#I’ll eventually draw Vox
bonez-yard · 5 months
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Oh I’m gonna be so normal about him, about Radioapple and Staticradio dnfbdnjf-
Alastor my king, with a smol doodle of Radioapple bc yes
Priest!Vox and Nun!Alastor oh they have me in a chokehold fr
Please do not STEAL/COPY/REPOST my artwork!!!
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simphornies · 4 months
Hello! Could I please request a Vox x GN! Reader where his crush/ or significant other is very similar to Charlie and how he deals with that? And by similar to Charlie I mean very happy go lucky, chatty, and sometimes just bursts into song for no reason? Maybe even how the other VEEs respond to it too could be mentioned? Thank you!~ :3
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A/N: Decided to mix these two requests together since it worked together
Word count: 1.5k (1,546)
Smile! [ Vox x GN!Reader ]
You were constantly the smiling upbeat one in the entirety of the VVV building. Your presence lit up a room as soon as you skipped in them. Every employee looked forward to seeing you everyday and ever since you became an honorary “Vee” the productivity went up greatly. Many compared you to Charlie Morningstar in terms of personality. In fact, the two of you got along well when you met before you worked for the Vees. You were both ecstatic upon realizing how well you two mixed, like soul siblings.
Every single day you’d have little sticky notes with cute drawings on them of the Vees. They would be plastered in the offices and became a sign that you were around and about. It became a little collection hunt and you had even implemented a little game that inspired sinners to make sure they were always doing something. You made sure they’d get a little treat (varied honestly, you once gave a brand new VoxTek phone away) if they collected a certain amount and they’ve reached their quota.
To the Vees, you were too cheery, too kind and too optimistic. They actually hated you at first. You always interrupted anything they were doing and talked for hours. Velvette and Valentino were wary of how “weak” you seemed. But they grew to like you.
Valentino enjoyed how easy you made everyone to control. All he knew was that everyone seemed more compliant after you talked with them. You helped him get more souls and employees. He was the second one that had gotten used to you. He never asked how you did it because he knew he’d be late to another shoot if he talked to you.
You helped Velvette keep her employees in a good enough mental state to really rock the runway the way she wanted them to. You eased their tension with praise balancing out the strict, harsh nature of Velvette. Like Valentino, you helped make them more compliant by talking to them. Velvette liked the songs you’d burst into when you’re inspiring the models right before a show. She was the hardest and last one you impressed. But as soon as you did, the two of you would talk non-stop about all the latest drama in Hell.
Vox was the first one you impressed. The main reason you even started working to begin with. Vox’s sales went up with your charisma. He didn’t really question how you weeded out the worst workers, he never asked. They always just disappear after you talk to them. He never showed it but he loved listening to you talk about anything and everything. He loved hearing your voice, as annoying it was at times when he needed to do work but he loved it. Loved your energy. Everyone eventually did.
So when there weren’t any sticky notes and when the halls were quiet, everyone was on the edge. Velvette tried to talk to you, but you kept walking as you shrugged her off while you were muttering to yourself. Valentino was going to rant to you but you didn’t even spare him a glance.
“Y/N! How are you this fine, hellish morning?” Vox laughs, stepping in front of you. “You don’t seem like yourself today, what’s wrong?”
“Vox. Do you remember our business in the greed ring with Crimson?” Your voice was stern.
“Uh…” He paused to think, “The little red one? With the hat? What about him?”
“Well, he attempted to scam us out of payment and he is here now to negotiate terms.” Your voice shook slightly with anger. “I’m on my way to talk to him.”
“I’ll come with you! I’ve always been curious how you get them to listen more.” He steps aside, clearing your path.
“If you say so.”
He was right behind you as you opened the door.
“Oh finally! Welcome! I’m not in a rush or anythin’.” Crimson said, squinting.
Vox saw your eye twitch.
“Lovely morning, Crimson!” You smiled, sitting across from him. You set out some papers on the desk, sliding it over to him. “You know what you’re here for.”
“Look. I said I’ll pay but I neva said when.” He laughs, “Money’s tight in the family.”
“Ah of course. I understand. Greed Ring and all, however.” You get up, “You’ve been due for at least one payment for the last three months. Those cameras aren’t cheap.”
“Look.” He crosses his arms, an imp behind him wearing a cowboy hat moving up closer behind him as if ready to attack. “You’ll get ya payment when ya get it. You think some overlord and his little pet is gonna scare me? Do you know what happens to anyone that crosses me?”
You cracked your neck and continued to smile sweetly at him.
“Holy rope. Angelic dagger. And I bet you carry six rounds of angelic steel bullets in that gun.” You hum, “Striker, was it? Your little pet’s name? See, here at VoxTek enterprises, we don’t like our funds going into anything that we can’t get our pay back for. You promised us a book in exchange for support, however you haven’t even been close to touching it.”
Vox sipped on his coffee, kinda wishing he had some popcorn.
“Yeah? What’s it to ya? You’re basically a fuckin’ blue blood.” Striker hissed.
“Flattered! But no. Just smarter. And quicker.” You snapped your fingers and shadows held the two imps in place. They immediately resisted to no avail. “Careful! They’re connected to the outlets! Unless you want a couple of fried limbs, I don’t recommend moving too much. The electricity might slip through the hold. Oooh like that!”
A jolt went through them, making them scream. “See. I was just like you. So low in power. But I was smarter. I made a deal. A deal that shared Vox’s power to me.” You giggled, one of your eyes spiraling as you stared at them. “Weapons on the table please.”
Without hesitation, weapons clattered on the table. “Lovely! Thank you. Now, please hold a hand out, both of you.” They mindlessly obeyed.
“You’ll start to pay off your debt. You’ll give me your soul. You’ll never set foot in here again unless you’re summoned. And you’ll never do business with us any longer. Deal?” Your upbeat voice made Vox start to question where you got this behavior from. “It’s a deal or you die, simple choices honestly.”
They shook your hand as a chain wrapped around their necks. They snapped out of it as soon as the deal solidified.
“Wh-what the—” Crimson felt the tug at his neck and growled at you, “You little shit what did you do? Some cheap blue blood magic bullshit?”
“I’m just smarter, quicker. But oh!” You clapped your hands together, “Thank you so much for agreeing to the deal! How lovely of you to cooperate! Now please get the fuck out of my sight!” You grinned.
They were thrown out by security and Vox just looked at you like you were crazy. I mean, you were, but he wasn’t really expecting that. He was intimidated, slightly aroused and even more in love with you.
“When did you—Is that what you do? Where did you learn that from?” He questioned, a little intimidated. "I can't deny that was...kinda hot."
“Oh! I learned it from Alastor, Charlie and Vaggie! Charlie told me to always be kind!” You nodded in approval of her advice, “Vaggie told me to never take shit! And Alastor—”
“Yes, Alastor. Alastor taught me to take what I need no matter the cost!” You held your head up high proudly.
“When the fuck did you talk to Alastor?” He glitched.
“Oh like a while back. He mentioned you like once, I looked you up, I thought you were hot. He made fun of me for thinking you were hot. I punched him, and survived somehow. Met you. Made a deal and now we’re dating!”
“Okay okay. Pause. Go back. You learned from Alastor, and you NEVER FUCKING told me?!”
“Oh. Yeah! I tried to tell you once but then you went all singing mode and you’d go on a little rampage or whatever. It got repetitive so I just never told you. Oopsies. Haha. Anyways that’s done! That’s all for today! Don’t forget you only smiled at me like 3 times today!”
You skipped out of the room after giving him a kiss as he was rebooting in the meeting room. You continued your day as always, as if nothing ever happened.
“Ugh what’s with the looks? Why is everyone so tense and uncomfy? Go go! Keep working! You know you guys are gonna get in trouble if you don’t work! You guys know what happens when we don’t meet quota!”
Employees scrambled around to continue what they were doing. Vox was the first one to meet you and he was the first one to find out you didn’t ease the employees’ nerves, you scared them into submission and he honestly doesn’t even know how many souls you have. He didn’t wanna pry too deep into it. Velvette got word of your tactics and wanted you to show her how it’s done, so you accompanied her to her next meeting.
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lovelybrooke · 4 months
It is I! I’m gonna be talking about Velvette finally. Also I hadn’t read your post yet but you asked for some help with stolas Ozzie and fizz and fortunately for you I’m hyper fixated on helluva boss and Hazbin hotel so eventually once I’m confident I’ll try to give you my ideas.
Now Velvette is a mix between vox’s personal obsession and Val’s cosmetic interest towards the reader. She learns of the reader from Val and Vox, and gets mixed information from the two, Val speaking of the reader based on how defensive Angel has been to Val and Vox shareing the less interesting parts of the readers life (like their hobbies) I personally find Velvette will be the last to grow an interest, but even when she does I think it’ll be more moderate, at least compared to Vox who I personally headcanon infodumps about the reader.
Also if the reader meets Velvette I feel in a way Velvette would be the least scary, because she isn’t that tall looks relatively human and uses internet lingo (also my head canon, and this is not to say the reader uses slang or internet terminology its just the reader might be familiar with it)
Velvette at first only tolerates Vox’s tangents about the reader for Vox’s sake, I know for a fact that Val would get impatient or say something snarky that bothers Vox. And because of velvette’s tolerance to him he might bless her with saved footage of the reader that he treasures or thinks is intimate (for example the reader writing something important in a diary or drawing something that might be expressing how they really feel. Or a honest smile that they rarely hold).
