#you Are allowed to make something based off my tag rambling and if you do I would Love to see it
So like, either this whole world runs on cartoon physics, the tower Just Does That to those who reside in it, or something’s definitely up with peppino
Man can run at possibly mach speeds though that may just be an exaggeration and can keep running indefinitely, can survive ramming headfirst into a wall at said speed and possibly not even do lasting damage to himself, can run up walls, is able to pummel someone up into the sky, can survive hitting the top of the tower at terminal velocity, and do whatever the frick that superjump is
Now I’m sure we can chalk this up to cartoon logic but come on man, a middle aged man can only take so much, even with cartoon physics
And sure, we can say the tower did it, but we still see him running frickoff fast in the intro cutscene before he even gets to the tower, and continues with the ascending pizza pummel even long after leaving proximity of the tower, so something ain’t adding up
So like, yeah, to reiterate, cartoon/game physic copout explanation, the tower greatly exaggerates already present skills, or peppino truly is built different my vote is one of the latter two
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I know you wrote for Kappa/Euro. Hear me out.. could you write for Euro/Dead from lords of chaos? No one writes for jack kilmer and it drives me insane‼️😭
Pure Fucking Armaggedon
Summary: In the midst of a heavy night of partying with the Black Circle, you crave your boyfriend's attention but just like so often lately, he's very much not interested, leading you to meet your needs somewhere else…
Pairing: Dead x fem!Reader x Euronymous
Word Count: ~3.7k
Content Warnings: Trve Kvlt Smvt 18+!, Talk About Depression/Mental Illness, Talk About Self-Harm, Very Angsty, Hurt/Comfort...ish, Alcohol, Smoking, Cheating…But With A Twist, Fingering, Unprotected P In V, Creampie, Pet Names
A/N: Hi, anonnie! Thank you very much for this ask <3 Before everybody jumps into my inbox about Jack Kilmer: Please don’t, okay? He’s not tickling my brain like Rory does and I’d hate to let y’all down by having requests sitting in my inbox collecting dust 🖤 However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having a lot of fun writing this chaos!
Massive thanks to @spookyorchid for endlessly entertaining my rambles and inspiring me!
Disclaimer: This is solely based on the characters depicted in Lords Of Chaos!
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @lifelessvessel @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess @shady-the-simp
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Could you stomach it anymore
Could you stand to be a breath away
Can you feel the way your face distorts
Did you think that it could be this way
- Stomach It By Crywolf
Your upper lip twitched a little as your gaze darted right into your boyfriend's chestnut-coloured eyes. In a rather stark contrast to yours, Pelle's expression was indifferent whilst he stared back at you, face smeared with a now gray amalgamation of once black and white corpse paint.
"Sorry…" He muttered, his voice lacking the depth and sympathy to really sell his point.
"No…it's, it's okay, really. It makes no sense to pressure yourself when you're not in the mood, no." You shrugged your shoulders at him, very much meaning what you said whilst you still felt that massive rock of repeated disappointment settling down in your stomach.
"I'm gonna go grab another beer then…can I get you something?" Pelle shook his head lightly.
"No, but thanks. I think I should just go to sleep now." The Swede with the long blonde hair allowed himself to slump deeper down into the old, worn out sofa, crossing his arms in front of his chest and with that not just verbally but also physically blocking you out.
"Nighty then…" You mumbled, turning away from your boyfriend to hide just how hard you fought to keep your composure.
Neither the heavy leather jacket, the edgy metal studs and spikes all over nor your trusty Darkthrone shirt hugging your torso were able to shield you from the emotional hurt raging inside of you. It's been months since Pelle last touched or so much as kissed you on the mouth. You knew just fine that something wasn't alright with him, that he was going through an episode again and the last thing you intended on doing was putting any blame for that on him but fuck was it challenging you this time. It didn't go past you how the I love you's had become more and more scarce, how he turned his back to you at night whilst you stared at the ceiling hoping for the oncoming episode to wash over him in a few, swift weeks but his current black hole of depression was unlike anything before. You hardly recognised your boyfriend anymore and felt like nothing but an accessory to the whole band persona he'd put up to cover up how much he was actually hurting on the inside.
To not come off as a soft, little crybaby to everybody else, you stifled your breath and wiped the emerging gush of tears from your lower lash line as fast as you could before making your way out to the densely crowded yard again. Empty bottles of beer lined the way whilst partially smoked-up cigarettes laid scattered all over, the heavy smell of a raging bonfire filled the crisp night breeze. Whilst almost violently looking to the ground to avoid anybody seeing you being about to burst into tears, you rushed to one of the cooling boxes to grab a beer or preferably something stronger. A sense of recklessness washed through you as you dug a deeply green, still halfway full glass bottle from the cooler. Jägermeister would serve you just fine right now.
Armed with the strong booze, you went right back into the house, hiding yourself away from all the action to simply get drunk in peace and solitude.
"Ugh…" Your whole body quivered as the herbal liquor shot down your throat, drenching your mouth in its bitter taste.
Right after the sensation eased up a little, you chased the first swig with a second, deeper one, the alcohol burning its way through your stomach before you'd even reached the corner of the house that could be described as a guest room to slump down on an array of dusty mattresses. With the intense warmth of heavy liquor washing through your body, you curled yourself up, shoving an old pillow underneath your head and before you really realized it, vagrant, quiet tears trickled from the corners of your eyes, pooling at the tear duct to eventually swap over the bridge of your nose. If you were honest with yourself, you felt sick of it, sick of being ignored and pushed away but at the same time you just couldn't bring yourself to point the finger at Per. He simply didn't choose this way of being and feeling yet it felt like he wasn't even trying anymore…which, again, would just be another symptom. You sighed in defeat before treating yourself to another numbing mouthful of booze.
Allowing the tears to just run down your face at their very own pace, you simply wanted to get drunk as fast as possible but even that wouldn't be granted to you, a gentle knock on the slightly ajar door pulling you from your thoughts.
"Huh?" You muttered, sitting up straight again and wiping the wetness from your cheeks.
"Hey…are you okay?" The familiar voice belonging to Øystein asked.
His head peaked through the open door, a messy bunch of black hair framing his face in wavy strands.
"Saw you rushing through the yard and thought checking up on you wouldn't hurt…" He slid his lean statue through the small opening, stepping towards you before crouching down to meet your gaze.
"See? That's part of the problem…you, you care and Pelle just…he just sits there." The words blubbered out of you in an uncontrolled rush accompanied by a new surge of hot tears.
"Hey now…", Euronymous quickly sat down, tucking the frizzy hair behind his ears, "What's going on, hm?"
"I'm so sick of this shit, Øystein… I can't help him, I can't fix him and he just pushes me away time and time again. I'm so done with this bullshit." It practically gushed out of your mouth in a poorly choked-back wail.
"There's a whole horde of people out there, Euro, yet I feel so terribly fucking lonely all the time. Everybody's cheering for Mayhem and for Dead, going on about how fucking cool and true he is for what he's doing to himself on stage but you know what?", You tried to stifle your shaky breaths, "It's not cool. None of it. It's actually fucking terrifying…and it's me who's got to stitch him back to gether every damn time."
With every one of your words, Øystein's eyes widened a little more, partly in understanding about just how much his friend was dragging you through but also in plain sympathy for you.
"Come'ere, yeah? C'mon…if it helps you can squeeze me as hard as you want to, okay?" Euronymous spread both his arms, inviting you in for a tight hug.
Not wasting a second thought on it, you leaned in, wrapping your shaking hands around his shoulders to squeeze and press as tightly as you could.
"There you go…that's it, right there." Euronymous encouraged you, the palms of his broad hands resting at the back of your head to soothe you with gentle pets and strokes.
"I wish I could help you but none of us really gets through to him anymore…I'm so sorry." Øystein sighed into the curve of your neck, the tip of his nose almost touching the cold, black leather of your jacket.
"I don't even know what's going on with him anymore. Everything is just so terribly wrong and I don't know how much longer I can do this shit, Euro, I really don't." You sniffled, inevitably having the vastly different scent of Euronymous right in front of you sneaking up into your nostrils.
Unlike Pelle, he smelled like stale cigarette smoke, cheap aftershave and beer…maybe not exactly a crowd pleaser but you found comfort in it.
"It's okay. I don't judge you." He whispered to you in a soft tone and it threatened to break you apart from the inside.
"Thank you…", You croaked into his hair, your voice getting weaker with every letter, "I feel so shitty for thinking about it like that but…but I'm so goddamn tired. I-...I just wanna feel loved again."
"To remind you…there's a whole horde of people out there who love you." He tried to cheer you up but ultimately missed the point.
"Not…not like that. Ugh, I sound stupid…" You felt the need to take the words straight back and to just go with Øystein's attempt of calming you.
"No, you don't, seriously.", Euronymous led his fingers to get lost in your hair, fingertips softly stroking across your scalp down to the nape of your neck, "I can't imagine how you came up with enough energy to stay this long in the first place. We both know it's not his fault, neither is it yours or mine but we've all been watching you breaking away because of him. You're not smiling anymore, not screaming your lungs out at the gigs, you're barely even here anymore…he's eating you up."
"I can't just leave, Øystein…" You gradually loosened your death grip around his torso to lean back, your face wet with slowly subsiding tears.
"I know…all I'm saying is that it might be time to think about yourself a little more. It won't help anybody if you get lost in his chaos, too." Before you could raise your own hand to wipe the sleeve of your jacket across your face, Euronymous was already on it, his thumb brushing over your cheek.
Whilst taking a deep breath to steady yourself a bit more, the two of you just stared at each other for a moment. You followed how he slightly grinded his teeth together, jaws clenching, withholding something you couldn't quite decipher.
"Øystein?" You furrowed your brows a little, the feeling of something being violently off ebbing through your chest.
"I'm sorry…" That's all he offered to you before cupping your face with the full length of his palm and leaning in to press an anything but timid kiss to your trembling lips.
A part of you, the voice of reason within, practically screamed at you to pull away, to scurry back and to let this go down as nothing but an awkward, boozy, little slip-up, but you didn't move by just an inch as the pungent taste of smoked cigarettes and cheap beer swept into your mouth alongside Euronymous' daring tongue. You simply let it happen, allowed him to slip his tongue into your mouth and intoxicate you with the dangerously addictive feeling of being wanted, desired by someone.
"Fuck…" You groaned into the nearly bruising kiss, hands reaching out to claw at his utterly worn out Venom shirt to pull him closer to you.
Catching the notion that he had dared to make the right move at the right time, Øystein's palm left your face, both hands roaming over your back down to your ass to simply scoop you into his lap, your legs wrapping themselves around the cold of his bullet-shell belt as the hem of your washed-out, gray denim skirt rode up generously over your fishnet-stocking covered thighs.
"I got you…just hold on to me." Euronymous muttered, trying to catch his breath a little whilst his fingers dug themselves into the curve of your behind, causing you to whine out as you arched your hips impossibly close towards his crotch.
The aching need to feel just something again practically pulsed through every nerve ending and every muscle, pulling you into his tight grasp and for your hands to slip under the soft fabric of his shirt, skin against skin leaving you to crave more. Whilst one of his hands left it's place cupping your ass to hurry down between your bodies, awkwardly fumbling with the buckle of his belt before almost violently pulling down the zipper, a short but heavy pang of guilt jolted through your ribcage, nearly causing you to flinch on the spot. Nothing about this situation at hand was right or somehow, in some crooked way, justifiable to you and yet you made not a single move to stop any of it from happening. You didn’t grasp for Øystein's hand as it hushed from his unzipped pants amidst your legs, the sound of your tights tearing and ripping thundering in your ears, right before curious fingertips brushed over thin lace panties, no. The only reaction it pulled from your body was a needy moan.
"Right there, yeah?" You heard the smirk in his tone without even needing to see it.
Nodding softly, you placed your mouth back onto his, teeth teasingly grazing over his bottom lip.
"Bet that feels even better, babe." At first you didn't know what struck you harder, the endearing pet name or Euronymous' fingers snaking past your slip, dipping right into your soaked folds to draw achingly slow circles around your entrance.
"Please…" You hummed into the kiss, your forehead leaning against his.
