#yikes that acronym sucks
theaologieslibrary · 1 year
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Is that the-
The Waterstones exclusive signed edition of A Curse for True Love? Yeah, it is
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ruminate88 · 4 months
Darvo ? 🥴😝
I just had to learn this new word from The Bat Wolf on TikTok…
“Darvo” is an acronym that stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. It is a manipulation tactic often used by individuals to deflect blame, deny responsibility, attack the accuser, and portray themselves as the victim in a situation where they may actually be the offender….
Grrr… This sucks. lol 😝 I already knew this. Not the word, I just know my exes blamed me for what they did. Andrew for one, after we’re broken up, he says “we can be friends” and I was in stupid trauma bond so I can’t leave. I stuck around hoping for some miracle that he actually diiiiid love me 🙄 (I wasn’t aware of what was happening) OKAY, so we’re having conversations as “friends”. He’s way more open with me now than he had been the whole relationship. I didn’t get why… We were talking about our “fears” and “worries”. I tell him finally I had been battling depression for years. He acts totally caught off guard and upset!! Says he “should’ve known that about me.” Well duh, you only dated me for over a year. Yes, you would’ve known had you actually paid me real attention outside your bed. 🫠 and I tell him I’ve always felt invisible and misunderstood which is 100% facts!! Apparently now, Andrew is “upset” and says he should’ve known and now he thinks that’s sooooo terrible of me to be depressed. Tells me I’m “too beautiful to be depressed” ANNNND he took a vulnerable conversation and turned it SEXUAL 😳 Suddenly he’s saying how beautiful I am to him and how he wants me and I know what he likes and I’ve always known what he likes… doesn’t want me to be depressed but suddenly wants me to be with him. I was in stupid trauma bond and had no self control, no awareness of his intentions and so I melted like butter in his arms. Grrrr!!!!
Okay so I’m mistaking the whole situation and I wonder is he trying to get back with me and what about the “other girl” ?? I ignore my gut instinct, I ignore the hard truth and I give in to temptation. The next day I’m torn like what’s gonna happen next, what does it all mean and does Andrew care about me… SUDDENLY, I received this big, loooooooooong, paragraph of a text message from him. He’s never typed so much in his life to me! He’s always gave me short responses but this time it was like a book!!! 😨 and in this book, he wants to know, “why did I flirt with him and get with him? What’s wrong with me, why would I do that!!???? Tells me how I know we’re broken up and I don’t respect our friendship…. “ basically treating me like a slut and making me feel bad for what HE STARTED!!! He tells me I made him “weak” and purposely made him “want me” that it’s alllll my fault he had no self control and I made him do something he wasn’t supposed to do. 😓😓😓😓
Is that not Darvo???? I mean, I knew nothing back then about manipulators but I wasn’t born yesterday either. My jaw was dropped and sure I felt sad and ashamed cuz I thought it meant something when clearly he was just messing with my head and playing games… I exclaimed to him “it takes two” and no he’s not gonna blame me only, he also has to wear it. Also, he took a sensitive and tough conversation about my mental health and turned it into something nasty. He used my feelings and emotions for his own benefit. Yeah, it didn’t stop there. For two weeks straight we continued to get with each other but fight the whole time. It was both amazing and terrible. He purposely was making it “good” so I would want more of him but also treating me like complete crap because it’s easier to get what he wants from me if I’m too upset and sad to go against him. Plus, I truly believed I cared about him and whatever he was going through.