I also can imagine once Val has finally taken an interest of the reader, and thinks about them more often, Velvette and Val have conversations about them, without Vox though, because their contrasting perspectives on the reader has caused some tension. Val shares this morbid conception of the reader, comparing them to a pet, and sharing some information he managed to gather from Angel Dust, albeit little information.
This obviously puts Velvette in this unique position where she’s hearing information about the reader from two separate sources, and at the same time her conception and image of the reader being blend of Val and Vox’s. Val’s image of the reader being something worth complimenting makes Velvette see the reader as this doll. And Vox’s more intimate and personal image of the reader pushes Velvette to think the reader might be a chill nice person to be around.
And how this mixed conception applies is more calm? Or natural? Compared to the other two, who have more extreme conceptions. For example once Velvette takes a small liking to the reader she starts noticing certain clothes and fashion choices that don’t look good on her might look really good on the reader. When a model of hers presents an outfit Velvette might think ‘this’ll look really cute on the reader’, Velvette might even find songs that remind her of the reader (I personally see her as a gal who listens to a lot of music and values music taste. But this is also just a headcanon)
Velvette doesn’t constantly think of the reader, it’s only when certain things remind her of the reader, which just tells me that she isn’t that obsessed. She probably likes the idea of enforcing her tastes onto the reader but otherwise also enjoys some of the differences between her and the reader. It makes her a little more open to subgenres in music and fashion (especially if the reader is into that)
Velvette is basically the type of girl who might push reader into doing things that they don’t want, but she also would balance it out by letting the reader do things they want. She wants the reader to adopt some of her tastes and mannerisms, but she’s also just as equally interested in the readers tastes and mannerisms. Sure she might not fully respect the readers boundaries but at least she isn’t going out of her way to dehumanize them like Val does.
She’s much more moderate because she rarely ever hears of or sees the reader, and I imagine some things might change once she meets or interacts with the reader. Like I imagine her being the type to get really jealous and maybe might make the reader a little insecure to ensure they stay with her. But at the moment she probably doesn’t think that way cause until she gets to spend time with the reader she’ll probably be more interested instead of obsessed.
yeah more stuff. I'm really excited to hear your stuff about Helluva Boss.
Yeah like I mentioned in my last post, Velvette is kinda in the middle when it comes to her obsession for reader. She doesn't necessarily want to know everything about them like Vox, but also doesn't see reader as an object like Val. I think like you mentioned, Velvette wants reader to become like her, sorta. She still wants reader to have a personality separate from her own, but that doesn't stop her from pressuring reader into doing things they don't want to do, especially if she believes it's something she has to do.
I think everything Velvette has learned about reader she's learned against her own will, either from Val or Vox. It's even worse when they're arguing about reader because they barely acknowledge she's there. However, this works to her advantage because she doesn't have to work real hard to learn about reader. She's also smart, and knows how to talk about you based on who she's speaking with. When she's around Val, she's more possessive, objectifying even. While when she's with Vox she's more open and aware of readers emotions. This makes it hard to know what she truly thinks of reader.
But once she does gain an interest in reader, she's a pure mixture of both of the men she lives with. She's jealous and mean in ways that are reminiscent of Val, but also very aware of readers emotions like Vox. I don't think she, or anyone else for that matter, is really aware of what she actually feels for reader, but she doesn't really get a choice to not be exposed to them, so she might as well buckle up for the ride.
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chiquitafresa · 4 months
I hope you don’t mind me sharing my staticapple headcanons in return-
My favorite headcanon is that Vox teaches Lucifer how to game and Lucifer is comedically bad at it . But if anyone in the shared lobby says anything, you bet your ass whoever did it is getting doxxed .
Also! I don’t think either of them can cook to save their lives . On one of their early dates, Lucifer invited Vox to his house for a home cooked meal, and realizes a tad too late he has no clue how to cook . Vox comes to see him fussing over burnt ramen . They end up ordering in . (They might learn to cook later though, who knows)
Lucifer makes a habit of showing up to places like hours before it’s time to start and just waits at the door except Vox has cameras everywhere so he notices this and ends up letting him in early (Lucifer gets pretty flustered at this the first time it happens). Vox does consider telling him a meeting time that’s later so he’s not comically early, but part of him enjoys getting to spend a few hours before schedule with his bf.
Vox doesn’t really know how to connect to Charlie at first- well he does, but it mostly involves several manipulative tactics that pray on her better nature instead of genuinely just letting her get to know him and vice versa . Eventually they bond by drawing together, even though Vox isn’t the best at it-
Also Lucifer has really horrible memory with conversations, but luckily Vox has surveillance everywhere! He can just record his bf’s conversations for him! Wait what do you mean that’s a breach of privacy? (They have a very long conversation about boundaries after this . )
I think Vox would hype Lucifer up so fucking much too . Not that it’s really necessary cause cmon, king of hell, but it’s like that meme . If I had a lame ass boyfriend I would hype him up so much, I’d be like here comes the specialest boy ever if you don’t clap I’ll blow up this whole building . That’s them . It’s even funnier because Vox is just as much of a cringefail dumbass as Lucifer is .
They talk about how much they hate Alastor but Lucifer notices that Vox is putting waaaaayy too much weight on it . I think they could actually help eachother a lot in this specific aspect because they’re both people who tend to define themselves off of their relationships, and obsess over one particular relationship to the point of it being unhealthy . (Like, I’m not sure if you’ve seen it, but theres a post about how Vox isn’t really happy or excited about anything until Alastor shows up? And Lucifer is the same way with Charlie calling him! I think Lucifer having a person in his life that has nothing to do with his daughter before meeting him would be pretty welcome, and Vox having someone who can validate his feelings about Alastor without enabling him is also just soooo)
Okay yeah that’s my take on them . I really like how you draw them btw . They’re very cute <3
OH MY GOD ANON I LOVE THIS!!! Your making me cry over how cute they’re are ❤️
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I mean like they’re so cute to think about, like how would they first meet? How will Vox react to Lucifer asking him out???
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They are having me on a choke hold 😭😭😭
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the-burd-lord · 3 months
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Playing around with Alastor’s design a little bit. He would still wear most of the same outfit he wore back then, don't fix what's not broken, but with an added suit jacket that's a bit too big for him. I need to make a bit of to at some point, but after his break up he draws on a pencil mustache to add on to his emphasis of having a new appearance while still staying in his time.
A post depression mustache if you will.
As for some of his creepy aspects I'm cutting out the voodoo elements of his character, and instead using the uncanny and analog horror elements instead (I am a simple creature).
I need to actually remake the color pallets for him and old Vox, but essentially they both start off as black and white or with grey like colors, and gain new ones after they split up. Vox becomes more saturated and Alastor becomes sepiatone, as while it's more colorful it's still is reminiscent of the past.
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Now time for some of the silly rivalry bits:
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I’d image they would have casual debates on the radio and tv that would soon devolve into insults and eventually nothing but 30/50s slang and Creole French that would last for hours.
I need to finish writing this bit, but basically Charlie sees it as a good idea to go on Vox’s talk show to promote the hotel and herself. There’s some lil rivalry moments between Vox and Al, but ultimately Vox doesn’t fully let his grudges get in the way of hosting a good show.
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Even though they mutually broke up they still each regret ending the relationship, and as such covey their loneliness in their respective mediums. Vox making sad, gay movies and being so worn out after that when he watches them he doesn’t even know what he made.
And Alastor having a late night audio story about a turtle and a hare going on adventures. There are times where he’ll just start describing crushing regret and isolation, and he’ll realize that he may have gone a bit far and try to steer it towards more of a happy ending with Vox listening in on all of it.
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Something something relationship meme with a sketch I’ll probably never finish. Also surprising, but also not that surprising, to me that in "Stayed Gone" they didn't go with the obvious joke on what to call his late night talk show.
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The grrls r fighting!! But for real this time.
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Been playing with the idea of Vox turning into pure energy when he's overly stressed, or just becoming a weird robot creature as form he can take as an overlord. It's probably going to result in a lot of sketches where I 𝘵𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 won't use Videodrome as inspiration (lie).
At some point I need to get a good animation program and just start making a bunch of animatics or animations cause I have so many song inspirations for these two.
Specifically one that I want to make a whole animation for is “(They Long to Be) Close to You.” Basically it’s just going to be them fighting interspersed with moments of them waltzing together. I think you can probably parse out the metaphors and connections I'm going for here.
Also me and a friend were talking about song inspirations and after I continually listened, watched, and worked (at least for me) on Hadestown we just replaced Hades with Vox in some of the songs.
One stanza that I need to make an animatic for is in Chant Reprise, specifically 2:33-3:18 with the “I conduct the electric city” line.
This is going to become a bit of promotion for the show cause I love it so much. Probably my favorite musical ever! Also highly recommend listening to this version of "Chant," cause there’s a verse for Persephone and Eurydice that provide some cool reflections that reflect the original “Chant” in their verses.
There’s no direct references to any of the other characters, although you can add your own interpretations.
On that note here’s another song that reflects them. “How Long?” mainly with the “your pity won’t fit in my bed” lines, and when Hades and Persephone are actually singing to each other turning it into being about their relationship instead of the fates of Orpheus and Eurydice.
And a lil teaser for how they make up:
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Will make another post about them. I have so many sketches WWHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T ESCAPE EITHER VERSION!!!!
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naathanuwu · 3 months
Home sweet planetarium
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(Rushed drawing by me)
Vox x masc!reader
Category: fluff
Word count: 504
Summary: You’ve been dating Vox for a few weeks. After getting cancelled on again you had enough and decided to bring the date over to Vox’s penthouse.
