#yoga ife
Imagine Jing Yuan seeing you play with some stray cats and asks if you like cats because he also loves cats. When you answer ‘yes’ he invites you to meet Mimi, his ‘cat’ and you happily agree
Only to find that Mimi is not a regular domesticated cat but an actual fucking lion with the mindset of a domestic cat and the entire time Jing Yuan is like this because his crush is meeting his baby
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Trauma is embedded within the body and ingrained in the brain. For lasting change, create strategies that address both the physical and mental aspects of trauma.
Physical Therapies:
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Leverages bodily sensations to navigate through trauma.
Yoga: Boosts bodily mindfulness and alleviates stress.
Somatic Experiencing: Helps discharge trauma-induced physical tension.
Tai Chi: Enhances equilibrium through deliberate movements.
Massage Therapy: Facilitates emotional liberation through easing muscle tightness.
Acupuncture: Activates the body's healing spots.
Craniosacral Therapy: Eases stress through soft manipulations of the skull and spine.
Breathwork: Employs breathing techniques for better physical and psychological well-being.
Dance Movement Therapy: Merges emotional expression with physical activity.
Mental Therapies:
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Bridges the gap between mental impacts and bodily reactions.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing): Aids in memory processing through eye movements.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): Aims to transform harmful thought patterns.
IFS (Internal Family Systems): Promotes healing within different parts of the psyche.
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming): Modifies behavior via language and thought patterns.
Neurofeedback: Boosts brain activity for better function.
MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy): Combines mindfulness practices with cognitive therapeutic techniques.
Psychodynamic Therapy: Investigates the influence of past experiences.
Narrative Therapy: Helps individuals reframe their life stories.
Please remember that I am not a therapist. Speaking to a professional will help you figure out what course of action is better for you.
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Hi everyone,
I found a helpful article from ADDitude talking about ways to stop catastrophizing.
This excerpt is going to be somewhat long, so I apologize in advance:
3 Ways to Stop Catastrophizing:
To shift toxic worry into something productive, you need to first recognize that you are catastrophizing. This happens when your brain’s amygdala (the fight, flight or freeze) organ in the limbic system-the emotional region) figuratively takes over your thinking brain (your prefrontal cortex) by activating adrenaline and cortisol. Your entire being is focused on obtaining safety and feeling secure. Basically, the part of you that runs from tigers and steps aside from racing cars begins controlling all your responses.
1. Dismantle the “What-Ifs”
To regain control, turn down the volume on your catastrophic thinking by remembering past successes, tools, interventions, and statements you’ve used to overcome perceived dangers. When I’m in a “what-if” spiral, I shift my thinking to “What could go right?”
Follow your “what-ifs” to the end of the line. Ask yourself, “What if this happened? And then what? And what if that happened? And then what?” Keep going until there’s some resolution. Can you live with that resolution?
Try to consider best-case outcomes in addition to worst-case scenarios. What might happen that could be positive? Can I predict any happiness instead of pain?
2. Set Up a Buddy System
Toxic worry intensifies in isolation. So, set up a buddy system with someone you trust who can offer a different perspective. Who could you call or text if you’re in a poisonous worry spiral? Do you have a therapist, coach, or counselor? Whether you are concerned about perfectionism, personal relationships, or sociopolitical injustices, who could be your ally in these dark moments?
3. Create a Plan
Come up with a plan for escaping your next spiral. Make a list of self-soothing actions to take when worry rears its ugly head. Post it somewhere accessible, like on your phone or sticky notes at home. Your plan can include settle-me-down phrases such as “I’m afraid, and I know how to be brave” or “Things work out, keep breathing.” It can also contain a list of activities to slow your reactivity, such as drinking a glass of water, walking outside, cuddling a pet, getting a hug, etc. Here are some more ideas:
Exercise. Daily exercise pumps up your endorphins, which bathe your brain with good feelings. When I wake up feeling “ugh,” a run or bike ride gets me out of my negative headspace.
