#you can argue that 2nd one is around spring i suppose
izumo-residing · 2 years
you know what hurts? that in a lot of banana fish official art, the characters are dressed in warmer clothing, making each scene theyre shown in take place around ash's death.
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undergaunts · 2 months
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Call Me Baby (Chapter 2) (Chapter 1 here)
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt (Modern!AU)
Summary: The text chat logs between Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt during their 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts. (or Sebastian and Ominis can't bear to be apart for longer than 5 minutes, so spend their entire summer, winter and spring breaks texting and calling each other)
Rating: Teen & Up (this will go up in the next chapter!)
Word count: 6.4k
Recommended to read on AO3 as the layout is better but it’s also below the cut <3
July 1st, 6:14pm
sebastian changed their name to ss
July 2nd, 10:02am
Hello Sebastian. I just wanted to let you know I have one of your books. You’d left it in Transfiguration so Professor Weasley gave it to me. I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen. I’ll pass it on to Anne when we get back to school. 
From anne ^_^ to Ominis
July 4th, 11:07am
anne ^_^
has he responded yet? 
No. I’m not surprised.
anne ^_^
to be honest me neither.
he’s such an idiot, I’m sorry. 
It isn’t your fault, Anne. We both know how he can be when he’s upset. 
anne ^_^
yeah but to go like, what, 3 months now? hardly talking to you is SO weird.
he gets annoyed and is super stubborn a lot but to go this long being the way he is is just off
It is how it is, I suppose. I can only see that he felt we were pushing boundaries too far and had to take a step back.
anne ^_^
but not like this, and what do you mean? 
After we changed our display names, apparently several of our classmates contacted him asking if we were dating, or assuming we were. We do - did - spend a lot of time together, but the name change was purely a joke. I think it may have had more consequences than expected for Sebastian. 
anne ^_^
but he was the one who told you to do it, no?
anne ^_^
so why was it too far?
I think it was more the questions of us being a couple. It’s a preposterous idea but if pushed too far, some people may believe it and unfortunately people did. I think he’s really just wanted to distance himself from me to prove it wasn’t true. 
anne ^_^
hmm. i just can’t see that being the issue though
he’s always been so touchy feely with you, just changing your names and having people ask if you’re dating doesn’t seem like something he’d just stop being your friend over.
and you never argued?
Oh, we argued. A fair amount. But not recent to our last conversation. 
anne ^_^
and he didnt say anything to you over the phone or anything?
No. Truly, Anne, I believe my theory wholeheartedly. And it’s fine. I still have you. I hope, at least. 
anne ^_^
oh ominis, always!
but he’s been really cold to me too, so i think there’s more going on. I’m certain it’s not just what you think. give me a couple days to try and speak to him, ok?
let me know if you want to talk at any point <3
Of course. Thank you :)
from anne ^_^ to ss
July 5th, 11:15am
anne ^_^
where r u?
anne ^_^ 
smh where r u
anne ^_^
ffs seb
do i need to ask a third time
on a walk it’s a nice day
anne ^_^
ok but where
gods anne do u want me to just send my location or something ?!
anne ^_^
really?? look i just want to be alone today ok
anne ^_^
uve wanted to be alone everyday for like 3 months
im good company, what can i say
anne ^_^
not the way uve been moping about ur not. me and ominis r really worried abt u
whats he got to do with it?
anne ^_^
everything???? he’s ur best friend and suddenly u act like u wld rather try to tame 50 graphorns at once than be around him.
look we r just worried ok? just want to know whats going on
anne im fine. look im just trying to come to terms with some things and id rather do it alone
anne ^_^
what? ur dramatic ass honestly
like what?
like leaving hogwarts next year 
and stuff
anne ^_^
so u ignore ur favourite thing about it ?!
what? hes not
there r other things i like way more than him
anne ^_^
such as ???!!
since the moment u met ominis u havent shut up about him, u used to wake up everyday at school and the first thing u would do would be go and wake him up because u didnt want to do anything without him
i mean just this last year u spent 24/7 with him at hogwarts and then u get home aND CONTINUE TO TALK TO HIM 24/7
and i know u didnt have an argument or anything, all that happened was that people thought u were dating for like 5 minutes and then u stop talking 
like if it wasn’t so insane to suggest id swear u were in love with him and people worked it out before u which made u work it out so now u cant deal with being around him and dont want to talk to anyone in case they mention him LOL
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
oh seb
im sorry i didnt mean to laugh i really didnt think
oh please come back home :( or at least tell me where u r. i dont wanna do this over text :(
id much rather text, i think i would cry in person
anne ^_^
:( ok
im really sorry, i wish u wouldve told me
i knew u loved him i just didnt realise in that way
i mean ok maybe i sort of did if i guessed that but Gods seb :(
yeah i guess everyone sort of knew before me then? which has been the craziest thing
when everyone was sending me messages asking if we were dating i was so confused cos the whole name thing was clearly a joke, then it hit me like a tonne of bricks and i realised it just wasn’t. i dont think it’s ever been a joke. like ive told people no no it was a joke stop acting weird
but the only one acting weird is me
anne ^_^
seb :(
i cant imagine how uve been feeling
i wish u wouldve told me at least, even if u werent totally sure i could’ve helped, i couldve still supported u
im sorry, genuinely, its just been hard
i mean i assumed i only liked girls for my whole life, and i do, i think they’re pretty and stuff but then i realised every girl ive ever dated ive ditched to be with him? and when i have gone on a date ive just talked about him.
all i do is think about him
ive kept rereading our texts and merlin all i do is flirt, badly but still
it’s just so stupid 
fuck sorry it’s all sort of just coming out
anne ^_^
anne ^_^
coming out, literally
LMAO thanks i laughed out loud for probs the first time in months
anne ^_^
sorry haha i didn’t mean to cut u off please continue
no it’s ok
hes my best friend and ive ruined it by being in love, and then ive ruined it even more by just not talking to him. ugh I just...what do i even do? u kno he messaged me the other day and it made me cry. i was sitting on a rock by the lake crying like a loser. like wtf. i still haven’t replied
anne ^_^
i think he just wants u back. he really misses u. honestly he won’t admit it because hes sort of just accepted u hate him 
and u know how proper he is haha but he’s devastated
u think?
anne ^_^
r u dumb?
don’t answer tht. of course he is. ur literally his best friend. his entire world. he loves u
it might not be in the way u want but he would die for u I reckon. PLEASE talk to him :( Ik it’s going to be hard but ur best friends at the end of the day, to throw it all away would be silly
i know ur right. if i reply to him i might vomit
anne ^_^
worth it please?
let me think. but i probably will at some point. ur right. he is my best friend first
gods im sorry
anne ^_^
don’t need to apologise to me but i think u should apologise to him
yeah i will
thank u
anne ^_^
love u. come back home ??
love u 2. i will soon
anne ^_^
From anne ^_^ to Ominis
July 5th 2:43pm
anne ^_^
so news - he’s ok, he’s just dumb. he’s gonna message you soon
Just dumb? I’m not sure I know what you mean. But I’m glad he’s well. 
anne ^_^
ah i’m not sure how i could explain it. it’s not really my thing to explain, but hopefully he will. well, he better or I’ll whack him over the head
Could you do that anyway?
anne ^_^
LOL tempting
Well thank you Anne.  I’m glad you got to the bottom of it, even if you won’t tell me!
anne ^_^
promise he will, one way or another. either he will or ive got a good sized book on magical beasts that might get his brain into working order 
Haha. I shall look out for his message then. Thank you again. 
anne ^_^
no problem. speak soon :)
From Ominis to ss
July 2nd, 10:02am
Hello Sebastian. I just wanted to let you know I have one of your books. You’d left it in Transfiguration so Professor Weasley gave it to me. I tried to tell her but she wouldn’t listen. I’ll pass it on to Anne when we get back to school. 
July 6th, 4:37am
hi thank you that means a lot
sorry i didnt respond sooner
u can pass it on to me if it’s easier
Good morning Sebastian. I think I shall do that then. Thank you. 
kewl. sweet. sounds good
so are you
how have you
look im really sorry for acting the way i did recently. i know it probably seemed like i was angry at u but I wasnt, i was just going through something and i got a bit weird. but ive realised im stupid and im so sorry
i understand if u don’t want to talk to me anymore. i really do miss you. cutting you out like that was really horrible. ur my best friend and im really sorry :(
I wish you would’ve spoken to me, Sebastian. If you were going through something - whatever it is - you know I’m here for you. Just like you’ve always been there for me. We can still speak about it, if you would like, but there’s no pressure. You don’t need to apologise. But I would like to go back to how things were, if possible? 
And you are also my best friend, by the way. You know I’m not one for sentimentality, but it’s true. 
im honoured
sentimentominis haha
it’s really not important, im over it now
ok not really but
i would love to go back to how it was
but I love.
would u hate me if.
ive really missed u dude 
And I you. Let’s put it behind us. But only if you promise not to shut me out again like that. Agreed?
agreed :D
July 8th, 10:52am
morning :)
Good morning. 
how u?
Well. My mother, father and sister had gone to visit my brother for a fortnight, so I have the entire place to myself for the next five days. How are you?
im good :) that’s cool haha why didnt u get dragged along?
They left just before I returned from Hogwarts, thankfully. I may actually use their absence to my advantage this afternoon and choose a book from my father’s study. I’m not often allowed in there you see. 
damn u sooooo rebellious 
well i guess u acc r with not being a bigot and stuff lol.
but i go looking for treasure in catacombs in the middle of the night and u go borrow a book from ur dad
One must start somewhere. With your influence I may start a criminal trading ring. 
wht wld u trade?
Books, of course. The first book traded will be the one I pilfer from my father. The rest will then follow. 
can i join?
You’re my partner in this, so of course.
what kind of partner?
of course, travelling all over the country
All over the world. On the run, mostly from my father for stealing that first book, but from all of the people we’ve swindled as well. It’s just the two of us, versus everyone else. 
gods i love
Haha r u drunk?
No. It seems like I should be though, doesn’t it?
yes lol
so if ur home alone
ok crazy question, ik what ur probably gonna say but ill ask anyway - if ur on ur own why don’t i come over?
i mean i don’t have to come to the mAnOr but maybe we could walk around ur village or smth
it cant be that bad can it lol, i don’t have to stay over or anything, just might be nice to see u :)
I’d like that. 
really???? sure????????
My house isn’t the nicest, I must forewarn you. It’s very old and rather grim and I’m certain is falling apart in places. It might be better to stay away from it, but I could probably at least show you the outside. 
don’t care, have you seen mine lmao, me and anne literally had to nail the window closed because it just wouldn’t shut. trust me idc
Mine may be worse than that. How does tomorrow around eleven sound?
:D, yes perfect can’t wait 
Wonderful. I look forward to it. 
July 9th, 11:43pm
ik ur probably asleep but i just wanted to say i had so much fun today. ur house is so big haha im not susprised u used to get lost as a kid. but thank u for letting me see it and see u mostly
sleep well baby boy :)
July 12th, 5:18am
ss changed their display name to SEB!
Good morning. Did you sleep well? You were up early. 
kinda, someone has a rooster in the village so it woke me up bright and early lol there’s already plans to start a riot i think
Well we can’t have that. Sebastian Sallow needs his beauty sleep. 
oh you think im. so you do think im
im slowly growing uglier day by day as the rooster grows stronger, feeding off my youth 
Ah, I actually don’t think it’s possible, your beauty is eternal, you see, but without any sleep you will not have the strength to fight back against the evil rooster and prevent it from world domination. 
fuck so you do think im
swear ur drunk again haha
I think it’s the fact I’m not having to deal with my mother and father, combined with the varying chemicals I’m certain are in the water here that are getting me ‘high’. 
oh jeez haha srs? maybe u should come stay with me again then
No. Well, there could be, but I don’t think that’s why I’m acting strange. I think I’m just happy to be talking to you again, in all honesty. :)
what happened to Mr I’m-Not-One-For-Sentimentality?
It seems I’ve grown soft, doesn’t it?
is there another reason other than just
yea it’s weird!!
I shall stop then. 
no i love
no i like this Ominis :)
If you’re sure. 
totally, but i wasnt joking about u coming to stay again. could come stay the last 2 weeks again if u wanted
or even longer, up to u
I’ll ask my father. But I would like that. I enjoyed last year, a lot. 
me too, and this is our last summer at school so we should make the most of it!
You’re right. I’ll see what I can do. 
lmk wen u kno
Will do. <3
July 16th, 10:32pm
Would you like hear about my horrendous day?
do tell. hold on
ok, i have a cup of tea and some biscuits so im ready to listen lol
I was very rudely awoken this morning by my sister, rather than the usual house elf, and ushered downstairs to where my entire family were huddled in the drawing room, as if someone had passed away. You see, apparently, after someone had tipped him off, my father had found out that the girl Marvolo was to marry was not pureblood at all!
whaaaat really?
Well, according to them, not pure enough. On her Mother’s side, her great, great grandmother was actually muggle-born. Which means her great, great, great grandparents were muggles. 
oh my hahahahahahahaah oh i bet theyr all fuming
That’s putting it lightly. Apparently the mother had not even told her husband or daughter about this until very recently, but they were still determined to go ahead with this marriage.
Of course my father and brother were out for blood. More so than ever before. Imagine what would’ve happened if the Gaunt name was tarnished by a minuscule percentage of muggle blood! And, God forbid, if she and Marvolo had ever had children, an even smaller percentage, ruining millennia of perfection!
oh this is brilliant, i can imagine u standing there smiling the whole time
I certainly would’ve, however we were then rushed to Paris by floo to call the whole thing off, if you can even describe it as ‘calling it off’. I wouldn’t have wished the sounds on my worst enemy, Sebastian. 
all 5 of u??? wtf wait what happened, sorry i thought this was a funny story
Thankfully I didn’t have to partake in anything this time around. Not like before. My sister made sure of that, I thank the gods for her. I know my mother wasn’t happy I didn’t stay to ‘help protect the Gaunt name’ as she put it. All I know was as soon as the doors closed, I’ve never heard sounds like it. And they tried to fight back. Of course they would, they’re wizards, not muggles, they’re not as easy to break. It was horrible. I hate them, this is so fucked up. Gods. I just 
Ominis r u home? R u ok????
I’m home now, yes. I’m sorry. Saying it out loud has made me realise just what happened. It was utterly awful. 
can i call?
SEB is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 3hr, 11min
July 17th, 1:59am
Thank you. For staying so long. You must go rest now, especially if that rooster is still about. 
it is still here lol but idc, i wld stay on the phone all day with u if u wanted me to, ur so so undeserving of all this shit. u have done nothing wrong ok? ever. plz dont blame urself
ur so important to me. i promise this time next year u will be out of there. i will do whatever it takes. 
ur my
ur my baby boy and i love u lots
Thank you. I’m sorry. 
Love you too. 
i just read those messages again, and i mean it. I love you, Ominis. Like, full homo haha
i genuinely meant it when I said I love you, did you?
i love you in a gay way btw
marry me?
im not ever going to send any of these messages so idk why im even typing
July 19th, 10:33am
Hi. Hope you slept well. Can we call when you're available?
