best, but my mom absolutely has the worst luck. Which apocalyptic dystopia do you think is most likely? A meteor, maybe? If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? I'd want to know if they were criminals or just dangerous. What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen a kid do? Oh, my niece is so funny. One of the things that gave me the biggest laugh (and was most adorable) was this time I was taking family pictures for Ash at a local lake, and Aubree went running into the gazebo, span around totally like in a princess movie, and exclaimed, "It's enormous!" She is such a darling. If people could read your mind, what would they usually find? Just how bored I am, memories of Jason bc trauma, lamenting my disappointment in myself, "why is Mark so perfect," worrying about Sara, thinking of RP character developments... What celebrity would you like to meet? Mark. 100%. I would die to just thank him (if I could get words out, oof) and hug him and try not to soak his shirt in tears lmao. Do you need money to be happy? Don't bullshit me, you wouldn't be happy homeless because you can't afford a home. So to a degree, yes. What's a good idea you've had recently? Hm. What gift would you like to receive? At this current moment, Cloak's (Mark and Jacksepticeye's clothing brand) limited edition "life after death" design for a shirt. It is so fucking pretty, and I love the nature focus. What are you most excited about right now? Honestly? Getting my laptop back. I wanna play WoW lmao. What's your favorite song from a movie? Maybe uhhhhhh was "Supermassive Black Hole" actually written for Twilight? Where would you like to volunteer? I very, very badly want to volunteer to take pictures of animals up for adoption in shelters for like their social medias and stuff. I've asked like the two local places, but no bites yet. What's the last song you listened to? Metallica's cover of "Turn The Page." What's the last YouTube video you watched? I'm watching Gab Smolders play SOMA. Fantastic game.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Stormlight Archive Epigraphs (1) - Letters
I’ve been going through the Stormlight Archive epigraphs to see if there are hints or foreshadowing or information that I’ve missed; before now, I hadn’t pulled together ones from different chapters, and it’s been very interesting to get a clearer picture of them.
These posts are as much for my own reference as anything else.
This one covers the letters between Wit and his, hm, associates, which are in TWOK Part 2, WOR Part 4, and OB Part 2.
Wit’s Letter
Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well. Though, as you are now essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given. I realize that you are probably still angry. That is pleasant to know. Much as your perpetual health, I have come to rely upon your dissatisfaction with me. It is one of the cosmere’s great constants, I should think.
Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say. You do not agree with my quest. I understand that, so much as it is possible to understand someone with whom I disagree so completely.
Might I be quite frank? Before, you asked why I was so concerned. It is for the following reason: Ati was once a kind and generous man, and you saw what became of him. Rayse, on the other hand, was among the most loathesome, crafty, and dangerous individuals I had ever met. He holds the most frightening and terrible of all of the Shards. Ponder on that for a time, you old reptile, and tell me if your insistence on nonintervention holds firm. Because I assure you, Rayse will not be similarly inhibited. One need only look at the aftermath of his brief visit to Sel to see proof of what I say. In case you have turned a blind eye to that disaster, know that Aona and Skai are both dead, and that which they held has been Splintered. Presumably to prevent anyone from rising up to challenge Rayse.
You have accused me of arrogance in my quest. You have accused me of perpetuating my grudge against Bavadin. Both accusations are true. Neither point makes the things I have written to you here untrue.
I am being chased. Your friends of the Seventeenth Shard, I suspect. I believe they’re still lost, following a false trail I left for them. They’ll be happier that way. I doubt they have any inkling what to do with me should they actually catch me. If anything I have said makes a glimmer of sense to you, I trust that you’ll call them off. Or maybe you could astound me and ask them to do something productive for once. For I have never been dedicated to a more important purpose, and the very pillars of the sky will shake with the results of our war here. I ask again. Support me. Do not stand aside and let disaster consume more lives. I’ve never begged you for something before, old friend.
I do so now.
Reply 1:
I’ll address this letter to my “old friend,” as I have no idea what name you’re using currently. Have you given up on the gemstone, now that it is dead? And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master? I am told that in your current incarnation you’ve taken a name that references what you presume to be one of your virtues. This is, I suspect, a little like a skunk naming itself for its stench.
Now, look what you’ve made me say. You’ve always been able to bring out the extreme in me, old friend. And I do still name you a friend, for all that you weary me.
Yes, I’m disappointed. Perpetually, as you put it. Is not the destruction you have wrought enough? The worlds you now tread bear the touch and design of Adonalsium. Our interference so far has brought nothing but pain.
My path has been chosen very deliberately. Yes, I agree with everything you have said about Rayse, including the severe danger he presents. However, it seems to me that all things have been set up for a purpose, and if we - as infants - stumble through the workshop, we risk exacerbating, not preventing, a problem. Rayse is captive. He cannot leave the system he now inhabits. His destructive potential is, therefore, inhibited. Whether this was Tanavast’s design or not, millennia have passed without Rayse taking the life of another one of the sixteen. While I mourn for the great suffering Rayse has caused, I do not believe we could hope for a better outcome than this. He bears the weight of God’s own divine hatred, separated from the virtues that give it context. He is what we made him to be, old friend. And that is what he, unfortunately, wished to become. I suspect that he is more a force than an individual now, despite your insistence to the contrary. That force is contained, and an equilibrium reached.
You, however, have never been a force for equilibrium. You tow chaos behind you like a corpse dragged by one leg through the snow. Please, hearken to my plea. Leave that place and join me in my oath of nonintervention. The cosmere itself may depend upon our restraint.
Reply 2:
Dearest Cephandrius,
I recieved you communication, of course. I noticed its arrival immediately, just as I noticed your many intrusions into my land. You think yourself so clever, but my eyes are not those of some petty noble, to be clouded by a false nose and some dirt on the cheeks.
You mustn’t worry yourself about Rayse. It is a pity about Aona and Skai, but they were very foolish - violating our pact from the very beginning. Your skills are admirable, but you are merely a man. You had your chance to be more, and refused it. No good can come of two Shards settling in one location. It was agreed that we would not interfere with one another, and it disappoints me that so few of the Shards have kept to this original agreement. As for Uli Da, it was obvious from the outset that she was going to be a problem. Good riddance. Regardless, this is not your concern. If Rayse becomes an isdue, he will be dealt with.
And so will you.
Reply 3:
Cephandrius, bearer of the First Gem,
You must know better than to approach us by relying upon presumption of past relationship. You have spoken to one who cannot respond. We, instead, will take your communication to us - though we know not how you have located us upon this world. We are indeed intrigued, for we thought it well hidden. Insignificant among our many realms. As the waves of the sea must continue to surge, so must our will continue resolute.
Did you expect anything else from us? We need not suffer the interference of another. Rayse is contained, and we care not for his prison. Indeed, we admire his initiative. Perhaps if you had approached the correct one of us with your plea, it would have found favourable audience. But we stand in the sea, pleased with our domains. Leave us alone.
