#you can't tell me she didn't have a cut across her stomach or sides
dhampirslays · 2 years
*gets extreme kidnapped arena vibes from this*
this fits Jo so well
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ama0310 · 2 months
Children of the Dark
Character: Spencer Reid
Requested: No
Type: Angst/ Fluff
Summary: When home invasions involve the murder of entire families, the BAU is called to Denver to identify the killers who possibly have been abused while in foster care, something that hits quite close to home for Agent Y/N L/N 
A.N: Based on "Children of the Dark" (Season 3, Episode 4)
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The fluorescent lights of the buzzed overhead as Y/N stood frozen, watching Ervin's interrogation through the one-way glass. Her breath caught in her throat as Ervin's words painted a vivid picture of abuse that hit far too close to home.
"Hey," a soft voice broke through her reverie. "You hanging in there?"
Y/N turned to see Spencer approaching, his brow furrowed with concern. She forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'm fine, Spence. Why wouldn't I be?"
Spencer leaned against the wall beside her, his lanky frame casting a shadow across the floor. "This case... it's stirring up some ghosts, isn't it?" His voice was gentle, probing without pushing.
Y/N's fingers unconsciously found her engagement ring, twisting it around her finger. "It's just..." she hesitated, searching for words. "These brothers, Ervin and Gary. What they've done is unforgivable, but the abuse they suffered..."
"No child deserves that," Spencer finished softly.
Y/N nodded, her gaze drawn back to Ervin's haunted face on the other side of the glass. "Foster care abuse is more common than people realize. It doesn't excuse their actions, but God, Spence, I can't help but feel for them."
Spencer's hand found her shoulder, a comforting weight. "Y/N, you don't have to pretend with me. I've noticed you playing with your ring – it's your tell when you're upset."
She stiffened, caught off guard by his perceptiveness. "I..." she began, but the words died in her throat.
"I'm here if you want to talk," Spencer offered, his voice low and sincere. "About anything."
Y/N met his eyes, seeing the warmth and concern there. She managed a small, genuine smile this time. "I know, Spence. Thank you."
Before she could say more, the rest of the team filed in, gathering around to watch as Carrie continued her interrogation of Ervin.
Ervin's voice cracked as he spoke, raw with emotion. "I wanted to stop. Gary... he had it so much worse when we were kids. He never got the chance to fight back then."
Emily  leaned forward, her voice steady. "So he fought those other families instead?"
"Only because I wouldn't go back," Ervin whispered, shame evident in his slumped shoulders.
"Back?" She pressed. "Gary's going to your foster home, isn't he?"
The tension in the room became palpable. Hotch's voice cut through the silence, sharp and urgent. "Get him out of there. Now."
As two officers rushed to apprehend Gary, Y/N felt the walls closing in. Phantom hands seemed to grab at her, pulling her hair, the ache of hunger gnawing at her stomach – echoes of a past she'd fought so hard to forget.
Spencer's hand on her shoulder made her jump. "Maybe you should sit this one out," he suggested gently.
Y/N's jaw clenched, a flash of anger and frustration cutting through her turmoil. She gripped the case files tightly, using the physical sensation to ground herself. "I told you, Spencer, I'm fine," she snapped, her voice low and tight. "Just... leave it alone."
Without waiting for a response, she strode out of the room, her heels clicking sharply against the marble floor. The weight of her past pressed down on her shoulders, but she straightened her spine, determined to face whatever came next – just as she always had.
The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the street as Y/N practically leapt from the SUV. Her heart was racing, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Spencer was already there, his lean frame taut with tension.
"Guys, fall back!" She could hear Hotch call out to the team, his voice sharp with urgency. "We can't risk making them feel cornered."
She turned to Spencer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "What does he want with the boy?" Her fingers instinctively found her engagement ring, twisting it anxiously. "He's just a child, Spence. He's been through enough without being dragged into this nightmare."
Spencer's brow furrowed, his analytical mind working overtime. "Most likely using him as a human shield," he replied grimly.
Before Y/N could respond, a hush fell over the scene. All eyes turned to the donut shop's entrance. Tyler, the young boy at the center of this chaos, emerged slowly, fear etched across his small face. Derek moved with lightning speed, scooping the child up and whisking him to safety.
Minutes crawled by like hours until finally, Gary was subdued and shoved unceremoniously into the back of a police cruiser. The case was over.
Y/N's focus immediately shifted to the children's welfare. She approached Derek, who was engaged in a heated phone conversation. As he hung up, frustration radiated from him in waves.
"What's going on?" Y/N asked, dreading the answer.
Derek's face told her everything before he even spoke. "Social services won't intervene until they complete a full investigation."
The words hit Y/N like a physical blow. "We have to take them back?" Her voice rose in disbelief. "Derek, no. We can't do that. There has to be another way!"
The unspoken weight of Y/N's own history in foster care hung heavily between them. The entire team knew fragments of her past, and they'd been watching her closely throughout this case, witnessing her slow spiral.
"It's out of our hands," Derek said softly, his eyes filled with regret as they both looked at the two children huddled in the back of a car.
Y/N squared her shoulders, a determined glint in her eye. "I'm going with you to drop them off. And before you argue, it's not up for discussion."
Spencer appeared at her side, concern etched across his features. "Are you sure that's wise?"
Y/N met his gaze, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside. "Those kids need to know someone's in their corner. I want to be that person." She leaned in, pressing a quick, reassuring kiss to his lips. "I'll be fine. We'll play chess on the jet when I get back, okay?"
Spencer nodded reluctantly, tapping the hood of the car twice – their little ritual – as Y/N slid into the passenger seat.
The drive was tense, Y/N's eyes constantly flicking to the rearview mirror, taking in the children's frightened faces. She gnawed at her nails, lost in memories of her own time in the system.
Derek reached over, squeezing her hand three times – their silent code of support. Y/N managed a weak nod as they pulled up to the foster home, where the foster mother waited with an unreadable expression.
As Derek spoke with Tyler, Y/N knelt before the little girl, her heart aching. "Hey, beautiful," she said softly, clasping the child's small hands in her own. "I want you to have this." She pressed her business card into the girl's palm. "If you ever need anything – big or small – you call me. Anytime, day or night. Someone will always listen. Promise me?"
Tears welled in the girl's eyes, mirrored in Y/N's own. It was like looking at a younger version of herself. Unable to contain her emotions, Y/N pulled the child into a fierce hug before reluctantly letting go.
As they guided the children back to their foster mother, Y/N's every instinct screamed at her to stop this, to whisk these kids away to safety. But the law tied her hands.
"I can't believe we're letting them go back," she murmured, wiping away a stray tear as they headed back to the car.
Just as they were about to leave, Y/N's phone rang. Spencer's name flashed on the screen.
"Hey, Spence–"
His voice cut through, urgent and sharp. "Are you still with the kids?"
"No, we just dropped them off. We're leaving now–"
"Did you check their backpacks?"
Confusion colored Y/N's voice. "What? Why would we–"
The crack of gunfire split the air, drowning out her words and shattering the fragile peace of the moment.
The world seemed to slow as Y/N and Derek burst from the car, adrenaline surging through their veins. Y/N's phone quickly placed back into her pocket, Spencer's frantic voice still echoing. Their guns were drawn in perfect unison
The house loomed before them, an ordinary facade now transformed into a potential crime scene. They entered with practiced caution, the air thick with tension and the acrid smell of gunpowder.
The scene that greeted them was one of horror and heartbreak. The foster mother lay crumpled on the floor, but there seems to be no wound. And there, standing was Tyler. The gun in his small hands looked obscene.
Y/N's heart shattered, the pieces lodging painfully in her throat. She stepped forward, her arms trembling almost imperceptibly as she aimed her weapon. "Tyler," she called, her voice deliberately soft, "drop the gun."
Derek moved to check on the foster mother, but Y/N's focus remained laser-sharp on the boy before her. Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the shattered picture frames, family photos now pockmarked with bullet holes.
Tyler's eyes, brimming with unshed tears, flicked between Y/N and the ruined photos. "They're lies," he choked out, his voice raw with pain and betrayal.
Y/N inched closer, deliberately placing herself between Tyler and Derek's line of fire. "I know, Tyler," she soothed, her voice thick with empathy. "You could have hurt her…made her pay, but you didn't. Because you're good. You're nothing like Gary."
"Y/N!" Derek hissed, realizing the danger she was putting herself in if things go south.
She ignored him, her focus solely on Tyler. "You're protecting your friends, yourself. You're going to be okay." She holstered her gun slowly, raising her empty hands. "I was in your shoes once," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I lost my parents in a fire when I was four. Spent fourteen years in a foster home where... where terrible things happened."
With each revelation, she took another cautious step forward. "My foster father... he'd come into my room at night…every single night. My foster mother starved me because of it. For fourteen years, I prayed for someone to save me." Her voice cracked, tears threatening to spill over. "I made it out at eighteen. Fought like hell to get into college, then the FBI. It was agony, Tyler, but I survived. You will too. I promise you that. You’re not like Gary. We’re not like Gary, Tyler."
Y/N could see the other children huddled on the stairwell, their eyes wide with fear. Her heart ached for all of them. "Let's make a deal," she offered, her voice gentle but firm. "You give me that gun, and I swear to you, I will walk you and every child here out of this house. You'll never have to come back. How does that sound?"
She was close enough now to see the tremble in Tyler's hands, to count the freckles across his tear-stained cheeks. "Please," she whispered, "just give me the gun."
Time seemed to stretch as Tyler wavered, the weight of the moment palpable in the air. Then, slowly, shakily, he extended the weapon towards Y/N. She took it gingerly, passing it to Derek before enveloping Tyler in a fierce embrace.
The boy clung to her desperately, his small frame wracked with sobs. "It's going to be okay," Y/N murmured, her own tears finally falling. "I promise you. It's all going to be okay."
They remained locked in that embrace until the wail of approaching sirens broke the spell. As child services arrived to relocate the children, Y/N knelt before Tyler one last time.
"If you need anything, Tyler – anything at all – you call me. I'll always be here, okay?"
His voice was small, fragile. "Do you really think I'll be okay?"
The question pierced Y/N's heart like a dagger. She nodded emphatically, cupping his face in her hands. "I know you will. I'll make sure of it. You're going to be more than okay, Tyler."
She hugged him once more before watching him climb into the child services car, a piece of her heart going with him. Exhausted and emotionally drained, Y/N made her way back to Derek, who waited silently by their vehicle. As she sank into the passenger seat, the weight of the day settled heavily upon her shoulders, a mix of sorrow for what had happened and hope for what might still 
The car hummed quietly as they drove, the silence between Y/N and Derek heavy with unspoken words. Y/N's revelation hung in the air, a painful secret now exposed.
"Y/N," Derek began, his voice gentle.
She cut him off, her tone sharp with barely contained emotion. "What happened in that house stays there, Derek. Understand?"
"Y/N, we need to talk about—"
"No," she snapped, then softened slightly. "Please, just... leave it. And don't breathe a word to anyone. Especially not Spencer." Her voice cracked on her fiancé's name, betraying the depth of her fear.
She leaned her forehead against the cool glass of the window, unaware that her phone lay forgotten in her pocket, the call still connected.
As they pulled into the Denver police station parking lot, Y/N spotted Spencer through the windows. He was pacing frantically, his lanky frame taut with worry.
She entered cautiously. "Spence? I'm back. Are you alright?"
Before she could react, Spencer engulfed her in a fierce embrace. Confusion etched across her face as she returned the hug.
"Spence?" she questioned softly.
His next words sent a chill down her spine. "I heard everything."
Y/N's body went rigid. "What? How?"
"The call... it never disconnected," Spencer explained, his voice thick with emotion. "I heard the gunshots, and I was terrified. Then you started talking, and I... I couldn't bring myself to hang up." He pulled back, his eyes searching hers. "You've never opened up to me about your past like that. Now I understand why, and I'm so sorry for what you went through."
Y/N blinked rapidly, fighting back tears. "It was a long time ago, Spence. I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he said firmly, cupping her face in his hands. "And that's okay. I know it still affects you. I know it's why our relationship took time to develop. You don't have to tell me everything, but please, don't shut me out. When you're struggling or having a bad day, talk to me. I'm here for you, always."
The desperation in his eyes broke something inside her. "I know," she whispered, leaning in to kiss him softly. "I'm sorry."
Spencer studied her face, noting her red-rimmed eyes. "How are you feeling now?"
Y/N sighed, her shoulders sagging. "Overwhelmed. Helpless. How can I make sure that Tyler will be okay? Maybe Garcia could keep tabs on him, but—"
"What if we adopt him?" Spencer's suggestion came out of nowhere, stunning Y/N into silence.
"What?" she breathed, hardly daring to believe she'd heard him correctly.
Spencer's eyes lit up with excitement. "I had Garcia look into his background. He's a good kid, Y/N. You've already bonded with him. What better way to ensure his well-being than to bring him into our family?"
"You'd really want to do this?" Y/N asked, hope blooming in her chest.
Spencer smiled, taking her hands in his. "We've been together for three years, we're engaged. I think this could be wonderful for all of us. What do you think?"
Tears of joy sprang to Y/N's eyes. "Yes! Oh my god, yes!" She threw her arms around Spencer's neck. "We need to tell Garcia right away! Or better yet, let's go tell Tyler! I don't even know where to start with the adoption process, but I'm sure you do."
Spencer laughed, spinning her around. "We'll figure it out together."
 She knew there would be challenges ahead, but the thought of providing a loving home for Tyler filled her with indescribable joy. The boy deserves something good. Everything good.  With Spencer by her side and Tyler in their lives, she finally felt like she was building the family she'd always dreamed of – one built on love, understanding, and healing.
Author's Note:
I know this isn't Part 2 of Silver Springs, but I just rewatched the episode and wanted to write this.
Anywhoooo if there's any request I would love to write them!!!
And don't worry I'll write Part 2 of Silver Springs soon!!!
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Oscar x pregnant!reader
Wc: 1.9k
warnings: daddy issues, use of OMB scenes so spoilers I guess, sad Spooky, shitty ending cus my attention span cut out
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"No, no, no! You can not put down two draw fours!" Yn shouted at Cesar while the two dabbled in an intense game of UNO. Cesar chuckled waving his one card in her face. "You're just mad because you're losing." He bragged. Though it was confirmed she would never admit it, she quickly pouted and placed her hand on her stomach, he chuckled shaking his head knowing the card that she was about to play. "I'm gonna tell your niece or nephew you didn't let their mommy win."
Her boyfriend Spooky could be heard letting out a bellyful laugh from down the hall, he emerged from his room making his way toward them where they sat around the table not too far from the living room. "Mamita, you can't say that every time you don't get your way." She stuck out her tongue. "I can and I will for the remaining six months."
He rolled his eyes and planted a kiss on the top of her head. "Fine," She reluctantly picked up eight more cards just for Cesar to dramatically slam his last one on the table. He stood up took the last swig of his beer and rested the empty bottle on the table, he was next to kiss her head before grabbing his things and heading out. "I'll see you guys later, I'm with Monse if you need me."
"Have fun." She called out. The door closed and the house was once again silent, Yn gathered the cards and packed them nicely back into the box they came in. She heard the sound of the front door opening and assumed it was Cesar, she said "What'd you forget knucklehead?" But frowned when she was met with their father, Ray. A few days ago the older gentleman had found himself across from the traphouse, Cesar panicked about a stranger just stalking outside so Spooky went to investigate, and with Yn's nosey ass at the window, she noticed Spooky's body language and he was not happy.
Spooky never spoke about his dad, maybe once, but that was it. She could tell he had resentment in his heart for that man, he was a stranger and for him to pop back up after all these years wasn't ideal for anyone in this situation. YN had to admit it was nice seeing Cesar happy and hearing him talk about all the things they were going to do and how much they had to catch up on but judging by the look on Ray's face right in front of her... those plans would never set in motion.
She pitied him a half-smile before dodging into the kitchen. Spooky sat in the background on the couch observing the cold interaction, internally smiling that she would be on his side no matter the minor details that she knew. Ray disappeared into one of the rooms, Spooky was curious as to what he was there for but was brought out of it when he was called to the kitchen. He got up and followed her voice, she was desperately trying to reach the third shelf and was failing miserably, usually, she'd grab a chair but with a baby inside she was more cautious of what she did.
"Can you grab a plate for me papito?"
"Of course, baby."
She squealed and applauded the small gesture as he handed the plate over to her. "Thank you." She blew him a kiss but he wanted a real one, his hand snaking around her waist he pulled her in tightly. Her hands ran up his neck and landed under his jawline. Their lips touched, fitting like pieces of a puzzle, melting together like it was the first time. She could feel his hands slide a little further down, she gasped at the hard squeeze he delivered she pulled back smacking his chest. "Why can't I have one little innocent kiss?"
"That question is what got you pregnant in the first place." He joked gently pressing his hand on her little belly. Yn shooed him off. Oscar laughed and left her alone only to return to the main area and see Ray with his duffle bag on top of the table packing his clothes up. "Finally cleaning up your mess?" He asked. Ever since he arrived it'd practically become a pigsty, his girl often complaining that she wasn't some maid for a grown-ass man, especially one she had no relation to. Ray avoided eye contact as he answered. "I'm leaving, think I've caused enough drama."
Leaving. All he did was leave, run away from his problems, and scram when things got serious. It wasn't the first time Oscar experienced it but there was no doubt that it still hurt, he felt himself shrink into that little kid again, watching the man who was supposed to be there for him vanish, the man who was supposed to teach him how to become one disappear without a trace leaving him and Cesar alone to fend for themselves.
"Good," He responded. "You tell Cesar your plan?"
There was a moment of silence, Ray had stopped packing and sighed making eye contact with his oldest. "I'll tell him when I get to Bakersfield, there's a guy up there who can help me out... help you out too-"
Spooky had turned cold, that scowl plastered on his face, the boiling hate flashing in his eyes. "I don't need help, I got everything I need."
Ray let out an amused chuckle. "The Santos? That girl?" Oscar took a step forward, fists balled up, father or not he would put down anyone that disrespected his girl. She was his home, his family, she was everything that he needed. "Her name is Yn, and she let you stay with us, not me... if it were up to me you'd be out on the street with the rest of the stray dogs."
Little did they know they had an audience for this performance, not too far off Yn had poked her head from the kitchen she had stopped what she was doing the minute she heard their voices. "I hope they don't sell you out, I hope she's good to you because one day all that love you think you're getting from them is gonna be gone."
"Ray." He warned. "This street shit isn't the life man, you don't have to stay here, go and make something of yourself."
Oscar's eyes softened, and he began to nod in agreement. "Thanks, Papa, you're right. I could be president or a fucking astronaut, maybe even a movie star right? Because I had such a great fucking role model!"
"I had a shitty dad too, mijo," Ray's tone was so nonchalant when he said it and something about it was making Yn's skin crawl it just sounded like he didn't care. "But you gotta let that rage go."
It took everything for her not toa put in her two cents. How do you let the rage from constant and consistent disappointment go? She could tell Spooky had this overbearing feeling that he was a failure, that he failed Cesar, failed the Santos and even failed her-- so how was he just supposed to let that go?
Yn had thought the fire between them had died down, that Ray had left and Spooky was just standing there disassociating at the fact that he was in his twenties and still being abandoned. But when she brought herself into frame the two of them had gone, their muffled argument had moved outdoors. Her feet carried her to the front door, where she stood behind the screen watching it go down from a distance.
"Everything bad that's ever happened in my life is because of you! You're gonna crush Cesar the same way you crushed me!" His voice weakened, almost cracking like he was fighting to keep that little boy inside. Ray was already at the end of the path, one foot almost on the black tarmac road, he dropped his bag and turned around to face Spooky. "You never wrote to me... you didn't call, you didn't even visit not once! Did you even think about me?"
YN placed her hand over her heart, she wanted nothing more than to drag him inside and coddle him for all he's been through but he needed to let this out he'd been holding it in for far too long. She looked as Ray walked back toward Spooky.
"Oscar-" He began but Spooky shut it down. "You wanna know the worst part about not having a father? I had to be a father to my brother without having been a son first!" He sniffled. "I have a girl in there who loves me, who taught me how to love since I didn't have you or mama as examples... she's having my baby and I'm scared that I'm gonna end up like you!"
Oscar broke, completely shattered. Yn didn't think there'd be a day when she heard her partner weeping from the deep sadness that he felt, the sadness that was cloaked in anger. Ray didn't say anything, he pulled Oscar in for a hug and he resisted at first but once again his inner child betrayed him and he loosened a bit returning the embrace and they stayed like that for a while. Oscar buried his head in his father's shoulder, nothing was said, it was a bittersweet and brief moment before that rage entered his system again. That wall reappeared in seconds.
He wasn't little Oscar Diaz anymore he was back to Spooky who aggressively shoved his father off of him. "Take your shit and go, make sure I don't see you here again."
