#yessssssss :3
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i would die for the shark in under paris but that's probably unnecessary to say considering she'd kill me without hesitation. icon. keep killing bestie i love the way you snack on humans you are a star
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bow-of-aros · 3 months
Moments Like This
They are my babies and they deserve to be happy goddammit!!
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing?” Charles nearly jerked his hand away for the first time in as many minutes, and Edwin drew back as if burned.
He looked up at Charles with genuine confusion and said, “I’m sorry. I must have stopped paying attention, I hadn’t even realized that I was doing anything.”
The ‘anything’ in question was something so purely innocent that Charles had to resist a soft aww when he’d first seen it. It had been a slow day in the agency and yet Edwin couldn’t seem to help flitting around in search of something to do. Just watching him had made Charles exhausted, so he’d grabbed Edwin by the wrist, dragged him over to the couch, laid down, and pulled his friend down on top of him.
Edwin had put up some token complaints, which Charles had been expecting, but had very quickly relaxed in Charles’ hold, which Charles had also been expecting.
After a few moments, Edwin had taken Charles’ hands in his own and started fidgeting with them. Gentle twisting and tugging at his fingers had turned into curling and uncurling his fists had turned into lightly tracing the lines of his palms.
And that’s where the problem had started.
What had started as a slight itch had slowly turned into an unbearably light tickling sensation dancing across his palms. Charles was grateful that Edwin couldn’t see his expression from the position he was in because he was losing the battle against the smile fighting its way across his face.
Now, with Edwin looking like someone had kicked a puppy right in front of him, Charles knew that he would do anything to bring back the calm serenity that had been there just a few moments ago.
He gently pried Edwin’s fingers open from the fists he had curled them into and folded them back around his own hands. “It’s alright mate, I really don’t mind, I was just curious.”
Charles exhaled in relief when Edwin began hesitantly fidgeting with his fingers again, shoulders lowering from where they had tensed up.
It was silent for a moment before Edwin spoke up, “I suppose it’s just something that helps calm me. It gives my hands something to do while my mind wanders, but…” he trails off, glancing up at Charles and then flushing as he quickly looked away, “It’s different, when it’s with you. It seems that most everything is. It brings be a sense of peace to know that you’re here, with me. Does that make any sense?”
Meanwhile, during this incredibly heartwarming little confession, Edwin had begun anew with the tracing, and that was making it very had to focus.
“Charles?” Oh shit, Edwin had asked him a question.
“Yeah, mate! I-ah, I completely get it.” Charles’ voice had hitched for a brief moment during a swipe across the centre of his palm, but he’s pretty confident that it went unnoticed.
“Are you quite alright, Charles?” Damn.
“I’m aces, reheally,” A giggle slipped past his defences before he could catch it.
“Are you sure? You’ve gone rather tense,” Well that was because Edwin had started drawing nonsensical patterns on his hands, spiralling out before looping across his palms without any discernable patter and it was driving Charles mad.
“Yeah, I—ah shihihihihit! Edwihin!” Edwin had, out of nowhere, begun scribbling his fingers with frightening intent and precision, causing Charles to lose the tenuous grasp he had been holding on him laughter.
“Is something the matter, Charles?” Through his squinting eyes, Charles could see the familiar curl of a proud grin accompanied by Edwin’s Oh, so you’ve finally caught up? tone.
“You knehehew! You basta—No not there!” Edwin, likely through observation and deduction, had focused his attentions on the centre of Charles’ palms, keeping his touch firm enough to be felt, but light enough to drive Charles out of his mind.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re referring to,” He took Charles’ well-timed shriek as an answer and continued, “Oh! You’re saying that I knew that you had sensitive palms, and that I knew that what I was doing had you rather tickled pink, is that it?”
Charles, lost in frantic giggles, resorted to nodding his head vigourously against the traitor’s back.
“Well, it’s not completely true, but I did figure it out during my prior explanation. I am a detective after all,” he punctuated that with a vicious scribble that had Charles tugging fruitlessly at his arms.
“And,” Edwin added thoughtfully, “I must admit that it suits you rather well. You have always had tender hands, and I find this quite charming.”
