#you can ask me or lobelia!!
velvet4510 · 5 months
I just want to say to my fellow female Tolkien fans that we should not feel ashamed for loving these books that are admittedly male-centric.
It’s tempting to call Tolkien a sexist for including so few female characters in his legendarium - and I admit that yes he was not entirely free of sexism - but we must remember that the women he did include are the epitome of girl power and some of the best role models we could ask for: strong and willful and noble and brave, without sacrificing their femininity to prove themselves.
It’s glorious to me how you can flip through the books and see page after page of men doing everything … and then suddenly:
There’s Varda creating the Stars, Sun, and Moon!!
There’s Yavanna saving her trees by inspiring the creation of the Ents!!
There’s Melian making an Elf king forget his own people and then shielding an entire kingdom!!
There’s Lúthien defeating Sauron himself AND Morgoth himself!!!
There’s Idril preventing the complete annihilation of her people by creating the secret path out of Gondolin!!
There’s Galadriel resisting the One Ring!!
There’s Éowyn killing the lord of the Nazgûl!!
There’s Ioreth saving the victims of the Black Breath through her knowledge that the king will be the healer!!
There’s Arwen bridging the gap between Elves and Men as Queen of Gondor!!
There’s 100-year-old Lobelia beating Ruffians with her umbrella and leaving money in her will to help homeless hobbits!!
There’s Rosie raising 13 kids while simultaneously serving the whole Shire as Mistress of Bag End!!
There’s Elanor guarding and preserving the Red Book so that we can read it now!!!
That’s why I just can’t hold too big of a grudge about this. Yes, Tolkien didn’t write female characters too often, and it would’ve been fantastic if there were more. But when he did write them, they were amazing.
And on top of that, his male characters display literally our dream level of healthy masculinity in a man. Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, Faramir, etc. are our wish fulfillment. We have every right to enjoy that.
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pinkluhvv · 1 year
Tamaki Suoh, Haruhi Fujioka, Mitsukuni Haninozuka, and Takashi Morinozuka [separately] x gn! reader [except in Haruhi's you are a girl]
                                                                                    Jealousy over small things
Tamaki Suoh
Talking to the Host Clubs members [aka The Hitachiin Twins]
“You guys just don’t get the point of personal space do you?” You asked the two boys as they towered over you. 
“We don’t know what you’re talking about.” They replied in perfect unison, a creepy grin on each of their identical faces. Straight faced as you were, a certain someone watched from afar anger burning in his head. ‘Those two creepy perverted twins!!’ 
“You two!!” Tamakis voice echoed through the music room. Thank god there were no girls in here; Tamaki wouldn’t be the only jealous one here.
“We didn’t do anything, boss.” The two threw their hands up in the same unison as always.
“You didn’t-! Liars!! You two are some sick perverts to think I didn’t see that.” He grabbed you by the arm and held you to his chest as he accusingly pointed at the two.
“Tamaki, calm down they didn’t do anything that bad,” You groaned pushing him away and walking off to talk to someone else. “you’re so overdramatic.” 
“Whaaaaaa-!” He was now sitting in the corner of the room, his knees pulled to his chest.
“Just proving my point further.” You said not sparring him a second glance.
Haruhi Fujioka
Lobelia Girls [attempting] to flirt with you
“My dear, you simply are a beautiful maiden.” Benio spoke as she was on one knee, holding your hand to her lips. You blinked silently, you were trying to enjoy your evening with Haruhi and the rest of the host club, but I guess you never did get any peace.
Though instead of saying anything the twins and tamaki just sat back and laughed until they couldn’t breath. Haruhi and Kyoya stood off the the side observing silently.
“She’s the silent type isn’t she Benibara?” Chizuru spoke caressing your hair. Hinako stood next to you admiring you from the side an awe struck smile adorning her face.
“Aren’t you gonna say something.” The vein on your forehead threatening to pop as you craned your head to anyone other than the Lobelia girls. Everyone stared at you like you were stupid. Haruhi groaned walking towards you.
“Can’t you see shes uncomfortable? Obviously she doesn’t like you three.” Haruhi spoke her hands on her hips as she pushed Benio away and stepped in front of you.
“Oh so violent against, Lady Benibara.” Hinako said helping Benibara to her feet. 
“If that’s what the young maiden wishes. We shall be off.” Benio said dramatically placing the back of her hand to her forehead. 
“Yes, please leave.” You said shooing them out the door.
Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka
Eating cake with other people
You sat at a table with a few of your friends eating on a piece of [f. cake flavour]. ‘Is this heaven?’ You thought to yourself eyes closed in a blissful peace. 
“[f.name], are you okay? You’re awfully quiet over there.” Your eyes snapped open, as you stared at [friends name]. With a mouthful of cake you just nodded instead of spewing food everywhere.
“Mhm, mhm!” You nodded excitedly.
“Can I try some?” Your friend leaned over the table a small ‘ahh’ coming from her mouth. You took a spoonful of the cake and placed it in her mouth. She made a ‘mmm’ as she chewed and swallowed the cake. A very loud gasp shrouded the room and you jumped and looked to the side. A very betrayed looking Honey-senpai stood before you. 
“Di- Are you eating cake with someone else!?” He asked fat tears rolling down his cheeks. 
“Honey-senpai, calm down it’s not that big of a de-” 
“Wahhhhhh!!!” Honey jumped onto you knocking you out of your seat. You groaned and patted his back softly.
Takashi “Mori” Morinozuka
Getting confessed to [even if you refuse]
“So why did you want to speak with me, [name]?” You asked the boy who stood in front of you. 
“I.. I just couldn’t keep this to myself anymore.” He looked at the ground his face flushed red. Unbeknownst to the two of you there was someone watching front around a corner.
“And that is?” You tilted your head a little to dense to understand the intentions, you crossed your hands over your chest. 
“I-I really lo-” He was cut off by a deep ‘ahem’
“.. Takashi where did you come from?” You turned to your lover, a smile gracing your face.
“Over there.” He pointed somewhere random and turned the guy in front of you. “They’re taken.” He said placing a hand on your shoulder.
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dellalyra · 1 year
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Summary: He’s home. He’s here. Maybe, you can mend the shattered pieces of your lives.
CW: I’m sorry this is so angsts but like so fluffy too?? But angst? Idk it’s a hot mess of emotions. Swearing, loss, grief, grief, grief, like one suggestive sentence.
A/N: do we like voting on what comes next?? I think that’s fun. Anyway - legit kinda proud of this, I’ve written like a million thirsts on how fucking delicious unsealed gojo looks but I was so excited to explore the toll and emotions of the prison realm situation on the FF gang and also show that there is no couple more healthy and solid than Y/N and Satoru. As always, requests open and appreciated x x
Recommended Listening:
The Parting Glass - (I like the Hozier version, works well for Y/N and Gojo discussing the losses)
What He Wrote - Laura Marling
Set Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol
The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice (the turnaround)
I am the AntiChrist to You - NuDeco
Ensemble, Kishi Bashi (the ending)
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Yuuji’s voice, calling your name echoes through your head. You had no idea whether the unsealing worked or not. The box, it was gone. So now, you just sat staring at the skyline – trying to comprehend the fact that maybe, he was just gone. The angel – she’d done her part and the world had shook and you hoped that maybe, just maybe, that was a sign that your love was back in the mortal realm.
You waited, and stood, and waited, and watched.
Was this it? Had the world been left on your far too heavy shoulders? All the grief, the panic, the anger, the blood – was all of that yours to carry alone now? You couldn’t. You would fail. Without him, there was no hope. You wouldn’t be able to protect your family, your friends, yourself – at least Akio was out of Japan, but everyone else – you would die to protect them, even though you knew it would be the last thing to do.
The sun was beginning to set, you stood on the balcony of this flat – some stranger’s home, who had been quick to leave Tokyo – and you wished for the warmth of the cottage. The home Gojo and you had bought not long after graduation: with its plush sofas, and art spread around – some Tsumiki’s, some your families. The kitchen where many nights and so many important moments and memories had been made along with every dinner, you, Satoru – eating take out on the first night in your new home. The first night Megumi had asked for seconds a few weeks after they moved in, the table you signed the adoption papers for them, where Kento had told you both he was returning to sorcery, countless wine drunk nights with Shoko, where you and Satoru had told the Fushiguro kids that they were getting a sibling, where Akio had shouted his first word ‘cake!’, where Megumi had told you about his feelings for Itadori. All the kids room, and the spare rooms which had turned into other people’s de facto bedrooms. The master bedroom, nights wrapped up in tangles of limbs and sweat oh such sweet pleasure that everything else faded away or wrapped in blankets and each other's loving arms – whispers of eternity passing with the pillows as witness, falling asleep marvelling at the beauty of the moonlight bouncing off the Snow White hair of the ethereal man who you some got to call your husband splayed across the pillow beside you. You would often trace his features in his sleep, so at peace and restful and so beautiful that you couldn’t help but fall into dreams next to him. Your garden, where you grew everything from seed – peonies, sunflowers, roses, dahlias, lupins, lobelias and sweet pea and wisteria and most fruit and vegetables that you could dream of.
You’ve been holding everything in for so long – 19 days. You can’t falter. Not yet.
Please, ‘toru. Please come home to me.
You’re lost in your memories and hopes that somehow, the unsealing worked, and your beautiful boy will find you and love you and be beside you again – and then you will feel whole. Then, your soul and his will be complete.
The sliding door of the balcony breaks your trance.
“I’ll be in soon, Yuuji. Just enjoying the sunset.”
“I’ll find us some food. Leave your jeans out, I’ll mend them later.” You’re listing off the things you need to do because if you just keep going then maybe time will move faster and he will be home. Home with you.
“Y/N. Turn around.”
You slowly do as he asks.
“Hey, Princess.”
The bow clutched tightly in your hand clattered to the ground and you follow soon after, the legs and body that has been holding you steady and shouldering the fear and grief of all of your loved ones, gives way – as your knees buckle and make contact with the hard ground beneath you.
He’s alive, and he’s safe and he’s here.
A sob wracks your body and all that manages to come out of you shaking lips is,
And then your senses are engulfed, and you are home. Strong, steady arms pull you tight against a broad, heaving chest which you feel letting out shaky breaths.
