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Tanner 💔
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americanwh0resstuff · 7 months
-Don’t Say That-
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CW: injury, near death, mentions of blood.
Angst prompt nr2
I’ve been wanting to write again all week but I’m just a sleepy lil guy
Short but sweet, love me some life or death situations, especially when it means I can write vulnerable Blaine!
Word count: 892
Angst 🗡️
-Don’t say that-
My legs were heavy and sore, my eyes tired and threatening to fall shut as I slumped over on the floor, the last thing I could remember was standing alone in Blaine’s office, I was storing the printed off order references for yesterdays drink shipments when I heard the door open, stupidly I didn’t turn to see who it was, just expecting Blaine to come up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist.
“You’re back early?” I stood on my toes to reach the top shelf and I could feel a presence behind me, but the hands were gloves, and cold, and before I could even react I felt a sharp pain in my neck.
I woke up on a cold concrete floor, my head fuzzy and sore. That was the first sign that something was wrong, the pounding pain in my body, I haven’t had a headache since Blaine turned me.
When I opened my eyes I could see fuzzy movements and heard faint yelling, taunting and provocative.
“(Y/n), (y/n), are you okay?”
My eyes finally focused, and I was met with some thankfully friendly eyes.
“I’m so sorry (y/n), I should have known…”
I looked around, I was in a caged area, my arms tied behind my back, around a wooden collum, in front of me was Don E, shackled up like he was being crucified. My body was shaking and my eyes started to well with tears, I was terrified.
“Ravi… what’s going on?”
He looked down at his feet.
“The anti-zombie regime, I went undercover to try and get some insights… I’m sorry (y/n), they made me cure you, but I never thought they’d do this…”
My eyebrows furrowed. “Do what? What’s happening?” I started to panic more, pulling against my restraints, sliding myself up against the hard wood, getting to my feet.
I looked ahead of me at Don E, his head hung as he slept, I noticed his skin was paler, veins now prominent and blue.
Before I could realise what Ravi meant a group of bearded men entered the room, sawn off shotguns and crossbows in hand.
“Well well well, looks who’s awake… and alive!” A young man stood next to Ravi, dressed in green with a tattoo on his neck.
He stuck something through the fence and struck Don E in his side.
A cattle prod.
I watched in horror as his eyes turned red as he pulled against the restraints.
“Let’s get this party started!”
I tensed up, watching as Ravi tried to reason with the large group of men, yet they didn’t listen, too busy downing drinks and counting down the view counts.
“This is inhumane! She’s a human being! I need to study him! This wasn’t the plan!”
I suddenly understood, looking Don e in the eye.
“I’m sorry, (y/n). You’re my friend, you know that right?”
I nodded, tears now slipping down my cheeks.
The men pushed Ravi aside, double checking the locked gate before pressing a red button next to the door. I watched in horror as the chains around Don E’s arms loosen, his hands now loose as I felt my hands do the same.
I immediately backed myself into a corner, my hands shaking.
I’ve never felt this vulnerable, the noise of the group chanting, Don Es growling, I closed my eyes.
They flew open shortly after, crashing and gunshots flooded the room, I watched in awe as Blaine and Liv came bounding in, everything was going so fast, Don E changing his course from me to the shorter man in a cap who’d backed against the fence, I took a few steps forward, eyes locked on Blaine as his eyes met mine, he stopped for a moment, before I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, the man against the fence had fired his gun as he got bit, launching two shots into my stomach.
I fell to the floor, watching as the remaining humans ran out of the room.
“(Y/n)!” Blaine’s voice rang in my ears.
“Ravi open this fucking gate!” He was panicked, practically breaking the locks himself.
When the doors flung open he ran to my side, kneeling behind me, pulling me into his lap.
“Please (y/n), you’re okay, you’re gonna be okay…” my eyes were already closing, I couldn’t help but cough up blood, my body going limp.
“I can fix this…” he chanted the words like a prayer, as if he could manifest some kind of miracle.
He took my wrist in his hand, pressing his nail into the flesh.
“Blaine…” my voice was hoarse and pained. “It’s too late.”
“No, no, don’t say that, I can fix this!”
I let out a heavy breath, curling into his chest as he held me.
Blaine held (y/n)s limp body in his arms, Ravi and Liv now joining him as they felt sympathy for him for once. A rare occurrence.
“Come on, come on baby…” he dug his nail further into her skin, tears threatening to slip from his eyes, heart racing and breaking at the same time.
Ravi placed his hand on his shoulder, a silent apology as he crumbled into (y/n)s corpse.
A sharp breath cut through the silence.
She opened her eyes.
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Bite Me | It's Not Your Fault, Love
Warnings: Show typical violence and gore, blood, angst, death (More or less)
After being cured and striking out on her own, Cori is dragged back into the world of the undead, and a stray bullet changes everything.
Song: Kiss It Better by He Is We
Word Count: 2.4k
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She doesn't know how it happened or who did it. But a few weeks ago she woke up on Ravi and Moajor's couch and she was alive, not undead, actually alive.
After a brief period of not knowing who she was finally able to get her own place. And a few weeks later, she was out getting coffee, relishing the ability to taste it again.
Then, on the way home, she was grabbed by someone she hadn't seen, a pinch in the neck and everything went black.
When she wakes up, she has no clue where she is and she's shackled to the wall across from her friend Don E, who she's seen look better.
It's been nearly 24 hours, whatever brain he was has started wearing off, and he finally seems to recognize her.
"Hey, D?" The chains binding her to the wall clink when she wraps her arms around her legs.
"What C?" He growls.
"No matter how this turns out, I hope you know we're friends," She smiles at him, "And I'm okay with whatever happens."
She's been put there as bait while the rednecks outside their cell starve him.
"I uh," he groans, "I appreciate that."
"Ehh," He shrugs the best he can, "The moment Blaine finds out what happened and figures out where you are, he'll come in all guuuns blazing to get you."
"Yeah, I'm not so sure," She mutters, "We didn't break things off in good terms, and I didn't exactly leave any room for interpretation the last time I spoke to him."
"Yeah, I know, but he's so hung up on you that won't matter."
The next few hours are uneventful, she's already realized Ravi is just as much kidnapped as they are.
Don E tugs at the straps securing him to the pipe, looking much more zombie-esque.
"Fuck," He groans, "I don't wanna kill you Cori."
He sounds so pained.
"Good, cause I don't want you to kill me," She says jokingly, trying to lighten the mood even a little.
"H-hey, before I go total Romero," He swallows hard, "I... I want you to know I'm sorry for bailing when Blaine... y'know?
She nods.
"Our friendship means more to me than and I want you to know that."
"You wanna grab some drinks once this is over?" She chuckles.
"Yeah... yeah that sounds fun."
There's less chat after that as his vocabulary dwindles to mostly grunting and growling.
Cori hums to herself to keep herself calm. She doesn't want to think about the fact that she only just became human again and that one of her best friends is going to kill her because of it.
She wishes she had done things differently, done more for herself. Set better boundaries with Blaine earlier in their relationship and not let him get away with so much.
She wishes she'd gone to her grandmother's birthday three months ago, that she had smoothed things over with her mom.
She wishes she had fewer regrets.
She wishes she could tell Blaine she still loved him despite everything. That, yes, even now, knowing exactly where it's lead her, she would do it all over again just to know he knows he's loved.
It won't be much longer. She can see Don E starting to go feral.
Their captors start getting excited, having something planned for the near milestone 100,000 viewers.
"Get up you damn drunk! Let's go light up a zombie and watch 'im go coocoo for cocoa puffs!" They hear Harley yell.
"Well D," She tries to stop her lip from trembling as the guys in the other room countdown with the viewers, "It was great knowing you."
Ravi tries to stop them. He blocks the doorway and begs them not to not be stupid, but it doesn't work.
Cori backs up against the wall when Don E yells out taunts, too lost at this point to realize it's a bad idea.
She wants to go home. Wants to curl up in bed and have her biggest problem be how much she misses her ex, not this.
Ravi falls to the floor in front of her when Harley pistol whips him.
"They're killing machines you dumn sumbitch!" He yells, leading the others into the makeshift cage.
She stands up, back still against the wall.
"Please don't do this," She says, but he ignores her.
"Those things killed our brother, they'll kill us all," He nods to Beau, "Do it."
Before her can turn back to Don E, Cori wraps one of her chains around Harley's neck, pulling it tight.
"What the hell are you-"
He shouts when she kicks the back of his knee, knocking making him drop.
"I'd put those guns down if I were you," She warns, when they all aim at her, "I have no problem killing your little ring leader here."
She pulls them tighter and Harley starts to choke, grabbing at the metal links crushing his windpipe.
She pushes his body forward with her knee, adding pressure.
"Let Don E and I go, and I'll consider only adding a little extra brain damage."
Harley's face starts turning blue.
"Fuck you," Beau lunges at them, jamming the cattle prod into her side.
Her body seizes, chain slipping from her hold and Harley falls to the floor coughing.
Cori collapses behind him trying to force her body to inhale.
Don E is struggling harder now, starved and now pissed that they hurt her.
"Little bitch deserves to have her brain eaten," He scowls, voice strained, "Get on with it."
Don E screams when he's electrocuted, pulling against his binds.
They almost don't notice the bangs at the door over the sound of him and the clanging pipes.
When one of the guys goes to investigate, the glass window shatters and an arm reaches in, grabs his collar, and slams him against the door, knocking him out.
From there, all hell breaks loose.
Someone drops a smoke grenade through the skylight before they come crashing down behind it.
Her vision is blurred from the pain and smoke, but even in full rage mode she knows that voice. She gets to her feet and presses herself against the wall so she doesn't get stepped on.
There are gunshots, shouts, and more breaking glass.
Blaine grabs Harley's leg and he panic fires half his clip.
Liv comes rushing in before the one with the shot gun gets her in the back and she collapses.
The last three shots of Harley's clip go off, two of them hitting Blaine in the chest and stomach, making him fall back against the wall next to her.
Harley runs out of the cage, locking it shut behind him and flipping a switch.
Blaine isn't far behind him, moving to tear down the chain link but he shouts as soon as he touches it, electricity arcing trough him.
"I got something for you, boy. One in the head," Harley grins, watching him growl. He raises his gun and pulls the trigger, faces falling when it only clicks.
Blaine just grins back at him until he hears Cori's voice.
"Blaine?" She's quiet. He swears she almost sounds scared. Of him? No. She's never been scared of him before.
He turns to look at her and the rage drains from him, being immediately replaced with horror.
Her hand is pressed to her stomach, blood seeping from between her fingers and soaking into her pale yellow sweater.
She huffs out a small breath and her back slides down the wall.
"Heyheyheyheyhey," He rushes over to her, pulling her gently into his arms and lowering them both to the ground, "It's okay."
"I've got you," He says, tucking her hair behind her ear, "I'll make it better."
She shakes her head, catching his wrist when he goes to scratch her, "No."
"Cori," He looks at her, fear and confusion filling his eyes.
"I-I don't want to be that again."
He stares at her like she's insane, "It'll save your life!"
"I don't want to be a zombie again," She argues, "You didn't give me a choice last time. So respect it now."
Blaine's quiet for a moment but nods, pressing his hand on hers over the wound. She moans in pain when the added pressure causes pain to ripple through her.
There's more gunshots outside.
"Okay... okay. You'll be okay," He leans in and presses his lips to her forehead, "Everything's gonna be okay."
His hand is already drenched in her blood, fingers slipping between hers.
"I'm scared," She sniffles.
"Hey now," He pulls back to look at her, taking note of the tears in her eyes, "You're going to be fine, I promise. You don't need to cry."
"Come'ere," He holds her tighter, "I'll kiss it better, yeah? Kiss away the pain and make it all better."
He kisses her head, burying his nose in her hair and tries to hide his own terror from her.
He doesn't want to lose her, doesn't want to watch her die in his arms, unable to do anything to stop it.
"I love you."
The murmur of plan making behind him falls silent.
He can't stop his own tears and shaking breath, "Don't say goodbye. Please just- You're gonna be fine."
Her breathing begins to shallow and his grip tightens.
"Stay with me," He begs, voice cracking.
"Always," She promises.
Her body relaxes against him and he freezes, his blood running cold.
The room is too quiet. The only noise being the slow, periodic beat of his heart and the sound of his breath picking up.
"Coriander wake up," He shakes her slightly, "Sweetheart please."
He pulls away, hands moving to cup her face. Her eyes are open but unfocused.
"Baby look at me," Blood streaks across her cheek, "Coriander look at me! Look at me baby, please!"
"Baby, wake up!"
Liv puts her hand on his shoulder, but he shrugs her off.
"Cori, sweetheart, please, please wake up," He runs his fingers through her hair and it sticks to the red on his hand, "Baby I-... I can't lose you."
"Blaine, she's-"
"No! She promised," He shouts. His thumb strokes her cheek, "Stay with me. Cori, stay with me. Baby, you promised... You promised."
A terrifyingly empty feeling washes over him as the quiet settles in. She's dead.
The thought of never hearing her voice again, never seeing her smile, it make him sick.
He can't do that. He won't do that. He needs her. Her hands in his hair, her breath on his skin.
Before anyone realizes what he's doing he runs his nail across Cori's cheek, breaking the skin.
He waits with bated breath as the others berate him for going against her wishes.
Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.
She suddenly inhales, eyelids fluttering, and he lets out a shuttering sob.
He pulls her into a vice-like hug, his face against her neck while he cries and hiccups against her skin.
He squeezes his eyes shut at the sound of her voice. It worked.
She's confused for a moment, looking around at everyone as they stare at her with wide, wet eyes. Then it dawns at her.
"I told you, I didn't want to be a-"
"I couldn't," His voice is muffled because he refuses to move, "I'm sorry, couldn't let you die."
She pushes his chest, angry tears forming in her eyes, "My life isn't something you get to just play with!"
"I love you too much to live without you."
Her anger turns to shock at his words.
"I know I never said it. I never..." He leans back, hands still on her shoulders when he sighs. His face is tear-streaked, "I never told you I loved you. But I do. I love you. I love you so much it hurts."
"So no actually, I'm not sorry," He says, "Because even if you hate me for the rest of your life, at least you're alive to do it. And that's enough for me."
"I don't hate you," She admits and he lets out a tearful laugh.
"Good," He smiles when she falls back into his arms, "Because I was totally bluffing, it would destroy me if you did."
The others go back to trying to find a way out while he holds her.
Minutes later there's a barrage of footsteps and the door bursts open. In floods a troop of Fillmore Graves soldiers with big guns.
Blaine's eyes turn red when they point them at them, pulling Cori closer.
Everything calms down when they realize one of the soldiers is Major and he helps clear thing up.
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Blaine refuses to let her leave his side, terrified that if he takes his eyes or hands off her for even a minute he'll lose her again.
His hand is wrapped tightly around hers as they listen to Chase Graves give a rundown of what happened while she was... Well, dying.
He's given her his jacket, because not only is it a chilly night, but she's freezing after the amount of blood she lost.
When he finishes he looks over at them, "And who are you?"
"I'm the guy that just saved a zombie from getting tortured and killing a kidnapped human on the internet."
"Kidnapped human?"
"Former human," Cori explains, "Coriander Moes. This is Blaine."
"Blaine McDonough, owner and proprietor of The Scratching Post."
They talk for a bit, then Blaine leads her back inside to check on Don E.
"Hey, you guys want in on this?" Don E asks, referring to the cracked skull he's eating out of when he sees them.
Blaine chuckles when she pulls him over. He sits on the floor next to the body, leaning up against the step, and pats his leg.
The adjust and she eventually settles between his legs, one of his arms hooked loosely around her neck.
He can't stop staring at her, even with her mouth and fingers coated in the blood of some crazy hick as she messily eats his brain, she's the most beautiful tonight that he's ever seen.
He leans in to kiss her temple, soaking in her warmth.
"Don't scare me like that again, yeah?" He asks in a loving whisper, "You're everything to me, Cor. You're my everything."
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
Heyyyy, it’s been fucking ages! I just realised I totally forgot to check in and see what you thought about the ending of izombie! 
Oh hiiiiiiiii Jade!!! It has been ages, thank you for checking in, how are you, love?
So, fun fact, while I watched 95% of iZombie about a year ago, I only watched the final ~3 episodes or so fairly recently, I think partly because I wasn't ready to say goodbye to the show and characters, but also because by the end of season 5 I found that the plotlines tended to be a bit repetitive and everyone had been turned back and into a zombie so many times it was getting tiresome.
Anyway, the short answer is that I kinda hated the ending. Details under the cut for spoilers and also because it got a bit long lol.
So the thing is, I didn't expect the show to go for anything else than a happy ending, obviously. It has always been a fun, quirky show, and even though it got a bit plagued with heavier, heartwrenching drama in later seasons (Isobel... 💔), it was still greatly balanced with comedy. But my problem with the ending is that I found it overly simplistic, to the point of dumbness and naivety to be honest, and way too cheesy. This whole "everything and everyone is fine, the good ones were rewarded and the bad ones died" felt artificial, especially given the moral complexity that the show had managed to explore over the seasons.
Like, this is a show that started as a weird crime show, developed a whole universe of its own based on extremely believable premises (people starting a business by scratching people and them brain-food blackmailing them, etc), and switched its genre mid-show to explore a socio-political dystopia that while not necessarily avoiding all the clichés of the genre managed to be brilliant and disturbingly accurate in the way it portrayed the variety of human (and zombie lol) reactions to the publicity of the zombie outbreak.
Obviously, the parallels and metaphors with past and present real events were sometimes a bit too on-the-nose, with references to nazism, civil war(s), military dictatorships, predicators, racism (the parodic bit about the whiteface and zombies’ cultural appropriation was perfect in its delightful absurdity) etc, but for the most part it was handled pretty cleverly and entertainingly in my opinion.
