#you can't shoe it like that and expect perfection jeez
kangaracharacha · 11 months
tiktok needs to ban me from any horse content, i cannot help but check the comments even though it's bad for my health
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sugarrushproductions · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Finale Spoilers!! You have been fucking warned!!!
Viv you wonderful troll you! I called both Adam and Pentious dying, but I didn't expect to see the latter in heaven and the former meeting his end because of Nifty!
EP 7 doesn't have much I want to talk about, though a quick thing about all the songs. The only one I truly loved was Carmila's the rest were fine and I loved all the callbacks to previous songs.
Dude, the fucking rollercoaster of emotions I felt at the end-
Rosie is great, I still say her and the cannibal's are hellborn until I'm proven otherwise
I'm scared for that deal. I hate IOU deals, Al could ask Charlie for anything.
Vaggie gets her wings back, yeah!
Carmila's shoes being her weapons was amazing!
I think that's it for EP 7.
The bar scene with Huskerdust 😍
I think we saw Husk starting to really fall for him.
Them this whole finale is just so cute, I want more!
Nifty instantly going after Angel after Charlie tells her to stab angels is just perfect.
Nifty and Al, jeez, I didn't expect to be so cute.
The little roach crown 🥺
We were all worried for nothing, Charlie is just emotional.
Also, Chaggie kiss! Now Huskerdust and I'll be set!
The V's are literally just watching them and I feel like some of their reactions
Alastor has been holding back. His fight with Adam is amazing.
And he has a mask... Did not expect that.
Seeing him curse again was amazing.
Charlie is so cute!!!
Angel and Cherri are a power duo!
Husk is so real!
So it seems Adam really did eat the apple.
Vagatha.... I love you Pentious.
"These fucking angels won't stop coming!"
"Ok, I walked into that one."
That whole exchange is gold.
Lucifer Ex Machina! Yes!
I love his fight with Adam. It's so much fun!
Husk used his wings to shield the others, I'm crying!
Luci, hun, that's not how you say that..
And shut up Val!
Ok, but really, Velvette looks so cute in this.
Fat Nuggets is alive! And Keekee too! Yay!
I was sad about Pentious dying
Then surprised and happy to see him in heaven!
I actually figured he'd been the first to be redeemed. Sorry Angel.
But seriously, suck it Sera!
Speaking of heaven....
How the FUCK did Lilith get there? Why is she there? How the hell could she just abandon her family?
Also, I can't believe they fo
So many fucking questions, Season two needs to come so quickly.
The Hotel looks so cool! I can't wait see it in action.
I know I missed a lot, but God damnit this show is awesome!
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aliasimagines · 4 years
operation fools in love//luke patterson
requested by a lovely anon
word count: 3333(!!!)
a/n: i still don’t know how to write endings
The corridor was noisy with loud chatter, quietly whispered gossip and the sound of rushing students' shoes hitting against the floor. 
You hummed  'edge of great' as you started fishing out the books you need for class from your locker. It has been stuck in your head since yesterday evening when the guys played it for you and Flynn at band practice. 
You were about to close your locker when he poofed next to you. 
“Hi, y/n!”
“AAHHH” you screamed, earning a few side looks from passing by students. 
“Ahh, I accidentally kicked my locker, haha…”you started explaining yourself before turning back to your open locker. You sent a glare in Luke’s way.
“What did Julie and I say to you? Do not teleport randomly to us at school!”
He chuckled.
“Yeah, rules, rules, I don’t care. I just wanted to drop in and say hi!” he smiled at you with his signature Luke smile.
“Well, you did. That’s all? I kinda need to go to class.” you spot Julie in the corner of your eyes as you walk over to her locker. You quickly wave at her and soon after she comes over so you can talk to Luke without looking crazy. 
Luke mumbles something under his breath and goes to scratch the back of his head.
“No! Uhm..Hi Jules… So y/n I also kinda wanted to ask if you would come to our gig tonight? You know, we are playing not far from that food place you like? "
You smiled, appreciating that he remembered your favorite food place. 
"Well,erm.. I guess? I want to but I might have dance practice, so I am not sure." you say, wishing you'd know for sure but you won't find out till the end of your classes. 
Luke's lips formed an 'o' before his gaze fell down on his shoes. 
"Oh well.. I-okay. Bye?" he says in an unsure tone before disappearing, leaving you to face Julie. 
"Well, wasn't that adorable?"  she asks with a smug grin. 
"What? What are you talkin' bout Jules?" you ask honestly confused. She laughs and puts her hand on your shoulder. 
"Sweetheart, you two are just oblivious to each other!" 
"I don't… What?" 
"You like him. He likes you. It's not that confusing. Really it is obvious." 
"Shhh, quiet!" you shh-ed her, quickly making sure if Luke was 100 percent gone. "I.. I don't like him." 
It was unnecessary, you couldn't even fool yourself and especially not Julie. 
"Y/N, come on girl, I know you do. And he does like you too! I mean I am writing songs with him, do you know how many lovesick lyrics he has written lately? It is making me sick." she laughed. 
"Well, he might have written them about someone else. Maybe you? You two have amazing chemistry."
Julie sighed and grabbed both of your shoulders so she could look at you. 
"Y/N, honey. Believe me when I say he is head over heels for you. Why else would he want you to be at our gig so much?”
„Luke is literally so passionate about music? Of course he wants to share it with me, cause he wants to share it with everyone.”
„Ahg, girl you need glasses cuz you can't see shit. Look, if  prove he likes you too will you believe me?”
„Sure. I mean you can’t prove something that is not true but, sure go ahead, ’prove it’.” 
Julie rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to respond but luckily for you the bell rang.
“See you later, alligator!” and with that you were off to class, leaving Julie alone to work on her master plan. 
She knew she had to pull this off because the mutual pinning was unbearable but she also knew she couldn't do it alone. She'll need all the help she can get and that includes Flynn and the rest of her ghost band. 
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You changed into your leggings and sweatshirt before heading into the gym where the dance practice took place. You were quite bumped. Don't get me wrong dancing is everything to you but.. You really did want to see the guys perform. 
You and the other kids were warming up, waiting for your teacher to start showing the choreography. But neither of you expected what she did next. Much to your surprise Reggie and Alex appeared next to her and started messing with her water bottle before you could even open your mouth.