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 2hr 42mins
July 20th, 11:21am
Good morning. Are you free to talk?
yea !!! 
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 3hr, 29mins
July 21st, 12:22pm
Ominis is calling SEB!
Call accepted
Call ended, 4hr 2min
July 22nd, 11:15am
Call me when ur around
Ominis is calling SEB!
Call accepted
Call ended, 4hr 19min
July 23rd, 10:48am
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 4hr 57min
July 24th, 5:01pm
going for a walk can call?
SEB! is calling Ominis
Call accepted
Call ended, 5hr 51min
oh damn haha new record didn’t even realise
we were on the phone for almost 6 hours
Merlin, really? What on Earth do we even talk about?
absolutely nothing. it’s great
At this rate we won’t have anything to talk about when we get back to Hogwarts. 
but u know we will. we could easily break that record tomorrow 
and the day after
and the day after that
I think you are right. It’s a wonder I’m not sick of you. 
i love
same here
somehow I forgot to ask but did u ask ur dad if u can come stay solomon doesn’t care, he was like ‘ur almost 18 do what u want’
Ah, no, not yet. He and Marvolo are, well, honestly, I have no idea what they are doing. As you well know I’ve spent most of my time in my room talking to you. I’m just trying to keep out of the way as I usually do. But when I’ve tried to speak to him he has mostly brushed me off. Again, as he usually does. 
I’ll try again at some point. There’s nothing more I want to do than to come and stay with you, but you know how my family can be. 
yea that’s cool dude, whenever u can, if u can
anne keeps asking me about us
anne keeps asking like when is ominis coming and im like idk lay off!! lmao
I’m clearly a wanted man. 
yeah i want u so bad u don’t even kno lol imagine if i sent that
it’s our last summer at school, we wanna hang out with u :)
Soon. Promise.
fingers and toes and arms and legs and eyes and wands all crossed  <3
July 30th, 7:54am
How would you feel about me staying for a month?
overjoyed, ecstatic, thrilled, etc etc
My father pretty much said I could come for as long as I wanted. Not in so many words, but I think he’s far too focused on other things at the moment to worry about what I’m doing with myself. 
Are you busy this afternoon?
That is what I meant by this afternoon. Would that be ok? I’d wait another day or two but I don’t think I really can. Haha. 
please come whenever
come now !!
Are you certain?
Super certain. I can’t wait to see you. 
:) I’ll pack my things. I’ll let you know when I’m coming. 
i’ll let anne and solomon know haha brb
anne’s really excited!! solomon got annoyed i woke him up hahaha but he doesn’t care he’s probably gonna be off somewhere in a few days anyway so
ahhhhh this is great news to wake up to, can’t wait to see u baby boy it feels like forever. only 3 weeks but 
On my way Sweetheart. <3
December 23rd, 6:33pm
SEB! changed their display name to sebauble
hello lovely
did u get back ok?
Yes, thank you. Thank you to you, Anne and Solomon for having me. I’m sorry I had to return back home so soon. I would’ve liked to have stayed for the entirety of the break and not miss Christmas with you. 
But I suppose there is New Years, at least. 
ik :( sucks
i don’t get ur family, one year they don’t care if ur there or not the next you HAVE to come home
so strange
but yeah new years woo woo
It’s not as if we really celebrate the holiday. There’s a meal in the evening, but we usually spend the days to ourselves, gather in silence to eat and then return to our rooms. 
It’s certainly not a traditional Christmas. 
damn gaunts bunch of weirdos haha
Careful, I’m still a Gaunt whether I like it or not. 
no no i like to think of u as a sallow
my husb
like my brother
I told you, don’t call me your brother. 
Or sister, before you start. 
fine, but ur still a sallow in my eyes
How so? As your husband? Do I marry in to the Sallow name? Or is it just an honorary title?
oh fuck did u
yes just marry me
merlin did u just
yes u can be my husband
hm it would solve lots of problems
no gaunt surname, no dealing with ur family, im a pureblood so they wouldn’t care, u could live here, wouldn’t have to be married off to someone you hate
what say u
marry me baby?
shit I’m only joking
no I’m not
I thought you’d never ask! Haha. 
Or I could just marry Anne. Be a modern gentleman and take her name. 
yeah that could work too
we would have to see if she would agree though
I’m sure she would. I’m certainly the better choice than half the boys in our year. And we are already great friends, it seems like a good match!
please don’t be in love with my sister i would die
Is this ur way of telling me u want to date anne or something haha
Oh absolutely not, Sebastian!
No offence to her, but Anne is not quite my type. I thought we were joking?
thank Merlin
wait so
Haha yeah i am lol
so what is ur type then lol
i shouldn’t have sent that fuck
Oh, er, I don’t really know. I haven’t put much thought into it. 
just enough to know def not my sister then
lol poor Anne
I suppose so.
So like
if u had to date someone in our year who would it be
How do u even know what ur type is when u can’t see
Is it just personality? face feel?
you’ve felt my face before, did u like it?
I really haven’t put much thought into it.
ok but u must like someone right ?
or have in the past
u seem to get on with poppy quite well
and there’s that girl in 6th who is always nice to u and she’s pretty fit, kinda boring but
Look, Sebastian, I don’t know and I don’t really want to talk about this. We haven’t before, and I don’t particularly want to start now.
i won’t bring it up again
i was just being nosy
Let’s just leave it. I’ve got to go for supper anyway. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. 
im a fucking idiot
now u hate me
ok, sorry
speak tomorrow
December 24th, 1:37pm
Good evening. Sorry for not getting in contact with you sooner. I’ve been rather busy today. 
it’s ok!!
i thought u might be annoyed at me
did u do anything fun?
My dear Aunt Noctua has come for Christmas. It was why my parents demanded me home, so I forgive them now. Haha. 
I’ve spent a long time talking to her today. She doesn’t often visit anymore so it has been a pleasure to be in her company again. 
ahh that’s cute im glad she’s there !!!
how is she
Very busy, as always. She was telling my sister and I multiple stories of her childhood with my father. He used to be quite kind, surprisingly. He wasn’t there to hear, though, or I fear how he would’ve reacted. 
Indeed. He used to read her stories to help her fall asleep when they were both young. Unfortunately the weight of the Gaunt name and the expectations from my grandfather soon caught up to him and, well, you know the rest. 
that sucks
is she staying long?
Only until Boxing Day. Then she’s back to her travels.
ah that’s a shame
but at least u get to see her
makes up for u not being here tomorrow haha
Yes, I suppose it does. 
Well, not entirely. I’d much rather be with you, Anne and Noctua. That would be a much more pleasant Christmas. 
maybe one day :)
I’m sorry for the way I reacted yesterday. 
oh about the
no, i should be sorry. i was prying.
Not at all. We’re best friends, I think it’s perfectly normal to talk about things like that. Especially at our age.
i know we dont really
it’s just
im in love with y
we have almost finished school and u have never gone on a date or anything 
and don’t say no girls would date u cos they totally would
I think that’s where the issue may lie. 
I think my issue here is er the girls. 
oh right 
none of them are taking ur fancy 
idk if u gave that 6th year a chance she might be alright 
or just date me lol
That’s really not what I’m trying to say.
ok then i don’t get it
Merlin’s beard Sebastian I thought you were intelligent. Do I really have to spell it out?
I don’t like girls. I don’t want to date girls. They’re perfectly fine and I’m sure are very pretty, and actually I have been asked out before and didn’t tell you because I never went.
Because I like boys. 
And I’m sorry I never told you but it’s just something I’ve had to keep to myself for a long time because I just never knew how to bring it up. 
I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable now, I really hope it doesn’t. You’re the first person I’ve told. 
Well don’t just keep saying oh, say something, anything, I beg of you. 
me too, i like boys too, i like girls as well but i really like boys, i mean u boys, u r a boy and i like u, i love u actually, fuck sake
Ominis, it took me a long time to see it, but I’ve been in love with you for years, you’re the person I want to spend every waking moment with and talk to about everything and oh gods i can’t do it
Are you typing? Can you just respond please, other than just sorry?
dude i
that’s cool!!!
u should’ve told me before
didn’t need to keep this kind of secret
i would’ve set u up lol
With someone from our school? Disgusting, the lot of them. Filthy, smelly boys. 
even me?
then how do u kno u even like boys???
Well. That’s a good question. It’s just something I know, I suppose. Yep, that’s it, definitely. 
oh no no no no no no no no please say no
…oh i see right through u
there IS someone u like
Alright. Maybe. 
But don’t go pushing me, I’m not going to tell you. 
fuck fuck fuck fuck just kill me
tell me who it is now, ill kill them
i wont. thats what the amortentia is for
i’ll get u to smell it, tell me what u smell and then ill work it out
im very smart
You’d have to torture that out of me, Sebastian. 
if it gets u on a date with someone then itll be worth it >:)
That’s the other issue. I don’t think this person is interested in boys. 
At all. 
I have to know now
let me help
I think we should really leave it.
only because im nice and respectful of ur privacy
sometimes lol
but if u need my help
i am here
Thank you. I mean it, for not hating me. For being supportive. 
ur my best friend
why would i hate u over this? don’t be daft
i could never hate u baby
in fact i
:) Thank you. 
Well, I should go wallow in my own self pity now, it’s been a long day. I’ll talk to you in the morning?
speak tomorrow
sleep well
love u
Love you too.
December 25th, 9:31am
I’m awake! 
Merry Christmas Sebastian :)
Don’t forget to open the gift I got you. 
And the one for Anne, too. 
oh dude thank you
i fucking love it
just what i wanted
Is it the right one?
super cool
i wanted this quidditch jumper for forever 
so thank you
it’s perfect 
i just saw
Hahahahah even more perfect 
I’m so glad you like it. I had to get Anne’s help. Did she like her gift?
hold on
yes she loves it thank you
she said ‘id been wanting this diary for ages, thank you ominis, u really shouldn’t have’
u need to stop being so generous dude
im sorry i couldn’t really afford to get u anything
I just want to make you happy, it’s not about getting anything in return, honestly. 
I’m glad she likes it. Merry Christmas to you both. 
check ur bag
just check it
What is this? 
did u open it?
No, what have you done?
open it
I’ve opened it. It feels like a photo frame. What is it?
so if u run ur hands over the whole thing it u should be able to feel some bits feel different to the other bits
Yes, I can feel that. Some bits are raised and other bits aren’t. 
its basically a picture with the outlines raised up so you can feel it. sort of like a drawing but u can trace over it so u can ‘see’ it
What’s it a picture of?
from mine and anne's birthday party
idk if u remember
she took the picture outside the dorm
i think we were both drunk but yeah
i just loved the picture
and wanted u to see it somehow
Oh Sebastian. 
is it any good?
can u sort of feel it?
im on the left side and ur on the right 
if it’s no good u don’t have to keep it
This is the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received. 
This is the most thoughtful, amazing thing I’ve ever been given. I can’t believe it. You shouldn’t have spent the money on me. 
as u said earlier ‘i just want to make u happy’
Sebastian. You’ve made me cry. 
don’t cry :(
You idiot. I’m not sad. I just cannot believe someone has done something this wonderful for me. And for you to be the one to do it, well, is not surprising but.
I don’t think I can thank you enough. 
I love you.
i love you too so much
But probably not in the way I love you. 
Gods, I apologise, I didn’t mean to send that. Stupid phone.
Please ignore that message. How do you delete a message? I can’t delete the message, why won’t it delete it? Oh it’s still listening to me, for fuck
Please Sebastian, please ignore it. I think it must’ve heard me wrong or something, I’m sorry.
Just ignore it, I can’t delete it for some stupid reason but you’ve already seen it anyway so it doesn’t
I apologise. I don’t understand why it listens to me sometimes and then doesn’t the other. 
I hate these stupid things.
Just forget it. 
do you
are you in love with me or something?
I said just ignore it. Please. 
no, just tell me
are you?
when u said there’s someone u like yesterday
did u mean me?
Sebastian, please.
tell me
u have to tell me
I’m begging u
I can’t do this Sebastian
please because if i say i feel the same way and u say u were joking i think i would die
You feel the same way?
i do
ominis please
im stupidly desperately in love with you and i truthfully have no idea for how long but all i know is that i love you with every fibre of my being and i spend every second without u wishing i was with u and every second with u wishing i was closer to u
all the times I’ve called you baby and perfect and gorgeous i was never joking
please tell me u weren’t joking
I wasn’t joking. I didn’t mean to send it but I am serious. 
Are you serious?
ofc i am 
i swear
I love you Ominis
Can I call?
Ominis is calling sebauble
Call accepted
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shdkrsk · 1 year
Old After Pain theory I wrote during trial 1
It should still have some relevance!! (in fact, most of it still stands)
This is just a copy-paste from a drive document, so please excuse if the formatting is weird at times.
Things I’ll be referencing:
https://privatter.net/p/6558898 - translation of the blackboards
Muu’s profile, in particular these facts:
DOB: 5th of July
Age: 16
Japanese/Half French.
She’s prideful and whines and cries when met with opposition.
These voice clips:
“That’s right. I killed someone. But I couldn’t help it! If I didn’t, there’d be no way to escape. I’m… not the bad one.”
“Whether what I did was ‘bad’ or not, how can other people know that? The kind of bitter experiences I had to go through, there isn’t a person out there who’d understand them.”
And, of course, the MV :)
A few things to establish first:
There’s 6 main actors in the MV:
The girl Muu kills (I’ll be calling her Classmate) (UPDATE: we now know her name to be Rei, but just so I won't have to edit the whole theory she will still be named Classmate)
The bully trio
The girl who kills herself before the MV starts (I’ll be calling her Dead Girl)
A rough timeline of how it seems to play out (please click on the references to read about each part): Pre-summer vacation (around April):
Muu joins her high school class
Muu joins the Bully Trio
The Dead Girl kills herself due to bullying
The class turns on Muu, blaming her for the suicide of the student
Post-summer vacation (around October):
Muu gets bullied by the Bully Trio (MV)
Classmate sees Muu get bullied, but doesn’t react to it
Muu is fed up, runs after Classmate who rejects her again, and she stabs her
MV ends
The first elephant in the room is the timeline. It would be easy to say that the blackboards symbolize the start and the end of the story, but there are multiple hints as to why this isn’t the case.
The first blackboard is definitely meant for Muu. Reading the translation, this becomes very clear:
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She’s mentioned by class, last name and first name, removing any reason to believe it’s not about her.
It also references her background mentioned in her profile, including her being a crybaby and her parents being rich:
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The second blackboard, however, has several statements going against it being Muu. 
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Muu is not drawn to wear any special makeup.
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She comes from a rich family.
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The flowers refer to the flowers on the desk at the end of the PV, on the seat next to Muu.
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You could argue the flowers that Muu is holding are what they’re referring to, but I think combined with the other statements it’s safe to say that they’re directed at a girl who already passed (Dead Girl).
To add more proof to this being the way the timeline is supposed to be seen, there’s another detail to look at - the calendar at the side of the classroom.
In the first shot, we see this calendar:
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And in the second shot, we see this one:
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It’s hard to decipher the type of flower on the first picture, but the second picture seems to be the iconic Japanese flower, the sakura flower/cherry blossom.
