#ygo x got crossover
amedamacherry · 6 months
Father of Dragons
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Yes, I'm a freak.
But those three dragons are just so perfect for this!!! 😭
I used this picture of a statue (?) of GoT's Daenerys with her baby dragons as a template (and the background, obviously) to change it into Seto Kaiba with his BEWDs.
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Source: https://images.app.goo.gl/367DYTck6HeDiYdUA
More insights and details under the cut ⬇️
This is still part of my exploring journey to work out the possibilities and chances of digital art.
Seto having three dragons just as Daenerys was just so fitting! I wanted to tackle that motive a little bit more directly and came up with this idea.
At first I considered drawing Seto in his trademark duelling-attire, since I needed something white and long to flow down to the floor as Danys gown does. But I thought it wouldn't fit well into the fantasy-middleage-style background. And seriously, guys! I still don't get the physique of that Kaiba-Coat!! 😂 There is no way I would be able to get that one right! It wouldn't be as appealing in a sitting position, would it? That thing is made to be worn standing, with a bad-ass gush of wind sending it flying! Sooooo, that's why I chose this white outfit. I think it fits into the scene pretty well, as it seems a little more prince-lilke... 😇
Drawing without outlines was all new for me. I wanted my drawing to look a tiny little bit more "realistic" (fail... 😂) so it would fit into the background better.
Please see in full resolution for all the details 💖
But don't look TOO closely. There are several mistakes, too! 😂
Here's some close-ups:
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As great as this was, I still kinda crave using my watercolors. Digital painting has so many practical and cool aspects, but there are downsides as well. (For example, the constant urge to make everything perfect, get tinyest details right and and redo things over and over again!) Hope that I'll be able to come back with traditional paintings soon... ☺️
P.S.: I am NEVER going to draw those dragons again! What a f****ing pain!! 😭
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infolane · 1 month
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Day 5, crossover!
Blowing the dust off my ygo arc v x project moon crossover!
Ruri with ego gear- Fourth Match Flame and Fragments from somewhere. Sora has an ego gift from a fan abno.
These two are travelling together- along with Yugo, Serena and Yuya - chasing Ruri's curiosity about the phenomenon of the distortion and rumours of Golden Boughs...
Ruri may not have much experience in combat, but she's incredibly compatible with EGO in general, so finding pieces for her to wear is pretty great.
Sora sticks to the weapons he knows... his story is cruel, but this is the start of a turn up!
They fight very well together.. maybe I should do some ruina edit of these two someday....
Also, anyone got ideas for how to call this ship? I always write it down as just "Soruri" in my WIPs and the list of people interested in this is Just Us so there's been no fancy name for it or anythin...
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lazella · 15 days
Sooooo I've been reading your ygo x twst fic and I have many thoughts.
First off: I love each choice for the Yu-tags dorms. Esp Yusaku's. You are very much big brained and based.
Secondly, I YOU DID THE GHOST BRIDE EVENT JUSTICE!!! It is my favorite TWST event and you just hit the ball straight out of the park!!! Having Yubel be the one who finally got through to Eliza is pure genius!!!!
I just finished up with Yusei and Azul's chapter, and I just love Yuu's reaction to Yusei's buff. YOU GO BABY!!! FIGHT GOD WITH STARDUST DRAGON!!!
(Also reading your fic has motivated me to finally start working on my own ygo crossover fic after put it off due to a lot of real life events. So tysm!!!! ^-^)
Glad I can hit you with inspiration and I'm glad I did Ghost Bride justice!
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miss-ingno · 8 months
So @justacoyote did this last year, and I thought it was fun and wanted to give it a try! And then time passed and now I'm late as usual xD
How many works do you have on AO3? currently 210
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,133,881
What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Guardian, Granting You A Dreamlike Life, and Grimm
Plus a couple on-and-off or exchange-only fandoms like Dreamcatcher's Deja Vu, Disney's Descendants, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Eldest Princess On Top (Zhǎng Gōng Zhǔ Zài Shàng), Castlevania (Cartoon) and Assassin's Creed (early games).
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Partners in Crimes (RTAH RPF, Freewood, Fake AH Crew AU) at 907 kudos
Blindfold (RTAH RPF, Freewood, Fake AH Crew AU) at 858 kudos
The Dwight Timing (RTAH RPF, Jeremwood, Fake AH Crew AU) at 653 kudos
Take No Prisoners (Take No Shit), (RTAH RPF, original AH OT6, Fake AH Crew AU) at 581 kudos (my first and oldest work for ragehappy fandom /o\ and it shows lol)
Just Let Me Know If You Want It (It's Strictly Physical), (Dragon Age II, Fenders, omegaverse smut) at 561 kudos
Devil's Deal (Disney's Descendants, Jaylos + Harlos, pre-canon) at 515 kudos
As much as I loved my time back then in RTAH fandom, I do hope to eventually get a fic more popular unrelated to H*ywood, considering what was revealed about his irl behaviour.
For funsies, my top-kudoses Guardian work is Seas Cannot Be Measured (Weilan, outsider pov, kidfic) at 364 kudos. The second work I posted in my current fandom :D!
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, because I like engaging with other fans! And if someone takes the time to leave me a comment, even a short one, I want to at least thank them because it means a lot to me <3
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably All Our Memories, They're Haunted, a Deja Vu MV fic in which Yoohyeon slowly descends into killing all her friends.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This one's hard! I write a lot of fluffy one-shots where the point is the happiness? Like, Days of Splendour is literally about Weilan getting their happy ending wedding.
Similarly, Pivot is a fix-it ending for Critical Role season 1, in which Vax doesn't die and Gilmore gets to date him, too.
And The Fringe Benefits Of Being Family is fluffy future kidfic snippets in which Weilan get to be parents while their girls grow up.
Do you get hate on fics?
I once got a backhanded compliment on a fic where the commenter asserted they didn't usually read this ship because the shippers are all sus for shipping it and did it wrong, but my take passed their sniff-test. But they'd keep a close eye on my next work for this ship, just in case.
