#yet write smut about live action matt
briefcasejuice · 11 months
i think people who are big fans of the dd tv show that show no interest in the comics r boring. like the show is so. Normative yk? like the fact that they didn't understand matt and his motivators so they defaulted to religion. the fact that they had to continuously sexualise the disabled main character (the writers and actors were literally and explicitly making jokes about how many shirtless scenes there were and how they literally had to turn down a few 😧) for him to be an appealing one. the fact that they dumbed down the way his blindness worked and basically made it Seeing Part Two. the fact that they played into the fetishism of chinese culture for The Hand and then they?? abandoned it because they didn't want the 'main' villain to be a person of colour lmao. the fact that the ableism is the same kind of ableism in the comics like they hardly tried to be better. the fact that they gave karen such a different and objectively better (imo) backstory but 🤓☝️ instead of making her grow on her own continuously teased a romantic relationship in which with every instance, of said persuasion she acted out of character because they literally couldn't make it work other but would not leave it alone because of 'comic accuracy'. the fact that there are so many explicit shot for shot, 1:1, comic to show translations but not one of them prompted you to open a book? ewwwww
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luvangelbreak · 5 months
Regret it
christopher sturniolo x layla venita summary: layla wants a fun night with her friends but when a man won't leave her alone, her best friend is always there to help. warnings: swearing, drinking, smut, oral (fem!receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before u tap it) word count: 6.1k a/n: y'all sue me I was feeling whore knee and I needed to write it all out. this is the longest one-shot I've ever done so i hope u like it <3
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not proofread!!
For once in their life, my best friends decided to throw a party at their new house in celebration of their 21st. I have known Nick, Matt and Chris for about 6 years now and have watched their rapid growth online unfold in front of my eyes. I decided to move to LA not long after them knowing that I had nothing left for me in Massachusetts. The triplets were my family and they had been from the moment I met them.
When they told me they wanted to throw a party at the house we had only just moved into together 2 weeks prior, I instantly agreed because I wanted the opportunity to meet the rest of their friends who lived in LA. I put on my prettiest short black dress, the cutest pair of black heels I owned and my hair straightened as perfectly as my curls would allow me to. I went with dark eye makeup and red lipstick, pulling the whole look together with my dark brown hair.
They initially set the party to start at 10 pm and luckily we now lived in a neighbourhood that was spaced far enough apart that blasting music until 3 am shouldn't be an issue. 2 hours into the party, people that none of us knew started showing up and it became much bigger than any of us were anticipating but no one was planning on slowing down anytime soon. People turned the living room into a dancefloor and the kitchen was littered with empty bottles and cans of alcohol in a makeshift bar. I decided not to think about the fact we would have to clean this all up tomorrow as I poured myself another shot of tequila as well as one for Tara.
"I thought this was supposed to be a chill party!" Jake yelled over the loud music as I handed the small plastic shot glass to Tara and we both downed the tequila quickly. She took a sip of the can of Pepsi we decided to share as a chaser before I took the can and followed her actions.
"It was but this is way more fun!" I cheered once I placed the can down on the counter and suddenly, Tara was dragging me to the living room as SOS by Rihanna blasted through the house. We began swinging our hips and dancing alone, singing the lyrics loudly since the music drowned out our voices. I suddenly felt a presence behind me and I turned around to see a guy I didn't know the name of. He began moving his body with mine and I made it known that I didn't want to dance with him as I moved closer to Tara.
Unfortunately for me, Tara was now dancing with Zach who was equally as drunk as she was and they lost themselves in the music. I tried to continue dancing, making it known that I wanted to dance by myself or with my friends but this guy didn't seem to get the hint as Right Round by Flo Rida and Kesha finished playing. I got sick of having to move across the makeshift dancefloor to get away from this guy and I knew Tara was with someone she trusted so I decided to walk away. I went back to the kitchen to see Jake and Chris in the corner talking loudly to each other over the music.
I lost my balance slightly as I leaned over the bench to grab the bottle of tequila when hands wrapped themselves around my waist to steady me. I turned around to thank the person who prevented me from falling but I paused when I realised it was the guy trying to dance with me.
"Can I help you?" I asked with annoyance laced in my tone at the fact he didn't get the hint yet. I took a moment to observe him, hating the way his glassy green eyes looked down at me and his light blonde hair swooped across his forehead.
"You move pretty quick," he stated with a smirk and I furrowed my eyebrows before I rolled my eyes. I reached over the counter again, grabbing the tequila bottle and a random cup. I poured a rough shot into the red plastic solo cup before I topped it up with a can of Pepsi from the makeshift cooler we had made in a plastic tub.
"I move quick when I'm trying to get away from someone," I mumbled as I threw the Pepsi can into the trash before I took a sip of the drink.
"Don't be like that, babe," he put his hand on my lower back and I immediately pushed his arm off of me causing him to look at me with a drunken frown.
"Don't touch me and don't call me that," I huffed as I had another sip of my drink as I leaned my back against the counter.
"No need to be such a bitch about it," he moved to stand in front of me as he placed his hands on the table on either side of me and I made it known how clearly uncomfortable I was, "You don't know how to have fun? Come on, give us a smile at least sweetheart."
"Dude, how much more obvious can I make it that I don't want to be near you. Fuck off!" I burst in annoyance and his face shifted from teasing to anger. Suddenly I wasn't just annoyed and uncomfortable but I didn't feel safe being trapped between his arms. I quickly downed the rest of my drink before I threw it in the overflowing trashcan. I tried to push his left arm off of the counter but judging from the muscles along his biceps and the fact his arm barely moved he was clearly stronger than I was.
"I said don't be a bitch about it," he grumbled at me as I looked back up to his face again, unease flooding my body at the look of lust and anger mixed in his eyes, "What? You have a boyfriend or something?"
"Yeah, she does," I heard a familiar voice say and relief flooded me when Chris stood directly behind the guy, a deadpan look on his face. Finally, the guy moved his arms away from the bench and I quickly moved to stand next to Chris as the guy spun around to look at him, "There a problem here?"
"You're not her boyfriend, bro. You were standing there the whole time," the guy chuckled and Chris just smirked at him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I watched the guy just stare at us for a moment before Chris spoke again.
"She's a big girl, she can handle herself," he spoke much clearer than the guy in front of us whose words were slurred together messily and I let my body fall against Chris from the alcohol hitting me harder than expected, "Until drunk dickhead's like you pull up and harass her until I need to step in. Now do what she said and fuck off."
"You're not gonna share?" the guy asked cockily and Chris kept his composure as he swung his arm off of my shoulder, putting his arm in front of me as he pushed me behind him slightly.
"You have ten seconds to get the fuck out of my house before that pretty face gets so fucked up that you can't ever speak to another girl again," Chris spoke which such venom that I hadn't heard from him before and the guy instantly backed away once he realised how angry Chris was. Suddenly, he disappeared into the crowd of people in the living room and Chris's tense shoulders relaxed again.
"Thank you," I mumbled and Chris let out a sigh, turning around to face me as he gave me a half-hearted smile, "He freaked me out."
"How much have you drank already?" he asked, an amused smirk on his lips as he tipped my chin upwards to look into his eyes.
"I lost count," I shrugged, my movements slow and lazy. He shook his head with a smile before he swung his arm over my shoulders and he began pulling me outside. We exited the house and walked over to the firepit where the rest of our friends were.
"Where's Tara?" Nick asked from one of the white wooden chairs they placed around the fire.
"Dancing with Zach," I shrugged before Chris adjusted his arm around my shoulders to hold me closer to him protectively, "You don't have to hold me hostage. That guy left."
"He could still be here. I couldn't see if he actually left or not," Chris spoke matter-of-factly as he sipped on the bottle of beer he had in his right hand.
"What guy?" Matt slurred as he looked up at me from his place on the grass, his eyes glassy from the alcohol he had consumed. Seeing him drunk was funny to me because he was a fun but emotional drunk, "You look pretty."
"Thank you, Matt," I giggled and he scooted over to lean against my calf lazily as he closed his eyes.
"Some guy was being an asshole and wouldn't leave Layls alone," Chris rolled his eyes, his annoyance still lingering and I wrapped my arms around his torso. The blue sweater he wore slid up on his torso since he lifted his arm to take another sip of the beer so my hands were placed against the warm skin of his hip.
"Stop stressing about it Chris," I mumbled as his warmth kept me from freezing outside in my dress and he hummed in response. I looked down at Matt who was still slumped against my legs and I giggled, "Matt don't look up at me because you will see up my dress."
"I'm tired," he mumbled, completely ignoring my statement and my eyebrows threaded together in amusement. I looked up at Nick who sighed, rolling his eyes as he got up and walked over to Matt who was practically half-asleep against my legs.
"Come on. You're going to bed," Nick grumbled as he grabbed Matt's wrist to pull him to a standing position. Matt had outdone himself with the alcohol and that was clear as he almost fell as soon as Nick let go of him. As Nick rolled his eyes, he threw Matt's dead-weight body over his shoulder and trudged inside making me giggle.
Chris pulled me towards the chair that was previously where Nick had sat since it was the only chair still available, the other chairs had been taken by strangers. He unwrapped his arm from around me and sat down in the chair while, as per usual, manspreading with his black baggy jeans on.
He patted his lap before looking up at me, "You're gonna freeze. Sit down."
I sighed, placing myself on his right thigh as I crossed my legs over. I left my legs placed in between his parted thighs and he rolled his eyes before picking my legs up. He swung my legs over his other thigh before placing his right arm behind my back to prevent my back from digging into the armrest.
"Fuck it's cold out here," I shivered, the cold breeze covering my legs despite being fairly close to the fire.
"Well scoot closer and you wouldn't be cold," he mumbled before downing the rest of his beer. He placed the beer bottle on the ground beside the low chair and I moved to fall on his chest, my head resting on the back of the chair beside his, "Better?"
"Yup," I answered shortly as I wrapped my arms over my stomach. It wasn't strange for Chris and I to be this close, everyone knew he was my best friend. What was strange was when he moved his left arm to hang it over my thighs, pulling my legs closer to his torso as his right arm snaked around my waist even further, "You okay?"
"Mhm. You're like a little heater," he mumbled and I lifted my head away from the chair to look at him properly to see a smirk on his lips.
"We're sitting in front of a fire," I stated the obvious and my speech was slurred slightly from the amount of tequila I had consumed in such a short span of time.
"Yeah, but you're blocking half of it," he looked at me with raised eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.
Before I could respond, Nick returned outside and walked over to us, "Layls, your ass is almost out sitting like that."
I went to move my hand from around my stomach to pull my dress down but Chris beat me to it, using his left arm that was slung over my thighs to pull down the bottom of my dress. His cold fingers brushed against the back of my thighs, sending a jolt through my body at the sudden contact.
"Thanks," I mumbled, looking at him and he hummed in response. He kept a grip on my dress to hold it down as he let his hand rest on the back of my thigh. I ignored the fire that ignited in my stomach, knowing it was the tequila in my system making me react like this to my best friend. Nick sat down on the grass beside us to keep himself warm near the fire as he sipped on his drink lazily.
We stayed like that for a while before I noticed Tara stumbling through the backyard as if she were looking for something. Her eyes caught mine and her face lit up before she jogged towards me, her shoes now lost somewhere on the property and her feet bare on the grass.
"Come have a shot with me!" she cheered as she stopped beside us and I pursed my lips, "Chris, Nick, you too. Let's go!"
She grabbed my hand, pulling me off of Chris's lap and I heard Chris chuckle as she dragged me inside. I looked behind me to see Chris and Nick following suit as we entered the kitchen. Tara quickly poured us 4 shots before handing one to each of us.
"Link up!" she yelled over the loud music as I picked up the shot and looked at Chris. I wrapped my arm around his, our elbows connected and he winked at me before Tara screamed, "Three, two, one!"
We took the shot at the same time before untangling our arms and I saw Nick and Tara make disgusted faces as they unravelled their arms as well making me laugh.
"Don't run away from me this time. I'm gonna keep an eye on you," Chris told me sternly and I nodded in agreement, knowing he was protective over me whenever we went out.
I lost track of time as we kept drinking and dancing, losing ourselves in the sea of people. Chris was always nearby, talking to different people and having various drinks but he was always in my line of sight as promised. At one point, he joined me on the makeshift dancefloor before he got dragged away by someone I didn't see the face of.
Tara and I once again got tired and decided we would sit on the couch that was shoved into the corner of the room. We flopped on them, giggling in our drunken state at the feeling of the leather against our skin.
"Thank you for inviting me!" she said happily as she sat up, adjusting her hair on her shoulders as I lay with my legs hanging over the armrest, looking at her upside down since I had to tilt my head back to look at her.
"Thanks for coming bitch!" I yelled back before we fell into a fit of giggles again. I suddenly felt a presence in front of me and I looked up to see Chris standing in front of my legs.
Without warning, he pulled me up by my wrists before he grabbed my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I squealed at the sudden movement, putting my palms on his lower back to make sure I didn't fall flat on my face if he let go of my legs.
"Chris! What are you doing?" I yelled, my voice drowned out by the music and he didn't say anything as he held down the bottom of my dress with his left hand. He began moving through the crowd of people before he carried me upstairs, "Christopher!"
He walked down the hallway, the thick walls now drowning out the sound of the music downstairs and we paused at the end of the hall. I heard something click before we stepped into a room which I quickly realised was his. He kicked the door closed, locking it quickly as I continued to try to wriggle out of his grip.
Suddenly, my back fell onto his bed with a thud and I let out a squeak from the impact. I flipped my hair out of my face before I sat up with a huff, the room spinning from how drunk I was and how quickly I had been thrown on the bed.
"What are you doing?" I asked, looking up at him to see he was staring down at me with no emotion. His eyes were glassy and his chest was heaving from carrying me across the house.
"I told you to not run away," he simply stated and I rolled my eyes, attempting to stand up again but he pushed my shoulders down again causing me to slump back onto the bed.
"I didn't run away. I went to the couch. We're in our house, Chris!" I groaned and he kept an emotionless expression as I looked up at him through my eyelashes, "I was having fun."
"I fucking hate when you don't listen to me," he grumbled as I leaned back on my palms.
"Why is it so fucking cold in your room?" I asked, the amount of tequila in my system made it so I had absolutely no filter between my brain and mouth. Chris didn't say anything, instead he slipped his sweater off and threw it onto my lap leaving him in only a white tank top, "What's this for?"
"You said it was cold. Put it on," he raised his eyebrows and his short tone made me want to argue with him. He knew I hated it when he talked to me like I was under his control and I was drunk enough to embarrass myself to prove a point.
I threw the sweater on the ground before I kicked off my heels and Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at me. I stood up, grabbing the hem of my dress before I slid it over my head.
"What are you doing?" he asked, not looking anywhere but my face as he stared at me. He'd seen me in my underwear hundreds of times over the past 6 years but never in a situation like this.
"I'm not cold," I shrugged and I threw my dress on the ground before I started walking towards the door, "In fact I'm hot. I'm gonna go outside and cool off."
"Absolutely not," he grabbed my forearm and pulled me away from the door again so I stood in front of him, "Don't be an idiot just to prove a fucking point."
"Don't try to tell me what to do," I retorted as I pulled my arm away from his grip and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head in the process. His eyes finally travelled somewhere other than my face as he scanned me head to toe before he smirked.
"Planning ahead?" he asked, reaching his hand up to slide under my black bra strap before he snapped it back against my skin.
"Why do you care?" I questioned, glancing down at my underwear realising that I put on the most see-through lace bra and matching black panties. I stood there for a moment to think about the fact I was standing in Chris's room practically naked and more drunk than I wanted to be. The reality of the situation had sobered me up in a split second.
"It's cute," I heard the smirk in his voice and I looked up as I felt my face heat up, a smirk plastered on his lips as he looked at me, "Would look better off though."
I pursed my lips as I looked at him nervously, all my confidence being lost as he exuded his usual cocky energy. I was used to his flirty personality, Chris flirted with everyone and everything because he found it funny. But right now, it felt a lot more serious.
Suddenly, the flirting was real and the fire in my stomach ignited once again. I knew I wasn't in my right mind as he stepped towards me, his body mere inches from mine because I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I pulled him closer to me and he placed his hands on my hips before he whispered, "This is such a bad idea."
"Yeah, it is," I whispered back as my breathing got shallow, staring at nothing but his lips.
"We shouldn't be doing this," he said impossibly quieter but didn't move away from me, only inches his lips closer to mine.
"No we shouldn't," I answered in the same tone once again, the tension in the room weighing heavy on my chest as I felt his fingers tighten their grip on the flesh of my hips.
"Fuck," he mumbled quickly and before I could register the look behind his eyes, his lips met mine feverishly. It felt as though my brain shut down and my body had a mind of its own as I pulled him impossibly closer to me, savouring the taste of alcohol on his lips and the feeling of his hands grasping my skin.
As he slid his hands down from my waist, he gripped my ass roughly making me gasp causing him to slide his tongue past my lips. He kept sliding his hands down until he reached under my thighs.
He pulled away from my mouth briefly to mumble, "Jump."
I followed his instructions and jumped with the guidance of his hands under my thighs. I wrapped my legs around his waist before I connected my lips with his again. He spun around, sitting down on the bed and I moved my legs so I could place my knees on either side of his thighs. I straddled his waist, unravelling my arms from around his neck before I pulled them down to tug on the hem of his tank top.
He removed his hands from my thighs as I slid the tank top up and he held his arms up for me to slide the material over his head. I threw it behind me lazily before I attached my lips to his once again, our movements rapid as if this would disappear at any moment. His hands found my ass once again, squeezing it slightly making me hum in content. He pulled his lips away from mine, travelling kisses down my jaw before he reached my neck, sucking and biting at the skin. He found a spot below my ear that sent shivers throughout my whole body and I knew he noticed my body's reaction because he stayed with his lips in that spot for a moment.
I subconsciously began grinding my hips down on his now hard dick creating friction against my aching core and I let out a whine from the sensation. I felt him smirk against my neck before he helped me move my hips against him by guiding me by my ass.
"You sound so pretty for me," he rasped in my ear and I let my eyes flutter closed for a moment, focusing on nothing but the feeling of his body against mine. His right hand removed itself from my ass and travelled up my back before I felt my bra straps become loose. I realised he had managed to unclasp my bra with one hand and I quickly slid it off of my arms, throwing it to the ground.
He pulled his lips away from my neck, staring at my now exposed boobs and he looked like he was going to drool the longer he looked at me. I lifted his chin with my hand, pressing a kiss to his rosy lips which were now slightly swollen.
"It's rude to stare," I teased as I whispered against his lips and he smirked before he kissed down my neck again. Eventually, he reached my chest, biting and sucking around my boobs before he attached his mouth around my right nipple. I whined at the contact and he used his hand to knead the other, rolling my nipple between his thumb and index finger as I breathed out, "Chris."
He hummed against me as he switched to my other nipple and I threaded my hands through his soft brown curls, tugging on the hair gently. Within a second, I was suddenly on my back in the bed and Chris stood at the edge of the bed between my parted legs. He unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down his legs, kicking them off of his feet to reveal the black boxers he wore underneath. He didn't waste a second before he grabbed my thighs, pulling my ass to the edge of the bed before he knelt down on the floor and kissed the inside of my thighs. I sighed in content as I threw my hands on either side of my body, holding the sheets between my fingers in anticipation.
"Chris," I groaned, shuffling my hips around impatiently and he smirked against my thigh before he looked up at me through his eyelashes.
"What's wrong?" he teased, still pressing gentle kisses to my thighs dangerously close to my core.
"Please," I whined as I arched my back against the soft sheets.
"Please what?" he taunted me even further, now throwing my legs over his shoulders but pausing kissing the skin of my legs, "Use those words, baby."
"Just do something. Please," I whined once again and he chuckled before he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my underwear. He pulled them down my legs at a teasingly slow pace before he threw them on the floor with the clothes already littered around the room. Without warning, he moved his head between my thighs and placed a kiss on my clit making me whimper from the contact.
That was all the confirmation he needed before he began tracing circles around my clit, lapping up the wetness that was pooling between my legs since we entered his room. I threw my head back as I let out a moan, my breathing picking up the more he worked his mouth on me. I felt the vibrations of the music blasting through the house, the faint sounds of people talking and feet stumbling up and down the house but I drowned it out the moment Chris wrapped his arms around my thighs to keep me still.
My hips habitually rolled upwards and he hummed against me, the vibrations making another moan tumble from my mouth with ease. I looked down to see he was staring at my face, his eyes full of lust and need as his tongue swirled around me creating pure bliss in my body. He removed his right arm from around my thigh and he pulled his mouth away from my pussy briefly, lapping up the wetness with his fingers as I bit my lip. He looked into my eyes, studying my reaction as he carefully inserted a finger into me and I closed my eyes, letting out another moan.
He began sucking and licking my clit again as he slid his finger in and out of me at a steady pace before he added a second. My hands flew to his hair again, tugging on it roughly as my hips bucked in the air. His fingers quickened their pace and I felt my stomach tighten, getting closer to my climax quickly.
"Chris, I'm gonna-" I cut off my own sentence with a moan and before I knew it, my legs were shaking on either side of his head as my orgasm hit me like a truck. He helped me ride out my high, slowing down as I whimpered and whined lazily. He pressed a kiss to my core once again as he slid his fingers out of me.
After unravelling his other arm from around my thigh, he stood up and I looked up to see him place his fingers between his lips before pulling them out with a pop. He climbed back over me, placing a kiss on my lips as he leaned on his left elbow for balance, his other hand kneading my boob gently. I tasted myself on his tongue as I wrapped my hands around his neck to pull him closer to me.
I pushed him onto his back on the bed beside me before I sat up and straddled him once again. I put my hands on his chest, smiling down at him when I noticed the shock on his face and my hair fell in front of my face. He moved his hands up to my face, tucking my hair behind my ears before he cupped my jaw with his rough hands.
"You look so beautiful," he whispered gently and I giggled as I leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips before I began rolling my hips against his, "If I don't fuck you now, I'm gonna cum in my fucking boxers."
"Impatient as always," I mumbled, a giggle falling out of my lips again and he pulled away to look up at me. Suddenly, the reality of the situation settled in my stomach and I breathed heavily as I whispered, "Are you sure you won't regret it?"
His eyebrows furrowed slightly before he smiled, "You're asking me now?"
"I'm serious, Chris," my tone changed from flirtatious to cautious, "Will you regret this tomorrow?"
"I never regret anything with you," his voice softened as he ran his hand through my hair, looking up at me with a gentle gaze, "This isn't about to change that."
I took a deep breath, feeling more sober than before as I dragged my hands down his bare torso. I moved to stand at the edge of the bed and Chris sat up, leaning back on his elbows. I slid my fingers into the waistband of his boxers, biting my lip as I looked up at him. He smirked at me and that was my signal to slide them down.
I teasingly dragged them down and when the black material reached his thighs, his dick sprung out. I pursed my lips to hide my smile as I slid the boxers off of his legs. I leaned down, kitten licking the tip of his dick causing him to suck in a sharp breath.
"Fuck don't do that," he groaned making me giggle and I stood up, straddling his waist again. He leaned back on the bed as I carefully lined his tip with my entrance.
I slowly slid down, letting out a rough moan that drowned out his own before I reached the base of his dick. He knew I'd only ever had sex with one person but what he didn't know is he was much bigger than him. I placed my head on his chest as I let out a heavy breath, adjusting to his size before I began moving my hips up carefully. He let out a groan as I started moving and I sat back up, placing my hands on his chest as I let out a whine. He moved his hands to my ass, helping guide me over his length as I moved slowly. I hung my head with my jaw slack as I let out pants of pleasure.
"Fuck," I heard him groan as the grip on my ass tightened, "You're so fucking tight, baby."
The rasp in his voice and the pleasure that undertoned it gave me more confidence. I decided to move faster and he let out another moan as I picked up the pace. His hips began lifting into mine and I let out a whimper from the impact.
Suddenly, I was flipped onto my back and he was towering over me again. He placed my ankles over his shoulders before he pushed his way back into me and moans tumbled from my mouth at the new position.
My words were incoherent but the one clear thing was his name coming out as a moan. I looked up at him to see he was staring down at where our bodies met before he looked at my face, his eyebrows threaded in pleasure as his mouth hung open. His right hand reached up, placing itself at the base of my throat and I was thankful for all of the awkward conversations we had about our sex lives because he knew exactly what I liked. He tightened his grip on my neck and I let out a strained moan, my eyes fluttering closed.
"You look so fucking pretty, baby," he huffed, keeping a steady pace as his hips met mine continually, "Been wanting to see you fucked out like this for so long."
I let my eyes open again and he leaned down, pressing my knees to my shoulders as he let his hand unwrap from my throat. He gently kissed my lips, a stark contrast from him pounding into me and I moaned into his mouth. He placed his hands on the back of my knees, realising this new position would send me over the edge.
"Hold your legs for me, princess," he demanded and it felt like I was a dog in training because I immediately did as I was told. He placed his right hand on my lower stomach, using his thumb to rub circles on my clit and another moan ripped through my throat.