Create a playlist. Categorize songs into different playlists on your phone, label them “angry songs,” “sad songs,” “happy songs,” “how-to-stop-worrying songs,” etc.
Practice mindfulness to interrupt the pattern of negative thinking. Meditate. Do yoga. Listen to the birds. Drink a cup of tea. Do a crossword puzzle. Play Wordle.
Try triangle breathing. Breathe in for four counts, hold for four counts, and exhale slowly for six counts. Do several rounds of this.
As always, the full article will be linked below if anyone wants to read more. I hope many of you found this helpful.
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authenticbunni · 9 months
void state journey so far
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(Nyla has such a god sent face bro 🤩)
So I have been very distracted from it because I wanted to focus on my own life, and a lot has happened and changed what I wanted to manifest.
The reason they changed is because, I’m young, I don’t fully know what I actually want but I’m getting there slowly but surely.
My journey recently
I’ve gotten back into it recently since, as stated in the paragraph. And I realized my mindset has change I can no longer rlly just sit and think on one thing, I need a distraction.
I haven’t tried any yet bc I’ve been stubborn until literally right before I typed this and stuck to my old routine.
But tonight I wanna use this distraction method on @konniesreality with the yoga nidra (that I reposted recently) which I never tried (shocking 🙀) so I’m a little excited 😼 but I feel it in my spirit that this is THEE method for me, Idek have any doubts or ifs abt it. So ima tell y’all in the morning
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poorks · 1 year
What’s your partners top three favorite characters of yours and why?
I asked him and he separated them into two categories: Horny and Story
I'm just gonna copy/paste what he said in here:
Claire "Biased, because she is my ideal woman. Short, spunky, incredibly burpy, with a big belly and pretty colors. The hinge of her character is on the mundanity of her. She’s a character you could meet at work or eating way more than anyone else at the buffet or showing off her huge pregnant belly at Yoga class. She lives such a normal life, and as such, is a profound object of affection as she deals with life as a very pregnant working woman. I think everyone on the blog dreams of meeting a Claire. Someone to muse on after she touches your shoulder and smiles at you while brushing past you at a movie Theater. Look at that enormous belly. She’s someone else’s. But you still get lost in the idea of her. Like watching sunshine dappled leaves from behind the cold iron of a prison cell. You must imagine the leaves feel good, nurtured by it. You must imagine."
ViVi "I’ve always had a thing for monsters. ViVi represents what’s so alluring about the different varieties of pregnancy story. She’s ineffable, she’s unchanging, she’s predatory. She’s the horror nestled in the innocent. My favorite part about her is how easy it is to set her down in a narrative. It’s not hard to admire the brilliance of her design and themes, it’s even less difficult to imagine her as a central figure in a story. She is hot, yes, but she’s also inhumanity underneath a shell of porcelain. And like any truly great monster, she has a core of sympathy (at least in our RP)"
Suyin "All memes aside, she is a tragic figure. A dark reflection of the transformative power of self loathing. The endless spiral into thinking and becoming. Suyin is colonized by an alien being beyond understanding, but also, by her own dysmorphia and self hate. If only she knew she was truly a woman. Truly worthy of love. But she never does. She accepts anything but herself. In every version, Witch and Demigod or Internet Femcel, she is the Azoth, animating spirit hidden in all matter that makes transmutation possible.The woman poisoned by her own inability to accept what she is does not have to be wretched."
Claire "UGHHHH PREGNANT BOSS LADY???? I have a thing for Claire’s design and what I said about her story is 78% of what is hot about her. But also she’s the peak Mommy design. Soft and sweet and beautiful. Of all the characters on Poorks, I could fall for Claire (or Ife)"
Victore "I have a thing for Victore. She is the model of pregnancy versatility. Any creature…any a man pleases. Aha…hahaha…a man shall fill indeed."
