#yosano. >> answers.
prodigiousvisions · 11 months
💋 (Dazai & Yosano)
FIRST FIVE ASKS TO SEND 💋 GET A KISS. (1/5) - accepting, but only one more is available. | @ofsavior
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━━ ˟ ⊰ ♡  a kiss that lingers.
THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY IS AN ORGANIZATION NOT WITHOUT ITS OWN ECCENTRICITIES AND COLORFUL PERSONALITIES. Since Dazai's induction to the organization, slotted notably in a faraway memory of hers, the doctor has had her fair share of outright rejections toward the advances that her coworker would direct her way, regardless of the true sincerity lying behind each one. Perhaps the quota of the day would be satisfied by shooting him a scowl once unsavory flattery met her ears. Maybe it was the curl of a hand around a newspaper that soon met the top of his head in a brisk motion. Needless to say, it wasn't something she held much stock in as a genuine attempt for her affection to be swayed. (Dazai knows better than that surely - a master perceiver of emotions would not enlist such shallow tactics in their modus operandi.) If anything, with the blatant persistence he kept at throughout the years, Yosano views it as something akin to the likes of an ongoing joke.
Yet today is a special occasion. The office is having a party with several causes of celebration abound, and for once, Dazai is present at the heart of it all, unlike many occasions prior when he was caught sneaking off to do who knew what. It is with the merriment encapsulating the air; the comfort of her company that the doctor finds no meaning in exercising refined mannerisms, currently having consumed what would normally be four glasses of wine in quick succession had she not been slugging around the wine bottle itself in her grasp. Hawk-like eyes midst unfocused hues lay sight on the marked length of a certain trench coat, and instantly, she is on the hunt to lock him into a conversation to ensure that he doesn't slip out of the building without reproach.
She initiates, he banters. The specifics further than that muddle in her brain other than the formative fact that she is no longer truly bothered by his flirtations. No, in fact.... wasn't it best to challenge him on it? There certainly was a lot of talk with no actual proactivity. A game at years long standstill was a boring one with no meaning to it. Besides, why not capitalize on a little bit of fun just this once? Her movement is swift in motion, cherry heels click against the flooring as she takes a step forward. Her unoccupied hand reaches forth and yanks him by the bolo tie down to her height. It's merciless; her own innate ability to pull others into her orbit as a saccharine grin meets the confusion on his face with contrasting devilish intent. Be it the law of attraction or something beneath the surface that spills forth like the open wine bottle dripping onto the floor, but their whimsical encounter is branded true by a kiss of crimson onto his lips. By all accounts on her own, the kiss lasts longer than necessary, and the grip bound against his tie remains at the same strength as it was when initially pulled. Once she's satisfied, her hand frees the accessory from her grip and she pulls away with an innocuous tilt of her head.
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"How was it? Sweet?" Yosano asks with a tone that practically demands a proper response. She swipes below her lower lip, lackadaisically cleaning up the smudged rouge without a second thought. "Burn that into your memory, Dazai. It's the last time you'll be getting it from me."
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originalartblog · 1 year
you know sometimes i think of ada!chuuya get positive affirmations and praise from other ada! members. like just, random platonic affection. ( though I don't think chuuya would react normally about it but it's ok )
i don't know, i just think chuuya is a very sad guy ngl— i think he deserves some hugs.
i mean since fukuzawa can find stray cats around the ada! building areas, i think it's possible for chuuya to find a stray puppy or two.
if this idea was a bit too silly, i shall see myself out.
Anon you get me, have some happy ada!Chuuya with friends
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poorly-drawn-bsd · 29 days
For Yosano: who's your favourite person to have in your clinic, either because of how they act or how fun they are to use your ability on?
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Despite her looks Dr. Yosano is always kind to her patients. Unless you get on her bad side. Don’t do it. -Atsushi
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cryptidnest · 1 month
The deep fear I feel anytime someone asks me who my highest kin is from BSD.
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originalaccountname · 23 days
Ok, so! Sorry to bother you, but you are one of my favorite bsd meta account on this platform, and while I know that Mori isn't really your focus, I had a question.
Is it true that Mori based Elise on Yosano? And if so, do you know why?
Hello!! Thank you for your nice words! ✨
I don't think there's a single definitive hard truth about how Elise is for now. We don't know in what capacity Mori controls her besides being able to order her to attack or protect. I won't get too in detail about it in case it's a spoiler for you, but Elise in BEAST still has her strong attitude... while being an adult, which makes her much more suited to her current role. We don't know if Mori's the one to choose her personality and age or if it just... happens despite himself.
What we can see is that, during the war, Elise was dressed in a cutesy frilly nurse/maid outfit and answered "yes master" to Mori without showing a shred of attitude. Since it's the only time we see her at that time, this has to be a relevant detail.
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The Elise we know in canon is a bratty spoiled little girl who loves sweets and hates how pathetic Mori is and therefore refuses to listen to him in casual settings. However, in battle situations, she becomes a lot closer to what we see her be during the war.
