#you could know him for years and years 🥺
poppyflower-22 · 2 days
~Love Has No Boundaries~
Summary: Layla is Max’s sister, Lando and her have been dating for 3 years. He was the one that helped her after her ex dumped her for someone else and left her to raise her kid by herself. Now he’s back and wants it all.
But no one is going to let that happen. Not her friends, not her fans. Especially Lando.
Side note: Layla is an OC. Matty is her son who is four. Pedri is aged up to 24 for this. I was going to use someone different, but I only know stuff about him only. And I don't why the twitter thing is not he greatest.
Face claim is Sabrina Carpenter.
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Layla Verstappen
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Liked by LandoNorris, MaxVerstappen and 2,456,582 others.
LaylaVerstappen: My new song 'Cinnamon Roll' is out now! This has been one of my favorite songs to write. Enjoy the song and the amazing video featuring my Lan and our son. 💘🦋
Tagged: LandoNorris
View 514,568 comments.
User: No, I watched the video for this song and its so cute. Lando and Matty together are everything. 😭
↪️User: Omg yes. You could see that Lando really loves being Matty's dad.
LandoNorris: I love you so much my love. 😘😘
↪️LaylaVerstappen: No, I love you. Thank you. 💘
↪️LandoNorris: No thanks needed to be given to the love of my life and our beautiful son. 🛐
↪️User: No! Stop this is so cute. 'Our son.' 🥺🥺
MaxVerstappen: Love the song sis. 🎤
Liked by, LaylaVerstappen
User: I will never recover from this. This song and video will forever be stitched in my brain. I love Layla and Lando.
↪️DanielRiccardo: Same. 🥺
CharlesLeclerc: Okay I admit that's cute. 🙌
Liked by, LaylaVerstappen
PedriGonzalez: Good song.
↪️OscarPiastri: No. 🙅‍♂️
↪️MaxVerstappen: Go away. 🚮
↪️User: Oscar and Max. 🤭Also, Pedri? NO. YOU CAN BACK AWAY!! 🤺🤺
User: Why is he likening and commenting on her stuff now after what he did?
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Tweets about her song.
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Lando Norris
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Liked by, LaylaVerstappen, MaxFewtrell and 1,154,698 others.
LandoNorris: My family. 🧡🦋☀️
Tagged; LaylaVeratappen.
View 568,112 comments.
User: YES. 🙌
User: The first photo. 😭 I’m going to cry from cuteness. 🥹
LaylaVerstappen: We love you so very much my love. 😘
↪️ LandoNorris: Not as much as me. 🥰
MaxVerstappen: The only man for my sister.
↪️ User: Oh the shad. 🤭
CharlesLeclerc: Leo wants to have a sleepover again. He misses Matty and Layla. 😞
↪️ LandoNorris: Your dog is stealing my wife and son. 😐
↪️ User: Oh already saying wife.
User: No why is this slightly possessive but in the most subtly way.
OscarPiastr: 🧡
Liked by LaylaVerstappen and LandoNorris
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So, you guys want a part 2?
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sinnabum45 · 1 day
Wright family 💕
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[Image description: gray tone digital comic of Ace Attorney characters, Phoenix Wright and Trucy Wright. Page one: Trucy is 8 years old and she peaks into the kitchen to see Phonix slumped over the table with alcohol around him. He is crying and she watches from behind the wall. She moves away and starts crying, too. Text: “Daddy… Daddy is sad again…” Page two: Trucy looks up and clenches her fist with a determined look on her face. Text: “ I have to help Daddy become happy again! I will help daddy, then he won’t leave me!” She silently cheers with her arms up. Time passes and Trucy is fourteen. She is holding a wine bottle that Phoenix had hidden. Page three: Trucy looks at the bottle with sadness while Phoenix looks away feeling guilty. There are double boxes for the texts: “I’m sorry… I’m not good enough.” Page four: the comic is now fully colored. Time passes and Phoenix is putting his attorney’s badge onto his suit. Trucy is looking at him smiling. Phoenix turns to her and smiles back. Page five: Trucy hugs Phoenix with tears in her eyes. Phoenix hugs her back and is now crying. He says,” I’m sorry, Trucy… Daddy’s put you through a lot.” Page six: Phoenix and Trucy and smiling at each other with tears in their eyes. There are double bubbles with texts: “I love you.” End description.]
Links to help Palestine and other resources! 🇵🇸
[Plain text: Links to help Palestine and other resources! (palestine flag). End plain text.]
I have a lot of thoughts about the Wright family. Especially Trucy's experience being adopted suddenly after her father abandons her. I wanted to go into more detail about how the events in her life might have affect her, but that would've been very long-- I rarely see anyone bring it up (I could just not be seeing them of course). Her father abandoning her, then having to move in with a stranger (at first), then having to also live with and depend on Phoenix, who is struggling with his mental and physical health, and also being used by Kristoph and her adoptive dad in a way (making her turn in falsified evidence, help cheat for gambling, etc.). Also the fact that her mother disappeared and her bio dad literally getting murdered. There's so much more that happens to Trucy like-- BRUH give her a break 😭 I just feel like maybe these reasons are why she comes off like she has to shoulder a lot of responsibilities even though she is a child. She kind of takes on the parental role of scolding Phoenix when he drinks.
Of course, I don't blame Phoenix for struggling since he was also going through shit. I just also feel for Trucy as well 😢 Not every family is perfect, which is why I like how their family is portrayed! Even though they're struggling, they still know that they love each other and can depend on each other. It's still not fair to Trucy that she has to live/deal with the adults around her's mistakes and choices. I feel like she has a lot of trauma to unpack and heal from. I think that's also important to remember as well. Phoenix may not have been the best dad, but he tries and they love each other so much 😭🤲💕💕 I just love their dynamic. Especially how quick Phoenix just jumps into the father role 🥺
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𝘽𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙊𝙪𝙩 · 𝙟𝙝86
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summary: Trevor isn’t a fan of how Jack’s changed for his girlfriend.
warnings: use of y/n, kind of angsty, more fluffy, trevor being kind of a bitter friend,
word count: 1.1k
authors note: i really liked the request prompt but i struggled to write it. to the anon who requested it i hope it doesn’t let you down 🥺
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Y/n’s laughter echoed through the restaurant, a melody that seemed to seep deep into Jack's soul. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her throw her head back, revealing the small, delicate spot on her neck where he knew her pulse would be racing. He knew if he placed his lips to it just how the noise she would make would sound. Her hair, usually pulled back into a tidy bun, had come loose and now framed her face in a halo of curls. It may have been two years since they started dating, but Jack still found himself completely and utterly captivated by her.
As they finished their dinner, Trevor nudged Jack and motioned for him to follow him to the bathroom. "Look," Trevor whispered, "I know you love her and all, but she's holding you back, man. You need to live a little, go out with all of us, have some fun." Jack sighed, feeling torn. He knew that Trevor was his best friend, but he also knew how important y/n was to him. He didn't want to lose her, no he couldn’t lose her, but he didn't want to miss out on all the adventures he could still be having with his friends.
"Why don't you come out with us anymore?" Trevor asked bluntly. "You used to be the life of the party. Now you're just...different." Jack hung his head, unsure how to respond. "I just want you to be happy, man. I really think you're making a mistake by staying with her." Trevor opened the bathroom door and walked back towards the tables. It was purely happen chance he was even here and Jack was too. Trevor on a date while Jack was on one too.
The two boys returned to their respective tables, Jack couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in tightly churning in his gut. Trevor was on to something; he did miss going out with all their friends and having their crazy adventures. But y/n was everything to him. She made him feel loved in ways he had never experienced and supported him in everything he did. It may have only been two years, but Jack couldn't imagine his life without her now. He knew he couldn't continue like this, though. Something had to give.
That night after dinner, as the two walked hand in hand through the park, Jack managed to gather up the courage to confront his new worries with y/n. "Hey, there's something I want to talk to you about," he said, his voice barely registering over the children still playing on the playground. Y/n stopped and turned to face him, her eyes instantly filled with concern. "What's wrong, Jack?"
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I love you, y/n. I love you so much. You know that. But I feel like I'm missing out on a lot with my friends. I want to be able to spend time with them like I used to." He looked down at his girlfriend who drew in and chewed on her lower lip, clearly being hurt by his words.
"Jackie, I thought we had talked about this.. I thought you trusted me enough to know that I would never stand in the way of your friendships?. If anything, I want you to have them in your life more. You are my life, today, tomorrow, hopefully next week and further, but I want you to have a life outside of me too. I love you more than you probably think I do, but that doesn’t mean we always have to be together.” Y/n told the sweet boy standing before her. He was awestruck while she was speaking.
He looked at her, his eyes searching hers for any hint of deception. An action he instantly felt guilty for. He should’ve never let his friends inside his head. Seeing nothing but sincerity, he exhaled slowly.
"I guess I just... I just need to find a balance, huh?" She nodded, wrapping her arms around him. "I'll always be here for you, jackie. And I want you to know that I understand. We'll figure this out together."
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The next weekend, Jack and y/n arranged a "double date night" with Trevor and his newest girl. The four of them went to one of the local art galleries, something y/n loved to do, afterwards they went to a cozy Italian restaurant for dinner.
As they walked side by side, Jack was overcome with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Both had been building within him since the plans were made. For the first time since meeting y/n, he felt like he was truly experiencing something elating again.
The entirety of the night was filled with wholesome laughter and conversations about everything and anything, as both couples shared stories and experiences, and found common ground in their shared love for art and food. Y/n and Trevor even managed to strike up a conversation about their favorite artists and sport teams, which surprised Jack and made him smile. He had never really thought of his best friend and y/n having much in common, but it seemed like tonight was proving him wrong.
“Seems you picked a good one Rowdy.” Trevor snickered referring to y/n. “I’m glad you changed your mind about her Zegras. But I didn’t just pick a good one, I picked the best one. At least for me.” Jack was smitten with her and Trevor fake gagged. Earning himself a laugh from all of them.
While they finished their meals and sipped on their respective drinks, the atmosphere in the restaurant shifted ever so slightly. The lights were dimmed, and a soft, romantic medley filled the room. Jack caught y/n glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, an expanse flush of warmth spread through his chest.
In that moment, Jack realized that this was exactly what he needed: a balance between his relationship with her and his friendship. He didn't have to choose between them anymore.
As the music continued, Trevor and his date excused themselves to the dance floor, leaving Jack and y/n with a moment to themselves. She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling practically screaming out her love for him and Jack himself was flooded with a rush of his affection for her.
He leaned down, gently brushing his lips against hers, whispering a quick intimate “i love you”. He placed another kiss on her lips, meant to be soft and innocent but as their kiss deepened, the warm, content feeling of love and happiness spread throughout both of them.
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The rest of the night flew by in a blur of conversation, laughter, and dancing. They all truly seemed to enjoy each other's company, and Jack couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected gift. As the night drew to a close, they agreed to get together again in the coming weeks. Trevor and Jack said their goodbyes before everyone went their separate ways.
“Y/n?” Jack called out softly from beside her. She glanced up at him, as if to ask him ‘what?’ “Thank you for tonight. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. For us.” She squeezed his hand and smiled up at him. “I love you, I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you but I hope I keep staying lucky.” Jack brought her hand up to his lips placing a quick kiss to the top of it.
