#you cant even imagine how much i giggled over this fic
kapukvati · 7 months
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ummm ahaha im having such a human-like reaction about @itsyuukiiiiiii 's fanfic guys uou wont believe it!!!
erm link to the fanfic haha GUYS PLease read it pls im begging im so silly over it i mean normal im normal
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
babyyyyyy we’re gonna need that fútbol player!onyankapon fic asappp😩😩😩
your wish is my command wifeeeyyyy
content: afab!reader, possesive!ony, smut, missionary, marking, creampie, breeding
footballer!onyankopon always had a focused mindset when it came to his career -- seldom not occupied on his craft -- but when it came to you? things were different.
footballer!onyankopon who fell head over heels in love with you whilst you used to cheer on your brother at the stand during sunday league matches. footballer!onyankopon who'd bashfully tell you pre-game that any goal he scores will be for you and would always give you a half looped smile whenever he did
footballer!onyankopon who proposes 3 years into your relationship once he gets the greenlight that hes gonna go pro, telling you it'd be wrong to go any further without making you his sole cheerleader. you end up getting to know most of his new teammates but because youre just naturally so bubbly, sometimes footballer!onyankopon can get a bit jealous
"cant lie, if you ever fumble her, know im next in line" are the words that act as the limit to footballer!onyankopon's patience. he knows that theres a sharing mentality with most footballers and the girls they sleep with but thats just not who you are. so, you can only imagine your absolute surprise when footballer!onyankopon is a lot more pouty that night than he usually ever is
"baby, dont talk to my teammates ever again" he says with his toothbrush half sticking out his mouth.
you cant help but giggle at him from the bed, eyeing him over your book. especially concerning how quickly he rushed out the bathroom to tell you this.
"what happen now? another article suspecting theres a secret affair going on?"
footballer!onyankopon quickly pops back into the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth before answering you from the sink, unseen.
"they want you after youre 'done' with me."
you can hear the slight despondency in his voice which makes you place down the book on your bedside table to sit up in bed.
"you know thats silly, right? like you know i could never actually be 'done' with you. its you or death."
"ay, ay, ay dont talk like that!" footballer!onyankopon comes out the bathroom having rinsed and dried his mouth. he seems slightly offput by your words but it doesnt hide the slight pang of pain that he wears on his face. even though he was coming to lie down next to you, you still open his side of the duvet for him to lie under.
"no but its true. its us or nothing. no ones having me after nobody, its only me and you papa."
footballer!onyankopon snuggles in next to you but can only find himself staring at the ceiling. he does however appreciate the heat of you next to him
"i know. its just...i dont like thinking about it."
"then dont." you say softly. "think instead about how you do have me and how you have me now. in fact i want you to show me how no one else gets to touch me but you."
footballer!onyankopon doesnt have to be told twice or given an excuse to show you that you were his. to have your anklet with his initials on practically kissing your earlobes as he fucks into you possessively. he was so eager to prove that you were his alone that hed forgotten to prep you as he revels in the feeling of your cunt hugging his cock.
its a tight fit but with how your calling out his name and no one elses?! who can blame him if "mine, mine, mine" is all he keeps chanting into your slick mouth
footballer!onyankopon doesnt mind too much when you scratch at his back in a possesive manner. it'll probably sting him during the salt water bath tomorrow but he doesnt care. he'll probably be teased by his teammates about it during the locker rooms but fuck it, even better. right now, with how pliably succumbing you were for him, there was nothing you could do that'd put him off you.
footballer!onyankopon didn't usually but he couldnt help but to empty himself inside of you; his prime showcase of possession. maybe if you were to have a swollen stomach and then a child that looked exactly like him, his teammates will know not to utter such futile words to him
"let them know that no ones ever getting a turn with me" you mumble as you lightly finger the swollen cross hatching across footballer!onyankopon's back the morning after.
footballer!onyankopon slightly hisses at the sensitivity of it but hes warmly chuckling in response. considering hes sat on the edge of the bed, he turns round to bend and lay a kiss to your forehead.
"dont worry. theyll be more than aware." he assures, smile warm
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tyunkus · 1 year
YOUR TYUN FIC WAS AMAZING… you really got his characteristics down bc i can totally see him doing all of that irl…
also wondering if you have any hyuka thoughts!! i’d love to hear them 😉😉
THANK YOU SM ANON thats so sweet of u to say and also im giggling and kicking my feet as someone who likes to write i always love hearing stuff like this
AS FOR KAI. ive had this longstanding vision of hyuka being so in love and enamored by u that it manifests not only into him being a sweet n loving bf but also like. him being almost comically desperately horny for u at all times. and i know usually most people here would be like oh he fucks his plushies and i’m 100% down for that too but also like. imagine leaving ur jacket at his place and he comes home and finds it just on his bed and its all good and chill until he climbs in after a shower and starts thinking about you and pulls the jacket onto his lap.. thinking about how cute and pretty and soft you are… small whines and noises that you’ve let out in your past makeout sessions on repeat in his brain.. kai subconsciously raising your hoodie to his nose, pressing it deeper, breathing in ur smell… And him being kai, already having popped a boner just from Thinking of u like thats how down bad he is LMFAOOO. not to mention the copious amount of lube sticky on his skin, the shlick noises of his hands moving up and down his thick cock.. kai throwing his head back, thighs trembling as he imagines you and your pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty nose and pretty everything.. thinks about the shit he wants to do with you, to you, the things he’d let you do to him… his breathey, desperate moans as his hips cant up towards the tightness of his fist and he’d breathe in the smell of your jacket even deeper, letting the fuzzy inner part tickle the flushed tip of his nose… imagine how much he’d come jesus christ like literally spilling over his fingers but he’s breathing hard and heavy and he’s blushing cause oh my god did he just jack off to your fucking scent???? i am so obsessed with kai jerkingoff i would give so many organs to see it
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
You know..I may put my sona and Hobie as well into the cyberpunk motorbike racers au hehe Daily Hobie HC! Personally, I feel like Hobie definitely has scars (and scars are hot so like-) Imagine you two are snuggling up with each other, him hugging your waist as he lays half asleep in your lap, enjoying the sound of you humming and massaging his bare back. You trace the scars trailing down his back with your finger, not minding if his skin was not porcelain smooth. After all, the scars is what made Hobie, him. And you wouldn't trade him for the world. He can feel the affection pouring out from you as you trail your finger along the scars on his back, and nuzzles his face into your thighs more, his cheek pressed up against them with his eyelashes sometimes tickling the skin of your thighs. As you begin to trail slightly further down, you notice he squirms ever so slightly underneath your touch as you ran over a certain spot. With a mischievous smirk, you immediately attack that area, tickling him and bringing him out of his bliss (payback!) Hobie immediately gets up, batting your hands away the best he can as he laughs, before grabbing onto your ankles and pulling you towards him. As soon as you're just at the right angle beneath him without squirming away, Hobie will plop himself onto you like your personal weight blanket that he is, giggling as you try to pry him off with the most shit-eating grin ever. He'll bury his face into the crook of your neck and blow raspberries against your skin as you howl in laughter and try to kick him off... ..And within 5 minutes, both of you are sleeping peacefully, with Hobie's face in your neck and a small smile on your face. I write things like this and then whenever even holds my hand in a romantic gesture I begin to panic because I don't know how to react to love/nice things:( (Yes I did relate to that one fic where reader isnt used to love/cant handle affection A TONNNN its one of my favs) - 🐦‍⬛
Ooooohhh you should!!! It's a very cool au
Yeeesss I believe he has scars before he was bitten and they're proof that he has lived and survived so much 🥹🥹🥹
BRUHHH THIS ONE GOT ME LONGING 😭😭😭 I wanna trace his scar too 😭 I believe the best sleep hobie always has is when he's cuddled with you 🥹
It's a personal fave too!! He was very sweet (when is he not?) in that fic 😍😍😍
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goldenempyrean · 2 years
reader and sick!scarlett go ice skating. reader is worried because scarlett just recovered from a nasty cold and doesn’t want her girlfriend to overdo it. scarlett insists she is fine though, it’ll be fun and she feels a lot better. however the cold atmosphere triggers a high fever on scarlett. and as you can imagine, dizzyness and ice skating don’t go very well together
Burning On Ice
Hi!! Hopefully everyones having a great day, I got another fic done :) Dont ask about the title, I wrote it last night and I cant think of another one to change it too 🥲
Summary: You’d taken your wife out to iceskate, unknowingly bringing on a rather high fever in her.
Wordcount: 1316
“Come on, take my hand.” You couldn’t contain your giggle of excitement as you stepped out onto the slippery ice, the cold air nipping at your nose and ears.
“Don’t fall on me.” Scarlett laughed cheekily as she carefully stepped out onto the rink, letting go of her grip on the side of the arena, though she sounded cheerful, you were still able to pick up on the raspy edge her voice had too it.
She’d gotten sick a little over 10 days ago and it had really swept her off her feet, so much so that she’d spent almost 3 whole days in bed, unable to walk without her knees giving out and the rooming spinning around her. Luckily she’d been finally getting back to her usual happy self in the last few days, so you’d both taken the opportunity to head down to seasonal ice-rink your city put up every winter.
Despite the fact the rink was only temporary, it was still pretty big. Big air conditions blew chilly air throughout the arena, causing your extremities to take on a red tinge. Though Scarlett had assured you that she was feeling better, you couldn’t help but insist she wear a thick pair of gloves and a wooly-bobbled hat. The bobble on the end of the hat wasn’t at all necessary but it made her look even more adorable so you couldn’t resist.
You were surprised as how well you are Scarlett were able to skate while holding hands, reaching a reasonable speed as you glided around in a clockwise circle , carefully navigating between other couples and civilians, occasionally dodging the stray child who’d zip wildly infront you of without a second thought of hesitation.
Your pace slowed down roughly 20 minutes later as your burst of excitement slowly wore down, you still had plenty of energy but had taken everything down to a more gentle pace. Now that you were able to focus less on the ice, you looked over to Scarlett, her face bearing her same bright smile. Only across her cheeks sat a very obvious red flush, one which you’d overlooked and had put down to the cold air in the arena. Oh how wrong you were.
There wasn’t an exact time when it started but Scarlett had bumped into you numerous times as she lost her balance, each time you’d ask if she was okay or if she needed to take a break to grab some water but every time she’d flash you a brief wide smile, telling you not to worry
“Oh no, I’m fine!” She’d say reassuringly, “Just lost my balance for a second there.”
If only you’d been more insistent. Time passed as yourself and Scarlett chatted, still skating round the rink. Somehow as you continued skating, one of Scarlett’s gloves came loose and you both stopped at the side of the rink as she tried to pull it on. She was struggling to pull it onto her hand with the other glove still being worn so you offered to help, taking the glove and reaching out to hold her hand. It was as you took her hand, your stomach dropped with worry. It was hot, her skin was hot. It didn’t carry the warmness that would be expected from being kept under a soft glove, no, this was much too warm.
You felt your mind fill with worry, looking up to meet her eyes, another realisation hit you. The flush of cheeks, you moved fast and raised your spare hand to cup her cheek, the heat radiated from it like a furnace. Shit.
Scarlett made a noise of confusion, looking up at her eyes, the glassiness behind them was clear from this distance and you berated yourself for not noticing sooner.
“Jesus Scarlett, you’re really burning up. Why didn’t you say anything?” You asked, your concern seeping into your words.
She mumbled a reply. Another clear sign that she had a pretty high fever raging through her body, “Its not that bad, I feel more cold if anything.” She repeated, and if to also emphasise her words, you felt her hand give a light shake as a shiver ran through her body.
“We’re getting you off the ice.” You said, your voice taking on a ‘no-nonsense’ tone and Scarlett knew better then to argue with you on this.
You took her warm hand in your own, stuffing her glove into your pocket as you came away from the safety of the side, guiding her towards the door of the rink, it was only afew yards ahead of you now.
You barely had time to react when a guy rapidly sped by on your right, the side where Scarlett had been. It had taken her by surprise and she’d lost her balance, the skates hitting the ice with firm clinks as she tried desperately to stay upright. In your attempt you steady her, you’d lost your own footing, landing firmly on the hard surface, your elbow taking the force of the fall. You gave a sharp inhale as the pain ran through your nerves, that was definitely going to leave a sizeable bruise.
