#you are so whipped boy hahahaha
carewyncromwell · 11 months
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"Started out on a one-way train -- Always knew where I was gonna go next -- Didn't know until I saw your face I was missin' out on every moment..."
HPHM Cardverse developed by @ariparri // read more about "the Counselor" Duncan Ashe here! // See Jacob as Duncan's Right-Hand Man // credit for the new and improved physics lecture goes to @ag907!! Thank you, sweetie!! 💚
It wasn't a surprise to much of anyone when Duncan Ashe became the Jack of Spades. He had become a well-respected member of the previous Jack's court even while still at university, and even throughout his schooling, he was known for being both incredibly driven and ambitious. Even if yes, he also became a bit of a rulebreaker upon befriending Coby McQuaid, his strong work ethic and cleverness were never to be questioned. Combine this with a good sense of dress, and most would agree the young man embodied the part of someone who would easily climb the social ladder.
Duncan Ashe knew where he was going. He was going to be successful, and he was going to do it by beating out all of his competition both academically and in life overall. And that is why he took on the responsibility of working under the Jack of Spades, Ulrich Scheller, while also being a full-time student at the University of Spades. It did result in a lack of sleep, sure, and it did make it so he often had to finish homework in strange locations, such as in the middle of press conferences and against the wall of his dormroom while he got dressed in the morning...but it would all be worth it, in the end. Even if he had to finish up complex physics assignments while sitting on the way-too-full trolley heading out of the capitol, Duncan shrugged it off and just kept going.
Or, at least, he did, when he didn't have random strangers standing next to him on the trolley distracting him.
"Physics, huh? That's fun."
Duncan looked up.
Standing over him was a modestly-sized, rather messily-dressed young man about his age with curly dark hair, carrying a beat-up old leather bag at his side. Unlike Duncan, who was dressed in a well-tailored vest and slacks, this person was dressed for hard labor, with his pants tucked into a pair of scuffed-up black boots and faded oil and grease stains on his long-sleeved linen shirt. Even the muscles outlined under his long sleeves were a good indicator that this person was more of a "blue collar" sort than Duncan was.
"What's this? Fourier transforms?" the young man pointed a grubby finger to Duncan’s homework assignment.
Completely taken aback and lost for words, Duncan nodded yes.
"Oh, that's fun!" the stranger said brightly. His almond-shaped blue eyes were very bright as he examined the homework Duncan had in his lap. "You've gotten your sines and cosines mixed up, though -- I think that's what's holding you up on the second one. See, the integral of cosine is sine, not the other way around. Oh, and the answer is supposed to be negative -- we don't use absolute value here. Personally I've always preferred Laplace transforms over Fourier, but they aren't as applicable in physics. The only reason Laplace transforms really took off at all was because of that one fascist prat in Hearts who studied them a long while back -- forgot his name, I'll have to ask Mum -- but even if he was a creep in his politics, he did bring Laplace transforms into the modern era. Reckon people would've had to develop an entirely different way to solve higher order differential equations without them..."
For a moment, all Duncan could do was blink blankly. Finally, like a rubber band, Duncan's surprise and utter disbelief snapped back into defensiveness. He slapped his arms roughly over his work to cover it.
"All right!" he said, his face flushed a bit despite himself. "You've -- you've certainly made your point..."
Duncan couldn't help but goggle a bit.
"Are you a math major or something?" he asked. His black eyes lingered on the boy's dirty shirt and toned arms. Surely not -- any self-respecting university student would have to dress better than this --
The young man, though, only grinned. "Nah, no university for me. I didn't even finish high school."
Duncan's mouth fell open. "You didn't even finish -- ?"
You have got to be kidding me. Some high school drop-out is standing here giving me a lecture about how to do my physics homework?
"Well, the schools up north aren't the greatest -- after a while, I just kind of got fed up," said Jacob. "Plus it's not like getting straight A's or gold stars is any actual indication of intelligence -- it's really more indicative of how well you can jump through hoops, and well, even dumb animals in a circus can do that..."
Duncan flushed, offended.
"And yet those 'dumb animals' could do it, while you couldn't," he said sharply.
"Guess I just like applying my brain to more useful activities," the young man said with a shrug.
"Like fixing mechanical horses and streetcars, I suppose?" Duncan said very dryly, shooting another condescending look at the oil stains on the man's collar.
"Sure," the young man said brightly, not sounding the least bit offended. "Though that's only Mondays and Wednesdays -- got Pik's on Tuesday and Thursday and the library on Fridays..."
He abruptly looked up through the window with slight surprise.
"...Hey, don't you get off here? This is the university."
Duncan realized with a start that the trolley was driving on, passing the university.
With a bolt of panic, he shot up out of his seat, his papers spilling out over the floor so he could get up and pull the string.
"Stop! Stop the trolley!"
The trolley came to a screeching halt. Grumbling in anxiety under his breath, Duncan quickly stuffed his papers into his briefcase and then hurriedly stumbled off the car and off to class.
It wasn't until Duncan took a catalogue of all of his paperwork at home that night that he realized he was missing one page of the physics assignment he'd been working on. He grumbled sourly to Coby about it and the stupid guy on the trolley that made it so he'd now have to do the work all over again for close to a hour, before finally giving up and turning in for the night. He'd just have to work on it tomorrow.
You can imagine Duncan's surprise, therefore, when the following morning, the trolley driver actually handed Duncan a piece of paper after he paid her for the ride as usual.
"Jacob wanted me to give this to you, if I saw you," she said with a wry smile. "He worked on it for the rest of his trolley ride home yesterday -- he saw the due date was in three days, so he hoped I could get it to you before then."
Duncan stared. The page was covered with equations, all scrawled in exquisite detail despite the messiness of the writing.
The stranger who had to be named "Jacob" had finished not only the problem Duncan had been struggling with, but all of them.
Duncan didn't collide with Jacob again the rest of that week. His hours at Pik's (which turned out to be a tavern -- Coby had heard of it, even if Duncan hadn't) seemed to start very early in the morning, way before Duncan was even out of bed, and whatever library Jacob was assigned to, it must not have been on the route the trolley took into the capitol. Even on the weekend, Jacob was nowhere to be found -- likely taking some well-earned time off at home, Duncan presumed. And so the university student didn't have any potential chance to follow up with Jacob about him having done his work for him until the following week, after Duncan got the assignment back. And when Duncan did see Jacob again, it wasn't on his afternoon trolley ride south to the university -- it was through the trolley's window.
That Monday, Duncan's entire day had gotten off to a terrible start when the trolley's doors had gotten stuck in a half-open position, making it unable to run. As fate would have it, though, Jacob had been at the following stop, and upon being tipped off to the trolley's problem, he ran several blocks up to go help. Soon he'd rolled up his long sleeves and taken a toolkit out of his worn brown bag and immediately set about taking the door apart to fix it.
Duncan looked through the window, tilting his head to try to get a better look at what Jacob was doing.
The curly-haired young man had completely removed the door from the trolley and was now cleaning the interior, scraping out the gunk on the inside and lubricating the rusted hinges with oil. His muscles -- exposed by his rolled-up sleeves -- bulged slightly as he hoisted the door into place and held it there with one arm while screwing the hinge back on with his free hand. His bicep flexed while holding the heavy door, making veins pulse to life through his pale skin.
He was strong.
Duncan caught himself staring and mentally slapped himself. Good thing too, because the very next moment Jacob looked up and caught Duncan's eye through the window.
Jacob blinked, his blue eyes widening just a bit. Then they lit up and he gave a happy little nod, unable to wave due to his hands being full.
"Hey, Ashe!" he greeted.
Duncan was taken aback. "...You know my name?"
"The driver told me," said Jacob. "At least she said she thought that was your name...she caught a glimpse of your student ID once, and she thought it said 'Ashe.' And she reckoned you kind of looked like the rest of the Ashe family -- not that I'd know, never much been anywhere downtown..."
Duncan's lips came together just a bit. He'd never been very close to his family -- his father in particular -- so the reminder that people could see any physical resemblance wasn't particularly cheery.
"The name's Duncan Ashe," he said briskly. "And you would be Jacob, right?"
"Right! Jacob Cromwell," the curly-haired man responded offhandedly.
Duncan raised his eyebrows. "Cromwell? As in the Diamond Empire jewelers?"
Jacob's eyes flashed with dislike. "They're my mum's family. But we don't talk to those prats."
Duncan felt a pang of empathy, thinking of his own family. Something a bit more serious then flickered through Jacob's expression.
"...Were you able to turn in that assignment on time?" Jacob asked. "I hoped you hadn't gotten through it all a second time, by the time you got it back."
Duncan felt his cheeks actually darken with a light flush.
"Oh, ah...yes, I was," he said. He averted his eyes. "I did have to write it out again myself so it'd be in my handwriting, but...what you did was...helpful."
If by "helpful," he meant getting the highest marks he'd gotten in physics class so far.
Jacob gave something of a weak smile. "...Well, I'm sorry you had to write it again -- I'd finished it so you wouldn't have to..."
"Well, yeah, but it wasn't in my handwriting, so someone would've known it wasn't mine, if I'd turned it in that way," Duncan blustered. "Anyway, it...doesn't really matter, it did save me a lot of time, not having to do the math myself. Though I am still a little confused about how you knew how to do it, when you said you never even finished high school."
"I read books in the mathematics section of the library sometimes, during the slower hours," Jacob said with an offhand shrug.
Duncan blinked in surprise.
"You learned all that just from reading library books?" he asked. The courtier couldn't help but be impressed.
"Sure," said Jacob leisurely. "Once you get the theory down, all it really takes is putting it into practice. I just finished up the last of the books on number theory," he added almost as an afterthought. "About a third done with the history section too. Though the science section is actually my favorite to explore -- I recently checked out a book on the biochemistry of various viruses, and it's fascinating. It astounds me that the court of Spades hasn't pushed for using the principle of reverse genetics to develop new vaccines..."
Jacob finally finished screwing the door back into place and, with a bounce in his step, straightened up.
"Go ahead and give it a try now!" he told the trolley driver.
The driver did, and with a ding, the door closed and then opened again like a charm.
Everyone on the trolley burst into applause as Jacob and the other people waiting to board outside all climbed aboard. Several even gave Jacob hearty slaps to the back.
"Thank you so much," the driver said, his blanched face curled up in a weak, relieved smile. "I don't know how I'll ever thank you -- "
"Sounds to me like you just did," Jacob said with a rather handsome smile.
"I've got to at least pay you for your work -- how about -- ?"
"Don't worry about it," said Jacob flippantly.
Without even seeming to notice the driver's attempt to protest, he slid a few coins into the slot by the door to pay for his ride and strolled into the trolley. He sidled into the open seat next to Duncan, grinning broadly. Duncan cocked his eyebrows at the shorter man.
"You could've at the very least accepted a free ride," the well-dressed student pointed out dryly. "The driver was clearly trying to offer it to you."
Then maybe you could save up for some halfway decent clothes, he couldn't help but add to himself, eying Jacob's outfit. It was the exact same one he'd seen him in before, though with perhaps one or two more grease stains.
Jacob blinked. "Really? Huh..."
He shrugged this off very easily, though.
"Oh, well -- I can pay for it, so I may as well. Wasn't doing it for pay in the first place, after all."
Did this guy seriously just shrug off the fact that he could've saved some money when his boots looked like they were a few steps removed from second-hand? Duncan raised his eyebrows.
"Just because you benefited from the trolley being fixed doesn't mean you didn't earn some reward for what you did."
"Oh, I know, but..." Jacob shrugged. "I honestly wasn't even thinking of my own commute, right then. I just knew the driver was having trouble, and I was pretty sure I could help, so I wanted to try. I like solving people's problems," he added with another grin.
Duncan considered Jacob for a moment. It was so strange, how someone who could talk so much about absolutely nothing could come across as so...innocent, in a strange way. So sincere and generous, while also being so clueless about other people's feelings and social cues...
Jacob was a strange person. A strange person, but...interesting.
Little by little, Duncan actually found himself smiling too, though much more wryly.
Jacob turned his focus to the window as the trolley began to move. Duncan and he fell into a contented silence, which was broken when Duncan initiated conversation again.
"...Which library do you work at?"
"The one uptown, near the museum!" Jacob said with a grin. "My mum recently became a curator there...we generally walk home together those days, so we can pick up Wyn from school on the way. Anyhow, Mum's the most smashing curator -- never been great around lots of people, but she's so smart...she outclasses everyone else there, easily. One day she told me about this new exhibit she's been helping with on the history and short-lived reign of the Knave of Hearts -- bloody as all get out, mind you, but brilliant..."
Before long, Jacob had gone on a long tangent about the history behind the Knave of Hearts's reign and the boom in technological advancements that cropped up in the rest of Cinderhaven in response to refugees fleeing the Kingdom of Hearts. Duncan was having trouble following all of it, but Jacob's passion was remarkable enough to sit through -- it was like sitting beside a raging fire just to enjoy its warmth. And in those times when Duncan found himself on the same wavelength as Jacob, he found a strange excitement pulsing through him as well.
"...And well, out of that, we got new tanks, models of mechanical horses, gas stoves -- even our modern streetcars," said Jacob. "All that, just from immigrants coming here, to explore greater opportunities."
Duncan nodded. "I've put in several proposals to the Jack of Spades, for just that reason."
Not that he's willing to do anything the least bit differently than how they've always been done, he thought dully.
"There's so much potential for growth, if we just invest in projects at home. And if Spades invested more in developing those technologies used for transportation, then it could even encourage other technologically sharp minds in other parts of Cinderhaven to settle here."
Jacob beamed. "Oh, for sure! But you know, I reckon that's only one component, the improving of our transportation methods. It's also about the fuel we use."
"Finding a way to increase coal production to meet demand, you mean?" asked Duncan.
"Yeah, sort of -- but to increase production, we'd also have to make improvements on how it's done," Jacob pointed out. "Coal is smashing and all, but it's still a toxic substance. Prolonged exposure runs the risk of kidney damage, lung damage, heart damage...even it just being too close to running water has proved dangerous. Not to mention coal mines are ridiculously unsafe."
Duncan nodded grimly. The Jack of Spades had received several reports about that, though he'd sort of treated it as "par the course," for such "unskilled" labor.
"So you think the first step would be improving conditions for those coal miners," Duncan surmised.
"Right!" said Jacob. "And well, it wouldn't be too hard! We already have windowed submarines that help us breathe and travel safely underwater...all we'd really need is a way to adapt that concept for use in mines! Some sort of a submarine suit, for use underground instead of underwater...oh!"
The curly-haired man abruptly shot to his feet and grabbed the string, tugging down on it sharply to tell the trolley to stop. Duncan looked up, startled, as the trolley came to a stop right outside the university.