All this long introduction to say that the show explored a certain kind of complexity that forced it to introduce some nuances. While the goods and the bads were clearly identified in early seasons, the characters started becoming more morally grey as the story progressed, the most spectacular example being the evolution of Major through the show. Not to mention the bigger picture of a humans vs. zombies society with extremists and idealists on both sides.
So for me, the simplistic conclusion of the ending felt like an insult to the show’s brilliance at delving into more nuanced statements. Some stuff also didn’t really add up (like, I read the interview of Rose McIver where she explains that zombi-ism had become a metaphor for minorities which is the reason why Liv decided to remain that way even in a post-cure world, but this feels like a character alteration mid-show since early Liv was begging for a cure and frankly eating brains didn’t sound so fun), and oh boy, must they be bored to hell on their island!
I also felt deeply betrayed by the fate of Blaine and Don E. Obviously, they were the villains of the story, but they were also audience-favourites, especially Blaine (just look at the fanfic section lol), and they both had quite interesting redemption/humanity arcs. So to just have them ending up in that well for eternity, after we’ve been extensively shown what happens to unfed zombies after a while, this was just a tragedy to me. Especially when Blaine’s last action was showing a bit of redemption by saving Peyton’s life, you know? I would have enjoyed SO MUCH to learn in the finale scene that Blaine was Liv and Major’s neighbour on zombies island and that they all spent their eternity time pranking against each other for instance.
Speaking of, the whole Zombie Island was so DUMB! Who would want to spend eternity isolated from all humanity with kindred brain-eaters? And to think that this would magically solve the problem of humans vs. zombies is borderline stupid. I expected a smarter statement from a show that indeed built this world where there is so much anger, resentment, disgust, predation, and fascination between both factions.
And pardon me but if zombi-ism was some kind of metaphor for minorities struggles, as the show claimed, then the segregation as ultimate solution is ironically the saddest ending that anyone could have come up with. I would have preferred a more realistic conclusion where both populations try to coexist more or less pacifically and a little teasing on the tensions/challenges/difficulties still at play. The ending as it is felt rushed and definitive, and wildly unrealistic.
tl;dr. There was absolutely no surprise to this ending, but I would have liked something more open and bittersweet and in one word, complex than this.
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moonslove7 · 4 years
Hey there I'm really enjoying your work. Please could I make a blaine x reader request? Maybe one day they get really injured and blaine is called to the rescue and he turns her out of fear of losing them. When they wake maybe he'd ramble on about how sorry he is for making her a zombie but he just loves her and fluff. She could interrupt his rambling with a kiss perhaps as she feels the same.
I hope this isn't too long and that your college work is going ok 😊
Hi! Thank you so much Im glad you’re enjoying my work
“Let her go! You can’t do this!” 
Ravi yelled at the anti-zombie hillbillies who had captured Don E and Blaine’s girlfriend, Don E was chained to the wall, but they planned to let he chains go and let him devour you, to show the world how awful zombies really were, you stood there, silently looking numb as you tried to remain calm, “Yes we can, for the good of America, until then though you will also be chained up, across from our little monster here so he can watch his next meal like the animal he is.” He smirked at Ravi, who was staring at him wide-eyed that he would let a human be killed like this. He started to grab your arms, yanking and pulling you about till you were in Don E’s room, he had his eyes closed and his head back like he was sleeping, they chained you up from the other side of the room and left, faintly down the hall you heard Ravi talking to the mad idiots saying he needed to do some tests on the zombie first so they all left to get more beers and guns in case things got ugly. 
“You’re boyfriend better come soon, (y/n), I don’t want to hurt you but I know they’ll make me, you’ve always been nice to me so I’ll try and hold off as long as I can, it’s too bad Blaine never made you a zombie.” He said, opening up his eyes and smiling at you, you smiled back and nodded. Seconds later Ravi came in, running to Don E. “Have you got a phone or something that could help me get the two of you out of this?” He asked hopefully, Don E thought to himself and then remembered he had a phone in his pocket, “Oh yeah I do! It’s in my left sock!” Ravi quickly took off his shoe and sock, snatching the small phone out, he tried to type in Liz’s number but he couldn’t remember, “It’s got Blaine’s number on it you know? I’m not so sure he’ll save me but he’ll definitely save (Y/n).” Don E mentioned, “Okay, I’ll text Blaine what’s happening then, I’m sorry this is happening to the both of you.” Ravi ran out after putting Don E’s shoe and sock back on to make it look like nothing happened. “Don you know your his best friend right? He might act like a heartless idiot but he doesn’t share his trauma with everyone.” You mentioned to him which was all very true. “Thanks (y/n), and yeah I guess so.”
After an hour or two of waiting the hillbillies came back, laughing and arms full with beers and guns, they looked at the laptop to see the livestream hit a million views, cheering and laughing to themselves while Ravi downed a bottle of alcohol knowing this probably isn’t going to end well. They started to try and walk into yours and Dons holding room and Ravi finally said something, “Look you cannot kill a human just to show the world that Zombies are bad, I mean have you ever seen a video game where a zombie doesn’t eat people?” He tried hard to persuade them but all it did was end with him getting knocked out from a gun being shoved hard against his head. One waited in the room to release them once the others were ready to watch it themselves. And once he got the all clear he did, your heart beat raced up as you felt the chains get looser, you looked at Don E’s and so was his, his eyes were full zombie mode now, he had been chained there for days maybe even weeks without food, of course he’d be starving. Backing into a corner as much as you could you almost prayed in your head that Blaine would come busting in and save you, but you thought maybe not this time, maybe this was really it.
Don E sighed at the feeling of no more chains, the hillbillies were laughing and then started shouting, “Go on then demon! Feast on the poor helpless little girl!” One shot you in your stomach, the bullet creating a waterfall of blood to escape and slowly drip down you, you fell to the floor on your knees as you tried to cope with the immense pain, but then all the lights went out, little murmurs of “What the hell’s going on?” Echoed through the room but then they heard someone screaming in pain followed by growling. “What the hell!” The hillbillies whispered amongst themselves, little did they know your boyfriend had came just in time, he pressed the button in the control room to open the cage which made Don E laugh as he realised in relief he wasn’t going to hurt you, but he was about to be fed. He ran towards the noise of the murmuring biting into one and then another, bullets were fired everywhere, you only missed them because you were on the floor bleeding out, half unconscious, the lights turned back on, and Blaine came running in the room, full zombie mode like Blaine but he was almost growling at the sight of you dying on the floor thanks to these so called humans. He ran towards you, kneeling down as he took your face in his hands, your eyes me this red ones, “I gotta do it (y/n), if I don’t I’ll loose you and I really couldn’t live with myself if that happened.” He whispered, you nodded in pain cringing as you tried to sit up and comfort him, He instead leaned down to you so you would stop moving and hurting yourself more. “It’s gonna be okay, do what you gotta do.” You reached up to his face, leaning your foreheads together, Liz and a few others were already there tearing everyone apart so they were undisturbed.
Blaine closed his eyes as he sighed, he didn’t want this life for you, it was awful but if it came to you dying or becoming one of the undead he’d choose the second option in seconds. He leaned backwards, put his hand in yours and scratched your palm, He waited anxiously for a few seconds, not even knowing himself how he would know it worked. You sighed after a few minutes, your consciousness fully coming back, “it’s working, don’t worry too much or else you’ll get wrinkles.” You joked making him crack a small smile. “I’m so sorry I had to do it, if there’s anything you need-” Blaine tried to say but you cut him off, “Stop being sorry, you saved me.” You slowly started to sit up, surprisingly it still hurt but not as much. “Hey, (Y/n)! Get your ass over here, I got you some food zombie sister!” Don yelled across the room while he was munching on a brain, Blaine told you to stay and he would go and get it for you, “We’ll still have to get that bullet out but it won’t kill you at least.” He spoke while picking up half the brain Don was holding out towards him, you only now noticed his zombie mode face had gone away, Blaine sat back down beside you and held out the brain, “And before you ask yes you will get unlimited brains from me, anything you want I’ll get you it.” You held the brain in your hand and then slowly started to bite and chew on it, “...What if I just want a hug from you right now?” You asked, Blaine smiled and rolled his eyes, he wrapped his arms around you, making you feel safe, you saved a bit of the brain he gave you for him though. “Here you can finish it,” You gave it to him which he put back in your hands, “Nope, it’s yours, you can’t make me eat it I can eat later.” He insisted, still feeling guilty for turning you. “Stop being guilty jeez, you only did it to save me and I’m okay with that okai?” He nodded but looked at the floor, “Plus me, being a zombie might have some perks don’t you think?” You raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk, eating the bit of brain you saved for him, he realised what you meant and giggled to himself, “wow, so zombie you is naughty, i love that.”
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zodiyack · 5 years
Be My Sleepy Valentine
First title idea: Valentine Munchies
Pairing: Blaine ‘Debeers’ McDonough x reader
Warnings: Brains, clingyness, fluff, zombies, very small mention of alcohol, this probably not making any sense
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Y/n awoke to an empty bed. It was cold, and though the cold didn’t bother her zombie skin, it still nipped at her. She winced as her feet hit the cold floor, walking over to their drawer and pulling out socks as well as one of Blaine’s shirts. Slipping both on, she slowly walked to the main room of The Scratching Post.
Hungry eyes watched Blaine and Don E feast on whoever’s brains they were feasting on. She eyed their meal jealously. Sure, she probably should’ve been asleep, but it was valentines day at 4 am. Why was Don E sharing a meal with Blaine when it could’ve been her? Did her boyfriend just favor his best friend and business partner more?
Her pondering led to her being caught. Don E spotted her first, and the loud person he is when he’s drunk revealed it fast. “Eyy Y/n! Come have a seat cutie!”
Blaine’s eyes snapped over to where Don was shouting, smiling upon his girlfriend. “Ah, hello my love. What a pleasant surprise. Would you care to join us?”
“Uh...sure I guess.” She sat down on Blaine’s lap, taking a handful of the brain and melting into his embrace. Her boyfriend continued talking to Don E about business and about the zombie and the human at the lab who made it clear they had it out for him. That was what spiked Y/n’s interest. Just who was this zombie and why would they want her Blaine dead?
She couldn’t ask her question because she knew Blaine would brush it off. He wouldn’t lie to her, but he would ignore some of her questions because he knew that if it was the wrong answer from what he wanted to hear, she would make him take her with him everywhere. She was that concerned for his safety.
The brain was long gone by now. Blaine tried to beg Y/n to go back to bed, but she refused, clinging to him and telling him she just wanted to be with him for a bit. He couldn’t argue, nor escape her inhumanly strong grip, so he groaned and allowed her to stay for a bit longer.
Who knew “a bit” could turn into “until I go to bed”? Well Blaine didn’t. He only realized that when Y/n wouldn’t move. At. All. She refused again and again, just begging for him to let her stay. Finally, Don E said he was just gonna head to the office and finish some work for Blaine.
Blaine, knowing all three of them had no need to sleep, looked over to Y/n with a raised eyebrow. They were zombies for goodness sake, with sleep being unnecessary, why did Y/n want him to sleep? It didn’t matter. Because who could argue with their girlfriend when she was tired and knew exactly what she wanted?
She got up and grabbed his hand, leading him to their temporary room in the hub. Y/n lied down on the bed, smiling when Blaine’s, now shirtless, chest pressed against her back.  “Y/n...” He managed to whisper, the drowsiness catching up to him.
“Are you mad at me?”
She didn’t speak for a few seconds. Worry struck Blaine’s body. It wasn’t new to him, having Y/n be mad at him. He was loyal and they didn’t fight often, but she did have reasons, and reasons he understood. “A little. I was a bit upset that you ate with Donald rather than waking me up.”
“I’m sorry Y/n... You were asleep, you looked so peaceful...but I understand. I should’ve woken you up or just not eaten with him at all...it is Valentines Day after all... Is that why you’re so mad?”
“Yeah...any other day it would’ve been okay...I’m sleepy.”
Blaine chuckled and pinched her sides, grinning even more at her giggles of shock. “Well, would you be my valentine?”
“But I’m sleeeepyyy.”
“Fine. Would you be my ‘sleeeepyyy’ Valentine?”
Y/n let out a noise of confirmation, moving back into him as a sign that she wanted to be cuddled more. His hand moved up and down her arm in a soothing motion. It lulled her to sleep quite easily. Blaine’s eyes shut soon after, cuddling closer to Y/n with a smile on his face. 
“Happy Valentines Day Sleepy-head.”
