#you can definitely sus my vibe from this at least
lynxindisguise · 1 year
also top 5 marauders fics you've ever read
ok i’m going to do 5 under-hyped fics, and I’m going to be relying on past me to have actually remembered to bookmark my faves
1. An Impossible View by Shay-Fae
2. playing on, insane by aeridionis
3. Honey If I’m Not by BrigidFaye
4. help me hold onto you by @soloorganaas
3. The Adventures of Captain Sirius Black and His Most Excellent Dragon Padfoot by @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur
top 5 rankings
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chrisrin · 1 year
Hiii I want to know something about the mcyt su au! The way you assign gems to each person, does their personality influence the choice?? Or are you just going for the visual vibes of he gemstone? How do you choose
honestly it depends! some designs like bdubs was definitely more based on visuals, nephrites are green and have that one big eye so i was like, omg, that's very bdubs so i went with that for his gem.
others i feel are more personality-based, like scar as a spinel. or role-wise with mumbo as a peridot. it honestly depends on what grabs me more.
but the most important thing for me though is that for base designs (non-fusions) i try as much as i can to stick to ONLY canon designs/gems we've seen in the show, this is so i can pretty much directly pull color palettes from those characters and keep it as loyal-looking to the show as possible. it makes them more recognizable as SU designs in my mind, i did this with both gemcyt and gemstuck with only a couple exceptions (nepeta as a cat's eye, docm as bloodstone, etc.) i think a part of the fun challenge is trying to conform with these baseline designs while also trying to make the character recognizable. it's why some troll gemstuck designs have horns, and others don't. it depends on if i feel it was vital for their design aspects as most gems (unless corrupted) don't have horns.
with fusions i'm a lot more free-form with it, but for base designs i like to have at least 1 solid reference to compare the design to so i can try to match the show as close as possible. obviously this means i'm limited on what gems i can make people, and sometimes that puts me in a tricky spot because i also dislike doing too many repeats of the same gem, exceptions in both gemstuck/gemcyt being that i have multiple pearls (kanaya/eridan/jane in gemstuck, joel/pearl in gemcyt)
because let's be honest if we did this only on gem societal roles, the majority of the hermits would be either peridots as redstoners or bismuths/lapis lazulis as builders
so as far as choosing gems, that's sorta my mindset going into it! it's a mix of things but there's restrictions i give myself and i try to work within those when i can! :D
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lawbin-archive · 6 months
Lawbin Zou Analysis: where the dream starts
Zou is an interesting arc. It's one of the arcs that really blows my mind (egghead is another one) I personally like these kind of informative arcs a lot because Oda can always surprise me with his infinity ideas.
highlighted in purple are my delulu~
Again, don't read if you don't like Lawbin. Includes lots of bias.
Before start analyzing the arc, I just want to say I feel like Lawbin are friends at this moment. Even though Law will deny it and say they are allies only haha, I feel like they are at least friends. Robin wouldn't worry someone for an entire arc and use her whole body to save him if she doesn't see him as a friend in my opinion. Well - in law's perspective, they might just be alliance all the way. But I think deep down, he see Robin as friends since Dressrosa from how they talk with each other.
Chapter 801 ~ 806: Always beside you
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Law and Robin sitting across again! Funny that's how they started and ended Dressrosa. And their physique and vibes are so similar. I guess it's really nice to look at Robin all the time hehe
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This scene is so funny. Did Law just called Usopp "God-ya" just to make fun of him Lmaoo Law did pick up Robin's habit to tease Usopp just to see him scared Lol Robin even asked Usopp "Need some gum?" Girlll you know exactly why he's looking pale hahaha I love how Law and Robin basically team up here just to tease Usopp. (Maybe Robin is genuinely asking Usopp but it's still so funny to me)
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The seating plan here is just sus to me!! Because Law can definitely sit anywhere else and not sit behind Robin! Like he can sit with Zoro and Luffy, it wouldn't affect the plot that much. But no, he needs to sit between Robin and Franky and separating the straw hats lol To be fair, Franky need to sit in front of Kin'emon for plot purpose. (So the monkey can make them fall, because Franky block most of their sight) But it can also be Law - Robin - Franky (there's one panel is, but I think it's just a mistake) Maybe Oda just draw their sitting order randomly but I still feel kind of sus about it because usually he will draw Luffy and Law together, and Robin Franky (or Usopp) together.
For me, it's really normal if Oda always draw Franky Robin (or any straw hats) together. Because they are in the same crew and of course you will stand or sit with a person that you're close with. It's not normal if he always draw Robin with a non-straw hat a.k.a Law together! People always forget that and said they barely interact (which I don't even bother- oh well), but Law isn't a straw hat, it's normal that he doesn't interact a lot with people who isn't close with. That's why it's significant when Oda purposely make him interact with a certain straw hat a.k.a Robin more than others.
So back to the seating plan, that's why I think it's interesting that Oda is trying to put Law and Robin more together!! Maybe they did get closer during their trip :p
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I think zolaw is cute sometimes haha. Zoro and Law are so logical here. I searched up their MBTI (which is voted by people). Law is INTJ and Robin is INTP (Zoro is ISTP if you're curious) The three of them personalities are so similar. They all have "T" in their MBTI which stands for thinking logically before feelings. And of course they are all introverts lol Robin cares here because she thinks the dragon is cute, imagine it's some kind of robot ninja, she will probably say something mean here too haha and Zoro & Law will be those getting emotional (like law reacting to Stealth Black)
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Logically, I would say Robin ask Law to get in touch with his crew so that they know how Minks act and if they will hurt the straw hats. But in my delulu, I would say it's sus Robin think about Law's crew first and she always keep his situation in mind. Even Usopp needs to think for a minute to realize there's a mink in Law's crew. But seems like Robin know so well about it! (Ok rationally I know Robin is smart so she think of reaching Law's crew is the best way to learn about mink)
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It's these kind of small moments make them so compatible. Law & Robin are analyzing a lot during their way on Zou. Robin is more proactive on investigating but I found Law can always quickly analyze of what Robin found. Just imagine they both go on discovering a ruin after everything, Law is behind protecting Robin and help her analyze the ruins it's just seems so perfect to me. (well it's just like the wano scene hehe)
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This shows exactly what I meant - Robin said the town is built for this water level and Law can just quickly figured out the shower always happen. Oda I see what you're trying to do here!!! They are just so similar so intelligent together!! And they seems like always talking with each other because they sync a lot.
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When Law shambles the whole group, he shambles Robin the last and also the closet to him. Seems like he's protecting her >< In the anime, Law Zoro and Robin landed perfectly but in the manga is only Law and Robin. I knew Law has bias towards to Robin! But rationally, I think Law will do the same for other girls too but because for girls, he mainly only interact with Robin lol so we didn't know how he treat other girls haha But so far, I can see he did seems treat Robin nicer than others. Law seems like very distance to other girls in general.
Chapter 814 ~ 820: Road Poneglyph
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Since Vinsmoke is from north blue, so maybe she heard from Law?! jk it's probably from the revolutionary army but I can delulu right?! :p
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Law starting to change tears me up T-T In Dressrosa, he really hides his empathy but I know deep down he cares a lot. And now he's showing the soft side of him. That's why I said he is probably going through the character development of what Robin went through during pre-time skip.
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Law didn't say a lot here, but I think this part is probably one of the reasons what makes him want to find the will of D later. Inuarashi revealed that Robin is from Ohara and can decipher ruins. And since Law told Robin his real name later on and ask about the Will of D, he probably knew what Robin and Ohara went through. I think Robin and Law did get a lot closer during Zou -> Wano, but I will save my analysis later!