You’d heard Scarlett call your name in surprise as you’d hit the ice, “Im so sorry! Are you okay?” She asked worriedly as she held out her slightly shaking hand to you.
Not wanting to do anything to cause her to loose her balance again you nodded and managed to push yourself up off the ice without her help, not that you didn’t appreciate the offer of course, “Its not your fault sweetie. Im fine, just a little bump that’s all.” You took her by the waist as you slowly skated the last few feet before reaching the door, letting Scarlett step off first.
Leaving the ice, you noticed the tension which had settled in her shoulders, “Hey,” You took her hand, taking the other glove off of her hand, “Everything’s okay. Im fine, you’re gonna be okay, we’ll get you some medicine for this temperature when we get home, yeah?”
She sighed and buried her head into her neck, “Its not okay, you got hurt because I lost my balance,” She stifled a sob as her voice cracked, “And today was going perfectly, and- and-“ She broke off as she collected herself, “And everything is just spinning.” She finally stammered.
You kissed her head and ran your hands down her back comfortingly, “Its only a bump sweetie and it was that assholes fault for coming so close to us at that speed. It could’ve been either of us that fell and Im really not hurt,” You whispered as she took deep breaths, “I know you must be pretty dizzy right now, we’re gonna get you home as soon as possible okay? I don’t think your body was ready for just how cold it is in here.”
Scarlett sighed and nodded as she composed herself, “Can we just return these skates and go back home? Skating’s been fun and all but I wanna go home, lay down and cuddle.” She whined cutely, showing a peak of the side which only showed when she was running a fever.
“We can do that baby. We’ll get you home, maybe take a cool shower,” You saw her face frown slightly at the mention of more cold temperatures, you brought your hand back to her cheek as your gently rubbed her temple the way you knew she liked, “It’ll make you feel better baby, then we can cuddle till your heart’s content.”
She smiled at you and you returned the gesture as she sat down on one of the numerous rows of benches and you came to sit down beside her, pressing a soft kiss to her fever flushed cheek, “Lets get these skates off and get you home, yeah?”
Scarlett nodded as she kissed you back, “Yeah.”
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goddamnosamu · 2 years
Can I request a fluffy treasure jihoon imagine/fic?
Pairing: non-idol!jihoon x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1205 words
Warning: its too cute it might kill you
a/n: i am off to college in a few weeks and i honestly cant comprehend it to the point where i don’t want to think about anything so i ended up pushing a lot of work aside BUT i am hopefully back. As a sorry gift, this is a very fluffy fic i thought about while watching treasure map (i miss them so much SOBS) so enjoy this fic and hopefully, i could get back to giving yall fics every week!! 
“Hurry up jihoon, or else you’ll be late for your date!” hyunsuk yelled outside his room while jihoon was still struggling to figure out what to wear for your 1st date. You and Jihoon have known each other for quite some time, but never really got the chance to know each other because of the hectic schedules you both have to deal with as college students.
“Ah hyung, I still have like 20 minutes left. Should I wear a blue jacket over my white shirt? Or should I…” jihoon said as he should hyunsuk his outfit ideas not realizing the way his hyung immediately took his phone from the side table.
“Yah, didn’t you say your date is at 11:00am? It’s 11:30, and you’re still here deciding your outfit?? What would y/n think?” 
Jihoon gaped at him, still processing the words his hyung said. As he rechecked the time to see if hyunsuk was lying, oh god he hoped he was lying, he saw a message you left about 10 minutes ago.
“Are we still on for the lunch date you asked?” 11:20am
“Hello??” 11:22am
Jihoon immediately called you, while putting the phone on speaker and asking hyunsuk to leave his room where the latter grumbled about his poor time judgment.
After the 3rd ring, you answered: “hello? Where are you park jihoon?”
“I am so so sorry, I wasn’t checking the time since I was busy preparing and I just didn’t check the time, and I’ve been trying to get the other members to hurry up in the shower and I just forgot to check the time–” he stopped as he heard you laughing in the other end of the phone.
“Hey hey, it’s fine. Just try to come as fast as you can because we might not be able to get a seat at the restaurant you suggested.” you explained while still giggling at how panicked he was.
“Okay okay, I’ll see you in a few. I’m sorry again.” jihoon said in a frantic state. Not even bothering to hear you reply, he ended the call and immediately put on whatever clothes he saw.
You, on the other hand, just smiled while waiting for him to join you for lunch. You were actually infatuated with the mischievous, yet sweet boy in one of your classes in college. You were always fond of the way he brings himself with confidence and friendliness whenever you see him interacting with practically anyone. But despite the teasings, you hear him receive from his friends before he approaches you, he would always make sure that you were comfortable in whatever way possible. He was a soft person when interacting with you as if seemingly wanting to actually get to know you and not just beating around the bush with confusing actions towards you. It’s probably what lead you to say yes when he asked you for a lunch date. Though Jihoon didn’t explicitly mention that he likes you when he asked you for a date, you were at least hoping to enjoy each other’s company for today. (you have a glimmer of hope, though, that he did like you back.)
Waiting for a few more minutes, you finally spot jihoon jogging up to you. He was wearing a very casual outfit that showed his well-built physique. You hate to admit it but he definitely looked dashing in his outfit, and you couldn’t help but blush at the thought that you were going to spend your day with him. Too preoccupied with seeing jihoon, you didn’t realize how close he was when he immediately engulfed you with a hug which you reciprocated almost eagerly. On his hand were beautiful flowers with a mix of red and pink colors. 
“These are for you, I’m no flower expert but I picked them with the thought of you.” He said looking at you with a soft smile that graced his features. You were a bit taken aback by the thoughtfulness of being given flowers, and you couldn’t help but be awestruck by him. 
Before you could say anything, he continued: “I am so sorry for making you wait for so long. I’ve been trying to get ready in an hour and a half because I know you’re going to look so good and I need to try and match up, but apparently, it took me more than an hour and a half and a lot of scolding from my friends about poor time management.” He said rather sheepishly, smiling awkwardly to mask his embarrassment for making you wait for a long time.
You happily took the flowers and admired the arrangement that made it aesthetically pleasing to look at. You never really got flowers from anyone, apart from flowers from friends and family so receiving flowers with the thought of you was something new. It warmed your heart to know that jihoon, despite being late and all, still thought about giving you flowers.
“Thank you for the flowers jihoon, it means a lot to me,” you said in a bit of a hushed tone, still wrapping your head around the matter that you were going on a date with jihoon.
“No need to thank me, seeing you lit up when you receive the flowers is more than enough for me.” Jihoon said, still smiling down at you with a faint blush on his cheeks. He, then, took your bag out of your arms and immediately held your hand, and pulled you towards the restaurant.
 But as you both were nearing the restaurant, you saw that there was a long waiting time and waiters bustling in and out of the restaurant to cater to their customers. Jihoon visibly slumped down and looked at you with a frown: “Sorry for not getting you to one of the best restaurants in town. If it’s not a problem with you, we could take another restaurant that you like and you could brag to me about how your choice is way better than mine.” 
“Then prepare to admit that I have better choices in restaurants” You taunted him in a teasing manner, and he couldn’t help but laugh at how cute you were challenging him.
“Well, there’s so much to do in this mall and I’m happy that I get to spend it with you.” he said while he allows you to drag him to the restaurant you had in mind.
You were visibly flustered by his remark. You tried to hide your smile (and your blush) with your hands but he took them off you. He pinched your cheeks to admire how cute you were and took your hand again while telling you to show him the restaurant.
You both enjoyed your time with each other. Laughing here and there in the arcade because of both of your competitiveness, strolling through the mall with ice cream on your hands and sharing it with each other, and a bunch of storytelling from both of your lives. It’s safe to say that you both are going on another date next week, and you were more than happy to get to know the boy who was always with you in the library for college.
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aesrot · 4 hours
Feel free to delete this, but I remember you saying that you liked Sonadow (I think that’s the ship name?). Anyway this is your invitation to infodump about them as much as you want. Also if you want to give fanfic recommendations I just might read them <3.
GIGGLES you shouldnt have said this >:3
idek what i could talk abt bc at the same times theres a LOT but also, despite me being mostly caught up game lore wise, i still dont feel like i have a good enough understanding of the characters, i'll probably only feel that when im caught up w the comics. which,,, will take me a good while to get through (just the archie comics are like over 500 issues long lol)
BUT. hmm what could i say that doesnt really require much prior knowledge...
ig, as every ship i ever ship, i see them more as queer platonic, sonic gives me the strongest aroace vibes, so i feel like his love for shadow wouldnt take a much different shape than his love for his other friends. but their connection goes a lil further to me, bc, when it comes to certain stuff, i feel like they're the only ones who can understand each other. and shadow... my dearest little guy... he represses a lot. his life experience wasnt. the best. i dont think he got that many opportunities to explore his own emotions, he probably cant even name a bunch of his emotions, its just easier to lash out, thats smth he's used to. he knows violence, it feels safer, he knows that dance.
and its because sonic has his fair share of violent background (aka, took up the role of a hero since he was way too young) that i feel like he is one of the few who can read shadow much easier than anyone else. hell, sonic himself is kinda knee deep in some repression (in my own understanding of his character). obvs most of this is bc its a franchise that targets kids, they wont get wild w the angst, but my boy sonic be out there fighting all the time and takes on a responsibility that shouldnt be his, the consequences of his actions can be catastrophic sometimes (once again asking everyone to watch sonic prime <3333 so much angst potential, im not normal abt it), and even when things go wrong, he jut smiles and powers through it. just think this for a second. god. imagine the amount of times he pushed himself beyond his limitations for the sake of others, how many times he pretended to be fine....
and yet. despite all that, they are terrible with communicating to each other, so things get physical often (as in fighting, not sexual, which makes it even gayer to me <3), and sigh. not surprising. put two stupid traumatised hogs in the same room and they'll either zoom around trying to race each other or they'll try to tear each others throat bc they just cant be normal together. ig thats how they communicate, go figures lol
my thoughts are all over the place atm so its hard to make this coherent <- my thoughts abt them are usually just violently screaming and sobbing. im sooo normal abt them. cant get much deeper than this without getting into the Lore, but yeah, ig this is smth
and oh, abt fanfics, hmmm i dont have that many that you could read without any background, but i did just finish this one shots collection thats very sweet and pretty chill to read without much prior knowledge, its mostly just a bunch of fluffy sick fics and them exploring their own feelings.
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fatuismooches · 2 years
Omg.. Thank you so much for granting my request 😭😭 The way i cant stop giggling while reading that Capitano fic and imagining a lot of scenarios with him.. You are feeding my Capitano brainrot even more and it makes me more happy, thank you so much really 💞🙏
AND YOUR BRAIN OMGGGG THAT RADIANT SPIN CRYSTAL STUFF AJAKAJAKASHSJDH YESSSS, I can see him put a lot of that thing to his bag like its no.1 priority when he goes to war with his soldier
Also, I can see him giving a killer glare whenever his medical team wanted to heal his wound whenever war is over 😅 he prefer his wife to heal him instead.
One day, one of his medical personnel voices their concern about this to reader and.. oh well.. (You know how much she keeps worrying about Capitano) cue Capitano sitting on his knees while reader scolds him to oblivion
Keep up your AMAZING work! Really, i keep re-reading all of ur stuffs and they always made me happy (and i believe a lot of us reading ur work here feels the same), so thank you so much for ur hard work 💞🙏💞
AND YES... everyone else is hauling their weapons, supplies, etc while Capitano is just carrying his claymore, armor, and a bag full of your songs stored in radiant spin crystals... if you don't name your songs he probably comes up with some nickname for them and writes it down on the disk so he knows which one has which songs lol
ALSO YES AGAIN🛐🛐 Capitano the kinda guy to sit there while blood is spurting out on the ground and refuses to let anyone touch his wounds so everyone is running around trying to find your location and get you here ASAP so you can heal this man lol
The medical staff is playing rock paper scissors to decide who is gonna tell you the news bc they're kinda scared to tell you about what your husband is doing😭😭 But you thank them profusely but 5 minutes later they slightly regret it because everyone in the whole mansion can hear you scolding Capitano for his recklessness.
