#you guys are so much fun and motivate me to make more fun art!!!!
whack-patty · 1 year
Wait i meant to say this like a week ago but hello im going to be slightly less responsive than i have been in the past but i swear i read yalls stuff and appreciate it <3333 if you genuinely think i missed your thing you tagged me in/wanted me to see feel free to @ me again or smth! No FEAR
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Here's a dude i saw at the store. Name him
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mossy-paws · 3 months
Coroika Splatoon but it’s PHIGHTING! Roblox
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Hi to my Coroika and phighting fans so how are we feeling about this one
cooked these up in a few hours! These honestly didn’t really take that long at all and were really fun to do since I got to play around with some charcoal brushes (I love doing everything in my power to NOT use midtones lmfao).
I tired to mimic the style of the manga a bit and I think i did relatively okay! I have a lot more of these planned so yeah >:3! Really excited to get to do them sometime
Og Panels:
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hulloitsdani · 3 months
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Nothing like motiving myself to practice drawing kisses from reference by making the final results feature my FEH girlies.
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Guess what time it is…….
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CENTIPEDE TIME !!! she’s finally real,,,,,,,, based off Scolopendra hardwickei or the Indian tiger centipede
Before I go about the process I just want to say you guys have been soooo incredible and I love reading your reblogs and I love the idea knowing I’ve inspired a lot of people,,, the project, although it was a lot of work and I’m feeling not so great as of posting this, still motivates me to want to make another.
(Art process below)
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This was entirely freehanded! I have a lot of experience working in 3D art settings that this part came easy to me but I started with a flat base shaped in the pose I’d like the creature in. I used one whole piece cut from a shipping box and filled in the gaps with tape; you don’t need a single piece for the base but for structural integrity it helps a lot. As you can see here I also cut the legs separate and glued them on using hot glue. The vertical cross sections are to give an early support for the structure of the creature, think about the frames of aircraft or boats. During this part I used a pen to mark the width and height of the previous section to get a gradual flow of shapes.
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This next part I wish I got more documentation on but after the vertical cross sections I used soda boxes for the thinner and flexible cardboard to add contour lines along the length of the creature, gluing them on the cross sections. I did about 2 strips of this on either side to fill in the space and then I continued to use soda boxes to fold and shape the top of the creature, gluing onto the strips rather than the cross sections (this part was a mistake but I quickly adapted, no issues happened but it did make it slightly less secure). I also gave the legs vertical cross sections as well to shape them for the masking tape.
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The worst part, taping everything. I used tape to further shape it how I wanted but that meant going over parts several times. I used 2 different widths of tape for this for efficiency but it doesn’t matter. The legs were very loosely taped and if squeezed then they’d lose their shape; I didn’t bother filling them in because I don’t have materials for that and I let the paper mache help support them instead. Tape was also used to fill any holes and gaps left by the cardboard skeleton.
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The next phase is paper mache of which I haven’t done since 5th grade… I was not confident in this step. I used mod podge and a brush to smooth down the paper. Because I lacked materials I used fast food napkins instead of newspaper which worked totally fine, it just tended to tear a bit easier. Some areas required me to get hands on and I don’t really like the texture during this stage so that was fun (lie). I didn’t do too many layers, one for the body and 3 for the back and legs but some projects might demand more. I used half of a 16oz bottle of mod podge btw so please get more than you think you need.
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Finally, texture hell!!! I did a base coat of white spray paint and painted everything else with acrylic. Start with your lighter colors first before doing darker ones! I originally mixed some yellow and orange for the body and realized it was too bright and so covered it with orange instead. It also wasn’t until later I realized I could’ve been smarter with my paint so I skipped over the segments that were going to be fully black, saving the orange for the rest of the body. I wanted my centipede to stand out and not look 2D color-wise so I also used the red for the head and tail to give gradients and edges to the orange segments and legs, later going back with burgundy to further darken them but not too much. For the black segments I also used a very watered down layer of sky blue to give a fake shine and show the intended structure of the segments. Do not be afraid to use your hands! I used mine to smudge my detail paints like the black fade on the legs and the back shading. To top it all off I sprayed a clear coat and punched two holes in the underside to hang it up, using thumbtacks angled upwards.
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myebi · 6 months
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And another year in the mix!! I originally wasn’t planning on posting these but frankly, I felt bad breaking my own tradition. My tumblr & instagram feeds are like my album, I’d feel sad not getting to look back on my review and my thoughts a year or more down the line. 2023 was busy and frankly a nice year in retrospect, but I don’t know if it’s me not having pushed myself enough or the Covid effect still making me feel like everything is going by super fast, but man did it go fast - and December’s already here and I don’t exactly know what to do with myself haha. I’m definitely a lot happier than I was in 2022 despite new complexities though, I feel full of resolve and drive and that is such a nice feeling.
