#you don't need to watch every movie play every game listen to every song
gender-euphowrya · 1 year
why is the go-to reaction people have to calls Not to consume media involving super problematic people always "i'll pirate it :)" just don't fucking do that either
how do you fucking find the ability to enjoy the thing knowing the fucked up shit the people behind it did.
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jiminsfirstlife · 3 months
random svt headcanons
mix of boyfriend hc's and random hc's. there's no theme (requests are open btw pls send me stuff T.T)
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gives u money to go shopping
loves when u trace ur fingers over his back tattoo
doesn't like letting u drive (wants u to be a passenger princess)
loves watching u play with kkuma. especially when u don't know he's watching
has crazy bed hair
has mild road rage
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smokes/vapes with you
loves couple rings but he won't wear them in public
randomly buys u gifts if he sees something that reminds him of u
will let u choose what u both get for dinner
teaches u his skincare routine
if he shows you a movie and you guess the plot twist/ending, he'll lie and tell u that ur wrong
uses your shampoo
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LOVES couples jewellery
will take photos for your instagram (and vice versa)
always comforts u <3
stares at himself in the mirror for 10 minutes every morning
teaches you how to play guitar (will sing while you play)
makes bracelets for u
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loves quality time
will sniff his armpits when nobody is looking (lowkey loves the smell)
always talking (either to you or himself)
loves visiting his friends that have pets (is debating getting a dog of his own)
loves cooking for u
loves making jokes.. but he'll laugh mid-sentence and end up taking 5 minutes say the entire joke (he ends up laughing more than u do)
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blushes every time u give him a compliment
very affectionate
messy eater. he'll walk around with food on his face without realising
his wardrobe is bigger than urs
never washes his jeans
steals ur eyeliner
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will give u money whenever u ask (and even when u don't)
loves teaching u how to play his favourite games and is very patient while you learn the controls
makes u a couple playlist and listens to it 24/7
will wear the same hoodie for a week
laughs at everything u say
loves showing u his baby photos & loves seeing ur baby photos
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lets u listen to his demos and listens to ur feedback
will binge watch a 4 season anime within a week
doesn't like pda but he'll still hold ur hand in public
prefers to stay at home with u rather than going out on a date
practices aegyo in the mirror even though he hates it
will use you as inspiration for his lyrics
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steals your accessories
if you have a pet, he'll let your pet snuggle up to him on the bed
asks u to teach him how to use makeup (he loves when u apply it for him)
is very good with kids. he loves spending time with your nieces and nephews
loves showing you his favourite songs
loves matching outfits
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bed hog...
always smells good (will share his cologne/perfume so u smell good too)
loves pda (especially hand holding)
buys clothes for u
loud eater
he's a good driver but he'll drive extra cautiously if you fall asleep in the passenger seat
sometimes (rarely) sleep talks
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picks u up to show u how strong he is. "i could use you as weights"
does aegyo whenever he wants something from you
flexes at himself whenever he walks past a mirror
makes u take "candid" photos of him. he'll act like he doesn't notice you photographing him.. but after a few seconds he'll break out in laughter and beg you to start over
loves sharing food with you
will fall asleep if ur watching a movie late at night. the next morning he'll apologise promise to continue watching it later (he falls asleep again)
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loves sharing his playlists with you
gets embarrassed when you walk in on him taking selfies
loves when u pick out his outfits
sometimes drifts into his own world when he's reading a book or listening to music, but as soon as he notices your presence he'll put away what he's doing to talk with you
lover banter
takes the best/worst photos of you
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loves cuddling with you when he needs to recharge his social battery
affectionately gives you dirty looks (he thinks it's funny when u do the same to him)
constantly makes jokes in hopes that it'll make u laugh
sings in the shower
very comforting (but also loves and appreciates when u comfort him too)
randomly does aegyo and then cringes at himself
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has gone through multiple emo phases
always laughing at whatever you say
he whines when you disagree with him
keeps a deck of uno in his bag at all times just in case someone wants to play with him
takes selfies on ur phone whenever you leave your phone unattended
always asks how your day was (and gives you a recap of his)
will make fun of you, laugh at himself, and then apologise
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bakugosatoru · 10 months
My Hero Academia Comfort Headcannons
Male Characters
Requests Open!
Warnings: None Genre: Romantic Fluff Fic Type: Headcannons Fandom: My Hero Academia
Authors Note: Very self indulgent, just doing my favorites but will happily do the others or the girls if requested!
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- Immediately drops EVERYTHING if you seem upset. - Doesn't matter if he's at work, on patrol, in a meeting, he is on the way to wherever you are with your favorite snack. - Will sit and hold your hand and try and coax you to tell him what's wrong. - Just want to sit in silence? He's fine with that too! He'll happily hold you and just hum some song from an All Might movie he watched recently while rubbing your back. - If you do want to talk, he will do an amazing job listening (although he might mumble a bit after while he tries to figure out a solution) - "Hey, no matter what, I love you okay? I'm always here, whatever it is we'll get through it"
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- Wont pry if he can tell your upset, will wait for you to come to him if you need comfort. - If you don't tell him but he can tell somethings on your mind, that's when he takes matters into his own hands. - He wraps you in a large hug, trapping you against his body and softly rubs your back. - Will most likely try and get you to sit down and relax. - "Tsk, stop being difficult. Just sit and let me handle it" - He'll put on your favorite music and make you a warm drink before sitting down with you and pulling you to rest against him. - Forehead kisses, enough said. - "Whatever you need, I can do it babe. I got you."
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- "Woah woah woah baby, somethings on your mind. What's going on?" - IMMEDIATLY knows when something is wrong, its like a sixth sense. - Scoops you up and wraps you in a blanket before plopping you in front of the tv and turning on your favorite show. - "I'll be right back honey" - He runs to the kitchen and comes back with your favorite food, exactly how you like it. - He pulls you into his lap and rests his head on your shoulders while playing with your hair. - "Love you so much babe. Every day 'till the day I die"
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- Is knocking on your door the moment someone tells him your having a bad day - He's worried but tries to hide it so he doesn't stress you out. - Pulls you into a hug right in the doorway, before dragging you inside and putting on some music. - "Come on gorgeous, dance with me for a bit. I promise it'll make you feel better!" - He'll spin you around the room, dancing terribly but making sure your having fun. All he wants is to put a smile on your face. - "There's that gorgeous smile I love so much. I love you"
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-If you try to walk past him in a bad mood you will VERY quickly find yourself being pulled back into his arms by his tape. - He'll quickly remove the tape, only to trap you in his arms. - "Alright dove, you have to tell me what's going on. What can I do for ya?" - If you can't think of anything you want, he'll settle with just curling up on the couch with you so you can watch him play videogames. - During any cutscene or pause in the game, he's holding your hand or rubbing your back. - Eventually he just pulls you onto his lap, so he can hold you even while he plays, his chin resting on the top of your head. - "Tell me if you need anything baby, i'll do anything to see you happy. I love you"
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ja3mln · 1 year
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nct dream & their love language
cw: fluff, very slight smut (jeno, hc, jaemin & jisung), overall it's gn but use of the word "girl" in the dialogues (renjun & jaemin), also mention of period (mark & chenle), quick mention of food/eating (mark, chenle & jisung)
mark; quality time & act of service
mark loves spending time with you. his favorite moments are when you come to the studio and keep him company, even if you're just sitting here and watching him making music and helping him or doing your own stuff. loves taking you on improvised date like you're chilling and he will suddenly ask 'wanna go on a date?' at the most random times of the day. loves late night dates in the park or just walking in the dark streets and have late night talks. loves when you both are just chilling on your bed and you help him found the lyrics for his next song and you end up making out, mark stopping from time to time to write lyrics he just thought about; "damn we should make out more, i've never been so inspired". this man just loves being with you, whatever you're doing. mark is someone you can always count on when you need something. actually, you don't even have to ask, he will always make sure you have everything you need: he always brings something to eat when he comes over, when you text him about something you need to get later or something you need to do, he will always try to do it for you, sometimes without even telling you and be like: 'oh by the way, i got you those tampons you needed', like it's the most normal thing to do. he loves to cook for you when you had a long day or you're just too lazy, he always makes sure you're eating and resting well.
renjun: quality time & words of affirmation
renjun always feels the need to touch you, whether it's when you're out or just the two of you. when you're out, he always holds your hand or has one of his hands on your back to keep you close. he always needs to feel you besides him and make sure you're safe. when you two are alone, he loves when you play with his hand or his hair, or when you both cuddle and have small talks. he just loves quiet moments with you, when he gets to hear only your voice and your breath, and nothing else. renjun is kind of shy when it comes to expressing his feelings, but when it's about you, he just can't help but tell you how much he loves you and that he's happy to have you. he loves reminding you, and himself, that he's the luckiest to have you, saying things like, "i'm so glad to have you in my life" and "you're the prettiest girl i've ever seen". even though renjun is the type to enjoy stay-in dates, he loves going out with you but in quiet places like small coffee shops or flower gardens where he gets to hold your hand, have small talks with you, and even share small kisses. he just loves being in his small bubble with you.
haechan; physical touch & quality time
this man is obsessed with you (in a good way) and is going to let you know every time he has the chance to. he always has his hands on you, it could be his hand holding yours or his arm on your waist to keep you close. he loves playing with your hair; it becomes automatic when you're chilling together or watching a movie, his hand will automatically find a way to your hair. he loooooves spending time with you. he would text you every day to ask if you can come over to watch a movie or to play video games, or even just lay in his bed and chill. also, he loves when you sleep over. he loves going out with you, anywhere, anytime: to the arcade, to the park, to the grocery, and even clubbing; he loves partying with you. but his favorite moments are when you both chill on the bed, listen to your favorite songs, and talk about anything. sex with haechan is full of touching, all over your body; he just makes sure he leaves his touch on every single inch of your skin. he also loves the effect his hands have on you and will take advantage of it to drive you crazy.