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sixosix · 6 months
girl (/gn) i totally get you esp about being a xiao kisser.. like?? imagine being so down bad for your main but you can barely write him as good as you do for the rest of your faves :')) BUT BRO (/gn) I SERIOUSLY LOOOOVE ALL YOUR FICS!! the moment i found you, binged each n every one >:)) it's okay, xiao will find his time to shine, so much so that you'll feel super proud once it happens.
ANYWHOOOO!! here is the brainrot that i got, i really hope that i sent this at a good time, otherwise feel free to just let this float away~ (also i'm so, so hooked by thawed. lyney had absolutely no right to be so delulu over the reader- I LEGIT GIGGLED WHEN LYNETTE SAID PROPOSED TO THE READER COME AWNNN!!! lyney, honey, i will shake you by the shoulders.)
promise by laufey, right?
i personally think this song has such a very.. hurt, hurt, hurt, comfort and then more hurt, but at last, comfort vibe. it fits both boys - both lyney and aether. they are so magnificent, shining brightly on their own- one on a stage and the other across nations. pulling away from them hurts like a bitch, because their love felt like a warm embrace that burned like a bandage each time you tried to yank away.
being with them was like heaven. being with them brought you the kind of joy that eternal paradise would supply. being with them .. archons, being with them felt like their mere presence could shelter you away from the darkness of the world.
and it hurts to be something.
because being with them meant danger. meant arguments- ones that neither of you can win. it spelled disaster with each wound, and caused misery with each day left alone to one's devices. being with them meant that you were forced to watch your stunning significant other play a perfect part in a life you don't think you fit- oh, you've done the math. there was no solution, and there was no way to force you — a mere extra puzzle piece — to fit their masterpiece.
yet it's worse to be nothing with them.
ok n then that's the end of my brainy brainrot.. the second last verse in the song:
So I broke my promise
I called you last night
I shouldn't have, I wouldn't have
If it weren't for the sight of a boy
Who looked just like you
Standing out on Melrose Avenue
can you imagine just how beautiful it would be to imagine a scene where you taught you mistook the sight of the one closest to your heart, and in an act of desperation and longing, you try to hurry and contact them. shaky hands and shivering figure, your heart practically weeping with overdue worry and grief of your past relationship, only to find them also looking for you- as if it was fate. clinging to each other and pouring your hearts out into the only two souls that could hear you two.
AHHH THAT'S IT THOO,,, hope you didn't mind the brainrot, i totally really just "hm user sixosix would very much enjoy this idea methinks" BUT I DID NOT PLAN THIS OUT VERY WELL. hope you're having a good day, afternoon, evening, night!! ❤️
HI!!! i see ur reblogs a lot so its rlly rlly nice to see u interacting more and more often! :D im soso happy u like thawed. that series is my baby. ALSO its rlly cute u thought id like this idea BC I DO!!! wow. U get me.
your writing is soso pretty :( ITS POETRY!!! i love it and how u captured the feel of the song (which is just pain) and the “you were forced to watch your stunning significant other play a perfect part in a life you don't think you fit” OHHH!!! thats the shit i live for. realizing that you dont fit in w the life he lives in. Pain.
what i think is that this song fits aether the most !!! OUUUGHH you knowing that aether has to leave teyvat eventually but u cant help but long for him THATS THE GOOD SHIT “we’ll never last / why can’t i let go of this?”
“i made a promise to distance myself” BC u know that you have to stop caring so u dont get hurt when he leaves!!!!’
this song is beyond perfect tysm for sharing this w me!! Ough now i may end up writing this and blame it on you bc its so perfect 😭😭😭
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elliotthedork · 2 years
After Red Son tickle hc, are you planning to do Wukong and/or Macaque as well? Or you're going straight to MK? He is a cutie pie! Also I like your blog! Good job
Thank you!!!
Honestly i would be totally willing to write for all 3 of them as a matter of fact!
Here we go!
Congrates on being my first ask/request!!!
Sun Wukong
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*omg he is a ticklish bastard and you cant convince me otherwise
*literally if you simply brush against his side somehow he looses it, internally of course. He still has a bit of an ego so he'll just die on the inside
*however its very easy to notice when he gets flustered. He is really bad at hiding it so its a dead give away that he is ticklish
*thats just someone accidentally tickling him
*now imagine him ACTULLY being tickled
*he is a squirming mess and can and/or will accidentally kick you somehow
*i like to imagine him losing in a tickle fight so he tries to get on top of his ler and tickle them back cuz "Sun Wukong, great sage equal to heaven ISN'T gonna lose!"
*thats what he thinks until his ler dodges Wukong's attack and he gets tickled to peices
(This next one is based off of @toast-is-ticklish 's tickle fic about how Wukong glows when he laughs and i find it adorable so i wanted to include it in my headcannons. Also by the way go read their fic its amazing!)
*So he basiclly glows when he laughs and just imagine his ler (or you) tickling him and he starts glowing like a firefly, so his ler starts teasing him and baby talking him about it (playfully ofc) and calling him petnames. OMG HE'LL DIE
*Like he'll die of both, the tickles and the teasing. He'll also get super pouty about it because he thinks the glowing is embarrassing
*wanna now how he likes the tickles?
*his tail is wagging like crazy back and forth
*his main tickle spots would be his ears, sides, tummy and ribs. His armpits and neck are also pretty ticklish
*tbh he's pretty ticklish everywhere
*Just as much as a bastard
*he is super playful when he is a ler and expect him to laugh and giggle with you cuz he has a lot of fun with tickling
*he would love to playfully tease the shit out of you. He would be tickling you on your worst spot and just coo at you how cute you are when your being tickled and everything related to that
*he loves tickle fights. He loves to hold you down and tickle the hell out of you while your squirming under him
*expect a lot of random tickles out of nowhere just because he wants to be a bastard. You two could just be cuddling or simply sharing a hug and BOOM he's tickling you
*also a bunch of tickly kisses :3
*if you two train together he also definitely uses tickles as a tactic, whether its self-defence or sneak attacks. He has also done what with Mk
Some of his favorite tickles are at night time when you both are cuddling and trying to fall asleep and both of you two just cant. So he'll softly and sleepy tickle your favorite spot to help you both fall asleep (he likes it even better when your gently tickling his sides while he is tickling you)
*over all he is a really soft ler and super fun to be tickled by :D
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*he doesn't lee much but when he does your gonna have to catch him pretty off guard for him to stay down
*he probably hasnt been tickled before or at least in a really long time, so if you decide to tickle him give him a while before he gets used to the feeling
*after a few times of continuous tickles, the feeling (and the liking for it) it will grow on him
*he prefers to wait for other people to tickle him cuz he gets really embarrassed to ask for them. But sometimes he'll subtly ask for them. Your gonna have to be pretty good at taking his hints
*some of his favorite types of tickles are ones were he wakes up from a nightmare (cuz this man has plenty of trauma) and you offer to gently tickle him back to sleep. He loves those ones the most because he can be vulnerable around you
*he has a love-hate relationship with teasing. Like he likes it but at the same time its so embarrassing and it makes his brain go to mush
* i feel like his most ticklish spot is his ears (he has 6 of them they HAVE to be ticklish), his neck and i also feel like his cheeks are a lil ticklish so give him kisses here and there, his tummy, ribs, sides and the back of his knees are also ticklish
*This man as a ler is the definition of merciless asshole
*will absolutely tickle the hell out of you if given the chance. In private of course
*he loves chasing! Chasing his lee down as they are already laughing themselves to death at the sheer idea of being tickled. He also likes the tickle fight after he catches them
*he will tickle your absolute worst spots and ask rhetorical questions like "oh? Your really ticklish here?"
*he himself isn't a fan of teases but expect A LOT with him. He will tease you in everyway, shape and form at any chance he gets
*he is more of a nibbler then a biter cuz he knows his teeth are really sharp and he doesn't wanna hurt you. He would nibble on your tickle spots and pretend he's eating you
*he would use his tail to both hold you down and tickle you. He'll also grab your waist with it if you try and run away from him
*going back to the topic of teases he would definitely use the 'tickle monster' tease. He'd try and act all mean and scary while he's tickling you but he really us just as playful as Wukong. Just in a different way
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*he is so fucking cute when he is being tickled he juat kinda lays there and gives in with little to no fight back cuz tickling is his worst weakness
*as i previously stated Wukong will sometimes incorporate tickling into he and mk's training. So mk has been tickled a decent amount of times by Wu
*he likes any kinds of tickles really. He gets sorta embarrassed if he's tickled in puplic but oh well °w°
*he has a contagious fucking laugh what just makes his ler wanna laugh along with him its so adorable
*he definitely snorts if you get him really good too
*he has also been tickled by Mei as well
*he is pretty ticklish all over but his worst spots are is tummy, sides, ribs and armpits. Also his neck and hips are also pretty ticklish
*he LOVES raspberries! (Giving amd receiving)
*he really likes tickle hugs. Especially when he doesn't know if its gonna happen or not
*honestly i see him WAY more as a lee then a ler but I'll try my best for this one
*he LOVES raspberries (giving and receiving)
*he has gotten Wukong a few times after Mk got fed up with Wu's tickle training tactics and has gotten the upper hand a few times
*of course that resulted in mk getting tickled to pieces by Wukong later
(Like i said i see him way more as a lee then a ler so im sorry if this part is dry)
If anyone has any other characters they want tickle headcannons for please send me an ask! (I'll do almost any character if ik enough about them)
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surrealsunday · 1 year
helloo! wow it’s been a little while ngl! but when when chap10 was posted i was like “do i read it now or wait till the epilogue is posted? 🤔” and i ended up waiting for the epilogue, idk in my head it’s as logic sjsbdb. meanwhile i decided to rewatch stranger things + skamfr kinda at the same time bc it’s been way too long (for the latter). then the epilogue was posted and haven’t found the time or energy to settle and read the last two chapters (we love uni for that). till tonight!! so here’s my not so little review of the chap10 + the epilogue 😅
-> chap10
woaaah im at loss for words for how cute and beautiful that chapter was omg! the vulnerable moment right after the intensity of their love scene hit me right in the feels, lucas’ “please don’t hurt me (again)” and then eliott hugging him tight saying “i promise” 🥺MY HEART🥺
also these little acts had me giggling and kicking my feet
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gosh i’m just so giddy when it comes to them like- THEY. ARE. IN. LOVE. 🥹
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OH YEAH the moment when idriss came back home and said “I swear, if you fucked in the kitchen, Eliott -" made me think of that one scene in tempo (i think) when he discovers they did it on the counter and there was like evidences or sth and i just burst out laughing 😭 like i imagined him being so done already with them (/affectionate of course)
-> epilogue
MY HEEAART!! i know i’ve said it like a million times already but i’m so soft for theeem 🥺
i really loved how eliott reassured lucas during the moving, how they once more opened a little to one another. then lucas asking him to say something true abt himself, eliott’s little story was very cute despite starting kinda sad :(( but that little parallel to the minute par minute scene but this time it’s eliott calming lucas down ☹️
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but goosh i’m in love with their love, in every universe istg 🥰 like i smiled SO BIG here!
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now real thing: i cant believe it’s over now :/ i’m gonna miss them so much, these version of elu is definitely one of my favorite! i wanna thank you for writing this fic that, i’m sure, helped a lot of people (including me) escape their boring ass work/uni life ahah. every time it truly has been an amazing time, even when pain was dominent sometimes. but as always i’d say sjsbsb
wishing you a wonderful friday and weekend, i’m gonna spend mine mourning elu!10things and thinking of how much their love is incredible in every universe 😭💞
gosh i just realized i forgot about to say some more things in my previous message 😭 in my defense it’s 1am so- anyways
i’m also very thankful you listened to the little voice in your brain and wrote that little epilogue, the quote of kat is one of my favorite and it’s really well included! would have been such a waste not having lucas saying this tbh.
also the last pic of chap10, eliott’s post with the shadows…wow i literally stared at it for 10 good minutes it was so well done! especially lucas’ wild hair sbsjsb (also i see you have been generous for some parts 👀)
finally, i thanked you for the fic but i also wanna be grateful to your friend julie for pressing you making this fic alive ahah, bc yeah your elu fic are really one of the most emotionally amazing and still being able to read elu content in, now, 2023 is truly incredible ♥️
Oh my gosh I somehow completely missed the notification for these messages in my inbox. I'm so sorry! I was not ignoring you, I just am a useless human 😂
As always I absolutely love hearing your thoughts. I'm so glad you liked chapter 10 🥹. It was interesting pairing smexy times with some super raw emotional nakedness. I liked it tho. It felt right and natural in the moment.
