#you can find the rough drafts on wattpad if you wanna read it
ic33claw · 7 months
Pinescone seems to be back in style so here’s another shameless art dump of my fanfic!
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Made These while in bootcamp because my brain thinks it’s a smart idea to get a hyperfixation while i can’t have any access to the internet.
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Valentine’s Day thing
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This is actually a rather nice find! This was the very first artwork I made for the fic back in early 2019. Back then the fic was called stars
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 6 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Language, age gap, sexual themes (used lightly), physical abuse (Not by Dean).
Word Count: 2,405
A/N: I had to repost this part because my dumb self accidentally copied my rough draft instead of the finished chapter lol. If you guys see anything that doesn’t make sense let me know! I’m still new at writing, but I want to make it as perfect as possible for my readers! This story is cross posted on Wattpad, I made the last minute decision to share it here too. Happy reading! ♥️
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Julia stepped into the diner, the faint chime of the doorbell ringing out as she entered. The place was quiet, with only a handful of people scattered around. She scanned the room, trying to push past the frustration building in her chest. Dean's words echoed in her mind—stay out of trouble. He acted like she couldn't handle a real hunt, like she was nothing more than an inconvenience. It wasn't the first time he'd made her feel like that, and she doubted it would be the last.
But she was determined to prove him wrong.
Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the counter where an older woman stood wiping down the surface. The woman looked up, offering a small smile as Julia approached.
"Can I help you, hun?" she asked, her voice warm but tired.
Julia returned the smile, trying to keep her tone casual. "Yeah, I'm new in town and heard there's been some weird stuff going on lately. Thought I'd ask around, see if anyone knows what's up."
The woman raised an eyebrow, glancing around before leaning in slightly. "Weird stuff? You mean the attacks?"
Julia nodded, keeping her expression neutral. "Yeah. People saying it's a wild animal or something?"
The woman sighed, shaking her head. "It's more than just an animal, I'll tell you that. Folks around here are scared. There's been a few people attacked just outside town, and none of them made it. I've heard whispers about some kind of beast, but no one knows for sure."
Julia's heart rate quickened. Definitely sounds like a werewolf. She kept her voice steady. "Anyone get a good look at whatever it is?"
The woman hesitated, glancing over her shoulder like she didn't want anyone to overhear. "There's one guy, a regular, who swears he saw it. Ted, his name is. He's been spooked ever since, though, barely comes in anymore. You might wanna talk to him. Lives in a cabin on the outskirts of town, past the woods."
Julia thanked the woman and ordered a coffee to go before stepping outside. The sun had dipped lower, casting the small town in a soft, orange glow. She spotted Dean and Sam across the street, walking out of the sheriff's office.
Dean's gaze locked onto her as she crossed the road to meet them. His expression was the same as always—guarded, skeptical, like he was waiting for her to mess up.
"Well?" Dean asked, his voice impatient. "You find anything, or were you too busy chatting up the locals?"
Julia ignored the sting in his tone, keeping her voice steady. "One of the waitresses mentioned a guy named Ted. He says he saw whatever attacked the victims. He lives just past the woods in a cabin. Could be worth checking out."
Dean's eyebrows lifted slightly, like he hadn't expected her to come back with anything useful. He gave a slow nod, glancing at Sam before looking back at her. "Alright. We'll check it out."
For a brief moment, Julia felt a flicker of satisfaction. Maybe this'll prove I'm not just in the way.
The three of them piled back into the Impala, the familiar hum of the engine filling the silence once again as they headed toward Ted's cabin. The tension from before still lingered, but there was something new in the air now—anticipation. Julia knew this was her chance to show Dean she could pull her weight.
As they neared the outskirts of town, the road grew rougher, surrounded by thick woods on either side. Dean parked the Impala at the edge of a long narrow dirt path leading to the cabin. The sun was almost completely gone now, the last traces of daylight fading fast.
Dean stopped the car in the middle of the path as it looked too rough to drive the rest of the way. They got out of the car, and Dean grabbed his sawed-off shotgun from the trunk, tossing Sam and Julia their weapons. He eyed Julia for a second longer than necessary before turning toward the path. "Let's go."
The air was cool, a sharp contrast to the warmth of the day, and Julia found herself gripping her knife a little tighter as they walked.
After a little bit of walking , the outline of a small cabin came into view. Dean motioned for them to stop, holding up his hand as he scanned the area.
They walked up to the cabin and knocked and a man opened the door. He was a middle-aged man, his clothes slightly disheveled, eyes darting around like he expected trouble at any moment
"Hey, Ted right? We spoke on the phone earlier." Dean said. "Mind if we come in to talk?”
Ted nodded, his gaze flicking nervously between them. "Sure. I'm not much for company, but I suppose it's better than being alone."
They all  came in the quaint looking cabin, and Dean wasted no time getting to the point. "We heard you saw something the other night. Can you tell us what you saw?"
Ted took a shaky sip of his coffee before beginning. "It was dark, and I was just heading home. Then I heard this growl, like nothing I've ever heard before. I thought it was a bear or something at first. But when I saw it... it wasn't any kind of animal I've seen. It was huge, with glowing eyes. It came at me, but I managed to get away. I've been too scared to go back out there since."
Julia listened intently, her mind racing. A growl, glowing eyes—it fit the description of a werewolf alright.
Dean glanced at Julia, then back at Ted. "Anything else you remember? Any specific features or behaviors?"
Ted shook his head. "Just the eyes and the growl. It was like it was hunting me."
Sam leaned in, his expression thoughtful. "Have you seen anything else strange around here? Any other incidents?"
Ted hesitated before speaking. "There've been some odd occurrences—people seeing strange things in the woods, noises at night. I thought it was just my imagination or the stress from what happened to me."
Dean glanced at Julia again, a silent question in his eyes. Julia nodded slightly, indicating that Ted's account was useful.
"Alright," Dean said, standing up. "Thanks for your time, Ted. We'll look into it."
