#yor fluff
domxmarvel · 2 years
My one priority
Pairing: Loid x Female!Reader x Yor
Slot: “No,I’m dating the both/all of them” + Dates + “I only have two hands,I can’t hold hands with all of you”
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Anya was running around getting ready to go to the aquarium,Loid had been extremely busy for the last week and barely spent time with each other.
“Y/N,you look beautiful”
“Thank you,so do you Yor” You heard the door to Loid’s room open and close,he still looked exhausted,Yor suggested canceling the outing which you agreed but Loid insisted that you go. You were worried all the way to the aquarium,Loid still looked exhausted,you could tell he was pushing through like every parent does. You started thinking about what you could do to help,since he refused to stay in and rest. “Loid,I brought you some coffee. I’m sure neither Yor or Anya would’ve been sad if you canceled,you’re exhausted don’t tell me you’re overworking yourself” He smiled,taking a sip of the coffee.
“I really appreciate you caring so much,but I promise I’m fine. Anya was so excited and I didn’t want to disappoint her”
“She’s lucky to have you”
“And I’m lucky to have all of you” He put his arm around you pulling you closer to him,to kiss your cheek. The aquarium was surprisingly empty but somehow you ran into your neighbors of all people,at least that’s what Loid told you,you still haven’t met them. You walked up to greet them as a group. 
“I didn’t know Anya had an older sister” You looked at you while saying it,did she really think you were her older sister?
“Oh,I’m not”
“No,this is mommy,” Anya interrupted,pointing to you. They all looked confused. 
“I thought you two were married?” She gestured to Loid and Yor,before you could answer Anya interrupted again.
“No,this is mama” She moved to Yor “and this is mommy” She moved to you. They were too stunned to speak
“I’m married to both of them”
“We’re all married,” Loid explained,dumbing it down to them. Anya grabbed your hand and Yor’s.
“We’re gonna be late for the penguins” You said your goodbyes,as you walked away you could feel them judging you,but you didn’t care about anyone other than your family right now. You could feel Anya gripping your hand tighter,making you look down at her.
“What’s wrong Anya?” You stopped and knelt down to her height,she hugged you. 
“I like having two moms” 
“Thank you Anya,that makes me really happy” You smiled but she still looked sad. “Is there something else,you look sad”
“I wanna hold hands with all three of you,but I only have two” 
“How about we take turns?” Yor suggested and Ayan smiled intensity. It didn’t matter what anyone said or thought,this family although fake is your priority.
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Spy x Nap (Colored)
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byebaicai · 2 years
People are noticing the new SPYxFAMILY 2nd cour OP is very Yor and Anya-centric
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Notice in most of the scenes he's in, he's walking behind or towards everyone else
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And in the scenes he's missing from, the in frame characters are looking backwards to the camera
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Or the perspective is shot from above or at eye level, because he's looking down on Anya or crouching to meet her:
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ALSO, if you really want to cry, the song is called "Souvenir" so Loid is literally saving these color-filled memories as souvenirs for when his mission is done and he needs to leave 😢😢😢
But GOD I hope he stays, he loves them so much and they bring so much color to each others lives 😭😭😭😭😭
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spatziline · 9 months
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GUYS GUYS NEW YOUTUBE COMIC!! Loid protecting his everything aka Yor and Anya, HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!
CLICK HERE, if the link doesn't work please go to my YouTube channel spatziline
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pjs-everyday · 11 months
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10. Hugs 🩷🎉 // Twiyor Month @twiyorbase
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tare-anime · 7 months
Yor never had any valuable jewelry, until her husband bought one for her. (AO3, Comedy, Fluff, Rings, Pre-reveal)
Yor is sitting near the pond at the mall. 
They are currently on their “scheduled date to maintain true couple persona”. Yor is currently waiting for Loid who has been going to buy them a refreshment after roaming around the mall. 
Yor is very grateful for the small break. Because after “working overtime” for 4 consecutive nights, she is quite tired. She has put on her most convincing smile throughout their date, but it seems Loid can still see the underlying tiredness in her. 
No, Yor!! Don’t be ungrateful!! She shakes her head vehemently. Loid is tired too, but he is still going on with the schedule. 
She then slaps her cheeks. Come on! Be more energetic!
“Oh my gosh!! This is truly very pretty, darling!!”
A squeal of delight coming from her left makes Yor turns her head to observe the source.
A couple has just exited a jewelry store. The woman is admiring the gem on her finger while at the same time nuzzling the man. 
“Nothing but the best for my dear darling!” Yor hears the man return the gesture.
Soon after they share a very passionate kiss that Yor’s face feels warm and she has to avert her eyes. 
Is giving gifts and kissing in public a normal thing for couples to do?? She puts both of her palms on her cheeks, hoping to ease the warmth there before Loid returns.