I just can’t wrap my head around “darvo” it’s so evil and hurtful. I continued to show up for him even while he’s spitting on my name. His loss though ✌🏻
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airenyah · 3 years
i'm very surprised at myself and how much tonight's ep and especially the ep 12 preview affected me
i was prepared for a break up since this is exactly how the formula goes for these shows and even though i had a little bit of hope i've also learned my lessons from many other beloved shows that have disappointed me in the past
honestly when i saw the ep 12 preview i didn't even have the energy to be mad, i just felt really tired (and i am, i'm so tired of this trope). and i thought i would be over it pretty quickly since i was already kinda expecting a break-up
but for some reason i'm just hurting a lot. and i have no idea why. sure i've been disappointed and angry over plot lines in shows before but here i'm just really hurt. and not in a "the story is so sad and i'm so sad for the characters" kinda way but in a "i wish they didn't go with this plot line" kinda way
i don't know why i'm hurting so much over this. this has never happened to me before and i'm not sure how to deal with it. maybe it's bc i haven't been feeling so well mentally for the past few weeks and especially at the beginning of this week and tonight's fiasco definitely didn't help
idk, but the whole aftermath of the ep with the ep 12 preview kicked me into an episode of feeling absolutely miserable. i just feel so drained
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universal-kitty · 4 years
   I plan to return to my favored coping method when I need “I’m not me” time- roleplaying- but before I did that.... I wanted to talk about what happened. Why I’ve been so depressed. Why I’ve been quiet. Because for the first and last time....... I don’t have to worry about what my stepdad thinks of me.
TW: transphobia, misgendering, mentions of a lot of -isms (sexism, racism; stepdad is an ASSHOLE), mentions of suicide and depression
   TL;DR: I finally told Marshal- my stepdad- about being nonbinary. Not only did he react the way I knew he would, but my mom largely defended him before all of this and even said my pronouns were “confusing” to her. I had been hoping to have support from her, so this broke my heart. I officially don’t live with them anymore, but I struggle to find a single place to be in, due to my boyfriend’s dad being uncomfortable with me being home without Cam (my bf).
   ....Alright, let’s get into a bit of a doozy of a story...
   It started with another fucking day of Marshal being on his bullshit. The day previous (13th), he made a comment about how “and that’s why women shouldn’t be cops,” because, while he and mom were watching a true crime show, a woman police officer brought up an acronym. Mom guessed it, was wrong, and Marshal brought that out there.
   The day of, he was watching a kid’s movie with his daughters (the younger three; the movie was Hotel Transylvania) and he wanted to know if there was a derogatory term for Irish people. He was going with “potato eaters”, but wasn’t sure if that was right, or if there was anything worse he could be saying. (And he wanted to know so he could say it.) He tried to ask mom, citing a Jewish slur, but she said she didn’t know so he could shrug and go back to “potato eaters.”
   After they left to go to a birthday party, I overheard a video on his phone mention “...the hypocrisy of the left...” and decided maybe it was time I had enough.
   ....Except she defended him when I brought it up. “Oh, he’s half-Irish, so....” “We can’t change what he believes in. He was raised like that and the construction site reinforces his views. Even Google shows him more and more of that kind of thing.”
   I got understandably upset that my mom was defending him and didn’t understand why I’d be feeling unsafe around someone like that. I left to go back on the computer and talk to friends. Buuuut because I was in tears at that point, mom felt like it was time to pursue the issue.....by standing right next to me. The monitor was HUGE on the family computer. (My laptop wasn’t at the house due to it crashing the internet a lot.) So I felt even MORE cornered.
   In came a talk about MY GENDER turning into politics. How Republicans and Democrats don’t talk anymore, how the parties think of each other like family, and it just sucks, to her. I bring it back to the ACTUAL talking point..... Only to get the reaction I mentioned in the TL;DR: she thinks that singular “they” is weird and not viable for pronoun usage. No matter what I say or try to.
   My sobbing draws out Marshal from upstairs, who asks what’s going on. I decide to power through and talk about what’s been delayed for months, if not almost a full year... I’m nonbinary and want he/they pronouns.
   See, though... His mom had called him when I attempted “social suicide” on Facebook, coming out originally. Despite having explained myself and my gender/sexualities, miss grandma decided to tell this to Marshal as, “I think there’s something wrong with Rachel.”
   .....Which was then followed up with what I knew was coming: “I think there’s something wrong with you. I think you hate your body. You’re always going to be a beautiful girl to me.”