For a moment no one acknowledged what was going on. Some were too busy chatting and warming up and Ms Janett was too busy with her phone. The two ghosts seemed to have noticed that and after exchanging a knowing smirk they grabbed the phone out of your teachers hands. She perked up, a mixture of anger and confusion on her face. And then… she saw her own phone floating in tin air.
“Stop!!” you whisper shouted  in the boys direction but they only gave you a smirk before Reggie started searching for the music player application. Alex pointed over Reggie’s shoulder.
“Uuu, play that one.” 
And as soon as the Lady Gaga song started playing Ms Janett let out a scream causing everyone to look up. You saw the boys dancing with the phone and the pompoms in their hand (although you have no idea where Alex got those pompoms) but everyone else just saw those items moving by themselves.
“GHOOOST!!! Everybody RUUUUUUN!” 
Some people followed the teacher, some stayed behind to take a closer look only to be scared away by a flying pompom. 
“What the heck are you two doing?” you turned to them,being  rather angry,  once you were the only living person in the gym. Seriously, what were they thinking?
“We cleared your afternooon! You can come to our concert!” Reggie exclaimed and put down the phone. 
“Do you think I would go after this fiasco you just pulled??” you were definitely angry now.
“Oh come on, if not for us then for Julie..and for Luke.”
You snapped your head in Alex's direction at the mention of Luke’s name.
“What do...No. Don’t try to divert the topic. What you did was incredebly stupid! What if.. What if someone connects the dots and figures out that Julie’s hologram band is actually a ghost band? There will be scientist and ghost busters and-”
“Shh, Y/N jeez, calm down. it will be okay. We’ll see you at the show.” 
And they poofed away. They simply left  you alone with your thoughts. You need to come up with some kind of explanation for the dance class but right now you need to go home and change. The boys were right, even if they kinda (really) caused a mess here you still like them and don’t want to miss seeing them live ((Winky face)).
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Meanwhile you were sorting through your dresses and outfit options. Julie and the band arrived at the venue for rehearsal.
Usually it was Luke who hyped Julie up before shows but right now the roles were switched because Luke looked like a kicked puppy ever since he learned you wouldn’t be able to make it to their gig. Of course Julie knew you will be here, as she was the one to send the boys to scare away your teacher. It was all part of her little plan.
Like mentioned Luke wrote half a dozen songs, all centered around his feelings for you. He stated to Jules that he will definitely not play them for you because there is just no way you like him back, but now Luke thinks you won’t be there so Julie is on the next step of her genius plan. Convince Luke to play one of his love songs.
“Luke, Lukey-poo, my man.” she started getting more and more cringy. “I thought we could close with Hero and Heroine? I know you said you don’t want to play it but it is such a great song, you definitely shouldn’t let it be just another forgotten song that stays on a piece of paper. Plus it is perfect for closing, think about it!”
“Julie...I-I told you I don’t wanna play it.”
“You told me you don’t wanna play it in front of Y/N, which would be the whole point of writing love songs to her but that's besides the point right now. Pleeassee?”
Luke took a deep breath and looked at his ghost mates for...What for? Support? Advice? He is not sure. He does want to play the song, pour out his emotions through the song but the question is..should he? He knows you can’t be here which both makes him wanna play the song and not at the same time.
“I agree with Julie, dude.” Alex said, shrugging his shoulder like he knew of nothing. Reggie nodded along.
“Okay..If you all think I w-”
Julie stood up and clapped her hands together.
“Cool! It is settled. I’ll need to make a phone call, brb.”
“Barbeque?” asked Reggie confused. Which made Alex laugh.
“Brb actually means be right back. Willie told me.” the blond made his way over to Luke and gently punched his shoulder. “Really Luke, that song is great. And I know you think there is no way Y/N would like you back but I am sure if she could hear it-”
“I’m a ghost, Alex! I can’t just confess to her, how are we gonna date? We can’t even touch.”
“That is totally not the reason. You are afraid she would decline your affection, I get it, but believe me I have seen her look at you. That longing in her eyes when I mention your name. She likes you.”
Luke rolled his eyes.
“Not that it matters, she won't hear the song and that is my final say in this.”
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As soon as Julie stepped out of the small, cigarette smelling backroom she dialed your number. You picked up after two rings.
“Hi, Jules.”
“Hi girl, I heard what the boys did, I am so, so sorry. You know they are idiots.”she said trying real hard not to laugh but she reminded herself of her plan and pulled on her poker face.”But..Are you coming to the show? Flynn could pick you up; she is about to get going.”
“Yeah I’ll come, tell the boys I will call my teacher and say it was a prank so they can thank me for saving their ghostbutts.”
Julie giggled and started playing with her hair.She walked up and down the small corridor that led to the stage from the backroom.
“I will, I better get back and warm up but you should call Flynn so she won’t leave without you.”
Of course Flynn wouldn’t leave without you. She was waiting in her car two blocks from your home waiting for your phone car.
She didn’t have to wait long, you called her and she pretended to not expect it. Flynn kinda became your and Julie’s driver ever since she got her driver's  license last month. 
By the time the two of you got to the venue the opening was playing their last song and the place was already packed with dancing teenagers. Flynn dragged you to the bar and asked for a cola for herself and a (favourite drink) for you. 
The two of you hung back and sipped your drinks until Julie appeared on the stage. Then you took Flynn by the hand and  started pulling her toward the stage. Only she held you back. 
"Hey, what's up? Don't we wanna go and watch them from closer?" 
"Oh, well, uhm...I'd rather hang back. The crowd kind of makes me anxious right now." Flynn said. You lifted an eyebrow at her. Flynn being anxious? In a crowd?? That did not convince you. But you didn’t argue. 
"Do you need to step outside a little or…" 
"Nah, it's good, let's just stay here in the back." 
So you did. You sang and danced along to the songs you both knew so well. You tried  your best not to stare at Luke too much but let’s be honest you failed miserably. Flynn occasionally wiggled her eyebrows at you when she caught you ‘drooling over him’ as she put it.
After they finished playing Stand Tall you expected them to bow and ‘disappear’ but much to your surprise Julie grabbed the mic and brought it to her lips.