Warning: Light usage of cursing- it’s like one word, mentioned Valentino
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The room was dark and chairs were set out perfectly to pull blankets over them. As you did just that, things were coming along. There was one more thing missing. Looking for a plug, you added the last perfect detail. A small star projector, making the interior of the blanket fort light up with stunning constellations.
To be honest you have had enough of Vox’s stressed and barely present attitude. If there was one thing you could do perfectly, it’s to prepare something nice and comforting. Something to ease the end of Vox’s long day. Soft cushions and blankets were layed out on the floor beneath the blanket roof.
(You were unsure if Vox had enough or even any comfortable bedding, so you brought your own stuff with you.)
Now adding the last few details you hear the elevator ding. Sudden excitement rises within you, wondering how your boyfriend would react. To be quite fair this is incredibly silly, but if Vox wanted something serious with you he had to deal with it.
“Uhh… what the fuck?” You could hear Vox’s voice echo through the room as he saw the odd fort. He couldn’t really make out why it was in his penthouse. All Vox could assume was that Valentino wanted to do something kinky.
You quickly crawled out of the tend and jumped up doing jazz hands. To Vox’s relief. “Surpriseeee~ I came over anyway- even tho you told me not to… yay?”
Vox just kinda stared at you and then back to the fort. He had no clue what this meant. Dating you has opened Vox to many things. One of them being silly and affectionate gestures for nothing materialistic in return. You caught onto that real quick walking up towards him.
“You’ve been working your ass off the entire week and I kinda missed you. I didn’t want to force you to do something that might exhaust you even more, so I thought why not make your home extra cozy?” You gently tucked your hand around his arm, pulling him with you towards the blanket fort. It did look ugly from the outside, you had to admit that.
Once Vox saw the interior of the blanket fort his heart melted a little. “Wow… this doesn’t look as shit as I expected.” He followed you into the tent, his gaze fixated on the stars. It was pretty odd to see something like that, especially coming from an adult.
“I know, I should’ve done this in your aquarium or something. How thoughtless of me…” You sigh out dramatically, dropping your chin onto his shoulder. The dramatic action more of a request of gratitude than genuine critique towards yourself.
Vox placed his clawed hand on your shoulder and lied back, pulling you down with him. The projected stars slowly and smoothly moving, earning Vox’s full visual attention. “This is quite nice actually… you shouldn’t have done something like that, you know?”
“Yeah, but I wanted to. Building blanket forts was one of my favourite things to do as a kid.” You shrug snuggling up to Vox.
A direct thank you would be too much to ask for, but his actions reflect his gratitude. You asked Vox about his childhood and that conversation turned into trauma bonding. Time seems to stop as Vox and you were just trapped in the (fake) starlight, eventually passing out into sleep.
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A/n: Hello my beloved Vox simps and fanfic enjoyers! I hope you have enjoyed reading my sweet short fanfiction. I know that in the pole from yesterday smutt won, but I already finished this fluff fic yesterday and worked on the title drawing for it as well.
I’ll get working on the smutt fic next though! It might take a little longer cause I’m a little shy about it hehehe
Ps: Can we appreciate the little separators I made? It’s tiny Vox sending smooches :’)
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niexigo · 1 month
I gotta bunch of Hazbin fic/au ideas in my head. I doubt I'd do any of them, but I'd like to share for others to try.
1: if alastor actually joined the Vees, he'd have to adapt to the present tech and not just stay a radio host.
This is the thought that if Al accepted Vox's invitation to the Vee's, Vox would either encourage, or make alastor upgrade to the current technology.
Alastor would still be his show-y self, but he'd be way more modern. Basically just a clone of Vox if he was less pathetic. (joking, love my flat faced Prince)
This could just be another radiostatic/radiosilence fic, though I like the thought of a twist, with alastor actually hating this, and eventually having a massive brake down. Him never saying/doing anything because he was either in to deep already, or because his soul was owned, and couldn't do anything if he wanted to.
Also because I picture Vox as a clingy bastard, Vox would basically make alastor do everything with him. Maybe it's just at the beginning, but now they're more of a duo then individual single overlords.
Going more in detail, While Vox would still be in charge of making tech while also being a talk show host and things like that, Al would be more public eye media. Not just radio, but TV and live streams as well. To make it make sense, velvet would be social media, apps and things like that, while Vox and Al would be more TV. The difference is like Youtube and Cable. You know which generation watched more of the other. Though in this, Vox would be more in the background, working on technical stuff, while Al would be more limelight, actually on screen and things like that. Idk, does that make sense? He'd basically be Vox's show pony.
This could also be included with Vox’s whole cult thing. I’ve heard that Vox was a cult leader (televangelist specifically) when he was alive, so maybe he’d make Al join that somehow as well.
I do kinda seeing the two doing everything on and off screen together. Maybe not happily, at least on Al’s side, but they’d do it because 1: Vox was the one who invited Alastor in the first place, 2: Vox is basically Al’s only “friend” out of the Vee’s, and 3: Vox is a clingy bastard. (JkJk)
I’m writing this like I could be a fic, but what got me more excited about those would be Alastor’s new design. He couldn’t just be himself, as he’s already adapted this much, a new outfit would be the bare minimum. Probably a new name too, but but ya know. I couldn’t draw it (I can barely draw the man as it is), but ya know. Maybe throw in some blue or black in there, all the Vee’s have a secondary color with their red/pink, so Al should not be all red.
If this was a fic, I’d love to see it. I definitely couldn’t write it, as I’m more into romance and think this is too technical for me, I’d think I’d be good. I still have bunch of ideas about this, so if you want more, ask.
I know this isn’t a particularly new idea, but I wanted to share my take on it. Idk, maybe my take isn’t that original though. While this was inspired by other take on if Alastor joined the Vee’s, it skyrocketed after listening to “Count the Ways” by Dheusta. I know that it’s a fnaf song, but his impression of Funtime Freddy just reminded me of Alastor’s aura, just a bit more tech-y.
Anyway, I got two more ideas after this. All Vox/Alastor based (can you tell they’re my favorite), but I can’t share them here pre else this will be too long. I’ll show them later, but this is it for now.
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Mishap At The Moth’s Studio
A/N: Okay, so. I hate Val, but love his character outside of the Angel stuff. So, I’ll give you guys a warning first.
⚠️WARNING⚠️: Valentino will not always be portrayed the same, in every agere fic he’s written in. Depending on how I want to portray him in a fic, he will either be Good or Bad, Better or Worse, or in between.
And here, in this fic, he’s in between. —The same goes for the other Vees too, btw. They won’t hurt Angel, but they will act like amateur babysitters. There’s also swearing.
Forgive me, for I’m not used to writing for agere. I’m just starting, so I might be a bit sloppy.
Angel sat in his chair as the minutes ticked closer to shooting the next scene.
However, he was feeling uncharacteristically anxious.
Well, he had only recorded three scenes, and his mind already started feeling fuzzy from exhaustion, plunging him into a state of fear and vulnerability. He couldn’t let anyone outisde of the hotel —let alone, anyone at Val’s studio and Val himself!— see him regressing!
However, being surrounded by unfamiliar faces and the hustle and bustle of the studio, Angel's senses were overwhelmed, and he couldn't contain his distress. He couldn’t stay big.
He eventually started slipping.
Tears streamed down his face as he cried out, drawing attention from the crew members and actors preparing for the next shoot. Their confused and concerned stares only added to Angel's anxiety.
The looks from multiple eyes, scared and prompted Angel to seek refuge under the nearby bed he had just finished recording on.
Valentino, normally quick to anger, was taken aback by Angel's behavior and quirked an eyebrow at the spider’s sudden action.
He’s seen Angel scared before, sure. But, for him to suddenly start bawling like a child, then hiding under the bed? That’s not something you see everyday.
Valentino walked towards the bed, and crouched down to meet eye to eye with the cowering spider. “Angel, what the fuck are you doing under there?" The moth questioned, slight irritation evident in his tone.
Angel whimpered and covered his ears, his speech reduced to childish babbling. "No no! Bad words are bad!" he protested, his voice trembling with fear.
Valentino, completely baffled by Angel's sudden change behavior, could only blink in disbelief.
“What the hell...?" he muttered under his breath, but Angel heard him loud and clear. In response, he burrowed even deeper under the bed, seeking refuge from Valentino's confusion.
Growing increasingly irritated, Valentino sternly commanded Angel to come out from his hiding spot, his words laced with curses. “Alright, Angel! Enough with this game! Cut the horseshit and get the fuck out of there! Don’t make me tell you again, you little mocoso!”
But instead of complying, Angel shrank further into the shadows, his fear of Valentino consuming him entirely.
Valentino stood up with gritted teeth, as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number. He held it up to his face, glaring at Angel's trembling form still hidden beneath the bed.
Vox answered the video call. On the other side of the screen, the TV demon rolled his eyes dramatically. "What did Angel do to piss you off this time, Val?" he quipped, his attention focused on something off-screen.
Valentino scowled at Vox's nonchalant attitude. "How'd you know this was about Angel?"
Vox finally glanced at Valentino through the video call. "You're always bitching about Angel. So spill, what's the latest drama between you two?"
Valentino angled the phone's camera towards the bed, revealing Angel's tear-streaked face as he cowered beneath the bedcovers, all four of his arms shielding his eyes from the world.
“Angel's acting like a damn toddler. Won't come out from under the bed, crying and whining like a little brat." The moth explained.
Vox's expression shifted from amusement to curiosity as he watched Angel's distressed state, raising a brow.
