#ykwim....like no matter what happens to you In There (the Canon canon) you can also exist like dis outside of it
skunkes · 1 year
playing dolls with ocs in the brainzone is also so ^_^ to me with recent subjects bc. Idk! Its not in whatever his canon story would be because this all exists outside of that but something about "vampire guy who feels unsafe around men and avoids becoming attached to people due to centuries of unending grief" healing and getting attached to and feeling safe around 2 guys of the Good and Sweet and Patient genre is really ^_^ to think about. I like having him around
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dinosaursatemymom · 3 months
Okay little rant about shipping culture
Like why have ships become about like canon ability like ykwim like shipping can just be for fun😭 like just cause I think a ship is cool doesn't mean I think it's canon or should be canon. Like what happened to rarepairs and shipping from other fandoms😭 like y'all are always arguing about which ship is better because of how canon it is like it's really not that serious 😭 like I understand not wanting to ship something that has no canon basis or whatever but why go out of your way to shit on other ships and make like shipping wars because you don't like a ship😭 is it really ever that serious 💀💀
Okay this was supposed to be like a short rant but wtvwtv. I just wanted to give some examples
For one Bkdk, like I personally ship it but I also think that izuocha is cute(and like a bunch of other ships with them) and idgaf about canon tbh in the context of shipping 😭. But anyway y'all always arguing about which is more canon and which one is more important like it really doesn't matter what's canon you can like a ship even if it's ridiculous and be a multishipper.
And ik I'm not in the fandom anymore but mleven and bylr, dude the amount of arguing and like harassing over those ships was ridiculous like leave each other be someone can like a ship without it needing to be canon.
AND BEFORE ANYONE SAYS ANYTHING ik I used to be the same way about byler IK😭 I've realized the fandom is low-key toxic and we all just need to chill🥰.
And um I don't feel like thinking of other examples rn but like I just feel like everyone needs to stop worrying sm about what's canon and what's not, like yes it's really nice to see canon moments between your ship. But it's not that necessary and we need to stop placing canon ships on such a high pedestal. Like shipping is for FUN 😭. Anyway this has been my rant if a ship is legal leave it be 🥰
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cdroloisms · 8 months
i 100% agree with what theminecraftbox had to add about c!quackity. i might be biased because he's my blorbo, but i think it's way more interesting to have sexual violence be the one line he REFUSES to cross in the prison. almost like it's a way to protect himself from his own corruption.
a;ljsfkdaslf i'm not too sure that's what kat was saying tbh
(more discussion of noncon under the cut)
i think in terms of c!dreamity, right, i think that the probability probably swings towards c!quackity not doing anything physically of a sexual nature--i think comments and threats are pretty damn likely, tbh, but i can see a separation made for him between the violent nature of what he's doing and, well, sex, for a variety of reasons. because he's a romantic at heart and wants aspects of his relationships/love life kept separate from the bloody depths of pandora, because of his own perceptions of propriety and social norms, what have you. that being said, i think it's fair to make an argument in the opposite direction--what's undeniable, as kat has mentioned, is that there is a degree of restraint regarding matters of a sexual nature w/ respect to the prison, in that if anything of that nature exists he is very obviously much less unapologetic about them compared to how he is around violence and torture in general in the context of pandora (like, there's just very little that's unsubtle about hitting someone with an axe), but the existence of restraint to some degree compared to the much more overt nature of the rest of the torture definitely doesn't in itself prevent torture with sexual elements from existing in totality. just bc he's not walking out of the prison covered in another type of bodily fluids doesnt mean that the frustration and desperation of trying to get the book for another bloody day, with noncon sitting between them as an elephant in the room from day one, combined with the obvious social connotations with power and sex and masculinity and what it means to make someone your bitch, couldn't have all boiled over. ykwim?
again, to stress: if we're talking purely in canon, my opinions tend to skew towards the lack of anything physically happening of a sexual nature during the prison arc torture visits. but the fact of the matter, to me, is that it could have existed and that we wouldn't, like, know. the torture has a curtain drawn over it for a reason; we are kind of meant to wonder what "2 1/2 months of continuous daily torture" is really supposed to mean. i think that the prison arc absolutely has the space for it to include stuff like, violent sexual assault.