We also instruct that you should not return to Obrodai. We have claimed that world, and a new avatar of our being is beginning to manifest there. She is young yet, and - as a precaution - she has been instilled with an intense and overpowering dislike of you. This is all we will say at this time. If you wish more, seek these waters in person and overcome the tests we have created. Only in this will you earn our respect.
Reply 4:
Your letter is most intriguing, even revelatory. I would have thought, before attaining my current station, that a deity could not be surprised. Obviously, this is not true. I can be surprised. I can perhaps even be naive, I think.
I am the least equipped, of all, to aid you in this endeavour. I am finding that the powers I hold are in such conflict that the most simple of actions can be difficult. I am also made uncertain by your subterfuge. Why have you not made yourself known to me before this? How is it you can hide? Who are you, truly, and how do you know so much about Adonalsium? If you would speak to me farther, I request open honesty. Return to my lands, approach my servants, and I will see what I can do for your quest.
Basically everything that I know about Wit and the Cosmere beyond the events of The Stormlight Archive comes from the Stormlight Archive Rereads on Tor.com. Here’s my understanding of what is going on:
The God of Sanderson’s Cosmere, Adonalsium, was splintered into many different pieces (Shards - not to be confused with Shardblades and Shardplate), each consisting of a separate characteristic, and each characteristic was taken on by a different person.  Up until I put these epigraphs together, I thought there were 16 shards, but from this, it sounds like there was a 17th that Wit was supposed to take on, and chose not to, and that his sixteen associates are displeased with him for that (and are trying to get that Shard back?).
The tone of the different replies is very interesting.  The first one, I have some sympathy with, as one of many reasons why I tend to oppose military interventionism is that generally the intervenors have no idea what they are doing and risk making things worse; the author fo the first reply seems to have genuine affection for Wit despite his aggravation.
The second reply is very much the opposite, starting courteous but being the most clearly hostile of the four.  The third reply indicates that Wit’s letter went to a Shard-holder other than the one he intended, and to someone who is broadly antagonistic (given that they “admire Odium’s initiative”).  The fourth one, I’m gathering from bits of comments from other people on the broader Cosmere, is from the person currently holding the Shards of both Ruin and Preservation.
I’m not sure any of the material from the letters is essential, or if it’s just an addition for the enjoyment of Cosmere fans; the broad takeaway seems to be that Roshar is on its own and no one else is inclined to provide large-scale assistance against Odium.
I’m not sure whether I’m corrent in assuming that Tanavast is the original name of the person who took on the Shard of Honor, in the same way that Rayse is the original name of the person who took on the Shard of Odium?
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Title: Love, Maybe? {7}
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Chris Evans X Reader Vixen Giovanni
Chapter Warning: Cursing, Plot, Angst, Slow Burn
Word Count: 2.9K
Note: Bold Italics are Chris’ inner thoughts. Italics are Vixen’s inner thoughts
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️ ❤️
Chapter 7: Times Change
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 “Welcome Chris Evans to the show.”
 The audience’s applause was deafening. He took a deep breath, released it, flipped his mental switch, and plastered a smile on his face as he walked out to the view of the audience. Once they saw him, he smiled wider and waved to them as he made his way to the talk show hosts of “The Real.” He greeted each of them with a hug and a cheek kiss as his mother taught him. When he sat down the applause and cheers didn’t stop, they continued. He laughed to himself, feeling even more embarrassed than he had a few moments ago. Slowly the audience calmed down and took their seats.
    “Do you ever get used to that?”
    He smiled at Adrianne’s question and scoffed before he shook his head.
    “No, never. It’s not something you just relax into.”
    “So it’s still weird?
    “Yes, because keep in mind at home with my family I’m just Chris I don’t get greeted with applause, more like a slap to the back of the head. We’re Bostonians we’re not with the pomp,” he explained.
    The audience laughed.
  “But you’ve been in Hollywood for a few years, more than a decade, right? At some point it has to be “oh more cheering, yawn,” Tamara expressed.
    “No, it’s always flattering but never boring. I’m a shy guy, a quiet guy.”
    “You are now for the last three years. Before that you had your fair share of tabloid stories, right? Loni brought up.
    He smiled and nodded. He knew those years would catch up to him. He wasn’t ashamed of them per se, but he did wish he’d practiced more discretion and stiffer selectiveness.
   “You’re right. In my younger years, I was a little wild, but I think we can chop that up to being young, especially in Hollywood, everyone spins out of control and rebels underneath the scrutiny. I’m no different. I did have a few years where I didn’t care at all about anything but a good time,” he candidly admitted.
 “That’s understandable. The only difference with you and every person in the world is you had paparazzi and cameras in your face to catch it. My dad called it sowing your wild oats.”
    The audience laughed at Jennie’s comment, and he couldn’t stifle the laugh.
    “There was no sowing, but I get the analogy.”
   The audience laughed louder and clapped.
    “You’ve played Captain America for a long time, right?”
     “Yes, quite a while, eight years.”
   Again, the audience clapped.
    “If and when the role ends are you looking forward to playing other roles?” Tamara asked.
   “Uh, yes. I’m looking forward to a few different kinds of roles, maybe none so active. Maybe a few I can eat a cheeseburger or fries without worrying if it’ll throw me off. I miss carbs.”
    The audience laughs like clockwork. It never ceased to amaze him how rudimentary these interviews were.
    “So you want to get rid of the superhero body. I know that day will be a sad one for millions of women around the world,” Adrianne suggested.
    “Ha, ha, well then maybe I’ll be liked for my brains then.”
   “Oh, I see.”
    “Yeah, I get taken for a pretty face and a body all the time. I get women wanting to touch my chest and stuff like that. I mean don’t get me wrong I appreciate the fans--,”
    “But you’re more than that. We get it.”
    The audience awed, and he nodded somberly. He didn’t know why he was being so frank.
   “So you’re how old now?”
    “I have a question. What does Chris Evans want in his life right now?”
    He thought about it, but he knew he didn’t have to think too deeply. He knew what he wanted, and it was a cruel joke by the universe.
    “Uh, well honestly if I’m going to be truthful and not care how it makes me sound then I really want kids.”
    The audience collectively gasped and exclaimed their shock then applauded as if this was music to their ears.
    “Yeah, I do. I like pretty pedestrian, domestic things. I want a wife; I want kids. I like ceremony. I want to carve pumpkins and decorate Christmas trees and shit like that,” he professed.
    “Yeah, normally I wouldn’t say that but what the hell.”
    He shrugged and leaned back into the chair some more.
    “I went through the time in my life where I was all about work and career and having fun and no attachments and stupid stuff like that and sad to say it’s true. Men go through these phases, and eventually, they get to the settling down phase and either it’s at the right time as the woman in his life or its sort of like a hit and miss situation.”
   “Are you speaking from experience?” Jeannie asked.
    He smirked and shrugged again this time not wanting to reveal too much. The interview continued for another ten minutes where he spoke about filming and his relationship with the rest of the cast and before he knew it time was up, and he was glad for it. He thanked the ladies and the audience and hurried backstage to make his exit. As he made his way to the next stop, he got lost on his phone just scrolling aimlessly through social media not taking in anything in particular.