jeno; physical touch & words of affirmation
jeno always needs to make sure you're feeling loved. he doesn't miss any chance to let you know that you're loved and to compliment you about small details that no one notices but him: "oh, this little mole is so cute," "is that a new set of nails? i love it, baby," "did you change the shade of your blush? it looks good on you." jeno is really comfortable with showing affection in public, so he won't hesitate to steal small kisses from you, hold your hand, or stop while you're walking to pull you by the waist and remind you how good you look today. he stares at you a lot. like a lot. he would get lost in his own thoughts and end up apologizing because he didn't even listen to what you were saying: "sorry, baby. it's so hard to concentrate when you look this beautiful," and will kiss you. when you two are alone, jeno gets even more clingy and can't take his hands off you. he loves getting you on his lap and making out for hours, praising you as much as he can. sex with jeno is something you've never experienced before, how can he make you feel so loved and good while fucking you so roughly? he loves rough sex but also soft sex where he gets to touch you gently and whispers sweet words to you (he does during rough sex too but it's another kind of sweet words lmao): "i could watch you take my cock for hours", "you're the best, baby. you're doing so good", "fuck, i love you so fucking much".
jaemin; physical touch & words of affirmation
one thing about this man is that he's always going to make sure you feel loved. he always makes sure he tells you how beautiful you are every day and how much he loves you: "i love you, okay? i'm so lucky to have this beautiful girl just for me." he needs more than words to give you the love you deserve, though, so he won't hesitate to cup your face and look at you with the softest eyes ever when he says those words and kiss you passionately. he loves praising you whenever you've accomplished the smallest things; he always needs to make sure you know how proud he is of you. he calls you every day (when you can't hang out) to remind you that he loves you and that he misses kissing you. talking about kisses, his kisses would be the sweetest you've ever had. kissing jaemin feels like heaven, and that's exactly how he wants you to feel. he would whisper sweet words between the kisses: "i'm so in love with you," "i could kiss you for hours," "i never want to stop looking at you.". when it comes to sex, whether it's rough or soft sex, jaemin will always make sure you're okay and that you're feeling good. his touch would be so gentle and he would praise you everytime he finds the chance to: "so beautiful with my cock in your mouth, baby", "good girl, you're doing so good", "be patient, angel. let me make you feel good".
chenle; quality time & act of service
chenle is a bit shy when it comes to physical touch, so he would do his best to show his love in any other way. his love language is a lot of teasing and playful interactions, so when it comes to really showing his feelings, he gets shy. he always tries to spend time with you whenever he can; he would always ask you to hang out as soon as he's free. he wants to make sure that you feel loved even if he rarely tells you how much he loves you. he loves dates that involve fun activities like the arcade, escape games, or mini-golf, but also dates where he gets to talk with you for hours, like when you eat together. he always makes sure you have everything you need; he always insists on cooking for you and going to the grocery when you're tired and need something. when you're on your period, you can always count on him to take care of you. when you two are alone, chenle gets more comfortable with physical touch and would cuddle you or play with your hair while you watch random videos, laying on the bed together. he tries to imprint every moment spent with you in his brain and make it special for him but also for you.
jisung; quality time & physical touch
when you start dating jisung, there weren't a lot of physical touch: small kisses here and there, shyly holding hands or him putting his arm around you, but nothing too physical. but once he got comfortable, he couldn't keep his hands for himself when he's with you, he always needs to feel your skin on his, even if it's just your two tights brushing or his hand on your tight. he just needs to feel you here with him. when you two are in public, he tries to be more discreet, holding your hand or letting you put your arm around his while you're walking. but once you're alone, he gets very clingy and always tries to hold you as close as possible. he loves making out with you but not too much because he likes to stare at you a lot, so he prefers when you two are just chilling together, and he gets to watch you and play with your fingers or your hair. he loves taking you on arcade and amusement park dates. he just likes having fun with you so much. he's obsessed with night dates too, like in the middle of the night when the two of you are chilling, he would just suddenly ask if you want to get ramen or if you want to go for a walk. he loves walking at night with you, holding your hand, and he gets to steal long and sweet kisses because there's only the two of us in the streets. jisung gets more shy when it comes to sex, though. he's very hesitant and gentle because he's just scared to make a bad move and hurt you or make you uncomfortable. but at the end, his touch always makes you feel loved and safe.
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girlypopbops · 1 month
My Dopamine Menu⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.•
A dopamine menu is a list of tasks that you enjoy doing such as hobbies or random things you like doing! Adding tasks from your dopamine menu into your every day routines is a good way to avoid doom scrolling on TikTok or Instagram reels. These tasks don't need to be super complex they can be very simple little things you enjoy, for example it could be making fake online shopping carts or organizing your jewelry! Whatever is enjoyable to you.
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With that being said here is my personal example of a dopamine menu:
♡ Do a face mask
♡ Paint nails 
♡ Read (online blogs, books)
♡ Journal about whatever / make fun lists
♡ Post on Tumblr 
♡ Scroll through Pinterest and make new boards with fun prompts (ex: boards for a song's vibe)
♡ Make new Spotify playlists 
♡ Work on website 
♡ Work on blog 
♡ Bake a sweet treat
♡ Go on a little walk outside ( I do "intuition walks where you just walk around with no destination in mind, just making turns where it feels right)
♡ Organize my room & drawers
♡ Look through old photos  
♡ Water color paint
♡ Draw on Procreate 
♡ Doodle with inspo from Pinterest
♡ Crochet
♡ Color in a simple coloring book
♡ Playing video games with friends
♡ Build dream home in Minecraft 
♡ Watch tv shows or a movie
♡ Listen to a podcast
♡ Plan out outfits ( can try them on or take pics of them and add them into a note on phone)
♡ Clean out phone (empty out emails, clear all histories, get rid of any pictures not needed anymore, find a new wallpaper, rearrange apps)
♡ Re-arrange room
♡ Make jewelry - beading
♡ Go through old stuff of mine and find new joy in it
♡ Watch YouTube (even re-watch old YouTube videos)
♡ Make new goals
♡ Read through magazines and make collages from the pics
♡ Try new hairstyles or makeup looks
♡ Go on photowalks ( walk around and take pics of things that are beautiful - great way to romanticize life)
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duckchu · 10 months
Hello, honey! I've been following you for a long time and I adore your works! And I want to make a request! HEARTSTEEL members x Fem!Indie game developer!Reader. Reader has been creating indie games for a long time (such as Undertale and Deltarune), and also writes soundtracks for them (like Toby Fox. I love this genius!). I would also like to create an indie game based on the League of Legends universe (I would choose Targon from the regions, and I would choose Aphelios from the characters that the player would control). But I don't have any programming skills! So I'll have to write interactive fanfic... Thank you very much! You're just a sunshine!💋💋💋💋
Sorry for the long wait (I recognise how long actually named asks sit in my inbox for rather than anon ones, idk why) and thank you for the kind words
I also kinda didn't know how to go about this so every guy has 3 "parts":
You working late
Putting one of their items as cosmetic (kinda changed in Kayn's and K'Sante's part)
And music
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Thinks you're cool
Enjoys sitting with you late at night while you code
May or may not convince you to sneak a Rhaast easter egg in
Though will often try to distract you if you're not paying enough attention to him
Enjoys bothering you when you compose
He's silly like that
So please, for the sake of your sanity, lock your room
Doesn't mind your work, but will make you stop if you're pulling all nighters
Might even pick you up and carry you to bed, telling you you need some sleep
One day, while he was watching you play test, noticied one of the items in your game looked suspiciously like his mask
Finds it really cute
Will help you with the music, if you'd like
Loves working with you
You stay up all night working?
Cool, he is too
Unless he notices you're tired
Then he pulls you into his lap and works with one hand while petting your hair with the other
It makes you fall asleep in seconds
Let him play test pleaseee
When you do, he 100% the game in a week
Not because it's easy, but because he's a sweaty try hard
Found you put his mask in the game as a cosmetic
Melted on the spot
Sometimes will give you songs as gifts
So you can put them in the game
Loves hearing them if you decide to use them
He's such a bitch if you overwork yourself
Will try to direct your attention to him at all cost
-Y/N, I'm boreeed -
Please keep on torturing this little shit with lack of attention
He deserves it
But also
If you put his sunglasses as an item, he will love you ten times more
As for the music?
Doesn't really know a lot about composing but loves listening to your pieces
You're overworking yourself?
No, you're not.
You're sitting on his lap and watching a movie with him
Doesn't care about your protests, you have to take care of yourself
When he first saw your character having his beanie on when you were playing the game, he had to do a double check
Gave you a big hug
He thinks it's really cute
As for the music, he thinks it's really good
You scrap something?
He's gonna use it as background for his totally awesome solo
Don't tell anyone else tho
He'll get embarrassed
He can't force you to rest, but he will insist on it
If you have some important work to do, he won't try to stop you, but will bring you meals and drinks if you want
Will usually chill in your room and design while you work
Speaking of designs... he was surprised when you asked him if you could take a look at his tablet
But he trusts you, so why not
Was shocked when one day he saw you putting one of his designs as a clothing option
Loves it and thinks that it looks good even when pixelated
Although he's not the greatest composer, he will try to help you
It usually turns into fan favourite soundtracks
So you don't mind his suggestions
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
teen nat with “You look exhausted, you know that?” ?? (maybe pre-crash)
❤️Blame Game - Natalie Scatorccio (1996 pre-crash) x fem!Reader❤️
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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GIF by gayliennn
Summary: Natalie seeks refuge from the rain (and possibly comfort) after the death of her dad...