   Now, maybe it wasn’t a wise thing to scream. (Did feel good, though. Emotional turmoil calls for a good scream, even if I still wonder if I frightened our neighbors.) It was a less wise thing to hit myself... Though I also thought Marshal had left the room. He had not; instead hovering at the bottom of the stairs or on the stairs themselves, hovering over us.
   .....It’s an emotional situation, I do lash out in screams, and I’m not proud of it. But I do want to note that it’s hard to be autistic and talk about things like this when NOBODY ELSE is the mediator. (I talk about my dad a lot when it comes to this part. He took me being polyam very well, as though he didn’t understand it, he made sure to deescalate my panic and explain it more in-depth, so he could get a better idea of what it is I’m doing. Why it’s healthy, why it makes me happy... Stuff like that. Ending it with, “If it makes you happy, awesome.”)
   Mom? She....wasn’t doing much, at that point. Sitting in a chair and sobbing. Misgendering me- literally- behind my back. “She thinks you’re not accepting her.” (Because he isn’t? Duh?)
   Long story short of Marshal also trying to needle mom into saying something against him, as the only religious person in the room has decided he feels VERY attacked and wants to hear his wife say some shit, too..... Cam shows up to pick me up. I stumble out of the house in slip on shoes and a pair of ancient PE shorts.
   ....Went back later to pick up some stuff w/ him and a friend of ours in silence. Mom was still crying. She’d try to eventually use that against me to paint herself the victim and gaslight me into making ME feel awful for....... [checks notes] Wanting my gender to be respected.
   I made another semi-bad decision of making a FB post talking about my anger and mentioning LBGT+ suicides, because being perceived as only female was really putting a damper on my mood, on coming back every day (after hanging out with Cam) and dealing with depression. I was NOT happy in that house and it definitely was a rising factor in why I often felt hopeless and, well, depressed.
   I let my friends respond to family since I was gonna be out anyways and I also trust these people with my life. I very commonly mince my words or try to give some ground out of politeness, thus never really getting far when it comes to arguments. (Everyone always seems smarter than me and I end up feeling so stupid after....) Of course, that then resulted in my mom and Elo’s mom feeling targeted and attacked by my friends and boyfriend (who had EVEN MORE RIGHT to say shit), apparently the latter even going on to say this was a “family matter” and my friends (and boyfriend!!) had no place in it.
   ....Except I let them and the only negatives that came from that was my mom having to face facts that she WAS gaslighting me. Oh, and didn’t use my pronouns until AFTER a friend of mine called her out for it. But okay.
   At this point in time, I....definitely am bitter on how my mom has chosen to go about certain things- the gaslighting and a convo on Insta (that I have screenshotted) where she said “if you cut out all the people who have different opinions from you, you’re going to lose a lot of people”- but I’m not as mad at her as I used to be? (Or maybe it’s the gaslighting. I can’t tell anymore.) It just hurts a shitton to realize that the only reason I couldn’t talk this out with her.....was because of Marshal.
   She wanted to play both sides and that isn’t POSSIBLE when “both sides” are “choose between your LGBT+ child or the racist, sexist, transphobic breadwinner and father to 3 kids.” You know who she’d choose. And she did.
   (Also, consider that “different opinions” should REALLY mean “we agree on some things, disagree on others, but that open-mindedness keeps us close” and NOT “befriend a person who makes suicide jokes, thinks your gender is a fad/fake, and makes racist remarks, “but it’s just a joke, bro”.” Like?? Just me????)
   Definitely pissed at Marshal, though. That’s been a constant from day one of me realizing how garbage he is. Even a friend who defended my mom said fuck him, which really goes to show how awful the man is, without needing to know all of the other things he’s said before. (And he’s said a LOT.) And he’s also the reason that I’m not going back to the house. Why I’m going to try to be moving out.