Valentino asks, “Any ideas on what type of high the bitch is on?”
“Potty mouth!” Angel points at Valentino.
Ignoring the banter, Vox turns away, “Hang on. I think I’ve seen this before. Give me a sec…” Quietly, he began typing on his keyboard, searching for information on the ‘symptoms’ he was witnessing.
After a moment of silence, Vox looked back at Valentino, his demeanor more serious now. "Val, I think Angel might be experiencing something called ‘age regression’…”
He explained, his voice softer than before. "It's a coping mechanism where someone reverts to a childlike state in times of stress or trauma."
Valentino's frustration subsided as he process the information given. "So, what do I do?
Vox rubbed the space on his screen between his eyes. “I don’t normally care about this stuff… But, if anyone knew a regressor was hired as one of your ‘stars’…. Well, let’s just say you wouldn’t like what caregivers would do to you.”
He leaned closer to the camera, his gaze serious. "You need to approach him gently and calmly, like you would with a scared child. Try to reassure him that he's safe and that you're here to help," he advised, his tone firm.
Valentino's brows furrowed at the given instructions, "I'm a pimp, Vox. Not a babysitter!" He yelled into the phone.
Vox raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by Valentino's outburst. "Well, your favorite boy toy isn't gonna perform properly until he's done regressing. And we can’t take him out of the V Tower, in that state. Witnesses are everywhere. ‘Cause unless you know the passcode to his phone, and call up anyone from the hotel, the only option is to take care of him, until he’s big enough to walk home by himself.
He looked at the moth dead in the eye, his tone unyielding. "Suck it up and deal with it."
"Ugh! Fine! Whatever!" Valentino grumbled, his frustration evident as he muttered curses in Spanish under his breath. "But how the hell do you propose I get him out from under the damn bed?"
Vox leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "Try offering him something comforting, like a plush toy or a blanket," he suggested. "And speak to him gently, like you actually give a damn. It might just do the trick."
“I’ll consider the sweet talking, but I don’t have any of those type of toys! What industry do you think I’m in charge of!?” Valentino snapped at the flat faced demon.
“Well then…! I don’t know!? Use your wings!” Vox yelled back.
Valentino blinked, taken aback by Vox's unconventional suggestion. "My wings?" he repeated.
Vox nodded, "Yeah, they're pretty fancy looking for a kid’s liking. Turn your back to Angel, spread your wings out, and flutter them up and down to attract his attention. Get him to chase you like a butterfly," he explained, biting back a laugh at his own suggestion.
"I'm a moth," He pointed out, feeling the need to clarify.
"Same difference! Just fucking do it," Vox insisted. “And get on all fours. You’re ten feet tall, you’re height’s probably scaring him.”
Valentino sighed, realizing he had little choice but to trust Vox's advice. So, he set the phone on a nearby desk, so Vox can still see them.
With a resigned shrug, Valentino positioned himself with his back to Angel, getting down on all fours to be at his level once more, and spread his wings out wide. With a tentative flutter, he began to move them up and down, hoping to catch Angel's attention and coax him out from his hiding spot beneath the bed.
Vox struggled to contain his laughter as he watched Valentino reluctantly follow his instructions. "Pfft…! O-Okay, keep doing that with your wings.” A snort slipped out of him.
“Now, crawl away from him. Get him to crawl after you," he instructed, barely able to stifle his amusement.
Valentino shot Vox a glare, his patience wearing thin. "Fuck you," he muttered under his breath, careful not to startle Angel again. Because, he was apparently sensitive to profanity in this state. Oh the irony.
But Vox couldn't help himself. "It's working, isn't it?" he teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Now, try to coax him in a baby voice. Lure him out by cooing at him."
“Oh, for fuck’s sake…” Valentino let out an exasperated groan and facepalmed, feeling utterly ridiculous. “Fuck my life….”
Ignoring Vox's laughter, he continued to flap his wings and lure Angel out from under the bed. "Here, Angel... Come here, Angelcakes. Pspspss…” He cooed, his voice strained with humiliation.
"Shut the hell up, Voxxy!" Valentino snapped, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I swear to hell, I’m going to hang up!”
Meanwhile, the rest of the set crew struggled to contain their own laughter, the scene unfolding before them more amusing than any script they had ever read. But, they all knew they needed to keep to themselves, unless they wanted to feel thwarted wrath of their later.
Thankfully, the stupid strategy Vox came up with, seemed to worked. Angel, started crawling out of his hiding spot. His eyes shimmered with awe as he stared at the fluttering wings.
“Oooh!” Angel gasped with fascination. “Butte’fwy!”
A tick mark formed on the Val’s head. “I’M NOT A—“ He groaned, and decided to just accept it. “Yes… Butterfly! Follow the pretty butter—OOF!”
The moth fell right on his face, his glasses slightly cracked, when Angel had suddenly leaped and tackled him to the ground.
Angel fiddled with the moth’s wings and fluff. “Mr. Butte’fwy is ‘o pwetty!”
Valentino sighed, as he slowly pushed himself up from the ground, taking off his glasses and setting them on the same desk as his phone where a hysterical Vox was.
“Ohohoho This is tohoho good! I can’t wait to send this to Velvette!” Vox cackled, wiping a tear from his eye.
The moth glared at him, “You were recording us!?”
“Why wouldn’t I? Bwahahaha—WHOA!” Vox fell off his chair in a loud crash.
After 3 seconds of spewing out some colorful words, he picked himself back up.
Valentino rubbed his temples, as he tried to maintain his balance, while a hyper Angel Dust was crawling up his back and harshly pulling at his wings. “Look… could you come over here…? I don’t if you’ve heard Voxxy, but ‘child friendly’ isn’t really the rating I specialize in.”
“You think I’D know how to handle a child, let alone someone in their little headspace?” Vox asked, dramatically placing a hand to his chest. “Vel may call me in all the time, to calm your temper tantrums, but that doesn’t mean I know how to change a diaper.”
Then the realization dawned on Valentino. “H-He… doesn’t actually need a diaper… right?”
Vox gave him a smug, shit eating grin. “That depends on what age range he’s regressed into.”
Then he turned his eyes to Angel, “Hey, Angie!” The TV demon, called to the spider, using his friendly showman voice. “How old are you, huh sport?”
Angel paused in his self-entertainment, and looked at Vox with doe eyes. He then looked at the ceiling, and bit his finger while thinking.
Then, he held up three fingers and enthusiastically answered, “This much!”
Vox looked back at a petrified moth, and smirked. “Good luck. Better pray to hell, he doesn’t need to go.”
Valentino, snatched his phone from the desk. “Vo—“
The call ended.
I decided to stop here, for now.
The next part will have Velvette, and Vox will show up in person.
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im-so-tired52 · 2 months
Should I make a drawing or two for every chapter of ‘His favorite Alibi’?
Like when I’ll eventually introduce Human Vox I could draw him getting really upset over Alastor’s existence and proximity to Violet, or I could draw Annie bonding with Alastor?
Currently the plan is a chapter every 1-3 days but the art would significantly slow it possibly to more like once a week or less frequently. Although I suppose I could bring in some of my artist friends to help?
Warning I’m not a great artist I literally just sketch for funsies so it would be like sketches
What do we think?
Art examples below cut
This is some of my art from a while ago before I started getting into abstract art instead of drawing people (hence why I’m called RJ in them, as going by Nickie is newer, since i started using that upon realizing my lack of gender).
First two are me and my then girlfriend
Third is Mother Earth
Forth was an old friend (Hajabs are hard to draw. Don’t judge me)
‼️Disclaimer that Mother Earth, mushroom girl, and my friend were all drawn with a picrew as reference as I drew them when I was first learning to draw people‼️
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Also here’s mushroom girl! She’s loosely based off of me as a teenager (when I first made her)
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Here’s some abstract art stuff I did for pride last year. Hopefully this can prove I can do backgrounds lol
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Tag list:
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shadowkat678 · 2 years
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I posted 26,487 times in 2022
That's 6,310 more posts than 2021!
247 posts created (1%)
26,240 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 634 of my posts in 2022
#the legend of vox machina - 30 posts
#tlovm spoilers - 26 posts
#unreality - 19 posts
#critical role - 18 posts
#dungeons and dragons - 16 posts
#tlovm - 10 posts
#the raven queen - 10 posts
#toh spoilers - 9 posts
#lovm spoilers - 8 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but i have it on good authority their home blueprints of the layout shows that the true basement should be ten feet deeper from the stairs
My Top Posts in 2022:
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44 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
So apparently people really like my Dragon Heist remix!
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It has been suggested I put all my documents in actual PDFs and sell them on DMS Guild but I have no idea how to do that. Maybe eventually.
But in the meantime y'all can check it all out here!
Anyway tell me what you think. This was a lot of work and yes I do seek validation. Any ideas on areas I could expand upon more? What I should tackle next? Let me know!
45 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
I want to see my writing be psychoanalyzed like I see with media on Tumblr. That’s how I’ll know I made it. I don’t care if I sell like 100 copies of something one day someone can send me a letter digging into the details and writing a ten page essay and I’ll be like “Okay I’m content now.”
46 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
Well I was blocked so let me just put this here.
Asexual cisgender people are, by default, not hetrosexual cisgender. It doesn't matter if they're romantically attracted to the opposite sex or not. They are not cishets, and in places where any queerness is punished by law and by social norms, being a queer identity is enough to put you in danger.