Ted nodded, still looking uneasy. "Be careful. Whatever that thing is, it's dangerous."
They left Ted's residence , heading back to the Impala. Julia felt a renewed sense of purpose. With the new information, they had more to go on. They could focus on the details Ted had provided, potentially narrowing down their search.
As they settled into the car, Dean started the engine. "So, what's next? We going back to check the woods or...?"
Dean nodded, pulling out of the dirt path. The drive to the woods was filled with the low hum of the engine and the occasional rustle of conversation between Sam and Dean. Julia stayed mostly silent, her mind still processing everything from the morning.
When they reached the edge of the woods, the sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting long shadows through the trees. They parked the car and grabbed their gear, ready to investigate.
Dean led the way into the forest, the terrain becoming increasingly rugged as they moved deeper. Julia stayed close behind, her senses on high alert. The forest was eerily quiet, the kind of silence that seemed to press in from all sides.
After a few minutes of hiking, they came across a small clearing with signs of a struggle—broken branches, disturbed ground. Julia's heart raced. This was the kind of evidence they needed.
"Looks like this is where it happened," Dean said, examining the area. "We should spread out and see if we can find any more clues."
Julia nodded, taking a deep breath as she walked beside
"Stay back," he muttered to Julia, his voice low.
Julia bit back her frustration, knowing now wasn't the time to argue. She hung back as Dean and Sam moved toward the cabin, their weapons raised, their steps silent.
Suddenly, a rustling sound echoed from the trees behind them. Julia's heart raced as she turned, her grip tightening on her knife. The sound grew louder, closer, until a large shadow darted through the trees.
She raised her weapon, trying to get a clear shot, but the creature was fast, darting in and out of the shadows. Before she could react, it lunged at her with terrifying speed.
"Julia, watch out!" Dean's voice shouted from somewhere behind her.
The werewolf's claws slashed through the air, catching Julia off guard. She tried to dodge, but its claws raked across her shoulder, tearing through her jacket and into her flesh. A cry of pain escaped her as she staggered back, her weapon slipping from her hand.
Dean and Sam charged in, guns blazing. The werewolf howled in pain and rage, momentarily distracted by the sudden attack. Dean's shots found their mark, and the creature staggered before retreating into the darkness.
Sam hurried over to Julia, his face etched with concern. "Julia, are you okay?"
Julia winced as she touched her shoulder, feeling the warm trickle of blood. "I... I'm okay. Just a scratch. We need to finish it."
Dean, his face a mix of anger and worry, approached quickly. "You're not okay. You're hurt. We need to get you patched up."
He grabbed her arm, guiding her back to the Impala with Sam following closely. Julia's shoulder burned with every step, but she tried to stay steady. The werewolf might still be out there, and they couldn't afford to waste time.
Once they reached the car, Dean quickly pulled out a first aid kit from the trunk. His hands moved with practiced efficiency, but his expression was tense.
"Sit down," Dean ordered, gesturing to the backseat. "We need to clean this up before it gets worse."
Julia obeyed, gritting her teeth against the pain as she settled into the backseat. Dean pulled out the antiseptic, a pair of scissors, and a needle and thread. He glanced at her shoulder, his jaw tightening.
"You should have been more careful," Dean said gruffly, his voice tinged with frustration. "I told you to stay back and let us handle it. Now look what happened."
Julia bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears. "It's not that bad. I just got a scratch."
Dean's eyes narrowed. "A scratch that needs stitches this time. What happens if next time you get bit? You could've turned. You always rush in without thinking." Dean seethed.
Sam stepped in, trying to defuse the tension. "Dean, she was trying to help. It's not entirely her fault. The werewolf was fast."
Dean huffed but didn't respond, focusing instead on cleaning the wound. Julia watched as he worked, his hands steady but his expression betraying his frustration. He cleaned the wound thoroughly, applying antiseptic before starting the stitches.
The pain was sharp and intense, but Julia bit her lip and stayed still, refusing to let out more than a few gasps. Dean worked in silence, his anger morphing into a grim determination to get the job done right. He finished the stitches quickly, his movements efficient but rough
"There," Dean said finally, tying off the thread and cutting it. "All done. Try not to move your shoulder too much."
Julia nodded, wincing as she adjusted her position. "Thanks, Dean. I appreciate it."
Dean's face softened slightly, though he still looked frustrated. "Just... be more careful next time. We can't afford to have you getting hurt. Not like this."
Julia nodded again, feeling a mix of relief and frustration. "I will. I promise."
Sam patted her shoulder gently, offering a supportive smile. "We need to get back out there and find that werewolf. It's still a threat."
Julia agreed, though she was keenly aware of the ache in her shoulder. "Yeah, let's finish this."
They packed up their gear and returned to the woods, the fading light casting long shadows around them. Dean stayed close to Julia, his attention divided between the hunt and keeping an eye on her.
As they continued their search, Julia tried to stay focused, despite the pain and the sting of Dean's anger. She knew he cared, even if his methods were rough around the edges. And right now, she needed to prove that she could handle herself—no matter how tough things got.
Suddenly, a rustling sound echoed from the trees behind them. Julia's heart raced as she turned, her grip tightening on her knife. The sound grew louder, closer, until a large shadow darted through the trees.
"Dean!" Julia called out, stepping forward instinctively.
Dean whipped around, his shotgun raised, just as the werewolf lunged from the darkness. It was massive, its eyes glowing in the dim light, teeth bared in a snarl. Without hesitation, Dean fired a shot, but the creature barely flinched, charging at him with terrifying speed.
Sam moved to fire his gun, but Julia acted faster. She hurled her knife with precision, the silver blade embedding itself in the werewolf's side. The creature let out a howl of pain, staggering back as the knife sizzled against its flesh.
Dean didn't hesitate. He fired another shot, this time hitting the werewolf square in the chest. The creature collapsed to the ground, dead before it hit the dirt.
