#you need to balance it with supporting and uplifting the trans community
nancysgillians · 4 years
Okay, so in true Grey's Anatomy fashion, who are the Glee newbies (S4-6) paired up with for their Internship year?
oh my goodness a follow up question to my post excellent excellent okay here goes
firstly they can’t officially pair up on a specialty their intern year but you know how it is at Seattle Grace Murder Death Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital and these kiddo are going to follow the tradition of saying fuck being well balanced I want to be special
jake - he starts out thinking he’s going into plastics bc it’s where the money is and likes working with artie but loves working with mercedes as he should. mercedes is an artist and has the best technique and uplifts her interns. jake ends up really digging trauma after a tough burn victim case and he has a calm temperament and puts up with santanas shit so he’s with trauma in the end
kitty - of course kitty follows quinn around and loves neuro and she definitely excels at neuro but doesn’t thrive. eventually on a difficult case with kurt he tells her kindly that she’s an excellent surgeon but maybe is missing her true calling by ignoring her skills in cardiothoracic (kurt and rachel have of course discussed her and that’s how he knows) true to s6 her and rachel become fast friends and it’s the first time rachel does well at the mentoring thing. mikes too busy being the head of cardio to pay attention to her until kitty and rachel start kicking up drama
marley - marley shows an aptitude for neuro so early on her and kitty feud over it even though marley was set on doing pediatrics. she actually found working with blaine difficult because he’s so talented and upbeat and marley has a darker edge to her that makes it hard for her to let go and love pediatric surgery. plus too many dying babies would crush her spirit. also after finn dies and he was her original mentor she needed a change. she finds an excellent mentor in quinn and kurt eventually and enjoyed her stint in trauma for a bit with santana when things were tense until kitty figured out her passion for cardiothoracic
ryder - okay so ryder actually fails out of the program his first time around. he gets a second chance and decides to check out dermatology over sticking to surgery after his surgical internship ends.
unique - unique has always known she wanted to go into general surgery and though she does dabble in plastics for a bit and thrives on the trans cases re: gender affirming surgeries but she has a passion for general and wants to be known and respected and do groundbreaking research à la meredith grey. surprisingly sam is a great mentor for her!
alistair - he’s the anesthesiologist that everyone wants in their surgery
jane - came to learn from the best fetal and neonatal pediatric surgeon blaine anderson-hummel and his annoying habit of breaking into song for the kids is not going to stop her
madison - so she wanted to do pediatrics but found out she actually does not have the patience to deal with helicopter parents (same girl same) and she jumped into a helicopter with tina as a last minute support for a transplant and realized the thrill of transplant general surgery is exactly her speed
mason - obstetrics and gynecology and he’s not creepy about it and genuinely wants to figure out the crisis of maternal death in the us and it helps that he is often as quirky as brittany s pierce and they have this weird non verbal communication thing that freaks out the other surgeons
roderick - plastics and ENT later on and he absolutely never regrets giving up his original plan of going into ortho because he’s a freaking plastics god. he actually loves learning from mercedes but artie is his solid homeboy and his go to mentor
spencer - ortho and he thinks he’s hot shit for it and has an attitude until the cute anesthesiologist alistair calls him out during surgery. puck thinks he’s a punk and enjoys making him do grunt work until he quits it with the smarter than you bullshit.
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You said we can ask you questions so here goes( hope they arent invasive)
-at what age did u realise u were lesbian?was it easy/hard to accept?
-how was your coming out like? How did your family and friends react?
-were you ever/are you religious?do u believe one can balance between being homosexual and religious?
- were you always masc or is it something that came with accepting your sexuality?
-do you call yourself a stud?
- how hard/easy has it been being an out and proud black lesbian?
- thoughts on the stigma against stud4stud/butch4butch lesbians
-were you ever a TRA/libfem? If yes, what made you peak?
-ive had ppl talk about how masc lesbians being touch-me-nots is problematic/toxic and how its more about upholding a "status" than it is about preference. What do you make of that?
Not invasive at all! I'm happy to answer and thank you for asking :).
- I realized I was a lesbian at age 12 when I developed a HUGE crush on my gorgeous English teacher. I also got a small crush on a girl in one of my classes. I didn't grow up around much homophobia so it wasn't hard for me to accept that I was gay but what was hard was the absolute intensity of my feelings towards my teacher. I used to pray to god to have my feelings for her taken away because they were just so intense and I didn't know how to handle them (she was my teacher so I clearly wasn't going to ask her out. There was literally no outlet for what I was feeling so I kept it bottled.). My parents never brought up gay people in any positive or negative way and the kids I grew up around didn't really either. So me being gay wasn't something I beat myself up over. Once I accepted that I wasn't an overly invested straight ally, the road to acceptance was a peace of cake tbh.
-My coming out was... Well. I first started coming out to my friends when I was 13 and they were accepting of it. It honestly wasn't that interesting to tell you the truth 😅. All the peers that I gave a shit about never gave me shit for being gay. I never lost a friend for being gay. Coming out to my parents took me until I was 16 and the reason for that is because I genuinely didn't know how they'd react. Like I said, they never said anything about gay people point blank period. However, I was kind of forced to come out one particular night because my heart had been fucking shattered by a girl I was strongly crushing on at the time. I was pacing up and down my house, my best friend wasn't answering me, I could hear my dad's TV playing, it was late, I was tired, I couldn't sleep, I had school tomorrow, I was freaking out, I was devastated... I wanted to be comforted so I went to my father, threw my head into his arm and started telling him how my heart felt broken. He asked me if I had a boyfriend and when I said "nope" there was some silence and he was like "it's okay, I've known for a long time". I never actually said the words "gay" or "lesbian" during my coming out but I guess I didn't need to. The next morning, my father asked if it was okay if he could go tell my mom and I said yes. Long story short, my mom was even less surprised than my dad and she's the more progressive of the two so it wasn't really an issue (though she did tell me to keep an open mind in terms of liking men 😅 she seems to think I'm bisexual which is whatever because she never bothers me about it).
