#you really worded that poorly Chara
akanemnon · 4 months
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Maybe they shouldn't have brought up Asriel... The aftermath
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aranarumei · 9 days
How do we feel about the sempai trio? (Or the multiple versions if them, depending on who you ask it either entails Hirano, Sasaki and Ogasawara or Hirano, Sasaki and Hanzawa)
[ask me about any two ssmy charas and i'll give my thoughts on their dynamic, real or imagined]
fascinating because I’ve never thought of a “senpai trio” before. but sure. the fearsome foursome! (bc they're all "not-bad boys" lol) really love that all of them have piercings. that is kind of a good name though. anyways what’s fun about them is that like. they’re not a foursome bc they’re friends. it’s just bc they’re. the senpais that miyano knows. that’s all.
like… to me, hanzawa and sasaki aren’t friends. I’m pretty sure hanzawa literally refers to him as “a classmate I didn’t feel poorly towards” which is hilarious to me. but also it makes sense! literally what interactions does he have with sasaki. I think the guy asks him once if its normal to do a lap pillow with your roommate. so like, they’re fine with each other, but they don’t hang out. sasaki’s got ogasawara as a dear friend of his, and then he’s weird about being friends with hirano (in the second years light novel he calls hirano his friend and then freaks out about it) and both of those things are really enjoyable to me. I think ogasawara’s definitely the guy he actively hangs out with most, whereas sasaki and hirano don’t really hang out like… outside of school? which might be why he feels a bit weird about calling him a friend. also because of other stuff that I won’t go into.
on hanzawa’s end, I like to think he’s familiar with ogasawara but they’re not really Friends friends. well actually I have complicated thoughts about this bc of the theory that hanzawa and ogasawara’s older brothers are dating. there’s also this bit in the guidebook where ogasawara like. guesses at hanzawa’s feelings really well, which speaks to a sort of… casual awareness. and then hanzawa asks him to attend his college, which is like, that’s not casual! and ogasawara’s the one who talks to miyano about how crazy busy he is… that’s why the word I use is familiarity. I wouldn’t say ogasawara Understands Hanzawa Well or anything but there is some sense of knowing, to me. hirano’s definitely friends with hanzawa. same club, same college, even told him about getting called maa-kun when hirano went to him for roommate advice. an understated friendship imo. I feel like… they don’t necessarily understand each other particularly well? but they find each reliable and easy to talk to.
as for ogasawara and hirano, I think they’re both “sasaki’s friend” to each other. no real dislike or tension brewing between any of them, but I think it’s neat how they congregate in a sort of group without necessarily being equally close with everyone. but just by spending time together, I’m sure they’re all some degree of close. Just mundane things like knowing how ogasawara did on exams, or that sasaki’s great at math, or that hirano wakes up his roommate… the kind of things you can’t help but learn. they’ll hang out together as a group on a school trip, but they wouldn’t Define themselves as a specific group, yknow?
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fictionkinfessions · 21 days
Anonymous asked: its the anon that wanted incest tagged https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/760240297418588160/appreciation-for-andrewandy-graves-because-hes this one, sorry! and thank you.
this is a long post with additional anon ask responses.
Man. If that's incestuous, a lot of posts under the 'chara love' tag will be needing the incest cw tag.
Don't take this the wrong way. Incest is problematic and triggering and I do take tagging it seriously. But not everything is incestuous by default. We do need to account for alternate canons, platonicly intended sentiment, that in sme context people do not mean incestuous over / under tones even if they have an incestuous canon, and many other countless possibilities. And yes, I'm aware of the source material having incestuous overtones.
That said, the linked confession does not read as incest at all. I'm not going to tag it as incest for two reasons.
One) The op has confirmed none of that was intended as romantic or sexual, despite having an incestuous canon. A lot of other people, whether or not they have incestuous canons, often say the same or similar things. I think it would be hurtful and harmful to many people if we always interpret 'i love my sibling' as incestuous and not default platonic.
Two) I don't want to dilute the purpose of content warning tags. Meaning if a confession does not have explicit or implicit themes or topics, I will not use a content warning tag. That also means I will not blanket CW tag for sources. For example, if Supernatural has violence, blood, and murder, I'm not going to tag every Supernatural source confession with those tags. Otherwise it would become a useless tool to hide triggering content.
Considering I'm familiar enough with the name to tag the source, and that the op has a custom tag, perhaps blacklist one or both if it's a trigger for you.
Anonymous asked: I'm not the anon who asked, but the most recent Ashley Graves ask is this: https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/post/760240297418588160/appreciation-for-andrewandy-graves-because-hes
I'm curious if the anon asking for a TW is OP of the ask or not? Because this ask doesn't seem to say anything inherently incestuous. If it is, sorry for my misinterpretation. But the only thing I could see as romantic in this ask is "taking me to prom," which siblings do sometimes platonically. The intent could be romantic, but imo, it's not INHERENTLY. And If OP meant it that way, I'm really not judging them for expressing how they feel. That's what the blog is for. But, if someone else is trying to take ANY expression of affection that way, just because of the source, then though those implications ARE in the text at some points, I still find it a bit unfair (especially on a kin blog).
So sorry if this is worded horribly or something, I am a little tipsy. And sorry if this sounds slightly personal, I am an Andrew.
Anonymous asked: ACTUALLY, if the last ask (about the Ashley Graves ask) went through, ignore everything I just said. I am drunk and thought I was being helpful, but I'm probably actually just complaining, lol.
Not the anon who asked for a TW on this post, but here is the link: /post/760240297418588160/appreciation-for-andrewandy-graves-because-hes
All I'll say is, I'm not actually sure whether this seems inherently romantic/incestous to me, but I have in fact been wrong before, and trust ur judgement MPC /gen
I'm neurodivergent so maybe I too am reading it poorly. But none of that confession sounded incestuous. It just sounded like a person grateful for an ally during a traumatic childhood.
Anonymous asked: Reply to https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/760375296515014656/mpc-can-you-tag-the-most-recent-ashley-graves?source=share
Okay, Anon, are you the same person who asked to tag incest for the post about my memory about going to the mall with Andrew?
Do you think me saying "I love you, you're an amazing brother" is incest? Damn, I can't appreciate my brother for being a good brother, can I? Or was it the fact I mentioned he took me to prom in my canon?
Do you just think everything I say about Andrew is romantically/sexually charged?
-Ashley Graves (who is now just completely pissed off)
MPC, I'm sorry for this mess. If you can't post this reply, just please let Anon know to better themselves and understand actual relationships 🤦🏻‍♀️
Clearly you can't, I guess. I can appreciate being told when I miss tagging something because I don't know the source or I miss subtext because I'm neurodivergent and don't understand the person. But like. Kinda weird they saw that and thought incest. I'm sure it's because of the source material, but still. Idk. That wasn't incestuous.
Connie / mod party cat
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emoangel44 · 7 months
HI RAXZ IT TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED AS IT'S BEEN A WEEK BUT!!! DURING ALL THAT I DIDN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR FIC/S It's just one of those pieces of fanwork that leaves so much of an impression on someone, that it just ends up sticking and changing what you initially thought of a character, because of how well done the things most would just move aside or chalk up for simple reasons. you seem to be the only person who really does get Chara like no other, and I hope it's not strange to say you write them almost as if you know them or you are them that I'm sorta afraid nothing else will live up to how you written them and asriel in ur fan fic LOL but no matter... i will prevail. I love how you were able to portray charas self hate and self harm, i love how you didn't hold back on the ugly side of it and how far and disturbing it can be especially for someone as young as chara. There's just something so realistic about it that don't see alot anywhere else. 
I also like how you made asriel be childish, childish in a way a kid can be bratty or selfish(?) in the first half, that might not be a good descriptor but my puter is lagging from the many many words I've written for this ask so I'm making do </3 the point is you really know how to write these kids. Also enjoy that the tone of each fic is starkly different from one another, asriels pov feels grounded in comparison to charas inner thoughts
HOPEFULLY this all makes a little sort of sense, I've read both of ur fics three times so I'm praying it does, amen. ANYWAYS……. Love ur brain, would love to hear any thoughts you have on utdr in general if you ever decide to share em…. godbless. perhaps i couldve worded this better in a diffrent time but oh well, we ball. i hope u have a great day emoangel44🫡 will be looking forward for ur new utdr stuff
FIORE!!! i have been waiting for this day.. thank you so much. ive had several people say that i really get chara including like, literal veteran chara fans. its very nice to hear, theyre pretty important to me as a character. which is rather funny because the only analysis ive ever actually written on them that wasnt fanfiction was an essay on how i think theyre kind of actually a little poorly written LOL. to understand someone you have to know their weakpoints i guess... even if on a meta level.
for my asriel interpretation i try to incorporate a lot of "flowey-isms" as i say. the way i see asriel is that he was always a bit of a bratty, selfish kid that struggled with low empathy. he chooses to do what he thinks is right because he knows its right and not because it provides him with positive feelings himself... i think thats even more admirable. as opposed to this is think chara is high empathy which is part of the reason they did what they did. asriel is just way more of a people person than chara and so comes off as more understanding, charas just naturally a bit off-putting no matter how hard they try not to be.
chara and asriel are quite different people so i tried to make that clear in how i write their perspectives. chara is kind of stuck in their own head and lives in a world with walls of misery and think prose. theyre very direct but also very metaphorical. its a weird combination but it gets easier to write when taking in account their canon dialogues (one day youll get a fic from me with a more light hearted tone where chara will get to make their dog puns and nerd jokes. maybe). this is also the reason i write them with a strange mix of first and second person. it just feels natural for our narrator.
asriel on the other hand is much much more of an emotional person and is much less formal in how he thinks. he has a lot more filler words and "i-think"s and "i-feel"s and such.
i figure ill write a bit on what inspired each fic.
for my chara fic, i actually started writing it while bored in class. it was inspired a narration line in one of the fights in undertale, the one i used for the summary. the main thing i wanted to play with was metaphors and metaphors upon metaphors. mainly related to charas self hatred though the lense of soil and dirt and flowers and gardens because of course.
for my asriel fic, the main thing i wanted to play with was, quite obviously, writing from asriels perspective. i had already written 2 fics from charas perpective (the 1st one isnt as good as the other two and was mostly written as a characterization and perspective test) so i figured it was time to give him a turn, especially since it we only realy got a peak and asriels personality through charas eyes and i wanted to show it off more. the other thing that the fic ended up centering on is something my friend said to me about how they felt my chara characterization was screaming to be understood under all the hurt. basically the thesis of this fic is "asriel did not fully get chara but he was also the closest anyone ever got by a long shot which counts for something".
if youd like to see my other undertale stuff, here is some poetry ive written about chara (and asriel), here is my art tag which is full of stuff with them (alternatively, just use my undertale tag if you dont want art of anything else), here are my chara and asriel playlists that i always listen to while writing, and here is that chara essay i mentioned.
speaking of my thoughts on utdr... i actually dont post the majority of them. but id absolutely love to talk about them. so if you (or anyone else) have any questions about my thoughts on utdr or want to start a discussion about it Please do. Im actually begging you. i need more engagement guys send me asks. thank you for reading this absurdly long response
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Breaking the Vow of Silence.
Hi. It’s been a long time.
I’m reposting this story here from my personal blog as it’s more relevant to the Undertale fandom, and I feel that it really should be said here.
So last night I discovered a very old chat with someone I had an extremely bad falling out with in the Undertale fandom. After reading the final messages sent to me by that person, followed by what they did to me after the friendship had ended, I feel the need to no longer keep the vow of public silence I was.... idk if saying manipulated or forced is the right word (though it sure feels like I was manipulated, back-reading with retrospect), but I was asked to keep the falling out of our friendship private and not make it public, for this person feared that if I made it public, I would end up cutting them off from their little friend group and chase them out of the fandom.
Though I will not be outing this person's nickname at the time, because this isn’t a call out. This isn't a warning to "stay away from this user" or whatever. This is just... me finally breaking that "public silence" Vow, solely for myself, to give myself as much closure as I can get.
So yeah. Here goes a random rant about probably the second worst experience I've had in my fandom experience. I will be reblogging this version to all relevant blogs. Sorry if that causes spam for anyone who might still be following these blogs for... whatever reason, but. This is a story I’ve kept inside and out of the public eye for so long that I just... sort of feel the need to.
So for the sake of this post, I will be calling the ex friend in question “Maple.
Maple and I first met in what I call the "first phase" of the Undertale fandom, and I thought we hit it off pretty well. We rped a lot, talked a lot, ectect. And we eventually had more intimate/personal discussions about our respective traumas and abuses. I loved them as my friend, and I wanted to support them in any way I could.
An incident occurred where another Sans RPer was venting to me in DMs about how a thread with a certain Chara made them uncomfortable, or that just rping with them in general was uncomfortable, I don't exactly remember. So I told them point blank to tell the Chara mun the truth and to not string them along. They did. And I think that what happened next was the Chara mun was venting to me about this, and I told them that I encouraged the mun to be honest with them. They took it to mean "I told this mun not to RP with you" and gathered a bunch of their friends to block me for it. At the time, my brain didn't math well, so I don't think I put the two incidents together. To me, it felt like I was blocked by a bunch of my rp buddies out of nowhere. So I reacted pretty poorly.