And just like that, he was gone again. Spooky turned around with a pout on his face, he stopped at the front door seeing Yn through the screen. "Did you eat?" Funny that even in his obvious time of need he was still worried about her. She shook her head, stretched out her hand to his and gently pulled him inside. Once the door closed the tears that he had just soaked back up were released once again. Yn pulled him over to the couch, sat him down and then took her place beside him.
He fell apart in her arms. "I fucking hate him." She rubbed his back. "All he does is fucking leave me... what did I do?"
"Ay! You didn't do anything papito, he's just an asshole."
"Am I not good enough?"
She frowned. "You are more than enough my love, I promise you. You are more than enough for me, for Cesar and for the baby. You did a great job raising him and you will do an even better one raising ours."
He lifted his head from where it rested on her shoulder, she swiped her thumb across his cheeks to wipe his tears. "How are you so sure?"
"You already do enough for the baby and they're not even here. You make sure I'm eating enough, you make sure I'm relaxed. I wish you could've seen your face when I told you." Now she was tearing up. "I couldn't have picked a better person to make a family with."
He softly smiled. "I love you."
"Duh." She sarcastically answered which received a decent chuckle. "I love you too, we're good okay? I'm not going anywhere."
"I know." He mumbled. She smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. "Let's eat, yeah?"
I just felt like writing something kind of sad. idk why.
for the Pedro girlies im working on Truth or Drink3
for the Rio girlies, working on The Nanny 3
trying not to burn tf out lol just put me down at this point.
if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
peace and love.
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svltzmans · 10 months
jealousy, jealousy (part ii) - h.m.
a/n: hi! i got a request for a jealous hope fic and i thought i'd continue the one i posted a while ago that i really had fun writing! i hope you all like it <3
warnings: smut (18+), dominant! hope, edging, rough sex, just some kinky stuff ok, forgive me for i have sinned 😭, also platonic reader and lizzie bc i love her, i didn't edit this so hopefully there are no mistakes?
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y/n and lizzie sit across from each other at a table in the library, both engrossed in a biology textbook.
with exam season fast approaching, studying became top priority for almost everyone around them.
through conversation, lizzie and y/n had realized they both could use a study buddy.
y/n never considered herself to be close with lizzie. she always viewed the witch as an acquaintance. a classmate.
but ever since the two had started studying together, they developed a genuine friendship.
a friendship that involved hours in the library after class, laughing and talking despite the subject matter they were supposed to be reviewing.
y/n didn't feel the need to tell her girlfriend, hope, about her budding friendship with lizzie. hope wasn't the type to worry about y/n's friendships, and their relationship was built on trust.
however, when hope walks into the library and sees her girlfriend and lizzie laughing together, her blood suddenly runs cold.
maybe it was because another girl was making y/n laugh so much, or because lizzie was conventionally gorgeous.
either way, she felt the jealousy growing in her lungs.
before she can act on her feelings, she leaves the library, making her way back to her own bedroom.
hope springs up when she hears a knock at the door, and a smile creeps across her face when she realizes it's y/n.
"hey," y/n leans in for a kiss on the cheek, bringing an instantaneous blush to hope.
hope steps to the side, gesturing for y/n to come in.
once y/n is inside and the door is closed behind her, hope takes hold of her wrist in a way that makes y/n's heart drop to her stomach.
"hope, what's up?"
"what's going on with you and lizzie?" hope replies, blankly staring into y/n's eyes.
"lizzie? lizzie saltzman? hope, nothing is going on-"
hope cuts y/n off with a kiss, threading her fingers through strands of her hair.
y/n pulls away momentarily, a puzzled expression on her face.
"what was that for?"
"it just seems like you need a reminder that you're my girl."
"what, i can't study with someone els-"
hope cuts her off again, gently pushing her toward the bed as they kiss.
when hope lays y/n down, she makes sure her hands are wrapped tightly around her wrists to restrict her movement. she hovers above her girlfriend, their lips still attached.
y/n instinctively spreads her legs as her and hope continue to make out, hoping for any kind of touch from the girl above her.
as soon as hope notices, she moves her knee to y/n's still clothed core, putting more and more pressure until she earns a loud moan against her lips.
"mmph, hope, more," y/n mumbles between kisses, trying to grind into hope's leg.
"more, huh baby?" hope taunts, pressing harder with her knee.
y/n can't believe how close she already is, considering that her and hope are still both fully clothed. yet, the pressure in her stomach continues building until she feels like exploding.
"oh my god, hope," y/n practically screams, grabbing onto hope's shoulders.
just as y/n is seconds away from falling over the edge, hope pulls her leg away.
y/n can't help but whine at the loss of contact, and she looks up at hope with a pout.
"you didn't think it was gonna be that easy, did you?" hope teases, pulling y/n into another rough kiss.
hope moves to undo y/n's pants, running her hands up and down her legs slowly.
something in hope wanted to make this as tantalizing as possible for y/n. she wanted to see her writhe and beg, completely at her mercy.
but she also desperately wanted to fuck her.
and that desire only skyrockets when y/n is bare in front of her.
"so wet, y/n. just for me, huh?"
"god, yes hope, just for you."
y/n is growing desperate, and her first denied orgasm wasn't helping. she was flushed, lightly sweating as she continued to sink into the sheets below her.
hope gently rubs y/n's clit with her finger, knowing that she wasn't doing nearly enough for her.
"harder, more, please hope. want more," y/n arches her back, trying to encourage hope to apply more pressure.
it's then that hope effortlessly slides two fingers into y/n, the girl above her letting out a guttural moan.
"fuck hope, just like that baby," y/n praises, her hands both tightly gripping the blanket under her.
"this is what you wanted, huh pretty? you wanted me to fuck you with my fingers?"
y/n can't help but loudly whine at her girlfriend's words, growing dangerously close once again.
"gonna cum on your fingers, hope, so close."
when hope hears those words come from y/n's mouth, she stops moving completely.
"please don't stop hope, please. please make me cum," y/n begs, making eye contact with her girlfriend.
hope's eyes are dark with desire as she looks back at y/n, her finger lazily rubbing circles on y/n's clit.
"please, hope. gonna be a good girl for you."
with that, hope continues fingering y/n at a quickening pace, determined to finally bring her over the edge.
"right there hope. my god, please let me cum."
"cum for me, y/n. you've earned it."
y/n's whole body shakes, her hands desperately trying to find something to grip. the intensity of her orgasm wasn't something she had ever experienced before, the new sensation making her shamelessly scream in pleasure.
when y/n comes down from her high, hope has moved to lay next to her.
"you look so pretty," hope coos, tucking a strand of y/n's hair behind her ear.
"hope, you know there's nothing going on with me and lizzie, right?"
"i trust you, y/n. wholeheartedly. i love you," hope smiles, resting her hand on y/n's cheek.
"i love you more."
before hope knows it, y/n is peacefully asleep next to her.
she wraps her arms around her girlfriend, pulling a blanket over the two of them.
"goodnight, my love."
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onlyhyunjin · 2 months
hi I don't know if you take requests but I was wondering if you could make an Seunghan smut where he's dating the reader and there at a party and y/n runs into her ex who she still has a soft spot for because they are childhood friends then Seunghan shows her who she belongs too.
જ⁀➴ᡣ𐭩 Party ruins - Hong Seunghan
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Pairing: Seunghan x fem!reader
word count: 1,080
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Genre - smut
Warnings: jealousy, swearing, sex in public, unprotected sex, cumming inside, MINORS DNI!
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It was a Saturday night, and you were at a party. You were there with your boyfriend, Seunghan, and things were going good. You were wearing a tight, low-cut dress that hugged your body in all the right places, and you could feel eyes on you as you walked around the party.
As You went to the bar to get another drink, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see your ex-boyfriend juyeon standing there, a mischievous smile on his face. "Hey stranger," he said, his eyes roaming over your body. "Long time no see."
You felt a flutter in your stomach as you took in his handsome face and toned body. You had always had a soft spot for him, and it had been a while since you'd last seen him. "Hi," you said, a little breathlessly. "What are you doing here?"
"I could ask you the same question," he replied, his eyes flicking to Seunghan, who was deep in conversation across the room. "I didn't know you two ran in the same circles."
You bit your lip, suddenly feeling self-conscious. "He's my boyfriend," you said, unable to keep the pride out of your voice.
Your ex raised an eyebrow, a challenging look in his eye. "Is that so? Well, I can't say I'm surprised. You always did have a thing for trashy boys."
You felt a spark of irritation at his tone, but before you could respond, he leaned in closer, his breath tickling your ear. "But I know I could still fuck you better than he ever could."
You pulled back, your heart racing as you felt a rush of desire mixed with anger. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" you hissed. "I have a boyfriend."
As much as you wanted to deny it, you knew he was right. You had always had a weakness for your ex, and the spark between you had never really faded. You felt a throb between your legs.
Just then, Seunghan appeared at your side, his arm possessively around your waist. "Everything okay here?" he asked, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene before him.
You felt a rush of guilt, but your ex just smirked, holding his ground. "Everything's fine," he said smoothly. "Just catching up with an old friend."
Seunghan's gaze darkened, and you could tell he didn't believe a word. "I think it's time for us to go," he said, his voice low and dangerous.
You nodded, your heart pounding as Seunghan started to lead you away. But as you turned to go, your ex grabbed your hand, pulling you close one last time. "Text me later," he whispered, his lips brushing your ear. "I know you want to."
You shivered at his touch, your body betraying you as you felt a rush of wetness between your legs. "Fuck off," you whispered, pulling away and following Seunghan out of the party.
As soon as you were outside, Seunghan spun you around to face him, his eyes blazing with a mixture of desire and anger. "What the fuck was that?" he demanded.
You felt a surge of defiance mixed with arousal. "What was what?" you challenged, your eyes flashing.
He growled, clearly affected by your tone. "Don't play dumb with me. I saw the way he was looking at you, and the way you were responding. You still want him, don't you?"
You bit your lip, unable to deny it. "Maybe I do," you said softly, running your hands up his chest. "But he's not the one I'm with. It's you I want, right here, right now.
Seunghan's eyes darkened even further as he crushed his lips to yours, kissing you hard. You moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pushed you up against the wall, his hips grinding into yours.
"You want me to prove I'm better than him?" he growled against your mouth. "Then let me show you.
"Without another word, he spun you around, pressing you up against the wall with your face to the bricks. You felt his hands on your thighs, hiking up your dress as he pulled your panties to the side. With one swift motion, he entered you from behind, filling you with his thick cock.
You gasped at the sudden invasion, your pussy already throbbing and wet. Seunghan thrust into you hard, his hands gripping your hips as he pounded into you. You could feel the rough bricks against your cheeks, the cool night air on your exposed skin, and Seunghan's hot breath on the back of your neck.
"You like that, you dirty girl?" he growled, his hips snapping against yours. "You like getting fucked by your boyfriend in public?"
"Yes!" you moaned, pushing back against him. "Harder, Hani, fuck me harder!
"He obliged, slamming into you with force, making you cry out with each thrust. You felt exposed and vulnerable, but the combination of pain and pleasure was overwhelming. You closed your eyes, your head falling back against his shoulder as you surrendered to the sensations coursing through your body.
Seunghan's hands moved up your body, cupping your breasts as he squeezed and pinched your nipples. "That's it, baby, cum for me," he urged, his voice hoarse with desire. "Let me feel that tight pussy clench around my dick.
"His words sent you over the edge, and you cried out as your orgasm washed over you. You felt your pussy pulsating around Seunghan's cock, your juices flowing as your body shook with pleasure.
Seunghan groaned as he felt you climax, his own release building. With a few more sharp thrusts, he reached his peak, filling you with his hot cum as he rode out his orgasm.
You slumped against the wall, breathless and spent, as Seunghan slowly pulled out of you. He smoothed down your dress, his hands lingering on your body for a moment before stepping back.
You turned to face him, your eyes smoldering with post orgasm desire. "Let's get out of here," he said, taking your hand. "I want you all to myself for the rest of the night."
You smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. As you walked away, you felt a sense of satisfaction knowing that you'd just experienced one of the most intense fucks of your life, and the night was far from over.
The next morning, you woke up in Seunghan's arms, your body still tingling from the afterglow of the night before.
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@onlyhyunjin. Do not steal, copy, plagiarize, or translate my work, especially without my consent.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 2. Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut.
Notes: Part 2! This one is smuttyyyyyy and a little long hehe there will probably be a part 3 once I crank out some other fics!
Click here for the rest of the series
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You head to the Lady's chambers, nerves filling your belly as you walk up. You put your ear to the door to see if you can hear her inside, the wood is too thick to hear anything so you take a deep breath and knock on the door. After a few seconds nothing happens, you knock again, a little harder this time. Still, nothing. Terrified to open the door on your own, you stand there for a few minutes, unsure of what to do. Eventually you hear the clacking of heels across the marble floor and the familiar shadow of the Lady's curvy figure appears down the hall. She sees you standing at the door and smiles.
"You didn't have to wait for me draga, you could have waited inside."
"Oh, sorry, I wasn't sure." You shyly say.
She gently caresses your cheek and smiles at you.
"After you." She says, gesturing to the door.
You carefully open the door and walk in. She ducks into the doorway and enters her room, closing the door behind her. You're not sure why, but your stomach sank when you heard the door shut. She hasn't given you any reason to be afraid of her, but there's an uneasiness that you aren't able to settle.
She sits at her large vanity, you notice that everything in her room is made to scale for her, the furniture just a little bigger than what it normally would be. She takes her hat off and sets it aside, she slowly removes her gloves and sets them down also. She looks at you through the mirror as you stand near her bed, unsure of where to go or what to do. She gently pulls out the pins in her hair and her dark curls gently fall past her shoulders. You look around the room, turning to the side to admire everything.
"What is that?" She asks, her eyes focused on the bloodied bandage wrapped around your arm.
"Oh, nothing, just an accident in the kitchen during dinner." You say turning away from her a bit.
She turns around and looks at you, her yellow eye suddenly intense.
"There was no accident, was there?" She says, staring into your eyes.
You go to speak and she cuts you off.
"Do not lie to me."
A chill goes down your spine, you look down at the floor.
"No, at least I don't think it was an accident." You quietly say.
You hear a low growl come from her chest, she turns back to the mirror and ties a silk scarf around her head as she grumbles something you can't understand.
"Darling help me with these damned buttons." She says, trying to undo the buttons down the back of her dress.
You walk up to her and carefully unbutton her dress. She pulls her arms out of the sleeves and reveals a navy blue lingerie set. The lacy bra just barely holding in her breasts, you realize you were staring and look away, your cheeks turning red. She smiles and stands up, the dress falling to her feet. She walks over to her wardrobe, you can't help but be mesmerized watching her. Her heels showing off her long, strong legs, the lacy garters hugging her thighs, the garter belt hugging her large, round hips, her thong showing off her perfect ass. She looks over her shoulder and catches you staring at her. You look down, your cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.
She pulls a robe out from her wardrobe and wraps it around herself. She walks up to you, your eyes still focused on the ground, and puts her finger under your chin and lifts your face. Your eyes meet hers and you feel like the air was stolen from your lungs.
"Who did this to you?" She asks.
"I don't know," her stare becomes more intense. "I mean I know, I just don't know her name." You say as your voice begins to shake.
She continues to look at you, waiting for you to tell her.
"I don't want to get anyone in trouble, or killed." You say.
"I will not kill her." She says as her stare softens. "Or maim her." She adds.
You take a deep breath and describe the maid that's been harassing you. "She has dark hair, she's a little taller than me, a little older than me I think, blue eyes."
You hear her growl again, her face is so close to yours you feel the vibration rattle in your chest.
"I know exactly who that is." She says with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I will take care of her. Stay here, make yourself comfortable."
In one swift movement she lifts you and places you on her bed.
"I will be right back." She says.
She opens the door and ducks out, shutting it behind her. You hear the sound of her heels get further and further away. You sit on her bed, not wanting to get too comfortable and risk bleeding on it, since you're pretty sure the cut hasn't stopped bleeding yet. After about 10 minutes the door opens and she walks back in and smiles at you as she shuts the door.
"If she bothers you again, you must tell me. Yes?"
You nod your head.
"You arm is still bleeding." She says as she grabs it and examines it.
She walks into the bathroom and walks out with more bandages. She sits next to you on the bed and removes the poorly wrapped bandage you had applied earlier, a little blood trickles down your arm and she takes in a deep breath, inhaling the scent.
"Cassandra was certainly right, you do smell sweet." She says with a smile.
She wipes the blood off with her finger and licks it clean.
"Mmm, draga mea, you are very sweet." She says with her eyes closed, trying to savor the taste on her tongue.
She opens her eyes and gazes into yours, she's a little surprised to see curiosity and wonder in your eyes instead of fear. She wraps your arm with new bandages, and does a much better job than you were able to.
"If that doesn't stop bleeding by morning have the head maid take you to the infirmary, understood?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Call me Mistress." She says, caressing your cheek.
"Yes Mistress."
"Good girl." She purrs.
You feel like your heart skips a beat as she praises you, you swear she also notices because a smile crosses her face after you feel it.
"Mistress? May I ask you a question?" You ask, averting her gaze.
"Of course draga, what is it?"
"Why did you bring me here, to the castle? Why did you pay my uncle so much so you could take me here?"
"Come." She says taking your hand.
She leads you to the vanity and sits, she motions for you to climb up and she pulls you into her lap, you're a little surprised, you're also caught off guard when you realize you feel safe with her. She pulls your ponytail out and your hair falls around your face. She runs her fingers through your hair, gently pulling it back. She picks up a hairbrush and begins to brush your hair, delicately brushing out every knot she comes across. You close your eyes and smile, the last person to do this was your mother before she died, you forgot how relaxing it is.
"The thought of killing the both of you then and there did cross my mind when we first met." She says, breaking the silence. You eyes snap open, staring at her in the mirror, her attention still focused on brushing your hair. "But you were, and are, very beautiful and the thought of killing someone so beautiful due to the careless actions of a child seemed like a waste." She pauses for a moment as she untangles a knot.
"And then you said you were willing to give your life for your cousin" she says with a laugh "not even your own child, it, impressed me. But I also pitied you when you said taking care of those children was your only purpose. I thought to myself 'how does someone so beautiful think so low of herself where her sole purpose in life was taking care of someone else's children?'" you feel her fingers part your hair as she starts to French braid it.
"Once I met your," she pauses for a moment. "Charming, uncle," you giggle. "It all made sense. I knew you would be much more appreciated here, because I appreciate everything that is beautiful. So I made him an offer he could not refuse, and it was worth every cent because you, draga mea, are very beautiful and you are one of the best maid's I've ever had." She ties off the bottom of the braid and drapes it over your shoulder. She puts her hands on your shoulders, and looks at you in the mirror.
"I must admit though, it would have brought me endless joy to have ripped that retched man apart. Speaking to you like that, in front of me, he is lucky I was able to restrain myself."
"Yeah, he's kind of a dick." You say with a smile on your face.
Her hands slide down to your hips and she gently leans down, placing a kiss on the top of you shoulder. You feel a chill run up your spine, she smiles as she feels it run through you. She places another kiss and you lean your head to the side, giving her more access. She places another kiss, this one on your neck and you take a sharp breath in. You feel a wetness form between your legs as you feel her cool, soft lips on your warm skin. She pulls away and you wait for her lips to meet your skin again, but it doesn't happen. You open your eyes and look at her in the mirror, a smile across her face.
"That's enough for tonight." She says softly into your ear.
You can't hide the look of disappointment on your face.
"Patience draga."
She lifts you off of her lap and onto the floor.
"Remember, straight to the infirmary in the morning if that is still bleeding. And if that maid does anything, at all, you tell me. Yes?"
"Yes ma-" you pause and she looks at you through the mirror. "Mistress."
"Good girl. Goodnight." She turns her attention back to herself and unties the scarf from her head.
You head back to your room and crawl into bed, mixed emotions swirling in your mind, you were terrified of your Mistress when you walked into her bedroom, but by the time you left, all you wanted was more of her touch. You drift off to sleep with her on your mind.
You wake up the next morning and get dressed, you check your arm and luckily the bleeding stopped. You head to the kitchen for breakfast, you sit down to eat and see the maid walk in, she shoots you a dirty look as she holds her arm over her abdomen. To your surprise, she does and says nothing. "Maybe she'll finally leave me alone." You think to yourself.
The next few weeks go by smoothly, the maid doesn't bother you, besides shooting you dirty looks every chance she got, your Mistress invites you back to her chambers a few times each week, always ending the same way, her lips making contact with your skin, each time her hands gently explore your body a little more, and then sending you on your way, leaving you desperate for more every time you leave.
She invites you into her chambers again, you knock on the door and there's no answer. She's made it clear more than once you're allowed to go in and wait for her, so that's what you do. You climb up onto her bed and make yourself comfortable. You lay back on her pillows, you're surrounded by the smell of her perfume, cigarettes and a hint of her wine. You close your eyes and breathe in the smells, an arousal building between your legs as you wait for her.
The sensation becomes too much to ignore, you slowly reach your hand between your legs and rub your aching bud over your underwear, a quiet moan escapes your lips as you release the intense tension that has been building up.