“I – Satoru, fuck, I didn’t know if you’d come back, I thought I’d lost you forever, I didn’t know if it worked I needed to believe – oh god, you’re here., I couldn’t feel you at all, oh my god you’re here and you’re real. ‘Toru. I tried my best and I failed, and everything’s fallen apart and –” your sobs almost made your words unintelligible, but Satoru knew what you were saying and what you meant.
“You’re safe, you did so good. I’m here, my brave, strong girl.” He whispers into your hair.
You pull away and your hands are flying everywhere on his body, checking for injuries and any sign of something wrong but he’s okay, he’s strong and he’s here.
All you can do is grab him by the messy, snowflake white hair and pull him into your face to crash your lips against in a desperate, messy kiss full of unspoken words of love unconditional and reassurance that you both need, and the promise of safety in your reunion.
“Princess, Akio – where is he?” He says, petting your hair. You two would get to the issue of your eldest son in a minute, but the baby – he needed to know where his baby was.
“Safe – I sent him with my mom and uncle and he’s not in Japan. I got him out of the country.” Your words comfort you both, knowing the 18-month-old was safe and sound.
“Akio is safe but ‘toru – you know, don’t you? Megumi – that bastard, he took him. He’s with Ge- Kenjaku.” You stare into his eyes. Your husband was the only one who could fix this mess, but you really were trying to ignore what that meant.
“I know. I’ve seen him. But Y/N, he’s alive. He’s in there and he’s alive. I’ll get our little boy back.” You collapse into him, and him into you.
You realise he’s got no idea about the loss. The grief and the fact that you should be mourning but you don’t have time because everything is falling apart. He needs to know – and he needs to know now and from you, before he realises it or someone says something, he deserves to be told and he deserves it softly because the isolation and suffering he’s endured for 19 days have taken an inevitable toll and he needs you.
You suck in a deep breath and realise everyone else has long left the area. It’s just you both. Steadying yourself, as best as you can, you pull him into you – gripping the sides of his face so you can see that beautiful face.
“Satoru. Before you hear from anyone else – I need you to hear it all from me. Okay?” You say, pressing tearful kisses into his hairline.
“Please Y/N. I need to know; I need to know who we’re fighting for. There’s faces I didn’t see beside Yuuji and Maki and - I’m scared. I’m scared Y/N but please, God, please tell me now.” His voice is filled with despair and vulnerability that only you’ve seen.
“Are you sure?” You ask, pulling him to look in your eyes.
“Please.” He whispers.
“Satoru - it’s, we lost Nanami. He’s gone, Yuuji was there. He died at Shibuya.” Your voice breaks, his closest friend, Akio’s godfather - he’s gone. Only you, Shoko and Gojo were left now.
A sob wracks his body, and he grips your shoulders and leans into your chest, the pain of seeing him like this feels like it might rip open your chest and all you want to do is cry with him but fuck, the list is longer.
“Yaga is dead. Executed. Nobara, she’s alive but… they,” your voice breaks, “they don’t know if she’ll make it. You’ve been branded a traitor, me your accomplice. Mai Zen’in, she’s dead but Maki… she’s slaughtered the Zen’in clan. Alone. Yuuta’s home.” You try to explain the culling games and other events but everything feels like it’s coming out jumbled as you and Satoru just remain, a crumpled mess of limbs on the ground. Shaking, scarred – but together.
After some time of just – grieving and feeling each other’s presence, you convince him to come inside your temporary space and sleep and eat.
Once you’ve both settled, as much as you both can, you call a meeting of your small group. Satoru immediately goes into defence mode when a figure, unknown to him as an ally – enters the room.
“Oh, you’ve come to play, curse? What, tired of being used by Kenjaku, huh?” He sneers, and puzzle pieces click as you whip in front of him as he leans to lunge toward the tall, dark figure beside Yuuji.
“Satoru! Stop!” You say, softly.
And he does.
“This – is Choso. He’s Yuuji’s brother. Geto manipulated him. He’s safe – I trust him. He saved my life.” You grab his shoulders to ground him, knowing that the whirlwind of events was causing a torrent of emotions in him.
Choso nods, still new to the world, having been used like a lamb to the slaughter and having witnessed nothing but bloodshed and destruction since his birth. He reminds you a bit of yourself. Living solely to protect the ones you love, maybe that’s why you were so quick to accept him into your fold. He had quickly become one of your most trusted friends in the group, vowing to you, as the woman who cared for his brother that he would help retrieve your husband and son.
That evening, information was exchanged, plans drawn up, theories explored and through everything, Satoru and you never let go of each other – Akio was far away, but safe, Megumi – trapped by a monster inside his own body, the body of your best friend being used like a marionette with a date written in blood to fight the man you love, Nobara – on death’s door. Kento, gone forever.
But in those hours, hope was born.
Satoru had returned.
He was safe, and alive – and you had each other. All shadows seemed smaller by each other's side.
And now, you both had one shared goal – the most dangerous and potentially costly mission of your lives.
You were going to get your little boy back, together.
That night, in his darkest abyss, a shivering, broken boy heard and saw something.
He had no idea how, but he knew it was real.
Two clasped hands, golden rings shining, one hand smaller and the outlines of a vine tattoo tracing the wrist and one hand larger, pale with slender fingers clasping the smaller fingers.
‘Mom, dad?’ His weakened voice whispered into the vision.
‘We’re coming, kid.’ Satoru Gojo, his dad.
‘We’ve got you, ‘gumi.’ Y/N, his mom.
They were coming for him, together.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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obsidiancreates · 7 months
The Second Chance Of The Third Age (Part 4)
“Right, before we head out, one thing.” Bilbo kisses Thorin as they both wake before the sun even rises. “I’ve got some letters to write, and a statement to make down at the market.”
“I’m putting Frodo and Sam’s fathers in charge of Bag End while I’m gone- hopefully it means Frodo and Sam will still grow up together, without Drogo and Primula dying and me adopting him.”
Thorin looks more than a little lost, but he nods. He gives Bilbo another kiss and Bilbo goes to his study to begin writing letters.
“AHEM!” Bilbo stands on a picnic table set out in the middle of the market, Gandalf and Thorin standing nearby and the rest of The Company (poorly) hiding nearby to watch the spectacle.
All eyes in the market turn with no small amount of shock as Bilbo Baggins, an altogether respectable if not slightly odd Hobbit, demands their attentions.
“I just wanted to announce, in case this takes quite a long time-” as he knows it will, “-that I’m going, on a very long holiday!” He gestures at Gandalf, who is still taller than him even as Bilbo stands on the table, and then he gestures at Thorin. “As you can see, Gandalf, the old friend of my family, has come by with an offer on behalf of this here very fine dwarven gentleman, and I’ll be traveling with them for the foreseeable future.”
The murmuring among the market is equal parts horrified and intrigued, and the undercurrent of it all is confusion.
“I’m announcing this because I’m leaving the care and ownership of Bag End to Hamfast Gamgee and my cousin, Drogo, while I’m away!” Bilbo looks across the market and levels a gaudily dressed and dark-haired Hobbit lass with a glare that could kill a dragon. “And if I return to hear anyone has been harassing them or kicking up a fuss about ‘proper ownership’, I’ll handle it personally.”
Lobelia, all the way across the market, returns Bilbo’s glare with one of equal venom and fire. Bilbo ignores it, and promptly hops down from the table.
The first to approach him, somewhat hesitantly, is Mr. Worrywart. “So ah, Mr. Bilbo… what brought this on, then?”
“Suppose I’m finally taking after my mother’s side,” Bilbo says, brushing off his coat. 
“Suppose you are… has it got uh, anythin’ t’ do with that there wizard?” Worrywart whispers the last part.
Bilbo leans in and whispers back, “Oh, completely. He’s cast a spell of ‘Bring Out The Tookishness’ on me.” He straightens up as Mr. Worrywart lets out a soft, half-believing laugh.
As soon as Bilbo turns to leave, Thorin and Gandalf with him, the market becomes positively abuzz with gossip. Gandalf sweeping away strange little Mr. Baggins? On an adventure with dwarves?! And look at that, why there were a dozen more hiding in the reeds by the little river! And is that dwarf there holding Mr. Baggins’s hand?! What a scandal, what an uproar, that Gandalf is quite the disturber of the peace is he not? Who’s to say Mr. Baggins will return at all!
Bilbo has a self-satisfied smile and a pep to his step as they head back up the hill to finish grabbing their belongings and get going. 
“Was tha’ worth it?” Bofur asks, glancing back at the market and all the looks still being shot the group’s way. “You’re still comin’ back, if it’s like last time.”
“Oh, I fully intend on living in Erebor with Thorin,” Bilbo says without even a shred of uncertainty. “I’ll move back only if Drogo and Primula pass on again, and with any luck it won’t happen with the destruction of The Ring so early on.”
“Why would that matter to their deaths?” Dori looks a little nervously at Bilbo.
“Gandalf told us more than once that none of it was chance- I was meant to find The Ring, and Frodo was meant to destroy it. It would only go to him if he was my heir, and he was my heir because Drogo and Primula died and I took the boy in. Ring gone, no need for Frodo to carry it, no need for Drogo and Primula to die.” Bilbo nods to himself.
“We are meddling with fate in ways we cannot begin to comprehend, then.” Gandalf rubs his forehead.
“Unless the Valar sent us all back.”
“Which we cannot confirm!”
“We also can’t deny it.”
“Don’t waste all your riddles on our wizard,” Bofur pipes up. “You’ve still got a… whatever tha’ Gollum thing is, and a dragon to grapple with!”
Bilbo’s expression grows dark. “... He used to be a Hobbit.”
The silence that envelops The Company is a dark one, and it continues as they gather their things. None are willing to break it for a long while.
It’s as though the single statement solidifies their situation more than any said before.
He used to be a Hobbit.
Used to be. The look in Bilbo’s eyes… there’s more to be said, and terrible things flit through the minds of each member of The Company. Not just for what may happen to Bilbo, should they fail, nor for what may happen to them as individuals.
A quest to reclaim a mountain from a dragon, numbering just 15 at the best of times, was already foolhardy enough. And now, their quest encompasses so much that it may as well be boiled down to ‘rid Middle-Earth of all evil entirely’ and be accurate enough to stand. And to make it happen, one within their party must carry the most foul, wicked, terrible item to ever be created…
“... Did you know,” Balin says suddenly, after a long silence that extended even to getting onto the ponies, “The dwarves were gifted Ring of Power in the bygone ages.”