I vaguely recall getting a comment once and then immediately deleting it, but I can't for the life of me remember why. Probably for the best?
And there was that ask I once got that sticks in my brain because it was HILARIOUS. It asserted that because I have a recognizable style and used things like. Grammar and paragraph formatting for pacing, my writing was dry and boring and the worst and I just was copying myself with every new fic. I screenshot it and had a good laugh with friends over it :D
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and a lot of different kinds! Sometimes I want to explore certain kinks, like tentacles (What Lies In Darkness, Weilan with eldritch!Shen Wei) or D/s (Good Vibrations, Dom!ZYL with sub!Shen Wei). Other times I just want to explore the relationship between the characters (Special Occasion, Weilan birthday blowjob) or worldbuilding (Long Night In Longcheng, Weilan canon au with dragon!Shen Wei).
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I love crossovers! I sadly haven't written too many, though. I have some old WIPs for a Naruto x Batman Beyond and a YGO! x SG-1 crossovers in my pile I occasionally return to, but nowhere close to finished. And I'm seriously considering writing a Guardian x Grimm crossover at some point lol
Malum Purificatum, Guardian x Assassin's Creed II (AKA Weilan meets Ezio)
It's You And Me (Amongst The Stars), Critical Role s1 x Stargate SG-1, in which Pike & Grog meet SG-1
Sink Your Teeth In (To The People You Depend On), Jurassic World x MCU, raptor!Darcy Lewis/Owen Grady, unfinished WIP
A Trickster's Pact, ragehappy x MCU, Freewood
One Fact Changes All, YGO! x HP, Tendershipping, my first and oldest crossover, unfinished and abandoned
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
The closest I got (that I'm aware of) is someone copying the exact premise of my fic in a beat-by-beat way without crediting me for the inspiration. It was memorable because it was my most popular fic at that point and the fandom didn't have a similar premise before.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Recently someone Furimmer translated my story An Intimate Touch into Russian! First time someone found my fic worth it to translate, I'm so happy still just thinking about it :D (It's also interesting to see they chose a different snippet to highlight in the summary, ha! That one seemed to resonate with them more. Can't blame them ;) )
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! @itskaysno is a wonderful co-pilot <3
What's your all-time favorite ship? Weilan (Guardian), Nick/Renard/Juliette (Grimm), and Jane/Uma (Disney's Descendants). I tend to be a multishipper, but these never fail to get me in the feels :D
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Of my posted WIPs: Hey Baby (I Think I Wanna Marry You), Shipwreck Isles, Your Prince Is In Another Castle, and Triple Duke Coup. Probably Ghost of a Chance, too, unless I get inspired by writing different YGO! fic to pick it up again. I'm 50-50 on whether I'll find motivation to finish Let Your Hearts' Melody Entwine With Mine
Of my unposted WIPs, if I've moved on from the fandom, I'm unlikely to put them up. That's why I posted a deluge of WIPs when I left the ragehappy fandom, because I couldn't see myself picking them up again, but I also regularly regret not e.g. having posted certain Naruto fic way back when I was writing them. Now the quality just doesn't hold up to my current standard, but I'm not going back to edit them, either.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at dialogue and fighting scenes! I practiced writing fighting scenes a lot because they used to be one of my weak spots, and now I'm comfy where I'm at skill level wise. I like pitting characters against each other, too, though I still have room for improvement in that area.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Environmental storytelling. Character conflict that lasts longer than a handful of scenes. 15k+ longfic (I'm terribly at keeping myself motivated to write them and then never finish). Slow burn and character/relationship development that takes a while to get to (keeping characters consistent but still having them change is hard to juggle! Especially since I have a tendency to write scenes out of order)
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's a language I know, I'm comfortable with it! It needs to be done for effect, though. Unless we're talking prefixes/suffixes and other addresses of respect/relation that just don't translate well (e.g. yifu, shixiong, xiao/lao, -kun, -senpai, etc.) but reveal information about the exact way characters relate to each other.
First fandom you wrote for? Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (back on German fanfic site Animexx). It was a self-insert OC portal fic where she ends up with Seto Kaiba xD I think I named her Leia or similar? I forget.
Favorite fic you've written?
The fic I'm writing for FFFX rn is a serious contender for top spot, if I manage to pull it off the way I imagine it.
I'm still pretty proud of Two Of A Kind (Guardian, Ya Qing/Zhu Hong & Shen Wei) and Safe In Your Hands (Weilan, post-canon with smut). The older a work is, the more I tend to see the flaws in it :') so my answers usually tend to be pretty recent stuff!
@itskaysno @ganglylimbs @elenothar @the-marron @sasamelons @sailorbryant @yilian0203 @treemaidengeek if any of you (or anyone else!) would like to do this, too, feel yourself tagged <3
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of-nyon · 1 year
WIP fight
Here are your competitors:
1 So You've Decided To Adopt (TF, Starscream + Roddy adoption fic) 2 Soul Reversal (YGO GX, gx rivalshipping role swap) 3 Grand Convergence (MTMTE/MMX crossover) 4 two dead men got up to fight (ffx/ff7r auron & aerith shenanigans) 5 Galvatron Gets A Hobby (G1/MTMTE crossover) 6 Burning Brightly (IDW megarod AU) 7 Slightly fucked up gilded cage optimus/rodimus fic (not shattered glass) (completely unwritten) 8 The above but it's also driftrod (I can't pick between them) 9 Line In The Sand (G1 Decepticon Rodimus) 10 SSBU Roy/Sephiroth fic >:) (completely unwritten) (they literally sliced my headcanon in half directly on screen, actions have consequences!!!!) 11 Decepticon X AU: Zero's backstory fic (completely unwritten) 12 Secret Jacques epic that I am literally never going to post (5k words deep & makes no sense to anyone except myself)
if you have no opinion but still want to clicky button I've put them more or less in order from what's been on my mind.