"Patience is not a virtue you possess, is it?"
You jump when you hear her voice, you slam your legs shut and sit up, both mortified and a little scared, you didn't hear her come in at all.
"I- I'm so sorry mistress, I- I was-" You panic a little trying to find the words.
"Pleasuring yourself, in my bed?" She says with a raised eyebrow.
You put your head down, your cheeks on fire, you wish you could disappear into a swarm of flies right now.
You hear her laugh and feel her finger under your chin, her cold skin feels like ice, she turns your face towards her.
"I will dismiss it this time, but make no mistake, if it happens again, I will not be as generous." Her piercing yellow eyes staring into yours.
"Yes Mistress, thank you." You quietly say.
She pulls you closer, her lips gently brushing against your ear, the sensation between your legs grows once more.
"I am the only one who is allowed to pleasure you, understand?"
An involuntary moan escapes your lips at her words, the arousal in your legs unbearable, you close your eyes to try and ignore it. She pulls back, her finger still under your chin, you open your eyes and see her staring at you, waiting for your response.
Your throat suddenly dry, you manage to squeeze a "yes Mistress." out.
She smiles and walks towards her vanity, setting down her hat.
"Come, pet." She says to you as she sits.
You scramble off of the bed and walk over to the vanity, she moves her curls to the side, gesturing for you to unbutton her dress. You unbutton it and she stands up and slides out of it as usual, but unlike the other times she's invited you into her chambers, tonight she doesn't go to her wardrobe and put on her robe, she returns to her seat at the vanity in a black lace lingerie set . She looks at you through the mirror and you climb up next to her as usual. You're taken by surprise when she pulls you into her lap, she usually does, but you weren't expecting it since she was just in her underwear.
She pulls your hair out of the ponytail and brushes it like she does almost every time she invites you in. Instead of braiding it, she pulls it to the side when she's done combing through. You automatically lean your head to the side, giving her access to your skin, becoming desperate for her touch.
You hear her smirk and feel her pull the shoulder of your dress down, exposing your skin. Her soft, cold lips meet your bare skin and a moan escapes your lips. She gently hums at your reaction.
"Eager tonight are we?" She seductively whispers into your ear.
"Mhm." You say, nodding your head. Another moan escapes as she places her lips closer to your neck.
You feel her smile and another moan escapes as her lips make contact with your pulse point. Your panties are soaked, you feel a throb between your legs, you shift in her lap to try and make it go away. She gently slides one of her hands to the inside of your thigh, her lips firmly planted on your neck, you spread your legs, desperate for her to touch you.
"Do you want mommy to touch you?" She whispers into your ear.
You let out a whimper as you nod your head.
"Use your words, tell mommy what you want."
"I need you to touch me, please." Your request sounding more like you're begging than asking.
You let out a moan as she cups your soaked panties, your eyes roll and you lean back into her a little.
She gently rubs your throbbing clit over your underwear and you buck your hips and throw your head back, more sounds passing through your lips. She hums as she feels the wetness between your legs, the sound gently vibrating your ribcage.
"Did you ruin your panties thinking of me?"
"Mhm" you say, unable to form words.
She watches you squirm in her lap in the mirror, enjoying every second as you're desperate for her touch. She begins to feel a wetness between her legs as she too becomes eager for you.
She removes her hand and you let out a small whine, she picks you up and puts you on the floor, you look up at her, never feeling so desperate in your life. She swings her legs to the other side of the vanity bench and leans forward, her gigantic, perfect breasts in your face.
"You have been so patient draga, I think it's time you're rewarded for your excellent behavior." She says, she extends one of her claws and you freeze, fear runs through you for a moment as you stare at the razor sharp claw, the fear does not go unnoticed by your Mistress.
"Oh sweet pet, I won't hurt you. This is just the most efficient way to move things along." In one swift movement she claws through your dress, not once touching your skin. The rags fall around you, leaving you in your bra and drenched panties.
She retracts the claw and stands, she lifts you into her arms and slides her hand to the back of your head. She pulls you into her and your lips slam together, you hold onto her tightly as you kiss her back, hard. You feel her sharp fangs across your bottom lip, as well as her tongue, asking for for admittance. You part your lips and her tongue slides into your mouth, swirling and exploring inside. You moan into her mouth, her lips curling into a smile as you kiss. She's taken by surprise when you gently bite and suck on her bottom lip, a moan rattling in the back of her throat. She carries you over to the bed, she lays you down and climbs on top of you, your lips not once parting.
She kisses down your jaw and nips at the skin down your neck, her tongue soothing each small bite you receive. She moves to the other side of your neck and kisses and nips at it, she purrs into your skin.
"If only I could taste you." She says quietly, probably more to herself than to you.
"Do it." You say breathlessly.
She lifts her face from your neck and looks you in the eyes.
"Do it, it's okay, I trust you." You say, meeting her stare.
She looks a little surprised, never expecting you to offer yourself in that way to her, at least not this quickly.
"Draga, are you sure?" She asks, scanning your face for any hint of hesitation.
You pull her lips into yours and kiss her again, you slowly pull away and look back into her eyes.
"If I take too much, tap me on my arm and I will immediately stop, understand?"
You nod your head and smile at her. She smiles back at you and lays you back into the pillows, gently exposing your neck, holding your face so you don't move.
"Keep still, I will do my best to make it as painless as possible."
You hold onto her arm and she gently sucks and swipes her tongue over the perfect spot on your neck. You take a slow, deep breath in as you feel her move in. You feel her fangs dig into your neck, a sharp pain shoots through you as she breaks through your skin. You furrow your brows and let out a whine and tighten your grip on her arm. She doesn't go further, her eyes focused on your face. You take a few more deep breaths and loosen your grip, you relax your face and gently caress her arm with your thumb, signaling her to continue. She sinks her fangs in a little more, the pain less than the initial bite. You feel her drink, small moans of pleasure escaping from her. You move your hand up from her arm to the back of her head and hold onto her curls. You feel her smile into you as she drinks. Just when you think you're going to feel lightheaded, she pulls her fangs out of you and caresses the puncture wounds with her tongue.
She places a soft kiss on the wound and places a kiss on your lips, the metallic taste of blood still on them.
"If at any time you feel uncomfortable, or if something hurts or doesn't feel right, or if you want to stop, tell me, and I will stop. Understood?"
"Yes Mistress."
It turned you on even more hearing her speaking so gently and softly, yet still coming off as so dominating and commanding.
She kisses her way down your body, unclasping your bra and throwing it aside. She kneads your breasts and gently sucks and licks your nipple, moving over to the other, giving it the same amount of attention as the first one. Small moans leave your lips as your hips lift off of the mattress a little. She pulls your soaked panties off and kisses down your stomach, her hands following the curves of your waist, coming to a rest on your hips. She gently kisses and nips at the inside of your thighs and you let out a few giggles. She looks up at you and you make eye contact with her, the throbbing in your core only increased as you looked at her with her head between your legs.
She drags her tongue up your folds, your eyes roll back and your hips lift off of the mattress, she holds them steady as she licks you up and down, your moans go up an octave when you feel here wrap her lips around your clit and suck on it.
"Fuck, Mistress, it feels so good." You whine.
She flicks her tongue across your clit and you cry out again. She licks you up and down, giving special attention to your aching bud each time she passes over it. You feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, you grab a handful of hair at the back of her head as she brings you to the brink of orgasm.
"Mistress, please, don't stop, I'm gonna-" another moan passes through your lips.
"You're gonna what?" She asks between licks. "Tell mommy what you want."
"You're gonna make me cum." You whine. "Please, make me cum Mistress, please." Your whines turn into begs as she brings you closer.
She flicks her tongue across your clit again and latches onto it, licking and sucking it as your legs begin to shake.
"Oh yes, oh fuck, don't stop, I'm gonna cum."
The orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave, screams of pleasure emerge from you as your back arches and your hips come off of the bed. She holds them back down, making you ride out the orgasm as long as possible. You come down from the high, your legs shaking, trying to catch your breath.
"Oh my god," you pant. "That was amazing."
"Oh my," she says, a chill runs up your spine as you feel her finger between your folds as she covers it in your juices. She looks up at you with a devilish smile on her face, her finger dancing around your entrance.
"Wait, before you-" you begin to speak, she immediately pulls her finger away and looks into your eyes. "I just feel like I should tell you, I've never- I'm-" you look away, a little embarrassed.
"Draga mea," she says, caressing the inside of you thigh. "Are you a virgin?"
Your eyes meet hers and you nod your head. Her eyes glow as a smile crosses her face.
"Do you want me to stop?" She asks sincerely.
"Are you sure?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, please Mistress, don't stop."
She places a kiss on the inside of your thigh and brings her finger back to your dripping entrance.
"Just relax, mommy will take good care of you."
She slides her finger into you, your eyes roll as you let out a moan, you feel a sharp pain for a second, but pleasure takes over as she slowly moves her finger in and out. Her large middle finger stretches you out as she quickens her pace, gently curling into your walls on each re-entry. She pushes in deeper, the tip of her finger hitting a spot inside of you that makes you cry out in pleasure.
"Good girl." She says with a smile.
She makes sure to hit that spot each time she pushes into you making your back arch each time as you cry out for her to keep going. She quickens her pace further, thrusting a little harder each time. You feel another orgasm building quickly as she continues to pleasure you.
"Mistress, you're gonna make me cum again." You cry out.
You think to see stars when she pushes harder and faster into you, herself eager to make you cum again. Your screams get louder as you get closer, you tightly grip onto the comforter and clench down around her finger, desperate for the release she's about to bring.
"Yes, I'm gonna- I'm gonna cum. Don't stop Mistress." You yell, you feel her lips wrap around your clit, she sucks hard on it as she finger fucks you. You make a noise you've never made before and your body convulses when the orgasm hits. You scream out her name in pleasure as she makes you ride it out for as long as possible. She slows her pace, the shockwaves from the orgasm still shooting through you. She gently removes her finger from you, she places a kiss on the inside of your legs as they gently tremble.
Your heartrate begins to return to normal as your Mistress crawls up next to you and wraps her arms around you. Her soft lips meet yours, she slowly and passionately kisses you, her hand cupped around your face. You gently grab her breast over her bra, your thumb caressing her hard nipple over the lace. She smiles and brings your hand up to her lips and kisses it.
"I think that's enough for one night." She softly says.
"Are you sure, if you want me to I can-" you say, your eyelids feeling heavy.
"Draga mea you have done more than enough to satisfy me tonight." She gently kisses the bite mark again. "You will sleep here tonight and return to the maids quarters in the morning, understood?"
You nod your head. "Yes Mistress." You say with a sleepiness in your voice that brings an endearing smile to her face.
She wraps her arms around you and you cuddle into her, she gently hums as she strokes your hair, the beautiful yet haunting tune lulling into you a deep sleep.
You wake up the next morning feeling like you slept for two days, you sit up in your Mistresses bed and rub the sleep from your eyes. You take note of a soreness between your legs and look around the room, realizing you're alone. You spot a new, clean uniform on the bench of her vanity with a note on it. You climb out of the bed and walk over to pick up the note.
Draga, A new uniform to replace the other one. Enjoy. LD
You almost wish the note had more to it, but you also know that she isn't one to show her soft side, you really weren't sure if she even had one until last night. You put the new uniform on and place the note in your pocket. You climb onto the vanity bench and look into the mirror, you pull your hair back into a ponytail and examine the bite mark on your neck, it's not incredibly noticeable, but not completely invisible either. It feels sore when you bring your fingers to it, inspecting the marks.
You hear the door open and turn to see your Mistress walk into the room, she spots you at the vanity.
"Good morning Mistress, I hope you don't mind me using your mirror for a moment." You say shyly.
She walks over to you and turns your face to the side, you drop your hand from your neck and she inspects the marks.
"This should heal just fine." She mutters. She turns your face back towards her, her hand not leaving your face. "Did you sleep well my little pet?"
"Yes, very well, thank you."
"Excellent." She says, caressing your cheek with her thumb. You close your eyes and lean into her hand a little, you hear her smirk and you look up into her eyes. You are putty in her hands, and she loves it, truth be told, you love it too. She drops her hand from your face, the coolness of her fingers lingering on your skin. "Off you go." She says, nodding towards the door. "The head maid will be waiting for you to give you instructions and lay out your new responsibilities."
"New responsibilities Mistress?" You ask, confused.
"Yes, as my new handmaiden you have a new set of responsibilities that must be fulfilled."
"Oh." You say, looking into her eyes.
She gives you a look, waiting for you to obey her orders and leave.
"Thank you Mistress, I will head there at once."
The corner of her lip curls into a smile and you make your way out of her room. As you leave you hear a noise down the hall, you turn to look and you see one of the maids who is friends with the one who has it out for you. She looks at you, surprised and unsure as she sees you leaving the Lady's chambers, you see her gaze shift to your neck and her eyes widen. You quickly turn and make your way to the head maid, an unsettling feeling begins to gnaw at you, "this won't end well." you think to yourself.
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judeisbae · 10 months
Could you write about Jude and reader being parents and their daughter is about 6 years old and just their whole dynamic as a family like they’d always be joking around and your daughter definitely inherited her cheekiness from Jude.
Yes ofc this is so cute
Smut did win on the poll i posted for the genre of todays fic so I will have a smut posted by later. this request is just super cute so I wanted to write it too ❤️
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Just us.
Summary: In a day with Jude, his wife, and their beautiful daughter. Genre: Fluff Warnings: some cursing
Waking up in the morning was the part of the day you by far enjoyed the most. The peace in the atmosphere, Jude sprawled across the bed with his arm thrown over your stomach, his loud snores preventing you from drifting back into your slumber, you didn't mind though, a push on your bedroom door drawing you out of your daydream. Your daughter, entering your room with a quiet "hi mommy" and a yawn, a smile drew onto your face at your daughters actions. With small steps, she made her way over to your side of the bed waiting for you to lift her up into the bed so she could burrow herself in the warmth of you and Jude, it was routine for her.
Lifting her, you place a light kiss on her temple, placing her in between you and Jude. "Daddy" she whispered repeatedly as she leaned down over his face, Jude, still deep in sleep, didn't budge, "try tapping him" you said to her in an attempt to help her wake her father. Placing two of her small hands on either side of his face she lowered her face down to his, widening her eyes, whispering a dragged out "daddy". You couldn't help but laugh at her antics. Though it seemed to be effective, as he began to smile with his eyes still half shut. "Morning princess" Jude said with a low laugh, "morning my love" he said reaching out an arm in your direction, and turning his head to face you. You held his hand and pressed a quick kiss to his knuckles.
"Mommy said you guys are gonna make me waffles for breakfast". your daughter said to Jude, "I did?" you asked with a confused expression, laughing simultaneously. "uh huh" your daughter mumbled with a nod of her head, Jude letting out a laugh knowing you most likely didn't say any such thing about waffles and that was just his daughter being sly. "go brush your teeth little girl" you said, sending her off. "Guess we gotta go make waffles huh babe?" Jude said turning to you with a smile. "I guess so"
After the two of you brush your teeth, you begin heading down the stairs together, surprised to find your daughter already downstairs playing with a toy kitchen set she had received as a birthday gift not too long ago. The two of you head into the kitchen and begin preparing the waffles you two had been tasked with making by a six year old. Throughout the process, you and Jude are giggling and sneaking kisses like two teenagers the morning after their first sleepover. When the waffles are finished, you call your daughter into the kitchen and tell her to take a seat at the counter, helping her onto the chair of course. As you all get settled and begin to eat your daughter accidentally drops a piece of the waffle you had cut into squares for her. "shit" she said under her breath, causing Jude to burst out into a fit of laughter, earning him a light slap on the back of his head. "its not funny Jude" you said giving him a glare from the corner of your eye. "Honey you can't say those words its not appropriate" you told your daughter, knowing exactly who she learned it from (Jude of course) "yeah ur moms right sweetheart" Jude said, still trying to refrain from going into another fit of laughter.
So sorry this is kinda short but I do have to get started on the smut for today and I have a busy day aside from that, I hope you enjoyed this thoo ❤️
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everythingne · 7 months
out of the woods, 5 (ls2)
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With clear favoritism boosting all of Ferrari's tactics, Dhanishka makes a difficult decision after a crash causes her to see the true colors of her team. Logan sweeps in to save the day.
series masterlist
warnings/notes: mistreatment of Dhanishka by Ferrari, car accidents with very minor injuries, this chapter was originally twice the length.... i had to cut half of it for next chapter LMAO, wrote this instead of doing my finals !
(ch4) (ch6)
The little room they've shoved us all into for media is more crowded than I want it to be. The Chinese GP was off to a rocky start already, with downpour rains all day on Thursday. I'm looking for Charles, turned in on myself even in the room full of flashing lights as I try to hide from the world. I want nothing to do with media. I know its going to be a shit show, and my stomach churns and knots until I make eye contact with Logan across the room. A weird wave of calm hits me, before its also sprinkled with anixety.
We haven't spoke since he kicked me out.
I swallow my pride and smile at him, and though I note his smile isn't full, he does still return one. I can tell he senses my apprehension as he nods, and he excuses himself from Oscar and Alex's sides to cross the small, cramped room. I manage to slip through a wall of reporters surrounding Max, nearly being shoved aside before I'm grabbed and pulled and into the firm protective hold of Logan. Instinctively, his arm wraps tight around my waist as he brings me to his chest. My hands find his shoulders and slide across in a hug as he leans his head down to whisper,
"You look terrified, Isa." His hand squeezes my waist and leaves the skin tingly, as if he's shocked it with little electrodes hidden in his finger tips. All his lingering touches feel like that, they have since I was seventeen.
"I am." I say back to him as I pull back from the hug just enough for us to look at eachother, "It's first media day after we announced this whole... thing."
Logan nods and then sighs, bringing the hand thats not still clutching my waist up to comb through his hair, "This is probably the worst possible time to bring that up, but I'm sorry for just..."
He trails off and before he can finish, I shake my head softly and give him the tiniest reassuring smile I can muster. He quiets at the soft expression on my face as I bring one hand down from his shoulders to pat his forearm, before squeezing it as I speak,
"No, Logan. I should've told you from the beginning what I wanted. It was wrong of me to string you along like that," and I hesitate before adding, "I don't regret it, if you're scared about that, too."
He seems taken aback by my apology, but before we can say more, we're split apart by media duties. I try to turn back to say something when he grabs my wrist to pull me back to him and from Charles, who turns back with a confused look. Even I'm confused, before I'm laughing as Logan's planting a goodbye kiss on my cheek with a softy murmur of 'keeping up the look.' And no matter how hard I try, I can't find a logical defense for my blush.
So of course, Charles teases me about it, which is caught on nearly every camera in our direction as we're brought to the little media pen this time. Luckily out of the grabbing range of asshole reporters and the people who want a headline.
And the first reporter for me is luckily The Ophelia Piastri.
"Danny..!" She sings, handing me a microphone labeled 'VOGUE' as she steps in, ever so elegantly, next to me.
"Hi, Ophie." I smile, leaning in to give her a tight hug. Luckily during media I didn't have to wear my team uniform, so I had been dressed to the nines in the white and red Ferrari dress-jacket-thing, with the little cape thing on the back. I knew I looked good, which is why I assumed Ophelia had grabbed me before she went off to find Lewis.
"Since we last spoke, quite a bit has happened, but lets talk about this outfit?"
"So, this is Ferrari, of course. I cannot remember the name of the jacket for the life of me. It's a white leather trench coat with a red silk trim, Ferrari's black boots with, of course, the red trim, and a black Ferrari purse. I am completely Ferrari today."
"You look stunning, the red of the Ferrari suits has always looked good on your but this pop? Stunning, brilliant, we love to see it."
Her interview is a bit longer than I'm expecting, mostly because we keep getting off track, and then I'm pulled away and into the mass of the boring, normal interviews.
It's Sky News who comes to be annoying, some reporter I don’t recognize. I glance over to Logan, who is on my left side down a bit in the media pen and find him staring. He looks away quickly and I bite back a laugh as Charles knocks my shoulder with his to keep me paying attention. I miss the reporter introducing himself but don’t miss the way Charles tightens his grip on my wrist.
“Any specific reason you were spotted in London last weekend?” The man asks me, holding the microphone towards me and I shrug with a tiny smile.
“Just making some visits to my friends, is all. I also had some media responsibilities.” I reply calmly and catch Logan’s eye again, this time my look lingers long enough to see him try to mouth something to me before the reporter talking pulls me away again.
“A certain driver seems to have caught your eye, though, are we correct to assume there’s some heat between you and a certain Williams driver?” The man smiles almost predatory and Charles taps the back of my arm to signal me to move back as he eyes the reporter with a confused look. As I fall back, I let a soft laugh tumble out of my lips as I realize it’s fucking Anthony Davis and that’s why both Logan and Charles have stopped to watch.
“Thought my instagram post was pretty clear,” I chime once I find my footing and push my emotions back, “if that hallway stuff you released to press as blackmail against Logan to do that interview with you wasn’t already enough.”