Suddenly she gasps when she remembers the day’s conversation at the break room of City Hall. 
“Look at this new necklace and earrings my boyfriend bought me!!” Millie squealed in delight.
“It’s a cheap imitation.” Sharon answered uninterestedly, puffing out smoke through the opened window.
“It’s the intention that matters the most!” Millie chirped.
“Right. And that is exactly the sign that he is cheating.” Camilla scoffed and yet she eyed the jewelry intently.
“You guys are just jealous because your partners didn’t buy you anything.” Millie looked at her reflection in the mirror and aligned her head right to left. “Look at Yor-senpai. She didn’t find this strange because her gorgeous husband must’ve bought her plenty of things, right??”
“Ah.. uh….” Yor blabbered her answers when three pairs of eyes focused on her.
Returning to the present, Yor's mouth squiggles. Oh no! Loid and I never buy each other anything. Does this make us suspicious??
Yor dreadfully look at the Jewelry Store. Maybe I should–...
“Sorry for waiting, Yor.” 
“GAAHH!!” Yor jumps in her seat upon hearing Loid’s soft voice. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to–...” Loid is taken aback.
“No no no !! It’s alright. I was just spacing out.” She forces a smile.
Loid tilts his head and gives her the drink, “Are you tired?”
Accepting the drink Yor immediately denies, “No! Not at all. I was just…” She glances at the jewelry store. “I just remembered that at City Hall today….”
She shakes her head. No, Yor. Don’t be silly. You can’t just buy Loid anything. You haven’t asked whether Loid is comfortable with wearing any jewelry. 
And thus she smiles at Loid and says, “Nevermind. So, where are we going next?” 
But Loid is seen following her gaze and then he asks, “Shall we take a look?”
Yor is aghast, “No! That’s not what I meant. There were a couple that–...”
“To be honest, I’ve been thinking of buying you a ring for a long time,” He cuts her and smiles, “And now may be the best moment.” 
Yor wrings her hand, “No need. You already gave me a ring.”
“Huh?” Loid furrows his brows, “I don’t think I ever give you…??”
“That night. After Cammila’s party. When we were…uumm” Yor’s suddenly finds her heart beating faster when she recites the moment when they exchange their vows. 
Loid’s face dawns and he whispers, “You keep that?”
“Of course!” Yor exclaims, “You gave it to me!”
She sees how his mouth moves through clenched jaw before he says, “We shall go to the store right now. I insist.”
Yor confusedly answers, “But I–...”
“It’s a very normal thing a couple do, Yor.” Loid suddenly turns serious, “If I don't do it, people might get suspicious about us.”
Yor gasps. So what Millie said was true after all!! 
With new determination, Yor nods and stands up 
Both of them then march to the jewelry store.
“Something caught your interest, Ma’am?” Yor turns to look at the elderly woman who happens to run the store.
She bites her lower lips and mumbles, “I’m not sure. All of these are sparkling and beautiful.”
Yor furrows her brows hard. I never really had any jewelry before. Which one should I choose? A good value for money? The most sparkling one? The one that can be used as a secret weapon?? 
Loid tries to help her, “Perhaps you can arrange a custom-made one?”
“Absolutely, Sir! Please kindly sit here and wait for a moment.” The woman gestures to the stools at the corner of the store and hastily goes to the inner part of the shop.
Yor’s eyes bulge. “Wait, Loid. That might be-...”
“You can have something more to your liking that way, no?” He smiles gently and leads Yor to sit down with him.
Yor nods at his logic. 
Before long the shop owner comes back and sits in front of them. She then carefully places a tray covered in black velvet at the table in front of them. On top of the tray lay numerous gems in different cutting and colors. 
Yor’s jaw drops in awe. “Wow…..”
“We can start by choosing the stone that you like, Ma’am.” The shop owner gestures at the gems.
Yor glances at the elder lady before licking her lips nervously and focusing on the gems in front of her.
I never thought buying jewelry would be this difficult! She internally shouts in frustration.
After several seconds of silence, the shop owner chimes, “May I suggest some advice?”
Yor looks at her pleadingly, “Please do!!”
The elder woman smiles gently, “While it’s true the stones are different by their values, their color, or even their cutting, it doesn't define how one chooses their lucky stones. Just choose your favorite one. The one that can give you courage. The one that can be your good luck charm. That is the best way to choose your treasures.”
Yor blinks when she tries to comprehend the advice.
Soon after, Loid chimes from her side, “For example, you can choose the stone according to your favorite color.” 
She turns her head and looks at her husband who smiles supportively to her right, while hearing the shop lady agree with him, “That is such a wonderful example, Sir!”
Favorite colors, huh? She muses while looking directly at Loid’s eyes.
Yor looks back at the shop owner and whispers, “Then, do you have a gem that’s the same color as his eyes?”