   If it was just my mom, I’d consider it. I’d give it a month to think about things and what I want to do, where I want to go...but Marshal involved? No thanks. Never again. She thinks I’m going to “get a dose of reality” and come crawling back home? Nope. And if she keeps talking like that, none of my future kids are going to meet grandma. >:/
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moonwaif · 4 years
Eliminating D/S. Instead of being admitted for "duration of status" (D/S) as they currently are, individuals applying for admission in either F or J status (F-1 students, F-2 dependents, J-1 exchange visitors, and J-2 dependents) would be admitted for the length of time indicated by the program end date noted in their Form I-20 or DS-2019, not to exceed 4 years, unless they are subject to a more limited 2-year admission, plus a period of 30 days following their program end date. The proposed revisions to the J regulations at 8 CFR closely align with the proposed changes for F nonimmigrants . . .
F and J nonimmigrants seeking a program extension will continue to first request such an extension through the P/DSO or A/RO, as provided for under current regulations. If such a program extension is recommended by the P/DSO or A/RO, the F-1 or J-1 must timely apply for an extension of stay (EOS) on Form I-539 with USCIS to remain in the U.S. beyond the status expiration date on their I-94.
This really sucks for international students. It doesn't make much sense from the academic side of things, especially for Master's and PhD students, who often need more than 2 or 4 years to complete their programs respectively. Additionally, with USCIS processing times, it will be an extra stressor on students. They will need to plan the extension so far in advance and keep their fingers crossed that it is processed in time.
Also the justification doesn’t really make sense, since overstay rates for F and J categories have actually been decreasing according to the Department of Homeland Security. 
Reducing the F-1 "grace period" from 60 days to 30 days. "DHS believes that the F category, albeit distinct from M or J, shares a core similarity in that many aliens in these categories are seeking admission to the United States to study at United States educational institutions. Thus, DHS thinks that these categories should have a standard period of time to prepare for departure, or take other actions to extend, change, or otherwise maintain lawful status." 
Grace period is the time after an F or J student graduates in which they are allowed to remain in the United States to wrap things up (sell their furniture, move out o their apartment, tie up whatever loose ends). During this time, they F-1 students can apply for OPT to work in the US for up to a year. Both F and J-1 students have the option of applying for admission to another university, applying for admission at the same university, or applying for a change of status before the grace period is over. Otherwise they will have to depart the United States within the grace period.
This means that F-1 students will have less time to basically wrap things up, which will be an additional pressure for them. Imagine being here with dependents (spouse and kids--these are the only dependents allowed for F-1 or J-1 students). You gotta wrap everything up in 30 days. Yikes.
In addition, applicants would need to demonstrate that they are eligible for the nonimmigrant classification sought. Accordingly, applicants must submit evidence of sufficient funds to cover expenses. A failure to provide such evidence would render the applicant ineligible for the extension of stay." DHS says: "DHS believes requiring evidence of financial resources to cover expenses for one year of study is reasonable given that F students are familiar with this requirement because this is the standard used by the Department of State. Such evidence for one year and subsequent years could include, but is not limited to: complete copies of detailed financial account statements for each account intended to be used to fund the student’s education; other immediately available cash assets; receipts and/or a letter from the school accounts office indicating tuition payments already made and any outstanding account balance; affidavits of support from a sponsor; proof of authorized private student loans; and/or other financial documentation." This references DOS standards at 9 FAM 402.5-5(G)(1) that requires an F-1 student visa applicant to establish that he or she "has enough readily available funds to meet all expenses for the first year of study," and that, "barring unforeseen circumstances, adequate funds will be available for each subsequent year of study from the same source or from one or more other specifically identified and reliable financial sources."
So showing financial documentation to cover the estimated expenses during the period of the extension is normal procedure. Currently, it is the Designated School Official (i.e., the underpaid staff member at the university) who evaluates the financial documentation. Each institution does this slightly differently. I cannot over-emphasize how much of a sh*t show this part of the procedure is going to be for the DSO and USCIS.
I could go on about how unfortunate this update is. But.
The only “positive” to come out of it is that USCIS can raise some money. USCIS actually does not get most of their money from the government. Instead, the majority of their funding comes from application fees (OPT--Optional Practical Training for F-1 Students, H-1B petitions, etc.). They’re facing a huge financial crisis right now, which was only made worse by recent policy updates regarding H-1B.