"Chris," I gasped as my eyes rolled to the back of my head, "I'm gonna cum. Please."
"Let go, baby," he spoke lowly and my body registered his words faster than my brain because as soon as his sentence finished, my orgasm flowed through my body. I gripped the sheets on either side of me as my body shook and I contracted around his dick, his pace began to get sloppy telling me he was close.
"Baby," I moaned as he drilled into me, taking his thumb off of my clit to not overstimulate me too much.
"I'm gonna-" his words were cut off by a raspy moan and he pulled out of me. I let my legs fall on either side of him before I sat up quickly, grabbing his dick as I pumped him in my hand quickly. I stuck my tongue out, looking up at him with doe eyes and he made eye contact with me.
The muscles on his stomach contracted as he tilted his head back, letting out a loud moan as he reached his climax. The warm liquid fell on my tongue and around my face as I stroked his through his high, smiling to myself as I watched his body shake slightly from overstimulation. I let go of his dick as he looked down at me, a dopey smile on his lips. I swallowed the cum that had fallen on my tongue before I smiled up at him.
"Hang on," he said quickly, reaching towards his bedside table to pick up his phone. He held the phone in front of my face as I smiled up at the camera, the flash turning on quickly before he locked his phone and threw it on the bed, "Never want to forget what you look like after I fucked you brainless."
"Can I get some tissues now?" I asked, giggling since my head was still in the clouds and alcohol in my system made me feel even better. He chuckled, grabbing the box of tissues that were on his bedside table before he picked a few out, grabbing my chin before he gently wiped my face clean. He threw the tissues into the trash before he looked down at me again.
"You okay?" he questioned, his voice gentle as he pushed my hair away from my face and I hummed in response, "You wanna go back to the party?"
"Can we just stay here?" I asked and he nodded, walking over to his drawers. He pulled out two clean pairs of boxers before crouching down in front of me, sliding one of the pairs up my legs. I lifted my hips to let him pull them up to my waist and once they were securely on, he slid the other pair on himself. He jumped in the bed and I crawled over to him, laying myself next to him as I placed my head on his chest.
He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me and the heat from his body kept me warm in the cold room. He slid the covers up, covering our bodies before he kissed the top of my head.
"I'll tell you what," he spoke and I looked up at him tiredly, "I definitely don't regret it."
tags: @dsturniolo @sturniolopepsi @chrissturnioloswifesblog @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @stunza @pinklittleflower @v1nuswrites @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn @chrizznmetswife @junnniiieee07 @mattsobvimyfav
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munsonownsmyass · 7 months
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Billy Russo x reader x Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Summary: A night out with the boys turned into something you never expected.
Notes: I was asked by a lovely anon to make a fic with Frank and Matt. Bonus if I could throw in Billy. Well, ask and you shall receive. It's the first time I've tried writing a foursome. A lot of poles, holes and peeps to keep track off. Hope i succeeded.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings: Oh, where do i begin? SMUT! 18+. Exhibitionism/voyerism, fingering (f receiving, both vaginal and anal), handjobs, grinding, unprotected sex (vaginal and anal. Remember lube and wrap up irl, folks), double penetration, gay/bi sex. This is a lot, y'all.
Words: 1.5 K
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It was one of those evenings that you never want to end. Scattered across the table is empty beer and wine bottles, another few half drunk. Frank is sitting in the armchair in Matt’s apartment, Matt casually situated on his lap and peppering Frank's neck with soft kisses as you and Billy were sitting on the couch. It had started as a few friends having dinner, now turned into you all being very tipsy as the evening slowly turns into night. 
As the night progressed, you found it harder and harder to keep your eyes of Frank and Matt, their touches growing bolder. The conversation had been rather normal, considering the lives you all lived, although a bit slurred by the amount of alcohol. For a brief moment, you wonder if you’ve ever seen the guys this intoxicated before or if Billy has even noticed the show unfolding right across from the two of you.  
You are not even sure Frank and Matt are aware of what they are doing. First it was just soft touches, then kisses peppered onto each other's skin, which was enough to catch your attention. But the more they drank, the bolder they became. They seem like they don’t know what their actions are doing to you. 
You can't tear your eyes away as Frank sucks gently on Matt’s neck, the look of pleasure on Matt’s face as Frank gives him yet another love bite. The alcohol seemed to make Matt lose his inhibitions, the blush on his cheeks only caused by the wine and not by the position he’s in.  
You suddenly feel Billy shift beside you. Glancing down, you can’t help but notice bulge in his pants. He does nothing to hide it, his eyes fixed on Frank and Matt. You would lie if you said you’d never thought of Billy in a sexual way, but now as you glance between his legs, all you can think about is how he was like in bed. 
You try to dismiss the thoughts as a mere result of too many beers, but you know it’s a lie. Eyes again on Frank and Matt, unable to tear your gaze away from Frank’s fingers. Slowly the fingers run up Matt’s thigh, just barely touching his bulge before sliding back down. A pattern he repeats and each time Frank’s fingers graze Matt’s bulge, he bites his lip. 
The odd thing is how casual the men are. Just sitting there with the conversation still flowing lightly as if all three of them aren’t hard.  
Without even realizing it, you had moved your hand to Billy’s thigh. When did you move it? Whether you’re affected by the show before you, the wine or simply just the intoxicating scent of Billy, you don’t know, but you slide your hand up higher. Billy seems to lean into your touch, his breathing now strained. 
At this point you’re so turned on you need a release for the ache between your legs. You let your hand wander from Billy’s thigh down between his legs, cupping his cock through the denim. He responds with a sharp intake, his eyes begging you not to stop. 
Unable to hold back any longer, Billy leans forward and claim your lips in a kiss. Soft at first, but soon turns heated as his tongue slip into your mouth. 
You melt into the kiss, letting your eyes gaze at Frank and Matt one more time before closing your eyes. They were lost in each other, all conversation now forgotten. Consumes by lust, Billy pulls you onto his lap, kissing you more passionately by the minute. You moan softly when Billy’s hands start roaming your body, cupping your breasts. His thumb rubs gently circles on your sensitive buds, making you shiver. 
As Billy’s mouth moves to your neck, sucking at your sensitive skin, your eyes wander to Frank and Matt. While you were lost in Billy’s touch, Matt moved on top of Frank, both of them naked from the waist up. Matt’s soft moans fills the air as his hips roll against Frank, a soft ‘fuck Red’ spoken in passion. 
Between kisses, Billy pulls your t-shirt over your head, exposing your soft skin to him. When his mouth latch onto your nipple, his name falls from your lips in a soft whisper. 
One hand slide between your bodies, making your shiver as his fingers touch you right where you need him the most, your panties already damp. Your soft moans now attract the attention from Frank and Matt, both of them stopping and looking at you two now. 
Frank quickly opens Matt’s pants and his own, releasing both their cocks. Holding them both in his big hand, they watch you and Billy as he pumps them slowly. They look as Billy’s fingers hike up your skirt, pulling your panties to the side and make you gasp, when his fingers find your aching clit. 
Frank and Matt can’t tear their eyes of you, seeing the way your back arch when Billy pushes his fingers inside you, his mouth capturing your nipple again. No inhibitions left, you let out a big moan, letting them all know how good Billy makes you feel. 
Frank let’s go of Matt as he slips from Franks lap. Matt kneels, pulling Franks pants all the way off, before removing his own. With their eyes glued to you and Billy, their kisses turn heated as they stroke each other, enjoying the show. 
Your hand finds its way into Billys pants, palming his hard cock. Pulling your hand out, you unzip his pants, allowing you to better stroke him. Billy groans when your hands wrap around his length, his own hands going down to his waistband, pulling his pants further down. 
You pull your skirt up higher, exposing your ass to Frank and Matt as you lift yourself up before slowly lowering yourself onto Billy’s hard cock. 
Matt looks at Frank, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. Frank just gives a soft smirk, disappearing for a second, only to return with some lube. 
Your eyes spring open when you feel a finger softly rubbing your other entrance. Looking over your shoulder, you see Matt smile back at you as his finger tease your opening. Frank is kissing Matt’s neck, looking into your eyes. They give you the opportunity to say no. But you don’t. You had never had an experience like this and who knew if it would ever happen again? So you urge Matt on with a soft moan, begging him not to stop.  
His finger slips in, causing you to whimper at the new sensation. His finger slowly works you open as you ride Billy’s cock, feeling an ecstasy you’ve never felt before. 
Matt adds another finger as Frank wraps his hand around Matt’s cock, pumping it as Matt gets you ready. Frank is rock hard against Matt’s ass, the tip leaking at the sight before him. 
As Matt slips his fingers from your ass, he feels Frank’s fingers at his own, groaning as he places the tip of his cock against your tight entrance. Gently, he pushes into you, marveling in the feeling of Billy’s cock, only your thin walls separating them. 
You whimper at the sensation of two cocks filling you, both of them pushing you closer to the edge. Frank, not wanting to be left out, pushes Matt’s legs apart, watching as both Matt and Billy’s cocks thrust into you. 
Frank push into Matt, inch by inch, feeling how Matt clench around him. He wasn’t gonna last long, the sight and noises from the others already threatening to push him over the edge. Frank stills, just for a moment, to join in the pace with the rest of you and then start thrusting into Matt. 
Slowly, as you all find the rhythm, the pace quickens, bringing you all closer to a much-needed release. One by one you come. First Billy, filling you to the brim with his cum as he gazes deeply into your eyes. The feeling of Billy falling apart for you, makes you come with a soft moan, his name falling from your lips. 
When you come, you clench around Matt’s cock, the sensation triggering Matt to come hard and that in turn makes Frank come, the sound of Matt’s ecstasy too much for him. 
The air is filled with soft pants as you all come down from your highs, none of you moving as your bodies still shiver in the aftershocks of your shared pleasure. 
Slowly, you start to detach from each other, all of the men very soft with you, making sure you’re okay. The atmosphere in the room is a bit awkward, none of you looking the others in the eyes. That’s until Billy chuckles, breaking the tension with a simple question. 
“Same time next week?” 
You all smile, not sure if you’ll ever do it again, but... never say never. 
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tagging: @e-dubbc11 @itwasthereaminuteago @theradioactivespidergwen @k-marzolf @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @murdock-and-the-sea @chvoswxtch @lucy-sky @mattmurdocksscars @saintmurd0ck @idaofinfinity @fluffyprettykitty @kayhi808 @danzer8705 @sio-ina-bottle @darlingshane @anna-hawk @feelmyskinonyourskin @chellestrash @chelseasdagger @loveroftoomanyfandoms @boliv-jenta
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cvnntagious · 4 hours
☆ Cowboy!Matt Sturniolo…
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You followed your dad to the door with his lunch in your hands, Roosters singing from outside the little rundown farmhouse you lived in. It was barely light out, the dirt road at the end of the driveway quiet and unoccupied. There were few out and about at this time, only part of the South likely just stirring awake, but your father was a busy man. He had a few errands to run before he could get to work in the fields.
“You go ahead an’ make sure you see Pastor Rick today,” The farmer’s deep, gruff voice boomed through the small house, “He been expectin’ y’up the hill all week.”
You smiled, watching your dad throw his big black coat on. “I know, daddy. I will,” You replied, sounding more giddy than intended as you handed him his lunch.He only nodded his head, a grunt in response. His large boots banged against the wooden floor as he turned around, lunchbox in one hand. “I’ll be a while,” He then stated, opening the janky door with the other hand, “Don’t go doin’ anything I wouldn’t approve of.”
“I never do.”
“I know you don’t, Smart girl.” With that, he reached that same hand back to pat the top of your head — a simple, yet affectionate action.
The door closed in your face, and you, dressed in blue jean shorts and a modest white t-shirt, scurried back over to the kitchen. You opened the door to your fridge, grabbing out the extra lunchbox you’d tucked away the night before. It wasn’t long before you could no longer hear the sound of your father’s loud truck, making its way down the road and into town, conjuring up a dust trail along the way. For extra measure, you peeked at the driveway through the small window in the kitchen.
With the truck long gone and a smile on your face, you turned and bolted out of the back door with the neatly-made meal in your tight grip. Your braids flew in the wind, and despite having to run across the whole field, you’d quickly made it through the large doors of the old, red barn loudly. The animals stirred in their pens, catching the right person’s attention.
That’s when a familiar face popped up from behind a large horse in its stables. “Y’know your daddy don’t allow you in here, little miss,” He said, dropping the sponge he held in a bucket of buttermilk below him to watch the pretty girl in front of him take a few steps towards him.
You stopped in front of him, giggling as you shook your head. “Like you care,” You teased, handing the farmboy his lunch with a toothy grin. The pretty southern twang of your soft voice had him smiling eagerly with you, unable to help himself. Then, you took the large cowboy hat off of his curly brown hair, placing it atop your own head before you placed a tender kiss on his cheek from your tip-toes.
“--Missed you,” Matt mumbled in response.
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w/c : 501 ! a/n : this's really short and has no smut, but it's just an introduction, so i'll be writing more later on. send in promts if you're liking this au so far to get more ab cowboy matt! I also wanted to give a quick warning that this au will have religious themes, but it's not meant to offend anyone, and will have no religious corruption fetishizing.
-love, your grandma cvnty ☆!
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mattsonly · 5 months
Sweetest boy
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Summary: just headcannons of Nick x masc reader who grew up bestfriends with the triplets before eventually becoming more than Nick's bestfriend.
Warnings: smut & fluff, blowjobs, handjobs, anal, mlm sex, male masturbation, sexual fantasies, switch!Nick, switch!Reader, no use of y/n, readers sexuality is not mentioned but definitely not straight, also this is very long (not sorry)
a/n: ik i said i would be writing in order of how the poll went but fuck yall, i wanted to write for Nick and i'm impatient sooo
you were the first person Nick came out to, despite being scared of coming out to "straight" men, he had always felt comfortable around you.
the safety he felt with you amplified on a ten fold when you immediately accepted him with no questions asked.
hearing that your best friend liked men had you feeling fuzzy and warm, the source of the sensation confusing you deeply
as if you weren't already intertwined within each others lives, you started hanging out even more due to the new found trust, supporting Nick from the sidelines with a massive smile when he got around to telling his parents and brothers
he confided in you about how much better he felt afterwards, somehow waking up the next morning with all your limbs entangled, the TV screen bobbing around the 'no signal' logo, and a random stiffness between your legs
safe to say you quickly shifted away from your still sleeping bestfriend and into the bathroom to take care of your evident issue, images of Nick flashing through your mind to aid your release, all of him in quite compromising situations. if it wasn't for your predicament, you would feel perverted yet you were currently too desperate to care.
the swift movement of your fist against your stiff cock had obscene wet noises filling the small space of the bathroom, only fueling your passionate movements as you threw your head back, imagining your hand to be Nick's mouth, his plump lips wrapped around your ruddy tip as you harshly tug on his hair, his name spilling out of your own mouth like a softly spoken mantra
the shame only sunk in after you'd cum, which was a lot quicker than you'd like to admit.
to make up for your perverted actions, you settled on making Nick breakfast for when he woke up, claiming it to be an innocent gesture since you "just so happened to wake up early"
(un)fortunately for you, Nick saw right through your antics, and would be lying if he said he hadn't woken up to the sound of you moaning his name in the adjacent bathroom.
he'd be an even bigger liar if he said he hadn't quietly palmed his own cock to the obscene sounds under the covers of his bed.
the whole scenario confused the hell out of Nick, yes he liked men, but he had never seen you in that light, you were always his closest and dearest friend so to admit that he'd never been as turned on in his life from the noises you were making perplexed him deeply.
the few weeks following the ordeal had Nick almost certain you were trying to take him out. it wasn't unheard of for you to sleepover at the triplets house, residing in their home more than your own. so Nick wasn't shocked by you walking into the kitchen with messy hair and a big yawn, rubbing sleep out of your eye before sending him a smile.
he assumed you'd slept in either Matt or Chris' room, either would mean that there wasn't actually much sleeping involved, and instead you'd be up entertaining their wild theories and ideas.
but what did shock him however, was the fact you were prancing around the kitchen with no shirt, and pajama pants hung low on your hips, a small trail of hair leading down to the waistband of your pants, with your sculpted v line on full display.
the image swarmed Nicks mind as he tugged furiously on his own cock later that day, entranced with the mental picture. oh how he wished the waistband had just hung a little lower, exposing exactly what had his mouth currently salivating. just from the outline of your bulge in almost any pants, he had deducted that it was big.
multiple other mental images from the past few weeks clouded his already fuzzy mind, the image of you manspreading while adjusting the position of your hips to get comfortable, the image of your favourite compression shirt and how it framed your biceps so deliciously it made Nick want to desperately grip them for leverage as he lay beneath you, entirely at your mercy. or the image of you in your cropped tank top, with your jeans sat lowly on your hips exposing your boxers waistband, your belt the only thing preventing them from falling down.
said outfit was Nick's favourite, practically transforming him into a ravenous feral animal, it made him want to obliterate you, see you begging and whining from his touch, salty tears streaming down your face as you begged him to let you cum
the fantasy had his eyes rolling back, his hand squeezing around his desperate cock as spurts of warm cum flooded from the tip, hitting his chest softly.
entirely ignorant to his surroundings as Nick caught his breath with his eyes still screwn shut, the delicate touch of someone's fingertips against the sticky puddle on his chest scared him to say the least
however, upon looking up to see you, with your fingers that were coated with his release situated between your lips, his worry decreased, being replaced with a hardening between his legs yet again.
it was as if Nick had died, ascended to heaven with the way your dick was making him feel not even minutes later.
he lay, on his back as he was when you walked in, with one ankle resting on your shoulder and the other wrapped around your hips as they slammed into him relentlessly, the harsh pace contradicting your soft whispers into his ear, and the gentle kisses to his neck and collarbone as your most intimate places were collided with one another.
Nick had never felt so loved and cared for when someone was being so rough with him, but you were always good at that.
you had always had a talent of making Nick feel safe and comfortable, becoming the first person he would always go to when in distress, even before his brothers.
this fact was what lead him to want to repay the favour in the morning.
waking up against your chest, awoken from your soft whimpers, the occasional slip of his name from your lips alongside the hardness beneath his thigh and he knew what was going on.
so, after awaking you from your evidently pleasant dream by landing soft kisses over your jaw and collarbones, he was now the one thrusting into you, his calloused hand stroking your cock with fervor which had your eyes transcending to the back of your head and your back arching so much that your chest was flush against Nick's.
suffice to say, the conversation following cleared up and curiosities, answered the unanswered questions and secured you a boyfriend.
dating someone you'd grown up alongside and seen every phase of their life, not having to adjust and slowly get comfortable with was an astounding feeling.
and if it wasn't clear that Nick was affectionate when you were bestfriends, it sure was now.
before even telling his brothers or anyone for that matter, he would always be subtly connected with you in some way.
connecting your pinkies, touching your knees under the breakfast table, holding your hand underneath a blanket during any movie nights, tugging on your sleeve when walking in public. any possible small gesture to ensure he was somehow touching you.
the way his brothers found out was one to be remembered.
Nick lay on your lap, reciting his day to you as you softly run your fingers through his hair, your unoccupied hand laying gently on his abdomen as his own hands flail in the air, emphasising the words of his narration.
of course, you wanted to know all about his day, you cared to know the little details.. but, as of now, it was impossible to concentrate on his words, your eyes lingering on his soft lips under the light of the small bedroom lamp. he looked so perfect and so kissable... so you did, leaning down and gently connecting your lips, interrupting his trail of thought.
which was probably, definitely a bad time for Chris and Matt to barge in, Chris trying to desperately urge Nick to leave his room so Matt could take them to all get food, before his yes land on his brother... and best friend
without a second thought, Chris immediately corrects his prior statement, "nevermind, Matt is taking me, you and y/n to get food. cmon! i'm starving!"
Nick immediately sits up, a flushed grin on his face before you both burst into hysterics, exiting his room and making your way into the car.
the car ride wasn't nearly as awkward as you had both anticipated, neither Chris or Matt questioning what they walked in on before Chris spoke up
"okay, so i won't lie i'm a little shocked and tell me to fuck off if this is a bit too nosy but are you like.. gay? bi?"
his question had you giggling in the backseat as he looks at you in the rearview mirror, awaiting an answer. "i don't know dude, i just like what i like"
your response forces a smile out of Nick, his cheeks pink as he looks at you lovingly.
"and you like our brother?" he asks, almost threatening you as if you hadn't been friends practically your whole life. his hostility had Matt shaking his head in disbelief, smiling nontheless.
"yes Chris, i like your brother"
upon hearing that, it was now Matt's turn to look at you through the rearview mirror, offering a small smile as he witnesses you take his older brothers hand gently into your own.
the months and weeks following went brilliantly, yours and Nick's relationship blossoming into one that had promises for the future. and, it helped you didn't have to earn his brothers' approval. they knew you genuinely liked Nick, and they were more than content seeing how happy you made him.
of course, there had to be some... moments that would inevitable occur in your otherwise smooth relationship, such as when Chris or Matt would turn their heads to the to of you only to see you both in the midst of a makeout session, earning a pillow chucked at your heads.
and then there were the comments from Chris, that were either incredibly disturbing or so stupid they were hilarious.
"it's like seeing my two brothers making out"
"not that i didn't already consider you my brother, but if you and Nick got married then you literally would be!"
"oh fuck me, four brothers???"
Nick was the first of the pair of you to say "i love you", the words slipping from his lips on the journey back after getting his wisdom teeth removed. your boyfriend looked at you with a dopey and evidently drugged-up smile, his eyes swarming with adoration as his words slur and mash together.
your response has his smile growing even wider, almost splitting his cheeks, causing a silly giggle escape his throat.
"i love you too, sweet boy"
too entranced in smiling widely at your adorable boyfriend, you completely missed the way Chris grumpily shoved a $100 dollar bill in Matt's palm, Matt sat with a cocky grin.
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ppersonna · 3 years
ride or die - myg | m
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we don't need money to feel good cause you're the ride or die, the rest of my life. don't need a party to feel high, we're like the modern version of bonnie and clyde , bonnie & clyde, yuqi
✹ summary- there’s nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for Min Yoongi.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- min yoongi x reader
✹ word count- 1.6k
✹ genre- hmm idk. maybe some angst, some smut, some action?, established relationship, criminal!au
✹ chapter warnings- sexual content, mentions of criminal acts/police, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of death, guns, unhealthy obsession with each other lol
✹ a/n- hi loves! i wanted to challenge myself and write something a bit more prose-heavy than any sort of plot or semblance of plot. i hope you enjoy this random drabble that wouldnt leave my brain!!! thanks to @ladyartemesia @xjoonchildx @untaemedqueen and @nomseok​ for looking over it for me and helping me feel better about it LOLLL. i love u all ALSO PLS LISTEN TO THE SONG BONNIE AND CLYDE BY YUQI IT IS AMAZING AND WHERE I GOT ALL MY INSPO FOR THIS!!
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 75 mph…
100 mph…
Yoongi’s hand grips tight on the inside of your thigh, fingers pressing into the supple flesh as his foot presses down the gas pedal. 
The engine roars, matching the screaming explosion you feel inside your chest. Your veins feel like they’re flowing with the same high-octane fuel that Yoongi’s injected to the engine of the 1969 matte black Camaro.
There’s nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for Yoongi.
The engine screams to life again, tearing through the otherwise silent car. It won’t be quiet for long. You can hear the distant blaring of police sirens, the low-grade rumble of helicopter wings closing in.
Yoongi simply smirks when you glance at him, eyes focused on the road with one hand on the leather steering wheel and the other rubbing at the skin of your inner thigh.
The sirens sound closer, only streets away now. Yoongi acts as if it’s only you and him, as if there’s nowhere else he’d rather be than right here in this car with you beside him and the bag of prized jewels in the back.
You love him. You love him more than you’ve ever loved another, more than you’d ever convince yourself you’d love again. He’s all-consuming. Yoongi is the cosmos, the universe that holds you within his center.
You’d die for Yoongi.
You’d kill.
“Yoongi,” you breathe, unable to speak any further. You don’t need to. Yoongi knows what you’re saying. He grips your leg tighter and the smirk widens on his face, finally flickering his eyes over to your own. 
“I know,” he says. Because he does.
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Yoongi gives no sign that he’s scared. He’s the picture of composure as he squeezes the car through narrow streets, tires squealing as he spins the wheel to slide into the next alley way and dodge the cops through yet another neighborhood. He doesn’t even bat an eye as he defends you inside the jobs, gun blazing as he ensures your safety without even a glance back. 
He gives no indication that anything can go wrong, as if his mind is already made up that everything will be okay and you’ll both get out, get away, without a scratch.
It’s different when he lays you down. He sets you on the cheap motel mattress with care, like a delicate doll, made of glass and ceramic, one wrong move away from breaking.
He presses his lips to every inch of your body, as if ensuring himself that you’re okay, that you’re here, that he got you out safely. He doesn’t speak, doesn’t want to break the reverent silence of the dingy bedroom that becomes his chapel when he has you in his arms.
You’re safe and Yoongi needs hours to remind himself of that, needs more than just kisses and touches. He pushes himself into you slowly, letting the tight heat of your core remind him just how alive you are. He opens you up like a prayer, spreading your legs and gasping for air as he recites the only invocation he knows, the only one he believes in.