which is kinda where i have...different feelings about manberg c!schlackity, tbh. the contexts are so different that this comparison is kinda hard to make, but while the sexual harassment and the abuse in c!quackity's relationship with c!schlatt is obvious and undeniable, i think the manberg arc as presented does provide constraints, to a certain effect, on c!schlackity's relationship? it's important to note that c!schlatt was perceived as a bumbling fool before he was elected, and that's literally part of why c!quackity even made a coalition with him in the first place. it certainly wasn't for ideological reasons, considering his wanting to make a coalition with pog2020 literal minutes before--this guy thought schlatt was his best ticket at beating pog2020, and schlatt was also someone that came off as drunk all the time and completely idiotic. again, i've not rewatched in awhile, but i don't really think c!schlackity was marked by this feeling of c!quackity feeling Trapped By Fear in manberg as much as he grew increasingly disillusioned with the relationship--the greatest evidence of fear as a motivating factor imo would have to happen post-red festival, but that's also a point where c!quackity's frustrations towards schlatt and manberg as a whole were boiling over and i don't really remember much of him using the red festival as evidence that c!schlatt was someone he was afraid to fuck with. as kat mentioned earlier, the physical abuse in c!schlackity was obvious and undeniable, but when it happened it was also the motivating factor for c!quackity to murder c!schlatt and run.
obviously, the sexual elements in c!schlackity are Far more pronounced than anything for c!dreamity, and if we're talking the presence of dubcon in general i feel like c!schlackity definitely has plenty of room for it, even if all you take into account is how c!schlatt was drunk 90% of the time. and w/ the context of how part of the deal for the coalition was framed as c!quackity's use of sex to get himself the position of VP and the ... not nonexistent presence of his lying and manipulating c!schlatt for the sake of power, bc their relationship in manberg really was predicated on power and c!quackity's pursuit of it specifically, there's a lot of ways that i think a sexual relationship for c!schlackity can fall that's far more ambiguous and two-sided than what i've often seen in terms of c!schlackity portrayals. but along that same line, when c!quackity's reaction to physical violence was so pronounced and made a point of, in some manners i feel like portrayals of inescapable sexual abuse and violent sexual assault re: c!schlackity don't really feel in line with what i remember of their relationship in canon; i just don't really feel like manberg as a context provides the same room for it, especially in comparison to pandora's vault, which was kind of the point i was trying to make in answering that anon. that's just me tho .
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tamelee · 1 year
Hi Tamelee,
Love your blog and thanks so much for the meta, these are a gold mine!
I am not sure if it was your blog or another that pointed out how jarring it is that Naruto would choose to get a new arm without Sasuke, since both of them are in agreement that they would share each other's burdens. And that it seems inherently a selfish choice for him to choose it while Sasuke refused.
I honestly never thought of it, because I assumed that since both of them were without arms for some time during the blank period and they discussed it and Sasuke chose not to since he didn't trust it would not fail in battle and Naruto agreed with him.
It's more of a realisation for me, since I just thought that they were both in agreement, but this other take made me wonder and hence I decided to send you this ask.
Long post:
Hi @helenarasmussen87 ,
Thankyou! I'm glad to read that ♡!
Oh, that would not have been me for sure. As you say, it was "a take" from someone because I can't think of a moment (at least in canon) where they.. discuss this matter. (Perhaps in 'Boruto'? If so then ignore the rest 😆)
And if they haven't discussed it, then don't you think that all talk regarding this are theories? We don't really know why Sasuke chose to not get a new arm. That's not to say that some theories are more probable than others but Naruto making a decision while disregarding Sasuke? That didn't happen whether we saw it or not because it wouldn't make sense for their characters. In their case, they've developed too much for it to be a possibility.
There are many in-character theories though, things that would make sense too.. but the problem with those as well is that it's just that: theories. Or, headcanons. E.g. Naruto never said that he'd get an arm because it'd be irresponsible otherwise as Hokage and Sasuke never mentioned that a missing arm would remind him of VotE2. (I'm saying it simply, the original theories go deeper than that, but you get what I mean..)
Naruto-Reddit is all in agreement with each other that Sasuke didn't get a new arm "to atone for his sins" and that it is "explicitly stated somewhere". On Twitter they even bring up Sakura and that it is to punish himself for her sake.. *insert major eyeroll* Although they can't tell you where any of this was stated. Of course, this also isn't true and don't mind the lack of reading comprehension..
Now what I think..