Idea from @mindfulwrath
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crush3dmary · 1 year
My turn to throw a few numbers at you lol Fanfic Q&A: 1, 3, 11
Aaaa thank you for the ask!
What led you to start writing fan fiction? 
I started in high school and it was because my high school best friend was writing fic and we made this absolutely wild Kingdom Hearts x Tales of Symphonia crossover. Then I got too cool for fandom in the 11th grade and put it down until college. I started up again in 2018 after me and some irl friends brainstormed a big AU after playing through Symphonia again together, and I've been hooked ever since. I guess it's safe to say that both times were because of other people being sounding boards, lol.
3. What experiences/influences have shaped your writings the most?
Definitely grief, for one. Losing someone I loved very, very dearly made me want to explore those feelings through the proxy of my favourite characters because it's easier to write about the hard shit as if it's not happening to you. Honestly a lot of my writing comes from personal experience, and a lot of my style is built off of things I've either liked or disliked in other people's writing, as I said in the last question. I liked metaphors and prose, so I started incorporating them into my own work. I liked formatting quirks, so I did the same. I didn't like when sentences read like a thesaurus so now I'm more careful with the words I use. I think in the end as writers we're all just an amalgamation of our own likes and dislikes.
11. What attracted you to the fandom(s)/media you write in? 
This is hard. I guess all I can say is 'wanting to see more'? Because for example Banana Fish is one of my favourite anime of all time but I don't feel the need to write fic for it because I can't think of anything more I wanted from canon (I'm one of the few people who actually liked the ending, so that doesn't help). But with Tales and YGO, there's a lot of empty spaces- character development and backstories I wish we would have seen, character interactions and relationship building, "what if" scenarios, etc. I think that's the biggest thing that makes me write, those empty spaces.
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universestreasures · 4 months
@thcsevoices Sent: Questions For The Mun (Accepting!)
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Is there anything you would have changed when you started writing now that you have more experience?
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Oh gosh...I could name so many! One of them, I guess, is to embrace multiples / duplicates. I used to have horrible duplicate / multiple anxieties, which is an understandable thing to have for any number of reasons, such as bad experiences or being in a fandom that has a lot of 'competition' (which is something RP never should be, btw). However, I think that by embracing others who write the same character as you, you can get so much out of it (Like our Twin AU stuff L is amazing!!! So much fun and I love it when we share HCS tbh, like how we both HC Mokuba is Demi!)! But I understand people's anxieties, and they should do what's best for them and their comfort zone. RP should be comfortable!
Just know all of you out there who write the same muses I do, you're all amazing and I wanna write with your interpretations!
How do you describe writing / rp to others?
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Collaborative writing in a fandom. Simple and to the point.
Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon?
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Well to answer that we need to establish who my fav canon muse is, and well...I doubt the answer being my Buddyfight son is too shocking, considering he's been pretty much this blog's mascot since Day 1. (But like Mokuba's become like a CLOSE second xD)
But on the topic at hand, I am...for the most part. The biggest thing about Tasuku's portrayal in canon I did NOT like was how in the fourth season he takes a back seat and essentially gets replaced with another Star Dragon World user to push more card sales. Like...he's the main rival of the show. Could you imagine doing that to like...KAIBA in YGO? Of course not!
Still bothers me to this day. But aside from that and maybe 1-2 little things, canon Tasuku is great.
What is your favorite fandom in which you write?
Already answered, here!
What are rare-pairs that you’re passionate about?
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As far as ships for muses on this blog are concerned, I feel most of the ships I like that are NOT crossovers (cause I do not count those are rare-pairs), at the moment with them are more in the medium-to high popularity range (Examples include but are not limited to: Kyoru, Fruitshipping, Faithshipping, Scoopshipping, Blueshipping, Rivalshipping, Serendine X Sinbad, and others) Thus, they would not qualify for rare pairs.
However, two rare pairs I really love and are passionate for a muse on this blog are the two I've had with my Suzuha before, which are Suzuha x Tasuku and Suzuha x Kyoya. Both are very much the 'prince' with the princess kinda vibe and that's super cute for her.
Do you ship someone’s muses on your dash?
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Of course, I do! Aside from the many wonderful ships you and Peggy ( @tcthinecwnself ) got (all of which are amazing btw), the two muses who come to mind right away currently are @ofhardknoxxx and @devildukem. Love their Jou and Otogi together. Such amazing stuff and so fun to see on the dash!
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eccentwrit · 1 year
PJatO x YGO Fanfiction
So, I’m working on a Yu-Gi-Oh and Percy Jackson crossover fanfic. I’ve got a general plot and am trying to hash out the details, but I just can’t figure out which characters from PJatO I want involved.
I for sure have Percy, Annabeth, and Dionysus (he plays a big role, it’s a thing). Nico has a vague and undefined part too. 
But who else should be there?
(For people unfamiliar with YuGiOh, it heavily involves Ancient Egyptian magic, ghosts, and philosophy on destiny) 
(I am not including anything from the Kane Chronicles, Trials of Apollo, or Magnus Chase because I have not read them.)
This fic would take place after The Blood of Olympus, but instead of the Trials of Apollo, this happens.
For YuGiOh, it takes place pre-DSOD, but only just. No plana or cube.
Feel free to ask me questions about the fic!
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esamastation · 3 years
Buncha fanfic ideas for buncha fandoms
1. FMA timetravel where the time traveler saves Scar's Brother, and probably a bunch of other people too. Because seriously, Scar's Brother probably could've changed everything just by existing.
2. Yu-Gi-Oh fic where Yugi, shortly after meeting Seto Kaiba and having his grandfather kidnapped and everything, goes full on feral and decides, "Eff this, let's eat the rich." (Unfortunately for everybody, Kaiba is totally onboard having a rival who's out for his blood.)
3. AC X FMA, crossover where the Grand Temple broke through the barrier between realities by basically forcing Equivalent Exchange to its limits. Desmond gets thrown into the realm of Truth. Truth kicks him out and into Amestris. Which would be fine, except thanks to all that tampering by Isu and his close connection with the Calculations, Desmond doesn't come out as an Alchemist - but a Transmutation Array.