“I love you.”
Sweaty and overheated, your hands grasp for any part of Yoongi you can--his arms, his vascular hands. You need more, need to feel him in more ways than you can count. Yoongi feels so good buried deep inside you, rocking his hips against your own and making your body scream with pent-up desire.
“I love you, Yoongi,” you nearly scream as he hits a spot within you that makes you forget about the whole world around you. “Only you.”
Yoongi doesn’t believe in a God, doesn’t believe in any higher power. But he thinks the closest to heaven is the way you cry his name for him, the way you keen for more as he spills himself inside you.
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The duffel bag of dollar bills is heavy in your lap as you throw yourself into the Camaro, running from the high rise bank, and Yoongi slams on the gas pedal before you can even close the door.
“Shit!” Your hands grip at the duffel bag, trying to stay afloat in the speeding car. The door closes by itself after he careens down the highway and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“God, that was so fucking good,” Yoongi grins, voice high with excitement and adreneline. “You did so fucking good, baby doll.”
The praise goes straight to your heart, straight to the muscle inside your chest that has Yoongi’s name stamped into each vein, each artery. He’s yours, he’s so wholly yours and you so wholly his, you think you can’t even breathe without him around.
You don’t watch where he drives, too focused on the curve of his cheeks, the way his black hair is pushed back messily. You don’t care where he takes you. All you need is him and the feel of his hand resting on your thigh, a spot made just for him.
I’d die for you, Yoongi, don’t you know that?
Yoongi finally, blessedly, looks over at you once he’s settled himself onto a long stretch of highway outside of the city, no longer looking in the rearview mirror for the shining lights of the police, no longer zipping and weaving between other cars on the road.
The peace of the open road settles in your chest and you let go of the duffle bag, throwing it over your shoulder to sit in the backseat, in between the bag of jewels and the expensive artwork from the last heist.
You settle into the seat and he lets his fingers spread out, touching you as if grounding himself to you. 
“You’re my ride or die, baby,” he breathes after a moment of silence. You stare straight ahead, watching as the dark sunset ahead of you bursts in an explosion of colors.
“Forever, Yoongi.”
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Yoongi could spend hours between your thighs. He doesn’t even make any attempts to remove himself from the taste of your slick cunt until you’ve climaxed twice from his tongue. He eats you like he’s parched, only able to sate his thirst by drinking directly from your core.
He holds your legs tight, reminding himself you’re here, you’re with him, you’re never leaving and he’s never letting you go. 
Your hands thread through his hair, gripping the silken raven locks as he digs his tongue into your channel yet again, lapping up the sweetness that spills from your orgasm, relishing in the rhythmic chanting of his name. He never wants to hear anything else drip from your lips, wants no other name but his own staining the pretty pout and echoing around the motel room.
You are his everything. His world. His universe. 
He finally pulls away, smiling up at you after your third consecutive orgasm wrought by his mouth, and kisses at the skin of your thighs--the same place he allows his hand to rest when he steers you away from the chaos of your burglaries.
“I love you more than anything in this world,” he breathes, pressing his soft kisses up your legs and swirling around your belly.
“More than money?” You ask, out of breath.
“More than money.”
“More than jewels?”
“More than anything any bank in the world combined could have in their stores,” he promises to every inch of your breasts, tongue lapping at the nipple. “More than any king could ever want.”
“Yoongi,” you sigh when he finally slides into you, completing you. You’re nothing without him, nothing without the feeling of him within you.
“Say it again,” he whispers against your ear as he thrusts into you gently, holding you tenderly in his arms.
His head falls against your own, foreheads touching as he bores his eyes into yours. His. His, his, his. You’re his only, and his forever, and he never wants to live another moment, another day, another second, without you.
He claims you, seed spilling deep into your womb at the height of your shared climax. Your body welcomes him, clenches with desire and milks him to the last drop, desperate to keep him within you for as long as you can.
“It’s just you and me forever, baby,” he says after he’s cleaned you up and laid you down.
Suddenly, there’s sirens and the flashing red and blue lights outside the window.
“Come out! We have you surrounded.”
Yoongi helps you throw on clothes, whispering hurriedly as he stashes the guns he needs into his pocket and throws one to you. 
He throws a look at you as he knocks the glass out of the back window of the bathroom.
“You ready for another adventure, baby?”
The gun feels heavy in your hands, but solid. Comforting. The gun is your means of staying with Yoongi, never leaving his sight. You’d take down anything that stood in the way, eliminate any threat that posed a risk of taking him away.
He notes your silence and kisses you quick, before hoisting you up to climb out the window and make a run for the hidden Camaro in the alleyway.
He catches up to you, hand slipping into your own and tugging you to run faster, the Camaro coming into your sights like a sanctuary. You can hear the pounding footsteps of the police around the building, the splintering wood as they force themselves into the now-vacant motel room, still wet and hot from where you made love.
Yoongi grins as he slides into the car and fires the engine, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss, hands hovering over the steering wheel.
With a quirk of his lips, he places his hand back on it’s spot on your thigh.
“Ride or die, right, baby?”
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innocence - 25
PAIRING: bodyguard!bucky barnes x innocent actress!reader
WARNINGS: smut (18+)
A/N: me to me “you shall not write smut. BEHAVE” also me “mILE HIGH CLUB”. 2021 barely started and i already need jesus. also rip me attempting to post this before christmas but hey i refuse to let christmas end bc christmas is my only hope and love and it’s over.
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Bucky was the first one up as the clock struck 5AM. He was anxious for the flight, for everything really. Y/N had assured him she had bought first class tickets so he’d be comfortable with the long trip but he was still reticent about flying. As an Avenger he used to do national missions, preferring not to fly as it brought him some memories he didn’t like to relieve. Sam had suggested he took some sleeping pills while the flight was going but Bucky refused not to be there to support Y/N who’d been getting called by her team 24/7 about her “mishap” as her manager like to refer to. As if a 20-something dating was something weird. Bucky knew Steve did way worse things than that but of course, she had stepped off the line, off the good girl, virgin ‘til marriage, girl next door yet just gorgeously unattainable and if Y/N hadn’t told him to stay out of it, he would’ve threatened everyone.
Anyway, other than flying he kept wondering about her family. Y/N had a big family, at least more family than he had and he wasn’t entirely sure how they would react to him. Bucky knew he wasn’t the type of man you’d like your daughter to bring in. Who’d want to say that their daughter was dating an assassin? No one. He had wanted to say no, he wanted her to have a nice holiday but looking at her there was no denying her. 
Y/N woke up half an hour later, extending her arm towards Bucky’s side only to feel the cold of the sheets on her side. She rose her torso, rubbing the sleep off her eyes before the blurry room became clear. He was sat on the big armchair, staring at the flight tickets.
     - Someone’s an early bird. - she leaned on the bed, hands under her chin as he gave her his charming smile. - Excited?
     - Nervous. - he rose from his chair to kiss her forehead. - Do you need anything, princess?
     - Just need to get dressed. - she lazily got up from her bed. - You’re gonna love it, Buck. There’s snow on the ground, we can get spiced mulled tea and go see the decorations at the West End. 
     - I’m sure I will. Now get dressed unless you plan on going to the airport in your underwear.
     - I don’t see you complaining. - she flirted, hips moving side to side as she opened his wardrobe to grab her burgundy long sleeve dress and pair of black flats. Bucky tried his best not to ogle at her and her figure in a matching black set of star motif bra and panties with garters to see through black stockings. Sometimes he had to slap himself to convince himself the woman standing in front of him actually liked him. - You’re okay with going, right?
      - Of course, princess. Whatever makes you happy.
      - Okay but what makes you happy? We don’t need to go if you don’t feel comfortable. 
      - Just regular meeting the parents nerves. - he pulled her hair away from her face to kiss her forehead. 
      - Based on the photos Rebecca has, I would say you’ve met enough parents not to be nervous anymore. 
      - Come here, you little minx. - he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in close to him. - I will have you know that I never met any of the girls’ parents. It was not a good thing for a lady to be seen alone with a man in my time, so we had to keep it a secret.
      - Mhm, were you destroying ladies’ reputations in your day, Mr. Barnes? Is that it?
      - Not my fault they couldn’t resist me. - he leaned down to kiss her but she turned her face away, naughty smile on her lips. - Don’t do that to me, princess. It’ll break my tiny heart.
      - Stop playing Romeo and grab your bags before we’re late. - she swung her hips side to side to grab her own cary on, a small matte black suitcase with her initials on the bottom left in a small size. 
Bucky followed her into the airport. He couldn’t seriously remember the last time he had been in an airport, maybe during his youth but right now everything seemed so different yet he didn’t feel scared. He looked to his right and there she was, holding his hand as the other pulled her trolley, dark sunglasses on to hide who she was but still sporting that smile that was truly hers, something he could pick out of a crowd. He never really liked the word or feeling of possession, neither did she, but they didn’t really mind the feeling that a ship’s rope held both their hands together in a nautical strong knot. It was that sort of feeling that disconnected them both from what surrounded them, the sound of echoed and at the same time murmured silence. Y/N didn’t mind, Bucky didn’t mind. The flashlights went by dim and the announcements went mute for both of them.
Y/N however did not like airports. For her, airports signified goodbyes, harmful and painful goodbyes those were you wave goodbye to your loved ones and walk into security checks with tears lodged in her throat, telling herself to put herself together as she approached the beginning of that line. It represented waving goodbye to her comforts to travel somewhere she was not happy, not that her life in the US after she left the UK didn’t made her happy, it did but it was a faux happiness. It was locked inside a bought apartment with people who didn’t or refused to understand her, with friends she loved and cared for but didn’t really check on her them too lost on their own lives, it was yearning for a love that took years to come and everyone told her it would come but never did. It was an odd feeling being at the airport but being with Bucky twisted that. It was no longer leaving loved ones, it was departing with them, it was leaving all the mess that haunted her behind yet she couldn’t help feeling like something lingered in the wind, some cut throating emotions and actions which would return to her. 
She decided not to dwell on it, smiling at Bucky as he picked some snacks to bring inside the plane besides her telling him they probably would have the peanut M&Ms rather than his beloved chocolate only ones. She watched him as someone watched something that reminded them of a childhood memory or something that touched them, with a tinge of sadness, almost knowing it would never happen again. She felt tied to him but she felt at any time this knot could worn out and she feared he would leave. Things fade, nothing lasts forever and she wondered when he would realise that he was dating a ticking time bomb controlled by others. She had control over her own heart but her face, her reputation, that would never be hers to control. 
     - Y/N? - he laid his hand on top of her shoulder. - Are you okay, princess?
     - Yeah, just thinking. - she handed the lady the tickets, holding Bucky’s hand as he led her inside the airplane.
Y/N was lucky to be used to first class, she spent in life in it but for Bucky it was a jarring new experience. His parents used to be well off, better than most however they were never well enough to afford flying anywhere. The closest he’d been to flying was in military helicopters but all his experience to commercial flying had been watching on magazines but even this looked so different. It looked like a perfect first class bedroom in a five star hotel with individual little places for each passenger and some for couples which he guessed was one for the two of them. As they approached their cabin, a polished dressed lady signalled them inside their own seats. She looked at Bucky who had star filled eyes as he noticed all the comfort of his seat.
    - Is this how you travel? - he sat down by the window, looking at the small bottles of water, juices and fun sized treats. - Now I know why you travel so much. It’s like a damn hotel room here. 
    - Peanut M&M’s. - she grabbed one of the snacks from his side. - I believe you’ll be donating those to me. 
    - That’s a travesty, princess. I cannot believe you prefer those with peanuts
    - Peanuts are great. 
    - Unless you’re allergic to them.
    - You’re not allergic to peanuts. Steve would’ve told me if you were and I saw you eat a peanut energy bar yesterday. - she crossed her arms. 
    - First, I hate peanuts so it’s almost as if I were allergic to them. Second, KIND bars don’t count, you know how good they are, they add that little caramel drizzle.
    - I guess we’re gonna have more than my nephews and nieces for a picky eater this Christmas. - she laughed, picking the remote to shuffle through whatever the company offered. Bucky leaned on her shoulder, leaving a kiss on it right before he did. - Thank you for coming with me. 
   - That’s not a problem, princess. Besides, who would guard you if I were not to come?
   - Is this overtime then, Mr. Barnes? - she looked down at him, his childish yet charming smile whenever he meant to tease her which he so easily could do both meanings of the word. - We should prepare for take off. 
It couldn’t be too different from take off in the quinjet. Bucky had done it once after the train incident but it always brought him back to it. He wasn’t like this and it pained him that the slightest of turbulences in any travels now made him feel like a kid. He didn’t use to be like this, he was fearless, going on the Cyclone time and time again and now ... now he was a shell of a man afraid of take off. He shouldn’t be afraid, it was not his role, right? He knew things were different then and were different now but he always wanted to be strong, strong for her as if any insecurity would throw her away. He knew it didn’t, Bucky knew Y/N was there to stick around and didn’t care about what the war and HYDRA had done to him but he cared. Bucky wanted to be her hero, her safe harbour and with this ... 
His mind shattered into snowflakes as she held his hand, the captain’s voice muffled as the plane gathered speech. Y/N never hand cold hands or a cold touch, she was just warm, a little ray of sunshine burning his icy exterior and forcing him to see the beauty of winter. Bucky clearly mostly got distracted by her own beauty but her holding his hand, the rings on her fingers which she had gathered from little shops along the street against his hand, made him want to remove the dagger he had stuck on himself so he could feel pain forevermore. 
The plane move upwards, both of them being pulled against their seats by the laws of physics on an endless climb and he still had his eyes closed, finding comfort in the darkness. 
    - Buck. - her finger caressed his jaw. - Look out the window. 
Bucky peaked open one of his eyes, looking out the window near him to see a full blue sky, completely different from the dark skies of the winter filled New York they had just left.
   - We fly above the clouds. Isn’t it beautiful? - she leaned against his shoulder. 
   - You see this everytime?
   - Unless I’m flying at night, yeah. Sunsets and risings are particularly stunning. 
   - Now what?
   - Now we wait for round 6 to 7 hours. We can put a movie on, maybe. Whatever you’d like.
Bucky took to shuffling through the movie catalogue himself. Some of the movies he’d never heard about and some he’d heard from Sam or from Steve’s list of movies he had to watch yet he never did. Capitan America himself stuck to the old classics, the movies they used to sneak through the backdoor of the theatre. He himself liked the classics too and Y/N, as a film/acting major herself, also had a soft spot for them. Bucky’s favourite was the Wizard of Oz, despite later knowing how controversial filming had been, yet he couldn’t help but always remember the wonder on his sister’s face and his own wonder as he watched the vivid colours. He could still feel it now, however the movie ended and soon the food came in and he found himself bored. There wasn’t much he could do on a plane and he found himself jealous of the 5 year old running up and down the cabin, despite most of Y/N’s laughter. 
He covered himself in the company’s blanket and snuggled against the pillow and still he couldn’t sleep. Y/N on the other hand had fallen asleep the moment she pulled the leg rest, wrapped around in her blanket, face facing his which gave Bucky the excuse to look at her while she slept. Bucky always found it wildly amusing how she slept, lips slightly puckered, eyes fluttering until she fell in deep and hands fisting the blanket up to her chin. Eventually, Bucky got frustrated, moving around in his seat to find a comfortable position. How come he couldn’t find a comfortable position on a first class seat?
    - Buck ... - she groaned, opening her eyes. - Stop moving around. 
    - I’m sorry, princess. I’m just ... so bored. How do you do this?
    - I sleep. - she placed the blanket on her lap. - Why don’t you get something else to eat?
    - How many hours left?
    - You don’t wanna know. - she rubbed the sleep of her eyes, Bucky still laid against his seat, blanket on his lap, head against the head rest. Y/N started thinking about how to entertain him until her gaze fell onto his lap. Looking around the cabin was quiet, no cabin crew or passengers on their feet, just a calm cabin. 
She moved closer to him, head against her shoulder, facade of a glistening angel on a renaissance painting. Her fingers traced the soft finish of his blanket, the embodied company name until her fingers were under the soft fabric. She slide her hand under his shirt, feeling his warm skin as her hand travelled downwards towards the Hugo Boss boxers he wore, fingers hooking on the waistband. Bucky swallowed dry, wondering if he had finally gone to sleep and this was finally a good dream or if his sweet, innocent girlfriend was actually about to do what his mind was rushing to as her fingers wrapped around his softened member. He grunted, looking at her like she was a fever dream, hips mindlessly thrusting into her soft warm hand. He would say there was no better feeling, had it not been for the fact he had been inside of her. 
Y/N bite her lip, insecurely swiping her thumb over the tip, his pre cum dripping onto it. She didn’t know what she was doing, mostly going by the erotica she had read and seen before, guiding herself by his low sounds, mumbled by his own hand which laid against his own mouth. She looked up at him, cerulean eyes looking at the ceiling as if all his strength would break loose were he to look at her and she thought that was the most gorgeous he’d look. She straight herself up, pushing his hand away from his mouth to start kissing him, something which would look rather innocent to anyone who passed by. Her kiss was warm, hot and sinful, much more different than the shy ones she would lay on him each morning yet he guessed it matched with her movements, fast and tighter against his cock. He tried to remain still, allow her to do what she wanted to do but his body had a different idea, hips thrusting and gyrating against her hand like some idiot teenager as her mouth lowered to kiss his pulse point. His breathe quickened, coming into staccatto as her movement quickened. The environment was blurry and all he could think about and hear were her movements and his body shuddering until he was spurting thick ropes of white liquid onto her hand and his breathe came out knocked as if he had finished a race. 
She cleaned her palm with a tissue, bringing her fingers up to her cherry tinted lips from her chapstick, disappearing within the plumpness of them. He swore he could cum again just from that sight. As he tried to regain his breathe from the latter event, she gave him a shy smile, pushing her blanket up to her chin. Whatever she did to him, whatever release she had given him had made him comfortable enough on that cloud nine that sent him into sleeping, only awaking once the plane wheels hit British soil. 
It was dark, around 9PM the captain had said and Bucky himself thought the trip was over until both of them disembarked onto the airport which was a completely different world. Had it not been by Y/N’s unwillingness to spend more time in an airport, he would’ve possibly stood behind taking pictures yet once she spotted a man with a sheet with her name written in, she had his hand on hers and dragged him up to it.
Bucky had been in London, he remembered it from the war and some buildings were the same yet everything was brighter. His eyes shone against the decorations, wondering how bigger they could get and Y/N took great pleasure in seeing him so happy. All she wanted was to make him happy, all she wanted was to see him happy. The taxi driver stopped in front of her childhood home which gladly always seemed to look the same with christmas lights and garlands. Both of them step out the car and the nerves finally hit Bucky. How do you meet someone’s parents? How do you meet the person who just gave you a handjob’s parents and make a good impression? How could he make a good impression? He was a hundred year old never aging man with a metal arm dating the little rose that everyone put on an altar. He didn’t belong. Maybe he could stop her, maybe he could convince her not to ring the bell except she was already ringing the bell and the door was opening up.
A short woman in a white jumper and jeans opened the door. She had Y/N’s eyes, the same eyes Bucky would recognise anywhere and based by the tight hug she gave Y/N, he would guess she was his mother.
   - Mum, this is Bucky. - she held Bucky’s hand. What should he do? Should he wave?
   - Oh my, you’re tall. I thought that with a nickname like that you’d be small. Oh, here I am again rambling. We are so happy here, you know, you’re the first man Y/N brings home.
   - Mum!
   - What? It’s true. You’re my oldest child and only now have you brought a man. Aunt Petunia is really proud of you.
   - Mum!
   - Come in, Bucky. Can I call you Bucky? Come meet the family.
taglist: @disasterbii​ @lookiamtrying​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @americasass81​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @lostinthebeans​ @mariahthelioness29​ @buckyandsebastian​ @peaches-roses-sins​ @theadorasabditory​ @sipsteacasually​ @saiyanprincessswanie​ @booktease21​ @noiralei​ @learisa​ @everythingisoverratedbutgreat​ @uglipotata72829​ @naturalthrone22​ @husherstan​ @mandiiblanche​ @vicmc624​ @newyorkgoddess​ @itsallyscorner​ @chipilerendi​ @emzd34​ @writerwrites​ @bluevxnus​ @that-girl-named-alex​ @captnrogers​ @nsfwsebbie​ @sarge-barnes-sir​
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Secrets and Seduction (Tammy x Reader)
Summary: You’re asked last minute to babysit for Tammy when some unplanned events take place which leads to an even more unexpected situation. You’re long awaited dream is about to become a reality.
Words: 3,348
Warnings: NSFW (just cunnilingus)
Author’s note: I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is my first shot at writing anything smut related so please comment or message me any feedback! It’s much appreciated!!! Also I just wanted to extend a thank you to everyone who liked/reblogged Confessions with Cordelia, it really means a lot. I’m done talking now, enjoy darlings! Mwah!
It was Saturday afternoon when you received a text from the docile blonde who was secretly the subject of most of your thoughts these days. You knew it was wrong especially since you were quite a bit younger than her however, ever since Tammy’s inconsiderate asshole of a husband left, you couldn’t get her off your mind.
Hey Y/N, I know that it’s last minute but I just got a called in. Would you be willing to babysit Keri tonight?  
Of course, Tam Tam, I’d love to! What time do you need me? Even though you shouldn’t your mind drifted to other situations where she may need you but you shook it off before hitting send.  
Oh Y/N, are you sure it’s not an inconvenience? I don’t want to cut into any plans you may have!
C’mon Tam Tam, you know I never have plans and even if I did, I’d gladly drop them to help you out. :)  
Well as long as you’re sure. Could you get here by 4:00?  
Done and done! See you then! :)
You looked at the time...3:00. An hour to get ready, you had to look nice in front of Tammy even if it was only for a little bit. You went up and grabbed your favorite burgundy dress as your mind reminded you that Tammy complimented it the one time she saw you wear it. It had sheer lace quarter length sleeves and fell to just about the knees. You brush your knotted Y/H/C mane before adding some winged black liner and mascara. You completed the makeup with some deep reddish-brown matte lipstick. Before exiting and heading out into the fall air, you throw your black pea coat and flats on.
When you arrived, you noticed the blonde carrying heavy duffel bags to the trunk of the car to which you rush over to take a couple from her hands. Tammy releases a sigh of relief before heaving the bags into the trunk with a loud thump. She was breathing heavily from the exertion; her hair was slightly tousled from sweat and trying to rush around yet she still looked breathtaking as always. You felt your mouth go dry as your mind started wandering to other moments when she would look like this.  
“Y/N? Y/N!” Tammy shouts snapping you out of your daydream. Her hand coming to rest on your shoulder, the touch gives off heat so intense you feel it through your rather thick coat. “Are you alright sweetheart?”  
“Y-yeah Tam Tam, I’m sorry I was just thinking, you know how I get.” A nervous laugh escapes your mouth making her giggle. Her hand giving your shoulder a squeeze before releasing it, she opened her mouth like she had something to say but was interrupted by her cell phone ringing.  
“Yes...yes. I’m leaving now Lou, see you in a bit. Bye.”  
You tense up when you hear Lou’s name leave the beautiful woman’s lips. You knew they worked together, granted you didn’t know what they did for work but early on you decided that was none of your business. If Tammy was happy you weren’t going to pry. Lou was at a party that Tammy had once, she seemed really nice nevertheless you had a sense of distaste towards the other blonde when you realized she was rather handsy. This fact too was none of your business since Tammy was not yours to claim but you couldn’t help being bitten by envy. It wasn’t known if the mother was interested in women yet if she was your mind knew that Lou would have a way better shot than you would, it hurt. The blonde shut the trunk before giving you a quick hug.  
“Thanks, so much Y/N, I owe you breakfast. Stay the night if you don’t have any plans tomorrow. I’ll see you later tonight!”  
“See you!” You yell back as she drives off with the window down waving at you.  
It was about 7:30 and you had put Keri to bed after your hours of making food for you both, painting her nails and dancing around ridiculously around the living room. The little girl was so adorable that you could never be upset when she was around. As you stood in the doorway watching her little form sleep for a minute before switching off the light your mind flashed back to a time six months into babysitting the little cutie. It was a night you just happened to hang out at the house because Tammy invited you for dinner as a thank you for your help.
“Looks like someone was sleepy.” You whispered to Tammy in the kitchen, pointing to the little girl’s body passed out across the couch. The gentle mother came in bending down to pick her daughter up, you stuck your arm out to stop her. “I got her.”  
You carried her up to her room, while Tammy finished up the last dish that was in the sink from dinner. Carefully you made it up the stairs into the girl’s room to tuck her sleeping form in, she stirred a bit as you told her goodnight and kissed her forehead.  
“Goodnight, love you Y/N.” The girl mumbled sleepily before turning over to continue sleeping.  
Your eyes were wide and your heart swelled. It was the sweetest thing ever, you realized Tammy thought so as well because when you got to the doorway she was standing off to the side. A beaming white smile lit up her face and a single tear was rolling down her cheek. You look to her with furrowed brows as if to ask ‘are you okay?’. As if reading your mind, she wiped the tear away and nodded smiling even wider before you both headed back downstairs.  