Your memes btw aldfkjalsdfkja. They kill me 😂😂😂
I thought about Idriss in Tempo too at that moment! I truly don't know why I keep doing these things to poor Idriss lmao. But I make it up to him with Manon. So I don't feel too bad 😌.
Ok, so I very much got minute-by-minute vibes in that moment of the epilogue too, but it wasn't pre-planned that way. I kinda love that you had the same reaction. It just sort of happened and as I was writing it occurred to me that it very subtly nodded to that classic Skam moment. It seems they're determined to be that way in every universe.
Ahhhh the shadow pic! It's one of my faves! I get obsessive about most things (this is not news lmao) so it wasn't surprising that I obsessed over getting those shadows right, but in the end when it did look like them I was sooooo satisfied. And yes, satisfied with the very lovely booty on Lucas too 😌. It makes me so happy you liked it too!
Really it was my absolute pleasure to share this fic, most especially because I seriously do have the best readers in the world, and you all are so generous in leaving me your thoughts and feelings about the story (there is really nothing better than that as a writer). It's a big part of me coming back to Elu over and over, I think. I love reconnecting with all of you. And of course I'm more than happy to provide distraction from real life!
P.S. I told Julie what you said and lemme tell you... the way she got all proud and puffed up on herself 😂😂😂. I told her to take it down a notch but she's already kicking into high gear on harassing me for new stories lol.
Anyways, all the love to you. Thank you again so much for sending me your thoughts as you read the story. 💖💗💞💝
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shannadreamgoddess · 1 month
heya! its the anon who gushed about story of arceus a while back (which was apparently over a year ago??? gosh it doesnt feel like its been that long.. still here, still keeping up! ^-^) and im back for round two !!!! this time with Actual Coherent Thoughts !!!!!!
i would like to say that i am also thoroughly enjoying fire & stone!! both you and mimi have done an excellent job writing it. my favorite chapters are probably the ones focused on adelaide's 'conversation battles' (for lack of a better term lol)- reading them gives me the imagery of the whole interaction being like a quick time event, with all the information, status updates, and planning being banners that flash up on screen- something like how the persona 5 battles play out, is my closest comparison. its so fun to read along because of that! that, and the fact that i do genuinely love how adelaide thinking out her next moves is written as well. a constant rotating thought of what moves to make, those move's consequences, their benefits.. the consequences and benefits of those consequences and benefits... shes always trying to think one step ahead of the curve, the paving of the future, even if in that haze of planning she forgets about the people she cares about in the present. ohghhhhhhhh
on that same sort of topic, also loved chapter 80 of soa and the 'deception fight' the crew had + the napkin conversation. the acting to play into vinae's low expectations of them all, the genuinely smart idea of how to communicate without scrutiny, reassuring each other that they're all in this together, and they'll get through it together... outstanding. clapping and cheering. cant wait to see where it goes from there. the bonus chapter is also a nice touch, just from the irony of learning team ganusi's backgrounds- pokemon of lower economic class, who were probably indoctrinated into becoming the people they are today through blind adoration and still being impressionable children at the time. and oh god i just noticed the parallel. they're indoctrinating vizon now. the cycle fucking continuessss auuuggghhhhh also. team ganusi absolutely killed that emboar right. twisting of the truth and whatnot. 'no officer we didnt kill that guy he simply was so stupid he killed himself. you can trust us we're guild :)'
anyways. splendid job on the fics. cant wait to see how they conclude. just imagine that im on my bed kicking my legs and giggling like a highschool girl whenever i read them. im having soooo much fun ^v^
(also... as a small side note..... do you perhaps have an artfight account/are planning on participating this year? lets just say someone would be fully willing to send some attacks of SoA or F&S characters your way... wink wink nudge nudge)
UWAAAHHH IT'S SO NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN. ;; I'm really happy you're still enjoying the story <3 I hope it's brought some nice comfort and fun.
SOSOSOSO - I showed this to both Mimi and Cam. They're both super happy, too <3. In FAS Mimi and I are having a blast including those conversational battles. But even more than that I'm having the time of my life watching Mimi write Adelaide. She's such a good character and she's absolutely fun to just mess around with, you know???
Like, setting up conversational challenges then compounding them with emotional challenges -- she's this fiercely oberservant thinker girl yet a single frown from Siranae is like Kryptonite to her (pic related).
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I'm genuinely happy you're enjoying those conversation sections!! Some part of me always worried that maybe Fire and Stone was too boring or too dry to anyone but me but I've been pretty lucky to have attracted a reader base who is similarly into these kinds of vibes. ; w ;
And speaking of yeah!! SOA kind of had a similar thing in chapter 80, huh?? Having to outsmart instead of overpower - thank goodness for Loshjno. You know it's funny: Cam was the one to remember and point out that Avery could read but not write so it ended up making the scene even more challenging and fun to pull off than I'd initially thought it'd be! I loved it!
(Also oh my god I'm seeing it too now that you pointed it out -- Team Ganusi is just like Vizon. Who knows, maybe the teams that inspired Ganusi were ALSO like Vizon. Arceliaze is a FUCKING MACHINE, dude!!)
(And also bonus points for picking up on that last detail with the emboar -- I'm so proud of ya'll <33 It's funny because from the outside it looks like a perfectly bog-standard PMD story but all ya'll know better by now >:3 Well done~!)
But HUWAH WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO FINISH THEM!! We're in the struggle of trying to finish long fics - you know how it is. Especially with chapters that some say are as long as novellas all by themselves. We'll get the eventually, we hope!!
And finally…hmmm…I'm not actually sure about art fight. Only because I'm worried about being unable to fire back - I'm genuinely really bad at doing art except in sudden, unpredictable bursts. I could never be a career tumblr artist like some folks art ' w '; But Cam said I could probs just mark myself as an 'easy target'? I dunno, I'll probably think about it, fwah <3
Thank you so much for this, by the way. ;; Comments like these do always reminds us we're not just writing into a void and it makes the keystrokes feel that much easier…genuinely, it helped us today. >.< <3 Much love!!!
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oneprompt · 3 years
Hi there! It’s nice to see a op blog, if I can requests could you do a fic/hc where reader cuddles Luffy after having a bad day? It can platonic if you don’t do romance for him
Have a nice day
authors note : im very happy to be here ! <3 and i kept it in between , i personally hc luffy as aro / ace but i know lots of people view him romantically so , here’s a romantic esque one <33 hope you enjoy ! thanks for the request , have a very lovely day <3 + headcanons are general but the oneshot takes place during Enies Lobby <3
Luffy Cuddling Headcanons ( Upset Reader )
• Luffy can be rather clueless, especially when it comes to reading emotions. So, he can take a bit to catch on but once he does, he’ll do whatever it takes to make you smile again. No man left behind, as they say.
• He definitely brings food when you two go to bed to cuddle. Food comforts Luffy and always makes him smile, perhaps it comforts you as well!
• Luffy is a goof ball but he’s incredibly understanding, he won’t push you to talk about what had happened during your day if you don’t feel comfortable with such. He’s more focused on fixing up your day then making you relive and talk about the very thing that ruined your day.
• He’ll certainly tell you a lot of funny stories about his day. Luffy knows how much you like his ridiculous antics with his friends. He’ll certainly ramble about something idiotic him and Usopp did whilst he snuggles you close, tangling his hands in your hair.
• Also might do funny things involving his gomu gomu no mi, wether that be stretching his face to make himself look utterly ridiculous.
• Or he’ll use it to explains his arms, embracing you far more then usual, letting his arms stretch over you over and over again, squeezing onto you.
• As soon as you laugh or smile, Luffy might get a bit too excited. What can i say? He loves seeing other people smiling! But if you aren’t in the mood to laugh, he’s fine just laying in silence while you just sink into his warmth or perhaps even cry.
• If you are that upset to the point of crying, Luffy will for once mellow out, not bouncing off the walls and actually giving you a breather. Luffy still struggles with concentrating and sitting still but he’ll certainly do it to the best of his abilities for you.
• If the day is still young and far ahead of you two, Luffy will allow you to wear his straw hat the whole day. It’s special treatment, truly. But he knows how much people enjoy sharing articles of clothing and items with their s/o’s.
Luffy x Upset! Reader Cuddling Oneshot
You were tired, so very tired. You could hardly get any sleep within the sea train, wether it be the amount of unfamiliar faces, the sound of the storm that wreaked havoc upon the ocean or the thought of one of your most beloved ship mates being killed at the hand of the World Government. You wanted nothing more then to just sleep, to forget the cruelty of the world for even a brief moment.
It was late, utter darkness being the only thing in view if you peaked outside of the trains small windows. Most of the people in the train had fallen asleep, all segregated in their own indivual corners.
You glanced around the singular cart, your face a bit red from crying so much earlier. With what happened to Usopp in the beginning of your journey, to what was happening to Robin now.. It was all too heartbreaking, truly.
Your eyes eventually landed upon what they had been searching for, your weak legs leading you over to the boy. Luffy had been feeling the worst out of you all, you knew that. As a captain, having two people abandon the crew in such a short time must’ve hurt.
“Luffy?” Your voice was below a whisper as you kneeled down to the half asleep pirate. You felt awful for waking him but you wouldn’t have enough strength to go on if you didn’t sleep and lord knew you could only sleep if you were with the person you loved most.
Luffy pushed his back up, rounded eyes looking at you. He smiled happily, even if he was half asleep. You admired that about Luffy, how enthused he could be, even in the worst circumstances. What a sweetheart.
“Can i sit here...with you? I cant sleep and i-“ You fumbled your speech for an excuse, desperately wanting to cover how clinging you would’ve sounded. You were pushed close to him by the sudden force of Luffy’s hand, your face falling into his shoulder.
“Of course!” Luffy didn’t seem to have much care for the other passengers but thankfully, his chipper tone hadn’t woken anyone. Luffy was happy to help you, he wanted you to feel the best you could. Not just for the upcoming battle to capture Robin from Cipher Pol 9 but for the sake of your own well being. Luffy wanted nothing more then to keep his crew happy, that would always be his top priority. Especially when it came to you, he never wanted to see you upset, never again.
Your eyes fluttered with the drag of exhaustion, snuggling against the red vest that Luffy wore. He smelt like the food you had all eaten for dinner. It wasn’t as perfectly presented as Sanji’s usual food but that didn’t matter, it still was prepared with love by one of your fellow crew members. Quality didn’t matter right now, not to anyone. All that mattered was love and sincerity.
“What type of captain would i be if i left you to be weak, Y/n?” Luffy gave you that smile he always wore, his eyes shut as he giggled quietly. Even as he laughed, you could tell he was being serious.
You let out a delicate sigh against his shoulder, growing more relaxed against Luffy. Even with the sound of the train tracks and the crackle of lightening, you could only focus on the young man you rested upon. “Right..”
Tears laced your eyes ever so slightly. This was the first bit of peace you all had obtained since arriving to Water 7. With what happened with Mayor Iceburg, Franky, Usopp, Galley La and then Robin... things had been a mess in such a short amount of time. But right now, it felt as if all of that wasn’t real, as if it were a figment of your imagination.
“Thank you, Luffy.” You said, voice soft and full of your affections. The only place you could feel comfortable within such a storm was in the presence of Luffy, within the arms of the rubber pirate.
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
Only You (Crosshair x Fem!Reader)
You go out to 79′s with the Bad Batch in hopes of impressing the sniper who you currently hold feelings for. Though a pleasant evening turns sour quickly due to some misunderstandings and your own insecurities. Thankfully everything turns out right in the end when Crosshair finally decides to show you how he really feels. 
