#you can’t look me in the eyes and tell me that luci wouldn’t mind head kisses?
bonez-yard · 8 months
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Oh I’m gonna be so normal about him, about Radioapple and Staticradio dnfbdnjf-
Alastor my king, with a smol doodle of Radioapple bc yes
Priest!Vox and Nun!Alastor oh they have me in a chokehold fr
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my artwork!!!
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thatlesbianbarbie · 2 months
Our Omega PT2
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Pairing: Select Lionesses x reader
Tags: Omegaverse, Harassment, stereotypical alpha-omega dynamics, nesting, cuddling, doom scrolling, low-key cyberbullying.
Summary: You have been mated for a couple of weeks and get harassed at a game. This will be the last part for this combo but I am considering doing one for Arsenal or Chelsea. P.S. This is definitely not my best work.
Wordcount: 2K
Sitting on the sidelines of a game has become one of your favorite activities other than training. Seeing your girls doing what they are best was unlike anything else. That is how you are back at Wembley watching your girls play against Ireland. You can feel the excited nervous energy the girls are feeling through your bond. Alessia already scored a goal and you're barely into the first half.
A flash of a camera catches your attention and you turn around only to find yourself inches away from a stranger's phone. “ Hi,” You can’t help the annoyed tone that seeps into your voice. People have become fascinated with you since you went public with your relationship. Not that you could blame them, it still feels unreal but the permanent bite marks make it difficult to go unnoticed. “Hi oh my god, I can’t believe you're here. “ The girl looks like she couldn’t be more than sixteen years old. “Where else would I be?” You roll your eyes, turning back to the game. You can feel her eyes on you but don't turn around. You don’t have the mental energy to be nice to her so it is easier to just avoid communicating as much as possible. People like this just get on your nerves. We are all just people. 
After Georgia scored you could tell they had the game in the bag. Not that they become less aggressive in their play style but you could feel the stressed tension in your bond loosening. you tense as someone steps on your shoulder taking a deep breath and turning around you are faced with the same teen and what you assume to be her friends. “ Do you think we could get a picture?” She asks so excitedly you don't have the heart to say no. “Sure,” They crowd around you and one of them pulls out their phone to take a selfie.” if you wouldn’t mind I would like to get back to the game.” You turn back to the pitch barely listening as the girls return to their seats. The scents of the people around you grow heavier as the game continues. Some Alpha’s really need to get their scents under control. It's so overpowering you can barely think.
Once the game is over you head out towards the tunnel to meet up with the girls. Normally they would just come and grab you from the barrier but with this being an official Euro qualifier everyone is trying to follow the rules to a T. The stadium is crowded with people's scents covering every inch of space. A familiar overselling scent fills the air around you .”Hello,” You turn around only inches away from Amber. “Hi” You smile through your annoyance and try to back away from her only to have her follow your steps backing you into the corner. “Where are you mates? not very nice of them to leave their omega all alone.” Amber's smile has a predatory look and you can’t help the fear scent escaping your body. “They didn’t leave me there. I am waiting for them to finish post-match interviews. You try to duck away from her only for her arm to cage you in. “you should probably get away from me if they find you this close it won’t be pretty.” You shrink away as her scent becomes impossible and more aggressive. “There isn’t much they can do to me here” This girl could not learn when someone was not interested. You are mated now she can’t just be out here with you.
”Get away from her '' Lucy's voice startles you out of your fear-induced faze. you slide to the floor as Luce shoves Amber away from you.``you took her from me” Amber shouts as Luce keeps pushing her farther away from you. “Shh. you are okay I’m right here '' Mills scoops you up holding you tight to her chest. Her purr lulls you into a safe headspace. “Let’s get you home.''The rest of the girls join up with you as Mills gets you buckled into the backseat of the car.``Where is Luce '' you question as Millie gets into the driver seat. “She will meet us at the house.” you startle as the car door opens and Less and Ella slide in on either side of you. “Is Lucy okay?”. “She is perfectly fine. I can't say that much about the other girl,” Ella explains with a smirk clear on her face. “She didn't kill her, did she? '' Killing a girl would definitely get her suspended if not worse.``No Mary and Leah pulled her off before it got that serious.'' Alessia explains. “That's good, I don't want her to get in trouble because of me.” 
“It's not your fault That stupid girl, what was her name?” Millie prompted from the front seat.”Amber” ‘Amber should never have gotten that close to you. That is never appropriate, especially with a mated omega. She deserves everything Lucy gave her.” Millie turns into the driveway and you can’t seem to get out of the car fast enough. You just want to go back to your house, your nest. Everything is too much. “Shh love come on let's get you up the stairs. ”Less and Ella are practically running after you as you hurry up the stairs and into the bedroom. Your nest is just the way you left it this morning and that is some comfort as you collapse into it. “How about we turn on a show and wait for the rest of the girls to get home” Less prompts snuggling up next to you. As much as you don't want to do anything, some TV did sound distracting. “What are you going to turn on?”. “Whatever you want my love”. “Derry girls,” you ask with a smile slowly appearing on your face. “Of course” As Alessia is turning on the TV Ella slips in behind you. “Sorry, I have to get my switch to play FIFA.” Ella presses a kiss to your back before returning to her game. Ella and her game you can barely pull it away from her when she has free time. You let yourself relax as the opening of Derry Girls starts.
You don’t even realize how much time has passed until Millie comes in dressed in her pjs with 4 pizza’s. “I was thinking of dinner in bed then some dessert.” Millie sets the pizza’s down on the floor next to the bed and crawls in. Over the past couple of hours the rest of your mates have joined you in your tv binge. “What did you get for dessert?” You question as Mills opens up the boxes. “Brownies and ice cream” She hands you a slice on a paper towel and you gladly begin eating. You forgot about eating in your panic to feel safe again. “Where is Luce” You can’t help missing her, everyone else is home safe and having her out god knows where doesn’t help your inner omega stay calm. “She had to do some cleanup but should be home soon.” Leah pipes up from where she's been scrolling on her phone. “ Do you want me to call her?" Leah asks, finishing her slice of pizza.” Do you mind?” You hate to be a bother no one wants to have a clingy mate. “None of us mind doing things for you, we just want you to be happy.” She dials the number and hands you the phone.
“Hey Leah what's up” Lucy sounds stained as if he is trying to multitask. “It's me, I was worried about you.” you bite your fist as she takes a deep breath. “There is no need to be worried, baby. I had to deal with some things Amber is getting banned from any of our future games. I also had to do an explanation video in case she goes public.” Luce sounds so sweet and you can’t help the tears that escape our eyes. There is no reason to cry, everything is fine, and no one dies. “Baby, you're alright I am going to come home now okay? I will be fifteen minutes tops.” “I'll see you soon then” You choke the words out a few more stray tears rolling down your face. “Come here luv” Georgia pulls you into her arms from behind and you fall into her more tears scraping your eyes. “I don’t even know Why I am crying” You whine letting out the keening cry that omega’s use to let their pack know they are hurting. “You can cry for no reason, you can cry whenever you want. You went through a lot today. You deserve to feel whatever emotions you want.” Georgia explains her hands rubbing circles into your skin are soon joined by the rest of your pack all in an effort to keep you from crying yourself sick.
“Oh baby” Lucy crawls into the nest taking your face into her hands. “It's going to be okay. We are all safe no one is ever going to touch you like that again.'' Lucy pulls your hand to rest over her heart. “We can go to sleep and deal with this tomorrow. You will feel better after a full night's rest. You barely notice as Lucy pulls you to rest in her lap. She starts a slow purr meant for calming omegas. It's annoying how easily she is able to calm you down. “It's not fair we tried that earlier,” Leah complains, her voice barely above a whisper. “I guess you're just not as skilled as I am, '' Luce teases as you slowly begin to drift off to sleep.
When you wake up Lucy is still holding you but she's shifted to be spooning you so your arms are free. There is no way to escape Luce’s death grip so you just start scrolling through Instagram on whoever phone is closest to you. The first thing on your feed is a video of Luce explaining last night which you quickly scroll past. It's more of your usual baking and football commentary until you reach a post about last night. The poster claims to be friends with Amber, which is hard to believe since she is sure an asshole. They are trying to say that you came on to Amber and then acted like she came on to you when your alpha showed up. This is so untrue if any of the witnesses came forward they would all say that Amber came on to you but the comments are full of people agreeing about how much of a slut you are.
So here you are an hour later still scrolling through X trying to find anyone who agrees with you. It's more of the same users all agreeing with Amber. You are so engrossed in your scrolling that you don’t notice Rachel until she sets her hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay?" She is still in her Pj's, a mug full of coffee in her free hand. “Ya, why wouldn’t I be.”You turn the phone on and set it face down next to you.. At some point Luce let her arms loosen to the point where you could at least it up. “I just wanted to make sure with what everyone is saying you know it isn't true.” You nod, taking the mug from her hands and quickly taking a large gulp before handing it back to her.  “I know how cruel people can be especially when they don’t know the full story” Rach was this way about her that sets you at ease while also making you feel more heard and understood than you have in your whole life. “I just don’t know how to make them understand.”. “Some never will these things are hard to understand unless you've earned it. What we can do is show people the camera footage of her following you and ignoring your wishes. It's not the best option and it shouldn’t be the only way people will believe you but it would help take some of the hate off of you.” Rachel explains remorse clearly on her face. “I don’t care what they are saying as much as I care that they are trying to convince you that I am those things.”. “No one can convince us of anything about you other than yourself. These people know nothing about what you are really like for us for this pack, nothing anyone says will ever change that.”
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alotofpockets · 17 days
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Eyes on the future | Lucy Bronze x Barca!Reader
Where watching Lucy interact with her nephew and niece makes you think of the future
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
The crowd around you was still buzzing as the pitch you had just won the Champions League title on, was now filled with gold confetti. With the gold medal around your neck, and your girlfriend’s arm slung over your shoulder, you were looking around, still in disbelief.
“We did it!” Lucy said, proudly looking down at her medal. “I still can’t believe it.” Your girlfriend placed a kiss on your forehead, “Maybe this big trophy will help you believe that we did.” She said as the two of you were handed the trophy to pose for a couple of pictures.
When Lucy handed the trophy back, she saw her brother entering the field. “Look who it is!” Your eyes followed in the direction was pointing at, and you saw her brother put down his kids on the field. 
Lucy jogged towards them as Freddie sprinted her way. She caught him and spun him around in the air, his giggles filled your ears. You watched the pair full of love in your eyes, and saw Zizi finally making her way over to her auntie. She placed Freddie down and lifted Zizi in her hip.
You had met Lucy’s family plenty of times before, but this time it felt different. The thought of wanting kids of your own, had often been on your mind. You hadn’t told Lucy yet, but watching her interact with Freddie and Zizi brought the idea right back. A family. You Lucy and a kid, it all looked perfect in your mind.
Freddie had spotted you and ran up to you with his arms out. “Auntie y/n!” You snap out of your thoughts and pick up the boy. “Hey bud!” He admired the medal that was hanging around your neck. “Do you want to put it on?” His eyes widened and he nodded his head enthusiastically. You set him down on the grass and kneeled down to his level to place the medal around his neck. 
From the corner of your eye you saw Zizi running towards you. You let her run into you and pretend she tackled you to the ground. “Wow, you’re so strong!” Zizi giggles as you feel her arm muscles. 
Zizi was still laying on your chest, when Lucy and Jorge made it to your side. Freddie got up and showed off the medal to his dad, while Lucy extended her hand to help you up. “You two look to be having way too much fun without me.” You grab her hand and try to get up, but with a child on your chest, that was a little harder than normal. 
“I think you’ve got yourself a little koala, who isn’t letting you.” Lucy teases. “I wouldn’t mind it.” It seemed like Zizi wanted to stay with you, but that changed the moment she saw her brother playing with the big pile of confetti. “I wanna play!” She said, trying to wiggle out of your arms. “Go have fun.” 
The two of you sat down on the podium, not far from where Freddie and Zizi were playing with the confetti. Lucy’s brother filmed the joy his kids were having. Lucy nudged your shoulder, “You’re good with them.”
Her words made you feel warm inside. “They are great kids.” You said with a slight blush on your cheeks. Before Lucy could notice though, Freddie called her over. “Auntie Luce, look!” He grabbed a handful of confetti and threw it in the air.
Lucy made her way over to the kids and played in the confetti with them. Seeing Lucy with them made your baby fever very strong and you were sure that later there would be plenty of videos of you online watching them with nothing but love in your eyes.
It wasn’t long before Lucy noticed you were staring. She walked over and sat with you again, “What’s up?” Now was the moment to tell her, even though you didn’t know how to yet.
“I eh, I was just thinking.” Your voice was soft, and laced with a level of nervousness that Lucy couldn’t quite place. "How am I supposed to go on this trip to Portugal and see you with the kids every day? Lucy, it’s killing me."
Lucy’s brows furrowed for a moment, clearly confused what you meant, and then it hit her. Her smirk grew, “You’ve got baby fever, don’t you?” In response your cheeks turned red, and Lucy just started laughing. 
“Hey, it’s not funny!” You playfully pushed her away. “It’s not, but it is very cute.” 
You knew by the still present smirk on her face that the teasing wasn’t over yet. "I can’t wait to see how flustered you’ll get watching me with the kids in Portugal." With a shake of your head you sigh, “You’re impossible Luce.”
She laid her hand down on your leg and gave it a soft squeeze. “Darling, after watching you with the kids, my baby fever is all over the place too.” You searched in her eyes for any sign of her joking around again, but all you found was a hint of seriousness. “Really?”
“Yes, really. I can’t wait to start our own little family.” Her confession made your heart skip a beat. For a moment all the buzz around you faded away, and it was you and Lucy sitting on the podium.
“I thought it was just me.” You admitted. Lucy shook her head, “Not just you darling, it’s been on my mind for a while now too.” She looked over to Freddie and Zizi chasing each other in the confetti. “Spending time with them, just makes it all feel so real, you know? Like with them around, I can totally picture us doing this.”
You couldn’t believe how far Lucy had actually thought about this idea. “Do you think we’re ready?” You asked quietly. “I think that together we can figure that out along the way. All I know is that when we are, we’re going to be amazing at it.” 
Now it was your turn to look over at the kids. “Well, maybe Portugal will be a good test run.” You joked not expecting Lucy to see it as an opener to start making fun of you again. “Yeah, if you can watch us interact without turning into a tomato or melting.”
You rolled your eyes, “Watch it Bronze.” The two of you laughed at how the topic that was so serious, flowed back into light banter. While you were laughing the kids ran up to you, Freddie plopping down in Lucy’s lap and Zizi in yours, making the moment even more perfect. Jorge snapped a couple more pictures before he met up with his wife on the sidelines again. He shows the pictures to Charis, “Oh they’re so cute.” He puts his arm around her shoulder, “Yeah, I can’t imagine it will take long before we have more little Bronze’s in our midst. 
💗 If you enjoyed this fic, please consider liking, commenting, and reblogging! You can also supporting me by leaving a tip 💗
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 days
We've Got Time
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!French/American!reader
Summary: You return to Los Angeles from France to visit your childhood friend Lucy Chen and find everything your heart has needed.
Warnings: fluff, r makes Tim a little nervous
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info
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“Come on!” Lucy groans. “I told you not to eat macarons when you can’t share.”
You smile guiltily and set the pastel pink macaron back on the hand-painted dish beside your phone. “Sorry, Luce.”
Lucy sighs, and a pang in your heart reminds you how much you miss her. She became your best friend during summers in America as a kid, but you haven’t had a chance to visit the States in too long.
“How’s policing going?” you inquire.
“As good as it can, I guess. Tim is still grumpy and finds something wrong with most of my decisions, but I’m learning.”
“You’re good at everything you decide to put your mind to, Lucy, and no matter what this Tim guy says, you’re going to be a great cop.”
“I think an éclair would make me a better cop,” Lucy replies with a dramatic pout.
“Éclairs au chocolate make everything better.”
“Boot!” someone yells in the background, causing Lucy to roll her eyes.
“Bye, Lucy,” you say. “Je t’aime.”
“If you really loved me, you wouldn’t tease me with macarons and French countryside on all of our calls. But… I love you, too.”
Your phone screen changes as Lucy ends the call, and as you trace the paint on your plate with your eyes, you decide what to do. It’s time to visit your best friend.
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You straighten your jacket as the U.S. customs officer looks through your bag. Your French and American passports sit on the metal desk as he lifts a wrapped Saint Laurent box.
“Uhm,” the man begins before mouthing a few words. “Contenu de cette…”
“I speak English,” you offer with a smile. “It’s a purse, gift for a friend.”
He nods and returns the box to your suitcase before he leans forward to zip it. “You’re free to go. Welcome to Los Angeles.”
“Thank you.”
As you pull your suitcases through Los Angeles International Airport, you smile. Your excitement to surprise Lucy increases as you near her police station, hoping to brighten her day.