Art wise I feel like my art is on its way to improvement, like it’s liberating itself somehow. I’m so ready to test things out and experiment and just lean into making it more expressive, more dynamic, more heartfelt in general. I’ve never loved my characters as much as I do now and I’ve found true friends in them (genuinely, these little guys won’t ever leave me, ain’t that a comforting thought) - and of course, irl, I’m so happy to have found such reliable and fun friends to cherish to navigate through the years together 🫶
I have cool things happening in 2024 so I’m just so excited for this new breath of fresh air. Fire!! Motivation!! 🔥
To all of you who follow my work and my journey even if it’s from far away, who make my art exist through you, thank you. Artists or not, you’re valued and precious and I’m so happy that you’re here. I hope that my account remains somewhere nice and that the silly shapes in my art keep making you think “Those tangents right there look awkward as hell but hey, it’s weird ass Mye Bi” afjshhfhd
I drew something fun for tomorrow, see you then for that post 💛 In the meantime, happy holidays!! May you and your family keep hope and health close, and my thoughts are with Palestine and Ukraine.
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spiceofvy · 10 months
Sexting with SKZ
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cw: gender neutral reader, sub-ish reader (Minho, Seungmin), accidental sexting (Changbin), consentually saving nudes (Hyunjin), Phone Sex (Hyunjin), slight exhibitionism (Jisung), edging (Seungmin), degradation (Seungmin), Sexting in public (Changbin, Minho, Jisung)
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Chan: Contrary to popular belief he will not sext in the studio, just because he gets so caught up in his work that he doesn't realize his phone is ringing. You could send him 20 nudes in 5 minutes and get no answer all evening. Only for him to text you 4 hours later "sorry for the late answer, hope you had a good time… do you still want me to come over?" He is also not the type to initiate, he is always a bit unsure if you're in the mood or not, so he rather stays safe and leaves that to you. Which doesn't mean that he isn't really excited to reciprocate. The best time to start is right before dance practice begins, he will be hot and bothered the whole time, and check his phone during every water-break. After some more messages, he will cut practice short and fuck you at home. Scolding you for taking his attention away from his work.
Minho: He is such a romantic, thinking a lot about his word choice, crafting the best message he could think of: "Send nudes." If you're lucky it's followed by "please." He is absolutely shameless, no matter where he is, he will look at your nudes, zoom in. But if anyone dares to even glance at his phone, they will never come back. He accepts no disrespect towards you. He texts short answers, some basic praise, and simple orders. Just enough to not make you feel like you're being ghosted. He doesn't mean to come off as cold but behind his confident demeanor he is a bit unsure about himself. So don't expect any pictures in return, they won't come, your only reward is knowing that he is looking, watching, and savoring every little detail about you. But don't worry when he's back home he will show you just how grateful he is.
Changbin: He starts sexting you without actually meaning to. He sends you a picture from the gym, just a little update and you react like every good partner would and praise him for his progress. So he asks for a picture of you, but the way he words it makes it sound very… sexual. And so you send him a picture of you back, just a little bit more on the teasing aide and he will throw his phone through the gym, suddenly shy with what you send him and scared that someone could see his precious partner in such a way. But of course, he wouldn't ghost you, sending you paragraphs about everything he would find pretty about you. As you slowly send him more and more it shifts from praise to promises of what he could do to you. His face beet red. He is so shy. But this whole interaction is such a confidence boost for both of you.
Hyunjin: Our little artist is the kind of person to save your nudes (after asking for consent of course) to use them later as inspiration. Without your face obviously. You are his muse and even on the days when his inspiration is at its lowest seeing you; with or without clothes can always motivate him to paint. When receving the photos he will write some very flowery words about you in return. Also, the photos he sends back? Works of art. Every single one of them. Effortlessly beautiful. We all know that he is a very visual person, but to go all the way he needs to hear you, and how you react to him. But also see you. So Videocall it is. He acts very calm and cool but seeing you plead for him, writhing for his attention, does so much to him. Half of the fun for him comes from your desperation for him. He enjoys being sought after like a prince. And he will treat you like royalty in return.
Jisung: Just like Minho Jisung just straight up asks for nudes. Even in public. This guy doesn't care who's beside him, he misses you, and your body. But just like Minho, he is also very much willing to hunt anyone who tries to look at the pictures for sport. That's how far the similarities go though because with Jisung as soon as he is riled up enough he will do 90% of picture-sending. Starting with some subtle teasing, some selfies with his arms or chest in focus showing off his work at the gym, before it turns more and more scandalous. Until it's straight off full-body nudes. Extra points if other people are around. More than once he started sending you pictures of his bulge in his pants with Chan and Changbin still in the studio with him. Being extra sneaky while trying to show as much as possible to you without being caught. Ending it all with a shaky video of him jerking off in the public bathroom of the building.