Manu "I LOVEEEE Manu’s design so much. The story isn’t there for me to put them on the story list, but I have to give Manu this, they are my most treasured indulgence. Biggest burper and trends towards a much larger pregnancy. I have to put them here for the sake of my monkey brain. Also slime pregnancies are underrated"
"Honorable mention: Everyone else"
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wabisabireiki · 1 year
Meditation 003- partswork
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This morning I got up, did a little yoga and decided to do a little 10 min. guided mediation that popped up after the yoga on youtube.
The meditation was centered around letting go and the narrator took you on a journey of discovering the next version of you that was prepared to let go of you current attachments, hang ups, obstacles, patterns, etc. and step into this embodied version of yourself that was "next level".
My next level being was a giant woman, made of light, who had to turn herself blue so that I could look at her. She was super human, more like an avatar being, radiant, larger than life, alien, and too much for me to comprehend. I finished the meditation confused. The rest of the morning irked me. I felt uneasy and awkward in everything I did.
I decided to sit with my parts
( from IFS and parts work I've established) and ask them how they felt about this experience?
My inner child was terrified of letting go of anything, even though she eventually did. She was entirely confused about what happened. I think she felt rejected and "not good enough".
I talked with her about other parts of the journey that were fun and how the blue woman was smiling and kind in the meditation.
My inner teen scoffed at the otherworldly embodiment avatar at first, and how completely different the embodied self was from my current self. She felt like it was too big of a difference from who/ what I currently am. " That person can't even exist in this world".
I sat and talked with her about expansion, and not looking like that here. Not looking like that, but harnessing something completely new and different in energy. She eventually said" I think it's cool and I'll try it, but I need to process more".
My inner young adult, agreed with inner teen, but she said she understood why it was so different... because it's something entirely new I haven't experienced before. And she gets why its lofty and that the need to process is important.
My inner divine feminine loved the idea of expanding our capacity, ushering in alien/ avatar energy. She said she felt safer and more expansive in this energy for her to express. She expressed confidence and inner support for all the other parts w/ this newfound energetic.
My inner masculine said he was frustrated and agreed with inner teen most at first. " It's an extremely abstract concept", he said it is difficult to be there more and more especially when " we are still in the same body, life, and time space...he understands it's going to be hard to to grasp. "It's becoming so normal for things to not make sense. As long as we are happy and healthy". He is only focused on moving in the direction of wholeness because "that has been what has been the most satisfying in our life so far". He understands we have to usher in " larger than life, alien concepts" to "usher in new faculties, new neural pathways, in order to evolve.... Evolution IS new neural pathways... It's very unsettling, the unknown can be scary".
Suffice it to say, after that I felt a lot better and all of my parts were grateful for the awareness I've developed to untangle my inner dialogues. I can actually feel all of myself get on the same page and my energy coming into alignment. I move, think, breathe and act as one instead of the unconscious aspects of myself doing, thinking and acting in counterproductive, or conflicting ways.
When I got to work I realized I unconsciously wore a dress that was the shade of blue as my blue woman. 🥹💙
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micahalexi · 2 years
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Hello, psych tumbz!!!!! My name is Micah Alexi (but you can call me “cah”). 
I am a Filipino 3rd year BS in Psychology student of the green and gold school: St. Paul University Philippines. 
My hobbies are practising yoga and listening to music. Generally, I do not like humans, but studying in this field for almost three years now has helped me appreciate, understand, and relate to such beings. 
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Five years from now, I see myself still studying in the field of Psychology but in a different country. I have been planning to migrate to Australia to pursue and finish my studies there and acquire a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Although SPUP, my current school, has been great in establishing the best learning foundation I can get here in the Philippines, continuing my program in a different country will further lead me closer to my dreams in life. I aspire to live independently and be financially stable before the age of 28. Thus, moving to another country is, by far, the best option I have. 