"Please, what?", He inquired, fingertips prodding and nudging against your cunt, "Want me to fill you up, no? Such a greedy little thing."
You choked back a whine as Øystein withdrew his hand from your slip to shove the fabric to the side, fingers freeing his rock-hard cock from the confines of his shorts right before thrusting into you with a precise rock of his hips against yours.
"Oh, fuck…" Your moan got lost in his mouth, the delicious feeling of being stretched out so harshly rippling through you.
"How long has it been, huh?" He pushed, drilling himself into you until it threatened to hurt.
"I dunno…four months, maybe five." You couldn't stop your eyes from fluttering shut, the burning heat of arousal and shame creeping into your face in equal parts.
"Yeesh, couldn't leave a girl like you untouched for that long." Euronymous huffed, his other hand steadying your posture with his palm flat against your back as he started rolling his hips, practically bouncing you on his cock.
With your entire body flush with the sensation of Øystein spearheading into you in a firm pace, the last bit of your coherent brain busy muffling and holding back desperate mewls and whimpers, you rendered completely oblivious to what was happening around you…unlike the black-haired guitarist. From the very corner of his eyes, Øystein's attention got pulled towards the semi-open door, the old, wooden floor in front of it creaking treacherously. Just by the way a well familiar pair of thoroughly worn out combat boots barely peaked across the lines of the door frame, he knew that the both of you had been caught right in the act but he didn't so much as even bother to stop from guiding you up and down his throbbing hard on.
"You at least got yourself off here and there, no?" You shook your head.
"Didn't feel right. I- I just hoped things would get back to normal…" You groaned, the sensation of Euronymous' cock stroking over that extra sensitive spot inside of you sending cold, little shivers down your spine.
"Oh, love, then I better make sure to give it to you better than Per ever could…lazy fucker." Øystein scoffed more to his friend and singer hiding next to the door frame than to you but you didn't take any notice of that, your senses way too busy with just keeping it together.
For a moment, Øystein felt actual and very real rage gushing through him. Anger towards his friend for being such an oblivious prick regarding the suffering and all-round neglect he was dragging you through. It was a terribly self-righteous emotion, that he knew for sure, however, he couldn't help himself but to let it fuel the way he rutted into you, burying himself as deep as possible inside of your wet pussy.
The rather morbid thing both of you failed to take notice of was what Dead was doing hidden away in the shadows of the hallway, the crushing humiliation not only going straight to his heart but to his awfully throbbing cock as well, the bitter-sweet masochistic rush leading him to palm himself through his trousers whilst biting down on his fist to not let just one singular sound escape from his twitching lips. The Swede was shamelessly jerking himself off to you getting railed by his closest friend.
"Gonna take good care of you, babe." Øystein groaned in a lust-riddled tone, both of his hands now closing down around your hips to hammer your form onto his cock with every jut and snap of his hips.
It had you bashfully nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck, the cigarette smoke soaked leather of his jacked cold against your cheek, whilst you still clawed at his sides underneath his shirt.
Your fingers dug into his skin as you felt your walls starting to flutter and contract around Øystein's hard on, the first crushing jolts of your pent-up orgasm rippling through your body, senses being sent into blissful overdrive.
"Good girl…fuck, pulling me in so hard now, huh?" Euronymous' voice cracked and eventually faltered just like the rolls of his lap against yours.
"Issok…", He talked you through your release, shoving himself balls deep into your spasming cunt before flooding your insides with white-hot ropes of his seed, a guttural groan ripping itself free from the depths of his lungs, "Just let yourself go. I gotchu."
The earth-shattering sensation of all the pent-up sexual desperation mixed in with shame and crushing guilt washing through your system had you biting down on his leather-clad shoulder, a fresh surge of tears threatening to swap over your lower lash line at any second.
"Aw, shit." A sore croak from outside the room led both of you to turn your heads so suddenly that it nearly gave you whiplash.
"The fuck?!" You shrieked out, practically jumping from Øystein's lap whilst he was equally busy with tucking himself back in and getting off the mattress.
"I got this!" Euronymous tried to calm you, awkwardly stumbling away from you before tearing the door open and vanishing into the dark hallway.
For a split second your overworked synapses tried to get a vague grasp on what was going down. Feet were hammering down stairs, noisy commotion erupted from inside the house before the sound of shattering glass and incomprehensible screaming and shouting filled the yard.
"Oh fuck no…" You huffed under your breath, wobbly legs nearly giving out as you tried to pull yourself from the mattress.
As soon as you stood upright again, you felt Øystein's load oozing out of you, soaking the flimsy fabric of your slip with every step you took. You dreaded the scenario that was unfolding outside because the yelling didn't seem to die down but much rather escalate further.
"You fucking traitor!" Pelle's raspy voice cut through the night air, hitting you as soon as you slid out the front door.
"Fucking traitor?!", Øystein spat right back whilst your eyes scanned the scenery anxiously, "You're the spineless loser, Per!"
"You fucked my girlfriend, Øystein!" Dead yelled and with his words you noticed Metallion and Jan Axel staring right at you, nothing but drunk confusion washing over their faces.
"And you pathetic fuck got off to it!" Euronymous had to duck down to dodge an empty beer bottle being sent his way.
"You what?!" You directed the question right at your boyfriend before you noticed a tell-tale damp and soaked-through spot right around his zipper.
"Yes, please tell her how you stood outside the room jerking off to your girl breaking down in front of me, Per!" Your bewildered stare rushed towards Øystein now.
"Huh? You…you saw him or what now?!?" The guitarist shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
"What the fuck is going on in here?" Jan Axel tried to intervene but both Per and Øystein shushed him almost simultaneously.
"You shut the fuck up!" Pelle sneered, looking like he was about ready to throw one of the plenty empty bottles of beer after his drummer too.
"No.", You huffed, wrapping your leather jacket around your torso to shield you from the creeping cold, "He actually got a point, because…what the hell?!"
"Pumpkin, I can explain, I promise." Per raised his hands in a soothing manner but you didn't feel like having any of it.
"Don't you dare sweet-talk me now, Pelle! You've been pushing me away for months but…you get off to, well, this?" You indirectly confirmed all that had been happening between Øystein and you.
"No. Just no. You know what? Fuck you. Fuck this shit. I'm not even remotely drunk enough to deal with this shitshow right now." To undoubtedly cement your point, you took a few swift steps toward Øystein who was looking at you with wide eyes as you fished for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket, drawing one for yourself before deliberately putting it to your lips.
"Yes, I fucked Øystein.", You threw your hands into the air after lighting the cigarette, "Maybe I should've done that much sooner, who knows?"
The last sentence was solely aimed to hurt Per as much as he had hurt you.
"Fucking hell, I'm so sick of all this dysfunctional shit…", You just shook your head before heading back inside, "Better none of you disrupt the date I have with a piss-warm bottle of Jägermeister now or you fucking bet I'll cut your dick off!"
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twst-hottest-takes · 4 days
Tweel Anatomy Discussion!
Part 2.
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(Finally getting around to this! Link to part 1 here: https://www.tumblr.com/twst-hottest-takes/759029788153446400/tweel-anatomy-discussion?source=share )
And first off a big "Thank You" to everyone who encouraged me to write the first part and who seemed to have enjoyed it. I'm happy my pseudo-scientific ramblings about fantasy anatomy make you happy!
As always: The following post will be almost purely conjecture based off of a combination of reality and fiction. None of what I say should be taken as law, but rather a fun series of hypotheticals, as that is what the game gives us to work with.
Before getting to the promised screed on "throat teeth" I'll be addressing a couple of subjects people asked about in the comments of the first post! I'll be paraphrasing, but if the people who asked wish to be credited directly, let me know and I will tag you!
First: What does Floyd mean when he threatens to "squeeze" people?
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As the comment pointed out, eels (moray or not) don't seem to constrict their prey. The word "constrict" is often associated with how many species of snakes trap and suffocate their prey before swallowing it whole. In this manner, morays do not constrict anything to speak of, BUT THEY DO TIE THEMSELVES INTO KNOTS!
Commonly this behavior is used when an eel has a piece of prey that is too big to swallow all at once, so they tie themselves into a knot to get a better "grip" on their prey and tear it into more manageable pieces! A knot can also be a defensive measure to hide or protect an eel's head from potential enemies. (Looking up "Moray Eel knots" should give you a much better idea of this behavior.) In the case of Floyd Leech, I think that the term "squeeze" is meant to reference Flotsam and Jetsam's behavior in The Little Mermaid. They "squeeze" Flounder and Sebastain to prevent them from stopping Ariel from making her deal with Ursula, and also wrap around Ariel's arms to restrain her later in the movie when the deal is up. These are pretty cartoonish behaviors that wouldn't be seen in real eels as they appear in the movie which seems to treat them a lot like "sea snakes" in this way. I think Floyd's "squeeze" is meant to be a serious threat when considering what eels do to things they tie up in their knots, but it does seem to evoke a mental image of a python rather than an eel.
Secondly, the user questions how Floyd would manage to build up his arm muscles so much.
Simply speaking, Floyd's bare arms are only a matter of fanservice. He's not really "buff."
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The muscles are just very well-toned. While Floyd's "mercurial moods" don't allow him to commit to things like workout routines, he's still more active than not. Doing things like basketball, dancing, or parkour with any kind of regularity will give his arms that toned look, at least as far as his human form goes. In regards to his merman form, Floyd probably did similar things that shaped his muscles this way, but didn't build them up much past average.
Thirdly, another user asked me to touch on the boys' habitat as them being residents of the apparently cold and dark Coral Sea doesn't line up with the natural habitats of moray eels in real life that live in tropical waters.
Unfortunately, I don't have any particularly fun insights into this topic because I think that's just something added to better suit the part of the game based off of The Little Mermaid. Azul and the twins are meant to be intimidating and a little mysterious, so they come from a deep, dark, cold part of the ocean that holds scary and mysterious things. Bearing in mind that merfolk are fantasy creatures, I don't find the contradiction of where you would find eels versus where the twins are from to be especially bad in terms of world building. It may not be entirely thought through, but they are taking inspiration from the Disney movie, and keeping true to it's inspiration probably came first.
(Honestly, the thing that gets me is how they said they couldn't go home because the sea froze over. As if the mirror couldn't transport them directly into the ocean underneath all the ice! I swear the writing in this game sometimes.)
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for: LET'S TALK ABOUT PHARYNGEAL JAWS!
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Quick explanation: Pharyngeal jaws are a second set of teeth in the back of a fish's throat. They are notable on moray eels, but they aren't the only fish that have them. The function of the throat teeth is for them to jut forward and grab onto whatever food the fish has bitten into and then retract and drag the food down the esophagus far enough for peristalsis to take over and continue the swallowing normally. (Yes, I used the first picture that showed up on the web search. It's from Wikipedia)
Do I think the Leech Twins have pharyngeal jaws?
The short answer is unfortunately: "NO."
The long answer involves more of our favorite subject: Discussing how realistic anatomy and fantasy physiology can coexist. (Spoiler alert: The long answer is still unfortunately: "NO.")
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Logically and anatomically speaking it makes no sense for Floyd and Jade to have them. First and foremost, even if they did somehow have them in their merforms (which is far more plausible) they wouldn't have them in their every day human forms. The shortcoming of human anatomy is that we have a windpipe, and a second set of teeth back in our throats would suffocate us any time they would need to be used. Instead, we, like most of the animal kingdom, have tongues that push food back to be swallowed and have no need for extra jaws to crawl up and pull food down. Likewise, the twins clearly have tongues, and although they keep their primary teeth in tact between their two forms, have no need for a secondary set. Furthermore, I would posit that pharyngeal jaws in their human forms would be just plain dangerous as in the case of accidentally crushing your own windpipe. They breathe air, therefore they don't have gills, therefore they have lungs and a trachea for gas exchange, and therefore no room for throat teeth.