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“You’re  looking for Chen?” someone asks.
You look up from your phone and across the police station lobby. The officer is handsome - stern but attractive, which tells you he’s…
“Officer Bradford, I presume,” you reply as you stand. “I am. I understand if she’s busy, though. I can surprise her later.”
“Surprise? Oh, you’re the friend that lives in France.”
Your eyes widen in surprise that he’d remember that. When you nod, he turns and walks away. Left to stare after him, you shrug and pick up your bag. You have Lucy’s address, so you’ll wait for her at her apartment.
“Yes, sir,” Lucy says.
You stop and watch the doorway where Tim went, and when Lucy steps through, she freezes.
“No more French countryside in the background, as requested,” you joke.
Lucy gasps as she runs toward you, and you’re wrapped in a signature Lucy hug. You tighten your arms around her as she whispers how much she missed you.
“Napa’s not close enough to the French riviera for you, Chen?” Tim asks as she steps out of your arms.
“Oh,” you tut, shaking your head at him. “There’s no comparison, mon chéri.”
Tim’s lips quirk up as he tilts his head to the side. You ignore Lucy’s questioning look or her growing smile following your pet name.
“I know you’re at work,” you tell Lucy, “but I just had to let you know I was here.”
“Thank you! I’ll give you a key to my apartment and you can stay with me, okay?”
“Lucy, I can’t impose-“
“Forget I asked, I’ll get the key.”
Lucy rushes away before you can argue further, and you’re left alone with Tim again.
“Thank you for letting me see her,” you say. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I just didn’t want to hear her complain about missing you for another hour of patrol.”
You smile and agree, “Sure.”
“Uh, so, how long are you in town?”
“I’m not sure yet,” you answer with a shrug. “I came in on a one-way ticket.”
Tim nods, his fingers fidgeting along his belt. “Chen’s taking a while.”
“She is.”
After an awkward pause, Tim sighs and opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.
“Yes?” you encourage.
“If you need anything while you’re here, I could- could help you out. If you want.”
“And how would I be able to ask for your help?”
“I could give you my number.”
“What would Lucy think?” you ask quietly, smiling so Tim knows you aren’t saying no.
“Probably a lot.”
You laugh as you pass your unlocked phone to Tim. He types his information in quickly, then sends himself a text before he returns your phone, his fingers brushing yours.
“Here you go!” Lucy announces as she returns. “Make yourself at home, and I’ll be back around 7, after my shift ends.”
“Merci, amie.”
As you hug Lucy, you wink at Tim over her shoulder. A trip to Los Angeles was the right choice for more reasons than you thought.
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“What’s mon chéri mean?” Tim asks as he and Lucy leave the station after their shift.
“I think that’s a question for the one who called you that, Tim,” Lucy replies. “Maybe you should take her out to dinner and ask all about it.”
“But we-“
“You’re terrible at hiding your vast emotional range, Tim. Call her.”
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The next night, you meet Tim outside a restaurant of his choosing. After you gifted Lucy the YSL bag and a vintage band t-shirt, she repaid your kindness by letting you borrow a dress and helping you prepare for your date with Tim Bradford. Now, you laugh to yourself as Tim walks to greet you.
“Petit Trois,” you murmur. “You do know that taking a French girl to an American French restaurant is probably a terrible idea, right?”
“Probably. But the chef is French, and you’re the only person I know that can tell me if this is authentic cuisine,” Tim answers. “Unless you’re in the mood for American, in which case, there’s a McDonald’s down the street.”
“No, let’s try little three. If they don’t have éclairs au chocolate, though, you owe me a Frosty.”
Tim offers his arm, and you loop your arm through his as he leads you inside. The conversation comes easily, and between Tim, Lucy, and all of the good memories you have here, you’re beginning to wonder if you even want to return to France anytime soon.
“You met Lucy when you were kids?” Tim inquires after you order.
“I did. My dad’s American, and we spent summers in California when I was young. Lucy was the best friend I ever had, and we stayed close. Even after I moved back to France full-time.”
“What’s your favorite thing about France? Besides the pastries, of course.”
“The scenery, the slow and easy pace. It’s so different from America, but it’s beautiful.”
“It sounds amazing.”
“What about you? What makes California home?”
“The Dodgers.” You shake your head, and Tim offers, “Everything I love is here. It’s all I’ve ever known, and I feel most like me in Los Angeles, I guess.”
“That’s beautiful, mon chéri.”
Tim still doesn’t know what it means exactly, but he falls for you when you take his hand and call him yours. Everything that you love about France, what makes it beautiful and special to you, he sees it in you: your beauty, kindness, and grace. Lucy seemed to think something would happen between you and Tim, and, for once, he wouldn’t mind if she was right.
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A week after arriving in Los Angeles, you’ve settled into Lucy’s guest room and have made no plans to leave. You’ve gone out with Tim, caught up with Lucy, and remembered why you loved summers in Los Angeles.
“Lucy,” you begin as you bake macarons together. “Can I ask you something?”
“About Tim?” she guesses.
“Not just Tim. I… I’ve been thinking a lot and I’m not sure I want to go back to France. Not for a while, at least.”
“Are you serious?” Lucy asks excitedly, dropping her spoon onto the counter. “Don’t say stuff like that if you don’t mean it.”
“So, you’d be okay with it? Me staying? I could get my own place or pay rent, whatever, but…”
“Of course, I’d love to have you here!”
“Do you think Tim will want to keep seeing me if I stay?” you ask softly.
Lucy lays her hands on your shoulders and smiles. “Tim feels exactly the same. He wants you to stay because he likes spend time with you. Maybe even more than that.”
“But, he-“
“No,” Lucy interrupts. “Trust me on this. You have to follow your heart. You taught me that when we were kids, remember? My heart couldn’t buy me a plane to France, but it was still good advice.”
You nod and lean forward to hug Lucy. “Merci,” you say against her shoulder. “I’ll follow my heart.”
Lucy pushes you back and points to the door. “Do it now.”
“The macarons,” you argue.
“I can finish them!” she replies. Then, she purses her lips and admits, “I can do my best.”
You assure her they’ll be perfect before you grab your bag and rush out the door. Your outfit feels incomplete without the jacket you like to wear over your tied shirt, but it’s the least of your concerns as you follow your heart straight to Tim Bradford.
“Hey,” he greets as he opens the door. “Did we have plans? I was just-“
“Je t’aime,” you interrupt breathlessly. “I love you, Tim. And I’m staying in the States because all that my heart wants is here.”
“Don’t stay just for me or Lucy, okay?” he says, stepping toward you. “Whatever you want-“
“It’s all here. I want to stay.”
Tim smiles and says, “Well, with all this time, maybe you can teach me how to make your first love.”
“Éclairs au chocolat?” you fill in. “Anytime, mon amour.”
“What are you calling me?” he inquires.
You lay your hand against his cheek and promise, “We’ve got time for you to learn.”
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Just a Little Guidance
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whumptober day 6: forced to hurt someone
pairing: tim bradford x reader (oc last name: blake)
characters: tim bradford, y/n blake, zoe andersen, jackson west, john nolan, lucy chen, thane riggs (oc villain)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, language, blood, fighting, stabbing, mentions of SA, being held captive, forced to hurt someone, forced to hurt partner, crying, quitting, if i missed anything please please please let me know
word count: ~1.8k
a/n: this is for whumptober! please please please proceed with caution and use discretion, protect your peace
also if you are on the whump taglist but are not familiar with a character, you can skip it will not hurt my feelings!
also also, i do want to apologize for getting this up late got distracted while writing it so i finished it later than i had hoped
whumptober 2023 masterlist
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You stood in front of Captain Andersen’s desk, hands shaking as you listened to her tell you about everything that would need to happen before you could return to duty. 
Tonguing your split lip, you shook your head. Tears gathered in your eyes as you looked at your trembling, still blood stained, hands as your shield and gun rested in them
How could they let you back to work after everything that happened? Tim was still in the hospital, you got to leave after just a few days. But what you saw, what you and Tim experienced over those two weeks… you couldn’t trust yourself.
“I-I’m sorry Captain… but I can’t,” you said softly, your bruised and busted hands curling around the items in your them.
She tilted her head, “I’m not sure I understand.” 
You sat your shield and gun on her desk, “I’m not coming back… I’m sorry… but I quit.”
Zoe nodded, giving you a sympathetic look as you avoided her eyes. “Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” You shook your head before she was even finished. “No, I’m sorry Captain… but I can’t. I’m quitting, I’ve made up my mind. I’m sorry.”
Without giving her a chance to reply, you turned on your heel and left.
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You sat curled up in the hospital chair, just staring at Tim’s unconscious form laying there in the bed.
There were words stuck in your throat. It was like they were coming up sideways, choking you before coming up in broken fragments on your tongue.
What the hell could you say? Tim was laying in a hospital bed because of you. You had put him there. An apology just wouldn’t make that go away. Make what you did go away.
You sat in the uncomfortable chair, picking scabs and prodding at bruises as your mind replayed everything. Never giving you a chance to rest or forget what you did.
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“I’m sorry, Tim… I’m so so sorry,” you sobbed, looking down at your blood covered hands. 
“It’s okay, baby,” Tim winced at the way your hands tried to patch him up from the wounds you had put there that day. “You’re doing this to protect yourself and for us to survive. I’m not mad.” 
You shook your head, “I should be stronger than this…” 
“Thane is a fucking psycho, do not put this blame on yourself,” he grunted as he sat up. “Hey, look at me.” You sniffled and looked up, “I’m hurting you, Tim. I shouldn’t hurt you, under any circumstance… even this. I should have let him–”“Don’t say that, don’t you dare say that.” 
“You were ready to take a bullet for me!”
“Because you don’t deserve to die!”“And you do?!”
You panted a little, “I shouldn’t be hurting you… I don’t want to hurt you.” He grabbed your hand, not caring about his own blood slicking up his hand. “I know that, and I can handle it. They’re coming, I know they are. I can hold out until then.” 
“But what if I can’t?”
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After that conversation it was eerie silence as you both tried to sleep.
It was hard for you to fall asleep. The copper scent of Tim’s blood on your hands made you sick to your stomach . The substance was sticky and drying to your skin. Thane wasn’t allowing you to wash your hands, letting Tim’s blood dry on your hands in layers.
And when you woke up the next day it was your turn.
You were simply a punching bag. Though Thane would call it a ‘boxing match’. If you won, the next day you wouldn’t have to hurt Tim and you both got a decent meal with fresh water.
But you couldn’t win. 
You had gotten close the first few times. But Thane was an ex-Navy SEAL so he could take you down like it was nothing. And as time went on, you got weak. You didn’t have the energy to put up a decent fight and even give yourself hope. The only reason you still attempted was to keep Tim safe.
That night you sat on the floor with your head down and an arm clutching your side as your ribs ached. 
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. Tim grunted as he turned to look at you, “Why are you sorry?” You sniffled, “I can’t win…” “You’re not supposed to win. He just likes to give you hope…” 
“I can’t keep doing this Timmy… hurting you, I can’t…” 
“If you don’t-”
“Yeah, I know. But I’m not going to kill you… I couldn’t live with myself if I did.” 
You didn’t give him a chance to respond and just got in your bed and tried to sleep.
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The next morning, Thane woke you up with gentle caresses on your face.
“Time to wake up,” he said gently, pulling you up and to your feet. “C’mon we have a big day ahead of us.” 
You whimpered as he pulled you over to a table, gun pressed to your lower back. “Pick your first weapon.”
You shake your head, tears spilling over, “No.” 
Thane growled and pulled harshly on your hair, making you look up at him. “You pick or I do, I won’t tell you again.” The gun digs into your back, “And you won’t like what I pick.”
You gritted your teeth as he pulled your hair harder, “I’m done playing your game. Shoot me.”
“Y/N, it’s okay…” Tim said, but his words were breathy. “I-I can take it.” 
“You hear that? He can take it,” Thane smirked before kissing your forehead. “Pick up the knife.”
“I said, no.”
He growled before slamming your face down on the table.
Tim looked away, jaw clenched as you cried out a little. You don’t blame him, you’d look away too. 
This position hadn’t been unfamiliar. 
Often after those boxing matches, Thane would use your weak state to release other frustrations. 
So you just closed your eyes and braced yourself.
“Oh look at you,” he cooed, his hand rubbing your back. “Mmmm you’ve learned. But right now isn’t about us. It’s about you and Tim. So pick up the knife or I will fuck you as you look your boyfriend in the eyes. Pick. It. Up.”
“Pick up the knife, Y/N…”
“Okay! Okay…”
Thane smirked and pulled you back up to stand. “Good girl.”
Your hand shook as you wrapped your fingers around the blade’s handle. The thought of turning and plunging it into your capture’s stomach flashed in your mind but you knew better. You weren’t fast enough and his trigger finger was quick.
Eyes filling with tears, Thane guided you forward.
“Stab him.”
Your eyes widened and you turned your head to face him. “W-what?”
“You heard me, stab him.”
“That wasn’t-”
“Do it or I'll shoot him in the head.”
You closed your eyes, sobbing as your hands shook violently. “It’s okay Y/N. It’s gonna be okay,” Tim reassured, kissing the top of your head.
But you didn’t believe him.
When it was just cuts or burns, it was easier to believe that he would be okay. But you could see that he was weak. He was shaking from blood loss and he could barely keep his eyes open. His voice was tired and breathy so he desperately tried to put authority in it.
But it wasn’t working.
You shook your head, crying openly as you brought up the knife.
He gritted his teeth and braced himself as you found a spot on his torso and pushed the tip of the blade in.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you whispered tearfully, pulling the knife back out. 
You watch horrified as blood leaks out of the new wound and down his side. You had hurt him, again. It made you feel sick.
Suddenly, Thane’s right in your ear, his eyes on the bare half inch of blood on the blade.
“Oh, come on now. Don’t waste my time,” he growled. He wrapped his arms around you and put his hands on top of yours. 
“No, no please,” you begged through your tears, trying to fight him.
But your resistance was used in Thane’s favor as he used your combined force to plunge the knife into Tim’s stomach.
You gasped, feeling the sickening warm feeling of fresh blood coating your hands.
Tim couldn't hold back his shout of agony, gritting his teeth as tears came to his eyes. 
Thane leaned in, laughing in your ear as you sobbed, “Look at that, seems like all you needed was just a little guidance.” 
You covered your mouth, smearing blood on your face as your eyes stayed unmoving from the knife handle. You could have collapsed to the floor in a sobbing heap if Thane hadn’t had arms around you.
“Ooooh not so fast there Y/N. One’s not going to cut it, sweetheart. Take it out and do it again.”
When you hesitated, Thane took your hands and wrapped them around the handle, “Take it-”
You sobbed in relief as Thane turned to who you recognized to be John Nolan, Bishop’s rookie.
“Put your weapon down and kick it over to me.” 
Thane followed his instructions, smart enough to know that he was cornered. 
You held Tim’s face, “It’s gonna be okay baby. They’re here, just like you said they would be.”
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Tim had been unconscious when you said that, finally succumbing to the pain.
“Officer Blake?”
You jumped at the call of your name, being pulled from your memories as you looked up to see the three rookies. Jackson was the one to address you.
“You don’t have to call me that anymore Officer West…”
He nodded and swallowed, “Right we’re out of uni-”
“No, I quit… I’m not an officer anymore.”
The rookies’ eyes widened and they shared a look when your eyes moved to Tim.
“But you’re great at your-” 
You cut John off, bitterness in your tone, “If I was good at my job he wouldn’t be in this bed…”
You took a breath, finally letting yourself touch him and grabbing Tim’s hand. “I should have been stronger…”
“Thane’s a psychopath, who knows what situation we would be in had you held out longer,” Lucy tried, watching your glass eyes as they looked over Tim. “That doesn’t make you a bad cop…”
“I don’t trust myself… and being a good team requires trust. I can’t go back out onto the street if I do not trust myself, that’s how people get hurt.”
You shook your head, letting it fall between your shoulders. “It took just a little guidance and I plunged a knife into the man I love…”
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taglist: @bradleybeachbabe @mayhemmanaged @kmc1989 @lovinglyeternal @horseshoegirl @cassiemitchell @fanboyswhore9 @nightowlalltheway @86laura11 @els-marvelvsp @valmare @startrekfangirl2233
hi, if you're seeing this and are currently not on the taglist and would like to be please fill out the taglist form -> whumptober taglist
i can not stress this enough, but whumptober can have some very serious and heavy topics and i want to make sure i am doing my part as an author to prepare my readers for what they are about to experience and that includes not only warnings above but my taglists as well
so if you want to be added check out the masterlist and read that carefully and fill out the form -> whumptober 2023
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outsideratheart · 7 months
Lucy bronze one where r doesn’t wanna her up for training some fluff. Thanks
I just want to take care of you (Lucy Bronze x reader)
Lucy had promised you she was fine and she said her knee was fine. This was a lie because 4 days after the Chelsea game your girlfriend was in the hospital having surgery.