Felix: With Felix, you never know his true intentions when he texts you. "What are you doing?" "Where are you right now?" "Are you with friends?" And boom there is: "Want some nice pictures?" Either ended with ;) or :). Depending on that he will either send you some snapshots of his last shoot or straight-up porn of himself. Nice boy who always asks for consent but has 0 shame when it comes to showing his body to you. Videos of him presenting his pretty body and playing with himself, while whispering the sweetest nicknames he could think of for you. Pictures of him with glazed eyes and bitten lips, hand wrapped around himself. And when you return the favor? He will spew the most beautiful nasty praises you can imagine. But he won't touch himself to completion, won't cum. Those pictures and videos are just foreplay for what plans he has for you tonight.
Seungmin: With Seungmin sexting is always a multi-day experience. It's usually the last couple of days before he gets home after traveling. Filled with edging some degradation and the sweetest praise. Not many pictures from either side. But lots and lots of orders, he knows exactly how he wants you to behave, when and how you touch yourself. Routine check-ups on you, asking if you are doing what he wants from you. Calls where he talks about everything but not the dirty promises he made to you just 5 minutes earlier on text. He makes sure you're okay, that you're eating enough, and don't overwork yourself with his sweetest voice. But as soon as the call is over he starts his game again. Slowly but surely pushing you to desperation. And when you finally beg and plead to him to finally let you cum, he still doesn't. You have to wait until he's home again to finally get released.
Jeongin: Oh poor guy has no Idea how to do this properly. What to say, what kind of photos you would like (all of them. Honestly. You appreciate any picture of him) but he is somehow a natural. The Selfies he sends you? Like straight out of an underwear shoot. The way he talks to you? The perfect amount of sweetness and filth to get you blushing. He won't ask for specifics, he's very easy to please, Just a sneak peek of your underwear? His imagination is already running wild. Full-on nudes? He will probably trip over his words when trying to compliment you. Always sexts you in private, locked in a bathroom stall, in his dorm room. Somewhere he can feel safe. But wherever he is, he will probably return to you earlier than planned, because what he just saw, got him pretty riled up.
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spookuzm · 4 days
Hello! I'd like to say thank you so much for following me! It really means a lot. I never thought I'll get this far, to be honest. But you guy's support really motivated me! You guys are just so nice!
And this is VERY late but here's the DTIYS for my 100 followers goal!
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Well anyway- enough of me ranting, I'll just show you!
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Here it is! Yes I know it doesn't have shading and lighting. I'm planning to have my art style not having those (maybe? i might change my mind in the future)
By the way, this is important but there would be no art prizes because of two reasons!
First reason, I already do art requests, so it would be kinda pointless for this to have art prizes... /lh (and even though it's closed rn, I'm planning to reopen art requests soon ^^)
And my second reason, this DTIYS is just for fun! :D
Also here's my horrible ref sheet for Crust. And make sure to use the Underground version of him!
Now for the guidelines and rules:
• You can change the perspective, pose, and the background! Go crazy!
• If you don't want to draw the gaster blaster, you can draw flaming sharp bones or red sharp bones (or you could do all of them, but it's entirely up to you! ^^)
• You can also add more gaster blasters/bones!
• Traditional or digital, whichever you prefer! ^^
• Don't use AI or Gacha (sorry moots who like gacha 😭)
• And lastly, use the tag #spookz100dtiys and tag (@) me!
• Don't trace D:
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regal-bones · 9 months
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Non animated, non coloured, and non shaded versions are available for a cheaper price! All payments through paypal. Items with moving parts (like the butterfly knife) may cost more as they can be more technically challenging. If you are planning on using your commission for a commercial use, there is a +50% commercial fee You can DM me here or on Twitter if you’d like to get in contact about a commission!
Thanks to the amazing support of my Patrons, I no longer need to do commissions to sustain myself for bare essentials like rent and food. But that means that I am now only working on commission work if I need extra money. This means that waiting times can be very long, and should be considered indefinite! Even when I was working on commissions as my full time job, waiting times were up to 11 months long! This is now going to increase, and if you aren’t already on the waiting list please factor a wait of at least 2 years. This kinda sucks, but as an artist I don’t really want to be working on commissions forever and being able to spend more time on my own work is very fulfilling! My commissions work on a waitlist system. Moving forward, if I am in a position where I need to work on commissions I will work slowly through my waiting list. If I message you and you are no longer financially in a place to work get something like this done, no stress! I’ll keep your spot at the top and anytime you have the money I can fit you into my schedule and get to work :)
If you are a patron of mine, please let me know when you are placing your order! As a patron you’ll skip half the waiting list ❤️
As of today (04/10/2023), my waiting list is 35 slots long!