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If the twins were to have pharyngeal jaws, it would make the most sense for them to have them exclusively in their aquatic forms. Because they breathe through gills around their ribs (see part 1) there would be much more room for a second set of teeth and the accompanying anatomical equipment. However, again, I am forced by my own logic to concede that they would still be unnecessary. Between all of the visual proof and the fact that the twins speak the common language fluently enough to have no communication issues with the land dwellers, we know for a fact that they have tongues--much like in their human forms--and that would negate the need or use for pharyngeal jaws. Moreover the humanoid head and neck structure on them in both forms would make the use of pharyngeal jaws pointless, if not explicitly dangerous (having a curved esophagus, as opposed to a straight line as in fish).
In conclusion; as much as this is a disappointment to admit, it would seem that the twins do in fact only require and as a result have a single set of teeth.
However, I will end this particular essay off with one sliver of hope.
It is implied in the text of the game that the twins were hatched from eggs. If their formation from egg to "adult" merman is anything similar to a fish's then it is possible that they once had a second set of jaws. Perhaps in an earlier stage of their development their bodies and mouths were positioned differently and they hadn't quite grown tongues yet, so a pair of extra jaws would have been particularly handy. As they became fully developed these jaws would have been lost, reabsorbed, or simply become vestigial remains as a result of no longer being of use. So while it's not logical to imagine that the twins currently have pharyngeal jaws, there's nothing that says we can't imagine that they did at some point.
(A small consolation to those of us who really would have liked that addition to their characters because we just think it would have been really really cool. Logic be darned, I still love to see fanart that depicts the two of them having throat teeth.)
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed a bit more of my obsessive ramblings regarding fantasy anatomy!
This one took a while to put together because I wanted to make sure I had a visual representation of what I was talking about regarding the placement and effect of pharyngeal jaws in a humanoid form. . .so you guys get to see a very rough drawing of what I was talking about (along with a sample of my awful handwriting). I hope that was helpful and not too difficult to understand. I have been very tired lately and ended up putting a few ask responses on hold because I REALLY wanted to get this part out. A good number of people have apparently been looking forward to this, and I felt bad for making everyone wait for so long.
Will there be a third part?
Well as of right now I don't have one planned. But if some fun conversations start regarding what I've said here, there may end up being enough stuff to include in a third post. I didn't have much to say regarding things like warm or cold-bloodedness, or coloration and bioluminescence. However, if people want to talk about those kinds of things I will gladly delve more into them as long as there are people to talk to about it. But for now, that'll be all for this subject!
Now we can get back to the inbox!
(Once again going to sleep thinking about how awesome these mer-eel designs are and how I love all the sparkles!)
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deepdreamnights · 7 months
The Age Old Debate: Fire Good, or Fire Bad?
This was originally going to be part of this thread, but the points were distinct enough and my thoughts rambly enough that I split it into two posts.
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From the recent PalWorld thread:
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We gotta handle that last tag in two parts.
Part 1 "the devs admitted to using AI art to make the pals"
First off, that isn't true near as I can tell. I can't find anything of the PalWorld Devs admitting they used AI for PalWorld designs. Palworld had demo footage with Pals in it 2 years ago on June 6 with their announcement trailer, which means they would have had to have started dev much earlier than that.
This is what AI art from June of 2022 looked like:
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On the left, Hieronymus Bosch's Pokemon, on the right, Charmander on Gumby.
I did a much deeper breakdown of the "used AI" accusation here. It does not hold water.
Now, I could change my mind on this point if there were linked evidence to the creators of Palworld saying this. But there isn't.
Because the accusation is repeated in a tag, there's no way to include supporting information, or even to easily directly ask the accuser for it. Many people are going to see it, internalize it, and then repeat it uncritically, and that's how rumors and witchhunts start.
Because I've seen a lot of accusations about PalWorld stealing fakemon, and I'm yet to see a smoking gun. There's barely smoke.
Gonna hit the second point in that tag, but while we're on the theme of spreading misinfo:
Part 2 of the Tag: Using AI to Brainstorm is "Bad"
This is also an assertion that would require support, and I believe it to be wholly incorrect.
Plagiarism happens at publication. Not at inception, not inspiration, not even at the production level. The only measure of whether something is or is not "stolen art" is whether what comes out at the end replicates, with insufficient transformation, an existing, fixed expression. Art theft is about what comes out, not about what goes in.
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For more about how this works with AI art, I suggest checking out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's statement on the issue. They're the ones looking out for your online civil rights, and I agree with their position on this.
The argument that AI art is theft because it is trained on public-facing material on the internet just doesn't fly. Those are all fixed published works subject to inspiration, study, and transformative recreation under fair use. The utilization of mechanical apparatus does not change that principle.
And fair use that requires permission isn't fair use. That's a license.
Moreover, altering the process to put infringement at inspiration/input or allowing the copyrighting of styles would be the end of art as we know it.
There's no coincidence that the main legal push against AI art on copyright grounds is backed by Adobe and Disney. Adobe is already using AI art as a pretext to lobby congress to let them copyright styles, and Disney owns enough material on its own to produce a dataset that would let them do all the AI they'd ever need to, entirely with material they "own." And they're DOING THAT.
The genie is out of the bottle, they (Disney, Adobe, Warner Bros, Universal) have it, and it can't be taken away from them. They just don't want anyone else using AI to compete with them.
Palworld didn't use AI to conceive of its critters. If it had, they'd have probably been less derivative.
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(three random AI fakemon I prompted up as examples of just that)
Both traditional and AI-assisted art can plagerize or be original, its entirely based upon how the techniques are used.
Moreover, you can infringe entirely accidentally without realizing, but you can also fail at copying enough that it becomes a new protected work.
We're well into moral panic territory with AI in general, and there's more than a touch of it around Palworld, largely because people aren't suspicious enough of information that confirms their worldview.
I used the quoted set of tags as the prompt for the top of the post, all the AI images in this post are unmodified and were not extensively guided, and thus do not meet the minimal expression threshold and should be considered in the public domain.
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rohansregret · 2 years
prior to that nsfw tyr/odin ramble would u care to write an nsfw drabble dedicated to that ??? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ size diff and all,, morally ambious;;; probably in odin's pov.. pretty please 🙏🙏🙏
pairing: odin!tyr x gn!reader
description: odin’s been noticing how touchy you’ve been towards him ever since he was ‘rescued’ from svartalfheim, makes sense as you were tyr’s partner. he knows he shouldn’t indulge and politely turn down your advances, but you just look so good, he can’t resist.
warnings/tags: nsfw, odin!tyr, odin’s a bastard, could be seen as dub-con/non-con since you believe odin is really tyr, manipulation, bruises, size difference, biting, based off this post
note: thank you for your request! this is my first god of war work on this blog and i’m pretty satisfied with it. i didn’t write full on sex, but if you want to see that maybe i could write an extended version? lmk! when i posted that odin/tyr ramble i didn’t expect anyone to agree with me, so imagine my surprise when i saw fellow odin fuckers show up 😭 i did struggle a bit with keeping the pov strictly odin, so i did what i could. anyway, thank you again and i hope you enjoy this! i had fun writing it :)
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everyone was finishing the last of their dinner when your voice spoke out above the common bickering between brok and sindri. “tyr, could i speak with you in private? that is if you are not required elsewhere.” odin’s temporary golden eyes rose from his empty bowl to lock with your gaze, watching as you expectantly glanced over at kratos.
“no. do as you wish.” said man spoke, his booming voice earning a small smile of thanks before you rose from your wooden chair. “of course, beloved. what do you need?” his much larger hand reached out to slip into yours and he let you gently drag him towards your room that sindri so generously allowed you to use. “i’d like to do this in my room, if that’s alright?” you didn’t wait for a response as you both entered the room. ‘rude’, odin thought. there was a moment of awkward silence before you both took a seat beside each other on the bed far too small to fit someone of tyr’s size.
it didn’t take long for you to initiate the conversation, turning to the side and placing your other hand on the back of odin’s. “i don’t want to sound.. insensitive, when i say this.” your voice stayed smooth, but odin could tell something was bothering you enough for you to not want to say it. which by the way, annoyed him to absolutely no end. he can add this to his never ending list of cons from his experience as ‘tyr’. with a sigh, odin gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. “whatever you have to say, i know you mean no harm.” he smiled, “take your time.”
his own words made him want to roll his eyes. time was modest, and he didn’t want to waste his on this moment. though he knew his dear son would waste away to nothing if it was for you. so that’s what he’ll do.. for the mean time, that is.
you brought odin’s hand up to your mouth to press a kiss onto it, holding it to rest lightly on your lips as you thought of your next words. “i know it has been a long time since we’ve seen each other, and there are more important things we need to be worrying about at the moment..” you began to trail off, rambling on and finding words to circle your point. odin sighed and removed his oversized hand from yours, instead placing both of them on either side of your head, thumbs caressing your cheeks. “forgive me for interrupting, but i worry for you. tell me what’s on your mind, let me help.” odin couldn’t help but let himself admire the look on your face. your eyes, slightly wider than usual and your cheeks warm against his foreign palms. he wouldn’t deny your beauty, never has. as much as he hates to admit, one of the very rare things he’s remotely jealous of, was you and how he could never have you.
“okay. okay, i’m sorry.” you closed your eyes and swallowed, holding onto odin’s wrists. “i would like for us to indulge in a little normalcy like once before, spend the night in each others embrace.” eyes locked on odin’s, straying occasionally to observe the face of the lofty god.
‘oh?... oh.’
“oh.. well,” odin began, clearing his throat and surprisingly finding himself stumped. his first instinct was to push you away from him and excuse himself from the room. the look on your face is ultimately what got him. the pure hope mixed with slight embarrassment had his blood boiling in all the right- no, wrong places. this is the last thing odin should be worried about. yet here he is, mind rapidly filling with images of you beneath him, his hands squeezing and groping your body and skin rubbing against skin.
he could feel tyr’s skin heating up, sweat collecting on his forehead and his heart pulsing just a bit faster than usual. “yes, yes i.. i would like that.” his words left his mouth faster than his brain could comprehend, but yet he didn’t feel any regret. he knew this was wrong, he also knew that’s why he was even more aroused by it.
that was all it took for odin to take your chin in his hand and shift forward, “are you sure?” your nod came quick and he suppressed a smug grin at your eagerness.
it wasn’t long for the both of you to get undressed, your bare back now pressed against the soft fur of the bed, odin’s mouth and hands traveling across your neck and torso. getting lost in the moment, he began to squeeze the meat of your thighs and couldn’t help but nip at them, surely creating a few bruises. a squeal of surprise came from your throat and you gazed down at him, eyes sparkling and pupils blown. “tyr- you’ve never done that before,” odin tensed as if he got too carried away, but the sight of your overly reactive and excited body eased his worries. “please, do it again.” your request immediately clouded his brain, just as the sensation of a new bite clouded yours.
maybe he could get used to this after all.
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Copyright © [2023] by [rohansregret]
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thesillys · 2 years
The Sillys' Showdown OCT!