There was a moment of stunned silence, the only sound the heavy breathing of all three hunters. Dean stared down at the body of the werewolf, then slowly turned toward Julia, his expression unreadable.
She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, but she didn't back down. "That was close," she said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline still coursing through her veins.
Dean's gaze flicked to the knife still lodged in the werewolf's side, then back to her. For a moment, she thought he might say something—maybe even give her some credit—but all he did was grunt and turn away.
"Let's get the body burned before someone stumbles on it," he muttered, walking back toward the cabin.
Julia watched him go, her chest tightening with a mix of frustration and disappointment. No matter what she did, no matter how many times she proved herself, it didn't matter.
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mayaswiterblog · 2 days
Me Inside, Me Outside (Homework)
This homework poem was written on 11 April 2019, translated into English on 18 April 2019 and then posted on Wattpad.
Translated Version
The demon out there It spits, it torments The Eyes glow With blood-red flow Sometimes yellow Or even another time With a Green shine
Demonic Moon Ignites Again When not shining It shines For me Warmth or Cold Whatever you feel But the Sun Blinds ye all Just like a magician Mirrors, illusions Do you see it That norm' lie?
They murmur They ponder They build Their own world Their own community You're alone You're odd Friends, treasures Under your wings The blood streams The Sun burns the feathers But the smile never fades Because faith is great When doing it for the greater good
And when others laugh with joy It recharges Anybody's welcome To my magic cave But only the backdoor Is open for a few more And only one life form Is my resource My only treasure
The World is sometimes Very strange Good or Bad An accident can be A good sign Even when it feels bad The good will always find it And change the fate Twisting it so tightly That it hurts But giggle still
In the vast SeaSky There's plenty of star-fish They gleam They shine Big & Small In the depth of that Ocean Another door in motion To another World Through the Roman corridor An enormous library can be found It's big, alright Full of rough drafts Written and drawn About anything and everything Nobody would read them anyway Unless you recommend them Or maybe find them yourself
But even the Water is not Always Peaceful There are all kinds of fish Could be a shark Or even an octopus A Pacific whale A Cute catfish
Who would even Love a monster? Either a stupid hero Or a brave knight
Say one thing Hear another The body's ugly The mind is great Think beyond everything See something else Understand very much But hard to explain A hand and a soul A Spirit of the Art Knowledge & sweet biscuits Ate way too much Without drinking water The thirst pressures The Self-esteem drops
But the smile still stays still 'Cause mum says "Always tolerate the pain It will go away again" "Panicking is the worst Always do your best" "Stay strong, unbend And never trust anyone To the very end."
No one ever cared Beside mum alone Friends came Then left The new came along But only a couple Stayed as life companions
Own people Like Romeo and Juliet Always claim You're not a person You're selfless Altruism reincarnate Who are you? I'm a woman, I'm a small girl Nobody will pay Attention Nobody understands They're gonna get Upset anyway I'm soulless I'm a Soviet robot I always float in the air
Until I found a new cave On the top of another mountain A new folk, a new song I felt the life As if I was a child again Silent like a black cat I observed and studied But I spoke and meowed Like a white kitty cat
The more you stay The easier is to see How tough I am Even if not acknowledge it myself They call for me As if I was A lost poor puss
Now that the sweet ring changes Tune so spiritually deep And so quivering It's scary Ghostly alarming The invisible thundercloud Always floating above the head But I wasn't left alone after all I've got a flower behind my ear Hugs and kisses A Friendship Love Even my laughter echoed at last With such ease, free and loud
And once again I found something insane Like a lucky accident Above the gleaming snow Under the freezing stars That creature right there So bright, so warm Couldn't even believe But it doesn't bother him To the slightest The heart beats, the heart freezes "You're beautiful, you're pretty" And he always says No matter how many times I show him my sharp teeth "You're cute, I wanna love you"
Finally, I am crying The icy walls melt The love is felt I feel myself As a beautiful woman And not anymore As a small room girl I'm able to scream, I'm able to sneer I can neigh now, I can chirp now I purr more, I wind like a snake I'm being myself I found my own tone of voice My heart is strong Because I'm honest with myself I'm humane now And it shows.
Minä sisälta, Minä ulkoa
Demoni siellä Se sylkii, se räkisee Silmät kiiltävät Veren-punaisina Joskus keltaisine, Tai jopa Vihreinä
Demoni Kuu Syttyihän Taas Kun ei pasta Paistaa Se mulla Lämpö tai Kylmyys Mitä vaan tunnet Mutta aurinkohan Sokeuttaa Kuin taikuri Peilit, illusiot Näetkö sen Se normi valhetta?
He supinavat He ajattelevat He rakentavat Oman maailmansa Oman seuransa Olet yksin Olet outo Kaverit, aarteet Siipiesi alla Veri valuu Aurinko polttaa höyheniä Mutta hymyilee aina Koska uskomus on suuri Että muille tekee hyvää
Ja toiset nauravat ilotse Se tuo energiaa Omalle taika luolalle Tervetuloa kuka tahansa Mutta vain takaovi On avoin pari hahmoille Ja vain yksi eliö On voimavarani Ainoa aarteni
Maailma on joskus Tosi ihme Hyvä tai paha Vahinko voi olla Hyvä merkki Vaikka tuntuu pahaa Hyvää löytää sen kyllä Ja muuttaa sen kohtalon Vääntääksen niin kireeksi Että sattuu Mutta nauraa silti
Meritaivaalla on Plajon tähtikaloja Ne kiiltää Ne loistaa Suuria & pieniä Ton meritaivaan syvyydessä Löytyy toinen ovi Toiseen maailmaan Roomalaisen käytävän kautta Löytyy erinnomainen kirjasto Onhan se suuri Täynnä luonnoksia Kirjoitettu ja piiretty Mistä vaan tahansa Kukaanhan ei lue niitä Kunnes suosittelet Tai ehkä löydät itse
Mutta Vesikin ei ole Aina rauhallinen Kaloja on monenlaisia Voi olla hai Tai vaikkapa mustekkala Tyyni valas Söpö merikissa
Kukahan hirviötä Tykkää? Joko typerä sankari Tai rohkea ritari
Puhuu yhtä Kuuluu toista Ruumis ruma Mieli valtava Ajattelee yli kaiken Näkee muuta Ymmärtää todella paljon Mutta hankalaa selittää Käsi ja sielu Taiteen henki Tiede & makeat keksit Syönnyt liian liikaa Vesiä juomatta Jano painaa Itsetunto putoaa
Mutta hymy pysyy Koska äiti sanoo "Kestä kivun aina Sehän lähtee pois" "Paniikki on pahinta Tee parhaasi mukaan" "Pysy vahvana Ja älä luota ketään Luppuun asti."
