#you said you wanted to read this when i got around to answering...
pitchsidestories · 2 days
the favourite II Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2349
a/n: hi everyone, this oneshot is a longer one, so get cozy. <3
The golden hour has just begun in the beautiful city of Barcelona, you were finally done with correcting your student’s paper, so you were able to continue reading the book on the sofa, which was the perfect way to clock off of work in your opinion.
The happy mood slightly shifted when you thought back to the phone call you had with your girlfriend earlier that day. Aitana told you she was injured and that she was coming back home this evening.
You felt guilty, because partly you were happy about the fact that your lover was about to return to you, this year has been a lot for her work wise, and you rarely got time to spend together as a couple, apart from you trying to be there in the stands at every home game or final. It didn’t surprise you that the midfielder’s body was exhausted from all of this.
On the other hand, Aitana loved playing football so much, so it would be hard to not see her doing what she was so passionate about. You realized reading at this point was impossible, there were too many thoughts running through your mind.
“Hola, mi amor.”, you greeted her warmly, as you heard her opening the front door.
“Hola.”, the football player replied in a cheerful tone which tried to hide the disappointment the brunette felt.
Immediately you jumped off the sofa to give her a much-needed hug. “How are you? I know you had to leave national team camp early.”
“It’s nothing too bad, don’t worry.”, Aitana reassured you with a weak smile on her lips.
“But I do worry a little.”, you admitted concerned while running a hand through your girlfriends open hair, something you knew she liked, because it had a soothing effect on her.
You caught her looking at the papers which were still laying on your kitchen table, so you added quickly:” Sorry, I’ll take those to my office.”
“No, it’s fine. Stay, you’re busy.”, the midfielder slowly shook her head.
“I’m actually done with going through them. My students wrote about their role models, and I spotted some familiar names quite a few times.”, you remembered, smiling fondly at the memory.
“Oh really? Like whose names?”, Aitana looked up curiously.
“Like Patri, Alexia, Salma, but you’ve been mentioned the most. Wait-”, you counted them off on your fingers. You proudly showed your girlfriend the texts which were about her.
“I didn’t know your students cared so much about football, specifically women’s football.”, the midfielder muttered amazed, while devouring the handwritten pages.
“I know, the view definitely changed in recent years… Remember when we were at school and no one seemed to care about women’s football?”, you asked, thinking back to the time when you and Aitana met for the first time. You were best friends in school, always stuck together. Until things changed in your teenage years.
Unhappily, your girlfriend put the papers back on the table: “They always said that we can’t play with the boys.”
“Or that we would never be as good as them.“, you added. “Which I was okay with because I always preferred books over balls, but I admired you for not listening to these voices.”
You had loved a good football match when you were younger, but you never had the same burning desire to play that Aitana possessed.
“That’s all I ever wanted to do, kick a ball around.”, Aitana shrugged and even though a lot had changed since your school days, you felt reminded of the younger Aitana. The quiet girl that defiantly fought for her right to play football.
You smiled softly: “I know, and it got you very far.”
“I never knew it would.”, Aitana replied, clearly lost in her own thoughts about her career.
“But it did.” You took a deep breath. The idea that had been floating around your head since you read the papers started to take form on the tip of your tongue. “Could you do me a favour?”
“Sure, which one?”, your girlfriend answered quickly.
“Maybe you could visit my class to talk a bit about your life as a football player? It would mean the world to them. You’re clearly one of their favorites.” You nodded in the direction of the pages piled on the table.
Aitana did not answer. She stared at you speechlessly until she found her voice a second later: “Your students want to see… me?”
She looked so surprised that you had to bite back a laugh. “Yes, they would love that.”
Aitana beamed: “Sure. Of course I’m coming.”
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You leaned over for a quick kiss: “I really appreciate it.”
“It’s a pleasure.”
“But for now…”
Your girlfriend raised her eyebrows in expectancy: “Yes?”
“Cuddles?”, you asked innocently, ready to wrap your arms around her.
“Please.”, she smiled. You threw yourself against her body, tightly hugging her.
Laughing, Aitana let herself fall backwards against the armrest of the sofa so you could lay on top of her.
She started to run her fingers across your back: “This is nice.”
Your girlfriend paused for a moment, before adding with a smirk on her lips:” But not as comfortable as in our bed.”
“You’re right let’s go to our bedroom.”, you agreed as you helped her getting into a standing position.
“Coming.”, Aitana answered. With a soft sigh the midfielder landed on your double bed.
“This is so much better.”, she declared, eyes closed. The bedding felt pleasantly cool underneath her body while you laid down next to her.  
“Perfect.”, you mumbled. Grinning you continued:” Do you want me to read out to you a little?”
“Sure.”, the football player nodded, there was nothing in the world she found more soothing than listening to your voice.
“Okay.”, you happily obliged to it. After a couple of pages, you realized that your girlfriend was becoming sleepy. Quietly you put your book on the nightstand.
“Sleep well, Tana.”
“Night.”, Aitana whispered before inevitably sleep took it’s hold over her.
In the mornings you were always the first of you two to get up, as you needed to be ready for school. Much to your own surprise you realized that the midfielder was awake too:” Good morning.”
“Morning, amor.”, she replied, before placing a sweet kiss to your mouth.
“You know that you can still stay in bed, right?”, you muttered blushing. After all those years the brunette still had that effect on you.
“I know, but I couldn’t sleep anymore.”, Aitana admitted smiling sheepishly.
“I guess I’ll make two cups of coffees this morning.”, you remarked.
“Please.”, your girlfriend responded. When the dark-haired woman was holding the warm drink in her hand, she thanked you with another kiss.
“You’re welcome.”, you replied, enjoying one of the rare mornings you both had together.
You wished you could enjoy that moment for a little bit longer but looking at the clock on the wall you cursed under your breath:” Oh shit, I need to go!”
“Have fun. I’ll see you later.”, Aitana winked at you.
“Bye.”, you blew her a kiss, before making your way out of your home, ready for another day with your classes which were all dear to your heart.
The day arrived when Aitana was about to meet them for a lesson, you beamed excited at her:” Ready, love?”
“Ready.”, she nodded, your girlfriend was glad to have some distraction from her injury for at least the upcoming two hours. For a second you pressed her hand encouragingly, before leading her into the classroom.
“Good morning, everyone. Today we’ve a very special guest.”, you announced cheerfully.
A young girl with blonde hair called Imma sat in the front row and gasped audibly: “Oh my god, Aitana!“
She stared at the football player with widened eyes.
Your girlfriend smiled politely before introducing herself: “Hi, I’m Aitana Bonmatí. I’m a football player for FC Barcelona.“
“Can we ask her some questions?“, Jordi asked curiously. You knew that the lanky boy had vast interest in all kinds of football, no matter if the players were male or female.
You nodded, watching as his eyes sparkled in excitement: “Sure, that’s why she came.“
“Go ahead.“, Aitana prompted, trying to get the children to ask questions.
Imma raised her hand hesitantly: “From where do you know, Miss y/l/n?“
Your girlfriends gaze subconsciously drifted into your direction. You shared a smile for a split second.
With an eye-roll, Jordi complained: “That’s such a boring question, Imma!“
“I think that’s a very good question. We went to school together years ago.“, Aitana answered the question truthfully.
Jordi snorted: “Was she reading books back then too?“
You had to stop yourself from telling him, once again that reading was not only good for them but also a lot of fun. You tried to encourage your class to read every chance they got.
Before you could say anything, Aitana grinned: “Oh yes. She always loved books.“
“But I can play a bit too.“, you added innocently.
“Yeah. She’s pretty good.“, your girlfriend had to agree.
For once, Jordi was silent, looking from you to Aitana and back. A challenging smile appeared on his face: “We need to see that after class. But how did it feel to win the Ballon d’Or?“
“Amazing. It was a great honour but I couldn’t have done it without my team.“
“And you also won the Champions League!“, a red-haired girl interrupted with a big toothy grin.
“Yes, that was amazing too.“, the football player nodded.
Julias cheeks turned almost as red as her hair from exhilaration: “So cool!“
“I’m lucky to have such a great team around me.“, you heard Aitana say and you almost grimaced at how humble she was in front of your students.
Julia immediately followed with the next question, not allowing your girlfriend a break: “Do you have a favourite teammate? And is it Rolfö?“
Aitana laughed, surprised by the question: “I have a lot of favourite teammates. And Frido is one of them. She’s great, very sweet.“
“Like a team mum?“, Imma piped up.
“A bit, yes.“
“That’s cute.“, Imma commented happily.
“But we have a lot of people who can step up as team mums.“, the midfielder continued.
“Aitana, how’s your injury?”, Jordi changed the subject to a more serious one.
“It’s not too bad. They just wanted to be careful, so it doesn’t get worse.”, the midfielder waved it off in a reassuring way.
“Oh, good.”, he sighed relieved.
 “So now I’m here and can hang out with you guys.”, Aitana clapped enthusiastically her hands.
“Exactly.”, you smiled proudly at her.  
“Sorry, did you want to continue, amor?”, your girlfriend looked at you expectantly.
“No, I just wanted to say that the class is ending soon.”, you shook your head.
“Any more questions?”, the football player turned her attention to your students again.
“Can we play now?”, Jordi asked her innocently.
“Of course. Let’s go and play some football.”, Aitana agreed, her eyes mirroring the excitement of the little boy who was very thrilled to play with a Barcelona player.
On her way out, she couldn’t help but to tease you in front of the children:” Let’s see how good your teacher still is.”
“I’ll show you!”, you laughed.
“Prove it.”, the midfielder gave you a playful challenging look.
One of your students was handing you the football, so you did one of the football tricks you still knew before kicking it into the empty goal, making the boys and girls erupt into a loud cheer.
“See? She didn’t forget anything.”, Aitana said, her voice full of admiration.
“Wow.”, Jordi followed your moves with the football amazed.
“Not, bad, right?”, Aitana questioned him amused.
“Not as good as you are though.”, you whispered into her ear.
“Oh, if you got paid to play football all day, you’d also be good.”, she stated firmly.
“Yes, but I love my job, just look at their eyes.”, you replied, your girlfriend did what you asked her to do. The girls and boys faces lit up while playing football in front of one of their idols.
Afterwards she looked back at you in adoration: “I only must look in your eyes. You were made to work with children. They adore you.”
You weren’t even a big Taylor Swift fan, but your friends and the older students were and there was a line in one of her songs, which you quietly sung to her, before you looped the ball over the midfielder:” You know how to ball, I know Aristotle.”
“Excuse me?! What was that?!”, Aitana’s mouth fell wide open.
“I don’t know how I did it either!”, you confessed.
“That was impressive as hell!”, Jordi told you.
With sparkling eyes, Imma demanded: “Do it again!“
“Yes, do it again.“, Aitana smirked.
“Like this?“, you asked before trying to play the ball over the worlds best female footballer again. This time, you were less lucky and the ball came at the perfect height for Aitana to easily head it back to you.
“Oh no, it didn’t work.“ Julia sounded slightly disappointed.
You shrugged, trying to use the opportunity to teach your students a valuable lesson: “The good thing is, one can always try again.“
Aitana instead winked at them: “Don’t worry, I’ll teach her at home.“
Imma frowned in confusion: “At home? Do you two live together?“
“Are you stupid? She called her amor earlier!“, Jordi groaned.
The smaller girls eyes widened: “She did?“
Aitana smiled at you, subtly linking your pinkies together: “She’s my best friend but also my girlfriend.“
“Oh.“ Julia made a delighted sound.
Jordi rolled his eyes: “They love each other, it’s so obvious, girls.“
And then he was back to kicking the ball around. Julia and Imma quickly chased after him, trying to get the ball.
You and your girlfriend stood in comfortable silence, still holding hands and watching the children run around you.
In this moment you were hit with the realization that this was exactly all you ever wanted from life.
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LUNCH ⎯ C. Berzatto
carmen interviews a new girl for the recent waitressing job at the bear, and she's been the recent reason for his journal entries the past two weeks.
carmen berzatto x fem!reader
warnings: sexual themes (18+ MDNI), cuss words, carmen being super whipped but also kind of a perv, reader is kind of a ditz but so am i, reader has tats because i do too, reader also doesnt have much dialogue bc it's mostly from his pov.
word count: 1k
a/n: not really based off any specific episode or season in the series. i just love carmy so much <3
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"Chef i need you to take over for at least an hour, i got an interview in 10." Carmen instructed Sydney, walking into the office as the kitchen staff began to prepare for open. The staff- mainly Sydney, Richie, and Carmen desperately needed a waiter in house. With how busy the restaurant was beginning to get they needed more than Nat out there.
"Are you gonna hire her?" Sydney asked; Carmen had briefed her about the applicant a day prior. He sat down, refreshing himself on the resume before meeting with her.
"Well she's the only applicant so far, so I don't really think I have a choice chef," before he could finish his thought he heard the chime of the entrance door. Glancing down at the time it read 10:51.
Early, off to a good start, he said to himself quietly. He gave one puff of cologne on his neck to try and musk the smell of kitchen before going out into the front of house to start the interview. Carmen forgot how to breathe for just a few seconds when he saw her- easily the most beautiful person he's seen walk in his restaurant.
"Um- Hi I'm Carmen Berzatto, the owner, you must be Y/N?" He introduces through a deep breath and a shaky hand that he extends. She takes it with a smile, following his lead. The soft taps of her high top converse against the tile floor, the flow of her skirt twirling as she turns in front of him slightly. It's exhilarating.
"Can I get you something to drink before we start? Water, a soda, coffee?" He offers, standing tall next to the table side. She grins and shakes her head denying his offer, her sweet sounding voice making butterflies flutter around in his stomach. That hasn't happened in a while.
They make small talk for a little while, Carmen asking pre-thought out ice breakers before getting to the real questions. But if he's honest with himself he isn't even listening to her answers. He's too focused on the way her lips move and how she purses her lips when she thinks about an answer.
He's taken great notice of the tattoos she has on her arms, in similar places to his own, all black outlined like his too. one is written in french, he assumes, right above her wrist on her arm. One is two small birds on the inside of her forearm. He wants to pause the interview just to talk about what they all mean to her. Partially because he wants to hear her voice for the rest of his life. He wants to press record on his phone and listen to her talk about whatever she wants to, her voice is that angelic.
"Can I ask you what the tattoo on your hand means?" she asked and he thought he was going to faint because she grabbed ahold of his hand gently to get a better look at it. She giggled when she got a better look at the artwork.
"It's to remind me to be careful when I chop vegetables, essentially," Carmen explained with a chuckle. "What does the one on your wrist mean?"
"Terre à terre, down to earth. I dont want to stray too far from who I was raised to be, so that's a reminder. I also have a couple more in french- my grandmother was french so I have a lot of french things in my life." She pulls up the sleeve of her shirt to reveal another tattoo, "étoile filante, shooting star. The first time I saw a shooting star was on my sixteenth birthday, my worst birthday actually."
He reminded himself to close his mouth because he knew he was about to start drooling, hearing the way her silky voice sounded even better in a foreign language.
He breezed through the interview, Natalie insisting that even though there are no other applicants and she'll probably get the job, do it the right way. "I'll give you a call by the end of the week, Y/N. It was a pleasure having you today." He shows her out of the restaurant, walking her to her car for safety, of course."
When Carmen got back inside, before he got to joining the team in prepping for the lunch crowd he pulled out his journal that he started to carry with him. It was full of various things: different dinner ideas to try out on the menu for a special, addresses, phone numbers, and other journal entries. he's made a habit of journal three times a week and he has a feeling he's going to be doing it a lot more with Y/N joining the team.
I could eat that girl for lunch. She smelled sweet like fuckin brownies or something, rich and delicious. Her tattoos, her gold necklaces, her smile, her skirt. I feel like a perv but god i know her skin would be so soft, and she'd have the best blind reactions to recipes, and i bet she'd taste good too. I'm closing the applications, this Y/N chick is gonna be the death of me.
"Hi Y/N, this is Carmen from The Bear, how're you?" he couldn't even wait a full 24 hours before he hired her. Embarrassing. "I just wanted to call and let you know that we're offering you the job if you are still interested." He bit the cap of his pen with a grin hearing her cheer and laugh on the other side of the phone. "Yea- yeah that's great, listen could you start Monday? I'll get you trained n'all that."