I like that our sub fandom, or the people who understand Sasuke's character can somewhat understand that Sasuke wouldn't necessarily want a new arm, need it to battle or feel the need to receive this.. "gift" from Konoha/Tsunade- or whatever.
As a SNS-fan I certainly enjoy many of the headcanons about this subject because most of them are based on canon material. Canon as in: the removal of it holds a lot of meaning, as much as the entirety of the story itself almost as it serves as a conclusion and beginning at the same time:
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And yeah, there they were, finally.
This visual is incredible and I do think it is a reminder of sorts, but (I'm sorry..) I think the choice to not get the prosthetic has less to do with Naruto alone personally. Although he is part of it. Sasuke without Naruto is a practical character and given the entire story and the fact that they're separating at the end of the Manga.. (temporarily but also in preparation for its sequel :/ they ((shueisha)) tried at least ykwim) don't you think that suddenly receiving an arm from Konoha after they wanted to put him in jail and punish him for changing a corrupt system after they've failed him first, seems kind of like he'd be indebted to them? Like, "we're letting you go free because we've pardoned you and giving you an arm out of the kindness~ of our hearts.. so…." Yeah, no. And isn't is also true (not sure, because this was mentioned in 'Boruto' right?) that if something happened to it he'd need a new one? Meaning: he'd be depending on Konoha for an arm as they constantly are doing research on it and improving the thing.. so don't you think that Sasuke would be the type of character to just learn how to use his powers/weapons/Jutsu with one arm- if he could?
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Which he can now? Instead of depending and being "sorta but not really" indebted to Konoha who then so kindly provided this new arm for him? "Despite him having been a rogue Shinobi who went against them"? < general narrative.
Which one sounds like a burden to you?? Seems like an easy choice to me.
But having said that, I don't think Sasuke minds it because of the way it happened and with who. He had no reaction to having lost his own arm, but when he saw Naruto lost his as well..
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He looks shocked, defeated, turns away and then Kishimoto decides to cover his eyes and make Sasuke question Naruto again more out of desperation than anything else.. several times. It hurts and not just because he's bleeding to death.
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There is so much meaning and symbolism behind the missing arm.
And that's the big difference. Not minding and holding the meaning/history closely as a personal matter or "resenting Naruto for getting an arm without him" as some posts here make it sound like is something else entirely. There is sort of a… jealous/bitter(?) tone to that which isn't necessary and doesn't suit him/them. There are things bigger than them and the fact that there are proves how important they are to each other. Growth in contrast as shown to the audience (us). Sasuke understands Naruto's connections as much as he does his own (including lack thereof) and the one they have with each other. If there wasn't they wouldn't have developed as much.
So I understand it, but there is one thing I dislike. The general fandom, without explanation is holding onto this idea of "Sasuke sinning" all because of one panel and seeing him without an arm is validation for them as if to say "see? He's feeling guilty, as he should! And that's why he doesn't have an arm." As I said before, they even make up entire theories relating this to.. Sakura? Who especially has nothing to do with it as Sasuke even says himself. (IN THE SAME PANEL LMAO!) It's depressing. Which, sort of fits the Shinobi life I guess. One who doesn't live for themselves.. that's the burden here. Not the missing arm. Apparently for this audience it is necessary to give it a panel or two because they take most things at face value or grab things out of context.
Sasuke did leave Konoha before the arm that was made for him was finished and Kishimoto did mention that notably because people would otherwise question it. This however, I find interesting because the question actually still remains.. "why?"
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He simply says that he can't "miss this chance" to go travel, to see the world, go on a journey by himself and although that's true, that doesn't seem like the sole reason for rushing his leave, not staying in Konoha any longer and therefore not getting the arm that's almost finished. Sakura also says the arm is made out of Hashirama's cells- which is where things could get complicated.
And I believe, although I'm not sure about this, this is currently completely retconned in 'Boruto'. The whole "using of Hashirama's cells" is confusing to me because I've been reading theories and everyone is saying different things and 'Boruto' makes no sense anymore. I'd have to study it.. For now I'd say that Kishimoto deliberately chose to leave it and not go the route of figuring out how to work with it and what it would mean if Naruto/Sasuke have an arm made up of Hashirama's cells which they could potentially use for other things.
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Why does he suddenly have an elbow?
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And why does it look like that under the bandages?? 😆 (So natural, I mean) Why use bandages in the first place then? This is some BS!!
