#yippee gender yay
kiwipit · 4 months
my momma was saying how it's her birthday soon and how old she's turning (ik this) and I (jokingly) said Yeah ik how old u r bc ur the same age as Gerard Way and she said Who Is That so I showed her a picture n she said He looks like a girl. He's very pretty. I bet he looks like his mom. n so I showed her Michael Way and she said Wow they're pretty. That's shocking. n I think it's funny bc Duh but also bc when I went to their concert n my grandma picked me up she said Is this a womans concert? It sounds like a lady from out here. Gerard ur doing everything right and u always have !!
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kitsunecrows · 28 days
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good luck! 🍀
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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boss lady doodle that i started during cringetober but didnt finish (i rewatched way of the househusband yet again.) nya
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nervocat · 1 month
Concert is abt to start guys. Wish me luck 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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autism-corner · 1 year
dude ive been looking for an irl second name and i discover that my current one is already genderneutral!! YAY
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tasteofyourblood · 1 year
gender euphoria is when you listen to destroya and are really happy
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old-poptart · 1 year
hanako/tsukasa(and if possible boy!akane) x a Brazilian reader?? like, who has a stronger accent, and has weird habits aaaaa I'm going to die 🦄
a/n: YIPPEE YAY!!!! WE LOVE LATINOS RAHHHHHH, dont die dawg 😓
warnings: none i could think of
Hanako 🌺, Tsukasa 🥀, and Akane Aoi 👓 with a Brazilian reader (gender neutral):
Hanako 🌺:
"gorgeous.. absolutely gorgeous"
he thinks it's so cool that you're brazilian!!!
he honestly sees it as a pro, having a hot ahh latino s/o is a win in his book
hanako would wanna learn how to speak portuguese (it's so that he can flirt with you more in the language)
correct his pronunciation please he's butchering it so much
your accent is so cute!! he loves hearing it, he'd make up stupid excuses to hear you talk more ☠️
"really? and how do you say 'i have the best and hottest boyfriend in the world and i would never give him up for anything'?"
loves to tease you about it though, nothing about you is safe from his teasing ahh 😹
hanako would love to try any dishes from there, especially the ones you like
"is there anything like donuts???"
if you celebrate any traditions, he would love to celebrate them with you! you're such a pleasure to be around~
all in all, he loves you and your habits, ya goober
Tsukasa 🥀:
"ooo that's interesting!! you interest me as well~"
big question asker dawg
you better have some snacks with you it's gonna be a long ride of questions ranging from your mother tongue to what do you do to celebrate events
he will do whatever in his power to get you anything remotely similar to your favorite brazilian foods or lil trinkets
"look s/o!! i got you some maria mole!!"
"tsukasa that's just a marshmallow-"
he's tryin dawg give him some credit
does not understand what you say whenever you speak your mother tongue but always smiles when you do
like hanako, he thinks your accent is very cute!! the way you pronounce your words brings a blush to his ghostly face
tsukasa himself is weird too, so he would gladly partake in any questionable activities you have planned
he would learn any dances that interest you so that he can show off his moves to you
he's moving like a twig please help him
Akane Aoi 👓:
"oh please, enlighten me!"
i have a suspicion that akane has some portuguese up his sleeve
it's a bit rusty bear with him he's trying his best, he wants to impress you 😓
he loves to learn about your culture!! no matter what you talk to him about, whether it's your favorite food or event, he's all ears
akane would love to attend any events with you in his free time
"oh ive seen this dance before!! it looks marvelous"
dawg is so in love with you
i can see that different dialects fascinate him, so when he hears your voice he can't help but smile and giggle like a lil girl
if you're ever insecure about your accent, he'll reassure you a ton!! positive affirmations being whispered between your lips as you two kiss, how romantic~
he'd be more than happy to try out some dishes!!