Warnings: canon themes: dead parents, spousal abuse, guns, general angst
Word Count: 2,539
A/N: Hello Lovelies! it's been a minute. I was so busy this past semester, but I'm now on summer break and I want to get back to work on my writing with requests for dialogue prompts with characters with Yellowjackets! here's my first dabble at writing for the fandom with pre-crash Natalie! I really hope you enjoy it, and as always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading ❤️
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio Tag List:
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
It had been raining for most of the afternoon by now, which you had found strange given the sun being so high when you'd left school. But the rain persisted into the night and you now found yourself sitting at your desk, scribbling away in your diary about your day and just general thought and feelings. You'd found that even when you had a mundane day, writing was still good. It helped keep up the habit for when you needed the outlet. 
You started to run out of things to say and instead began to chew at the eraser of your pencil. One of your cassettes played quietly in your walkmen, but you could still hear the rain’s muffled tapping on the roof over the song. However, as you moved to start scribbling again, maybe adding doodles to your entry instead of more words, your attention was caught by a different tapping. It was sporadic and out of tune with the rain and it paused as though some other element controlled it. 
Cautiously, you paused your song and listened. The tapping started again, clicking against the glass of your window. When there wa another pause you made your way over to it and opened it with caution. You paused again, licking your lips and biting your cheek. Why did this feel like the start of every slasher movie? Maybe youde watched those Halloween movies too many times. 
“Hey, y/n! That you?” a familiar voice broke through the rain. Without any more hesitation, your head poked out of the open window, hands gripping the windowsill as the rain began to wet your hair. 
“Nat?” you called in a whispery yell. “What the hell are you doing here? It’s the middle of the night?” thanks to your porch light you could see her fidgeting, hugging herself as she crumpled under the rain. She opened her mouth like she wanted to talk, but stopped herself. 
“Can I come up?” she said instead. You hesitated again, head going back inside as you checked the time. It was nearly one in the morning by now. Your father would be furious if he found out, but it was Nat after all, it was pouring and you knew she had to have walked here. You huffed, your brows knit as you nodded, ducking your head back into the house ans shutting the window behind you before running downstairs as quietly as you could. You quietly unlocked your front door, pausing after it clicked open to listen for the sound of any unexpected movement. When nothing turned up you opened the door just as Natalie stepped onto your front porch. 
“Be quiet and wipe your feet,” you insisted in a hushed voice, eyes already training on the staircase once more. You unconsciously took her hand tight and sprinted as quietly as you could up the stairs and ducked into your room, shutting it with the softest click you could mister. You shut your eyes, listening against the door for any sign you might have woken your parents, but once you felt it was all clear you relaxed with a sigh and turned back to look out on your room. 
“You didn’t have to let me up if I was gonna get you in trouble,” Natalie mumbled. She’d begun to fidget where she stood, her thumb stroking over the strap of her soaked backpack. She didn’t move from where she stood and seemed to avoid making eye contact with you or anything in the room for that matter. 
“It’s running outside and you’re soaked,” she shrugged, eyes turning down to her dripping shoes. 
“I don't wanna put you out’s all,” your eyes transfixed on her in the quiet. She didn’t look at you for any of it but in the short time you stood awkwardly in front of you you could tell something was wrong. You knew Nat well. Well, maybe not this Natalie specifically, but you knew the Natalie from middle school who had sleepovers at your house nearly every Saturday and loved playing board games with your family and stopping for secret ice cream with you on the way home from school. That all had been some time ago, but you knew her, and even with all that she’d hanged that Natalie was still in her. You saw her right then. 
“You doing ok? You seem off,” you inquired, slowly approaching her like she was a skittish dog. She looked up finally, slightly geared by the sudden proximity change, but she relaced as your reached for her fidgety hand. She let you take it, watching the tenderness in your motion. She hated being fragile. 
“My dad’s gone,” she breathed, biting her lower lip. She’d been doing it for a while now. The skin of it was dry and chapped, red from repeated tearing away at the layering resulting in a swollen tenderness. 
“I’m sorry. For good this time?” you weren't sure that was the right question to ask. Natalie’s dad always had a tendency to come and go, but given her demeanor either it was over or something else was going on. She sniffed heavily and let out a dry laugh as she jerked her eyes from you. 
“Yeah, well seeing he put a bullet in his head I’d say it’s for good,” she pressed her lips together, sucking her teeth at the bitter sting, and exhaled hard through her nose. She swallowed hard before she shakily turned her eyes back to you. She tisked at the expression on your face and felt your hand tighten around hers. “Fuck, I'm sorry, I shouldn't unload on you like that I-”
“Hey, no it’s ok. It’s fine. I’m sorry,” you reached and grabbed hold of her other hand ans squeezed tight, forcing an awkward smile. “Do you want clothes to change into? You’re sopping wet,” she shook her head but you tisked. 
“I'm getting you clothes ans you aren't arguing,” you turned from her and sauntered to your dresser, wrassling around in your drawers for anything comfortable for her to wear. Unbeknownst to you, Natalie was looking down at her hand, squeezing them into fists before she rubbed her sweaty palms against her jeans. She never liked clammy hands. You turned back to her eventually, shoving the pile of clothes in her hands. “Batheroom’s where it’s always been,” you pointed to the door that connected to your room.  
“And feel free to dry off with a towel. Are you spending the night?” you rushed most of what you said, adrenaline pumping through you at an alarming rate as you tried to keep your cool. Nat eventually nodded awkwardly and made her way to the bathroom. The click of the door allowed you to let go of the hot breath that had been boiling in your stomach. Her dad was gone? Like, gone, gone. That was a good thing, wasn’t it? Well, maybe not given how upset she seemed. You never would have thought of Nat to be the type to mourn her father, cruel as that may sound. And why had she come to your house of all places? She hadn’t talked to you in years. She’d gotten so committed to the soccer team that she’d moved away from you but here she was now, dropping the bomb that her dad had killed himself.
“You alright?” Nat opening the door and talking to you had pulled you out of your head. She’d dried her hair off with a towel and was now draping it over the floor to sit her bookbag on top of it to dry. Her brown hair was tousled and knotted from what you assumed had been her vigorous rubbing to dry off. She’d folded her clothes in a pile that she added next to her bookbag and stood awkwardly barefoot in a pair of old shorts and a baggy tee shirt that used to be your dad’s. 
“Yeah, I'm good,” you smiled, standing again. “You want some socks? The hardwood gets cold,” you said as you actively moved to grab a pair of fuzzy socks you'd gotten for Christmas from one of your drawers. You shoved them in her hands before she could decline. She held them for a moment, unmoving despite the gentle sway of her thumb over the cotton material before leaning over to put them on. As she did that you took her clothes and draped them over the footboard of your bed to air out. 
“Are you staying over?” you asked again. You knew if she said no you'd still keep her here. You didn't want to worry about her out in the rain again. 
“Only if that's alright,” you smiled with a single nod.
“Of course. It can be like before,” you chuckled, turning to adjust things on your bed. You might have caught the tiny flicker in Nat’s lips had you been looking. But you hadn’t and climbed into bed instead, shimmying under the covers to get comfortable. Nat slowly followed but lay on her back over the blankets, folding her hands on her chest. You only watched her for some time, not knowing what subject to broach, if any at all.  
“You look exhausted, you know that?” you eventually murmured. Nat turned her head to you and let out a warm sigh. Her eyes seemed sunken, bags growing dark under them. You wondered how much she’d been sleeping. 
“That kinda happens when-” she stopped herself abruptly. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No…” her voice lulled to a whisper as she paused. That pause felt like it lasted hours till she sniffled. “Maybe a little,” she swallowed thickly. You scooted in closer to her, reaching your hand out t her ever so lightly to wordlessly offer it to you. 
“It was my fault,” you shook your head. 
“Nat. you’re seventeen,” she sniffled loudly and quickly dried her tears just as they fell from her eyes. She didn’t look at you, her eyes transfixed up at your ceiling in a feeble attempt to keep herself together. 
“I grabbed the gun. He wouldn't have had it had I not,” 
“It’s not your fault,”
“He was beating on my mom again because I had a boy in my room,” frustrated disdain filled her tone. “And it’s not like anything was happening! I mean, it was just Kevyn,” she scoffed at his name. Unbeknownst to Natalie, you knew the boy had the biggest crush on her known to man. How she didn’t realize it baffled you, but that wasn’t relevant at the moment. 
“But I grabbed the gun. And I left the safety on and he took it from me and fucked around with it,”
“Natalie,” you kept your voice low. Her breathing had started to flair as she fully cried now. You took her hand, squeezing it tight. She didn’t look at you but unconsciously clenched both her fists around your fingers, and brought them to her chest, pressing it tight to her in some kind of attempt to ground yourself maybe. “Natalie, Who had the gun?” she managed to get out. She sniffled again. She would have called it pitiful, but you basked in the sound. Not in a weird way, but because she could trust you with this. She shook her head. 
“Did you shoot him?” her breath shook as she took a deep inhale.
“He did,” 
“So, who’s fault it that?” she turned her head away, squeezing her eyes shut as she covered her mouth to suppress a sob. She let go of your hand and turned onto her side, leaving only her heaving shoulders in your view. You scooted out of bed, moving slowly behind her. She flinched as your fingertips made contact with her back, but you found she quickly relaxed under her touch as you began rubbing your hand in circles over the surface area. 