This incident, apparently, was the inciting factor in Maple's discomfort with me. A discomfort they never addressed or spoke about with me.
Oblivious to their discomfort, I continued to interact with them as normal. But their behavior started changing towards me, and I started getting weird criticisms on my blog from an anon I'm going to refer to as DOAnon, and I'll explain why in a bit. Because of my actual worst experience in fandom happening prior to Undertale, I track my rp blogs (to this day I do) so if/when I get anon hate, it can give me the information I need to go to the police if it got as bad as it did in the fandom before Undertale. So I was tracking the movements of DOAnon and my friend whom I cared for dearly was acting strange. Eventually Maple started to vent in wingdings in a server we both occupied, venting in a way that made me think they were scared of someone, that they were afraid they were going to be hurt by this person. Note, this was YEARS ago, and I had to hand translate the wingdings text to normal text just to read it. But because Maple was my friend, I pushed through to try to help them. When their vent started making me think they were being harassed, I confronted them privately about it out of concern.
Needless to say, when they finally told me the vents were about me, I was upset.
However, because they were my friend, because I cared so much about them, I wanted to talk things out. Get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it. But Maple made it very, very clear that they didn't want to talk about it. They just wanted me out of their life, "for their own comfort," because they refused to have a discussion with me about the problem, let alone a solution.
So, deeply hurt, I reacted... well, better than I remembered reacting, actually. I was definitely upset, but my final words to them on discord weren't as vicious or biting as I remembered them to be. I basically told them "You really don't want to talk about this??? Fine. Goodbye." And blocked them on everything I could think of. If they wanted me gone, I was going to stay gone.
But that wasn't the end of it.
Note I want to stress that from my perspective, Maple's discomfort and upset with me came out of nowhere. They never talked to me about it. For about a month or even more, they pretended like nothing was wrong. Hell, they vented about me to my face and it still didn't fully click they were upset at me until they said it right to my face. I had on rose colored glasses and was very, very dense.
So yeah. After your trust in someone you cared for so much was very suddenly broken like that, I did not react very well. I was emotional and impulsive and paranoid. I made a post on my RP blog saying I no longer felt safe or comfortable and that I was going on an indefinite hiatus. Apparently, Maple didn't like that, even if I wasn't talking about the details of our now-ended friendship publicly like they had asked me not to.
So Maple found the only blog I forgot to block them on and messaged me on tumblr. Now, I couldn't tell you what was said in those DMs. I was so emotionally distraught and hurt that I probably reacted a lot harsher and with a lot of venom. After all, I did what they wanted--I got out of their life, blocked them and didn't even imply that my feelings in my post were from a falling out with a friend. And they were block-evading me despite this, so I do think it was much more of an argument than the discussion on Discord. I blocked them on their account, ready to just ride the waves of my hurt until I numbed over and moved on. I told a few close friends about what happened (still then trying not to say Maple's name but some figured it out anyway, not sure if I said anything or if Maple's vague vents about me on THEIR blog tipped them off, but I'll get to those in a bit regardless) and that was as far as it should have gone.
I made a new rule about how I wasn't comfortable following people who interacted with "people I've had issues with in the past" (yes, still keeping it vague for their sake) and that I'm more than fine with rping with people regardless if they interact with them or not, I just won't follow for my own comfort, and I asked that if anyone figured out who I was talking about, to not contact me about them/not to discuss them with me. I do believe I made a general hurt vent post after that as well, on a blog barely anyone followed, but again, I still kept my friendship break-up a secret from the general public. Like I promised.
Again, apparently this was too much for them, and one of their friends messaged me on tumblr on their behalf.
I don't remember this conversation much either. Just that, I was angry, and they were being stupidly vague to me about Maple being the person they were talking about. After a fight with the friend, I blocked the friend. I then added a rule to my RP blogs to not to be a fucking asshole and use vague language to talk to me about a person you know I have a problem with.
I don't really remember much after that, but remember how I mentioned I was getting weird anons? Well, that's where this story takes a turn for the worse.
DOAnon started to get more aggressive with their asks they sent to me. I don't remember most of them, because there was just, so many passive aggressive/hate anons that I just tuned it out after a while. However, I was keeping track of them. The reason they were nicknamed DOAnon was because the tracker stated that their provider was DigitalOcean, which among other things, is a service that provides a VPN. After realizing this, and when the anon started saying things like "You chased someone out of the fandom" or used my more personal Insecurities in their attack on me, I was about 70% sure it was Maple, or a friend sent on Maple's behalf. They were hurtful and annoying, but there was a part of me that just, didn't want to believe it was Maple sending them. I wanted to have faith in that friendship, despite how it ended. I kept giving them excuses. I really tried to believe in them. There’s an inkling of me that still wants to.
I figured DOAnon would get bored and move on eventually, but they never did. They stalked me onto new rp blogs, personal blogs, and sent in annoying and hurtful stuff. They even claimed I stole an idea for a character design from Maple (not directly referencing them, of course, just calling me a thief), which bumped my suspicion from 70% to 80% that it was Maple or a friend of theirs. (To clarify I have, absolutely no idea what aspect Maple thought I was stealing, most of the design elements for the character I’m pretty sure they were accusing me of building with “stolen” assets were ideas given to me by Celest, but I digress) They were persistent, and they were annoying.
Eventually, they screwed up. They went onto a device that wasn't using the DigitalOcean VPN, and the tracker showed me that the anon was coming from Maple's state of residence. That's when I knew it was them. Even when I wanted to deny it, I knew deep down, Maple had to have been the one harassing me for... god, it was probably months after I tried to move on from this. And, god, even if I try to sound so firm here, I still want to believe it wasn’t them.
Around this time, I was made aware of the fact that Maple had been vagueposting/venting about me on their blog, a hell of a lot more than I was about them. Funny, rules for the and not for me, but I digress--I don't think they stated my name or anything, but my friends could tell immediately that Maple was talking about me. They had a goodbye post that made me out to gave chased them out of the fandom, and their description was as equally hateful towards me. (They then apparently deleted the blog and someone else took it, so if you’ve figured out who Maple is, don’t bother looking for it.)
It hurt, but the pain wasn't as bad due to how long it had been. I knew I didn't "chase them out" like they claimed--their own god damn paranoia did.
Finally, DOAnon--or, let's just call out who it was, Maple--finally took things way too far. Harassing me for months, Maple eventually sent me a link on anon to a gif image of a woman burning to death in her car.
This was the last straw. I made a public post, STILL keeping their identity a secret for, some godforsaken reason, (Oh hey look the post is still up, linky link for you guys) under the advice of law enforcement--to essentially tell them to stop stalking and harassing me, or I WILL call the police again and get them arrested. They finally stopped actively harassing me after that.
They stalked my blog after that, sure, and I made posts noting that so they would be scared off even further, but I didn't get any more anons. Finally, after being scared enough, they stopped stalking me all together.
To this day, I'm still confused about everything. Bitter too. And I want to reiterate, to stress, that this is not a call out post. This isn't aimed at them to get cancelled. This was years ago and if you know who this is about and/or figure it out... please, don’t bother. This isn’t an “Us VS Them” thing. I just needed to get this off of my chest.
I know I reacted poorly to the situation at the time and I was no innocent party. I may not have sent them anons or stalked them, but I also don't think I was entirely the victim either. Then again, maybe that's the part of me that I need to kill off--the part that keeps trying to excuse the shit Maple did to me all those years ago. There’s still a part of me that wants to apologize, and I don’t know what even for. I just want to say “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” without anything coming to my mind to even apologize for.
Again, I'm just... recounting the experience here publicly as a form of closure. As a form of letting go. I want to heal from this experience, as I never properly did. I want to trust in people, my loved ones, again. And I think by making this post, by breaking that promise of silence, I'm acknowledging that Maple was not and shouldn't have ever been considered one of those people. They might have been fine during our friendship, but the end and aftermath of it proved to me that my love in them was misplaced. Maybe I am a pure innocent victim who just reacted piss poorly to it all, or maybe I wasn't. I cannot tell you because I cannot trust my own judgement anymore. I don’t want to take credit for shit I didn’t do, but I also do want to own up to any mistakes I genuinely did make.
Sorry for the sour story all of a sudden, and seemingly unprompted. But after being reminded of my promise, how I did my best to uphold it, and how I was treated regardless--I just. Needed to break the promise.
I needed to stop respecting the wishes of someone who ended up wanting nothing more than to hurt me. That's all this is.
I... don’t even know why I want to add this, but if for god forsaken reason you find this, “Maple...” Despite what you did to me, I hope you’re well. Where ever you are. If you find yourself coming to these old blogs seeking to reignite your anger towards me, I beg of you to stop. It’s gone. It’s done. There’s nothing left for you here. I’m gone. You’re gone. We’re gone. I’ve stated several times that this is not a call out for you and I really, genuinely mean that. The promise you made me keep for all this time, though? It wasn’t fair to me, after what happened to me because of what happened with us. Remaining silent was only hurting me. I’m sure this will only make you defensive or angry, and I’m sorry. Maybe this is what I wanted to apologize for--for breaking the promise I made to you all those years ago with this post. At the idea that you might one day find this post and it spikes your paranoia or anxiety. For upsetting a metaphorical you that may have completely forgotten about me altogether and will never read these words.
Again, this isn’t an attack on you. I don’t want any more drama to come from this. I just needed to break the one thing that was keeping me from healing and learning to trust others again. I don’t want to give you trouble--I’ve kept you anonymous still for this reason, because despite how much I hate to admit it, I haven’t fully killed the part of me that loved you. I don’t want people to find you or attack you or anything. I’m sure you’re a different person now--and hopefully, a better one, with a happy life and lots of friends to make you happy. I don’t hold what happened against you. I’m hurt, and the scars you gave me haven’t healed, but I don’t hold your past self against your current self.
So if you’re still here...
Please, move on.
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msmkcreates · 3 years
AuraFell InfoDump
Hello! As some of you may already know, I have created my own AU called AuraFell! It doesn't have any Tale/Swap/Swapfell/etc counterparts yet, so this is completely new!
I'm going to dump everything I have to start with this AU below the cut. If you want to wrote or draw this AU please ask, it's still in New AU stages so I want it to be done right! But I'm very easygoing and I would love for more content to me made so don't be afraid (:
More info below the cut, it's a mess of about 7k words so bear with me!
Let's start with the magic system. Most monsters have the same type of magic as regular AUs, nothing special. If they have an aura, it's weak or hard to use.
Boss Monsters, though, have Auras that are strong and super effective.
Boss monsters in this AU (that ive developed) are:
-Papyrus (Mockingbird)
-Sans (Terror)
-Asgore (Dad)
-Toriel (Auntie)
-Undyne (Shrill)
-Alphys (Professor)
-Mettaton (Signal)
-Grillby (Ozone)
-Frisk (Kiddo)
And the deceased ones with powers thus far:
-Gaster (Doctor...deceased)
-Asriel (Giver...deceased...?)
-Chara (Pal....deceased)
Nicknames! So nicknames are actually given to Boss monsters by the ones their aura effects. They all for some reason call them that name.
Aura powers fall under two categories, with subcategories. If your aura is in the same category, you're resistant to the other's power. If you have the same category AND subcategory, you're immune.
Ambient Auras: These are Auras that are area of effect, sort of. They are focused in one way or another but generally present at all times.
-Visual: This means the Ambient Aura is focused with a visual effect (flashing colors, a friendly smile, the written word)
-Audial: This means the Ambient Aura is focused with sound (humming, singing, spoken word)
Given Aura: This aura type must be administered physically somehow. It is not ever-present but can be "stowed" or "kept". The effect is imbued to an object or physically given somehow.
-Present: This means the Given Effect must be given through an item (a baked good laced with the effect, a gift, etc)
-Physical: This means the given effect must be administered through physical contact (a bite, a kiss, skin to skin contact)
Let's start with the skeleton Brothers' powers
Papyrus, AKA Mockingbird
-His Aura is called Lullaby. He makes people fall asleep. He usually does this by humming or singing. It can effect one person immediately or multiple with a delay. 