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The green and gold school, SPUP, is “making a difference globally”, hence they are established as a university internationally. According to my educational consultant, SPUP is recognized under section 1, internationally, thus, the courses that I took here for more than two years can be credited to the institution I was planning to transfer to. If all things come into their best places, hopefully, I can achieve my dream and live freely.
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Studying Psychology was my first choice. I have assessed and evaluated both my capabilities and opportunities in life the moment I enrolled into this program. The list goes on for the job opportunities I can choose from after I graduate with a Masters in Psychology. The journey I see from this moment is kinda blurry due to the potential difficulties I would face, but that will never stop me from pursuing this track. I have always thought that Psychology is the best choice I have ever made in life. Thus, I believe and dream that this is for me. The what-ifs that might appear in this journey should be considered but should never cause me to dwell on for long. The fear I am feeling right now is incomparable to the possibilities and greatness I could achieve in this lifetime. 
As an aspiring Psychologist, I have many lives to save and help. Minds that could also be an instrument or vessel that will pull others in the abyss of darkness. We should never give up such a dream as this one could help humanity and help achieve peace in this chaotic and stressful world. 
I, Micah Alexi, am calling everyone to choose psychology and become one of those who can help. I will end this post with a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:
“The human race is a monotonous affair. Most people spend the greatest part of their time working in order to live, and what little freedom remains so fills them with fear that they seek out any and every means to be rid of it.”
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kumarshivam · 5 months
Elevating Workspaces: What the Best Coworking Spaces Offer
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In today's dynamic work atmosphere, coworking spaces have sprung up as havens for cost-effectiveness, partnership, and creativeness. As the request for adaptable workspaces continues to surge, the best coworking spaces set themselves separately by offering a assortment of present-day modern conveniences and services customised to meet and greet the diversified necessity of contemporary specialist people. Let's explore what  the best coworking space in South Kolkata Have to offer and how they reshape the traditional office encounter.
1. Flexibility and Convenience:
Best coworking spaces comprehend the importance of flexibility in today's work civilization. Whether you're a freelancer, new company business owner, or remote worker, these spaces offer adaptable membershiphip options, allowing you to select the scheme that best suits your necessity. With suitable positions and adaptable hours of operation, coworking spaces guarantee that you can work anytime and each time when your inspiration strikes.
2. State-of-the-Art Facilities:
Lost are the days of overcrowded cubicles and old-fashioned office machinery. The best coworking spaces possess cutting-edge, including high-speed internet, ergonomically correct furniture, and contemporary engineering substructure. From vast meet and greeting rooms furnished with audiovisual capabilities to dedicated coworking position with easy accommodation, these spaces are destined to boost cost-effectiveness and encourage partnership.
3. Community and Networking Opportunities:
One of the most considerable advantages of coworking spaces is the sense of community they encourage. Best coworking spaces curate dynamic communities of like-minded specialist people, establishing institutions for interlink upion, partnership, and knowledge sharing. Whether it's attending  events, taking part in workshops, or exclusively striking up a discussion in the communal kitchen, best coworking space in South Kolkata offer broad institutions to link up with peers and broaden your specialist system.
4. Supportive Environment:
Functioning individually doesn't mean working alone. The best coworking spaces offer a stimulating environment where membership can flourish individually and specially. From in-house staff offering organisational help to coaching programs and skill-building workshops, these spaces give priority to the victory and prosperity of their membership. Whether you want guidance on a programme or exclusively a listening ear, coworking spaces are there to help you .
5. Work-Life Balance:
Beyond just a position to work, coworking spaces acknowledge the importance of work-life balance. Many offer present-day modern conveniences such as in-house cafes, fitness centres, and relaxation position, allowing membership to charge up and revitalise all along the day. Whether it's grasping a healthful bite between meet and greetings or taking a yoga break to clear your mind, best coworking space in South Kolkata prioritise all-round prosperity-being and encourage a healthful work-life balance.