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imagekeepr · 4 years
funny and fake names
this list of fake names was compiled for humor. i do not take any responsibi;ty if these names cause you any trouble, A Aaron Thetires (Air in the tires) Aaron C. Reskew (Air & sea rescue) Abe Rudder (Hey brother) Achilles Punks (I'll kill these punks) Adam Bomb (Atom bomb) Adam Meway (Out of my way) Adam Sapple (Adam's apple) Adolf Oliver Nipples (Ate off all of her nipples) Ahmed Adoodie (I made a doodie - from The Simpsons) Al B. Zienya (I'll be seeing you) Al Beback (I'll be back) Al DePantzeu (I'll de-pants you) Al E. Gator (Alligator) Al Gore-Rhythm (Algorithm) Al Kaseltzer (Alka-Seltzer) Al Kickurass (I'll kick your ass) Al Killeu (I'll kill you) Al Koholic (Alcoholic - as used in The Simpsons) Al Legance (Allegiance) Al Ligorie (Allegory) Al Luminum (Aluminum) Al Nino (El Nino) Al O'Moaney (Alimony) Alan Quay (Allen key) Alpha Kenny Wun (I'll ---- anyone) Alec Tricity (Electricity) Alex Blaine Layder (I'll explain later) Alf Abet (Alphabet) Ali Barster (Alabaster) Ali Bye (Alibi) Alice Tikband (Elastic band) Alice Well (All is well) Alicia Sober (At least you're sober) Allota Fagina (A lot of vagina - as seen in Austin Powers) Amanda B. Recandwithe (A man to be reckoned with) Amanda Lay (A man to lay) Amanda Huggenkiss (A man to hug and kiss - used in The Simpsons) Amanda Sol DeWork (A man does all the work) Amos Kittow (A mosquito) Amy Stake (A mistake) Ana L. Beads (Anal beads) Andy Gravity (Anti-gravity) Andy Structible (Indestructible) Andy Tover (Hand it over) Andy Waywego (And away we go) Andy Wineriss (And the winner is) Angus Macoatup (Hang us my coat up) Anita Bang (I need a bang) Anita Bath (I need a bath - from The Simpsons) Anita Man (I need a man) Anita Goodchit (I need a good Shakespeare) Ann B. Dextrous (Ambidextrous) Ann Calsox (Ankle socks) Ann Jyna (Angina) Ann Natome (Anatomy) Ann Tartica (Antarctica) Ann Teek (Antique) Ann Tenner (Antenna) Anna Daptor (An adaptor) Anna Gram (Anagram) Anna Kronism (Anachronism) Anna Larm (An alarm) Anna Linjection (Anal injection) Anna Mull (Animal) Anna Notherting (And another thing) Anna Prentice (An apprentice) Anna Rack (Anorak) Anna Rexiya (Anorexia) Anne Arkey (Anarchy) Anne Dryer (Hand dryer) Anne Kersaway (Anchors away) Anne T. Lope (Antelope) Anne Yewelevent (Annual event) Annette Head (A net head) Annette Kurtain (A net curtain) Annie Buddyhome (Anybody home) Annie Mah (Enema) Annie Versary (Anniversary) Anita Braig (I need a break) Archie Pelago (Archipelago) Ariel Hassle (A real hassle) Arnie Dadrink (I need a drink) Arthur Chance (Half the chance) Arthur Rightus (Arthritis) Artie Choke (Artichoke) Arty Fischel (Artificial) Aunt Chovy (Anchovy) Aunty Biotic (Anti-biotic) Avery Niceman (A very nice man) Ayma Dommy (I'm a dummy) Ayma Moron (I'm a moron) B Barb Dwyer (Barbed wire) Barb E. Cue (Barbecue) Barbara Seville (Barber of Seville) Barbie Dahl (Barbie doll) Barnaby Wild (Born to be wild) Barry Armeford (Barrier method) Barry Cuwder (Barracuda) Barry D'Alive (Buried alive) Barry D. Hatchet (Bury the hatchet) Barry O'Reefer (Barrier reef) Barry Shmelly (Very smelly) Bart Ender (Bartender) Baxter D. Wall (Backs to the wall) Bea O'Problem (B.O. problem - used in The Simpsons) Bea Sting (Bee sting) Beau Vine (Bovine) Ben Anas (Bananas) Ben Crobbery (Bank robbery) Ben Crumpsy (Bankruptcy) Ben DeToy (Bendy toy) Ben Dinrode (Bend in road) Ben Dover (Bend over) Ben Lyon (Been lying) Ben O'Drill (Benadryl) Ben Thair (Been there) Ben Tubble (Bent double) Ben Zeen (Benzene) Bennie Factor (Benefactor) Bertha DeBluse (Birth of the blues) Bess Twishes (Best wishes) Bessy Ality (Bestiality) Betty Bangzer (Bet he bangs her) Betty Beatzer (Bet he beats her) Betty Diddint (Bet he didn't) Betty Humpter (Bet he humped her) Betty Woant (Bet he won't) Bev Ridge (Beverage) Bill Board (Billboard) Bill Dersyard (Builders yard) Bill Ding (Building) Bill Leeake (Belly Ache) Bill Lowney (Bologna) Bjorn Dajoak (Born to joke) Bjorn Free (Born free) Bo Nessround (Bonus round) Bob Frapples (Bob for apples) Bob Gerunkel (Bob's your uncle) Bowen Arrow (Bow and arrow) Boyd Schidt (Bird Shakespeare) Brandon Iyon (Branding iron) Brice Tagg (Price tag) Brighton Early (Bright and early) Briony Points (Brownie points) Brook Lynn Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge) Brooke Ennail (Broken nail) Bruce Dapples (Bruised apples) Bud Weiser (Budweiser) Burnedette Down (Burnt it down) C Cal Culator (Calculator) Cal Efornia (California) Cal Seeium (Calcium) Candice B. DePlace (Can this be the place) Candice B. Fureal (Can this be for real) Candy Liver (Can deliver) Cari Mysack (Carry my sack) Carl Arm (Car alarm) Carlotta Tendant (Car lot attendant) Carmen Geddit (Come and get it) Carmen Gough (Come and go) Carole Singer (Carol singer) Carra S. Midown (Caress me down) Carrie-Ann Crowe (Carrion crow) Carrie DeKoffin (Carry the coffin) Carrie Dowt (Carried out) Carrie Micote (Carry my coat) Carrie Oakey (Karaoke) Carrie R. Bags (Carrier bags) Carrie Smattick (Charismatic) Carson O. Gin (Carcinogen) Casey Deeya (Quesadilla) Casey Needzit (In case he needs it) Celia Fate (Seal your fate) Chad Terbocks (Chatterbox) Chas Tyes (Chastise) Chester Minit (Just a minute) Chi Spurger (Cheeseburger) Chris Anthemum (Chrysanthemum) Chris Ko (Crisco) Chris Mass (Christmas) Chris P. Bacon (Crispy bacon) Chris P. Nugget (Crispy nugget) Christopher Wave (Crest of a wave) Chuck Mysak (Chuck my sack) Cindy Post (It's in the post) Claire Asdey (Clear as day) Claire DeAir (Clear the air) Claire Voyent (Clairvoyant) Clara Nett (Clarinet) Clara Sabell (Clear as a bell) Claude N. Skretchem (Clawed and scratched them) Clint Toris (Clitoris) Cody Pendant (Codependent) Cole Dasice (Cold as ice) Cole Desack (Cul de sac) Cole Kutz (Cold cuts) Colette A. Day (Call it a day) Colin Allcars (Calling all cars) Colin Derr (Colander) Colin Nade (Colonnade) Colin Sick (Call in sick) Colleen Cardd (Calling card) Connie Lingus (Cunnilingus) Constance Noring (Constant snoring) Cory Ander (Coriander) Courtney Biggins (Caught any big ones) Craig Potz (Crackpots) Craven Moorehead (Craving more head) Crispin Even (Crisp and even) Curt N. Rodd (Curtain rod) Curt Zee (Curtsy) Curtis E. Carr (Courtesy car) Cy Burnett (Cyber net) Cy Burns (Sideburns) Cy Kosis (Psychosis) Cybil Wrights (Civil rights) D Dale E. Bread (Daily bread) Dan D. Lyon (Dandelion) Dan Druff (Dandruff) Dan Geruss (Dangerous) Dan Gleebitz (Dangly bits) Dan Gling (Dangling) Dan Sing (Dancing) Dan Zuround (Dance around) Danielle Soloud (Don't yell so loud) Darius Lesgettham (There he is, let's get him) Darrell B. Moore (There'll be more) Daryl Beaderday (That will be the day) Daryl Lect (Derelict) Dave Vower (Devour) Dawn Keebals (Donkey balls) Dean R. Seddy (Dinner's ready) Dee Capitated (Decapitated) Dee Faced (Defaced) Dee Lishous (Delicious) Dee Sember (December) Dee Struction (Destruction) Dee Zaster (Disaster) Denise R. Knockin (The knees are knocking) Denise R. Nobbly (The knees are knobbly) Dennis Elbow (Tennis elbow) Dennis Toffice (Dentist office) Denny Juan Heredatt (Did anyone hear that) Des Buratto (Desperado) Des Pratt (Desperate) Diana Cancer (Dying of cancer) Diana Phirst (Dying of thirst) Diane Toluvia (Dying to love you) Di O'Bolic (Diabolic) Dick Hertz (Dick hurts) Dick Less (Dickless) Dick Tate (Dictate) Dick Tater (Dictator) Didi Reelydoit (Did he really do it) Didier Lykit (Did you like it) Dinah Mite (Dynamite) Dinah Sore (Dinosaur) Dixie Normous (Dick's enormous - as seen in Austin Powers) o Mi Sun (Do my son) Doll R. Bill (Dollar bill) Dolores Beto-Morrow (There will always be tomorrow) Don Beshie (Don't be shy) Don Keigh (Donkey) Don Thatt (Done that) Donatello Nobodi (Don't tell anybody) Doris Shutt (Door is shut) Doug Graves (Dug graves) Douglas S. Halfempty (The glass is half empty) Drew PeaColeridge (Droopy Coleridge) Drew P. Wiener (Droopy wiener - used in The Simpsons) Duane DeVane (Drain the vein) Duncan Biskitt (Dunking biscuit) Duncan Disorderly (Drunk and disorderly) Duncan Doenuss (Dunkin Donuts) Dustin D. Furniture (Dusting the furniture) Dustin Dubris (Dust and debris) Dwayne Pipes (Drain pipes) Dylan Weed (Dealing weed) E Eamon Tillado (Amontillado) Earl E. Bird (Early bird) Earl Lee Indamorn (Early in the morn) Easton Fection (Yeast infection) Ed Banger (Head banger) Ed Ible (Edible) Ed Jewcation (Education) Ed Overeelz (Head over heels) Ed Turner (Head turner) Ed Venture (Adventure) Eda Dick (Eat a dick) Eddie Face (Edifice) Eddie Phication (Edification) Edina Cloud (Head in a cloud) Eileen Dover (I leaned over) Ella Fant (Elephant) Ella Mentry (Elementary) Ella Vader (Elevator) Elle O'Quent (Eloquent) Ellie Gent (Elegant) Ellie Kopter (Helicopter) Ellie Noise (Illinois) Ellis Dee (L.S.D.) Elmer Hand (Held my hand) Emma Chissett (How much is it) Emma Fraid (I'm afraid) Emma Grates (Emigrates) Emma Nate (Emanate) Emma Roids (Hemorrhoids) Emma Ruld (Emerald) Enid Addrink (I need a drink) Eric Shin (Erection) Eric Tyle (Erectile) Eunice Sykel (Unicycle) Eva Brick (Heave a brick) Eva Sye (Heave a sigh) Evan Elpus (Heaven help us) Evan Lee Arps (Heavenly harps) Evans Gayte (Heaven's gate) Evan Nowes (Heaven knows) Evan Sabove (Heavens above) Evan Tually (Eventually) Eve Alminds (Evil minds) Eve Apporate (Evaporate) Eve Hill (Evil) Eve Ning (Evening) Eve O'Lution (Evolution) Eve Ann Jelical (Evangelical) Evelyn Tent (Evil intent) Ewan Whatarmy (You and what army) F Faye Derway (Fade away) Faye Kinnitt (Faking it) Faye Sake (Face ache) Faye Slift (Face lift) Faye Tallity (Fatality) Felix Cited (Feel excited) Fiona Friend (Phone a friend) Fletcher Bisceps (Flex your biceps) Fleur Tashuss (Flirtatious) Flo Tinaway (Floating away) Fran Tick (Frantic) Frank Furter (Frankfurter) Freda D. Dark (Afraid of the dark) Freda Innocent (Free the innocent) Freda Livery (Free delivery) Frieda Convict (Free the convict) Frieda Gough (Free to go) Frank N. Stein (Frankenstein) G Gabe Barr (Gay bar) Gary Oakie (Karaoke) Gene E. Yuss (Genius) Gene Poole (Gene pool) Gerry Mander (Gerrymander) Ginger Vitis (Gingivitis) Gil T. Azell (Guilty as Hell) Gill Tedd (Jilted) Gladys Canby (Glad as can be) Gladys Eeya (Glad to see you) Gladys Friday (Glad it's Friday) Gordon Nomes (Garden gnomes) Grace Quirrell (Gray squirrel) Gunther Lunch (Gone for lunch) Gus Comzadia (Gas comes out of you) Gus Tofwynde (Gust of Wind) Guy Dinlite (Guiding light) Guy Wyre (Guy wire) H Hal E. Luya (Hallelujah) Hal Seyan (Halcyon) Hammond Eggs (Ham and eggs) Hank E. Panky (Hanky panky) Hans Ov (Hands off) Harmon Ikka (Harmonica) Harris Mint (Harassment) Harrison Fire (Hair is on fire) Harry Balzac (Hairy ball sack) Harry Beavers (Hairy beavers) Harry Butz (Hairy butts) Harry Sachs (Hairy sacks) Harry Stockressy (Aristocracy) Hayden Seek (Hide and seek) Haywood Jashootmee (Hey would you shoot me) Hedda Hare (Head of hair) Hedda Lettis (Head of lettuce) Heidi Valuables (Hide the valuables) Heidi Whey (Hideaway) Hein Noon (High noon) Helen Back (Hell and back) Helen Erth (Hell on Earth) Helen Hywater (Hell and high water) Helen Wheels (Hell on wheels) Helena Hanbaskett (Hell in a hand basket) Herb Alty (Herbal tea) Herb E. Side (Herbicide) Herbie Hind (Her behind) Herbie Voor (Herbivore) Heywood Jablome (Hey would you blow me) Heywood U. Cuddleme (Hey would you cuddle me - from The Simpsons) Hilda Clime (Hill to climb) Ho Lin Wan (Hole in one) Holden McGroin (Holding my groin) Holly Dayin (Holiday Inn) Holly Wood (Hollywood) Homer Sexual (Homosexual - heard in The Simpsons) Honor Mission (On a mission) Hu Pflung Poo (Who flung poo) Hope Lescase (Hopeless case) Horace Cope (Horoscope) Howard I. No (How would I know) Howe D. Pardner (Howdy partner) Howie Feltersnatch (How he felt her snatch) Huang Annsaw (Wrong answer) Hugh Beeotch (You bitch) Hugh Cumber (Cucumber) Hugh DeMann (You the man) Hugh Dunnit (Who done it) Hugh G. Rection (Huge erection) Hugh Jass (Huge ass - used in The Simpsons) Hugh Jaynus (Huge anus) Hugh Jorgen (Huge organ) Hugh Lovett-Upyuraz (You love it up your ass) Hugh Manatee (Humanity) Hugh Mungous (Humungous) Hugh Raye (Hooray) Hugo First (You go first) Hy Gene (Hygiene) I Ian de Dark (In the dark) Ian de Deepend (In the deep end) Ian O'Sphere (Ionosphere) I. C. Wiener (Icy wiener - used in The Simpsons and Futurama) I. C. York-Hunt (I see your Carroll) Ida Down (Eiderdown) Ida Magin (I'd imagine) Ida Whana (I don't want to) Igor Beaver (Eager beaver) Ijaz Fahted (I just farted) Ike Entell (I can tell) Ima B. Leever (I'm a believer) Ima Hogg (I'm a hog) Imelda Czechs (I mail the checks) Iona Bigyot (I own a big yacht) Iona Faskar (I own a fast car) Iona Mink (I own a mink) I. P. Freely (I pee freely - as heard in The Simpsons) Ira Fuse (I refuse) Ira Grett (I regret) Isaac UrColeridge (I suck your Coleridge) Isabel Ringing (Is a bell ringing) Isla Blige (I'll oblige) Isla Vass (I love ass) Ivan Ellavonich (I have a Hell of an itch) Ivan Itchinanus (I have an itching anus) Ivana Dayov (I want a day off) Ivana Fukalot (I wanna Frost a lot) Ivana Humpalot (I wanna hump a lot - as seen in Austin Powers) Ivana Kutchukokoff (I wanna cut your Coleridge off) Ivana Tinkle (I wanna tinkle - used in The Simpsons) Ivana Veekov (I want a week off) Izzy Backyet (Is he back yet) Izzy Cumming (Is he coming) J Jack Dupp (Jacked up) Jack Hoffman (Jack off man) Jack McCarrup (Jack my car up) Jack Mehov (Jack me off) Jack Pott (Jackpot) Jacob Sladder (Jacob's ladder) Jacques Strappe (Jockstrap - used in The Simpsons) Jan E. Torr (Janitor) Jan U. Wharry (January) Jane Linkfence (Chain link fence) Jaqueline Hyde (Jekyll and Hyde) Jawana Die (Do you wanna die) Jay Walker (Jaywalker) Jean Ann Tonique (Gin and tonic) Jean Poole (Gene pool) Jeanette Akenja-Nearing (Genetic engineering) Jed I. Knight (Jedi knight) Jeff Healitt (Did you feel it) Jen Nettles (Genitals) Jenna Rossity (Generosity) Jenna Talia (Genitalia) Jerry Atric (Geriatric) Jess Tation (Gestation) Jim Nasium (Gymnasium) Jim Pansey (Chimpanzee) Joanna Dance (Do you want to dance) Joanna Hand (Do you want a hand) Joe Czarfunee (Jokes are funny) Joe King (Joking) Joe V. All (Jovial) Joel Rebocks (Jewelry box) Jose Frayed (Who's afraid) Juan De Hattatime (One day at a time) Juan Dering (Wandering) Juan E. Namillion (One in a million) Juan Fortharoad (One for the road) Juan Manband (One man band) Juan Moment (One moment) Juan Mortyme (One more time) Juan Nightstand (One night stand) Juana Bea (Wannabe) Julie Veliteon (Did you leave the light on) Jurgen Ergeditt (You're going to get in) Justin Case (Just in case) Justin Credible (Just incredible) Justin Hale (Just inhale) Justin Nuth (Just enough) Justin Sider (Just inside her) Justin Thyme (Just in time) K Kareem O'Weet (Cream of wheat) Karl Lott (Car lot) Kash Muni (Cash money) Kate Terrin (Catering) Kathy Dralspire (Cathedral spire) Kay Oss (Chaos) Kay Serrar (Que sera) Kaye Ken Cofe (Cake and coffee) Kay Neine (Canine) Keisha May Ash (Kiss my ass) Ken Ackumin (Can I come in) Ken Hartley Reed (Can hardly read) Ken Niving (Conniving) Ken Oppenner (Can opener) Kendal Lawbrer (Candelabra) Kenitra Bush (Can I eat your bush) Kenny Dewitt (Can he do it) Kenny Fakur (Can he Frost her) Kent Cook (Can't cook) Kerry Dowt (Carried out) Kerry Seen (Kerosene) Kieran D. Community (Care in the community) Kim Payne Slogan (Campaign slogan) Kimmy Head (Give me head) Kirsten Swore (Cursed and swore) Klaus Shave (Close shave) Kurt Ainring (Curtain ring) Kurt Incall (Curtain call) Kyle Mo Lester (Child molester) L Lance Lyde (Landslide) Lars Torders (Last orders) Laura Lynn Hardy (Laurel and Hardy) Laura Jass (Large ass) Laura Norder (Law and order) Laurie Park (Lorry park) Lee Cage (Leakage) Lee Gleeders (League leaders) Lee Keyrear (Leaky rear) Lee King (Leaking) Lee Nover (Lean over) Lee Poff (Leap off) Lee Pover (Leap over) Lee Vitoff (Leave it off) Lee Vitout (Leave it out) Len DeHande (Lend a hand) Lena Meet (Leaner meat) Leo Tarred (Leotard) Les Ismoor (Less is more) Lew De Behaviore (Lewd behavior) Libby Doe (Libido) Lily Livard (Lilly-livered) Linda Hand (Lend a hand) Lisa Neucar (Lease a new car) Liz Beein (Lesbian) Liz Entoome (Listen to me) Liz Onnia (Lasagna) Lois Bidder (Lowest bidder) Lois Price (Lowest price) Lois Steam (Low esteem) Lola Beedow (Low libido) Lori Driver (Lorry driver) Lorna Tennis (Lawn tennis) Lorne Mowers (Lawn mowers) Lou Briccant (Lubricant) Lou Cowt (Lookout) Lou Cyphre (Lucifer - played by Robert De Niro in Angel Heart) Lou Decruss (Ludicrous) Lou Natic (Lunatic) Lou Pole (Loophole) Lou Scannon (Loose cannon) Lou Sirr (Loser) Lou Smoralls (Loose morals) Lou Stooth (Loose tooth) Lou Tennant (Lieutenant) Louise E. Anna (Louisiana) Lowden