     The rest of the day passed in a blur; he made six more stops at different talk shows where they asked relatively the same question, and he told similar stories. It was a job filming, and a job doing all of this in between. He was looking forward to some much-needed downtime. He was exhausted. He looked out the window and happened to catch the name of a passing strip club “Vixen’s” and again he was brought back to memories of her. He thought back to the last night he’d seen her, the amazing time they had at his house—in his bed. He could still smell her scent and taste her on his lips but only faintly. The years hadn’t been kind to the memory of her although he wished more and more with each passing year that it would.
    After a few days, his memory came back of their time in Vegas and the events that led to him marrying her. He remembered all he’d shared; all she’d shared and the feeling of connection he felt to her. He didn’t know if it was the alcohol heightening things or if it were real. Either way, he couldn’t trust it then. She was a stranger, and at that time in his career, he’d had his share of crazy women who tried any and everything to be in his life and grab a piece of everything it meant to be with him. He learned the hard way about what being famous meant. He couldn’t trust she was any different, plus marriage was not something he had on his radar then.
    “Funny what three years changes.”
  He closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the headrest and did what he’d done countless times. Thought of her. He thought of her hair, her eyes, the way her smile looked and even the way her hips swayed when she walked. He thought of her, and it didn’t take him long to begin to imagine what if. What if he’d made the wrong assumptions about her? What if there could have been something between them? What if? Then those thoughts made him ultimately feel regret. He hated the feeling of regret. He’d lived his life to the maximum for the reason of him not wanting to ever feel regret for anything. He’d never felt it before, but with her, it was stronger than he liked. The vibrations from his phone brought him out his thoughts.
    “I’m throwing a party tonight, and you have to come,” Anthony shouted into his ear.
   “What’s the occasion?”
    Do I ever need one?
    He didn’t. Anthony liked to throw parties, and he threw the biggest, wildest ones. He’d gotten infamous for his parties as well as his acting chops.
    “All right,” he agreed.
  “Nice, that was easy. Maybe tonight we’ll find you a woman. I’m tired of single you. You gotta settle down, man,” Anthony voiced.
    Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head. For the last eight months, Anthony had been setting him up with almost everyone in Hollywood. He set him up with actresses, comedians, models, and even agents. No one stood out, and most importantly, no one stuck around. By date four he’d either have lost interest or found something about them that he didn’t like. He wasn’t picky, but he had a mental list that he wanted his wife and eventual mother of his children to meet.
    “I don’t know if they’ll meet that list in your head bruh, I don’t think there is a woman alive that could meet that list. Or if there are any, they’re already married. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying.”
   “I haven’t thought about that list in months,” he lied.
    “Bullshit! Man, you not fooling anyone.”
    He laughed and shook his head again. They’d been friends for so long that he could easily see through him.
    “I’ll be there. I gotta go.”
    “All right.”
   Chris ended the call and sighed out. Everyone loved to make fun of his list. He wasn’t amused.
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-That Night-
  When he walked through the massive privacy gate at Anthony’s house, the party was in full swing. Music was blasting from every crevasse of the property, and the cheers and screaming could be heard. He knew his neighbors hated him. He passed a few people who nodded to him and tried to talk to him. He smiled as he passed some familiar faces and some he’d never seen before. As he made his way inside the house, he bobbed and weaved through the bodies in search of Anthony. If he knew anything, he’d be in the pool. He made it to the back of the house to the infinity pool and found the man of the hour lounging on a pool float with two women beside him. He scoffed because Anthony always had women hanging off him. They just flocked to him, and he didn’t shy away from the attention.
   “Hey, Hey, Hey, it’s Captain America!” Sam shouted. Everybody surrounding the pool erupted in boisterous cheers.
    “Glad you could make it.”
     Anthony slid off the float and swam to the edge of the pool before he climbed out and pulled him into a hug. Chris groaned, feeling his polo get wet.
     “Really, man?”
   “Ah, it’s water it’ll dry. Come on there’s someone I want you to meet,” Anthony said, leading him towards the side of the house where he saw a pretty woman sitting on a chaise. As they approached, she looked to him and looked him over once before she bit her bottom lip and stood.
    “Milla, I’m glad you stuck around. I want you to meet Chris; Chris meet Milla.”
    She smiled widely and held out her hand to him. Chris shook it returning the smile.
    “Nice to meet you, Milla. How do you know Anthony?”
   “We’re starring in a little indie film together.”
    “Milla is great, she’s funny, and her favorite sport is baseball guess which team,” Anthony informed, looking at him with a smile big enough to show the gap between his teeth.
     “Red Sox,” he guessed.
     “Damn right, no better team,” Milla piped up.
 Chris nodded unimpressed. There had been countless women who claimed the Red Sox was their favorite because they were his and when it came down to it they didn’t know the difference between a home run and a touchdown. He smiled politely.
    “Isn’t that great? Anyway, I’ll be getting back in the pool. You two should chat, get to know each other.” Just like that he dove back into the pool to the gleeful squeals of his arm candy. Chris shook his head because he was as subtle as a freight train in the middle of the night.
     “How long have you known Mac?”
      “Too long,” Chris answered. She laughed more loudly than necessary.
     “He’s great. I remember I was so nervous the first day of the shoot and he was so nice, put me right at ease,” Milla offered.
     “That’s Anthony; he’s a great guy.”
    “Wanna get a drink?”
   He didn’t, but he took a deep breath and nodded before he followed her to the bar inside. For the next near hour, he talked with her. She told him about her life before she’d come to Hollywood, told him about her dreams of making it big to see her billboards on every street corner. He nodded politely and listened. He didn’t want to be rude although he knew the minute he learned she liked the Red Sox he probably wouldn’t take things further.
     When she slinked off to the bathroom, he made his escape. His freedom was short-lived, Scarlett caught him and called him out.
     “I was wondering how long it would take you before you ran,” she said.
   “Man I should have run long ago.”
     “What’s wrong with this one?”
    The look on Scarlett’s face said this wasn’t new and she never expected him to like her. He sighed and raked his fingers through his groomed hair then rubbed his bearded chin and shrugged.
    “Come on, don’t be shy. Was it the way she laughed like the last one?”
    He snorted, the last girl one of his friends particularly Seb set him up with laughed uncannily close to a hyena and there was no way he could overlook that. After two dates, he couldn’t take it anymore.
    “No, not her laugh. Okay. Was it because she had too many hand motions?”
     Chris laughed this time. The other girl Anthony set him up with looked as if she worked for NASCAR with all the hand motions she used while she was speaking. It got to the point where it distracted him every time she opened her mouth. After almost a month of dates, he’d had enough.
    “No, not the hand motions. Okay let’s see,” Scarlett pondered out loud.