"Didn't want you to miss your stop," said Jacob with a slightly cheeky smile.
"I suppose it is the least you can do," Duncan said coolly, "considering you almost made me miss my stop for a second time."
He got to his feet and headed for the trolley door. In the door frame, though, he paused, and he glanced back at Jacob.
"...You work at Pik's Tavern, right?" he asked.
Jacob blinked. "Yeah -- Tuesdays and Thursdays."
Duncan's lips curled up into a very small smirk. "I'll try to pop in sometime. I could use a place to eat with a good discount...that is, if knowing a guy there would put me in good standing?"
Jacob beamed so brightly that his blue eyes actually sparkled a bit.
"10% off your order, if you ask for me by name!" he said brightly.
Duncan's smirk broadened a bit. "10%? That's not bad. All right -- tomorrow morning, then, before I head into work."
"It's a date, then!" Jacob called back, as Duncan finally climbed off the trolley.
Once he'd stepped off, Duncan found his eyes darting up to the trolley as it closed its doors and drove off. He also found his heart beating just that little bit faster and his cheeks flushing as he brought a hand through his hair, looking away again quickly.
A date, then, he recurred Jacob's offhand remark in his own head. Duncan tried to push the memory down, even as it made his lips spread into an amused smile.
Obviously he'd never date an idiot like Jacob Cromwell...but talking with him some more would be fun. It'd be like spending time with Coby, back in grade school -- except with someone who couldn't read social cues and went on ridiculous, rambling tangents about absolutely nothing...
But it could be fun. Listening to Jacob get carried away by his own passions and getting a bit swept up in them himself for a while...that could be fun.
That day Duncan ended up bringing up the idea of applying reverse genetics to future vaccinations during a meeting with the Jack of Spades and his other courtiers. It was an idea that prompted an muted nod of approval from the Jack, as well as a few side-long glances from the other courtiers that made it clear they wished they'd proposed the idea.
Jacob would've probably been blissfully unaware of those envious looks, Duncan thought to himself in amusement. He probably would've also gone a whirlwind tangent about how to apply the same vaccination principles to the farming of produce or something.
When Duncan visited Pik's Tavern the following morning, he wasn't served by Jacob, as he'd expected -- instead, after eating one of the best breakfasts he'd had in his life, Duncan found a scrawled note on the receipt his female server had brought him.
10% off, as promised! Hope I cooked the eggs all right -- if you'd like them runnier next time, just let me know. Jacob C
The bloke could cook. The knowledge made Duncan stare at the little note on the receipt a bit longer than he should've.
After stewing in his thoughts for a moment, Duncan finally decided to bite the bullet and ask his server about when Jacob got off work. The server gave him a knowing smile.
"He's supposed to only work mornings," she explained, "but he always stays later. I reckon Jacob would stay and work for a full twelve hours, if we'd let him...but he always heads out, whenever his sister gets here."
Duncan blinked. "His sister?"
The memory of Jacob mentioning a "Wyn" rippled over his mind.
"Carewyn's her name," said the server fondly. "She's a sweet little thing -- smarter than her brother too, sometimes. She's still in grade school, but she always takes the trolley after school to 'pick Jacob up' when he's working here, so they can head home together." She gave a soft laugh behind her hand. "It's absolutely adorable."
The thought of Coby carrying his sister Veruca on his shoulders when she was little rippled over Duncan's mind, and it made something a little softer flit through his expression.
"...I see..."
Well, there went the idea of talking to Jacob some more after he got off work... Duncan considered his options for a moment before speaking again.
"...I'll be off then," he said at last, his voice incredibly business-like. "Tell Jacob I'll be back Thursday morning -- and if possible, I'd like to give him a review of his cooking in person."
From then on, Duncan would come into Pik's Tavern every Tuesday and Thursday morning on his way into the capitol, Jacob would cook him a scrumptious breakfast spread, and they would talk while Duncan ate. More than once Duncan would pay for Jacob's meal too so that he could eat with him -- if nothing else, he said gruffly, he should reimburse the Tavern for "stealing" one of their chefs for an hour or so twice a week.
As he and Jacob sat together, they would talk about various things -- economics, dirigibles, medicine, anthropology, music, renewable energy, joke shops, trains, mythology, biodegradable alternatives to household goods...anything and everything. They'd also talk about themselves, sometimes. Jacob would gush about his sister Carewyn, who was as sweet and small as a cherub, but brave and smart as a whip, and his mother Lane, who was soft-spoken and hated crowds, but was the gentlest and smartest person he knew. Duncan would talk about Coby -- about how laid-back and fun he was to be around, about all the trouble they got into at school together...about how much he loved his sister Veruca, and how much Jacob had reminded him of his best friend. Duncan would talk about his father and how they never spoke after the death of his mother -- how Duncan was working at the court of Spades and was determined to really be somebody, his own person, on his own and successful and free to do as he liked. Jacob would talk about how his father abandoned his family, leaving Jacob to drop out of school so as to help keep his family afloat financially through his multiple part-time jobs, and how he taught himself using books from the library, since he lacked the money or qualifications to attend university himself. Sometimes Jacob would even sing! Duncan caught the other man's tenor voice echoing several times out of the kitchen on his way out to greet him, and each time the soaring, carefree tone would make Duncan's heart skip a beat.
The two young men would talk and talk until finally both Jacob and Duncan had cleared their plates and had to get back to their respective jobs. And at Duncan's job in particular, he found the subjects of his meetings with Jacob returning to his mind more and more, whenever he'd meet with the rest of court.
"If we're looking for funds for these projects," Duncan proposed one day, "then perhaps technology could provide some solutions. Sure, we don't have enough money to pay for a new school right now...but investing in energy that's renewable, rather than single-use, could make it cheaper to refuel the machines needed to build these new structures. Water, for instance -- it's still only been used on the large scale right now with dams, but hydroelectric power could be a great alternative, if it could be duplicated on a smaller scale."
Afterward the Jack of Spades actually pulled Duncan aside to speak to him privately.
Ulrich Scheller was a very austere, by-the-book sort of man. Duncan had never once see him smile, and he and Coby both reckoned no one had ever heard him crack a joke in his life. Ulrich was very tall and stiff-shouldered, dressed in a high-necked black and white tweed coat that made him look like a vicar. He was losing some of his blond hair, so he'd combed his gelled hair down a bit to obscure it, but it didn't appear comical: if anything, it only made his forehead appear taller and his face appear longer and pointier, by extension.
"Your idea is really quite inventive," said the older man, his eyes boring into Duncan very carefully. "I hope you don't mind if I discuss it with the King, when next I speak with him?"
Duncan was startled. The Jack actually wanted to tell the King about something he'd suggested?
"Of course not," he said very quickly, once he'd recovered.
"Good," said Ulrich.
He crossed his arms behind him, strolling over to the window and looking out.
"...The King was very positive, when someone passed along your idea about vaccines. He came to me specifically requesting that I invest more in our local laboratories for the coming year. ...I don't think I've ever heard the King speak so passionately about infrastructure before."
The Jack's eyes watched Duncan's reflection in the window carefully. Duncan felt like an invisible hand was squeezing his stomach in a vice grip.
"...Thank you," Duncan said after a moment.
"Your hard work and resourcefulness have garnered quite a lot of attention," the Jack pressed on. "Investing in biodegradable tools, applying submarine technology to mining equipment...even the Ace of Spades has noticed. I think I even caught her expressing some interest in some of your ideas -- or at least, adapting them for her particular department..."
Ulrich gave Duncan an almost curious look.
"I must admit, Mr. Ashe...you are an impressive young man."
Duncan felt ill.
The praise should've been so validating -- after all, Duncan had worked incredibly hard, and he did want to be seen as valuable to the Court of Spades...but he'd only brought up Jacob's ideas because they were objectively good ideas -- they had to be, if the King reacted so well to them! Duncan hadn't really planned to take sole credit for those ideas...and now that he was set to, he found himself feeling trapped. On the one hand, he didn't want to take credit for ideas that Jacob had come up with all by himself, without even a formal education...but on the other hand, he didn't know how the Jack of Spades would respond to the knowledge that Duncan had earned all of this respect through promoting ideas developed by someone else...
"Mr. Ashe?" said Ulrich. "Is something the matter?"
Duncan shot out of his reverie. "No, sir."
He paused. Jacob's grinning face swam over his mind.
"Guess I just like applying my brain to more useful activities."
"Wasn't doing it for pay in the first place, after all."
"I honestly wasn't even thinking of my own commute, right then. I just knew the driver was having trouble, and I was pretty sure I could help, so I wanted to try. I like solving people's problems."
Jacob never looked for any kind of reward, for the work he put in. He didn't ever seem to want anything selfishly for himself. All he ever seemed to care about was solving problems -- knowing that what he'd done had been helpful to others...
Even so...
Duncan swallowed.
"...I can't take credit for those ideas, sir," he admitted lowly at last. "All I did was share them -- "
"Shared them at very critical moments," Ulrich cut him off smoothly. "They were timely and educated suggestions. You clearly put a lot of thought into them..."
"No, I didn't," Duncan said, a bit more loudly than he meant.
He very quickly reigned his emotions back in as best he could.
"...I mean, yes, they were applicable to the task at hand -- and yes, I have worked hard, and I appreciate you noticing..."
The young man swallowed again, trying to steady his courage.
"...But those ideas...I didn't come up with them on my own. They weren't even my ideas in the first place -- they're someone else's."
Duncan averted his eyes, unable to look at his superior.
"...He's the inventive one. I just...recalled his ideas, during those conferences."
The Jack of Spades considered Duncan for a long moment. Then, to Duncan's shock, he actually smirked slightly.
"Mr. Ashe," Ulrich said coolly, "you misunderstood my compliment completely. I never expected all of those ideas to be solely your own invention -- for however smart you fancy yourself to be, you are still only a student," he added rather dryly. "You have so much still to learn -- about politics, about the world. About mankind overall. That's why it's a remarkable talent, to discern which voices to listen to...to pinpoint good ideas when you hear them and promote them to others who might be too afraid to pursue them, despite their novelty. ...It's a talent I've lacked for a very long time..."
The Jack turned around to face Duncan properly, his arms still folded stiffly behind him.
"Yes, perhaps others presumed these ideas were fully germinated from your brain, but I was never so foolish to. Speaking from experience, however -- there's nothing inherently wrong with being influenced by the people around you, especially if they are both valuable and trustworthy. And from the sound of things...the people who've inspired you have been fortunate enough to earn your trust."
Duncan felt that hand squeezing his stomach loosen its grip. He relaxed slightly, relieved that his position hadn't been compromised -- but there was still something restless, in his feet.
"...Thank you, sir," he said.
Duncan paused. Then, after a moment, he spoke with a big more strength in his voice.
"There's this man I know. He's my age, but his mind...it's inventive, truly inventive, in a way mine isn't. ...I think he'd be invaluable, in developing new interior projects for the Country of Spades."
Ulrich cocked his eyebrows, interested.
"If you think so, perhaps you should invite him to court."
Duncan's heart gave a leap of surprise as Ulrich strolled over to the door of his office.
"...You give your approval, sir?" Duncan asked, delighted.
"After tonight, Mr. Ashe," the Jack said cryptically, "I don't think you'll need it."
He didn't explain himself at all before he strode away.
It was only when Duncan returned home that he found the official Spades-sealed letter that had been delivered to his door.
Dear Mr. Ashe, We are pleased to inform you that you have been nominated -- with nearly universal approval from the Court of Spades -- to take on Master Ulrich Scheller's position as the Jack of Spades.
Within a few weeks, Duncan had taken on the mantle of the new Jack of Spades. The same day Duncan was inaugurated, Jacob Cromwell put in his letter of resignation at the mechanic shop, Pik's Tavern, and the uptown library near his home and took a full-time job as an advisor and technology expert at the court of Spades under Duncan.
The rest of the courtiers honestly didn't know what to make of Jacob at first, but fortunately even those who'd looked upon him with the most scorn eventually came to see how truly brilliant the young man was. More than a few times, Patricia Rakepick tried to coax Jacob to make some more militaristic modifications to his blueprints -- but to Duncan's satisfaction, Jacob always ended up finding a way to blow the Ace of Spades off.
"Why would you use mining suits on a battlefield anyway?" Jacob asked with a deep frown. "They'd get trashed up so fast you'd have to fix them over and over...so pointless..."
Duncan smiled wryly. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised you have more interest in building mechanical bees than bombs and tanks."
"Well, of course!" said Jacob as if it were obvious. "Mechanical bees can help with the shrinking bee population. With artificial pollinators in the mix, we can both help the environment and improve food and medicine production! Not to mention the technology could be applied to larger models, once it's perfected -- imagine! Mechanical winged horses that can pull our own modified flying carriages! Mechanical carrier pigeons to deliver messages! Maybe even mechanical dragons! Imagine the uses that could give to a welder, or a baker...anyone in the culinary industry, really..."
Duncan found himself smiling absently as he let Jacob go off on another one of his dreamy tangents. His subordinate's blue eyes had drifted skyward ages ago, as it often did whenever he was thinking hard, but they sparkled like happy aquamarine gems.
Jacob hadn't had a lot of opportunities in his life, prior to meeting Duncan. After meeting him, though, Duncan hoped he'd have more, much more.
Because someone this resilient...this brilliant, this passionate, this idealistic and good...even with all the disadvantages he'd had and all the struggles he'd had to overcome and all the reasons he had to resent the world and his place in it...
He deserved to be celebrated. He deserved to be great, and appreciated, and successful -- to be able to do what he wanted to do and chase all of his sky-high dreams as far as they'd take him...
Jacob deserved to feel important. Because...he was. To Duncan, at the very least...he was important.
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cartierre · 1 year
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU lando norrix x latina!reader
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♡ liked by carlossainz55, felipedrugovich and 264,394 others
lando.jpg cabo san lucas, mexico. summer break 2022
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daniel3.jpg oh la la! ⤷ user1 DANNY HAHAHAHA
user2 does lando have a new girlfriend or am i tripping rn cuz i know this isn't luisa ⤷ user3 how can you tell ⤷ user2 cuz she posted a story where she was in paris with friends ⤷ user4 they broke up like two months ago or so ⤷ user5 i feel sorry for whoever this girl is because she probably is just a rebound ⤷ user6 not y'all assuming about their relationship lmao
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♡ liked by daniel3.jpg and 298,420 others
lando.jpg late night shenanigans
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user7 what kind of summer is lando having this boy is out here wilding around
user8 L-LANDO IS THIS ALLOWED ⤷ user9 did he just post some girl's tramp stamp??
daniel3.jpg "summer's" been treating you good mate ⤷ user10 daniel teasing lando through the comments takes the cake ⤷ user11 i just know the drivers' gc is going bonkers rn
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♡ liked by 29,310 people
tagged: landonorris
f1wagupdates New girlfriend alarm? Lando Norris was spotted picking up a girl in his McLaren from the airport. Is this the girl he posted multiple pictures of during his trip through Mexico? Many say he was looking for a rebound after his break-up with long term girlfriend Luisinha Oliveira, but does someone fly their rebound out to their hometown? Guess we'll have to stay tuned for more!