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The way Mori treated Yosano during the war is similar to how he treats Elise now. He finds their attitudes cute, but wants them to obey him. The main difference between the two is that, while Elise is an ability and functionally a doll, Yosano was a real person with her own wants and needs, which Mori didn't care at all about. It's only fun and cute when Elise has an attitude because when he needs her to do something, she will never say no. He is only playing pretend.
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Mori told Yosano that he "has a hard time not granting a little girl's wish". Maybe this entire thing is about Yosano. Maybe Yosano just happened to be exactly the kind of little girl Mori likes to gush over. both are likely.
and btw, if you want more on the subject of Mori and Elise, I recommend this read about the inspiration behind them! There's also something to be said about the relationship between irl Mori and his daughter Mari (who idolized him), but I don't know enough about that subject to confidently tell you more about it.
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 months
Oooooo, could you do Yosano, Dazai, Kenji, Kyoka, and Atsushi?
Ps im ngl i always spell "actually" wrong 😣 i type so fast my autocorrect just cant keep up
(p.s. TYPE SLOWER. no jk that's actually so cute patpat it's okay little guy)
disclaimer first: a few of these characters I know very little about past what the anime offered and what my attention span was during their screen time, so forgive me if some of this trauma tie-in happens to be an element that already exists in some fashion (but isn't focused on) that I just didn't catch. Most of the ability stuff is just so fucking confusing and weird that I got used to dismissing any deeper looks into the possible meanings to their characters. REGARDLESS! I'm going to act as if I'm the co-writer of BSD and I have a skeleton of what their abilities/characters are supposed to be like.
other side note, I would make it the world rule of BSD that abilities are born out of either trauma or desperation, not inherent at birth. Each character has a past that involves how their ability was born.
Ability birth:
I'd change her past to be that she was Mori's "favorite" (yes, in the inappropriate way) from wherever he met her, and he took her along to the war for company along with the other ability users, hoping to traumatize her enough to create some sort of ability birth in her. I'd make Mori, as a villain, someone who does this to children as a job, basically, unethically creating the birth of abilities by giving them trauma. Every mafia member is either an existing ability haver that he's hired to help him or a child he raised and traumatized to become ability users.
While in the war, Yosano would be a sensitive child obviously who hates seeing the mass deaths, and this would be the trigger for her healing ability to be born, because whenever she sees someone dying, she goes mad trying to save them.
Trauma history:
So she has a fairly traumatic backstory already that I think - out of all the characters in BSD - was portrayed pretty well, comparative to the others. However, with her ability to heal, and the wartime past with Mori arc, I would keep her deeply affected by that past event to the point where she's not proud of being a healer, even though it was born because she wanted people to stop dying. Mori soured that when he abused her ability after it was born to the point that she never wanted to see people revive again just to keep fighting.
Character change:
I would change Yosano to be a morbid character obsessed with death (and give her a metal goth-inspired design) who is dedicated to the idea that death is important, inevitable, and should not be prevented. Death is the ultimate rest, and Yosano would see herself as a perversion of nature who would be hindering that process if she were to heal anyone. This worldview would be entirely based on her experience in the war and how she kept soldiers on the battlefield so long that they went mad and only wished for death to escape their hell.
I would give her a close bond with Dazai because of this, seeing as that would make for some interesting partnerships. I would have her be sensitive to suicidal people because it triggers those memories, and she'd be undecided about whether she'd encourage Dazai in his wish to end things or stop him because she's attached to him.
Her emotional arc for change (from refusing to heal to embracing her healing abilities for certain exceptions) could involve some sort of innocent NPC character (say, a child) who has a terminal illness and does not want to die. This could change her mind and she would choose to heal them before the end so that they could live a full life, and then decide that she'd use her healing abilities from then on only when death was an uncontrollable circumstance and an unwanted end, and only to prevent it until the character got the death they preferred. IDK, SOMETHING LIKE THAT. JUST OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.
Ability birth:
With Mori established as the prime abuser/villain, Dazai would've been born a normal but sheltered boy, neglected by his parents (leading into the sensitivity of being "invisible" or "not human") who comes across Mori somehow and is lured to run away from home (because grooming, and the fact that he receives attention from Mori and thus believes it's "love", becoming convinced his parents don't love him). Then thrust into the mafia, Mori routinely abuses him to get him to form an ability. The focus on his abuse would be sexual and medical. Mori would be curious to see what would form out of someone with the fear of being invisible being told that they're inhuman and alone. He would isolate Dazai and leave him in dark rooms for hours if he showed emotion, and force him to murder and maim other people (or children) to make him as antisocial as possible. This would create the self-eating void of No Longer Human. It would be both a manifestation of Dazai's loss of self-worth as well as a shield against Mori's use of abilities on him to hurt him.