“Nat, it was his fault,” you murmured. She continued to cry, curled into a ball on the edge of your bed. You weren't even sure if she was hearing any of what you said, but you didn’t feel you should prioritize that. You stayed that way with her for a while, till you maneuvered onto your side, laying behind her and wrapping your arm around her instead of continuing to massage your back. You felt her take your hand again, bringing your fingers close to her face.  She seemed to bury her face in your hand in some feeble attempt at self-soothing. 
Eventually, she turned around in your arms and found herself up close and personal with you. Thanks to the dim light she prayed you wouldn't see the red in her cheeks burning from the sudden proximity. She let go of your hand quite abruptly. 
“Sorry,” she mumbled, eyes darting away. You only smiled and nodded, scanning her puffy, tear-streaked face. Without giving it much thought, you reached forward, brushing loose, now dry hair from her face. Your fingertips skimmed over her forehead with a delicateness Nat couldn't find herself familiar with. 
“You look exhausted, you know that?” she shrugged but locked into your gaze. 
“I’ve always been like that,” she forced a chuckle but found you frowning. You thumbed away leftover tears from her eyes ans found your hand lingering. When you noticed you made the motion of pulling away from her but she grabbed your hand, holding it where it was. She bit her bottom lip, her brows knitting with overwhelming consideration till she hissed out the words “fuck it” and leaned it. 
She’d let go of your hand in exchange for the back of your neck, which fit quite comfortably against the flat of her palm. She’d shut her eyes hard and had kind of clumsily crashed into you, definitely taking you by surprise. For a second it was quite startling, but you didn’t panic or pull away. But once you got over the shock, you relaxed into her, smiling against her lips, which given their chapped nature left a metallic taste against your tongue. 
You’re hand, which had been hovering above the covers after being abandoned slowly settled on Natalie’s hip as you shut your eyes and you felt her exhale through her nose as the air flittered against your cheek. Yet, just as fast as she’d moved in she was done, leaving your lips to chase after her. Her eyes were wide and blown when you opened yours again and she seemed to have a grimace on her face. 
“Shit, was I that bad?” you sucked in a breath through your teeth. Her grimace subsided and she shook her head, now looking confused. 
“No. I was more so waiting for you to be pissed with me,” she admitted. You smiled and laughed quietly. 
“Why would I be mad?”
“I dunno, I kinda just did it and I didn’t ask-”
“Didn’t ask if I liked girls?” 
“Do you?” she chuckled again, scooting closer to her. 
I dunno, I might. I mean, I might at least like one girl,”
“That's so fucking corny,” Natalie finally smiled, letting go of a laugh in her throat. 
“Yeah, but I got you to smile finally,” you squeezed her hip. “I consider that a win in my book,”
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bennysmiller · 8 months
Sweet Nothing - Frankie Morales x Reader
You and the boys have a night in at Benny's place, and amongst the chaos during a movie night, you and Frankie manage to find some quiet.
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You look up from your place on the sofa to see Benny holding out a full bottle of beer.
Normally you'd accept, but alcohol made you sleepy and you had to keep your eyes open for the game of charades Santi had proposed to everyone five minutes earlier. You shook your head at Benny but offered a slight smile in return.
"You don't have to stay awake, doll. Always welcome to crash in my bed while we're all out here"
Benny knew. He always knew. But once again, you shook your head at his suggestion and promised him you were fine. But you weren't fine. You wanted nothing more to fall asleep in Benny's bed to the sound of your boys laughing in the front room. But you also wanted to be present. After their latest mission, you knew how important it was to spend as much time as possible together.
"Well, you know where it is if you need it." Said Benny, before moving on and offering the beer to his brother.
Ten minutes later, the game of charades had been abandoned and Santi decided to put a film on instead. You couldn't actually hear what was being said, because Benny and Santi were too busy arguing over what they thought was going to happen. Then Will joined in and you wished you had taken up Benny's offer to sleep instead.
You managed to get yourself up off of the sofa, and over to the kitchen for a glass of water. As you take sips, you can't help but stare at an equally tired Frankie. The way his curls poke out from under his cap, and the way his hand is resting underneath his shirt, just on his stomach. You began to wonder what it would feel like to put your hand there instead. Do it for him.
You mentally kicked yourself for thinking about Frankie like that. He'd been nothing but sweet and respectful to you since you had met. But every now and then, no matter how hard you tried to push them down, those thoughts would creep up.
"They're real fuckin stupid sometimes."
You looked up to see Frankie stood across from you with his hands on his hips. When did he get here? you thought to yourself. You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't see him get up.
You straightened up and put the glass down on the counter before agreeing with the man in front of you.
"I love them to bits but you're absolutely right." you said, earning a sigh from Frankie.
"I'm an old man now, just want peaceful nights in where I don't have to listen to a running commentary on whatever film we're trying to watch." He said, before taking his cap off and running a hand through his hair.
I could give you those kind of nights.
Before you realised what you had just said in your head, you jumped at the sound of a bottle smashing in the front room. Frankie rolled his eyes and chucked his cap on the table next to him.
"Too damn loud." He said, and ran a hand over his patchy beard. "Hey, you ever get those Taylor Swift tickets you wanted?"
You were about to turn around, but paused when he brought Taylor Swift up. It was something you had mentioned to him ages ago. You were both sat in a diner after a similar night with the guys, and needed to escape. So you sat and talked. All night. About anything and everything. You mentioned wanting to get tickets but didn't spend too long on the topic, so you went red when you realised Frankie truly was listening to you ramble on about them.
"Yeah, I did." You spoke quietly, but inside you were screaming. For so many beautiful reasons.
"Can I confess something? The night you mentioned those tickets, I went home and played a few of her songs. She's good."
"Seriously? You like her?" You asked excitedly. You wanted to die at the dimple that made an appearance on Frankie's face when he smiled at your enthusiasm that had suddenly shown up.
"Yeah," He chuckled. "You mentioned you loved Sweet Nothing. That's my song right now. I really am too soft for all of it."
He looked proud as fuck for slipping that lyric into the conversation, and also for how he'd clearly been studying your favourite artist.
You thought of the lyric outside they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming and realised that perfectly described your situation with Frankie. Pure chaos in the front room with Santi, Benny, and Will, but the kitchen? You and Frankie found five minutes of peace in the kitchen. It was your place. You made the rules that night.
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eyesore-boi · 2 months
You think that you're alone but
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We are waiting for you every night...
You're mine.
Close ups and other stuff below!
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...so....10 years, huh?
I cannot understate how much FNaF means to me in my life, and yeah...know that sounds a b i t much considering it's the funny har har bear games, but lemme explain-
Truth is, i was actually terrified of FNaF when it first came out! I remember my first introduction to it was when i was having a sleepover at my friend's place and he was both playing and watching other people play the first game, and when i was watching it with him, i got scared and tried to avoid the game as much as i could, even claiming to hate the game despite just knowing the first game. I was young and was prone to sheltering myself from stuff i didn't understand, and that being the first scary game i've ever seen caused that reaction, but over time...that changed.
It happened when i was watching YT and clicked on a comic dub i never seen before, thinking it was an AU for a fandom i was in (probably Undertale i dunno), but lo and behold, it was actually a fandub/animatic for the missing kids incident, and that...peaked my interest. I got curious on how this scary game actually had an interesting story to it and not just some game that goes boo. So, soon after that, i decided to look up simply "FNaF Story", found the Game Theory videos, and...the rest is history.
I was amazed and hooked, got invested in how the games explained the story in ways i've never seen before, got excited when i saw everything click together in real time, and pair that with how i got into the series r i g h t when Sister Location came out, arguably when the lore really started to kick off, i knew there was no going back now. I stuck with the series since. I watched all the animatics and dubs, listened to all the songs, tried drawing the characters, made OC's, and even talked to other people about this franchise.
And now look- Not gonna pretened this whole time it's been sunshine and (Chica's) rainbows, especially in recent times. The drop off SB caused, the lore getting more and more complicated and convoluted, the divide between older and newer fans, being the founder of Mascot Horror (for every Poppy Playtime there i s a Garten of Ban Ban) and course the IRL drama, but in all seriousness...i still wouldn't trade it for anything.
FNaF, this series, is my very first experience connecting me with a community like this, both good and bad, helping me understand how to properly enjoy media and even learn/take things from it, and i think without it i wouldn't be in the fandoms i'd be in now. The scary, horror ones, the niche, hard to find ones, story driven, character rich, and of course...more importantly...getting me into Markiplier, which further influenced the "outside the box" kind of thinking cause my g o d for these two stories you need too-
And speaking of, because of those two stories, it lead to me branching out more creativily and even creating my own webcomic for an AU combining both of them, so regardless on how that'll go, i'm just glad this series has influenced me enough to create something for others to see, since that's all i ever want to give.
But really, this franchise will forever be with me, and though i don't always agree with all of it (i haven't read any of the books in y e a r s and i refuse to do so), it only makes some of the stuff it does do right completely worth it (like the movie, peak cinema), and for where ever this bear shaped train is going next, well, i'll be here for the ride for all of it. No matter how many burning buildings it goes through.
...oh and um- Right yeah. The actual art piece. Uh....it crashed multiple times when drawing it. It's even a miracle i was able to export it. I can't even open it up anymore. So even if i wanted to change anything about it, i c a n 't -
But still pretty happy with how it came together! Was run drawing these robos, some being kinda redraws from the past, while other's i've n e v e r drawn before, so that was interesting! But still, tried to draw the "main character" so to say from each of the main FNaF games, and just kinda be...walking along through the series, nothing too deep or complex, but still interesting enough! ....unlike the fnaf storyline cause g o d how many restaurants wERE THEIR S C O T T -
But for real this is going long enough, so ima head out and do my own FNaF related things thay you don't need to worry about shush *commits arson*
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desi2go · 1 year
What do the perfect dates look like?