Okay, that’s it. Charles could deal with everything else, but he could feel his face burning at Edwin’s compliments and called for mercy, “Uncle! Uhuhuncle! I give! Edwin plehehease!”
Edwin released his hands with a quick kiss pressed to each, an action that still set off butterlies in Charles’ stomach no matter how many times it happened, and Charles rubbed his palms against his legs to rid himself of the residue sparks dancing across his nerves.
“You,” he said after catching his breath, “are an evil man, Edwin Payne.”
The evil man in question turned around with a soft smile that set his green eyes alight, and Charles fell in love with him all over again in that moment.
“Well, you love me anyway.” And he was right. Charles did indeed love him anyway.
Charles pressed a kiss against Edwin’s forehead, “Yes, but do you know what I love more?” A questioning hum as Charles leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Revenge.”
Edwin’s eyes went wide, “Wait. Wait Charles, we can talk about this! We can—Ah! Chahaharles!”
As laughter rang through the office once more, Charles found that he didn’t mind when days were slow, because that’s what gave him moments like this.
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
the universe deciding the new season of dead end and the new owl house special should release in the same week:
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was NOT expecting a Delilah appearance in this mess right after Downfall, but AM extremely happy with where it's going
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keyblademermaiden · 1 year
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digital mockup and template!
my original shield from middle school got rain damaged at faire so I'm making a (hopefully) more weatherproof banner and decided to make my own based on the cover art by David Wyatt for "The Woman Who Rides Like a Man" and this ca. 1510 stained glass
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baltears · 6 months
1 song for every letter of url and then tag that many ppl – tagged by @imyselfamstrange <3
Back on me – electric guest
Alone again in the lap of luxury – marillion
Lady of the flowers – placebo
Teenage wristband – the twilight singers
Eye opener – dot hacker
Alabama – night moves
Rock n' roll death – vr sex
Smoke of dreams – thurston moore
eye will tag. @assortedfruitsnacks212 @star-spangled-bastard @kelsiers @banozac @rosalinecapulet @kenvbi @damphaired and @z-a-d-i-e if any of u feel like it, also if i booped you today pls consider yourself tagged as well 🐾
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
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Pics of P3Re’s overworld/gameplay
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just-cant-get-kenough · 2 months
As of today,
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Hello there! Are you doing requests? If yes, can you do some dating headcanons for Seth, Poe and Scale pls?
yes, absolutely! some of my favorite bois <3 <3 <3
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Honestly, dating him is about what you’d expect, with a few little surprises sprinkled in for fun. Gotta keep things fresh, can’t have you getting super bored of him. He’s the kind of guy who likes to hang out in graveyards and he’s a bit morbid… but at the same time, he’s definitely down-to-Earth. Compared to some of the other guys, he’s almost normal.
Writes poetry about you sometimes? While he doesn’t advertise it, he’s a romantic at heart. He likes doing those sappy things, comparing the touch of your hand in his hair to the cool breeze of a mausoleum, and your kiss is like the first breath that the dead take upon resurrection… perhaps he keeps writing these things because you’re the first person to truly appreciate his dark, flowery language.
He texts you a lot, especially if you have a job or studies that keep you away. He’s got more free time, being a student (one who can admit to slacking off somewhat in areas which don’t interest him), so he can get slightly bored and when he’s bored, his mind wanders to you. To see Hey. Hanging out in the library. And I’m thinking of you. I might check out this book… wanna come summon demons with me later? ;) with a picture of him smirking behind some ancient-looking tome makes you very happy. Maybe you’ll even consider it! Would be a hell of a way to spend a Saturday night, huh?