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"Boruto" everyone. I don't know much about it yet but I'll read the damn thing when I get back from my travel, hence these screenshots- these are not my opinions/observations.
I think in conclusion that's why Sasuke refused the arm, but the reason for Kishimoto was much simpler and dismissive as it wasn't for him to deal with (he thought). And now 'Boruto' doesn't really know how to handle the lore regarding power dynamics at all, changing it to all kinds of scientific stuff to make it easier on them I guess.
But admittedly, I do like some of the SNS-headcanons.. *shrug*. I just take them for what they are.
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HAHAHAHA well ofc I didn't expect their love to be canon but djdjdkdk that's wild I stopped watching after learning L dies but never knew the events leading up to it
oh yeah it's absolutely buck shit wild lmao wildly recommend it but obviously i'm biased. If you ask for my opinion tho I think it's better to at least start with the manga rather than the anime, for a few reasons:
1- I think with the anime all their deductions happen too fast and you have no time to absorb the information, so it's harder to follow and to get into the plot. In the manga due to the nature of reading you can follow things at your own pace and make sure you actually understood all the information before continuing. Not that you need to think too deply to understand it or anything it's just that in the anime it is frequently an avalanche of information without pause. Death Note is VERY convoluted and dialogue/monologue heavy so it really makes a difference to be able to follow what's happening at your own pace
2- The manga treats itself less seriously than the anime, which paradoxically makes it easier to take seriously imo. Like the anime takes itself SO absurdly seriously that it cut off almost all comical moments and generally relief, so it just starts to get a little silly and overdramatic when all these characters are doing is overthinking everything they say 100% of the time. In the manga we get to see them being sillier too so it's easier to see them as people and actually feel like it matters when they are doing that whole crap (although it's still funny but again I don't think it was the creator's intention for it to NOT be ykwim?)
3- Although the anime is a very faithful adaptation, there's some stuff that just works better in the manga, particularly in the third arc. I don't really fault the anime for this cuz I think this was likely because they had a limited amount of episodes to fit everything in and again Death Note is VERY ["very" in caps] plot heavy, so they had to cut down some stuff to make it shorter. Nothing crazy and there are basically no additions but some things have been simplified or some details that I think really made the plots interesting were left out
The only downside to the manga as opposed to the anime is that there is no dramatic standing in the rain + foot wiping scene. This is literally the only thing in the anime that wasn't in the manga and they just made up, which in itself is also completely wild
But yeah I'd recommend starting with the manga if you wanna give Death Note another chance lol
TLDR: The Death Note manga is better than the anime because it's easier to follow, more interesting, and funnier.
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nyxvrse · 3 years
Reynabeth Headcanons :)
Some Reynabeth headcanons because they are my favourite non-canon queer ship :D
- Annabeth does Reyna’s hair often because they both find it very relaxing
- Both of them spend hours together in the praetor’s room while Reyna goes over stuff for the legion and Annabeth re-designs Olympus
- Annabeth can’t cook very well so Reyna does most of the cooking
- They spar a lot together for practice and they always somehow end up making out (no I love the trope where one person pins the other against a wall shut up this happens A LOT with them)
- They go on picnic dates a lot. Annabeth is sitting as she reads a book and Reyna is laying on her lap. Annabeth has one hand in Reyna’s hair or Reyna holds Annabeth’s hand to her chest so she can feel her heartbeat
- For some very fancy event that Annabeth gets invited to they wear formal clothing and Reyna wears a black suit with a deep purple tie to match Annabeth’s deep purple knee length dress. They both look hella fancy with their pretty hair and champagne glasses
- They go on TONS of double dates with Jercy- yes valgrace but I ship valdangelo so deal with it- where its just Reyna and Percy fighting to see who is better/more powerful while Jason and Annabeth catch up or have a tea date together (me: *starts writing jasabeth shit in my head*)
- Competitive karaoke. They have a shitload of these while both of them have mediocre voices together they sound unstoppable. THEY SING TAYLOR SWIFT SONGS A LOT THAT IS ALL I HAVE TO SAY
- No I’m not done 
- ARCADE DATESSSSSSSS!!! They get super competitive about who can win the other better prizes (like for the other ykwim?). They also get generally competitive and both of them just look at each other and go ‘goddam she looks so hot when’s she’s like that’ 
- They send each other wholesome memes when they are away from each other and the other always replies with a key smash and a ‘gods I love you so much’ and a crying emoji
- They have one of those queer couple tik tok accs and they are like.... super famous and everyone loves them. They even have a joint acc with Jercy
- They use the 2/2/2 rule. Basically every 2 weeks they go out for a day every 2 months they take a week off and every 2 years they vacation for a month. Every two weeks they go on a picnic date, shopping, and either to a museum or library. Every two months they visit each camp alternatively or go on tiny road trips or they binge watch a show. And every 2 years they go on an international trip and explore many many mannnnnyyy different countries (look these 2 have both never really had homes other than their respective camps so they love exploring EVERYWHERE)