Character change:
NYEHEHEHEHEHEHE MY FAVORITE! Although I usually write Dazai in my fanfics with these elements, just realistic-ized instead of supernatural-based, here's what I'd do for him in the canon, disregarding all fanon portrayals of him as this sort of character, already: No Longer Human is, by nature, an ability that destroys and makes the abnormal "normal". Dazai would be the ultimate contradiction to the "normal", being a human devoid of emotional expression entirely, himself a void to give only other people normality. Basing him more heavily off of his ability's namesake book (and the protagonist, Yozo), Dazai would be in a constant state of severe depression to the point of antisocial behaviors and sociopathic inclinations. Any attempts to help him escape this would be impossible, as his ability is so inherently parasitical that Dazai is subhuman, only able to "cure" others (by robbing them of their abilities while he is in contact with them). I would focus on him as a moral grey, the unpredictable character in the show who'd be more likely to join the villains at a moments notice and forsake our protagonist.
Trauma history:
His trauma history, other than Mori - namely, Odasaku's death - would be a major part of his character. Because of Oda, who was his first and only companion that didn't care about how strange and inhuman he was, died at what he sees to be his own failures, Dazai would think of himself as incapable of human connection without the threat of annihilating either the humanity of the other person or the literal life of the other person. To try and be more simple (sorry I'm so wordy, I hope it's not confusing), I'd say he'd be paranoid of falling into the "trap" of human connection now (thus leading to the antisocial behavior) and would attempt to push people away because he's convinced the past would repeat itself. "Anything worth having will be lost" and all that.
Current behaviors (in relation to the trauma):
Mr. touch-starved, touch-averse. Since his ability is based on contact, I'd make a Dazai who wears bandages not only to cover the egregious self-harm, but to cover up as much skin as possible, because he's convinced it will help him not touch people. I'd add a dash of reverse-mysophobia in there (mysophobia is the extreme phobia of germs) to add to how he feels as though he contaminates anyone he touches because of NLH. Since I'd keep Oda's last wish in his trauma history, Dazai would be in the ADA, but the complete detachment of his coworkers from emotionally caring for him would make Dazai a machine driven by the necessity to carry out Oda's last wish - to use his ability for good. Since he doesn't want to think about his time with Mori or be alone (even though he believes he deserves to be alone), he is staying with the agency out of duty and escapism from himself. His single use is to be a weapon to stop villains from abusing their powers. God, I'm so sorry, I have WAY too many thoughts about how I'd use this for Dazai, I hope it isn't coming out like the jumbled mess I think it is. Anyway, I'd also make him asexual, monotone-voiced, and brooding. He'd be a walking representation of how sexual trauma in particular can affect someone, making them feel worthless.
As mentioned with my version of Yosano, I think I'd pair them as acquaintances who work well together. Dazai likes anyone who thinks he should die, and his suicide attempts would remain a part of his character as well, just treated with actual weight. He interprets Yosano's love of death as a wish for him to kill himself, so when he has the time, he tries his best, but is notoriously bad at going all the way through. I'd give him one thing hindering him: the insatiable wish to not be lonely before he dies. The wish to find one friend to relive his Oda trauma, except this time with him dying happy instead of the other person, thus leaving them to live their life in peace without his burden.
The chance to have his wish fulfilled would come in the form of Atsushi. Atsushi being oblivious, socially unaware, and unbothered by how strange Dazai is - as well as genuinely caring about his wellbeing - would trigger those old feelings about Oda, forcing Dazai to unconsciously seek out a repetition of his trauma. This time, however, he'd succeed. Atsushi would become close to him, and Dazai would protect him, and once it got to the part where he's ready to kill himself to relieve Atsushi of the burden of his existence, Atsushi would stop him and make it known how little of a burden he is, and how much good Atsushi sees in him.
Character change:
OKAY THIS ONE IS ACTUALLY HARD. Kenji is such a bright character, and for the sake of contrast if I were to rewrite BSD, I would keep him that way, because a story filled with characters who are all as bleak and depressed as each other makes for a boring portrayal of trauma. Because, if everyone has trauma, NOBODY has trauma. Syndrome reference. They all cancel each other out and become far less important. HOWEVER. In a void, if I were to keep Kenji in line with my ability = trauma, I would give him the archetype of "the smiling goofball with the most crushing backstory who somehow made it through and came out the other side without mental illnesses and a love for humanity" if that....isn't too wordy. Does that make sense? Like Vash the Stampede in Trigun Stampede, basically. You'd have no idea this guy suffered until he told you his backstory while grinning ear to ear in the special side episode that you thought was going to be filler. He'd have the "yeah it was rough but I don't mind! I'm just sad for the other people who got hurt!" type beat and there would be 300 fanfics made about him breaking down because the fandom never got to see him cry in canon.