Bilbo looks up at Balin. “They were?”
Balin nods. “Aye, and our kings held the last for many years. Until it vanished, with King Thrain. And do ye know how many of those Dwarf Lords served the enemy, Bilbo?”
Bilbo shakes his head.
Balin smiles, tight but true. “None. Men fell, and Elves fought, but Dwarves stayed true. Some stories do suggest the Rings were responsible for gold sickness, but never, never, did they claim our hearts to service of Sauron.”
Dwalin nods, catching onto the purpose of the story. “Aye, laddie. The hearts of Dwarves are hard to sway.”
“And our loyalties, even harder. As you know too well,” Balin says with an apologetic look. “What I mean t’ say is, you don’t need to carry the burden of that Ring alone. I know we already swore to accompany you, watch you, but if it came to it we would carry you through the terrible gates with our own hands.”
Carry him.
Frodo had spoke, many times, of Sam’s bravery on the final slopes of Mount Doom. Had sung praises, wept in grateful fits, whispered in bouts of unending guilt, of Sam picking him up and carrying him into the heart of that terrible place.
Starving, wounded, endlessly hopeful Sam. And Frodo had never stopped his emphasizing that Sam was the true reason The Ring was destroyed- and Sam had never stopped arguing that Frodo was. Back and forth they would go, Sam insisting it was Frodo who truly overcame because of just how long he was tormented and tempted, Frodo insisting it was Sam for never being tempted once and never allowing Frodo to fall to The Ring’s power. And in truth, they were both right-
Both true heroes.
The Ring is not a burden that can be carried alone- he recalls Lady Galadriel, speaking with Frodo on the boat to Valinor, of his experiences. How Frodo had whispered to her, to not let the others with them hear.
“Forgive me, Lady Galadriel… but I’m afraid you were wrong about one thing.”
“What was I wrong about, Frodo Baggins?”
“To bear a ring is not to be alone. Not as much as it may wish you to believe so.”
He remembers Frodo looking back to the shores where Sam stood then. 
Bilbo is jarred from the memories by Thorin handing something to him. Small, white, with blue thread framing the edges and a little BB stitched into the lower corner.
He laughs a wavering, tearful laugh. “My handkerchief.”
Thorin nods, a smile ghosting his lips. “You forgot it again.”
Bilbo laughs again, louder, and the rest of his dearest friends join him, soon filling the quiet Shire road with merriment.
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OC in 15 - Jonah Rafferty
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Thank you @serenpedac and @deepinifhell for the tags!! Most of these are from unfinished WIPs, but stealing the idea from Seren to link the fics I've actually posted. This was so fun to make and since I'm indecisive, I'll definitely be doing it for Côme and Madeleine too!
Since I'm really late to this, I'm not tagging anyone in particular, but if you guys want to do it, tag me!!
1. "What do you mean ours is the worst one?" He asks vehemently. "It's the only one still standing, Tina!"
2. Satisfied with the result, Jonah grins proudly. “Je dois admettre que vous êtes à couper le souffle, joli coeur.” He whispers in Nate’s ear, resting his hands on his shoulders. (x)
3. “I’ll wait”, he promises. “Even if it’s for decades. Even if it’s for centuries. I’ll wait for you.” (x)
4. He cannot flee for she is standing in the doorway, holding them all hostages. Forcing him to show his new found family how pitiful he is. ‘Don’t let them see how cruel you make me!’ he wants to yell, but she never knew how to listen to him.
“I was never that bad of a mother.”
He scoffs and what a mistake that is. That single sound leaving his mouth makes the whole dam rupture.
“Do you really want to know how bad of a mother you are? Do you want to know what having you as a mother felt like? Or do you want me to comfort you for neglecting me?” (x)
5. "You've never read Lord of the Ring?" [...] "Why?"
6. "[...] and I'm scared it'll blow up in my face at some point, just like it did with Bobby…” [...] “I know it's stupid, because they're not like him, they're nothing like Bobby, but I can't help it, Bo…” (x)
7. “Can’t believe you have such nimble fingers and still can’t operate this devilish box.” Jonah whispers, the warmth of his breath against his ear sending tingles all over Nate’s skin.
8. "Okay, buddy. We're going on a walk, but I swear, if you bring us to the pet store, one more time today, I'm bringing you to Verda's and letting the girls put whatever hair accessories on you."
9. "For years, I wondered if I had done something wrong to deserve what you did to me."
10. “What’s making you laugh?”
“It’s just something that you wrote.” Adam answers before reading Jonah's annotation. “‘These two-’, you’re referring to Merry and Pippin here. ‘-definitely hid stuff all around the house to piss off Lobelia’”
11. "Douglas, kiddo, please tell me you listened to, at least, half of my explanation..."
12. "Hi, dad..." Jonah greets Rook in a whisper as he sits down onto the grass. He takes a moment to think about what he's going to say. He already knows what he's going to say, but now that he's sitting there, he wonders if his words would upset his father. "She came to the station today. It's been 10 years since I last spoke to her..."
13. "Quick question, can vampires get tattoos?"
14. "Sometimes, I wonder if the way to your heart is made of plastic bricks." Nate says, watching fondly as Jonah excitedly unwraps the box of Legos.
15. "Hypothetically speaking, how does one get into the archive room?"
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lucigoo · 3 months
#FFF245 - You Never Cared, Why Start Now?
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Pairing - Past Bilbo/Thorin Warnings - Suicide by fire, MCD Words - 752
Summary - It started with the fires burning through Erebor. It will end with the fires burning through Bag End. Prompt #245 @flashfictionfridayofficial A03 here
Bilbo looked around at his smial. It was empty, bereft of life. Even though he had gotten everything back, even though it was all in place, it was useless. This wasn’t his home. This wasn’t anyone’s home anymore.
His home was buried in a mountain. Still and silent. His chest no longer moving, his heart now longer beating, no longer able to love Bilbo.
And yes, Bilbo’s heart still beat, as sluggishly as it did so, but the tempo was all wrong. It was broken. Like the rest of him.
He sighed again as his cup of tea turned to ash in his mouth.
He had done his job as a burglar. He had done his duty as a free being of middle earth.
He had saved the dwarves of Erebor, got their home back, and then he had gone to Mordor and saved everyone else.
It was then, with the frantic knocking on his door, that he wondered WHY he had even bothered. Wondered if the small-minded beings he knew had even been worth saving.
Bilbo opened the door to, well, a mob. He looked out at his family and sighed. He didn’t have the energy for this, and he had warned them not to come too close to him. Until he felt better. If he ever felt better.
“What?” he asked sharply, exhausted already.
“You can’t stay in Bag End alone Bilbo,” the shrill voice of Lobelia called through, increasing the pounding in his head even more.
Bilbo couldn’t hold back his wince at her voice. He took a deep breath and looked at her, hand reaching behind the door for Sting, in case he needed to chase the group away. “I can, and I shall. I’m sick, Lobelia. Go away before the malice of Sauron infects you too,” he said.
He watched as the other hobbits muttered about him and his “stories” to one another, right in front of his face. Bilbo’s nose screwed up in disgust. What happened to at least pretending to have manners and talking behind people’s backs?.
“You’re not well Bilbo,” Lobelia said in a sickly sweet voice.
“I know I am unwell. I’ve just told you I’m sick. But it isn’t the kind of sickness you are insisting upon. My head and my marbles are fine. I also wrote a will before I left. It will stand and you will not get Bag End no matter what happens to me. Now go,” he ordered.
Lobelia stood there seething as she tried one last time with the hobbits backing her up. “Bilbo, I only care about your well being,” she started.
“Do not lie to me!” Bilbo roared. “You do not care. You never cared. Any of you. The few who did are not here. You only cared to get my home, my assets. Who cared when I was a faunt? Lost and alone? Who cared when I had to arrange my parents’ funeral alone? Who cared between then and now? None of you. You never cared. And now it is too late. Leave my smial!” he thundered before slamming the door shut and locking it for good measure.
Bilbo heard them leave, heard the grumblings. Heard how no one sane would deal with Mad Baggins. He was already dying, so what difference did it make how or when he died?
He waited for the evening and got everything ready. And then he dropped the torch. He waited in his living room, Sting in one hand, his mithril on his knee, Thorin’s travelling cloak around his shoulder and his map in front of him.
Bilbo then knelt with his favoured possessions around him as the fire soared, as the red flames spread. He held his acorn close and sent a prayer to Yavanna. He was already dying and his heart had been lost back in Erebor. His kith and kin despised him for being different. He had nothing left. His purpose, if he ever had one, was done. Now he just felt like an empty shell in the shape of a hobbit.
Maybe Yavanna would show him mercy and allow him to go to Thorin. Maybe they would have pity on one small, sad, lost little hobbit as he sat there and let the flames destroy him and his home.
In the morning, there was nothing left of Bag End or Bilbo, but ash and smoke. Bag End was gone and so was a remarkable hobbit who had managed to save everyone but himself.
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chiarasweets · 1 year
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Experimental Art of Mew Lychee in her mermaid form...plus some sketches of my Tokyo Mµ Project. 
Let me introduce you to Zaar’tar, a strong galaxian warrior and outcast of Äelysia, one of the few sibling planets of earth and the origin of  Mµ Aqua.
On the right, his sister, Lobelia, princess of Äelysia and refugee on earth.
In the middle Lilinas (Lychee) Aquaria Mon Ocean ouftit, lol. The mews do not longer work at the café, but at an aquarium centre. Long before TMMN was announced I had decided to base my fanstory around the ocean and since TMMN has been going that route it fits perfectly with my story. ;u; I cannot tell you how pleasing that is. In any way, theres also a version with shorts! But Lilina always hops right into the water and plays with the rescued animals and takes care of them.
Especially with the background story of the Aliens we know so far.
In  Tokyo Mµ Project the inhabitants of Äelysia and a few warriors from space seek refugee on earth after Äelysia, a neutral planet and usually never involved in any wars and politics as decided per all the other colonies - has been under attack to get hold of the princesses as well as the strong power of  Mµ Aqua. Now, Äelysia has been Eden in Universe so to say. Usually you’d drop by to heal and refresh; also a great place for trading. The residents do not hold any weapons and violence is strictly forbidden. Those who go against the rules or decide to leave the planet; are outcasts and banned.