The best coworking spaces reshape the traditional office encounter by offering flexibility, advanced institutions, dynamic communities, and a stimulating environment. For specialist people in South Kolkata seeking a surcharge coworking encounter, IFS Business Center stands out as a light of perfection. With its tactical position, excellent present-day modern conveniences, and undertaking on encourageing a collaborating community, IFS Business Center sets the benchmark for the best coworking space in South Kolkata.
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julescoffey · 8 months
Beyond Due Dates: Crafting a Birth Plan That Flexes with Your Journey
Ah, the birth plan. A document brimming with hopes, preferences, and maybe even a touch of Pinterest-inspired perfection. It's a roadmap for your birthing experience, a way to communicate your wishes to the medical team, and a source of comfort and control in the unpredictable world of childbirth. But what happens when reality doesn't follow your meticulously crafted script? What if detours, unexpected turns, and unforeseen circumstances throw your birth plan into disarray? Fear not, mama-to-be! This guide is here to help you craft a flexible birth plan that bends and adapts with the ebb and flow of your birthing journey, leaving you empowered and in control, no matter what the birth fairy throws your way.
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Shifting the Mindset: From Blueprint to Compass
Think of your birth plan not as a rigid blueprint, but as a fluid compass guiding your way through the birthing landscape. It's not about dictating every detail, but about setting your priorities, expressing your preferences, and leaving room for the beautiful mystery of childbirth to unfold. Embrace the fact that your birth might not look like the Instagram-worthy photos, and that's okay! The goal is a healthy mama and a healthy baby, and sometimes that means taking detours and navigating unexpected turns.
Essential Pillars of Your Flexible Birth Plan:
1. Know Your Why: Before diving into specific details, take some time for introspection. Why is a birth plan important to you? What are your hopes and fears? What kind of birthing experience do you envision for yourself and your little one? Understanding your motivations will give your plan a strong foundation and help you prioritize when faced with choices.
2. The Dream Team Assembly: Surround yourself with supportive healthcare providers who respect your choices and understand your priorities. Choose a doctor or midwife who aligns with your values and birthing philosophy, and assemble a birth team (partner, doula, family members) who will advocate for your wishes and provide emotional support throughout your journey.
3. Flexibility is Your Friend: Instead of outlining rigid expectations for every step of labor, focus on your priorities. Do you prefer a natural birth with minimal interventions? Are you open to pain management options? What kind of environment do you envision for your birthing experience? Clearly communicate your preferences, but be open to adjusting them as the situation unfolds. Remember, your birth plan is a living document, not a set of rules in stone.
4. Embrace the "What Ifs": While we all hope for a smooth and uneventful birth, it's wise to consider potential scenarios. Research common interventions and procedures, discuss them with your healthcare team, and outline your preferences in case they become necessary. This preparation can alleviate anxiety and empower you to make informed decisions in the moment.
5. Communication is Key: Open and honest communication is crucial throughout your pregnancy and birth. Talk to your partner, your birth team, and your healthcare providers about your plans, fears, and expectations. The more they understand your desires and values, the better they can support you through your birthing experience.
Beyond the Checklist: Tools for a Flexible Journey:
1. Affirmations and Visualization: Positive affirmations and visualizations can be powerful tools for managing stress and promoting a positive birthing experience. Create affirmations that resonate with your hopes and goals, and practice visualizing your ideal birth. This can help you stay focused and empowered throughout the process.
2. Movement and Mindfulness: Prenatal yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness practices can help you stay grounded and manage anxiety during pregnancy and birth. Finding ways to connect with your body and your breath can be incredibly empowering, especially in the face of unforeseen challenges.
3. Embrace the Power of Information: Knowledge is power! Research different birthing philosophies, pain management options, and potential interventions. The more you understand your options, the more confident you'll feel making decisions in the moment.
4. Remember, You Are in Charge: Never forget, you are the captain of your own birthing ship. Don't be afraid to ask questions, voice your concerns, and advocate for your preferences. Your healthcare team is there to support you, but ultimately, the decisions about your birth belong to you.