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strwberri-milk · 3 days
heya~ can i request a LnD school life au for xavier? popular x unpopular reader pls😫 i’ve been looking for smt similar everywhr🥺
i love school aus sm thank you projection
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Xavier is popular but in an understated way. Everybody knows him but nobody really knows how to talk to him. He's quiet and prone to falling asleep in class but somehow he manages to perform perfectly in class. He keeps to himself most of the time, not unfriendly with people, just a little awkward.
You were the new kid in school - nobody really paid attention to you and since you transferred in the middle of the year nobody really wanted to introduce you into their own, already established groups. When you saw Xavier sitting alone you thought it was finally your chance - you could make friends with another loner.
He was surprised that somebody else was talking to him and not seemingly intimidated - he was used to that sort of behaviour - and quickly recognised you as the new student.
The two of you quickly bonded over shared interests, others around the school beginning to hear about how he finally seemed to warm up to somebody. They weren't happy that you had suddenly just appeared and swooped in to "steal" their so called prince, leading to some people beginning to subtly antagonise you instead of just ignoring you.
You didn't notice, chalking all the incidents up to accidents. Nobody knew who you were of course so it made sense that they wouldn't notice you as they ran down the hall to meet their own friends, or accidentally steal your unassigned assigned seat. You didn't want to make a big deal out of anything and end up drawing more attention to yourself to make things even worse.
You were glad when it suddenly stopped, deciding once again to chalk it all up to coincidence. People seemed to smile at you as you walked past, happily going up to Xavier and telling him about the good news. He smiles happily at you too, offering you a snack as the two of you head off together to go home. He's not going to tell you that it's because he started subtly snubbing people who were being mean to you, making it clear that if anybody messes with you he doesn't want anything to do with them.
The two of you become as thick as thieves, Xavier considering you to be one of his only close friends. It comes as no surprise to anybody when he finally asks you out, the two of you quickly becoming the it couple at school. You honestly couldn't care less about that perceived status. All you cared about was walking home with Xavier and making plans for your future, the two of you practically attached at the hip as you spent as much time as you could together.
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darlingsfandom · 15 hours
hi! I actually am obsessed with your Cillian AUs... could you do a dilfy cillian? Like a dad's best friend type thing? Can literally be anything... Smut, fluff or both!!! Thanks!
Hi!! Really 🥺🥺? That’s so sweet💕
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TW: Swearing, p in v, unprotected sex, cream pie!
“Son of a bit-“ You yelled as the front door slammed behind you.
“Language !” Your father yelled from the kitchen.
“Come on lad, she’s a grown woman now, let ‘er swear, she’s clearly upset.” You recognized that voice. You walked into the kitchen to find your dad making dinner while his best friend sat at the table talking to him. Cillian had been your dad’s best friend since they went to college together. Cillian was always around while you were growing up and it did start as something innocent: a school girl crush! However the older you got the worse it became. As far as he knew you were just his best friends daughter!
To be fair you had went to Cillian for some advice that you’d never ask your father! You asked him about how to have your first kiss, how to tell if a boy really likes you, is smoking as bad as everyone makes it out to be? Of course Cillian always did his best to answer because he understood why you wouldn’t ask your father these things.
“What’s got you so upset?” Your father asked as you stood in the door frame with your arms crossed over your chest.
“It’s nick!”
“Who’s nick ?” Cillian asked.
“Her ex boyfriend ! You two split over a month ago, why are you still talking about him?” Your father never liked him because of how he treated you.
“The son of a bitch had the nerve to call me and ask for me back! But that’s because the girl he cheated on me with and left me for went and cheated on him with his best friend, who just so happened to be dating my friend !” You pinched the bridge of your nose before making your way to grab a drink.
“You didn’t take him back did ya?” Cillian asked as you plopped down in the chair across from him.
“Listen I’ve done stupid things but I’m not stupid enough to take that fucker back!” You sighed before opening your drink and taking a sip.
“Good! Now do me a favor, keep an eye on dinner. I gotta pee.” Your father walked out of the kitchen leaving you and Cillian alone.
You took another sip before a soft sigh left your lips. Cillian leaned back in his chair before he got up and stood next to you. He opened his arms and you knew what that meant. You stood up and wrapped your arms around him while he wrapped his arms around you. This wasn’t the first time he comforted you. There was the time you were going on your first date but got stood up! The time you came home crying because a group of boys called you ugly! When you were getting ready for prom and your date canceled last minute so he took you instead! Cillians always been there for you, but now that you’re almost pushing thirty it feels different. Cillians sixteen years older than you and it’s been harder lately to find a man like him.
“Ya know, yer to good fer these boys to be breakin yer heart .” Cillian kissed the top of your head while rubbing his hand up and down your back.
“That’s because they’re not you.” You mumbled before looking up at him with soft eyes. His eyes went wide before he focused in on you. He placed his hand against your cheek and rubbed circled with his thumb.
“Then why haven’t ya asked?” Cillian lifted your chin with his index finger and leaned in close enough to breathe against your lips. You breathed hard before leaning in to close the gap. His lips were plush and wet as you moved yours against his. It was like having a first kiss all over again, the butterflies in your stomach swirled, your hands ran over his back and your knees went weak. You could’ve kept your lips on his but as you went to pull away slowly, you ended up pushing him off because your father had come out of the bathroom whistling.
“You two catching up ?” He asked as he went back to making dinner.
“Yeah.” You huffed before storming out of the kitchen.
“What’s that all about?” Your father asked.
“Probably still upset about tat ex of hers.” Cillian shrugged before looking out the door way only to find you standing there biting your lip. “I tink I’ll go check on her make sure she’s okay.” He slowly made his way out of the kitchen until he was with you at the bottom of the stairs. You grabbed his hand and lead him to your bedroom.
“Very different tis time, last time ya had pink ponies everywhere.” He chuckled.
“I was a little girl than Cillian.” You rolled your eyes playfully before sitting on the end of your bed. Cillian sat down next to you and grabbed your knee. You leaned back in towards him and pressed your lips against his. Cillian cupped your face with his free hand while moving his lips against yours. Desire ran through your body while you climbed into his lap to which he held your hips to help keep you balanced.
“We shouldn’t do this…” He mumbled into the side of your neck while leaving open mouthed kisses “I’m old enough to be your dad! I watched you grow up!”
“And yet you’re still here!” Your nails dug into his arms. Cillian looked at you with lustful eyes. You grabbed the bottom of your shirt and took it off to show him your bra to which his hands instantly reached around to uncollapse it . His eyes went wide looking at your nipples and all you could do was grab his hands and place them on your breasts.
“Fuck baby, you really did grow up.” His fingers slowly massaged your tits making you moan quietly. You watched his fingers move to your nipples and the way you pulled of them made your skin covered in goose bumps. “Such beautiful tits!” His mouth slowly wrapped around one nipple while his fingers toyed with the other nipple.
“Oh Cillian! It’s feels so nice.” Your hand ran through his hair.
“If you think tat feels good honey, wait until I’m licking tat pussy of yours .” Cillian kissed your breasts all over before making his way up your neck and up to your lips. He slowly pushed you back against the sheets before grabbing your waistband on your shorts and pulling them down. “Oh sweetie, look at tat, I’ve barely touched ya and ya got a big wet spot on yer panties, naughty girl!” He hooked his fingers into the side of the fabric and pulled them down to expose your soft hairy pussy to him. “Look at your pussy honey, looks good enough to eat.” Cillian laid on his stomach , hooked his arms around your thighs and slowly licked up your folds as he kept eye contact with you.
“Fuck! Cillian!” You whined holding your own tits. You watched as his tongue disappeared into your pussy. Cillian started slow to get every inch of you swirling his tongue around to coat his tongue in your sweetness. He hadn’t had such delicious pussy in awhile. Last time you seen him he was getting his divorce finalized so this was fine, even if you had dreamed about fucking him while he was married both of you knew better .
“That’s it, feels so good sir!” Cillian perked up at the nickname before burying his face deep inside your pussy, his nose brushing your clit, a small bit of his hair fell in his face as you devoured you. He smirked as you ran your nails through your hair, feeling his tongue lap over your folds made your thighs twitch.
“Good girl!” He mumbled inside of you before pulling back. The sudden loss of his tongue made you whine.
“Aww do you miss my tongue already sweetheart?” He teased you before climbing on top of you so he could kiss you. His tongue slipped into your mouth and you swirled your tongue with his. “I got something better for ya, something I tink ya wanted for a long time.” You watched as he moved back enough to unzip his pants, push down his boxers and pull out his fuzzy cock.
“Oh my god!” You grinned ear to ear as your mouth dropped when Cillian stroked his fat cock.
“It’s all yours honey.” Your legs spread open eagerly as he moved closer to you. Cillian teased the head of his cock against your folds before slowly pushing in.
“Fuck!” You cried out before Cillian put his hand over your mouth.
“Shh sweetie, don’t need yer father finding us. Don’t think he’d like seeing his little girl getting stuffed with his best friends cock!” Those words shouldn’t have made you as wet as they did. You nodded slowly before Cillian pushed his cock all the way in you making you gasp against his hand.
“Knew it would be a good idea to keep me hand over yer pretty mouth.” His cock stretched you in a way you’ve never felt. “Fuck sweetie, are you sure yer not a virgin anymore ? Yer pussys so tight.” You nodded. It’s true that you did loose your virginity your first year of college and have had a few hook ups here and there, plus Nick but he never even made you cum in the first place.
Your thoughts were gone in seconds once you felt Cillian slowly pull out and push quickly back in. He held his hand over your mouth as he thrusted into you. You whined against his hand while he grunted above you. It was everything you had fantasized about, the way he fucked you like he cared for you, the way he groaned as he looked into your eyes, he’s always been your dream man.
Cillian used his free hand to reach between your bodies and rub your clit as he picked up the pace on his thrusting. Your legs instantly went up and wrapped around his waist as your eyes rolled back.
“No no sweetie, keep your eyes open!” He gave you a small smack with the hand he had over your mouth. “Want ya to keep eye contact when I make ya cum on me cock honey .”
You laid there with your legs around his waist as he shifted slightly to get in a deeper angle. He was hitting a spot you’ve never felt before. A small whine left your lips as Cillian pounded into your pussy. He was a grunting mess above you as his mouth hung open, eyes glazed over and balls deep inside of you.
“Fuck me sir! Fuck! Your cock feels so good inside of me! My pussy was made for your cock.” You moaned quietly as he took away his hand to pin you down so he could drill into you harder.
Both of you had that look in your eyes, your bodies felt like they were on fire! His movements were getting sloppy as his fingers on your clit went harder making you grip the sheets with your hands.
“Dats it honey , cum on me cock, be me good girl ya? Show me how good ya really are!” He teased you as the coil in your body snapped causing a soft scream to leave your lips. Cillian covered your mouth again as he watched your creamy orgasm coat his cock. You kept eye contact with him as your orgasm washed over you. His own orgasm followed yours! He came with a loud grunt and coated your cervix with the sticky liquid .