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user12 lando is so whipped ⤷ user13 the power of latinas ⤷ user14 amen
user15 he flew her out to monaco after his trip? bro must be in love love ⤷ user16 guess we'll see if he also brings her to bahrain after the summer break is over
user17 i think i found her insta, i'm not sure because lando doesn't follow but her posts align with his' ⤷ user18 okay stalker... what's her @? ⤷ user17 yourusername
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yourusername guess i could get used to frequent trips to monaco
view all 89 comments
user18 and we're sure she's not just some girl? ⤷ user19 yeah i mean just because she's mexican and now conveniently is in monaco doesn't mean she's the girl lando's been messing around with
user20 if this is the girl lando's with, geez my boy has some good karma ⤷ user21 yeah like why yould someone as pretty as her sleep with someone as crusty as lando ⤷ user22 wdym 'crusty' lando's actually really pretty ⤷ user23 he behaves like a child
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♡ liked by 13,293 others
yourusername tiro caliente (hot shot)
view all 99 comments
user24 omg she's dropping some serious hints guys ⤷ user25 the breadcrumps we needed
user26 the orange car? lando? i mean... ⤷ user27 how many people own an orange mclaren. it's obvious at this point it's lando
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♡ liked by yourusername, daniel3.jpg and 321,987 others
tagged: danielricciardo
lando.jpg princess treatment after a tough weekend
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daniel3.jpg are you getting the princess treatment? ⤷ user28 i hope lando does lmao
user29 omg yourusername actually liked this post??? ⤷ user30 this is a sign, the sign we've been waiting for. it's her
yourusername the only treatment one deserves ⤷ user31 it'S YOU
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♡ liked by landonorris and 21,292 others
tagged: landonorris
yourusername 4 lifers
view all 293 comments
user32 i- what ⤷ user33 this was so unexpected ⤷ user34 was it?
landonorris did my pr team give you the go? ⤷ yourusername they love me ⤷ user35 someone tell me if this is sarcasm or not
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♡ liked by yourusername, carlossainz55 and 349,394 others
tagged: yourusername
lando.jpg como te quiero yo (how i love you)
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yourusername lando we need to go back to mexico i'm loosing my good tan ⤷ lando.jpg 7 more races until we're back in mexico
user36 yeah okay i understand lando, i'm also in love
user37 still weird how fast he moved on ⤷ user38 he's an f1 driver what did you expect
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thepersonnamedsam · 9 months
where’d all the time go? - dr3
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader
summary: a little look back in time and into the future
face claim: heidi berger
warnings: none
note: hiya, i’m back (at least for now)! this was inspired by the song where’d all the time go by dr. dog :)
masterlist / taglist
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liked by danielricciardo, user and 38‘738 others
yninsta where’d all the time go?
view all 19‘627 comments
danielricciardo my beautiful baby
danielricciardo look at you, you were always cute
danielricciardo i love you so much
user1 he’s so whipped
user2 we love a whipped man
user3 give him some cream so he can be whipped cream
user4 wow, y/n, you are so pretty
yninsta thank u so much
user5 danny is a lucky man
danielricciardo indeed i am
yninsta aww baby
danielricciardo i am the luckiest with you
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liked by yninsta, sebastianvettel and 927‘188 others
danielricciardo where’d all the time go? bc she’s my wife now rather than my racing partner…
view all 672‘910 comments
user6 omg danny u can’t drop that bomb rn!!!!!!
user6 i was not prepared to go to heaven today
user7 wtf happened?
user8 when did that happens?!;!;!:
user9 in june apparently
yninsta i am so lucky to call u my husband <3
danielricciardo mrs. ricciardo has a nice ring to it
yninsta yea and u gave me a pretty ring
sebastianvettel congrats you two, glad to have been invited!
user10 seb was invited!:‘bejdkdbfjd
user11 he better have been
maxverstappen1 my dream just vanished :(
maxverstappen1 i will never be mrs. ricciardo :(
user12 hahahaha max is too funny
yninsta soz max, can i make it up to u?
maxverstappen1 divorce him?
danielricciardo never.
user12 i cannot believe it, my fav boy got married
user13 yea and we didn’t even know about the engagement
user14 doesn’t matter, they won’t last anyways
user15 anyway(s) - there is no plural of anyway. if u hate do it at least grammatically correct
user16 slay. (and they will last forever)
charles_leclerc congratulations!!! so happy for you
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liked by pierregasly, yninsta and 87‘199 others
daniel3.jpg the polaroid camera latifi gifted me finally came to good use, thanks mate
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nicholaslatifi cheers mate
user17 i just know they had the most perfect wedding
user18 i want a man to love me like danny loves y/n… sigh
user19 he there sweetheart :)
user18 ew.
yninsta it was perfect
landonorris had the most perfect time, thank you, you muppets
yninsta we love u lando
danielricciardo ig we do, if wifey does…
yninsta be nice
landonorris yea, be nice and listen to your wife
yninsta and danielricciardo
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 672‘179 others
yninsta we had the most beautiful time, thank you to you all! lots of love
comments disabled
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liked by danielricciardo, user20 and 63‘826 others
yninsta where’d all the time go pt. 2
view all 46‘199 comments
user22 that’s why she didn’t show up to the races, omg, she had whole kids!
user23 i hope they were whole…
user24 oop-
user25 he looks so happy
user26 so much better than at mclaren
user25 right?
landonorris when will i get uncle duties again?
yninsta soon
danielricciardo no you will not, they were so hyper last time you had them, idk what you did with them
landonorris they had pavlova, isn’t that a specialty of australia?
user27 it’s kiwi!!!!
landonorris doesn’t matter
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liked by danielricciardo, yninsta and 1‘839‘636 others
f1 little throwback to @danielricciardo 's bachelor party with the whole grid
view all 738‘829 comments
user28 aww how sweet was that
user29 it’s really the whole grid :(
user30 even seb
user31 i think it was sebs last race even
user32 but their children seem at least 4 years old?!;
user33 maybe that’s why they married?
danielricciardo i look so bad :/
user35 look how happy they all are!
yninsta thank god they don’t have my bachelorette party pics…
f1 🤷🏻‍♀️
yninsta if u dare! i will sue u
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret, @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @whatthefuckerr , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis
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You know that trend ( it's not really new or anything) When a girl would ask her boyfriend/husband " do you remember what day it is." Just to get them to freak out and think they forgot an anniversary or something. Because people were saying that if you ask a man that he will automatically think he forgot something. What about Dream with something like that?
I Know All
"Do you remember what day it is?" "Day is a mortal concept," he blurts a bit too instantly. "... so you don't remember?"
Dream of the Endless x Reader | >600 | cw: gender neutral!reader, sulky!dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: hi nonnie! i do know this trend. the first one i saw of it was so funny HAHAHAHA. i hope you enjoy what i whipped up <3 :D
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @sloanexx @shadow-pancake9
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"Hi, love!" I beam, hugging him from behind.
Dream, who had just finished doing his round of tasks, tenses before he relaxes. I feel him release a sigh as his palms rest on my arms, "hello, my dreamer."
When he moves to turn, he, at first, tries to hold me back from pulling away. He is pacified upon realizing I meant to take only a few steps back. His otherwise blank expression cracks when he notices I was dressed up more than usual. His hands slip into mine.
"Don't I look extra cute today?" I give a Cheshire cat grin.
His lips curve upward. He pulls me forward and nods, "you are an exquisite creature."
I chuckle and cup his cheeks with my hand, "thank you, Mr. Sandman."
I watch him hold back an eyeroll as he releases a breath.
I laugh once more and rub down his arm, "right, we should get going."
Dream doesn't move a fraction from where he stood even though I pull him by the arm. Instead, topple all the way back into his chest and grunt.
He and I lock eyes. He furrows his brows, "are we going somewhere?"
I shoot him a confused look.
He outdoes my expression with his own.
I cannot mask my chuckle, but I play it off, "of course we're going somewhere! Don't tell me you forgot."
He does not respond for a moment, then betrays himself by clearing his throat too loudly, "remind me again where we are going, my dear?"
My dear. I hold back a laugh by biting my lip. I up the theatrics with a pout, "Dream..."
He is immediately on the defensive. He places his hands on my shoulders and shakes his head, "I had much to do. I merely need to jog my memory."
I start feeling bad because of how his teary blue eyes look.
"Do you remember what day it is?"
"Day is a mortal concept," he blurts a bit too instantly.
"... so you don't remember?"
Dream doesn't put up much of a fight after. He flakes the instant a sigh leaves his lips, "no. I do not remember what day it is, nor making any plans with you this day. I apologise, my love."
He defeatedly hangs his head and leans his forehead against mine. When his arms snake around me, it feels as though a dark cloud forms overhead. I pout through a chuckle and embrace him right back. I feel absolutely dreadful, "baby boy, I-"
"I swear to you, it is not my intention to-"
"Honey, no-" I pull away.
He repels me, "no, don't."
"Lovie!" I whisper, pulling back to caress his cheeks, "it's ok!" I pout, "it's all good. It's fine."
Dream is visibly dejected.
"Baby, don't worry. It was a joke. A really bad one at that, but I didn't mean it to be!"
His brows knit, "what?"
I purse my lips and brush his black hair back, "it was meant to be a funny-ha-ha prank..." I swipe his lips with my thumb before kissing them. I make a guilty expression, "I didn't think you'd be so... distraught about it."
Dream soaks in these works before cautiously wording, "does... this mean I did not... forget any engagement with you?"
I titter, "no, my lord. I was just trying to be funny."
He releases a breath of relief. His shoulders release its tension, "I could inspire your jokes, if you'd like."
I break into a laugh and shake my head, "no. I think I'm-"
"So," he furrows his brows in sudden realization, "you tricked me for your amusement?"
I open my mouth but find myself stuttering when he appears more sullen than he was moments ago, "it was meant to be a jo-"
"Well, I find no amusement in it," he frowns then pulls away.
"N- now, hold on. Dream. Don't be like that. Dream. Don't walk away! Honey! Please."
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ma3mae · 1 year
Make a part two??🥺🫶Maybe Chuuya and Nikolai?
No brain, just horny! 2
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Summary: Oh no! Your bf's acting all hot! What to do??? (Chuuya, Akutagawa, Nikolai, Fyodor)
Genre: fluff, crack, bit suggestive 🤓
A/N: ANOONNN WKDJEKHFKS HERE U GO, SWEETIE 🤩🤩🤩 how can yall find rat man hot, idk man 💀 his parts rly short bc I CANT WRITE HIM so see it as a small extra 💀💀 not proofread btw 💀
Part 1
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Nakahara Chuuya
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😳 yall wanna get railed by this man, huh??
Cant blame u tho 💀😭 😭
honestly i think his reaction would prob depend on his mood, lowkey like rampo
Just that his reaction would be a bit more intense EHEH
idk if hes kinda busy at the moment and annoyed bc work is being a hoe, hed prob be all impatient like "Damn, doll. Im barely holding myself back as well so just wait a bit, will ya?"
As much as hed love to indulge u immediately, he still values his work yk 😔😔😔
ok yk what would be funny tho? Like he told u he'd be having a meeting at his work place and honestly, its not hard enough to know where it is bc its like legit one of the highest buildings (idk maybe even the highest???) in yokohama lmaoo
And you've been waiting for him to come back home after two weeks but noooo, he has to report everything to his boss 🤓🤓🤓🤓
so you're like "alright, im horny and been waiting for too long."Guess where we're going yall 😋😋😋😋???
Jk nah but we makin our way over there and lets just say they only know u as "the love of his life who def shouldnt be messed with if they wanna live" bc he'd go haywire AS HE SHOULD if anything happened to u 💀
Anyway we know when the meeting's being held so oopsie, we "accidentally" manage to find him in the hallway with some of his colleagues
"Oi, isn't that your girlfriend over there, Boss??" not only tachihara but everyone's confused on why u r even there??
Chuuya just whips his head around and doesnt know if he should just yeet himself outta the building or be happy to see you bc
its especially bad if our boy still hasn't told you what hes actually doing bc no way in hell wants he to drag u into that shi 💀
Anyway you're just too excited so u ignore his to tomato face with a twitching eyebrow and you start to jog towards him but damn tf is that???
OF COURSE theres a bump sticking outta the carpet SMH SUE THE CLEANING STAFF😋
And obviously we all know whos gonna trip on that
But as embarassed as he is, your future hubby will make sure that you won't end up on the floor 💕💕
all you feel is a slight gust of wind and you can only open your eyes to see his gorgeous ones
"Don't just fall for me every time you see me, doll." LMAO thats so corny and he actually gets even more red when he realises wtf he just spouted out of his mouth but he couldnt help it 😭
Especially when hes holding you bridal style in his arms and you can feel him subconciously squeeze you tighter against him bc he missed his wifey
and we are just too whipped to stop ourselves from saying "Chuu chuu, i just couldnt wait anymore. Can we move this to our place? I'll be anything you want, even just a hole for you, mkay?"
thats the EXACT question that goes through his mind as he just stares at you like 😳
But he cant deny that it made him feel hot, even down there a bit...
"Come in when you're done, Chuuya." is all you hear from HIS fking boss as he just sends the both of you a smile as he enters the room before closing the door
Help our man, hes so TORN
All he can do is take a deep breath, trying to stop his face from heating up bc its already hot enough as it is
He'll gently set you down but still keeps a secure grip around your waist with one arm
His gloved hand tilts your face slightly up and all you see is a sea of blue
Letting his gloved thumb slowly glide on your bottom lip
"You really like teasing me. Dont'cha sweetheart? Just give me 15 minutes and then we'll be at home. Honestly might scold you for your little stunt but it's not like you don't like that, right? But I gotta say...."
cherry sweet lips lock onto yours for what seems like only a second before feeling them on your forehead
"I did miss you pretty much...and I'll make it up to you. Thanks for your patience, love."
now YOU'RE the one who's face is about to explode and that annoying ass smirk of his isnt even helping u but oh well
He should be lucky that you're so in love with him and that his handsome looks always manage to hold you back from yelling at him out of embarassement 💀😳
He gives you a peck on the lips before giving you on last squeeze
"Only a little bit longer, okay? Will give you a proper kiss when we're at home."