Kukaan ei välittänyt Paitsi äiti yksin Kaverit tulivat Lähtivät Ja uudet tulivat taas Vain pari kappaletta Elämäntovereita
Omathan ihmiset Kuin Romea ja Julia Aina väittävät Et ole henkilö Olet epäitsekäs Altruismin reinkarnaatio Kuka olet? Olen nainen, Olen pieni tyttö. Kukaan ei ota huomioon Kukaan ei ymmärrä Suuttuvanthan ne silti Olen sieluton Olen Neuvostoliiton robotti Leijun ilmassa aina
Kunnes löysin uuden luolan Toisen vuoren huipulla Uusi kansa, uusi laulu Tunsin elämän Kuin lapsena olisin Hiljaa kuin musta kissa Katsoin ja tutkinut Mutta puhuin ja maukuin Kuin valkoinen kissumirri
Mutta mitä kauemmin viettelee Sitä helpommin näkee Kuinka kova olen Vaikka sitä itse ei tunnustaa He kutsuvat minua Ihan kuin olisin Eksynyt kisu parka
Nyt se suloinen kilinä muuttuu Sävel niin henkisen syvä Ja värisevä Se pelottaa Haamullisesti hälyttää Näkymätön ukkonen Aina kelluu pään päällä Mutta ei yksin jäännytkään Sain kukan korvan taakse Sylit ja pusut Ystävällistä rakkautta Naurunikin vihdoin kaikui Helpotusti äänen vapaasti
Ja kerrankin löytyi jotain järjetöntä Kuin onnen vahinko Kiiltävän lumen päältä Kylmien tähtien alta Se olento sieltä Niin kirkas, niin lämpeä Ei uskoisi kaan Mutta ei häntä kiinnostaa Sydän sykkii, sydän pysähtyy "Olet kaunis, olet ihana" Ja aina hän sanoo Vaikka kuinka paljon Teräviä hampaitani näyttäisi "Olet söpö, haluan raksataa sinua"
Vihdoin itkettää Jäiset seinät sulavat Rakkautta tuntuu Tunnen itsensä Ihanaksi naiseksi Eikä enään Pienekis huone tytöksi Pystyn huutaa, pystyn ivata Voin nyt hirnua, voin nyt visertää Kehrään enemmän, mutkittelen kuin käärme Olen oma itsensä Löysin oman äänen sävynsä Sydämeni on vahva Koska olen rehellinen itseäni kohtaan Olen nyt inhimillinen Ja sen huomaa.
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kthyg · 5 months
Hi author,
I'm came from your youtube and wattpad. I had read your oldest fics but sad thing is you deleted your youtube channel and your not active in wattpad too but thanks to let us know that your here. I tbh miss some of your old ffs and one shot. Maybe you gonna find this crazy and different but i really miss your taehyung hybrid one shot that really blew my mind haha. And another one is jimin siren ff which i can see you re-posted and thank you so much. I just wanna ask when will you re-post that taehyung hybrid ff?? Because I used to read that repeatedly as if i read it several times then something will change maybe a little more or maybe some different will happen haha. I hope your doing good in your life.
i actually hv no words for this. i’m js flabbergasted. 😭 i love u for this. thank you in all seriousness. :) thank you for spending some of ur precious time to write this down to my inbox. given that i’ve been way too inactive since last year.
in my initial planning, i had planned to repost hybrid tae fic but sadly i lost all the drafts. 😞 i hv a rough outline of the story but it’s probably going to take time. (time and time management are my biggest enemies). but for now, i’ll see what i can do with it! i will be changing a LOT, i js know it. since after quitting youtube and joining tumblr, i’ve only been focusing on improvisation for my writing! so i’m very detail oriented with my own work nowadays.
im glad u liked the siren jimin too! it’s one of my fav tropes. <3 there should be another version of siren jimin fic. as per on yt, it’s called undeniable bond. i’ve been on and off trying to rewrite it. so do wish me luck so i can at least finish it this year and try to focus on my other fics :)
ps: this kind of ask really motivated me. it reminds me that some people still enjoy reading my works and perhaps still waiting for me. ill try my best! ^^
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chayscribbles · 2 years
okay. too much brain fog to put this in my usual fancy writing update format but here’s a rundown on what i’ve been up to in the last few months. (it does get a bit venty. sorry about that.)
i’ve mostly been working on and off on AR3, but it’s been a struggle the entire time. part of it i know is Life (2022 has not been kind to my mental health) but part of it i think is the wip itself.
i’m about 2/3rds of the way done this draft, and all i really have to write is the climax and the conclusions and epilogues and etc., but i’m having a rough time getting myself to do it. as i get nearer and nearer to the end of this entire trilogy (well. the first draft. but still), i’m finding myself doubting this story more and more, that i can give it a satisfying conclusion. writing this climax is just so daunting and i’m not completely sold on what i have planned. and i KNOW this is just the first draft, i can always go back and change things, but it’s hard for me to even write it if i’m not ready to commit to even the general gist of the scenes, if that makes sense. which is SO frustrating because as much as i’m tempted to give up i really don’t want to! i still do love this story and these characters and this world and i am proud of AR1 and AR2 and can’t wait to be able to start editing them. so why can’t i get through this final stretch? anyway if anyone has encouragement or tips please please please i really need it.
in less depressing news, though, i’ve been allowing myself to take longer breaks from AR to just play around with other new wip ideas. there’s a bunch of little concepts that are still too underdeveloped to talk about here yet but there is one that has become a lot bigger than i ever intended lol, and i think once i’m done with this draft of AR3 this could become my Main Wip before getting into AR redrafts and edits. i’m hesitant to share too much about it publicly yet as it’s still in pretty early stages, but for now just know that there’s queer women doing a heist in space.