“Fuck, ya really are a good girl, letting me cum in her pussy. Could knock ya up!” He chuckled before pulling out to admire the creamy substance that coated his cock and fuzz. Before he could fully get off the bed, you were moving as fast as you could to wrap your mouth around his cock.
“Oh ya nasty girl too? Go ahead, clean your mess.” He smiled at you while running his fingers through your hair slowly. “How’d I get so lucky to have such a sweet and nasty girl?”
“You’re talking like I’m your girlfriend Cillian!” You giggled before giving his cock a final kiss and sitting up on your knees.
“Well ya did say earlier that those little boys ya been tryin to date weren’t me…”
“Is that your way of asking me out?” You smiled while grabbing your hands.
“Of course it is, how could I not ask ya out ?” He stroked your face slowly before pulling you in for another kiss. “But uh let’s not tell yer father right away don’t wanna kill the ol guy.” He chuckled as you nodded along.
This has to be a dream come true, this is all you wanted from Cillian : to be his! And you got what you’ve always wanted, Him.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 8 hours
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Summary: While responding to a multi-car pileup, Carlos is involved in an accident that leaves him fighting for his life. A/N: This was a request from @rubinsteinsilva126. They requested: I’d want a Carlos Whump story! Carlos getting injured, riding in the ambulance that TK responds to the call of, and then TK later holding Carlos in the hospital bed because Carlos was in pain and needed comfort 🥺 (Also, they requested this almost a literal year ago. So I am no longer taking requests because I am clearly bad at following through on them! 😂)
Read on AO3
T.K. does not want to be at the scene of a multi-car pileup. T.K. doesn’t want to be at work in general today. What T.K. wants is to be at home, in his bed, with the covers pulled up over his head, his moody playlist blasting in his ears.
But unfortunately his work schedule doesn’t care about his feelings in the slightest and instead he’s arriving in an ambulance at said multi-car pileup in the middle of the highway.
And his husband is here. Because of course he is.
T.K. spots Carlos directing traffic around the accident as soon as they pull up in the rig. Usually this would be a delight. Usually he would smile and wave and feel a rush of joy at seeing Carlos during a call. There’s something special about working together to save lives. 
But today he is not thrilled.
“Oh look, there’s Carlos,” Nancy says as they jump down from the rig and start gathering supplies. “Are you going to go say hi?”
At that moment Carlos sees them, his eyes locking with T.K.’s. Neither of them smile and after a second Carlos looks away, focusing on directing a blue Toyota around the mangled mess of cars.
“Well that seemed a little frosty,” Tommy says as she steps up next to them.
“Frosty? That was downright arctic,” Nancy says, eyeing him curiously. “Trouble in paradise?”
T.K. shifts the backpack on his shoulders, annoyed at how the straps are already digging into him after only a few seconds. “Carlos and I,” he says testily, “are in a fight.”
“Well that explains it,” Nancy says with a roll of her eyes. “You’ve been grouchy all day.”
“No I haven’t,” T.K. snaps back at her in annoyance. The only thing worse than being pissed off at your husband is having your friends point out that you’re pissed off at your husband.
“Sweetheart if looks could kill we’d both be dead,” Tommy says gently. “Several times over.”
“Well I’m—” T.K. huffs, “I’m mad at him.”
“Yeah that doesn’t mean the rest of us should have to suffer,” Nancy says. “What are you so mad at him about?”
T.K. turns his hands into fists, squeezing them tightly as all the feelings of the last twenty-four hours bubble just underneath the surface of his control. “He keeps turning the thermostat down.”
Tommy and Nancy both blink at him. When they don’t speak he presses on. “I turn it up and the next thing I know I come back out and it’s turned down again. It’s like he doesn’t even care about climate change at all!”
“Haven’t you two lived together for like, a long time now?” Nancy asks. “Shouldn’t you have worked out the temperature of your living space at this point?”
“We had to replace the thermostat last week,” T.K. says. “It’s all different now.”
“I understand that must be frustrating, but I’m not sure it’s worth having a fight about,” Tommy says.
“That’s not the only thing,” T.K. continues. “It’s the pillows.”
“The pillows?” Nancy asks.
“He buys allllll these throw pillows and puts them all over the place, but guess what? Are we allowed to touch them? Lean on them? Use them for what they’re intended for? No. Why? Because they’re ‘decorative’ and if I lean on them they’ll ‘lose their shape.’ Isn’t that insane? Why do we have them if we can’t use them?”
“Okay, yes, that does seem kind of annoying,” Tommy says, but T.K. is on a roll, and now that he’s started airing his grievances to the public he can’t seem to stop.
“Also he got his hair cut too short last time!” he gripes, glaring at the back of his husband’s head.
“Um, his body his choice dude,” Nancy says.
“I know that!” T.K. says with a scowl. “But he knows how much I like his curls and he didn’t even tell me he was going to do it, he just showed back up at the loft looking like a sheep after shearing!”
He can hear the words they’d hurled at each other even now, as if he’s reliving them.
T.K. had come out of his shower, still toweling off his hair when he’d heard the whoosh of the AC system kicking on. Eyeing the thermostat on the wall he’d sighed. “Seriously Carlos?” he’d said, turning to look at his husband, who was reading in their bed.
“What?” Carlos asked in confusion.
“You turned the thermostat down. Again.”
“Yeah…” Carlos said slowly. “It was getting stuffy in here.”
“You know that air conditioning is a big part of the issue with our carbon footprint.” This shouldn’t have been a big deal to him, but T.K. had come from a meeting grumpy and in the mood for a fight.
Carlos set his book down and scoffed. “I don’t think using the air conditioning that was built into our home long before we moved in is that big of an issue T.K. We live on the top floor. Heat rises. It gets warm up here without it on.”
“Then open a window.”
Carlos bristled, rising to the bait T.K. was laying out for him.“It’s ninety five degrees outside! The air is so stagnant out there it’s like opening an oven door! Why are you freaking out about this?”
“I’m not freaking out, I’m just asking you to think about the environment and our electric bill!”
“Our electric bill is fine! What do you want me to do, plant a tree every time I turn the temperature down a degree?”
“That would be a start.”
Carlos rolled his eyes. “It’s my home too T.K. I should be allowed to have a say in it.”
“Oh, like I have a say with the throw pillows?” T.K. snapped.
“That’s totally different!”
“How Carlos? How is it different? You want to use the air conditioning, I want to use the throw pillows. It’s exactly. the. same.” He gestured sharply with his hand to emphasize his point.
“Because the air conditioning doesn’t lose shape and color when you lean against it! I picked them all out, I’d like them to stay nice so that when people come over they don’t look like shit!” Carlos’ eyes flashed dangerously, a sign that he was well and truly pissed off.
“You think our friends are judging us for our misshapen throw pillows? Wow you really are a control freak.” 
“You don’t care if our friends think our home is nice?”
“I really don’t.” That wasn’t true, but it felt good to say it in the moment.
Carlos rolled his eyes.“Okay. Sure. Next time we have game night we’ll just let our all friends sit against lumpy, flattened pillows.”
“Do you not hear how insane that sounds?!”
“Oh, is it as insane as keeping mealworms in our refrigerator next to our food so they last longer?”
T.K. gapes at him. “You said it was fine!”
“I said it was fine. I didn’t say I liked it,” Carlos said, his lips pressing together into a thin line.
“So you’d rather Lou II starve? Is that what you want?”
“No, of course not T.K.! It is unbelievable to me that you would even say that after all I’ve done for that stupid lizard!”
They’d gone on for another fifteen minutes before descending into frosty silence after T.K. declared he hated Carlos’ new haircut. Both of them refused to move to  the couch so they laid angrily next to each other until they fell asleep. The silence had persisted through the morning as they readied for work, ending in a terse, “Love you, be safe,” from both of them before they headed out the door.
“You’re comparing your husband to a sheep?” Tommy asks, an amused smile on her face.
“Yes!” T.K. gripes. “And that’s not all. He also—“
There’s a screech of tires and a car, a silver Honda, pulls out of the line of vehicles that are waiting to pass the accident and tries to zoom around them. Time slows and T.K. sees what’s about to happen and realizes there’s nothing he can do to stop it.
The Honda clips Carlos and sends him spinning, his body whirling like a top before he collapses to the ground, unmoving. 
“CARLOS!” His husband’s name tears from his lips and T.K. is running before he can think, feet flying over the ground to reach Carlos’ side. He skids to a stop and drops to his knees, backpack falling to the ground beside him.
Carlos is flat on his back, eyes wide, mouth gaping as a harsh, rasping sound escapes from his chest. He looks shocked, terrified, and T.K. can tell his own face is a mirror of the same horror. “Carlos, Carlos, hey, hey talk to me,” T.K. babbles out, hands hovering, afraid to touch, all his training completely gone from his mind as panic takes over.
“T.K.” His name comes out on a whimper and T.K.’s heart shatters inside of his chest. He’s never heard Carlos make such a terrible sound in his entire life.
The world around him feels like it’s moving through sludge, everything slow, muffled out of focus. The only thing he can see is Carlos’ pained expression. And then there are hands on T.K.’s back and everything snaps into real time as Nancy and Tommy join him on the ground.
“T.K. back up,” Tommy says sharply. “Give us some room to work.”
T.K. shuffles back awkwardly, hands clenching into the knees of his uniform pants to stop them from shaking. 
“Carlos, baby, where are you hurting?” Tommy asks as she takes scissors to Carlos’ uniform shirt.
“My…chest…” The words barely come out, strung together on forced gasps that sound terrible and painful. “Leg…”
“He’s not moving air,” Nancy says, a stethoscope pressed to Carlos’ chest. “I think it’s a pneumo Cap.”
“Okay, we’ll have to decompress him,” Tommy says. “Grab the kit. And a splint, he’s got a tibia fracture in his left leg.”
“On it.”
It’s all moving so fast, everything a blur, and T.K. is struggling to keep up with it all. It doesn’t feel real, this can’t be happening. Not to them. Not now. Not again—
“T.K. come hold his head,” Tommy orders.
In hindsight he’ll wonder if she really needed his help or was just giving him something to do so he didn’t come apart at the seams on the asphalt of the highway, but in the moment he does exactly what she asks without question, his hands, cloaked in blue gloves, cradling Carlos’ head just above the c-spine collar they’ve put on him to keep his neck stabilized.
Carlos’ terrified eyes look up at him, boring deeply into his own and T.K. should offer some words of comfort, tell him he’s going to be okay, that they’re taking good care of him, but he can’t. The words won’t come.
He can tell when they finally shove the needle into Carlos’ chest, feels relief when air hisses out and Carlos takes a huge breath. “That’s it, keep breathing Carlos,” Tommy says as Nancy slips an oxygen mask over his face. “You’re doing great. Just relax and let us take care of you.”
She glances up her eyes finding T.K.’s and usually he would grab onto the calm he sees in them, but he can’t right now. His spirit feels wild, like it’s been torn loose from his body and is whirling around in an uncontrollable storm. “T.K., you with me?”
“Yes,” he rasps out. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Good. Because I’m going to need your help getting him onto the backboard.”
They roll Carlos on and then get him into the ambulance. Later T.K. will find out the entire event took less than ten minutes. In the moment it feels like hours. 