Charles is staring like I’ve just cursed this man out, I think I can hear Lando laughing somewhere off to the side.
“We’re done with you, thanks sir, make sure to tell David I said hi.” I grin forcibly, watching as Anthony’s face grows in anger. Charles steps between us, asking Anthony to leave and I allow myself a reprieve here to look around. Logan gives me a little smile and an appreciative nod, which I return, before I’m being pulled away by PR.
Qualifying brings back Ferrari’s curse.
Charles tires go and he nearly crashes out right before the end and my back wing is broken by the time I’m done. With the challenges we faced, we both do qualify higher than expected which does make me feel a bit better.
After standing and talking about the car and strategy for way too long, I’m let loose to the solstice of my drivers room. The pristine and almost shockingly tidy room is a safe haven as most the chaos of this weekend and I allow myself to relax as I slowly get myself undone from the race.
I change and take my hair out of its now frizzy braid, taking the time to brush it as I stick my head under the sink faucet to wet my hair. I’m wringing it out as I hear a knock on my door.
“Come in!” I call, grabbing a towel to place over my shoulders as the door pops open and I’m greeted with the soon to be Norris’ couple.
I gawk, “How did you both get in here?”
“Charles owed me a favor for all the times I’ve snuck him into Red Bull.” Olivia shrugs as she pops her purse down next to me on the couch, “and Lando doesn’t like me walking the paddocks by myself anymore.”
“That fucking reporter.”
“Don’t.” Olivia points at Lando, who huffs, and she then crosses the room to sit next to me on the couch before Lando can snag the seat. Olivia continues to speak after pausing to sip her drink, “good take down of Anthony today, little debutante."
“Ah. Thank you.” I laugh softly, brushing my hair with the same red brush, eyes glancing over to Lando and Olivia as I try to keep my blush to a minimum. Olivia's soft compliment made my heart skip, as any praise did. It was hard to come by it in this sport and I was honestly happy it was Olivia who was supporting me like this.
“How’re you feeling? You did pretty good for a busted car. I saw how fucked that rear wing was when I was pulling in the pits after Q1.” Lando continues the conversation and I shrug, turning at Olivia's cue so she can start to braid my hair for me. It's weirdly like having my mom or sister do it, I hate how much it makes me miss home.
“It sucks I’m not higher. Wallahi, I'm so tired of this." I complain, rolling my eyes back as I try and keep myself calm. Frustration wouldn't get me anywhere here, "they’ve been harping on me all season about getting back to the level I was at in Bahrain. And they're acting as if every race since, I haven’t had terrible car issues! Sorry you guys fucked up my car!"
"Sounds like Ferrari." Olivia hums, "I think I've heard both Charles and Carlos say this same thing over the years."
"Maybe talk to Charles about it, he'd know Ferrari better than I would." Lando suggests, watching his fiance as she finishes off my braid and then squeezes my shoulders and pulling me back to rest on her chest as she lazily wraps her arms around me. Lando kicking his legs up to rest on my lap as he yawns into the back of his hand.
"I have been, he's been a huge help, but it's still ridiculous." I complain, smushed against Olivia's Red Bull tee as I close my eyes to fight off the stress migraine forming. I complain for a bit longer, Olivia convincing me to talk to Charles about my frustrations once again. But by the time I've gone off to find him, I notice his attention being held by Fred and some of the engineers. Even when I try to get him away, he's continuously pulled back with soft sorry's thrown over his red clad shoulders.
I go to bed that night with a migraine. The next day I nearly crash twice when my tires are too worn but they won't box me, and sulk in my drivers room after due to losing my podium position. Sure, I finished a lucky P9 for my car issues... but I was fighting with Max in P2 when my rear tires decided they hated me.
I ask so many times to be boxed. It’s not the first time they refuse to pull me into the pits, but it’s the most dangerous. I have no grip, I have nothing but prayers and maybe a bit of luck because I don’t crash out.
And when Aakash is not supportive over the radio, maybe I lose my cool, and maybe that’s what causes half the garage to give me the cold shoulder as I get out of the car. I do what’s needed, barely speak, don’t smile, and then retreat to my room with the hope of my anger dissipating.
When my frustrations don't wear off, even after I snag the treadmill to sprint until my legs are jello, I go to try and find Charles for our little private post-race debrief. I need him in this moment like a fish needs water, the debriefs we have been having being the only thing keeping me from losing my mind in Ferrari. I spot him in the garage still, but he's being held captive by the team. They engross themselves in deep plans for his racing, smiling and waving hands in excitement. I notice no one had come to grab me and swallow the sick feeling in my gut.
"What about Dhanishka?" Charles asks, eyes flickering over to meet mine and I feel the pull to enter the conversation until Fred shakes his head and squeezes his golden boys shoulder, saying,
"Dhanishka comes second to you, Charles. You are more important than some girl. We'll use her to help you..."
Fred's voice fades out as I swallow hard, my hands shaking immediately in a mix of rage and embarrassment. How could I have been so stupid?
And when Charles snaps his head up to meet my eyes after a moment, I've already turned to rush down the hall. Tears prick in my eyes at my own stupidity, that I felt like I belonged in this red building. Sure, it was something off hand, maybe he didn't mean it the way he said it, but it was enough to frustrate me to tears.
If I cry one more time before the end of May, someone might get strangled.
I retire to my hotel room early that night. Even when all I wanna do it party, I choose not to join anyone in the festivities, and ignore the mass amounts of messages blowing up my phone asking why I'm not at the after party. I ignore the world, let the sun set into black skies as I stay tucked in my bed--still in my fireproofs. I can't bring myself to move, a mix of anxiety in my gut and genuine pain in my body keeping me in the plush blankets. My parents call to congratulate me, I humor them with a tired smile and blame it on the time zones. I pretend I'm asleep when I see Anya tries to call me twice. I can't lie to her.
I have to ignore her so they think I'm doing fine. I can't worry them about me turning into the monster I had been after Trident again. But that monster claws at the restraints and slowly breaks them.
Hours later, not that I would know the time, someone knocks at my door. I ignore it, even as the muffled voices call for me and ask if I'm alright. I just stay still, tucked up to my chin in blankets, until someone scans a card in the door and begins to let themselves in. I jump, preparing to throw my phone in defense, when it's Danny who pops his head in.
"Just checking to see if you're alive, mini-me." He smiles, opening the door a bit more so from my vantage on the bed, I can see Charles and Logan behind him. I know they all see I'm still wearing everything I had on at the track, and I see remorse in Charles' eyes when he sees my state, but I shake it off.
"I have a bad migraine, but I'm alive." I say, choosing for that to be the reason as to why I was laying in the dark. Not because I felt too tired to get up to turn the light on, or that I felt my seventeen year old rage returning.
"Need anything?" Logan asks, feather soft, before the others can. I hate how I can see him noticing all my soft lines turning hard. I just sit there, then I shrug when I realize they're expecting an answer.
"Just some sleep. I'll see you guys next race weekend." I wave them off, yawning into the back of my hand. Logan steps into the door frame, welcoming himself in. I don't argue as he crosses the room to sit on the edge of my bed, pressing his hand to my temple.
"You're not sick." He murmurs, "just a stress migraine this time, then?"
"You--huh?" I blink and Logan smiles party, a soft blush on his cheeks only illuminated by the light in the hallway.
"You always get migraines when you're stressed or when you've got a fever, Isa." He squeezes my wrist, watching my face carefully, "If you don't feel hot when you have a migraine, it's just stress."
“It’s just… it’s been a rough weekend and I kinda snapped after the race ‘cause this migraine won’t go away.” I lie half now, Logan seems to buy it a bit more as he leans forward and gently pulls some of my stray hairs back behind my ears—settling them how he knows I like it.
“You did really well for all the issues you were having. Can’t beat yourself up over something you can’t control, Danny.” Daniel says from the doorway where he and Charles lean, I squint when I look towards them in the light and see while Danny looks full of concern—Charles looks sick.
“I know. It’s just been a hard adjustment.” I shrug and Logan nods.
“Adjustings a bitch.” he says and I laugh. About twenty minutes later they leave, after Charles runs down to grab a Doordash they force me to order. Logan calls me much later, telling me to sleep so I don’t feel like shit tomorrow.
We talk on the phone for so long he ends up sleeping in the same bed as me, arm wrapped loosely around my waist as my head is tucked in the crook of his neck. It’s safe. It’s definitely not platonic, but it’s safe, and it’s what I need.
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So far it's been:
Bahrain, P3,
Saudi, P5,
Australia, P8,
Japan, P4,
China, P7,
and now it's Miami, where I land a solid P10 after Carlos clearly attempts to knock me off the track entirely and runs me into the gravel. I have to fight for my way back up from P20. I'm impressed with the run some of the back drivers give me (especially Haas and Alpine) but I'm frustrated in general with my finish.
Because what could've been more is fucked over when Carlos in P9 swings purposefully wide and damages my front wing.
"It's not fair!" I complain to Charles as I pace the length of my tiny drivers room, "I don't know what he has against me!"
"Isa," Charles sighs, running a hand through his hair, "Be proud of what you did accomplish, a wonderful ten place overtake in only seven or so laps! You did amazing tonight, even with that fuck up!"
"You've been podium every race except for Australia when Oscar beat you and Max." I snip, whipping around so hard my braid whacks the side of my face, "What I would do to be able to get up there... its just annoying some drivers have made it their agenda to get me off the track! Carlos has no reason to nearly knock me off the track multiple times today!"
"Carlos is frustrated Ferrari dropped him for you. He'll pretend to be amicable over at Mercedes but he's fucking miserable." Charles sighs, "Ferrari's been no help either, they've yet to pay him the rest of his contract."
"Well how is that my fault, Charles!" I ask, groaning softly as I bury my head in my hands and come to sit next to him. It's not like I had told Ferrari to pick me, it had been a huge surprise they had. Charles has no answer and I just huff and lean back into the couch's plush surface and hide my face.
"I'm miserable too." I complain into the air, and it's frustrating to admit it. Charles can tell I don't wanna talk about it, so he just pulls me to his side and lets me curl up there. I feel like a child, but I feel safe.
Miami proves to be more difficult than I expected.
I had qualified really well, starting in P4 with Max, Charles, and Lando ahead of me. I was holding my own during the race, but Ferrari wasn't clearing me to pass Charles to try and take P2. Which is honestly the least of my worries right now. Aakash has been non-exsistant on the radio today, barely answering as per usual. I was basically using my own strategy at this point, pulling off of tips I had been given by Charles for this track.
And everything is surprisingly going well.
“Woah!” I shout, turning clear of whoever is in the Alpine that’s stuck half off the gravel, I make some sort of contact but not enough to deter me, “Alpine is down on the track, hit him, I think front damage? Rear wing is still locked in DRS.”
“Understood. Possible red flag coming up, use these last seconds to try and secure position.” Aakash says into my headset and I reply back with a soft ‘copy’ as I go to turn normally but for some reason I find that I whip to the side—under steering hard. Luckily, by pure coincidence, it keeps Oscar behind me and secures a place in P3 behind Charles. But the car isn’t driveable in this state, extremely dangerous, and my hands shake as I struggle to press down my radio button while holding the wheel steady.
“My steering is going out!” I curse, trying to stabilize myself—waiting for a red flag or a safety or something. Where the fuck is this safety car for the crash?
“How bad is it?” Aakash asks and I grit my teeth as I pull into the next turn. I curse softly, breaking a bit harder than I need to but managing somehow to keep Oscar behind me. I think he knows to stay back, that something is clearly wrong,
“Terrible, terrible! I can’t fight like this!” I snap, groaning as we move now to a straightaway. Oscar comes to my left and I steer towards, Aakash is calling that the flag is flying and the safety car has been deployed, but my eyes are on Oscar as he tries to maneuver around the other side but I cut him off again—or try to.
I steer too hard, clipping the front of Oscar’s tire on the slick of the still drying Florida rain and spinning out. I feel the gravel as the car spins and then the world rocks when I hit the wall. I can't breathe for a moment, breath caught in my chest as I grip my seatbelts. No one calls over the radio for a moment, and then,
"Dhanishka, is the car okay?"
"Fuck you." Is my reply as I grab my restraints and slowly unclick them. It's agony to move as I take out my steering wheel and pop it on the top of the car, hoisting myself up and nearly buckling back down into the car in pure pain. I manage to get myself out by the time medics arrive, they take me to medical to get checked and it's like I'm not even worried about. No one from Ferrari comes to check on me.
I limp myself back to the paddock, guarded by McLaren employees and followed closely by Lando and Olivia--who is softly scolding the FIA in her phone. Her voice thick in frustration over Ferrari's dismissal of me, her hand on my lower back supporting me as I walk. Once they get me back to Ferrari, Olivia forces her way in to escort me to my drivers room.
"I'm gonna get them fined for this bullshit." Olivia mutters, helping me sit down on my bed. I don't reply as she hands me a change of clothes and then gives me a soft hug, the painkillers slowly kicking in and making my dull pain fade. Once I feel a bit better, I wave her off to go home and she reluctantly does.
And my migraine flares when Aakash knocks, entering my room. He's still got his headphones on, and I bite back about thirty insults as he crosses his arms.
"Feel better?"
"No." I huff, "and your precious car is fine."
"Listen, we're pushing you because we need you to be a better driver." The mechanic looks at me, arms taught over his chest and I wish it was still Ami in charge of my comms.
"I don't understand what you want from me!" I shout in frustration, my hand itching to throw my helmet across the room at him. I’m not violent, I never have been, I don’t understand why I’m so short of breath. It feels like the rage in my belly fights to be fed by all the oxygen in my lungs, my hands shaking as he slam my helmet down and punch the plush surface of my bedding.
“Dhanishka—“ Aakash tries and I whip around, pointing at him and watching his face fill with shock as I finally snap under the pressure of the weekend.
“No, listen to me! [You all love Charles, treat him like your golden child! He coughs and you all run to get medicine, but when I am out there and I am struggling and nearly dying, you do nothing! I fought with a broken wing and a fucked up steering wheel and what help did I get?!]” I snap at him in my mother tongue, watching his face fill with something like horror as I step even closer, “[None of you were there for me! You all went to coddle poor Charlie—he was fine! I was the one who suffered for you! Where is my help? You have all done this the whole season!]”
“[Charles was frustrated—]”
I cut Aakash off, screaming, “[And I nearly killed myself out there because none of you would help! Do you think I wasn’t also frustrated?!]”
“Listen, I—“
“Get the fuck out of my room! I’m not doing media! I’m going the fuck back to my hotel.” I snap and Aakash listens, quickly ducking out of the room. I rip off my suit and throw it in my bag and I get changed into my street clothing, only pausing to touch up my makeup. I pass by Charles coming back from podium with a cold shoulder and shove through the crowd to my car, digging out my keys and getting in. I sit there, hands tight on the wheel for a while, and my fingers start to go numb as I feel like my brain is shutting off and going into autopilot.
I just sit back and watch, like a movie goer, as the world around me fades in my mind.
I come back to my senses sharply, knees digging into the tile as I’m sitting on the floor in the bathroom. I can feel the remenants of a panic attack shaking off my limbs, leaving them staticky. My hands shaking at the slamming at the door to my hotel room.
There’s only one man who calls me that.
I try to shout that I’m gonna let him in but the words are caught in my throat, and I hear him echo and think I’m going crazy as I whine into the bathroom air. Then I realize I’m clutching my phone tight enough to shatter the screen and Logan’s contact is up—blazing bright into my face.
“Lo…?” I wheeze and I hear him pause mid knock before he shuffles and—
“Isa?” He crackles into the phone screen and I nearly sob at the familiarity of his voice.
“I-Give me a second. I’m coming to the door.” I whisper, slowly raising to my feet and stumbling out into the hall as my senses fight to try and come back to me in full. My hands are numb when I un-deadbolt the door and I barely have enough time to step back after I pop the door open. In a flash, Logan is everything around me, tucking me against his chest, his hand carding through my hair, kicking the door shut behind us and sighing softly.
“Oh, Isa—“ He murmurs into my hair and I feel the numbness snap away in favor of tears as I bury into his grasp and sob. I have cried more since starting F1 than I have in my entire life.
“Oh, Isa, I’m so sorry they’ve turned you into me.” Logan presses his hands to either side of my face, lifting me back so I can look at him. I remember how a week ago I was afraid of loving him, how I was terrified I'd lose him, and yet here he was as stubborn and comforting as always.
"I can't do this Logan." I hiccup, letting him bring me into his arms once more, kisses trailing my forehead as he keeps me locked in tight, "I can't take another day of this comparing bullshit! They hate me, all of them in Ferrari. I don't even know if I still have Charles."
"Charles aactually spoke to me this morning about getting you out of Ferrari." Logan murmurs into my hair and I step back, wiping my face as I blink at him.
"Ferrari is using you as a way to push Charles up and he hates it. He was seeing who is staying in what teams for next season. Alex might be moving, Williams might have an open seat, and I might've helped to convince them to write 'Dubey' on it." Logan wipes some tears I missed and smiles, kissing my forehead again and I lean into every soft touch of his, "Obviously, they still need to talk to you, but I can set up that meeting if you need help with that."
When I don't reply with words, but rather the quick press of my red lips to his, his eyes widen in shock and a giggle erupts from the back of my throat.
"Have I ever told you that you're amazing?" I whisper, watching blush peek on his cheeks as he wipes a few more tears from my splotchy face and grins.
"A few times, but I don't mind hearing it over and over again.” he grins.
f1 made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, anyadubey, logansargeant, and 697k others...
f1: hours after it was announced that @ scuderiaferrari is being investigated for mistreatment of @ dhanishkadubey, Dubey announced her departure from the team in the next season, citing 'differing opinions' as the reason for the split.
dhanishkadubey: love u tifosi thank u for an incredible rookie year so far &lt;3
logansargeant: 👀
user1: run girl run
user2: that didn't take long.
charlesleclerc: je te souhaite le meilleur pour ton avenir, petite étoile xx
taglist (open, and thank you to those on it now!)
@chasing-liberosis @justsomejess @struggling-with-delia
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noellawrites · 13 days
The Concert - Yandere!Marcus White x Younger!reader
summary: Marcus seizes an opportunity to join you at a concert, but gets jealous when he realizes you have a crush on the lead singer. Marcus does what he has to to make sure you go home with the right guy tonight.
warnings: alcohol use, non/dub-con touching, kissing and fingering, age gap (15-ish years), possessiveness
requested by: @wicked1will0sparkles
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Ever since your first day at Cloud 9 when you had met Cheyenne, the two of you barely went anywhere without the other.
You two were close in age, always had weekly sleepovers and you had been right by her side when she took the pregnancy test that ended up positive.
So you were completely devastated when she bailed on your sacred, long-anticipated plans for Bo of all people.
“Cheyenne, come on! We bought these tickets like three months ago and my parents won’t let me go alone!” you whine, crossing your arms over your chest in frustration as you lean against the lockers.
“I’m sorry (y/n), but Bo needs me right now! Who else is gonna hype him up before he gets on stage at Kenny Roper’s bar mitzvah?” she explains with a frown as her hand rests on her bulging stomach.
“Ugh okay, I guess I’ll just sneak out and hope my parents don’t notice,” you shrug.
After Cheyenne walked away, you shove a hand into your locker and feel around for your blue vest, tugging it out angrily.
“Woah, hey, what’s wrong?” you hear a voice ask from behind you. You look to your side, then slightly up, where Marcus White stood next to you with his arms crossed across his broad chest, a concerned expression on his face.
“Oh, I was just supposed to see my favorite band tonight, Shattered Hearts. Chey and I were going together but she had to cancel,” you explain sourly.
“Oh man, I love Shattered Hearts!” Marcus exclaims with a dopey grin.
Truthfully, he'd never listened to the band before. But he wasn't going to miss out on his chance to spend an entire night alone with you.
After you both finished your shifts for the day, you parted ways. You had planned to meet at the small downtown venue once you got changed and ready for the night.
Later on, you gleefully rummaged through your closet, trying to pick out the perfect outfit. Shattered Hearts' lead singer, Tommy Valentine, would be front and center like always so of course you planned on wearing a Tommy-inspired outfit. Ripped white tights, short shorts and a low-cut top (covered by a long coat) and your favorite jewelry pieces to complete the look.
You went for a heavier makeup look than usual, as Shattered Hearts was in the pop-glam-rock vein. It couldn't hurt, making yourself look a bit older and hopefully catching Tommy's eye if you could get close enough to the stage.
"I'm going to the concert with my co-worker tonight so don't worry, I'll be safe!" you yell to your parents as you make your way out of the house and into the evening air.
Once you arrive at the venue, you see Marcus standing outside, leaning against the wall. He immediately brightens up and you don't miss the way his eyes rake over your body from top to bottom.
"Hey, (y/n)! You look... wow!" he laughs, a blush heating up his cheeks. He can't help but look your body up and down once more, taking in the way your white tights stretch over your thighs and your top hugs your body in just the right ways.
"Thanks, Marcus! Here's your ticket," you say, handing him the ticket that was supposed to be Cheyenne's.
