#you can notice the point i stopped erasing due to not realizing the ink was still wet lol
humming-fly · 11 months
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Inktober Day 25 - The Soppingest Wettest Clown Alive
Finally watched that youtube video everyone on tumblr's been talking about
also including this in-progress WIP because it turned out even more sopping wet than the final version lol
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
if you’re not busy, can i pls request a ateez reaction with y/n sketching them out during either sport practice, at the library, park, etc. and they end up seeing it and you get all flustered and shy uwu
❥ kim hongjoong
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during free period, there was always one place you could find hongjoong. 
you peek your head in the empty music room, the boy’s small frame hunched over the piano as he plays on the keys before scribbling messily on a sheet of paper. you let out a quiet sigh, knowing that this is the only time he has to eat or drink but refuses to spend his free time doing anything else but music. 
you walk over silently, greeting him with a small smile as you sit down and push a tray of food in front of him. “please eat it as some point,” you whine as you open your sketchbook, his lowly mumbled “i will,” not at all making you feel confident. 
and with good reason because the entire time you draw, he doesn’t stray his attention from the keys or his notebook. and you know this for a fact because you’ve been watching him for the past 30 minutes, sketching the slope of his nose and handsome features of his face before you even realized it. 
and much to your luck, when you’re finished up, that’s when hongjoong decides to put down his pencil and stretch his arms in front of him. “what have you been up to?” you hear him ask you, your face snapping up and flushing when he’s looking at you knowingly. 
“no-nothing!” you stutter. but before you can slap the book shut, he peeks over and sees the profile of his face, his head lowered and a focused expression sketched in grey, lightly smudged graphite. 
“cute,” he mumbles, smiling when your face turns pink and you throw your pencil at his arm. 
❥ park seonghwa
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you don’t know when you and seonghwa decided to start eating in the library. 
it could’ve had something to do with that fact that his and your chaotic friends were too much for both of you, the odds of a food fight or loud bickering back and forth far too common. you both enjoyed the time out of class to be calm and quiet, seonghwa usually reading or playing on his phone while you practiced your sketches or art projects. 
today, you were having trouble. you couldn’t quite set the tone of the piece, letting out a quiet groan as you erased marking after marking. you decided to ditch the landscape all together after that, looking around the room to see if anything else sparked some inspiration. 
and there it sits in front of you, seonghwa sitting there flipping through the pages of a book. his shoulders were relaxed and his face was pulled into a soft smile, chewing at his food and your pencil started moving before your brain could even keep up. 
seonghwa looked up and smiled when he saw you at work, his eyes narrowing as he noticed you had the sketchpad lifted away from him. he waits until the scratches are less frantic, your face less focused as you shade in parts of whatever you drew. 
“what’d it end up being?” his deep voice asked you, your head snapping up to look at him. and it’s like the second he sees your face, he knows. because the smirk that crosses his is far too teasing and amused, extending his arm out and looking at you pleadingly. “let me see.”
“no,” you snap, shaking your head as you hold it to your chest - how embarrassing. 
“c’mon, baby,” he whines, the term of endearment he throws around like it doesn’t hold so much power making you even more flustered. “let’s see what a good job you did.”
❥ jeong yunho
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the substitute in your math class was about as useless as the subject matter. 
he assigned you three questions that would take even the most horrific students less than fifteen minutes, insisting that was the work assigned for today and to remain quiet for the rest of class. you roll your eyes as he looks over all of you, making sure no one has there phones out or is trying to pass notes. 
you and yunho meet gazes and he looks just as annoyed as you, placing his head down on his arms and shutting his eyes. in the time you’ve put your work away and pulled out your sketchbook, you’re pretty he’s actually fallen asleep. his eyelashes rest on his cheeks and his brow is furrowed every so slightly, your crossed legs turning in your seat as you start to draw the sleeping boy. 
class ends just as you start to shade, missing the loud ring of the bell as you focus in on making his face as peaceful and handsome as he looked. a looming figure above you causes you to jump, the model himself now awake and looking down at you with a smirk. 
your cheeks flush immediately and he bites his lip to hide his smile from widening, not wanting to embarrass you but also finding it incredibly cute and endearing. you press your lips into a firm line as you close the book immediately, about to blurt out an apology or explanation before he asks if he can walk you to your next class.
❥ kang yeosang
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with half of the boys either out to lunch or getting extra help in the library, your lunch table was relatively quiet with only yeosang and jongho present. 
you zoned in and out of the boys conversation, speaking up when addressed directly or giggling when jongho insulted yeosang to the point of being smacked. you couldn’t help but admire the older boy’s sweet smile despite his violent acts, his eyes lighting up each and every time a laugh bubbles out of him. 
no one catches on to your looks up and down and the scribbling of your pencil until mingi and yunho come through the door, mingi’s hand ruffling your hair before he notices your sketchbook. “whoa!” his voice exclaims, your body stiffening as you try to cover the half-drawn portrait. “that’s so good, y/n! is that yeo-“
“stop!” you squeak, your face pink and heart pounding as you slam the sketchpad shut. everyone but yeosang gives you a strange look, his small smile reassuring you for the rest of the lunch that it was okay. 
“can i see it?” he mumbled in your ear when lunch was over, your cheeks still burning as you look up at him with a pout and shake your head in embarrassment. “pleaseee,” he whines, his deep chuckle bringing goosebumps to your skin when you smack him lightly with the book.
❥ choi san
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san had planned a picnic for the both of you, sandwiches and fruit and little bars of chocolate filling the wicker basket at your feet.
laid out on the yellow blanket he’d brought, you rested on your stomach sketching him as he throws the tennis ball to your dog a few feet away in the grass. his dimples poked out as the sun shined down on him, your heart fluttering each and every time as you sketched out his handsome face. you giggled watching your dog jump up on san, the boy nearly toppling back as dirt got all over his black shirt. 
“i’m sorry,” you said softly when they came back, fishing through the basket for some spare napkins. but with your back turned, you left your book exposed and san’s eyes traveled over the drawing of him. he smiled looking over it, his eyes moving to you just as you turn around. “here you go, that should-“ your words get cut off when you see your sketch is visible, your cheeks flushing when you see him staring down at you.
“i-i’m sorry,” you say again, feeling creepy and weird that you were caught. he rolls his eyes and sits down in front of you, his hand going through a strand of your hair. 
“why are you sorry?” he asks with a small smile. he looks back down at the sketch and can’t help but shake his head, insisting he’s not that handsome and then apologizing that he doesn’t really look like that. you let out a scoff, throwing a piece of bread at him that your dog is quick to snatch up. 
❥ song mingi
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you and mingi had been in the same spot at the empty cafe for hours, studying and finals completely consuming you guys. 
you stretch your arms out with a groan, moving your study guide aside to give your pounding head a break. mingi barely looks up from his laptop, working to finish the ten-page essay due tomorrow. it’s with that look of concentration, the light from his laptop softening his face that causes you to draw him. 
focusing on the way his hair hangs in his face, the plumpness of his chapped bottom lip and the way his eyes filter back and forth over the screen. you hear his chair scrape against the floor and look up to see him go over the counter, humming to yourself as you start to draw from memory. 
a tray smacking against the table causes you to jump, almost scribbling a stray line before you look down and see he got you a chocolate chip cookie. warmth spreads through your chest as look up to thank him, his eyes on the page and a smirk on his face. 
“who’s that?” he asks teasingly, watching your face drop and cheeks flush as you bury your face in your hands. he can’t help but chuckle when he hears you groan, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before silently making his way back to the computer. 
❥ jung wooyoung
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given that wooyoung was usually your ride home, being neighbors and all, you frequently found yourself sitting in the gym watching his basketball practice. 
he was like a completely different person when he played, his happy smile and playful demeanor gone as a completive edge and focus overtook him. he stood tall and confident, his exposed arms looking muscular and fit. you can see the blank ink under his rib, biting your lip as you take out your sketchbook and draw out his body and face.
it proves difficult as he keeps bouncing from one side of the court to another but when he’s standing still for about two minutes, his head thrown back as he gulps down water and his adams apple bobs, you know you’re about to get a fairly good sketch. 
you clean it up and shade to the best of your ability, only feeling a little bit bothered by the way he starts to sweat and pant heavily. you miss the way he’s been watching you, a smirk on his face as you look down concentrated with your teeth digging into your lip. 