ALSO. was anyone here in like, early 2020 on my old blog. does anyone remember that one superhero murder mystery wip featuring twins that i had. well. every couple of months i remember it exists and reread it and remember how much i actually love it despite it having been written in like 2015, and this time i think i’m ACTUALLY gonna try to clean it up and get it published somewhere for people to read. (haven’t decided if i want to get it PUBLISHED published, or if i just wanna yeet it onto some site like wattpad for people to read for free. we’ll see.) so yeah i might be reintroducing it at some point if i have the time, and/or looking for beta readers for that. so. if that’s something that you think might interest you keep your eyes peeled!
so that’s what’s been going on with me. i’m probably gonna be super active here for the long weekend and then promptly disappear again but i’ll try to come back whenever i can. if you’ve read all this i am sending a little imaginary pigeon with a basket of various breads and baked goods to your house. bisous <3
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momo-de-avis · 6 years
Do you have any tips on how to start writing? I'm really bad at expressing my thoughts well so I figure if I write like, a diary or something I may get better at talking,
A diary is actually a good thing! A great thing, actually. Because it allows you to practice for yourself only. It’s one of those little writing corners where you can just be yourself, unlimited, boundless, as you wish, and no one will criticize you. If you allow your thoughts to just pour onto the paper, even if only a paragraph per day, I guarantee you will grow. It’s important for writers to keep practising, and it’s common advice to just tell WRITE EVERY DAY, which isn’t so helpful as people make it seem. Most of the time, people use this to mean like, write a story, a short story, participate in NaNoWriMo (if you’re like me and don’t like to set up goals like Nano does in fear of disappointing yourself or are just plain bad with deadlines, Nano is a terrible idea). But actually, a diary does wonders. It’s the perfect way of practising, and it goes both ways---you vent and you practice. It’s for you alone.
First of all: don’t be too demanding on yourself. Whether it’s word/page count, deadlines or quality of what you’re creating, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re just starting and, even if you aren’t, it’s a first draft. First drafts are supposed to be just that---the very first time you write down your idea. It’s supposed to be a rough diamond that will be shaped later on into whatever you want it to be. For some people, that means write it once and then rewrite it entirely (I’m those people), for others it just means it’s got a main body, and then you just work what you have. It really depends. People have different methods, so no matter how much others tell you to do this way or that way, it’s your way that matters. 
Keep exploring your possibilities so you’ll find your work method. Listen to other’s people’s advice only to the limit of your abilities. If you try out a method and you can feel it in your bones right off the bad it just doesn’t work for you, quit it. It’s no good forcing something you’re not on par with. Just scratch that altogether. Methods, discipline, plotting---that varies from person to person and I detest when others say there is a right or wrong way to do things. There isn’t.
As for plotting, there are several ways to go about it---but take this with a grain of salt. I never followed a single method until I found out there are names for this shit. What I do is called a zero draft, or the Direct Writing Process. Word vomit onto paper, in other words. I have an idea, I think about it for a while and just pour it out. I personally work very well with freewriting and improvisation. I am a pantser---that means I don’t plot, I just define my characters, my conflict, my goal, some plot points and go on instinct. Most of the times, other plot points emerge as I write. They just pop up in the process. Other people can be plotters: they plot the whole thing down to the detail. Those are more likely to use methods like the snowflake method, or the 3 Act Method (I personally hate the 3 Act method. I think it’s super limited and most stories these day’s don’t necessarily follow a 3 act structure, but a structuralized (around 5 acts, if you will) plot that has inciting incident (the thing that sets the story off), plot points (the things that push the plot forward), plot twist (NOT necessary in a story, and I hate that we’re in a day and age that’s convinced people that a story MUST have a plot twist---it really doesn’t. Sometimes being predictable is good), and a conclusion. The 3 Act thing is mostly used in cinema, from what I learned).
(Keep in mind there are other methods, these are just the ones whose names I remember)
Pick up books within the genre you’d like to explore and read a lot. Now, I know, this is that sort of shit people just love telling new writers as the number one advice, but I think what lacks is telling people ways of how to read when you’re a writer. So here is how I do it:
I mark pages that have passages that I want to go back to, underline sentences that inspired me and make mental notes of literary devices and word combos that are new and useful to me. The reason why it’s so important to read a lot when you want to write is to submerge yourself in the millions of styles out there in order to find your voice. Re-read passages that make you go ‘shit, that was really good!’ and let yourself be submerged by it. Disconnect from the world if you have to. Re-read the books that have inspired you. When you finish a book you loved, ask yourself why you loved it---take notes, even. Just write down the things you enjoyed, make little essays for yourself. It’s not just that reading a lot helps when you want to write, you gotta THINK about what you read. For youself (USE YOUR DIARY :D).
And on that account, and I am dead serious here, read bad shit. I mean it. Read the worst possible book you can find. You’re going to read a lot of advice saying ‘you shouldn’t do this when you write’, and I’ll tell you right off the bat that I HATE ‘should-and-shouldn’t-dos’ advice for writers. You’ll read that fragmented sentences and heavy thick paragraphs are a bad thing because it wears out the reader, then you pick up Donna Tartt and realize she does that A LOT. So why does she get away with it? Because she’s good at it. The advice should always be ‘do it well’, not ‘don’t do it at all’ (generally speaking, do not trust someone who tells you there are other rules to writing besides grammatical).