-Hmm. I don't like to completely cut out religion from my life. My father was extremely religious and now that he's gone, I feel it's disrespectful for me to say God doesn't exist. Like, "dad, you spent practically your whole life believing wholeheartedly in God but guess what! It was a waste and the thing you dedicated your life is something I think is a fairytale!" that doesn't sit right with me at all. I've been baptized and I used to go to church when I was younger. I think that there's no reason to shake my head at the possibility of a God. In terms of being gay and believing in God, I once watched a video by a devout Christian gay man who went through all the homophobic stuff Christians love to quote from the bible and gave the actual meaning behind them. I, personally, do not think that God is homophobic. I think that God's love is not something we have the capacity to understand. So, I, personally, think Christian gay people are perfectly fine and are already balanced. Here's to hoping that they stay away from homophobic churches!
-No, I wasn't always masc. As a child I was a huge girly girl. Like, legit, I wasn't a tomboy in the slightest lmao. I'm not sure when I started being masc. But what I do know is that I've grown far more masc over the years. I used to not want to dress too manly (no tuxedo's and no clothes from the men's section and no boxers) but nowadays I love all of those things and that's genuinely what I want in my wardrobe so I have no problem going into the men's section for my clothes.
-No, I don't call myself a stud. Love those guys though. The label I feel that's most accurate for me is masc.
-Um, I'm not sure how to answer this since I don't have experience being any other kind of lesbian. I guess it's just kind of tiring. I'm black, female, and homosexual. That's a LOT of different topics to give my attention to. The hardest part of being a black lesbian is knowing who to give my camaraderie to. Do I give it to black women? Black women AND black men? Lesbians? Only black lesbians? The lgb community as a whole? It's just a lot to think about. I will say, though, I think that it's a lot harder to be a masc black lesbian than a white one. Black women are already perceived as manly just based off of our skin color. So for me to willingly present masc can often be... A non-pretty picture in the eyes of society and I'm hyper-aware of that which is why I often have trouble going all out with the wardrobe I truly desire. That's my biggest challenge navigating the world as the black lesbian that I am. On a more positive note though, it's great being a black lesbian because I can have an opinion on everything and nobody can tell me I'm being racist/homophobic/sexist or stepping outside of my lane 😂. I'm on a three-lane road motherfucker and I'm not afraid to use all of them.
-my thoughts are that you should leave people alone. I will say though, I once read something that was like "if you call yourself a femme but the idea of being with a butch disgusts you, you're not a femme, you're just a feminine lesbian" and that rang true to me so it feels hypothetical (and nonsensical) if the reverse wasn't true as well. If a butch/stud shits on femmes and assumes they can't be as feminine as they are and ACTUALLY gay then I do have a problem. Butches and femmes have a history that's damn near inseparable from each other so for a butch to shit on femmes... I'd argue that they're probably not butch but instead just masculine lesbians. However, I don't care if two butches or studs want to date lmao. All the power to them, I hope they're happy.
-I definitely used to support trans rights more than I do now. I would correct people who misgendered others. I thought trans women were women. I was in support of bathroom laws. I never made posts about it, but I very much did believe it. Magdalen berns made me peak. I started realizing that gender makes no sense. I did some research and came to the conclusions I hold today. Even when I want to go back to my ignorance, I can't because I've seen too much by now.
-I honestly don't know. I think that some masc lesbians don't want to be put in that "feminine" position of being touched by their partner. It could stem from upholding a status but at the end of the day, sexual boundaries are sexual boundaries. What are you gonna do? Force your touch on to them? Yikes. Leave them be. If you're upset about your partner not wanting to be touched by you then get a new one. Clearly you're not sexually happy so leave. I don't think it's necessarily toxic unless they think there's something inherently demeaning in being touched by their partner or they do want to be touched but won't allow themselves due to trauma or feeling like there's a certain persona they must uplift. Other than that though, I don't see the issue.
Thanks for the questions, buddy ❤️
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gulgbtqplus · 4 years
EGM candidates
Our EGM is on October 9th, 2020. If you would like to run for any position, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/EMdnNa7Nr7ybah7E6! We will be updating this list as responses come in.
VP Secretary
1) Robyn (they/them)
GULGBTQ+ has been a real lifeline for me (like many others) since I started university and especially now in my 3rd year in the middle of a pandemic. And so I would love to be VP Sec to give back, support and uplift the community that’s had my back and been my safe space for the last few years.
I previously spent some time as Non-Binary officer last year so I already have an insight into the on-goings of the society. And I also attended Trans and Non-Binary coffees nearly every week. As VP Sec I would want to give more attention and accessibility to POC, disabled, and trans students in particular, especially right now.  I would love to continue to work with the SRC and GUSocNet in particular, and reach out to others also. As a home student, I know the importance of having a network and so I would love to keep strengthening the network we have built as a community and expanding it. But of course most importantly working alongside our already amazing exec and committee to put ideas into motion. (And maybe make a zine or two ya know).
I realise the massive responsibility that is being part of the exec but I’m more than willing to rise to that challenge this year. Overall I want everyone to feel like they have a safe space within the society and that this is their community too. It would be a joy to be your VP Sec this year and continue to help carry on the community we have here! :) (And stay safe!)
2) Liam (he/him)
I’d be the right candidate as since I’ve joined I’ve been active in the society whether it be events or discussions going on in the server. This is important as there always has to be an open channel for discussion and chat no matter the topic. Being the VP Secretary is a big undertaking and in that i'd love to be able to chat to you all whether it be in coffees, direct messages, or an anonymous poll every now and again to find out what direction you want the society to move in. The priorities of a society are fluid in a changing world and I believe i'd be the one to step up and give people the voice to help us steer in the right direction
Events Officer
1) Robyn (they/them)
As Events Officer, I would love to continue the work previous folk have done over the last few years in running more accessible and ever creative events. Moreover this would be incredibly important with the on-going Covid situation and I would love to have the challenge of creating new events with the committee and in the society to adapt to the new online environment. To find new ways of fundraising for the society and also making online events just as exciting as in-person events were. I’m a very creative, inventive and adaptable person thanks to my degree, the projects I do outside of university and work I did with charity events back at school. Last year, I spent some time as Non-Binary officer, attending trans & non-binary coffees throughout the year and so I have a decent idea of running events already in the society. I would strive to continue to make events more accessible and welcoming to POC, international and disabled students etc., and also manage the issues that previous years may have had by taking on constructive feedback consistently. In all, I want to create a space and event for everyone by solidifying communication inside the society and outside the society.