“what’re you drawing today?” you hear him ask breathlessly, the white towel slung over his shoulder making you gulp. you shake your head and mumble “nothing,” knowing if he sees it, he’s gonna scream and pinch your cheeks and embarrass you. 
he sees the way you get nervous, a smirk crossing his lips as he tries to peak down. “c’mon, y/n, share with the class.” he tries to take the sketchbook out of your hand but you cave in on yourself, closing it as you cover it with your chest and making it even more obvious you were drawing something. 
“you’re no fun,” he whines, your eyes narrowing at him because why does have to be so annoyingly hot and when did he even get that tattoo? 
❥ choi jongho
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with an injury to your ankle but demands from your cheer coach to sit in on practice, you currently sat on the bleachers facing the football field. 
you watched your squad practice the moves you’ve been doing since the beginning of the year, letting out an annoyed huff before your eyes move to the football field. particularly on player number eight, the jersey that reads choi every friday night when, more often than not, he scores at least one touchdown. 
but now he’s standing on the field with his team members and coach, his arms crossed over his chest as you find yourself itching to reach for your sketchbook. you and the boy are fairly close due to how often you see each other, one of the only nice and respectable jocks in this school. 
but even so, you’d be mortified if he saw your book right now. the way you draw his broad shoulders and chest, his arms stretched over them as you bite your lip in concentration and focus in on all the little details you’ve come to notice at parties and after practice. 
you’re so focused on sketching and shading and tweaking the boy’s stance and face that you’re completely ignorant of the whistles blowing around you, signaling the boy’s are free to go and walking past the cheerleaders to go down to the locker room. 
you jump when you hear your name being called, jongho just a few feet away from you as he walks toward the bleachers. your frantic reaction causes the book to fall from your lap, wincing and blushing when, before you can reach down and grab it, he picks it up for you. 
his eyes linger over the drawing for a few seconds, breaths caught in your throat as you feel about ready to explode or burst into tears. but then he only smiles sweetly down at you, turning the page over just as another team member comes up and smacks him on the back. 
“what’s that?” you hear the random boy ask, your eyes immediately moving to him. 
“nothing,” jongho responds casually, handing the book back to you with a knowing glint in his eyes. “just something that belongs to her.” you stare wide eyed at the boy’s back as he retreats toward the building, finally getting air in your lungs before he ruins it again by turning around and winking at you.
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mouxesaint · 3 years
Accepting that they were soul mates could only spell their doom. He was still a peasant who hated royalty. She a princess who hated peasants. Fate was malevolent. Gift story to Oighear for his wonderful work.
Everything was wrong. Bad in so many ways that they should stop, try, get the strength to end it, but as darkness and mystery enveloped them both with a silent complicity it became difficult. Especially when he heard her utter his name between gasps, he felt almost a masochist, longing for the forbidden apple, his wet kisses so passionate that they gasped, his lungs pleading for air during his pauses, his clasped hands resting on the bed on either side of her head, he stopped to soar over her, watching her silver (white) hair spread across the sheets, free of her ridiculous hairstyle, her face flushed, the pink irises peeking out of her eyelids. Half-closed, with a glint of desire on them, their lips spread in a slight smile. She was so damn dangerous to him. - Zora. He called out squeezing her hands to attract her attention, the top of her outfit had loosened so she could see a little more skin than appropriate. - We must stop this. - She said even though she leaned down to kiss her cheek. - You do not seem to be convinced of what you say. - One of the two has to be responsible. - I whisper in her ear followed by her to which he sat down using her clasped hands to sit her down as well - Nebra, this is going to get out of control. - I thought you didn't care about that. - He murmured in a low tone of voice. - I don't mean to hurt you. - I caress the back of her hand with her thumb - I don't know how you've gotten under my skin, it's frustrating like all of you, but I don't want to hurt you. - You started this. - He complained using her index finger to caress the contour of her jaw - You wanted to see where my tattoo was. - You knew where mine was, you were also drunk the day you showed it to me, you weren't sure if you remembered that and it was the only way to make you talk. Nebra smiled slightly when she clearly remembered how that day they were sharing the office that corresponded to them as a team, they were carrying out the paper of the last investigations when the peasant out of nowhere decided to ask where his soulmate tattoo was, she knew that he knew where it was, so he didn't understand the idea of asking unless he thought she didn't remember showing it to him during his drunkenness. - You've seen where mine is. - Said the redhead. - I did not want to see where yours was, that happened because you presented yourself indecently to royalty. - Says the one who wore a very revealing nightgown. - Were you looking? - How am I not supposed to see you? If you run into my room screaming for a rat. - He teased with a funny expression. - We said that we would not say anything about that subject. And you also jumped on the bed. - I didn't promise I would. - I cross my arms in annoyance at the reminder of his moment of fear - You're trying to change the subject. - You know where it is. It is not something that matters, it is a mistake that damages my perfect skin. Why do you want to see it again? - Curiosity, you were drunk the time you showed it to me, it doesn't seem fair to me. - He did not go along with his complaint with fate, they had spent the last weeks sharing in that office, despite their frequent discussions they achieved a certain harmony, once he got used to his rude way of speaking he was able to establish a certain routine - It is not in sight, although the clothes used by royalty are usually so pompous. - It is that you prefer to walk without almost clothes. - But have you noticed that? Do you like what you see? Miss Royalty. - He didn't expect her to blush at her joke, but seeing her just made him smile, it was fun to mess with her. - Shut. - Can you show me? - Why do you insist on this? - I ask nervously, she did not want to show him again - We know it is a mistake and it will fade at some point. - Do you really think that will happen? - Her question was honest so she fixed her gaze against his. - Have to. - Come on, you like research so I would not be surprised if you have looked for every book that mentions something about it, I did. We both know he won't go away. - I can't get this ink on my skin. - He said without wanting to admit that he wanted to do a deep investigation on the subject, before knowing who his soulmate was, he tried to erase this aspect of his life from the back of his mind, after meeting him he did the opposite, looking for all possible information. - Royalty does not marry for something as useless as a tattoo. - Did your parents get married in an arranged marriage? - Yes. - They were happy? - I do not know. She - she She hesitated, not quite sure of her parents' relationship. - There must be other nobles with tattoos. - If there is, the secret must be taken to the grave. She - She declared so firmly that she Zora could see how much that was engraved on her person. - What happens if it is discovered? - Why are you questioning me? - Okay, I won't waste my time trying to understand this. - Zora was about to back off when she started speaking. - It is a disgrace, that a member of royalty has a soulmate tattoo is a disgrace, we must marry people who are according to our status and social position to maintain dignity. - What about ... the soul mate? - It must disappear. According to the few records they are usually removed, it is the only way the tattoo disappears. - They kill them? - I don't specify it, although I assume that would be correct. - They both knew they were murdered. This shed some light on what he read in books, it was easy to get information in libraries or stories that were passed from person to person among the commoners, romantic stories of a true love, predestined and capable of surviving any setback that got in the way. between the couple, nonsense, although they maintained certain things: 1. The way the ink stayed on the skin, no matter what you tried to remove it. 2. The way fate seemed to put them together after the tattoo appeared. 