    He shook his head because he knew what she was getting at. His friends thought he was picky and hard to please, and they took every opportunity to point it out. He wasn’t picky; yes, he had a particular list, but it didn’t go as deep as laugh sounds, or hand motions or even looks. If he were going to build a relationship, a connection and ultimately a life and family with someone they needed to be appealing to him otherwise he’d be yet another celeb with a divorce or two under his belt. Hell, he already had one under his belt.
     “Ah, I got it. She just wasn’t this imaginary, ideal woman you’ve created in your head. She couldn’t stack up to that woman you’ve been holding every one of them next to.”
    He looked to her because something about her words hit him in a way that made him wonder if she was right. He never thought he’d created any ideal woman and definitely didn’t think he was comparing these women to anyone. Was he?
    “The rate you’re going that wife and kid slip further and further away,” Scarlett warned.
     “So I should settle for just anything?”
    “Absolutely not. Never settle. You should broaden your horizon, give people a chance. One hour of conversation isn’t nearly enough to come to a correct assumption of someone’s character, let alone if there is anything between you.”
    “You know that saying when you know you know? Well, it works both ways good and bad,” he defended.
    “What about Lita?”
    Chris softly groaned as he remembered the last semi-serious relationship he’d had. They dated without commitment for almost nine months. Their agreement was whenever they had time for each other, they would try, but otherwise, neither of them would take it personally. It was something he came up with. The last couple months of filming Captain America hit him hard and loneliness set in something fierce, and he met her at an award’s luncheon, and they struck up a friendship that morphed into an equally beneficial relationship. There was nothing wrong with Lita, she seemed like a nice person, down to earth, funny, beautiful and smart just things fizzled, and he didn’t make any effort to rekindle them he just let it die.  
    “She managed to stick around for nine months; then she was gone like the wind. I only met her once, but you seemed like you liked her. Maybe that deserves another round,” Scarlett suggested. He thought about it for a minute. If he did reach out, would it because it was what he wanted, or would it be him settling?
    The rest of the party chugged on like all of Anthony’s parties. The music was good, the drinks even better and the good time never ended. By the time two rolled around, he was partied out and just wanted the quietness of his own home. He said his goodbyes to Anthony, who tried to fish for details about his time with Milla. One look from him and Anthony knew he was thinking Milla who. After saying a quick bye to Scarlett and Seb, he got back into his sports car and sped home.
     By four in the morning, he was sitting at his pool looking out to the moon with a stiff drink in hand and head filled with thoughts. He took out his phone and sent a message to Lita. Desperation was always blamed for bad decisions, but loneliness was equally to blame.
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psalloacappella · 4 years
Sirens - CH 5
Title: Sirens Pairing: SasuSaku Chapter: Ao3 | FF Rating:  M
Additional Notes:  new cast alert, enter Ino!; spicy; sad; Sasuke kind of a SIMP; make some noise; some parts nsfw .
And so again, he finds himself on some surreal plane of existence where there’s another unfamiliar pretty girl in his kitchen, hailing from fuck knows where, tossed onto earth in a momentary absurdity — arriving on a magic carpet or hot air balloon. Often a silent observer to conversations weighty with importance, he has the talent of existing in a room and giving the impression he’s somehow hearing everything and nothing in the same moment.
Introductions dispensed. Coffee and food, he’s learned, always serve as a sufficient social lubricant and functions as the perfect excuse to give them time together to untangle a conversation that sounds like an argument they’ve been having for several years of their lives, the type of historical artifacts that define the best relationships; they’re familiar echoes of the bond of a brother long broken and a best friend that he’s sure has extended much more grace than he’s deserved.
Fingers linger on the handles of mugs, grasp them and set them down, pantomiming and gesturing and weaving stories about people he doesn’t know and passing tokens of lives lived in a separate dimension than his. It’s odd, how the histories of others intertwine and as people share pieces of themselves they fill in the empty questions to create bonds anew, the pasts and presents overlapping, echoing and transforming in layers and rings as carbon dating. The details that follow in the tracks of family lines and secrets.
If he listens, he’ll be able to glean the things this girl has such a difficult time telling him.
“You know it’s hard for your friends when you do this,” Ino chides, reaching forward to flick a lock of her pink hair. A cherished gesture, the type only people so close will tolerate. “Disappear and resurface hundreds of miles away, always moving, never checking in.”
“You should be used to it by now.” Sakura takes a sip of coffee to hide the slight waver in her voice. It gives Sasuke pause and he glances at her over his shoulder from his sentinel role at the stove.
The tint of her drink reminds him of a specific shade of paint, a desultory memory of his home — Saint Martin Sand.
“And every time we come together again, I tell you, stop punishing yourself for no reason. At least this time you’ve made some friends. Cute ones.” Ino watches him watch Sakura and their eyes meet — he breaks it with the slightest blush.
The glitter in her eyes is so knowing, so like Naruto’s, he wonders if he should have taken a long walk instead.
“So let’s just lay this on the table,” Ino continues, setting down her mug with a sharp sound. “You two are a thing, and judging by that ridiculous soap opera outside, you’ve been staying here with him?”
“We’re not together— ”
“Yes, yes, you don’t date, I know.” Ino waves a hand, sweeping away her fruitless protestations. Lifting her chin, she says to Sasuke, “I didn’t mean to join in, it’s just, I finally find her and she’s getting chased by some guy, you can see how I could’ve had the wrong idea.”
“I understand,” Sasuke responds, not turning around. “You two are very close.”
“A man of many words.” Ino refocuses on Sakura, who’s running her fingernail on the lip of the mug, staring into coffee the shade of tropical sand. “As long as he’s kind to you, I suppose I can’t show up and start analyzing it.”
“But you will,” Sakura says, grinning.
“Of course I have a million questions; you’re terrible at keeping in touch. For starters, why is your ankle busted?”
With a bleak groan, Sakura lets her face fall into her hands, fingers sinking into her hair. Ino laughs in a weary way, the love of years so lush and apparent throughout, and their feet tap one another under the table. Both pass the heel of a hand underneath their eyes, a quick swipe, gestures in a mirror.
“Are you going to come sit with us or what?” Ino snarks, fearless in her insistence. A similar frankness that Sakura has in her best moments which take peeled layers to surface. Sasuke wonders just where and when their paths forked, and how those laden with cracks in the soul are lucky enough to find supports like these. Adjusting breakfast to a simmer, he brings his own coffee to take up a seat on an adjacent table side, between them.
“So — how did you two meet?” she asks, tapping the table with each word. Eyes hungry for details, she sways left and right, waiting for one of them to indulge her.
“He’s a fan of my radio show,” Sakura finally articulates. “He and Naruto — his friend, own a bar and they called in, and honestly I was so curious so I ended up coming in a few days later. And the rest is history.”
Ino smiles. “So how long is that history, two, three weeks?”
Sasuke busies himself with copious coffee drinking, aware he’ll run out before being able to leave the table.
“That’s so cute, it’s nauseating,” Ino adds, grinning at Sasuke. Amused by his embarrassment and baffled that a guy so handsome is sitting here being twisted into knots by a little gossip and interest. She must drive him crazy.
