#you are a fucking gem
fluffypotatey · 2 years
Leon, addressing the SotRT: You've all done very well this past year, and as we'll soon be getting some new recruits, I hope you all set a good example -
Elyan, sprinting past: THE FLOOR IS LAVA.
SotRT: *immediately scramble onto the nearest furniture*
Gwaine, standing on a table: Haha, you lose, Leon!
Leon: Wh-
Arthur, on a chair with Beddy clinging on his back: No, you know the rules, Sir Leon, you lose.
i need a minute hold up my dude hold up
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indefensibleactions · 6 months
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they told me good things come to those who wait but I waited such a long time i was stretched to taste the touch of years filled with emptiness till you appeared
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parasitoidism · 5 months
80s anime dubbing is truly a lost art form
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Listen I know this blog is mostly Astarion but can I just-
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eluminium · 26 days
sometimes i think about how absolutely BANGER Gem's villain aesthetic was in Secret Life. Like, she's got this whole vibe of infection and disease around her and it slaps so hard. First you got the End portal stuff with her arm and eye when she goes Yellow (alongside the implication of her ripping out her own eye to use for the End Portal) and later you have her as Patient Zero for the boogeyman/zombie outbreak. And she kills just as indiscriminately as an epidemic would, including her own allies when they offer themselves to her. Hell, she kills Scott TWICE and technically kills Impulse twice too, once by her own hands and once when Bdubs kills him right in front of her to continue the spread of the curse.
And then you combine all this with the idea of her being a deer and it just gets better. Not only are deer prone to uncanny valley vibes, but they're also extremely susceptible to Chronic Wasting Disease, aka Zombie Deer Disease. Which is scary as shit, like all prion diseases. It literally eats away at the brain and leaves the animal a husk. And it's completely incurable, 100% fatal, and spreads easily (not to humans though, thank fuck.)
Now imagine this diseased horned prey creature hunting and killing whatever gets in its way while infections far beyond its ability to comprehend ravage its body and mind. And everything it kills comes back just as screwed up and terrifying. Very few can fight back against it, let alone slay it. No one is safe, the ones who survive either do so because they're Something Not Human (Grian the Watcher), Already Biologically Dead (ZOMBIECleo) or just got lucky and never got caught (Scott). However, there is one last piece of horror unaccounted for. The carrier, no matter how thin, no matter how much drool leaks from her mouth, no matter how erratic and unholy her behavior, is still aware. Still in control.
There's an independent will behind the spread.
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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Liau drew such an awesome salmon merPearl that I couldn't help but do the same because I can't stop thinking about her (also I turned it into Gempearl of course)
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star--nymph · 3 months
Vivienne's fear being 'becoming irrelevant' isn't something that's linked explicitly to her pride, no matter what Solas says about her (and the irony of Mr.Pride himself saying that should not be lost on you), it reveals what and who Vivienne truly is.
She's a survivalist.
Because we don't spend as much time in the Free Marches or Orlesian circles, we don't get to experience what being a mage is in these cultures. In Ferelden and Kirkwall, a mage is a lesser being without freedom no matter what they do--but in the Free Marches and Orlais specifically, mages are commodities that are given freedom so long as they play an entertaining enough role. They can explore the world if they have a noble patron, if they catch the right person's eye. They are, in a way, two sides of the same coin--refusing mages agency and forcing them to relay on higher powers. Vivienne lucked out, as sad as it is, when Bastion fell in love with her; she found someone who was contrarian enough to recognize her as a full person and also someone with power that could help her rise through the ranks. This is not to say that Vivienne on her own wasn't an exceedingly talented and intelligent individual--by nineteen she was already the youngest full fledged mage in Circle history and she was skilled enough to make herself an enchanter. But, I can not emphasize this enough, none of that matters if she didn't also play the Game and impress enough people.
Vivienne could have been the most brilliant mage in the history of Thedas and it means nothing if she was overlooked by nobility.
So when Bastion made her his mistress, she gained not just a lover but also a means to an end. Now she can use her magic to protect herself. Now she can roam where she wants and not be question for it because she's Madame Vivienne. Now, she can walk into the Orlasian court and belong there.