-His favorite lullaby to hum is "Hush little baby" (you know. The one where Mama is gonna buy you a Mockingbird...) and perhaps that's why everyone calls him Mockingbird
-He used to think he had no powers because he didn't know how to focus it, and his Category/Subcategory is the same as Sans AND Undyne (whom he spent the most time with) so neither were ever affected
- Category/Sub is Ambient (Audial)
Sans (Terror)
-His aura is called Modify Memory, but nobody knows that. He can speak to a sleeping person and influence their dreams, or speak a story to an woken person and they will legitimately remember that it happened that way. Again, it's most effective when focused on one person, and the details fuzz or change if he tries to stretch it to more people
-He pretends to be affected by Mock's lullaby. He's incredibly fast, agile, and strong, and he pretends he's only a good fighter when he's unconscious. This way nobody will risk a surprise knockout and they'll cooperate with him when Mock threatens to put him to sleep. He modifies people's memories so they will spread by word of mouth that the unconscious fighting is his power, not modify memory
-Category/Sub: Ambient (Audial)
Speed run through the others:
-Toriel (Auntie) makes pies or any baked good that are more addictive than any drug. Category/sub: Given (Present)
-Asgore (Dad) has Big Dad Energy and everyone wants to impress him, to an extreme. He's so strong he affects most of the Underground without knowing it, and to his horror most of the Underground seems to think that murdering others and getting stronger is the way to impress him. He focuses with spoken word but it's mostly unnecessary at this point. Ambient (Audial)
-Grillby (Ozone). Hypnosis. Pretty flame colors. Leaves his victims open to suggestion. Ambient (Visual)
-Muffet (? Nickname tbd) makes a paralyzing poison. She has figured out how to put it in her pastries but it's best delivered by bite. Given (Physical)
-Undyne (Shrill) has the command power. People follow a command from her. Longer instructions if focused on one, one simple instruction if aimed at multiples. Ambient (Audial)
-Alphys (Professor). People take whatever she says as fact as long as it's written in her handwriting. Ambient (Visual)
-Mettaton (Signal). His TV programs are brainwashing propaganda. He can convince people to buy or sell anything if they are watching him through a screen. Ambient (Visual)
-Frisk (Kiddo) radiates friendship with a smile. Ambient (visual)
-Gaster (Doctor) used to be able to say anything and people would believe him. Ambient (Audial)
-Chara (Pal) was able to convince anyone to be friendly to them no matter what they'd done. Ambient (Audial)
-Asriel (Giver) could give you a rock and you'd well up with grateful feelings. Given (Present)
yeah that's the basics, that's the big peeps in that world. Basically it isn't really Asgore's fault the place is so fucked up he's just very old and powerful and the violence is mostly people trying to impress him (poorly).
Gaster is Terror and Mock's Dad but he died when they were young, 8 and barely 2. He died trying to save Asriel and Chara when he accidentally dropped a barrier-breaking theory that Asriel then took as fact because of Gaster's aura.
Toriel moved almost immediately after the children's deaths, and Asgore did his best to raise Terror and Mock until Terror was old enough to take Mock to live in their house in Snowdin (about 14 and 8 years old)
Snowdin is a really bad place now though bc Toriel (Auntie) has been giving away her pies at the ruins gates, and people are killing and hurting each other for enough G or whatever they think she wants to get the next fix. She's kinda lost it at this point, she keeps feeding them out of some twisted need to be needed
Terror was old enough and smart enough to know "yeah, let's not eat that". They're immune to Asgore's power bc they are the same types, but they still want to impress him the normal kid-wants-to-impress-dad amount so they never tell him when they need more support out of some sense of pride. 
Mock was a bit of a runt well into teenage years. His magic was very slow to grow. He got picked on a lot, kids stole his lunch money and roughed him up and such. He would hum his favorite lullabies to himself to calm his anxiety, and wouldn't you know it, but one day it put everyone to sleep!
So sometimes he doesn't even realize he's humming, he does it to calm his nerves, he a nervous bean, but he also  knows from the one time someone injured his socket that earplugs are good enough to slow his effects
He also learns pretty quickly that junkies don't sleep for long and they are way stronger than he anticipated so, he racks up some of his LV for stuff like that.
He also likes tea because his powers depend on him being able to hum/sing
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Poppy Fanfic: “Ask Her”
For context: This is a fanfic I wrote in order to join the Poppy Milk dev team and show off my writing skills. Since the callout at the time said we’d need to write a lot of sidequests, I wanted to ask the question of what a Poppy-centered side-quest would be like. I got the idea that it would be from an Asker’s perspective, and everything sort of came naturally after that. Even though I’m on the dev team right now, it’s not canon to Omega Timeline: Poppy’s Story and even has some inaccuracies that contradict canon. With that said, please feel free to read the story below the cut.
You noticed something very different inside your room when you woke up. The lights were off and the sun hadn’t yet risen, but there was a certain… aura, coming from your door. You were filled with a certain trepidation, but… you approached it. It was hard to see in the light, but it looked… grey. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you stepped through...
...and found about the last person you would’ve expected. The spitting image of Frisk - CORE!Frisk, that was, looking up at you, in the middle of a white void.
“Wh- You’re real?!” you asked, dumbfounded.
“Of course I’m real. Have you been taking all this multiverse stuff for granted? Everything is real somewhere,” Core answered, simply. 
“I… I don’t… and you, me…” you panted, starting to feel a small panic attack coming on.
“Focus,” Core snapped their fingers, grounding you back in reality. Okay, this was happening now.
“Let’s get down to business. Simply: you don’t like me. And I don’t like you. But we BOTH like Poppy. Poppy, my dear, sweet angel… has unfortunately recently come to the realization that Askers ALSO exist in the multiverse. And now she wants to do a ‘meet n’ greet’ with one of her fans. Trust me, I TRIED to talk her out of it, but she can be darn persuasive when she wants to be. And as you’re now realizing, that’s where you come in. 
“I wanna make you a deal. You play along with whatever Poppy wants until she gets bored of this. If you’re on your best behavior - and that means, don’t give her anything bad, don’t tell her anything you KNOW she shouldn’t know, don’t use any magic, and be a general good influence - if you play nice, in exchange, I will allow you to hang out with ANY resident of the Omega Timeline. 
“Want to spend a day full of wacky hijinks with a Papyrus, or even an Underswap Sans? Consider it done. Want to know how Deltarune Chapter 2 plays out ahead of time? I know a Susie with your name on it. Whatever you want, so long as you play by the rules, and don’t ask for anyone obviously ridiculous. So… do we have ourselves a deal?”
You contemplated that offer, and everything that was happening, trying to suppress your inner urge to geek out for just a few moments. The Omega Timeline, Poppy, and all the AU’s you could think of and more were real. And you just got an invitation to visit them.
“Yeah, of course!” you nodded excitedly, though your enthusiasm only seemed to make Core more anxious.
“Don’t make me regret this…” Core sighed, as the whiteness seemed to melt away into a cozy-looking house with wooden floors and lime walls, where you were standing directly outside of a white door. Core seemed to have disappeared.
Technically, there was nothing stopping you from exploring. So you did just that. You walked up to a shelf with some family photos. One was a photo of Poppy, Core, Dusted and Rust all together, in some meadow, looking happy. At least, you assumed Dusted and Rust were happy, they didn’t show up well on camera. There was another photo of Poppy alone, looking somewhat younger than she did on the blog, seated on a chair in a photo that looked far more staged. She held an actual poppy flower in her hand and smiled brightly.
You opened the cabinet doors, curious of what knick-knacks you might find in there. Some crayons, a few random glass cups, some art by 3-year-old Poppy that was so poorly done its meaning was hard to decipher, and a locked box. You reached for the box--
“Getting a bit sidetracked, aren’t we?”
You jolted up, and faced Core behind you. Even though they were child-sized, they crossed their arms with the poise and authority of a stern parent. You laughed anxiously. “Ahahaha… ahaha… ha……..”
“...Strike one.” Core said, and vanished. The meaning of that was all-too clear. Deciding not to dilly dally any longer, you went to the room you suspected to be Poppy’s, and knocked. 
“Just a sec!” Poppy said, and opened the door. She looked up at you, and gasped. “Wow, Granpa really did come through…!” She twirled excitedly. “You must be my adoring fan, aren’t you?” she asked.
You stared down at the girl in stunned silence.
“To be honest, I kinda figured you’d be some gray guy with sunglasses, but that’s kinda silly in hindsight. How you doin’?” She asked that last line in a mock accent as you continued to stare.
“Baby,” you said.
“Nothing,” you quickly tried to change the subject. “Yeah, it’s… y’know, it’s great to be here…” You clasped your hands together, biting your lip. You were in an Undertale AU, faced with the AU granddaughter of another AU character. You still weren’t entirely over that. Was this fever dream? Fandom heaven, or fandom hell?
“I know! Once I heard you guys weren’t from the Omega Timeline, I realized I hadn’t met even ONE of my fans… even if you guys are super annoying some of the time.” 
“Uhhh, yeah…” you wondered if you should apologize on behalf of the askers who put Poppy in the hospital that one time. Then again, it seemed kind of awkward, and it might have been best not to bring that up while Core was watching, which was always. Looking down at the cutesy girl, it was almost tempting to pull her into a hug, but you managed to keep your composure. 
“I wanted to do something a little more special than just some sorta interview, though, because you ask me questions all the time anyways,” Poppy said. “Granpa said you’ve never been to the Omega Timeline before, so I wanna give you the big tour!” Poppy went to the door. “I’m gonna be outside when you’re ready!” She left the room.
Seeing the empty room in front of you, you were tempted to snoop again, but you’d learned your lesson after last time. You headed straight out after Poppy.
You couldn’t help but gasp in awe of the serenity of the great outdoors as you were beckoned to it. You’d been outside before, obviously, but everything just looked so… nice. The blue sky, the grassy grounds, the ornate buildings… you’ve seen this place in pixel art and a couple drawings before, but seeing it with your own eyes was another story. And the next thing for you to nearly faint at was seeing the Undertale characters running around, Sanses, Undynes, Frisks, even goat moms. 
Poppy smiled. “...It’s nice, isn’t it? I KNEW taking you on a tour was a good idea.” She smirked. “Now remember, just because this is a meet-up doesn’t mean it’s free, and there WILL be a fee at the end of our ride.”
“...Uh… I left my wallet at home,” you said, patting your pockets, “And I don’t have any, uh... ‘G,’ I think. Unless the G stands for ‘Gratitude,’ amiright?” you did finger guns.
“G stands for Gold,” Poppy corrected you bluntly, unamused. She returned to her chipper attitude just as quickly, though. “Now, let me show you around!” She led you down the street. 
Walking with her, seeing so many versions of your favorite characters in the flesh, walking around… well, the temptation to talk to SOME of them was irresistible, Core be damned. You did resolve not to go too far off-track, but you shared some words with the folks you passed by, Poppy thankfully stopping each time you did. You met two Frisks - one boy, one ambiguous - an Underswap Undyne, a human version of Toriel, and surprisingly, a version of Princess Peach.
You and Poppy approached an elegant fountain, stood upon proudly by a statue of a mustachio’d CORE!Frisk. “This is the Timeline Plaza! It’s sort of the local park, where people meet up to do... stuff. Just hang out. Make a picnic. Play ball. All that good park-y stuff, y’know? And there’s stores in all directions, so it’s pretty good.” She proudly showed off her home to you, with a smile.
You talked to more on the way to the next place. An Inverted Fate Papyrus. A weird Ralsei who said his name was “Noyno.” An Asgore wearing a hoodie, who you assumed was swapped with Sans. (Poppy did scold you a little bit for this, telling you that just because someone has a hoodie you shouldn’t assume they’re swapped. You apologized.)
“This is Grillby’s! One of them, anyways. The nearest one to my house. It’s pretty good if you want an OK burger. Sanses love the place, though. It’s… kind of unhealthy. And a little gross.” Poppy said. “Especially when they just drink… raw… ketchup.”
“Can’t handle a little ketchup?” you smiled mischievously. “We drink it by the gallon back in my universe,” you lied.
“...I really hope you’re joking,” Poppy said, alarmed.
“Am I?” you smiled brighter.
“...W-well, we’re not going in there, so you can FORGET about drinking that much ketchup!” Poppy said, afraid of the sheer power of your ketchup-drinking.
You and Poppy moved onto the next spot. You met an Underswap Alphys who seemed to be trapped in a red-and-gold palette. You met a robot dressed as a circus ringmaster, who claimed to be a Chara. You met a Dummy dressed in a Frisk shirt. (You didn’t assume it was swapped with Frisk this time, which turned out to be a mistake, because it was.) Poppy stared at you awkwardly now, wondering why you were talking to all these random strangers. Finally, you and Poppy reached your next destination.
“The theater! Where we show off all the greatest hits! Including MY movie, which, not to brag, but it’s--”
Except, you’d been distracted by a hyperdeath Asriel, and were ignoring Poppy for the moment.
“...” Poppy spoke up. “That’s what I don’t get about you.”
“Huh?” that seemed to wake you up, and you looked at her. 
“Everytime it’s always, ‘have you met Underswap Sans,’ or ‘have you met JangoTale Frisk,’ or some other weird thing. You always ask that. But… they’re just people. Why do you always assume I know some random Sans or Frisk or someone?”
“I…” you were a bit taken aback. “...I don’t… we don’t assume you know them, they’re just… they’re just important.” 
“Important?” She asked. “...I-I mean, yeah, EVERYONE’s important, but, I don’t really get what you mean…”
“They’re all--” You paused, trying to collect your thoughts, think of everything you knew from the blog, and tried to actually talk to her. “...They’re like friends to me. Kinda.”
“...You guys are friends with them? I thought you were stuck in your world…” she frowned.
“No, it’s like-- I’m not ‘friends’ with Underswap Frisk, or-- or Storyshift Frisk, or Shifty or whatever, I’m just friends with… Frisk.”
...Poppy stared at you like you just said the ground was turning to jelly, or something equally bafflingly inane. “...I… think you’re confused. Look, sometimes newcomers struggle with this. Your Frisk isn’t the only Frisk--”
“I know! It’s… You don’t get it. This world, these worlds are so special and creative, and they mean a lot to me. I know we can be really edgy, and I know we ask weird questions about Dusted and Rust, but that’s all because… because...” you paused.