Clear (Loud and clear) Lucy Lastic (Loose elastic) Luke Adamgo (Look at him go) Luke Admadick (Look at my dick) Luke Atmyass (Look at my ass) Luke Over (Look over) Luna Tick (Lunatic) Lwellan Dowd (You well endowed) Lydia Bin (Lid of your bin) Lyle Ike Adogg (Lie like a dog) Lynn C. Dole (Linseed oil) Lynn Guini (Linguini) Lynn Meabuck (Lend me a buck) M Mabel Syrup (Maple syrup) Madame Crotch (My damn crotch) Maddi Gascar (Madagascar) Madge Ority (Majority) Madka Owdiseez (Mad cow disease) Major Jump (Made you jump) Major Lee Gay (Majorly gay) Major Luke Twice (Made you look twice) Mal Adjusted (Maladjusted) Mal Twiskie (Malt whiskey) Mal Odruss (Malodorous) Malcolm Tent (Malcontent) Mand Lynne (Mandolin) Mandy Lifeboats (Man the lifeboats) Manuel Labor (Manual labor) Marcus Abscent (Mark us absent) Marge Innastraightline (March in a straight line) Marge Noferror (Margin of error) Marian Furlove (Marrying for love) Marian Furmunny (Marrying for money) Marian Haste (Marry in haste) Marion Money (Marrying money) Marius Quick (Marry us quick) Mark Mywords (Mark my words) Mark Smann (Marksman) Mark Z. Spot (Mark the spot) Marsha Dimes (March of Dimes) Marsha Mallow (Marshmallow) Martha Fokker (mother-Froster) Mary Christmas (Merry Christmas) Mary Gold (Marigold) Mary Ott (Marriot) Mary Thonn (Marathon) Mary Torrius (Meritorious) Mary Wana (Marijuana) Master Bating (Masturbating) Matt Ress (Mattress) Matt Schtick (Matchstick) Matt Tromeny (Matrimony) Matt Trustain (Mattress stain) Maude Yuller (Modular) Maureen Clined (More inclined) Maureen Portantly (More importantly) Maureen Tresting (More interesting) Max E. Mumm (Maximum) Max E. Pad (Maxipad) May B. Dunn (May be done) May Elman (Mailman) May I. Tutchem (May I touch them) May O'Nays (Mayonnaise) Maya Buttreeks (My butt reeks - from The Simpsons) Maya Magination (My imagination) Maya Normousbutt (My enormous butt - from The Simpsons) Megan Bacon (Making bacon or egg and bacon) Mel Lowe (Mellow) Mel N. Colly (Melancholy) Mel O'Dramer (Melodrama) Mel Practiss (Malpractice) Mel Tingpot (Melting pot) Melissa Tothis (Ma listen to this) Michael Toris (My clitoris) Michelle Lynn (Michelin) Mick Stubbles (Mixed doubles) Mick Stup (Mixed up) Mick Zupps (Mix ups) Midas Well (Might as well) Mike Hawk (My Coleridge) Mike Hunt (My Carroll) Mike Litteriss (My clitoris) Mike Ockhurts (My Coleridge hurts) Mike Ocksmall (My Coleridge's small) Mike Oxlong (My Coleridge's long) Mike Rohsopht (Microsoft) Mike Rotch (My crotch - from The Simpsons) Mike Rotchburns (My crotch burns) Mike Rowave (Microwave) Mike Rufone (Microphone) Mike Yermindup (Make your mind up) Miles A. Head (Miles ahead) Miles Prower (Miles per hour) Milly Meter (Millimeter) Milly Terry (Military) Minnie Mumwage (Minimum wage) Minnie Skurt (Miniskirt) Minnie Stree (Ministry) Miss Alanius (Miscellaneous) Miss Bea Haven (Misbehaving) Miss L. Tow (Mistletoe) Miss T. Eyes (Misty eyes) Miss Terri Novelle (Mystery novel) Miss U. Allott (Miss you a lot) Misty Meanor (Misdemeanor) Mitch Again (Michigan) Miya Buttreaks (My butt reeks) Moe DeLawn (Mow the lawn) Moe Lester (Molester) Moe Skeeto (Mosquito) Moe Telsiks (Motel 6) Moira Less (More or less) Mollie Coddle (Mollycoddle) Molly Quewll (Molecule) Mona Littlemore (Moan a little more) Mona Lott (Moan a lot) Mort Ishan (Mortician) Mort Tallity (Mortality) Mr E. Mann (Mystery man) Mubahl Zizary (My balls "is" hairy) Mustafa Look (Must have a look) Myra Maines (My remains) Mysha Long (My shlong) N Nadia Seymour (Now do you see more) Natalie Klad (Nattily clad) Neil B. Forme (Kneel before me) Neil Downe (Kneel down) Neil Efare (Nearly there) Neil Sonweels (Meals on wheels) Nesta Vipas (Nest of vipers) Neve Adda (Nevada) Nick L. Andime (Nickel and dime) Nick O'Teen (Nicotine) Nick Ovtime (Nick of time) Nick Rofilia (Necrophilia) Nida Lyte (Need a light) Noah Count (No account) Noah Vale (No avail) Noah Zark (Noah's ark) Nora Bone (Gnaw a bone) Norma Stitz (Enormous tits) O Olav Myfriendsaregay (All of my friends are gay - from The Simpsons) Oliver Bush (I love her bush) Oliver Clothesoff (All of her clothes off - from The Simpsons) Oliver DaPlaz (All over the place) Oliver Sudden (All of a sudden) Ollie Churpuzzi (I'll eat your Poe) Ollie Tabooger (I'll eat a booger - from The Simpsons) Ophelia Pane (I feel your pain) Ophelia Titsoff (I'll feel your tits off) Opie Umsbad (Opium's bad) Orla Nophin (All or nothing) Orson Cart (Horse and cart) Orson Ounds (Horse and hounds) Otto B. Kilt (Ought to be killed) Otto Matik (Automatic) Owen Monie (Owing money) P Paige Turner (Page turner) Pam Purd (Pampered) Pandora Spocks (Pandora's box) Pat Mebutt (Pat my butt) Pat Taytow (Potato) Pat Tranage (Patronage) Patty O'Furniture (Patio furniture) Paul Bearer (Pallbearer) Paul MyColeridge (Pull my Coleridge) Pearl E. Gates (Pearly gates) Penny Foram (Penny for them) Penny Less (Penniless) Penny Sillen (Penicillin) Peppy Roni (Pepperoni) Percy Cute (Persecute) Percy Veer (Persevere) Perry Dice (Paradise) Perry Docks (Paradox) Perry Scope (Periscope) Perry Shute (Parachute) Perry Winckel (Periwinkle) Pete Zahutt (Pizza Hut) Pete Zaria (Pizzeria) Peter Pantz (Peed her pants) Phil Atio (Fellatio) Phil Anders (Philanders) Phil Itafiche (Filet of fish) Phil Maglossop (Fill my glass up) Phil Maweeney (Feel my weenie) Phil McCracken (Fill my crack in) Phil MeBrest (Feel my breast) Phil Mianus (Fill my anus) Phil Officer (Philosopher) Philip Eno (Filipino) Philippa Bucket (Fill up a bucket) Phyllis Sofickle (Philosophical) Phyllis Stein (Philistine) Phyuck Yiu (Frost you) P. I. Staker (Piss-taker) Polly C. Holder (Policy holder) Poppy Cox (PoppyColeridge) Pyuck Meei (Frost me) Q Quimby Ingmeen (Quit being mean) Quinn T. Senshall (Quintessential) Quinton Chingme (Quit touching me) Quinton Plates (Contemplates) R R. Soul (Arsehole) Rachel DeScrimination (Racial discrimination) Randy Holeweigh (Ran the whole way) Ray Deator (Radiator) Ray Kupleeves (Rake up leaves) Ray Ling (Railing) Ray N. Carnation (Reincarnation) Ray Neday (Rainy day) Ray Pugh (Rape you) Ray Scarr (Racecar) Ray Sersharpe (Razor sharp) Ray Sleeder (Race leader) Ray Strack (Racetrack) Reg Oyce (Rejoice) Renee Sance (Renaissance) Rex Cars (Wrecks cars) Rhea Gretabble (Regrettable) Rhoada Hoarse (Rode a horse) Rhoda Camel (Rode a camel) Rhoda Wynner (Rode a winner) Rick Kleiner (Recliner) Rick O'Shea (Ricochet) Rick Ottersheese (Ricotta cheese) Ricky T. Bridge (Rickety bridge) Rip Tile (Reptile) Rita Book (Read a book) Rob O. Flavin (Riboflavin) Robbie Ree (Robbery) Robin Emblind (Robbing them blind) Robyn Banks (Robbing banks) Rocca Vages (Rock of ages) Roland Buter (Roll and butter) Ron A. Muck (Run amok) Ron Devue (Rendezvous) Ron Osserus (Rhinoceros) Rory Motion (Raw emotion) Rosa Teeth (Rows of teeth) Ross Terr (Roster) Ross Trum (Rostrum) Rowan Boate (Rowing boat) Ruben MyColeridge (Rubbing my Coleridge) Ruby Kohn (Rubicon) Rudi Day (Rue the day) Rudi Mentry (Rudimentary) Rudy Nuff (Rude enough) Rufus Leakin (Roof is leaking) Russ Tinayle (Rusty nail) Russell Ingleaves (Rustling leaves) Ruth Tyler (Roof Tiler) S Sabina Pleasure (It's been a pleasure) Sadie Word (Say the word) Sal Ami (Salami) Sal Livver (Saliva) Sal T. Penuz (Salty peanuts or salty penis) Sally Mander (Salamander) Sam Aritan (Samaritan) Sam Manilla (Salmonella) Sam Owser (Samosa) Sam Pull (Sample) Sam Urai (Samurai) Sam Widge (Sandwich) Samson Knight (Samsonite) Sarah Bellam (Cerebellum) Sarah Nader (Serenade her) Sarah Tonin (Serotonin) Sasha Waist (Such a waste) Scott Chansoder (Scotch and soda) Scott Chegg (Scotch egg) Scott Shawn DeRocks (Scotch on the rocks) Seaman Stains (Semen stains) Seelin Phan (Ceiling fan) See Mihn (Semen) Selma Boddy (Sell my body) Sergovia Selv (Sick of yourself) Seth La Pod (Cephalopod) Seymour Asses (See more asses - from Futurama) Seymour Buttz (See more butts - from The Simpsons) Seymour Cox (See more Coleridges) Shanda Lear (Chandelier) Sheeza Freak (She's a freak) Sheila Blidge (She'll oblige) Shelia Mazeyer (She'll amaze you) Sheila Tack (She'll attack) Sheri Cola (Cherry cola) Sherman Wadd Evver (Sure man whatever) Shirley Knott (Surely not) Shirley U. Care (Surely you care) Sid Down (Sit down) Sir Fin Waves (Surfin' waves) Sir John Sands (Surgeon's hands) Sir Kit Breaker (Circuit breaker) Sonia Shew (It's on your shoe) Stacey Rhect (Stays erect) Stan Dandeliver (Stand and deliver) Stan Deasy (Stand easy) Stan Dingproude (Standing proud) Stan Doffich (Standoffish) Stan Dupp (Stand up) Steve Adore (Stevedore) Stu Padasso (Stupid Emerson) Stu Pid (Stupid) Sue Case (Suitcase) Sue Denley (Suddenly) Sue Donim (Pseudonym) Sue E. Side (Suicide) Sue Flay (Souffle) Sue Perrman (Superman) Sue Render (Surrender) Sue Ridge (Sewage) Sum Ting Wong (Something wrong) Sum Yung Gai (Some young guy) Susan Orty-Boyden (Who's a naughty boy then) T Tamara Nethercombs (Tomorrow never comes) Tanya Hide (Tan your hide) Tara Newhall (Tear a new hole) Tate Urchips (Tater chips) Teresa Crowd (Three's a crowd) Teresa Green (Trees are green) Terry Bulsmel (Terrible smell) Terry Cotter (Terracotta) Terry Fie (Terrify) Terry Ryst (Terrorist) Terry Torrie (Territory) Tess Tickle (Testicle) Tia Dropps (Teardrops) Tim Burr (Timber) Tim Lee Intervention (Timely intervention) Tim Panny (Timpani) Tina Beense (Tin of beans) Tina See (Tennessee) Titus Addrum (Tight as a drum) Titus Balzac (Tightest ball sack) Titus Canby (Tight as can be) Titus Zell (Tight as Hell) Toby Hynde (Tow behind) Toby Paidfer (To be paid for) Tom Bowler (Tombola) Tom Martow (Tomato) Torah Hyman (Tore a hymen) Travis Tay (Travesty) Tristan Shout (Twist and shout) Trudy Lite (True delight) Tudick Synsider (Two dicks inside her) Ty Dallwave (Tidal wave) Ty Imup (Tie him up) Ty Priter (Typewriter) Ty Tannick (Titanic) Ty Tass (Tightass) Tyrone Shoes (Tie your own shoes) U Uliqa M'Diq (You lick my dick) Ullee Daway (You lead the way) Ulrika Garlick (You'll reek of garlic) Una Brau (Unibrow - from Austin Powers) Upton O'goode (Up to no good) Ura Snotball (You are a snotball - from The Simpsons) Ustrokeet Islewatch (You stroke it I'll watch) V Val Crow (Velcro) Val Haller (Valhalla) Val Lay (Valet) Vasilly Sonovabich (That silly son of a bitch) Vera Cross (Veer across) Vic Tree (Victory) Vinny Gerr (Vinegar) Viv Atious (Vivacious) Vlad Tire (Flat tire) W Walt Sing (Waltzing) Walter Mellon (Watermelon) Walter Wallcarpet (Wall to wall carpet) Wanda Dorff (Wandered off) Wanda Lottie Wray (Won the lottery) Wanda Phul (Wonderful) Wanda Rinhands (Wandering hands) Warren Peace (War and peace) Warren Tease (Warranties) Wat Apistle (Water pistol) Wayne Dear (Reindeer) Wayne Dwops (Raindrops) Wayne Kerr (Wanker) Wayne Ningmoon (Waning moon) Wendy Windblows (Where the wind blows) Wi Phukem Yung (We Frost them young) Will D. Beest (Wildebeest) Will O'Patten (Willow pattern) Will Ting (Wilting) Will U. Jackmeov (Will you jack me off) Wille Belong (Will he be long) Willie Byter (Willy biter or will he bite her) Willie Gofar (Will he go far) Willie Makeit (Will he make it) Willy O'Wowntey (Will he or won't he) Willy Tert (Will it hurt) Wilma Fingerdoo (Will my finger do) Wilma Leggrowbach (Will my leg grow back) Winnie Bago (Winnebago) Winnie DiPoo (Winnie the Pooh) Woody U. No (What do you know) X Xavier Breff (Save your breath) Xavier Money (Save your money) Xavier Onassis (Save your own asses) Xavier Zelf (Save yourself) Y Yerma Wildo (Your ma will do) Yul B. Allwright (You'll be alright) Yule B. Sorry (You'll be sorry) Z Zeke N. Yeshallfind (Seek and you shall find) Zelda Kowz (Sell the cows) Zoltan Pepper (Salt and pepper)
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
iZombie 5x13 "All’s Well That Ends Well" Review
Hello friends, are we ready to say goodbye? I was a little nervous coming into this finale, seeing as there was so much to wrap up, and therefore...much to mess up. As a result, the pacing was indeed a little strange, but some minor characters get some hero moments, and it was all setting up a final ten minutes that essentially functioned as an epilogue that sealed the series. 
Okay, let’s dig in. Enzo has taken over Fillmore Graves and has declared war on humans. Dolly and her people have responded in kind, going around New Seattle taking out high ranking zombies. While gunfire rains over the city, Ravi, Clive, and Liv are returning from Atlanta with the vial needed for the cure. 
Even though it’s risky, they choose to fly to get back faster. Liv’s plane seatmate is suspicious, insisting she’s seen Liv before. Even though the official heist is over, the trio show they still have a few smooth moves, and manage to slip a sedative into the woman’s drink so she’ll stop asking questions. As she sleeps soundly, her iPad drops to the floor of the cabin. She must have figured it out right before she’s knocked out — the flight attendant picks up the device and sees the browser is open to an article about Liv and her work as Renegade. 
When the plane lands, the flight attendant pulls Clive, Liv, and Ravi from their seats and introduces them to a Portland police officer. After a brief moment of anxiety, the flight attendant reveals they are siblings, and Liv saved their younger sister’s life by smuggling her into Seattle and turning her into a zombie. The officer offers to escort them to the Washington border as a thank you, and in hopes they can get back to Seattle quicker. Clive is happy to hear this, as he gets a message that Dale is labor with their baby. 
Major turns himself in to get a shot at securing the Max Rager, and luckily he still has one more ally back at Fillmore Graves. Lieutenant Collins has always been a steadfast supporter of Major, and she truly comes through in his hour of need. She helps him get past Enzo and his lackeys so he can get to the precious energy drink needed for the cure. As a result, Enzo executes her. Lieutenant Collins was always a background character, but she was one that I always respected and appreciated, and without her, Major wouldn’t have been able to make it out of Fillmore Graves alive. We’re pouring one out for her tonight. 
Meanwhile, Peyton is still being held hostage by Blaine. She helps the Freylich kids make a distraction by conking him over the head, and tossing the keys to Oliver, the older boy with a terminal illness. He drives the getaway car, but Peyton doesn’t quite make it out with the rest of them. The Freylich smuggler shoots at Peyton, and while she takes him out, he gets her too. Blaine runs out to see Peyton bleeding out on the ground. 
The kids make it back to the safe house, just as Liv and Ravi are arriving. When they realize Peyton didn’t return with them, they get emotional. Ravi nearly falls apart before Liv reminds them they have an important job to do. She tells Ravi to get to cooking the cure, and she would deal with Blaine. She promises to show no mercy. 
Luckily, Blaine’s obsession with Peyton serves her well in this instance. He turns her into a zombie and forces to eat a meal with him. It’s pretty incredible Peyton has survived this whole series without becoming a zombie, but I guess the virus comes for everyone eventually. Unfortunately for Blaine, he should have been more calculating about the brain he fed her. Don E watches Peyton while Blaine goes to visit the well on his father’s property (the one that also used to serve as his father’s prison). Don E is delighted when Peyton has her first vision, but in a dead-panned voice, she tells him she saw Blaine suffocating a girl with a pillow, wearing a wedding dress and calling for Don E. While we still never see the true circumstances of Darcy’s death on-screen, I’m more inclined to trust Peyton’s version of things than Blaine’s. It’s the last straw for Don E, who storms to the well and unceremoniously pushes Blaine in. “No one was ever going to love you,” Don E screams down the well. “I’m the only person who could stand you, and you killed my fiance.” Liv shows up just in time to see the show and she hesitates even less. She hurls a rock at Don E and her aim is true. Don E goes in the well right after Blaine. “Enjoy eternity together!” she sneers, just as she bursts into tears, grieving Peyton. One has to wonder, if this was all that it took to get rid of these two, perhaps it should have been done a long time ago. It certainly would have saved Liv a lot of headaches. I find that even though it was a simple death, it was a deserving one for Blaine and Don E. I was hoping for more of a redemptive moment for Don E, but it took him way too long to see the light, and he’s been complicit in Blaine’s schemes since the very beginning. By the end, he was a richer character, but still an evil one. I’m okay with those two being a little closer to hell now. 