Before now you trusted her explicitly and for the most part you still do. When it comes to her injury though, you didn’t believe a word that came out of her mouth. You attended every physio appointment and made notes of her progress. You knew what her road to recovery would entail and you knew when she would hopefully get the greenlight.
“Can I join you on your run?” Lucy was moping around the kitchen as you got ready.
“No Lucy, you can’t. You’re on track and I won’t be the reason that changes. I’m meeting Alexia afterwards so I’ll meet you at the training ground” you place a quick kiss on her cheek.
She hated lying to you about her pain and discomfort but she wanted to be the strong powerful person she knew you loved. The reason for the dishonesty was fear and she knew it.
You and Alexia were running a little bit late to training. By the time you get to the pitch, the whole team is already out there. The whole team including Lucy and Frido.
“Love, I know you miss it but you can’t be here. You haven’t been cleared yet”
“I have” Lucy was telling the truth.
“No you haven’t. You aren’t due for clearance until next month”
Lucy grabbed your hand and walked you over to where the physios were speaking to Jona.
“I told you she wouldn’t believe me. Please tell her”
The physios go on to explain how Lucy passed all her tests this morning and that they have cleared her for team training. When you question it they promised that they would keep an eye on her and monitor every move she made.
Training is normally your happy place but not today, today you were filled with worry. You were trying to focus on your own performance but your mind kept straying to Lucy and how she was playing. It was during one counter attack that things got intense. Mapi did a clean tackle and got the ball. Any other day you would praise her but with the speed Lucy was running down the wing, Mapi’s tackle sent her flying.
“Lucy!” You are by her side in seconds “medics!” You begin to panic but Lucy brushes the grass off her knees and stands up as if nothing happened.
“I’m fine, im fine”
There was that word again. Fine. She said that one before.
“Get checked out. If they say you are fine then you can continue”
“Captains orders!” You snap. It wasn’t a malicious snap but one of concern.
Lucy does in fact get cleared but your head is all over the place so you sit out and watch the team strategically.
Very little is said on the way home and that doesn’t change once you are in your shared apartment.
“Here. Ice it. I’m going for a shower”
“No” Lucy takes the ice off you before pulling you over to the sofa “we are going to talk about what happened today”.
You let out a huff of frustration. You really didn’t want to talk about it, not while you were this worked up. You placed Lucy’s leg on the foot rest and make sure her knee was iced before you started talking.
“You got cleared ahead of schedule. You went down and I panicked. There, end of story”
“There’s more to it than that. You’ve seen me injured before, this time is different”
“Yes, it’s different. Last time you were honest with me. You told me when it got bad and we dealt with it together. This time you lied. You told me you were fine and then you were in the hospital again”
Seeing your girlfriend laying in a hospital bed was never a welcomed sight but this time things felt weird between the two of you.
“It was a small surgery. I didn’t want to worry you”
“Right because look how great that turned out”
“I’ll admit I could have handled it better but I didn’t want you to see me weak”
“Weak? Lucy you are one of the strongest people I know”
“But I wasn’t a few weeks ago. I was hurting and I thought the way for you to still see me as strong was to lie to you” Lucy tried to explain how her mind worked and her reasoning for withholding the truth.
“Let’s get one thing straight. Lying to me is never the answer”
“No buts. I don’t like not trusting what you say Lucy. This” you run your hand over her knee and gently stroke her scar “is important and I want you to be honest with me about it. Please please be honest with me Lucy”
“From this moment on I will always tell you the truth, no matter what. Pinky promise” you hold her pinky finger out and waits for you to accept it.
You look at her as if weighing out your options. When you see the look of panic of Lucy’s face you know you’ve waited long enough. You hook your pinkies.
“Now, you said something about a shower” your girlfriend raises her eyebrows playfully.
“How about a bath instead” you suggest.
“Even better”
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tomblythismyhusband · 9 months
haunted [coriolanus snow x fem!reader] Pt. 4
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[summary]: coriolanus snow x fem!reader | You go over to Coriolanus’ apartment to confront him. There, he shares shocking news that has you questioning everything.
[warnings]: 18+, language, violence, mentions of killing (Sejanus, Lucy Gray, Mayfair), scars, slight choking, manipulative!corio, hungry ass kiss at the end (yw)
[wc]: 2.1k
[note]: part 4!! woo hoo!!! lmk if i should continue this series :) **chapter 5**
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You arrived at Coriolanus’ apartment shortly after you left your own. You felt an extreme amount of anxiety as you lifted your hand to knock it on the door.
Should I? Will this even fix anything? You wondered as your hand hovered over the wood.
You bit your lip and knocked. You immediately heard a frustrated Coriolanus through the door.
“Tell Tigris I don’t want to speak to her right now.” He yelled. He must’ve been talking to one of his maids. You bit your lip. He already sounded like he was in a bad mood.
The lock of his front door clicked and a short woman, looking to be in her late 50’s creaked open the door. She peered at you, most definitely judging your appearance.
“Can I help you, Miss?” She said finally, after taking her sweet time roaming her eyes up and down your figure.
You took in a breath, hoping the nervousness you felt wouldn’t show in your tone.
“I’m here to see Coriolanus.”
Your voice was smooth, controlled, like you knew exactly what you were here for. Little did she know you had no idea what visiting Coriolanus would do. You doubted he would even make the effort to talk to you and fix things, but you had to try.
The old woman raised an eyebrow. “He doesn’t want visitors right now.” Her tone was as sour as the expression on her face.
“Ma’am I need to talk to him urgently.” You said, still keeping your voice steady.
The woman sniffed and frowned. “I’m afraid I can’t let you.”
You felt a pang of annoyance in your chest. You drew closer to the door, putting your hand against it, looking into the woman’s eyes. You hoped you looked desperate.
“Please…. Tigris sent me here for him.”
At the mention of Tigris the woman’s gaze softened.
The woman creaked open the door to let you into Coriolanus’ apartment. It was frigid. The foyer which you had entered was dead silent, adding to the eerie feeling in the air. The old woman pointed a bony finger down a dimly lit hallway.
“He’s in his study down there. Last door to the left.” You opened your mouth to respond but she scurried off before you could even get a sound out.
You sucked in a breath and started to make your way down the marble floored hallway. You had been in this very apartment countless times but it felt different this time. It felt as if you were walking into enemy territory.
The only sounds were your footsteps touching the floor with each step. Fear bubbled up in your stomach as you moved.
Would Coriolanus be mad? Would he yell? Scream? Your mind spun, thinking of every possible reaction he could have until you approached the dreaded door. The last door on the left.
You closed your eyes, inhaling deeply, sending a wave of cool calming air into your lungs. You didn’t even knock.
He didn’t deserve one.
You opened the door of his study, swiftly stepping inside. Coriolanus had his head bowed over his desk, pen in hand. He didn’t even look up.
“Rosetta-“ (Must’ve been the maids name) “Who was at the-“
His eyes flicked up. You had forgotten how intense his eyes were. You felt as if they were burning holes into your chest.
He immediately stood up. His clothes were wrinkled, his eyes dark with exhaustion, his hair in a mess of tangled curls.
“What do you want?” He sneered. You were taken aback. Your fists clenched at your sides.
“Really? That’s all you have to say to me?” You scoffed, shaking your head.
He tilted his head, a bored expression on his face. “I’m not the one who stormed out of here. I feel as if you owe me an apology.”
You couldn’t help but let out a strained laugh. “Me? Apologize?”
Coriolanus’ jaw twitched. “You disrespected me that day.”
You took a step forward. All your worries were melting away. You didn’t care anymore. You wanted to hurt him. Hurt him exactly like he hurt you.
“Tell me Coriolanus.” You said with a false sense of sweetness. “When were you going to tell me all about Lucy Gray?”
His eyes widened, his expression growing colder. “What are you talking about.” He said fiercely.
You took another confident step forward. “I know you and her had a fling - Back in District 12.” You cocked your head at him. “Don’t tell me you're still hung up on her.”
Coriolanus slammed his hands down on the desk making a loud slap.
“Don’t.” He growled. He tried to intimidate you but you could see the screaming guilt in his blue eyes.
You placed your hands on your hips. “So you don’t deny it? Do you still love her? Hm?” You could tell you were testing his ability to stay calm.
“You don’t know what you're talking about y/n.” He stood up straighter, taking in a sharp, controlled breath.
“I would advise you to stop this now.”
You shook your head. There was no way in hell you were letting him off this time.
“Enlighten me Coriolanus. Whatever happened to Lucy Gray? Tigris came and talked to me… you haven’t been telling anyone anything have you?” Your voice came across cold, almost taunting. You wanted to see his blood boil, you wanted to see his guilt eat him alive.
He jaw ticked at the mention of his cousin. You could tell his anger was rising. You decided to push it further.
You had stepped close enough so your thighs were pressed against the edge of his desk. “How long have you been pretending to love me?”
Questions, questions. All you wanted were answers. As your eyes searched his face his lips twitched, his hands curling and uncurling.
“Stop it. I’m not talking about this with you.” He said finally.
This was your limit. You were done being lied to.
“Fuck you. I see why she left you now.” You yelled. You assumed that’s what happened after all. You had no evidence that that’s how their relationship played out. Why else would he be so sensitive about the topic?
In a blink a hand was wrapped around your throat, pulling your head close to his. You gasped as the tight pain blossomed, making your heart rate increase.
“Fine, you want to know? You want to fucking know?” His eyes were wild, his hand applying more and more pressure to your neck as he held you.
“I killed her. I fucking shot Lucy Gray.”
You didn’t expect this. Now you almost wished you never came over, wished you stayed ignorant.
Coriolanus killed her.
You felt dizzy and you weren’t sure if it was because of his grip on you or the new information pounding in your brain.
“What- you-“ You choked out. The world around you felt fuzzy.
His intense gaze stayed on you. “I did. She left me no choice.”
He pulled you closer, your body bending over the desk. “And how do you feel about that darling?” The word darling dripped off his tongue like poison. Your stomach lurched. You couldn’t think anymore. Your mind grew foggier and foggier as everything around you dimmed.
The last thing you could remember before you blacked out was his suffocating grip, and his cold gaze.
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You awoke, slumped on the plush velvet couch that sat in his study. The sweet aroma of lavender filled your nostrils as Coriolanus lifted a cup of tea to your lips.
“Drink.” He murmured, tipping the cup. Your throat felt incredibly dry so you didn’t even try to fight it. Your body warmed as the hot liquid met your lips. Lavender filled your mouth, the sickening sweet tea coating your throat.
You wondered how long you were out. Presumably long enough to fetch a hot cup of tea.
“Good.” He said softly, taking the cup away from your lips. You blinked, the world around you coming back from its previous blurry haze.
Your eyes met Coriolanus’. He didn’t seem angry anymore, he seemed serious. His body sat beside yours at a distance as he watched you.
“Ready to talk?” He said quietly. He places the tea on the coffee table gently.
Your stomach pinched as you remembered his earlier confession. He killed Lucy Gray. You still couldn’t believe it - well maybe you just didn’t want to believe it.
Your body started to tremble. You felt his hand grip yours and squeeze. His voice dropped down into a whisper.
“I know this is a lot. But I need you to listen to me carefully Y/n.”
You drew in a breath. You couldn’t move. Your mind was screaming for you to run.
Coriolanus moved his head closer to yours, blue eyes full of emotion.
“I know I shouldn’t have kept this from you. The guilt is consuming me.” He shook his head, his expression grim.
He had always planned to tell you about Lucy Gray- preferably after you were his wife, but now he had no choice.
Your hands shook as you ran them through your hair. “Why- I dont-“ You muttered, thoughts scrambled.
“Shhh….” He coaxed, tracing a thumb over your tense hand. “She was a rebel. Her priorities were not to stay in Panem. Who knows what she could’ve done, being so popular in the capitol and all.”
Obviously he left out the part about Lucy Gray finding out about Sejanus and how he’d turned him over. Coriolanus wasn’t so innocent in the situation, but you didn’t need to know that.
You sniffed, hating how tears started to roll down your cheeks. Coriolanus brought a gentle hand up to your face, to wipe the water from your eyes.
“Lucy Gray tried to kill me. She placed a snake in a place she knew I would interact with.” He pulled out his forearm to show you a faint scar. Snake bite.
You let out a tiny gasp. Was he really telling the truth? You ran your shaky fingers over the scar.
Coriolanus could feel you start to believe him. Again, he had left out the part of the story where he trampled through the forest, hunting Lucy Gray with the peacekeeping rifle he had shot Mayfair with.
“How- How did you kill her, I mean I know you mentioned you shot her but….” You stuttered timidly.
Coriolanus pulled his arm away, running a hand through his messy blonde curls. “If you're asking how I had the courage to do it… I don’t know. All I know is that she was a threat to my life as well as the security of Panem.”
You released a shaky breath, putting your head in your hands. You felt only a little better. He had only done it in self defense, right?
Coriolanus noticed your still present doubt. He leaned close, placing his mouth next to you ear before whispering softly.
“I would never lie to you.”
You turned your head to look at him. You had one more question, dying to be answered.
“Is that why you can’t say you love me… Because of her?”
Your question made his body tense for a moment. Finally he answered, his voice barely audible.
“I’m scared to love again. I had loved Lucy Gray… and look where it got me.”
You squeezed his hand. “Coriolanus, you have me.”
You shifted your body so you were closer to him. He turned his head from you. “I can’t love you the way you deserve. I practically choked you out moments ago.”
You shook your head. For some odd reason your mind didn’t want to stay mad at him. You were getting somewhere. His walls were coming down.
“I know you didn’t mean to.” You said softly.
Coriolanus turned his head back to you. In this moment he realized to what extent you cared for him. He had been aggressive toward you on countless occasions, yet you still came running back. You were either madly in love or out of your mind.
He leaned close, dragging his nose up your neck. It was almost like he was apologizing.
“I don’t deserve you y/n. You are above me in every way.” He murmured into your skin. His warm breath shot tingles up your spine.
When he touched you he seemed innocent. When his lips were on your neck, he was innocent. When his words praised you- innocent.
“I want to fix what we have together, Coriolanus.” You whispered, running a hand through his hair.
His eyes flicked up to yours.
“I think I love you.”
The words made your breath catch, your body warm. Your hands slid down to cup his face. This is the man you fell in love with.
He leaned in to meet your lips in a hungry kiss. You would’ve thought he was starving by the way he kissed you. His lips worked against your quickly, trying to taste every bit of you. He didn’t hesitate to slip in his tounge, running it over your lips as you let out little sounds of need.
When he pulled away you realized you didn’t hurt anymore. You had him. He was yours. He was going to stay, and you were too.
Coriolanus ran a thumb over your lips. “You had nothing to worry about this entire time darling…”
His words made you feel stupid for ever thinking he didn’t love you. You felt like a naive girl who jumped to conclusions. You should’ve just trusted him. He was just feeling conflicted for how much Lucy Gray had hurt him. Lucy Gray was the monster.
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tagging: @merlieve
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jaegeraether · 11 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 2)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (2)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Jordan looked slightly better after the shower, however her demeanour was still down. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she looked even more slight in Lucy’s larger clothes. As she rounded the corner, YFN gave her a warm smile and Jordan took a seat next to her at the kitchen counter. Lucy slid a hot drink across to her and squeezed her hand for support.
Jordan held the cup in between her hands and looked at YFN. “Thank you for everything. Y…you…I didn’t realise how upset I’d beco…” Her lips quivered as she tried to stop herself from crying to no success. She became frustrated. “Argh I’m so sorry.” She buried her face in her hands again and YFN stood next to her, again wrapping an arm around her shoulders, and squeezing. Jordan leant into her. Lucy looked at YFN with wide, intrigued eyes. They’d only met an hour ago and Jordan was already so trusting of her. Who was she? What had they talked about?
“You’re okay, Jordan. You’re okay. Let it out, but don’t dwell, just like we said before, okay?”
Jordan nodded, her head moving against YFN’s torso as she hid her face. YFN took the tissue box extended to them by Lucy and put it in front of Jordan. She grabbed some tissues gratefully and blew her nose, leaning back. YFN took her seat again.
“Y…you��re my Australian guardian angel, honestly. I…” She looked at YFN with eyes that reflected her sadness. “Can…can you stay? Please?” She looked at Lucy. “Can she stay? She’s really nice I promise.”
Lucy gave her friend an amused smile and turn to YFN with a look of ‘I told you so.’ “Of course she can.”
Jordan looked at YFN. “I can stay for a little longer, but perhaps not the night. I am still a random stranger, after all.. and you two are officially the first people in this country I know!”
They both smiled at that, again the slight disappointment reflected on both of their faces. YFN wiped the rain that had dripped onto her face from her hair, and looked at Lucy, gesturing to the bathroom. “May I?”