As she watches both of them glance away, askance, eyes on anything but one another, knowing Sakura as well as she does means this dynamic and situation for her is a new foray, an unusual wrinkle and snag in her usual routine of cut and run.
She likes him too. And this, out of all of it, is the most unusual development for her friend that routinely rips up her roots or rarely stays long enough to grow them; the girl that’s been afraid to breathe the same air for one too many heartbeats in fear of making mistakes, taking what she deserves.
And the longer Ino sees Sasuke’s handsome face up close — messy dark hair, charcoal, sharp eyes, the patrician slope of his nose — there’s thoughts sifting in that slippery layer of the unconscious, shifting as sand in soft winds. A sense she’s missing a crucial detail in a larger game.
“You definitely had a good first night with this one. I know, I can tell.” Refusing pretense, Ino drops this on the table and sips with a satisfied smile.
“Pig, please!” Sakura sounds annoyed, but it still marries a soft, scolding tone to what must be a childhood, agreed-upon name.
Scrunching up her face, Ino taps her forehead twice. Children making faces on glass windows or at one another on a playground, a reference to simpler times. They grew up together bonded by dirty knees and whispered secrets. Not unlike the way Sasuke and his brother were so long ago, before they were groomed, primed for their inescapable roles: A reprieve from destiny is not the pardon.
All three startle at the sound of jangling keys; Sasuke, with his back to the door, turns in his seat and throws a careless arm over the back of the chair. Glancing back to Sakura, they exchange a small ghost of a smile, a hidden and intimate reference to experiences only privy to them.
“‘Kay, Sasuke, I know you told me not to just walk into your apartment, ‘specially now that you’ve had this super cute girl around, but this is definitely, totally—”
When he sees Ino at the end of the table, Sasuke gracing him with the woebegone, tired expression that he always receives when intruding, and Sakura smiling at his arrival, he stops in his tracks over the threshold.
Naruto’s mouth falls open with impunity. Sakura waves at him.
“ — important,” Naruto finishes, closing the door with his foot behind him. Shoulders sagging, he tosses his keys on the counter and whines. “Unreal, man. You found another one. An impossibly attractive girl and now they’re both in your damn kitchen!”
Ino points at him, palm facing up, in a lazy gesture. “Who’s this dork?”
“That’s his best friend,” Sakura says, nodding at Sasuke.
“Seriously? This guy?”
“Naruto,” Sasuke begins, running a hand through his messy hair, “the fuck did I tell you about walking in like this? Just knock. Or as you remind me, we have phones.”
“Well maybe you should start putting up a sign or something, or a sock on the door or some shit, because I can’t keep up with your life.” Without invitation, Naruto helps himself to coffee and continues rambling while lifting the lid to inspect the simmering food. “Or better yet you could let me know when you’re just befriending beautiful women and where exactly you find them, because you have zero interest in the ones at the bar.”
“Listen, uh, what’s your name? Naruto, you said? Sasuke and I haven’t had the pleasure of—” Ino breaks off, hissing ow! under her breath from a well-placed kick. “It’s not like that. I’m Sakura’s friend — I’m like the you to him,” she says, pointing to each of them respectively to illustrate her point. “So relax, because I’m assuming you’re joining us.”
Sakura starts laughing while Naruto drops the lid back onto the pan and stares, mouth in a perfect, round “O.”
Smiling wide, Ino preens in the manner of an exotic species so very cognizant of its worth.
“So, go back to the part where I’m impossibly attractive.”
Sasuke’s second breakfast consisting of people other than Naruto and himself sails by in the way time well-spent feels warm and sublime. The buoyancy of laughter and a tentative kindling, the way it proceeds through a fated narrative as each piece settles into its destined groove. Naruto, unstoppable from the glow of caffeine, breakfast he didn’t make, and an attractive blonde, narrates the dramatic and fated meeting of his best friend and this radio girl of the night in sordid detail, to Ino’s delight. Sakura interjects to correct notions along the way, and Sasuke abandons fantasies of pitching him off the balcony or dropping him down the fire escape, instead settling for heavy sighs and staring at her while she speaks, as she augments the conversation with slender hands and pointed fingers.
“So then last night he rushed off to save her from the police station. I mean, I was worried too obviously. And . . . I don’t know what all happened after that. You never called.”
Both of them with widened eyes, a clear giveaway as any of all the details that sound ludicrous in the light of day. This time, it’s Sasuke who speaks.
“All I did was pick her up. She was helping someone out and the police needed to speak with her to confirm things.” Taking a quiet sip of coffee, he adds, “She didn’t need saving.”
Sakura’s eyes soften, and she drops her eyes to the remnants of her breakfast.
Ino sighs, setting her fork on her empty plate with a clink. “Knowing her, she beat ‘em up herself.”
“Come on, Ino, why don’t you just tell him all of my embarrassing stories?” Sakura pouts, a joke laced with the tiniest warning, a rough string tightening. “More importantly, I need your help with something.”
“Name it,” Ino says. “I have all the time in the world! I’m staying at a hotel, trying to get a real feel for the city. Never been here, you know, and I’d like to stay a while before—” She breaks off, glancing at Sasuke, and changes tack. “I haven’t seen you in a long time, that’s all.”
“Work is having an event, and I think it’s fancy, very high-class, you know. Those things make me so uncomfortable.”
“I always tell you, everyone’s faking it at those events. You’re sweet enough to muddle your way through one night.” Ino looks Sasuke directly in the eyes; he has the distinct feeling she’s untangling him, and this, and that she has the tenacity to see it through.
“These are rich people, Ino. I’m a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, and I don’t belong there.”
The comment piques Naruto’s interest momentarily and he tilts his head; Sasuke watches her closely.
“Don’t start that,” Ino warns, again waving away her concerns easily.
“Apparently it’s not the radio subsidiary itself, but the parent company. The night I was working I think the man I spoke with was the owner, the CEO."
Eyes alight, Ino reaches for her bag slung over the back of the chair and pulls out a thin, light laptop. Pushing aside her empty dishes, she boots it up in half a second and waits for details, eager fingers poised over the keys. “Tell me details.”
“Tall, pale eyes. A stoic sort of guy. Brunette, very long hair. Like yours,” Sakura says to her, “and just as cared for.”
“So very pretty, your usual type, heh,” Ino teases. Her fingers fly over the keys. “I might have an idea . . .”
“Ino has a well-known family,” Sakura explains to Sasuke. Touches his arm in a soft gesture to hold his attention, not that he’s ever able to be distracted away from her. “The Yamanakas?”
Waving blithely, Ino rejects the notion. “We aren’t that regal, please. We’re in a totally different universe than, say, the Uzumaki’s.”
A full ten seconds passes before what she says registers on Naruto’s face. The typing continues at a lively pace. Sakura’s looking at him with a strange expression, an impassiveness that seems to be a projection, a mask, hiding twisting questions beneath. Naruto looks at Sasuke and opens his mouth —
— and all that comes is an ow! and tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Here we go,” Ino says, pulling back the attention of the group. Turning the laptop around for them to see, she points. “Neji Hyuuga, one of the youngest media moguls and owner of blah blah enterprises, took over when his dad passed away, the usual way it goes in families like these.”