Communications and Technology Officer
1) Evelyn (they/them)
I’m a social and economic history student. I have found it really valuable to meet people through GULGBTQ especially the craft group. I really don't know what I'd have been able to do otherwise as I found it quite difficult making friends etc when I first came to Glasgow last year. On that note I would like to contribute to the society... Mostly I'd really like to improve the website e.g. the calendar is in need of a bit of TLC!
2) Liam (he/him)
As a technologically oriented person, I believe I would be able to do the Communications and Technology role justice by setting up regular channels for communication. The website as cute as it may be is dated and could do with a freshen up. This is however easier said than done, after evaluating with everyone what priorities for it we should have the slow process of neatening it can begin. To bring people to any events, the weekly announcements message could be posted on the page along with a link to the Discord server. The page is a representation of what we do as a society yet it lays bare with nought but who is on the committee and manifestos of who would like to be. Be gay do crime, thanks for listening.
Men’s Officer
1) Ethan (he/him)
Hi, I’m Ethan - a graduate and now first year medical student, who has been involved in student representation as some kind of liberation officer for the past 4 or 5 years. I came out as transgender in 2016, and since then have openly shared my transition and experiences on a small YouTube channel. I’m tired of the narrative that as a trans man I am not a “real” man, and the barriers faced by transmasculine individuals in accessing things that are typically put down as 'feminine' needs (sanitary bins - I’m looking at you!). I am incredibly keen to push for change in the teaching of healthcare subjects, so that it is less awkward accessing things such as cervical smears and menstrual care, and that healthcare teaching in general stops being focused from a cis-het viewpoint. Whilst that may be one of my personal main focuses, wider campaigns and work around challenging stigmas particularly associated with men’s mental health and sexual health is really important. So I’d want to make sure there is involvement in these too.
2) Liam (he/him)
GULGBT+ has so far done a great job of having everyone feel accepted and have a space to chat but at the moment there isn't a Mens Officer and from anecdotal experience there is a significant lean in the societies demographic to female students at least in terms of activity in the society. My aim as this years Mens Officer would be to make the society a welcoming place for all, whether this is through running events directed towards those who aren't aware of the society or aren't aware of its purpose.
International Officer
1) Alexandra (she/her)
After moving to the UK last year, there were so many new things that I had to learn and there was plenty of confusion and mistakes along the way. Now that I've settled in and I feel comfortable as a resident of Scotland, I would love to have the opportunity to give advice and guidance to those who are still figuring things out, or are just looking for solidarity during a difficult adjustment period. It can be so disorienting and isolating to leave behind your family and friends to move to a new country, and I hope to let some folks know that they're not alone and they can talk to me and all the other wonderful people in GULGBT. This club made a huge difference for me in this regard, and I want to make sure others get that opportunity as well!
2) Pat (they/them)
I've been an international student in different countries over the years and it's had a profound impact on how I can conceptualize and relate my own queer identity. Listening to and supporting each other as international students who are far from home and potentially in a very different situation culturally and linguistically is so important, when it comes to LGBTQIA+ issues as well as the bureaucratic and everyday. I want to make sure that the society is providing a space for international students and potentially make connections with other societies for international students to reach new members and share resources.
First Year Ordinary Member
1) Ethan (he/him)
Hi, I’m Ethan - a graduate and now first year medical student, who has been involved in student representation as some kind of liberation officer for the past 4-5years. Having already spent a fair bit of time getting to know many of the LGBT+ freshers’ community at UofG this year, I’d love to be able to act as a linked voice for them to help make sure they still manage to have a great first year’s experience. This certainly wasn’t the year anyone expected, and I’m really keen to try and help make the best of what we can so everyone has a positive start to their course.
Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Officer
1) Ethan (he/him)
Hi, I’m Ethan - a graduate and now first year medical student, who has been involved in student representation as some kind of liberation officer for the past 4-5years. From completely relaunching my previous university’s LGBT+ society, to starting its first separate dedicated group for trans students, and being elected as the first trans rep for students across Scotland… my undergrad was busy! I’m really keen to bring the experiences I’ve had, and lessons I’ve learned, with me to GULGBT+ and get involved through my next 5years studying at UofG. Being a postgrad and/or mature student comes with its own unique challenges and I want to work with the committee, SRC, and wider university to make sure you are well supported in achieving all the things you want to whilst still being able to balance everything you have going on outside of university. Aside from that, something I am keen to work on during my time studying medicine, is making the curricula of healthcare subjects more inclusive of LGBT+ patient scenarios and education.
2) Pat (they/them)
Community is really important to me and has become even more so since the suspension of in-person meetings. When I came to Glasgow last year, I found that the vast majority of people I met through freshers events and societies were a good few years younger than me and it seemed like I was the only postgraduate/mature student around. I would like to continue facilitating a space for postmat students in the society and ensure that people older than the average student will feel welcome and at home in the society.
Preferences of those running for multiple positions:
1. VP Secretary
2. Events Officer
1. Men’s Officer
2. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Officer
3. First Year Ordinary Member
1. Postgraduate and Mature Students’ Officer
2. International Officer
1. VP Secretary
2. Men’s Officer
3. Communications and Technology Officer
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Vol 1.
In dedication to Marie Harrison, Hunters Point environmental activist, and all indigenous peoples lost, stolen, detained, migrating, creating, thriving, resisting, loving, and protecting Earth.
Our intention is to share the wisdom we have gained in this lifetime through popular education, decolonization, direct action, and our inherent willpower to heal ourselves, loved ones, relatives, and pachamama (Mother Earth) from all that we have been through and all that is to come.
We are living in the Anthropocene, a geological time period marked by the altering of Earth by human activity. In recent years we have seen record-setting storms, droughts, and fires around the world. The destruction of the environment and the exploitation of resources is directly linked to the rise of global fascism. It is reaching its peak and manifesting in exploitation, oppression, and the poisoning of people and the earth. Communities of color are most affected by climate change and environmental destruction from industry. Both biodiversity and cultural diversity are rapidly being homogenized. Climate change and resource wars are displacing people around the world and fueling massive waves of immigration. Our Black and Indigenous relatives are already living in this post-apocalyptic world after having been dispossessed by colonialism in the past and at this very moment. Our ancestors knew then and we know now that the end of one world means the beginning of a new one. How can we create a world worth living in? How can we ensure that it is one that the next seven generations can survive and thrive in?