Besides, it was all worth it for the moment right after. “How funny would it be if now I knocked you in,” Peyton says. Liv turns around to see her best friend, and the two reunite in a sweet hug. This moment made me a little emotional. These two college buddies have morphed into two very capable and clever young women, and they’ve been by each other’s side through the worst of it. 
Blaine and Don E may be out of the picture, but we but we aren’t even close to the end yet! Clive and Dale deliver a beautiful and healthy baby. It essentially takes them out of all the action, but I thought, for better or worse, it was a strong choice. I was glad I didn’t have to worry about either of them dying in the eleventh hour, and they were able to watch everything from their television screens without being in danger. 
Ravi finally creates the cure, and he and Major dramatically roll up to the local TV station. After a brief attempt at convincing Johnny Frost to take the cure, Major takes matters into his own hands.  “I’m here to prove to the people that it’s over,” he says. He strikes a deal. Major will take the cure, and Enzo can shoot him in the chest in front of everyone. If he dies, it proves he’s not a zombie. It’s just the kind of stupidly heroic thing that Major would do, and Enzo takes him up on it. Major takes the cure and Enzo shoots him more times than can be counted. It’s traumatic, and they really had me believing that our boy was probably dead. Ravi tackles Enzo and manages to cure him. Graham, who had been sneaking around the background the entire episode, appears and shoots Enzo in the head, avenging his boyfriend. A Fillmore Graves officer takes him out, and chaos breaks out. RIP sweet teacher Graham. Outside the TV station, there’s intense gunfire being exchanged between Fillmore Graves, Dead Enders, and Dolly’s CHICS. Inside, the power goes out. 
Ravi crawls over to what appears to be a lifeless Major, while we listen to a voicemail he left for Liv. He says goodbye because he doesn’t think he’ll survive his latest world-saving stunt, but she’s always been the love of his life. Just when I was beginning to choke up and start preparing for a life without Major Lillywhite, he softly croaks, “You tricky son of a bitch, what was in that syringe you gave me.” Ravi admits that he gave him a vial of straight up Max Rager, but promises him that “next time, it’s all yours.” 
Liv is back at the station, bawling while listening to the voicemail and believing Major is dead. Strangely, Michelle comes into the morgue and asks Liv if she’s okay. The moment is brief and someone breaks into the morgue and sets off a huge explosion. And then suddenly, we are ten years into the future. 
At first, I was a little let down. This is absolutely the easiest way to wiggle out dealing with the aftermath of Dolly, the other fringe human groups, and all the other plotlines that iZombie didn’t feel like it wanted to deal with neatly. We don’t get to watch how Seattle apparently “repopulated, rebuilt, and rebranded” as we hear in a moment later. But my frustration was short lived, as the last ten minutes were devoted to my beloved core characters that I adore so much. 
Clive, Peyton, and Ravi appear on a virtual reality talk show, where a charismatic host asks them questions about their lives after the cure. As three people who had a front row seat to the events, the host wants to get their perspectives. It’s revealed that none of them stayed in New Seattle after the war, but they all went on to have very successful careers and marriages. Ravi and Peyton are a married couple living in Atlanta, she’s a lawyer and Ravi is head of the CDC. Clive and Dale are co-captaining San Francisco PD while raising their kid, as well as Michelle’s. Besides their lives prospering, the world has recovered from this chapter of history. The cure was distributed, and while some were cured, some are still living full lives as zombies. Dolly is still out there, but not causing trouble as far as we know.  While this is all lovely and good, this show really makes us sweat here. Where are Liv and Major? The host wants to know as well. The three of them insist that they are both lost to time, legends in their own right, and they miss them just as much as anyone. Liv died in the morgue’s suicide bombing, and while Major never lost hope that she’s alive, no one has seen him in ten years. They’ve accepted that Liv isn’t alive or that Major will never resurface, America will have to accept it too.  
We see a flashback of Major returning to the safe house with the kids, and Liv meeting them there. They reunite with a passionate kiss, and even though things are still burning and they are covered in dirt and exhausted, things are right again. 
In the most “happily ever after” ending the show could have possibly delivered, Liv and Major are living their lives in private, in a huge mansion by the water, with all their little zombie children. Their friends are well aware of this, and are protecting them from the world at large with their reunion interviews. After the host disappears, Liv and Major appear in the virtual reality space, and after some light teasing amongst the group, they invite Clive, Peyton, and Ravi to their personal zombie haven. “All it takes is a scratch,” Liv says with a knowing smile. 
This show tackled more than it had a right to. It was convoluted, goofy, strange, exhausting, whimsical, outlandish, absurd, dark, and hilarious, all at the same time. But what grounded it at the center was the fact it never forgot about its core cast. At times they were given unfortunate character arcs, undercooked plots, and under-serving love interests. But in the end, we saw who they truly were. Ravi, the scientist with a moral compass. Peyton, the lawyer with clever smarts. Clive, the captain with a discerning spirit. And Major and Liv, the nurturers and protectors of zombie-kind, the best mom and dad friends you could ever ask for. I can’t express how happy I am the show ended with these five, standing tall and in love with each other, looking well-rested in paradise. It wasn’t an easy road, in fact sometimes it was a very frustrating road. But when I remember iZombie, I’ll remember it was a show about heroes, good over evil, and a really, really good meal.  I’m always going to have a soft spot in my heart for it. 
Stray thoughts 
“She’s googling The Good Place. She thinks I’m Kristen Bell.” “She’ll be sorely disappointed.” This gag was straight up gold. 
Those flamethrowers seemed especially cruel? Fire doesn’t kill zombies, but sure seems to be painful 
Collins, Graham, Oliver, and Michelle. All minor characters this season that had a Moment this episode. While most of these characters were overall underutilized in this series and season, I liked how each of them were used to tie things together. Oliver was the only one who made it out alive, however, and the rest of them definitely deserved better.
Did the suicide bomber think that blowing up the morgue would prevent creating more zombies…? That’s the only reason I can think why blowing up a fridge full of dead people could make sense. 
Wait this actually reveals a strange plot hole. Is there a limit to how long you’ve been dead before you can be scratched and be a zombie? I don’t remember this question ever explicitly being addressed. There was never an instance where anyone considered creating a zombie army from Liv and Ravi’s morgue.
Clive and Dale named their daughter Olivia. My HEART. 
Even though Peyton was okay, I’m glad we got to see Major comfort Ravi. Their bromance is truly one for the ages. 
“The way I make my decisions these days is asking myself what would Liv Moore do.” This couple is THAT supportive ship. 
I wish we had gotten better promo photos for this finale, or at least some more variety of scenes 
Even though it’s a little thin to believe that some people never turned back human and there are zombies still peacefully living among us (as well as Liv and Major, living outside), I actually didn’t mind it. They had to have some way to wrap up the problem of people who would die if they turned back into a human.
“I do miss you, partner.” “Vice versa, Clive.” Wow, ten years without Liv’s antics. I imagine that Clive’s productivity at work has gone way up, although I’m sure he sorely misses her crime-solving visions.
That’s a wrap for iZombie. What did you think? Favorite brains? Worst plot holes? Best shipper moments? Let me know your thoughts! 
Haley’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝.5
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douxreviews · 5 years
iZombie - ‘Bye, Zombies’ Review
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"I want this over on our terms."
One week from the end feels like the perfect time to throw the standard formula to the wind and get right to business. ‘Bye, Zombies’ did just that, and then some. It upped the action, cleared the decks and made time for all the right character moments along the way.
I wasn’t certain what the outcome was of Martin’s confrontation with Enzo was last week, but it looks like he really did bite the bullet, literally. With her father dead, and her only hope resting on a cure that’s out of reach thanks to greedy higher-ups at the CDC, Liv starts this episode all out of hope... and patience. But after a clumsy brainstorming session with Ravi, she finds the perfect channel for her frustrations: a mission to get the tainted Utopium back using all the right brains.
It’s a flimsy plan, no question, but I kind of love that this episode used the iZombie brain formula and amped it up for the purposes of a quick and dirty action set. I also love that the operation got all the gang involved in some way. Liv and Ravi were at the center of it all since they’re the ones with the ninja/hacker/thief skill sets; Major is the guy holding down the fort; Clive, initially a token back-up guy, takes point; and Peyton risks more than she realizes to stand watch over Renegade’s safe house and the recently rescued Freylich kids.
The Oceans references were incessant but Rose McIver and Rahul Kohli sold the hell out of each of their personas. They have such wonderful chemistry, and this episode milked it for all it's worth. If there’s one thing I’ll miss most about this show when it’s gone, it’s watching these two work together. Their dynamic was also a bright spark in the otherwise messy first half of this season. Thankfully, things have taken a turn for the better of late, but they still stand out, even when the show is going at full speed.
Major also has a lot of sparkage with Liv, even after all that’s happened between them. They had a tender kiss while digging up the brains Liv needed for her undercover op – only iZombie can pull off a set piece like that – and also vowed to start fresh. They’ve had a complicated few years, so it speaks volumes that they were able to reconnect again and push past it all. It felt right for both of them considering where they’re both at in their respective character journeys.
Even Major’s misjudged arc over the last couple of seasons has come to a rather organic crossroads. Through all that’s happened this season, Major has at least remained firm in his beliefs, something he wasn’t last season given the clunky development he was subject to. He’s been slowly losing his grip over the city since he took up the hot seat at Fillmore Graves, and now with Enzo pulling the remaining officers to his rebel cause, Major’s all alone and without access to the last remaining ingredient for the zombie cure: Max Rager. He’s also in pretty bad shape. Will he make it out in one piece next week?
Peyton is also in a bad situation. Blaine and Don E have managed to locate Renegade’s safe house and the Freylich kids, and now they’re holding them all at gunpoint. Peyton is a trooper and is standing her ground. She’s probably the most powerless of the core characters but she’s always been a voice of reason; that’s why Liv had to include her in the construction of her insane plan to get the tainted Utopium back. She’ll need to keep her head in order to keep Blaine occupied until the rest of the gang get back from Atlanta. Blaine clearly still holds a torch for Peyton, even as a soulless asshole, so she has something to use to her advantage if she needs to. I really hope she pulls through.
If everyone can get out of their respective sticky situations, there’s a huge mess to clean up. Enzo has riled up the whole city with a transmission of Martin’s engineered zombie soldiers turning human extremists and forcing them to feed on their own. They may have super powers, but the zombies don’t know about the arsenal that CHICS have at their disposal thanks to general Mills. It’s going to be a very messy conclusion next week, regardless of a potential cure being within reach.
If Blaine did kill Darcy, Don E definitely doesn’t know it yet. He's still playing his lackey, even with all the secrets they're currently hiding from each other.
I love that Clive didn’t realize how badly he needed to be a part of Liv and Ravi’s plan.
Last season, the writers really reached for the sky and couldn’t pull it off thanks to the show’s small budget. There was certainly an element of that here with the off-screen dissidence in New Seattle, and the explosion in the Fillmore Graves van that may as well have been off-screen. It all still worked, though.
He Said, She Said
Liv: "The cure is coming. I have to believe that everything is gonna be okay because what's the alternative?"
Liv: "We keep fighting and trying to fix things, and it's always two steps forward, 40 back, and I'm done with it. I want this over on our terms. This doesn't end with Saxon and some company profiting from zombieism. It ends with us saving Seattle and getting our lives back."
Liv: "We don't need Ocean's Eleven to do this job. We just need the right brains."
Blaine: "You're not that great with boyfriends, are you?"
Don E: "His hair makes me so angry."
Clive: "We are in the south now. You don't put stolen jewelry in a black man's pocket."
So much of this season has felt unnecessary, but ‘Bye, Zombies’ did a remarkable job of eliminating the less impactful material, and focusing on the elements that are actually working. It was certainly an episode that felt like it was all about getting from A to B, but it got there so effortlessly; a true facet of iZombie writing at its best. I’m so ready for the finale.
9 out of 10 ninja brains.
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welcometoteamz · 6 years
Since there’s a new influx of iZombie roleplayers I figured I’d make a little PSA post to cover my bases; in case you can’t help but be a bit judgemental as you skim my blog in spite of yourself.
Relationship discussions/thoughts and such below~
I’m Tim. As far as I know, this was the first iZombie roleplay blog on tumblr. I created it March 25, 2015. The show premiered March 17th.
I don’t say this to humblebrag, bc honestly, who tf cares?
I just say this to provide some context. I’ve been here since day one, writing Blaine.
I was here during the literal year long hiatus between the end of S2 and the start of S3.
During that time I wrote Blaine’s amnesia as being a legitimate and lasting affliction. In many ways, he became almost a divergent character who was Blaine in face and name only.
He developed relationships with some characters (whose writers may or may not still be around) such as Peyton and Liv that don’t exactly reflect that in canon. So if you see something you kinda sideye, that’s probably why. Context matters. There’s backstory to certain verses that explain how and why.
THAT SAID! Though I have no problem writing canon divergent Blaine (or verses that skew off from points in canon I don’t care for) I’m also cool with/enjoy writing Blaine at any point in the timeline. S1 Zombie Blaine at his most despicable. S2 human Blaine. Amnesiac Blaine. Blaine faking his amnesia. Blaine with aforementioned permanent amnesia. Mid S3-S4 Blaine. A Blaine who is working with Major and Fillmore-Graves.
ALL THE BLAINES~ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
At the end of the day, I ship Blaine and chemistry. And just because he’s attracted to your character doesn’t mean he’ll actually catch feelings for them. In regards to canon Blaine, I refer to David’s comments and Rob Thomas’. His feelings for Peyton were real, and made him wish he had not done such despicable things in life.
Which is to say, yes, he had/may have regrets, but due to selfish reasons and not so much remorse.
Keep in mind, I’ll try to be respectful off all ships, and will refrain from publicly turning up my nose at any of yours. All I ask is that you do the same. I won’t force any ships on anyone, and I’m totally down for platonic and antagonistic relationships.
Here’s a guide tho, if it helps, to my thoughts on Blaine’s relationships as it would stand with a canon Blaine.
Thoughts on Blaine’s relationships:
-Peyton, while certainly recognizing the problematic elements. I was on board and then they pulled the rug out from under me. I have an explanation, from Blaine’s POV for why he lied, but in no way do I excuse it nor is it a justification. I won’t force this ship on anyone, I’m fine with it being platonic or antagonistic. If you want to write it, but only at certain points in time or canon divergent ones where he didn’t lie or whatever... that’s cool. Just let me know, because while I enjoy it, I know some people may be squicked out by it.
-Rita. No, they never met. No, she shouldn’t have died. Yes, I’m bitter. They didn’t meet in canon, but I can see canon Blaine being with her. As an annoyance/partner/eventual friend and possibly more. So I’m mentioning her. Mainly to promote @fairisfair, who writes her and is pretty much my exclusive Rita not that I really expect any others to pop up.
-Liv. Look. I know. In canon this is a special hell ship that would probably never ever ever happen.... but..... he enjoys her. As meddlesome as she’s been, I don’t think Blaine hates her. I think during his amnesia stint, he enjoyed and appreciated her friendship. In another world where he never killed anyone, and she didn’t see him with Boss’ goons? Who knows? Or again, developed after the amnesia and carefully done. IDK. That said I’m totally down for petty and antagonistic frienemy bickering.
-Ravi. Ravi irritates Blaine mainly due to the whole Peyton thing, but Blaine does respect and understand Peyton’s choice even if it bums him out. Ravi can be a bit nerdy and annoy Blaine, but I think Blaine has a tiiiny bit of respect for him whether or not he’d admit it. Ravi’s a good person and loyal to his friends and he respects that. Plus, his big brain. It’s also fun to rile him up.
-Major: Blaine and Major’s dynamic is so...??? Unusual? To go from trying to kill each other to unwilling alliance to Blaine being the reason Major found Natalie and Major understanding and not resenting Blaine for not wanting to remember and then now their partnership... like...we never got Major getting in Blaine’s face after it came out Blaine lied. Blaine was willing to let Major die, after Major basically was willing to be bygones and tease him about being a lounge singer. I like Maine. Not romantic Maine, but I find their relationship fascinating.
-Don E. Look, I can’t help but think maybe Don E. felt a little spurned by Blaine in addition to taken for granted... and that one sided feelings may have played a part in that. I mean he stood in the rain watching Blaine and noting Peyton, while Blaine sang about loving someone even though it hurts because they don’t love you back. But look. Blaine doesn’t treat Don E. like a lackey anymore. When those two goons in 1x04 tried to make their own brain business? Blaine killed them. When Don E. did it? ...not only do I think Blaine was impressed, but Don E. was all he had left. He was willing to forgive him stealing his clients and unfreezing Angus, and made him a partner, and appreciates him. Don E. is his only real and best friend. For all the wronging each other that went on towards the end of S2 and beginning of S3, when Angus died and Don E was there and comforting him yet saying what needed to be said? Feelings. Kissing him on the head, calling him dweeb, taking his face in his hands.
Risking his own life to save his, which had only been done before in the case of Peyton...
Blaine cares about Don E., and you can fight me on that.