3. The attraction that was born between those affected, the emotions that began to grow between them, not as a love at first sight (despite the fact that some legends presented it that way) but something insidious, which grew little by little with the coexistence. Zora felt dizzy with all the reflections she was processing until she came to a horrible conclusion. She liked him. The unbearable princess attracted him. He had wanted to drown in alcohol with Vanessa when he realized, first because he disliked what she was, second because it was problematic and with which she now confessed dangerous, third because after seeing her at her most fragile point some emotions were obvious , the big question now is what was wrong with her? - Where is your tattoo? - He insisted, he was not entirely sure that he remembered that day so much and also needed her to speak. - On my leg. - Nebra thought that if she solved her question she would stop bothering, mainly because she felt cornered, working with him became an activity she enjoyed, she enjoyed having someone answer her in the same conditions even if she was not allowed to do so, she felt free to be herself. - That's interesting. - Zora kept her hands together before continuing to ask - What do you feel about this? Without the veil of royalty, of all your prejudices. - Is this just a children's story? - Do you want to take a test? - Question moving her chair to be closer to her. - What kind of test? - A kiss. - That? She blushed quickly and jerked away from her with her shrill voice rising several levels. - Listen to me, it will only be a way to show that the ink on our skin is nothing more than that. - He could see her waver, which made him feel even more intrigued, he didn't know if it was due to her modesty instructed her as a princess (something strange since she had shown him her thigh when she was drunk) or because she was afraid that something else it will happen. - Aren't you trying to take advantage, peasant? - I accuse. - Kisses are not requested, princess, they are stolen. - I answer, looking with amusement as the skin on her cheeks turned redder - You do not ask permission before doing things, but I will not lower myself to be like you ... - Only one. That she accepted made his heart tremble, he was regretting his stupid idea almost immediately, however, he was not willing to back down, he stood up to close the distance he had put between them, being just a little taller than her. I observe, his nervousness evident in the trembling of his lips, the blush of his skin, his eyes radiated a feeling that he could not determine, he took off his mask before her expectant gaze, if he was going to kiss her, he wanted it to be without anything of in between, his hands held her cheeks gently, tucked a lock of her silver hair behind her ear, seeing her close her eyes ignited her warmth, she trusted him. He closed his own eyes while their lips met in a chaste kiss, of just a few moments, but that ignited a longing that they did not expect, Nebra moved to repeat the gesture, staying longer, then another and another followed, for when they wanted to give each other I tell her kisses became bolder, passionate and intense, the male hands lowered to her waist to attach her to his body while hers rested on his shoulders, his fingers tangled in her red hair. They were lost, they were a calamity. - Zora. - And she chose that moment to use her name for the first time, hearing it in her voice made her heart skip a few beats, especially when her eyes returned a look full of warmth. - I know. - Once again he leaned down to kiss her as if there was no tomorrow, if everyone found out about her there might not be one. She couldn't be his. He was hopeless. So pitiful. - If this continues, there will come a time when we will not be able to turn back. - Commented once they calmed down, she kept her eyes closed lying on the bed again. - I can not hear you. - Are you upset that I stopped us? - I do not know who you are. - You're being spoiled. - He sighed before laying down next to her, hugging her from behind - You know what you mean to me. - I know. - She tilted her head to see him - There is nothing wrong with kissing us. - You like that I kissed you, princess. - It's not bad at all. Zora sighed, buried her face in her neck to leave mocking kisses, caressing her stomach and arm with her hands, she would not go any further, she loved her enough to want her, but she loved her even more to allow them to move forward, she had lost for She completed her prejudices about the situation when they were alone, however, someone had to keep common sense, she took his hand to intertwine it with hers, still sulking. So pitiful. He snuggled closer to her, hugging her affectionately, after some conversations they had to admit that they liked her hugs, so they used to do it frequently, other times they just held their hands together or shared glances. "Everything okay, Little Miss Royalty?" - I whisper in her ear.
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andimlonely · 5 years
The Best Kind of Gift
BNHA; Momo Yaoyorozu x f!reader | Feeling guilty after she buys you an expensive new backpack, you confront Momo about her frequently spending money on you. 
✿ Fluff
A/N: This is the first BNHA piece I’m publishing and I really like how it turned out! I might write something similar for Todoroki because the concept suits him, hehe. Anyway, I hope you like it! (art by me)
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It started with a simple remark.
“Wow, (f/n), I like your new backpack,” Mina smiles as she stands over you while you loop the laces of your shoe together. 
You return your friend’s smile. “Thanks, Mina.”
“It’s so stylish,” she chirps, “How’d you afford it? That brand is pretty expensive, isn’t it?”
“Oh, um, it was a gift,” you admit, the lavishness of the item really dawning on you like it did when you first received it, “From Momo.”
Her mouth falls open, dark eyes like saucers full of ink, “Really?? Wish she’d buy me something cute like that. Still, that was super nice of her!”
“Y-yeah, I know, right?” 
It wasn’t that you hadn’t noticed your best friend’s generosity towards you before then; in fact, you were well aware of Momo’s very.. different spending habits the moment you two started becoming close and spending more time together.
Maybe you had become a little too used to her frequently buying things for you, or paying for most of the things you do together regardless of if you asked her to or not, but Mina’s innocent comments brought you back to reality. Since that exchange this morning, all you can think about is how guilty you feel for letting her, well, spoil you. 
But it isn’t as if you had never brought it up before! Every time it was the same,
“Nonsense, (y/n). Sometimes it’s worth paying more to ensure quality,” she would assure you with a conviction that convinced you only sometimes.
If it wasn’t that, she told you, with a more lighthearted tone, “Don’t worry about it. It’s no trouble at all.”
You had never known someone who so frequently treated you to things before, which is partially to blame for why you’ve come to accept this habit of hers. Of course it feels nice to receive so much, but it’s more to you than the temporary joy of getting something you wanted. Every time she offers you something, whether it’s as small as a simple ramen lunch or as expensive as a new backpack from that cute boutique a few blocks away, you feel kind of.. special. 
Despite her wealth, Momo isn’t very frivolous at all. She certainly spends more than the average student in your class, but she’s far from careless with her money and only rarely splurges on clothes or accessories, or anything she doesn’t need. Of course, she’s used to finer things, so there are foods or miscellaneous necessities she buys that could easily be replaced by a more cost-effective version or brand, but even then she’s still budgeting herself - she just has a lot more wiggle room than you, and most of the other people in your class.
The only times she seems to forget her financial responsibility is when she’s out with you, and you inevitably point out how cute some plushy is, or how much you like that skirt, with no motive but to acknowledge the things that catch your eye. Sometimes all it takes is a prolonged look at an item and she’s offering to get it for you. And while most times you’re able to refuse with no problem, there are times when your raven-haired best friend won’t hear of it.  Admittedly, you’re guilty of not even protesting sometimes too. 
So despite your appreciation, your talk with Mina this morning erased all the normalcy of Momo’s excessive generosity, and since then, you’ve been working up the nerve to talk to her about it. Only this time, you won’t let her take no for an answer; you’re done being selfish.
Luckily for you, the final exam paper has been handed in and Aizawa has officially dismissed your class for the day. While you pack up your pencils and eraser, Momo appears at your side, a bright smile painted on her lips.
“So (y/n), how are you feeling? Do you think our study session paid off?”
“I do, there was really only one question I struggled with,” you reply contentedly, slinging your bag - this cursed new backpack that you feel guilty just looking at - over your shoulder. 
Your taller friend clasps her hands, “That’s wonderful! See, I told you it would be worth reviewing our notes.” 
The two of you exit the classroom together after bidding your classmates a quick bye and see you later, discussing the questions you were most confident about your answers to as you make your way off campus and into the busy streets.
Friday afternoons are almost always reserved for strolling through town with your friends for awhile, usually with Mina or Jirou, but Momo often tags along too when she isn’t too busy. Today neither of the other girls were available, and usually that wouldn’t have bothered you because you always have fun alone with Momo, but today it gives you no excuse not to confront her spending habit. 
“Oh, (y/n), didn’t you mention yesterday that you could go for a smoothie? We should go buy one.”
“Ah, did I?,” you chuckle nervously, “I don’t remember, but I’m okay! I had a big lunch, so..”
She chuckles, “You’re so forgetful. But alright, if you say so. If you don’t mind, there was somewhere specific I wanted to visit today.”