“Hello, hello, helloo! Do y’all wanna hear one more song?” the audience erupted into a loud cheer. It was so heartwarming to watch. Julie doing what she was born to do, playing music and enchanting the crowd. Flynn seemed to have the same thought because she looked at her with such pride. You pulled her into a big hug and the two of you waited for the crowd to quiet down so Jules could go on.
“Allright, allright. Now this song will be a bit different but...I will let Luke here tell it.”
You just became more and more surprised when Luke stepped closer to the mic and spoke into it, looking kinda...nervous? 
“Ohm..Hello everyone! So uh..This song is dedicated to a special someone, the songs called-”
“What’s the special someone’s name?” your eyes travelled to Reggie who asked the question with a huge grin. Luke turned to look at the bassist. If looks could kill Reggie would be double dead. But before Luke could give a voice to his disapproval towards Reggie’s question Julie spoke up.
“Yeah! What’s the name?” she turned towards the crowd and started chanting. “What’s the name?”
Soon Reggie and Alex joined with smiles painted on their faces along with the audience. You were so freaking confused. You looked at Flynn for some explanation but how would she know about it. 
“OKAY, okay, stop!” Luke yelled before laughing a little. “All right I will tell you guys but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone?”
All of a sudden you felt sick and wanted to get out of here. You were so not in the mood to hear Luke declare his love for someone. 
“This song is dedicated to..To Y/N. Unfortunately she wouldn't be here today but..she is an amazing person. Hope you all like the song.”
He...He couldn’t be talking about you, could he?
He started strumming his guitar and soon Reggie joined in with the bass and Alex with the drums. Jullie clapped her hands together and kept sending encouraging looks for the boy.
“It's too late baby, there's no turning around, I've got my hands in my pocket and my head in a cloud, this is how I do, when I think about you,I never thought that you could break me apart,I keep a sinister smile and a hole of my heart” he sang into the mic, his voice filling in the whole club “You want to get inside, then you can to get in line but not this time”
“'Cause you caught me off guard, now I'm running and screaming!” Julie joined in for the line“I feel like a hero and you're my heroine.”
“I won't try to philosophize, I'll just take a deep breath and I'll look in your eyes, this is how I feel and it's so so real I got a closet filled up to the brim with the ghosts of my past and the skeletons, and I don't know why, you'd even try but I won't lie” Luke sang and you finally realised what was going in. He wrote this song. For you. You looked over to Flynn who nodded towards the stage and mouthed ‘go’.
I feel like a hero and you are my heroine. Do you know that your love is the sweetest sin?
You started making your way towards the stage, slipped through the cracks between dancing people and singing fans. The further you got the harder it was to get through but you heard Luke’s voice and you kept going.
And I feel a weakness coming on, never felt so good to be so wrong. Had my heart on lock down and then you turned me around
And I’m feeling like a new born child..
You finally break through a few screaming girls and see him.
“-Every time I get a chance to see you smile. It’s not complicated, I’m so jaded.” Luke sings and looks at the audience and- He spots you. Looking up at him with eyes wide open and admiration on your face. His voice cracks because of the sudden surprise of your presence but you smile at him and that is all he needs to continue.
“And you caught me off guard...Now I’m running and screaming”
He sang the song with such passion that even if you weren’t before now you were absolutely sure this wasn’t just a simple crush. 
When they finished you didn’t waste a lot of time, you ran backstage, quickly waving your vip ticket.  You almost run into Julie on your way to the door of the backroom.
“Who- Y/N!”
“This was your doing, wasn’t it?” you smiled at her already knowing the answer. She flashed a toothy grin. 
“Well I had a great team behind me but yeah, Operation FiL was my idea.”
“Phil?” you ask back .
“No, no. F i L. Fools in Love. Now go get ‘im tiger!”
You shook your head and entered the backroom. Luke stood with his back facing you but as soon as he saw you in the mirror he spinned around. For a moment you forgot he was a ghost and ran to give him a hug. 
“Y/N, no-” he put his hands out so he could catch you, simply out of reflex but he didn’t expect to actually hold you in his arms. You both looked at each other with eyes as wide as a 6 lane highway. 
“How can I-”
“Do you care?”  you closed the little distance between the two of you and pressed your lips against his.  They were just as soft as you imagined oh, so many times before. He kissed back gently, afraid that this is just a dream. But this was definitely too real to be a dream. You unfortunately had to pull back to catch your breath but Luke looked leaned closer to press his forehead against yours.
“The song was so beautiful, I loved it.” you whisper. He just stared at you with a smile.
“If I knew you would kiss me, I would have played it a long time ago.” you giggled and brought your lips together for one more kiss. He let his hands wander this time but so did you. Your fingers ran through his brown hair, this being something you wanted to do for so long. He kept one hand on your waist and placed the other on the side of your face.
Your lips moved so in sync like you’ve been doing this all your lives. You were so drawn to each other, you felt like you couldn’t pull away in that moment even if you tried. Like this invisible magical force just glued the two of you to-
“Okay, that is enough! Get out I need to change!” Julie brusted in causing Luke to jump up and cling to you like Scooby Doo.
“Wow, you are so brave.''you laughed rolling your eyes at. “Come on, let’s leave alone Julie. We’ll meet ya at the car?”
 Jules nodded and sent a wink in your way. You walked outside, both of you grinning like idiots. 
“So uhm...Does this make us, Us?”
“Yeah. I mean if that’s what you want too.” you look at your shoes and bite your lower lip waiting for his answer.
“There’s nothing I want more.” he said. “Oh well..maybe another kiss wouldn’t be so bad either..”
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super-predictable98 · 3 years
(Not) My Dream Girl | Princess Jellyfish AU
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Warning: Strong language (homphobic slur), mention of alcohol.
September 10th
Dear Diary,
I can't ignore it any longer. I am definitely, undeniably, incredibly, irrevocably in love with Ms. Kuranosuke Koibuchi. How did I think I could ever fight this feeling? Yeah, it's only been five days, but if that isn't love... I don't know what love is and I don't want it either!
I didn't find out much about her ever since our meet cute. I know she wears a lot of wigs, every day she has a different hair and I'm still trying to figure out which one's the real one. Apparently, her family is loaded, that's the only way someone could get their hands on that many high quality wigs. I also know her eyes are definitely not contacts as I previously thought. How do I know, you may ask? Miracles happen.
