#you cannot buy a digital product and just “own” it
ciervobizarro · 1 year
imagine losing access to your childhood memories because u forgot to renew your subscription kjsdjhfsd
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spark1edog · 10 months
Hi, my name is Willow and I have Zero dollars right now. this is not an emergency, so don't feel bad if you can't buy anything, I am taken care of. I just have no savings and it will be a couple months before I get another financial aid refund.
I have as such heavily discounted my digital art commissions! the prices below the cut are at or above 50% off, all examples are past commissions except for my own reference sheet.
thank you for reading, and if you cannot or do not want to buy i would really appreciate a reblog ❣️
TOS, What to Expect, Prices, and Examples under the cut.
TOS/Before You Order:
🎈Don't move, cover or remove my signature when reposting. Credit me in the caption, and if possible link to @fizzlepopcreationz on tumblr or instagram.
🎈I will only do minor changes on these discounted commissions.
🎈I reserve the right to use the art to promote myself and my services. Do not use my art commercially (business pfp, banner, pngtuber, etc) unless previously agreed on.
🎈I reserve the right to decline any commission for any reason.
I can draw just about anything but mecha and feet. humans, feral, anthro, whatever works.
contact me here, on discord at sparkledoq, or email [email protected] to set up an order.
What to expect:
🌈When you contact me with your inquiry, please state what category you are ordering, briefly describe what you are looking for (pose, text, theme, mood, anything you feel like specifying,) and send a reference(s) of the character(s) you want drawn.
🌈I will ask any questions I have, and once all the details are settled, I will send an invoice and draw a sketch for you to approve.
🌈Once paid, turnaround time will vary from 1-3 days for flat colors and icons, 3-7 days for pieces with shading and backgrounds, and reference sheets may take a little longer.
🌈After I finish drawing, I will send you the final product and ask about minor changes (colors, misspellings, minor shape errors, background edits, etc)
🌈Once those are settled, if applicable, I will send the completed file to the email address I sent the invoice to unless otherwise specified.
Icon (cel shaded): $5 - single $7 - matching pair
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Full Body No BG:
$15 - Flat color $20 - Cel Shaded $25 - Full Shading
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Full Body +BG
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Reference Sheet: $40-$50 (depending on complexity)
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thank you for reading this far ily
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possumcollege · 2 years
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We have to understand this is magical thinking right? Do any of us believe only derivative, commercial-looking work is going to going to suffer if this junk is allowed to take hold? If only we each cultivated unique, challenging, exciting new styles, we'd be safe from- Ope! Nope. Nevermind.
Turns out, scavenging, amoral, shitbirds really like unique, challenging, new styles. They're drawn to them like pigeons to a gutter full of fries. They lick their lips over anything they think will add flavor to the mathematically-churned filler they've made out of others' creative work.
None of the top 5 burgers you can buy from your car are good, but damned if they don't make the people who own their names a lot of money. AI trawlers don't need to make good work to get rich, they just need good enough. Stirring in a dash of your quirky, unorthodox, personal style might just be what they think gives them that edge to stand out until it falls beneath the next fresh thing.
This isn't about who will be good enough to avoid being ground up to pad the portfolios of ravenous parasites. This threatens all of us who create images and stories with our own hands, hearts and minds. If you can't understand that, then your best hope of not becoming their next meal is to remain so thoroughly mediocre as to be beneath anyone's notice.
For the rest of us we need to speak up and stay mad as hell until we get the protection we deserve. We need to demand regulation that prevents image generating software from operating like a dragnet and treats any product of that image trawling like the fucking unethical deepfakes they are before the VC firms and lobbyists get their bizarre, blurry little digits into legislative pockets.
I cannot stress this enough, this kind of thing will negatively effect artists of every description. If the software can't replicate your medium yet, it's because they haven't tried hard enough. 2D, 3D, animation, if it can be converted to a set of 1s and 0s, it can be averaged out and reassembled. Maybe not well but it will be good enough to replace people.
This is already effecting translators and copy writers and it's bearing down on anyone who writes for a living. The technology is already scary good at replicating styles and getting close enough for companies to treat qualified translators and writers as the machine's babysitter, only proofreading for glaring instances of nonsense. Read the stories of translators tasked with holding the thing's uncanny hand and they'll tell you that they're being hired to edit work that is frequently useless without human intervention. If you've watched any video with auto-generated captions you've seen for yourself how dodgy it can be.
Companies can run these programs for the cost of license and electricity, and pay qualified humans as little as possible for "quality control" while holding up the product of that person's labor as proof of what the technology can do. They are already using lies to shore up their own reputation while diluting the quality of acceptable work and disenfranchising skilled human creative labor.
For writers, this has already been going on for years. It's a virus that just jumped species to a visual medium. How far it spreads and the damage it does will be determined by how we fight it now.
The last three years should already tell us what a grim fucking prospect that is.