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In Japan, these flowers symbolize spring and on a calendar, they would signify it being one of the spring months (March, April and May). Coincidentally, school starts in April in Japan, as opposed to Western schools that start after Summer break.
This means the second shot is taken at the start of the school year, either the first or the second year.
This part is semi-speculation, but due to how Muu’s birthday is placed, she would be 15 at the start of the year and 16 by the end of it. We know Muu is 16, but we have no clue of when Milgram actually starts. To me, it would make more sense for her age to be 16 during 1st/2nd grade, rather than 2nd/3rd grade, but it’s hard to judge by.
Sometimes, Japanese schools also mix up classes between grades. This is another reason I believe the blackboard is at the start of the 1st year as opposed to the start of the 2nd year.
Looking at the school uniforms, she also has a lighter version of her uniform at the end shot (showing her Summer version - maybe?)
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Compared to the outfit she wears most of the PV, which includes her thick sweater (Winter version?)
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They change uniforms on June 1st and October 1st. Of course, this is just speculation, but it would also suggest the bulk of the MV takes place after October 1st.
Muu was a bully, or was at least friends with them before.
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At around 1:24 in the song, we see her fallen phone with a conversation open. This is the conversation:
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As seen by this conversation, Muu is on a pretty friendly term with these girls, even going as far as to hang out with them outside of school on multiple occasions and giving them leftover makeup. 
The profile pictures of the girls match the Bully Trio we see in the MV:
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UPDATE post-trial 2 start:
With all the symbolism of Muu being a queen bee (referencing honey, her birthday art, etc.), I’m leaning more towards her being the leader of the group during “After Pain”. It’s still hard to tell though, of course.
Muu was ostrasized for causing the Dead Girl to commit suicide.
This one is also from the blackboards.
On the first blackboard, the one we know is aimed at Muu due to her name drop, we get comments like these:
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Especially comment number 10 and number 15 suggests that they think she has done something illegal or at least morally abhorrent to the extent it would warrant such a reaction.
Now the second elephant in the room is… who is Classmate?
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Classmate seems to have a big role in Muu’s life - or at least the PV - as she’s the only character besides Muu that has her face shown.
I considered briefly if she was Muu’s sister or twin, but one of Muu’s answers during interrogation busts this:
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The point where Muu kills her in the song (2:20), she sings twice: “anata ga suki yo”, translated to “I like YOU.”
This would suggest Muu has romantic feelings for, or at least very strong positive feelings, towards Classmate. It’s unclear currently how deep their feelings are, how close they are, etc. but due to her face being shown + the line “I like YOU.” I will be going by the assumption that Muu likes her romantically.
The reason Muu kills her is because she rejects her.
Classmate sees Muu being bullied (1:55), but does nothing to help her, just looks down at her as Muu lays on the bathroom floor. 
We see Muu looking up at her with the line “I love YOU.”, the circles and wide nature of the eye hinting at her being at her wits end:
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She runs after Classmate, desperate and grabs onto her, once again professing “I love YOU.” in the song:
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Classmate pulls away and it’s at this moment that Muu stabs her, to the surprise of both her and Classmate:
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To me, it seems either Muu’s confession or cry for help was rejected (maybe both?) 
It might even be as far as Classmate rejecting Muu’s cry for help and Muu misinterpreting it as a romantic rejection indirectly.
Muu definitely seems to think that something bad was done to her:
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Muu is a rich girl who joined a high school class when she was 15. Due to the nature of her person, being a person who values peace and having grown up being rich, she finds herself caught up with a group of three bullies that use her. They use her wealth to get extra makeup, but they also use her to help bully a girl into suicide. After the girl dies, Muu suddenly finds that everyone in class has been turned on her - calling her a criminal and such - and her old ‘friends’ are the primary bullies. 
Tired and fed up of being bullied by these girls day in and day out, she reaches out to the girl she likes (one she perhaps knew before?) and tries to ask for help. The girl rejects her, possibly due to Muu being a bully before, and tries to get away, but Muu snaps and stabs her, causing her to die and cause her Milgram Murder™.
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herrlindemann · 3 years
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Hard Rock & Metal Hammer - February 2001 
On April 2nd the wait will be over, the new Rammstein album Mutter will finally be released. 20 months will have passed as the band worked hard around the world on this next milestone in their career. Here are the individual stages.
Rammstein choose the setting according to the motto "Solitude inspires.” After Poland was originally considered as the ideal destination, the band's reconnaissance team finally found an empty house in Heiligendamm on the Baltic Sea, which they renovated for their purposes.
September to December 1999 - Heiligendamm
The first chapter of Mutter is all about craftsmanship: installing and connecting toilets. Seal the windows, get six beds from Ikea, set up the kitchen...  "The perfect start," says Flake about this somewhat unusual scenario. “You're distracted, you don't feel any pressure, and besides, technical success is one of the most satisfying things in the world.” About the seclusion - “the next house is far away, so we can make noise undisturbed” - the first musical steps are dared. “Our rehearsal room is portable,” Olli explains the further procedure, “that's why the stuff could be moved to Heiligendamm without any problems.” Although the band speculate that the sound could spill as far as Sweden, a beech forest on the land side muffles the first pounding chords. In the next few weeks, all the songs that will ultimately be featured on Mutter will be created here, "and about 90 percent will be rejected,” says Flake. “We often create several versions of an idea, we often only make it after a long discussion process.” The argument often drags on for days, but it is important. “Unfortunately, it's not like I'm the advocate of the keyboard for us, but everyone has an opinion on everything. But that also has its good sides: I don't think like a guitarist, so I'm not so technically uptight when I criticize a part that I find problematic.”
Afterwards, back to Berlin, where the finishing touches on the material are continued. At the same time, the search for a suitable studio begins. The criteria for this is strict: "It should be abroad, the drums should also be able to be recorded on site, so that we can still make short-term changes and generally play together, and of course it should also be nice," Olli summarizes the requirements.
Spring 2000 - Miraval Studio, South of France
The object of desire has finally been found: The Miraval Studio in the south of France, a secluded 11th-century chateau, "properly medieval and solidly built of rocks", as Flake enthusiastically reports. This choice means another pause: before May, the studio is plain too cold to move into. The wait is grueling. “You fiddle around, but you don't get a decisive step further,” Olli sums up the frustration. The result is “operational blindness”, which is why many details are again in question when the band moves into their noble domicile on Labor Day, May 1st. “As a matter of fact, as soon as the studio door closes, you should concentrate on the recording work. Instead, we argue about Till's texts, which can really wait." The rural atmosphere and the beautiful spring weather finally work their magic, so that the six weeks, according to Flake, go by "like a day".
June 2000 - Galaxy Studio, Belgium
With the recorded material, they go to a proven helper for the first mixing attempts: Ronald Prent has already edited the first two Rammstein albums, he is the first to put his hand to the new songs. However, the enthusiasm is limited, although the record company already smells gold and invites the first journalists to the Galaxy Studio so that they can convince themselves of the quality of the music. At this point, six titles were made accessible to a wider circle for the first time, including the song 'Sonne', which is now being released as the pre-single for Mutter, but which still has the working title 'Klitschko'. This song is supposed to be the introductory music for Vitali Klitschko's first world championship fight in America, but is now appropriated for Mutter after his embarrassing defeat by Chris Byrd.
"It's just the usual," the band conclude after hearing Prent's work, implying, "It's not enough.” Two things dominate the long development time of Mutter: The extremely democratic and therefore time-consuming decision-making process within the band, and the will to absolute perfection. “We had hoped so, but now we know: It can't work with Prent”, Flake explains the situation. “He doesn't have enough time — we've already had to stop work from time to time — and we're hoping to find someone who can give the music an extra boost.” Names like Andy Wallace (Slayer) or Dave Ogilvie (Nine Inch Nails) are in the air, but as is so often the case, there is a price to pay: time. It will take time to find a new solution. The band can't be bothered. "It takes as long as it takes" becomes a dictum. Luckily, an event is coming up that will save the band from falling back into frenzied and fruitless do-gooding: the first gig in distant Japan.
October 2000 - MVG Studios, Stockholm
Scheduling difficulties for all the big names that were in discussion in the meantime ultimately lead to a pragmatic solution: Jacob Kellner as producer and Stefan Glaumann as mixer create the final mix in Stockholm, Sweden. Here, too, Rammstein take their time: They only spend a few hours a day in the studio in order to always work towards the optimum with the greatest attention and sharpened hearing. Although it is foreseeable that the result will live up to all expectations, the tension is increasing. Peter Tägtgren, the notorious black metal producer, can look forward to a visit from Till and Flake one weekend; they want to trade the autumn dreariness of Stockholm for some country air. At a biker club in Ludvika, the next settlement that's even halfway worthy of the 'town' name, they let off steam: Till gets involved in a fight with the local bikers and gets a good punch in the face. What looks like defeat is victory, a sign of liberation: Mutter is finally done.
Of course, the work for Rammstein continues. The visual concept is developed, the photo session is carried out. The biggest task, however, is to develop the new stage show for the tour through Germany and the world starting in May. Considerations on this have been running parallel to the purely musical discussions for a long time. “Normally it takes almost a year to fully develop such a concept. For a long time we could only collect scraps of ideas. It's going to be tough," Flake describes the never-ending stress that will probably only subside when the band is on stage for the first time.
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absolutebl · 4 years
This Week in BL
March 2021 Part 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. 
This is a LONG ONE, it’s been A WEEK everyone. 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 5 - a little slow this week, but at least Gene finally flirted back, and very cute flirting it was, too. Also we got Aey’s motivation, background, and love interest. Thank goodness for that. 
Brothers Ep 8 - still pants, what can I say? Clearly I am a BL masochist. Very embarrassing for everyone concerned. 
1000 Stars Ep 9 - the conflict over Tian’s father was REALLY well done. The plot of this drama is excellent, the leads are great together, and yes I totally cried. What, you didn’t? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Word of Honor (China) Ep 16-18 - big battle fighty fighty stabby stabby. Ep 17 switches to “this drama isn’t big enough for two chaotic-neutral godlings!” So what do they do? Drink together and bicker... A LOT. Then in Ep 18 we all get the dubious joy of really freaky puppets. (I HATE puppets.) Also how is China letting this be so SO VERY VERY GAY?  Also, I wanna walk through the forest wearing a smanshy purple robe and waving a big fuck-off white fan around simply because I’m a pretentious fuss monger. And frankly, I feel like this is an achievable life goal for me. 
We Best Love 2 (Taiwan) Ep 4 - not gonna lie, this is looking to be one of my top 3 BLs of 2021. It’s SO GOOD. Big bonus to this ep for treating stalker behavior like the mental illness it is and not as some dumb representation of enduring love. 
The Most Peaceful Place is My Place (Vietnam) Ep 1 - finally dropped (find it under NƠI BÌNH YÊN NHẤT LÀ VỀ BÊN EM on O2′s channel). It’s got actors already comfortable with BL and looks pretty good so far. An angry tsundere uke reunited with his ex, a stoic chef, giving us lots of snap, crackle, and pop out the gate. 
Dear Uranus (Taiwan GL) Ep 2 - I want to love it, but it is just moving too fast. There’s not enough character dev and then they’re throwing flashbacks in? It feels like a treatment rather than a show, and a rushed treatment at that. Bummer. 
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 2 (AKA Ep 3-4) - let the cheesy popcorn continue! Idiot remains an idiot; ingenue remains an ice queen; nice gay guy remains nice and gay; obsessive stalker brother is getting ever more whackadoddle. Of course these last two have the best chemistry. (It’s caregiver codependency and the salvation trope. We got us a Leo/Fiat situation going on.​) Plus lots of classic BL tropes because OF COURSE there are lots of tropes. 
Occasionally, I am tempted to argue that shows like H4 or Cherry Magic or Ossan’s Love aren’t technically BL because of the office setting and age of the protags - but then they all behave like high school students anyway, so *shrug* 
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Stand Alones
Cute little Taiwanese micro BL Friend or Lover dropped, about bisexual realization within a friendship group. Normally these are too short for me, but this one did pretty good with its 15 minutes of charm, plus it’s abad boy + shy softy pairing. 
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Breaking News - Thai BL
Fish Upon the Sky released its actual trailer. The upside-down kiss is gone, which makes everyone sad, and it seems far less rivals to lovers than the first iteration, which makes ME sad. But it still looks good and a more classic BL than GMMTV has given us in a while. New trailer focused more on the makeover trope and they’ve upped Mix’s role (the object of everyone’s affection) now that he’s proved himself. (Or they are using him more to carry the trailer since he has a fan base form 1k*). Starts April 9 on GMMTV in 1K*’s time slot, probably with a 10 ep run. 
2gether the movie is apparently coming April 22 to Thai theaters. F4 Thailand must be having issues or GMMTV just wants to milk the BrightWin cash cow. It’s rumored to be a combination of 2gehter + Still 2gether with some extra scenes and ending. Also, one assumes a lot will be cut out, if it’s movie length.
Call It What You Want released its updated trailer. If anything, it looks more scary than before. What are we in for? April 9th. 
Nitiman got a release date, May 7 on One31. 
I Told Sunset About You 2 got an updated release date of May 27 on LineTV. 
Second Chance the series is coming to LineTV on March 29. I don’t know much about this one. Tons of familiar faces (mostly TharnType side dishes) and some nice looking new talent but a dearth of eng subs. I think it may take on Brothers’ time slot. Line did eng subs for Brothers so maybe they will do 2nd Chance too? 
Close Friend the series is coming April 22. This is a combination of 6 couples with 6 story arcs as music videos (maybe)? It’s an epic fan service with familiar faces like OhmFluke (UWMA), MaxNat (LBC also in Y-Destiny), YoonLay (YYY also in Y-Destiny), KimCop (GenY), and JaFirst (TT2).
Y-Destiny starts March 30, and has starting dropping couple’s trailers. I’m still suspicious given the director but it seems like there is plot (or plots) and a theme. Looks to be a series of 7 single ep vignettes (amended, see comments, might be 2 eps each for 14 eps total), different couple each time, some with supernatural elements, all with decent chemistry and acting chops. 
Sun MaxNat’s tutor/student arc
Mon jaded rich kid meets poor innocent  
Tues sports romance enemies to lovers 
Weds the messy realistic actual dating one 
Thurs hot ghost boyfriend (sad) 
Fri YoonLayPerth coping with loss and finding new love (sad). This one will all rest on Lay's acting so we know it’s in safe hands. Our boy is going to KILL it. 
Sat time-slip memory loss reunion romance 
I’m thinking we can’t expect any of these to end happy or be classic BL. They’re gonna be more slice of life-ish. 
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Gossip - BL Outside of Thailand 
Scholar Ryu’s Wedding Ceremony AKA Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korean historical BL) got a legit teaser (eng sub here). @curriculumvtae​ reports that it’s releasing April 15th on WeTV (Philippines & Thailand) and Idol Romance (South Korea), while Will of Thai Bl says it’ll be on Viki too. It’s a short run of 8 ep built on a fake relationship trope (arranged marriage variant):
Ryu Ho Seon’s (Kang In Soo from You Wish) arranged marriage turns out to be with his expected bride’s brother, Choi Ki Wan (Lee Se Jin from Mr Heart). Ryu tries to undo the marriage, but his ill mother opposes this saying the scandal would be too much. Meanwhile, Kim Tae Hyeong (Jang Eui Soo from Where Your Eyes Linger), a senior at Ryu’s school, comes to congratulate him and falls in love with Choi. Then one day, the original bride disappears.