Just to give Tammy an update you texted her real quick to tell her Keri was asleep in her bed. After an hour passed with still no sign of the older woman so you snuggled up on the couch and switched-on Netflix and decided to watch Carol. It was one of your favorites and since the older woman was running late you figured there was no harm, she probably wouldn’t be back for a couple hours. Before the movie even started you heard the front door open and you frantically searched for the remote. Where in the hell did you put the remote? It was too late to change it, Tammy was already in the door, kicking off her shoes and walking over to you by the time you found the controller and were only able to pause the movie. The blonde doesn’t pay much attention to your frantic actions and proceeds to enter the kitchen while apologizing for being late and not being able to text you with a time frame like she usually did.  
“It’s okay. I know you get busy.” You say shrugging.  
“Would you like to have a drink with me? It’s been a long night.” Clinking of glasses came from the kitchen and you get up to join her, this wasn’t the first time you’d joined her for a glass of wine or two.
Tammy caught sight of your outfit for the first time that night as it was previously covered up by your coat on your arrival. Her mouth went dry as she took in your appearance and she was mesmerized, wine glasses all but forgotten for the moment.  
“Tam Tam...Tammy the wine!” You say louder to get her attention as the red liquid continued to overflow the glass making it spill onto the counter top.  
She looked down; eyes wide as she said ‘shit’ under her breath. You rushed over and grabbed the roll of paper towels that she was frantically looking for. After you were both done cleaning up the mess, she looked up at you with flushed cheeks, wiping the sweat from her palms on her shirt. “You look lovely Y/N.”  
It was your time to blush while avoiding her gaze as you thanked her quietly. She offers you the glass that she didn’t overflow while she herself bent down to the glass and slurped the liquid from the rim of the glass until it was low enough to pick up and carry to the living room. With the remote in hand, you were getting ready to quickly switch Carol off until she interrupted you.  
“I’d love to watch a movie. What were you going to watch?”  
Your cheeks get hot once again. “Carol. We don’t have to watch that though we can watch whatever you want.”  
She seems to ponder the title while she sets her glass down on the coffee table. “Oh, I’ve never heard of that movie I’d love to watch it! Go ahead and start it up and I’ll make us some popcorn, how does that sound?”  
Like I’m going to want to crawl into a hole to wallow in my embarrassment. You thought.
“Sounds great!”  
The movie starts playing and you practically shove popcorn in your mouth with every Therese and Carol scene. The next time you try to reach into the bowl you were shocked to feel soft skin against yours, you both pull your hands back slightly before taking turns grabbing more popcorn. After Tammy’s second glass of wine was gone you noticed she sat down closer to you on the couch now right up against your side actually now that the popcorn was gone. The bowl forgotten on the coffee table along with your finished glasses. You were relieved that the wine had helped you relax a bit, the blonde hadn’t seemed to mention anything about the two women interacting on screen which you took as a good sign. The perfume scene was now playing on the screen and you swallowed hard still a little nervous that the woman beside you will question you or comment. Instead, you feel a soft hand land on your knee before she copied Therese from the film, leaning in and nuzzling her nose into the side of your neck under your ear. She breathes in your perfume; it was her favorite you guessed since she typically always commented you when you wore the fruity scent.  
“Hmm...you always smell so wonderful Y/N.” Tammy whispers.  
Thankfully she turns her head and continues watching the movie that is until the Waterloo scene comes on making you shift in your seat a bit. You’re watching a lesbian sex scene with your very straight crush! How could you not squirm? Why did you agree to watch this with her you idiot? Because you can’t say no to her the other side of your brain rationalizes. With the internal questions reeling in your head, you don’t realize that Tammy’s face got closer again until you hear her speak.  
“Are you getting a little hot and bothered sweetheart?” She purrs in your ear making you shiver at the low octave of her voice. “I see the way you look at me Y/N. Do you think about me sweetheart?”  
You swallowed hard and your body betrays you by shivering again by the words being whispering in your ear. The light graze of unbelievably soft lips against your ear lobe.  
“Yes.” You breathe out.  
“Look at me Y/N,” You do as she says, her expression absolutely serious, “if you feel uncomfortable tell me okay?”
You quickly nod your head. This brings a smile to the blonde’s face before she brushes a piece of your Y/H/C hair behind your ear, her thumb caresses your cheek. You subconsciously lean into the touch and release a huge breath that you didn’t realize you were holding. Soft lips ghost over your own testing the waters before coming back for more with more pressure making you moan. You allow your hands to get buried in the golden tresses that you’ve longed so many times to touch bringing her closer to you as you kiss her with the same amount of enthusiasm as she did. Your lips trail along her jawbone to her neck where you kiss and nibble here, a mixture of gasps and moans leave her lips sending heat straight to your core. However, intruding thoughts pushes forward...what about your friendship? Why you? You pull back to look at her.  
“I-I’ve wanted this for so long Tam Tam...are you sure you want me? Y-you don’t want Lou?”  
In response she turns away from you, your stomach sinking for a minute regretting the questions that flowed from your lips until you see she undid her button of her pants.  
“First of all, Lou is with Debbie and no I do not want Lou. Come here Y/N.”  
You move closer to her on the couch until you are right beside her; your knees bumping her legs. She gently grasps your wrist and brings it into the waistband of her pants to cup her core through her underwear. Her thoroughly soaked underwear. You gasp shocked not only at the gesture but also at the fact that she was so wet, another shot of heat goes directly to your own core which you were sure was just as wet as hers. You move your fingers over her core just barely touching, she releases a small moan and grinds into your hand for more pressure.  
“Is that what I do to you?”  
She nods biting her lip and grinding into your hand once more. To Tammy’s dismay you remove your hand before kissing her again, your hands grab the hem of her shirt pulling it off and tossing it aside. If you were being honest you expected nude-colored undergarments, not that you minded because either way this is what you’ve wanted for so long. The subject of your dreams, and fantasies just...Tammy. You were pleasantly surprised to find that her bra was a dusted pink color that looked so beautiful against her pale skin. In an instant after drinking in the sight before you, your lips are all over her pale skin. First her lips, then her neck, from there your lips are everywhere...her collarbone, licking at the parts of exposed breasts that weren’t confined by the bra. Tammy arches her back to which you take this opportunity to reach around and unhook the material, tossing that aside to lay with her discarded shirt.  
Tammy watched in awe as she watched your Y/E/C eyes darken in lust before she felt your soft hands caress her perfectly sized B cup breasts. Just the right size to perfectly fit in your warm hands. She gasped when she felt your tongue flick against her nipple before taking her breast into your mouth, sucking on it before releasing it with a pop. All the while shimmying out of her pants as your hands made quick work of simultaneously pulling them down your hips. The blonde’s honey brown eyes met yours, the desire in them matching yours.  
“Y/N, you are wearing too many clothes sweetheart.”  
The words come out in heavy rasps and you realized you could get used to making Tammy breathless.  
“Can you help me out of them Tam Tam?” You ask with the same rasp to your voice.  
“I thought you’d never ask.” She leans towards you as you turned around for her to unzip your dress. As she did so you felt the coolness of her knuckles pass over the skin of your back causing you to shudder and gasp. The older woman’s mouth found the same spot and slowly kissed from your shoulder blades up to the side of your neck, prior to slowly dragging the top half of your dress over your shoulders and down to your hips. Her hands drag along the same path afterwards it felt like heaven, it was too good to be real. You needed confirmation as her lips then followed the path, she was everywhere.  
“Tell me I’m not dreaming. Tell me this is real.” You breathe out, craning your neck to the left side to give those wonderful lips better access to your pulse point. A nibble to that exact spot made you moan deep in the back of your throat.  
“Oh, Y/N this is very real. Stand up please I need to see you.”  
Tammy watches with hungry eyes as you do what she says and remove your dress revealing your black bra and panties. The primal look in those honey brown eyes is something you had never seen before however; it was definitely something you wanted to see more of. Her hands grab your hips gently and pull you towards her still seated form on the couch, her long slender fingers hook in either side of the waistband of your panties then slowly peeled the fabric down your legs. The older woman noticed your fingers fidget nervously at your sides as if wanting to cover up, which makes her take action by moving to the edge of the cushion and placing a kiss to the skin above your mound.  
The older woman scoots down the couch and lays back flat against the cushions then politely instructing you to straddle her hips. You follow her instructions of then removing your bra and easily follow as her hands press into your back causing your torso to lean forward. Her hands and mouth find your breasts sucking, kissing, and touching the ache in your core grew stronger to the point where you could barely stand it. Tammy must’ve felt your arousal against her hip bone because she grinded her hips up and moaned.  
“Come up here please sweetheart.” It took you a second to realize what her words were meaning exactly until your brain processed exactly where she wanted you. You were still hesitant though, no one had ever done that for you what if you didn’t smell or taste good. Tammy’s hands grabbed both of yours intertwining your fingers, the action made your stomach flutter. “Do you trust me?”  
You instantly nod. You trusted Tammy more than a lot of people in your life. This made you feel confident enough to let go of hands and climb your way up her body finding your balance on your knees straddling the beautiful woman’s face. A kiss is placed against your clit making you jump slightly. Within seconds you felt the older woman’s tongue on your pussy swiping through your folds before coming to suck on your clit. Your legs started to quiver but then you whimper in disappointment when you feel the lips release the sensitive bud.  
“Tammy.” You whine.
“Not yet.” You hear her mutter softly.
“Tammy please.” You whine again this time looking directly into her eyes. This is her weak spot, just like you, she never wanted to deny you anything.  
“Just remember you need to be quiet. Can you do that?”  
“Y-yes...yes just please Tam Tam, let me cum for you.”  
A moan leaves the beautiful lips below you before you feel the long thick tongue attacking your pussy again swiping through your lips once again before entering slowly into your soaking wet core. You had to bite your lip hard in between your teeth to keep your moans and screams at bay, her tongue was so talented as it filled you and hit the sensitive spot inside your walls. Fingers started rubbing your clit in quick, tiny circles, you looked down at her with your mouth open wanting to scream but thankfully no words escaped. Your Y/E/C eyes met hers and that was your undoing. Your thighs spasmed, pussy walls clenching against the warm, talented tongue belonging to the most beautiful woman. It was the most intense orgasm you’d ever had.  
Tammy quickly cleaned up every drop of your arousal moaning at the taste until you came down from your high. Moments later you laid there for a moment in each other's arms breathing heavily, feeling her fingers draw little patterns on your back.  
“Can I taste you Tam Tam?” You asked quietly.  
She smiled like a cat that caught a canary and kissed you passionately before sitting up.  
“Grab the clothes and follow me upstairs sweetheart.”  
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Growing Family
Woo I’m finally back to writing some! It feels like it’s been a lot longer than it actually has since I’ve posted a new fic. I hate to disappoint, but this is just fluffy daddy Spencer today, but I am working on a few new smuts that should be coming up next so stay tuned for those! Also shout out to @velventeenaries for coming up with some of the lines Rossi said when we were having a convo on this situation. Thus, the inspiration for this fic was born. Happy reading!
Spencer Reid/Reader
Rating: G (fluff)
Word Count: 2,557
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“Penny G at your service, how may I help you?”
You smiled at the familiar female voice that came through the speakers of your car.
“Hey Penelope,” you said.
“Y/N! My favorite non-BAU chica! What can I do for you, today?”
You chuckled knowing good and well the chipper, eccentric and kind hearted blonde was most likely swinging in her chair, twirling a feathery pen in her hands as you spoke.
“I was just curious if the rest of the team was back yet? If so, I wanted to swing by before heading home. I just got out of my doctor’s appointment.”
“Please tell me you have ultrasound pics!” Penelope’s voice grew in excitement.
“That I do,” you grinned.
“Okay, good. Yes, they’re here and you better be here in 5 minutes or less or I will hunt you down for those pictures. PG out.”
You shook your head, exasperated by the usual antics of Penelope Garcia. She was basically the fairy godmother tech analyst of the Behavioral Analysis Unit—the department of the FBI where your husband Spencer worked.
Just recently in the last few months, you and Spencer had found out you were pregnant. Being that it was yours and his first baby, the excitement was unreal but it wasn’t just limited to the two of you. The rest of the BAU were just as excited too.
Garcia was maybe on another level of excitement though. She was already planning on things to buy for the newest BAU baby. It had been almost four years since a new little bundle of joy had arrived within the extended BAU family. Rose Mary Simmons, the fifth and final child of team member Matt Simmons and his wife Kristy, was no longer a baby. She was speeding towards four and would be starting kindergarten in only a year and a half.
“You know I love all my godsons and goddaughters,” Penelope had told you, not long after you and Spencer had announced your happy event, “But I need more baby love in my life and thank God you’re having a baby. I will happily babysit any time you want.”
“Oh, Garcia,” you snickered to yourself, thinking back on the memory as you maneuvered your car through the busy D.C. traffic.
As you’d told Garcia, you’d just gone to your latest doctor’s appointment. You were about 15 weeks along and already showing more than you expected to, which peaked your curiosity. If you were to guess, you could easily pass for 5 almost 6 months pregnant, not barely 4.
You had planned to ask the doctor at today’s appointment if she was sure it wasn’t twins. You had a strong feeling it was. Being only 15 weeks though, you’d only had one prior ultrasound around 7 weeks—not long after you’d discovered your pregnancy and even then, the ultrasound had revealed only one heartbeat. Typically, an expectant mother didn’t have another ultrasound until around 20 weeks, obviously to determine the sex, but your doctor thought it best to check. If anything, it was possible that you were just carrying further forward than usual. According to Spencer—and the many times he’d told you this—it was extremely possible it was just the way your body carried pregnancy. You knew well enough that bump sizes varied greatly.
You’d hoped Spencer could join you for today’s appointment—one that had been scheduled last month—but unfortunately, he’d been away on a case with the team and was on the way home.
You told him you could easily reschedule, but he heard nothing of it.
“You’re going today. Just to make sure little one is okay. You can show me the pictures when we’re back,” he’d said to you, earlier that morning, over the phone.
You’d reluctantly agreed.
But now, you couldn’t help but smile at the little secret you had.
“There she is!” Garcia squealed, running towards you practically the moment you stepped foot out of the elevator.
“Hey, Penelope,” you smiled, embracing your friend.
“How are we feeling?” she grinned, pulling away to rub your bump, “Is it twins like you thought?”
You chuckled, knowing Garcia wasted no time in getting to the point.
“Well, about that…” you took her arm, walking with her into the doors of the BAU.
You’d filled Garcia in on the way towards the briefing room where most of the team had settled for the time being, just trying to relax after the trip home. If her huge smile was any indicator, Spencer would know before you could even get the words out.
“Whoa! If it isn’t baby mama Reid,” Luke grinned, coming to give you a brotherly side hug, “Wow, you’re enormous.”
Garcia’s eyes widened, swinging an arm out to hit Luke’s chest—hard.
“Ow! Uh enormously beautiful I mean. You’re glowing,” he tried to cover.
“Nice save,” you laughed, heading over to your husband, who was anxiously awaiting to wrap his arms around you.
“You idiot,” you heard Penelope mumble to Luke, “You never tell a pregnant woman how big they are.”
You bit back a laugh and melted into Spencer’s embrace. He’d been gone for almost a week and you’d missed him, a lot.
“Hi, baby,” he grinned, picking you up as he hugged you.
You bent your legs slightly as you were lifted a few inches off the ground and hugged his neck, tightly.
“Soon you won’t be able to do this,” you laughed, then waved to the rest of the team in the room, “Hi guys.”
You patted Spencer’s shoulder lightly.
“Spence, set me down long enough so I can say hi to everyone and not be rude,” you laughed.
He obliged with a grin, giving a quick pat to your bump and you went to hug Tara, JJ and Matt.
“What’d you find out?” JJ asked, “Spence mentioned you had a doctor’s appointment today.”
“Well…” you trailed off, nervously.
“Is the baby okay?!” Spencer asked, his face morphing into panicked concern, his brows furrowed.
“Everything’s fine,” you reassured quickly, “But it’s not just a baby,” you said hesitantly.
His eyebrows rose, looking shocked.
“It’s twins?”
“Not exactly,” you laughed hesitantly, “We’re having triplets.”
Spencer looked as shocked as you felt when the technician had told you the same news. To know you weren’t growing one baby but three.
He stood for a second, blinking at you in surprise. You were about to say something when you suddenly realized how pale he was. He swayed on his feet before falling backwards.
Everyone shouted at once, your shriek of his name probably the loudest. They all moved into action at once as you stood horrified, afraid something was terribly wrong.
Luckily, Matt had been quick enough to catch Spencer before he hit the ground. With he and Luke on either side, they managed to sit him in one of the chairs, his head lolling back.
“Is he okay? What’s wrong?” you asked, quickly at his side, not knowing exactly what to do.
“He’s fine, he just passed out, that’s all,” Tara reassured you.
You nodded in relief, taking a seat in a chair next to him, taking his hand. 
There was a commotion at the door and you looked over, seeing David Rossi running in—unit chief Emily Prentiss on his heels.
“What’s all the noise about?” Rossi asked, eyeing Spencer, “What happened?”
“Spencer fainted and Y/N’s having triplets!” Garcia exclaimed.
Rossi’s eyes flickered to Spencer once again.
“Nah, kid’s just sleeping. Making up for the next 18 years of it he’s gonna lose.”
“Dave,” Emily sighed, exasperated, coming over to bend down and hug you.
“Congrats,” she grinned, “Not only are you having triplets, but you’re the only person that’s made Spencer faint.”
You laughed a bit.
“Definitely wasn’t my intention.”
“He’ll be fine,” Rossi waved a hand.
Just as he said that, a groaning came from your right and you looked over, to see Spencer stirring.
“What did I tell you?” Rossi said, coming over to give his congratulations with a big smile.
“Bouna fortuna,” he grinned, giving you a kiss on each cheek.
“What happened?” Spencer groaned, his hand slipping from your grip to rub at his eyes.
“You just got the shock of your life, kid,” Rossi snickered.
“The last thing I remember is you saying triplets and everything went black,” Spencer said.
“Yeah, you fainted,” you tried to hold back your grin and failed.
“Are we really having triplets?” Spencer asked, eyes wide once again.
“I’m afraid we are,” you grinned.
His look of surprise quickly turned into one of excitement. He grabbed your face, kissing you hard, not caring about kissing you in front of the others. The rest of the team whistled, clapped and laughed, their joy just as huge as your own.
Rossi’s following remark made Spencer pull away from your lips and laugh. Your mouth curved upwards and joined him.
“Don’t forget! David is a great name for a boy!”
Everyone was gathered at your baby shower. You had been speechless when you first saw the amount of stacked diapers and wipes—along with at least 5 diaper cakes from different team members. You were sure that those would last maybe a week or two with three babies to change.
“Kid, come on! We’re a family! I’ll be grandpa Dave! We can get matching shirts that say Big Dave and Little Dave!”
You laughed, overhearing Rossi’s exclamations to Spencer, all the way from the food table.
Months had passed and your belly had grown exponentially. You could hardly believe that your body was capable of carrying three precious little babies.
Even though your belly was covered in stretch marks, your back hurt and your feet were swollen, you couldn’t be happier. You and Spencer would soon start a new chapter in your lives—a scary one, albeit exciting one too.
Only a few weeks after your reveal of the babies to Spencer and the BAU team, the two of you had discovered you were welcoming two girls and one boy. Ever since then, Rossi had been hounding you about naming the baby after him.
Unbeknownst to him, you and Spencer had already picked out names and were going to surprise Rossi after they were born. But due to his current banter with Spencer, you knew you wouldn’t be able to hold the secret for any longer.
“Rossi,” you grinned, very much waddling over to the two men, “You're incorrigible.”
“I know. It’s the Italian in me,” he replied, nonchalantly.
“Well, much to Spencer’s dismay I’m sure, you’ll be happy to know you’re getting your wish,” you said.
Rossi looked stunned for a moment. You were positive this was the only time in the years you’d known him that he’d ever been stunned speechless like this.
“We decided to name our son David Gabriel Reid,” Spencer beamed, “We didn’t want to cause any confusion on names, so we’re going to call him Gabriel, but he can still be your little Dave if you want.”
It finally looked like it had sunk in when Rossi pulled both you and Spencer into a big hug, smiling bigger than you’d ever thought possible.
“That’s perfectly fine by me,” he grinned, kissing the tops of yours and Spencer’s heads, “I’m gonna teach him to play ball and how to cook spaghetti carbonara.”
“Don’t forget, you’ll have two little girls to deal with too,” Spencer laughed.
“Oh don’t you worry. They’ll learn how to cook and drop kick anyone who even looks at them the wrong way,” Rossi smirked.
“That, I don’t doubt,” you snickered.
“Speaking of,” Tara asked, popping up in the conversation, “When are you going to tell us what you’re naming your three little geniuses?”
“Yeah, I wanna know too,” Luke piped in, also walking up to the now small gathering.
JJ, Matt, Emily and Penelope followed behind him.
“Well if you didn’t catch it before, Baby A—the boy—is going to be David Gabriel,” Spencer beamed, “After the best father figure, mentor, co-worker, friend and member of this crazy BAU family. I couldn’t think of a better name to give my son.”
There were cheers all around as everyone lifted their glasses of champagne—apple juice for you—and clinked them together in celebration. You couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across your face to see how happy it made the well known, lovable, David Rossi.
“What about the girls’ names though?” Emily asked once the noise had settled down.
“Well there’s a bit of a backstory to that before we tell you the names,” Spencer began.
“We chose Gabriel’s name together because we already knew we wanted to actually make part of his name after Rossi, but we each picked a name, separately. One for each girl. Spencer decided on a name for baby B and I, baby C.”
“It’s also kinda funny what we both came up with,” Spencer interjected.
“Before the babies are born, kid!” Rossi said, “What are the names?”
“Baby B is Abrielle Jade—a name Y/N said she wanted to name a little girl on our very first date.”
Luke whistled.
“I’d be surprised that you remembered that but then again, you’re you.”
“Believe me, I’d forgotten I’d told him that, myself,” you chuckled.”
“And the other little girl is?” JJ prompted.
“Spensa Rae,” you said, looking at Spencer, a twinkle in your eye, “I wanted to name her after her daddy in some way, but it’s unique enough to be her own name as well. Rae is after my grandmother, too.”
“Those are the cutest names!” Garcia squealed, “Perfect timing time to give you my present for little Gabriel, Abrielle and Spensa then.”
She hobbled off in a partial run—not able to move too fast because of the grass in the backyard and her high heels—and grabbed three gift bags. She came back, handing them to you.
“Open it, open it!” she beamed.
You laughed at her excitement, pretty excited yourself. You handed one bag to Spencer as you reached into one bag, then the second, pulling out two matching onesies.
You looked over to see Spencer pulling out a third matching onesie from the gift bag you’d given him.
“Read the front,” Penelope beamed.
Opening one, you saw it read Rossi’s Sous Chef #2.
You laughed, opening the other which had the exact same thing printed on the front, but instead of the number 2, there was a number 3. 
You peered at the one in Spencer’s hands, finding number one. 
“Penelope, these are great!” you laughed, showing Rossi the outfits.
“These babies are going to be so loved,” Spencer smiled demurely, his eyes shining bright with tears.
“They will have plenty of people to love them,” Tara said with a bright smile.
“Lots of arms to hold them and cuddle them,” Luke added.
“Hands to help change diapers,” JJ piped in.
“Lots of kisses and bedtime stories,” Rossi said.
“Plenty of kids to play with them,” Matt chuckled.
“And a godmother to spoil them!” Garcia beamed.
“It’s not just your little family growing,” Emily smiled, coming to stand in between you and Spencer, wrapping an arm around each of you.
She looked around at the team that filled the backyard on this wonderful, summer evening, all gathered to celebrate the miracle of life.
“It’s our BAU family growing, too.”
TAG LIST: @dreatine​ @reid-187​ @groovyreid​ @reidslibra​ @iamburdened​ @cindywayne​ @sundippedprincess​ @missprettyboy​ @hushlilbabydoll​ @sammy-jo1977​ @haileymorelikestupid​ @lemonypink​ @teamkiall​ @redbullchick​ @ifeelloved​ @one-sweet-gubler​ @nanocoool​ @delightfullyspeedyearthquake​ @unsteadyimagines​ @ughitsbaby​ @inkwiet​ @pennythetechgoddess​ @capt-engr-ssa​ @sixx-sic-sixx​ @spencersdolore @reidsstudies​ @disney-dreams-world​ @chocolatecalzoneherringbonk @mggwhore​ @andiebeaword​ @cupcake525​ @be-the-bravest​ @gretaamyk​ @hopebaker​ @prisonreid​ @httpnxtt​ @daviddoughboy​ @pastathighs​ @marvels-gurl​ @blushingspencer​ @simp-for-mgg​ @victorzsaszmydaddy​ @inlovewithamess @im-inlovewith-mycar​ @xshakesqueerx​ @queenofmischief​ @mattgraygubler​ @yeah-its-jackk​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @alexisparmentier @la-vie-en-amour1​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @itsmytimetoodream​ @saintd0lce​ @cherryxblossoms​ @jessaminelovelace​ @rainsong01​
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Hiraeth (m.)