And what happens? Celene notices her and makes her the Court Enchanter, a position that has always been the equivalent of a jester. Vivienne took that title, ignored that it was essentially a glorified insult to who she is, and made it a position of power. She made the Court Enchanter into an advisor, a political rank. She had done the impossible and made mages an actual political entity in the Orlasian Court, something that wasn't seen outside of Tervinter (not counting what players can do under very specific conditions if they made mages in DAO and DA2).
All that, however, only continues as long as the court recognizes her as something worth their attention. Vivienne needs to maintain her act as Madame De Fer, The Lady of Iron, the Court Enchanter, The Jewel of the High Court, because the second she just becomes Vivienne, it's over for her. The assassins coming raining in, her name gets devoured by rumors and gossip, and she'll be found dead at bottom of the stair case with a dagger in her back if she's lucky.
So of course when the Circles fall apart during the Rebellion, she clings to that Loyalist Mages to maintain that structure--of course she moves her pieces to the Inquisition, knowing that if the Circle DOES fall, she at least as another place for herself and mages latch onto--of course when she hears that Celene replaced her with a new Court Enchanter that appeared out of no where, she grows to resent Morrigan.
Like, Morrigan literally pops up out of thin air, makes herself invaluable to Celene, and then plants herself in the place Vivienne had to claw her way up to and create so she could survive. Would you not be resentful when your life's work is usurped by some random witch of the wilds because she happened to charm the Empress? Everything Vivienne strived for all whisked away because the court find a gem who glimmers ever so slightly more than Vivienne.
So yes, Vivienne fears becoming irrelevant because the world has made it so that irrelevance for an Orlesian mage means death.
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heartorbit · 8 months
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always by your side
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jestroer · 7 months
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Hermitcraft just got an exciting new noise machine
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dear-ao3 · 4 months
tell me about sir lewis hamilton’s best looks, if you would
andie you little shit
this is a very incomplete list
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adastreia-12 · 9 months
oh the moment I fell in love with captain james flint you say? glad you asked, black sails season 1 when he brutally murdered a man and stood up covered in his blood next question
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the-jade-jester27 · 2 months
Citrine just got a SHIT TON of notes so imma post some doodles
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The TF2 x SU au belongs to @lenny-link
also should I make a gem of Watchdog? I've made an attempt one time around when I first designed Citrine but should I try again?
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 60
Danny would like everyone to know that this was not his fault. It’s not his fault that another amulet got lost in the human realm (thank you Aragon, he hates you for this) nor is it his fault it’s been broken! He was just going to take it from the museum and was both invisible and intangible! It’s not his fault another thief got there first alongside a vigilante and they panicked when seeing the amulet started floating. It is so not his fault that there is now an entire city of dragon… dragon shifters… whatever! And it’s not his fault he’s stuck as a baby dragon right where the the amulet shattered, which leads to misunderstandings. How was he supposed to know this wasn’t his world and the english isn’t the same?!
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mcybree · 10 months
coughs. Everypony who wishes to hear about scott secret life episode 7 and is old enough to catch their own prey please gather under pride rock or whatever the fuck they say to call an emergency meeting these days. I need everyone to know why this episode is so unusual for him… I take back anything I have ever said about gem in my entire life that implied disinterest; Gem and her zombie apocalypse scared the SHIT out of Scott. NOBODY HAS EVER MANAGED TO DO THAT BEFORE.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 8 months
one thing that has always been a slight pet peeve of mine is people calling characters sibling-coded Just because of their banter. i know a lot of people have healthy relationships with their siblings but i’m sure a lot of people with complicated relationships to their siblings might agree with this sentiment
most of the time, being siblings isn’t just silly banter. it's a complicated relationship with a lot of pain. i cant stand you but i cant imagine a life without you. i dont even know if we'd be friends if we weren't forced to live together. do i truly love you or is it just the blood in our veins. you know me better than most people in the world but you don’t truly know who i am. i miss you so much from the time we were so close and i don’t know what i can do to bring that back. do you think about me like i think about you?
but yeah maybe the sibling coding is right sometimes they do just stand outside your room, say “penis,” and then leave without explanation
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
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Some blood/gore trafficblr inspired animal things. uh
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