There’s also this, which I was pleasantly surprised to see:
DHS is also proposing a new factor in the extension of stay provisions - circumstances beyond the student’s control, including a natural disaster, a national health crisis, or the closure of an institution... Some of these examples are currently in the reinstatement provisions... and DHS believes that they merit favorable consideration in extension requests.
The link I provided is the NAFSA breakdown. You can also read the proposed rule verbatim.
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ivyandink · 5 years
a life update
if you’re interested! :) i know im the nosy person who loves reading about peoples’ personal lives, so if that’s you.... below the cut sis, i see you lol
I have been sooo absent from tumblr for months now! And I know I don’t owe any explanations or anything, but idk, I just thought it’d be kinda fun to share with you guys what’s been keeping my mind busy and away! So here goes nothin’.
I had one hell of a summer. Emphasis on hell. Read: Family DRAMA. Which left me in a pretty rough place mentally/emotionally. In a much, much better place with it all now (altho as I say that my crazy aunt has been texting me all day tryna drag me bag into stuff lol no rest for the wicked y’all). But, when you’re feeling kinda down, it’s hard to find the energy to create.
I am starting up my web design side hustle!!! Which has been a long time coming lol. I’ve been meaning to do this for years, but things never quite lined up or worked out. Last year, I finally felt like I was at a good place to start, so I have! This is by far taking up the most space in my brain for now, as I’m still getting things off the ground. It’s hard to balance starting a business while working full time, and also trying to have other hobbies/interests/social interaction lolol. PS: If you or anyone you know needs a website designed.... ;) just sayin’. I know a gal.......... me. It’s me. I’m the gal. Moving on. :)
I’ve been revisiting my novel. Idk if I ever talked about it much on here or just vaguely referenced it here and there? But last Spring (yikes almost a year ago.. BIG YIKES) I started a novel with the goal to finish by 2020. I wrote about 3 chapters and effectively scrapped it. lmao. So here we are! Revisiting the drawing board. FYI, this novel is an adaptation of my “Disapora” story if any of yall remember that hot ass M E S S-- aka, how Eli and Clem meet, fall in love and what not. My concept is to take my Ivy characters and kind of build them out their own book series... a series that would explore generational ties and relationships, and give me space to REALLY develop these characters I’ve loved so much. Like, I could gush and geek over this forever, but developing the old Elliot and Clementine into REAL characters (let’s be honest, their development had always been a little... lite lol) feels amazing, and seeing the same character yet also they’re so different?? It’s hard to explain, but it’s exciting, and fun, and a big, long-term project/goal of mine, and 2020 is the year I write the first book!!!! Or at least start it lol.
I lost my very best furry friend, my cat Juno, in December. See above for mental hardship making it hard to create. However, Seth and I have opened our hearts and home to two little ragdoll brothers , who we’ve had for a few weeks now, and are in love with. I think Juno would’ve really loved them too. ❤️ They’re a lil bad sometimes lol I like to think they’re in the preteen phase right now, and acting up and being extra. But they’re so cute and sweet and quirky, and already apart of our little family.