Hiraeth - A homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
Pairing - Jung Jaehyun x reader
Genre- Angst, Smut.
Word count - 3.37k (i got carried away while writing i am so sorry)
Warning- extremely thick skulled y/n, smut, unprotected sex (be cautious irl!), super angsty, not so happy ending. I felt like cutting a bitch throughout the writing process because of y/n.
(minors kindly try not to interact with my blogs!)
Summary- You walk away from the only home you were comfortable in.
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Showing up at Jaehyun's house with tears running down your face isn't a new thing. 
A habit that dated back to when the two of you were in the final year of high school. You found out the hard way that your excuse of a boyfriend had never really liked you. There, the one person who you found comfort in, Jaehyun was ready with his arms wide open, for you to come in so that he could hold you tight, only for you to slip out of his grip.
It was a thing between Jaehyun and you. Get your heart broken, heal it in each other's warmth, be fine for a while and then repeat. 
Jaehyun was the least heartbroken among the two of you. He knew that you needed each other, not just at night, not just for relief, but to put both your broken pieces together. A little too late at realising that but at least he did. Unlike you. 
The first night things got heated between the two of you, he had mentioned not wanting anything more than healing time with you, he was young, wild and stupid the day he said that and it stuck to you. 
You're fine with that, it's doable until you see Jaehyun all over another female, seeking the same attention he'd wanted from you, you wanted him, you knew that, but the constant fear of having your heartbroken once again, made you turn deaf ears at almost everything he'd said till date, something along the lines of wanting more than just lust. 
And it became a routine like that, but it was getting harder and harder for Jaehyun to just stand there and see you cry.
It wasn't even that you had deep feelings for him, it was just a mere infatuation you'd say, so thinking that he should reserve himself all for you was too much to ask for. 
"Y/n" Jaehyun rasped out, flopping down beside your worn out body, watching as you drift away into your subspace the minute after he'd gotten you off. 
"Y/n..?" Once again, this time, you turned around to face him, slightly nodding your head for him to continue, but he didn't. He looked straight at you, watching your glazed eyes with his eyebrows raised.
He said nothing, just pulled you in towards his sweat covered body, you didn't mind, it was the same with yours so it's fine. 
The moment you felt his warmth the second time that night, platonically this time, you broke into a fit of sobs. 
He pulled your body in closer, almost on top of his, "Am i that pathetic? Don't i have what it takes for someone to stay for longer than a month or so?" he shushed you, sitting up, resting his back on the headboard, pulling you into his lap, rocking you back and forth. 
"I don't understand it, Jae. Is it my looks? Or my behavior? What about my attitude?-" you ask between hiccups, all rhetorical questions. But Jaehyun hates seeing you doubt yourself over guys you dated, even though you were way out of their league. 
"I feel so awful Jae, i don't know what t-to think, i don't k-know what to say, i don't know a-anything and t-that makes me feel s-so, so awful-" he continued to rock you, pulling you in for a soft kiss, gulping down your choked sobs. "Don't princess, you know they're not worth it.. " and they really weren't, hell he wasn't sure if he was either. 
But he knew you felt home with him, you were just.. A little scared. You needed someone to constantly remind you of your worth and he wanted to be that someone. "Jae, i don't want to be alone, i really don't want to, it-it hurts a little more each time."
You sob harder into the nape of his neck. "and you don't have to be, y/n..you have me" he said, but you were too occupied to hear him say it. 
Minutes later, your sobs came to a halt, eyelids weighing down, tired from the intercourse before and the breakdown, but sober enough to hear Jaehyun pour his heart out. 
Feeling your breath calm down, breathing now normal, Jaehyun let out a sigh, "You don't realize Y/n..I was, am and will forever be there for you. Just you're not in the state to take another confession. But until you're ready, know that I love you. I just wish we could turn back time so you wouldn't have just found comfort in my body.." and that's when you think he's exhausted from your constant crying. 
And here you were, walking down the neighborhood to his house, a week after his confession, a week after you said something you regret, a week after you left him heartbroken. 
You felt stupid, you've been pushing him away all along, maybe it was for the best, maybe it was because you felt he didn't need another burden as such, or maybe you really didn't feel anything for him. Maybe, just maybe. 
It wasn't right from your end. Having the boy waste his life in mending your pieces. You didn't make it obvious that you heard his true feelings for you, but you gave hints.
You ring the bell, hearing a 'coming!' from the other end. You weren't crying, instead you had a huge smile on your face, that was a pleasant surprise for Jaehyun. 
"Y/n, Hey" he said, opening the door wider to let you step in, instead the moment you see him, you crash your lip onto his, you needed this. He stumbled back from the impact, hands automatically finding your waist but he didn't return the action. And that made you conscious.
He tugged at your waist, pulling you back, catching his breath as you chased after his lips. "Jae, just-" you lean in again, "wait y/n no-" he pulled away yet again, now tears finally started to form by your waterline. "d-don't you want me anymore?" "y/n that's not it-" "is it the same reason as the other guys, Jae?-" "You know that's not it-" "I'm sorry I'm not good enough-" "y/n listen-" "Jaehyun i thought-" "for god's sake Y/n listen to me!" he screamed, gripping your shoulder, shaking you in order to get you out of your trance. 
"Y/n listen to me.." his guilt starts kicking in, feeling bad that he shouted at you. "Why doesn't anyone like me Jae?" you ask, voice feeble. 
"Let me do the talking and you just listen alright?" you hum back in response, letting him guide you towards the couch situated at the middle of his living room. 
He pulled you into his lap after sitting down, something he did almost every day. "Why do you think no one likes you princess?" Jaehyun asked. 
you lean forward, resting your head on his shoulder, "no one does, why would they? Reason you ask? Because I'm Y/n" you reply, your sobs not completely dying down, but a little less frequent than before. "I like you, Y/n. I don't know how much of it you're going to believe, but i really like you, because you're Y/n" 
There it was, his second confession in the span of a week. "you don't. Y-you can't" you try getting up from his lap, but he held you down, he wasn't going to let you run away this time. "I do and I can. I always have Y/n" he pulled you back to look at your face, watching your expression contort into a frown. "you shouldn't Jae, I'm sorry-" "you say you want someone to stay for more than just a month, yet here you are, pushing me away". Jaehyun sighs as he sees you tearing up again. You shook your head, "I don't deserve you.. " "Stop deciding what i deserve and i don't, Y/n" 
He took your hands into his, "you don't want to be heartbroken you said, so let me protect it, yeah?" he said, his voice soft. You think of it for a while, 
You're gonna be heartbroken again.
He's the same as the others. 
You don't deserve him
You're not worthy of having someone like him in your life.
He's saying it out of pity.
"No. I'm really, really sorry Jaehyun. You deserve so much better. I don't want you to be wasting your life on someone like me." you said, getting up from his lap, making your way towards the door, walking out before he could even stop you. And you made a promise to yourself that you'd never go back there again, because it will only end up, hurting both of you. Mainly Jaehyun. 
But promises are meant to be broken, right?
So here you are, not even five days after the incident at Jaehyun's house, having pressed Jaehyun onto the wall the moment you stepped in with tear filled eyes. This time around though, he didn't resist. Maybe he knew something would change after today, something either beneficial for the pair of you, or something that'll leave you craving for each other's warmth once again
Kissing, turned make out session as the tables turned, you up by the wall, Jaehyun had his crotch pressed against yours. The kiss wasn't rushed, it was rather slow, lust flowing from your end and feelings from his as he swiped his tongue against your bottom lip for access, which you gladly granted him. 
"Y/n.." he moaned out against your lips, as your hands, oh so softly made its way down his chiselled chest, to his toned middle, finally at his erection. Before you could slip your hands into his grey sweats, he took a hold of your hand, breaking the kiss as the two of you gasped for air, his hands gripped the back of your thighs, adding pressure there signaling you to jump and you obliged. 
With you in his arms, head buried in his neck, marking territory, he made his way to his room, opening the door with one hand, carefully not to drop you. "Jae..hurry" you said, giddy from the feeling between your legs. Jaehyun stumbled his way into the room, closing the door behind him, as he walked towards the bed "Patience, baby". 
He placed you down on the bed softly, placing a soft kiss on your lips before leaving a trail of kisses from the back of your ear, to your neck, nibbling at a particular spot where you let out a louder moan. 
He pulled back, looking straight into your eyes, lifting you up slightly to remove the shirt from over your head. No matter how many times he's seen you naked before, he still couldn't get over how ethereal you looked, he wanted to prove it to you that you're much more than you credit yourself for, but you wouldn't let him, not with words that is, so he retorted to actions instead. 
He resumed leaving wet kisses from your breast, his hands making its way behind you, reaching for the hook of your bra, which he skilfully undid.
The moment the material slid off your shoulder, he attached his lips onto your perked up bud, shivers running down your spine one, due to the sudden exposure and two because of the circles he drew with his tongue. "Oh fuck.." moans after moans left your mouth as he gave equal attention to the neglected breast, twirling the bud between his fingers, while sucking on the other.
Jaehyun let out a growl due to your constant squirming, "Stay still, princess" he held you firm against the sheets, "then hurry up, Jae.. Please" you retort, impatiently. His hand left your chest, making its way down the side of your body, towards the waistband of your jeans, pulling it down and off your ankle before discarding it somewhere behind him. 
He lowered himself just a bit, to let his fingers slide into your panties in a more comfortable angle, feeling the wetness soak through the material "Fuck baby, you're so wet.." Jaehyun rasped, sighing in content as he felt how wet you were for him just from his kisses. He started drawing slow, long eights onto your clit, as you jerk forward, finally getting some attention in the part you needed it the most. "So so eager for me".
There's something about his voice, that has this impact on you, deep and low, admiration and equal want dripping from it.
"Ah! Jae, god-" you whimper, as he fastens his pace, you could've gotten off just that, but you wanted more. And he sensed that. Jaehyun collected some of your essence before sliding in a finger, pulling it out and putting it back in along with another finger, finding a steady pace in pumping in and out of you.
"Yes, baby just like that..fuck" you let out. He curled his fingers inside you, finding the spot that always had you come undone in seconds, but you held it in a little longer, wanting to savour the feeling of his fingers brushing against your wall.
When it got too much to hold in, you let out a loud moan, almost screaming even, coming undone, continuously chanting Jaehyun's name as he helped you ride out your orgasm, cooing at you when he kept going, the feeling a little overwhelming as you'd just gotten off.
"You're doing so good baby, you can take one more right?" he asked, not wanting to push your limits, pumping in a slower pace to not make it painful, which backfired. You were occupied with letting out lewd noises, unable to choke out a yes even, so you nod your head. He kissed your temple, resuming at the same pace, adding pressure onto your sensitive bud with his thumb, you thrashing around, still worn out from the last orgasm.
His pace quickened, attaching his lips back onto your nipples, throwing you off the edge as you came undone for the second time that night, this orgasm being much more powerful than the last, tears trickling down your cheek "Jaehyun! " 
He removed his hands from your core, standing up from the bed, placing it into his mouth, you watch him clean your juice from his fingers, squirming at the sight in front of you. Gasping for air, trying to stop your thighs from shaking, you look back up, seeing Jaehyun looking at you with so much fondness, but still fully dressed.
"Unfair, h-how I'm the only one naked here" you breathe out, only now releasing the death grip you had on the sheets. Jaehyun let out a chuckle, tugging his black shirt over his head and onto the floor, "Better?" he asked, clearly teasing. "no! Pants, off!" you whine out, though tired, you still wanted to feel him inside you. Just this once. 
Jaehyun wanted to waste no more time, immediately sliding his sweats off along with his boxer. Satisfied that he's just as bare as you, you sit up, crawling forward and tugging his hands, pulling him down onto the bed. Jaehyun realised what you wanted to do, so he held you by the waist firm onto the sheets shaking his head.
"But Jae-" you start your complaint, "no, let me take care of you" he said, cutting you off, looking with an almost pleading look, straight into your soul. You can't say no to that and so you nod. 
He placed one last kiss at the corner of your lips, turning back, reaching out to the side drawer to get a condom, you stop him. "Go raw.. It's fine" you say, voice hoarse from all the moaning. You see the doubt in his eyes, "are you sure?" he asked, voice soft. You give him an assurance that it's fine, as he positioned himself above you, one hand pumping his shaft, preparing to slide in, the other keeping his body from colliding on top of yours. 
Jaehyun looked at you as he aligned himself by your entrance, the tip poking in, your eyes shut tight to embrace yourself, "Look at me when i enter you, baby" he said, stopping half way in. 
You try moving your hips forward to take him in whole, but he pulled his hips back, and so you had no other choice than to force yourself to keep your eyes open. "such a good girl" he whispered by your ears, slowly sliding in the entire length with ease. He let out a groan from the tightness of your walls, slowly pulling out, and back in, to see if you were still sensitive from the previous two orgasms. 
Upon finding no signs of discomfort, he let himself pull out once again, slamming in with much force than before. "Fuck, Jae!" you moan out, a chain of curses leaving both of your lips. "how are you still this tight, baby?" Jaehyun growled, picking up a faster pace. You find yourself getting closer to the edge faster than you expected, clenching around his length a little more frequently than before, him letting out rough sounds at the feeling he felt around his member.
"J-jae-" was all you could get out, fingers dragging down his back, gripping harder when you felt his fingers find your clit once again "i know, can you hold it in just a little longer? I-fuck.. I'm close too" he picked up his pace, looking at you as your face scrunched up when you felt his tip brush against a particular spot, squirming and nodding your head nevertheless.
"Fuck baby.. I'm so close.. So so close" his fingers fastened the circles on your clit, his member twitching inside of you.
Jaehyun looked at you, you immediately knew what the question was going to be so you nod again. "c-come in me baby.." that was the final string, and you felt him release his seeds into your already dripping core, you following suit. He helped the two of you ride out your highs.. Slipping out panting, as you whine at the sudden loss of warmth, getting up, giving you a kiss on your forehead, before making his way towards the washroom. 
You did it again.
You went back to him when you promised you wouldn't. And you realised that a little too late. 
You were going to hurt him again. 
When he returns back from the washroom with a wet cloth in his hand, he finds you there, spaced out, tears once again making its way out of your eyes. He knew where this was going to go. Nevertheless, he made his way towards you. He placed the cloth, prying your thighs apart as you flinch away from his touch, taken off guard. 
"Just..let me clean you" he said and started cleaning you up. Face to your legs, cleaning all evidence of the previous activity. 
You sit up once he's done, bending down and taking his shirt, pulling it over your head, and sitting back down. Jaehyun walked out of his closet, in shorts and a new shirt, sitting beside you.
"Y/n.." he starts. 
"Don't, Jaehyun.." your voice cracking, 
"Why are you doing this to yourself..?" Jaehyun asked, clearly frustrated now.
"Because i don't want to be heartbroken Jae-" you say the same old reason again, he wasn't buying any of it. 
"Is it really being heartbroken that scares you or catching feelings?" he asked, raising his voice just a bit as he watched you get out of the bed, picking up your jeans that were previously thrown away, pulling it up your leg. You didn't respond to his question. But gave him the same look you gave five days ago. "I'm sor-" you start as you start making your way towards his door. 
"And you're running away..once again" he cut you off. You stood still by the door, scared to turn back and look at him. 
You hear Jaehyun let out a sigh. 
"Do you regret it?" he asked in a deep, soft voice.
This would do the work.
"Yes. I'm sorry Jae." and you walk out of the door and out onto the streets, already feeling homesick as you walk away from the only home you felt comfortable in. 
Jaehyun stared plain at the ceiling, feeling a tear slip out of his eyes, down his cheek 
Unrequited love is such a bitch.
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ourfairytale · 5 years
cheated // g.d smut
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Requested-Hey boo! Could you maybe write something where you get cheated on and end up hooking up with Grayson? I loved the one you wrote called “quickie”! ♡
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: smutttttttt, language, cheating
Requests are open :)
"Gray, I'm not going out to the club tonight," you laughed, pressing your phone in between your ear and shoulder, you hands on the steering wheel as you maneuvered through traffic. "Plus, tonight is the night I'm doing the surprise dinner with Matt," you commented looking over at the basket perched on your passenger seat. You heard him scoff on the other side, and you could practically see him roll his eyes.
"Oh, right . . . Matt," He spoke through what you suspected to be gritted teeth. You sighed, shaking your head. This wasn't anything new, Grayson always had this reaction when you mentioned your boyfriend. Grayson was constantly telling you that he was a "fuckboy" and he always felt as if he was a bit "suspicious". You would always shrug him off, knowing he had no room to talk, considering he was a bachelor himself. Besides, Matt wasn't like that anymore. He changed, for you.
"Stop it, Gray. Go have fun without me! Drag your brother out with you and maybe meet a cute stranger, like you always do," You said the last part under your breath as you pulled into the parking spot at Matt's apartment complex.
Since you could remember, Grayson would invite you out to the club or out for a night of fun and somehow always end up with a stray blonde glued to his lips. After seeing your best friend, (who you had feelings for), hook up with drop-dead gorgeous Instagram models every weekend, you realized that you probably wouldn't be getting out of the friend zone and decided to let loose yourself. That's when the roles were reversed and you were the one getting lucky on a Friday night. Turns out, you and that handsome stranger had a lot in common and now he was your boyfriend.
Ever since that night with Matt, something in Grayson had changed. The once sweet and charming boy was now a bit harsh and aggressive, especially towards Matt. His weekend sexcapades turned into almost nightly ones since you were no longer coming over to binge watch tv shows or movies with him. In the beginning, you thought that maybe he was acting out due to jealousy, but you quickly ignored that suspicion and just labeled his actions as hormonal.
"Eh, we'll see. I'll probably just get a late workout in and watch a movie on the projector. Good luck with Matt the rat," He commented, using the nickname he had given your boyfriend after meeting him the first time. You chuckled, turning off your car and bidding him a farewell.
You shoved the picnic basket in the backseat, mentally preparing yourself for how you were going to finesse the surprise. Of course, he didn't know you got off early from work to celebrate his birthday. He had thought you would be working super late and wouldn't be able to celebrate until breakfast tomorrow morning. You also knew he had the day off today and should be home either playing video games or doing his online college classes.
You climbed up the stairs to the second story, heartbeat quickening as you unlocked the door to Matt's apartment. The lights in the living room and kitchen were both off and both rooms completely abandoned. You tiptoed through the hallway to his room, wanting to catch him off guard. You put your ear up to his door, to hear muffled voices and hums. You figured he was just watching a movie and pushed open on the bedroom door, only to be welcomed with a revolting sight.
Matt was on his back, naked body sprawled on the mattress, head back against his pillows, his hands gripping the waist of another woman as she bounced up and down on his body.
"What the actual fuck," You let the words slip from your mouth as you looked at the both of them in disgust. They both turned their heads towards the bedroom door, the female quick to jump off and cover her chest with her hands. Matt scrambled to his knees, grabbing a pillow to cover up his lover half.
"Fuck, (Y/N), I - I," Stutters tumbled from his lips as he tried to get off the mattress and onto his feet.
"Fucking save it," You turned on your heel, heat rising from your chest and to your cheeks. You slammed his bedroom door behind you as well as the main door to his apartment, sprinting down the stairs. You tried to get to your car before the tears could fall, not wanting the boy running after you to see your weakness.
When you got to your car, you grabbed the picnic basket in the backseat and turned towards Matt, who chased after you in his boxers.
"I-I thought you were working late tonight . . ." He stammered as he slowed down as he reached you.
"Does it fucking matter? Happy fucking birthday, you asshole," You threw the picnic basket at him, hard. He stumbled backward, attempting to catch it but it collided with his chest only for the contents to spill onto the pavement.
Without another word, you got into your car and sped off, not daring to look into your rearview mirror and finally letting yourself cry.
Your knuckles grazed the wood, finally knocking after standing in front of their front door for a good 10 minutes. You didn't know where else to go and you were hoping Grayson didn't end up going out tonight. You didn't want to go back to your apartment, afraid that you would spend the whole night crying and feeling sorry for yourself.
You heard some yelling being exchanged inside, probably the boys fighting over who should get the door. You held your breath when the porch light was turned on and you heard footsteps padding over to where you were. The door opened and there he stood; shirtless with his hair flopped over, Adidas joggers hanging low on his hips.
"What, did The Rat not put out?" He stopped himself from laughing afterward when he saw your eyes; all puffy and red. "(Y/N) . . . what happe-" He was cut off when you stepped into his chest, your hands wrapped around his torso, letting the warmth of his skin calm you. He didn't hesitate in engulfing you in his arms, standing in the doorway for a few moments before he brought you inside and to his room.
You were sitting on his bed, fiddling with the hem of your dress, mentally cursing at yourself for getting all dolled up in a cute sun-dress for the prick. Grayson had thrown on a hoodie and sat next to you, hand rubbing small circles on your lower back. He knew that you would tell him what was wrong in your own time and knew that if he pressed any further, you would shut down and not talk at all. So he did his best to comfort you, bringing you tea, tissues, some comfy clothes to change into, anything you needed.
"He was with someone else," You choked out, not tearing your eyes from the carpet on his floor. Grayson's movements slowed slightly, you could tell he wasn't completely understanding.
"So he was busy, darling. You can do the picnic tomorrow," He coaxed you, voice low and barely above a whisper.
"No, Gray . . . I walked in on him. Fucking another woman," You broke up the sentence, looking at him in eyes at the last part. It took him a split second to register what you had said, and when he did, his hand left you back and he stood up abruptly.
"I'm going to fucking kill him," He seethed, making his way to his closed bedroom door, fists at his side. You rushed after him, placing yourself in between him and the exit, gripping hard onto the material of his hoodie, burying your head into his chest again.
"No! No, please . . . don't leave me," Your request came out muffled and you could feel his heartbeat, hard and fast against your cheek. It began to slow when he looked down at your frame. His breathing was fast and you knew he was contemplating moving you aside and going after him or staying and comforting you. It took you looking up at him, tears trailing slowly down your cheeks for him to decide that he wasn't going anywhere. He nodded his head slightly, clenching his jaw out of self-control.
"(Y/N), I don't even know what to say, all that I know is that he's a fucking dick and you don't deserve that piece of shit," He reached up to move strands of hair away from your face, tucking them behind your ear.
"I just . . . I was finally in a relationship and thought I was happy, but after everything that's happened, it feels like I was just using Matt as a distraction," You commented, dipping your head back into the warmth of his pecs. You made sure to breathe in his scent, wishing you had access to this type of comfort all the time.  
Grayson's eyebrows furrowed, finger bringing your chin up so he could meet your eyes. "Distraction?" He questioned, head cocking slightly to the side.
"Yeah, a distraction from not being enough for you and your need to have sex with any blonde girl on legs," You spoke out of irritation. You were irritated that after three years, he never picked up on the signs and irritated at the fact that it seemed like the universe just wanted to see you broken and unhappy.
His lips parted and he took a sharp intake of breath, his finger falling from your chin. He stepped back, almost cautiously, shaking his head.
"No, don't give me that bullshit, (Y/N). Don't make me the bad guy and project the shit Matt did, onto me," He continued his track backward until the backs of his knees hit his mattress, taking a seat.
"I'm not projecting! I'm just stating the obvious. My life sucks! I'm not even fucking upset about Matt. I'm upset that I let myself catch feelings for yet another guy who doesn't want anything to do with me! Even more upset that the feelings I was trying so hard to get rid of, are still fucking there!" You paced his room, hands flying to your face to wipe the tears that were now streaming to the bottom of your chin.
"Feelings you were trying to get rid of? The feelings you had for Matt?" Grayson asked, trying to make sense of your outburst, elbows resting on his thighs as he watched you like a hawk.
"No, for you! You asshole," You stopped in your tracks when he stood up abruptly. He advanced on you, eyes burning through your own as you tried to back up, his door stopping you from doing so.
"(Y/N), if this is some kind of joke, it's not funny," His voice was a low growl, his steps toward you were slow. You gulped, looking up at him through wet eyelashes, terrified that you had just ruined your friendship with him. "Cause if this is a joke, what I'm about to do will wreck everything," he warned; his body now in front of you. His chest touched yours, one hand on the door beside you, the other sneaking its way to the side of your face, thumb wiping the tear stains on your cheeks.
"Because if this isn't a joke, and you really have feelings for me, I'm about to show you what I've wanted to do to you since day fucking one," His lips were dangerously close to yours, his head dipping to be at your height. You didn't say anything, hands at your sides, trying to grip onto the door for support. Your eyes analyzed his, wondering if this was really about to happen. The silence was deafening, the only noise coming from your heartbeats synchronizing and deep breaths. "Tell me to stop," He whispered, his lips barely ghosting over yours.
"Never," You said right before licking your lips, accidentally grazing his bottom lip as you did so. He took that as his opportunity, connecting his lips with yours, his hand bringing your face closer to his. You sighed into him, feeling your stomach do a flip. It was soft at first, wanting to savor each other. His lips encircled yours, carefully molding himself to you as if not to hurt you. It was then that your hands reached up to the front of his hoodie, wanting more pressure. The hand he had on the door moved to snake around your waist, pulling you flush against his body.