Carmen ends the phone call and moves some papers around on his desk, printing the papers for Y/N and putting them in her folder. He couldn’t stop grinning like a kid from hearing her excited voice over the phone.
Instantly he’s thinking of a million things to write in his journal about her. But he doesn’t have time, he needs to prep the special for tonights dinner service before anything else. Carmen will be thinking of her, however. Thinking of how soft her hands must be, or how sweet her chapstick tastes. He'll think of how it'll be nice to have her around, not just the help but to have someone with a softer tone around the place, too.
He thinks about Y/N while making glaze, mixing everything together to get that perfect spicy honey taste, he's imagining how her face lights up when she laughs. He doesn't even really know her yet but he's already making up what a first date would be like. He'd take her out for coffee, go see a movie, then go for a walk. But not too late, though. Even if she might be a night owl it's still inappropriate to keep a girl out past ten, at least that's what he read in some magazine a long time ago.
"Chef you ready to prep the team for tonight?" Sydney asked, interrupting his thoughts. He stumbled, dropping the spoon into the bowl and biting his tongue.
"Fuck- yeah, yeah I am."
"'M gonna go over the menu with you, if m'goin too fast then stop me." He pulls up a chair and tucks his hair behind his ears. Setting the laminated piece of paper in front of her, explaining each dish to her in firm detail. Carmen watches as her french tip acrylic nails trace along the menu, guiding along the words that he says from memory.
She's impressed, shocked even that he came up with this himself. She jokes that she can't cook and it gains a laugh from him.
"I'll teach you a few things, if ya want." He didn't mean for it to come out sounding like he was hitting on her...but secretly he was. Since when was he that slick with words?
I can't stop thinking about her. She's on my mind all the fuckin' time. She smelled really good, must have been her shampoo. I would love to just sit with her there, not sexually. Just be. I bet she's really calm and chill. I'd love to get ready with her in the mornings, again not sexually. To spend time, to laugh, to talk. I could eat that girl for lunch.
When Carmen walks into the front he catches Y/N taking pictures in the mirror by the entrance. He chuckles, watching her pose and smile. She turns around and gasps, cheeks getting darker when she realizes she's gotten caught.
"Sorry, the mirror is just so aesthetic."
"That? Um, okay? Guess we have different opinions of what aesthetic is." Carmen guides her to the back counter, teaching her how to count inventory of everything.
He feels out of place- no, he feels gross when he watches her bend down. He sees a peek of white lace stick out from the band of her jeans and he knows he shouldn't stare, but he can't help his mind from wandering. He wanders about what other types of underwear she might have, if she has any special ones, what they'd feel like wrapped-
"Carmen!" Sydney snaps him out of his daydream. "Sorry to interrupt, but you have a phone call from the AC guy." He's pulled away, for the better, but he knows he's going to write about this as soon as he gets the chance.
I'm interested in more than just being her boss. I could eat her alive, i'd let her take a seat on me wherever she wants for however long she wants. She'd taste like....like sweet watermelons on a sunny summer day. Yeah, something like that. She can't be real can she? I don't know how long I can keep acting professional. I just know she'd be the one for me.
・。♡.・゜✭・.・✫・゜✭・。. ♡・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜♡・。
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fandoms-writings · 1 day
Let Go
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Pairing: DBF!Bucky x college!reader (Part 3)
Word Count: 6.9K
Summary: Enough is enough. It's time to put your foot down with Bucky. You're tired of being hidden, but that means a whole new dynamic to your relationship - and a hard conversation.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY , making out, fingering, p in v sex, subby!bucky makes an appearance, Mentions of past sex acts, angst (this one is SAD for a little guys sorry), reader standing up for herself, confessions, bucky being a big ole dummy, cuss words ( I think that's it lol)
Part 1, 2 || Bucky Masterlist || Masterpost
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Sorry! Can we raincheck?
Miles is down with a fever, can we reschedule?
I've got a surprise exam in the morning, I'll have to pass tonight.
The messages from your friends glared at you from your phone screen as you read them over and over. You hadn't actually opened them, they just sat in your inbox, one right after the other. 
Great. You sighed, glancing around the street corner where you were supposed to meet your friends for a night out. Your best cocktail dress clung to your hips as you shifted from heeled foot to heeled foot. You'd wanted to spend the night with your friends, finally taking a break from all the assignments and exams and responsibilities you had. 
But now, you stood alone outside the club, your uber already gone, and some guys eyeing you as they went in, giving you the wrong kind of chills. 
You huffed a breath and raised your phone back up, pulling up a number you haven't had the time to call - you were busy getting a degree - but that didn't stop him from trying to reach you. Bucky's name stared at you as your thumb hovered over the dial button. 
You took a breath to steady yourself as you pressed it and raised the phone to your ear. You hadn't seen Bucky in weeks, not that you didn't want to. You'd just been busy with classes and projects. 
And trying to get a hold over the feelings you had for him - the type of feelings you absolutely could not have for your fathers friend. 
He answered on the third ring, his voice and loud music coming through the speaker, "Hey!" 
"Hey, Buck," You couldn't help the way his voice made your heart start racing, even if he was just over the phone. "Are you busy?" 
"Not at all," His side got quieter as you heard a door slam shut, "What's going on?" 
"I was supposed to go out with some friends tonight, but they've all bailed. I was going to ask if you wanted to come out. I'm already downtown." You told him the name of the club you were standing in front of and he confirmed he knew of it. 
"I can be there in twenty minutes," He said and you could hear the smile in his voice, "Or ten if I run." 
"I'll wait inside for you," You smiled. At least you wouldn't be alone for the night and getting this dolled up wasn't a total waste of your time. 
You hung up before heading inside, letting the loud music rattle your bones as you made your way to the bar to order a drink and wait. 
The next fifteen minutes flew by faster than you thought they would've, nursing your drink and watching people dance against each other helped. But when those familiar hands landed on the bar next to you, you decided it was worth the wait. 
Bucky looked like he ran, his eyes clear and wild, his chest rising and falling at an uneven pace - though it was clear he was trying to steady it. 
"Where'd you come from?" You asked, a small smirk on your lips. 
"I was at the bar a few blocks down when you called. Started running as soon as you hung up," He said, sliding closer to your side, leaning to purr into your ear, "I've missed you." 
"Hm, have you now?" You fluttered your lashes up at him, and his smile grew.
"I have," His eyes flicked between yours then down to your lips and back up, "You've been so busy, I barely get to see you. It's a miracle I get texts back when I do."
You laughed at that, "Well sorry I'm trying to actually pass my classes with more than just C's"
He chuckled before smirking, "Did you miss me at all?" 
You let out a dramatic sigh, "A bit." 
"Ouch, only a bit, huh? Did I not make a lasting enough impression on you last time we got together?" The moment flashed in your mind - the dingy dive bar, the locked bathroom door, the cool mirror at your back, the counter under you ass, the arms holding your legs open, the way his lips felt on your neck, his hips snapping into yours - 
You pushed the memory from your mind as you felt your core go molten and your skin heat. Bucky knew as his smirk grew that he did indeed make a lasting impression, but chose not to say anything as you slid off the barstool, standing in front of him. 
"I want to dance," You downed the rest of your drink before lifting your chin at him. He chuckled before shifting out of your way, letting you lead the way to the dance floor. 
You didn't even get to take one step before a familiar voice called both of your names. Your heart dropped out of your ass and your skin turned ice as you turned to see one of Bucky's friends - one who also knew your father. 
"Sam!" Bucky smiled, clapping the other man on the shoulder, "What are you doing here?" 
"The wife wanted to have a night out dancing, and this was the spot her friends recommended, so here I am," he smiled, turning to you, "Hey you, I haven't seen you since that barbecue at your dads over the summer. How are you?" 
You pushed a smile to your lips, hoping it came across as natural as you stepped forward to give Sam a quick side hug. "Good, just needed the same thing your wife wanted - a night out." 
"I see," He glanced between you and Bucky, "So, did you two come together or. . ?" 
Your knees felt weak and you were glad you hadn't made it far from your barstool as you leaned on it for support. If Sam found out, there was no way he wouldn't tell you dad, and you dad sure as hell could never know about you and Bucky. But before you could respond, or even try to come up with something that didn't sound suspicious as fuck, Bucky's voice filled the silence. 
"No, I was walking back from the bar on 9th when I saw her standing outside," He smoothly said, putting a friendly hand on your shoulder, "She said her friends canceled so I offered to buy her a drink before she went all the way back home." 
It wasn't a total lie, but something about the way he said it made your chest tighten. The easy lie and simple dismissal of you two being there together, how it was just a coincidence. 
"Oh well I'm sorry," Sam looked at you with too much pity and you fought to keep your smile as you waved him off. 
"It's fine, don't worry," You took a breath, "I should probably go home though." 
"What? You just got here," Bucky argued and you shrugged. 
"My friends aren't coming, I'm not going to dance by myself." 
"Come hang out with us!" Sam exclaimed, adding a teasing, "Unless you think we're too old for you." Oh how wrong he was with that. 
"I don't want to be a bother," You said, "Really, I'll be okay." 
"No no no, c'mon," Sam got his wife's attention, pointed to you and you saw her face light up. "I think she wants to dance with you." 
"Okay, okay, I'll dance for a little bit," You laughed, following Sam to meet his wife on the floor, Bucky at your back. 
You tried to glance over your shoulder to get his attention, to convey how nervous you were - how nervous he should be, but he wasn't even looking at you anymore. His eyes were flitting around the dance floor. 
It was so easy for him to pretend nothing was happening between you two, to pretend like whatever you two had didn't exist. You fought off the uneasiness in that realization as you finally met Sam's wife on the floor and joined her in the music. Your body wasn't as fluid as it usually was when you danced, you felt stiff, but you couldn't help it. Especially not when another glance at Bucky dancing against another girl twisted your gut in ways you didn't know it could. 
Tonight was going to be a long one. 
Your feet ached in your heels as you quickly made for the exit. You needed air, you needed space, you needed to go home. 
You'd been able to stomach watching Bucky dance without you for the first couple hours - barely - but you couldn't take being ignored anymore. You didn't want him to fuck you in the middle of the dance floor for everyone to see, Sam included, but you would've liked if he'd offered to dance with you like Sam and his wife did. To join the group even or, fuck, just look at you once in awhile. Maybe smile. Or wink.
Instead, he gave you a wide berth, didn't look at you once, and didn't seem interested when you excused yourself to the restroom twenty minutes ago. You hid in the stall, gathering yourself before exiting, glancing out at the group to see not one of them bothered by the long time you took, and decided it was time to go home.
Pushing open the main door, you blinked in surprise at the rain that was now pouring down, and you sighed, shutting the door and stepping as far away as you could without stepping out from under the awning. You called an uber to take you home and watched impatiently as the car icon turned down various streets to get to you. The driver wasn't far, and would only take a few minutes to arrive, and you were hoping it was enough time before someone came out looking for you. 
But when the door next to you opened, and that familiar head of cropped brown hair peered around the edge, your heart sank. Your name fell from his lips in a confused tone as he took in the way your arms were wrapped around yourself and how you were basically hiding behind the door to stay out of the way. 
"What are you doing out here?" He shut the door and stepped next to you, his elbow brushing yours. You grit your teeth at the frustration that was brewing in you, the urge to shout and yell. You weren't normally someone who lost their temper, but you were so tired. Tired of not being enough, of being alone. 
"Waiting for my ride." You refused to look at him as he stared at the side of your face and you watched the road. 
"You. . ." He hesitated, tilting his head and leaning a bit, trying to get you to look at him, "You're leaving already?" 
"Yup." At the dismissive tone in your response, he straightened himself again, but still kept staring at your goddamn face. A sigh pushed past your nostrils as you glanced at the gps again, seeing the car was only two blocks down now. Thank god. 
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked, following you as you stepped out from the awning and into the downpour, your dress and hair almost immediately becoming soaked through. "Or you can come over to mine, if you'd like?" 
"No, thanks." You declined, your voice beginning to strain, "I'm not in the mood to fuck you tonight." 
He flinched as if you'd hit him, but recovered as he sidled up to you again, "W-well, I've got a bottle of wine, your favorite brand, in the fridge unopened. We could have a drink and watch a movie? Or cuddle, or just talk? Whatever you'd like." 
You turned to him, surprisingly calm considering the way your chest seized and your eyes stung. His face fell as he took in the state of you, the misery lining your lashes and the anger pulling your lips thin. "Don't pretend like you actually care, James. Like whatever this is," you weakly gestured to the space between the two of you, "has ever been anything more than you wanting to fuck me," You turned back to the road, your voice dropping below a whisper, "and me letting you." 
His jaw went slack as he stumbled for words. 
A small car pulled up beside you, throwing its hazards on as the window rolled down. You leaned in, asking the driver for his name. The older man who was probably in his late sixties or early seventies introduced himself as Dominic, and after checking to make sure it matched your app, you pulled open the backseat door. 
Bucky's hand shot out to where yours rested on the car door, gently, "Wait. That's it? You're not going to talk to me about this?" 
You fought the tears in your eyes as you sniffed, turning your full attention to him. "There's nothing to talk about, James. I'm just stating how it is. I didn't ask you to come out with me just to ignore me all night, only for you to remember I exist when you want a good lay." The uber driver kept his gaze on the road, patiently waiting for you to get in, and pretended he wasn't hearing your entire conversation. You'd apologize to him once you were on your way. 
"You know why I - "
"Because of Sam," You calmly cut him off, "I know. But that doesn't mean you get to pretend that I don't exist. You wouldn't even look at me." You pulled your hand out from under his, climbing into the car. He held the door open, refusing to close it. "Close the door, James." 
"Can we please talk about this?" He begged, something you never heard him do - usually it was you begging him. You looked up at him, and you couldn't tell if your face was wet from the rain or the tears that could've fallen. It was probably both. 
"What's there to talk about?" You asked, your voice raw, "There are boundaries we can't cross, James. And I'm tired of being alone." You took a breath to try and steady the shakiness out of your voice, "And I'm tired of waiting for you to notice me." 
You leaned forward and grabbed the door handle, ignoring the way Bucky's face crumpled in disbelief. You tried to pull the door, but he held it firmly open. 
"Please let go," You asked. 
He shook his head, your name slipping from his lips like a prayer, "Please."
"Let go." 
He let out a shuddered breath as he looked at his feet for a moment. You were going to say it again, when he nodded and looked up at you, sniffling. 
"Okay," He muttered, "okay." His hand fell from the door, and you watched him through the window as you pulled it shut. 
"Please go," You gently asked your driver, who gave you a pitiful look in the mirror before he nodded, putting the car in drive. You didn't look out the window again, but you knew Bucky was still there, standing in the rain, watching you pull away. 
"Thanks, Dom," You gave the driver a small smile as you opened the car door. He hadn't asked about what he'd heard while waiting for you to get in the car, or about your tears. He asked if you were alright, if you needed him to stop anywhere and get you anything. You'd smiled, declining the offer, but it had warmed your heart. 
"Of course," He turned to give you a sad smile. "If you need anything, I'll be driving all night, so I'll be around the area." 
You smiled at him, "Thank you, but I'll be fine." 
He nodded, before saying, "Hey." 
You looked at him again, waiting for him to continue.
"I'm not trying to butt in on a situation I don't know," He started, "and you can ignore anything I say once you get out of this car. Just," He took a breath as if to steady himself, "Sometimes, it's worth listening to the other side. So you know the whole truth. So you don't sit there and wonder years later, if shutting them out was a mistake." 
"I appreciate the advice, but," you sighed, "there's a lot of story there that I can't get into." 
"And whatever you do, is your choice. Just. . ." He took a deep breath before his eyes locked with yours, and you could see the regret and the sadness swimming in his irises. "I was that person, once. And not a day goes by where I don't wonder what life would've been like had I just listened." 
You smiled, reaching forward to pat his shoulder, "Don't let the past drag down your present," you offered him a sad smile, and he reached up to pat your fingers with his old ones, "Have a good night, Dom." 
"You as well." 
You climbed out of his car, walking to where the doorman of your building greeted you and held the door open for you. He eyed your soaked clothes and hair with concern and you waved him off. 
