irarann · 4 months
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(silly little sketch w/ a new brush!)
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evening-art · 11 months
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Happy Halloween @muzzlemouths !! Sorry this is a teeny bit late in the evening, had a busy day, but I was your secret skeleton for DCAH!! I was originally going to write a thing with Lost in Transmission, but no matter how hard I tried the writing spoons were not happening, so have a spooky doodle instead!!! I hope you like it!!! :-D Flat color version beneath the cut!!
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deathgamegirl · 7 months
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do you all understand my vision
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madwickedawesome · 2 years
HI RTCTUMBLY !!!! here is the link to a boot of the 2016 off broadway production of ride the cyclone !!! it supports 1080p and is subtitled entirely by me :] <3
timestamps for each song and the cast r in the video desc !! love u !!! edit: so so so sorry!! youtube copyright is doing its thing; my precious bootleg and subtitles r not reuploading !! :[ many many apologies while i try to find a way around it !!!
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reinafish · 26 days
Yeah that’s her name now tHANK YOU SM FOR THAT BTW
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Killer and Dream (for the shipping thing)
help it took me like 30 seconds to forget and then i had to look for what this ment thru my blog
:OOOO Thank you :DDDD :3333
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wereh0gz · 10 months
which oc of urs do u think would get along the best with fibula... personally i think he'd have the best first impression of ruby but only because he's fond of halloween monster-types. since, you know, he is one. her personality probably wouldn't gel with his antics though LOL
YEAH Ruby would not trust him at all. She'd probably be really weirded out by him too. It's not every day you meet a zombie. Also he'd smell weird to her. Like dead but also not really? And the sheer amount of Chaos energy inside him would probably be enough for her to smell too (she has a very sensitive nose) so he probably smells like. Irradiated to her lmao. Dark Gaia and Chaos energies don't mix well so it might just make her physically sick actually. Bad vibes all around. She keeps her distance
Melany and Max would stare at him weird. Not just bc he's a zombie but bc they can see his soul and it's probably Fucked Up. But it's like fucked up in a way they've never seen before so they're very curious. Also they're probably curious abt the whole zombie thing bc as far as they knew resurrection like that was just straight up impossible. I can see them (mostly Mel) asking a bunch of questions like excited little kittens (they like morbid stuff)
Nox would try to capture and disect him. Or try to inject him with Dark Gaia energy to see how it reacts to his body (it'd probably be Very Very Bad)
Livewire is chill as long as he doesn't hurt anyone close to them. They probably find him and his decapitation trick funny and would kick his head like a football if given the chance
Elysium would be. Quiet. It's not like it's very talkative in the first place but it recognizes Eggman's work when it sees it, and finds it hard to trust him (valid, considering he's actively working for Eggman and causing trouble). Would probably try to get Livewire to convince him to leave since it can't on its own. But ultimately it's Fib's choice and from what I know I think it'll take a lot more to convince him to switch sides
So in conclusion I think Livewire or the twins would be the best candidates for being friends with Fibula but he can potentially have very fun and interesting interactions with the others. Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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arcadegl1tch · 3 months
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translucio · 3 months
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not-a-seagull · 4 months
PRISON CELL – 13: “Planting Operations”
Background: None (white, multiple shots of eiden’s face.)
Music: None.
Eiden: Finally… Sunlight, and freedom…
Eiden: And so ends my short time in the joint…
Eiden: But, somehow, I feel heavy, like I can barely breathe… Did prison change me? Can I no longer enjoy life on the outside? Have I become… institutionalized?
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Background: Forest.
Quincy: ……
Quincy: Maybe it’s because you have two full-grown men hanging off you.
Music: BGM 014
Yakumo: Mr Eiden! You completed your mission! I was so worried the whole time, I barely got a wink of sleep—
Blade: Did you get lost in the prison, darling? I should draw another map on your body! I read that you can use a needle to insert ink into the skin—
Eiden: No, thank you!
Edmond: Ahem! Thank you, all, for agreeing to participate in today’s tree-planting event.
Edmond: However, I must remind you to maintain a safe distance from the inmate until the official paperwork has arrived.
Eiden: (That’s right… Technically, I’m still an inmate…)
Morvay: *sob*... I finally get the chance to come here, and instead of feasting like crazy…
Morvay: … I’m stuck with even more manual labour!
Aster: Dumbass incubus! You better work at least as fast as the inmates, and no dragging any of them off for a quick suck fest in the bushes!
Topper: *squeak* *squeak*...
The spindle-shaped seeds, green as jade, catch Topper’s eye. He grabs one with his little paws, his mouth watering—
(Topper bites into one of the seeds, only to scream due to it’s hardness).