That being said, I can be motivated with money! If you want your item here and now, I offer priority slots for £200 where I will drop everything and work on your item! I know that is a high price, but as mentioned I am very busy with my own projects! I am always focusing on making money so that I can make art - not the other way around. I only hold 3 priority slots at a time.
I also draw stuff besides magic items! Characters, creatures, environment work - check out my archive if that interests you! These prices can be negotiable depending on the project, but anything that isn’t an item starts pricing at £250
Thank you so much! This is a huge change in how my commissions work, and this level of creative freedom wouldn’t be possible without support from people who like my art, and especially my patrons! (You guys rock!!!) I hope you have a lovely day, and let’s make some fun stuff together
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jujumin-translates · 2 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 3 - One Step Up
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*Door opens*
Kumon: We’re back~!
Juza: We’re home.
Taichi: I’m starving~.
Tenma: Looks like Omi-san’s in charge of dinner tonight.
Tsuzuru: Smells like it’s something with a demi-glace sauce…
Omi: The beef stew will be ready soon.
Kumon: Woo~! I was hoping to eat some meat~!
Kazunari: The Yosei Uni Gang’s really building up their forces~.
Muku: Kyu-chan’s the only new one, though.
Yuki: But he’s got the presence of about two or three people.
Tsumugi: How’s college life been going, Kumon-kun?
Kumon: It’s super interesting! Unlike with my classes in high school, I actually feel motivated to study on my own.
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Kumon: Plus I get to be with Nii-chan!
Banri: I figured you had had that planned from the start, but you actually didn’t decide on where you were gonna go for school until much later, right?
Kumon: Hey, I thought about it a lot, y’know.
Kumon: And I didn’t just think about Nii-chan, I also made sure to think about the best college for me to go to.
Azami: The growth of someone with a brother complex.
Yuki: They still ended up at the same college, though.
Kumon: That’s ‘cause Nii-chan and Tenma-san seemed like they really liked it there!
Tenma: Well, you are right about that.
Juza: Glad ya got accepted in.
Taichi: You’ve been doing great with writing essays and doing job interview prep~.
Kumon: Hehe. That’s thanks to you, Nii-chan, and Tenma-san for teaching me so much!
Chikage: It’s so touching to see Tenma becoming the tutor.
Tenma: Thanks for that.
Kazunari: Yawn~…
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Tsuzuru: You seem tired, Miyoshi-san.
Kazunari: I had a deadline for some urgent work yesterday. Hardly got any sleep~.
Tsuzuru: Good work.
Muku: You suddenly seem like much more of an adult, Kazu-kun.
Kazunari: What I do is kinda just an extension of what I did in college, but once that label of “student” is gone, it makes you a little more conscious of it.
Omi: It’s a lot of work and responsibility, but it’s also a lot of fun.
Tsuzuru: Is that so…
Kazunari: You’ll get what we’re talking about in a year, Tsuzurun~.
Izumi: Omi-kun’s right, your impression of things changes once you graduate from college.
Azuma: I enjoy seeing these changes every year once spring comes.
Homare: Yes, however, there are still some of us that haven’t changed much at all.
Azuma: It’s thanks to everyone that spring is nice like this.
Tasuku: Well, even though some of us haven’t been through any major changes, I’m sure we’re all busy with something, right?
Guy: It appears that you’ve been getting more and more requests to do guest appearances, Takato.
Sakuya: Ah, actually, I’m about to get an offer to perform on a slightly bigger stage too--.
Tsumugi: Really? That’s great.
Tasuku: That’s probably the result of steadily building up your experience. Shows how much you’ve become recognized as an actor.
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Sakuya: Thank you so much!
Citron: I have started getting pressured to do arts and culture-related work from all over the place~.
Itaru: And I’m still annoyed that I’m stuck being treated like some mid-level NPC…
Chikage: That’s normal for having worked there for five years.
Guy: Speaking of that, I’ve been entrusting Mikage with more work, too.
Hisoka: I know how to make a few appetizers now…
Tasuku: What, like toasted marshmallows and marshmallow pizza?
Hisoka: Well, yeah, but there’s other stuff too.
Homare: To be dabbling in dishes other than ones with marshmallows… that’s quite remarkable progress!
Misumi: Speaking of new things, my friend Mii-chan just had a litter of kitties~.
Muku: Congratulations!
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Yuki: Why are you congratulating the Trianglien for it?
Izumi: Seems like everything’s going smoothly for the company while each of you is moving forward and changing in your own ways.
Izumi: That reminds me, the kid we met today also said he was going to be a new high school student starting in the spring.
Kumon: Huh~, what was he like?
Tsuzuru: He was an interesting one, for sure.
Masumi: He wasn’t interesting, he was annoying.
Itaru: He was an avid Masumi fan.
Izumi: He said he used to live in a rural area and that he’s been supporting us for quite some time via our streams.