Hey, Tumblr artists! As you can see, this is a Law of Talos / Endzone / Castle of Nations fan account! We would like to make an OC competition with similar aspects to these competitions, otherwise known as an OCT! Your OC shall be battling it out with others on a random planet, in a random setting, to receive the final glorious prize of a train ticket that takes them to wherever, whoever, or whatever they'd like! Your Oc could visit their dead relatives, go back to a nolgastic place, find something they've lost, or wherever else they'd like to go! Rules for your OCs: -No NSFW topics (anything gor3y, s3xual, etc) . If you're not sure if something about your OC is too NSFW, check up with us! Our messages and asks are open. -Can any OC you'd like! It can be a fandom OC or your own OC or whatever, though we'd prefer completely new faces and will choose originals over fanons. -Only one OC submission per user! How to Submit: 1.Go on this google form, asking about yourself, your art, and your blog. (Optional, but would love to get to know you!) 2.Create a masterpost explaining everything and anything important about your OC. You can ramble about anything, though it should include: 1- an image of your OC 2- their name and pronouns 3- family background if any 4- backstory and current life 5- their motivation(s) to be part of this 3.Tag #thesillysmasterocpost and tag us! 4.We'll message you on whether or not your OC got in a day before the list goes up. This competition will rely heavily on propaganda, as probably nobody knows much about your OC (or at least not as much as a character from popular media). When the official post goes up, we shall reveal the official prompt for the tournament. This is inspired by Law of Talos, Endzone, and Castle of Nations, right? We shall set up a setting and the characters have to battle it out in this setting, with certain goals, materials, and obstacles. Your propaganda shall: 1.Say why your OC should win. 2.Explain in detail what they would do during the battle and how they would win. 3.List everything they'll use during the battle, including items from the setting as well as personal belongings. 4.Include a comic strip (or strips if you'd like) of this said battle. You will have at most a week for you and your competitor to complete your propaganda. You will send it in our ask box, as well as post the comic with simply an ID separately on your blog, tagging #sillyshowdowncrazycomic. A day after everyone is finished with their propaganda, we shall post the asks, and a day after the polls, including shortened versions of the propaganda. You can make more propaganda if you'd like for any OC after the polls are up. They will be up for a week. Amount of people on the bracket will be determined based off of submissions, though we're leaning on doing only 16 to not burn out the artists. Last day to submit shall also be determined based of of submissions. Any Tumblr artist is allowed to partake in this showdown! Anyone that can do it can join. We'd like a mix of popular artists, so we can get more people to be interested and therefor more votes, and smaller artists, so they can get clout for their amazing art and OCs! This post was made by Frisk(they/them). My posts are tagged with #friskychicken. My partner on this account is August(any pronouns). Their tag is #thegaymonthaugust. Everything about this showdown shall be tagged with #thesillysscaryshowdown. Comment if we need to add anything or change anything! <3
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charlottesbookclub · 3 months
king of all birds – chapter four
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king of all birds masterlist
Summary: alistair and amice discuss their father's odd behavior; alistair experiences a moment of overwhelm
Warnings/Tags: references to suicidal ideation, description of a panic attack (could also be read as an autistic meltdown)
Words: 1382
Helpful Terms:
Matins – prayer in the morning, around daybreak
Vespers – prayer in the evening, around sunset
Author’s Note: I don't have a ton of rambling meta commentary to share before this chapter lol 😅😅 I really wanted to do a scene that demonstrated just how suffocating his family's expectations are to alistair, so I tried to do that here. I based his panic attack/autistic meltdown on my own experiences (I often can't tell the difference between one or the other since for me they often occur simultaneously from the same stimuli), but I tried to introduce a stimuli/trigger that I thought would be particularly difficult for him, which in this case is the idea of being constantly watched or observed. this is def a bit of a heavier chapter, but (spoiler alert!) he gets to go hunting in the next one as a little treat ☺️☺️
In the wake of Jocosa’s rapid departure, the silence in the room was thick and heavy. The tapestry-covered walls pressed in from all sides, and the heat from the fire was suffocating. Finally coming back to himself, Alistair collapsed onto a chair. Head in his hands, eyes closed, the hurt that had been ripping at his skin had flown off in the sudden scuffle, leaving nothing but a dull ache in its place.
“I should not have said that.” Alistair muttered into his palms. The words were not for Amice’s benefit; he knew that she was likely just about to tell him as much herself. It was something more akin to confession – a hope that some higher power would hear his sins and forgive him for his transgressions. 
“Yes, but she should not have said that either.” Amice’s words were softer than Alistair had expected. He removed his face from the confessional of his hands and chanced a look at his sister. She was now seated across from him, leaning forward in a mirror image of his defeated position. 
“Just because she should not have said it does not make it untrue.” Alistair watched her face carefully as she processed his words.
“Alistair,” she reached out to grasp his hands in hers, “no one wishes you dead.” He shook his head minutely, trying to decide how Amice would receive his honesty if he chose to bestow it upon her. In the flicking firelight, her features were chased with sadness like one might chase armor with glittering gold. 
“Sometimes…” he faltered for a moment, needing to look away in order for the heavy words to finally escape his mouth, “sometimes I do.”
“Oh my dear brother,” were all the words Amice could manage before she pulled him into a tight embrace. The motion, though he understood it was meant to be comforting, was foreign to Alistair, but he allowed her to hold him for a moment before he gently pulled away.
“Please do not speak of this to mother,” he entreated in a whisper. Amice merely nodded. They both knew such information would only shatter their mother’s broken spirit further, and she was only just beginning to climb out of the moat of her grief over Oliver’s death. Silence reigned in the room again, though lighter this time. The fire crackled, and Alistair watched as its dancing light set the figures on the tapestries into motion. Squadrons of soldiers marched around the room as vines twisted and flowered in the corners. On one wall, a group of hunters dove after a thrashing boar, while on the opposite a wedding procession wound its way through gates and towers. Alistair scowled. 
“I must know,” he began quietly, “are there serious discussions as to my betrothal? And why was I not made privy to them?” The wound stung a little, but Alistair did his best to ignore the pain. Amice sighed deeply.
“Jocosa spoke out of turn.”
“When does she not?” Alistair rejoined. This earned a small huff of laughter from both of them.
“What I understand of the matter is that Mathilda’s family feels we still have a viable arrangement to uphold, since they are still willing to provide their daughter along with her dowry, and we still have a male heir.” Alistair snorted in displeasure. “Mother fears that we risk further harm to the family’s reputation if we were to renege on the marriage agreement that was drafted between Noll and Mathilda. She did not want to mention it to you until she understood more of the details, as it was father who outlined the terms and who is presently unwilling or unable to continue his involvement in the matter.”
“It seems he is presently unwilling or unable to continue his involvement in any matters.” Alistair snorted in frustration, pushing himself upwards to stand again. Amice followed his movement with her eyes, but made no motion to follow.
“Has he spoken to you at all?” she asked quietly. “I have heard almost nothing from him since…” she let her words trail off, knowing Alistair would take her meaning. He shook his head.
“We’ve exchanged a few brief words here and there, but nothing of import.” He ran a hand through his hair, measuring his next words carefully. He didn’t want Amice to trouble herself more than he knew she already did, but he also greatly desired her thoughts on what to make of their father’s strange behavior.
“I have, however, noticed odd movements from him of late.” Amice’s eyes flicked up to his face, silently entreating him to continue. “As you well know, I myself keep unusual hours,” he allowed himself a small smile, and Amice chuckled. 
“The early falconer gets the quarry, is that not the saying?” she teased, eliciting a small laugh from Alistair. “But please, tell me what you have seen,” she gracefully steered the conversation back to the topic at hand.
            “Oft lately when I am with my birds before Matins, I see him returning to the estate.”
            “From which direction does he ride?”
            “From London.”
            Amice stood then, hands clasped tightly together. She took up Alistair’s former post before the great fireplace, pacing slowly back and forth, the hem of her gown shushing softly against the floor as her slim form cast new shadows upon the embroidered figures that silently peopled the room.
            “What business could he have in London if he attends to no matters here?” she pondered, partially to herself and partially to her brother. “And at what hour must he be leaving to return so early in the morn?”
            “After Vespers,” Alistair offered. “I made a point to linger with my birds in the tower far later than is my custom in order to see him depart.”
            “There can be no dealings in London that would require such hours.”
            “There can be no honest dealings in London that require such hours,” Alistair added.
            “And you know no further details of his doings?” Alistair merely shook his head in response.
            “I know only that he rides out alone with barely a word to anyone.”
            Amice’s lips pressed into a firm line as she continued her slow pacing, her mind clearly far from the tapestried room. Alistair fidgeted. The woven eyes of the figures the covered the walls seemed to fix upon him. Hunters and knights, lords and ladies, boars and birds, royalty and wildmen turned their gazes to him, observing his every movement as he fussed with the cuffs of his shirt that suddenly felt too tight. Was this what Noll must have felt upon the executioner’s block – standing before all, pierced by eyes from all angles, invisible arrows driving into his flesh? For perhaps the first time since he had been told the news, Alistair’s heart stirred with pity for his elder brother. To be so exposed – so observed – would make even the brashest soldier feel like flushed quarry. The very knowledge of so many eyes upon one’s form pierced the skin and cut to the bone before the killing talons or the fatal sword ever found their mark.
Even though they were made of thread and fabric and not of mortal flesh, the multitude of eyes upon him sent sickly patterings up and down his skin as though thousands of tiny mice were crawling upon him. He rubbed at his arms compulsively, the fabric twisting uncomfortably against his skin, making the tips of his fingers burn and itch, yearning to rip the offending garment from his body. Beads of sweat formed at his temples and slipped down his back. The heat in the room must have reached a stifling new height, as Alistair’s throat seized, and his breaths would not come as he bade them. The only thought left in his mind was that he must flee. He heeded this impulse and bolted from a room, leaving a confused Amice to wonder at his sudden and unannounced departure. However, this was not the first time he had absconded from an interior room so suddenly, and Alistair was certain that Amice would correctly deduce his destination. As he fled gasping from the suffocating walls of the estate, Alistair’s feet led him first to his falcons, and then on to the cool, deep green of the forest.
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bylertruther · 1 year
man makes a post specifically about /mike's/ level of comfort to do overtly gay shit, and how often it's /will/ who gets written as the uncomfortable one, people read it on mike and will's ability to do public gay shit /together/ in hawkins. okay
stopppfbshsjsbsbd it's ok 💔 the mike angst jus doesn't hit like the will angst does on bylertruther.edu.gov i guess.. they were going based off of someone else's tags so thts why it steered tht way i think.
one day we will be able to acknowledge that mike's inability to withstand even the most innocent and brief of touches with will specifically and his constant pushing will away and hyperfocusing on el may be something more in the realm of mike struggling with his sexuality and his feelings and choosing to focus on the less scary and more "normal" thing as a means of trying to get control over his situation instead of just.... (looks at the gen tag) assuming that mike is a gay disaster with no depth who is in a relationship with a girl he knows he doesn't romantically love but obviously that's as deep as that goes and there's nothing more to it or troubling about that at all? okay ❤️
mike can't hug will, can't even brush arms with him, but that's just because.... (checks tag again) will is so unbelievably sexy that it melts his brain? ok. mike is in a relationship with a girl he doesn't like Like That or in the Correct way and he STAYS in it even though he feels like shit and tries his best to make it work and worries the entire time over it way more than even she does.... but nah. he's fine! he's got that shit on lock bc he's clearly the king of compartmentalizing and self-acceptance. he'll jump right into that gay shit easy peasy and kiss will on the mouth asap!!
like. jdvdjsnshahajsn. rambling in this ask bc my tummy hurty which is making me feel like my brain is a box of bees tht someone just shook but i just. mike as a character is so endlessly fascinating there's an entire WORLD to explore in him as a queer dude in his precarious position like. it's a wealth of angst it pulls at your heartstrings he feels so much but he can't express it he Refuses to express it until he has no other choice and they're at the literal end of the fucking line he ruins things and then he tries desperately to fix them he knows his loved ones so well that he knows just where to strike and what to say to make it better like he's just . he thought he had to let go of what he loved to be a man he quit holding and touching his gay best friend that he has feelings for and tossed him to the side in favor of his gf who is supposed to resemble him.
takes a deep breath and plops down on ur dash . i jus have a lot of Mike Feelings okay ...... i see an opportunity to speak on him n i Take it!!!!!!! there is so much to him and his experience and people just don't want to come anywhere near it or any of the possibilities and it Kills me it really does .
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boombambaby · 8 months
The Emperor's Decrees;
Rules to live by if you wish to interact with everyone's favorite, most handsome Disney Princess Emperor!
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PORTRAYAL: I play Kuzco as close to canon as possible, following the events of both the movie & the television show. He is based off of the idea that after the events of the movie, Yzma altered documents stating that unless Kuzco took a bride, or earned an education he would not be fit to become Emperor in a bid to take over the throne once more. He was subsequently booted out of the palace & into school to earn a proper education amongst peasants his own age. My portrayal takes place after his graduation & reclaiming the throne but I am very comfortable jumping around to just about any point in his story. Let me know what you prefer, or if you’re only familiar with the movie & I’ll be happy to work around it!
SHIPPING; This account is multi-ship. I’m all for shipping & developing a relationship between characters, but I’m a big believer in allowing that relationship to develop organically. I prefer for it to happen over the course of our story-lines, after chemistry builds up.
MAINS; I will have mains, & am looking for any & all connections from The Emperor’s New Groove/School franchise! I am always open to the possibility of building up relationships, & am looking for mains from any & all other verses as well. MUN: Mun is 21+ & will NOT write with anyone under the age of 21. 