Even if you're operating under the assumption that in places like the USA ace and aro people don't face as much structural impression, that absolutely IS NOT TRUE everywhere. When gay people are thrown off buildings, and someone hears you say you're Xsexual instead of cishet, they are not going to pause to ask the nuances. They will hate and harm you for the sole reason of existing as a queer person.
I've seen aces and aros have to run away from their home countries right alongside trans and gay people who had to.
It's 2022. Can we please stop the discourse over this and realize any queer person, in a good very sizable chunk of the world, will not get you ANY amount of privilege akin to being a cishet.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk and that is the end of my thoughts on the matter.
51 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So I got this new ad:
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And got ~vibes~, so I looked it up and when I dug into it this school is a Catholic organization that's widely been blasted for pushing native cultural assimilation in their past. Supposedly they're currently trying to right wrongs and pushing classes that teach native languages and crafts.
But I know there's been talk about stuff still occuring and being swept under the rug as well as avoiding responsibility for past actions by shutting down lawsuits and supporting laws that protect them from legal action.
I'm not native, but I wanted to draw attention to this new ad and see if there's any native users who know more that can chime in on this.
I'm going to blaze this post in hopes of getting seen by someone with more knowledge on this. On the surface my first impression was it was a school run by native cultural activists pushing to teach kids more about their culture, as I've heard of them popping up more to fight back against historical assimilation. But it's a Catholic school and, uh, they obviously have a HISTORY behind them that's not great, to put it mildly.
346 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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artsartblog · 10 days
I’m back in the fucking building again/ref
But yeah, I’m here to present more of my art to tumblr. Enjoy!
These first couple of pieces are of my Hazbin Hotel oc Esme. She is, as stated in the art, a fallen angel. She has a massive crush on Lucifer; one so large that she literally fell from heaven for him lol. I’m joking, but she did get kicked out of heaven because of Lucifer. Not that it’s really his fault. Heaven just wasn’t the same without him. Plus, she was all for his ideas, so it wasn’t long after Hell was made that she ended up there. Throughout all of season 1 she wears a demon disguise because she’s not keen on being known as an angel in Hell. Especially since she’s been living like an Overlord ever since she got back on her feet. She spent some time under Lucifer and Lilith’s protection after her fall, healing from the loss of her wings (which eventually grew back). The first drawing is my initial drawings of Esme to get her design down. The one after it is just some random doodles I made of her. Including her fallen angel form (the one of her punching Adam). (Small side note: In creating Esme, I had the idea of her being sort of like Cupid and the Fates. She is the one who started connecting people with strings. Who is meant to be she knows, not just romantically, and she can see the strings that bind them, especially when those binds are going to change. Each bond having their own specific colors.)
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These next pieces are some refs I’ve made for Esme. The first one is her demon form during season 1 and the second one is her embracing her (human) angel form going into season 2. (Note: I say human angel form because it’s still technically her angel form, just not her full angel form that includes all the eyes). The third ref is just Esme in a new outfit that she gets in season 2 to further embrace her true self.
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This next one is just a "What if?" scenario that I wanted to draw out. It's basically just "What if Esme owned Vox's soul?". It's not canon to Esme's lore, but I do keep thinking about how fun it'd be to make it canon lol.
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Moving on from the Hazbin Hotel fandom onto the Sonic fandom, I present to you a collage of Cherry drawings. They're just various prompts that my friends and I were coming up with since we have our own little AU in our server. A little context for Swap Cherry, it’s just Cherry having swapped outfits with Amy nothing else.
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This next one is just a fun idea I wanted to do since tumblr has been showing so many Sonic fankids, so I caved in and made some fankids myself.
Dawn is the oldest and she looks the most like Cherry and Shadow. (She is the only one to truly be canon in the AU I’m doing with some friends, but this is an offshoot AU of that sorta.) Fern is the middle child and he looks more like Sonic and Cherry. Aurora is the youngest, but takes after all three of her parents. However, the three are actually triplets so they’re all actually the same age lol. Dawn and Fern are the “speedsters” out of the three, but really only Fern is fast on his feet. Dawn’s super speed kicks in when she flies instead of running. Aurora is fast when she runs and flies, but not like her siblings. Her strength lies in her plant powers and chaos powers. She is a lot more connected to the chaos energy that runs through her (as well as the alien dna) than her siblings. Though Fern has less of a connection to those than his siblings, taking after Sonic’s genes more than Shadow’s genes or Cherry’s genes.
More info on them to come (aka gotta think more about them) Also, a side note, in my Triplet Kids AU Sonia and Manic do exist ^w^
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That’s all for this post folks. I was going to include my pride art piece, but I’ll make a separate post for that. If you enjoyed be sure to show the love and don’t be afraid to reblog this! If you have any questions or just want to hear me ramble about my ocs feel free to drop a little ask in the ask box!
As always, have a wonderful day and remember to always stay creative!!!!!
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darlingwhump · 2 years
Whumpy Media: D&D
I could go for a typical TV show or movie, but like the rest of my account, I’m gonna turn to D&D. Specifically, whumpy character backstories in actual play shows that I like! I’ll also put a few specific episodes bc by nature these shows are...very long. So you can skip right to those whumpy moments. And I couldn’t pick one character’s backstory so here’s 3! I had a lot of fun compiling this list so enjoy!
WARNING: Huge spoilers for Critical Role Campaigns 1 & 2, as well as both seasons of Fantasy High.
CW: minor whumpees, long-term captivity, experimentation, magic whump, mind control, vampire whumper, family trauma, insanity, implied parental abuse, burns, blood
Cassandra de Rolo (Critical Role C1)
Cassandra is only an NPC in the first campaign of Critical Role, but her backstory is traumatizing and very memorable. She’s the sister of one of the player characters, Percy de Rolo, who for the longest time believed her to be dead. When she and Percy were only children, the Briarwoods (a rly hot couple including a vampire and necromancer) slaughtered their entire family and took over Whitestone, the city they ruled. Percy managed to escape after being experimented on by one of the Briarwoods’ lackeys: Anna Ripley, but Cassandra, who had been in hiding, was later caught by the Briarwoods. She spent her teenagedom as their “personal slave” and as a symbol to the Whitestone citizens that the Briarwoods were more powerful than the de Rolos. She managed to sneak some information to the rebellion, but not without the resulting trauma.
When Percy & Vox Machina find her, her former professor slits her throat to distract the adventurers, but the party manages to save her. She helps the party travel deeper into the Briarwoods’ lair beneath the castle, but ends up betraying them due to her stockholm syndrome and mind control on Lord Briarwood (the vampire)’s part. Eventually she comes back to herself and even deals the final blow to Lady Briarwood.
Clips (goes right to timestamp of the scene): Cassandra’s throat slitting (LOVM), “[Anders] wanted me to draw you in” & Cassandra’s side of the story (live show), Cassandra Betrays Percy (LOVM)
Aelwyn & Adaine Abernant (Fantasy High)
You want family trauma and villain whump? Look no further than the Abernant sisters! Adaine Abernant is a player character and Aelwyn is her popular, snooty older sister. In season 1 of Fantasy High, Aelwyn is working with the main villain and is a bully to her younger sister. In season 2, it is revealed that she was sent to an elven prison as punishment for her crimes, where she has been stuck in a tiny orb for months on end. She has effectively gone insane by the time the Bad Kids (fantasy high adventuring party) find her. Adaine gets captured as well, and realizes that her sister is a victim of their parents’ abuse as well. 
Adaine isn’t able to escape with Aelwyn, but in the final episode of season 2, when the Abernant parents trap Adaine to prevent her from interfering with their plans, Aelwyn steps in to save her. Lots of emotional sister bonding and parental trauma. Plus the aspect of a former villain being so broken that their redemption arc is almost a given. I just love the Abernant sisters so much I will always gush about them.
Whumpy clips: Adaine finds Aelwyn, “Nobody deserves this”, “For once, it’s better to just do what [our parents] ask”, & “As much as I would love to see Adaine suffer...she’s just a baby!” (<-- this entire scene made me sob)
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role C2)
Caleb’s backstory in Campaign 2 (Mighty Nein) of Critical Role was so whumpy that it convinced me to watch the show. He was basically a prodigy taken in by this very cruel professor. Said professor did experiments on his students and trained them to be magical assassins without emotion. The final part of their training involves killing their parents, who the students believe betrayed their nation due to memory modification. Caleb went insane after killing his parents and was put in an asylum for 13-ish years so the professor could keep him in reserves. 
Liam O’Brien (Caleb’s player and creator) has also mentioned other torturous methods the blumentrio (Caleb and his canonically poly lovers) and other students went through. Including being locked in a freezing tower overnight where the three teenagers had to huddle for warmth and the professor embedding crystals in their skin. In the beginning of the campaign, Caleb wears bandages on his arms to hide the scars from the crystals. Later on, once he tells the party about his past, he stops wearing them. When the Mighty Nein meet the evil professor towards the end of the campaign, he even goes so far to say that even though Caleb went insane and escaped, that the professor had still been “successful.” And that he was proud of Caleb. Super creepy dude.
Whumpy Clips: "I am going to tell you the story of how I murdered my mother and father” & “How did I get to the sanatorium?”
Honorable Mentions: Nott the Brave/Veth Brenatto, Laudna, the entirety of A Crown of Candy, all of EXU Calamity
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ashen-crest · 2 years
Percy cosplay progress #2: his mask!
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[ID: a screenshot from the show Vox Machina, showing Percy with his plague doctor mask on. end ID]
Hereeeee we go! Progress pictures and notes under the cut.
I drew the mask per usual- it helps me figure out what the heck the shapes are, and helps me notice details I may not have picked up otherwise.