So, hiding on their new home called Earth, the princess and some other royals retreat to the depths of the ocean (where they also resided in Äelysia. Hence the importance of mermaids in my project as well as in TMMN now! Nice.)
the rest develops a new life. I had originally planned to make element based tribes, which would explain why Kisshu, Pie and Tart could fly (their ancestors would be from the wind/air tribe).
TMMN stated, that the aliens on earth had to leave because of the climate change and other stuff, I had planned the same, only with a few surviving after the catastrophe hits.
Those would evolve into what humans are now over time. 
There is so much more to say actually but for know I’ll leave it as it is.
If you have questions though...you can always send an ask! :)
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hi! 💜💜 how about 🥤, 🌻, 🧃,🦷,🎨 for the writer's truth or dare ask game
hiiii! Thank you for asking! <333333 now...let's see...
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love There are so many! But today, a shoutout to my glorious beta-reader @lemurious whose lovely fics across Tolkien'verse and classics fandom are beautifully written and acutely observed. Special mention to Long Enough for Memory, Evenstar and As Soon As Things Look Dangerous which feature Arwen, Rosie, Elanor and Lobelia all being absolutely awesome. <333333333
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis Again, there are so many, but I don't talk to @pikkuinen nearly often enough any more! <3333333
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before ahahahaha I've asked this one, but now realise I don't actually understand what it's asking for XD is this to do with my writing, or myself? hmmmm...let's assume it's about me, and go for what I think is probably my earliest memory, which is being in a hospital waiting room or treatment room, aged about two and a half, after having my forehead stitched back together, having tripped and fallen head-first into the glass-panelled front door in the house we lived in until I was six. I've had it reinforced by my parents talking about it (I used to run to the front door every evening when my dad came home, so my poor dad, getting out of the car after a long day at work, was met with his rather pregnant wife (my brother wasn't all that far off being born) holding his screaming two-year-old with a teatowel clamped to her head. Ooops.) but I do still dimly remember the room, and a large teddy bear that was there for the kids to play with. Apparently once I was stitched up, I was belting up and down the corridor quite happily, while my parents leaned weakly on each other. XD
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on Hang in there. Everything is cyclical, and everything ends eventually.
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it oooooh! Well, everything by the lovely @chicotfp (it is so lovely to see someone still doing manips and these are beautiful!), and also this piece by @deerlordhunter which was the inspiration and catalyst for basically everything I've written about grieving!Thranduil in Empty Vessel-'verse. It captures his sadness so beautifully and dynamically, I swear I can almost see his expression change, almost imperceptibly. It's amazing.
Wheee! Anyone else fancy asking me some questions? I'm off to bed now but will answer tomorrow. :D :D :D
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Elders and Betters
Bilbo meets a dragon.
“Oh,” said Bilbo, faintly.
He looked up at the dragon. The dragon looked down at him. It was larger than the largest building in the Shire, larger than the hall of the Elvenking; if it had wanted to destroy Laketown all it would have had to do was sit down. The last of the gold that had concealed it cascaded off its scales and rang in beautiful harmony as it hit the rest - goodness, that really was a lot of gold, wasn’t it?
“Oh,” he said, again. “But. You’re only a baby.”
The baby reared back, affronted, and Bilbo took in the treasure hall properly for the first time.
It was. Such a lot of gold. And the hall was quite lovely, too, Thorin hadn’t been exaggerating. Bilbo could see that, now.
“You dare-” the infant began, and Bilbo wrenched his attention back to it. Priorities, Baggins, he scolded himself.
“I do, I do indeed,” said he, fixing the baby with his fiercest business look. “The way those dwarves were carrying on, you’d think you were Ancalagon the Black come again.”
“I - I am Smaug,” the infant said, as though Bilbo didn’t already know. Its agitation caused three showers of silver and a rain of jewelled fish. It was mesmerising, it truly was.
“Desolator of Dale! Destroyer of Dwarves! The Lord of the Lonely Mountain!”
“Yes, yes,” Bilbo said, flapping an impatient hand. “It’s all very impressive, I’m sure. Whatever can Gandalf have been thinking?” he muttered to himself. “The dwarves, I can understand; never make a fuss when a bother would do, but a wizard really ought to know better - “
“I am SMAUG,” the baby howled, rattling the pillars and shaking loose jewels from its encrusted hide. “Last of the great wyrms of the North!”
That got Bilbo’s attention. “Oh,” he said, again, “oh dearie me. No.”
“What do you mean, no-” 
“Goodness,” Bilbo said to himself, “is that mithril? And sapphires, how lovely.” He patted his pockets, looking for his pipe. “Now where did I put the -” oh, he’d lent his matches to, to Bofur, wasn’t it? Or maybe Balin? His memory wasn’t what it was. He stared at his pipe for a moment until the pipeweed smoldered and caught. He took a deep puff, satisfied, and it was at this point that the dragon attempted to eat him. 
“No,” said Bilbo, in a voice he hadn’t had to use since the last time he caught Lobelia reaching for the teaspoons; it was a whole choir of voices, the song of avalanches, command over majesty over power. The mountain quaked to the root. Outside, the last of the birds took flight.
Smaug froze.
“Well, really,” Bilbo said, aggravated beyond belief. He huffed angrily at his pipe for a few moments, the drifting smoke a sudden, sullen red. “What manners! No better than a Sackville-Baggins.”
The baby didn’t answer. Its eyes twitched above its still open jaw. 
“No respect,” said Bilbo. “None at all.”
He tucked his thumbs into his waistcoat pockets, the better to pace in a lecturing style.
 "As I was saying,” he began again, while above him the dragon moved not a muscle, not a scale. “I really had only intended to have a little look around. Get the lay of the land, so to speak. Maybe pick up that little white gem they all seem so het up about, what do they call it? The Arkenstone? Such a lot of fuss over one shiny rock, honestly. You'd think it were a silmaril, the way they carry on. I don't like to cause trouble," Bilbo said, turning back to the infant and treating it to his sternest glare. “But trying to eat me. Me! I ask you.”
His eyes were yellow. The pupils slitted.
“Anyone would think you were raised by wolves,” said Bilbo, around slowly elongating teeth. “It simply won’t do. I won’t have it.” 
He could feel the shadow of his wings stretching up the wall. Up, and up, and up.
“And besides,” he said, in a voice quite unlike his usual polite, hobbit-hole voice, “I haven’t had a meal worthy of the name in an age.”
                                                      * * * * *
The dwarves were all gathered round in anxious attention when Bilbo came back up out of the mountain. He tossed the Arkenstone to Thorin, who fumbled it in his shock and nearly dropped it.
"Well, there you have it, gentlemen," he said, and sat down on the thrush rock, the better to balance ankle on opposing knee and have a pipe.
He fished it out of his pocket and was patting down his jacket for the little pouch of longbottom leaf he'd been saving for just such an occasion, when he felt the gaze of thirteen sets of stunned dwarvish eyes.
"Problem?" he asked, looking up.
"What about the treasure?" said Fili.
"What about the dragon?" said  Kili.
"Oh, that," Bilbo said, turning his attention back to his pipe. When it was set just the way he liked it, he looked around for a light and Bofur struck a match for him on the side of the mountain. His eyes were wide as saucers. It didn’t suit him, but Bilbo was hardly going to say so. He wasn’t a savage.
"Yes," Balin said, spluttering, "that!"
"No dragon," Bilbo said, succinctly. "I checked quite thoroughly."
"No... no dragon?" Balin said. Thorin ignored all of this, staring at the Arkenstone as though it contained the wisdom of Durin and the secret of mithril and the light of the Two Trees all in one, which Bilbo tried to find amusing and not at all worrisome. He was quite full, thank you, and he’d never been fond of indigestion.
"Indeed, no dragon," Bilbo said, rather than think about that. "Must have got bored, or something. Wandered off. Can't imagine why, it's a lovely place."
This provoked a flurry of noise as the dwarves competed to be incredulous about the first and smug about the second to the greatest volume and length.
"In fact," Bilbo said, drawing in a breath and letting it out in a puff of smoke that twisted, fanged and reptilian, before dissolving into the dusk, "I rather think I'll stay."
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To the Shadows that Cry Witch /// Chapter 17
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Hello! So I've made this one a little longer to make up for the two weeks of posting I missed, even though it's still a bit of a filler chapter, but I promise more exciting things are coming. Also I may be going on a small hiatus after posting this or the next chapter so I can get myself ready for uni. But apart from that, Enjoy! <3
Summary: Magic was real, but it came at a price. So when two girls end up in the one place they never thought they could reach, strange things began to happen. Good or bad? That's up to them to find out.
Tags: Kili x oc/reader - Fili x oc (POV to be written soon) - Thorin's company × ocs/reader (platonic) - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Bagginshield
Word Count: 3013
Warnings: Mentions of injuries and distressing events from previous chapter.
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Want some background music? Check out my Soundtrack Playlist!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
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Part 2: Chapter 17 -
I am confusion.
Moira (Definition): A person’s fate or destiny. (Noun / Origin: Irish / Moi·ruh)
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Hobbiton, The Shire – T.A. 30th September 2939 of the Third Age (1339 in Shire-reckoning)
“And he just dragged you both in unconscious and decided to let you stay? Just like that?? Yavanna he is a strange hobbit.”
We both nodded in unison at Mrs Greenfoot’s questions and watched as she let out a guffaw, her eyes widening in disbelief at the story we told about our arrival. We had left out the parts where our belongings had materialised out of thin air and the near-death experience we had falling from the sky, otherwise I was sure we would be chased around with a cane and one unhappy hobbit lady yelling about us being delirious.
We were currently sat what seemed like a sewing room, with a folding screen standing tall on one side, whilst the other wall was taken up by a large cabinet and further shelving, that housed threads and fabrics of all kinds of colours and textures. I was currently sat on a small circular ottoman stool, watching Gladiola as she stared at the numbers on a measuring tape she had wrapped firmly around Kay’s waist. Brushing a brown curl out of her face, she released the tape and turned to a small table next to her, jotting numbers down on some paper.
“Well that’s a first.” She began. “It’s not every day Bilbo just lets anyone into his home. Not after he found Lobelia that one time trying to nick an entire drawer of handkerchiefs, my word,” she said with a chuckle, “Their screaming match could be heard from across the river!”
“He didn’t ask us right off the hook, though.” Kay responded. “We explained our situation and managed to convince him in the end.”