T.K. sits in the back of the ambulance with Tommy as Nancy drives. He watches as Carlos’ body finally starts to relax, morphine doing its work as it drips into his veins. 
He looks up into T.K.’s eyes and it’s only then that T.K. realizes he’s crying, his eyes a darker brown color than usual that only comes when tears are falling. T.K. reaches down and carefully wipes them away.
“I’m—“ Carlos’ voice is breathy and muffled behind the mask, but he pushes the words out anyway, “—sorry.”
T.K. shakes his head his own tears falling now, droplets landing in his lap and soaking into his pants. “You don’t need to be sorry,” he says, brushing a hand gently through those short curls that he said he hated last night and now he loves more than anything in the world. “I’m sorry.”
T.K. nods. “As soon as we get to the hospital and you’re checked in okay?”
Carlos’ eyes close and T.K. thinks the medicine and the pain have finally pulled him under, but then the blinks them open again, and they spear him with a terrified intensity. “Scared.”
Oh god. Oh god this is going to break him. “I know you’re scared,” T.K. says, clearing his throat when his voice cracks and resuming brushing his fingers gently through Carlos’ hair. “But you’re okay. You’re stable and we’re almost to the hospital. They’re going to take good care of you and soon…soon all of this will just be a memory. We’ve got you. Tommy’s here and Nancy and…and we’ve got you.”
He hopes that will be enough.
Within fifteen minutes of arriving at the hospital Carlos is taken off to be prepped for surgery. That’s when T.K. finally loses it, collapsing into a chair and sobbing into his hands as Nancy rubs his back while Tommy takes over the task of calling Andrea and his dad.
“He’s going to be okay,” Nancy says, but T.K. can hear tears in her voice too. “It’s a pneumo, some bleeding, broken bones, it’s all fixable. He’ll be all right.”
“What if he’s not?” T.K. cracks out. “What if this is…what if he…and the last thing we did was fight about the thermostat?”
“T.K., Carlos knows it was just a fight,” Nancy says. “Couples have fights. About important stuff and stupid stuff.”
“She’s right.” Tommy sits down on his other side. “Just because you were having an argument, it doesn’t negate everything else. Carlos knows that. And you do too.”
“It was just so stupid,” T.K. says, sniffing and wiping ineffectually at his eyes which will not stop crying. “How could I have been so stupid?” He struggles to push the next words past his throat. “I don’t want to lose him.”
“I know,” Tommy says. “Let’s not go there yet though, hm? Let’s have faith. Carlos is strong. He can pull through this.”
Andrea and his dad arrive and T.K. pulls it together enough to be strong for his mother-in-law who needs to believe that she’s not going to watch her only son die when the loss of her husband still feels so fresh. T.K. explains what happened, interprets everything the doctor told him on arrival, discusses what the surgery will entail, and the possible outcomes. 
It’s exhausting and he takes himself off to the bathroom for another crying jag about two hours after they arrive, returning with red, swollen eyes that they both can see. Andrea immediately folds him into a hug and they stay that way until the doctor finally returns.
He reports that Carlos’ surgery went well. They repaired his lung along with some other internal damage and set his leg fracture. He’s also got three broken ribs and a concussion, but overall he’s in good shape considering. It could have been much worse.
Somehow that phrase doesn’t feel like a comfort.
Tommy and Nancy leave once Carlos is settled into a room. He’s very out of it, the sedation and heavy pain medication taking a severe toll on his ability to stay awake. He manages a hello to his mom and Owen before lapsing back into sleep again. It’s brief, but it goes a long way toward reassuring them all that he’ll be okay. 
His dad heads out after that to grab some things from the loft so T.K. doesn’t have to spend the entire night in the hospital in his uniform and Andrea decides to go to the chapel for a little bit. T.K. is grateful for the space.
He sits in the chair next to Carlos’ bed, picking at a stray string on the cuff of his shirt. God he fucking hates hospitals. They’ve spent more time inside these walls the last few years than any human should have to. If he never has to come here again it will be too soon.
The croak has him snapping his head up to find Carlos struggling to open his eyes, pain lining the tension in his limbs, the darkness of his eyes, the creases of his forehead. He has medication onboard, but it’s like his body still knows how broken it is, even if he can’t fully feel it.
“Hey.” T.K. sits forward and forces a smile that feels like it’s straining his face. “Hey baby.”
Carlos swallows, the pain mixing with confusion in his eyes. “Am I—?”
“You’re okay,” T.K. says. They filled him in the first time he woke up, but it’s clear that it didn’t stick. “You were in an accident. Your lung was collapsed and you have a broken tibia and some ribs, but you’re going to be okay.”
Carlos nods, his eyes closing briefly as if he’s struggling to take it all in. “I’m okay?” Carlos asks, like he’s really not sure.
“Yes,” T.K. says firmly, reaching out to cover the back of his hand. “Yes, you’re okay. It’s going to be a long recovery, but you are okay.”
Carlos’ next breath is shaky and full of tears. “I’m not—I don’t want to leave you.”
God damn it just when he thinks he can’t cry anymore. “You’re not leaving me,” T.K. manages to choke out, squeezing his hand. “You’re not—you’re not dying. I promise baby. I promise.”
“I love you,” Carlos is crying in earnest now, like he has absolutely no control over his emotions. “I love you. I’m sorry.”
“Shh,” T.K. soothes, sliding the chair closer so he can run his hand up and down Carlos’ arm. “There’s no need for sorries.”
“I wasn’t safe.”
“It wasn’t your fault.”
Carlos swallows hard like it hurts him to do so. “Do you want some water?” T.K. asks and when Carlos nods he helps him sip a little bit.
When he’s done he licks his lips and meets T.K.’s eyes. “We can turn the thermostat up.”
T.K. chokes out a laugh, his eyes still damp with tears. “I don’t care about the damn thermostat.”
“I don’t want to fight anymore.”
“Me neither.” T.K. grabs a tissue and uses it to gently wipe the tears from Carlos’ face. “We’ll bring in a neutral third party to deal with the thermostat setting. Paul can do it.”
Now Carlos manages a small huff of a laugh. “And we can use the throw pillows.”
“Thank god,” T.K. says, trying to lighten the mood. “I was ready to sign the divorce papers on that one.” He reaches up and brushes a hand through Carlos’ hair. “And I love your hair. I love all of you. All the time. Any way you are.”
“I love you too.” He shifts a little bit, trying to get more comfortable. “Was my mom here?”
“She’s in the chapel. I think she needed some time to herself,” T.K. says. “My dad was here too. He went to grab us some stuff. If there’s anything particular you want from home I can text him.”’
Carlos shakes his head. “Just you.”
“I’m here,” T.K. says immediately. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Thank you.” Carlos closes his eyes and a shudder runs over his frame.
“Are you cold?” T.K. asks. He knows all too well that blood loss brings on a special type of chill. One that settles into your bones, that you can’t get rid of no matter how hard you try.
“A little,” Carlos says, shivering again and then letting out a small, pained sound as the movement jars his injured body. “Can you…can you hold me? Please?”
He shouldn’t. There’s barely any room in the hospital bed. And Carlos is covered in bandages and IV’s and the cast on his left leg. But honestly, T.K. needs some physical reassurance as much as his husband does right now.
So he carefully maneuvers himself into the bed, moving so slowly that it’s almost painful, tucking himself up against the railing so that his touch against Carlos is practically featherlight. “Why don’t you try and get some sleep,” he says quietly, running his fingers gently over Carlos’ stomach in a soothing motion. 
It always helps Carlos sleep to have his back rubbed, but this will have to do for today. He watches as the tension slips out of his husband’s body, sleep pulling him down and T.K. breathes out. They’ve survived. Again.
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hoodharlow · 2 days
Trials and Tribulations
AN: idek 😭😭😭 I was fighting for my life trying to make this happen. There was smut but it the vibes weren't it. Also Jack gif by @harlowgifs. Alsooooo Daisy doesn't exist in this universe
Requested? No
Warnings: mentions of violence (self defense and assault, nothing too graphic), mentions of stalking, mentions of abuse of power, vomit and Jack being 🥺🫂
Word Count: 6.5k words
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Jack was about to text Miriam that he was going up her elevator when he spotted her tipping a food delivery driver. She saw him as well and waved. Jack picked up the pace and caught up to her. 
“Hey,” he said, giving her a side hug. 
“Hi, I'm so sorry for bothering you. You probably had better things to do tonight.” Miriam said. 
Clay had left for LA to work with an artist for a few weeks. But before he left, he was helping Miriam with a song for the Barbie soundtrack. She thought they had until July to send in the final product. Then earlier in the day she got a call for Greta Gerwig herself saying that she had until the end of the day to send in her song. She would've flown out to LA to meet up with Clay but she couldn’t because she had a home game the next day that she couldn't miss. 
A lot was riding on this game for her. Her dad had let her know that there were going to be scouts for the women's US team as this year was a world cup year for the women's league. This game could determine if Miriam finally gets to play with some of the best soccer players in the world. Four years ago was her first chance but it got ruined because of one of the coaches from Berkeley. That coach was also why she ended up playing in Brazil for the first two years of her professional career. As far as she knew, that coach was out of the picture and nothing stood in the way of her dream of playing at the world cup. 
It was a good thing that she procrastinated on her song because it was distracting her from thinking about the game.
“Also don't worry, I'm going to pay you for this.” Miriam added as they entered her private elevator. 
Jack shook his head, “Bro, don't worry about it. I'm doing you and my brother a favor.” 
“No, you're getting paid. This is more than just a favor for me. This song is going to be in one of the biggest movies out this year. You're getting paid and getting credit. Don't even think about arguing with me.” She pointed a finger at him.
“How about you just give engineering credit and we call it even?” He suggested. 
“Miriam, I'm not arguing with you about this.” He said sternly as he pulled out his phone. 
Miriam swallowed hard and simply nodded. There was something about that tone that made her stomach drop. She looked at the receipt of their take out in hopes that it distracted her from the pool she felt in her panties. Thankfully the ride up wasn't long. She led him down the hall to her penthouse. She slipped in her key and pressed a code. The door unlocked and Miriam opened it for them. She closed the and locked it, reentering the code. 
“Don't tell me you have a laser alarm too.” Jack teased her.
 “My parents made me install all the extra locks since I live alone and all that. It was this or my old bodyguard would have to be in the apartment next to mine.” she explained. She handed him the food and pointed behind her. “Here, help yourself to any drinks in the fridge. I'm going to change real quick.” 
Jack nodded. He placed the food on the kitchen island and grabbed a water bottle. He texted Clay as he unloaded all the portable things he and Clay used for when they worked on music on the road. 
Miriam emerged from the hallway in Jack's Ear-X-Tacy hoodie and a pair black Ugg slippers, showing off her toned legs. Jack averted his eyes away from her ass and focused on setting up. He typed in his Dell laptop that he used for for producing, configuring the program to what Clay sent him for the song. 
“Aren't you going to eat?” She asked him, as she straddled the dining table's bench. 
“I ate when I was with Larissa.” He said, not looking up from his laptop. 