Then there’s just tons of misc things that have sucked up my time. Like: learning how to use my iPad Pro + Apple Pencil, creating a digital bullet journal with said iPad/Pencil combo, researching going back to college for my MSW to then become an LCSW (good LORD the acronyms in the field... kill m e) and become a therapist, researching houses we cannot afford???? literally wasting entire days looking on Trulia/Zillow/etc. lol, trying out a super DUPER extreme elimination diet to pinpoint some of my health issues (which i suspect might be autoimmune by nature, as it runs in the fam, despite me not being diagnosed-- and there is a lot of at the bare minimum anecdotal evidence that AI diseases are caused by food intolerances), went through a weird regression where I played Zelda for a few days lmao, and I’ve also taken up a daily manifestation journaling practice! And lord knows what else. :)
All of this is to say.... YEAH I’ve been busy. But here I am. I can’t make any promises to myself or others are my content, how often I’ll post, if I’ll ever even finish this dang story, or what. But!! That’s all good. :) I’m gonna let myself have fun with this hobby. Because for ME, I need something I can just have fun with. Read all the above points for things in my life that aren’t meant to be taken very seriously and leave no room for ‘just have fun with it’ and you’ll get it lolol. At the end of the day tho, I love tumblr, for as much shit as we all talk about it. It scratches a very particular itch for me, and it’s an enjoyable itch to scratch (???? weird metaphor but ok). It’s fun. I love the community (I’m good at blocking the icky blogs, and love my mutuals/followers/anons/people who interact). And I love having Like Ivy in the back of my head, getting ideas and inkings for it here and there, with no pressure on myself to do anything with it, right away. I want to keep this as my creative, free for all kinda space. But that might mean some radio silence here and there. I feel like most my main followers are also adults tho with busy lives??? So I’m sure y’all more than understand the struggle lolol. 
OH I almost forgot-- keep your 👀 peeled for the return of my Youtube channel this year! That was another fun hobby I enjoyed doing just for myself. I still need to figure out how I can make it work for me, in my new crazy life/schedule lol but alas!!!!! I’m a double scorpio and i LOVE a good challenge. Also might be a bit of a masochist??? So, I’ll figure it out, no worries lolol.
If you read this, and got all the way to the end without tapping out, I just wanted to say hey 👋 I see you. You’re awesome. I love you. Thanks for being interested in me. Also, we’re nosy creepers together, so we clearly have that in common 💁‍♀️ and idk! even if I’m not posting, I’m always lurking/around and always open to chat, answer asks, whatever. :) And if you have any questions about anything I wrote here, feel free to shoot them my way too!! All humans lowkey love talking about themselves (this post? case, and point oof). No shame~
Anyways-- thanks for reading!
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snapedefender · 5 years
someone in another fandom was really mean and insulting and inconsiderate to me for daring to ask rather nicely if maybe they could not use an acronym 'ss' for some thing present in the fandom so liberally cause it has very bad conotations in my country (im polish, varsovian at that, so very present in my society collective conciousness) and i remember what amazing, sweet and considerate person you are, so.. thank you for being so lovely
yikes!!! when i started this blog i wanted a snape-focused name but a lot of the ones i tried were taken so i ended up doing ssdefense just to have something...... i’m american and i’m not jewish, so i had no real idea of ‘ss’ as a concept. i’m not sure how many americans are really like... casually aware of nazi signals and watchwords outside of their main sigil tbh, which is concerning. but god, the moment someone was nice enough to tell me what i was inadvertently advertising, i changed it immediately. i’m actually disappointed you cant like... retroactively change your username on blog posts too bc sometimes posts i made with that username crop up in my feed and i full-body cringe.
like!! the very idea of being even loosely connected with nazi ideology makes me almost physically uncomfortable. i can’t imagine how anyone would hear ‘hey this phrase/word/sigil is used consistently by nazis and has a connection to white supremacists who committed genocide not too long ago’ and think ‘nah it’s fine if i keep using it.’ like, setting aside the basic decency of not making other people more uncomfortable than we have to (which has somehow been branded as political correctness censorship???) doesn’t that make YOU yourself uncomfortable?? even if you aren’t interested in being nice to others who make a simple request, don’t YOU want to keep your internet space nazi-free even by the remotest connection??????? that kind of reaction is literally WILD to me.
that sucks dude. here’s to hoping they recognize the error of their ways sooner rather than later. and thank you for the compliment, but tbh i don’t really think it needs to be complimented. human decency should be expected even (and maybe even especially) on the internet. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Welcome! And you are? Ya’ll should know this by now. When you buy/recieve new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? I just wear them first. Do you hate using public restrooms? Yes, which is why I don’t unless I really have to for some reason. What’s the weirdest item you’ve seen for sale on Ebay? I haven’t come across anything weird, but when I go on there I search for specific things, so. Do you check to make sure there’s TP before using the restroom? Yeah.