His tongue traced your bottom lip and you let yours dance with his. He tasted . . . sweet. You wanted nothing more than to taste him every day. You hummed into the kiss, lightly taking his bottom lip between your teeth. His hand left your face, slightly bending down and gripping the backs of your legs and hiking you up so your legs wrapped around his torso. He pressed you against the door, hands traveling up your thighs and pushing your dress up for more access to your skin. Your hands found their way into his soft brown locks, tugging lightly on the back as his lips began to make a dangerous trail along your jaw and neck.
He sucked perilously on your skin, rolling it between his teeth before blowing on the slight mark. You pulled on his hair, bringing his plump lips back to yours, desperately wanting to taste him again. His tongue did wonders in your mouth, fingertips digging into your thighs.
"Gray . . . do something," You tightened your legs around his torso, grinding your core against the band of his joggers, yearning for some friction. He smirked against your lips, carrying you over to his bed, delicately laying you down. He looked down at your squirming figure, reaching over his head as he yanked off his hoodie. He then placed his left forearm beside your head to hold himself up and his other hand traveled slowly on the skin of your thigh. He crept up the inside of your leg, barely brushing over your clothed core. He groaned, feeling the wetness through the thin lace fabric.
"So wet for me, baby," He hummed against the shell of your ear, the huskiness of his voice causing you to grind your hips up to feel his palm against you. He chuckled softly, removing his hands from your center to play with the waistband of your thong. It took everything in him to not rip them off of your body, but he knew with your current state, that what you needed right now was comfort and passion. He would have time to fuck you, later.
You tucked your lip between your teeth, glancing down and watching him as his lips assaulted your inner thighs, gently licking his way to where you needed him most. He peered up at you through hooded eyes, as if asking for your permission. You simply whined and he took this as your acceptance and he peeled the clothing off of you, tossing it to the side. He grabbed your right leg, hooking it over his shoulder, your heel coming in contact with his back.
He bunched up your dress at your hips before dipping his head down, flattening out his tongue as he licked a painfully slow stripe along your folds.
"Oh, fuck," You breathed, not knowing you had been holding your breath the whole time. He savored your taste for a moment before diving right back in. His tongue lapped you up, not afraid to explore all of you. It was when your breath began to hitch and your back began to arch that he began sucking harshly on your nub, using one of his fingers to push inside of you.
"Mmm, Grayson," You moaned softly, hands traveling to his hair, pulling his face closer to your core, wanting him to not move so painstakingly slow. He hummed at the sound of his name falling from your lips, vibrating your heat, causing even more pleasure. He loved how responsive you were. He inserted another finger.
He delicately pumped his digits in and out, tongue dancing in figure eights around your clit as well as sucking. Your hips tried to move so you could grind against his lips but his hands held you down in place. Your moans and pants egged him on, wanting to look up at you and watch you unravel beneath him for forever. The tightness in his joggers was becoming quite uncomfortable and he found himself grinding on the bed to relieve some pressure.
"Fuck, right there, oh my god," Your clit was being rolled in between his lips, pulling away with a popping sound, and his fingers curled up inside you. "Mm, Gray, I'm gonna -" You tried to finish your sentence but you were interrupted by your own moans.
"Cum for me baby, come on, ride it out on my face," He mumbled before licking over your heat again, releasing the grip he had on your hips. With this new range of motion, you bucked up at a frivolous pace, the assault on both your entrance and clit driving you wild. It wasn't long before the knot in your stomach was released and you came with a string of profanities and Grayson's name echoing throughout his room
He let you ride out your high on his lips, making sure he savored every last drop. And he would've stayed down there all night if it weren't for your hands bringing his face up to yours. You tasted yourself as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you with much haste.
He rolled the material of your dress in between the fingers of his right hand as you tugged on the waistband of his joggers. Your legs locked themselves around his hips, pulling his groin upon yours and he groaned at the friction. He ground his bulge against your bare core and he could swear he could feel your wetness through his constricting clothes. He clenched his jaw, allowing his head to fall onto your shoulder. This was taking a lot of self-control and you could tell he was holding back.
"Gray?" You hummed against his neck after peppering wet hot kisses on his skin. He keened in response, his hips still slowly grinding into yours and you noted how he fisted at the sheets beside your head. "What's wrong?" You breathed heavily, meeting his hips with your own.
"It's just . . . I want to show you the passion that you deserve, just give me a minute, I gotta cool down," You could tell he was talking through gritted teeth and you felt him bite down on your shoulder. You untied his joggers, beginning to push them down his hips, resulting in him picking up his head to look at you.
"Grayson, I'm down for the slow passionate stuff, but right now I just want you to have your way with me . . . please," You begged, hand dipping beneath the waistband to feel the warmth of his shaft against your palm. He cocked his eyebrow at your pleads, not needing any more assurance. He pulled up on your dress, exposing your full nude body and began to suck and bite at your nipples as you continued to palm and jerk at his erection.
Next to come off was the rest of his clothing and he was back to crawling up your body, licking, biting and marking every square inch that he could.
He hummed against your lips as he lined himself up at your entrance, feeling how wet you were once again. You shaped your chest into his, wanting to feel his warmth and you hiked your legs up onto his hips, waiting for him to proceed.
Without warning, he was slipping inside and he could immediately feel slight restraint due to how tight you were and you winced, thankful that he took it slow so you could adjust.
"So fucking tight," He grabbed the back of your knee, pulling it up higher for deeper access. You breathed heavily, nails digging into his shoulder blades.
He bottomed out on the first thrust, waiting a while before he should move again. "God, I'm going to fuck you so good," He spoke into your neck and you squirmed underneath his weight, wanting so despairingly for him to continue his movements.
"Then do it," You challenged, and he was hesitant to pull out heavily and slam back into you in response. You cried out, feeling him hit your g-spot on the second stroke. It wasn't long before he had found a good pace, one of his hands traveling down your thigh and to your hip, lips parted as he panted in your ear.
Your legs hugged his body tight, nails raking down his back and his hips jarred with yours, the slight stubble on his pelvic area grinding down onto your clit.
"Mmm, (Y/N)," He moaned out when one of your hands reached up to tug on strands of his hair. His movements were becoming erratic, the feeling of his balls slapping against your ass and his fingers tracing figures onto your clit was making you see stars.
"Gray, right there," You pressed into him, breath shaky as you felt the familiar sensation of your climax building up. He didn't let up, his hips meeting yours in a perfect rhythm. "Harder," You cried out, clinging onto his back as you felt his muscles twitch as he pumped in and out of you. His hand reached up to grab his headboard for leverage, attacking you from a different angle.
"Fuck, baby, you're so hot," He watched you as your eyes screwed shut and your lips formed an 'o', small whimpers escaping your mouth. "Your pussy looks so good taking my dick," He bit down on his lip, continuing to bring you to your high with his fingers.
"Oh Gray, I'm so close," You locked your legs around his lower back, using your arms to bring him back down to feel his chest against yours, wanting to hear his whimpers in your ear as you came.
"Come for me, princess," He bucked into you, teeth dragging against your earlobe. And you came for the second time that night, knowing for sure that Ethan could probably hear you. Grayson wasn't far behind you, pulling out quickly to release onto your abdomen. He was quick to lap it up on his finger and insert it into your mouth, letting you lick him clean.
If he could have a favorite sight, it would be tied with your lips around his cum soaked finger, or your back arching off the mattress with his head in between your thighs.
He collapsed next to you, his breathing heavy, as well as yours.
"Fuck," You both said at the same time. Realization began to settle in and you turned to look at him, the state of bliss written all over his face.
"Listen, Grayson . . . if this was just a pity fuck, that's fine, I think I can take it. But please, just tell me now so I don't have to get my hopes up again," You grabbed at his duvet, pulling it over your nude body, now feeling self-aware. He opened his eyes, turning to you with furrowed eyebrows. He pulled you to him hastily, his hand behind your neck, capturing your lips in a soft kiss.
"(Y/N), this wasn't a 'pity fuck'. It was a moment I've been dreaming for as long as I can remember. Hell, you're what I've been dreaming for," He looked at you in the eyes, making sure you were comprehending everything he was saying. "You can't get rid of me that easily, princess. I'm all in," He whispered the last part against your lips, wanting to be molded to you for as long as possible.
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sugar-petals · 6 years
⏗ Choking Gold (m.)
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⏗ pairing // sub!jin x dom!reader ⏗ summary // an obedient mouth is all it takes when the cameras are running. gladly, your co-performer jin musters exactly that. ⏗ genre // smut one shot — pornstar au ⏗ word c. // 1.7k ⏗ warnings // dom/sub, bdsm, cameras, sex toys, deepthroat, mommy kink, aftercare, femdom, facefucking, breath play, orgasm denial
⏗ note // the second of my writing exercises. the goal is to scratch what i rely on the most and see how it turns out. first i omitted dialogue in pump jack (m), now I ditch my usual plot shebang. take care with the warnings, and enjoy. 
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„Take five — And action!“
It’s colder since someone ventilated the area. Dimmed lights. Cameras rolling. The voices around the set become hushed. It’s only you and him now.
„How’s my baby liking it so far?“
Jin sniffles. Moaning and gargling. His hands grab at the sheets.
„Oh right. Can’t say anything with a golden dick in your mouth, can we.“
He’s stretched out. Your hand remains firmly in place and prolongs the motions. Jin’s dark eyes turn bigger when he realizes how quick the stabs become. How deep.
„Wide. Wide, baby, wide open. Use teeth, you know what happens. Remember what I said. You know it.“
Indistinct nods. He’s barely keeping up. Since you removed the pillow, his head is in an awkward position. The vibrator won’t cram in as smoothly without the proper bend in his windpipe. The swallows are heavy. But Jin won’t use his teeth. His lips struggle to close that way, but that’s how the script goes. At least he tries. Bobbing his head and shoving more length down. You hum in content. He’s doing well. 
„I see you do. Mommy gives you something to feel good. A lil’ reward if you will.“
Jin shifts around on the bed. Adjusting the dildo seems a little harder than you thought. Well. You glance toward the assistant, draw the vibrator from Jin’s throat. Less content. With more indignance. So they did it again. You sigh out loud. The crew gets moving.
„Hey, what’s going on, Y/N?“ the director mumbles from behind the lighting team. There’s commotion in the room again. More ventilation. Loud voices left and right. Chatter.
„Need more lube, he’s running dry. Look at that. Way more lube there. Where is it? We prepared the bottles, didn’t we? Thought we did.“
„Oh right,“ the director’s assistant comes around to rummage below the bed. „Didn’t think we need it today?“
„Jin’s not the type. Jimin earlier, he’s a waterfall, too. Schedule’s wet today, I thought. Sorry. My bad.“
„Always get it ready anyways. You never know. And leave it closer to me. Need a big portion, let’s see. Don’t spill that yet, Kim, keep it.“
The blue bottle clicks open under your thumb and its cold fluid eases into Jin’s mouth with a little squeeze to it already. Bubbles waver at the plastic opening when you finish filling him up by eye, with quite a lot of more pumps. Jin’s tongue is entirely coated by now. You check twice. Closed, the bottle returns to where it was with a bumping noise. Then, the assistant exhales, tinkers about once more, and places it next to you, out of frame, on one of the many pillows. It’s how you learn.
„Looks good,“ you test anew, help Jin adjusting his lips with two fingers, then turn to the camera team. „Gonna be one hell of a cleaning job. Anyway, run it.“
“Alright, Y/N. Should we wipe down the toy, first?”
“No, it’s good that way.”
The matte, golden-tinted shaft slips back into its former place. Jin is already agonizing with his tongue. It really was a lot of lube. He’s probably swallowed parts of it already. The familiar voice in the crew returns.
„Take 6 — And action!“
You lean toward him and growl, fingers looming at his already stuffed throat. Just a cherry on top.
„Y’know what Mommy will give you? Something nice. Curious, baby, hm? I’ll show you. But don’t mess up.“
Jin is preoccupied with the lube threatening to brim over while you concern yourself with the outer end of the toy where a petite black switch sits. One, two, three. The vibrations come in several augmentations and a fourth option which is heavy pulse mode. Now that would be a little too much, you think. Not with Kim, Park would like that, he’d gag himself into a delirium just for fun and a few bucks more. 
A little flick and the buzzing starts. You fumble at Jin’s face to direct his attention, turning the switch up simultaneously. He’s soft. He obeys.
„Breathe through the nose. Be careful, baby. The nose, yeah like that. We’re not missing a beat there, love.“
Only the third and most intense mode you deem fit to get his throat going. The dildo is harder to grip now that it’s oscillating back and forth so vigorously. However, it’s a nice hand massage. Even where the vibrator churns and whirs in his esophagus, you can feel the bumble through the skin.
„How you lovin’ that. Your ass would split in half if I plowed you like that.“
„Hn— Nnh!“
The sheets go into creases again. Eventually, lube and snot pools at his lips. You’ve been counting, it’s only been half a minute. Who can blame him, this is meant to be training. You want to tease him, nevertheless. It’s not in the script. But it still fits.
„So, you’re naughty, aren’t you.“
Given how the vibrations turn abrasive on his teeth and tongue, despite all lube, you stir in the shaft deeper, which in return, brings Jin’s mouth open wider. His lips are so deliciously plump now. You know it’s gonna be a great shot. What an opportunity with such a nice cushioning. You thrust the vibrator in harder.
The corners of his mouth are bubbling over. There it is. Gag reflex. He’s choking, holding his neck with two hands. Begging written all over his eyes. Your motions truncate his whines, the little whimpers, so luscious— into sloppy noise at the back of his throat. He can only do as much as nod and breathe along. So messy. Hands still holding his own neck. 
The lighting crew adjusts their angle behind you just a little, the shadows on his face change. You let the buzzing continue until the lube all runs out again, and Seokjin’s jaw turns looser than it was. He’s sniffling again.
„So cute. That’s a champ. Give me that sweet look you did again.“
Yes, Jin does. He’s blushy now. Gorgeous boy.
You have your fun drawing out the moving vibrator from his throat and poking his cheeks with it. Amazingly enough, he’s ticklish. Below his chin, too. Blush still lingering, you guide the tip, then the entire golden length, then, back in. Jin is eager to suck on it. You dial down the vibration to one out of three so it’s easier for him to get a grip on it. Like a pro. You praise him. Jin gags himself harder. The saliva runs on its own. It’s marvelous to watch. But the director already indicates the watch from the corner of your eye.
You retract the toy, place it next to the pillow with the lube on it. Jin’s coughing spit. His entire swollen lips and chin glaze over. The camera zooms in. Shaky, fumbling hands, looking for something. You close the distance, tap the spot before your knees with a flat palm.
„Deserving, aren’t you. My Jin. Sweet baby. Mommy’s holding you, come.“
He curls, albeit so broad, so tall, at your lap. Again, the lighting crew moves about ever so slightly, along with the audio team. 
„A brave boy,“ you murmur, now cheek to cheek. „I like that. You’ve been good. Taking so much. So good.“
„Thank, thank you. Mom. Loved it.“
His hair is half soft, half sweaty to the touch. Gentle. Massaging. You take your time with both hands working all over him. He’s pliant. Sweet and so dulcet. And fucked out. Rule’s to spend a quarter time of play as aftercare, screw the camera team getting limp arms and the movie getting ten minutes longer. Who among the viewers will be mad, anyway. 
The red fleece blanket, shoved into the frame by the assistant, is timely. Jin snuggles into it with his face right away. It gets all soiled, but you continue stroking him.
„Breathe easy, easy. We go step by step. Need a plushie?“
„Need, maybe, hug. Love hugs...“
„Easier done than said.“
Your arms snake around his torso, as good as they can since Jin is firmly nestled into the mattress with the blanket all around.
„Hug’s good, little one?“
You plant a kiss on his forehead where the blanket reveals it. 
„Just frustrated,“ he murmurs into the fabric.
„Oh why, Jinnie?“
„Still cum left, Mommy. I’m sorry.“
„That’s Mommy’s job, you know. Spoiling has two meanings. Next time I might ruin you less.“
„No, no! Not that.“
„More ruining?“
„I can’t… without this, just need more milking,“ he emerges from the blanket. „Mommy, please!“
„Probably makes you cum even if I say no, doesn’t it,“ you loosen the hug and tickle the sides of his torso. Well-built. But it’s no surprise, he hits the gym with Taehyung and Jimin every other day.
The complaint is almost instant. Jin wriggles around and looks up to you.
„Need your hands back. Mommy.“
You bend down to him now, fully leaning into the hug. You whisper. The sneaky camera audio shouldn’t capture it. Or so, you hope.
„The mistress after me needs some fun. Can’t hand you over all empty, Kim. That’s how it goes. Been bending the script for too much already. Next time we might get a chance.“
You return to an upright position, twirling Jin’s hair now.
„Whiny brats live harder lives. Hugs you’ll get.“
„And the plushie, ah!“
„Mh, want it now? Changed his darling mind there,“ you grin, and take the little green elephant toy from the other end of the bed. „Charlie, here he comes. Look at this cocky baby, Charlie. Demanding a lot today, can you believe? It’s only training and he’s trying to seize everything he can.“
You make Charlie sit on Jin’s broad chest so he can grab the plushie. He’s already tugging at the elephant’s giant ears and makes the toy walk around with funny noises.  
„First he gets his throat stuffed, then he wants release. Jinnie can be glad he gets what he gets. Look at him Charlie, those begging eyes. Isn’t he adorable this way? We’ll let him pout on, see how it goes. Really, so cute.“
Charlie gets a little deformed because Jin holds him tight. The lighting team gets into position to brighten the head lamp. Although Charlie is unlikely to suffer permanent damage, you loosen Jin’s fingers around the fluffy green animal gradually, alongside giving more hugs. The director rises from the seat at the back now. You pat Jin’s hair a few times. 
„And cut!“
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© 2017-2019 submissive-bangtan. All rights reserved. Do not repost, translate, or modify my work in any way.
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shreyamistry · 6 years
Choices September Creates
Hey! If any of you have requested something or wondering why I haven’t posted any fics lately, I’m here to tell you why! I’ve spent the past 2(ish) weeks preparing for Choices September Creates and I finished my last fic today! So without further ado, I bring you the schedule and ships/fic summaries for the upcoming events! Let me know if you wanna be tagged in any of them, the first one Rain comes out September 1st, Apology the 2nd and so forth! (these are all at liberty to change if I see fit, but currently, this is the determined schedule for me.).
l. Rain - Hana x MC
Tonight, Liam will pick Nicole to be his bride, unknowing to him that she and Hana have fallen in love. Despite her attempts to force herself out of her feelings, Hana simply can’t stop herself from falling for Nicole. Finding herself in the pouring rain, Hana has to make her choice and Lady Nicole has to accept it.
II. Apology - Hana x Madeleine (NSFW-ISH)*
Madeleine finds herself having to leave Hana after a night of love, due to her occupation in the palace it’s rather urgent and she finds herself having to leave Hana again. Reflecting on the past Madeleine and Hana talk through her apologizes, leaving Madeleine to wonder what Hana will ever see in her.
III. Dance - Eleanor x MC
When Victor’s birthday rolls around, Hannah invites Eleanor to join her, knowing it would be her first time to a club Hannah wants to make sure Eleanor can handle it. Eleanor, however, is very perplexed by the idea of grown adults in this century enjoying high tea for his birthday late at night.
IV, Magic - Kenna x Annelyse
Annelyse and Kenna journey back to Aurelia after being repaired from Dom’s destruction under Hex’s capture. Kenna finds herself compelled at how well Annelyse’s people have settled back into her home and the respect they all share for one another. Kenna sees it as nothing more than magical.
V. Fight - Drake x Liam (NSFW)
Drake wants Liam, Liam wants Drake, but Liam knows it’s not possible. Yet he always finds himself night after night with Drake beneath him, his heart full of love, desire, and lust. He wants to fight his instincts and be with Madeleine, however, he can’t bring himself to fight the sexual gratification and love he gets from Drake in the dark of the night.
VI. Home - Zekei x M!MC
Zekei and Nova decide to spend the night together, after raiding the kitchen staff for snacks they retreat back into Nova’s room and reminisce about home and their childhood, both opening up more than they ever have before. Nova finds himself straddling his best friend, but what will that mean for them?
VII. Future - Kiara x Penelope
Kiara and Penelope often find themselves questioning the future, what will it mean for them? After yet another rift between the pair, Kiara worries that Penelope is moving on and as much as she tries to not let it bother her, she ultimately fails. Trying on the maid of honor dresses together for Hana and Nicole, Penelope makes an admission Kiara will never forget.
VIII. Cozy Night In - Kate x MC
After being released on bail, Kate and Jesse decide to spend the night together at Kate’s apartment. Jesse organized all kinds of treats to help Kate relax and feel better after finally being able to come home from her time in captivity. But what’s a sleepover without an admission of love?
IX. Vacation - AME Jury House Fic (Comedy)**
The night of the double elimination, Bianca and Jamie wind up in the Jury House with all the previously booted out cast. Together in the living room, Teagan helps set up a movie as everyone argues about Han’s pick mainly Lina. Can they survive the night together or will there be hell to pay?
X. Loss - Damien x M!MC (MCD)***
With the loss of some members of their crew, Damien and Kai must move forward with their remaining crew to save themselves and other from Eros. However, Kai finds himself falling further every day unable to cope with the loss in his chest, his only safety coming from Damien now, but can he pull himself together before it’s too late?
XI. Family - Ivy x MC (SUGGESTIVE)****
Ivy invites Jamie back to her hometown for a family reunion. The pair reminiscing on the past they’ve lived and further to come, and Jamie gets to know Ivy’s mother and her past in pageantry. The night falls and Ivy wants nothing more than a few quiet moments with her lover, but her mom may have other plans for her.
XII. Anniversary - Kenji x M!MC (NSFW)
Celebrating the one year anniversary of Talos and Nightwing coming together, Kenji invites Kyle to his apartment where they share a dance on the deck and a bottle of wine. However, Kenji has more exciting and fun plans for them that night, but will Poppy and Dax interrupt their fun?
XIII. What If - Kate x MC
The night before Kate is due to be wed, she and Jesse relax in his room at the bed and breakfast in Jesse’s room. Drinking liquor they stole from Miss. Harlenay, Jesse and Kate decide to think about how life could have turned out? What their wedding would be like if it happened to them?
XIV. New Beginnings - Bianca x MC
Bianca and Jamie agree to do a swimsuit photoshoot to promote America’s Most Eligible. After the season they’ve had and the feelings they’ve harbored for each other, Piper and Jen both agreed it’d be the best course of action to get them more viewers seeing the love that will bloom on TV. However, Jamie starts to have doubts about doing this photoshoot, luckily for them, Bianca’s there to help.
XV. Smut - Kenna x Val (NSFW)
As a war takes Kenna and her group by surprise, an attack they couldn’t have planned for no matter what Kenna finds herself alone and stranded in the woods searching desperately for Val. After their fallout moments before the bombs went off, Kenna couldn’t forgive herself if Val died thinking Kenna hated her.
XVI. Heartache - Becca x MC
Armed with evidence of an affair between the pair, Becca can’t handle the drama, the deceit, and betrayal she’s felt from Emily and packs her bags. Emily begs her not to leave, confused why someone would say she and Kassidy were sleeping together behind Becca’s back and why Becca would believe her.
XVII. Unexpected - Poppy x MC
Alex sets up another date between Dax and Poppy in hopes of getting them together and leaves them in a bar to talk things through while they help Eva with a secret project. Poppy knows she doesn’t love Dax or even remotely like him, at one point maybe, but not anymore. Before the night ends she and Alex can’t help, but make a half-drunken mess of things.
XVIII. Bad Day - Madison x Becca
After being broken up with, Madison turns to Becca for a day of helping her feel better. However Becca can’t help, but notice how flirty Madison keeps acting around her and she’d be a liar if she said it didn’t scare her and excite her all at the same time. With the recent news of their breakup, how will the day affect Madison and Becca’s relationship?
XIX. Camping - Dan x MC
Dan and Devon decide to go camping in the woods to cope with everything that happened post-Redfield, Dan knew he could use the support and Devon pretending it didn’t bother them as much as they said it didn’t. Devon can’t help but want to set up a memorial for Noah, no matter how much it hurts to be there or how much Noah hurt them. All the while a surprise visitor waits for them.
XX. Fluff - Crash x Chazz
This one has been deleted. I can’t write anything I don’t like, and as much as I loved the pairing I couldn’t find myself inspired to work with it. Sorry to anyone who was loking forward to it.
XXI. Autumn -
Couldn’t figure out what to do for this day. If you have any ideas hit me up, otherwise this prompt ain’t being done.
XXII. Endings - Kamilah x MC (NSFW)
Kimberly finishes her final day working for RainesCorp as Adrian’s right-hand woman and secures herself a position now as Kamilah’s, with Kamilah’s assistant moving on to a better position within the company. An ending is a new beginning, and Kimberly wants to break in the new job with some fun.