“Right.” Gladiola said whilst wrapping the tape around Kay's bicep. “Just make sure you two stay out of trouble – for both your reputations and Bilbo’s. The hobbits here love gossip, nor are all of them friendly to outsiders, if you haven’t already noticed.” She warned.
“Yeah we’ve noticed. I counted 9 who changed their route to avoid us, and don’t get me started on the staring.” I answered unenthusiastically.
Gladiola let out a short laugh. “You’re going to have to get used to it for a little while, I’m afraid. At least until they warm up to you. Hopefully.” She made one final note on the paper and put her tape measure away. “Now, keep in mind I am limited to what I have access to in Hobbiton, but why don’t you two tell me what kind of clothes you want.”
We spent a while sharing our ideas – I asked about a simple layered dress with a bodice that was similar to what Mrs Greenfoot was wearing, and some dungarees. Kay described a something similar, but with her own colour scheme, Gladiola nodding along as she wrote it all down. During that time, Bilbo had returned with the tea, and had a kettle boiling away as we all sat at the dining table.
“Ok, I’ll see what Mrs Brownlock has at her stall tomorrow morning and get started.” Gladiola explained.
Bilbo reached into his pocket and brought out a sack of coins, handing it over to Gladiola, insisting she had some form of money-based payment for the help she was provided, and she received it gratefully. I stood up and walked over to the stove to pour another cup of tea. At that point, loud chatter was heard outside, growing nearer, and soon enough the front door swung open, several small figures darting in with haste, followed by a very out of breath older hobbit.
The taller hobbit leant on the door, his face glowing a rosy red as he heaved deep breaths, and we all watched as several hobbit children scampered around, yelling with glee as smiles plastered each of their similar faces. All of them had mops of brown curly hair, varying in shades, lengths and styles, that swished around as they tumbled down the hallway. Though that came to a stop as they reached the kitchen.
The tallest of the children entered first and immediately froze, her large, dark blue eyes, that matched her dress, widened as they honed in on us. Another two crashed into her, causing her to stumble, and one by one the rest followed, crashing into each other until they all were stood still in the hallway, staring in with wide eyes.
Finally, the older hobbit caught up, his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. He wore a grey button-up, tucked into a simple pair of brown trousers held up by suspenders of the same brown colour. A striking pair of dark blue eyes that matched the tallest child in front of him were slightly hidden by a mass of dark brown curls that spiralled down just past his pointed ears. His eyes were wide, darting around as his face held an awkward expression at the sight of the four of us.
“My love,” he greeted Gladiola, who gave him a warm smile in return. “I uhh – didn’t… realise we were having guests today?”
“Are you an elf?”
My body jerked slightly, startled as I looked down to find one of the smaller kids had silently approached me, and was now staring up with giant brown doe eyes as she poked at my knee.
“Uhhhh, no?” I answered confusedly.
“But you’re so tall?!” This time it was one of the boys that spoke up, hurrying over to join what I guessed was his sister to where I was stood by the stove.
“She has long straight hair like an elf!”
“And look! Her ears are pointy!”
“Ah, no,” I answered with a nervous laugh, “They just look pointy when I face forward.” I turned my head and pointed at my ear. “I can assure you they’re round.”
The two of them looked like they didn’t believe a word I said, and I felt myself begin to sweat slightly at the pressure of their staring. That was, until the girl glanced at Kay, and immediately set her sights on her.
“What about you!” She exclaimed, causing Kay to jump in her seat. “Are you an elf?!”
“She not tall enough.” Said the boy, and I burst out laughing at the sight of Kay’s offended face, her mouth open in shock. “Maybe she’s half elf.”
“Melba! Rothad! That’s enough!”
Gladiola’s voice resonated through the room, silencing the two kids.
“Sorry ma.” They both said in unison.
“Mum, who are these people?” Piped up the tallest who had come through first. She was definitely the eldest of the group, her protective nature showing with the wary look on her face as she subconsciously picked up the smallest child and held her in her arms.
“They’re friends of Bilbo’s dearie,” Mrs Greenfoot answered. “They’re staying here for a while, so I’ll be making them both some outfits to fit in.”
“But I thought Bilbo didn’t like outsiders?” Revealed the eldest, much to Bilbo’s chagrin.
“W-well it’s not that I dislike everyone who comes through the Shire,” He defended with a red tint to his ears. “I’ve just happened to have some unfortunate encounters with the men of Bree during the odd visit, that’s all.”
The eldest looked unconvinced, her brows pinched as she pinned him with an intense glare, causing Bilbo to shrink in his chair slightly at the sight of the challenging child.
Gladiola quickly went to break the tension, distracting her eldest child with a suggestion to introduce everyone, to which she did.
“My name is Menegilda, and these are my sisters, Melba, Berylla and Lalia.” She gestured to the girls on her right, then to the three boys grinning on her left. “And these are my brothers, Rothad, Griffo and Madoc. Also, this is our father.” She pointed her dad who had sneaked passed the seven kids, and was pouring himself a cup of tea.
He gave us both a warm grin, walking over to give his wife a kiss on the forehead, before introducing himself. “Gilbert, it’s lovely to meet you both, and to see you again Bilbo!” He clapped the other hobbit on the back, sitting down on the chair by Gladiola, who turned towards us.
“I hope you guys are up for the challenge, cause you’ve got seven kids to look after.” She said.
Her sentence was met with a wide range of reactions: Kay and I nodded in agreement, whilst Gilbert slumped in his chair with a sigh of relief (turns out he likes having his weekends off with the kids, but it was nice to have a break sometimes). The children were a mix, most of them shouting in excitement whilst others like Menegilda and Madoc – who were the eldest of the group – looked unsure at the thought of strangers looking after them. I didn’t blame them though, I’ve had my fair share of babysitters in the past, and not knowing them beforehand made things a little awkward when it came to them telling you what to do.
Though we no longer had any choice on whether or not we wanted to get to know them, because the two of us were instantly swept away, Melba and Rothad in the lead as they dragged us further into the house. I gave Kay an exasperated look.
“I think I’m gonna have a hard time remembering all these names.” I whispered as much as I could over the yelling.
Kay scoffed. “But you can recite the names of over eighty Transformers characters? It shouldn’t be that hard.” She smirked as I pouted with a frown.
 It wasn’t long before Kay and I found ourselves sat on the floor of one of the kid’s bedrooms, being prodded with questions as some played with our hair, whilst the others scurried around the room, grabbing random things of theirs to show us. Menegilda had remained in the corner at first, but soon enough she was sat in front of us with the youngest in her lap – Lalia – after seeing my wrist splint and asking how it happened, but now she quietly spoke about what the seven of them usually got up to.
Hours passed, and we found ourselves waving goodbye to the Greenfoot family, exhausted from the children’s constant playing, and full from both Bilbo and Mr & Mrs Greenfoot effortlessly putting together the last 4 meals of the hobbit day - Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and Supper. As a thanks, I promised to make another batch of Victorian sponge cakes, much to the excitement of the large family at the thought of trying a new type of pudding. And with that, the two of us and Bilbo finally made our way up the grassy path, dimly lit by the dying light of the golden hour, ready to go to bed.
25 Days Later – T.A. 25th October 2939 of the Third Age (1339 in Shire-reckoning)
It had been almost a month since we were introduced to the Greenfoot family, and things had been getting better. Kay’s concussion had finally cleared, the dizzy spells it caused now completely gone, and the large cut on her forehead was slowly losing its scabbing. We also found out, much to Kay’s relief, that her spinal injury was simply a bruised bone, and the blood-red bruising on her back had finally begun to turn into a mottled green-yellow.
As for me, my ribs were slow on their recovery journey, my breathing still painful from time to time depending how much rest I had that day. My ankle had stopped swelling finally, after Erard had found out I had been up and about too much for his liking and had threatened to twist the other ankle if I didn’t take bed rest. He came in once a week to check up on us and change my wrist splint, which apparently wasn’t going to fully heal for another 4-8 weeks, much to my disappointment. The large gash on my hand was my least favourite to think about – it was fine, not infected or anything, but it wasn’t nice to look at the reddened, gnarly raised skin, knowing that soon there would be an ugly white jagged scar replacing what was once the smooth skin of my palm. I also hated the fact that every time I looked at it, I would be reminded of what was probably the most terrifying and painful night of my life. But apart from that, all our other scratches and bruises had disappeared, apart from the larger cuts scarring slightly here and there.
A knock sounded at my bedroom door, and I was snapped out my thoughts as Kay called through, saying that Gladiola was in the kitchen with some of the clothes she’d made and if I was able to come out. Standing up from my bed, I approached the door and opened it, following Kay to the kitchen.
We spotted Mrs Greenfoot as we entered the kitchen, greeting her as she hauled a large bundle of cream coloured material onto the table. Pulling it apart, she separated it into two piles, picking something out of one of them, before unravelling it.
I gasped in delight as I recognised the shape of clothing that spanned that was longer than Gladiola herself.
“A shift!” I exclaimed excitedly. “I’ve always wanted to make one of these!”
“Well now you have one!” Gladiola announced proudly as she admired her work. “It’s only a simple undergarment, but the cotton is breathable enough for you both to wear it comfortably under any outfit.” She explained.
We both chattered excitedly with the hobbit, who had handed us our garments along with a set of cotton pants and a type of chest covering that was similar to a modern bra, and ushered us off to try them all on to check that they fitted well.
Twirling around, I admired the shift as much as I could in the small mirror on top of the dresser, watching as it swayed with my movement. It was only an undergarment, but for some reason it made me feel so happy and giddy inside.
Sitting on the bed, I slipped on the knitted socks, admiring the patterns in the cream colour that wound and twisted upwards until it reached halfway up my shins. Wiggling my toes at the soft feel of the wool, I stood up and bounded out the door, eager to show Mrs Greenfoot how well everything had fitted.
Kay appeared not long after me, sporting her own matching shift and set of socks. Gladiola was immediately upon us, tugging and prodding at the fabric to check if it fitted her standards. Apparently it did, and she relaxed back onto her heels with a satisfied huff.
“It looks like nothing needs adjusting, are you both happy with what you have so far?” she asked looking up at us. We both nodded with a ‘mhm’, smiles on our faces. “Brilliant, I best be off then, got a linen delivery coming in the hour.”