he'd learn to cook your favorite dish
overall, he loves you and your goofy lil antics. what a cute couple~
-ooga :D
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ofthenoseclan · 23 days
gay vns especially fvns have this impact on me i like to call “fag oversaturation” where after a certain point where literally everyone is gay (or a fujoshi whenever a rare female character is on screen. because thats always their single personality trait) i somehow start wanting to see cishet people desperately. like sure hell yeah fags yay yippee not to be the duck walking into the lemonade stand asking for grapes but like does no one want to explore any sort of plotline relating to how we interact with people who arent part of the community. like i feel like limiting your characters to people who are just the same exact gender and sexuality is severely crippling the amount of varied stories you could tell. what if perhaps dealing with people who do not fall within the same lived experience as each other is a good catalyst for conflict and character growth on both sides, wild i know. am i going insane for asking this from the wish fulfillment genre? maybe. but still
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verysmallcyborg · 5 months
i WILL be sappy on here for a moment, and say that fornax means so much to me for a myriad of reasons (whether it be exploring/figuring out things like gender tomfoolery, appearance stuff, learning to embrace parts that i used to be insecure about, etc)
so...... i never share art/gposes of them for the sake of popularity or whatever. i share them bc i just think fornax is Neat To Me, and if she happens to be perceived & enjoyed by others too, then YAY YIPPEE!!! i really do appreciate everyone that leaves such nice tags on the stuff i post of them ;v; fornax is doting YOU [finger pointing to viewer emoji] 🧡✨
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tigerdrop · 7 months
Hey, been wanting to write this for a while, but kept forgetting/things kept popping up. Also I don't like dumping heavy feels on strangers, especially those that I appreciate. But I needed to tell you, for someone who I randomly followed for HLVRAI content, and continued to follow for amazing original content, you make me feel so seen. Your art and writing make me--Like, actually feel okay about how I look. And for someone who's hated how they've looked since they were 14 and now are in their 30s, I just wanna say thanks. Your art/stories helps me be okay with what I have, and that I could be whoever I want to be, despite the appearance I was born with.
thats really sweet of you to say : ) and if it helps im very much in the same boat. my whole life ive felt inadequate bc of the body i have. hated looking at it, hated drawing it, hated acknowledging its existence as something that doesnt fulfill the gendered expectations of either men OR women. but it turns out thats sucks and stupid actually bc trans mascs rock and our bodies whip ass
its not an easy conclusion to come to. and im really glad ur taking something positive from my art. you dont have to fit into any fucking aspirational mold to feel comfortable in your own skin (or to find people who WANT what youve got going on, instead of just tolerating it). Sometimes big dudes have beards and pussy as well and its awesome
tl;dr Yay Yay Yippee!!! thank u for joining me on this journey
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roger-paladino · 1 year
okay now do Gabriel
I'm gonna do both past and current Gabe when it's aplicable <3
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual - Unlabled! He can't really figure himself out and sexuality is the LAST thing he's worried about
Gender Headcanon: Trans masc! Both versions of Gabriel are well aware of it <3 Though I do think past Gabe was more open to any pronouns than current
A ship I have with said character: Vittodantriel <3 grgrrrr
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A BROTP I have with said character: Gabe and Susan!!! Best friends till the sewers do they part
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really have a NOTP with Gabe tbh like.... Leon or Francis I guess but thats obvious
A random headcanon: A pretty good hunter! Only really went out with Dante and Vittorino though
General Opinion over said character: My most favourite little guy! The best detective around! Number one blonde boy in the world. I really hope nothing bad happens to him ever again :)
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eroswmorals · 19 days
Okay bit of an announcement
Wow gosh that sounds so fancy. So I put this poll up like 5 days ago (it's still up but I've decided that I'm gonna go ahead and do this even while it has like two days left) asking if y'all would think it was weird if I had an otherkin sideblog, and like 98% of y'all or something are literally otherkin so like yippee!!
So with that being said, I'm gonna reveal my sideblog which is @that-dog-is-so-gender :3
Come over and say hi on that side of tumblr if you so desire, and if you don't want to that's fine I just figured I'd connect the blogs or something.