Mun also has a life outside of roleplay, with a full time career & is not available 24/7 to write, as unfortunate as that may be. I may choose to be selective & only reply to certain people at certain times, it’s nothing against you! It may just be that I can’t concentrate on something longer at the moment, or that I have muse for a certain SL. Please do not be offended by it.
Real life will always come first & foremost to me, & I will NEVER rush or heckle anyone for replies. I would hope for the same respect & treatment from you! I DO NOT & will NEVER tolerate hate or drama under any circumstances. Leave me out of it. PERSONAL BLOGS; I welcome anyone & everyone to follow me, but I will only interact with roleplay blogs. To keep my dash clean since I’m still trying to get used to Tumblr, I will not follow personal blogs back.
DM’S/DISCORD; My DM’s are always open for my mutuals, & my INBOX is open for everyone else! Please do not ever hesitate to shoot me a message or an ask & I’ll do my best to reply in a timely manner! Discord is available for plotting & banter as well, just shoot me a DM to ask for it! 
DARK/MATURE/NSFW;  I’m open to all themes including Mature, Fantasy, NSFW, Horror etc. For mature, NSFW or horror roleplay, I’d like to discuss the storyline first! I do not tend to write NSFW very often but if it comes up organically in a SL I do not have an issue with it.
TRIGGERS; I personally do not have any RP triggers, but if you do please feel free to reach out & let me know so I can tag them accordingly! WRITING; My favored style of writing is multi-para, but I’ve been known to slip into novella pretty easily when trying to describe a scene & character actions in detail.  I’m also a HUGE fan of banter! It’s a great way to develop a character, & to break the ice with other characters as well. Please don’t ever hesitate to tag me in random banter, or a meme or anything, honestly. I live for that kind of thing.
MIRRORED WRITING: Please do not ever feel the need to match my writing style or length, I tend to get excited & ramble which can lead a banter into a novella pretty easily. Likewise, I will try to mirror your writing detail the best I can to make things easier for us both!
GODMODDING; This should be obvious, but I do not condone god-modding or character control of any kind. You control your character, & I will control mine. If a plot calls for the use of mind control or some other similar thing, I would like to discuss it ahead of time.
OOC; Will update & fix this up better later.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
WIP Game
Thanks for the tag, @passionatewrites! These games always read me for filth but I love them. 😂 If nothing else, it proves that every time I make a post or ramble in tags and my author's notes about "having a wip that..." I'm not full of shit and the wip actually does exist 😂💯
Rules: share your unpublished WIPs. No updates to ongoing fics, just new shenanigans :)
I'm doing multichaps and only a couple of my one-shots because if I did all of my one-shots this post would be way too fucking long lmao
Please feel free to send me asks about any of these! Snippets, questions, lore, whatever you want! I'm always more than happy to talk wips!
They Were Roommates (Nestor x OFC, Angel x OFC): Based off a request that someone sent in literal years ago at this point but I've been trying to pull it all together ever since. Nestor starts seeing a girl who is new to town, but what he doesn't know is that her roommate is dating one of the people he dislikes most in the world: Angel Reyes
Untitled Gilly/Tasha Fic (Gilly x OFC): When life with her family in Northern Cali starts to fray at the seams and get messier than she can handle, Tasha packs a bag, gets in her car, and drives to the one person she knows will take her in no matter what: her Uncle Bishop. What was just supposed to be a couple weeks-stay to cool off suddenly becomes much more complex when she meets the men from the MC.
Bloodline OBX Crossover (Gen Fic): After finally managing to get back to the mainland from Poguelandia, JJ brings all of his friends to the only person that he has left anymore, and truly he doesn't even know if the man is still going to know who he is. Lucky for JJ and the Pogues, Danny Rayburn never forgets anyone.
Bad Ideas (Canche x OFC): Bad blood between charters and the aftermath of the shoot-out at the clubhouse means hell for the MC> None of that is really on Lia Reyes's radar when she stops by to check in on her brothers who have gone radio silent. In the midst of all the drama, the last thing she expects is to strike something up with the one person that her brother can't stand, and who can't stand her brothers. It all becomes a waiting game to see how long it takes for her last name to come into play.
Untitled The Bear Fic (Marcus x OFC, Carmy & OFC): Carmy finally broke down and started going to Al-Anon meetings, not expecting to actually get anything out of them, certainly not expecting to make his approximation of a friend. Lucky for him, Ray hasn't ever stopped herself on someone else's account. When bad luck and family troubles bring her to The Beef, she finds Carmy and a whole lot more.
Your Mess (Nacho x F!Reader): Being new to town meant that you had no idea what you were really getting yourself into when you met Nacho and extended an invitation to him. He knew, though. It wasn't long until you both realized why you should've taken the first 'no' he gave you and ran.
For Everything (Happy Lowman x OFC): Everything about the Teller family spells out bad luck, but it doesn't stop Happy from falling into bed with one of them. However, before the curse of the Teller family can catch up to them, ghosts from Happy's past rear their ugly heads first.
Brick by Brick (Opie x OFC): In the aftermath of getting out of prison and finding that his entire family had taken off while he was still behind bars, Opie tries to put the pieces of his life back together again. Despite his better judgment, he allows someone close to help with it all.
There and Back (Nestor x Erin): They only got along because proximity didn't allow otherwise when they were teenagers, but as time went on and everything in life got more complicated, their feelings did too. Both of them promised not to be the type to fall hard and fast, but Erin was the only one who kept her word no matter how many years went by.
Coming to Terms (Rafe x OFC): Despite all the fight that he put up about it, Rafe finds himself drying out and thrown into more therapy sessions than he can keep track of in some rehab center on the mainland. He was determined to fake and lie his way out until he met someone who frustratingly calls him on his shit at every possible turn.
Boxing AU (EZ x OFC): Fresh out of prison and looking for something extra to keep him from going back inside, EZ finds himself walking through the doors of one of the most old-school boxing gyms in Santo Padre. He's expecting a ring, some sparring, a coach who gives him more grief than necessary. What he doesn't expect is the woman who meets him at the door and flips his entire world upside-down.
Against All Odds (Juice x OFC): Juice knows better than to think that getting involved with Jax's younger sister is a good idea. He knows it's not. But as time goes on and tensions start to thicken, it's not enough to stop him. What he wasn't ready for, though, was realizing that their relationship was the least of their problems.
Pieces Into Place (EZ x OFC): College AU. From Stanford all the way to Harvard, EZ has been one-track minded. Always focusing on school and the next step beyond it. When someone comes in and pulls his focus from that, it's a breath of fresh air, at first. But the familiarity of it comes at a cost that EZ isn't ready to pay, and has him putting up walls before he can stop himself.
Tragic (Angel x OFC): EZ going to prison caught everyone off-guard Nothing made sense to Angel, or their childhood best friend. Both of them lost with no one else to turn to, they turn to each other in an attempt to figure it all out.
Figuring It Out (Happy & OFC): Happy showed up to the tattoo shop looking for one particular person to give him one particular tattoo. When that person wasn't there, though, he settled for the young woman who was at the shop. One smiley face later Happy realized he had no say in the matter of having her in his life from then on out.
From The Start (Opie x OFC): Falling for his best friend's little sister hadn't been part of the gameplan, but it was too late to go back on it now. The problem was, that for as good as it all sounded in his head, the reality of who he was dealing with was far harsher than Opie bargained for.
How We Got Here (Coco x OFC): Despite not knowing her his whole life, Coco couldn't remember a time before Daniela Reyes. Pain was what brought the two of them together, but it was also what drove the two of them apart. Coco clung desperately to everything that happened in between, hoping to mend those fences one panel at a time.
Untitled Juice Fic (Juice x OFC): Desperate to get out from under the thumb of the club for a night, Juice finds himself in a bar just outside of town, getting far drunker than he should. The bartender who could have and should have tossed him right out onto the street extended a little kindness instead, unknowingly creating an entire web of secrets for the two of them.
Love Triangle (Carrillo x Reader, Javi x Reader): You hadn't known Javi as long or as well as you'd known Carrillo. You certainly didn't expect that to change as things with you and Carrillo got more serious. However, as things start to disintegrate between you and the Colonel, you start to wonder if there's more to Javi offering you a shoulder to lean on.
Chaos at the Lakehouse (Gen SOA & OC's Fic): Years after everyone had grown up and moved away, the entire crew that had once called Charming its home base all decide to get together again. Everyone is grown with their own families now, and life looks different for everyone, but in a lot of ways they all pick up right where they left off.
Beautiful Stranger (Bucky x Natasha): After losing Steve, and losing just about everything else, Bucky and Natasha both take off separately, desperate to start over in different corners of the world as people with a little less pain to carry around with them. However, after a lot of time and a lot of moves, they somehow end up on opposite sides of the same bar together and realize that maybe they just aren't supposed to be staying away from each other.
Lovers to Enemies (Carrillo x F!Reader): Things that seem to good to be true, usually are. If anyone was well-acquainted with that fact it was Carrillo. And yet, when you came traipsing into his life, he couldn't help but to hope that he was wrong. But. He wasn't.
Better Than That (Coco x F!Reader): In the aftermath of a messy breakup between you and Angel, you find yourself growing closer to one of the last people you expected.
Like I said before, if any of these make you go 👀 then feel more than free to send me an ask about it! I'm more than happy to gush about them all! 💖
Tagging (no pressure as per usual): @garbinge @bullet-prooflove @spaghettificationandpretzels @artemiseamoon @darqchilddaydreamz and anyone else who wants to gush about their wips! (or hold themselves accountable like yours truly lmao)
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chthonicgodling · 11 months
lmao @marscats37’s tags on that Ares n’ Ker post about how Ker just couldn’t care less that Thanatos is ✨deceased✨ like. yeah. that thought has inspired this tangent. whoops accidentally wrote an essay! also I didn’t proofread this at all so I’m sorry if this doesn’t make ANY sense
disclaimer ig yes thanatos has done awful awful things but that’s not what I’m talking about right now so bear with me - ANYWAY -
my point begins with, it’s funny because in current canon and for QUITE some time prior I’m always talking about Thanatos in the past tense like oh he Did That and he Traumatized This Person and Because of Him This Is Like This — like now he’s just the ~villain ghost of the narrative~
but for a while he WAS a character who would actually appear in the Elysiumverse, not even just to show up and cause a bloody scene (he did that too 😔) but prior to Neo’s kidnapping that got him arrested sometimes he would just Be There™ loosely in the Underworld to be a bitch to Maci and Tory (the contents of those convos are heavily from the before-april-thought-to-archive-things-time and are mostly lost to the sands of time) -
and the POINT of this rambling is that like, delightfully I think the personality and character of Thanatos is something that I don’t get to talk about much lately or right now!?? we know he was among the most despicable assholes in the elysium’verse and we know his list of egregious crimes and we know that By The Time We (as in, you all, as in the events that I mostly ever talk about here) Got To Meet Him he was already on a spiral down into the full unmasked supervillainry that led to his downfall— but like. what was he like to interact with beforehand.
…..as an aside please know that even with Maci’s history with him and even though she remained terrified of him at her core, Maci had buried all that down (to not deal with for. Years) and so whenever she and thanatos ran into each other in those aforementioned beforetimes - which wAS MORE TIMES THAN YOU’D THINK - their interactions were less “cowering from a scythe” that you might be imagining and more “loudly bickering at each other bc Maci couldn’t let him know he was getting to her” so that’s. Yes yes before Thanatos reactivated™ he was more of a nuisance fggkfk
and so, in regards to Thanatos and Ker……. What WAS he like to interact with beforehand well. Ker can tell you! oh she fuckin couldn’t stand him LOLL. sure they considered each other allies - despite being distant siblings they did I think hook up quite… frequently which. okay yeah gross but Greek mythy disclaimer, and this is hardly the worst thing they’ve ever done at least not tHANATOS - insufferable as she found him he was attractive at least I mean 😐 anyway - but Ker like. did not LIKE him?!!!