What would the Stray Kids members do with you?
Pairings: Stray Kids x reader
Warning: fluff
Author's note: I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update. These days I'm really stressed and need to focus on my A-level. Anyways, HAPPPY BIRTHDAY FELIX 💕 if you have any requests, just ask ;-)
~~ Bang Chan ~~
Chan loves the nature. Especially the ocean and everything that has to do with water. So, when it's warm, you to like to go to a sea. A beach date is for Chan the best, because he loves you and the sea. Whenever you have the time, you two spend the whole day at the beach. Getting a tan, playing games and swimming is a must. Chan and you would do a swimming competition to find out who is faster. Of course it was Chan, but it was fun. After you were for hours in the water, you would lay on your towel, enjoying the sunny weather while you two cuddle. When the sun goes down, you walk along the water and watch the beautiful sunset.
It isn't a secret that Chan likes to cook. He often cooks for the other members. Sometimes, especially when it's cold outside or the weather is bad, you adore to cook together while listening to music. Most of the time, Chan will cook because you can't cook well and the chance of you getting burned is really high.
~~ Lee Know ~~
Minho likes the autumn, so whenever you two find time, you would walk around and enjoy the nature. Autumn symbolises wealth and abundance. This is exactly how he feels around you, filled and richly endowed.
Minho and you adore the cool air and all the bright colours in the nature. You would stroll through the rustling leaves, holding each others hand to keep them warm.
You also like to do Movie dates with your boyfriend and his three cute cats. Usually he would let you pick the Movie while he gets some snacks from the kitchen. After placing a blanket on your laps, he would cuddle with you. It will not take long until his three sweet cats will jump on your laps, purring and ready to be pet.
~~ Changbin ~~
I think that Changbin would go to a good bar with you. Grabbing a drink while talking to you about the day. If a stranger would ask you out, he'll just watch and be amused because he knows that you can handle it on your own and even if the person is very intrusive, he will be there and protect you.
When he sees you humming to the melody of a song, he would ask you, if you wanna dance. He knows that you love to dance with him, so you agreed with a big smile. He twirls you around the little dance floor, laughing and giggling.
Like Lee Know, he would also do a Movie Date with you, but he loves to watch scary movies with you even though you were a little bit scared. But you know, he'll protect you, if a big bad monster would try to eat you. Maybe that's why he is training so hard at the gym?
Hyunjin loves to be around you. You inspire him like you're his muse. Every time you to are together he gets so many painting ideas. In the summer, he loves going on a picknic date with you. You're also interested in art, so every time you have a date outside, you would bring your art supplies with you so that you two could paint together.
In this time you don't much, only a few sentences. Just enjoying each others presence and being inspired by it. After you finished your paintings you showed then to one another and exchange them so that you have sweet little memories you can look at in the future. On the side you feed each other the food you brought with you.
When the weather isn't that good, you go to a museum, looking at the famous art. You two try to guess what the artist meant and wanted to express with that painting. What was a serious game at the beginning became more and more silly by your jokes. Most of the time, you ended up creating funny and chaotic stories while you laughed out loud.
On a day off, Han would take you to your favourite Café. It was very hidden and in a quieter area of the city so that you could go there without worrying that someone will recognise your boyfriend. On the way there, he told you proudly his new jokes that he came up with. You laughed because most of them made no sense at all.
In the Café, Han would order you an iced coffee with a piece of strawberry cake, your favourites. He ordered himself a big piece of cheesecake and chocolate cake. You shake your head amused because he was like a black hole. You could feed him so much and he would still be hungry.
In the winter, you two love to go skating. At first you were insecure because you never tried ice skating before. You stood there, shaking and trembling. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was because you feared to fall. Han just smiled and pulled you on the ice. You clawed at him tightly, not wanting to fall. But after you overcome your fears, you loved skating, especially with Han.
~~ Felix~~
Whenever you two have time, you like to spend the whole night on a field, looking at the stars. Laying in each others arms on a soft blanket has become a habit for you two. You adored the mild summer air while you only listen to Felix's heartbeat.
I think Felix loves to bake brownies with you. You two will challenge each other to see who bakes the best. While you mix the ingredients, you dip with your index finger into the flour. "Hey Felix!" You shout. Immediately, Felix turned around. Quickly you brush over his nose and spread the flour. You chuckle when you notice his confused look.
He brushed over his nose, looking at the flour, then looking back at you. He grabs some flour and walked to you. You run through the kitchen while you were hunted by your boyfriend. At the end of the day, the bake date turned into a merciless flour battle.
He will take you to a walk through the city or a park. He doesn't plan where you two are going, just being spontaneous. Whenever you see something interesting, he notice how your eyes shine and will go with you into the store or cafe.
He will hold your hand the whole time and brush slowly over your fingers. A short walk turns sometimes into a four hours or more walk. Your boyfriend and you loved to watch the sunset on a park bench while you lay your head on Seungmins shoulder.
After that walk, you often go to the little restaurant, that you discovered on a walk. It's small, but the food is great and the service excellent. Seungmin loves the little things like sitting in that restaurant and admiring your wonderful body, your face and that sweet, gorgeous smile you give him.
At the first few dates you two ever had, Innie was so nervous. It was the first time he ever dated someone therefore wreck. He stumbled over his words and played the whole time withe his accessories to calm himself. After some time the nervousness faded away and made room for the incredible love for you and the comfort around you.
I think that Innie would love to go to a karaoke bar with you. Of course he'll sing some Stray Kids songs to impress you. But on the other hand, he'll sing with you funny songs, joke around and be totally silly. He loves to hear you laugh that's why, he will choose the strangest songs. On the other side, he'll adore every tone you sing and will compliment you for your voice and how good you can sing.
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pinknightsinmymind · 2 years
if you feel like it, could you write more headcanons about ellie? not full fic or one shot, but thoughts about her. like, the types of kisses she gives you or the kind of girlfriend she is
【 ellie williams as a gf hc's 】
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a/n: yes yes yes yes 100% i think about ellie way too much for my own good and it rots my brain. since i wrote so much it'll be below the cut lol
she loves to see you in her clothes in fact she even encourages it its just something about it that drives her crazy
she's protective of you and always wants to take care of you and make sure you don't do any of the dangerous or stupid shit she does
i feel like ppl forget how much of a dork she is; she'd tell you all about space and the different facts she's learned, she'd explain the plots of her favorite comics, who the characters are, which ones are her favorites, why she thinks one arc was better than the other, and so on and so forth
i think she loves to chat your ear off about any and everything
she's probably afraid she's annoying, so sometimes you might need to reassure her a little bit
in a modern au she's the type to send you funny memes or videos she finds, probably browses tiktok and twitter a lot
definitely the type to send you a photo of two animals being cute or cuddling together and say "us" because she's just a sap like that
composes songs about you and acts all shy when she shows them to you
you're one of her favorite subjects to draw, and she loves showing you every new piece of you she has
she'd send you song recs ALL the time
listens to lots of indie and shoegaze
pls pls pls for the love of god ask her to teach you how to play guitar bc she'd be so excited to show you and spend the time with you
i think her love languages are quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation
forgets NOTHING
you know how dads do that thing where you tell them you liked something once and they never forget it? yeah she got that from joel it rubbed off on her
remembers what you wore on your first date, remembers your food orders, memorizes your favorite colors, bands, tv shows, movies, everything
so so caring and sweet
since one of her love languages are physical touch you can expect lots of affection from her
loves cuddling, holding your hand, having her arms around you, she just has to be touching you somehow
flirts a lot (but its not a bad thing) even after you two have started dating
loves kissing you all the time, and will make excuses for it
she needs her good morning kiss, her good night kiss, good luck kisses, goodbye kisses (even if she's only gonna be gone a few hours💀), one bc she missed you, a hello kiss, she will use ANY excuse just to kiss you
but sometimes she won't even bother creating one she'll ask to kiss you just bc
loves having sleep overs and nights in together where you can just cuddle and watch movies or play video games bc she's a huge introvert
the type who will do anything to make sure your comfort isn't disturbed
if you don't like the other side of the bed she switches with you, will let you sit in the last chair at an event (but not before asking if you'd just rather sit in her lap), helps guide you through anything making you scared or anxious
calls you pet names every five minutes. all of them.
love, babe, baby, babygirl, princess, darling, honey, whatever is your favorite she calls you the most
lives to spoil you; pays the bill, buys you gifts, drowns you in affection, you name it
celebrates your birthday like its a holiday
speaking of can you imagine her during the holiday season???