Anyway yay fancy reveal thing nobody even cares lol but whatever
No more fancy announcements for awhile the next bunch of posts are gonna be all lowercase with horrible grammar <2
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bludgeoningbutch · 10 months
(too shy to not go on anon but sees that tag) tell me about your fallout oc i am IMMEDIATELY both intrigued and enamored
YAY YIPPEE💖 *kicking my legs like a schoolgirl*
Olive is one of my New Vegas OCs! She’s a ghoul living in Goodsprings. She works as a giant bug/creature exterminator, her work takes her all over New Vegas. Her primary weapons are a flamer, a giant wrench, and anything she can use to cause blunt-force trauma. Stats are:
(Also keep in mind I’m still trying to figure out a timeline for her. Tentative timeline (unless I change it) is that she’s around 65 years old in 2281 (turned ghoul around 2279). I wanted to place her around the same age as Easy Pete and Doc Mitchell, but there’s no canon info on their ages.
Background info/character dynamics under the cut!
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She’s Iranian-American, grew up in California under the NCR, her family was part of a contractor group that helped build settlements and repair damage to buildings. She found that a lot of their work was impeded by mutated creatures infesting buildings, and that’s how she got into creature hunting. She eventually resettled in Goodsprings when she started disagreeing with the way the NCR ran things. There, she befriended Doc Mitchell and Easy Pete, who we’re already well-settled (it was easy to befriend them because they were all the same age, and Olive grows weed which they all enjoy for their body aches lol).
She became a ghoul when she accepted a contract to rid an area of centaurs (in her mind, her last big contract before she would officially retire). The people who contracted her gave her faulty radiation protection, and the constant exposure to the radiation over the time period of her contract turned her into a ghoul. The process was immensely painful and traumatic, but her new lease on life (and her newly dulled pain receptors) made her more brash and reckless. She threw herself back into her work with even more gusto.
I have it in my mind that she doesn’t really know my courier OC that well, despite the fact that my courier settled in Goodsprings at the end of the main quest. I also just have this scenario of Olive like. Injured and recovering from cazador venom in another room of Doc Mitchell's infirmary while my courier was recovering from the headshot, and that by the time Olive recovered, my courier was long gone.
Olive + Doc Mitchell + Easy Pete have this weird thing going on where like. They could be dating each other, they want to be dating each other, but each of them are holding themselves back for some reason or the other:
Olive/Easy Pete: Easy Pete had already settled in Goodsprings, and Olive was ready to officially retire, which he was excited about. When she turned into a ghoul, however, it only emboldened her to keep working and keep adventuring. This was extremely disappointing to Easy Pete, because they had already planned their cozy retirement together.
Olive/Doc Mitchell: Similar to Easy Pete, Doc Mitchell was excited to have Olive stay close to Goodsprings in her retirement. As she was turning ghoul, Doc Mitchell helped her through the worst of it, which was immensely traumatic for the both of them. Now that she's working again (and is a lot more reckless because she thinks she's immortal), she finds herself in Doc Mitchell's infirmary more often than not. It upsets him that she's not taking it easy and being more careful.
Doc Mitchell/Easy Pete: After his wife died, Doc Mitchell didn't want to find love again. He was content with being alone in Goodsprings, but Easy Pete has been such a steady presence in his life, and a lot of things can happen when they both loosen up (with the help of Olive's weed). Growing up in a vault, Doc Mitchell was exposed to a lot of traditional gender roles and American values. He doesn't deny being into men, he just thinks that he's too old to try anything new.
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local-xenogender-icon · 4 months
Finally discovered my gender identity! Yay!
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Gendersylph, genderfaon, genderfeor, or genderfen, is a form of genderfluidity that is fluid between many genders that are xenic, aporine, genderless, or exobinary genders for example.
(source: gender wiki)
I never actually felt like I can define my gender with one word or one object for a long period of time. It feels fluid, it changes. I use xenogenders, but sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel like having a gender, but not male or female. And sometimes I feel like a little genderless alien🤭
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freckliedan · 8 months
Speaking of your first Dan vid, do you have any takes about Charlie? (Mine are 1. In retrospect she dressed like a wlw, idk but I love her. 2. I used to find her pretentious but now that she’s out as a woman I support her teenage pretentiousness. 3. There are new layers to the relationship between her and Dan, I feel like closeted ppl always have extra walls up around other closeted ppl, which is too bad bc they might have been friends in early YouTube)
i don't have like.. takes?? takes feels so detached and i'm anything but. i just remember that charlie is trans and i'm like YAY YIPPEE AND SUCH I LOVE HER ... ‼️
she was such a foundational part of my early youtube experience, one of the very few people i'd point to as a potentially bigger/more well known youtuber than dnp (at least at a certain point in time? maybe???? baby me thought that) so like. the fact that thee biggest names in youtube to me all turned out queer is amazing.