At the same time, she hears Loid sputters, and the shop owner squeals.
Huh??! What?? Did I say something wrong?? 
“Oh my. Oh my. OH MY!!! Of course, I have, dear!!” the shop owner practically screeches in delight and runs to the back of the shop, “Wait here!” 
Yor is truly confused by the commotion happening around her.
“Yo-... Yor?? Are you sure that is the color that you want?”
Yor turns her attention back to her husband, and she nods. “Yes. I’ve always loved how your eyes are like the clear water of the ocean. They are beautiful. Calm. Peaceful. And… I’ve always felt accepted when I look at them.” 
Suddenly, Loid clamps his mouth as his face turns a shade of red. 
Oh no!! I really did something wrong, didn't I?? Loid must be angry with me!! Yor flabbergast. Immediately she tries to backpedal, “No, Loid I’m sor–...”
“Here are my collections!” The shop owner returns with vigor and puts another tray in front of them. “They range from the modest to the best to the–..”
“I’m sorry, I think I’ll–...”
Before she can muster the sentence, Loid slams the table and slides his card to the shop owner. 
He then growls, “The best one. Give my wife the best stone you have!!”
The shop owner’s eyes glint as she nods vigorously, “Of course, Sir!”
That day, they ended up buying a very beautiful stone and even made a custom ring, whose design was consulted with Yor for several days until she granted her assent.
Today, Yor is vibrating with excitement when she returns home from her latest assignment which made her return home later than usual. 
It’s too bad that Anya has gone to bed so she cannot share the excitement with the child, but she can always show it to her daughter later. 
After a quick shower, she immediately joins Loid in their living room for their nightly tea routine.
Still giddy, she sits on her usual spot on the loveseat and shows him the small velvet box. 
“Oh! It’s done already?” Loid smiles. 
Yor smiles brightly and nods. “It is!!”
“Have you tried it?”
She shakes her head, “Not yet.” 
She then smiles brightly and rambles, “I’ve seen the design and it’s gorgeous. I’m sure the real thing will be even more beautiful. So I want to show you first. And I want you to be the one who put it–..”
She halts her tongue. 
Wait wait, Yor!! If you ask Loid to put the ring on your finger, doesn’t it mean…..
All of a sudden she remembers a romantic scene from Berlint in Love. It was such a peak romantic and fulfilling scene that Yor can’t help but shed a tear in happiness for the two characters. 
And that might be also what nudges her to have the silly idea of asking Loid in the first place. It sounds like a good idea at first, but….. 
Her heart starts to beat faster and faster. 
She grips the box hard and looks at the floor. Oh no. Oh No! I should–...
She snaps her head at her husband. “Y–... yes??”
“May I?” He kneels in front of her, opening his palm up.
Since when did he??? 
Her lip squiggles. “Uuuh… maybe… maybe it’s best if….”
He tugs at the box. “Please?”
Yor forcefully relaxes her finger, letting Loid take the box from her. 
He then opens the box with one hand, while his other hand gently takes her left hand.
Yor feels her chest about to burst. 
Her face feels extremely hot. 
When she feels the cold ring touch her finger, she flinches. 
She cannot take it any longer so she shuts her eyes. 
She is focusing so hard to hold back her violent reflexes, especially when she feels Loid’s reverent touch as he slides the ring onto her finger. 
After what felt like forever, Yor finally felt the ring settle perfectly on her finger. 
For some unknown reason, the sensation makes her tremble. 
“Yor. Breathe….”
“Phwaaaahh….” She lets go of the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.
She can hear Loid’s whispers. “You can open your eyes too.”
Slowly Yor opens her eyes and immediately she comes face to face with Loid, who for some reason flushes red. 
Yor blinks. “Huh?”
Loid gulps, “The-... The ring. Look.” 
Yor looks down and gasps. 
She then lifts her hand to observe the ring under their living room’s lamp. 
Yor really is in awe. The ring truly is beautiful. And… “It does have the same color as your eye ” 
Loid splutters.
“Te–.. Tea??” 
Just like that time, Loid is seen clamping his mouth and his face turns extremely red. “Are you alright, Loid?”
He nods stiffly and returns to his seat in an awkward motion.
His odd behavior concerns Yor, but if the man says that he’s alright, then Yor has to believe him. 
She clutches at her finger as she smiles. “Thank you so much, Loid. I’ll treasure this forever!”
Despite his condition, her husband manages to smile brightly and nods.
I was enchanted when I watched 7th Time Loop anime, that I hunted down the light novel. After reading these particular scenes, that made me squeal and wrung my leg like a schoolgirl, I knew I HAD to make the TwiYor version. ^^
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gjatheshroom · 1 year
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Commercial break
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justinepush · 1 year
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check the grin, he's in love.