Lucy watched her closely and held her stare with an interested one. “Of course – let me get some clothes for you.”
The shower was a much needed boost of warmth after the downpour. YFN wondered whether or not she should wash her hair, feeling unsure if it would be rude to use Lucy’s shampoo and conditioner. From what she could already tell of the woman, she decided she wouldn’t mind. Hopping out, she quickly dried and put on the clothes Lucy had given her, an unopened sports bra and underwear, along with some comfy grey sweatpants, a shirt and a hoody. Almost all of the sizes were just slightly too big, but she loved that. She could tell also that the hoody was not new, as it smelled like vanilla and bitter orange. Was that Lucy’s smell? Her stomach tingled with little butterflies, but she pushed aside the feeling. How was it possible to be attracted to someone after just knowing them for 10 minutes?
Jordan was on the couch when YFN came out. Lucy gave a smile, brushing past her as she headed to the bathroom to shower, and YFN joined Jordan on the couch, settling into the corner.
“How are you feeling, mate?”
Jordan laughed at the Australian term. “Better… Luce has been great, she’s made me feel a bit better about it all. Though, she is upset I didn’t let her know sooner.”
“Why didn’t you..?”
“It’s a bit difficult, to be fair. She plays in another country, and there’s no point worrying her from all the way over here. She can’t exactly pack up and leave to take care of me.”
YFN’s interest spiked at this a little. Lucy didn’t live in England? “No, but she can give you advice from afar and I’m sure she has people to contact here to make sure you’re safe and happy, you know? I bet you have a whole community of people around you. Shutting people out because you think it’s what’s best for them is not what you need right now. You need the support of your friendships.”
Jordan nodded slowly. YFN could tell it was not a comfortable thing for her – to say she needed help. Not out of pride, but purely out of worry she’d burden others.
They spoke a little more, and Lucy eventually joined them on the couch. She sat on the opposite corner of the couch, with Jordan between the two women. She laid her long, bronze legs out and stretched her arms over the back of couches, partially resting one hand on Jordan’s shoulder. Jordan reached up and placed her hand on Lucy’s without looking at her. They were definitely close friends.
“So how long are you staying here?” Jordan asked YFN.
Lucy pushed her transparent glasses up the bridge of her nose and answered for her. “2 weeks here, wasn’t it?”
YFN nodded, happy that Lucy had paid attention. “2 weeks in England, maybe, and then backpacking Europe. Any of those plans are subject to change though.”
“And you don’t know anyone here?”
“Nope. Never been here, and I do… I know you two.” She gave a cheeky grin.
Jordan laughed. “Isn’t that lonely?”
YFN got the impression that Jordan could sometimes be quite direct without realising or meaning it.
“Not at all! I’m old enough to enjoy my independence. No Contiki tours or raves or needing to worry about other people wanting to do things I don’t want to. I get to just explore what I want, when I want. And look! I met two footballers.” She gave a laugh and shook her head in disbelief.
Jordan turned to Lucy. “She’s never heard of either of us before.”
Lucy looked sceptical and then seemed to accept it. “You don’t follow football?”
“Ah, I do, of course! But my football is called AFL or ‘footy’ in Australia, and it’s an entirely different game, VERY brutal and fast paced.”
“I’ve heard of that but I’ve never watched any…”
“Oh please.. pull up AFL on YouTube. You won’t regret it.”
Lucy leaned across Jordan and handed her phone to YFN, their fingers brushing briefly, sending a shiver down her spine. YFN played AFL greatest hits for the two to watch. Their expressions of amazement and pain were hilarious to her as the AFL players crashed into each other, sacrificing their bodies for the ball. She explained the rules to them, and they both seemed quite interested and into it. At their request, she pulled up the latest game and they watched the highlights.
Lucy watched with wide eyes, her mouth slightly open. Jordan laughed and nudged YFN. “You’ve got a new ‘footy’ fan in that one!”
“How is that legal?! Are there rules?!” Lucy asked as she leant backward, cringing as a player was knocked unconscious.
“There are rules but as long as you’re going for the ball, it doesn’t matter if players get injured.” She laughed. “In a few states in Australia, they don’t even have grass. They play on gravel.”
They both turned to her with jaws hanging open. “WHAT.”
She laughed again, and the sound made Lucy smile. “If you two ever come over to Australia, please let me know so I can take you to a game. You need to see the MCG! It’s huge.”
They trio spent the rest of the night laughing and bonding over a surprising amount they had in common. On multiple occasions where Jordan had her head back, laughing hard, Lucy and YFN shared a look and large smiles seeing Jordan so happy. She eventually tired herself out and fell asleep, her little body curled up between the two. They left her like that for a while, her head leaning on Lucy’s thigh, and her legs draped across YFN, under a blanket the two shared. Lucy’s arm was still over the back of the couch, and YFN was very aware of how close it was. They watched some more TV in silence before Jordan started softly snoring. Lucy and YFN caught each other’s eye and both silently laughed. YFN tilted her head, a dimple appearing on one cheek and Lucy sharply inhaled at the sight. YFN gestured towards the door with a gentle expression. Lucy nodded and the two carefully extracted themselves from under Jordan. YFN’s only escape path was to move backwards and hoist herself over the back of the couch. The couch tipped slightly and she slipped, her knees still over the couch, Lucy running to catch her before the couch tipped and her head hit the ground. With one hand on the back of her neck and the other under her back, the two were laughing so hard and silently that their bodies were shaking.
With the support of Lucy almost under her, YFN let herself slide the rest of the way onto the ground. Jordan snored a little more loudly this time. YFN clutched her stomach with one hand, and Lucy’s arm with the other, trying her best not to laugh out loud. Lucy’s vibrating body was not helping her to control her amusement. They both made their way to the front door as quietly as they could, gasping for air.
“Wait a second.” Lucy left her at the door, which gave her time to order an Uber. Lucy returned with a bag and handed it to the woman. YFN looked confused, opening it to see her freshly washed and dried clothes.
“Oh!” She whispered, surprised. “Thank you!” She looked down at Lucy’s clothes on her. “I’ll get changed.” She went to move towards the bathroom.
“No..” Lucy put her arm out to stop her, her hand lightly touching her stomach. “Don’t worry. Maybe I’ll see you again, and I can get them back then? Otherwise, you can keep them.”
YFN smiled, that dimple appearing again. “Maybe.”
Lucy blinked and regained her composure, reaching out to take keys off the hook near the door. YFN reached out and lightly touched her hand. “No..” She said as Lucy just had. “I ordered an Uber. I think it’s best to stay with her right now… I’m glad she’s had a bit of fun tonight, but she really needs to not be alone any time soon.”
Lucy felt disappointed and tried to not show it, however she was blatantly aware that their hands were still touching. She couldn’t help as her eyes went from YFNs eyes, to her dimple, to her lips, and back up. YFN blushed slightly and pulled back her hand as she heard a car stop outside. She turned to look and confirm it was her Uber.
“I need to go.” She whispered.
“Thank you for…everything. Thank you for looking out for my friend. If you ever need me for anything, you know where I am.” Lucy smiled. She reached into her pocket to get the little piece of paper she’d written her number on but before she could, YFN gave her a soft hug. “Thanks, Lucy. You’re a really great friend to her, you know.”
With that, she walked away, leaving Lucy in the doorway wondering after her.
The next morning, YFN woke up with a disappointed feeling. She was disappointed that she didn’t have the number of Jordan, or Lucy. She was feeling worried about Jordan and wanted an update, even if they didn’t know each other well. She knew exactly what Jordan was feeling and it hurt her. Unfortunately, she’d let her pride get in the way and left quickly after hugging Lucy, not wanting them to get the impression that she was trying to get involved into their presumably famous footballer lives. She knew her best bet to see Jordan would probably be beach, but she also hoped she wouldn’t be there. She hoped Lucy had managed to get her back on a good path, and so she wouldn’t need to be alone at the beach. Regardless, YFN went about her day exploring. She took time to try some local foods, and spend time to relax by reading a book in a little park she came across. By sunset, she was back at the beach. Again, storm clouds loomed overhead which just made the sunset even prettier. She wriggled her toes so they were covered in the cool sand and thought about the squeaky white sand in Australia. She missed home already. But only for the scenery. YFN wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her chin on her knees, watching the sun begin to disappear. She felt a hand on her back and jumped, her head pivoting as she locked onto a pair of amused green eyes. She could just fall into those and keep falling.
Lucy pushed the glasses up her nose. “May I join you?”
YFN smiled and nodded. They watched the sunset for a while in comfortable silence.
“How’s Jordan?”
Lucy sighed. “She’s doing okay. She’s with some more friends at the moment. I have a game on Friday night so she insisted I have my prep time. I’m surprised you two didn’t exchange numbers.”
“Me too – I’ve been worrying about her all day to be honest. She seems sweet.”
“The sweetest. And usually a little ball of happy energy too. Breaks my heart to see her upset.”
“I’m guessing you asked her where we met?”
Lucy gave a cheeky smile. “Of course. I wanted to see if you want to come to the game Friday night. I have an extra ticket in the family and friend section, and I think Jordan would love the company. My brother can be a bit…overwhelming and loud.”
YFN laughed, tilting her head back. Lucy couldn’t help but watch as she did. “So, nothing like you then?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She grinned.
“Lucy, I’d love to go.” She beamed. “But I’m going to need someone to explain the rules to me.”
They watched the rest of the sunset talking and laughing, and ended up having to sprint to Lucy’s car as the rain began. Lucy drove YFN back to her hotel so she wouldn’t have to walk in the rain. She made sure to walk her up to her room and gave her both hers and Jordan’s numbers. “Jordan wanted you to have hers also. She wants to meet with you tomorrow I think… just text her anyways.”
“Oh, I will.” She looked up at Lucy again, beaming that she had made friends in a new country, and also excited at the prospect of her first football game. Her expression softened Lucy’s heart. “You can text or call me as well, for anything you need.”
“Won’t that be a distraction from training?”
“Yes… but a very welcome one.” She gave her cheeky, wide grin again.
“Can I ask you a random question?”
Lucy’s heart jumped. “Shoot.”
“I’m not really used to any accents around here yet.. what’s your accent?”
Lucy laughed. “Northumberland.” She said proudly. “Terrible innit?”
“No, I love it to be honest. You sort of just decide to lose letters along the way. It’s great.”
“Alright, settle down. I’ll see you on Friday then.”
“I’ll be the one with the Australian Flag.”
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
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Taglist: @wordsarelife @flareish @novausstuff @mahirublue
Part two to this post cuz it was originally too big.
“Do you have to go on this date?” Lucy whined from her bed as she watched you get yourself ready for the wrong man in her opinion. “As much as you want me to back out of this, I can’t Luce.” You said, understanding where she was getting at but Kipps believed that Lockwood was reaching his boiling point and just wanted to be the one to push him over the edge by taking you out; You originally thought that he was lying for a bit of banter but something deep down in your gut told you that there may yet be some truth to his words. So you forced yourself to seeing this bet through to it’s probable finale. “What do you mean you can’t? He isn’t hurting you is he y/n?” Lucy asked, suddenly getting to her feet and walking up behind you where she rested her hands on your shoulders, turning you to face her.
“You can tell us if he is, right?” She said softly, her eyes scanning your face for any evidence she could use to prove her case but found nothing. Which she was relieved of but it didn’t settle the unease she felt at your prior words, should she find that Kipps had been mistreating you and it wouldn’t only be her Kipps had to deal with if anything were to come to light but it would be George and Lockwood as well. You reared your head from her grasp and took her hands into your own, holding them hostage. “Yes I’m very aware that I can go to you, George and Lockwood for anything, Luce it’s very reassuring but I can safely safe that Kipps isn’t hurting or threatening me in any way shape or form.” You tell Lucy as you turned back to the full body mirror, looking over yourself for one final time.
“He’s…descent if that counts for anything, which knowing you, it doesn’t.” You added, brushing away invisible dust from your clothes before glancing over at Lucy’s reflection in the mirror. “You’re right it doesn’t but this all just doesn’t sit right in my stomach.” She tells you but before you could ask more about that. Lockwood knocked on the door before poking his head through the crack and whatever was on his mind seemingly left when he caught sight of you looking your most stunning self, that was until he came to the unfortunate realisation that none of it was for him but in fact Kipps; an thought such only made the light in his eyes dim and the tick in his jaw come back stronger then ever.
“Am I interrupting?” He asked and Lucy stood there, looking between you and Lockwood as you tried to formulate words but she cut you off with an sure fire idea in mind that’ll get you into calling off the date- and hopefully dating all together- with Kipps. “Oh your not interrupting much Lockwood but would you mind keeping y/n company? I think I hear George calling.” You and Lockwood looked to one another, not hearing a thing that could remotely be mistaken as George calling for Lucy before turning your attentions back to the redhead. “Lucy, I don’t think-“ “oh! I think I can hear him calling my name now! Have fun you two!” Lucy intervened as she brushed past you both, though not before giving Lockwood and shove further into the room, and then closing the door behind her where you heard her footfalls pounds against the stairs in a hurry.
“Did you hear anything?” You asked Lockwood, who shrugged, “not a thing, you?” He then asked and you made a gesture that indicated to him that you didn’t before looking back towards your reflection in the mirror, now feeling a tad insecure with the guy you actually liked being within the same room as you. The silence was nauseating and awkward to say the least with Lockwood taking a seat on in Lucy’s bed which was aligned with the body mirror, which also meant that whenever you went to look at yourself, your eyes would immediately drifted to Lockwood who could be found staring right back at you that only left you feeling a little hot under the collar.
It didn’t help that the way he was staring at you was the way you always wanted him to stare at you. So when given what you fantasied, it left you to suffer with the emotions that were brought to the surface you tried so hard to hide. It was an double sided sword, on one hand you got what you always wanted but on the other, you were left with a conflict of feelings on how to go about being looked at as though you had stardust embedded in you your skin and starlight sprinkled into your eyes; Lockwood made you nervous but in the best way possible and for that you both condemned and loved him for it. So as you were looking over yourself for the fifth time that day as to avoid the obvious unspoken tension flooding the room as though it were an pool.
Lockwood then decided the awkward beating of the preverbal bush you’ve both been doing as of late had gone on long enough and that something had to give. He looked down at his clasped hands, closing his eyes briefly as he allowed the words that had been clogged in his throat the moment he caught sight of you to rip themselves free from his mouth in the form of a sharp and forced tone. “I don’t want you going out with Kipps.” You stopped readjusting your shirt to look at his hunched figure through the mirror. “Why? I’d though you’d be happy that I’m going on a date?” That was a fucking lie. Lockwood opened his eyes, lifting his head to stare at you, his jaw forcibly ticked out of habit and the unreadable expression on his face only made the rampant anxiety within you worsen.
“There are better people out whom you could’ve dated instead of Kipps.” He tells you before adding a ‘he’s no good for you.’ Which only served in making you scoff humourlessly. “Oh if Kipps is such a bad fit for me, who do you suppose I should date then, you?” You jested. “Yes.” Lockwood responded without an ounce of hesitance and unnerving amount of belief in his own words that made your stomach flutter with butterfly wings and your chest blossom with a warm, fuzziness that had you feeling as though you were floating off the ground.
“What?” You spoke softly, finally turning yourself to greet him with your own eyes that were wide with shock. Lockwood stood up from the bed and moved in so close that he was practically invading your personal space, reaching to grasp both of your hands into his calloused pair that tightened their grip in almost sheer desperation for you to hear him out. “I should’ve told you along time ago y/n but I like you, a lot. No scrap that, I love you and it pains me to watch you with someone else who isn’t me holding you close, telling you how exceptional you truly are each and every day, touching you, kissing you, giving you,” with each word Lockwood moved to rest his head against your own, nose bumping nose and lips briefly brushing against one another that had your breath hitching in your throat every so often you felt his soft, plump, lips skim your own. “everything you truly deserve and so much more.”
You couldn’t breath properly from the close proximity of having his body so close, yet not close enough for your liking. Everything within you screamed to pull him in by his stupid neck tie or by his silly little lapels but your fought against those urges to see just how far Lockwood would take this before Kipps even made it to the front door. “You’re only just saying that because you don’t like the fact that Kipps got to me first.” You told him, daring to brave a smirk when you heard him inhale deeply as though attempting to hold himself back from whatever his subconscious wanted to will him into doing. You knew you were playing with fire but who didn’t want someone begging for their opportunity with them? It was quite an empowering sight and one that you could easily get high off of.
“You’re right.” Lockwood tells you, “I’m pissed at not only Kipps but at myself for allowing him the chance to get to you first but that don’t make my feelings for you any less genuine.” His hands then left yours in order to cusp your cheeks, allowing his thumbs to rub at the skin there as though it were porcelain, before one hand trailed to the back of your neck whilst the other trailed to your waist where he’d then pull you in closer so that you were chest to chest with him. “So please, don’t go on that date.” He practically whispers his wish against your lips but before you were given room to speak, George’s voice called up to you both, “Y/N! KIPPS IS HERE FOR YOUR DATE!” You then looked from the door before looking back to Lockwood who was all but staring at you as though urging you to doing the right thing.