“Oh? Where to?”
“It’s a secret,” she smiles, a delicate finger to her lips.
Your head tilted, you quirk a brow. “You have secrets, Momo? I wouldn’t have guessed.”
“Of course, (y/n). There’s always more than what meets the eye.”
You continue to pass through the lively streets, lined with the shops you tend to visit from time to time, eyes shining as you listen to your friend animatedly recount a story about her somewhat chaotic recent family function. At first you were following it completely, but somewhere along the way her words started to fade away, her face the only thing you register. She doesn't seem to notice though. 
“Oh, it’s that store you really like,” she points, “Would you like to go take a look inside?”
The word flies from your lips faster, and more loudly, than you intended. “No!”
Momo blinks, to which you continue sheepishly, “I mean.. I went there with Mina the other day, so there’s not much to see.”
“Then maybe you’d like to visit the Sanrio store?,” she suggests.
“Mm, not today.”
The taller female’s expression dims, but she recovers slightly. “Is there anywhere you do want to go?”
Now is the perfect time to slip in your confrontation. But you just aren’t sure how to work it in so that it sounds casual. After all, you don’t want to come off as ungrateful, or anything, and you don’t want to hurt her feelings. 
“Not in particular. I just wanted to take a walk mostly.”
She had noticed you seemed distracted today, so much so that she worried your concentration during the exam would be hindered. And now, with you not seeming very interested in going places you enjoy frequenting, it’s certain there’s something on your mind. 
A minute of silence passes, the only words in the air from the people you pass by, before Momo speaks up. “(y/n), is something wrong? Are you not feeling well?”
It’s no use being indirect or dismissing it now. You might not have another chance as opportune as this one to say it. 
“No.. It’s just, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
She stops walking, prompting you to do the same and stand with her at the corner of a gift shop, shaded by the awning that hangs from its facade. It felt less personal to keep walking along while you shared your concerns; she wants to speak face to face.
“What is it?” 
“Well.. I’ve been thinking about.. how you always buy me things,” you state awkwardly.
Momo seems completely puzzled by your vague statement. “Yes?”
You had hoped that alone would somehow be enough for her to guess what you were hinting at, but you have to accept that there’s no way around explicitly telling her. ‘How can I put this?…’
“Momo, you buy me things too often and I feel bad and guilty, and I should have refused you more but I’m selfish sometimes,” you blurt, the words fleeing from your lips like they’re afraid to be spoken any later. For all the time your mind was consumed with expressing this to her today, it came out a lot more tactlessly than you wanted it to.
Your eyes are glued to the ground. You can’t bring yourself to look up, partially because of how poorly you expressed yourself and partially because you’re afraid of her reaction.
“I think I understand.”
Your head shoots up, “You do?”
Her eyebrows tugged upwards, she nods, “You feel offended by me constantly buying gifts for you. I didn’t mean to insinuate you couldn’t afford them yourself, although realistically you couldn’t afford to factor some of them in due to your budget, but I digress. I’m sorry I offended you, (y/n).”
A groan resounds in your mind as she misunderstands you. You were never offended by her offers, and you’re not even offended by her pretty directly calling you broke, because it’s just the objective truth, sadly. At least she said it politely.
“No, Momo, it’s not that.. I meant that I can’t accept you buying me things anymore. You spend too much on me, and the things we do together, and I feel really guilty for being so selfish, especially since I can only afford to do the same every now and then. It isn’t your fault I feel guilty, of course - it’s mine. I just want you to know that you don’t need to buy me anything anymore.”
Finally confessing this washes a wave of relief over you, until her lips falter and your chest is wracked with guilt. Maybe you should have put it more gently?
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs, her head bowed slightly. Silky strands of her black fringe hang over her right eye as she smiles bittersweetly. “To be honest, I hadn’t even realized I did that until not too long ago. It always felt natural to me. To me, getting gifts for people you care about is just something you do, to express affection, and I don't really need to think about it, because I know it makes others happy." 
She smiles, almost sadly, "I never felt like you expected anything from me. So I didn't mind buying things for you. I know that you truly like me, and I.. wanted to express the same to you,  just differently." 
Momo speaks from the remembrance of painful memories, being no stranger to being taken advantage of or lied to only to find out she was wanted only for her family’s money. For every genuine friendship she had, there were about 5 that were short-lived and one-sided instead. People crafting smiles and lacing their words with bold admiration that unraveled the moment she was away from them. 
Her words send your heart fluttering. You can fully understand where she's coming from, not that you didn’t have any idea before. 
"But, (y/n), I should be honest with you.. I’ve been withholding my true feelings for you, ones I couldn’t work up the confidence to just tell you. So I used those gifts instead, because it was less intimidating to me.”
“True feelings?,” you murmur, your heart pounding violently against your chest. Does she mean --? Is she really saying..?
The moment of truth. Pink tinges her face as she braces herself to finally confess to you. With a tilt of her head, onyx irises shining and sincere, the words flutter from her lips like newborn butterflies, lovely and nervous as they dance through the air.
“(y/n), I love you.”
You press your trembling hands to your chest as it bursts with an almost painful joy,  only pulled from the daze by the realization that she could have meant it platonically. But you hope she didn’t, you pray she didn’t. “You mean, as more than a friend?”
Everyone else seems to fade away, her heartbeat the only thing that reminds her that time is only passing slowly in her mind. “Yes.” 
“Momo,” you breathe, “I love you, too.”
Like magnets, your mutual confession draws you together in a tight embrace, a giggle bubbling up from your chest. You stay locked in her arms a little longer, until she pulls away, smiling sheepishly.
“I guess this isn’t the best timing, but I actually have something for you.”
You give her a pout, eyes incredulous as she produces a long and thin black box from her messenger bag. “Momo!”
Just because you’re aware of each other’s feelings now doesn’t mean your point from before is nullified. If anything, she should feel less inclined to give you presents because you know she loves you without them. 
“Don’t worry, this didn’t cost me anything. I made it myself.”
You open the box to reveal a delicate silver chain and locket, engraved beautifully with intricate swirls and flowers. Every moment spent researching its composition is worth it as she watches you marvel at the necklace.   
“It’s so beautiful.. How long did it take you to figure this out?” 
The girl waves her hand dismissively. It may have taken her hours, but you didn’t need to fret over that. “It wasn’t nearly as difficult as it seems. It was supposed to be a Valentine present, but I didn’t finish in time. Do you like it?”
“Of course I do! I can’t believe you made this yourself,” you say, pressing a kiss timidly to her cheek that has Momo adorably flustered, “Thank you. I love it.”
“I love you,” she murmurs, pulling you softly against her again, leaning her head against yours and exhaling.
“Should we get lunch to celebrate?”
“Momo!,” you scold, lifting your head to give her a stern frown, that soon fades into one of contemplation as you realize you are kind of hungry, “..maybe something small. But I’m paying for myself!”
An endeared laugh escapes your friend - girlfriend’s lips, “Deal.”
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venus-viz · 5 years
Sirius x Reader
Overview: FluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluffFluff Sirius decides he wants to send you love letters while you guys are attending Hogwarts.
Word Count: 2,448
Warning(s): One curse word, that’s it. You’re safe here.
Note: The first two settings of this one shot take place during 5th year. You’ll know the setting of the third when you get there. Hope you enjoy reading. <3
(O/N) = Owl Name
Gif not mine
(No reposting, please!)
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     The hundreds of fluttering wings entering the Great Hall cut off everyone’s conversations as they excitedly waited for whatever mail they might be expecting.  
    (Y/N)’s parents were busy on business trips as they had described in their previous letter, so she stayed focused on the delicious pancakes in front of her. Sweet, fluffy pancakes-her mind seemed to have gone numb because Lily was practically shoving her to the point where she could fall off of her seat. “Oi, Earth to (Y/N)!”  