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mybatimblog · 19 days
my head feels like TV static
tw venting i am overwhelmed this is mostly a stream of consciousness and makes only half sense
i need to spill things somewhere i hope it helps
sirry this is kind of like real life stuff
i do not have anxiety in the diagnostic sense but there is so much in my body right now its going to pour out of my eyes and i'm worried i will drown in it
there is too much going on and not enough sleep to function i can either take my medication be productive and not sleep until four hours before my alarm or allow sleep instead of work
i can only pretend to be someone else for so long to keep my mood up i can only pretend for so long until i run out of fuel and it does not help much to pretend to be "Sammy Lawrence" or "Remus Lupin" or "Bucky barnes" before the character's instabilities actually make it hard to feel better and then i am back and so tired
i can pretend to be one of my own characters but they are pieces of me and it doesn't help much
the dopamine it gives me to spend time with stuff i like doesn't help my brain is moving too fast i feel like im spinning
books and paper and paint are so expensive i didnt get a textbook until yesterday because it took me two weeks to make the decision about whether i should risk a virus and get it for $20 or spend 50 dollars more just to rent it digitally and as for the art supplies i need to buy special paper? and the project is due sooner than id like
and food is so expensive i have food but not REAL food and I cannot eat cereal and popcorn forever but i have dishes to do and its either a drive to the less expensive grocery store or a 20 minute walk to the more expensive one
ive been trying to start a patreon but have no time to make content for the patreon
sunlight never reaches my window and my apartment is very dark but if I open my windows to let light in, people can see me so easily. my plants will die soon. i got a new plant recently as a reward for working so hard this summer and im afraid its going to die and im afraid that if this were a book and some student were reporting on it they'd relate my plant's health to mine and how i may be slowly falling apart
putting the light on helps a lot but not when we pay for electric and i have to think about how expensive it is to exist
i have been trying to pay my water bill for days and watching every drop i use because the other day my tap was on for 4 hours while i was away from home but the water lady has not emailed me back
i make list after list after list and its the same tasks that i still have to do them all
last night i tried to watch Fresh because i started it two days ago and sebastian stan is candy for the brain and i did not finish the movie but i had to pay for my enjoyment because the next day i feel like THIS and it is a punishment for trying to relax
when you look up how to deal with anxiety everything is things i cannot do except for breathe and breathing is not helping its all "sleep better" and "eat better" and "exercise" and "plan a time to worry"
i would like to melt but i have so much work to do
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snugglyporos · 6 months
NFTs of the art world. I'll see myself out.
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// I'll be completely honest here, the idea of NFT's is not the problem. It's entirely down to how they are executed and commodified.
Art, that is worth money, is a commodity. It's value is intrinsic because it is A. not easily replicated (age, difficulty of creation, cost of materials) and B. has some name attached to it, and/or C. is limited in number.
Ergo, a painting by someone like Picasso is intrinsically valuable because it is old, limited in number, from a famous name, and cannot be replicated. We know this, because if you make a print of his work, it is not worth the same amount. Therefore, the value is contained in that individual piece.
This is not something that has yet to be replicated digitally. Digital artists have struggles because any work that they produce in the form of a .tiff or a .jpg or a .png can just be saved on anyone's computer. Anyone can just take a screenshot and then upload it somewhere else. The cost of materials is zero, not including electricity or cost to use a program. Unless you're a big name, your art probably doesn't contain any name recognition. There is thus very little intrinsic value to digital art.
At the very least, excluding costs of labor, a work of art is worth what it cost in materials to make it. A painting is worth the cost of the paints, at minimum. This is similar to the idea that a sculpture is worth as a floor, whatever it's worth in material scrap. Make something out of iron or gold? You're looking at minimum whatever it would cost to scrap it and melt it down.
Art, however, having such value, tends to be forged. A lot. That's why there are entire companies and an industry dedicated to validating that a print from a wood block by Salvador Dalí is in fact from the original print line. In other words, the language of digital art, that of 'theft' is not accurate. Theft implies something was taken and can be given back. What you deal with when you save an image is something akin to forgery, or duplication of something and the claim that it is now that thing.
You will immediately notice that there is no such organization or industry around validating digital art. Because the nature of the internet, that of free images, free access to work, free exposure to new things, is counter to the idea of making people actually own things like pictures. In the same way that it's hard for consumers to own digital products when the company decides they don't anymore, it's hard for artists to actually ensure that their work remains theirs. There exists no mechanism to validate it, or protect it. A physical art, bought by a collector, can be placed in their home for no one but them to see. You can't do that with images online, at least not ones that you post for everyone to see. You might be able to buy a physical print, but that too gives it the intrinsic value of a physical object that a digital one lacks.
In other words, absent the idea of an NFT, any image you post online is no different than a drop in an MMO. It exists, theoretically, you can look at it, but anyone can claim that they have one and there's no mechanism to ensure that the one you posted is the original, and if anyone pays you for it, no one can stop you or anyone else from monetizing it. That's why there's an entire industry around gold farmers and people who are paid to grind.
NFTs, as they actually exist currently, are little more than jpgs attached to penny stocks; they're gambling tokens. This is because there is no actual way to ensure the kind of signed authority of say, a real painting without a centralized authority that people respect enough to say 'yes, this is real and worth this.' You are not seeing people appraising jpegs because they're worth whatever someone will pay for them.
Digital art hasn't even gotten to the point where trading cards are, where there are validating and grading services to prove authenticity. Currently, anyone can claim they are any artist, and there's no way to prove that they're not lying without a great deal of effort.
That, obviously, cannot continue if digital artists are to ever end up in a place that physical artists inhabit. You will never see a digital artist become a great artist in the same way that a painter from the 1950s might have, because their work will never be able to have any intrinsic value so long as it is digital, without the authentication required.
In other words, the thing that allows digital artists to spring up more easily ( access to audiences, lack of material cost, ease of spreading their work ) actually makes their work less valuable in terms of intrinsic cost because anyone can see it and copy it for themselves. To post it online is to make infinite copies of it. And if you made infinite copies of a famous work, it wouldn't be worth anything either.
Eventually, something akin to NFTs will have to exist, in some form, if digital artists are to become as valueable in terms of intrinsic value as meatspace artists.
But what we have now isn't it. What we have now is a casino where people charge artists to gamble with their art.
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misscaia · 3 months
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Queens of Thailand - 6 Coloring Pages + 1 PNG Clipart of a Queen in Traditional Royal Thai Attire Perfect for DIY Wall Art Projects
*Coloring Pages: 8.5" x 11”
*6 beautiful images
*Perfect for coloring pencils graphite pencils, light markers, limited watercolors, and crayons
*All coloring pages are already framed and ready to be displayed post-coloring
*Watermarks are not included in PDF or PNG file
Unleash your creativity with the "Queens of Thailand" mini digital coloring book! This collection features 6 unique pages showcasing beautiful Queens in traditional ceremonial Thai attire. Each page is meticulously outlined, perfect for framing once completed. Download your PDF format coloring pages, sized at 8.5 x 11 inches, and enjoy a bonus PNG file of a highly detailed illustration for color references. Immerse yourself in the intricate designs and vibrant culture of Thailand as you bring these regal figures to life. Perfect for art enthusiasts of all ages, these pages promise hours of coloring enjoyment and stunning results. Get your "Queens of Thailand" coloring book today and create your own masterpieces!