Topper: *squeak*?! *squeak* *squeak*!
Quincy: Of course you can’t eat them. Crowcave seeds are even harder than the wood itself.
Music: None.
Quincy takes the seed from his furry forest friend and finds a suitable patch of soil nearby in which to plant them.
Background: None (white).
Music: BGM 024.
The crowcave trees will take decades, even centuries, to grow into maturity.
Still, all around, inmates and willing volunteers work their hardest to dig up fresh soil and plant new seeds.
Background: Forest.
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Tired Inmate: Is it break time yet? My lower back is killing me…
Strick Knight: Have you forgotten? For every crowcave tree that was cut down, two must be planted in its place. No resting until that target has been met!
Brooding Knight: This feels so much more meaningful than our usual duties…
Brooding Knight: I’ve been stationed in the Wood Territory a long time, and I’ve grown to love and cherish the plant life. I don’t know what I’d do if it were to disappear one day.
Quincy: ……
Eiden: What do you think of Crow Prison’s new labor initiative? Knights, inmates, and even civilian volunteers coming together to help maintain and protect the forest.
Quincy: … It's noisy around here now.
Eiden: Uh… That’s one way to look at it…
Quincy: But every now and then… this kind of thing isn’t so bad.
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Background: Forest.
Music: BGM 016
Edmond: We will continue our work here until the sun sets this evening.
Edmond: In other news, we have just received word from the royal capital of the imminent appointment of a new Warden for Crow Prison.
Edmond: Furthermore, several accounting ledgers were found in the previous Warden’s residence, detailing substantial profits from the private sale of crowcave goods to noble buyers.
Eiden: … So unscrupulous… he puts Aster to shame…
Aster: Hey, now, Master! That’s uncalled for! I’ll have you know that yours truly rakes in that kind of cash in the blink of an eye! And all without using such devious methods!
Eiden: Right… Say, about that favor I asked for…
Aster: All taken care of, Master~
Aster: A mysterious rumor that the scent of crowcave causes impotence has the nobles scrambling to get rid of their crowcave goods at rock-bottom prices!
Aster: And you definitely won’t find any of them rushing to the poor, old Warden’s aid!
Edmond: I see… Reduce the market demand and the illegal felling of crowcave trees should soon be a thing of the past.
Eiden: I feel a little bad for the crowcaves, making up a rumor like that… But I’m sure they don’t mind, right?
Quincy: ……
Quincy: What was your crime?
Eiden: Huh? Erm… Huh?
Quincy: The reason you were locked up in Crow Prison. What was the crime?
Eiden: Uh… You asking out of the blue is pretty surprising… and I’m not sure I really wanna answer…
Music: None.
Edmond: … He was imprisoned for the crime of being a Fraudulent Fraudulent Grand Sorcerer.
Quincy: … What do you mean?
Music: BGM 051.
Eiden: While Eiden, the successor to the previous Grand Sorcerer, traveled the world regulating the altars, I went around pretending to be him and deceiving people…
Eiden: That’s why I was locked up!
Eiden: Although, I’m pretty sure you cooked up that crime for your own personal satisfaction, isn’t that right, Vice-Captain?
Edmond: Based on the circumstances, it was the most prudent and believable way to have you imprisoned.
Eiden: Whoa, is that a smile I see…? Admit it, you thought it was hilarious!
Quincy: ……
Eiden: H-Hold up… Quincy, you too?
Background: None (white).
Quincy: It’s definitely a difficult crime to argue with.
Edmond: Indeed.
Background: Forest.
Eiden: (I guess I can’t really argue with that…)
Background: None (white).
Eiden: (But the sight of these two sharing a rare laugh under a clear blue sky…)
Eiden: There really is nothing quite like the sweet taste of freedom…!
End of story.
Background Images: NU Carnival wiki.
Images of the Knights and Inmate: NU Carnival wiki.
Transcript: did it myself, with the help of this video.
Last chapter: Prison Cell 12 | First chapter: Prison Cell 01 | All chapters
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igamer12 · 2 years
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hello igamey for the love of god hi
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skullaton · 8 months
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spilledbeans116 · 1 year
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And I don’t think any of you guys are bots!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!
Thank you all so much! Never thought I’d make it past five tbh! I hope the Beans Fic Fanbase continues to grow so we have even more people to talk about our silly things with!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!
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15chickens · 11 months
trick or treat?
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small lizard 👍
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tasakesi · 1 year
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rick-ety · 1 year
This isn’t really something people acknowledge I don’t think but Ty anyways 🥰 anything you want me to do to celebrate?
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