Sakyo: Is that the power of MIZUNO Enterprises…?
Sakyo: We’ll have to keep up our efforts to reach an even wider audience.
Izumi: He said he was really looking forward to seeing one of our performances live.
Tasuku: There is just something different about seeing a play in person.
Sakuya: There really is. He was really looking forward to seeing it, so we’ll have to do our best not to disappoint.
Izumi: Ah, right! The idea came to me when we were talking to that kid, but--.
Izumi: How does a workshop aimed at beginners sound for the upcoming event?
Izumi: When I realized that people were interested in theater because of MANKAI Company’s performances, I thought that maybe promoting theater as a concept could be necessary too.
Izumi: And I think it’d be a good experience for us to share the joy of plays with them more directly and to have fun together.
Sakuya: That’s true, that could be a really good idea!
Citron: It sounds very fun!
Chikage: But wouldn’t people who have more experience with theater, like Tenma, Tasuku, or Tsumugi, be more suitable for teaching people than us Spring Troupe members?
Tsuzuru: He’s got a point, most of us are still pretty inexperienced actors. I mean, almost all of us were complete amateurs until a few years ago.
Masumi: I can do it.
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Itaru: You’re probably the least qualified to teach.
Izumi: That’s the point. You all still feel like amateurs and remember how you felt when you first stepped on stage just a few years ago.
Izumi: I’m confident that you guys will be able to convey theater from a perspective that’s closer to a beginner’s.
Izumi: It’s not a workshop for actors, and it’s definitely not just for teaching like Yuzo-san’s workshops…
Izumi: I think it should be about just trying to enjoy theater together, just like if you were reminiscing about your old selves. That’s the best we can do, I think.
Izumi: And it could be an opportunity to expand our fan base too…
Izumi: I think it’s only because of how everyone is now that we can try to make people more aware of theater.
Sakuya: Yeah… I get it. Up until now, we’ve just been doing our best in regards to ourselves, but now…
Itaru: Exactly. Maybe we’ll be able to have some fun together.
Chikage: We could be our own motivation.
Tsuzuru: Maybe I’ll even be able to get a hint for our next play.
Citron: I will take on any challenge!
Izumi: Alright, it’s decided!
Izumi: Once the date is decided on, can you take care of the flier design, Kazunari-kun?
Kazunari: You betcha!
Izumi: I’ll take care of the printing and distributing myself then.
Masumi: I’ll help.
Itaru: We’ll also need an announcement on our social media, right? Leave it to me.
Chikage: It’d be a good idea to also put something on the theater noticeboard, right?
Izumi: Alright, I’ll leave all the announcement-related stuff to you two, and then… Sakuya-kun and Citron-kun, can I leave outlining the workshop to you guys?
Sakuya: Roger that!
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Citron: We will think of an eggciting workshop that will eggcite everyone~!
Manager: Ah, everyo~ne, it’s almost time~!
Kumon: We gotta turn on the TV!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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evilrat-sabre · 1 month
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Hermit a day May - Day 12 - Friend of Hermits!
For today's day, I couldn't decide who to draw and ended going all in!
I drew my favorite streamers and Zloy!
@askzloyxp and @lyraeon are from the Hermit Recap crew and I honestly love their content so much!
I watch Lyarrah's streams almost every night, it's a big part of my routine and it has been helping me to cope with a very rough part of my life, that I am currently passing through. (Lyarrah is such a nice person, I can't stress enough how grateful I am from making part of her community)
Zloy's videos are honestly a piece of art and deserves way more recognition than he currently receives! Every time I click a Zloy's video, old and new, I laugh so much that it hurts, the guy has the best type of sense of humor(That humor that is like a train wreck. You can't stop looking). Also as a not English native speaker myself who has a strong accent(I am Brazilian, Zloy is Russian), watching Zloy really makes me feel good about myself, I feel less like a out in this community that I love so much (Hermitcraft and now even Truly Bedrock as I started branching out these last months) I feel more right with myself, and I can say with 100% certainty that watching Zloy when I was freshly new to this community and still learning the ins and outs of this language was really important for me to find motivation to keep going.
@camronjk is Zombie Cleo's partner and also a streamer themselve! Their streams are so fun, and I always get out of them knowing more than when I entered, I love the way they mod their chat and they have build a safe space that is honestly impressive. As someone who works with mídia, I have learned so much just from hearing Camron talk, things that I am referring in a college paper now, I must say. So yeah go watch Cam, this is a threat /j
Anyway I wasn't sure what to draw them doing, so I drew them playing cards because I love poker <3
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gojosattoru · 9 months
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Hello everyone! Hope you are doing well cuties! I've missed you all so much! ^^ *hugs* So I'm doing this post to announce that I will start taking commissions again. I have been working as an illustrator, it has been really fun, my boss she's cool and has nice ideas but the issue is... she doesn't pay me on time... and sometimes I wait till 2 or 3 weeks till she pays me.. I'm really needing to gain more money... I have been trying to find a second job but it has been difficult.. No matter the curriculums I send.. no one responds or they say i don't have enough experience....... I'm really getting frustrated..