Okay it seems a bit twisty turny for ONLY 8 EPS, but oh my goodness how excited are we? Our first intentional historical BL out of Korea!
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We already knew Hong Kong was doing a remake of Japan’s Ossan’s Love under the same name (not my favorite Japanese BL but so very popular) but it’s now reported to be coming to Viu in June. Who knows how the CFA will take it. Depends on whether Hong Kong bows before the NO GAY KISSES regs or if they are going to use this as a political nose thumb... things could get cray with this puppy (the original has several kisses and s shower scene). Are we back in Addicted territory only with added comedy and civil unrest?
Speaking of Japan, Absolute BL (AKA Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai vs Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko) dropped sooner than anyone thought, March 27. But being Japanese who knows how/when/if we get subs. Protag finds himself trapped in a world of BL, but being straight he fights against any hot guy that draws near, but the whole world (literally) is conspiring against him. It’s a parody adapted from a yoai.
What with Absolute BL from Japan plus Lovely Writer and Call it What You Want from Thailand, is 2021 the year of BL being ultra self referential? Sure feels like it.
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In Case You Missed It
Faded a gay micro film from Taiwan from 2017 deals with parental acceptance and serves up a ton of BL tropes (piggyback, forehead kiss, etc). I’m pretty sure this was a propaganda piece for legalization of gay marriage, and it’s an interesting nugget of BL history as a result. Yes, it ends happy. It’s cute. 
Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed a day later than actual air date for accessibility reasons.
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
Man there’s a lot going on right now! Spring has sprung... I suppose. 
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P.S. I cannot believe I missed Absolute BL as a blog name. Numbnuts = me. 
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Break me + brettsey
A/N: To the anons who requested for this, I tried my best 🥲 Also, you know I love fluff so wow, this was really emotional to write but I do love a challenge so er, grab some tissues maybe.
Warnings: character death
Throughout the years, Sylvie has learned that life isn’t always fair.
No matter how hard she studied for the 2nd grade spelling bee, someone studied harder and got that big, shiny trophy. She had her first kiss at seventeen with a boy she thought she’d love forever but he ended up being a manipulative jerk, just the first of many who turned out to be frogs instead of princes. Her birth mom sought her out and just as they found their footing, she died at child birth.
But this one, it really takes the cake, Sylvie thinks.
She pleaded with Matt to get his cough checked out weeks ago, asking him politely when she noticed it getting more and more frequent. It crept in especially late at night in bed when they were supposed to be sleeping, instead, she would hear him try to stifle it so as not to wake her. He shrugged it off and told her not to worry, which is classic Matt. She should have known. Even after all these years, her husband is still so stubborn.
One night, when the coughing won’t stop, she manages to get through to him and he agrees to go to the ED. Sylvie grabs the car keys and leads him out the door.
They greet the new charge nurse, who brings them into a treatment room. Sylvie doesn’t think much of it as Ethan comes in and they make small talk and catch up with the ED chief, who at 70 seems to show no signs of retiring. He orders a few standard tests. They wheel Matt off to get an x ray while Sylvie goes to grab a snack from the vending machine.
When Ethan finds her forty minutes later, his face is grim. Her heart drops to the pit of her stomach and she knows it’s not just an ordinary cough.
Stage 4 lung cancer.
Matt Casey, retired CFD battalion chief has stage 4 lung cancer.
It’s like a cruel joke. Matt’s never smoked a single cigarette in his life but his career as a firefighter has finally caught up with him - all the fumes, the smoke, the dust have made their way into his lungs. Sylvie doesn’t cry while the oncologist takes them through their options. She’d gladly sit through a hundred rounds of chemo with Matt if needed.
Except he doesn’t want that.
They argue about it for several weeks. Matt says he wants to spend the rest of his days at home, maybe they can rent a cabin in the woods in Michigan where the air is fresh, the sky is blue and they can just be, waiting for the inevitable.
“Matt,” she starts to say, an edge in her tone. They've been going around in circles and Sylvie is ready to put her foot down.
Matt shakes his head, taking her hand and gently telling her what he's been repeating since that day they found out, “I’ve lived a full life. We have these great kids and grandkids. I can’t ask for anything more.”
Sylvie yanks her hand out of his grasp. She's had enough.
“What would you do if it were the other way around?” She yells, her voice trembling slightly. She doesn’t think she’s every screamed at him this loudly in all their years together but she doesn’t want to give up. She needs him to understand.
Matt sighs, running a hand through his now grey hair. After a beat, he looks her in the eye. She knows he can't lie and say he'll take it lying down if she were to tell him what he's been parroting.
“I’d be begging you to get the treatment because I couldn’t bear to live a day without you,” he admits quietly.
They hold each other’s gazes, neither willing to concede.
“Please, Matt,” Sylvie whispers as she feels the tears threatening to fall. She grabs hold of his arm, squeezing it. She needs him to fight, if not for himself then for her because she doesn't think she can handle life without him, not quite yet.
He finally relents, “okay, okay, we’ll get the chemo.”
He wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. Sylvie burrows deeper into his embrace, sobbing. She cries for the first time since they found out about the cancer and Matt rubs his hand over her back, comforting her.
Sylvie drives Matt to the hospital for his rounds of chemo while he jokes about shaving off his hair. One night, she wakes up to find his side of the bed empty and the light in the bathroom on. She peers in and sees him kneeling in front of the toilet, vomiting. She takes a seat beside him and quietly helps him, remembering their wedding vows.
In sickness and in health.
On the side, she starts to volunteer for the CFD’s firefighters cancer network, trying to raise more awareness on the dangers of such a noble job. She cheers with Matt one Spring morning when Gallo, Violet and Ritter decide to run the half marathon in full firefighter gear, in support of the cause. She’s glad that even if they’ve both retired, 51 still remains to be a part of their family.
Six months in, the doctor tells them that the chemo isn’t working as well as he hoped and the prognosis isn’t good. Sylvie still wants to continue but Matt sits her down one night after dinner.
“I think it’s time we just wait this out, Syl.” He tells her gently, interlacing his fingers in hers.
Sylvie wants to say no because this can’t be how it ends for him, someone spent his life saving people is about to succumb to a deadly, incurable disease. It really, truly is unfair.
But at the same time, she understands his request. He doesn’t want to put their family through another roller coaster ride of emotions, of uncertainty, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He’s saying he wants to take the reins and do it his way.
It reminds Sylvie of that quote from Harry Potter she read when she was younger.
To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.
She didn't understand it at all at thirteen but she does now, glancing over at Matt and seeing the steely resolve in his eyes.
They’ve been together for over 30 years. They’ve built a home filled with love and kindness, full of laughter and running blonde children who all grew up to be exceptional adults with thriving careers. They have two wonderful, adorable grandchildren. She remembers what Matt told her, how he’s lived a full life.
She feels a tear slide down her cheek and Matt’s other hand brushes it away. She knows the next word coming out of her mouth will break her heart but she says it anyway because it's what's right.
There’s something in the air, Sylvie thinks and her soul begins to fill with dread. Today, it seems, is the day. Matt’s been in bed for the last three days, not really able to move or eat much. Without the chemo, the doctor told them he had about three months to live and with each day that passed after that, Sylvie started to feel hope that maybe he had more to give.
It’s been a little over a year since the diagnosis. Sylvie’s trying to read a book while Matt is taking a nap. She’s distracted by her thoughts but hears him whisper.
“I think it’s time.”
She nods, her lower lip quivering. She approaches him and kisses the top of his head before making her way out of the room to make a few phone calls.
The house starts to fill with family and friends arriving to say their last good byes. Their kids are here, surrounding their dad and telling stories about how Matt always put them first no matter what. The remaining members of their second shift at 51 start to trickle in one by one. Sylvie told them it was going to be a celebration of Matt’s life, how she didn’t want them to mope around because it isn’t what he would want so they laugh and jest until late in the evening.
Matt kisses his grandkids one last time before they leave and Sylvie climbs into bed with him. He rests his head on her shoulder as she holds his hand and watches his eyes flutter close and his breathing gradually stop.
Sylvie recollects their many years together - growing from friends to something deeper, the first time Matt swung like Tarzan from the aerial after they got together and Sylvie telling him never to do it again and of course he did many more time and she never really stopped worrying, buying a house, their wedding day, the birth of their children, sending off each kid to preschool up until watching them graduate from college, meeting their grandchildren for the first time, celebrating personal and professional milestones together, cheering each other on.
She looks at her husband’s still form thinking yes, it has been a full life.
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southernbell91 · 5 years
Necessary Distraction
Character: Billy Lee (Bad times at the El Royale) x Reader
Rating: 18+, NSFW
Warnings: Smut, Cock Warming, somewhat public sexual situation
Word Count: 1874
Crossposted from @fanaticwriting09
(Message, Comment or Drop me and ask to be added to any of my Tag lists)
It wasn’t uncommon for Billy to hold meetings in the big house, especially ones that he didn’t want the rest of the collective to interfere with. No one went in the big house unless asked by Billy. That made things all the more strange when he sent someone to ask you to join him on a meeting day. You hadn’t been with the group long, only 6 months or so, you had been in the big house once. It was one morning when Rose, or boots as Billy called her, saw Billy leaving from your tent before day break. You got up early to start on your chores when you were jumped, showing up fairly quickly he stopped the fight, banning her from the house for weeks and taking you in to get cleaned up.
   Shaking the memories from your head you nodded at the woman he sent after you and cleaned up, making your way up to the big house. Heading in you went straight for the kitchen, the girl in their pointing you upstairs to Billy’s room. Uncharted territory. Taking the creaky stairs one step at a time you worked your way to Billy’s room, your nerves starting to get the best of you. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what he could want from you, not today when the collective elders as he called it were set to gather to talk about who knows what. Letting out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding you tapped lightly on the door. Footsteps thudding on the other side matched your rapidly beating heart as he opened the door.
“Well hello there darling” He greeted, his wicked smile beaming at you. “Come on in, I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you.”  He said, stepping to the side.
Walking through the door, the sound of it closing echoed throughout the room.
“Proposition? What sort of proposition Billy?” You asked, voice audibly shakey.
 You looked around taking in your surroundings, thoroughly impressed with Billy’s digs. Silk sheets covered his large bed, the thing had to be big enough for four people at least, you’ve never seen one so big, everything was so large and each piece of furniture stood out, you couldn’t help but think of just how well it fit Billy’s personality.
“Don’t you worry sweetheart.” His thick voice broke through your minds ramblings, his face suddenly coming into view as he stepped in front of you. His hand moving to gently caress your face. “You know Billy lee will take care of you, I just need your help getting through this little meeting and I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll set you up real nice here in the big house for a few weeks, how’s that sound.”
You felt your eyes go wide at the prospect of Billy letting you stay here, but then his condition hit you.
“How-how can I help you get through the meeting?”
His trademark smirk decorated his face as his eyes ran the length of your body.
“You can help darling, by keeping my mind pre-occupied by other things.”
His free hand slid down your body, gently running down your sides to your hips and down your legs, lifting your skirt as his hand traveled back up. Billy’s fingers connected with the panties underneath and his demeanor changed, the air around him becoming near electric.
  “Now, that’s gonna be a problem.” His fingers gripped them, sliding them down your thighs. You began to stutter, trying to pull away and he shushed you, his hand on your face moving to grip the back of your head, his lips gently ghosting over your own.
“Easy there darling, you know I’m not going to show anyone else what’s mine. Now, you do want to be mine, don’t you?” He asked you, his finger brushing against your folds, his eyes leaving little room to argue with. Nodding slowly you swallowed hard, closing your eyes while Billy continued to toy with you, his finger slipping just past your lips, a groan escaping him when finding you wet.
  “That’s a good girl. Now, you sit with me during my meeting and help me out and I’ll take care of this for you. You’d like that wouldn’t you.”
  Nodding again you looked at him, your breath catching at the sight of the lust in his eyes.
   “Now now, don’t be shy. Let Billy hear you. Now tell me, are you mine?”
“Yes Billy.”
“And are you gonna be a good girl and make sure I get through this meeting?”
“Yes Billy.”
“That’s a good girl.” He whispered, kissing you lightly before pulling back. Your eyes couldn’t help but wander as he stepped away, the tent in his pants visibly noticeable.
“Now, I suppose we should get a move on before they come looking for us. Don’t worry about those,” he said pointing to your now discarded panties on the floor. “There’ll be none of that in the big house, ya hear?”
Taking his now outstretched hand you nodded again, following him out of the room and down into the dinning room, finding it still empty.
 “Now, you don’t say anything unless I speak to you. You understand me? You’re here for one reason and one reason only and it’s not to interrupt.”
 “Yes sir” You said, feeling suddenly very aware of your lack of underwear. Billy sat, quickly working his pants open, just enough to spring his erection free.
  He grabbed his cock, stroking slowly as he took in your reaction, a devilish smirk on his own. This wasn’t the first time you had seen it, no the night before Boots attacked you Billy had been visiting, giving you his own welcome to the group. Your cheeks flushed at the memory, it was a good night that ended far too soon in your opinion, and it made the prospect of staying in the big house all the sweeter.
 Billy’s hand on your hip brought you back to reality as he guided you over to him.
“Now turn around and have a seat darling, I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Yes sir” you said softly, turning as you started to sit, one of his hands on his cock, the other on your hip guiding you down, he lifted your skirt enough to move it out of the way, you had to bite back a moan as you sank down on his length, your whole body trembling as he filled you to the hilt.
“That’s my good girl” He said low in your ear, as he pulled you to lean back against his chest. “Now, stay just like that through this meeting and you’ll get your reward.”
 You nodded, biting your lip trying hard not to make any noise. Right on cue the door to the dining room opened and the others made their way in, a few giving you a curious look before quickly looking away, clearly Billy’s face let them know not to say anything about your current situation.
The meeting droned on for quite some time, you could feel Billy growing restless, his grip on your hips tightening as he grew impatient. Occasionally his fingers would find themselves under your skirt, never touching where you wanted to feel him the most, your body reacting every time you felt his hands on your bare skin helped to keep him hard and you knew it was driving him just as mad as it was you.
  After the 2nd full hour of meeting and pointless discussion Billy finally lost his resolve.
“That’s enough for today.”
 Everyone glared at him, knowing the reason for him cutting the meeting short was perched upon his lap but no one said a word against it, your cheeks heating up as you noticed a few people giving you strange looks. Several of them nodded, not ones to argue with Billy, they slowly made their way out of the room a few of them grumbling under their breath as they went.
 The moment the room was clear, you felt the air once again shift around Billy, his breathing picking up almost in an instant. Without any warning he lifted you from his lap, your skirt being yanked down your legs almost effortlessly.
“Now, I’m not in the mood to wait until we get upstairs, so do me a favor sweetheart and lay down on this here table and let me take care of both of our problems.”