So as you began to pull away from him with Lockwood resisting a little by gently tugging you back before letting you go completely as you neared the door before opening it to pop your head through the gap. “TELL HIM THE DATES OFF.” You shouted down at George, who then relaid your message to Kipps who could be heard laughing as he then shouts, “I WON THE BET Y/N, I’LL COME BACK TO CLAIM MY WINNINGS AFTER YOU AND LOCKY HAVE YOUR FUN!” with that Kipps had left and the door was then aptly shut behind him as the muffled conversation of Lucy and George’s shared confusion was soon filled out once you shut the door and turned back to Lockwood. “You and Kipps had a bet?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you shrugged as you crossed the room to step in front on him again, this time clutching your hands at his lapels as you brought him close to you when you continued speaking, “it was more his idea then mine but he wanted to see how much he can get away with by pretending to date me before you broke and admitted your feelings.” Lockwood huffed, “that bastard knew and he decided to turn it into a game? A game that you agreed to participate in?” Seeing that this wasn’t going how you envisioned, you swallowed thickly and decided it best to let him go and take a couple steps away from him as guilt wracked your from. “I didn’t want to participate because I thought you didn’t like me. That might be the case now because of what I did and for that I can never be truly sorry enough to earn your trust back.”
Lockwood, as mad as he wanted to be at you, couldn’t find it within him to blame you and reached for your arm, pulling you back into his arms as his head once against rested against yours.“I can never stay mad at you,” he begins, taking pride in seeing the light brought back to your eyes as you visibly perked up, “but your going to have to make up for leading me to believe that you were dating Kipps of all people.” He tells you. “What do you want?” You asked him and Lockwood’s only response was to lean in further so that your noses were bumped and your lips barely skimming each other. “A kiss would suffice nicely.”
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websterss · 8 months
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SUMMARY: With the rising questions of whether ghost lock is a permanent form. Your doctor decides to run test on you, much to Lockwood’s like, to analyze your sudden loss of memory and to determine how much you actually do recall.
WARNING(S): mentions of amnesia, death, angst, some fluff if you squint
PAIRING: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader    
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcomed!
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“Lockwood!” Lucy marches after him. The poor man before was pitiful. He walked away from the big court area. Never one to allow anyone to see him break. He kept running a hand through his hair, down his face, he was a mess.
A man who has a lot of experience in hiding his emotions suddenly finds he's had enough. Lockwood was furious. He was on the verge of tears, but he wasn't about to cry. He was shaking with anger and frustration. He walked down the long hallways to the elevator.
“Is this some bloody joke?” He breathes out a laugh not finding anything at the moment hilarious. 
It was the worst thing that could have happened. The agency was already struggling. Now this. It had to be some sort of prank. He was still on the verge of tears, the thought of his best friend not recognizing him, not even remembering they were friends. It broke him inside out. He punched the elevator button with the bottom of his fist, over and over again. It didn't make the doors open any faster. His knuckles ached from the impact. “She can’t remember…S-She can’t remember anything.” Anthony grabbed at his tie, loosening it more so than usual. 
"Lockwood..." Lucy put her hands out trying not to scare him in her approach. Her heart broke for you but more so Lockwood, the impact this weighed on his heavy heart.
He pulled at his tie again, eyes glued to the closed elevator doors that wouldn’t open while telling himself. “She’ll remember, she’ll remember. I know she will. It’ll take some time. People who suffer from amnesia don’t always get their memories back, but there is still a chance.” He spoke to himself but knew Lucy was behind him. He wouldn’t speak to her though. He was too upset, too hurt to give her any sort of response.
“Lockwood.” She tried again.
He turns to face her. His expression is stony, with red-rimmed eyes and tense lips. He was trying hard not to lose control but when he saw her eyes tear up, he couldn’t be angry. All his aggression melted away the second her arms shot out to pull him into a tight embrace and then he sobbed like a broken child.
He let the tears fall. He didn’t care anymore. “S-She can’t remember anything.” He whispered to himself, in a cracked voice, as the elevator doors finally opened. The timing was impeccable. “She doesn’t remember me. She doesn’t know who I am. She doesn’t know any of us.”
Lucy couldn't bear to see him like this. She'd never seen him this emotional. She gently held him in her arms. Her fingers softly traced the outline of his face. She pressed her forehead against his, eyes shut. She wished he would allow her to comfort him. If she could only speak some words of healing. But that's not how trauma worked. She couldn't heal his heart, however much she wished she could. All she could do was hold him and let him cry. She squeezed him tightly.
"I've lost her-" He began but Lucy shook her head.
“You haven’t.” She urged. “She’s still here, still with us. She’s just lost at the moment. But we’re gonna help her find her way back to us. But she’s not gone, we didn’t lose her physically.” She squeezed his hand. She wanted to reassure him. She wanted to calm his mind from the panic and pain. 
"I'm not gonna be able to survive this Luce, have to relive the memories she doesn't remember I-" 
"Then we make new memories with her. Instead of focusing on the memories that are lost, how about we focus on the ones that are being made? She has a second chance now." 
“It’s the old ones I’d prefer that are not all lost…” He looked away from her. 
"I-I bet she’ll remember them, and if she doesn't..." She struggled for the right words. She wanted to say what he wanted to hear, but that wouldn't be right, it wouldn’t be entirely true. "Then we can tell her. You can talk about them. They’ll be new to her, but we-" She paused having run out of words of comfort. “We’ve all lost her Lockwood, but we’ll get her back together.” She nodded, placing a reassuring hand against her upper arm. 
He knew she was right. He couldn’t forget how distraught all of them were when DEPREC came along and whipped you into the back of an ambulance in a hurry. They all had you to lose, but they now had you to gain. He’d make sure of it.
“I think we should make our way back…” Lucy suggested, but it made Lockwood confused. “I think you might have scared her, you did storm off after all.”
“Oh god…” He closed his eyes. “She’s gonna think I-”
“Have unresolved anger issues?” She poked and teased with a timid smile.
“Hilarious.” He huffed and pushed past her to make his way back to the refectory.
You continue to nibble on the sandwich Lucy brought to you. Silence had fallen over you and George. The shouting dispersed down the hall, but you had yet to feel slightly relaxed. George picked up on your hesitation, seeing you avert your eyes after meeting his own for a split second. He only had a very brief moment to fully grasp the fact he was actually sitting across from you. You were awake and fully functioning much to his surprise. He went through various stages and emotions of grief and disbelief. 
When he found you and Lucy together at a table, he had gawked at you, mouth wide open, finger slowly pointing at you in disbelief. He kept trying to form coherent sentences, but all that came out of his mouth was stuttered gibberish nonsense. Lucy gave him one lousy second to accept your return before she began pushing him forward. Ushering him off to retrieve Lockwood and bring him here. Now that he was finally sitting across from you without interruptions. He attempted to make conversation, or at best, just a way to familiarize yourself with him. Reacquaint and introduce himself. Amnesia…he couldn’t begin to fathom what you must be going through. 
“I’m George, in case you were wondering.” Your head snapped up to meet his smile. 
“Oh yes hi!” You awkwardly let a laugh out. “I heard Lock–Anthony say your name.” 
“You remembered. We’ll remember the things you’re told…sorry.” You hadn’t taken offense to his wince though. Instead, you asked. 
“I suppose there’s a last name to go with George?” You muster a timid laugh. Your best attempt to lighten the mood. You weren’t fond of the tension in the air. It made you feel out of place.
“Karim.” He tells you. “George Karim.” 
“It’s a beautiful name.” You tilt your head. A lopsided grin plastered on your face. George’s eyes narrow slightly, he had a hard time grasping that you were gone, but you're right here in front of him. 
“You’ve said that before…” George’s shoulders fall. It wasn’t meant to change the mood of the conversation, more of a nostalgia for memories. He offers a gentle smile, one that brings you warmth. Warmth and trust you can find within a friend.  
“I suppose I was one for handing out compliments then?” You breathe out a laugh. 
“Not just compliments. It wouldn’t be fun without your jokes. Though you’re particularly known for your insults as well.” George smirked seeing your eyes widen. 
“Insults? Oh, that doesn’t sound like me. All in good fun I hope?” Your eyes widened in hope.
“All in good fun.” He promises with a nod. 
You accept the reassurance. Taking another bite of the sandwich. Chewing on the piece of bread. The awkward wave once again filled the air. You glanced over your shoulder. Hoping to see his face reappear once more. He was rather easy on the eyes, a vision. 
George, having picked up on your uneasiness, offered his reassurance. “They’ll be back. It hasn’t been easy for Lockwood. Much less Lucy. Though he’s been taking it far worse than us…as you can imagine already.” He implied towards the burst of anger Anthony unleashed. You look up at him. Your eyes held hope in them. The glisten in them made George want to reach out and hold you. You were holding onto his word. Hating the feeling of being seen so small and vulnerable with how you curled yourself into your tray of lunch. Adding to your sense of unfamiliarity with your new, but rather old friends. You truly felt lost with no direction. 
Lucy had chuckled and followed behind Lockwood. Walking back towards where you and George sat. Once back in the refectory, she met eyes with George first and then with yours as your head turned swiftly. Anthony stopped alongside her, shortly allowing the situation to sink in fully, you were awake, you were okay, he hadn’t entirely lost you and you were staring right back at him. Those beautiful eyes he saw turn white were back to their original color. He offered a smile in hopes of easing your worry, it had as the corners of your lips reciprocated his own. God, you were a breath of fresh air. He knew one thing though, that they had to get some answers.
When you reached the third floor, you weren’t quite sure what to expect. Nurses' eyes stared at you like you were a historical exhibit. A new gallery to gawk and stare at. You were the talk of the hospital. You shrink under their whispers and stares. Lockwood sees you trying to make yourself invisible and failing to do so. It brings you comfort when he calls them out on it. 
“Don’t you have patients to attend to? Nothing to see here!” He guides you into the room he didn’t find you in.
As you entered a man with white hair, a tall frame, and black-rimmed glasses stood at the end of your bed. A chart in his hands. A sheet lifted into the air as he read something off the bottom one underneath it. Lockwood cleared his throat, which gathered his attention. When he snapped his head to the door where you all stood in front of. He double-takes. Not expecting to find you standing amongst them…even more so awake.
“Bloody hell…They weren’t kidding.” You wrapped your arms around you as he made a cross on his chest. “Hello, Y/n. I’m Dr. Trainor. You have become quite famous today missy.” He tries to lighten the mood with a laugh, but it only makes you more aware of the attention you’re gaining. 
“Famous?” You raise a brow in question. Dr. Trainor chuckled at your confusion, thinking you were messing with him. 
“Why yes, it’s not every day one comes out of a ghost-locked state.” Everyone winces, except you, when he says this. Lockwood steps forward pushing you behind him. He didn’t want Dr. Trainor to further confuse you. You already questioned him about what sort of research you did. It was enough to clarify that you did not have any memory of being an agent. Let alone about the epidemic that broke out a few years ago. Hell, you hardly knew who the hell you were, and that scared him. You were more vulnerable now than you had ever been, all because you sacrificed yourself for him. How would he ever repay you for that? 
“Dr. Trainor, there's something you need to know.” Lockwood steps forward. 
“Yes?” He averts his attention to him now, but you manage to ask the question lingering on your mind.
 “What’s ghost locked?” 
Everyone turns to you. Dr. Trainor finds the question humorous, but as he turns to look at the others. He finds that no one else is laughing along with him. Anthony meets his eyes, immediately shaking his head with a stoic expression. Dr. Trainor's face falls flat. Then snaps his head to you. Your genuine curiosity and innocent nature were by no means a prank. You were serious.
“Oh…” Dread paints his face. He sighs heavily. “Oh, you poor child.” 
“We believe she has amnesia. How much she’s forgotten, we don’t know.”
“Amnesia…” Dr. Trainor breathes out. 
“Can you help her?” Lockwood asks with a plea. 
“Mr. Lockwood amnesia isn’t something you can just fix.” He laughs lightly. “How much has she forgotten?” He looks to the others, then to you. He guides you to the side of your bed. “Dear, is there anything that you can remember?” You look to your friends, who’ve managed to give you some of yourself back. “I’m Y/n Y/L/N. My favorite color is green?” You look at Lucy, she urges you to continue with a smile. “I’m a…swifter?” You raise your brow with uncertainty. 
“Good god.” Anthony curses under his breath. He closes his eyes and runs a hand down his face. He’s so close to ripping strands of hair from his skull.
“She means swiftie. She’s a big fan of the singer.” Lucy steps in to clarify the doctor's vivid confusion. “She’s forgotten everything I’m afraid. Her identity. Being an agent. She’s unfamiliar with everything that has to do with being an agent. No recollection of the epidemic that broke out either.” Lucy inquires. “I found her and she didn’t know who she was, didn’t know who I was.” She gives you a sad smile. 
“I see…So everything you’ve recalled to me is information you’ve been told. Okay.” He unravels his stethoscope from his neck. “Any headaches, pain anywhere?” He turns to ask you. You shake your head no. 
“I feel fine.” You admit. 
“That’s a good sign.” 
“It is?” Lockwood questions. The doctor rolls his eyes. 
“Yes. It means we don’t have to worry about anything internally happening.” 
“Try mentally…” Lockwood mutters under his breath. Yet, Lucy and George give him a deadpan stare, whereas the doctor chooses to ignore his tasteless comment.
“So what does this mean for others that remain in ghost lock? Would you say that ghost lock is no longer terminal?” Lucy held such high hopes. This would mean a great deal for her. It would be a great deal to Norrie, who wouldn’t stay in ghost lock forever. She’d no longer have to be in that psychiatric ward they held her in for surveillance and observation. Dr. Trainor gestured to the knot on your neck, your eyes widened as you reached up to untie it.
“It’s hard to tell so soon, this does happen to be a very unique and uncommon occurrence. We’d have to look into this situation more to be able to determine if ghost lock no longer is terminal, but at the moment this is out of our hands as we have no information to help us fully understand what we’re dealing with.” He moves the stethoscope across your back stopping in various spots. “Deep breath in, exhale out.” You do this about 3 more times. The metal felt cold against your skin. “Breath in.” You inhale deeply. “Breath out for me now.” You exhale. Then continue to breathe as normal. Lucy comes around to help adjust the ties around the back of your neck securely again. Lockwood leans forward, hands gripping the edge of the bed. He tucks in his lips, eyes furrowed deep in thought. The doctor wraps the stethoscope around his neck. Now fetching a light to examine your eyes. 
“What of her memories?” Anthony spares you a glance. Watching the doctor have you follow his finger. “Will she get them back?” He looks up to Dr. Trainor. 
“Can you follow my finger?” You shift your gaze left then right, then up and down. He leans forward to take a closer look into your eyes, slowly reaching forward to pull at your top eyelid. You feel uneasy when his face contorts into that of curiosity and interest, “Huh?”
This makes Anthony straighten up. “What? Is something wrong?”
“Nothing quite alarming, but have your eyes always had a white ring around them?” Dr. Trainor knows the answer since he’s checked them for the past weeks now, so this was new to come across. 
“White ring?” You question. “I wouldn’t know…” You turn to look at your friends for answers. Anthony walks over to you.
“No.” Anthony confirms his question. He steps closer, silently asking if he can peer into them. Your nod of confirmation has him gently bringing his hands up to your face. His thumbs slowly push up your eyelids as the doctor provides the light. When he sees the white rings sitting around your eye shade his heart plummets slightly. “They were never there before. Should we worry?” He turns his attention to the doctor.
“It doesn’t appear to be affecting her sight, or mobility, so until they do become a cause for concern I’m writing it off as nothing to be worried about, but to keep in mind if it starts causing problems.”
“Is she allowed to be released tonight?” Lucy buts in.
Dr. Trainor gives you a once-over, contemplating. “I’d recommend she’d stay another night for observation…but her vitals have been fine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone wake up with your mobility and strength my dear. No headaches or pain?” He asks you once more.
“No.” You reassure. 
“Then I’ll allow you all to take her home, but if you sense any form of change in her health, you bring her to me. Understood?”
“We will.” George says.
“Alright then if there’s no further question, then dear you are free to go. I’ll go ahead and get your discharge paper.” You nod and thank him for everything, then watch him make his way to the door, but Anthony grabs ahold of his upper arm, pulling him to the side.
“And her memories?” Anthony emphasizes his need to know. Dr. Trainor sighs.