He makes his way back but stops "Also I love you but please... wait at home next time. No need for anyone to see your cute ass here. Only mine to look at, yk.." the last part kinda gets muffled under his breath as he tilts his fedora down to hide his heated face but welp, ofc u heard everything 😋
Anyway, you let him go to his meeting with a wave with ur hand bc he did promise to make it up to you and your body would be tingling with excitement until yall get back home for yk what 😋😋😋💅
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Akutagawa Ryunnosuke
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ngl he'd make a similar expression to this pic here 💀 like hes fking constipated or smth
Give my man some time pls bc its his first relationship and he needs some minute to get it through his head that you feel sexually attracted enough to him to yearn for him, broo
"Can't you just... wait until we get home? Why now?" SKKSKS you think he sounds so pissed but hes just so confused 💀😭😭
lmao just came up with a ridiculous scenario
idk some random wannabe gang is stirring up some trouble in yokohama
And how do u resolve this problem as fast as u can?
By sending one of ur best men there who legit just slices them all in mere secs 😋
but wait whats that?
"Are you fucking kidding me?"
You just stare wide eyed at your boyfriend as he stands there infront of the mall, choking the living shit out of what seems to be some weird thug
"Ryu, what are you doing here?"
He just clicks his tounge out of annoyance and casually tosses the man to the side as he makes his way towards you
Stopping infront of you, you only see his furrowed eyebrows and the annoyed look on his face
But if you look closely, you'll see a glimpse of worry in them💕
"I could ask you the same thing. Didn't I telll you to stay at home? And specifically to not enter this area?"
You can only sheepishly laugh at his words and the huff at your answer wasnt that helpful
"Well, the mall here had your favorite tea on sale and I really wanted to surprise you with it!"
He just puts a hand on his face as you peek over his shoulder, only seeing whips and bits of rashomon dealing with the thugs while you boyfriend seems somehow unbothered by their presence, hell he was legit not even aknowledging them at this point 💀
"Let me just finish this real quick and then I'll take you home."
"But I still have t-"
A glare from him immediately zipped your mouth shut, deeming it unnecessary to argue with him any further since he could be very very stubborn
"Just stay behind me and wait."
If you had to be honest, watching your bf just casually beat the shit out of 20 or more men without even breaking a sweat made you feel really hot
He might be stoic, blunt or whatever everyone would call him but at the end of the day, he'd make sure you're well protected and cared for, even if it would take some nudges from you to guide him
He was a fast learner after all in every aspect of your relationship
And it wasn't until he poked your forehead that you snapped out of your trance, your face beet red and only for him to raise an eyebrow at you
"Don't tell me you got sick from just being outside for a bit? I really don't know how someone frail like you had managed to live for so long."
Harsh words yet the gentle press of his hand against your forehead was telling a different story
"Hm, you aren't heating up that much. But I'll still be taking you home."
"Can you stay with me then? Because honestly, watching that fight somehow made me really horny."
🤨 > 😳
"Are you kidding me? How does watching me beat the shit out of some random wannabe thugs make you horny?"
You can only groan at his answer but couldn't keep the smirk on your lips from growing as you noticed the red hue on his cheeks
"It's just hot to see how easy it was for you to just casually fend of all of them. Not to mention, that it's always nice to have a reminder what a strong and reliable lover I have. I'm just really lucky, I guess"
Ah, you smart vixen.
Always using his praise kink for your advantage and oh boy, he knows
But he just can't help his rising pulse at what your words just do to him
"W-Why-? Y-You-???"
Suddenly he grabbing your hand, he turns his body away from you, only his back in your sight as he continues to walk
"Ryu, are we walking ba-"
"Told you I'm taking you home. Someone has to make sure nothing happens to you since you probably wouldn't even know how to defend yourself."
"Aah, I see. Well I'll be sure to thank you properly when we're at home." 😋🤩
A hitched breath and his grip tightening around your hand really made it difficult not to laugh at him
Well, atleast it was nice knowing that you weren't the only one eager to get home asap 💀💀
At the end, you thanked him as promised and he made sure to make you feel safe as always
"Oh, thank you for the tea... I guess.." he'd mumble in your ear as he pressed your back against his chest, his arms tucked comfortably around you. 🤭
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Nikolai Gogol
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erm 😨 how about no?
Do u not value life?
Jk but his goofy ass would NEVER let u rest if u even show him a tiny bit on how horny you are 💀💀💀💀
bro's like "ew human desires, they only bind u" lowkey (not as hard as fyodor but yk what i mean)
but hes sadly down bad for his future or maybe already wifey so 😉 how could he 😉 say no 😉
like idk lets say for whatever reason u r also part of their rat gang 💀 and its honestly a big headache to endure his weird and annoying antics every day
But thats what made u fall in love bc u have bad taste 😋😋😋 same tho
is prob gonna tease u about that too like "Oh, Y/N~ So many men out there and yet you still chose me?? Either you're just very desperate or you just don't care at all! But don't worry, I'm more than happy to be the one who's on your mind all day 🤩🤩🤩" he says as he's casually bombing a whole building and kills hundreds of people 🤩
Thats for sure gonna be blowing ur mind for weeks 💀 IM SORRY
throw him into a trash can or smth 💀 jkjk maybe im not 💀💀
anyway back to the scenario 💀
lets say hes as always acting like the 🤡 he is and disrupting everyone's life by being plain annoying
Ok so fyodor threatened to kill him for the 100th time? Check.
Sigma's crying in his office bc he just escaped random pairs of scissors flying at him for the whole day? Check. someone has to cut that atrocious hair away, okur💀💀💀
Getting hit by gf after randomingly stealing kisses from her?
"But why won't you let me kiss you, Y/N????"
Dodging his attempts for what would seem the 30th time for the day, you hastily continued to make your way to Sigma, a box of self made cookies in your hand.
"You've been harassing everyone for the entire day as always! And don't get me started on what you tried to do to Sigma!"
You could only hear a whine as fast footsteps tried to outrun yours, you wanting nothing but wanting to somehow lift Sigma's spirits up since no one else would make their time to comfort him after the inhuman pranks your boyfriend couldn't refrain from doing
"But he's just so funny, you know! How could anyone resist not teasing him all day?!"
"Teasing doesn't mean endangering his life! Only because YOU don't like his hair!"
"Hmm, but won't you atleast give me one kiss before you go?"
"nope, never. Bye!"
Aah, you really shouldn't have challenged him 😨
"Well, then I guess you won't be needing that then!"
"NIKOLAI GOGOL?! GIVE ME THE FUCKING BOX BACK!!" only hearing maniacal cackling quickly distancing itself from you, as he ran away with the box in his hand
Ah, he really was blessed with the perfect ability for him
Too stubborn and annoyed to realise his intentions, you quickly followed him, the urge of wanting to punch him pulling you towards him like a magnet
"A chase is what he wants? Okay, he'll get it." 😋😋
Knowing immediately that he made it too easy for the both of you as he nonchalantly laid on your shared bed, crumbs on his cheeks as he enjoyed your cookies, his mask casually laying next to him.
"You are more than an annoying child, you know that?"
"Yep but I don't care! Also how dare you only make cookies for your friend when you've got such a loving partner like me!"
A groan slipped out of you as you walkes over to him, earning yourself a "HEY?!" as you snatched the box away from him
"If you wanted some, you could have just asked like a normal person. I wouldn't have minded sharing some and Sigma probably not."
"Ugh, like a normal person? You know that's just boring~ buuuut if you really want me to then-"
You felt a pull at your wrist, making your chest hitting his as you landed on top of him, affectively stradling him
Both of your hands at the side of his head as you tried to lift yourself up, yet the arm around your waist stopping you, your faces only mere inches away from each other
A smirk splayed on his face as he wiped the crumbs away from his lips with his gloved thumb
Pressing it softly against your lips, the movement ingrained in your body as you opened them without any protest
a low chuckle at your cute actions as you licked the crumbs of his thumb before releasing it with a soft 'pop'
"Is that normal enough for you, my dove?"
Not letting the heat on your face and body stop you from throwing remarks at him, you merely stated "That wasn't asking, just plain seduction at this point."
Letting his eyes trail over your body and the hands next to him, tightly clutching the sheets only spurred him further on.
"Well, I've got your attention now, right?"
"You're lucky that I love you."
"Isn't it good to know we're both obesessed, dearie?"
A whine left his lips as you tucked at his hair at that statement, grazing your teeth across his neck before harshly biting on it.
"Well, then end what you've started then."
Getting hit by Y/N after randomingly stealing kisses from them? Hair pulled, make out sessions and more after annoying them? Double Check.
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Fyodor Dostojevski
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💀 im dead, you're dead, we're all DEAD
ok jk he wouldnt kill u bc even if he wont admit it immediately, he loves u 😋
but why would u feed his annoying god complex like that 😨😨
but guess what 😋 youve always had bad taste so why not be together with a terrorist 🤩
Ur only dates would be either sitting in his stinky room full of computers as hes been sitting there for days and you're chilling on his lap
or yall actually go outside to ruin someone's life 💅
and honestly, what better way to confirm that humans r horrible af when he sees you get turned on by his horrid acts 💀💀💀
"I just took a life infront of your very eyes and all you say is how hot that is? Well, aren't you ruined to the point of return? But that's what makes you so interesting, I guess."
i think it would be rly difficult to actually turn him on as well at first
Or catch him off guard tbh bc all you'd get is a condescending smirk of him just teasing you
He'll prob also just call u out about how horny you are but its ok bc he loves having that effect on you 🤩
"Is it seeing someone's eyes lose their light? Killing the gifted because the world would be purer without them? Tying them up and choking the life out of them? Or is it because I am the one doing these acts? Planning it all out, only for you to witness it? How about I'd do it to you, hmm?"I FEEL ITCHY AFTER WRITING THAT 💀
tbh it depends how "horny" u r tbh bc he'd prob make you beg for it first by just telling u off n stuff until you cant take ir anymore
Like if you want him then SHOW him how much you want him 🤩
he prob has not that much of a stamina but he'd make up for it with technique what am i writing rn😭😭😭😭
anyway you'd def be satisfied but he'd prob make you work for it first before tending to ur "needs"
im crying i hate this
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A/N: DAMN already hit 400 followers?? thinking of maybe doing smth for that, idk what tho. Got too many ideas 💀 and lmao sorry for the radio silence 💀 writers block and life, we love it.
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xsezzie · 8 months
TickleTober Day 11 : Pumpkin
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Characters: Solomon & Simeon (or romantic if you want to see it that way)
Warnings: Nah
Pairing key: & = platonic, x = romantic!
Solomon can't cook for shit but his cooking always has magical powers for some reason...? At least that's what I remember when I played this game LOL
“Oh, come on Simeon, trust me! This will be the best pumpkin pie you have ever tasted!”
Solomon grinned happily, stirring the… “food” he was trying to make. Simeon could only look on in horror as it began to turn a dark purple colour.
“Hey… why don’t we let Luke do the Halloween baking? You know he would uh… love the opportunity to improve!”
The angel was nervous. Why did Diavolo allow Solomon to join the cooking team for the upcoming Halloween celebration!? Simeon needed to come up with some sort of way to save everyone.
"Hmph... I can help too you know!"
Ah, everyone was doomed.
Later that evening, Solomon and Simeon had finished up their duties. After completing his pumpkin pie, the human had left to go set up all the tables, thankfully not cooking anything else. Simeon felt bad, he could see Solomon was proud of it, but there was no way he could let anyone, not even Beel, eat it.
But maybe it was okay? What if the pie was not toxic despite its looks? Maybe he could sneak a taste…
And sneak a taste he did, Simeon gently took a piece of the whipped cream, or at least that’s what he thought it was, and licked it off his finger.”
“Huh… this is quite nice… wait what!?”
Did he just think it tasted nice? No no this has to be some trick.
Simeon tried another little bit of the cream, and it did in fact taste nice.
“Ah Simeon! What are you doing!?” Solomon caught the angel red handed.
Simeon turned his head around and stared wide eyed - oh. He can feel it now. There was something wrong with the pie after all, and it was not the taste. It was the weird powers Solomon’s food always came with.
“Solomon…” The brunette couldn’t fight it now.
“What? What has gotten into you? First you start eating my pie and now you are looking at me funny…” He pouted.
The urge was overwhelming despite only having a small piece - “I am going to tickle you.”
“Huh-HEY!” Solomon cried out as Simeon punched on him, wrestling to pin his arms up.
“I’m sorry… it must be done… I must tickle you…”
“Wait wait what why!? Aaah!!! S-Simeohohon!”
Simeon successfully managed to pin the white haired boy's arms up with one hand and used the other to poke his exposed armpits to see if he was ticklish.
“Oho? What do we have here?”
“Ahahah! What are you doooihihihing! Stahahaap!”
“I cannot, I just… have this awful urge to tickle you… I blame whatever weird things you put into that pie or yours!”
“I-I didn’t do anythihihihiiing I sweahahahahahar! Aaack!! Simeon!!”
The brunette had let go of his arms now and dove both hands into his armpits, causing Solomon to throw his head back with even more laughter.
“Excellent… heh, seeing you like this is quite amusing my friend~ You’re always so sly, maybe this will knock you down a peg.”
Simeon smiled, almost maniacally, as the white haired boy continued to squirm under him.
“D-Don’t make me call Asmo hahahahaha!!!”
“I think Asmo would love to join me~”
“What’s this about me~?”
Simeon stopped tickling as soon as the familiar voice of Asmodaeus was heard behind him.
“Are you playing tickles without me~ How could you!” Asmo pouted.
“Uh… hey Asmo…” Solomon gulped nervously.
“Asmodaeus… please try some of Solomon’s pumpkin pie… and tell me what you think… I just tried some right now and I need someone else to test this…”
Simeon noticed as the fifth born looked terrified at the idea of eating Solomon’s cooking, but the fact that someone else had already tried it and was living in front of him to tell the tale made him curious.
He approached and also swiped a bit of whipped cream from the pie, licking his finger in curiosity. “Huh… why is this good… I don’t see what the big deal is- oh.”
Asmo stared at Solomon and Simeon on the ground, the human looking up in fear. “Ohh~ Hehe… I see now Simeon… I too have this strong desire to just tickle my dear Solomon… perhaps we should continue together~?”
“Wait… no… please Asmo NOHOHOHOOO!!!!”
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henkoukazue · 1 year
Meeting you was a Blessing...