4. All those HP crossovers with FMA characters in Hogwarts made me long for one with wizards in Amestris. Trying to figure out how to do spells with Equivalent Exchange in effect. How do you do a stunner when it has a cost? What's the equivalent exchange for levitation charm? Can you do a flying broom with alchemy? What about the Unforgivables - does the Killing Curse have a greater cost in the FMA world, or will it transform into a horrifyingly easy way to create very small Philosopher's Stones?
5. Unbeknownst to anyone, Hohenheim has been using his Philosopher's Stone to go back in time, over and over, trying to prevent the Promised Day. He can only go back so many years, and not past a certain point, and so far nothing he's tried has worked and Father always succeeds in the end. Tired after several failed attempts, Hohenheim decides to take a loop off and just rest a while. This time he'll do the most indulgent thing he can think of - have a wife and children and a normal life. Let the world end, he'll keep on trying to fix it in the next loop. It should be fine. Right?
6. FMA x YGO crossover. In FMA world, Atem being locked in the puzzle is a bit like Alphonse in his armour, only Atem can possess Yugi's body. Ed is determined to learn how, wanting to give his little brother even a small taste of having a human body once more. In the meanwhile, Yugi and Atem try to deal with having seen the Truth and possessing Clap Alchemy - when they don't know anything about Alchemy in the first place. It's a bit like starting to play at the end game and trying to figure out what all the stats do.
7. If you know my fic Second Fourth? That with My Hero Academia, as in, Cloud is All Might from another reality. Mako injections stunted his growth, like, a lot. Everyone thinks he's All Might's clone / child-produced-illegally-from-stolen-dna-sample / basically the Winter Soldier to All Might's Captain America. Cloud is just very confused. (I would seriously write this but I've only read MHA fics, I haven't gotten that deep into the canon itself, so, eh).
8. FF7 x FMA crossover where Cloud finds himself in Amestris. No biggy, he's been summoned into other realities before, and he's got all his gear, all his Materia, he's good. He's just going to lay low, do some mercenary work, nothing to it. Now if the kid and the reanimated armour could stop stalking him, that'd be great. (Materia, it turns out, are basically specialised Philosopher's Stones. And Cloud has a lot of them.)
9. FF7 x YGO crossover where after his death, Vincent ended up in the shadow realm, as one of its many monsters. It's… not great, but manageable. Fitting punishment for his sins. At least, so it feels, until these kids start popping in and out, unknowingly tampering with powers they don't understand. Marik Ishtar, Ryou Bakura, Yugi Muto, all about to have their souls consumed by the darkness. Suddenly his punishment seems a bit more like a duty to keep these young summoners from getting themselves killed.
10. Kaiba Gozaburo and Tony Stark used to be allies. Kaiba Seto and Tony Stark are bitter enemies, who couldn't hate each other more if they tried. Then Afghanistan happens and suddenly the fact that Seto turned one of the biggest weapons manufacturing corporations into a game company doesn't seem so ridiculous - and Tony would really like to know how the hell did a 15 year old kid manage it, when he, at 38, is only getting assassination attempts for his efforts.
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kaluawoo · 3 years
Okay okay okay okay okay my turn to throw ships around!!!! Higan x Shamrock, Pisca x Bad-B, Manjoume x Edo, and to throw in a crossover ship too cuz putting Servamp and YGO right next to each other in my brain made them touch and gave me A Thought, Judai x Mahiru!!
asdgasjkdgsh now it’s your turn to throw hardballs huh
Higan x Shamrock
... well that sure is a ship that could potentially exist. Now I know what you mean with “no thoughts head empty” uhhh let me try to get A Thought lmao. Hmmm that could actually work out fairly nicely? Like they probably don’t even realize when they start dating they just. Somehow start hanging out more. And Sham sometimes watches Higan draw (WITH PENCILS, Sham probably wouldn’t MIND the other option but I don’t think he’d be too interested lmao). And at some point they sit there and are like. “Uh, I noticed, I think I’ve referred to you as ‘my boyfriend’ a few times now.” - “Oh, me too.” - “Huh.” - “Huh.” And then not much changes but Higan would probably by Sham flowers occasionally and Sham would sometimes take Higan out to eat.
Pisca x Bad-B
my dude. my pal. my friend. THIS IS GRADE A GALAXY BRAIN OMG. I can’t articulate WHY but??? I’M LOVE THEM???? Many thoughts head full can’t put thoughts in words bc all thoughts want to go out at once. very very good friend.
Manjoume x Edo
Enemies to Lovers Speedrun. Like GX has been long enough ago that I don’t properly remember their interactions together and stuff but as a ship that’s the vibe they have asdghasdjsakgh Like they’d start out bickering and trying to one up each other, and do that more and more often, and everyone around them (aside from maybe Judai bc Judai is a bit oblivious) already gosspis that they’ve got more than a rivalry going on. And at some point they just kiss after a duel, like, everyone thinks one is gonna slap the other one and then they just kiss instead. They probably still bicker afterwards but if anyone else says even one (1) mean thing about their partner they are ready to throw hands. Also Edo somehow acquires a photo of when Manjome had that cat make-up on and hangs it up somewhere very obviously and absolutely refuses to take the pic down asgdhsadgsadgjk
Judai x Mahiru
THEY WOULD BE SO GOOD TOGETHER!!! Like, Mahiru wouldn’t “have to” do everything on his own bc Judai would absolutely want to help him. Otoh they can both have kind of a one track mind/be super stubborn, so Kuro and Shou probably bond over having to try and talk some sense into Mahiru and Judai, though it’s about very different stuff asdgahsdjkgash
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shinayashipper · 3 years
Hey hey Red! I saw you mentioned Tower Of God in the tags and I think you will like this :3
Ooohh yes I love Tower of God!! I read the Webtoon, it was great and the anime is Good too XD
Also OOOHHH a YGO x ToG crossover! That’s Great and I love that it’s also Implied Puzzleshipping with Atem referred to as Yugi’s Soulmate XD Baam is kinda similar with Yugi in a way, and I think it matches well like this OwO/
It’s Tower of God trailer but make it YGO: VIDEO LINK
It’s great, I can imagine an AU like this. Maybe they all got transported to another dimension created by some unknown gods who forced them to go on many kinds of trials in order to reach “the top of the tower” and have their wishes granted??