Ability birth/trauma history:
Kenji's superhuman strength would be born out of the landslides incident in his village. I wouldn't make it too deep, really, just your usual natural disaster trauma. I don't remember anything about Kenji's family if they were mentioned in BSD, but let's just say he lived with his family in the village very happily until the landslide incident. One of his family members got crushed under a falling tree (not dead, just trapped and injured), and Kenji's ability manifested out of the desperation to save them because nobody else could. Family member survived but was left disabled for the rest of their life. Kenji would be triggered in current day if he were to see anyone in life-threatening situations, but he would have the fight response and would be confident in his ability to save them.
No arc for him, he's emotionally stable and would be there to assist other characters in their arcs!
I love Kyouka's current character type, so I wouldn't change anything about how she's written in the main storyline, BUT SHE DOES HAVE A WELL OF TRAUMA TO DRAW FROM! This is what I'd do with that:
Ability birth:
First of all, Kyouka's backstory is a bit weird to understand in relation to her ability itself, so I would simplify and change a few details, even though I do like some of the elements of its portrayal in the anime. Second of all, I love the Kouyou (I'm trying hard to spell everyone's names right) mother-daughter relationship going on with her, so I'd first of all have to build up my version of Kouyou.
Kouyou in canon wanted to leave the mafia with a man she admired, so let me harp on that by saying her motivation was that she wanted to have a family with him. Classic. Okay, so she fails in that in canon, the man gets killed, and she holds a grudge against the head of the mafia at that time (not Mori). Once the mafia is taken over by Mori, she was involved with the killing of the former mafia leader, so she becomes enthralled by Mori's sick passion and attached to the children he brings in. This is her own perverse version of a family, the only kind she'll get. She forgives herself for being Mori's enabler by convincing herself that she's the refuge for all the hurting children he brings into the mafia. She is their mother figure. To Chuuya, to Dazai, to Kouyou, etc.
Okay, NOW enter Kyouka, the new target of Mori's current attempt to make yet another ability user. Kouyou wants a little girl to take care of (she hates Elise, we all hate Elise), tired of all the boys. Mori preys on this and uses that motivation to convince Kouyou to kill Kyouka's mother and take the mother's place. This will bond her to the child.
Kouyou is all for this. Kouyou would become Kyouka's mother's assassin.
Once in the mafia, Kyouka is not like the others because she's basically a kidnapping victim instead of a grooming victim lured into the mafia. Stockholm syndrome manifests while Kouyou spoils Kyouka, but Mori is ofc determined to traumatize her. However, they underestimate how much smarter Kyouka is than some of the other children, and she is aware that Kouyou is only being kind to her to try and replace her mother. Her ability manifests as a way to preserve her mother's memory. Her ability would BE a ghost of her mother, basically, here to protect Kyouka from the fakers.
LONG WAY TO SAY THAT BUT HEY, KYOUKA HAD A GOOD BASELINE TO DRAW FROM. I would also tie in the phone by putting that into the trauma of her mother's death. During the assassination, Kyouka was on the phone with her mother, coming home from school. Since her mother was attacked while she was apart from her and she heard her mother's death on the phone, her trauma links directly to that, and Demon Snow would have a consistent phone-voice if it were to speak to represent those last moments of her life.
Current behavior (in relation to the trauma):
In joining the ADA and that whole thing, the one trigger I'd focus on would be that Kyouka refuses to talk on the phone with anybody. Everyone who works with her has to work around this, because she's internally convinced that talking on the phone will 1) cause someone to be compelled by her words (since Demon Snow follows phone commands) and 2) make her afraid that person will somehow meet misfortune if they speak over the phone. She'd retain that superstition.
I would make an episode where Kyouka has to overcome her fear of talking on the phone. She'd still be close with Atsushi mainly but I would probably add a dash of Yosano in there as well, helping Kyouka process death as a whole and especially in relation to her mother. I would present a main conflict where Kyouka could put others in danger if she doesn't use a phone (say, a 911 call), and no other character is there to do it for her. She sees how her superstition doesn't come to pass because the 911 call brings only help and solves the situation, and then could grow when she realizes that she's allowed to be angry for her mother's death, and allowed to keep Demon Snow in honor of her memory, helping instead of harming others. She is also allowed to protect herself from harm. Basically Demon Snow would represent the grieving process in some way.
I really hate this guy in canon, I do apologize for how much I'm going to change him.