Nodding you did as you were told, stretching your upper body across the table, making sure your ass was high in the air, putting yourself on full display for Billy. You could feel your wetness running down your legs and no longer cared about being embarrassed, to busy wanting Billy to take care of this ache you had in your core.
 He ran his fingers through your folds again, brushing against your sensitive nub before pulling back, you heard his pants hit the ground, your whole body trembling in anticipation. You couldn’t help the whimper you let out when you felt the head of his thick cock push against your entrance, that sound turning to a drawn out moan as he pushed in all the way, pulling back slightly only to slam into you harder. It was one thing to sit on his length for hours, it was a totally different story to having him moving inside you filling you over and over with it.
Your nails dug into the table beneath you as he kept a punishing pace, grunting and letting out moans of his own as the table rocked.
 “That’s a good girl, you take me so well. We’re going to have lots of fun the next few weeks in the big house, aren’t we?”
  “Yes sir,” you couldn’t help but moan, feeling your orgasm building after hours of teasing. Using what strength you had you lifted up, pushing your body back meeting Billy’s thrusts.
“Fuck! Billy, I’m so close.”
“That’s right baby girl, cum for Billy, let the whole house hear how good I make you feel.”
Grabbing your hair he tilted your head back, his lips latching onto your neck where you were sure to have a bruise come morning. With a scream you came, hard, clenching around his length as his own pace became erratic. He groaned in your ear as he felt you peak, his own breathing becoming laboured. Letting go of your hair he gripped your hips as your body collapsed onto the table, a few thrusts later you felt the warm wetness hit your inner thigh as Billy came, pulling out just in time to cover your legs and the floor below, the sounds of your breathing and his moan the only ones in the room.
 After a few minutes you slowly sat up, turning to look at him, not even realizing he had collapsed into the chair behind him, a wicked smirk on his face.
 “I think we may even discuss extending your stay here, what do you say sweetheart?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words as you sat across from him on the table, not caring about the mess.
“Whatever you say Billy, whatever you say.”
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pattinsonsgurl · 5 years
Revenge Best Served.. Wet? Part 2 (D.D. X Reader)
You can read Part 1 here. 
Part 2: You need David again. for an entirely different reason. 
Warning: Smut, cussing 
You felt a little sleazy after your confrontation with Tony. You were emotionally and mentally drained. Now you really did want to talk to David about what happened and you also needed a drink. So you pull up to David’s house and notice a couple of cars but you don’t care because you know you can drink with whoever is there. You head inside and hear loud music coming from the speakers. You see David standing there with his camera recording Zane and Heath and their drunken antics. He looks at you and raises an eyebrow in concern but you just wave him off and head to the kitchen to grab a drink. Natalie sitting at the island and smirks at you as you open the refrigerator.
“So, How did your date with Tony go? Did you get your revenge on him?” She asks.
You turn bright red as you turn around and face her. “Um, how.. what do you mean?”
“You know, you wanted to let Tony taste sloppy seconds.” Natalie drawled out before bursting into laughter.
You grab her by the wrist and pulled her away from the kitchen and down the hallway, into her bedroom away from prying ears.
“Did David tell you? He has a big mouth!” You fume pacing across the room before you plop down on her bed next to Natalie.
“No, did you forget I live here too? Thank god my AirPods were charged up, I put them on once I heard his door close. So I don’t know what happened after that.”
You put your face in your hands because you’re so embarrassed. “Wow, I can’t believe you heard me. You must think I’m so sleazy.”
“Dude no. What the fuck? That was a brilliant plan! Did you notice David didn’t invite any of the Instagram models to hangout like he usually does? So what’s her face wouldn’t be around.”
You scoff, “She’s probably over at Tony’s comforting him as we speak.”
You hear a knock on the door and you already know it’s David.
“Come in!” Natalie yells.
“Hey guys. Everything alright?” David asks concerned.
“Yes everything is peachy!” You respond in an unnatural high voice.
Both David and Natalie give each other a look before they raise their eyebrows at you. “Um, I’m gonna get you a drink, because it sounds like you need it.” Natalie says as she walks out of her room.
You look at David as he crosses the room to sit next to you. “Are you ok?” He asks.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair. “Breakups suck. Like I know he’s a piece of shit for doing what he did but I really did like him. I hate feeling like I wasn’t good enough.” A tear starts falling down your cheek.
David reaches out to wipe it away. “Y/N, please don’t think that way. You’re the sweetest and kindest person I know and any guy would be lucky to have you. I--” David closes his mouth as Natalie walks in with a red solo cup.
“Here Y/N, this will make you feel better. Breakups are the worst and now you just need to let loose and have a great time with your friends!” She grabs your hand to pull you back out to the living room and you glance at David as a walk out and he looks frustrated.
Once you’re out in the living room, you go and sit down on the couch and sip on your drink, as you watch everyone else dancing around. David comes out and sits right next to you. You glance at him from your peripheral, he looks like he wants to say something but he’s having a hard time coming out with it.
“Did it work?” David asks.
You can’t seem to look at David in the eye. “Mmm yea. He got to my place at almost the same time I got there.  We were supposed to go have dinner but I told him I wanted to fuck before we left. Well he always makes me go down on him first but I told him I was super horny and wanted him to go down on me first. So I undressed and he licked me all over, from ass to clit.”
You glance over at David as you pause your story, feeling yourself blush a deep red because of what you’re about to say.
“And I came. Because all I could think about was how good your dick felt inside me, and knowing he was licking your sloppy seconds got me hot. He wanted to fuck but I wouldn’t let him. That’s when I told him I knew about him cheating and to get the fuck out. He tried to tell me that I was gonna miss out on him because this was the wettest I’ve ever been and it was because of him. I confessed that I had fucked someone else and he sucked all the cum out. He didn’t believe me till I showed him your cum stains on my panties. He was so mad I thought all hell was gonna break loose but he left. So I came straight here cuz I didn’t want to be alone.”
You chug the drink in your hand because you can’t help but feel shaky after your confession and you need to calm down.
“So what are you gonna do now? David asks scooting a little closer.
“I’m gonna get fucked up with my friends.” You say as you head to the kitchen to get another drink. You feel his eyes burning a hole on your back but you need more liquid encouragement before you make your move.
You party it up with everyone else. David gets to record some great vlogging footage of all the drunken antics. As everyone heads out to go home, you stand to leave, wobbling a bit.
“Wait Y/N! You can’t leave. You’ll get pulled over and get a DWI. Stay here on the couch. I’ll bring you some blankets.” Natalie tells you.
You don’t argue, you don’t feel like going home to an empty apartment tonight. And you feel your buzz fading away and sleepiness taking over.
David is already in his own room, editing some clips from tonight.
As you lay there trying to get comfortable and fall asleep, you realize you can’t. You go over the day’s events and it all seems like a dream. You hate that you broke up with Tony but he wasn’t the one anyway just someone you were having fun with.
You start thinking about David and his dick. How perfect it felt inside of you. You’re a little horny now and you glance towards the hallway where his room is in and with the little alcohol left on your system, you realize that now is the perfect time to make your move.
You slowly crept into the hallway, you hesitate when you get to his door and quickly knock before you lose your confidence.
“Come in.” David yells.
You take a deep breathe and walk in, closing the door behind you.
David looks up from his laptop and quickly shoved it aside when he sees that it’s you.
“Y/N, uh hey. I thought you left already.” He says as he runs a hand through his hair.
“I was but Natalie convinced me to stay cuz she said I was too drunk to drive.” You explain, wringing your hands.
“Oh well I’m glad she did.” David responded.
You nod as you slowly walk your way to him. He gazes at you with lust in his eyes. It gives you confirmation that he wants this too. You get to his bed and straddle him. He reaches forward and slides his hands under your shirt and cups your breasts. He reaches behind you so he can unclasp your bra, sticking his tongue out as he concentrated on his task. Once your free, he goes back to your breasts, filling his hands and you gasp at the sensation, loving the way his palms feel and your nipples tighten as he rubs his thumbs . You fall forward with your head against his shoulder as you rub yourself against his clock through his pants.
     Still caressing one breast he slips his hand down the curve of your hip and thigh and cups your pussy, through your panties.
“You’re so wet for me again, aren’t you Y/N?” David asks, moving your panties to the side as he slides a finger between your pussy lips, you catch your breath in surprise as he slides a second finger in as he slowly pumps into you, You open yourself wider to give him more access loving the way his fingers felt inside of you.
David pulls you from his shoulder and brushes the hair away from your face to give you a sweet kiss. Unable to help himself he plunges his tongue into your mouth desperate to possess you in any way. You answered back with the same desperate need.
“David. I need you now.” You demand as you pull away from the kiss. You lift up a bit as David shoves down his pants and his cock springs free. David reaches into his nightstand, pulls out a condom and slides it on his cock. You impale yourself on his dick, feeling very satisfied that it's in you once again for the 2nd time tonight.
He thrusts up into you, and you gasp as it feels so much better than before, You place your hands on the headboard and roll your hips feeling so much pleasure, more than anyone has ever given you. You moaned David’s name as you felt him thrust into you with a sense of urgency as you felt yourself on the edge of an orgasm,
Suddenly you feel your release come and cry out from the force of it, As soon as David feels you come, he pumps harder and shudders from his orgasm. You lay on top of him for a couple of minutes to catch both of your breaths, and he gets up to dispose the condom into the trash, before he comes back and lays back next to you.
Exhausted and overwhelmed by what just happened, you look over at David trying to decipher his expression, You're surprised when he looks over at you with the biggest smile on his face.
“I don’t know about you but that was amazing. We should go again after I edit my vlog.” David says wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“David, so are we gonna talk about this? I know the sex was really good. Amazing really, but isn’t this a little fast? Ok i mean I know I came on the you, first and all. But-”  David reaches over and places a finger on your mouth to shut you up.
“Look Y/N, I liked you before you went out with that douchebag Tony and I never had the balls to ask you out. So when you came earlier today with your um, revenge plot, I’ll admit I was so happy that you came to me and not anyone else.. But I would like to make this more official by asking you out on a date later today,”
“I accept David Dobrik. But I do need to take a little nap first while you finish your vlog.” You say as you snuggle to his side.
He grabs his laptop and kisses you on the forehead Happy as can be that he finally got his girl.  
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fanaticwriting09 · 5 years
Necessary Distraction
Character: Billy Lee (Bad times at the El Royale) x Reader
Rating: 18+, NSFW
Warnings: Smut, Cock Warming, somewhat public sexual situation
Word Count: 1874
(Message, Comment or Drop me and ask to be added to any of my Tag lists)
 It wasn’t uncommon for Billy to hold meetings in the big house, especially ones that he didn’t want the rest of the collective to interfere with. No one went in the big house unless asked by Billy. That made things all the more strange when he sent someone to ask you to join him on a meeting day. You hadn’t been with the group long, only 6 months or so, you had been in the big house once. It was one morning when Rose, or boots as Billy called her, saw Billy leaving from your tent before day break. You got up early to start on your chores when you were jumped, showing up fairly quickly he stopped the fight, banning her from the house for weeks and taking you in to get cleaned up. 
    Shaking the memories from your head you nodded at the woman he sent after you and cleaned up, making your way up to the big house. Heading in you went straight for the kitchen, the girl in their pointing you upstairs to Billy’s room. Uncharted territory. Taking the creaky stairs one step at a time you worked your way to Billy’s room, your nerves starting to get the best of you. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what he could want from you, not today when the collective elders as he called it were set to gather to talk about who knows what. Letting out the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding you tapped lightly on the door. Footsteps thudding on the other side matched your rapidly beating heart as he opened the door. 
 “Well hello there darling” He greeted, his wicked smile beaming at you. “Come on in, I have a proposition I’d like to discuss with you.”  He said, stepping to the side. 
Walking through the door, the sound of it closing echoed throughout the room.
“Proposition? What sort of proposition Billy?” You asked, voice audibly shakey. 
  You looked around taking in your surroundings, thoroughly impressed with Billy’s digs. Silk sheets covered his large bed, the thing had to be big enough for four people at least, you’ve never seen one so big, everything was so large and each piece of furniture stood out, you couldn’t help but think of just how well it fit Billy’s personality. 
 “Don’t you worry sweetheart.” His thick voice broke through your minds ramblings, his face suddenly coming into view as he stepped in front of you. His hand moving to gently caress your face. “You know Billy lee will take care of you, I just need your help getting through this little meeting and I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll set you up real nice here in the big house for a few weeks, how’s that sound.” 
You felt your eyes go wide at the prospect of Billy letting you stay here, but then his condition hit you.
 “How-how can I help you get through the meeting?” 
His trademark smirk decorated his face as his eyes ran the length of your body. 
“You can help darling, by keeping my mind pre-occupied by other things.” 
His free hand slid down your body, gently running down your sides to your hips and down your legs, lifting your skirt as his hand traveled back up. Billy’s fingers connected with the panties underneath and his demeanor changed, the air around him becoming near electric. 
   “Now, that’s gonna be a problem.” His fingers gripped them, sliding them down your thighs. You began to stutter, trying to pull away and he shushed you, his hand on your face moving to grip the back of your head, his lips gently ghosting over your own. 
 “Easy there darling, you know I’m not going to show anyone else what’s mine. Now, you do want to be mine, don’t you?” He asked you, his finger brushing against your folds, his eyes leaving little room to argue with. Nodding slowly you swallowed hard, closing your eyes while Billy continued to toy with you, his finger slipping just past your lips, a groan escaping him when finding you wet. 
   “That’s a good girl. Now, you sit with me during my meeting and help me out and I’ll take care of this for you. You’d like that wouldn’t you.” 
   Nodding again you looked at him, your breath catching at the sight of the lust in his eyes. 
    “Now now, don’t be shy. Let Billy hear you. Now tell me, are you mine?” 
“Yes Billy.” 
“And are you gonna be a good girl and make sure I get through this meeting?”
“Yes Billy.” 
“That’s a good girl.” He whispered, kissing you lightly before pulling back. Your eyes couldn’t help but wander as he stepped away, the tent in his pants visibly noticeable. 
 “Now, I suppose we should get a move on before they come looking for us. Don’t worry about those,” he said pointing to your now discarded panties on the floor. “There’ll be none of that in the big house, ya hear?” 
Taking his now outstretched hand you nodded again, following him out of the room and down into the dinning room, finding it still empty. 
  “Now, you don’t say anything unless I speak to you. You understand me? You’re here for one reason and one reason only and it’s not to interrupt.” 
  “Yes sir” You said, feeling suddenly very aware of your lack of underwear. Billy sat, quickly working his pants open, just enough to spring his erection free. 
   He grabbed his cock, stroking slowly as he took in your reaction, a devilish smirk on his own. This wasn’t the first time you had seen it, no the night before Boots attacked you Billy had been visiting, giving you his own welcome to the group. Your cheeks flushed at the memory, it was a good night that ended far too soon in your opinion, and it made the prospect of staying in the big house all the sweeter. 
  Billy’s hand on your hip brought you back to reality as he guided you over to him. 
“Now turn around and have a seat darling, I’ll take care of the rest.” 
 “Yes sir” you said softly, turning as you started to sit, one of his hands on his cock, the other on your hip guiding you down, he lifted your skirt enough to move it out of the way, you had to bite back a moan as you sank down on his length, your whole body trembling as he filled you to the hilt. 
