#you are so amazing you don’t even know it
alexiapp · 1 day
Next Step With You
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: You and Alexia finally have the talk about Kids…
Note: I’ve been gone for so fucking long because of how insanely busy i’ve been but, i’m totally hoping on posting constantly and not keeping empty promises 😭..i’ve had an insane amount of writers block also so keep that in mind!! This isn’t my best work but it’ll have to do !
You never thought that you would be in love. You thought you were unlovable or maybe incapable of finding your ‘true one’. You presumed that maybe it was your strong personality or your high standards that caused these problems. You always had trouble with relationships, and had a couple horror stories when it came to your past love life. You always that you were the problem, until you met Alexia. She made you feel something that you never thought you would be able to experience. You felt giddy inside, and content. There wasn’t a dull moment between her and I.
Alexia was charming, and very charismatic and she also has a strong personality which drew you into her. Recently you guys have been entering a new chapter of your relationship. This year would be marking the 4th year you have been together. You couldn’t see your life without Alexia, it just wouldn’t feel right. You wanted to bring new milestones to you guys relationship. Everything you envision had Alexia in it.
You wanted to add an addition to you guys relationship badly..You wanted to build a family between the two of you. You only started feeling this way until you saw how attentive Alexia was towards kids, it always made you wonder how she’d be if you guys had kids. You knew deep down in your heart that Alexia would be an amazing mother, but you didn’t know if Alexia wanted to take that next step with you or if she was even ready. It’s something you’ve been hesitant to bring up, these loud thoughts always stayed in the back of your mind. You don’t wanna scare her away..imagine how crazy you’d looked if she didn’t feel the same way..i mean what if she thought you were a total nut case. This steered you away from Alexia, making you kind of cold and distance.
This situation made you second guess a lot of things. You took an immature approach, usually the average person would talk it out with there significant other in an healthy manner, but you being you, were quite stubborn and decided to isolate yourself. You started declining her offers to go out when she put the idea out there. You guys once long text messages turned into short and brief on your end no matter how hard the poor woman tried to carry the conversation.
You assumed Alexia didn’t notice how cold you’ve been ..Oh boy were you wrong. She was was in deep stress her mind was constantly racing wondering what she could’ve possibly done wrong. Trying to remember moments where she could’ve possibly said the wrong thing that might’ve hurt or offended you in any way. She was determined to get to the bottom of this and handle it quickly, she genuinely couldn’t take not having you around any longer.
After settling down and drowning in her thoughts she decided the only way to get your attention is by catching you at in unexpected moment. She decided she’d venture to your apartment without giving you any head’s up. She didn’t want you to find another excuse to brush her off and ignore her, she wanted to talk to you and get you back. She was determined and ready to do whatever it takes.
The determined blonde quickly grabbed her phone and car keys headed straight for your flat ready to corner you.
You were brought out of a day dream when you heard a knock on your apartment door. You got up and walked over to your door with confusion written all over your face. You weren’t expecting a visitor or any packages. Shock washed over you when you were met with a very agitated and worried blonde. The last person you wanted to see.
Your once confused face was replaced with a very shocked expression.
“Um..hi?” you muttered out in surprise at what you were faced with.
“Why have you been ignoring me” Said the hazel eyed woman as she pushed through into your apartment door.
“i..i haven’t been, i’ve just been very busy i-“ you said as you staggered your words.
“Don’t like to me, you know how much i hate when people lie” the blonde woman said cutting you off in your lousy excuse as to why you haven’t been very present in you guys relationship.
“You’ve been brushing me off, you’ve been texting me less and less. I want to know what i did wrong so i could fix it”. She said with fury in her voice.
“There’s nothing you can do, to stop me from me feeling how i feel right now Alexia” You said nervously.
“Then what is it! I need to know what it is so we can fix it. I want us to fix this” she said waving her hand between you and her.
“I feel like if i tell you what it is, our relationship would be over” you said with a meek expression.
“amor whatever it is we can try and get past it, i just have to know” she said gently as she walked towards you grabbing your hands as a form of comfort. She could tell you were nervous about what you wanted to say next.
“There’s things that i want to do in our relationship that you might not be ready for Alexia, and i don’t want that to jeopardize what we have.” You said conflicted on weather you should open up to her or not
“Hey, no matter what is bothering you, we can fix it and hopefully move past it..i promise” she said as she rubbed her thumb across my hand.
“I want us to have kids..i want to have kids with you, and i didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want to scare you off i didn’t want you to think i’m so crazy person. I see myself starting a family with you..” You said with fear in your voice. You were almost quivering with fear on how she would react. You were shut down when you heard the woman in front of you hysterically laugh.
Oh no…she thought you were a joke, she must think you’re a loser..you told yourself, emotions bathing in a pool insecurity. You broke your hand away from her turning away in rejection. “ I knew this would happen, i just knew you wouldn’t take me seriously” you said with hurt and regret in your voice.
You turned your body away from her not wanting her to see how hurt you truly were.
“I’m sorry, come here” she said trying to make you turn towards her.
“i’m not laughing at you about what you said, i’m laughing because why wouldn’t you think i want that also?” she said chuckling lightly. She placed her fairly large hands on her face cupping your cheeks softly and said “why would i want to do that. There isn’t anyone i wouldn’t rather start a family with” she said shaking her head at your ridiculousness.
“I just thought that maybe you’d think that we’re moving to fast, i was just scared” you said looking into her hazel eyes.
“vale, firstly their isn’t anyway i could see life without you..let alone my future with you not being in it, if you told me how you felt ahead of time this wouldn’t be our outcome” she said has she brushed her thumb against your cheekbone
“Amor, you have to communicate with me when you’re feeling this vale ?” she said shaking her head to try to get me to understand. Which i nodded in response.
I leaned in and pecked the blonde’s lips, you were suddenly thrown over her shoulder, making you giggle in surprise “Let’s practice making that baby sí!” as she carried you to your apartment bedroom.
I’ll grammar check later !!
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hoshifighting · 2 days
Hello, may request smut reaction from Seventeen watching their s/o(reader) wearing a sun dress??
Seventeen reaction to you using a sundress
a/n: aww so lovely, I loved this request <3
Seungcheol: you know, Seungcheol thinks summer is the absolute best time of the year, and it’s all because of your sundresses. the moment you step out in one, he can’t help but grin like a kid on Christmas morning. It’s like the sun gets a little brighter, and his energy just skyrockets. he’ll tell you, “you know, I’m pretty sure your sundresses make summer even better!” with a playful wink that makes you blush.
Jeonghan: when you wear a sundress around Jeonghan, he just can’t stay quiet. It’s like you’ve put on some magical pheromone perfume, and he’s drawn to you like a moth to a flame. he’ll sidle up to you, whispering, “you really know how to make it impossible for me to stay away, don’t you?” and you can feel the warmth of his breath on your ear, making your heart race.
Joshua: will spend the whole day showering you with compliments, loving how you get all shy with each one. “u look absolutely stunning in that dress,” he’ll say, his eyes sparkling with genuine admiration. he can’t get enough of seeing you blush, and you can’t help but smile at his sweet words.
Junhui: when you step out of the closet in your sundress, Junhui turns as red as a tomato. he can’t stop staring, completely mesmerized by how pretty you look. “you’re so beautiful,” he manages to say, and his blush is so contagious that you find yourself giggling and blushing along with him.
Hoshi: sees you in your sundress and immediately rushes to change his shirt. he wants to find something that matches perfectly with your outfit. “we’ve got to look good together, right?” he says with a big, goofy grin.
Wonwoo: Wonwoo wants to see every angle of your sundress. “Give me a twirl,” he says, his eyes lighting up as you spin around. “Absolutely gorgeous.” He’s not one for many words, but the way he looks at you says it all.
Woozi: Woozi’s mind races, thinking about how he could write a song about you and that sundress – just like ruby. the way the light hits you, the soft fabric, the summer vibe—it’s all so inspiring. “you look amazing,” he says, his eyes thoughtful. “I think I’ve got an idea for a new song…”
Minghao: Minghao appreciates every detail of your dress—the tone, the cloth, the pattern, and especially how it fits you so perfectly. “this dress was made for you,” he says, examining the way it moves. his appreciation for beauty is evident in his admiring gaze.
Mingyu: Mingyu grabs his camera the moment he sees you. “hold still,” he says, leading you to a spot with flowers and dappled sunlight. he takes countless photos, capturing your every smile and twirl. “you’re my muse,” he says, showing you the stunning shots.
Seokmin: Seokmin always treats you like a princess, but when you wear that sundress, he takes it up a notch. “don’t lift a finger,” he insists, carrying everything for you. his protectiveness is sweet, and he constantly checks to make sure you’re comfortable and happy.
Seungkwan: there’s something about that sundress that stirs something new in Seungkwan. “you look... incredible,” he says, his voice soft with awe. he compliments how the skirt flows and how the straps sit perfectly on your shoulders, his eyes filled with admiration.
Vernon: Vernon doesn’t say much at first, just a quiet “wow” under his breath. But later, maybe the next day, he mentions it casually. “that dress looked really good on you yesterday,” he says, his words simple but sincere. you know he means it from the way he says it.
Chan: Chan is so impressed by how you look in that sundress that he immediately starts searching online for more. “I’ve got to get you more of these,” he says, excited. “you look amazing.” It’s clear he’s found his new favorite look for you.
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hoe4sports · 1 day
“Take my heart, dont break it”
Alexia Putellas x reader
A/N: You voted and picked Alexia. This is a series based on Myles Smith song called stargazing. No triggers.
Update 3rd of June: There will be three more parts, thank you all so much for the love.
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The fresh Barcelonian air was flowing into your hotelroom as you found yourself sat in the frame of the window m next to one of your teammates, Alexia Putellas. You were both sitting together in silence with your eyes closed soaking up the morning bliss. The sun was slowly waking up as the gentle rays felt like a warm cup of cocoa in December by the fireplace with a book and a blanket. Not too warm, not too cold. You were taking in all the fresh salty air you could possibly fit into your lungs before exhaling through your mouth. It felt blissful, peaceful; like a morning mindfulness class. You could smell the gentle strawberry scent from the tea Alexia had made you when you got up in time for sunrise. You and Alexia had known each other forever. You grew up with her and Alba next door and you had religiously played football with Alexia for your whole life. You did it all together: High school, college, Barcelona and the national team. You sat together on buses and flights. Even though she was entitled to her own hotel room as captain; she still wanted to partner up with you.
“Can I interrupt your peace?” Alexia asked as you opened up your eye to see her still in the same relaxed position with her eyes closed. “If you must” you said as you giggled. Alexia sighted. “No, no, go ahead big al” you corrected as you looked out on the beach below the hotel.
“I’ve been having some issue with Olga; she seems spaced out. She’s there, but she isn’t really there. It’s strange, I don’t really understand and she keeps insisting that everything is all good. I dont honestly know what to do.”
You could sense the tension in the room as the Catalan poured her heart out to you. It was like thunder from a crystal blue sky. They seemingly had the picture perfect relationship. Amazing vacations. Nice cars. Fancy dinners.
“It’s just, I know it’s selfish but I can’t stop my mind from wondering if she is cheating on me. She’s always on her phone, and she deleted her location off of the life360 app.”
You spent a second figuring out what words Alexia wanted to hear and what she needed to hear. It was clear as day that you needed to knock some common sense into her. Who would cheat on one of the hottest women in the world of football? Nobody could ever be able to commit to adultery without anyone taking notice of their famous girlfriend.
“Ai, Ale. Do you want me to tell you what you want to hear or what you need to hear? Pick your poison capitana.”
You looked over at her. She was still sitting in the sun in the window while taking on the fresh air. Her chest rhythmically rising. Her brown eyes were still closed and her blonde hair was up in the messiest Lucy Bronze style bun you could imagine making the sight of her almost wanting you to giggle.
“Hm, buena pregunta…Tell me what I need to hear.” Alexia said softly as she opened up her eyes to look at you showing off her worried grin. Her body language changed. Like she was getting ready for a fight.
“Estúpida, Olga loves you! She adores you. She practically worships the ground you walk on. You need to talk to your girlfriend, and you need to tell her what you told me.” You finished as you looked at her with an attitude.
Later that day at practice, you were doing drills with Claudia. It was evidently warmer now, and you had popped off your shirt to avoid getting overly warm. You kept passing the ball at the right time in the right height to help Claudia with her first touches. It was always fun working with Claudia. Her humor was incredible and if her humor didn’t do the job; her infections laugh would. As you passed the last ball to Claudia, she ended up whacking the ball senseless and the ball went flying into the open field. It caused you to laugh hysterically as Claudia flopped down on the grass. Claudia was a vibe; you got along so well and she’d been like your little sister.
The next practice begun at the gym, and it was individual programs. You, Alexia, Claudia and Ingrid has the same program for the day meaning that you partnered up together. You noticed that Alexia seemed distracted. At first, she had placed the weights in the bench press without securing them causing them to go flying off the pole. The next situation was when she tried filling her waterbottle from the water cooler and she overfilled in for a good 10 seconds before she caught the little spill. The last situation was when Claudia was doing squats and Alexia was supposed to be spotting her right side as you spotted the left. The weights were a little heavier than what Claudia normally lifted so you expected her to need assistance. After four lifts, Claudia went for the fifth and it caused her to fail. You grabbed the pole from the left side as the younger girls hands were wobbly violently to hold up the other side of the pole. Alexia didn’t caught on. “Alexia” No answer. “Alexia for fucks sake, help!” You yelled causing Ingrid to shove her away to help you with the spotting.
In the warderobe that afternoon after everyone left, you decided to stay behind and talk to Alexia again. Alexia liked taking her time in the shower so it wasn’t uncommon for her to be the last woman standing. You approached her as she stepped out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around her lower half leaving her chest open.
“Ale, you have been distant. You could’ve caused an injury. What’s going on?” You crossed your arms as you stood in front of her with a stern look on your face. The feeling you had wasn’t something you could shook away easily. You just couldn’t act in situations that maybe had happened. That wouldn’t be fair to Olga or Alexia.
“Ai, Y/N, it’s just hard. I’m in my head and Olga is too busy to talk. I cannot shook the feeling I’m having in my gut. But I need to trust Olga, right?”
You nodded. Olga hadn’t done anything that wouldn’t give her chance to explain herself. For all Alexia knew, this was all just a big misunderstanding.
Olga was amazing, you knew her from before her and Alexia started dating, and they were perfect for each other. Olga was always so perfect, almost to the point where it annoyed you. Olga was picture perfect and rarely looked out of line or did Alexia wrong. Alexia’s observations were however not unlikely. A few weeks ago you went to a new restaurant with Claudia, and you could’ve sworn you saw Olga with another woman. You couldn’t be sure though because you had excused yourself to the bathroom to get a better look, but when you got out of the bathroom; The mystery woman was out of sight. Quite frankly, she had also been out of mind.
That was until now however, but it couldn’t have been Olga. Olga was sweet, genuine and had a heart of gold. You couldn’t wrap your mind around what Alexia had said, but you could also not tell her that you might saw Olga. You were having an internalised conflict of trying to decided whenever to tell her or not. You didn’t want to seem pushy and like you didn’t like Olga, but you didn’t want Alexia’s heart to break either.
At least, that was the lie you continued to tell yourself.
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uzurakis · 3 days
heyy !! i was looking at your profile which is amazing btw and saw someone desperate like me for some kaiser content. maybe smth involving reader wearing his jersey and well… yk.. :33
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“aah, someone’s been a thief,” kaiser teases, eyeing the jersey that fits snugly on you. the way the fabric drapes over your shoulders, slightly too big yet perfectly fitting; it’s like you’re carrying a piece of him with you, and it fills him with a sense of pride. “i was wondering where that went.”
during a break from practice, your boyfriend spots you and jogs over, his eyes widening as he notices the familiar jersey. a nasty smile forms on his lips as he approaches, clearly intrigued.
playing pretend, you feign innocence, glancing down at the jersey. “oh, this? i thought it was mine. it fits me perfectly, don’t you think?”
it does, it looks perfect on you. oh how much kaiser wants to say that. but no, there’s still one thing he needs to hold high; a man’s ego.
so, kaiser narrows his eyes playfully, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “nice try, but we both know that’s my jersey. or maybe you happen to be one of my fangirls that shop their favorite—“
“oh, shut up,” that cocky attitude of his is not getting anywhere under your watch. then you shrug, giving him a cheeky grin. “well, finders keepers. maybe you should have kept a better eye on your stuff.”
“ouch, you’re saying i’m messy person? that hurts, mein liebling,” he chuckles, one mirthless laugh falling in your ears. “why don’t you wear it tomorrow for the match?” kaiser suggests playfully. “that way, everyone knows you’re mine.”
you tilt your head, pretending to consider it. “hmm, i don’t know. there will be a lot of fans wearing jerseys with your name on them. even you could mistake me as one of your crazy fangirls. yuck.”
kaiser’s smirk fades, replaced by a mock pout. “but none of them are you,” he says, tone slightly possessive. “it’s different when you wear it. like, it’s special.”
still playing along, you raise an eyebrow. “oh, so now it’s special because i’m wearing it? maybe it’s just a really good jersey.”
he laughs at your remarks, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer. “mein liebling, seriously, seeing you in my jersey makes me feel… proud..?”
“because when you wear it, it’s a statement. it says you belong to me. and i like that.”
“i like what’s mine.”
you feel your cheeks heat up at his words. “well, maybe i’ll consider it,” you reply, trying to keep your cool. “maybe though.”
his grins broadens, clearly pleased with your response. “good girl. now, how about a kiss for luck?”
you laugh, “only because michael asked so nicely.” leaning in to give him a quick peck on the lips, you continue, “anything else you want, your highness?”
he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. “you better be in the front row tomorrow. front and center,” he murmurs against your lips. “i play better when i know you’re watching.”
you smile, but what if you still want to mess with him? “huuh, but i also haven’t said i’ll watch your—“
“don’t fucking care, you will watch me,” he says, pressing another kiss to your lips, shutting you up. “now, go cheer me on. i’ve got a game to win.”
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n. i’m taking this way babes. we can also talk abt it if u wanna take it that way *winks aggressively* jus hmu as always <3 mwah ty for trusting me wit every kaiser piece here ahhsakksjs. also! tagging another kaiser lover @6gumi mwaaah xo
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latenightdaydreams · 3 days
Recruit who openly shows interest in Colonel König. Poor guy doesn't know what to do with this bright-eyed, eager to please recruit who openly says to Horangi and Nikto they'd gladly sit on his lap all day if he'd let them.
I just wanna give best boy so love
Baby girl König deserves a soft girl that goes out of her way to care for him💖
Love At First Sight (fem)
Master List
>cw: fem/afab, love, fluff, minor dirtiness
1.0k word count
The first time König saw you was when he was walking to his office. You walked past him and gazed up at him as if cupid struck you with his bow and arrow. You stopped walking and waved to him. König looked around and realized you meant him. He raised his giant hand and waved back to you. The mask on his face hid his confusion.
Later that day, when König went to get himself a coffee from the break room, he saw you there. You turned and smiled brightly up at him again.
“Hello Colonel.”
“Hallo.” He walked past you to the coffee machine.
“How are you doing?”
She’s really trying to make small talk with me? “I’m doing well. You?”
“I’m doing great. I just wanted to say you have really beautiful eyes. They look like a summer sky.”