The pale eyes remind her of the girl from the police station, and she looks to Sasuke as if for confirmation. Confirms it to her with an imperceptible nod.
“I assume there’s a press release,” Sakura says, intrigued.
“Of course. They probably control whoever writes about them anyway. Talk about a conflict of interest.” A relentless cadence of tapping keys, and her ocean eyes are just visible over the lid of the laptop. “‘Annual event, mighty and generous’, blah blah, ‘held at the historic but well-loved — wow, look at this place. It’s beautiful in that old money sort of way.
Chair legs scrape against the floor as they gather in a semicircle to read along, emitting whistles and comments here and there as they take in the grandiose venue and the Hyuuga family’s credentials. Sasuke, though, is quiet. Sakura’s eyes are wide, dazzled and intimidated by the prospect of all of it.
“Oh god, I can’t go to something like this,” she groans. “I’m going to look so stupid and out of place.”
“Sakura!” Ino pushes her chair back, startling the other two as they back out of her way. Taking her shoulders, she shakes her a little. “You have to go to an event like this. People bend over backwards maintaining relationships with this family and donate money just to potentially go to this! I know why you need me — to dress you, of course! This is supposed to happen; I know it.”
Sasuke takes Ino’s empty seat, eyes darting over the screen.
“Ino, you’re such a romantic. What am I even going to talk about with these people?”
“It doesn’t matter. These are basically playgrounds for the rich and famous. If you want to give your career a leg up, you have to do this.”
“My career?” Sakura snorts, shoulders sagging. Closing in on herself, an instinctual fear. “Ino, I failed out of pre-med and change leases as often as clothes. Now I do a radio show in the dead of night speaking with lonely people.”
“All the more reason to get out there and find people who can help you. Maybe it’s time to stop leaving with the wind and start trusting yourself. Besides,” she says, hands on her hips, daring her to disagree, “isn’t it time you let yourself have some fun?”
Sakura doesn’t answer, lips slightly parted and seeking a rebuke she doesn’t have. Whirling around, Ino demands of her new friends, “Back me up here!”
“Ah well, Sakura,” Naruto says, sheepish and red, “I’m with Ino, here on this one. And this is totally my own opinion because you’re really cool, and we’re friends now, I think. All these families know each other. It’s a ‘who’s who’ of important people in a lot of industries. And,” here he grins, eyes bright, “you can do and find whatever you want at an event like this.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sakura asks.
“It means,” Ino says, cutting across his response, “that you will not be taking a walk of shame in a princess dress on a dingy train or in the back of a cab. You can stay in my hotel room downtown — it’s not far from the venue. You will arrive and leave from this event in style. If you come home, of course.” She winks with gusto.
“I’m borrowing this,” Sasuke says abruptly, picking up the laptop and taking his phone out of his pocket with his other hand. Ino shrugs, go for it. Taking up a seat in his own living room, he connects with someone on the phone and speaks to them in a tone relatively terse, his rich voice commanding as opposed to conciliatory.
The sound of his voice tips a smile onto Sakura’s face. Ino glances between the two and the understanding is a jolt of electricity, a hundred tiny neurons firing to complete the picture in the spark of a moment.
“You asked him already.”
“I’ve vetted him,” Sakura teases, and now it’s impossible to hide. The way the thought of him snatches the air out of her throat, the heavy swallow to recoup; green eyes consuming and caught in a mimeo of the past and Ino knows that it’s not him who has her, but he who has stumbled and tripped into her orbit. And Ino’s only ever seen her look at one other man this way; the nascent and feverish meeting of chance, the genesis of an endless chain reaction, atoms in a runaway chemical tryst. Ino had been present for it but somehow failed to notice everything that was wrong. All of it colliding in this moment as she sees the shadow of its consequence in her gaze.
“Thank you,” Sasuke says. With the slightest incline of his head, he returns the closed laptop to Ino and pockets his phone. Unable to tear her gaze away now, Ino struggles to form words as his fingers take Sakura’s elbow and he murmurs to her in an undertone. A talent of omitting others from his space if he chooses, even as they scrabble on the outside, a manipulation, or closer to a bewitchment, of reality.
Sakura looks down at her wrapped ankle, giving it a flex and wiggle. Ino knows he’s already doomed by the damned, and all she can do is give her futile warning and watch it play. Sasuke speaks again, but the chaotic buzzing in her ears drowns it all out.
Sakura folds her arms, resolute. “That’s so expensive, Sasuke. I’ve . . . never been anywhere that nice.”
And he tucks pink strands behind her ear in the crackling and kindling of the atmosphere difficult to breathe in.
“And a suite? What could we possibly do with all that space?”
But there’s a smile seeping into the corner of her lips, and his suggestive silence leaves myriad answers.
“You have a balcony.” Ino raises her voice, pulling them back to reality. “Show me it?”
Sasuke shrugs in genuine indifference; Sakura narrows her eyes. “You just want to interrogate him. Please don’t scare him away — I’ll do it soon enough.”
Ino brushes past them and throws aside the sliding glass door, styled French, reflecting that this isn’t the type of man many likely manage to forcibly do much of anything. It may be curiosity or out of deference to the woman he’s entangled with, but he follows without complaint.
The door is barely closed before she bursts.
“Do you even know her, Sasuke?”
Furrows his eyebrows as if she’s a mildly interesting painting, but doesn’t respond to her immediately. Dark eyes glimmer with a suspicion that makes her shiver a little as they're turned on her, unflinching, a shadow in them she wasn’t expecting — likely the very thing that’s brought Sakura to it, a frenzied moth to light. Or perhaps it’s the other way around, the alluring visions in her eyes drowning him in an ocean similar to the stories, the schizophrenic and duplicitous nature of open family secrets.
“Do you even know who I am?”
“Please,” she snorts, surveying him. “Messy dark hair, that attitude of yours. Handsome nose. Those eyes.” At this, her gaze flits away to the horizon. “You’re an Uchiha.”
Though he doesn’t confirm, the way his gaze stays steady, level, and intense is enough.
“Granted,” she continues, “there are a lot of you, and you all have quite the strong genes, looking so much alike. You’re one of the most famous families in the country. And I think she has an idea, but it’s different when you don’t grow up hearing the stories; when you’re not in the same circles. She’s not like you.”
“If you have something to ask,” he says, “I’d rather we not dance around it.” The bite, the press of assertion.
Ino knows it’s everything Sakura has a taste for, a history of — a craving that’s always worth tearing apart at the tendons and roots.
“If I thought you’d be straightforward about it, I’d ask. I think you have no idea of the type of person you’re obsessed with.”