Request: Hello there. I would like to make a request for a fic about Crosshair. He is absolutely awesome and i would love to see a fic where reader is a full bodies woman and somewhat insecure, with a crush on Crosshair. But she thinks he would never fall for someone like her because there are enough beautiful girls around, only ... Crosshair being Crosshair does love her / has a crush on her and finds his way to make that very clear to her. Some kissing action would be great ( i love the guy afterall ). I am not sure if this is the right way to ask it, i am normally not on tumblr but only on AO3 :D
Warnings: Fluff, pinning/yearning, alcohol consumption implied (but left ambiguous so reader can imagine they’re drinking whatever) insecurities, misunderstandings, a dash of angst, kissing, lots of it, written with full figured/plus sized reader in mind, not beta read. 
Word Count: 5259
Pairing: Crosshair x Fem!Reader, Plus-Size/full figured!Reader
a/n: Hello y’all! First up on my request to do list was this one and it was very important to me to finish! It was requested by @ladykatakuri​ who has been super supportive of my work for a while now! Thank you so much for the request and especially thank you for all your lovely comments on ao3! Your support means so much to me!! I cant thank you enough, and I hope you enjoy this! I won’t lie I got a bit carried away with writing this one because of how much fun I was having with it. I also related a lot to the reader as being plus sized myself. So its longer then expected (its probably my longest written request at the time of posting it lol) but I think its more enjoyable this way tbh. Anyway enjoy! 
The cantina had been packed that night—79’s usually was after all—as the clones of the Republic loved this bar like no other. Though this had also meant that you had found yourself struggling to find the group which had invited you out that night. Your eyes having shifted nervously through the crowd, as you had searched around the room for them. All while doing your best to not bump into, or bother, any of the other clones and folk enjoying their own nights out.
“Over here! We’re over here!”  
The sound of Wrecker’s booming and cheerful voice calling out to you had thankfully cut that search of yours short. As soon you had found yourself breathing a sigh of relief when finally spotting the Bad Batch huddled around one of the far off tables. The sight of the large clone waving you down excitedly—and the sound of Echo telling him to be quiet—making you giggle as you had made your way over to them.
The Bad Batch had seemed rather lively tonight. Their last mission must have gone down well for them to be celebrating so easily and without worry. Even Tech had been out tonight—laughing and joking with his brothers—as you found that you couldn’t remember the last time he had come out with everyone instead of insisting on staying at base.
“Wow look at you!” Wrecker had said while taking the sight of the outfit you had worn tonight, as he had stood from his seat to pull up a chair for you to join them. “Aren’t you just the prettiest lady around... You look great!”
A few of the others at the table had murmured in agreement, and you had felt your skin warm at some of their compliments while you had taken your seat. The outfit you had worn had been one of your nicer ones, as you had wanted to maybe get the attention of a certain sniper tonight. Though unlike the others he hadn’t said much since you had joined them.  
“You think so too, right?” Wrecker had said while nudging into the side of his brother—clearly you weren’t the only one who had noticed the sniper’s lack of words. “Doesn’t she look pretty Cross?”
It hadn’t been until then where you had finally become brave enough to properly look at the sniper. Your heart fluttering at the sight of his brown eyes being fixated onto you in return. His gaze lingering over your form, as he had allowed himself a long roam over your body before he had locked his gaze with yours again. A pleased hum eventually leaving him when he had broken the contact to go take a sip of his drink.
“Yeah she does…” Crosshair's voice had trailed off as he had paused briefly in thought—the rim of the cup hovering just before his lips—as he had made eye contact with you once more. His steady gaze sending another spark of heat to flicker inside of you. “She always does.”
You couldn’t help the smile that had formed across your lips at his words. “Thank you Crosshair.”
Wrecker had practically beamed while looking between you both. His brows raised with a wide grin, as he had sent a very obvious wink your way. It had been clear what exactly he had been trying to do—after all—the crush you had on the sniper wasn’t really a secret among the others. In fact it had become increasingly apparent just how much the others were doing their best to help set you both up. They had even made sure to place you right next to him this evening, and the last time you had hung out with them, they had purposely made sure to give you both some alone time.  
Though whether or not Crosshair had noticed his brothers attempts to get you two together had never been very clear. If he did he had never made it obvious to any of you—something which you couldn’t help but allow to cause some doubt in your mind. As it made you wonder if maybe he did know, but just didn’t have the heart to let you down. He had been rather friendly with you most times. But friendliness didn’t necessarily mean someone held romantic feelings towards you, and that was something you had to remember the hard way most times.
Having an unrequited crush was never truly fun after all, and in your case you always tried to not get too hopeful. There were many other women out there who probably suited him more—one’s who were more likely to his taste. Women who were more beautiful—and maybe smaller—than you could ever hope to be.
You had always tried to remind yourself that everyone was beautiful regardless of their size, but that didn’t stop some of your own insecure thoughts from rising every now and then. Being a full bodied woman brought many heartaches—and though you desperately hoped it wouldn’t be the case with him—you couldn’t help but think that Crosshair would be the next.
“Alright I’m going to get us another round now—what do you want?” Hunter had specifically asked the last part towards you and in return you had given him your drink order. “Got it. I’ll be back.”
“Don’t get distracted like last time.” Tech had said without looking from his datapad.
“We’ll die of dehydration if he does.” Echo had added with a wide grin, one that had held a teasing glint within its shine. “And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have that happen.”
The sergeant had only grumbled at his brother's words—a roll of his eyes soon following—as he had stood from his seat. A few of the others laughter sounding out while he had made his way over to the bar. Though soon they had all settled again to begin chatting among themselves.
“Distracted?” You had questioned with a raised brow while looking over at the sniper to your side. “Do I even want to know?”
Crosshair had let out a huffed laugh at that, and naturally he had leaned himself closer to you while he took another sip from his drink. His thigh brushing against yours sending a tingling sensation to roam through you as he spoke. “Trust me, you don’t.”
When Hunter had finally returned with the drinks the others had cheered, and even you had found yourself smiling along with them. You all had sat there together for a while, talking and catching up with one another. They had told you about their last mission mostly. Telling you about how well it had gone and what they figured may be coming up next for them. Though you had found it hard to focus on the others words at times with how close Crosshair had been next to you. His close presence a constant reminder in the back of your mind, as you had tried to keep your heart from jumping out of your chest at each brush of him against you.
Crosshair of course had seemed to be unaffected by the same gestures. Every brush of your leg and touch of your arm almost seeming natural to him, as he had appeared to remain calm while sat chatting with you all. The only sign of him ever knowing of your closeness being that of the small smile he had sent your way at one point. His shoulder having leaned into yours, as he had whispered a sly and funny remark about something the others had said. A shared secret just for you both. The humour it had held making you laugh quietly, before it had been forgotten completely thanks to the feeling of his warm breath of his own chuckle against your ear.
Eventually though, after some time of chatting among everyone, a few of the others had begun to dwindle away to go do their own things.
Echo had gone off to talk to some of his brothers he recognized from the 501st, and from where you sat you could see that he had been in a deep conversation with Captain Rex by this point. Wrecker on the other hand had found himself off drinking and arm wrestling with some of the ‘regs’. Hunter had joined in at some point, not really participating himself, but more so watching as the larger clone continued on his win streak. Every now and then patting him proudly on the shoulder as he took down another one.
“AHAHA! Take that reg!” Wrecker had cheered before he had grinned over his shoulder had Hunter—who in turn had only chuckled and patted his shoulder proudly again—before he had looked back out to the group of clones gathered around them. “Alright, who's next? Come on—don’t be shy!”
The sight of the whole situation had made you laugh to yourself, and you couldn’t help but watch as Wrecker had seemed to win against every clone he went against. “They seem to be having fun.”
“Too much fun really.” Tech had said without looking up. He had remained with Crosshair and you at the table, idly chatting with you mostly, as the sniper had seemed to be quite happy with just sipping away at his drink now. Though honestly you weren’t too sure how to think about his joyful silence in the end. “They’re quite loud, and they’re making it hard for me to focus on these calculations.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t have brought that datapad of yours to a bar where you’re supposed to be socializing.” Crosshair had said while wearing one of his unimpressed looks. There had been an undeniable hint of amusement to it though, and you had found it to be more teasing than anything.
“Oh yes, because you’ve been so chatty tonight yourself Crosshair.” Tech had replied with a huff  and the shake of his head. “You know it wouldn’t hurt you to talk with us a bit more than just the odd grunt or few words whispered into her ear.”
The sniper had only seemed to frown at his words and soon you watched as the two brothers began to bicker. It had been very light hearted though, and you couldn’t help but smile at seeing their rather petty argument taking place before you. From Tech’s sarcastic remarks to Crosshair’s sly replies—the banter between the two had been quite entertaining. Enough so that it had made you laugh quietly to yourself, before you had gone back to watching the arm wrestling taking place just a few tables over. And lucky you had looked back just in time to see Wrecker win himself another round.
A tap on your shoulder had brought you from them though, and had made you glance over to the sniper. As always the expression he had worn never did show what he truly been thinking, and soon you had found yourself caught staring into his beautiful brown eyes. His gaze had held a feeling to them that you couldn’t quite place, but still couldn’t help and find yourself drawn in at the sight of them. You could get lost in his eyes for hours if he’d let you, but you knew you both didn’t have time for such things.
“Want another drink?” He had finally asked—effectively breaking the trance you had been in—as he motioned his head towards the bar. “I’ll grab you one.”
“Oh sure! I’d love that Cross.”
The sniper had let out a pleased hum at your answer, and the small smile that had briefly found itself on his lips hadn’t been lost on you in the slightest. Though soon he had been glancing over at Tech to ask the same of him. Who in turn hadn’t really looked up from his datapad at his brother’s prompting. The sight of which had only made the other clone roll his eyes and made you giggle as he knocked on the table to grab Tech’s attention. It had worked of course, and the other clone had snapped his head up to see what the sniper had wanted.
“Oh! I’m fine for right now.” Tech had said upon seeing Crosshair motion his head towards the bar again—his question having been clear even without voicing it to him. “Thank you though Crosshair.”
The Sniper had merely hummed again at his answer, before he had taken a toothpick out from the pack in his pocket to place in his mouth. When he had finally stood he had brushed a gentle hand over your shoulder, and you had felt yourself grow warm again at the contact. He had seemed to notice of course, and as he had left you both, another ghost of a smile had found itself forming on his lips.
“I’ll be back.”
You couldn’t help but watch him as he made his way over to the bar. A grin plastered to your face the entire time you did. He had ended up leaning against the bar’s surface as he waited, glancing back at you, as he chewed on the toothpick in his mouth. The smile he had sent your way had made your heart flutter again. Though all too soon he had looked back to ask the bartender for your drinks.  
“You two seem to be getting along quite well.” Tech had said out of blue as he had finally glanced up at you from the tablet he had been working on. “The relationship between you both seems to be progressing smoothly.”
“You think so?”
“Positive.” Tech had reaffirmed with a nod and a small smile on his face, as he had adjusted the goggles he wore before looking back down to his datapad. “It's undeniable that the attraction between the both of you is only growing. I’d be surprised if you weren’t dating by the end of the week.”
“Oh I wouldn’t say it's progressed that much Tech.”
His words had only seemed to make you beam to yourself regardless of your reply. A new bubble of happiness having brewed in your core and flourishing strongly to help push away your earlier doubt. You couldn’t help but think that maybe you did have a chance with the sniper. Everyone else seemed to think so after all. A new hopeful feeling now buzzing inside of you, as you found yourself glancing back at the bar where you knew Crosshair had still been waiting. Now hoping to share another smile with the man.
Though when doing so you had felt your heart drop almost instantly. That new surge of hope having died just as fast as it had come. The clear sight of the sniper surrounded by a group of pretty women had come into your view, and when seeing it you couldn’t help the knot of nerves from forming in your gut.
The group of them had been clearly flirting with the sniper. One had even twirled her hair while her fingers had trailed down from his shoulder to his forearm, resting it there as the women laughed at something he had said. Their giggles and the flirtatious glint in their eyes had left a sour taste in your mouth. Your mood dropping the more you had watched, though you couldn’t seem to pull your eyes from the scene.
You should have known this would have happened, but of course you had let your hopeful crush get the better of you again.
Suddenly you found yourself not being able to handle the sight of it anymore, and even sooner you had stood from your seat. Now doing your best to remain calm as you collected your things from the table. Soon downing the last bit of your drink in the process.