He stopped what he was doing and just looked at you. “Oh, Danke.”
“Do you need me to make your coffee for you? I don’t mind. I’m on break right now.”
“I—” He looked down at the cup not even halfway filled with coffee.
You slowly take the cup from his hand, your soft delicate flesh coming in contact with his. König looks down at you and feels his heart skip a beat. He steps back slightly to give you room, watching in amazement.
Ever since that day, he seems to see you everywhere. You’re always smiling brightly at him and eager to talk to him. Confusion consumes him. Do you like him? No, you’re too sweet; especially for him. Then today he sees you talking to his best friend Horangi and Nikto. He hangs back, wanting to see if you’re speaking about him. Yes, you are.
“So, he’s single?” Your voice is so hopeful.
“Uh, yeah. The dude is so awkward.” Nikto says. König narrows his eyes.
“He is a good guy.” Horangi defends him.
“I feel like he just needs someone soft to love him.” Horangi and Nikto look at each other and then back at you.
“When he has free time. He’s always doing paperwork.”
“I’d sit on his lap all day then.”
König could feel his ears burning as he heard you say that. So, do you like him?
“Well, his birthday is coming up soon. Maybe give the poor guy a lap dance.” Nikto says, and Horangi laughs. This gives you an idea, though.
“What’s his favorite cake flavor?”
“I- I don’t know.” Horangi admits feeling a little bad.
“Wow, what a great friend,” Nikto nudges him.
König walks away, his heart beating in his ears as he rushes to his office. You see him walk past, your heart fluttering in your chest, and you imagine being held by him.
A week passes and now it’s König’s birthday week. He goes about his day as usual, hoping slightly that you’ll do something for him, but he doesn’t hold his breath. That was until there was a knock at the door. He stands and walks over.
Opening the door, he looks down and sees you with a handful of things. The bags are not festive like he expected from you.
“I came incognito just in case you don’t want people to know about your birthday.” You giggle as you speak.
A smile tugs at his lips as he hears that. The fact you considered his privacy makes him feel truly seen by you. “Come in, please.”
König steps aside and you enter, placing the things on his desk. You place the two gift bags down and then open the Tupperware to show 24 cupcakes. He looks at them and then up at you. The look in his eyes softened. No one has celebrated him since his mom passed away seven years ago.
“I don’t know what your favorite flavor is, so there is white, chocolate, red velvet, strawberry, lemon, and carrot cake.” You bite your lower lip and gaze up at him. What you wouldn’t give to see his face and kiss his lips.
“That’s…a lot of work for just me.”
“You deserve it.”
König looks away from you, not wanting you to see how vulnerable he is right now.
“Do you want to open the gifts?”
“Sure.” He walks closer to the desk, grabbing one bag. Opening it, he sees a Build-A-Bear wearing an army uniform, and he laughs. “This is very cute.”
You laugh with him and hand him the other bag. He reaches in to see a bunch of sweets. His favorite candies, cookies, and chocolates.
“This is all very sweet, y/n. I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted to make sure you know you’re appreciated.”
“You did a great job.” His voice lowers as he looks at everything. “Will you stay and share cupcakes with me?”
“Yes!” You can hide how eager you are to spend time with him.
He sits in his desk chair and you begin to walk to the other side when he grabs your waist gently, he is terrified for what he is about to do.
“Do you still want to sit on my lap?”
“Of course.” A small blush forms on your cheeks as you fall back on to König’s massive thighs. His arm wraps around your waist to hold you steady.
König lifts his mask, knowing you might reject him once you see that he isn’t a handsome man and that his face is scarred. You look at him and smile instead. He watches as you reach over for a cupcake.
“Which is your favorite?”
“Lemon.” His hand begins to caress your abdomen.
You grab a lemon cupcake for him and peel it. Holding it for him to take a bite. His gaze lingers on you for a second, feeling hesitant, but then leans forward and takes a bite. Your fingers gently wipe away buttercream frosting from his lip and lick it off your finger.
König watches intently. He tries to ignore these feelings, but his body betrays him. His cock slowly gets hard. The look in your eyes tells him you feel it. You lean in to feed him another bite, this time locking eyes. As he chews, you press a gentle kiss on his lips.
“I really like you, König.”
He swallows and nods. “I know…why?”
“Just look at you.” You caress his face with your free hand. “I just want to make you happy.”
König brings his hand to the side of your face and brings you in for another kiss.
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nathaslosthershit · 2 days
A Big Decision (Teen Dad!Oscar AU)
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(Part 8 of Teen Dad!OP au [Can be read on its own])
Summary: It is time to pop the big question
The twins had finally gone down for a nap after spending so long fighting it. The kids, at age three, have started to fight them more and more, leading their parents to start discussing if it's time for naps to stop. Honey, being a stay at home mom, had needed the nap time as much as her kids had in the past, giving her time to catch up on chores or just rest for a little, so she was really trying to get as much time as she could with it. But maybe it truly was over.
She was surprised to see Oscar pacing in their living room once she went back downstairs.
“Well, aren't you home early?” She says as Oscar immediately wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck and kissing it.
“Missed you all, did what they needed from me extra fast so I could get home earlier. Thought we could maybe go out tonight?”
“Oscar, it's a friday night. Do you know how impossible getting a babysitter would be? The kids also take a while to warm up to babysitters, I don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Good thing I thought ahead then. Lando had a free night and has been begging to see them after the last ‘betrayal’ when they wore Sargeant hats. Even better, he said he would do it for free if it meant working towards being the favorite.”
“Oscar, you can’t get your coworkers to babysit your twin toddlers for free by dangling favoritism in their faces.”
“It was his idea! I am just capitalizing off of it. I got us a nice reservation too, we just need to let him now in the next…” Oscar checks his wrist where his watch usually rests but finds it missing, “uh now. So I need an answer quickly, are we going to stay home and eat the same leftovers we have had for the past two days, or are we going to make Lando Norris the happiest man alive by letting him watch our kids for free while we have an amazingly romantic dinner?” Oscar quickly asks as he takes his ex-fiancee, now girlfriend, in his arms.
“Fine, let's go out, we could use the night off. Let Lando know I appreciate him watching them for us.”
“Perfect, why don’t you go out, do something nice for yourself, I'll take over with the kids. We still have time before dinner tonight.” Oscar suggested in a strange tone as he kissed all surface area of her face.
“What is up with you today? I don’t mind it but you are so much more touchy.” She laughed.
“Don’t worry bout a thing.” Was all he replied as he walked away. “Tonight will be the best yet, I promise.”
That’s when it struck her, why he was being so weird. Surely, he was going to propose.
After the huge fight in Suzuka, she had called the engagement off, causing them to ignore each other’s existence unless it came to the kids, for seven weeks. Since they had gotten back together, life had been blissful. Sure, it was most likely the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but even so, they had been so ready to marry each other before things started going downhill. Maybe days after they got back together isn’t the right time to get engaged, but they had been to hell and back together since they got pregnant at 18 years old, they were it for each other, always would be. 
Oscar taking off of racing had also been a blessing. It had been hard for him, certainly. But he had needed to learn how to put his family first again, a priority that got harder to keep up with since joining Formula 1. 
As she sat in the nail salon chair, getting what were hopefully her engagement nails done, she thought back to how far they’d come. 
Arriving home with her nails done, and after getting the most amazing massage, Honey was giddy as she greeted her, hopefully, soon to be fiancé. After an hour and a half of filling her head with wedding plans and thinking about their future when she would finally get to be Mrs. Piastri after 7 years, she was more excited then she was the first time he proposed. 
This excitement continued from the moment she stepped into the shower, till the moment she sat in her seat at the restaurant. Oscar had hired a driver for the night, saying it was a night all for them, no need to be careful of how many drinks they were going to have, he had also told her he had plans to take them to the beach after where they could finish the night with a picnic by the water and stay as late as they liked. 
There was one thing that was off about him though, while she had expected nerves, she had also expected excitement from him and soon noticed the more giggly she was, the more upset he seemed to be. Maybe he realized she had caught on?
She finally asked what was up after he spilt his drink.
“Seriously Osc, what is wrong with you? You claim this is such a nice night for just the two of us but you are a mess right now!”
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m like th-”
“Bullshit. I thought I made it clear how awful of a liar you are Oscar Jack Piastri, just tell me. Please?”
Silence filled the air as he stared at her, words failing.
“I will get up if you don’t-”
“I had a meeting with higher ups at McLaren earlier today and was told if I don’t come back then I am out of the contract and I agreed to come back for the Spanish Grand Prix!” Oscar blurted out.
Again, a heavy silence landed on the couple, both of them daring the other one to speak first.
Then, without a single word, Honey got up from the table and walked to the car leaving Oscar at the table, tears starting to fall.
Part 2 out now!
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x0xomady · 2 days
Could you write something about Harry helping y/n through serious pain? Like labor or a chronic illness?
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Little Love
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summary: just a lil blurb! the time has come for harry to become a dad and you’re not sure you’re ready (harry styles x female reader)
(i don’t know much about birth or labor, i’m a 20 year old with no kids. so don’t judge me if something is wrong lmao)
warnings: pain, pregnancy, labor, nothing too bad!
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being pregnant is one of the scariest and most beautiful things.
as i lay there in bed beside harry, i couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anxiety swirling inside of me. it was amazing to think about the life growing inside of me, but at the same time, the thought of giving birth was absolutely terrifying. i worried about the pain, the uncertainties, and the physical toll it would take on my body. it was like i was preparing for a marathon that i'm not quite sure i’m was ready for.
as my hormones surged and my emotions became more intense, i often found myself overwhelmed by the enormity of the changes taking place within me. it was like a roller-coaster of sensations and emotions, and it was sometimes hard to find my footing amidst it all.
and yet, despite the fear and uncertainty that loomed over me, there was also a well of hope and joy deep within my heart. every time i felt the baby kick or heard its heartbeat, i knew there was something magical happening inside of me too.
i lay there, lost in thought, my eyes drifted over to harry. he was fast asleep beside me, his body sprawled out underneath the covers with one hand securely draped around my waist. his face was peaceful, and his chest rose and fell steadily with each breath he took.
i couldn't help but smile at the sight of him, feeling a surge of love and appreciation for the man who was soon to be the father of my child.
my hand reaches over and gently touches his cheek, marveling at how he could sleep so soundly amidst the whirlwind of emotions that were swirling around inside of me. i knew that he was excited about becoming a dad, but i also knew that he was probably feeling just as nervous as i was.
still, there was something reassuring about having him beside me, anchoring me to this moment despite the unknowns that lay ahead.
as i ran my fingers through his soft curls, his eyes slowly fluttered open, and he looked at me, his green eyes filled with a mixture of grogginess and concern. "hey," he said, his voice gravelly with sleep. "is everything okay?"
"actually… i think the contractions might be starting," i finally admitted, a small tinge of fear creeping into my voice. i took a deep breath, trying to stay calm even as a wave of anxiety washed over me.
harry's eyebrows furrowed with concern as he sat up a bit, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "wait, what? contractions? are you sure?" his voice was tinged with disbelief, but there was also a hint of nerves. he leaned closer to me, his hand reaching out to gently touch my stomach. "how long has this been going on?"
"oh god, i don't know. maybe an hour or so," i replied, wincing as a particularly strong contraction came on. i grasped his hand tightly, my grip involuntarily squeezing his fingers.
harry's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and concern. "okay, okay. don't panic." his voice was steadier now, although i could still hear the subtle tremble of nerves. he gently took my face in his hands, looking into my eyes. "we need to time these contractions, okay? see if they're far apart or getting closer together."
i couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped me when i saw harry’s reaction. i don’t know who’s more worried, the person about to go through labor or the panicked british guy.
harry raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "what? what are you laughing at, pretty girl?" he asked, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and puzzlement. the fear that had momentarily gripped him seemed to leave slightly, replaced instead with a tender warmth in his eyes.
"oh, nothing," i replied, shaking my head slightly as i winced again at another spasm of pain. "it's just funny, you know? here i am going through the beginnings of labor, and you're the one freaking out."
harry chuckled lightly, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "well, can you blame me? this is some pretty scary stuff," he admitted, his thumb gently stroking my cheek.
i nodded silently, feeling a sense of comfort in his words. i knew it wouldn’t be easy, but having him beside me made me feel like i could face anything. i snuggled closer to him, burying my face in his chest as another contraction gripped me.
"breathe," harry murmured, his hand gently rubbing my back. "just focus on your breathing. in and out, slow and steady. you got this, sweet girl."
i nodded, taking a shaky breath as another contraction hit me. i focused on the feeling of harry's hand on my back, letting it ground me and keep me from succumbing to the pain and fear that threatened to consume me. slowly, the contraction passed, leaving me feeling drained and exhausted, but reassured that i wasn't alone in this.
"how far apart are they now?" i asked, my voice hoarse with strain. my hands gripping harry’s larger ones tightly.
harry glanced at the clock on his phone, his eyes narrowing as he calculated the time. "about five minutes," he replied, his voice tinged with a hint of concern. "they're getting closer together. we should probably start thinking about heading to the hospital soon."
my heart leapt into my throat as harry gave me the news. five minutes apart already? fuck, this was happening a lot faster than i had thought it would.
"okay," i took a deep breath, trying to steady the panicked feeling that was welling up inside me. "okay, let's do this. help me get up, and let's pack the bags. we need to get to the hospital."
harry nodded silently, his expression serious as he quickly kicked off the blankets and got out of bed. he grabbed my hand and helped me to my feet, keeping a supportive arm around my waist as we made our way to the closet to grab our bags.
we moved quickly and efficiently, our nerves and excitement fueling us as we rushed around the house, gathering anything we thought we might need for the hospital.
finally, with our bags packed and essentials in hand, we headed to the car. harry helped me into the passenger seat, quickly tossing our bags into the trunk and then getting into the driver's seat. as he turned on the car and pulled out of the driveway, i could see the anxious tension in his eyes.
the drive to the hospital was a blur of nerves and discomfort. harry's knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly, and i could see his jaw clenching and unclenching as he willed himself to stay calm.
the contractions continued to come at regular intervals, each one making me gasp and clutch at whatever surface was nearest.
“fuck- harry” i groan out in pain.
harry glanced quickly over at me, his face immediately creased with concern. "what? what is it? are you okay?" he reached over and grabbed my hand, his grip tight and desperate.
"no- i’m not alright. the contractions are getting stronger," i whimpered, my breath hissing between clenched teeth. "can we get there any faster? please?"
harry let out a low curse under his breath, his eyes focused on the road ahead. "i'm going as fast as i can, okay? just try to breathe, sweetheart. we're almost there."
i nodded weakly, my chest heaving with each breath as i fought against the pain. i clung to harry's hand, finding some small measure of comfort in his presence. with each contraction, the fear and anxiety seemed to build, mingling with the intense pain and leaving me feeling overwhelmed.
"just think," harry said, his voice suddenly quiet. "when we get there, we're going to see our baby. our son or daughter. that's worth it, right?" a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and i couldn't help but cling to the hope in his words.
i nodded again, closing my eyes and trying to picture it. i could almost see the tiny, wriggling bundle in my arms, hear the soft, sweet sound of its cry. somehow, just imagining it made the pain a little easier to bear.
before i knew it, we were pulling into the hospital parking lot. harry helped me out of the car, his arm wrapped securely around me as we limped towards the entrance. we were greeted by a group of nurses who ushered us inside, quickly guiding us towards the maternity ward.
as we entered the hospital, the nurses couldn't help but steal glances at harry, their eyes widening slightly in recognition. a few of them even whispered to each other, their voices tinged with excitement as they recognized the famous singer.
it was strange to see the star-struck reactions of the nurses, but i couldn't blame them. harry was a celebrity, after all. one nurse even gasped quietly under her breath, "is that…?"
but despite the subtle buzz of excitement around us, harry's focus never wavered from me. he held me close, his gaze fixed on me as we continued making our way to the maternity ward.
to be honest, it was a little irritating to have so many eyes on us as we navigated our way through the maternity ward. i was in pain, and the last thing i wanted was to be the center of attention. but i could feel the gazes of the nurses following us, their whispers echoing in my ears. it made me feel like a zoo exhibit, on display for everyone to gawk at.
harry, though, seemed to take it all in stride. he kept his arm tightly around me, his focus entirely on me and getting me settled in.
i could tell that he was a bit uncomfortable with the attention, but he never once let it show. instead, he simply gave the nurses a small smile remaining his normal charming self and guiding me toward the room.
once we were alone in the room, the door closing behind us, i finally let out a long sigh of relief. the bright lights and antiseptic smell of the hospital environment was a far cry from our cozy bed at home, but at least here i would have the care and support of the medical staff. and, of course, the unwavering presence of harry by my side.
harry helped me onto the hospital bed, the crisp white sheets cool beneath my skin. he sat down beside me, taking my hand in his own and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"how are you feeling, love?" he asked softly, his thumb tracing small circles on the back of my hand.
“like absolute shit…” i mumble, managing a tiny smile at the thought of our baby.
harry chuckled softly, his thumb still tracing circles on my hand. "yeah, i can only imagine. but hey, think about it. we're about to see our baby, y'know? that should make it all worth it," he grinned, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
i smile weakly at that, nodding in agreement. the thought of holding our baby in my arms for the first time was enough to make me forget about the pain, at least for a moment. "yeah, that's true. i can't wait to meet them," i said, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with the exhaustion and pain.
harry leaned closer, his breath warm on my cheek as he reached out to cup my face. "i love you," he said softly, his voice full of emotion. "and i'm so proud of you for being so strong through all of this."
i felt a wave of warmth spread through me at his words, banishing the earlier irritation at the nurses' stares. "i love you too," i whispered, feeling a fresh wave of determination wash over me.
we sat together in silence for a while, the ticking of the clock on the wall the only sound aside from our gentle breathing. the contractions continued to come and go, each one growing more intense than the last, but i found comfort in harry's presence, in his unwavering support and love.
after a few moments, there was a gentle knock at the door, and a nurse poked her head inside. "how are you doing, mrs. styles?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern for me. "are you ready to have us take a look and see how far along you are?"
i nodded, feeling a surge of nervousness mixed with excitement. "yeah, i think i'm ready," i said, my voice a little shaky. harry squeezed my hand again, silently reassuring me that everything would be okay.
the nurse nodded and left the room, returning a few moments later with a few other medical staff. they quickly got to work, hooking me up to monitors and checking my vital signs. the room was suddenly buzzing with activity as they prepared for the upcoming delivery.
despite the commotion, i felt strangely calm, my focus entirely on harry's reassuring presence beside me. as the nurses bustled around us, checking my dilation and positioning, i held onto his hand, finding strength in his touch.
harry saw my worry and smiled a little bit. “ya know… i already have my first dad joke lined up.”
i roll my eyes and sigh already knowing where this was going.
harry grinned mischievously, clearly pleased at my reaction. "yep. i've been practicing for months now. want to hear it?" he asked, his eyes twinkling with excitement.
i couldn't help the eye roll that passed over my face, but deep down, i was secretly looking forward to hearing his terrible joke. "okay, fine. hit me with it," i replied, unable to hide my amusement.
harry cleared his throat, his demeanor changing into a mock serious expression as he delivered the punchline. "why is it impossible to find true love with a mermaid?" he asked, pausing dramatically.
despite my amusement, i couldn't help but play along. "i don't know, harry. why is it impossible to find true love with a mermaid?" i repeated, struggling to keep the smile off my face.
harry's grin widened, and he leaned in close, an exaggerated whisper escaping his lips as he delivered the punchline. "because they're all too shallow!" he said, his green eyes bright with a mix of humor and anticipation.
i groaned inwardly, but at the same time, i couldn't help but laugh. it was so silly, so predictable, and yet, there was something endearing about the fact that he had been practicing this joke for months. "oh my god, harry. that was terrible," i said, shaking my head with fond exasperation.
harry chuckled, clearly pleased with my reaction. "oh come on, you know you loved it. admit it." he teased, giving my hand a light squeeze.