1. Add the item to your shopping cart.
2. Click on the "Complete" button.
3. Go to the checkout page and proceed with the payment process.
4. Once the payment is successful, the item will be available for immediate download in your Etsy account. You can download the files by going to your Etsy Profile > Purchases and Reviews.
If you purchased as a 'guest', you will receive an email from Etsy containing the download links. If you cannot find the email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folders, or social/promotions tabs if using Gmail.
5. Download the item and print it out as you prefer and frame it or use it as per your desire.
As digital downloads are non-refundable, please don't hesitate to contact me for any inquiries before making your purchase. If you experience any problems downloading your files after the purchase, I will provide assistance to resolve them.
After purchase, you can download the files by going to your Etsy Profile > Purchases and Reviews.
If you purchased as a 'guest', you will receive an email from Etsy containing the download links. If you cannot find the email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folders, or social/promotions tabs if using Gmail.
You can simply print the artwork from your home printer. For best results, however, we recommend using a professional printing service (local or online) such as Staples, Walgreens, UPS Store, Office Depot, Target, Walmart, Poster Jack, Finer Works, Office Works, Vistaprint, Costco, Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc.
Please note that colors may vary subtly depending on monitor calibration settings, printout settings, and material types.
CAIA artwork is for PERSONAL USE only.
DO NOT use our digital art files for reproduction in commercial use or resale in any form. You are NOT permitted to make alterations to our artwork, then use it for commercial purposes, or for resale.
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ninapedia · 4 months
I saw your post 623829004122718209/hey-i-can-finally-post-this-heres-one-of-my through radar, i have a question I am an illustrator but so many say to sell their illustrations on etsy or gumroad or a trillion sites but I dont comprehend what is different between someone getting an illustration of mine on tumblr or deviantart and then one on etsy, what is the difference in yours?
Hihi! I'm answering this publicly because I think others could benefit from this as well.
So, full disclosure. Art is not currently my full time job. I have a day job doing marketing/graphic design for a medical device company (I'm on my lunch right now, hi!) and do art on the side because it makes me happy.
When it comes to the art I do sell, my primary business is not prints. It's other merchandise such as clothing, key chains, enamel pins, stickers, buttons, etc. Basically things most people cannot make on their own. Some examples below:
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When I do sell a print of my work it's typically at an in person event like a convention or art show. Most of my online sales are not prints, though I do have an InPrint and a print listing on my webstore (and I used to have a RedBubble and Society6). Hell, most of my in person sales aren't prints. Usually it's my hats and shirts.
For selling illustration prints online the biggest difference between someone buying a print and someone just right-click-saving-print-themselves it quality.
Most of my work is uploaded as a 72 dpi png that is significantly scaled down from the digital canvas size I actually used to draw/paint it. Anyone who's saving and printing it out is going to get a pretty shitty quality print. Buying a print directly from me is getting a nice crisp 300dpi jpeg print that look GORGOUS, if I do say so myself.
The quality of the paper is important as well. The people who don't have the funds to purchase a print typically also don't have the funds to invest in fancy paper or specialty printing. I do sell a lot of 'gimic' prints (foil, holographic, pearl) and most people who attend conventions are willing to pay a premium for something like that, but even my standard matte prints are on nice heavy or textured linen paper. I use professional print services mostly (thank u CatPrint for my life) but even if I'm printing at home for a smaller con I have a very nice printer and very nice cardstock. A lot of convention artists who just do prints also sell fancier things like canvas prints.
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Unrelated to the actual 'product', you should watermark your work and offer the unwatermarked version for sale if you want to do prints. I don't always do this out of laziness but, again, it's not my primary source of income. The Beloved illustration you linked was specifically for a larger DND 5e supplemental. It wasn't even designed to be sold as a print, so I didn't bother watermarking it. I honestly still should have but in my mind the value of that piece was contained around the book it was drawn for. The illustration is nice but it feels empty without all additional information included in Bardic Inspiration.
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To circle back to something I said early, don't limit yourself to only selling prints. Make stickers of your illustrations, put it on tote bags and tshirts. If you don't want to source products yourself RedBubble and Society6 are fairly decent print on demand services. The only reason I left their platforms was because I didn't like the way they were changing their payment structure for artist, but it's not a bad place to upload things and make passive income. If you're flexible with your art and are willing to source products yourself, you can make other merch. The upfront cost is higher but the eventual return is MUCH bigger than any print on demand services. People wound up liking Beloved enough for me to make an enamel pin of her
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Maybe it's the circles I travel, but most people do want to support the artist they like and the people who are right-click-save-print either can't support you financially or were never the type of people who were going to support you financially.
As long as no one is re-posting my art as their own or sharing it without credit, I really don't care if someone decides to save my illustration to admire it later. If you're broke and want to print one of my illustrations out at a library and slap it on your wall go for it.
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kangseluigi · 9 months
Elon Musk pisses me off so much, because he wants to save the world, as long as he gets credit for it, but doesn't do anything productive!!! If I had his kinda wealth, it would be SO EASY to do it!
First of all, for climate change:
I'd just buy a goddamn piece of land in the desert, the bigger, the better, and FILL it with solar panels. A land the size of a small country, cool, lay lines to a nearby city, boom, whole city gets switched to solar, every person is charged cents per year for electricity, companies a little more. I can use that money to a) keep the panels, lines etc intact, clean and whatnot, and b) to install more panels elsewhere. Go to Vegas and cover every tall building and hotel from top to bottom with solar panel windows and will power itself AND its entire neighbourhood. Rinse and repeat in all kinds of places. Add wind turbines by the sea and in the middle of roads. Boom. Fixed. (obv we add batteries for it all, idk why anti-solar people always forget that, it's been obvious in the 90's when I was a CHILD)
All workers put out of a job because coal mines, power plants etc are closing? Whoever can retire pls do that, the rest, we offer as many as possible to be re-trained for installing and maintaining our stuff, the panels, the turbines, the lines, etc. Others can be put into re-foresting areas like were coal mines were with appropriate plants for the region, balance the ecosystem.