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xxtheophilusxx · 10 days
A Mission Full of Giggles
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Summary: Loid returns home from a mission to find that things are a bit too quiet. Suspicious of the silence, he discovers Anya and Yor plotting something mischievous. Warning: Tickles Word count: 1.3k
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the streets of Berlint. The bustling city was beginning to wind down for the evening, but for Loid Forger, the day was far from over. As Twilight, the renowned master spy, he had just wrapped up another successful mission. His mind, ever alert, was still replaying the details as he approached the door to his apartment.
But the moment he stepped inside, all thoughts of his mission vanished. The apartment was unnervingly silent. Normally, he would be greeted by the sound of Anya’s voice—either chattering away to Bond, their trusty dog, or excitedly sharing stories from her day at Eden Academy. And then there was Yor, his wife, who would often be in the kitchen, the comforting scent of dinner wafting through the air. But today, there was nothing. Just silence.
Loid’s instincts kicked in immediately. Years of espionage had taught him to be wary of such stillness. His muscles tensed as he scanned the room, his sharp eyes taking in every detail. The furniture was in place, and there were no signs of forced entry, but something didn’t feel right. He carefully set down his briefcase, every movement deliberate and measured.
"Anya? Yor?" he called out, his voice calm but edged with caution.
The silence persisted, heightening his sense of unease. Loid’s hand subtly moved toward the concealed weapon in his coat. He began to move through the apartment, his footsteps silent on the wooden floor. His mind raced with possibilities—could this be an ambush? Was someone holding them hostage?
Just as he reached the living room, he heard it—a faint, barely audible giggle. Loid’s keen hearing picked up on it instantly. It was coming from behind the couch. His heart rate slowed as he approached the source of the sound, his movements smooth and controlled. Whatever was waiting for him, he would be ready.
As he rounded the corner of the couch, he was greeted by the sight of a pink-haired head peeking out from behind it. Anya’s large, sparkling eyes met his, and the wide grin on her face told him everything he needed to know. Loid relaxed, a subtle smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Papa!" Anya exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement.
Loid raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued but his tone still calm and composed. "Anya, what are you doing?" he asked, though he had a feeling he already knew the answer.
Before he could react, Anya leaped at him with all the energy of a six-year-old determined to cause mischief. Her small hands, surprisingly quick, went straight for his sides. Loid’s highly-trained reflexes kicked in, but even he was caught off guard by the precision of her attack. An involuntary laugh escaped him as her fingers found the sensitive spots on his sides.
"A-Anya!" Loid stammered, trying to maintain his composure even as the laughter bubbled up. "What—what are you doing?"
"Tickling Papa!" Anya declared proudly, her voice ringing with delight. "Papa works too hard! Anya needs to make Papa laugh!"
Loid’s usual calm demeanor was quickly unraveling as Anya’s fingers continued their relentless assault. Despite his best efforts to remain composed, the ticklish sensation was too much. He burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the once-quiet apartment. "Anya, stop—haha—this isn’t fair!" he managed to say between gasps of laughter, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability.
In the kitchen, Yor had been preparing dinner, her mind focused on the task at hand. But the sound of Loid’s laughter—a sound she had rarely heard—caught her attention. She set down her utensils and quietly stepped into the living room, her eyes widening at the sight before her.
There was Loid, the ever-composed and serious man she had come to know, doubled over in laughter as Anya tickled him mercilessly. Yor’s first instinct was to rush to his aid, but she hesitated. This was a side of Loid she had never seen—a side that was playful, even vulnerable. A small smile crept onto her lips as she watched them, a warmth spreading through her chest.
"Loid, are you okay?" Yor asked, her voice gentle but tinged with amusement.
Loid looked up at her, his breath coming in short bursts as he tried to regain control. "Y-Yor, help! Anya’s got me!" he said, his voice breaking into another fit of laughter as Anya found a particularly sensitive spot.
Anya looked up at Yor with wide, innocent eyes, still giggling. "Mama, help Anya tickle Papa! Papa’s too serious!"
Yor blinked, a hint of pink coloring her cheeks. She wasn’t used to seeing Loid like this, so out of control and… happy. Her heart swelled with affection as she nodded slowly, her smile growing. "Alright, but just a little," she agreed, her tone as gentle as ever.
Yor moved gracefully to Loid’s other side, her fingers brushing lightly against his ribs. She knew exactly where to tickle him—after all, she had accidentally discovered his weak spots during their time together. Her touch was delicate, almost hesitant, as if she didn’t want to overstep.
Loid, however, was already overwhelmed. The combined tickling from Anya and Yor was too much. He squirmed, his laughter turning uncontrollable as his composure completely broke down. "Y-Yor! Haha! N-not you too!" he pleaded, but there was no malice in his voice—only laughter and the genuine joy of being with his family.