Ker IS an Elysium villain but honestly…. really JUST due to her relationship with Chal, don’t forget Ker has never actually DONE anything against maci and Tory other than allow Chal to be born as a weapon against them (Thanatos’s idea) and stand there menacingly when Neo was kidnapped (and rip Chal’s shoulder off at the time). She’s disliked Maci because fucking everyone dislikes Maci and disliked Tory because Maci really plucked this destined-to-die-mortal up and ascended him out of deaths grip how dare He Do That but like. Ker’s priority has always been her job and duty as Death
And so her relationship with Thanatos is 1) obligation based - based on the fact that he’s the only other death and if anything happened to him she’d have more work to do. dddddid she kinda sorta definitely encourage his murdery tendencies when he was a fucked up child!! okay yes she did do that but. he took that and ran with it. Like I said Thanatos and Ker ARE siblings many centuries apart and the concept of a second death exists because Ker (and Morpheus, that’s another story) had gone to the fates long before Thanatos was born to get some Fucking Help. and then this is what she ended up with?!!! because number TWO-
her relationship w him was ANNOYANCE BASED!??? because thanatos did not ever give a shit about his own duty and instead was constantly distracted murdering people he wasn’t supposed to (Ker did cover for him, so I guess that’s a crime to add to her own list) . He was constantly getting tangled in needless drama that HE started all the time with the palace or with whoever he was tormenting at the time. To be fair…….. Ker did absolutely enable all this to happen so again she’s not like,a good person but her allyship with thanatos was soooo reluctant lol
Like, Thanatos annoyed the shit out of her! At his “height” he was popular and charismatic and chatty (in the underworld - on olympus he was bitchier, as warranted<33 tho he did schmooze with Ares too who was like. I see right thru u dude you’re fucked up gtfo). he was constantly wrapped up with his stupid little schemes and power plays while Ker and her all business zero sense of humor personality was like. fucking god can you focus. literally like? Evil deathy version of Dog Person/Cat Person.
when thanatos came to her as his own insanity was ramping up and was like Can You Do Me A Favor Pleaase Please Pleeeeeeaaaaseeeee I Need You To Have An Evil Baby With Me her response was basically are you fucking kidding me. he got her to agree with the promise that a double death born god would be evil and cool. (It was Chal, and she was not either of those things fgkkfg). but it was also to get him to just stop whining at her about it.
Meanwhile, Thanatos - knew Ker hated him, first of all - but also knew that she was/is WAY stronger than him, as she could (and did. Sometimes. When he was particularly irritating) break bones or make anyone spit up ichor with just a blink of her eye as goddess of violent death - and so Thanatos calculated that he could not afford to have her an as enemy. but… Thanatos also HATED that she was stronger than him, raging cocky misogynist beneath the surface that he was. and so to her face he tolerated her back and even batted his eyelashes and acted as companion and ally— but seethed under his breath about having to feign friendship and respect to Some Dumb Bitch
…and every time Ker HEARD HIM SAY THAT UNDER HIS BREATH she’d snarl at him until he backed down fgkgkg
and so once Neo was born and Ker realized that SHE DIDNT NEED THANATOS ANYMORE she really checked the fuck out of the situation and just. Politely waited for him to fucking die. it did take a few years but sure enough he was euthanized and in exchange Ker got Neo, who despite being the daughter of the prince and princess that she really disliked was… comparatively not that bad.<333 and they all lived happily ever after
so in conclusion!!! yes Ker didn’t gaf that thanatos was gone lmao. not in the slightest. Thanatos and Melinoe were committing murders for each other’s honor during the height of their villainy but when Thanatos was exploded into literal chunks, KER was like….. :-) hmm ok. that’s fine.
this went all over the place but I hope this has been a fun look at a separately bizarre dynamic taking place on the outskirts of Elysium this whole entire time <3 the end
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sxvethelastdance · 2 years
Princes Deposed by the Plot - Piccolo and Vegeta
Time for another entry into the series of Z posting, as warned here with all its various disclaimers.
Naturally… By virtue of my [ahem] writer’s priorities, I ran to slap a comparison of Vegeta and Piccolo’s arcs together based on their two major monologues and their companion quotes! Is it because I think their trajectories are mirrored in both of them having this major speech that shifts their priorities or because my brain is two tsuns poisoned? Who knows. Anyhow, this is a decidedly non-shippy analysis— shocking for this blog. I know! But yes, my intentions in posting this are to provide a really interesting comparison that I think deserves attention. I’m still going to tag it with the ship labels though for all you folks at home who see something compelling here.
An up front special thanks to my friend Stiles over @bastardsunlight for listening to me ramble about these developments over a period of a year and change as I faithfully documented my reactions and came to this conclusion. ANOTHER special thanks to my buddy B for making the joke that became the title of this post. 
Analysis below
It’s so fucking INTERESTING to me, the way that both Piccolo and Vegeta come to a major conclusion about themselves through putting themselves on the line for Goku specifically. 
Mind you, this is hardly anything new for a Dragon Ball villain, but there’s always been a consensus that these two are Goku’s ultimate rivals. Piccolo because he was born to hate Goku, a dying wish with the mission of ‘kill kill kill’ in the egg he hatched from- and Vegeta because he was raised to hate the kind of challenge someone like Goku presents him. They maintain the bulk of their personality and distinctive traits because of the sustained relevance that their position measured relative to Goku’s grants them. 
You have these two former villains with not only the kind of baggage that your Z-Fighter prior had, but on steroids. A child’s desire to be worth the legacy and remaking of a ‘King’ and his great evil vs the child’s bottomless ambition for power so as to never be helpless again, to be the boot crushing the ant instead of the ant.  Piccolo was “born” evil, not raised. Vegeta was raised into a culture that delights in other people’s pain, strength for strength’s sake- and also with Frieza as his “parent” in some respects. 
There’s this fundamental similarity in the trajectory of their arcs- though Piccolo inevitably finds it much easier because he doesn’t have to contend with the expectation of cultural norms. He doesn’t have a context of that until he’s an adult. And like I mentioned before, the crowning moment of when their characters earnestly have shifted their beliefs rings rather similarly in both cases. 
Piccolo wanted to stay on Namek to fight by Goku’s side, even if it meant putting himself in Frieza’s line of fire. 
Vegeta admitted out loud that he didn’t stand a chance against Buu and committed to a fight WITHOUT the goal of winning- the goal was explicitly a support role to Goku. Holding Buu off to give him time to power up and beat the monster. 
Both of them put down their goals right on the floor and stepped into what their earlier selves would’ve considered humiliating positions. They are admitting second fiddle and for the first time they’re not taking it as an insult. They want to see him win! They NEED him to win. 
So much of it is the stakes- wanting to see a common foe go down, yes. But for both of them we see that they’ve got people they love that they’re doing this for. It’s not about what they want or even need or themselves anymore. These monologues happen after several turning points- it’s like closing the book on the chapter of a compulsion that they realized wasn’t making them happy. 
They both allow themselves to get brutally tortured not as a consequence of fighting to fight around the time of these revelations, but because they realize that there’s someone to go home to- and that home won’t exist anymore if they don’t do it. 
And— what the shit. I realize as I’m writing this that they both did it so that Goku could charge the spirit bomb. Piccolo for the bomb against Frieza, Vegeta for the bomb against Kid Buu. Straight up scene after scene of them not just getting thrashed; but very visibly put in the ground like a dog. Worse than death, because it isn’t over. 
You get to hear these men getting beaten brutally (the visual style communicates a lot more than a blow for blow fight in instances where one character is severely outmatched. Think Tien vs Nappa, Frieza and Vegeta at the waterfall, the Androids and the Z-Fighters), 
- knowing that Goku’s the only way, and that they’re only getting up because he needs them to. They know he needs them, and they need him right back. 
It’s their home they’re bleeding for. Now is the time to do the noble thing- and it is noble. Because it requires no shortage of fighting their innate selfishness, their drives and the goals that subsumed a good deal of their lives. 
Now here’s the monologues and some companion scenes signaling the shift in their characters at different points. 
The Monologues + Companion Quotes:
Piccolo’s monologue [Spoken after being transported to Earth while SSJ Goku fights Frieza]
"Goku... Our paths have crossed many times along the way. It's because of you that I was even born. 
From the very beginning, when I was nothing but an egg, even then I wanted you destroyed. I was born hating you. As a young fighter, those tournaments against you were all that I had. I lived for the chance to see you die.
(Flash to the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament)
I will never forget our fight in the World Martial arts tournament. With my newly learned ability to increase my size, I knew that this would be it. This would be my chance to finish you. But still you found a way to beat me, your power, I've never seen it anything like it. 
From that day forward, I knew that there was something different about you. Something... Not of this world. And then the fight with Raditz—
(Cut to the killing blow between Raditz and Goku, the Special Beam Cannon)
Huh. I can't say I objected to destroying you.
After all, it's what I'd been waiting for my whole life. But as you lay there lifeless, the job wasn't what I'd imagined. 
How could I hate someone with such an honorable sacrifice? Goku, why did you have to send me back to Earth? I wanted to fight alongside of you... It's vexing, but your powers have become far greater than my own, and so has your character. You chose to beat Frieza at the cost of your own life. You're always like that."
Scene — Gohan asleep by the fire 
PICCOLO: (gently pushes Gohan’s bangs back) Until now, training you has been about vengeance. But something’s changed. No matter what happens, I’ll always be there to protect you, Gohan. Sleep well, my friend. 
Scene — Flying toward the battle with Frieza
PICCOLO: Gohan’s energy signal is fading! I’m not gonna let it happen, cause we’ve been through too much together.  
(Flashback, spanning their time training together) 
You were just a pampered kid when I took you in, but you never gave up. You never failed to surprise me either. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so hard on you. But you took it without complaint and I could tell despite the hardship I put you through;  You truly cared about me. So I died for you... And I’d do it all again. 
Scene — Piccolo and Vegeta’s final talk
PICCOLO: I was just like you once, until Gohan’s love changed me. I know you were changed too, I know how much courage it took to do what you did. 
Vegeta’s Monologue [spoken while SSJ3 Goku fights Buu off]
“Amazing. How do you do it Kakarot? You’ve always been like this. Ever since the first day I met you. Always ready to meet the next challenge, even when it’s bigger than you are. 
It was the same on Namek, you had improved so much it made Recoome look like he was standing still. Your power had increased so dramatically since our battle on Earth that I thought you’d done it! That you had become a super Saiyan. 
It tore me apart. How could you, a low class soldier, accomplish so easily what I- I had struggled my whole life to achieve? Then at last it happened. I too transformed. After living every moment of every day for the singular purpose of surpassing you, I finally became a super Saiyan myself. The prince had reclaimed his throne and fulfilled his destiny! But no matter how strong I became, your power still exceeded mine. 
At first I thought it was your loved ones —
(flash to Gohan, Chi-Chi, Piccolo, Bulma, Krillin, Oolong, Yamcha, Puar— all in that order) 
— that it was your instinct to protect them that spurred you on and pushed you beyond your limits. But then I found myself with a family of my own and my power didn’t increase at all. 
I used to fight for the sheer pleasure of it. For the thrill of the hunt. Oh, I had the strength unmeasurable. I spared no one. And yet… you showed mercy to everyone. Even your fiercest enemies, even me. Yet you never fought to kill or for revenge. Only to test your limits and to push yourself beyond. To become the strongest you could possibly be. How can a Saiyan fight like that and at the same time be so gentle that he wouldn’t hurt a fly? 
Oh, it makes me angry just thinking about it! But perhaps it is my anger that’s made me blind to the truth for so long. I see it now. This day has made it all too clear. 
You’re better than me Kakarot. You are the best.”
Scene — Goten and Trunks arrive. Vegeta hugs Trunks.
VEGETA: Trunks, there’s something you must know. You’ve made me proud, son. 
Scene — Before The Explosion
VEGETA: Trunks, Bulma, I do this for you. And yes… Even for you, Kakarot. 
Scene - Asking The Earth for Its Energy (cutting between Namek and The Sacred World of the Kais)
KIBITO KAI: Do you think Vegeta could soften his request somewhat? You know, ask them nicely? (The people of the Earth)
ELDER KAI: He could. If he wasn’t a proud, pigheaded, arrogant fool! 