Everyone else wished to Go Back Home (to their original dimension) but Yugi had that small wish to Meet Atem Again... (and maybe Kaiba also wish the same)
And MAYBE, somehow they met Atem again, even before they reached the top. BUT GOD, if we have Atem with Rachel’s role, I’m gonna Combust, I just can’t imagine The Betrayal JVMSDJNJMXBVJMZB
This is good and Very Nice!
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higuchimon · 4 years
[fanfic] In The Arms of Love:  Chapter 5
Yuusaku was a touch loathe to admit it out loud, but he loved the new coat. Ai knew his measurements perfectly – though he hadn’t ever asked how Ai knew and wasn’t sure if he wanted to know – and he’d chosen a perfect color. And it was so warm.
He wasn’t so sure about the ice skates, though. He’d never bothered learning how to do it. He’d seen people going off with their skates before, but he’d never been able to dredge up the enthusiasm to do it himself.
But now things were different. He’d learned everything that he could about the Lost Incident, the Knights of Hanoi weren’t his enemy anymore, and the Ignis were safe with those who cared about them. SOLtech wasn’t an enemy either. He could do whatever he wanted to do. Revenge no longer consumed his life.
Which meant if he wanted to, he could go ice skating. And have fun.
The idea of having fun wasn’t one that had occurred to him in years. Fun was for other people, not for him. The closet he’d ever come to it were those times he’d been in Link Vrains and no one was actually attempting to kill him or worse.
Fun was apparently for Ai, who stood peering out the door and fidgeted, glancing back at him now and then.
“Are you ready yet?” Ai demanded to know. “The snow’s just about stopped.”
Yuusaku could have happily remained wrapped up in his new coat and sitting on the couch the whole time. But with the way Ai looked at him, he couldn’t bring himself to do that. He got to his feet, skates hung over one shoulder.
“We could go skating in Vrains,” he pointed out. That would be a lot less painful when he inevitably fell. He anticipated a lot of bruises today and didn’t look forward to any of them.
Ai patted him on the shoulder. “We could but that would mean you wouldn’t get to use your new skates or your new coat.”
Yuusaku reminded himself that Ai’s body was a SOLtis creation and that it was only Ai’s intelligence infusing it that made it look as if he were being given such large and melting eyes. Given the square shape of the pupils, it really shouldn’t have looked so adorable.
And yet, it did.
He shrugged and headed for the door. “If we’re going to do this, then let’s do it.”
Yuusaku wasn’t surprised to feel Ai’s arm sliding around him as they started walking. Ai had been a lot more huggy over the last day. It didn’t feel bad at all and he was starting to get used to it.
The more Ai hugged, the more he started to like it, in fact. He wasn’t sure of how else to feel about it. Ai was very warm and very strong and Yuusaku could forget about everything else for a few moments. He didn’t want to do that for long, but for those moments, he enjoyed the sensation.
He leaned his head against Ai as they walked. He didn’t see anyone else around who paid attention to them, so the silence and solitude encouraged him to wrap his own arm around Ai. Those few people who were around seemed more interested in the snow themselves than anything else.
“Where are we going?” Yuusaku asked at last. He really only knew the way from his apartment to school and to a few choice places where Kusanagi set up Cafe Nagi. He probably could have found his way to the hospital if he needed to and maybe a tiny handful of other places. But he didn’t remember any particular ice skating areas – not that he’d ever gone looking for them.
“Ice skating! Didn’t you hear me?” Ai stared at him with one of the most convincing innocent expressions ever. Yuusaku didn’t buy it for a moment.
“Where are we going ice skating?” Maybe if he made the questions short and to the point, Ai would give him actual answers.
Ai gestured grandly ahead of them. “There’s a skating rink this way. I found it on the internet last night.”
Yuusaku nodded. At least that made sense. He’d really never gone looking so he wouldn’t have known. Even if he’d walked right by it, he wouldn’t have guessed.
“It’s not one of those artificial ones either,” Ai told him, tightening his hold a little. “It’s a frozen pond. They keep a good watch on it to be sure the ice is thick enough.”
It had been very cold for several days now. He’d spent more time in Vrains because of that. So he guessed the place had thick enough ice to support skating.
Yuusaku wondered exactly what skating would be like. He thought he vaguely recalled having done it when he was very young. But he didn’t remember it well and he wasn’t sure if he really had done it or not. Most of his memories from before the Lost Incident were faded to the point of no longer existing or being so faint that he couldn’t distinguish them from childhood fantasies.
Ai’s arm around him tightened a little and Yuusaku let himself think about the future instead of the past. He did that a lot more these days, since the future held wonderful things such as Ai and all the rest of his friends.
And today it held actual ice skating. He could see people gathered up ahead, and from the way Ai picked up his pace, that was where they were going. Ai guided him to one of the benches and together they started to put their ice skates on.
“Do you know how to ice skate?” Yuusaku wondered as Ai took his hands and guided him towards the smooth ice.
“I know everything I want to know,” Ai promised him, grinning. Yuusaku wasn’t going to question that. He hoped that Ai wasn’t so heavy that he’d fall through the ice. But he had to trust that Ai knew what his body could and couldn’t do.
Ai kept a firm hold of his hands – Ai didn’t have gloves and they were warm - guiding him through the basics of getting his balance and starting to glide along the ice.