“Oh my god, you were on a date?! I feel even worse. I'm so–”
“One, I wasn't on a date, especially with Larissa. She's a friend and nothing more. I don't want anything more with her.” He cut her off, making a cringe face. “And two, stop apologizing for me wanting to help you. I haven't seen you in the last few weeks since we've been busy. So I'm glad I'm helping you so we can spend time together.”
“Oh.” She said quietly. 
Miriam's cheeks flushed. She nervously fluffed her bangs then shoved a forkful of noodles before she could say anything else that could potentially embarrass her. She looked at Jack's screen and frowned.
“Wait, I think Clay sent you the wrong configurations.” She pointed out as she passed him her phone unlocked. “I took pictures of the ones when we were at your studio. They should be the first few in my camera roll. You can look through my phone. I'll go get the hard drive.” 
Jack took her phone and pressed the camera roll. He saw the first picture and locked her phone, placing it face down on the table. The picture was a selfie of Miriam in his hoodie and a lavender lace trim thong. He rubbed the palms of his hands in his eyes, cursing. 
“You alright?” She asked him.
“Uh, the first picture was of you only…” he gestured to the hoodie.
Miriam looked at him confused. She unlocked her phone and was met with herself half naked. She also placed her phone facedown. She forgot she got home and took a bunch of selfies in Jack's hoodie. She took a few making silly faces and peace signs but then they got more explicit. She was going to delete them but forgot. She was so exhausted that night from an early morning practice to spending the rest of the day and evening holed up in Jack's studio. 
“I don't even know what to say. I didn't…those selfies…” She tried to explain.
“We can pretend like I didn't see anything.” He said.
“That would be great.” Miriam nodded, letting oit a nervous laugh.
 Jack leaned in a bit closer to her. In a hushed tone he said, “off the record you did look good in my hoodie.” 
“Thanks.” she smiled softly.
Jack cleared his throat. “So the configurations…”
Miriam showed him the actual picture and they got to work. Mainly Jack was the one working. Miriam was still learning about producing and what really goes into song making so she just watched him. It was impressive to see Jack in his element. While he was just clicking around on his computer, adjusting the recorded instruments and Miriam's singing, it showed how meticulous he was and how much attention to detail he paid to make a song good on a technical level. 
At one point Clay briefly got on facetime with them to explain to Jack what he wanted. Then he went back to his own work. Miriam then got in contact with Greta Gerwig and the movie editors. They liked what Jack had done and when he finished polishing up the song, they were sending it over. 
“I think this is it.” Jack finally said after working in silence.
Miriam sat up and leaned in. “No way! You're fucking amazing! Thank you so much.” 
She threw her arms up and hugged him. Jack hugged her back, bringing her closer to his lap. So close she may as well just straddle him. They slowly pulled apart but still held onto each other. Jack cleared his throat. Miriam turned her head, only inches away from his. Her eyes drifted down to his lips and back to his blue eyes. 
Before anything could happen, the doorbell rang followed by a bark. Miriam cursed as she scrambled off Jack. She tugged down her shorts and opened the door. 
“Roni!” She exclaimed, hugging a golden retriever.
“No pos yo valgo verga.” Her dad mumbled as he trailed inside with a dog crate and medium sized suitcase. That was when he noticed his youngest wasn't alone. “Harlow?” 
“Hi Mr. Dominguez.” Jack waved from the table. 
Roni, the golden retriever, heard Jack's voice and wandered inside to sniff him out. He approached Jack cautiously and stuck its nose onto him. It leaned down and barked happily, wagging its tail. Roni then laid on his back. Jack reached over and scratched Roni's tummy. 
“Jack was helping me with the song for Barbie.” Miriam told her dad.
“We just finished it, so I should get going,” he said. 
“Are you sure?”she asked.
“I still have to pack for Vegas. We fly out tomorrow in the afternoon, but I want to have my morning free.” Jack explained. 
“If you're not busy in the morning you can join me and Miriam for some drills.” Mateo said. “I rented out an indoor soccer field a few hours before Miriam's game.” 
Jack's face lit up. “You mean like I can train with you?” 
“Papi, he just said that he wanted his morning free.” Miriam sighed. 
“I'll make time.” Jack waved her off.
“Okay now that el cabron is settled, I should get going. I have reservations for dinner with Isabela.” Her dad said. 
Miriam frowned. “Mami's here too?” 
“Yeah, we're staying at the 21C Hotel. I just came to drop off my baby.” He shrugged.
“I thought I was your baby.” She mumbled. 
“Isa is waiting for me.” Mateo said, ignoring what she said. He leaned over and kissed Miriam's forehead. “I'll pick you up tomorrow.” 
“Bye.” Miriam said. 
“I'll see you tomorrow at seven a.m. sharp.” Miriam's dad said before closing the door behind him.
Roni huffed and climbed on Miriam's bisexual velvet green couch. Miriam made a mental note to vacuum brush him so his fur wouldn't get all over her couch. 
“I'm all packed up.” Jack said, tugging on the strap of his backpack. “I saved everything on the hard drive and got a copy for myself just in case. I sent it to Clay as well. If you need anything just text me.”
“Oh, okay.” She said, trying not to sound disappointed. 
She was hoping that they could hang out for a little longer, maybe watch a movie. But she understood that Jack had a pretty busy schedule and she shouldn't be getting in the way. 
“I'll see you tomorrow before I leave.” he reassured her.
“I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but please don't come to practice. My dad's really tough when it comes to drills and all that.” Miriam said.
Jack gave her a pointed look. “Miriam, I was on varsity all four years of high school and I've been playing indoor soccer for years. My team won our league division. I'll be fine.”
Jack was exhausted. He'd been in the indoor soccer field with Miriam and her dad for over three hours. When Mateo asked him if he wanted to train with him and Miriam, Jack wasn’t expecting a full on scrimmage with drills. Especially since Miriam had a game later tonight. Hell, before they even began running drills, Mateo made them run ten laps around the perimeter of the indoor field. He was ready to tap out right then and there, but he wasn't going to let Miriam tell him ‘I told you so.’”
Mateo blew his whistle. “Five minute water break.”
He jogged over to Miriam's mom, who was sitting on the stands typing away on her MacBook. 
Miriam walked over to Jack and sat on the turf next to him. Jack laid on the ground and groaned in pain. 
“Don't even think about saying it.” He winced.
“Do you need tiger balm?” She asked, trying not to laugh.
“Not at the moment.” He said, pushing himself up. 
Jack looked over to Miriam and she hadn't even broken a sweat yet. She was in a sports bra and her soccer shorts, but she looked ethereal in them, like she was going to shoot a sportswear ad and not that she'd been playing for two hours. 
He could help but admire her. She was toned all over but she still looked delicate. Miriam carried herself with grace and elegance but when she played, she morphed herself into a different person. She was one with the ball and field. One thing he noticed was a scar on her left side near her middle of her ribs. It was the size and shape of a men's soccer cleat. 
“What?” Miriam asked, looking at Jack confused. She followed his eyes and covered up her scar by folding her arms over it.
“Hm?” He responded back.
“You've been staring at me for a minute straight.” She giggled. 
“Sorry, I zoned out.” He apologized.
“Oh, no worries.” She waved him off. 
They both sat in awkward silence. The only sounds were from Roni chasing down his toy lobster and Miriam's parents being all giggly in the stands. Roni trotted over to Miriam and pushed her on the ground. He pounced on her chest then plopped his lobster toy on her face.
“Roni, get off.” Miriam gasped.
Jack reached for the toy and tossed it across the field. Roni took off running after it. 
“Where did his name come from?” Jack asked. 
“One of my dad's friend's dogs had puppies and he gave them away. Another friend named his puppy Teo after my dad so my dad named ours Roni after his friend.” She explained. 
“Who's his friend?” He reached for his water bottle. 
“Ronaldinho.” Miriam shrugged casually before sipping her water. 
Jack choked on his water in response. 
“Don't act so shocked you met him too.” She laughed.
“How do you know?” He looked at her confused. 
“I went to his birthday party with my dad last year. I was expecting you to come up to my dad but you didn't. Which I get since Anitta was your date and all.” She said casually. 
“One, Anitta wasn't my date; she was the only personI knew and who spoke English. Two, I did say hi to your dad but I wasn't going to be all up on him. I can't have him think I'm obsessed with him.” He explained. 
“But you are obsessed with my dad.” She pointed out. 
“But he can't know that.” He said in a duh tone.
“Oh, of course not. It's not like you jumped at the first chance to play soccer with him.” She said sarcastically. 
Jack rolled his eyes, “You're a smart ass, you know that right?” 
“It's one of my many assets that people love about me.” she smiled. 
“What are the others?” he asked.
“You should've scrolled on my camera roll yesterday and seen for yourself.” Miriam smiled sweetly. 
Jack was silent, confused on what she meant. 
Mateo blew his whistle and jogged to the goalpost. Miriam got up and dusted off the black and green bits of turf off her shorts before going to him. Jack did the same and went to them. 
For the rest of the hour the three of them spent it on working on Miriam's penalty shots. One of her weakest skill sets. She was good for assisting in clearing a way for the ball to reach the goal. She scored obviously but she always felt more comfortable battling it out. She felt an immense pressure when it came to penalty shots. She got in her head and would freeze up, kicking the ball in the most predictable direction or she'd miss completely. 
After packing up their things, Miriam’s parents left for their hotel to freshen up for lunch. Miriam had a team lunch so she wasn’t going to see her parents until the game. So that left Jack and Miriam in the parking lot. They stood by Miriam's car talking. Jack was getting picked up by Urban so they were waiting for him to come and get him. Roni was sleeping in Miriam’s car with the AC turned up all the way. 
“Make sure to stretch. You’re going to be sore later.” Miriam said. 
“I’ll be fine.” Jack waved her off.
“You were out of breath three laps in our warm up.” she laughed.
“I don’t have the stamina for running laps.” He said defensively.
“What do you have stamina for then?” she asked him.
He smirked in response. 
“If only there was a way for you to prove it.” She gave him a coy smile.
Jack took it as his sign to go for it. He leaned down and kissed Miriam. She melted into him. She stood on her tippy toes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, deepening their kiss. Jack pressed himself against her and slowly rutted his hips. He swallowed Miriam's desperate moans and wrapped one of her legs over his waist. He slipped his hand in her shorts, gripping the fleshy part where her ass and thigh met. 
A loud honk startled them. Jack looked over his shoulder and saw Urban with the largest ‘I told you so’ smirk. He flipped his best friend and turned back to Miriam.
“When I get back from Vegas, I’ll take you out on a proper date.” He told her. 
“Okay.” Miriam smiled. 
He leaned in for another kiss but Miriam curved him.
“As much as I want to stay here and keep kissing you, I should get going. My mom probably checked my location and is going to call me, wondering why I haven't
“Okay,” he nodded. “Drive safe and text me when you get home.”
“I will.” She kissed his cheek.
“Wait,” he pulled her arm back and gave her a proper kiss. “Okay, I’ll see you when I get back. Don’t forget to kick some ass later.”
Jack took a step back but Miriam pulled him back. She held his cheek and kissed him. 
Times like this Urban wished he carried a spray bottle. He pressed on the honk for ten seconds then pressed it short spurts. Miriam’s dog popped his head out from the window and barked at Urban. Eventually Jack and Miriam pulled away. That was when Urban stopped. 