Character change:
To start, I'm a huge hater of canon Atsushi (as mentioned), but quite a fan of BEAST Atsushi, in comparison. I would rebuild his character based more on BEAST than BSD. Okay, so it's widely tossed around that Atsushi is a good representation of PTSD (he's not, from an officially diagnosed CPTSD haver, I'm sorry, though if anyone who has PTSD likes his representation, I'm happy for you <3 live in peace). I would shift him to be a representation for survivor's guilt. Why this choice? First of all, my changes would already make almost every character a representation of PTSD because all abilities would be a metaphor for PTSD. I'll get into the changes for his backstory to fit this narrative in a second. But I want to merge his BSD and BEAST personalities together. In BSD, he's always making everything his fault somehow and using self-blame like it's a personality quirk. I want to use this, and mesh it with the more serious personality he has in BEAST. He'd remain an ADA member, but he'd be less... comedically brainless. First of all, autism. Yay!!! I love socially awkward characters if they're not overdone, so I would give Atsushi the "not labelled but definitely autistic" character type. Social cues are hard, he struggles to make genuine connections or "correctly" convey his emotions, all that. This would make him a better match-up for Dazai since they would find some common ground in the emotions department, with Dazai being keen on understanding the way others act socially but not WISHING to participate, and Atsushi just not knowing how to participate "properly". He would feel bad about this as a main character conflict, wishing to assimilate into "normal" society better when he feels so alienated. This would also fit his um....unique? eccentric? Character design and haircut. JUST SAYING. The arc (which I'll talk about in a second) would be about accepting himself the way he is instead of forcing himself to assimilate to society, so don't think I'm making him autistic as some sort of derogatory thing. Not at all.
Trauma history:
So I mentioned I would give him the survivors guilt theme. For his orphanage backstory, I would build up the fact that he was "the weird kid" but he really loved the children he was around and desired to connect with them. The abusive caretakers I would tone down a bit to give some more realism to the abuse, because I find the backstory ridiculous and tacky in canon. I'd take inspiration from real life horror houses and camp counselor stories, especially the psychological manipulation of making kids tattletales on each other, essentially, as a way to protect themselves. If anyone does anything "wrong", the kids can earn themselves a day of rest from the abuse by being the caretaker's "pet" and telling them who transgressed. I'd keep the elements of Atsushi being put in solitary confinement situations (but not chained up), starvation, physical abuse and threats to permanently maim any children that ran away (crushing their legs/ankles etc.).
Because of this, Atsushi's personality would form around the desire to be the savior of all the other children. Tokyo Ghoul ahh sentiments like "it's better to be hurt than to hurt others" would be his motto. Self-sacrificing little guy. He would get himself in trouble just to redirect attention from other, more fragile kids, and thus become the main target of the abusers. However, as what usually happens in reality with hero-minded people in groups like this, the abusers would convince the kids that this was because Atsushi thought he was better than them, so the kids would alienate him since it gets them rewards from their abusers and relief from abuse. If Atsushi wants to take the fall for them, by all means, let him take the fall. Atsushi gets blamed for everything. (This is how it can make his current self-blame behavior make more sense)
Ability birth:
Atsushi's Beast Beneath the Moonlight would birth under the extreme stress of being everyone's punching bag. Atsushi, like any victim of abuse, would be bothered at first by the reaction of anger and hatred he has in his heart when kids blame him and when abusers go after him again and again. Even though a lot of this hatred is self-focused, there's a growing rage against the monsters hurting him, and a need to become a monster to hurt them back. Also, the need to fulfill their accusations that he is the monster. AKA "fine, I'll be the villain you want me to be" arc. Atsushi is abused until he hits a breaking point, finally, and can't take it anymore. He accepts that instead of being hurt constantly, he does want to hurt his abusers back, he does want to kill them, and the Beast is born, a trauma holder that is out of his control. On the day of its birth, it destroys the entire orphanage in a blind rage, and Atsushi blanks out during the attack. The main drive of his current story would be him trying to figure out what actually happened that day after waking up where he does in BSD's first scene.
Current behavior, relationships, & arc:
Since Atsushi would theoretically be the main character, still, his ability would stand as more unique since he has zero control of it. This would be because he refuses to process his trauma in the orphanage, only retaining the survivor's guilt about "a disaster happened and I was the only survivor, but I don't know what the disaster was caused by, only that I blame myself". I would have Fukuzawa, Kyouka, and Dazai be the main accomplices to solving this for him as well as emotionally assisting in his arc to accepting what he did and understanding the nature of his beast. It would be a nice way to explore the rage that survivors of childhood abuse retain for their abusers, and how dangerous it can be if you don't process that trauma in a healthy way. The whole goal would be to keep Atsushi from denying that his childhood abuse hurt him and that it was fucked up. The other characters would be motivated to do this because of the disaster that would come of Atsushi losing himself to his beast and going on a rampage.
This is probably why Atsushi in canon makes me so annoyed, by the way, because he had such POTENTIAL with the metaphors to really represent PTSD and trauma, but failed miserably and instead just repeated a single scene on a loop until I wanted to blow my brains out. "it would've been better if you'd just died in a ditch somewhere" is my winter soldier trigger phrase now.
OH MY GOD I'M DONNEEEEEE, THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THE CHANCE TO RAMBLE MY ASS OFF!!! Clearly I love the chance to do it, so if you want to give me any other characters (if I didn't make you regret asking), PLEASE FEEL FREE! I would love to see what rolls out of my head with the right prompts! I spend so much time focusing on Dazai that I've forgotten about how much unused potential lies in the other cast.