    Finally snapping out of her daydreaming state, she turned to the redhead that glared fondly in her direction. “Something’s arrived for you, you were too braindead to notice.” (Y/N) pouted in response but took the piece of parchment from Lily’s outstretched hand.  Marlene attempted at peeking over her friend’s shoulder, trying to see the contents of the letter. Her actions didn’t go without (Y/N)’s notice, who blocked Mar’s view. A familiar fancy yet rushed handwriting filled the paper.
“Dear my darling dove,
I stole some parchment from Moony, I’ll have to be quick about this so I can send it before he murders me. I heard you talking to Evans about how you think getting sent love notes and letters is romantic, so I thought I’d start surprising you with some. I’m going to guess you smiled at that comment. Merlin, imagining it is making me want to see you already. Your smile is the only thing I continue living for, really. I got a little cheesy there, didn’t I? I’m not the best at writing but I want to make you feel like you’re loved, like you’re special. Being with you is one of the most wonderful things that’s happened to me, you’re truly the light of my life. Shit, I think I hear Moony. Going to have to cut this letter short, love. I promise the next ones will be worthy for a goddess like you.
Your favorite Gryffindor”  
    There was a smile spread on (Y/N)’s face as she finished reading and looked over to a beautiful pair of grey eyes, the usual smirk on her boyfriend’s face. Sirius seemed to be satisfied with himself, winking over at her. Such a simple action but it sent butterflies coursing through her. The things that boy did to her. It will be one hell of a ride if he planned on sending more of those.      
     She then became suddenly aware of the giggle fits next to her as well as how dumb her loving expression must’ve looked to those around her. Marlene snickered. “I don’t think you need to tell us who it’s from anymore.” 
                                                          - - -
    Sirius had certainly lived up to the idea of sending love letters. He hadn’t missed a day so far. He’d sometimes even send more than one. However cheesy or cliché they were, she loved receiving them, nonetheless. She started to laugh softly to herself, remembering the rant he had went on during one of the letters about how he was certain Prongs secretly wanted him and not Lily.
    The weather outside was perfect. The warm sun wasn’t too intense, and a gentle breeze made the grass fly in the wind. A great day to work on Potions homework.
    (Y/N) sat herself under a tree that provided her with shade, the same tree she and Sirius would usually cuddle under until getting scolded for being out after curfew. Grinning at the thought, she opened up her Potions book, dipped her quill in some ink and got to work.
    Meanwhile, Sirius looked down upon her from the Owlery, admiring who he perceived as the most beautiful girl to ever exist. Letting out a love-sickened sigh, he leaned his head on the palm of his hand. He had started to forget the purpose of his trip when (Y/N)’s owl began pecking him lightly, an annoyed expression on their face. “Gah, okay, okay, you can stop now! Mangy bird.” He grumbled, scribbling words onto the parchment he had brought with him. (O/N) looked none too happy at his words, making their point clear as they poked him slightly hard on the head. Sirius scowled playfully in return. “I hear you, just let this dry for a moment.” During his waiting time, he decided to look out at where his girlfriend was again.  
    Some time passed by and stretching her arms up, (Y/N) realized that the sun had begun to set and that she’d been sitting out there for quite a while now. She took a moment to take in the scenery around her before packing up her things. The way the water out on the Black Lake glistened under the descending light especially caught her attention. She stared at her gorgeous surroundings until her eyelids began to droop.
    Startled awake, she realized her owl was nuzzling her arm affectionately in hopes of her noticing them. She smiled, petting them gently and then taking the parchment they were holding out to her. “Another letter from Sirius, no doubt.” She thought aloud. Unrolling the paper, she began reading.  
“Good evening, angel,
I can see you from the Owlery. That makes me sound like a creep, but I can’t erase it. You look so pretty today. Well, you’re gorgeous every day. Breathtaking, honestly. You’ll probably have such a cute blush while reading this. Maybe I should make it a goal of mine to get you bright, Gryffindor red. You look so concentrated on that Potions essay that I forgot about, which you’ll scold me for later. I love you so much. You’re so dedicated and passionate in everything you do. You’re so diligent and curious to learn more. Godric, the things you do to me. Remus poked fun at me for becoming soft, he even asked how I was able to see with all the hearts in my eyes. But how can I not be this in love when I have you? The most wonderful, intelligent woman in all of Hogwarts and you’re somehow mine. I just want to sing my love out to the whole WORLD. I can already hear you calling me dramatic, but that’s my middle name, doll. No, it is not Orion. Or Onion as Evans misread it. Anyway, you’ll be heading to bed by the time you read this, so I won’t make this too long.  
Take care,
Your lovestruck boyfriend”  
    Chuckling to herself, (Y/N) bit her bottom lip to try and stop her smile from going across her whole face. (O/N) nudged her teasingly, to which she rolled her eyes. “You have no right to comment, I saw you eyeing an owl last week when I went to visit you.” (O/N) turned suddenly shy and tried to hide their face while their owner started cracking up.
                                                         - - -
    Sirius nervously adjusted his black tie as he waited at the bottom of the stairway for (Y/N), thinking back on the past years they’ve experienced at Hogwarts. 7th year had finally come, and they’d all be graduating in a few days. They’d have to determine their future, but for now, they’d have a joyous time at their final school dance.
    Speaking of, Lily and Marlene just walked down, which snapped Sirius out of his train of thought. Mar’ started making a trumpet impression before she began to speak. “Make way for our glorious and precious princess that I’ll continue to protect after school is over, (Y/N) (L/N)!” Lily covered her mouth to muffle her laughter as her dramatic friend did jazz hands.
    Bashfully, (Y/N) stepped out from behind the wall she was using to not be seen and made eye contact with Sirius. His loving gaze admired her, and she couldn’t decide whether she felt more comfortable due to his presence or if she wanted to cover her face in fear that everyone would see her crimson cheeks. He then made it even harder to choose when he pulled out that charming smile on her, the one that just made her heart leap out of her chest.  
    “You look stunning, love.” He mused as she carefully walked down and over to him. The blush on her face intensified. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Sirius.”  
    Letting out a low chuckle that sent shivers down her spine, he held out an arm to her. “May I escort the beautiful princess to her ball?” (Y/N) accidentally let out a giggle at his extravagant act, mentally scolding herself for becoming a young teen for a moment. “Of course.” She responded as she wrapped her own arm under and around his. They stepped into the giant room that had been prepared for the students’ final, special night.
    Everyone involved in the decoration certainly went all-out. A beautiful yet blinding chandelier hung from the ceiling, highlighting the dance floor. There were rows of tables with white cloth covering them stood off to the side. They had been filled with over a dozen entrée options to suit everyone’s tastes. The ribbons and balloons were gorgeous shades of blue and white. James had suspected they might’ve used the same decorations from the winter festivities, but everyone paid him no mind.  
    However, despite the effort that had been put in towards the way this ball looked, Sirius couldn’t help but stare at (Y/N) the whole time. The way her outfit of choice fit her just right and how the moonlight along with the chandelier brought out her eyes. She was like a magnet, pulling Sirius ever closer to the brink of madness. He often jokingly wondered whether she was part Veela in disguise.
    “You going to stare holes through me all night or are you going to ask me to dance?” (Y/N) grinned at him.
    Laughing softly, he took her hand in his and placed a gentle kiss upon it. “Right, how rude of me. Would you care for a dance, my love?” Giddily, she nodded.  
    Truth be told, Sirius had been forced by his mother to learn how to waltz, even if he didn’t have an interest in finding out how to do it. When he and (Y/N) got closer, she had made the off-hand comment that she didn’t know how to do the elegant dance, so he then became her tutor. He couldn’t help but thank the stars for having given him such a great opportunity to use the otherwise unneeded skill.
    Now, here they were, gliding across the practically glittering floor. Some people watched in awe, but to them, they were the only two people that existed in this moment. The only people to have ever lived. The only people that mattered.
    As they looked into each other’s eyes, they shared a mutual thought: they would never leave the other’s side.