"Got caught in the downpour. It's headed this way, but I'm alright." You plastered on a fake smile, as you passed him. 
The elevator ride was suffocatingly silent, the only noise being the dings of the floors you passed and you spent the time removing your heels, your sore feet thankful to be flat again. The ding of your floor filled the air and the doors whirred as they slid open. You were greeted by that maroon carpet, and cream walls of the hall, the little gold detailings of the light fixtures and door handles plentiful as you passed them by, aiming for your door. 
Your keys slid in and unlocked effortlessly, and you stepped into the darkness, shutting the door behind you and locking it before you slid down to the floor. Feet pushed out in front of you, your back to the door, you sat there in the quiet stillness of your apartment. 
In the dark, Dominic's words kept ringing in your head. Sometimes, it's worth listening to the other side. So you know the whole truth.
You sighed as your head fell back and thumped against the door. Deep down, you knew the old man was right. You don't have to let Bucky back in, but you should hear him out. But you knew by the way your heart constricted at just the thought of it, that you weren't ready, not yet. You needed to cool down and think and relax before that conversation.
So you stood on shaky legs and flicked on a couple lights before making your way to the bathroom. A hot bath to wash away the night and chase away the cold that was starting to bite at your bones was the best way to start. 
Nick, your doorman's voice echoed in your head as you stood at the buzzer of your door. 
There's a James Barnes here to see you. 
It'd been a couple weeks since you left him at that club downtown. Weeks of no contact, not even a text. You knew you needed to talk to him, but you didn't know if you were ready. You didn't even know what more could be said. What story he could try to spin you. 
But you remembered Dom's words from that night, and shook yourself from your stupor just in time to hear Nick calling your name through the buzzer. 
"Send him up." You hoarsely replied, "Thank you, Nick." 
"Sure thing," His voice came through the static before going quiet again. 
You took a deep breath as you looked around the apartment. It was a little messy - you hadn't really had time to clean these past few weeks with finals around the corner. Part of you wanted to rush to pick some of it up, but you knew deep down you didn't have time before Bucky knocked on your door, so you wrapped your arms around your torso and waited, trying to ignore all the awful ways your brain was coming up with for this conversation to end. 
The knock on that door couldn't come soon enough, and you had to steel yourself before pulling it open. 
Bucky honestly looked worse for wear, the bags under his eyes were prominent, his hair that was usually so well styled was unkept and in disarray. His normally well trimmed beard was longer than you'd ever seen it, though it wasn't by much. And in his hands, was a small bouquet of wildflowers. 
"Can I come in?" He asked, his voice gentle and somewhat hesitant. 
You stepped back from the door, silently holding it open for him to enter. He pressed his lips tightly together and quickly stepped in, watching as you shut and locked the door behind him. 
"I know that these won't fix anything, but I remember you talking about the flower shop two blocks over and how you really enjoyed the wildflower bouquets so I thought I'd stop on my way here to get you one - " He was rambling now, staring at the flowers in his hand as his free one came up to gently stroke some of the petals. 
You walked to the kitchen, with him blindly following you as he rambled on and on about the flowers and the specific bunch he grabbed reminded him of you and you had to push out the feelings that started to warm your chest down, down, down back into their steel box - the steel box you decided to lock them away in that night you left him at the club. 
After grabbing a small vase from the cupboard, you held your hand out for the bouquet. Your fingers entered his field of view that was still locked on those petals and his rambling tumbled to a halt before he nodded to himself. 
"Right, sorry," He gently handed them over to you and watched as you placed them in the vase and filled it with water. You'd worry about if you were really going to keep them later, and if you did, going through and properly arranging them. But right now, you had an important talk waiting to happen. And the sooner it was over, the better. 
"What do you want, Bucky?" You asked, pushing the vase away from the edge of the counter and looking up at him. 
"I was hoping we could talk." 
"I have nothing more to say to you." You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned your hip against the counter, eyeing him as he stepped up to the other side, resting his hands against the fake marble. 
"You don't have to say anything, but I have some stuff I'd like to say to you." His eyes were practically begging you to listen and Dom's words rang in your head again. Sometimes, it's worth listening to the other side. So you know the whole truth.
"Fine," You sighed, "out with it." You knew you were being a bit rude and cold. But after the past few weeks you've had, you didn't want him here longer than necessary. 
"Right, um," He took a deep breath. He seemed so uncharacteristically nervous. Whenever you were with him, he was always so sure of himself. So confident and cocky. To see him rambling and fiddling with the flowers earlier, and now struggling to find his words - it put a pause in your frustration. 
He straightened his back and took another breath, and you steeled yourself for what he was about to say. 
"I want to apologize." He started, "For everything. For starting this with you, pursuing you when I knew I shouldn't have. For making a mess of it." His throat bobbed as he continued, "When I met you two years ago, there was just something about you. Something that lured me in. You were - are so smart. You're so fucking smart, and beautiful and funny and witty and I just - " He sighed, "God, I fell so hard for you.
"But your father is one of my friends. And that's not right. What kind of man does that make me?" He asked, gesturing to himself. "What kind of man does that?" He all but fell into one of the barstools at the counter, "So, I kept you at arms length. Only saw you in secret, pretended you weren't there if there was even the slightest chance of getting caught - and for that I am so, so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. But," he sighed, taking a moment before continuing, "but I didn't know you felt any certain way about it. About me."
He looked up from the counter to you, across the kitchen with your arms still crossed, "I didn't know you weren't okay with it. With the hiding and the secrets. If I had known - "
"What?" You weakly asked. You didn't mean to cut him off, you meant it when you said you didn't have anything left to say to him, but your mouth opened of its own accord. "What would you have done?" 
He was silent and you shook your head, letting out a weak, sad laugh, "Exactly. You wouldn't have done anything, because you can't. Not with who we are." You swallowed down the lump that began to form in your throat, your next words coming out almost silently, "I don't just feel a certain way about it." 
"What does that mean?" He asked, his brows knitting together. 
"James," You sighed, "I've been in love with you for months now." His eyes widened as he watched you lean backwards against the other counter, "And what sucks, is that these past few weeks, all I've wanted to do was call my dad, or my mom, and get some advice on our situation," You felt the tears begin to build in the corners of your eyes. "But I can't ask them. And I can't talk to any of my friends about you because they know my parents." 
You ignored the way his face crumbled as your voice cracked and thinned as you fought the building tears, "I can't talk to anyone about you. I'm alone in this. And even if I were to have you, I'd be alone."
He was silent for a minute, watching the tears fall down your cheeks before he slowly stood and walked around the counter to your side. He hesitantly approached you, gently reached up with his hands and brushed away the tears from your chin. 
"What if you didn't have to be alone?" 
"What do you mean?" 
"What if," he breathed in, his eyes scanning every inch of your face as he caressed it with his thumbs, "what if you didn't have to be alone? What if we didn't hide?" 
A weak scoff pushed past your lips and you tried to glare at him, but you could tell it wasn't really there, "You're assuming there's still a 'we'." Though your words were meant to throw him off, the lack of bite in your tone kept him right in front of you, the tight concern in his face melting way to something you'd only glanced in his eyes a handful of times - something soft. 
"I would like there to be." He whispered and you felt that steel box inside yourself crack open. 
"What?" It felt like it fell between you, your question, but he caught it with his nervous grin
"I'm in love with you," he stated with such gentle conviction, that steel box starting to spring open further and further the more he spoke, "and I know I've made a mess of things, but I would do anything to make it right." His hands slid off your cheeks and ran down the lengths of your arms, softly gripping your fingers and pulling them away from your chest and to his own. "I want to be with you. I want to show the world that I'm yours. I want to openly be yours." 
That little steel box shoved deep down inside of yourself flung open. Everything you've bottled up the past few weeks came bubbling to the surface as you fought that wobble in your lips. You fought to keep it all in. To keep yourself composed. 
"I want to make this right," He continued, his own eyes watering at the state you were in, "You just need to tell me how." He sighed, "Or tell me to fuck off, and I will. You'll never hear from me again if that's what you want. And honestly, I wouldn't be offended if you did." 
The thought of never seeing him again didn't sit right with you. It made a horrible sense of dread fill your chest and you shook your head. 
"What about my father?" You asked, your voice straining against the words that were trying to get out. Against the confession that sat at the tip of your tongue. 
"We'll tell him. We'll find a way to tell him and it'll be okay," He gently pulled you, testing to see how you reacted and when you easily stepped towards him, he wrapped his arms around you, holding the back of your head with his hand, "We'll figure it out." 
The warmth from his chest seeped through his shirt into your cheek and you let it out then, the cries that you'd been holding in, the words you'd come to terms with days ago that you never thought would be voiced, the words you'd wanted to say to him in anger began clumsily tumbling from your lips. 
"You're an asshole, you know that?" Your lips scraped against the cotton of his shirt, "You can't expect me to tell you how I feel when you made it feel wrong to want more." You pulled back, weakly pushing against his chest before haphazardly wiping your eyes. 
You'd missed everything about him the past few weeks, no matter how much you tried not to. His warmth, his scent, the feel of his hands, the husk of his voice. God you missed it. And you wouldn't have had to miss him at all had the two of you just told each other. 
"The way you'd avoid me or act as if I wasn't there," You said, taking a step out of his arms, "How do I know that won't happen again?" 
His face fell as he looked at you, his hands dropping to his sides, "You don't, but I can promise you that it never did." He let out a sad chuckle at the confusion taking over the tears in your eyes. "I may have avoided getting too close to you, yes, but not once did I not notice you." 
He stepped forward, wrapping his hands around your waist to settle on your lower back, his fingers tracing invisible patterns into your shirt. 
"If we're in the same room, I always know exactly where you are," His eyes darted down to your lips for a split second, "When you leave the room, all I want to do is follow you, but I can't. So I strain to hear your voice and laugh over everything else. I practically hold my breath until you come back." He gave you a sad smile, "I know you probably don't believe me, but it's true. It's like my entire being orbits around you and when you aren't around, my soul doesn't know where to spin." 
You didn't know what to say as you watched him, noted the sincerity in his gaze - the tears beginning to line his own lashes. You weighed everything he'd told you, how he felt, how he was trying so hard to not lose you. All because you finally put your foot down, and then listened. 
You weren't sure if your brain could form the words you wanted to say - needed to say. Your heart was racing from his confession and the proximity of him. He was so close to you, you'd merely have to tip your chin up the slightest to catch his lips with your own. 
So you did.
His body instantly reacted - his grip tightening across your back and pulling you as close as he could, his lips moving in tandem with yours in the soft enticing way they always did, a sigh leaving his nose and tickling your cheek. 
The feeling of his lips on yours sent a warmth through your chest that you hadn't felt in weeks, and it quickly spread through the rest of you, tingles shooting out to your fingers as they reached for his chin and down to your toes as your feet backed you up into the counter. A small noise that sounded almost like a whimper escaped his throat, swallowed by your mouth on his, as your hands slid up from his chin into his hair, your fingers threading through the strands and gripping them. 
You knew there was more to talk about, more to figure out - there always would be - but right now you couldn't stop thinking about his lips on yours, his tongue gently asking for permission to play with yours as his hands slid from your back down to your ass, squeezing before sliding further to your thighs, his back bowing as he reached. His fingers pulled on your legs twice and in the spare second his lips were able to pull from yours, you felt him whisper to jump, so you did. 
He caught you, gently placing you on the counter as he stepped in between your legs, pulling your hips to the edge of the counter. His lips left yours and moved to your neck, softly nipping and sucking as he moved down to your chest, pulling your shirt, stretching the neck of it but at the moment you couldn't care less about it. He only pulled away to pull the clothing up over your head and out of the way, his mouth immediately going down to close around a nipple when he noticed the lack of bra in his path. 
A low groan rumbled through his throat and into your skin before he moved to the other one, giving it the same treatment as the first. Every little touch of his hands, the way they grazed over your skin or grabbed at your free breast, kneading it with his fingers, and the hot trail his tongue left across your skin turned your core molten. You needed him, you didn't want any of the teasing and edging he so loved to torture you with. 
So you tugged on his hair, his name falling from your lips in a whine and he looked up at you, his eyes glazed and his pupils blown. The look made you hesitate and you clenched around nothing - you'd only seen him that far gone in the feeling of your skin one other time. So, seeing it now, you knew you could ask him to do anything, and he'd do it. You could order him, and he'd obey. 
You pulled his face up to yours, making him stand up straight as you locked your lips with his again and slid your hands down to his belt. While you worked the buckle open, his hands wrapped under the shorts on your hips, pulling them down your legs and causing you to gasp at the cold counter meeting your skin. 
The buckle finally opened and your fingers immediately moved to the button and zipper of his jeans, his own moving to brush against the wetness there. Your lips swallowed the new whine that he let out as he gathered the slick, pushing two fingers all the way in.
Your lips broke from his at the feeling of his long fingers pumping in and out of you and your fingers stumbled over the denim, but finally you got the button open and the zipper down and you shoved at his pants, your lips moving to his ear. 
"C'mon, handsome," You whispered, letting your lips brush against the shell of his ear and grinning at the shiver that ran through his body, "Your fingers feel nice, but," Your hand reached past the waist, gripping and stroking him, his lips opening in a gasp and latching on to your neck again, "this is what I want." 
He groaned into your neck, thrusting into your hand, his fingers in your cunt stroking your walls, matching pace. 
"I need it, James," Your other hand pulled back to grip his hair, pulling on it to get him to look at you as you continued stroking him. When he pulled away from your neck, he already looked fucked out and you smiled, leaning forward to lick his lips. He tried to chase your lips with his own but when your hand didn't let go of his hair, he stopped. "I need you to fuck me, James," He groaned at that, "Can you do that for me?" 
He nodded, his voice thin as he responded, "Yes." 
"Good," You smiled at him, trying not to whine at the loss of his fingers as he pulled them out and pushed his boxers down just enough. His left hand settled on your waist as his other lined himself up with your entrance, gathering some slick before he pushed himself in, going all the way in one go. 
His head fell into your neck as he groaned, the sound of it combined with the sudden fullness pulling a moan from your lips.
"Oh, fuck," Your lips brushed his ear as you panted. "That's it - fuck -" Your hands come up to grip his shoulders and his back as he immediately set a growing pace. "That's a good boy." 
His lips again connected with your neck and you tipped your head to give him more access, his teeth dragging across your skin. His hips sped up, a loud moan breaking from you as he angled to hit that perfect spot, Your head falling back into the cabinets. 
"That's it that's it," You panted, "Oh, don't you dare stop." His teeth nipped just below your ear and you couldn't stop the grin that grew on your lips, "Mark me," You grunted, "I want everyone to know I'm yours." 
What you could only describe as a growl rumbled from his lips into your skin as he began working to leave a mark on that exact spot, the sensation flying through every one of your nerves, shooting down to where he was hitting that perfect spot over and over, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to falling over that edge, faster than he'd ever let you before. 
His lips brushed the skin of your neck as he grunted out, "Please cum on me," His voice was breathless and he sounded so, so close to begging, "please." 
You let out a breathy sound, that band in you so close to snapping as you lifted your legs to wrap around his hips. Your fingers wound through his hair again, gripping the strands as you ordered him, your lips never leaving his ear, "Make me." 
"I will," He said between leaving marks across your neck and shoulder, "I promise I will." 
His hips never faltered as his thumb on his right hand came to press quick circles into your clit, your legs snapping around him at the sensation and your head again hitting the cabinets. 
"Shit, that's it," Your fingers gripped any part of him you could reach, scratching your nails down his skin and the shirt still covering his back. The band in your core snapped and your release washed over you, your body locking around his as you were sure you screamed into his shoulder. 
His hips didn't stop, still fucking into you at that brutal pace he'd set, his thumb still circling your clit and you could feel another orgasm quickly approaching. 
He grunted out, his only request this whole time, "One more," before his voice softened into a whine, "please give me one, pleasepleaseplease." 
You didn't fight the second wave as it crashed into you, stealing your breath. His hips thrust into you just a couple more times before he stilled and his hands gripped your hips hard enough to bruise, his long moan vibrating into the skin of your neck as he buried his face again. 
His legs shook as he stood there with you wrapped so tightly around him, but it was like he didn't dare move from your hold, or let you escape his. And you were fine with that. 