This guide was made to help navigate the modern ecological crisis. When we speak of ecology, we include people, communities, and cultures along with plants, animals and the land. Human beings are animals that are part of nature; therefore, a part of ecosystems. This zine was created on stolen Ohlone land that has been colonized three times. We recognize colonialism as an on-going act of destruction of communities and the land. It is important that we let Black, Indigenous, and Queer, Trans and Two-Spirit people (BI-QTPOC) lead us in our work towards liberation. Indigenous people around the world have been at the frontlines of the war against colonialism and continue to be as we see with our relatives in the Amazonia, Africa, West Papua, Turtle Island, and First Nations tierras. Although science and technology offer some solutions to climate change, we must take the initiative to make changes in our own lives so that our children and grandchildren will inherit a livable planet. Technological fixes only perpetuate the capitalist system that has wreaked havoc on our planet. The only true solution to climate change is revolution. 
“It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.” - Assata Shakur
Indigenous Existence as Anti-Colonial, Anti-Fascist Resistance:
We’d like to acknowledge that global Indigenous communities have and continue to be the agents of cultivating and preserving “theory” and “analysis” when it comes to protecting the earth and do not see their existence as mutually exclusive from it.
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 “We are not defending nature. We are nature defending itself!”
Image from solidarity action for Amazonia, via @mundano_sp on Instagram
Theories to help us understand our current situation and how to strategize:
Ecology is the study of the relationship between different organisms in an ecosystem. A fundamental aspect of ecology is the interconnectedness of all life. 
Ecofeminism recognizes the connection between the domination of nature and the domination of humans. 
Ecowomanism builds upon black feminism, ecofeminism, and environmentalism. Ecowomanism is based upon the intersectionality of oppression, including social injustices and ecological injustices. It challenges the whitewashing of environmentalism and acknowledges the contributions of women of African descent and women of color to the environmental movement. 
“Ecowomanism is discourse, dialogue, a conversation that centers the voices, experiences, and sociological perspectives of women of African descent and women of color on the environment.” – Rev. Dr. Melanie L. Harris
Indigenous Anarchism is malleable, embraces change, and explores what survivance looks like as remnants of genocide. Because it identifies colonialism as the root cause of the daunting state of things it does not seek to include coerced and collaborative worldviews. How do we manifest our ungovernable force of nature? This definition was crowdsourced at the Indigenous Anarchist Convergence in August 2019 occupied Dine territory.
Ecosocialism blends ecological and marxist theory. Ecosocialists believe that capitalism is the root of war, poverty and environmental destruction and that dismantling capitalism will help solve these issues. 
Geocommunism is a theory that has been developed by political geographer Arun Saldanha that argues that capitalism is the root of climate change and societal inequality. Geocommunism proposes a communist revolution rooted in intersectionality and ecological consciousness.
Excerpt from the geocommunist manifesto:
The Anthropocene has to be posited as the material and theoretical ground of any concept of social justice. The combat for justice starts with four facts: 1)resources are per definition finite, 2) the earth system has been irrevocably altered by human production, 3) positive feedback loops under capital are accelerating severe perturbations to ecosystems, 4) humans are in the last instance evolutionary entities at risk of starvation, disease and brutality. Scientists predicting half of humanity will perish by 2100 are already proposing fascist responses to these four facts.
Social Ecology is the exploration of connections between people and the environment. Anarchist theorist Murray Bookchin analyzes the interdependence of social formations, institutions, and has radically inspired the emergence and sustenance of the Kurdish liberation movement.
Solidarity looks like Anti-Colonial Direct Action:
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Image description: Tuira Kayapó, has been fighting to protect the amazon in Brazil for decades from western multinational companies. She ran the blade of her machete three times over the President of Light holding Company Petrobras cheeks and in her native tongue warned, “You are a liar. We do not need electricity. Electricity is not going to give us our food. We need our rivers to flow freely: our future depends on it. We need our jungles for hunting and gathering. We do not need your dam.”
Disaster Preparedness:
As climate change worsens, natural disasters will increase in severity and frequency. The Bay Area is long over do for a big Earthquake. The East Bay is particularly vulnerable to quakes because of Hayward fault. Although we cannot prevent natural disasters, we can prepare for them. Consider organizing with your neighborhood to create a disaster plan.
Basic Emergency Supply Kit
Water (1 gallon a day per person for at least 3 days)
Food (at least 3 day supply of non-perishable goods) *if you have pets keep an extra supply of pet food and if you have a baby keep extra supply of infant formula*
Flashlight and extra batteries
First aid kit
N95 Masks
Trash bags, plastic ties, and baby wipes for sanitation
Battery-powered radio / NOAA Weather Radio 
Cash or traveler’s checks
Sleeping bag or warm blanket
Change of clothing and sturdy shoes
Matches (in waterproof container)
Personal hygiene products
Pens and paper
Important documents
Other Resources to help you prepare for disasters: 
NASA map of active fires
Environmental Trauma and Grief:
There is so much pain on Earth. Emotional responses like grief, sadness, anger, depression, anxiety, and dissociation are all normal responses to all the trauma on Earth. Give yourself space to mourn the state of Earth. Honor these feelings, but also try to transmute pain into action. These feelings may very well fuel our revolution. 
 We must fight and care for the living.