But the bad books? Bruh they’re a perfect guide to How Not To Do Things because, contrary to Mister White Male Pulitzer spreading advice on Literary Hub, those books actually show you why it doesn’t work. And by showing you how it doesn’t work, you get an idea of ONE WAY it shouldn’t be done. So while Donna Tartt is great at heavy, thick paragraphs, you pick up fucking Eragon and get the gist of just one way it won’t work: when it forces you to pick up a thesaurus and basically search for every other word in there.
Then, of course, practice. By practicing, I mean---do whatever the crap you want. I cannot express enough how much I want every knew writer out there to cover their ears and go BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH every time someone tries to tell them what they should and shouldn’t do, because when you’re starting, it’s REALLY IMPORTANT that you just go out of boundaries as best as you can. You learn from your mistakes. But you gotta know why they’re mistakes. No one learns a damn thing by being told ‘this is bad’. You gotta see it for yourself. You gotta feel it. You gotta experiment. Because it might just happen that one day, it won’t be bad. And that will mean you will have found a way of reverted a rule---and that in itself means you’re finding your own voice.
So keep experimenting. I’m serious. Don’t be afraid of trying out. Never wrote Sci-fi? Fuck it. Try it out even without reading a book---it’s for yourself, get into the mood and do what you please. Never tried poetry? Go ahead. Be wacky about it. Make it visual, fuck rhyming and do what you please. Want to write a thing that’s historical but haven’t researched that bit of history? Experiment all the same. Go back and forth between your reading and your writing (one thing I do a lot is put the book I’m reading down for a second to go write something because I got so inspired by what I’m reading. If that happens to you, my advice is---bruh let it out. Don’t tame it. Don’t put a lid on it. FLOURISH).
There’s one thing I like telling people: there is no such thing as a bad idea, there are only ideas that need working.
I repeat: no such thing as a bad idea.
You really wanna write something that just came up to you but you’re thinking ‘I’m afraid this is too cliché’? Fuck that. For the love of God, AVOID thinking about the word cliché at all times. Clichés aren’t bad, they’re only bad when they aren’t worked properly. And there’s a reason they exist---people like them. So, let’s swipe that away right now and focus on what’s important: you have an idea, and you want to work it. But something feels off. That just means you need to rethink some concepts, NOT that the idea itself is bad.
Keep in mind that, sometimes, a story takes time to mature. It might mean you’re too young to write it (the one I have on wattpad that’s a first draft btw, Best of Times, I had the idea at 18, but it’s very political and I was Clueless (TM), I had to wait until I matured). Be patient and kind to yourself---you need time, and with you, so does your story. Don’t force anything out, cause a lemon can only squeeze so much juice. Leave a WIP unfinished if you have to, and jump to another one to clear your head---there is absolutely no problem with that (boy do I do that).
With that in mind: Sometimes, walking away from a WIP is a good thing.
Now, as for expressing yourself: as I mentioned above, reading a lot might help. But here’s the thing. Expressing yourself doesn’t come from reading and understanding literature, it comes from yourself. Read a lot and take notes, pay attention to literary devices, ESPECIALLY pay attention to how certain writers break rules. But then, work yourself out.
See, bruh. Work your vision. Look at the world around you. You know how they say a musician is good when they develop good earing? A writer is good when they learn how to see, to see into the world around them in their own way. Listen to the people around you, enjoy the little things in life, observe life’s intervals. Actually, on this aspect let me recommend a book: Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. It’s a YA I think, very small and it was the one book I read when I was 13 that changed my life. It’s also a life-lesson for writers on the matter of ‘how to make the cliché absolutely beautiful’ and ‘how to grab a plot that’s been overdone and make it special’. Here is a synopsis. 
So, all in all, I would say: read, experiment, see and practice. Search for your inner voice. Don’t EVER throw away an idea.
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slytherhell · 6 years
Send these to your favorite Authors and let them blab! What is your total word count on AO3? How often do you write? Do you have a routine for writing? What’s your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing? Do you have a favorite fic of yours? Your fic with the most kudos? Anything you don’t like about your writing? Now something you do like! Send it to some of your favorite Authors to spread some love
Total word count on AO3 : 60634 ( and this is with the 3/4 of my fics still not updated since being posted. i’m not sure how it’s this much already, the word count, that is. the most amount of words i’ve written - for a total fic - was about 5k words; then it went up to 16k+ after the food fair entry . just think of how big my total word count could be when i get my writing muse back! )
How often I write: I used to update regularly, back in about 2015. Every day, I would have a new chapter for my fics (on Wattpad, because that was my first main writing platform, but Wattpad’s dead now so we’re here.) 
In fact, I used to have a full writing plan; I had about ten hp fics on my account. I picked out the top ones I had the most muse for - which was three, two drarry and one wolfstar - and told myself I would update those fics whenever I felt inspired to. 
In the end, I ended up updating those fics three times every week for a good two months, and I had about 24ish chapters for the drarry fics, and close to 20ish chapters for the wolfstar ( I started that fic at a later time than the other two. )  
I kept this pattern up, and made sure that everyday after school, I would clear a writing space for myself on my bed so I could write. That helped me a lot and I had so many creative juices...it was insane how much I wrote.
Now, however, I write only whenever I feel inspired to and have enough time + energy ( aka, when I don’t pass out from exhausation and not working on too many things in school - I had and still have a lot of /art/ projects. )
I try my best to write all of my ideas down, but I usually don’t have much inspiration to turn them into longer fics, or anything beyond a simple idea, so most of those get chucked and forgotten.
The ones I do manage to keep around, I usually scribble down the idea on a piece of paper, and write a starter line and/or paragraph to see how it would look if I were to continue it as an actual fic, then determine what I do with it when I get home.
There’s no true definition as to how much I write. I would just say I write depending on my current mood and situation.