“I’d recommend to give it time. Don’t try to rush her to remember things. This is amnesia, not an exam. She doesn’t need to remember everything all at once.” He directs his raised brow at him with a warning not to push you. Lockwood only nods solemnly. The doctor turns his gaze to you and Lucy, laughing about something he wasn’t sure of. George gives them a tight lip smile as he brushes past them into the hall. Lucy helping you find your clothes. Dr. Trainor slowly moves the both of them out of the room and closes the door behind them. He walks them to the far end of the hall away from any possible listeners “I wouldn’t worry too much about her memories…”
“No?” Anthony scoffs.
“This is a very vulnerable situation you are dealing with Mr. Lockwood.” He looks down the hallway. “I’d keep a close eye on her if I were you. News is going to spread quickly about her awakening, and it won’t be pretty. Cherish the moments of peace while you still can. Though that isn’t much of a concern to me.”
“Oh no?”
“Her eyes. I’ve seen it once, in the papers. A child, much younger than she is. Tragic ending.”
“You said it wasn’t a cause for concern!” Anthony whispers and yells.
“I know. I’d still like you to keep an eye on her, if you feel the slightest change in her health…in her demeanor, don’t wait. That child’s parents were reluctant to accept acceptance and it ended with a funeral. Don’t wait.”
“Demeanor?” Anthony straightens up. “What– Why are you telling me this?”
“You never quite know who to trust…and if I were you, I'd also concern myself with how you’re going to explain to her how she can hear and see ghosts.” Lockwood felt a shiver run up and down his spine. He falters for a quick second because he’s right. He does have to concern himself with that, yet as far as he knows you’ll be on house calls for as long as he deems it necessary. He has to concern himself about telling you a lot of things, but for now, he settles with a tight-lipped smile. 
“Good day to you, Dr. Trainor.” He pats the man and turns around.
“Expect a check-in house call, Lockwood.” 
“We’ll call you!” He finished with a wave of his hand as he walked down the hall, where you wait for him now. 
“Ready?” He sighs.
“I think so. Is this all that was on my person?” You look down at your outfit and shoes. Your neck and fingers are decorated with simplistic jewelry, each one you wanted to ask about and what it meant to you, or if any were given to you. Anthony takes notice of the necklace that hasn’t been tucked into your shirt yet. The small A and ring that was your mothers sitting comfortably on top of your black shirt. You then lift the rapier with gauged eyes. “W-What is this?” You eye the weapon with uncertainty. Anthony pulls out of his daze and reacts quickly.
Anthony reaches forward and takes it from your hands. “Don’t know who gave you that!” A light panicked laugh reaches your ears.
“What is it though, is it mine?” Your innocence was killing him. “Are we in a sport? A-A team?” Your eyes brighten with curiosity.
Anthony curls in his eyes, deadpanning to Lucy and George. “Please tell me the cab is here?”
“Fencing! We fence!” You exclaim. 
“Oh thank god!” Anthony visibly moans at the sight of a black cab sitting patiently at the entrance. 
The whole ride home Anthony couldn’t contain the smile he tried to fight back. His fingers were over his mouth to hide it from the others, but even Lucy found it quite amusing as George practically pointed out various places. It was like your own practical tour, and you represented that of a kid whose mother granted them the pleasure of going to the candy store. You were quite the sight. Though he anticipated your reaction when the cab had stopped in front of their home, your home, the one you had no recollection of. He tracked your quiet exhales as he made the first exist. He stood at the door allowing everyone to leave, then held his hand out for you. You hesitated to take it, yet when your fingertips slid over his palm, well he just about lost his composure. 
Your eyes had yet to remove themselves from the door. Anthony’s smile lingered, watching your every move. 
“Welcome home.” 
“This is home?” You breathe a laugh of disbelief. 
“It’s not much but-”
“No…It’s perfect.” Your smile grows as you look over at him. Your attention turns away once more, and you find the plaque. “A.J Lockwood & Co. Investigators…after dark ring the bell and wait below from the line.” You immediately look down at the line that was placed before the stairs. “Why the line?”
“Uh I– S-Safety precaution, we never know who might come around. Better to be safe. Why don’t we head inside? I can give you the grand tour.” He offers, wanting to trail away from your curiosity. In time, he reminds himself. He visibly relaxes knowing you’d be safer inside, knowing the curfew was about to be set in stone soon. Nightfall was emerging. 
Your eyes wander after he offers to take your coat. The space bringing you a sense of warmth. The house looked lived in, what a home should represent. You walked further down the entryway, your footing colliding with boots. Anthony swivled around hearing you laugh. 
Your laugh, such a contagious melodious sound. Oh, how he missed it. His heart soars. It’s always been something his heart reacts to. He’d thought the worst of the visit, thinking he’d see you in your coma-like state, he never assumed that the day would lead to you being here with them again. In your shared home, awake, laughing at various items that needed to be put away. Your laugh was so innocent, making it all the more precious to him. He didn’t want to look away, but he did anyway. “Let’s start in here.” He gestured to the living area. 
"Out of all the rooms in this house, you start with the least interesting one." George's voice rings out as he and Lucy enter the living area too. "I think she'd find the bas-"
Anthony met his gaze, immediately shaking his head no at him. "That's enough, George." He cuts in firmly, but not angrily. He didn't want to scare you. His gaze lingers on George before turning back to you. "Plenty of rooms to go by, but I think one at a time will suffice for now. Wouldn’t want to overwhelm you." He mustered a smile.
“I think one at a time is fine, but I would like to at least know where I’ll be able to sleep.” You laughed halfheartedly.
“Are you tired? I’m sorry I wasn’t considering ho-” You reached forward to stop his rambling. 
“I’m not tired, promise. Just curious.” 
He was relieved that you weren’t tired, at least not as much as you could be. Your presence alone seemed to have brightened everything in front of them. Things felt as though they’d turn bright side up quickly. He couldn’t have been happier than in this moment. “Well, we shouldn’t waste any more time, the tour awaits. Lucy will be able to show you your room later as you share it with her.” You looked over to Lucy and nodded. 
“We share a room?”
“It was originally yours alone, but I came after and we made it work. I promise you I don’t snore.”
“Oh okay.” You laughed. 
Anthony chuckled at the thought, finding your amusement contagious, but he knew it wouldn’t take much more than a glance to make him join you in your lightheartedness. He took a breath, steadying himself. There was no need. Your smiles were so infectious it was like there was never anything to feel stressed about in the first place. 
“Let’s continue. Now if we go back through this door straight ahead we will find my personal favorite…the kitchen.” Anthony winked at you. “Are you hungry because George just so happens to be a great co-” You all stopped and turned toward the front door as the doorbell went off. Everyone stiffened and held their breaths. 
“Who’d show up now…curfew just started.” Lucy questions.
“No one good…” Lockwood keeps you all behind him as he makes his way over.
“There’s a curfew?” Your brows furrowed. 
“Well talk about it later Y/n…” He muttered softly to you before he opened the door. “Inspector Barnes?"
“She here?” He looked past his shoulder and stilled when he met your confused gaze. 
“We haven’t broken any guidelines…” He tried to keep him from entering, but he saw you. The one thing he didn’t want happening. 
“I'm aware, good on you…that’s not why I’m here.” Barnes entered slowly walking over to you with his hands raised. Though Anthony walked over to you and stood before you, in Barnes's path. “Hello again Miss Y/L/N it’s good to see back to your old self again.” Your mouth widened as you turned to look at Anthony, Lucy, and George for answers.
“Y/n, go upstairs,” Anthony orders blocking you from the man who arrived. 
“Upstairs? Oh did I do some-”
“No, you didn’t do anything. I just need you to go upstairs for a second please.” Anthony kept staring at Barnes. He shifted his gaze over his shoulder to where you hadn’t moved. “P-Please.” With uneasiness, you finally nod and make your way up the steps slowly, casting a glance back at them. Your gaze not leaving the stranger who entered your home.
“What roo-”
“When you make it to the first landing keep climbing the staircase up, there will be a door, that’s your and Lucy’s room.” He instructed softly. 
“O-Okay.” You nodded and kept making your way up the steps.
A few beats passed before he closed his eyes at the shut of the door upstairs. His anger takes over his body once more.
“She doesn’t recognize me…” Barnes's surprise drawing out. He points to the stairs.
“I see your vision works.” Anthony gives him a tightlipped smile. 
“What are you doing here? If you wanted to visit a phone call would’ve done nicely.”
“Lockwood-” George could feel the tension begin to disrupt the nostalgia and peace they were swimming in earlier. 
“I’m here to ask Y/n a few questions.”
“She’s not taking any visitors at the moment, maybe ever, sorry. Doors over there.” Lockwood gestures behind him. 
“DEPRAC would like to get an understanding of her situation–”
“She has barely been home for a few minutes!”
“I understand but if we could get a few words with her or anything out of the three of you then we-”
You had made it to the room Anthony said was yours. You slide down against the closed door, legs sprawled out in front of you, as you try to calm your breathing. The arguing voices downstairs do nothing to provide you comfort. You stare off into the space of the room blankly. Your eyes unfocus and refocus on different objects and trinkets that lay around. 
“You can't just come into our home unannounced and-“ You hear Anthony exclaim angrily.
You close your eyes, letting your head thud against the wood. Why was yelling constantly involved when you were the center of a conversation? Were you problematic that it made your friends feud? You craved peace and clarity when in reality chaos and confusion embraced you. You glance down around and spot a small device on a nightstand. You're reminded of Lucy informing you of your love for Taylor Swift and can’t help but wonder if the mp3 player is yours. You get up and go over, slowly retrieving and bringing it to life.
As you scroll and insert the earbuds into your ears. The artist playing in your ears doesn’t satisfy your innermost thoughts. Your pain. The song you’re listening to, the one said to be your favorite, is very upbeat. Hardly the type of vibe you’re looking for. You read off each artist and song title. Every song is unfamiliar to you. Music you don’t recall liking or loving. The trio had done a wonderful job emphasizing that you couldn’t live without the mp3 player you hold in your hands on the way home. The device doesn’t create a sense of security. None of the songs feel melodious or relatable. You're a stranger to your music taste. 
Your brows furrow, a frown evident in your saddened features. Your breath shudders as another loud yell echoes faintly through the door. You flinch, hoping that if you close your eyes they will stop, at least for your sake. You can’t take the shouting for much longer though. You glance down and press on a song that catches your eye. Settling on one, instead of nothing was better. You don’t think too much of it, but you're thankful that a soft sad instrumental beat starts to fill your ears. The silence of the bedroom no longer. You let the device slide out of your hand and onto the floor. You don’t hear the clatter, you don’t hear the yelling. You rest your head back against the door again, letting the music drown out every sound, every burst of anger being heard downstairs. You let the music consume you, taking advantage of the comfort it provides because, at this moment, it’s the only real thing that can help you make sense of the world again. 
Anthony sets out to check up on you after making Barnes leave and call him back when they think it’s best for you. His heart clenched with each step he took upstairs. He gripped onto the railing, his knuckles turning white, making his way up to your and Lucy’s shared bedroom. He thought of every worst-case scenario as to why you wouldn’t have come back down. Where dread hovered, worry loomed over tons of times worse. It's all he’s been feeling really. 
Worry and concern over your well-being. The swelling in his heart was further amplified by having you back at the apartment…one you held no recollection of. Another reason to add to the list of things that would surely keep him awake all night. He only hoped as much as Lucy and George had that you’d gain your memories back. That you would remember the best times and the worst times of your lives together. The laughs you’ve all shared and the way you’ve all let your walls down around each other have allowed to see glimpses of each other's vulnerable sides.
When the raps on the door weren’t acknowledged he stepped in and climbed up to the landing of the room. The room had some life brought back into it as his eyes roamed. Your fairy lights were plugged in once again, as well as your mushroom night light. The shadows of it cast circles onto the ceiling. He teased you about it once, and you went on a rant about how having them light off your ceiling was cute, aesthetically pleasing as you put it. He couldn’t judge your preferences though, not when they brought you comfort.  You had looked around a little, he could tell, since things were shifted or moved by you.
His smile vanished as his eyes fell on your form. In hopes that he’d find you okay was wishful thinking. Not when your face was dipped between your arms placed over the top of your knees. You weren’t even aware that he had entered. From the loud echo of music coming from your earbuds, he didn’t doubt that you were blaring the music as loud as it could go. How your eardrums didn’t burst, he hadn’t known. He approached you slowly. Kneeling down and lightly running his hand over your kneecap. He was cautious about not wanting to startle you, but the flinch you gave, and gasp you emitted had him falling on his ass. His heart only broke further seeing the redness from your eyes. Blood vessels form around your irises. Your eyes were puffy. You tried your best to act like you were fine, wiping under your nose as you sniffled, but once your eyes met his. Another tear fell past your waterline. 
He was so accustomed to wiping your tears that it became a habit. His arm moved on its own accord before he fully registered that he had slid closer to touch you. He reached up to rid your cheek of the tear stain gently. You showed no signs of discomfort, inviting the lingering caress of his thumb. He smiled faintly feeling- seeing you subconsciously lean into his palm. He rubbed against your skin for a few minutes then let his hand fall back down to his side. He scooted over to one side of you, crisscrossing his legs. He let out a sigh as his back felt the hard cold metal frame. His eyes landed on small objects or loose pieces of clothing thrown around the room.
A coping mechanism he picked up during your absent days from the apartment. Still hospitalized and ghost-locked. It made him want to tear up as he was reminded of the days he longed to see you conscious and sitting beside him. Just as you were now. He inched his pinky to brush against yours. You made no act to shift away, unknowingly to that as you wrapped yours around his, you’d done so many times. Anthony breathed out a shaky laugh as you tightened your pinky around his own. His eyes lifted to yours, finding you already waiting for him to look up at you. He let a tear fall past his cheek as a chorus of deja vu flooded his mind. He was all too familiar with where he sat, in this exact spot.
Funny enough, Anthony found himself in this very spot for weeks. Sat up against the foot of your bed frame. Trying to find comfort in the disarray of your belongings. Hoping to hear your laugh within the vacant chair at your desk, or even a soft cry as his fingers glided over one of your favorite books coated with tear stains. He wanted- hoped to find you here in the mess. Each time he’d turn his head to the right of him, he hoped to find you there next to him, smiling at him, but it always ended the same way. Having his eyes burn holes into the wall he was met with instead of you each night. 
Yet even now, as your eyes locked and the corner of your lips curled upward. He believed this all to be a dream. Too scared to look away because he felt once he did, he’d turn back to find you gone. That you’d evaporate into thin air as he’d try to grasp at you. But you were right here, in his reach, in his grasp. Right beside him…you were home again.
“I see you settled yourself in. Find anything you like on it?” He gestured to the device to your right. You take out your right earbud and let it dangle. You lift the device and swirl the circle around to lower the volume. 
“No.” You meet his gaze as you chew your bottom lip. Your eyes cast onto his shoes to distract your nerves from building up. “I think it's only left me with more questions about myself, rather than answers.”
Anthony’s heart tears down right in the middle as you remove the other earbud and slowly hand over the mp3 player. He’s left confused not knowing what to make of this. 
“As silly as it may sound…It doesn’t feel right to take it, feels as though I’ve stolen it from her- or rather, me?” You shake your head. “My former self?” You look away from his lap. Picking and pulling at loose threads from a sweater you hardly recognize as your own. “The music that she- that I listened to…Nothing feels familiar.” You breathe out shakingly. 
“You say it like…like you’re dead.” His chest falls and rises slowly, but it's threatening to increase in pace. “But you’re not, Y/n. You’re still here.” 
“What if I am though? The old me you all miss. What if she’s gone for good and you can’t get her back? What if I can’t remember? What if we can’t-“ Anthony reached forward to hold your shoulders as you began to hyperventilate. 
“I wouldn’t think so negative just yet. You’ve only just gotten discharged, we’ve barely brought you home… ” He breathes a smile. “The doctor said this could take, and that this isn’t something that should be rushed. Though as much as I do miss our inner jokes.” He beams with a solemn gaze. “I’m willing to wait. However long it takes, even if it means months till- till you come back to us. It’ll be worth the wait.” He unravels your joined pinkies and interlaces his hand with yours instead. You glance down, and a spread of warmth and hope entices you. Yet there’s still that lingering dread and fear casting a shadow. 
“And what if…What if I can’t remember anything?” Your eyes tear up. Your mouth is slightly agape as you breathe through your mouth. “What if all the memories we’ve all made don’t come back?” 
“Then we’ll recreate them again. Memories as wonderful and as painful as the ones we’ve shared. I’ll make sure you get your life back the way it was before, as we were before, even if that means starting from the beginning.” 
“You’d do that for me?” You laugh lightly as tears fall down your cheeks. He reached up and wiped them away. You didn’t even know half of what he was willing to do for you. 
“You don’t even know that majority of it.” He gave you a steady nod. You squeezed your eyes, floored with joy and a mixture of sadness combined. You were overwhelmed. You opened your eyes back up expecting to meet Anthony’s charming grin. Yet the loud gasp you released had startled him. You were met with a void of darkness in his place instead. 
“Y/n?” Anthony shifts to sit up.