Herb & Fungi Support:
tulsi / holy basil / albahaca / Ocimum tenuiflorum
Tulsi is a sacred plant in traditional Indian and African medicine. The plant is an adaptogen which means that it can help they body respond to stress. The plant can help you restore balance in your body. It can also aid digestion. It can be made into a tea or taken as a tincture. 
ashwagandha / Withania sonifera 
Ashwagandha is a plant from India and North Africa. It is a calming adaptogen that can help with insomnia and anxiety. ¼ to a ½ teaspoon can be warmed up with milk and some honey. 
reishi / lingzhi / Ganoderma lucidum
Reishi is a mushroom traditionally used in China and Japan. It can help with anxiety, support the immune system, and has anti-inflammatory properties. You can add reishi powder to smoothies or take pills or a tincture.
lemon balm / melissa / Melissa officinalis 
Lemon balm is a plant in the mint family that is native to North Africa, West Asia and Southern Europe. The plant can be used to uplift the spirits, reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help with insomnia, nausea, menstrual cramps and headaches. It can be made into a tea, tincture, or put into a salad.
mullein / jupiter’s staff /  Verbascum
Mullein is a plant in the snapdragon family that is native to Europe and Asia. It is a powerful herb for respiratory support. It has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It can be made into a tea or taken as a tincture.
elderberry / tapiro / Sambucus nigra / Sambucus mexicana
Elderberry trees grow from what is now called Oregon to Baja. It can be found in many parks and gardens in the east bay. It usually grows by rivers. The berries can be made into a syrup or tincture that is good for immunity and can replace cold or flu medicine. The flowers can also be made into a calming tea. 
 Elderberry syrup recipe:
3 cups water
1/2 cup black elderberries (dried, or 1 1/3 cups fresh)
2 TBSP ginger (grated)
1 tsp cinnamon
orange peel
1 cup honey
Heat water, elderberries, ginger, cinnamon, and orange peel. Simmer for 45-60 minutes. Mix in honey and then place into jars.  
Top 10 Polluting Corporations:
Coca-Cola (Dasani, Topo Chico, PowerAde)
PepsiCo (Mountain Dew, Lays, Gatorade, 7Up, Doritos, Cheetos, AquaFina, Quaker)
Nestlé (Gerber, Perrier, S. Pelligrino, Coffee Mate,  Häagen-Dazs, Fancy Feast, Purina)
Danone (Oikos, Activa, Silk, Horizon Organics, So Delicious Dairy Free)
Mondelez International (Oreo, Trident, Sour Patch Kids, Ritz, Toblerone, Chips Ahoy)
Procter & Gamble 
Unilever (Breyers, Dove, Lipton, Pure Leaf, Ben & Jerry’s, Jif, Vaseline)
Perfetti van Melle
Mars Incorporated
 The biggest Polluter on the planet is the United States Military.
The United States Military has caused many environmental and health catastrophes. All the nuclear testing and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of chemical weapons in Vietnam and Cuba, have poisoned the people and land all over the world. This state sponsored violence begins here at home from native reservations to sacrifice zones in low income, black and brown neighborhoods. Our indigenous relatives here on Turtle Island throw down against pipelines, tar sands, uranium and coal mining on their land for water, the right to exist, survival. Here in the bay area there are several neighborhoods that are contaminated from naval bases like Treasure Island and Hunters Point that are still toxic. It is people of color and poor people that are most likely to live in these areas, be exposed to the toxins, and develop deadly diseases as a result of this ongoing violation and genocide.  
Common Toxins
Many products contain toxic substances that can cause you harm. These toxins eventually leak into the environment which then causes ecological damage. Unfortunately, many chemicals are already in our waterways and soil. You can test your water and soil to see what toxins are in there. Look out for these common toxins and try to switch to alternatives.
Search Engine for Body Safety Database: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
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 DIY cleaning products 
All-purpose cleaner:
Put a mixture of one part water with one part vinegar into a spray bottle. You can also add a few drops of essential oils like lemon, rosemary, lavender, or place a sprig of lavender or rosemary in the bottle. 
 Kitchen cleaner and deodorizer:
Add 4 tablespoons of baking soda to 1 quart of water then pour mixture onto sponge or rag. 
 Glass Cleaner:
Add 2 cups of water, ½ cup of white or apple cider vinegar, ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1 or 2 drops of an essential oil for scent. Pour into a spray bottle and wet a paper towel or cloth before wiping mirror or window. 
 Houseplants that purify the air:
Snake Plant / Lengua de Suegra
Bamboo Palm
Aloe Vera 
Boston Fern
Peace Lily (toxic to cats)
Ficus / Weeping Fig
Spider Plant 
 Plants that purify soil (phytoremediation)
Mustard greens 
Willow trees
Things you can do (Sustainability Guide):
Support indigenous resistance movements and projects
Support environmental organizations led by BI-QTPOC 
Study and undermine colonialism, capitalism, and white supremacy. Without an understanding of these systems of domination as the root causes to climate Armageddon and the oppression of black, indigenous, and brown people- none of the suggestions after this will aid the wound that is generations old.
Educate yourself on local and international environmental issues
Limit driving and flying 
Eat less animal products and other high impact foods like almonds, cashews, quinoa, palm oil
Eat seasonal and local vegetables and fruits
Limit use of toxic products 
Limit use of single-use plastic products(carry reusable containers and utensils)
Buy second hand
Pick up trash and recycle 
 Suggested Reading: 
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
Emergent Strategy by Adrienne Maree Brown
Anarchist ecology zine
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer 
Soil Not Oil by Vandana Shiva
Radical Ecology by Carolyn Merchant
Suggested films:
Secret life of plants 
The eyes of the rainbow 
 Bay area resources and organizations:
Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
Planting Justice
Movement Generation 
Idle No More
Communities For a Better Environment
Mask Oakland
 Bay area Farms:
Gill Tract (Sogorea Te’ Land Trust)
Spiral Gardens (Berkeley)
Planting Justice (East Oakland)
Soul Flower Farm (El Sobrante)
From our radical, dreamy, anti-colonial imaginaire of a mother, Octavia Butler we leave you with an Earthseed verse from the Book of the Living…
“Kindness eases change, love quiets fear
And a sweet and powerful obsession blunts pain
Diverts rage and engages us in the greatest
The most intense of our chosen struggles”
We have a duty to ourselves, our relatives, and the earth. To abandon any of this is to abandon all those and that which makes us possible here now. Heal up, rise up, find your crew and act up..the time is up.
*If you would like to contribute to this guide, please email us at [email protected] 
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e-de-mimsy · 6 years
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Sapphic Solidarity Flag as designed by me, January 2019
[Image description: a flag with three vertical stripes. All of them are of the same width. From left to right the colours are violet, a lighter rose, and a magenta-pink.]