Writing Routine: 
It used to start in either a swivel chair in the corner of my room, or at the wooden dining room table with a hot mug of fruit-flavored tea. ( It now varies from sitting upright on my bed with music blasting out of my headphones, on the living room couch with the low murmur of the t.v. in the background, or laid sprawled out on the floor with a Kubz Scouts video in the background. )
I try to take a few minutes to write the beginning paragraph on paper, or at least attempt to outline the story ( this usually lasts for about five minutes because I CANNOT sit still, and I’ll fidget a lot if I’m required to sit still for a while. ) 
I’ll usually look up fics of the similarity to whatever I’m writing, and get further story inspiration from them ( I’ll usually keep those fics up in a seperate tab to read back over when I need help and/or a burst of writing  inspiration )
If it’s something I‘m not quite sure about, or something I’m not properly educated on, I ALWAYS do a good bit of research before even remotely writing about it. ( This is something I do NOT skip over, like at all. )
I’m almost always blasting music or video audio through my headphones whenever I write ( I search and listen to music when I write, depending on the theme and the feel of the story. If I’m writing fluff, you’ll probably catch me listening to beautiful piano music. If it’s a dark story - gods, I love dark stories - I’ll be listening to dark music, be it dark piano versions of songs, ambient horror music. And lastly, if I’m writing something emotional, I’ll usually stop by songs that made me cry and sad as child, or that cause me to zone out of reality in present day. )
I try to set a timer whenever I write. ( While it intimidates me, it also pushes me to write more because me eyes are constantly flicker over to the timer, and the closer I see it move down to zero, the faster I write and edit. I kick in about a good twenty words at the very start of the countdown. )
( And unless you wanna hear me rant about how much I get off task and procrasinate writing whenever I can’t figure out how to make a scene work or something of the sort, then this is pretty much it. Oh, and I do a few read-overs and editing when I’m done with the first rough draft. )
Kinks in Fics:
I really like a good ‘ol leather kink in a fic ( specifically when the second half of the pairing, *cough, cough* draco in a drarry fic* is pulling on and stretching on leather gloves, and I blame @mzuul for that because the minute I saw her Draco Malfoy Bad Boy series art, that kink was developed and I’ve loved it since. ) 
Another one, this is gonna sound really gross + suprising for those that know me, but watersport kink. ( This was first developed when I read my very first fanfictions, and I found a few good drarry fics with this in them so this kink is here to stay )
Hair pulling kink. ( It started out with reading fics fics where Draco would either accidentally or deliberately tug on Harry’s hair, and Harry ended up loving it - but now, I read fics were both Draco and Harry have this kink because it’s actually really good. )
Praise Kink ( Started out with only Harry, but I also like fics where Draco has this kink. I blame @goldentruth813 entirely )
Hung! Harry ( Hung! Like! A Horntail! - this, this fic, is all i’m going to say..) 
Parseltongue Kink ( When! Draco! has! this! and! Harry! somehow! still! keeps! his! ability! to! speak! Parseltongue! and uGH,, THIS IS SO GOOD. ) 
Tropes in Fics:
Legitimate! Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Sectumsempra angst
Bi Harry
Pansy is a lesbian
Draco finding out how the Durshleys treated Harry and becoming absolutely lIVID at the news
Dark! Drarry
BAMF! Harry
BAMF! Draco
When they cross paths after a few years and get to know each other + proper character developement + when they clash and they have their ups and downs, causing people to wonder how they’re even comptaible but in the end, they make it work and are able to settle down with each other and enjoy the rest of their lives.
Long-haired! Draco
Bearded! Harry
Raising a kid together ( tEDDY-! )
Sassy! (Canon) Harry
Flustered! Draco
When they’re equally sassy and equally ruthless + being able to get their shit done, and staying on top of their game
When their kids become friends and that forces them to become friends as well and hang out with each other more often
When their kids wants their dads (Draco and Harry) to end up together and make it happen
when it’s hella fluffy
when it’s hella aNGSTY ( haha, chaotic neutural )
Top! Harry!
Bottom! Draco ( I can see them both as either or both being versatile but I really love when Harry tops )
Realistic first times 
Their friends setting them up ( I love when Draco, Pansy and Blaise are best friends in fics like this !! )
The constant switch of calling each other by first and last names, depending on the(ir) mood
When they are eQUALS
When their relationship is real and raw that you can pratically feel it
hURT AND COMFORT ( real heavy on the hurt, just a bit on the comfort bc not drarry all fics have to have happy endings )
Anything involving them both working on a case together
Auror! Harry x Unspeakable! ( or even Healer! ) Draco
Jealous! Draco x (Still) Oblivious! Harry
Oblivious! Draco x Jealous! Harry
Protective! Harry ( Protective! Draco as well )
Beauxbatons! Draco x Hogwarts/Gryffindor! Harry
Multilingual! Draco
French speaking! Draco
Wandless magic ( for both )
POC! Harry ( This is my number one things in fics...I just love POC! Harry
Proper mention and represenation of Harry and/or Draco’s PTSD; following the war
Power couple! Drarry
Drarry ( OTP )
+ a few hundred more ( for all of them, but the kinks in general ) , but you’re probably gonna have to ask off anon bc i don’t wanna lose to remainder of friends i still have left on this site, over this post. ( i keep forgetting that not all drarry accounts follow me - i have some rpers, general artists, people following me with their main acounts + multifandom blogs and i feel like every time i get started up about anything drarry, they just...regret their decision to have followed me xD but you can kinda get the gist of my kinks, right? )
Favorite Fic ( of mine ) : While I constantly dog on my own writing skills, I actually do have some of my fics that I love. But my most favorite?  I’d have to say ‘(Fuck A) Silver Lining’
It’s a Draco Malfoy redemption fic I began writing earlier this year ( and yes, it was inspired/influenced by the P!ATD song. )
I mean, I haven’t updated it since I posted it - I began writing it on old Wattpad before I left that hellsite, then I later posted it to my ao3.
It’s my favorite because I really got to explore and go more in depth with Draco’s character, unlike J.K. R*wling.