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Law said "show me your shadow clone technique" here and it's literally what Robin had shown him back in Dressrosa haha
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Seeing this scene, I personally think if everything goes well, Law will probably go to Laugh Tale with the straw hats. I don't think he will join the straw hats but as like an accompany or alliance. Also he already told Robin he want to learn about the will of D too so if Oda is mercy enough, we can probably see Law & Robin learn history together.
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Usually, Law will have an annoyed expression when straw hats compliment each other or saying they will protect each other. But when's it's Robin, he didn't react to it hehe But I also think it's because he respect Robin a lot. And I personally think he will definitely protect her when someone is after her.
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Robin and Luffy's dynamic is just so cute! >< And the passion of Robin has on road poneglyph is a lot and she always search it when she has a chance. So I really think Law and Robin did collaborate on finding road poneglyph, otherwise, she would definitely search in Onigashima too (which she didn't and Law did)
That's the end of Zou. They didn't interact a lot but I can feel like Law and Robin is getting closer. I'm also saving some of my thoughts for Wano. Wano is definitely a big change for these two, even though there are not a lot of scenes of them together :( Anyways, thank you for reading again!!! Let me know if you have any thoughts!!
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silvermaplealder · 2 years
The lost boys are all at least some level of queer and not just because David's actively thirsting after Michael for the entire movie, but those boys are really physical with each other. I mean- they constantly be touching or standing really close to one another. And as a gay man who's lived in several conservative areas, let me tell ya, straight men don't like to stand that close to each other or be touched. It wasn't until I was around other queers that it was normal for a man to casually touch a man's shoulder, or put their hand on their back, etc. And hell yeah you share drinks from the same bottle, or share cigs and joints. I'd say this pack of vampires are at least all queer to some varying degrees. I'm not saying Marko's a sub for David but damn that boy definitely takes orders from David without hesitation.
So I've compiled some evidence for you to enjoy of the vampires being touch-y with one another in chronological order lol. Enjoy!
This one is very well known so of course I have to put it here. Right in the opening scene too:
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And then there's this one. I actually almost missed this one, but if you look, either Dwayne or Paul has their hand on David's shoulder. Like there's no reason to? But he does it anyway:
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And about two seconds later, Marko touches Dwayne's bicep. Terrible quality, sorry:
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And another iconic photo, Paulie's hand on Dwayne's shoulder. Damn Dwayne's left shoulder gets more action than I do:
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This one is really just a bonus of Paul standing really freaking close to David. I mean personal space, right? David's shoulder is practically in Paul's chest.
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Now this one I find really fascinating. This is right after David gives Michael the joint, and the reason I find it interesting is because probably... ten-ish seconds before this David puts his hand on Michael's shoulder and Michael shoves it off. But this time he let's David do it. David stares at Michael a lot:
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I'm going to say Paul doesn't give a crap about personal space because here he is in Michael's face after he pats him on the back:
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Michael and Marko vibing:
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I think this is such a cute one. Marko put his arm around Dwayne and Dwayne then returned it. So adorable! I had to edit it a little bit because it was very dark:
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This next one is a small bonus, but just know that currently David has his arm around Michael (and I'll show that in the image after):
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And then when the camera moves, you can see that David's arm is around Michael's back (you can see his wrist sticking out from his jacket just a bit. As he moves to face Michael you can see his hand move to Michael's shoulder):
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And y'all know that after Michael falls from the bridge he's caught by David.
I left out some smaller things such as Paul playfully shoving Marko when getting on his bike and the kicking during the bridge scene. But I rest my case. These boys don't mind physical touch between each other, and even actively seek it out. Which, with 4 men living and sleeping together and being very co dependent, it just screams queer all over the place. Even in the book it mentions that the cave is larger and has other tunnels, but yet they'd all rather sleep together 🥺 ALSO just gonna point out that when David turns people, he makes them drink his blood, but at the end of the movie Max just goes to bite Lucy? Unless that's a perk that only the head vampire has, seems a little sus that David wants everyone to swallow his fluids
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nightmyst14-blog · 1 year
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Back at it again!!
2nd part to showing some of my ships, so today its my Kingdom Exclusive ships!! Now some should be more familiar.
Also throwing this out there for honestly no reason, I'm prefectly okay if you ship anything different from what I show here. These are all MY ships. If you ship something else, as long as its not-toxic and not Proship, I'm bound to be okay with it.
With that in mind, let's go.
Polychampions: Even after their event, I can't help but love this trio!! Their dynamic is so funny. I can imagine their hugging sessions are the best, especially with Capsaicin being there. They all keep an eye of each other, even dealing with their own issues.
CaviOyster: My most written about ship!! Sea cookies got to stick together, after all!! It tickles me that it was these two who stood up to Custard and the others about the treatment of the Creme Republic. They're Clotted Cream's uncle and aunt figures.
DarkCherryWolf: I couldn't decide werether I liked Darkwolf or Cherrywolf more, so I slapped them together. I imagine Choco already knew of Werewolf even when he left the COD, so they started to hang out more. Then later Choco was introduced to Blossom. Shenangians happen and now, they're all dating. and thanks to the idea @analogical-spacegays gave me, they are all now parents to the squirrel trio Roll Cake, Pancake , and Pinecone.
PureHolly: A comfort ship of mine. Loving parents of Royalberry even the two are in separated kingdoms. PV feels awful about all the hardships Holly went after his sacrifice, and constantly does his best to be there for her. Everytime they meet up, Holly engulfs the shorter man in a big hug. PV doesnt have the heart to stop her, plus he enjoys it,
AlmondLatte: A classic, but a good one, Their banter during the Light the Beacons story is so funny. I love the found family potential between them, plus Walnut and Creampuff. Latte would be a loving stepmom to Walnut.
ClottedClover: A rarepair!! Noble x Fairy/Elf vibes. With the idea of Clover being White Lily's son, that's going to be an AWKWARD reveal. Its a secret relationship the Consul is hiding from his father. Clover often would send Clotted songs he's written for him or 4-leaf clovers on his travels. One day, Clotted wishes to accompany.
RaspRye: This comes from me rewatching the scenes of Jedidiah and Octavius from all 3 Night at the Museum movies ( I know I'm old) and imagining them as these two. It works. Rye is always on the move from bounty hunting, so she's always stopping by House Raspberry to pay Raspberry a visit.
MalaFrost: Hot and cold gfs!! They give me SU Ruby and Sapphire vibes. How they meet is where Mala was given a dare to survive in the coldest region for the week (as you do), and was found by Frost Queen after Mala almost frioze to death. Of course Forst took care of her and restored her to full health, bue expected her to leave due cookies usually being scared by her and her powers. Istead , Mala stuck around and tries to court her, without much avail. One day, Frost decides to take up her offer. In short, Frost fell HARD in love at Mala's silliness and her good heart, along with impressed how well she was as a chieftain. They've been dating ever since.
WildChip: Last, but definitely not least, these two dorks. I know a lot of WildChip lovers can understand why I love this ship. Also, their bond also reminds me of Patroclus and Achilles from Greek mythology. I know they got their other's back, even when in danger.
That's all 9!! My next one will be mwcrossover ships, as I ship two characters One from Ovenbreak, and One from Kingdom. It might be a bit shorter than this, but we'll how it goes.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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hitokiri-izou · 5 months
im so glad i found someone else who knows about about and acknowledges the anti-Roma parts of HSR
I love HSR and Genshin but the racism is just...ugh
I went to Penacony and was pleasantly shocked to see NPCs with actual melanin but then I looked at the player chars and realized Hoyo could still be doing better (Arlan is great but he has his own set of issues) (plus, no dark-skinned characters since him? sus)
Aventurine is an awesome character and written really well but certain aspects of his story could definitely be improved upon to fix the blatant appropriation of irl Roma culture and struggles.