- ESKIMO KISSES!!!! They both take some time to adjust to being physically together and something that they both love is Eskimo kisses (nose rubs if your wondering) and they constantly give each other Eskimo kisses whether it’s... *starts blanking coz how the fuck do u explain ‘chumma’ to a non-Telugu/Tamil speaking person?!* ummm.. uhhh just to express love or chaste For those who do know what ‘chumma’ is: Eskimo kisses whether it’s just chumma or filled with love and passion
- They bring each other up whenever they can no matter what the conversation is about
And that’s it folks! Some headcanons for my favourite ship ever :D
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
the pining must never stop, the journey matters more than the destination🙏 (esp when the destination is a shitshow bc they don’t know what to make of an actual couple😂 if you’ve watched The Mentalist ykwim) and big part of the appeal is Knowing it’s gonna happen whatever the angst levels the characters are put through (kinda like horror movies that end well, in a sense). however; the good thing about the getting together is that they can break up and start all over again, only with more pain😈
(Julia's adventures with the HPI anon)
Amen to that, anon! I haven't watched the Mentalist, but I can definitely see what happens when a show doesn't know what to make of a couple... I guess I could be sold on some (extremely poorly performed) secret dating if Morgane and Karadec really become a thing at some point? Like I could see why they would want to keep it a secret from the team at first but would also be terrible at it so there's a lot of comedy potential here, but once everybody finds out and it's settled, ugh!! 😂
Mhhh, I don’t know about the breakups, generally speaking I totally agree with you (gimme all the paaaaain 😍) and that’s something that I and others have put Brio through a lot for instance, but Morgadec are such fragile emotional babies it would hurt me too much lol! Also I’m not sure I could forgive the one who’d break up with the other? Like, why? That being said, I’d be very pro a unexpectedly-hooking-up-and-then-agreeing-it-was-a-mistake-and-spending-another-whole-six-episodes-pining-after-each-other-as-a-result type of scenario, which if you think about it, is very close to the whole pining, getting together, breaking up, rinse and repeat. 😊
Speaking of, where are those fake dating fics?? Also we need more fake dating in canon! We got crumbs in season 1 and now I need MOAR 🔥🔥🔥
Today’s shippy song suggestion: Coeur de Loup by Philippe Lafontaine. The catchy, swinging rhythm kinda fits the show’s general mood, there’s some double-entendre playfulness in the lyrics re crime scenes vocabulary, and like, idk, I feel like it generally fits Karadec? I would watch a fanvid based off that song
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preempire-a · 4 years
💕 I mean c'mon you seen this coming
i really did. i don’t deserve the enthusiasm and the beautiful tagged posts and just the general love and care that you pour into all our ships, but thank you for being so enthusiastic since the beginning of our ridiculous writing career together
BUT you know!! i’m down for shipping just about anything with you!! i feel like we talked about this previously but like literally. i am so easy. and writing with you is easy! we have like a bajillion ships between us but i’ll use this ask to focus on what we have so far w/ din, right. so
dincobb?? fuckin KILLS me how they find so much meaning in the little things, like sitting together or touching hands or leaning against each other and ;dksfjgl IT’S REALLY SWEET and really wholesome. i love the thing we’ve got so far with din promising to come back every time... got those big My Heart Will Go On vibes going, ykwim?? like no matter where din goes, at least he has ~home. also the innocence of cobb like “i like getting dirty :-)” because they keep getting in fights........ thank u
dinxan is cute so far as well; i haven’t written so much for those threads yet because i’m awful, but i like the dynamic of din having a childhood best friend a lot! it lets me tap into the headcanons i have of his time with the mandalorians in concordia, but it also gives me the ability to write him having a safe space without having to go through 923749284239 years of hell. it’s nice that xan knows how to calm him down. also i’m very very into the image of din in bloodstained armour + xander in his clean one, standing in his carnage... din djarin has NOT received closure for multiple things and it feels like xan can ground him in ways others can’t
dinboba makes me laugh. oh god. it’s gonna KEEP making me laugh i think if we continue on in the way that we’re going, but who knows what direction their relationship’s gonna take in show (if they end up on the opposite sides at any point, welp, that’s what canon divergence is for)............. the “boba calls him daddy” joke lives in my head rent-free i don’t think you understand what has happened to my brain after that
dinlang makes me scream into a pillow because that is the HIGHEST FORM OF WISH FULFILLMENT FOR ME AND I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE YOU PICKED HIM UP????? and i dont even know where i want it to go yet but i feel like a lot of it is gonna be din realising he’s morosexual AKJDSFJL;AJ;SGKJ;SALGK LIKE ok so there’s whirlwind romance shit and then there’s just. familiarity. and i think the weird way that these two saw eye to eye in the ONE EPISODE WE GOT OF THEM is just-- a precursor to some kind of understanding of the motions of the world they can both share? BONUS POINTS IF DIN SOMEHOW TEACHES HIM THE VALUE OF BONDS BEYOND MONEY... that makes me soft...