Left is from the screenshot, right is from the Etsy pattern, with some notes and adjustments.
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[ID: two pencil drawings of a plague doctor mask, with some handwritten notes underneath. end ID]
Okay, so I didn’t come up with the pattern all on my own- I downloaded this one from Etsy, modified the bottom to better match Percy’s, and cut out the pieces from 5mm and 2mm foam.
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[ID: a photo of plague doctor mask foam pieces displayed on a wooden floor. end ID]
I ended up not using that yellow bottom piece, as it doesn’t really have that, like, bottom lip? that percy’s does.
After some trial and error with the bottom piece, I managed to glue all the pieces together (super glue this time).
I had to redo this a few times, as heat-shaping will lose the texture, but I used a wad of aluminum foil to apply a leathery texture to the pieces before and after assembly. It’s subtle, but you can see it a bit here:
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[ID: a photo of a plague doctor mask foam piece, with a crinkly texture to it. end ID]
Assembly/More Details
After gluing everything together, I tried to a) add back the leather texture I lost during heat-shaping, and b) add more details, like stitch lines and raised stitches. This will all be painted black eventually, so it’ll be more subtle than what you see here. The mask also stretches a bit when worn, so the purple part won’t be as pointy.
(I’ll add those purple rectangles to that drawn area eventually, I just have to wait for the foam clay stitches to dry first. The foam stitches are a bit rough- I’m hoping it’s less noticeable once everything is painted black.)
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[ID: a photo of the assembled foam mask, with carved stitch lines and raised stitches added via pieces of foam clay. end ID]
And that’s all I got for tonight!
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wombywoo · 3 years
Are you going to eventually make prints for Vox Machina as well?
I actually have only watched campaign two so far, but I have plans to watch the first campaign as well! I’ll probably be inclined to draw some art for them too ;))
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Hazbinstagram: The Case of the Missing Blitzo
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A Hazbinstagram ™ story
  An ongoing story from the great creators and artists of "Hazbinstagram!"
For as long as he could remember since July, Blitzo had found a new horse to be his loving friend. He loved her so much, that he gave her different names everyday. During his everyday life at I.M.P. Blitzo had claimed that his horse had helped him make decisions. His associates thought the horse was part of his imagination. Stolas wanted to meet his horse as well, to see what she looked like.
But one day, Blitzo mysteriously disappears after posing in a picture full of static. Many speculate that he had been kidnapped.
But who? Could it be the demon who photo-bombed his last photo? His horse? A rival company?
Or perhaps a familiar radio loving demon with sinister plans of his own...
Alastor has a shadowy horse creature with a skeletal body, sharp teeth and black wings. The eyes glow teal and the mane and tail are thick and black. The creature may have captured Blitzo and gone back to its master. (Art and idea by Radio Hazbin!)
Fun Fact: Alastor was also the name of one of Hades' horses when he rose from the ground to capture Persephone.
 Blitzo was seen smiling as he took a selfie in static. Red and black shapes were behind him, appearing to be a distorted form of reality.
 Blitzo spoke and texted with static lacing his words: “Hanging with my horse, Enamel Pin. She said it was ok for me to take a picture with her. O3O.”
 Cherri Bomb responded: “What the hell type of horse does this to a camera?”
 Other comments soon appeared on Instagram, or rather, Voxtagram as the TV Overlord owned all technological platforms.
 “No horse does that, but I know a deer who does.”
 “Who else is red, got antlers on his head and doesn’t like being on camera?”
 “I don’t think that’s a horse, I think that’s a certain deer overlord.”
 “Alastor, is that you?”
 “I think Blitzo’s horse friend might be a certain radio demon.”
 “Oh deer.”
 “I wonder if the horse and Alastor are related. He also has the effect on pictures.”
 “Are we speculating that Blitzo is riding Alastor…a new ship is coming!”
 “Please save Blitzo from that thing.”
  Stolas was concerned, and began to type. “Hm…Blitzo, I’m a bit concerned about your horse friend. I haven’t read anything on horses distorting cameras. Can we talk?”
 Blitzo replied in an arrogant tone: “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My horse can do whatever she wants. She’s just cool like that.”
 Stolas responded: “Alright, if you say so. I may do some more research on this. But I am glad she’s so kind to you, Blitzy.”
 Blitzo added: “She’s very nice and eats the cockroaches at my place.”
 Later, Blitzo posted a child-like colored drawing of himself holding an iced coffee in his hand. Below the drawing was a colored tan horse with a black mane with her head lowered, surrounded by gray. The picture read: ”How I met my horsie. One day, I was just walking to get coffee again. She was all alone. I asked her if she wanted coffee. She said “You bet I do.” As we sat at the table, everyone ran away screaming for some reason.”
 Blitzo posted: “The comic of my horsie and me meeting for the first time.”
 Moxxie responded with: “Will all due respect sir, your “horsie” looks nothing like that.”  
 A commenter asked, “Does he look like a deer?”
 Moxxie was flabbergasted at the comments. “Why do you guys keep saying that thing looks like a deer? That thing looks nothing close to those. You humans are weirdly obsessed with deers.”
 Another commenter warned: “It might be the Radio Demon. Please warn your boss, Moxxie.”
 The grumpy imp wasn’t having it. Moxxie posted: “What are you all talking about?! That “horsie” looks nothing similar to the Radio Demon. Your strange obsessions over the Radio Demon worries me, humans.”
 (That’s the fandom for you, Moxxie!!!)
 Another commenter yelled: “Moxxie, what the hell does the horse look like?!”
 Moxxie replied: “I’d rather not talk about it.”
 Blitzo stepped in. “It was because my horse was amazing and beautiful. Moxxie is just being a puss.”
 Moxxie grumbled and typed: “I disagree, sir. Just keep that thing away from me.”
 Blitzo was offended: “She has a name, Mox!”
 Moxxie: “Sir, I can’t keep up with all the nonsensical names you keep giving it! What even is it right now?!”
 Blitzo: “Her name is Sandal! She is just very fond of getting her names.”
 Stolas added: “This is sweet. I’d really love to meet your horse friend someday.”
 Moxxie had a bad gut feeling inside him. It was the same feeling he had when his boss had brought one of the Furby imp creatures home. They were known to inhibit an old organ that was now in Alastor’s possession “Your Highness, I really don’t think this is a good idea.”
  Bitzo then took a selfie of himself with iced coffee in his hand. Behind him, an imp wearing a gray mask was seen standing with a knife over another imp on the ground. Blitzo posted: “Just got coffee and I was taking a selfie when this guy photobombed my picture. Not cool. My horse (renamed to Glove) is down the street. Waiting for her right now.”
 Stolas agreeed: “Some people are so inconsiderate.”
 Someone asked: “How does the coffee taste?” Blitzo replied with “Gooood.”
 Somebody else asked: “Why does this look like Moxxie killing Millie?”
 Moxxie fumed as he responded: “What the fuck is wrong with you humans?! Why would I ever hurt Millie? You humans are disgusting.”
 Several hours pass by. A concerned and confused Stolas held his white rotary phone with little wings on it in his hand. He posted: “Blitzo didn’t answer for our scheduled call. I suppose I’ll try again tomorrow.”
 The next day passed. Stolas stared forlornly at his rotary phone. He posted: “Tried calling Blitzo again. His receptionist said he hasn’t been in today but she’d have him call me back (I don’t think she will). Via is mad at me. This is a terrible day…”
 Someone asked, “Why is Via angry?”
 Stolas responded: “Via is angry with me because I wouldn’t let her go to a concert without supervision.”
 Moxxie later posted a picture of himself in his room by closed blinds. He had a sad, far-away look on his face, a contrast to his usually grumpy demeanor. He posted: “I enjoyed how peaceful it has been as of late. But this is just awfully quiet…Not that I care, but has anyone seen the smooth brain noise maker that is my boss?”
 Stolas texted Moxxie: “He hasn’t been there at all?!”
 Moxxie said: “No, Your Highness. I haven’t seen him around since he went out to get coffee.”
 Stolas: “Have you contacted his daughter?”
 Moxxie: “Well, yes, but she keeps ignoring me.”
 Stolas texted Moxxie, Millie and Loona: “Has Blitzo been home? Is he alright?”
 Loona: “He’s not on his couch, so no. I don’t know man, maybe he found horses outside, ran after them and got lost…”
 Angel Dust came in to the conversation as well. “Man, mystery shows are hitting real now.”
 Loona posted a picture of an empty couch with a pink pillow on it. She said: “He’s not home yet, I thought he’d be back by now.”
 Stolas: “We’ll find him.”
 Loona: “He’d better have a good fucking excuse.”
 Moxxie: “For once, I agree with you, Loona.”
 Stolas later held up a flier of Blitzo flipping the bird. On the top, the flier read, “Have you seen me? Goes by Blitzo, the “o” is silent.”
 Stolas: “Had these made. Will be giving them to Moxxie, so Blitzo’s associates can put them up around the city. If anyone knows anything, please call I.M.P.”
 Cherri Bomb offered words of encouragement. “I’m sure that little guy is around somewhere, Your Majesty. He’ll show up eventually!”
 Moxxie to Stolas: “We will do everything we can to find that idiot, Your Highness.”
 Stolas to Moxxie: “Moxxie, I wish I could help you, aside from making these posters.”
 Moxxie to Stolas: “Much appreciated for the posters, Your Highness.”
 Angel Dust: “Aye, keep looking feathas. Hell ain’t too big a place ta miss the guy with horns that big.”
 More theories were posted:
 “Maybe he was taken by his horse or furby.”