And from the leaks of Boothill's backstory, I see a lot of Native American parallels that sadden me. (let him say Fuck, he's earned te right damn it)
Also! I feel Latin American vibes from Argenti as well. I know he's supposed to be more Spanish, but I know I'm not the only one with this hc. Bro is literally a country in Latin America wdym
So yeah, I know it's a Chinese company with all the baggage that that entails but I'm still rightfully miffed (also, not like Roma don't exist in China, so they don't have an excuse at least for that one)
It sucks that the only gacha game I know with decent representation has a trash story (in my opinion, at least) (Dyslite, reboot your story from scratch please) but every game has its problems
I hope that many more people do. I've seen a good number of posts that have talked about it already so i would hope that more people do know about and acknowledge how the story takes from Romani history and culture in a racist way.
I think i can understand what they were trying to do with aventurine but hoyo really needs to learn how to be more respectful of the cultures they base off of. I want to point again to florian's channel on youtube where he talks about romani culture and history.
When it comes to pieces of media we enjoy, it's important to still be able to criticize it or talk about the problems it has or the harm it can cause. I think some people can get defensive about it but if your favorite game or show has shitty aspects to it, you should be able to talk about it and not just sweep it under the rug.
One of my favorite shows is from the late 90s to early 00s so i have an abundance of practice when it comes to tearing apart pieces of media i enjoy haha I like to say that I hate it almost as much as I love it
I was pleasantly surprised about the npc's too but having actually dark skinned characters aside from arlan would be even better. I know there isn't a lot of optimism for that and honestly i have zero expectations but god i really hope we get more diverse characters
Man I'm glad other people noticed the native american parallels in boothill's story too but goddamn it can we please have a character design that expresses that? Historically cowboys were mainly black, native, and mexican and boothill's story strongly reflects native history in this regard. I want to talk about this more or see more discussion but that's an entirely different post.
Unfortunately, gacha games aren't a good place to find representation. Characters and stories, yeah, since they are essentially selling you them but well that's the problem. I don't understand why it's so hard for gacha game companies to create a dark skinned character, or why they don't think they would be popular but ultimately it's not sense or business, it's just racism.
This response got kinda long, sorry about that, but thank you for the ask! I didn't expect to get an ask on my post about the anti-romani writing in aventurine's story but I'm happy to discuss!
(Also I fully endorse latin american argenti haha)
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
Hello my babies! I wanted to jump on and give you some updates since I know I’ve not been posting/responding much since PS ended…
The long and the short of it is that I’ve been rather overwhelmed. Life is being A LOT. One of my sisters is very, very ill with late stage cancer and we are currently gearing up for her to (hopefully) get a stem cell transplant within the next month. This process is very involved and complex and scary and it’s one of those things that could just as easily kill her as make her better. This coupled with the family dynamics involved as we all try to navigate the situation has been emotionally exhausting.
In addition to that, I started temping back at my old job a couple weeks ago which is not what I wanted to do, but I gotta pay the bills, but it means my time is more limited and I’m way tired cuz my stamina is for shit lol.
And whilst all that’s been happening, I did some research and discovered that there is no way I can publish Pink Scarf as is. *sobbing* Turns out after Elvis died, Tennessee had to create a law specifically for him to protect his rights and image posthumously. This includes using not just his image, but his name and likeness as well. All this meaning I could get sued if I publish, and I DEFINITELY do not want to invoke the wrath of EPE.
Needless to say, this made me very upset cuz I know how much y’all want Pink Scarf on your bookshelves.
HOWEVER, before we all slide into the pits of despair, I think I have come up with a bit of a solution/compromise. I’m planning to rework PS into something just slightly different, changing some things that make it too specific to Elvis. I’ll likely have to change the title, too. But the plot and much of the writing will stay the same. But at least this way, I can still get it out to y’all in paperback form! (And lord knows I certainly can’t help who y’all picture in your heads while you read, soooooo…😉)
I know this is disappointing, y’all, and I’m so sorry I can’t make PS happen in published form as is. I am hoping that this new version is good enough for y’all to still want, and I’m gonna make it the best I can for ya. Honestly, I am thinking having something really close is better than having nothing at all. And of course, PS will still be online in its original form, so it’s not going away!
So, in the midst of all this insanity, I’ve started working on this newer version which is a project in its own right, but it’s taking time and my energy has been zapped with everything that’s going on. 💗🧣💗
For those who have asked about if there are any new Elvis fics in the works, the short answer is yes! I have a post-army fic that I am verrrrryyy slowly working on. The vibe is different from Pink Scarf (more of a slow burn), but I hope y’all will still enjoy it!
Anyway, thank you as always for your support and I’m sorry I haven’t delved into answering all your wonderful asks and comments. I very much appreciate them, I’m just a bit depleted at the moment. I’m still lurking around, just maybe not as active for the time being. But maybe I could jump on Discord or something next weekend if that would be fun for people!
Love ya always 💗🧣💗
Madisyn 💜
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berry-that-is-elder · 8 months
An Incomplete list of why I think Metatron is sus
Ok here’s my 1am, rambling, slightly drunk thoughts on Metatron cuz i have brainrot and can’t get my inebriated ass to think about anything else so,,, ik it’s been done before BUT—
1) He knows how to interact with humans
Every other angel in this show is a complete train wreck when it comes to interacting with humans. There is not one angel that resides in heaven that has any idea of human norms, customs, propriety, behavior, etc. They all just fumble along and think they’re doing well based on what other angels (who are just as clueless as they are) tell them.
But Metatron walks into the coffee shop and has an entirely normal interaction with Nina—he orders his coffee with no hitches (knows what oat milk, a latte, and almond syrup are), and even makes some perfectly ordinary (if a little bit boomer vibes) small talk with Nina about the name of the shop.
So this begs the question, how the hell does he know how to interact with people? It obviously doesn’t come naturally to angels (as we see plenty of times), so how?—especially if he’s spent most of his existence as merely a floating head doing the bidding of God. How does he know how to interact with humans so well?
One drunk brain theory I just came up with—DEMONS.
Demons seem to have a much better grasp of humans and how they interact, speak, and behave—for example, Beelzebub. They obviously knew human behavior and conventions much better than Gabriel, who didn’t even know what music was or to say “thank you” when given something. Granted we don’t see a ton of demon/human interaction in the show (at least that my last brain cell can remember atm), but what we do see is much more ordinary than any angel/human interactions. So is/was Metatron a demon, or related to hell in some way? Is that where his people skills come from?
Additionally, the demon prowess for human interaction could come from their jobs on earth. It’s mentioned numerous times that there are jobs in “temptations” for demons, and Fufur (i think that’s his name??) mentions that it’s not for him cuz he gets “all double tongue tied”. So demons maybe have some natural ability when it comes to talking to humans, or can at least learn, since a nonzero amount seem to have jobs that require conversing with humans.
So perhaps Metatron isn’t a demon, but fills the heavenly equivalent of hell’s “temptations” role. I’m also remembering at this point that Aziraphale was definitely said to do something of the sort (going around blessing humans), but perhaps he wasn’t the only one. I think it’s definitely possible Metatron was also doing something on earth, otherwise how does he understand human conventions so well?
There’s prolly more analysis to be done here and more to be said so pls feel free to continue on this train of thought, I just can’t squeeze anything more from my drunk and shriveled brain cells.