“I’m not—”
“Don’t bother with denying it. You think I haven’t seen this before? Look . . . we do this all the time, run in circles. After she left town, and her parents died, I tried to keep up with her. She’s my best friend. She’s not ever out to ruin anyone but that’s what she usually does. Guys, just, they get wrapped up in her and then when it’s too serious for her, she leaves. She thinks she’s hard to love, like she’s cursed or blessed or something that ends up more like a sickness than something functional.”
The accuracy and plain verity of her words feels like a sharp jab to the chest.
“And I don’t know much about you as a person, but I do know what I’ve read and what I’ve heard.”
“You’re right,” Sasuke says. “You don’t know anything about me. And I don’t give time to gossip and rumors.”
“You don’t get it. She didn’t even have my number in her new phone, and she never keeps any. You know why? She expects people in her life to disappear, so she just leaves them first.”
Sasuke remembers the call to the bar, the number that would have been fresh in her mind or the one on file with the city, as opposed to his personal phone.
“She can’t stay away from certain types of people. Certain men. Everyone has a weakness, right? And that’s hers. The more I’m talking to you, seeing you around each other, I have the feeling your problem is the same.”
He’s certainly not in the mood for another woman too sharp for her own good. Avoiding her assessment, he deflects. “How did you even find her, then?”
“Trade secrets,” she says in a sardonic tone. “My father’s a, what do you call it, ‘analyst’ for the government.” She adds air quotes to make her point clear. “Sure that’s what he does. I can tell by the types of friends we had, all families who understood the culture. You only have gatherings like we did when your family’s, A, in the government or B, organized crime.” Tilting her head, she smirks. “You’d know.”
“So, family resources?”
“But really,” she laughs, “I just used the internet. It’s not so hard to do if you know enough about someone. We are best friends, after all.”
Like Sakura, it can be difficult to tell how close she is to sarcasm. A similar brand of mordancy. He takes Ino at her word with a nod.
“She’s smart. She probably has an idea of who you might be, maybe she’s trying not to know. And she’s never been one for gossip or celebrity news — she reads a lot, but always nerdy subjects. Well, that’s why she was going to be a doctor, I suppose.”
A silence. When he deigns to speak, Ino isn’t able to hide her surprise.
“She’s told me a bit about herself, but not much. I don’t think her and I are people who open up easily.”
“She used to be different,” Ino says wistfully. “But there are things in this life that are difficult to shake off; they hurt you so deeply you don’t heal. Or at least, you don’t heal correctly.”
“I’m guessing you won’t tell me what those things were?”
When she raises her sapphire eyes to his, she’s torn between spilling it all and knowing that a betrayal so significant would ruin a relationship with the only person she can still trust. Still, she’s terrified thinking about the prospects of either outcome with this man, knowing that he is madly, stupidly in love with a harbinger of chaos, and most don’t make it out of that web in one piece. Perhaps no one does, with her.
“That’s not my place,” she finally says. “Go with her and have fun. You strike me as someone who could use some, too. But I mean this in the kindest possible way — one day she’ll run, and she will leave. She can’t help herself. She . . . can’t stay away from the mess.”
Sasuke continues watching her in mild amusement. His smirk causes a nervous flutter in her stomach; Ino puzzles over his underreaction to her words.
Opening the door and gesturing her back inside, signaling the end of their conversation, he simply says, “I know.”
They rejoin the other two:  Sakura with her ankle propped up on a cushion and Naruto next to her babbling about what sounds like his childhood, tales of adventures and boring classes in private institutions, uniforms and study prep and a flush of love for parents long gone. Sasuke suspects now that the place and life she comes from is a world he’s not familiar with; when she nods and makes careful comments here and there, trying to carefully step around the gaps in her knowledge, that emotion swells again. That urge to drape her in finery and act as the constant indulgence she can use over and over, to absolutely and unequivocally hand her the keys to a kingdom. A compulsion to fulfill a need unspoken.
“Hey you, Naruto.” His babbling screeches to a halt, and he automatically catches the phone Ino tosses to him with a smile. “Let me get your number.”
The way his expression flips in an instant, confusion to an incandescent brightness, causes another fluttering. “Sure!”
Ino exchanges with each of them, and she notices as she wanders around their contacts in her surreptitious way that neither of them have Sakura’s last name in their phone. Filing that detail away for herself, her thumb hovers over the screen as she finishes her entry in Naruto’s phone and returns it.
When she looks at his contact card and sees the name Uzumaki, she taps to edit and adds a sunshine, grinning.
“By the way, if you’re planning to stay for a long time and don’t want to be in a hotel for all of that, I mean, I live across the hall. Just saying. That way you’re close to Sakura and people you know in a new city!”
Hand on her hip, Ino tries to keep her ego tamped down, if even just a little. “You’re so transparent.”
Horrified, he holds up his hands with palms out, shaking his head. “No, no, I have a guest bedroom, no one stays in it, really. I’m not trying anything funny.” Indicating Sakura, he laughs. “She’s punched two people in a month, and I’m one of them. If you’re her friend, I know what I’m up against.”
Growing up Sasuke was in his fair share of fights and scraps on the playground, and then older, in bars and with drunk friends — after his mother dies he will participate in and be the progenitor of so many more. Her scolding reverberates in his ear about all the reasons he shouldn’t mar his handsome, regal face, and he hears his father in these same memories dismissing her concerns, sneering that it’s good he toughens up in any way he can.
If his mother was still alive she wouldn’t know what to say to this behavior, these mistakes he’s making: Writhing beneath the burning touch of a tiny nymph with pink hair, splayed beneath her as if blown apart and pinned up by the limbs, lepidoptera, as she straddles him in a hitched-up navy skirt with the heels of her sandals etching divots into his skin that will soften and fade to beautiful bruises.
Two fingers in his mouth and her other hand working in a heated, rhythmic pace on his cock, he’s sure there would be a distinct lack of approval of being roughhoused by this girl with no name who seems to have the desire to leave him a shaking, gasping excuse for his family name.
He’s sure he would agree to let her kill him if she wanted; there’s almost nothing at this point that’s beyond the realm of reasonable requests. Especially with her pinning him without mercy, soaked and dripping between her thighs, a red and mottled flush surfacing through the skin of her chest and collarbones as she presses him into small submissions, the ways that men with faces like his don’t often experience.
(Returning from shopping with a large bag swinging from her hand, eyes bright despite her little limp. Volunteering information before he’s even apt to ask:  She loves it, and no he can’t see it yet, and she has work in a while but not quite yet. Ino’s out exploring the city accompanied by Naruto.)
And it’s what she doesn’t say but he hears in her voice, in the come-hithers and low tones and the space between them always feeling like an ache, an endless expanse that yearns for nothing but to be restitched and torn over again in repetitious revolutions, the drowning and resuscitation an addiction in itself. Coming together to pull apart and wound with another million fibers each time in a dazed and deadly isochronism.