"Oh jeez y/n, I got something in my eye, could you help me?" she whined in her usual cheeky manner. And boy, is she cheeky! She's a tease even when she doesn't want to be. Her snarky remarks, her taunting, her silly jokes... How can someone be so perfect inside and out?
You know that friend who realizes your order is wrong or hears someone treating you poorly and won't stop until they make it right? Even when you're anxious and just wanna run, they won't let you, because they know you deserve the best. That's Suke. Shameless, extroverted, charismatic Suke.
I held her beautiful face between my hands and blew gently to get whatever was in her eye out, probably one of her freakishly long lashes, which have to be fake, there's no way! But even if they are, she's still just as stunning without them.
With how close I was, I would've noticed if she had contacts in, her violet eyes are completely natural, like Elizabeth Taylor.
"Thank you," she sighed relieved, and leaned back, spreading her legs in the most unladylike way possible, but somehow it looked good for her. "What? Why do you always look at me like that?" she laughed.
I knew exactly what look she was referring to, but I couldn't help it. Before I realized it, I was staring like someone would stare at a work of art.
"Nothing, I- I like your shoes."
"Thank you!" she pretended to believe me, which I am grateful for, but the smirk tugging at her lips let me know she knew there was something else, some other reason why I acted like a short-circuiting robot next to her. "I'd totally let you have them, but they're probably too big for you... If you ever visit Japan I could show you where I got them."
"Too big? What size shoes do you wear?"
"10, I believe? All these American measures are messing with my head."
At first, I thought she was confused, maybe something was lost in translation, but when I discreetly placed my foot next to hers, it was pretty clear she wasn't wrong. Her feet were massive next to mine, which I guess is expected, very tall top models usually have bigger feet. Now I'm gonna stop with the feet talk before it becomes weird.
It's odd to think I met Suke less than a week ago, she's very good at making it seem like you've been her long time friend. She talks freely about everything (she especially enjoys when I ramble about musical theatre, she says my geeky talk is a hundred times more interesting than anything else), she casually invites me for lunch or any other opportunity to spend time together, she touches me like we've been friends for ages.
I don't know if that makes sense, but it's true, she holds my hand and wraps her arms around me, and kisses me on the cheek, and leans against me with her head on my shoulder.
Oh God, I'm so gay.
Sometimes I think she knows the effect she has on me. When she asks for a favor, flashing me those puppy dog eyes, so fucking sure I'm gonna say yes... When she places one hand on my knee and I shudder, making her giggle and ask if I'm okay in that teasing tone of hers... When she gently tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, her gaze taking turns between my eyes and my lips.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked last night as we walked around campus, a little buzzed after our first college party (which for the record was waaaay less cool than I thought it was gonna be, people hype college parties too much). "Or a girlfriend?"
"N-no," I stammered, my heart threatening to jump out of my mouth any second. "I actually never had one."
"Does that mean you're a virgin?" she cocked one eyebrow at me, taking me by surprise and I nearly choked on my milkshake.
"No! Of course not, I just never had a relationship," I managed to say as I gasped for air and I couldn't tell if she was pleased or not with the answer. "But I never had sex with a girl, only boys so far."
"So far? So you're not straight," it wasn't a question, it was more like a conclusion, so I simply nodded in response.
"I'm bisexual."
"That's cool. I wasn't expecting you to be a virgin, you're too cute for that," there she was teasing me again. She had to be doing it on purpose. "You know, back home I had sooooo many girls chasing after me, it was exhausting, I hated it. None of them ever actually wanted to know me, they just liked the view. I had dozens of girlfriends, but I don't think I actually loved anyone enough to imagine spending my life with them."
"Girlfriends? You like girls?"
"Yeah, of course I do," she chuckled as if it was obvious.
"Just girls?"
"Just girls."
BINGO!! That must be why she acted the way she did when we were walking around Park Slope after an art exhibit and someone called us dykes because we were holding hands. I never thought I'd hear that in New York City of all places, but I guess assholes are a universal thing...
"HEY!" she growled, almost like a lion, her voice growing deeper and her accent somewhat disappearing. "What did you just say, you piece of shit? Come here and say it to my face! Let's see how brave you are, I'll kick your pitiful excuse for a dick so far up that you'll feel it in your throat!" WOW, that was really hot, I was basically melting in her arms at that point. "I'm so sorry, honey, I just can't stand that ignorance."
Anyway, we had lots of fun at the party even if the party itself sucked, Suke can make anything fun. We danced, we sang karaoke, we drank Jello shots... Way too many Jello shots. And that's why she was walking me to my dorm, somehow she seemed to tolerate alcohol better than me. Must be because she's so tall, so she gets less drunk.
Or maybe it was all the pizza she was eating, I'm pretty sure she tackled almost an entire pie by herself... How the hell is she so thin? I watched her voraciously devouring slice after slice while still on my second one and she smiled.
"What?" she laughed. She could be the most graceful creature on the face of the Earth, but she was choosing not to. Maybe she just feels comfortable around me, she trusts me!
Once we got here, she helped me undress and tucked me in, but before I knew she was drooling on my pillow. Poor thing must've been so tired. As I'm writing this, Suke is laying right next to me, all wrapped up in my blanket which will probably smell like her in the morning. Her amazing smell of freedom, her smell of walking around the theatre district at night, her smell of seeing the NYC lights for the first time when you arrive.
tag list: @elliethesuperfruitlover
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hiimsociallyawkward · 3 years
his father's son
ayoo back again. these are always so much fun to make because otherwise it's me just yelling at my ipad of everything i'm thinking while exercising and singing show tunes and that's never fun. basically, all of my thoughts while watching his fathers son. hi bestie @lady-ofmagic-andstars
omg merlin is still wearing the cape wtf he looks so good pls bbc have mercy
go away now agravaine.
let me relish in the joy of merlin wearing a cape
you're welcome for this btw 😎😎
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stop 😭😭 not arthur thinking that he's not worthy
ok i wish knew arthur knew his destiny but also i know why he can't know but i just don't want him to be sad because he's doubting himself yk???
i actually hate agravaine actually stop i feel like it's harsh but drop dead please 🤪
arthur is so good he just wants peace. agravaine please stop you're making him doubt everything that he is
i wish arthur listened to merlin but after watching this ending i can appreciate it
'i can't just kill a man in cold blood' 🥺🥺
arthur don't push him away he's just trying to help 😪
merlin has his blankie 2x this episode and you better believe that i'm commenting both times
arthur is just. i feel so sad for him sometimes. he's still so young and he has to rule a country now and just-
i get why arthur is doing what he's doing and such but i'm still sad.