Improve public transport in those places, have Tesla work on GOOD public transport methods, improved subways/trains and buses, also with solar and wind power, thing that don't fucking break in the car wash or rain, and through that, have it be free! I promise every country can afford the drivers' wages and minor maintenance when you don't have to substitute 43829019384 cars and fix roads all the time, and there is 0 gasoline or electricity to be paid for, ultimately.
I'd pester every single museum in the world. Remember the fire in the Brazilian Museum that destroyed plenty of things in it? Let's not have that happen again! Everybody give me your stuff for 3 seconds, so I can do super high quality 3D renders of it all and preserve it for all eternity, maybe in Zuckerberg's weird bunker idk, and have all museums access all scans in there through their own network, so that a) IF disaster strikes again, we won't lose as much. Even if the original may be destroyed, we still have some form of access to it. b) if some artifacts and objects can't be shipped around, you can still include them through screens or projections, or even have a goddamn VR glasses exhibition of old temples in life size! Imagine! You can only import so many Egyptian artifacts for your exhibition, it will never be truly complete, but you can include a screen that allows visitors to scroll through all the related things and view them closely. You can project the pyramids into an empty space in the room and have them digitally disassemble the thing, piece by piece, to show exactly how they were built and how the corridors inside run, what someone could expect. You can project the pyramid's corridors AROUND visitors to give them a taste of it. You can have them go into the VR room and have them walk the hallways digitally, or have them stand in the Colosseum or ancient temples, the way they looked 2000 years ago, filled with life! Maybe I would "accidentally" ship all objects back to their original owners and leave most european museums with the 3d printed copies but that's not relevant right now
With that, we could also open up websites where all objects in the catalogue can be VIEWED by anyone in the world, with a little texty-text from experts, which means more accessibility, for people across the globe who'll never get to that specific location, people who can't necessarily leave the house for whatever reason, people who simply cannot enter some museums, etc etc. It means students can more easily find in depth, high quality information. It means all people regardless of income can theorise and discuss these things. Imagine how fun Covid would have been, had we had access to all that information. If everyone had been able to make posts about how "I found this fun detail on this object/art piece and nobody seems to have talked about it EVER?!" and "So, I couldn't sleep and I was looking through the catalogue and came across this thing, and then fell down a rabbit hole. A thread 1/127" !!!!
Maybe (!?) we could also, additionally, do it similarly to archive.org and let people rent digitally, but also rent/sell non-commercial (!) licenses for the 3d renders. Eg. if someone wants to 3d print something just for their own hobby, or to let their blind relative feel the objects they cannot see, and of course wouldn't be able to touch in the real museum. Additionally, it may allow the gift shops to 3D print or otherwise model mini-versions/copies of some of the artifacts for purchase cause ??!?!? who wouldn't want a copy of whichever crown!
The same with paintings etc.
It would make history, art, and knowledge SO accessible!! It would allow anyone to really learn, to draw inspiration, to theorise! To FEEL the art, the heavy strokes of Van Gogh's paintings, build something, to understand humanity as a whole in a new light! To spark new conversations and understanding between us all.
It could be SO easy.
But no, he has to play stupid games to bring down the price of twitter, then be forced into buying it, and fuck everything up, instead ruining a source of information, just like he bought Tesla and ruined it!
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nickgerlich · 8 months
The Last Time
As much as I am a futurist, I think it is also worthy of our time to look long into the rear view, to reflect on how far we have come, how much change has happened without our really having noticed, and how lives are different from the way they were.
And so I give to you my recurring essay on “The Last Time.” I don’t intend to be sad or morose, although that can certainly happen, such as when we recall the last time we saw a person, especially loved ones. No, I am more concerned in this exercise to reflect on the things, the artifacts, the services, of a society that we no longer utilize, but at the time of our “last time,” we just didn’t realize it.
Worse yet, the longer you live, the longer this list grows. It is inevitable as technology advances—and so do you—that your inventory of things and services no longer consumed gets a little longer each year.
Take, for example, the last time you used a travel agent to buy an airline ticket or book a rental car. Although I cannot pin down the date, I am going to estimate it was around 1997, when Travelocity was riding high. I didn’t think about the significance at the time, until I saw the son of the then-defunct travel agency working the front desk of an airline at the Amarillo airport. Geez, did I help put him out of a job?
It is much the same for hotel reservations, which I now do via a mobile app on my phone. I reserve, pay, and get a digital key so that I do not even have to interact with the front desk. I just go to my room.
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My tech history is littered with products, many of which I still keep in a box or two “just in case,” including 5 1/4” floppy discs, 3 1/2” discs, ZIP discs, CD-ROMs, and so forth. I have every cable imaginable. And what about the office fax machine, a staple rendered obsolete in recent years? It has been a long time, and a few years ago, I learned it had been an even longer time when I went into the COB office to fax something. They laughed when I asked where the fax machine was. They told me to just scan and email it.
I could go on, and I will. Landline telephone? Payphone? Paper map atlas? I think it is still a good skill to know how to read a map, and not just rely on Google to bark out turn-by-turn directions, but it is pretty rare when I bring out that huge booklet. I used to buy a new atlas every year. I bet it has been eight years or more now.
Let’s look at some other tech items. Did you ever own a black-and-white television? My family had one up until the early-1970s, and the small portable I took off to university in 1977 was also B/W. But that’s the last I remember. And what about your phone? I suspect that most of you are so young that you have never owned anything but a smartphone, while I have recollections of several flip phones and their varietals, as well as a predecessor bag phone, which weighed about five pounds.