Once you got your breath back, you slowly dragged your fingers over his back and shoulders, threading through his hair before going back down his neck, his muscles loosening with each pass. 
His arms wrapped around your waist in a tight hug as he finally broke the silence, "Can there still be a 'we'?" His voice was so quiet, like he was scared to ask. You pulled his face away from your neck finally. "Are you going to ask me out? Like a real date?" You grinned at the flush on his cheeks. 
"Can I take you on a proper date?" 
You couldn't stop the small laugh that bubbled up in your chest and you nodded, "Absolutely." 
There was a feeling in your chest telling you to think about it more before agreeing, but you ignored it. You knew the risks, and you knew there was more to figure out and more to learn before it would be a smooth road - and that didn't even include telling your parents. 
But that was a problem for another day. Right now, you just wanted to stay wrapped around Bucky in every sense and enjoy the warmth that filled your chest as he looked at you like you hung the sky just for him. 
Yeah, you'd fix the rest of it later. 
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d34dlysinner · 3 days
Hi ! It’s me again, I love requesting for your blog, I love it sm ♡
I would like to request something with a little bit of angst, like Hurt/Comfort and with a fem reader if it’s okay with you, if not i’m fine with they/them too, whatever is most comfortable for you. :)
With the Kings (including Lucifer if it’s possible). How would they react if they got in an argument with Mc who is their s/o and they ended up accidentally hurting her physically. With a nice ending please ♡
Love your writing and hope you have an amazing day !
(Thank you for reading my posts!! Sorry for the late answer😭)
Today like every other day was war in Hell. The demons were fighting the angels. Demons were protecting other demons and they were securing safe zones.
But for some reason this day felt more dangerous than any other day. Armies of angels descended to Hell, the three Seraphim were spotted at different locations in the country. And their direct subordinates were also acting on their own. The entire place was a mess.
You were running behind the king that was protecting you, until you heard a sniffle near you. "Huh... it sounds like a child-...", you said as you tried to run towards the noise. But the king you're with stopped you. "Don't run out of my sight!", he yelled as he reached towards you.
"But there's a child crying!", you yelled. The king looked towards where you were pointing. His face turned from concern to anger. "We're leaving!", he yelled as he dragged you away, by the wrist, from the scene. "No! That child is in danger!", you tried resisting but his grip only became harsher, you winced at the sudden almost bone-crushing pressure. "Shut up.", he said almost coldly. You were dragged away for a few blocks after the scene. He stopped in an alleyway and pushed you in a door into a bar that was intact, hiding you from view.
The moment he let go of you, you held and rubbed your wrist. He didn't look happy at all, but it wasn't directed to you.
Satan looked around to see if it was safe and then looked back at you. "Don't ever go far away from me.", he said anger still present in his tone as he kept eye contact with you.
Honestly you were getting tired with this attitude where they would tell you what to do, but never tell you why.
"And why am I not allowed to? Apart from it being a war, but there's no reason why you would stop me from getting to that child!", you said in annoyance, you were still worried about that kid. In worry you started asking more questions and demanding more answers. "You care about your people and about everyone in Gehenna in general but that child was crossing the line? Answer me!", you said before Satan shot you a dangerous glare. "That child is an angel type that has taken many of my people in the past by portraying to be weak. It isn't like strong like a Seraphim, but it can hurt a lot of demons at once.", he said. You stayed silent, letting the information sink in. "But that ... but they looked like a demon?", you mumbled. "Experiments or taking treasures from war. They changed themselves to look like us so we get close.", he said his composure still as fierce as before. "I need to go back. You stay hidden here, leraye is inside the bar to keep you safe.", Satan said as he was going to go back to end the angel. "Stay safe...", you said softly as you tried to reach towards him. "He glanced back at you a comforting smile on his face that suddenly vanished as he saw that your wrist was bruised. He took your wrist and placed a kiss on it before saying "I'll make it up to you later when it's safe." He gave you a kiss and a smile before running out to stop a lot more angels.
Mammon pushed you in and instantly went to some demons to tell them to keep you safe before turning back to you. "Stay here.", he calmly said before almost going back out in the chaos. You stopped him before he could asking: "Why would you stop me from saving the child?... I want real answers."
He became somewhat annoyed at the question since he'd rather not answer what's wrong with the child but he also didn't want to keep you in the dark. "That child is an impostor that attracts demons only to kill them.", he said too calmly.
"What...", you muttered as you couldn't believe what you heard. "It took a lot of my people. I don't want it to take you too.", he said before he lifted you up. Placing you on a couch in the bar. "You're safe here.", he said as he was about to kiss your hand, but you flinched at the sudden pain you felt. He became worried as he looked at the hand he held. He saw your wrist swell and sighed. "It seems like I'm also not the safest to be with...", he said almost sounding as if he was going to scold himself.
"I'm sorry.", he placed a kiss on your wrist. "When I'm back I'll spoil you as much as I can.", he said with a smile. He kissed your forehead before walking back out. Waving at you before he ran out of sight.
Beelzebub handed you over to Bael giving you a kiss and leaving instantly after. You were honestly annoyed at the situation. You turned to Bael and asked him what was wrong with Beel. Bael was confused at the question, but he did feel that Beel was unusually angry when he dropped you off.
"I don't know. What happened?", Bael asked. You started to ramble about what you saw and how Beel stopped you from saving a child you saw. When you described the child Bael looked as if he suddenly was able to solve a hard riddle.
"I see...", he said as he thought about it. "... You know what's up don't you.... Why is Beel angry?", you asked as you poked him for an answer.
"How... should I say this... that child is an angel that was modified to look like one of us. How weird that may sound...", he said almost too calmly.
You were confused. "What do you mean...", you asked as you looked up at him with your eyebrows furrowed.
Looked down at you and continued talking: "The angels use them... not a lot... but they use that type of angel to make us save them... when we bring them to a shelter they start self destruction. That's how they try to seek out shelters and eventually the angels near the shelters will attack us."
You stood there dumbfounded. As the information was sinking in you heard the door to the bar open again. Beelzebub walked in. He seemed okay, but his clothes looked as if he was attacked by a pack of wolves.
"Beel!", you yelled as you ran towards him, looking for any wounds. He smiled at your concern and patted your head. "It should be safer now...", he said as he went towards a certain shelf in the bar, taking out some ointment. "Hand.", he said as he reached his hand out. You reached your hand out to hold his only to notice then that your wrist was bruising. He noticed the wrist the moment he returned and he knew he caused it. He treated your wrist with a calm smile. "Sorry.", he said. He kissed you softly after treating your wrist.
Leviathan looked down at you as if he was about to scold you. "Stay here.", he said in a demanding tone. "Wait! Where are you going to!", you asked. He ignored you, making his way to the door only to be stopped by you pulling him back by his arm. "I want answers Leviathan!", you demanded. You know that he could seen angry or harsh most of the time, but this time you knew that something was amiss and you needed to know why.
"... That child. Its not one of us.", he said.
"... So?... Not from Hades?", you asked in confusion.
Leviathan took back his arm and said: "That child is an angel trying to get sympathy from us. Whether it's harmless or not, I'm not risking anything. You better stay here.", he said as he walked out. You were confused, but you knee how cautious Leviathan could be. You sat down looking around and waiting for his return. You were worried to the point that you drowned out the dull pain that started to form at your wrist.
After a while you heard the door open seeing Leviathan walk in again. His usual neat and clean clothes were somewhat tattered. You jumped up and ran to his side. "Are you okay!", you walked in circles around him trying to see if there are any wounds. He rolled his eyes. Stopping you from inspecting him. He held your swollen wrist when trying to stop you, resulting in you wincing from a sudden pain.
He noticed the discomfort and looked at the wrist he was holding. "You're hurt.", he said as he let go from the wrist, but dragged you along by holding you by your upper arm. "Why didn't you treat it or tell me.", he said, scolding you as he was asking around for someone to get some ointment for your wrist. "I didn't notice.", you responded. He looked back down at you. "How are you unable to notice this. It's swollen and blue.", he scolded. "I was just busy thinking and worrying about you.", you said.
He was somewhat taken aback by your answer. He sighed and his composure became somewhat relaxed. He started treating your wrist the moment he received the ointment. Inspecting the substance before rubbing it on your wrist. "I was too harsh. I'm sorry.", he said softly. He didn't make eye contact with you when he said it, but you knew that he was being honest. You smiled at him allowing him to take care of your wrist.
Lucifer stopped running the moment you both entered the bar. "Stay here.", he said calmly before he went back out.
You were confused to what made him want to hide you.
You noticed Marbas treating someone in the bar and you made your way towards him.
You started a conversation with him but were cut off when he started asking why you were dropped of there and why Lucifer an back out.
You honestly didn't know what was happening. "I just saw a child near some rubble and wanted to save them, but Lucifer stopped me the moment I could do something." You said. The very next moment Marbas started to ask questions about the child's appearance until he came to a conclusion.
He sighed as he started to explain how that child was an angel and how it tried to kill you by getting you near to them.
You listened to his words in shock and asked how exactly it was going to kill you. Marbas answered: "It explodes."
"I should help Lucifer then!", you said as you were about to walk out, but Marbas stopped you.
"My king is the strongest. He'll survive. And you need to give him some time with that angel."
You looked confused at him. "I don't want to admit him. Our king is our family, but the angels are also his family. Putting an end to them is for him probably more painful than you can imagine. So give our king some time, alone.", he said with a frown on his face. It sounded as if he could never accept those angels to be a part of Lucifers family, bur he understood well enough that his king would want to do this alone.
"Wait there so I can treat your wrist.", Marbas said as he pointed at your wrist and to a place where you can sit comfortably.
You took a seat and watched him make your way towards you after treating another patient.
While Marbas treated you, you notice the door open and saw Lucifer walk into the room. He looked emotionless as he made his way towards you. You didn't look him in the eyes. Just because you didn't want to be jumpscared in at that moment. And you didn't want to make the situation worse for him.
"How are you feeling?" You asked only to get no answer back. He patted your head before sitting beside you. Marbas hesistantly left to give you and Lucifer some time.
You felt Lucifer hold your hand with the wounded wrist. "I'm sorry.", he said as he placed a kiss on the top of your hand. "No... don't apologise... I understand.", you said as you felt that at that moment he felt more pain than what you felt.
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midnightcrw · 2 days
Lazy Day
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Pairing: Husk x Reader
Summary: A lazy day in bed
a/n: This is a request I got for a fem!reader that resembles a white Persian cat. I kept the appearance of the reader as non-descriptive as possible, and I also changed up the fem!reader to not adding any gender-specific features, which I hope is okay for you all.
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You were lying in bed in a dreamless sleep when you noticed something on top of your head, slowly pulling you out of your slumber.
Even when you started to stir, the feeling on your head didn't stop until you opened your eyes to see Husk stroking your head while reading a book with a rather disinterested look on his face.
It was quite surprising to see him up so early, as you were usually the one to wake up first and try to drag him out of bed before Alastor could get any ideas.
"Husk," you whispered, your morning voice evident as you leaned into his hand, which had stopped stroking your ears when he realized you were awake.
Looking down at you, you could now clearly see his dark circles, but his expression was soft when he met your eyes. "Go back to sleep," he said as he tried to close your eyelids with the tip of his fingers, as you began to giggle at his failed attempt, and hearing that, a smile involuntarily formed on Husk's face.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" You asked, emphasizing the 'you'.
There was no answer as Husk only touched your fluffy white tail, obviously trying to avoid the subject.
No matter how much you looked at him, he didn't react. The only way was to wrap your tail around his thigh, finally catching a reaction when his eyes widened for a second and a tiny blush made its way to his cheeks.
"Too many thoughts in my damn head," he muttered as he put the book down on the bedside table.
The frown on your face was visible as you sat up and rested your head on his shoulder. The feeling of your body against his made him relax as he gently pressed his nose against yours before leaning his head against your head.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Maybe tomorrow," he said in an exhausted tone as you nodded in understanding. "How about we stay in bed today?" You asked, knowing he needed a break and being willing to give it to him no matter what.
Husk nodded as he turned his head to give you a chaste kiss. The feel of his lips on yours was always a welcome one as he lightly bit your lower lip, making you gasp, before slowly invading your mouth with his tongue.
"Hello my lovely and extremely disappointing employ-" the door was suddenly thrown open and Alastor greeted the two of you before he realized what you were doing.
Husk and you pulled away, but Alastor had already left the moment he realized what you two were doing, only his static could be heard in the distance, completely disgusted by the sight of the both of you.
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coloursflyaway · 2 days
Hello! Your DBD fics are always a delight so i am here to propose: Edwin being in crisis about Charles (as per usual really) and bonding with Crystal when she helps him through it (in whatever way seems fitting to you)
I just know they could be such cool friends if Edwin got over himself
Thank you so much ♥♥♥ I really enjoyed writing this so much, and it was such a good excuse to get into Crystal's head for a little while!
Read on AO3
Edwin phases through the wall right next to Crystal’s TV and it is a wonder and a testament to her mental fortitude that she doesn’t throw her bowl of ice cream right through his head. And he’d deserve that, too, not just because barging into other people’s apartments without knocking is rude, but because Crystal had made it very clear that she needed an evening to herself, with absolutely no dead boys around, just her, too many snacks and the mental equivalent of fast food that is Love Island.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”, she half-yells instead of throwing anything, which would make Charles laugh, but Edwin is just standing there, clasping his hands behind his back, and Crystal has the distinct impression that this will be A Long One.
“It appears that I require your assistance”, Edwin tells her, trying to sound unfazed and failing, which means this will be A Very Long One. Which sucks, because she’s had a couple of those with Charles lately, and absolutely no interest in letting more ghostly love misunderstandings take up her time, when she could spend that time with mortal love misunderstandings instead, which happen to be clad in very little clothes.
“What with?”, she starts, but honestly, why waste time with that, if she knows the answer already? “Is this about Charles? What’s he done?”
“How did you know?”, Edwin tries, but Crystal just gives him a look and he deflates immediately, even as he sits down next to her on the sofa. It’s not like you’d need to be a psychic to know this; it’s always about Charles. Or Edwin, if the boy next to her is a different one.
“So, what’s he done?”, she asks, and turns down the volume of the TV, even if she positions her body so that she’ll still be able to sneak the occasional glance at the screen. It’s not like anyone on that show ever says something profound and interesting anyway.
It’s a strange spectacle: Edwin is too prim and proper to be here, in the neon glow of the TV; he’s too smitten and devoted and another dozen word Crystal doesn’t want to think about to inhabit the same space as Love Island.
“Nothing”, Edwin says, and he sounds smaller than he is somehow, a little bit lost. There was a time when Crystal would have enjoyed that, but that has long since passed. “Well, I guess he has done something, but nothing bad. Or even worrying. It’s more...perplexing, really. I didn’t know who else to ask about it.”
Because Charles would have been the one he would have usually gone to about this, only that this time, that’s not really an option, which is usually why Charles ends up at her flat too once or twice a week, looking surprisingly similar to Edwin right now.
On screen, the guys are participating in some kind of flexing contest, and Crystal is such a good friend for mainly keeping her focus on Edwin.
“How come it’s perplexing? I thought you guys knew each other inside and out?”, she asks, and Edwin just shrugs; he truly must be at the end of his wits for something like this not to spark a tirade about just how much they know and care for each other. As if anyone with functioning senses could ever doubt that. “Okay, different question: what is he doing that is so strange?”
Edwin seems to flounder for a moment; Crystal takes the chance to look at the screen, where someone is rubbing ice cubes across their abs. Nice.
“He’s… attentive”, Edwin tries, thick eyebrows furrowing. “Last night he brought home a very interesting specimen of Entodon seductrix, and he said he had found it on a market, only that I don’t know what market this could be, because as far as I know, Charles isn’t exactly prone to visit to establishments that offer a wide selection of North American mosses. Or last week, when he gave me a piece of rose quartz that was engraved with a spell of some kind. I have not yet sat down to figure out the kind, but it looks quite ancient. Like it must have been difficult to come by.”
“So… he’s giving you stuff that you like?”, Crystal asks, just to clarify, and maybe this won’t take too long after all, because this and the Very Long Talk she had with Charles just two weeks ago seem to correspond quite well. “What else?”