‘Melancholy flower’/’melon cauliflower’ for a vegan emo isn’t the only pun he has up his sleeve. He’s also got other small references too, and puns aren’t his preferred method of one-lining. If it’ll get you to smile, however, he’ll use them. Particularly if he feels awkward and doesn’t think he has much else to say, he’ll pun. A well-timed quip of, “Well, look at that. Good for them; they’ve got one foot in the rave.” in response to a couple of elderly partygoers decked out in glow sticks will have you giggling, at least. Or he hopes it will. He almost wishes you’d never stop laughing, it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
In addition to just texting you a bunch, he also loves to send you naughty pictures. Nothing too bad that anyone else would be appalled to seeing on your phone… just tiny things to tease you. Photos of him wearing a new pair of skeleton underwear accompanied by a caption of, What do you think? Too many bones? 😉 Or maybe a pic of his hand resting on his bare thigh, with the excuse that he wants to know what you think of the nail polish he just put on. All’s fair, isn’t it? He definitely wants you thinking about him.
For all that he pretends to be a dark and troubled bad boy, his ideal date night is… getting some takeout, watching a horror flick, and falling asleep on the couch cuddled up in your arms. (Or with you cuddled in his. He’s not picky about that part, as long as there’s cuddling going on!) Often when that happens, he’ll wake up in the middle of the night, gaze fondly at you for a few minutes, and then drift off with a hint of a smile on his face. It’s so disgustingly domestic and he hates how much he loves it.
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A relationship?? What’s… what’s that??? He’s clueless. And he’s not clueless by virtue of not being intelligent, because he’s very smart. He just… has struggled in connecting with people, for a very long time. Before you, he never really had romance with anyone. His mind was laser-focused on his job, so it was as if he never had time for anything else. Just… be patient with him. He loves you, but he’s very much still learning how to exist inside a romantic relationship.
That said, he’s surprisingly good at knowing how to be a partner. That might be mostly because he’s aware and observant, to the point that he just… notices things about you. He knows what your preferred morning drink is, and he knows what it looks like when you’re tired or in pain, and his heart has begun to beat to match the cadence of your speech. And if there’s something he doesn’t know, he has no shame in asking. (Well… usually.) He brings you a drink or painkillers if you need, encourages you to rest when it seems you’ve been overworking, and he knows how to make you laugh. He very much takes pride in being the best partner for you that he can be.
Uh. Well. It’s. It’s just. He’s an assassin! He’s a serial killer who takes commissions! His lifestyle, while entirely badass as far as he’s concerned, is also dangerous. He’s excellent at what he does, but the fact is that sometimes he has a bad day or his target has a good day. To say nothing of rivalries or competition between assassins, particularly during ‘open’ hits that directly pit them against each other. He will come home injured, it’s just a matter of when it happens. Hopefully you’re not too attached to your carpets, because he’ll stagger in dripping blood all over them, begging you to let him take care of himself. Of course, that’s impossible, so there will definitely be times you’ll have to patch him up in the bathroom. He can’t go to the hospital, right? He… he trusts you to take care of him.
He has quite the singing voice, even if he vehemently denies that he likes to sing. Often he’ll start by humming while the two of you are relaxing and snuggling, and if you insist on watching a musical during movie night, he’ll usually start to sing along in a low voice. For whatever reason he’s embarrassed by it! Although the urge to sing ‘rose’ when he got transformed into a dragon, that is absolutely not to say it wasn’t there before. Singing relaxes him, and it might just be because he’s unpracticed in being vulnerable around people that singing in front of others, even you, flusters him a bit. Though… he likes it if you fall asleep to his singing. That’s flattering.
He can get… possessive. Nowhere near Cole levels of possessive or anything, but his one sore spot is that he is petrified of the idea that he might not be ‘cool’ in your eyes. He’s convinced that you’ll wake up one day, look at him, and go, “Oh, my GOD, you’re so boring.” before walking out of his life forever. And he can’t take that. He will do literally anything in the name of keeping you interested in him. Actually, up to and including admitting that he’s afraid you think he’s boring and that you’re going to leave him. However, it’s a win-win; you get the emotional openness and some meaningful intimacy out of him, and he gets the reassurance that you’re super fascinated with him and you’re not going anywhere. Honesty is SEXY!!!