There are other things in our lives as well. For example, it may be the last drink you took, the last cigarette you smoked, the last meat you ate. Shedding old habits for new can be hard, and I bet those are the ones that stand out most in our memories, because they all involve things we put in our mouth.
Yesterday I had occasion to write a check. I looked through the registry, and noticed it had been more than two months since the previous, and three months before that one. For a person who used to write checks all the time, I have almost phased it out of my life. Now we Venmo, Zelle, and other methods that have become verbs, or just pay our bills electronically. Truth be known, that’s how I do most of my bill pays, but this one in particular added a fee for credit cards, so I went old school. The tax assessor can be like that.
For that matter, when was the last time you actually swiped a credit or debit card? We have replaced all that with chip readers or tap-and-pay, and now hand scanning at Whole Foods. Swiping is so 2010.
The crazy part of all this rear view remembering is that few among us ever knew what was happening. We were making implicit decisions, not explicit, and so it could not be known until later that we had just passed a turning point. Even when I eventually got rid of the typewriter my parents had gifted me for high school graduation, I did not realize I would never ever use one again.
I challenge you to consider your growing list of things for which the last time has already passed, and most likely completely under your radar. You have all lived long enough, even in your short lives, to have experienced the march of technological progress.
You just don’t realize it. Think on it, and share in the comments.
Dr “Last Dance” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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randomnameless · 2 years
FantasyInvader reply on the Edelstans going full circle on “translation=making Edelgard look bad” is the first time I heard of Treehouse hating Rhea, but it honestly makes sense now that I think about it.
TBH I ranted a few years ago about the localisation and the direction Cherami Leigh received to dub Rhea, and, uh, well...
I don't think she hates the character or anything, she just goes with the direction given, but man what a load of crap Pat told her lol - she made an interview where she says Pat told her Rhea has a hair-trigger temper (tfw she only loses her shit when you try to reenact the genocide she escaped when she was younger - but nah it's just a hair trigger temper) and how Rhea "just is", something we know is bullcrap because she's the same person who's insecure about "bothering" people if she eats with them, Rhea isn't the assured person she tries to pretend to be, but Pat dgaf.
Regardless of the meaning of the quotes, if you have time to spare of the feh wiki, just compare the delivery of lolcalised!Rhea and Inoue!Rhea (her Halloween alt is telling), they're like night and day - but in the game proper, we have the fe datamine website !
Short story : Lolcalised!Rhea isn't supposed to emote bar being AnGrY, monotone (that line where she worries about Aelfie's plans in the DLC could be swapped with her reading the notice of aspirin) or have 2 lines where she's relaxed (billy supports) - Jp!Rhea is allowed to be upset, to mourn, to be worried, cheerful etc etc.
I've already complained a lot about FE16's lolcalisation, cultural bias at play and wanting to soften a certain character, but to exaggerate only a little bit, I have the feeling Rhea was portrayed in the lolcalisation (and not localisation, the lol is very important) as the ultimate bogeyman of the "dictatorial evil leader of an organised religion who is also a zealot and does not tolerate dissent because she's religious" which has...
idk, but serious issues because again, if you are supposed to localise a product you cannot edit something red to be something violet and sparkly and if the shitstorm (that ultimately came from a misunderstanding!) about "creative localisation" is any indication, more and more people are fed up with lolcalisations altering the meaning, not of a word, but of a game to suit their own agendas.
Oh, and not specifically tied to Rhea but in a way it is because it adopts Supreme Leader's prop a ganda words :
A friend earlier noticed that the NoA official website - where you can buy the game (digital version) - adverstises Fodlan as a land controlled by the Church of Seiros. Oddly (lel) enough, this "controlled by the Church of Seiros" crap of a tidbit doesn't appear in the japanese website, and even in the european ones!
I don't believe we got another version compared to the Treehouse version - even if at times, the french script is closer to the japanese one and at times they come up with their own bullshit - but there is a point to be said that in a certain part of the world, the game was advertised in a way that kind of fit a certain's characters POV, something that doesn't exist in the rest of the world. And it's in that same "part of the world" that the person who directed the VA for the eng dub, well, worked and directed said VA.
So what, is it some great conspiracy or something else? lol no.
Did Treehouse told NoA "don't worry, I've got this game, I'll localise it just close your eyes and market it that's all" and they went bonkers? And for some reason whoever was in charge at the NoE branch didn't close their eyes (maybe half-closed) so we have a weird mix between the two? idk.
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autoversemobility · 28 days
Partner With Autoverse Mobility: Revolutionise Your Car Parts With Best Quality
At Autoverse Mobility, we value the timely and efficient access to car parts hence forming a strong foundation of our business. In our capacity as a premier digital distributor, we hold a large stock list that can accommodate a diverse fleet of car models and brands. Whether you own a garage or are a passionate car lover, our online marketplace will help you buy car parts online in India. You can always access a variety of authentic products in auto parts for your car to perform optimally with just a few clicks.
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Auto repair is an important aspect when it comes to the maintenance of the vehicle and this implies that the quality of the parts used is important. Autoverse Mobility takes into consideration real auto parts that can make your car last longer and performs well on the road. We are proud of our high-quality products and our convenient website where it is easy to order auto spare parts. You may require a specific auto spare part or a regular part for your vehicle’s repair or maintenance; you can easily buy car parts online in India with us. Our services are also inexpensive so you can make great savings in the course of our service delivery.
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Punctuality is something that cannot be overemphasized and is well illustrated in the automotive repair business. That’s why we guarantee that each given order will be fulfilled within the best possible timeframe. At Autoverse Mobility, we also appreciate that such incidences set back the business as well as jeopardize the company’s chance to clinch new clients. When you decide to buy car parts online India from us, we ensure timely delivery and have proper customer care for our customers. We have a dedicated team for all your queries to provide you with the best possible experience without much inconvenience to you.