XXIII. Birth - Victoria x MC
Victoria and Normani are having their first child, with all of their friends around Normani delivers her baby with Victoria by her side the entire time. Matt’s petrified because he looked, Seth is making fun of him, and Teja is getting her hand broken by Normani’s grip while trying to keep the boys under control.
XXIV. Animals - Maxwell x MC
Maxwell invites Riley to a private dinner for two during an endangered animal awareness event. Where he plans a special surprise for them, but Riley has other plans for how the night should go on. But the pair may find themselves in deep trouble when they get caught.
XXV. Best Friends - Kaitlyn x MC
Celeste needs help with her fanfiction, Vasquez told her to channel her creative energies further than her internship and she decides fanfiction is her best bet. However, she’s having trouble putting into words how Val and Kenna should confess their love, luckily Kaitlyn is around to help (and tease her).
XXVI. Lies - Alana x MC (SUGGESTIVE)
Nadia and Kai discuss Kai’s relationship with Nadia. Kai worries that Nadia doesn’t care about them, and the fact that she lies so much to them, even over little things that shouldn’t bother Kai as much as it does. Nadia’s advice might not be all that helpful, but at least Kai channeled away some frustration.
XXVII. Sleepover - Naomi x MC
Jesse wants to surprise Naomi at her ranch with a night of fun at home, after finally being able to make their way back to Birtchport for the weekend. They cook her a lovely meal and get news over the phone that will change both of their lives for better or worse. Can they tough it out and make it last?
XXVIII. Moving Day - Han x M!MC (NSFW)
Han and Landon finish moving all of their stuff into their new apartment after spending the entire day moving by themselves, at Han’s suggestion of not needing any help. Landon finds himself surprised they managed to do it all, and sore with his back killing him. Han offers to give him an innocent massaging, but Landon’s expecting a little more from his boyfriend.
XXIX. Clean - Bianca x MC
Lina shows Jamie Bianca’s biggest secret much to Han’s disapproval, a confession that could easily make or break their relationship. Smuggly Lina walks away leaving Bianca and Jamie to sort out the details of what happened and decide what comes next for the pair or if anything at all comes for them next.
XXX. Celebrate - Grace (@zig-a-zow’s mc) x Aiden
When Grace’s birthday rolls around, Aiden decides to plan something special for her and the rest of their friends. Grace admittedly appreciated it, however, he wasn’t sure if she even wanted to celebrate further than just her and Aiden. As the party rages on an item on the menu catches her hand and she’s determined to prove herself to have a good night.
Books with M!MC + F!MC that just say ‘MC’ will have they pronouns, so you an picture it however you want!
* - NSFW-ISH means exactly what it says, it’s not NSFW but it directly references NSFW actions.
** - Comedy means it’s just a funny fic, it’s not anything deep except a joke fic to make you laugh!
*** - MCD is Major Character Death
**** - Suggestive hints to NSFW concepts, but isn’t directly NSFW/NSFW-ish!
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chikraizyj · 6 years
...but not for so long xD 
This is my fourth piece of my VLD Modern AU. 
Others pieces: 
Its long, you are warned. And it has adult language and just a little smut (at least I tried to write an innocent smut) Let me know if you like it! I really hope so! And thanks... thank you for all your cute feedbacks... they inspire me every day. And well... sorry if I wrote something wrong. English is not my first language. 
Junior Year
“You know? Next time I pick the movie!” Everyone rolled their eyes. “I don’t understand how people watch this. Really? Dinosaurs? Who wants to watch dinosaurs and blood everywhere?”
 A grin appeared in Pidge’s face. “The movie scared you, Lance?”
 Lance huffed. “It was boring.”
 Pidge and Hunk looked at each other and without saying a word, they nodded. A malicious smile appeared on their faces. Shiro, noticing this, raised an eyebrow.
 “Should I be worried?” he asked, bowing to Pidge.
 The girl’s evil grin widened. “Not at all,” she answered in a shrill voice. “There is nothing to worry about.”
 Keith watched everything from behind, with Allura, who was at his side. He had liked the movie. He had liked to share with his brother Shiro, who was in his first year of college and well… he didn’t get to spent time with him so often. Keith had liked to be there for Allura when she jumped out of fright and leaned toward him. He had liked when she started to eat his popcorn. The way her eyes widened in surprise, the way she gasped... Actually, he had not put all the attention on the movie but in Allura’s reactions. He thought she was so cute and funny.
 Walking to the exit, Keith tensed. He had no intention of looking there but somehow, his eyes strayed to that part of her body. He thought fast and took off his jacket. Allura kept walking, when some arms hugged her from behind. She gasped when they pulled her.
 “It’s me.” Keith whispered against her neck.
 Allura tried to catch her breath. She paralyzed when she felt those arms wraping around her waist and she could not help but frown slightly with confusion. “What are you doing?”
 “Well… you got a problem.”
 Keith tied his jacket around her waist. “You—” he looked everywhere but her eyes, trying to find the words. “Your pants…”
 She raised an eyebrow. “What is wrong with them?”
 “They are white.”
 Allura placed a hand on his neck and tilted her head to get closer to him. "What is the matter?” she whispered, worried.
 Keith swallowed hard and his hands began to sweat. He peeked his head back to check her. The jacket covered everything. “You… how do I say it? The red code?” Allura opened her mouth slightly, not understanding yet. Keith took a deep breath and got closer to her, laying an arm on her waist. “Blood?” he murmured.
 Keith felt her body straightening. Allura opened her eyes enormously. He could swear she had turned pale. “Did anyone see?”
 Keith clicked his tongue. “I don’t know. I covered you fast, tho.”
 A light blush appeared in her cheeks. “Sorry… Thanks, Keith.”
 “Hey… don’t be embarrassed. It’s normal.”
 "Yes, I know, but your jacket c—”
 “No problem” he cut, the corner of this mouth turning up.
 Allura smiled, sweetly and gently. That smile that she only gave to him. Although, he did not want to feel lucky. Allura had been sharing with them for almost two years and Keith had observed her a lot. She never smiled at Lance like that, or at Hunk… nor at Shiro. But, time passed and not even Matt had managed to get Allura to give him a smile as pure and as soft and tender as she dedicated to Keith. And he felt somehow ashamed to recognize that he was proud of that.
“Are you gonna keep hugging each other?” snorted Pidge. All his friends were waiting for them at the exit. Lance crossed his arms and glared at them. Keith and Allura picked up their pace until they reached them. And Keith completely ignored the looks of Hunk and Shiro.
Everyone took their ways. Shiro took Pidge, Lance and Hunk in his car since the three of them lived in the same urbanization. Keith took Allura in his car, since he was the one who had brought her. Actually, the car was not his, it was his father’s but, he used it, since his mother did not want to... not after his dad died. 
They stopped at a pharmacy. And although Allura told him it was unnecessary, and told him she had enough in her house for tonight and that she could buy tomorrow, Keith got out of the car and bought some pads for his friend. And yes, he knew which ones to buy. Once, they made a project in their room and Keith saw a pads package on her desk. It was weird, but he remembered exactly the style.
Of course, he did not say that to Allura when she asked, surprised, how did he know. It’s not that the fact that he knew what to buy was something psychopath but, he would have felt like a creep. So no, Keith did not tell anything. He have told himself, he was just a good observer.
 It was a drive of about twenty minutes, enough to discuss many things. Especially when Keith touched that delicate subject and told Allura that the band One Dimension was not going to come back. He had never seen Allura so offended. And after Allura assured him that they would come back, as punishment, she put One Dimension on the rest of the trip. And she sang all the songs in the highest volume. And Keith was not bothered at all by that punishment. It did not bother him when Allura played with his hair as she sang. It did not bother Keith when Alura began to shook her head like crazy while screaming out her lungs. It did not bother him when she took his hand, and she used it as a microphone. Nor did it bother him Allura’s laugh when he began to sing with her.
 When they arrived at her house, Allura got out of the car with a big smile and notified Keith that he left his bag pack in her room the other day.
They walked the big stairs to enter the mansion where Allura lived with his uncle, Coran. After walking through the giant living room, a peculiar smell caught their attention.
 “You finally arrived!” Coran appeared out of nowhere, wearing a cupcake apron and his powdered mustache full of sprinkles. “How was the movie?”
 Allura giggled. “It was good. What are you doing?”
 “Corani-coockies!” he answered, with that enthusiasm he always had. Keith crept in behind Allura and watched the mess in the kitchen. Coran offered a full tray of cookies. “Keith, do you want a cookie?”
 “Well, I’m going upstairs!” said Allura, taking a cookie. Keith implored with his eyes to take him with her, but Allura just disappeared. Coran watched him intensely, handing him the tray. Keith had no choice but take one.
 After a smile of thanks from him, Coran spoke. “Sir Alfor wants to have a word with you.”
 Keith almost choked on the cookie. “Alfor is here?” he asked when he regained his composure. Coran brought him a glass of water.
 “Oh Yes! He arrived yesterday” he replied, patting at his back. "He should be in the training room” informed.
 Keith had not had the chance to talk to Allura’s father, but he had already heard a lot about him. And Allura always talked about how smart and good man he was, his inventions and achievements.
 What Keith did know was that Alfor visits Allura most of the time. Allura said that his father would never leave Altea and that’s why, she lived with her uncle Coran. The mansion in which Allura lived belonged to her family and, according to Allura, they used to spend holidays here when she was a little girl. But, when she decided to leave Altea, Alfor sent Coran to take care of her.
 The first time he saw Alfor, it was a few weeks ago, when he went to pick up Allura, to go to Hunk’s birthday. Alfor had accompanied her to the door and although they were separated by many feet away, Keith felt the penetrating glare of the man, scrutinizing him, while his daughter walked down the stairs to get into his car. However, Keith knew exactly who Alfor of Altea was. Even if Allura did not say a word, or omit some things. 
 Keith arrived at the room and there he was, wearing exercise pants and a sweatshirt. He held a sword, a Rapier, and seemed agitated. Just like the first time he saw him, Alfor had white hair done in a ponytail and his figure was wider and stronger from up close. And he was very tall.
 “So… you are the boy who has been dating my daughter.”
 Keith’s legs trembled slightly. “We are just friends” he answered firmly.
 Alfor brandished the sword, without looking at him. “Not a good way to start, young boy.”
 Keith came closer and Alfor peeked at him. “My name is Keith Kogane. It’s an honor to finally meet you, Sir- ”
 “Alfor, Alfor of Altea” interrupted, holding out his hand. With a neutral face, Keith returned the gesture. Alfor raised an eyebrow and held out his Rapier. “Do you know how to handle it?” Keith’s hands took it too quickly for his liking and  nodded.
 The white-haired man excused himself to bring another equal and quickly returned. Staring at each other, without saying a word, Alfor started to swing his sword at him. Keith responded by blocking the attack. “Tell me, Keith… how did you meet my daughter?”
 Keith dodged a possible cut in the arm. “School.”
 Suddenly, the fight had become somewhat more seething. The man kept attacking at him, but Keith had good reflexes. Alfor’s actions were becoming wild and unpredictable. “Why do you pick her up most of the time?”
 “She likes my car.”
 Their swords crossed. “Do you have plans for the future?” he asked, looking straight into his eyes, with a serious expression.
 Keith groaned, holding the eye contact. “I would like to study aviation mechanics… ” he spun around and kept distance between them.
 Alfor nodded and examined him from top to bottom. “Allura talks a lot about you, and that you want to be a pilot.” Without waiting for an answer, in a quick move he attacked to his left and Keith deflected it with his left hand. Alfor took a step back and opened his eyes wide. “Ambidextrous… Who taught you how to handle the sword?”
 Keith squeezed the sword and lifted it. He knew that Alfor would not hurt him. He had let pass many opportunities to do it but, that could be a tactic to distract him. “My grandfather.”
 Alfor’s hard look softened. “Have a favorite?” he asked.
 Keith did not lower his guard but put down his sword. “I prefer the Katana” he replied, shrugging.
 That straight line on his lips began to curl. “You seem to be a nice boy” he held out his hand and Keith gave him the sword. Alfor took it and walked to put them away. “I have Katanas too. In case one day I’m here and you want to practice.” Alfor turned to him and all harsh expression was replaced by one of satisfaction. "We can show each others some tricks, what do you think?”
 The corners of Keith’s lips curved up. “Good” nodded.
 Alfor sighed and took a towel from the closet. “Is late, Keith. Go home.”
Keith understood the message and said goodbye.
 He did not leave. He did not go down the stairs to leave. Even when he insisted it was wrong. His feet involuntarily climbed the stairs, and as they had their own memory, they took him to that room of pink and light blue tones. The door was half open and he entered that room that smelled delicately of lavender. 
 Shit, shit, shit … abort mission. Abort mission.
 Allura was freshly bathed. She wore two-piece pajamas: shorts and a shirt. She was lying down, with a handkerchief covering her eyes, and an ice bag in her belly. Luna, her white husky, was on her side, watching him closely. Keith was going to leave. He was going to do it, but Luna barked announcing his arrival. 
Allura sat up and removed the cloth from her eyes. "Keith…” she gasped, surprised. “I thought you were gone.”
  Keith cursed under his breath and took a few steps forward. And he could swear he recognized a mocking glint in the dog’s eyes. Maybe he was crazy, it was pathetic. “I came for my bag” he replied, pointing at it next to the nightstand.
  Allura sighed and laid down again. 
Luna got off the bed and welcomed Keith and he answered, kneeling to pet her. 
“It hurts.” 
Keith got up and approached Allura. “What hurts?” He asked, without hiding the concern in his voice. 
Her nose wrinkled and a pout appeared in her face. “My back… my lower back” she complained. She turned around completely, her back to Keith. “Could you put the ice bag on my back?” she asked, looking directly at his eyes. Keith swallowed hard but nodded. 
He sat next to her, took the ice bag and put it on her back. He noticed that Allura had Venus dimples.
 Allura exhaled. “Thank you…” she closed her eyes. “This does not relieves the discomfort but it does something.”
 “I could give you a massage, if you want.”
  Wait. He did not said that out loud, did he? 
Allura’s reaction confirmed his suspicion. “Could you?” she asked, her voice decorated with an amused tone.
 “Mmm… what?” 
Allura raised an eyebrow and a corner of her mouth lifted, playfully.
 “Could you give me a massage?” When he heard Allura’s low and atractive voice, Keith found himself wanting to do her more than that. 
But… Allura was aware of the effect she had on him? 
“If you want to… yes” he stammered, his voice shaking. 
Allura tilted her head. “Do you want to?” If only… After a few seconds, Keith nodded, since he could not find any way for his throat to make any sound. “There are some creams and oils in the nightstand” she tried to reach it but Keith went ahead.
 He ignored his trembling hands and chose a violet-pack cream. The smell of peaches invaded his nostrils. “What about the ice bag?” 
She took the ice away and lifted her shirt until it reached her shoulders. Keith’s body stiffened and his heart began to race against his chest. 
Allura was not wearing bra. Even though he just get to see her bare back, heat covered his cheeks. He was sweating… something inside him awoke. Allura rested her head on the pillow and although Keith could not see her face, she smirked at his reaction. 
He did not waste time and started with lights strokes with the whole hand; smooth movements that were not hurried, to spread the oil all over her chocolate skin. He convinced himself that he would do the same for his friends. Massaging his friends was normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Allura and he were friends. And maybe his heart was beating fast because of the closeness of their bodies. Maybe it was normal to feel that tingling in his fingers…
 Who he was lying to? It was not normal. He did not feel this way towards Pidge, or any other girl. Nor would he give Pidge a massage, or Hunk, or Lance, or Shiro, or anyone else… However, Keith did not think twice when he had the opportunity with Allura. It felt so good. And that was wrong. She was his friend and she trusted him. But, Keith could not deny it.
 “Is this okay?” he asked, nervous. This was just driving him crazy. The last thing he wanted was Allura to be uncomfortable. 
 Keith was not convinced yet. “Do you feel… comfortable?” 
Allura purred. “Keith… if something bothers me, I will tell you. Now, do whatever you want.” Keith inhaled deeply and tried not to react to those words. His eyes went down his pants… everything clear. 
He applied circular kneading movements with his thumbs all over her lower back. Then he stroked upwards, applying deep but soft pressure on her spine, then, he ran his hands under her shirt to reach her shoulders. The way she reacted at his touch, he could not control it. It was electrifying, pleasurable, fascinating, exquisite, strange… hot. 
Allura arched her back. "There.”
 Keith stopped instantly. "What?” 
“Shoulders,” she moaned.
 Moving slightly, Keith applied deeper circles over her shoulders, untangling some muscular knots she had. Allura let out low moans and sighs. Keith repeated the whole process until Allura’s phone started ringing. 
“Wait” In a heartbeat, Allura lowered her shirt back, covering her completely, and sat down, phone in hand. “Is a videocall from Pidge” she frowned as she answered it and combed her hair with her hands. Keith got up from the bed to leaned over Allura’s shoulders to see what was happening. 
And what was the need to interrupt the moment. 
Shiro appeared on the screen. Confusion crept into his face when he saw them. “So that’s why you’ve been avoiding my calls” he said glaring at Keith, sounding somewhat annoyed.
 Keith tilted his head and frowned. “Where’s Pidge? What’s wrong?” 
“Shiro! You got them?” Pidge muttered as she appeared on the screen. He could recognize the place. They were at Pidge’s house, outside. "Guys… you gotta see this!” exclaimed the girl, with a smile that Allura and Keith could not describe as good or bad. 
Steps and steps were heard. Shiro held the phone and began to run. “Well, Pidge’s plan is simple. She invited Lance to stay at her place and Lance said yes and he went to take a shower. Pidge and Hunk want to scare him” Shiro explained, rolling his eyes. "I still think it’s a bad idea.” 
“What is wrong with it? It’s my idea!” Pidge objected, offended.
 "Is cruel and evil, Pidge” he complained back. 
The malevolent smile of the Cheshire cat formed on Pidge’s lips. “You have not even seen my bad side yet.”
 “I do not understand this” protested Allura.
 Pidge did not look at them. Shiro either. Apparently they were crouching and hiding in the bushes looking at something more interesting. A few seconds passed when Pidge gasped and pulled Shiro by the arm. “Flip the camera!” Then there was Lance’s house painted in light and warm tones. The balcony lights turned on and the door opened revealing Lance wearing pajamas and shark slippers. He carried his pillow and toothbrush. "Wait for it…”
 Still, Keith and Allura did not understand what was going on. 
Lance was walking on the sidewalk when behind him… That was a dinosaur?
Incredibly, a giant and grotesque T-Rex about 6 feet ran to Lance and roared. Lance looked back.
 “¿Qué caraj--” he screamed, running back to his house. Keith had never laughed so hard. Watching the thiny legs of Lance running fast, yelling things in Spanish… He needed to have this on video. The dinosaur was chasing him and when the giant creature blocked the entrance to his place, Lance had no choice but to run to Pidge’s house. “Hijos de put—” 
Laughter was heard from the other side of the line and joined with Keith and Allura’s. “Man… this is so good” laughed Pidge, running towards them. “Lance! Stop!” she called him when Lance jumped the fence that divided his garden and Pidge’s, and the dinosaur fell. The camera moved, Shiro running after her. "I- I can’t e-even breath…” gasped Shiro, laughing hard. “God, we scared him…”
The camera approached the dinosaur that was on the ground and Shiro took away its head, revealing a suffocated Hunk from running and laughing. Lance’s slippers appeared in his field of vision and the camera lifted, showing an angry Lance. “That was not funny!” 
Pidge fell over Hunk, and they huddled together as they laughed like breathless seals. “Your face!” cried Hunk, wiping away tears. “I will never forget this day. Oh my…” 
Lance growled, showing his teeth and Shiro reached out and patted his shoulder. “Lance, I was against this from the beginning” he confessed. “But…” he started to laugh again. 
“Oh come on!” Lance pushed him and took the dinosaur’s head from his grip. “This looks real, man!” He shouted, looking at the camera. “You were recording all this time?” Shiro turned the camera. Lance pouted, approaching the screen. “Wait? Is that Keith and Allura? Together?” 
The screen went black and Allura’s eyes met Keith’s. It did not passed a second before they were laughing. Keith could not help but stare at her. He could only gaze at her in awe, admiration… she was so beautiful. 
Allura put the phone aside and let out a long sigh. All innocence that inhabited her face disappeared, and was replaced by a seductive glimmer. “Should I pay you for your services?” she purred, biting her lip. Keith put a hand to the back of his neck. “Honestly, I didn’t get to finish it” he replied trying to keep himself steady and ignoring the warmth of his cheeks and other... part of his body. 
 Allura laughed again and rubbed her eyes. “Is late” she yawned. 
That’s my cue.
He nodded and put his hands in his pockets. Allura wrapped herself in the blanket and Luna jumped into bed to lie down beside her. Keith took the cream to put it away but, something on the top of the nightstand caught his attention. It was a picture in which appeared a baby Allura, in the arms of her mother and father. 
Keith admired the photo and took the audacity to take it in his hands. Allura’s father did not seem to have aged, however, he looked happy… And then there was Allura’s mother, and he knew where Allura inherited so beautiful features. They were like two drops of water. 
“I talked to your father…” Keith commented, placing the picture where it was before.
 Allura opened her eyes wide. “He was not sleeping?”
 “We were at the training room not so long ago” Keith answered, shrugging. 
Allura shifted in her bed. “Did he say something rude or—”
 “He’s really nice,” he interrupted, smiling at her. Allura frowned and began to braid her hair. Keith looked at the clock. It was time to leave. 
Without thinking, he leaned over to Allura and kissed her on her head, inhaling her scent. He did not know when that gesture emerged, but it was something that Keith had started doing without realizing it for a long time now. And Allura always waited that kiss, and if in any case he forgot it, she claimed it. 
Allura had her eyes closed when Keith walked away. “Good night, Lura,” he murmured, his voice soft and sweet. 
Allura opened her eyes again and in them was reflected that tender smile that curved in her face. “Good night, Keith” she leaned back on her pillow and Keith walked out the door. 
Even Coran was not around to say goodbye. But, luckily, they had left the door open when he went to his car.
 Inside his car, he turned it up. A sigh escaped from the depths of his chest and he cupped his face in his hands, brushing his hair. He smelled Allura’s cream and that strange sensation invaded his body again. His hands smelled like her and even in his car, he could recognize her perfume. He still felt the tingling in his fingers while he massaged her, he still heard her laugh when she sang… he still remembered the way she moaned… 
He was going to take a cold shower.
 Driving home, he realized he have left his bagpack again.  But it was late to go back now. The silence was interrupted when  his phone started to ring and he found it in the passenger seat. 
“Please, call me when you get home” asked Allura, her voice sounding worried though sleepy.
 Keith smiled. “I will.”
 There is no need to say that Im in love with these “I will” ends...
 I’m really sorry for the delay. I have had problems and I have wifi problems and my computer is really really slow. But I have this prepared for a long while and I found wifi (finally) so I updated. Hope you guys like it! 
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mostleemorethansmut · 8 years
It wasn’t a good Night: Not going to Sleep 1
A/N: Surprisingly, this was actually shorter than I thought it was going to be. There's more coming, but hope you can point out a couple flaws I had. Please comment, that's how I know I did a good job. Thank you for reading.
A/N: Hey, thank for joining. I'm glad you chose this story. I started my account to write a bit of theorist smut... Won't make that mistake for a long while. While I re-collect my sexual vigor, how about some Angst? There may be a lot of POV changes, but I'll try to keep them clear cut. This is hopefully gonna be a 3 part story. Enjoy.
Matt P.O.V.
"Stephanie," I whined from the bed. I'd already slipped into my pajamas and fallen into bed, but my wife had yet to join me. "You're coming, right?" I'd could've tried to get some sleep, but I preferred to snuggle up to Stephanie when I sleep.
"I am," she called back indignantly. She entered into the room from the conjoined bathroom. "I was just taking off my makeup."
I sighed and shook my head. "I don't get why you put on makeup," I lightly chastised as Steph climbed into bed next to me . "You look absolutely gorgeous with and without it."
Stephanie laughed and nuzzled against me. "Well I think I look prettier with it on," she defended. "I feel prettier with it on and besides, there was a live-stream today. I needed the makeup on to show my features."
I groaned, remembering back to my time as a starving actor. Lots of makeup and, even though it was there to show your features, it was very frustrating. "Well," I compromised. "If it makes you happy, then it makes me happy. Because seeing you unhappy makes me sad, and seeing you happy makes my day great.'
"Thanks hon," she blushed, kissing me on the lips. She reached over and flipped off the bedside lamp. "C'mon," she instructed. "We have an early morning tomorrow." I pulled her into a hug position, and we slowly faded off into sleep.
Stephanie P.O.V.
In my dream I'm was in my house. No, not my house, it's the house I grew up in. Matthew's there, so are my parents. My aunts and uncles are gathered around. A couple friends of the family. We must be celebrating something.
I try not to focus too much on the details. From my experience, that breaks the dream. We're in the living room(it's too hot to be outside). A couple of my aunts and uncles are talking. We're all hap- Wait. Wasn't there one more of them.