Are there thousands of flags yet? yes. Am I sorry for creating another one? no, although I did hesitate.
Background: I myself currently identify as Bi, but most of last year I’ve been questioning if the label even fits me or if I’m actually a lesbian. I started following several wlw blogs and they all helped a lot. On top of that a good friend of mine came out as a trans woman to me and we found a lot of comfort in each other during last year. I am so thankful for this community and for everyone who helped me figuring this out. During all this I learned how important the solidarity and support for one another is in this community, but I also saw a lot of intra community disagreements or even bigotry. So I got this idea for a flag like this. One that celebrates all wlw, that stands for the support and solidarity, and is explicitly including trans women, always.
About the design:
It features the colour purple/violet for lesbians, the light shade of pink from the transgender flag, and a slightly less saturated bold pink from the bi flag. (Less saturated so it doesn’t clash with the other two colours)
I chose 3 colours because it makes the design easier to remember, also a design of 3 looks more balanced & harmonic in this case
at first I had the stripes in the common horizontal fashion, but then I thought that I’d prefer them to stand equally next to another. Additionally it makes the flag stand out in the sea of horizontally striped flags.
not only do I prefer the look of the transgender flag pink in the middle, it also has a meaning for me: per design it is 100% included and there to stay.
Who’s represented with that flag? Who can use it? (before anyone asks)
lesbians, no matter if butch, femme, bambi, ...
trans women, no matter what their orientation is.
wlw who are attracted to multiple genders (bi, pan, poly are all summarised under the stripe of the bi pink)
I know that people who ID as wlw/sapphic can have a difficult relationship with gender, so of course it includes NB people/people who fall under the NB umbrella.
questioning wlw. Labels can be difficult and we’re here to support & uplift one another
If you’re ace/aro and ID as lesbian, bi/pan/poly, are a trans woman or generally go by sapphic/wlw, then you’re included too of course.
you are any of the above and want to express your love and support for the others represented in this flag. This flag is supposed to be a direct statement against hate & bigotry.
Who cannot use it?
Transphobes, Terfs, Truscum, Transmeds
lesbophobes & biphobes
racist folks
generally: if you discriminate based on gender, orientation, ethnicity & race, religious believes, disabilities, class, ... I need you to better yourself. Until then this flag isn’t for you.
cis people who are not wlw
you’re a MAP
Additional notes (because this is the internet):
This isn’t anti gay/bi/trans men. This is not supposed to be a new, seperate community, instead it is about strengthening the wlw parts of the community and about the rejection of intra community transphobia. It is a symbol for the solidarity and respect I wish to become the future for the whole LGBT+ community. We’re the strongest when we work together.
While cis non-wlw women are not included in this flag it doesn’t mean we don’t care about them. Feminism is deeply rooted with sapphic and trans women, and we sure as hell won’t make exceptions when it comes to our feminism.
This flag is about love, compassion, support, solidarity, respect, united strength and acceptance. We stand up for another and won’t tolerate hate against any of us.
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perfectdocument · 3 years
GST Registarion
Well, there’s no way around it: This has got to be one of the queerest places on the internet. How queer, you ask? Apparently, folks on Tumblr are 193% more likely to identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community than on any other social media platform. That’s you! Well, it’s most of you. It’s a helluva lot of you. Let’s talk about you—the LGBTQIA+ community on Tumblr. You, who uplift each other, back each other up, uphold each other’s truths. You make Tumblr the supportive space it is. So hey, whether you’re out and proud or just starting to figure things out, queer Tumblr has got your back—and it touches every fandom and ship and interest you can imagine...we have (finally canonical) declarations of love! Ratty allies! Gay ACNH villagers! Pronoun-positive worms on strings! And frogs! So many frogs. No matter what, you’ll find support and acceptance and, if you need it, a little bit of guidance. This is who you are. Not just in June, but every day of every year. We wouldn’t have it any other way. 🦄, Tumblr staff You made Tumblr queer as hell. We wanted to thank you for that with some gently silly, aesthetic things. Why wait for Pride month? Tumblr celebrates year-round. If you’re on a computer, check out the latest Color Palette for a fun dashboard makeover. Just mosey your little cursor over to the account button in the upper right-hand corner, click it, and then click “Change Palette.” The hues were inspired by the all-inclusive Pride flag. While you’re there on your computer, you can brighten up your posts by tagging them with certain genders and sexuality-related words, like #lesbian, #trans, or #asexual. There’s a bunch of them! And we want to include more in the next tag update. If there’s a specific identity you need to see in our next release, let us know in the reblogs. For now, we hope everyone feels seen and celebrated in the rainbow #LGBTQIA+ tag. Android and iOS folks, we didn’t forget about you. You’ll start to see all of this stuff around May 10. purchasing and selling and great of administrations need to enlist for GST. It is required for organizations whose turnover is more than Rs.20 lakhs (for supply of administrations) and Rs. 40 lakhs ( for supply of merchandise) yearly to enroll for a GST. All organizations causing highway outward supplies of products to need to enroll for a GST as well. The equivalent applies to organizations making available supplies in the interest of other available people, model Agents and Brokers. Additionally, according to the new warning, internet business venders/aggregators need not register if all out deals are under Rs.20 lakhs. What are the GST charge rates? Things that are viewed as fundamental necessities go under excluded list for example they are not burdened. Family necessities and life-saving medications and so forth are charged at 5%. Items like PCs and prepared food are charged at 12%. Hair oil, toothpaste and cleansers, capital products, modern middle people and administrations are charged at 18%. Extravagance things are charged at 28%. You can see the duty rates for every one of the items here: https://cbec-gst.gov.in/gst-merchandise administrations rates.html Look at the GST adding machine which proves to be useful to ascertain the Goods and Service Tax utilizing various sections. What is a GST Return? A GST Return is a record containing subtleties of pay that is needed to be documented according to the law with the duty specialists. Under the GST law, a citizen needs to submit two profits from a month to month premise and one such return every year. All profits must be recorded on the web. Kindly note that there is no arrangement for overhauling the profits. All solicitations for the past charge time frame that went unreported should be remembered for the current month. Under GST, an enrolled seller needs to document GST returns that include: Purchases, Sales, Output, GST (On deals) and Input tax reduction (GST paid on buys).