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abeehaabbasi · 1 month
Style Advice for Choosing the Right Men Waistcoat Online
Fashion purchasing has never been simpler than it is in the modern digital era. From the convenience of your home, browse a variety of apparel alternatives, including waistcoats, with just a few clicks. An attractive and practical choice for individuals seeking to elevate their ensemble is buying a mens waistcoat online. We'll walk you through the process of selecting the ideal waistcoat online in this article, so you can be sure to discover one that fits well and matches your style.
Recognizing the Allure of Online Mens Waistcoat Shopping
One cannot emphasize how convenient it is to purchase a mens waistcoat online. Many times more styles, fabrics, and colors are available in online stores than they are in actual locations. You can quickly compare costs and explore other styles thanks to the huge range. Whether you're searching for a traditional black waistcoat or something more modern, online shopping provides you with an abundance of choices. In-depth sizing charts and user reviews are also available to help you decide what to buy before you buy.
Advice on Selecting the Ideal Mens Waistcoat Online
It's important to consider a few things when buying a mens waistcoat online to guarantee the greatest fit and elegance. First, make sure you thoroughly review the online retailer's offered sizing chart. It's important to know your measurements because waistcoats should fit snugly but pleasantly. Think about the color and fabric next. You might choose to go with a versatile fabric, such linen for a more casual look, or wool for formal occasions. Lastly, to assist you prevent disappointment, read customer reviews to gain insight about the waistcoat's quality and fit.
Advantages of Online Mens Waistcoat Shopping
The opportunity to take advantage of special offers and discounts that are frequently unavailable in physical locations is one of the key advantages of purchasing a mens waistcoat online. Online shopping is more economical because of the seasonal promotions, free delivery, and discount codes provided by many merchants. Furthermore, a lot of internet retailers offer thorough product descriptions and excellent photos, so you can see the waistcoat's style and characteristics clearly before making a purchase. You can make an informed decision without the stress of in-store shopping thanks to this clarity.
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In Summary
Online shopping for mens waistcoats provides a practical and varied approach to locate the ideal item that matches your preferences and demands. With these suggestions in mind, along with other considerations like fit, materials, and merchant reputation, you can choose a waistcoat that complements your outfit with assurance. The ideal waistcoat is only a click away, whether you're getting ready for a special occasion or want to dress up your regular outfit. Discover the perfect waistcoat that complements your particular style by browsing the enormous assortment that is offered online.
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misscaia · 3 months
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Queens of Korea Mini Coloring Book 6 PDF Coloring Pages with 1 PNG Illustration - Royal Hanbok Korean Fashion Coloring Pages for All Ages
*Coloring Pages: 8.5" x 11”
*6 beautiful images
*Perfect for coloring pencils graphite pencils, light markers, limited watercolors, and crayons
*All coloring pages are already framed and ready to be displayed post-coloring
*Watermarks are not included in PDF or PNG file
Explore the elegance of Korean heritage with the "Queens of Korea" mini digital coloring book! This collection features 6 unique pages of beautiful Queens in traditional ceremonial Korean hanbok attire. Download the PDF format coloring pages, sized at 8.5 x 11 inches, and enjoy a bonus PNG file of a highly detailed illustration for color references. Each page is meticulously outlined, perfect for framing once completed. Immerse yourself in the intricate designs and rich cultural heritage as you bring these regal figures to life. Ideal for art enthusiasts of all ages, these pages promise hours of coloring enjoyment and stunning results. Get your "Queens of Korea" coloring book today and create your own masterpieces!
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2. Click on the "Complete" button.
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4. Once the payment is successful, the item will be available for immediate download in your Etsy account. You can download the files by going to your Etsy Profile > Purchases and Reviews.
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5. Download the item and print it out as you prefer and frame it or use it as per your desire.
As digital downloads are non-refundable, please don't hesitate to contact me for any inquiries before making your purchase. If you experience any problems downloading your files after the purchase, I will provide assistance to resolve them.
After purchase, you can download the files by going to your Etsy Profile > Purchases and Reviews.
If you purchased as a 'guest', you will receive an email from Etsy containing the download links. If you cannot find the email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk folders, or social/promotions tabs if using Gmail.
You can simply print the artwork from your home printer. For best results, however, we recommend using a professional printing service (local or online) such as Staples, Walgreens, UPS Store, Office Depot, Target, Walmart, Poster Jack, Finer Works, Office Works, Vistaprint, Costco, Snapfish, Shutterfly, etc.
Please note that colors may vary subtly depending on monitor calibration settings, printout settings, and material types.
CAIA artwork is for PERSONAL USE only.
DO NOT use our digital art files for reproduction in commercial use or resale in any form. You are NOT permitted to make alterations to our artwork, then use it for commercial purposes, or for resale.
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charledaniel · 3 months
Understanding Digital Assets: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
In contemporary society with ever-growing advancements in the use of the internet and other related technologies, more emphasis has been placed on digital assets. From the virtual currency that is centralized on encryption to arts where uniqueness is represented by tokens as non-fungible, these assets are a new and exciting horizon for all financial, technological, and artistic outlooks. This guide’s purpose is to increase society’s understanding of what digital assets are, what they can be, and their significance to the future economy and culture. 
 What are Digital Assets? 
 Digital assets therefore refer to an extensive description that covers all the online representations of value or ownership mainly in electronic form. Digital assets differ from claimed conventional assets such as money or buildings as they cannot be touched or physically felt and are recorded in ledgers or blocks. They can be linked with crypto assets such as cryptocurrencies, security tokens, digital collectibles including NFTs, and others. 
 The Rise of Cryptocurrencies 
 Some of the common Virtual Currencies include bitcoins which is the most popular Virtual Currency in the world, Ethereum, and so on. These electronic forms of money depend on blockchain, which means it is safe, and transparent through peer-to-peer exchanges without the influence of banking institutions. Currently, it has expanded in its usage, which contains a bearing on financial systems, investment opportunities as well as global trade. 
 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Digital Possession and Creative Work 
 NFTs have brought drastic changes to the meaning of owning digital assets and being creative. Every NFT is a singular piece, which means you are buying one-of-a-kind art, music, virtual land, or other items. NFTs backed by blockchain technology offer proof of ownership and policies allow creatives to earn on their pieces in ways once unimaginable. Such social paradigms include Virtual Space for NFT marketplaces that have been displayed through companies such as Bermuda Unicorn, as well as its inventor, 3D Microblogging. 