2) He wears a dark gray suit
Dark fucking gray. This bitch wears a suit that is dark gray. In no other scene or context do we see another angel wearing a color as dark as that, so why is the Metatron wearing it?
One could argue that his explanation is the simplest—“this look draws far less attention”—but i just don’t buy it. Aziraphale has been on earth for 6000+ years and he has always worn very light colors—white, cream, beige, mint, etc.
While he occasionally wears darker colors, that is only in the very specific context of his magic shows (both in s1/2). He wears the dark grays and blacks and the bright teal because he is putting on an act—he’s getting into character. No different than Crowley transforming into the light gray suit in heaven—we’ve seen enough of them to know that these are exceptions to the rules, and that these outfits aren’t something that Aziraphale or Crowley would wear under ordinary circumstances.
So what’s up with the Metatron’s outfit?
No wonder the other angels don’t recognize him—he doesn’t have the trademark angelic look. But why? Is or was he a demon, or in some way related to hell? Is he not an angel at all? Does being the “voice of God” disqualify him from angelic status or something? Is he the yin to God’s yang perhaps? Idk if there’s more to this or not, but my brain cells are slowly dying and I can’t think of anything more coherent; feel free to respond and add shit that makes actual sense.
3) He eats/drinks human foods and beverages
Ok ok ok disclaimer to start—we don’t see him eat anything and he doesn’t actually say that he does, but he definitely implies that he (at the very least) drinks human beverages. With that implication I feel like we can also stretch it to the safe assumption that “ingesting things” also extends to human food.
Wirh the exception of Aziraphale, who has been on earth for over 6000 years and was originally tempted by Crowley into eating human cuisine, we don’t see or hear of another angel ingesting… well, anything.
Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think we see another angel eat or drink anything throughout the series. We see Beelzebub and Gabriel sit down with drinks and food at the pub, but Gabriel doesn’t drink or eat. We see Muriel with a cup of tea from Aziraphale, but they never drink any of it. Gabriel s1 even remarks “I do not sully the temple of my celestial body with gross matter” or smth similar.
So what’s going on with Metatron? He waltz into the bookshop holding a goddamn oat milk latte with almond syrup and not only offers it to Aziraphale, but encourages him to drink it, as “[he’s] ingested things in [his] time”.
You what now???
Angels hardly even deign to interact with physical objects (as seen with the matchbox & Muriel with the cup of tea and with books), let alone drink a damn coffee.
But the Metatron seems to have no issue with it. Idk if it’s just me, but that seems incredibly sus. Idk if anything I’m writing is even making sense anymore but like Metatron? SUPER SUS.
4) His miracle doesn’t sound as angelic as the rest of the angels’ miracles
Now this one is a little harder to pin down and much more subject to individual interpretation, but it inspired this post so I had to include it.
The Metatron’s miracle.
After he and Aziraphale are walking across the street toward the Dirty Donkey and he mentions the second coming, there is the sound of a miracle. Let’s ignore for now what the miracle actually was (I think it’s widely agreed that it’s him summoning the elevator to heaven, but a friend recently pointed out that the elevator existed previously for Crowley, Muriel, and Shax, so who knows?) and focus instead on the actual sound of the miracle.
Mary Holden was so kind as to put together this very handy list of miracles from the show, as well as categorize them by sound and who’s performing them (well done Mary! We all share the brain rot, and the fandom thanks you for your service).
While watching this I noticed something about Metatron’s miracle—it doesn’t entirely vibe with the rest. It doesn’t have quite as many ringing high notes as those of other angels. It seems a bit more muted to me, similar to the demonic miracles that are performed. This could entirely be a coincidence, but it seems to me that Metatron’s miracle sound is most similar to Hastur’s from s1 in Crowley’s flat.
Hastur’s does seem a bit more vibrant, but maybe I’m just overthinking this and my brain isnt working properly cuz aLcOHoL but,,, lmk what y’all think ig? I’d love to hear your thoughts, as well as any more things you guys have caught that make the Metatron suspicious, and if anything I wrote tn made an iota of sense lmao. Anyways, my final drunk brain cell is signing off—see y’all in the morning o7
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flambo19 · 6 months
incoherent 2.1 thoughts that I need to get out of my brain! major spoilers!!
Siobhan is the hottest NPC. let her be playable pretty please
Okay now the spoilery stuff
Aventurine went from a character who I didn't have much of a strong opinion on to an instant highlight holy shit. Such an interesting character. I think I would kill or die for this man
And his kid version was adorable. He (and his older self) needs everything they want forever
cue me vibing my way through his boss to his banger theme as i pray hanya hits over a 4 on the dice and doesn't get sent to the coin hell again
Loved that final section in the nihility void. Farewell Kakavasha... I'm still assuming he's not truly dead (or is it cope 😔)
FUCKING GALLAGHER IS THE KILLER??? WHAT I was honestly still sus of Sunday until that cutscene too...
(Now me thinking of a team consisting of Firefly, Robin, and Gallagher is fucking hilarious)
I'd say rip to Sunday but considering 1) Firefly is definitely alive and 2) the conversation between Acheron and Aventurine implies (at least to me) that Robin is alive too I'm less worried about him ngl. Unless both of them somehow faked it i guess??
Finally we have the Firefly/Sam reveal! Felt a little abrupt to be honest but I'm assuming we'll start 2.2 with a conversation with her since the ending of 2.0 and start of 2.1 was the same scene
The total difference between how Firefly acted in 2.0 versus how Sam acted in 2.1 (which I assume is a lot more honest) is so interesting. the brainrot will never leave
Now I can draw Sam princess carrying Stelle... if only i had the free time at the moment
Me for most of the quest: But what does this have to do with Shulk Misha? (im sus of him he's gotta be the watchmaker)
Anyway I'm gonna go chew on a wall or something. What do you mean 2.2 is in the six weeks
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dearweirdme · 1 year
Hello! I was looking for some chill Taekook blogs and I stumbled upon yours. I saw your response too an ask about Taennie and found your response very mature, well spoken and open to different opinions. Then read through your blog and really liked the chill vibe you got.
Tbh I'm not sold on Taennie either lol Not because it gets in the way of my ship (I'm a jikooker, it literally can't get in the way), neither because I'm a parasocial Tae biased fan who can't accept him being taken (my bias is actually Hobi and I would be thrilled to find out he is happy and in love), I just find the whole thing weird and suspicious.
Anyways, the reason why I came here is because I love maknae line's bond! But I think the whole Taekook vs Jikook war made both sides very bitter about the other ship's interaction and consequently created a lot of unnecessary hate toward Taehyung and Jimin. I'm mostly on the Jikook side of the internet so I can't speak for Taekook, but I often find Jikookers having a hard time appreciating sweet Taekook moments because they're afraid of toxic Taekookers invading their space with hate, so they just don't talk about it and some even grow a bitter taste with Taekook's bond. So I imagine Taekookers might go through the same because of toxic Jikookers.
And I really hate that.
I love Taekook's bond, they clearly love and care for each other so much, and they have so many cute and funny moments together. And since it's such a popular ship I wanna know more about them and understand different perspectives. So I came here because I'm genuinely curious and open to hear your opinion on Taekook!
What are moments that made you go "Huh? There's no hetero explanation for this"?
If Jikook is just fanservice what makes Taekook moments different?
Please don't take this as a toxic Jikooker invading your space, I am genuinely curious. I fully respect Taekookers opinion!
Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Hi anon! You are very welcome here, I don't mind different opinions, I think they are valuable. What's important to me is that someone comes to me in a polite way, and you are doing just that. You will at times read some snippy comments about Jkkrs on my blog I'm afraid. Some do come to me with less polite manners, and well.. my patience only goes this far. I think you and I are a bit alike, only from different sides. I also really enjoy Jimin and Jk interactions, and vminkook all the more. It is definitely sad that with those interactions automatically comes a sense of dread, because these days I just know when to expect drama in my inbox... and it's very often TKkrs in distress whenever something Jkk happens, or Jkkrs angry or gloating whenever something Tkk or Jkk happens. It's a wild situation. I wish it weres different, but at the same time... I know not to expect change.
I think many can see Taennie is not real, or at least sus. You don't even need to be part of any ship to see that. It's so obviously used for promotional purposes and severely lacking on the 'real relationship' side. My tag for it is Taennope or Taennie, and you might want to look at Gurumi as well if you are interested.
We are on actual opposing sides. If my ship is true yours cannot be, and vice versa. There's no compromising to be done. The most we can do is stay on our own sides a bit. While you are very nice, I also know we are not going to agree, but it's a nice change to see a Jkkr with a good opinion of Tae and who at least sees Tae and Jk are close. While Jkkrs often say Tkkrs hate Jimin (and to be fair there are definitely Tkkrs who talk about him wrongly) I feel this goes both ways.
To me it is not an either/or situation. If it ever turns out that Jk and Tae are not together, I wont believe Jimin and Jk are. That is just not how I see them. I understand why Jkkrs do, but... I just think you are mistaken in how you view their interactions. To me Jk and Jimin are just best friends. Super close, very playfull, flirty at times sure, but definitely platonic. If I were to compare the two. I feel with Jk and Jimin there's always a definite moment where they are "done" with each other. Like, they'll be playfull and bantery and touchy, but it's always just a moment with the purpuse of being funny, comforting, or friendly. It's not an underlying connection like Tae and JK have. Those two are constantly aware of each other, and that is not true for Jimin and Jk. You'll see many times where Jk and Jimin just don;t care what the other is up to, completely unaware.. and that is different with Tae and Jk. My taekook tag is way too full to go through, but I'll link some specific posts that contain most of my thoughts on Tae and Jk's bond at the end of this post.
I think one very important thing to be able to understand Tkkrs is that you have to be able to see that Tae and Jk never grew apart, like so many believe. It is such an accepted view throughout fandom that they grew apart somewhere inbetweeen 2016 and 2020 and that they became awkward. I absolutely do not think that is true. There is definitely less footage of them during a part of that time, and sure some awkward moments, but when you actually look at the footage that does exist, you can see a bond and a comfort that has not changed. If you are able to see that, you will also be able to see how Tae and Jk have been deliberately separated, even visibly on footage. Moments where they were close and touchy, they notice something off camera, they separate, and there's an emotional reaction to it. That does not happen with any of the other members, inculding Jk and Jimin. This is a post I made about the 2016-2020 period.
This post contains some thoughts I have on Taekook in general:
You can also find a lot of my thoughts on both Jikook and Taekook in these tags: Taekook analysis Ship analysis and there's my straws tag, but that one might also contain some snippy comments, so you might not enjoy 😶.
Thoughts on Jk and thoughts on Tae .
In general I don't think Jk and Jimin's interactions are fanservice. I think they have a genuine strong bond. Do they at times play it up for the camera's, Yes. But all members do that. While Jk and Jimin's interactions have never been avoided in official footage, Jk and Tae's have... and that's where imo the screwed vision of respective bonds comes from.
I've given much to go through, but it's too complicated for me to explain in just one post (though I have tried before 🙈).
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
I'm definitely going for the Doctor, the cop being a close second because tbh I think the rest suck. NOT AS IN CRITIQUING YOU OR YOUR WRITING, I'm basing in what we know of them so far. I just don't see my MC vibing (romantically) with any of them (and he hates their ex with a passion akdjskasjakfd). They look too sus for a MC who wants to start anew and be drama free (as much drama free as you can be in this story, God knows MC will really go through Some Stuff™️).
Besides I think the Doc is nice 🫣 and their response to Dad's approval was hilarious.
Super interesting to see how different the preferences for drama vs. no-drama show. I love it! I hope everybody finds at least 1 RO they can deeply enjoy (if you seek romance) - whilst surviving the company of the others ;)
I see you brought the Application Form for a Drama-Free-Restart! Great!
Dr. M approves *their gaze conveys a blend of vulnerability and longing*
F disapproves *they snatch the form from your hand, swiftly scan its contents, scoff with disdain, meet your gaze with a smirk, and insert it into the computer.*
S *looks at F* "You can't be serious. What's wrong with you?!"
Meanwhile on the Computer Screen... Application for Drama-Free-Restart has been received
... 15%...38%...
...7%...45%... 100%
>> Processing successful
Congratulations, your Application for Drama-Fueled-Restart has been accepted.
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Alright… season finale night! I am sat with my dinner and ready to GO!
I remember the promo for OG looking pretty good, so here’s hoping that sets the scene for tonight!
Okay, this starlet couple is giving taylor vibes… plus she says her fans can get a bit crazy and she’s had a stalker for years? Yeah… the writers are pulling from that here.. esp cause we already know the shooter was going for the DA so it's not like they're pulling from an actual case of the sports guy getting shot... lol
UGH I just remembered this is Kate’s last ep and now I’m sad (oh god I hope she doesn’t die…)
Man… if I’m ever a suspect I’m totally fucked cause I’m always just “uh.. I was at home… alone.” LOL.
Completely unrelated: I am freezing right now. WHY? It’s summer?! Its so warm outside!
Okay, I thought the find my phone app was only for apple? does android have a similar feature?
“we’ll put eddie on the stand first thing tmr.” Yeah that bitch is gonna be dead.
Yup. Called it.
OHHkay, at least they mentioned a safehouse cause I was wondering why tf he wasn’t under protective custody
Can’t they just charge the guy for the murder of the sports dude and call it a day? Like, he’d go down for that for like what? 25 to life? (like, yeah I *get* *why* they want to prove that he was actually trying to kill the da, but like.. still)
Oh hot damn that is some fucking dirty laundry. And let me guess, her dad got the charges talked down….
Okay that wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been
Okay, that opening was actually pretty good and nearly hooked me in but I am making friendship bracelets and listening to swift as it plays so im not really paying attention. Lol.
Okay, affair. Sus.
My dumb ass saw a BTS pic of this opening scene and thought it was from a table read LOL.
“unknown subject” COME ON. You are not criminal minds guys!
K, im loving Velasco and Bruno being paired together, but it is just fueling this thurst…
What kind of person comes home to a dark apartment and doesn’t use their phone flashlight to get around?? Like, candles would not be my first instinct lol
“it’s our unsub” STOP IT! It’s been 25 years and you have always called them “perps” (yes, yes, I know it’s likely a common term among law enforcement –maybe?—but STILL). Like… on cm they have to explain the term to the locals, so this is just a CM fan on the writing team or something and I fucking hate it.
Velasco in yet another sweater that I am definitely stealing.
What happened to Lorraine Baxter? (that was her name, right?) did she step down after her husband died/was linked to a case? Cause I don’t think that was ever brought up but suddenly there’s a new person in her position?? (or was betty buckley just not available for this episode and they went lazy?)
Phoebe being out of town? Fin denied a beer from Velasco so he can go home and play video games all night.
Jfc. It’s been like 20 years since fin’s been shot. Ice out here earning his cheque this week.
Bruh, olivia’s not gonna buy you fake ass story lol.