the two of you plan out a couple costume for halloween
the two of you are so cute together it's gross
you're always welcome to spend thanksgiving with her and joel
and christmas?? she gets even more sentimental than usual, and buys you an extremely meaningful gift
the most supporitve, soft, kind, humorous, and sweet gf imaginable just a dream come true
she feels like you really balance her out, and isn't afraid to tell you how much you mean to her or how much she loves you
she makes sure you feel loved and remember that you are loved
can't wait to move in with you and once you two do she feels like she's in heaven everyday
just loves you and cherishes you deeply
overall just THE gf you dream and pray for ugh this girl gets me in my feelings every time she's just so cute and sweet😭😭😭😭
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Rainy Days
Juicy (Gaege Gibson) x Fem reader
Finishing up recording you take off your headphones and put them on the desk, the sound of rain fills your ears and you smile loving rainy days. Grabbing Gaege’s hoodie you keep in your recording room you slip it on deciding to leave the editing for later. Your phone goes off and a notification from Gaege comes up that says, “Wanna stay in and watch movies together?” You text him back, “Absolutely ill be there in a second.” and put your phone into your pocket and head to his room where Bug (his goofy little cat) meets you at the door. Gaege pats a spot next to him on the bed as you pick up Bug, “I already got the movie set up.” Climbing into bed you sit next to him and put Bug in his lap and steal a kiss. “Sorry filming took so long Kristy needed extra footage so we had to do a few more bits for her video.” You snuggle close to him as he starts the movie. He shrugs wrapping his arm around you, “I don't mind. You put up with me filming for hours longer than I'm supposed to so an extra 20 minutes is no big deal babe. Plus now I get to lay here with my amazing girlfriend and watch movies for the rest of the day.” You blush as the movie starts and steal a kiss, “ you're so cheesy but I love it.” As the movie plays the two of you pay more attention to each other having goofy conversations and flirting, by the time the credits roll you're laid across his lap looking up at him with tears in your eyes laughing at a story he was telling about him and Kevin. After composing yourself you sit up and ask, “Wanna play some Mario Kart and listen to music?” He grins and gets up setting up the game while you hook your phone up to the speaker with the playlist you made him. He hands you a controller and you sit next to each other playing the game. The sound of the rain and your favorite song in the background as the two of you playfully argue over the best character makes you realize this will be one of your favorite rainy day memories with your boyfriend. The next few hours you both bully each other in-game resulting in him using the juicy voice every time you hit him with a blue shell. “Okay, I admit it you're better than me at Mario Kart.” You smile as you both place your controllers down and kiss him, “about time you admit it.” he laughs and pulls you into a cuddle. “Or maybe I let you win.”
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literallychen · 1 year
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ TGC with a S/O who games ♡
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A/N: No pronouns used, pretty much just sweet fluff, use of the term "mantitties", proofread but I am very tired
Definitely would lay on your upper thighs while you play
Give you tips on a game he's never played and when they don't work blames "the ping" or some other stupid response
Would play/stroke your hair if you were doing something boring in the game
Points and taps on the screen at character customization that fit your aesthetic and don't stop until you have it on your character
Will always play with you if it's a game that he knows
Definitely scrolling through twitter while you play, putting his phone down every minute to see how you're doing
You'll tell him that you're going to play the game later in the day/week and he googles guides and watches videos on the game so he can impress you if you are struggling/need help
Doesn't talk much while you play but definitely makes absent noises in the background
Always ends up falling asleep while you play
Giggles at pretty much anything you do
Would definitely put on your favourite movie in the background just so you have something to do if your bored
Almost always offers to grind for you in game if you want/need a object
Just does silly shit all around, like poking you or throwing stuffed animals at you
Brings you water/snacks while you play so you don't forget to listen to your body; cause he's fallen down that path before
He's a big baby and you can't convince me otherwise
You two would have the stupidest conversations ever while you play
"why is red called red…"
"… what?"
"like why can't it be called purple?"
"Yumi… I am try to get Bella Goth to cheat on Mortimer Goth with my sim, I don't think I'm the person you should be asking that question"
Plays lofi/calmer songs while you play
Draws little shapes on your skin while you play
^ Also plays with your hair
Bro almost always plays with you; If you buy a game he will buy it as well just so you to can play together
Nonstop smiling. He's smiling while you do absolutely anything. Top tier boy
If you do anything impressive immediate response will be :0
^ Sniffs when you die/lose and does a :( face
Overall vibes are peaceful
You two honestly tend to go for more relaxed games
Honestly I refuse to believe he's not a really laidback guy & very calm
Light jazz playing distantly in the background while you just talk about life and the game
Laying on his chest cause hnnnggg those mantitties (/hj)
He'll just stare at you, not in a weird way just admiring your beauty
^ Bro is in love with every part of you, he loves your voice and the way you smile when you're rambling about you're game, the way you scoff and roll your eyes when you lose, your laughter when something stupid happens- everything
He'll make stupid jokes about the game and eventually the room will be filled up with laughter
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erospandemos · 10 months
What is your ideal date with each of them?
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If you have a fixed amount of time (4 days). Would you rather have a date with all of them at the same time? Or spend each day with only 1 of the girls?
And if you only get to hang out with 1 of them in LA. Who would it be?
I finally got the ideas needed to answer this ask!
I would rather spend each day with them because I'm not going to become the boyfriend of any of them so I might as well use the opportunity to experience four girlfriends. Greedy? Very much.
Chaewon 🐯
Chaewon is the typical girlfriend. Any 'traditional' date location could work with her but I don't know why, I'd really like to take her to a cat café. I'm talking about those cafés full of cats that you can play around with and pet.
Seeing a cute girl like her playing with small kitties would be very therapeutic. It's like her natural habitat.
After that, she'll probably take the lead and drag me to shop for couple-matching outfits and similar. Attention! You must absolutely compliment her on every outfit she tries! It can't not fit her, it's just that there are clothes that look better on her. If you don't compliment Chaewon, she gets insecure, you must always keep your girlfriend happy and cheerful.
At the end of the day, go home and drink. Yes, I wanna hear her drunk rambles because they're adorable.
"Oh, I'm seeing double..." Chaewon mumbles and hiccups. You look at her with worry, it might have been too much for today. She had already downed two bottles and was on the third.
"I think it's enough, Chae, I'm going to put everything away and then we can go to sleep."
"No!" she hiccups again. "This is pretty cool... there's two of you! Mmmh," she laughs and smirks, "You can give me double the amount of hugs this way, right? Come here!"
You can't resist and let her have your way, hugging her tightly.
Sakura 🌸
Sakura is more fit for home dates. Comfy dates in her or your bedroom are the way to go. You could watch movies, animes, shows, or even play games. Seeing her so passionate about playing games would make my heart flutter and also seeing her rage would be pretty funny.
Good luck to her if she wants to teach me how to play with her because I'm not good at all.
"Honey, you have to press R1," she hurriedly tells you, completely focused on the screen in front of her. It was a very critical situation.
"Uhm, this one?"
"NO! That's R2, wait—"
"Not again..." she sighs with desperation and launches herself onto the bed, with open arms and open legs, completely lifeless and desperate.
"S-sorry about that."
"It's just a game, Sakura, it's just a game..." she continues to whisper to herself and then suddenly turns to you: "You're not leaving this house until you beat this level!"
If she feels like going out, we could surely go to the garage sells or thrift shops and look for old video games, mangas and action figures. Sakura seems like a person that likes collecting stuff and hunting for rare objects would be pretty cool.
Yunjin 🐍
I think she'd really enjoy going to a music club or a music shop. We could go to a guitar store and I'd spend all evening hearing her rambling about how a very specific Stratocaster has a superspecific tone that she wants to get. I'm also a musician myself so I'd really like to talk about these kinds of things with her.
Or we could go to her home and listen to her old songs. You know, her old archives of songs—look at her cringe at her old lyrics. Or maybe some unreleased songs...
"Listen to this," Yunjin says, clicking the play button on her laptop. You nod and posture yourself up, paying attention to every word and every note that comes out of the studio monitors.
But after the first verse and chorus, you turn around to Yunjin: "Oh, who were you talking about here? It sounds like me."
"Really?" she says, smirking sweetly. "Maybe it is you after all."
"This... this is a love song."
"I know."
Kazuha 🩰
She's the opposite of Yunjin. She isn't really talkative from what I've seen. Sure, if you get her to open up to you, she might start to say some silly stuff—getting comfortable enough to say stupid jokes. But normally, she's more reserved.
We could go on a book date, going around the city and visiting every bookstore. I don't know if she's a good reader but she certainly looks like one. I'd like to hear what genres she likes and tell her about mine.
And if she's more of a movie person, we could go to the cinema and watch a movie, while holding hands...
Go to the café perhaps. Get her a nice hot cup of coffee and then the park as the final destination.
"Look, look," Kazuha says, pulling your sleeve. You turn around wondering what caught her attention. Your date is pointing with excitement at the white bunny on the other side of the park, munching on some grass.
"Look at that rabbit. It's so white and round. Isn't it so cute?" she asks, with glittering eyes.
"Yeah, it looks kinda chunky."
"Are you saying that it's fat???" Kazuha retorts, furrowing her eyes in an adorable angry frown.
"I'm saying it's very cute." You quickly answer, rubbing the back of your head.
"Mmh. That's more like it."
Now, who would I hang out with in LA? I think the answer is pretty obvious: Yunjin. She looks like she knows already where to go so I won't have to prepare anything. She is also very fun to hang out with so it's perfect!
Thank you for the ask, frisky. It took long because I had no idea how to answer.
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tuesday again 10/10/2023
by dry volume, this post is 80% talking about gallery walls. tl;dr : do not buy or hang up things you do not like in a vague attempt to make your house look more grownup ONLY put up things you love, mat your art to give it visual room to breathe.
had a playlist of the james bond theme songs on while i was deep cleaning my kitchen and the line "YOU GOT TO GIVE THE OTHER FELLA HELL!!! " from SPECIFICALLY the guns 'n roses cover of live and let die (even though the playlist had the correct mccartney version) has been THOROUGHLY stuck in my brain for forty eight hours.
academic transphobia to follow:
an anti-reading section, for once. Retraction Watch (site that tracks academic paper retractions and major academic beef like when someone is stripped of tenure for fraud, formerly my beloved) published an op-ed by an anthropologist TERF who is Big Mad she got called out by her professional association for trying to submit a conference talk that amounted to hate speech against her trans colleagues in the name of the stupid fucking largely disproven sexing skeletons thing. the comments have devolved into the professor sock puppeting anyone who goes "hey RW why did you platform this?"
would be very interested to hear from RW about how a retracted conference talk has the same impact on the scientific community as a retracted paper, but we'll fucking see. i think RW provides an important service to the scientific community (they are the most indepth and thorough tracker of retractions, more so than the actual publishers) but this is a fucking weird move
rewatched Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988, dir. Zemeckis) for fic research. GOD this movie is fucking good. it performs a minor animation miracle every thirty seconds.