Embrace the Journey, Flex with the Flow:
The path to parenthood is rarely linear, and your birthing experience is no exception. Embrace the unexpected, remember that flexibility is your superpower, and trust your instincts. With a well-crafted, adaptable birth plan and the support of your dream team, you can navigate the twists and turns of your journey with confidence, grace, and a healthy dose of humor. Remember, regardless of how your birth unfolds, the most important thing is
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Shri Venkateshwara University conducted a Well Being seminar for healthy living.
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It was a memorable day for Shri Venkateshwara University/Institute.
Mr. US Rawat, IFS Officer  & India’s High Commissioner to Uganda expressed his thoughts on the 1 day seminar on Well Being Unveiled, Nourish, Move, Rest, reflect.
Western nations have fully embraced India's rich heritage of Yoga & meditation for a healthy lifestyle, while we are neglecting our own traditional ways of staying healthy.
This shunning of Yoga & meditation is not only detrimental to health but also hinders our nation’s development.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi welcomed the CG & India’s High Commissioner to Uganda Mr. US Rawat on his arrival at the University campus. Mr. US Rawat arrived at the special invitation of the Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri.
The Group Chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, India’s High Commissioner to Uganda Mr. US Rawat, & the Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi, inaugurated the event by lighting a lamp to Goddess Saraswati.
The Chief Advisor of Venkateshwara Group, Dr VPS Arora & the Commandant Mr. DS Rawat joined them to inaugurate the wellbeing seminar.
The Group Chairman Dr Sudhir Giri reiterated India’s rich cultural heritage, Yoga & meditation have fostered the holistic development of the youth. Because of these qualities, India is a world leader. He appealed to youth to abandon the western lifestyle & adopt the 5 mentioned tenets in their life.
The CG Mr. US Rawat asserted when the world is acknowledging India’s quality education, health, Yoga, meditation & its leadership, our youth are shunning India’s rich cultural heritage.
They are adopting unhealthy lifestyle, junk food & indulging in drug abuse. These are not good for the nation’s growth.
Yoga, meditation, balanced diet, peace and a good sleep are the five tenets of a healthy and happier life. By adopting these principles, India is on track to become a world leader.
The Pro Chancellor Dr Rajiv Tyagi & the Delhi Commandant Mr. DS Rawat also addressed the international seminar.
Those present included the CEO Mr. Ajay Shrivastava, VC Dr Rakesh Yadav, Registrar Dr Piyush Pandey, Dr Laxman Singh Rawat, Dr Divya Girdhar, Dr Rajesh Singh, & Dr Yogeshwar Sharma.
Also present were Dr Anil Jaiswal, Dr SN Sahu, Arun Goswami, Dr Dinesh Singh, Sunil Bhagwania, & Maroof Chaudhary.
The Meerut Campus Director Dr Pratap Singh was present & also present was the Media Incharge Mr. Vishwas Rana among others.
Ms. Aashi Nair conducted the program very well.
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dearmattheww · 1 year
- if it wasn't for you
catching snowflakes, and watching them melt in my hand:
you would dissolve, like steam rising, unfurling from a coffee cup.
pull so close, push so far.
the confusion is what im still unravelling, almost a year later.
saying goodbye to the what ifs and maybes
and this "magical" future i thought we had, which is almost the hardest part.
we were so close to being perfect (in my imagination).
in the stillness, the darkness,
the pain has a moment to come to the surface,
and it scratches and fights and kicks all over again.
if it wasn't for you,
i wouldnt feel like im falling in and out of love
knowing that i wasn't quite enough,
for you.
i did yoga this week, with my friend jenny.
the teacher asked us to set an intention for the class
"saying goodbye and letting go of seamus".
when the class ended i didn't feel any different,
but i did.