“if I say yes can I change the subject?” LOL.
Saw this in the promo and still fucking forgot it was going to happen.
All the fans want is some actual family/found family shit WITH THE SQUAD. I don’t know a SINGLE person who has been happy to see any of the times maddy’s come back?
Like, I’m not the person for that ship, but they really have just been bating y’all all fucking season and FOR THAT?!
Oh HOLY SHIT we were actually given a phone call?! Now THAT was unexpected. Like, I GET it, having M or Chris guest starring on the other show would be such a fucking hassle when they have their own shows to run but like, just a hint of them trying to at least repair their friendship now that he’s been back in nyc for what? Like 3?4? years now? And there’s been nothing?? (im likely leaning more into this and being frustrated about it because ive been watching 1.0 again and seeing their dynamic and just how close and in sync they were all the time, like, even 10 years of radio silence there’s gotta be something there. I do get that if one or both had romantic feelings that it would feel like a bigger betrayal that would complicate upon reunion, but like, at the very least have them be besties working diff units please?)
Okay, that episode wasn’t great. It wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great. Definitely didn’t feel like a season finale…
OC time…
Eli’s gf has to be pregnant, there’s no other explanation imo
Okay now THIS feels like the start to a season finale!
I FUCKING KNEW IT!!!! I KNEW IT! LOOOL to Bernie just instantly knowing.
Family dinner sounds like a fantastic idea now that eli’s gf is knocked up and Elliot doesn’t know and joe’s running around being a literal criminal. I cannot wait to see this Bernie. (there’s no sarcasm there. I really hope it happens)
Does joe know/realize that elliot’s currently working this case? Like, that both of them could get killed when the fact that they’re brothers gets out? (okay we got through the commercial break, I forgot joe was all “I can be your informant” last ep! Goldfish brain!)
God I love Ayanna so much
Where are the rest of the stabler kids? Lol.
Eli out here seriously 100% following in elliots footsteps. Jeeze lol “family tradition” LOL yeah, having a kid right out of high school lololol
LOOOLL to jet starting to explain what a dm is to stabler lol
 Im pretty sure they’ve got vests on under their coats but I cant actually *see* any of them and that irks me and makes me nervous.
How is there only 5 minutes of this show left?! How are they ENDING a season like this?! Like this is an ongoing story, the main perp is still out there, on his way to CUBA and Joe is ON the plane with them…
Okay, OC was good, it felt like a season finale minus the Joe arc, I liked the summary of Elliot’s journey and how he’s been feeling and him visiting kathy’s grave at the end too to tell her about eli. Also love that he figured it out on his own that she was pregnant cause like.. dude had five kids, he’s bound to know pregnancy symptoms lol.
Honestly.. I think mothership was the best of the night!
Now we go back to season 3 and continue our rewatch over summer hiatus and pray to the gods that svu next season is better than the crap they’ve been feeding us.
Season 26 Wants:
-Curry & Sykes gone. (it doesn’t make sense for the politics/plot).
-Bruno to be upgraded to main cast
-A new female DETECTIVE who they’ll actually keep on for more than a season or two and we’ll get a good character arc out of her (bonus points for her being queer but we all know that’ll be the reason she disappears instantly) (also I don’t want her to be so fucking green. Make it so that she moved from another state/borough and has been working sex crimes for like, 5+ years already, someone that benson doesn’t need to babysit!)
-She could also be the sergeant if they move fin up to lieutenant and I think that’d be bad ass
-Rollins popping up more BUT, as Olivia’s friend, or a consult on a case with whatever her new job is
-More family/found family moments
-Maybe an actual court room scene once in a while, bring back some of our beloved defence attorneys and give Carisi something to DO for once
-Overall a bigger regular cast. S8/9 was PRIME for that kind of shit cause we had a captain, a sergeant, three to four detectives, an ADA, an ME, and a psychiatrist that were in basically every episode. I know that it’s likely a budget issue nowadays, but they could rotate through everyone LIKE THEY ARE DOING NOW, but with less people, it makes no sense. It made sense when there was such a larger cast cause it’d give one character an episode to show off and then they’d be gone or only have 1 line the next, they’re simply not utilizing the cast that they have right now and it’s fucking stupid and fucking sucks.
I think that’s all I’ve got for now lol. We’ll see…
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coffinsister · 1 year
Eeee so I can't pick a favorite between Ashley and Andrew but when I was playing it I definitely saw Ashley as sorta yandere vibes? Like yknow with the girl dying in the box was the primary example, Andrew going along with it too was like 👀 because why would he go along with killing someone unless he was either The Biggest Doormat (which i definitely understand seeing the creator's notes) or he was also vaguely yandere but not acknowledging it. There's a lot of toxicity between them obviously and a lot of trauma (not sure where from aside from whole being locked in the apartment for Hecc knows how long and maybe neglectful parents) but they seem to be reading the same book but they're not the same page if that makes sense. Andrew probably also has some Older Sibling syndrome going on there because he cares about Ashley if reluctantly sometimes and takes responsibility for things, while Ashley makes sense as the younger sibling (as an older sister myself it at least was recognizable with how Andrew was telling Ashley she had to realize what they'd done at the end of the chapter) and with the whole demon thing it made me wonder what the talisman will show Ashley or if there will be more complicated horror with the two of them encountering more cultists or if their parents had something to do with the issue because I definitely agree on the whole sus mom thing
All in all I love how the game gives us enough information to see kind of where it could go but doesn't spoil the plot and the Coffin part of the title definitely gave me 4th wall thoughts similar to Homestuck. The apartment/demon occult based horror is similar to Sally Face too so it just took the gremlins and made me super interested in the story. If i ever write anything i'll definitely send it to you!! I work as a writer off of tumblr for a larp company currently though so my brain is a bit fried but I love this game a lot and it was super interesting to see what was going on in the story 👀
Thank you !!! Don't overheat your brain anymore than necessary to survive in the techno capitalist hellscape singularity we are currently in but if you do find the time to write anything that would be amazing :D
And now to answer everything else:
I love both siblings for their own reasons I really do but I fell in love with Andrew the moment I saw him because brocon tendencies defeat all sorts of common sense immediately for me
Yeah Ashley totally fits into the yandere archetype except she's more real I would say and she's definitely more western than full on anime like
I say she's more real because she's actually shown to struggle a lot with socialization and with her parents and just seems to be rejected by the world around her because of her personality instead of just being a random girl who somehow exists with that behavior and it's okay
Yeah I actually don't really understand Andrew's motivations for going along with stuff all that deeply I always feel like there's something I'm missing with him but mostly I just see it as well he genuinely really cares for his sister and doesn't want to see her in distress and he's super codependent as well and cannot lose and he's a pushover too and finds it easier to go along and blame her for everything instead of standing up to her and risk losing her and then having to confront himself
As Ashley did say she's the only person he can be real with so he can't stand to lose her
I also totally think he's yandere on his own right like maybe yandere wouldn't be the right term for him because he definitely doesn't present himself at first as more approachable like Ashley does but he's still super overprotective of her
Like straight up one of the like 7 times the Rage sprite is used twice are just for the time where Ashley makes the comment about getting pregnant from their neighbor
So yeah they are both yanderes for each other and we love that for them
Personally I see the trauma from them steming from yeah killing that girl that's definitely not something you can just walk off but also from their parents seeming to be very detached and neglectful of them and also from Ashley specifically I see her as somebody who's never managed to have a long lasting relationship of any type with anybody other than Andrew
She expresses that just who she is and her personality makes people turn away from her and that over so much time and starting up from so young can really mess a person up
And then she starts isolating Andrew too and they wind up becoming dependant on each other and no matter what forcing one person to carry the weight that a whole entire social circle should is always going to end up turning toxic ah~ which is what I so love about them I'm just a natural sucker for toxic siblings dynamics
Actually your perspective saying that Ashley fits as a little sister is really interesting to me because I am a little sister I can't really understand how older siblings look at their younger siblings but I can see a lot of how me and my older sister are like in just how they banter and stuff
Like that bit where Andrew is like nope you go get the batteries It was like a Deja Vu for me swear to God
I definitely think the whole prophetic dreams stuff is gonna play a big role in the full game and I'm really looking forwards to the horror potential of it all
I also really enjoy the idea of Ashley being super paranoic all the time about everything she dreams because what if she interprets it wrong what if she doesn't see the right thing what if it ends up getting Andrew hurt and as much as he doesn't want him to be able to live on without her that stems from the fact that she definitely cannot live on without him
One thing I really enjoy about dystopian stories is that they tell you just enough they make you feel like the world was already here before you and you are just watching it at the moment and this game does that so well
I know nothing about Homestuck but everyday I learn something new about it as it seems
And sorry, as you can probably tell, I can talk a whole lot about my special interests jejeje (☍﹏⁰).