“i love you but i hate your shitty jokes” i grin and roll my eyes at harry’s big dumb smile.
harry chuckled again, his smile growing wider. "yeah, yeah. i know. but you still laughed, so who's the real winner here?" he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. despite the corny dad joke, i couldn't help but smile back at him, feeling a surge of affection for the goofy, lovable man beside me.
“yeah, yeah save it for the baby.” i giggle and shake my head. despite the pain and worry i had, harry made me feel truly happy.
harry grinned once more, clearly enjoying the banter. "hey, our baby is going to need some entertainment too. might as well start practicing now."
i shook my head, but inside i felt a warmth spread through me at his words. here we were, about to bring a new life into the world, and he was still making me laugh with his silly jokes.
just then, the nurse re-entered the room, a gentle smile on her face. "mrs. styles, i think you're ready to start pushing now." she said softly, her eyes filled with encouragement.
my heart leapt into my throat at her words, the reality of the situation fully hitting me. i took a deep breath, looking over at harry and seeing the mixture of excitement and anxiety in his eyes.
"okay. i'm ready," i said, my voice tinged with determination. harry smiles and gives me an encouraging kiss on the cheek.
⋆⭒˚。⋆₊ ⊹
for the next few hours, time seemed to blur into a haze of pain, exhaustion, and sheer willpower. with harry's hand tightly grasping mine and the steady encouragement of the medical staff, i pushed as hard as i could, each contraction bringing us closer to meeting our baby.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, the room was filled with the sound of a baby's cry, the sweet and unmistakable sound of new life. the nurse placed our bundle of joy gently on my chest, and tears filled my eyes as i looked down at our child for the first time.
harry's eyes lit up as he gazed down at the tiny, wriggling baby in my arms, his expression filled with awe and sheer adoration. "it's a girl," he breathed, his voice choked with emotion.
"we have a daughter." he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of our baby's head, his love and joy palpable in the air.
i felt a rush of emotions as i cradled our daughter in my arms, the pain and exhaustion of labor fading into the background. in that moment, nothing else mattered but the overwhelming love i felt for our child and the man beside me.
harry reached out, gently stroking our daughter's soft cheek. "she's perfect," he whispered, his voice filled with wonder. "absolutely perfect." i leaned my head back against the pillows, feeling a deep sense of contentment wash over me.
the room was filled with a gentle quiet, broken only by the soft sound of our daughter's shallow breathing and the occasional whisper from the medical staff taking care of us. i felt a sense of awe and disbelief, finally understanding the true miracle of life and the immense love that comes with it.
“so which name are we going to pick?” i ask looking up from her little pink face to see harry looking at her with wide eyes.
i look down at our daughter, her little face scrunched up in a frown as she slept peacefully in my arms. "what do you think, love?" harry asked softly, wrapping an arm around me and gently brushing a stray lock of hair away from my face.
“how about… lilah?”
"lilah," i repeated, trying out the name on my tongue. i liked the way it sounded, how it rolled off my tongue. "it's pretty. i like it." i looked up at harry, seeking his approval.
he nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "yeah, i like it too. lilah. it's perfect." he leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his hand coming to rest on the bundle in my arms. he leans down and whispers softly to our daughter. "lilah styles… welcome to the world little love.”
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just a sweet little blurb nothing too fancy! hope you love it ! <3
-xoxo⋆₊ ⊹
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eupheme · 2 days
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— mine, all mine
cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader
rated e - 4.2k
tags: jealous!cooper, sort-of alternate timeline (includes a fo4 character for fun), partners-with-benefits, mutual yearning, light angst, fingering, oral sex, one pussy slap, come marking
prompt: something where he's possessive and jealous. anything that would cause a man like The Ghoul to get jealous. He needs to remind everyone (including her) who she belongs to.
Cooper doesn’t take kindly to the man you picked up, even if he himself had made the deal to escort him to New Vegas. Not liking their old-world charm, that easy smile. Can’t be up to any good, and he hates that you might be falling for it.
It has him thinking that he just might have to remind you of a few things. Set you straight. Make sure you don’t forget who you belong to.
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You can’t help the little laugh that bubbles in your throat, as you follow through the door at Cooper’s heels.
Seeking shelter for the night, after a long day on the road. Something different than the usual bounty. Escorting a man through the Mojave Wasteland, to New Vegas. Following another lead, they had said.
He had seemed capable enough, but didn’t know the area. His home was far to the east, not used to the harsh desert sun, the creatures that lurked here. A heavy bag of caps offered that neither one of you could say no to. Enough to buy a couple months worth of vials, and that meant more to you than anything.
“No shit. It really worked?” You glance back at the man from over your shoulder. The handle of your gun a familiar weight in your hand, as you check the hallways after your partner, “You really were him, costume and everything?”
“The Silver Shroud, in the flesh.” Nate flashes you a straight, white-toothed smile, “Calling cards and everything.”
Your head shakes in amazement. He was interesting - full of stories that didn’t seem possible to be true. Leader of the Minutemen. A retired veteran from before - or so he tells you.
Hard to believe such a thing could be true. It has you distracted - your boot catching on an overturned side table, a set of chairs.
A little yelp as you tilt off-balance. The Ghoul turning, a gloved hand stretching out out - but there’s already another at the small of your back, another at your elbow.
“Careful now, sugarbomb.” Nate huffs in your ear, steadying you until you catch your balance.
It has heat flaring in your cheeks - at his words and how you embarrassed yourself in front of both of them. Ignoring the hand, and winding yourself free, giving the mess of furniture a wide berth instead of stepping over as they did.
“Did you hear about him on the radio?” You ask Cooper instead, trying to change the subject.
Instead of an answer, the Ghoul gives you a rough grunt. Turning away from you, fingers tracing over the thick bullets lined up in his bandolier.
“Gonna sweep the second floor.” He rasps, “Stay put, alright?”
He must not have heard you, too busy concentrating on clearing the space.
You nod, a little flutter in your belly at his words as he leaves you. A hint of protection in them, layered deep. He hadn’t spoken much since he picked up this job. Eyes always watchful, fingers curled around the handle of his gun.
But you didn’t think there was anything too dangerous about Nate. He seemed nice - filling the space that you leave for him with his stories. The days traveling has been spent quickly, and you couldn’t help but feel sorry when you hear how he’d lost everything.
His wife, and his son. Waking up after it was all over - alone.
You wonder how he could press on, be so cheerful now. But you suppose someone could learn to shoulder a lot, after so many years had passed.
It has you shivering, in the old apartment. Thick brick walls - the radiators are long dead, the cold seeping through the cracks in the window panes.
“Hey.” You hear behind you. Nate’s shoulders flexing as he peels his leather bomber jacket off, fingers hooking under the collar as he holds it out to you.
The worn vault suit underneath clings tight to his chest. Silver threading through his dark hair, peppering his beard at the curve of his chin. Handsome, in an old-world way - something you haven’t been able to help noticing.
Not that you’re interested.
It’s only because he makes you think of him, a little. The same strange way of saying things. Phrases you don’t know from your time growing up in the wasteland.
And you can’t pretend you haven’t wondered, just a tiny bit. What Cooper might have been like, before.
Part of you had thought that would make them a little more friendly - that point of connection between them - but the Ghoul has been wrapped up in thorns for days now.
Distant even, but you think you get it. Suppose he thinks it’s safer, this way.
“Oh,” It takes you a second to accept his offering. Not used to generosity without a price. A soft sigh when you shrug it on - the fabric warmed by his body heat, “Thank you. Are you sure? It’s just, these old buildings-”
“This is almost warm compared to where I come from,” He smiles, shooting you a wink, “Least I can do, with what you’re doing for me.”
There’s a sweep of his eyes, as your hands slip through the sleeves - a considering tilt of his head, “Looks better on you, anyways.”
The compliment sends an uneasy ripple across your skin, a warm heat in your cheeks. His easy charm sets you on edge - not used to words and tones like his. Not knowing what to do with it - your eyes flicking towards the staircase.
There’s a pause, before he’s inhaling a breath.
“Listen. About your… associate,” Nate takes a step towards you, his voice lowering, “I don’t know if you owe him caps or something, but if you need to split, you’re welcome to come with me.”
It stuns you for a second. How he thinks you might need help, that you’re indebted.
“Oh!” You manage - that eye contact breaking, as you search for words, “I’m not. We’re actually, uh-”
But you don’t have a straight answer. Involved, perhaps. You wouldn’t say together, as much as you wished it would be. Companions is too soft a word for the path you travel together.
His word - associate - too formal.
“Really?” Nate’s voice tips up - just before his eyes dip down you and back up, in a quick circuit, “Huh. Good for him, then.”
The silence that lingers is stilted. His hands raise, with the lift of your brow.
“Didn’t mean any harm,” He adds, easily, “Just, if you change your mind… it’d be good to have you on the road with me.”
Leaving you then - letting the offer hang as he pokes around in the side rooms.
Another thing that you had found fascinating - the junk that he carries with him. Not just old tape but bottles of adhesive, cans of oil. Broken hot plates, all tucked into his bag.
Your head shakes, as you move deeper.
Winding your way into the kitchen, picking through broken cabinets - snatching up cans of cram. Ending up in a study, through another door.
Books spill from the shelves. There’s an old, deep desk bumped up near a wall, the upholstered chair toppled over next to it.
A few of the novels catch your eye - nose dipping to inhale the familiar, musty smell of the pages as you crouch. Thumbing through them, trying to pick one or two to keep.
Engrossed enough that you don’t hear the creak of boots on wood. The low jangle of spurs, until the door is closing shut behind you.
There’s a slow, upward pull of your eyes, until you see the way he looms over you - eyes narrowing. A hard set to his jaw, a hand that curls around your bicep as he tugs you up and onto your feet.
“Something wrong?” You ask, as you catch the pull of his brow bone, “With the house, is it safe?”
“House’s fine,” He grits. A hand tracing up the zipper of the jacket, curling around the collar.
The frown deepens, as his eyes drag over you, “You take this off the Vaultie?”
Your eyebrows raise, “I didn’t take it off him. He gave it to me because I was cold.”
He clicks his tongue at that, one side of his lip curling. Stepping into your space, until you’re bumping up against that desk.
“Can’t leave you alone for a goddamn minute, can I?” Cooper growls.
Fingers tracing up your sides until they’re fitting beneath the fabric at your shoulders, pushing the worn leather from them.
“What do you mean?” You frown - letting him. The evening chill isn’t so bad in here, the room tucked deeper into the house. No windows to let the evening air in.
“You know exactly what I mean, sugarbomb.” He drawls, acid in his tone, “Smoothie can’t keep his hands off you.”
The jacket pools on the desk, a flick of his wrist sending it to the floor. You don’t know why the Ghoul is so angry - not when he’s made it clear this something between you is just a diversion.
Nothing more than business mixing with pleasure.
“It’s not like that.” You protest, though your mind flickers back to before. Cheeks burning as you shift back, but follows - crowding you, “He’s looking for his son.”
It has your hip pressing against a desk, his own fitting against yours. Hands flattening against the top of the desk, as he leans over you.
“Lookin’ to get his dick wet, more like.” His words are a low growl, “‘Sides, is that all it takes you get you starry-eyed? Fella lookin’ for his kid?”
There’s something in the way he says it. A tick in his jaw, the way his tone pushes at you. Needling deep, as if there’s something more to what he’s saying.
Your arms prop on your hips, “I’m not starry-eyed-”
“Aren’t you?” His head cocks, “You gonna be keepin’ his bedroll warm tonight, sweetheart?”
There’s mockery in his tone. A curl of his lip and bared teeth, all while his eyes catalog each and every expression.
Your hands press against his chest then, scoffing. Yes, Nate had flirted with you. Said you could come with him, but surely that wasn’t the reason why.
Was it?
“That’s ridiculous,” It comes out flustered, unconvincing, “He was married, he’s not-”
The Ghoul shifts, his hands fitting against your hips. Pushing, until you’re sitting on top of the desk, thighs spread so he can fit between them. Distracting you, though his look is no less fierce.
“That don’t mean much, sweetie,” He growls, “Key word here is was. Not gonna keep him from tryin’, I’ll tell you that much.”
And you think you get it now. His raised hackles from the very beginning, when Nate’s hand curled around yours.
Maybe he’d burn right up, if he had heard your conversation. You wonder if he caught any - drifting up through the floorboards. Sending him right down to you, to stake his claim.
It has you softening. Fingers hooking around the thick leather of his belt, tugging him flush.
“He can try all he wants, cowboy,” You shrug, looking at him from beneath your lashes, “It’s not gonna sway me. Was just being nice because he was.”
“Nice.” He echos, as his hands slip up to your waist. Fingers curling in the folds of your shirt, rocking you against him, “That what you think you want, sweetheart?”
There’s the dip of his head, and your eyes are closing. But he just hovers, close enough that you can feel the exhale of his breath. A jerk of his head when your chin tips up, seeking him.
“You think nice is gonna take care of you the way I do?” His hand drifts up - fitting at the curve of your ribs. Thumb brushing at your breast, as you suck in a breath.
“What are you doing?” You breathe, as your eyes open. A shiver at how close he is, how his crotch presses right against the seam of your pants.
His answer is a low rasp.
“Remindin’ you of a couple o’ things.”
There’s a familiarity in the way his other hand dips down. Those hazel eyes are still on yours, as he gives the button on your pants a sharp tug. A soft slide of the zipper.
Your fingers curl, holding on tightly. Anticipation sings in you, melding with the sharp flutter of nerves.
“W-We can’t,” It comes out as a stammer - your concentration torn. “He’s still-”
The Ghoul’s hand leaves you, but it’s only so his teeth can sink into the tip of a leather glove - the jerk of his head to pull his hand free. Already coming back to you, giving the fabric of your pants a sharp tug downwards.
“‘s cute you think I give a shit.” He husks - his eyes dark, as he jerks his chin towards your hips.
They seem to move on their own. A hum of approval as they lift - so he can tug both layers down to your ankles, leaving them to tangle with your boots.
His hands are warm as they trace back up your bare thighs. Soothing the chill - forever warmed by the radiation that lingers in him. Your thighs spread wider without thought, though his fingers linger.
Tracing the soft skin, just where your thigh meets hip. Close enough that surely he can feel the heat that lingers there - the scrape of his nails against sensitive skin sending up goosebumps, as his tongue pinches between teeth.
Eyes caught on how easily you open for him. The way you clench in anticipation, shifting into his touch.
Another protesting whimper falls from your lips, the ghost of a smile as his eyes flip up to yours.
“You’re gonna tell me you don’t want this,” His thumb twitches against you, ghosting along your slit, “When I can see you practically droolin’ for me?”
He lifts his hand for emphasis, casually examining the sheen that coats the pad of his thumb. Head cocked as he waits - dragging it slowly along the flat of his tongue.
“I do want it,” It’s hushed, though no less needy.
His tongue peeks out again. Pinched between teeth, before ghosting across a lower lip - the taste of you lingering. You expect him to bend you over the table, or lay you back against it.
Instead, his fingers pluck the hat from his head. Dropping it onto yours, the brim distorting your view as he bends. Crouching - his left knee pressing into the floorboards, as he situates himself between your thighs.
It has your breath hitching. Another exploration of his fingers, thumb pressing against your folds. Tugging you open, examining you, just like he’d do for a piece of found scrap.
Heat floods through you. There’s no mistaking that he’s still calling every shot, even when he’s on his knees.
“Then answer my question.” His voice takes on a sharp edge, those eyes back on yours, “You think he could give you what you need?”
From here, you can see the pretty fan of his eyelashes. The flecks of gold and green in his brown eyes, each little pitted scar and shiny stretch of skin.
Your head shakes.
“No.” Your thighs inch wider - hips bucking into his touch, “Only you, Cooper.”
He growls at the sound of his name, his hand coming to cup against your cunt. Fingers insistent, where they nudge at your opening. The tips of two sinking into your heat, ripping a muffled gasp from you.
A low hum, when he feels how wet you are. How you wrap so warm and tightly around him - an obscene sound as he presses them deep.
Unable to hide how he affects you, not when the pace picks up, until the heel of his hand is grinding against your clit. Until you’re dripping against his palm.
Your moan is bitten back. Fingers curling around the edge of the desk, needing something to hold onto.
His pace is steady, but he’s just teasing. Fingers merely filling you, stretching you out. No careful curl - just bringing you to hover on a plateau, leaving you to clench around him with desperation.
“Please,” You whine.
Relief then, as his fingers hook. Dragging against your spongy inner wall, as you whimper in approval.
“Yeah?” He hums - watching how your brows pinch, when his fingers flex again, “Change your mind about gettin’ fucked, honey?”
Teeth clicking together with your bitten-back whine, needing to feel more than just the unhurried crook of his fingers.
“Yes. I need more,” Your hips lift with your answer - bucking into his touch, “Need your cock, Cooper. I’ve missed it-”
A dirty trick, to use his name again.
To beg, like this.
He knows it, a heartbeat lingering before his fingers begin to move with purpose. The tilt of his head, and then - his tongue is flattening against your slit. Giving you something else, instead.
You cry out before you remember where you are - your hand quick to press against your mouth to muffle the sound.
He groans at the taste of you, as it floods his tongue. A dark glitter in his eyes, you think he did this on purpose. Trying to pull those sounds from you.
This thought solidified as he begins to devour you. Licking you from clit to hole, dipping between his knuckles. Working the muscle in until he can feel you clench around it too, his own groan caught in his throat. Coming back up - lips wrapping around the tight bud as you gasp, nails biting into wood as you moan.
Ones you still try to hide. Your breath sharp through your nose, palm pressed flat against your mouth. But it doesn’t stop the squeak of the desk as your hips move. The sticky plunge of his fingers, the wet lap of his tongue.
Something molten pooling inside you, red-hot. He knows how much you can take, how the stretch of his fingers slips into something honey-sweet.
His head rears back, as his eyes open. A sharp click of his tongue, before his left hand curls like a vice around your wrist. Capturing the other - fingers spreading wide as he pins them against your belly.
A smirk that grows wider - more sinister - when you realize you won’t be able to hide your sounds any longer. When all you can do is accept what he gives you.
“Oh, don’t hold back, sweetheart.” He coos - a rough breath, as he sees your jaw grit, eyes screwing shut, “Want him to hear just what I’m doin to you.”
A tilt of his head - slow in the way he returns to you. A pointed thrust of his fingers, another one slipping into you. Tongue flicking lazily, before spit is pooling on his tongue.
Pressing his fingers deep, as it falls from his lips. Dripping down your slit, before he’s sucking on your clit again.
The keen that pulls from you is loud. Drawn-out, your breath hissed through your teeth.
