ananinidraws · 2 years
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A re-redesign of the Zelda OCs, with a few new ones added in! More info on them are, once again, on my Art Fight page (i just don’t wanna copy paste paragrafs of info into here, that’d take forever shjbdsjfdnv)
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alittlegayvampire · 1 month
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Caramel Yook 6, 2023
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tiny-pun · 1 year
"You know how to clean up a crime scene but not how to wash the fucking dishes ?!?
How is that even possible?! "
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bubbless-s · 5 months
Can you please write dating headcanons for Gun park, 𝐉ichang 𝐊wak and 𝐒eongji 𝐘uk? Thank you ❤️
↳-Dating hc for Gun Park,Jichang Kwak and Seongji Yuk-༉‧₊˚✧
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-ʚɞ warnings: none
-ʚɞ genre: fluff, slightly suggestive/nsfw
-ʚɞ a/n: reader is gn
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Gun Park
✧ Spoils you rotten.
✧ Legit buys you whatever you want.
✧ Knows exactly how you like your coffee. You don’t like coffee? He will get you hot chocolate instead.
✧ Slightly over protective of you. (Not very slightly actually big over protective.)
✧ God forbid someone made you uncomfortable. Instant death.
✧ Dates would include going to fancy restaurants.
✧ Secretly likes getting his hair played with.
✧ You guys would also occasionally shower together.
✧ Really really likes seeing you in his clothes.
✧ Secretly has forehead pictures of you.
✧ After the deed lovemaking he doesn’t fall asleep till you do
Jichang Kwak
⭒ You guys have matching pijamas.
⭒ That man genuinely doesn’t know how to use emojis ‘someone just died 💀💀😭😭’
⭒ You said as a joke once ‘smoke a cigarette today and I will top you next time during..’ then magically he didn’t smoke for a whole week.
⭒ Loves LOVESSS you holding his pinkie.
⭒ Puts his glasses on you during yk.
⭒ Makes you clean his glasses.
⭒ I feel like if he is gifting you something it would be jewelry.
⭒ Also if you prefer a specific brand do not send him to buy it to you. He WILL buy the wrong thing.
⭒ Dates would include fishing together or star glazing during a picnic.
⭒ You cook (if you want to) or he orders something. lazy ass
⭒ Not ashamed to tie your shoes.
Seongji Yuk
𖦹 He makes you tanghulu candy.
𖦹 Matching wallpapers.does he have a phone?
𖦹 Dates would include building blanket forts together!
𖦹 ‘What else can them fingers do?’ (A lot)
𖦹 Doesn’t really know how to show his affection so he might hug you out of the blue.
𖦹 After he gets used to you, he’s very clingy.
𖦹 Kiss his fingers pls :( as return he will kiss your forehead or chin.
𖦹 Loves when you put your head on his shoulder.
𖦹 Very very secretly a cuddle bug.
𖦹 Praises you infront of others A LOT.
𖦹 Giggles and smiles only around you.
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sscarletvenus · 5 months
one thing about ptj's writing that always leaves a bad taste in my mouth is sometimes i feel he doesn't completely grasp the issues of abuse and sexual trauma, mostly and majorly for the female characters, but the male characters too.
take for example mira getting sexually assaulted by the cult leader and camp instructor, zoe's transaction with logan, club vivi, vin'mom being raped and killed by the shaman, sujin being abused and preyed upon and sexually assaulted before getting beaten to death by taejin... ALL of this feels so catatonic, almost unnecessary in its cruelty. this is a horrible world no doubt. but whatever he inflicts to his female characters seems to be done purely for the sake of shock value, almost like an indelible grief or hurt or helplessness a MALE character has to overcome in his path to nirvana. it is never shown what the woman feels about her own violation, no impact of it can be seen on her own life before she dies or simply forgets and moves on (kinda telling of the author's attitude towards how victims ought to react...).
then lets talk about the male victims. daniel gets stalked, goo and gun and eli were all minors who trained under a man who unironically touches people's genitals and brags about doing so, olly gets raped, eli gets groomed (i will not argue here about this one), sinu is shown naked often with the woman who brainwashed him. not mentioned in the comic but should be pondered upon is the fact that jake and jiho were in juvenile prison, a place with alarmingly high rates of sex crimes. dg is an idol who deals with invasive fans (sasaengs in real life are legitimately terrifying). seongji and vin were the ritual vessels for a cult. but this aspect of their trauma gets completely brushed under the rug, as if even alluding to it would take away from their strength and uhhh, masculine nature.
much to be thought about his treatment of his own characters...
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wannaeatramyeon · 6 months
Seongji Yuk x Reader: Tanghulu
G/N. Sweet, so tooth rottingly sweet. Childhood friends to... 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Syrup glaze on sun ripened fruits. Sugar on sugar. A concoction that can only be dreamt of by children.
"Want one?" You thrust the treat, a row of skewered candied strawberries, into the Offering's palm.