Poppy looked, seeming upset about hearing her siblings mentioned in the context of ‘edgy’ questions, not seeing what you were seeing. Core, standing behind her, holding up a hand signal.
The number two.
You were getting carried away. You overstepped.
“...Um… I’m sorry.” You pulled her into a hug as Core vanished. “There’s really no reason for us to ask those questions. We can just be dumb sometimes.”
“...” She hugged back. “Yeah, it’s okay. I knew you guys were super weird and dumb before I convinced Granpa to let you in here, so I guess I should’ve seen this coming,” Poppy smiled, regaining her confidence as you did your best to not be offended at being called weird and dumb.
“Okay! I think I have just one last stop in mind to cap this tour off on a high note! Literally, hehehe…” She giggled mischievously. This time, you didn’t stop to talk to others, following her directly as you approached a peak overlooking the town. For yet another time, and probably the last, you couldn’t help but ogle at the town’s beauty. “Pretty good, right?” She sat down.
“Ha… with all the climbing, I was worried we’d fall down a mountain,” you joked. Poppy seemed to roll her eyes, as you sat beside her. “...I guess I get how you can call this place home. I mean, once I stop nerding out, anyways. You don’t see stuff like this in my… reality.”
“Just gallons and gallons of ketchup, huh?” she commented. You couldn’t help but laugh. 
And you two just stared into the distance for a while. ...She wasn’t just a character. She was a human being.
...Or, technically just a ‘being,’ scratch the human part. Still, you felt a bit desensitized to all this. And so did she. You related in that way.
“I can’t say you exactly passed with flying colors, but you fulfilled your end of the agreement well enough.”
Without any warning, you were back in a white void with CORE!Frisk, just like before. You almost forgot about the deal you made, what with all the time you spent with Poppy. You stood.
“Uh… yeah. So, my reward…” you drifted off, remembering the offer Core gave you. The chance to meet just about any AU character of your imagining… or at least, any that would be peaceful enough to be in the Omega Timeline. Which still left a WIDE variety of options…
Who did you want to see? What mattered most to you?
Thinking deeply… you told Core their name.
“...Oh. Really? Well, I guess it makes sense for you that you’d want to see them,” Core remarked. “I can’t guarantee they’ll give you what you’re looking for, but a deal’s a deal. Let’s head off.”
You and Core went somewhere else.
And that’s all she wrote! If you read this far, thank you. Working on the game since then has been fun, and I think you’ll like what we have in store. Until then, ciao.
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12 and 19 for Mortal Coil Shuffle and 15, please c:
ayyyy thanks!! I'm always ecstatic to talk about mortal coil shuffle lol
12: Why did you choose to write [insert fic]? How long have you been working on it?
It started when I saw this art and absolutely loved it. The humor potential of skelebros body swap is just too good. Independently I was also wanted to do a take on saving Asriel and Chara, and somewhere along the way I decided that smushing them both together was a good idea, and it essentially because my main post-pacifist fic. Conveniently I had notes about this fic in my personal discord so I can say I started brainstorming it on January 17th of this year (2021)
Since I have my old notes pulled up anyway, I'll give you a bonus look at what some of the early planning looked like:
Undertale skelebros body swap: precanon or post canon?? [2:34 PM]Precanon: can have sans interact with Flowey. Everyone at grillbys thinking sans is pulling a prank. Papyrus trying to get sans to open up so they can get help. Probably happens because sans drank himself into oblivion or smth [2:37 PM]Post canon: get to play with Frisk's reactions. Sans is probably more willing to get help from alphys. Papyrus has a job and sans has to actually DO it because he won't let his brother get fired. Papyrus realizes just how not lazy sans is when he has to be home for a day. Swap still happens thanks to a poorly timed shortcut, probably shortcutting them out of the way of a car or smth. Undyne wants to fight sans in pap's body now that she can (no one really fought him since he has 1hp before) [2:38 PM]Alphys wants to study them since it might give her a way to transport flowey's consciousness into a different body [2:40 PM]Ok post canon it is [2:41 PM]Do we wanna have genocide bits like sans's scar?? I kind of don't want to deal with that much angst even if it would be cool. I want frisk to have never done genocide ;;
as you can see most of this is outdated now! I have never been able to stick to an outline Ever lol
19: 15 words to describe the aesthetic of [insert fic].
bodyswapping shenaniganary with a side of Feelings (yes i know this isn't 15 words shhhh)
15: Which fic that you’ve written relates to you and your personal life the most?
Settlers of Catan is pulled heavily from my family's game nights. pack the ribcage, we're not coming home was a lot of me vicariously venting about my dad before I moved out and the emotions hit closer to home than any of my other fics. (I am doing much better now don't worry ^^;)
Thanks for the asks!!
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cellydawn · 5 years
Sans is a Darkner Theory (MASTERPOST)
I know that this theory has been touched on before, but I’d like to compile all the evidence from the original post with some additional stuff I found relevant into a single comprehensive post. To preface this, I would like to remind everyone that the merchandise based on Sans isn’t canon and that though Deltarune isn’t a direct sequel to Undertale, the Deltarune FAQ confirms that connections between the two are not precluded.
I’m going to divide this theory into three parts because I want to cover all my bases and there is an extensive amount of evidence, so without further ado, let me introduce you to my completely self-indulgent crazed ramblings!
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WARNING: This is very long. Also, a bunch of speculation here so read at your own discretion.
1. Sans has connections to the Deltarune universe
Let’s list off what we know for sure:
Sans instantly recognizes the Player as a human and has knowledge of the Surface.
In the conversation at MTT Restaurant, Sans confesses that he knows the feeling of wanting to go home.
According to the Snowdin Shopkeeper, Sans and Papyrus showed up one day and “asserted themselves”.
In his lost soul dialogue, Sans says that “you’ll never see ‘em again”.
During his battle, Sans reveals that he “gave up trying to go back a long time ago” and that “getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore, either.”
After being defeated, Sans says that he’s “going to grillbys”. In Deltarune, the first place we see Sans is at Grillby’s. Sans’s house and the restaurant in Deltarune are the same as in Undertale (except for slight alterations like the lack of snow and...’sans)
Undertale!Sans and Deltarune!Sans have identical sprites.
After talking with the Clam Girl and learning of Suzy, you can go to Sans’s workshop and find a card sticking out from the back flap of the binder, described as a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people with the words "don't forget" written in lowercase. Deltarune’s credits song is titled “Don’t Forget”.
We can safely assume that Sans came from another place that is not the underground nor the surface; Sans misses his home and his friends there (presumably the people in the picture); Susie and Suzy are related somehow. Additionally, we can speculate that Sans and Papyrus may have arrived from another dimension. It might very well be the case that Sans originated from the Deltarune universe: Sans is completely resigned to the fact that he can’t alter the past no matter how hard he tries. Deltarune’s prophecy is all about inevitability. Sans’s defeatist attitude might stem from this.
Here’s some evidence that is more debatable:
River Person warns the Player to “Beware of the man who came from the other world”. It’s possible that the man in question is Sans.
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I’ve noticed this isn’t brought up as much, but Sans’s word search is from ICE-E’s, which is a brand we only see in Deltarune. As far as we know, there is no trace of this brand in the Undertale universe. It definitely doesn’t appear to be one from a newspaper—it’s a distraction given to kids at restaurants.
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BONUS: There’s a wacky inflatable mascot that resembles the ICE-E’s mascot in the dog shrine found in the skelebros’ house (console version)
During Shyren’s encounter, if the Player hums twice, the flavor text describes Sans selling tickets made of toilet paper. Now, we know that all the food in the Underground is made out of magic. Magic nourishes monsters, but it doesn’t pass through their bodies as waste. Why does Sans have toilet paper? 
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Alphys seems to be in-the-know about Sans’s time-space shenanigans. In the epilogue of the pacifist ending, there’s some dialogue that suggests Alphys and Sans are quite familiar with each other. Both of them want to keep this a secret for whatever reason. In a neutral ending in which Alphys becomes the ruler, she is mournful of the deaths of Undyne, Alphys, and Asgore, but is glad that “at least Sans is here”. In the MTT quiz, if you pick “Don’t Know” to the question about her crush, Alphys reveals that she has done research on alternate universes and knows they exist. Both Sans and Alphys have connections to Gaster, who is quite prevalent in Deltarune. She, along with Sans (and coincidentally, the ICE-E word-search) are affected by Fun values and have their own Fun events. It seems a little random, but what if all the Fun events are Gaster-related? Are Alphys and Sans the two people mentioned in Entry 17?
So I think all of these pieces are sufficient in establishing Sans’s connection to Deltarune, though it is still unclear whether Sans came from Deltarune into Undertale or vice versa, OR Sans showed up from yet ANOTHER universe. That’s a theory for another time, though. On to the next part!
2. Sans has abilities/properties exclusive to Darkners
Some of the basics:
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Sans can teleport, that is, use “shortcuts”, as evidenced by appearing both in front and behind the character in Snowdin, going to Grillbys, chasing after Papyrus in the wrong direction during the Pacifist ending scene, etc. Though Rouxls Kaard is shown to teleport, Lancer’s style of teleporting most closely resembles Sans’s. There are multiple instances in which Lancer stays ahead despite the Player passing him (for example, Lancer sneaking a sign past the party despite there only being one way to the door).
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The door to Sans’s room greatly resembles the fast-travel doors that only Darkners are able to create. If you get the key to his room, the pitch-black and seemingly-endless walkway is not dissimilar to that of the supply closet. Papyrus also happens to liken Sans’s room to “another world”. All of the weird junk could be representative of various landmarks in the dark world.
Sans can manipulate shadows as seen through his first appearance (I also like to think that this is the reason why his “eye-lights” can disappear). This is most prevalent with Ralsei, Lancer, and the King obscuring parts of their body with shadows.
Darkners have colored portraits. At first glance, you would assume Sans doesn’t have one, but his head is already—conveniently—black and white.
If that wasn’t enough, let’s take a look at Sans’s battle in the Genocide Route. The most distinguishing feature of this fight is Sans’s ability to dodge your attacks, an ability that was thought to be unique to him. As it turns out, Darkners are also able to dodge (provided that they are warned). In order to actually beat Sans, you need to tire him out, and once you have dealt the final blow, he runs away. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
I believe that Sans actually survives the encounter as well. I’ve seen people claim that when he goes off-screen, the “dusting” sound effect signifies that he dies. This is wrong. That sound effect plays at the end of every battle, regardless of whether you spared or killed an enemy. I’d like to point out that the EXP you gain from the battle does not confirm Sans’s death. If you pick on Loox, you can get 5 extra EXP stacking up to 3 times. This means that killing an enemy is not required for you to gain EXP. I’ll also include that the kill counter doesn’t go up once Sans’s battle is over. It’s believed that this is the case because of Chara’s interference, though I don’t personally agree.
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Let me also present this tidbit that I see no one else talking about: unlike literally any monster in the underground (besides Flowey, but he doesn’t count), Sans HAS NO HP BAR. When he gets hit, the damage numbers are present, but the HP bar that should have appeared above him is absent. Darkners don’t have a visible HP bar when struck.
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Here’s some stuff that’s a little bit more controversial/speculative:
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Lancer more or less implies that Darkners bleed, though we haven’t seen any examples of this yet. Ralsei doesn’t correct him, however. We know that the monsters in the light world don’t bleed (“Does it hurt to be made out of blood?”), and Susie’s comment (“Everybody bleeds, right?”) could be read as her trying to look cool for Lancer. Then, does Sans bleed?
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It has been confirmed by @nochocolate​ that the red coming out of Sans is the exact same red as his ketchup bottle. This is a deliberate choice, but it doesn’t completely deconfirm that it may be blood because we don’t have other instances of blood to compare it to. Additionally, there is a mention of both blood and ketchup from Noelle: "This isn't another trick, is it, Kris? Like when you put ketchup on your arms and told me it was blood?" This might just be Toby Fox poking fun at the fandom or intentionally misdirecting us—really, it could go either way.
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Sans’s mouth doesn’t move at all while he talks. It turns out that there may be an explanation for this! In Undertale, you can see the mouths of face sprites move while words are being spoken.
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However, in Deltarune, both Lightners and Darkners don’t feature moving mouths in their textboxes! In instances wherein the full-body sprites are shown (Papyrus date, Alphys date, literally all the battles), the mouths don’t move either. So while his expression rarely changes, it might turn out that Sans DOES actually move his mouth while speaking, we just can’t see it. I’m a bit iffy on this theory since it varies from monster to monster in the Light World. Moreover, in Undertale, while Mettaton’s mouth doesn’t move at all (I’m going to disregard this since he is a robot) it’s very peculiar that the same can be said for Alphys.
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Seriously, why doesn’t Alphys’s mouth move at all?? This HAS to be intentional, all of the other characters with a face sprite have moving mouths. Deltarune!Alphys doesn’t have one either. This brings up more questions than answers: Are certain monsters Lightners and others not? Is Alphys a Lightner? Did her “research” on alternate universes involve her actually traversing the multiverse? Am I overthinking this? In any case, it’s more stuff linking her to Sans...