What is GSTIN? GSTIN is a one of a kind distinguishing proof number given to each GST citizen. To check a GSTIN number an individual who has a GST number can sign onto the GST entryway. What is the GSTN (Goods and Service Tax Network)? The Goods and Service Tax Network (or GSTN) is area 8 (non-benefit), non-government, private restricted organization. GSTN is a one-stop answer for all your circuitous duty necessities. GSTN is answerable for keeping up Indirect Taxation stage for GST to help you plan, document, redress returns and make installments of your aberrant expense liabilities. Required records for Online GST enlistment The rundown of records needed for enrollment of GST for different business are as per the following: Ownership · Pan Card and address evidence of owner · LLP · Pan Card of LLP · LLP Agreement · Accomplices' names and address evidence Private Limited Company · Declaration of Incorporation · Pan Card of Company · Articles of Association, AOA · Notice of Association, MOA · Goal endorsed by board individuals · Personality and address evidence of chiefs · Advanced Signature The accompanying can be appeared as evidence of address of a chief:- · Identification · Elector Identity Card · Aadhar Card · Proportion Card · Phone or Electricity Bill · Driving License · Financial balance Statement Add what functions as personality verification, One can utilize a PAN Card, Aadhar Card as character evidence. For address verification, any of the chief's can show their citizens ID, visa, phone charge, power bill and phone bill. Readiness of GST application One of our GST agents will gather every one of the necessary reports and cycle the GST application through the iCFO stage. Application Filing When every one of the records are gathered, the application will be handled and documented. At that point quickly the ARN number will be given. GST Registration Certificate The GST enlistment testament and GSTIN will be endless supply of GST application and other obligatory reports by the GST official. Know that no printed copies of the declaration will be given and the GST enrollment testament can be downloaded from the GST Portal. Punishments For Failure To GST Registration According to the Section 122 of the CGST act, in India, there is an immediate punishment for each one of those available people who neglect to enroll for GST. Intentional Registration Under GST (for Companies With A Turnover Below Rs.20 Lakhs) Any independent venture with turnover under 20 lakh can willfully enroll for GST despite the fact that it isn't mandatory by law. Intentional GST enlistment enjoys its own benefits and some of them are: Assume input praise: In GST, there is a progression of information credit directly from makers of the products till the purchasers, the nation over. Information credit implies a citizen while paying assessment on yield can deduct the duty that has effectively been paid on data sources and pay just the leftover sum. Intentionally enrolled organizations can build their edges and benefits through this. Do between state selling without any limitations: SMEs can expand the extent of their organizations and discover planned clients and investigate online stages Register on online business sites: SMEs can broaden their market by enrolling through internet business destinations. Enjoy a serious benefit contrasted with different organizations. GST Return Filing A GST Return Filing is a return archive that contains subtleties of the pay of the citizen. It must be documented with the GST regulatory power. The archive is utilized expense specialists to ascertain the duty risk of a GST citizen. A GST Return Filing structure needs to incorporate the accompanying subtleties. · Yield GST (On deals) · Deals · Information tax reduction (GST paid on buys) · Buys · For documenting a GST Return, you need to have GST agreeable deals and buy solicitations appended.
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ravn-87 · 5 years
dont fucking add a long post about how your cousin tried to kill themselves (riddled with your conscious decision to call them "she" despite it being abt them having gender identity issues) on a post of a trans woman being confident abt herself. not the place not the time and she doesnt want triggering shit like that in a positive post meant to uplift transwomen.
Gender identity issues are a serious and core element in the very foundations of who we are. And the extreme circumstances a person can be driven to, especially young minds that need proper guidance, needs to be acknowledged and addressed if there is to be any positive outcome circumstantially, as well as a positive and non-pressured, non-antagonistic environment for such self-discovery and growth. Understanding a positive message goes hand-in-hand with showing the dire and devastating consequences of misunderstanding or mishandling a person’s individual situation is so important. It is needed to show the strong need of hope.
Yes, this is a hard thing to read, but it should not be taken as something to bury and never support others going through it - or where is the power in the positive message the community is trying to drive home if not acknowledging the circumstances from which it develops? A person should not be afraid of who they are to the point of self-harm or, God forbid, worse, and their struggles should not be taboo for the conversation of hope and light.
Please accept my apology of shining a light on our family’s circumstance and the bravery she is now learning to embrace - and the healthy life and balance she is trying to fight to achieve. I wish no trigger effect or the re-introduction of painful memories of others on anyone, but only to encourage people to find their own strength and stride and not surrender to harmful mindsets against themselves.
As of right now, she openly identifies as a “she”. I respect her decision until she informs us otherwise.
We love my cousin, no matter what. May she find the grounding, balance, and peace in who she is that she needs. May we all find it - as well as support for health and life. 💖😔🙏
if you, or the Original poster who I appreciate for such strong and positive views, or anyone else takes any issue with my comments, would you please kindly message my inbox, as opposed to my “ask box,” and I will remove my comments.
Thank you and God bless you. 
Update: I have removed her story in respect for any who may find it inappropriate or are too affected by its elements, but I stand by my original message and reason for it. Don't be afraid to be true to who you are. You don't need others permission from others to be strong, free, and valid. You are vital to life as yourself. It was horrifying finding out my cousin felt pushed to that for some reason or other... 😔💔
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Coming Out has been one of many challenges I have experienced. I first came out as bisexual in my second yr in college, then later my senior year of college I decided to be more fluid in my sexuality so I identify as queer and/or lesbian. I’ve been like this for my entire life, I just did not have the words to name it. Growing up in a traditional Catholic household did not lend itself to the realities my mind holds. I understand why many people don’t come out, because it involves the risk of losing the people that you thought loved you while the entire world feels like it’s against you. Trauma is very real in our community, but so is joy. I hold onto this and try to live my life with the spoons I have available.