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I'm very interested in this and exploring osdd and did. This idea feels most familiar to me than any other therapy model so far. I see its concepts in ram dass lectures and nondualism. It helps me separate myself from the emotion and feelings that are difficult to face if I were whole. It's most similar to the compartmentalisation I use with traumatic work and chaotic childhood. I've always had this big question around the idea of "I". So far my searching through yoga and spiritual ideas has scratched the surface but maybe IFS will help me feel more whole, ironically by separating me into pieces.
Very interesting. Feel free to add any ideas, mysterious friends of Tumblr.
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benielangat · 1 year
A Story Of What-Ifs
Two sit on a park bench.Quiet, they watch the life going on around them.Children run all over, they scream and laugh and cry.A group of women do yoga;a few others sit and chatter in smaller groups,they sip something and laugh on occasion.A man sits on a bench, not too far off;quiet, he sips from his can and stares, cold, at the two. She stretches out a hand on the bench. He stretches out his;…
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steamishot · 1 year
2nd therapy session
to keep a record of my individual therapy progress, i had session 2 today. i think joel provides a good mix of asking me questions and talking himself; it’s less “coach-y” than my prior therapist luisa. i told him that i felt great after biking for 3 days straight last week. he said he had a feeling that my anxiety is rooted in confinement. the winters suck because i don’t want to go out in sub 30 weather, but the temperature now in summer sucks a bit too - i don’t want to go biking in 90+ degree weather (with chances of intermittent thunderstorms). i will likely do more hot yoga when the temperature is uncomfortable. 
we touched on “what if” thinking, and how to restructure these sentences in my mind. i can also work on reducing “what ifs” in general. my homework assignment is to continue reading the worry trick book, highlight things and share with him what speaks out to me. 
continuing to learn about myself, i can be somewhat of a control freak (my own words). i’m avoidant of uncomfortable feelings and if presented with them, i want to fix them immediately. it explains why i avoided social interaction as a kid/teen (and as i still to do this day) due to social anxiety. i still avoid any responsibilities at work that deal with facing people. i discussed how i react to matt’s anxiety or rumination; that i basically question him and try to get to the root of the problem so i can “fix” it and not deal with his uncomfortable feelings. joel told me what i do is a good example of what NOT to do. all i can and should do is listen. 
i like that he schedules me for the next weekly session at the end of our calls, and he seems invested in my growth. two 50 minute sessions are still about getting to know me, and it’ll take time to build rapport. i’m excited to see where this takes me in self development. it is pricey, but i think it’s worth it and i am planning on opening an HSA the next open enrollment. 
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Monday, June 12th: Sitting Wishing Waiting
Haven’t heard back from Nowadays, I’m worried Ryan and Matt are both off making new Hinge matches, and even Buffalo Exchange doesn’t want my old clothing (still donated, but ouch?). 
How do I focus on the good? My meditation today was about persistence, boy howdy is it frustrating to persist with no give. To put in effort and get nothing back except for interviews and dates (which is just interviews with drinks). Maybe I’m the only one who will ever commit to me. Maybe I can go live in some forest like Henry David Thoreau and masturbate write all day. 
Yoga was 14 minuets of awkward movement and feeling slight pain. Mostly I just noticed how dirty some parts of my floor are, so after I unloaded the dishwasher, I ran a towel with some bleach under my nightstand. I also replaced the water jug in the front room while Lumos glared hatefully at me from his perch. Ugh. That does count as 1% improvement though. 
As does my run this morning, about half a mile and then three miles of walking and letting Dua Lipa’s sexy voice propel me forward. I drank a green smoothie from Trader Joe’s instead of my usual coffee, but followed it up with a hot pocket when I got home. Put in the air fryer though so balance?
I feel energetic, both restless and hopeful. Bouncy hair, white teeth. Swiping through Hinge just in case boy number 578 is a keeper. Easy applying through Linkedin in case getting to the last round of interviews (as usual) leads to another form of ghosting. 