So I'm coming back, fortunately I have been feeling much better lately thanks to my psychologist and my medication. I want start editing again and tho on opening commissions on Tumblr and for Twitter! I can make icons, headers for both websites (or for any other social media if you want) I too have been doing a lot of chibi drawings, (you can see them on my art page on twitter and my blog and sideblog @letsbeeart) if you are interested and you could help me, I would really appreciate it :) If anyone wants to request feel free, but if you could give me even a small ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/gojosattorus it would be wonderful, if not it's okay i'll do requests nonetheless ^^ so the prices for the commissions are these:
Headers alone are 10$;
Icons (anime and manga) alone are 3$;
Batch of both they are 11$. 
Chibi Commissions: (i should say this, if you want to commission me chibis please ask for fandoms i'm into! Since I'm more familiar with them and gives me more motivation to draw it helps me a lot! Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail are good too ^^)
1 Character -> 25$;
2 Characters -> 35$
+ Characters -> 50$
with background -> 15$
It would be awesome if you guys could spread this post around as much as you can…Sorry for coming out of the blue with this.. I have been on hiatus for a month and a half due to my mental health and now I suddenly appear to open commissions (like i said i can take requests too you could give me a lil ko-fi if not it's alright too) but I have been thinking a lot recently since I don't gain THAT much and my boss always delays the pay day.. I should do something to gain more money! I have been practically doing nothing recently... So if you could support me, even just a lil it would help me a lot!.. Thank you for all your support, love, kindness and strength you have been sending to me recently and for keeping liking everything I do guys, makes me really happy whenever I see your messages ; U ; I will keep doing my most effort to create the best for you guys and I hope you like them and can enjoy too! Thanks for reading and to reblog. Anything you are interested in, or any doubt, you can always message me and we will talk things through. Wish you all the best and I love you very much!! 💖💖💖💖 Have a lovely day/night! *hugs* Take care!
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lullabyes22-blog · 25 days
How are you so good at writing Silco's dialogue? It feels like I can hear his voice whenever I read your fic!
Thank you so much! Silco's voice is one of the trickiest to get right, so it's very gratifying to know his lines feel true to canon<3
Honestly, Silco has such a unique way of speaking. He doesn't sound like any character I've encountered before in media. At first blush, he comes across as your cookie-cutter Scar-coded villain, speaking with a subtle drawl, and an air of eloquent sarcasm and biting wit.
But that's where the similarities end.
Silco's a talker, for sure. But there's a cutting brevity to his sentences, almost like he can't be bothered to waste words. If you read his lines from the show out of context, you'll find that many of his sentences are more like questions posed in the form of observations. And when he speaks, there's a lot of subtext. He likes to keep the listener off-balance, always wondering, "is this guy actually talking to me, or is he just monologuing in his head?"
Also: his syntax is odd. Silco is extremely formal. He seldom uses contractions, and he never swears. Even when he's furious or stressed out, his diction never breaks (even if the accent starts slipping). His sentences are often very short and punchy, but there's also an art of obliqueness in there. He's a master at ending a conversation in the middle of a sentence, leaving his interlocutor wondering what comes next.
This may be controversial (largely because the poet is a misogynistic piece of shit), but I often liken Silco's dialogue as similar to Charles Bukowski's poetry.
Bukowski has an unrelenting cynical wit, succinctness, and a deep love for the word "fuck" that saturates the body of work even if the poems are not actually explicit. I always feel like Silco has the same tendency to subvert the banal, and turn a casual, throwaway comment into something gritty or profound. A lot of Bukowski's poems also deal with working class alienation and poverty, and there's a hardcore bastardly vitriol that is uniquely misanthropic in a way that feels true to Silco's worldview.
Also, fun fact: I hate Bukowski's poetry. He's a terrible, terrible man, and that disgust I feel towards the poet often bleeds into the way I handle Silco's dialogue in FnF.
This is not a nice person, and that's a crucial part of his character. He's an unapologetic anti-hero (anti-villain?) and I want his dialogue to reflect the darkness inherent in his actions and motivations. There's something irredeemably broken in his worldview, and that nihilism he touts as its own nobility is going to haunt him till the end of his days. Because life on the edges of monstrosity, in the dark, down in the dirt, doesn't make you inherently more 'honest' or 'brave' than those who actively choose to live in the light. In fact, I would argue that it makes you infinitely less honest because the darkness becomes a smokescreen to hide your own failings. It gives you plausible deniability. It's so much easier to believe that the world is inherently shitty and that you are an agent of justice taken to its blackest extremes, than to actively find ways every day to make the world a softer, brighter, and more inclusive place.