And I basically filled in all the pieces that led up to the part of Draco’s life  we witness ( well, y’all, bc I never read it, ha ) in C*rsed Ch*ld 
I basically combined in every post-war Draco headcanon I ever thought of into one whole fic and while it takes you into his mind and shows you just how much the war has changed him, it is actually wholesome. I mean, we’ve got angst, hurt/comfort, finding love, and I even had a few scenes that were so fluffy and pure that I was crying as I wrote - which is why I haven’t updated. Other than dealing with shit irl, this story gets me really emotional and I just love it so much..
Fic with most Kudos:
‘just the right addition’ with 65 kudos.
summary :
harry has a leather kink. but draco didn't know that when he showed up on the field in a leather jacket, and suede leather gloves.
What I don’t like about my writing: 
I really don’t like how I transition from scene to scene in my fics. I feel like they’re extremely sloppy and really ruin the story; especially if I had a really good idea/path for the story. ( I also don’t like how I constantly compare my writing, then try and force to change my writing style so it sounds half as good as the author’s writing style of the story that I’m reading )
What I DO like about my writing:
Um, I really like how I start most of my fics off with dialogue. I like how I have a lot on the page, but it still blends in well to get its point across. And also, if it’s a one shot, I like how I have a beginning, middle, and end for the story.
Beginning: Introducing the prompt, and what’s going on with it
Middle: What the characters actions lead to, kinda showing you where it’s going to be heading soon
End : the general idea of the ending/aftermath of it + something like an epilogue, wraps things up in a way.
Thank you so much for sending me this, anon!!
Again, thank you so much, and I hope you’re well!
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merlesgirl47 · 6 years
Writing Process Tag Game
I saw this on another blog and thought it would be a fun thing to do. I’m not gonna tag anyone. Y’all can do this if you want to.
Tag game! Answer 9 questions about your writing process, then tag 9 writers whose process you want to know more about. The point of the game is to have fun and get to know other writers. So no pressure! If you get tagged and don’t want to play, don’t worry about it. :)
1. How do you get your story ideas? 
A lot of them come from lucid dreams. Some of them come from watching TV or movies. Some come from reading others works. Sometimes I see a prompt that gets the wheels in my head spinning. Other times, I’m daydreaming and an idea comes to me. basically, the ideas come from everywhere XD
2. What are your writing tools of choice? Are you picky? Do you have specific brands you like? 
I use Wattpad for typing out my stories. First, I make a rough outline, then type out my first draft. After that, I edit. I have YouTube open in another tab for music, plus an online dictionary/thesaurus, and an additional tab for whatever I’m researching for that particular fic. I also have the Grammarly browser extension. I admin a writing group on FB with tips/advice and am in a bunch of other writing groups, plus I follow a lot of writing blogs here on Tumblr. I have Wattpad on my phone too, so if I’m out in the world and get an idea, I can jot it down real quick. That piece of dialogue I don’t wanna forget? I just open up Wattpad and stick it in the chapter. 
3. Where and when do you write? 
At my desk or on my laptop. If I’m on my laptop, I’m sitting in bed. My apartment is one big open area, so I don’t have a room I write in, per say. I write at all times of the day. Basically, whenever the mood strikes.
3. Do you ever encounter writer’s block? If so, how do you overcome it? Any tips to pass on to other writers reading this?
Sure. I just try to write through it. I can always go back and fix my shitty writing later XD I try listening to music or watching something that will inspire me.
4. Do you outline? If no, why not? If yes, what kind of outlines do you make, and at what point in your writing process do you make them?
I make rough outlines. I just jot down how I want the story or chapter to go, then follow it. Although, things do sometimes change. I don’t like to follow a certain type of outline because of the possibility of the story changing while I’m writing it. I might make it go in a better direction, or I might have an idea that fits in somewhere. I’ve always kinda outlined, even before I knew what it was. I did it so  I wouldn’t forget my ideas.
5. Is there anything about your writing process that other people might consider to be unique or weird?
Mmm...probably not. Maybe some of the stuff I listen to while I’m writing would be considered weird. When I wrote Hypothermia, I listened to blizzard sounds. I use the Diablo III Reaper of Souls soundtrack for dark stuff.
6. When and how do you edit? After the first draft? During? Do you have a method, or is it kind of a free-for-all?
My first draft sucks. There’s no way around that. I get my basic idea down, then go back and add details and change sentence structure, etc. However, I can’t let spelling errors/typos go. That little red line drives me nuts lol I probably go through about twenty reads/edits of my chapters before I’m satisfied enough to publish one.
7. Do you ever take breaks from writing? For how long? Do these breaks feel rejuvenating, or do they stress you out? Give us a sense of what life is like when you’re not writing.
Sure, I take breaks. When my eyes feel heavy or my brain can’t comprehend what I’m doing anymore, when I’m hungry or thirsty or have to use the bathroom. Sometimes, I have to adult and go out into the real world, which I hate doing. If I’m really in a groove and don’t want to stop, I get pissed off. I get tense and bitchy.
8. When did you first start writing? Why? What’s changed since then, if anything?
I was 9 when I started. I wrote something for 4th grade English class and discovered i liked writing. I began writing short stories, moved on to poetry, then came fanfiction. I didn’t even know what ff was when I first started writing it. I didn’t find out until I was in my 20′s. I came across some by accident. I was like, “Omg! I’m not alone!” Things that have changed, my skill. Everyone starts out terrible, but you have to start somewhere. Practice makes perfect. I’m not saying I’m perfect. I’m far from it, but i’ve learned a hell of a lot in 30 years XD
9. Anything else you want to tell us about your writing process?
My characters talk to me and tell me what to write. They speak dialogue in my head while I’m writing it. My stories are movies in my head that I’m typing out. if I go back to edit and part of that story is missing, I add it in. Oh, and Merle demands to be written! He won’t stop nagging me until I write what he wants!
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