He grins into your cunt, the words murmured against your skin, “That’s more like it. Atta girl.”
Taking, as he gives.
Guilt lingers in you - thinking about Nate, wandering in the house. Hearing the muted moans and cries as you’re devoured against the desk. It has your lips pressing harder together, though it does nothing to mute the pleasure that winds higher and higher.
But he notices. Of course he does - fingers slipping free, curling against your clit before he’s pinching it between his fingertips. Teeth nipping at your inner thighs, marks blooming against your skin.
Another cry loosens, as your hips jerk.
“Now I know you want my cock, sweetheart. Asked for it so nicely, after all,” He husks, as his head tips up, “But you’re not gettin’ it till later.”
A threat and a promise, layered in the heavy pant of his breath.
“Plan on takin’ you by the fire. From three feet away, if I have to,” His smile is near-feral, “Let him hear how pretty your pussy sounds taking me. Knowin’ he can’t touch.”
You moan at his words. At the pet of his fingers - each breath short, growing louder as he brings you close to the edge. Keyed up enough over the past few days - leaving you desperate.
And you think that maybe - he just might be as well. It’s there in the way his shoulders curl in. The spread and rock of his own thighs, where you can see the tent of his hard cock.
That desire to make you come tipping into something that feels like need.
“You know why he can’t?” He coaxes, his words a slow drawl.
His fingers flattening when you’re slow to answer - pleasure-drunk, landing a harsh tap against your cunt that has you gasping in shock.
“Because…” You search for the words, grasping at their hazy shapes, “Because I’m yours.”
It comes so easily, the things you’ve thought but never said.
His knees shift, hips tilting on their own. A rough sound in his throat, as he watches how your lips form the words.
“That’s right,” Cooper coos, “Good fuckin’ girl. Knowing who she belongs to.”
It does something to you. That desire blooming into something tangible, racing from your thoughts to the needy throb of your clit.
He can hear the change in your breath. How it pitches high, drawn out. No longer holding it back - unable to, as your vision starts to go hazy.
“You liked that, sweetheart? Knowin’ that you’re owned?” He rasps, “Fuckin’ close, aren’t you. Gonna come?”
“Yes,” You chant, “Make me come. Cooper, please-”
His hand leaves your wrists - your palms curling into his jacket as he loosens his own belt. Fist wrapping around his cock as his tongue replaces the swirl of his fingers.
A whine - loud, in the quiet room - when those three fingers sink deep again, filling you. Only a few deep plunges of of his fingers before your breath is catching, eyes going wide.
The cry catches in your throat, coming out ragged. Unmistakable for anything else, as your pussy tightens around him - that thudding beat that starts low, rippling through you.
Pulsing against his tongue. Stealing your strength, leaving you boneless as your fingers anchor themselves against his shoulders.
He groans into your cunt, as he feels you gush against his palm. The way he can taste your release as it leaks against his knuckles, his tongue dipping down to taste.
Greedy again, with his gaze. Fixed on how wrecked you are - rumpled clothes, how you’re still speared on his fingers, thighs slick with need.
No one else can ruin you so thoroughly. You both know it - it’s enough that he lets go, chasing his own end. An unsteady push to his feet, as his fingers slip free.
His other hand flattening against your abdomen, pushing you back against the desk. A messy twist of his fist, seeing the gape his fingers left behind - that tension twisting, about to snap in his own belly.
His cock is coated in your release, when he comes. A feral snarl as his fist jerks - harkening back to your first few nights together. Back when he held back from spilling inside you, the vials too precious to spend on a stranger.
Fingers twitching against your belly, keeping you pinned as his own moan slips through his teeth. A needy buck of his hips into the tight curl of his hand, a cruel mockery of where he imagines it buried. But it’s enough - another rough sound before ropes of his spend arc across your mound.
Warm against your skin, as he covers you. Dripping down against your slit when he angles himself, making a mess of your slick pussy.
It already has anticipation simmering, deep inside. Unsure if he was being serious about later - but the thought of him taking you nice and slow, drawing it out - you might not be able to ever look Nate in the eye, but christ, it could be worth it.
Though something hangs heavy, as he comes back down. His head lowers from where it tipped back in pleasure. The slow drag of the tip of a finger through his release, glossy against your skin, before he finds the hem of your underwear. Tugging it back into place as you whine in protest.
“Hush, now.” He coos - stroking you over the thin fabric. Seeing how his come seeps in. A teasing circle against your clit, before his palm presses flush. Smearing himself against your cunt.
Staking a claim, you think. He’s always let you clean up before. And this isn’t a punishment, though the wait will be torture.
Fingers smooth the faded fabric when he’s content, his radiation-reddened fingers fitting against the soft curves of your hips.
And, maybe now you understand.
“I’m not going to leave you, you know.”
It’s quiet, breathed out as you gaze up at him.
He almost flinches. A different kind of shudder that runs through him, fingers pinching hard where they dent your flesh.
“You should,” His jaw grits. Voice low, the words coming out hoarse, “If you had any sense.”
But you both know you have none. Not when it comes to him.
Your hands fit in his, as he tugs you off the table. The snug fit of your pants as you tug them back into place, already feeling how he sticks against your skin.
Thoroughly marked. Unable to help the clench as you think about later - missing the fullness of his fingers already. A wobble to your legs - a hazy remnant from your orgasm - as you right yourself, fitting everything back into its place. Before stooping, to grab the jacket off the floor.
Cooper’s hand reaches out - fingers beckoning. His own duster already shrugging off his shoulders. Bundled up, as he holds it aloft.
“You get cold again, you tell me.”
It’s gruff. An offering, with the extension of his hand. Swapping the bomber jacket for his. The worn fabric enveloping you as you tug it on, that greedy look seeping back as he takes in how you look in his things.
A little nod, before he’s turning - making for the door.
Leaving you to follow behind, hiding your smile.
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this started a couple different ways (flirting with a bounty or with a bartender) but I thought it would be interesting to have Cooper in a situation with a genuinely good guy (Nate is the MMC in FO4 if you choose his route!) because that would surely and truly drive him nuts (rip what a couple to join up with) 💖 thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!
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bucks-babe · 1 day
Fuckboy!Bucky NSFW Alphabet
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: This is for Bucky from this fic. Thanks to the amazing @buckys-wintersoldier for reading through this mess and making comments; however, any and all mistakes are mine and mine alone.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Loverboy will take care of you after. He has no problem pounding into you like you’re a toy, contorting your body every which way, he loves it just as much as you do. He knows that he can be rough with you at times, not that you weren’t okay with it, but he tends to feel a bit bad after. 
He won’t let you move a muscle, doting on you hand and foot. You need to go to the bathroom, he’s carrying you the whole way, and don’t even think about getting up on your own. Water? He’s running to the kitchen and grabbing you ice cold water without hesitation. Cuddles? Sweets, you don’t even have to ask for them. Now that Loverboy has experienced what aftercare is, it’s become one of his favorite parts of sex. He lives to be able to take care of you, show you how much he loves you. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Before he met you he would’ve said his cock, but his little gremlin of a girlfriend goes feral over his hands, desperate for them to be on you in some way. Driving? His hand better be on your thigh, rubbing your silky skin. Walking together? He better have his hand in yours or wrapped around you. Sleeping? Oh, he has to be touching you, holding you. You go crazy over the veins in his hands, drenched just from the sight of them, begging for him to fingerfuck you, make you cum all over them and have him gag you with your own cum.
His favorite body part of yours? - Your eyes. He loves to make you look at him while he fucks you stupid, struggling to keep your eyes open, let alone focused on him. He swears that he could cum just from how sexy it is to look into your eyes while you cum, seeing them roll into the back of your head, only the whites visible.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to mark you with his cum, claiming you as his. He loves a good facial, cum on your tits and ass, that’s all well and good, but what he really craves is seeing himself leak out of your cunt. It took him so long to muster up the courage to get tested for STDs and now that he did, he has been fucking you raw every chance he can get. And he’ll be damned if all of his load doesn’t go inside your perfect cunt, fucking it back into you with his fingers until you pull away, too sensitive to continue. But he’ll still gather up the remnants and share them with you in a heated kiss after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bucky wants to fuck you with his balls, have them nestled in your ass while a fleshlight chokes his dick. He wants to drive you crazy, having you on your stomach laying prone, only able to hear his moans and the squelching of the toy sliding up and down his cock. He wants to hear you beg for him to fuck you, wants you to feel his sac clench and tighten before he pours his load into the toy, having you slurp it out afterwards.
He wants you to peg him while he fucks into the toy, letting your thrusts push him in. Maybe with a vibe on his sac, experiencing as much pleasure as possible, have you keep going until he taps out, not able to cum anymore. He’s going to ask you, and soon because he needs it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
While Bucky has slept with a lot of girls, his knowledge of how to pleasure a woman was limited. He would leave it up to his partner to take care of herself, sometimes even leaving before she finished. The first time he had sex with you, you set him straight, not letting him continue to make mistakes when it came to your pleasure.
You weren’t going to fake pleasure for any man, not even Bucky, so he learned pretty fast what made you tick. And for the first time he cared more about his partner’s pleasure than his own. So your loverboy is more than capable of rendering you boneless and cockdrunk.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
It’s a toss up with Loverboy. Sometimes he wants you face down ass up, pounding into you, watching the way your flesh jiggles with every thrust.
“Oh fuck, sweets. Pussy’s so fucking tight, choking my cock. Wish you could see this pretty ass bouncing, sexiest woman ever, sweets.” With each thrust Bucky almost whimpers, desperately trying to last, not wanting to give up his view. He can’t help it, you truly are the sexiest woman on the planet. He doesn’t know how he ever found another woman attractive when you’re on his bed like this, taking everything he has to offer.
Rough hands grab your hips, pulling you back harder against him, hitting your g-spot every time he bottoms out. His hands slapping your soft flesh, moaning with each jiggle. More than once you’ve lost the ability to sit properly for a few days with the amount of spanks he gives you, not that you would have it any other way.
As much as he loves to watch your body, he loves to see your face even more. Sex had never been an intimate moment for him. Pounding, getting his release, rinse, repeat. But Loverboy is absolutely smitten by you.
“Good girl, let me see that pretty face when I slide into you.”
“Most beautiful woman.”
“Never gonna get tired of watching you take me.”
He craves to have every inch of his body pressed against yours, feeling more than lust.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Loverboy can be goofy, more often than not at least one of you giggles before, during or after. He still doesn’t understand why, but you love to see him swing his cock in circles, biting your lip and clenching your thighs together. He’s almost never 100% serious during sex, loving the intimacy of being so comfortable together.
“C’mon Loverboy, just once? Why are you being mean to me? Let me talk to him. He wouldn’t treat me like this.”
“Sweets, are you really going to make me do this every time?”
“He likes it, Buck.”
“Can you please not talk about my dick like it’s another man when I’m about to fuck you?”
You both stare at each other for a few seconds, neither of you saying a word, silently challenging each other before Bucky relents and circles his hips. “Thank you, Loverboy. Was that so hard?”
He stops his movements, arms by his side, not saying a word before you burst into laughter. “Loverboy, you look like that emoji of the guy standing still.”
He joins in after a few moments, not able to suppress his laughter any more. “Alright, sweets, but you won’t be laughing in a minute.”
Bucky also can’t help but giggle when your body makes certain sounds.
You groan as Bucky flips you over, raising your hips. You bury your head into the pillows as soon as you hear it, the sound of air escaping you. The change in positions always betraying you.
Bucky’s moans mix with his light laughter, he’s still a man after all, and any sound that resembles a fart will always make him laugh, no matter how hard or horny he is. “Sweets, you better get back here. Don’t you take my pretty girl away from me.”
You flip yourself back down on the bed. “You can have her but it has to be like this.”
“Sweets-” You cut him off with a glare.
“Don’t laugh at me, it’s your fault.” Bucky falls on you, a sweet smile gracing his lips.
“Not laughing at you, sweets, but it was kind of funny.”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps himself trimmed, usually using a pair of hair scissors to keep his bush tamed. He hates having a full bush, it feels weird when he wears underwear. He uses an electric razor every so often when he feels like going bald, but he doesn’t do that too often. The one time he saw you wince when he was fucking you because his hair poked your clit just wrong, he vowed to shave and keep his hair short. You told him it wasn’t necessary but he did it anyway. 
And of course you asked to watch him shave. It wasn’t your fault you’ve never seen how a man shaves his cock and balls.
“So, like how does that work?” Bucky gives you an incredulous look. “Shaving. It seems difficult. How do you not cut yourself?”
Bucky sighs, he should be used to this by now, his girlfriend being obsessed with his cock, and not just because you always want to fuck him, but because you want to know how it works. Can I hold him while you pee? Can you swing him around? Can I hold him when we cuddle? I want to watch him get hard. Can I keep him in my mouth while you work?
Bucky doesn’t mind the last one, he would be insane to say no to having his cock in your mouth. In the end, he lets you come into the bathroom while he shaves. “Sweets, don’t look at me like that, gonna make me hard.”
“I’m not looking any type of way. I’m just interested.” He runs the razor through his hair, delicately grabbing his soft cock, pulling it away from where he shaves next. “Woah, so you just move him around?”
“Well, how else would you shave the hair there, sweets?” He lets out a chuckle before focusing on his task again. 
“So you don’t get hard touching your dick so much?” Bucky laughs, almost nicking himself.
“What do you think I do when I take a shower? You get used to it.”
“You always get hard when I hold him.” He has to turn the razor off, doubling over with laughter. 
“That’s different, sweets.” He goes back to shaving, now focusing on his balls, pulling the skin tight.
“That’s fucking cool and kind of hot. You know, you playing with your balls.”
Bucky’s cock twitches at your words. “You’re never watching me shave again.”
On you however, he couldn’t give less of a damn what you do with your pubic hair. If you shave, that’s fine, he gets to feel your silky skin under his fingers. Loverboy would gladly put your lotion on you, making sure you don’t get razor burn. Of course, it’s because he has to make sure his pretty girl is taken care of, not because he wants to touch your pussy, no, he would never. He doesn’t mind the prickly hair as it grows back, one time he had the nerve to say that it was exfoliating his face for the day when eating you out. That got him a whack to the head.
If you wax, he’s going to do the same thing, treating your pussy like she was injured, doting on her hand and foot. 
“How is my pretty girl? I know, I can’t believe she would do this to you, to us.”
Sometimes he tilts his head so his ear is next to your bare cunt. “What’s that? She hurt you, ripped out all your pretty curls? Don’t worry, I’ll show her what happens when she treats you like this.”
Full bush, oh he couldn’t care less. The coarse curls don’t slow him down at all. He’ll still devour you like his last meal. So what if he may have to spit out a few hairs after, it’s worth it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
When he isn’t about to lose his mind, he’s very intimate, holding you close, looking into your eyes as his cock slides in and out. He loves the intimacy, the vulnerability of letting himself go. It doesn’t have to be soft and slow for him, he could be railing you into next week but his calloused hands running up and down your thighs, soft kisses to your face, praise, all of it, but you could still feel his unconditional love for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Bucky doesn’t jack off too much. He was shocked to find out that you’re just as insatiable as he is, constantly fiending for his dick. He will masturbate when you don’t want to have sex, sleeping, or just not with him. Just thinking about you makes him hard as a rock and he can’t ignore it. He was apprehensive at first when you brought up the idea of mutual masturbation, not understanding why he would jack off when you were right there, ready and willing.
“Sweets, please come here. I need to be in that perfect pussy.” You just shook your head scooting to the end of the bed where you’ve already placed pillows for you to rest on.
“It’ll be hot, promise.” You started first, dragging your vibrator through your slick, using it to rub your clit in small circles. “I’m waiting, Loverboy.”
You knock Bucky out of his trance, eyes shooting back up to look at you before dropping to the fleshlight you found in his bedside drawer. He tries to ignore the aching in his core, but it just gets tighter and tighter as your soft moans fill the room. Bucky would give anything to be the one pleasuring you right now, but that’s not what you want.
Picking up the toy, Bucky groans at the sight before him, fake pussy leaking with lube and some of your slick, having rubbed it against your slick cunt first. He can’t remember the last time he used it, but he’s sure that it used to feel much better than it does now and he’s positive it’s because your pussy ruined him.
“Fuck, sweets, please, need you. Doesn’t feel as good. S’not you. You’re warm, and tight, and fuck, the way you clench around me. Oh shit.” Even though it’s not nearly as good, it still has him moaning, the toy wrapping around his thick cock better than his hand ever could.
He starts to fuck his toy faster, trying to finish at the same time as you, and he gets why you find this so hot. The sight of his girl pleasuring herself, giving him a full view of your body, has his mind reeling. And when he cums and you stick your tongue as deep as it can go into the toy, Bucky knows that he’s going to do it again with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Loverboy is kinky and he’s not afraid to admit it. Daddy kink, breath play, light BDSM, slight voyeurism/exhibitionism, degradation, praise, role play, mutual masturbation, spit kink, spanking, the list goes on. He’s down to try almost anything you want. He’s thinking about trying something you brought up, fucking you like a sex toy, using whatever hole he wants, with explicit consent of course. You want him to fuck you however he wants while watching porn or one of your videos, treating you like an inanimate object.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bucky’s favorite place to fuck you is the bedroom. It gives him the most privacy and he can take as much time as he wants with you. Alongside that, car sex, shower sex, over the desk, against the wall, the movie theater, class, and you won’t ever forget the time he decided to fuck you with all of your friends right next to you.
“Can’t fucking wait anymore. Cock is about to explode.” The whisper sends pulses of arousal to your already soaked core. You want it just as bad as he does, thinking that the movie night at Sam’s would have been much shorter, but of course the loud mouth had to keep pausing the movie to interject, swiftly causing an outburst between him and Steve.
“Slip it in, Loverboy, else I’m going to leave a wet spot on both of our pants.” Bucky buries his head in the crook of your neck, glad that you were in the corner of the room, no lights shining on the two of you.
Bucky meets no resistance at the first slide of his hips, pushing your shorts and underwear down. His hand shoots up to cover your mouth to stop the wanton moan about to leave, both of you being so horny for so long.
He keeps an eye out for anyone looking over, getting more and more bold with each small jerk of his hips. His right hand comes down to rub your clit, left helping you grind against him, juices soaking his sweatpants. 
“Sweets, cock feels like it’s about to burst, gonna be so much fucking cum, gonna make a mess.” You whimper when his cockhead hits your sweetspot, ready to fall off the edge with him. “Just a little more, sweets, yeah, give me that, FUCK, keep touching my balls, feel how much cum is in there for you?”
Biting down on your shoulder, Bucky’s cock bursts, filling you up with rope after rope of his spend, your cunt milking every drop out with your own orgasm. 
“I can’t believe yall really just fucked on my couch.” 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sweets, you. You get him going. You could breathe in his direction and his cock will point the same way. It doesn’t take much at all. At first you thought that it was because he was used to having sex all the time and then you made him wait for so long before sleeping with him. But no. It’s just Bucky and how much he’s obsessed with you.
Over the next few months, Bucky’s appetite for you never wavered and you aren’t mad about it at all. If you want to do a little something special for him, you’ll wear a sexy pair of lingerie but for some reason, that you still can’t wrap your head around, he loves when you wear nightgowns the most. 