alskdjfaslkdfjasdf jeez arthur not knowing abt merlin's magic is just. wow this episode is starting off strong 🤪🤪
agravaine please leave now
ok that was hot how arthur walked in after the fact though. 'arthur pendragon. pop off'
arthur just wants peace i'm so sad he doesn't want to kill him but jsalkdfjsal;dkfjasdf
watching spn i watch the beheading a lot so i was expecting it but this is merlin haha
WHY IS SHE THE BEST I ACTUALLY LOVE THEM TOGETHER. fvck you agravaine. actually die. please STOp
ok so merlin says 'dont push your friends' and while arthur says that he doesn't need anyone, at least he doesn't say that merlin isn't his friend. it's the little victories 😭
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these castles are actually gorgeous
agaravaine please die now. stop
you manipulating arthur by claiming these things will make arthur into a good king is just making me so sad
fricken 'appropritate person' aalskdfj;alskdjfasldf
i literally just want arthur to be happy
dude i'm like 13 mins in and i'm angsting so hard over this
'a matter of the heart'🥺🥺
agaravaine die please :,)))))))
ok i'm so sad for arthur
he's still so young and he has the weight of his entire kingdom on his shoulders. he just wants to be a good king for his citizens and he wants peace and every good thing is just taken from him. he doesn't want to kill caerleon. he wants to marry gwen. and we have FREAKING AGARVAINE. this is why we can't have nice things.
ok the arthur using merlin as a punching bag transitively but also literally?? idk my head is blank. but like; merlin is letting himself be used as a punching bag and also it's his 'duty' to let arthur use him as a punching bag? idk idk thoughts?
stfu i don't want these white old men saying long live the king
pls chill
alright alright morgana
she is actually p good at getting onto annis's side so i'll give her props for that
oh shoot kneeling down to the queen? this is a power move but not a power move yk?
ok this is dumb but i love seeing merlin meander around with his little chores
ok what is bbc thinking when they have the "oh i'd never sleep in a bed with merlin" am i supposed to laugh? well i'm not. alrighty then
gwen :,) look at her in her pretty dress
you're breaking my heart right now arthur
you're BREAKING GWEN'S heart right now arthur
laksdjf;laskdfjasdlfkj I. JUST. WANT. THEM. TO. BE. HAPPY. please i need to read fanfic i'm angsting too hard over this
you tell him gwen. you're a badass and arthur is a sadass
i will not take gwen hate or slander
oh frick i was voted onto my school's hoco court so basically i had to walk across the football field and i felt so awkward and arthur walking down the step while everyone stares at him; i wonder if he feels as awkward as i did
LMAO 'he's not alone gwen' and pan to the arthur standing on a cliff alone?? pls
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aw the domesticity 🥺
leon ruffling merlin's hair and that clink was such a good clink
where were these knights last episode. i'm suing
saj;flasjslad and arthur just loking at them fondly pls. he's so sweet i love him
'he's our king' that line makes me feel stuff
arthur sdfsd;as i just want him to be happy
bruh 💀 i laughed at the pure absurdity of him tripping over the tent
ok ok you know that vine 'two bros chilling in a hot tub 5 ft apart bc they're not gay?' that but 'two bros, chilling in 2 separate tents 5 ft apart bc they're not gay'
was- was that supposed to be a slap?
arthur is so earnest here and i love him he's the sweetest
sa;ldkfjsldfa arthur being protective over merlin
annis is such a badass. actually queen energy here. literally
merlin saying that they're friends again and arthur not denying it :,))))
these knights are so honorable
stfu agaravaine
'only one person who is just an honorable... ME' - arthur pendragon. HAHA sorry i cackled at this
agaravaine. i stg if you look at morgana like that i'll actually gank you
you absolute freak pervert person
alright ik morgana is evil and everything but i stan her improvement in magic
like- can merlin please get on with learning more magic??
as;dlfkjasdlfkja THE RING. dude i can't rn
merlin saying 'camelot needs you alive', i'm going to say yes.. but also if we swap out 'camelot' with 'i' then this is just a perfect insert line for fanfics :,)
THANK YOU OLD FRIEND. PLS you can't do this to me
aw when arthur asks if merlin is ready and merlin says ready
dude this episode is making me a lot more sad than it should
dude what is annis's champion. like look at his shoes??? they're leather?? literally stab him in the foot and we're golden.
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youre welcome for the feet pics ;)
ok idk abt you guys but i can't write fight scenes with swords that well so i just base fights off tv and stuff and if you want inspo this is a great fight to write
legit the first battle with arthur and lancelot in the courtyard? yea i stole that
omg even with the champion is on his knees he's still taller than arthur??
dude the trope of 'you make me want to be a better person'?? please i live for this stuff
ok the knights saying long live the king? i love that
alright alright annis&arthur
annis is ACTUALLY queen energy i love her. i love her pop off queen
oh shoot annis hit morgana where it hurts. bring up uther that's right queen
oh yes more castle pics 🥵🥵🥵
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a aaw the ceremony for them
merlin and arthur are PALS i love them togehter
stop. there are so many words but i'm so glad they're lads
arthur is lying so awkwardly on that bed HAHA
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yes arthur you're a dumbass you're lucky that gwen is taking you bad she's a frickin badass biatch who doesn't need you
alright arthur say what you mean why don't you
are we.. are we gonna kiss rn
i love arthur in his night clothes and his bare feet. like that just makes it feel so much more domestic and homely and they love each other and just everything they're actually everything. THEYRE SO CUTE.
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ANYWAYS i'll be back next week to endlessly rant about a servant of two masters. thanks i love you bye 😘
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timothylawrence · 4 years
Are you asking for prompts from that trope list? If so, how about #47) Roadtrip. Rhys and Sasha take a trip to either 1) Rhys' home planet so he can show her the world he grew up in 2) Tantalus--aka Jack's home planet--so Rhys can get closure from his past obsession, or 3) Dionysus, because duh, tropical paradise!