Miriam fluffed her curls and waved at Urban. “Hi, Urban.” 
“Are you done dry humping my best friend?” He smirked. 
Jack was getting in the car and smacked Urban. 
“For now.” Miriam said. “Have a safe flight.” 
She got in her car and adjusted the AC so it wasn't too cold. Miriam waved to Jack and Urban as she drove off. She was on cloud nine and nothing could ruin her good mood. All she needed was to play her game and get recruited for everything to be perfect. 
It was half time. Racing Louisville was winning by two goals. One of which Miriam scored. She snuck into one of the bathroom stalls in the locker room and checked her phone. She'd been messaging Jack the rest of the day until she had to get ready for her game. The last thing she sent him was a silly selfie of her in his hoodie. He responded with a Tom from Tom & Jerry where he ascended to heaven after passing out. 
She decided to respond with one of the explicit selfies she took in his hoodie. Jack responded immediately with ‘are you trying to kill me fr’. Miriam frowned. He should be on his flight to Vegas by now. He could have wifi on his flight but something in her gut made her think this wasn't the case. 
‘Are you still in Louisville?’ She sent him.
‘Yeah, the jet reserved for us wasn't available anymore. My managers are trying to work something out. Congrats on your goal though.’ He replied. 
‘I can ask my dad if you can borrow his jet. My parents don't leave until later in the week.’
‘Don't worry about it. We'll figure it out. Focus on your game.’ 
Miriam attached her dad's number. ‘Here's my dad's number just in case. I'll text you later.’ 
She walked out of the stall and went to wash her face in the sink. 
“Miriam, guess who I saw!” Larissa yelled. 
“Jesus,” Miriam jumped back, clutching her phone to her chest.
“Hey, focus.” She snapped her fingers in Miriam's face.
“Don't do that.” She pushed Larissa's hand away from her face.
“Well pay attention. Guess who I saw.” She grinned.
“No clue.” Miriam said, dabbing her face with a paper towel.
“Couch Garrett, remember him. Apparently he's one of the coaches for North Carolina.” Larissa said. 
Miriam's stomach dropped hearing Coach Garrett. “I have to talk to my dad.” 
She pushed past Larissa and rushed out the locker room.
“Miriam!” Her dad approached her.
“He's here! He's not supposed to be here.” Her voice trembled. Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I can't play. He–”
She rushed to the closest trash bin and threw up. Miriam flinched, feeling a hand rub her back. She looked to see who it was. She let out a choked sob when she realized it was her mom. Miriam wrapped her arms around her. 
“Beto already alerted security and the coaches. He's technically permitted to be in the premises.” her dad said in a defeated voice.
“I want to go home.” Miriam said in a small voice. 
“But–” her dad began.
“Teo, my daughter's safety is more important than some soccer game.” Isabela snapped at him.
“No, I should play. I shouldn't have to cower and not live my life. This is important to me.” Miriam said, pushing herself off her mom. She wiped her face. “I should go.”
“Miriam…” her mom began. 
“I'll see you guys in a bit.” 
Miriam gave them her best fake smile. She kissed her parents’ cheeks and went to meet up with her teammates. She reassured her coaches she was fine to continue playing. She went to her spot on the field. She looked over to where her old coach was. 
He was sitting in the back with a few players from the other team. They gathered around him all smiling and talking animatedly. He looked toward Miriam's direction. Their eyes met and he gave her a soulless smile. She averted her eyes and focused on the game. 
The referee blew their whistle and the game continued. Miriam couldn't concentrate. She kept making simple mistakes. She missed the ball and one of the other team's players took the ball from her. They scored. Then they scored once more. By the end of the game Racing Louisville ended up losing 3-2. 
It was the worst Miriam played and she once played with a fever and without her contacts. She went to the nearest trash bin and threw up once more. She took a sip of her water and swished it around her mouth before spitting it out. 
A man in a suit and a woman in a pantsuit with the US Women's team logo on the jacket pocket approached Larissa. Miriam watched as Larissa's face lit up. She nodded and shook their hands. The scouts didn't talk to anyone else. 
“I got recruited!” Larissa squealed.
A few of their teammates congratulated her but the rest exchanged looks. Truthfully Miriam was surprised Larissa got recruited. She'd been injured half of the time and for this game she only played for five minutes. Besides Miriam, there were more qualified players to have been picked. Despite that Miriam was happy for her friend. From their Berkeley days to now, Larissa had improved by a lot. 
“Okay, time to line up.” Their head coach said. 
For home games, the coaches lined up first followed by the team captain and the goalie, then the rest of the team in numerical order. Since Miriam was number 80, she went to the back. The visiting team lined up the same, but with the coaches in the end. 
As the line went down, Miriam realized she was going to have to shake hands with her old coach. If someone didn't shake hands with anyone from the opposing team, it was viewed as disrespectful. But Miriam couldn't bring herself to do it. At the last second she put her hand behind her back. 
She felt a rough pull back. It was her coach. He gripped her wrist and tried to open her hand to shake it. On instinct Miriam punched him with her free hand. He let go immediately but tried to reach for her again. One of the stadium's security guards grabbed him. 
Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. Beto gently grabbed Miriam and escorted her away. He took her to the medic room. Her parents were bickering on the opposite end of the room. When they saw her, everything resumed to its normal speed.
“Mi niña.” Isabela gasped, wrapping her arms around her.
Miriam hissed in pain. She clutched her wrist. It was bright red with his hand print burnt on her skin. The knuckles of her other hand were covered in blood. The medic treated her hands. The blood on her knuckles wasn't hers so that hand was fine. Her other hand wasn't sprained but they wrapped it up in a bandage to prevent it from worsening.
The security that pulled her coach off her was at the door with an actual police officer. Mateo and Beto walked out of the medic room to talk to them. The officer came into the room and asked Miriam to describe the events of the altercation. The officer kept pressing her as to why the coach would act like that towards her, irritating Miriam. 
“I used to hook up with his fiancé. At the time I wasn't aware. Okay?” She snapped. 
Her mom rubbed her arm. “Maybe we can come into the station and finish the report some other time.” 
“No, I just want to get this over with and go home.” Miriam said. 
She answered a few more questions for the officer. After what felt like an eternity they finished up. The officer had the nerve to ask for a picture with Miriam's mom. Isabela gave him a dirty look and walked out of the medic room. 
Miriam went to the locker room and gathered her things. It was pretty empty by the time she went. She turned off her phone and slammed her locker shut. She rested her forehead against the cool metal of the locker door. She took deep breaths to center herself. As she walked out, a few straggling teammates hugged her and offered their support. They didn't know for what, but they still wanted Miriam to know she was loved and appreciated by them. 
She followed her parents to their rental. They gave Beto Miriam's keys so he could follow them in her car. Miriam curled up in the backseat. She silently cried the entire drive home. Once she was in her home, she went to shower. She sat on the shower floor and cried. 
Her day started out amazingly only to end in one of the worst ways possible. 
Jack rubbed his temple as he listened to Larissa talk his ear off. 
“Please, this is the only favor I'm asking you for.” She pleaded. “I made the US Women's team and I want to celebrate.” 
“Riss, if I make the call, I have to go. And honestly, I'm not really up for it. Plus it'll be a huge slap in the face for my fans that went to Vegas. It'll look shitty if I'm seen at a club when I just canceled a paid gig.” Jack explained. 
“You're so lame.” She scoffed. 
She hung up on him. Jack rolled his eyes and tossed his phone his bed. 
Obviously he was happy for her, but she had to think for two seconds. Jack knew it would cause a lot of backlash for him if he was out partying. He felt like shit because he'd never canceled an appearance or a concert in all of his career. He also felt uncomfortable about how Larissa talked about Miriam. When she called him she vented to him about how Miriam took the spotlight away from her at the game. According to Larissa, Miriam was jealous that she didn't make the team and took her anger out on their old college coach. Because of that all the sports pages were talking about Miriam and the coach and about Larissa. 
It just didn't make sense to Jack why she would twist it like that. He watched a live stream of the game and he saw when the coach got physical with Miriam and she defended herself. Urban was watching with him and even he was disgusted with how the coach manhandled Miriam. 
Jack reached for his phone and texted Miriam. He'd been trying to check in on her in the last few hours, but everything went to voice-mail. He wanted to make sure she was safe. She was safe in the grand scheme of things, but he wanted to hear it from her directly. He didn't know why the coach reacted like that, but he knew Miriam didn't deserve it. He even called Clay to see if he knew anything, but his brother was just as unaware as he was. 
He grew more impatient so he got dressed in some comfortable clothes and grabbed his keys. He drove to Miriam's place. He checked in with the doorman, but he didn't let Jack go. He held up his finger for him to wait. He called up to Miriam's floor. A few nods and an ‘of course’, the doorman let Jack upstairs. 
When he reached the floor, he was met with Miriam's bodyguard. Jack had seen him a few times but he usually was a few feet away and never talked to him. He slipped inside and seconds later he came out. Beto walked down the hall and entered the other penthouse. 
The door opened, revealing Miriam. 
“Hey, I know this is late but I just wanted to check–”
“Do you wanna come in?” She asked.
“Sure.” Jack nodded. 
“What happened to Vegas?” She asked him, leading him to the living room.
“We tried getting a different jet but nothing was able to accommodate us.” He said.
“Oh, I'm sorry.” Miriam said. 
“It happens. Sometimes things just don't work out for the best.” 
Roni got up from his crate and sniffed Jack. Then he went back to lay in his crate. 
“Do you want anything to drink or eat? I have a bunch of stuff. Or we can order in and–” Miriam's voice cracked. 
She'd be trying her best to not cry in front of Jack. But she couldn’t hold it in anymore. Miriam wrapped her arms around Jack. He hugged her back. She immediately broke into sobs. Jack let her cry it out. He rubbed her back as she clung to him. A few minutes passed and Miriam relaxed. She pulled away and rubbed her face. 
“I'm so sorry. That was–”
“Don't apologize for feeling things. You were hurt and have every right to feel upset, Miriam. You didn't deserve it.” Jack said, brushing a few curls off her face. 
“Can we talk about something else?” She suggested.
“Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich? I've been told that I make a mean sandwich.” he offered her. 
“Okay.” Miriam nodded. 
She led him to the kitchen and showed him the sandwich and salad drawer in the fridge. It was filled with all sorts of deli meats, cheeses, condiments, sauces, spreads, and veggies. Jack picked the basics: white cheddar, mozzarella and shaved parmesan cheese. He also grabbed a jar of mayo. 
“Where's your bread?” Jack asked, carefully rummaging through her fridge. 
“In the pantry. Where else?” She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. 
“Oh you're an outside bread person.” He said in a fake judgemental voice. “Don't tell me you also put your ketchup in the fridge.”
“That's what the bottle says.” Miriam said defensively. 
“If you say so.”
Miriam went into the pantry and grabbed a loaf of sourdough she bought at the farmer's market. She also came out with a box of bagel chips. She handed Jack the bread and reached for the goat cheese she had near the butter. She sat back and snacked on them. She fed Jack some cheese and crackers while he prepared his cooking station. 