KIBITO KAI: Look! He’s trying again.
VEGETA: (now pleading): People of the earth, please. I beg of you. You have to listen to me, please. We’re running out of time. 
(either sweat or a tear that runs down his face at this point. It’s ambiguous) 
Raise your hands. Do it before it’s too late. don’t let Majin Buu destroy you and your children! PLEASE! DONT LET HIM WIN!
These considerations in mind: It makes a great deal of sense as to what people would see in pairing them together- be it for the sake of putting the two stoic men who used to be the big bad in the same panel together while Goku fights the big battles, or for shipping purposes. They’re kindred spirits, and sometimes when you see yourself in someone else you decide: Boy, I don’t fucking like you.
They are two characters who after a series of journeys, have broken from either familial or cultural expectations as a hallmark of their development and subsequently found some kind of validation and self-actualization. From that point they can think about what it is that THEY want. A long path on its own. 
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glaivenoct · 2 years
what's your opinion on the trope when someone believes they’re hard to love has someone who loves them like it’s breathing
Anon are you magic? I read this and asked myself why does this look so familiar. Didn't I reblog this? Didn't I -
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As you can see - I'm here for it. And, per my tag, my very first instinct is to apply it to my most treasured AU ^^; I've been thinking about it especially since I - not to plug it again, but ;u; - posted the aside about Noct and his shitty ex.
In terms of cage fighter AU, I think while Noct has this mindset of protecting himself and never allowing the events of the aside to ever happen again: believing he's hard to love is something he learned from Miles (The Ex). It's something that's very hidden under the surface in the main AU. Something he doesn't even really realize he's still holding onto and needs to unlearn. And when I think of how he'll develop with Nyx, who will so effortlessly fucking adore him, it's just *clutches chest* it's so fucking beautiful to me. Don't get me wrong, it'll absolutely scare the shit out of Noct, but thinking about that point in the future where he can really recognize and accept that he's not hard to love - sadskgljlk; it just ticks a big box of this AU as a whole, man. That's some good shit.
Besides my own AU (yes I take any chance to talk about it I'msorry ;u;) I like to apply it to NyxNoct (my default, sorry again) kinda in different ways -
When I think of a scenario in which Noct thinks he's hard to love, it's based on the title of Prince always hanging over him. No one wants Noct. Everyone wants The Prince. Everyone wants this person Noct has been expected/taught to be. All people will care about is that he's The Prince, not Noct. And it will either make Noctis feel like the other person's interest in him is disingenuous, or they're too afraid to be anything other than formal with him. I bounced ideas with a friend once about him potentially having experiences like that when he was a teen, or getting a "talk" about being careful when he starts dating because of people that want to take advantage. And because of that, Noct kinda just thinks "what's the point" - until he starts getting to know Nyx better, and Nyx actively probes into wanting more of Noct.
When I think of Nyx believing he's hard to love - it's very offhanded. It's kinda like him shrugging it off, letting it roll off his shoulders because it is what it is. It's spilled milk he's not going to cry over: Being a glaive without his home, an outsider in the very city he risks his life to help protect, this trauma ridden, exhausted battle-worn soul who at the end of the day thinks "My life is nothing". Sure, Nyx is a Hero, a charmer with a winning smile, a show-off and a badass - but who wants to love all that other shit? It's fine, don't feel bad for him because he's fine with it too. He's not opposed to the thought of a deeper, romantic love, but he's not actively looking for it either. He's not someone who worries about never finding it. He's just gonna do his thing and get by in life. Then comes Noct. My redundant ass has written this in fics and rambled about it on twitter ten different times probably but: Noct takes Nyx's heart by storm when he least expects it.
The trope is just something so profound and relatable in any which way you can spin it. Romantic, platonic, whathaveyou. It plays so well into NyxNoct and how they're so different. Here's Noct thinking "Why the hell does this glaive want anything to do with The Prince?", then there's Nyx thinking "Why the hell does The Prince want anything to do with this glaive?"
And yet, they love each other so deep, unconditional and effortlessly. AGAIN - *slams fist on table* GOODSHIT GOODSHIT.
Thank you for coming to Brina's 34osd8090th NyxNoct ramble. I cannot shut the fuck up about them I'm sorry.
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leahseclipse · 2 years
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I posted 142 times in 2022
14 posts created (10%)
128 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 40 of my posts in 2022
#lexies favs - 6 posts
#aot - 4 posts
#snk fic - 4 posts
#criminal minds - 4 posts
#stranger things - 3 posts
#stranger things fic - 3 posts
#cm fic - 3 posts
#aot fic - 3 posts
#spencer reid - 3 posts
#snk - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 58 characters
#he's so fucking pretty i nearly cried at work making these
My Top Posts in 2022:
Marry me (Emily Prentiss x fem!Reader)
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Warnings: talks of hospital, car crash, blood and wound mentions (no major character death)
Summary: A car crash turns everything into a nightmare. (Based off episode 18 and 19 of S7 of grey's anatomy)
A/N: It's a bit of a random post, but I remembered I had wrote that fic for @imagining-in-the-margins 's wedding challenge, so why not post it! It's really a no beta we die like men in here, so there might be some mistakes. This was based off @fortheloveofwonderland 's prompt 🤗
Word count: 3.7k
As soon as the occasion presented itself, Emily and Y/N did not hesitate a single second to spend the weekend together, far from their home. Windows rolled down, their hands glued together as Emily had the other on the steering wheel, they couldn’t stop freaking out about the simple concept of ‘vacation’.
“How did this even happen? You never get days off. I can’t believe your phone hasn’t started ringing. This is insane.” Y/N moved her right arm around as she spoke.
“Right? I can’t believe it either. It’s been… months.” Emily said.
“We finally have a weekend to ourselves.”
“Just us and the little one.” she said, briefly looking at her when the road was empty. "Let’s enjoy the final weeks before she never lets us rest again.”
“You said it,” she sighed. “We’re going to fuel ourselves with coffee.”
Emily doesn’t answer to that, eyes on the road.
“Is something wrong, Em?”
She blinked, “No, I just… spaced out for a second. Sorry.”
“Oh, okay. That happens. Did you…” Y/N started to say, but the buzz of her phone stopped her. “Oh… He found out.”
“Reid. About the… prank we did on him, that’s not going to be good when we come-” she rambled, before Emily yanked her phone out of her grasp; throwing it somewhere behind. Probably in the back seats, not that it matters. Emily wanted this phone away. “What was that?”
“Can you just… this time is for us. You see him all the time, so do I, but he's not here now! It’s just us.”
“Come on, he was just texting. I wasn’t going to stay on my phone all day.” she argued, “I gotta text back at least.” then unbuckles her seatbelt to turn around.
“What are you doing?” Emily yelled.
With her phone in her hand, she yelled back, “I’m answering the text! Calm down, he’s not getting more time than you with me.”
“You make me sound like I’m acting jealous, or something.”
“Are you?” Y/N asked, eyes on her phone.
“It’s kind of difficult not to be when you talk about Spencer so often.”
“He’s my best friend, am I not allowed?” she asked, defensively. Taking a breath, she looked away from her phone. “I am giving all my time to our couple, you, and the human growing inside of me, so I am allowed to do other things, like talk to my friend, just for a minute.” Then she stopped talking. Went back to her phone, and the car was as silent as ever.
It’s never been that silent.
They’ve never been so pissed off at each other, they’ve swore to stop when they had to, calm down and apologize.
There wasn’t any apology.
Just the light sound of y/n’s fingertips hitting the screen. That was pretty much it.
“Marry me.”
See the full post
48 notes - Posted December 13, 2022
Nothing ever lasts forever | E.M
Pairing: Eddie Munson x gen!reader
Warnings: Death of important character, death mention, possible light mentions of s1-s4 pt1, graphic details
A/N: I'm sobbing too
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It's been hard.
Incredibly hard without you around. I can't believe this isn't some dream, or hell, Vecna taking me in a very long trance. I wished it would be that for a while.
That, just a moment, it wouldn't be true. That you would just be there again. That I would still be in your room, surrounded by the heavy metal music, the scent of cigarettes, and your arms around me. The warmth of your body, and your breath tickling my skin as you kissed me.
I don't think I will ever love someone the way I loved you. I don't think anyone could ever make me feel like you did. I feel like a void every since that day, I stopped crying because I don't have anything left in me, I'm pretty sure I cried all the water I had.
For a moment, I waited the moment where I'd feel your fingers wipe my tears away. You would always do that whenever I cried, and now a stupid tissue has to replace you.
I won't see you again.
That's why I have to accept. But I don't want to, I don't think I can. I've known you for too long that I'm not sure I'm able to live without you.
You were one of my best friends, we've gone through hell and back together, almost died a couple times, but we've made it out, together. Every time.
You were supposed to have made it out. You weren't supposed to leave me standing all alone. Neither the others.
Having to see Dustin's smile disappear when he saw me come out the portal alone was the worst thing I've ever have to witness. I held him as he sobbed uncontrollably, as I told him what you told me before dying.
If everything goes back to normal after this, I promise we won't split up the Hellfire club. I will fight for it to stay, it cannot be shutdown. It's what you dedicated part of your life to.
I never understood a thing in the game, but I still came everytime, sitting with a book in the corner while I heard you and the others scream for hours. I stayed each time to put back everything in place, and walked out of the school with you.
Now, it'll probably stay empty for a while. The school might be closed for a bit, and the news didn't make it easy. They've promoted the club as a 'satanic cult', and everyone probably believed that.
If only they knew what this club meant. All the people in it, the memories, the bond we shared. It wasn't just a club, but also a family. You made sure everyone felt welcome there.
You took Dustin, Mike and Lucas under your wing when no one else did. They grew with you, became more confident, because you kept telling them to not care about others. To simply be yourself, because trying to be like someone else was 'completely and utterly ridiculous'.
We were sort of like... Parents for them. We looked after them as much as we could. Tried to protect them from everyone who tried to hurt them.
I would've almost kicked Jason in the face for harassing you if it wasn't for Steve separating us.
It took time for you to like him, you two have had fights before, but then the whole Vecna thing happened, and it somehow brought you closer.
He's been the one that's been checking up on me these last days, trying to bring me out and change my mind.
He's sort of saved me, I was doing kind of badly in my room, blinds closed, wearing the same clothes. I was a mess, yeah. I can admit that.
I can see it's hard on him too, but he doesn't show it. He's always been the type to keep things to himself, especially when others had problems. He preferred to comfort rather than be comforted.
Talking about comforting, I talked to your uncle with Dustin, the other day. He really cared about you, always believed you were innocent from the start, no matter what everyone said. He loved you, truly.
I'll make sure to visit him from time to time, we'll look after him, don't worry.
About the others, well, Mike and Eleven reunited, Nancy and Jonathan as well, Lucas ended up fine, but Max didn't.
She died, and then she came back. Ever since, she's been in a coma. No one knows if and when she'll wake up. We can just hope for the best, that's all we can do, unfortunately.
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52 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
2AM (Spencer Reid x gen!reader)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Gender neutral Reader (there might be some very light fem!reader mentions)
Category: Angst with happy ending
Warnings: none I can think of!
Summary: The reader locked themselves out of their apartment out of the middle of the night, but a certain genius living down the hall might be able to help.
A/N: Excuse me if Spencer is OOC lmao it's been a WHILE since I wrote about him. Prompt is from @imagining-in-the-margins!! :)
Word count: 1.9k
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There couldn't have ever been a day worse than this one, in my whole existence— not one that made me want to give up, go to my apartment and never go back to my workplace ever again.
First off- I arrived late. I didn't turn on my alarm the day before, and woke up at 8AM instead of 7AM.
One hour isn't a big deal, you would say. Well sure,  for a high schooler. 
I had to give that lame excuse, and well… they didn't believe it— everyone throws that one, so it gets old. I've had to work like hell all day to make up for the hour I've missed as if it was one week to my superior (the guy's a bit dramatic).
Second; on my way home, my car decided to stop two times. The little guy decided to play the old trick of the dying engine— turns out a bang on it is enough to stop that drama queen. It's really time I throw it away, I've had it since college. That car is lucky I wasn't on the freeway, I would have gotten yelled at for blocking the road.