Anya beamed with pride, clearly delighted to see her usually serious father laughing so freely. "Papa’s so ticklish! Mama, you’re really good at this!" she praised, her voice full of admiration.
Yor’s blush deepened, but she continued, her own smile widening as she saw how much fun Anya was having. "Thank you, Anya. But we shouldn’t be too hard on Papa," she said softly, though her fingers still gently tickled Loid’s sides.
Loid, breathless and red-faced from laughter, finally managed to gasp out, "I—I surrender! You win! Haha—please, no more!"
Anya stopped immediately, looking up at him with wide eyes. "Papa’s okay, right?" she asked, her voice suddenly filled with concern.
Loid nodded, still catching his breath, but there was a warm, genuine smile on his face. "I’m okay, Anya. Just… very ticklish," he admitted, a chuckle escaping him despite himself. He reached out and ruffled her pink hair, his expression full of affection. "You’re stronger than any enemy I’ve faced."
Yor also stopped, her hands moving to smooth out Loid’s rumpled clothes. "I’m sorry, Loid. We just wanted to make you laugh," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine warmth and a hint of shyness.
Loid looked at them both, his heart swelling with a rare emotion—contentment. "You succeeded," he said, his tone sincere. "You two are… amazing."
Anya grinned from ear to ear, throwing her arms around Loid’s neck in a tight hug. "Papa’s the best!" she declared, her voice full of pure, unfiltered joy.
Yor watched them, her heart full. The sight of Loid and Anya, both so happy, made her feel like she truly belonged in this family. "Dinner will be ready soon," she said gently. "Afterward, maybe we can all relax together."
Loid nodded, finally regaining his composure but still feeling the warmth of the moment. "That sounds perfect," he agreed, though he added with a playful glint in his eye, "But I think I’ll be keeping my guard up from now on."
As they settled back into their evening routine, the apartment was no longer silent. It was filled with the sounds of laughter, conversation, and the unmistakable warmth of a family that, despite the odds, had found a way to be together. For Loid, this was a different kind of mission—one where the stakes were high, but the rewards were beyond anything he could have ever imagined.
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liciatalks · 9 months
We have yet to see Loid and Yor hold hands while walking.
We've seen them hold Anya's hands, with her in the center, but not them.
Pretty suspicious. Husband and Wife not holding hands. What will the neighbors think?
I just want it.
You know Yor would be freaking out the whole time.
Be even cuter if Anya made them hold hands. 😊
Make it where they do it so often, for keeping up appearances, they absently do it.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Forgive me if I'm being a pest, but...
Can you write a tickle fic of Yor and Loid being a Tickle Monster Duo chasing Anya.
And Anya uses Damian (who was there for study reasons) as a human shield. And the poor boy gets roped into the situation.
Hey anon! First and foremost, you are not a pest at all! This prompt is beyond adorable! :D Unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out how to include Damian into the mix so this is just the Forger family. I hope you like it! :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @backy-san @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
Anya leaned back against the wall, her eyes narrowed as she dared a peek around the corner. In her hands, her bright green pistol gleaned beneath the overhead lights. “I’ve gotcha now, bad guys. Agent Anya’s not letting you get away.”
Her target was sitting on the nearby couch, a newspaper in hand as he scanned over the pages. A quick poke into his mind confirmed what she already knew.
Boring. Everything he was reading was boring.
Rolling into position, she made it to the next rendezvous spot, daring another peek around the coffee table at him. The bad guy flipped a page and leaned back, crossing one leg over the other. His guard was down, this was her chance!
“Take this, bad guy!” She cried, diving out from the table and pointing her gun. The bad guy blinked and looked over, eyes widening.
Bang! Smoke rose from the steaming barrel of her pistol. Anya watched with cool composure as the bad guy slowly fell from his seat, clutching the chest wound she gave him.
“No…this isn’t how..it’s supposed to end..” He groaned out, coughing. Anya gave her gun a spin as she tucked it against her hip, puffing out her small chest. “Agent..Anya..”
“What?” She gasped, her mistake hitting her like a ton of bricks. Such a careless mistake- how did she forget to ask him where the hideout was? “Tell me where your boss is!” She ran over to his dying body, grabbing him by the collar. “Tell me before you go!”
“Hehe..that stays with me..to the end..bleh.” The bad guy gave her one last smirk before his head tilted to the side, showing he was gone.
“...” Anya sighed, releasing him from her grip as she took a step back. Well- there went the easy route. She’d have to hold a meeting and decide what to do next. Turning her back to the body, she pulled out her walky-talky and brought it to her lips.
“Agent Penguin, Agent Bond, do you read me-over?” She waited for a response, staring down at the peanut shaped walky-talky.
Then she peeled back the shell of said walky-talky and proceeded to eat it. She’d get a new one at headquarters.
“Time to go-” She went to leave, but before she could- a hand grabbed her ankle!