“This tastes expensive.” He said after trying a piece of white cheddar.
“I don't know. I bought it at Whole Foods.” She shrugged. 
“I rest my case.” He mumbled. 
Miriam tossed him a cracker, making him laugh. Their eyes met and they shared a soft smile. 
Jack focused on their sandwiches. He basically put his reputation on the line. He placed some butter on a skillet to melt while he spread mayo on both sides of each slice. Then he carefully layered on the cheeses. Once the sandwiches were assembled, he carefully carried them to the stove.
“I was hooking up with his fiancé.” Miriam blurted out, making Jack drop the sandwich. 
It landed on the skillet but most of the cheese fell out.
“Who?” Jack asked.
“My coach.” She said, shamefully. She didn't look up to Jack's eyes. She concentrated on the wrapper the goat cheese came in. “I didn't know when we first started seeing each other. She told me she was single. The natural thing was to believe her. She was doing her PhD in kinestheology at Stanford. So we didn't see each other that often to form an exclusive relationship. So we settled on friends with benefits. When I didn't have a game or whatever, I'd order her an Uber to come visit me.” 
“How long were y'all together?” Jack asked.
“About seven months during my third year of college. It wasn't until a team banquet with all of my teammates, our families, the coaches and their families towards the end of spring semester that I found out. Coach Garrett brought her as his plus one. He made a joke about it being forbidden love because she went to Stanford and we were at Berkeley. I pulled her aside and confronted her. She made up some bullshit excuse and tried to make me feel about confronting her.
I was confused for a while. She was technically the most serious relationship with a woman that I ever had. The other girls I've been with usually hook ups that fizzled out to flings. They never lasted. With Carly, it was different. Before finding out she was with coach Garrett. We talked about starting a life together, moving in, and all that. I eventually ended it. I couldn't be the other woman, no matter how much she tried to make me think it was okay. 
But that was when it took a turn. Carly wouldn't leave me alone. I'd see her everywhere. The final nail was when she showed up to my grandma's house when I was visiting her and my dad's step-dad. Dom called the police. It was a shit show. Coach Garrett had to bail her out and that was when he found out. 
Practices were a pain in the ass after that. He would tell the other coaches I was being difficult and they wouldn't let me play. Then one day I stayed late to work on some drills on my own. And that was when he…” Miriam sniffled. “Sorry.” 
Jack reached for her hand and gently rubbed her hand with his thumb. “You don't have to share if you don't want to. You don't owe me anything.” 
“I know, but I want to.” She said. She cleared her throat. “He saw me and decided to confront me about it. I tried to ignore him but he got closer and all up in my personal space. Then he grabbed me like he did today. But back then he threw me to the ground. I knew a bit of self defense so I was able to kind of protect myself. I tried running, but he caught up to me and threw me to the ground. He stomped on my ribs, fracturing two of them. That was when Beto showed up and tackled him to the ground. I passed out and I woke up in the hospital.
I made my whole statement with the police. My parents got me a five year restraining order. Coach Garrett ended up transferring to a different college for my fourth year at Berkeley. He has a lot of connections through his dad. They were also able to hide the restraining order from his record. It was still active but there was a loophole that we could be in the same premises as long as he didn't approach me. Then when it was time getting recruited for professional and club teams, he got me blacklisted. I didn't get drafted into any teams here or in Europe. My dad eventually pulled some strings and got me in a team in Brazil. But yeah that's pretty much it. My parents flew back to LA to have a judge reinforce the restraining order.” 
Jack was quiet. He couldn't figure out what to tell her. He was angry at the coach for hurting Miriam. She didn't deserve any of it. 
“You wanna know what the cherry on top is? According to Larissa they got married and had a kid.” Miriam laughed dryly. 
“You didn't deserve any–”
“I went through years of therapy.  I heard it all. It's just not something I share with anyone, but I trusted you enough to. You probably want to run for the hills. I totally understand if you do.” 
“You can't get rid of me that easily. I appreciate you trusting me enough to be able to share that.” Jack said.
“Okay change of topics, how are those sandwiches coming along?” Miriam asked, looking at the stove behind Jack.
“You gotta be patient.” He said in his customer service voice. 
While the sandwiches cooked, Miriam helped Jack clean up around the kitchen
 She also got them drinks from the pantry. Jack plated up their sandwiches and followed Miriam back to the living room. They ate in silence as they watched the original White Men Can't Jump. When they finished eating, Miriam placed their dishes in the sink. She grabbed a blanket and placed it over them while they watched the rest of the movie. 
Miriam curled up against Jack. Her legs draped over his thighs while he had an arm around her back. Their eyes met. Miriam took it as a hint and leaned in but Jack moved his head. 
“As much as I want to, not today.” He said.
“Okay.” She nodded. “Can you still spend the night with me?” 
“I was hoping so. I got really comfortable on your couch. I might visit you more often just to nap.” He joked.
“Only to nap?” She arched an eyebrow. 
“Among other things, but for tonight, we're watching tv and sleeping.”
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nicherayyy · 2 days
Niche!! Im glad to see u back!! How are you doing?
I had this scenario in my mind about La Squadra x child reader and im sorry if my asks are too much but I love the way you write this entire concept so much, i rlly hope you don’t mind if I share some of my scenarios and thoughts.
There was this video , the closest I could find to the original (besides that annoying robotic voiceover, I apologise )
I thought it was so cute because I can only imagine this w Pros. Imagine receiving a crumb of this mans affection😭 Like ofc he tries to look professional, even at home, but for his kid?? I think he would appreciate it, especially if reader is not really the cuddly type as they get older. Maybe there will be a pat on the back or head, or a genuine smile, letting you know that even if you get older he will still love you the same. He will still fight for you, protect you and root for you- because you are his child. I like to imagine Ghiaccio too- he would try to ask what you are doing as you simply settle against him, just wanting to show some affection. he won’t complain once he realized what you were trying to do- on the inside he is like 🥺. You are his kid and he will not deny your hugs, wrapping his arms around you and leaving the laptop he previously worked on aside- even if Formaggio or Illuso come barging in, teasing him and all, he will make a note to beat them up later-but for now he will enjoy this moment between you two (Cue these two idiots wanting hugs too, but you will never catch Illuso alive saying that)
Hiii! I’m doing great, thanks for asking <3
And no, I absolutely love this type of requests, so don’t worry abt it!!
Okay so here’s the hcs
Teenage Reader hugging their Father Figure from La Squadra
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Oh yes, Risotto Nero. Stoic leader of the most feared assassin group
And a loving father
Just imagine this tall, intimidating man cuddling his child😭💔
And of course, as reader was younger, they used to cuddle all the time
Reader returned from school? Cuddles
Reader is getting ready for bed? Yeah, could someone (*cough cough* Risotto) give them a cuddle?
So yeah, reader is basically a cuddle bug
But after some years of course, cuddles became a rare occurrence
(Which Risotto was very sad about)
But he understood, maybe reader just didn’t want to, or think that cuddles are for children
So when teenage reader just crawled into Risotto’s arms just like in old times..
The man literally melted
Immediately hugged reader back
He didn’t even realise how much he missed this😭
“If I’m too heavy I can stand up”
“Please don’t”
Literally so happy
With Prosciutto it’s a bit different
Of course, even after reader got older he still gives them some pats on a head and words of encouragement
I mean, it’s his child, he loves them to death
But still, he wasn’t an affectionate type of parent
And when reader crawled into his lap he immediately got still
For a few seconds he didn’t know what to do
“Is it okay? If you don’t want to cuddle—“
“I do want to cuddle”, he hugged reader back
Okay let me tell you Pesci is so sad when reader stop wanting to cuddle
Like.. why don’t they want to cuddle?
Did he do something and now reader hates them?
Where’s his cuddly baby?😭
But he made peace with it after some time
I mean, reader is a teenager now
And I guess it’s not so cool for teenagers to hug with their dad
So when reader just randomly hugged him..
He cried
And of course hugged reader back
“Wha- why are you crying?”
“I’m just *sob* so happy”
Melone is a cuddle bug himself
Like he LOVES to cuddle
It’s his favourite way to show people that he cares for them
So when his child got older and stopped to cuddle he was really sad
He knew it was normal, reader got older and maybe they just stopped liking this type of affection
And of course he didn’t expect to get a hug from them when he was working on his laptop
The speed with which he put aside all of his tasks😭
Mf was over the moon with happiness
“You have no idea how happy I am right now”
Okay I believe Ghiaccio won’t tolerate any cuddles
Unless those cuddles are from reader
I mean they’re his child, why wouldn’t he want cuddles from them?
But of course he won’t show it
Imagine reader crawling into his arms and he’s like:
“What are you doing?”
Even is he’s just sitting on the couch with poker face, he still will hug reader back
And if someone (*cough* Formaggio *cough* Illuso) tries to tease him about it.. well Ghiaccio would handle it later
Let’s just hope this someone has enough time to stay frozen
Speaking about Illuso
I think he like cuddles
But he rarely initiates them
Of course he loves giving his child affection, only he prefers to show his love with words or gift giving
But still he would appreciate the hug from reader
“Oh so you still love your old man? How sweet of you”
The same as Melone, Formaggio is a cuddle bug
But let’s be fr, he loves all types of affections
Pats on the back, words of encouragement, you name it
He always initiates cuddles with reader
And he’s got kinda used to the fact that only he initiates them
So when reader initiated hugs first—
He immediately hugged reader back
And I mean this tight bear hug
Definitely won’t let reader go for a few minutes
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willowser · 8 months
god i'm so tempted to take the pro hero reader fic and turn it into support item engineer reader........it spans your friendship with bakugou for eight years........
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 days
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mobius in season one // loki in season two (insp)
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blujaydoodles · 1 year
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thinkin about pre-campaign Elyss and the early days with the Darkwind Regiment 😌
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bunnyb34r · 10 months
Thinking ab my middle school special interest (one of many) which was roller coaster and water slide pov videos shdhdhdhdh like I would spend hours watching them and learning ab how fast they go, where they are, what their copys of
Like "Patriot" at Worlds of Fun is just "Raptor" from Cedar Point with a red white and blue color scheme and theme where as Raptor is green and black/purple with a raptor/beast theme. They're both owned by Cedar Fair. There's MANY clones in cedar fair parks and they will sometimes just remove an attraction from a park and move it to another, sometimes rebranding it.
Also sometimes they will just repaint an old ride and completely rebrand it by changing one thing. Like the Mantis ride was a stand up coaster at cedar point and it is now Rougaru (idk if that's the spelling) and I think they only changed the color (yellow to orange) and the seats bc it's no longer a standing one :( which I'm sad ab bc I wanted to ride it but was too scared to.
Oh! And the little tips ab the rides like Gemini (a duel track coaster where one track has a red car and the other is blue and you "race") and how the red one is usually the one that wins
And like when people point out stuff like "at the top of [coaster] if you look to the left right before the drop you can see [attraction/place]."
I really liked watching those before a trip to the waterpark or amusement park sgdgdg and then when I'd go on the rides I would know what would happen which was exciting like ahh here it comes!