Do you drunk dial/text? I have done that, yes. Why are mall Santas always portrayed as drunken, depressed old men? Ha I don’t know. Have you ever built a massive snow fort? No. What household chore do you loathe? I don’t particularly enjoy doing any of them. Are parents to blame for what their kids do on the Internet? I think they should monitor what they’re kids are doing online. Would you care to meet Tom, the creator of MySpace? I mean, it’s not something I aspire to do, but if I ever happened to for some reason it could be interesting. I haven’t heard anything about him in yearsss. Have you ever looked at a person and thought they looked like an animal? lol I’ve seen comparison photos of some people and their dog owners, or dogs/cats who look like certain celebrities. Do you use acronyms to remember things? I’ve tried that for some things in school. Like the whole PEMDAS for math. Do you take pills like Tylenol for the littlest aches and pains? I take a narcotic for my pain. What would you do for a Klondike bar? Nothing. They’re not that special. Don’t you think Crocs are ugly? I do. When was the last time you went rollerskating? Never. What trend do you hate right now? I don’t even really know what’s trendy right now anymore. Do you really follow trends, or just wear what you like? I just wear what I like, which may or may not fall into what’s considered trendy. How many times do you think you go out to eat each month? Oh, several times. I get fast food and takeout quite often. Do you call people “dude” a lot? No. Who was your favorite Ninja Turtle? I didn’t get into that. Horror flicks make you: laugh, scream, or squirm? I’m a scardy cat, but I’ve really gotten into them these past few years. If you could become a doctor, what would you specialize in? I wouldn’t. What’s the cutest thing a little kid has ever said to/in front of you? One time this random kid told me I was pretty and I was like, what?? lol. At what age do you plan on moving out? No plans for the foreseeable future. Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? Not characters, but the show Are You Afraid of the Dark creeped me out. What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? Too many things. Do you believe that acupuncture works? Perhaps for some people, but personally  I’m not so sure. Have you ever been hypnotized? No. I wouldn’t want to be. If you got expelled from school, would you continue your education? Like I’d ever get expelled. I was always the good one. haha. How long does it take before you trust a person? I don’t know, it just depends on the person and how comfortable I feel around them. Do you ever wish you had Jedi powers? That’d be cool. Will we ever get to see Jack’s face (guy from Jack-in-Box commercials)? Nope. Would you kick it with Jay and Silent Bob? Nah. Say…would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? If it’s white chocolate. Would a wax museum scare you or amuse you? I’ve been to one and it’s a bit creepy. What’s the first food you can smell when you enter the mall? Soft pretzels. Have you ever made a time capsule? What did you put in it? Nope. What would you do if your mom or dad read your diary/journal/blog? Yikes... Do you turn the music up when a good song comes on? Yeah. Do you know anyone with a lisp? No. Do you hate going to the doctor? Ugh, yes. I have to go regularly, which sucks. Why did the dish run away with the spoon? Why not the fork or knife? It’d mess up the rhyme. What is the worst hurt you’ve ever experienced? Loss of my grandparents and my dog, Brandie to name a few. Do you wish time went faster or slower? Both, it just depends. Do you write thank-you notes? No. If you were to break a Guinness Record, which one would you try and beat? None. Are you distracted by shiny objects? Sometimes. What’s the coolest item in your room? All my giraffe stuffed animals, particularly the 4ft one. Are you grateful for what you have? Yes. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Me. Are you scared of clowns? Not really. They can be kinda creepy sometimes, though. Are you accident-prone? Yes. As a kid, what was your favorite activity on the playground? Just playing and hanging out with my friends. Are huge muscles gross or sexy? A little muscle is nice, but too much becomes unattractive to me. Especially like Arnold Schwarzenegger during his body building days or The Rock.... ew, no thanks. Have you ever fished and caught something weird? I went fishing once and caught nothing. Your final thoughts…? Goodnight.
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