Six fingers grip around the wooden stick. Brings it up to his nose, giving it a cautious sniff, before tugging a piece of fruit into his mouth with his canines.
"Good, right? They're my favourite."
He chews once then pulls a face as the crunchy sweetness bursts onto his tongue. "Too sweet."
Everyone knows who the offering, the sacrifice is, but few know his name.
Seongji Yuk.
Not monster, or freak, or whatever the cruel children and adults call out to him.
You only know him as Seongji, rough around the edges but sweet (deep down) like the tanghulu you love.
He knows you as the first person that showed him kindness, friendship in the form of syrupy fruits, without wanting anything in return.
Seongji finds solace and freedom on the mountain, peace away from the Child God, grows tall and muscular and impossibly strong.
…Acquires a taste for tanghulu.
Tells the few that ask that he thinks they will be a trend soon. He's just getting ahead of the curve.
But the truth is: he knows that your taste has never changed.
You pluck the fresh tanghulu from his grip. He grumbles as he always does, and tosses an unimpressed look your way.
Yet his grip had already slackened. Doesn't think about your fingers brushing his. How he chooses your favourite fruits, prepares it the way you like, mastered it over the years, again and again and again.
"You're the best!"  You tell him, skewer poking out between your lips.
Seongji smiles, small but sweet. Like the tanghulu you love, made just for you.
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jkmc · 7 months
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koiiiji · 2 months
author’s note ; im not really into that omegaverse stuff, and don’t know much about it, but dynamics of big lonely wolf seongji yook x mischievous fox reader living in my head for awhile now 👉🏻👈🏻
tw ; fantasy au, omegaverse (?), suggestive +18 content, nsfw, seongji being service dom, MINORS, AGELESS BLOGS DNI, dom/sub dynamics, whatever else i forget to add
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❁ seongji found you in the forests on his mountain. you were hissing and sizzling on him, not letting him get closer to you, when seongji just tried to safe your leg from trap, that definitely was set by people of village to catch him - a monster who terrorized their village (only in their honest opinion)
❁ and honestly, he felt terrible for you, you got in trap that was set for him, and was way too big for you - huge, sharp teeth of the trap bit deep into the skin and meat on your ankle, hampering your movements. also, as seongji noticed, you definitely was close to his species, it was obvious because of your big ears, annoyed fluffy tail, small claws and fangs. he never saw any fox hybrids in this area, so you probably was so lonely all this time, just like him… and you were so cute, hissing at him, trying to play it cool. it was obvious that you were scared, this is a natural reaction to a larger predator. each time seongji tried to get closer to you, you pressed your cute red ears to your head, your fluffy tail started twitching in annoyance! and yet, you were so… small, seongji just knew you didn’t had enough food last few months…
❁ when he finally got you out of the trap - you just passed out when his huge palm tried to cover your eyes, that’s how exhausted and hungry you were - so he brought you to his cave.
❁ days passed as you warmed up to him, opened up to him, became more natural around him, your true self came out - you truly were live proof of why fox hybrids deserve their name of weasels and dodgers. you always clinging to him with your cocky little jokes, having no concept of what personal space is in your pretty little head, your small fangs lightly biting his cheeks or ears, or even his biceps when seongji tries to stop your little games, holding your annoying loud head between the elbow bend and biceps, just to finally had his afternoon nap after another successful hunt.
❁ even though he was enthusiastic when he found you, seongji really wanted to help, and he actually saved you. but when you refused to leave his cave - not like he kicked you out, despite his perpetually grumbling, he liked that you were sneaking around his house here and there - sometimes he was wondering for what sins did you fall on his head… but generally he is happy that he have a company now, at least it’s not so lonely anymore on his mountain.
❁ and everything was wonderful until… your little game with him didn’t start… to feel different. seongji could say that something in him changed too. now you became more clingy and generally more close to him, always nuzzling your cheek under his chin, right above his adam's apple, where was his sensitive spot. each time you pass by him and your tail not so accidentally touched his nose or neck he was rolling his eyes in in ecstasy, immediately turning his head in your direction and sniffing at the strip of sweet smell that was trailing behind you, giving out only a low, rumbling, quiet growl somewhere inside his throat. another problem was that you were very hot. no, not in the sense that seongji thought you were sexy, (that's exactly what he thought), but literally. it was very pleasant to touch you, you were so warm, even hot, and the blood raging in your body gave your cheeks such a sweet blush. it was cute. and he couldn’t help himself really, it was hard, each time leaving his house for hunt, only to get in another fight with any other male that showed up on his territory, or getting a little bit carried away and bringing home more food then needed. Seongji didn't understand why he had become so worked up. now all he can think about is to fight, and somehow his usual instincts were deep down now they’re came back, more feral, wild, bestial. he could sense your presence, your warmth kilometers away, he could sense you.