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petrichoraline · 2 years
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thanks to @pondphuwin @tinybangtanx and @chinzhillababy for indulging me and in such an incredible way too 😭🥰💖
okay, so *cracks knuckles* this is my big episode 11 prediction theory (and how it came to be) these are my predictions based on these beautiful cryptic resumes showed above. i should post a full ep11 script later, i just really want to get these out in the open before i go offline
at first the oishii pp part made me think in this direction: "those bottle scenes are always a bit spicy so maybe tinngun were doing another round of will-they-won't-they and looking at each others eyes while seductively gulping down pp juice when someone, maybe tinn's mom? walked in on them (and this was the last proof she needed to go off on tinn?)"
but then i was gobsmacked with "only drink from drinks you know about" which is giving "bar safety for girlies 101"? and makes me think about that "how each member of ateez would react if you ask them to watch your glass" video but anyways
i really doubt they're putting drugs into the last ep of The Wholesome Show™️ so there is def something else going on but quite important if two people decided it was vital to mention it
let's go to the other common point: "there is such a thing as taking "falling for you" too far" and "never give up but always watch ur step as u go"
i thought at first that this seems simple enough, a part of a pair (cause it's ep 11, obviously it's not gonna all be about tinngun) clumsily fell while being cute..i did, however, find it a bit sus it's one of two things said that @pondphuwin found worthy to mention..
so @chinzhillababy's addition made me paint a more colourful picture - person A upset person B, some big relationship quarrel occured but person A was like "oh no, this can't be it, i'm fighting for this, for us!" (based on the vibes of love and persistance the clues are exuding) and going after person B in a dramatic fashion, they fell down a solid amount of stairs; i was thinking tinngun tbh but reading about this type of stupidity just makes tiw's face steal tinn's spot in my imaginary scene..i can definitely see por being the needy bf being chased too. this would make sense if them secretly dating was canon and they had a fight about going public..i do, however, think my dash would have been bombarded with posts about it, so i feel i have to exclude that theory
honestly i'm just imagining someone making a dramatic love confession, falling fatally, ending up in hospital and dying (cause tissues?? went off with their acting?? @tinybangtanx your comment is so simple yet so confusing and it sets my imagination OFF)
but i remind myself this is the The Cute Vitamin of the Week Show™️ and get my head back in the boring reality of everyone being safe and sound 🙄 (if someone is actually seriously harmed i will kinda laugh ngl just because it'd feel like i've lost a bet brutally)
i can't get rid of the feeling it's more about a cathartic moment rather than a completely sad one, some type of breakthrough - although i imagine gun being a part of it, it might be the final conflict resolution or at least the open confrontation between tinn and his mom (which i imagine the show wouldn't treat lightly, their mom/son dynamic has been one of the constant themes of the show and this conversation is long overdue, the tension has been building since episode 1); ah, they better not be doing anything to gun's mom, considering the operation went well i doubt they'll be playing a will-she-won't-she (survive) in the last episodes (but the ending of the first resume is so ominous, the type of comment a person who's been hit by a shocker in a show and has been crying over fictional characters and is emotionally exhausted would put at the end of a sentence 😑(this is me squinting at you, mint, this "<3" bothered me more than the tissues comment! two takeaways is a sus amount of takeaways!! it reads as "idk what to tell ya this was a mess and i'm still not sure what i just watched"😭)
ugh let's move on, "arms are NOT legs (sometimes)" was the point at which i stopped squinting out of fear of being spoiled and just snorted loudly... this feels like another drunk gun moment- ohh
okay if the drink comment was NOT about the oishii product placement? if they are two different things OR there's not juice in those bottles? if someone really DID get drunk by accident and this arms-legs moment is just so cute and batshit insane that it HAD to be mentioned (but wasn't that important to the plot)?
i saw the thumbnails earlier btw so i know tiwpor are in this episode for sure but just realised i dont remember the preview from last week as i was trying to figure out what info i have from the previous ep
the arm/leg thing just reminds me of that yeosang video where he put his leg up during a photoshoot instead of his arm because the words sound the same but anyways; it also makes me think of like "give me your hand" and then they give him their leg..? or walking on all fours up stairs? (like it's basically a lot of drunk behaviour imagery, i'm stuck in this scenario lmao) so let's see the rest of the "details"
but before that i want to mention "never give up" really feels more like a not love-related thing, like chase your dreams or run after smth, it's only because of the "falling for you" line that i stay on the "romantic encounter/quarrel track)
(this is my thoughts flowing in real time, if you can't tell, that's why this post is two kilometers long, written in short paragraphs for orderliness and reading it probably feels like being splashed with a shot of espresso in the face at every turn)
okay maybe the arm/leg thing is about a hit? slap vs kick? and the sometimes is like.. whatever gets the job done? lol dramatic por shit if you ask me but maybe soundgun are finally battling that sexual tension out idk (again, my feed would not shut up if that were the case)
"you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" - okay who kissed who? like this is definitely about a cheesy ass romantic moment (im imagining a camping tent cause that's what i associate mosquitoes with apparently lmao but this ain't golden blood); like one of these guys sucked on someone's wrist or..?? maybe it's a cute nickname, maybe it's about the actual insect but someone (i am seeing tiwpor because of a thumbnail being stuck in my head) for sure turned a huh? moment into a cute type of confession thing (i can't get a tiwpor in a tent scenario out of my head, i'm corrupted);
"if you're feeling dizzy hold on tight" - the more i read the more i feel someone ended up at a hospital.. did someone fall off a bike?? did they fall from the stairs?? (there are school stairs in my mind and i can't do anything about that, they're part of my imaginary ep set now)
i am so sleepy at this point i just saw the cute poses they were doing in a gif (and immediately clicked away okay) that i also saw in a thumbnail but i'll try not to put that into my episode
okay so the boys went off with their acting which means that this ain't about gemfourth only probably? it feels like it's a more balanced or side-couple heavy episode; maybe tinngun appear for a mom conflict moment but the rest is establishing what is going on with the other guys? maybe a lot of group scenes again// it wouldve helped if yall mentioned names guys i am sweating over here;
like did the oishii pp come before the falling or not?? who winged their tags here?? this is important you guys :((
i just saw a gif of gun screaming angrily (and first - hot- but second nooo okay this is gonna solidify tinngun as the falling couple, tiwpor can get the mosquitoes and soundwin are on a bike)
speaking of soundgun the arm/leg thing could be related to their whole "i'll be your hands" thing and sound's injury, i feel like it could come back in this episode in some way?