“Wait!” I blurted, and quickly hurried to the pantry, much to the surprise of the hobbit. I returned not long after with a basket in my arms, a light blue tartan cloth draped over the top of it, and handed it over. “We made some scones for you to take home, and there’s some clotted cream and strawberry jam that Bilbo taught us how to make in there as well.”
Gladiola let out a noise of delight as she lifted the cloth up to reveal a batch of giant scones, taking a deep breath of the freshly baked scents. We walked her to the door as she thanked us both, and waved as she disappeared down the hill.
Returning to our rooms as it was now late in the evening, I busied myself with tidying up, before sitting down and playing around with the ribbons on my dresser and trying to see what hairstyles suited the heatless curls I had put in last night . Deciding on a loose low ponytail that allowed my light fringe and curtain bangs to flow freely, I tightened the ribbon, and froze on the spot.
That same feeling had returned. The same one from almost a month ago when I thought I was going to be mauled to death by some ghost-looking beast. I still hadn’t decided whether it was a dragon or a demon yet, since my fear had blocked me from remembering the creature.
I forced myself to glance the my left, using the mirror to look at the wardrobe behind me that stood ominously in the faint glow of my candle. No blue. Thank god.
But that feeling didn’t leave.
It felt like a pull – a sudden motivation to do something you hadn’t thought of. But this time it didn’t pull me towards the wardrobe. Instead I felt it wanting me to walk out the door. I stood up, but not before I opened one of my drawers, taking the sharp sewing scissors and zipping them into the pocket of the waterproof coat I had worn when we dropped into Middle Earth. Slipping the coat over the shift I was wearing, I kept the wool socks on and slid on my walking boots, grimacing at the small splashes of old blood stains that scattered the material.
Picking up a lantern and lighting it, I quietly made my way through the hallways and reached the front entrance, before a voice called out.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
I spun around, staring into the darkness that stretched beyond the light of my lantern, until I spotted a concerned Bilbo as he emerged from the shadows holding a candle.
“Uhhhhh, just for a walk.”
“At night.” He deadpanned.
“I think all this bed rest is making me restless.” I half-lied, since it was kinda true.
He eyed me suspiciously, but backed down. “Alright, but be no longer than half an hour.”
I nodded, and after he disappeared back into his room, I opened the door and crept into the night.
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Chances are I may be going on a small hiatus, but if not, see you soon for Chapter 18! Also please comment if you want to be added to the Taglist <3
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maeofthenoldor · 1 year
Lotr character hc's, GO!
You have given me too much power....
*pulls out my 50 page google doc*
warning: These are my less serious list, and are completely random but I think these are the most entertaining :D
-before the quest, sam would leave flowers at Frodo's door and he never knew who it was so he would press them in a book. He only found out after the quest and he used a few pages of the flower book into the red book of the westmarch
-Aragorn likes to collect rocks when he was a kid to show eleond and he was always like "Thats nice awww" and all that. He is 87 and he still does this.
-Arwen is a split image of her ancestor luthien, but Elrond says that she looks a lot like maglor with her hair.
- The children of the shire would play pretend with Bilbo's adventure, often led by Frodo and the tooks. Sam was old enough to start playing with them before they grew too old, and Frodo let him play Thorin one time, and him as course as Bilbo. This memory sticks with Sam too this day.
-Boromir is Aromantic
-Pippin convinced boromir to wear a skirt with him (It was Legolas's skirt) and he did not admit that he actually liked it.
-Pippin wears more fem clothing which really confused Denethor
-Legolas and Gimli eloped on the quest (Aragorn was their officiator)
-Eowyn starts a program in Rohan where she teaches young girl to sword fight & protect themselves.
-Frodo is a good artist and used to draw portraits of Sam, Pippin and Merry. After the quest, he stopped drawing people and focused on sketching out the landscapes that they passed by on the journey. Yet they were always creepy, and slightly distorted in an uncanny way. Elanor finds his old sketchbook one time and gets nightmares of weeks after.
-Arwen taught Eowyn how to embroider tapestries
-Frodo would love to climb the oak tree that bilbo grew in his garden. he never knew where it came from...
-Boromir and Aragorn would argue on who would give the hobbits piggy back rides
-Legolas is rebellious by mirkwood elven standards because he refuses to drink. It causes quite a scandal that thrandruil, the king and biggest drinker, has a child that does not even want to get even a little typsy.
-Bilbo would tell merry and pippin how to do pranks because it reminded him of fili and kili-
-Legolas is nonbinary and uses (they/he) pronouns
-Merry had a big crush on Eowyn, and never knew that the feeling were mutual
-Aragorn talks to trees because he is a gremelin, while legolas actually speaks the languages of the trees. This is how they become best friends
-gandalf big naturals
-Gandalf spent those 15 years between bilbos 111th birhtday and the quest going to village to village tran-sing peoples gender
-Faramir is trans and gandalf was able to give him the right treatment and binders when he was kid before denethor found out. Boromir was happy to have a brother.
-Merry learns how to knit so he can make baby Elanor hats.
-Gimli is the hottest dwarf of Erebor by dwarven standards
-Sam makes Frodo fried mushrooms because he knows its his favorite.
-Lobelia and bilbo have wlw and mlm rivalry
-Merry and Pippin love really weird food combos. Mushrooms and honey? delish. Cherries and salt? yummy. Vinegar cake? even better.
They force every one of the fellowship to try one of these combinations. Aragorn doesn't notice anything bad, Sam eats it because he is polite, Frodo doesn't mind the mushrooms and honey, Boromir throws up, Gimli tells him he should add more meat and Legolas never felt more betrayed in his life.
-Rosie cotton met Goldberry once and they had a sort of relationship where they kissed. She never saw her again, and she thinks it was a dream.
-Tom Bombadil and Goldberry are qpr
-Elladan and Elorhir wanted to adopt merry and pippin until they realized they were ADULTS.
Thats all I have for now! Theres so much more but these are the only ones I can think of without getting into a whole essay on what means what and all that. Thank you smm for the ask anon!!
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appalesbian · 6 months
⭐️ hello ma'am please go nuts talking about a scene of your choice if you are so inclined👀
sksjdhhsjsjskakssq thank you for enabling me, you lovely soul
Okay so the bit that immediately comes to mind is this passage from It’s Enough to Make a Girl Blush (excerpt is sfw but please mind rating and tags if you’re going to read the whole fic lol):
“You said Naga rolled in some flowers before you gave her the bath, right?”
“Yeah, they were yellow and they were growing on a little tree in the forest.”
Asami returned to her search in the massive encyclopedia currently crushing her thighs. Okay, Page 462, poisonous flowering plants. She skimmed the list of flora and their associated poisoning symptoms. Lily of the valley causes seizures, lobelia causes tremors, oleander, drooling, peace lily, also drooling…
At the next entry, Asami’s eyes lit up.
“Korra? Do you know if there’s… shit, I don’t know how you pronounce it, ‘pinnaculum’ growing on this island?”
“If there’s what?” Korra asked, her face now cradled in her hands.
“Flowering pinnaculum.” Asami punctuated the name with a jab to the page that, of course, Korra could not see. “It’s native to the coast, has flowers, obviously. And all the symptoms match yours: elevated heart rate, sweating, dilated pupils, and…” Oh.
Okay so this is a deeply unserious fic and I had so, so much fun with it. One of my favorite things ever is doing research, making lists, etc. about random bullshit.
I had a pretty solid idea of the image I wanted to work with as the beginning of this fic— Naga covered in pollen, Korra mad that she has to give the dog a bath. Where I grew up, there was a solid couple of weeks in the spring where outside was just disgusting with pollen— it’s neon yellow, it’s sticky, it cakes and accumulates, and it’s everywhere. My mom would let our pets play in the backyard and we had more than one mostly-white cat. You can imagine what that looks like when the cats come back inside after rolling in the cakes of pollen outside. Naga is a huge, fluffy white dog— wouldn’t it be such a nightmare to try to get that off of her? Not to mention of course what happens later on.
I was reasonably certain there wasn’t a plant just like the one I was imagining (though of course I checked) so I decided to invent my own. I needed a name for it, so I’m researching ancient sex-related words and I land on pinnaculum— root of pinnacle. Ya know. And then add ‘flowering’ to it because a) it’s a plant name and b) Ya know.
So then I have to research what plants would have entries around pinnaculum in the encyclopedia, and that leads me down a rabbit hole of looking up poisonous flowering plants that grow on the coast in environments similar to the United Republic’s, as well as what symptoms they cause. From there, I have to cut it down to make it read like Asami’s just skimming the entries as opposed to reading the full things. I found it funny that a lot of them cause drooling, so that made it in there.
And then the idea that Asami, as smart as she is, had to literally have it spelled out for her in order to reckon with it (combined with Korra being so stubborn and awkward that she won’t cop to it until it’s spelled out) was so amusing to me that as soon as I thought of it, I knew it had to be the turning point of the fic.
So there you have it, some insight into simultaneously the filthiest and goofiest thing I’ve ever written😌
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bxdcubes · 1 year
Dwalin/Bilbo fic recs
for @booknerd0612
this are most of my bookmarks for these two ;)
Dwalin & Bilbo - bc this one made me cry
In From the Rain      by yellow_craion 
Dwalin travels back to the Blue Mountains, cold, wet and miserable, when he is faced with an unexpected kindness.
Bilbo takes in a dwarf trope, basically Warnings for reference / implied violence, prostitution and i suppose extortion but all in the past
Key to my House (Key to my Heart)  by JackQuaker                
"It was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete." -Laws and Customs Among the Eldar
Marriage rituals are the one thing Dwarves and Elves have in common.  Hobbits do things differently.  Bilbo might have appreciated knowing that sooner.
Protective Nature   by silverneko9lives0     
Everyone survives the BOTFA and Bilbo stays in Erebor. However, it seems that all the nobles suddenly want to seduce Bilbo and not all of them have honorable intentions. Dwalin may just be the Captain of the Guard, but he'll be damned if he allows anyone to hurt their Burglar. He makes it his unofficial job to chase off any unsavory characters.
Swallow by Headwig1010      
A tale of love, swearing and food.
So much food.
Together, Despite It All    by jcrycolr3wradc         
Whatever Bilbo was expecting when he opened his door, Gandalf, Lobelia, a noisy neighbor trying to intrude on his dinner, he was most certainly not expecting a hulking figure of a dwarf.