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Is it getting hot in here, or is just because he’s dragging the essence of hell behind him? Who knows at this point? It’s really his game and you’re just along for the ride. Maybe that’s how you like it. If that wasn’t how you like it, you probably wouldn’t be with him. He likes to do dangerous things, so you’ll have to be careful exactly which ones you do with him. He forgets sometimes that humans can’t take the kinds of abuse that demons can! So if he mentions a ‘vacation’ to his ‘hometown’ by ‘a beautiful lake’, guide him toward something else. That beautiful lake is made of fire, down in hell, and to you it’d be less a vacation and more like a nightmare. Oops! He tried.
Shockingly okay with the whole arrangement he has going with you. It’s a shame he can’t manipulate you, because you sort of see through all his tricks and no-sell any of the bad ideas, but he’s not too broken up. He’s convinced he’ll eventually find something you’ll fall for, so now he’s just biding his time. Except… during that time, he finds himself actually falling for you. That comes with not wanting to hurt you or betray your trust, which means that slowly he loses the urge to manipulate you at all. He goes from wanting your soul to just wanting your heart. Awwwww~!
You wanna wear his hoodie? He’ll let you wear his hoodie. Hell, if his clothes fit you, he’ll let you wear all of them. Not only is he totally fine walking around wearing very little or nothing at all, demons are possessive creatures by nature. It hits that button to see you covered in things that are his, which makes him a very happy little shit-stirrer. You’re so hot wearing all his clothes, (or, indeed, wearing replicas of them if his happen not to fit you), he might just decide to pin you down and kiss every inch of you.
Yes, he’s a demon. And a troublemaker. However, he’s also the Avatar of Woe. Being that he is that, he… has this strange kind of depression. His boredom and anguish and occasional apathy drive him to seek thrills, usually. Other times, though, the woe part overtakes him entirely. If he’s allowed himself to be vulnerable with you, there are times you’ll find him in bed, sobbing uncharacteristically, bunched up in the blankets and completely lost in sorrow. How you react will determine whether or not he lets you see that side of him ever again. As much of a front as he puts up, when the woe hits, all he really wants is to be held and comforted and know you’re there for him.
He’s kind of always touching you in some way, almost as if to stake his claim on you. If the two of you are out walking, he’s holding your hand. If you’re sitting around, he’s got an arm around your waist. He likes to have his hands on you, he likes to be touching and kissing and cuddling. In some ways he forgot what it was like to have a real romance with somebody, and apparently, he’s missed all those small, normal, soft touches. He’s making up for lost time and massive amounts of touch starvation, sue him!
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
Anyways all of the hollowheads siblings are aroace
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dullahandyke · 3 months
i hate it when things are convenient i feel like they are trying to trick me. i will purposefully make things inconvenient for myself for the sake of being more in control
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rainbowgod666 · 1 year
King: if intruders dare to come here at The Owl House™ we shall do like that film about a kid alone at home that luz showed us
Collie: or you know (pulls out a purple Glock 17 with the same motif of his standard drip)
King: dude what the fuck
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dicapiito · 5 months
My research of Shadow the Hedgehog consists of playing Cyberpunk once again and being justified in doing so lol 😂
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shadowthief78 · 9 months
more than halfway to perfection wahoo!!!!!!
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madeimpact · 1 year
If Luna got to punch Noctis then the three-year-old wanted to join in too! "Yaaah!" Except instead of punching his face, the kid hit the very edge of his thigh with both hands outstretched since it was the closest thing he could reach. "I got you, Daddy! Mommy and I got you!"
Luna could punch me and I'd thank her for the opportunity || @novuscaelum
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Luna could throw a good punch when she wanted, and Noctis was fine with letting himself be on the receiving end of one every now and then. She had to be so composed for public appearances anyway; a bruise that could be done away with a simple potion was nothing.
Novus, on the other hand...well, he was three years old. His tiny hands against Noct's thigh felt more like a nudge than a punch. It was way more adorable than threatening. But that didn't mean Noct wasn't going to ham it up to encourage Novus and make him laugh.
❝ Ugh...you two got me, alright... ❞
Dropping to his knees and clutching his chest in dramatic fashion, Noctis let out a theatrical groan.
...Before looking directly at Novus with a devilish grin and tickling him.
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❝ But I'm gonna getcha back. ❞
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