Yuusaku remained aware that there were other people watching. He kept all of his focus on Ai, however, more because Ai made sure that he wasn’t going to fall than anything else. He still hadn’t gotten adjusted to the thought that people could watch him and he would be safe.
He could hear a little of what they said – murmuring about how handsome Ai was and how close the two of them seemed. As long as they kept it like that, he was fine with it. He wondered what Ai would think and decided he already knew. If Ai knew that people were watching them, he’d do anything he could to keep their attention.
If? No. He knows. How could Ai not know? He could hear and see on a level that most humans couldn’t.
And from the way Ai chuckled in his ear, Ai was very aware of the fact they were being watched.
“Do you want to really give them something to stare at, Yuusaku-chan?” Ai murmured. Yuusaku shivered at the feel of those warm lips against his skin. He’d never known how good being touched could be until Ai started doing it on a regular basis.
“What do you mean?” There were things he would do and things he’d rather they didn’t show off in public. He had to hope that Ai knew the difference.
“You asked if I knew how to ice skate. Let me show you everything I can do.” Ai guided him back over to the bench and helped him to sit down, raising his voice a little. “You take a break. I’m going to go back out there.”
Yuusaku didn’t argue. He honestly liked seeing Ai move around. He was far too graceful, every movement flawless, and he darned well knew it.
Ai skated back out to the center of the lake and spun slowly. That led into slow, long loops, and a few jumps. Nothing he did was any sort of formal professional work and technically it was all disconnected pieces. But the way that Ai flowed from one action to another and made it look effortless – Yuusaku wished he’d thought to record it so he could enjoy the sight again later. He’d probably have to make sure that none of the local security cameras recorded this. Perhaps he could save it from that.
He wasn’t the only one appreciating what Ai did. Everyone else at the pond stared in shock and awe, and when Ai finally came to a rest, finally skating right back to where Yuusaku waited, enthusiastic clapping rose upward. A few people cheered and one or two seemed to want his autograph.
Ai waved one hand gleefully to everyone. He’d changed out of his usual vampire ringmaster outfit to something much more neutral – ordinary pants and a thick sweater in the same dark shade of his hair – and if someone missed his odd pupils, he looked much like any other human. Yuusaku liked that. Ai needed whatever anonymity he could have – which was, of course, why he kept on doing things that made people stare at him.
As much as he tried, Yuusaku thought there would always be parts of Ai that he never understood. But one thing he did grasp very well was how much he enjoyed it as Ai brought him to his feet, slipped his arms around him softly, and brought their lips together.
To Be Continued
Notes: Tomorrow is the final chapter. Technically Hugsaku Week is over but I have a personal prompt I will be using for chapter 6, since I skipped the crossover prompt.
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kawaiichibiart · 4 years
Last night, I remembered this YuGiOh Gx x Ouran Highschool Host Club crossover fanfic.
I can't remember it's name. All I remember was that Haruhi was Jaden's cousin, and one of the twin hosts had a thing for Aster (and I think they end up together??? I dunno).
And like, I doubt it got finished, but I still enjoyed reading it and rereading it.
I think I read it on FFN, but it wasn't in the crossover section for OHSHC and YGO Gx. There were 2, neither of which were the one I was looking for. I have no idea if it was deleted or on a completely different website, like Ao3.
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fandom-butterfly · 4 years
TV Meme
Tagged by @verecunda. Cheers, sis! :D
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Wallace & Gromit 2. Chernobyl (HBO miniseries) 3. Attack on Titan (Yes, I count animes as TV shows. Whatcha gonna do about it? ;P) 4. Ghosts (BBC series) 5. Yu-Gi-Oh!
Who is your favourite character in 2? Valery Legasov. Seriously, you can’t help but admire the guy, fearlessly putting himself in harm’s way just to discover the truth about the cause of the reactor’s explosion so he can save as many lives as he can, completely going against the paranoia and corruption of the Soviet government to try and get the truth. He willingly dealt with a lot of danger, both from the radiation and the constant surveillance from the KGB, with only one goal in mind; to save Europe. I don’t think many of us would be living today if not for his bravery and determination. Thank you so much, Comrade Legasov! You are a true hero! -salutes-
Who is your least favourite character in 1? Would probably have to say Piella. It’s heavily implied that she had abused Fluffles. Bad enough that she was a serial killer, but anyone who willingly tortures and torments their doggo is definitely beyond all redemption in my book! >:(
What is your favourite episode of 4?  TBH, kinda stuck between Happy Death Day and Moonah Ston, simply because of all the feels I get from Pat and Robin in their respective episodes. :,)
What is your favourite season of 5? I like Season 5 best. I know it’s badly animated compared to all the previous seasons, but I loved all those episodes back in ancient Egypt. :)
Who is your favourite couple in 3?  Well, apart from Levi/myself (Heehee… XD), the closest thing I have to an OTP in this anime is Ymir/Historia. So touching to see how they’re always there to support each other. Also, so cute how Ymir’s always so protective of Historia. I wish they could together. -sniff sniff-
Who is your favourite couple in 2?   Vasily and Lyudmilla Ignatenko. Their love story is probably one of the most heartbreakingly tragic ones I’ve ever seen. Though I wish she could’ve obeyed the doctors’ warnings of not to touch him, I can’t help but understand why she didn’t. That was her husband, who she loved after all. I’m so touched how Lyudmilla stuck by Vasily during his stay at Hospital No.6, taking care of him, even as he gradually deteriorated as he got weaker during his final weeks. During their last scene together, it’s impossible to be grossed out by how badly disfigured he’d become, you’re too busy breaking your heart over these two characters deeply in love spending what little time they have left together, as she still sticks by him through his agony. I think that’s when she tells him she’s pregnant too, the last happy news for him to receive before he passes. Vasily’s burial scene at the end of episode 3 is just too tragic for words. Lyudmilla’s face as her husband is bagged up, nailed into a wooden coffin, sealed inside a zinc sarcophagus which is then lowered into a ditch outside the cemetery, along with the other firemen who arrived at the reactor and received lethal doses of radiation, which is then filled with concrete. I just can’t even begin to imagine just how heartbreaking it must be to see the one you love being sealed up and permanently entombed like that, knowing that’s the last time you’ll ever see them, can’t even get a normal burial because their body is still dangerously radioactive. Then her baby had to go and die four hours after being born, due to the high levels of radiation she’d received from her dying husband. I mean, first your husband, now your baby too! No, that’s gotta be too much! Happily, despite being told by doctors she could never have another child, she now lives with her son in Kiev. So hopefully, despite her whole heartbreaking experience that was depicted in the show, she’s doing okay now.