Anyway agdgdgdg I just had a big memory of that and had to info dump ab it real quick 😅
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euphor1a · 2 years
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look who’s our b'day boy today 🥺;; my baby, my angel, my star, he really tried to look angry, but he ended up looking like the “🥺” emoji 😭🌸🥺🌈✨🦊🧚🏼‍♂️🍒
#junnie 🦊#i love him so much it hurts 😞💘#happy yeonjun day everyone 💞#i fell in love head first from the moment i saw him in runaway mv </3 no one’s surprised bdfhghdgh#he’s chaotic and all (literally my polar opposite) but he’ll always be my kpop comfort boy 🥺💗#junnie has made me smile and laugh in times i thought i was incapable of doing so :(#i also re-watch his old vlives because i’m in love with him and watching him gives me so much peace and happiness </3#more than often i feel the urge to just go *nom nom* but sometimes i simply want to throw my hands at him... let’s not talk about that tho#i want to be all wholesome and lovey-dovey today#if my heart is imagined as a large home... i’d say yeonjun is that guy who’s everywhere. like; he has never stayed in a specific place#+ since the day he entered. why? well... the love i hold for him is kind of like a rushing river from the mountains.#however i’d say that the water is gentle despite it’s rush to meet the sea or maybe another river.#he’s the type of person who gets more and more lovable as you get to know about him 🥰#and the river in my heart reaches the nooks and crannies i didn’t know existed in the first place...#loving him is like walking barefoot on the grass and bathing in the early rays of the morning sun#the calming sound of the river flowing by and some unknown bird singing sweetly can also be heard#i hope he is always happy. no matter what happens. i hope he knows that he is so so loved.#i wish i could hug him and tell him how much he means to me ☹️#choi yeonjun... you’re light years away from what people think/say about you.#i love him :(#didn’t wanna cry but is anyone even mildly surprised?
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sohya · 5 months
men are simple creatures like they're soooo
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rosicheeks · 1 year
hi rosi! well, i was the anon from yesterday or whenever about the fantasy about being with you and read all your tags so like...i guess i'll be an emoji anon! i'll decide by the end of the ask which ill use i guess lmao. how was your day? i kinda wanted to ask like, so i guess you just go in your car and hangout at parking lots or whatever a decent amount, is that just to get some alone time? i forget what your current living situation is. also like what do you do for fun?! i know your a lil weed girly and you do your art (which i love btw, i want to try and buy a piece next time i get some kind of spare money) but is there anything else you like to do? i hope you had a good day whenever you get around to answering this<3 (btw i wanna smooch you i am telepathically kissing you right now) - 🎤
Hi hi hi!! Welcome 🎤 🫶💖
My day was pretty good! How was yours lovely? 🥰
Hmmm why I chill in my car is kinda complicated tbh. But I guess the main reason is so I can smoke and just kinda relax and enjoy myself ya know?
Yes yes yes I am a lil weed girly 🥰😇 and I do love my art (any sort - painting, photography, coloring 💖, scrapbooking, trying to get back into drawing)
I’m also a huge music nerd! I went to a performing arts high school and trained in vocal music. Learned a bunch of music theory and did a buuuunch of voice lessons. My goal was to be an opera singer but life had other plans.
Other than that I’m kinda boring. Just like chilling and watching shows (occasionally movies but I’m a sleepy baby so I usually fall asleep pretty fast).
#ok ok ok let’s get a lil more detailed shall we 😇#I usually reply only in the tags but I KNEW I was going to run our way too fast so I needed to say the basics up there (which felt weird 😂)#I had a pretty good day so far ngl! I was there for moral support for my friend (ended up taking forever but everything turned out good)#now I’m just chilling in my car for the night 🥰#as for why I spend so much time in my car - at the beginning of the year I had to move back with my parents#pls don’t get me wrong ​I’m super grateful to have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in… its just not the most comfortable place#the main problem I have is not being able to smoke anymore (I used to be able to smoke inside at my last place so it’s just an adjustment)#I was hoping to be able to smoke out on the deck downstairs but my dad didn’t like that either#so I just chill in my car and smoke in here and watch and color and paint#I mean another reason is I’m a night owl and my dad sleeps in the living room (due to health problems) and I don’t wanna wake him#I guess long story short is I’m more comfy in my car than in my room which is sad but true#not to mention I live in the basement and there’s so many spiders ☹️ if you didn’t know this about me - I’m terrified of spiders!!!!!!!!#thank you so much for the compliment on my art 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I wish I could give you a big hug!!#absolutely no rush trust me I understand not having the cash for extra things (also by the time you’re ready maybe I’ll have more available)#but yeah like I said other than weed (which can be paired with anything tbh 😂) and art - music is my other love#i sing all the time (especially when im alone haha) and one of my fav things to do is watch mouthdropping talented performers#usually they’re broadway based but they can be all types of genres…. I just usually lean towards the ballads#the songs that have lyrics that hit your heart and music that warms your soul - the ones that make me sob uncontrollably 😂#I have a feeling I’m running out of space sooooo enough about me!! how are you?! how was your day?? tell me more about you?!#I noticed you picked the 🎤 …. do you sing??? or did you just randomly pick it?#omg!! I felt your kiss 😳 I’m telepathically sending you kissies right back to you 🥺🥺🥺#thank you for the ask 🥰🥰#I’m shocked I still have room???? like you’re telling me this isn’t 30 tags? ok sounds good#I’m super proud of myself tho#usually I run out of room SO fast and then I get sad cause I either have to redo it or not say everything I wanted to#anyway I hope you have such a wonderful day/night 🥰😘😘#ask#🎤 anon
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dante-mightdie · 2 months
A small req? Wheree we're a milf and our incel son eventually joins the military (you choose if he joins the military or meets at a bar I ain't gaf) and meets Ghost, 141 whatever. He brings Ghost home to his basement room(or the 141 bb do whatever you want) and ghost is surprised n shi that we this incel momma when we com with snacks or something like 'get outta here mom you're embarrassing me Infront of my new friends!" Is our sons reaction or sum. And ghostie pookie excuses himself up to the bathroom to sloppily makeout with us 🥺
nobody look at me i’m foaming at the mouth
c/w: simon is kinda strange but in a weird sexy way, mentions of misogyny, talks of sex must no actual smut, housewife kink kinda
it’s no secret that your son is a nasty little misogynistic shit. everyone on base has had the experience of standing next to him on a night as out when he gets a drink thrown in his face by whatever girl is he was chatting to
they’d been there every time he dogs out in front of everyone when you visit him on base. watching your eyes well up when your son tells you that he doesn’t like your new haircut or dress, that you’re too old to wear stuff like that
simon tried not to judge, appearances can be deceiving. perhaps you’re not all smiles and baked goods, maybe you’re an awful mother behind the scenes. he really tried. until he found out the real reason your son treats you like shit…
“she made my dad leave. he told me after they divorced that she wasn’t giving him what he needed, that’s why he had to go and get it somewhere else.” your son finally admitted one night after going through half case of beer
simon felt his hand tighten around his bottle as your son continued to ramble about how you were always busy with shit jobs. waitressing, cleaning or retail. he spent most of his childhood never getting all the latest toys and clothes because you could never afford it, too busy catching up on late bills to make sure there was a roof over both of your heads
“she’s so selfish.”
‘fuck being non-judgmental’ simon thinks. this kid doesn’t know how lucky he is. having a such a lovely mum like you, never losing your patience with your son even when he treats you like dirt. always trying to greet him with a hug or kiss just for him to push you away. begging him to call when he’s away just so you can know your boy is safe :(
“sounds like your mad at your mum for being the one that stuck around, lad.” price buts in, shaking his head with a small laugh.
you had been a topic of discussion the night after your first visit to the base. the product of a few glasses of bourbon shared between simon and john
“did you see the new recruits mother? fuckin’ hell, if I were 10 years younger I’d be all over that.” price admitted, adjusting his hips as he leaned back in his desk chair. simon let out a small grunt of agreement, having thought about this since he first laid eyes on you
simon had come to the conclusion that you both just needed a good man in your life. your son needed a father figure that would actually stick around, he could tell by the way your son looks up to him and the captain, eager to impress them
and you. oh, you. with your sweet, simple dresses and adoring smile. simon wishes you’d smile at him like that. all that cooking that your son lets go to waste could go to him instead. you could cook his favourite dinners for him and take care of his house whilst he’s away at work, whipping the boy into shape. teaching him every thing that your sack of shit ex-husband clearly didn’t
he’d be so good to you too. he knows it’s been a while since you’ve had a man to take care of your needs. he sees the way you nearly drool as you watch him running laps around the field, tatted arms on display. he’d spit you open so nicely on his cock and he knows you’d take him so well too, your pretty cunt would he creaming all over him
he soon takes advantage of this knowledge, subtly convincing your son to invite him over to your home on leave. dropping some story about how his flat is getting some work done and that he only lives 20 minutes from you both. your son was quick to offer the lieutenant a place to stay, telling him that he could take your room. that you could sleep on the couch for a couple weeks.
‘we’ll share the bed.’ simon thinks, but he doesn’t dare say it to your sons face. can’t have this little brat meddling with his plan
his arrival is clearly a surprise to you from the way you rush about shortly afterwards to start scrubbing the house top to bottom, rattling off apologies about the state of everything. simon quickly shuts down any offer of him taking your bedroom
“keep your bed, love. I’ll take the sofa.” he grumbles, sipping the tea that you made for him whilst your son rolls his eyes from the other side of the kitchen
he can see the way your eyes look at him with this longing. he knows it won’t take much to get you into bed. poor thing that hasn’t had anyone to look after her for years
he spends the next few days proving to you that he can provide. helping you carry anything heavy, drying the dishes after you’ve watched them, fixing the handy jobs around the house
you’re constantly praising him, focusing your love and attention towards him instead of your ungrateful son and the boy hates it. which is just the cherry on top, simon thinks
“your mother is so lucky to have a son like you. you must help her around the house all the time!” you coo, fidgeting with your skirt
“my mum passed away… jus’ me left out of the whole family.” simon admits, solemnly
“you poor thing, I’m so sorry. you’re welcome here anytime…” you gasp softly, placing your delicate hand on his arm and squeezing the muscle of his bicep gently and simon is ashamed to say it made his cock twitch against his thigh
“thank you, sweetheart… such a lovely girl, aren’t you?” he smiles behind his mask, reaching over and wrapping his arm around your waist. he pulls you against him, putting one hand over your mouth to keep you quiet as he hoists you up onto the kitchen counter
he squeezes his large frame inbetween your spread legs, leaning forward to look into your widened eyes
“been so good to me, love. taking care of me. such a good mum to your son, ya just need a good man to be a wife to, don’t you?” he says, pushing your skirt up your lap and revealing your thighs to him
he feels your thighs squeeze his waist, an aroused reaction from you. your body slumps into his with a natural submission that makes his cock ache. he lowers his hand and hooks his mask over his nose, revealing the scar running over his lip
“s’alright, darling. ‘m here to look after you now. me, you and the boy will be a nice happy family, yeah?” he says with a small smirk. leaning forward to mould his lips against yours before you can answer
he hears the little whimper you let out as you kiss him back, a little sloppy and inexperienced from years of being single, too busy with your son and work to date
but that’s okay because simon’s here now. ready to claim his family.
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