“Agent….Anya…” The voice behind her groaned, slowly sitting up as she let out a shriek. “Why…did you kill me…?”
“Oh no! A zombie!” She cried, reaching for her gun. Unfortunately for her, it had fallen off her hip, scattered across the way. “Agent Bond! Agent Penguin!”
“There’s…no use…” A new voice groaned out, making Anya gasp. Another zombie had appeared, face hidden beneath her long dark hair. “We’ve come…for your sooool!”
“AHHH!” Anya screamed as they attacked, her life flashing before her eyes.
“AAHH-Aheahhahahhahahaha! Gehahahahha, nohohohohohoho! Doohhoohohn’t eahahhaht meheheheheehe!” Anya squealed as she was gathered in Loid’s arms, Yor’s fingers dancing against her stomach and sides as she kicked and giggled. “Mahhahahamahahaha!”
“Who’s that? I’m a zombie!” Yor cried back in glee, giggling just as much as she carried on prodding her daughter. “And I found myself a tasty morsel! You should try this, Loi-I mean, bad guy!”
“Who are you calling a bad guy?” Loid teased gently, adjusting his hold on Anya so he could sneak a few tickles into her neck. “Though I suppose I’m willing to give this a try.”
“Aheahhahahaha! Nohohoohoh, nohohohoohoho pahaha-Pahhahahahhaha!” Anya let out another loud shriek when fingers pressed into her chin, going for her worst spot. “It tihiihhiihickles!”
“Does it now?” Pulling his hand back, he pretended to give it a taste. “Mm, she tastes like peanuts.”
“Really? I love peanuts!”
“Eheheehheehehehe!” Anya was sure there’d be nothing but bones left of her when they were done! Desperate for help, she cried out one last time. “Bohoohohohond!”
Like an angel descending from heaven, a blur of white fur and huffing came charging from around the corner- going straight for Yor! The woman yelped as she was tackled, flailing over with a squeal of mirth as Bond began licking her face relentlessly. “Bohohohond, it tihihihickles!”
“Uh oh- our only weakness!” Loid gasped in mock fear, letting Anya go as she rolled onto her feet. “Huh? How did you-”
“You’re done for, Zombie!” Anya cried, grabbing her gun and pointing, pulling the trigger. Loid yelped in surprise before falling back, falling still for good.
Well- good being about five seconds before Yor freed herself and proceeded to tickle him.
“Trahahahitor!” He cried out, his window to fight back growing smaller by the second as Bond threw himself across his chest, effectively trapping him. Anya laughed in delight before joining the fray once more, giggling alongside her parents.
Anya Agency Report:
Operation Zombie Hunt- Success.
Thanks for reading!
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domxmarvel · 2 years
A proper date
Pairing:Loid x Female!Reader x Yor
Slot: Secret admirer 
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Many people would be freaked out by the thought of having a secret admirer,but somehow yours seemed genuinely sweet. Somehow they know if you needed or wanted something,and there was always something at your desk when you were having a bad day. You assumed that whoever was leaving the gifts was one of your colleagues but all of them denied it,and there were several times all of you were together so it wasn't impossible but highly unlikely that it was one of them.
Eventually everyone started getting curious about who this person was,but you had a feeling it was two different people. The handwriting didn’t match between the letters,they were written by two people. Which left you even more confused,were they working together or fighting to win your heart. The only thing was that you liked both of them,even though you only knew what they told you from the letter. You had enough and decided to find out who they were,luckily your coworkers were happy to help. You made a list of the new employees that started just before you started receiving gifts and letters. There were four suspects but two were quickly ruled out,they were out to lunch with you multiple times and each time you’d find something on your desk. That only left Yor and Loid,you didn’t know much about them other than that they were married. You worked with them a few times but Yor was always shy around you the opposite of Loid who kept asking questions about you. Right now Loid was the biggest suspect,but you needed proof you needed to see his handwriting. Which was extremely easy since your job required you to write all the time. You managed to get your hands on one of his papers,and his handwriting matched the letters but only half of them. You decided to check Yor’s handwriting as well and they matched the second half of the letters. It was both of them,you couldn’t focus for the rest of the day. You had no idea what to do.
“Are you alright?” you quickly looked up to see Loid standing over you.
“Yes” You said,a bit too quickly.
“I was only asking because your shift has ended and you’re still here” You quickly looked at the time,he was right. You had been thinking about this for so long that you barely noticed. Before you could say anything else Yor walked in. 
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you” She moved to stand next to him before realizing you were there,immediately you saw her blush. “We should go”
“I know it’s the two of you” They both froze “The letters the gifts,I know it’s you two”
“Y/N we can explain”
“We both like you” Yor quickly said
“I like both of you too,but maybe we should just start with a proper date”
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hey!! Can i request a spy x family x child reader?