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nothing to report
by popular demand (four people), some thoughts about gallery walls. some discourse on the method, if you will. i went with a gallery wall bc i like the look and i had an extremely large blank wall to fill bc this apartment is slightly too big for me. the string lights remind me very much of my dorm rooms but cool lamps have been few and far between down here.
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how to get art (and why/caveats)
i honestly don't have a ton of direct collecting advice here other than "have you tried going to a lot of thrift stores". i cheat bc both my parents were architects who collected art, everyone in my family dabbles in fine art, and my sister has her bachelors in art history. so i am awash in paper, constantly. i grew up with a set of flatfiles and a closet full of spare frames. i recognize most people do not grow up like this.
with that caveat out of the way, how do i actually get my art? usually one piece at a time over a very long period of time. there's a postcard on my gallery wall i got in 2009. this is a game you will be playing for the rest of your life as you discover things you like and your tastes evolve.
it is VITAL that you love every piece on your walls. no filler ikea canvases unless you actually like them. the instant you start thinking "oh i need a landscape to look Grownup" you have to strangle that thought in the cradle. there are no rules, especially in art. put whatever the fuck you want up on your walls with no regard for the public's taste.
i feel like "i should buy and put up more art" is something that often falls into a vague Grownup Improvement Goal (like budgeting) bc it is an Grownup Improvement Goal and not bc they actually want to buy and put up more art. fortunately for everyone, you do not have to buy or put up Morally or Socially Improving art that will impress some vague category of grownups, bc we don't fucking live in victorian times.
most importantly you do not need to spend much (or in some cases any) money to put things on your walls. getting the effect you want (fancy washi tape, matching frames) may take some money, but using the printer at work and stealing some scotch tape is free.
how to get art (actual advice this time)
i feel a little silly typing this all out but i really like reading other chewsdayposters' processes, and it is really helpful for me a lot of the time to have someone say: actually there is this complete other way of doing something you have never considered bc u did not grow up with it
i ask you: do you have a stack of sentimental papers somewhere in your home? congrats you have some frameable items. a thing does not need to be Fine Art to be in a frame to go on the wall and make you happy. tape up a birthday card. put a quilt up on your wall. pushpin a label from a jar of pickled herring bc it reminds you of your grandma. frame a beloved tshirt. this is a martha stewart ass statement but things that are not traditional paper art on your walls will add variety and whimsy to your home.
other places for art that are not thrift/estate/yard sales:
i do believe that making your own art, including a $3 paint-by-numbers kit, will fix something in your brain. it's very similar to how i personally have to go stand with my feet in a body of water twice a year or THE SLUDGE smothers my brain
your favorite weird indie bands are almost certainly selling posters on bandcamp even if they're not currently on tour
i like the artists' co-op justseeds for art that deals with "social, environmental, and political engagement" like my beloved "fuck space tourism" poster
start a "good lines" or equivalent "art i like" tag on here and buy prints when u have the money. even if artists here don't have a shop open or don't have the specific piece u want as a print, ask if u can throw them an appropriate amount of money on venmo or something and get it printed locally or online. ive had good luck with vistaprint and they have rolling sales
do you like a piece of art in the public domain, like something from a museum? print it out. put it in a frame. no it's not as nice as a professional print but it's free if you do it at work and now it's on your wall
fuck around on wikimedia commons and the internet archive. i particularly love pulp magazine covers and little illustrative insets for out of date astronomy books
non- and semi-consumable supplies
if u put $25 into supplies u can use for many many other projects (i assume you probably have some of the following list), you can make any frame nice and save approximately a gajillion dollars.
good utility knife and extra blades
tape measure
level (comes with most command hook packs, you can also use your phone)
stepstool, sturdy chair, or patient tall person
assorted nails (you can buy a little tackle box with assorted nails from most big box stores)
little squeezy tube of DryDex spackle ($5) and putty knife or honestly old credit card to fill in nail holes when you move out
OR command strips and hooks
matboard that is white on one side and black on the other (~$8 at big box craft stores). you can use this to cut your own mats and/or replace a kind of weird back on an otherwise good frame
most printer paper these days is acid free. steal some from your workplace.
assorted small brushes
little thing of acrylic paint in whatever color you want your frames to be (~$1.50 ea). you can also spray paint your frames for a different finish but i don't have the space or patience in this apartment
sandpaper or sacrificial emery board
i would further recommend a little set of letter size desktop drawers/mini flatfiles like this to keep all the small stuff you want to frame in one place. i have sentimental art i don't want to frame in one drawer and things i do want to frame in the other. this has been very good for my brain bc it's all safely and flatly contained out of sight, and it's easy to flick through a stack of things i already love when i need one more small thing or one warmer thing to fill a gap
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the good news for us is that frames and art are a fucking bitch to move and people frequently give them away. your local discount and thrift stores are going to be fucking awash in small frames 8.5"x11" and under for under $3 each. when you are thrifting or estate saling or yard saling or generally gallivanting about on a weekend, pay little attention to any art actually in a frame. is the frame in okay shape? can you repaint it without too much trouble? will it clean up all right? does it have the glass? can you insert the glass from a different frame into the one you actually want without any thrift store employees noticing?
for weird sizes above 8.5x11 and outside poster size that cannot be easily found at thrift stores, the big box craft stores here in america have roughly quarterly frame sales and frequent coupons. do NOT get your shit professionally framed at michaels bc they upcharge by about 3x compared to other local framers (both on the east coast and here in tx).
i went through two periods of seriously buying frames (last year of high school and the year i moved into the original lair, when/where i thought i was going to stay for a few years) and ive swapped in out and between those dozen or so total. once you have built up a little stock of frames that fit the general sizes of art you tend to collect, ur pretty good for a while. the only new "frame" i bought for my gallery wall was a little floating shelf.
the absolute biggest fucking thing u can do to make your art look nicer is mat that bitch, which gives it room to breathe. if your art does not have a built in border or a lot of white space (see 9, 12, and 13 in the gallery wall below, as well as 8 which has a ton of negative space with the car door), you need a frame bigger than your art. you can google the suggested proportions yourself or decide with your heart.
i am a big fan of a very slapdash floating mat, which means cutting a piece of printer paper to size or flipping around the paper that tells you what size the frame is and slapping your art right on top of that, sometimes with a lick of gluestick to keep it in place. generally a floating mat means a sort of 3D matting technique but we don't have time for that. do not do this printer paper technique long-term with a particularly beloved or expensive piece of art.
u can also buy pre-cut mats at Michaels or Joann’s for not too too many dollars, or cut your own with the acid-free matboard ($10 for a poster board sized piece) and a new utility knife blade and a steady hand. or, if you're lucky, it comes with the frame.
gallery wall specific advice
there aren't any rules. actual galleries and museums tend to put the center of a piece or group of pieces at 57" from the floor. you may want to fuck around with that depending on your own height, the space you have, and the pieces you own.
a gallery wall does not need to be 24 pieces like this one. it can be any number.
this is the first one i have done mostly by myself and it is the most color-restricted one i have ever put up. it is also the one with the most successful repeating motif (circles). usually i grab the art i want most to go together and send pics to my art historian sister who will then arrange it for me and say shit like “do you have another small blue thing for the top left” or “do you have two pieces that are warmer and larger” or "different frame for the middle left"
look at a lot of other gallery walls. personally i like the ones that have non-framed and non-square things in them. ideally mine would have photographs and taxidermy in it for maximum weirdness. but u cannot go wrong with a grid, or all horizontal pieces, or all vertical pieces. for a full wall puzzle piece like this, u do not generally want an american southwest four corners meeting situation. stagger it. lay everything out on the floor and move it around eighteen times (this is the worst part). the gallery wall as a whole does not have to be perfectly aligned to the ceiling or the back of your couch or what have you. it can be sort of an organic blob shape along the top and bottom edges.
my wall
this soothing blue and green wall with wood tone pops has pieces from almost half my life. it skews later in college/recent acquisitions, as i sharpened my taste for limited-number prints and had a car to go to thrift stores with, but that’s just how this specific wall came together
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the list below should tell you what each piece is, how much i paid for it (and the cost of the frame if applicable), and when i got it. this wall has most of the Nice Art in my collection that is signed/numbered/in some way slightly fancier bc it is the wall i stare at when on my couch.
embroidered Scorpio constellation hoop, birthday gift from my sister (free, came with hoop, i used some makerspace felt and batting to properly back and finish it much later so free with my tuition), nov 2016
numbered and signed print of an italianate cityscape, $5 and came with the frame and mat from an estate sale, i put a new back on it with scrap matboard so the back of the print wasn't just naked, fall 2021
signed print of a new england landscape, came with the frame and the mat but is stained right over the signature :( $2.50 from salvation army, one of the last things i bought in spring 2023 before i moved
signed original multimedia on board collage by my sister from her like second ever gallery show, $69 in winter 2022 for the art, the frame was from a free pile i gave a new acid free back with scrap matboard. that was such a good free pile i got a huge pile of frames from that
magazine page (idk which one either) i saved in high school (i graduated in 2013) or very early college, frame was from a free pile by the side of the road in summer 2021 and repainted with some white acrylic paint. it is float matted with printer paper. maybe a dollar for the paint? i definitely did not buy the magazine
this is an out of print poster by one of my favorite living artists (Josh McPhee) so i emailed him and asked if i could get it printed myself if i threw him $25 and he said yes. i think it cost $22 to get it printed professionally, the frame is basics by studio decor ($20 for a 2-pack) (i spent so much money and time on this one bc i wanted a very specific look for a very specific space in my kitchen in the old apartment), feb 22
signed numbered woodcut by Roger Peet ($20 in august 2020), another studiobasics frame that was i think $8 in summer 2022. float matted with acid free matboard and not printer paper.