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Summary: When polar opposites meet, everything becomes chaotic. Does coexisting will be just fine…. or rather much more difficulty?? We'll never know unless…
WC: 5.0k (not quite edited tho, and this will be quiet long so ready some snacks and tissues if needed ehe~)
Pairings: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader (*and slight Cynari<3)
Warnings: MDNI 18+, NSFW, suggestive/explicit content, possible mentions of SH (slightly??), Trauma (reader), Panic and Anxiety Attacks, Mild Depression, (...will add some after i complete this or y'all can give me suggestions huehuehue)
Tags: Alhaitham x Fem!Reader, Fluff, Smut, Angst kinda heavy??, miscommunication?, established relationship, slow burn (unsure), arranged pairing, mutual pinning, crack!fic, marriage (at fisrt you agreed to marry him bcs of your parents and... "of his high salary and stable job" but...), whipped!Alhaitham, slightly jealous!Alhaitham??, modern au (kinda.. idk), Kaveh and the other Sumeru boys and girls cameo, exploratory ff, might be ooc on the latter (yes.... I'm talking abt Haitham here BASHAHSHASHA idk tho, not sure)
a/n: This is my first time doing something like this and idk if this'll be successful, but I'm just doing this for fun and also like a stress-reliever (abt stuffs from school & at home😭😭 ....GOSHH i hate it here /jk) lmaoo and this is kinda like a self-indulgement ff sorry abt that I guess... I hope you all will also enjoy my writing. TYSMM!!🖤💚 ouhh and also, bfr I forgot, English isn't my first language sooo~ if there's any mistakes or errors lemme know my cinnamons <3
>> and also 'here' is a dabble of their domestic life awiee enjoy!!
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There was a point in your life when you fantasized about having or being in a romantic relationship with someone, but... you learned through time that love isn't the only thing in the world. You relished the freedom and independence that came with discovering yourself. A soft sigh left your lips ‘It felt like ecstasy being out of the cage,’ you mumbled. Walking down the streets of Sumeru city, you spotted your closest pals since college. There were Candace, Nilou, Dehya, and Tighnari.
Candace noticed you and waved softly, saying, 'Looky here, our bachelorette is here!' Little chuckles escaped their lips. 'Heh, what are you guys talking about and giggling there?' you pouted and hugged them behind their back. You noticed your friend Tighnari blushing, looking at his phone and you inquired, "Eyy, are you and Cyno going out now?" eyes sparkled, and the others turned to look at him. He smiled nervously, then said 'Uhh yes, we are now officially going out now, but, please don't announce it to others yet. It's pretty embarrassing,' he says, straining his eyes shut. You were surprised that they were going out now, and the girls were as well, so you guys cheered 'Congratulations!!' ' to your best friend Tighnari, gaily. 
You and your friends now bid farewell to each other. Now alone, a sudden call from your parents came. 'Uhm, hello? Mom, Dad? ' you answered. 'Why hello our dear sweetheart, have you found a man you'll mar----' your father interrupted what your mother was about to say 'Uhh hahahaha my, don't worry about that my child.' clears throat 'How are you doing now? ' He expressed concern. You let out a sigh. 'Oh, I'm doing well and.... You no longer need to be concerned. I'm an adult now, and I have a great job, even though I'm still living in that leased apartment'. 'Ohh, I see,' your father said, before the call fell silent. 'Darling—-' you cut off the phone before your mother begins to whinge about your love life once more (if you ever have...).
When you got closer to the apartment, you noticed your friend Tighnari's flower shop, where he and his lover Cyno were all lovey-dovey, and a faint smile slipped your lips. But after a minute, you felt a sharp pain in your chest, you came to a halt and sighed heavily. 'Man... I shouldn't be feeling this,' you said as you resumed your walk.
Now that you're inside the apartment, exhausted and sluggish, you just throw yourself in bed. 'I guess I'll go visit them and consider about that marriage they're talking about, and blah blah,' you muttered, closing your eyes shut. Dawn arrived, feeling the beams of sunshine on your face, you got up and started your just-so-normal daily routine and headed to work. 
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After an hour of dedicating yourself to your job, you rewarded yourself with some sweets and a cup of coffee at Puspa Café, which is also pretty close to your place. Knowing you as a regular, the owner immediately listed your orders and awaits you if you ever want to add something. 'Well then, mister, I'd like to take out some of your freshly made Padisarah pudding!' you said warmly. The owner then chuckled and said, 'All right, dear, your order is on its way!' Then motioning his hands a kind-of-salute gesture.
While you were leaving the café, you noticed that your phone was not in your purse, and as you looked around, you observed an ashen-haired man motioning something with his hand and muttering something. 'Miss! Miss! I believe this is your phone.' …..
'Miss umm, here, your phone,' he said slowly, motioning his palm over your face. You shook your head, 'Ohh! Ahh yes, thank you very much.' you nodded modestly and bid farewell to the man. 'Yes, you're welcome,' he mumbled under his breath, watching you with his bright teal eyes motioning out of the café.
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It's that time of year again, summer. Because of that one phone conversation, you decided to pay a visit to your parents' house. 'Ughh, seriously, your mother? Why can't she leave you be? You're all good now and doing great, the fu---,' Dehya exclaimed, only to be cut off by a piece of bread Nilou shoved into her mouth. 'This woman! Aish,' Nilou sighed and glaring at Dehya with an expression saying 'What? What did I do wrong?'. Candace and you both laughed.....  'Well, then, what can I do? They're old and such, I assume they're simply worried about me.' Candace and Nilou gave you a pitying glance.
You were apprehensive about your journey to your parents' house because you knew your mother would nag you all day and all night about how you didn't have a relationship. As you arrived at the front door, you were debating whether to knock or go back when your father abruptly opened the door. '..... Oh. Ohh! Dear, goodness you're here. How's the trip?' He hugged you and you just plainly stated 'Well, it's summer and I'm on a break, so I decided to pay a visit since…. It's been a long time... I suppose?' an awkward silence filled the doorway.
The only thing that broke the silence was your mother clapping her hands. 'Hey, the two of you come on over here now, and how's the trip, my darling, how about a boyfriend?' You gave her a deadpan expression, indicating that 'Please, just shut up, I'm tired!' to only earn a small chuckle from the elderly man, your father.
Sitting at the dining table, memories of the past came rushing. You recall how this home and its people made you feel horrible as a youngster, how they used to control and mistreat you. You smiled bitterly at the memory. While you didn't notice it, your father, looking at you and clenched his fist under the table and kept saying, 'I'm so sorry, my dear,' who knows how many times. Breaking the awkwardness, your mother started. 'So, would you mind if we do an arrange pairing?' You shoot your heads up and look at your father and mother to only mutter, 'What?'
After some minutes have passed, your mother smiles, 'Well isn't it why you came here too?' …..your mother isn't wrong. You cleared your throat, 'Yes. I'm also here to discuss that arranged pairing and marriage thing you're so eagerly asking me for.'
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A month later, a matchmaker was dispatched to your place, accompanied by your parents. Still can't process what is happening, although you agreed to it that you’ll do the arrange pairing, you let them in.
The session was then initiated by the matchmaker. She asked you quite numerous questions, and some of those were; 'What do you wish for in your life to be my dear?' gently staring at you... 'I want a tranquil life where I can exhibit my independence, value space from each other, and the partner who will be partnered with me is also committed,' you gulped, ending with a shaky voice. The old lady giggled softly and delicately wrote it down on her vintage paper. Then she again asked another one, 'What is the thing that interests you the most?....it might be from the past or currently.' She smiled again, assuring you to be true to yourself. 'I-- I like books and anything that I think is very valuable,' you looked down, turning pinkish-red. The old matchmaker then pursues you to say it. You inhale, regain your confidence, and continue, 'I also adore deep sea creatures...... if that makes sense.' you awkwardly smiled. She then resumed her writing.
You hurriedly go towards the elderly matchmaker and, of course, your parents, as usual. You grumble in a low tone upon seeing them. The matchmaker then motions with her hands for you to enter the room and address the matter, but this time your parents are not present, so you feel relieved.
You noticed the man standing near the furniture set reading something about literature after slightly opening the door. He then noticed your presence and politely nodded, as you do so too. The matchmaker then instructs the two of you and tells you what topics you will be discussing before leaving.
'Oh, um... Hello, pleasure to meet you,' you said as you extended your hand in a handshake. The man then accepted it and said, ‘Same here, I'll be in your care then, my partner?’ Your body became stiff by hearing his voice. He then felt your hands stiff, so he released your hands gently and said, 'Are you alright?’ looking straight at you with eyes which remained neutral. You, startled by his stare, so you shifted your sight to the window and murmured something. Him the observant he is, noticed you again but didn't do anything and let you be. He's not sure as to why he gave in to his deceased grandmother's will that at that age, he'll go to meet a matchmaker and be paired to the person he'll remain for the rest of his life, love, and cherish him.
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A day turned into a week, a week turned into months, and then those months turned into a year. Now, him helping you move out to his house, you asked midway at the entrance door. 'Umm, about the wedding ceremony, when was it again?' looking at him neutrally, like you have no any interest in it whatsoever. 'Hm, I think it will be expected 8 weeks from now?' He looks up at the sky, then yours. '..... Alright, do you have any guests you'll have invited? Moreover our wedding will only take place in the government office.' He looked at you blankly for a few seconds before saying, 'No. I don't,' he says as he walks inside….
The time then has come, the two of you then recited your vows and filled out the papers prepared by the clerk for both of you and your parents. Of course, no honeymoon occurred; instead, you and him organized some of your belongings and the entire house now that it is occupied by two people.
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After three years of marriage, you've gotten used to each other's habits and company. He occasionally notices you dancing while cooking and humming a song, noting mentally that you're having a nice day, just to elicit a small genuine smile, noticing it and contemplating at himself why he did that.
You also had the impression that someone was watching you from behind while you were cooking, so you stopped whenever you noticed your husband's presence in the kitchen or when he took a sip of his coffee nearby.
'.......' sips coffee, 'What are you cooking?' he said. Startled by the man you yelped and said in return, 'You! You almost gave me a heart attack there! Ohh, I'm cooking Sabz Meat Stew, the one you said is your favorite.... yes?' only to receive a blank expression from the man and one brow slightly raised. 'Hmm~ okey.' then leaves the room.
You pondered, 'Huh? The hell??'
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Alhaitham grumbled after he woke from his peaceful slumber. He recalled that he had a job today. He then got up lazily and looked back at the bed to only see you snoring (not that loud), although from the looks of him, he thinks you are cute.
As usual, he didn't feel tired or anything in his office corner, but it was quickly shattered by his senior approaching him, and a former housemate, Kaveh, the star of the firm, renowned as the passionate designer with exquisite taste in arts and romance. Alhaitham scoffed, 'What?' glaring at the platinum-blonde haired man. 'Ugh, save that glare for later, will you!?' Kaveh exclaimed. Putting a bunch of papers at his desk. 'Here. This needs to be approved today so do it now, alright?' The man earned a minute of silence, then Alhaitham spoke up, 'Alright then. Now go.' Kaveh, being used to his antics responded, 'Bah! Alright, alright I'll go now~'
'Great. Now I can have peace,' Alhaitham whispered as he walked to the nearest café in the company. He then spotted Puspa Café and, shortly after, he noticed you with your friends. But he didn't approach you, he simply chose to observe you from afar.
After finishing your job at the library, Tighnari, your friend, messaged something at your group chat, saying that 'Guys, I'll have you all meet my boyfriend today, of course if you guys are free.' You smiled at your phone and waited for others to reply, then you saw Nilou's message, 'Yes we are all free today, where do you want us all to meet up? ^^ .' You then added, 'Me too, just concluded my work.'
You met Dehya first and welcomed her after all of you agreed to meet at Puspa Café. As is typical, Dehya has always tried on make-up with you and the girls since your college years, as she is doing just now, claiming boredom while waiting for the others. After a few minutes, you two noticed the other three and waved your hands where you were seated. 'Eyy, Tighnari, where has your boyfie gone? 'Dehya said. 'Hahah, Dehya, wait a minute, I'll go fetch him outside,' the man said as he ran out of the café.
After a minute of waiting, you and the girls see a tanned man joyfully conversing with Tighnari, all lovey-dovey. 'Yuck,' muttered Dehya in another hand. ‘I wish I was too sheesh, good for them I guess?' She shrugged, glancing at us, only to get a nudge at her side from Nilou. 'Oof-- the hell?'
Tighnari then waved and exclaimed, 'Guys! This is my boyfriend Cyno. Hope you all will be well acquainted with each other! ' smiled. Nilou approached Cyno first and enthusiastically handed him a handshake adding, 'I am very delighted for the two of you, that you are now officially going out!' Cyno then nodded and chuckled. ‘Thank you~’ said Cyno. Candace and you then bestow your blessings on the pair. Finally, there came Dehya, who looked at them with critical eyes. 'Hey, is there something wrong?' Tighnari said, tapping Dehya on the shoulder. Then Dehya looks at them both. 'No, nothing. I'm just happy for the two of you. But. BUT! If you Cyno--' pointing her index finger at his chest, 'I won't forgive you, okay? Don’t hurt my bestie.' Then Cyno chuckled and said, 'Heh, you can trust me lady,' and grinned silly at her.
Your husband was observing you guys from the other side of the café when he noticed a familiar figure. Slowly closing his eyes. Not sure whether he's seeing things correctly, but after repeating it a few times, he seemed astonished (although, actually kind of shocked lol). He then tried to go in your direction, only to be halted by his senior. 'Ugh...' Alhaitham exclaimed in his mind.
'Alhaitham!! I've been looking at you everywhere in the office. Remember how you agreed to have lunch with me today? You also said that someone's cooking delicious food for y----!!' Alhaitham then shoved his hands in his colleague’s mouth to show how annoying Kaveh is to him. He sought to hide somewhere when he noticed your presence approaching him. And silly Kaveh, left there standing, questioning what the hell is going on with his junior.
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Alhaitham returned to your shared house and discovered that the lights were turned off and the room was chilly. Traversing the living room, he noticed a loud thud in your shared bedroom on the second floor. When he arrived, he noticed you weeping and.... you have a cut on your wrist that seems to be quite deep.
He embraced you ever so delicately as if you were about to crumble at any minute, trying to calm you down before asking any questions. Hearing your sobs go down, he then caresses your locks.... very soft locks. Didn't have the time to question what happened seeing you calming down and noticing you about to fall asleep in his embrace, he carefully lifts you up and places you on the bed. Looking at you, his heart breaking as he saw your state, he got up and cleaned and bandaged your wrist wounds.
Morning came, you noticed something on your hands. It was your husband, Haitham. You were taken aback by the sight, carefully releasing his calloused hands, which were securely entwined with yours. You were startled by your husband's unexpected motion and questioned, 'Uhh.... What- what happened?' face turning pale, smiling awkwardly.