OH we’re going tropical paradise because that sounds FUN!!!!!!!!!!!! This turned out a lot sweeter than i expected but honestly I should have seen it coming. Also i totally didn’t have the song wish you were mine by caleb hawley playing in the background (totally not) but Here you go!!!! 
Prompt: Roadtrip
Sasha was excited. The kind of excited where she can’t stay still, where every part of her body has to be moving or doing something. She could barely keep her smile off her face, the excitement of the day’s ahead and the day before almost overwhelming. 
She was married. Like, married to someone because you love them, married. 
And of course, she chose Rhys. 
Sasha’s smile only grew as the clumsy man held her hand in his, looking down at the map in his prosthetic palm with furrowed brows. They were each sitting in the piloting chairs of their brand new ship, one Rhys had put together with the help of Janey and Ellie for Sasha, giving her the ship as a wedding present. 
She couldn’t deny just how much she loved the man. And his rather eccentric way of loving her back. 
“Alright, you’re not allowed to make fun of my inability to swim okay?” Rhys started, still looking down at the map in his hand. “There’s a lot of me that I just can’t coordinate right, like at all. Also I like having my feet on solid ground, thank you very much.”
“Who told you I can swim?” Sasha asked, looking over with the tilt of her head, the man meeting her gaze with big eyes.
“You can't?!”
“No, I can,” Sasha assured, smirking as the man pouted. “I was hoping Fiona didn’t tell you, I wanted to surprise you with my fantastic diving skills.” 
“Good luck with that,” Rhys mumbled, gaze back on his map with a sigh. “I’m going to be sitting on your back the whole time, if my feet don’t touch the ground then it’s over.” 
Sasha snickered, squeezing his hand as she set her shoes on the dashboard of the ship, looking over. “How long did you hide this from me?” She asked, narrowing her eyes, her smile still on her lips.
Rhys looked over blinking. “The ship?” 
Sasha nodded. 
“Jeez, like, a year, maybe?” He spoke, thinking for a beat. “Yeah, probably a year or so. I wanted it to be perfect so I had to start early on it.” He met Sasha’s gaze, his face growing warm at the sight of her loving smile. “I knew you’d like it.” 
“You started building me a ship before you even proposed?” She asked, tilting her head a bit. “You didn’t think that was risky?” 
Rhys snorted, shaking his head. “Well, if you said no or something, I’d just take the ship and give it to, I don’t know, Zer0. They’d like it,” He began, rubbing his chin as he let the map fall to his lap. “Or maybe even Tannis. She likes science and exploring and stuff.” 
“Mhmm,” Sasha hummed out, tilting her head a bit. “And how many trips did it take for you to no longer get sick once you broke through the atmosphere?” 
“Fiona counted,” Rhys spoke, grinning proudly. “A clean seventeen trips! All to Elpis and back!” 
Sasha dissolved into laughter, throwing her head back before looking over to the man. “Don’t tell me she was in on it.” 
“You think I designed the interior? Hell no,” Rhys pointed out, looking around the ship. “That was all her and Janey. I just picked out the best parts.” He sat up, pulling Sasha’s hand to his lips before placing a soft kiss on her ring finger. 
“Best husband award goes to…?”
Sasha smiled, brows raised a bit. “I’m still deciding,” She teased. 
Rhys groaned, although the noise was nothing short of playful, placing another kiss on her hand. “Island paradise and a whole spaceship yet I still don’t get the award,” He fake cried, grinning. “I knew I should have gone with the Bullymong retreat.” 
Sasha rolled her eyes, giving up the act as she leaned across the space between their chairs, holding the side of his face with her other hand before placing a kiss on his lips. She leaned away just a bit, smiling. 
“Maybe,” She joked, stroking his cheekbone. “Or maybe I have a gift for you too.” 
Rhys' eyes widened, watching as the woman pulled away. “Wh-What!? A gift-”
Sasha faked a yawn, raising her arms over her head before leaning back in the chair. “Wake me up when we get there,” She murmured, shutting her eyes. 
“No! Sasha-” Rhys reached over, pouting as he shook her shoulders. “-Babe! You can’t do this to me!” He groaned pitifully. “Please! I can’t do secrets, you know that!” 
Sasha faked a snore, curling deeper into her chair. 
Rhys groaned again, pouting as he crossed his arms. “That’s it, I’m turning this ship around.” 
Fake snores were the only response once again, earning another distressed cry from Rhys, the man giving up before sitting back in his seat, arms crossed. 
“You’re lucky I love you,” He mumbled, still pouting. 
Sasha smiled in her ‘sleep’, her heart skipping a beat, as she spoke. 
“You’re lucky I love you too.”
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goodlucktai · 7 years
If you're looking for kitanishi prompts, how about Natsume thought they were dating and gets worried he's wrong because he thinks he can't understand social cues. Cue kitsnishi pairing realizing they kind of were dating lol
It starts with an invitation.
One of Satoru’s classmates at cram school invites him to go outwith her and a few of her friends over the coming weekend—and sincesome of them would have dates with them, he’s more than welcome tobring his girlfriend along!
The problem:
Satoru doesn’t have a girlfriend. Satoru is terminallysingle.
He could cancel, but he wants to go. He couldshow up alone, but that would be all kinds of awkward—especially ifhe was the odd man out, especially if they wereexpecting him to have a date.
So he puts his brilliant mind to work in coming up with asolution.
“Natsumeee, what do I do?” Satoru is sprawledpiteously across Natsume’s desk. “I need your advice, man.”
“Go by yourself?”
“Natsume! I need better advice!”
Natsume eyes the book he was reading, trapped under Satoru’s arms,and visibly gives up on the idea of extracting it before the idea caneven half form in his eyes. Instead he sighs and leans back in hischair, accepting Satoru’s dilemma as his own. They’ve come a long wayas friends.
“Honestly, Nishimura, why ask me?” the heartthrob of year twoasks obliviously, pushing dusty blond hair out of his eyes. “I haveliterally no experience when it comes to this. I’venever been on a date.”
Satoru narrows his eyes at him. Somehow it’s even more annoyingthat Natsume is so sincerely clueless about how stupidly popular heis. Satoru has no idea how to verbalize this, so he settles forglaring quietly.
“Besides,” Natsume adds, unmoved by Satoru’s expression, “Ifigured you’d just go with Kitamoto.”
Satoru sits up slowly, staring. “Uh. Why would I go withKitamoto?”