What is your favourite episode of 1?        Kinda stuck between The Wrong Trousers and A Matter of Loaf and Death. Trousers, purely for nostalgia as that was the one I’d always watch as a toddler and Loaf and Death for Gromit/Fluffles OTP feels. X3
What is your favourite episode of 5?    Waaaaayyyyy too many to choose from. XD
What is your favourite season of 2? There is only one season. :P
How long have you watched 1?    Since I was born practically. :D
How did you become interested in 3?   I saw WatchMojo’s “Top 10 Saddest Anime Deaths” video on YouTube, which included the death of Carla Jeager in the very first episode, being eaten by a Titan as her son, Eren (the main character) helplessly watches while being carried away to safety. That scene gave me some serious chills, so I guess you could say it was a morbid fascination for me. Then as I watched it, I became engrossed in the story and always loved watching the adrenaline-pumping scenes of our main characters fighting Titans, even though such battles could get jaw-droopingly violent and depressingly tragic at times. These days, I just watch it for the sheer love of seeing the smexy badass that is Levi Ackerman. XD
Who is your favourite actor in 4?  The whole cast. XD
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?  …No, that’s too hard. They’re all such different shows.
Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?  Attack on Titan, simply because that has more episodes than Wallace and Gromit. ;P
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Funnily enough, I actually had a dream once were I could see and speak to all the ghosts in that show, just like Alison could. XD
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?  Um… no. XD
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?  Um… I dunno. Possibly Piella Bakewell and Victor Quartermaine? Maybe they could pair up through their shared hatred for Wallace? I dunno. They’re both scumbags, so… X
Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?  I’d probably have to say Attack on Titan. Sorry YGO, but you simply cannot beat a story in which our characters have to learn to fight to survive and protect their loved ones in a dystopian fantasy world.
Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?  Chernobyl doesn’t really have a theme tune to speak of. Ghosts, however, has a very cool myserteous and gothic vibe to its opening theme. Does that answer your question for you. ;P
I tag: IDC, whoever wants to do this. XD
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cartoonus-maximus · 4 years
Hey, I just found your Treasureshipping & Periwinkleshipping post in the Yu-Gi-Oh ship tag & I think the names are really cute & fitting for the pairings you’ve mentioned & created. Maybe you could tag that post & the drawing you made for one of the ships as #Treasureshipping & #Periwinkleshipping to sort of “claim” those names? You could also try submitting these names on blogs specifically made for Yu-Gi-Oh pairings to try & spread the word to others. I hope this helps. 🤞
Hi there ^_^ I’m glad you liked the names!
You’re probably right about the tagging thing, so I might do that later. I can’t completely claim periwinkleshipping though, since I looked it up and it’s also the name of someone else’s ship (but it’s for a Pokemon ship, so it’s not like there would be too much tag crossover).
(( * EDIT: I was thinking of lilacshipping. That’s the name of a pokemon ship, as well a related ship name with the ygo characters (Thief Bakura x Miho). I got my color ship names confused. ))
I’m a little wary of submitting anything to ygo shipping masterlist blogs, though. They tend to want several pieces of fanart/fanfic evidence to prove that the ship exists, or that people have shown interest in it in the past few years. But I haven’t made that many works with my periwinkle- and treasureships, so I don’t think they would pass those inspections. ^^’
But, I am going to try to make more works with these and other ships, so we’ll see what happens.
But thank you for the message! I appreciate it! 👍 
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zeravmeta · 5 years
Give me your absolute best YGO x Fate headcanons
Ah gee since ya asked so nicely heres my convoluted crossover AU. Also this got hella long so I'll add a readmore
-the protags would all wind up at Chaldea due to being summoned by the godly powers within their own universes (Egyptian Gods, Crimson Dragon, etc.) and are tasked with helping them. Yugi is pre Ceremonial Duel (for Atem), the rest are from post series
-Gudas just so used to all the weirdness surrounding them so they take it in stride. Holmes on the other hand is losing it because he fears they may have been some type of dimensional collapse. He freaks out further when some of the kids say "oh yeah that happens all the time". Da Vinci sets them up to assist Guda since they can use magic (at least half of them use magic and the other half literally fuse with duel monsters) without needing magic circuits (which interests her GREATLY) so she introduces them as a set of new masters to help.
-their decks are still with them but now instead of being confined to the game they can actually summon them as Familiars/Phantasmals, though they can only support a few at a time.
-most, if not all servants are suspicious of these new masters (guda is my favorite master i dont need another one), but its only initial waryness since these are actual kids like Guda and they default to Parent Mode. Theyre even more surprised to learn about the exploits within their own worlds.
Now onto some of the dynamics:
-Yugi would just be happy to meet all these heroes from history. He understands the seriousness of the situation and despite his initial kickback he'd be onboard to help. Atem would take this opportunity to ask around to see if any of these ancient heroes would know him (since pre ceremonial duel he'd know who he is from Mem World). The Pharaohs (Ozy, Nito, Cleo) would be surprised about a Pharoah they've never met before, and especially his divinity since he could summon three Egyptian Gods to aid him. He was from 3000 years in the past so Egypt was beginning in its decline, so such a modern (relatively) Pharoah holding such power would shock them, though in the end Ozymandias would still declare him one of his friends and theyd get along. Yugi would leave the Puzzle with the Pharoahs so they could speak while he went around meeting a bunch of the heroes. He'd love to play with some of the kids though he has earned his fair share of ire since the King of Games never loses on Game Night, Poker Night, or any other type of games. Yugi has more supportive abilities in his skillset for the ourposes of battle, while Atem can more freely use his shadow magic since he's being supplied.