Let's assume that Twilight needed 2 children for this mission and basically the reader gets adopted at the same time as Anya and the reader is actually a 6 year old. The reader is very smart and has a personality similar to Twilight
(you can ignore if it's too much)
This will be interesting. Sorry if I made Reader too serious
Forger family x child! Reader
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Let's say you and Anya were in seperate adoption centers, and you were the last one to be adopted hence your almost always stoic expression and pretty serious manner for a 6 year old . But Loid thought you were perfect, a quiet calm child who won't cause any trouble and plus your intelligence.
And when you and anya met a few hours later she was lowkey scared of you and thought you'd be like atleast 10-12 with just a short and quite small body but when she read your mind it was mostly innocent stuff like "I really want candy right now." Or "I hope I will have a good home."
Yor absolutely adored you and Loid, when she saw you and Loid together studying she was melting at how you two were so similar in personality and appearance! (meaning your facial expression)
You two are basically. "🗿"
You are also protective of Anya and telling off Damian and his friends when they pick on her but noticed how he would blush at Anya doing basically anything. And you thought this would actually be a great chance to make them closer somehow.
And you and Anya's scores difference are probably very drastic and Loid would do the good ol' comparing like "look at Y/N's score and yours, why can't you be like them?" Ofc Anya would later get sad and gloomy and Loid would later apologize and comfort Anya. You didn't like it either.
Yor would sometimes worry at how serious you are sometimes and would think something bad has happened. But there would also be times where you assure her and smile which would relieve Yor greatly. She really wants to make a good impression for both her children so whenever you smile when she does something for you or give you something she's practically liquid.
When Yuri first saw you and your calm manner he thought you were the biological child of Loid. (If your appearances are different from Loid's then he'll just think you took more of your previous mother's genes.) And was pretty embarrassed when you weren't since he probably made a fuss about it.
Anya may or may not tell you about her telepathic abilities, very unlikely since she's scared you'll be scared of her and snitch but there's always a possibility.
You'll be stuck like glue 90% of the time and if she decides to tell you about her secret? You're stuck together 100% of the time, she'll treat you like an older sibling (because you are) and talk to you about all her problems and troubles and you guys probably fall asleep together watching TV with the dog. (Yor and Loid have both become slime.)
Oh talking about the dog you and Anya will both play with bond 24/7, and bond will protect you both from any future danger. (Good boy bond!)
You sometimes scold Anya at her risky and unwise decisions she makes when in public and then she'll be at the brink of tears because you're supposed to support her and care for her, not scold her! And then you'll also have to apologize.
Loid will treat you no lesser or better than Anya but he does leave you in charge of both Anya and Yor while he's gone because he knows Yor will to do whatever Anya says. At this point you and Loid are the head of the family.
If you suddenly cry or break down the whole family will absolutely panic. Yor would try to calm you down but she's also almost close to crying so it isn't helping at all. Anya would cry with you. Loid would try to bribe you with candy or your favorite food to stop crying because he doesn't know what the hell to do. If someone made you cry the whole family will be mad. But if it's just some accident like bruising your leg or body on some furniture you can bet your hair (or head if you're bald) Yor and Loid will baby proof that furniture.
Overall your life with the forgers are colorful and full of surprises. Very risky though.
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innocent-cat · 1 year
Hello, if you're still taking request could it be headcanons with with Vax, Percy, and Vex. (Separately)
Where the S/O is a lot like Yor Forger.
Oh my gosh, I love SpyxFamily! right away xx
Reader x Vox Machina
Warnings - None
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"Scarlet paint on their face", Assassin!Reader x Various
Okay, so, weird thing about both Vax AND Vex, they're extremely stalkerish.
the very MOMENT they thought you were acting even slightly suspicious, they immediately discussed it with each other.
"Vex-" "Yes, me too."
they most def hear EVERYTHING you do.
They had a little book that had information about everything you did.
your fault, why aren't you home by the mandatory curfew (that they implemented that nobody in fact listens to) of 8PM sharp?
You'll usually feel Vax's eyes on you when you come home after a bounty, but you choose to pretend you're oblivious to it so you can continue acting clueless.
HOWEVERRRR he eventually cornered you and confronted you.
you walked in and he was just like.. leaning against the wall all nerdy.. so you kinda just.. side eyed him and walked by..
"Where have you been?"
your heart dropped to your asssssss, him confronting you was so much scarier than it needed to be.
"What are you talking about?"
"We know you've been sneaking out. You're never home by 8."
"..Nobody follows that anyway, Vax.. not even Pikes home right now. Who are you, my dad?" You raised an eyebrow at him as you spoke down to him for asking you what's been going on.
"Vex told me you went to a washers covered in blood. What's that all about?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe don't stalk random people, it's creepy, Vax." You scoff, and storm off to your room.