"I'm really excited to hear Breathless," you sigh, walking up to the end of the line as Marcus follows.
"Uh, yeah, me too. I'm like— I'm just excited to hear their newest album," he laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh, I didn't tell you? This is the anniversary tour for the Rock Solid album, I don't think they'll be performing much of their new stuff," you frown.
Marcus is saved by the security personnel, approaching you both and patting you down as you entered the doorway and handed your tickets to the employee.
"Damn, this place is dark," Marcus laughs, looking around as you step in together.
"C'mon, I wanna get close to the front!" you exclaim, grabbing Marcus' hand and pulling him with you towards the stage.
He barely has time to process your hand on his as he follows you across the dirty, dim room.
"This is perfect, he'll definitely see me here," you say with a smile, looking up at the rusty light above you that illuminated your area. You leaned against the wooden pole next to you which supported the shabby balcony above.
Marcus raises an eyebrow. He? Who was he? Marcus was hoping to at least kiss you tonight, but were you already obsessed with some other guy?
"I'll go get us some drinks," he says, gesturing towards the bar.
"Oh, thanks! I'll keep our spot," you smile, looking down and adjusting your outfit to show off even more skin than it already was. Did you know what you were doing to Marcus? How his skin buzzed whenever you touched, how he imagined leaning down and kissing your lips? How desperately he wanted his hands all over you?
He fumed as he headed over to the bar, ordering some cheap beers and shots of vodka. Who was this asshole you were so obsessed with?
When Marcus returns, you knock back your shots together. Some men in black tee shirts bring equipment onto the stage as the sound of applause echoes through the room.
"So, uh, this guy you want to see you... did you invite someone else tonight?" he asks, trying not to sound like a jerk.
"No, I just think this is the best spot for Tommy Valentine to see me. He's single, just broke up with Maxine McDonald. Did you know the band's guitarist met his girlfriend because she was a fan at one of his shows?" you say excitedly, watching the stage.
Of course. The jerk you were obsessed with was the band's lead singer. Marcus couldn't help but roll his eyes, thankful that you were turned away from him.
"C'mon, drink up. I'll go grab us some more," Marcus says, playfully tilting your beer up in the direction of your mouth. He would need to be a lot drunker if he was gonna watch you lust over some punk poser all night.
By the time Shattered Hearts came onstage, you and Marcus had already finished several drinks. Marcus felt fine, but you already felt woozy, tipsy, almost falling over a few times. Marcus caught you of course, and you leaned on his body as to not embarrass yourself further.
Marcus went to grab another beer for himself, and when he returned, you were clinging onto the wooden pole.
"This one's my favorite," you mumble as Marcus cracks open his fourth beer.
"Yeah? Is it?" he asks, an amused expression on his face.
You nod dumbly and Marcus wraps his warm arm around your waist, the drinks emboldening him.
He looks down at you, your beautiful face illuminated by the dim lighting. He just couldn't help himself anymore. Marcus leans down, pressing his lips to yours and deepening the kiss into a make-out session as your brain catches up and you start to realize what's happening.
His tongue pushes into your mouth, silencing your protests as he traces his warm hands over your shirt. You almost think you're having a bad dream until you hear someone nearby say, "eww!"
It's only as his hands move into your shorts that you're able to push him off of you. He recoils, staring at you with a pissed-off expression.
"Wh-what was that, Marcus?" you exclaim, putting your hands out in front of you to keep him at a distance.
"I thought we—"
"I told you, I'm interested in Tommy!"
"He's way too old for you," Marcus hisses.
"So are you!" you huff, crossing your arms.
"I'll go get us more drinks," he sighs, realizing you've both sobered up a bit.
When he returns, you're miraculously still there, eyes fixed on Tommy.
Marcus keeps his hands to himself for the rest of the concert, suffering more and more as each song thrums and passes. The band wasn't even that good and Tommy Valentine was just some forty-something, washed-up guitarist with eyeliner.
After the concert, Marcus heads to the exit but is surprised that your small hand manages to pull him back.
"We're staying. Tommy usually comes out afterwards if he sees someone he likes. And I definitely seduced him with my eyes. Will you get us a round of shots for when he comes out?" you ask, waving Marcus away as you watch the curtains for any sign of movement.
Twenty minutes pass, the venue almost cleared out and heavy with the stink of sweat. Your shots sit untouched as you slump down in your seat.
"You wanna go outside?" Marcus asks tenatively.
You shake your head like a petulant toddler.
"You... wanna finish these off?" he asks, gesturing to the shots.
You nod, sitting upright and taking all three shots consecutively. It had sunk in now that Tommy didn't see anything special in you, hadn't been wowed by your sexy outfit or your eyes or how you knew every word to every song.
Almost immediately, you slump sideways against Marcus and he rests his arm against you comfortingly.
"Let's get some fresh air," he sighs, leading you outside where you lean against the brick wall, fighting the urge to pass out.
"You look amazing tonight. It's Tommy's loss," Marcus says, hand stroking your arm.
You look up at him, tears in your eyes, mouth framed in a pout to either keep the tears from falling or the vomit from escaping.
Marcus sighs, leaning down and bridging the gap between you. You return the kiss in your own sloppy, half-conscious way. One of his hands plunges into your shorts as the other makes it's way up underneath your shirt.
You're mumbling, moaning, making some sort of noise with your mouth but his mouth covering yours muffles it.
Marcus can't wait any longer, mouth drifting down your neck and chest, sucking and leaving marks of his affections.
"N-n—stop—" you mumble, hands awkwardly trying to pull him closer or push him away, you weren't fully sure.
"Fuck," Marcus mumbles against your chest, causing a gasp to rise up your throat. His fingers trace your hole, spreading around your wetness as you let out a whimper.
"God, I wanna fuck you so badly," he groans, grabbing your waist and sucking on a new spot of skin.
"M-marcus— I-I should go huh—home—" you mumble.
He pulls away and examines his work with a big, dopey smile. You were so messed up, clothing rumpled, hair undone, love bites all over your neck and chest.
He turns you and leads you to a reflective window, and you gasp at the look of yourself. So many hickeys that your coat couldn't even cover. You looked... like a slut.
"I—I can't go home like this! My parents will kill me!" you whimper.
"You can come to my place, my mom'll love you," Marcus offers.
"Uh— no, that's—“
"I'm not letting you walk somewhere alone. Come with me and we can take the bus to work tomorrow," Marcus suggests, raising his eyebrow.
"Ugh, fine," you sigh, leaning against Marcus as he walks the two of you to his mom's house.
You try your best to ignore Marcus' childish, messy room and dirty sheets as you undress and climb in next to him, still feeling drunk and used up.
You hold back a shriek as he pulls you into his chest, body flush against him. "This is nice, huh? My perfect toy," he laughs, kissing your bare shoulder. You shudder at his touches and objectification of you.
"Marcus, stop," you sigh, and his grasp loosens, but not forever. You know he'd be pulling you close in the middle of the night and you had half a mind to sleep on the dirty floor.
The next morning, you borrow one of Mrs. White's long-sleeved shirts for work but it still doesn't cover everything. You walk into Cloud 9 beside Marcus, embarrassed and red-faced.
Marcus throws an arm around you, and when you get to the break-room, he pulls you into his lap as all of your co-workers stare.
"Pretty epic, huh? Got 'em all to myself," Marcus grins, placing a big hand on your thigh and rubbing it creepily.
"Uh, (y/n), your neck—" Cheyenne stutters, eyes wide at the confusing scene before her.
"Yeah, it was all me. We had a pretty crazy night last night. You were all over me, begging for it, huh?" Marcus brags, leaning back and bumping fists with Isaac as he passes by the two of you.
You keep your eyes fixed on the ground, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks. You were quite a catch in the store, everyone knew it, and now Marcus was asserting his dominance at having made you his.
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h3arts4harry · 5 months
-Biker Baby-
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Matt Sturniolo x biker! reader based in their LA home y/n - your name
orange- Chris blue- Matt purple- Nick red- y/n
warnings: angst, fluff, motorbike crash, speeding, arguing, swearing, NO SMUT
I feel gentle shakes on shoulders, "y/n, wake up" I flutter open my eyes to Nick stood in front of me, "hm what time is it?" I croak "erm 8" I shot up "where's Matt?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows "he's uh in his room, probably asleep" my face softens with sadness, realising he didn't even notice me, I nod and make my way to Matt's room. I knock on the door and Matt shouts from the other side of the door "go away Nick it's too early", opening the door "not Nick" I say softly, his eyes furrow, "what are you doing here" in a slight pissed off tone. "I've been here all night waiting for you" "what? no you haven't, I didn't see you" "I fell asleep on the couch waiting for you to come home, what time did u even get back I thought you were only filming fridays video" "it doesn't matter-" he cuts himself off "why are you getting a fucking attitude with me?" "cause you dont even notice me anymore Matt, I waited for you and you didn't notice me" my waterline fills with tears, bottom lip trembling "I was tired and I didn't even know you were here, when I got home I went straight to bed" he shrugs "you didn't know I was here?" I mutter under my breath "are you fucking kidding me- I told you before you left that I would wait up for you" "well I forgot" he snaps "you know I am swamped with filming, meetings, and just everything I need to do for my job in general, do you actually expect me to remember-" "remember what?" I bite back "that you have a girlfriend? who is waiting up all night for you again for the 3rd time this week cause you keep promising that you'd watch a movie and cuddle with me, you never make time for me anymore" "y/n just fucking leave me alone its way too early for this" he faces away from me, laying back down "too early for this?" I scoff "are you fucking kidding me right now, I'm stood here hurt because you don't pay attention to me and you're telling me its too early" I laugh in disbelief "Y/N FUCKING GO HOME"
My face drops, my heart sinking to my stomach. I leave slamming the bedroom door behind me, tears start to fall down my face walking across the kitchen, passing Nick on the sofa about to head downstairs to the front door. "omg y/n are you okay" Nick rushes over to me bringing his hands to my shoulders bringing me into a hug, I hug him back "I'm fine Nick, I just want to go home" I chocked on tears, "I can go get matt-" I cut him off, panic laced in my voice "NO, I mean no it's fine, I have my bike" I grab my helmet from coffee table, "y/n you can't drive in this condition, it's not safe" his face filled with worry "Nick just leave it please I'm fine" I dont wait for a response and walk down the downstairs and out the door, slamming it behind me.
Nick POV- 8:45am
I jump as y/n slams the door, I storm off to matts room. "what the fuck did you do" I shout at matt, barging in to him laying in bed with the covers over his head, completely covering him, "nick go away" I roll my eyes "fuck no, why did y/n just run out crying her eyes out" he shoots up in shock "what" he speaks softly in surprise, "what the fuck happened this morning" I ask again, "I- um I'm not sure" he stutters, "cut the bullshit matt, how are you not sure what happened" I speak in disbelief of what he's saying, "I dont know, we had a small argument that's all, its fine", I scoff "its not fucking fine matt, she just left here with tears streaming down her face, and you're sat here saying its fine, what is wrong with you", I storm out, not letting him try to defend himself, slamming the door, unintendedly repeating y/ns actions.
Y/N POV- 9am
I quickly pull on my helmet, not fully being able to concentrate on what I'm doing, getting on my bike, and start driving. Thoughts are flying through my head so fast as I try to focus on the road Infront of me, my vision blurred as tears pour down my face. All of a sudden all I can see is a bright headlight getting bigger, then a deafening horn blows as my vision goes black.
Matt POV- 9:07am
Y/n isn't responding to any of my texts and I grow worried. My anxiety is through the roof, pacing around my room, as I leave text after text, voicemail after voicemail. I walk out of my room, my face in my phone, still texting y/n, "woah dude look where your going" Chris laughs out, I look up to him with panicked eyes, "matt what's wrong" furrows brows, "its y/n she's not answering any of my texts or calls, nick said she left crying after we fought, I'm hoping she walked and just went straight to bed but what if-" I stop, looking down at my feet, not wanting to think about the negative possibilities, "what if she rode her bike, its way to dangerous to ride, especially if she cant concentrate on what she's doing" i ramble, looking back at Chris, "dude calm down, I'm sure she's fine" Chris reassures, "I'm going out" I walk out the door, getting into my car before driving to y/ns apartment, I try focus on my breathing while driving. fuck I hit traffic, there's been a crash up the road, a quick thought of it being y/n crosses my mind, I feel a wave of panic rush through me but I push it away, its obviously not her, she's fine, as I get closer to the crash I see a bike, my eyes widen when i realise that its y/ns bike, I slam on my breaks, causing the car behind me to blare his horn, I look around to see where I can pull over.
I manage to pull over and rush over to the scene, a hand hits my chest stopping me from going any closer, "sir you cant go over there" a deep voice comes from beside me, my eyes stuck on y/ns bike, "that's- that's my girlfriends bike" I stutter, trying to get my words out, "I'm afraid I cant let you through" he lowers his hand, "is she here? where is she? please that's her bike- I need to see her" I start to panic looking at the officers face, my eyes wide, tears threatening to spill down my face as terrifying thoughts circle my mind, "I believe the girl on the bike was taken to the nearest hospital, I dont have any other information to give you" the officer calmly stated, I nod, not saying anything, I turn around getting back into my car, going as fast as I can to y/n.
I get to the hospital in less than 10 minutes running to the front desk. "y/n- y/n l/n is she here?" I speak before I can process anything, "she's in room 281, she is resting so she might not be awake yet" the receptionist says, reading from her laptop Infront of her. I thank her before running to the elevator, I take a breath before stepping in and pressing the button, anxiously fiddling with my rings as it takes it time to get to her floor. The doors finally open and I rush out, looking side to side looking for her room, I see the numbers 281 on a sign hanging above a door, and immediately run into the room to y/n sleeping. She has dark bags under her eyes, her left arm in a cast, the opposite leg matching her arm. Her face and body covered in bruises, grazes and marks. My heart drops at the sight of her, I run to her side, grabbing her hand, I cant believe the last thing that happened between us was arguing, I hate myself for it, ignoring her reaching out to me. I sit there, my mind punishing me for our last encounter, for what feels like hours. I feel a squeeze on my hand, I immediately look up to see y/n smiling down at me, "hi" she speaks in a soft whisper.
Y/N POV- 10:06am
"oh my god y/n I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, I-", I cuts him off "matt its okay", his eyes filled with guilt "no, no its not ill do better, ill make time for you ill-" he rambles, I groan as I try to sit up but Matt moves his to lay me back down "y/n lay back down, you need to rest", "matt shut up" I laugh, leaning forward, putting both my hands on either side of his face kissing him deeply. I slowly pull back, a genuine smile across my face, "what?" he chuckles, "nothing, I'm just happy you're here", he moves closer to me pulling me into a tight hug "I'm glad you're okay" he takes a step back still holding onto my shoulders, not letting me go, afraid that if he does I'd disappear. Nick barges into the room, Chris following behind him "omg y/n you're okay" nick pushes past Matt and instantly brings me into his arms, wrapping them around me, I giggle hugging him back. He moves back exhaling a breath he didn't know he was holding, Chris walks up to me engulfing me into a hug "nice to see your still kicking kid, motorbike crashes can be brutal" he moves back and I playfully hit his shoulder. Matt grabs my hand, a gentle smile still on his face.
The doctor walks in looking down at a clipboard "so y/n you should be able to leave tomorrow morning-", her eyes widen when she looks up to 3 same face people looking back at her "oh um hi" she greets awkwardly, "so um I get to leave tomorrow?" I ask trying to relieve the uncomfortable tension in the air, "uh-" she clears her throat "yes, 11am tomorrow you can leave, the hospital wants to keep you in overnight to make sure everything goes smoothly then you're free to go". "Okay cool, so everything is okay?" Nick asks, sat on the left of me on the bed, lightly holding my left arm, "yes everything's fine, it says here that she broke her left wrist, her right knee joint, but other than that you're completely fine". "thank you" I smile as she leaves, I let out a heavy breath, Matt instantly turns to me, his face slightly dropping, "are you okay?", "yea I'm fine, I just dont wanna stay be here any longer" I look down at my lap.
I've always hated hospitals. Ever since my mums passing I dont trust them. Back when I was 15 my mum started struggling with her health, we went to multiple doctors appointments, and made many trips to the hospital trying to find out what was wrong but they just pushed it away as infections, after just over a year she got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer but it was too late, the doctors said it wasn't treatable. My dad was furious, when we found out he went crazy at the doctor, yelling at him, threatening to sue. He almost got kicked out, he only calmed down so he could stay with my mum and I. Ever since then I wouldn't leave her side. We spent every moment together right up until she died. When she passed, I was completely broke, the first 2 months I wouldn't leave my room, my dad would put meals and water outside my room but I barely ate much. The next 3 months after that I was out all night every night, drinking, smoking, partying, and everything in between. The 5th month after she died, I met the triplets at some party, I dont remember much because I was on the edge of a blackout; wasted and out of it. I bumped into Matt, and he took me back to my home. I'm guessing my dad trusted him off the bat because when I woke up he was there asleep on my love sack in the corner of my room, he helped me with my hungover and we talked all day and all night, he didn't leave until 7am the next morning. We were friends for a year after we started dating. We've been dating for 4 years now, and I love him with my whole heart. He saved me. Which is why it hurt so fucking much when Matt started acting differently.
timeskip- 11am the next day
"Y/n wake up baby, its time to go" matt gently shakes me by my shoulders, trying not to hurt me. "mm too early" I groans, turning on my side, accidently moving onto my wrist "ow fuck", "woah baby be careful" he slowly pulls me up so I'm are sat against my pillows. "its 11:07 now, meaning we can leave" he smiles, grabbing a fresh outfit out of a bag he probably got last night. I go to speak but he cuts me off as if he reads my mind "and yes I checked with the doctor, everything is okay and we can definitely leave" as he passes my clothes "thankyou baby." I slowly hang my legs over the bed, "um matt?", "yes baby" he looks to me, "I um" I clear my throat "I might need help" I nod to my my right leg that's in a cast, swinging it a little. "Okay, lets get you dressed first then hm?" he walks over to me, reaching to the pile of clothes next to me, picking up my jorts pulling up my legs being careful of my casted leg, then grabbing my hoodie pulling it over me "thank you baby", "of course" he turns around picking up his bag putting it next to me. "I only brought one shoe cause, well, y'know" he nods to my cast, I laugh as he pulls on my singular shoe. He lastly pulls out my favourite black beanie and pulls it over my head. "I love you" I lean forward, wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, kissing his cheek, "I love you too baby, now lets go" he places a singular crutch on the right side of me, then wraps his arm under mine slowly lifting me onto my good foot. I slip my right hand into the crutch, leaning into it, "woah" I wobble almost falling, "easy there trouble" Matt chuckles, catching me. He pulls his bag onto his back, puts on his jacket before turning to me, "do you need help walking or do you think you've got it?", "I think of got it" I say as I try to take a step forward, slightly wobbling before stabilizing myself, "lets go princess" he says placing a hand on my lower back, ready to help if I fall
As Matt pulls into his driveway, I sigh "finally we're home", turning to undo my seatbelt as Matt rushes round and opens my door, holding out his hand to help you out, I take his hand, carefully stepping out, Matt grabs my crutch handing it to me, I turn to Matt, wrapping my arms around him pulling him into a hug, "are you okay" he wraps his arms around my lower waist, not letting go, "mhm" I hum pushing my head into the crook of his neck, pulling him even closer to me. He doesn't let go until I do, so we stand there like that for like 20 minutes. I step back, my arms still around his neck, "what" he chuckles looking down at me, I shrug, before letting go of him, swivelling on my foot and start walking to the door. Matt places his hand on my lower back as he did before. We get to the stairs I stop, "its okay I got you" Matt says from behind me, I nod and make my way upstairs. Chris sees me from couch and runs to help me if I need it, "Thank you Chris" he hugs me once I get to the top, Matt walks to the kitchen pouring me a glass of water and makes 4 sandwiches for us and his brothers. Chris walks me to the couch and helps me sit down, placing my crutch to the side, handing me the remote, "Here pick something to watch", "no its okay, you pick" I hand back the remote, we go back and forth until Nick walks in taking the remote "how bout I pick something to watch", Chris rolls his eyes "you're just gonna put on RuPaul", "obviously" Nick slumps down next to me, "OW NICK" I yell out in pain "my wrist you dumbass" I explain as I hit his shoulder, "oh my god I'm so sorry" nick frantically apologises "its all good" I let out a breathy laugh. Matt walks over with with our sandwiches, he hands me mine first, then Nick's, then Chris', then sat down with his own, we all thank him as we eat and watch RuPaul's Drag Race.