“You’re leaving?” Tech had questioned when he had noticed you getting up. “I thought you were going to stay with Crosshair a bit longer.”
“Yeah I was, but I think I’m just going to go home now.” You couldn’t help but glance back to where he was by the bar. The group of women had only seemed to increase in numbers since you had looked last. “I don’t… I’m just tired from work I think.”
Tech had visibly frowned at your reasoning, clearly not believing you, and you couldn’t help but see him glance towards where the Sniper had found himself caught up. A brief look of realization had crossed his features then, and you found yourself looking away from him quickly. You found yourself not wanting to see the pity in the eyes that you knew just had to be there. Everyone always seemed to pity women like you, and honestly you didn’t think your heart could handle anymore pain at that moment.
“Can you tell the others good night for me?” You had asked him quietly before he could really say anything to sway you to stay.
“Yes of course.” He had mumbled out, clearly unsure of what exactly to say in the end anyway, as he had bitten his cheek in worry. “Do you want one of us to take you home?”
You had shook your head at his question, but had smiled in appreciation of the offer regardless. Tech had and the others had always looked out for you, but tonight you think their kind gestures would only make you more sad. “No, I'm good. Thank you Tech.”
“Crosshair isn’t always good at expressing himself, you know?” Tech had said suddenly before you could completely leave, though it had seemed more to himself than anything. “I… There must be a reasonable explanation.”
“I’m sure you’re right, Tech. You always are.” You had said softly, sending one less smile towards the man as you patted his arm reassuringly. You didn’t really have the heart to argue with him about it, and instead just wanted to get home so you could forget this night ever happened. Maybe you could even manage to forget about the crush you had held for the sniper too. “Goodnight Tech.”
Tech had smiled back at you—giving your hand on his shoulder a squeeze—as he mumbled his own goodnight and farewell back to you. After pulling away you had found yourself wandering through the crowd again as you made your escape. You hadn’t even paused to take one last look at Crosshair on your way out—even though you had desperately wanted to—instead choosing to not stop walking until you were back safely in your apartment. Your back pressed against the door of your home, as you tried your best to keep your heart from breaking more than it already had.
Managing to flick on the lights, you had dropped your things carelessly to the floor, and had made your way to the refresher. You couldn’t help but look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes picking out every imperfection of yourself within seconds of doing so. This search of yours soon bringing you to the edge of tears.
While at times you found that you could love yourself for who you were, there were others where you wished you didn’t look this way. And this moment had been one of those times where you craved to be considered beautiful by society's standards. Things just seemed like it would go so much easier that way. So much simpler.
The sound of a knock at your door had shocked you out of your slump before you could dwell on it more though, and instantly your head had snapped towards it. Confusion had fogged your mind, as you had found yourself wondering if you were just hearing things while in your sorry state. It was late in the night of course, and you weren’t exactly expecting any guests after all.
The second knock had proved this theory of yours wrong though, and within seconds of it you were wiping your tears while trying to make yourself presentable enough to answer it.
A third knock sounding had only made you hurry more, and you had allowed yourself a small curse under your breath on your way over. “I’ll be there in a minute!”
Finally going and pressing the button to open your door you smiled to greet the person only to have it drop instantly. Your heart thundering loudly in your chest at the sight of the sniper standing before you once more. His helmet tucked under his arm, as he chewed on the toothpick in his mouth with a frown.
The two of you had stared at each other for a long while, both clearly unsure of what to say or really where to begin. His eyes had tried searching yours, but you had broken the content before he could get a good look at the pain you held within them. The tears you had tried to hold back threatening to fall again in a matter of seconds while standing before him.
“Are you going to let me in?” His voice had been soft as he spoke—gentle sounding in a way—almost as if he was afraid you would crumble under the weight of it. “Or are you just going to keep staring at me?”
“Oh uh of course!”
His words had shocked you back, and you had allowed him space to enter into your home. He had done so rather quietly, only really mumbling a quick thanks as he had moved past you. In the process he had placed his helmet on the table in the main room before moving to stand before you again. His arms now crossed over his chest as you both gazed at each other.
Another drawn out silence had formed between you two, as Crosshair seemed to stare at you questionably for a long moment. He seemed to be thinking to himself. Or maybe he had just been waiting for you to speak first. If that was the case it wouldn’t be happening of course, as instead you had just decided to go get him a drink. Soon turning around to try and escape into your kitchen in hopes of avoiding the awkward situation some more.
“Why’d you leave so early?”
The sniper’s question had left you at a shock for words, and you had nearly tripped over yourself at the sound of it. He had always been one to get straight to the point when he saw it necessary. He had never been one to really dance around things, and it seemed like you wouldn’t be able to avoid this so easily.
Not with him at least.
“I was just... tired. That’s all.” It hadn’t been the best cover, nor the best phrasing, but you had hoped the response would satisfy the sniper. Though of course things could never be that easy, especially when it came to Crosshair.
“Liar.” He had huffed to himself, as he had chewed on the toothpick in his mouth and watched you pout at his accusation. “Now tell me, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing happened.” You had forced a smile in his direction, hoping even more that the sight of it would get him to leave it alone, though from the look of his frown it was still an unlikely outcome. “I’m fine Crosshair. Really.”
“Stop lying to me.”
“I’m not.” You had shot back quickly—almost too quickly really.
“Yes you are.” He had sighed bitterly, allowing himself to run a hand through his hair. A clear and new frown had formed across his lips, but rather than the usual irritated scowl, you had found it to be oddly sad looking. The sight of which you had not been used too. “I… I can always tell when you’re lying to me.”
Crosshair had always been perceptive in a sense. Sometimes you swore he could read you like no other person could. Which at times had seemed like a blessing, and others a curse. He had waited then for you to speak. Though when you had tried you had found you couldn’t. The words you needed to tell him refusing to leave you, as the sniper had only seemed to get more worried.
In a way you had wanted to tell him how you felt. A part inside of you wanted to get it out in the open so you both could just move past it. Maybe even laugh at how silly it all was. But as always you couldn’t seem to bring yourself to confess your feelings. Instead choosing to keep them bottled inside.
Luckily, or maybe unluckily, it didn’t take Crosshair long to roughly piece together everything.
“Ah so Tech was right then.” He had murmured, as he had looked away from you almost shyly then. “You really… You really don’t know how I feel. Do you?”
“What?” You had asked in a quiet voice. A hint of hopefulness finding its way through. “Feel about what?”
“I thought it was obvious. I really thought you knew.” He had seemed to be talking more to himself rather than you at the moment. It had almost seemed like he was trying to piece together his thoughts, as he had removed the toothpick from his mouth to flick it off somewhere onto your floor. He had looked at you again after that, though no words had left him at first. The lack of which had only made him run another nervous hand through his hair as he had looked away again. “Kriff, I'm not good at this.”
“What are you talking about Cross?”
Crosshair had looked back to you again. His eyes searching your own for a long moment before he had finally stepped a bit closer. Close enough so that his lips had tauntingly brushed over yours—as he had cupped your cheek gently in his hand—before pulling you in for a brief kiss. It had been short, but sweet, and you had found yourself standing frozen in place at the shock of it. Not really expecting it, and finding yourself too surprised to really react properly to it at first.
Though in your defense he had pulled away before you really could.
“What? Still not clear enough?” He had after some time of you not moving from your spot. The teasing tone to his words quickly morphing into worry at having possibly overstepped some boundaries. “Or do you… do you just not feel the same?”
At his last few words he had gone to move away from you completely, though you had stopped him before he could. The grip you had on his arms only pulling him back close, as you had tried to form some sort of reply. No words had ever come though, so instead you had decided to try and mirror his earlier actions. Your lips moving forward to go brush against his in a kiss, as you had felt him nearly gasp at the realization.
He had met your lips again then. It had been another soft and gentle kiss. One that had your lips molding with his almost perfectly, as the hold he held on you had only tightened. You had almost forgotten to breathe again with how lost you had found yourself in it. But soon the two of you would once more pull away from one another, though you both hadn’t moved too far away.  
“You know you really do look pretty in this.” He had hummed out quietly, as he pressed a kiss to your temple. His fingers now toying with the fabric of your outfit with clear interest, while the hint of a smirk played on his lips. “You always look pretty though of course.”
His words had made you laugh, but there had still been a drop of doubt inside of you, and you couldn’t help voice it to him. “You could get any girl you want.”
“I don’t want just anyone.” The words had left him with an air of confidence and ease, like it had been the most easiest confession for him of the night. “The only one I want is you.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.” He had said it like it had been the most obvious thing in existence. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I mean look at me Cross.” You had said while pulling back from him a bit, as your hand now gestured vaguely to yourself. “There are women who are far more beautiful than me and more…well you know. They’re thinner and prettier than me. A lot of men don’t want someone like me.”
Crosshair’s grip had tightened around you at your words, and the usual frown that he wore had returned to his features as he gazed down to you. Though rather than the bite of anger it usually held, you had found it to have a hint of worry in its depth instead. A feeling of love coming through in the end.
“I don’t know who is filling your head with thoughts like that.” He had said as he had pulled you in for a hug. “But you’re beautiful, and I’ve always thought so. No one compares to you... No one.”
“Not even those girls at the bar?” You had asked without thought and instantly you had felt yourself grow embarrassed. You hadn’t meant to let it slip out that way, but it had, and Crosshair seemed determined to sooth your worries regardless of it.
“Annoying is what they were.” He scuffed out with a clear look of irritation at speaking of them, though the fondness he had reserved for you had remained. His fingers rubbing gently along your arms to help calm you. “They wouldn't leave me alone no matter how much I told them to.”  
You couldn’t help the feeling of relief bubbling through you at his words, and suddenly you almost felt like you could take on the whole Galaxy if asked to. “I guess I can’t really blame them—you are rather attractive after all.”
“Oh what's this? You think I’m attractive?”
Another flush of a shy warmth had spread through you at the sight of the sniper’s teasing smirk, and you couldn’t help but look away from him. He had chuckled at your reaction though, and had cupped your chin with his hand to bring it towards him again. Another kiss soon finding itself on your lips. He just couldn’t seem to stop kissing you it seemed.
This one had been longer than the others, though more rougher as well, and soon one kiss from him had turned into many. His lips only ever pulling back from yours enough to allow yourselves a few breaths before diving in again. Each kiss that he had stolen from your lips becoming more needy and heated as the time ticked away from you both. He had nearly devoured you whole within that moment. His kisses leaving a feeling of desire that would be sure to follow you for the rest of your days.
“I mean it, you know?” He had said as you two had paused briefly in between your kisses to catch your breaths properly. His eyes gazing into your own, as he brushed a thumb against your warm cheek. “I think you’re beautiful, and there’s no one else I want... All I want is you.”
“Only me?”
Your question had a teasing hint to it, though there had still been that doubt. The sound of which had made Crosshair smile. A genuine smile. One that you knew had been rare to see, and one you would remember for many days together to come. His own reply a steady reminder of how he had felt for you, and would continue to feel for you as long as you allowed him.
“Only you.”
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For CS Halloweek 2021. Fulfilling the prompts: Monsters/red (under a spell | mystery | “I’m not going anywhere” | bloodcurdling) (though the only mention of monsters is that there finally are none lol)
Summary: Inspired by gifs of that scene in 6x01, a fic in which they actually get to finish what they barely started on the couch. Angsty and soft smut.
Rated: E; Words: 3174; read it on AO3
A/N: Shoutout and thank you again to the organizers of @cshalloweek for holding the event again.
Also huge shoutout and thank you to the wonderful @kmomof4 for betaing this when I finished it last-minute, and for fixing my run-ons. ❤️
He liked her red leather jacket.
Once an emblem of the walls she’d constructed in order to protect herself from the heartbreak she’d believed to be inevitable, her jacket had since become a symbol of the progress they’d made to overcome the walls together. They were simply another part of her, and he was grateful she trusted him enough to let him inside them. And the red provided a nice pop of color against his own black leather as well.
He liked her sweater, too.
A woven pattern with stripes of white above solid black, a light in the dark as she was for him. It was soft against his calloused palm as his hand slipped under her jacket, unzipped and open for him, and he supported the small of her back as she canted her hips and cradled him between her legs over the arm of the couch.
Softer still was her skin.