You had tried to squeeze his hand. As you sunk into the back of your mind, but you found yourself incapable of moving. You tried to scream for him but your mouth felt glued shut. Your body was stiff as a board as your eyes stared past Anthony’s form.
If you could have seen his face. Fear stricken, his eyes widened as he sat up on his knees, vividly shaking you and pressing light taps to your cheeks. Dread and confusion glossed over his eyes seeing a white milky glaze form over your y/e/c eyes again. 
“Y/n? Hey, no, no. Y/n, can you hear me?” He gripped your face. Shouting at you as your body locked itself out of nowhere. You were fine. You were fine just a second ago. You only closed your eyes for a second, and then this happened. He was panicking. The confident esteemed leader of Lockwood & Co was nowhere to be found. A scared boy feeling helpless and vulnerable as he screamed for the girl he held feelings for took his place. “L-Lucy!” His voice cracked as he pressed your face into the crook of his neck. His body shook as tears fell harshly down his face. He didn’t know what to do. “Lucy!” He cried. He pulled your face back. His hands caressed your face, hoping it would bring you back from whatever supernatural occurrence this was. “G-George!”
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ladylooch · 1 year
Omg it’s okay!!! My request was a smut with Nico and she has a breeding kink after playing with timo and Emma’s kid. And he sucks her tits a LOT. 🫠 and while they’re fucking he dirty talks about having a baby
-🌸 anon
A/N: Message me when you see what I did ☠️ Everyone say thank you 🌸 for smutty Nico and Lexi making our baby, Lucie.
Word Count: 2.0k
From this lil AU.
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I am not sure how much longer I can take this. 
Our nephew, Lio, is in love with Nico today. He wants nothing to do with either of his parents. The result of Nico carting this baby everywhere is my fertile ovaries bouncing in my body. They ache for Nico until it spreads like consuming wildfire across my skin, burying deep into my bones. The only cure is getting railed.
I push out a heavy breath, catching Emma’s attention.
“You good? You seem like you’re anxious.”
“I- uh.. Yeah. Your brother with Lio is really cute.” Emma shields her eyes, looking to the pool where Nico and Timo supervise Lio’s swim time. He’s wearing little floaties and a floppy, fish bucket hat. Nico is holding him outwards, trolling him through the water as he laughs. 
“Yeah that is precious.” Emma whines. “If I didn’t remember labor so distinctly, I might pull the plug and beg for another.” She shrugs, going back to her magazine.
Pulling the birth control plug would be so easy for me right now. I just wouldn’t start my new pack. We could dive right into bed together and he could… My mind gets lost in the fantasy of him and I working together for something so special in our fancy hotel room. Nico has been talking about babies more and more the last few weeks. We have been spending so much time with Timo, Emma, and Lio. The endless baby snuggles and giggles have turned into a craving for us both. Our apartment feels too quiet. Our life has something missing. But babies are a big change. And neither of us has had the courage to spit it out loud yet.
Lio’s crying pulls me out of my daydream. The three boys walk towards us. The upset baby reaches out for his mom with big, crocodile tears, trying to wiggle from Nico’s grasp.
“Oh sweet boy. Come here. Are you tired?” Emma pulls her son into her chest, stroking at his cheek as she gets him ready to nurse. Timo tosses a thin blanket onto the two of them and sits beside Emma on her chaise.
“He’s really tired. He keeps getting water in his eyes from rubbing his fists into them.”
“Yeah, we should go back to the room for a bit.”
“Honestly, I could use a nap too. This kid tired me out being his chauffeur all day.” Nico tells us, yawning at the end.
“He loves you so much.” Emma smiles at her little brother. “You’re daddy material for sure.” Her distinct wink at me has my lips pursing with a giggle.
We all head towards the bank of elevators. Nico asks if I want to grab a drink at the bar, but I shake my head. I am also sleepy from laying in the sun doing absolutely nothing, and laying with him in bed sounds like pure perfection. He is relieved when I say no. Inside our room, I run to the bed, jumping under the covers as Nico puts our pool stuff to the side. I snuggle in deep on his pillow. He chuckles, pushing me over so he can climb in.
“I wanna share this with you.” It’s a California King and fairly feasible. He settles on the other side, turned my way so we can look at each other. I think about telling him my desires from the pool, but his black lashes are battling sleep and it’s not the time.
Nico wakes me up an hour later with a gentle squeeze of my butt. Then, his lips begin to pepper kisses along my cheeks. 
“Hey, Emma just called. They are ready to head back down. Do you want to go or stay here?”
“Let’s go.” I nod, stretching out. I feel recharged from my nap and ready for another margarita. 
Nico heads to the bathroom then comes out, double checking the pool bags.
“Oh, Lio’s hat is with us.” He picks it up, showing me the floppy bucket hat that was responsible for the ovary bouncing. “I can’t wait to buy our kids cute stuff like this. I mean, come on.” He chuckles, tossing it to me. I catch it, tracing an orange fish with googly eyes. My eyes go back to his as he ruffles around in the bags some more, checking the sunscreen supply. He does a double take when he sees the look in my eyes.
“Neeks, I want you to get me pregnant. I want your baby in me like now.” The words fly out of my mouth suddenly. I clasp my hand over my mouth in shock. Then force myself to continue because the words touched air and I have an ache that will not let me breathe if he doesn’t soothe it. “I want our babies to grow up with Em and Timo’s kids. Let’s just have a whole parade of them together.”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m so serious. Drop the bags and put a baby in me.” 
With no hesitation, Nico empties his hands. He rushes across the room to me, lifting me up into his arms as we aggressively grope at each other. Tongues lap at each other as Lio’s fish hat falls to the ground at our feet.
“Please. Please.” I beg him again. “Watching you with Lio. It’s… done something to me. My brain chemistry is fucked. I don’t know.”
“Damn, Lex.” He moans. “This is so hot.” He groans back as I rub against him, squeezing him over his swim suit. “Are you sure? I need you to be so sure.”
“I am, babe. Please.”
“God, say ‘please put a baby in me’.”
“Please.” I whine earnestly. “Put your baby in me. Wanna make you a daddy, Neeks.”
Nico grunts out in earnest, then puts me on the edge of the bed. He reaches for my bikini bottoms, pulling them off and tossing them behind him. They land on the corner of the TV. I laugh, then suck in a surprised gasp as Nico strokes a finger through my slick flesh.
“Soaked. Baby.” He moans. “Are you off the pill?”
“Um, well, I was supposed to start today but I haven’t taken it.” 
“So this is… no birth control at all?”
“Fuck.” He moans, then pulls himself out of his blue swim trunks. He is rigid, veins protruding against the taut skin. His fingers stroke his hard length, oozing pre-cum out of his head. I untie the white cover up for him. He leans down, stroking himself still while sucking on my nipple through my bikini top. His fingers brush my clit, rubbing gracious circles while I press against his hand.
“Want you inside of me.” I moan, tangling my fingers through his locks as he sucks my other nipple. His mouth opens wider, sucking so much of my flesh into his mouth until his teeth tighten into a gentle bite. My ohmygod is lost in the air of the room, stifled out by the lack of oxygen in my lungs from Nico’s touch. I reach my hand down, encircling his throbbing cock with him and stroking in rhythm together. 
“Gonna cum on your stomach if we keep going.” He says, pulling away from my grasp to run his engorged head along my clit.
“We can’t have that. Need you to cum inside of me.”
“Lex, I did not think you had this in you.” He chuckles, poising at my entrance as he rests one hand on the bed by my head. 
“Look what made me into, Nico Hischier.”
“I’m so lucky.” He says against my lips as he beings to move inside of me. The intensity of his entrance is dulled by the sweetness of his lips on mine. He consumes my moans. “Gonna have the best mama for my baby.” I reach for the hem of his shirt, shoving it up his abdomen and trying to get it off his head. 
“Help.” I am desperate to touch his bare skin. He pauses inside of me, taking his shirt off and knocking his hat off too. I bite my lip as he comes down to kiss me again. His hand shoves my bikini top up my breasts to expose them. 
“I love your tits. I hope they get bigger.” 
“They will.” I moan. “And then you can’t have them.”
“Fuck. That’s gonna be tough.” He works himself deeper into me, watching my face for my head to do… that. It falls to the side as my face scrunches up in need. “Need your help to cum, sweets.”
“Don’t stop…” I whisper as my hand falls to my clit, rubbing in sync with his thrusting. “Nico.”
“I love you, baby. Come for me.”
His words make the ache explode into white hot heat in my core. My legs shake against his sides where he has my knees pressed back. His hands come up, shoving my thighs into my stomach as he fucks himself deep. I reach down, gripping his shaft and stroking forward as he releases cum inside of me. Nico squeeze my hand as we pull more out of him, bucking his hips with a wide open, gasping mouth. He exhales sharply, gently easing out, still dribbling a bit from his tip.
“I love you too.” I finally say, panting in unison with him as my hands grip both his forearms. His hands hold my hips in place as he works towards recover.
Nico crawls onto the bed with me, laying beside me as his right hand covers my belly. I hold his hand there, all three of them rising and falling with my fast breathing. We stare at the ceiling together. Nico’s thumb begins to trace over my skin. I feel emotional tears pinching at my eyes. Nico and I are trying. This is real. We are going to make a baby. Our baby.
“I want this with you so bad, Neeks. That wasn’t just talk.”
“I know. I do too.” He assures, rolling to his side and kissing my shoulder. I turn my face to him so he can kiss my lips. “We should do that a few more times.”
“Yeah. Like at least nine before we leave.” Nico grins.
“Let’s make it 12 for lucky 13 total.” I laugh as he strokes his fingers along my belly again. “I’m going to spoil you.” 
“You already do.”
“Get ready. It’s going to be even more.”
Nico’s phone begins to ring in the pool bag. He tucks himself back into his shorts, then goes to grab it.
“What the fuck are you two doing?” Timo’s voice comes through the speaker. Nico makes eye contact with me and we share a silent laugh. 
“Sorry, we fell back asleep.”
“Hurry up, Lio is crabby because he wants Uncle Ni snuggles.” 
“Okay. Five minutes. We’ll be back at the pool.”
He clicks the end button, stuffing his phone into his swim trunks.  
“Uncle Ni gonna be Daddy Ni.” I grin, grabbing my swimsuit bottoms from the TV corner and sliding them on. Nico closes his eyes, shoulders drawn down while his hands go to cover his lap. “Did daddy get you?”
“Nico Hischier, my baby daddy.” I sing-song as I dance across the room to him. He pulls me into his arms as I go on my tip toes to kiss him. He helps me retie my bathing suit top on and close my cover up. His fingers splay out on my ribs as he looks down at me when we are done re-dressing together. 
“Today is another moment in my life I couldn’t imagine not having you a part of.” I soften, melting into his body at his sweet words. “No one else I want to do this with but you.”
Life with Nico is an unbelievable dream. Nobody wake me.
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augustvandyne · 8 months
Neeeeeeed some Angela lopez x reader FLUFFFF🫶🏼🫶🏼
okay babes!
sick day
You should’ve just bought a coat, or used one of Angelas, because now you’re both out sick, and no use to the station.
Your girlfriend had tried to convince you plenty of times to just buy a winter coat, but you wanted to stick it out.
As a kid, you couldn’t ever afford a coat, so you never really had one. But now you could afford twenty winter coats if you wanted them.
But you still don’t own one.
Your sickness had been incoming since yesterday, when you had woken up with a small stuffed nose, and a minor sore throat.
And Angela, well, you were gonna try to keep her away from you for most of the day so you wouldn’t get her sick, but that went out the window when you were assigned to patrol with her.
She was a clingy lover, in private. So she loved to kiss you, and do whatever she wanted with you, especially when you two shared the same shop.
You tried to tell her about your sore throat and your stuffed up nose, but she kept telling you she didn’t care, and kept kissing you anyway.
You bet she was starting to think that wasn’t such a good idea, now that you’d both woken up with hoarse voices and weren’t able to get out of bed.
You didn’t mind Angela being sick, though, because her sick voice was almost as hot as her morning voice.
The two of you were going to spend the day taking care of each other, and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
It was hard, but the two of you did eventually drag yourselves out of the bed, and onto the couch.
You’d called your best friend at the station, Lucy, to bring you and your girlfriend some soup, which you knew would lead to a whole basket.
But that was better than nothing at all.
Her and Tim had brought in some ginger ale, as well as the soup, and of course a get well soon basket from Lucy!
You and Angela laughed, and agreed not to eat anything in the basket once the two had left your shared home.
“Oh, I love you,” Angela lay on top of you, turning the channel to a true crime documentary, because that’s what the two of you truly loved to do together.
“I love you, too, Ange,” You kiss the top of her head.
“Ugh, I feel so gross,” Angela buries her face in your chest.
“Me too, baby, me too,” You let out a sigh. “We can take a shower—“
“Mm, no,” Angela’s voice is muffled by your sweatshirt in her face. “I just want you to hold me.”
“That, I can do,” You chuckle.
“I’m so tired,” Angela cries.
“Me too. Think we can con Grey into giving us another day?”
“Maybe if we’re throwing up..” Angela trails off, lifting her head. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“That I pretend to throw up while you call Sergeant Grey? Yes! It’s amazing, and I love you for being so smart,” You smile and tuck a piece of Angela’s hair behind her ear. You pull her into a small kiss, which turns into to more. But you stop before it can go too far, afraid that might actually provoke the bodily fluids.
When you both pull away you both realize Angelas phone is still in the bedroom.
“I’ll go get it,” Angela sighs and stands, temporarily losing her balance, to which you help her stand.
“Don’t need you falling for anyone else,” You cheekily joke, helping her sit back down for a moment.
“I don’t think that’s possible,” Angela rubs her hand down your face, caressing your cheek with her thumb. “I think you made it pretty clear I was yours when you told Jackson to, and I quote, ‘find another t.o. to fuck with’.”
You dip your head into your chest, your cheeks aflame as you laugh at one of your worst decisions, ever.
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Never,” Angela looks at you with more love in her eyes than ever. “I can’t lie, it was hot. The best part was when you pulled me into that kiss. That was the best first kiss ever.”
“Oh, you know it,” You shrug. “It was still embarrassing. How did I not know he was gay? I mean, I’m gay myself. Gosh.”
Angela laughs, shaking her head at you.
“I loved when Grey shouted ‘It’s about damn time’ from the stairs,” You laughed along with her.
“No, the best part was when Tim added, ‘At least take her to dinner before you maul her in the kit hallway’,” The two of you started dying laughing.
“Ah, we’re gonna have to tell that story at our wedding,” Angela says, only half joking.
She leaves a small kiss on your forehead and goes to find her phone.
You were definitely proposing soon.
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arsenal-womens-1 · 3 months
Chapter 23 page 28
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Sorry that this has taken a few days I’ve been sick
Hannah's eyes widened in surprise, and she furrowed her brow in thought. "I honestly have no idea how my shorts ended up in your room. Last night was such a blur for all of us."
I sigh. What happened last night? A member of staff shouted that the bus was here. Glancing at Hannah, we got on the bus, making our way to Trafford Square. At some point, Lucy stood up and offered people some sort of liquor. Saying no, I sat down and tried to put everything together.
We just got off stage. I’ve got about 20 minutes until I get picked up. I need to talk to Georgia. Trying to find her was a bit difficult, but I eventually said, “Georgia, can we talk?” She got up out of her seat and took that as a yes. We walked away from the madness. I couldn’t stop thinking about everything. Tears threatened to spill over. “I can’t just get over us; I love you and I always will. I can’t just pretend that we didn’t happen and that we didn’t love each other." My chest hurt as memories flooded my mind.
I'm sitting on the sofa. It’s been two months since the lockdown started. We started dating around a month ago. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made. “Food should be done soon,” I called out. Looking up, she stood in the door frame. “I’ll be there in a moment,” she replied. She walked back into the kitchen. After a few minutes, I walked in and over to the seats that were in there. She placed down the food. We didn’t talk as we ate; we just enjoyed the silence. After we cleaned up, we went to the sofa where we cuddled up to each other. We were watching some random TV show when she whispered, “I love you.” It felt like time stopped in that moment.
“You remember when you first told me you loved me?" A small smile crossed her face.
“Yeah, I will never be able to forget the way you looked when I said it. You went all red."
Laughing at the memory, “How can we just get over all that?"
She leaned her head on my shoulder and said, “We never will." She repeated, "We never will, but we have to. Maybe if it were different, it wouldn’t be so hard, but you need to go to Spain, and I need to go to Germany. I wish there was another way, but I can’t think of another way.”
I couldn’t let her go. “I’ll tell them no. I’ll give up football. I’ll do anything if it means that we can be together."
She stood in front of me and wiped my falling tears. “You can't. I won’t allow you to give this up. It’s all you have ever dreamed of, and I won’t allow you to give up football for me. I won’t allow you to destroy yourself for me."