 In Silence    by PurrpleCat          
"„Dwalin, son of Fundin,” Dain says above him, his voice devoid of any emotion, „You are banished forthwith from the Kingdom of Erebor under pain of death.” Dwalin can almost hear the smile in his voice as he says: „Bring me his beard.”
He can hear Balin scream, but he cannot recognize the words – blood is pounding in his ears, horror making him freeze. He closes his eyes tightly, swallows. This is what he wants, he reminds himself. This is what he deserves.
Thorin, he thinks as one of the guards yanks his head back and puts a blade to his chin. Forgive me."
Marry That One    by Aloneindarknes7         
Balin had always advised his brother to marry someone who could cook.
Marry Me?    by beargirl1393     
When the dwarves come to invite Bilbo to join their quest, he does so readily. There's just one problem. In order for him to travel with the Company, he needs at least one family member to be with him. Since Bilbo has no close family (and no other hobbits would want to go on an adventure) the dwarves decide that he must marry one of them, in order to create family ties. Dwalin is chosen to marry the hobbit, and even though this is a marriage of convenience he hopes that, eventually, he and his new husband will find love with each other.
Chronicles of a Warrior and a Burglar    by silverneko9lives0        
For Hobbit Kink Meme:
"Dwalin’s a crusty warrior with a marshmallow interior, so what I want to see is Bilbo forced to marry him. Scenario is as follows: none of the dwarves are traveling alone, that is, without family. So, Bilbo can’t travel without family either, and we know the easiest way of creating family ties is by marriage. Cue the dwarves discussing the issue among themselves (with or without Gandalf) to see who would be willing to marry the Hobbit. Bombur and Gloin are out, Balin is too old, Kili and Ori are too young, and Dwalin just goes, “Did anyone ask the Hobbit what he would like?” Unbeknownst to the Dwarves, Bilbo has eavesdropped on the conversation, and when they follow Dwalin’s advice, the Hobbit, who really wants to go on the adventure, promptly asks Dwalin to marry him. To everyone’s great shock. Points if: the relationship between them develops slowly, if they are honest about slowly falling in love, and if it ends happily ever after with everyone alive."
With Thorin/Bilbo/Dwalin
Synergy by    alkjira       
 “Would you want to fuck him?” Dwalin breathed against the side of Bilbo’s neck as he ground the Hobbit down on his now aching dick. “Or would you just be looking to have him take you? You seem to like this. Imagine how much better it would be if it was Thorin rubbing against you.”
Wherein Dwalin and Bilbo are both in love with Thorin and we end up with scenes like the above.
With Nori/Bilbo/Dwalin
the sweet honey that sticks them together by Thorinsmut (FormlessVoidbeast)   
It might look a bit odd from the outside, but Dwalin and Bilbo and Nori have a relationship that works for them, and they couldn't be happier.
Enjoy this one-shot of some established-relationship porn.
With Fem!Bilbo
Songless    by Timfleur_Salisbury_Cornwallis      
Birabelle Baggins was many things; well-read, generous to those who deserved it, an excellent cook, twelve-year reigning champion of the Buckland Spring Festival Conkers Competition, and quite proficient with a needle and thread if called upon. However, she was not what others of her race would call “respectable”.
In the Dark    by  Madkat89   
After the Battle, Bella is taken into custody and imprisoned for life in the dungeons of Erebor for her crimes against Thorin Oakenshield. However, the company doesn't even know that she's alive, believing that she fell on the field of battle before they could make amends. Will the truth come out or will she forever be lost to them in the depths of Erebor
After Famine    by Magniflorious      
From this kink meme prompt: Female Dwarves, being rather manly looking, don't have a lot going on in the chest area. There is enough there to nurse a child, but it's more flat muscle than bulging fat.
Which is why Bilba's ample bosom is so distracting to the Dwarves. It's like being given a triple chocolate cake when you're used to eating apples for dessert - it's just too amazing to handle.
Bonus points: One of the Dwarves gets to touch her boobs (after asking of course) and comes immediately.
Dankûna    by Cuptivate      
Small candle, burning bright.
 Female Bilbo Oneshots      by  Madkat89           
This is a great collection of Fem!Bilbo/Dwarrow fics where i found a lot of new ships     
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dellalyra · 1 year
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Summary: He’s home. He’s here. Maybe, you can mend the shattered pieces of your lives.
CW: I’m sorry this is so angsts but like so fluffy too?? But angst? Idk it’s a hot mess of emotions. Swearing, loss, grief, grief, grief, like one suggestive sentence.
A/N: do we like voting on what comes next?? I think that’s fun. Anyway - legit kinda proud of this, I’ve written like a million thirsts on how fucking delicious unsealed gojo looks but I was so excited to explore the toll and emotions of the prison realm situation on the FF gang and also show that there is no couple more healthy and solid than Y/N and Satoru. As always, requests open and appreciated x x
Recommended Listening:
The Parting Glass - (I like the Hozier version) for Y/N telling Gojo about the losses.
What He Wrote - Laura Marling
Set Fire To The Third Bar - Snow Patrol
The Blower’s Daughter - Damien Rice (the turnaround)
I am the AntiChrist to You - NuDeco Ensemble, Kishi Bashi
(the ending)
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Yuuji’s voice, calling your name echoes through your head. You had no idea whether the unsealing worked or not. The box, it was gone. So now, you just sat staring at the skyline – trying to comprehend the fact that maybe, he was just gone. The angel – she’d done her part and the world had shook and you hoped that maybe, just maybe, that was a sign that your love was back in the mortal realm.
You waited, and stood, and waited, and watched.
Was this it? Had the world been left on your far too heavy shoulders? All the grief, the panic, the anger, the blood – was all of that yours to carry alone now? You couldn’t. You would fail. Without him, there was no hope. You wouldn’t be able to protect your family, your friends, yourself – at least Akio was out of Japan, but everyone else – you would die to protect them, even though you knew it would be the last thing to do.
The sun was beginning to set, you stood on the balcony of this flat – some stranger’s home, who had been quick to leave Tokyo – and you wished for the warmth of the cottage. The home Gojo and you had bought not long after graduation: with its plush sofas, and art spread around – some Tsumiki’s, some your families. The kitchen where many nights and so many important moments and memories had been made along with every dinner, you, Satoru – eating take out on the first night in your new home. The first night Megumi had asked for seconds a few weeks after they moved in, the table you signed the adoption papers for them, where Kento had told you both he was returning to sorcery, countless wine drunk nights with Shoko, where you and Satoru had told the Fushiguro kids that they were getting a sibling, where Akio had shouted his first word ‘cake!’, where Megumi had told you about his feelings for Itadori. All the kids room, and the spare rooms which had turned into other people’s de facto bedrooms. The master bedroom, nights wrapped up in tangles of limbs and sweat oh such sweet pleasure that everything else faded away or wrapped in blankets and each other's loving arms – whispers of eternity passing with the pillows as witness, falling asleep marvelling at the beauty of the moonlight bouncing off the Snow White hair of the ethereal man who you some got to call your husband splayed across the pillow beside you. You would often trace his features in his sleep, so at peace and restful and so beautiful that you couldn’t help but fall into dreams next to him. Your garden, where you grew everything from seed – peonies, sunflowers, roses, dahlias, lupins, lobelias and sweet pea and wisteria and most fruit and vegetables that you could dream of.
You’ve been holding everything in for so long – 19 days. You can’t falter. Not yet.
Please, ‘toru. Please come home to me.
You’re lost in your memories and hopes that somehow, the unsealing worked, and your beautiful boy will find you and love you and be beside you again – and then you will feel whole. Then, your soul and his will be complete.
The sliding door of the balcony breaks your trance.
“I’ll be in soon, Yuuji. Just enjoying the sunset.”
“I’ll find us some food. Leave your jeans out, I’ll mend them later.” You’re listing off the things you need to do because if you just keep going then maybe time will move faster and he will be home. Home with you.
“Y/N. Turn around.”
You slowly do as he asks.
“Hey, Princess.”
The bow clutched tightly in your hand clattered to the ground and you follow soon after, the legs and body that has been holding you steady and shouldering the fear and grief of all of your loved ones, gives way – as your knees buckle and make contact with the hard ground beneath you.
He’s alive, and he’s safe and he’s here.
A sob wracks your body and all that manages to come out of you shaking lips is,
And then your senses are engulfed, and you are home. Strong, steady arms pull you tight against a broad, heaving chest which you feel letting out shaky breaths.
“I – Satoru, fuck, I didn’t know if you’d come back, I thought I’d lost you forever, I didn’t know if it worked I needed to believe – oh god, you’re here., I couldn’t feel you at all, oh my god you’re here and you’re real. ‘Toru. I tried my best and I failed, and everything’s fallen apart and –” your sobs almost made your words unintelligible, but Satoru knew what you were saying and what you meant.
“You’re safe, you did so good. I’m here, my brave, strong girl.” He whispers into your hair.
You pull away and your hands are flying everywhere on his body, checking for injuries and any sign of something wrong but he’s okay, he’s strong and he’s here.
All you can do is grab him by the messy, snowflake white hair and pull him into your face to crash your lips against in a desperate, messy kiss full of unspoken words of love unconditional and reassurance that you both need, and the promise of safety in your reunion.
“Princess, Akio – where is he?” He says, petting your hair. You two would get to the issue of your eldest son in a minute, but the baby – he needed to know where his baby was.
“Safe – I sent him with my mom and uncle and he’s not in Japan. I got him out of the country.” Your words comfort you both, knowing the 18-month-old was safe and sound.
“Akio is safe but ‘toru – you know, don’t you? Megumi – that bastard, he took him. He’s with Ge- Kenjaku.” You stare into his eyes. Your husband was the only one who could fix this mess, but you really were trying to ignore what that meant.
“I know. I’ve seen him. But Y/N, he’s alive. He’s in there and he’s alive. I’ll get our little boy back.” You collapse into him, and him into you.
You realise he’s got no idea about the loss. The grief and the fact that you should be mourning but you don’t have time because everything is falling apart. He needs to know – and he needs to know now and from you, before he realises it or someone says something, he deserves to be told and he deserves it softly because the isolation and suffering he’s endured for 19 days have taken an inevitable toll and he needs you.
You suck in a deep breath and realise everyone else has long left the area. It’s just you both. Steadying yourself, as best as you can, you pull him into you – gripping the sides of his face so you can see that beautiful face.