His fingers toyed with the hem of her sweater and slowly inched beneath it. Her laughter was contagious, a bubbling giggle as he slid his hand up her belly and brushed gentle strokes over her navel with his thumb, and he couldn’t help but press his smile to hers as if he could catch her contentment with a kiss.
“Killian,” she grinned, his name a playful plea on her tongue as it met his lips and teased inside. Gods, he always loved the way she said it.
He even liked her undergarments.
Modern and decorative, as delicate as he wanted to treat her though he knew she was anything but that. He lifted her sweater until the hem rested above her chest and guided her upright just enough so he could undo the clasps at her back as she’d shown him how to do. Letting her relax against the cushions once more, he tucked the tip of his hook beneath the tiny bit of ribbon at the front and raised it to reveal her breasts to him.
He liked those, too. Very much.
“So beautiful, Emma,” he praised. Surrounding one nipple with his lips, he gently sucked at her supple flesh, coaxing it to a stiff peak as his teeth scraped and pulled at the bud. His hand tended to the other until at last his mouth parted with a wet pop and they swapped sides. Tiny gasps filled the space around them as he slowly unraveled her without even touching where she needed him most. He began to rut against her, the contact between their clothed bodies doing little to sooth the eager ache behind the layers of denim and cotton.
Those, too. He liked her jeans.
He liked the way they hugged her ass so perfectly and left little to the imagination, skin tight over her legs as she taunted him every time she walked past him with a subtle but deliberate sway in her step. But he liked peeling them off of her even more.
As he continued to sate his hunger for her with his mouth at her breasts, Killian deftly flicked open the button of her jeans and tugged down the zipper until he could shimmy them down over her hips. He ran the curve of his hook along her panties but wanted to feel her wet warmth himself. Tugging the material aside with the tip of his metal appendage, he slid his hand along her skin and pressed a finger between her folds, rubbing her clit with his palm as he prodded her entrance and hummed with burning desire as she soaked his fingers and welcomed them into her slick heat.
Killian swallowed her gasp as his mouth returned to hers, muttering praises into their kiss as he fucked her with his hand. Emma cupped his face and held him close, her thumb brushing along his cheek as she gently scratched at the hair behind his ear, and it was all he could do not to melt into her touch. He broke away from her lips only to kiss her palm in a wordless thank you before turning back to them again. Curling his fingers in the way he knew she liked, he drank in her contented sighs and whimpered pleas and wished he’d already lowered his own trousers too, as his cock almost painfully strained against them.
“Forgive me, love,” he said with an apologetic tone but a promising look in his eyes as he slipped his fingers from her despite her encouragements to keep them there. “I need to feel you, Emma.” He covered her body in kisses as he removed her jeans the rest of the way and unfastened his own, shoving them down his legs and letting them pool around his ankles as he took his cock in hand, hard and more than ready, and coated himself in her arousal. With one steady push, he sank into her core with a satisfied groan, finding some relief as he buried himself inside her again and again, falling into a steady rhythm though his legs threatened to buckle beneath him at the overwhelming feel of her already clenching around his length.
“Fuck, Killian,” Emma moaned. He couldn’t help but smile as she reached for his necklace as it dangled above her, looking for something, anything, to hold as he thrust with purpose.
“Finally, we have the chance again,” Killian smirked, lacing his fingers between hers as he clasped the hand not holding his necklace and raised it above their heads, pressing it into the cushion of the couch. “You’ve been wanting another moment as long as I have, I can tell by just how wet you are for me. You make it so easy for me to fill you like this, because you want to be filled, don’t you?” His question was rhetorical, but she nodded anyway. “But you’re so fucking tight,” he gritted. “Relax for me, darling, I’ve got you. No monsters today, just a pirate who can’t get enough of his Savior, just relax.”
He slowed his thrusts against the urgent nagging of his own desperation and kissed her lips, her cheek, her jaw. His teeth scraped along the shell of her ear, nipping at her earlobe before dragging down the column of her neck. Catching the neckline of her sweater between them, he pulled it aside and latched onto the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. Emma tilted her head toward him with a gasp and a giggle and attempted to pull away, but he stilled her with the flat of his hook at her hip, caressing up her side before brushing her cheek and holding her still as he caught a bead of sweat at the hollow of her throat with his tongue and licked a devious stripe up to her chin. Even still, she remained tense, and he was determined to fix that.
“If you keep squeezing me like this, Emma, I’m not going to last much longer.” Killian tucked his arm under her thigh and lifted it, spreading her legs further apart to give himself better access. Even moving at his current pace was too much, agonizingly slow now and yet perhaps that only heightened the sensation of each languid slide with her fitted so snugly around him.
“S’okay,” Emma mumbled quickly as she chased his lips, clearly not wanting him to break their kiss again. “I want you. Before another curse hits. Before another threat to us. I want you.”
“You have me, Emma,” he promised. “I’m not going anywhere ever again.” After Emma’s pleading confession, Killian let some of his own desperation show. He ran the curve of his hook down and up her torso as his hips snapped faster, outlining her breast with the side of the metal pressed flat against her skin until he turned it and teased her nipple with fleeting flicks from the tip, drawing small, pleased gasps from her. “The only curses now are the ones I want to hear fall from your lips as I prove it to you, my darling.”
It didn’t take long for her to do just that, stutter streams of curses and pleas and yeses and Killians. He held her leg against the back of the couch, peppering kisses along the inner side as he plunged deeper still.
“What do you need, love?” he asked, a tender urgency in his tone. “How can I help you come?”
“Just—” she hesitated.
“Tell me, Emma.” He met her gaze with a soft plea in his. “Please.”
“I don’t—I don’t know if I can right now,” she answered quietly. “I’m overthinking, I guess. Just—just hold me, Killian.”
“Alright,” he said, carefully pulling out of her and tucking his arms beneath her, lifting her into his embrace. “We’re alright, love.”
“What are you—” Emma started. “Please, you can still—”
“Not without you, darling.” He kicked off his jeans the rest of the way so he wouldn’t trip and spun them both, sitting on the couch with her in his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he supported her back with the flat of his hook and gently stroked her hair with his hand, placing chaste kisses to her forehead. “I’m here, Emma,” he reassured her with every kiss. “I’m here. I’m here.”
“I know,” Emma almost whispered. She wrapped her fingers in his necklace and placed her hand on his chest, over his heart. “I know, I just… I thought I lost you.”
“I know,” Killian echoed. He knew she was looking for his heartbeat beneath her palm, and he hoped she couldn’t feel how it broke for her as he clasped his hand over hers and searched for ways to comfort her. “I told you, I’m a survivor. And apparently,” he smirked, “we’re even favored by the gods. So you’ve nothing to worry about anymore.”
Emma scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“I mean it, Emma. Look at me.” He lifted her chin with the side of his finger, caressing her cheek when she met his gaze. “You’ve got me. And I, you. Here and now. This is real. We have each other.”
Killian gently rocked Emma at a soothing pace. As they sat like that in each other’s embrace, her head tucked under his chin as if she couldn’t get close enough to him, Killian quietly started to hum a song he’d used to calm himself for many years and hoped would help her now. He continued to press kisses and reassurances to her head as he repeated the tune—I’m here, I’m here, I’m here—until at last he felt her relaxing in his arms.
“Could we try again?” Emma looked up at him, and he met her pleading eyes with his.
“Of course, if you’d like.” Hoisting her up before he stood, he spoke as he carried her, “But we’ll do it right. You deserve love, Emma. After everything, you deserve thoroughness, not a quick tryst on the sofa.” He set her on their bed, gently pushing her jacket off her shoulders and helping her remove it before toying with the hem of her sweater. “Let’s get this off you, love.” Sliding his hand and hook beneath it, he glided them up her sides and lifted the garment over her head, slipping it down and off her arms along with her bra. Then he started on his own clothes, setting his jacket aside next to hers before beginning to work on the buttons of his vest.
“Let me,” Emma said quietly, standing to help him remove his shirt. “You deserve love too, Killian. You’re the one who—” She trailed off, but he knew what she meant. “You deserve so much better than what you’ve been through.”
Once they were both fully bared, Emma reached up and pulled Killian into a deep kiss, tender and sloppy and desperate. He eagerly reciprocated as he backed her toward the bed, guiding her backward until the mattress was beneath her. Parting from her lips, he sank lower, trailing his mouth down her body until his knees hit the floor and his face aligned with his goal, her legs already spread for him in invitation.
“Are you sure, Emma? We could just rest if—”
“Yes, I’m sure,” Emma answered. “Please, Killian, I want you.”
“And I, you.”
Killian lightly stroked Emma’s inner thigh with the back of his hand as he kissed the other from her knee to the apex. Her muscles twitched beneath his touch, anxious and sensitive, but when his breath ghosted over her center as his mouth set to work just below her clit, Emma finally managed to relax a little.
“I’ve missed your taste,” he sighed against her wet flesh as his tongue coaxed forth her arousal. “I could happily live on nothing else.” Nudging her clit with his nose as he sucked and licked at her core, Killian enjoyed the small gasps Emma released. “Would you let me stay between your legs like this, Emma?”
“Mmm,” she moaned, “mmhmm.”
“I appreciate your hospitality, darling,” he chuckled. “Thank you.” As he tested her entrance, she easily opened for his tongue, arching her back as he thrust it inside her. His hand and hook held back her legs as they threatened to close of their own volition at the already overwhelming sensations he was giving her.
“Relax, love. I’m here,” he reassured her as his fingers slowly inched closer to his mouth’s ecstasy. Gliding one between her folds, he prodded and sucked until she welcomed the intrusion easily. “I’m here, Emma,” he soothed again. “Let me in, darling. Please.” He stretched her gently until a second finger could smoothly slip inside her with the first, curling them both with each thrust, and she panted as he hit the spot she needed most. “There’s a good girl.” Killian knew Emma loved that particular affirmation, evident in the way she canted her hips to grant him better access as more of her arousal leaked onto his fingers and chin. “That’s it, Emma.”
“Killian,” Emma gasped his name as he sucked her clit and flicked it mercilessly with his tongue. “Killian, please,” was all she could manage to say as her hands anchored in his hair. She held his face against her as she rode his fingers and sought his mouth.
“That’s it, darling,” Killian muttered against her slick flesh as he continued to lick and suck and tease. “You’re such a good girl for me.” He angled his head as her legs pressed against his cheeks, his scruff scraping her soft skin in the best way and leaving burning streaks of pink in its wake. “You’re so pretty when you come. Will you let me see it, please?”
A string of curses left Emma’s lips as Killian brought her over the edge, the sensation so blissfully overwhelming as her hips bucked and her legs fluttered until she slowly floated back down from her high, feeling relaxed at last.
“You’re so fucking good at that,” she panted. Tugging his hair, she urged him to climb up their bed above her and cradled his hips between her limply spread legs. “Thank you,” she sighed with a smile before pulling him into a deep kiss.
“Mmm,” Killian hummed, caressing down her side and tracing the crease of her thigh with his fingers before taking his cock in hand. “Are you ready for me, love?” he asked softly, rubbing her clit with the tip.
“Yes,” Emma answered, stroking the hair at the nape of Killian’s neck, her thumb settling just behind his ear. “Please, Killian, yes.”
He kissed her again as he gently pressed inside her with shallow thrusts until at last he filled her completely.
“So perfect, Emma,” Killian breathed as he slowly increased the depth and pace of his movements. “Do you feel how perfectly we fit together, darling?” He teasingly nipped at her bottom lip as her jaw fell slack with breathless moans, both of them too caught up in the absolute pleasure of each other to do much else. “You’re so warm and snug around my cock. Staying so nice and wet for me. We are meant to be together, Emma. Always.”
Emma wrapped her legs around him, locking her ankles behind him as she pulled him into her arms. He hissed lightly as her fingernails dug into his back, a guttural groan interrupting the sound as the subtle pain merely spurred him on.
“Are you close?” she asked with a smile, her voice breaking as the force of his thrusts made the words catch in her throat. “I want you to come, Killian, just like this. Let me feel all of you. Please.”
“Gods, Emma,” he panted, snapping his hips with purpose. “Are you sure?”