❁ on the other hand Seongji noticed changes in you as well. yes, you were clingy before, but now it doubled and seemed that you became more vocal… always mumbling, almost purring each time you managed to touch him. and oh, how sensitive you became. each time you start your games again, seongji needed 3 minutes before you whimper from his teeth on your ear, because in your opinion he bit your ear too hard, when in fact he didn’t even put any force on it. Seongji would rather sink through the ground than admit that in fact he likes your games, and what an offended grimace you make when you try to take offense at him, but always coming back.
❁ one day, after another hunt, Seongji returned home, only to be greeted by silence and it was unusual, because you always met him with open arms. making his way deeper into his house, he called you a couple of times, but when he didn't get an answer, he started to worry. he always wondered if other hybrids could sense you miles away as he did? what if his guesses were true, and someone else felt your scent? what if- he had no opportunity to finish his thought when someone abruptly knocked him down and knocked him to the floor. Seongji was caught off guard and now his opponent had an advantage over him from above. just second after, your scent hit his nose, and your hot breath burned his neck, until he felt your body almost on fire.
❁ you looked down at him, pinning him to the floor with your hands on his broad chest and shifting your hips on his abdomen. your cloudy gaze didn’t leave his face, your cheeks were flushed, and tears almost came to your eyes when you whined on top of him "Seongji…. please help me...it's... it's so hot there.... and it hurts…" to say that Seongji was shocked and confused at the same time was to say nothing. he was bursting with overflowing feelings and thoughts. he lived most of his life completely alone, and had no idea what partner actually means. and as he got older, he didn't have a chance to get close to anyone, but he would be lying if he said he hadn't touched himself. just like he’d be lying if he said he’d never fantasized about the two of you. when you moved into the house, he had some sweet thoughts, but Seongji always blushed and waved them away, convincing himself that you were just friends.
❁ and after each thought how he would bend you over nearest surface and pull your tail up after you annoyed him a little too much, he convinced himself that you were just friends. after each wet dream, when he woke up in the middle of the night because of the too realistic images in dreams, where the two of you are gently clinging and nuzzling to each other, the bodies move in unison, and you literally drown in each other, when you reach your peaks, he still convinced himself that you were just friends and he shouldn’t think about you like that.
❁ but when both of you started to change in your behavior, Seongji couldn't stop himself. every day his head was full of sinful thoughts, and your behavior didn't help in any way. and that's what your general silence led to - whining, you pinned him to the floor, desperately fidgeting and looking for more friction, in an attempt to calm the heat below. gently intercepting your hands, Seongji looked into your eyes a little tensely, as if asking if he could sit down. at the same time, he raised himself on his elbows, and sat down uncertainly, now holding you on his lap, slowly releasing your hands. his tail wagged a little and his ears flattened against his head as he bent lower, slowly touching your lips, exploring and tasting you. you deepened the kiss in your impatience, and knocked him to the ground again, biting his lips with your little fangs and digging your claws into his shoulders. in response, he let out a low throaty growl, making you guiltily put your ears to your head and apologetically look into his eyes. sitting down again, he pressed you closer so that you could feel his stone boner through your clothes, and without giving you a chance to squirm and enjoy the friction, Seongji grabbed you by the hips, carrying you to his room.
❁ later that evening he discovered how much your lower back can arch when his hands are on your sides and he's hammering into you from behind. Seongji found out what a sweet voice you can have when he fucked you standing up, so you had to rise on your toes, so he could hit into that sensitive spot inside you. that night, he also zeroed in that your soft, hot walls squeeze him harder if his big palm presses on your tummy, just below the navel. Seongji also liked the feeling when he folded you almost in half, when he held both your legs on his shoulders, denting you into the mattress. but most of all, he remembers the moment when your throbbing walls squeezed him for the last time, when you both lay on your side, hugging each other, and then he could swear that in the dark of the night he could see the little hearts in the depths of your eyes when he came after you, filling you deeply and abundantly, so you almost drooled.
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yerenicq · 3 months
imagine giving seongji kisses on his fingers. kissing each one of his digits, making him feel flustered cause no one has ever done that before.
complimenting, cherishing his extra fingers and toes, telling him that he's not a monster, he never was, and he's just a normal boy. letting him relive his lost years through your relationship, allowing him to act like a normal, 19 year old man should be.
squeezing his hand in yours, making sure that he knows that you're his and at the same time, he's yours.
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lotus-n-l0ve · 4 months
I definitely don't have a typ—
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jinhogae · 6 months
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You're my whole life, and all my heart. And I'm here, home with you, with me.
쓸쓸하고 찬란하神 - 도깨비 GOBLIN: THE LONELY AND GREAT GOD | EP. 12
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redninjaaaaa · 9 months
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i see ptj's also lurking on pinterest 👀
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elijangiloveyou · 5 months
ptj you sick sick man (Spoiler Warning!)
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i will always miss them
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shishibaswife · 7 months
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this man is so pretty yall dont understand 😞
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sscarletvenus · 5 months
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no guillotine could ever take away the head i'm going to give him
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