If you walk past him in a nightgown, you’re going to end up on the next available surface with it pulled up enough for him to see your cunt swallow his thick length.  
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Threesomes - He doesn’t want to share you with anyone else, or have anyone else. You’re more than enough for him
CNC - Bucky wants explicit consent every time. If he even senses for a second that you are uncomfortable or hesitant, he’s checking in and making sure you’re still okay to go. Same goes for any sex act. If you don’t give him a clear answer then everything stops, no questions asked
Face slapping - He loves to slap your ass, cunt, and thighs, but he doesn’t want to hit you in the face. He’s never been a violent man, maybe a little rough during sex, but never striking a woman anywhere near her face. Maybe a slap or two to her tits, but never any higher. You asked him to slap your face before and his cock went almost completely soft instantly, hating the idea of hurting you, even when you were asking for it. You both talked about it and agreed that it wasn’t something that he was comfortable with and you two wouldn’t do it
Cheating role play - Bucky wants to leave his reputation behind, not relive it
DD/LG - He likes to be called daddy, but he likes to keep that in the bedroom only and not treat you like a little girl
Impact play - The only thing that he’ll hit you with is his hands and belt, never anything like a whip or flogger
Anything that you’re not comfortable with - If he wants to try something and you don’t seem completely comfortable with, you’ll talk it through. When trying something new, Bucky will always talk with you about it first, and if you want to try it, he’ll go slow and talk you through what he’s going to do. If you like it then eventually he’ll relax and lose himself in the pleasure with you, but if you want to stop at any point, you don’t have to try it again
Certain nicknames turn him off as well, pretty much everything that has little in the name. He doesn’t want to think of you as a child. Little one is probably his least favorite
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Once he got a taste of your cunt, Bucky was hooked. He could stay between your legs for hours, eating you out while you worked on assignments, watched TV, read a book, or tried to at least, the presence of his tongue and fingers taking away your ability to focus on anything.
As much as he loved to eat you out, he loved blowjobs. The sloppier the better. It was addicting to see your puffy cheeks lined with tears, spit down your chin to your tits. You always let him fuck your face when he wanted to. He would let you take control most of the time, but when he was needy, he fucked your face like a sex toy. The sounds of your gags and gurgles were so fucking sexy. 
If he is needy, then he prefers to receive, but any other time, he enjoys both the same.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depending on his mood, he can go from slow to passionate, or just fast and rough off the bat. He always tries to take his time, drawing out both of your pleasure, but once he slides into your tight cunt, all bets are off and his hips take on a mind of their own, clapping against yours, grinding every time be bottoms out. Sometimes he likes it fast and rough, plowing into you, giving you no time to adjust, taking out his frustrations on you.
You love when he gets like that, protective and possessive, but never in a way that turns you off. He knows that you’re your own person and can handle yourself, but you shouldn’t have to deal with sleazy men trying to put their nasty paws on you. On those days he’ll fuck you until you both are too spent to get up, covered in your mixed cum, laying in the wet sheets, neither having enough energy to get up and change them.
Those days he gives you the best aftercare. Not that he ever slacks off, but something about him fucking you like an animal and then treating you like precious china after has your heart clenching and love seeping through your pores.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He used to be big on quickies, more of a wham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of guy. But now? He doesn’t like them as much. Of course he still likes them, he would be crazy to deny you sex at all. He likes to take his time with you, drawing out both of your pleasure. He also knows how you get after sex, soft and vulnerable, needing to be taken care of, and he can’t properly do that when you’re both in a time crunch. He does what he can though, making sure you enjoyed it and keeping you close to him, making sure you know how much he loves you and how good you did for him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Bucky is a risk taker, through and through. If you’re down to try something, 9 times out of 10 he’s game. He’s fucked you in class before, slowly rubbing his cock through your folds, tip rubbing against your clit. He had to bite your shoulder to stop the moans leaving him. He loves to fuck you in public, not in the open where everyone can see, but hidden enough that there’s a chance someone could walk in. 
He would never let anyone see you in a compromising position though. But fucking in a closet, corner of the library, bathroom stall? He’s down. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for multiple rounds, give him a few minutes and he’s ready to go again. Bucky’s young and in his prime, he has no problem going again and again. Some days he cums fast, not able to hold out when you're so wet and warm around him. Most of the time he can last 15-20 minutes if he tries. But he will always make sure you cum first.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Bucky has a fleshlight. He didn't have to use it very often, always finding someone to give him his release, only using it when he was in his dorm late at night, too lazy to have real sex. But now he uses it more often, whether because you were away and the thoughts of your perfect body were too much to handle or because you wanted to watch him fuck himself with it while you touched your pussy. He thoroughly enjoys the toy, even though it has nothing on your cunt, it still feels much better than his own hand.
He loves to use toys on you, watching your eyes roll back as he pushes your vibrator harder against your clit, seeing how many times he could make you cum before you had to tap out. He’s never going to forget the first time you placed it under his sac and then rode him, not stopping when he came, continuing to bounce and grind until he had no more cum to offer. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Loverboy loves to tease you, making you beg for his cock. He’ll purposefully avoid touching your cunt for as long as possible. Licking your neck, trailing kisses down your chest, biting and sucking your tits, but never touching your nipples. He enjoys seeing you get more and more desperate, hips searching for any type of friction. And when he can stop himself from devouring your cunt, he’ll suck hickies on your inner thigh, littering it with bruises. And just when you think he’s going to lick your cunt, he’ll give the same treatment to your other thigh.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Oh, he’s loud. The first thrust has him groaning, deep and long. He’s never been one to make much noise during sex, dirty talk and small grunts when he was close to finishing, but with you, he can’t help but whine, moan, groan, whimper, all of it, you just feel too good. At first, he tries to keep it down, but with each thrust, he loses himself more and more, not able to hide his pleasure.
“Sweets, so fucking good, fuck.” He hides his face in the crook of your neck, the vibrations of his moans tickling you.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect, pussy’s choking me. Feels so fucking good.” His voice gets higher in pitch, almost as if he was close to tears, hips picking up speed.
With each thrust he moans and grunts, cock feeling like it’s going to burst at any time. “Please, sweets, oh god, can’t help it, need you to cum for me, not gonna last, please.” He will beg for you to cum, he needs you to cum first.
When his whines come, you know he’s close to cumming, doing everything he can to hold it, not wanting it to end already, but he can’t help it.
“Fuck, sweets, thank you, thank you, cumming all over my cock. Ready, sweets? Gonna fill you up, want it so bad.” Mouth open, eyes rolling back, Bucky moans and he moans loud as spurts of his cum fill your pussy.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Bucky would “accidentially” leak your sex tape. And by that he means that you both were in on it, but definitely acted like you had no clue it was out there. Bucky was fed up with the dirty looks and comments you would get, just because you were dating him. Of course, he loved it when you told them off, it was one of the first things he was attracted to - your fire. 
Bucky brought the idea up, he was going to fuck you, film it, and it would mysteriously end up on his social media. You were hesitant at first, but Bucky assured you that there was no pressure to do anything, and he would respect your boundaries.
You thought about it for a few days, eventually agreeing, but you would be wearing a shirt and the camera would only show your face. Bucky insisted that he picks out your shirt, his red henley and propped the camera up so that both of your faces were in view.
It was full of passion, kissing, staring into each other’s eyes, praise, moans, the whole nine. Near the end, you were practically sobbing with pleasure, not even remembering that it was being filmed. “There you go, sweets, look at the camera, want to see your face when you cum.”
With one hand he grabs your chin and faces the camera. “Look at you, so fucking perfect, makes my cock so fucking hard, come on sweet girl, cum for me, know you’re so close.” That’s all it takes for a wail to rip from your throat, squirting on his cock, soaking the bed and covers.
“Love you so much, sweets. So fucking good for me, can’t get enough of you, won’t ever stop loving you.” In your dazed state, you barely heard him calling out your name. Not your nickname, your real name as he filled you with his cum.
The next few days on campus were eventful to say the least.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
For starters, Loverboy is uncut. His foreskin partially covering the tip of his pink cockhead. He’s around 6.5 inches but he’s THICK. The first time you saw his cock you weren’t sure you were going to be able to fit him inside of you. You couldn’t fit your hand around him, fingers not meeting. Thick veins surround his cock, begging to be traced with your tongue.
Bucky always had large balls, but he didn’t realize how big they were until you commented on them, shocked at their size. You’ve never seen a prettier sack in your entire life, heavy and full, yet the skin was tight, leaving it smooth. They hung down, the weight of them too much to keep them close to his body, making his cock look much smaller when soft.
You’re obsessed with the way they swing when he fucks into you, feeling them slap against your skin, making vulgar sounds every time. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Bucky can go as much as you want. He is perpetually hard for you. If you wanted to, he would go all day every day. That man is whipped and can’t get enough of you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He can fall asleep after pretty quickly, but he always makes sure that you are taken care of first. He usually feels a huge burst of energy after, able to continue with his day with no problem. If you pull multiple orgasms out of him, then he gets tired, ready to cuddle you in his arms and sleep. It takes a lot to make his cock tired; however, he’s always ready to give you more.
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 days
(If you’re not up for it simply ignore. I love your work and hope you’re happy and healthy and taking care of your own mental health ❤️)
The bat boys with a reader who has really low days and really just wants to be held?
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I just wanted an excuse to add Kyle Rayner as a bonus cuz I’ve been wanting to write something for him but dunno what. Plus I’ve been needing something like this after the week I’ve just had lol.
Dick would smile softly as he held you in his arms, tightening his grip on you as he peppers you in kisses however he could.
He knew that days like these were the hardest for you and he wasn’t going to hold it against you, not in the slightest as he would softly hum a song to you as he carried you to your shared bed, Hayley hot on his heels as she was worried about your change of attitude.
Speaking of Hayley, she never leaves your side, in fact when she sees Dick hold you against him , she immeditly joins in and tries to wriggle her way in between you both in hopes of covering your face in comforting licks. She wants to see you happy and she’ll gladly cuddle up with you if that’s the only way to do it.
Dick would spoil you rotten with cuddles, kisses and words of encouragement when you felt as though all hope was lost, for the last thing he wanted was for you to feel as though no one had you back when he did this entire time of being together.
‘You’re amazing baby and I’m so fucking proud of you, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise you otherwise because you outshine them without having to try.’ He says while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Dick would gladly make a fool of himself if it was to make you feel better but holding you, kissing you, and praising you will have to do for the meantime as he could hope that he has given you the strength needed to get out of this dark place that you’ve found yourself in.
He believes you can do it but until then he’ll gladly hold you until you could stand on your own two feet again.
Jason doesn’t need to be told twice as he was well aware of what you want the moment you came through the door of your shared bedroom.
‘Come here sweetheart.’ He would say as he sets aside his book and held out his arms for you to burrow into as you rested your head on his chest, arms latching onto his waist with an iron like grip.
He didn’t need to ask about the day you’ve had for he could feel the fatigue and weariness within your body and the deep sigh that left your lips that told him you have been holding in for a long while. Your body practically radiated with tiredness in all its forms that made it impossible for him to ignore even if he tried.
‘Rest your heavy head and your weary eyes chipmunk,’ he tells you as he begins to rub up and down your back soothingly, ‘I’ll be right here when you wake up, so just relax for me okay?’
You hummed out a small and a tad muffled ‘okay’ and Jason presses a kiss to the side of your head as he tightens his hold on you. He’d even read passages of his book to you in hopes the tit would take your mind off of things quicker as he knew how much you liked the sound of his voice.
Jason knows there’s want much he could do when you experienced days like these but all he could hope was that he was making enough of an effort to make you feel just that little bit better.
Tim makes sure he has everything you could ever need during days like these such as your favourite plushie, blanket, comfort foods, and some water just to name a few as he wants you to be comfortable and taken care of if he was to not be moving away from the bed anytime soon as he held you in his arms.
He just wants you to be okay and doesn’t want you run in on an empty stomach.
‘We’re human, we have limitations and breaking points that tell us to stop and take a break for ourselves, but yet we have been made to think that we shouldn’t and that we should neglect our health and well-being for temporary achievements and successes; almost as if that’s the only thing that should mean something to us.’ Tim tells you as he cuddles you against his chest as a movie played on his laptop as background noise.
‘You’ve done so well for yourself and now your more then deserving of a rest, we’ll return to reality in our own time, we’ve got enough of it that it shouldn’t matter whether we’re still here an hour or two later.’ Tim continues as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
And he meant it, Tim didn’t care how kind he’d have to wait for you to get better because he understood that it wasn’t going to be as easy, having had shit days where he couldn’t be bothered to bring himself to do anything other then lay in his bed, wondering to himself about what he could’ve done to feel such deep pain and isolation.
He knew that it would take time for you to feel even remotely better and even when you did you’ll still need all the help you can possibly get, and he’ll be there for as long as you’ll need him there too.
Damian isn’t well versed in the art of comforting someone but with you, suddenly he’s an expert as he lets you flop against his side as he holds you protectively.
He doesn’t trust his words enough to bring you any comfort as he wasn’t given much himself when he was growing up, so Damian instead just lets you cling onto him and watch in silence as he draws whatever in his sketchbooks: in this instance it was quick sketch of you, him and all of his pets on a field somewhere.
Damian knew his drawings were somewhat therapeutic to you as you got to watch him go through every step he took to make the perfect drawing, no matter if it was heavily detailed or less so, that and he was proud of his artwork that he doesn’t mind showing you some of his precious works and telling you the stories behind them.
Titus joins you, obviously, as he could tell something was wrong with you and will lay in your lap to provide you with some comfort until he’s fallen fast asleep, rendering it impossible for you to move but you didn’t care and neither did Damian as you were surly to follow the Great Dane into dream land where you would be laying in that field that Damian drew.
You were a lot more stronger then you let yourself believe in Damian’s eyes but that didn’t mean he wasn’t more then content in holding you in comfortable silence until you felt better, even if it was just a little bit but even then Damian was determined to outdo himself and find other ways of helping you no matter what.
He just wants to see that smile he loved so much again that told him that everything was going to be okay.
Random Bonus character: Kyle Rayner
Kyle hates seeing you so down and will do absolutely anything and everything he could even if it meant only getting a little smile out of you he’d take it wholeheartedly!
Anything was better then that distant, solemn look on your face as you stared out the window as though life didn’t look as bright or pleasant anymore as it did before.
He’d conjure up anything your heart desired if that helped even by the smallest amount, any amount of progress was better then none. Kyle just wants to see your eyes light up again with childlike wonder again, even if it was momentarily.
However he doesn’t mind if him holding you in his arms was the only way to achieve such a thing as he could keep you close and squeeze you tightly as he tries to pour everything encouraging into your ears in low hushed whispers.
‘You’ll be okay,’ Kyle begins, ‘whether that’s within days, weeks or even months, you’ll be okay. You’re not missing out on anything nor are you going about life at a slower pace compared to others, you’re going at your own pace and that’s okay, you’ll get where you need to be in due time so there’s no point in rushing yourself to get there quicker.’
Kyle would even do some silly little doodles for you just to hear you chuckle or even let out an amused huff. He’d gladly make himself look silly if it meant brining a little light to your heart and life back into your eyes.
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pinkflower2003 · 3 days
Fernando Alonso x ex!reader
All Too Well Masterlist
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The days following the dinner at Fernando’s house were a mixture of excitement and trepidation for Fernando. The bonds he was forming with Georgia and AJ were growing stronger, but the unspoken truth loomed over him. He knew he had to approach the subject with care, ensuring the twins’ emotional well-being was always at the forefront of his mind.
One afternoon, while Y/N was at work, Fernando decided to surprise the twins with a day out. He had carefully planned the outing, ensuring it would be something they both enjoyed. He picked them up from school, and as they got into the car, he saw their faces light up with curiosity.
"Where are we going?" AJ asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"It’s a surprise," Fernando replied with a smile. "But I think you’re going to love it."
The drive was filled with the twins’ animated chatter, and Fernando couldn’t help but feel a sense of belonging. He drove them to a nearby go-kart track, knowing it would be the perfect way to spend the day together.
As they arrived, Georgia and AJ’s faces lit up with delight. "This is awesome!" AJ exclaimed, practically bouncing in his seat.
"Yeah, Fernando! This is amazing!" Georgia added, her smile wide.
They spent the day racing around the track, laughing, and competing against each other. Fernando watched with joy as the twins zoomed around the track, their excitement infectious. For a moment, it felt like everything was perfect.
After several races, they took a break and sat down with some snacks. Georgia and AJ’s faces were flushed with excitement, their eyes sparkling with joy.
"Thanks for today, Fernando," Georgia said, her eyes reflecting the afternoon sunlight. "This has been one of the best days ever."
"Yeah, thank you," AJ echoed. "We really needed this."
Fernando smiled, feeling a warm glow of happiness. "I’m glad you both had fun. I had a great time too."
As they sat in comfortable silence, Georgia broke the quiet with a question that had been on her mind. "Fernando, do you have any kids?"
The question caught him off guard, but he maintained his composure. "No, I don’t have any kids."
Georgia looked thoughtful. "Would you want to have kids someday?"
Fernando’s heart ached with the unspoken truth, but he nodded. "Yes, I think I would. Family is important to me."
AJ looked at him with curiosity. "What about us? You spend so much time with us lately; it feels like you’re part of our family."
Fernando smiled, feeling a mixture of joy and sadness. "You two are very special to me. Spending time with you has been one of the best things that’s ever happened to me."
The conversation was interrupted by the sound of an announcement for the next race. They decided to have one more go on the track before heading home. Fernando cherished every second, knowing these were the memories he had longed for.
Over the next few weeks, Fernando continued to integrate himself into the twins’ lives. He attended more of AJ’s rugby matches, cheered Georgia on at her school events, and even helped them with their homework. The twins had started to see Fernando as a father figure, though they were still unaware of the full truth.
One evening, after a particularly intense rugby match, Y/N invited Fernando over for dinner. It was a casual invitation, but Fernando knew it was an important step. He arrived at their home, a modest but cosy place that radiated warmth.
As they sat down to dinner, Fernando felt a sense of belonging. The conversation flowed easily, and the atmosphere was relaxed. After dinner, Y/N suggested they sit outside on the patio, enjoying the cool evening air.
As they settled into their chairs, Georgia and AJ excused themselves to finish some homework, leaving Fernando and Y/N alone.
"Fernando," Y/N began, her voice soft. "I’ve been thinking a lot about everything. About you, the twins, and the future."
Fernando’s heart raced, but he kept his expression calm. "What’s on your mind?"
Y/N took a deep breath. "I can see how much you care about Georgia and AJ. And I can see how much they care about you. I think it’s time we told them the truth."
Fernando’s heart skipped a beat. "Are you sure? I don’t want to rush anything."
Y/N nodded. "Yes, I’m sure. They deserve to know the truth, and I think they’re ready."
Fernando felt a mixture of relief and anxiety. "How do you want to do it?"
"We’ll do it together," Y/N replied, her voice firm. "Tomorrow, after dinner. We’ll sit them down and explain everything."
Fernando nodded, feeling a sense of determination. "Okay. We’ll do it together."
The next day was filled with a mixture of anticipation and anxiety for Fernando. He spent the day with the twins, keeping their spirits high and enjoying every moment. As dinner approached, his nerves began to intensify.
After dinner, Y/N called the twins into the living room. Fernando sat next to her on the couch, his heart pounding. Georgia and AJ sat across from them, their expressions curious.