And to an extent, we can't even blame him, because in a place like Zaun, survival is all that matters. In such a zero-sum game, it takes someone inherently saintly to put the needs of the many above their own - or to martyr themselves in the process.
And we all know Silco's thoughts on martyrs...
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Silco's dialogue is a weird balance between the brutal realism of his inner monologue, and the elegant, formal, and deceptively polite way he delivers his lines.
I bet he says 'Fuck', 'Prick', 'Cunt', 'Sod,' 'Bollocks', 'Shit', 'Piss' a lot.
But only in his head.
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stealingpotatoes · 7 months
I just want to say thank you for sharing your art with us. I would absolutely commission you if I had the money, and I wish I could support you in more than just words, but at the moment I can't. I still get to see your incredible work, though. The content is fun, the style is so cute, and you have such a relaxed and fun air with everything you answer. Thank you <3 Seeing your stuff makes my day so much better.
you guys might not realise it, but words are a pretty great support too!!!! you guys telling me you enjoy my art is always SUCH a good motivation to keep drawing and posting!!! knowing you're liking it makes MY day so much better!!!! :D :D
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I plan to write a story about heists, often from the point of view of the investigators' side, but I don't know where to start (or at least, my brain cannot make anything as interesting as I see in the media). Is there any advice on how I can plan it? Thank you very much!
Writing a Heist Story
A Worthwhile Score - The most important thing you need for a good heist story is a worthwhile score. What is the object/thing they're after and why is it important/valuable? How can everyone in the crew get a cut of this object/thing? What makes this thing valuable enough that it's so protected/hard to get in the first place?
Stakes - The second most important thing you have to establish is why the heist is taking place and why it matters. What does the heist crew stand to gain if they're successful, and/or what do they stand to lose if they're not? In Ocean's Eleven, Danny stood to win back his wife's affection while ruining the man who stole her from him. If he failed, not only did he not achieve either of those things, he also risked losing everything by going back to prison.
Sympathetic Motivation - If you want the reader to root for the heist crew, you need to make sure they have a sympathetic motivation--or at least one the reader wouldn't disapprove of. For example, in Ocean's Eleven, the heist motive is revenge against the guy who stole Danny's wife, so not the most sympathetic cause, but not a despicable one. And when we see that Benedict is a jerk who doesn't even treat Tess well, and that there's still something between Danny and Tess, we're able to root for him.
A Solid Crew - Another important element of good heist stories is a solid crew, meaning each member of the crew has to have a solid reason for being there. That means they need to play a vital role in the heist by providing a vital skill no one else can provide. They also need to have a believable motive for wanting to be part of the heist, especially if they're not being hired or rewarded with a large sum of money. And finally, it's nice to give each crew member a compelling personality, interesting characteristics, and unique relationships with other crew members.
A Complex Scheme - If your characters are trying to steal a piece of art from a museum, they can't roll up on the museum, break a window, knock out a guard, disable the alarm, obscure a camera, take the piece of art and off they go. That's too easy. Anyone could do that. There needs to be big, seemingly insurmountable obstacles that only the skills of the unique crew can overcome. Like, instead of breaking a window, one crew member's unique knowledge of the tunnels beneath the museum could get them in--but only if they can avoid detection from the night crews who work in the tunnels. And instead of knocking out a guard, there are several guards, and only the super stealthy wraith-like martial arts expert can do it without being caught.
A Backup Scheme - The one thing that's true about complex schemes is they almost always go awry. That said, you need to figure out what goes wrong, why, how it affects the original scheme, and how they re-route in the moment to get things back on track. Really good heist masterminds will have a Plan B and Plan C, but even these won't be without their kinks. All of these unforeseen pitfalls, unexpected obstacles, and potential failures keep the tension high and make things interesting. Watching the crew deal with things when they go off track is part of the fun of heist stories.
I hope that helps! ♥ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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feligamifebruary · 5 months
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Parisiens, Parisiennes, dragons and birds of all horizons,
Feligami February is fast approaching, and you may already be thinking of the wonderful art you will bestow upon us throughout the month. It will be our pleasure to share your creations on this blog, and archive them in case our timeline gets erased.
I sense that, like Felix, you have an inquisitive mind. Fear not, for we have prepared a helpful FAQ below:
1. Tell me about the event!
As I’m sure you’ve guessed, Feligami February is a month-long fandom event dedicated to our favourite lovebirds. The principle is simple: to tickle your brains (and hearts!) with our prompts, so you are inspired to create the content you want to see on Tumblr on AO3.
Any and all creative media are welcome: art, fics, AMVs, playlists, cosplays, moodboards, web weaves… No rules and no amoks shall get in your way.