 Blockchain and Its Application 
 Solutions like blockchain are the basis for many digital assets since they guarantee decentralization and the unalterability of transaction records. Due to its openness and security, blockchain is valuable for the handling of digital items and assets, their authenticity, as well as P2P transactions with the help of distributed ledger and decentralization. 
Investment Opportunities and Risks 
 Information products possess investment characteristics because of their high expected return and diversification effect. But are not without risks such as volatility, regulatory risks, and cybersecurity risks. Retail consumers should also carry out their analysis and look into the risk they are willing to take before trading on the digital asset market. 
 Legal and Regulatory Considerations 
 Currently, there are a lot of debates and discussions regarding the legal status of digital assets and associated problems of taxation, protection of investors, and maintaining stable NFT market. This is due to the growing demand for regulatory compliance by individuals as well as companies involved in the.
The digitization of assets is posed to help many players in the ecosystem, ranging from investors, and platform operators to creators. 
 The aspects of the future of digital assets are based on the literature review. 
 The future of digital assets seems to be bright but not easy, Here is what the experts have to say. The future development might be influenced by advancements in the sphere of blockchain, the growing interest of commercial establishments, and changes in customers’ behavior. Over and over again, digital assets are gradually merging into mainstream finance and pop culture, and this makes their influence on areas of art, entertainment, finance, and just about any other field stronger and more manifest as time goes on. 
 Therefore, the concept of digital assets can be considered one of the crucial pillars of the contemporary global economy. Regardless of whether you are concerned with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or upcoming applications of blockchain these digital assets are the shift in value creation, exchange, and perception in the digital era. As Bermuda Unicorn spearheads Virtual Space, there are far-reaching possibilities that hold the industry’s enthusiasts and participants in great prospects in the future. 
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barmudaunicorn · 3 months
Understanding Digital Assets: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
In contemporary society with ever-growing advancements in the use of the internet and other related technologies, more emphasis has been placed on digital assets. From the virtual currency that is centralized on encryption to arts where uniqueness is represented by tokens as non-fungible, these assets are a new and exciting horizon for all financial, technological, and artistic outlooks. This guide’s purpose is to increase society’s understanding of what digital assets are, what they can be, and their significance to the future economy and culture. 
 What are Digital Assets? 
 Digital assets therefore refer to an extensive description that covers all the online representations of value or ownership mainly in electronic form. Digital assets differ from claimed conventional assets such as money or buildings as they cannot be touched or physically felt and are recorded in ledgers or blocks. They can be linked with crypto assets such as cryptocurrencies, security tokens, digital collectibles including NFTs, and others. 
 The Rise of Cryptocurrencies 
 Some of the common Virtual Currencies include bitcoins which is the most popular Virtual Currency in the world, Ethereum, and so on. These electronic forms of money depend on blockchain, which means it is safe, and transparent through peer-to-peer exchanges without the influence of banking institutions. Currently, it has expanded in its usage, which contains a bearing on financial systems, investment opportunities as well as global trade. 
 Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Digital Possession and Creative Work 
 NFTs have brought drastic changes to the meaning of owning digital assets and being creative. Every NFT is a singular piece, which means you are buying one-of-a-kind art, music, virtual land, or other items. NFTs backed by blockchain technology offer proof of ownership and policies allow creatives to earn on their pieces in ways once unimaginable. Such social paradigms include Virtual Space for NFT marketplaces that have been displayed through companies such as Bermuda Unicorn, as well as its inventor, 3D Microblogging. 
 Blockchain and Its Application 
 Solutions like blockchain are the basis for many digital assets since they guarantee decentralization and the unalterability of transaction records. Due to its openness and security, blockchain is valuable for the handling of digital items and assets, their authenticity, as well as P2P transactions with the help of distributed ledger and decentralization. 
Investment Opportunities and Risks 
 Information products possess investment characteristics because of their high expected return and diversification effect. But are not without risks such as volatility, regulatory risks, and cybersecurity risks. Retail consumers should also carry out their analysis and look into the risk they are willing to take before trading on the digital asset market. 
 Legal and Regulatory Considerations 
 Currently, there are a lot of debates and discussions regarding the legal status of digital assets and associated problems of taxation, protection of investors, and maintaining stable NFT market. This is due to the growing demand for regulatory compliance by individuals as well as companies involved in the.
The digitization of assets is posed to help many players in the ecosystem, ranging from investors, and platform operators to creators. 
 The aspects of the future of digital assets are based on the literature review. 
 The future of digital assets seems to be bright but not easy, Here is what the experts have to say. The future development might be influenced by advancements in the sphere of blockchain, the growing interest of commercial establishments, and changes in customers’ behavior. Over and over again, digital assets are gradually merging into mainstream finance and pop culture, and this makes their influence on areas of art, entertainment, finance, and just about any other field stronger and more manifest as time goes on. 
 Therefore, the concept of digital assets can be considered one of the crucial pillars of the contemporary global economy. Regardless of whether you are concerned with cryptocurrencies, NFTs, or upcoming applications of blockchain these digital assets are the shift in value creation, exchange, and perception in the digital era. As Bermuda Unicorn spearheads Virtual Space, there are far-reaching possibilities that hold the industry’s enthusiasts and participants in great prospects in the future. 
0 notes
alltheflair · 3 months
It's all Simlish to me
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Collaboration with Emma Fringuelli
In defense of ‘The Sims 4’
I, unlike many players of the “Sims” games, hopped on the bandwagon pretty late.
The numbers on my Electronic Arts account might make you think I have been playing “The Sims” for years, since I have racked up more than 300 hours playing the game, but in reality, I have not even had the game downloaded for a full year.