Then— because the day didn’t stop there, one of the back tires ended up dying just as I found a parking spot. Here's to another-I-don't-know-the-high-price-of-it-repair off my bank account … as if I needed another bad event.
The finishing touch was when it started raining, and of course, I had forgotten my jacket this morning. Which meant that I had to walk in the rain because running would cause me to break an arm and end up in the ER with another-very-unknown-high-price. 
By the time I got to the door of the building, it was around 2AM. I had to get up in 5 hours. Pretty great amount of sleep for the next day waiting for me.
I didn't even bother to check if the elevator worked. It worked one time out of two and could guarantee you a whole night of sleep inside if the doors would decide to not open. 
I've already been there, except it was the afternoon. I watched at least two movies of two hours each before a technician even bothered to show up.
When I reached the fourth floor, and proceeded to put my hand in my left pocket where I always keep my keys— my hand didn't touch anything but the fabric. 
That's… weird? Maybe it's in the others? 
I plunged my hand in the right pocket, still nothing. I tried both of the pockets at the back— they were as empty as a bank account at the end of the month (trust me, I truly wasn't in the mood for jokes, but that just went through my mind).
I really started to panic after my unsuccessful attempts to find the keys in the pockets of my pants, they're always there! I haven't put them anywhere else in years.
I set my bag on the floor, took my flashlight and examined the whole bag— to the point of emptying it out on the floor out of despair, just in case I had missed it by whatever means— still no sign of them.
There wasn't any way I could have left it at work. I didn't open my bag a single time, all I did was re-organise files as soon as I arrived. I only touched my bag again when I left. It was in my locker, which was closed by a lock— so they couldn't have been stolen, lost, or whatever crazy scenario.
The only place left… right inside of my apartment. I had just locked myself outside at 2:30AM. Right when everything was closed. I could only hope my landlord could pick up, which wasn't 100% sure by looking at the hour.
Still, I took my phone again and dialed the number, just in case he happened to pick up.
I called once.
Then soon, five times… all calls had gone straight to voicemail.
He wouldn't be answering until 8AM in the morning, which was impossible. I couldn't stay all night outside. 
I started to get really upset, I had no way to get in, I've just had the worst day, I was really tired, I was cold and just wanted to change into dry clothes; this had to be a nightmare. I was cursing myself for forgetting the keys this morning as hard as I could, I couldn't believe I could have forgotten them, they were right there, on the table next to the door.
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74 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
If I only could I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get him to swap our places | E.M
Pairing : Eddie Munson x gen ! reader
Warning : ST4 VOL2 SPOILERS, possible mentions of graphic details, coma, BUT it ends well, it's a fix-it fic !!
Summary : After the recent traumatic events, Eddie has ended up in the hospital and fell into a come. Reader visits everyday, in hopes he'll wake up.
A/N : yes I needed to do that after what happened 🥲 this is my apology for the other fic LMAO @smalluniversecollector
W/C: 1.3k
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It marks one month since Eddie hasn't opened his eyes, today. One whole month without him.
Without the sound of his voice.
Without moving his arms in all directions like a sugar - high toddler.
Without the sound of his guitar playing.
He's just been there, laying in this bed, doing nothing else. I just wish he was awake.
Without the smell of whatever thing he'd smoke.
A month without all of those things. I have to admit, it feels empty, not having those in my life. It's like the world doesn't make sense now that it doesn't have him to fill it.
He's just been there, laying still, doing nothing. We probably couldn't have gone out of the upside down without injuries, so I just wished he had something that wouldn't keep him so long at the hospital at least.
I wish Eddie wouldn't be the one going through this. I've been feeling so guilty with my sprained wrist, it's nothing compared to what he has, and I wish we could've swapped places. I love him so much that I would do that for him.
But again , he'd be the one worried to death , just like I am right now. The one that wouldn't be in a coma would still suffer in some way.
I just wish we would just have something that wasn't bad at least. I wish he'd be there with me, and that we'd just have to laugh about a stupid sprained wrist and something else kind of broken, but not fatal for him. He'd play non-stop with his crutches if he had to have those.
We'd switch between his house, my house, Dustin's, we wouldn't stop moving around.
If only that was the only thing that happened. I wouldn't be here, sitting all day, hoping he wakes up.
"You know, I actually knew you before." Eddie said.
"You did?" I asked, surprised.
"In elementary school. You probably don't remember, because we weren't even in the same class. We never talked. I was... Much quieter before, the quiet type that wouldn't have the courage to tell he liked someone. I always watched you, from time to time. I still liked you, even with your bad haircut."
"That one was horrendous! How did you still like me?"
"I guess I just really loved you. And I will always love you, even if you get a messed up haircut."
If only Eddie saw what I did to my hair. I couldn't stay with this upside-down-monster-blood on my hair, even if I'd wash it, and it reminded me too much of what happened— so I just cut it off myself.
It's grown a bit since, but everyone can still see how badly cut it is.
But he won't care, probably. He'll still somehow find me pretty, in some way, even if I have no idea how. I'll probably mess with him a bit, it's funny when he goes into attorney mode to defend his case.
I hope he has nice dreams, at least. I don't want him to be trapped constantly in a nightmare. It's best if he dreams of hellfire, moments we had in the cafeteria, when we smoked under the bleachers, or when we skipped school because we didn't want to go to science.
That's what I want him to dream about.
As I got up from the chair, taking my stuff, I approached his bed and took his hand in mine. He still felt warm, he wasn't gone.
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89 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you // S.H
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Warnings: light mentions of ST s1-s4 events
Summary: With the help of the kids, Steve secretly organised a proposal to you.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: just thought this would be cute 🤩👍 sorry if it's kinda long and bad 💀
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Steve could not express how much stress he had been feeling the last few days, between trying not to get caught, not to seem too suspicious, make sure the kids would do the same, try to spend time with you so you wouldn't worry— he was a mess inside. 
But he didn't care.
He wanted to organize the most beautiful proposal he could do for you, he wanted you to remember it forever. 
So... he asked for help to the only people he knew: kids. Except for Robin, and Nancy, but they were outnumbered compared to these children. 
Besides, you liked them a lot. Steve thought that if you were to have any type of celebration, you'd want them here. They counted a lot for you two, you've known them ever since the incident that happened with Will— when you were in highschool with Jonathan.
And that's when you met the famous Steve Harrington. Famous was a good word to use, because he was. With his great hair, great face, personality and his 'keg king' title, who couldn't love this guy? 
As for you, you were just a sort of outcast, hanging out with Jonathan in the corner and developing pictures with him in the red room between classes, the kind of people no one would pay attention to— you two were considered freaks. But you never really mind, you were fine with this lifestyle. 
But people like Steve, Carol and Tommy would just have probably laughed at you, approaching them would only earn you a bullying session. 
Therefore, you just stayed there, watching him from a distance. Jonathan always told you to stay away from this 'jerk'. 
The first time you talked to him after those months of contemplation was at a party, Nancy had taken two extra flyers from a girl who was giving them out. She thought it would be nice for Jonathan and you to go and try to socialize a bit more. 
Jonathan was reluctant at first, but eventually agreed when you said it'd be nice.
When you had gotten out of his car, you immediately felt overwhelmed by the number of people in and out of the house. You knew that no one would look at you in this entire crowd, but somehow you were still convinced you'd look like a complete clown in there.
You weren't a party girl, just a nerd that hung out with kids at the science club, played DnD with them after school, or just looked over them when their parents were busy. You'd be laughed at if they knew you played the role of the babysitter with them.
You weren't embarrassed by it, even if they were younger, they were still nice to be with, but you didn't need to get bullied; so blending in with the walls at school was better than that.
By the time you had gone in and turned your head, Jonathan had already disappeared from your sight. This had either meant that he had decided to chicken out, or that a certain girl named Nancy had gone to have a  more-than-friendly chat with him. 
As you made a path through the crowd, and made your way towards the drinks, you suddenly tripped on your own feet, ending up in some guy's arms.
Lifting your head up, you were met with Steve's worried eyes.
"Hey, are you fine?" he asked. 
"Yeah, yeah, I am." you said, stepping away from his touch. "Thanks for... catching me, I'm sorry I almost took you with me in the fall. I wasn't drunk I just... tripped on my own feet." 
Steve smiled, "It's okay, there's a crap ton of people here."
"Yeah, a bit... too much. That's true." you admitted.
"Do you... want to go outside the street, then? It's less crowded. Just in case, you know. But if you want to stay here, then I can stay or you can... Yeah." he stopped himself from rambling any further, bringing his hand in his hair. 
"Outside is fine, if you don't mind. I wasn't supposed to come here to begin with. 
Nancy dragged me here." you confessed. 
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201 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
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eilaafterhours · 2 years
Overload [Diluc Ragnivindr]
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Content: Improper Use of Electro/Pyro Visions, Cockwarming, Overstimulation, Teasing, Mating Press
Pronouns: None (AFAB)
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
Remember:I’ll block you if I catch your ageless or under age (not 18+) ass in my activity :)
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Nights with Diluc weren’t usually this slow. Usually they were fast, passionate and lasted multiple rounds. Tonight, however, you decided to treat him to something special. 
Until he started to act out. 
“Diluc, stop that.” You pulled back from the slow kiss the two of you were dancing to. 
He raised a brow. “Stop what?” 
You knew good and well that he knew exactly what you were referring to. You squirmed, relishing in the quick snap of his hips. 
A slip of control. 
“I know you’re heating up your dick with your vision.” A smirk curled on his lips. 
That was just fine. After all, you were blessed with an Electro vision. 
You shoved him down, making sure to plant your hands firmly on his chest. Then you clenched down on him, making sure to give it a little extra spark.
“Aw, can’t handle a little Overload?” You leaned in closer, doing it again. “Gonna blow your load?”
“Fuck—gonna blow it right into you.”
“Then do it, Master Diluc.”
Your words, along with one last bout of Overload, sent you both over the edge. Crying out each other’s names as you came down from your climaxes.
But it wasn’t over yet, Diluc had flipped you, shoving your knees up to your chest and ramming into you like a deprived man. 
You could only cry out his name like a broken prayer. 
Not that you minded. 
You’d do it again and again and again. 
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So... this was just suposed to be for 🌻 anon but uh
kinda forgot it was Diluc's birthday so
Happy Birthday Sex!
Also this is based off of this thirst [Pyro Infused]
Also Also this is kinda sorta a part two to this [Valberry Kisses | Version 2] so give this a little read lol
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Might have a little
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But we’re gonna dance teh dust right off them 2nite 🤠
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OST from Holes, also featured.
Also Nowhere generation, cause yeah. 😔👊
Also I was gonna hide these in the Tags, but it's too funny to me to not ramble about:
Tak's loser-ness is very funny to me.
Like most Irkens, she wants to blame Zim for all her shortcomings and problems...
when really he caused a singular event, and everything else was entirely out of her (and his) control.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Control Brains just held Tak back out of spite, because she DARED to beg them for something. They might have even let her continue in the training program, but because she came to them with this offer, it showed weakness, and disrespect and thus she was unfit to be an Invader.
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We didn't hear about the other Irkens who were training to be an Invader when the power shut down on HALF OF THE PLANET being held back. Sure, could be Tak is self-centered and doesn't mention them and they aren't important to the story.
But I would honestly expect to see MORE Irkens like Tak around. And sure, IZ had a short shelf-life, but there haven't been any Irkens really like that in the comics either after 20 years. Tak is one of a kind.
I know from a story episode plot-based narrative like Invader Zim, having these types of Irkens constantly show up would be super repetitive and annoying. And I'm glad they didn't do that honestly.
But from a lore-based perspective, you kinda have to wonder what happened to the rest of the Irkens who were taken Invader Training that day.
I figure they all got outfitted as Soldiers, food service, or other positions and were maybe possibly allowed to retake the exam.
But because Tak BEGGED
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Like a little, whiny baby bitch,
the Control Brains be like "Nah. Go play in the dirt. Go away"
But that's my takeaway anyways.
You can never want something too badly in this place. The Control Brains will just give you the opposite of that.
Which is why I think she makes a great foil to Zim, since he is also an Irken who wants too much.
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