gigantic fuckoff unsigned unlabeled poster i bought bc she reminds me of the Barnes & Noble murals, $10 at goodwill (came with the frame, half off) sep 2023
star chart from the US Naval Observatory that was on a free shelf at Amherst College when i was taking a class there in fall 2018, another studiobasics frame (idk when i bought this one) so under $10. float mount on acid free printer paper.
plaster frog mirror from an estate sale in spring 2021, i do not remember how much i paid for it but it was not more than $5
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oh goddamnit this is a new block so of course it restarted the numbering. fatal off by a power of ten error, very typical for astronomy. poster from a show i went to in college spring 2015, do not remember when i bought this sub-$10 studiobasics frame either, float mount on acid free printer paper.
signed poster from my roommate-at-the-time’s cousin’s band in fall 2014 (i can’t actually find the receipt but i did find an email from her cousin letting me know he shipped me and my roommate’s orders together lol) let’s say $20, another sub-$10 studiobasics frame of mysterious provenance.
moon map out of an old science book in high school, let’s be generous and say $10 for both the book and the frame (another studiobasics)
numbered but unsigned new year’s print from a local-ish print shop in massachusetts, $12 at savers with the frame, fall 2022
cover of a very fragile vintage paperback copy of raymond c/handler’s The Long G/oodbye i acquired in high school (could not have been more than a dollar or two), with a frame and mat that came in an ikea multipack my dad bought me in high school bc i had a set of l/ackadaisy miniposters i wanted to hang, looks like the closest modern equivalent is the EDSBRUCK, a single will run you about $12 today
postcard inherited from my grandpa’s collection of loose paraphernalia in 2010 (free but at what cost etc), frame is a studiobasics that come in a pack of 6 for $20 (less if you have a coupon) so let’s round down a smidge and say $3. don’t remember when i bought this frame either, it is matted with real matboard bc the postcard and the back of the frame are so thin
“my heart is a fish” cross stitch (a reference to the imperial radch trilogy of books) i made this and did not date it but i know i blogged about it on here at some point between 2014-2018, i remember having to buy five colors of thread but owned the hoop already, again back and finished it properly much later with maskerspace batting and felt, let’s say $5 not counting my time
postcard from @believerindaydreams last winter in another studiobasics frame and float mounted with acid free matboard.
tiny moon mirror from salvation army in early spring 2015, under $5
CD mirror from Vapor95 ($125? preorder in fall 2021), came with velcro command strips which was very nice of them
a $300 original multimedia collage (the first one my sister ever made, when she was in middle school) i bought in spring 2021 from her first show, sitting on a $5 acrylic shelf from five below i bought last month
22-24 are national geographic maps, 50c each at an estate sale last month, had to buy $7 worth of binder clips and pushpins to put them up bc i don’t fucking know what box they’re in and didn’t have time to rip the whole closet of boxes im ignoring apart
a slightly longer tl;dr: do not buy or hang up things you do not like in a vague attempt to make your house look more grownup ONLY put up things you love, thrift and repaint your frames if possible but you can get very cheap studiobasics ones if you want them all to match, acid-free mat your art for preservation and to give it room to breathe, keep a little drawer or box of stuff you love and might want to frame
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razielwritesstuff · 1 year
Obey Me! Headcannons ~
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I have never and will never hide that I dislike Luci
I do have thoughts
This man is just constantly sipping a caffeinated beverage he needs it to deal with these mfs
He's a single mother of all 6 of his brothers
I think all demons have sharp teeth. His are the least sharp of the brothers and he is PISSED ABT IT TGURBODFK
Fav song is probably by Mozart. Basic ass.
I discussed how the om! chars would deal wirth being in mlp (pls dont ask) and Luci and Luna give me an evil grinch smile
I feel like he'd curse when angry
Gay ass
Smells like pine trees or something
I think he'd have a fear of mascots
Like. character mascots.
Don't ask me okay
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Smells like axe bodyspray and SADNESS
Am I WRONG????
We all love mammon but that man.... we know he uses axe...
Befriends the local crows.
There is so many he could be carried off
They all give him shiny shit to sell
Did everyone remember how he's canonically a model
He's attractive. Canonically.
Anyways, second-sharpest teeth of the bros
This is cannon (TO ME) but Mammon is just attached to MC like glue
He once tried to steal and sell some of leviathan's games
The cast took a while to come off :)
Fav song is something CUNTY ik it
Most girlypop aside from asmo (YTO ME!!!!)
He's great :D
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He is so trans to me as a transmasc.
He has a main twitter and an alt twitter. Nobody knows abt the alt so he uses it to doxx ppl he doesn't like
I love Leviathan but I swear to God I don’t think he knows what deodorant is
“man for a guy who sleeps in a bathtub you really have no concept of hygiene”
How many Henrys has he had??? who tf knows.
Fav animal is SNAKES
Loves pokemon. his fav would be gyarados
He will assume anything except romantic intentions at all times
Autistic. As approved by my friend with the 'tism
He would be a brony
Lovable but a Bit Cringe
Has tied Mammon to a chair and forced him to watch stuff before
EXPERT at pirating shit
Would play Undertale.
Speedrunner !!
Would spend like the better part of a month to discover EVERY SINGLE glitch, bug, and exploit in a game to use it to is advantage
Has a sims 4 cc folder that's like 80 terabytes
He's my malewife and he's everything to me.
Would make a shiny living dex on every single Pokémon game
He has multiple cardboard cutouts of his waifus
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Satan has an Ao3 account. He writes exclusively on his fav characters
His Ao3 tag has something to do with Sherlock Holmes fight me
He tweets in perfect grammar
He'd kill over a board game
Would cry over a cute cat video
Lucifer got assigned as Tigerclaw LMAO
He would get into Leviathan's fandoms but only bc Leviathan forced him. He comes out liking the thing.
His favorite disney movie would be Aristocats
Loves Luigi
He became a cat person specifically because Lucifer is a dog person
He'd also be a brony
The one that can analyze media properly
His brothers use him to spellcheck their essays
He either watches video essays on YouTube or he makes them
Likes reading about witchkraft from the human realm, he finds it interesting
The one that taught Leviathan to make cardboard cutouts
Knows about 50 stray cats and has named them all
Constantly brags about how he has sharper teeth than Lucifer
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Smells like a different scented candle every week
Has that stereotypical gay accent
He's zesty
He's girlypop but we all knew that
Listens to Ayesha Erotica
Goes like "GIRL you would NOT believe what Solomon did!!"
He spills all the tea all the time
King shit
He'd wear a dress in a heartbeat and he'd ROCK IT
He would cry over broken nails but not because of the pain it might cause, only because it looks ugly asf now
The one who painted everyone's nails
Will threaten you in order to paint your nails, but he will do a color you like
King at make up
Absolutely loves Ru Paul
Keeps trying to get Dia to set up a drag race, he's unsuccessful as of now
Strawberry is his favorite flavor
He's very physically affectionate but would absolutely respect boundaries i will kill you if you think otherwise
He would HYPE. YOU. UP.
Has gum on him 24/7
Also has tampons on him so he can give them to the homies who need them (like Leviathan)
IDK man I didn't used to like him that much but he's grown on me
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VERY GOOD COOK because of course he is
Loves giving piggyback rides
Tall enough and beefy enough for you to sit on his shoulders
Would also let Belph sleep on his shoulders
He's a golden retriever. We knew this.
Surprisingly good at Just Dance
Not a dog person not a cat person but a secret third thing (he thinks cows are adorable)
Always spares bugs and spiders when he finds them
Cannot watch cooking shows, he's tried to eat the TV before
Loves going to movie theaters, will pay just for the overpriced popcorn
You can tell he genuinely loves you if he shares his food
Like he shares his food with MC and all the brothers are like "W. WHAT??"
Would INSIST you look great no matter what you look like
You will cuddle with him and Belph this is an Order
Smells like food-scented deodorant
He would be too scared to roughhouse with anyone, boy is too strong
Likes just picking people up and carrying them off
He's done this with Satan once and it actually calmed him down
Favorite show is Bluey probably
Favorite animal is a maned wolf or something
Would kill for a klondike bar
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Sharpest teeth out of the brothers + bites as a love language
Every time he bites Leviathan it results in Leviathan squealing higher than able to be heard by humankind
Talks in his sleep. It is adorable thank you for asking!
Smells like Lavendar, vanilla deodorant, and a little bit of "hasn't showered in 2 days" hidden underneath
Drinks a lot of milk
Blueberry is his favorite flavor
Lucid dreams a lot
He does not believe dreams have meanings his are always either incomprehensible or if they did have menains have ones he really doesnt like
Would drink monster energy but he hates the taste of caffeine (he just like me forreal)
Gummies are his favorite snack
He gives off trans energy but i honest to diavolo can't tell if he's transfem or transmasc or neither i CANT TELL
He's girly pop in his own unique way
His DDD's ringtone is Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica
He's neurodivergent to me i just dont know how
Chews on everything for sensory reasons
Spoiled. Because he's the youngest sibling ofc he is
Every time he drinks hot cocoa he puts marshmallows in it
He considers "barging into your room and scooching you over in your bed to cuddle" a sleepover
Alternatively he'll get Beel to bring you to their room
Hey everyone remember how he's canonically a yandere-
Anyways he's cool :)
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