 “That’s my good girl” He said low in your ear, as he pulled you to lean back against his chest. “Now, stay just like that through this meeting and you’ll get your reward.” 
  You nodded, biting your lip trying hard not to make any noise. Right on cue the door to the dining room opened and the others made their way in, a few giving you a curious look before quickly looking away, clearly Billy’s face let them know not to say anything about your current situation. 
 The meeting droned on for quite some time, you could feel Billy growing restless, his grip on your hips tightening as he grew impatient. Occasionally his fingers would find themselves under your skirt, never touching where you wanted to feel him the most, your body reacting every time you felt his hands on your bare skin helped to keep him hard and you knew it was driving him just as mad as it was you. 
   After the 2nd full hour of meeting and pointless discussion Billy finally lost his resolve. 
“That’s enough for today.” 
  Everyone glared at him, knowing the reason for him cutting the meeting short was perched upon his lap but no one said a word against it, your cheeks heating up as you noticed a few people giving you strange looks. Several of them nodded, not ones to argue with Billy, they slowly made their way out of the room a few of them grumbling under their breath as they went.
  The moment the room was clear, you felt the air once again shift around Billy, his breathing picking up almost in an instant. Without any warning he lifted you from his lap, your skirt being yanked down your legs almost effortlessly. 
“Now, I’m not in the mood to wait until we get upstairs, so do me a favor sweetheart and lay down on this here table and let me take care of both of our problems.” 
Nodding you did as you were told, stretching your upper body across the table, making sure your ass was high in the air, putting yourself on full display for Billy. You could feel your wetness running down your legs and no longer cared about being embarrassed, to busy wanting Billy to take care of this ache you had in your core.
  He ran his fingers through your folds again, brushing against your sensitive nub before pulling back, you heard his pants hit the ground, your whole body trembling in anticipation. You couldn’t help the whimper you let out when you felt the head of his thick cock push against your entrance, that sound turning to a drawn out moan as he pushed in all the way, pulling back slightly only to slam into you harder. It was one thing to sit on his length for hours, it was a totally different story to having him moving inside you filling you over and over with it. 
Your nails dug into the table beneath you as he kept a punishing pace, grunting and letting out moans of his own as the table rocked. 
  “That’s a good girl, you take me so well. We’re going to have lots of fun the next few weeks in the big house, aren’t we?” 
   “Yes sir,” you couldn’t help but moan, feeling your orgasm building after hours of teasing. Using what strength you had you lifted up, pushing your body back meeting Billy’s thrusts. 
 “Fuck! Billy, I’m so close.” 
“That’s right baby girl, cum for Billy, let the whole house hear how good I make you feel.” 
 Grabbing your hair he tilted your head back, his lips latching onto your neck where you were sure to have a bruise come morning. With a scream you came, hard, clenching around his length as his own pace became erratic. He groaned in your ear as he felt you peak, his own breathing becoming laboured. Letting go of your hair he gripped your hips as your body collapsed onto the table, a few thrusts later you felt the warm wetness hit your inner thigh as Billy came, pulling out just in time to cover your legs and the floor below, the sounds of your breathing and his moan the only ones in the room. 
  After a few minutes you slowly sat up, turning to look at him, not even realizing he had collapsed into the chair behind him, a wicked smirk on his face. 
  “I think we may even discuss extending your stay here, what do you say sweetheart?” 
 You couldn’t help but smile at his words as you sat across from him on the table, not caring about the mess. 
“Whatever you say Billy, whatever you say.” 
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loquaciousquark · 7 years
8th August. Genuinely cool today, glorious! Won’t last
I keep having to go to the keep for sundry Champion paperwork ephemera, and I noticed last week there’s a stain right at the bottom of the steps. It looks brown and stubborn despite the scrub-marks on the stone around it—in fact, it’s where Dumar’s head landed, and now that I’ve seen it I can’t stop seeing it. I asked Aveline, and she said she’s noticed it too. She tried to get at it herself with lye while I was out, but she said it wouldn’t budge. I didn’t even know stone could take up blood like that... although I suppose Kirkwall would be the place prone to that kind of thing.
There’s still no news of a new Viscount. Bran’s running the place as best he can (which, as it happens, would be a good deal better if he’d stop wasting so much time rolling his eyes at me every time he sees me), but Lady Ashbridge said on Pelarie’s visit last week that there’s rumors Meredith’s just going to run the city instead. Surely they won’t let that happen, though--how much power does one person need?
Then again...it’s Kirkwall.
I should talk to Varric.
In other news, took Sebastian to dinner the other day as thanks for accompanying me to the ball. Went to the Lime Pavilion, which has a twenty-sov minimum plate, but with Varric at the helm all my money does these days is make lots of tinier little baby monies, so I might as well get some use out of it. He had beef that came in a glass bowl with gold around the edges, and I had fish that was cut in the shape of a fish. Made it even worse that it was the most delicious thing I’ve had in months.
Spent the whole meal quietly panicking about which of my three forks to use. Serves me right for trying to cater to royalty’s nobler instincts. Sebastian covered for me well, but I’d just as soon sit with Isabela off the docks, swigging green liquor from a cracked bottle.
Haven’t heard from her even once since Cloudreach. I hope she’s alive.
16th August. Light showers all day, just enough to curl my hair into a right rat’s nest
I think I’m going to set Pelarie up with my next-door neighbor. Jule’s clever and kind and not quite as flat beneath her mother’s foot, and she’s got a great deal more in common with Pelarie than I do. Forgot to get a bit of drake ichor out from behind my ears the other day and Pelarie turned so green she might have grown gills. Her mother didn’t care for it either. Need to stop being jealous over people with mothers Besides, even if Jule’s not as flashy a catch she’s likely got a much better life expectancy.
Meant that to be funny, not bitter. Ah, well.
23rd August. Cooler again, a bit salty with some northerly winds off the Coast
Had a nice moment today I didn’t expect. I was sitting out back under the yew tree, trying to see if I felt any different with only one kidney, when I heard the back door open and out came Sandal with a bit of wood and a carving knife. He didn’t say anything, just sat next to me on the stone bench, and quietly began shaping it into something small, something with wings. It was...
It was rather lovely, actually.
Made up for this miserable All Soul’s Day at the beginning of August. Everyone dancing on their toes around Mother, as if I might turn to glass at the slightest memory of her. Can’t help but feel Isabela would have
Sandal hummed something I almost recognized while he was sitting with me. Then Bodahn came out and that moment was gone, but in favor of one just as pleasant, because he sat with us on the bench too (the benefit of a wide bench and two dwarvish sets of hips, I suppose), and with only the teensiest bit of coaxing he began telling us (me?) about some of his travels with the Hero of Ferelden.
Some days I wish I were her. Or--at least I wish I had her enemies. It must have been so nice knowing what you fought was evil through and through.
24th August. Still cool
Dreamed last night that I was trying to save Mother from the foundry, but she kept turning into darkspawn. Might know they’re evil, but that doesn’t help the horror at the twisted, slavering teeth. At least Meredith is people-shaped.
Ugh. Can’t get rid of these chills. I wonder if Varric has anything that needs doing.
2nd Kingsway. Saw the first orange leaf today and nearly cried from joy
Went to the Gallows this morning to talk to Solivitus. Had some harlot’s blush I thought he might like, which he did, but for the first time I found myself not entirely at ease with the way the templars’ eyes followed me the whole trip. I hadn’t been there since the Arishok, and Maker but was I glad Fenris and Aveline came with me. I don’t think they’d try anything without Meredith’s say-so, but this was the first time I felt that little tingling what-if in the back of my skull telling me I’d better watch my hide.
We’d be packing up tonight, if this were Lothering.
Anyway, while I was there I saw a girl that looked terribly familiar darting about between some of those market stands. Turns out she’s Pelarie’s little sister--not sixteen yet--who got caught making inkwells tip over from the back of the room while she was away at school. The Ashbridges called some favors and had her placed here, where they could visit.
More than I thought of Lady Ashbridge, even if I wouldn’t send my most hated feather boa into their care. (Meant the Gallows templars, but to be quite honest the Ashbridges too)
Pelarie says she’s been trying to send their grandmother’s necklace to her, but she’s afraid they’ll take it away. Jule (very kind about me crashing their tea) said she’d heard Gallows apprentices are allowed very few personal possessions, but she knew a family who used to send their son fritters and preserves and things all the time, so there might be some strings to pull if I can find them.
Well. What’s this damned title for, if not string-pulling?
8th Kingsway. Brisk and with the faintest smell of those crisp autumn apples from the cart down the street
Went to the Gallows again today. Saw Cullen, who sighs when I come into his office but at least doesn’t reach for a guardswhistle, and told him I wanted Pelarie’s sister to be given her family necklace. He argued with me for a good bit about keeping apprentices’ focus sharp on their studies and the risk of reminders of family ties compromising their emotional blah blah blah blah.
I said I’d work on that rumor about the blood mage cult springing up in Darktown if he’d let her keep it, and he said yes.
My skin has been crawling since I left that place, and that was almost three hours ago.
What if that were me? What if that were Bethany?
For the first time in my life, I thought to myself “thank goodness she died first” after I wrote that line above and it’s rattled me so badly that I can’t
I hate
how could
Maker, I hate
15th Kingsway. One last damned heat wave. The Maker is mocking me. Or Andraste is instead, and I’ve just been rejected by every higher power who ever thought twice about sending this city even the faintest zephyr of relief
Asked Toby today if he wanted another dog in the house. He gave me the archest look I’ve ever seen on a mabari’s face and stalked in high dudgeon to the back garden, where he very deliberately pissed on the stone bench. Haven’t offended him that badly since I tied him all over in yellow ribbon and asked him to dance the Remigold with me.
I’d forgotten how drunk I was at that party
Anders and Merrill and I are going out to the southern side of Sundermount tomorrow. Anders needs elfroot and more spindleweed, and Merrill thinks there might be a supply of ironbark somewhere there she can use to create or work on or something for her arulin...oh, hells. How the Void do you spell that word?
I was considering asking Varric for a fourth just in case, as Aveline has another (and another and another and another) evening with Donnic planned. For as much as she went through getting to this city in the first place, I hate to take her away from the one shining light she’s found in it so far.
On the other hand, she does have our own glorious friendship as a second equally bright shining light. Maybe I can call that in as the cheap bargaining tactician I am.
Aveline said no.
Varric said no.
Sebastian said no.
Merrill said “arulin’holm.”
Fenris said yes, then no when he heard who was going, and then yes again when I said Anders they would probably be so interested in their own collecting that Anders they would hardly have time to needle.
Also, I begged.
16th Kingsway. I am cursed beyond the ken of mortal memory
We’re stranded on the damned mountain.
It was cloudy when we left and it only got darker, but everyone said to keep going, we could beat the rain before it got bad. Ha! Had to take a narrow path to get to this ironbark of Merrill’s, and while we were up the cliffs a freak storm came from nowhere and washed the whole path to a great lot of boulders and rotten logs. Stopped raining not twenty minutes later, but the damage was already done. Merrill’s been looking for another way down but it’s almost dusk and I think we’ll have to camp.
I keep expecting Fenris and Anders to be either furious or intolerably snippy, but every time I accidentally make eye contact (despite the enormous effort I’m exerting to avoid exactly that), they both seem perfectly cheerful. Well, as cheerful as they get. Anders even smiled at some comment Fenris made about how once when he slept outside, a handful of territorial crows chased him right out of a tree.
Almost said it could be worse. At least Merrill’s managed to get a fire going—everything’s soaked to the bone.
24th Kingsway. Still cold, damp, foggy, grey
Made it home from Sundermount, obviously, and all four of us have the most glorious head colds to show for it. Merrill and I ended up having to carve through a good deal of the detritus from the landslide with magic, which even Fenris didn’t blink at given the alternative was another night in open air. Cold, frosty open air, with occasional winds sharp enough to split a nosehair.
I was strongly inclined to see what Anders’s healing could do for this, but he says a head cold won’t kill any of us and it’s good to let the body fight on its own occasionally, which sounded so much like my father I left his clinic in perfect childlike resentment.
That was yesterday. Surely if I tell him I’m dying today he won’t mind if I touch myself up, just a little. My nose is both so stuffy I can’t breathe and running so badly I’ve taken to shoving napkins up it all morning.
How blightedly unfair. All this nonsense and I can’t even breathe to complain about it properly.
25th Kingsway. See previous, bloody unchanged, and no I’m not upset about it, why do you ask
Maker and all his holy works, but Fenris is pitiful. Never have I ever seen an elf laid so low by a little fever and a stopped nose. I went over this morning with some of Orana’s father’s soup just in case, but he was cocooned so deep in his blankets all I could see was the very tip of one dark, pointed ear. Then he told me to go away with the saddest little sneeze right in the middle of a word.
Made him finish the soup and drink an entire glass of water. He called me a Tevinter word that he claims means “sadist,” but he did at least un-cocoon long enough to say goodbye.
I keep wondering if he’s ever had anyone bother to care he was sick before—at least, that he remembers. Somehow I doubt it.
26th Kingsway, somewhere around midnight, I don’t know
Fenris’s fever worsened all day today, until by late afternoon I couldn’t rouse him properly. Anders came by around dinner and must have seen the panic in my face, because the first thing he told me after examining him was that he’d be fine. He left a vial of something thick—I recognized the elfroot and I think embrium, but to be honest I was watching Fenris struggle to turn over—and said he should have a teaspoon every hour until breakfast tomorrow. He said he’d be fine. We just have to wait for the fever to take its course.
Flames, he looks awful, even asleep. Grey in the face and he’s got a chesty cough that sounds wet. The first time it happened I had a violent flash to Carver in the Deep Roads and nearly upset the lunch tray. Anders and I both worked what healing we could, but there’s only so much to be done for something like this. Maker, my father’s death taught me that, and that was almost ten years ago.
Anders said he’d be fine. He didn’t even stay, which of itself is enough to tell me there’s nothing to worry about.
If Fenris feels half as bad as he looks, he must feel like death.
Later. Early?
Failed to occur to me that in the absence of pinned candles, the only way to make sure Fenris gets one of these doses every hour is to stay up myself.
Not much gets by my eagle’s eyes these days, but I suppose even the most avid hunter misses one once in a while.
3rd bell
Hawk’s eyes. Damn!
4th bell and a bit
Fenris woke up this time, just for a few minutes. He’s not really been present since afternoon, so it was...it was a relief to see lucidity. Tired, too, but one must make allowances here and there.
He was enough himself to complain about the sourness of the potion. I told him if he felt able to be picky about the taste he ought to be able to take another cup of soup and some water, and he called me the Tevinter sadist again.
He just went back to sleep, but he still looks terrible. His breathing is better, though.
Almost 5th bell, still dark as pitch
First time I’ve ever been truly glad I live so close to this blasted elf. Was able to run home and dig out some spare linens from one of Orana’s closets before I had to wake him again. He’s sweated his pillow through and his sheets are soaked. If he’s still improving on this next dose I’ll roll him off long enough to get the fresh sheets down.