If it turns out that not all monsters are Lightners, then it makes sense that Sans is so devoted to Papyrus, assuming that Papyrus is, in fact, a Lightner. No other person’s death makes as much of a difference as Papyrus’s concerning Sans’s behavior towards you. Alternatively, if Papyrus is not a Lightner, then it stands to reason why Sans is so depressed—he has no way of fulfilling his purpose. “Sans”, after all, means “without”.
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The Light World has virtually no indications of monsters being able to use magic. In Undertale, it’s stated that magic is a method of self-expression for monsters, yet the only magic we see in Deltarune is from within the Dark World. If we compare Deltarune!Toriel’s stovetop to Undertale!Toriel’s, we see that the flavor text has omitted her use of fire magic. Susie is able to send out magic ax attacks, but this is likely due to the nature of the Dark World. I need to clarify that she is not the one that casts the Pacify spell at the end of a “neutral” run; she realizes that the King is tired, and waits for Ralsei to finish the job. Her remembering Pacify is exactly what it means, and Ralsei comments on it because he is expressing surprise that she cared to remember the spell she made fun of him for. I’ll also point out that the lack of magic would be the reason why the monster-human war ended differently/didn’t even happen, therefore allowing monsters to reside on the surface. If Sans did hail from this world, he wouldn’t have magic or would have very limited magical capabilities if he isn’t a Darkner.
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Here is a piece of dialogue from Sans about the Underground. Interestingly, he differentiates himself from monsters, though this could just be because he doesn’t want to lump in Papyrus with them. The King has a similar line (“Show my son the monster you REALLY are!”). Monsters are possibly complicit in Darkners’ imprisonment. Is it possible that Sans is also resentful? Do Darkners exist in Undertale?
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I feel like this interaction is worth mentioning. It’s entirely possible that Darkners were sealed so long ago in the Undertale universe that nobody even remembers their existence. 
Going back to Papyrus, if Sans is a Darkner, then it’s important to mention that Papyrus is not. We see Papyrus turn to dust when he is killed. For that reason, it seems that Sans and Papyrus are not biological brothers. I think this actually makes a lot of sense given how different they look. Yes, it’s true that Sans and Papyrus both have a skeleton motif, but they don’t look remotely similar. The face shape, the jaw, the build, the height, the eyes, the nasal cavity—nothing matches! Each monster species look the same, hell, even boss monsters like Toriel and Asgore resemble each other. Compared to Papyrus, Sans seems a lot more solid (his gut) AND he’s almost completely covered up save for his face (what are you hiding under there?).
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Their bone attacks are distinct as well: Papyrus’s have a more angular aesthetic compared to Sans’s rounded edges.
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In comparison, Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel have the same exact fire attack.
So, if Sans is a skeleton-themed Darkner, what type would he be?
3. Sans is the Ace of Spades
This part of the theory is a bit more conjectural, but I think there is enough evidence to put this in here.
Let’s start with how Sans, Lancer, and the King are similar:
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Their sprites have the same color scheme: black, blue, white, and grey.
They sport uneven and toothy grins, are round and chubby (“if you eat too many hot dogs…you’ll probably get huge like me”), and have a hood.
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The spades seem to have a smile motif. The grinning “mouth” of the Card Castle has the same number of “teeth” as Sans. Additionally, you can see portraits of spade people inside the castle. They’re all smiling.
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These three are the only characters that can freely shift between being completely submerged in the shadows and becoming visible. The ability to cloak their body with shadows is a trait thought to be shared by all Darkners; Ralsei, after all, exhibits this all throughout our journey. What’s interesting is that there are clear parallels to Sans, Lancer, and the Kings’ shadows: they conceal their entire form and reveal it during their first appearances.
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Sans and Lancer are shown to be able to teleport. I’m bringing this up again because it seems that not all Darkners can teleport without the use of a door as indicated by Ralsei’s confusion. If Ralsei has extensive knowledge of Darkner powers, and he is unaware that Lancer can teleport, then teleportation must be an ability unique to the spades, or, at the very least, card-themed Darkners.
Sans and the King’s fights are eerily similar. You need to fight/tire them out and listen to them monologue in order to progress. A major theme of both fights is how you can’t truly spare them. Appearing worn out from the battle, they appeal for mercy. Should the Player fall for it, they launch an unavoidable attack that deals catastrophic damage. Additionally, before his fight, the King employs the use of silent text, just like Sans during his judgments and his intimidating moments. Also worth noting: in both fights, the battle box is manipulated deliberately to suit the needs of the Player (for our last attack against Sans) and the King (his weird stomach tongue latching onto the box). Sans is also capable of stretching the box as seen with the attack before his special attack.
Lancer and Sans, in particular, parallel each other quite nicely. They are both playful jokers, they both own bikes, and both of these characters have a strange relationship with food (particularly with red condiments).
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The two just so happen to have stands to sell questionable foodstuffs.
Sans is evidently constantly eating:
Undyne: “And his brother kept making 100’s of midnight snacks.”
Big-Mouth: “Sans is interesting. He has told me about all kinds of incredible foods. But, despite his knowledge, he always orders the worst burger off the menu.”
And we know that Lancer barely eats at all. He doesn’t think that having three glasses of milk as his dinner is unusual, he’s not allowed to eat the Dark Candy, he pretends to eat the salsa in the stump, and he has to get fed worms by Rouxls because his father forgot to feed him. Sans and Lancer both have terrible eating habits. I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean, but you know, food for thought.
Why the Ace of Spades:
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The designs of both Lancer and the King originated from @kanotynes​ who created an entire deck of cards. The Ace of Spades does not have a distinct design.
French manufacturers standardized the four playing card suits. “Sans” and “Lancer” are both French words.
It symbolizes uncleanliness and depression (Sans’s socks and his room, the latter is pretty self-explanatory), omens (River Person’s warning, Flowey alerting us to not reveal our abilities to him, “you’re going to have a bad time”), and death (the reason for his skeletal nature).
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In Blackjack, Aces have a numeric value of 1 (matching his stats) or 11 (the same number of unique pre-battle dialogue from Sans, though this may just be a lucky coincidence). The Eleventh Hour is an idiom meaning nearly too late. Sans’s fight is your last possible chance at quitting before the world ends and your game gets corrupted.
Remember that bit where Sans has toilet paper? In the Card Castle, you can see that a bathroom, the Royal Flush, is occupied. Darkners have to digest their food. On a related note, the royal flush is a poker term for an A(14), K(13), Q(12), J(11), and 10 hand. Interestingly, in the sequence before his “special attack”, we see Sans disappear and reappear at the edges of the screen 14 times (again, probably just a neat coincidence).
The ace is paradoxically the least and most valuable card (in Blackjack, Poker, etc.), paralleling Sans being the weakest and strongest enemy.
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Ace of Spades also represents “an end”, and Sans is there at the end of our journey, judging us before Asgore’s fight. He is also responsible for initiating the phone calls at the end of every neutral route.
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Okay, this one is a little bit of a joke. In this deleted tweet, Toby said that Sans would be too lazy for sex, causing fans to speculate that he is “ace” lol.
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BONUS: Sans was originally intended to run a casino. This one’s a bit self-explanatory. Also explains his poker face.
The most important piece of evidence, however, is this: the French expression fagoté comme l'as de pique means "(badly) dressed like the ace of spades." Checks out.
On Gaster Blasters:
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Gaster Blasters might have a spade motif. If you connect the natural curves of the eyes and the top of the nose ridge, you get a spade shape. The GB's crests resemble King Spade's crown and possibly the neck/shoulder part of his cape.
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A GB's nose resembles King Spade's when he isn't snarling at you; this might also apply to Sans if he stopped smiling (mouth shape affects the shape of their noses). 
Also on the topic of noses, Sans, Lancer, and King Spade's noses translate to the same shape in their overworld sprites.
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The fog from Snowdin, which has been theorized to be either a front-facing GB or Sans' face (and honestly I lean more towards it being Sans's face because of the eye shape) has a hidden line underneath and above the nose. Perhaps Sans resembles the Gaster Blasters and the Spades more than we anticipated?
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suzyundertale · 5 years
tumblr user suzyundertale makes a post about Suzy from Undertale
Suzy masterpost, because people need to pay more attention to Suzy. This is not a theory post, but more of a collection of information on what we currently know about the Undertale character Suzy. Of course, due to the nature of Suzy as a very mysterious character, there will be slight speculation, but hopefully it’s clear what is canon and what isn’t.
Section One: The Beginning
When Undertale first released, there was very little that we knew of the character “Suzy”. Even less than what we know now, which is impressive. The only connection we had to her was word of mouth from an NPC with no name, but known in the files simply as “clamgirl”, found in Waterfall if your “Fun” value is between 80 and 89.
When you first talk to her, she says the following:
* I'm visiting Waterfall from the city. * Synchronicity...? * My neighbor's daughter looks about your age. * Her name is "Suzy." * I feel like you two should be friends. * You have... * A neighbor's blessing!!!
(”Suzy” here is written in yellow text.)
Talking to her a second time:
* Not knowing where I live is no issue. * Fate finds a way.
And, finally, talking to her post-pacifist:
* So you never became friends with my neighbor's daughter. * Don't despair. * This world has infinite opportunities. * But there's a limit to the things you can do. * Accepting this is healthy. * Take my neighbor's blessing! * And consider this blessing for anything you like!
(She has more dialogue, but this is all that you really need to know.)
Section Two: The Patch
In January of 2016, a couple weeks after Toby made (and subsequently deleted) a tweet about he wanted to “start something else” in 2016, a something which we now know to be Deltarune, Undertale received its first major update - version 1.01.
Here’s the relevant information.
Toby made two very, very minor changes to Clamgirl’s post-pacifist dialogue. Here is the new dialogue, with changes bolded:
* So you never met my neighbor's daughter. * Don't despair. * This world has infinite opportunities. * But there's a limit to the things you can do today. * Accepting this is healthy. * Take my neighbor's blessing! * And consider this blessing for anything you like!
He changed “became friends with” to “met” - emphasizing the fact that Suzy is not a character you can meet in Undertale.
He also added the word “today”, to emphasize the fact that this does not mean Frisk will never be able to meet Suzy.
This wasn’t the only Suzy-related thing in the version 1.01 patch, however. The patch added a well-known line of dialogue to the lab behind Sans and Papyrus’ house. Normally, when you examine a certain drawer in the lab, you get this dialogue:
* (There's a photo album inside the drawer.) * (There are photos of Sans with a lot of people you don't recognize.) * (He looks happy.)
However, from version 1.01 onward, if you examine this drawer after having spoken to Clamgirl, you will get this dialogue instead:
* (There's a photo album inside the drawer.) * (There are photos of... Huh?) * (A card is sticking out from the back flap of the binder.) * (It's a poorly drawn picture of three smiling people.) * (Written on it...) * "don't forget."
Again, I’d like to emphasize that this dialogue only appears if you’ve spoken to Clamgirl, if you know who Suzy is. In this way, the phrase “Don’t forget” is intrinsically linked to Suzy.
So, from all of this, we can gather a few things about this mysterious “Suzy” character.
She is a girl around Frisk’s age.
She lives in the capital.
She has at least one parent (who happens to be Clamgirl’s neighbor.)
Frisk is, apparently, fated to meet her.
Despite this, it is impossible to meet Suzy in Undertale.
Sans’ photo album will have a card reading “don’t forget” only if you know who Suzy is.
Section Three: Fast Approaching
Did you think that was the only Undertale update that added cryptic Suzy-related dialogue?? Guess again!
Fast-forward to September 2018. Undertale has just been released on Nintendo Switch! Almost immediately, it is discovered that the Switch version added this:
(excuse me posting my own video, but it’s really the best one on youtube...(side note; i’m not sure if she’s actually supposed to reappear when you exit and re-enter the room, that might be a side effect of me poorly emulating the game))
Anyway, this is what happens post-pacifist in the Switch version if your fun value is exactly 81. If it’s 82-89, Clamgirl has her regular dialogue from v1.01.
The Switch version of Undertale came out September (15 in Japan, 18 everywhere else) 2018 - A month and a half before the release of Chapter 1 of Deltarune. In hindsight, it’s obviously foreshadowing - but when you think about it, foreshadowing what?
A month later, we play Deltarune, and meet a brand new character named Susie. Not Suzy. (More on that distinction in a bit.) If that’s the case, why did Clamgirl claim that we were going to meet Suzy very soon? 
Well, the answer is that we don’t know.
It’s important to consider what Clamgirl says from an in-universe standpoint. It’s easy to take this line as Clamgirl talking directly to us, the player, since she’s clearly hinting towards Deltarune - but in actuality, in the game, in-universe, she’s talking to Frisk. She’s telling Frisk that they’re going to meet Suzy very soon. It’s possible that, when it comes down to it, what Clamgirl said might not apply to us at all.
Section Four: Deltarune
In October 2018, Toby Fox not only released an entire demo for an entire new video game, but a video game with a major character named Susie. Not Suzy, but Susie???? What’s going on?