"We need to talk to you about something important," Y/N began, her voice steady. "It’s about your father."
The twins exchanged confused glances. "What about him?" AJ asked.
Y/N took a deep breath. "You know how I’ve always told you that your father loved you very much but couldn’t be with us? Well, there’s more to the story."
Fernando felt his heart race as Y/N continued. "Your dad didn’t leave because he didn’t love you. He left because he didn’t know about you. And now that he knows, he wants to be a part of your lives."
Georgia and AJ looked at Fernando, their eyes wide with shock. "Fernando?" Georgia whispered, her voice trembling.
Fernando nodded, his voice choked with emotion. "Yes, you’re my children."
The room fell into a stunned silence. The twins’ expressions ranged from shock to confusion to disbelief. Fernando felt his heart break, but he knew he had to give them time to process the news.
"Why didn’t you tell us sooner?" AJ asked, his voice filled with hurt. “All this time you’ve been around us and you didn’t tell us?”
"It’s complicated," Y/N replied gently. "I wanted to protect you both. But Fernando has always cared about you, even when he didn’t know you existed."
Georgia looked at Fernando, her eyes filled with tears. "Is it true? Did you really not know about us?"
Fernando nodded, his voice filled with regret. "Yes, it’s true. If I had known, I would have been there for you from the beginning. I’m so sorry mi hija."
The twins were silent for a moment, processing the revelation. Finally, Georgia spoke. "We need some time to think about this."
"Of course," Y/N replied, her voice soft. "Take all the time you need."
Fernando watched as the twins left the room, their faces a mixture of emotions. He felt a sense of relief that the truth was finally out, but he knew there were still challenges ahead. He was determined to be there for his children, to support them and earn their trust.
As the evening turned into night, Fernando and Y/N sat in silence, the weight of the conversation heavy on their minds.
The next few days were tense and emotional. Georgia and AJ needed time to process the revelation, and Fernando respected their space. He continued to attend AJ’s rugby matches and Georgia’s school events, even with them barely speaking, but he gave them the distance they needed.
One Saturday afternoon, Y/N suggested another outing to help ease the tension. "Why don’t we go go-karting again?" she proposed, hoping the fun activity would help the twins feel more comfortable.
The twins agreed, and Fernando saw a glimmer of excitement in their eyes. They arrived at the go-kart track, and Fernando felt a wave of nostalgia as they got ready to race. He knew this was an important step in rebuilding their relationship.
The races were filled with laughter and friendly competition. Fernando let Georgia and AJ take the lead, cheering them on as they zoomed around the track. He felt a sense of pride watching them, knowing they were his children.
After several races, they took a break and sat down with some snacks. The tension from the previous days seemed to have lifted, and the twins were smiling and chatting animatedly.
"That was so much fun," AJ said, his eyes shining with excitement. "I’m glad we came back here."
"Yeah, it was a great idea, Mum," Georgia added, her smile wide.
The twins were talking again, they were becoming more comfortable with the fact that they were now sitting with not only their mum, but also their dad. Coming to terms with it would still take time, but it was becoming a sight that was becoming clearer with each day.
A few months later, Fernando had another major race coming up. He had been preparing intensely, and this time, he wanted Georgia and AJ to be there, not just as spectators, but as his children. He approached Y/N with the idea one evening.
"I have a big race next week," he began, his voice filled with excitement. "And I want Georgia and AJ to come with me. I want them to be there as my children."
Y/N smiled, her eyes reflecting his excitement. "I think that’s a great idea. They’ll be thrilled."
When Fernando told the twins, their faces lit up with excitement and nervousness. "Really? We get to go to your race?" AJ asked, his voice filled with awe.
"Yes," Fernando replied with a smile. "I want you both there.”
On the morning of the race, Fernando arrived at the track early, his mind buzzing with anticipation. He greeted his team with a smile, trying to push aside the doubts that lingered in the back of his mind.
As he prepared for the race, Fernando couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He knew the media would be watching closely, and the thought of his children being thrust into the spotlight as his ‘long-lost children’ filled him with apprehension. But he also knew he had to focus on the task at hand.
As he sat in his car on the grid, surrounded by the other drivers, Fernando felt a surge of determination. He glanced up at the stands, scanning the crowd for a familiar face. And then, he saw it.
A banner unfurled in the stands, the words "Go Papa" emblazoned in bold letters. Fernando's heart skipped a beat as he locked eyes with Georgia and AJ, their faces radiant with pride, YN stood beside them, in her mind knowing this is what it could have always been like. In that moment, he felt a surge of emotion unlike anything he had ever experienced.
The race began, and Fernando pushed aside his emotions, focusing on the task at hand. The roar of the engines filled his ears as he sped around the track, his mind clear and focused. Lap after lap, he pushed himself to the limit, determined to prove himself on the track.
As the race progressed, Fernando found himself locked in a fierce battle for the lead. The other drivers pushed him to his limits, but he refused to back down. With each corner, each straightaway, he pushed himself harder, his determination unwavering.
And then, in the final laps, disaster struck. Fernando's car was clipped by another driver, sending him spinning off the track. For a moment, everything seemed to stand still as he fought to regain control.
But then, with a burst of adrenaline, Fernando found himself back on the track, his eyes locked on the finish line. He pushed himself harder than ever before, his heart pounding in his chest as he raced towards victory.
And then, finally, it was over. Fernando crossed the finish line in first place, his heart soaring with triumph. The cheers of the crowd filled his ears as he climbed out of his car, his body trembling with exhaustion.
Fernando stepped out of his car, the roar of the crowd deafening. He looked up to the stands and saw Georgia and AJ running towards him, their faces alight with joy. They reached him, and Fernando enveloped them in a tight hug, kissing each of them on the temple.
"You did it, Dad!" AJ exclaimed, his eyes shining with pride.
"We’re so proud of you!" Georgia added, her smile wide.
Fernando felt tears of joy well up in his eyes.
As the media surrounded them, microphones and cameras capturing the moment, one reporter asked, "Fernando, who are these children?"
Fernando smiled, his heart full. "These are my children, Georgia and AJ. They’re my inspiration, my motivation. I’m so proud to have them by my side."
The twins beamed with pride as Fernando continued to rave about them, his words filled with love and admiration. Suddenly, Georgia and AJ held up a banner they had been hiding, and the words "Go Papa!" were written in bold letters, bringing tears to Fernando’s eyes.
The crowd erupted in applause, and Fernando knew that this was just the beginning of their journey as a family. He had won the race, but more importantly, he had gained the love and trust of his children.
GeorgiaL/N posted!
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Liked by AJL/N, FernandoAlonso, Username5 & 163,083 others
GeorgiaL/N: took him 17 years to go to the shop for milk (joking don’t kill me mum) but anyway, i have a dad now lol and his job is driving cars or something idk??
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ajL/N: was he getting milk from the other side of the world?
GeorgiaL/N : nah the Sainsbury’s down the street
ajL/N: fair enough, it is a struggle to get parked down there
Y/N: G! Not funny
GeorgiaL/N: i thought it was
LewisHamilton: me too
CharlesLeclerc: me three
LandoNorris: me four
GeorgiaL/N: you have been outnumbered, i’m a comedian
FernandoAlonso: mi hija hermosa, he extrañado mucho, pero ya no. Orgullosa de la encantadora niña que has llegado a ser. (my beautiful daughter, I have missed so much, but no longer. Proud of the lovely girl you have grown up to be)
GeorgiaL/N: idk how to speak spanish but slay king whatever you said 👑
FernandoAlonso: how you’re half Spanish i’ll never know.
Username5: if they’re Alonso’s kids why do they not have his last name??
username6: I think it would take a lot of time to adjust to finding out u have a dad after 17 years, i don’t think the first thing u do is get their last name
Username7: does this mean Y/N and Fernando are together again? I use to LOVE her being a wag, now she’s back at all the races again with their kids, could this mean a reunion??
Username8: omg i hope!!
Username9: praying to the F1 gods, they would be the most amazing f1 family.
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suempu · 3 days
How about a blind reader and thistle
Like thistle met them by accident and now they just keep them around because reader makes them happy
gn + human, mage reader + can be platonic or not
first off all, he’s fucking confused cause how the hell did you even end up in the dungeon? thistle first finds out about your existence when you accidentally stumble upon him after his confrontation with laios’ party.
he immediately puts up his guard when he hears your footsteps before you gasp in surprise.
“hello! wow, i didn’t think there would be another person down this deep...” you smile, staff clicking on the stone tiles.
he’s taken aback before asking you questions warily, to which he finds out you had some sort of echolocation ability. you have no clue that he had a sour expression on his face, assuming he only had a gruff voice from the aggressive way he talks.
you normally go dungeon crawling with your party but decided to walk around while they recuperate on the floor above. honestly, how did you even survive? what kind of idiot decides to take a casual walk in a dungeon? on the floor the red dragon was, no less. thistle thinks. you were lucky you missed it.
the two of you sit after you’ve offered him some food and snacks from your pack. he tried to refuse but you just kept on insisting.
thistle is interested in the foggy look in your eyes, unabashedly staring at your face after finding out you couldn’t see him.
you both sit on the floor as you munch on your bread, occasionally asking him questions and making conversation.
after that night, he’s curious about your whereabouts and everything about you, oftentimes sending out a creature to spy observe you. its been a long time since he has found good company, and to be completely honest, he’s lonely.
thistle came to know that your party has disbanded after eavesdropping with his creatures, the members finding different jobs and passions.
to your surprise, he appears again while you’re out camping on the second floor. you smile once you realize its your mysterious friend, eagerly offering him soup he couldn’t taste and a space for sleeping which he didn’t need. but he thanks you nonetheless.
thistle finds peace around you, the only person he could call a companion after so many years of isolation. if he’s in a decent mood, he’ll bring out his lute to play tunes while you hum.
conversations with you are enjoyable, you both find a good harmony of back and forth, discussing various topics such as nature, magic, and his hobbies.
“you write poems? that’s amazing. read it to me sometime?���
“i’m not sure you’d like it. it’d probably make you cry.”
you smile assuredly. “i’m sure it’s great! don’t sell yourself short!”
“you’re facing the wrong way. i’m on your left.”
you two grow closer once he lets you touch his face. the curiosity of what he looked like came out in a question as you whisper it to him unsurely.
thistle is hesitant at first, but your amazed gasps and the gentle touches of your palm against his cheek made his heart ache. how long has it been since someone had held him? talked to him? how long has he went without the softness and comfort of another being?
you caress his eyelids, nose, and ears while smiling, committing the feeling of his face to your mind.
“you’re beautiful. thank you for trusting me enough to do that.”
“how do you know? that i’m beautiful.” he murmurs, looking at the floor in contempt.
“i can feel it.” with a hand on your chest, you tell him wholeheartedly.
thistle allows himself to laugh, reaching out to tilt your chin at his direction. “you’re looking the wrong way again.”
you pout, “well, i can’t look or see at all, mind you!”
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packsvlog · 3 days
❛ 𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | 愛 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘂𝗴𝘂𝗿𝘂
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✶ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: never one to trust old men in high positions, you decide to follow your guts and track down your best friend to question him on the rumors. what you didn’t expected was to be forced to sit in a small chair and play tea party with two little girls.
✶ 𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: it took me two days to write this, i’m super sick, but i love geto. i also really need to make a masterlist, but i don’t know how to make the link with the name, pls help sos. also reader’s domain name is embarrassing pls ignore it, i’m not good with names. english is not my first language. 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓: reader’s cursed technique is basically ‘enhanced’, anything they do is 100x more, and it’s heavenly influenced by their emotions, mostly anger and another one very special.
✶ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: friends to lovers, mostly fluff but has a bit of angst, mentions of murder, blood, violence, reader has no gender specified except one part where they are called ‘Queen’ but you can read as you please. reader is a special grade sorcerer. suggestive theme at the end. happy ending.
✶ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 4.8k
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You know the Higher Ups can sense the aggressiveness in your aura. Even behind their so called protection nothing could stop you from slicing them with your bare hands, the thought of that ignites your energy. Behind you, someone gasp.
“I’m going to be gentle and kindly suppose this energy you are emitting comes from your anger towards the criminal Geto Suguru.” A male old voice makes itself present.
“If you want to believe that, then be my guest.” You answer in a heartbeat. Principal Yaga is by your side, that was supposed to be his reunion, but when you heard the talk would be about your best friend, Geto Suguru, you barged in the room before Masamichi.
“You are not supposed to be here, insolent girl.” Another voice, still old and male, speaks to you. You roll your eyes and snicker at it.
“You are talking about an important Special Grade Sorcerer, and I know this talk will reach me eventually. If it is true what you say, is either me or Gojo Satoru you will be sending to try to kill him.” Yaga sighs at your answer, but does not stop you.
“What we say? Haven’t you know? Haven’t you seen the pictures?” The first person ask, voice shaking in anger. “Geto Suguru is a monster who needs to be exterminated, he annihilated a whole village and we have prove to believe his own parents as well.”
“We will not send you, L/n Y/n, for your insolence.” A third leader speaks, much calm and colder than the others. “There will be no such thing as try to kill him, Geto Suguru is certain to die. You and Gojo Satoru may be special graders as well, but your loyalty is stained with the blood of those innocents. Someone else will do the job.”
Principal Yaga’s hand reached your back, you turned to him hesitant, you see his head pointing to the doors outside telling you your time here was over.
You moved faster than anyone could see, leaving the school grounds in mere seconds, you reached the forest and let your anger dissipate in the form of a scream, so loud and so yourself, a barrier was created leaving your throat and splitting the trees in front of you.
“Your cursed technique never fails to amaze me, Y/n.” Gojo appeared behind you, his hands falling from his ears. “Unconditionally, huh? Everything you do, you do majestically. Run, scream, jump, punch…”
“Shut up, Satoru.” The tall boy laughed at that.
“I wonder if it works for all your emotions, don’t you?” Gojo circled you, much like a predator ready to strike. “Your anger is your strong point, am I right?” He doesn’t wait for your answer. “Whenever you are angry, you could break Tokyo with just one punch to the floor.”
“Where are you trying to get with that, Gojo?” It had been too long since the last time you addressed your friend as that, your squeezed your eyes at him, but the boy was unfazed.
“Don’t you think the oldest, most powerful emotion in humanity could change you? Transform you into something more dangerous?” He stops in front of you.
“What could possibly be more strong than anger?”
“It’s, obviously, love. I can feel it in your aura the amount of love you have for Suguru.” Gojo says nonchalant, making you question if you heard right.
“He is my best friend as well, Y/n.” The white haired interrupts you. “And I love him enough to want to go after him, but for some reason I can’t. I’m afraid I’ll see something terrible, sense the reality, and try to kill him.” Gojo takes your hand in his. “I don’t think I can kill him, but the thought of trying scares me. I can’t lose him, and neither can you.”
“What do you mean by all that, Satoru?” Your whisper barely reached Gojo.
“If it comes to meeting him, you should do it. Your love for him could be either his salvation or we lose you to him, but I don’t think you would mind that, would you?”
“You think he did it?”
“I don’t want to think.”
A week after that weird conversation, Gojo, Shoko and you had been meeting more than normal in private spaces. For the unknown eye, the three of you are just friends catching up after the loss of the fourth party. But in the reality of your room, Shoko has been using her secret weapon to make Gojo’s plan work — her messages with Geto Suguru about you, cute and overly sweet.
“I don’t like this. I don’t get this!” You mumble on your cat plush, a gift Geto gave you. Your whole face is pink and your lips are numb for the amount of time you have bitten it.
“I don’t get it either. She already loves him too much, no need for this torture.” Shoko laughs at your embarrassed state, when she turns to Gojo, the girl scrunches her eyebrows. “What is it, weirdo?”
You turn to look at Gojo and he is intensely staring at you, which makes you feel uncomfortable, and a little scared.
“You can’t feel it?” He simply ask.
“Feel what?” Taking the pillow from under you, you hug it tight to your chest.
“Feel Geto.” Gojo whisper. “Can’t you sense where he is?”
“How on earth would she be able to do that, Satoru?” Shoko mumbles before grabbing her cigarette and moving towards the window. Unfortunately Ieiri is in Gojo’s presence, and the boy follows her quickly to complain about the smell.
You turn your face down to meet the fluffy cat under you, it’s quite ugly but lovely behind its weird black shaggy tissue. Geto had given it to you after one of your first missions together, he took you to a fair and got you the little fella you kindly named ‘Catoru’.
In your heart you could sense the connection to the ugly thing, linking a string that connected your core to its own, and if you turned down the sound of Shoko and Gojo’s bickering, you could feel a third presence in it. You wondered silently if Satoru was right and your so called love for Geto could create this bridge between the two of you, enough that you could sense him anywhere he was. Could Suguru feel you too?
You tried to focus on that silver string that laced both your heart and the plush, closing your eyes you scanned the deepest part of your soul, of your technique, that you had never been knowledgeable about. It was only in what seemed hours later, you opened your eyes with goosebumps all over you.
You turned back, seeing Gojo and Shoko still arguing — it had only been a few seconds. Maybe you were stronger when it came to fondness, love.
You took some days practicing this new technique and also to make sure Geto was still in the same place, not moving around like the criminal everyone thought of him. If he was still that meant he was innocent, right? It had to be.
Gojo barged into your room on the fourth day, his breath unhinged. You jump out of the bed in a second.
“They already send someone!” You stared at your friend with confusion all over your face. “This Grade One from Russia, they said he will become a Special Grade if he kills Geto. He is strong, I could feel him all across the campus.”
Gojo didn’t stop you when you moved to your bathroom and returned with your uniform. You turned to him, who was now sitting on your bed and hugged his shoulders.
“If this is the last time, you need to know you are my best friend as well. And we may fight a lot, but I would burn this world for you.” You let Gojo go and move towards your door, he stays petrified at the ideia of losing you and Geto. “Tell Shoko I love her as well.”
You leave so quickly, lifting dust from the floor and creating a warm breeze that kisses Satoru’s cheeks and tears.
It takes your half an hour to reach the other string — the location Suguru is. And you find him almost instantly, in the garden of the temple he has settled, he uses traditional clothes and his hair is half up and down. You are taken back by his new look, but mostly by the fact he is fighting the russian sorcerer, and he does seems to be nearly losing.
One of Suguru’s curses launches at the unknown male, and that’s the moment your friend notices you. By the look of his face, he was normal, but his hands instantly trembled in your presence. You start to walk towards him, but the foreigner appears again, his sword nearly slashing Geto’s arm off.
You can feel fear creeping your veins, and it’s not good — Fear makes you weak, but how to avoid it when the man you hold so dearly is fighting a life and death battle?
“I wouldn’t oppose to a little help, sweetheart.” Geto’s voice snapped not only you, but the russian, he punches Suguru, who falls, and turns to you.
“They warned me about you.” He says with a thick accent, pointing his sword in your direction. “They gave me the green light to kill you if you come here. So be patient, love. I’m right at you, gotta end this one first.”
You are disgusted by him, but the way he says “Love” reminds you of your mission, and so you look at Geto, who is already staring at you. He simply smiles, and that turns into fuel for your next movements.
It’s like sliding through water, in a quick second you are behind the foreigner. He turns to you startled, and Geto uses the opportunity to move inside the temple. Before the man can do anything, you punch him in his face, and during his dazed state you move your hands, making your signal.