I look around and, sure enough, during my examination of the scenery someone disappeared. "Probably nothing," I reassured myself. I didn't have complete control over the dream. If someone disappeared, they'd probably just reappear later. "Nothing to be worried about."
Matthew kissed me on the cheek and told me that he had to go somewhere. I didn't exactly catch where. Why? Two more had gone missing. It was only down to me, my parents, two uncles and an aunt. I began shivering. The warm North Carolina day had become surprisingly cold, yet I was the only one who seemed to notice it.
My parents seemed to imply that they needed to go get something. No one speaks in a dream, the dreamer just knows what the person means before they actually say something. No big deal. My parents walked out of the room. It was down to the... two of us.
My aunt and uncle were gone. They were here a moment ago, and now it was simply down to one of my... uncle? There was a man sitting on the couch, sipping whisky and talking to someone who'd dissipated long ago. He looked familiar, but not in a way that made me feel safe.
The man turned his head to face me, and who he was clicked in my head. "Matthew," I quavered out. "Matthew, can you please come back? Matthew!"
"Excuse me miss," I heard his milky soft voice say from behind me. "I was wondering if I could get a refill on my glass."
I pretended not hear him. "Matthew," I continued to call, louder this time. "Matthew, please! Help!"
"Young lady," conducted the voice, becoming a bit stricter. "Is this any way to treat your elder?"
Shaking in fear, I turned to see the man I'd come to fear looming over me. "I'd like my drink," he demanded. "Or I could have-"
"Stephanie?" asked Matt's voice, and I felt someone shaking my shoulder.
Matthew P.O.V.
I was awoken in the night by Stephanie crying out. "Matthew," she yelled, even though I was less than an inch away. "Matthew, please. Help!"
I shook her. "Stephanie," I called."Wake up."
Her eyes flew open, and relief washed over her face. "Oh Matthew," she sighed, burying her head in his chest.
"Are you alright?" I asked,concerned. Stephanie was usually a silent sleeper. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong," she murmured,trying to absorb herself into me. "Because I have you."
I planted a kiss on the top of her head before running my fingers through her hair. Sure enough, as I caressed her head she began to coo softly until, moments later, she was asleep. I frowned. Her crying made me concerned. I hoped she'd be alright.
Stephanie P.O.V.
I'm in the room again. The walls are gone, and so's the floor. In their place is just the color white. The chairs and furniture are still there, except the couch. The couch has transformed into a bed. A small pink twin bed,the one I used to sleep on when I was-
"Hello little one," the slimy man coaxed, sitting on the bed. "How about you come here and sit on my lap?"
"Stay. Away,"I ordered, trying to sound braver than I felt.
"What did you say?" he asked. He feigned hurt and stood up; looming over me. "Did you say 'no' to me?"
"Yes," I gulped, trying to swallow my fear.
He grabbed my neck and lifted me an inch off the ground. "You shouldn't say no to me,"he snarled. "I was hoping that we could enjoy ourselves. I guess now I have to punish you." He licked his lips. "You remember being punished, don't you. It hurts for you, but feels great for me."
He threw me onto the bed. I whimpered and scrambled back. "S-stop," I said, but it came out more as a request.
He jumped on me and pushed me flat. I struggled but he overpowered me. He began tugging off my clothing and brought his hand back to my neck, making his intentions clear for what he'd do if I tried anything.
"HELP!" I screamed, trying to push his hands off of my neck. "SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP!"
Matthew P.O.V.
It started with abit of struggling. A bit of wiggling that shook me enough to wake me up. Then she began pulling, as if she was fighting off someone."Steph," I calmed, "are you alright."
"St-stop," I heard her whimper before beginning to flail wildly. She began kicking and pushing me away. Her hands came up to her neck, trying to pull away something that wasn't there. "HELP," she screamed. "SOMEONE,PLEASE HELP."
"Stephanie!" I yelled, trying to wake her. "Stephanie! Wake! Up!"
She shrank back, grasping at her neck. "I'm sorry," she gasped out, eyes still closed and asleep. She clearly wasn't talking to me. "I didn't mean to cry out. P-please don't h-hurt me."
"Stephanie?" I asked, worried about her. Doing an action I knew I would later regret, I pulled up her eyelids to wake her. "Stephanie it's me.Matthew."
Her eyes slid open and she practically threw herself at me. "M-matthew," she cried."i-I..." I cradled her, not needing an explanation. "Matthew,it was scary... It was frightening... and... I... I love you Matthew.You know that right?"
I squeezed her even tighter. "I know that," I told her. "I love you too,Steph. You're safe here. You know that, right?"
She nodded, still drowsy from the tiring day. I held her close as she fell asleep. I was about to fade out myself when I heard her crying. She was shaking her head vigorously. I tried to pet her hair for comfort, but she pushed it away. "You're not real," she defied. "You can't be."
"Stephanie?" I asked. I thought she was over it, but her nightmares seemed to be getting worse.
"I said I don't want to. And no means no... right...?" her voice faded off into sobbing. She began struggling against me, even though I hadn't done anything to hurt her. "No, Stop! You're not allowed to touch meth-" She finished the sentence with a cry of pain and more sobbing.
I couldn't sit by and watch anymore. "Stephanie," I shook. "Stephanie wake up.You're fine. No one's here to hurt you."
I must've appeared in her dream, because she smiled a bit. "It's okay Matthew," she said, gesturing away from me. "We're just talking..."
"Stephanie," I spoke simply. "Wake up."
Her eyes opened and looked up at me. I looked down into her deep brown eyes."Stephanie, what was happening in that dream."
Her eyes began to water. "H-he was t-touching me," she stuttered. "H-he was groping m-me, saying that he'd h-hurt you if-f I s-said anyt-thing."
I felt my own eyes water, mostly from sadness, somewhat from sleep deprivation."Stephanie," I softly sang into her ear. "You don't need to worry like that. I will protect us both."
She snuggled up against me. "I want to keep you safe too," she murmured. We both were tired and soon we both drifted off to sleep.
Stephanie P.O.V.
We're in my room. The room I slept in when I was eight. He's standing there, decently dressed. I'm standing in my wedding dress. My heart sinks . He smiles his sht eating grin. "You look very pretty," he purrs.
I scramble away, pulling on the door, but it's locked. "Please," I beg. "Please don't do this."
He licks his lips and slowly approaches me. "I like your voice," he denies. "I'd like to put it to good use." He pulls at me and I resist. I cry out as his fist scrapes across my face. "I want to do this. And I will." My arms bruise as he pulls me onto the bed.
He tares my dress in two and I burst into tears. A symbol of my perfect marriage broken by something I was afraid to talk about. He tries to kiss me and I resist. "Get away," I scream. I dig my fingernails into his skin and struggle to get out of his grip.
"Ooh," he groans, "I like a fighter." I try to punch him, but I didn't hit as hard as I wanted. He laughs at my petty attempts to fight back. "Say your mine," he orders.
I shake my head, refusing to give up the last bit of dignity I still have. I cry even harder as he hits me with an uppercut. My nose and lip bleed, a few teeth knocked loose. "Answer me," he yells. I spit my newly broken tooth at his eyes. "Fine," he caves, "I don't need your approval." He starts to separate my legs.
"No!" I cry out, trying to push him away, trying to stave him away. "Stop!" I beat hopelessly against his head, but he pins down my arms and forces me into a kiss. I give in and don't fight back. Not because I enjoy any of his crass inhumane treatments. Not because I love him and want to show it. Because I have run out of energy to fight back.
I close my eyes, prepared to be raped. But nothing comes but a hug.
Matthew P.O.V.
Stephanie finally settled down. She'd begun crying, screaming, and striking out in her sleep. When I had tried to comfort she seemed to wince, as if she some one had hit her. I finally just wrapped my arms around her and rocked her slowly. "Shh, shh, shh," I calmed. "It's okay Stephanie. I'm here."
She continued to cry for a moment, before looking up at me. I smiled down at her. "Oh Matthew," she said, her voice dripping with joy. "Have I been acting strange again?"
I nodded, and pulled her tight. "You've been screaming and hitting me," I admitted. "It's nothing too much." I sighed into her head. "Stephanie, what's going on."
My wife shook her whole body in response. "I don't want to tell you," she spoke into my chest.
"Please Steph," I begged. "I want to help, but I can't help you if I don't know."
Third-person P.O.V.
Stephanie gripped Matthew hard. "When I was eight, my cousin got married. That night, my family hosted the reception. Since it was a morning wedding, so we ended up with a lot of people staying at our house." She kept back the dark feeling in the depth of her stomach that always crept up when she thought to engage the conversation.
"That night, my uncle Ryan came into my bedroom. He was a man of about 28 years old. He said that there weren't enough rooms, so he would have to sleep with me that night." Stephanie took a deep breath, trying to steady herself for the next statement. "During the night he... he groped me, then proceeded to rape me. He threatened my life and the life of my parents if I didn't do what he wanted. He beat me up and told me to lie about how I got hurt. Years later-"
Stephanie had been crying the whole way through, but finally her voice cracked, admitting defeat. Matthew took this pause to kiss her on the cheek for reassurance. "Stephanie," he comforted, "my love."
"Years later, when I was fifteen, we had a family reunion. Before we went there, I asked if my uncle Ryan would come. When I asked, my parent's told me that I didn't have an uncle Ryan and-" she began shaking violently, and her tears began interrupting her words. "I was too ashamed to tell them what happened."
Matt cried with Stephanie and tried to kiss her better. "Steph," he bargained. "You don't need to be ashamed. I love you. Your past doesn't matter to me."
Stephanie smiled as she nuzzled up against her safety husband. "Do you really?" she asked, staring up at him.
"Forever, I will love you," MatPat admitted.
"Matt, do I have to go to sleep. Can I just stay up with you."
"If you want to. But if you do, remember that I will always protect you."
The two of them stayed up for a while. Singing to each other, cuddling, and sometimes making out. Matt felt Stephanie fall asleep in his arms, but, even though it was late, he needed no sleep.
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Tony Stark Masterlist (part 2) *updated 5/5/18*
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NONE OF THESE ARE MINE!!! I did NOT write any of these! I believe they are amazing fanfics, written by insanely talented people, and deserve to be shared. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHORS!!!
Marvel Masterlist  Marvel Smut Masterlist
Tony Stark Masterlist Part 1
Parent Tony
Wee Little Stark [part one, part two] by orphan_account (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis)(Parent Tony Stark) James Rhodes was confident in his ability to remain calm in high stress situations. Being best friends with Tony Stark will do that to a guy. What he is NOT prepared for is a toddler standing on the mansion’s doorstep with a letter addressed to Tony. Rhodey, Tony, Happy, Pepper and JARVIS learn together to care for and love the little Darcy, and together they navigate rougher waters when it’s made clear that the baby girl is even more special than they could have guessed.
Silent Ilien by everythingispoetry (Parent Tony Stark)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team) Tony is bringing up his autistic son. The world - and the Avengers - are oblivious. They just think Tony is being typical self when he disobeys orders or just disappears. Encounters through years. Pepper, Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Thor, Bruce, Clint, the team, JARVIS. Bonus: Phil.
Peter Stark [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine] by CreativityFlow (Parent Tony Stark & Peter Parker) The woman in front of him was familiar, of course, but he hadn’t seen her since that charity event two years ago- Oh. And there it was.
I Want You To Want Me (And There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do) by thatblondefulloflight (Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes)(Father Figure Tony Stark) Bucky always wondered why Darcy never talked about her family, now he knows why.
Me, Too by Kali588 (Badass Marvel Women)(Darcy Lewis & Pepper Potts)(Darcy is Tony Stark’s Daughter) The women of/around The Avengers find out about the #MeToo campaign and respond. ***Please note that there is nothing graphic, with no details about what was specifically experienced by the characters, but the Archive Warning is used out of consideration for possible triggering material.
He’s Ours To Protect by ImaKaraTabiHe (Parent Tony Stark)(Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)(Kid Peter Parker & Avengers Team) Things are going well at the Tower since Peter was adopted. At least, they were before someone from Peter’s past reappeared.
It Takes a Village (or a team of superheroes) [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five] by cvsossong (Kid Peter Parker)(Parent Steve x Parent Tony) Three months after the Chitauri attack, Tony received a phone call that changed his life. (Or, the one in which a group of remarkable people come together and balance battling villains and raising a child).
Me, You and Peter, Too [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight] by starspangledsprocket (Parent Steve Rogers)(Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)(Kid Peter) Steve can’t stomach the thought of Peter growing up in an orphanage. He knows what that’s like, and he will do anything to stop that from happening to another child. If that means he adopts Peter himself, so be it.In the meantime, he has to figure out what to do about his feelings for Tony.
Signs Of Life by cvsossong (Kid Peter Parker)(Steve Rogers x Tony Stark) (Parent Tony Stark)(Peter Parker & Avengers Team)Tony Stark gets thrown into a new world when a one- night stand ends with him having a son. When it’s discovered that Peter is deaf due to his mother’s mistakes while pregnant, Tony vows to become the father he never had. Fortunately, he’s got the Avengers to step up as a team— and a family.
My Son, My Sun by Wordsplat (Parent Tony Stark)(Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)(Kid Peter) Just before the events of Iron Man, a baby is left on Tony’s doorstep. He wants nothing to do with it at first, but his time in Afghanistan changes his mind and Tony vows to become a better man for his son’s sake.
Make This Place Your Home by cvsossong (Parent Tony Stark x Parent Steve Rogers)(Kid Peter) Peter’s lived his life in and out of foster homes. Now, he may have finally found a home with the most unlikely family ever formed.
Far From The Tree by SailorChibi (Parent Steve & Parent Tony) If you need me, I’ll be there. Tony never intended to take Steve up on that. But this isn’t about him. It’s about their daughter.
Tony & Darcy Lewis
My Heart Unfolding by mudpuddledemon (Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark) “Lewis. You’re in my lab. Why are you in my lab when I’m not in my lab?” He could see her in the corner, behind the shelves of spare parts. It was a weird place to be. She was crying.-Darcy falls apart, and Tony helps collect the pieces.
I Want You To Want Me (And There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do) by thatblondefulloflight (Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes)(Father Figure Tony Stark) Bucky always wondered why Darcy never talked about her family, now he knows why.
Tony & Jarvis
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Boy by mybrotherharry (Kid Tony Stark & Edwin Jarvis) The first time Jarvis holds little Anthony in his arms, he is overwhelmed by emotion that is surprising in its intensity. When little Anthony’s palm curves around his finger, Jarvis ducks his head to keep the others from seeing the wetness in his eyes.“Hello Master Anthony,” he whispers into the little ear, tugging the bundle of blankets closer to his heart.
In Charge of Weapons and Ammo by arianapeterson19 (Kid Tony Stark)(Parent Bucky Barnes) The Winter Soldier refused to speak to anyone, sitting in the apartment - which was his cell and he knew it no matter how fancy it was dressed up - silently waiting for either an order or for something to stir up enough emotion in him to make him leave. What he gets is a child who won’t stop breaking into his room.ORThe one where Bucky is found early and only likes little Tony.
Don’t Bet Against The House by AlexTheShipper (Bruce Banner x Tony Stark x Rhodey Rhodes)(Protective Jarvis) In which jokes about the arc reactor are not taken lightly, not by JARVIS who will never again sit trapped in his servers as someone attempts to kill Sir.
Just A Rather Very Intelligent System by DarkestSight (Protective Jarvis) Five times Jarvis took control of the Iron Man armour without the other Avengers finding out and one time they did.
Primary Protocol by ShootMeDead (Protective Jarvis) It shouldn’t have been possible, and yet…Somehow, it was.
A.I.s and Lullabies by Echo (Tony Stark & Jarvis) Tony is suddenly a quiet, wary five year old boy. The rest of the team are less than completely sure about what to do about that.
Standard Procedure by Oceanbreeze7 (Protective Jarvis) Being an AI did not mean that one was without independent thought, nor action. Jarvis was an independent being, albeit a slightly protective one. “Hello SHIELD. This is Jarvis. If any of you threaten, hurt or attempt to hack Mr. Tony Stark, I will be forced to take steps for the removal of your existence. Have a good day.”
Tony & Shuri
Forged in Sparks by SailorChibi (Tony Stark & Shuri) Being kidnapped by Hydra wouldn’t be anyone’s idea of fun, and that included Shuri. She had no idea what Hydra wanted with her - or with the scruffy, skinny man in the cell right next to her.
Clash of the Geniuses by KSTodd (T’Challa & Shuri)(Tony Stark & Shuri) Shuri and T'Challa are visiting America for diplomatic talks. How will the first meeting between Shuri and Tony Stark play out?
Tony Stark Defense Squad
The Tony Stark Squad by BellaP (Tony Stark Defense Squad)(Not Team Cap Friendly)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team) Because Tony does have loyal friends, and they are not happy with the Avengers.
Me Without You by Wix (Tony Stark Defense Squad)(Not Team Cap Friendly)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Tony’s moving on, slowly and one piece at a time, but he’ll get there eventually. With a little help along the way.
We Are Tony’s People [part one, part two, part  three] by Tempest_Raining (Tony Stark Defense Squad)(Not Team Cap Friendly)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) The first time the Exvengers walked into the refurbished compound after three-and-a-half years of sitting in Wakanda they are met with some of the more… vindictive people on Tony’s roster. Or, I just wanted to experiment with Rhodey, Doc Strange, Matt, Foggy, Jessica and FRIDAY working together to confront/warn the Exvengers.
Contractually Obligated [part one, part two, part three] by poetically_ordinary (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)(Tony Stark Defense Squad)(not team cap friendly)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team) When the wayward Avengers finally sign the Sokovia Accords, they return to a place that is no longer like they remember it to be. Everyone must come together to portray a united front to the world. Even if that's the last thing happening behind the scenes.
Tony Stark is Not a Supervillain (But his Poker Group All Are) by DaughteroftheSilverMoon (Tony Stark & Marvel Villains) A superhero walks into a room full of villains- and they play poker and give him a drink. After all, it’s the polite thing to do. Only then they get to liking him, and all of a sudden they’re slaying dragons for the good guys. It’s very disconcerting, but kind of nice.
Villain's Code of Conduct by viviegirl05 (Tony Stark & Marvel Villains)(Tony Stark Defense Squad) Loki, Doom, Magneto, Mystique, and Killmonger visit Tony after Siberia to give their condolences for the civil war and declare the Rogues bad for their villainous reputations. When the Rogues show up and try to attack, the villains show them they won't stand for that kind of behavior from so-called heroes. They decided to drag them down legally, and throw in Ross for the sake of being thorough.
Tony & Misc.
Sick Games by arianapeterson19 (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric)   Anyone who locked Tony in a room with electronics was either stupid or insane. Or both. OR The one where everyone gets kidnapped and Tony's not exactly useless.
An Ever Watchful Eye by torianmist (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Guardian Angels come in all shapes and sizes and are not always who you think they may be.
I Really Do Trust You by tsjn (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) The team does a very different version of trust falls. Tony, dealing with the aftermath of New York, doesn’t participate. The team starts to wonder if Tony really trusts them. Or Tony tries too hard not to disappoint, and has a panic attack because of it.
Me and Myself by Kyu_Momo (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric)"Tony! If you could just be a little less like you we would all like you a lot more!"
Not Fighting by arianapeterson19 (Tony Stark & Avengers Team) Fury had no room to complain, he had known what would happen if he made Tony sit through one more meeting without providing decent coffee. He didn’t have to be such a dick about it.Or the one where Fury is a shit and the Avengers have some forced bonding.
In Deep Water by itsallAvengers (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) The Avengers want a pool. Tony can arrange that for them. He can. The thought doesn’t fill him with horrible, daunting dread and crippling fear. Not at all. (Or maybe denial does more harm than good)
Submerge by Oceanbreeze7 (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Not many people escape being a Prisoner of War untouched. Lucky (unluckily) for Tony, he wasn’t entirely the exception. Besides, water is a terrifying thing.
Division of the Heart by TylerM (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric)Tony Stark is sick. Surely that’s not going to be a problem? When he doesn’t tell the team a normal cold is a little more complicated with the Arc Reactor, things get a little out of hand.
Grown Now by TylerM (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Loki de-ages Tony Stark, and the team have to now deal with a tiny four year old who is nothing like the Tony they’re used to, and nothing like they’d expect him to be as a child.
Expendable by Kelady (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Tony's expendable and he knows it. So why is the whole team in his hospital room, worried? or Tony gets stabbed by Loki and he learns exactly how much they care. Hint. It's a lot.
TONY STARK, PRESUMED DEAD by Kelady (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Tony Stark's house is blown up on National television. Of course, the remaining Avengers are going to find out. This is what they do while Tony Stark is Presumed Dead.
Not just a team, but a family. by Thebookofavenging (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Post the arc-reactor surgery, tony wakes up to find the avengers in his hospital room and needless to say he is a little surprised by it. Fluff and Confusion ensues.
Ghosts by madwamoose (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) The Avengers have been placed under a spell. Each day, a ghost of a member of the team will haunt them until they face their worst fear and stick up to it.
It Only Hurts a Little (He's Lying Through His Teeth) by F-117 Nighthawk (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Two times Tony hid the fact that the arc reactor was causing him pain and one time Pepper didn't let him.
The Triggers List by TeaSpent (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric)After the first 'incident', the triggers list was made. Stuck on to the fancy fridge in the Avenger's Tower with a purple smiley face magnet, the paper has everyone’s name's on it, as well as a bulleted list of triggers. Well, that is, everyone except for Tony.
Truth, Secrets, Mind by Kelady (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric)The Avengers team is thrown in to Tony’s mind and they are shown some of Tony’s bad past.
I Don’t Like To Be Handed Things by Kelady (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) Tony Stark doesn’t like to be handed things. The avengers find out why.
Not a Soldier by SailorChibi (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric)When a villain kidnaps the team and demands sex in exchange for the team’s freedom, the obvious choice to offer up is the person who has the most experience (and the worst reputation). Unfortunately, Tony didn’t actually consent.
Stuck with us by petroltogo (Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) (High School AU) Prompt fill: can u write like a hs au, with avengers as a group of friends. they act like they think tony doesn’t have feelings, they seem to never take him seriously and they often tease him or laugh at sth that actually hurts him (they dont know that it makes him feel bad) he usually just takes it, because he thinks he deserves it. but then he has just the worst day ever, and they make some comment abt sth and he just breaks and starts crying, cause he just wants someone to care abt him. they comfort him.
The Star-Spangled Man With A Plan by Mistfire24 (Tony Stark & Avengers Team) Tony is forced to clean out and organize his father’s old things. He finds a special surprise that he can’t wait to share with the rest of the team. OR Everyone is laughing because Steve Rodgers, A.K.A. Captain America is dressed in SPANDEX
Fix You by Princess_Aleera (Clint Barton x Tony Stark)(Tony Stark & Avengers Team)(Tony-centric) “Hello, Tony. I want to play a game." Tony is taken by the Jigsaw Killer and forced to endure five grueling tasks - each of them representing one of his teammates. The same teammates who, on Jigsaw’s orders, are forced to watch every second of Tony’s torture on a set of monitors. “Hello, Avengers. Today, you are not here to save anyone. You are here to help with the clean-up, for once in your life.”
Broken by NotEvenCloseToStraight (Tony Stark x Avengers Team) It took months of therapy for Bucky to break his Winter Soldier conditioning, and Steve was there for him, encouraging him to talk about his past, his fears, his time as the Soldier. And Bucky talked about everything-- except why the barest mention of an Alpha makes him panic. When Steve brings Bucky home, Alpha!Tony is ready to welcome Bucky with open arms and wings, but Bucky can't look at him, can't be in the same room without his wings flaring out to keep the Alpha away, a broken Omega panicking in the presence of a strong Alpha. But Tony is a good Alpha, and the team pulls together to help Bucky, showing him what it means to be loved, to be healthy and whole, and one day when Tony holds his hand out, Bucky trusts him enough to take it. And Bucky realizes that with a family behind him, with the safety hes found in the Omegas, the companionship from the Betas, and the unconditional love from the Alpha--HIS alpha, he isn’t broken at all. But with a team like the Avengers, tragedy is never far off, and this one rocks the family to their core. How can they fix the broken pieces of their lives when their Alpha is gone?
Tony x Supernatural Crossover
Family Don’t End With Blood [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve, part thirteen] by MonPetitTresor (Platonic Sam & Tony Stark)
Supernatural Husbands [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five] by InsertPotterThemedUsernameHere (Tony Stark x Dean Winchester) The story of Dean Winchester & Tony Stark falling in love and facing life’s challenges along the way, including: broken down cars, miscommunication, lack of faith, the media, Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting, angel dicks, tricksters, SHIELD, pre-wedding jitters, a baby, a frigid Capsicle, a confuzzled assassin, annoying little brothers, and more
An Occasional Matter of Family by dare_to_do_our_duty (Tony Stark & The Winchester Brothers) In which Tony Stark is related to Sam and Dean Winchester and they drop in on occasion when nobody is busy saving the world. And sometimes when everyone is busy saving the world.
Tony Stark Masterlist Part 1
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