 “Loona, I don’t think Blitzo has an excuse, I think he was kidnapped.”
 “It’s either the horse or the dude stabbing in the background.”
 “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. His horse is taking care of him.”
   Meanwhile, in a dark hideout…
 Blitzo’s yellow eyes were wide as saucers as he sat terrified on what appeared to be a green floor with missing tiles. A head of an imp rested in the background. He seemed to have been kidnapped by a gang of imps, perhaps jealous of I.M.P. and looking for money.
 Blitzo: “Ok those guys finally left me alone so I could turn on my phone. You wouldn’t believe what I had to do to keep my phone. (RIP my third burner phone). Anyways, everything is fine. I wanted to get on this Voxtagram (Vox controls all technology and media websites). Because if I tried texting everyone, it’d take too long and calling would alert the dumbass kidnapper. Can someone come pick me up before they try to kill me?”
 Stolas bellowed at the top of his lungs: “Blitzy! Where are you?!”
 Blitzo responded: “I don’t know. Smells bad, though. I’ll get out, just ask my horse to come get me, please.”
 Moxxie was terrified too: “Sir, where in the living Hell are you?! Are you hurt?!”
 Blitzo instead yelled and typed in all caps: “Send horse!”
 Angel Dust typed the emoji for wide eyes.
 The next picture showed a blurred Stolas rushing forward. Stolas could do nothing but type in gibberish in all caps.
 Blitzo: “I don’t know where I am, Stolas! Just send my horsie!”
 Stola began to panic. “I don’t know how to send for your horse! That is why you needed to introduce us!”
 One of the walls concealing Blitzo in darkness burst open, sending bricks and dust everywhere. Blitzo squinted as a circle of light shone into the space. A figure stepped through the hole on all fours, tall and majestic. Blitzo took one look at the savior creature and raced toward it, happy tears falling from his face. The energy radiating from the horse was beyond anything found in Hell…or anywhere else for that matter.
 It was a tall shadowy horse with a skeletal black body, reminiscent of a thestral or a nightmare horse from legends. The hooves were pointed and curved, shaped like miniature weapons. The horse’s mane and tail flowed long and black, outlined in a red aura. The horse’s neck was long and thin as was the head. Its eyes glowed teal and white, giving off an ethereal feel. And although there was static surrounding the horse, it didn’t have the malevolence associated with Alastor and his minions.
 Did this creature decide to shapeshift around Blitzo to watch over him?
 The horse spoke to Blitzo telepathically, her voice that of a human female laced with static. At the same time, the voice commanded divine respect.
 “I am SpindleHorse. You are safe now, Blitzo. Let us be off.”
 SpindleHorse had indeed, broken the (fourth) wall.
 Without hesitation, Blitzo climbed up on the horse’s bony back and with graceful gallops, the horse vanished into the shadows. Blitzo grinned like a little kid as the horse speed down the streets, enjoying the bumpy ride.
 Blitzo ecstatically typed his next post: “Rescue! I told you all my horse would come get me! Spindle broke the wall down! She said I could post the picture. She’s giving me a ride home. I can’t wait to see everyone!”
 Loona, Millie, Moxxie and Stolas cried with joy and relief. For although Blitzo could be a childish annoying asshole, he was still a dear member of their family.
  Loona posted first: “Thank Satan you’re alright! Cuz I…”
 Loona paused, trying to defuse her inner feelings…
 “…because we’re out of food! I need you to go grocery shopping, that’s the only reason I’m relieved. The only reason.”
 Underneath the meth, drinks and her short temper, the hellhound secretary was relieved her adopted father was safe. Life was simply too lonely without the group of imps around.
 Millie beamed. She, of course, was very happy that her boss was safe and sound. Stolas as well, was overjoyed that his lover was unhurt. Even Moxxie, who constantly chided Blitzo’s mannerisms, had a soft spot for his boss.
  Stolas was overjoyed. “Oh thank goodness! I’m coming over, immediately!”
 Moxxie said: “I still don’t want to get close to her but…thank you, Spindle.”
 Stolas rushed over as Blitzo dismounted the horse in front of the palace. The imp was soon locked in a feathery embrace. Stolas let out some hoots and draped his feathery wings over him.  
 “Blitzy, you’re alright! Oh I was worried sick. Missed you so, so much!”
 “Arugh, heh, heh, okay, Stolas, I missed you too…” He was struggling for breath. “You can…fuck…let go now.”
 Stolas did before opening his beak in a smile. “Did you say you want to fuck?”
 “No, not now!” Blitzo exclaimed, brushing wrinkles off his dark blue navy suit. “I gotta rest then get back to work.”
 “I completely understand. I’ll take you home right away!”
 Stolas traced a glowing yellow symbol in front of him and a flaming portal appeared, leading back to the I.M.P. office. Blitzo stepped through it before turning around.
 “Thank you…Stolas. For sending me my horse and all.”
 “Of course,” Stolas replied. “I hope I can meet her sometime. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. And I mean anything.”
 “Will do.”
 Stolas closed the portal and posted a picture of him and Blitzo hugging.
 Stolas exclaimed in all caps, “Blitzo is safe and sound! Thank you, Spindle!”
 Moxxie typed a message to his boss: “Sir, please be more careful. The next time you go out to get coffee, take your horse with you. I will put a slight increase to the horse budget for the time being. Please rest up for today.”
  Blitzo found himself in the middle of a group hug, surrounded by Loona, Moxxie and Millie. Millie squealed happily as she hugged him. “I’m so glad you’re okay, sir!” she said. “Mox and I were very worried.”
 “You guys do know that I was only gone for like a day, right?” Blitzo asked, rolling his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes despite himself.
 “Still…that doesn’t exclude the fact that…we may have missed you a bit,” Moxxie replied. Loona uncharacteristically enough gave Blitzo a small kiss on his forehead with her tongue. For a moment, Loona was smiling and wagging her tail like a happy puppy reunited with her owner. Then, all too soon, she separated herself from him, her tough demeanor returning. “Yeah, you’re fine, good. Now I really need some fucking food and drinks right now.”
 Millie was the last one to let go of Blitzo. “If you need anything or want something done, we’ll be happy to get to it. Need anything? Iced coffee? A horse song? Two new human heads?”
 Blitzo had to chuckle. “Thanks Millie, but I’m fine. Let’s get to work everyone.”
 Thus, the ordinary day at I.M.P. continued on.
 Blitzo then posted a picture of a fork in a cup of ramen noodles with an egg in it.
 Blitzo said, “Everyone was bugging me today. It was kind of nice. Everything finally calmed down, so I had some 3 AM noodles.”
 Stolas added: “Don’t hesitate to call if you need anything!”
 Moxxie chided: “Cup of noodles isn’t healthy for you, sir. Next time, if you want to consume some 3 AM noodles, I will make some just for you.”
 Blitzo sighed. “I don’t need to be babied, Mox. Don’t worry about me. For real, I like noodles in a cup, though.”
 Moxxie decided to let him enjoy his noodles.
 Moxxie then had an idea. He did something that he would normally never do. Millie had said it was a great idea and that Blitzo would love it. Moxxie placed a gift on Blitzo’s desk the next day. It was a bag of horse shaped pasta noodles colored yellow, green and pink. On it was a note: “Feel better soon! P.S. please stop consuming junk food in the middle of the night.” From Moxxie and Millie.
Moxxie posted: “About to deliver this homemade pasta to my boss. Millie and I made this so my boss wouldn’t consume extremely unhealthy things in the middle of the night. Recipe on VoxTube. Horse shaped pasta mold is a Satan send.”
 Blitzo responded: “Oh I love this, but I still wanna eat ramen at 3 AM.”
 Moxxie replied: “What you had was obviously a cup of noodles and that is extremely bad for your body. Do you have any idea what they put in those? For crying out loud, please refrain from eating such cheap and unhealthy things.”
  The next post showed Blitzo under a blanket getting ready for bed. His head was just in front of his pink pillow on the couch. A plushie of Spirit the horse lay next to him.
 Blitzo posted: “Gonna stay in bed today. Got to lay low since everyone wants to talk to me. You guys knew I’d be fine.”
 Stolas mentioned, “We were just worried. I’ll give you some space for a while. Rest all you can. Pet your horse. I’ll talk to you at a later date.”
 Blitzo smiled and picked up a little brown horse figure beside him. “I also found my little horsie that looks like my horse! I wonder where she’s been…”
 The next day, Blitzo posted a selfie of him in the woods on Earth. Two raccoons were fighting over food from behind him.
 Blitzo: “Went to my job today and took this picture in the living world!”
 Someone asked, “Yo, are those two raccoons fighting back there?”
 Blitzo replied: “It’s not about them. This is all about me!”
 Later that night, back in his room, Blitzo was woken up by a soothing voice.
 Blitzo bolted up from the couch and stood upon shaking legs.
 It was Spindle the horse. The air around her briefly warped and morphed into little shapes. Bits of other worlds faded in and out, even showing a slice of Earth before fizzling out.
 “Is everything alright?”
 “Yes,” she responded. “I woke you up to say my goodbye.”
 Blitzo was stunned. “Y-you’re leaving?”
 “My work here is done,” she said. “I did my part to keep you safe. Now I must ensure that others are safe as well. I have other worlds to attend to as well: Heaven, Earth, Zoophobia…”
 “Wait, zoo what?”
 “Nothing of concern.” Her voice mixed with an eerie sounding neigh of dismissal. Her red aura illuminated the darkness. “Thank you for the iced coffee, by the way, it was tasty.”