“Domain expension, Unconditional Disaster.”
It’s not long before you come inside the temple, blood drips from your head to your toes, but you are unharmed. Geto knows this, but he can’t help himself and lunges at you, holding your wet face and searching for any bruises, as if him himself isn’t scattered with some.
“My savior.” Geto laughs quietly, and you can’t help but mimic him. He takes you by your shoulder, tainting his robes, he moves with you to somewhere you don’t care to know. You are in his arms and that’s the place you were meant to be. You wonder if Gojo was right, would you trade anything for Suguru?
Inside an ancient decorated room, Geto grabs a pair of clothes you could only guess belongs to him, he takes your hand and you follow him into the bathroom. He doesn’t say anything when he turns the water to cold, as you have always enjoyed.
During the shower, you can’t help but wonder what is going to happen now. Would another sorcerer be sent to kill you and Geto? Would it be Gojo? He wouldn’t do it, you knew that. A part of you was growing accepting your place besides Suguru, maybe Satoru and Shoko, even Nanami, could come as well, you all would be happy.
You left the bathroom already dressed with Geto’s black sweater and pants, while drying your hair you notice Suguru is not there, and also the eerie feeling the whole building has, with that you hold the towel with a bit of strength, before returning it back to the bathroom. You move towards the door, needing to find Suguru like your life depended on this, but before you reach the door pain shoots through your feet.
“Argh! What the hell…?!”
You turn to look down, and what you would expect to be a knife, turns into a mini lego castle, now dismembered. You scrunch your eyebrows, turning your attention from the toy to the room, you start to notice how Suguru’s room is splattered with a couple of children’s plaything. On the wall next to you there is a mini wooden kitchen, with an equally small dinning table. To your other side, near the bed, a fortress made with blankets, massive pillows and fairy lights, there is also an immense amount of animal plushies. Was Suguru trying to heal his inner child or something?
“Getou-sama!” A high pitched voice comes from behind the door, you jump frightened and for the second time, you land on the lego, now breaking it, a few swear words scape your mouth. “What was that? It’s that his girlfriend, Mimiko?” You don’t hear an answer to that. “Hey lady, can we go inside, pretty pretty prettyyyyyy please?”
“Nanako! Getou-sama told us to let her alone.” The second voice, much more calmer interrupts the first girl.
You bite your lips trying to contain a laugh, especially when you notice the doorknob being shaken. If you could guess, the little girl is trying to open but her height doesn’t help. You sigh, grabbing the broken toy near your feet, dropping in a box near the door and with a slow movement, you open it.
“Oh, you are prettier than Getou-sama described.” The blond girl says as soon as she sees you.
She doesn’t wait for your reaction, quickly grabbing the other’s hand and moving both of them inside the room. You turn to her, but keep still at the door, waiting for maybe Suguru to come in and address what is this.
“Come on, please. I want to have tea with you.” You can guess by her voice and direct personality that she is Nanako. She lefts her friend by the small kitchen and comes to you, closing the door behind and grabbing your hands, she moves both of you towards the dinning table, where she makes you sit. You don’t tell her you are uncomfortable sitting on the extremely small chair, but you can bet she wouldn’t care.
While you are fidgeting in your seat, both Mimiko and Nanako are playing pretend with the fake food in the kitchen. You take the opportunity to stare silently at them. Nanako is, obviously stated before by herself, the extroverted one. The girl keeps glancing at you from time to time, giving you either cute smiles or funny faces, to which you start to return back and she laughs sweetly. Mimiko, you could tell since the beginning, is more shy. The dark haired keeps her head down, she steals some glances at you, but when she notices you are looking, she goes back to her play with crimson cheeks.
“What pie do you want?” Mimiko asks with a slight tremble in her voice. The child comes to you with a plate decorated with wooden pies, you pretend to be inspecting each-one.
“What is your favorite?” Your question takes her by surprise. The plate starts to shake a bit but in her lips a small smile is forming.
“The blueberry one.” Mimiko whispers, pointing with her small finger the one of her choice.
“Then I want that one.”
The girl goes back to the kitchen, putting your ‘desert’ on a pink plate. Nanako turns to you with an also pink teacup.
“Then can you have my favorite tea?” Her pretty brown eyes stare at you like a sad puppy, you know she is trying to make you fall for her, and you do within a second, nodding your head.
When your tea and pie is in front of you, the girls fix their own plates and take a seat on the chairs by either side of you, Nanako specially moving hers closer to you.
“Gerou-sama talks about you a lot.” Nanako says while pretending to eat her raspberry pie, she ‘cleans’ the side of her mouth before looking at you. “Mimiko and I have been begging to meet you. He told us you needed to rest, but I think a tea party is the best way to rest.”
“I agree with you, honey.” The girl smiles at you. “And where is Geto?”
“We waited ‘till he was in the shower.” Mimiko answers you, less shy now. You can’t help but laugh with how sneaky both of them are.
“What does Geto talks about me?” You grab your teacup, raising your little finger like Nanako told you to, and pretend to sip on it.
“He talks about how strong you are, stronger than anyone he had ever met.” Is Nanako who answers you, and Mimiko nods. “Getou-sama also says you are his best friend in the whole world… Well, now he says we are his best friends as well. That’s why we wanted to meet you, the four of us can be good friends, right?”
“Yeah, we are going to be the bestest of friends.” Nanako smiles at that.
“He…” Mimiko starts but pause when you turn to her, you smile encouraging. “He also says he likes you a lot.” The little girl whisper, with her small hands on her mouth. “Do you also like Getou-sama?”
Before you can answer, there is a knock on the door and soon it’s opened by none other than Suguru. Long gone is his traditional clothing, now he wears something identical to you, a large pastel pink sweater with sweatpants. His hair is in his famous bun with his charming bang decorating his pretty face. Suguru’s eyes find you instantly, before catching two little girls who are running out of their seats to try to hide behind you, giggling loud.
“Hm.” Geto simple hums, before closing the door and moving toward you, and you bite your lips to avoid laughing. “You know, Y/n, I was going to introduce you to two little sisters I met a while ago, but I couldn’t find them. You haven’t seen them around, have you?”
“Oh, I haven’t, I’m just here by myself having an one person tea party.” You hear two small laughs after your answer.
“Then why is there two extra plates?” Geto sits in the chair in front of you, in his lips is a large smile you haven’t seen in a long time. You are wonderstruck for a moment, before blinking your eyes and staring at the girl’s plates.
“I was very hungry.” At that, Mimiko and Nanako can’t help but laugh louder, coming out of their hidden spot and tackling Suguru with hugs. He closes his eyes and hold the girls in both his arms. Staring at them, you feel your chest warming with a good feeling, he was still your charming Geto.
For some time, the four of you spend the tea play pretending to delight in the fake food, laughing at Suguru’s imitation of a monarch and addressing both Nanako and Mimiko as princess.
“If Getou-sama is the King, then that means Y/n-sama is his Queen?” Mimiko asks after some time, taking you by surprise.
“Hm, I don’t know. Why would that be?” Suguru turns to the little girl who shrugs her shoulders.
“Well, of course, Mimi!” Nanako answers her sister. “Can’t you see?”
“See what, Nanako?” You catch yourself asking.
“You guys are best friends who love each-other, it’s clear as crystal.” The girl get up from her chair and sits on your lap. You pat her little head and stares at her, avoiding Suguru’s eyes, but you can sense he is focusing on you.
“I think it’s time to go to sleep, girls.” Suguru gets up slowly, when you look at him he is picking Mimiko in his arms. “Don’t even try to give me your puppy eyes, Nanako. I’m avoiding them.”
“But…” Pouting, the girl shifts in your lap, hugging your body and staring at you. Damn, she does have puppy eyes that make you want to give her anything. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetie. I’ll be here in the morning.” You shouldn’t have said that, what if Suguru is only opening his house for you for today. You look at him worried, but sighs when see his beautiful contempt smile. “Yeah, I’ll be here.”
Nanako smiles triumphantly, before getting off your lap with a quick kiss to your cheeks, you get up as well and move towards Geto, before you can do anything, Mimiko also kisses your cheek, hers again burning pink.
“Thank you for coming back to Getou-sama.” The girl quietly says, and you pat her head while she hides her shy face in Suguru’s chest. Nanako grabs the man hands and the three of them leave the room, with the girls waving you goodbye.
You turn to the toys around the room and start to clean the dinning table and fix the little mess, trying to occupy your mind from the persistent question: would Geto come back? You hoped so, you wanted to question him on the rumors, but could you possibly do it? You moved towards the bed and sat on it, looking at your hands and remembering the amount of blood you had in it just a couple hours ago — did the same happened to Suguru? Would you still be by his side if it was true?
The door opens a moment later and Geto moves your way so quick, like both of you are magnets. He sits by your side and takes one of your hand in his, his breathing is calm but a part of you can sense the turmoil of his heart.
“How did you knew where I was?” It’s the first thing he says you, his eyes are focused on your tangled hands. “That I needed you? The moment I started to lose that fight, can you believe I prayed for you? And you came.”
“I’ll always come to you, Suguru.” You whisper back, catching his face with your other hand and making he look at you, there is a yellow bruise on his cheek that has your heart breaking. “I knew where you were for some time. Gojo helped me with this… Honestly, I don’t know what it is, there is a connection between you and me, and I followed it to you.”
Geto uses his free hand to caress the one you have on his face, he closes his eyes as if he was finally in peace.
“You want to know the truth, right?” You nod, he doesn’t open his eyes but you know he can sense you do. “I did it.” It’s a quiet confession that has your core shaking. “I went to that village, killed the curse and had to swallow it, the same thing over and over. The monkeys… The non-sorceress took me with them to an abandoned house, leading me to a makeshift cell where there were two sisters, little girls, so beaten their eyes were closed and bruised, their whole body was covered in bruises.” You gasp when you realize Suguru is talking about Mimiko and Nanako. “They have cursed energy, but they didn’t do it, I killed what was tormenting that village and still they were blaming the girls. How could they be so cruel and terrible to defenseless creatures?”
Geto catch his breath before letting go of your hand on his cheeks, he sighs when you remove your hand and his eyes open, moving to the ceiling. You know he wants to cry, that he is frustrate and sad.
“They told me, demanded me, to kill the girls. I couldn’t do it, Y/n, it’s not in my nature, y’know that.” You nod, squeezing his hand. You wouldn’t have killed the girls if you were in his place, but would you have killed the humans? “So, I took the non-sorceress outside and told them everything was fine, the girls were innocent. I begged to take them with me, the assholes wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. And guess what? They denied me of it, although the girls are orphans, they wanted them for themselves. I was going to open that prison with my bare hands and take Mimiko and Nanako whether they wanted or not. But when I turned back to the house, a man said he would kill the girls himself, and the others agreed.”
You closed your eyes, already knowing how the story ended. Catching your breath, you move your head towards Geto’s chest, and he hugs you instantly.
“What…” You voice is trembling. “What about your parents?”
“I explained to them what happened, but they are non-sorceress, they didn’t understood. Humans are selfish and only trust themselves, they believed the villagers, even when they saw the girls covered in bruised, limpering. I sometimes regret it, but I was so angry, I snapped.”
Suguru’s arms hold you tighter, you could sense the fear he was having right now. After all, he had dropped all his cards at the table, the truth of his murderer nature in front of you, bleeding honesty and terror. You raised your face from his chest and stared at him, the tears shinning his purple eyes fixated on you, only you.
“You can go, if you want.” He says after some time, pain evident in his voice. “Go back to the school, tell them what happened. You can even give them my head if you want.” It hurts your heart that he thinks that of you. But should you do it? Leave Geto, go back to the High Ups and a world of fighting battles against curses, to be killed and replaced by a younger version who will follow your steps, dying as well.
“I want to stay.” You say minutes later. “I want to stay with you, with Nanako and Mimiko. If you would have me.”
Geto’s hands move to your face, staring at your eyes in search for uncertain, for maybe a lie, you can’t tell. You stare at him back with love, after all Gojo was right, you love Suguru more than anything, and have always loved him. From the first day you met each-other, especially right now, where the reality of this cruel life shifted everything you knew. There was no questioning if this decision you made was right, you couldn’t go back to the school after this, your place was by Geto’s side, had always been.
Suguru caress your cheeks, a beaming smile forming on his perfect lips, he touches your forehead with his and the two of you close your eyes. In that moment, you feel his lips on yours, and you don’t take a second to answer his movements, letting his tongue slips in your mouth and his hands fall into your tights, bringing you to his lap. Geto Suguru kisses like a starving man, starving for your love and affection you grant to him so easily, he whimpers under you.
You let his kisses fall to your neck and chest, goosebumps sure to follow, you let Geto be devoted to you like the a deity he worships. He holds you so close, afraid you might disappear somehow, slipping through his fingers. But you don’t, you bring Suguru to your embrace with the same strength he shows you.
That night you know your life changed forever, and maybe the old men with unknown faces and strong powers might send a thousand soldiers to try and kill you, but with Suguru by your side no one could touch you. After all, the ancient and strongest feeling on earth, Love, was the fuel for your powers. And love was with you, in the bed and tangling sheets, love was also in the room next door, sleeping with teddy bears. It was at the other side of Tokyo, white hair and cigarettes, in the future exchanging secrets letters and secret hangouts, even playdates with two more little loves.
You were surrounded by it, emerged in the pure essence. No High Up could come near you or your family, you would make sure of that.
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⠀© packsvlog, 2024, 01 june.
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saleeba · 1 day
subha hone na de ; jude bellingham
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summary ♡ alexa play moonlight by twice :D
pairing ♡ jude bellingham x south asian/brown!fem!reader
content ♡ fluff, fiancé!jude, asian wedding shenanigans, jude in a black kurta (brown ppl will know that this is a trope in itself 😌), y/c/n = your cousin's name, lovergirl!reader, the moon as a symbol of beauty, tiny social media au at the end, bollywood fans this one's for u !! 🗣🗣
a/n ♡ ahhhh my first brown girl reader fic & i’m so excited for u all to read it 🥰🥰 the reason i used both south asian and brown as descriptors for the reader is bc i wanted to include the girlies of the diaspora like the caribbean/fiji/south africa/south east asia etc & tbh i wasn’t sure if any person of south asian descent preferred to describe themselves as either ‘south asian’ or as ‘brown’ !! also pls note that this is a very broad & non-specific portrayal of a person from “south asian culture” - that is to say that bc south asia is made up of numerous ethnicities, religions, cultures etc i don’t want to show disrespect by lumping them all together nor do i intend the reader to be from a certain south asian background! i tried to keep it as “general” (?) as possible esp when it came to the clothing but pls let me know if u would like to see elements of a specific culture or religion in a future south asian/brown!reader fic !! ALSO oml ik my a/ns are always so long 😭 but the title is a reference to one of my fav bollywood songs <3 it’s an absolute BANGER & it translates to “let there be no morning/don’t allow the dawn to arrive” which i think ties in nicely to this fic :D pls enjoy & lmk what u think!!! 🫶🏽💛
“alright… how do i look, babe?” your fiancé asks, emerging from the bedroom into the ensuite where you’re placing the finishing touches to your simple makeup look as he pats down the black sequinned kurta you’ve picked out for your cousin’s at-home henna ceremony tonight. his personal choice to pair it with a golden necklace and a watch to match makes the whole look pop against the summer-tanned tone of his skin. 
you’re careful not to blind yourself with the eyeliner in your hand once you catch even the smallest glimpse of him in the mirror. it’s safe to say that if you were a cartoon character, there’d be hearts protruding from your eyeballs, all pink and comically large. 
“you look amazing, jude, so handsome,” you beam at him, genuinely in awe of how good he looks in your culture’s clothing, not that it’s the first time you’ve seen jude wearing such a thing. over the years that the two of you have been dating, you’ve introduced him to so many facets of your heritage, sharing parts of yourself that were inseparably you – and jude has embraced and immersed himself in everything like he was born into that same culture. 
your fiancé smiles right back at you before replying. “have to make sure i look good in front of my wife’s family now, don’t i?” 
you struggle to stifle the schoolgirl-like giggle that racks through your chest at his words, still not able to be used to the word ‘wife’ coming out of jude’s mouth while referring to you, despite you not even being that yet. truth be told, it’s almost been a month since jude proposed and although you both agreed to wait for some time before telling fans and the media, he’s been calling you his wife around friends and family ever since he got down on one knee, resulting in your bashful smile and blushing cheeks becoming the subject of their teasing every time. 
“true, yeah, can’t have the aunties gossiping about how you have zero drip.” 
your joking is met with a childish sticking out of jude’s tongue before he’s shooed out of the bathroom, leaving you to complete your makeup and don the black and gold outfit that matches jude’s for tonight. 
your cousin had told everyone that she wanted a very lowkey and relaxed henna function, especially since weddings from your culture tend to be incredibly busy—almost chaotically so—and she has the opportunity of her other nuptial ceremonies to go all out anyway, hence tonight’s dress code being as equally relaxed and minimal. in spite of all that, you’ve taught jude that celebrations in your culture and the word ‘lowkey’ are nothing but oxymorons of each other so he isn’t surprised when you both walk in to see the bridal home all decked out in bright lights and flower garlands the colours of a vivid spring and ten times the guests he was anticipating to see all bumbling about the place. what does surprise jude is when you inform him that you’ve been appointed as a “chief henna artist” (in the words of the bride) last minute so now he’s been abandoned; left to the mercy of your relatives who haven’t seen him for all of three months and so decide to hound him with every question under the sun.
“tell us how it was winning the champions league, jude!”
“jude, any plans for the wedding yet?”
“uncle jude, come play in the garden with us! please, uncle jude, please!
“is it true mbappé’s going to madrid? do you have his number?!” 
“ooh, can you give me mbappé’s number?!”
jude fights the urge to jet past everyone and run out the front door screaming and flailing his arms, the blaring music and onslaught of inquiries getting to him, and instead peeks over the heads of the crowd around him to try and silently get your attention because as much as he loves your family, he’s praying you can be his knight in shining black and gold to save him from their unwarranted fixation right now. Unfortunately, he’s met with the sight of you fully concentrated on working on your cousin’s bridal henna, having teamed up with another cousin to meticulously draw intricate patterns across her arms and feet. oh, he’s going to have to get comfortable with the company of your relatives for at least the next three hours then. 
those three hours turn into five by the time jude is done having a kickabout in the garden with your younger family members, detailing the night his club were champions of europe once again and politely declining the chance to leak the kylian mbappé’s phone number to your niece. not that he’s at his wits’ end (he kind of really is) but jude thinks he’d do good to be in your company as the clock tolls eleven so he opts out of another game of footy to go and look for you, much to the amusement of your relatives who lightheartedly taunt him about the way he can’t stay away from his fiancée for even a short while. 
passing into the living room once again, jude finds you right where he left you but this time, it’s your henna that’s being painted onto the palms of your hands, the design so complex and elaborate that some of the already-dried parts look richly brick-ish red against your skin tone. under the twinkling fairy lights and waves of marigold flowers, jude can’t help but imagine it’s your nuptials being celebrated here; sitting so prettily like you’re what everyone came here to see and honestly? he can’t wait until it’s time for you to be just that. 
“hi, again. remember me?” he jests, taking a seat on the floor cushion next to where you’re sat with your arms sprawled out as your cousin decorates them with muddy green paste. 