You sit down in your bed and heave a sigh, letting the knife drop that was hidden between your arm and side under your oversized blouse.
Vex was the first one to actually confront you and get an answer.
(all combined head cannons above for vax btw)
she low-key scared tf out of you when you turned the corner and saw her.
full on mom stance, arms crossed, face seething..
"If you won't tell Vax, you better tell me now."
Now, mind you, it was like.. 2am.. and you tried sneaking back in because you didn't have time for a outfit change.. so you did in fact look very incriminating with a knife in your hand, drenched in blood.
You have no clue to get out of it, so you fake cry xx
You drop your knife and start crying into your hands, mumbling.
Vex's face DROPS, and she goes to you and holds you, rocking you in her arms.
"I'm not MAD, I'm just upset you didn't tell me.."
After the little cry, she helps you clean yourself up from them on because OBVIOUSLY what gf wouldn't help.
she was honestly just mad you didn't tell her..
(sorry her's is so short!! I'm like super duper tired rn)
lmfaooo Percy been knew
the two of you have always just kind of
not talked about it?
of course, you both are aware that the other KNOWS,
it's just Percy wants to make sure he doesn't say something rude to you
he loves u too much xx
He frequently stitches you up, cleans your wounds, and washes your clothes when you come home after killing someone.
Of course, he understands you're very dangerous and skilled, but the fact you're his s/o comes before your large bounty.
"Again? Seriously? You're getting too injured to endure this job." he sighed out to you, frowning at your dampened physical state.
You did not reply, but you looked away, towards a a window opposite of him. You matched his face, frowning.
You flinch back as he applies alcohol to your wound, hissing slightly to your pain.
"Sorry." He mumbled out, and he lifted your shirt more.
He bandages the wound, sealing it so it doesn't become infected. He then pulls off your shirt, and sets it aside to wash later, handing you a new, clean shirt of your own.
he literally loves you so much please assure this boy you'll be fine
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hoomandoescosplay · 5 months
Reunited | Loid Forger x Reader
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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tare-anime · 1 year
Inspired by this amazing art by @nallhir
Her husband never ceased to amaze her (AO3)
Attending a gala always unnerves Yor.
Too many people. Too many eyes on her.
Of course, she has many experiences in attending a gala, most often to do her assassination jobs.
So blending in, or to be more specific, being invisible in a gala has been one of her skills.
That’s not what her concern is.
This time, she has to attend a gala as Loid’s wife.
And the part where she has to do things perfectly so as not to embarrass her husband is actually the thing that makes her nervous.
Because Loid has asked for her help (like she has wanted him to do!). And then he bought her this amazing dress. He even helped her with her hair-do and make-up (she never knew Loid had such a skill. But of course, her husband is perfect in everything!)
At the very least, she has to perform well.
She tries her best to ignore the feeling of eyes following her every movement.
For Loid’s sake!
The music plays and Yor feels dread in her stomach.
This is it….
It is time to dance.
Yor takes a deep breath. When Loid extends his hand, she accepts it.
Just like practice…. Just like practice….
Her husband (thankfully) leads her to the margin of the dancing floor, and he gently guides her hand to rest on his shoulder. She can feel the warmth of his hand placed on the small of her back when they get ready to dance.
“Come closer.” She hears him whisper.
Yor gulps and steps closer, but his hand pulls her even closer until their body nearly flush one another.
Her heart starts to beat faster, but then she hears Loid whisper, “So tell me, what did Anya and Bond have been doing this morning?”
“I saw the remnants of colorful papers, and the crafting tools weren’t in their places.”
Yor blinks. And she starts to smile. "Oh, Anya was trying to create a photo frame from unused utensils."
The music starts to play, and they start to move. But she hears him continue, "Oh really? Then why didn't I see it among our family photos?"
She chuckles, "That's because she insists on adding flowers and other ornaments on the frame."
Yor starts to let her own body move on pure muscle memory as she giggles recalling the antics of their daughter and dog earlier. "Unfortunately, the ornaments made from paper didn't come out as she envisioned. And despite my reassurance, Anya was upset."
She moves her body in sync with Loid's lead while continuing the story. "So I told her about pressed flowers."
She twirls and extends her arms before returning to Loid's side, and she hears him whisper, "And…?"
"And that's what Anya and Bond have been doing in their room, until you came home."
The first song ends and Yor grins widely, fully aware of what Loid's been doing.
The fact that such a simple tactic works wonders only adds to Yor's amazement toward her husband.
"Thank you, Loid. For always taking care of me."
"Anytime, Yor. It's the least I can do after asking you to accompany me. And I really enjoy your company, by the way." He grins in return.
Their conversation continues when they swing their bodies to follow the second song.
"So, tell me about how to make a beautiful pressed flower? I can't let my daughter and dog beat me in a skill, now can I?"
Yor laughs. "Well… you can start by…"
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