Small and light like feathers and lips like morphine:  With her legs around his hips and fingers in his dark hair yanking him to expose the apple of his neck, she hisses
I want to hear you
Down the hallway and he does as she bids, gritting his teeth while her lips tour his neck and linger in his ears
I want your noise
And he tries to take her with him but she places her fingers on his chest and bounces him into the soft bedspread, straddling him, clawing at his shirt and maneuvering it over his head to toss it aside. Bites her lip as she raises her chin to gaze down on him, jade eyes and parted lips and rolling her hips in an agonizing move that tears a moan from his throat —
Good boy she says, good boy
And when she says it his pulse beats in a stilted cadence and his hips press up against her, desperate, unable to touch enough of her like this and how did he fucking end up here, with her still clothed and him barely so while coaxing the full beautiful, colorful continuum of human sounds from his throat, sounds he’s stymied to know or possess and why when she calls him this his breath hitches, a choke, a reaction he’s unable to hide, not the least when her slim fingers reach for him, the scrape of her nails on his belt
Hips jerking and shuddering again as she takes him into her hand
It’s unfair how attractive you are, Sasuke
Like before he reaches for her, the calluses of his fingers dragging across her canvas of skin on fire and
she slaps them away, clicking her tongue in admonishment, he doesn’t learn
I meant what I said; that’s no way to get me to help you
Swallows down the pathetic word that sits as a lump in his throat, the one she’s aiming for and he doesn’t know how she knows it’s there but she’ll tear it from him no matter how many minutes a breakdown takes, and great fucking god he’s about to give it to her under duress of those soft silk fingers, the same ones that hold coffee mugs and command his attention and tell stories but now they feel like they’re where they belong, pumping him with the practiced and smooth movements of one who wields control so precise
Fuck, Sa-Sakura, fuck
Oh sweetheart, that’s not what quite I’m looking for
The first time a finger finds its way past his lips and into his mouth, open and panting and wanting already, the jolt and shudder and full roiling of his lean, fit body forces a breathy gasp from her own; the dangerous rock of her own hips she indulges in leaves her eyelashes fluttering shut in glimmering repose.
The tang, it bursts on his tongue
Unable to process the taste — salt, sweat, musk, the liminal zest between his and hers impossible to sift between
Then another long, slim finger in his mouth and here she persists again, ruthless and divine in and inhuman and the unceasing rhythm as she works him stays just a single syncopated note from release, as if she knows the precise rhythm and flow in which they could collide
I want to hear you, Sasuke
Incoherent, torn him from him as skin from fruit, the feathering of plumage
Please — !
That laugh, spreading and coating as viscid honey, dense and lush and soaking him down
You’re so good, you know. I know men like you hate this
— the buckles of her heeled sandals patterning friction on the skin of thighs and the repetitive sticky scrapes of well-worn athletic tape as she holds him, cages him—
but you just look so good like this, I love you like this
So precious, she reflects for a moment, taking him in, wasted and dashed and black pupils blown as his eyes lose focus for a moment. Removes her fingers from his mouth with a wet hollowing sound that brings with it a guttural groan, throaty and incoherent
And the absolutely desperate pitch at the close
undoes her and she yanks him up by the hair, scrabbling at the bare skin of his shoulders with her fingernails and kisses him, when he lifts her so easily and they fumble with flimsy and frustrating fabrics until she settles on him again with a moan, filled to the brim and lost in brilliance
stuttering out his name in his ear in ways that make her forget she doesn’t plan for forevers.
Naruto snaps his fingers in front of Sasuke’s twice, thrice. A flicker of recognition and reality surfaces and he blinks, swatting away his friend’s hand.
“Oh I’m sorry, you’ve just been spaced the fuck out for ten minutes.”
“I doubt that,” Sasuke says tartly, plucking a piece of paper from the office desk and pretending to consider it. Careful ignorance seems preferable to enduring the endless taunting and ribbing from Naruto, and lately that’s been nothing less than a guarantee.
“Okay, a minute or so, but you look blown out. Wasted. I can’t put my finger on it. Do you feel sick?”
“Shut up, will you? I’m—”
“Working,” he finishes firmly.
“Nah, yer not.”
Naruto folds his arms and squints at Sasuke, then takes a meandering lap around the back office, hemming and hawing.
Though he’s not concentrating on any numbers in front of him, he loses focus again, flatlines, lost in a dream. Contented.
Naruto punches his fist into his hand opposite, shaking his head with a laugh. “I’m an idiot.”
“Now you’ve got it.”
“She laid you out, didn’t she? Sent you on a ride. What obscenely tight part of you did she get into?”
Sasuke leans back in the office chair, folding his arms. Avoiding his eyes and the flickering heat in his face that threatens to give him away, like he’s a little boy. “Fuck off.”
“I’m definitely going to ask her what she did to you. You’re like, bright. Glowing? I’ve heard that word. It’s coming off you in, like, waves.”
“If you ever say that word around me again,” Sasuke says, snatching up a stapler, “They won’t find your body.”
Raising it, Sasuke pretends to throw it — Naruto flinches. Relaxes.
Sasuke whips it at him anyway.
“Ow! Temper, tsk tsk,” Naruto teases, rubbing his arm where it hit.
Shikamaru strolls in with his hand in his pockets, sighing. “Ah, Sasuke, there’s someone asking about you at the bar. He’s been hanging around for a while and I don’t think he’s leaving. I figured if he knew you, he’d contact you directly, but—”
“Hey, hey Shikamaru,” Naruto interrupts. “Look at him. He’s too busy being lost in—”
“Who is he?” Sasuke asks. “What does he look like?”
“Eh, honestly, he looks a lot like you. Older, maybe? Same eyes, spiky hair.”
A lurching, a twisting in the gut. The expression on his face foreboding enough that both of them move swiftly out of his path as he heads for the front, adrenaline pouring into his limbs, readying for a brawl.
When he arrives, however, nothing’s left but the wrinkled napkin, weathered and worn from dallying fingers and the perspiring empty glass, drunk to its dregs.
For a moment Sasuke gazes across the bar — a slower night with lingering groups in booths and a few scattered and two-top tables. No one remains that looks like him, not even close.
After all, he can always feel them in a crowd. As if bonded by invisible strings, always forced into the productions and whims of the family, it being a force so much darker and greater than himself. The portraits in the old house halls with a multitude of photographs in varying time periods and shades, an illustration of consolidated privilege and sovereignty. Far from the old ways things used to be done but nevertheless woven into the fabric of societal institutions in a manner so deft and desecrating.
The things his brother had always hated, railing against it in quiet dissent.
And in the end he had made his point, violent and vehement in a final way.
It rises, a pain in his chest and an unbidden, murky memory of the way his father slammed his hands on the table, again and again in an unceasing rhythm and his finger so close to his brother’s face he was sure it wouldn’t make it through the argument. As the years aged them all, he had begun to reject the authoritarian notion and the name. Perhaps it had broken him more than Sasuke had been able to understand.
When he remembers it again and he’s unable to breathe, he hates how he grasps the counter and gropes for the nearest bottle, and he would lunge for paint thinner if it made it all stop — the echoes of potent rage rising to a crushing din
You don’t bring people like that around — !
Never again — !
don’t bring
her here — !
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