THANK YOU AGAIN, I HOPE ANYONE WHO READS THIS FINDS THEMSELVES ENTERTAINED! And if it happens to be of any quality, you have my full permission to use this shit for your own fanfics if you'd like, just credit me if you please! I'd never spend enough time on characters aside from Dazai to actually use these ideas, so I'd be thrilled to see what others come up with. Please oh please write me an AU so I don't have to, I want to indulge....
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
Hello! I'm new on this requesting stuff on Tumblr, so please don't mind it if i make a mistake/explain my request badly! (Also English isn't my first language.) Can you do a Kenji x gn reader fluff? reader is the same age with Kenji, and readers ability is like demon, idk how to explain it but the reader has the same abilities with nezuko from kny. if you don't want to write it, that's okay! Thanks if you do it <3 Have a nice day/night!
「ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ x ɴᴇᴢᴜᴋᴏ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ」
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Scenario:- what’s it like dating the ray of sunshine of the ADA? Oh and also you happen to have a radass ability!
Pairing :- Kenji x gn!nezuko!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- headcannons
W/c:- 494
A/N:- I FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO DO A REQUEST YAYY🥳🥳🥳🥳 also heads up because incase it wasnt clear,reader is 14! I hope u enjoy this nonny!
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First of all he finds your ability so fascinating! The fact that you can grow and shrink and use your blood as a weapon?????
“You city folk really are amazing”
Also loves that u have super strength just like him!
Would definitely teach you any little games he made up to play using his ability.
Also i think he’d definitely think its cool and a little funny that both the other kids in the agency that are his age have a ‘demon’ related ability!
Would take you out to all his favorite places in yokohama if ur new and would introduce you to all of his friends around the city
When you have the (reasonable) fears or doubts about some of his ‘friends’ he just laughs and says that theyre harmless!!
When you ask atsushi about it he tells you about that one time he was assigned to work with kenji and how he absolutely REKT those gange members
You never question kenji about his friends after that,okay maybe not never but you do it significantly less.
He knows your ability is hella strong so he doesn’t really worry about you keeping yourself safe much.
And after you get a bit of training from the agency members he’s even more sure of you!
But if by chance you get captured or are in actual active danger,he loses his cool.
He wants to protect the people he cares about but he also knows he needs a clear head.
So after Kunikida gives the team a plan of action,kenji leads the charge.
If you’re in mortal danger he may not even wait for the agency to give him a plan of action.
Kunikida knows he cant stop him so he just sends atsushi and dazai with him.
For dates, other than the aforementioned restaurant trips i think he’d love taking you to parks or places close to nature.
He’d teach you everything he knows and would tell you all about his family and farm
Loved telling you about his cows tbh.
He also gives really tight hugs!
Like the kid will pick you up and spin you around! I mean he can, so why would he not!
The rest of the agency think y’all are cute af
Kyouka loves that there’s someone else her age too!
The three of yall have best friend outings and chill together!
Just three of yokohama’s youngest and deadliest ability users~ no biggie!
When u joined the agency,yosano and dazai made a bet on how long it’d be till yall got together.
Yosano lost and owed dazai a loveless crab dinner btw~
Overall he really does love you and actually thinks you might be the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with!
He’s adorable like that 🥺
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Tagging:- @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
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sskk-manifesto · 2 years
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Details I had no need to be remembered
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evilkaeya · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure how long ago you posted the ADA Chuuya head canon post, or if you’ve lost interest, but in the tags you mentioned you have more to say but felt it was too long! I’d love to hear more if you want
Help I'm only seeing this now I'm sorry 😭 anyways more ada Chuuya hcs you say?? Hold my beer
> First time Chuuya uses corruption in front of the agency a part of his mind thinks, "That's it. They're going to be terrified of me now," only to be proven very wrong when he wakes up. The first person he sees is Dazai, which isn't new, Dazai has always been there after he woke up. Holding a mirror most of the time and saying, "Look what I drew on your face while you slept."
Then he blinks awake fully and he's surrounded by worried faces. Not scared, not curious but worried and when he sits up, they change to relief. Chuuya isn't sure what to do with the sudden burst of warmth spreading in his chest.
Atsushi is the first to leap at him. He hugs him, telling him how worried he has been. Kunikida pulls him away (you're crushing his ribs Atsushi) and sits next to Chuuya on the bed, patting his shoulder. Fukuzawa simply puts a hand on his head and Chuuya almost breaks down. He takes a pillow from behind him and buries his face into it. (This is how he manages his emotions. Everyone is used to it)
Ranpo, his partner, remains silently glaring at Chuuya until their eyes meet and Ranpo pinches his cheek. Hard. "Don't do that again!" He yells and says how he knew Chuuya had a bigger weapon up his sleeve that could cost his life but he didn't know it would be like this. Chuuya promises that he'd never use corruption unless Dazai is around.
For those who don't know why Ranpo is Chuuya's partner, here.