    After a while of quiet dancing, (Y/N) decided to speak up and break the silence. “It’s so weird to believe that…we’re going to be leaving this place, you know? Hogwarts has just always been a second home to me - to all of us.” Sirius nodded in agreement and hummed to himself before responding, “It’s really a strange concept, isn’t it?” He twirled her in between thoughts. “I mean, we came here when we were eleven. Merlin, my hair was so bad-”
    Laughing, (Y/N) subconsciously twirled a piece of his hair between her fingers. “I don’t know, I think you looked quite cute.” Her laughter only continued when Sirius reacted with a disgusted look. “I’m sure my younger self appreciates the compliment but please don’t sneak into my bedroom at night and give me a haircut.” This only caused them to share a laugh together.  
    Smiling, (Y/N) decided to ask him something, “Hey, since our school lives are over, does this mean it’s the end of your endless letters?”
    At this, Sirius suddenly looked a little nervous, which was rare. She tilted her head curiously at his behavior. “Sirius? Is something wrong?”
    “No, no, nothing is wrong. I’m just…thinking of the right words to say, I guess.” He chuckled to himself, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. “About those…I actually have one last letter I’d like you to read.” He started to reach for something in the pocket of his blazer and took up a folded sheet of parchment. (Y/N) made a motion to take it but he held it up too high for her to take. “Ah, ah, ah. I want you to read it in a more secluded area. You know, where people aren’t constantly twirling around us.” She laughed softly and they walked nearer to a window away from the dancing.  
    Sirius now handed over the paper, letting her gently unfold it. While her eyes went over all the words, he started fumbling with something else that was in his pocket.
“My love,
I write this to you in hopes that you’ll see how much I simply adore you. It’s the end of our last year here. There are so many fond memories tied to this place, many of which involve you. I could never imagine a life where I didn’t meet you. You’re so perfect and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I know I have flaws and I definitely don’t deserve you, but if you’ll have me, I want to be with you forever. I want to hold you close every moment I can and feel your soft hair in my hands. I want to protect you with my whole being and know you’re safe by my side. You’re my everything, (Y/N).
Will you marry me?”
    Her eyes went wide as she reread that last line in her head. She turned to see Sirius but found she had to look down. He had gotten down on one knee, holding the box open, his eyes full of love for the woman in front of him but also tinted with a bit of worry. The biggest grin filled (Y/N)’s face as she nodded vigorously and lowered herself to the floor to hug him. “Yes, yes, of course I will you big dufus!” Sirius looked taken aback by the sudden gesture, almost falling back, but he smiled softly and hugged her back.  
    After holding each other for almost a minute, they stood up and Sirius slid the ring onto her finger. Making sure it was on perfectly, he moved her hand close and kissed it. (Y/N) admired the symbol of her new life. Not because of its beauty, although Sirius did make sure to pick out the best he could find, but because of what it meant for their future. Their future that they’d live out together.
    “…so, I hope you’re ready for a new stream of letters dedicated to my lovely wife-”
    “Oh Merlin, Sirius!-”
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elfpen · 6 years
Good Shot
A/N: I’m procrastinating, have a thing.
Edward Elric did not consider himself a traumatized person, and he did not think of his childhood as particularly traumatic. Despite this determination, the trauma of his youth was both objectively true and patently obvious to anyone with a brain. Edward’s brain no longer noticed. The tumultuous Amestris of yesteryear was, for better or for worse, the world that had raised him. That fact was as comfortable around his memories as an old, worn coat, a coat that needed a wash and a patch and was two sizes too small, but was too familiar to go about replacing. In short, he was used to it.
Maybe that was why, when he arrived at work one blustery afternoon to find his place of business swarming with a fully armed battalion, Edward Elric only yawned.
“Aw, hell,” he said to no one in particular. Final grades were due in seventy-two hours and he hadn’t even gotten started yet. Ahead of him, the Alchemy Building of Central University loomed large against a snow-heavy sky. All around the front steps, a throng of people gathered, held at bay by a line of blue-uniformed soldiers. Was a it a fire? A flood? Both meant water, and water meant smudged ink and desecrated paper, and that meant his final grades wouldn’t be in on time.
But why the military? Slowly, like a rising wail, bomb sirens filled the air.
“Damnit.” His icy sigh hung in the air and whirled apart was he stepped through it to march into the crowd.
“This is outrageous! The whole building?” Edward couldn’t see the man’s face, but judging from the prodigious height of his white quaffed hair, he was willing to bet it was the Dean.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to step back, we need to keep everyone at a safe distance,” replied an anxious-looking warrant officer.
“On what grounds? What is this all about?”
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to-”
“I will have you know that I run this college, young man, I demand to know why you’ve commandeered my-”
“Excuse me, Professor Elric?” Ed turned to see a half dozen of his students huddled in coats and mittens, craning their necks like geese to get a better view of the front steps. One called Mary was asking him. “Do you know what’s going on?”
Ed glanced back at the Warrant Officer and the Dean. Their tiff seemed to have drawn attention from a nearby lieutenant, who was making her way over to intervene.
“No, but whatever it is I hope it wraps up quick, I have work to do.”
“I’ll say,” one of the students, Josef, laughed and blew into his mittens for warmth. “Do you think Dr. Wolfgar will fail me if I miss my final because of a military occupation?”
“Military occupation?” Teased the slightly older Henrietta, “What, do you think this is some kind of coup d’etat?”
“Oh please,” Edward found himself saying. “Last time we had a coup, Central Command was nearly erased from the map; this is just a university building. If they’re trying to do anything big, they should blow something up first.” He thought he’d been being funny, but amid the sirens, his students had fallen uncomfortably quiet. Edward sighed, annoyed by the reminder that even for college students, his humor was dark. “Whatever,” He said. “I don’t have time for this.” He elbowed his way through the crowd.
“Dr. Elric? What are you going to do?” Josef asked. He glanced at his classmates, and then followed after their professor. The others fell into step behind him, so that unbeknownst to him, Edward had a trail of six college students following him like a mother duck.
“Lieutenant,” he spoke above the chatter of the crowd. “Excuse me, lieutenant,” he waved. The lieutenant looked wearily in his direction and marched over with practiced indifference.
“Yes sir?”
“I’m going inside,” he stepped to the front of the crowd. She reached out a hand to stop him.
“Sir, for your safety, I cannot allow you to go any further, we need to-”
“I said I’m going inside,” Edward repeated, digging around in his pocket until he could find his silver watch. He held it out. Scratched and worn, the dragon sparkled in the overcast sunlight.
“-ssor Elric is a state alchemist?!” he heard Mary say.
After a brief hesitation, the lieutenant’s demeanor transformed. She stood to attention and saluted.
“Now tell me what’s going on.” He stepped further up the stairs without her stopping him.
“Sir,” she turned toward him, away from the civilians, and spoke quietly: “Central Command intercepted multiple threats against this campus early in the AM. Three separate witnesses reported seeing at least one suspicious person enter the building through a window. We’re not sure who they are, what weapons they have with them, or what their intent is. Our General has advised severe caution.”
“And who is your general? Is it Mustang?” Edward asked, purely out of curiosity.
“Major General Mustang, yes sir.”
“Oh is that what they’re calling him these days,” Ed grumbled over his shoulder. “Alright, well, anything happens, we’ll just blame him.” The lieutenant seemed unsure how to take this. “Thanks. And sorry about the Dean - he can be a bit of a dick, though you didn’t hear that from me.” He began up the steps.
“You’re the Fullmetal Alchemist, aren’t you, sir?” She asked.
“What about it?”
After a moment of thought, the lieutenant unholstered one of her two pistols. “Sir,” she offered it or him. “Just in case.”
Edward looked at it, and at her, and shrugged. “Fine,” he took it.
“Hey, we’re with him,” Josef was arguing with the warrant officer, trying to following Edward up the steps.
“No they’re not,” Edward turned and fixed them with the same look he used on his children. He pointed with the hand that wasn’t holding a gun. “You stay right there, all of you. Do what the lieutenant says.” All of the students’ eyes followed his hand as he shoved the gun into his coat pocket. “If Wulfgar gives you an F, I’ll deal with the registrar myself.”