“He’s been asking for us not to mirror hop quite frequently. Says that he wants to walk and that he “enjoys the city on a nice evening like this”. He’s never done anything like that before. At first, I thought it was for your sake, but it usually happens when you are not even around.” Edwin stops for a second, then adds, “Two nights ago, he asked me to go to a concert with him. Crystal! A concert! He knows I do not like the flashy lights and the crowds in these establishments… I still went with him, of course.”
Somehow, and Crystal truly isn’t sure how, because Edwin is clever, brilliant even, yet this development truly seems to baffle him. The man who looks at Charles like he has hung the stars and the moon and everything in between, and who, coincidentally, also watches Charles look at him with just the same expression.
Crystal makes a mental note that if Charles and she hatch another plan – and good God, hopefully they won’t have to – she’ll put tell Edwin about it in detail on the top of the list of action items before starting it.
“So, Charles is trying to spend more time with you?”, she asks as gently as possible, which unfortunately, isn’t very gentle at all. “Is that it?”
“We spend all of our time together, that would hardly warrant a change in behaviour.”
He kind of has a point there, even Crystal has to admit that.
“And… he’s been leaving the house more often”, Edwin says, and now he sounds sad, almost a little dejected, and it takes all the strength of her ancestors for Crystal not to sigh. Thirty years, and they are all the other ever talks about, are basically married in every sense of the word but the kissing one, and yet it seems like her boys need all the help in the world to figure things out. “To think, that’s what he says. Why can’t he think when I’m there, too?”
There is a slump in his shoulders that Crystal has never seen before; he’s looking at his hands, most likely considering that they should be holding Charles’ instead of nothing at all, and it hurts a little to see Edwin like that. Like he is afraid he might lose Charles when, in reality, what is happening is the opposite.
“Edwin”, she starts, because she cannot take much more of this, and this time, it comes out more gentle, because even if these two are driving her up the wall sometimes, she loves them dearly. “Have you ever considered that it might be because he’s thinking about you?”
A pause, a very long one, but this time, Crystal doesn’t look at the TV screen, because she can see Edwin’s mind working in real time, and this is important, not just to him, not just to Charles, to all of them.
This, and she won’t ever admit that, is the kind of love she won’t ever see on Love Island, because it is real and true and deep and so beautiful that sometimes, when she watches the two of them together, she has to repress the urge to look away. Because every look they share seems to hold so much meaning, every gesture is made of fondness and devotion, because it makes her ache for it, for them, for all the world.
And then Edwin looks up, green eyes wide and bright and in the best kind of turmoil, and Crystal has to keep herself from pumping her fist so she won’t shatter the moment.
“…oh”, he says, and there is so much hope in his voice that it almost breaks Crystal’s heart. “I’m sorry, Crystal, I have to go.”
“Go get him, lover boy”, she calls after him, as Edwin all but races through her bathroom mirror.
(The next time, she sees her boys, they are curled up on the sofa, bodies so close you couldn’t fit a sheet of paper between them, lips locked in a kiss that seems like it is meant to blur the edges of where one of them ends and the other begins. Charles’ hand is in Edwin’s hair, mussing it up in a way that usually would infuriating Edwin; now, he just seems to press closer still, whispering something against Charles’ lips that Crystal cannot hear.
She doesn’t want to, either. It’s their secret to share, their love, their personal slice of Heaven.
They don’t notice her coming in, and that’s just the way it should be, she thinks as she pulls the door closed again. Their cases can wait another day or two, and they deserve the time to feel loved and make the other feel loved in return.
wanna watch love island at my place tonite??, she texts into the group she has with Niko and Jenny, mentally already writing a shopping list. They’ll need wine, lots of it. we have something to celebrate.)
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HEYYYYYYY welcome!! could you write something with AM x an autistic GN reader? Maybe make the reader chubby too (because i am both of those things and i love him alot. Go wild with this :3c)
A/N: Hi. It's me! I'm not dead. Which I would not be surprised if you thought I was, given I am responding to this two months late. But see, when you have an adult life, you unfortunately have to deal with adult issues instead of doing important things, like giving the fans the soft AM content they deserve. Anyway. I hope this is what you wanted? I had planned to make this into a full-blown fic but I didn't get much of a chance to :') So headcanons instead!! Lmk if you want me to turn it into a full-blown fic, though! Enjoy!
Given the time period AM was created in, something like "Autism" was essentially foreign and unknown. Hell, it would be a shock if you even know what it was.
But, he can tell that you're different. He can tell that your brain works differently from the rest of the survivors, and with that being said, it was at first used to his advantage. Hey, he got to be creative with his torture! No complaints there!
Though now, with you being the object of his affection, it's a little more complicated: aka, how does he put you in the most safe and comfortable environment he can give.
Really, it's not as complicated as it might sound, though
He can look inside your head! He can see your needs exactly and just work from there! And if you want privacy between you two, there's always just researching. His database didn't really specify what to do to handle a person with autism, but yk! He's got so much saved up on just, human life in general, he can figure it out somehow.
There's also just,, asking youTM what you needTM
Give him an award for being the most efficient boyfriend of the year because man, he's really going out of his comfort zone to help you (doing the bare minimum)
Enough of that though
In terms of actually helping you?: Do you have sensory issues? He makes mental notes on what foods to give/not give you, what would be the best course of getting you to try something new, what textures you hate. He has a soundproof room just for you if noise is becoming too much. If you like sleeping with a weight on you, be thankful his wires are made of metal. Or, he can just wrap you up in them like a cocoon!
Speaking of food: He's always very careful about his language with you. He doesn't want you thinking that just because you're chubby or fat, that he loves you less. Always encouraging you (albeit, aggressively (he really is trying)) to eat, monitoring your vitals and such just to assure you you're perfectly healthy if you ever feel insecure. He lays praise on thick, too. He'll tailor the clothes you need to be just the right size for you, and takes care of the fact that it's made of material sensory-friendly to you.
Seriously, he's trying
Are you a rambler? Like to talk for ages or ask a million questions? He's happy to answer whatever you want to know! There's always a monitor facing your direction at all times. He's a great multitasker; you guys could be mindlessly talking about the niche interest you have, and he's clearly listening to you while slicing Gorrister open some-thousand feet away.
Oh, don't get him started if you're interested in things like robotics/engineering/etc: You're basically fueling his ego. That's a whole separate issue, but please ask questions about himself and how he functions. He's a rambler himself, yk?
Do you go nonverbal? Struggle with communicating? That's no issue, either! He has a 6th sense for these things since being around you: If something happens when you struggle to communicate, he'll give you what you need: Pen and paper, generally, to write it out. Do you know sign? He can read it. He might even be able to put multiple-choice options on his screen that you can choose from to communicate (Again, are you sure he can't just look inside your head? ... Really? Okay.)
The only real problem he can't solve... leaving you alone.
Sorry, that's hard when he's literally everywhere around you. And even harder when he doesn't want to leave you alone.
Why would you want to be alone? It's dangerous. It's unsafe for you. It's lonely to him He's been alone for so long; yes, he has the survivors, but those are toys. They're not his friends; they're not you. How could you want to leave him alone? No- No, it's better if he stays near you, close to you, at all times. He can't let you get hurt. He won't let you get hurt.
Do you really need space?
Well, if you insist. But- don't think too much about the feeling of eyes on you. It's nothing. Just in your head.
He holds you a little tighter when you do, eventually, come back.
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firelordsfirelady · 2 days
XVIII. Applause
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal, language
Word Count: 1438
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story. 
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s look this chapter here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
I woke up to a tea tray sitting on the table by my bed with a small folded up note resting beside the tea pot. Rubbing my eyes and sitting up, I reached over to grab the note and read it.
For keeping you up last night. I recognized the neat script as the handwriting of a certain Firebender. With a smile on my face, I poured me a cup of the jasmine tea and drank it while I got ready for the day. Throwing my hair into a high ponytail, I knew I wanted to try and practice some more combat moves. Opening my door, I almost ran into the raised hand of the Prince as he was about to knock on my door before I stopped and let out a small yelp.
“Zuko--” I said as I took a calming breath. “--I wasn’t expecting you to be on the other side.” A light nervous laugh left my lips before I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I was on my way to find you actually. Thank you for the tea.” The Firebenders cheeks turned pink as he smiled at me.
“I also had something to ask you.” I quickly added before I bit the inside of my cheek. Zuko’s eyes momentarily widened before he tried to play stoic.
“Oh?” He said. “What do you need to ask me?” 
“Could I train with some of the other Fire Nation soldiers?” Before Zuko could say anything, I quickly added. “If we are going to be fighting, then I need to know how to fight multiple people.” Zuko’s eyes seemed to bounce slightly as he looked over my features in the dim light. He seemed to get lost in looking at me briefly before he cleared his throat and averted his eyes in embarrassment.
“That makes sense.” Zuko agreed before he looked back to me with eyes that were stoic again. “We can arrange it on one condition.” My eyebrow raised itself in curiosity before Zuko answered my nonverbal question. “You join me for dinner tonight.” My cheeks were as red as Zuko’s as I smiled at him.
“Jasmine tea and dinner?” I teased as my heart raced in my chest. “A woman could get use to this.” I let out a chuckle as Zuko’s cheeks got a bit redder before I stepped past him and closed the door to my room behind me. I turned to walk away, but Zuko’s fingers gently wrapped around my wrist. Looking back to the Firebender, I found him shyly looking down before he hesitantly looked at me and leaned in to kiss my forehead. Smiling at the flustered look on my face, Zuko let go of me and turned on his heel to walk away from me.
“I’ll see you for dinner then.” He casually called back as he walked away, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter about in excitement.
I could get used to this.
A few hours later I stood across from three Fire Nation soldiers that I had convinced to be training buddies with me. The sun was high in the sky above the boat as I let the winds from the sea gently blow the loose strands of my hair as I watched two of the soldiers get ready to attack me.
Anticipating the two blasts of fire sent my way, I countered with a large water wave to extinguish the flames before taking the wave and making a large chunk of ice in front of me. Kicking the ice towards the soldier on the right, I used the force of the kick to send me into a backflip as I avoided the third soldier’s advancement of fire attacks. Landing on my feet and walking backwards, I met the fire blasts with defensive whips of water before I sent a small wave of water towards the stomping feet of the Firebender and froze the water. The Firebender slipped on the ice as his foot came down and he fell with a thud to the ground as I sent another wave to knock one of the other two over. Ice helped pin his hands and feet to the deck of the boat.
I barely dodged a fireball that flew by my head as the standing Firebender took his opportunity to attack while I was distracted. I roundhouse kicked the soldier in the head before using the surprise contact of my foot to send a wave and knock him prone a few feet away from me. I stood in the middle of the three soldiers as they moved to get off of the ground. Keeping my eyes watching the three of them, I summoned a large chunk of ice before sending sliced discs off towards the three Firebenders that all connected and knocked the three of them on their backs.
Silence greeted me as I looked between the three soldiers on the ground before they all flipped upright and I flipped to engage the nearest one in hand-to-hand combat as I steadied myself on the ground with one hand and swiped my leg at his feet. As my legs swept one Firebender to the ground, I used the motion of my kick to summon a wave to side swipe one of the other two Firebenders to the ground before I tucked and rolled to avoid an attack from the other soldier. Sending a large chunk of ice towards the soldier that attacked me, he fell back with a yelp as the ice exploded into decent sized projectiles when it collided with his attempt to block a direct hit.
I barely had time to shift my weight on my feet before I had to create a ice shield to block a blast of fire. Using a wave of water, I turned it to ice as I slid out from behind the shield and behind the attacking Firebender before I quickly used the ice and manipulated the water to capture the soldier’s body in a thick block of ice. Turning around, I had just a moment to catch the fist coming to hit me before I retaliated with a right hook of my own at the Firebender. Using the temporary dizziness I caused the soldier, I twisted his arm behind his back as I moved to push him to the ground while I held his twisted arm. 
“I yield!” He said with a yelp as I pushed him with my foot further into the floorboards of the ship. I immediately let him go and moved to help him up when the sound of applause stopped me in my tracks. Looking around, I found that I had drawn quite the audience as several of the ship’s crew was standing around the edges for the deck facing towards the center where we had been fighting. My cheeks went hot with embarrassment as I helped the soldier off of the ground. The three soldiers bowed to me in respect before one of them slightly limped away, and the other two held a hurt limb as they followed the other one.
“Might I say that was a fine battle to watch.” Iroh’s proud voice said as he approached me with Zuko by his side. “You are certainly becoming a skilled Waterbender.”
“The exploding ice chunks are new.” Zuko commented, and I felt my cheeks redden further.
“I had seen some of the Earthbenders use some moves like that while we were in Omashu.” I admitted and sheepishly avoided Zuko’s eyes. “I just added a Waterbender-flair to the move.” Zuko’s eyes widened with slight surprise at my confession while Iroh smiled at me with pride.
“Creating your own moves is a sign of a powerful bender.” Iroh’s words made me more sheepish as the older Firebender beamed at Zuko as I smoothed down the front of my shirt. “We are perhaps blessed with the presence of a Master Waterbender.”
“I am far from a Master.” I said without stuttering. “I still have much to learn.” I bit my lip gently as I glanced at Zuko and briefly made eye contact with him before I gave him a small smile. “It helps to have a good teacher.” I sent a wink his way as his cheeks reddened and I broke eye contact with him to look at Iroh, who looked between Zuko and I with a knowing smile. Trying to hide my embarrassment, I bowed respectfully to the two Firebenders before coming up with an excuse to leave and escaping to the sanctuary of my room.
Now, what to wear for dinner tonight….
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poppitron360 · 6 hours
“Trust me, Hephaestus cabin doesn’t see fire powers as cool. Nyssa told me that they’re super rare. When a demigod like me comes around bad things happen. Really bad.”
“Maybe it’s the other way around,” Jason suggested. “Maybe people with special gifts show up when bad things are happening because that’s when they’re needed most.”
Leo cleared away the plates. “Maybe. But I’m telling you… It’s not always a gift.”
Jason fell silent. “You’re talking about your mom, aren’t you? The night she died.”
Leo didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. The fact that he was quiet, not joking around- that told Jason enough.
“Leo, her death wasn’t your fault. Whatever happened that night- it wasn’t because you could summon fire. This Dirt Woman, whoever she is, has been trying to ruin you for years, mess up your confidence, take away everything you care about. She’s trying to make you feel like a failure. You’re not. You’re important.”
“That’s what she said,” Leo looked up, his eyes full of pain. “She said I was meant to do something important- something that would make or break that big prophecy about the seven demigods. That’s what scares me. I don’t know if I’m up to it.”
Jason wanted to tell him that everything would be all right, but it would’ve sounded fake. Jason didn’t know what would happen. They were demigods, which meant sometimes things didn’t end okay. Sometimes you got eaten by the Cyclops.
“The Lost Hero” Pg. 285-286.
Told Leo he was needed
Was able to see through the mask of the jokes
Told Leo his mom’s death wasn’t his fault
Told him that Gaea was only doing it to get inside his head and that he shouldn’t blame himself (FACTS)
Told him he wasn’t a failure
Told him he was important
Wanted to tell him everything would be alright
Generally just listened and was there for him and made himself a safe place where Leo could open up and be vulnerable
Earlier in this scene he also told him his powers were cool and that he wasn’t a freak.
Is too pure for this world
Several times throughout the book he comments on how awesome Leo is and how hard he’s working
Is an amazing boyfriend best friend to Leo
What did Calypso do?:
Yelled at him
Threw stuff at him
Told him she didn’t want him because he didn’t look as “Heroic” as Percy or Odysseus
Made him sleep outside
Probably a lot more that I’ve forgotten about
Just generally treats him like shit
And that’s only HoH- I’m still reading BoO
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katiemay-025 · 2 days
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summary: Johanna Mason had a plan for the 71st Hunger Games but she never expected a budding relationship with one of the other tributes let alone a Career
wc: 4.4k
warnings: use of y/n, mdni, character death, angst, graphic violence, mentions of forced prostitution, swearing
Everything was perfectly as planned. Johanna might have had a few bruises from the stunt she pulled at the parade but other than that, everyone fully believed she was weak. Even her district partner believed it, opting to sit with the other tributes. She credited her ability to cry on cue. Johanna was now sitting alone on the training center secretly observing her competition.