We've been watching RuPaul for around 3 hours and Chris went back to his room an hour ago. Nick jumps up "I'm gonna go edit tomorrows video" then walks upstairs to his room. Matt looks over to me snuggled into his side "y/n?", "hm?" I hum half asleep, "lets go to bed baby", I dont say anything as Matt picks me up and walks to his room, placing me down into his bed, pulling the covers over me, he lays next to me, wrapping his arm around me
I wake up to Matt still asleep next to me, I grab my phone, and start scrolling through tiktok. "y/n?" Matt croaks, "oh sorry did I wake you?" I look up to him, "no its okay" he smiles. "I think Nick's cooking dinner" I smile back, "good I'm so hungry" he gets up and walks to the other side of the bed where I am to help me. I lift my good arm up and he grabs it pulling me up onto my foot, he passes me my crutch and I pull my arm into it, he stands on my left, placing his hand on my lower back to help me if I need it. We walk into the kitchen to Nick cooking burgers, and Chris washing the dishes. "Y/n u okay?" Nick asks placing burgers in the buns on 4 different plates, "yea, this looks goodddd" I drag out walking over, going to pick up the plate then seeing the cast on my arm "fuck", I look over to Matt who's quietly laughing to himself walking over picking up both our plates, following me to the couch. We sit down and I grab my plate with my good hand and place it onto my lap and start eating. Nick sits next to Matt and Chris sits next to me. "fuck" i place my head in my hands, the boys turn to me, furrowing their eyebrows, "what?" chris asks tilting his head to the side, "my fucking bike is wrecked ughh" i lean back against the back of the couch throwing my head back in frustration, "its okay baby, we'll take it to get fixed " Matt reassures, "i hope its not totally fucked, i really love that bike" i shake my head a little, looking back down at my food then to Matt, who has a gentle smile on his face, which leads me to almost completely forget about my bike. We all eat our food while watching tv and talking all night about anything and everything, like we used to.
"I'm tired so I'm gonna head to bed, love u" I stand up and start walking to Mine and Matts room, "love youuu" nick smiles, "goodnight kid" Chris waves, "I'll come down in a bit love" Matt, "okay baby" I smile. "ew bAbY " Chris cringes, "shut up Chris" Nick lightly punches his shoulder. I walk into our room and lay down on my side, carefully trying not to hurt my wrist or leg, and slowly fall asleep. "Hey baby" Matt walks into our room, placing a glass of water on my bedside table then going to lay down, "hi" I speak softly, half asleep. he cuddles next to me, wrapping his arms around me, I snuggle my head into the crook of his neck. "i love you baby" he quietly speaks, "i love you too Matty" I mumble as I drift off to sleep.
-timeskip- 2 1/2 months later- 11:15am-
"cmon mattyy" i whine "my bike is finally fixed and your taking foreverrrr" i stand against the kitchen island while matt slides on his shoes "your bike isnt going anywhere y/n, dont worry" he chuckles standing up. I run over to him grabbing his hand, rushing over to the stairs "careful baby, your going fall and break ur bones again" he holds onto my hand so i dont fly down because of how fast i was going, "im just happy, both my wrist and leg are fully healed and my bike is finally ready for me" i excitedly ramble "i know i know" he laughs.
Matt pulls into the parking space and before he can switch the car off, ive taken off my seatbelt and jumped out of the car. He shakes his head with a smile as he watches me eagerly walk over to the shop. I walk in and greet the man at the desk, Matt eventually follows in behind me, "hi my names y/n im here to pick up my yamaha yzf-r6" i smile, looking down at the seated man, "ah yes, i see shes all fixed up, pretty nasty crash ay?" he nods "yeah" i nasally laugh. He stands up and walks into the backroom, 30 seconds later he walks back out with my bike keys. "Here you are" he hands me the keys "my coworker is already outside and he will take you to your bike" he smiles, pointing to the side door, "thank you, have a nice day" i walk out the door, squeezing matts hand. We walk over to the mans coworker and he takes us to my bike. I start it up, pulling on my helmet and the man points out the exit, we thank him and he walks away. Matt gets into his car and i pull up next to him, "race you home?" i slightly shout over the noise of my bike, he nods and quickly pulls away, i laugh and pull down the throttle, immediately passing him. i lift my hand flipping him off, not looking back to him as to not crash again.
i pull into the open garage and matt is nowhere to be seen, i turn off my bike but continue to sit on it with my legs off the side as i scroll through instagram. "how am i not surprised you beat me home" matt laughs placing his hands on the sides of my thighs, making me jump a little. "im just too good" i joke, doing a sassy hair flip off my shoulder, "come on a ride with me?" i ask looking up to him, he shakes his head a little, "pleaseeeee" i beg, bringing my hands together 🙏, he takes a defeated breath not wanting to bicker and agrees, "okay fine baby, but just this once, it scares me on the back of that thing" he laughs walking over to the shelves on the wall, grabbing his helmet, "you know you love it" i giggle from my bike. matt walks back over to me, pulling on his helmet he throws a leg over the bike sitting down. "hold on matty" i tell him as i start my bike back up, he quickly wraps his arms around my waist holding on tightly, "not too tight" i quickly pat his hand, "sorry baby" he apologises as he rests his head on my back. i reverse out of the driveway, and pull out into the road.
We drive around the streets for 5/10 minutes then i pull onto the highway. I look around and then start to speed up, "not too fast trouble" matt says from behind me, to which i speed up even more, he laughs in response. as we speed down the fast lane, red and blue lights start to flash behind us, "fuck" i whisper-yell, seeing the cops in my rearview mirror, "y/n baby pull over, we can just pay the ticket" matt says, a little worried knowing what is most likely about to happen, i dont say anything as i consider what he says, i just spent a huge chunk of my money fixing my bike, i wasnt about to spent another on a fucking speeding ticket, i shake my head and pull the throttle straight down, speeding up fast, matts arms cling onto me to not fall off. the sirens start to fall quiet as we get away, "y/n i said to pull over, we couldve paid the ticket" matt speaks up as we pull off the highway into our area, "fuck that, why would i when we both know that im fast enough to just speed away" i sassily quip back as we get onto our street, matt laughs shaking his head at my antics. We pull into our driveway and i take off my helmet, shaking my head a little waving my hair out, "god youre hot" matt whispers under his breath, admiring me getting off the bike "what was that?" i ask placing my helmet on the shelf then turning back to him, he walks over to me and places his hands around my waist "i said, god youre hot" he smirks looking down at me. my cheeks flush red as i wrap my arms around his neck, i pull down and bring him into a kiss. "i love you matty b" i smile up at him, he smiles back at me "i love you more my little biker baby"
i never know how tf to end these things lmao
feedback is appreciated if u wanna give it🙏🙏
my third story💪💪
taglist: @junnniiieee07 @raysmayhem-72 @m0r94n @sturnzsblog @euphoric-mind-07 @nyktoxs-lover @sturniolo-slvt
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fanficforlife · 1 year
Chapter Seven
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"And?" Anna asked, unable to hide the excitement in her voice. 
"And, we dropped Tate off at school then we picked up a few things for the ranch. After he took me fishing at the river. We didn't catch anything but I did push him in. He pulled me in with though."
There was laughter on the other end of the phone and you couldn't help but let out a giggle. "Oh, honey. I'm so happy for you. Have you told him yet?"
"Um, one time when we were kissing a few weeks ago it started to go a bit further, I freaked out. A flashback of the last time Nick..."
"I told him that Nick r-raped me. He figured it out actually and I just confirmed it. I know I need to tell him everything but I'm scared. I...I really like him. What if he changes his mind about me? What if he tells me to leave because he doesn't want to risk it if Nick does find me? He has Tate to think about so-"
"Violet," she cut you off, "if he's as great of a man as he sounds, everything will be okay. Especially since his father and brother know and they asked you to stay after you told them."
"There's only one way to find out and the longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to tell him. It's kind of like a bandaid, just rip it off."
"I know, you're right. John is watching Tate tonight so Kayce and I can have dinner. We're going to have it in an old trapper's cabin on their property. If we tried to in the house, Tate would be there talking a mile a minute... I should, I will tell him tonight."
"It's going to be okay, hun."
"I hope so." You glanced at the clock on your nightstand. "I should go so I can start getting ready."
"Alright. Don't worry about telling him, honey. I love you and I can't wait for you to tell me that he didn't change his mind because of him."
"I love you too. Tell James I said hi. I'll call you tomorrow and let you know how it goes. Have a good night."
"You too. Talk soon, hun."
A knock on your bedroom door drew your attention away from your reflection in the mirror. You opened it to see Kayce standing there wearing jeans, a black button-up shirt, his boots, and a cowboy hat. 
His jaw dropped when he saw you. "Letty, you look amazing."
"Thank you." Heat crept across your cheeks as you looked down at the simple flowy, knee-length black dress with straps tied into bows on top of your shoulders that you had on. "You look nice too. I even got clean jeans this time." You teased. The other times the two of you had spent time together, it was usually during work or right after he was done. He was almost always dusty or dirty, not that you were complaining. He always looked good.
"Only the best for you." The red on your cheeks darkened and he smirked, stepping forward. He leaned in and gave you a small, soft kiss. "Ready to go?"
"Mhm." You slipped your hand in his waiting one and headed for the front door. 
The two of you walked hand in hand across the yard and through some trees until you got to the cabin. He opened the door for you and the smell of pizza hit you. One of my favorites. "You remembered." 
"Of course I did. It's pretty easy since it's also one of Tate's." He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you your waist. "I had to go to town to pick up some stuff for the ranch so I picked one up for date night." After placing a kiss on the side of your head, he took your hand and went inside. 
An hour later your plate was still full and you hadn't spoken more than a handful of words. You had only been able to pick at the slice due to the nerves already filling your stomach. 
"Baby?" Kayce's hand wrapped around yours, pulling you away from your thoughts. "Are you feelin' okay?"
"Yeah, I just- I'll be right back." You got up and went into the washroom. Your hands gripped the edge of the vanity. Tears pricked your eyes from the what if's. What if he breaks up with me? What if he wants me to leave? What if he gets mad? No, it doesn't matter. I have to tell him. After taking a deep breath and forcing the tears back, you opened the door. 
He immediately stood up and walked over when he saw the look on your face. "What's wrong?"
"I...I'm ready to tell you everything."
He guided you to the couch and you both sat down. Your eyes immediately went to your lap. "Hey," He gently hooked his finger under your chin and lifted it. "Remember, no matter what."  
A sad half-smile formed before you took a deep breath. "Um, it-it was always just me and my mom. I never knew my dad and she didn't have any other family. She was the best. She was a waitress at this great little restaurant and during high school, I started working there too." Your hands wrung together tightly. "The...the last month of my senior year I met Nick. He just finished training to be a police officer and started at the station a few blocks from the restaurant. He asked me out a week later. My mom didn't like him but she said it was my decision. Ten months later she died in a car accident. She was always trying to get me to break up with him but I loved him. I should have listened to her..." You trailed off as happy memories of your mom played through your head. 
"I'm sorry, baby." His hands reached for yours and you squeezed them gratefully. 
"I couldn't afford our rent by myself so Nick asked me to move in with him. Everything was good for the next year. Then the real Nick started to poke through. When he got mad he would call me names or say things but he always apologized and everything would be okay again. It went on like that for a couple more years. He became a detective and was great at it." You swallowed. "His parents were having a dinner party with their friends and family the night of my twenty-fourth birthday. They invited us and Nick insisted we go so we went. Before dinner, his parents thanked everyone for coming. Then Nick went up. He asked me to marry him, I said yes. The dinner party was actually to celebrate our engagement. Things went downhill from there. He went from just saying things to grabbing and pushing me. He was always jealous but it started getting worse." You took a shaky breath at the memories. "He wanted me to quit waitressing even though I loved it. His family came from money, his dad's the mayor, his mom stayed home. He never had to worry about working if he didn't want to. Whenever we were out and he had to introduce me to family or friends, they would make a disgusted face, like I wasn't good enough. I could tell he was embarrassed I was just a waitress so I quit. It wasn't long after that that he started getting mad about me still hanging out with my friends. I didn't have many, just a few people I worked with. He eventually cut them out of my life. That's when I started baking, I needed something to do. I also had to keep the house spotless or he'd get mad." You took a deep breath while Kayce's hand had a death grip on yours. "One day when I was doing laundry I found a girl's phone number in his pocket. When he got home I confronted him about it. He got mad at me for going through his stuff and admitted he had been cheating on me the entire time we were together. I took off my ring and set it on the table. He...he hit me."
Kayce let out a gruff breath.
"He apologized right away and swore he would stop. I knew I shouldn't but he has a way of getting into people's heads and I believed him." 
"He didn't change." Kayce gritted out and you shook your head. 
"A couple of months later I smelled perfume on his shirt. He kept picking up girls at the bar or getting together with old ones. I tried to break up with him and he got mad. He said the other girls didn't matter. I was the one he wanted to marry and be seen with. I laughed and he hit me, hard. He picked me up off the floor and pushed me against the wall, he said I couldn't leave because he needed me and couldn't live without me. He said he'd stop. He begged, got on his knees. I knew...I knew I should have left but I was scared, he was all I had. The things he said, I wanted to believe him. The next few months we moved into a new house and his mom and sister said we should finally start planning the wedding because I kept putting it off. I tried on dresses worth more than a years worth of rent for my old apartment, tried countless flavors of cake. We set the date for ten months later but there was something deep inside, a feeling. I couldn't marry him. When I told him, he lost it. He threw pictures on the floor, swore, and said terrible things. I told him I would stay so he would stop. After he fell asleep, I threw a few things in a bag, took the money he had in his wallet, and snuck out. He found me a few hours later at a motel on the edge of town. He dragged me home, hit me, choked me. I ran into our bedroom but couldn't lock the door in time. He threw me onto the bed and...and said he needed to remind me that I was his."
"Fuck." Kayce's fist hit the arm of the couch. "Letty, baby." His hand came back to yours.
You gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand. "The next few weeks, I acted like nothing was wrong. I made dinner, went to his family or friends when he wanted. When he got mad he would hit me, choke me. I was outside having coffee one afternoon when the neighbors came out. They saw me and invited me over. I talked to them a few times in passing but it was always just a hi. I invited them over instead so if Nick came home early he would know where I was and wouldn't freak out. They told me all about their lives. He used to be a lawyer before he retired. They didn't have any kids, they loved traveling. I lost track of time and Nick came home. He was mad because dinner wasn't ready until he saw I wasn't alone. He changed back into the fake we're the perfect couple Nick as they got up and left. The second the door closed he hit me. He thought I told them about what he was like and since they didn't know him they would believe me. He didn't want me to talk to them anymore. I knew I had to get out but I didn't have my own money. I wasn't working and my name wasn't on his bank account or any of his credit cards. I started hiding the money I found in his pockets when I did laundry or what he left lying around on the dresser. I would take money out of his wallet whenever there was a lot in there so he wouldn't miss it. After a month and a half, I had almost two thousand dollars. When he went to work that day I packed a couple of bags and left. He found me two weeks later in Mississippi. He grabbed me and threw me in the car but on the drive back to California, he was quiet. He was the Nick from the very beginning of our relationship. He said he didn't know what he was thinking the past few years, cheating on me, hitting me. He said he would go to a therapist, we could go. I wanted to believe that he actually changed this time but the closer we got to Southaven, where we lived, the more scared I got. Our neighbors were outside when he pulled into the driveway. Nick told me to stay in the car and he would open the door for me. The little sliver of hope I still had disappeared because I knew why he wanted to open the door. He didn't want me to talk to them. After he grabbed the bags, he opened my door and said he would do the talking. They asked where I went because they hadn't seen me around, Nick said I went to visit my mom. They knew my mom was dead because I still went over to visit them after he told me not to. Before they could say anything else he grabbed my wrist and took me inside." You took a deep breath as your hands started to tremble. 
Kayce moved closer to you and slid his arm around your waist. His other hand came back to yours. 
You held onto it tightly and stared at your entwined fingers as memories of that night played through your head. "I've never seen him that angry. He did everything like he would before; yelling, hitting, choking. But, harder, longer. I was lying on the kitchen floor trying to catch my breath after he choked me and he...he grabbed a knife." Kayce inhaled harshly. "He made the cut on my face so if I ran away again it would be easy for him to find me. I could change my hair, wear hats, different clothes but everyone would remember the girl with a scar down her face." You could feel the rage emanating off of your boyfriend. "He made me clean up before he dragged me into the bedroom and...he..."
"He's dead. He's fucking dead." Kayce swore, knowing what happened next. 
"After he said he would kill me if I ran away again, I didn't know what to do. If he found me after two weeks, I thought he would be able to find me anywhere. I did whatever he wanted because I was scared of him. I was miserable. I started thinking about e-ending it...me." Your voice was whisper quiet. Kayce gently pulled you onto his lap and leaned in, kissing your shoulder. You looked over and smiled at the sweet, caring man who was the opposite of your good-for-nothing ex. 
"I was on the porch checking our mailbox one day when our neighbors came out to do the same thing. They saw me and invited me over for a glass of iced tea. I knew Nick wouldn't like it but they insisted so I did. While they were telling me about one of their recent trips my sweater slipped off my shoulder and they saw a bruise on my arm in the shape of a handprint. I told them Nick stopped me from falling down the stairs but I knew they didn't believe me. I tried to leave but they stopped me and begged me to leave him. I told them he wasn't as bad as they thought. By then they knew he was a cop and who his family was. They let me go, if I promised to visit them whenever Nick was at work. They were the only thing that put a real smile on my face. I loved spending time with them. Nine days before I was supposed to marry Nick I was at their house and they handed me an envelope. Inside was five thousand dollars and a fake ID and birth certificate. When James was a lawyer, there was a guy in his firm that had a case involving fake documents, he tracked him down and got him to make me some. They told me they had a bus ticket with my fake name on it that was leaving in forty-five minutes, and a suitcase full of clothes for me. I didn't want to go, I was scared Nick would find out they helped me. After he cut me he said if I ever run away again, he would kill anyone who helped me. But, they wouldn't take no for an answer. They had a wig for me to put on before I left so when he looked at the traffic cameras by the bus station he wouldn't know it was me. When they dropped me off they gave me the phone so he couldn't track my number. Before I got on the bus they gave me a hug and told me I was like the daughter they never had..." you swallowed before looking at him with tear-filled eyes. "If-if you don't want me to spend time with Tate anymore because of Nick, or you-"
"Stop." He cupped your face. "Nothing that that piece of shit did to you changes my mind." His perfect eyes pierced yours. "I love you, Letty."
"You-you don't have to say that because of what I told you."
"Baby, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. Your hair was blowing in the wind as you stood in front of the house with your suitcase. I knew then that you were it for me. You are the kindest, strongest, bravest, most beautiful woman I've ever met. I am the luckiest man in the world because you let me call you mine." His voice was filled with emotion. "I love you, Violet."
"Kayc," tears started to fall from your eyes. 
"I'm not expecting you to say it back. We can move as slow as you want, as you need. I'm not going anywhere." His thumbs brush the tears off your cheeks. "Can I kiss you?"
You leaned in and pressed your lips against his, giving him your answer. Your hands slid over his shoulders and pulled him closer as the kiss intensified. Nick disappeared from your mind and For the first time in you didn't how long, you wanted more. 
When you finally parted you were both out of breath. "Letty?" He could feel this kiss was different.
"I...I want to..."
"But?" He knew you were holding something back. 
"What if we start and I can't?"
"If you want to try and you need to stop then we stop." 
You chewed on your lower lip nervously. 
"Baby, I'm not going to be mad. I told you that I'm not going anywhere. You are the only woman I want to be with. I'll do whatever you need me to and wait however long you need."
You nodded slowly. "Can we try?" Your voice was quiet.
"Yeah, baby." His hand slid across your cheek. "Can I go outside and grab more firewood first? It's starting to cool off in here, you're starting to get cold." His thumb ran across your cheek. 
"Mhm." You stood up and he followed suit. 
"I'll be right back." He gave your forehead a soft kiss before going outside. 
In the meantime, you grabbed the blankets off the couch and made a cozy spot on the floor in front of the wood stove. 
He came back in with an arm full of already chopped logs that were piled up against the side of the cabin. A smile pulled at his lips when he saw the makeshift bed on the floor. 
"I'm pretty sure that's the most uncomfortable couch in the world." You giggled shyly. 
He put a couple of logs on the fire and set the rest on the floor before walking over. One of his hands went to your waist while the other came up and rested along your jaw. "Are you sure you want to do this? If you're not ready, it's okay. I'm perfectly happy just holdin' you."
"I want to." You swallowed. "I want you, Kayce."
"I'm yours, Violet." He leaned in and kissed you. 
After a few seconds, the need you felt for the kiss to develop into something more returned and your fingers started unbuttoning his shirt. His hands left you so you could slide his shirt down his arms. As it fell to the floor, you pulled his T-shirt off. He unzipped his jeans and added them to the pile while you untied the straps of your dress. It pooled around your feet and his eyes took you in. 
"You are perfect."
Red crept across your cheeks while he closed the distance, one hand went to your cheek while the other went back to your waist. You shivered from the sudden cool touch. 
"It's okay," you giggled. 
"Come here." He sank down onto the blanket and you sat down on the floor next to him. "Better?"
You nodded as you immediately start to warm up from the fire and the blanket that he pulled over the two of you. Your hand came up and slid across his jaw before pulling him in. 