Edward Elric jogged up the steps, digging around his pockets for his keys. Behind him, his students watched in confusion and awe.
“Did she say Fullmetal Alchemist?” said Henrietta.
“Yeah,” said Josef. “Why?”
Henrietta’s face moved in stages from confusion to realization to open incredulity. “Holy shit.”
Once inside, Edward brushed snow off his coat, rubbed some heat back into his hands, and flipped through his ring of keys. The jingling drew unexpected attention.
He looked up to see the frowning, serious face of Riza Hawkeye marching down the hall.
“Oh, hey, Captain! Good to see you,” Ed grinned as if they’d just bumped into each other at a cafe. He fiddled with the lock on his door. “Didn’t know it was your men they’d sent over this way. How are you?”
Riza was unmoved. “Edward, what are you doing in here?”
“I work here,” he unlocked his office door, jimmied the handle, and slammed his shoulder against the door. It came unstuck and squeaked open. He switched on the lights.
“Oh good,” the disorganized heaps of paper were exactly how he’d left them, untouched by water or fire. “Diane would have killed me.” He opened his briefcase and began shovelling papers into it with one arm. Riza stood by the door, holding a pistol ready at her side, casting looks over both shoulders.
“We have a secure perimeter, how did you get in here?”
Ed held up his watch and dangled it until she looked. “The lieutenant let me in.”
“Edward, you can’t just…” but she knew that, technically, he could. Technically, he still outranked her. “We’re in a bit of a situation, you can’t just sit here and grade papers.”
“I know, I know,” Ed leaned on top of his briefcase to force it closed. It squeaked, so he put more weight onto it until it snapped shut, leather bulging. “Don’t worry about me, I’m prepared,” he reached into his pocket and brandished his borrowed pistol. Riza started.
“Where did you get that?”
“The lieutenant. She seemed worried when she heard who I was. Kinda rude, if you ask me. What have you been telling them about me?” He shoved it back into his pocket and held a small remaining stack of papers in his teeth while he put his gloves back on.
“Do you have your things?” Riza asked, ignoring the question. “I’ll escort you out.”
“Hhh-ine,” Ed grumbled around the homework. He rolled them up and put them in a pocket. “If anything else gets destroyed, I’ll direct the Dean to you.”
Riza called up two sergeants to cover her post while she escorted Edward to a side entrance of the building.
“Make sure Lieutenant Fletcher gets her pistol back, she shouldn’t have given it to you in the first place. She’ll be in a lot of trouble if it goes missing.”
“It’s not missing, it’s with me,” Edward retorted.
“Well in any event, I’m going to have to reprimand her anyway. She can’t just hand out her firearms just because you can’t do alchemy. Ed?” Pistol still at the ready, Riza paused and turned. Edward had frozen in the middle of the hallway. All traces of his carefree fatigue had evaporated, replaced by the kind of instinctual alarm that had helped him live to adulthood.
“Edward?” Riza called.
Ed was looking down an abandoned hall of classrooms, eyes fixated on room 103. Its door, like several of the other classrooms, was cracked just ajar. Unlike the other classrooms, there was a light on the other side of the door.
“Did you search these rooms?” He asked suddenly, not turning to look at the captain.
“Yes, when we arrived an hour ago.”
“Did you search them again?”
Ed ignored her, and walked carefully down the hall. Riza hesitated to follow him. She heard his pistol’s safety click off.
“Edward?” She edged toward the hallway, and peaked around the corner. Ed stood in the doorway of classroom 103, silhouette framed by an ethereal blue light. Lightning seemed to crackle from within the room. Alchemy.
“Shit!” Edward practically fell backward, slamming the door shut. “Out! Out! Everybody out!” he shouted. Riza was holding up her gun, ready to shoot whoever was in pursuit, but there was no one. Edward passed her toward the door. He did a double take when he realized she wasn’t following him. “Lieutenant,” he called her out of habit, “move!” He grabbed her by the back of her collar and yanked her out of the hall right as the explosion went off.
Seconds or minutes later, Edward looked up from the ground to see Riza shouting orders at her men. She was bleeding from her temple but looked no worse for wear, a gun in her hand and angry as hell. He could not hear what she was saying, and became increasingly aware that one or both of his eardrums must’ve burst, leaving his head ringing. His hands ground against drywall and plaster dust as he pushed himself upright. A figure ran in front of him. They were not in military blue. They were not in university dress. They did, however, have chalk in one hand and a transmutation circle tattooed on the other.
“Lieutenant,” Edward tried to say, but coughed. “That’s the… it’s the same circle, he’s,” he coughed again, and realized no one was going to hear him. “Damnit,” he slurred, unable to hear himself except the part of the voice that echoed in his bones. With difficulty, he rose to his feet, using his briefcase to shield himself from falling rubble as he jogged toward the front door.
There were military personnel everywhere, running and shouting with guns drawn. Most of the crowd had the sense to run, too, but some lingered, unsure of what to do or where to go. Amid the crowd, Edward spotted a man running away sans coat, sans scarf, covered in plaster dust with a circular tattoo on the back of his hand.
“There!” he pointed. “That’s him, there, there!” He jogged down the steps and almost slipped. No one seemed to be listening. He’s going to get away, damnit. “Lieutenant!” But neither Hawkeye or Fletcher were there to hear him. His ears rang, his eyes stung with cold, there was blood tickling his face, he felt like he was going to be sick. The terrorist looked back at him, saw him, and ran faster. Edward’s hands twitched, itching to clap together and bring this bastard down by force. He felt a weight in his pocket. He grabbed it.
“Josef!” He yelled, spotting his student in the way. He leveled his gun. “Get down, now!”
Josef fell to the ground. The trigger offered more resistance than he’d expected. Kickback. An unexpected burst of red, and the terrorist fell to the ground. After a moment, the figure stirred and clutched at his injured knee, which leaving a bloody red pool on the ground. Military swarmed, and Edward fell back into a seat on the stairs so he could hold his head and wait for the world to stop spinning.
After his hearing began to come back somewhat, he found Lieutenant Fletcher. “You did not give this to me,” Edward told her, holding up her pistol with a single finger.
“I abused my authority and took this from you, understand? It’s my fault, not yours. I’m going to surrender this to your Captain, she and I will handle it from there.”
“Y-yes sir,” the lieutenant said, and then glanced at either side of his face. “Sir, you need medical attention.”
Edward looked down at himself, and realized he’d ruined his best winter coat by bleeding all over it. “Oh,” he said. His ears had even bled onto the essays stuffed into his pocket. “Great.”
They had the university open two days later, but they’d siphoned off the alchemy classes to the math and geography buildings while they cleaned up the carnage. Edward’s left ear would be healing from a perforated eardrum for the next several weeks, but with his right, he could hear the chatter in the halls:
“I heard he used to be a student here,”
“Ex military?”
“Angry about the reinstatement of Ishval,”
“Targeted against General Mustang, I think,”
“My mom says she’s been worried about something like this happening…”
“Something about the Fullmetal Alchemist?”
“Change, of course people will be angry. But this?”
“Seems a bit drastic.”
“Fullmetal who?”
“That’s what they called him - he was joking about a coup d'etat!”
Edward pushed open his classroom door, and the chatter stopped. He dumped out his briefcase onto his desk and shuffled through its contents. He scratched at his forehead beneath the large bandage that ran over his ear. Most of the essays were already in alphabetical order, but there were four unfortunate outliers.
“Uh, Tasha,” he climbed up to where Tasha Miller sat in her usual seat on the third row. He tried to ignore how everyone else watched him. “I’m very sorry, I wasn’t able to grade your entire essay, I uh…” he was speaking quietly, as he always did with students about assignments, but the hall was unnaturally silent today. “Part of it got, uh, part of it got blood on it, but,” he quickly  reassured her, misunderstanding her horror for disgust, “I was able to retype it, hopefully my comments are helpful, you seem to have a good understanding of the topic.” He scratched at his bandage again. “Good work.” He shuffled through the three other re-typed essays in his arms. “Martin Kovacheck? Oh, there you are. You guys need to stop swapping seats on me.” He laughed. He was the only one who laughed.