Natsume looks uncertainly back at him. “Because you’re datinghim?”
There’s an impasse of stark misunderstanding opening between themlike a yawning chasm, and Natsume visibly retreatsback into his little socially awkward shell like some kind of giantskittish hermit crab. Satoru watches him go, totally bemused.
His face is red, hands tangled anxiously together in his lap, eyecontact a thing of the past.
“I just assumed—I’m so sorry—”
“Dude, it’s okay, I just—have no idea where that came from?”
“I’m really, really sorry—”
“Natsume, seriously. Stop apologizing or Tsuji’s gonna think I’mbullying you—oh, great, here he comes now.”
Satoru leans back in his chair when Tsuji stops by the desk, andwatches Natsume’s face as the pale boy hurriedly assures their classrep that all’s well. Natsume was wrong, obviously,but it’s not like Satoru's mad about it. Natsumedoesn’t have much experience in being sociable or having friends(which is an ugly thought, and Satoru hates that it’s true) so itmakes sense that he sort of read the cues wrong. It’s no bigdeal, not even worth thinking about.
But he’s thinking about it. Tuning out the conversation going onright beside him and staring without seeing out the window.
Thinking about what cues Natsume read, and how hepossibly could have read them wrong.
“You’re not wrong,” Tsuji is saying calmly, in stark defianceof Satoru’s innermost thoughts. He tunes back into the conversationsharply, watching Tsuji pat Natsume’s shoulder comfortingly. “Youpicked up on the same cues everyone else did.”
Wait, what?
“Wait, what?” Satoru sits up straight, more than a littlegobsmacked, and stares at Tsuji, who stares right back. Natsume is a shade of pink Satoru has never seen on him before, but it doesn’t look like he’s about to die of humiliation or try to crawl under a rock or something. Compared to the Natsume they started with, this is progress.
“Nishimura, come on,” Tsuji says. “It’s obvious.”
Outraged, Satoru squawks, “No it’s not! What are we even talkingabout!”
Tsuji gives him literally the dryest look ever. Honestly, Satoruhas seen his own mother look more enthusiastic thanTsuji does right now. He’d be impressed, if he wasn’t so busy beingoffended. 
“You, my friend,” Tsuji says kindly, even leaning over to puta caring hand on Satoru’s arm, “are an idiot.”
“Sorry for intruding!” Satoru says cheerfully as he steps intoKitamoto’s little apartment. Kitamoto’s mom is at work, but his dadand little sister greet him warmly from the living area as he followshis friend to his bedroom. “Hey, you’re sure it’s cool if I stayfor dinner?”
“'Course I am,” Kitamoto replies easily, setting his bag down.“You know you’re welcome whenever. My parents pretty much consideryou one of theirs.”
It warms Satoru up from the bottom of his heart to the top, and hebeams widely as he sinks onto Kitamoto’s bed. For all that his ownfamily hardly has time for him, he’s never felt unwanted here. 
“So what’d you wanna talk about?” Kitamoto asks, climbingonto the bed beside him. Satoru can think of probably a hundred othertimes they’ve sat just like this, in the comfortable dim of thefading daylight as it reaches through the bedroom window. “And doesit have anything to do with why Natsume couldn’t look me in the eyeafter school?”
“Oh, jeez, I told him it was fine.” Rolling hiseyes, Satoru settles into storytelling mode. “I told him about howI needed a date for this weekend, and he told me thathe thought you’d be my date.”
Kitamoto goes still. His expression doesn’t change, not really,but his smile is a little fixed. And maybe it’s the weird lighting inhis room, but Satoru suddenly doesn’t recognize the look in his eyes.
“Oh yeah?” his friend says, sounding completely normal.“Where’d he get that idea?”
Satoru blinks at him. There’s no way to brush the weirdness off,pretend he didn’t see it. Kitamoto, and every tinyunacknowledged thing about him, all those little facets of hischaracter that no one else would notice missing if they were gone—allof those things are the most familiar things to Satoru in theentire world. He knows it, Kitamoto knows it.
The forced smile fades. Kitamoto looks away, facing the rest ofthe room, and rubs a hand through his short hair.
They’re close enough that their shoulders bump, that they’d benose to nose if they turned towards each other. Instead they sitquietly, side by side. Like two parallel lines, always on the samepage, always in perfect tandem, and somehow, somehow, nevermeeting in the middle.
Satoru’s heart is beating a little harder. He faces the room, too.
He celebrated his thirteenth birthday right here.
Kitamoto’s mom made a cake, and Kitamoto and Mana both helped. Itwas lopsided and the frosting was grainy with a little too much sugarand the strawberries mysteriously disappeared before they could haveanything to do with the decoration, and to this day Satoru wouldswear in front of god and everybody that it was the best birthdaycake in the world. He and Kitamoto took their slices back to hisbedroom and ate them right where they’re sitting right now,cross-legged on the bed and grinning with their mouths full and beinggenerally loud and teenage boy and stupid, and Satoru felt so fulland so loved that he didn’t want to go home that night.
He never wants to go home from here. Not evennow, when something uncomfortable fills the familiar air between themfor the first time that Satoru can remember. But—
“Maybe you shouldn’t stay for dinner,” Kitamoto offers, in asmall voice. It sounds like an out, but Satoru can’t tell who for,and he’s stunned by it either way.
“You want me to leave?”
The silence that eats up the seconds after that is bleak anddisarming, and he’s frozen in some terrible combination of shock andhurt and shame. He wants, for a moment, to ask what he did wrong. Themoment comes and goes before he can work up the nerve, so he doesn’task.
Moving mechanically, Satoru stands up and stoops to pick his bagoff the floor without another word, heading towards the door.Kitamoto catches his eye as he closes it behind him, and somethingawful happens to his expression the second he sees whatever Satoru’s facelooks like.
“Oh, wait. Satchan, wait.”
He doesn’t wait.
He hears Mana’s alarmed “Satoru-nii? What happened?” as hegrabs his shoes and all but falls out the front door, but he doesn’tturn around. Doesn’t even stop to pull his sneakers on. Just takesthe stairs three at at time and sprints down the street, because he’sabout three, maybe four seconds away from totally dissolving intostupid tears, and he needs to get gone before that happens.