Half past, still darker than light outside, though the horizon’s fading a bit grey
He just went back to sleep. Got the new sheets on—he didn’t understand why at first, which...I didn’t know what to say to that except that I knew he’d feel acres better on clean, dry bedclothes, and I intended to change them whether he was willing or not.
He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but it was plain he was relieved to be out of that damp mess.
I was too, if I’m being honest.
Anyway, he wasn’t eager to go back to sleep after, despite the potion putting him just a touch loopy. We chatted about...oh, nothing of consequence, only Toby and apples and Varric’s latest pamphlet about the Championship ceremony and how the weight of that iron circlet has bent better heads than mine, and only time will tell how I carry its burden, etc, etc. Sometimes I wish Varric lent a little less effort to dramatic irony and a little more to my public credentiality. Credentials?
Talked a bit about Stinton and Pelarie and the rest, too. I told him I was doing well enough with their mothers, but that Lady Ashbridge might resent me pushing Pelarie into the arms of another woman right under her nose. Ah, but such is the uneven course of love.
He asked me about his sister twice near the end, which was how I knew the potion was kicking in at last. I had nothing I could tell him either way, and the second time I’m not even certain he was talking to me.
He asked if she was real. Maker, I wish I knew.
It’s not right that no one but me cares if Fenris is uncomfortable in illness-damp sheets.
Almost seventh bell, flames
Dozed off in the chair with the broken foot just before sixth bell. Didn’t come close to waking until a marvelously inconsiderate sunbeam punched me right in the eyes over Fenris’s windowsill, at which point I dropped my elbow off the armrest and gave myself whiplash trying not to tumble from the chair altogether.
Other arm stayed put, though, and Fenris didn’t even stir, which is the only reason I know he took hold of my hand while I was asleep—and possibly while he was asleep, which is the only reason I refuse to read more into it. His fingers were laced through mine, and the lyrium was humming ever so faintly, just enough that I could feel the—the shiver as I let him go.
I could have stayed there for hours, I think, if I hadn’t pulled the Void out of my neck sleeping sideways in that chair.
His color’s almost normal again, though he’s still a trifle wan. Thank you, Andraste. Not that I was worried.
I wasn’t worried. Anders said he’d be fine. I just wanted--someone this sick ought to have a friend take care of them until they’re well. Everyone deserves at least that much. 
Ah, I think he’s beginning to wake up.
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
“When In Doubt, Use Lightweights”  A UFC 216 Preview
October 2nd
Before I begin with the usual, I suppose I have to start by addressing the atrocities that occurred last night/this morning in Las Vegas. I lack a really eloquent way to simply say that this shit, every bit of it, really needs to stop. No matter your political beliefs, interpretation of the constitution, opinion on firearms or whatever, nobody should have to go to a place of entertainment with a cloud of "Am I going to survive tonight?" hanging over their heads. We should all be better than this shit. We should demand more from our representatives and one another. Thoughts and prayers are nice but some action in the other direction would be nice. Let's make this place a tolerable place to live in for a little while.
The UFC returns to Las Vegas and this is a very peculiar card. The buyrate, the true be all and end all which determines the success of a show, will probably not be through the roof. At the same time, the UFC is giving two new guys the opportunity to headline a PPV with a really solid developed undercard beneath it. Beyond that, there are guys who CAN be bigger stars sprinkled throughout the show. It's a really good show as of right now with potentially one more fight to get added for some good old fashioned depth. It's survived a few knocks which speaks to its depth thus far although we still have THE DREADED MID WEEK FIGHT CANCELLATION to worry ourselves about. If you've got some money laying around to spend on a show, one with two title fights, a shot at history, a HW fight for people who like big people and a very pivotal 155 lb fight is the sort of show you should be into.
Fights: 12
Debuts:  1 (Poliana Botelho)
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 3 (Paige Van Zant vs Jessica Eye cancelled, Andrea Lee vs Kalindra Faria cancelled, Abel Trujillo OUT, Bobby Green IN vs Lando Vannata)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 12 (Tony Ferguson, Kevin Lee, Demetrious Johnson, Fabricio Werdum, Derrick Lewis, Evan Dunham, Beneil Dariush, Will Brooks, Lando Vannata, Bobby Green, John Moraga, Thales Leites)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC:   3 (Will Brooks, Matt Schnell, Marco Beltran)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC:  7 (Tony Ferguson, Kevin Lee, Evan Dunham, Demetrious Johnson, Ray Borg, Walt Harris, Brad Tavares)
Stat Monitor for 2017:
Debuting Fighters (Current number: 28-26)- Poliana Botelho
Short Notice Fighters (Current number: 17-28)- Bobby Green
Second Fight (Current number: 23-30)-  Tom Duquesnoy, Pearl Gonzales, Magomed Bibulatov
Cage Corrosion (16-8)- Evan Dunham
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1- Looking at this main event, it's a pretty perplexing challenge to determine just what this interim title means. Despite his talk this weekend, you can't help but get the feeling that McGregor vs Diaz III is more likely than not going to be the fight that comes next for Conor. The actual title will likely be held up with a money fight, a fight that revolves around getting the most dollars possible which is absolutely fine from a business sense. It does little though to prevent the UFC from taking on the bad smell of boxing's mistakes; ya know where you'd have the "actual" champ, an "interim" champion and then a champion emeritus in case a guy decides to retire then unretire. It doesn't even help that to SOME (not all but some) Kevin Lee is just a guy filling in a spot best reserved for Khabib Nurmagomedov. That's unfair given that Lee has been fighting top competition for a while while Khabib has been injured or incapable to take the call to fight but you can't change narratives once they're formed. It's not easy to rewire the already formed opinion/mind of fans. It also isn't entirely out of the realm of possibility that the interim champ defends his title AT LEAST ONCE before the actual champ fights and no, not due to injury either. The reality is that this is a great fight but discovering its worth is complicated.
2- How confident should the UFC be in Ray Borg making "the walk" as some would say. He had a bad weight cut which either did or didn't lead to the illness which got him yanked (given how it happened vs Ian McCall in a similar situation, I'm going with yeah there) and is opting to go SANS nutritionist on this one. Some of you fellas might need to go back and watch some Magomed Bibulatov just in case.
3- Is Mighty Mouse done until the spring if he wins? Pettis vs Cejudo in December means the winner is probably the #1 contender barring Joe B getting healthy and getting a title shot in the winter.  Could be the last time we see the P4P best for a while.
4- Similarly I think there's ample pressure on Werdum and Derrick Lewis here to do something big. Miocic may be out for however long this contractual snafu takes to fix up and so the winner might need to be really impressive to keep pace with Ngannou, Overeem and Alexander Volkov.
5- The last time Tony Ferguson REALLY struggled, not counting a first round vs a replacement guy with a funky style, was Danny Castillo. Castillo was able to take advantage of Ferguson's wacky submission game and basically try to grind out a decision win. I'd argue Ferguson has improved ten fold since then BUT Kevin Lee has some Castillo in his game. He's very good at getting a fight to where it needs to be, he's determined and relentless and his submission game is way better than Danny Castillo's ever was. I'm not saying I'm picking Lee to win BUT I think stylistically he's got a fair shot to pull off something here.
6- Tom Duquesnoy is getting a very moderate step up in competition as the UFC pits him vs Cody Stamman as THE featured prelim bout for UFC 216. It's a winnable fight for Mr. Duquesnoy and a good showcase of whether or not his wrestling is up to par to compete vs a big physical 135er. Stamman had no problems taking Terrion Ware down so this is one to keep an eye out for.
7- Kevin Lee has scrambled with some very good grapplers so I don't expect him to be overwhelmed in that regard. What I am curious to see is whether Lee's propensity to panic in exchanges will come out. Going way back to the Jesse Ronson fight, there were moments where as soon as things got a little hectic, he'd shoot in for a takedown and just try to muscle people around. That's great against guys who aren't expert neck grabbers but if/when Ferguson senses a panic TD, he's going to snatch a neck, give up the takedown and force Lee to defend against his d'arce. Hard to do for 25 minutes.
8- Do not forget Ferguson had a 25 minute fight at high altitude where he was so bored he decided to salsa dance----anybody suggesting Lee has any sort of cardio advantage is someone who you shouldn't listen to.
9- A tale of two completely different stuttering hype trains on the UFC 216 prelims. We can begin with "Groovy" Lando Vannata who is better than he's shown thus far. Lando is 1-2 in the UFC but I'd caution that David Teymur is low key really great and losing to Tony Ferguson on a week's notice is nothing to be ashamed of. Vannata is just one of those guys who has this overly relaxed malaise to his game which costs him when he's going one strike for every four landed vs composed strikers. You can maybe win that way at 185 or 205 lbs where power > skill but not so at 155 lbs. Lando gets Bobby Green in what SHOULD be a showcase for Vannata given how Green is not the kind of guy who overwhelms you with pressure and isn't going to give you a lot of things to be concerned about. He does everything well but never well enough, at least since he hurt his knee, to give you reason for pause. On the other hand you have WIll Brooks who came into the UFC with a ton of fanfare straight out of Bellator. The results? 1-2 with a caveat. His first loss was Alex "Cowboy" Oliveira in a fight where Oliveira missed by like six lbs. That one you can wrap up and discard. The loss vs Carlos Oliveira? A lot harder to discard and much differ to wash away. Brooks is struggling and the UFC seems to have recognized that because Nik Lentz is like THE easiest touch for him. It's a guy who does everything Brooks does except not as well, not as athletically gifted and without the power to give Brooks cause for concern. This is as close to a gift wrapped win as it gets.
10- This main card is currently lacking a fight by the by. So who gets bumped up? They've already advertised Will Harris vs Mark Godbeer and Thales Leites vs Brad Tavares as the main fights of note for the FP portion. Do they bump up Moraga vs Bibulatov? How about maybe sneaking up the card the fight between Brooks/Lentz?
11- Brad Tavares is under 30, he's on a winning streak, he's one of the longer tenured UFC middleweights in the world and he's on the prelims. Why? The last time he finished a fight was in early 2011 against PHIL BARONI. Dude needs a finish in the worst way.
12- Walt Harris vs Mark Godbeer is the tipping point for this card. If it sucks, run for the hills. IF it's good? Haboy.
Must Wins
Kevin Lee
There's no doubt in my heart of hearts that Kevin Lee would not get another opportunity for this shot outside of a collection of circumstances like this. Look at the 155 lb landscape as it currently stands; McGregor vs Diaz III is coming. Eddie Alvarez/Justin Gaethje likely gives you a back up option off of that. Dustin Poirier and Anthony Pettis is a really great fight between two really great exciting fighters people wanna see. Russian LWs like Khabib Nurmagomedov and the smashing machine Mairbek Taisumov exist. Kevin Lee is a great fighter but if he wants to keep the public's attention, he pretty much HAS to win.
Derrick Lewis
Any UFC HW from ages 35 to 45 will always be given ample opportunities to redeem themselves. Look at Andrei Arlovski. Look at Travis Browne. Look at Overeem. Look at etc etc etc forever until the end of time. HWs are an ageless commodity for some people---so if Werdum loses? NBD. Sometimes good fighters lose am I right? Now Derrick Lewis is a different story. For some people, Lewis has always been sort of a "when the bubble bursts" guy. His wins while violent aren't always impressive. His focus and cardio can come and go in stops and starts. More often than not, a fight ends with him literally crying. Still he's fun in a division that needs fun and he's one of the more amusing guys out there. So a win for Derrick Lewis would be cool.
Mighty Mouse
HISTORY Is on the line, dudes!
Five Can't Miss Fights
1- Kevin Lee vs Tony Ferguson
Even if the title wasn't on the line, this would be the best fight on almost any card (outside of some combination of Ferguson, Alvarez, Gaethje or Poirier). It's a genuinely great LW fight.
2- Mighty Mouse vs Ray Borg
I feel like your feelings on Mighty Mouse say a lot about you as an MMA fan. For me, we should all band together and watch as our marvel of joy and bundle of asswhoop goes out there to do his deed. <3 Mighty Mouse.
3- Lando Vannata vs Bobby Green
Lando is must see entertainment, the sort of fighter who fights fearlessly and does shit that should cost him a fight every time he fights. Bobby Green is a similar minded fighter. Assuming it's not a staring/jaw jack contest, this should be good.
4- Tom Duquesnoy vs Cody Stamman
Duquesnoy is VERY similar to Lando Vannata in the sense that each and every fight he has, he's so careless (in a good way) that he seems to welcome an element of danger. He's really fun to watch and Stamman showed me a lot vs Terrion Ware. It's a great test for Duquesnoy because if he's going to make it at 135 lbs, the top of that division has a lot of dudes who can wrestle their ass off.
5- Magomed Bibulatov vs John Moraga
I've seen glimpses of Bibulatov and wasn't overly impressed BUT Moraga seemed to rediscover the tricks which made John Moraga a #1 contender once. He gave a limited opponent all kinds of fits in New Zealand and looked to bee back to his old ways. Great test for Bibulatov and Moraga, when he feels like it and is on, is a fun dude to watch.
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mediafocus-blog1 · 7 years
The Worst Internet In America
New Post has been published on https://mediafocus.biz/the-worst-internet-in-america/
The Worst Internet In America
o force the duration and breadth of Saguache County, Colorado, is a dangerous assignment. The roads, as a minimum in spring, are lonely, clean and straight — “power 30 miles then take a left” is the gist of maximum map directions. But the perspectives are what can pressure a person to distraction, veering recklessly over dotted yellow traces. There are hay fields drowned in water, blue and glassy so it looks like the sky fell on them, football fields complete of black farm animals standing stock-nevertheless like museum statuary, symptoms along empty stretches advertising meet and greets with the “Happy Gilmore” alligator, and crop planes that totter and swoop perilously over electricity strains earlier than misting fields so green you think they may have invented the colour.
The beauty of Saguache County may be an inconvenient one, although, particularly within the twenty-first century: It has some of the worst nets inside u. S . A .. That’s in element because of the mountains and the isolation they create. Saguache (sah-WATCH’) is nestled in among the Sangre de Cristo and San Juan stages, a 4-hour pressure southwest of Denver. Its populace of 6, get three hundred is unfolded across 3,169 rectangular miles 7,800 toes above sea level, but on land that is mostly flat, so that you can nearly see the overall scope of mountain levels as you force the county’s highways: the San Juans, melted into gentle brown peaks to the west, and the Sangre de Cristos, sharp, black and snow-capped, thrusting almost violently upward to the east.
FiveThirtyEight analyzed every country’s broadband usage the usage of information from researchers at the University of Iowa and Arizona State University1 and discovered that Saguache changed into at the lowest. Only five.6 percentage of adults were estimated to have broadband.
But Saguache isn’t alone in missing broadband. According to the Federal Communications Commission, 39 percent of rural Americans — 23 million human beings — don’t get admission to. In Pew surveys, folks that stay in rural regions were approximately twice as possibly no longer to use the internet as city or suburban Americans.