i literally texted like so many people the news when she came out. like people i fully had not talked to about youtube in years.
also. i am infinitely delighted by the fact that my husband (also trans) was absolutely having a gender about charlie circa 2012/2013. (kind of a venn diagram with matt smith at the time). i love how us trans folks end up latching on to other trans folks ages and ages before any of us even know what that spark of recognition is.
charlie didn't seem pretentious to me but that is very likely because i Also absolutely come across as pretentious (it can be argued that i am a hipster).
oh another thought: duet with myself as a trans song is SO much
& oof yeah! i feel like dnp & charlie had a lot of mutual respect, & if that could've been a friendship that was closer that would've been lovely.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
so i saw ur post asking bigender / boygirl ppl to explain what its like btw if this is to late or annying u can totally ignore it or delete it srry if this is annoying anyway
for me personally i will feel like im both a boy and a girl separately but like sometimes one will be more prominent . like yes i am one of the boys a he / him a femine girly who also happens to be a boy who is a girl . its hard to explain but gender dysphoria and euphoria r very silly like i will be euphoric abt looking masculine and wow ppl think im a man !! my voice is so deep !! they r using he / him for me !! yippee !! but then simultaneously ppl think im a man :(( my voice is to deep :(( i look bad and basically the same thing again but yay ppl think imma woman !! my voice and body language is so feminine !! ppl use she / her for me !! yippee !! and then its like ppl think im a woman :(( everybody looks at you and thinks " girl :((
so basically to combat this i dress and act in a very confusing way and ppl normally stumble pther prns or ask me what gender i am which makes me happy :D also introducing myself w different prns / gender expression and act differently so some ppl see me as a cis ( very gay ) boy , some see me as a girl , some think im a transboy , some think im a transgirl , some see me as nonbinary, some gave up trying to figure out . so interacting w different groups of ppl i know throughout the day will normally end in ppl suing a varied sets of prns for me = ultimate gender euphoria like lets switch it up a bit
the only problem is when two ppl i know meet and they both have a different perception of me bcs around them i acted very masc / fem presenting so one will be talking abt smth and refer to me w a set of prns and the other person will be like " no [ ] use/s [] / [] prns and then they will actually start fighting abt my assigned gender at birth it's actually very funny like they will then be confused and i will normally have to randomly joke or make smth up for them to forget the situation . only downside i have had to move schools and classes multiple times bcs i got outed that way .
anyway i personally think for f ! leo ( in ur au ) he would be like " noooo i cant be trans or smth like i still feel like a man ... partly " and then have a complete gender crisis bcs he is a man but hes also a woman and holy shit what would a girl mutant ninja turtle look like ??!! like i also feel like he would use the excuse that other ppl have it worse and that shes not " fully " trans or smth ( which isnt true gender is a spectrum no trans person is " more " trans then another trans person ) i personally headcanon leo as transmasc ftm and ive never heard of boygirl rise leo but it sounds rlly interesting and a cool au !! also i rlly like ur art srry again if this was annoying or i started rambling
not annoying at all, very helpful in fact! you seem to be living your best life and I'm happy it's (mostly) working out for you hah, this DOES give me some good ideas too. especially with the kinda shit where Leo's like "well i'm a man SOMETIMES so I'm probably not trans" hah.
ALSO TO BE HONEST I usually headcanon leo as a trans man too but,, for some reason Future Leo being a girlboy is sooo appealing to me. I think its cuz my nonbinary characters are usually agender or having a culturally important gender or Third Gender (like me) so I've recently started playing more with characters who feel both Guy and Girl or switch between them and I'm really on a Future Leo roll right now so i might as well sweep him up into it too.
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