-Judai is more nonplussed than anything. He was already wandering the world so for him this is just another checkpoint. He finds the ability to summon his monsters as familiars more convebiant than anything since he could already speak to them. Many of the magic users are particularly interested in his ability to talk to spirits since its a rare ability in general and usually limited to one type of phantasmal, not to mention empathetic abilities on their own are somewhat unheard of in Nasuverse. Yubel is a protective force around him and for combat training scenarios shes extremely hard to get around since her deflection ability, while hard to maintain when Yubel uses her final form, is pretty much on par with Lord Camelot in terms of defense. He's generally friendly but comes off as rude sometimes due to his general nonchalance. Gets along especially well with some of the more volatile servants like Berserkers and Avengers since his empathetic abilities are soothing to them.
-Yusei is cautious and guarded here. He has responsibilities in his own world he'd want to get back too, but doesn't have it in him to just leave. His D-Wheel somehow came along (Yuya shivers in the distance) with him, so Da Vinci did the only reasonable thing upon seeing a miniature perpetual motion machine and tried to impound it immediately for study. Yusei was happy to share his info and skills on Momentum and implementing it into Chaldeas energy systems, something that had Tesla and Edison proud since one so young was already (but only barely) supassing AC and DC. Holmes was also extremely interested in Clear Mind and the Crimson Dragin, since Yusei managed to consolidate his own concentration into pure evolutionary energy and may have accidentally interacted with an elder god in the process (kinda like Holmes). Yusei assures him the Crimson Dragon isn't evil and that its called Quetzalcoatl, which has Fate Quetz coming in and asking about herself, further complicating Yusei's confusion on the Crimson Dragon. For combat, he starts off supportive by swarming his field with low power monsters before suddenly summoning a more powerful one. With Over Top Clear Mind they become even more powerful and evolve on their own, so Stardust can become Shooting, but summoning Quasar is very dangerous since its extremely powerful but taxxing.
-Yuma is absolutely excited. Astral not so much. "Astral these are literal HEROES how can you not be excited!?" "Idk probably the part where they'll kill us if we take a wrong step?". Yuma loves to hang around servants like Drake, Shiki and Beowulf, and loves swapping stories of their adventures. Abigail heard about aliens and wonders if Yog Soghoth is an alien, but Yuma tells her that the Astrals and Barians are not like Yog Soggoth, even if Don Thousand as described kinda sounds like him. Astral can be seen since since Heroic Spirits are consolidations of magic while Astral was basically an energy being of the same type, and does float through the halls, occasionally scaring someone by mistake. He does get along with a mysterious woman in a kimono who seems to appear in the twilight hours, but he cant ever really remember her face. In combat Astral and Yuma can do their usual combination form which causes their Numbers to automatically Rank Up upon summoning, the higher the form the further they can rank.
-Yuya has it a bit rough at first. He just got out of a war and now he was being dragged into another? Thankfully he gets his bearings quickly but is still somewhat shaken. Some of the servants are wary around him because they can feel the distortion that exists within his soul, his three other versions, and the power that could trun him into the Supreme King once again still exists there even if Zarc has passed on. He gets along with Siegfried well enough, and they swap stories about how the expectations of others can lead you to ruin. The Alter Egos feel a kinship to him since he's also a consolidated personality rather than a full person, though he gets along best with the Celts. Cu, Scathach and Fergus all love to see his performances, but to them that just meant that they can put him through warrior training especially after they hear about the war he went through. Scathach insists that him running for his life while she chases is good training, while Cu agrees while running alongside him. In battle he uses his acrobatic prowess enhanced with a little bit of fortification/protection magic, and can summon all four of his dragons to help him. Since the other Yu Boys are stuck within Yuya, they occasionally trade places:
Yuto gets along with Archer and occasionally helps him out. Archer is sympathetic to the struggles he unerwent in his own world and makes sure to keep his spirits up while also trying to ignore the irony.Yugo and David have struck up a strange friendship since they both have the issue of mistaking people for their so. David sees Yugo talk about how even if his life was hard it was worth it for the people he loved and remembers his son fondly.Yuri is generally avoided since even after the merge he's still something of a wildcard, but he gets along well with Hans and Kiara of all people. Sometimes he'd share the stories of the training he underwent in Academia, how the Professor trained him to see people as toys and all the people he's hurt, how his dragon was his only friend and how itd protect him, and Hans couldn't help but hate his pessimistic attitude in expecting this while Kiara wouldn't really care too much but also wouldn't insult him by offering condolences. He knows he's become a monster and he won't deny or forget his mistakes, he'll simply try to do better.
-[note: Vrains suddenly had its ending announced for Sept.25 (i believe it may have been cancelled) so based on the episode title of 120 Yusaku and Ai will reunite and thats what im following here] Yusaku is skittish at best, downright invisible at worst. He doesn't want to be found, and even some of the Assassin Class servants have trouble tracking him down when needed. Ai managed to bring along a spare SOLtis body with him so he can walk around and physically interact with Yusaku. Even if they still had some tension between them they still cared about each other so they would keep each other company. It got real awkward when BB first showed up talking about being a sentient AI, so Ai immediatelt tried to befriend her, only to learn about her inhuman nature. While Ai may dislike that aspect of her, he knows from what happened with Roboppy that you cant forcibly change what you are, so he does his best to try and get along, which infuriates BB to no end since she feels like she's being talked down to. Yusaku as a programmer helps with most of Chaldeas regular workforce and he accomplishes hiding in plain sight by being the only master to interact more with the regular work staff than their servants. That being said, it doesn't change how some like Tamamo or Suzuka try to drag him out so he can meet some of the other servants. He gets along well with Kerry. Likely because they barely speak and share E Rank Luck.
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