“Mmhmm,” Emma nodded. “Yes, Killian.” She raked her nails down his back and cupped his ass in encouragement. “I—I felt so empty without you,” she practically whispered, tears beginning to well in her eyes as she fought the storm of emotions still raging within her. “Make me feel full, Killian.”
He thrust more frantically then, fluctuating between rapid pivots and deliberate slams as he followed his own urges.
“Will you come with me, Emma?” Desperation laced his voice as he asked the question, his fingers finding her clit in an effort to bring her with him.
“I don’t know,” she said honestly, “but it’s okay. I just want to feel you, Killian. I need to feel you.”
He covered her body in kisses as he sought his release, pressing his lips over and over again to her jaw, her neck, her breasts, and trailing back up to her mouth as he felt the tension finally snap. He moaned her name against her lips as he granted her eager request, pouring his release inside her and pushing it deeper as it coated his pulsing cock. When he finally stilled, Killian rolled aside and collapsed next to Emma on their bed, thoroughly sated as he caught his breath. She turned to face him, touching her hand to his cheek and gently brushing her thumb over his skin.
“I love you, Emma Swan.” Killian tipped his head and placed a tender kiss on her palm. “I’m never going to leave your side again. I promise.” A tear escaped Emma’s eye as she met Killian’s genuine gaze.
“I love you too, Killian Jones.” Arching forward, Emma kissed him again, passionate and deep. “And you better not,” she joked, making them both laugh, something neither of them had been able to do in quite some time.
“We may never even leave this bed, love,” Killian smirked. “Not until I’ve made you come at least twice more, anyway. I’ve a reputation to maintain.”
“Oh, kidnapping the sheriff, are you?” Emma giggled, arching her brow as she returned to her back and raised her hands above her head, crossing her wrists. “Naughty Captain.”
“I never claimed to be anything else.” Killian sat up and straddled her stomach, reaching behind himself to touch her. “Now be a good little sheriff and follow my demands.”
Tag list  ❤️: @anothersworld @batana54 @darkcolinodonorgasm @deckerstarblanche @donteattheappleshook @elizabeethan @holdingoutforapiratehero @hollyethecurious @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @jonesfandomfanatic @jrob64 @justanother-unluckysoul @karlyfr13s @klynn-stormz @kmomof4 @laschatzi @qualitycoffeethings @resident-of-storybrooke @sotangledupinit @stahlop @teamhook @the-darkdragonfly @thejollyroger-writer @tiganasummertree @ultraluckycatnd @veryverynotgoodwrites @wefoundloveunderthelight @whimsicallyenchantedrose @xhookswenchx @xsajx @zaharadessert  
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wheeier · 3 years
no taking back
summary: it was only fun and games. but steve had other plans.
warnings: modern au, tooth-rotting fluff i guess, little but of swearing
+ olivia rodrigo’s sour album (stream besties), the movie tangled at the end because it just radiates as a comfort movie
yes a modern au !!! i just saw this on tiktok (the sour part, but the rest was my idea!) and thought it was so cute so it gave me an idea to make it as a fic, enjoy !!!
steve harrington x fem!reader
olivia rodrigo’s new album just released and you were thrilled to listen to it and stream it the whole day.
when you finally got to listen to it, you asked your friends—robin, nancy, and the party, if they listened to it and which ones were their favorites.
robin told you that her top three were hope ur ok, jealousy, jealousy, and brutal.
nancy said she really loved favorite crime.
max said hers was also brutal.
el told you that she played good 4 u and traitor on repeat that hopper had to go into her room to turn it down.
when mike comes over to the cabin he can assure that el does indeed play them on repeat and get pissy about it (but he secretly loves the album, but he wouldn’t let her or anyone know that).
and lastly lucas and dustin are fans of deja vu and 1 step forward 3 steps back. max even told you that they would sing the bridge of deja vu on the top of their lungs.
you slightly laughed at the memory of them telling you about it.
however, there’s one more person that you haven’t talked to about it yet.
your smile faltered and faded when he came across in your mind.
your feelings for him had deepened over the time and listening to the sour album made it feel like you two had broken up, which in fact, is not true because you were never together in the first place.
suddenly, an idea popped in your head. instead of being sad about steve, you thought about texting him, although it’s almost 1AM, you knew he’d still be up.
Sailor Man
You: hey
You: u up?
Sailor Man: duh
Sailor Man: this has been our nightly routine u always bother me when i’m about to go to sleep
You: fuck off
You: don’t pretend that you’re not binge watching outer banks until 4am
Sailor Man: i’m not?!?
You: yeah right
You: anyways
You: can u do me a favor
Sailor Man: will i get free pizza afterwards
You: no
Sailor Man: k
You: what the fuck
You: fine
Sailor Man: hehe
Sailor Man: what’s the favor ;)
You: dont get me started with that winky face i swear ure so dead when i see you at the wheeler’s house tomorrow
You: have you listened to olivia rodrigo’s new album
Sailor Man: ohh the bitter album?
Sailor Man: I DONT KNOW?!?
Sailor Man: shut up
Sailor Man: i’ve heard some of the songs but i haven’t fully listened to them
Sailor Man: why
You: can you like
You: ask me to be ur girlfriend then break up with me right after so i can experience and actually feel the whole sour album
Sailor Man: what
You: just do it !!
Sailor Man: you’re so funny (y/n/n)
Sailor Man: okay
Sailor Man: will you be my girlfriend?
You: yes !!!
You: ...
You: hello
You: dont tell me u fell asleep
Sailor Man: i’m not doing the last part you might as well forget about it
You: wjat
Sailor Man: :D
You: wtf
You: okay steve cut it out i’m not doing this anymore u’re not funny
Sailor Man: nope
Sailor Man: go to sleep we’re dating now that’s how this works
Sailor Man: okay i dont know if you’re still reading this now and i am terrified to say this to you in person like TERRIFIED. might piss my pants if i did. so (y/n/n), my favorite dumbass, my favorite person to talk to at night even if it interrupts my binge watching marathon, you make me so happy to the point that even when i sleep you’re still in my dreams. i like you. i have like the biggest fattest crush on you. and thank you for doing that sour album thing or whatever, because of that i get to finally ask you out
you rolled on your back after you read the message, facing the ceiling as your mind processed what just happened. was he playing with you? was he actually serious about asking you out?
Incoming video call...
Sailor Man
you took a deep breath before tapping the green button and placing it back down on the bed.
“hey,” you can tell that he was tired based on his voice. “can you show your face, please? i miss you.”
ignoring the butterflies in your stomach, you hesitantly lifted the phone and shifted your position to lay on your side. “hey.”
“hey yourself.” steve grins. that stupid grin that makes your stomach turn, that grin you always want to see everyday.
“what’s..up?” you avoided looking at him and started to admire your surroundings and the posters placed on your wall. this was the only time you were glad you weren’t with him in person.
“i just wanted to see if you’re okay.” of course he will ask that. he's steve. he cares about other more than himself.
“i am, thanks.” you showed a smile that doesn't reach your ears and steve knew something was bothering you. “hey, look. i'm sorry about my confession- if it made you uncomfortable i'm sorry-”
“no,” you cut him off, looking back at his face on the screen. “i’m fine, really. you don't have to apologize. i was just, surprised.”
there was silence between the two of you for a few seconds, before you spoke again. “did you mean it?” you voice was only above whisper but steve managed to hear them. “of course,” he answered almost too quick, without any hesitation. “i've been trying to find the perfect opportunity and had been asking god for signs because i can't make a move myself-”
“asking god?” you chuckled and steve smiled hearing them, glad that he somehow lightened the mood. “well, more like begging.” he continues and you giggled.
once your laughter died you both fell into silence again. you still couldn’t believe that out of a fun joke, it would turn into a whole another situation. “so, um.. just so you know, i’m not mad, or upset, or anything. i really was just surprised. it felt like a dream because i didn’t know that you like me back and all i did was just supposed to be a fun joke but—”
“hold on, back?”
“like you back. you said i like you back.” steve sat up on his bed and fixed his hair as his eyes widened. “i did...” you said slowly, not catching up.
“does that mean you..”
then it hit you. “oh, right. yeah. i- i like you..too.” you waited for his reaction and once you saw him smile you couldn’t stop yourself from doing the same.
“i knew it. and well, i guess that confirms it. we’re dating now. no taking back.” he smirks then laughs when your rolled your eyes. “don’t flatter yourself, harrington. i did not say shit.” you pointed your index finger on the screen, barely containing your giggles.
“based on your beautiful smile i think you don’t need to say it. i like you, and you like me. we’re dating.” steve gives you a teasing smile. you tried keeping your serious face but it won’t last longer so you finally smiled again. “alright, fine. no taking backs. we’re dating.” you said then laughed as he whisper-yelled ‘yes!’ while fist pumping the air.
he soon joined your laughter and you stayed like that until your jaw was pretty much in pain because of your smiles. when it was all quiet again, you both just admired each other’s presence through the screens of your phones. “i wish i was there with you.” he mumbles. “yeah, me too.” you hugged your cold pillow beside you, closing your eyes for a moment and imagining it as steve.
“are your parents home?”
you snorted at his random question. “i’m actually alone right now, they’re out because dad got promoted at his work so he and mom and i think a few friends went out to celebrate. they should be home by an hour or two. why?”
“nothing.” was all he said before hanging up. you were left confused but then he’s your best friend after all, so you knew right then and there that he’ll do something stupid. after you turned your phone off you suddenly felt watching a movie so you went to the kitchen to make some popcorn.
when it was finished and had been put in a bowl, that’s when you heard your doorbell rang—in a pattern which you recognize, and only one person does that.
you let out a quiet laugh when you realized who it was and set the bowl on the counter before opening the door.
“hi!” steve greeted you with a smile. “uh, hi?” you laughed nervously and stepped aside for him to go in. “i smell popcorn, are we having a movie night?” he says as he steps inside and shrugged off his jacket. “actually yeah, i’m planning on watching—”
“tangled.” he finishes off, you subconsciously smiled upon hearing your favorite movie. “how’d you know?”
steve snatches a few popcorns from the bowl as you both arrived in the kitchen. “(y/n), you have watched that movie 7 times this week and always gush to me about it.”
“well, you’re the only one that is around my age that i can talk to with that movie. robin and nancy aren’t that into it.” you replied, grabbing the bowl and making your way back to your bedroom, steve following your heels. “and you think i’m the best option to talk to about that?” he asks, plopping down on your bed and resting his back on the headboard.
“you’re not complaining.” you shrugged as you grabbed your laptop and sat beside steve.
“yeah, probably because i like you.” it came out of his mouth casually. you froze in place and felt your cheeks heat up, finally nodding your head slowly, “..probably.” as you typed in the movie in your laptop you felt steve scoot closer, making your breath hitch.
you were both in a comfortable silence while watching the movie, except for a few jokes and comments that steve makes and him explaining how similar he was to flynn rider.
“you know, since i’m eugene, you could be rapunzel.” he suddenly says. you eyes were still on the screen but your eyebrows furrowed. “why? i’m nothing like her.”
finally looking at steve, you almost screamed how he was already looking at you. “oh, you are so rapunzel. you may not have the longest hair in the world, but you are pretty much similar.” he replies, smiling and not taking his eyes off of you.
you paused the movie and shifted your body towards him, intrigued by his explaination. “how so?”
“well, first off,” steve starts, resting his hands on the soft mattress. “you’re both sweet, you’re both a huge ray of sunshine, have gorgeous eyes and smile, and eugene is head over heels over you — and since he doesn’t exist in real life, i’d like to be the substitute.” he finished with a confident smile.
after about three seconds, you burst out of laughter. you laughed. as much as he loves the sound of your laugh, he can’t help but pout. “(y/n), i’m trying to be sweet here!”
“i’m sorry!- it’s just- i can’t help but laugh at your flirting.” you managed to say between your laughs. you know he’s kidding but he looked at you like he was offended.
your laughter died down and held steve’s face. “it’s cute, sorry.” you mumble with a little laugh. when he finally smiled you turned to your laptop and continued the movie.
steve gazes at you for a few more seconds before watching the movie with you again. “thank you.” you whisper, glancing at him.
“you’re very much welcome, my rapunzel.” he says smiling before he slides a bit down on the bed so his head could reach your shoulder and rests it there.
you giggled as you heard him whisper,
“thank you, olivia rodrigo.”
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