I wiped her tears, and now we were both crying. “I want you more than football. I love you more than football." Something in her eyes broke me. "You were supposed to be my happily ever after. We were supposed to get married, have three kids, and grow old together. I don't want to give that up, Georgia."
There was no point in trying to wipe mine or her tears anymore; there were too many to wipe away.
"And maybe we can still have that, but not right now. Someday in the future, maybe, but not right now. We need to do this for ourselves. We can have everything, but not right now.”
I knew what she was saying was true, but I didn’t want her to go. "You need to go, Lilly. I'll see you soon. I promise. But you need to do this if not for you, please go play for Barcelona. You’ll do good."
As the taxi pulled out, all the girls were standing around. I was only focused on one person as they all got smaller and smaller as the car got further and further away. I knew what she said was right, but it didn’t make any of it any less painful.
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oblivious-idiot · 2 years
Can you write a George Karim x reader? Maybe one where the reader keeps having nightmares and has to keep checking on George to make sure he’s alright?
Midnight Comforts
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AN: I really loved writing this! I hope you like it <3
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, season finale spoilers
Word count: 700~
Pairings: George Karim x Reader
A week had past since the Bone Mirror case and you can’t stop thinking about George and how you almost lost him that night. It makes you think back to the previous weeks since the first encounter with the mirror, how you were too distracted on making sure Lucy and Lockwood didn’t end up in the Thames that you hadn’t noticed George’s change of state.
You kick yourself for not being there for him, because with that scare it made you conscious that you’re not sure how you could ever live without him. Yes he can be annoying, doesn’t really think about the words coming out of his mouth, gets a little jealous sometimes, and likes to bake the Skull in the oven, but you wouldn’t change any of those things about him. Even if you did feel a little sorry for the Skull sometimes.
Even though that case is now over, your unconscious mind wouldn't let you rest. You would toss and turn in bed as you tried to sleep, eventually drifting off from exhaustion, but you were only greeted by horrid nightmares. Nightmares that would be a mix of seeing George's lost eyes, his body in Ghost Lock as the phantom closed in over him, and even seeing his eyes glazed over to a milky white colour as if he'd been Ghost Touched. When the nightmares became too much for your tired brain, you would wake up frantically in a cold sweat, heavy breathing as your heart raced inside your chest.
As you calmed yourself down, you couldn't get it out of your mind that you had to go check on George, just to see if he was alright. You slowly crept down the first flight of stairs until you were outside of George's room, and as quietly as you could, you slowly opened his bedroom door. You let out the breathe that you hadn't realised you'd been holding as you see George spread out across his double bed in a starfish position, snoring loud enough to scare away any ghosts.
This carried on for the next couple of nights - and each time the nightmares would become worse as you got less and less rest. When you next came down the stairs to check on George, you were surprised to see him stir when you opened the door.
'Y/n... is that you?" his voice raspy from being half asleep. "I- sorry George, I-, I was having a nightmare" you reply back, the exhaustion clearly noticeable in your voice.
George sat up as he turned on his bedside lamp and put on his glasses, giving you a puzzled look "What was it about? You can tell me." he says, scooting over in his bed so you could sit down next to him. Once you'd settled onto the bed, you began to tell him about your horrid nightmares and how scared you had been about losing him, your words spilling out and turning into a sob, unable to stop yourself.
Although he wasn't known for being the most touchy-feely person, George pulled you into his side and cradled your head on his chest, shushing you as he slowly ran his fingers through your hair. "It's all okay y/n, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere" you turn your head up so your eyes meet his "You better not, who else is going to give the Skull it's regular bakes in the oven?" your comment making the both of you laugh.
Your eyes began to droop as you snuggled into George's safe embrace "You know you sleep like a starfish right. Oh and you snore too." "I do not snore, you're making that up" he replies, his chest lightly bouncing as he chuckles at your sleepy state. "It's the loudest snore I've ever heard," your voice going quieter as you move closer to sleep, finding comfort in his familiar scent of cinnamon and burnt candles "you're lucky I like everything else about you, otherwise I'd probably mind." Unsure what to respond with to your last comment, George rests his head on yours as he closes his eyes "I like you too y/n", your soft snores on his chest indicating your much needed sleep.
(is George wearing any trousers in this? who knows, I’ll let you decide on that)
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morganski-19 · 1 year
Based on the song by Lucy Dacus cw: implied child abuse, implied violence
Eddie places the phone back on the receiver, not releasing his hand after the little click of the receiver turning off. There’s a far-off look in his eye, just gazing off into the distance at nothing. Mouth slightly agape, breathing deeply while standing otherwise perfectly still. 
“What’s wrong?” Steve asks, walking softly to Eddie. 
“That was my dad. Said he was in town, wanted to meet.”
He reaches across to Eddie’s hand, peeling the fingers off of the phone one by one and holding them in his hand. “You don’t have to see him. You don’t owe him that.”
“I couldn’t say no,” Eddie says, a line of tears filling his fixed gaze. “It was like I was ten years old again.”
“I’ll go with you, so you’re not alone with him.”
A single tear falls down Eddie's cheek as he nods, breaking his rigid stance as he starts to crumble. Steve pulls him in close, holding his head close to his chest while he cries. Tears for his younger self full of fear and pain, and tears that he’ll have to go through it all again. 
When they enter the bar, there’s a man sitting at a table, waving with the smile of someone who thinks they’ve done nothing wrong. Eddie grips Steve’s hand and gives him a look. He knows that Eddie doesn’t want to do this, but knows that he can’t say no. Never could, not when he knew what his father’s capable of. 
They walk over and sit down, Eddie releasing his grip on Steve’s hand. The man before them calls over a waiter before even saying hello, ordering a rum and coke. The idea of drinking either of them now tainted with the bile the man emits. His presence is looming like a haze, sending chills down his spine and clouding his vision. With one word, Steve would strike, get them as far away from him, and never look back. But Eddie agreed to this, and maybe this will be the end of this. Maybe he’ll never have to see his father again. 
“Kid, I gotta tell you. You look great. I mean you’re all grown now. What are you now, 23? I sent you a check for your birthday, did you get it?” The words roll off his tongue like they’re meant to be there. As if he was some distant relative you saw at a party once a year. A role that was never his to play. He didn’t get to do that just because he decided that being a father was harder. 
Eddie grabs Steve’s knee under the table, squeezing it. “I didn’t.” The words said innocently as if he didn’t know what question was coming next. 
“You’ll have to give me your address then, the one Wayne gave me must have been the wrong one.”
Steve knew what he was doing. Trying to force himself back into Eddie’s life, trying to get back into his head. It wasn’t going to work, not with Steve. No one gets to manipulate Eddie into anything, especially this. 
Eddie squeezes Steve’s knee harder, digging his nails into his jeans. “I’m sure it was the right one,” is all he says, forcing a smile, a phantom compared to the ones he normally wears. Steve doesn’t even know how he can smile right now at all. 
“I’m sure your friend here would give it to me. Wouldn’t you,” he gestures for Steve to fill in his name. 
“Steve,” he says curtly. “And I’m sure Wayne gave you the right one. The mail can just be slow.”
He glares into the man’s eyes, furious at what he sees. They're the same eyes he looks into every day, the same eyes he loves. But they're different here, crueler, darker. He hates that Eddie got anything from him. Hates that something that makes Eddie so Eddie can be traced back to him. 
The man moves on, unwilling to admit that he lost his upper hand. He just keeps talking, stories of prison mates, and filling in the gaps of Eddie’s life in his mind with stories he could only wish were true. You’re prom was like that, wasn’t it, Ed? I’m sure you’ve stolen a few cars now and then. My son, getting the grades and breaking hearts, right? 
Eddie just smiles when he feels his dad is looking for one. He doesn’t have a right to that smile, to anything that Eddie has. These stories that he’s creating are a false narrative of Eddie’s life, built to make him feel bad for not fulfilling them. In reality, all of what his dad could come up with was wrong. Eddie was so much more than his dad could ever see.
They sit there, listening to the man talk for what feels like an eternity, but was really only an hour. Eddie is so stiff sitting beside Steve, so afraid to move. He’s said so little this entire time, just nodding and agreeing with whatever his dad says. The fear is present in his eyes, Steve knows that’s only fueling the man across from them to continue. He hates it. 
He imagines what would happen if there was no one else here. If Steve would run into this man without Eddie here to stop him. Only one would walk away and he wouldn’t regret it, not for one moment. No one gets to make Eddie feel like this, ever. Not if Steve can help it. Even now he can picture pressing into the eyes that they share, making sure only one of them has them left. That they’re Eddie’s and Eddie’s alone. He doesn’t need to see any reminder of this man in the mirror every day. 
Steve clears his throat. “We should be getting home. We have that dinner with Robin, remember.”
Eddie turns to look at Steve, thanks traveling through with just a gaze. “Right.”
“You boys need a ride?”
“No, that’s alright,” Steve supplies, already standing, making sure to puff out his chest just a bit to look more intimidating. 
Eddie stands and turns without another word, walking away while his father yells out a goodbye, cursing him for not doing the same. When the doors close behind them, Eddie grabs Steve’s hand again, letting out all of the breath in his lungs. Steve says nothing but squeezes Eddie’s hand to let him know he’s here. 
When they start walking, he tenses up again. “I can feel him watching.”
Steve turns his head, seeing the man a block behind them, watching from a distance. “Turn left, we’ll walk the other way for a while.”
That while ended up being a mile. It didn’t need to be, after a few blocks the man gave up, leaving them to the road. That didn’t matter though, it was better to be safe. When it was finally far enough away, Steve hailed a cab, bringing them home. 
Eddie collapses into him when they get back to their apartment, hugging him close, not letting him go. “I hate him,” he cries. “I hate that I’m related to him.”
“No, you’re not. Not to me. Other than blood, that man is nothing to you. Nothing important anyway.” Steve takes Eddie’s face in his hands, wiping away the tears. “Blood means nothing, not when it treats you like that. You don’t owe him shit, never do, never will, no matter what he says.”
More tears stream out of Eddie’s eyes as Steve presses a kiss to his forehead, wrapping him up in another hug. He holds him close as the tears come and just keep coming. 
The fact that Eddie can even smile at all after what that man put him through is an amazement. He’s seen joy shine through his face more times than he can count, and not once has it been fake. The person who he clutches to his chest is nothing like his father. And that only makes him better. He grew up to be the exact person that his father would hate if he ever got to know. To Steve, that’s an accomplishment. As far as he’s concerned, that man is the epitome of everything that’s bad, and Eddie is everything that’s good.
“If he calls again, give the phone to me, ok. You’ll never have to hear his voice again if you don’t want to. You owe him nothing, not another word.”
And it’s true. Eddie gives him nothing more than he already gave today. The next time the man calls, he gives the phone to Steve. He didn’t hold back that time, filling the line with how much the man failed, how much of a disappointment and a terror he was. Steve hung up before he even got a word in. 
It wasn’t the last phone call, but it was the last either of them ever paid attention to. Every other time, the phone was hung back up on the wall before he could end the sentence. Because he didn’t deserve anything, so they didn’t give it to him. 
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centralperkchenford · 8 months
Chenford + Tim finally knows how Lucy got the nickname 'hot pants'
Chenford + Tim finally knows how Lucy got the nickname 'hot pants'
I hope you like this 🤭🤣
But I love you so
Tim doesn’t know why he’s here especially when he could be at home with Lucy. But Lucy insisted that they go out with Noah because this was his last day of freedom before he went on an long undercover op.
Tim didn’t mind Noah, he really didn’t and he definitely wasn’t jealous. The guy was kind of nosey though and he kept calling his girlfriend hot pants. He watches as Lucy laughs at something Noah says and she leans into Tim a little bit. Tipping the beer bottle back and taking a sip.
“So Hot Pants.” Noah says and Tim feels himself tense a little bit. Lucy squeezes his knee and he relaxes but only a little bit. “Why aren’t you doing undercover ops? You are so good at it. What’s holding you back?”
This time Lucy tenses and Tim rubs her shoulder a little to help her relax a little. She does and her hand goes back to Tim’s knee where she keeps it.
“Nothing is holding me back.” She tells Noah a little stiffly. “I just—” she glances back at Tim a strange look on her face. He licks his lips nervously, undercover work is a sore subject with them or rather it’s one they never brought up. He trusts Lucy immensely and knows that she would listen to him if he ever sounded the alarm. But he still worried, his biggest fear was he was going to lose her and he couldn’t lose her. He wouldn’t survive it, he loves her more than anything and losing her would mean losing himself completely.
“Well I for one think you should go for it Hot Pants. You deserve to show off your talent.” Noah says. “Maybe we could work a few cases together. Like at UC school, we were a good team.”
Tim bristles at his words and he feels Lucy squeeze his knee again.
“I don’t know.” She says her eyes on Noah. “I don’t—”
“Bradford will be waiting for you when you get back.” Noah says cutting her off. Lucy squirms against Tim. He’s not wrong, he would always be waiting for her to come back. He would always wrap her up in a hug, just happy to have her back with him.
“I know that.” She says sitting up a little straighter and narrowing her eyes at Noah. “It’s not that. I know Tim loves me and will be waiting for me. It’s just…” She trails off and looks back at Tim again before she’s taking a deep breath.
“I don’t think I want to do undercover work anymore.”
“What?” Noah and Tim say at the same time. Tim’s heart clenches a little bit. This is her dream, it’s something she loves. Why would she want to give it up? And why hadn’t she said anything to him?
Lucy sighs and nervously tucks some hair behind her ear. “It’s just that—after the Frank Teska case where I was almost shot and Tim had a gun pointed at him.. I realized it’s not worth—”
“Baby, you love undercover work.” Says Tim softly. “You can’t give it up because of me.”
Lucy turns to face him and shakes her head. “I’m not. I just don’t have the heart for it anymore. I don’t want to leave you or Tamara or anyone at the station. That one week away from you was one of the hardest weeks of my life. And having to turn into someone else… I don’t know. I just don’t want to live in constant fear. It just not what I want to do anymore. I can be a detective and not have to go undercover.”
“Right.” Tim says softly. “Are you sure Luce? Because I don’t want you giving this up and then you regretting it later. You love undercover work.”
Lucy smiles softly at him, reaching out to touch his face. “I do.” She says. “But not as much as I love you.”
Tim’s stomach flutters a little bit. “I love you too.” He whispers and she smiles and squeezes his knee again.
“Wow Hot Pants.” Noah says and Tim bristles at his words again. “I get it. I mean I don’t but I respect your decision.” Lucy looks over at Noah and smiles.
“Thanks Noah.” She says. “I appreciate it.”
Noah nods and looks over at Tim who just stares at him. “Okay just ask it Bradford.” Noah says an amused lilt to his voice. “I know you want to know what Hot Pants means.”
Lucy huffs out a laugh, and Tim rolls his eyes. “What does Hot Pants mean? And why do you keep calling my girlfriend that?”
Noah laughs a little and nods at Lucy. “She always came in hot, like she did that one night. She was always ready to jump into character and do what she had to do. Like I said she’s good at what she does.” He says. “So I just started calling her hot pants and it kind of stuck. I was called The Middle child since I was always stuck in the middle.”
Tim just stares at Noah half in amusement, half in disbelief. But he gets it, Lucy is hot and she is good at what she does.
“That’s right!” Says Lucy looking back at Tim and the at Noah. “He was literally always in the middle and sometimes he would get ignored by the instructor.”
Tim laughs and he relaxes a little against the seat and Lucy falls back into him. He rubs her shoulders, knowing they will talk more later but right now he was content on listening to her laugh and talk with her friend.
It was exactly where he was meant to be, with Lucy even if it was in a dark bar with her undercover friend. There’s no place he would rather be.
“Do you really want to give up undercover work?” Tim asks her later that night. They are in bed and Lucy is laying on her side facing him. He can see her face in the pale moonlight shining through the windows. “Because I support you Luce. Whatever you decide to do I will be there.”
“I know baby.” She says reaching out to cup his face. “And I love you so much for that. But I meant what I said. My heart isn’t in it anymore. And I don’t want to do something half heartedly. I want to love what I do. And I know I will find it.”
Tim smiles and kisses her, slotting his leg in between hers. “You will find it Luce and I know you will be incredible at it.”
“I love you.” She says. There’s a pause before she speaks again. “Are you happy you finally know what Hot Pants means?”
Tim rolls his eyes. “I just didn’t like another man calling you Hot Pants. It was weird.”
Lucy laughs scooting closer to him. “Yeah well. It’s just a nickname from UC school. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Hmm.” Tim hums pressing his lips against her forehead. “Well you are hot.” He says making his voice low in the way he knows drives her crazy.
“Care to show me how hot you find me?” She asks. Tim growls and flips her over so he’s hovering above her.
“It would be my pleasure.” He says and she giggles as he surges down to kiss her. And he realizes it doesn’t matter where he was, as long as he was with Lucy he would be okay.
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