 Blitzo couldn’t stop the tears falling from his eyes. This regal marvelous creature had saved his life and bonded with him for many months. She was like the friend he had never had…perhaps almost like a motherly figure.
 The horse nuzzled close to him, their foreheads touching. Blitzo’s hand cupped under her long chin while a black tendril tenderly touched his shoulder.
 “We will meet again, soon. Whether in this life or the next. Farewell for now.”
“Goodbye, Spindle. Thank you for everything.”
 Spindle stepped back, turned around and disappeared through a hole of white light. Then, in the blink of an eye, it was dark once more.
 The other characters briefly got to see Spindle as well. As she trot noiselessly against the asphalt, everyone stared to look, almost transfixed. Even the Radio Demon stopped what he was doing and stood respectfully. There was admiration for SpindleHorse’s immense power in his red eyes. Niffty jumped for joy next to Charlie whose eyes were shining with happiness.
 “Please come back again!” she called out. “The Happy Hotel welcomes all.”
  In a rare moment, Husk and Vaggie had genuine smiles on their faces, as if staring at the horse long enough would make their problems go away.
 “Thank you, Spindle!” called Angel Dust with several waves of his many hands. “You saved that imp’s life.”
 “Much appreciated,” Cherri Bomb added. “Catch ya later!” The characters waved one by one.
 SpindleHorse neighed and reared up on two hooves as static filled the air. The horse vanished through another white portal in static before all was quiet and normal once more.
  Blitzo posted a picture of him and his horse saying goodbye. “My horse woke me up in the middle of the night saying she had to go because she repaid me by saving me. I got her coffee, and she saved me, so we’re even. One last picture together before she has to go. She says the name is Spindle, so it stays.”
 Stolas knew that the goodbye was bittersweet for Blitzo. He tried to comfort his friend. “I’m so sorry Blitzo…Perhaps someday, she’ll return and visit. You were always good to her.”
 Stolas sent a picture of himself posing seductively with his grey fluffy chest exposed. Another showed Stolas displaying his butt and dark gray tail features in front of the camera. “Maybe these will cheer you up!”
 “Stolas, stop sending me nudes when I’m thinking about my horse!” Blitzo responded in sudden annoyance.
 Stolas chuckled a bit. “Sorry, I thought they would get your mind off things!”
 Even Loona was feeling the melancholy in the air. It was like everyone was suddenly feeling an unexplained connection to the elusive equine. “She will be missed…”
 “Just like the end of Spirit,” said a commentator, recalling when Spirit had reunited with his mother and galloped freely in the vast meadow.
 “You get me,” Blitzo responded, pleased to have someone else share their love of the classic film.
 Moxxie, too, couldn’t escape the strange feeling. “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I am going to miss her. I do wish she has a good horse life.”
 “Thank you, SpindleHorse!” Millie added. “We love you and we miss you!”
 Blitzo then posted, almost to himself: “You only know what you have when it goes.”
 Stolas then posted his drawing of Blitzo smiling at the tall skeletal horse.
 Stolas said, “Wanted to make something Blitzo may like while he’s recovering. I’ll just drop it off later. Maybe have it framed if he’d like…” He added, “I’m proud of this one.”
 But Blitzo, ever the stubborn one, bluntly said, “My horse doesn’t look like that.”
 Stolas was taken aback, hurt. There was no reason for him to be rude like that, even if the drawing wasn’t the same as the real horse. Stolas decided to give the imp some space.
 Then he thought about his daughter. Maybe Octavia might not be mad at him like she was before. Sure, she wanted to go to Lilith’s Resist rock concert playing at Loo-Loo World for a while, but overprotective Stolas wasn’t going to allow it. There she was, a typical diva teenager who didn’t want her goofy dad to follow her everywhere.
 “Just another day in Hell,” thought Stolas with a sigh.
Meanwhile in a parallel universe...
Alastor eventually captures Blitzo and conjures his next plan:
 -Interrogate Blitzo about I.M.P.
-Have Blitzo led the way to I.M.P.
-Retrieve the book to gain access to the human world
-Offer Blitzo an opportunity to achieve musical theater dreams.
- Persuade Blitzo and other imps to make deals (songs almost always work!)
-If deal works, their souls will be mine
-Profit off I.M.P. and take over the company, thus claim Imp City as territory
-Enter human world and cause more chaos
-More souls = larger army and greater influence
-(Visit New Orleans and mom’s grave again.)
-Eventually take over both worlds for endless entertainment
-Figure out what this pandemic is in living world
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cameoamalthea · 4 years
That time Artagan Straight Up Choked a Guy
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I have heard it thrown out, as evidence that Artagan is not a nice person, that he wanted to strangle someone to death. Context is important, as in the fact it occurred during a safe and consensual transaction as part of a deal where terms were agreed upon.
Here’s a breakdown of what happened:
They call on Artagan by drawing a penis and writing the message (laughter)
SAM and TALIESIN: "Cum see us--"
MATT and ASHLEY: "--4 a good time."
TALIESIN: "Time" circled.
MATT: "This is Vox Machina, by the way."
Then they tell him they actually want something from him, to allow them to go back to the material plane from the fey wild without losing time (as part of the Feywild is you might come back years or decades after you left).
LAURA: It's been a little crazy, actually. We were hoping that maybe we could seek your aid? Please?
MATT: "Define the request, please."
LAURA: Okay, so you know how time is weird when we go back to the other plane of existence?
MATT: "Weird? Time is *fun* when you go back."
LAURA: Exactly. It's so much fun. We're in dire straits over there. The world is about to be taken over by an asshole that wants to be a god, and we're trying to kill him, and we're here now, and we're hoping that we can hang out here and rest and go back and only a few seconds have passed? Maybe a minute or two?
SAM: Is that something you can control?
MATT: (chuckles) "Are you telling me that you would stumble into this space unannounced, summon me here under the pretense of a good time, and then request me to bend the very essence of time passage between my plane and yours?"
MARISHA: We can show you a good time first.
LAURA: We definitely do want to show you a good time about it.
LIAM: And what is your idea of a good time? Unbutton, unbutton.
TRAVIS: And we certainly don't expect that to be accomplished without something given in return. Of course.
During the course of this conversation, he asks how they’ve been, and Vax tells him:
LIAM: I'm unkillable for a while.
MATT: "*That's* fun."
So in exchange for this huge favor, he asks for two things:
MATT: "Tell you what. I'll help you under two conditions. One: should you go back and defeat this wannabe god thing you speak of and all is well and you're heroes and you have all of this influence and money and everything's grand, we can discuss maybe creating a doorway for me that allows passage. I'll come visit and see what strangeness your world seems to have whenever I'd like."
MARISHA: I don't know if you'd like it.
MATT: "Oh, I'm sure I can figure out a way."
LIAM: It's real dicey at the moment.
MATT: "But I'm sure if you succeed, that won't be a problem, and if you fail, well, then I guess the deal's off, anyway."
TRAVIS: Very true.
LAURA: Good point.
MATT: "Second: I wish to strangle you until death."
Archfey have a weird sense of fun. What is unpredictable and unexpected is fun. The weird time displacement, that’s fun. A mortal suddenly unkillable, that’s fun. He wants to test that, and they did offer a good time. A new experience is a good time.
LIAM:  I'm sorry. Come again?
MATT: "I wish to put my hands on your throat until you expire. If you say you're unkillable, well, that's a new experience entirely."
LIAM: Okay.
Vax consents to the deal, then makes additional specifications.
LIAM: I have one further request on our end. Can you send us backward in time?
MATT: "I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, but I could give the mere passage of an hour."
SAM: Mere passage of an hour? That's good, yeah.
MATT: "Day for an hour. I think it's a fair trade, yes?"
MARISHA: Can you give us a full day in order to make sure that he does come back?
MATT: "Sure. Day for an hour. 24 hours are yours to do as you like."
MARISHA: You would come back in 24 hours, right?
SAM: Can I ask one question first? Will you be pleasuring yourself during this?
MATT: He actually laughs at this and goes, "I think the process will be enjoyable enough."
SAM: Oh. I respect you so much.
TALIESIN: Since we're making a deal, I want to make sure of a few things, because I love making deals. First of all, as perhaps a token of friendship, do you have any idea what this is? I am still apologetically naked and wet.
MATT: "It's a pulse stone."
ALL: A what?
MATT: "A pulse stone."
LAURA and SAM: What is that?
MATT: "It's meant to distract undead.
SAM: How do you activate it?
MATT: "It just does."
So overall Artagan is helpful, giving information just as a token of friendship, and being very honest about what he wants. Just to experience what it’s like to kill someone, consequence-free. This is a consensual transaction.
LIAM: I walk up to Artagan. All right, fucknut, let's do this.
MATT: "You believe this? You really believe you're going to come back if you die?"
LIAM: (clicks tongue)
MATT: "Fair play. To the immortals." And he takes your throat and begins to squeeze, his eyes locked in, and he keeps watching you.
TRAVIS: I step up behind Vax in case he has an involuntary reaction to reach up to his arms. Just to keep his arms down.
MATT: He locks in.
LIAM: No fear, remember.
MATT: Yeah. Without making any other noise, continues to apply pressure. Eventually, your vision begins to go dark.
The party agrees that this is weird, but it’s not malicious and it does not do any lasting harm. Vax cannot die and he can’t even fear death. There’s pressure and then his vision goes dark. Matt summarizes:
MATT: It was a fascination with something different and new and you said "cannot die," and that immediately piqued his interest. Even the nicest of fey are weird and have their dark sides.
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