Since Deltarune seems to have an alternate universe thing going on, some people believe that Susie is simply the Deltarune universe’s version of Suzy. This is definitely a possibility, but there is also reason to believe that this may not be the case.
Deltarune also introduces a new character named Catti, who is Catty’s little sister. Like Suzy and Susie, their names are pronounced the same, but spelled slightly differently. This could be hinting at the difference between the two.
As it stands, however, we currently do not know the relation between Suzy and Susie, or if any even exists.
In any case, it is likely that Suzy will be a major part of the story of Deltarune, as the main theme of the game is called “Don’t Forget”.
Bonus: A Comment From Toby
To my knowledge, the only time that Toby has ever publicly spoken about Suzy is in this tweet, since deleted (not specifically, but because Toby wiped all his tweets before a certain date), from nine days after Undertale’s release:
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Unfortunately, since we’ve lost the context, it’s difficult to know who exactly “yellow kid” refers to here. The tweet was most likely in response to speculation regarding Suzy’s identity. Since Suzy’s name is written in yellow when Clamgirl speaks about her, some people assumed that Suzy may be associated with the color yellow. “Yellow kid” could be referring to Monster Kid, Frisk, or the yellow human soul. (I’ve heard people say before that this tweet is specifically in response to people speculating about Monster Kid being Suzy, but I don’t know how true that is. If anyone has any proof of this claim, let me know!)
Generally, when you’re writing an analysis of a character, you’re able to say more than three facts about them. There is very little we can say about Suzy, however, without delving into pure baseless speculation. Hell, we know more about Gaster, who is generally regarded as the mysterious Undertale character.
It’s very likely that we will learn more about Suzy in the future, but right now, we don’t have much to go on. However, that also means we’re free to speculate pretty much anything we want. Essentially, until proven otherwise, Suzy is whoever you want her to be..! 
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vagarius · 4 years
misukazu 21
(if you saw me fuck up the other one no you didnt)
questions from this post, and answers originally written for this thread!!
If you had to change the pairing’s very first meeting, how would you change it?    their canon first meeting is already so good SHDGFLJASHG but if i had to choose a different one that's still within the context of mankai... meeting as kids and losing touch and coming back together completely different at mankai
What song fits your pairing the most?    uhhHHhhHHH i don't have a real answer but i do have a partial playlist for one of my misukazu aus and the only two songs in it are furaregai girl by sayuri and champagne's for celebrating by mayday parade and i feel like that says enough sldhgalsdhfalsh
What is your favorite AU/prompt idea/trope for your pairing?     ALL MISUKAZU AUS ARE GOOD but. i really love any au where their first meeting is in the future and both are still kind of lost but they're Older and it's hard to let themselves fall into the easy trust they find in canon. i just think that'd be neat.
Favorite canon moment of them?     THERE ARE SO MANY but the one that immediately comes to mind is misumi carrying drunk kazu to bed (latest bday line) because drunk kazu is so soft and it implies that misumi wanted to wish happy birthday to kazu pretty late... what did he want to give him...
Least favorite canon moment of them?     hmm... there's not really one i can think of??? IM SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY I LOVE ALL THEIR CANON MOMENTS
Favorite headcanon trope/idea? (Your own or someone else’s)    this is somehow both vague and very specific but i think misukazu gives off this vibe: He's beautiful. I can't tell him. or "Kazu is always beautiful~" Don't call me that, Kazu thinks. I'm not. so... insecurities i guess ????? AJSHAJJD
Favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics?     THIS IS GOING TO SOUND SO CHEESY but i love how /real/ they allow themselves to be around each other. misukazu at their best is when one thinks "you're you. and i love that you" and the other knows this. i just. THEY VALIDATE THE OTHER SO MUCH CRIES
Least favorite aspect of them/their relationship dynamics? (Can be headcannon)     this isn't a "least fav" so much as "it makes me sad" but if either of them showed any sign of not being interested anymore the other is more likely to give up then push anything. sort of like "it was bound to happen, so i'll enjoy now until they drop me" or EVEN WORSE they think the other would be better off without them and pushes them away. so yeah the fact i can see one of these happening makes me sad.
If they aren’t a canon pairing, how would you get them together?     they give off "everyone knows we're dating but us" energy but at the same time i feel like they'd acknowledge there's something and just not define it bc a) they don't need to (misumi) or b) they're too nervous to (kazu). in other words i think one day they are holding hands and misumi says "kazu? is this dating?" and kazu holds his breath before asking "do you want it to be?"
If you had to take them and plunk them into another fandom, what fandom would that be? Why?     i think theyd be hilarious in any sports animanga (kazu is manager tho bc noodle arms but maybe they bond when misumi walks him through some of his usual training menu one night - ahem. anyway) BUT ALSO horimiya au...
How hard is it write/draw your pairing? Scale of 1-10.     AJDHAJDHSF I REALLY LOVE THEM SO IT COMES PRETTY EASILY... but sometimes you try to put them in tropes and realize they would Just Not Work Like That. idk where i'm going with this. but yeah. anyway 3 for sankaku.
Is there a pairing that you think rivals them?     in terms of what i ship, i tend to ship kazu and misumi individually with a lot of dif charas AJDHAKD. but in terms of like... in-universe "rival" pairings: kazu side: tsuzukazu (maybe, lbr it would take them 273924 yrs to actually get together), kazu x someone from winter (i... have my reasons but they'd take longer than what this answer entails) misumi side: ... surprisingly none that i can think of ahdjahd
Which character of the pairing do you like more? (Would you ever pair yourself with them?)     you know that tweet that's like "sometimes a ship is just your two favs"? yeah that's misukazu for me. but if i had to choose... misumi AJDHAJHDSF I HONESTLY WASNT THAT INTO YUME UNTIL THESE TWO CAME AROUND (NOT COUNTING 707)... but yeah if they wanted to hold me in their arms i wouldn't oppose
Which character of your pairing would be the one to break up with the other? Why?     OOOOOH BOY well. i think it could be either of them. i don't think they'd break up for lack of love but too much love and wanting the other to be happy and thinking that the only way to give them that is to let them go. so i guess the question is which of them would be more likely to be selfish and hold on. thinking this way, i think misumi would be more likely to break-up, bc kazu has lots of friends who are better than him!! and misumi is more ready to leave if he thinks he needs to than kazu is. now im sad.
Are they relatable as characters or as a pairing?     THE NUMBER OF TIMES I'VE BEEN CALLED KAZU KIN... in all seriousness kazu's struggles with speaking out and (shinobi spoilers) his uncertainty over his future hit real close to home... while i don't relate as much as misumi, his struggles always manage to tear my heart into pieces... ((oversharing alert) i guess what really separates me from misumi is his struggle with his desire to connect with family who has treated him poorly... whereas im more "lol fuck you") tldr i relate to kazu slightly more LOL
Did you once/ever dislike one/both of them?     i never disliked them but i was NOT expecting either of them to shoot up so quickly into my favs list ahdjahdjf. also i started shipping them Immediately After reading summer main story so there's that
On an estimate, how many posts have you made about them?    as of september 28th 2020 i make up 11/78 fics on ao3 in the romantic misukazu tag and 2/12 in the platonic one. i may have brainrot.
What made you decide to ship them?     TBH I FINISHED THE MAIN STORY AND WENT "OH MY GOD... THAT'S MY SHIP" but now that i'm here i continue to ship them because they have the potential to bring out both the best and the worst in each other and i'm all about that
Favorite genre for them? (Angst, fluff, etc.)     angst. i just. angst hurt/comfort all the way. im so sorry babies.
lol you thought there would just be 21 ANYWAY EXTRA 1: how do they spend breaks/vacation?    they'd travel a lot when they're older!! kazunari loves to travel and misumi would follow kazunari anywhere (also, new triangles!!) so they go somewhere new whenever they have the time. however i think eventually one or both of their future careers will take them anywhere and everywhere anyway, so their "ideal vacation" might turn into an evening in, cuddling and catching up (as if they didn't already send play-by-play updates over the phone of whatever they did during the day)
EXTRA 2: first date?     i don't they ever have an explicit first date, but if asked they'll cite the time they had a picnic in the park turned triangle hunt turned accidental dip in the duck pond. at least, kazunari will. misumi just tilts his head and wonders what you mean.
EXTRA 3: gifts?     IM FEELING REALLY CHEESY SO I'M MAKING THIS ABOUT ANNIVERSARY GIFTS they both end up getting each other jewelry (although kazu was really really nervous bc he wasn't sure if misumi would wear it). kazu gets misumi a bracelet (with triangles, of course although misumi only wears it sometimes because he doesn't want to lose it) and misumi gets kazu a pair of triangle earrings "so we can match!" and kazunari combusts at the implications
EXTRA 4: sharing clothes     THEY'RE ACTUALLY AROUND THE SAME SIZE (and tend to wear baggier stuff barring kazu's skinny jeans)... but they have completely different Styles so it's still really obvious when steal each other's stuff ahdjajdkaf. as cute as kazu would look in sumi's sweatshirt i think the much more likely scenario is kazu wrapping misumi in his jackets because this boy nEVER BRINGS HIS ANYWHERE anyway just. accidental shared wardrobe misukazu.
EXTRA 5: lake house au    consider: kazunari living in a house on the shore of a lake for a summer for Art Purposes (and a little bit for Dealing With Life purposes but he's not gonna admit that) and meets his lake neighbor misumi who kazu thinks might be a ghost or spirit for a while but he actually just lives further down the lake and misumi unknowingly helps kazu with his Life Issues and maybe they fall in love
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asteriusx · 4 years
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⌜MAXENCE DANET-FAUVEL, MALE, HE/HIM⌟  welcome to chatsworth academy, ASTERIUS NOWAK. it says here, that you are TWENTY-THREE, in THIRD year and that you’re here for your ARCHERY skills? is it true high school you were voted most likely to OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT, well, that’s interesting.╱  SILENT ARROWS FLYING DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO YOU, THE EERIE FEELING WHEN YOU KNOW YOU ARE BEING WATCHED, RIPPED PAGES FROM BOOKS ╳  ◤ Lis, 26, cst, she/her. ◢
alcoholism tw
Born to a middle class family, Asterius saw little of the mid-class comforts because when he was three, they lost everything they had.
Mr. Nowak was the employee of a very powerful businessman, one that drank expensive champagne with the royalty and elite. Asterius’ father was nothing but a loyal and obedient man to a boss that pretty much only cared about making his next million ( no matter the destruction left behind ).
A business didn’t go well and instead of sacrificing a couple of millions, the rich man gave away Mr. Nowak’s head and properties. Poor man, little did he know his own money and properties were also being fiddled with when he signed a bunch of contracts with little clauses.
The family was left in the street and had to move to a dangerous neighborhood that was pretty much forgotten by the gods. Mr. Nowak threw himself into the arms of cheap booze while Mrs Nowak did as much as she could to take care from Asterius and his little sister, but the desperation to have a better life and the lack of motivation from her husband usually started heated fights between the couple.
Asterius, of course, grew up with the worst company and quickly falling into thievery and little crimes to bring some food to the table and some fun into his own life. One talent that he always possessed was a strategic mind and a really good aim, something that would come in handy some years later.
He spent his life in and out detention and then in and out the police station where he would sleep a couple of nights since his family had nothing to bail him out. A busted lip and black eyes were usual on him to the point that his mother stopped asking, but remained worried nonetheless when Asterius would bring in jewelry for her that was clearly out of their reach, but he never gave any explanation.
The boy grew up hating anyone privileged and rich upon receiving nothing but patronizing looks and horrid jokes towards him and anybody who was less privileged, specially from those who knew his father’s story.  EAT THE RICH  . One night, after getting drunk and grabbing his archery kit ( you are right, it wasn’t damn cheap, but he had stolen saved enough to get one ) and some sweet words to the daughter of the range field got him some useful lessons ), he walked towards the main building of the businessman that ruined his life in first place. Poorly-made molotov bombs that never exploded, messages attached to arrows and rocks broke the crystals and he was quickly captured by security and sent to a cage for some time ( with the low risk prisoners, thank gods ).
His mother left Mr. Nowak in the meantime and after going out, Asterius went low profile for a while and pretty much decided to give it up, get a horrible job and die at 28, but OH! Hope and second chances come in the weirdest of ways. He was walking around downtown when he came across a tv add about a competition and the winner would be eligible for a scholarship in the prestige Chatsworth Academy. The idea originally disgusted him, but then his brain started to work and oh, imagine how many things he could get his hands on in there, imagine how many spilled secrets and ignorant royalty he would stumble upon; the amount of POWER he would get from gathering so much information from these dumb rich kids. The best way to destroy an enemy is to do it from the inside.
So he goes, participates and wins. Surprise surprise! One of the men in the jury was the same businessman that left his father in absolute misery; still, the man seemed oddly thrilled to throw this dirty kid into a school full of polished nice young people that would probably devour him alive. So a silent challenge is accepted: How long can Asterius Nowak last in a privileged school?