> For the 2-3 days he stays at the hospital, Kyouka leaves her bunny plushie with him so that he won't feel lonely. Yosano comes to check up on him the most, asking him if he feels okay. Chuuya tells her that he's used to it. He didn't get treatment like this in pm and he survived just fine. Sad eyes stare at him. "You shouldn't be used to it. You were a kid." Chuuya is once again filled with painful emotions he doesn't know what to do with.
> Moving on from corruption, Yosano and Chuuya are best friends !! If you go to the beauty salon Sunday morning you'll see them getting manicure and pedicure together, face masks on their face as they gossip about the latest rumors.
> Tanizaki oftens offers Chuuya his hairclips when he sees him struggling with his hair while working.
> Friday night is agency movie night !! They all gather at Chuuya's place to watch a movie together. They never let Dazai pick the movie despite how much he whines and cries.
> The movie nights always end in a cuddle pile. No matter how hard he tries, Chuuya can't hide the smile on his face when he wakes up to everyone's sleeping face the morning after. He carefully gets out of bed and goes to make breakfast for everyone. Dazai joins him minutes later. He hugs him from behind, and they share a little moment together in comforting silence.
> Basically Chuuya is surrounded by the love of his family all day every day and he's happier than he's ever been.
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how about some platonic besties???
"fiiiiine. i’ll do it. for you. just for you" + platonic,,,
ranpo & yosano
kunikida & atsushi
kenji & fitzgerald
boom boom boom,,, ✨options✨
i would do all of them but tired so have some of the original agency members <3
"fiiiiine. i’ll do it. for you. just for you" + ranpo & yosano
Ranpo turning down cases wasn't new, but this one had the rest of the agency quite stumped to the point that no one else there could handle it. (What didn't help was that Dazai had opted to skip out on work that day, so he couldn't offer any insight. All calls had gone to voicemail, except for Kunikida's, and Dazai had been frustratingly vague to the point where Kunikida had left too.) The Tanizakis hadn't managed to convince Ranpo, Atsushi was still out with Kyouka looking for some kind of candy with which to bribe him, and at this point- "Ranpo." Yosano tapped at his desk. He hummed in acknowledgement, halfway through eating a donut. The rest of the agency watched with bated breath as Yosano leaned down, crossing her arms and leaning down to whisper something to him. He looked as uninterested as before for most of it, before sitting up and sighing dramatically, leaning back in his chair. "Fiiiiine. I'll do it. For you." He waved a candy at her, "Just for you." She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, I know." "But it's gonna be so boooringgg.." He pouted. "Uh-huh- Juni'chiro, take him down to the train station."
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prodigiousvisions · 11 months
[Kyouka; Yosano] ❝ since that day, so much has changed for me. ❞
tloz: twilight princess starters (accepting). | @petalbound
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"For a young girl like you? I can only imagine."
Yet she need not imagine. For imagination lends to the explicit expectation that there was a lack of firsthand experience - that the sympathy is sourced from mere happenstance creations of the mind and not one rooted in harsh reality. There is a certain sharpness to the way she refers to Kyouka in this light, dancing around the truth of the matter; staring at Kyouka in such a state was like being enveloped in the reflection of herself. Painstakingly so, her chest tenses with a reignited sense of duty.
"I'm sure you need no reminder, but Kyouka, the agency is your home. We accept you as you are. So shed yourself of that suffocating darkness the Port Mafia branded onto you and revel in the daybreak." Yosano's aim was not to disarm her to dwell on such dark topics. Not now, anyway. Not when the usual work of the agency was stalled to a lull and the two could take a break in the cafe below their usual domain. She ushers her plate of cake toward the younger girl, a smile quickly finding its way back onto her face. "Here, take my share. A growing girl has to eat after all."
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originalartblog · 1 year
soukoku sure loves their couches
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they were fighting about 12 seconds ago
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poorly-drawn-bsd · 29 days
kunikida! or the agency as a whole, favourite books?
(and ooc for the mods to :D)
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(OOC answers below cut. Caricature jumpscare ahead /lh)
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You know, I was wondering this for months now. Considering Yosano’s painful backstory, how do you think she felt about dazai’s suicide mania. Seriously, it’s all he talks about.
This is really interesting anon. I'm not sure if they interact much to be honest. I'm trying hard to think of a moment they actually talk... well, we do know she's at the core of the plan to revive him if he ever does die, and she absolutely would've been a part of that discussion so I think it's a given that she's looking out for him at least a little, in her own way. I would say, given her reaction to Kajii's obsession with death and her typical blunt demeanor, she probably thinks Dazai's fixation on suicide is uh... pretty stupid. But at the same time, the life he's threatening there is his own, so I like to think there was some brief concern at the beginning.
See, I think for the very reasons I'd love to see them interact (history with Mori, unfortunate commonalities with Mori they probably don't like, similar defense mechanisms of projecting an image to avoid uncomfortable questions or people getting too close - one, mischievous and lazy, and the other, highly respected and slightly sadistic)... I think this is exactly why they probably don't.