'........., well aren't you the one who needs explaining here? My wife?' eyes widened by the sudden call of a familiar address. You gazed at his eyes, dazed, still taking in what he had just spoken. He softly bumped his forehead on yours, while you, bobbing your mouth open and closed. 'Take your time, anytime you are ready, my wife.' Again, your eyes widening, oblivious to a torrent of tears exiting your gorgeous eyes. You wept incessantly and were put back to sleep.
Alhaitham then began informing your coworkers at the library that you will be absent today due to you not feeling well… called Cyno to inform Tighnari and some of your friends.
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You were back at work a few weeks after that event. Your coworkers begin to wonder who the man who contacted them that day was and what your relationship was with him. You ignored their queries and just stated, 'Enough of this chit-chat, remember we're at work, keep it for later,' before continuing to arrange the shelves. Quite embarrassed, you asked the Chief Librarian if it was okay to take your leave early today. The elderly then kindly nodded and waved you goodbye.
Alhaitham is waiting outside the library. He then glanced at Cyno and said, '.... What exactly do you want to know? ' while he was reading his book. Cyno, on the other hand, peered at him for a few minutes before saying something. 'I've been meaning to ask you this question, Alhaitham.... My lover claimed they didn't know you, and his friends wanted to know what your relationship is with her.' declared unequivocally.
'I-- we are married.... that is all I have to say.' Then continue reading where he last left. Cyno was taken aback, his mouth agape slightly, by what he heard from the man who is reputed to be distant, intellectual, dislikes small talk, and is difficult to engage with. '.... Cyno, please stop being so animated, you're not funny.' he said flatly, without glancing at the tanned man. 'I know you're joking. It was a great one, but—-' ,Cyno utter, only to be cut short by an impending disaster that Alhaitham despised oh so much (lmao sorry my bbg).
It was none other than Kaveh, his senior.
'Hey! What are you two talking about leaving me for? 'Kaveh remarked, not entirely aware of the very kind-of-awkward situation happening at the moment. ‘Huh? What?’
You, on the other hand, witnessed the scene. Ears turning flushed pink. 'What? WHAAAT!?? 'You exclaimed in the back of your mind as you walked straight to where your husband was, Haitham.
'My~ hello there Cyno.' you stated, smile feeling forced. '.... Oh. Ahh! Hello.' he nodded and glanced at you and Alhaitham, dazed. Kaveh, taking in what is going on. 'OHH!! Wait, wait, wait, wait!! ' shooting a surprised and uncharacteristic kind of glare at Alhaitham. Kaveh trying to connect the dots as to why you, a very beautiful— no, ethereal lady— would marry this man whose only interests are books and knowledge.
Two men are astonished by what is happening right now. Alhaitham then smoothly held your hands and excused, 'Uhh, apologies but me and my wife have to go now.... Bye.' walking out their way, the two men stilled on that very spot, gaze following you both, mouth twain agape.
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The next day, you were greeted by your friends at the front door.
Flabbergasted by Candace by abruptly holding your shoulders and shaking you, 'Waaaaah our- our baby is married! Since when? AAAAA!!' Dehya in the back restrains her snickers since it's uncharacteristic of Candace. Then you gaze at Nilou, tears welling up in her beautiful blue-ocean eyes.
'Uhmm, I--' stopped by Dehya, 'NO! Let us in first.' then eyeing every corner of the house, finding where your said husband is. '..... My husband isn't here. He's at work right now.' Suddenly Dehya turns around and runs in your direction, exclaiming, 'Whaaat!? You're not lying, are you?' gasped loudly and animatedly. Nilou and Candace both chuckled at her sudden reaction.
You and your friends were seated at the sofa. Calmly explaining what and how it happened, then there's Dehya asking. 'Sooo, did you guys do it?' The other two women were stunned by what Dehya said, and Nilou responded, 'Sorry about that,' she smiled at you and smacked Dehya on the head.
You gave a forced smile and responded, 'Heheh, however we did not. And we don't even have feelings for one other...' you gaze down, a familiar aching in your chest welling up. Nilou notices it and pats your back. 'Actually.... I- I think I have feelings for my husband, however..... I think if I say it to him and announce it, he'll be appalled by the concept.' Tears well up in your lovely eyes. The females listened to you and offered words of sympathy.
When night fell, you were alone, waiting for Alhaitham. Thoughts from a while ago flooded your head, and thinking about them just made you feel upset again. So you went to your shared bedroom, covering your mouth to prevent sobs from escaping your soft lips, duvet covering you.
Alhaitham was drained after working overtime, now on his way home. He sluggishly put his shoes on the rack. Afterwards starts waltzing to find you and notices the bedroom door is slightly ajar. Alhaitham heed the quilt trembling; he then patted it. You, startled, you stopped moving and tried to make your voice not too strained from crying. 'Ohh! Welcome home Haitham. I'm sorry I wasn't able to cook for you, I wasn't feeling well.' Then the next thing that happened is that silence fell upon the room.
'........ Umm, Haitham?' you said still under the quilts. You tried to peek since you weren't receiving any reaction.
Alhaitham, being the person he is, saw an opportunity as you attempted to peek, a small smile escaped his lips. 'What are you doing? Hiding there and all.' looking at you with an unreadable expression. You gasped by the sudden touch at your hands by his. Flailing from his iron grip, but can't unfortunately, you accept defeat.
'I have a question.... and I'd want to say something to you.' Upon hearing that, your thoughts are clouded with pessimism, and you begin to wonder what he is going to say. Him observing your figure under the quilts, shaking. Without any further ado he started, 'I know you didn't want this kind of life, and that…. your parents made you do it..' He sighs, then says faintly, 'but—' suddenly a sob escapes your trembling lips. Surprised by it, you swiftly cover your mouth.
Alhaitham reacted quickly, pulling the quilts down to see you weeping uncontrollably. When he saw you in that state. His heart were shattered into pieces seeing you in that condition.... He hates it, he hates seeing you cry. 
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He daintily wiped your tears away and kissed you on the temples and next your forehead, also cupping your cheeks. You, on the contrary, are at a loss for words, mustering the confidence to speak up, 'Hait—-!!!' a quick sweet kiss pressed against your plump lips.
'Ahh!' You gasped, both lips parted, and the expression on his face was lustrous, though he kept the neutrality in it. The abrupt realization of what is happening causes your cheeks to heat up. 'Ahhn, Haitham! AH!... Wait, no, please!' squirming out of his towering figure.
Hands began to trace your contours, as if in adoration. Alhaitham then pulls your skirt's waistband...... and then your undergarment. A moan left your now swollen lips from the kiss as you felt his cold fingers under your skin. The ashen-haired man grins, the hue of his eyes darkening by the second.
'Hah~ Ah! ahh.... Nghh.. Haitham.' you looking at him eyes half-lidded. The gaze you gave him drove him over the edge. He couldn't wait any longer, so he began to slip his digit into your aching folds. 'AHHH! ' left your quivering lips, body trembling from his penetrating satisfaction. The way you called him in your angelic voice has skewed his judgment.
The unexpected stretch made your honeypot tighten even harder as he inserted another two of his digits. 'Hah~ so good for me.' Alhaitham can't contain his smirk from making you feel good. He then began to pace his digits faster, motioning where you felt the most ecstasy.  Mind becomes hazy, don't know what is right and wrong. 'Hahh, please....' you said ‘I- I want it inside.. AHH!.. nghh mn... of me now.' The thrill has caused your eyes to close.
Alhaitham drew away, as if taking mercy on your predicament, or perhaps his desperation had reached its limit. Tears welled up in your eyes as he positioned his length with your thirsting cunt. He slowly pushes it inside then outside of your sobbing cunt. 'Aghh! S- so tight and... hah~ warm.' You can hear him growl near your ears, feeling the closeness and warmth of each other's bodies.
Shaky hands grasped their lover's toned back. A growl broke from his chest as he dove into your arms, his length thrusting completely into you. 'OH!' you mewled out from the stretch of his length, nails digging at his back and his shoulder blades.
Alhaitham feeling your walls clenched violently at his length, merciless pistons and teases your cunt with slow and deep thrusts. Nothing interrupted the pistoning of his hips as he fucked you through your orgasm. Slapping of skins and the thick musky scent of your both filthy actions filling the room.
Feeling the knot in your stomach starting to form, you attempted to move your hips only to be halted by Alhaitham's unrelenting grasp on your thighs and hips. When he became aware of your foreboding knot, he drew his length out at your sobbing folds. Holding your thighs up, positioning unto his shoulders, he started to lick the honeypot that was presented to him.
‘Ah-hh ahh~’ Alhaitham kept slurping all those liquids out. You whined loudly at him, vocalizing your exhaustion, as you felt his warm breath on your folds and his tongue tease ruthlessly.
‘.... no.’ Left his mouth. 'Huh?' You exclaimed, your consciousness beginning to waver. '....... I'm not done yet.' hazy scarlet eyes, now noticeable.
His pace was suddenly much faster, harder, and deeper. You clung on to dear life by strengthening your grip on his shoulder blades and your thighs on his enticing hips. He bit at your delicate neck, feeling his locks in your neck, as he neared your release and his. Squelching noises and moans filled the entire room once more. Eyes now rolling back from the overwhelming pleasure, back arching, mind went blank, limbs were limp, and nerves fried.
Alhaitham panting steadily at your shoulders, length still buried inside. You felt him stir, straining against the bed to unpin you from his frame, after a few more coarse pants and feverish breaths. ‘Hnn~ ahh-h… Hahh~’ you utter.
Pulling out his length, you could feel a thick string of mixed slick connecting through his tip and to your hole.
Your consciousness started to drift for real amidst the exhaustion you two had experienced a while ago. Alhaitham then shifted gently your sleeping form to the side, covered you with quilts, and walked out of the room.
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As you awoke, you felt a sharp ache in your chest. When you tried to move your numb body, tears began to stream from your eyes, and then it turned into loud choked sobs.
Alhaitham was sipping coffee in the living room when he heard you weeping. He dashed into your shared bedroom and held you with great care, assisting you to sit up at the edge of the bed. He holds your hands softly and gently strokes the back of your palms, you still crying.
He inquired as to whether you were in pain or experiencing breathing difficulties, only for you to look away from his concerned gaze. Alhaitham felt that pang in his chest again, and after overcoming his guilt, he asked you again what you wanted.... him suddenly remembering, that you like your personal space. You didn't even spare a glance at him, just straight up responded, 'I- I.....' you then started to cry uncontrollably again.
His warmth in your hands disappeared, and his blurry figure walked out of the room. It makes you feel hopeless, but then he returns a minute later. You asked about seeing the shining thing on his palm, '.....what- What is that?' with a lethargic tone of speaking.
Alhaitham then queried with a breathy sigh; despite the fact that you can't see his face well due to your tears, you can tell he's nervous. '.... This.... is a wedding ring.' Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. He grinned now that he had your attention, you looking at him. 'I want to be your husband, not just legally, but also until we grow old and witness our child have a blissful life.'
'........ Wahh!? 'Not knowing what to say in response, you tried to move and hug (??) him, only to stumble. Yet in a breath of the wind, he caught your numb naked body. You then began to cry again at his embrace, nodding enthusiastically. 'Yes, yes! I- I'll marry you and make you my lawfully married husband and life partner… I do!!' You exclaimed, tears streaming down your cheeks, the man earning a smile from you ear to ear.
Truth be told, the sight was very silly because your clothings were all over the floor and your mattress was a mess. Yet, love triumphs when two individuals declare their adoration for one other.
©️henkoukazue DON’T PLAGIARIZE, MODIFY, REPOST, OR TRANSLATE ANY OF MY WORKS. exclusively only to read on Tumblr. thank you.
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s/n: huaaah~!! now that it's finished i can now rest heheh :'D also hope you all enjoyed my fic,, and sorry again for the errors & everything. bahh! this was really hard to do (although it just took me 2 days😑lol), my brain was really jagged making this heuhusehu.. well that's all for now and the drabble for this will be updated who knows when (very soon) >v^)//✨✨
QUICK NOTE...!! QUICK NOTE! QUICK NOTE!!! yep this fic (some parts) were rushed, i'm very very sorry abt that fr and judgements or criticism even are accepted, feel free ;-) i take it as advice to further improve my writing skills, vocab and such tysmm!!
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
✨ episode 4 - running commentary✨
- I'm not ready for this no no no no no DEEP BREATH ok let's go
- I will just say actually that ep3 has turned it around for me, like 100% and it is SO MUCH BETTER on tv than on the bigger screen, the screenings were fun but a Mistake
- anyWAY
- LESI???
- ok literally a hitchhiker lmao @theeminentlyimpractical wins this round HAHAH JTS SHAX JAHAHA mood swing
- oh my god i want them to be friends in an AU fuCK SHE WORKED IT OUT AZIRAPHALE LMAO
- lmao aziraphale???? YOU SLY DOG????
- this has to be a fuck moment right aziraphale? az?? CMON SWEAR YOU DUMBASS BITCH
- honestly aziraphale if it turns out furfur is an ex we need to have cocktails bbygirl tell me EVERYTHING YOU DIRTY HOE
- lmao walking dead au when, they really did end up down there huh I mean foregone conclusion but this gives me LIFE
- idc about hell I need the BOYS I need the dinner of motherfucking 41
- all the Nazis lmao get shredded bitches
- furfur lol this is doomed to failure
- aziraphale stop trying to offer him a handy I'm sorry but you need to TONE IT DOWN you nearly got blown up NOW IS NOT THE TIME offer him a blowy LATER
- this is so much better than I could have ever predicted NEIL YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARd
- also lmao the dinner is after the show??? idk let's see
- fucking HOWLING at the Nazi trio hahaha Steve pemberton is *the* moment lmaooooo
- OOP NO DINNER DINNER NOW??? Also lmao 'friends' I bet that BURNED Michael's mouth to FUCK
- crowley's face I'm DYING aziraphale you're so SILLY
- fuck me im so whipped for 40s Crowley and his lil jazzy wazzy hands
- ahhh magic shop!!!!!✨✨✨
- I know we said that aziraphale has the patience of a saint but I take it back Crowley is still an angel I'm convinced of it
- aziraphale literally has no self preservation I love him
- "leave the miracles to us" snarky ass bitch
- AHHHH HE TRUSTS CROWLEY FUCK YES the way he grabs his MF HAND no I'm done now
- aziraphale you are a disaster
- oh my god someone drag him off stage pLEASE
- Cmon Crowley you can do it bbygirl💓💓💓💓
- no fuck off furfur they need to snog go away OH MY GOD THEY KNEW EACH OTHER, jealous AZIRAPHALE?????