No filters whatsoever, very filthy mouthed. Never says no to a challenge even if it might kill him. Friendships weren’t very common, but he is one loyal mf and so, betrayal is the worst for him and a deal breaker in any scenario; one to sleep around if the opportunity arises, though, sweet tongue if necessary, but he will be gone by the morning and then most likely deny the fact that you guys had anything to do with each other. Asshole and one to get into petty fist fights with everybody for whatever reason. Trashed out James Dean that is secretly amazed by all of the pretty things given to him in the academy and the bed? Damn, he has never slept so well. Still hates the rich though, if you are wealthy, he is not giving you his time ( yeah, sure ). Member of the chess and martial arts clubs because you gotta keep both your mind and body trained, right? A very ANARCHY kind of mindset, always willing to make a car explode and to get in trouble.
Friends?? I guess?? He gotta get them at some point.
Flings / One night stands / fuck buddies. A d*ck with legs, that’s what he is.
People that recognize him from the archery competition maybe? Either his name moved around or your chara was in there either participating or watching.
Unrequited crushes from either side
Maybe the businessman that played his family dirty has his children in here as well? I would love to see that aaahh!
Anything else we can definitely brainstorm!
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catie-does-things · 4 years
The only problem in canon has always been Sozin/Roku timeline which was poorly thought and most likely a last minute add. Fate Deferred timeline (the story itself as well) has nothing to do with canon, it is correcting things by adding a generation in between Sozin and Azulon but it is most of all playing around chara age, Azula one year younger than Zuko instead of two. Kanna rejuvenated 10 years younger probably because you wanted Hakoda younger than he is in canon etc.
Azula is still two years younger than Zuko in Fate Deferred. Kanna’s and Hakoda’s ages are just what I decided on for them without even bothering to see if there was an official word on that.
I think in general I just tend to have characters marrying and having children younger than the show writers envisioned. Like, I felt the need to give Azulon a barren first wife to explain why he was so old even at the time of Iroh’s birth, because the idea that he just waited that long to marry/have kids really doesn’t make sense for the son and heir of a Fire Lord who would be expected to produce heirs of his own.
I do agree though that the Sozin and Roku backstory was probably added in later, because that is really what messes up the canon timeline. Before that episode, I (and presumably the writers) always assumed Sozin was a younger man at the time of the killing of the Air Nomads and start of the war.
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gasters-story · 5 years
Fallen's Chapter 1
Word Count: 1,875
Fallen was sorting his bookshelves, though only because he wanted to change his method to sorting them again. It was one of his nervous ticks to organize and since he never really had anything, he just found new ways for old stuff.
When Fallen was done, he looked back at Sam's. The young skeleton was intently reading a book at a nearby table, wearing a soft smile. Soon Papyrus would be born, probably in the next week, so Fallen and Sans had that to look forward to. For now they planned to relax and wait, spending time in any way they can.
Fallen was the first to look over when he heard the door open. Asgore stood in the doorway, scanning the room with his intimidating look, before heading over to Fallen. It was a nerve-wracking silence until Asgore spoke.
"Gaster, please don't tell me you used the only two souls we had." Asgore begged the scientist somewhat. Although it seemed he didn't have that much anger in his tone, to Fallen it sounded angry enough to bring up his anxiety.
"Of course to-" Fallen muttered while fidgeting with his hands but was cut off. 
"Do you realize how much later that can put us? I might not even be king by then! It's bad enough that Toriel wants us to at least wait until their deathbed to take their souls. We could have only needed five more! Hell, maybe even just four if you never rushed to bring her back." Fallen just listened to the king rant, trying not to care about not being able to explain why. Sans watched, both confused and scared, but didn't say a word. "For the next human, don't you dare bring them back. It halves the power of their soul too, making no point to recollect them." Fallen didn't want there to be a point anyways.
Once the king was out of things to rant on and on about or couldn't repeat anything with a purpose, he finally decided to leave the skeletons alone. Fallen let out a sigh and noticed Sans coming over to hug him.
"Who was that?" Sans asks. Fallen didn't know how to answer at first but knelt down to hug back. He realized Sans probably would never know about the cruel outside world. At least Fallen didn't want him to know. 
"Someone mean who has control of a lot of power." Fallen muttered. "You might have to listen to him someday." He didn't know what else to say. He just knew his bones wouldn't last forever.
Fallen felt a bit down after that event, just tapping his fingers on his desk as he waited with nothing to do. It wasn't until Sans came into the room that Fallen would have something to stop his rhythmic tapping.
"Can you read me a story before bed?" The child asks. Fallen couldn't help but smile softly. Maybe he should rest too.
"Sure." The child leads Fallen to his room so they could read a story together. The scientist tried to focus on the small things like these moments with Sans rather than what Asgore had said. They waited out the time together quicker that way, whether Sans was drawing something, playing an imaginary game, or reading a book he picked out. It also gave Fallen ideas on what he could do.
Sans was excited when Papyrus was born. He tried helping his brother walk his first steps, a struggle since Papyrus was younger. While Fallen watched the two, he also gave Sans advice about taking care of his brother. The young skeleton accepted every bit and by the end of the day he had his younger brother walking. All three were proud of the accomplishment. With Papyrus around, Fallen had to keep him nearby for his safety. He tried to work on a security system for the lab while Papyrus took his naps, mostly where Fallen's free time went. He knew it would be a tough job from the start so it at least didn't bother him that much. Sans usually helped out anyways. 
The older brother always wanted to read Papyrus a story if he could. He was eager to play with him too while also trying to teach him some things. Fallen could rely on that time to draw plans or read his own books. A time to relax and distract his mind.
Whenever Asgore came over, Fallen typically had Sans and Papyrus in another room. He didn't like them hearing Asgore complain, though he was sure they listened in anyways. That alone made Fallen anxious of Asgore's surprise visits. Papyrus might pick up something he shouldn't.
Luckily it didn't seem to happen as far as Fallen can tell.
It wouldn't be long until Asriel is born into the underground world. By the time he's around four, Asgore would drop him off for Fallen to babysit him occasionally. Fallen would try to teach Asriel some things and watch over all three kids closely when they played. He wasn't sure how Asriel was raised so he was slightly overprotective of his boys.
While he eventually relaxed on that, he still taught just as much. Asriel came out a bit nicer than he would've if not and he tended to like that so he came over often. Fallen took a bit of pride in that.
Still it had it's cons with Asgore coming over more often. Fallen tried not to think about that too much. Too much for him mentally. 
Fallen almost thought one night Asriel had snuck out to visit by the loud crash of something falling to hit the ground. While he found the source of the crash, he didn't find out who or what caused it. He went to check on Sans and Papyrus, expecting to see one of them retreating back to bed but instead found them just waking up. Fallen told them to stay there as he went to go out and look. Maybe Asriel retreated somewhere, if it was him at all. It was a slightly stretched guess.
Fallen didn't expect to see a startled human child as the culprit. They were trying to hide behind Fallen's scientific equipment stored in one of the rooms, probably waiting for him to go back to bed. The scientist decided to approach cautiously, guessing they were scared from the other monsters they saw previously.
Fallen went around the counter they hid behind. They stared at him with terrified eyes before suddenly running past him to get away. Fallen reacted quick and used his magic to pick them up by the soul. They still struggled to try to keep running anyways.
"Please calm down." Fallen wasn't sure how exactly to get on their good side after all the terrorizing clearly done with their poorly wrapped bandages around some of their wounds.
The child began to watch Fallen carefully until Papyrus and Sans shuffled into the room suddenly. Papyrus whined a bit loud as he went to hug the scientist. The human seemed to relax at seeing the family. "Who's that?" Papyrus points at them.
"A visitor." Fallen explained. "A human." Papyrus blinked a few times to register the words.
"So… a friend?" He beamed a smile. Fallen let out a soft chuckle as he slowly and gently put the human down. They didn't run, having an advantage already by being at the door, but they watched Fallen advise and lead his kids back to bed. When they asked if they could hang out with the human tomorrow, Fallen gave them a maybe.
Fallen turned to the human and gave a kind smile. "I apologize for what you must have gone through. This is a place where I try to keep the outside out for my kids. You can rest here if you'd like, though.
Clearly, they were skeptical at first. The human watched Fallen for a moment before looking around the room. The scientist decided to leave them be as they left the room but locked the door from the inside as he followed after. Just insurance.
While Fallen couldn't sleep like the other two young skeletons, he decided to work at his desk and write down whatever comes to mind. Sometimes he would him a tune out loud, typically when he had nothing else in mind, but otherwise it was quiet for a few hours.
Fallen decided at one point to check if the human left the labs, only to find them still wandering restlessly. He decided to wave when they looked over. They shrank away a bit yet waved back just slightly.
"Would you like some first aid for your wounds?" Fallen asks with a slight gesture at the other. They clearly had to think about it but eventually gave a slow nod. Fallen smiled and shuffled off for his medical kit. It took a bit but soon he was back to replace old bandages and add new ones to still uncovered wounds. He did his best without hurting them, though slightly unavoidable, to try to not upset them. He wanted a good impression after what everyone else had left on them instead.
"Th-thanks." The human muttered under their breath once he was done.
"You're welcome." Fallen responded. "May I get your name?" He asks as he puts the kit to side.
The child hesitated again. "Chara. That's my name." They bowed their head as if slightly ashamed. Fallen smiled once again.
"It's nice to meet you." He says. "What do you plan to do now? You've gotten pretty far, but I'm not sure if there is a way out." He let out a small sigh. "Even for a human." 
"There isn't…?" They muttered in disappointment. "Really?" Fallen shook his head.
"After testing a lot of different things, it seems so. I know where you can try, if you really want to. You won't have to leave the labs." Fallen says and gets up from the cahri he was in to treat Chara's wounds.
"There's a way out of here?" Chara asks. Fallen gives them a nod. "Where?"
"Follow me if you want to test the option." The scientist says and begins to lead them. He puts up the kit first before leading them down into the lowest part of the lab. Chara followed him even if anxious about doing so.
They headed out into a cave area and came across a piece of the barrier. "This is it." Fallen steps and turns to Chara. "I've known these labs most of my second life. If you can leave out here, you can get to the outside world. If not, you'll be stuck here until the chance arises." 
Chara cringed slightly at that idea. "Okay." They stepped forward and reached out to touch the barrier. Sadly, they were able to flatten their palm against it. "I guess it's the latter."
"Unfortunately so." Fallen comments. "So what will you do now?" He asks.
Chara took a moment to think about it. "I… I think I'll stay here, if it's the safest option, and wait for my chance to leave if that's okay." They gently bit their lip as they waited for a response.
"That's fine by me." Fallen said with a soft smile.
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clownmoontoon · 5 years
Hey um I saw your reblog about that mary sue chara and I'm confused. I've encountered the word before but I never really understood what it means. So I searched. They say it's what you call an idealized, overly powerful chara... so how come the plain lookin emo oc in the op's art you reblogged... is called a mary sue?? *confused*
OH!! it wasnt that they were calling that oc a mary sue! thats the type of oc they made when they were desperately trying not to make a mary sue ;u;
instead of making the character they really wanted (that powerful chara w multi colored hair and heterochromia and wings and sword etc!)
a “mary sue” type of character usually refers to a design that is not only ridiculously op but also kinda unrealistically perfect, or just unrealistic in general like rainbow/extremely colorful ocs or ocs covered in lots of accessories etc OCS THAT A LOT OF THE TIME ARE MUCH MORE FUN FOR ARTISTS TO DRAW SOBS
i dont like the term for lots of reasons but overall its just… not very nice to say about or to anyone. it can also refer to poorly written ocs but tbh u cant get to the well written amazing ocs without going thru the badly written ones first so ppl should embrace their mary sues as part of the creative journey uwu 
ppl shouldnt be scared to make “cringey” ocs, creativity is a process and these are all the steps u gotta take to make it to that holy grail oc! which might actually be the oc u thought was cringey before!!
when you see posts that are like “END CRINGE CULTURE” this is what theyre talking about! 
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So, I started this comic page about a few months ago. (yeah, I know, it really narrows it down, huh?) This was a comic page intro I was going to do for my AU ContaminationTale. However, there are quite a lot of things stopping me from actually making the comic. I want to start a comic, but I think I would do fairly poorly at actually making a good comic that will keep attention.
I also have all of my characters designed for ContaminationTale, but I do not want to actually do them digitally cause I am afraid I will mess it up. I am bad at character reference sheets. I love to have something going on, or something more implied, and not just a character. However, I hope I will fix that with myself soon.
The backstory behind ContaminationTale is besically something kinda similar but very adjacent to how Error Sans was formed. As confusing as it is, allow me to elaborate-
ContaminationTale is an AU where classic Undertale is taken over and corrupted by a strange human that is not Chara, or the other human souls. It is just a random human that had run across the world and watched the events of the world pan out. So in a way, they are like a way to breach the 4th wall, whilst not being able to communicate with the obersevers of the AU. (Myself, or people that may view my works) Here is the old set of information I made for ContaminationTale when it was first created. Including characters, places, items, food and other stuff like that.
[ ° Basic Information ° ]
» Classic Undertale ™ is slowly fading away, being overshadowed by it's many various AU's, which have became far more popular than the classic game. So when the infamous, and to-say-the-least very unwelcome 'Shadow Player' comes back, and completely takes control of the game, he controls all of the characters as well. Now, running on only hate, fear and sadness; Undertale is going to make a fatal, feral strike-back at the many AU that fans so ADORE.