It’s unlikely that I will never get a new job or fall in love again, but as I sat in the thrift shop today with a laundry basket of my old clothes on my thighs, working through a Friday New York Times Crossword, I kept feeling like I wanted to throw myself in to the discount bin. Just cover me in old ironic T-shirts and faded rave gear and ship us off to 2019 when we were shiny, new, and relevant. 
Current Book: Half-way through The Midnight Library. The gist is that no matter what life you live, you’ll still probably be on anti-depressants. Oddly comforting. Or not considering the main character is suicidal. Anyways “What-ifs” are bullshit. Don’t kill yourself.
Something to look forward to: Pedicures with Lauren tomorrow. 
Something to be proud of: Not quitting. Looking good. Donating clothing instead of getting high. 
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kumarshivam · 1 year
Adapting to the Changing Workforce: How Business Centers Transform to Meet Modern Needs
A business centre is a temporary office space that offers the services and infrastructure needed to run a business for a set amount of time. It offers the ideal remedy for small businesses and start-ups and for those who are reluctant to sign long-term rental agreements.
Business centre near me  also provides in-house services and staff to make sure the office space is clean and well-maintained to encourage a positive zen among the staff, thereby increasing work efficiency.
Flexible Workspaces: One of the main ways that business centers have changed is by providing flexible workspace options. Offering various office space types, such as private offices, shared workstations, hot desking, and virtual offices, is one aspect of this. Businesses, including freelancers, new businesses, and remote teams, can meet their varied needs by using business centers because they provide flexibility.
Technology Integration: Business centers are best known for their managed and serviced office spaces, but all kinds of companies, from start-ups to large multinational corporations, need support infrastructure like conference rooms, voice and video conferencing capabilities, reception services, catering services, facilities management, and cutting-edge IT support. Business centre near me provides all of these and more. 
Amenities and Services: Business centres have expanded their amenities and services beyond just office space in order to draw and keep tenants. A serviced office is a fully furnished and equipped office that can be rented by any organization to save them time and money. Business centre near me will give the employees access to a pre-designed office area with cubicles. Additionally, the office will be furnished with technology like computers and printers. Growing businesses should use this kind of service because it has everything they need, from furniture to office supplies, to be in a prime location. The serviced office is a part of the business center, and the staff has access to extra amenities like the cafeteria and lounge area.
Additionally, the organization will have access to meeting spaces with a projector and screen so that meetings can be easily conducted. This service also includes a number of value-added services that will be covered in business services.
Opportunities for Collaboration and Networking: Business centre near me are aware of the value of collaboration and networking in the contemporary workforce. They have changed by setting up networking gatherings, workshops, and seminars where experts from various industries can interact, exchange ideas, and work together. Even better, some business centers provide community managers who actively promote networking opportunities and cultivate a sense of community among their tenants.
Well-being and Work-Life Balance: Business centers have adapted by incorporating wellness amenities into their spaces in response to a growing emphasis on employee well-being and work-life balance. This can include amenities like exercise facilities, yoga studios, calm areas, on-site cafes, or healthy food selections. Business centers foster an atmosphere that fosters productivity, creativity, and a healthy work-life balance by putting their tenants' wellbeing first.
Popularity of businee Centres: 
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid work models. The popularity of business centers and virtual offices is increasing. They are particularly alluring to start-up companies and companies that have recently made the decision to enter a market. The business centers are strategically positioned in the best areas and have access to all necessary business services. Due to their affordable prices and inclusion of all amenities, they are alluring to entrepreneurs of various types.
Concluding thoughts
Business centre near me like IFS Business have changed to accommodate shifting workforce trends by offering flexible workspaces, incorporating technology, providing a wide range of amenities and services, promoting networking and collaboration, emphasizing well-being, putting sustainability first, and supporting hybrid work models. These modifications enable them to adapt to the changing workforce's needs and offer professionals environments that are supportive of their success at work.
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