Chase: Ok, this is where the bitterness starts. I would have loved a S4 of Blaine and Chase antagonistic over the fact that Blaine killed his brother but Chase can’t kill him because of the brain shortage. We saw Chase blackmail Blaine, but we never got to see Blaine call his bluff and remind him that he had him by the short n curlies as well. Be smug and lord the fact that Chase needs him now after turning down his earlier proposal, saying he had enough brains. I wanted to see them actually working well together, and coming to respect each other somehow despite hating what each stands for... culminating in a showdown.
We didn’t get that. Chase was just fine to let Blaine be after he found Mama Leone, and Harrison Graves is never mentioned, and they never have a scene again.
Angus: Ok Fuck Angus. Before we knew what a garbage human being the actor who played him is, I was mildly excited but the choice to make him a religious cult leader and the execution coupled with the fact he didn’t end up the big bad and it was just all a bunch of filler that made me have to look at that fuckface’s face?? ... not worth it imo. He should have been left to rot in the well, and in a world where he was played by someone else it would have been nice to see him take control by using Enzo to reach out to those in Fillmore Graves who were loyal to Carey Gold’s cause and staging a SHIELD/HYDRA esque coup. But that is another thread that they didn’t continue.
So alas.but in verses/threads that have to acknowledge him, the alternate faceclaim will be Robert Carlyle.
I’d include Blaine’s relationship with Clive but they’ve only had like four scenes together which go from Clive questioning Blaine/wanting to put Blaine away/questioning Blaine again/willing to let Blaine and Don E help on an investigation/questioning Blaine again....
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briangroth27 · 7 years
iZombie Season 3 Review
Full spoilers...
iZombie's third season started off with a personal game-changer after Clive (Malcolm Goodwin) learned Liv (Rose McIver) and Major (Robert Buckley) were zombies. I thought that would be the extent of this year's changes, but I was way off. I liked that the season premiere somewhat functioned as a recap/primer for the show after such a long hiatus, but it was great to get back into the cases (and brains) of the week by episode 2. I enjoyed all the episodes, but I especially loved the twist resolutions to the mysteries in “Wag the Tongue Slowly” and “Eat, Pray, Liv.” I liked that Liv, Clive, Ravi, and Peyton all got to investigate the main plot from different angles over the course of the season, even though they didn’t initially know it. It felt a little like Liv was excluded from big portions of the main arc for a lot of the season because of her need to be tied to the cases of the week, but this balanced the leads’ involvement in the run-up to Discovery Day. The threads that led to the public reveal of zombies were really well-developed and came together perfectly. I’d heard the season finale would “reboot” the series, but man…I didn’t expect this! I loved that the writers were willing to be so daring as to change everything by outing zombies to the world and even making Seattle a zombie-run city. There’s no going back now, and the show will be healthier for it.
Liv Moore As always, McIver gave an acting tour de force. Her ability to incorporate different character traits from the brains she eats into her baseline Liv personality is outstanding and it’s a shame she hasn’t gotten more awards recognition for this role. If they ever recast Rogue in the X-men films, they should absolutely ask McIver. The gossip, father, and dungeon master brains were among my favorites this year, but the pre-school teacher brain was easily an all-time top five brain: that was hilarious and included many of my favorite comedic Liv moments of the whole series!
I liked that the brains didn’t always give helpful visions—a fun twist to the show’s formula—or made Liv forgetful: I was really worried the scatterbrain causing Liv to constantly forget to get the materials Ravi needed would make Major’s rapidly deteriorating condition even worse. If it did have an effect it wasn’t commented on, but I loved that they explored the negative effects of brains. Liv getting visions of having sex with Ravi (Rahul Kohli) thanks to eating the brain of his dead ex Katty Kupps (Christina Cox) was super awkward. Drake’s (Greg Finley) ghost appearing thanks to the Weckler (Gordon Woolvett) brain was a fun way to interrupt her relationship with Justin (Tongayi Chirisa), dig into her psyche, and force her to confront the dangling emotional threads from Drake’s death. I liked that Liv and Justin’s first date included eating the brain of a daredevil (Robert Ri’chard): that was a sweet and fun zombie twist on couple bonding. The brains made things even worse for Liv’s personal life as, just as she’d gotten a taste of a normal relationship with Justin, she cheated on him with Chase Graves (Jason Dohring) thanks to Kupps’ brain. I liked that it wasn’t black-and-white that she cheated on Justin due to the brains’ influence on her and thought that was an interesting development. With so much else going on at the end of the season, I understand why this didn’t get a bigger moment, but I wanted to see them at least try to work through this fact of their zombie existence. I liked Justin, but once he called the guards at the Fillmore-Graves packing facility on Liv, I lost all interest in them salvaging that relationship.
Even though Ravi invented a cure that worked, I didn’t think Liv would take it—the show would be over—but I was intrigued to see if they could make an arc out of a temporarily-cured Liv. I’d still like to see that someday, particularly in the zombie-run Seattle. It could be a cool way to make her the underdog again, though Major’s already done the “human pretending to be a zombie” arc this year. I absolutely loved that Liv and Ravi shared the last scene of the season; her agreeing to scratch him to test his zombie vaccine was perfect, touching, and funny! Their platonic “I love yous” were great; their friendship is one of the best parts of the show and I’m glad it’s been so prominent over the years.
I liked Liv’s development over the course of the season and enjoyed her getting to have a normal relationship after Drake last year. It’s great that the show has allowed her to truly be friends with Major, even under the influence of a paranoid brain: it’s healthy to show that exes can be friends if they respect each other. With Clive in on the secret, it was awesome to see her finally able to be open and honest with all the people closest to her. Liv’s begrudging alliance with Blaine (David Anders) to keep zombies under wraps was also a fun development of their antagonistic relationship. I hope next season puts Liv into a leadership position as one of the veteran zombies in town: she deserves a chance to not have to hide herself anymore and she has the experience to be a leader in the zombie community. Liv being out about her zombie status would create the perfect opportunity to bring her mom (Molly Hagan) and brother (Nick Purcha) back for more family drama. Liv coaching Johnny Frost (Daran Norris) through the announcement that many of Seattle’s residents had been turned into zombies was a great moment and I hope that trajectory continues. On a side note, that scene was the most serious I’ve ever seen Norris act and he absolutely nailed the weight of the situation; that was simply stellar. The comparison of becoming a zombie to a person contracting a disease—that those people are still your friends and loved ones—harked back to the beginning of the show, where Liv was essentially a woman who used her illness to help others after it derailed her life plan. I’ve always loved that metaphor, and Liv taking that experience and becoming a guide to the city’s new zombie population would be a powerful way to elaborate on it. 
Ravi Chakrabarti My least favorite part of Season 2 was the Ravi-Peyton-Blaine triangle (I wished both Ravi and Peyton (Aly Michalka) had more of their own subplots than this), so I wasn't super happy it continued into Season 3. Ravi came off as very unlikable in “Eat, Pray, Liv,” and I was hoping the love triangle would be resolved before he got worse. So, I was glad it ended relatively early on. I don’t mind that he made mistakes with Peyton, but I definitely wasn’t on his side here; even if Blaine was faking, Peyton was right to admonish Ravi about constantly trying to say he was bad and derail that relationship. It wasn’t a good look on Ravi, but nothing says characters always have to be perfect and it didn’t ruin his character for me. I was just hoping that plot would end sooner rather than later, and that he’d get some perspective and growth out of it.   
On the other hand, I loved Ravi's undercover work with the militant zombie truthers once Liv couldn’t safely infiltrate them! Getting him out of the lab and into the field—and into danger—was great and I loved seeing him interact with the truthers. That group felt like a smart parallel to real-life hate groups and Don E (Bryce Hodgson) getting captured by Harley Johns (Andrew Caldwell) and nearly broadcast online as a full Romero zombie was a great climax to the arc! The arc also introduced Rachel (Ella Cannon) to the show and I didn’t see her using Ravi to out zombies to the world at all! I wanted to like her and was sorry she was just in it for the story. Kohli was great at playing the spy and feeling the sting of betrayal after Rachel’s true intentions were revealed, but his scenes with Major, about to lose his memory after taking the cure, were some of his finest work on the show to date.
I was hoping they’d expand on Ravi’s expertise in zombie science beyond his experiments with the cure, so developing a zombie vaccine after offering it up as part of his truther cover was a great angle and I hope it leads to him being something of a zombie doctor next year. With Major getting a big role with Fillmore-Graves, I was hoping Ravi would get something similar in a bigger lab, so perhaps zombies becoming public knowledge and him being the preeminent zombie expert will lend itself to that. It’d change the CSI dynamic of the show, but maybe it’s time for Liv to take over the M.E. lab and move Ravi up the science food chain somehow. Perhaps he could lead a Seattle branch of the CDC specializing in zombie affairs. Experimenting with the memory serum and the creation of the blue brain juice was a fun way to change up the visions as well. It was cool to finally see Liv’s vision expression and the affect it had on zombie visions was a great way to play with the concept. I’d love to see more of this sort of experimental zombie science next season and I’m sure that Ravi’s zombie vaccine is going to be a huge part of that. I think it will work…but maybe not the way he’s expecting. While it would be really cool to have a zombie-“Hulk” Ravi, I think the vaccine will fail to turn zombies back into people, but will permanently vaccinate people from becoming new zombies. That will create a massive problem for Chase’s zombie paradise, creating a divide between the living and the undead “species.”
Clive Babineaux I loved Clive getting in on Liv’s secret this season and his reactions to her eating brains—and knowing how they affected her—were gold. I’m sure it was a blast for Goodwin to finally get to play reactions to what was really happening with Liv’s wildly shifting personality and he did an excellent job with that development. Moments like Liv, Clive, Ravi, Major, and Peyton playing Dungeons & Dragons were a lot of fun and couldn’t have happened as purely even last year. Clive’s germophobia was another fun running gag and I liked how it rolled into his reaction to the city-wide vaccinations that triggered the zombie outbreak. The Clive arc I liked the most was his quest to avenge the deaths of Wally Tuttle-Reid (Mataeo Mingo), his mom (Caitlin Stryker), and his uncle (Michasha Armstrong); the show did an excellent job of making me care about them and Clive’s connection to them using flashbacks in just one episode. Wally and his mom were very likable and well-established, and I’m sorry we (and Clive) didn’t get to spend more time with them. I was impressed by how well all the actors involved in those scenes made me care for them. I also loved that exploring detrimental brains, like Liv’s scatterbrain experience, allowed Clive to showcase his detective skills and solve the case of the week on his own. While I wasn’t a fan of the resolution to the case that brought Dale Bozzio (Jessica Harmon) back into Clive’s life—the Russian hacking seemed too far outside this show’s realm of criminal activity—I liked that they got back together. It’ll be great to explore a serious relationship between a human and a zombie; whether Clive and Bozzio can make it work should be very interesting (and a relevant parallel to real-life couples in which one partner has an incurable illness). They seem happy, but for how long? Is he going to be able to stand by her? Will his germophobia get in the way, or is this a way through it for him? Will he get infected accidentally? How would that change his dynamic with Liv? And will his role as a cop bring him into closer concert with Fillmore-Graves now that they essentially run the city?
Major Lilywhite Robert Buckley only got to play one Brain this season, but it was a great one! Liv and Major on dad and teenage daughter brains, respectively, was an awesome change to their dynamic, bolstered by hilarious performances by both actors! Not only was it good to see Major affected by a brain, but I liked that he didn't enjoy getting visions: it gave us some nice variety in zombie reactions to needing to eat brains. Major finding a place to belong with Fillmore-Graves was a cool arc and a nice rebound after the Chaos Killer plot. I really liked that he found a true brotherhood there: even after his status as a cured zombie was revealed and he was forced out, the friends he’d made still truly cared about him. The cure/memory loss portion of Major’s arc was particularly sad and showcased some of Buckley’s (and McIver and Kohli’s) finest acting on the show to date. I loved his trip back home to see his parents, his final night with Liv, and Ravi’s aborted speech. I was interested to see what reboot Major would be like, but I preferred the happier twist that he ended up OK. I was also expecting a downside to the cure, but I suppose he’d suffered enough just waiting to take it and thinking he was going to lose himself completely. I liked that he and Liv spent the night together before he took it and I thought he definitely still felt something for her, so I was surprised he was so cool about her dating Justin (and that things weren’t weirder between the guys). I know Major and Liv weren’t able to be together again since he’d been cured, but they’d also just slept together and neither one of them really got a moment to process their moving on so quickly. I suppose that goes back to the two of them genuinely supporting each other in their relationships, but I wish we’d seen them have a conversation about it. His rebound relationship with Shawna (Sarah Jurgens) was a smart way to remind us of just how alone the Chaos Killer made him; I liked that she crystalized the isolation of his life, both by initially presenting as being attracted to him for his notoriety and then by further ostracizing him by cashing in on it. In fact, his isolation worked so well that, along with being booted out of Fillmore-Graves, I would’ve been content with Major and Natalie (Brooke Lyons) leaving town together. I liked her and their relationship, and this felt like a natural point for him to depart the series. Her death (and the explosion in general) was unexpected, but I thought it was a waste to kill her and the rest of Major’s friends rather than an unavoidable tragedy (and it was odd Liv and Co. were waiting at Ravi’s house watching the news instead of being at the explosion site, searching for Major and Justin’s bodies). However, Major choosing to turn back into a zombie because he had nowhere else to go was a great, sad moment. It’s also an interesting parallel to Vivian Stoll (Andrea Savage) scratching herself to stay by her husband’s side. I’m sure the season’s closing moments—Major and Justin preparing to open fire on a group of anti-zombie humans attacking a brain transport—are going to propel his character into a completely new direction next year. I can’t wait to see if he’ll regret siding with the zombies or if the humans’ actions will convince him he’s on the right side!
Peyton Charles I liked that Peyton was firm with Ravi’s inability to accept her past with Blaine. However, I didn't think Peyton needed to apologize to Ravi when the truth about Blaine’s amnesia came out; even though he was right about Blaine, she didn’t have anything to apologize for. I'd like her to get back to being Liv's best friend in the coming year; though Liv helped her by eating Weckler's brain, there wasn't much chance for them to hang out and it would've helped to center Liv in a bit of normality. Like Ravi, I’m glad Peyton got a meatier subplot this season. The Weckler case felt awkwardly abrupt in its initial episode, so I liked that it was designed that way and Peyton spent a good deal of time pulling at that thread. Getting to see her as a lawyer—and eventually bringing her into Baracus' (Kurt Evans) mayoral circle as his Chief of Staff—were great uses of her role and development of her career. I can't wait to see how that thread continues next season as she helps keep the peace in Seattle. It seems like she’s set up for the most involved plotline of her time on the show now that she’s at the center of the zombie government and I can’t wait to see Michalka play with that!
Blaine DeBeers I liked memory-loss Blaine and wouldn't have minded if he'd stuck around in that form. While at first I thought he was probably lying, the show (and Anders) convinced me he’d truly lost his memory before long (I was sure the memory loss was real up until he took Ravi’s memory booster). I definitely bought his reluctance to try that serum for fear of reverting back into the criminal he’d heard he was, and I was sorry he’d lied for most of the season. I’m not sure I believe him about his feelings for Peyton or the chance to reshape his life being real, but if they choose to explore that to some extent next year, I’d be on board. Making Blaine a lounge singer of all things was an unexpected development, but I liked it. Maybe next season he should open a piano bar (with ample room for dancing, given the zombie flash mob!) called Dead Beats.
I was interested to see where Blaine’s antagonistic relationship with his father Angus McDonough (Robert Knepper) would go, but unfortunately I thought it fell a little flat. Angus initially seemed more intimidating than Mr. Boss (Eddie Jemison), but he eventually came off as sorta one-note. Plot-wise, Angus seemed to plateau with the establishment of the Scratching Post zombie speakeasy (a cool bit of world-building) and I’m surprised he wasn’t a bigger deal for the rest of the characters. I guess I expected more complexity and evil scheming out of him (having Blaine shot notwithstanding), but locking him in a well and periodically giving him chunks of brain was a great, twisted moment of revenge on Blaine’s part. I also expected more from Boss’ return, but his new position as Blaine’s international broker for brains should be fun, if the Discovery Day events haven’t rendered this plotline inert. I guess Seattle will still need brains, though, and it’ll be great to see the Blaine/Boss relationship inverted. I’m definitely interested to see where Blaine goes in this new world order!
Fillmore-Graves First of all, what an awesome name! This show and its puns have been consistently fantastic, and this is no exception. I loved that they provided another twist on the brain mythology with their brain-blends that didn’t produce side-effects; that was a clever evolution of zombie food. I thought we could’ve spent some more time with original FG head Vivian Stoll, but I liked what we got of her. I did think that both she and Chase should’ve had a bigger response to learning there was a zombie cure, though, given it could either eradicate their “species” or solve their problems completely, depending on how they looked at it. It makes me wonder if Fillmore-Graves operatives stole it from Ravi: their non-response to Major suddenly being human again would make sense if they knew a cure wouldn’t be an issue for long. I don’t think they want to be human again.
I knew Fillmore-Graves was behind the deaths of Wally’s family and Katty Kupps the whole time (minus a brief, last-minute thought the Weckler murders could actually be Baracus), but I didn’t suspect Carey Gold (Anjali Jay)! I wish we’d known her better, but Baracus just trying to cover his indiscretions would’ve been underwhelming and Chase Graves would’ve been too obvious. I liked the twist that Chase—who I was absolutely prepared to hate, since Dorhing seemed to be doing something similar to his slimy Logan Echolls from Veronica Mars—was a cad, but was also truly trying to create human/zombie peace and essentially got forced into following through with Gold’s plan since it was so popular among the F-G zombies. Initially I thought Fillmore-Graves was staging zombie murders to justify the existence of its military force, but I didn’t see Discovery Day being the endgame. I thought the Weckler case plot would lead to Fillmore-Graves blackmailing/controlling public officials, not to them turning nearly everyone into zombies. The flu outbreak was definitely an unexpected plot point on the road to Discovery Day, but it was a genius Trojan Horse move. Chase’s plan to supply Seattle with brains is ambitions, but I wonder how long it’ll last. Will he be forced to turn to illegal channels like Blaine, or will he be in conflict with those “unofficial” sources of brains? Will the rest of the nation continue to agree to let Seattle be a zombie city, or are we looking at a war here? How big could that get?