“Satoru. Before you hear from anyone else – I need you to hear it all from me. Okay?” You say, pressing tearful kisses into his hairline.
“Please Y/N. I need to know; I need to know who we’re fighting for. There’s faces I didn’t see beside Yuuji and Maki and - I’m scared. I’m scared Y/N but please, God, please tell me now.” His voice is filled with despair and vulnerability that only you’ve seen.
“Are you sure?” You ask, pulling him to look in your eyes.
“Please.” He whispers.
“Satoru - it’s, we lost Nanami. He’s gone, Yuuji was there. He died at Shibuya.” Your voice breaks, his closest friend, Akio’s godfather - he’s gone. Only you, Shoko and Gojo were left now.
A sob wracks his body, and he grips your shoulders and leans into your chest, the pain of seeing him like this feels like it might rip open your chest and all you want to do is cry with him but fuck, the list is longer.
“Yaga is dead. Executed. Nobara, she’s alive but… they,” your voice breaks, “they don’t know if she’ll make it. You’ve been branded a traitor, me your accomplice. Mai Zen’in, she’s dead but Maki… she’s slaughtered the Zen’in clan. Alone. Yuuta’s home.” You try to explain the culling games and other events but everything feels like it’s coming out jumbled as you and Satoru just remain, a crumpled mess of limbs on the ground. Shaking, scarred – but together.
After some time of just – grieving and feeling each other’s presence, you convince him to come inside your temporary space and sleep and eat.
Once you’ve both settled, as much as you both can, you call a meeting of your small group. Satoru immediately goes into defence mode when a figure, unknown to him as an ally – enters the room.
“Oh, you’ve come to play, curse? What, tired of being used by Kenjaku, huh?” He sneers, and puzzle pieces click as you whip in front of him as he leans to lunge toward the tall, dark figure beside Yuuji.
“Satoru! Stop!” You say, softly.
And he does.
“This – is Choso. He’s Yuuji’s brother. Geto manipulated him. He’s safe – I trust him. He saved my life.” You grab his shoulders to ground him, knowing that the whirlwind of events was causing a torrent of emotions in him.
Choso nods, still new to the world, having been used like a lamb to the slaughter and having witnessed nothing but bloodshed and destruction since his birth. He reminds you a bit of yourself. Living solely to protect the ones you love, maybe that’s why you were so quick to accept him into your fold. He had quickly become one of your most trusted friends in the group, vowing to you, as the woman who cared for his brother that he would help retrieve your husband and son.
That evening, information was exchanged, plans drawn up, theories explored and through everything, Satoru and you never let go of each other – Akio was far away, but safe, Megumi – trapped by a monster inside his own body, the body of your best friend being used like a marionette with a date written in blood to fight the man you love, Nobara – on death’s door. Kento, gone forever.
But in those hours, hope was born.
Satoru had returned.
He was safe, and alive – and you had each other. All shadows seemed smaller by each other's side.
And now, you both had one shared goal – the most dangerous and potentially costly mission of your lives.
You were going to get your little boy back, together.
That night, in his darkest abyss, a shivering, broken boy heard and saw something.
He had no idea how, but he knew it was real.
Two clasped hands, golden rings shining, one hand smaller and the outlines of a vine tattoo tracing the wrist and one hand larger, pale with slender fingers clasping the smaller fingers.
‘Mom, dad?’ His weakened voice whispered into the vision.
‘We’re coming, kid.’ Satoru Gojo, his dad.
‘We’ve got you, ‘gumi.’ Y/N, his mom.
They were coming for him, together.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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icharchivist · 5 months
I'm sure somewhere on the Grandcypher is like a club meeting for those who have tried to kill MC before, where they get together and talk about their experiences. Like why they tried to, what drove them to it, how they've changed, how to cope with the guilt etc
Sandalphon is super pissed about having to attend still, but he provides coffee
Lu Woh is definitely offended. It was a test. He wasn't actually trying to -
Everyone avoids Lobelia :)
HELPPPP the club meeting of shame.
Sandalphon can't even go against it, his motives were fully evil, he just regrets, so all he can do is try to drown his guilt in coffee during the meeting. While yes, Lu Woh would try to defend himself so hard.
All the Evokers are here also, because they really tried. Nier especially would weep about how she just wanted to be loved.
I think the Eternals count too because if i'm not mistaken they all kinda went berseks in their 5* trying to kill MC? But also, Feower genuinely wanted to kill MC in his recruitement quest, and we have Seox who almost did when he was drugged by Nehan. So at least those two are forced to attend as well, Seox full of guilt again, Feower pouting a little like "sure i wouldn't do it again. But like. can you blame me." "yes" "listen.". Oh right and Tweyen too tried to kill us during her recruitement quest, more to test us and test herself. She's definitely at the reunion too.
Nehan probably has to come as well since it's his fault Seox almost killed MC so it's kinda him who tried to kill MC. He's too out of it to care.
if "tried to kill MC because of mindcontrol" is on the table, Siegfried would also have to be here. Siegfried is mostly here to take notes about who else he has to look out about.
Enyo is in the center of the room. People ask her *when* she tried to kill MC. She smiles and goes "oh, everyday i try a little harder.". everyone ends up putting her on a watch list.
Does Fiorito being tasted with killing MC and just finding a loophole to not do it count as well? because i feel like Fio would be mortified about being in this group but feel like it's what she deserves.
Aglovale would also have to come to those reunions, come to think of it. He still feels guilty but he won't let it show because he's surrounded by so many potential enemies. He's looking around for who he will play mindgames with.
Geo should come the moment the Cosmos fam manage to bring him back to them; I believe.
Honestly most ex antagonists would end up on this reunion tour.
but yes, they'd avoid Lobelia as much as possible.
and sorry if i miss any but it's all i can think of at the moment --
the more he meets them the more Lu Woh is convinced he doesn't belong in this group. also what the fuck danchou why is there so many people who tried to kill you in your crew are you INSANE--
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toestalucia · 4 months
Kou: What? You don't…have chocolate for me this year? Can I ask why? >I heard that you can't give foxes chocolate.
LOSING MY MIND CUZ 1) <-person who literally sent that question (but seriously) to venom IM GONNNAAAAAAAA 2) captain bullying a 12yo AGAIN is so fkng funny to me. but also kou who at this point is ssooo honest.......no wonder he's getting teased LOL him & you are both so cute
Caro: Whether you're an artist or not, it's important to nurture your heart.
Lu Woh: Even more so if the purpose of such practice is meant for one who has piqued your interest for reproduction. I repeat—I am one of the Six Dragons.
THIS ONE MADE ME LOSE IT. LIKE FIRST HES ALL 'we 6 dragons dont need stuff like food etc to survive this is wasted provisions' THEN HE SAID THIS AND IMMMMMMMMMMMMM LMFAAOOOOOO would u like to speak with helel ben shalem about the bees and the flowers i think itd be hilarious af & hell for captain. lu woh who was too honest about vyrn to the point of pissing of captain (rare moment) to lu woh who says this i dont think i can do this anymore chat
Ragazzo: Wha? Ch-chocolate? For me? Ah… Well, I mean, it's not like I didn't notice your feelings for me or anything— Huh? You're…handing them out to everybody? R-right, yeah, I knew that. Yep. In other words, you're giving chocolate to all the crew members as a token of friendship. Thanks. I appreciate it.
ragazzo playing tough only to be hit with the 'actually i give everyone' IS SSOOOOO FUNNYYYYYY LOLLLLL GOD let this turn into captain teasing him every year. i need terrible pranks. i miss captain & seofon 'u give/get chocolate to/from other ppl?:(' shenanigans (pls read seofons vday & white days, comedy deluxe). that but onesided, considering ragazzo......
Freyr: I see. So you slipped off a cliff while trying to pick that fruit. That was rather reckless of you in such poor weather.
fullkawa honpo's alice mention !!!!!!! (its not)
Balurga: What? Your hand slipped because you were tired from staying up all night making chocolate? Skull: You stayed up? After spending the past couple days busy with requests? That means you've barely slept at all… Do you got chocolate for brains? Go to bed, right now! I'll tuck you in and sing you a lullaby if I have to! Balurga: Can't believe I'm saying this, but Skull's got the right idea. You don't gotta push yourself like that! Huh? You wanted to make chocolates for us that badly… Thanks for caring, but… I'd rather not have chocolate with your blood, sweat, and tears in it.
out of all of the new ones ive read so far this is the sweetest captain-wise,,,like...u absolute fool (endearing). also skull & balurga being so ????? go to BED!!!!!!!!! about it is something i rly like too. excellent. glad to see units & characters i rly like get seasonals i rly like
Lobelia: Let's make this a day to remember. Je t'aime, Captain.
Utsusemi: I know that this emotion can bring no joy to a courtesan, but I can't bring myself to throw it away. Therefore… I would leave it in your care. This savage, fiery emotion… You will find it in this box. If you doubt me, then witness it with your own eyes. Captain opens the box as if in a trance, only to let out a short cry when a spring propels something out of it at high speed. Utsusemi: He… Hehe… Hahaha! Well that was a cute reaction indeed! To think that a jack-in-the-box would be so effective…
Meg: Ehehe. Truth be told, Mari, the one I gave you has special ingredients and is different from the rest. I hope you like it. Mari: (Wow, you were so upfront about that, it may as well have been a wedding proposal!)
me when i read mhyk
Meg: By the way, Mari, did you happen to have any chocolate for Captain? Mari: Mm-hm, sure do. Here you go, Captain. A little thank-you for all you do for us. With all the delight of the proud victor of an imagined love triangle, Mari places a miniscule piece of chocolate on Captain's pinky.
LNKADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLADNKLDNKLA?!?!?!?!?!?! MARI...CMON....................i actually was surprised she had choco for captain THEN SHE HIT ME WITH THAAAATTT................I KNOW U LOVE MEG BUT...........god im so thankful for the megmari unit. mari is excellent. the seasonal where shes like 'ill make sure the kitchen width is just right so our shoulders brush when we cook' ??????? u r my favorite person. also when mari thought deliford was in love with sandal. lord. u need to be in every single event
Cosmos: Thought one thing Satyr said remains a mystery to me. She mentioned that skydwellers "put their love" into the chocolate. I followed her instructions to whisper my feelings to the chocolate while making a heart shape with my hands. But I remain uncertain as to whether that affected the flavor.
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