“hmm, remind me who you are again?” you feign a confused look. 
“ouch. is that ring on your finger not good enough of a reminder, mrs bellingham?” 
“nope, the diamond’s too small.”
the laughter that erupts from the both of you even has your cousin joining in, jude breaking the giggle fits to ask an all-important question. 
“have you eaten yet? you’ve been sat here the whole night doing this.” 
shaking your head, you gesture towards the now empty bottle of water sitting by your feet that you’d been rationing throughout the evening and tell him that's all you’ve been filling your stomach with, way too busy with doing the bride’s henna then an aunty’s then a cousin’s then another aunty and then the next after that to even move from your spot in the lounge.
jude determines that that won’t do and offers to make you a plate of food that your elders had just topped up the buffet table with. you comply and ask him to get enough food for you to share. 
between mouthfuls and munching of samosas—jude doing the super important job of biting the corner of a samosa and blowing the savoury pastry cool enough for you to take a bite—and sweetmeats, your cousin works hard at completing the henna art on your left hand, and there’s just the matter of a couple of fingers left before she utters a heartfelt apology and comments that her hand is about to cramp from holding cones of henna for so long.
“that’s okay! go grab a break and then if you’re still up for it, you can finish it later,” you say sincerely, encouraging her to go hang out with other parts of the family before she loses her mind in swirls and paisley patterns like you nearly have. “or i can always get someone else to do it!”
“can i have a go?” 
the way jude pipes up, mouth stuffed with chocolate barfi like a child who's just found the cookie jar, has you and your cousin whipping your heads towards him and then at each other, sharing the slightest of sceptical looks. 
“oh god, will we need to get the stencils out for him, y/n?” your cousin japes – well, she believes she is but the thought of her painstaking work being destroyed by a guy who, although creates art with a football, cannot draw anything further than a stick person makes her nervous, to say the least. 
“hey!” jude wants to advocate for his art skills right here, right now. “i’ve been watching you do it all just now, i’ll just copy the exact same thing for the last two fingers, right?”
you pipe in as his supporting act. “he makes a very good case, your honour.”
your cousin surrenders to the pair of you, essentially fleeing the scene with mutters of “better not mess it up, bellingham” and you both know she’s deadly serious. 
“still not too late to get the stencils, y’know?” you watch as your fiancé struggles with holding the henna cone correctly.
“no, no, i’ve got this, babe,” he remarks before almost smudging the still-wet design on your palm with his fingers. “oh shit!”
your heart nearly jumps out of your mouth at the sight.  
“It’s fine, love, see!” jude points to an edge that’s ever so slightly smudged from the commotion. “all good. now, close your eyes.” 
“you’re joking!” you squeak out incredulously, fearful of whatever is going on in that mad mind of his. you do not want to face the wrath of your cousin on a night that’s going so well. 
“please, babe!” your grown fiancé looks like a kid trying to prove himself to his mum right now with the way his already puppy-dog eyes grow wider. “i promise it’ll look good, just… close your eyes, please?” 
“ok, fine!” trying not to let reluctance get in the way, you’re now the one surrendering to jude’s request as your eyes close without any further argument.. “i’m telling y/c/n to kill you and not me if this doesn’t go to plan.”
a small chuckle is the only thing you can hear from jude before he gets to work, spending more minutes than you can count on your henna-adorned fingers as he drags the cool paint over your digits, questions of whether you can open your eyes yet meet with shushes and oftentimes you hear yourself hissing when jude tugs your skin with the pointed tip of the cone instead of hovering slightly above with it. 
“aaand we’re done! you have my permission to open your eyes.” as soon as you do, you’re met with the sight of a very smug, very excited jude bellingham who gestures towards your left hand where… wow, the design is beautiful. it’s the tiniest bit clumsy, just where the lines are supposed to be straight, but it mirrors exactly what your cousin had painted on your right hand, the pattern set in its curls and dots and spirals.
“i did a little something extra, too. i hope y/c/n doesn’t mind but i think you’ll like it.”
“yeah? you’re gonna have to help me find it then, babe,” you say, already scanning over the artwork he’s created to try and find what mystery he’s left behind. 
“actually, that’s supposed to be your job.” your fiancé replies, his smile a little more bashful and voice a little softer. “it’s my name, i wrote it in there for you to find—”
“really?! where?!” you ask albeit rhetorically as your eyes now frantically run all over your left hand in search of where jude has inscribed his own name. 
a few seconds pass before they do a double-take over where your engagement ring sits on your finger, just there, just to the right of it along the crook of where your finger meets the back of your palm. there is it — the print so whimsically curled and sweetly small that it looks like it fits right in with the rest of the henna design. jude. 
“where did you learn all this?” you’re tearing up just the slightest over it all, glad no one is within earshot of you two for you would’ve been teased to no end tonight. 
your fiancé shrugs nonchalantly at your question before explaining everything. “i did some research after proposing and read about it. i know, originally, you’re supposed to be the one that knows and i’m the one that looks for it but i thought this would be cute.”
“it was cute— so cute,” you beam across at jude, the hearts in your eyes back again over how willing he is to throw himself into your cultural traditions and quirks, even learning things unprompted and without your encouragement. you thank your lucky stars that you found yourself a life partner who’s so unabashed in not just learning about your heritage but incorporating it into your lives. in a way, he’s been healing that little girl who grew up ashamed and embarrassed of her culture, wishing she was someone else, something else, and helping her become a woman who proudly wears it without giving anyone else ownership. 
a chorus of “uncle jude! uncle jude!” rings through the living room as your younger relatives, all pumped up on sugar at around midnight (oh well, it is the time for festivities anyway), run in, dragging your fiancé away from you before you two can exchange any more words. you settle with a shared knowing look and smile, leaving you to get your henna dried and jude to commence round 2 of another football match. 
there are only so many probing questions from aunties and uncles and instances of your cousin bitching about her situationship that you can take as your henna dries in, what are now, two makeshift cling-film casts to help strengthen the colour before you’re bothered by the lack of jude by your side as the clock tolls just past two in the morning. after sifting through possibly the entire family tree dotted throughout the house, you’re directed by an uncle to the balcony where jude’s standing hunched over the railing, gazing into the sky where the moon illuminates the earth, peeking from behind a sliver of cloud dust. 
“hey, you,” you speak softly so as not to startle the peaceful moment that’s now given you a break from the hubbub inside.
jude whips his head towards the voice, instantly grinning at the sight of you, so beautiful in the moonshine, before extending an arm to pull you into his side. 
“i see the moon’s out tonight,” you muse, not taking your eyes off him one bit as he continues to stare up into the sky.
“looks beautiful, right?” 
“yeah, he does.” you daren’t unlock your gaze from the way jude glows in the moonlight, the cool tone sitting over his skin and bringing more attention to the bridge of his nose and the highest points of his cheekbones. oh, how you want to spend the rest of the night laying kisses across them. 
“he? oh—” he turns to find your pretty eyes, lit equally as bright by the natural light, not even having budged an inch from his face as he realises you’re not talking about that moon. “shut up!”
you laugh as he blushes like a smitten teenage boy, a sight not too unfamiliar since that’s exactly what he was when the two of you started dating. 
“what, can’t a girl be romantic with her husband?” you act out a sweet pout, the sight and your words making jude’s heart skip a beat or three.
“you are so lucky your family isn’t here to take the piss.”
another set of giggles from the pair of you as you cuddle into jude’s side, both now facing the moon that you swear is shining way brighter than before, the cloud in front of it nearly dissipating into non-existence. 
“i love you, mrs bellingham,” jude breaks the serene silence. “i can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” he places the gentlest of kisses on your ring finger, lips ghosting just over the cling-film-covered diamond ring. the scene would’ve been amusing had it not been for the tender romance of the moment, a few minutes to get away from the beloved chaos of family celebrations and to pretend the whole world rotated on its axis, served its purpose, for only jude and you. 
“i love you, too. so much, jude.”
you sigh into the warming summer air, silently asking the sun to rise a little later so that you can fawn over your lover's features in the moonlight for as much time as you wanted.
yourusername • 18h
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liked by judebellingham and others
yourusername celebrating love with my love 💒
view all 57,374 comments
judebellingham can’t wait for our turn 💍❤️
↳ yourusername ilysm 🥹❤
user1 THE LAST PIC????????? RUE,,,, WHEN WAS THIS????
user2 🥳🥳🥳CONGRATULATIONSSS🥳🥳🥳 (i’m gatecrashing the wedding)
trentalexanderarnold best man position still vacant? 🫣
↳ jobebellingham unfortunately no 🙄
user3 we need the proposal story asap!!!
↳ user4 and a whole album worth’s of pictures too !!!!!
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hellishscemo · 2 days
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The apple of his eye (MDNI)
Pairings: Carl Grimes X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Ron is alive blegh, smut (EVERYONE IS 18+), jealousy sex, established relationship, kinda long
Ever since Carl lost his eye to Ron, you had hated him from the root of your being, you couldn't even stand to be in the same room as him, let alone speak to him. I mean, how could you? He shot your boyfriend in the eye....
Until Rick assigned you on a run with him. Amazing.
“It’s only a run, Carl-“
“I don’t care! Do you know what he’s capable of? He almost killed me, what if he puts your life in danger to, the things I would do, Y/N..”
“Carl…” You tried to ease his mind but if there’s anything he gets from his father, it’s his stubbornness.
“You’re not going, he’s putting your life in his hands and I can’t take that risk.” You sighed and connected your forehead to his. “I’ll be fine..” I’m sure you’ll hear me scream if he tries anything...” You chuckle lightly.
But he took it much more seriously than you did.
The day of the run, while you grabbed your gun, he sat on a chair, watching you anxiously. He knew you were probably gonna be find but he couldn’t not worry about you. When you were ready, you turn to him and smile, spreading your arms out for a hug.
He completes the hug, getting up from the chair, smoothing out your hair and kissing just below your ear. “Be careful. I’m serious. He tries anything and you fucking tell me.” You nod, blushing and smiling then head out the door.
On the run, it was mostly Ron just trying to brag about one thing or another and you didn’t necessarily like it. You ignored him. You spit a way into the pharmacy but only by a high window. “Hey-shut up-get me up there.” You tell him and he follows, boosting you up by the feet and helping you in. “Anything good in there?”
Except you can’t see. You shine your flashlight around, looking for the things on the list Rick sent you with. “I don’t see anything! Might need some help looking!” You call out. “I’ll find a way in!” He responds.
And you wait...and you wait and eventually it's fucking dark out.
"Fuck me." You thought.
You grab a rope and just pray to god it's long enough to get you out of the building. You throw it and it barely gets you out. You climb out, keeping your gun loaded and ready if walkers find you. Only a few do, one at a time and you barely fight past them, scratching yourself up on the ground. You make a run for Alexandria and the guards see you. "It's me! Y/N!"
They open the gate and start asking you what happened and how'd you take so long. But you shove past them, planning to explain later. Right now, you're pissed. You walk to Carl's house and open the door to Carl yelling at Ron and demanding to know where you were.
"Carl..?" As soon as he sees you he's hugging you, asking if the scratches on you were from walkers, if you were okay, what had happened. You explain quickly what had happened while staring at Ron. As soon as you're done, Carl is seething.
"You fucking animal." He growls and punches Ron in the mouth. "Get up. You left her out there?!" He demands. Ron tries to lie, saying he couldn't find a way in but Carl doesn't care about that. He cares about Ron getting karma.
"You left her out there, you fucking dog.” He starts punching him, hard, when you pull Carl off of him. "Carl...Enough. come on don't beat the kid to a pulp."
"Out. Now." He growls and Ron runs out quickly with a busted lip, bloody nose and a bruised eye. Carl hugs you and smooths your hair down to comfort you. "I'm so sorry. I tried getting him to tell me where you were, what had happened..." You smile slightly and hug him back when he scoops you up and carries you to his room.
He starts a shower for you where he washes your hair for you and worships you, kissing your knuckles. You just hum in response to his actions as he kisses up and down your neck, leaving hickeys. An once you get out, he scoops you up onto the counter, making out with you, breathing heavily and the only thing between you two is a towel around his waist.
His hands trailed the small of your back as you sat on his lap on his bed, kissing each other heatedly, breathing heavily and whimpering into each other mouths. "Put it in?" You whimper. He nods, looking down, his hat falling partially in front of his face. You giggle and put it on your own head as he slides across your clit. "Ah-! Fuck.." You cry out and he smiles while still looking down, pushing up into you.
"Y/N.." He says, breathless. "Fuck, you are all fucking mine."
And he fucks you senseless, not making you do any of the work, just letting you take him inch by inch, babbling in your ear, praising you.
"Fuck...all mine...all mine...So fucking pretty.." He would say breathlessly as he tilts his head slightly. You lay your head on his shoulder, biting into the skin and leaving a bite mark for everyone to see. You can only let out a string of whimpers from how good he's fucking you and eventually the tight knot in your lower stomach tightens and you claw at him "Close..Carl-!"
"Make a mess on me. Make a fucking mess, let everyone know you're mine."
And with that, the tight knot snaps and you collapse against his chest and he holds you so you don't fall as he continues fucking you through your orgasm, he starts kissing your cheek letting you know he’s there.
As he feels you clenching, he thrusts 1, 2, 3 more times and groans deeply, shooting into your womb as he buries his face in your hair.
"Fuck, I need to make you jealous more often.." You joke.
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¿so, like the myth?
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Percy Jackson x Daughter of Amphitrite reader
n/a:some fluff, percy being a stalker, y/n being just a girl, mentions of greek mythology, AMPHITRITE RAAAAAAHHHH
yeah! i love her, she is my mother, self indulgent? maybe, aged-up characters, mentions of sTalking but nothin' super dark, this is nothing like i'am used to writte! enjoy muack muack.
sorry for not writting in litteral month, y'know, not inspired like- never, i hope you'd like this!
Words: 1202
Reading Time: 4m 22s.
when she first arrived at the camp, she was..like a normal girl, nothing special! but.. the way she smiles, how she is so gentle with nature, and the thing that got his attention in first place, was the fact that she spent so much time in the lake, looking at the water but never, never touching it or going to swim at least.
 And when the camp was at the bonfire, she always was in the lake, he obviously never talked to her! but there was something more in her that make him so attracted to her, she wasn’t claimed yet, maybe she was an athena daughter, or an aphrodite child tho, maybe a demeter daughter, she was still in hermes cabin, I was thinking while zooming out in her direction, until Annabeth wake me up from my delusions.
‘’Hey, seaweed brain! Why are you looking at her? that’s creepy..’’ she says, almost laughing at him, she was reading a new book that chiron translated to her, but when percy stopped yapping about how bored he was, she caught him.
Looking at the most recent camper y/n l/n, a very sweet girl, very kind with the kids and a very energetic demigod, she was sitting by the side of the lake, on a towel, the shadow of the trees heading at the lake covering her almost completely, reading and talking to the girls and boys who pass by her side.
‘’mmh? What are you saying annie? didn’t hear you..’’ he says, automatically, he can’t stop his curiosity to show up in every moment, or in every moment he sees her, almost like magic.
‘I WAS saying , stop looking at her, se will think you are a weirdo and probably wouldn’t talk t you..even she does-’’ she was going to start augmenting that, that girl didn’t know he existed, well she probably knew who the amazing percy jackson was, but had no idea how, he was.
‘’Stop Annie, I just don’t know how to talk to her, you know? it’s like- i need to talk to her but i don’t know why i can’t talk to her, and yeah, maybe she doesn’t not know me, but either i know her!.’’ He expressed his frustration to her best friend, and he did know why he didn’t talk to her. The shame of ruining it or not making a good impression terrorizes him.
‘’don’t mortified perce, what if she likes you back mmh?’’
For the rest of the day, Annabeth's words rested in his head all day.
and, a month since that conversation has passed, just like that lake water, she was in the same spot, doing what she was doing a month before, but something was new, this time it was late,she was using a blue bikini, with a white shirt on top, and reading, he hesitated his actions for a moment, but ¿if wasn’t this the right moment, when the right moment began?
and, doubting, in every step he’d take, he walked  by her side, and it all started with a ‘’hey, are you always here?’’ like he never stalked her, in annabeth's words, and a cute friendship began..yeah friendship.
Now, both of them were sitting in a calurus day, not even the shadow of the trees could make them cool. It was late again, like 6:25 pm, everyone was on the lake, refreshing and trying to have a good time while helios wanted to burn them.
‘’we should step on the water, and..y’know.. swim i’am burning here N/n’’ he spoke, groaning, trying to catch ‘’his girl’’ attention, but she frowned, 
‘’why? the water probably is warm and we are gonna burn, sun causes cancer perce, did you bring sunscreen?’’
 she put her book down, looking at him while sitting and grabbing something from his backpack.
‘’Why in the world would I need sunscreen? I’am son of poseidon! that sound ridiculous y/n.’’
‘’Well, I have no godly mother but I need sunscreen. I don't want a sunburn.’’
 she says while putting sunscreen in her face, arms, legs and stomach. 
‘’so..are we going to swim or nah?’’
and both of them walked into the water, the sun wasn’t strong and in fact, the water was warm, there weren't a lot of campers, most of them were in his cabins, or doing his duties, no one was prepared for it.
percy was looking at her while she was swimming and heading her back at him, she summergerd and take a pair of seconds to come back to the surface,and, in above his lover’s head, appear a trident, upside down, with a seashell crown, illuminated by a slightly bluish light.
he was speechless, then she saw it, and looked up, she gasped in surprise and horror, as a deep voice talked, Chiron, repeating.
‘’welcome to the camp, Y/n L/n, daughter of Amphitrite, goddess of the sea, consort of poseidon’’
he looked at her, he was more shocked than her, but she was having s lot of emotions, she laughed, the she cried, and at the end she was angry, she was hitting the water, and murmuring between her teeth, but she started stomping out of the water, all angry.
‘’h-hey, wait f’me y/n!’’ he start walking of the water, but she didn’t run away, she sat on the towel as she looked at the water, slowly moving with the air.
‘’are you okay? how’d you feel?’’ 
‘’i feel like a dam truck ran me over’’
he smiled and sat by her side, trying to comfort her, he hugged her all wet.
‘’why you feel like that mmhh? i know, it’s hard when you first find out, but believe me, is not that bad’’ 
but she sighed, and lean over his shoulder.
‘’i don’t..know, it feels odd…maybe that’s why the ocean call me, or whatever she did..’’
‘’what are you- she call, you?’’
‘’something like that, she called me ‘’my little starfish, come with mama’’ i thought  it was someone who wanted to drown me’’
He laughed, and kissed her temple. He felt like he could do it, well her mother and his father were married..so..eh better not think of it.
but she laughed, but she came back to her sad expression.
‘’but amphitrite is a minor goddess, she doesn’t have a cabin, where the heck i'm sleeping at?’’
‘’Well, your mother and my father are married, both god and goddess from the sea, so we are like, half siblings or we’re married-?’’
she hitted his arm, laughing and blushing.
‘’let’s go to our cabin perce, i'm getting cold’’
she says as she stands up, grabbing her tote bag and the towel, heading back to the camp.
‘’but first let's get dinner, i'm hungry’’
‘’of course, miss starfish’’
‘’shut up, seaweed brain’’.
and both start walking, side by side, holding each others hand, maybe, it was just like the myth.
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