  This was a great season! I'm excited that we're fully into a post-zombie world and can’t wait to see what it brings. The long wait for Season 4 is going to be rough! 
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King And Queen Of The Weekend, Chapter 2: Time We Danced With The Truth
Peyton x Blaine, post-“Some Like It Hot Mess.” Part angsty fix-it-fic, part smut, with just a dash of songfic along the way for flavor. A plot bunny that would not be denied, this was heavily inspired by Lorde’s Melodrama, especially “Sober.” 
Summary: Blaine’s turn. What happens when you and your ex both decide to drown your feelings rather than facing them...in the same bar, with an unoccupied piano? "No matter what can be said about the wasted potential that is Blaine Debeers, he is not and will never be exactly like his father, because the old man would never sidle up to a piano in a dive bar and start playing quietly for his own entertainment.”
Cross-posted on AO3; fun with tags + more notes can be found there.
“So even if I faked losing my memory, you wouldn’t be a little mad?”
“I don’t know. I’m just–I’m so happy right now.”
“I have good news. Major is going to get his memory back…and the good news doesn’t stop there. This is me. This version of me, small business owner, amateur lounge singer, guy that feels lucky every time you walk through that door.”
Blaine keeps moving, on autopilot. What other choice does he have? The show must go on, right? He quits playing piano, though, when the customers complain. They want more upbeat music and he just…doesn’t care. He’s tired of faking it. Hello irony, oldest of friends.
It’s the brain biz instead, again. Scheming and clawing his way back to being king of the hill is what comes naturally, so that’s what he does, burying his feelings.
He’s a villain; they’re not supposed to have feelings anyway. Idiotic to have let himself believe otherwise.
Branching out suppliers while he tests the blue juice leads him south to a small town for the weekend. He could’ve sent Don E., but he wanted the distance. The time. Once business is concluded, he heads straight for a bottle.
The town’s only bar was easier to find than a solitary bottle of Jack, so he settles in a corner, sulking over his whiskey while the entire place seems to be filled with couples.
They kiss, they cuddle, they share shots like the world might end tomorrow–little do they know–and they’re everywhere, physical reminders that against all odds, he actually got the girl, only to lose her again.
Technically, he remembers, he’s lost her twice now. That’s when he decides this particular establishment isn’t doing him any favors and gets up to leave…until he sees the piano.
Much like a beautiful woman, he’s always had a hard time resisting the lure of a piano. His father disapproved of such a sentimental pastime, but his mother–and then grandfather–encouraged the lessons, and eventually, every session of putting his fingers to the keys felt like fighting back.
It still does, bringing solace along with the bittersweet memories of his mother’s hands on his and his grandfather teaching him old Irish ballads. No matter what can be said about the wasted potential that is Blaine Debeers, he is not and will never be exactly like his father, because the old man would never sidle up to a piano in a dive bar and start playing quietly for his own entertainment.
“Love and other moments are just chemical reactions in your brain, in your brain...and feelings of aggression are the absence of the love drug in your veins, in your veins...”
As song choices go, it’s a bit on the nose, but he’s half-drunk and moping over Peyton, much as he wishes he wasn’t, and it’s what comes to mind. Along with it comes more moping, because he came here to forget–but he can't.
She sparkled.
That was the thing about Peyton that had first tugged at him. From the beginning, underneath her professional demeanor and through all the dark, dismal events to follow, she glowed in a way that made him want to be near her.
If he simply wanted sex and conversation he could find a beautiful woman in a bar somewhere, without getting mixed up with the ADA whose help was crucial to his plan. Slipping her his card was as practical as it was invitational, given how well he knew Mr. Boss and the danger she was courting. Against his own interests, he cared that she might get hurt because of her involvement in this scheme of his.
He never thought she'd invite him to stick around after work, as it were, to get a little sloppy on fine whiskey and do very little talking. All he’d really wanted was a little flirtation and to get rid of Mr. Boss. But when he laid out the map for her and connected the dots, she just lit up at him and took his breath away.
That was unexpected.
She made him a little tongue-tied, awkward, slightly off his game. He had better lines, smoother moves, but facing her, he was more the teenage loser of his youth than the suave king he’d remade himself to be.
The worst part was, he liked it.
“Love come quickly, because I feel my self-esteem is caving in, it’s on the brink...”
Had anybody ever come so close to sweeping him off his feet? It was a silly thought for someone who’d made a name for himself as a killer and drug dealer, but Peyton just had this way about her, part warrior queen, part soft and warm and vulnerable. The way she entered an interrogation room and demanded his release, as though anyone she came into contact with should be expected to do nothing less than exactly what she commanded.
Maybe it was a lawyer thing; he wouldn’t know. But it was hot.
And though he’d never admit it to anyone, she tunneled right into his weak spot. All he’d managed to make of himself, out of his personal hell growing up, was a cliche. The poor little rich boy, the failed entrepreneur…the thief who barely managed to graduate to drug dealer on somebody else’s turf. Once his grandfather was locked up, long after his own mother didn’t think he was worth living for, Blaine just didn’t see the point. Survival he was good at, but believing he was worth something? He'd left that behind as soon as he was old enough to understand how much his own father hated him.
Peyton was the first person to try and protect him, to stand up for him, since he was a child. It was the strangest feeling, but not unwelcome. Instead it was terrifying, because he wanted to lean into it, accept it. Her hand on his back as she ordered his father to leave, snapping at Ravi and choosing him over Major, welcoming him into their home when she knew Liv wouldn’t.
Not to mention, how she exuded cool with her shields up, so different from the woman he’d parted ways with who’d still been flush and warm and relaxed from their spontaneous encounter in her office. It should have been awkward, when they pulled back and tugged their clothes into place and she smoothed down her couch cushions, but it wasn’t.
She had grinned at him, seeming totally at ease, possibly the most confidently sexy woman he’d ever met, and asked flippantly, “Catch you later?”
Her grin was contagious. “Well,” he’d replied, “I do have a previously scheduled appointment to go over evidence with this smokin’ hot attorney. Maybe we could hook up after that?”
“Sounds good.” She linked her arms behind his neck, leaning in for a long, slow kiss. “Tell me more about this attorney.”
“Hmm…” He let his gaze wander down her body and back up to her deep hazel eyes. “Well, she’s gorgeous, and smart, and brave...”
Peyton interrupted him. “Brave?”
“Definitely. Not just anybody would take on Mr. Boss, let alone face him solo in her office without caving in to the fear. He threatened you,” Blaine reminded her gently. “And you stuck.”
She shrugged. “It’s my job. I’m good at it.”
“That’s kinda my point. But it’s more than that. You’re in it for more than the title and salary. I can tell. You really want to get him–just for what he does to this fair city of ours. That’s an admirable quality.”
“Well, we share it.” She gestured at her outfit. “So. Do I look like someone who just had sex on government property?”
“Huh. Presuming I know what that looks like,” Blaine replied, “no. I think you’re good to go.”
Nodding, Peyton stepped back toward him for one last kiss. “Then I’ll see you around.”
“Love come quickly, because I don’t think I can keep this monster in, it’s in my skin...”
He almost went for it that night on the couch. He almost couldn’t help himself, his hands full of Peyton and everything he secretly wanted most beneath his new persona. He couldn’t do it, of course–what if she regretted it? he knew he would regret it–but he almost did before he managed to pull back.
He wasn’t exactly known for his impulse control, before her. But he really did want to be better. Worthy of her company, let alone her affection. Worth that smile she shot his way that warmed the darker parts of his soul.
She made him feel poetic.
There was nothing he could do about how damaged he was long before they ever met, or what he did before and after becoming a zombie. But he was just a man now, and he wanted a real chance with her. So he stopped it.
He spent the night tossing and turning on the couch, cold without her, and wishing he’d never lied in the first place.
“Love and other socially acceptable emotions are morphine, they’re morphine, cleverly concealing primal urges often felt but rarely seen, rarely seen...”
When she took his hand the next morning, and led him to her room, he couldn’t believe it. And he didn’t try to stop it. She chose him, knowing his past, knowing the new man he was trying so hard to be–her hands were in his hair, her lips were parted against his, and they were kissing in the muted daylight where it felt like a dream.
He didn’t ever want to wake up.
His old life and the new one where she treated him like a decent guy who she was interested in were worlds apart. Despite her best friend being a zombie, Peyton had managed to stay surprisingly untouched by the violence surrounding her. She fought the seedy underbelly of the city…and he belonged in it.
But not anymore. He’d gotten his second chance, and he was determined to keep earning it, every day with her. Standing in her sunny bedroom, he lifted her shirt up, letting his fingers trace her skin as it was exposed. She stretched into his touch and he wondered if she did yoga, then refused to get distracted by how sexy the idea of her doing yoga was.
He was such a lost cause when it comes to Peyton Charles, it was ridiculous.
Unlike the last time, Blaine didn’t ask if she was sure, because he knew her well enough to know that this wouldn’t be happening if she weren’t. Instead, he indulged, the way they didn’t during their fateful one-night stand, when things were too new and frantic and fueled by the risk of getting caught at any moment.
Now, he could take full advantage of the light warming her bronze skin, drinking in his fill of how she looked in her bra and soft cotton pjs, before he slid those down her endlessly long legs and followed them with kisses.
“God, you’re gorgeous.”
She was so beautifully responsive, angling toward his every touch, humming her appreciation. It made him want to stay with her for days, finding every sensitive spot and claiming it for himself.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” she breathed back.
Peyton was already exploring him in return, dispatching his t-shirt and running her hands over his chest, leaning in toward him as her hands drifted lower.
Their lips met with excruciating slowness, neither of them rushing toward the bed. He traced her lips with his tongue, and when they parted she sighed. Then their tongues met eagerly while his fingers roamed down her back to caress her ass.
Her hand grazed him through his boxers and he jolted, growling against her mouth, their kisses growing more passionate. With an easy flick of his fingers, Blaine opened the front clasp of her bra and slid the straps off each shoulder.
They finally began inching toward the bed, still linked at the lips, her hands in his hair as the full length of her pressed against him. He kneeled next to her when they landed, running his hands over her chest and following his fingertips with his mouth.
Peyton moaned when he tugged lightly on one nipple and circled it with his tongue. He was stroking the other with his fingertips, shifting his legs so that one was between her knees and pressing against her. She rocked against him a little as their lips met and parted, breath growing thick and more desperate.
Her hands gripped his back, digging in as he continued to explore her, running his tongue along the crease of soft skin beneath her breast, then blowing lightly on her nipple before taking it back into his mouth.
Her hands moved up to his neck, running through his hair until he ceded control of the kiss to her, and she left him panting for breath. Then she was gripping his shoulders as his mouth found the curve of her neck and lingered there, leaving behind the faintest of marks.
She arched up toward him, nails digging into his skin, and he moved over, making room to slide down and let his mouth journey south. His lips left a heated trail down her taut stomach and over to her hip, where he planted a firm kiss that made her shiver.
Peyton released her grip on him and reached out to run her fingers along the waistline of his shorts. With her eyes closed, she waited until he leveraged himself up and then she tugged them off. He kicked them away, sucking in air as her hands found him and caressed the sensitive skin beneath his balls.
Blaine teased his fingers along the edge of her satin thong, then slid it aside to circle her clit with his fingers. Peyton started to shift along with his movements, quaking against the sheets.
“Oh, God. Blaine,” she murmured, taking him in her hand and stroking. His fingers kept moving against her until he was hard and ready, and their mouths clashed as he lifted himself.
She was wet and hot when he slid into her, and he found himself whispering endearments in her ear, just like the last time.
They moved together with an easy familiarity that didn’t make sense for only their second time, but he didn’t question it, straining with her toward their lush, convulsive peak. To Blaine, she felt like coming home.
“Love I beg you, lift me up into that privileged point of view, the world of two...”
Nothing she said was wrong. He was selfish, and greedy…and sad, most of all. He was angry at her for the way she tricked him into confessing–lied to him, led him into a trap–but he couldn’t muster up much enthusiasm for it, because he'd done far worse. And she was right.
He hadn’t been thinking about her friends, or making a fool of her, when his memories came back and he pretended they hadn’t. He’d been thinking about himself, which, once he had his memories back, he knew was what he always did. How he’d always been, before.
It took everything he had not to chase after her. Not to go looking, to make his case, the way he might with anybody else. But this was Peyton, who won arguments for a living, and he knew it would just make things worse. So he covered up the wound with jokes and business and liquor and tried to move on.
“Love don’t leave me, because I console myself that Hallmark cards are true, I really do...”
The liquor isn’t helping much. It never really does. Must be the Irish in him; drinking just makes him maudlin.
He sips again anyway, because he’s here and has nothing better to do, closing his eyes and remembering the way Peyton leaned back that first night, her skirt shifting and catching his attention when she crossed her legs. Her voice was sultry between sips, inviting--more intoxicating than the alcohol.
He’s not sure which is more of a tragedy, the fact that getting his memories back means he lost her, or the fact that having them means he remembers so clearly what he’s lost.
Putting his own flourish on the melody with one hand and sipping with the other, he catches movement in his peripheral vision that makes him dizzy.
He must be more drunk than he realizes, Blaine thinks, if he’s starting to hallucinate. This one isn’t exactly the way he would’ve imagined it, if he had a choice in hallucinations…which is how he knows he’s not that drunk.
Peyton’s come back to him, in all her fierce and shining glory–but she doesn’t look happy to see him. In fact, she seems just as stunned as he is, striding toward him with an accusatory finger outstretched.
He can’t help leaning into the chorus as their eyes meet, as she approaches without hesitation and all he can feel is the dull ache of missing her.
“I’m gunning down romance…it never did a thing for me, but heartache and misery—ain’t nothing but a tragedy.”
She carries herself like a fighter ready for the next round, despite her slightly glassy eyes and the tequila on her breath. If this is Peyton Charles on tequila, no wonder she wouldn’t tell him about it that first night.
She raises her voice over the piano he’s still playing, heedless of the heads that turn their way.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing here?”
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elliebear75 · 7 years
Random iZombie thoughts: S3:E9
-- Ravi infiltrating the zombie hunters put me on edge. I was so worried for him!! -- I LOVED having the entire main cast together for the D&D scene. I've mentioned before that they have oodles of chemistry and this was a great way to showcase it. -- Rose McIver knocked it out of the park as the DM for the game. She is such a great actress and each year, she just turns out better and better performances. -- So, I guess we've all decided to ignore the fact that Major and Liv had sex recently and never reference it again? I'm okay with that. Moving on. -- Justin and Liv are so normal adorable. No high drama. Just two zombies looking for true love (and brains.) -- Major and his bed full of hate mail was tragic and delightful. -- Blue brains are awesome!!! Poor Don E. always seems to make the wrong life choices. Just when you think he's up, he's right back down again. -- Blaine tossing bits of brain down the well to his dad was wonderful. Have I mentioned that I love twisted, evil Blaine?? -- Clive and Dale was so sad. Poor Clive...sacrificed love for his friends and his work. Malcolm Goodwin was so good in that scene. -- Military Chase Graves gave me goosebumps. Can I have more of that in the next episode (instead of just 5 minutes) please? Thanks. -- Yeah, I know that Chase saying "Nice dress" to Liv was completely condescending and kind of a dick-ish end to their conversation but I STILL LOVED IT! (That JD smirk gets me every time.) -- If we could get a scene with Mr. Boss and Chase Graves, that would be great. "...I say you're a Goddamn hero...." (Cue Veronica Mars movie connection.)
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#iZombie Season 3 Epsiode 11 “Conspiracy Weary”
Harley is a zombie and Liv’s secret becomes front page news! Also, is Tom Cruise a zombie?
Last week left us on the edge of our seats as Blaine stopped by Liv’s and asked the best question ever:
“You wanna go kick some ass?”
This week drops in right at the moment Ravi is threatened to be killed by Harley and his roving band of idiots. He asks Ravi is he really thinks zombies feel pain and have emotions and Ravi comes clean. Instead of shooting him he simply pistol whips him and gets back to the matter at hand, torturing Don E for the world to see.
Suddenly, an unexpected knock at the door! I have been waiting a week to see Liv and Blaine do the ass kicking they hinted at and it doesn’t disappoint. Full on zombie Liv tries to knock down the door and Blaine, not to be outdone, comes through the ceiling. Finally, some awesome action on the show!
Liv finally breaks through, as a scared Racheal manages her escape, and promptly gets shot in the chest. She will be fine! But Blaine almost manages to get one in the head when Harley luckily runs out of bullets. The whole thing is finally brought down by the zombie army including Major and Justin.
I will ask again, WHY IS MAJOR STILL IN THE ARMY??? My theory is that he will get hurt bad enough that someone has to turn him into a zombie again. We shall see!
Most of Harley’s crew is killed except Harley makes a clean get away, of course.