the drinks thing sounds like a silly chinzhilla mess-around gone wrong or a complete accident one of the members caused, like he placed his bottle full of god knows what in the wrong spot and someone drank it in a hurry;
"you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" feels like such a romantic line. like "things that seem bad may bring you more joy than you imagined and could be right for you", smth spoken while one is walking away and the other gently gets hold of their wrist (yes, this is still calm tiw sitting down on a chair in a tent holding por's hand who looks distressed and is also wearing shorts with a belt and an expensive shirt tucked in, no, that will not make the final cut, it's a draft i can't get rid of, you see)
I KEEP SEEING MEME POSTS LIKE SMTH TIWPOR SMTH PAT SMTH AND I AM TOO SLOW AND INTRIGUED AND LOOK AWAY JUST IN TIME YO THIS IS A BATTLEFIELD (like why did all these msp posts start coming in now, is it the americans, did yall just get home and start blogging)
okayy serious conflict and what they are makes me think about the drinks again. if these are reffering to the bottles, aside from the content of the bottle, what else could be important about it? an indirect kiss? someone took gun's bottle and tinn was jealous for example? but that's silly stuff. so maybe there was a note on one of them? i am assuming it's more than one but maybe it is precisely one bottle as the pp this time and there was a romantic message on it (this reminds me of another show that's not coming to me rn). so this note gets in the hands of someone who was not meant to see it so maybe that's how tinngun's relationship gets revealed to the band (i had completely forgotten that was a conflict and could be turned into a big deal, i sobered up a bit and remembered just now); i feel like im way more on track with this one ngl ngl feels.. revelationary
again back to "you don't always need to swat away mosquitoes" - this is soundwin. it has to beeeee. like mosquitoes are annoying but you don't always have to chase them away, you can be a big tsundere about it (prior or post starting dating depending on whether you're sound or win lol) and let them be a part of your life, something like that.
tiw's career expectations vs wishes situation might actually be more than just a throwaway line for the job consultation part of the show, if we get to see more tiw that may be explored a bit. i personally don't know shit about por aside from the fact he's a fan of a teacher and has a fun fashion sense (that might be on me, i have trouble with understanding chinzhilla members) so it's very hard to speculate what they'd do together when given more screentime, all i can think about is their tutoring session and how that relates to career choices so it feels inevitable from my pov that their plot is gonna involve the topic of growing up or defying expectations or smth
the only feeling of dizzyness i can think off aside from bikes is the one gun's mom experiences? or maybe tinn's mom would experience out of shock (y'know, lakorn style) and considering thats the last comment in those tags i'm guessing it's about the end of the episode so maybe tinn's mom finally reacts to tinngun and faints or smth and tinn has to do some doctor- we had that with gun's mom already, moving onn
I JUST REMEMBERED THE PREVIEW WAITT so the last ep ended with hot wave (i absolutely forgot that you do not understand how hard im giggling at myself for that rn, i have to binge shows, otherwise you get me writing about msp for hours and not recalling the most anticipated event of the show happening as a cliffhanger last week) and in the preview they were back at the resort and gun talked about how he didn't want the guys to regret staying with him and they did a group hug.. now the other stuff i don't remember.) i'm guessing they didn't win; the way i remembered is i was like "tf they doing for a whole episode? a road trip?" and it came to me) so if they're back in the resort with pat i'm guessing my dude finally took two minutes to give them some words of wisdom without acting insane; maybe this ending of sorts for them got por thinking about his future and that got him and tiw talking and bonding but some of those tags have to be about tiwpor and yet NONE OF THEM FIT WITH THIS THEORY
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
(anon) Ehehe… It seems my Dove has been listening to Gabby about both of these lads. I’ll stop going amateur detective and raking your little guys over the coals for now and wait for more.
But if I ever learn Eliyah harassed/stalked Gabby during a shared photography course or something in the past, if he owns a long range lens, or he so much as comments on Dove’s outfit an extra hot Macchiato down his front can be arranged 😏
Ps. Eliyah’s probably jealous of Krow to take a shot at his appearance. A competing suitor, talented in his own art despite not having the luxury of formal study, and despite not being a tall well dressed white man (or because of it) Krow is definitely attractive. He may even have a more subtle approach/more charismatic social skills.
Whitebread is picking up genuine off vibes… but he also seems so used to getting what he wants that he’s mad his slick clothes/advantages in life didn’t get Gabby and maybe not Dove.
And tellingly Eliyah went after Krow’s ‘slobby’ paint stained clothes - which are a class indicator, the one thing he clearly wins at over Krow.
Ps. Despite paint and not affording to replace his clothes Krow is always scrupulously clean because of work. So a little sus what is meant by ‘gunk’ on his clothes.🤔 Just shade? Or foreshadowing?
Heh heh heh
Gabby is very pleased with (your) Dove. Yes, stay away from sussy dumb boys and enbies. ):<
Lmao if you did that. Gabby would take a picture of that and have it as her homescreen for at least a bit. Or if not that, it is going in her "treasured moment" photo album, to which she'll pull it up and snicker at it whenever she is having a bad day. "Why is having a long range lens suspicious? I'm sorry I try to capture distant birds in flight or see a whale or a seal out on the water??"
Ooooh. Very interesting observations. Not confirming or denying but... inch-resting for sure~ Indeed, what is it all Eliyah's comments? Just pompous shade? Or maybe sneaky foreshadowing? Hmmmmm~
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saltminerising · 2 years
"Can someone explain why is this an issue?"
Hi, anon who submitted the reply ask here. Personally I'm a little on the fence about this, I directed my ask mainly at the anon who said the original silhouette scroll ask was a flat out lie when it wasn't. I don't think it's a huge issue, but it's a little sus.
I'm not going to say anything about the original ask since it's not my place to tell anyone that the vibes they're getting from someone are wrong or anything. That being said, I can definitely sympathize and I'll try my best to explain why anon might be getting weird vibes from CG.
Ignoring their fursona, every other dragon in CG's lair that has a silhouette scroll applied is specified to still be their site-assigned gender. That's fine by itself, I'm sure plenty of people have dragons who only have the silhouette scroll because of skins or pose preference.
However, CG also states that they're christian in both their clan info and signature. In their clan info, they mention that they love going to church. To me at least, that implies that this is a facet of themselves that they either feel strongly about or want other people to know. Then again some people just overshare, so by itself that's fine.
By themselves, these two points are quite innocent. The issue starts when you draw a line between the two points. For example, the scrolled ZZ dragon was wearing a m-pose skin last I checked (they no longer are, that skin is now on another ZZ dragon). That dragon was described as being genderless, so why specify that they were just using a male pose for the skin? If we're going to be using "it" pronouns, then the pose is irrelevant. Why doesn't the other ZZ dragon (the one who's currently wearing the skin) have anything in its bio about being genderless?
In a lot of these dragon's bios, CG seems to go out of their way to justify why the dragon has had the silhouette scroll applied, and that the dragon is still the site-assigned gender. All they really needed to do was just put "Pronouns: x/x" in the bio and leave it at that. Have a female dragon using a male pose for a skin? Pronouns: she/her. It's that easy.
A lot of people who tend to be against the lgbtq+ community try to downplay it online, especially in a more accepting place like flight rising. It's not something anyone can point to and say "I factually know that this person is transphobic and here's all the evidence," but it is odd and brings to mind the "hate the the sin love the sinner"-type christians.
Again, it could also be nothing, vibes are just vibes.
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