2. Sounds fun! How do I join?
Simply upload your creation(s) to the #feligami february and #feligami february 2024 tags, and make sure to tag this blog. This will ensure we spot your work, as easily as Felix spotted the Peacock Miraculous under Gabriel’s tie.
3. I’m not sure I can cover all 29 prompts, or post on time. Can I still participate?
Of course! The entire point of this event is to have fun. Don’t overwork yourself.
4. I have an idea, but it doesn’t align with any of the prompts. Can I still post it?
Please do! The prompts are here for inspiration, not to suffocate you. Break your chains.
5. Are poly ships allowed?
Absolutely, as long as they include Feligami and exclude any incest and/or pedophilia.
6. What about smut?
Given the age of the characters and the target audience of the show, we will not be allowing any form of smut as part of this event. Similarly, NSFW content will not be allowed in our Discord community (more on that below).
7. What about angst?
Go ahead! Please make sure to tag potentially triggering content to keep the event safe and enjoyable for everyone.
8. The creative process can be a bit lonely. Where can I meet other cool, motivated, brilliant Feligami creators like myself?
Fear not, for we have you covered. By joining our dedicated Discord server, you will get the chance to hang out with fellow Feligami fans, share your ideas, and take a peek at the amazing content coming your way. Think of it as our own little window, on which we all draw hearts for each other.
If you’d like to join, please follow this link to the art room, where you will not be subjected to a creepy, hallucination-based play.
9. You guys sound cool! Where can I find your work?
🐈‍⬛ Paracosmicat (any pronouns)
The best Adrien expert there is, and a reference for all Manon-is-Lila conspiracists. They are also the instigator of this beautiful adventure!
Tumblr | AO3 | Senticousins sideblog
🕊️ Nina (she/her)
Thinker of thoughts and rotater of blorbos. Our marketing and communications expert.
Tumblr | AO3 | Senticousins sideblog
🧬 Helix (she/her)
Artist extraordinaire, romance lover, and our much needed IT expert. If this blog doesn’t explode by the end of the month, it will be exclusively thanks to her.
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Without further ado, we wish you all a lot of fun, inspiration, and bone-chilling musical numbers! 🎶
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ratrrriot · 1 year
Sonic art tips for a young artist pleasee :)
wow thanks for thinking my advice is worth asking for, i'm flattered! here are some tips that helped me learn how to draw them:
Starting by drawing a structure of basic shapes always helps with proportions,but if you decide to use one,don't let it make your drawing stiff! make sure to draw that structure with loose lines and don't think too hard about it. Movement and dynamism are core aspects of these characters,prioritize that over things like symmetry.
Unless you want the characters to look like they're made of rubber or super soft,avoid working exclusively with round edges. instead try making part of their bodies a litttle more sharp and exaggerate some corners. Try finding the perfect balance between sharp and round lines for each one so they look more natural and dynamic.
Pay attention to the proportions of the characters heads in relation to their hands,the length of their legs,the shape of their tummies and eyes,etc. but more importantly,pay attention to the spaces in-between all of those things. For example,the space between their eyes and the end of their foreheads varies from character to character. Details like where the ears are placed in relation to the eyes or how far their quills reach in relation to their backs are just as key as obvious things like what color they are.
Try to find at least a bit of volume in their muzzles. You don't need to take it as far as me cuz i like to exaggerate it but always remember that they aren't plain and try to visualize them separately from the character’s heads before drawing them.
To understand what makes each character recognizable shape-wise, i suggest using more than one pic of each as reference and seeing if there are any differences between them. then choose what you want to keep in your drawings of them and what not.
Don't feel preassured to always draw these characters in any of the official styles (if not ever), just draw them the way that’s more comfortable and fun for you!
Understanding and studying what you draw is important and incredibly useful, BUT it can become very stressful and frustrating when the results aren't what we wanted, Plus, practice is the most important factor when it comes to getting better at drawing and if you don't enjoy the process you don't practice as much. So if you stop having fun at some point or frustration starts taking over,make sure to take a break from working based on how the drawings is “supposed “ to look and instead think about your work process and see what needs to be changed for it to be enjoyable again (Even if it means ignoring all the tips i just mentioned until now and literally not thinking about what you're doing for a while!!). I certainly know i need a break from using my brain while drawing from time to time so i let myself momentarily forget everything I’ve ever learned about anatomy and structure and just doodle Sonic like a kid who just got new pencils. It's good for the heart and recharges motivation!!
And lastly, if you feel like Sonic & friends are hard to draw,it's not just you: they ARE hard to draw and for most it takes years to be able to draw them with ease. I still struggle with them from time to time even when in'm drawing them in my own style.
Hope these help! idk if these tips will be useful for everyone and i still have a lot to learn, so if you decide not to use any of these, that's cool. Good luck drawing these guys regardless!!
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