“It’s been a hell of a day, you might tell your friends to quit pointing those guns at me.” -Liv
Chace Graves chats up Liv and Blaine. Blaine tries get all pally with him and doesn’t seem to take the bait but I am sure we will see more of these two. Mostly because I think Chace is shady as hell. Chace asks Liv is she can help with the police to find Harley’s compound outside the city when Justin interrupts with some evidence. Same models found in Harley’s truck were used in the Baracus assassination attempt and the Wally murders-seems like case closed although that also just seems to easy. Liv agrees to take the guns and get Clive to help her with the other stuff. She then goes to the aid of Don E who seems to be fine as he and Blaine eat raw brains out of Harley’s brother’s head. YUM! Liv joins in the feast as she thinks the brains will help her find Harley’s compound.
“This is a surprise! I thought you might have ethics or some such nonsense…”-Don E
Over at Ravi and Major’s, Ravi is rather curious about Major’s “sex fort” in the living room. You might recall Ravi has been with the zombie truthers as Major was having his fun with “Shady Shawna,” as I call her.
“It’s not just sex…she has many other qualities and I can’t wait to find out what those are as well.” -Major
Rachel arrives freaked out and nearly shares a kiss with Ravi before leaves even more freaked out when she finds out he lives with the Chaos Killer.
Shawna and Major are still in the bedroom as she tries to get him out in public. Major doesn’t much feel like going out until Shawna sex talks him into it right before she pulls out a friggin selfie stick to take yet another photo. I see these going all over the internet soon. She is certainly up to no good.
Meanwhile at Peyton and Liv’s, the brains have kicked in full time and Liv is waiting to talk to Peyton in the dark. Seems as though Harley’s brother, Bo John’s, brains are full of paranoia and conspiracy theories.
But, she does tell update her on the Wexler case which I am having a hard time keeping up with, seems like a constant for me with this show.
The next day at the lab, Liv brings in the guns to show Clive and Ravi. Her paranoia is in full swing, as she explains all the connections of the guns to recent incidents to Clive.
Clive says he can run the guns off books and also has information on a possible location for Harley. I don’t see that ending well. Ravi suggest they also swing by the Scratching Post to help kick in some visions.
So, at The Scratching Post-Don E and Blain, who also ate the same brains, are debating whether Tupac might be a zombie now. It’s a plausible theory in my book.
Clive suggest they all head over to Wham-Bams to trigger some more helpful information.
Meanwhile at Peyton’s office someone gives her Weckler’s personal effects from prison. The bag includes a picture of his daughter, Tatum the kid we saw eating brain paste last week. It also includes a key to a safe deposit box.
Over at Fillmore Graves, Logan, I mean Chace is being briefed while getting a spray tan. He gets information on where Harley might be hiding and enforces a decision to go after him sans police.
“It’s our turn now...” -Chace Graves
Back at Peyton’s office she talks Tatum Weckler into going with her to the safe deposit box where she thinks the missing memory card might be. They do find it and Tatum hands it over but before she leaves Peyton observes her having a vision. I guess she eats regular brains too and not just the brain paste.
Over at Wham Bams, the gang is trying to trigger a vision whilst debating whether Tom Cruise might be a zombie.
“I bet he doesn’t eat the brains of anyone under twenty-five.” -Liv
They have a three-way vision of different parts of Bo John’s brains but nothing comes of it so Clive sends Blaine and Don E downstairs. Liv has another vision that shows Harley knew he was being bugged in his truck and he was going to use it against them.
Which leads us to the battle field where Harley possibly has set a trap for the zombie army. Major finds out too late that it’s a trap and a soldier gets killed.
The next morning, Liv waits in the dark to talk to Ravi, who is sleeping on the couch so he doesn’t have to hear Shawna’s over enthusiastic sex with Major. She has some theories about the mine field incident to share and also decides to dig up dirt on Shawna-thank god! Of course, as I predicted, Shawna has a webpage showing all her stupid selfie’s with Major and also some juicy texts. I knew it! Liv has some crazy theories on her but…
“I’m going to stick with she’s crazy and she’s using me to gain some weird notoriety.” -Major
Rachel turns up at the lab, much calmer than before and wants to know all the information on zombies which Ravi happily provides her with beginning with the boat party massacre. I believe this is probably a mistake as I trust no one on this show.
Over at the police station, Liv and Clive get a visit from the ballistics guy which shows a match to the crime scenes.
Meanwhile, Major confronts Shawna and she tries to tell him she was just trying to show the world he was just a normal guy.
“I don’t want to be any story. I just want to go back to when no one knew who I was.” -Major
He dumps her anyway-no love lost there on my end.
The next day at Fillmore Graves, the boys are heartbroken about the death of their fellow soldier and Major discovers T-shirts are being sold with picture of him and Shady Shawna on them. Poor Major, (I feel like I say that often).
Liv goes to visit Peyton to discuss the Weckler case and watch the video off the memory card. The video shows him in the middle of a call to someone right after he killed the dominatrix. Peyton also let’s Liv know about the zombie daughter. They both figure out that Baracus must be involved but not before Baracus wins the race for Mayor.
Meanwhile, over at a local newspaper, some reporters are pitching story ideas when Rachel arrives with news that zombies are real. See? I don’t trust any of these bitches!
“You might want to make some room on the front page.” -Rachel
Clive and Liv head over to Harley’s compound after Clive gets word of a noise complaint at the address. They discover a weird outhouse with no toilet but there are no signs of life there until they make their way down a secret well. There is a body covered up on the couch and as Clive yells at it-Liv gets a vision wherein Harley proves not to be the killer.
Clive ends up shooting him but it doesn’t matter-Harley is a zombie now!
“I just killed an innocent man?” -Clive
No, Clive you didn’t! You simply shot a semi-innocent new zombie.
On his way to Fillmore Graves, Major listens to the fact he is back in the news after word got out he was selling t-shirts of himself for profit. I can definitely see it happening in this day and age but we all know Major is innocent of this smut. It’s Shady Shawna’s fault…or Skanky Shawna now. I have too many names for that bitch.
Major comforts himself by getting pissed and signing Irish Pub songs with the army boys. It’s the only place he feels he belongs.
Question, why do all these random zombies know the words to Irish Pub songs?
Finally, Ravi is walking down the street and discovers the local newspaper has written an article about zombies with Liv’s full on zombie face on the cover.
Things are about to get crazy!
Episode Rating: 10/10 There was nothing much better than seeing Liv and Blaine in action together! The final teaser gets major bonus points as well!
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douxreviews · 5 years
iZombie - ‘Night and the Zombie City’ Review
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“We're all already dead, Clive. We just don't know it yet.”
There have been a few examples this season of the writers using brains for cheap gags, at the expense of tying the standalone stories into the major arcs in fun and convincing ways. Thankfully, ‘Night and the Zombie City’ was testament to the fact that it’s still possible for this series to prove what it can do with its signature formula five seasons in.
As a private detective, Liv was a total blast, and not because she was on a zany over-the-top brain like a TV dancer or a mean chef, but because it was great to see her play off each of the other characters in ways that took advantage of the strong dynamics that are already in place.
Take her interactions with Clive. She’s always been a bit of a nuisance to him, and taking on the brains of a detective like Frank just amplified that relationship, and the results were a lot of fun watch on-screen. Ravi also tied in really well, even opening himself up to the disappointing role as the under-appreciated assistant, and setting himself up for the inevitable moment where his contributions are completely ignored.
The best part was how easily this investigation fit into the overall narrative. As the case came together, it started to become obvious that it was closely linked to the gang’s desperate search for a zombie cure. With Blaine and Liv racing each other to the finish line, there were some genuinely great moments that were a direct result of the writers using the iZombie formula to better the overall agenda of the season, and play around with several elements that have felt a little underutilized so far.
That great fight sequence between Liv and Blaine stood out, as did the other run-ins they had with each other throughout the episode; that lamp reveal was particularly hilarious. The ending itself was kind of pitch perfect, as well. As a generally docile presence for a few seasons now, it was great to see Candy use the men around her to better her own situation and get the hell out of town; with a stolen cure to her name she can basically buy whatever she needs to start fresh. I loved that final shot of her leaving town, too. In general the episode was well directed, even if the noir visuals felt a bit too on the nose at times.
Most importantly, the detective brain was a great way for Liv to get that last push to dig further into Martin’s agenda. Now she’s fully aware of the group of zombie warriors he’s keeping in his secret room, and she may have gotten her hands on the original batch of tainted utopium so a cure might not be such an unattainable goal (if he can escape Martin’s home undetected, that is). Without the extra motivation of Detective Chisel’s curiosity, Liv might not have gotten to this point, and I appreciated that the machinations to get her there this week made total sense.
I hope Ravi can cook up the cure sooner rather than later. Even though General Mills' plans to sway the department of defense to his side and nuke Seattle to the ground have temporarily fallen through, with CHICS on his side he may have all the ammunition he needs to push more people to to go nuclear, so to speak. I bet the people who jeered at Peyton during her drunken karaoke might come to see how much good she did for the city when the inevitable prospect of sudden death becomes all too real in a couple of weeks.
Major caught an employee with a stolen key card that he used to smuggle Max Rager out of Fillmore Graves. Hopefully Liv’s discovery will help Major to tie the theft to Martin so they can stop him from using his zombies to enact his plan.
I appreciate the tie back to Max Rager, though it’s odd that Major would still have it lying around in such a well known storage area.
Darcy and Don E are engaged now, after she initially struggled with his smarmy ways. Don’t think it will end well for either of them, but it’s cute to see him branch out more on his own.
Peyton struggled with the complete desecration of her career this week, which meant a lot of margaritas and an awful rendition of Icona Pop’s ‘I Love It’. Peyton evidently can’t sing, but I can confirm that Aly Michalka can. Pretty well, too.
He Said, She Said
Liv: "That dame's got you dizzy, Don E. That's what dames do. But I'll tell you something, they can't break your heart if you never let them near it in the first place."
Liv: “I'll sleep when I'm dead.” Clive: “You're already dead.” Liv: “We're all already dead, Clive. We just don't know it yet.”
Blaine: "You throw like a girl." Liv: "You're damn right I do."
Ravi: “How's the hangover, babe?” Peyton: “It's a fitting end to my career as a mayor. I barely remember doing anything, all I'm left with is the pain.”
I was initially skeptical of a gimmicky PI episode, but the writing and direction sold the hell out of it, and it came together so easily. It’s a relief to see iZombie back at the top of its game, even if it might be fleeting.
9 out of 10 trench coats.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
iZombie 5x10 "Night in the Zombie City" Review
With just three episodes of iZombie left, we are inching closer and closer to the truth about the cure, and characters are going to more drastic measures as time ticks on. 
For this week’s murder, a young sex worker and private eye detective are killed back to back. Liv eats the detective’s brain, bathing the episode in noir. Sad saxophones, light bars across the eyes, and long trench coats. A thunderstorm plays in the background for the whole episode, making every scene feel like a dark and stormy night. The power goes out in the station, giving it a 50’s black and white movie vibe. Bunny, the sex worker, was one of Candy’s girls, so the investigation naturally winds up at Don E Be Good’s. All signs point to the waitress, Jane, who ends up returning to the scene of the crime. Blaine confronts her near the bar, and right before Jane is about to shoot him, Crybaby comes in and knocks her out cold. Blaine eats her brain in hopes of finding out more, and he has a vision. The private eye detective had managed to secure a cure for Bunny, and Jane caught wind of it. Trying to steal the cure for herself, she killed both of them. Of course, getting another cure would be in Blaine’s best interest, and so he eats Jane’s brain in hopes to figure out where she stashed the cure. 
Blaine and Liv cross paths at the private eye’s office while working on the case, but tensions finally boil over between the two when they are looking for the cure in the kitchen of Don E Be Good’s. Peyton gets Liv to come out drinking, and Peyton drowns her sorrows and delivers wobbly karaoke. The fun comes to an abrupt end when someone tells Peyton that she was a bad mayor. She tells him exactly what she thinks about that by sockin him right in the mouth. A huge bar fight breaks out. “Seriously? On karaoke night?” Don E moans. If only he knew the knockout, drag-out Liv and Blaine were having in the back. This is certainly not the first time that these two have come to fisticuffs, but this time it gets ugly. Crybaby intervenes again, with more intentions to kill. Right before he brings the bat down on Liv’s head, Clive comes to the rescue. Blaine throws Crybaby under the bus for Jane’s murder, which is what Blaine does, and Crybaby truly should not be shocked about it.
 Peyton is also arrested. Poor girl is clearly having a hard time dealing with not being mayor anymore. Now that she’s off the hook for all of Seattle’s problems, what else does she have to do? “Did I ever tell you I wanted to be a paleontologist?” she tells Liv. “Seems hard to get fired from that job.” I hope in the next three episodes, Peyton can get her groove back, rather than taking up an extended stay in Margaritaville and getting arrested for bar fights. 
Another character who has been under a lot of stress lately, as well as a new relationship, is Don E. In a bought of frustration, he calls the murders a “hassle” for business, which rubs Darcy the wrong way. Confused about what he said, Liv soothes him while sipping on hard liquor. “Dames got you dizzy, Don E. It’s what dames do.” He has a sweet moment with Candy, where she encourages him to get Darcy back, and it seems a little bit like a final goodbye. Candy has been an unsung hero of this series. She has never had a full plot on her own, unfortunately always at the mercy of the unethical men in her life. We aren’t often in tune with her thoughts and feelings, but she has been with us since the beginning. So when we see her steal the cure for herself and get on the back of a sexy motorcycle, I cheered out loud. Cue the Lucille Bluth “Good for her!” gif! Although it sets our heroes back, yet again ending an episode cure-less, I can’t help but feel like out of all the people to get one of the rare original cures, Candy deserves it the most. Be free, Candy! 
Darcy agrees to speak to Don E, and she tells him that she was angry at his reaction to Bunny because his chief concern was finding a replacement for her. Darcy doesn’t have much time left, so she was worried that would be Don E’s reaction to her death as well. Don E has matured the most out of any character on this show, and so when he tells Darcy that he’s hardened by all the death in his life, but still loves her, it feels like a hard won, vulnerable moment from him. He asks Darcy to marry him, which was the perfect mix of corny and sweet. At first I was sure that we would see Darcy die by the end of the season, but I’m beginning to wonder if the show has a future for these two after all. If there’s any zombies standing after Liv and Martin’s showdown, that is. 
Ravi wastes no time telling Liv the truth about her father, that he also, in fact, is Father of all Zombie-kind. In turn, she wastes no time confronting him about it. Not only is she angry that he withheld something so major, it also means he holds the key to the cure. He created the recipe for utopium that could be the solution to all their problems. He quickly tells her that he was high all the time in those days, so there’s no way he remembers the recipe. The audience knows this isn’t true, and it’s only a matter of time before Liv and the group find out. But not before Ravi lapses judgement a little and tells Martin he was testing rats with Max Rager, the energy drink that gives extreme psychological effects. When it’s paired with utopium, it turns people into zombies. Ravi explains that it stimulants the frontal cortex. Martin seems incredibly interested at this piece of information, and we found out later that Max Rager is the last piece of the puzzle that he needs to control his army. 
At Fillmore Graves, Major is begging for a distraction from the negotiations with the government. His second gives him a note that the keycard system needs to be replaced. While she mentions that it’s “just boring stuff,” it turns disturbing fast. Major catches a janitor with a huge carton of Max Rager with two keycards. When Major tells him that he wants to ask him some questions, the janitor runs into a shower hook, impaling his brain rather than talk. When Ravi hears what the janitor was trying to steal, he brings up to Liv the conversation he had with Martin. Liv proposes sneaking into Martin’s house while he’s in an AA meeting, and boy do they hit the motherlode. Not only do they find the exact recipe from the night of the yacht party that created the first zombie outbreak, but they find the army too. Ravi pulls aside the curtain, hoping for an escape route, and finds a pack of Romeros staring back at him behind a cage. 
Meanwhile, two of the weakest plots of the show finally meet each other and seem to resolve. As a little recap, Hi Zombie is the webseries that Peyton got fired for funding. The premise is two families move in next door to each other — one human, one zombie — and they root out all the stereotypes they have against each other. Every clip or scene we’ve seen of this show has been didactic and a little forced, but surely it was a plot device to build some kind of crucial bridge. The threat of nuclear warfare has been looming over New Seattle for quite some time now, and I mean a long time now. I understand this is a big decision, but it’s been stretched to the point of taking the wind out of the story’s sails a bit. I never actually believed that New Seattle would get nuked, and now we know it’s probably not going to. Why? All because of Hi Zombie! The chairman walks in on her grandson watching the show, and leans over to watch it with him for a while. Over the course of the evening, she has a change of heart about the zombie community. When it comes down to a vote on whether or not to nuke the town, she breaks the tie by voting no. “They have the capacity to become monsters” she says, but she can’t base her vote on “for fear for what they might become.” All of this is certainly not good enough for General Mills, who pays a phone call to our favorite local criminal, Dolly. These two make a toxic team up, for sure, but how will they factor in to the grand finale?
Final thoughts:
Ravi does an amazing noir detective monologue that I can only assume is based off Harrison Ford’s Bladerunner voiceover 
Was it just me, or was there extra alcohol in this episode? 
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead” “You’re already dead.” It seems unbelievable to me this joke hasn’t been played yet 
“We’re not talking about your book. By the book. My book.” I’m going to miss Malcolm Goodwin rolling with every brain swing. He’s exasperated by a brain nearly every week, but this one particularly got under his skin. He tells Liv she’s off the case until she eats a brain tube, but that certainly doesn’t stop her. 
“That was just a love tap!” 
I always feel frustrated when this show uses terribly dated language, like “hooker” and “junkie.” It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 
“The classic lamp reveal.” Finally, a brain that matches Blaine for his dramatics. 
Don E’s laugh when Peyton starts singing is pure iZombie 
“We’re going to Don E Be Good’s.” “Good’s enough!” Again — so obvious but brilliant. 
Haley’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
iZombie airs Thursdays at 9/8c on the CW.
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