My first time playing “The Sims” was after my family won an iPad in a raffle. My sister and I downloaded the free mobile version of “The Sims.” The limited version of the game meant less customization, fewer functions, and altogether less fun.
We deleted the app pretty quickly.
Flash forward nearly 10 years later, and I realized that “The Sims 4” was free — and available on Mac computers.
Once I downloaded the game, I got the satisfaction the mobile version lacked. It was everything I had hoped “The Sims” would be.
The graphics, though not lifelike, are enough to get me immersed in the lives of the silly little digital people I control.
At the end of the day, that is the point: losing myself in the game. 
I play “The Sims” not because I have a memory of the crunchy, harsh graphics of the 2000s. I don’t long for certain functions in the earlier games because I never played them.
I play “The Sims” because right now, I can control things in the game that I cannot control in my own life. You will not find me buying a giant mansion, becoming a secret agent, or risking my life fixing an oven in the real world. But in “The Sims 4,” I can do all that and more with little to no consequence.
And when there are consequences, they sure are funny. 
Picture my shock when I find one of my sims trying to repair a radio while standing in a puddle of water, only for him to be electrocuted and die. When pleading with the Grim Reaper to spare him failed, I turned to a trick: reloading the game and trying again. The sim returned to the broken radio and puddle, and he swiftly got zapped and died again. So I reloaded the game again — and gave up on the radio.
Electrocute me once, shame on you. Electrocute me twice, shame on me.
There is also the side of “The Sims” that lets me live out my fantasy of being an architect. In the real world, I have to bear witness to McMansions with gorgeous front facades and a hodgepodge of asymmetrically placed windows on the other three sides.
In “The Sims,” though, I can channel my frustration into something a scintilla more productive. I can make houses the way they should be: with symmetrical windows and shutters that make sense.
I also get to see the creativity of people who are somehow more into “The Sims” than I am and all the custom features that they create — often for free — for other users. From in-game furniture to whole new modified gameplay features, these people are way more creative and technically advanced than I am.
What my enjoyment of “The Sims 4” boils down to is the essence of the “Sims” franchise. I get to simulate a life that is more grand, more chaotic, and more outrageous than my own. It is an opportunity to focus on stuff that truly does not matter.
In a world that demands our attention at every waking moment, I know when I fire up “The Sims 4” that I can spend a while obsessing over decorating a kitchen, getting my sim that promotion, or trying to figure out why all the babies and toddlers look so weird.
I can get back to my real-world issues later, just let me marry Eliza Pancakes first.
The problem with ‘The Sims 4’
“The Sims” franchise holds a very special place in my heart. The original was released in 2000, but I didn’t learn about it until 2001, when I would watch my older brother play on the family PC. To my young eyes, it was one of the coolest games I had ever seen. You get to create your own person, build your home, and control what they do in their day-to-day lives. It was like creating your own sitcom or movie. Although my parents did not allow me to play it for quite a while due to some of the violence and adult themes in it, that didn’t stop me from waking up an hour or two before everyone else in the house and sneaking to the computer to get my “Sims” fulfillment. After some convincing, my parents allowed me to play the game without having to go behind their backs. (Eventually, I was caught when the computer froze and my dad came downstairs before I could unplug the machine). 
A memory I hold dear is my birthday in 2003 when my now-late grandfather gifted me “The Sims: Makin’ Magic.” I’m sure I found it especially cool because Harry Potter was quite the rage at the time and I was a superfan of the franchise. 
In 2004, “The Sims 2” was released into the world. I can’t fathom how many hours I spent playing the game, and how much money my parents spent buying different expansion packs during the following five years of the game’s life. Although “The Sims” was quite innovative for the time, as it was really the first life-simulation game, “The Sims 2” further expanded the genre and you could tell the team that put the game together put a lot of work into it.
With the success of “The Sims 2,” Electronic Arts had to follow up with something big. In 2009, “The Sims 3” was released, and it was just that. Although I found the sims themselves to be ugly, even back then, the team took what was great about the first two games and built upon it. I was impressed with the innovation and advancements that EA had made.
Now, I don’t want to say I hate “The Sims 4,” but I’m not the biggest fan. When it was announced in 2014, I was thrilled by the prospect. With how much the games had grown and built upon themselves with each title, I was excited to see what EA would bring to the table. At the time, I was a junior in high school. I was only working during the weekends at McDonald’s and I wasn’t making that much money, but I decided to splurge and buy the Digital Deluxe Edition of “The Sims 4” out of pure excitement.
On release day at 12 a.m., I excitedly started my computer and opened up the game for the first time. I created my sim, built them a snazzy house, and began to play. Ten minutes into the game, I was sitting there and wondering… What is this? It felt lifeless, dull, and uninspiring. I exited the game and forgot that it even existed for the next three years.
Does the game look pretty? That’s subjective, but I believe so. Did they improve in some areas, like sim customization and lot-building? Sure. But the game was a big downgrade when it came to gameplay and overall entertainment. “The Sims 4” feels like a mix of the first “Sims” and “The Sims 2,” but without the charm and personality. I love those two games and go back to play them from time to time, but I don’t want the newest and latest game in the franchise to feel like it was released almost 20 years ago. A lot of long-time “Sims” players felt the same way and decided to stop playing the game altogether.
A lot of new players might enjoy “The Sims 4”, but a lot of them never got to experience the previous “Sims” titles, as EA does not make them easy to access. I feel if they were able to play them, they would realize how much of a downgrade “The Sims 4” truly is. I’m sure EA doesn’t care that much since the company knows a lot of “Sims” players are dedicated and won’t leave the franchise behind, instead hoping it improves. Not only that, but EA essentially has a monopoly on the life-simulation genre, as there is little to no competition to be had.
I still hold out hope that the “Sims” franchise will return to its glory — if not for the fans, than for the competition. One game in particular that is set to release in the near future is “Paralives,” a life-simulation game that has a lot of “Sims” fans wondering if it is time to leave the series behind. Perhaps a little competition will drive some innovation, and less laziness, to keep fans on the side of “The Sims.” Only time will tell.
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