[ ° AU Connections ° ]
➡ All of the AU, over a large span of years, have managed to completely coincide with each other and accept each other's existence. They even have come to think of each other as kin. Family and such. Error is way more level, having been around Ink and Blue so much made him less homicidal and seemed to get rid of his 'God-Syndrome'. Other more homicidal AU, such as Horror and Killer have also calmed down murder wise, however they do have their slip ups. Nightmare since then had also split into two versions of himself. Night, who is the one with no black ooze on him is able to be with dream, and be happy, and Nightmare, who is more level in the head, but still a jerk. At times there can be tension but they all get over it rather fast. This is called the 'Pacification of the Bad AU' (As restated later, this is NO WHERE NEAR CANON. This is for the plot of ContaminationTale.)
Quick Note: As another note, in this AU, the monsters hate killing, and Chara was pacified. He is in the same boat as the monsters. The monsters of ContaminationTale used what free code they were able to spare to make it to where any AU versions of themselves they killed respawned in the Flower Patch being as it was the furthest from most of the while they were able to keep their 'good' conscious. The person who hacked them was unable to reverse it.
[ ° Characters ° ] (All Characters keep their same personalities when in their 'Free Form' however, in their 'Contaminant Form' they all remain kind of similar to themselves, but become homocidal, and attack any AU characters soon there after, or instantly.
» Sans
» Papyrus
» Grillby
» Toriel
» Gaster
» Asgore
» Alphys
» Asriel
» Flowey
» Undyne
» Burgerpants
» Mettaton
» Nopstablook
» Temmie
» Doggo
» Monster Kid
» Monster Kids Parents
» Chara
» Frisk
» Endogeny
» Muffet
[ ° Common Reference Places ° ]
» The Waterfall
➡ No longer exists. When the world started to vanish, the waterfall went first and was unable to be brought back.
» Grillby's Bar
➡ Doesn't really function as a bar anymore. This place is actually more it less used for medical treatment and a weapon station.
» Echo Flower garden/field/cave
➡ All places that have echo flowers in them are or can be used for a torture room. When a person is trapped in there, the flowers only scream, cry and laugh at the being inside. There are no identified words that are ever said, other than 'DIE'.
» MTT Station
➡ This place is actually used for the Shadow Players base and planning area. Off limits and heavily guarded with technology. It had many secret operative plans that happen in it all the time.
»Asgore's Castle
➡ Mostly a moot point area. However when any of the classic monsters die they respawn in the center room of the castle. However the center room is also a jail cell and the monster that spawns there gets three days solitary confinement for getting killed.
» Flowey's Flower Patch
➡ Any au characters that are killed in ContaminationTale that are not part of the AU spawn in the flower patch. Other than that this location is rather useless.
» Toriel's Ruins
➡ Long since abandoned. However the au characters that come to ContaminationTale often regroup, stay and recoop themselves here. They use this as a base and plan area. It provides shelter to those AU that can't make Portals like Dream can.
» Alphys Lab
➡ Used to mix poisons, and is filled with mechanical body parts used to replace lost limbs that didn't kill the victim. It is also used to overview the town and make traps.
» Sans Station - Bridge Crossing
➡ Loaded to the brim with motion sensors and traps ready for the unsuspecting. This causes confusion is and can be very dangerous if you are not careful or nimble because stuff comes at you from all sides.
[ ° Common Food and Food Stats ° ]
- Cinnamon Bun - (Restores 25 HP)
- Hot Dog w/ Bun - (Restores 50 HP)
- Hard Tac (Restores 30 HP)
- Alfrado ( Restores 100 HP)
- Cupcake (Restores 10 HP)
- Spaghetti ( Restores 50 HP)
- Pie (Restores 40 HP)
- Candy (Restores 5 HP each)
[ ° Weaponry ° ]
» Sans Butcher's Knife
➡ /+30 ATK/ - /-5 SPD/ - /+10 HP/
↪ Fire Perk - With this Sans can give the Butcher Knives the ability to set themselves on fire on the blade. However this one lasts for a few attacks before he has to build up a charge again.
» Papyrus's Bone Staff
➡ /+40atk/ - /-5spd/ - /+15hp/
↪ Dead Weight Perk - The dead weight Perk is used to inflict extra damage on characters when a weapon is swung. The dead weight puts more pressure and force behind the attack. Depending on how willing he is the fight, it affects how well Papyrus is able to use his weapon.
» Gaster's Scythe
➡ /+10 HP/ - /-5 SPD/ - /+15-20 ATK/
↪ Invisibility Perk : This makes the weapon itself unable to be seen by the naked eye after so many attacks for a stent of time. However you can still see the weapons shadow is it is in a lit area. That's why Gaster is more likely not to be found in dark scenery or places. If there is light anywhere, that is where you need to stay. Gaster also has the ability to blend into the dark, and it makes him a harder opponent.
»Toriel's Arrows
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /- 5 HP/ - /+5 ATK/
↪ Tipped Arrows ; this means they are actually poisoned with a small odor causes nausea, draining HP, and confusion to enemy characters. It however takes a small toll on her health every time she shoots an arrow. This is why she alters the arrows she uses. Her alterations come in an irregular patterns and it is spontaneous when she pulls one out.
» Asgore's Scepter
➡ /-15 SPD/ - /+10 ATK/ - /+0 HP/
↪ Electricity : like any other weapon, this one reacts better to opposite elements. The weapons this one better completed and takes out are wooden and metal weapons. It can not travel through rubber or other materials that have specific metals that do not connect well with the ability to travel through. If he uses a lightning based attack on a material that is not a conductor, the electricity comes back to him and will either stun him, or be shot off somewere else.
» Asriel's Slingshot
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /+5 ATK/ - /+ 0 HP/
↪ Explosive pellets are the thing that Asriel launches from his sling. These pellets are strong mini fireworks packed with acid. When it touches skin,fur or bone, even metal, it burns around the area it hit with a 5-7 inch radius. Depending on where he hits and what he hits, it can cause serious damage and make someone get bad infections.
» Undyne's Spear
➡ /-0 SPD/ - /+5 HP/ - /+10 ATK/
↪ Dead Weight Perk: Similar to Papyrus, her Spears are made of basic magic they don't have any initial weight untill they are seeing seeing at a Target. So initially her perk is the same as Papyrus's perk from there. However, if she is close enough, she can cause her weapon to lose all it's weight for faster movement, and gain all of it for maximum impact.
» Mettaton's Gun
➡ /+15 SPD/ - /+0HP/ - /+10 ATK/
↪ Silencer - the gun have no special or notable perks but it is good for power and stealth kills. The silencer makes it to where there is only ever A very faint click heard if the gun is fired. The gun itself fires off long bullets/pellets that are filled with acid. The second the bullet goes into skin, or hits something and gets stuck, the acid will start to burn through it.
» Frisk's Staff
➡ /-10 SPD/ - /+5 HP/ - /+5 ATK/
↪ Knock Back Perk : This makes a large gust of pressurized air go at the opponent and knock them down effectively for 1-3 attacks. Mainly due to having the 'wind' knocked out of them. /Funny? Only me? Ok... ;W;/ either way, this makes it to where Frisk usually does not have to get too close to anyone or anything and keeps them a safer distance away from the action while still being able to help out.
» Chara's Knife
➡ /+15 HP/ - /+15 ATK/ - /+5 SPD/
↪ Long Range Perk : after weapon is used so many times, the weapon can go through a stent of long range power ups. That means when the blade is swung it creates a red projectile cutting Lazer in the form of the slice and can only go forward for for up to 15 feet. Once it reaches that and is unable to catch anything, the attack turns to the ground, and goes into it. This can cause the ground to gain holes in it that are up to 25 feet in depth. After so many missed attacks, it will cause the ground to collapse, taking less space for movement against the enemies.
» Grillby's Arrows
➡ /-10 HP/ - /+20 ATK/ - /+10 SPD/
↪ Fire Perk : the fire only goes out when he snaps his fingers, but his fire in particular can't burn polyester. However, after so many uses, his fire won't reactivate itself until he has had a 10 minute rest.
» Tikal's Lasso
➡ /+5 SPD/ - /+10 ATK/ - /+0 HP/
↪ no perks, batter for stealth attacks
»Muffet's Glass Throwing Knives
➡ /+10 SPD/ - /+5 ATK/ - /+5 HP/
↪ respawn: if the knives are broken, they rebuild the partial belt bag, it might be better just to have more battle ready
» Alphys' Axe
➡ /-15 SPD/ - /+20 ATK/ - /+5 HP
» Monster Kid/Family Tail + Crossbows
➡ /+25 SPD/ - /+30 ATK/ - /-10 HP/
↪ no perks
[ ° All Weaponless Characters ° ]
» Temmie
» Burgerpants
» Doggo
» Endogeny
» Napstablook
» Flowey
[ ° Weaponless Characters Abilities ° ]
» Temmie
- Speed Attack: Used to confuse and knock out characters. Temmie runs around them and strikes their body in various places to try to cause more consistent confusion.
» Doggo
- Lock Jaw: Doggo locks his jaw around anyone's limbs. He won't let go until you give into Contaminated or you break his jaw. On the same note, if you break his jaw, his teeth will break from his jaw and sink into your skin until the contamination is spread. In the matter of 3 hours, his teeth grow back, and his jaw repairs itself.
» Endogeny
- Corrupt : uses the shades to possess enemies and attack other enemies or take themselves out.
» Burgerpants
- Incinerate: he always has a lighter and gasoline on him somewhere. So when he reacts he can use it to gradually put on his enemies then he can burn them alive when he lights it up.
» Flowey
- Vines : Shred or Strangle - Flowey can either crush his opinions with several Vines or throw needles at the enemy that are hard to dodge and have incredible sharpness.
» Napstablook
- Sonic Scream: Nopstablook screams silently at the other one enemies and the sound waves lower defense, and confuse them. It also makes them unable to see straight, makes them nautious and can cause surrounding items or building parts to collapse, gain damage or go haywire
[ ° Common World Items ° ]
* Machine Parts
- (Commonly found in the lab, or Mettatons News Station.) The machine parts vary, however, there is no real use for gears anymore, otherwise as throwing weapons. However, longer machine parts are used to make traps, or as close range weapons such as bo-staffs.
* Desk Supplies
- (Can be found anywhere) Desk supplies unclude things such as tape, pencils, pens, paper and other forms of common utilities. These also serve as weapons. They are easier to hide, find, and store without being weighed down.
* Marbles
- ( A rare find that some monsters used to posses. Such as Toriel) These are used as a good tripping device, or as a good distraction to those that can't avoid them.
* Contaminated Black Tar
- (Everywhere) This black tar only forms when a monster from Undertale / ContaminationTale is killed. Instead of turning into a pile of ashes, or dust, the turn into black goo and reform in the stated 'respawn' point. This can afflict other AU or humans that enter the world and turn them into a being like the afflicted monsters. However, since they are not considered 'Undertale' characters, they find a way to kill / destroy themselves. If they are just a human from the surface world, they will destroy themselves and not regenerate. However, if the are an AU, they regenerate fully healed in Flowey's flower patch.
* Silverware
- (Anywhere) This also serves as a great weapon.
* Broken Pipes
- (Inside walls and other items they can be placed in) these are used both weapons on 'inobvious spyware. They are all stuck into walls in order to spy around and keep an eye out without being seen right away.
>> Other Things to Clarify <<
1) As you have seen, there are both a "Flowey" and an "Asriel" in this AU. This was not a mistake, or an error in planning. They are both separate characters.
2) The 'Affiliations with other AU' including known AU Sanses or other characters is NOT CANON. I know most of you know this already, however, this is to those who get easily offended. The other AU checking in on the 'Classic' world is because if something happens to destroy Undertale, ALL OF THE AU will be destroyed in the process.
3) Undertale and ContaminationTale are both the same thing here. I know you all think that since it is an AU like this, it might be like Dust, or Killer Sans and they diverge into another AU. Which is both true, and not true. It becomes it's own AU later, however I have it set up to exist where the other AU characters need to help the Undertale characters escape their situation and beat the hacker first.
4) After the hacker is beaten, ContaminationTale becomes its own AU where it lives abandoned, and no AU characters come into it anymore. Meaning the reason behind it's existance is actually kind of futile, and the human gets killed by the ContaminationTale monsters later only to come back. It turns into an ever-turning genocide AU.
5) ContaminationTale Characters can only kill other copies of theselves so they are more equally matched. If they attack a version of another monster, most of their attacks will be barely even able to cause damage, no matter how powerful. This is due to a slip-up in the coding that contaminated them.
6) The main reason the other AU care so much about helping this AU is because at the time it is still 'Undertale' not just 'ContaminationTale'. Undertales code is becoming unstable, and it is inevitable that it will cause Undertale itself to collapse. Killing all of the AU Sanses and their respective AU.
//Afternote: Another reason I made this AU is cause Classic is usually helping the other AU, and the other AU don't really help him out. So I wanted to change that. I also feel bad cause Undertale ins't as popular as it's AU anymore. I did a survey with all the Undertale Lovers in my school, and I was the only one who voted on Classic Undertale out of 76 kids. :( //
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