looking at it we have such an eclectic mix of ships... can you believe i’m only playing one muse in all of these. incredible. shipping w/ blujay awakens facets APPARENTLY
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karazrel · 5 years
Arthur Morgan and John Marston, please :)
arthur morgan
How I feel about this character: i love arthur so much.. rdr2 is one of my all time favourite games and hes one of my favourite vg protags
All the people I ship romantically with this character: him and charles are a v galaxy brain concept
My non-romantic OTP for this character: sadie and john. him and sadie are mlm/wlw solidarity 
My unpopular opinion about this character: as much as i love arthur i dont think the title of ‘good man’ really suits him. like, the whole point is that he’s a conflicted character who spent the better part of his life as a criminal and then he has a sort of wake up call and tries to spend his last days doing some good. he’s a morally grey person, someone who is by no means a hero and also not a villain, but rather an ordinary man that struggled with doing good and (if you played him w high honour) was finally able to partially atone for his sins before he died. and i think that struggle and the fact that he often was cruel and committed evil is a crucial part of his narrative and is what makes him such great character to me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: im gonna go w two things cause i cant help myself. 1. I WISH HE HAD KILLED MICAH!! i get why he didnt narrative wise but like... god i hated micah so much and i wouldve done anything to be able to kill that slimy rat and 2. i wish we’d seen more of his early life, before the gang and even his early days with the gang. i think it wouldve made his faith and trust in dutch more believable, cause halfway through the story i just couldnt understand why they were so loyal to dutch when he was clearly going off the rails. like you’re being told ‘dutch saved our lives and he’s like a father to me’ when everything dutch does is the exact opposite and i think it wouldve enriched both arthur as a character and the story, if we got to see why arthur was so adamant about dutch to begin with. also i think it wouldve been more tragic to see dutch’s downfall cause to me he always seemed unhinged and if i had a choice i wouldve gotten the hell out of dodge back in like ch2.
john marston 
How I feel about this character: im so soft for his dumb ass.. like he does the dumbest shit but he just wants to be a good husband and father which makes him a lot more endearing
All the people I ship romantically with this character: abigail
My non-romantic OTP for this character: john and jack
My unpopular opinion about this character: i think john is the catalyst of his own downfall, he just cant help going back to his old life which is what eventually gets him killed. like even in the epilogue before all that micah stuff happened, he kept getting into fights and running head first into trouble and he wouldve kept doing that had abigail not left him. and even still he went back to kill micah which believe me i understand and i dont fault him for it but it’s the reason he died and had he truly stopped his life of crime then rdr wouldnt have happened and they wouldve lived happily ever after which is a very sad thought
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.: building up on what i said above, i really wish he could’ve gotten a happy ending. the events of rdr for me, cancel out pretty much all of rdr2 and in a way even arthur’s sacrifice. rdr to me just says that violence, revenge and resentment are an endless cycle and you can never escape your past no matter what and it’s a very bleak ending cause like. despite arthur’s sacrifice, despite everything john did in the epilogue to secure his family, despite all they went through, jack still wound up at square one and on a path of revenge and it’s just all very ughhh to me ykwim?
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