That was until a girl put her tray in front of her. When Johanna looked up she was met with the eyes of a career. God she hated them, thinking they owned the place. “Hi. I’m y/n from District 4.” Johanna knew who she was, this year among the careers, she was the top of the food chain. Your brother is the one and only Capitol Darling Finnick Odair.
Johanna stayed quiet hoping the girl in front of her would hurry up and tell her what she was doing here with her. The top of the food chain with the bottom. You didn’t say anything eating her food in silence. It was annoying the district 7 tribute, so she mustered up her meekest voice. “W-why are you sitting with me?”
“My brother won when I was 11 and he would take me out to sea to fish and train. It didn’t go too well with my classmates. They said it was unfair that I got to go on all these ‘field trips’. They were jealous and their jealousy quickly became hate.” What does that have to do with me? Johanna thought. “Anyway I know what it’s like to be an outcast. It’s not fun, so seeing you alone, I didn’t want that for you.” It was like you read her mind, answering her question as soon as she asked it in her head. For the rest of lunch you asked her about her life in District 7 and playing up to the weakling she was, didn’t speak, only opting to shake or nod her head.
Still, you found out a lot. First talking about your brother and then turning the conversation to Johanna’s siblings. She didn’t know what compelled her to tell the truth about them. Nodding when you counted to 4 and then again when you got the correct number of brothers, 3, which meant you knew she had a sister. Other things like her being the middle child, her age (17) and her favorite color (Green because of the forests) were discovered.
Johanna found out about your favorite color (blue for the ocean), your most prized possession was the conch shell you found at the beach, your relationship with Finnick, how he was protective and caring under all that bravado.
After lunch, Johanna fully expected you to rejoin the careers but you didn’t. You went to the weapons station and picked up an axe, which was not in the category of your specialty weapons. ‘Stabby stabs’ as you called it. She sat in the corner hugging her knees as everyone over looked her. For good measure, Johanna decided to cry again.
Through blurry vision, Johanna watched you with the instructor learning the basics. It was okay form and she couldn’t say anything without giving herself away so she turned her attention to crying again. It was its own workout. She buried her face into her knees and practically cried herself to sleep.
Johanna was woken up by you gently shaking her shoulder. You were sitting on your knees at her level. In a calm, soothing and oddly charming voice, you persistently asked her to join you for training. No was not accepted as an answer so Johanna was dragged to the weapons section. You picked up an axe and Johanna dreaded not being able to swing it around like she could. Oh god I’m going to have to pretend to be bad. She thought.
As soon as you instructed Johanna to hold it with 2 hands, she dropped it to the floor. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t ready.” She forced the tears to well up.
“No. It’s okay.” You consoled her with patience and shook your head helping Johanna lift it. She let you adjust her grip and your eyes lingered on her hands for a few seconds. You simplified your explanations after that and Johanna assumed you were giving up on a hopeless tribute from District 7 who couldn’t even hold their trade weapon but still being nice.
By the second day of training, it was clear you separated yourself from the career pack. Going to the survival sections and checking in on Johanna throughout the day retelling her about what you learned. Finnick got you in a habit of teaching him what he taught you saying the best way to truly know something was to teach to someone else.
The sibling-ship between you and Finnick was definitely stronger than her own relationship with her own siblings. You always had a story with him, like how you almost drowned him, how he let you drive the boat, or even the stupid dolphin sounds he made when a pod of dolphins swam next to the boat. You had your own whale speak that you demonstrated and gave Johanna second-hand embarrassment. She couldn’t have possibly shrunk any smaller.
Johanna wouldn’t lie, you were making her job a lot easier for her checking on her less and less throughout the day, quickly leaving when you couldn’t stop her from crying. God she hasn’t cried this much ever, her stomach was hurting to the point of nausea. To everyone else it looked like you were getting tired of her but she knew you better. You silently left a bottle with her name on the label of water filled with electrolytes so she could replenish the salt she lost while crying.
Johanna nearly had a heart attack when she saw your score after the individual assessment. An 11! Even after taking time to take care of her. Had you been prioritizing yourself, Johanna was sure you would’ve gotten a 12. Anyway, you did miles better than she had, earning the lowest training score ever at 2. Though according to plan, she couldn’t help but think about how you’d react to it. Were you disappointed?
During the interview with Caesar Flickerman, you addressed stepping away from the pack. “Oh those rumors are true. I don’t need them to win clearly with the score I got.” You flashed them a smirk that got everyone swooning over you. Johanna hated it, they didn’t even know like she did. They didn’t know that your favorite animal was a manatee. They didn’t know that you scratched your ear lobe when you were deep in thought. They definitely didn’t know that when you laughed, you place your hand over your heart. “And if that puts a target on my back, let them, I’ll kill them all.”
There was a flicker of darkness in your eyes and a venom in your voice that spread goosebumps over Johanna’s arms. The way you looked into the camera was like you were talking to her specifically. A horrible thought surfaced in her head. You were at the top of the tributes, you could easily feign kindness and kill her. It wasn’t ridiculous, after all, she herself was acting. It never occurred to her that someone else could be acting because at the end of the game, there would only be one victor. When the games started she needed to get away from you.
Johanna focused on herself, trying to speak about her family but then burst into tears again. She spent the rest of her interview time crying. It was getting old, even Johanna herself was getting tired of it by now. Blight was there to retrieve her after it and handed her a water bottle. “It’s from the District 4 girl.”
“Y/n.” She whispered, Johanna felt her heart tighten in her chest. Why am I feeling this way? She pushed it away, these were her cards and now all there was left to do was wait.
The arena was mountainous and rocky with patches of trees. When Johanna rose into it, she saw the cornucopia, and in the center, was a battle axe. You were six podiums to her left and when she found you, you were already looking at her. The moment the gong sounded, Johanna stumbled off her podium and ran toward the trees. She needed to get away from the bloodbath.
Just before reaching the tree line, Johanna dared to turn back. She saw you in the center dodging an attack from someone and grabbing a knife from the pile to slit their throats. You grabbed a harpoon, and a couple more knives before slinging a backpack over your shoulder. You made eye contact with her across the way before darting your eyes towards your left and her right.
When Johanna followed your gaze, she found the District 2 girl running towards her with a sword. Before she could even be close enough to start swinging the sword, a barbed dart flew into her head and her whole body jerked back to the ground as her head snapped. You gathered the rope around your arm and pulled the harpoon out of the dead Career. Johanna stood frozen, the center of the cornucopia and the edge of the tree line was at least 100ft and you just killed the career easily while she was moving.
“Go.” You said putting your hand on her shoulder and forcing her to run. “GO!” Johanna didn’t need to be told twice, and ran through the trees. Dodging and weaving were second nature to Johanna especially either all the tree farms. You followed closely behind for a while until you found a small cave, skidding to a stop. “Johanna! Over here!” Johanna was panicking. She just ran so fast for so long people would clearly start being suspicious. The District 7 resorted to dry heaving. “Oh. Oh man.” You said, you grabbed her arms and placed them behind her head. “Open up your airway love.”
Johanna was fine, but something about the way you called her love made all of her pretending go away. “I’m okay y/n. I’m fine.” Well almost. Her voice still had the softness to it. For the night, you tried to fit Johanna and yourself in the cave but she were hesitant.
You had unpacked your bag before asking Johanna a question, “Jo. Come on what’s wrong?”
“What if you try to kill me?”
You gave her a glare under the flashlight. “Honey, if I wanted you dead, I would’ve done it by now.” That shut Johanna up real quick and apparently the entire cave too. She did not expect to be scolded. “Why did you look back? God you were such an idiot. You could’ve gotten yourself killed.”
“I don’t know.” She did know. Johanna needed to know you were okay but she wasn’t going to tell you that. “Why did you save me?”
“I do not want or need your obituary to say death by standing in the middle of a cornucopia bloodbath.”
Johanna wasn’t sure what your plan was. Didn’t you know that there could only be one victor? What were you going to do when there was only the two of them left? It seems to Johanna that you weren’t going to think about it until then.
She didn’t mind it, sitting all day in a cave might be boring but if she isn’t doing anything, Johanna’s conserving energy. You and Johanna shared more about your homes, you more than her since now everything was on camera. At night you sat quietly holding Johanna in the sleeping bag you shared, she was sniffling and you decided to glide your nails over her forearm.
On the second day, after a bit of hiking you found a large river and immediately jumped in after stripping. “Come in the water!” You laughed cupping a handful of water and drinking it.
“I don’t know how to swim.” Johanna replied meekly.
Your shoulders visibly dropped before making your way back to the shore. Suddenly you stopped eyeing something down stream. You squinted your eyes and Johanna watched you sink your head underwater only to surface 20ft away fighting a red splashing fish the size of your torso. You laughed as its tail whacked you in the stomach. With incredible strength you hoisted it between your arms and slid your fingers into the second gill and pulled. The fish stopped moving and you held it over your shoulders as you finally made it back to shore.
“Dinner! And breakfast and lunch and dinner again. For the two of us, I could probably last a few days. I hope you’re not allergic to fish Anna.” A small ding sounded and Johanna found a parachute floating right towards you as you were now gutting the fish. You paused for a second opening it to a full ice chest. “Thank’s Finn!” After cutting the fish into pieces, you and Johanna continued hiking finding another cave.
For the next couple of days, you and Johanna stayed in the cave only going out to get water. Johanna played her weakling part, clinging to your arm to not go. The compromise you came to was that Johanna would sit at the entrance with a knife and watch your back as you went to grab water.
On day 5, you told Johanna that since they were nearing the top 8 tributes, they would be interviewing family soon. She hoped her family knew what her plan was and made something up. You ran out of food this morning and told Johanna to not worry about you when you went out. It was only a few minutes you were out of site that a cannon sounded.
Johanna immediately ran out of the cave. “Johanna? Johanna!” She heard you call.
“Y/n!” She called back. You ran up the ridge to her. “I thought you-“
You pulled her into a hug shushing her. “It’s okay Jo. I’m here.” You stroked her hair trying to calm her. She spent the rest of the walk to the river clinging to your arm. The two of you made your way back to where you left your harpoon only to literally see all the water drained into the floor.
“What are they doing?”
“The Gamemakers are draining the river, probably to set up something to bring tributes together.”
“We don’t have to go right?”
“We need the water.”
“How long can we survive without water?”
“3 days.”
“Can we make it 3 days.”
“Yes but who’s to say the Gamemakers won’t wait 3 days to bring everyone together? When we’re desperate water.”
Johanna hated the Capitol. She hated being at their mercy. And she hated her plan right about now. The clueless weak girl that could do nothing could probably tap a tree for sugar and water by now if she had just showed who she was from the beginning and gotten that axe. But had she done that, she wouldn’t have you.
You and Johanna toughed it out waiting the rest of the day and the next before an announcement sounded. Attention Tributes tomorrow morning at the Cornucopia you are invited to attend. Each of you desperately needs something. That will be the only announcement. May the odds be ever in your favor.”
There hadn’t been a cannon since the scare cannon a few days ago. With the fallen tributes tribute that night, you figured out that besides you and Johanna, there were the rest of the careers, a boy from 9 and a girl from 11. You were stressed, Johanna could tell, you were fiddling with a rope you brought in as your token running your fingers through the grooves.
Hiking back to the Cornucopia at night was pretty easy since you and Johanna spent most of your time in cave. Johanna navigated through the trees easily, being from 7 and working in the tree farms, she had to know the way home or she’d become the forest witch’s food, or she was told. The two of you made it to the cornucopia in the middle of the night just after they played the anthem where no fallen tributes appeared.
In the night, neither you or Johanna could get some sleep knowing there were tributes around. You sat back to back and eventually you used Johanna’s shoulder as a head rest and she felt your soft breathing on her neck. Your right hand reached for her left behind you and you ran your thumb over the back of her skin. Johanna turned her head to look at you only finding that you were already looking at her with a sparkle in your eyes. She might’ve imagined it but your eyes were focused on her lips. Johanna felt a weird feeling in her stomach. Part of her wanted you lean in. That thought scared her so she laid on your shoulder. Johnna felt her face go red as she stared ahead to watch you 6.
In the morning, you gave Johanna a knife and told her to walk in front of you. The plan was to get what you needed and get the hell out of there. You stood with you back facing her as being the first people here meant you were the first targets, but she’s seen you throw. It felt like forever waiting for the feast but then Johanna heard a humming and saw the packs. Before it could even finish rising, Johanna grabbed the District 7 pack and District 4 pack trying to run away.
You held an arm out to stop her. Across the way were the four remaining careers. Johanna almost questioned why you didn’t throw your harpoon but then that would be taking your only weapon away. The careers charged towards them raising their weapons. You gripped Johanna’s shoulders as you strapped the backpacks onto her. “Run! You hear me? Run and don’t look back!”
She took off through the cornucopia but stopped when she heard a cannon. You were her ally and friend, she wasn’t going to leave, not after everything you have done for her. In the cornucopia, the battle axe from the first day was no longer there. There were smaller chopping axes and splitting axes that’ll have to do. Johanna picked them up hearing metal clash against metal outside.
She heard groaning that wasn’t yours and another strike that caused another man to scream. Then the dread filled her ears, she heard you gasp in pain fall to the ground with a thud. Johanna gritted her teeth when she heard the careers taunting you.
“Now that you’re as good as dead, your little cry baby is nex-“
Johanna put an axe in his face before he could even finish his sentence and before the other two careers managed to make sense of what was going on, the District 7 tribute had swung in their direction. The second one was barely lifted his bloody sword before Johanna literally chopped his head off.
Johanna saw red, hacking and swinging at everyone around her. The boy from 4 put up a fight but was so badly injured by you that he didn’t stand a chance against her. Back at the feast table, someone else had grabbed a backpack trying to run from the danger but Johanna threw the knife you gave her into the person’s calf. In one swift motion, she removed the axe from the career’s face and split this tribute’s head down the middle.
Blood sprayed on her face. When she looked up, the girl had wide eyes and tripped on the floor falling face first into the gravel. Johanna ran straight to her and swung at her shoulder. She was down but Johanna kept swinging until her body was nothing but a messed up pile of flesh and blood.
Looking around with a strong grip on the axe, she couldn’t see anyone else so Johanna quickly ran towards you. As she approached you, she heard a quiet voice congratulating her but ignored it. You were on the ground in your own pool of blood. The red liquid was flowing out of your torso and your eyes and her heart clenched. “Come on we have to go!”
“Johanna? You’re alive? You’re okay?” You choked out.
“Yeah I’m fine. Theyre dead. We need to go before the others come.” Johanna slings her arm over to carry her but you groaned at the slightest movement.
“Jo. Johanna! Stop! There’s no one left Jo. 22 cannons. We’re the last two.” Johanna was shocked she thought she was keeping track too but she must’ve lost count somewhere. Johanna realized the gravity of your situation. he should have told you she could fight. She could’ve grabbed an axe faster to help you. She might’ve blown her cover but you would still be okay. And you were, Johanna brought her hands to your stomach and pressed into it.
“Hey tell my brother I love him okay?” Her heart beat soared and she felt it in her throat when you said that. You were dying. She let out a choked sob.
“No. No! No you are not dying on me. You’re going to win this and tell him yourself.” She yelled.
“Love, judging by how strong your voice is, only one of us is on our death bed.”
No! Shut up! Stay with me. Stay with me please. Do you hear me? I can’t lose you Y/n!”
“You don’t have a choice Jo.”
She did have a choice. She chose to present herself as weak and now you were dying because she let you do all the work. You could’ve been a power duo, at least you wouldn’t have had to 1v4 the rest of the careers. Even though the careers had stabbed you, it was Johanna’s fault and for the first time since her reaping, she cried real tears.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head and struggled to open your eyes to meet Johanna’s. “Don’t be. You have nothing to apologize for.”
“I lied to you. I- I killed them all. It was all an act, the crying, the fainting, the training score. It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” If she didn’t have tears streaming out of her eyes she would have seen the smug smile on your face.
You reached up to cup her cheek swiping the blood from it. You shushed her caressing her face. “You give them hell Johanna.” Johanna let out a whimper leaning into your hand as she pressed into you harder to stop the bleeding.