His hands went to your waist and held you close while he kissed you. Your mouth parted, your tongue slid across his as the kiss quickly became heated. He unhooked your bra before slowly lying you down. Your lips finally parted and he hovered above you. "Do you want to keep going?"
"We can stop anytime you want to, just say the word. Okay?"
He sat back so he could take his boxers off and grab a condom from his wallet while you pulled your underwear off. His eyes traveled up your naked body before he crawled back between your legs. You nodded as he looked down at you so he reached between you and positioned himself before slowly entering you. Your eyes automatically closed and you tensed up. 
He immediately pulled out. "Letty, open your eyes. Look at me." You did and the second you saw his warm brown eyes, you relaxed. His hand slid into your hair. "Do you want me to stop? We can and-"
"No, don't stop. Please."
"Stay with me, baby." His eyes pierced yours as he entered you for the second time. "Right here."
You nodded, keeping your eyes on his. "Mmm." A small moan escaped as he filled you. He slowly pulled out and gently thrust into you again, all while keeping your eyes glued to each others. Your ex and all of the terrible things he did vanished from your mind. It was just you and your cowboy. Your hands slid into his wavy hair and pulled him down, your lips met his fiercely. He kissed you back while continuing to move inside you. One of his hands stayed embedded in your hair, the other slid around your lower back and held you close. That small shift had him hitting just the right spot over and over again. 
"Kayce," your fingers dug into the back of his shoulders. 
His hold on you tightened, molding you to his body as he continued thrusting.
"Mmm," you moaned as heat began growing rapidly in your core. Your breathing picked up and within seconds he took you over the edge. "Kayc!"
"Letty." He was right behind you groaning your name. His eyes held yours until you both came down from your highs. When your breathing started to return to normal, he leaned in and gave you a long kiss before lying down next to you, propping himself up on his elbow. "Are you okay?"
You looked up at him and smiled. "I'm okay. More than okay." He chuckled huskily as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "Really though, I am."
"Are you sure, baby?"
"Yes. It was just you and me. Everything else, the memories, they disappeared." Your hand came up and rested on his cheek. "You are an amazing man, Kayce Dutton. You're kind and sweet. You were beyond patient with me and when you found out about my past you didn't run away. You make me feel normal again. You make me feel safe." Your thumb ran across his skin. "I love you."
He leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. When you parted there were tears in your eyes. "Hey, talk to me."
"I just...I'm happy. After the past couple of years, I never thought I would be again. Then I came here and found you and Tate. Your family and everyone here have been amazing."
He wiped away a tear that slipped from your eye. "This is your home now, Letty. He is never going to hurt you again. I won't let him get anywhere near you."
"Promise?" You asked while memories of the horrible things he did played through your head.
Kayce could tell what you were thinking and pulled you closer. "I promise."
"Thank you."
"I know I've said it before but I would do anything for you. I love you." His lips met yours and you melted in his arms. 
When you parted, you both lay there nestled together under the blanket, listening to the crackle of the fire. All of the cows on the ranch were marked with the Yellowstone brand, a Y, but this was the first time you had seen the same brand on Kayce's chest. Your fingers traced over the raised, scarred letter that covered most of his left pec. "Did it hurt?"
"Why did you do it?"
"I didn't, Dad did."
You quickly tilted your head back and looked at him with wide, watery eyes. The tone of his voice, you knew it wasn't because he asked his dad to do it. "Why?"
"Hey, shh." He smiled softly when he saw the tears in your eyes. "Come here." His arms tightened around you and pulled you close. After kissing you, he eased back onto the pillow. "I graduated a couple years before Tate's mom got pregnant. We met at a party and it was just a one-night stand. When she got pregnant, she came to the ranch because she heard about my family, the money. We found out that she got arrested regularly because of drinking. She didn't work and a lot of the money she did get from the tribe she spent on alcohol. She didn't want a kid and came out to say if I didn't either then she was going to get an abortion. But, if I did, she would keep it as long as we paid her. Dad said yes, as long as she didn't drink while she was pregnant. Dad even paid for an apartment for her to live in while she was pregnant because she couch surfed from place to place before. She didn't drink during the first four months but one day when Dad went to check in with her, he saw a couple of empty beer bottles. After that she did off and on until Tate was born. Thankfully, he was in perfect health. She didn't want anything to do with him and signed him over as soon as she could. That was the last we saw of her. She died a couple of months later. Her and the guy she was with were drinking and driving. They hit a tree." He took a deep breath before continuing. "It didn't really sink in that I was going to be a dad until the nurse came out to where Dad and I were waiting and handed him to me. He was so small. The first two weeks after we brought him home were rough. I was scared. I was still a kid, how was I supposed to take care of one? I didn't think I could, I didn't want to try...I panicked and joined the Navy. I could leave for training in a few days. Dad freaked out. He told me I wasn't going and had to stay and take care of my son. We argued, and when he realized I wasn't going to change my mind he did this. He thought that it would make me needing to stay here sink in. It didn't. I was angry at him, scared of my son...I left. That's when Dad hired Mrs. Sanders. While I was gone Jamie and Lee kept in touch; calling, letters. They sent pictures. I finally came to my senses when Tate turned six. I quit the Navy and came home. I-I know Im a horrible dad-"
"What? Kayce, no." You propped yourself up and turned his face towards yours. "You are an amazing dad. Tate loves you."
"I shouldn't have left. I was selfish and stupid and-"
"And, I know that you would take it back if you could."
"In a heartbeat. I would have stayed, I should have stayed."
"But, you've made up for it. You and Tate have an amazing relationship. He looks up to you. You're the foreman of the largest ranch in Montana, he wants to be just like you when he grows up." He nodded slowly. You knew what was going through his head. "What you told me doesn't change how I feel about you. You are a great dad, a hard worker, and the most amazing man I could have ever hoped for. I love you."
"I love you too, Letty." Your lips met for a searing kiss. "I don't know how I got lucky enough to find you."
"Technically, I think I found you."
A playful smirk pulled at the corners of his mouth and he chuckled. "I think you're right."
"I'm right? Wanna say that again?" You laughed when he squeezed your sides. 
"You're right, this time. Don't get used to hearing it though." You giggled before starting to sit up. 
"No." He whined.
"I'll be right back." You reached for his shirt that was lying close by and slipped it on, doing up a few buttons, before getting up and going to the kitchen. When you turned around with what you went to get, Kayce was watching you with a smile on his face. "What?"
"You look good in my shirt."
"Yeah?" You straddled his lap, after setting two bottles of water and the pizza box on the floor close by. 
"Yeah." His hands went to your waist and pulled you close. "Stay here with me tonight? We don't have to do anything. I just want to fall asleep with you in my arms." 
"What if I want to do that again?"
"We can do whatever you wanna do, baby." He smirked and it made you bite your lower lip. That smirk is going to drive me crazy...in a good way.
Tag list: @saintnourah
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himawarijjk · 3 months
I had so much left to say. . . (OC x Suguru Geto)
"I had so much left to say . . ." Himawari whispered.
In her pale hands, she held a photo. This photo was old. . . 10 years. Still, the memories the photo held felt as though they had just occured yesterday. Suguru Geto, her ex-boyfriend, stood before their old school, Jujutsu High. He was in the process of tying back his hair. He wasn't paying attention in the candid photo, which is what had prompted Himawari to take the picture to begin with. At the side was two fingers making a peace sign. Satoru. She remembered being so cross with him that day, she even yelled. "You ruined the photo!" she remembered saying. Now, it was something she treasured dearly.
She had fallen in love with Suguru so quickly. He just had this amazing aura. He was so kind to her. . . so interested in what she had to say. She returned that feeling. When he spoke, she would sit and listen - careful not to cut across him. His voice, his face, the way his shoulders would shake when he laughed, the creases under his eyes. . . she noticed everything.
Then, everything changed. Suguru turned against Jujutsu society. . . which meant, he was also turning against Himawari. She did not want to betray those she loved. . .so she had to make the ultimate sacrifice. He sought her out. He showed up at her apartment she shared with her brother, Yuuji. He begged her to go with him. "Come with me," he said -- and the offer was initially tempting, until she realised everything in him had changed. He was no longer the man she fell in love with.
"Together, we can destroy those monkeys!" The tired look in his eyes, now emotionless and dead. She was incapable of finding her breath in that moment, realising he was too far gone. The words she was going to say -- they never left her mouth that day. Instead, she cried. Clutching onto him, pulling at his clothing, trying to beat some sense into him by smacking his chest. "Please, wake up, Suguru!" she remembered crying, tears blurring her eyes, "I can't take it! You're breaking my heart!" He stood there, taking her assaults without flinching, when suddenly, he grabbed her wrist.
"If you're not coming with me, Himawari, then you're an enemy."
Those words cut like a knife through her chest, completely slashing her already bleeding heart. She stumbled backwards, falling into the nearby wall. He stepped over her to leave. Her hand found its way to her stomach. . . where what was left of her Suguru was growing inside. She was only seventeen. How was she going to cope?
-- and yet, somehow she did. All thanks to Satoru Gojo. The man who stepped up to be a father to a child he didn't make.
A few droplets of tears fell, landing on the photo. "I wanted to tell you we could be a family," she spoke, her voice trembling, "that I could take all your pain away. That. . .despite our youth, we could make it. Together."
She sighed sadly, "Suguru. . . why did you have to change? Why did you have to leave me? Your actions led to your best friend having to end your life yesterday, and now. . . your son will never know his father."
She concentrated on his face, his features. She hadn't seen him in so long, and now she would never have the chance to. "I would have married you." Her concentration was cut short by a knock on her bedroom door. "Mama!" her now 10-year-old son Kazuki called from beyond the door, "Papa Satoru is here!" "Just a minute!" she replied, placing the photo back in her wardrobe. She could never allow her son to see it. Just before she closed the wardrobe, she wiped her eyes with her jumper sleeve, then took one last look. . . at least for another year.
"I loved you more than anything, Suguru," she said softly, closing her eyes. She could feel his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. His scent, both natural and his aftershave mixed together. His head rested on hers, his eyes closed with a wide smile on his lips. She insticively reached down, as if she were placing her hands over his. She let out a content sigh. "I love you, Suguru." "I love you too, Sunflower," she could almost hear him reply.
One final tear rolled down her left cheek, over her lips, dribbling down her chin. "Oh, Suguru. . . you have no idea how happy I am that. . . he has your eyes."
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avameller · 2 months
𝟐. 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲
ᖭི༏ᖫྀ 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ࣪𖤐
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Posted on the 9th of July 2024
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Mentions of scars/open wounds
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You get brought back to their base which is called "Jackson Community". You go get your wounds checked out and taken care of. You get told about your possible new family.
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Spelling mistakes are to nicely be pointed out. <3 1023 words
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- Aishas POV -
₁₄ The group of people on horses brought me back to their town -which I soon learned was called Jackson Community.I was brought to a big cabin and into a room with lots of chairs in it¨must be where I will get my wounds checked out¨ I thought to myself looking around, the walls were painted a scrappy blue and there was a stupidly big fat red cross painted across one of the walls "Can I have my knife back? It was a proud found of mine" I suddenly remember asking him acting innocent.
₁₅ "The kids here don't walk around armed." He said sternly as I dropped the innocent act "But im 17?" I said, "Still a kid." I looked at him with an annoyed expression "But! If you take a course on fighting and take patrol tryouts we will hold it till you turn 19 and you're old enough to carry weapons around" which made me a little hopeful "Well? better than nothing! I'll take it! please hold it for me" I give him a smile which he returns.
₁₆ "I will then, Aisha" He smiles with a little nod as a nurse comes out from the other side of a door labeled Room 105, "Scars and cuts!" The man says as the woman nods us to come in, I stand up heading into the room slowly scanning the new room, the man follows me into the room with the nurse "She was attacked" He informed her as she nodded giving him a sweet smile"ill take care of her, thank you for bringing her in" she said as he looked at me "I will go now kiddo, uhm..  and after this, a new family is waiting who would like to adopt you...? how's that sound?" he asks unsure tone scanning my face for a reaction, my face lit up as he said that "A new family?! is there any kids?? am I going to have like, siblings??" I ask as he chuckles "I'll come pick you up later, think about it!" he says "I will!" I say as he exits the room.
₁₇¨a new family?! Oh my fucking god! But how could I do that to my old family? wouldn't that be rude?.. they would tell me to do it! it's for my own good. and I need to have a guardian of some sort if i need to live in this town¨ I think to myself, just then the nurse walks up to me "Hi there" she smiles at me preparing a cloth with what looked like alcohol "Hello" I answer her returning a smile, "Can you show me the places you were scratched?" She asked politely as I showed her under my shirt on my abdomen, 2 on my left arm, and a couple on my legs as well.
₁₈ "Ow those must'of hurt," she said "It did" I added "This is gonna be a little painful," she said warning me as she put the cloth over the scar on my stomach ¨A LITTLE?!¨ "OW!" I scream as I wince in pain my belly muscles stiffening as I covered my mouth with my hand looking at her wide-eyed, "Sorry" she mumbles "But we have to keep going" she says as she slowly puts it back on the scar "AuH!.." I wince in pain tightening my hand around my mouth.
₁₉ After about 15 minutes of pain, 3 new cloths, lots of bandaging, and a sprinkle of the words 'thank you' and I was outta' that place for good. The man, whose name I learned was Tommy, had picked me up again and taken me to an office where a lady was sitting a little too formally in a wooden chair. "Here's the girl," he said "Hello, Aisha." she said as I looked at her confused "And you know my name?" I asked furrowing an eyebrow at her "A smart brain didn't need to think twice about that one, kiddo" she said with a laugh "Tommy.." I said now realising how stupid that sentence was.
₂₀ "We have a married couple who has been trying to have kids for 4 years with no luck, so they think it's because she can't get pregnant.." she said sounding a little hurt for them, "The mother's name is Lily, and the Father's name is James that is if, you want them to adopt you" she smiled at me "You can meet them soon and decide then," she says  "if you don't click with them, that's okay we will find you another family" she added "Can't I just be parentless?" I asked "We don't want any children being parentless here in this community, we try to find every kid a place to call home and people to call family," she said which kinda warmed my heart a little
₂₁¨Maybe this 'town' isn't so bad after all¨ I thought to myself as I smiled at the women "could i meet them now??" I said "They will come in later I sent Tommy out to find them and tell them your here" She said, "cool." I mumbled back as I glanced around at the different decorations around the walls, there was an old-looking picture with her, a child, and a cat "What's that?" I said curiosity getting the best of me "Huh?" she said as she looked to where my finger was pointing "Oh! This? That's an old picture of me, my son, and our old cat" she said as she smiled warmly at the picture ¨it must mean a lot to her¨ - "cool" I replied in a more not-so-dry tone not wanting to sound like I didn't give a fuck.
₂₂ Suddenly the door opened and two adults came walking in with Tommy right behind them...
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allkindfangirl · 1 year
love at detours I lewis hamilton
pairing: lewis hamilton x reader warnings: none summary: in which he had promise himself not to fall but even he can't help it
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"This can't be happening." His head was falling into his hands as he sat on the bed across from the young woman. Her hands were shaking, not knowing how to control her feelings after telling him that she fell in love with him.
She was devastated and wished she had never told him. It was clear for her, that she had destroyed everything there was, everything she had with him. Right now, regretting the words that came from her mouth, she would rather continue whatever it had been, than not having him at all.
"I'm sorry.", she said, almost whispering. He looked up at her, his dark brown eyes focusing on her but his gaze was hard. Completely different from what she was used to from him.
"I told you from the beginning this couldn't happen." His words were harsh.
They had known each other for years now, after meeting at an event that she had attendet with her parents and her parents friends, Toto and Susie Wolff. Toto had been the one introducing her to Lewis and after that, she went to visit his races whenever she could.
Of course, Lewis Hamilton was incredibly attractive. She could not deny that his presence did something to her, but never in a million years she would've thought he would think the same about her.
But from the beginning they made an agreement that they wouldn’t be anything serious. They hung out, they spend time together and got close to each other, but always knew that it wouldn’t be anything else than being physical and liking hanging out with each other. It was a typical friendship with benefits and through all the time it had been going on, it had always been easy and fun.
He had been really clear about it, telling her how he wanted to focus on his career and not wanting a serious relationship. She knew she liked him from the beginning, being in awe of this man, his presence and the way he seemed so strong but was so gentle at the same time. But she never thought she would actually fall for him.
It frightened her, the first time she felt it. It was butterflies in her stomach, the longing of being in his arms. The longing of him saying that she was his only one and that he wanted to be with her forever.
She knew it had been the right thing to tell him. Not telling him wouldn't be fair to him since they both had an agreement.
"It's okay if you don't want to see me again. I know I ruined it."
His eyes were still laying on her. The beautiful woman in front of him that drove him crazy. She drove him crazy whenever she touched him. She drove him crazy whenever she wasn't in reach and he couldn't stop thinking about her.
He didn't want to see her again. He knew he had to cut her loose before it was too late, before he would fall head over heels for her too. He couldn't give in. He had promised himself to not let anything or anyone else take all his focus. His career, the sport that he loved so much was his whole life. He didn't want to be distracted and he knew that she would be on his mind all the time, if he let her fully in.
She saw it in his face, he didn't even had to tell her. This was over the second those words had left her lips.
They didn't see each other for over a year. It was hard for her not to fall into the deep end. Of course she was still interested in how he was doing, how his racing was going but seeing him on the tv and knowing she once had him and lost him, broke her. Her heart still beat faster whenever she overheard his name, whenever she saw a picture of him.
It was difficult for him too. Even though he could just find someone else to have fun with, he knew it wouldn't be the same. She hadn't just been someone to him. She had been special. He had let her see Lewis, not Lewis Hamilton. She knew him so well, his good side, his bad side and he couldn't remember the last time he had felt so comfortable with someone.
It was inevitable not to see each other again though. It was Totos birthday where she found herself in her favorite dress, heart pounding as she watched Lewis walk into the house. The champagne in her body did help a bit to calm her nerves. He looked good as ever. A black blazer hanging over his shoulders, paired with some trousers and shoes. His braids were tied in the back.
She watched him greeting everyone, saying hello to Toto and Susie when all of a sudden Toto turned around and pointed at her. It felt like her heart would stop the second Lewis eyes met hers. A smile started forming on his lips as he gave Toto a pat on the back and made his way over to the woman he had secretly missed so much.
"I hoped I would see you here.", he said, giving her a hug. She was surprised about his change of heart but figured he had been over the situation and had moved on.
The night went on with them chatting for a while until he was grabbed and pulled into another corner of the house to meet some people.
She didn't know what to feel. She was happy she saw him again. On the other side she knew it only brought up feelings she had tried to avoid so much. And though she was happy to see that he was fine and was willing to talk to her again, she knew now that it hadn't been hard for him to make peace with the past.
It was around 1am when she finally said goodbye to Toto and Susie, collected her things and made her way outside the house. Her parents lived close by, so she would just spend the night at theirs.
"Y/n.", she heard his voice though the night. Her heart felt warm as she saw him walking towards her, breath heavy from running to catch her before she was gone.
"You just wanted to leave without saying goodbye?" He chuckled as he walked towards her. His eyes gazed over her. He longed touching her soft skin. Her skin, that he had touched a thousand times before, but it was different this time. His heart ached by the thought of how close they had been once, physically and psychically.
"I didn't tell you the truth." Lewis had always been a more rational type, but in this moment he broke his patterns. This wasn't rational. He figured he couldn't think clear but maybe that was the effect she had on him.
She frowned, not having a single clue about what he was saying. "What do you mean?", she asked, replaying every conversation they had this evening in her head.
Lewis was close. If she wanted, she could just lean in and touch him. He looked down, cleared his throat. As he looked up again and locked eyes his hers, his eyes were soft.
"I didn't tell you the truth back then. I didn't not wanted to see you again. In fact, it killed me not seeing you for this long." He smiled, more to himself, thinking about what joy he had felt the second he saw her standing in the same room as him again.
"I- I missed you. And I know now that this wasn't just-."
It was the first time she saw him like this, mumbling, looking for the right words. Her heart started pounding again and she tried not to get her hopes up too high, just in case he would crushed her feelings again.
"I want to be with you y/n. I mean it. I want to have you by my side, in my life. Not just for the nights- I guess what I'm trying to say is-"
He was afraid of saying it. Lewis Hamilton was afraid.
"I fell for you too."
She knew she could start arguing with him about why he didn't tell her right away, why he hadn't reached out, why he had pushed her away. But she had never felt such happiness in her body and it overtook her. She rolled her eyes, couldn't hide the smile on her face that was now followed by his smile.
"You're an idiot.", she whispered as she stepped closer to him. His hands found her hips as he pressed his body against her. A feeling they both knew so well but they knew this was something new.
He kissed her. His lips being so perfectly on hers. Tongues playing with each other. They were both out of breath, wanting more, longing for more and they both knew that this was just the beginning.
hope you like it! requests for lewis are open.