- oh I'm living for the zombies I love them
- lmao that photo hahahaha
- "retire the act"
- wait no come back u need to kiss now no
- fucking cockblocked by a scene change fuCK
- yes beelzebub NO BEELZEBUB lol another mood swing
- annnnnd he's back home💓💓💓
- I KNEW AZIRAPHALE WAS BENTLEY'S FAVE get shitted on crowley
- "a night to REMEMBER" lmao it BETTER BE
Oh no it's the ball episode next I BETTER GET THAT KISS but also an explanation for "u go too fast for me Crowley" bc that did NOT explain it
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ohanny · 1 year
i finally got to sit down and enjoy so here is cutie pie 2 you episode 3 reaction/recap mess :'D
ok i just typed it into youtube search bar and i saw the 3/4 thumbnail of nuer and syn and am screaming already so that's great
zee's hands are large and i am not sure what i should do with this information
kuea exactly how big of a dumb dumb do you feel like right now?welcome to being an adult, where you can have both marriage and a career wow
i am so glad lian is so chill like yes king, communicate, explain to this dumb dumb we are out of high school (also i am glad this is like a 4 episode arc because you know if this was a full 12 episode season this drama would have been milked for hours)
zee's jawline makes me feel things and stuff
kuea is an adorable baby though, practicing his stage presence
lian and yi ahahahaha
bitches do love a good montage. i am bitches.
will these two ever get any cooking done on these counters
oh they are actually planning a barbie dream wedding together. this is such character development. but nooo, is kon diao out of a job now? YOU DID GREAT SWEETIE
lian is working double time being both a dad and a daddy, someone give this man a raise
kuea: i am saving myself for marriage
lian: while i respect your decision, i will make it very difficult
that is going to be one cold shower
whoever swoops max's hair like that also needs a raise
diao: we are so early we're lucky the employees got here first
yi: lian commented on me being late once so now i have the neurotic need to add all potential events from a mechanical breakdown to car sex into the estimated travel time
diao: why are u like this?
diao: i'm just a babyyyy
yi: when did i ever scold you
diao: *whips out a receipt so long you'd think we're watching one of those extreme coupon-ing shows*
wayyyy to change a subject yi
to be fair, if he said my name in the "nong diao" tone i would marry his scolding (hot) ass and red flag trust myself to change this man for the better over time
still holding onto a hope of a grey's anatomy wedding switcheroo :')
diao lowkey pissed about the most unromantic proposal ever
i am not looking at poppy's thighs i swear
when has foei ever been okay lol
the way i thought kuea was wearing taylor swift "blank space" merch for a second there hahahaha
lmfao these two literally have zero clue about what is going on in their own wedding
lian: yi will be here soon
yi: has been there for 5 hours at this point
diao you smol boba ball alskdlaaslkdfj
syn has a cute pout and bangs that tickle his eyeballs and i will literally physically fight anyone who says one bad word against him. i don't care he's fictional. he is my precious.
literally everyone at this wedding:
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foei knows he done fucked up and oh my god, diao officially pulls the best disgusted faces in this show. mention mustard yellow and he looks like you killed his dog.
look at these boys actually participating in planning their own wedding the day before
lian: fix this or you are fired
kuea: babe <3
foei: i love how my financial security is a joke to you all
NUER AND FLOWERS pls it is a crime this couple gets no attention because obviously they be coupling better than anyone
nuer and syn making up excuses to ditch their friends as if they would notice if they suddenly disappeared at this point ◔_◔
i love how yi is just like that's it, i don't want to be sober anymore
OOOH so they didn't just wanna fuck this is a bachelor party, yes yes, i get it now :D
kuea surprised his best friends showed up at his wedding like did you actually invite anyone?!?! how?!?!?!
nuer: i am healed
syn: and i am honest lalalalalala
are you even besties (derogatory) if you don't do synchronized wine sipping at an abandoned pool on the eve of a wedding and express your emotions in the most businesslike manner ever?
again, i do not have eyes and thus am incapable of noticing max's thighs
lian: i am the happiest man on the planet right now
yi: lol let me try and change that
oh yi you need therapy
not nuer and syn and their evening prayers and a pillow wall because of course there is only one bed and no blankets because why would there be
me: you know he can't just kiss it better every time
diao: shhh
ooooh, early season one confident gay nuer making a bold comeback
biting my first, screaming, crying.... you have no idea how excited i am about tutor and yim having their own series
YIM LOOK AT YOU *jumps out the window*
damn nuer, you and your... lessons ˙ᵕ˙
so when is their show dropping anygays? asking for a friend.
ooooooh just casually stargazing here, by the ocean, on a blanket nailed down with lit candles as one does, like a sexy fire hazard
yes, lian is making this waiting for our wedding thing very hard
also zee is like a schrödinger's twink or something because give that man a polo and he looks like a stiff wind could knock him over but have him take his shirt off and suddenly it is laundry day helloooooooo
how on earth can all these people unbutton shirts one handed like what is this skill and on which level of gay do i unlock it???
lian: can i play with you instead?
kuea: hiaaa
gravity: oops ◔w◔
as someone who has done it on a beach let me tell you no amount of blanket will protect you from sand. anakin skywalker hated it for fucking REASON so for once i am going to say keep those pants on, it is not worth it
yes. you do not want a chafed raw booty crack for your actual wedding night.
okay i said you can have a marriage and a career but if i had zee promising to make me the happiest person in the world i would straight up forget cosmic-exo hahahahaha
oh. my. god. they will be in the rain. wet.
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Between Us Thoughts!
Starting with episode 3 and will be updating here as I watch because I didn’t do this for 1 or 2 but. Here we go. 
My stream of consciousness throughout Between Us Episode 3
First of all, I’m glad it’s immediatley on Youtube. They had a whole thing with last episode which meant I couldn’t watch it right away which was very said. Right, let’s get into the ep.
so Team is skipping swim club again. Why are we still avoiding Win? I know you’re an anxious mess of a human, but come on. I am already seeing something concerning regarding Team's want to exercise. If i analyse this too deeply I’ll get sad so I’m not going to. Yet. 'Win will eat you alive' bestie he BEEN eating Team alive and not in the way you're talking about
OH DID BEE JUST RUN INTO HIS OWN LOVE INTEREST? Or should i say nearly ran over? (Let's fucking go) I wonder if this is the guy from his class that never turned up to lectures that the teacher called out last time?
HAHAHAHA WIN IS WAITING FOR YOU Team you fucking moron of course he's waiting for you, you SKIPPED SWIM PRACTICE this boy is so fucking dumb. 'did you dump him already' - 'DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT AGAIN' Win is already so whipped. Dean you're so right about him making Win this grumpy. I love that Dean just , immediately read Win and figured out what's up with him. - this means that Dean knew about Win and Team from the get go?! Does he just think it's a crush? Does he truly know what they’ve been doing?! Team is so fucking grumpy 'why do i have to be afraid of him' - then as soon as he has to deal with Win he’s IMMEDIATELY LOOKING LIKE A PETULANT CHILD IN FRONT OF WIN sticking out his lower lip like a baby. ARE THERE BITEMARKS ON TEAM'S SHOULDER?! Those look like bitemarks,,, we know Win has a thing for Team’s neck and shoulders don’t we! Team's getting drunk? This never goes well. 'WHY DO YOU CALL HIM HIA?' oh they're so suspicious. oh man. Oh these shots from their first hookup?! We haven’t seen these, right? Oh the way Team is looking at Win is everything! Win's just in this boy's mind 24/7 isn't he? Win telling the friends 'You dont have to be afraid of me' - My mind is making those parallels to the scene in UWMA where win tells team that he doesn't have to be afraid of him?!?!!?!?! there's so much in my brain here, I can’t... Win telling Team he was just worried about him? Then Team asking what right Win has to be protective? I’m going to put my foot through my ciomputer because of these two... THE WAY WIN'S THUMB IS MOVING ON TEAM'S SHOULDER AFTER HIS NIGHTMARE? Also, that was a very quick passing-out-into-nightmare timescale. Four seconds? We’re just going to ignore this.
I can't get over the fact that they just EXPECT Pharm to have food for them, not even a 'hello' but a straight up 'yo do you have food for me?’ Also, those are the sweets that Pharm feeds Team, then Win, then Dean in that iconic scene in UWMA... You can see the way Team's anxiety just sets right in after that comment about the competition.
FUCK we’ve got the backstory. I imagine that’s his older brother? Did his older brother drown, or is it Team who nearly drowned? Fuck, this is going to be painful when we figure out exactly what happened. Win can immediatley sense that something's wrong with Team. oh no. oh he’s traumatised.
I can see Win looking at Team and just thinking that ‘oh it’s adorable... oh it’s traumatised’ meme.
I know that Dean’s supposed to tell Team to train harder because he’s the president of the swim team, but at the same time I don’t agree because Team is a baby who needs protecting. You can see how worried Win is about Team already. Win just, almost forcibly adopting Team is adorable. like 'youre sleeping with me tonight. stop being a baby'.
Are they already borrowing clothes?! Oh god they really just tumbled right into domestic here didn't they.
I see win wears chanel, dior, and gucci fragrance. My man smells GOOD. Also
Win why are you acting all abashed for talking in on team in the shower? You've already railed him, who cares if you see his bare ass again? Team thanking Win for helping him sleep?! No what the fuck I’m so-  oh that little kiss, oh he's so in love. It's so fucking cute. He's warm and fuzzy and already just obsessed with win. he might as well be lying on his tummy kicking his feet and tirling his hair.
NEXT EPISODE PREVIEW THOUGHTS: 'you adore team more than any other 1st year, but ifd you're not gonna take this seriously' - 'i didn't want to let it be this way' MY GOOD SIR WHAT THE FUCK. TEAM LOOOKS SO HEARTBROKEN. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER FUCKING WEEK.
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i light my cigarettes with candle lighters so i can feel something
in the park whip the bad boy out oh you need to smoke but also have a birthday cake that needs lighting hahahaha say no more!! this is why people need to be practical and think of other people some people might be having a birthday cake you selfish fucking pricks
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omg i was re reading alpha dog thanks to the ask where an anon talked about when chris imprinted pretty, and i don't know why but i freaked out (in a good way ofc) in the scene where pretty asks for the strawberry macaron and chris finds it so cute that he can't say no and he gives it to her, and then he blushes and changbin is witnessing everythin hahahaha
i really love those kinds of scenes, where you know the boy is already so whipped and obsessed with his love interest that he can't deny it, and is embarrassed in front of his friends in a cute way because he is aware of the magnitude of his feelings.
is there those kinds of scenes with the other pack boys??? or are you planning on writing something like that?? or do you like those scenes in general haha
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prev ask for context
i know exactly what you mean!! at the end of the day, those scenes are great to build platonic relationships.
i don't have any particularly written right now (other than what could potentially be available already, like the scene of the girls and chris in Dog Unleashed...), but these asks have encouraged me to do it (: so i'll try my best to include more in instalments to come!
i must confess i was giggling the entire time i was writing that macaron scene hahahha i think about it from time to time. i just love Binchan's two second interaction in it (as well as Chris just absolutely crumbles the second pretty says "please".... it's my favourite thing).
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soft-jihoonie · 10 months
#Whipped - Chapter One
TaoTao: Does anyone wanna help me with this essay i’m stuck on?
Read by 11 people
TaoTao: Y’all can go suck a dick
Jongdae’s hoe: gladly
Chanyeol is obvious, Kyungsoo is oblivious and no one says no to Yixing.
Chanyeol x Kyungsoo | Jongdae x Baekhyun | Sehun x Jongin | Minseok x Luhan | Yixing x Tao | Kris x Junmyeon - chatroom style fic - 1.3k words
Disclaimer: this fic was started prior to Yifan’s arrest and I do not support him in any way. Any further chapters including him merely write him as a character for continuity
The members chat names are:
TaoTao: Tao
Dog lord: Kai/Jongin
No.1 Vivi supporter: Sehun
Lu: Luhan
Kyungsoo: D.O/Kyungsoo
Kris: Kris/Yifan
Myeonie: Suho/Junmyeon
XingXing: Lay/Yixing
Jongdae's hoe: Baekhyun
Baekhyun's hoe: Chen/Jongdae
Yeol: Chanyeol
Hot dad: Xiumin/Minseok
Chatroom: Fuck This
TaoTao: Do you guys ever think about how many toes there are in the world?
Kyungsoo: I hate this chat and everyone in it.
Lu: ^
Hot dad: ^^
Yeol: but not me right soo?
Kyungsoo: Especially you.
Jongdae’s hoe: and that kids is the sound of all of Chanyeol’s hope dying
Yeol: soos just joking!! i know that
Kyungsoo: Do you guys ever think about how much quieter life would be without Chanyeol around?
Yeol: but i love you soooooo
Kyungsoo: That’s nice.
No.1 Vivi supporter: Why did no one tell me savage Kyungsoo hyung was out?? You hoes would really let me miss that??
Myeonie: Sehun! Language!
No.1 Vivi supporter: But hyung you know you’re my favourite hoe?
Myeonie: Awhh Sehun
Baekhyun’s hoe: and here comes Jongin in 3
Jongdae’s hoe: 2
Baekhyun’s hoe: 1
Dog lord: Sehunnie I thought I was your favourite hoe?
Hot dad: I can’t believe that works every time
No.1 Vivi supporter: I -
No.1 Vivi supporter: Shit u right, sorry not sorry Junmyeon hyung
Dog Lord: ^-^
Yeol: #whipped
Kris: you can hardly talk Chanyeol
Kris: and babe you’re my favourite hoe
Myeonie: I would hope so if you want to get any tonight
TaoTao: I would like to delete that image from my brain
Lu: But then your brain would be empty
TaoTao: @Hot dad Your boyfriend is being mean
Hot dad: Last I checked, there’s nothing mean about telling the truth
TaoTao: Xiiiinnnnggg
XingXing: Come on guys, leave poor TaoTao alone
TaoTao: Luv u XingXing
No.1 Vivi supporter: Suck up
XingXing: What was that Sehun?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Nothing Yixing hyung!! I was just saying how hot you looked today
XingXing: Thank you Sehunnie ^-^
Dog lord: “Sehunnie” ??????
Lu: Uh oh
Dog lord: “S e h u n n i e” ?????
Myeonie: Okay kids, don’t you think it’s about time you get on with uni work?
Kris: you know they’re not actually our kids, right?
Myeonie: W u Y i f a n
Kris: okay kids, listen to your mother
Yeol: #whipped
Kyungsoo: Shut up Chanyeol.
Yeol: anything for u soo
Jongdae’s hoe: i’m gonna puke
Baekhyun’s hoe: don’t worry babe, i’ll hold your hair
No.1 Vivi supporter: Do you think chanyeol realises how obvious he is?
Kyungsoo: Obvious about what?
Dog lord: .....
Jongdae’s hoe: .......