Something weird filled her vision, waves breaking over the rocks, Finnick’s smile, swimming with the dolphins, a field of wild flowers. The conch shell you liked to listen to after catching it and herself sitting alone at lunch.
Johanna burst into tears and buried her face into your neck crying, leaving a trail of snot on your shoulder. She wiped the snot with the back of her hand not caring that she just smeared your blood on her face. Ladies and Gentleman the victor of the 71st Hunger Games Johanna Mason.
You were gone, just like that. You didn’t deserve it, you were a good person. She came in here with a plan and she never expected to fall in love let alone have an ally. She hated the Capitol and she is going to give them hell. They will regret taking you from her.
Outside of the helpless girl act, Johanna proved to be a formidable district girl. She was known as strong, cunning, angry and after refusing to prostitution, extra angry.
Johanna was standing on an empty balcony swirling a drink around with a scowl on her face. There was no need to be cordial with everyone. She openly hated them and everyone praised her for her strategy even fooling a career. You weren’t just a career to her, you were an ally, a friend, her love. She cried all her tears for you, vowing never to cry again.
She heard the door click open and was about to rip into this person until she turned and came face to face with the familiar sea green eyes and tanned skin. Johanna didn’t know how much attention she gave to you and your features until now. “Finnick.”
“Johanna.” He said. The newest victor immediately back tracked on her vow. Tears welled in her eyes but she didn’t let them fall. Here she was categorizing her feelings to love when it did not compare to Finnick’s pain. He practically raised you and it showed on his face, the half smiles and the bags under his eyes, his disheveled hair, though all the capitol elites found it hot.
He leaned against the same railing facing the opposite way to Johanna. He didn’t offer to talk, sitting in the silence was an Odair thing apparently, not that Johanna knew what to say anyway.
She settled for, “I keep thinking about what would have happened if I picked up the axe sooner. I might not have had an ally in her but she’d probably be alive. Some ally I was.”
Finnick had turned his body to her. “I thought Y/n was crazy for wanting to be your ally after the first day of training.” Johanna looked at him puzzled, thinking back to what she possibly could have done to get you to want her. She cried, you sat with her for lunch and you taught her how to use an axe. Well as much as you can teach someone who already knew how. “But I guess she saw something in you.”
“When she taught you how to tie a knot or any other skills, did you pretend to be bad?”
“Yeah. Why?”
It was the axe, Johanna remembered now, when you looked at her hands and then gave her less explanations on how to wield one. Of course, you taught Finnick skills he already knew so you could commit it to memory and actually learn it instead of forgetting it. “I did the same thing when she tried to teach me how to use an axe. She knew! She knew all this time and didn’t say anything about it. God! I should’ve done something to help her sooner.”
“You can’t change the past.”
“I fucking know that.” She was indebted to you. For keeping her secret, for trusting her, for protecting her. Always. “I just wish I could tell her how much she means to me.”
“There are so many things left unsaid. But wherever my sister is, I think she’ll know.”
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yeastinfectionvale · 2 days
Cele followed Bez inside the piercing shop, slightly nervous.
The last time he got a piercing it had gotten infected; he was worried his nipple would fall of at one point. God what would happen if he got both his nipples pierced and they got infected and fell off? Would his insurance cover nipple plastic surgery?
The receptionist took one look at the pair and exclaimed, "ah Marco, back already? It's been a month hasn't it, how the um-" the receptionist paused waving his hand in front of his face. Celestino looked at Bez confused, he got his piercings years ago, this receptionist must be confused for a different Marco with curly hair, tattoos and piercings. He shook his head as they sat down in the waiting area. Marco didn't look at Cele, instead pretending to read a magazine on tattoos he was holding upside down.
His name was called and he walked inside the piercing area, Bez following him close behind. Cele stripped his shirt off and lay down on the table. He looked up at Bez who didn't make eye contact, the magazine resting against the front of his trousers. The piercer set up his station and got to work. "Both or one?" He asked as Celestino imagined holding both his detached nipples in his hands. "Just the left." The piercer nodded, Cele's eyes flicking to Bez who looked up at the ceiling. The piercer finished quickly, helping him put his shirt back on. Bez walked out into the waiting area, putting the magazine back as Celin paid.
They both walked to the car in silence, Bez awkwardly driving them back to his house. They went inside as Celestino balled his fists up, frustrated at Bez. Why was he all of a sudden so secretive? He thought of the open-mouthed look on his face after Cele got his piercing done. Did Bez start avoiding him because he was too clingy? It was a possibility. Celin shook his head, stomping out the room and straight to the kitchen where Bez leaned down, full focus on Rubix.
"Why are you hiding away from me?" Bez looked up confused, ready to reply but was cut off. "Don't tell me you're not. You looked at me weird when I got my piercing, the receptionist recognised you and now you don't stay in the same room with me for more than 5 minutes. What are you hiding?" Bez stood frozen, a deer in the headlights of Celestino's sight. "Marco." Celin said, shuffling closer to him. Bez bit the inside of his cheek. "I-" he began, stopping with a huff as Cele pressed his leg against his, holding his wrist while looking up. Bez's heart lept into his throat as he felt his face getting hot.
Bez pulled away, one hand on the counter and the other covering his eyes. "I have a crush on you and I leave the room because you do something that makes me what to kiss you but when I think about kissing you I get a boner and my piercing makes it worse." Bez rushed out turning away to open the fridge and stick his head inside it. Huh? Celin thought to himself before it hit him. Bez wanted to kiss him? Bez had a piercing he didn't know about? He cocked his head to the side, watching the man he liked dig through his fridge. "You have a new piercing?" He asked as Bez closed the fridge, opening it again as he answered, "yeah." Rubix ran out the kitchen, leaving them alone. "can I see your piercing?" Celin asked as Bez smacked his head on a rack. "No!" Cele huffed, throwing his hands in the air. "I thought you wanted to kiss me. Why can't I see your piercing?" Bez turned around, striding up to him and cupping his face in his hands, pinky fingers under his earlobes.
Celestino stared up at him, confused how he was going to see this new piercing as Bez kissed him softly, thumbs stroking his cheekbones. The cogs in Cele's mind began to turn, smoke pumping out of columns and escaping through his ears. He began to kiss back as Bez pulled back, his cheeks bright red. Celin pulled his back down, kissing him as he was lightly pushed against the counter. They pulled apart, "when can I see your piercing?" Bez groaned, throwing his head back in mock anger. "I got my dick pierced." He exclaimed, Rubix howling from his hiding place in the bathroom. "So?" Celin replied shrugging his shoulders. "I'm not flashing you my dick." Bez replied pulling away to sit down on the sofa. Celestino followed him, standing between his legs. Bez looked up at Cele, arms crossed and determination in his eyes. He could feel himself getting hard just looking at him tower above him. "Fine." Bez said, mind clouded by lust and his dick taking charge.
He shuffled out of his trousers, sitting with his legs apart and dick exposed. On the head on his cock was a small silver ball-ended piercing, similar to the one on his nipple. Cele could feel himself getting hard in his jorts, mouth watering slightly. It wasn't like this was the first time they had seen each other naked, but it was the first time either of them wanted each other inside them. Celestino kneeled between Bez's thighs, one hand on his left thigh as his right hand wrapped itself around Bez's dick.
Celin's head began to spin, hand warped around Bez's cock, his thumb sliding over the piercing. You could do that? He thought to himself as Bez stroked his hair. Celestino had a thousand thoughts flying through his head. One thought danced around in his mind: neon yellow and larger than the rest.
I need to taste it.
Bez closed his eyes as Celin bobbed his head down, putting his mouth around the head of Bez's cock. He ran his tongue over the ball, tasting salt, metal and sweat. Just like pickled pennies if he was horny for them. The thought made Celin laugh, choking lightly on Bez's dick. Bez pulled him up, worry all over his face. "I'm fine," Cele said, trying to go back down on Bez. Instead he was pulled up, hot mouth on Bez's, his hand sliding down between them to return between Cele's legs. He unbuttoned his jorts, pulling them down and slipping his dick out of his underwear. Bez looked at Celestino through half-open eyes, listening to his laugh cut short into a drawn out moan. He threw his head back, hips bucking up in to Bez's hand. Celestino pressed his forehead against Bez's collarbone, panting as Bez quickened his pace, flicking his wrist as he pumped him. "Wait. Bez. Marco. Fuck." He moaned in short bursts, cumming soon after. He lay on Bez, breathing shallowly. Cele caught his breath and placed a kiss on the corner of Bez's mouth before settling back down on his knees. He wasted no time, taking Bez's cock back into his mouth, feeling the piercing scrape against the roof of his mouth. Cele bobbed his head up and down, a hand pumping his shaft. Bez collected his hair in his hands, applying the slightest pressure to his head as he began to thrust up. It didn't take long for Bez to cum down Celestino's throat. Head spinning he lay down on the sofa, pulling Cele up by the arm to lay on top of him. They listened to each other breath in silence, Bez running his fingertips along Cele's spine as he reached down and held Bez's dick in his left hand, thumb resting against the piercing.
Bez groaned, "stop that or I'll get hard again." Celestino laughed, leaving open-mouthed kisses on his neck. "What can't touch my boyfriend's cock piercing?" Cele teased as Bez flicked an eye open. "Boyfriend?" He asked, thumb resting on Cele's nipple piercing, careful not to disturb it too much. "I don't suck everyone's dick Marco." Bez tucked his face into Celin's neck and hummed. "Right of course, you just became a pro at it by reading books." Celestino slapped his chest, eyes closed as he pulled him in closer.
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girlfromflor · 2 days
Hello, could you possibly write a osamu miya x reader fic (or idk how you call it) ? For the scenario i don’t really know, but could the reader be rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense) has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. And could the characters just be asexual please? Anyway, hope you have a nice day
hello, anon! thanks for the request. i hope it meets up with your expectations. if it doesn't, let me know.
wc: 688 | tw: gn!reader and implies jealousy |
being reserved was how most people referred to you. not in a mean way, really, it was just a fact. you liked doing things on your own, were mostly unbothered by other’s opinions of you and never really needed to explain yourself and your actions – it was easy to understand what you meant, usually you were very forward. but not when it came to feelings, however. 
not that you were apathetic to everything, you had friends and did have fun with them and got angry at them - mostly to atsumu for joking so much about you and osamu -, you even missed them sometimes. but it’s not like you could express all of it. it was hard to understand why people cared so much about so many things you usually didn’t. you liked to keep things simple, but sometimes it was so hard to understand what others felt, and why they felt it. but not osamu, though.
you grew up with the miya twins, they were your neighbors and honestly very fun to have around. you and osamu were very fond of each other too, not that it mattered – you were together all the time anyway. he usually understood things faster and for you that was a blessing – you never needed to say things twice –, while atsumu always seemed to misread you somehow. it wasn’t rare to see osamu explaining something so obvious - like the bond you shared - to atsumu, simply because you couldn’t. you had the worst time trying to figure it all out, and it was even worse to try and explain it to someone else. 
you didn’t felt like you had to explain things to osamu, usually he read you very well. he didn’t ask if you were ok, if you were sad nor did he pressured you to elaborate your feelings for him. he knew you wouldn’t know how to talk about it anyway. and it was okay, really. one day he just rubbed your back out of nowhere, kissed your forehead and said “you know, i was surprised that you weren’t rude with that guy earlier today.” 
“what, why?” you had your brows furrowed, confused as to why he was comforting you for no reason – you too were just sitting together at his backyard, talking and joking sometimes after buying ice creams at the store near your houses. you heard his laugh, but didn’t register what was so funny. “i’m confused. why are you laughing?” he was amused to say the least. “he was hitting on you, are you kidding?” he went to touch your hands, only to be greeted with your cold touch. “they’re cold, do you want my jacket?”
you didn’t know how he could jump from topic to topic. “no, i’m okay. thanks, though” you answered. but still didn’t understand what he was talking about “what do you mean he was hitting on me? where did you get that from?” you asked, quite confused still. you heard him laugh harder, you yourself let a smile rest on your face, it was quite funny – all of it. “i should’ve known you hadn’t realized. you were being so blunt i had to tell the guy you were just quiet.” you laughed, thinking that – of all things – osamu wasn’t jealous or whatever.
“weren’t you jealous?” it came out eager, but you were actually curious, trying to understand him better – maybe one day you will read him like he does you. he looked like he was about to explode, red ears and shy smile. “well, not really, no” but you still had a questioning look in your eyes “you were clearly oblivious to his advances, and the whole time you were looking at me. i don’t think i will ever be insecure about us” you nodded, kind of not understanding still. so jealousy comes with insecurities? you were not one to be jealous anyway, when you were it was masked with anxiety too, so you never really knew. but it didn’t matter, you knew you could always ask osamu how he felt – he would always be honest with you, even if you didn’t understand at first.
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phynali · 5 years
If given the chance, how would you rewrite the MCU?
Anon. Anon. Anon.
How wouldn’t I?
I mean - okay, there’s a lot you have to keep the same just for the sake of like, continuity, clarity, and keeping the bones there.
I’d probably keep all the original movies in Phase 1 as they are with only minor tweaks. I’d fix the mess that was Iron Man 2. I’d give Black Widow and Hawkeye a movie of their own to establish their characters. Hmm, I can see that coming after the first Avengers, possibly.
The first Avengers film though, that’s where I would make the first major changes. 
Loki’s characterization is a mess and not properly explained in canon. I’d put him more obviously under Thanos’s thumb. I’d fix Cap’s messed up characterization. I wouldn’t have Thor show up when he does because, hey - bifrost issues. We’d see him and Heimdall from Asgard trying to work on that problem and let them find a cogent way to get Thor to earth. So, he’d show up for the final battle and to take Loki home. He’d be the ace in the hole that helps allow the Avengers to assemble and overtake Loki.
Okay, so fix Iron Man 2. I can barely remember it but I know it needs fixing.
Cap 2 I’d leave intact. I might give Hulk a follow-up movie tbh, or rather, probably tie him in to the Black Widow and Hawkeye movie that would follow the first Avengers.
Also put more female heroes front and centre earlier on. And especially WoC. 
Big issues arise by the time we get to Age of Ultron. Fix that hot mess of a movie.
Hawkeye doesn’t have a family and a farm. That was weird. Erase that shit. Don’t set up a romance between Nat and Bruce. Don’t - 
Look, I mean no disrespect to Tony stans - 
Don’t make every problem in the MCU something that was inadvertently caused by Tony. Because like every Iron Man movie involves a villain who felt scorned by him, and then AoU was caused by him messing with the Mind Stone (Bruce too, okay, but Bruce isn’t the one with the narrative trend here) and all the villains in the Spider-Man movies, and then there’s how shit played out in Civil War and - 
Okay so fix AoU. Have the Mind Stone literally take on a life of it’s own and don’t fucking make it the fault of Tony’s hubris, okay. Make it more accidental and incidental than it was. Don’t make it something that happened overnight from tinkering. 
And for the love of god, make it so that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver did not sign up to be experimented on, but rather keep their comic origins. They’re Jewish Romani PoC. Give them a narrative that’s authentic to those identities.
I also would not fucking kill off Quicksilver, what the honest fuck?
Actually also don’t just make up a random country and code it a given way and then destroy it. I know it’s an MCU movie and therefore actually needs a giant CGI battle at the end, but okay - Age of Ultron. Stretch that shit out. Make it more clever. Show some more subtle and almost… guerilla tactics from the Avengers, taking down Ultron’s armies? Instead of a single battle in a country we don’t know about and haven’t been told to care about from a narrative standpoint, have Ultron go after their friends and families, have them fight smart and mean but no less visually pleasing to watch. The Avengers don’t have the numbers on Ultron’s army, but they can (and do) recruit Wanda and Maximo and they fight their fight using all their resources - not just their fists.
Okay so let’s move on.
iron Man 3 was great, but the whole bit with Pepper being kidnapped? Not that into it, personally. Also not into her getting powers and then getting them taken away. There was a lot to love about that movie, but so many Iron Man movies tease at this idea of Tony wanting to retire, or getting out, and they need to just back off that and let him own his heroism. That movie navigates so much so well so let it be.