He moved around the room in an apologetic round before they moved onto the lesson. As he gathered up the regular essays to distribute to the class, his right ear caught wind of a frantic whisper:
“No, not about Tuesday, I meant the coup d'etat. With Mustang. He was there.”
Edward had a feeling he wasn’t going to hear the end of this.
“Well, sir,” said Josef quietly, when Edward went to return his graded essay, “They blew something up, all right.”
Ed felt his ear throbbing. “Yeah, I guess they did.” 
Josef smiled as if it were a joke, and Edward realized that it was his humor that the boy was absorbing. His heart weighed him down.
“You’re not too bad a shot for someone who doesn’t like guns.” Roy Mustang signed his name, flipped the page, and signed again. Flip. Sign. Flip. “If I issue you your own firearm, this won’t be so much of a headache next time.��
Edward Elric scowled at him. “There won’t be a next time.”
“Really?” Roy didn’t look up. Sign. Flip. “Winry called me earlier and asked me if I thought you needed a gun, after what happened. She also told me that dry cleaning isn’t going to save your coat.”
“What are you doing calling my wife on a Friday afternoon? You know, sometime you could try minding your own damn busine-”
“She called me, Fullmetal.”
Edward scowled harder. His ear was healing but ached terribly. He sulked, and signed the forms that Roy shoved to his side of the desk. “No guns,” he said. “The last thing I need is another reason for my students to ask me about Back Then.”
Roy paused in his signing. Resumed. “Oh?”
“They want me to guest lecture in the history department. The History Department. We’re history now, apparently.”
Roy chuckled. “You should be flattered.”
“I’m pissed off.”
“And why’s that?” Roy passed him another round of paperwork. Edward was staring at nothing. It took him a moment to take the paper.
“Because it’s not history. It was my life.” He scribbled out his signature.
Roy smiled to himself. “I know how you feel.”
It wasn’t the sort of conversation Edward was wont to have with the General, and he didn’t want that to change. “Do you.” Sign. Flip. Sign.
“You’re not the first person to live through a war. You’re not the first alchemist to do horrible things and regret it.”
Edward looked up at him, and they made eye contact for a few fleeting seconds. They turned back to their paperwork. Sign. Flip. Sign.
“I was just a kid,” Ed said quietly, irritably.
Roy was quiet for several beats. “Yeah.” Flip. Flip. Flip. Sign. Flip. He glanced up at Edward. “So are you going to sit in that chair and mope about it? Or are you going to move forward?”
For the briefest of moments, he was eleven years old again, but this time he was much bigger and far, far more tired.
“You don’t have to tell them anything you don’t want to, you know,” said Roy. “You’ve already pissed off half of the Central U faculty, from what I hear. What’s one more department?” Flip, flip, sign.
“Yeah, I guess,” Edward said, taking the papers and signing them without reading them. Flip. Flip.
“If they don’t let you off the hook, direct them to me. I can guest lecture, if they want the real story. Heaven only knows what lies you’d tell them.”
Edward thought he was joking, and laughed. “Thanks.”
“I’m not joking,” Roy told him, and waited until Edward looked up to add, “Really. If they push the issue, just give me a call.”
Edward was not used to tone of compassion in the General Bastard’s voice. It wasn’t comfortable like the taboos of alchemy and the sounds of gunfire. He did his best to ignore it.
“Of course.” Sign. Flip. Flip. Sign. Date. Flip.
“God, this is a lot of paper,” Ed complained.
“Then get your own gun, Fullmetal.”
“Would you get off my back.”
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bambikisss · 6 years
That one quiet boy
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(This takes place in the k drama Hi school love on)
I was walking to class when Sungyeol pulled me to his side. "You scared me!" I told him, hitting his arm softly. He smiled a bit before pointing to the pool. "Can I go talk to you?" He asked, already walking to the door. He did this all the time: pull me to a random closed off area and talk about his step mom being up his ass all the time. I followed him before checking the time. "Hey, we have only 3 minutes-" I stopped talking when I saw what he was holding. I told him I lost my rose gold headphone and was dying slowly. "So, y/n...do you still want this?" He asked me, tossing it to me. "W-where was it?" I made sure it worked by playing Jay Park's "me like yuh", and sure enough, it worked. " One of the bullies got a hold of it. You need to be more careful. Now let's go " He told me, walking with me back to class. As we sat down, I kept asking him how he got it from them, but he kept dismissing it. "Fine. I won't talk to you until you tell me" I pouted, trying to focus on the work in front of me. He kept looking over at me, waiting for me to say something as the teacher came in. He slipped me a paper after a few minutes, tapping it twice to get my attention.
"Are you really not going to talk to me?"
I nodded without looking up at him and slide the note back to him. He sighed heavily before erasing what he wrote before changing it to say-
"Look. I'm sorry for not telling you but please don't be mad. "
I smiled at the note and put it in my binder. We did this often, because we weren't allowed to speak during class, so I kept our conversations, from funny arguments to conversations on Infinite's new album. As I was about to put it away, the teacher came over and grabbed it out of my hand. "Thank you for this" She mumbled before returning to the front of the room. She kept glancing at Sungyeol, as she read the note.
Time skip
"Y/n!" We were leaving the class to go home when our teacher motioned me to come to the front of the classroom. Sungyeol glared at her before tapping my headphones, which I had wrapped around my neck. "I'll wait for you in the courtyard" He whispered in my ear before walking out. I gulped a bit before walking to her. I don't know why, bit talking to teachers always made me nervous. She didn't smile or anything. She just waited for me to be in front of her to hold her hand out. "Miss y/n...i assume you have more notes from you and Mr. Sungyeol... Please hand them all over" I gasped at her offer before reluctantly hand them over, holding onto one.
That one was strictly private.
"That one too. Unless you want to fail my class" I noticed how angry she looked and how her eyes we're glued to the note. I put it on her desk before putting my headphones on and walking out.
Once I reached Sungyeol, I pulled in to the ramen place we always eat at when we have had a bad day. We get spicy noodles and sit in our favorite seats: secluded from everyone else. I told him what happened and watched the rage slowly come into his eyes. "Did you give them to her?" He asked, wiping the side of my mouth, which had been bitten repeatedly due to me being nervous earlier. "Yeah. I had to. She was going to fail me" I mumbled, drinking some water. He nodded and ruffled my hair, smiling a bit. "She has to give them back. I'll make sure of it." He whispered that last part. I nodded and poked his hand away.
Sungyeol's p.o.v-
I got home from walking y/n home and immediately walked to my step mom, trying to control my temper. I opened the master bedroom to see her and my dad reading and giggling like children at the notes. "What the hell is your problem?!" I walked in front of them, glaring at her. She seemed to be taken a back by that but she held up a note before smiling.
Oh shit.
That note was written in blue ink and had a red heart on the top fold. My eyes immediately went to the word "Sungyeol's confession to me"
"Is y/n your girlfriend? " She asked, smiling. My dad laughed a bit, watching my cheeks turn red. In that note, I told her I loved her and that I wanted her to be mine. She told me that if I get good grades and pass my exam that she will go on a date with me.
"Have you ever heard of invasion of privacy?" I asked, grabbing the note from her hand and I hurriedly grabbed the rest of the notes from the bed. "Is she?" My dad asked. "I would love to meet her". I scoffed before walking back to my room, putting them into a envelope and carefully putting it in my bag. As I put my bag next to my bed, y/n texted me.
My other half 💜
Did you get the notes back?
I smiled at her text before responding with:
Yep. We need to talk though, tomorrow morning
The read section came up, but she didn't respond. I was sitting on my bed when I realized that I was going to ask her out tomorrow...
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