Touko looks ready to cry at the sight of him. She takes theawkward bundle of jacket, shoes, and bookbag out of his arms, andhurries to get him house slippers while he waits in the genkan,calling up the stairs for Natsume as she goes.
He tries to apologize precisely one time for showing up soabruptly this late in the evening, and Touko hushes him soundly.
“You’re welcome anytime,” she says, tone firm, and Satoruswallows a lump in throat.
Thumping footsteps on the stairs announce Natsume, and Tanumaright behind him. Natsume’s eyes are bright with worry already and hereaches out to Satoru as carefully as he always does, testing thewaters inch by inch. He’s so much like Touko that she could haveraised him herself, the way he’s so thoughtful and earnest ineverything he does, and Satoru saves that thought to smile at later.
For now he blurts, “Don’t look at me like that unless you wantme to start bawling, okay, I swear.”
Tanuma follows Touko into the kitchen to make tea. Natsume takesSatoru’s hand to lead him upstairs, even though he’s been here amillion times and knows the way just fine. 
But he takes Natsume’s hand when it’s offered, and allows himselfto be drawn inside. In Natsume’s room, with a fat cat purring in hislap and Tanuma’s hoodie forced over his head, Satoru squares hisshoulders, takes a deep breath, and says, “It was obvious toeverybody but me.”
It doesn’t take more than a few seconds for Natsume to parsethat statement and find the meaning behind it. His eyes widen andthen go soft, all liquid sympathy and understanding and fondness.
Which turns out to be all it takes for Satoru to finally crumple,and he does; burying his face in his hands and giving into loud, uglytears. 
He doesn’t know how to be stoic and level-headed and calm, likeTanuma and Taki and Kitamoto. He doesn’t how to make thishurt lesser. 
“Tsuji was right,” he sobs, rubbing his eyes with the trailingends of Tanuma’s sleeves. “It was so obvious, and everybody knewbefore me, and I hurt Kitamoto, ‘cause I’m an idiot.”
Natsume moves closer, and puts an arm around his shoulders. Heisn’t one to initiate contact, not really, and all the hugsSatoru’s ever got from him have been on his own terms. But Natsumeholds him tight, and presses his cheek against Satoru’s hair.
“Tsuji didn’t mean it,” he says gently. “You know that. Andwhatever happened with Kitamoto—it’s fixable, I promise.”
“But how do you know?You don’t even know what happened. For all you know, I ruinedeverything, forever.”
Natsume hesitates to answer rightaway, because for all his earnest and caring he’s still brand new atthis; then the bedroom door slides open and the answer comes in theform of Tanuma, stepping through quietly with a tray of teacups.  
“You have company,” he saysvaguely, which is an odd thing to say—Natsume knows he has company,Satoru is his companyand he’s sitting right here?
And then at the same time Satorurealizes Tanuma was talking to him, Kitamotostaggers into the room right behind him.
Satoru freezes. Natsume exhalessoftly, and draws away; lingering long enough to take Nyanko-senseiout of Satoru’s lap, he offers Satoru a warm smile and moves to joinTanuma beside his desk on the other side of the small room. Satorufeels distinctly abandoned, even though they’re hardly more than anarm’s length away. And it’s not like they left him to fend off abear. Just his wheezing best friend, whose doubled over with hishands braced on his knees, like he sprinted twice the length of townin the last twenty minutes.
“Went to your house first,”Kitamoto pants. “That was stupid.”
“Well, yeah,” Satoru says.
Kitamoto straightens when he’smore or less caught his breath, and for a moment that something awfulflits through his expression again when he looks across the room atSatoru, the same way it did before. And sure, Satoru probably lookspretty pathetic, since he just got done crying like a four year oldand his eyes are puffy and gross and he’s in a hoodie two sizes toobig, but that doesn’t mean Kitamoto has to look athim like that.
Then the painful expressionshifts into pure, stark irritation, and he jabs an accusing finger atSatoru in a way he’s entirely unprepared for.
“Why the hell did you run offlike that?” Kitamoto snaps. Natsume and Tanuma are watching the exchange with wide eyes. “Dad thought we had a fight andlectured me for five mintues about how I should treat my friends.”
Affronted, Satoru surges to his feet.“What do you—you kicked me out!”
“Um, I seem to recall giving you anoption of staying or going,” Kitamoto bites out furiously.He seems more frustrated than truly angry, and more frustrated athimself than Satoru, but it’s all coming out in a fuming tirade. “As ifI’d ever kick you out, come on.”
“Okay, listen, when your choices areA: Something you obviously want, and B: Something you obviouslydon’t, it’s not a choice, it’s a trap.” Satoru canfeel his eyes burning again just remembering that alien feeling ofunwelcome, and he ignores them; doing his best to glower asforcefully as Taki when she catches him stealing out of Natsume’slunch. “So when I obviously want to stay, but you tell me Ishould go, I’m supposed to, what? Read between the lines?”
Kitamoto throws his hands up. “Yes!”
“That was a rhetorical question! Youknow I can’t do that!”
They glare at each other some more. There’s maybe four feet between them. Distantly, Satoru is aware of Natsume all but dragging Tanuma out of the room. 
Kitamoto says, “Come here.” 
Satoru crosses his arms, to better pretend his hands aren’t shaking. “No. You come here.”
In two quick strides, he does.
It’s kind of weird, standing there in Natsume’s bedroom, in Tanuma’s hoodie, kissing Kitamoto, who he had never imagined kissing before today. 
It stops being weird somewhere between the third and fourth gentle press of his best friend’s mouth against his own. And whatever Satoru had imagined before, in lieu of this, absolutely pales in comparison.
“So,” Satoru says lamely, swinging their joined hands a bit as they walk, “Some friends invited me out this weekend. Said I could bring a date. Wanna come with?”
Kitamoto gives him a dry look. Satoru offers his most winning smile. 
“I should say no,” Kitamoto says, deadpan, “just to make sure you learn something from all this.”
“Acchan!” Satoru squawks. “Dude, come on! As my boyfriend, you’re like, obligated to do all the date stuff with me so I don’t have to do it alone! That’s one of the perks!”
They bicker most of the way back to Kitamoto’s house, but his hand is warm where it’s wrapped around Satoru’s. And his smile is even warmer, somehow, each time he pauses to lean down and kiss the indignation off Satoru’s face. 
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