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13as07 · 6 months
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Tiggie #2
(Itachi Uchiha)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to cytosine]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,815
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
I was too lazy to look up Genma's parental statues so surprise they're dead; sorry, not sorry if it's not canon
We're going to pretend Minato didn't do the Reaper Death Seal cause I got tired of researching and cause I'm the author and said so :)
Itachi's fingers shift around under the table, in search of my wrist again. "You know she can't answer that question," he grumbles toward his father, shooting down the chief's newest question about our mission this afternoon. His fingers slide over my wrist, squeezing it once or twice before letting me go again.
"Your father is just trying to get to know your new friend, Sweetie. It doesn't help that you haven't told us much about her," His mother mediates, placing down a plate of crackers and cheese before turning back toward the supper she's cooking. "We don't even know her name."
"Oh, it's - "
"Tiggie," Itachi cuts me off, making his father's and my eyes glance toward him. My name is very much not 'Tiggie' and he knows that. What the hell are you on right now, Itachi?
"Tiggie?" His father repeats, stone eyes back on me. Well, at least I know where Itachi gets his death grip sight from. "Your parents must have lacked... futuristic thinking skills."
"Fugaku," Itachi and his mother say at the same time, shooting the same glare at the man across the table. "Don't mind him, Sweetie. He's just old and set in the past," she says, this time setting down a pitcher of juice. A couple of grumbles come from her husband but he doesn't comment on my 'name' again.
     Itachi's hand moves again, bumping against my leg before wrapping around my wrist for the hundredth time. When his fingers slide into place, the uncomfortable fear causing light to flicker through my senses before the room goes dark like the night sky. Instantly I drop my head down, staring at the table. It looks about the same, with a few aging marks present now.
"Anyway, Tiggie," Fugaku starts, making me panic more. "You're on the same squad as Itachi, your family must have some decent skills."
"Ya, my older brother is a bodyguard for the Hokage. More specifically Lord Fourth, but he served under Lord Third now," I answer toward the table, glancing my eyes to the left.
Nothing is there, no Itachi despite his hand clinging to my wrist and no sign of his mother even though I can hear her clinking around the kitchen. I quickly glance to the right, my stomach dripping at the sight. Itachi's parents are kneeling on the ground, the tip of a sword poking out from between them.
Do I look? Do I not look? I should look, I should see what's going on. What if they're being murdered? What if it's an attack on Itachi's clan? What if it's an attack on the village?
"That's impressive. An older son protecting our leader and a younger daughter in one of the top anbu squad. Your parents must be proud," Fugaku says, his spot being a void when I glance up. What do I do? How do I get out of this scenario? Detach Itachi?
"They were, yes," I mutter, taking a peak to the right again, lifting my head higher this time.
The question barely registers, the whole of my mind taken up by the person on the other end of the sword. My telling is that of Itachi murdering his parents, of his parents willingly dying at the hand of their son, of him dressed in his anbu uniform soaked in blood with his mask resting on the top of his head.
"Hey? Are you okay?" Itachi asks from my side, his hand dropping my wrist to shake my shoulder.
"Um... ya," I mumble, shifting to look at where I think he is in reality.
"Your... eyes," he mutters, dropping his hold on me. "You... what is... dad?" He continues, hand cupping my face to shift it toward his father.
While my head is kept in place, I shift my eyes to the side again, a gag surfacing as I watch future Itachi slice his mother's throat. My hand jumps up, covering my mouth as I try to use my breathing to settle my churning stomach.
"I didn't know there were any dojutsu users in the village aside from the Hyuga and our clan. Well, and Kakashi," Fugaku mutters, the sound of him shifting leading the touch of his fingers to my cheek. "What is it that you can see with those eyes of yours, child?"
"Uh... it just... just snips of the future," I mutter, not able to pull my eyes away as I watch the future version of my friend kill his father as well.
"Fukagu, stop pestering the young lady."
A swat follows the statement, along with a groan. "You didn't have to smack me with the spoon, Mikoto. I'm just curious how her eyes work."
"She is our guest. Tiggie is here to get to know us and eat, not to be questioned about her abilities. Leave the girl alone," Mikoto bites back, smacking her husband with the spoon again.
A small boy runs through my vision, causing future Itachi to panic for a moment before evening out again. "I didn't know you had a brother," I mutter, watching the boy fall to his knees, clinging to his head as he freaks out.
"How do you know that?" Itachi mutters, the feeling of his hand waving in front of my face mixing with his words.
Future Itachi walks out of the room, the ending light of my vision following before the sight of present Itachi's hand fills my view. "I just had a vision of him is all," I mutter, rubbing my eyes in circles a few times. "What's your brother's name?"
"Sasuke," he answers, his face replacing his hand when my eyes flicker open. "He'll be joining us soon." Itachi smiles softly at me before shifting back in place.
"Are you alright, child?" Fukagu asks, eyes intense as he looks at me, curiosity swirling in them. "What did you see?"
"Fukagu!" Mikoto yells at her husband again, hands on her hips as she glares at her husband.
"Just Itachi and Sasuke... having a sibling... dispute," I mutter, trying to find a way to be truthful without giving too much away.
I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this vision. Do I tell Fukagu? Mikoto? Itachi? Genma? Do I tell the Hokage? Do I ask the Captain for guidance? Maybe I misunderstood what happened. Though it's pretty impossible to misunderstand Itachi murdering his parents. Why would he do that? When does he do it? It has to be sometime soon since he didn't look much different than he does now.
"Hmm..." Fukagu hums, letting his eyes close. "How unusual. Our boys tend to get along. They're pretty inseparable, though I suppose with age they're more likely to draw apart."
"I guess so," I mutter, shifting away when Itachi tries to grab my wrist again.
I can feel Itachi's eyes on me as he trails after Dog and me. It's been a few days since my dinner with his parents, since my vision, and I haven't decided what to do about it.
     I have decided to avoid him as much as possible, which has been a little difficult. We work together so I'm mandated to spend time with him every day. Even though I've had the Captain walk me home recently, Itachi still trails after us, two or three paces behind like he doesn't believe I'll get home safely without him. He keeps trying to talk to me, which I don't ignore, but I do try to keep it short and swallow.
     "What is going on with you two?" Doggie asks, leaning a bit closer to attempt to keep our whispers between us.
     "Nothing," I mutter, shifting away. I've been on edge about touching another person since the dinner party. I even refused to hug Genma before he left for another mission this morning. I feel bad about it now, but I didn't want to take the chance. On the plus note, he should be home tonight so I'll make sure to hug him extra tight when he's home.
     "Tiggie, I know - "
     "Thank you for walking me home," I cut him off, waving goodbye before dashing down the road toward my house.
     The Captain stalls for a moment before turning around to leave. Itachi doesn't do the same though, strolling down the street after me. Despite his dedication, I slam my front door in his face. It's not nice and I know that, but I still can't deal with him right now, even if he hasn't done anything wrong... yet.
     "Tiggie," he calls, knocking on the door I'm resting against. "I don't know why you're upset with me but I am sorry for whatever I did."
     "You can't be sorry for something you don't know about!" Or something you haven't technically done yet, or might not ever do.
     "Well... I guess. Tell me what I did then. Was it my dad? I know he can be a dick," he continues to talk, knock after knock following his words. "Let me make it up to you. Tiggie, please?"
     Slowly I give in, pushing myself off the door and gently turning the handle. "I don't want to talk to you right now," I mutter, clinging to the cracked door as I peek out of it.
     "Why not?" He asks, leaning against the door but being careful not to push it open. Itachi's eyes peek back at me, the darkness of them pooling in the center, sending shivers down my spine. They look so soft, so concerned, but terrify me so much. "What did I do?"
     "You're going to kill your parents," I spill out, unable to hold it in any longer. I need to tell someone, even if the someone is the murderer I saw in action. "And you'll make Sasuke freak out, which makes sense seeing your parents dead and all," I mutter the last part, resting my eyes on the ground, finally being able to pull my eyes apart from his.
     "I don't want to talk about it," I mutter, starting to close the door.
     "You have to!" He yells, hands slamming against the door and shoving it open. I jump back, eyes snapping around the front door to take note of the kunais hidden in its frame. "I'm sorry. I didn't... I'm sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to. I just... I..."
     I shift forward, sliding my fingers under the frame, toying with the edge of one of the knives. "A lot is going on with the clan and... I need to know what you saw. I need you to see more!" Itachi rushes out, panicking as he leans forward to cling to my shoulders. "I just... Tiggie," he mutters, taking a few deep breaths. "I'm going to tell you a secret. A like, my clan will wipe Genma and you off the face of the planet, secret and... in return, you tell me what you saw."
     "How the hell is that a fair deal?!" I shriek, tugging the knife from its spot and swishing it at Itachi.
     He catches it with no issue, clinging to my wrist in his usual softness but keeping my arm in place. "It's not and I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do and I'm guessing you don't know what to do either. We could help each other like friends are supposed to do."
Itachi's chest slowly falls up and down as he sleeps, arms wrapped around me like I'll run away while he sleeps. I might have if I wasn't wrapped so tight.
     Genma's footsteps mix with the rerunning sound of my conversation with Itachi. The conversation terrifies me. The thought of a civil war breaking out terrifies me. The thought that this is a setup by Itachi or his clan or both terrifies me and makes me worried they're going to use me as some sort of fortune-telling compass for their coup. At the moment though, the thought of Genma catching a boy in my bed terrified me more.
     I tug at Itachi's arms, managing to untangle them from around me. The boy stirs a bit but ends up turning over instead of waking up. I let out a soft sigh as I climb out of my bed, leaving him alone as I quietly make my way out of my room.
     "Oh, there you are, Peanut. I was just about to check your room," Genma greats, tiredness present on his face as he makes a fresh pot of coffee.
     I head towards my brother, trying my best to not make my movements seem panicked. I curl against Genma's chest, arms tightly around his waist as I bury my head into him. "I missed you."
     "I missed you too, Peanut," he mutters, pressing a kiss to my head and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
     "But?" I ask, picking up on his tone.
     "But I'm just stopping home for a change of clothes and some coffee. I'm heading out on another mission in thirty minutes."
     "Really," he mutters, pressing another kiss into my hair. "I should be home in two or three days. Raido will be over in the morning to chill with you while I'm away."
     "Great," I grumble, nuzzling my face against him. I should tell Genma what Itachi told me. Genma could keep me safe, could keep the village safe. Or maybe it'll make everything worse. I don't know what to do.
     "You should get back to bed. I'm sure you'll have a busy day tomorrow. I love you, Peanut."
     "I love you too," I mutter, squeezing him tighter before slowly pulling away. "I'll see you in a couple of days."
     My heart pounds as I make my way back to my room. It pounds even more when I creak my door open, being met with glowing sharingans. "Sorry, Tiggie. I didn't realize it was you," he mutters, turning the glow off before he flops back down. "Come here."
I slowly crawl back into bed, Itachi wrapping me up instantly and tugging me down. He flips us around, using my body to press himself into the mattress. "What are you doing?" I mutter, clinging to his shirt, not sure if I want to tug him closer or shove myself off of him.
"Sasuke usually crawls into bed with me at night and curls up on my chest. It feels weird not sleeping like that," Itachi explains, one hand rubbing my back and the other one knotting in my hair, laying my head on his chest. "Just... lay down until I fall asleep, please."
"Alright," I mutter, letting myself relax against him. "You should go home."
"If I go home I'm taking you with me."
"You should go home alone."
"That's not an option. We sleep here or we sleep at my house."
I let out a sigh, not having the energy or willpower to fight him. "Alright, we can stay here, but just for tonight."
My nerves bounce as I walk into the locker room. Itachi was gone when I woke up this morning, which was good because I don't know how I feel about him. I don't know what I feel about the Uchiha coup, or about what I saw, or about him spending the night last night. On the other hand, I was a bit sad when I woke up and he was gone.
     "There you are," Captain calls when I walk through the door, shoving my duty report into my hands. "Border watch is down two people so I signed Itachi and you up to fill in. Report to the Hokage in an hour," he races out before ducking out of the room, two or three members following after him.
     "Great," I mutter under my breath, beelining for my locker. I pop the door open, exchanging greetings with Squirrel. "What's your duty report for the day?"
     "I'm working as Hokage palace guard. How about you?" She asks, fixing the straps of her vest.
"Boarded watch."
"Oh that sucks," she mutters, leaning against her locker as she talks to me. "So what's been up with you and the - "
"Good Morning, Tiggie," Itachi's voice butts in, a soft squeeze left to my shoulders before he settles in front of his spot.
"Never mind," Squirrel mutters, a teasing glance sent my way as she smiles. I roll my shoulders a few times, trying to shake off the feeling of Itachi's hands on them. Seeing him and feeling him touching me again makes up my mind for me; Itachi and his clan scare me and I want nothing to do with them. "Just kidding to my 'never mind'? What's going on with you two?" She asks, now looking confused as her eyes flicker between the two of us.
"Nothing is going on. Stop worrying about it," I mutter, focusing on getting myself dressed.
"If you say so," she says, pushing herself to her feet before filtering out of the locker room, leaving Itachi and me alone.
"Tiggie," Itachi calls, his voice right next to my ear, soft and soothing. How could this man ever be a murderer? "I want to thank you for letting me spend the night and apologize for leaving you alone this morning," he continues, hands ghosting over my hips before they fall away.
"It was no problem. There was stuff that needed to be cleared up," I mumble, trying to ignore the shivers twirling from the spots Itachi touched. "We should get going. The Hokage is expecting us," I add, grabbing my mask and turning to head out of the room.
I crash into Itachi because of his closeness, him standing a lot closer than I was expecting. His hand catches my wrist like usual, eyes wide looking down at me, and lips crashing against mine. "I am sorry," he says slowly, moving even slower as he pulls away from me, fingers tightening his hold. "This is not how I spent the night imagining kissing you. I will make it up to you alongside making up for leaving you in bed alone."
"What?" I ask, being dragged forward as Itachi heads for the door. He stops in front of it, positioning his mask on his face before snatching my mask from my hand, and starting to place it on my face.
He stalls for a moment, my mask half covering my face, blocking my eyes because of its position. Itachi's lips brush against mine again, this time soft and gentle, unlike the surprise kiss. "That will have to do for now. I will give you a better kiss when we do not have a duty to fulfill," he mutters, tugging my mask into place before dragging me out of the room.
Itachi sits on my bed, dressed in a casual shirt and pajama pants, as he looks over his notes. Our 'just for tonight' accidental sleepover was ten - or was it eleven? - weeks ago. He's gotten a good feel for when my brother is around or not. If Genma is home, he sneaks in at some point in the night, which kind of freaks me out. If Genma is away Itachi comes and goes pretty freely. Now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder if he's using his Anbu clearance to check my brother's whereabouts.
"My..." he stops for a second, blinking slowly before focusing on the sheet in his hand again. "Tiggie?"
"I have an idea... a really bad idea," he mutters, his hands tightening and relaxing around the paper he keeps reading.
"An idea for what?" I ask, turning my head so I can look at him better as I lay on my bed.
"How to hopefully stop the coup."
"Oh," I mutter, sitting up straight. "And what might that idea be?"
     His jaw clenches and relaxes a few times, in the way I've noticed he does when he's trying to keep his sharingan off. "There's a rumor about this jutsu that... brings back the dead."
     "How is that going to help?" I ask, resting my head on his shoulder so I can read over the paper as well. The word 'reanimation' is scribbled on the top in sloppy almost doctor-like handwriting.
     "The whole coup planning started after Lord Fourth died. Do you know why?" I shake my head no before settling it down again. "The village believes the clan is behind the Nine Tail attack."
     "That was five or six years ago."
     "I know. The only person who knows what really happened that night is Lord Fourth. He was busy, you know, saving the village so he didn't have a chance to tell anyone what was happening... before he died."
     "So...?" I ask, not quite sure where Itachi is going with this.
     "So, if I can figure out how to do the jutsu, we can bring Lord Fourth back and have him clear everything up with the village. If tensions from the village loosen, maybe the clan won't feel like we need to do the coup. You could hopefully come to a peaceful conclusion."
     This sounds incredibly dangerous and dumb. Itachi wants to make a zombie Hokage talk to the village and just hope that fixes everything? How long will it take to learn this jutsu? How will time be bought until he can fulfill his plan? "What if it doesn't work?"
     He stays quiet for a beat or two before turning to look at me. "Almost everyone in the village, the council included, thinks we caused the attack. If the council hears from Lord Fourth that it wasn't our fault, they'll lose one of the main biases against us. Then they'll have to be more peaceful, more understanding. Besides, Lord Fourth will make a statement or something to the village so the council can't cover it up. It'll work... it has to work," Itachi whispers the last part like he's just as unsure about the situation as I am.
"If you say so," I utter, tugging my touch away from him before lying down in bed again. "How are you going to learn the jutsu?"
"I believe it's in the forbidden jutsu scroll. I'm going to break in and look over with my sharingan so I can memorize it."
"What?!" I shriek, sitting up straight again. "You can't do that! You can't do a forbidden jutsu! What are you thinking, Itachi?"
"Oh, yes. How dare I break a rule to save the village from civil war," he mutters, moving his papers off the bed, and leaving them piled on the floor. He shifts around, arms around my sides before he rests his head on my shoulder. "It's just an idea," Itachi whispers, nuzzling his head against me. "I'll talk it over with Shisui, he'll be able to help me think it through."
"Okay," I whisper back, toying with his ponytail.
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artyandink · 2 years
Could I request a lockwood x fem reader where she gets really hurt during a solo mission and gets back home late where lockwood I waiting to give her a lecture but after realising, he helps her and they both end up kissing.
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I winced, shakily pressing my hand to my stomach, drawing it away and spotting lots of blood coating it. I'd barely escaped that Type 2 who was angry after a murder, and I'd only realised when I found a note that helped me piece two and two together.
Times like this I wished I brought someone along with me.
Finding purchase on the bedframe, I pulled myself up all at once to avoid too much pain, almost collapsing again due to the rippling lightning strikes flashing through my body.
I lumbered my way to a spare first aid kit, messily wrapping a bandage around my midsection, wondering how I was ever going to make it home.
"Need a hand, Leigh?" My best friend Artemis was at the door in her usual office clothes, gaping when she saw my state. "Bloody hell- I need to get you to Portland Row. For God's sake, were you doing a solo mission?" Helping me up, I used her as support as we hobbled towards her Rolls.
"I didn't want to trouble the others. We were all exhausted after wraith hunting and the pay was good-"
"Enough to risk your life?" She snapped, helping me into the car and telling her driver, Marco, to take us to Portland Row. "I admire your tenacity, Leighton, but this isn't the time to use it."
"I was misinformed."
"Still!" She retorted. "You're lucky I arrived on the scene in time. I happened to be in the area and the neighbours were yabbering on about a girl who'd caused a loud crash doing a ghost removal. I checked in and look what I found. I can't protect you from those three in that house, so you're on your own from the moment you walk through that door." She got me out of the car and up the front steps, and I leaned heavily against the rails on either side as I rung the doorbell, also noticing her drive off. It unlocked, so I turned the handle and hobbled in as subtly as I could, trying to ignore the stabbing pain that was riddling my thoughts. But they cleared when I saw who was waiting for me.
I'm done.
"Where have you been?!" Anthony Lockwood snapped. "Bed empty, no note, gear gone! You could've died, you could've- oh bloody hell!" I nearly collapsed, but he ran forward and caught me in time, perfectly catching my muffled cry. He saw the blood leaking through, slowly peeling off my shirt to witness the deep cut soaking the bandage that I'd used as a stand in.
"I... um... got hurt."
"Clearly, Leigh!"
"Artemis managed to find me, though. She brought me back here."
"She was God's gift, because you're losing blood. I may have to call DEPRAC." He pulled out his first aid kit, the rubbing alcohol and cloth ready. "This will hurt."
As soon as the stinging liquid touched my skin, I let out a painful groan, clenching my fists so hard I think I might've left permanent marks on my palms. It felt like fire, poison and pain but it felt like it was the universal treatment to anything. I just wanted it over and done with.
"What were you thinking- going on a solo mission this dangerous; you should know better! You scared the bloody life out of me!"
"I was also scared! Don't you think that in this life or death situation I was scared for my life?!" We stopped arguing, Lockwood's Adam's apple bobbing up and down.
"I just... I don't want to lose you too." Sighing, I remembered the trauma he'd gone through by losing his parents as a child. I cupped his cheek, softly running my thumb across the smooth skin of his cheek, the dark circles gracing them even more pronounced in the dim lighting.
"You'll never lose me. I'm Leighton bloody Prescott. No way I'm leaving this world unless I'm bringing down a bad guy with me."
"I can't stay mad at you, Leigh." He grinned that gigawatt grin again, melting my heart and soul.
"Exactly. You love me."
"Too much so, I'm afraid." I blinked in surprise. Was this the love confession I'd been dreaming of?
"I know this isn't a good time, but I love you, Leigh. I always have."
"This is the most perfect time, because I love you too, Anthony." I leaned in, kissing him softly and feeling the pain go away a little, until he deepened the kiss.
"Ow, gigantic cut "
"Oh, right, sorry."
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