The FCC now defines broadband internet as the ability to download facts at 25 megabits consistent with 2nd and to add it at 3 megabits in step with 2nd. This sort of connection enables a person to do the things that most Americans with domestic net love to do — watch Netflix, play video games, and browse on a line with out interruption even supposing more than one gadgets are on the equal connection. For around $30 a month, New York City internet carriers offer basic programs of one hundred Mbps provider. In Saguache County, this kind of connection is rare; if a family needs a download velocity of 12 Mbps with an upload velocity of two Mbps, they are able to expect to pay a whopping $ninety.
This would be much less of a problem if the internet weren’t so valuable to fashionable existence. But taxes, activity applications, payroll operations, banking, newspapers, buying, university publications and video chats all are ubiquitous online. Saguache County’s students are expected to take their nation exams on line even though an administrator at one college that houses K-12 college students informed me that until the last yr, the internet frequently went down for more than one hours or maybe all day within the building.
The tide lengthy in the past grew to become from paper to virtual in American life, and but the disparities in getting admission to the net in elements of the united states of America may be stark. Rural communities frequently face logistics issues installing fiber-optic cable in sparsely populated areas. In Saguache, net problems are both logistical and financial; the county is three times the size of Rhode Island, at the same time as 30 percent of citizens live beneath the poverty line.
Some would argue that the social settlement has changed and that speedy net isn’t just a luxury — it’s a right of all 21st-century Americans. If that’s the case, we’re a long way from making sure it. Just spend some days hopping from metropolis to metropolis on Saguache’s long stretches of an avenue.
The U.S. Has a protracted record of trying to bring application get right of entry to all Americans. In the early 1930s, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt installed the Rural Electrification Administration, ninety percent of American farmers lived without power. Many families could not get entry to going for walks water, warmness and mild for the home. The price of running electric powered trains to the united states’ most faraway areas turned into prohibitive for income-looking for corporations, but the REA determined eager partners in rural electric cooperatives that had started out to spring up in small groups with an eye fixed towards modernization. The government commenced offering the co-ops loans to construct out their electric powered networks, and via the quiet of the Nineteen Forties, most farms in the united states of America had strength.
With clear eyes brought by 80 years of hindsight, it’s obvious that Americans need to have to get right to entry to electricity — u. S .’s monetary and social properly-being depends on it. Advocates of generic broadband argue the same will be said of the rapid net. Already, the law says that all Americans need to have to get right to entry to net offerings, thanks to the 1996 Telecommunications Act, which multiplied the belief of widely wide-spread carrier beyond simply the proper to phone provider. In 2017, many co-ops see bringing the high-velocity net to the maximum remote locations within the United States as the 21st century’s solution to rural electrification.
Shirley Bloomfield, CEO of the Rural Broadband Association, says rural America have to have fast broadband, in an element, as it’s proper for commercial enterprise.
She touted a 2016 study from the Hudson Institute that observed that sixty-six percent of the financial effect of rural broadband went to city economies in preference to rural ones, for the reason that most of the resources needed to construct these remote networks are sourced from urban regions. The equal have a look at predicted that if broadband was as true in rural areas as it is in urban ones, on line retail sales would be “as a minimum $1 billion higher.”
But there’s additionally a less-quantifiable social appropriate that rapid net gets right of entry to for all may carry to the use of a. Larry Downes, assignment director of the Georgetown Center for Business and Public Policy and an internet enterprise analyst, said that via a distinctive feature of except some, the net’s price as a network of connection was being diluted. “Any time we add one greater man or woman to the net, we get that many extra possible connections of humans, in order that has a greater cost.”
More pointedly: “The more you create 2d-elegance citizens, the greater we simply hold to look some of those political divides,” Bloomfield said. The closing election was proof of a breaking factor. “I think rural America sort of sat again and roared a little bit.”
the town of Crestone, Colorado, sits off Kingdom Route 17, on the give up of an extended avenue that cuts thru scrub-stuffed land at the base of the Sangre de Cristos. When I pulled in one early morning in late May, I didn’t see a soul, so I browsed the nearby bulletin board — a wooden range on the market, a lacking younger woman, yoga lessons — and surpassed plenty full of yurts and something that looked a lousy lot like a satellite tv for pc dish. Crestone has become domestic to a positive type of character, keen to live out of the 2017 mainstream, and the metropolis is filled with nonsecular retreat centers and transplants from out of the kingdom.
It’s additionally where Colorado Central Telecom has an office. The small operation gives net and make contact with plans to citizens in Saguache County and neighboring Chaffee County and has tailor-made its carrier to the wishes of the extra remote net consumer. While maximum urban and suburban companies use fiber cables laid inside the ground, rural companies often use some thing called fixed wireless network to keep away from the set up of miles of expensive cable. When the office opened, a technician named Joshua confirmed me a returned room packed with the equal form of satellite-looking dishes I had visible on the yurt. If a home wishes Colorado Central Telecom’s provider, the dish is hooked up to it and pointed within the course of the nearest constant wireless tower so that a sign can be beamed to the house. The dishes should be inside the line of sight of the tower, which can get intricate if trees or different obstructions are within the manner.
Maisie Ramsay, head of commercial enterprise development for Colorado Central Telecom, set out to expose me over the route of the morning the form of the route that airborne net signals have to tour around Saguache County. From Crestone’s center, we drove to a massive tower in a subject simply out of doors the city, then to a school in Moffat, a few minutes to the west, wherein a dish sat discreetly on the back of the building as children performed out the front. The excursion ended in the metropolis of Saguache, on the northern quit of the county, with Ramsay and I stare up at a tower on Cemetery Hill, a barren mound overlooking the tiny metropolis. A lady named Pat Miller came out to invite if we had been misplaced, and it turned out that she turned into a Central Telecom consumer. “CenturyLink, you’ve probably heard, simply became no longer going to present us the service,” Miller said, relating to the big telecom that services a few components of the San Luis Valley, in which Saguache County is situated. “It turned into horrendous.”
This type of complaint is commonplace in Saguache County. In 2011, Ralph Abrams, the previous mayor of Crestone, founded Colorado Central Telecom in direct reaction to bad service he said the town become getting from any other huge provider, Fairpoint. “Originally this started because Fairpoint was not supplying extra than half a [megabit],” Abrams instructed me. “Which is unusable,” Ramsay stated. According to Abrams, the metropolis turned into determined for the internet and the corporation became started because “none of the larger companies care about small rural regions.” The Internet is a software, Abrams said, and “utilities are a right for each person like street and sewer and water and energy and we will convey it.”
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Examining Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) New On-line Keep Updates
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is “spring cleaning” its On-line Save, welcoming Apple lovers to a fresh line of each merchandise in addition to product updates, however for Nomura, the authentic prize waits in the fall: the launch of the iPhone eight.
  Meanwhile, as Micron Generation, Inc. (NASDAQ: MU) prepares to release it 2d monetary region income for the yr, Susquehanna raises a confident curtain on what traders can anticipate with the quarterly call. For Apple, it’s all coming all the way down to the iPhone 8 launch, and for Micron, the chip giant’s fulfillment hinges upon execution and value trends. Let’s take a clearer look:
Apple’s Mid-Cycle Updates Overshadowed With the aid of iPhone 8 Anticipation
In a single day, Apple put its Online Shop on pause for a grand screen this morning: both new products in addition to updates to older traces are now to be had in the store, from a unique edition red iPhone 7 and 7 Plus to the iPad Air 2 alternative (just deemed “iPad), to iPhone SEs sporting made over storage capacities.
Nomura analyst Jeff Kvaal chimes in with key takeaways on what he nicknames “A Mid-Cycle Night time’s Dream,” whilst putting an extremely good deal of his expectations at the approaching tenth anniversary edition of the original iPhone. On the whole, the analyst sees a sturdy “dedication to the iPhone SE product line,” with checks underscoring the iPhone SE’s fulfillment in domestic prepaid markets in addition to overseas.
In reaction, the analyst reiterates a Buy rating on stocks of AAPL with a $a hundred thirty-five price target, which represents a 3% drawback from in which the stock is currently trading.
“However, we assume most of the people of clients in search of to improve their iPhones to attend out this mid-cycle refresh for the plenty predicted release of the iPhone eight later this 12 months,” explains Kvaal. Even though the tech large indicated a special edition pink iPhone 7 and 7 Plus had been underway, sporting the same charge tag because of the conventional fashions, the analyst stays largely unfazed, believing the bulk of Apple’s plans to usher in tremendous revenue are pointing to the iPhone 7s, 7s Plus, and eight.
The analyst adds, “Taking into consideration Tim Prepare dinner’s remarks several months in the past that Apple has ‘excellent computers’ in its roadmap, we are hoping to look the Mac computer product line refreshed someday soon.”
Normal, Kvaal concludes seeing those bulletins having “No impact at the iPhone eight supercycle,” the largest bullish piece of the Apple puzzle.
As normal, we love to include the analyst’s track file whilst reporting on new analyst notes to offer an attitude on the impact it has on stock performance. Consistent with TipRanks, 5-big name analyst Jeff Kvaal is ranked #281 out of four,549 analysts. Kvaal has a sixty-three% achievement charge and realizes 15.4% in his annual returns. whilst recommending AAPL, Kvaal yields 23.1% in average earnings on the inventory.
TipRanks analytics show AAPL as a Purchase. Out of 36 analysts polled By using TipRanks in the closing three months, 28 are bullish on Apple inventory, 6 continue to be sidelined, and a pair of are bearish at the inventory. With a return capability of 7%, the inventory’s consensus target price stands at $a hundred and fifty.21.
Razor Cognizance on Micron’s Execution and price tendencies
With Micron expected to deliver its 2nd region financial print for 2017 this Thursday evening, Susquehanna Mehdi Hosseini is coming near the print with a assured glimpse, reiterating a Tremendous rating on MU even as boosting the rate goal from $29 to $31, which represents a simply under 22% growth from wherein the stocks last closed.
Taking below account the chip large’s recent steerage hike, the analyst has introduced up his personal projections, cheering Micron’s expected “income top” in the lower back 1/2 of this year to reach $0.90 to $zero.ninety five. Additionally, the analyst seems to Average quarterly gross margins to amplify circling 37%, a zap of de Ja VU from Micron’s heyday in fiscal 2014. The analyst does renowned mixed DRAM and NAND ASPs will start to take a dip in the 2d 1/2 of this 12 months, which have stimulated his GM and other forecasts for that reason.
“But, even in spite of such ASP developments, MU ought to still demonstrate GM upside (above our up to date assumptions) and as a consequence supply income upside if it had been to execute in shifting DRAM to the 18nm node (supporting with a 20%+ decline in price/GB) and scaling its 64L 3-d NAND. We renowned that past records (and lack of execution) are an overhang on inventory psychology, mainly in an environment wherein ASPs have risen dramatically while Overall GM has already accelerated By way of ~10 pts (from the trough of 17% in Can also-2016 to 37.five% in Feb-2017). In this context, and considering the fact that MU’s beyond execution is considered as a combined bag, we argue that continued execution on the fee curve could not simplest drive higher peak profits, however, can also meaningfully benefit investor perception, considering Consensus is now targeted on whether records repeats itself with MU. We hold our Advantageous score and are razor focused on MU’s execution (especially on cost developments),” Hosseini surmises.
Mehdi Hosseini, the 4-big name ranked analyst.
In step with TipRanks, which measures analysts’ and bloggers’ fulfillment price based on how their calls carry out, four-superstar analyst Mehdi Hosseini is ranked #939 out of 4,549 analysts. Hosseini has a fifty-three% fulfillment rate and earns 6.5% in his yearly returns. However, when recommending MU, Hosseini loses 2.2% in average earnings on the inventory.
TipRanks analytics display MU as a sturdy Buy. based totally on 15 analysts polled By way of TipRanks inside the last 3 months, all 15 rate a Buy on Micron stock. The 12-month common fee target stands at $31.31, marking a nearly 23% upside from in which the inventory is currently buying and selling.
Apple Laptop stock dropped these days after the San Francisco Recorder, a legal newspaper, said Federal prosecutors are Analyzing Apple’s inventory choice files to decide whether to document criminal expenses. That turned into an escalation from the preceding degree of expectancies. A number of the stock’s cheerleaders are saying it will not hurt Apple or Steve Jobs, and there isn’t a hazard he might be leaving Apple.
I suppose that’s wrong, or at the least expresses a lot greater reality than any outsider may want to recognize. The other, quieter announcement changed into that Steve Jobs has “determined” that he desires to hire his own attorney to deal with the SEC and the Justice Branch anymore. To date, he has been represented By means of the business enterprise’s outside regulation firm.
One of the massive benefits of being in and around Silicon Valley for 25 years is the déjà vu effect. I’ve visible this earlier than. CEOs typically don’t rent their own counsel until the enterprise recommend tells them that the organization’s pursuits and the CEO’s pastimes have diverged. In other words, if Apple’s suggest has seen enough to believe the company was hurt and the CEO was involved in it, they have the capacity of representing the employer in a lawsuit towards the CEO, and therefore have to recommend him that they are able to not constitute him.
Now that the agency has admitted Jobs knew approximately the backdating, I assume the subsequent statement we will see is that Steve Jobs has been notified he’s the goal of a criminal research, and then the Board can have a completely hard time doing something apart from suspending him until the research is over.
I think this stuff due to the fact I’ve been thru the numbers, inclusive of what I trust is the largest inventory option furnish ever, to Steve Jobs in January 2000.
General, for the reason that contemporary proxy disclosure regulations commenced in 1994, Apple made 15 rounds of Alternatives presents through their September 2002 monetary 12 months. If you look at the price of those grants compared to the once a year range of the stock for the six months previous to the provider and the six months following the furnish, all 15 should average someplace across the fiftieth percentile of the annual range. A few grants made right earlier than the inventory declined could be in higher percentiles, while others made right earlier than the inventory shot up would be in decrease percentiles. but averaging all 15 rounds collectively, it seems reasonable to expect the 50th percentile if no funny enterprise turned into occurring.
Apple’s presents average within the fifteenth or 16th percentile. This is powerful evidence that an employer backdated, or as a minimum granted Options proper earlier than that they had cause to consider the stock become going to jump. Of route, Apple has now admitted that they backdated Alternatives, and Jobs knew approximately it
There are 3 transactions the SEC and Justice Branch possibly is looking at for backdating. One become on July eleven, 1997, when Apple repriced Alternatives and bosses turned in antique Options with a $7.44 strike fee for an identical number of new Alternatives with a $3.31 strike rate. There have been handiest other days inside the 1997 economic 12 months when the stock closed at a lower fee. On August 6, most effective 26 days after the repricing date, the inventory jumped 33% and then brought any other 11% on August 7. The question is whether someone decided on August 8 that July eleven would be an incredible day to make the repricing powerful.
A second case changed on January 17, 2001, while 4 top officials (no longer including Jobs) got Options totaling a million shares at $8.41 a percentage. A few months earlier than, on the ultimate commercial enterprise day of the 2000 fiscal 12 months, September 29, AAPL became cut in half of when they preannounced a profits shortfall. It stored losing to the $8.forty one option charge, after which staged an almost 60% rally in 4 months.
The 0.33 and most serious case is the massive forty million share (split-adjusted) provide at $21.80 a share to Jobs on January 12, 2000. This one is a piece complex because the employer has said Jobs “didn’t advantage” due to the fact the inventory finally went beneath the choice price. however here’s what certainly happened.
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