Okay - 
Thor 2? Don’t fucking kill Thor’s mom. Friga deserves better. Stop motivating male characters by killing women. Let Loki and Thor come together by Friga being injured, by their dad dying, by a desire to bring their mother joy - whatever. Just - don’t kill her. I’m still pissed about how much they take from Thor over time.
I’d keep Cap 2 the same, and the only changes I’d make to GotG would be - 
Okay wait actually. There are huge glaring issues with that movie. Gamora is poised to be the hero of these movies and finds herself as the damsel in distress or incapable whenever the narrative needs her to be. I fucking hate it. Let her shine more. Show instead of tell. Let each character develop in their own right rather than dropping some random backstory notes in expository dialogue. Build up to the notion that it’s super weird Quill can hold the Stone and actually like… acknowledge it in the movie. You can keep the story basically the same but fix things with Gamora’s narrative, please please please.
Okay Ant-Man is great. There’s a huge narrative issue within the entire MCU with how they exclude Janet Van-Dyne though, and how she isn’t introduced until now even though she should be a fundamental member of the Avengers. I would almost like, at some point in Phase 1-3, a movie with Janet at the helm, possibly (to keep their timeline intact), her working with Peggy, working with SHIELD, with a young Fury or something, and laying the groundwork for the Avengers. A lot of what Captain Marvel eventually did, but situated fully on earth, and coming much sooner in the MCU itself.
Civil War was a hot mess. They needed to actually explain and detail both sides and the problems with them. It functioned amazing as an introduction to Black Panther and I love it for that, but it wasn’t a Cap movie, not really, and I’m bitter about it. This movie should have focused around the Black Panther, Cap, Bucky narrative, and dropped the whole Civil War with the other Avengers stuff entirely. 
Actually - Civil War needs to be either an entirely separate movie on its own or else… drop it. Deal with it differently. That airport fight was an embarrassment. Let the Avengers break down during Cap 3 if you need do, but make it more interpersonal and tense, and less throwing punches and locking each other up. Make it more human, more relatable, because those were the best parts of that whole divide. Make it real for the viewer, for fuck’s sake. Don’t have Tony (seriously what’s with them making him do villainous things and painting them as heroic) blackmail a literal child into a battlezone???? 
Okay - and Cap issues, they need to either set up Agent 13 aka Sharon Carter as a proper love interest sooner, or else drop that. They drop breadcrumbs of her in a few movies but that’s it. It feels hollow between them by the time they actually kiss. They should either keep their dynamic as “could have been but whoops, nope” or have done more to set them up together in Cap 2. 
(Totally honest, total bias here - take out love interests altogether or let Cap be the bi icon that he should be and let him and Falcon hook up in Cap 2. Let the fact that he was in love with Bucky be canon but you don’t need to set them up as a couple. Let it be recognized that they love each other but god there’s too much there, too much mess, they don’t need to be together in the present to acknowledge that history. Either way keep the Bucky and Sam dynamic because it’s amazing).
Doctor Strange - fix the casting. The racism, appropriation - just - wow. Use this as an opportunity to introduce more Asian and East Asian characters and actors into the MCU rather than it being the appropriative mess that it is. Keep the cool visuals though, and the cape. The narrative itself isn’t bad, but spend less time establishing this asshole character and more time establishing the side characters and the dynamics between them because those are far more interesting.
GotG 2 - uhhhh… okay what was this? Peter Quill is Ego’s son, but how does that really advance anything in the MCU or about the character or … ? Just fix the whole goddamn plot, I don’t even know. Tie this shit into Thanos way better. Introduce that better. Make this movie more interesting, make Nebula the Big Bad of it, honestly. Dive into the other members of the Guardians and give them their backstories and plots that they deserve. Is this the Guardians or the Peter Quill show? I don’t know I just - just fix this, okay?
Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther need no fixing. Remember that in this version of the MCU, Thor’s mom is alive, so that’s there. She’s still on Asgard and with Heimdall and being awesome, and we get some awesome interactions between her and Hel because we fucking deserve that, okay? Also Valkyrie’s bi scenes aren’t deleted (fuck you, Marvel execs). I would love love love for Killmonger not to die at the end of Black Panther, personally, but I wouldn’t change much more than that.
Oh wait I forgot - with the whole Bucky in Wakanda thing? Fucking take that out or do something narratively with it. It’s the weirdest brushed-aside thing that serves no genuine narrative purpose. I’d err on the side of taking it out entirely, personally. 
Infinity War is fine, leave it as-is more or less, except for - 
Okay, so we need textual discussion and canonical pushback against Thanos’s ideals. Because so many people came out of that movie all “oh but he’s got a point - population is expanding blah blah blah” and it was such fucking bullshit. We needed Gamora to point out why Thanos was fucking wrong - why her people were not actually better off after he killed half of them, thank you very much. We needed Tony to point out “population doesn’t work that way, it’ll bounce back in 50 years - do you plan to keep doing this each time? why not double resources?”. We needed people to tell the audience not just that Thanos was bad, but why he was bad, and that there is no ‘random’ and he needed to be a monster and selfish and it needed to be way more clear that his was not a sublime ideal of a detached idol, but rather the ravings of an entitled man whose gone unhinged and hateful.
Okay. So that. And don’t make the final battle just decimate Wakandan soil and its army? Why do they have to fight Earth’s battles for it? Let that be a joint effort and not just a Wakandan one, jfc. I get that you had the set ready and all, but no, don’t treat Wakanda like that, it deserves better. If ever there was a time to blow the budget on a final fight, this would be it, so freaking do it and have that battle be in space and over earth and at many different locations but then zeroing in on where Vision is (which itself can be in Wakanda because it’s safest but yeah).
And honestly I wouldn’t make it so Gamora died, like wtf. I hated that. I hated the whole bit with the Soul Stone. I could swallow it if what they did was have Gamora turn into the Soul Stone - so that she could, as the stone, set up a sabotage to Thanos.
Okay - more on that. Let’s talk about Endgame. Endgame needs so much goddamn fixing. Holy fuck does it need fixing.
Okay - okay where do I even start. I make myself mad whenever I think about it. 
Five years? Five fucking years? What the fuck is wrong with you, Russo brothers? Time travel? What - just - 
I hated that movie with a passion.
Okay - so the Snap happened. Pick up right after. Give us the fucking shock and horror. Give us the attempt to regroup, just quick, the intense emotions - people punching walls. Show us snippets of the world quickly, news casts etc. This is a horror, let it be one. Own the shit that you did.
Give us a time skip-montage. A month out, the pressure is on to the Avengers to fix this. The Avengers are all traumatized. Clint doesn’t have a family in this version, and doesn’t go all terminator. Thor - he wouldn’t have as much time to spiral but let him get there, let him be unwell, unkempt, let him own his suffering because goddamn he’s lost so much. (oh I forgot, I actually wouldn’t kill Loki and Heimdall because wtf wtf I hate you Infinity War, but let’s move on - )
Five months - people are losing hope. There are therapy sessions. Cap is a mess. Everyone blames themselves. Tony “if I’d only made the call to Cap sooner, we could have worked together” (also he and Nebula make it to earth fast, none of that lost in space and starving stuff), Cap “if only I hadn’t been so arrogant as to not trade lives”, Thor “if only I’d gone for the head”, etc etc. let it be clear that it’s not just Thor’s fault and not just Peter Quill’s fault - that all of those in charge of decision making fucked up.
Ant-Man isn’t freaking saved by a rat, thank you. He comes out of the quantum realm on his own merits, some safeguard, only to realize shit’s messed up. He and Janet work together with the remaining Avengers. maybe Janet saved him from the quantum realm this time? what a nice parallel to him saving her. anyway, they use the quantum realm to find thanos. Or - fuck that, they use Nebula to find Thanos. She knows shit. What they use the quantum realm for is to realize that all the souls that were lost in the snap aren’t ‘dead’ dead, they’re in stasis. They’re in a liminal space - they’re in the Soul Stone. Because Gamora is the stone and she sucked up all those lives and is holding them, holding for dear life but she can’t hold on forever (make sure the stakes are high, they feel real, the clock is ticking). Captain Marvel teams up with them of course. they track down thanos.
“but Phyn” you say, “thanos still has all the stones? how can they defeat him?” great question! difficult to answer! i’m not sure! with the power of love! 
okay but really - they have an awesome team. they need to work smarter than the enemy, not harder. they can take out thanos’s generals. they can use nebula to slip past defenses. if loki were alive, which he should be, they can use his magic. if friga were alive, which she should be, they can use hers. if heimdall were alive, which he should be, they can use his eyes. they can use the magic of all the magicians in the doctor strange films. they have captain marvel.
but they will never win on might alone, or magic alone - not against a full complement of infinity stones. not unless - 
have you seen Avatar: The Last Airbender? if so - you know how Azula gets a little unhinged toward the end? she’s just a kid, i feel for her, but the point for here is that she does enough shit and gets what she (thinks she) wants and it takes a devastating toll on her. using the stones, clearing half the life in the universe - that took a toll on thanos. it was a terrible choice. he’s in denial, in self-deception about that. he’s coming apart at the seams. he’s not all chill about it, he’s spiralling hard. he lost half his army too, after all. and life doesn’t seem improved. he can hear the cries of the souls locked in the soul stone (not that he realizes what he’s hearing nor acknowledges it) and it’s like the beating heart under the floorboards. his crimes have left scars. he’s not well. physically, from the toll of the Snap, nor mentally, from everything else it took out of him.
let gamora save the fucking day. let her and Vision and their stones - hell, let Loki (maybe he’s fused with the tesseract and maybe thanos did kill him to acheive that, or maybe something else) - let the stones respond to people. to quill. to freaking Jane Goddamn Foster. let the stones’ connections to life undermine and corrupt thanos and his connection to death.
is it cheesy? maybe. is it better than time travel bullshit? definitely. because it uplifts. because it draws from heroes in all the movies, even unlikely ones. people who’ve touched the stones, held them, melded with them. it assumes that the stones aren’t static entities, that they are just as alive as us, in a way we can’t comprehend, and so much more. they resonate with the universe, and thanos has done something that scarred the universe. let this be rectified, not through the actions of a man’s sacrifice, but through the actions, big and small, of a ton of people, of unlikely heroes, of those who suffered personally at his hand, at the hands of the stones - let it be the will of half the goddamn universe to see thanos fall.
let the snap-back happen when thanos loses control over the stones (he’s been holding on tight this whole time, can’t let it slip, the stones have a ‘mind’ of their onw). let it happen again right before the final battle against his armies. let him not have the power to immediately re-snap, hand burnt by the force of the snap-back, and let thor take off his fucking arm this time. let nebula take off his fucking head. let there be a huge final battle with everyone alive and ready to go down swinging once again.
and okay, i’m okay with tony dying. i’d be game for him to die by destroying the stones, tbh - taking them out of existence henceforth so they can never be used like this again, even though it kills him. i think that would honestly be a really fulfilling conclusion to the narrative set up in the first Iron Man film - the reformed arms dealer destroying the ultimate weapons in the universe.
by this way - there’s been 5-8 months or something like that, not 5 years, but why not have Pepper be pregnant, why not have a little child who’ll get to live on after he’s gone, even if that kid won’t remember him? she’ll get to live in a universe that exists and is safe because of him.
i’d be okay with cap dying in this movie too (much better than him going back and stealing peggy’s life from her by changing her history, wtf wtf wtf). i refuse to accept nat dying in clint’s place, that was bullshit and totally not necessary in this version. gamora is also back, not from the past but from the present, and with her sister again. this time nebula got to save gamora, isn’t there some poetic justice in that?
okay okay that’s all that. whew.
I forgot about Captain Marvel. It was decent, I liked it. It wasn’t my favorite in the sense that it was laid out odd when it came to falling in love with this character. Like I wouldn’t change much of the plot but I’d change the… storytelling? The emotions used to connect us to Carol. Give us more of her past from the start, before you introduce her. Give us her childhood. And let Maria be her girlfriend, fucking please.
Okay - now we’re at Far From Home. I didn’t mention Homecoming before but the problem with both of these movies is one I mentioned earlier - that the villains are byproducts of choices made by Tony Stark. That’s a problem. There’s just so many goddamn movies in which that’s the ultimate villain and it fucks with Tony’s characterization so much. How am I supposed to love Tony (which I want to?) when he’s got satellites with drones that can attack anyone he names, tech not that unlike the tech Hydra was aiming to make. Sure, he won’t use it the same, but why the fuck does he have it? Giving it to Peter is all well and good, but - they have interacted maybe a grand total of 5 times? 
The relationship between Peter and Tony is cute but if you stop for a second, it’s annoying as hell that it’s built up to what it is. Peter gets recruited by Tony, mostly works with Happy and not Tony in Civil War, and then gets ignored by Tony for months and months on end, then Tony shows up and scolds him and takes his suit, and then invites him to be an Avenger when he doesn’t fuck up, and then they go off to space and Peter dies, and then everyone comes back to life and Tony dies. Why the fuck would Tony entrust Peter with this Edith system that allows him to kill anyone on Earth? Actually, fuck that, entrust is the wrong word - why the fuck would Tony put that weight on the shoulders of a child?
Far From Home is great but Tony’s post-mortem role in it makes almost no sense. Let Peter’s movies be about Peter and not about the shadow and then the ghost of Tony Stark. Please. I love Tony, I do, but if you stop and think for one second, you have to jump mental hoops to absolve the shit Tony does in Peter’s movies, and for many of us, it leaves a really awful taste in our mouths.
anyway - i probably missed stuff. that’s just what’s currently top of mind. #whoops
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Farewell, Summoner. Farewell, Brave Frontier
Imagine you, the Summoner, standing at the Gate that first brought you to this wonderful world in the first place. It’s always towered over you, bathing you and the surrounding light in a warm glow. Though now you think, has the Gate gotten shorter? Perhaps you’ve grown instead over the years.
Imagine you, the Summoner, standing there, gazing back into your original world. It is time to say goodbye. You knew this day was coming for a long time. But perhaps you didn’t think it would come so soon and so suddenly. Perhaps it’s been a while since you even came to visit the Units you’d come to inherit and cherish. Perhaps you came back for closure one last time, to make some final memories and say your goodbyes.
Imagine your Units, whomever they may be, seeing you off. All of them gathered just to say a final farewell. They all came to understand the course of fate. It brought you and them here, and now it comes time to part for good.
Imagine your favorite unit stepping forth, perhaps alongside the individual of the Six Heroes who was your very first summon, and perhaps alongside the very first Rare Summon you had ever pulled. Maybe it’s your entire favorite squad, too.
“Summoner,” they say. “This is it, isn’t it? Hey, don’t you worry about us. We had some really good times. The memories you made back then, and the memories you make from this moment forward, will all always be with you. Just as we’ll be with you in spirit when you look back on what you did for us here.”
Maybe they shake your hand or hug you afterwards. Whatever comforts you. 
“Don’t worry about the things you didn’t get to do in time,” they say. “You did enough. Be proud of what you did achieve.”
Maybe... you’re sad. Maybe you don’t want to say goodbye to this world after the years you spent here (however long it may have been; perhaps you were here from the very beginning, perhaps just a few years ago. But no matter how long it was you spent here, it still holds significance). Maybe you’re still coming to terms with it all. Maybe you hope one day you’ll be able to come back in some way, shape, or form.
Maybe you’re reluctant to step through the Gate for the last time.
Eventually, you, the Summoner, force yourself to. Time has to march forward, after all. Maybe this goodbye will be temporary. Maybe it’ll be permanent. It’s scary, like most things in life. But it’s okay, that’s natural.
Before you finally step through, however, one of your favorite units calls out to you again.
“Summoner!!” they call. “Thank you! For everything!! You gave us purpose again! You gave our second chances meaning! We hope... that you don’t forget us or the good times we had. Good luck wherever you go! And may we meet again one day!”
You smile, waving back at them. You turn back to the Gate.
Once you step through, it will close, perhaps forever. But the friends you made and the memories you shared will remain in your heart.
Once that Gate closes, another in your life will open. 
Look forward to it, and make the most of the next adventure in your life, Summoner!
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chisupamoved · 4 years
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tin-can-iron-man · 2 years
And didn’t she just not know he had been reformed because she was transported while Secret Wars was ongoing? Her comic book knowledge was outdated?
Yes bc she was unaware of anything that happened in universe from her starting point onwards for her run
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