I had mixed reactions when I came OUT, for example, “It’s a phase. Not all men are bad”, “Are you serious. I was going to ask you out”, “What that’s exciting!”, “Are you going to like me now, cause I’m not gay”, “You didn’t turn out how I expected you to”, “I am proud of you”, “Wow you are glowing and look so happy”, “You don’t look queer”, “How do you have sex?”, “I thought you had a boyfriend” and many more. The voices that carried the most weight stuck with me and unfortunately those voices were the more hurtful voices. The depression kicked in full speed, c-ptsd symptoms made its grand premiere and my bed became my safe space. I’ve stuggled with suicidal ideation since I was 15 and it did not get easier. I lost people still alive and I went through a heavy grieving process. Which hit me hard, since I needed all the support having come out of a five year abusive relationship. I had finally felt like I was reclaiming something for myself, after being abused for so long. Leaving my abusive partner in a sense also had a coming out process within itself. I lost many friends and most people did not believe me. Everyday I learn to rebalance what voices are most important in my life and weigh out which ones are the most healthiest. Because again, this is my life and I get to make these choices for myself. Through this experience, I began to learn about rebuilding my inner-strength, learn more about living with a disability, got creative on how to balance my personal and professional life and rely on my chosen community to support me. I learned making it on my own was impossible, but I decide to live my life authentically, in love with support. I accept all the challenges this life brings me, because the joys outweigh it a million times over. It’s hard to see the joys somedays, but the joys keep me going. I am generally excited to be able to live a life full of possiblities. I have much more to learn and I am open to the process. I am learning how to name experiences and feelings that I need to in order to process my life up until now. Excited for my future and for the futures of all my friends who have chosen to live their lives authentically. You are brave, amazing and so needed.
I am an OUT, first-gen, queer, lesbian, Latina navigating my life with chronic depression, anxiety and c-ptsd. I am here. Full of dreams, goals, pains and joys. Struggling to get through grad school but I am doing pretty good for the most part. Ironically I found myself in academia within the words of Gloria Anzadlua and many other Chicana Lesbians who challenged the Chicano movement to integrate conversations of gender and sexuality.
Continously inspired by these creatives and leaders doing amazing work out there to center and uplift the voices of Queer and Trans People of Color with disabilities, immigrants, undocumented community members.
Happy 30th Annual Coming Out Day. If you are not out, you are loved. If you are out, you are loved. Keep existing in the ways that are safest for you. I will continue to work to create space for us to exist freely and authentically. We deserve this and so much more. Please don’t out anyone today! Thanks.
My younger self would be proud.
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How to naturally produce more anti-anxiety and antidepressant hormones
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Do you often find yourself feeling like you got up on the wrong side of the bed?Fluctuating moods can completely change our experience of life, affecting not just how we feel about each and every day but also our relationships with those around us.The way we feel on a day-to-day basis can depend on many things. Some of it might be related to things that are happening in our world. It’s normal and natural to feel a full range of emotions and to respond with sadness or anger to certain situations. But sometimes, we can feel flat, moody or down for no apparent reason - but this we can change!More often than not, we can have a positive impact on our mood by addressing the balance of hormones associated with our happiness. Let’s take a look at some of the more common happy hormones and what can impact on us maintaining optimum levels of them to begin with.SerotoninOne of the better known happy hormones, serotonin, functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain and helps us to feel happy, calm and content. What you may not know about this lovely hormone is that around 80% of it is made in our gut. There really is something to the phrase “gut feeling” – it’s hard to feel great when you are suffering with digestive challenges! Another common scenario involves a see-saw between serotonin and melatonin. Melatonin is our sleep hormone; it is responsible for sending and keeping us asleep. They work antagonistically, so when one goes up the other goes down. For some people though, they end up round the wrong way. If this happens, you might find yourself feeling down and sleepy most of the day.EndorphinsEndorphins are also well-known for their mood-lifting effects. They help to reduce pain as well as helping us to feel uplifted. Many people know of the link between endorphins and exercise, and indeed, they are stimulated by physical activity. ProgesteroneWhen we think about progesterone, we might only think about the role it plays in our fertility. But this powerful hormone has other biological functions in the body. Progesterone is a powerful anti-anxiety agent, an anti-depressant, and a diuretic, which means it helps us to eliminate excess fluid. Progesterone is supposed to be the dominant hormone in the second half of the menstrual cycle, known as the luteal phase, and during our childbearing years it is predominantly made in the ovaries. However, we also make some progesterone from our adrenal glands, and this becomes our main site of production after menopause. Because our adrenals also make our stress hormones, chronic stress – which is extremely common these days – can compromise our adrenal progesterone production. Stress can also contribute to irregular ovulation or anovulatory cycles, and ovulation is required to stimulate the increase in progesterone in the second half of the menstrual cycle.So now that we know a little bit about some of the hormones responsible for our mood, what can we do to boost them?
Bring awareness to your breath
We can influence our stress hormone production via our breath. When we breathe diaphragmatically (long, slow breaths that move the belly in out and out), this communicates calm to our body, which supports sex hormone balance as well as digestion.
Ensure excellent digestion
Digestion is the cornerstone of our health as it is through digestion that we absorb all the nutrients from our food, many of which act as building blocks for our hormones. There are numerous ways we can improve our digestion such as chewing our food well, eating mostly whole, real foods (limiting or avoiding anything processed/artificial) and eating in a calm, relaxed state.
Support liver function
When it comes to how we look and feel on a daily basis, the liver packs a mighty punch. It is the key organ responsible for eliminating problematic substances, including ‘old’ hormones that we no longer need. Reduce your intake of ‘liver loaders’ (trans fats, refined sugars, synthetic substances, alcohol and caffeine) and increase your intake of plant foods – particularly leafy green vegetables of the Brassica family, which the liver especially loves!
The mood-lifting effects of exercise are well established, but many people still believe that they have to slog it out at the gym or run long distances to get the benefits. Move your body in a way that you enjoy! Also remember that incidental movement is highly beneficial so look for more ways to incorporate movement in your day.Dr Libby will be speaking about ageing and hormones throughout Australia during September for her, The Hormone Factor tour. If you loved this, you should read why breathing through your mouth can make you seriously sick, and the link between acne and depression. Know someone who'd love this? Share it with them! Source link Read the full article
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pansyfemme · 1 year
i need to stop making posts if no will read them correctly
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