See, I don't think Dazai knows Yosano's history. He doesn't have a way of knowing it, and it's kind of the Agency's best kept secret - Fukuzawa and Ranpo are the only ones who appear to know. However, Dazai's countenance is such that he immediately had Fukuzawa telling Kunikida to just shoot him if he proves to be a threat lmao, and given a lot else in the series, I just assume that to those who aren't Atsushi or random people who get the filter of dialed-up charm Dazai, that the man just gives off supremely bad vibes. I feel like, if anything, Yosano was probably on alert around him for a bit. Dazai operates a lot like Mori, after all, and I doubt that would've gotten past her.
Also their defense mechanisms are the same. Like. They actually have some really fascinating commonalities. I love the part where Yosano grabs Atsushi's leg to examine it in her first focal chapter. I know that sounds weird but, just look.
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Up until this point, all we know about Yosano is that she takes no crap from stupid people (especially stupid guys), is a doctor whose methods are... questionable, and apparently everyone in the Agency respects her but is also terrified of her. But this scene shows us something else: she's incredibly analytical. Her medical knowledge allows her to tell how Atsushi's ability is working in an instant, but when asked about it, she goes back to "shame I couldn't treat you", which is more in line with her "terrifying doctor" image she's built up. She deflects anything other than this image, is what I'm trying to say. It reminds me a lot of when Dazai gets serious then flips it so it seems like the moment was just him being silly and goofy.
Anyways, their defense mechanisms are similar in that they both build up carefully crafted images to avoid questions and vulnerability - Yosano by making herself more threatening and Dazai by making himself less threatening - so yeah, I don't think any interactions would have them being anything but being super roundabout and cordially pleasant with each other (much as I think there is some mutual respect there between them... I love the bit where Yosano is about to go full feral on the guy who hurt the cafe owner and Dazai's full-on smirking about it like "ohoho you screwed up big time lol").
As for the whole suicide thing, I know it can be uncomfortable the way the Agency brushes off his attempts, but I honestly think that Dazai's attempts are not actually serious (I firmly believe he is not actively trying to die anymore, even if he is still passively suicidal and genuinely depressed - he does it because it's a part of his nonthreatening yet disconcerting image, and also because it's likely a habit at this point), and that they probably have tried to speak with him about it at one point but it didn't go anywhere (because Dazai would never have an honest conversation about something like that...) so they settled for making a plan in case something did end up happening to him. From the wording in 55 Minutes, I thought it seemed pretty strongly implied that this plan was created less out of the potential for Dazai getting hurt on a mission than in the case of if he should ever hurt himself.
See, what I'd be interested to know is if Dazai made the terrible error in judgement of attempting to flirt with Yosano on introduction. ...I bet that went well.
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originalaccountname · 24 days
Yo your post about Yosano’s ability reminded me of the time I had so many questions about it
In particular, what are the limits and classifies as an “injury”? (e.g., does an amputation or prior surgery count as an “injury”?)
Like, early on in the manga (during the shopping with Atsushi chapter), she has a thought to herself when observe Atsushi’s leg that (to me) implied that her healing:
1. Does not prevent scaring
2. Cannot regenerate limbs
When Kunikida lost his hands, I thought they were amputated and that they wouldn’t be considered an “injury” by the time he reunited with Yosano (and the others)…but I was wrong and it seems like she regenerated them? (And that maybe the above is instead rare and she’s probably more OP and badass than I originally thought?)
(Also, side note, I always figured it wouldn’t go much in terms of drugs/points in one’s system since in and of itself is not like a lethal injury technically and felt validated(?) when I saw that being confirmed in the manga when that chapter came out)
I tend to take early bsd lore with a good pinch of salt because as a live series, bsd is subject to lore evolution and adjustment as the story develops, the author grows, and all that stuff. Take Dazai asking Chuuya about where he buys his hats and why he wears them: obviously we know now, but ~8 years before writing Storm Bringer, Asagiri didn't know it yet.
In the same line of thought as yours though, a similar question I asked myself was about whether scars would be considered damages to be undone, since Dazai was healed in 55 Minutes. We already have that answer though: no it doesn't. Atsushi was healed by Yosano in chapter 19, wayyy before showing his scars to Lucy in chapter 28. Past scars do not count as current wounds.
We saw in the war flashbacks (before Kunikida) that Yosano was very capable of regenerating limbs. My suggestion is to differentiate between scars and wounds. A fully healed amputee is not wounded, but has a scar, it doesn't regrow. Someone still reconstructing their tissues from freshly losing a limb is very much wounded, so healing that includes regrowing the limb, not just closing the wound. Immediate care is the core difference (otherwise, any remotely stitched/patched wound wouldn't be able to be healed anymore).
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(and if that is the case, then don't try asking Yosano to heal you post-surgery, you could get a nasty surprise jhsgjdhgsa)
We sadly don't have any examples of Yosano's healing leaving scars in canon, but I think that can be a fun headcanon to have and play around with!
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rosalinesurvived · 9 months
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