Baekhyun’s hoe: .........
No.1 Vivi supporter: I give up
TaoTao: Does anyone wanna help me with this essay i’m stuck on?
Read by 11 people
TaoTao: Y’all can go suck a dick
Jongdae’s hoe: gladly
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Chatroom: Fuck This
Yeol: @Kyungsoo can u come to the studio to record vocals?
Kyungsoo: Why?
Yeol: youd sound so good on the song we are writing
Kyungsoo: You think I have the time for that?
XingXing: Come on Kyungsoo, your voice is perfect for this song!!
Kyungsoo: Alright then, i’ll be there in 10 minutes hyung.
XingXing: Yay!!
No.1 Vivi supporter: @Yeol Ouch you okay hyung?
Yeol: never been better hahahaha
Yeol: hahaha
Yeol: ha
Yeol: i have to get back to the studio bye guys
Lu: Great, you broke Chanyeol
Chatroom: The Hoes™
Yeol: hahahaha dont you love being rejected by ur crush
Baekhyun’s hoe: oh boy, here we go
Jongdae’s hoe: dude he’s still coming to the studio
Baekhyun’s hoe: okay but no one says no to Yixing hyung
Jongdae’s hoe: yeh it’s the rules
Yeol: maybe ur right i mean he wouldve said no too if jongdae was the one asking
Baekhyun’s hoe: I am offended
Jongdae’s hoe: woah babe, a capital “I”? calm down
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’m chill i’m chill
Yeol: asdfghjkfhfsfnlkjgoerhgerlrgndkfsm
Jongdae’s hoe: you okay there hoe no.3?
Yeol: whydoeshehavesuchaperfectsingingvoiceplsENDME
Baekhyun’s hoe: you need me to come to the studio for moral support?
Yeol: p l e a s e
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’ll be there in 5 mins
Yeol: jongdae ur my best friend ily
Jongdae’s hoe: uhm bitch i’m right here
Yeol: srry dae ur my best friend after baek
Jongdae’s hoe: too late bitch go choke on Kyungsoo’s dick
Yeol: dtfyguhijonfwpmdksuwuohgfiejhfuck
Baekhyun’s hoe: do i need to call an ambulance?
Yeol: i choked on my drink bc of baeks text and soo started patting my back HE TOUCHED ME GUYS
Jongdae’s hoe: why am i friends with you
Baekhyun’s hoe: i’m at the studio, Chanyeol looks like he’s dying and Yixing hyung is v concerned
Jongdae’s hoe: don’t care let the hoe suffer
Baekhyun’s hoe: this is why i’m the nice friend Baek
Jongdae’s hoe: it’s more fun being a bitch Dae
Yeol: j o n g d a e
Baekhyun’s hoe: gotta go, the hoe is struggling
Jongdae’s hoe: Jongdae: i’m the nice friend
Jongdae’s hoe: Jongdae 2 secs later: calls Chanyeol “the hoe”
Chatroom: Fuck This
Hot dad: Why do Monday’s drag so much? Work seemed to last forever today
XingXing: Tell me about it, Yeol and I spent hours in the studio today
XingXing: It’s 8pm and I only just got home
No.1 Vivi supporter: Yeah Chanyeol hyung only got home 10 minutes ago and went straight to his room
Lu: Speaking of, Chanyeol hasn’t said anything here since Kyungsoo rejected him
Kyungsoo: I didn’t reject him, I still went to the studio.
Lu: Because Yixing asked
Kyungsoo: You don’t say no to Yixing hyung.
Jongdae’s hoe: it’s the rules
Baekhyun’s hoe: where did these rules come from?
Hot dad: Junmyeon probably
Lu: Junmyeon
Kris: Myeonie
TaoTao: Probably our literal mum Junmyeon hyung
Kyungsoo: Luhan hyung is right though, Chanyeol’s never this quiet.
Jongdae’s hoe: .......
Baekhyun’s hoe: ...........
Yeol: @No.1 Vivi supporter pls come to my room
Kris: is anyone surprised anymore that Chanyeol shows up as soon as Kyungsoo mentions him?
Yeol: oh hey soo didnt notice you there
TaoTao: I call bullshit
Kyungsoo: What do you mean Tao?
TaoTao: I.....
TaoTao: @Yeol What do you need Sehun for?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Yeah we literally live in the same house, come to my room hyung
Dog lord: is that a good idea?
Yeol: what if i cant leave my room and you clearly have headphones in so i have to message you here
No.1 Vivi supporter: .... You got stuck under your bed again didn’t you?
Yeol: maybe...
Myeonie: Again? This has happened before?
No.1 Vivi supporter: Sigh i’m coming now hyung
Baekhyun’s hoe: Sehun is done on a whole new level
Yeol: ur the best dongsaeng!!!
Kyungsoo: Idiot.
Yeol: soooooo dont be mean
Yeol: comfort me in these hard times
Kyungsoo: Oh, would you look at the time, I have to go.
TaoTao: Every day I lose more and more faith in Chansoo being real
Kris: ^
Lu: ^^
Dog lord: ^^^
Jongdae’s hoe: sorry Chanyeol but ^^^^
Chatroom: Hot dad + Kyungsoo
Kyungsoo: AGAIN.
Kyungsoo: WHAT A DORK.
Hot dad: Y’know, instead of just yelling to me every time he does something you apparently find cute, you could just be nice and stop pretending you can’t stand him?
Kyungsoo: Sounds like hard work.
Hot dad: Lord knows I need at least a bottle of wine to deal with this...
Hot dad: Okay but y’know maybe he’d realise your feelings then?
Kyungsoo: That’s exactly why I act the way I do hyung
Hot dad: But Kyungsoo if he knows your feeling then you could maybe idk, act like normal people and date?
Kyungsoo: But Chanyeol doesn’t have feelings for me?
Hot dad: Breathe Minseok breathe
Kyungsoo: ?
Hot dad: Sigh whatever go back to telling me about your dork
Kyungsoo: Well considering you asked.
Chatroom: The Gays
Hot dad: Babe I need like a bottle of wine right now
Hot dad: Oh god he’s gushing about Chanyeol’s ears now
Hot dad: Make it two bottles
Lu: Babe it’s Monday night, you have work tomorrow
Hot dad: Did I fucking stutter?
Lu: I’m about to head home, i’ll pick some up on the way
Hot dad: I love you
Lu: I love you too baby
Hot dad: Buy me the good wine and i’ll suck your dick later
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having-conniptions · 11 months
Love In The Air episode 11 live reaction under the cut (long post)
We're gonna get a kiss in this episode aaaaaaaa
Hahaha the way he gently rejected her
Namtan is so underrated lol she's an icon
"I'll tell you what I wanna eat if you can fly to Beijing to buy it today" listen Sky I appreciate you going full sugar baby princess mode but it's not good for the environment
Prapai is so whipped we love to see it
Hahaha what an entrance Rain
The good old paper roll bonk, Sky you mean to tell us you don't have siblings but do the most sibling thing ever?
Pai being questionable again... telling Joy that he and Sky are a couple and asking her for a key card to Sky's room...
Sleepy baby Sky too sleepy to be tsundere
"It's fading. What do I do?" PLEASE WHY IS HE SO CUTE that's like sooooo close to a confessio
THE WAY I GASPED WHEN THEY FINALLY KISSED yeah if I was Prapai I wouldn't have been able to hold back in that moment either omg the softness of it all
Also that kiss was exquisite lemme rewind
But yeah Sky is way too sleepy rn
The hand kiss aaaaaaa
The cheek kiss AAAAAA
...huh? Sky calling Prapai and telling him to come over?
HAHAHAHA HE CALLED HIM TO ASK HIM FOR HELP WITH HIS HOMEWORK boyyyy we both know you just wanted an excuse to see him
THE WAY HE JUST KISSED HIM AND PAI MANAGED TO STAY MAD??? bruh u should have melted like a normal person
Whaaaaat why is Sky being so cute he's not even trying to be a tsundere anymore
He has literally given in this was him basically going "actually I do want to kiss you" this is everything Pai wanted... yet Pai can't accept it bc he's gotta sulk a little more xD
Now that Prapai is being cold Sky is absolutely falling over himself
Very smooth of Pai to just go to sleep in Sky's bed and fall asleep before Sky can kick him out... but he still looks mad even while sleeping
Homoerotic bike sharing ftw
I absolutely LOVE Pai's surprised face when Sky kisses him it's too good
Awwwwww Rain's gushing about Phayu and Sky is thinking about Prapai... <3
HAHAHAHA "P'Phayu is not the only one who's cool and handsome and the best" OH YEAH SKY WHO ELSE? CARE TO SHARE WITH THE CLASS?
"This is bad." Oh no babyyy he's still scared to get hurt (because obviously falling in love doesn't miraculously undo trauma)
Pai in that gray tanktop? Yes please.
Lmao he's deleting numbers of old hookups
Omg it's a wind pin that's so cute
Wait is he doing this so he has an excuse to kiss him again as "payment" because while it does sound kinda cute I think he needs to stop viewing intimacy as a currency
Ok maybe he's doing it as a test or to drive him away
The way I GASPED bc Sky has gone back to his old "he's only doing all this because he wants to fuck me" way of thinking nooo babyyy
"I sound like a dick" congrats Pai you finally realized hahahaha
HUH???? Welcome to another round of "does Sky actually want this or is he doing what he thinks is expected of him?"
Idk all of this strikes me as so utterly unromantic and I'm so confused that I can't even enjoy it... "please get bored of me soon" HUH???
The kiss that Prapai imagined gave me 100x more butterflies than this...
And now he's thinking "please don't get bored of me" ? I'm so confused
"I slept with you so you'd stop pestering me" uh... for real or is he just being a tsundere again? Bc I feel like he hasn't fully admitted to himself that he actually likes Prapai (even though he secretly knows he does) which makes all of this rather uncomfortable to watch
Ok he's teasing but still idk what to make of all of this
Oh no not Pai asking about the piercing
Oh no his ex actually did the piercing wtf
I still feel like Sky is trying to keep his distance emotionally
But he's also smelling and cuddling Pai's shirt awwwwww
Hahaha Rain's braincell is working so hard it's got smoke coming out of it
Bonus scene: bro don't tear out the whole page that's wasteful af
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
4 episodes in, and we still know nothing about the Jamato. But speaking of things we know nothing about, listen up, DGP fans! Our new crowd favorite, the Grizzly Pumpkin Man, the third goddamn bear, Kamen Rider Punkjack! He's teaming up with our good buddy Mary, so who lies beneath the mask?
-Oh, Keiwa has one of those phones that like double as card carriers?
-She's onto you, bro!
-"Oooooops, teehee, I fucked up, hahahaha"
-Oh hey, Michinaga
-Doing construction work with his bro Toru
-He's gone.
-His ideal world...
-Only five Riders remain to meet their challenge.
-Big house!
-I'd like to live in one like that.
-Oh my God, it's Ace's foxhole.
-"Oh hey, it's my bestest buddy in the whole wide world, Michinaga! How are you doing, Azuma-kun, my beloved pet buffalo?"
-House Fixer!
-Just like the Vanilla Ice Project!
-I'm sorry, every time I hear somebody say "BIG SHOT!" my brain just breaks
-I'm sure you understand, right?
-"It's the perk of being an epic gamer. Something infinitely beyond your reach, little scrublord."
-Holy shit Ace bhjkljbh
-I mean, Azuma's pretty justified in hating his attitude, so
-"Wanna be my house building cuck?"
-Ohhhhhh, that's why Punkjack's being brought in?
-Jamato magicians?
-Round 3, let's go!
-Trump Jamatos, the best Jamatos, very good people. Absolutely huge hombres, would play golf with them at Mar-A-Lago all the time.
-Duo format!
-"If you both fail, you're both fucking dead <3"
-Ace just... instantly picks Neon, huh?
-Uh oh, looks like Michi's friends with Keiwa now~!
-Mary's got a Punkjack!
-Guess they would wanna be anonymous, considering
-Lootbox given!
-Claw Buckle! A gift for Na-Go!
-Not even gonna talk to him, huh Punkjack?
-Boost Buckle!
-This bitch just can't get away from Tanuki Boi!
-Point time.
-Man, Keiwa's been rockin' Armed Arrow non-stop.
-If I recall correctly, he literally just keeps getting the Boost and nothing else.
-Just straight up shove the gun in him!
-Tactical break!
-I see... there's a whole 52 deck to each of them.
-Good job, everybody! Goose eggs! Across the board!
-Pistol whipping has been pretty effective so far, Keiwa.
Keiwa: Oh, you're a fight-happy little bitch, huh? Azuma: You got a problem with that? Keiwa: Ah, no sir, I'll just trade in your gun!
-Keiwa about to commit the biggest tactical error of all time.
-See, Neon's playing smart!
-I see... the buckles are like... hard programmed with certain compatibility advantages. I suspected as much, but it is interesting.
-Y'know, despite the Boost Buckle being so like... intrinsic to Geats, it seems to work perfect with just about anyone, if Na-Go's any indication.
-"Me, work together? Never."
-Aaaaand, off he goes!
-Ohhhh... the Zombie's important to him in other ways, huh?
-Ohhhhhhh... Ace, what did you do?
-Oh cool, a training lobby.
-"Good enough."
-I love their DGP shirts.
-Jumping right in!
-"Hey wait Zombie Man, I was posing!"
-Oh god, this is the most inconvenient memory match game ever.
-Two Jammy Bois!
-"Start to finish... going for the highlight! You're gonna wanna clip this!"
-Dancing Stream feat. Ace Ukiyo!
-Paint balls!
-The fox and cat are winning.
-Desire Money!
-I'm just gonna call them D-Bucks if that's alright.
-Working shit out, huh Michinaga?
-"My only wish is to bring down assholes like you."
-The buffalo leaves the tanuki for the sheep.
-Ohhhhhh, he got the Boost!
-Tune in next week, Gamers! Round 3 will end in a spectacular climax!
-Gotta say, even if I'm not really saying anything super interesting so far, I'm very much enjoying myself. These characters are just kinda vibes, y'know?
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osamusriceballs · 1 year
your seijoh four valentines was sooo cute 🥹 I am down bad for all four of them equally. it made my heart swoon. thank you for sharing your lovely scenarios, they were such a joy to picture in my head <3
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Thank you so much, my dear anon!! 💕💕 I’m glad that you enjoyed them, I’m also soooo whipped for our precious seijoh boys 😭😭😭 whenever I just THINK about athletic trainer Iwaizuimu, I can feel my knees going weak, and Oikawa in Argentina is my absolute weakness- AND MATTSUN‘S LAZY GRIN, AND MAKKI BEING SO RELATABLE- I’m definitely down too hahahaha send help pls😩😩
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